TEE WHOM{ Yorteig. lle e ntire volunteer force of Philadelphia is ; four thousand five hundred men ; and of the 8-":10-a'hout to thousand total. Of these, at diSC IWO thOttiand have already signified the in aod expressed the wish to enter into aer iel3ln this oily the Scott Legion and the Phila. elFhia Oros have passed unanimous resolutions Pretty, and the National Guard, numbering hundred mon, offered themselves to Governor Par ru n :CIAO months ago. If the information from elivion be correct, at least three thousand men tillsn irto nightly drill this week. There are ,1,,,u; throe huodred and fifty thousand citizens of pansylvania liable to be called upon to perform „aids duty The equipments of the Rate to far tbis arm y of men are as follows, according to teat annual report of the Adjutant General o„t ,Le ante: 19 six-pounder cannon, 12,000 muskets pizoutranentii, ii,TOD rifles and aocieutrements, .•-,,tnp cava l r y swords and sabres, 3,149 pistols and ,;:Hers, 571 tents. It must be borne in mind that Clely 0f these arms are behind the age, and unfit enable soldiers to cope with the improved wen - vss K i t h which the men now arrayed against the OTC, t nant are so liberally provided. VEG. .MVS4 SERVE TE nOVERNMitIiT. in reference to requisitions being suede upon the ,3,4•einor for troops, the sixth section of the militia April 3,1629, which is still in force, pro that, when the President of the United antes shall have made a requisition of a part of ,h e militia of this State for public service, the tiill29llt General shall take the most prompt and etoc ipas measures for detaching and supplying K i t h all necessary arms, equipments, ammunition, , n ,i provisions the number of men required, and f,r taring them marched to the place of rendez ;pus Provided, that volunteer troops and corn - rol shalt be first detached, and may be kept in ~,„ka any timo not execeding six months." The Feessd section Of the same act provides that" the zilitia may be culled into service by the Governor i s tha event of a rebellion, or an actual or threat rt:rd iovasicn of this or any neighboring State; i• o portion shall be detained in service, at any as time, for a longer period than three months, tzder the more requislon of the Governor, with cat the direction or assent of the President of the lTaited States." The sot of Congress provides that all able-bodied whi:e male citizens of the United States, between a ", s er of eighteen and forty-five years, are liable to he eillsd upon to perform militia duty, and ex ompt.i therefrom the Vice President of the United , :wcs, the judicial and. executive of of the G „ er riettr of the same, the members of both n eim s of Congress : and their respective officers, all reserve officers and their clerks, postmasters, gaze ii7irltTS, and others connected with the midi ferrymen employed at any ferry on any ...I.lsad, inspectors of exports, pilots, mariners aar,ally employed in the sea service of any citizen merchant within the United States, and all rater persons who are, or may be, exempted by ft.., lows of the respective States of the Union, not withstanding their being between the ages of eipteen and forty-Aro years of age. Subsequent Montanan have added to the list of exempted per .€4.,14 the following : Post drivers, drivers of mail rages, assistant postmasters, and post office clerks. Pecisiors of the Circuit Court of the United States fa: the District of Columbia have also furnished et:ditional exemptions, via : All clerks in the seve ral Departments at the seat of Government, and wirrant [Meets in the navy. The Supreme Court of the United States bold that a justice of the purse in the District of Co iambic it an cfrioar of the Federal Government, and also exempt. STTPATRT WITH THE SEWHISIONISTS The Transcript of yesterday thus referred in a ;mg local article to certain persons in this city abs are in rympatby with secession: That the long-threatened aloud of civil war Mu at last broken upon the nation is announced in :be tidings of yesterday and Friday, Witch came :n us from Charleston. That beleagnred castle, isolated in hostile wa wa, with the batteries of the rebels rapidly clo• tug around it, caggests to the minds of oitisens, a :mg succession of sieges and struggles—perhaps span the sea, certainly upon the land. In sooh a condition of things, the matter of the defences of. Philadelphia becomes of the high est consequense ; for it is by no means improbable that the bouth ern Confederaoy will shortly equip a naval armament, which Shall venture beyond its nee immediate location to prey upon the com merce of the North. and perhaps attempt the cap ture of one or more Northern cities. We have been amred that the civil struggle now inaugurated sill no: be limited to defensive warfare on the part (.; the Secessiosists. These worthies are now equip ping ships of war and enlisting marines; the arsenals they have captured furnish them with a refSeienry of materials for fight, and when their I,stpose to ride the seas dude practical realization, it is not supposition alone to And them turning emetons and hungry eyes upon one or more of the great Northern Atlantic seaports. " in that case, we know of no Northern seaboard city so likly. trout its intrinsic weakness, its border position. the disaffection of many of its residents, and almost cl the strargers abiding in its gates, to to tempt the nuance and vindiotiveness of the ene mita of the Union. as Philadelphia. Tut 311LIPART SPIRIT IN PHILADELPHIA— Nair COMP.:0111S —On Saturday the following BO tree Fppetted ie difiercllt parts of the city : " Veninteers ! Volunteers ! ! Volunteers !! ! Young men desirous of rallying round the standard the Union, and willing to maintain its time honored folds unsullied over the ramparts of Fort Sempter, will enrol themaelveS immediately in the nes volunteer Light Artillery Itegiment, now va lidly filling up, and ready to march upon the re teipt ef orders from the Governor. Muster rolls OM every day and evening, at Military Hall hird street, near Green." ( - .'n Saturday evening, Military Hall was the seem of much excitement. Captain Brady was n hand with lits muster roll, to whioh was ap pmded the following pledge : " We agree to serve to this or any other military ospaoity conducive to the public interest, and to accept each bounty, pay, rations. and clothing, as are or may be established. And at saomnly swear: that we will bear true faith and allegiance to the Untied States of Ante -.in, and that we will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies whomsoever, sid chat we will observe and obey the orders of the Preeident of the Unit:ed States, and the orders ci the lacers appointed over no, aooording to the mutations of the army and the articles of war." The mueter roll was being rapidly filled, and Cap tain Brady, who served in a NOW York regiment Mexico, was active in the work of bringing up the men. During the evening a meeting of' the officers of the Pint Regiment of the Washington Brigade, or ganized for service in the present emergency of its National Government, was held at the ball. Lint Col. C- M Berry was called to the chair, tid Mead. Young was appointed secretary. Gen. msnill represented that in all probability the bri pie would be soon called into service, as orga s!ted, and the coloneloy of the regiment being vs a new election was, at the suggestion of lout Col. C. M. Berry, entered into. On nomi• atom of Lieut. Col. Berry, Lieut. Col. Rush Van Djte was unanimously elected colonel of the regi ment. The register of the regiment was mede up, tat officers detailed to attend at the regimental sesdcluarters to receive subscribers to the muster vr.s tf the companies of the regiment. After the sijairnment of the meeting, the members of the ompaniee present entered the room, and were ad ittens4 by Gen. Small in a patriotic speech. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed, and the address was responded to by ; three cheers, and a good many iv:t for the Constitution, the Union, Gen. small and the Washington Brigade. A meeting of the officers of the Second regimen t tar like wl3e beld, Col. Angeroth presiding The meeting was fail, the muster rolls of the e , ..mpenies were on the table, and great anxiety ves manifested to be the first to fill up vacant 'paces. The register of officers was stated to be rorcelets, with the exeepHon of two or three lieu tenancies_ The Germans have come 'up bravely, sad the regiment is more complete than the First aliment, which is composed of Americans. The .friterr of the latter regiment say the ranks will be filled by Wednesday, and Mr. Cameron has ae cteted the services of the brigade, and expects item to be ready at five days' notice. li eta been asserted that the Irish volunteer eficpanias ere not with the Federal Government in tte resent struggle with the Becessioniste, but It appears that such is not the feet, at least so far as elms of the companies are concerned. The Mont gomery Artillerists, attached to the Second brigade, sire been actively engaged in recruiting men du pile the past few weeks, expressly with a view to "'sloe ready when called upon by the Government. Already one hundred men have been or rolled, and it ja contemplated to form a battalion, to be under me command of Major Harvey. A company to be called Company F, of the First Regiment Artillery, Third Brigade, is in process of Mrmation at the State Arsenal. All persons emus of joining a company intending to become a termanent organization will please attend at the State Arsenal this evening, at eight o'clock. This regiment will doubtless be called Into service, and wishes fall ranks. That Pennsylvania will do her doty in the nom. ing struggle there is no doubt. The military spirit st this city is aroused, and the Government may •sly upon support in the enforcement of the laws. _ _ fROOPS FOR WASHINGTON.—COIinpany D, of the Second Calvary, ender the command of. Cap- Palmer, numbering sisty.three men, and IsmPan,' 11, Lieutenant Harrison, sixty-three Z!ri, passed through the city on Friday night, en we for Washington. These two companies were amity stationed on the Texas frontiers ' and o=- 7 4 01 part of the forces which were so basely be 'tyed by the traitor Twigge. They speak in the ten bitter tonne of their betrayal. Their gene. ' 0 appearance well attests the hard service they !Ate been engaged in on that desolate post. They `•itPlain of the foul treatment they generally re. from the "Texan ruffians" during their Mang them, whom they charge with con- heal robberies on them, " painting themselves as -Mama and, under the disguise, running off their b%rits, and then laying the robberies on the poor al / ass." They were all very anxious to know was " the latest news from Sumpter." LIOINES AT THE FRANKYORD ARSENAL.— :'-'l.lllellte of rifled muskets have been for several d'oe in progress, at the United States arsenal, at hanktord. The arms am packed in eases of Nasty each, and directed to Pittsburg. They are -Ekes from the arsenal to the Pennsylvania Bail nad freight depot in furniture can Twelve cars, ',it'll carrying one hundred mnsketa ' left " the sr- Itoal last week. The arms are notmade at the trmoil', but only altered. ror several days peat a rumor beat been pretty circulated that certain parties in the t w enty-third ward are engaged in manufacturing primers for the seceders. Though the gym. ? I !hizers with the Cotton Confederacy are few in e 6 17, it le nevertheless true that in secret they wane in aiding them. Ctosr aFm Jones' Hotel, Chestnut street, above Sixth, hag again closed for want of patron- This bout was at one period the melt fa thioaable hotel in the city, but it was left In the ba ckground by the successive starting of the Gi rard, the La Pierre, and the Continental. Jones' ise4 too far cad to ever again become a fi rst-suss , It will probably be converted into stores. Ratczn.—T he wages of the conductors of c droll and Fairmount road. have been redueed from $1.75 to ;1.20, and the drivers from $126 to ;/.og. DARING ATTEMPT TO 11.0 B.—At an early hour on Saturday morning or some time during Friday night, an attempt was made to enter the dry-goods store and dwelling of Mr. Corkrin, at the southeast corner of Fourth and Gaskill street,. The burglars had evidently studied the mode of operations pursued by the New York Exchange Bank robbers, and they attempted to put the plan in operation at the premises of Mr. Corkrin. At the rear of the house there is a small area into which a window in the ,basement opens. This open space is protected by a heavy iron grating, which covers its top and is secured to the rear of the house, while the opposite side of the grate rests upon a nine inch wall which forms one side of the area. After gaining access to the yard by sealing a fence on Gaskill street, the rasoals cow mewed operations by tearing up the pavement near the area. They then dug down for a short distance, and tunneled through the wall. A hole was broken into the latter large enough to permit the passage of the body of a man, and through this aperture they crept into the area. They then commenced operations upon the shutters of the basement window, but after prying at them for a time they were forced to relinquish the job, as the shutters were too securely fastened for their tools to open them. They finally left, carrying away with them their burglarious implements, and getting off without disturbing the family, although they must have worked for several hours, and made considerable noise in their operations. Bran lONORED.—Last week the Grand Jury of Atlantic county, N. J., ignored the bill charg ing John Zeller and Mrs. Waldenberger with the murder of the child of the latter. It will be re membered that the husband of the last named was convicted of the murder, and sentenced to death; but, in consequence of certain cireum stances, his punishment wee AOMMllted to impri• sonment for life. There were strong reasons for believing that Mrs. W. and her paramour (Zeiler) were guilty of the crime of which Walden berger bad been convicted, and the course of the Grand Jury in ignoring the hill, and thus shutting out the possibility of a trial, has ennead much pain and surprise to the friends of the condemned man, whom they believe to be innocent of the crime. Zeller and Mrs. W. were discharged from custody on the return of the ignored bill. PASSENGER BAEGROADS.—The Board of Pre sidents of the Passenger Railroads, at a reoent meeting passed a resolution, to send a commit tee to Brooklyn, to examine , into and report upon the one•horse oars used ;rt that city, with a view to their general introduction upon our roads The committee started upon their mission last night, and will doubtless have an interesting time. A general reduction of wages was again discussed, but no action was taken upon the subject. AT A MEETING of the Philadelphia Typo graphical Union, No. 2, held on Saturday evening,. the following-named gentlemen were chosen es delegates to the National Typographioal Union : Thomas J. Choate, of Jones Sr. Co.'s Book and Job office ; John W. Bailey, of the Evening Journal ; and John F. Kelvey, of The Press. The National Typographical Union will meet in New York on the 6th of May. NEW SUPERINTENDENT. -- The Green and Coates Street Company have elected Mr. George Urwiler, their superintendent. Mr. U. was for merly conductor of that road, and for some time has been the acting superintendent, in which capa city he gave so much satisfaction that he was ° boson to serve permanently. STATE SAVING FUND.-A meeting of the depositors of the State Saving Fund was held on Saturday evening, at No. 420 Walnut street. Re• solutions were adopted providing for legislation to give depositors a right to oontinne the enterprise as shareholders. There was not a great desire evinced to interfere with the assignee. HOUSE BREAKER COMMITTED.—Harris Bot aou, a young man who was arrested in the:int or robbing the dwelling of Mr. Hurley, in Weer( Street, above Twelfth, on ahariolay het, bad a hearing on Satardayinoraing. Ho wasoommittod in default of $1,200 bail to answer. FlRE.—Shortly after eleven o'clock last night, a fire broke out in the large factory owned by William Whitaker. and located at the eastern end of Frankford We were unable to amertain the amount of damage done. AN Istrosros.—A young Man, representing himself to be an Odd Fellow, has been visiting a number of Lodges throughout the oountry, and col lecting funds for the Kansas sufferers. As far as can be ascortainod he is an impostor, and unworthy of any confidence. He applied to the Grand Lodge a few days since, but his request was refused, as it was aseertained that his certificate was a forgery. Daommo.—On Saturday afternoon, a lad named Thomas flaypenny was drowned at Diana yank. The body was recovered and taken to the station-house. The parent/ of the boy reside at Twenty-fourth and Loonet streets. Tnnowlr moss s HORSE.—On Saturday af ternoon Bliobsel Taber was thrown from a horse, at Frankford, and very seriously injured about the head. He was conveyed to the station-house. SECESSION BADGES AT A DLSCOONT.—During Saturday afternoon and evening. some few peplums appeared in different parts of the City with 800e8- sloe badges axed to their coats. They soon attract• ed considerable attention, and those wearing them, in order to save their beads, were obliged to re move the obnoxious eights. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE QUARTER Simons—Judge Thompson Bamnel Martin, convicted of murder in the second degree, in having caused the death of John Denny, was sentenced to the Eastern Penitentiary for Ave years. John Macklin and John Hanley, pickpockets, were sentenced to an imprisonment of twelve months John Robinson and Thomas Weaver, convicted of-larceny, were eent to the county prison for eta months. The motion for a new trial in the case of William Murphy, convicted of wealth and battery, with intent to kill John Koplin, was argued and eub• mi tted. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 13.1961. The stook market is all unsettled. The transactions to-day were very light. Reading Railroad stook sold at 17% at the First Board. and fluctuated all day be tween 1735 and 17N. A few abates of Pennsylvania Railroad stoat so'd at 99 to 39%. Little else than Read ing. was cold. and the market closed weak. The money market is net changed by the polibeal news. Capital abounds. while credit is dear. First- Ciliels paper sells at six per cent., and call loans on tip top collateral may be bad at even less. The New York SAmpieg List says that on the day before yesterday no fewer than forty protests were served on the collector of this port against the payment of duties under the new tanff. Tbo difficulties arising out of the state of affairs at the South have led to a very decided expression on the part of our merchants, and the following clause of the Constitution is given as the basis of these protests I "All ditties. imposts- and exeisee shall be uniform throughout the United Ptates." and •• No preoerence elt.ol be gtven by any rernlation of oommeroe or reve nue to the ports of one State over those of another." The matter has been submitted to eminent lawyers, and their opinion is unfavorable to the protestinc par ting,. One oopy of a protest must be attached to tho oot leotor's copy of the entry of merchandise. and two addi tional ones must be enclosed to the collector—one to be Sled in his office, and the other forwarded to Washing ton. The Mining Record says that the shipment from Bohuylkill county the mist week is 69.451 tons-8,166 more than last week. and 140 less than the correspond ing week of last year. This region is now 98,722 tons behind its shipments to the same date inst year. The Lehigh region is some 11,000 tons behind. We (tarn, from the Luke Superior Mine. that, du ring the past two weeks, the contractors who transport the Minnesota copper to the lake, have been taking down masses of extraordinary size. Since March 16, thee• have hauled, on s'eds, pieces weighing as fol lows, in pounds: 7,288, 7,109, 7,254,, 9,00, 7.140. 7,284, 7.200, MD). 7 145. 9.601. 7,824,7.40, 8.200, 9.725, 7,420, 7.400. 7,270. .Eaoh of these was drawn by a single pair of horses. They also brought down, but with a four-home team, four muses, weighing 12.500, 11,451. 10,8e0, and 1.2 650—the latter and several of the smaller ones were from the Rockland mine. The mass of 11,160 pounds, is the largest ever brought by a single span of homes over the road, according to our recollection. The team was driven by Mr. James Smith. who is Justly proud of the position which he has gained by this feat. The load with the mass of .10,800 pounds also contain ed three small masses, making in all nearly seven tone —the largest load ever brought over the road. The following to an approximate statement of the earnings of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne. and Chime° Railroad Company during the month of Maroh, 1861, compared with the same period of last year, viz From 1 , 11. 1860. increase. Decrease Freight... .1172,046 92 *108.201 78 e 63.814 14 Passengers. 73 61 06 66.6'6 09 7141 61 Express'... 2,600 00 7/ 000 $lOOOO 7.= CO 7 826 CO R't of Road 7.083 33 7,081 33 Miscolian's. 106 00 /8 03 T0ta1—.126;3,288 81 1192,678 69 $70,709 fti Jan. 1 to Maro6 31.8682.606 29 485,123 81 197,502 46 Philadelphia Sloe Arinl 13.1861. RIPORTEDIrf S. El, BLA AML FIRST 638 (abt) Penna 87 800 City IMO Lehigh valley 66,_ 92 60 Reg 7% DO do s .---17 13-16 i SECOND 100 City 65».-..:...-.97% 1000 Penns It 2d mart- 85M 7001;01U Wand 80 3000 Reading '43, 'Ms_ 92 5 Lehigh yeerip- 34 10 do 34 1 Fends - 39 I CLOSING PRII Bid. Asked. I Philadelphia6e_ 97% 20 Mot, 68 R.-- WM 9PM, Pala 6a - new -MU 103M1 Perms 87 ST% I Road R 17% 17% Read lids 64% 9a% Read nit 64'80'43 906 92 Read mt 66 'M... 73 74 4 Palma EMI 5 Penn& R 2 mt EMI 86 Morris Can eon. 49 61% ' Morris Can Pfd.lo9m Poh N 86 66% 68 Soh Ray Imp Ba. 74 75 Soh Nair Stir— - 8 Sob Nay Profit- . t 17 Elmira R..—.. E 5 Philadelphia Markets. APari. IS—Evetting There is very little export demand for Flour, and the Wes are only in a small way to retailers and bakers, f rom ssm,v„, -to $650 4p bbl for mixed and choice brands of superfine ; $6 6234mb 76 for extra ; $6.6134 640 for extra family ; and $6 62%057.60 for fancy lots, as in Quality. Rye Flour is held at $3.87% 4j ). bbl ; 600 Mils Corn !deal sold at $2.78 4' bbl. Wsms.v.—The reoeipts continue liberal, but the mar ket is active and prince maintained tales of 10,- 000 bus good Pennsylvania red at 1320 ; 800 boa °home do at 1360. and *mail lots of white at 136e51600 41!' bus Rye is dull at 670683 for Pennsylvania. Corn ix arriving freely by water • eaten of 9,000 bus southern yellow at 623, afloat, and 1490 bus old and new mixed at 62360. OATs are firm at 35a333i0 for Pennsylvania, mid Sto lor Delaware. Saat. - at is dull, and buyers only offer 65068 e. Bar let Malt ranges from 85 to 950. "Au.--Taera is a steady demand for Quereitronr with sales of 26 hhds Ist No 1 at f 125.60 3¢' ton. COTTON is dull, and ye, y little doing in the way of GROCERIES Aro Pitovisrone.—There is very little ing and no twinge in lateen ; 300 tea Lard sold at Win, Szzips.—Cloverseed is goatee. and )rime lots com mand U bus ; small sales of Timothy at 82.42%, and. Flaxseed at el le V' Wismar , o.ontinues net: ot sales of Ohio bblis at 384, Ili g uirrivams de - at rnia, Mb at 17a, and drudge at STARTLING NEWO—THR PHILADELPHIA NAVY YARD IN THE HANDS or THE ISEcHRSIONTSTS !—An an nouncement to the above effect was placed upon the bulletin boards in the city Saturday morning. We nn - Mediately chartered a special train and proceeded to the Yard, where we learned that the rumor was false, and the story a fabrication from whole cloth. Sneaking of cloth reminds us of the fact that a splendid stook of new spring goods has been received at the Brown stone Clothing Rail of Rockhill & ;Wilson, Nos. 609 and tee Chestnut street, above Sixth, and the firm named are making them up into elegant garments for gelitleinen and youths., AR EDITOR IN DliGUlSß.—Orie of those useful members of society recently bought a suit of clothes at the palatial store of GRANVILLZ STOKES, N 0.607 Chest nut street, and thus expands : .• w e have lately got a new snit of clothes, slid mo man could be more effectually disguised. We looked like a gentleman. 'Upon flit putting them on, we felt like a eat in a strange garret. and for a long time thought we were swapped off. We went to the house , and seared the baby into fits ; our wife asked us if we wanted to see Mr. Jones. and told us that we would find him at the office ; went there, and pretty soon one of our business men came in, with a strip of paper in his hand. Ile asked if the editor was in ; told him we thought not ; asked him if he wished to see him particularly ; said hi wanted him to PAT that bill ; told him we did not be lieve he would he in ; business man let. Started to the house again : met a couple of young ladies ; one of MOM asked the other` what handsome stranger is that?'-In this dilemma we met a friend, and told him who we were, and got him to introduce us to our wife, who is now to proud of us as can be. The next time we get a new suit we shall let her know beforehand." A CARD - --Tames Cremer 4V, Co., No. 18 South liirhth street, respectfully inform their friends and the, public that, in consequent* of extensive alterations being made on the premises for taking Card Pictures and Stereo:tome Groups of :families. Ao.,therewill be an auction sale of-fine Stereoscopic pictures; also, Pa pier !Vlachs, Rosewood, and Morocco ritereoseopea, on Tuesday morning and evening, the 16th, and TatusdaY, the 15th, at 10 o'clock A. M. midi% P. M. Sale Positive. Honercut.ernar. SOCIRTY.—The stated meeting of this Society will be held at Concert Ball, on Tuesday evening next, the 16th inst. As an extra display- of plants Is anticipated, there will no doubt be a large at tendance. TITS LAST WIANCS.—The books of the rr Cosmo- Pinson Art Assaciativn" will positive/y close at noon on '3 hursclay, the 15th tif ApriL Subscriptions received by T. B. Pugh, southwest corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets. ARRIVED. Behr Robbie W Dillon, Marta, Male from Cil3lllllo- Mt, with sugar and molasses, to t , . sr. W. Welsh. On the 12th tusk. Cape Henry bearing W. N, W. distant to miles. spoke eohr bledora, of Boston, from Menem:Wm. steer-ng N by E. Sohr lonic, Oweos.3 days from Laurel. DeL, with lurn her to J. W. Bacon. Behr Anna Virginia. Wheatley. 3 days from Lake ville. Md.. with lumber to J. W. Bacon. Sohr Indian Queen, Hardy, 18 days from Mayaguez. P. R.. in ballast to h. E. Outerbridge & Co. Steaming Wm J 3 Reimer. Hughes, 7 hours from Del aware breakwate.. without a tow. Left ship. Southern Ri g hts. for Baltimore. The barks Caroline, for Havana; Illinois. tor Vera Cruz; brig A. J. IV. Appleton. for Mayaguez, and about fifty schooners went to sea this morning. Steaultug J F Starr. Mann, six hours from the Ledge, without a tow. Off the Ledge. passed brig Allston. from West Indies; off Bombay Rook,_giamied sehr Greenland, from Homortassa. Florida. um Key West. Passed ship Lancaster. at 12 o'clock, off New Castle, in tow gOiNg down. Nam. YOUIC. Aprill4. Arrived, ships Agnes Leeds, from Calico; Southamp ton. from London; barks Johanna Martins , from Csdiz; Lucy Elizabeth. from Cardenas; Mary Lucretia, from Manua; Indian Chief. from Malaga ; L D Carver, from Cardenas; bng Henry Matthew., from ditto; Darien, front ditto; Mary Means. from Trinidal ; Carcrine Kelly, from Sago& ; Bendsmning. from Matanzas; Me teor, from Cienfuezos; Costa Rica, from AePinWfill Behr Wm L6l2o‘ll4or,from Trinidad ; °roads. trona Car denas_; Julius Smith. from Apalachicola ; Scud, from Havana; ;Spencer. from Matagorda; Pieria, from Zsiza ; D H Bills, from Bazua. Below. ship Protector. Dom Liverpool. The schooner Pizarro, of Barnstable. capsized in a squall in the Bound on Saturday. She was righted by the schooner Ely Townsend. and beached at City island, where it will be pumped out. Also arrived. brigs Kama, from Neuriteus Volant, from Cardenais; schr Henry Castoff, from Nassau. 11AV .; . 1) R • CH, April 12. The WYOMing will leave as soon as the wind falls, with 17 boats. laden and consigned a/ follows Sam! Bispham. wheat to Alex Nesbitt; H W Hunter, blooms to alien Wood & Co. and wheat to order; C& J Cu rtain,wheat to Perote & Bro; Capt Porter.do toilum phress, Holman & Wrikht ; Orion, wheat. roe, oats, rarley./co.. to A Kirkpatrick; Caaranohe, & wheat to A G Cattail & Co; P D Ptoutr, lumber to avisWil son ; Geo Curtis. furniture and lumber to Norcross & Sheets; Julia & Charism. oats. corn. &o, to Sas Barrett & Son; Dickman & Wilson, lumber to Malone & Tay lor: C W Brower, do to Cadwallader k Co; Otainach- BM. boat knees to Chester W C jd_rabaker. Agnes Amanda, C J Brubaker, Lime and Wood Trader. and Massie, coal to Delaware City. Yours, &o. W. E. W. MEMORANDA. Steamship Borussia. Trauttman. for Hamburg via Southampton. cleared at New York 13th inst. Steamship Ptuneaa Sprague. hence at Boston 13th inst. Steamship Cambridge, Howse, cleared at Boston 13th inst for Philadelphia. tiltip Hortensia, Atkins, sailed from Charleston Ilth inst. for Philadelphia. hhip Sheesmat, Otet, from Calcutta at New York I3th inst. Ships Templar, from Manilla. and Mittman, from Cal cutta. arrived at Boston 13th inst. Bark Aaron J Harvey, Miller. hence for Barbadoes, spoken 3d hist, let 2618. lon 73.20. Bark tioripartel, Filen, cleared at Boston 13:h inst for Philadelphia. Bark C. B. Truitt. Saunders. for New York. was load= in at Buenos Ayres February le. Bark Isaac R. Davis, Hand_ for Matanzas, was towed to sea from New Orleans 9d inst. Brig Mary E. M Waken, Norden, cleared at New York 19th inst. for Cardenas. Brig Mary A Jones. from Rio de Janeiro Feb. 10, ar rived at New York 13th twee Sours Diamond, Norton, and F Boardman. Crocker. cleared at New York 13th mat. for Philadelphia. eobr RCoggaheli, Tilton. and DI A wood, Baker, from Mobile, _arrived at New York 13th Bohr Anna Maria, for Phi lade !phis. Ikea at CienfargOli 29th ult. • Sohr Belle Barrett, from Jacksonville, arrived at Wil mington. N. C.,llth inst. Bohr J P Coke. Endicott, from Georgetown, 8 C. for New York. cleared at Wilmington. N C, 13th mat, hav ing been repaired. bchr J ti ßabcock, Babcock, and It W Godfrey, Neal, for New York. cleared at Wilmington, r 4 C. 12th lost Bohr Mice Lea, Corson, for mobile, cleared at Vey Orleans Bth inst. Str Sophia. Wilcox, sailed from Hartford 11th inst for Philadelphia. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. W Hartshorne. Cm, 0 Hon A K MeClare, Penn& J 0 W ilson. Pittsburg Geo P Smith G M Wheeler. Chioago Lieut Stillwell, II S N J B McCreary, Id Chunk Rev A Gomm. N Jersey L ()Thorne & la, 14 York D Rogers Granv N Y Miss H M Porter. Troy W C robamburg. St Louis Jno Leeds. New r'ritimis E Van Autrey. New York H S Megrim, Lanoester RN Conger, Newark, N J Mr Blackwell & In.. Ent Mr Hooper, Roston cant Alden & la USN Miss Lyon. Boston C F Parker & wt. Boston J J King2Weit & yr. C W O P. 41 A 2 sons. N York N J Barrett, Delaware C M Jackson. Baltimore H Boss. New York F A White, Poston A A Paton Col 18 Haldeman & wf, Pa Miss Haldeman, Peoria Musa Berghauser Penna. Geo Fischer.: liarrieburg J C Cramer & ed. Cinn, 0 ft J Goodwin & wf, Mrs is Painter, Pittsburg Mrs B H (sinter. Poona Andrew Washburn, N y P Bell. Edenburgh A ley Bell, Fdenburgh Chars F O'Donnell. onisv 0-n fl walbrioge, ri York Mars Hoyt, rag, N York Thos H Buroh. N 212 York B__G Breslin. Penns . .41 It K Cross. Baltimore w R "choler, wr gh'sg L Martin, Del co t Pa Mrs Schuyler, Wrightev A. eanford, New York J W Smith, New York F L Davies, New York J B Bmull, New York Talburt, Wheeling, Va W F Goshorn, Virginia W S Smith, I tinois 1W ID. al, N Carolina D Hatione. New York J P H. Wentworth. CM C A Sumner, California A W ashmu."Virginia S It Kramer. 6152 , 212 J M Kramer, Baltimore Hr. Bagger, Baltimore Hiram Barney. New York C B,vage. New York C Knap & wf, New Jersey Mre A M AtlvorgtN York D Ittordemti. Pennsylvania W B Middleton, New York C L Ax, Baltimore G W G•its. Baltimore W Benjamin. New York 611 Ameaby, New Orleans Mr Woes & la, Montreal D Bourly, New York W B Hayward. Mass E Trask, Massachusetts 31, Cowan. Albany E Austin. Memphis S Lliommedien. Ohio Wm Johnston. Ohio W B Johnston, Ohio R C Montgomery. Alabama . % W Scott, Lowell, Mau F W Walters. Wash, D C John Page. Jr. Virginia A C Neves, Cincinnati Geo M Walker, Boston Newman, New York B Hammett. Philadelphia A .1 Snow A K Easton, New York Ell Ogden, New York M Bacon, Rhode Island P Nankin. California 8 N Salomon, Wash D C r Smith. Wilmington. Del J W Worm!). New York H V, Leman. Lanoaster W Carpenter, Limiter H Ingram, Pittsburg J 113. Kirkpatrlok, eittsn's J M Windsor, New York J Hayward. New Jersey T Garwood. Canton C J Underwood, Boston P Roll'. New York 0 C Ceridia. New York J PI Howard, Tennessee G C Porter, Memphis L Q Rawson, Ohio D.K Harvey, Cincinnati Cot N M Ellis. Wash, 1) 0 B T Shelby, Milton, Pa a E crimson, Albany C H. Van Benthuysen. N Y Ashley, Holton C N B Graham. New York C F Schmidt, New York Y 0 Lelain, New York J R Ames. Providence 4 T Little. New York Crag & son, B Jersey JRe path, Boston C A Calwell, New York Si 8 Merchant, New York 0 A Pegram, New York Win V Curtis. New York Benson Owen, New York Geo W Tnexbury, Boston F Fiokling, Virginia J H sawyer, i3SitiMere Thos II Sullivan. Baltimore Jos Kingsbury, New York John Goody, England John L Stevens, Maine Hon J mherman. Ohio H D Cooke, Ohio A Lackey. Plabams J s Welsh. Modena r Bryan &wr Nashville John W Laren & Tenn LeolsJ Perry. Week. I) 0 N Bryant. California J P Wentworth. Cal J Alexander. Baltimore H Honghtaling, New York Exchange Sales, crass, Merchants' Exchange ; OARD 50 Reading R........ 17% 200 dci-.--....... IT% 50 do--- -awn 17% SO do —..--- /TM BOARD. 7 Pena& R . - - Mg "7 Morns VI ps2dys-11 . _ . 0 00 Readoso R. . JTSS 00 do . . ........... 3734 00 do Vin e —17 M. 45 Rees & -- 11 CEB--HEAVY Rid. Asked. Elmira R Prefd-11 12 Elmira 7s 66 Long Inland R.... 10 Loh el 6.34 61% Leh CI kN 34 North Penns it —s 106 . N Pa R 68..int0t766 67 N Penns R 10s. —9O 93 Catawissa B. Con. 3 3% ("atavism. prof_ 8 9 Frank & Souther 40 46 %MN-at R divo6:4l 435 i Itaess&Vinest Rang 11% West Phila et— —6732 6236. Spruce & 734 8 I Grsen & Coates...l6 16 CITY ITEMS. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. KEE FOURTH PAGE (Corresilp!tjr,torihe Prvw. TM TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST MIGHT MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourtri street. below Arch. Win McCabe, PfliTie. Pa H Rushing, Tenn 8 F Murrell, Paducah. Ky Wm C Duncan, Pa T L. catheart. Dißebore. Pa A Wentz. Habsburg. Pa W Craig & I,Welsh Run F W Lelnback. NO C F Chestruan. Tennessee 0 Mendeth, Kittanning 11 Miller. Jr. Ohio hl 8 Stud y, Tyrone, Pa It C Poindexter, N Carolina I C initehell la, ['fns Mat .i Cummings, Penna. M J Kreiter, Harrisburg F M Hutchimeon, A rirrisb's D Thomism, Ohio W Parker. Lewistown R Wilson. Wellsville W F Malty. N Carolina A H Crawford, Ashland W W frown, Poona H P McKibben, Santa-Fo J L Zeigler, Gettysburg S Morton, Plymouth F Rowe. Indiana'. D Smart, Ohio A Norton, Ohio C L Green, Pittsburg H &Brett H P Dunbar..Pittaburg Caldwell, Charleston H Slater, Mums 8 H Hutton. New York 1 , 4 Patterson, Ohio BFolsom, Choctaw Nation Wm a Weldon, Ohio AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street. sbove Ff Eastman C C Curtis. North Carolina .1 A Curtis. North Carolina Mrs Bettina. Wash, D C David Smith & wf, Penna Misa M South, Penna. B Eamon. Ohio Geo P Matthews. Phila hrLatham,Philadelphia E J Williams, Phila. A M Pettit. Philadelphia tiPulaskie, Charleston W j atopeely, mai yiand J B Popper, Centreville l'amt P Wilson 1V Carolina A K Platt, M. 1), Cinoinnati Keating , maryls.nd John Baker, hew York Thos Harrison New York John Collins & la, D J W Coleman. cow York It Goudy„ Illinois W J 1,,y0n, Williamsport 3 8 Nevins. New Jersey John K Jarvis. Dover, Del it Aiken. Franklin, N O W Buddleeton,Tena J M Wheeler. Virrinia Benj C Gress,Pennayloania James L Da Bois, Cal .1 Grimm, Alexandria C 4,regory. Alexandria Jii Riimmon, Alexandria J M Myres. Baotou N W Lillie, New York • J O Williams & niece, N Y Robert Baines. New York S A Stone. New York Thomas Burniides Penns Lewis Potts, Coatesville Pr E Costae, Baltimore John Rider. New York C Wyman. New York A F Oiterloh. Foams W Plains, Lebanon. Ky P P Kearns. Philadelphia Chas Brothera,Philadelphia Chas W McCown°, Pa G W Cole, lamaaua V Mauny, North Carolina Gen P Andrew'. New York D P Perkins. Waah. It B Goldman, New York James K Chessman, N Y C Gould, New York C Willieme, N Carolina Asa Kimball, itioted, Va ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Third. W S Tromp, Philo T W Baker. Philo Wig, New York Gen W Jones, Phil& B Wthiams, Cincinnati C G Baugh. Philo A Bateman. Bridgeton. N I Potter, Bridgeton N )1 Richardson, Pittsburg U ralliturs„W ullear W Weldon, W Ouster Bowen, perks 00, a Jno W vanhook. Wash Mre Alvord, Conn G W Lamson, Phila.. C W Tingle, Mary land B II Pannell, Fenn% E Pipty. Penns Wm A Wernie, Penns J B Dunglinons penis . 34, P Lindenbourn, New York THE UNION—Aroh street, above Third. Vf C Riobie, Bethlehem i i7 BMinn, AIMS& John Loudon, Altoona Earned, Ineiana Malin Jane's, Penne C O Hayes, Allegh'y oity Samuel Reidy VP McDonald. Md A Boidegram, Mt Easton. 0 II Wade fit Louie C Prove ac la. Chamb'g H P Hoover. retina L MoinVeh,,Allegh'l. Pa E E Steelman. Phila Wm it wilkinson. Mrs Coffins, Phlla B Bernhard. New York ARE ./101J8E—Third street, above Itace. T Adams, W metiert, Fs E X Lambert. Panne I .11. Simone. lal o I! VIA " a Raven. " F e a° pz " , r ki r ld it teib r uir h g lia J L Reninget. Middieburg T Belvidere G F Kurtz- Lana/tater M I Edwards, &elk co, Pa I Pummel. &elk Co. Pa Rims Ramsay, Belvidere T It Jtiokert, Estraville FOUNTAIN NOTED—Oeooad st.. above Market. J Dicke'. New Jersey J Rankin, Wi'tampon B ateFedden. Wilmington k Leland, Wileneston H Dilwonhi 1: Johnston.. Virstata filmiosasksr, Philadelphia ` J Tolman, Delawaro THE i . . I.2HPA, -MONDAY,: APltit 18046 BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Ca W G Beek, Newburg, Pa Christian Nagle, NeWbin Reuben Boyer, Newbury Tho m hi Boyer. Newbury Jacob Riegel. Bethlehem DJules, Uniont'n Alf Byerly, Carbine BARLEY SHEAF HOTELr-Beeond et.. bet. Vine. W Davidson, Cheltenham B Groff, Cheltenham Thos E nakering. Pa .1.10 Hoppook, Pa Kirkhrida. Penne, H Y Piokettnl,Bnoks CO Aaron' ellam, Penns 1) McCarter. ilonovine White, Backe co Dr J Conrad. Philo Soo 8 Germantown Jun B Jon_as, Books 00 J White, Bucks Co B P Mon, Phila. BLACK BEAR—Third street. above Callowhill. N N Brown. Lebanon James W Par. Cheater JON Whitall. Northampton James Wilcox. Wilm. Del eeo W Fearing, Cooparaburg MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et.. above Are L aunt, Philo a S Gaylord. Phila H 0 Hallowell. Penns S MeFate & a,D Kibler, Maryland John Alder. P eeen J Sampson, New Jersey Z Mitchell, New Jersey John L Mitchell, N York J Tranger, New York J B Logan, Illinois Col Ewing. Tamaqua Gen B. Neeglee Fenno, 'W Cat Trenton B Broadgerui. Trenton 8 Ducar. York. Pa J Purengen, York. Pa H A Graves, Trenton D M. Broadhead, Trenton COMMERCIAL ILO et., above Chestaut. T Clyde, Philadelphia T Walton. Penney Wawa C R Dilworth,Pennsylvanta BJ Levering, Phila. Wm C Dickey, Cheater Hodgson. Oxford, Pa John H Briton, Wit, Del F A Churchman. Del T Coates, Lancaster no, Pa John 'trainer. Chester CO J A Cloud. Wont Chester PM. Ball. Pennsylvania David HUM% Chester oo A Kimble, Cheater ori STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. GMn Highland, imore Winmer. Bomereet co, Pa 8 A Ohio H Watt, Latrobe „roe hider, Pittsourg Jas Headmen, 'lngham' W Price, Solebory $ Purdue. Greensburg Storer P Brain. Water Street P Cram, Pennsylvania L N Scott, Ohio learn Dunham. Maine L bummerdeki, Pittsburg John I Clyne. Hamburg - Wm inoihn, New Jersey Jae Wilson, jlew Jeraey Peter Wagon, BaltnriOre A Spooner. atoehester W orans, Rochester John Simons, Delaware Wm Chalfant. Delaware John Bradley, Penneylranis 0 T Heim, _N ewport. Pa ji Harris, Newton S Moyer, Williamsport at W Cunningnam,Jiuntington SPECIAL NOTICES. Oex. Ono"Am) .Act) Spauset W.Lirms.— Pamphlete containing the opinions of celebrated Che mists and Physicians respectingthe rum °Dills WATER, in the ease of many diseases of the human system, will be supplied gratis on application to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, or FRED ERICK BROWN, Jn., NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets. CALL AND NET A. PAMPHLET. mh2B-mwllol FRESH RUSK, DOIIGHNETS, AND CREAM PUFFS. every day, at 152 Korth SIXTH Street. Also, Plain and Nancy Cake, Ice Cream, a:e. apls-2t* OAK ORCHARD ACID ~PRINGF WATRIto— Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebrated Chem ists and Physicians respecting the use of this WATER is the ease of many diseases of the human system. will be mended gratis on application to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Straits, or FRED ERICK BROWN, JR., NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets. CALL AND GET A PAMPHLET. aplS-tf BATonamonle RAis Dria.--This celebrated and perfect Hair Dye is the best is the world. All others are mere imitations of this great original, which hex gained such extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batohelor's Liquid Haw Dye instantly produces a splendid black or natural brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair, and will remedy the ill effects id" bad dyes, invigorating the hair for life. sold by all Druggists .and Perfume. Wholesale by FAHKESTOCK & CO., DYOTT & CO.. rhiladelphia. mhl-tf ONE PRIOR CLOTHING OF TEI LATEST STYLES, =de in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted aatiafactory. Our ONE-PRICE system Is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. re23-ly JONES Sc. CO.. 604 MARKET Street. SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPLNV.-All minis of Money received on deposit after this date are paid book in Gold or Silver on de mand, with Five per cent. interest. OlSee, WALNUT Street, eonthweet corner of nun: mhfl eitOVER & BAKER'S OBLiBRATEU NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES, The Beet in lino for Family Bowing. No. 730 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. an 37-37 KEELEY—ITAZI , ET.—On the Ilth inst., by Rev. G. W. Smiley. Mr Wj lham P. Keeley to Miss Anna M., daughter of Win. Hazlet. all of thin city. [Chester no. papers please owl MCKNIGHT—DROWN.—On the 30th inet,_. by the Bey. A. G. MoAuley. Mr, John MoKinght to Miss Isa bella. Brawn, both of this city. MUSTIN—HARTT.—On the 11th instant, by Rev. Dr. Donning. Anthony Mustin, Jr., of Philadelphia, to Mary B. liartt. of Baltimore. YOUNG—MERCHANT.—On the 11th inst.. by P er. W. C, Robinson, Mr. Jan. Young and Mien May Mer chant. of Rnaborongh. ROSTERD—WALLACE.—On the 11th inst., by Rey. J. B. Delon. Mr. John Bwoeed. of Montgomery coun ty. Pa,. to Mine Mary A. Wallace, of Olney. Pa. * TROMPSON—McFALL.—On the lath ult.. by Rev. Geo. C- Arnold, Mr. Andrew Thompson to Miss Rebec ca McFall, all of Philadelphia. THOMAI3.—At Germa.stown. on the morning of the 14th Met., of sonnet fever, in the 6th year of his age, Henry Albert Thomas. son of .5. Harvey and Annie Thomas. ART.—On Friday, the 12th inst.. Theodore H. Hart, of Canandaigua, N. Y.. in the 31st year of his age. New York payers please coinr. SUPER.—On the 11th instant, 'Mize F.; wife of the late Win. Super, the bSd year of her age. Funeral from tier late residence, 731 North 7th street ; this (Monday) afternoon, at 1 o'olook. BETTLE.—un eutth-day evening, the 12th inst., Sa muel Bettie, in the 57th year of his age. His relatives and friends are invited to attend hisfu neral. without further notice, from his late resider eie, No. 26 South Third atrecti. this (Elecoad,devi..fternnein. lath inst., at a trelOom interment in monde' l• astern Ground. HuWELL.--on Thursday evening, 11th inst., of dip diens, Henry C., sou of henry C. and Eden E. Howell, in the sth year cit his age. The relatives and friends of the family are norpeot folly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, Mou.Racie street. Wet (Monday) morning next, 15th instant. at 10 o'clock, without Prather nor floe. fdcANENT.—On the 13th inst., Mrs. Margaret Ma- Arany. wife of Hugh Moaneny, aged 39 years. Funeral from the rerodenoe of her husband. No. 433 Redwood street. (Fifth street, below 'Federal,) on Tuesday morning, at 3 o'clock. BLOND B:ll.—Cn the 121 h inst., Seine Boyle, wee of Nicholas Bluoden• in the 27th year of her age. • RICH.—On the 12th mat . John Rich. aged 79' years. Funeral from the residence of his son-in law, otiorge 11. Wagner. in Collegeville. wenty-third ward. this (Monday morning. at 10 o'clock. JOHNSON.—On the 12th instant, Prudence V. John son. in the 70th year of her age. Funeral from the h. W. corner of Thirteenth and Brown streets, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock.' 8 13 UGA RD —On the 11t instant, Mr. William him yard. in the 55th year of his age. Funeral from his late Tandems, Whitemarsh town ship. Montgomery county, this (Monday) =rums . at 10 o'clock. WaLEER.—On the 13th Met, George C. Walker, In the 34th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No, 936 Hutt in son street, above Poplar, this (Monday) morning at 10 o'clock, W WEL 4,—On the 11th that., Ann Wenzel, in the 78th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, Point R oad, _ below Brideshurg, this (Monday) afternoon, at o'clock. * BLACK AND PURPLE ()BALLY DE LAINE9,I9M CENTP.—Juat reoeituld, one ealle of Pllsok and Purple Chally Delaines. at .E.IOUT.KEN AND TRItEE-QUARTER CENTS a yard—reaelar trice for the Mlle goods. 25 canto. GRAY DO 1X KO DEJA HIE% I 2 CUP& Gray Mt x ed Imported Del/tines at only i 2 gently—re gular pnoe for the sune_goods 1814 Gents. BEGGON - & SON. Monrning_Store. sal No. 918 CHESTNUT-Street. G. MAXWELL & SON invite atten •-• • tine to their new and magnificent stook of BILE GORE REArd BUTTONd. RIBBONS, TRIMMING H AND GGAMRNST,URES, of ahoise styles and qualities. comprising their own lltpring Imwrtatione and Manufactures, and their New Yorh seleatious. S. F. corner CHESTNUT and ELEVENTH Rts. TRIMMING 4, SKIRTS. CORSETS, ZEPHYRS, NETS. SHAWL BORDERS. &a. apla-mtheat TrPHILADELPHIA MERCANTILE LOAN AND BUILDING A SSD e TAtift.—An adjourned meeting of the etookholdera will be held THIS ( Monday) EVENINGAISth instant. at 734 o'clock, at the Mee, a% Beath SIXTH Street. it P. K. LYND, Seoretary. lilk '.. ' . '- ' • :1 • I i• . SOCIETY —The 'dated meeting and display. for April will be held CONCERT BALL. on TUESDAY EVENING next, the 16th mating. at 8 o'clock. An extra display is anlimpated. A W. HARRISON, apl6 2t Recording Seoretari. re. OFFICE OF THE SHAMOKIN VAL LEY AND POTTSVILLE RAILROAD VAS.- 600 WALNUT street. PHILADELPHIA. April 11.1561. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholding of the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad Vomiting will be held at the Orme of the Company. on MONDAY, 6th of May. at 12 o'clock, for the election of Managers and a Prevident to serve for the ensuing gear. ael2-11298tdtmg6 EfSCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD CO.—The Annual Meeting end t . i . on of the Stockholders of the Schuylkill and Sus quehanna Railroad Company. as required by their charter, will be held at the CONTINENTAL HOTEL, in the city of Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, on MON DAY. May !Munn. at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of choosing a President and six Managers to nerve for the ensuing ear, and also for the consideration of such other businem as may properly be brought before said meeting. FRAIqIC S. BOND, April 13, 1851- fapiti-tmy6l Secretary. TrPENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, PHILA DELPHI A, 4th month, 6th . 186 L—The contribu tors to the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL are hereby notified that an election for twelve blanmers and a Treasurer, to serve for the ensuing . year. will he. held, pursuant to law, at the Hospttal, FIFTH MONTE, (May) 6th. 1861. at 4 o'clock P. M._ apti mth tnty6 WM. BIDDLE, Secretary. CHINA AND THE CHINESE.—THE Last Leeture of this course. before the Young en's Christian Association, by Rev. W. A. P. MAIL be delivered on TUKSJD AY - EVEN ING next, lath inst., in the HALL OP THE UNIVERSITY. Sub j ect—" Wonderful Semi-Christian Revolution now in Progress in China.". Tickets 23 cents—to be bed at Presbytenan Board of Publication. Presbyterian Book Store, opposite Mint; American Tract bnoiety. Mar t en's Book Store, and at the rooms of the Young Men's' Christian Association. apIS St TrPASSENGER RAILWAY NOTICE.— On the 7th of February, ult. an arrangeme n t was made by she various Passenger 'Railways for the uniform eale of exoballKe tickets. This arran gement Mom been violated by the West Philadelph ia Rail• way company ' s resolution waa adopted at a meetinx of the Board of Presidents held April 11, 186 t, that an exchanges with that road shall cease on and after Mon day next. April 11th. BY order of the Board. GEORGE WILLIAMS, President, apl3-2t* HENRY CROSKEY, Seoretary. SPRING IMPORTATIONS LINEN GOOIDS. The an ban/there have i net received, Der Tonawanda, an invoice of Real Barnsley ; Goods, manufantured to their order, and warranted, consisting of Heavy Linen Sheeting, of all widths. Estra Heavy Barnsley Damasks and Diapers. Huckaback Towels, white and colored borders, in great variety. Barnsley Damask Towels. heavy quality and extra size. Colored border and knotted fringe Towels, of large size, and very superior _ quality. Also, by the City of Baltimore, three invoices, from different bleacher., of 4-4 Shirting Linen. 2 invoices Pillow Linens, 40, 42, 45, 60, and 64 inches. I MUM heavy Bird Eye Diaper, X, X, and 4-4 wide. 1 oue Linen Cambric Handkerchief. Them, good' having all been introdued under the old tar,ff, can be sold at former pricey. SHEPPARD. VAN ILARLaNNEN, & ARRIBON Hone Furnishing Dry Goods, ass* milk KO. 1006 6103iT11171`. atie•t. MARRIED. DIED. DRY- GOODS JOBBERS. Importers of Linen and B ATIEGE ANGLAISE; THOS. W. EVANS & CO. WILL OPEN 'IRIS MORNING A LARGE LOT OF BROCRE BAREQE ANGLAISE at 181 eta per yrd. BROOKE BAREGE ANGLAISE at 25 ota par yrd. ALSO. AN ASSORTMENT 07 CHECK SILKS AT 75 CTS. Thew Goode will be found EXCEEDINGLY CHEAP. • apll-3t SIS and S2O CHESTNUT Street. L 'VAC HAFLEIGH, e • 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET, Formerly the Promisee of UT. LEVY Or, CO., 11 now aramtrud to - offer B. full and choice amortmen of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, at very low mice' for CASH. ON MONDAY, APRIL 15Tft, W 8 Will offer a complete amortment of APB 2t RICHARDSON LINENS. NIOURNINGr GOODS. J. M. HAFLEIGH, 809 CHZST/TUT STREET, Will offer, on . MONDAY, APRIL. IST% A complete assortment of • BLACK GOODS, CHEAP FOR CASH. ALSO. ON MONDAY, APRIL 15nt, A large assortment CHOICE STYLE MANTILLAS, Never before exhibited. ON TUESDAY, APRIL MTH, TWO CASES INDIA CHECK SILKS, VERY CHEAP. apls-9t GREAT SALE CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, &c., In liquidation of the Estate of • J. W. PROCTOR & Co., 705 CHESTNUT STREET The /Hoek °onside of— SPRING , CLOAKS. ENGLISH TWEED CLOAKS, SILK CLOAKS AND SACQUES, SILK MANTILLAS, MANTILLAS; LACE FLOUNCINGS, FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS, FRENCH LACE POINTS. FRENCH LACE BOURNOUX, TRAVELING SUITS, - FLOUNCING LACES, DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, aco., aro All to I mmenee variety, and to be aold at about ONE -HALF THE USUAL PRICES, FOR THE BENEFIT. OF CREDITORS To facilitate eaten, and enable purchasers to make prompt If elections, ALL GOODS will be marked in PLAIN FIGURES, or widen Meese , the awe WI be Walled on SATURDAY, Aprzll3lll, and the sale will commenee MONDAY, 15th, And oontinue till the whole is disposed of AT THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, TOE CHESTNUT STREET. aDLI to 30 EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH Have an aisortment of SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS To snit:the Net-Cash Trade, STELLAS,. FROM. LOW TO FINE. - SHAWLS, OF ALL MGM BLACK SILK SHAWLS, ALL GRADES. THIBET SHAWLS, MODES AND BLACKS. oplOAet-wfamws EYRE & LANDEL.I., Are prepared to GM NET-CASH BUYERS NET-CASH BUYERS NET-CASH BUYERS • , FINE LINE OF DRESS GOODS. FINE LINE OF DRESS SILKS. FINE LINE OF BLA.Ok AILES. FINE LINE OF NOZAMBIQUES. aplo-6t-wfs&mws pRICES MODERATE 'UPSON'S, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS., RAVE NOW OPEN A few &Woe styled of LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, LACE TRIMMINGS, - BUGLE BUTTONS, ALL-SILK BELTINGS, FINE QUALITY SHETLAND WOOL. RAMON'S TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY ST& apll-4t MANTILLAS. MANTILLAS. OPENING DAILY, AT WAL. P. CAMPBELL'S, No. 1124 CHESTNUT STREET, In his large and ELEGANT STOCK will be found the riohest display of MANTILLAS, . IN BILK AND FANCY aLoTns, apB-1e VIER MADE IN THIS CITY. CLOTHS! CLOTHS! OASSIMERES, VESTINGS, L AND GOODS SUITABLE FOR BOYS' WEAR, WROLESALE AND RETAIL. Cheap at SNODGRASS & STEELMAN'S, 52 South SECOND Street, above CHESTNUT ap4- CITY CLOAK STORE, NO. 142 N. Eighth street, above 'Cherry. are nowsellizig every new style of the Beason, superb uttalitiee, in every new :Iliad* eetor, cheaper than any ether atom-in the CLOAKS —Wholesale Merchants are in vited to ineeeet the stock at • IVENS', No. 23 South NINVII Street, corner of Jayne et. Between Market and Chestnut. NEW CLOTHS, OASSIMERES. Faool an d Black Cesoimeret. Boys' Wear, Ladies' Cloaking". Marseille' and Valenota Vesting'. Complete stock of Cloth Goods. COE CONRAD. eel BoutheamoornerNl N THand MARKET SPRING MILLINERY. see KISTERM, N 0.145, North _EIGHTH VAL Street wilt open their new 'styles of Crane, Silk. and Straw Bonnets, THUREDA April /8, at - 14 a North EIGHTH Street. 5112-6 r VWMRS. R. JAMBS, No. 212 NORTH EIGHTH Stmt. will open a FASHIONABLE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING MILLINZIY. on 'Ell IIHEIDAY, April 11th. ap6-1m ry a MRS. M. S. BISHOP, 1016 OHEST goeiNuT Street, halreceived &choice tuteortment of YARIEI MILLINERY for the Spring. trildS-101 v g MISSES O'BRYAN. 914 011.68TNITT Street. will open PARIS MILLINERY for the Sprint. on THURSDAY. April 4 . mhM-Im• CLOTHING. VASHIONABLE TAILORINU BI.ISIIMENT diA , 320 OS-ETNUT Street,_below Fourth, south odds. H. STEVENSON Respectfully informs his numerous ourtomers and the public in !Funeral that he has Just y6°611741 his Spans etylea. Irtnab he will ba pleased to sell on the most reasonable terms for cash. mal-fmw Am SIOIJIMERB.-4,600 piecas city smoked tiders for by-0, 0. 5/LDLER & OP, 108 etreet. seeftg door above awl NEW lirßiliCAtiONS. PULL SUPPLIES OA' SEASONABLE LITERATURE. and IMMENSE SELECTIONS OF ELEGANT PRESENTS. mar &wave he found at GEORGE G. EVANS' O i4 T ha rtr n ea t 't. Original o Gl 4 ft 3 - 9 Boa cif t f a st r a ri bi STEP IN. LOUR AT OUR 1 4 00,R8, AND .INSYROT OUR GIFTS ! Among the latent noveltien m thO World of literature ace: LIFE OE EIR. WALTER. /WOW. By John 0, LeCar bon. To be completed in 9 Vols. lemo., at 76 cents each. integrated with fine steel plates. Vols. No.l and 2 now ready. This edition wilt be min% fuller than any other ever issued. and contain. a num ber of •lnographioal notes, not included in the Edinburgh corr. IL LIFE AND CAREER OF MAJOR ANDRE. DY Winthrop Sargent: A book that is destined to have an unprecedented sale. In these perilous times, whatever relates to the ohs - rioters who figured so OonaptoollBlY is our Revolutionary period is :mixed upon with avidity. 1 vol., portrait. 41.50. CURRENTS AND COUNTER-CURRENTS IN Me:OIOAL. SCIENOS. From the graor•ftil pen of Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes. This ie A work *Moll due lers, and psoiente too. may read with profit. The au thor's usual felicitous BO le prevails throughout. 1 vol. 8125. ELSIE VENEER. A Romance of Destiny. By, the author. A singularly delightful volume. characterized by all the excellencies of his style. It is winning hoate of admirers. 2 vols. 61.75. TRUMPS. A fascinating novel. By Geo. Win. Cur tis. All who have read the Potiphar Papers," will warmly welcome this last produatiop of the same pen. It is brunorn; with_sathos and dam humor. Hand. Bomar illustrated by Holm n. 1 01. $1.50. VI. THREE ERAS IN WOK sWS LIFE. Er the ever popular T. S. Arthur, The Maiden, the Wife, the Mo ther. are excellent life piotures,drawni by a master ar tist. with the single purpose of inculcating noble senti ments in the human breast. This, by many, is consi dered Mr. Arthur's test brink. 1 vol. 61. VIC. All the popular biographical writinrs of EIMUCXER, the exquisite moral tales or ARTHUR, the beautiful sortpturel works 081 0 1 URA H. 4 M. the delightful ficit.ens of DICKENS. together with all the Stnndard and Mis cellaneous publications of the day, at the publishers' regular boom and a HANDSOME GIFT, wortn from 80 cents to $lOO. Wills each at GIBORGFi G. EVANS' Great Gift Book Vmporium, 439 CH emTNU 7' Street. T D BUSINESS MEN.-MERCHANTS, Manufaeturers, Inventors, and all who have Wares, Inventions, Lands, or anything else to sell, must advertise if they expect to find parehasers, and we believe there is no other advertising medium no good as THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. Its circula tion is largely in advance of any other newspaper. An advertisement inserted la all its editions will reach nearly two hundred and ninety thousand subsoribers, and more than half a million readers. RATES OF ADVERTISING IN THE NEW YORK DAILY EEMII3I Ordinary Advertisements, classified under appropri ate heads 10 cents per line each insertion, or Two Dol lars per line per month. LEADED ADVERTDIEMENS---Braxpaa CENTS a tins. FANCY DIBPL &YEA ADVERTIBEMEDf TO Double rake. SPECIAL NOTICES—First Page—FIFTEEN CENTS aline each insertion. .Nothing inserted for lees than SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS each insertion. BUSINESS NOTICES—Fourth Page, before the leacier-IHIRTY CENTS a line eaoh ineertion. Nothing inserted for lege than One DOLLAR eaoh ineertion. IN CITY ITEMS—Prefixed by the word [Advertise meal—Thieve Cnsee a line oath ineertion. Nothing inserted for leme than ONE DOLLAR eaoh Insertion. ABOUT NINE WORDS AVERAGE A LINE. The circulation of THE DAILY Tarsus's is now over .60,000 copies, and is one of the best mediums for City Advertising. SEMI-WEEKLIC TRIBUNE. Oit DINA Rlr AD VERTISING—Twinvrv- FIVE CENTS a line each insertion. ITEM—indverbeententl—FlFTY CENTS a line each insertion. THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. ORDINARY ADVERTISING-31.76 a line each gertion. ITEM—In the Newe Column, prefixed by word [Ad vertieementl-411.60 a line eaoh ineertion. Nothing inverted for len than V. No leas by the quarter or year. That advertisers may judge of the va'ne of TUE TRIBUNE as an advertising medium, we append a table of its circulation April 11, /961. Circulation. NOW Y0rk........ —101.631 Pennsylvania —....... 26 OM Ithio 24.000 ... 16,477 Indiana— 11,081 Viruiconsizt— 10.98. lowa 11.968 Massachusetts . 9,327 Michigan— --. 9,907 10.e89 Connecticut 10,766 Vermont— 10.627 Ca.lhornia ._. 5 525 New Hampshire...., 6 676 New Jamey 6,806 3,511 Kansas.. ........ 2.173 Rhode Island 2 529 Canada 1,595 Missouri 744 Oregon.— 741 Maryland 611 Nebraska-- 565 294 Keutucity... • 2441 [tiorm.—The above table gives a somewhat too largo circulation in the State of New York. with a cor reeponding defimenoy elsewhere—the oopiee taken. by Newsmen, which we do not know to be sent to other states, being included in this State.] Address, . THE apilitao No. 154 NASSAU Street, New York. THE DOCTRINE AND POLICY or PROTECTION WITH THE HISTORY OF OUR TARIFFS, snow. Ins ORGANIZATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERN MENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY DR. WILLIAM ELDER. Now that a desperate assault is being made upon the new Tariff to preiudice the publio in advance against it; and. if possible. to have it repealed. it is important that its friends should be prepared to combat the specious argumenis of its antagonists. Nothing will better serve this purpose than the 'simulation of the namphle whose title is quoted above, which is one of the ables and most interesting documents that have ever appeared n support of the true American policy of fostering the great industrial interests of our country. It will be forwarded by mail or express for 10 cents per single copy ;76 cents yer dozen ; per hundred. Address RING-WALT & BROWN, apt-tf No. 34 SOUTH THIRD Street. Philadelphia. BOOKS, LAW AND MISCELLANEOUS, new and old, bought, sold, and exchanged_, at the PHILADELPHIA - Baal N BOOK STORE, o. 419 CRESTIV UT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to sell, if at a distance, will Grate their names, sis-s. bindinge,_datea, editions, Emote, and conoltions. WAliTED—Books printed tI Benja min Franklin. as well as early Boole Printed in and upon America Autograph Letters and Portraits pur chased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Cata logue& in press, sent free. Libraries appraised by fen-tf JOHN CAM rismz. MEDICINAL, JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE It is an established fact that a very large class of dis own can only be cured by non remedies as will enter into the blood, and circulate with it through every por tion of the body, for only by this means can the remedy be brought Into immediate contact with the disease. To obtain this desirable end, no preparation has ever been so uniformly emooenful as DR. D. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. SCROFULA, SKIN DISEASES, CANCER. ERYSIPELAS, GOITRE.. RHEUMATISM. DROPSY, EPILEPSY, &c.. CANCEROUS TUMORS, WHITE SWELLINGS GOUT, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, ULCERS, SCALD HEAD, &c., &c., Have all been effectually cured by this ALTERATIVE. It is, besides, one of the most pleasant articles that can be taken into the atomaoh. operating as a tomo, and removing Dyspeptic and Nervous affections. It is pre pared only by DR, D. JAYNE & SON, 242 CHEST NUT Street, and may be had of the Agents throughout the country. stag-raw 3t DR. J. WISE, No. 30 North FIFTH Street, PHILADELPHIA—Treats suceessfullY. if applied to in nme, diseases of the LUNGS, 's RHOAT and HEART, and frequently cures CONSUMPTION in its third and last stage. Re also restores all curable diseases of the EY E sad EAR. Re has riven them his entire attention for he pant 20 years. Will visit patients. when desired. at heir residences. spe-1m iC (TABLES M. BREAKER, APOTHECA IL/ AY, respectfully announces to the publics that he has succeeded Mr. PAUL, 6.uLIVEIt at the old and well-known stand, at the Northeast corner of BROAD and CHESTNUT Streets. Having thoroughly refitted the establishmentoind furnished it with a carefully selected stock of Drugs and Chemicals, and confided the prescription, dispensing, and manufacturing de partments to gentlemen of well-known and unques tioned pharmaceutical ability, he would solicit the pa tronage of those who esteem excellence and purity in medicines as of primary importance. CHARLES M. BREAKER would also Invite atten tion to his welt-assorted stock of choice Tooth, Bair, tedl o gr e r ne il .a rres, Perfumery and Toilet and Fancy PHILADELPHIA, April 2d, IBM. apl)-wfm tfi WO BUSINESS MEN.—An excellent chance for reliable business men to secure a pro fitable manufacturing business, requiring but a small capital in its establishment and prosecution. The manufacture comma in the application of a pe culiar composition or enamel to common red bruits, and a variety of. other building material. ornamental architectural finishing:l, ceilings, tiles for floors and for roofing. his enamel may be tinted of any ardor. from the purest white to the deepest black, With all the colors and shades between. It imparts ro the articles to which it is applied a hardness and durability almost incredi ble, and a beauty screaming that of the rarest and most costly of the variegated marbles, and, utilise them, is impervious to moisture, and will never fade, stain, or deteriorate, costing but a fractional part of the price of ordinary marble. It is also valuable for table ani stand tops, mantel pieces, monuments, and an endless variety of other artioUte of stare use. 'foe process of applyfing the enamel is simple, white the art.oles enameled wilt oom amad a ioady sate, affording large profits. iteeponsible parties may procure licensee for manufacturing under the patent for any city or prominent town in the United Ststes,,by applying to the subscriber. A small tariff on the articles manufactured will be required for the use of the invention. Circulars giving still particulars will be forwarded to all applicants. The superior merit and beauty of this enameled building material to anything in use hex the unqualified endorsement of many of the most eminent architects and scientific men of tine and other cities. For particulars, address JOHNSON & PRALI ft eeneral Agents tor g 3 Building Material. app-iiBm ils NASSAU Street. New York. NOTICE.—The Citizens of the different Cities 'tad Towns throughout the State are invited to competition for the place at which the next-AN NUAL STAT FAIR shall be held. Proposal's oontaining inducements and advantages s directed to tee undercianed Committee, apbomted by the Ex ecutive Committee, will be received lie to and in cluding May Met next. communications should be ad dressed to either of the following. parlous WM. COLDER,Js, JOHN P. itUTHERFORD, JACOB fdISH, JOHN H. ZIEGLER. Harrisburg, Pa., AMOS E. KAPP. Northumberland, Pa., Committee. 603-dtmy3l NOTICE 113 HERESY GIVEN, THAT Plans. with full specifications. for the erection of a Public School Rouse in the Eighteeth ward. will be received by the undersigned at the Office of the Con trollers of Sublie Schools. southeast corner of SIXTH and ADEL.PIII Btreeta, until SAT to RDAY, the 27th der of April, 18111. at 12 &ohms. M. The said School Rouse to be erected on a lot of ground situated on MONTGOMEKY Avenue. near fLiohmond Street; to be three stories in height ; to be capable of accommodating six hundred _posits. and not coto all e i r t s te e r s teovre plans, h o , n . a p e a coders €ds on II (. 3 4 u r .0001. n ta t t rt o d l n e d r i . e n g . &o. Aooording to the ordinance passed by coned* thing will D. paid fur any plan not approved by the Controllers. By order of the Committee on Property ROSSAT J. BIAPHILL. .apl2-fit fleoretary Controllers of Public &shoots. OLIVE Ol4—Pure Olive Oil, c 4 Latour" , ite- WANTED—A Salesman in a Wholesale Grocery House. Who can command a large naafi trada.. Address " B." at the office of thin paper, with Mme, stating references. and &vary ex• "mated. apiS at. WANTED IMMEDIATELY—For ivory °Ginty In Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kew Jersey, met Delaware, motive and °named° men of in whip:m.3e and plains address as travelling at eats. chance to make money. dmall capital required. This ie no hutneus. Address, with /Mame, or Gall upon 8. B. BEAMAN, 811 SANBOM. titreet, Philadelphia. apla et* WANTED--A Lad to do Errands. Ad drew " T," Press Offi9o. ap9-tf CLOTHING WANIED.—The highest pub price paid for Ladies' and vents' aata-off SOUclogubs. rl et ea.lo call or addzeaa M. D'ANCONA.. 622 ell Stre • 846.12t* FIIIPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG I Men, &0., 'ire invited to addrene Y " Employ,- nient Committee," at the Rooms of the oung Men e Chnetihn amodation, 009 and 1011 CHE STNUT Street. apl-em SPECIAL PARTNER. WANTED.—A Dry-000es Commission House of many years standing, and with wat desirable oonneetions. wishful to firm a special partnership with some person who can Contribute to the amount ^f SWAM Please address Box 1153 Phitrideiptua Poet Office. anit 12t* A MERMAN SOIJOOL INSTITUTE ESTABLISHED ”SS—To supply Families and &hoots With the beat Teachers. To aid a sachem to suitable appointments. To buy and moll school proverb...on commission. To give orente 111formatton of & good schools.o. WOODMAN comPANY, (Late mmitb. Woodman, & C 0..) 996 EttOADWaY. New York. mh9 inws-9m 29 South 21..X111. Street. Philadelphia. April 10.1861. Circulation. Tennessee..-... 124 Delaware - 159 District of Colombia 356 Washington Ter'y..- 171 Utah Territory....-. Nova Scotia-- 30 Texas— ..... .. 35 Loinsian 30 North Carolina.--. 82 Alabama......._ , 48 Georgia 35 South Carolina,- 23 Misaivaigpi.-- 21 10 tirkanstus .... 19 New Mexico. .. Cherokee Nation..... 5 Dakota Territorg...• 1 6 Foreign —......... 352 Ancona .. 6 Colorado- . - 139 New Brunswtok...... 18 Total-- --2237,750 TILE TRIBUNE. WANTED—AGENTS to sell PACKA GES of STATIONERY and JEWELRY, at ..goes one third lees than can be purchased eleewhere. ' all on or address (Mem enolored) J. L. BAILEY, No. 54, COURT Street, Beaton. Mare. roh26-5m FOR SALE AND - TO LET. a FOR, MLR —The desirable four-story DwELLING. No. RV south SEVENTEEN= fittest; lot 19 by 200 feet. Only a small payment re quired. apply to ALL:FA & SIMS, tioutboest corner FOURTH and WALNUT 8t... son it sewed floor. el GREEN STREET.—For Sale—The 51 three-story DWELLING, with offioe att.ehed. Mo. 1821 and 1824 OltElam Etreet Oat 30 by 197 feet. Terms vary Annie to ALL Ka k FUNK eminent corner FOUATIT and WALNUT ?Rs., %133t* • viewed door. ow TO RENT.—A rare opportunity is MIL offered to a competent manager of a Boarding Bowe by the undersigned, who offers to rent the premises formerly known as the UNITE v STATES HOTEL, satiated on CUES MUT Street, above Fourth, opposite the Custom House. The house con tais a tort,' rooms all of which are furnished. The is ninety five feet is length, besides kitchens, pantries, and every other convenience that pan be desired. The premises have been fitted up in a complete manner, and are ready for immediate occupancy. To a proper person. having experience,_ a profitable business can be done. To an acceptable tenant the terms will be made reasonable. For particulars apply to JOHN REA, on the premises, between the hours of 9 and 3 o'clock. mol2-14t its FOR SALE or TO LET—Two Cot -1"6 tages, near the Railroad l tatinn,- CHESTNUT HILL. Apply at (Wino ATn.I2. 540 'MALAITA! Street oplt-6t* CHESTNUT-ETREET HOUSE and Evil STORE to rent,—The desirable business location, 1322 CHESTNUT Btreet,with dwelling attached. APIAY at 431 WIESTNUT btreet. spit fin FOR SALE, OR TO RENT—The lo 4 ( large and comoletely Ittrniehed FACTORY, on the north side of TROIVIrsoN ttreet,extending from HANCOCK to CLINTON Stream 'A he building has been need for a Starch Factory= and contains a power ful Ermine and complete Machinery for the manufac ture of Starch, but can easily be altered for other ma nufacturing purposes. Apply to STIaPHEN B. KINGSTON, S. W. cur. THIRTEENT H and MARKET Sta., .1 And - . bate Kara PRICE, apS-14t No. 51.3 ARCH. Street. CiERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO MOP. RENT.—To Rent, the large and commodious modern-_Mult Rouse, corner of ARMAT direct and WILLOW Avenue, with gas, bath, hot and cold water, end all the modern improvements. Apply to HENOY B. TARR, 710 °AREA Street, Philadelphia, or on the premise,. So-tf TO RENT—For the Eummer season, a commodious Country Rouse, with furniture. grounds, and Stabling, within two pours , nde, by rail, of PhiltditiphilL Apply to E. P. W( . 1.400, at 333 MARKET Street; or address JOBlAu wibeori, Parkersvire. Cheater Co., Pa.. "op4-12t. ill FOR SALE OR TO LET—A very Atilt desirable four-story briok DWELLING. with three-story double back buildings, having all the modern oonvenienoes, and is in perfect order; situated west of BROAD. and near ARCH Street. For particulars ap ply at No. 213 ?tort!' 'rum...Street. ap3-12t* arm TO BENT—TWO COUNTRY mailoussis,ose mile from Taoony. Inooiso No. 717 WALNUT *treat. mhU4rn" TRENT -THE LARgE AND VON VENTENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard. at Maytandville. Twenty-fourth ward. Apply to E. & P. . WAR REN, on the Pfollliloll. tf da TO LET—A DESIRABLE DWEL LING.NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Streit. Apply to WETHEHILL & BROTHER, 41 and 49 North SECOND Street. mlll4-if ga . GERMANTOWN PROPERTY. EXECUTOR'S POSITIVE SALE. Will be sold at public Emotion, on TRURaDAY AF TERNOON. the lath of Attfti 1,, inst., upon tae pre mises. the following valuable Rem Estate ; no. 1, a Lot of Land, with the improvements thereon. situated on the westerly side of Germantown avenue, oppoeite Gorges street. bounded by said av enue, land of George W. Carpenter . deceased. John eibert, the Orphans' Home, and Creisham road, containing five sores of land. The improvements are a large two-story stone Mansion. with a two•etory back building, two large parlors, wide ball, dining-room, and kitchen. upon the fi , st floor, six chambers on the second, and three plastered , one unplaatered, in the attics. A one and a half story frame budding, adjoining the main atraist. a large Moe bare, Large hay- house. with shed for wagon eco., undo-neat ; carriage- honeteeorith hay loft an d , granary above; corncrib. shed for posts, fruit and ornamental trees. kitchen and flowering gar dens. &o. lt his a front of 246 feet on Main street, and 216 feet on on Creishain road. N 0.2. a Lot of Land, onthe westerly side of Creis ham road, 149 feet front . bounded by bands of G. W. Carpenter, deceased. and John tetbert, containing two and one-half a oral; of land ; it has a spring of water, a small pond, and a few apple trees noon it. Also. imme , qately after, will be sold, a yawl,' ground rent Or *3l 60-100 upon a oortarn lot of ground, held ww, or formerly, by Authur Bell. and by him and William W. 1 eibert conveyed to Mary 1 albeit and Elizabeth Leibert, on the nth d‘y of October, A. D. 11362, pal able half yearly, noon the first days of January and July, in every year. Late the property of Mary Letbert and Elisabeth Leibert. both deceased. Bale to commence at 2 o'c.ock. Terms at sale, by sold JOHN LEIBERT. fixeoutor. rpo LET--SECIOND-STORY ROOM, 802 AL CHESTNUT Ntzeet. over LEWIS LADOMUS & Co. , * Jewelry Store. The beat location in Philadel phia for any kind of light business. Apply in the Jelrelry Store. Rent $ 4OO. felP FPO RENT—A very desirable STON.E, IT the Ninth - street Croat of " The Continental Hotel.' The Store at Ninth and Saneom street' eepe ei MT adapted for a BADDLIt and HAR Z/EBR Maker. And' to JOHN RICE, fed-t[ Bouthweet NINTH and RANSOM :streets. poR EXOHANGE.-A OBOIOE TRAOT JR. of good unimproved farmland in the State of New Jersey. convenient to the city. will be exchanged for eity Property. Apply at No. 119 FM/BAAL Street. se3l-tf - p OR SALE—The valuable Wharf -m• Pr operty end Lot of Ground in I , Cli..-WPR - ---• Delaware county. containing about three Berm bounded on the month by the United States wharf. The buildings on the property are well adapted for manufacturing pnr posis. AMOY te SAM UF NS, mill-theme .* 647 WA LNUT Street. R. CORSON ,REA L ESTATE BROKER R IsND CONVEYANCER. NORRISTOWN, PA. —Real Estate bought and sold on, reasonable terms. Stores and dwellings for sale or rent in Norristown and iLonntry. Good mortgagee negotiated. Colleotione made. The beet references given. d24-6m PRIVATE SALE.—A Valuable Drug and Hardware More and fixtures at pnvate Ba Drug and Hardware Store and fixtures, lately belonging to M. B. BROOMALL. deceased. in tbe borinigh of West Chester, in HIGH Street, adjoining the Turks' Head Hotel, and now owned by the sabecriberos anted ag private sale. The stook is full and wed selected, and will be sold on accommodating terms. The rand is one of the best in the borough. . Apply at the Store. fe6-infw tf MICHAEL MALONE. punuo SALE OF VALUABLE PRO PERTY. THE " EMPORIUM REV, EZTATE AND MANU FACTURIN COM ANY, Of Mound 'ity. Pulaski County. Will offer at PUBLIC SALE, on the premises. On WEDNESDAY. the lath day of May next, A Large Number of DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, Eligibly Located for Store A s, Fetotones, and Residences. lso. A SPACIOUS BRICK u B 81J tox FOUNDRY, WITH MACEI UP. And all the appurtenances netelsrary for S i business of manufacturing Vngines and Bolters for S eambc.ats, Wgare r ad o al n toyh. eTMi P ls at turnd n m t p he sSouthern danrnd improvements in machinery. with a tall and complete set of Patterns for Stoves. adapted to both wood and coa t l. This propery, from the advantageous locat th ion of Mound City, is one of the moat valuable in e Southwest. Also, _at tho same time A FIRST-CLAes TORSI:43TO o 'FRAME MO- Containingsome fifty rooms. with a full set of Furni ture. The Hotel is now doing a large and profitable business. also . a number of BRICK STORES AND COTTAGE RESIDENCES. TERMS or figLE.—ong-fourtn CU) °ash ; the remain ing payments in IL 24. and 36 months from date of sale, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. The cash payment may he made in the Bonds of the Company, and the time payments will be taken in the Stook or tee Company at par, except for improved pro perty. for Which three-fourths of the pun:masa-money ma, remain neon mortgage. As the Company propose to dispose of all their im provements. eapisaltsta have a rare opportunity for pro fitable investments in one of the bear located and most flourishing cities in the great Southwest. For vartion- IBM inquire of or address JESSE E. PEYTON, President E. R. E. & M. go., mh26-tml4 Office 222 WALNUT Street, IguleAlls. MISSOURI LAN D! I 600,000 dorm for Bale and entry, at prices;outing from 1236 to CO °ante par sore, in any quantinee re quilitES paid and PATENTS pranged for craw= of and under the Graduation Act, P Plate furniehed gratis by enclosing re pottage stains. For further Information apply to WILSON, KAWI,INGS, & CO., U. S. and General Land *sante, 60 CHESTNUT street ,_ Between TRIAD and FOURTH, 8T- LOUIS. Mo. LAND WAARA,NTB bought, gold, and located. BOARDING. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, ONE single vacant, with board, No, 1523 WALNUT Street. aelB-11t* FIRST OL ASS BOARIPING, WITH mb e i rrt rooms, 'll N 0.141. T LOCUST street. . _ INSURANCE comrAffiriab &lAMB INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. EIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. sevoae. George W. Day.- Day & MatMoir. gunnel Wright— " Wright Bros &'Co. D. D. Dirdet" Davie & Henry Lewis,Jr.-...—. " Lewis Bros & Co. G. Riehardeon......." J. C. Howefr. Co. ... Samuel T. Bodine. ..—Pren't Wyoming Canal Comp'? Jew. W. Evermaa.-.....0f J. W. hyena= & Co. Geo. A. Weld— " West & Politer. W. luta— " Savage Marta, & Co. 0. NJ ....Attornerj t-law 36'1' W ruff & Woodruff. Dm. %eager. Jr__. No. ins Gr n street. GEORGE' W. DAY President. FRANCIS N. BUCK. Vice ProoMeak. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD.Searetarv. Jess-00 SAVING FUJNDS• SAVING FUND—UNITED WAITS TRUST COMPANY', corner THIRD and CELES7- NUT Streets INTEREST FIVE PER CEN-I-t . s. R. cEAwPOILD, President. JAMES R. HUNTER. Secretary and Tresinuer. Moe hours. from 10 mail 3 o'olook. Tins Company 18 not Joined In any application to the Legislature. - fee A MERIOAN SAVING FUND, 8. E. cor 4c36 ner WALNUT end FOURTH Streets, continues to femme deposits anditemAll nikms otidemand as it bas alweio done. ALZAARBERWHILLDIN, Joao WlLsos• Treauver. PresideAtt ACADEMY OF MUSIO.—I TA L lAN CA- OPERA. OPENING NICHT. • mfflp) (MONDAY) EVENINGAprit 16th. DEBUT OF THE BRILLIANT AMIRiOAN PRIMA DONPIA. MISS ISAIis.LLA HINKLEY. TROVATOKE. HINKLEY, PfUladlierB. RRIGNOLI, DAM!. DIRECTOR AND CONDUCTOR. siemon KOZIO. TO MORROW (T.UERDAY) EVE.NINO, Pint time in Philaielp Kintlhia,_ LA JUIVE—(THE JE W S,) With the followi n g unprecedented oast: MADAME COLSON in the celebra ted roie of Mahal, the Jewess. MISS lIINKLeY es — Priming Eudoxio. SRL NTIOELLI in his great and re nowned role 01. —.gleam*. the Jew- SIG. NCOLA as— Leopold, the Prince. SIC. MINI in the high dramatic role °l " — * .The Cardinal. Together with the entire strenatit of the Company in every department. PRICES or ADMISSION raigiette. Farnuette Cirole. and Balcony 31; aeserved seats/0 cents extra; Fart ly Cirole. 1 0 c ents : Amphitheatre, 25 oenta. 'rickets and reserved Emote can be obtained at the Box moo of the Academy open daily, from 9A. M. ',Alta 4P. M.): at Hook & Lawton's Mum Store. No. 652. and Ohloker ing's Piano Forte Warerooms, No. 716 Chestnut street. it ABEL & LEYLAND'S STEREOPTICON AssEmßLy nuILTIINGS. LAST SERIES Or these forilet Eatertaiumento. COSIIIOrOLITAN Pito° RAM API]) BEW VIEWS EACH EV a'Nfill G. Admission 25 eenta Children. 15 ton de. Doors open at IX; commence at 8 O'clook. DIATIA iSE W uDAESDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. Commencing at three o'clock. spls-et Iti cDONOUGH'S OLYMPIO.—( LATE LTA RACE Street. below Molt ANO PREF?. TRIUMPH IN SCR.I O IO UNCLE PAM'S MAO C LANTERN. THE BIRTH OF THE Flirt TENFLY IN THE HOWSE. OF FERNS! Acknowledged toy the entire Press of Philadelphia:and endorsed by over 230,000 Persons, es the most beautiful spectacle ever produced. TH3S EVENING. THE .BEVAN 818TERS, UNCLE SAM'S Iu AN OIC LANTERN. Produced at a cost of &CO. Attmtemon—Parenettes SD cents; Orehoglns, Fte ; F.- wily Circle. tOo; Private Box Beats, boa. Doors open at PA o'clock: commencing at 734". WHEATLEY & CLARKE'S AROH-ST. THEATRE. BENEFIT OF J. B. GLARXE. Grand combination of the TWO MOST Fri VOn 'Tr l'ld4s Y 8 OF THE BEASO/1, 40C7 tag the full st•nristb of the GRSAT PAR COMPANY. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, Asoni The performmuie will cominenee with EVERYBODY'S FRIEND. To conclude with OUR. AMERICAN COUSIN. WALNUT-STREET. TIIBATEE. T T sole Leine- —Mrs. M. A. GARRETTSOM Striae Manager Mt. WM. AA CAA W. Bssineee Agent D. MD THIS MONDAY ) ifif.gNlNG, April 15, Will be presented the Operatic Drama, entitled THE ENCHANTRESe. Etella; the enchantress, Miss C. .1/whinge ; UMW. Mr. F. ilichings. To oonolude with the laughable Faroe of, MK. AND Mite, Wlll „ Boats or FRICES.-I:ress circle. (seats seouredirriz out extra charge.) MI cents; Parquet, (seats secure at 50 cente,)37% cents; circle, 26 Bents; private boxes, SIS and es; orchestra. 75 cents. Doers open at .7 o (m31%141,111 Meat Pi ceolaakt A RCH-STREET THEATRE. - 1 -m- EXTRA. CARD. BENEFIT UP MRB. JOAN DREW. WEDNVeD otir EVENING, APRIL 17, Thal. Pin First time in floc veara of the novel:tut drama called pi.or AND I'AnBION. In which MESSM. W.REATLI,Y. mi.:WELL, BAKER, and JOHN DRSW Will appear. To bi followed by a laughable Faroe. In which Mr. J. S. OLAItoKeI will appear. To conolude with, first time in ten years. the National Nautical drama of THE PILOT Box Sheet now open. aPI6 2t PARLOR BNI'ERTAINMENTS. ITANLBUJIIR ! the lIOVA LW] &RD. end SIG. RODOLPHO: At CHICKENING HALL, 807 CliEnttUT Street. corumnnoinc MO , D&Y, April 16, and continuing every Evening at 8 o'clock. and Wednesday and Saturday at Y. M. Admittance 260. ; Children halt price. See pro grammes. apls-6e SA 'FORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH STREET. OPEN FOR THE SEAON. NEWLY DECORATED AND FAINTED. MR. SANFORD Hu secured one of_the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doom open at 7 ; Commenoe at 7%. Admission 26 oents. Children 16 oente. SECOND QUADRILLE REUNION OF THE REMIND REGIMENT INFANTRY NA TIONAL GRAM at the rational Bai RAGE Apri Btreet, below oiXTft, on TILEMDAY EVENING. l MIMI. *tickets, $1; to be had of any of the Members; and of the Janitor at the Hall. No tickets admitted =Oen prepaid. anl3-3t* TILE GERAIANIA OROHESTRA GIVE their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every IPATUR. fAY. 'commencing at 334 o'clock. at the toIUoICAL UND HALL. 8 tickets 81; single tiekete,2& mints. or sale at Chickering .t Son's. 807 Chestnut street; Andre's.llo4 Chestnut street; and Beek k Lawton's, Chestnut street. Engagements for Concerts. Commenesments. Par ties. ike.. made only at their Officio. Chielcering & Non's Piano Store. MT Chestnut street; William Btoll, 3134 North Juniper street, or C. Droughman, 1009 Ride avenue. ja3l-t f PENNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTB. The Aandemris now closed folio yublio for s short time, in order to mete preparations for the spites ex hibitions. which will open on MONDAY, the Zki of April. apt-tf LEGAL. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR TUE IL CITY AND COUNTY OF PRILADELPHIA. W/14.1/,M DIV t. and EI..IZ4BETH, his Wire, vs. WOl. CLAYTON and Charlotte, his Wife s ( for merly Diver,) and JANE DIVER. Juno Term,/801. No. 17. Pursuant to an order of Court, made in this owe, the writ of summons mined therein is published, viz: City and County of Philadelphia, as. The i commonwealth or Pennsylvania to the Shenif of Philadelphia coun ty greeting: If William Diver erri Elizabeth. hisife, m+he you manure of prosecuting their claim. then we oommand on that you summon. by good and lawful summoners, you Clayton and Charlotte. his Wife. (formerly Charlotte Diver,) and Jane Diver, late of TOW county , so that they he and appear before our Judges at Ph la delphia at our District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, there to be held the Ist MON AY OF JUNE la EX I', to show wherefore, whereas they, the said demandant and the said defendant. together and undivided. do bold all that - certain mem nage or vine intent and lot or piece of ground, situate in Alanayunk, bow ded, limited. sad described as f.,llows: beginning at the northwestern owner or a lot sold by the !Sheriff o' the Ciry and County of Pet , adelphia as tne proems of William Diver, that is, in the line of a street laid oat by the Nebny flail Navigation Comps' y. called tower street 96 feet 6 inches northwestwardly from ttie corner of Market and Tower streets, thence extending along the etustwardls line of Tower street north 37 deg. and 30 min_,_arest 16 lest inches to a corner of a lot sold to John W. Stephens. thence north 62 deg. 20 min ,east Wong said Stephens' line 95 feet 11 inches to the west er', stile of k.ilis arrest, thence along the raid line of e His street south 30 der. 30 min.. east IC feet 234 inches toe corner of the lot sold by tati Nheriff ae aforesaid, thanes alone the lino or the same 91 feet 71: inches to the place of beginning. with the sonar minuet. The same defendants partition thereof between them to be mace (according to the laws and custom; of this Com monwealth in such case made ana prov.ded), do gain ea.. and the same to be done. do not permit. serf 11 4 - Justly and against the Came laws and customs. a those said, ic e d And have you then there the names of summoners and this writ. Witness the Elonoratite Geo. Eharswood. Dootor of Law, President our said Court at Philadelphia, the s,h day or drepsh, in the y oar o our Lord 150'. opi6 F. A. TRaGO, Pro Troth's. 1N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COU vTY OF PrIILADELPR I A. In the matter of the Eater. of .JO2Ol MOLONEY, de- ceased. The Auditor appoiotrd b. toe Court to audit. settle. and adjust the account of STE Pi' A'L' MOLONEY. Ad nunistraior of the estate of JOHN MOLONEY, de ceased and to report distribution of the balance. Will meet the parttee intereved, for .he purposes of Pie &p -pm:l4llunit, on MONDAY, April 15, 186 i. et 4 o 'clock in the afternoon. DAM DOUGRERTY. ap&-imw-114 Auditor. TOE ARRANGEMENTS for making PHOTOGRAPHS and ANIHROTYPES are so extensive and complete at R E R'S Gallery. 8r CORD Ste set above Green. that the delay of wait ing your time is very abort, and there is no such thing as fail in getting a good motto e. it* IN/BITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— We have now on hand, and are manufacturing to order, at the Mount bony' Paper chile, every de• sorption of WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS, which for color end quality, are not excelled by any other Mills in the United States. We would call attention to a new article of Paper tormufacitured by us, and now for sale, called BUlljapal Letter, which has been gotten tirk to meet the wants of business men and others, who object to Commerolal Note as being too narrow, and do not wish to use Part of usual letter sheet. This overcomes both the above objections ; is a per fect sheet, pure wove ; plate finish ; ruled on one side ; stamped in centre near the top ; made from beat term!, ve free from adulteration, and put up In neat boxes. Convenient for use. We also have a paper oalled Bank Letter, similar to the above, except it has but halt the number of lines on, so as to allows punted blank or heading above, KEMPTON & MULLIN Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland O n N, e above Papers can be had of Messrs. J. B. b rircorr & ^O and MEASARGEE 131tOTHER8, Nos. 3 and 3 DECATUR Street. mhit-am LOST AND FOUND. - - - LUST --Five Coupons, o. 206, 207, 250, 209. and 298. due Jan. 1863, isms or the county of Allegheny to the Pittsburg and Coonelevilie A liberal reward -0111 b., given for the return of the wane to E. MIDLETON, mhtetf it Forth P RONT Rtrimit. JOILELIRO-PNEUMONIA, OR CAITLIN EPIDEMIC. CATTLE DISEASE, CATTLE DISEASE, • CATTLE DISEASE, CATTLE DISEASE. An anfailing remedy for this direase can be had by stoßlying to Dr. R. CLOK, 140.' 407 VINE street, Philadelphia. Aleo, medicines for all kinds of diseases in Homes CURE WARRANTED, OR MONEY REN CURE WA RANTED. OR MONEY RE FU N DED °ORO WARRANTED. OR MONEY I CURE WARRANTED. Olt MONEY REFUN ID. ja33-wfm WSm ifZRAVE-STONES, IiRAVE-STONMS.- vii My stock of Grave stones and Monuments to be sold at very reduced prices. Please call and exanune, before purchasing elsewhere, at Marble Works of A. STEINMETZ, fegawro RIDGE Avenue, below F.LEVEIMI Bt. V i ou rn ERN SHIPMENTS. I N- 7 Certificates attached to Invoices of Goods for the Southern Confederacy, by DAVID B. BIAPIEVi Cemmisaioner of Deeds for South Carolina. Alabama, Cerium. Mississippi, Tense, Florida, and Louisiana. 40t-if THI3 RESTAURANT, 110. 80e1 MARKET !STREET, Pannell,' kept by James Proust, lowly decimal, nAll,leaothea Miner the Management ol hie leo, 13. "I"O"x,•JR., Who Will continuo the bonne... heretofore. SPEOIAL NOTICE . —BRIPPERS WILL N- 7 please take notice that the south Carolina R. it Co. have dimontinued forwarding all through freight and that all goods formerly consigned to them most now be consigned to a oity atener. Meows. T. S. & 1. G. BUDD will forward all goads to their addreas. A. H B.RON, mh9 No 10* North WHARVES. . - VINE BIJOU hIAIiUIPAOTORY.—J. 'W. scorr, wilt CHESTNUT Street, a kw doors below the " Continental." The attention of Wholesale Dealers is invited to his IMPROVED. CUT OF SHIRTS, of superior fit, make. and material. on hand and mode to oroer at shortest sotto& isig-t1 VILE IKANUFACTORY L FILE 211 NEW STREET. Fries and Resta of every deecriptiom and good anaditY, made Ur order, , , at the &trove ettablishMent. WBOLEBAJ4..aad RETAIL, at manufacturer's erases. Reouttng done in a enpenoeueanner . J. B. SMITH. spl-dam STATIOi3ERY AND JEWELRY Paokagei fitratihed to Agents and Dealers. at vecr reduoed rates. Call. (or send stamp.) 502 CILESTNOT Street. Philadelphia, Pa. av 9 lm* FARNADI & CO. HAVANA CIGARS.—A fresh imports,- Lima of the two new br anch " BL,ACK CFA" and PUNCHINELLO." just received per steamer Quaker City and schooner Bt4hlge, under the old tariff prices anulor sale CleartLEd T3T 130 WALN • CHROME GREEN —l3laaufactured and r" hat. I" InaniZin 4b H AW& MD awl • *rut 24
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers