CITY ITEM S. A 7temegiarr Tarr.ort, whom we can reacinMend, meO. Thompson, Epithelial corner of Walnut E a.h steeete. By strict attention to business, ind catering to the wants of the best class of '" i T z l e i, l4" more than ordinary scientific , skill in the ar e.pertinsin or his establishment. and his gene il t. his customers. at all • ee l tics for Presenting i n ' fir e-elate Steak, ha has won a front-rank Poet' " aii- ; t he important busmen which ho represents. T' ar n , s pleased ouroeives with his workmanship, and tt assn with his exec lent assortment of materials, in 0 O f c loths, coatings, oasaimeres, etcetera, we is--fe pleasure in recommending to his establishment a s we leel cOnfidoia that those damning c 'oth well, " gond fit," and to their taste in ‘ e ,ery • respect, will not be disappointed. lizeroia ESTABLIBRURNT —Amid the general „ v et; of mailer and crash of worlds," now existing _ veiniest orbit, figuratively speaking. of course, to find thatsome efour meat enterprising • %same:its are still pursuing the even tenor of their gar essri t. E. cr. Whitman & Co.. Second street, be che.o:ut. are daily receiving orders from all parts tit? e,rntry, the iauth included, for their delicious plums. and other choice confections, as usual, 7 qr ,:ierse,l faith the rash at that, Oar comment upen drit if our Southern brethren never indulged in at , enrsa things, their chances of being treated to a dsye f r e ale Sam's sugar plums would to -day hs lent t We believe that such establishments as :praiser . G, trWhitman k Co.'s strengthen the bonds."( e • Valor.. and that the Union spirit of our people can I* be better SUbSerged than hy the free use of superior confectionery. We want everybody to - 7r . thIS advice. Isrvomeza.—The great and sadden • ~ e s of our climate are fraitful /mums of Pal an- t rod Bronchia affections Experience having r .sed tout simple remediss often act opeedily and Car when taken in the early stage of dinettes. re vrie should at once be had to "Brown's Bronchial lozenges, let the Influenza, Cough, or ~ritnion of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this B mitre serious attack may be etreetuallY c arded of. EMU-ImM at MESSAGE FROM MAJOR ANDRRSON.—II 39 Owed that a telegraph despatch was received in thin , : a certain responsible party, from Major A rider !Ai. understood. however, that the despatch ee! with the knowledge Mid consent of the Charleston ,phoritirs. as it ma no reference to the events of the • The message was .in the following words: i! ri re proonia4or me and ship to Fort Sumpter, itleston. a full snit of citizens' apparel from the .h,own. Stone Clothing Hall of liockhill & eel and COS Chestnut street, above Sixth, Phi- A Coma? SANITARY .MOYSILVNT.—We have re pesmily called neon our ser.ple to abancon the use of ire 4soserous fiord lamp, from which so many serious sin fatal accidents have resulted. Ia view of the lat ter ve retard the introduction of the a...mirable Xero rite o i l lamps, manufactured ant sold by Mesta*. W ate rs it Co.. Nags Worth Liglith attest, corner of Filbert. ass eanitivy movement, and we are pleased to pzd‘t only in thIS city, but all over the country, s ife.economical. and effioi,nt lamp is taking the :are of all others. It is in fact lee portable lamp of ve aSe. Ai EDITOR. Hi D181N158. -- 9111 th9so 104E4 eiuners of society reeently bought a suit of clothes at p. palatial store of Gstaisvitxx &rogue, N 0.607 Chest .' greet, and tints expands . . .. we have lately got a new suit of clothes, end no ci. - mild he more effectually disguised. We looked ke a gentleman. Upon first putting them on, we felt ka 11 eat in a strange garret. anti fora long time audit we were swapped off. We went to the house. d seared the baby into fits ; our wife asked us if we sted to see Mr. Jones. and told us that we would find .at the office ; went there, and pretty soon one atria dress men came in. with a strip of Payer in his baud. asked if the editor was in; told him we thought not' ked him if he wished to see him particularly ; said he cued him to pay that bill; told him we did not be ,., re he would be in ; business man left. Started to the essa main ; met a couple of young ladies : one of them eked the other ' what handsome stranger is that P In us dilemma we met a friend, and told him who we -,10. AO ditt him to introduce nu to our wife, who is sw minced of ns ae can be. The next time we get a ew suit we shall let her know beforehand." MERCHANTS can fill all orders for Curtains, einsak, Window Shades. Lace or Muslin Curtains, in minim:dory =neer. at TM Chestnut street. Phitadel- T his. W.H. Ctrryl k Bro. 2t PASSENGERS ARRIYRD. . . Tasoarors, from Livmpool—Thomso Barbour lady. • MARINE IN 'FE L 'AGENCY: . ME FOURTH PAGE rcorreepormorme of the Philadelphia Bache:ere. , CAPE ISLAND. N. J., April 11-436 P M. ['he ship Southern Rights. from Liverpool via Sayan lb. for Baltimore aod a ship unknown. both remain the Breakwater. Three barks, a lull rigged and tee berm brigs. and ssme fifty or stitr seeooners, Int to sea to-oar. Wind southwest. Weather fine sot the storm. THOS. B. ETJGEEB. frit.MOKAN DA :numbly North Star, Jones. from Aspinwall, arrived .hew York yesterdar. tesmship New York, Von Seuten, for Bremen, old * York, sesterdaY tgamship Kangaroo, Mierhonae, cleared at N York 3serday for Liverpool. teamshis John Bell. Scott, cleared at New York es ads! tor !snow. J Morris, Jackson. was discharging at Lon both alt. Cry kl7tnonth Rook. Hammond, for London, cleared ;New York yesterday. s ag Clara K Sant. Scandells. for Laguerra , cleared nojew York yesterday. tut C to Ifevan, Peterson, for Singapore, was at Sultana Feb 9 bat Cavalier. from lUD de .ianairo. Was tr!low Bald mge vrgrerday tars Willow Harp. Hulse. W R Rowe, Harris. It H Sneeon. ALVIN Evergreen. Butler. and Silver -Magnet, Pall. hence. arrived at Heston 11th inst. thr S a liammonu, Paine, hence, was oelote Beaton ale nod. seem Rendiik Hudson and Jan Adderdme. hence for llostonownved a 11.1..te. .104 10th inst. tchr W P Phi!l , os. Smith, cleared at New York yes tamer for Harana. Sehr Kate Weston. Adams. cleared at New York yea- Mt/Ay ler Otto Grande. gar angoras. C.:moths: New York yesterday from New Eleven. _ • . 8-.eamers P i Resat. 'Md.ll. and Planet. Wilier. 2LC2. arrived at New PIN yesterday. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Ur TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT CONTINW.NTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. ?NeDowell. Pittsburg P W Keller. Ohio ••El tampion, Pittsburg D F Seymour, Raeford rG Woos, Pennsylvania d Z Martin. Lourrvilte ' , 171 M J Mane, New York Jas E Ford, Norfolk, Va dP„ :21. to 9 ASwerson,Lynokos - M Mackey, Virginia i r.g. GOoruill W W Wright. Downingtn .t:?Carrolt. Baltimore W C Davey & Is. Jersey C • Borne & wf, A Reny WR ityers. Louisville C A Babcock & la. Boston Thos .1 Stewart. Maine dna *lndent. NI Chunk Geo W Adams. New York L Goitres. New York A Brooks. Massachusetts oChaui:er. Wilm. Pot W J Jones, takton. MO :ASV Maxwell. Fllr.on. 71Id J M Pearce Ir. la, Balt Mon - Davie, Boston Mrs J J May, Boston 5:II el. Poston Mies Leonard, Boston %xi Davis, Boston Miss Cromer:an. Boston kis Brown. Isogon .7 L Baker, North Carolina • zuouper.North Carolina R Ball. Massachusetts 7Smr n. Wilminston. Del W P Hite. Xentuoky a. G Dudley. New York Geo D Stearns, New York k Power, Ohio Y. Reed Myor, Penns krs Ott faol, Ohio 0 Tompkins. Boston AderLOel•er. r inland eeo C Eyland, New York Js itillinger. Virginia P it Amman:lOU & la,Boston oaf) A C arks. New York Thos J Garrett. Paris. Ky A C Blanchard, Indiana Miss A T Blanchard, Ind Lard & wf. New York 1 C Cowden, New York • , rossly Jr.tiew York John M Harlan. Louisville YB Brinkman. Ohio H s Botulism, fn Chunk flenher. initiates. 14 F Braulding, York CB Bowers. Connectiout 3 Gates, Loweu, Mass 31 Williams k wf, Cntna Mrs B F white. Jr, Boston 4 Sho• maker. flatinuoie W A Buffum, Washington J Cuttinx, New York J W Bradley, New York -sees oetry. Baltimore James Potts. New York Oft Colby, New York It avian. Jr, New York Gdosepte. New York eo It l•eymoinr. Troy Of.den. Alexandria, Vs. Jai al Corner & la, Pittsb' 4uet Johnson. Boston R B fiyde. New York A Gocurey, New York Jae Boyce. Baltimore iSmall & la, Baltimore Semi Phillips. Baltimore 1' Howell ,in, Pewark G Van ceventer, N Y I.ts Post. St Louis Chas W Copeland, N Y ism W Beale. New York W C Bunton, hew York L Bmwa, Massachusetts at Mack, Cincinnati. 0 W B Canfield. Baltimore 0 Gilmore. 13.ieton L G o.y. New York W W Goren. New York 3 smith. Detroit Dr Moorman. Virginia n•a• J Paeterfied & ls, Pa E W Odooein, V”wanie. tr Arn.rlsraenee Mr Sedgy ck Omani , X STIII3IIIII Pinks. Virginia 3. Owen. Penns Chas Y May, retina W M 71, own, Penna AMERICAN 'HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Fifth. ht.nlße Deemer J.llGhlites. W Chester iiekrer, , ittsbnrg John F Lindsay .16 Kentucky John Turner. Kentuoky 5 Coign. Cincinnati J A "olhn. Indianapolis ri , na Breeter. Ohio 0 T Zgicen foes, Quatert'n 7.:esetfuss. Bucks no .J NI Hammond. Virginia T M Moore. Wilmington J Herndon. elmith Carolina Ii Elertist,er, Newark, PI J Ei DeWitt. Virginia E Ste•ler, Reading 8 Brener, Ohio P Judime, Ohio S WaUtn. new York 2 irrotn. Reading T P Kinsey, Reading • leaguing. IlliggOnTi L N Adams do irf; fbrle J Zweesda & la. Tenn C wi Insert. Troy, N Y ono tinote, Wheeling, vs HDt Houston, N C forth Carolina R White, North Carolina 'r Km.. Ca,. et co. Pa Jesse enders. Cerro! co L N gliders, Carrot 00. Pa iobll MoFarlan, Philea Una P Ayers, New York Thos Stephens, New York 130Tb:L—Fourth street. below Aron. Atdreme. New York 99 Detwiler, Deena W Bromic Tei nesse*. Geo Cooper, Penns Yu J sterett. Peons C R. Barrett. Maryland Kilsore. Pennsylvania Victor F. nollet. Peoria .7 1 J Lawrence, .Ptulada hi Cettin, Tenneswee 1 Unerthwait, P dada B • Jefferson Portsmth L - . Seatiseu. Newark . R P Barrows. P ittebnrg ' 4 . Pa mer. Yew York It G Betzel.Lesnabarn F Hale, eataneld, itl W A Strogeterjudiaxia ~' "Pr Williamsburg. Fa A N Nicker& retina rryppusz Geo G rums, renne C Armes, new York W is Borah, N Carolina "rn:th. Erie, Pa C White. Connecticut Cr•nneoticat J M Ridenou. Indiana f-.n!pma n . grierfa, Oblo Miss Gray. Mari land ' . Fte) F Cndins, and H C Filler, Ohio 1D XeCrietal Ohio iii //Scott, Ohio Oveifield.Jr. Yptla JR Thompson. Peoria m Patton. brie. Pa Charles MoFadden, re Y.T. LOUIS HOTEL—Clesennt street. above Third. e'ex Caner. Baltimore Chaa Weston. Baltimore 'it° h Jones. Philadelphia. Louis McLane. Plula gammd. Philadelphia H F Annan & dan, a N i•ilmore N B tinlldear, Michigan W F Rail Mrs u: Haldeman. Checkies 1W Patton, Somerset A L Koss per. Laneaeter YStasels, New lotk J E Fersnron- California :Newberger. Now York W F aliskey. Philt B ciement, New York Wm Lititz, flaw Jersey l'o'omna Isaacs. Pbila J M Taylor, New York A R Merrill, New York D Dickerson, Hartford THE UNION—Arch street. above Third. I k A Brown, Barerstown P A Fold. 8t Thomas. Pa 13 . reeler, Et Thomas. Pa W F Shaffer.Lt farette.lnd fl t Dickerman, lowa J Welch, Akron. 0 5 J Stewur..Duncannon C Smith. Lat cuter co Z 3 X. , as kulp, Hagerstown 1 M it elker& den. Harrisbg -1 M Re ner. Altoona 11 V natner. Altoona ll 2 Rubor At la England 8 Booms. Jr, Ohio 1. l '' 24 4 d. Upton', ft„. A P dbaoner. Cambrtlee --. li:gr.. Higgigipcnt. 0 A T Ge.rmenhainer. N J Mar, Ghio Geo W Brown. Ohio 1, histf Ned. Mt Plrawrn t Thos Fey, Cambridge. 0 -Atwood. .Intland. Vt John Copp, Memnon, U STATEd 0 lc lONAlarlret street. above Math. lit Haulm,. Virginia Itningbam. ridariland 31r1 Hlttel. Maryland G H rindle. Cumberland co F . !! Rathoge .11( M Mesmer. Altoona 1 r il Albs. g, Peons W Littlefie.d. Penns. h M alaiker: Penna. J Hastings Pence. ,W,Ho . rton. New York P Norway . New York `. t.. St^hr's. blebs W F Connuegham. Penns l. W Wooda - cod. Chas co C Adrolhorn, !Safe Harbor k t 0 . , 4 " .. 11 1 & la. lowa ."-N.I.MMERC AL DOTEL—f3ixtb at.. above Chestnut. Y. Milliner. tleir York G W Churohman. Claygn't I. A .luere,u. Sew Jersey J Parker. Peortel Ivan le lure A limns. 'y' H Berme. nciadelpins fd l'enea-s. Wirtungton. D Aims Buckley. Lazo co. Pa ''heater co. Pa John Vanderslice, Yh'xvie Maryland 4 C 9thaon._lgaryland _ ' 11 • • leVObio Parma J6O bugs , C heater Pa jetIONAL E.oTEL—Rruse street. above Third. .4,3 Hamilton. Altoona H WMIIOO. Wilkesioirre kln C Horner, Perry co 4 Whiteman. Com b co Jae Pitmen. lltlontir co a lows. Monte co John, Penna .. zsiriJonntan. Penna. John Adams AlontA co . k route, delay! Haven A ''c-TisiTerre HOTEL—Second it.. above Market. r Graham. Vermont .T W Tr!all. Delaware 1 / i oboe. Delaware .1 A Hearn, Delaware , kl, Hew. Delaware J Coot a. Delaware ' 4"'^tral. Delaware X lutaux, W ilmtnaton 1 4 4,r , mt Dearer °Di Pe. P A .lollie, Felton. Del i.u„Wetater. a r eDlawae C A Delia, Luzern co ,elet,r.Atlanuo 11.,01:NT XERNON HOTEL-84soona et— above Arch. I:lreer• Hanley, Pa P ileitis , . no. Pa tuDole c New York n Fennrroo /1/ Jersey It %%tin, 3ertangten, N J Jobe Penns 8 T '" 0, 8111 New JeTllBYr C W Fis k le, ?nine W relaa Traeg er,Peen REVERE HOUSE—Third street. above Raoe. P Febindel. Allentown J K TSomes. Jonestown i ler:rolt, New Yore J Remminway, Penns -12► Jones. Willis 'burg C H Hassel:lrue. Penna. -4,' 11 4 El J Rent, All En entimn E K Swartz. Jonestown ' Troxelville R awls. it ford. New Berlin J asheos.aen.earoye J Smith. Belling:rove % 11 4 Wh ir. Mt Clint BARLEY SHEAF ROTE[,--PeOond etas'. Vine. B T Rowlann, MD, N J .1 Hibbs. NeWtoWn 8 Cary, Newtown .T Eastburn & la, AttiebotO D T Blair, Pennsylvania H 8 Howell, Do Wqr Gap St Thatcher. New Jersey A H Reader. Buckingham C Dupree. Abington J 1:1 av la Milltown M B Watson, .l en naniegrie ALarge, Marietta G PlA:eying. Books on J_Fell. Mechanioevitle .1 o.dwalled.r, Fox Chase M F Slaking, Pa F. N miles. Bunks en N Boyd, New Rope J Hart. Neely 's Mills 7 Ely, DaYumille . Buckman. Newtown '/' Buckman, Newtown J Polk. Beaks county W D Large, Taylorayille R. Carson. Bucks county I. Carson. Bucks county ouch-mac, Dallastown 18 Binh. Buokingham D Fell. Nuelongitam T C Cornell. Banks co J Williams. Buckingham $ Gowan &. in Ducking hm B Moon. Bucks county W Moon, Bucks county 13 W Hawk. Bucks county A Longshore. Banks co K Tay lot. Books county J Palmer, Bucks wooly s Taylor, Tayingsville D P Nelson, Bunks co BALD PAGLE—Third atre;t:a.t.,' miLmnlti E Dimmer, Bethlehem T Btem,Lancauster Bent W Rmith,Fucks co Chas Beans, Beets co Master Beans, Bucks co Wm Beane. Bucks co Mrs Beane. Emits cc IviunmMinezcejEM RUSK, DoURRNIITS. AND CREAM Pup's. even' day, at 142 North SIXTH Street. Also. Plain and Fancy Cake, lee Cream, /to. aplB.2t* OAR ORCHARD ACID FPRING WATER,— Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebrated Chem ists and Flireiciang reapeoting the use of this WATER in the case of many diseases of the human system. will be supplied gratis on application to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH. and CHESTNUT Streets, or FRED ERICK BROWN, Ja., NINTH and CHESTNUT &mate. " V (V AIL AXE ET A. 4 - AMPHLECT. /4.-u TEE FOLLOWING is a sample of the nu merous letters constantly receiving for Houtetter's Storm% Bitters GAMINDIVIGVAI 639 Ay e ssrs, Hostetter 4 Smith. Pittsburg. men: As we are strangers, I herewith enclose you twenty-eight dollars. for four dozen Hostetter's Sto mach Bitters, which please forward vie Michigan Southern Railroad, 'Pointe. Ohio. and Clayton Station. I hays purchased several dozen bottles at Toledo, this Rammer, but the sate is on the increase, so much that I wish to open a direct trade with you. I was induced to try your Hitters by my physician, for the Liver Com- Plaint. end received such material aid that >•I have recommended it to others. and have sold about two denim per week for come time, I have all kinds of medicine In my atom but there is none that I can so cheerfully and truthfully recommend as your Bitters, for I know they have helped me beyond my expecta tion. Respeetfuliy PHILO WILSON. For sale everywhere. DYOTT & CO., agents, 232 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia, Pa. d&Wlt BATOff3l.olt i s ATS, celebraied and perfect Hair Dye is the best in the world. Ap others are mere imitations of this great origami. which has gained such extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Haw oyn instantly 'madonna a splendid blank or natural brotrill without staining thn skin or inj nrin the hair , and will remedy the ill efforts of bud du i es nvigorating the hair for life. Bold h, all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNEBTOCK & CO., DYOTT & CO., Philadelphia. ON Paton Oy..tatrama OF PEIR LAnum STYLES, made in the beet limner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prises marked in Plain. Figures. All goods made to order warranted satudisetory. Our ONE-PRICE myetem ie strietly ad hered to. AU are thereby treated alike. teM-19 , JON EN & CO.. 604 MARKET Illtrisst. SAVING FUND--NATIONAL BAFETY 'fItUST COMPANY.—AII sums of Money received on decant after this date are paid back in Gold or Silver, on de mand, with Five per Gent. interest. Office, WALNUT Street. southwest corner of Third. nib= Gaorta. & EAKEIVS CIELEBILLTED NOISELESS SEWING 'MACHINES. The Best in Use for Family Sewing. No. 730 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. an 27-17 MARRIED. VERLENDIN—BOYD.—On the 11th inst.. by Rev. John Chambers. John Verlendin to Rebecca H. Floyd. all of this oily. WHARTON--BTREETFR.—On the 10th inst., by Rev. Isaac Gray. Peter N. Wharton to Miss Ann Eliza Streeter. all of Frankford. Phila. BING EIAM—LIPPINGOTT.--On the 10th instant, by It_pv. Wm T, Huan m Mr,ftodoisibus Bingham, to Mies Balti e S. Ls ori neott. or camden, H. J. YOUNG—NICKUM.--On the 20th of June. by the Rev. Joseph Kennard, TMr. Charles Youog of Phila delphia, to Miss Anna Eliza Nickum. of Wilkesbarnt • , P a. MUSTIN—HARTT.—On the ilth instant, by Itev. Dr. Denning. Anthony Mustin. Jr., of Philadelphia, to Mary E. Hartt, of Baltimore. DIED. SUPER.—On the 11th instant, Eliza F., wife of the late Wm. Super. in the Kid year of her age. Funeral trom her late residence. 731 North 7th atrelt j on Monday afternoon, at 11 o'clock. ETTLE.—on Sixth-day evening, the 12th inst., Sa muel Rattle, in the 87th year of hip age. Hie relatives and friends are invited to attend his fu neral, without further notice, from his late resider ce, No. 26 South Third street, on Scored-day afternoon, 15th inet., at 2 °Week. Interment in Friends' bastern Ground. FALLOW.—On Thursday night, Ilth inst.. John An tonio, son of John and b mien E. Fallow; in the 6th year of his age. WARD.—At Newark. N. J ,on the 9th inst., Arthur William, aged 3 years and 10 months. and Frances Eli zabeth. aged 10 months, children of Dr. William 8. and Elizabeth S. Ward. and grandchildren of Alex. and Ann Stitt. Philadelphia. HOWELL.—On Thursday evening. Ilth inst., of dip therle., Henry C. eon of Henry C. and Ellen E. Howell. in the 6th year of his age. The invited to and friends of the family are respect folly nvited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his narents.loo9 Race street. on Monday morning next, 15th instant. at 10 o'clock, wt:hont farther n WALKER.—Ono ti the 12th inst., George C. Walker, in the 34th ear of his ate. CLIFT.—On the 10th mist.. JamesW. Cli ft. in the 38th year of but age. Funeral from his late residence. No. 321 North Sixth e'reet. on Sunday afternoon. at 3 o'clock. MILPJF.S.—On the 11th met., Benj. Milner', in the 81 1 h Jew of hlll age. His relatives and friendsiare respectfuliy invited to call at his late residence. No. 1127, Callowhill street, thin (Saturday.) between the hours of 6 and 7 A. M. His remains to betaken to Pottsville for interment. CRitAMER.—On the 10th inst.. Cornelius Creamer, aged 30 years. Funeral from his late residence, Vaur hen street. between Fifteenth and Pixteenth, below Walnut this (Satnrda_y) afternoon. at 8 o ' clock. KIDS EY.—On the 10th inst.. Mary, daughter of Wil liam and Sarah Kidney. azed 16 years. Funeral from the residence of her parents. No. 221 Li n t i f L9B t ot tr, F et, above Race, this (Saturday r morn; LIPZEN ISURG.—On the 10th instant. Hannah R. Lip zenburg, in the 45th year of ner age. Funeral from the residence of her husband. Market and Thirty-eighth streets, West Philadelphia, this (Saturday) morning. at RI o'clock. HUNT..—On the 10th inst., Henry' Hunt, in the 63d year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 762 North Sixteenth street, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. LOFTUS.—On the 12th inst., Daniel Loftin, aged 30 years. Funeral from the residence of Mark, Martin, Logan street, above llaverford road, on Ihunday afternoon, al 4 eleek. SNYDER.—On the 11th inst., Neromi Alberta. infant daughter of Simon R. and Mary A. Snyder, aged 1 year and 27 days. Funeral front the residence of her parents. Paul above Church street, Frankfurd. on Sunday afternoon . , at 2 o'clock. al A HAN.—On the loth oast., Mr. William Mahan, in the 60th year of his age. Funeral from hie late residence, Adam street. &bozo Main, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. ihe 10th Inst., Mrs. Susannah, wife of Kinsey Dural'. in the 63d year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, R. W. corner of Front and Poplar streets, on Sunday al -1 1 o'clock. ltiftlf.—Onthe llih in., Mary Ann. only child of John 11. and Prances P. ll s tatob, aged 1 year, 1 month, weeks and 4 days. Funeral from the residence of her zrandmother. No. 2 Clawges' Court, Fifth and below Vine, this 03arnrdar ) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. • WOk7DLAND —On Abe lath inst. Mrs. Elizabeth Woodland, in the 75th year of her age. Funeral from the reendenoe of Mrs. Foster, No. 243 North Fifth street, on Onuday morning, at 10 o'oloo2 BLACK AND PURPLE 'DUALLY DE LAMER, 18X CENTP.—Jost received, one case of Stack and Purple Chally Detainee, at EIGHTI r AND THREE-QUARTER c oCENTS aya GRAY a MIXEDDE h uAINES. 12 3% CNTd Gray Mixed imported Delainen et only 123 E tents—re g itLitr price for the same goods MX cents. 131080 - & BON. Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. THE REV. H. L. HASTINGS. OF MO IN-M enne. L vnit preach at NauonatiLail f in t I L ' large saloon) TO-MORROW, at 10 A. M., S and 73L I'. M., and proclaim the great Bible truths advocated by Mr. Burnham. irrREV. KINGSTON GODDARD. D. D., wi (D. V ) preach for the Church of the Cove nant at Conoert Bail. TO-MORROW (Sunday) EVEN ING. at 734 °NANA. 1t• "RECOGNITION OF FRIENDS IN HE A VEX' —Rev. M. B. BALDWIN. pastor of the Olivet I3netiet Church. will preach on this subfiect in American Meehan? IIphFOURTH and Ot;tfitut :Streets. on 8A BRA' ft A RNOON. at 356. 2rLIFE. DEATH, AND IMMORTALITY. —rrofesgor MOB KIS' neeond Leanne on this ot at Assembly Buildings, TENTH and CRSIST- N fitreeta,lo-MORXOW EVP.JUNG, at 7X o'alk. Beats free. rt" [T. CHURCH OF THE ATONEMENT— Corner of SKYENTESNTD aid Streets, Rev. BENJAMIN WAVION. Reotor. The rite of confirmation Will be administered to this church br the sishop of the Diocese on SUNDAY NEXT, at 34 o'cook Y. M. Morning semen at 1034 o'clock. It• cry- lIIIITARIAN.—REV. J. M. WINDSOR, of ?tow York, will preach before the benne har• en Unitarian t An e r l E' and Hewn Hell, Sta In w, goo; o'oloet A. M., and 7); F. M. UNION M. E. CHURCH, FOURTH Street. below Arch.—Presching by the castor. e. ATWOOD. 10-blosltßoW MORNING. at 10% o'clock. EVENING et 7% o'clock. Young Mena Prayer M.etinic at 6% P. M. 11* sPiRITUALIS3I.—THOMAS GALES FORATERt of Ohm. will looting at ilsnuout- Street Ball on buriDAY, at 10)4 A. Ni. sun 8 Y. X. Ad mission 6 Gents. It. CHINA AND THE CHINESE.—THE Last Leoture of this course. before the Young en's Christian Assooiation, by Bev. W. A. P. MAX TIN, will be delivered on Tu Ft‘D AY .BVEN ENG next. lath inst., in the HALL OF THE UNIVERSITY. Subiect—" 'SY onderful Semi. Christian Nevoinuon now in Progress in China." Ththete2Seents — to be had at Presbrtenen Board of Publication. Yresbiterian nook Store, opposite :Mut ; American Treat eocietr• mar t en's Book /Store, and at the rooms of the YOUllt Christian aseoeiation. son 3t EfrPASSENGER RAILWAY NOTICE.— On the 7th of February, nit., an arrangement was made by the various Passenger Railways for the uniform sale of exchange taokets. This arrangement Ravine been violated by the West Philadelakia Rail way Company.," resolution VAS adopted at a meeting of the Board of Prezideots held April 11. 1861. that ail exchanges with that road shall cease on and after Mon day next. April 16th. By order of the Board. GEORGE WILLIA_ MS. President, api3 2f . HENRY CROSKEY, tleoretary. WSTATEMENT OF THE lINIOI I I. BANK. 541 required by the second section of the act of elieral Assembly of this Commonwealth, approv ed the 13th day of October. A. D. 1867. Amount of loans and d1u0unt5—_.—.—.....44114 802 95 108 128 94 due from other banks—. 23.667 47 • • of notes in mutilation...—.— 49,028 00 deposits, including balancesdue to other bank5....__... ...,_ 332.433 13 rifILADELYIIIA. April 12. 1011. CITY 01 .PHILADELI' : 1. James Lesley, Cashier of the Union Bank, berm( swore. d epose mu d say that the above statement is cor rect, to the best of my knowiedse and belief. JAMI.,B LESLEY, Cashier. Sworn before me, this /at h day of April, A. D. 1861. Jot), n It. ICK , Notary Public. irrPHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS, to be velueb.o must include health, liability to temperament. quality of brain. relative and real power of each of the faculties of the mind, and how to correct ana improve any defects of the physical or mental powers ;iota are made by J. L. CAPEN,who has had many sears experience, at the Cabinet. No. 922 Fo wle r E etreet,_ Pniladelphia. All Work. of ea Wells at Publishers' prices. WITH - -- SKILL, IH EVERY ADVANTAGE of light and superior instruments, does wonders in producing lite size Photographs in oil. Miniature Pho tographs, and embrotypes at RE/ME.S . S Gallery. iIIiCOND Street, above b MM. it. NOTICE.—The Citizens of the different Cities and Towns throughout the State are invited to competition for the place at which the next Am- NUAL iiTAT It FAIN shall be held. Proposals containing inducements and advantages, directed to tne undersigned Committee. appointed hi the Ex ecutive Committee. wilt be !encored up to and In °lndult May 3let next. communications snook be ad eised to either 01 the fo;low inOLDEß.g persons: Cls., JOHN P. it ILIHERFORD. JACOB EMIL JOAN H. ZIEGLER. Hattiaborg, Pa., Amos E. RAPP. .riortlitunkrerland, Pe-, COBIEUSW), apl.l.dtmyal THE BESII-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. TUI NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE is published every TUESDAY end FRIDAY. Contents of No. 1,656 [ April 9]: ARTICLES; The Antecedents of Louisiana; Two Datiaarona and Salt a mous Printers; Carl Schurz Tie Anumis" tiOns of Virginia; Treason and Disunion in New York Foreign Fallacies; DiplomaoY at Ease What is Loyalty' Mr. Dreokin ridge operate. lI—THE PO& riON OF TEE GOVERNMENT; The Despatches from Mier AtideTIJOR Fort Sumpter to be Provisioned; Decisive Into - ructions from the President ; Ito state of Feeling South th eheGreat Gulf Expedi tion Sailing of Fowhatan and the At lantic ; The Baltic and the Illinois to Fol low uther Vessels to he Got Ready ; Ex tensive Movements of Men and Material ;- Their Destination Unknown; Army ana Navy News; Secessionists ; t; The De signs of the The Babel!' Ultimatum Agreed Upon; Sailing of the Bahia and the Illinois; The Harriet Lane Off ; Steam- tngs Freeborn and Yank- e Chaoltred: Their Departure for the South. lII—FuSTAL sT ATISTICS. IV—SAMUEL WILKEHON TO TITURLOW WEED. V—NIGHT-NOT ES. VI—A ram bYSTEI4I OF PRIMARY IN STRUCTI.,N : Correspondence of the New York Tribune. VII—POETRY i" The Sacred City ;" "The New Forest " VI rI—THE DAYUESTION. IX—AGRICULTURAL I CFAS. X—THE PRO-SLAVERY REBELLION Sum mary of the Latest Neve. XL—L NEWS RECEIVED BY TEr E GRAPH: From Washieston—speoial De spatches to the New York) Titanic XII—FROM BALTIMORE: The Government in the Fie'd at Last. XIII—PROM MII IBBIPPIa Correspondence of the New York Tribune. XIV—FROM GEORGIA: Southern Military. Cor respondence of the New York Tribune. XV-eFROM SOUTH CAROLINA: The Conven tion on a Spree. XVI—THE VOTE I LOUP.IANA, XVII—THE REIGN OF RUFFIANISM inhuman Treatment of American Seamen in the Black Republic of Florida; Another illus tration of southern Humanity. XVIII—FROM HAYTI: Eringration from the United States; Weather. ko. XIX—AWFUL MASSACRE OF THE CREW OF' THE AMERICAN WHAMMY SHIP SU r hatIOIL , XX—THE SILVER CORD : Dr Shirley Wows. XXi--PLeiW YORK LEW& ATURE; Pressed ings in the Senate and Aesembly. XXII—POLITICAL. X XIII—P eRSON IXtV—CITY NEWS. X XV—MISO E LIA.N EOM XXVI—MARK MAGI ty AND DEA Tire. XX VII—THS TRIBUNE ALMANAC . FOR IBM XXvii TRIBUsiE PO o XXIX—COMMEROIAL MATT.P',RS r Full Reverts of the Stook, Moue, Cotton, Grain. and Cattle Markets. specially Reported for the New York Tribune TEEMS—One copy, for one year. $3. Two copies, one Year. e 5. Five comes, one year, Sllt2a. Ten copies, to sae address. $2O. For N Club of Twenty, we send an extra copy. For a of Forty, we semi the Daily - ~ ..riLitee gratis. THE N. Y. DAILY TRIBUNE, $6 per annum. THE N. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE; $2 per annum. For Club term, ate the Tribune of any date. Addreva apl3-d&WIL THE SUNDAY TRANSCRIPT, THIS WEFK. The undersioed having puroirseed the SUNDAY TRANSCSIEr. announne. vita great pleasure, that they will Me week introduce to the reading public, several NEW AND INTERESTING FEATURES, Besides the usual variety of CHOIOE AND EN rERTAINING LITERATURE. The contents of the next number will embrace TWO Lavio3 AnD A TEE CONTROLLING - INTrit.r.ISCTS OP PRANCE, MaNAGING A OF IIUSE_AND THE TRUE STORY F MAUD M 'IJLLER. Cr-INAS CIO SECRETS. THE WAY OF TRW WORLD, LIFE'S ROSES. A GREAT APPEAL FOR THE UNION. LINKRORN MORRIS AFTER AN OFFICE. THE LATEST SOUTEIHriItI NEWS. Local Iniedligencie, Editorials on the lissdleg tehiee of the day, &e.,_ &c. 'RICE THREE CENTS. Sold everywhere. GREENE & CO., It No.llo South THIRD Street. TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. VANOY GOODS AND DRUGGSITS' -a- ARTICLES. W. D. GLENN, 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, threw M. the trade tor Oftall, o 4 on the tttetel eredtt, a large and well assorted Stock, consisting in part of French, English and American HAIR BRUMES, TOOTH, NAIL, BRAVING, and CLOTH BRUSHES, COMBS, of all Materials and Styles, PERFUMERY and. SOAPS in great variety, PURE ESSENTIAL OILS. TOILET BOTTLES and PUFF BOXES, SMELLING BOTTLES and FLASKS, r POCKET-BOOKS, PURSES, and PORTMONNAMS, CHAMOIS SKINS. GENUINE LUBIN'S EXTRACTS AND LOW'S SOAPS. Always on hand. 1111'29-1m PRICES LOW. E. McLAIN'S COCOA-NUT OIL' AND QUINCE SEED. It will cure Dandruil. It will make the Hair grow. It end prevent the Hair from falling. t will give the Nair a beautiful nark gloss. It will keep the Hair in Place. It will ne +er spoil in any climate. It will not soil hat or bonnet It Is finely Perfumed. It is warranted in [ire satisfaction. L is prepared at ran. 334 11.1111 X -rill street. It is sold at most of the Drug and Fanoy Stoma. It is sold at 25a. 50a, and el per Bottle. A LIBERAL DISCI/UST GIVEN 10 WHOLESAL DIiALER 4 . apt-g4E GROCERIKS. EXCELSIOR HAMS. • • • . • • • . • • • . J. 11. M -• lOHENER. & CO., GENERAL PROVISION DEALESIC. . AND MARRS OF THE • . • • • CELEBRATED • "E •X' C'E SI. O , R" suchilt-cussimims.. • -• • • • • •••• NOS. 142 AND - 1,441 . NORTH. FRONT liT/UIET• ( Between Arab and Rae. Streeter) PHILADELPHIA. The justly-celebrated Exeelslor Barns are cured by J. R. In. & Co. (in %style peouliar to thlmeelve.), 4=- 1)1'0981Y forfsrn tip use; are of deliolone tlavorrftee from the unpleasant tare of salt, end are pronounced by epi cures eupenor to any now offered for sale. aria 3m BRANDIES.—Just arrived, per Rich mond. 235 Pkgs Pellevoi•in Rochelle Brandy, Pale and dark. in 34 pupa.. 3:_and 31 casks. Pinet. Castillon, & Co. Cognac, pale and dark, in 3( pipes, 34 and 3‘ casks; Boomit, Dulmuobe, & Co. Cognac. pale and dark. in 34 pipes, If and % oaaks.and mbar fine Cognacs, pale and dark, in assorted pkgs Barton & Goestier Brandy, in pipes and 3( casks; Hivert Pellevotsin Roohelle, in 31 pipes, A( and 3‘ eaaks, pale and dark. Imported ano for sale b• HAN RY BOHLEN & Co., 221 and 223 Bontfl FOURTH fluent. NEW BURLINGTON HERRING. FIRST OF THE BEASON. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE. splf THE TURF• 54,150.00 IN PREMIUMS 0 3 k ; sUFFOL Az of III A ZIO K . 2 I;E L fo A r I TIFEL , owned in the state of Pennsylvania ; beet 3 in 5 to Harness. May 9. 1861—Purse of 8760.—Free for all norsee owned in the State of Pennsylvania; beat 3 in 6 to Wagon. May 14. 1861—Puree of 9160.—Free for all Horse, that have never trotted better than 2.40; beet 3 in & to Harness. Same day—Purse of 8100.—Free for all Horses that have never trotted better than 2.46; beet 3 in 5 to W 116013. May 10—Purse of 8200.—Free for all Horses that have never trotted be ter than 2.93 en Harness ; beet 3 in 5. 8g me day—Purse of 3100.—Free for ail Horses that never have trotted better than 82.40; best 3 in 5 to Wagon. May 16—Puree of 8300.—Free for all" Green " Horses that have never trotted in public; best 3 in 6 to Harness May 17—Purse of 8160.—Free for ail Bores, that have never trotted better than 2.404 mike anti repeat to Harness. Same day—Puree of CU.—Free for all five-year old Colts ; beat 3 in 6 to Harness. May 22—Purse of 81.260—Free for all Horses owned in the State of Pennsylvania. 2 miles and repeat to saddle. Three or more )Entries to make a Race. The above ntri es will primitively o!ose on tbe 25th of April with 10 per cent . at Janncey .t Goodin's Western Hotel, WIG MARKET Street. shove Eighth street. at P o'clock P. M. All entries must be sealed. and will positively close as above mentioned. sill En • tries must be directed to D. F. WARD. spit. dtap33* Proprietor of Suffolk Park. DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? ' DO YOU WANT WHISKERE DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A AIOUSTACHE ? BELLINGHAM'S CELEBRATED STIMULATING ONGTJENT, FOR THE WHISKERS AND HAIR The sobsoribere take ?ilium in announcing to the citizens of the United States that they have obtained the Agency for. and are now enabled to offer to the American public the above jnatly-ceiebrated and world-renowned article. THE STIMULATING ONSUENT Is prepared by Dr. C. Y. BELLINGHAM, as eminent physusian of London, and is warranted to bring out a thick met of WHISKERS, OK A MOUSTACHE In from three to six weeks. Thie article is the only one of the kind used by the French, and in London and Paris it is in universal use. It is a btiantiful. econOmiCall soothing) Yet atiMala tine compound, acting as if by magic upon the roots' causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If ap tilied to the scalp it will cure baldreee, and cause to spring up in the place of the bald spotsu fine growth of new hair. Applied according to directions, it will turn asp or vowv hair DARK. and restore gray hair to its original miler,. leaving soft, smooth, and flexibte. The •• ONG UEetT" is en indispensable artiole in every gentleman's toilet. and after one week's lase they would not. for any coMndoraflorl, be without it. The subscribers are the only Agents for the ratiole in the United States, to whom all orders must be ad dressed. Price one dollar a box; for sale hy all Druggists and Dealers ;or a box of the °hit:DENT. " warranted to have the desired e ff ect. will be sent to who desire it,by mail, direct securely sacked. on receipt or price an d postage, 111.18. APP4 to. or address HORACE L. HEGEMAN & Co., Drortrizta, &0.. 24 WILLIAM Street, New York. Dycyrr & CO., No. IMO North SECOND Street, Piti nth2ll-3m talelrhiit Agents. S . TATIONERY ANQ JEW.NLAY N- 7 paokages furnished to Agents and Deallrikt# van reduced rates. Phu(or send stamp.) &02 CREIII NUT Street. Plulade Pa. sp9-11&" FAiu44l4 & co, THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA., SATURDAY', APRIL 13, 1861. BALZAO'S NEXT NOVEL. READY TIM WEEK : THE ALCHEMIST , The third of the Series of Balzact's Standard Novels. Translated from the French br O. W. WIGHT and F. B. Goonnicn, (Dick Tinto.) One elegant Mao volume, cloth bound. Price 71. CIIARIAB DICKENS, In " AN the Year Round," says of this great novel " For truth. delicacy, and pathos it has been surpassed by no novelist of any nation. or any tints." ALSO NOW READY, NEW EDITIONS OF PETTY ANNOYANCES OF MARRIED LIEN, The second of the Batson novels, in uniform binding and price. 81. One of Balzao's most piquant produc tions; an amusing vintage of Parisian married life. CESAR BIROTTEAU, The first of the Balzao series. uniform binding and Price, SI. A strong and well-drawn novel of businaui habits and character inTaris. * 4 * anted OM by maiii Postage free, by RUDD 8c CARLETON, apla-swot PUBLISHERS. NEW YORK. PROFESSOR 1101.1k1ES 7 NEW WORK. CURRENTS AND COUNTER-CURRENTS 111 MEDICAL SCIENCE, WITH OTHER ADDRESSES AND ESSAYS. BY OLIVER 'TUMULI. HOLMES. 1 vol. I2mo. Price 81.26. This volume contains, in addition to the celebrated Essay on Currents and Counter-Currents." the Es says on "Homeopathy and its Hinflred "The Position and Prosreate of the Medical Student,' "The bleahanlem of Vital Actions." and others. THIS DAY PUBLISHED BY TICKNOR & FTV - 1.,1)5, BOSTON arl3-sw2t And for sale by all Booksellere. T tiE DOCTRINE AND POLICY PROTECTION, WITH TIM HISTORY. OF OUR TARIFFS, PROM THY. ORGANIZATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERN MENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY DR. WILLIAM ELDER. Now that a desperate assault is being made upon the new Tariff to prejudice the nubile in advance against it. end. if POSSible, to have it repealed, it is important that Its friends should ba prepared to combat the specious arguments of its antagonists. Nothing will better serve this purpose than the circulation of the pamphlet whose title is quoted above. which is one of the ablest and most interesting documents that have ever appeared n smolt of the true American pulley of teetering the great industrial interests et cur country. It Will be forwarded by mail or express for 10 cents per single copy; 75 oents per dozen ; 65 per hundred. Address RINGWALT & BROWN, apt-tf No. 34 SOUTH THIRD Street, Philadelphia. THE TRIBUNE, New York NIACAULAY'S _HISTORY, VOL. V., _ ENGLISH EDITION, Bvo. Pain 82,50. JUST RECZIVAD BY LITTLE, BROWN, & 00., 110 WASHINGTON STREET, ap9-tuthr.-3t-if BOSTON. BEAUTIFUL BOOKS AND GOLDEN GlFTS—Bunch the Mind and Embellish the Person: Procure your suvplies of Literature from the eren sore stock of GBOND b. O. EVA?' S. 439 CHESTNUT street: A VALUABLE PRERENT, combining utility with ornament. accompanies every book sold, Our list of New Publications embraces the following choice works : C" LIFE AND TIMES Of El ENRY CLAir," a work of powerful interest, by one of America's most valued biographers, S. M. 8111.IICHER, LL. D. Mr. Smucker has made numerous valuable contributions to our biogra phical literature. and in the volume before us we be hold his happiest efforts. Every admirer of tee la mented Sage of Ashland" should posse's a grate f ul this noble work, and ever ho'd the author in reniambranee for its timely presentation. Elegant steel portrait. 1 vol. 81. TILE " CROSSED PATH." a story of modern life and manners, by Wuxi: CoLLINs. All who have read and admired the " Woman in white," the " Dead Se cret," eta.. will aasuredly welcome the " Crossed Path." it is Collier' latest and best work 1 vol. $1,25. "TWELVE SERMONS," by tfoxiiics MAritc. Theca discourses. touching certain mooted theological Points, are marked witlithe clear, logical reasoning for which the able author is so dietingmehed. They are meeting with extraordinary favor. I vol. 81. THE SABLE iILOT.ID. a Southern tale with North ern comments. Here we have many facts Dertelping to the " peculiar institution," submitted for the diges tion of enthuaieets upon either a de of Mason and Dila on's line ; a book profuse in materiel and replete with varied interest. 1 vol. 75e. AuTOIMOGRAPHY, ETC.. OF MRS. PIOZZI f ThIRALE), by A. $1.41.VA.119, rtes The many readers of Boswell's Life of Johnson' will be gratifiedto note the appraranoe of this, charming volume. It abounds in anecdote and reminiseence of Dr. Johnson and the circle of winch he was the centre. I vol., Portrait. VI. The beautiful Boriptura] Works of Ingraham, the thrilling Biographical Writings of Smucker, the in comparable Fictions of Dickens, the delightful Moral Tales of Arthur, together with all the latest produetione in every department of literature, at the Publishers' lowest prices. /I,_ HANDSOME PRESENT, varying in value from 50 CENTS TO 8100, given with each book sold, at GEORGE G. Ewa's , POPULAR GIRT. BOOK EMEOBIUM, ape tf No. 439 ctiEsTrimr Street. BOOKS, LAW AND MISOELLANEOUS, new and old. bought, sold, and exchanged. at the FIVILADEIP.FIIA-BAKN BOOK STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distanoe purchased. 'raw having Books to cell, if at a dietsnee, will state their *lame., mass. bindiogs,_datee, editions. pewee, and (mutations. WANTED—Bonita printed by Benja min Franklin. as well ea early Books printed in and upon Amerioa Autograph Lettere and Portraits pur chased. l'aniphlet sent fee . Penney Wallis for sale. Cata logues. in prem. aent free. Libraries &petal/led by fe2g-tf JOHN CAMPBELL. RETAIL DRY GOODS. Ifi'IROM AUCTION. JIL - One Lot of IVl.ovimbeieee at 18%, worth r 7% One Lotof double-wroth Ginehsrne at 123 i. 0130 Lot of Table Linens et 400.. worth ISO. 150 Doz . , Towels et 01.20 per dozen. 60 Dos. Lathan' Udefe. at 01,00 per dozen. One Lot of Black Lace Veda at 8736. worth $1.25. The above Goods will be opened s morn T inc at JOHN thi R. SOKES', 702 ARCH Street. GOOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES.— New arrival, of the cheapest staple and Fancy TRIMMINGS at the More No, 103 North EIGHTH Street, only almond door above Arch. Kid Gloves. 25 cents a Pam worth 50 cents Mohair Nets. 10 oents apiece, worth 26 cents; Tarl etane, two yards wide. 12 cents a yard, worth 26 cents; India Rubber Combs, 6 cents apiece, worth 12 cents; White Curtain Fringes ! from 5 cents up tols cents. worth double the Price La full bne of Silk and Mohair Mitts, extremely cheap; Dress, Wrapper, and Mantilla Trimmings. of the latest fash ions, at astonishingly low prices; the hest variety of Dress and Wrapper Buttons, Paris and London styles ; Shawl Borders. of all widths. at less than half price ; Hoop Skirts, of the beet makes, chooser than else where; the finest assortment of Pelt Ribbons; Hair Nets, of the last improvements . Ladies , our stook is too numerous to be specified; it will be to your inter est to visit this place of bargains. No. 103 North EIGHTH. street. only second door above Arch, and convince yourselves of the fact. The Fropnetor being manufacturer of Ladies , Trimmings, is enabled to offer you more inducements than any other store in this city. W M. LUNN ER STADTER. mh3o-1m 103 North EIGHTH at, Id door ab. Arch. ()PEEING OF' FRENCH GOODS FROM AUCTION—SALE OF L. Se B. CURTIS. AT PRICES MUCH. BELOW THE "USUAL RATES. Paris Grisaille Beteg. An 10e, last season 19. Paris-printed Camayeux Raregea. 25a. Satine Cannele Bareges,37lso, cost 50 to import. High coi'd Pans Mons-de-Lamee lie, last ;season 44. Fans Anatiques, suitable for Friends, 37350, New style Paris-printed Challis, 500. 5-4 Pans Broche Poplins, 440. 100 yards Bolcom° Florenoes, very scarce. 6-4 Pane Fil-de-Chavie, beautiful. 6-4 Paris Taffetaa Griming, 650, rttriti BTOOhe fir just Poplins, rich designs. LADIES' CL &KINGS, opened, in every va riety. Spring Cloaks, all the new styles. Also, the following, domestic, goods, purchased for sh: ewe 4-4 bleached Muslin, splendid, 90. 1 case 4 4 unbleached Muslin, fine, 543. I ease 4-4 unbleached Muslin. heavy, 100. 1 case 4-4 C. Adams St Ron's. 10c, 1 ease 4 4 Masonville, 1.23G0. 2 cases 10-4 bleaehld Sheeting. 260, 2 oases 12-4 bleached Sheeting, 300. O.IIARLnB ADAMS Se SON, t0.h.27.4f .bIGHTH and ARCH Streets. NEW:DRESS GOODS. Gra.y Wide Broohe FAnred Poplins. Gray Wide Silk and Word Goods. Fine Mozambionea. Parimennes. Travelling Goods. Mohair Cheeks. Beet Blag.ii Silks. Bombazines. Lupin's Mask Wool Detainee. Lawns, 0118114161117 Goods, Gingham. WRITE GOODS of every domination. COOPER & COPIARD. est ;Southeast corner NINTH end MARKET. SPRING CLOAKS, 1N ENDLESS VA P`-'riety at IVENS'. WRING CLOAKS, IN EVERY NE' lkjetyle,at IVENB'. ish2l-1m No. 23 8. Math street RING 01.40AES, THE CITEAPES W IL ' aver seen. at IVENS', No. 23 S. Ninth street. NEW STYLE O.LOAKS, EVERY NEW style, every new material. at prices that astonish every nue, at the large store, PI. E. corner of Eighth aid Walnut street'. mlat-Im CITY OLOAK STORE, NO. 142 N. "•-• Eighth street, above Cherry, are now gelling every new style of the season, superb qualities, in every new shade of color, cheaper than any other store in the oily. inh2l-1m—Pirholesale Merchants are in cited to inspect the stook at IVENS', No. 23 Bottth NINTH Street, corner of Jarne et., mh2l-1m Between Market and Chestnut. JEW OLOTIIS, CABSIMERE4S. Fano! and flack Canaimarep. Boys' Wear, Ladies' Cloaking& rdamilies and Valencia Vostinge. Complete stook of Cloth Goods. COOPER it CON ARD, a .1 Southeaatoorner NINTH and MARKET SPRING CLOAKS, Daifi adding , new styleL Daily taking ordons =or vlaalias and Mantle COOPEX & 00tiaRk apt Southeast corner KINTii and MARKET PYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND -al-a ANCIIt will have all their New York Aviation SILKS diaelarad to-day. Wks of Newest &flea Bilks at Low Prices. Petite Aloft Fashipaalrlet spa G REAT SALE CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, LACES, TRImAILNGS, &c., In liquidation of the Eidite of J. W. PROCTOR & Co.. 7O CHESTNUT STREET The Stook consists of SPRING CLOAKS, ENGLISR TWEED CLOAKS, SILK CLOAKS AND SAW-UM SILK MANTILLAS, MANTILLAS, LACE FLOUNCING% FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS, FRENCH LACE POINTS. FRENCR LACII BOLTAMOVX, TRAVELING SUITS, FLOUNCING LACES, DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, &a., &0., All in immense variety, and to be sold at about ONE-HALF THE USUAL PRICES, FOR THE BENEFIT OF CREDITORS To facilitate sales ! and enable purohasers to make Plain 3 t saisntinns, ALL GOODS will be marked in PLAIN FIGURES, for which purpose the store will be closed on SATURDAY, April iath. and the sale will commence MONDAY, 15th, And oontinue till the whole is disposed of AT 2HE , PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 70S csEersur STREET. ap,B to SO CHARLES ADAMS & SON—EIGHTH AND ARO2 STREETS— • Will offer. this morning , a floe assortment of MELIA SHAWLS. purchased at "Motion. and for sale at a very small advance. ranging in price from Si to Sle. Also. a fine assortment of .DRESS GOODS. ` , Mani Detainee, every variety. from 12340. to Mo. Chene Mohair., neat Myles. from 193. to We. Ottoman. blirteline. and Diagonal Poplins. Silk. Embroidered. and Embroidered Diagonal Foy- Neapolitan Silk Mica Mohair., 760. and fffo. LA DI r.S' CLOAK'S GS, in stripes end plain Dolor.. The latest shape of HOOP SE iRTB tor Ladies and Misses, of the beet quality. both tied, and wide and narrow tape. FRENCH COLLARS AT HALF PRICE. small lot just purchased, which we will guarantee to be MCI 'd at one-half tee usual price. Grenadine Voile, all colons and coalition. _ Veil Bareges, ell oolong, minding Solferino and drab.. Particular attention Is requested to our House Fur nishing Goode. Shirting Linens. the best article for 2So. ever offered, and batter qualities in proportion. Ballard Vale Flannels, a full line. came 4-4 uninenobed Mucha, fine ge• 1 case 4 unbleached beith". /00. 1 case 31 pinched Muslin, MO. 1 cue 4.4 bleached Muslin, 9o.—splendid. I case 4.4 C. Adams & Son, lea. 3 came 4-4 0, Adam. & P0n.13340. 6 4 Boott Mille. amoakeag and Dodgeville. 1 ease 10 4 bleached Sheeting, 26e, usually 311,10. 'I one° is 4 bleached Sheehan, 31:10, venally 400. a. 184 OP E N IND OF SPRING MANTLES AND COATS. H. STEEL lc SON, No, 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates. Have now oven a levee assortment of SILK AND CLDTR MANTLES AND. COATS, 01 THE 1111WkaT AND 14.71161 Black Silk Ohestertlelde, Slack Silk Ilassacues, Sleek Silk &manes, Black Silt Walking-Coati. Black Silk Meares. Also, all the above et lee in LIGHT-COLOED SUMMER CLOTHS. At ouch ;o‘. price. that MY ALL CtrairWrlTlON, CHEAP SILRO AND DRESS GOODS. apl3 FYRE AND LANDELt , FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, Will have all their Auction Goode open and displayed early this FPOThil22. Meek Dress Hareem High Co'ored Be , eges. Black Crape de Espana. Egli Colored ao. Fine Black Tsmartineir. High Colored .Tainartines. Dark Gray Gusailles. Extra Sleek Challies. Merino Shawl.. Silk Fringe. Thigh Colored Thibet Shawls. Black Thibet 1 one Shawle. Dewed thwder Steam,. Bleck Cashmere Stella.. Colored usehmere Stellas. Black Stellar, all grades. N. B.—The above are all ¬ion bought, and well adapted to PkIthISYLVANIA TRADE. apl2 fiIHARPLESS BROTHERS Eve placed in a "Department, Bap from thaw Spying /Stook, A collection of JOB LOTS Of Bering and Summer Dress Goods, Comprising Orlandies , Baregeg. Lawns, cheap oilks, Chintzes, Lawn and Organdy Robes, Alt of Robes, Flounces, and Jamie ; Alt of which will be gold At nearly half of usual prices, So as to show only fresh Goode In the other Deipartmezata. aplB CHESTNUT end EIGHTH STS TYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH Have an assortment of SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS SHAWLS To suit the Piet-0011 Trade. ISTELLAB, FROM LOW TO FINE. BRAWLS, OF ALL PRICES. BLACK. SILK SHAWLS. ALL GRADES. TRIBET SHAWLS, MODES AND BLACKS. apIO-St-wfsecruwe EYRE &; LANDELL Are prepared to sett NET-CASH M.IYERS NET-CASH BUYERS NET-CASH BUYERS WITH FINE LINE OF DRESS GOON. FINE LINE OF DRESS SILKS. FINE LINE OF BLACK. SLIMS. FINE LINE OF moyaunquEs. aplo.6t-wfsdcmwa pRIOES MODERATE. RAPSON'S, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STB., KAYE NOW OPEN A few elmiee styles of LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, LACE TRIMMINGS. BUGLE BUTTONS. ALL-SILK BELTING% FINE QUALITY SHETLAND WOOL. RAPSON'S TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS. apll-4t ANTILLAS. MANTILLAS. OPENING DAILY, AT WM. P. CAMPBELL'S, No. 1124 CHESTNUT STREET, In his large and ELEGANT STOCK will be found the richest display of MANTILLAS, IN SILK AND FANCY CLOTHS, ard-lta EVER MADE IN THIS CITY. CLOTHS L. CLOTHS ! GASSINERES, VESTINGS, LADIES' CLOAKINGS, AND 4 300DS SUITABLE FOR BOYS' WEAR, WROLESALE AND RETAIL. Chase at SNODGRASS & STEELMAN'S, 62 South SECOND Street, above CRESTNUT. apt-12t A PRIM, 1.861. .rx LARGE CASE PURCHASE OF NOM TUE CHEA.PEST IDLES IN PHILADELPHIA, THOHNLEY ;lisle have just bought FOR NET C4Bll. I lots of Black Silks, of superior quality. and very cheap. 3 lots of Rich Charm Silks, in Stripes and Plaids. for 75 cents. Importers' price for which has been 511.10: lot Heavy Pole de Soles. solid colors, in Browlia. Greens. !dodos. Purples, sr. $l. Importers' once 01.15! 1 lot of Double-raved Black limeade Silks. very dead- Blob Borate Robes, 5 and 9 Flounces, at 50 cents, on the dollar. 1 lot Challis De Drapes for 150, worth 25. Beautiful Dress Goods, in great variety. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS Linen Goods ofour own Importation. ic r , k we j :Locm Table Lmmut. Damasks, Table Clothe, Spring Cloths, Carmmeres. Vesting's, &a. &o. At THOHNLEY & CR15115.13, N. E. narrow ICItiIITH & SPRING GA H DEE Sts. N. open in a few days Bilk Mantles, and French Lace Goods. Opel T. & C. FOULARDS FROM AUCTION AT 44 CENTS. Broom and Whits Foulards, Blue and White Foulards. Blank and White Foulards. Medallion Style Foulards ape EYRE & LANDELL.FOURTR and ARCH. • NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT plane. with full specifications. for the erection of Public Suhool tßonee in the Eightrern Ward, will be mowed by the undersigned at the Office of the Con• trollern of Pubite Elehoolio. southenst corner 01 SIXTH and ADELPIII Streets, until SATURDAY, the 271 h day of April, 220, at 12 o'cloot M. The eatellobool Rouse to be erected on a lot of near n u ggi l oricritr t ifil i t P i tO I!..', l 9ll:Algtain A h v el:Fit: to be oapaole of accommodating six hundred pupils, and not to cost over ieven thousand collars ( 217,000), including all expenses for plane, specifications. 'superintendence,. Ooooroies to the ordinance passed by Coewpils, 3:m -o:arm will be paid for any plan not annrovao by tbo cantrollere, Or order if the Committee on Prtmerti, ROBSRT .F. IN Via PHILL, epl2-9t Secretary Controller' of Public &thee's. QIIOULDERS.-1,100 pieces city smoked I+7 Molders for sale by C. C. SADLER lc CO.. 103 #.4cst 4reet,irepont_l door Om, Front. sTO BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! AT 839 CHESTNUT .STREET. Having reduced our expenses to a very low figure, hi renting a portion of our store for a limited period. we are enabled to make great reductions in the prices of our Goode. We would call your attention to OUR LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK op COLLARS, UNDERSHIRTS. DRAWERS, HOSIERY. GLOVES, BUPPENDk.RE, TIES, HAMM, OF THE LATEST STYLES, • AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Which you are reeyeetfelly invited to examine, at SPENCER'S, 889 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE CONTINENTAL. ante-wets-Mu MERCHANT TIVILOR E. O. THOMPSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, N. E CORNER WALNUT AND SEVENTH ST., Announces a New Htook of FINE SPRING AND SUMMER MATERIALS, FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Consisting in part of very desirable Myles of leper French and English Melton CLOTHS, COATINGS, CASSIMERRS, selected with amnial earn and referenoe to the wants of a DISCRIMINATING AND F ASTID !OHS CUSTOM. Ho °Mire the following inducemente for your pa tronage Good Material, a Yerfeat Garment, and Punctuality and Preoision in the execution of all orders, INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. apl.3 tuths-2m JEWELRY, 4ffze. o ft i PATENT STUDS! I SM PATENT STUDS! • The Improved Patent Lever Spiral Spring SAFETY STUDS, and the Patent PEA is L OEBTRE, having been thoroughly tested, and possessing advantages over every other invention, are being very generally adopted lir Gentlemen of taste. Rola Wholesale and Retail ONLY ELI 1-IOLDEN, 708" MARKET STREET, Importer of Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry. apre-statbsei BARGAINs! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! 839 CHESTNUT STREET, liming reduced our expenses to a very low 14ure, by renting a portion of oar, More for a limited period, we are enabled to make great re duction in the prices of our Goods. We would call your attention to the following list of prices : BEST QUALITY MUSLIN SKIRTS 51200, nonsl $3.60 GOOD 1.75. " 226 000 D " " 125, " 1.50 BEST " LINEN COLLARS 200 per doz 2.50 BEST " " DRAWERS 1.50. zonal 2.00 GOOD 4$ L 25, BEST JEAN " 100, " 1.25 GOOD 0011EVOISIER RID GLOVES 120, " 1.12 A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOSIERY, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS. TIES, UDKFS OF THE LATEST STYLES, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, 17Thieh yen are rasamottully invited to examine, at SPENCER'S, 839 CHESTNUT STREET, APPOSITE THE CONTINENTAL. mh26-tiuts-tf FINE WATCH REPAIRING. PERSONS HAVING FINE WATCHES that have hitherto given no satisraotion to the wearers, are invited to bring them to our store, where aR defeats can be remedied b► thoroughly skilful and 'mantilla workmen, and the watch werracted to give wane tatisfeation. Mantel Cloaks, Magical Boxes. &o. ourefully nut in ownvlnte order. FARR & SROTILER, bnyortens of Watches. Musical Boxes, Clouke. &0., apit-Sm 394 CREST! UT Street. below Fourth. MILLINERY GOODS. skoßiNa OPENING OF CI-lILDREN'S GOODS, THURSDAY, APRIL 11. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, aptl-H No. 724 CHESTNUT STREET. SPRING MILLINERY. KISTEIVS, N 0.145, North E(GETH wow street. will open their new etyles of Crepe, Silk. end Straw Bonnets, THURSDAY, April /B, at 145 Borth BiGHTH Street. npl2-6r LITHE SUBSCRIBERS WILL HAVE AN opening of Spring and summer Bounete on THURSDAY. April 14 to whieh they would espeeially call your attention. A. F. FORTUNE & CO., TOS SOUTH SECOND Sreet, WO 4t* Mesita Antnend inn MRS. M.A. KING, 27 South Second MAW street. will open a eplendid assortment of Spring and Rammer MILLINERY, on TRURSEAY, April 11th. apB 6,* rip MRS. R. JACOBS, No. 212 NORTH VOL EIGHTH Street. will open a FASHIONABLE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING MILLINERY, on THURSDAY .April 11th. ape -lm /vii MRS. M. S. BISHOP, 1016 °REST waionyr street, ha* rooeived a choice assortment of PARIS MILLINERY for the Spring. mb.l9-Im MISSES CoBRYAN. 914 CHESTNUT Street. will open PARIS MILLINERY for the Spring. on THURSDAY. April intird-rm- LEGAL. ANNA PALAS, BY DER NEXT friend, &o,vs. JOSEPH V. PALAS. Court of Common Pleas, March Term, 1860, N 0.87. And now, March 2d, A. D. 1851, on motion of Wm. E. Hood, keg attorney _for Itheitant. the Court order a decree of divorce, a =noel a rnatrimonzi, to be entered in the above cm. iN TEIR ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE n- CITY AND (`AUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Name of DAM EL CAHILL. deceased. The Auditor appointed to &edit, settle. and adjust the account of Thomas Owens, Adruirostrator de bents non cam testament° sitisexo. of DANIEL CAHILL. de ceased, and report distnbution of the balance in the bands of the adrainignstor, will meet the parties inte rested for the purposes of his appointment, on 'l'U ES ii"V„ April 16th.1661.4 P. M., at his office , 1512 WAL NUT Street. in the oily of Philadelphia. &Osten 6t WM. mltfifiT, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTIOE.—In the matter of the Estate of:JOSEPH HIiNSICKEH and Wife. of Montgomery County, assigned for the benefit of creditors. The auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of send county, to resettle and restate the amounts filed by Henry D. Mimicker. John Hems. and Charles Hun stoker, assignees of the said Joseph Hamacher and wife. in trust for creditors. and to report distribution of the balanee that may be found in their hands, to and among the persons legally entitled thereto, will attend to the deuce appertamme to his appointment. at the Arbitralion Room, in the Court House, in the borough of Norrutown, au said county, on WEDNEtI)A.Y, the 17th day of April, 1861. at 10 o'olook in the forenoon, attendd where all persons intereeted are requested to B. F. HANCOCK. Auditor. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS -A- FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA. MAN E. JEFFRIREIJIT her vest friend Samuel IC. Kille,va. SAMOA p.,JIO,:PRIIIES. 74• so erm,lB6o. . In words. To JOSHUA F. JEFFRIES, Respondent above named: TARE NOTICE.—The Court has tide day granted a rule to show cause why a Divorce, a vincula matri should not be decreed between you and your wife, SUSAN E. JEFFRIBIS. the Libellant above named, returnable SATURDAY, April 186h,.1841, at 10 (Mock A. M. Publication being made of above. owing to the ab sence of Respondent, &wording_ to the Rule of Court. HORACE L. PET.P.RBON. Attorney for Libellant. apn-ws 4t• March 29, 1861. 'DAVID GEORGE HAS THIS DAY EX -et-, eouted and delivered to me an assignment for the benefit of hie oreditors, without preference. All per sona indebted to him wilt make payment, aed theca having claims against him wilt present them to JESSE GEORGE. Assignee. Blookley and Merlon Road. mh23-adt * Near Heatonville , Twenty-fourth Ward. corAßTNzEszur NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership lately existing between ISAIAH WOOLSION and SAMUEL, C. &Kim, under the name of WOOLSTON & SMITH, was dissolved on.the eighth day of April, A.1) .1861 , by pintos' oopient. s All debts owing to the said partnership are to Ins re ceived by, and all demands on the ssid partperetan are to be promoted to, Samuel Smith, who will continue the Liquor Business, at no, gtr7 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. 18AIAH WOOLSTQN, apll-et* &NUL. C. SMITH. fIOPARTNER73IiIP-M. GUGGENHEIM sad RICH/JO) CLARK entered into copartner ship on. the 20th day of March. 1801, under the sole of 31. GUGGENHEIM & CO.. and will continue the busi ness of the late drm of Vanhorn. OnanenheiM. in CO.. at 37 HOAR ROAT Street, rtuledpipkia RICHA . triteGßD CLARRSKIIEIIft . LOST AND FOUND. LUST—On Thursday morning, April 7th, going from Tenth street, near Chestnut, to Oben_ nut street, above Fifteenth. one GOLD BLEhVE DUTTON, octagon short. with M. P. marked in the Meta?. Any cee having found the 'tune will be hand- Fungi' rewarded by returning it at geDtd spitutlE Ducat. a.111.# N _ ,08T --Five Coupons, o. 206, 207, 250, ILA "MI, and 299. due Jan. 1868, issue of the county of Allegheny to the Pittsburg and Connelsville Railroad. A liberal regard will be 13170Z1 for the return of the name t o E_. P. fdIDDIATON. rablitf I North FRONT Street. WANTED—A Salesman in a Wholesale Urooers House. who can onmmand a large Gash trade. Addre.a "B." at the office of thispaper, With real name, status reterenoee , and ewe" ex peOted. mon 3t* w ANTED TM For every county m Penneylvenia, Maryland. New Jersey, SAO Delaware. active and energetio Marl of in teltigenoe and pleas= address as travelling atente. A chance to make money. email capital required. Thin 120 horntug. R ANS OM Ph i la d el ph ia il on e. E. BEAMAN, Ita IStreet. lien at* A LADY WISHES AN ENGAGEMXNT in a Private Family or School ; she is fully com petent to teach the French s .l.angnage, Music, end the common bmnohee of (Ln i• Tishah Education. References of a first rezmactabilttY given. Address .1. M.." Box 11313. mb943t* WANTED—EMPLOYMENT, by a per eon who him had several rears' experience an a Bookkeeper and Salesman in a Flour, Groin, and Pro duce Commission House. Is able and wLlang to make himself generally useful. "Inferences and Bounty if roaaitito. Addßum "T.G." at this Office. 111)114;* CAPITAL WANTED—To establish a Wiliam requiring $2O 000 to e 25 000 for & faotorY. and working ospital for the production of artioles of sore and unlimited sale. whioh will pa/ from 50 to 100 per cent. annual dividend. Address Box 1700." Philadelphia Post Offies. &I'S-tattle St' WANTED—A first•class Book-keeper io a M•doleeale Comnussion Homo. Addreas, arab reference. " Adams." office of The Press. aplo-10 W ANTED—A Lad to do Errands. Ad • • dress T." Pretax office. 0.09-tf WAIiT.M—AGENTB to sell PAOKA -OEB of STATIONERY and JEWELRY. at Irma ono third less than can be purchased elsewhere. Call on or address (clamp enclosed) J. L. SAIL EY. No. I(4 COURT Street, Boston. Maas. mh26.3m CLOTHING} WAN IED. —1! he highest oaah paid for Ladies' and Gelds.' oast-o6' Clothit_ lease eau or add:au M. D'APICONA. 622 SOU** alma. apB-12t* • pI'APLOYERS WAN TING YOUNG Men, so.. nm invited to madmen the " Employ- rtrnt Committee ,"_ et the Rearm of the YOuuE Men'e riethie Aseeolaton, )00i) ituil 1011 VlißuT/4 UT eet.ap3-ern _ _ PEOI AL PART N WANTEU.-A Drir-Goo•is Commission House of many wears 'tend ing, and witb mrsi. desirable connections. wishes to lo'm o oloi partnership with some person who stn contribu oPe te to the &pont of 800.000. fleess address Box 1153 Philadelphia Post Whs. ap9 12t* A MERWAN 801100 L INSTITUTE- Lit- 'ESTABLISHED 1 , 955—T0 supply Palliates and Schools with the best Teachers. To aid teachers to suitable appointments. To buy and man school properties on commission. To give parents ti!jll rmattoa of good schools,_ D. S. WOODMAN At COMPANY, (Late Mite. Woodnutu, & C 0.,) 596 BROADWAY, New York. mh9 mws-an 2S South 81X PH Street. Philadelphia. $20.1.000 TRUST FUNDS TO LOAN . on Mortgage of City Property, in sums of n 3,000 and JOHN B. rOLATIAN, mg-stuth 142 Eouth BlOlirra Motet, FOR SALE AND TO LET. di TO RENT—A very desirable four- JIM. story dwelling, No. 2.5 a North FRONTAltreg All modern ooneemeneee. LU1Ck1.4.9 & MONT GOMBRY. 1033 BEACH Street. ael3-ttn-2t* FOR SALE—The desirable four-story .11. 3 i1 DWELLING. No. 261 South SEVENTEENTH street i lot 19 by SOO feet. Only a small payment re guirsd. Appl7 to ALLEN & Kb's, Southeast corner FOVRTIT and WALNUT /Pa., apl3 3t* mooed floor. GREEN STREET.—For Sale—The throe-story DWELLING. wtth office att•olted, Nos. 1821 and 1874 GREEN &rest ; lot 96 by 197 feet. Terme very easy. Apply to AILL•OF & RIMS, eau thaeat comer FOUR,TII and WALNUT etc, apl3 Bt* second floor . fta TO RENT.—A rare opportunity is /la offered to a competent manager of a Boarding BGIIII3 b 7 the undersigned, who otrere to rent the premises formerly known ea the UNITED BTATEB HOTEL. situated en CUES fNUT Street. above Fourth. opposite the Custom gouge. The house eon taloa forty rooms all of which aro furnished. Tho dining-hall is ninety. fiva feat IR length. beanies kitchens, pantries. and every other convenience that can be desired. The premium have been fated up in a complete manner, and are ready for immediate ooeupanor. To a proper parson. having experience, a profitable business can be done. To an acceptable tenant the terms willh e made reasonable. For particulars apply to JOHN 131. a. on the premises, between the hours of 9 and 3 o'clock. apl2-14t 70, " 1.00 sis A FARM NEAR BURLINGTON, N. J.—Will be sold at Public sale, on the 27th day of April. 1861, a FARM of 60 Acres . late the P,operty of JOHN T. TROTH. deceased. Land excellent. and in a go a d state of cultivation, with frame dwelling contain ing 10 rooms. barn, hay- house. earriags-hmuns. This farm pollealtiell great advantages of situation in in a healthy neighborhood, and on the tiatlroed leading from Harlington to mount Hollr. by which Marl can be delivered at the gate; is 3 miles from Burlington. and within an hour's ride of Philadelphia, the oars passing eight times a day. It has a front 0f1.303 feet on said Railroad, on which are suitable sites for dwellings. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock' P. M. O DEACONP the Premises. JOHN C. . Administrator. VA FOR SALE or TO LET—Two Cot- Wee, near the Railroad Ptation, CHESTNUT Apply at Ofiiee No. 12. 820 WALNUT' Street. apt t-6t• CHEISTNIIT-STRAET 1101:16E and ATORE to rest,—The desirable tr bus' iisi 166 0634, 1332 cREnN UT IStreet,withdwelling atta ched. Apply at 431 .111E131141n envier. 11P11. apt! 'lO RENT—The Three-story Brick Ma. DWELLING. No. 1634 WALNUT Bt Immo diato,posseggion riven. Rent e 825. Apply to NAMU U. P.RILINB, 627 WALNUT et. aoll-thetu tf ea FOR SALE, OR TO RENT—The ItHAL.: large and completely furnished FACTORY, on the north side of THOMPSON street, extending from HANCOCK to CLINTON Streets. The building tits been need for a Starch Factory. and conta•ns a power fel Entine and complete Machinery for the maculae tura of Starch. but can easily be altered for other ma norooturiag purptS•46- AidDlY fl) tabriito R. KINGSTON, S. W. nor. THIRTEENTH and MARKET Ste., And • J. SERGNANT PRICE, ap6.121 No, SI3 ARCR Street. tvg GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO MU' RENT.—To Rent, the Varga and commodious WILLOW Howie rner ba t hRMAT street and WILL() Reenue, with gas, hot and cola water 2 and all the modern improvements. Apply to RENO Y 8. TACK, 710 01MP:a Street. Philadelphia, or on the premise.. spb-tf tittTO RENT—For the Fummer season, a commodious Country Rouse, with furniture, grounds, and titabling, within two hours' ride, by rail, of Pluladalphia. Apply to E. P. WILSON. at 333 MANKET Street; or address " JOSIAH wit,Fori, Parkereville. Cheater Co., Pa." ao4-11t* aFOR SALE OR TO LET-A very desirable four-story. brick DWELLING, with three•story double blink buildings, having all the modern conveniences, and is i n _per feet order; rotuated west of BROAD and near ARCH Seet. For particulars ap- Fir at N o . 213 orth Tit IR Li :street. sp3- ES TO KENT—TWO 00 UN TB, Y JIM NOUBCI3,one mile from 'Tawny. Inquire No. 717 WALNUT street. mltn-3m* RENT-THR LARriE AND CON VENIENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yazd. at Malandville. Twenty-fourth ward. Apply to E. C. it 11. WARREN. on the eternities. irm TO LET—A DESIRABLE DWEL LING._ NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Street. NDO) to WETBEHIL & BROTHbE, 47 and 49 orth SECOND Street. rnhl4-tf Fro LET-SEVOND-STORY ROOM, 802 CHESTNUT Ftreet. over LEWIS LADONLUS & Co.'s Jewelry Store. Tho beet location in Philadel phia for any lurid of light business. Apply in the Jewelry store. Rent 8400. fel9 RINT—A very desirable STORE, -a. on the Ninth-street front of "The Continental Hotel." The Store DA Ninth and Ransom streets °spa ei al IT adapted for a tIADDLS and Haarass Maker. Apply to JOHN RICE feektf Southwest NINTH and SANSUM btreeie. roB, EXCHANGE. -A CHOICE TRACT of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, convenient to the oity.will be exchanged for *icy property. Apply at No. 1151 FEDERAL street. 16.11-d- FOR SALE—The valuable Wharf ALPro perty and Lot of Ground in CHESTER. Delaware county. containing about three SATOII. bounded on the sonthby the United latates wharf. The buildings on the proven) , are wed adapted for manufacturing pnr- NOBte. Apply to OAMUF.I. PERKINB, apli-thstu6." 6.17 WALNUT Street. RR. OORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER • AND CONVEYANCEN., NORRISTOWN, PA. —Real Estate bought and sold on reasonable terms. Storm! and dwellings for sale or rent in Nomatown and Notary. Good mortgages negotiated. Collections made. e beat references given. d24-6m IpCOUBLIO SALE OF VALUABLE PRO PERTY. THE " EMPORIUM REAL ESTATE AND MANU FACTURING COMPANY." Of Mound fity. Pulaski county. Will offer at PUBLIC SALE, on the premises. On 'WEDNESDAY. the lath day of May next, A Large Number of DESIRABLh, BUILDING LOTS, Eligibly Located for &Ores, Factories, and Residence& A SPACIOUS BRICK. IRON FOUNDRY, WITH MACHINE SHOP, And all the appurtenances necessary for the business of manufacturing Fnmnes and 'loiters for Steamboats. Sugar. and all other Mills. used in the Southern and Western country. The Patterns comprise the modern improvements in machinery. with a mu and complete coalr Patten:of for Stovaik adapted to both wood and This troverty. from the advantageous looation of Mound city, is one of the moat valuable in the Southwest. Also, at the came time, A FIRST-CLASS THREE-STOKY FRAME MO DER.N.BUILT HOTEL, Containing some fifty rooms, with a full set of Furni ture. The Hotel is now come a large and presume business. Also a number of BRICK STORRS AND COTTAGE RESIDENCES. TERN.II OF 84kLE.-01104 0 Ufth (.1.1) cash ; the remain ing payments in 12. 24, and 38 menthe from date annum. bearing Interest at the rate of six per cent. per The cash payment may be made in the Bonds of the Company, and the rime payments will fit taken In the Stook of the Company at par, except mproved pro perty. for which three-fourths of the mar remain upon mortgage. As the Company propose to dispose of all their im. provements. capitalleta have a rare opportunity for pro fitable investments in one of the best located and most flourishing cities in the great Southwest. For particu lars, inquire of or address SEWS E. PEYTON, President E. R. E. & M. Co . in1122-tml4 Moe WS WALNUT Street, Philada. MISSOURI LAND I I 600,000 Acres for Sale and entry, at prices:mining from 1234 to SO cents per acre . in any quanttes re quired. TAXES paid and PATENTSprooured for purchasers of Land under the Graduation Act. Plats furnished gratis by enclosing postage stamp. For further information ale* to WILSON, ItA.WLIDIGEI, & CO.. U.S. and qpnerat Laud A yenta, UnESTNITT Street Between TH and IRD LOUI S. H, BT. IS. Mo. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. TWO PLEASANT BOOMS, ONE single vacant, anti/ board, N 0.1323 WALNUT Street. aplo-11t* pIRST -OLA SS BOARDING, WITH pleasant rooms, at No. 1411 LOCUST Street. mhl6-Im* igg GARDEN MANUAL and DESCRIP ..ah. TIVE CATALOGUE of Getden Seeds to he had gratis, at the Wholesale and Remll Warehouse of rikBCriALL. 1120 MARKET Street? 1L" • Flailedelptue. MILES' IMPROVED PLOUGHS, 2 Wiggle:l's Ploughs. peacock ploughs. Self-shana ening roughs. Bub-sot I Ploughs. Harrows of different 'Patterns, Cultivators, and Horse Hoes to,. for sale by D. LaNDRJR.TII k. BON, It* Noa. 21 and 23 South 131.XT11 Bt., Piffled& MS SEED OATS, American and import. ed. Peed Potatoes. Osage Orange geed, Myna pia Hoots. Rhubarb Itoor.agatszti. sort, jrnpiesnent and Seed Warehouse, Noe. 111 and 23 south SIXTH Street. virlilTE FISH .- 233 helf-bble. White • T Fish. For s* le on consignment bg C t SAD LER. it DO., N 0.104 Altcit Street, Suomi Street , door above Fro,* 11P1 BOA_RDIIY G. AGRICULTURAL. AA OADEMYOF MORO-THE OP IRA.- SIGNOR MUZIO has the honor to announce to the public that the Italian Artiste, associated under his direction, wlisHO Il_give ART PEASON OF OPERA. On their way to fulfil previously-made engagement/ in Cincinnati. 15t. WWI. Chicago ke.. bThe CIMMENCINti MONDAY, APRIL lath. 1 Company will comprise all the great leading nef Artists of last lesson-viz: MADAME PAULINE COLSON MONONA BRIGNOLL.FEARIIRP. MISS A. PHILLIPS, RIMINI. DUBREUIL, :BAWL'. Ro.. 1111 itAt. lb order to ;06 additional btilitatum to this lessen, en g s, e mentg have been /Waded with MISS ISABELLA - HINKLEY AND 64181 r•LARA LOUISE KELLOGG, Two of the meet suosessful young American Prima Donne that have ever appeared on the Lyn° Stage. An engagement has also been made with the anal,- distinguished tenor. !HONOR. lITIOL'LLI, This combination of artiste tanning the most bril liant operatic ensemble yet presented to the patrons o f the opera. OPENING NIGHT. MO • DAY, A mil lath. i DEBUT OF MISS 14ABeLLA HINKLEY. Only iLs TR o OV V A e TOPREora of LEOwORA _....--....--....___.Mies EINKLYti AZ tICHN A ..-.-.......... —.....--. ~M IPS PHEW lAA N RICO —„. 51GN ....................-- OR BRIG Nu I. C3UNT DE LUNA -.-_ ......_ RION° it FERRI DIRPCTOR AND CON - DUC ; Iiiii, — SIGNOR MUZIO. ON TUEIRDAY-ON TUESDAY. Meier y's Gmod_Tratio Opera of LA fIIIVE--LTRII JIM meg.) ON WEDNESDAY-ON WEDNESDAY. DEBUT OF MISS CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG, IN DONIZI67II'B LINDA DI CRABIOUNIX. PRICES OF ADMISSION: Pareuette. l'arilegUlTrot,. and Balcony, NI: reserved seats al omits extra ; amt- ly Circle. 60 cents; Amphitheatre, 25 cents. Tickets and reserved seats can be obtained at the Hog Office of the Academy (open daily, trout 9 A. M. until 4 P.M.): at Bock & Lawton'e Mucci &cm, No. 652. and Chicker ing's Piano Forte Wareroome, No. TIP Chestnut street. it WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. Bole Lessee-- —.Mrs. M. GARR ET4. I.3tar,e Manager -- Mr, WM. A. CNA P AN. Dueioe.iii Agent_ . Mr. YO!. H. !sup Y . THIS ( SAT UR D A Y ) E VENING, April 13. Will be presented the °pendia Drama, entitled THE EACH AHT REBtr. Stella, the Enchantress, Mies C. Richings ; Ramir. Mr. Y. Kichings. To conclude with the laughable Faroe of Titto; W ANDER the mirtaraEL, BCALT Ow raans.-1' ma °irate. (Beata mound with out extra oharge.) so °puts; parquet. (seats scoured at BO oente.)37% cent.; family (prole, 26 cents; private boxes, 85 and 83; orchestra. 76 cents. Doors open at 7 o'oloaa ; curtain wilt rise at 7% o'clock. WHEATLEY & OLAZIEE , ARCH-ST. • THEATRE. • LAST NIGHT O EDWIN F BOOTH, LAST NIGHT THIS SEASON OF TRAGEDY. THIS (SATURDAY' EVENING. April 13, The performance will comma OO with RICHe.J.TEU. Cardinal Mahal*" - ....Edwin Booth To onnalada strh THiS DUMB MAN OP MANCTIF.ATHIL rti DONOUGH'S OLYMPIO.—( LATE GAIFT2 FAO RACE Street. below 'h , M. SECOND NIGHTS SECOND NIGHT I of the great rrodnotion ; George_ iles,entitled UNCLEISAM S MAO LariTratN." Produced at a cost of 1/1)00 under the immediate dl. reotton of John E. MoDonough, ana Introduced in the celebrated romantioltlay_ of THE SE V EN SISTERS. J. E. MoDononth a 5.... _._ (Thole Sam In the ratreeentation of UNCLE SAMS ' SMAGIC LANTERN. Thepictures presented will be TDB PAST, TH s PRES lsN f, AND TEE FUTURE Acummuon—rarcuette. fb wen te ; unmeant, /So: Fa mily Circle. ; rrivate Box Seats, Ado. Doers oven at SX o'clock; martmenoing at 7%. A BEL & LEYLAND'S - ST WREOPTICON I ASSEMBLY TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. EVERY EVENING THIS (THE TENTH) WEEK. MOND A.Y—E_gypt and the Holy Land. TUESDAY—France, epain. En. W EDP( ES D A S--Ennland, &o. THURODAY—ItaIy, &o. FEZ PAY—Americo, do o. IS dU l TreVri ‘ ro ti e, P r l e t : n tgl i li i ir e ennb tz o e e r tirr_ _ 1 . (1, En. ',Dore open at 78 ' ; commence at 8 o'clock. MATINEE W EDo(ES DAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. Commencing at three o'clock. apil-St SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH STREET. • CIPEN FOR THE REARON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. MR. SANFORD Hu seem red one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore who will appear nightly. ad nrord will perform every evening. Door. open at 7; Commence at 73, Adinfelion 76 cents. Children le cents. SECOND QUADRILLE REUNION OF THE SECOND REGIMENT INFANTRY NA TIONAL GUARD. at the National IfinMtn,. RAI_ I I3 dtreet, below nafi a, on TUEdDAY k,VBNINO, April 16,1E61 1 lobate. 81; to be had of any of the Members, and of the Janitor at the flap. No Notate admitted utile= prepaid. ?TIRE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA GIVE their PUBLIC REHEMALS every RATUR. DAY. commeneing st eX o clock, at the edUeICAL PUNT) HALL. 8 tickets 81; single nekets,24 smuts. for sale at Chiokering & Ron's. 867 Chestnut street; Andre's.llBl Chestnut street; and Beok & Lawton'', Chestnut street. Enragemente for Converts. Commencement". Par ties, .to.. made only at tnotr Mee. Chickering_& Son s Piano Store, EX Chestnut Street; William Stoll, 224 North Juniper street. or C. liroughmsn, 1009 Ridge avenue. 1a.21-tf PEN NA. AOADEMY TUE FINE ARTS. The Academy is now elosed rolls public for a short time. in order to merge preparations l'orthe spring Ga lli/Armco, *licit *ill - °pion on MONDAY, the Md of April. spl-tf EDUCATIONAL. BRYANT, STRATTON, &FAIRBANKS' MERCANTILE COLLEGE, Eh E. corner EIE VESTA and CHESTNUT Streets.—Dap and E4l.4l{fig 54.18i043. itsdinictual instruction in Bookkeeping, in cluding General Wholesale and Retail Business. Ship mg, rwardingd Commission, Ranking, Ex change, Manntaomring. Railroading', Steamboatings ko,, the moat thorough and practical amuse in the Hutted States. Also, Lectures, Commercial Cadman tione, Arithmetic). anci the higher Mathematics, Pen- GalkaailiP (beat jn the city). Correetoncloncas ror eale , their new Treetine on nomaeeping. telly printed in color., and the best work published. seei-tf MEDICINAL DR. J. WISE, No. 30 North FIFTH Street. PHILAPELPRIA—Treate LS; sucoessfudy. if &p lied to in time, all diseases of the LUNGS. }COAT and GEARY, and frequently cures CONBUNIP lON in Its third and last stage. Be also restores all ourable diseases of the EYE and EAR. He hasAiven them his entire attention for he past M years. Will visit patients. when desired. at heir residences. and lm SAFES. LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. al Booth SEVENTH Btreet(near the Franklin Institute. The undersigned. thankful for peat favors, and being determined to went future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store, end has Deer on hand s large suriortment of Liltie's Celeb rated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglarroof Bass, the gni, stnotly fire and burglar proof s ae s made.) A lso, Lit he's Unequal led Bank Vault, Safe. and Bank Locks. Ldlie's Bank Vault Door! and Looks will be furnished to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best promoted, and cheapest Door and Look yetollered. Also, partial:day attention is called to Lilliela New Cabinet Sale for Flaw, Jewelry, &o. This lasts is emu oed to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fer for this purpose. and the only one that 111 strict ly fire and burglar proof. Helmut. Not ice.-1 have now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, k Co.'. Wes, most ot them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately ex changed for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be gold at very low emelt. fleas, ti ll and examine. rose- ty St. C. oADLEIti Agent. IN EVANS Pc WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES. STORE 804 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FLAB-PAW L SAFES alwai 4l s 9a hood. mhB- LNSURLNCE COMPANIES. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, FIRE Millifilt'SCAZlllsBrt DIRECTORS. George W. Day_ —.of Dew & Matlack. Samuel Wright_ " Wright Bros & Co. D. B. Bjrney—..-.. " Davis & Birney. Henry Leine. Jr " Lewis Bros & UG. C. Richardson. ..... "J. C. Howe & Co. Samuel T. Bodine..._ Pre s' t Wyoming Canal COMP'S. Jno. W. Eserinan--of J. W. Evarruan & Co. Geo, A, West-- , „ West & robes, T. d. Martin— • eaves's, Martin, & Co. 0. Wilson D3VIII, ttornortit-law. E. D. Woodruff.--....0f Sibley, Molten. & Woodruff. Jno. Kessler, Jr--......N0ir13 ti/0614 street. GEORGE W. DAY President. FRANCIB N. S ec re tar y . resident, WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD text-iftt gANING FUNDS. VSAVINGFUND—UNITEDSTATES IN-7 TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. INTERESJZ FIVE PER amt.. S. R. CRAWFORD, President. JAMES R. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office hours, from 11) until 3 o'clock. Tlua Company is not Joined in any application to the Legislature. A MERIOAN SAVING FUND, 8. E. car -r-s- ner WALNUT and FOUltall Streets, continues to receive desosits and nay all sums on demand 8111 it has always done. A_LEXANEAR WILILLAIN, President. Joliet L Wft.tom. Treeatorer. Jale-ifo sedrait FOR NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Exeronn Steamboat Com pany writ rveeive freight on and after MONDAY. 25th natant, and leave daily at 2 P. M., delivering their ear goee in New York the following days. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P CL Y DR, Agent, No. 14 BOUTS WH SAVES. Philadelpia. JAMES SAND, Agent. Piers 14 and 15 EAST RIVER, New York. mhlS-iftf &graFOR NEW YORK. - TAE Philadelthia Steam Propeller Company will commence their beeinees for the semen on Monde,. 18th met. Their Steamers are now receiving freight at Second Pier above Walnut street. Terms accommodating. Apply to W. M. BAIRD 224 South Delis:wareAvenue. SOUTHERN SHIPMENTS. Certifioates attaohed to Invoices of Goods for the Southern Confederacy, by commissioner of Deeds for So DA ttl l O D a ß rali ß na i rlil E aba Y ine , Georgia. Mississippi, Texas, Florida, and Louisiana. arll.lot-if OPAL DENTALLINA.—We speak from troodeal anperleneitiihee saving that the OPAL DRNTALLIttA made by, Mr. kMit Ito. of BROAD and SPRUCE Streets. is decidedly the nicest preparation for the month and teeth that we have ever used. We believe it fulfils all thtt is Waimea for it, and being re commended by the most eminent dentists we advise all o give it a trial.—Butietia. spit-Atn" THE RESTAURANT , No. SOS MARKET STREET, Formerly kept hr James Prosser, lately deoeesed, is now reopened under the management of Ins son, JAS. p ß ossi s w. JR., who Witi continue the business, as heretofore. piniE CHEAPEST MUSIC STORE IN the world is at No. 1118 MARKET &root, SARAH BALL cbtiE CENT 'ER, PAGE FOR biUtllO from all mibbehers,l2l.6 MARK FT Street SARAH BALL. MUSIO FROM ALL OATALoGURS, at one oent per nage. at ill 8 MARXIST Street. aplo.3t SARAH BALL. FINE 8111 RT kitiNVFAUTORY.--J. W. 9c0rv,1914 CRESTNIIT threat, a fe_w da; below the t! Continental .' The a tt ention of Wholesl* pellets Is Invited to hie IMPROVED CUT 0 DEI DTP, of supsrior ftt, make. and materiel. on hand and made ta order at abort/at mattes. jo_d FOR BALE —AT BOUGH'S, ' Twenty-first ward. one pair of the finest ypwag BAY A1A30118.13 1 O rt ft i S h ES in the State, Mil sozo; con trot fifteorilPleOWl n the hour. Abe°, su perior single ROADisTratS—SPEED. ttpu•ss. Oliquot, Lalletuandr ILI Ductal Grape. and all of De Veuese & Co.'s Chant epees. for sale by AURBTCHE & CA STAIRS. POS and 204 South FRONT Street. N, B,—Orders for the direot importation of any of the above brands Will be ennotuellj attended to. spa
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