TifiE CITY. AMIISZMI7iITS THIS EVEN Dm. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Wa'ent and Ninth Ate. -" The Iron Mark"—" A Kiss in the Dart." WITZATLET Ss MARIE'S ARCH-STHRZT THEATRE. Arch street, above ninth. The Gard Otraitale ; i t i ovee. 000rosoo The King's 31aetateora.' vol-anllent." Corczwr LOA.- Chea.tnut atetet. ablve Tore Mt— . tio ibi by Feeble medal etuldien from the Penn my mous ISIOIII4 MeDonores et.Tetrie (lets ltnee street. belmr Third.—" Tim Eleven Meters." AVISNISLY Booms Tenth 6.2:1 L'hastaut streets.— " Havnuffea Laving Wonct6Ys." A NIMBLY BUILDING*, Tenth and Chestnut emu.— Abet & ITAilbOptiooll. B.2lwoßirei aorsli. Eleventh Strata, - above Chertnut.--00tbert . CoujorPrltuan aaaa,, Chesnut street—" The Tom ole of wqtders"-2.sigmor VOMfiIrYIN.I ran CONTELBIPT.—YesIerday 'morning, Alderman Robert L. Carry, of the Twenty-fourth ward, and Dame! Loses', a defeat., constable, were charged before Mdermah Mao hen, on the oath of John Grugin, with conspiring to imprison him. The prosecutor testified that, en Wednesday Wt., he wont to the offize of Alder man Curry, in company with a friend. There was a trial in progreat, and one witness had been sir rained. The alderman addressed Mr. Grugin, aid aced him his name ; then said. come forward wad take the book Mr Origin replied that he did nor know anything about roe case, and asked what he was wanted to swear to " Take the tmek," said the alderman, " and I'll tell you." Gill ramie& he was told that If has did not he would be sent below—a threat Which was carried out. Ha was committed to prima, and kept there for three hours before he was released, and then had to pay seeenty.six cents costs. Ile did not pay the agate to the alderman, but a friend, he , said, did it for him . On the oross.exemination, the witness admitted 'that ke bed gone to the alderman's office with one of the parties to the Suit before the maglatrale, and that when asked to testify he refused in vary strong language. James ard teazified that he wise at the alderman's utee when 'he commit. meat took place, and that the alderman and de. pasty constable had a conversation, which he could not hear, before the lat:er made oath against Mr. engin The accused were both held in the sum of $5OO for their appearance at court. AMERICAN LITBItaRY UNION."-- -The urenat quarterly ideation for officers of the " Alma tom Literary Union," to serve for the ensuing three months, front the first Monday in April next, took plum Mone..y evening, at their hall, southeast corner of Snring Garden and Ninth streets, and re ill the election of the following named gen Eamon: Lou-lon Snowden, as president; Scott, vicepresident ; Henry Wrigley, secreta ry; A. C. Linn, assistant secretary; Hooter Mcln tosh. treasurer; Alfred - 11. Love, editor of the magazine; Charles Murphy, Librarian; John A Meehan, S. M. Kelly, and J. Luther Ringwalt, committee of investigation. This old and re spectable literary society, which was founded in 1845. and incorporated by , the Legislature in 1857-8, has never been in a more flourishing con dition than et the present time. Its membership hea steadily increased, until at present it numbers over fifty membadu, and the interest manifested ante by the members and by the publie in its de bated and Other exercises is one among the many evidences of its usefulness and prosperity_ A DANGBIGUS OfIA.RACTRIL—A row °e nured at Dinventh and Lombard streets on Mon day afternoon, between a gang of ruffians. One of these named Frank Morris was arrested and white the effreer was conveying him to the station bonne, an attempt was made to rescue. Mayor Henry, who was passing at the time, seised en to the se. °nod rowdy, and handed him over to an officer. Yesterday morning Morris was taken before Al derman Hatchet, and held to answer the char:" of matautting a murderous assault on a man with a billy," about a year since. The than was so Se riously injured at the time, eat his life was de spaired of. His assailant lett the city, and Was not heard of until arrested for rioting. COOPER B URN En.—Yestentay morning) ;about are o'clock, a fire broke out in the, upper portion of the cooper shop of Mr. C - olbreath, on Petro street, above South. The flames spread ra widly through the contbuctible mmerial in the taildhsg, and the upper part was destroyed. A sarong fore* of steamers was upon the ground. Most of the machines were placed upon the wharf, and they drew their supply of water from the Dela ware. gee was drowned out before it had time to extend to other property. A quantity of meet- fare, stored on the second floor, was 'destroyed. The loss is estimated at one thousand dollars. No ineuraztoe. SEAVEN'S SAVING FUND CASE.-Yesterday afternoon the ease of Charles M. Morris, late tree.- Garet of the Stamou'e Saving rand, was rosumod before .&Iderman MoCahea. The case was ably argued by Messrs Jacob Maier and J. M. and ti. W. Arundel for the Commonwealth, and by Win. L. Ilium and Edgar E. Petits far defendant. The resin point argued by the Commonwealth was the fact of fraud, and misimpropriation of the loans made to different partma. The alderman bold the defendant in tbe Mil of 41 000 for his appearance at court, to answer the charge of embezzlement. A PALMETTO PLAo RAISED.--Pesterdity morning the citigens of the Twenty-third ward were math sarprised, and became quite indignant, en disoovering a &Cession flag hanging from the tag-staff of the *. Old Jolly Post Rouse," formerly the headquarters of a portion of Washington's 1 troops in the Revolutionary war. The property is owned by Alderman Comly, who was also much annoyed, and had the obnoxious thing immediately taiten down. It wen seised by the crowd and torn into pieces. 21re question is, new did it got there? • BURGLARY PREVENTED.—Yesterday Morn ing, at the hour of 3:1 o'clock. a burglar attempted to enter the store of Francis Hagan, ander the Odd Feliews' Ball, in South street. The thief had broken the padlock from a bulk-window, and broken a pane of glass lie was in the act of pull ing some shoes out of the window, when Mr. Baran sisloeked the door and sprang upon him. The thief, however, was too active; he ran into Tenth eara thence to Redman Street, through Rodmatt street he vanished and Mr Began lost him. The /atter was in night apparel during the entire chase. PassExra.viorr.—Tne members of the Inde. pendent Grays presented to Captain Wm. J. J. Braceland on Monday evening last, a splendid pair of epaulets, fatigue cap, and sword•belt Lieut. Werdaie Cf McAllister made the presenra. tion in a neat and' elcquent epee* whiott was ap propriately responded to by the Captain. Toe drays have removed their armory to Sixth and Arch stream, and will make a parade very soon in a new uniform. The company is active and effi cient, numbering in its Tanta many of our most influential cid f. 009 OAS= AT THE CENTEAL.—Yesterday af ternoon, before Police Magistrate Mettler, a young man named George Ross was charged with the larceny of a lot of retorts and pipe Stunt No. 114 North Seventh street. Thomas Wallace was also charged with being implicated in a b urg l ar y at N o 226 South Water street. One of the coats stolen from the place was found in the possession of the accused, who was trying to sell it. Both of the prisoners were held for a further bearing on to morrow. THS JIWISII FEAST of PASSOVER.—The Jewish feeliiral of the Passover, which continues for eight days, oommeneed on Monday evening- The principal feature of the festival is the strict abstinence observed from nil kinds of leavened food. last evening, the ceremony of reading the Sulon took place, when, in each home, the family aft around a table and , chant a service commemorative of the deliverance of the Is raelites from the Egyptian bondage On the first and last two days of the festival, no ba dman to truism ted. A Nxw PIJIILIC Squems.—The property holders in the vicinity of Twenty-first and Mount Vernon streets, we understand, intend to make of the spacious lot adjoining these avenues, a public square. They will offer the same to the city when completely graded, on condition of its immediate ocoupsuoy. The movement is intended to super sede the possibility of the lot aforesaid becoming the site of mean and scanty dwellings. NEW BilELS.—Gorgas' Mill, on the Wissa biotin), which waa destroyed by Gra several weeks since, has been rebuilt, and a fall set of hands are employed, night and day, manufacturing cotton wadding Robinson's Mill, located at the mouth of the Wissahickon, has been leased, and machi- nery for the manufacture of carpet yarn is now being put In place. ROBBED,—A young tTerseyrnan was en ticed into a low don, in Front moot, on Monday night, and than relieved of ail his valuables. One of the fair residents in that locality, known as Jenny Manderfield, was arrested, and. held by Al derman Dallas to answer the charge of committing the theft. POLICE Casse.—Jolia Winters was arraigned before Alderman Plankinton, yeaterday morning, upon the charge of otoallog a lot or hems. Joshua Deal wee before the acme magistrate, upon the charge of stealing a bag of oats. The waned were both committed to antiwar. Houses IWrsamo.—The dwellmg of Mrs. Smith., at IsTo. 1607 .ogdea street, was entered on Monday afternoon, during the absence of the family, and robbed of an old silver watch and a lot of jewelry, some of which was highly prized as old leanly relics. A SUICIDE PIEVENTED.—At six o'clock yes terday afternoon, a man named Joseph Alexander jumped, at Market-street wharf, from the steamer Dula. Be was rescued, and taken to 'the Sixth ward station-honss. Hie Intent was sniolde. Nor Raowsze.—The lad, Bernard Trainer, Woo not drowned on Saturday, ae reported. The rumor grew out of kis dissppesranoe while 'playing on Piae•etfeet wharf. NOT SIGNED.—We understand that Mayor Henry Inn not yet signed the bill making an ap propriation to pay expenses inearred by the recep tion of President Lincoln. RPocarr PICKZD.—On Monday afternoon a lady, while attending Contorenco at the Union M. E. Church, was robbed of a gold watch and chain. Ix Tins Pans of yesterday, we gave the name of one of the newly elected Phytioiaus at the almshouse as Plod, when it shou:d have been Dr. Mohan B. Picot. THE THIRD BARE AT THE GIRARD HOUSE.- The third sale of furniture, at the Girard nous*, took place yesterday. As usual, there was a full attendatioe, and the bidding was spirited. &LI OF STOOKS AND REAL ESTATB. The following smoke and real estaie were Hold, yew terday, at the Philadelphia Eachaage, by Thomas Sons Per Ilbare. Wu shares Donaldson 'lmps. and Railroad C 0.... 01 10 110 _ " Pittston Coat • o -.1 6 0 " Drees's , . h !mgr. f'otil C 0.170 11 10 " Corn t ion. on. of hole.. 1130 paid.. to re 1 " Ptiosdo.nois, Li bray 11 0 " Idsioutue Litost C P t D.,. do. . 1.0 SUMO bond loran Co. MM. & Man' C o. la.. BM not et -1 share do do do #74 CO' Th , ea.otory brick dwelling, 14 by M. Columbus ave nue, anyem to a sronnd rent of Sat a ear, 42 0 0. towel Ist gUrkius - Dr - by 91 feet, Delgtnoe strantalBso. Do do 18 by 9. At private tale since laid report—Modern xesidenee NO. Da) Aroli stroot L lMMo. ua its wejfigga, Verge road, on Monday last, farm of so soma. 67,100. • tiEt. yeatera A Ilex *As tat,afternoon, named Pasesill Peterson. Re wig jammed between a block of marble and a henry wheel, at the Mead alley wbarf- Be died in a few momenta. 'home BRYAN, a laborer itt a tinarry near M.naymak, by an exam:don et gunpowder iota his right eye, and tnangird entire body, ytaterday. ne wilt Out LEGAL INTELLIGENCE QIJABTRIt 886310N8 Judge Ludlow.— The whole of the session yesterday was noatipiad with the trial of Martin H. DT Itendith on a therge of oonepireey to cheat and defraud the claims of the Commonwealth of PennsylVactia. The mewed ie indioted with !teary ilemtig and Philander A Fittgerala, but be alone was put on trial. Tee elreemnauees or the ease were given at the time of the arrest, and the prosecution grew out of the gift jewelry 'nsiness. A circular, signed by Jae. C Jackson tCo was issued by the accused, pro posing to eell eartiDoetee for 25 and 50 cents, and the payment of $2 additional would endtle the bolder to a "magnificent let of jewelry." From the number of lateers found at the pleas, the ea cased must have done a thriving business. As Most of the jewelry was plated, a large profit re• salted to the proprietor of the establishment. The defence contended that, however illegal the busi ness might be in which the acans , d was engaged, the Commonwealth had not proven a conspiracy. The defence also proved good character. Judge Ludlow charged the jury that they should be ettisTed that there was an agreement between the parties to do this thing, no matter if the agree ment was not carried to a sueoessful result If the defendant did a dishonest sot, which was not intended for his own advancement aibub, but to sheet and defraud his neighbors. he would be ame nable to the section Under the new Penal Code. Jury out. Pr is generally believed in Kittanning, Pa, the a man named Rood, living near that place, has recovered quite an amount of treasure which wee long buried in Le Bang. this county. It seems that while disinterring the remains or a Frenohman who had been buried on his ftrm, be found, toge ther with other trinkets, a small box oontaining a paper on which was a written statement of the quantity and the place where the treasure was buried. Rood ah?ented bimss'f from borne for a time, and on his rearm exhibited the possession of oonsldsrable wealth. OPENING OF THE ritIINSYLFANIA CiatALS —The navigation is now open on the western diVielon of the main line of the Pennsylvania Canal The water is now being let in oh the eastern division, and the banal will be lb operation by the tsth when the Whole line of canals along Hie Swipe henna, frOm Havre de Grace to Withesharre, will be open. The important repairs en the Juniata annals will prevent their opening until Dear the let of April. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. PHILADBLPHIA, Maiolt 26,1861 Whitten )Ivens, Erg , an esteemed member of the Stock Board, departed this lire yesterday, and the Board, out of respect to his memory, adjourned this morning upon the announcement of hie death without transacting any buiiness. Quite a considerable amount of heftiness waft privately transacted after the fidlournment, with little change in prices except for Read ng Railroad shares, whioh advanced end sold at different prioba from 22-i to 22 69-100. In the money msrktst there is no change to re port. The New York bank statement exhibits an ex traordinary acoumulation of specie, more than three millions and a quarter having been added to the amount during the past week. The New York tegishiure has passed a law al. tering the t adorns of merchants for the payment of Dotes falling due upon Sunday or a legal holi day, and making them payable on the next day after such Sunday or holiday, and for notes that fall due on a national holiday that comes on a Sun day payment is to be made on the succeeding Tuesday. It is hoped that the dovetnor will put his veto on thin innovation. Peterson's Cozzntilrfeit Defector for April 1, 13151, is issued this afternon, with descriptions of the latest counterfeits, and the usual varied con tents. The Detector takes strong ground against the passage of the law now before the Pennsylva nia Legislature to authorize the Issue of bank notes of small denominations. Field k Lare, of Pittsburg, send us their Bank Note Reporter, which we are sorry to roe favore the revival of the small note nuisance. It saps : " Pittsburg is one of the worst points in the country for currency. While in Philadelphia and Baltimore the circulation for five dollars and over -is mostly of the bills of their awn banks, and be low that amount gold and silver is made the com mon currency, (small bills being seldom seen.) in this nelghborho d a Pittaberg bank bill is hardly ever offered in payment of ordinary deb's, bat dealers are forced to take the de preciated mirrenoy of other States. Provided a change could be effected to operate here the same as at she points above named, it would be prefera ble to having any small bills ; but the way matters are now, If we must have small notes, Pennsylva nia banks would be preferable to the depreciated issues of ether States. It is in this light that we regard the issue of small notes by the Pennsylva nia banks a necessity." The following is the coal tonnage of the Shamo kin Valley and Pottsville Railroad Company : For the week ending March 26.1561.. 2,167 12 52 617 15 Same time Met 11 167 00 241597 19 Inez ease-. . .._..:.,...... . ..... 10 a 11,01E1 18 Roston Bank Statement. BOSTON, Maroh sbston bank statement for the week ending on Monday exhibits : A total capital of $33,231,700 Amount of loans and discounts 62 360.000 " specie 51002,000 deposits 17 812 000 oirottlation. 6,059,000 Philadelphia Markets. Minba26—Evening The Flour market continues inactive, and the sales are mostly in lots to supply the trade at 8605.1834 for suyerfive. de 2006.74 for extras, and dead 76 bbl for favor irrands es in suably. < A sale of 90,1 bbls 'Lan caster (Monty extra was made at $65 34. Rue Flour is dull and held at $3.00 bbl Corn Meal is steady at a 2 87% qiv al. for Pennsylvania. 400 Witear.-;1 here is a moderate business doing; about 4 bua solo in lots r e ds , 2801 30 for g , nd and prime "%rater,: and Penna. =chiding 1,000 nos prime Delawaie on private terms and white at 01135P140 as is quaint. Rye I' ready, with sma Isaias of Henna at 63a. Corn is in fair request' with sales of 16 . 000 bus, moistly prime new • outhetn yellow., a 60e,adu t, in cluding some not prime at No, coo e in ato. e .t.ge, aid old do at 600, in store. end 52 . Oats are steady, with smell sales of mime D e l awa r esfific, Bud Penna. at 3234033 c. aaz --.Flrst, NO. 1 Quereltion Weald at $26 •Ifw ton. CODI ON —There is rather mote doing, and about MO bales have been disposed of at lull ra - es GEOCBO.3ES • be only translation was the auction sale of off. e to-dsy f, _0 100 bass Rio solo at 11Xes/sMo, usual credit Willett Is SIG ad• 81108. PRoVISIONS.—The market is firm. and a moderate business dolt g in Bacon and .treen Meats at lull quota tions. Lard and Hutter are dull Haste --Clovereeed continues about the same as 'vat R uoted. 347504 87%. WHISKY is not so firm and grabble sold at 17%C'80 for re am; ; 18® , 834e for western ; ;To for drudge, and 173b0 tfr gall for hbds. Markets by Telegraph. Nowiromt, March 26—Cotton sells at 21Na1230; already prime is No more. The receipts are light. Corn—?ales of 2.Atsi bus today at 6106943 for white. cad 680 for yellow. Naval Stores are dull. Shistries active. rdosMa. March 56.--Gottod--gales to day of S 800 hales at tMo for Middlings ; wiles of three days 6.800 boles. Beetling Ba r eksinge 635e7 percent. premium. MARINE INVELLIGENCE, SEE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED. • Ship Belle of the Ocean. Reed. 68 days from Livernool) * with mdse to Peter Wright & Boma Talked up by tug J F *tan. Bark Aaron I Harvey, Miller 17 days from Clepfue nos, with sugar. &o. to dtewart Carson & Co—vessel to Win CUD:MIMS A con. Enconntere vier, heavy wea ther the entire passage March 19 let 61 60.10ng 7736, passed bares Wm A Anderson, bound to Roston. and A A 'Hebert for New York. Brig B a nd ain, French t o 6 days from flenfuegos, with snee 7 payieeraere d&O7 We eh. Brig John Welshb Fi6eld, from Trin dad de Cuba 7th mat, with sugar and molasses to if & W Welsh. Bailed in company with Hanoverian brig Jason. for Hampton Roads Left bark J B Trout for New York. loading. March 18, let SiX.long 7936, passed a large vessel dis masted and waterlogged; „Nkl, 1at3814. long 73 27, picked up four bales of cotton in.h no marks on them Anne - matted three sevens gales of wad—split gads. ku B is 17elontt. Barnard, U days tram Calais. with lum ber to Dubin ♦.-aivitt. Left tampon on the 13 It inst. with a fresh NE wind, which increased for 21 hours, ieneti we laid-to; setoraysed it re odersted. when we shaped our eon se so as to go out of the south ohannet. Tne wind increased Ma gate, with snow and rain at in tervals. Were ob iced to run under bare poles for hours before being able to heave to. la the mean time was struck by a sea in the rtern,whush stove boat, broke davits. &o. Afterward shipped another sea, which car ried off part of deck load and panty filled the cabin with water. Had successive storms and gales from the 13th ' to the23d. Riebr Mary it Smith. litnith 17 days front Matsakal, withsugar to John Massa & Co. , Behr Ida, Wormwood. 22 dare from Matanzas , with molasses to Butter, Newhall & Co. Bohr Edmond 71 Janes. Towtseed, 17 days from New Orleans, with cotton and tobacco 'to D Stetson & Co. Experienced very heavy weather on the passage. Bohr H Oilman. Crocker, 3 days from New. York; with rodeo to Crowell & Contra. Bohr Henry Wolfe. Atkined day from Milton, Del, with grain to Christian & Curran. Bohr Ida Ponder. V, Ilion, 1 day from Milton, Del,with gram to Christian & Curran. Bohr Bee Moore, a days from Lanrel, Del. with lum ber to 8 W Bacon. Behr a leanor ADS, FOOL 3days from flanlaidny. Md. with lumber to J W Bacon. hair catty Veazie, vgazie, 1 day , from Milton, Del, with grain to & Merryman. - Bohr Tropic, Banks. 8 days from Salisbury, Md with lumber to Neal' & Merriman. 8 ti !LED. Ship Frigate Bird, r Johns, fle London, le ft &nth street wharf on Tummies et wo o 'clock, in tow of Wll2 B Meanar.. Bey Oarico 000•11ni of 0 tee beet. tau bble "orb. UM bags oil oake. 1560 bbla flour, 50 ands lamoldnogrloo boxes banal, lOU ton laraoi owe bowman. and Ibex minerals. (Correspondenoe of the PhilodelpluaExishonire., CAPE ISLAND. N. J.. March Si-7P M. The harks loin, for Moralize's. rwinemunae. for Core, brig Martha Needsit, tor Conklin'. sohrs I n'i sire. for Au igua, and intone Law. for Thomoston.went to sea thie forenoon. tees, at square-riga ell veeeete passed up to-day. Wind strong from the south. Wea ther cloudy. Paola. -THOS. B. nveura. IT INLZOIATTL. Worrespondersoe of The Promo haw 'lona. March 26. The 'chi Norfolk reports having passed on the rink the orig Aberinkus, of hastliort. waterlotzea and aban doned. foremast was gone. Arrived. chips American Union. from Liverpool; fda Tilly from eavannan; barks Lexington, from Havana; u sprej , from M atanzas; Aberdeen. from comeliest E. A Chase. from Sara; brigs Mecorta from Remedios: Kaolin. from Cardenas; John Stevens. from do; Lathan. from Fonce, rR; Basle, from . .IritiLdad; W Bawler. from Cardenas: genre t from melts , hearitas; Yn4ander.e rmstrong. from a; .1 r Williams. from Savannah for hew Weals/M. to repair; t.leotrio Lanni, from Ando; R Framer, from Tnmdad. Mena leo cff bsecom March tent.. chr 8 C Fdwards. L con Rio Grande for Boston; March :Mr let 39 long Ti. bar. Cana. a. from Matanzas for /*unload; Mason lttn, Jar 38. lung 72 hug Minnie Schaffer. from Apalaehloots fur Brovadence. BOSTON Rianth Ar•aved, barks Paracca, from C.• Men.; s barman, Iquique; B L wutge, „from Mobile; brine McMartin° trawl -t hlerke r Coan.pron tom Baguet tdith Ann. fur Fo.'t au Brain; Madeira. from Havana - Young Republic, fro Cardenas; sem Honduras from fil,rstoeme. Below, ship it K Cooper, from Beeliall. - 311.1LUOILLbrDa-.. alallanCrin Arabia. Stone. cleared at — New York yes- EltertmehltrPrinos Albert; Walker, .gleaned at Pt York yesterday tor Galway. '-'• Ship Galatea. Wendell, cleared ai New York Yester day for San Francisco. Ship Toopeo. Howell, from San Francisco, arrived e t Now:yogli yesterday, Ship JOn W tournau, for Balthnore. cleared at now Ship Conner Olmstead, cleared at London 7th inst. for Rio de Janeiro. Ship Currisnak, Knowles, from Liverpool, at Balti rnorayesrerday. foraTamer line, Holmes, from. Havre, arrived at N yore yesterday. igloo Sir John F ordain. Despeanit. from Liverpool, arrived at Baltimn a sestPrdaY. Bark A L i onamt. Westerdyke. at New York yeller day from n g 5 Bark ffiant...ol. Cole. at New York yesterday, from Cie nt e r s tiWright. Jr. Gibbs. -from Charleston, at Wtl mietton 74 0,24 th inst. Bark P Leaning. Sumner, for Trieste, bleared at New Orleans 20th net. . Sr g h P athwart, Cain, at littw York yesterday from M-Lint-ts fang Brest". Odtertiriage. from Rio de Janeiro, ar riopd t Galveston 14th met. Brig Corder (Olean 1, Raines. from Rio de Janeiro Jan 10th. arrived at New lark yesterday Brig War eagle. 'Williams. hence at Port an Prince Bth inst. Brig Jacob Pork. Thompson, from Hanna, arrived at Nw York yesteroay, Bohr Emma Anderson, Heeler, hence, arrived at Ha lifax 19th inst 19th iohard O'Brien. Hartigan, cleared at Halifax 19th inst for Philadelphia. 'soh. I. Stevens, Stadley. cleared at Boston 25th inert for Poilrule'phia. Behr R Corson, Ludlam from Boston, with a cargo of 'no for Charleston. was at Hollows' Hole 2ash loot; are and in coming to anchor caught her ohs, n afoul of r forefoot, ' , ton nowd her to leak ; ahe wilt go on tit^ marine railway for rekaira. B o hr J o h n Pa,Mlll2, nail, (stared at Portland 22d Kist, for Havana. tl-hr ulliott, Avis. hence at Salem 24th inst. Bohr „I Pickup, PAilcup, elesied at Now. York yes terday for Pluledelphia. i'chra Triumph. Artie Panlinatt. Wavier. and R G Porter. Hudson, hence for Boston, arrived at New York yesterday, Poor aria Fleming. Shaw. from Wilmington. Del, for New .1 wan. anchored off Jersey rut, sesterdßor. Bohr E Headley, sloven, henna at iticitmond 25th solar Martha Moore, Binnett, cleated at Mobile 22d iata lbt Havana. Behr B Wales, Hoffman, hence at Wilmington. 2itti st. o C olirs B Wheeler and Ingmar, for New York. and J W A len, for B awn, were at G .Iveston 16th met Steamers eladyie. B Bseolt Diamond. Ann ; All ''obinson ; and Tawny, Ely, hence , arrived at New York yesterday, ciTY ITEMS. GOLD AND GILT BORDERED WINDOW SHADES.— 750., el, $1 25. $1.50. $1.73. $2, $2 26. $2,20. $2 76, $3, $360, et ea, each, including gord fixtures. A largoall sortrnent &I sizes. Score shades made to order. N 0.719 Chestou, street. railadeirlia. . . W. R. CARRYL k BRO LACS CIETRTAINS —Just received, Lane, Muslin, and Jacquard Curtains, ail sty lee. fine tualitl iireirable psttern , —erioee 3130. 4 2 . $3. $4 $3. $6. $7 $8 $O, $10..511 $l9 sle, Ole 016, $lO $l9. $2O, $2l, gag, *2B. $9O. $35. SO opal?. Also amts le cord's. Meseta eoreites, bands, &b.. Lr trimming them, le holeenie And Yetail. N 0.719 Chestritt street, Phadelphis. W. H. CARRYL & BRZ). TYPOGRAPHICAL -- The Type of a Citizen—Bourgeois. The Type of a Pohoolmastor—Prtmer. The Type of a Baby—Bmall Caps. Too Type of a Jeweler—eget.. The Type of a Barber—Hair Line. The Type of an Oyster—Pearl. The Type of a Gem leman—A suit of olotles from the one pq;e fashionaole store of GRANVILLE Symms. No. 601 Chestnut street, who Mao presents his customers with valuable GIFTS. RAM= BURGLARS.--A patty of New York burglars have been distinguishing themselves by tun nelling seventy feet under ground into a bank vtoilt. Their exploit Wes Worthy of Guy Faerktia, Baron Trait Or, and Yeah Sheppard. and it had a little of the ehamoteristios of each in itadetails. The expenses of the experiment were al MI, and the yield was etl.olXl. Bet loss one hundred do.lars. The burglars had bet ter have led honest lives, saved themselves the rouble of burrowing under ground like moles. and have jai oions'y invested their ore hundred dollars in elegant garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bookhill & rms. OM and 605 Chestnut street, *hove Sixth. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST BIGHT CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. R. 3 Hsi deman. Harrisburg C H Smoke. New York J 8 Hemsler, New York J. B ime Indiana Nev Robt Keller California Z Moses, Detroit A Woodruff; Memphis I. 8 Brown. Portland, Me .1 Van Nest. New York J 0 Crenshaw Virginia Wirt Roberti. iehmoud A vTyrer, Richmond Jae J, Routh, Virginia „Ino n &mann, Calt ornia Mike Pkranton. New Raven WMead,, Colorado W A Nedenberg. N Jersey hen It New York Film Women Delaware E A Hopkins eur York David Mumma, jr, Pa .1 P Rninee, Vincula &f ft Wooten, Delaware J C Baudy. Boston W F Cary, New York en re Cary, New York Geo F Rises. New York JJ G err eh, Portland M W Clark, Portland It Ilimhooek, New York F C testi:v.3oo, "..ew York C Daly. Padnoan KY Wm Fnmeott, Jr, Boston 3 gmazter. Stroudsburg dw Bear. Chicago Jae Boyce. Raltimare AM. Harrison. Penns • 0 F Thompson. Prot?, R I John Ss Larkins, Tenn J C Wontin, Tenn it F Rieke. Albany T 11 Arnold, Tenn Jas D Carnart&m, Georgia H. olsolistone w J altillYr 1 exington N Carel. tit Louis wm Boyd, Baltimore F McDowell. Baltimore Ezra Farnsworth, Boston, C Fisher, New York B McCreary. NI Chunk 1 -'eo w bearo. Boston H Marsh, Jersey City W Cady. New York L H Morrison. Clew York E A tioenoNow York 8 L Eardaiseh. New York Time NaXtlSOll. ' Donut J B Ward, Connecticut 'I hos T Dougherty G Nickerson, Holton PhDs John Hastings. New York C L Hoyt. Illlams John Nelson. ;Vika. Del Rti Porter. Missouri P Etigget, Missouri RR de afters, Hatranr H E Browne. Calomore G,J Ferry, New Yo:k J E Reeside. Wash. D C D roklay, Boston Casa N Turnbnl. U G F Don-er, New ' , tut A P Dinner, New York A II Ponner, New. York. L. W H ...eh. Vinci C B Wildmon, Virginia H M Williams, Jersey City Ron I Toueey Mrs Tonne!lt exinstn,Yri 86.11ito.Cinoinnati, 0 G J Christian Tenn ai ' ow , Porto Rico Ron A Reeder. truston E Front. Massachusetts W H Hooper. Utah Mies = wiper. Galena B F Kiloalron. Utah G E storhoner, Baltimore F w right Boston J Radoaff; Baltimore .1 H.H.Over Wash, D C Jonn Biggar & wr. Balt M B erainhall, New York chits W Abbot. U 8 N .1 M Ferry New York T L Birch Washin • ton J=rT M Getty, U BA. S Sanders. Jr, New York Jim P Lewis. Wisconsin H T Morrell Nashua, PI EI J 8 G coward. Nashua.Nlt 11 Clement R asiort, to Bird New York Aug Blumenthal New York It Lienhart. New York C Jr. Milnor. Ne* York Edw Filler. New York D Moore, Now. York GR. Clark & da. H nobester E 8 Sewell Jr. Virg nia. 0 COCK er. Wheeling, Va Wl3 emseney. w heeling oi 0 Tufts, Boston H W Greco y. New York B W Nom*, London A Wet a & Is, New York John Bergen, New York W ...Ratans. New York 3 alMoore, I. evr JAMAS _ gapt J Oherrell. New York R P Johnsen, witm Del Makraw, Lannuster. Pa B K Plumley, Philadelphia PMERCHANTIP HOTEL—Fourth atreet, below ATOP. 3 Wildrn. Ma , sfie do* II F. Erben, Penn& .J.e_bnßeale!, kitraburg W J Galt. at D. Illinois w C aossman, Hamilton, 0 Jag thou, 1'ana1t.117,..0 0 Fulton. Ohio 8 al Torbert, W tihelt .Tas Haskell, Ashland, Ky W Npangter. Poona Jt Mel rly, Mechanicsburg It 0 Norn.. Hamm 111 Eo4xre. C.nton, U R C Kimball, Ca.-.llOn. 0 T H trkehelberger, Ohio Dr J St wa , t. Harrisburg Mil er. Colons us 0 R D Pickett & Boorish Mrs Gray, ewistown Mrs Allison. i ewisrown W G4lbreatn, Ohio Innis Gertrude Taggart, Pa Otis •-noth, New York Dr How As la. N i Kinhara Bear. Mineisvelit r. E Heniinser, Easton Smiler & la. Col mina Pon A trt.P.okerc Pa A G Brodhead, M butt; John Amish. Matadi Cnunk T Johnson, New York J Pu , lierson, N C F • 11.3. Maryland W H Hervey Alex. Va HenryWStaelo.NeW York J B Proctor, MlSS J P zleton, Pa Ft tia”swer, ha-ron Jas F tricNi al., Perry on Pa r I) Kevinser. Ohio Pit Hower, Lebanon. 0 keier t elttnan, Pa AMERICAN HOTEL—Cheatnnt street, above Fifth., F M ewlin, New York B F Caudal, ti ew York JLeigenring & w f.lli chunk W Rini nhaoe, N Jittery .1 Purnell. Lino M Ab rott, Bethlehem .11P Wilbur. Sett lebem Mrs Brinton, W Cheater G M In Carolina J k Ahernatiar, N Carolina D u orih. N Carolina Jacob Chmard N Carolina Baud W Walla, kw caroling. Chas W Indiana M Dupent & wf, Clanton M.B Jenkins &laPi J P G-,ry & wf. Rohkrit. Ind L Virginia Satterwhite,P reh Carolina C A Bears, Washington G eVDeed, i•crinerrille,'Ecnn J Nora -at. Auirolic. Yit 1) A hil Virginia ti H Sta ey„ Virginia F atwooo'., Maine J Jones. Myrna, Del Geo herriokeon wf, Del k Farlow. North Carolina J A Campbe l,_hh Carotins ik n. Franklin, r) T W Farley. Tennessee A L ull Conn coot J =a F Sau.h Reading E M ere, Georgeen, D C R fitivurect. N Y J P 8 inson, N C T W Griffins & lady. J G Jones. i hits T 'Garvey, Peoria J a A ctevens N Y S Montgome y, Y J Cooper, le * C L Becker& N Y B Staion, Baltimore WH ) iving-od Reading Cilia W n Walker, A Y Geo Daemon", Jr. Ohio A W Butler &Bon, Ch'k venyon. N Y tikinner, Y airs Zrainaid,N Y JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Sixth. Henry Kibler, Maryland J P Joh E Ewing, Trenton • Xi Norton, Virginia W . A Carr, Paterson 6 A Boogie*, Paterson W M Murphy, Mielogan J Moore, Xenia Ohio John Clark, Columbia. 0 W rourpoy, Wilm, Del parsons, Wil,n N C Jas H Parsons. W.lm, N C E A Coon, New reit F R Landon, cht tiso Fl A Leaman, Noy 'fork Jon Clubb t eeor4is J F Georgia L Ern,Levert, •nd E M Dale, Laport. lad tilarat Markham, Pa Gen in hiy,New F reel Ae oF B a on e ,w h a e h w , 1) o s7 A Berney, New York A n Landis, Burlington TILE UNlON—Aroh street, above Third laaao Stauffer, Penn& Wm M. Bain, Cincinnati AIX Art, hio Jas Brown. N L Wonwright, Jamul", Pa W 1 Viett, Jeaturville,Ps John Huber, Chambereb'g John Unger, Bern., tinio J H Clark, Ohio John W Comrade, Ohio W Ladd, Readine W ElnerY., id J . LW O oa. Pankoatme . 1 0ha 'ridges, hippenaleg I Stone, Wheeling W L Wile,n, Attica, Ind L Leonard, Ohio PT- LOMA HOTEL—Cheetnnt street. above Third. Wm T +afield,. New York John Tolin, Phils 11 Hughes. Pula A eo ge. Louisiana B L4l, COWL. Louisiana Psalms, Wash., D Hoover, Maine B S Lto.don, Pa M7B B Williams, Baltimore 'rhos Mutter, Ohio T Antonia, St Loots Jan Donne! - Newark L H Punk. Mil on. Pa miss s Pater, Pottsville A Q Davis, onneatiout Wyman, Augusta Taylor Heard, Ps Allyn Taloott, Conn L. D Collins, Maryland NATIONAL ROTEL—Race street, above Third. R Kurtz & la, Virginia R Buckmilier, Lancaster Lome Ritter. Reading G W Bookman. ..0 ending JD s dams, Moats. 00, Pa F ricrnittown hoe Coleman, Lancaster JC F cohimer. MD. Pa J bhellenterger, Neenville M td. Merrell. Norristown Jo* Kiilinger, Annoy/110 3 H Oros:man, Olvo 14 B.nwn, inatana Sol Solltday, ileadlaK J Jones, Moutiomeryville Broucutur„er, ra REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. J R Barns. Bethlehem Mrs T H Martin. Ahearn Miss M Martin, Allentown TV Rhoads. A dentown C M Raeder , Allentown J Edwards, N'Jersey W Wasserman, n Jersey P Wtlsun, Pennsylvania It la Dysart, Lancaster. la Jt Hartman. Lancaster. Pa H Lancaster. Pa B 1 a Lo,her, Lanaaster,ra J 0 Blamer. Pennsylvania John Lame, Bethlehem evi B Kuker.Pheenixv'e Davtd C Mar, hi Jersey Ma) Chas GraeW, Pa COMMERC:AL BO VEL---Bi xth st,. above Chestnut. T J Miles t Barrialturs D R Batdin Cheater co Sii lahsrplees heater en J Brown. Mart land Jae Botdent,,wn J J Taylor. Elordentwon W Eve. heart, Wet Cheater is P Fotle, Phuadelphia D Field. West heater .3 Rely. Penns_ O T Bow: rd. Locus Grove it Brinton, W Chester J eels. Donclasvole, Ye h D 1400 enahan. Yt Dp't WH a °kali J :viler. Carldde Wait , n. Penns Jae Bern tadez . IV.Yefir D Morris, stiabtto City Jane 0 Mots, Penns Wert Sahel, Peons Lev, Sate, Meister oo B Thompaon, M rt, PerlllB It Wilkinson, Chester co BAP LEY EIPEAF HOTEL—Beyond street. bel. Vine C -dwallader. Penns E r hotwell, Rahway, N.l A x Moan, l..awrrnoe oo r. Paxson, Buono nu Mill Nilson Bucks co Rowland Cheltenham E Taylor. t dastood .1 Batoetaton. Henna A Danenhower. rams W Hobennaok. Penns A J Cretas. Doylestown lesaa Carrell A eon. Penna. I Blakeslee. BtoddartaVille Mn oMley,_dleeri7 R Cmpp_s. Penns D Abattoir. Peons not w Butler, Lewistown W von, Basted H T "loitering, oewtown W PSXOOO. • ambertville E Williams, BUD'S Co Vir Ca r. Books oo Joe B Ehmason, Buo.s oo Jno Palmer & la. Btoska oo beo P roves. IMilestet R /stover. Pt Pleasant M Whitman, Buckingham Jag Jones. Bucks co J Kelsey. Backs co W °smitten, buck. Co T t•nt, Lambertville A; Atkinson. Bucks co L. Yardley. Bucks co W RDoan, Bunks oo D Arch. Hooks oo B Betts. Jr. Ducks oo A Yernen & son. Books co R A Boyd. Pew Hope 2.attertliWait. Rucks co 8 a Bonne! B Io,N Jersey Miss F Solsbaty Mrs M Anattnan, Balaton' y W H Nori..njtettinng W Davidaon, Cheltenham I IDWONITY, , oct ... BLACK BEAR-Third etreet. above CaHawaii!. W Berner, Bel:wham Jno Hersh, Penn:burg Chan Harper. J elootown C toomsoo. Feaat.rville N White. raralevr fie W ft Neal, Dulingron Vatiar date% Penna W ,„oetiesoun, &moon Jonas W. iker. Peousburg Geo Mee, ir arlvifie H_R Mita. -ndesbura aemiing W PI pk, Pettnerlvmfia ise L,ark. Leoanon Matter W tote, Yarda” villa BALD EAGLE—Third street, shove Cailowhill. Miss M A Stetler.Ailentown J ph Wertz, Pe ea Njtu W P' W nrcb.swn Zealot/ J Lana co. P I IL.teolede, Le.. .0, Pa T Le.senrum, Penns T W Roberson, bor 'seen _ MBECRAPMP BOUBB—Tture at. stave tienownitt, B P Batter, Freetettnenung Peter Kerlin, Chnrehirille W B Myers, W Urn, N C Jos Young, Penne , iveuis Peter Gerhart Lab to, Pa Chas B%it, Hamburg, g WRBentsoh. h amburg , pa . W P btsbop,Taresqua in Toe. Nreretcnert, D Albright, Xendpg R Rearm' k. tinder on. Pe WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2ti 18a. STATES UNJON—Marketstreet, above sixth . W B Thompson k la, Pa BL Glasgow, Penns, W W Williams, N Carolina SI StersL 0 Stahl, Perna .1 Sell, ?ems 0 Brenerman, fowlsJ_L Boson, Ohio M W HTOWII.OhIO 11 17 Sower, Ohio J R Carman, Peoria S MoClellan J M Moore Media, Pa A. 1, Anderson, Philo J Brown. Delaware.l Holm!, esilada It n Bmes, Illinois H B nbalse•, PODIA Rj_ Punk, Onso towel l'enas, It Kinc, Uuntingdoe Love. Pittsburg L Richtrine„ Lancaster mr ...1 teem. Colambas, Pa • FOUNTAIN HOT EL—Eleoond et,. above Market. 8 M Fieher, Delaware J Townsend. Delaware 8 Townes' , d Deaware J Howooth 111, Delaware W Wolf, Kent no bid J Morrie. Kent oo fdd Wm E Knowles. Nehware J M Britherland, Del W .1 Morrie & wf, Baltimore MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second at" above Arek. Mr Gardner k la.ftew York urna Row , rd & la Mathews T Wain, N Jersey Dwidd 1)-Nranard. NOM Sam, 'lawman. Monts oo A Pece. Wmepint Eljn &loan no Jno &rang, Lukens co" SPECIAL NOTICES. OAK ORCHARD ACID 'SPRING WATER.— ramPh'et* Gentalying the ophuona of celebrated Che mists and rhysmiansrereeeting the use of hie WATER, to the case of many diseases of the human system. will be supplied gratis on application to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH and CHESTNUT Sweets, or FREP ERICK BROWN, JR., NINTH. and CHESTNUT Strews. Cam AND GET A PAMPRIMP SAVING FUND --- NATIONAL SeritTY T RUST Corarnny.—All onrno of Money reoetvad an deposit Boer this date are paid beak in Gold or Silver, on de. mend ovi.h Fire per cum intermit. Office. WALNUT Street, southwest corner of Third. Inh22 PAVING FUND. AItivRICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRAM COMPANY, Offiaa S. E. enrn , r lOURTHand WALNUT Streets. This Institution oontinttes to reonive Deposits, usual. and ways all sums, large or small, on demand, se it has always done. It has askad for no iegistaticm, and:destree none. January E. 1860. naha-bn Barommon's HAIR DTBi—This celebrated and petted Bair Dye is the best its the *fold. All others ate mere imitations of this great original, which has gained such extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batohelor's Liquid Bair Dye instant/10 produces a splendid black or natural brown, without stainithe skin or injuring the hair, and will reitatv the i ll w ets of bad dyes. invigorating the hair for life, sold by all Druggists and. Perfumers. wholesale by FAIINEBTOOK dt CO., DYOTT & CO., Plulatielphia. mhi-tf GROVISS & BANJUL'S (NUSBAUM NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. The Bent in One far Family Sewing'. No. 730 Olitt4Tti UT Street. Philadelphia. aii27-17 ORE PRICE CLOTHING OF TIM LATEST STYLES, made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL, SALES. LOWEST selling micas marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satisfactory. Our ON's-PRICE system is strictly ad hered to. All are thereby treated alike. ' se23-ly JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET Street. CARD PRINTING, HEST AND CRIMPS= LW he City, at 34 Routh THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in the City, at 34 youth THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Rest and Cheapest in the ()Hy. at 34 SouthTHIRD Street. RAND-BILL PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in tha City, at 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the most superior quality, at the moat reasonable rates, at RINGWALT Sc BROWN'S, Drez4l's Buildime, 34 South THIRD street. deli-tt MICKLER-BMITH.—On the 18th inst.. by Rev. Jo sepia Hem. Mr. Jacob hliosler to Miaa Fanny all of Philadelphia. DIED. MOICKEVF.R.—On the 25th inst., Peter McKeever, in the Met y ear of his age Funeral from his late residence, No. 1004 Newton el em. below Carpenter, next Thureday afternoon, at o'clock. PFASSON.—Con the Seth inst., Everett. infant son of Charles A. add baffle F. Pearson, aged 8 months and 4 The relatives and friends of the femily are resseet fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his narenta. 724 chirley street, Nineteenth. above Coates street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 o'oloos. PNct —On Monday. the 26th inst., Whitton Evens, in the 42d year of hm age. Nis male friends are molted to attend his funeral, from his late residence. Chestnut, west of Forbeth e rent, Weit Philadelphia, thm (a edneseay.) the 27th inst.. at 4 o'olaok P. M.. with...ut further notice. Inter ment at Woodland t. ?meter]. * BeILY.--1n this City on the morning of the 26th mat., William la Bally, in the Mdyear of hie age. Ilmfriends. and those of hie family. are particularly invited to attenct his funeral 'Pam his late residence. No 1509 Filbert street. thm (Fourth day,) NM inst., at ttAZPOOS P. M.. without lurther notice. Interment at Frienrs' Wes.ern Ground. ATKI N13051.--t in the 24th inst.. Frank, son of Henry P. and Badie Atkinson, in the sth year of his ate. Funeral fr-m •he res.dence of his parents. No. 1736 Mount Vernon street, this ( Wednesday )afternoon, at 2 Wel° -Ir. SMITH —On the 25• h instant, Sarah Smith, wife of the .ate George W. Smith. , uneral irons the reanken. R. Johnson. No. 901 Fil bert street, above Bth , this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 is . cddak , . GABF.L.—On thenth 'inst., Barry Kreitzer_ eon of John and ; arah k. B Gabel. in the 7th sear of his are Fnne-al from the retudene - of the par , nts, No. 1646 Germantown avenue, this ( Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'claelt. - . LOUG*I FP D.—On the 2411 irk., Mr. Janne Long head, in his 66th year. Funeral from big late resioenoe, N 0.936 Lafayette etre t, below Tenth, this Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 &Woe c(),11 b.DF.--nn the 24th ins', Mr. Matthew Mo- Quadc, aged 27 years. e'uneral from his late residence, No. 1151 South Thir eenth street. above Federal, this ( Wednesday morning, st 83.4 d'olesk, A Sitrii.—On the 25th haat, Thomas Franbis, son of Thomas and Elizanets Ahe.n, aged S years an, S date Funeral from the residence of- lis parents. No. 10 Hickory court. Wiley sleet, above girth, this Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 teeluok. *his t sts. 13.—0 n the 24th inst. Sarah Ann. daughter of Wiliam and Masbate Rogers. need .3 years and 7 months. F. tiers! from the res demo+ of her fattier, No. 876 Fitzwater street, this ( Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. B EBSoN tb SON. HAVE lATislt. Y RF. 'oeived Black Silk Pennzoil . ; and Sou Umbrellas'; English Bombazines ": uminer Bomb' ; t-nnin'e Chall, ; AlexanoWs Kid Gloves; Viola -colored_ Rid Gloves ; Busch Granath , Shawls ; e•bevberd Plaid Paxons.l2% cents ; real Jet Br , 00ttes ; round corner embroide•ed Hal dkerehiefii s • Black en Penile Greta d nes • Blnek and lilirlote.Gre• active Bermes.; Bitch and White bang Defames; Blass Foul; de Potes t $1; Btaok ; stiension Fans ; Black Grns de Rbines, 11; Linen sets. 25 cents. 4 , 01 ftts I NG 81011 e. mb2o No. 918 CHESTNUT Street.. 1)r TH E COMMENCEMENT OF THIS Penn Medical University wid tage place on URB LiAV A FTERo 01. N. at 4 °Weak. A good Bind of Mnsiewill be in attendance. The Graduating Cass will °amnia of ladies and Gentlemen. Dr. b. D. BU M N will awe the Valedictory Andress. mll3l-2* 301 8. OfaGrior•R E. On U.. Dean. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA, IthIANTOW N. and N 1t Ron OWN, ft !L -AD CO id PANY, PHITAIDILLP.HIA. March - 16.188L The Board of Maraxere, at th.tr meeting of the 14th inst., declared a Dividend of FoUß.ner Cent, on the Ca-ital Stook. payable on and atter the let day of aprit ne t xt ransfers wfli not be made for ten date after the 21st bast W. B. wii.ro .mblEr-mwftaol Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA AND READING AtLltunD COW PAN ty—Offioe, 2 7 Bou,h t ftTli Street—PIILLADELPHIC 1431011 23. 1861. o avoid detention, the holders of Coupons of this Company, due on the let proximo, are requested to leave them at this °Rive on or before the 80tH instant, wen receipts wul he given, a,.d Checks will be read • for • slivery on the Ist PrOXLMO. in 010 ease tor said r.ceipts. mh93 n. BRAD OR •. Treasurer. irr CIVIL" COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. ritmena PRIA. March 22 2861. PioT ICE.--freepere a HOT 8.2.8. Rh 8 VAT/ ttAle ea &e.. 'whose Licensee expire in May or JUNl;wei apply at this rffoe oc. or before theal'h day of MAILU 1861, as to Certifioate can be granted after that date. J .MES eta aW, mh23 tA pi Clerk of City eommiuioners. or ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. PECtab h IPRERS TO O IRE POUTREEN CoNFETE RATKO STATUS are notifies that Oootle rwarded .eland to the above et.tee will hereafter be charged with duty. and that Irmo eon duly worn or affirms to will be requires to soootopsny eaoh peumene. or it will be detained at the place of ...meat. N urther informa tion can be had at the 011oe, No. 3 0 QS EiThIUT Street. JOdN I NORM'', mhzt 12t Superintendent. TII.IIASURY DltilltablENT, March 21,1861. SEALED PROPOSALS will be Teeeived at this Department until 12 o . olnoic noon of Tun day. the 2d day of April next. for SIGH!! N DOLLARS OF. THE STUCK OF TILIt INITED STATES, to bs issued under the act of Compress of the Bth of r. ebrnary last. The stook will bear interest at the rate of six per cent. per amain, payable eenu-annually on the first nays of January and July in each 1 ear. and wilt be re imbureable in twenty years from the first day of Je mmy last. The proposals should be endorsed on the envelopes. " Proposals for Loan of 1881." and be alarmed to the '• Secretary of the Treasury, WiuMington, D. O." They will be opened and decided at the time above stated. No offer can be accepted for any fraction of me thousand dollars; nor will any offer be ooneideled un- ieee one per centum or i le ernount 111 depOldied With a depositary or the ihnted states, subject to the order of the Secretary of the Tiesseq. The certificate of sash deposit must actienrpany each proposal. offers for stook under this notice mast be unconditional and contain no reference to any ether offer. The offers must state the same offered for each hundred dollars of the stock. . Bidders for this stook, whose offers shalt be accepted, must deposit the amount c ffered and accepted with the Treasurer of the United States, or 'wok the Assistant Treasurer at Boston. Stew York, F hilocialptra. and at, Louis, or with the Depositary at Cincinnati, on or oe fore the Sf +math dared April next ehoula any ono cessful bidder desire to deposit at any other point. his request to that effect will Se duly considered. lip a th,. reoeipt. at this Department. of cortifie , tes of d-posit with the depositaries above-mentioned. oar tificates of inscribed stook will be issued to the simeess• fat bidders or their suisiane. is seine of one thousand, five thousand. and ten thousand dollars, at thew option. leseribed stock so issued will carry interest from the date of the deposit of the money as above stated, and will be transferable on the books of the Treasury, agreeably to the revelations of the Department. - Should ant succesatul bidder desire certificates of stook with coupons of the semi annua. Interest there on itttrusi ed to each certificate, they will be leased in son s of one thousand do lans each. with attached tioupo a for interest from the lit day of Juiy next and such coupon stock, instead of being trameerable on the book, of the Treasury, may be assigned and trans- 'erred by the were dehormy of such ee.tifioates. The interest on snob coupon stook, from the date of the depoeit of the money therefor until the let day of July. will be paid on that day fo the lamented bidder or his attorney. by the depositary, with whom the principal was deposited. The preliminary deposit of one per: oentum reuuired from elf' bidders under this notice will be inelnded_in the final deposit of p incinal by anacenfal bidders. and will be directed to be immediately returned to trattlo - bidders. S. P. CHASE, mhm-mia eeietary of the Treaeury. MA.LIAN'S SPRING PASS' liS.—This "tackle ready to Mail. The diagrams ere nume rous, 00nr.itrns alt the Ise'minable es nients wt.ra. 'ihe directions ...re clear and eapticit. 't ht. pl.ie f r puperiur to any ever mood 1 nneons I, contain . twenty eight eurea-two are hkenpar a-ene hind-yid y. ham a toe ?rives i f . ales. oupi. d fr • m a Own areph m lite. t. km. at buck np P. Lee, j u t, 4, lopo,tbe pay before hie deverwre for 0t..0r 'e elor and.raon, in full drew, With FurtStimp ter In tee rear, copied from J 1 Walla taken tom huh New atm and Unoololoo p Wien, $e eer year; System art- ordered plates, par year: Indorse platen anu pattern attest. s2Per min Or elrutle r Piste. tan; „enool,red pieta an pattern sheet. *UM per 3 ear; Mee copy, $l, 03ab, invariably in advance, F. miLHAri, 'l2O CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. laird= 40p11113 the above and mediae lever eln TO OP VP& OP Pa NIKO. kO, . mh_S-m'Vi lOt MARRIED. OFFICIAL. RETAIL BRY GOODS. 1861. SPRING GOODS. 1861. EYRE & LANDELL, EYRE &LANDELL; tYitt LANDELL, EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH ANDARCE, ARE NOW OPENING Their ma chow SPRING DRY GOODS, SPRING DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY GOODS, Adsptcd to every section of this GLORIOUS UNION. TERMS CAUL PRICES LOW ACCORDINGLY. 909 rErt4 811 CUESTN ITT Street, Wilt otrer.dh %U.vOAV. March 015. Two iimees Fine Quality ra-ie Style BAREGE ANG-LAIS, at 10 cents per 'lt'd. 0.5 Cue MfECK *ILEA. 5635". Alen, ahrge quantity _ _ .101TVGVE LAM VD GLOVER. AT 500. On 1.16 8D s 'l , MOL 141140. march 26. a large in voles of superior Q and Choice ekty lee BAREGE ROBES, to be solo at the following. greatlr-rednosa prices 3 - GAREGE MMUS at ; Urania! Price $l2. 30.; do. do. $l5. n. do. *6; • do. oo $O3. do, $O7; no. do. 320. do. • d,r; $8; do. do. $22. mh2841 . _ . . . OPENING: ON WEDNES .11 MORNING, MANCH 27, J. M. HAYLEIGIT, 809 and Sil ClikBrl' , llJr Street, (Formerly the premises of L. J.Levy dr. e 0.,) Will - have his FIRST OPENING OF SPRING MANTILLAS. Embroorig ell the Choice end . Neweet Deaigne of the rreeent. Berme. Alio. on Wednesday Morning. CA IdELS' HAIR SHAWLS, All Now and Elegant Designs. Abni, Br..ohe Shawls. ft•oohe Border. a do, Stella Bor dered do. New Style Rich Grenadine do. J M. HA SLEIGH hav 'ting been empled an buyer. both in this market and i n s rope. for the la e firm of L. J; I evy & Co,. take; .pleP sure In atatqui that, fron, the kniiibledye 'did a:personae thus obt,ined. tie stook till. 'reek will be ad oomolem and ea well eddeoted ea C4Ol over offered. to TO Pniladolohta trade; all he eoid -oneninment, V ERY. CHEAP FOG CASH. mks* St ()FINING OF FRENCH CnOPS FROM N- 0 AUCTION—SALE OF Le. US U A L CURTI% AT PRICbt3 MUCK BELOW TEE RA'I Paris Griming Barge Anglais. 10c- lest season 10. pans. pr rued Ca mayeux "areses.2Bo Balms Cancels Berates, 8731 e. cost So to import. High °cod Pa.is afflons-4-e-Lai..es Me. I.st season 44. Paris Asiatiques, suitable for Friends,3734e. New style Pans print d Challys.lloo. 4-4 Pan. Brodie eop,ins. 44c. 1100 rods &genre Florenoes, v ery scarce. 6.4 Paris Fil-de- , hevie. beautiful. 6-4 Parts Taffetas Orisaille 650. Pans Broohe fig'd Poplins. rum designs. LADIES' CLOAKING% lust opened, in every va rlet . Spring Gloats. all the new Styles. Albo., the following domestic goods, purchased for cash: l ease 4 4 bleached Muslin sp'endid. 90. 1 wow 4 4 anbleacheit Muslin, fine, So. 1 eala 4 4 unbleached le URIIII heavy, 110. lease 4.4 C Adams & Pon's, 100, 1 anset4 4 IVlnsonville.l23io. 2 oases 10.4 bleached libeeting- 260. cases 12 4 bleached Pheetirg 0.11A1t1,11 ADAMS & SON, e IGGTH and ARCIF Streets. stooND OPENING IN OP SPRING GOODS. N../ Fashionable Sprine Faehionaiste Spring Shaw. noel nable new Dress hoods. Pitleeir "order Leng "haw Pais..iy border whiffs centre. Fedgely s torder &serve - hamlet , Goode a anted to new trade. Goods adapted to o , tv sates. Goode r de pted to isholesalinc. mb26 NY E& te PELL. FiIURTH and ARCH. i h ILIARPLESS BRO Are daily epeninn New glortert rends Bought at very low vices. to snit the times, InoledLe all tee new and enov , e fabrics, In , lk Goods Th n Worsted Stuffs, hatvls. Surma Clo , kines, and Twtods, Blaoit heavy Silks B.,nqu.t Grenadines, r uslns, tophes ftriatennear Mole Po de Foie hanOrotne shades, Solid ardor Figured Bi,ks, New Bsreses,!treandirs, Lawns, Brooke 600drinBoegaetts CHrtli rht UT & EIGHTH, ANIPST?I,I A oArtS BLACK STELLA SHAWLS. BROGUE BORDER Of nu greens sue qualities, Greatly under regular prmsali. Mist raoSived, and will orwri to-Miy,another -Bot of Ne* and Blob at , les or F , .1301" arging ill ildee from 11434 cents to 81. Peauttful;.nay. Et , otirti. enrpte Bore. Ordan. Stone. and Magenta lirirand Silks, Rrimaded Figures. We have moor nmnolete assortment of FA IvOY SILKS. which wa will uarantee oannot be trurpaaled br any in taa a tyrenthar in B'IYLE. QU LIT' , ,OR 1 Casa 4-4 freLelt Lamaze* at 15 cents, worth 25. H. is t EEL & inli23 - No. 713 N. TENTH St Bet. above Coate/. PRlNci• OLOAXS, IN EVERY NEW style.at IV ENS'. mh2l-Int „ No. 23 8. Ninth stmt. SPRING . 0L04.1(8, IN ERMA 8 VA riot'', at IVENS% mh2l-lat SPRING CLOAKS, THE CHEAPEST !Mar 1111100,' No. 28 8. No.th street. w STYLE CLOAKS, EVEhy NEW s tyle, every new material, at prices that astonish every one, at ;be large stole, N. 1.. corner of Eighth aLd Walnut streets. mh2l-1a; CITY CLOAK ETORE, NO. 142 N. Eighth strret t inove Cherry, are now eating every new go le of the eeeern, superb quehti.ss, in every new Ands of solar, ehenner than ILLY other store in the otty. CLOAKS —Wholesale Merchants are in vited to inspect the rook at IVENS', No. BB South N,N TB Street, corner of Jayne et , mb2l-fro Between Market and Chestnut, WILL OPEN THI4 IsiORNING, Wet Gnods from the John Trucks, Wet Goons from the John Towne, me« 10. of aie. hems, A nice ot..f Gina Lrne.. One lot of Broohe vohairs, One lot of liteehe Mohairn, At JOBN Et STOKES', PAZ 702 ARCH Street, sk i t o r.KtNG ORENILNO __ At TRORNLEY ORTOWS, E.. - eriter EIGHTIf & grPEING NAN rialto Stq• per cuffre. uNDt'4l. R BOW .AR CITY P ELIDES is 1 lot of double width Broohe Figured mozarubmtie at 50 allots per yard— leaatifal COWL 1 lot raperb quality . Brooke eistred Mohairs at 25 cents per yard, worth 3r.- 1 lot of pretty Plaid Yalenoles at 14 settle. / lot of beautiful utieue Travelling 6%3ode:it/Di cents. 1 lot of Gray Mixed Himalayas for BM cents. NSW firßirde !: Double Faced Brocade !Mks. Chene Bilks. Foulard Silks. Ate., ft. THE BEST AND CB EAELADELPHIAPoffiIT STOCK OF BLACK - ttILKS d!I • New Spring Closing end Pdbewl.. New bpnnt Chia zen, Challis Foulards, &a., &o. Power-L,eem Tete"? - men.. I3iiiii;n i iirainli - oTOLL - r7Zi importation. &o. mh4 BROADOLOrIiS-BOYS , WEAR. Fine black °loth'. for gents' spring wear. Feali Oaten, tight and dark. from IS 1 no. ye' emisoneres and postings. ms' five Mack asemmeres. Fancy oassimeres, for spring wear. GOOrk-.11 Sc. tOARD: fe2S Etouthesst earner leiwTH and MARKET. PRING PRENTS—MoIIAIRS. I s - 7 New nest prints, ford asses and skirtings. Isew styles medium and dark prints. Pew figured rnotuure and chat les. Good bleak alike. Fine steak black goods. COOPaR a COIN A RD._ WS Southwest owner NINTH and MARKET VITHITE GOODS. Cambriea, ism:mete. Swim. mull, Naisomok. Plaids, brilliant'', bird-eye, diaper.. Embroidered collar., eye, bands, harolkerchiere Linen eambrio bendmirehiefe—ladiee', gents , large vise, omen, figured. Linens for shirting , fronting. pillows, sheeting. Towels, VOy nee, napkins, flannels. eamneke. & GUN legit Southwest corner NINTH and MARKET. CLOTH MG% GI A SHIONA BLE TAILORING kST - BLISITMENT, 32$ CabliTLll/T Btreet, below Fourth, south aide. pTuv , -.Neoel Respectfully informs hi. numerous anstomers and the pnblio to general that he bae just recent. d hie Spring MODS winah he will be pitaaed to sell , a , the must reasonable terms for °ash. mti22-fmw Im COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. niBBf"UTiON.--q he Partnership here tofore eatetlng between tte undersienea.twOlne no RALSTON & ft, was DiseOLVKD ?Much 2e. ieb• ,by liatta ion. IlDa RV Mc LLIRTEIt. Jr.. writ oontp,u. th bui.nesa at the old stand. Bever. fordlownetop, Dwaottoe county. Pa , to wh,.n, all pa-- ties Wynne °laurel at taunt setd partherthipwto present th em tor settlement. D • V4O K. tt A LBTtia. BRNR Y tacoLLIsTFS..ra. March 28,1861. rnh7l7 3t*. ri m S 5 Y.+.N. 914 t'Hr.tiTf UT . WAIL street will oven PAH MILLINEPY for the klptieg, en THURSDAY. Apnl 4 mhae-imN gt, IVPRGREENS! EVERREENS!! Over afr Opti Noway ffpruce, of handsome form from $2 To ihr per 200. _ 50 0 , 0 ?.00!oh Fira. Iron) 925 to $75 1007 RV. 2509 V 1 hire Vibe fro.. 4.95 to en per 100. 50 000 n merman, Citrate. a d Fan-leas. a "ohm:Vilma ruitlb* for bedgm* or planting as tong a anettme,ns from 8 m per 100. U Rr.TaL KLES! OR NAKENT4I, TREES Over 110 000 Ash, t float:oore. Linden, Boom Chem nut. Opiar, and Willow, 200 00a Mani- Tice,, including the White Eutaw, Eng I.sh, Ira inn, Black .Utar, a d faorwar. CALL Ara le I xniqua et OUR Irk OCX AND FRICEfi TERIOB TO 81111' • ND' PRICt 8 LO !N. ROBERT BUI.T fa RON. Elaed-tirowets and Nurserymen. Peed Warehouser. 922 and 924 DIARKter street. Nurseries- Dub, Rued. Mir The _Dar!) Cant_ pass the Nurseries asst + ha hoar Aver ^m , it Ist. rare 12 cents.) m 627 St A U MAN'S POCO METALLIC .111-P PAINT. Equal to Rea I end,76 per vent. chesper,stands SOO dime es swarn, uted aster-proof. so mot neither fede or 'crash. For 'steam Rele-s and P roes. GatHold ere. 'Sae/road Bridges asset Cars Hon and Store fronts, 1,011, ound.r• pat -ten rmjs. Holt es. Bans. Pastas. Warta . Ship -"decks end bottoms, Pitembtrs' joints, ire Ahso. far Ossining end Sainting tqual Tursseh mber. its e-lors er- Umber, Basun. Olive B sok. Indten lied. &pi Red Mown Whit ti may 41.,mbinet1 in endlei• variety. Orts '-earnauvbie N om wisp sd in eye*, town and cm in the Muted States. Yor further stdorsraitson apply to atM .1....140(.:PT. MIX-St No. 132 N. FORRT street, chile. 1 }s's 1- n() , l' t Phil) bA Li E l& NkCOND e.reet. shove Groom. lab& we weir iti Predawn, • hotoltraphe e. d mbretypeo. lee the 1 te•size Photosnphe In 011,1 a the litikang a • rm Juba n Piet graphs. IL FPO VEN'I ORI, DESIGNEES, &IL A A oorrert copy of the New Patent Act may to had by aPigYhtt to H. ilt/Went_ t rnited bums and immommg_r&mat Ono*, ' POiuutaT Mace, 1113 X ikrost Itylliwrn Street, mar-ist* R. S. REED & CO., WHOLESALE. GROCERS, NO, HS ARCH, akin FROST STREET. . ' PRIME RIO COFFEE, CHOICE SUGARS AND SYRUPS, IN STONE. To ithioh the) attention of buyers is resues:ed. reibri-St soap, 3 1-2 c.; Bind Bombs. O.; Fluid. no. a qt.; new Rioe. de.; French Prunes, 60 ; Brien Ar p1e5,3.3. a qt.; Fine Brown Sugar. eitd White, Ba.; Broome, as.: Beans, 4.1. a q t., Herring, 25a a box. RALAIL A trerru. mi. 27 it* RIDGE Avenue and Wallace &rest. COAL OIL SUBTERRANEAN COAL Ott; Unequalled for Illuminating and LUBRICATING PURPOSES. This Oil is beautifully white, entirely free from any unsleasant odor, is non-explosive, and burns with a beautiful bright and white flame. Warranted in all oases to give satisfaction. Manufactured and for flale by GEO. W. WOOTTEN, mh2B Int 88 Smith SEOOND Street, Pieladeletua. "FEW YUBLICATIOiRS. COM N.ATTONAL EVII $ AND THEII RPAIBPY.—Road "A NoRTITEBN NUDE FOR THE DI 804IITIrbri OF TPF U A. 0. 1" Pri e ~note. For Baia by T B.POGFI, BIX ER and Cheat nut, CALLEN Dha , &o. a r IJTTON NOT KING. 1,1 FIBRILL 4 01./IPTITUTB FOR COTTON. A. PR ACTICA TOND FCONOMICA r. Tis Fi 00 embreeine full oription of th.i proem of Cortriniarna Hemp. jute. China Grass. end o• her Fibre, eo that the same mar be mina or woven upon either Cotton or Anolle^ Ma ohin.re; together with a Flistisy of thi Growth and Mona aura of Wool, Cotom, Pax. &0.. Burppe and Ammon, with illustrations from Atiorosoopical Examinations, iso V . HA'R NEW 'UNITED STATER TARIFF for len lust ready. LINDQAY & Publinh•re. Sookeel'ere and Importers. mb27 .IRo. 25 R. SIX H Street, above Chestnut, NSW ?MUSH BonKs _Thwrted and 1' for sale by McELROY a CO., No. 27 South SIXTH .treet. above Chestnut. O. HUNTER'S "•SSeS 8 and Observations on No itlrai -History. Aentoray Physiology. Psy.•hologe. and Genlue7 Arranged by iltof . OWen. 2 sols Biro. SW. ou Fts A.. By the ail lior of" Mary PALES limn cloth. 82. 'VALES FROM FP A KWOOI3. Vol. A.ll. Con ale ing volume 18mn. clot". ed YEAR BOOR OF FAO rs WHENCE AND ART, FOR 18E El Inn. Timbs. With fine portrait of Lord Bron ham. limo, clo - b. _ $l6O. • THE RHAKSPFAR COISTROVF.RSIV. By . Inglo - Numernns fsa eimilre. 800. cloth. Ht. HOOD'' OWN. Beeond Berms. Iduatrated with hu morous wood-outs Svc' cloth. 83. THE H. Yee PLAy HOOK OF METALS. By J. Popp r. Illustrated with nearly MO engravings of in tarestma ex ..egmen , s. limn elm h. $1 50. THE B9YB P. AY HOUK OF 401ENCH. To matoh the e h , ve. limo, oloth $l 6O. FORE.( s SO PK• Imported to order by every 'demon Monthly Catalogue, of Plew and Old Hooks fa wished enrol, on apnlioai ion. mh27 St THE RomEr POLKA., ARRANGED for piano, as perforated with greet Kamen by the Walint-street rhemtra Orohestra. imitntiax ~e tt stri kingly the etre Ts of firma rockets. ourobleatg several fine envinel and hvely. strain.. • ally, to perform and Quite ^0 Iliant. For lade at all prillolffil MIRO storm nth= ot' igri_BORGE G. EVANS' PUBLISHING gull HOUSE and GIFT-BOOK STORE. 439 CH ESTNUT Street NEW AND SELKOT WORKS. History of lm Ted Netherands. by Motley, 2 vole.s4 00 Trump!. By George Wm. , ergs.... A re bogie Vannes. to Holmes. 2 72 Great Preparation. by Cumming— 1.00 Wits end E aux of Boniety..---- 180 Life or 1 22 Women of New York, by 1 00 Sunny South 176 Throne ofDandT b' 2,sm— 226 1 23 Pillar of Fire Y. Ingraham ...-_ Pnneepf Mk:Ronne Ditaria— . .j 126 Union Text Uwe 100 Someone of the Revolution— 176 Vanity Fair. aylrimes. . 400 seel All the Latest staudsid and Milaneoile firma at the Publishers regular. pr lies, and e. beautiful Gift, worth item 50 oente to $lOO, with 'coon, at G' OE4SE. G. EVAN , 9_ GIFT BOOK EMPORIUM, inh2 No. 039 NET treat. BOOKS LA AND MINOBLLaNE€TS, new and old, bought. sold, and exehanged. at the I".ILADE , PRIA 81. K BOOK BPORK, No. 419 CH.ESTN UT Qtreet. Libraries at >: dist.noe nurohaaed. Those hau.ng Books tq sell. if at a dist.nce, mid awe their names. arz-e bindinice,_detee, editiors and oonuitions. Wahl bU-110 , -ea protsd y B. .L via mio FranoLir well as early Boots printed in and upon America, iiirograph Letter* and Perirairs mu chased .1 ampttlot Laws of Promo Ivania for sae. Cata logues. in press, sent free. Libre.rie. , appraised by tens-tf .1011 N CAMP 8._^.L.1, LgGiis INT THE (300 HT OF COMMON PLEaS OF MoarrOOMBRY COUNTY, Jae,b B. Halter. and qarolino, his wife. in right, of the said Carol,. e,_and gliza Morriann.V.. Sxmitel • 1.8. Arm B. Clark, I- has Ft a. lasso Pisa. 3- a ph FU ,I 4 Miriam Fest, John yens. and ear h.s wife. Bathe nue Bold. Ban ah Fiss. h.muel Borden. JAn 13 den..totteph 80rt... Ann Bot en. LOUtEtei Borden, Bert, jaitun Bevan, and George Bevan. Bung de pant:tint:6 f •ctencla, of February Term, 1881. 18. Notice is hereby given t the parties above named, that he C urt have annarmed the return ot the Sherd', and t.. 0 tnnutsition arid valuation ar appramementi tae en and made under the as , ove stated 4'm. and havd granted a role on au vertlona interested to name into Court on the 10th d.y of April, A. 41.1861. at 10 &Week A. at., to amsest or refuse the lands and tenements in Aid writ maimed, anoord• nos to tee am ca assembly ra m ”do a, d ro , oded. Br order of the court. mh +8 wit 3 a we,D KVAIS. Prothonotary. Iv THE ORPTANS , COURT FOR THE CITY AND et.I.INTY OF PHIL. DFLPHIA. Ertote of J ieIER DOI L r dreerved. Notion of heretly r iven that the endow of toe said de cedent hoe flied in the said court her petiti n and au ,rai.en nut olaimin. to retain the pe sma pr perry in the said apprateement mentioned of the va tut o($30 t. rind r the ant of April 14th. 1851 and th t toe s4M• he approved t v t apart on Friday, April nih.lB6/, lees exception's he filed thereto. EDWARD A LEQLEY. mb2o Wren Attorney for Petitioner. IN THE CutraT commON PLcAs JI FOR THE CUT AND COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA. Mover of rhe annicred vas t° of Ott ARLES IC &INF R ; ;he Auditor appoiniod by the Court to audit. settle, and admit the first and figal acouurt of S • MM. I Fra Br. It Gleat ,ApeieTPe in Teruo, for the bon fir of Creators of Cita R LES K Y NKR. of toe err) , of plum or.iotott Merchant a d to report autumn on of toe balance, in the hands of he Assignee wit meet- the watta late wen for the purcoooe of his • poonannor on W V.l) ESDA Y &aril 3 Md. 4 hi . at the WYTHERILi• 11%.E. in 8.10450N1. Street. anove Sixth. city of Philadelphia. O M. JCR NQT, mht2 fraw-fit Auditor. Cr gi N ve l n to lP th A e L own Y e l ; A or i pro N v o .r t t t y ce me i: t h i er e e d b i l thn appended memorandum of claim, that a t writ of more .Iboirie will be issued thereon in three rfintithe froth tee date hereof, unless the name be paid on or before that time. LEW l • C 1 SillY. Attorooy for Clocramt, 213 Smith SIXTH. St. JANUARY 26,1861. THE CITY OP PHILADELPHIA to nse of JAM ES McOALL EY va. B. ADAMS. owner or reputed owner. or whoever may be owner. Common Pleas. September 't'..1860 No. 141. Culver ing, VIM Lot and buildings on southwest corner of anL eon and PlL , l , qi etre ets. 18 feet on Melon street, AS feet 736 m ohms on Bsukson street. OTIONS, LIVER QOM BPIL T LA7I4 I3 TVO R Y F Br * BilliA, VICE HEADACHE, &0 JAY cr ri A't win A MILD, PROMPT, AND EvPACTIVE RvIVIEDY. Th.' re le scarcely on , disease in ash o purgative me dicines are not more or rose required ; and tam!' sick ness and guff ring in gbt b prove red w-re they more generally u ed. leo Person wan feel well wnile a 0013 , 1110 ha it o body ire' ails; besides. it soon genenves gen tilngl often fatal d-s ases. whioa might he avoided by . eli and Judicious use of proper Cathartic medi cines. Convinced of the correctness of these views, JAYNA'S !YANA IVE ILEA Are region mend d the area est confidence. Pape Tie oe Wing demonstrated them to be ear sneerer. to env other to use, being more mi d. prompt. safe, and uni'orm thmr opetatio White using chow no mit • hauler care t required, and pat eats may eat and drink as usual Age wit. not ormair them as they are as combined as to always readily di solve in the co mach. In small doses they are alteratives, and gently saative, bet in large do-es are actively cathartic. cleansing the whe alimentary canal from ail putrid, irntating, and wh ol e matters. or DYfteE4l3 l / 1 . therm r•lie are really a' invaluable article. gradua l!) Liver, An g d changin the vitiated se oeit cretions of the Blom& hand producing hny action in those lemon:int mattes. In cite s of long standing. !sour will be more speedily etlz cued by using, in •on jawrion W , tv the tn s, prher Jamtg's ./teratiee, or - 2'ottic Vtrinifuge, amercing to directions. For LIVER COMP. AINT, GOUT. JAUNDICE , AF .10 • S OF T> E 8ur..11! Ett AND Ki ".r , V. 4 8, I-EVENS. Tv PR . OfTBN b; DM: eatESI OF THE ERIN. Ile PURI YOF THE - RI AD. ACROsTiVeNESS. PILFS, FEN! et, LIS E REF ' , ANL, BILIOUS AFF , ..VIIONv, three Pale have proved themselves vmi • endy eueneseful All Met is althea for them i= a lair trial. Then PILL= and all of Jaynes Family Maiden D nU y by Dr. JAN v., 242 r rtreet, aud may be had of agents hrouvh out the country. mh2s-mwSt. NEW APOTHECARY STJRE, 1.615 ill CHESTNUT Strcet. ALFRED B. TAYLOR Wonid reaveotfully Worm his mends and the public, seneralh , tha - he has opened lug new Drug and Ap..the wiry store, w th extcnsise and oat efutly-sweeteo ott.ok. of- .rsch Drugs Med.cines,Pharmaesictioal Pre parations. &o -h 3 a riot. poisons' attention to the preparation of Aledtotneo tor fam ly use. and the die-Pneths Of PhYSICIANtP PR o:aCitIPTIO-.°. be is determined to merit a continuance of ilia liberal Patronage tithe rn so kindly cai ends° to "urn. His stook alb braces all the stand/Aro resumes aid all PlLittoces. together with a large alS.Ortinent of few:O -en:oos. Cologne Waters. Brushes, Soaps. Perfumery, &0., to mn2o-12t* WKIIINo AND Lliaitat p A prats..._ We have now on hand. and are manufacturing Mortar, a , the rou..t Paper Mille. misty de scription of WRITING AND LEDO Eit PAPERS. wh oh for color am quality. are not excelled by any M other ille in the United mates. We would call attention to a new article of Paper man ufamureu by us. and now for sale, called newness Letter. which has been gotten up to meet the Watite 01 hne ness awn and othets, who object to Commercial Note as being too narrow, and do not wish to use part of usual leite, sheet. Tars overcomes both the ettovo ottioatvws; is a per fect sheet. pure wo. e ; plate finish ; ruled on one side ; stamped in centre near the top; mace from best ma tertal, tree atom adulteration, and put up Miniat boxes. oenvenism for use. We also 11'110 a paper called Bank Letter, similar to the above. except it has but hall the number of lines on, so as to &flow a printed blank or headinkabove. KEMYT.rfi & Mount Holly Spring news Cumberland Co.. Ps. The above Pectin can be had of J. B. LIP FINOUTT & ^l)., and IdnenßelsE iiROIMERS. Nos. 3 and 6 DECAL UR utreet • mh3.3m VIN tthilel N trAutt LPia . —J. W &SCOTI 814 CREqTBUT Ptreoi, d .fey door .low the " uontinental.' The attentlen of VA2loaa4 Da. 0-a is inVI , SCI to his IhitYRUV.S.D CUT to ISBIBTEt, of superior ht, make . and material. on hap, sna made to orr,er at shortest nouce , M4'o Fr , Ef. OH CORSWIS. me. 4,TolLvet. 1314 CHEST NUT Street. reap , etfulty an..o.nor t. tl9 Alum' that erae huit received a tar te War mein 01 the above Co. Bete. of the new. et. pattern'. trAri Yam I` lon rew bead-Drawn: , and Bridal Wreathe. rah to Int . LWI —I ire Coupona, o. 2 1 7. 250 20.1. and 298, doe Jan. fese, issue of the whom 4, Awe.cay Y. mbar/ and Co nelaote Na hb fel reward irttl be given fit. the lethal of the saw b. P. All . Photo r atreet. rib "t. NIA /to No. 80iii MARKET !STREET, Formerly kept Ey James Prosser, lately deceased, is Io!Now -eopenea under thewanageoient of his eon. JAN AD are Ja.. who will.contitiow the:business, am WANTS. AMUSEMENTS. -_-...... - - WANTED—AGENTS to sell PACICA• R ANSONI-STREET HALL. B e of STATIONERY and JbWELRY. at '''''' preen one third lest than can be combatted el. ewheie. .1-lAMBTJJER, WI on or addrete (atamitenoloaeoi J. L. SAIL 4 . V - O. Tart RoYAL WIZARD. 154 COUR C Street, Batton Mate. rnMS Ani DWARF SPRIGHTLY. WANTED—FIy a young man fully com- MadTa ESA/ UNIANI, Rabat. Vooallia. _pelt. a SITUATION as Book-keopor, or Win. AND taut. Sotto citory reference. Cali or address M. it. C M e d Irv...roman, P *Mat. at Janie& eat. sautes. auo a.. 241 North THIRD Street mto2 tufa* ON' TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 2. . - -- Or EIRE FUTURZ Mate. ' J. W ALUNGTON WELCM. Business Mont. WANT SD.—A Practical bookkeeper,, A °caucuses and 'Good and Expert Penman sesshise an emits omen. He IS converse* with sh th. fteraola of Mammal ID business d cam awe m.exeen tionablo reference as t -,ohareotet &bib's • Ad. stre.s " Pd. E J.," 08.111 of J. C..h.OPlLtati, 613 M A WIREE . mn2.5 Lit* VANTE D—A suit of ROOMS, ox , Snit floor, avikable for a Rg aman. Loestior. from Tenth to 14111140 and from anal to fine eta. Addrees • Med icos ," 124 Zonal csk.,VhN ra Street. rxiWg-fit* 41":tIOAN ROOIHJL INSTITUTE— Schools EST kL I S est Te l ac s h 3 e rs.D - . —To slimily Families and ToPo aid anchors to suitablß RRI)OIUtMeRti. buy cud sell school propertyß an Commission. To sloe parents information of good sdhoolit. G. B. WtiOnil & COMP NY, (Late Wrt.dman. & 496 BROADWAY, New York. i'linihOrnws-km 2fi South a X tti Street, Philadelphia. MA E W NIT° TO RENT—A handsom. =MY furnished HOU E by a neat, earrrui perFon 01 respyectab+ttry. with privilege of buying furniture if edilno •+Wren E." i're • $ offioo 1t itaWa T NU — 0. V 6 44 i`E I. to land thf bulk of 700 Itar•als n 9t. Mmtinf., w. I - Apply JAITR«:TOEII , & v o, l' AIRB. 401 and 20 8 utb FRONT filmy. it -7 stooo AND $3.000 7 , () INVEBT Mortgage Heonrites on City Property 7' JOHN B. COLVI AN, 140 Annth MORPH FOR SALE ANTI TO 1. FT. Mit TO RvNT—A convenient TIOCTI sus en Ntreet, O rrnentmen. be !end Green wt h See greeted§ roan it { 0 pent Aeril let Hl6l. Apply to RM. I,ol.l'arb DOS F FTH Street. mh26 6t 50a.-GR6UND FENT OF $27 *per annum. atell e aetre c g,Aratas... epee mt. Apply !eh2s 6. . 341 North SSX.I'H Street. tiNi TO RENT TWO 00 II N R tvam rOUICFS t ona mile from Tammy. Ineui-e No 7 7 WAt-101 .Itreet. nkh2s 3m. in Tv liMi4T—One side of a large 111111. store on CifFeTNITT Eveet. Address. stating kind of business," MERCHANT," at this office. mh22•tf fro KENT—Tam LAR'IE AND DON A vENIENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard. at alay'andville.Twentt fourth Ward. Apply to E. C. & P. It WARREN ou the Pi -Weiser'. u.ht.t tf MI TO LET—A DENTRABLE DWEL- Nn. LING. NO 123 North THIRTEENII Stre.r. apply to WETHEoIIa, & BRoTlir,R, 47 and 49 North RECON D °treat. mhlt.tf TO LET--SI 4 .OOIND STOr Y ftt.IVM, 802 CEL 7 BTigUT street over LIMN LADOIVICP & Co.'s Jewelry , htore. The beet location in Philadel phis for any kind of light bantam. Apply' in the Jewelry store. Rent $4OO. frig TRENT--Twovery desirable Stores & on the Ninth-rtreet front of "The Continental Hotel.' The Ptore et Ninth end Parsom sweets cape elan, adapted for a PADDLE rind lieurreep , Maker. Abel!' to JOHN RICE, fe6-t( Sonthireet NINTH and ANSI orl 'greet,. I LET—The commodious and desirable upper rooms. No. 613 MARKETbtreet, bein the Second, Third. Fourth and Fifth stories. front as by 125 feet, lighted , n front,, side, and by two large sky lights. The ehoion location for business and the supe rior manner of noontruotion make them more than fir divarily littynApiVB to business firms making or desiring a change of bastion,* gag- &num throughout. Apply at CLAGBORN, auctioneers, corner MARKET and BANK Roam. jan-tf FOli. EXOHANGE.-A CROWE TRACI of good unimproveo farm land in the State of Na. Jamey, convenient to the city. will be exchanged I'm inty property. Apply at No. 310 FEDERAL Street aPtg-tf • EtR. CORSON ,R EAL ESTATE BKOKER • Aro CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN. PA. —Neal Estate bought and sold on ressonsble terms. Stores and dwellings or sale or rent in Norristown and country. Good mortgares negotasted. Collections made. thebeat references given. de4 Cm PRIVATE SALE.—A Valuable Drug and -I- Hardware, Store and fixtures at private Sate„—The rrtnd Trifrgg!ltzzizkilt to M.• B. ialeNgok Chester, in HIGH f.treet. djoining the Turks Head Hotel, and now owned by the sslasenher, is offered at orivate Male. The stool to full and wed solooted, and will be sole on wcionnnixlatink terms, The s and is one of the best in the borouili , ADO) at the Store, feg mfw tf LAND II 600,000 Acres for Sale and entry', at vrices ranging fro 293 E to 60 cents per acre. in any quantifitie re quired. TAXPO paid and PATENTSrooured for purohaeora of Land under the Graduation Act. Plata furnished gratis by enclosing a tannage stamp. For farther information appl , to • WILSON, RAWLINGS, & GO., D. S. and General Land ants, 66 OH SSTottlT :+treet, Between THIRD and FOURTH :IT LOINS. Mo. LAND WARRANTS bought . sold, and located. in.7-arn HO A RDINti LARDING.-A. Atli 1 E OF R 0( MS, tog- th ror separately on second floor, ',nth or without private table, at 1315 a Ar...NU St. n. 22 12t' Fjr asT - 01, SS B—AsDIN (4 , - WITH Vesitnt rooms, at No. 141 1 LOCUST Street. mhl. Eput:A rioNAL.. WERCMOUNT HEMINARY, A TOWN.PA-- ' 'hie well.koroarn Roarrirt for -young - mar and boys w.ll be reoosslod fir pupils OD TOJ D AY. April 9 tOr CirOD•o•to hud:ess Mh23 12r• JOH W Ls• :IL Principal.. i 2 t(Y ANT, !i.TILATTi..rta, Qt FAtittIANIC,I3 ; I MERnANTILE COLLEGE, R. E. (*Met St" - vEsiTH and CRESTNUTBtreetet—Dmy am, EinNtial Unions. &diva/mai instruction to Bookkeeping, in oinding_Generell Wholesale and Retail Bannon, Ship tang, rotwardtnit and Cosnaamop. Banktng. ening& Manufacturing, gailroadingi I ltearaucatina. to.. the most acreage and P , '"." 144 °Dane in the United States. Also, Lectures, Commercial Catania. jour. Arithmetic , . and the higher Methematios. D en. tamable (hest in the an te d Correwridenee, etc. For sale, their Dew Treatise on Bookkeeeme. beset fully printed in nrilorg. and the hett ouhlwberd, MI!!1:13:E= FIRE IN-PRANCE EXO I biV. r7N/ F• R MEN'S 'Min a -E c• •ovc. P *NY ml. .pen their taw!, ""o 1 2 North XPit tktreet. abovePtynh. on M U ,II.• Y. April a, 3861. for be Sfrp ' s e tgurg a : owigraPlllriabrlrrel;o.(OUTe enCri.°e. C Nee) H. AN OR 8 4 , frrimn. E. F ACKN. Secretary fr.b27-Ar. 14 1 AM E INSURANOE 004IPANY, No. 406 CIII•STNUT *. tree% FILE AND IN 1...01 INBIItIANC33. DIRECTOUR. Boorge W pay....--of Day A, Matlack. Samuel. Wnahr....-- Wriobt Bros & Co. I). e 13 rfirrey Davis k Biraoy. Ilnr.y Lewis, Jr—_— "Lewis Bros & CO. C. Ri. hardsoo. J. C. Howe Pc Co. Eamuol T Bodine...—Freet Wyorrong Donal Cainsil. Jno. W. Everman—..ofJ W. Foreman It Co. Geo. A. West " West k Pones. T. 8. Martin . ..." Bav +se, Martin. k Co. 0. Wilmer' Davis .Attorney-at law. E. D. W0. , druff.......0f Sinter 3 Woodruff & Woodru Jno. Kessler. Jr. : , ~.No ma Green street. 1313111108 W. PAY,President. PRAPIVD3N _. BUCK. vies President. WILLIAMS I. BLATICHARD.Bearetary re22-itif gAVIN(. F'~TS~InB. SAVTNG FUND-UNITED 8T T I , " TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. IPiTEREBI FIVES ER C R wKr. R. C WFORD, President. MEE; R. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office hours. from IO until 3 o'clock. This Company is not Joined in any SPPlioation to the Legislature. fee A MERMAN SAYING FUND, O. E. cor ner WALNUT find FOURTH Mulcts, continuos to receive deposits and pat all sums on demand ae it hue always done. ALEXADEE.R. WEIDA. DSN Prsaidene. Hots iftr innia S. IVlLenu, Trmunirer COAL• UTOUSEKEEPERS, LOOK TO 'lrf a-A- V.TRlttirt . !—BUY YOUR COAL at RICRA 9 _, where nothing but the very beat Lehigh and Coal is offered, at the follotriat reduced prices Lehigh, Broken, hug, and 5tre........—.114.75 per . toy. Schuylkill. • 430 • Large Bat. 3.00 " warranted tree from elate or dust, and fall weicht. at HICKS' Yard, southeast corner ot MARSHALL and _WILLOW. Call and See. gall-3m SALEti - BY7AUTION u - 2no CARRIAGES AT AUCTION. THIRTY-FIRST SRAL-ANE UAL TRADE S tr-k This sale will take place On Wednesdae Morning next. at 10 o'clock. At the Bazaar, NI aTIL and 13A2.180111 btreeta. and will exceeu al. °mere m ax-ent. he collection will embrace at least 200 caniages , a portion of which w II be second-hand, of a superior make. an of coon Greer. Also a sel-ct of or desirable harness. KT' May be exe. ined on the any pr.vieue to sale. sir. N o peetponeMent ee seeeent of the weather. mh4.6-atif ALFithll M. tirdtKritiBSl NtiOtlollear, TRADE SALE OF CARRTAWI . WEI:WM . IO Y. he carman for wile on Wedoesday are now open fo T r examination, with a ,talognee. PUBLIC SALE.-Will be sold on WED- IsiFSDAY. Awn 3d. 1861. at one o'clock. tt , e 'IXTUft. ZS.. GOOD WILL. sod LlO. PN. of thr F anklin taloon. under the f•ranklin Market TI,NT tt Street. above tTheatadt—now doing a good day n•rht Moneta—if not rata at private sale Woo rhe above date. For f..rther partioularsapp r at the bar. mai- IPUBLIO BALE OF VALUABLE PRO. Pb RTY. SHE " rM I ORllld VRAL FATATE AND MARTI FAt.:I ,OMPANY " of Int , unc irY • PWaskr °rano. Illitior?, Wilt offer at PUB!, C e r LtE.- oa .he p enu On Whalth.BllAl . the libh day of May next, a Lame Nom• Si of DEFlrlatil34,t; 0U11, ,, t , R LOTS, EhgiblY Located for dudes, Factor,..; .nd .assidennell. All 3. SPACIOUS ROIrK !PON FOUNDRY, WIrR, 14ACHi h, El , * P. And all the appurtenances 000OPERYT for the tendnere Of MilailliflOtUTlOO r•vaines and ooil , ro for x ea, b •dro. -user. at d all other Milts. used in t. e Eouthein mad Western country. The Patterns colnprtie the modern improvement. in maonmers with a Ilia MOO orquphte oetof oatteone for ctoves. adapted to both wood and cos • This proPettS from thr ad.rirdasoodo location Mon d atty. lo 058 of the mat venoms In the Southwest. Also, at the sun. time, A FlitBT-CLAs B 'f mx-sTo., y FRAME mo_ Bur Et. Containing some fifty ionise with a full set of Fitful tare. Ike hotel is now oomg a large and prufiaible busiest_. Also a Ten her or Bel ICK STO 8 ANU COTT O GE AREIDEI 6 O T6lOlB OF -el.E.—tme fourth (3d) sash ; the relearn ing pay meets kil U- 24 and 36 months from date o. an° bearing Wines.. arihe rate. f six per omit per annum. minh payment may be rums in the Bonds of the Cornpa..". and the .une pa) me.re er.it x tr. the fitool of We Cometny at ear. xoePt fiu improved Pro perty. lor Whitt tareeolimitha of toe pureness inoloy .4)• remain upon wertgaire theAa Company PUT se to diannse rt all their im provements a m nave ajar. "peer/unit) for Dr..- R.aole investments in one of u,e bee locate. d and n oat f1..0r ohmic mums in the treat .mucherest pArhou e. imolai) in or address bd. .!_tr Preateent R M. Co., M623-tml9 Office 2u2. ve A. 14 re yr errant. thlania. b JUL , Pia;- nkat GLASS, PAINTS, ,01/14/1. AID Northesst coma 7011112 sod RAVE Streotit int,l4l:lol' CHAMPAGNE In Quarts N.-, and Pinto, for sale % T & TA RB. Ma; SI 'IltY:1 SOi l gurk YAWNS arrest B tRNUM'a LIVIN.4 WONDERS 4.T THIS ASSEMBLY ROOms ~.. NEE TENTH AND CILHISSU NORNIN%' APT , . rOv TI kI, Z AVID E V EN/70. Open from 10 o'muoic "e. M. mil P. M. hum 101 h and from ON WI 9,6 Y. hi. TRW PHANT MIC gyre THE EIVr. WONIIEHE Of THE VOA H,,, .... FAO'S DUN l'• D BY PROD ' ll A t ilD , &au t AN UNP ,Rr I,I,ELED X. SITIO OF 0 IVOIG hUvIAN CUR . ITle i Conri.risoig The loading features ol Borrimeo NO- Seum—nonoly, thr• . m A kv ELL° ug r.uluTreferm CALUI.A.TOR. 1 11,.. WORLD•F &VIED r•Z rt., a THR MAGNI/ IC e.PI a ALBINOS THE WO %.1) RFU BARTH- HrofdAle. ThE bit -AT RUNGARtar4 P G•bINL All combined in o a - .tr o dinarr, intorenikg, and AI lam° MT all B IbiTION. 4,1 ^"...'n” tl7l all only m (anti I Cauldron neAe - AIMS yearn IS Gents. Win ilt NEAL t LEYLAND'S ST Env' 0 P'ringlN ASShISELY ECILDINOSt IGII I I4 WeEK F THAI TRULY w 0 VCR RP UL NVERTAINISTPHT. 42,u.0 MI OF R V L THIS WEKKI " I , —A Day in the tim eta' tiLd Royal Palatial ° J Bung!". • d. Voyage up the Rhine, and a UM! btu•hron, aitziirtand and man,. ` 4l * lI—A Trip to me Mountains and Mines of Pennsylvania. in...., 'o Wandering through Fra-oe, Spain, F FRIO Y—Loiterings in the Funny Land of Italy. SATURDAY—A J..urney to Egypt tad toe Rely Land CHOICE SPY.CIM'''' " "ATCAILY EACH BvErutie. Admivsinn as'oeais. 1 cents. Doors oven at 73i; on ..manse at a .."atock. MATO' E F VP.W V APTRRAICON..... Cemmenoing at three o'olock MEMO* etARE, NENTZ, rt. the rrou et of m ny friends. reartit fully informs the public the , he intend• giving lus first Obenfil' 1 IN z.E. AT THE MUSICAL r v.n FALL. On WED IFNI) Y. •n ii 3, 1,551. at 33i o'o ook newiroux ..f producing the heat truth nr grant owemeA compo.ers. he announces lhat, among other works, or- g4lo' EN'S ORAN . "' PASTORAL SYMPHONY Will he performed oe thisoeconon. &HE GERfdANIA (Pt.l ~ ' ATIta, AND HERR D. BEIC"7 , L. The eminent 'Owe°. win perform on this 0004111011. iokete Fifty Cents Fer sale et A Andros Ch,Clk eriAgn. 703 •:hentnut attrit, Beek St Lesrnm's._ AO et the Almost Fund Nan. ntkAW It WHEATLEY it ELAftHE's ABOH-NT. v THEATRE ANOTHER GftPAT BILL f Continued triumph of the eminent tragedian * GRARL.EIs Di ',LODI, This evening he will appear in the new Domestitit Dr ma. nutted nr. HAeb BTRUC4GI:E OT A LOVEa'S 131CRIYICS. Together wit h the G and Drat! of • 'T R KiNit4'B PERE. To conclude wph the Bide ne tt in g Pantomime of iL-AVRN WALNUT isu_REIGL THEATRE. Pole Ultimo— --Mrs M. A.61 - ARnE *areMr. WM. A. CH*%. %sines* Anent— '. --Mr. lOC O. 'A . Er.o tfi 5 , 1 ENT OF Mr. and Mrs. .1 W.WALI •CK TIIIB (WED , . P.SDAY) Itrt FUN°, Maronl4 Will be pressnted the great historical hay of rile; iRoN Leon de Pourbon. Mr. J. W. Wallsok; Xrtishe`ort, Mr. 94 1. win Adams; Hortense de Fiermour c Mn.a Glad mane ; Mad. Glblot. Mrs. Thater. To conclude with the roaring tame entitled A KI•18 IN Tan. D. RIC. EMUS. OF PRICES Tess circle (elate secured with out extra charge.) 50 c -ate; parquet. Cleats secured at 50 cents. 37K eerie; family ci role. 25 cents; private. hoses. 86 and 83; orchestra Mainits. Ooors open at 7 (0431.0 4 111 C curtain w,l , r4.,1 of 73.4 cDONOUGHI3 OLYMPIO.—( LATB GAIET EP.i RAGE Street. below third. WONG RFUL I.UeOht3B! Of the ttnly_Retmentii Play or the THS SEVI•N SISTERS. Introducing all the new and epleneid features. teoledils SKAt PIO on tee :•C 11, Lk ll,t, b7I MOUN GICIV THE OLD APPLE WOMAN 11Y Hcitrat,E. WED DONDE , - APY IN AN AI IL HOLE. aftEh.r f4C , DIE Ore kVIITrRLERT THE k EPOUE: FOUR GREAT SC: NPR IN ONE PLAY. URl6MORNEr>APnE.jlß,tlnudoe,l THE DREAM OF 4 EGYPIEG/v: • WASHINtiTON AT VALLEY FORGE! Adlonieeten—Parette, 2e cents; °near., sit ; Fa mily Ctrele,lso; Private Box Beate. 60e. Doors over at tßio'cileek; commencing at7l4. MITZ-POSITILVELT K- 7 LAST WRFK: COMMONWEALTH HALL. CHESTNUT ST .. above Sixth P18381113t and Amueine Vntertairemenht Erva EVENING. at half yaw elven, WELPNESDA and SATURDAY Af•or a t -haw coNa - isr_ !NG of new and WONDERFUL DEMONSTNA rIONS In MAGIC, AMUSING and WONDEn.FUZ scam in VENT RILOQUISM. sad the Lad NED CAN .1 RY BIRDS. Adraounon 23 (mots chileren halt once. mbialft MICHAEL MALONE. § - 1, A NFOR :I , ORM& HOUSE, ELEVEN. n KEEL OPEN FOR TO A N D PAINTED. NEWLY' DECORA.TEM AND PAINTED. M R. BAfiTFO AD Haa secured one of he LARGI i• 8 r COM PA N IEB ever presented heretofore• who will appear vi htlr. &Word Will gaming every evenings Doors 'MOO Pit Gortimoooo *; Admsmion 115 ll%..nta. EtitRITION B PUP L FROM THU PB.NN VT Vkltl'A TRAINING SCHOOL. Po* FKP Lbrlalt•BEll CiftLf*BEN By request of many citizens. t Diteetorsof this Institution h vs speed to offer en **tractive yowl : g ammenf ezerooss by the Puviw. for W BON Ebße..Y vh ins 27 h inst. at 06 quer. KT R ALI . wing ,nd ti• oitviont, piM Calietho los. by olrldros of vs mils decree. of mental wi 1 demonstrate the prostioshilitt of the wore in wtooh th s institution is WWI. Between roily end fifty of the Pupils will be or sr nr. and tnpir o. ndition and progress examined by the Butienotelleelli here wit he i °charge f r a/thermion. the shies , of the Dosotore mine to secure a lot Mt ndatine of o O zone, with the hope of receiving slaws:most one to meet their peseta tie-is slims. i• a raises to OOMITICTIOB Sotni- Doors open et 7, TOP tickets m b- pro . omit at the frononing plisse Pr. depot Brown Jr „ moth and Chestnut. Ydwsrd Prirrish 40.0 Arch street. J Gould. '^eves h dilhesten% J. M. Mart. & •'ci Tit Market it set rE3E GEKNIA Ni A ' , Mit; 'KB pro their PUBLIC HBRZARBALB evens Tua lAYoommenons; et (*mean. of the 011:7 8, CAL 'UNb HALL. 8 ticket. $1; atnele tiokeur. ni cents. • 'or sale at Chinkermr it son's, 807 Chestrn omrl , es. rthestnut street; and Beek k Lairto4 l ll Cheetent street. for Concerts, Connagnoernents, /iv nee. ine., made anti at their Office, Chellserine eon e Piano Store , 817 tThestunt street; wunam 91 , A. 184 Vane Jumper street, or C. DTOUghIPIII7I to I 4IS. avenue. la 81-K pENNA. AUAuf a> Ur i k FINN ARTS.-10Sa CHESTNUT Street 013IMBORAZ0_," s splendid "Mira by moo. "THE FIRST SIN." a beautiful Marble Statuette try On exhibition for a abort nnur. Vuitton' will plenae br , ns their ways glom% rPLILLIE'S SAVE 1-'U'l It • eitiVr.D to No. ui South SEVc.NTB fitrOOS.O6af the r'ranklin Tnstitnte. The under -s nod thankful for past favors, and bible determined to merit future tattoos**. has secured an elegant and oonvemero store and has now on hand!' large assortment of Lillio's Celebrated Wrangle and Chilled iron Pie and Burglar Proof Rafts. lithe r i t strtotly fire and burglar proof safes ['Mom map bee Unequaled Rapt Vault s Safe and vankT 0-tkii Lillie's Sank Vault Doors and Looks will be furnished to order oe short nonce. Th s is the strongest. beet oroteoted. and cheapest poor and Look yet Also, particular attention is called to Lille's New `abinet Safe for Plate. Jewelry. &o This ti , e, e is eon iede. to surpass , n style and elrganoe • thing yet ot fergd for this purpose. and is the only one Masts atnot ty fir: and ourglar proof. Seuthy. No ice —I lure now on hand say twenty of Panel, Herring & Co.'s mates meet them nrinly new, and some forty of other matters. commuting a complete assortment u to cues, and all lately ON,- changed for the now Celebrated Lillie safe. The, will he sold at very low prices. Please call and examine. NU Wit' At. r. RAW FR. Agent. NA PIFN. CoEVANS & 4 TFi IN , d SALAMANDER SAFES. sToss a 0 4 , cll . ESTI4 UT PR' REET. PHILADELPHIA. PA. A large variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES ar t ir t in hand. SPECIAL NOTICE• awlFuk TUE. SOU Tii.—WELABLEI9- 'FOB AND A AVANICA It 0 1 7 0 ta *MIPS. Sills ,admr for goods for points other than the calm" of harleeton and Savannah. must he amsomPao ted with aertified invoices to ineure prompt delivery. All epode not permitted immediately after the arrival of the etearnets at eharleston and Savannah will be sent to the Custom-house stoves. The zleam , thie rata B. OF GEORGIA hamar._ hewn withdrawn for the present. the Si eamrhip R KV:. TONE .TALE wi I run to both Savannah a d Charleston. 'skit% fieighte for both ports et , he same time pro ceeding Sotto tiavannah,avd from the. ae n. , h Wei- LOW. making a Vie ever , two weeks. thus Mir UR do -1 tvetilili se fr quently in O. arleeton and Savannah as when both ship. as e runions P(410.1 , C813 for a horloaton will be tiPketed through. front Savannah to Charleston lif Sall old _ Fare t . r avahnah, BM; through to Vtierlegrolg, WI. FOR CRAM, b i-rt ^VD hAYANNAG. The Steamship RElllrroN: - ••• co . :. ,= . tee. chreke P. Marshman. tr , I lOW for the above ports on !rider, le arch 29, at 10 &cloak A. M. , -"owe tv i,lii,,na ow. , day, and Bills of Lading instesil at seoond wharf above Vine street. 11181.1h-rWhi Freight and insurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be tower by these ships than by sealing vessels. W insurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely nneoessary. farther than Chart Ron or Savannah. Me naroad Cowman Wring all risks from these go.-t 7. phomie phis to New Orbiting and intermediate points tll .rl4 aton and Savannah route, 001kneotinn .Atli- steamers tor eiunat., ..uu with faillUaill for new Orleans and intermediate points. oitnai ttr-puoiatal IN FARE. - Fare by this route ati to 40 per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route ea will be seen by the following sahedule. ThrouKtt manta from Phdadelphia via .3harleston and Savannah steamships, fisoLueuss dEALS on the whole route, except from Char Nam Rd Savannah to hlonticomor, : IO "oVlsonah ...- -31' Vo 00 - timbna.. .11 In 00 Charleston— fit CO AdL....y ---- ---... 1.5 011 1 055 e...........— 11 is Montgomery - - *OD ..Macon.-.- - -.. 23 in Moteue— .-.... il , * mi0m. , i,—.....,..-. 21 00; . , Vovr Oploanot - to I N. 13.-Falise' , llA'S by 'hut route otiohrot with the in land dote in , outh , &reline an Georgia tt .vailiaa by the some conveyances the oe to PieW Orleans. to ~ , le 0 , , 71111 T I, lasneo toter 1.2/ , 61,, mat Vatted. Go freight receive d on she ...es of sailing meats .ii ..iiiadmiBlol. r...). k. s'. t. a lir 0 .• elavenrith . PIITTP if A G • MMakfa T. , v. in T. G. 30ICID Char aeon, and C .1. tRe C. Pa.verinsh. will KUM If 31 tlattnag and warding all all goods ounewned to tbrir care. • IN ill blew 1O) K. : ill i NEW DAILY LINN, vis Doiswate Sad Na r, tau Donal. Philnoe phis and n ew York Exorera Btesmb alO.Ol - wi I r as v , Peig at aapna . Olaf "fol.pr.PAY: 20tH tt.sotnt. and Pomo &tit ol r. tionvorrog their car go- a in New York tr.. - fallnwins dais Freithtstlleustre N 1 Y e QLYOF, A gont 4 No. 14 SOU l• S aY A 4 a VEET. Pausuolphis. zahwei r i leffl 14 an., .I.s " Et3 l : „ Lt r_lllll4. a lt ig r i . t. t torr York. sa gge FOR.. 11,*.W 1 ORK. Ptoiedeil hinliteara Proweller Commie, writ commence their business for the Beason on Mom ari to n inst. Their Steamers mime/ renewing freiaht at &mond Pier Bbove emu* aersßt. ' Terms noconimudat 1 , 410 . 1L1 . 0 54 nig fr, co.. na)IS Oat •eath 1181&111,0 Aval4o.- CAJEWSTS 1 CARPETS BALT.A"OIIIt GARPETti 'THIS MONTH: BAILY & BROTHER, No. 920 oiltHTI‘U SI RHb,T, PUILADLLPHI 17 1 1 i . rl l tr 4 4: V i lft , ?.T at .biclitbtogstivolosinearen prat muses wr.ll oat a/ 17 4W SO lei Ope111;11, 11"6 . 111 1, 19 MOB it Up Bti. Atka) tutd JLS , At. x. get auntie , in half pipes. quarters and oe • Laves, for male from United .Ita *unions l arr Jatt&-IrCHE & man uses Ml 4 Jo* sowillkomflommh.,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers