THE , PRE;RS• l 4 f ititll)PaNgiA DttiNDAY• ' : MARCH .'• 'le 1.86.1 e 9 - - - Imm _ - ANNiveasees Cittaßit &vox -Tile r de: FIN ANCIAL . AND COXISIEMCIALe Xanthe• from Asyinwidis-White Bea. from Glasgow; I mountain Eagle. irom %WPM At ree; George ,,, • . . Therm ,. IXTURELI, NIGNS; I. 0111NYEBS, &C. ,AT ff/D.llli of the building of the• - ----- from Barna; Fenelon k from Leghorn.,• Gee Gloom from ' ,li non . • Ong. rke.. the sum of $1 00 0. e: ware Hoene Company I. tend oelebratin .tlyt . ir , .. . caroeme; h ulls W Dodge. from Trigoeura; Abigail. , - re ill be sold by sham 's. TH.OII2AB & SONS. PEI. De needed, to he expend -d by approaahing centennial anniversary on the :dist, from Rim brothers and Abu°. from CienftlegOel , Abbe umon'erealth and amounted for Inst. The nu:volume Ito/lodes a ealute of 100 .- The 1110110317 hacker.. ewift. from hisracelbo; Oman Bea*. from Cumberland. 1,. On fiILONDAY Meaning. March 4. • Puthanxtruse., March 2, 1861. learror; J P alliott. from Cisefuegme. L "/"..Ifuorkt, from . Oa the Promlran• , rig awl Matting for the auditor SIM IC ' Nineteenth and ShlPPen streets , atrial of mof 3600 , or so nruoh thereof the itpparattla or the company , a collation at the 'Ohs demand for mono, is more motive. OVUM to t rai t's p a, a; d d e e ri n sin ae; 7r e itagorg 4 i i r ti oet i l i t in t.. z u s. ota ; ; so tien ,.. m c ate n h n et nn itt sa n n ni l i uteast Corner of Furth and Market Muses. Beg expeneed hv The Auditor Geo- engine house , a magnificent supper in the eastern large amounts usually Maturing on the first end fou _,_ from A rroyo; Anne. Gardner tront lit Jams; Jeddee.trom .1. • .E legant Stare-Fixtures, Mahogarty-Top Conn- m , ui r.-e State Treasurer. ~a rt , of the oily_ a general illumination, le , ,ite of the month • end Mem is more' disooinetinh neon tare Porto Catoom Webs. from Yeomen' Faninel. nom man - . SheietnE.Diawers,.Gasiaieris. &C. budding of Laud Department, e.. - Alpo, the large signs now on the building. eof -II oraler liereral ind r r ~ bts sompsny la the same which formerly Woad at sweet i n con eeuenee lhe rates are about UM 418184 8 44 1 toss Louie, from Saga% g _L p.,ye from Cardenas. .1141111iT011 ROarer Match 1 rd of Pr- mely. and for fi•ire. Third and Cherry itreets. home Seven years since previously quoted-asinely, mix to eight per omit for Arrived, ship Eleotrie.Spate. Irmo Settees Island. I • Sale to commence the br 600. or so much thereof aliMaT it removed the Nene of its usefulnese to the West loans Oli call with undoubted oollatsral. seven to ten' NSW OILIAIIe Man* a i At eleven o'clock A. M. feZeit 'by the lime sor General, and End, and for some thria eeetitiel a portion of the per cent. for the best business paper . 115 100 Tdie2 to the , _Arrived. ship's Johsenetbisrg. Betiaiar. sod Samoa. T. Ait r General. A N1)111 F lgn-P ROO P SAFEB.-A were rig OnTLlOnon.eohool reearte Western Heats House, from w enoe is r emoved to tme it has tO.lllll to maturity, and the oheraoter of the ~,vro il iba b i :f _r;o • mm Iverpool; Cot Adams. ooniflavret 011Ter 1 I Naples; John Runyan and n Motor. from ~ _._=. _ -e , 7 or !sou. or so much thereef Nineteenth arid Smith Mutts, Its present lomat:in. makers. and from twelve up to thirty per *eat. for Info- '" ----; my he wet Remy . Nom Barbmioes; Alice 'rainier, I ameortraent of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea yen dad by the for to 'rifden ° ' Sloes it removed Westward, It has enjoyed an hi- rier grades, &menthes upon the standing of the parties, from NOW York; Kau Booth, from apalsehroule. etkblis mess, No. 004 CHESTNUT Street., Phila. and d accounted for to the A ...refuting round of prosperity. It has 'pent over the neeelledies of the sellers, and the consistence of the I ia„ EvANIS & WATSON. MEMORANDA' , - au -tf razed by this sr Gaon real be 813 000 for apparatus, ha , and the present indebt- purchasers. Steamship Kensington, Baker, °lasted at Boston 2/ ~ . ed expedient by Ihe &oda cantles of the company is said not to exceed $OOO . ' Reading Railroad shares sold to-day as low as Mat . it sere Of this set. . for plaiadeiehle . GROVER & 8AE.211 2 11 ORLBBRATRD be err. folding . stitohl rig , and Then note bevy in service a embalms Steamer, a the first board, rose at the second board to Wit and Ship J wakefield. Young,' from Havana, arrived MN Orleans .: 1' NOISELESS SEWING MACHIN EN. hereo , as roay he necessary first-class hand engine. a four-wheeled spider, and closed at 217-16. Catawiess. preferred mold at 10. City out. Ships F 1" Sage, In_gersoll, and May Queen, Jor d an, ,' lrk at of the public printer, ao- every thing requisite for efficieat operation alien , old, advanced again to the standing price of 98. for Ravens, Were at mimeo Dec M. ' " ' Bet in Use roe Family Se"'". Philadelphia. a - The market. is quiet. without any marked disposition to Ship Kate Bunter, Healey, from Rio de Janeiro' Cr- r o.-,........Ti,ur Stree t, ugf ly a era of the expenses or the . r . rived at New Orleans 2d last. ay and mileage of the mem- IHI INQUEST -On Saturday MOrning Wools". • 1 Ship Haze. b Dimes, fur New York , was at Macau alit iON.II PRIOR (ILOTHING OF TRH LATEST 120 000, or so much thereat Coroner A bill has been introduced in the New York Leme a- e" awed by the Auditor Gene- Conrad held an inquest on the body of a taro, which provide, that any railroad corneae,' Mar ,Ship Kutuaoff. Stahl, from New York for Ilan Fran- Valais, made in the best manner, expressly for RE man, who, on Friday night, about quarter past 11 abandon the whole, Or any mart beams and distributing the o'olook h by some mains . got upon the track of of their railroad when - eaemWait,t..ifideJanatro Jan hill ;,. iirdj a mt i re n ia , was in "411.4 PALES. LOWEST selling: Priem, marked in Plin rigorism. All goods made to order warreated , Legislature, to be performed the Pennsylvan ia It 'lnroad , Pot Weer Of the Mar_ ever the stookholeere holding two-thirds of the stook the -ecretary of he em u _ 0 . _b th e ~ prim ahall consent' thereto. the riveraaiverro i riste irt e , r Ourerra boiled. Also, that in forming a paean - 'snip Mismetuke. Porter, clesred at New York cod inst. Milsraotory. Oar ONE-PRICE system is 'strictly ad eh thereof as may be newer ken-street ondge, lied was run over y ei a : preen ter train on any railroad which oonaeote with any for Liverpool, heed to. AU are thereby treated alike. train, which was goiog west. The body wag shook JONES & CO.. 604 NIA RIC Rl' street. Duteous expenses- to be ingly mangled, the head being almost severed other railroad, if one imagego-oar e l le n be placed i n Shin Revenue i _Ottiwell, froin Liverpool Jos Mit, at - 1146-ly arrived at New Vora rd Intlg• enteral before being paidfront of the passenger -care , the other baggage -care (If Bark Virginia nod t Melina. 'milking. Irma Rio, de i --• . - mor S 3 000. ('ow the trunk, and one foot being out off by the there be any) of said train may. be placed in any part of Janeiro. arrived at New 1 ork yeeterdsa. IllititialF.D. ea of the judges of the Su- wheels. Death was, of course, instantaneous. The such train. Bark D G alton. Peacittok, cleared at New York AI 1_ 000, or so much thereof as remains were conveyed to the Twenty-fourth ward The follovring ni is statement of the deposits and inst. for cow Orlearre. • , Krt-THOMAS.-On ThursdeY nionent. Februer7 station - house , where they were recognised 88 those Bark Jag Smith, Brewer, for Philadelphia , sailed from' 23 r the RSV. Robert C. Matlack, at the residence of et of the judges of the of Clement L. B Mo Y Cloak The deceased was a coinage of the United States Mint, in this city, for the Cienfuegos /9th nut. , 1 0 Bitting, Egg. Mr. George L. Kirk, of Haver of the Cana of Common month of February , 1561: . Bark orozimbo Rosebrook, for Philadelplik, *led' ford:to Mille Maggie H. Thomas, daughter of the late la, the gum or ea 000. or young Min of about twenty-five years of age. liefrom Cienfuegos 161.11 ult. , Willim Thomas, of this city. • - was the eon of the Rev Mr. lideOloaky who re- DEPOsITs. Bark Alex Nlorieill, Somers, hence. arrived'et New nt E-DEEMER.-th, the 96th ult.. by the Rev. W ni , of the judges of the - .Gold fr^ m all s•uroee......- ..... -.- ..85,244,316 P 1 Orleans 2d lust -, • - -A. Wtod, Mr. Daniel Wisp to Miss Mary Ann Deemer ardent end assistant law nose at 'Thirty- sixth and Hamilton streets, West euver-Deptnota and purohawe.. • .... 16+,361 28 bark Frederick Lennie, Sumner. from Boston. an- both of amok Fee ton. Pa. • ' ~,, Pies., the 11111111 $12,13C0 Philadelphia. He was a student at law in the _ rived at New Orleans Al inst. PVILIAMf3-K sMB LL.--On the 7th Noveubsr, nt of salary and mileage of mote of Theodore Cuylor, EN A verdict attribute Total deposits...---,,. . -85.8M,177 99 Bark Gored' Hop -.Gordon, for Port Elizabeth, COL 150 the Ver. W . , Mullin Mr. W. W. Williams and law judeee of .he severs/ jaa t h e d eat h o f th e , a, seee s e a to m a bi en t wa y T en Copper cents (.) '''''''''' liiiiiiiiiirge cleared at_euto., 24 rust . . Miss ars 1, Kembe I both of this city. ri this Commonwealth. ex- -•-• ISILBSOItUre-e LIPTINE.-On the Stith of Feihru this and the count' of All.- dared . t 's ° 5 "" et . oew ""•-•-•- ----•- -- --- • 16.735 TO Bart r, ir netball Unumi Wahine, from Cardtff.arrived . at 1101 1 e Janeiro Jeritil. - , . - ;sac*. by the eay. William MeComhe. Mr. S amu el Bib GoLD CoINAGE. rso much as may belineees- - • Brig W GreeTy, Deskyne.for Philadelphia, was tolled lbrou h. to Miss Catlett. a A, Menne, botk of Philo- DETaclivas.-Quite a number of the de- Do E No. of Pieces. r Value. übhs axles ---. .- .. . .....371,750 $7,439 WO or; to 604 hoar New Orleans Met met. - ddillt. s tof salary and mileage of Bog . elven. Willer, remained at FierreLeoutrJauln. DUDLEY - SHINES ,- On th i, n th ..,.. in .137- thisC teative police of Boston, Now York, sod Fhiladel- Fine ears -..-- courts of Common - a 641 / 6 e'' Behr oli Regent, Langley, from Galveston . arnvwl try , by the Rev R. At Lewis . M. D. Mr. nharles Of BO much as may be ale- phis passed through this city bat week for Wrieb- T0ta1.... ...... _....._. _. i lilla i 37 . 43016 ii at eoston Ist inst. - ' • honey _to Mu Mary B. Shiver, both of tiyberry, roi ington, D. C., to attend the inauguration of Preei• Behr P A Sanders. goners , hence, arrived at Bos t on ,eel hits . cut of the interest of the SILVER C01N.1012. lit inst. ; PERGUISON-TAYLOR.---On the 2241 ult.. by the mwealth that fells due oe dent Lincoln. It is eupposed the piokpoekete from Deflate /7,000 317.1900 00 eobr A Tirrell. Higgins. for illaltimure, °leered :at I, or. Abel C. Thomas Mr. Allan Fergu,on to Miss ant 1861 and on the lateay all parts of the country are concentrating at the it elf- Bohan! - - ....... ~..-. 144410 7.00 e 11 1 Boston Winer.. . derthe Ann Tutor. all of this city. 814175. capital oily of the Union . About a dozen have Quarter D011am.................. swum 77.00 00 Behr Lady /Suffolk, 'taker, for Philadelphia, domed ~. , lion of the mdirent pupils69,ooo 5 960 00 at Boston 2d rust .- Tens been et ed in this city by the police-four on Dimes.:.... -•••••- - • • - its. the sum of 125,030. to - °PP , . H a lf oh nee ___ _.... ._ ...... 2 55 ow 14100 00 Pohre AH. Brown, Fdwards. from Bristol for Phila. ,i -. ~ ' - ' ' - DIED„ nembir of indigent Pupils Friday night, and the remainder on Saturday -- - delphi n ; lento le ieh. Crowell. from Boston for do.: ITIIIPPLE . 011 - of the • - ornitionweelth at morning. Total ' ........ 685,400 3121,100 00 Lizzie W flyer. Mortaffie. from Portland , for do: mid .- the 2.1 inst., of cormumption. Mary yr. the evidence of which is 4.awife of Anthony P. Tripp's. and daughter of the ..__-........-.--.• . COrrillt. Mary Anna, Gibbs from Roston for Whmington:Delee 'f usurer . For the friene- • -re attires and friend' of the f y are reagent 8 . 14 , 1 , 3.00 s l um en ware, at Newport let Hun, settoicreads to felt redo , r . ..auhr in the 30th .7 88 r of her arc WO. TOR JOHN TIWOKS . - Divurh have been at coots.. . - tore on II - rota Ireland - from Mobile for rrovidenosh : Timone Institution for the work at the ehip John Trucks dude% ell the week,) iiivired to attAnd the flirter/LI from her hearten ' ILECAPITCLATIOIf. .., , reported ashore on nonitin 1 LBllll. will be se to ia „„ e , ~,,._ . d e ..,MVelil.l3. UM FOP/ar street, above Eleventh. on BUM of 924 800, trabe paid a Pieces. rutty morning,_at lo o'cloc. witheat farther -no r indigent pupils from the d have thus far removed a considerable portion v n ' a`•" 1 •..., loss, being embedded in the °lsar about 8 feet bolo* 1_ 2'. Goal ......... -.............- 574753 .7,08.06 . Water mark. • apt 31 Tower. of 1:101100,,with hell WI te. Jet, Louis /repub li can and Lexington Observer monweaith. at the rates of the cargo. OM Saturday, • alx divers were em- Sa uer __ ,_ ,_ __ _. __ _ 58t go 1111.700 00 vers. &0.. reached the Orland on Tharrillay moraine', ea of which is to he fur- ployed, and the crowd drawn to the spot to witness C0Pper.................. ..... .1,200,ND mow oti v a L.-...At Nauruan ' township, Montgomery co, and would commeece getting out the cotton r malnine P"I e°P.T.I the. operations was large. Quite a trade to being -- VI Pennsylvania H05pita1... 2466 . an 417,ni.n6 . nd on board the vessel. all 4009 all the weather moderate 4 ~_ in c• nine lit inv., Peter Weal, in the 48th year of lug se of completing suitable driven by enterprising 'boatmen who are on, hand Amount ooinrifin:TiEuariand Februar7, - _ WO NV. to take the curious out into the stream where they 186 1 I I ' t -•••••• • '••-• -• ' - ..... '• • - 84117 ' 816 62 ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. T. ay, at 2P. M., Irom the residence, of L. J. Plant, _ 0 friend.. are Teenaged to attend the funeral. on lido •., Asylum. $5 000. 0111 have a good view of the divers as they oome up It re 'etiolated that the new tariff will yield an in iranie I 14.. tic tiosintat. the NO north orth Nineteenth street. .• of of salaries aria wages. to "Alice creased revenue of 311.0f0 COO on the principal imports. Do TO 12 o'CLOCK LAST MART. to the hull/tier machinery . - The Miners' Tosorturt sun= up the coal trade for the 1 14 1 . 1 -111-e-0° the 28th ult.. Mr. Matinee R. Miller, , .iti e 74th year of blase.. - - sso much of the am v e " Trig SONS OF MALTA AND Chili. TWIOO3. week as follows: ' CONTMENTAL HOTEL-Ninth and Chestnut. tiers! rola' his late residence, Main street, Ger- Ivania Training Soho , I for -The bone of Malta, in New Orleans, have given The otiantity 'sent by railroad this week is 20,239 ee nit g rown u 8 A y g ward F , lmini, rf Y •rn wn. this ( Monday ) afternoon. at 2 o'clock. t Media , in the county of evident)°, that although they may like the troupe tone e g meer &he" fur th e eer • ei n mune4 week Is " Jf 2 C'eee• New /w k - T 0 woo d, Clunk, TTER.- On the 20th ult., James Rutter, Jr., in the , 234 ear of his are. oral from the residence of Ills uncle, Robert Win 9, for the purees/3 of erect- Year. H•ron Stonebere, Rues's. • Barff. brogiand that their section profits by, they despise the trai- The trade sums up this week as follows compared J Biekroton, Maryland Wm Mover, New York der No. OM Norai Twelfth street, this (tieciond-day) re usual sum for each pupil, , rporation. Provided, that tor. Witness the following communioation which with last year: F E Biglow. New Yotk It B Amager, Ohio 11 x e-d sixty. hue been reeeived - by Minne-ha-ha Lodge, of this t of fil thiuooly, to be pale 00 ,at... y To". p eana yiy ama yi t J enne , F l u s h ing .. J Quma.--On Meath ult., Marie Louisa, daughter ran andante in favor, of the "--, • ~ ~ ..i, W Ball. Harrisburg J P Glass. Pittsburg of salient :sadthe late Joseph Jacques. aged la he Commonweld In pro- . CHARITY Loner, I 0 0 ee., K lilenchard, Bellefonte H A Muller. St Louis Je -ebles therein, eats 000, in- Haw Orti.z.uis, February 25, 1561- G W Cue, Pittsburg 8 Keys. Pittsbure 1 F oral from the residence of her grandmother; Mr.. of 810 000 to meth of the II R Pay eon, Pittsburg. A &Moyer. Pittsburg . Meat Johmicia, Pro. 11118 Beath Third street, this 1 Mop s yi i e se a r & fl u or° , an d Grand Commander Minuet ha. lea Lodge, 10. Jno Wrmond • Evansville Thu Gibson. Nashville dor into meg at 9 o'cloak. Oct, to be acoounted for S. .IW , Philadelphia : I beg leave to nodry your Benton Mansfield- II York J H Witei.n. 'Mame . 04RPRNTER.-On the Ist mat , Mr. David Careen l4 of "natal . ° °f T- 4 ° Year Lodge, that at a meeting-held bait evening at the 0 Chanute , Deno a 6ft Ihrearengen, Meow thallet. year of his age. ?resided, that the soy of W M *loth, St J °cud; Jos Grimm'', Neer Bedford -.., r eimet .from toe reer.druo• of hie um-in-law-Tax Grand Commandery, in this city, General Tadao, il to en appropriation on .P . Claypool, Indiana Wal Wherrett. Indiana .R. Wwle, No: 1814 Ogden atreet, on Tuesday alter ing to the selsriee of the of the EL S. A., was expelled from the Order Una- D a Greet. Mississippi_ H T governs, tiattimeye Met at lof clock. ' • e normal schools. ormousty. His mine is now inscribed with "O. C F Manning , . Porend J. Sevmour, Jr, flew York . D ENON.- n the let Inst.. John Dream. ad c era - el repairs to the k ; A.” Notify all the brethren iu your *irate to a D burls,. New York B J Bain man. 1% ew York Fam from his late realdenas, ao. IXIJ Spruce in or 315 OM and the &MI- _F Crone, St Lou. A 1 intah, St Louis etithist. e (today) rettrning at 9 moloot :_-. " &charged mallet • in equal shun him. f Struthers. em's ti F Wisner &we Mick J KaOff.-On the limit, Angelina Rose JlllO/11011.- d atter the 16th day of the - - 0 a onigmacher, Philo n Reese. New York d ter Of J oseph an Henrietta C. Jackson, Keen' her in the year 1661, and Be- POLICI cAsis._on Saturday morn i ng Ple Barrett. Chicago A H Sebley. New York 1 0 .. , F Osgood New York 8 Abeott Lowring. R 1 1. geral from . the resident:a of herMirente. inn anent of the galenists of the Sarah Cavil/ was charged before Alderman Rib- 8 . fa there le but a ffAn in street, on Tuesday raormnitat 9 o ' clock . -L, ••• ni tenet." the sum of s mut, bard with being a professional shop-lifter. It , r,littl e 1 arence In the trade Oom. G ar dn e r Colby, P o s t on, JPT Reesman, Boston " pared with last Year. N tippart, rano a 0 6:Vaughan Boston , 8 v ...patt.--on the 28th ult„,, it ...U. queer , itithe ehi VS 000 for building purges m. alleged that Sarah stole a number of artioles from - - ii. Pennington Fell River . S Lanied. Detroit yea or his age. •,.',.- '. '' , .'„os-' 4 . 7 '. 'e- - - " -re te Treasurf monthly 83 the Dealers and manufacture's are begtunlng to make in- For Jones. New. York J 7 Cometook. Jr, N I . e . hMilie Yieldenoe. ma 315 Cathrine swim , furnished no the ea - a trimming store at Eighth and Rack streets. She minion for ooal, and the trade will alert as soon as the A M mmpeon. New York A W Pt-meson. New York ' terit i lele4al2.l afternoon, at 2 ceeleck.- i • dition I Bum of $4 for each wag committed to answer rates of toll, tnsneportation. &c.. are Aired fel' their/112E Fft Bhu. New Haven N W Hoyt. N Orleans. ' STEI .--siq theist inst., Mrs , Mary Ppsieln, re quarterly nag and Jeremiah Henry wee caught with a bag of oats baajam. mm Dolmen, New thawing Etnistford.& sou, NI York Het the late Jacob Sestain , in her 76th rear. teen Of June andte, eeptem- • W E Janie New York n Hammitt, Phibuielphis ~_._F ral from the ritendences of her sou-in - law, Henry camber and March in the on his shoulders at Twelfth and Olive streets on The transporting companies are engaged in arranging A Graver. Chios.° WWh Wilton. Virginia man 0111011. ill North Niue "treat, below Parretti, this Friday, of which he could give no satisfactory am the tolls &0., and we preeume they will he promulgated. ye note Cooper. Illinots .1 Miskey, New York ; ( ftettlig),aftemoon, at en cloak f, Refuge in Philadelphia. count It is eupposed he stole the same. He Wag shortly. ' R Y Murat', "•rer 2 ork Geo A. Roberti , Bsltimore OguAl4.-On the 28th ult.. John Forman, aged 64 0.117 appropriated to en- sent to prison by Alderman Flankinton J Magill, Chicago J e Rummer . Ctoomo years" , mutates tenant regular The present mild weather hu been very favoralie for Et wGr .ves,_New York m Plate. Cincouseti. 0 *quasar from the residenoe of Ms sorninlaw. Robert -- J Iryn ortheast ba l goam eo en., corner of Behmule and Columbia Refuge Western Penn - POLICSIENN AND Tanra. WARRANTS -The the olsening out or ototoo, and !oohing tho neeeuserr J Creolinell Kentucky . John Et Deweee, J P Haw'. Boston J W Osborn. Boston r atenueloymerly Hanover and Welt Streets.) this .eghem, for the galena, of rapture preparatory to opening the same. 1, De y Jr. New York J G Roam, Plula l Mendel eruirnoon_, at 1 ceoloolt, . ovemente and repairs the throng of perlicemen at the City Treasarer's rapture mre 4 8 weutworth, Vermont miss Wentworth. N u Philallelphia Stock Exchange Saletip 11.eit el -..-On the Ist inst.. Maria E. . infant daugh on Saturday, with their unpaid warrants was very Francis A Fisher. Vermont Dr Pattie. Baltimore ter of Stiphen P. a-d Hannah' A. Harmer. aged h 2 nt of pensions and gratui- great. The policemen butt% done without money March 2,186 L . J Drummond. Maine (I W Kendall, New. York months aid 12 days. . so mural thereof as man be for some time Past, were rav en ous for their see. Rzronrso Br S. E.Stsymexaa, Merchante Exchange. J 3 !Crowell , New Jamey John 11 Dall r _Californi a Funeral from the residence or John W. ernter. Ger ent of simnel Hazard, ed.- ries. The first that came were duly served as far FIIMIT BOARD earn' 61. Klinger. N N M Lane, New York ItlahloWei Green stret limey au', Cue ( monde, ) and Pentenvenia,Archives, as the money went. Two months' pay is due th e 2110 tit Fauna so.-- 83 50 Catawises Prefd... 10 lit Bruits Nashville D B Franklin, new York .. ofterailon, l at. o'olook. -. . R C McCormick. New York D H. Gildersleeve. N V ' $2 OE police, and with little hope of their receiving VD do -......-..... .89 26 do, .. -- 10 }q uinine R ui n ing is y L &mar. ^Pew York o• 36,100 ire appropriated for pay - 00 d 0..... -.. 89 20 Green & bootee-, 17N, w J &tyres New'Vork WII Barnes & ton. Pa WOokly Report of Interments. one, hereinafter prescribed, went unit ) the tenet{ for the current year , begin to IND do.--- 69 10 d 0..., , •• • • 17a. pi 0 Paddock, Illinois H 'isogon', Illinois HEALTH Orrice, March 2, 1861. OulZatlOn Society she I fur- come in As the rate is Eyed upon, there Is some 6011 do-- ... 9/5 PEI do----... - 17% F lit Randall California Jordan 1 . Mott , Jr, N y . an number of free partner hope that the treasury wilt eoon be replenished Ica car 8 ..- ----: nix ao 2o d d ."- --- -- Ini J .1/ Lrisda Minnesota John e Jenkins N Y fallrMalall la Iha OCIV of Philadelphia front the Xtd of , , hell have been embarked • 100) ao February to dared of March. 1861. üblio of ibena. The An- rir M. .1 Moros Old Prefd . ..11055. BO Pe a 1i.7.-..,8 41 Jne A Altohtioll, New York 14 Prate, Deep /Liver warrant on the tremors' in NOT A PALMETTO -The flag carried by to blieehili., --- N3N i 60 do.- 41 0 L Stewart. New York 1 N RriAliitt. New Jamey , Wm Ames. Virginia Jas R. oche. Washington said Pennsylvania Cololli - the Minute Men of '76, Captain OM. Berry, was " - do-- _ -- •ON 1 - Al--; .. • - •• 4 ' Sand N Walby & tr- Boston Mies Weill, Boston -..... . T .. r ,, sof money as may be ale - Rtu Reading IL ........ ~. 22.36 1600 KAI Nov 6s 82 .. Si • • , Al 2 Darling, New York Wayne Moveaglipenna mutat. E. E - elseasse. 17. ,f transportation and - a white satin flag, with a pine tree in the oenkre, so do , .._- . 21E MO do -_ .... Franklin MoVeagh. Conn John W Wright, b Joule - - F6r f E r paid N epublic of Liberia. which 18 an Old national emblem, but many per- so tto --.--- . vt..% Is Cam & Amboy-be Its A. W G Shoo.. St Lows I, i amourems. et Louts tl - . • an $ll be allowed for tile sons were under the impression that it was a 100 do _.-.... .b 5 22N 16 do - .....b6.05 John Foca. Ohio The. Faye, New Y ark ---- . Person above the age or 15 250 d 0... •. - -lots 22 10 do -.. , .b 6.115 A ig na yirt a hyg &ue N y ga m " B. mieemen, N Jersey AstWia-....... -.-. 1 Fever, Scarlet 1 126 Or any person above the age Palmetto Ass. This has caused a dismal daetton nio oo...iote.oseo = C iit Place, New York .1 W Taylor, St Sourish . elfilftrdall- ... • ... / 2 Fever, Typhus- I 4 1 - - --_-1- - i in the minds of many, and it is with pleasure that BETWEEN BOARDS. - coed Armstrong, Jr. lows J Burnet, Jr, Cincinnati Anemia. ...--- 1 . Fever. Typhoid.-- A 3, ant to the city of flamsburr , a we make t hi s "statement. 1 40 0 N ana 5 ., .89. HO Cit y t i e •. 98 Hiram Woods. r. - Belt Wm L Nonuser , Jr. BAP •Poptery....--. - 2 lienivrhage Langs. 1 2 .ll.ldings with water- n..csorUterus- 1 1 28 IMO. the sum of 3600 and _ ~,,,,,,i . sin 00 -.---- .82 16200 Casa &Am de 'TO- sea II M Warfield, Baltiniorel See E Cole. Wrodstook.ll.l Bailin •-. , - / us n_rJ_ T 1 Hardest. , Ifir in.& 0 P Dixon Brooklyn Cause ..t._.1.... 5 • Whooping Coug_h..- : 3 buildings and walks, el OW, Ca r aidGE OF OFFIOSRB. -At a recent mett• "''' -t y "--•-•" 1 / °ass ' 5 " ' s°ll ' ° • s- • -3- - W-Dixon Brooklyn g le Le_ern.d. New York Catiaer - ot.Breeist._. 1 ineemmation _Bram 1 5 d line by the ,andiror General lag Of the new board of directors of the Green SECOND BOARD -Starbrook,lideasechusetts F B - Falser, Mass _ • i ' , ',Btomaoh... ... 1 1 Bronchi ..• •• • 6 I company. in pursuance or its 6oo Penns 55............. • - _.119 9 Cern & Amll. -...... 115 Boni Berne, Joshua F moll, lientuoky callneitiel• •-- ..... 2 " Larynx,,...,., • • .9. I to be paid on the warrants of and Coates-streets road it was resolved to dla- 2700 do --- • ---• . 59 5 3 ° - " -- r/ 15 David B Meth's, Indiana Id F M00r... New York - Reiner -,--,,,-,... el • " Lugs ...; .... 919 pante with the -offioe of superintendent as a sopa- afnCi'yee --- -- .as 54 Lehigh - --,IOU sIX Henry A r•hurch, mug EET Roberts, Pt Louis Anieetwo oi Ur i n. 1 . 1 „ " Pentoess nt , 1 -intendant and watchman of rate o ff ice, and to put the road under oharge of 11111- Ka do -.....,-- • Ott 3 0 Reedier It n 740 Geo Andrewe Virginia .„ Dr Lindner,. Tennessee ' Landa•-•-•-• a " fit. It 4 10,0448 2 1 comer, the sum ol $ 2.60 per 1000 City Gas 88. _ new ag 6 mi ne hi l l, __.. ME J 0 Alvan'. Bridals:tort will G Paton, Fiala "Cramas-,-,........ 1 •• Throat.. - ... 1 rind of bill aneotioment; for Ham Reed, the stable agent 1000 Readmit 66 Pk ~. ,74 nee W cheateFee.__. Si N L Berry New York Wash Mooreheurohia voniegmon of Lange-22 1 2 " Bladder ...... 1 eubbo grounds g 2 COO to be Dandy Sherwood, Ete., the secretary and 18 Penns, 1- .lots •Oli 1000 dil. ..... .5i M R Wendell. Boston Jacob Weldell, fir, Boston. Cotten's:one -....-- .1 , 4 Inanition 1 . .u. 8 .tO tv settled by the auditor treasurer of the road, has resigned, and H . H. 3 Del Inc -._ MI6 4. Philo Bk. -..•-- .103 G Liptold, Paris C Berohehod, Chia - cyan05i5............. 1 1 3 stsaia-a pota..- I w, ad a further Fein of 8125 ...,_,. 10 Cam &Am R ---. 116 8 do._..- alla Ira Adams. nieveland 1, W Pali Pennsylvania Inetheria_....... .. . 7 Malformation Heart 1 be corner of Walnut and or soon hat tutteeded him 6 do - ....115 2 d 0,..,. -.- .108 John It Übl. New York J F Pendegast,Bal Dropsy - . _, --- .... 6 2 Mammy UM.. • ... ..... / 4 amen r•om aortb to Fourth. w - ~ C.LOSING PRICES--STEADY. F ziebm:dt. New York James Smith , New York • nri ~. - 'Drain- - 9 Meacee............... 2 sato of 31 Ng ; and for iron Ornsum OF AN BE MARKST noun.- . .Pa .11-it Revriolde N. w Yore ' OhraL... 1 2 Old age..---..- 8 tto Walnut, the gum of •913 310. .116.1. Aural. , Bid. Asked. t)l lsis " °tiue y k vem G FAT ' Buff I • " newt-- I Palsy •• • Ybe neoessary. the mice to be The Union Market, on Second street, above Cal- Phituelphia6s_ 97m 98 !Elmira It Prefd-13)4 It B a rney, P. ea' "r go. a o .ection of the Stare Treasurer .lowhill, was thrown oaten to the public for the Bret Phiie 65 11 -- SI X 68 1-El ms s ' 7s ' 76 -•- . 65 457 G VirP Smith, Maryland Jll 'Plairrtute. Baltimore ' Heart....: 1 2 Small-Pox -.- 612 Da' 0 R Eaten Kansas Hon W Monigemery. Fa" - Disease of Brain-- / Scrofula - LI,- --- - - 1 e , nimontrealth, and accounted Long Island R -.10 time, on Saturday. It was well attended by buy- Ebil s " naW--/ct 3 tustif It 1 . 4 S' Brown misaissimit Trios ours, Chicago ~ 1 " tyrne ..... 1 Still Born. •••••• 9 tar rennet 55...- 814% 89 Leh 01 & tea ._ .6l 63 y r d. , ;miler ; L ee i eme , Geo SY Lay, Virginia ' " Kidneys,- 1 lalrse Mesenteries- 1 e Bergner $7 per page for the ere and rollers., Read R. 223' 22 34 6" Cl a rr N 1.09 - 114 e 345 i Thom P Beach, Kansas City A 1) Ingle", Wert, Del orowned ........-.- I llnknow..--- - 1 3 billed during the pr agent see- - Read bds '70..., ill 84 , orlh Penna st .. _ lee" 9.1-4 A moDowe, clam's° ~ Jae' Hamoroft,Jr.Unarles'tn Thientery. 1 1 Violence 1 the amount to be eart.fied O T WEST Pgraa.nimpuria Gaa,yB.---1 his corps Reed mt 61'80.•43 ge 92 113 Penile .6s ..,din IM .....---- thßOllity ........,: ••.. • . • /4 4 alc°,,,,. r s i h m e ti ll i p l'i aL i b d oss u r re n . such have applied to a ewe a are or the I, -I t fan riot of in Read " /1 / 1 18- ' 7gi 7 4 I N Pee " Rll ' l-94 ..1 -96 1 e 00r- Pantie Ft ... ... .4 WA; Cauterises It ton. 3... ara Effusion te e- . 1 I ' , . - - Ihryameime , .....; .1 .1 . .. - . Ile 173 nbing 'or the Commit. e of poratioe. The corporatore named in the set are Penne If2il Mtlas 911 - Catatnato Preld. 9.1( 10 ' males, uri,leiasie.. Ho; .....__ io on order of the chinnan, John H. Gardieer, John Chase, W. H. (lichens, Morns Can ow,. ao as Fre • t•ith ii.. 44 48 Morns Van Phialat: 111 66&3d st II divoff.43 al oh Tux Lao' - "BMUS : e to the Finance -:0.21- 11. m Lane, 3 Conrad, W. Ephline, William L e t - Felt le 66'83- ... ME 69 Race& r Vine-5tu..13% 15 awn of 850, to ale Pala Oa or- D. ""Under lyear.-..:. - .... --- • Di ford, Et Fife, W Mark wood, and their arsodates. bch Nav ImiStr. 75 80 West Alla. , - -A5 86 From Ito -2............ ....... e 5t h Nav Stk.„.. TS( 814 Spruce m Pine.- 834 8M 0.. _ae il-..- h Nay "'rent- V 18 'Green & Coates. •17 17.44 s Elmira it......... 7 9 .IChas it WaLnut..2B 30 - Slate Treasurer is hereby au to pay to each of the chief clerks se the usual per Mein for Sloan close of the session, and the aditional officers who may he snit theta in their duties' Suit soave and House. fur he en_ to jeorm..l th i s Sum a WO) Stinni .1 °met clerks of the ndant upon their duties (wring mot SU& clerks. appointed according to the of May 7.18.55. shalt tte taxation and ini ease as now at terse by said ant, in proportion to •ve as anon. payment to John A. Russell for tee of Representatives as an as t EBREIIOb. and for services during and tol, chsrge of the pspars ci 81 000. and it shall be We state printer the bonne (topes I forward the same to the ad ins as soon as nese of the session, and to Win. P. he Senate, the comp striation as derite. alto fur distributing anti word, elf*. Bra - e Treasurer is hereby au be chief clerks of the tienate and Per nay. for each mole employed PUBS durum the p-esent seamen, Jed in the usual mapper. Se , te 'Treaeuser is hereby antho- McGurn and Thomas thefor cleaning and keeping in basement of the Gayety the Ye employed to be certified to hr . For the payment et the fireman furnaces in the basement, the the account to be settled by the tiblicarion of the ms , eorolnwinal rder of the State, under the di institute. $1 500. : and repaving the State animal of $2 SOL in hen of the aara o- to be expended by the Major naion Pennsylvania volunteers. ind.tor General. irate freight tonnage . agernta Northern Central Railroad, the ar rs to the Pennsylvania masa or ao much thereof as may be nntud selariei herein provided soaps to penitentiaries. houses mettutinno, snail be paid if the State Treasurer, unless ).w and that no mono) r_,Poro 17t.hteOgritilbgiaisulitntteioant refuge. CITY. .03.1(11,NT--The annual medical department of the took place at noon on Satnr- Ball. A large audience was Ting pawed off pleasantly. load with a prayer by Rey.' ~ president of the Penneylva )urg. The degree of Doctor of conferred, by the same gentle allowing-named graduates, who procession to the hall, preceded officers of the college : . Pa. Keller C. W.. Loniona.a. Md. Lewis T. Newton. Osio. !viably:hula Cuba. Tams.. Magnin e. F., Pa. Mason J. Railer. Pa. Matleak James M.. Pa. McKee James IL. Pa. Me Iles Thos. W., Pa. Moody Writ. W., Pa Pa. Neely S F. Pe. iany. Powell Sand.. N. J. Richardson W. 8- Md. !sharp L. N., N.B:unswitik. &live eater C.. Pa. talisman Char's L... Pa. Ullman Ludwig. Mo. - Umberger z dmnnd K.. Pa, Pa. wehrier Jaeoh U., Ps. Wertz James F., Pa, degree of Dcctor of Medicine tpon the following-named gentle- M. D., Pennsylvania. 1, M. D , New Jersey. D , 'urger. M D., Pennsylvania. M D Pennsylvania. afield, Id D., Virginia. M. D., California. D , California. 1 of Doctor of Medicine : :act., lowa. charge to the graduates was de )ward Rand, M. D., Professor of first portion was devoted to the the pains, perils, and disappoint )nal life, and to giving the gradu iable advice Then followed a^me wresting remarks upon the subject ore, and the speaker finally closed Aug allusion to the political troub es to country : ago we met ; from the sunny Stated Id the " ever faithfal Isle," to the the north, where England's Queen ;entle away, you gathered loom . halls. r and cheerfully has the toilsome passed. In tnia time the demon of - ben in our land, threatening at one it with fraternal blood. But I trust 'ger is over The bones of our citizens la's soil ; but they died fighting the lob threatened her eons. Should Such fain arise, another army would march ease, not to slay ; to die, bat to die bumani'y crust that you represent the feelings mum ; that the great heart of our teats truly and fraternally ; that they Me in their might, and demand peace; "%Son, which has been the bane of our Ince for so many years, being finally lied, our country will move onward, tier than ever ; that the aunsbine II stream through an atmosphere storm, brighter for Its temporary trust, gentlemen ; and in the future, meet the " stings and arrows of an en rtnne," may yon still learn "how sweet of adversity ;" and, as timeoreeps on, nob should 11004MNAY old ete. F. love, obedience, troops of Mende' tpeteuce woo by the atordy labor of ezthood, may you pace the evening of cheered and eoatained by the ro cs well spent in the dudes of our 'B old State Artillery - , which was for commanded by Col A. M. Prevost, is about to be revived. some of the old members of the company are sawn - van - 1u we tor, Trail they will hold a meeting for the purpose of starting a reorganization to-morrow evening, et the corner of Fifteenth and Oallowhill streets. FT. PATRICK'S PAT.—The various civic societies (Catholic) propose St. Pa trick's key by a grand reunion and an oration. Delegates have been in convention, and completed arrangements for that purpose. Rev- Ambrose Manehaer bas been engaged for the oration. and be has Selected for his mei sot, " St Patrick's Monu ment is inland's faithful people." FALL FROM A WIIIDOW. —Mrs. Lanisbach, the wife of an officer of the Park police, fell from a third-story window of her tesidentle, in the Fit beenth ward. Saturday morning, and was to badly injured that but little hope is entertained of her recovery. BROM, Doors.—During a trial of the Hi bernia's steamer, at Walnut street wharf, on Sa turday morni - ag, a portion of the Intushinery gave way. The company are running a borrowed appa ratus until damages MI be repaired. PSTIY SrEALING.—A number of thieves were picked up by the police in different parte of the our during Saturday night and yeaterdry, baring in their postession aundry articles of but little value. FIRE3IEN'S Row.—Yesterday morning, be tween 11 and 12 (Moot, same adherents of the Franklin and W4X14140e ; Engine Companiasgot into a row in ehippen street, between Third and Fourth, and for a time bricks and other miasiles were free ly used. Several of the rioters were arrested, and lodged in the station-hones. A LEcrcuu nns EVANING.—A lecture will be delivered, this evening, in the Sixth United Presbyterian Church, on Rye street, above Twat!, ty•first, by Rev. J. R. W. Sloane. The subject of Mr. Sloane's lecture will be, " The Reformer." Mr. Sloane is a member of the Reformed Presby terian denomination, and has the reputation of being a profound and eloquent speaker. We Under stand the proceeds of the lecture will be for the benefit of the church in widob it is delivered. Sti - Prossa Inominummit.---Yenterday morning a Are 000ured at a house Broad and Susquehanna avenue, occupied by Mrs. Eliza beth Miley. The damage done is estimated at about $l.OOO. The fire is supposed to have been the work of design. NEW COTTNTERFBM-Yesterday a new counterfeit $5 bill on the Commerce Bank of Phila delphia made iti appearance. . ROWDIES IN THE EIGHTEENTH WARD.— Four young men were coming down Frankford road last evening, when they encountered a gang of rowdies at Ann street, who first abused and then assaulted them One of the ruffians stabbed John Taylor, an inoffeneive youth, in the cheek. The stab was said to be severe. It was dressed by Dr. Dill at a neighboring drug store. Ude portion of the town needs purging of molt marauders. STI,I3BING CAss.—Last evening, about seven o'clock, as four young men were paesing_down the Frank - ford road, Pear .Ana street,in the Nineteenth ward, they were attacked by a gang of rowdies, and one of them, named Jos. Taylor, was severely stabbed in the neck. He was conveyed to a drug store in the neighborhood, where his wounds were dressed by Dr Mace. The assailants were not arrested. BOYS' PRIMARY SollooL.—A Boys' Pri mary School has been opened in the Sixth section, et the New street aebool borne, above Front. Clowirno. —The connection of the West Jersey Railroad, between Woodbury and Glouces ter. is now complete, the layieg of the rails being &tithed last week- The ears will run permanently between Camden and Millville in a taw dale. Idoamaar.—The Board of Health report 287 dentin during the lard week, of which 17 wets from smell -lux. LEG )LL . INTELLIGENCE. UNIT= ETATEs Durnom Corm—Judge CADWALAD6II —The ease of Wm. Heathog, °barged with mail robbery, was not dateladelion Saturday. QUARTER Sessioss —Judge Ludlow.—Jo shim P. Eddy and William Logy-gfellow had a hear ing on Satuntsy, on a writ of habeas corpus, pray ing to be dismissed of a charge of forgery prefeired by Louisa Gaines The prosecutrix alleged that she give Eddy four judgment notes, whereas he entered up five against her , and the fifth one she charges as a forgery. Wilt awn Longfellow was the counsel in the ease in the Com mon Pleas, and that appeals to be his only commo tion with the ease, and be was die:hared. In regard to Eddy, the court decided to hold him for trial, in view of the testimony, altho ug h t h e judge said that a comparison of the Dote failed to show bim any difference between the origi na l ae g the alleged forgery. Another branch of the Ileadviok habeas corpus cue was heard. Mrs. Beaderiok produzed wit nesses in bear behalf, who testified that ate never took intoxicating . liquor, and if it's did, her hus band furnished it himself. It was also alleged that Mr. Readwiok treated his wife ill. The wit nesses represented 1415. IL as a person fit to len children. The Gammas not concluded. MARYLAND ANNUAL Coastslecs.—Thb leas body of ministers and laymen or the Method lit Protestant Cburoh will oonvene at Newark, early in March. The stations and circuits are now electing their delegates to , represent them in that body. It is said that the session will be at tended by about one hundred and afty ministers and laymen. 18641. 1831. ,- '..--.---.. TOTAL WEEK I TOTAL WEEK' TOTAL. IPM P. - & R. R. R.... 26 4811 203.343 20 2XI 264 081 419 264 Lehigh VaI.R.R 13370 364 834 16 338 168.7161 40031 a arancon lit'll .. 10.910 89 497 13.3111 85.726 d 771 uo. NOlth... 3,968 18 340 3 749 , 444143 , 8.873 Broad Top 2 168 '76.946 0.019 19 791 d I 766 664m0ki0....... 1 718 14.71 9.879 93 647 8 90 1 Ireirertou .- T ---1,304 9.193 1,442 8,113 d 1,630 Bh. *At., H. 'l'... 811 2 812 3112 42 2 1.:30 Lykene Valley. 336 3.199 844 4.317 1.118 -- -- -- -- 89.829 631,138 61.388 623,696 06.696 159 OW - 6.460 1.889 Philageinth• There is very little demand for Flour. • ither for SE- Port or home use. About MO bbla only found buyer at 80.373‘60.1a for extras, and $5 75 for good extra. Fa milyeuperBneiioshred at $5.25, and nearly nominal at that figure. and $6O/6 75 V' bbl for fanoy brendsjes in quality. Rye Flour and Corn Meal we steady; about 150 bble of the former sold at $3 SO, and SRO bbls of the latter at $1 alissl.9o W bbl for Pennsylvania Meal. Wrizay.—The 160elpie d steaks are light ; sales in ode shout 1600 bus, in lots. at 11110 for canb,12160130 fa- good to prime Western and Pennsylvania reds. and 1110 to /600 for white as in quality. Rye is steady, and abo 1 tin bus sublet 683 for I.tate. and 16334 a far North Riv ut er. Garn is very trs , day. About 1 000 bue new yellow sold at t/Sbnio in the sere MO afloat; 1.100 bag old also cold at 6ittalo at the depot. thata are selling as wanted at &to for prune Delaware, and 32%ea130 for Pennsylvania. Baux.--let No. 1 Querottron is wanted at 826 COTTON —There is very little ni..ventent, and no change to note in pylon,. Gaon - muss Agin rnovisions —There is very little do ing, and no chan g e to note; WOW lbw Sides and Shoul ders in salt sold at 0a for the former, and lo for the lat ter. 00 are. ' bas T h e market is fi rmer. with salsa of 600 bus Cioversead to note at $4 ?Sea. ha. the latter for prime. timothy and FlaSeeed are wanted at fall rates; small sales . of the latter Pena . ti t s at $.1.455 , be. Virmaxir -s firmer ; Penna. bble selling at atetto4o ; Ohio do 18%0100 ; drudge Mio ; silo bads at 180 4P gal lon. New York Stock E INOOND 14'0011 8 Se 'BL Reg'd.. 94% 10000 U B 68 'Bl ooupOu 027. MOO do .......-- 92% Ido 9234 000 Tem 78y, 0000 SOOO Yao b 6 ginta St so 70 1 d 00 63 1 60 0000 Mis d souri 50...._.. 66 0000 do . . .. dog 4000 N 82 2000 Brklyn W L0an..11 6 34 180 • Gsl& Cid 2d mt... 96 10000 Nan & Bt Jos It— 48 100 Merebauts' Bank— 9774 14 Rank of Commerce 9034 00 Pee.Bo2 M b Co— —. 86 SO do —AU 8634 1 50 do 82% UN Y Central -., 78% 200 C entral b&P 73 00 do 77% 460 de 78 200 Erie R do —..— —WO lidt Mt XIM 160 do ..... 60 0* dog 360 Ciao R R.— 8634 C IT Y: ITEMS. Atr ELTIPITIN TO ES BOUGHT APTZH. "Oh. is there not a happy land— A land beyond the seas-, Where pot- pie smokes rn boundles lakes. And autnplingg grow on trees? " Where ginger -breed is found m stub, Arid • pop-corn' by the ton; And when you do a Job' f work, You get the ' ready John ?, Where nature's lesson. may be read In every babling brook ? Where bumble-bees don't sting a ohap. And muly cows don't hook ? Where men do work in wisdom's way!, Avo•dmg foolish folks. Luxuriating all their days In the clothing made by &roans." At GRANVILL2 Eiroxits". one pries" fashionable em porium. No. 807 Chestnut street. a valuable gift moon- Danis' eaoh Mole sold. Tux AgB.IBBIWATIon or PRgarDiNT LINOOI,II*- TEE rdYNT.IntY SartsixED.—The mystery of the M aim d plot to assassinate Mr. Lincoln, before his in auguration, has been explained, and we are happy to sire that we poises' the key to the story. It seems that after the President elect started to Harrisburg, a stranger toads his appearance in town, end mysteriously whispered about that he had been sent here to " Shoot Mr- Lincoln I" This singular oireurnstauce war nar• rated in oonfidenoe to several persons. and the story 10011 gained general currency. all the detective °M ears in the city were put upon the scent, and they finally traced oat the mysterious stranger. /be matter was explained in a laughable manner. It seems that he was sent here to purchase for Mr. Linooln an ele gent mit at the Brown atono Clothing dish of Rooltion & Wilson,. Noe. SAO and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. ad having rather a think tongue, he said he bad come to " Apo; (suit) Mr. L." iMPORTATIONS [Reverted for the Primal EBBINAL—Brir litudlning Bird. Prdtz-266 maim, brimstone 114 bass Memo 2)0 bb). yrunea /121 maltase ourkwood SRN hoses oranges MB do lessons hew J mums A. Go. CARDEN fig—fing Gov Bull, Arthur—tl2 htola 24 to mobilo , e 8 & W Wolin CAR D BNAB- 8 08T Matthew Kennel, Otiar-423 Midi; ree molasses 8 k W MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FOIIIIII RAGE. ARRIVICD. Steamship Boston, Crooner . . 20 home from New York, with mdse- mad lessesnlers to ins Altderclice. Puma et. 10 0 atonic on 800 ay morning. of. k:ourteeirloot Bank. stop naranak. berme f or Livarpotn. tOW of tug worie.; brig Ella ! teed. race for Havana. and oche L epTIPIg, front initanzu , wife off Bombay Pools; tam ri L B wales. from Wilmington, NC. was off Wil mington. bound up, hark Oak, Ryder. g days front Boston. with ladle to Twells & tha. Berk tioperailor,llnbberd, z days from New York. with coffee to Lewis & uamon. Herod Commerce: Barnes. from IBortimez. FR, Feb tkvitti sugar and aipiassee to Jowl Sammy & Cv Efig humming Hint Peitz 45 dale from 0111'..., with froiraro to Is -so Jeanes ' & Co. Feb 1. tat 29 04 100; 38 6 6 W. spike Br brig Lookout. from Liverpool for Valparaiso. Bog Coy j l lll l _,ArthUr. 15 day' fro in Cardenas. with molawme to 44 & W 'Womb. Feol7. off gardenias. ssaaa stair Central e mono& bound in; Nth, let a, long 75. spoke brig Fulton. ingernag Bahr Matthew Keneer_._flaier,ll days from Cardenas. In is o th irr ° lr lagim egoo s an w oo S kt rar w oCi l. .'ldgag from Wilmington. NC with naval stores to Baker & Folsom. ST 21ILXGRAPIS. eceireapondsip). of The P Tozie loss. 'March & Arnvod, adays_ Parmatta_ana Viousr...ltom Li *moot a Gns.: from Boston; 'harks Z 8 41 9. item at/16A JONES' HOTEL—Chest:ant street. shore Sixth. M C CashelSe; Detroit Chas R wombs, Mow H. O ttroker. New Intrey Rens B Gordon..-Biniton H Holcombe, New Jersey J A Owens.klitla J Brant PhDs, A H Simmer & la. Del J H Bork-rave, Virginia. 31 14 13ason & NOR. Cat E G Fuller. F. ahfeir, N S Win Wheeler & son, In P Koss, I- hilt!. Robt See._Jr. Pinla JR Lyon. New York - It David, Nom York Q M Taff, New york:„,„ I:3o v ti o tl i =splo_,. , rfilWyrews New Jersey J PlAtrt... Sew Jersaa-- - A Thirkield gifes, Bombers J Hires. Jr tanr7laue J Ma.onicar. W chew, Geo Taber, New Yo k K tit Low* aL. Davis. New York -C R Raw, London S J Richert, N Carolina W Z Jontion„Okeir Jersey 0 B Simpson wilmington .T Marshy; 'Newington Troup. flew Joiner W H Also% Penns Jas Oa °well, Alleghett7 J F embroil. Kola AF Boon, Waahins_ton R D Maeombe, ew York K C Marsh, New v Gra B Dyer. New Isms B Beagle. New Jersey Jae Bourne, Baltimore win P Baltimore ;wow Landes RentookY T P Soofield, Reading Wm Gemerield, Canada Mimes 2—Evening' change—Marbh 2. BOARD 300 Hudson River R.- d 53 lodo 454 301 00 d .blO Harlem Railroad ..- 15% 10 . )00 Harlem it to 1100 Reading R 411/ 819* do —ll3O 45 MO City 4% To! R •55 100 do -._ • - ...1)60 3636 50 Michigan Cent R 573 i 100 do 58 350 do -- • 5736 so Mich 8 Ir k no 00 14z, 20061.11&NIG-..-. 36 100 do 500 do 8534 140 94SX Pazum do a 1800111 Ce 52 n ti o R 16 . 0149••, . -11536 , • 81 .200 do 81 13151 do ....--..b60 81% 11511 do 046 KO do --b6O 8136 200 do 8416 48 Col & 94 140 Gal Sr Cu 72 MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth Street, below Aro:t. H Williams. Wilkesberre W Et VarinUre. is. N Y Adam. Jacobs jr. Penns Jit Johnston Penns, N Morse. N York l T youtharel.ll York T J A mu. Arkanibili P H 1P ar ley, A Amnon A Falcon. Pittsburg .D Partosi,Goltssbarg E C Beck. & la, ork, Pa Hon 18 8 &Lott & is. Mill`d MD Goodsell N q.aroLina R &W, Altoona rs -M Roe. Altoona Jae 6181-enn. lown Geo Aibree & wf. Frani/on T W Bwhydr. lowa A Billeroan. PennsP R A.gobertey & :a. Ohio Miss A reherley. Ohio W k. Robinson, Ark N WaPer, Alabama .1 Pr.ezearov.cienee, R 1 Johns. Pkilada Lewis Evans,Keokok JAinstos. N York L C Porter, Harrisburg Patrick Maim. Penns AMEBIC/IN HOTEL—Chertrint atroet. above Fitt h. Jae Binzhain. New Jersey Gen 3 Robbins. N Jere, fil P Hidddel & vrf. Blairevl B P Htimson Blairville J Jenkirt•. New Jerrie, JII Edwarde Philadelphia Wm J Jackson New York Thoe Bent. New York Barra 'Ber.t, New York Win • inkbam_,_Providence Thou D Bayles, Providence B Dragon, West Coaster N 4) Bayles. Providence ' Er 8 w hippie, Porvidenoe D N talesoury, Provicencs Mrs Wti Poorer. kick...Vs A Remains, • maim: N J Fr - noir; A Fieher,Vermont Dr Reese, New York M Q._ rain, Jersey Ahura Bea P Trentoa, Ja. 7 Smlth. eading Elt Barnes Philadelphia A Rossi. New york W Barker. PhiladelpLia Mre M Mo-onald, Bait W H MoDoint'd. Jr, Balt A C Linville, deilttatore A Lewis &. la,_Borlington Mias lon tt Eilaek N York k, Go ' , per, ri York B Black. boldork J Andorran, Yi r ashington W New Washington It dmitbers & la, Boston Jno Bmitheirs,_Boston C Jessno , Boston B Palmer. N Jersey Cr Herrington. N Jersey )3 Browning, N Jersey W Cog eskers. Boston II Aiken. Franklin, N Jno Bodgere, Washington is Bond, Washington, HIC JC Wrist, Workington Milli Carrie It West, Washington RICVERE HOUSE—Third street, above,Eass, C ifswyer. New York G C &moor, New Jersey C rm th, Nlidelehilre Jil Pens Wi *m N Baughman, Wilkeabarrs J N Fry Philadel phia T Cars n. thiladelptua C 3 Maier, Philadelphia C R IletTy, Butler. Pa C W &bird/P. l 4as P Wilson, Tennessee NATIONAL ROTEG—Race greet, above Third. H B Papaw! T a Faaroae, Baltimore W H Baktwin, Nen. York D Aonff nAsomeri CO D Tories ootgomery eo J 14ansert. Hatfield D Pennsylvania Wainwright rela,Pella J J Martin, Delaware Cit 7 J P•milh. few York ' T L Jones, Reeding .1 Tager', P•ansYlvania THE UN 10N—ereh atveet, above Third. lis Pannell Beading Q. B Hayea. Reading Thos Due. Warrior& Conn Howard 0 Watts. ctin,. 0 Wm kly. New York 0 H Otte. Cincinnati. 0 Wif woAd. new Jersey W H etoirnes, Indlsva o w gratkic.. & la.. Y Jes.n bodes A la.. Nl' - B fitimegii. rbiladelghia fd I' Flower, giunanua. Pa BALD EAGLI- —Third street, above Caßowhill. H Housman, MoDAtom's ooH B Sellers, Bethlehem T tl Lemeenrint, Yeomnlvania AL a.CiE BEAR—Third street, above Callowbill. wr Ho , x. Philadelphia Jacob Cooper. Pa Hein Temlinson. Somerton H Tomlinson, Somerton L lontltavan, Somerton Semi Morns, ?h d a Hiram Foch, Phila John Harper, Bucks co, Pa MERCHANTS • HOUSE—Thivd. above Callowbilt W T Roemter. Bethlehem Samuel Riegel. Bethlehem J 8 Randolph. •ew York it M Jones New fork J M Taylor. Pennsylvania P Bittlle, PenosTivaDia Jacob Heokertly, Becht! co Jacob Landes. Recite oo FT. LOUIS HOTEL--Chestrint greet, above Third. .1W Vord & la, New York o'Bjmnetio, Marlland Mns R H Hutchinson J Ulnek, Ohio D it • sot!, w ellevtlle 0 0 W Jones. Philadelphia. W W Stewart: New York A W Wright,. Cincinnati C W Maryland IL Jackaon Fhtlnilelehts E Finery, Peons, 11l H 8 Budd, Meadville G.l Gems, Charleston James Holism , Charleston - RaRLEY SHEAF HOTEL-84mnd street. baL Vibe Ilbaa staituay. Disrtarille J Santis, Newtown B Lew.etown ' John 8 Pauli Huehew John Davis. Eames Jul did. barmaid° sin Joe Newbold. Boohoos, 8 Lightessi &is. Philada L J Lieveap. Philad 1I w Liedioap.led& Mrs' 8 Moser. Allentown Miss F. KI2S11•8. Wm C Hibbs. Books ou 8 Hough, Yardleyville MOUNT VERNON ROTRY.,-Bseond et.. above Arab. Tilos H Moore, Bib toil, Md ias firmstroßt, reser King. Mains BOHR, Penn ' a J Vawant. Bristol k 8 Cocnillard. La E tl Gaylord. Philatla. ft A Grave,. Pada • W C Rsuilsobusli, r Wads Mrs Wilson, ilnladc 8 It McClintock F OUN TA I N' HOTE L—Se cod i 6.. above Market. That Th Kitty. N Haven, Ct J a rvei, Detaware 8 p Martin. Delawitr, •R. 13* invite. Delaware 1., P Panonood. Delaware W H War 4, Penn's it D Rose. %entreat C if Gage, Nultvilte NJ P W iilneinatt. New York Chas B Pitt, Ultimo , * D Bryan, Baltimore W 0 Lloyd, Wlltrl. DOI C broallwood. Baktmors . - COM INERWAL HOTEL—Sixth it. above Chestnut. Thee Walter, Milwaukee Casa U Brook, Dnyleatown M Yard ey, Doylestown &pal Cornet, Phi:carnal le W M ,ary.onnell.Chesteroo M B Askew..Wdm,.. el .1 M Pentameter!. Wilat.Del John Trainer Chester co A 8 Whitman. fending (; F gees Keultag R Todd, Pante, IVII,Ria jostle L Slimmer. t( York STATES UNlON—Market attest. above Sixth. A J Wo:fkiii.Lewistown W Wh eeler. _ Penns Bob , ' Ma , weir, Plus..tirs las A vinoent..brie. Pi C C Houghton.lllinois J B Birks, York cm, Pa Et Levers. Penns Jas Watson. nibs SPEOIAL N OTWES. . SAVING FUND—NATIONAL BATIVIT Titlir Coll Pe eT.--Dtrring the noponsion of inmio soymorit by the Banks, Money received end paid dul l in the mane kind of funds; eDecie or notes. es de - Poeitod ; Interest five per cleat WALNUT Street, aouthweet corner of THIRD. BsTaimos's Heals L.YE.—This celebrs, ted and perfect Hair Dye is the LeJt in the world. All others are mere imitations of the great original, which bee gained such *venal we patronage In all parts cf the globe. Tne genutete W. A. Batohelor's Lien.d Nair D r . instensety yrodaoss a splendid blank or- MUMI Move, without staining the akin or miming thaliair. and will remedy the aid:Pat Cr bad dyes. 'oscine the hair ler life. Bold by all Druggists . and Perfumers. Whidecile by FAIDIESTOMC Yr. CO., DYOTT & CO., Philadelphia: nadt-tf . ; Boys, ED; - Girls, Si. woo _yozza Woos i . 72. From 30 to 30— . .sr .. oo to ro -... it 39 '• 70 to W....._..: It 24a• ' 80 to 90.:..—>10 . - 7 4 ' 90 to 100.... —.... 4 ~..,,. .. _ o tin r 320, .......... I • _ 74 1 237 Newarr—Uuttod Otates. 2113; Femme, 10; Us, Fern.l9. rom the al2llhause,l6; reoele of Color, 14 ; from the Coutitry, z. i WARDS. WARDS. 1 WARDS. First. -........19 Tenth . , ..---.11 'Nineteenth-31 &wad .......... 15 Eleventh . — ..13, Twentieth . 9 Third .... 9 Twelfth— ._ 71Twenty-first ~. . 9 Ferirth-.--...l6 . Thirteenth..... 6 Twenty-second.. 6 Fifth.— -.- 4 Fourteenth,.... 7 Twenty-third...... 9 1 Sixth - -_......... 7 gifteenth— .10 Twenty-fourth...l3 Seventh ... -.34 Sixteenth....... 7 Unknown....-... 14 Eighth.... --- 14 Seventeenth- -22 Ninth__._.... 4 Eighteenth 14 Total....—.ii The number of deathedompared with the ourreoporid hue week of IMO and of lent week. wee es follow: Week ending . Marsha. 1860. wag.. .... -..201 " Febnntry a) Igat,lnie.., ....- . . . -.966 By order . of the Board of Health. WILLIAM REHD. Health Officer. M OURNING SlLKS.—Black and white t:cm striped and checked silks; ray shone valanoias and striped Desalts ; xranadine veils ; make(' bandker: ewes; black and porple obaly de Islam; Foulards in great variety ,• black grads min sits; lace a rev e l. sate and eollars ; eek barege laerwsni. or grenadine byre gem.; doily M Co. Meow kid gloves; silk vlavea ; ahea bard plaid valenoias; black and white lawns end'maa neta ; Lupin*. black dreg, goody, &a, BEBSON . 4,1.0 si Mourning Store. 143-tr - 915 Chestnut Street. REV. J. R.. W. SLO4INE, OF NEW York. Will Leanne in the NIXTEt UNITED P aBYTERIAN CP 1/IPIT, RACE Street, above- Twenty-firm, on MONDAY EVENING. Marob 4. Poti- Ssot—'• The Reformer." Dr. D. H. 4GNEW will Leo-. ture in the same piano Thursday evening. Marc h _ 14 Tickets 26 caws. For sale at W. a. Young's, 1023 street, or at the door on the evening oft he Lee .ture. mh2-21° riro FFT C E OF -TIIE EARRISBUfto, PORTSMOUTH:, MOUNT JOY. ADD LAN (' tER RAILROAD COMPANY. PoitanaLrota, arohl,Elß:. -The 'Board of Itirectors have this day deolared a dividend of five dollars and fifty ante neon each share of -the napits' stook of. the company is the heads of. the stooitholdars. on the list day of eortterf lest. Tayside to thou stockholders or their legal re oresentatives Near of State tax,/ mond after the 13th instant, at their office No. 3 WILGING'S Alley, Penn n Ivens Railroad COMPLAY ' S OtilildiTMG . . GEORGE TABER.. mhl.Bt*, VOISIMIGi, rF OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY-PII , I.•DIL_NIIA. February 11,18131. NOTICE TO STOCKOOLDP.RS.—The Anneal Eleo two. for Directors will be held on ISOF , D AY. the Oh day 1 of MambTE M. at the Moe of the Company. No. 2 -0 South RD Street. The Polls wi p be opened from ten o'clock A. FL until sax o'olook P. M. Noe rre orsh area transferred within sixty des next pieced es tbealiotoon antiLULthe_bolder or holders th»ota TRW 5D1141.7ND felVtmhS - . Secretary. CITY COMMISSIONER St OFFICE.— TO lIOTItI, KEEPERS, RESTAURANTS. crriT:hers sel/Ing Liquors by lean mutants than a quar -vmu t. llean's . for ne w license. also those 'whose li . •sstre In may arid June will &W O Y at . 4=lWihrositied by aota of Assembly. on the folloart ing_dsys : • • Finis .eard.op Friday. March Lt. Second and Third wards. on Monday. March lth, I mirth well. on Tuesday Minsk 5 n„ Elftn ward. on Wednesday, &larch eth. Lath ward. on Thursday, Marsh 7th. enth and Et ghi h waide, on l'riday , lid, rob Bth. lath sad Tenth wards on Monday , ,laroh 11th. :Weave' ward,on Tuesday, Ma eh 12th._ Ifiti and Thirteenth Wilde , on wedneedaY. March 13th. Fourteenth and Fifteenth wards, on Thursday. March 14th. Fix - Wench ward. on Friday. March 16th. toren te en th ward on Monday. March lath, 'ghti.erith and IS ineteenth wards, on Tusidai, March Etth. Twentieth ward. on Wednesday, March Mao T,ectty, Seat and Twenty-second ward,. on Ttinrads.T. Mimi' Slat Twenty: third and Twenty-fourth ward*, on Friday. alsroh aid._ JAMES MAW, V f•-tranie (nark City Commissioners. g:THE FAMINE IN WILLS. IPPEAT. FOR THE DESTITUTE FROM THE NEW YORK CITY COMMITTEE. WN. C. BRYANT. I. E. WILLIAMS. Chairman- Treasurer. Chas.}!. Marshall, Beth B. Hunt R. R. McCurdy. Morr.s Ketobum, G. C. Bronson, Chea. W. Rlliett. isi I,ord. Daniel Drew. ' S. U. Wadsworth. It b.sooo e our imperative duty to urge upon the robin, attention the fact that over 40,000 of oar fellow. attune in Rama, are now in imminent danger of stamps. We have evidence that whole families have already died et marvation, and that thousands more mast lie doers di...paraded, and die of want end disease esme- QOM a you It, onlesaprourpt and thOrotler relief is At oneesopplied. I.:mum is row attamptins furl:sin I the resryms ndians. but pnr OJAI YOIIOW-Oolintlymazi— ronFtio wo men , n t or °l l t m d r i rtirim r away * XI t y ge l ! pen M O T upon or who have neva!' known hunger. THAIO AZ 6116TA/DIRD. Will YOU to help them, To allure you that whatever you to will reach them, we shto that in every destitute township is s Relie f Committee. These are all represented b• the Terri torial committee. of which _S.C. tOMEKOY is Chair man and H. FAIRCHILD Treasurer. General runieron s at Atchison, devotes his whole time and enacts, with amostanta , to the receipt and dettsbution of all oontnbotions of food and clothing, all 01 whieb are delivered upon requisitions of Town Comnittses, and are distributed through them Thia organ:ration is prompt. thorolph, and eddotive, and we thrum the sendins of auppliss throusb it. /dopey and ohtluns are needed from us; food can be got in the Wept. 'the/names of oar Committee appear at the bead of Otter, asui tee hope will be shaming to mine* co oper on. tier "I"reaanyor is Joan liCrti,LeittS, FTC; t Ike .11istropo/man B tik, New York tuts. 411 motel sent to him wilt be applied to the payment of teener& yomero.'s. drafts. on account of freights and "Cit. I%e ',PIM to you all, by every (MLitt, of his seatiMof honoi , ,,suid of eobhp gOce... to Katt.. limb 411 av o z,tiog this great calamity . Th ere is no MO to 1 7, 1414 :We sskiridividnaL everywhere to oontribute encestrid to arse it upon then 'Mende and nenheore. Hamm. We Appeal to all churolt-s and or-arena:ea bodies KILO' promptly. generously, and eirICIODUY. THUD, we urge upon nosey GOVZIttiOa or 'WIRY th•Tlllll2llXlittely to br.ns this matter to th e atten tion of neir k,egislaturea end seopte. Oar last sta lilltics Choir that nearly 11270400 is needed within the o.l4lQii urinight to supply this people with seed for spring Ptintinc• It can only be furnished by State action. beery onusicleration of int-rest also demands that tuis new nat. should be embed to become self sustainine pro active, and even' tvtar rich—thus to fu.fid hat iestinr, and to help others, as we are now help ing tieL e ask. therefore. every Legislature to do as they would have others do to them in tike distress, and at one, coital:li ample sappllo. Al. al011•1 , 811ftt to on Treanantr, NM E. WIL LI 4114. t. Metropolitan Bank, new York mu, or to DleiraßL &CO Bankers 34 South 'PRIM ISCreet. Philadelphia, wileb. gratefully "kliMit.'"al and °- ritual, heel 1 1,Chathigg • shoeld be • sentPOMBBOY, non. Kenas,'' and freight should be 'Ronald. fell frow et . RETAIL BRE GOODS. SPECIAL NOTIO N. E. J. LEVY & CO. Beg to =cane, to Weir oustonters and friends that they will offer at private tali, at • VERY REDUCED PRICES, the beam, of their stook' for the next week. OA SATURDAY, the 9th of March, TREY WILL OLO SE TESIR STORE, and the balance of their stook will be disposed of at PUBLIC AUCTION ) it being necessary that the affairs of their firm should be immediately Wood up. The Mock is • WELL ASSORTED, and purchaser* Nel 1 find - STAPLE JUID FANCY GOODS, of superior qualities, offered AT PRICES FAR BELOW THE COST OF PROD UCTIOO. J LEVY &`CO.. 809 AND 811 OBREITNLTS STREET. inha-at MILLINERY GOODS. STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, 72,15 ORESTOUT STREET. EVERY STYLE OF PANAMA, PALM-LEAF, AND OTRAW HATS - FOR Wilt OR BOYS. PALM AND WILLOW I-RAKERS - STRAW AND . -FANCY BONNFITS FRENCH FLOWERS, RIBBONS. RUCHES, LACES, Ao. ; •- : We lie now prepared with a finely-swotted stock of all the &hove &Wales. ano invite the attention of all oaah arihort-time borer.. =ht. tf AWNINGS. AWNINGS. AWNINGS. JOSEPH H. FOSTER. 443 IiORTA TRIED STREET. At the old-established Mend can be obtained, at the shortest natio., - AWN INGS. FLAGS. TENTS, SAILS. SACKING-BOTTOMS, WAGON-90VMM, BAGS, An. ,z - VANVAS of all descriptions, plain and fancy, of the **quality. mhlint A-W INGS AWNINGS! WM F. SOHIEI3I,E. No. 49 ROUTH THIRD Street, above Chestnut, PRILADIMPRIA., MANUFACTURER OF AWNINGS,. FANCY WINDOW AWNINGS, • FLAG-S, Sec. All awnings made at this establishment are PROOFED TO YREVENT MILDEW. without extra charge. Canvass of all desoriiitions, Plain and Fanny, of au parlor Silalits. ar Be sure you set to' N 0.49 ). OITTH THIRD.. eraha-meram PAPER HANGINGS. PAPER HANG-IN 1145 WE C. 1.& BOURI(E, 11. E. corner of FOURTH and MARKET Streets NIA.NIIFLCTIIILEILB or PAPER H N GIN GS, BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, WINDOW-CURTAIN PAPER, Always on hand, a large and ELEGANT STOOK of ROODS, from the " FINEST GOLD PAPER to the LOWEST PRICED ARTICLES. In our RETAIL lISPARTMENT will Is found THE NEWEST STYLES OF THE BEASON. Ea: Mu GARDEN — tiCEDs. B .0 wAR-itxtriirai . _ KITCHEN GARDEN SEEDS. _ • SEED WAREHOUSE. 022 and 024 MARKET Street, above Nutt& feel-ba HARDWARE. MOORE, PIENSZET,I% CO ARE NOW OPENING 'FIUME, FALL STOOK OF HARDWARE, 427 MARKET, and 416 COMALERICS STREET NEW PUBLICATIONS. graFORGE G. EVAN'S' PUBLISHING qua HOUSE and 39 GIPTE ST HO COIJE STORE .treet 4 CH N f S • NEW AND 19.61.5:02' woutfly. - Pistoff of listed Nether-ends. by Motley, 2 v 015.514 00 Emie Veneer. by Holmes. 2 1 75 Oyeat Prearation. by Upturning.-- 1 00 15 Wits and aux of Society 160 Women.—. 125 of how York, l;2 CO Dutch Domino of the Catskill.— 1 25 hunny South 125 Throne of . I b . 1 1 25 Pillar of "., 411 14— 126 Prince of the Horse of aDavid-4 3 25 17e20n Text Beek 1 00 Romance of the 1 25 Romanoeof an Irish Girl . 100 Alt the latest Stendxrd and Misoellitneous Publiee them at the Publishers'-regular armee. and a beautiful 'flirt, Worth from 50 cents to SlOO with each at 91 101441 . 6., 13 VIM, HiIekitPORISNC, No. 439 CRESINII7 Street. NEW MEDIOAL BOOKS. Published and for isle by LINDeAY er, ELAKISTON. Publisher'. Booksellers, sad Importers. No. :In South SIXTH 8t.,, above Chestnut, GROW-AM:RIC • N MEDICAL RIOGRApRy„ picntoive MoVEM,ENT wag. illoototted. RANKING'S RALF-YEARLY AJBS nu= N0..93. Do. do. do. vol.lo. ALTHANS , MRISOCAL, ELECTRICITY. THE FELYrtio , bif VISITING LIST for , -GREEN ROW ON 1 PTE FRIA DIXON'S. FRACT CAD STUDY OF TEE me rang. OF TUE EYE. NEW MEDICAL BOOTS received NI 40011 es pub fished. FOREIGN BOOTS imported to order. feN BOOKS, LAW AND MISCELLANEOUS, mow and nld. bought, B O OKd ern:banged, 419 rjog,BE4 B K 19L'ORB, No. BBSTN UT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. hose barring Books to sell. if at a dist,noe, wi.l state their names. am-a biudinita, dates, editions. pitons, and con.itions. WANT BB— ' Bones printed ty B.nla mm rrauslin. as well CIS early pools inured Portraits and p u r,:ad A ra l gtat ' L l a t 7;:f l l ) . l llll 7 .llll . mores in press, sent free. Lit:lrani* apprateed hat! JOB CAas Ma , L LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE IN CITY AND COIJ y OF_f HILADELPHIA. Fast. of RAMIJEL MOORE. deceased. The auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ausAA MOOT E, adrol Ellett atria ol the said estate, dietrthotiou of the bllanoe la her hands, wilt meet the parties lowest• d for the purposes of tna app,intsue , ton MONDAY March 18 th . 1881. 4 P. Wt., at the Ilisthartlt Rouse. BA dBObt Illtreet, clove Math, is the laity of Ildladelphia. Atha-mm(l4 WILLIAM ERNST, Auditor. TN THE 00IIKT OF COMMON PLEAS Je. FOR THIS CITY AND COUNTY OF PILILA DELYHIe. ALEXANDER HANCOCK Va. FIELEN ILANCOCN, alio'. ruby. September Term. 1 8 1 0 . No. l3—Divorce: Ma sin= You will take notice that a rule ham been entered on the Veepondept in the suove ease, to show ULU.e why a thetree 41 Divorce, A V N. should not be granted ; returnable on uaTURDAY. Waren P. 1861. at 10 o'olook, A. M. rubziontton of the asnie being reade sooording to I he rule of Court, in oonbequenee of the sheen°, of the frgapoodent. DaVID WEBaTtR, Attorney pro Libellant. To Halatrt .gattnoeu, - feffinia 47" IN THE ORPHANS' COURT F,R TILE CITY AND 101/NTT Or PRIAPELPEITA. Trust reads 01 W IA RI WORiakyli, deoaaatid. The Auditor appointed by Lb* Court to &odic, acute. and Vi c tim , the amount of Albert Worrell. HeurY4l4ani dh m ow C. Coates, Truees under the of WholAfd WOR KELL, deoesaed, and to report die tribution of the balance in their bands, will meet the pares interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on WtiDdliaelDaY, the e.h day of March, LW, at 4 o'olook P. at his office, No. 4412 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philewthph , a. tiEhflitGE SERGEANT. fe 25-mwf et. Auditor. T - ax GIRARD HOUSE. DIPTIC.E_TOoos EM PUBLIC—PRIVATE SALE. The Choice Mof WtNES AND LIQUORS Will be sold at Barest benzin by private sale to cash purchasers. The stook commisiss *large lot of POCKS OF .A,LL KINDS. fruported expressly for rho Sr IMO House by D. Liedea Co , cologne. from the renowned cedars of Prins* Metternich, sod Or. CDuke of Nassau. CHOWS..attETEL 01 the vintage of 1.551. including Chateau Lsfitte, Cha teau Latour. Lhatsau b.. ars aux, mid Bt Julian. In suers of quarts sad pals direct from the house of Barton ft Guister, Bordeaux. CHAMPAGNES. 01 the finest brands esleoted for . the houes. Also. OLD ButiRBON _AND RYE W.IIIIS}CYB. rem in bottle. Tee etoek can be seen et. the Girard Rouse any des uriu be weak b Menu Mod urn of nine ,_and ftv• r• (mht-30 ritistottity.sYK-6, & co. ALL SUN AND STYLES OF LIKE -4-11, Nzeass taken at REIMER'S Gallery. SECOND Street. above Green. idte-ense rbotlgnsphi in Oil. " enedereto emcee. saootdtne to the laze desired. 509000 HAVANA OIGARS prungt o. , Com ta, amok - Pea. itdoraolon. - Sertoto, Ittelvius. R i a.ropare, Fireseza. Aoierto, &u.. Ot %ninon' onalities and eixeedestruemejnd for sale low b fe2S y O 180 RA Milt West. WANTS. W ANTED—By a young Irian fully COM" jpstent a SITUATION ea Book-Imam, or wit twat. 136tisNotory referenoe_ colt or addrea. I. C, at lames. &Atalanta. & Co a., 241 bona THIRD Stmt. toacat* WANTE!) TO RENT—A med - um-sized Mir PLLING, having the modern conveniences, rd hin fiftee n minutes' yak' of Me kxoblinge• Andrea "Forbes." office of The Press. f. 23 AN t 4ED-mmethately, by the under signed,h at the Rart Mahatioy Railroad tunnel, Fifty 'runnel ikon and TaretitLfice La-orers , for out side Nieto.% ur , rlt.adloming This work is Mooed in Schuylkill county, Pennsylcacla. eight miles from Ta Immo by itelidUlg Railroad from Philadelchia. and two mijem from Bardesvile 'tattoo. cm the Little Schuylkill Railroad. MIURAEL. BARRY A, CO.. fe2l-im* Contractors. AGENTLEMAN Ow LiPtTAL, who does business in tne Wait three ninths in the Wholesale rodtatiiigerdenttlegPiiiitgal: in a other mouths, with a view of ultimately becoming one of the &rm. References or the first order can be given. Address S. L BIADDRIN, at thin Odloe. fe26-6t* 810 000 $B,OOO, $5 Ot 0 and $4,700 b -9 ti. t !'D I .1 91 2 T ri g . n it e orr E n* i6l l oouth FOURT O wtrait min TO INVEST ON MORTGAGE. Ix-ww . t. , Apply to S. W. PAUL. mh3 20 113 South FIFTH. Street. 8100 0 TO INVEST IN FIRST SORT ! gaga or Ground Rent. A. 517 to THIRD ITOTILEL, zuhi-at* 134 Routh St., Up -stairs. • 0 4 1 000 AND $3.0u0 TO 'INVEST IN Mortgage Securities on City Proven:. JOHN B. COLMIAN., 142 South EIGHTH Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. DWYLLING WANTED --A three . story hous e , , three - et , i s back Isnildiess,modere imor vemeatr, between Ninth aro Via 4. and ititeentS and Coates. R ent moderate . Address" D. U.. at • Mae of The Press. uth4 2t* FOR REN T—F UR-STONIED DWELLING No, 1914 MOUNT VRRNON St. Large yard, expel:eat situation. Rent $360. di FOR FOUR !THREE. RTORY brick dandling& NOB. 93T, 933, 9 3 3 . and 937 ONTARIO Areal:. Terms easy. Apply to AL•Le.le & AIMS, sent Zatato Brokers, Southeas earner FOUR £H end WALNUT straws, Mono floor. r0hn.31," FOR StLE—TRE THREE FITuRES ow and weolllnige ff3 N ri r. 2214 2218, and 2218 CAL I.,oWalLL ti etreet. edS neat Monte Broker: ATkeet i r ly t° 1446 - II N T ban W L. UT streets second toor. "°nler man ac' kk dFOR SALE.-VERY LOW-THE DE Hirable four•etory awellieg. No. 25.7 Rooth BEV Nit CKENTHstreet. Lot 19x200 feet Oar a stoat reisfa n aAwg re l,t4= l l - cg.:Pl4i l 7„Crin m d m iv t re NWT state s aooond floor. mh2 3* ITO BUILDP R OR ail LE—Tiir desirable lot Southwest corner of YORK k streets. 902/64 'en 6in Terms sooommo °stns. nests to ALLEN &. RIMS, Real Rime RM. ters. Sontheast earner FOURTH & WALNUT str• second 11 or. . mhs 3t- VOX HALE—The 14°0d-will, Patterns, Flasks, and Fixtures oomplete of a Ptove Foun dry, in a central Memnon with an established trade. both city and amok.. and Foundry to let. 11l health the oause for diseontinuins the trade. Address **Fenn , dr," 13r)th real name and residues') PhaiNdelolua Yost UlllOO. rohl-3t. ai TO LET—Store No. 303 Market street, MIL suitable for a Dry Goods or Notion House. Apply on the premises. fel4-3tit de FOR SALE OR TO RENT The NHL double Brick Dwelling -Roast.. No. 416 South FIFTEENTH Street, below riZle street. App!, to .7. SERGEANT PRICE, re-tf Ivo. Sl3 ARCH Street. TO LET--81COOND•STOIY ROOM, 802 CRYSTNUT Ptreet over LEWES LADOMUB is Co.'s Jewelry ntore. The beet location in Philadel hi& for any kind of light business. Anply in the Jewelry Store. Kent 11400. &ID TKENT—Two very desirable Stores. on the Ninth-street front "The continents Hotel." The Atom at Moth and sensors streets esse 0141i1 adapted for 11 , bADDLR 111/2.1 SiAltftills Meter. Apply to JOHN RICE, tee- , f Routbarest NINTH and qANtSOS4 ,trests. TO LET—The commodious and desirable upper rooms. No. fil3 MARKET Street. beim' for &mind, Third, Fourth and Fifth stories. front 33 1.26 feet, lighted in front, side, and by two large *b lights. The choice location for nosiness and the rum nor manner of ooestruotion make them more than or dinarily attraogve to business firma making or desiring ohenge of local gas- fixtures throughout. Apple 14 k CLAW ORN. & CO., auotioneers, corner MARKET sad DA Streets. iae-tr FURFM 2 cili ET—ROOMS over 43Essr -13? Ftreet—either for Offres. light Manufac turing pare . sea, or Photograph Oa lery. A part of the store may be had It required. This de sirable location Is Within one door of the New Post st. nniti.e at the " Btg Gun," 432 CHESTNUT Street. 1427- tf - VOR SALE. —The Stock, Fixtures, Good will, and Lease of the Franklin Dining Saloon F (under the rankt.a M...rketo TENTH Street. between Cbeatnut and Market streets. Now doing a good day and night bueinege. je2B rRENT—The fine store, with the fix um. ineed.....go, N ; 836 Chestnut street . Under the Continental Hotel Tis at %re h • ndsomely fresooed and Sued up with mar ble floor, marble °owners. elms 'We counter oases and lade show oases; sea ie adau reply adapted for a Jewelry, dliVer plate, or C 41207 goods estabitsnment. Apple to JOHN , ItlCb, Ninth and Salaam Streets. fe23 12t J. Se H GEANT P 'LICE, No. 8 t 3 Abaft Street FUR EXO HA NG E.—A large Lot of Grouod. in a rapidly imorovinc neirhborbood. sill evotteated foraood improved real estate, in the Address P.." °Mee of this paper. fe2.l-12;• - pion EXCLIANGE.—A CHOICE TRACT a. of good etomgroveo farm land in the State of New iIITIST• oonvement to the city. will be_ exchsnred tot jr g - 03.etti. Apply at 140..1151 FEDERAL Id treat. 40341 VP R. OORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER Wimp AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN, PA. —Deal Estate bouckt and sold on, reasonable terms. stores and dwellings 'or sale or rent in_Norristoans and ppggsntrr. Door morteg r es getint•A.. .0a wog., COUNTRY SEAT.—Vkill to wild at pubic° sale. on TITE‘TYAY, demob 13, 1881, the beautiful countrY residence kn.rwu tie Green e•Ill." pontsitung twee tf 8.1111. more or PIM, pi tamed on the Ken ett Turmik....”e mile tram th oiiy of Waimea t n, Delaware. The imp , ovemenis are. first, a stone 51414810 rt B 0118 E, with large b.ok buildmes. cos tuming 15 large and 00 • maiming rooms. be-ides bath Timm. which refurnished with warm and cold water. The water is supplied by means of a patent windmill, f rom n..eer-lniling well of mitt water. the house its Warmed througlemt from a furnace, sod lichtml with gas. which is in an apparatus adjoining the main building. Ihe mak ng of the gas ie a tended with rare little trouble. turnishine.a ben. y Vole aid a• cheap as it can be han in the city of Wilmington. The kit o h_ en is large, with a 0011alaut supply 01 hot and cold wa ter and a coi.k•ne ranee with modern improveoienta. Ale°, a Large - tone B trn, with good warm horse and covetable,. and excellent arrangeme' I. for pout 17 ; tenant house whit Toning ,• commodious camisre house, and summer kitch.n detached from the main building. Tb lawn, adjototog the mannon, ie basun "ull- lard out. with well piked and gravelled drive, and walk., shaded with fine large tree., and ornamented with thrublerr. The garoen is stocked with a variety of flowe , s, and &fine assortment of summer fruits, in tidings superior graver.. • hich in its second year, yielded 31 gallons of pure juice for wine, besides stniplr mg a large quantit• ofg alms f r other purposes. There s 00oil Oro l us , n auguh..s ooh &vane,' of pl., and Pear Trees. the latter in Teat a buntlAnce. The duality, of the soil has been bryhly imp oved br heavy man nog and a thorough an ieroraining. and is suita ble for any worpnle, tr. okieg or o herwi se The sau cy of the situntion, its known healthin nets and (italic, of access. render the plane peouliatl. desirable for a country residence or a summer boarding house—the latter much needed in the nei. hborimod ;or in would make &very desirable pied popular situation for a young ladies' boarding school. for which. with very little al terntion or expense, it would be admirably ad .pled. The Kennett turnpike is aiwai slit good order. and the Brand • wine stage trom and to Wilmington passes every hour or two. There will alsiY be sold at the same time. a TRA'tT edonning the shove. °catatonia eleven sores. mo.e or leas (wihteh ha 11190 been nnit'idirrOped. and been Ao minted f or several years SS & nil* stab, for which it is admirably adapted. r n this tract mere is a beauti ful, is for bnilding. Olivine a fin - erove of forest trees. Portions wi shine to purchase and desirous of viewing the place b fore day Cl ea e will be shown every atten tion by the owner, or by til. 8. & 8. 0. ORURO, of Wil mington, Del. time made known on day of sale. Bale to 'ate glace on the premises at 2 o °look P. le mbll W. PYLE. PRIVATE SALE.—A Valuable Drug and Hardware Store and fixtures at pnvate Bale.—The Drug and Hardware More and fixtures, fuelr belongina to M. B. BROOMALL. deceased. in the boron hof West Chester, in MOB otreet, djouung the Three' Head H9tal, and now owned hi the subscriber. is offered at wrists sale. The stook is fall and wed selected, and will b. sold on aroommodating terms. The s and is one orthe best in the botoriel. 4 I.ply at the Store. •tofw tr MICHAEL MALONE. M 11111 LAIN .L) I I 600,000 Aurae for Sale and entry, at prices ?angina from 12% to eu cents per &ore. in any quantities re quired. TAX PH paid and PATENTS procured for purchasers of Land under the Graduation Act. Plats furnished gratis by enolosing a postage stamp. For further formation a,npl• to 1/..60N. FrAWLINGS, A CO.. U. S. and General Land tents, lei CHEAT:4MT street,_ Between THIRD an_d FOURTH ST. LOUII3. 1110. LAND WAILREANTI3 bought, sold, and located. iar-tet lIYBUBANCI6 COMPILN LE is. THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSIINANOE COMPANY, UT PHILADELPIIIA,i OFFICE, No. 308 WALNUT STREET, andnet 1.058 OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, on Houses, store., anti other buildings limited or pursetual. and on Furniture. Goods Ware!, and Mar chlindire in town or " - IXrnAtry. CASH CA PITAL,H23I,IIO CO—ASSETS 8317;IM 04. Winch is invested as 1 . 410W1, V , E In first mortgages on city property, wortn double the amonnt_.— .;. 816!,900 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per oast. first workouts loan, at par_ 5,000 00 Pspicitylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. se- . cord mortgage 10ad.431),400 _ 27,900 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top analroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage - 4,000 00 Ground rent, 2 462 60 Collateral loans. well aecured.—... :An 00 City or Plulitd•hibla 6 per rent. 30.000 Gt Al ashen,: County 6 per cent. Ya. Rd. loan.. 10,000 00 Common:nil Bank stook , 6.06 01 mecuanios Hank stools 2 819 50 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 5t0c k....;.:.... . in 00 The Rehanoe Mutual Insurance Co.'s 'toot • 25.860 00 The Count! Fire !nonfarm* Co.'s Mook.----. 1,900 00 The Delftware M. o. Insurance Co.'s stook— 200 GI Union Mutual Insurance Co.s song.— a&P 61 Bills receivable—. „...... 14 802 74 Book amounts. accrued interest...rte..-- ... 304 65 Cana on hand— I 7 I an 64 111317,142 OS The Mutual prinoiple. combined with the /emai.y of aeon* 4ianita,k, entities the insure ct to _ hartioinate in the melts of the Company. without liebllti for tosses. Losses promptly adjusted and raid. • DIRECTORS; Clem Tinshsy, emattel Birisham, William hompsou, Robert Steen, Pre 4 eriok BrOWn,'dialharmer, Witham Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingley, Jam R. Worrell. k Marshall Hill. R. L. Carson. J. Johnson Brown, Robert 'Wend. Charles Leland. G. D. Bollene&Thill. Jacob T. Bunting. Charles Wood. [tenth Bowen James B. Woodward. John Bissell. 'Pittsburg. • CLEM TINGI.HY . President. B. M. RISCRMAN, Secretary. • Fishman lei 1861. fai FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 400 CHEISTNIIT 3thset. FIRE AND INLAND 11311UAANOB , DIRIFTORg. "'WC. W. DOY---..0t Day & Matlack. Beunnel Wright— .. W right &OD EC, co. „ 11 tiirroy Pavia & BErnfor. nem Loins,. ""Lewis Bros & Co. G. litr ha " J. C. Bows .& Co, Samuel T. Bodine— —Frees WzooliDlS 03031 00mley. Ino. W. Everseen—..o! W..bvenieut & Ca.• elle. A. West „ . • 'West & Pones. T . a. blartin. k. Co. 0. Wilson Davis.....,attomey - at D . Wo o d Bibitsy, Mohan, & Woodruff: Hessler, .7s o 171PAY3 A t atrast. goRGE W. . . 1143103111 N. BuoK. vi es ,p re a d President ..t. WILLIAMS DuestsCHAßV.l4paretary. less 3tK pop SMOVAL.74IOIIIIIOI7B PHILADEL u, PIIIA CITY DIRECTORY OFlfllle front 33 Routh 13IXTR street, to tl7 Routh SIXTH Street. a ow doors above. arkt3t* AMUSEMENTS. A BSENIBEN BUILDINGIb, A-AL TENTH and 4 MESTNUT Stroatat ABEL & LEYLAND'S STEREOPTICON FIFTH WEER. • nutrior views of the ROYAL FALACFB OF ENGLAND, The most perfect photographs over taken, ." sTEEEOB4.:uP , C; PICT U vErS, ' DIOPLANt D 1W) , NrY-EOUR FEET EgliAllE. hVgRY EVENING TBI6 WEEK. "obviation. X oents. Children, lb cencents.fr2lHlß fIONTINENTAL THEATRE, WALNUT ' l .."s ritEET, WYE kiGuTll. twee end .Mr Henri 'Willard. 6 a ta at i t e na m m•z a na se .: .. .... ..T li h ani pm e ;.. GRAND 'islG a'f. THIS NVENlNGbeam:tented FOUR F0F131..A.a plikeEB. THE MAID OF CsoItSY. Sergeant Anatarlaz Air Thorne. Theresa.-- •••••••-- -•• •• Meeptsar. THE YOUNG WIDOW. Elphyth.• • -..Mr Chapman j Aurelm.. bliss C. Chapman. BEN THE BOATAWALN. THE ARTFTL DODGER.. - Doors oven at I o'aloak: common°, at half past?. or 4 Almttainn, 25. and lb cents. mho-at 1111103 )NOUGH'S OLYMPIC,—(LAT &La' aAIET Raj RACE Btukat, below hire. FORTIg.TII PER FORM. atICE. Tale (MrrNDolf) FM S I STERSarch e. THE SEVEN The following scenes are now complete: "jeer:u remia y tew of the Revo tillaßar.l Ann , at Valley eorge " Dream of Bede mon in which Mr. M Lan vin the popular ao or from Fi e'e • per& Bowe. of tAncninatt, wil hey. the honor of mate hie Bret ap pearance in Yhilpdelpme Beth. Violin of Washington. Fret night of the new ZO VALVE aON i. 8 !LTC atria AP i•Elt Maroh 9ti the taut efternuon performance of the BEIMPI 818rEas. Aincusenua—ragAuw.ta, se units Urantania.Mo I Fa mily Circle. ; rrivata Vox Seats ono, Doers ntas , at IN realm*: aaMmllUaler WALNUT KK IRE u v v Sole Lessee-- —Mrs. M. A. GARR RPM . Stage Mr. WM. A. CHAP M. A Business Agent— 11dr. J°ll. D. %VILER • Kin AIONDAYI KIM , * Du, March 4, wi I be prP.ented the new Play. exalt ed MAR tiIAR 1.8 AR N. MADE Its tiBAIIKX. Countess Von hsterltatr Emma A 'sl i vt. P e mire Mr. Adams. Count Remrteh.. ... • • ... —.Air. Vo flrtm. Hamm Vim KhUnitZ.f .. Mr. YOrlef. Frederick Von Re Muer/ . Mr. NAVAL, EN GAGEMENTS. Admiral Kings Mr. Thayer. Lieut. Kingston .... —.Mr. 'Wright. Uoore open at 0,;(o'clook ;curtain wiltitse at Tx MOW. ?noes as usual. WHEATLEY & CLASH - WS AEOH-sr. v THEATRE LAST CHRBE NIGHTS of the NEW COMEDY. THIES (MONDAY) n_VrNiNG. Mum S. BROUGHAM'S LOT AND psis? rHODUOTION. FLAYNG WI 'll F RV. The Plumes of whet. at Wailaclt's Theatre Ifinf Wok, was merited b tne of orOWNNI diences during an uninterrupted run of tour months. To o"nolude with the hr ma of WALLACE; IKE LIE rto OF SCOTLAND. -MUSICAL FUND HALL. ONE WEEK ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY EV6 .11 , 4% March 4. LLOYD'S MINSTRELS' THE F ETI V A E O N I? NI I MESSiONS! IN THEIR TLNAritil l grar ETEIOnAN ziNTEKTAINMENTS. 'Shia troupe us CoMposed of fie.isf-elear ambits . Iteleatlaa from the most peeular troupes in the union. 013deIRVE THE LIBT OF BT ?ILLY BIECK. CHAR+ BY PDX B $4. WAMBOLD. AUGIBiT AMORE. OUSTAV- BIOAITX, A. I.ENMAN, J. AN 0 R EWO. 0011,. O. WILK -A C. BL.outin— .l. EANTMEAD, A. BR $, ITKOPF, MASTER ALBERTINI. W. BURNER, and COOL WRITE., LLOYD'S BRASS SAND, led by AUGUST ASCHE, will rive a free balcony Serenade previous to the Min s t r4 , i 1 p pt: r:r t u 1 .. n o . k , W e cen is. Doors open at 7, commenee at 3 toe o'clock. F. A. CLAO H.' ftl7.lot Axent. 1 4 NOR B• Z—LAbT WEEK BUT TWO !- COMMONWEALTH HALL. CHEST NUT STREET. above Stzth Pleasant and Amusing ..ntertainmenta PYRE) , EVEN/N( half putt seven, an,. WE LINESOA Y and SATURDAY Ater. ev+na. at •hraa. CONQIST.- ING of nes and WONDERFUL DEIIIOIVSTRA. TIONS in MAGIC. AMUSING and WGNDErg FUL scenes in Y ENTRILOQUISIR. and the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. thilignoo - Z5 0111:6 ; ohileren half ono.. fe26-tf SANFORD'iS Ur Elia LIuUSE, ELEVEN FR STREET. OPEN FOR TON*. 8 h ASorl. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. M. Hu secured one of theß SANFOAD P COMPANIES ever presented heretofoNi. who win appear nislitiy. Sanford anti perform every atranim Doors open at ; Commenoe at TX. Admission 25 cents. Chtidran 113 cants. dal7-tf VAN & GRAND ZOOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. UNITED STATES BUILDINGS, . 426 and ettS CHESTNUT Street, Nest to the Custom House. [THE LAST WE P K RUT TWO EVERY MORNING, AF PERNOON, and aVENING Doors open at 10 A. AL. p and OR P. admission 26 manta; children under nine years 16 cents. Perform- • once of hteshant. Lions Tigers Nanthera, Leopards. Pumas. Ponies. Monkeys , Mu l es , &a., every Afternoon and Sian mr.. ELEMENTS SUCCESSFUL WEEK. Of this keret inattentive, and Amusing Exhibition. SPEGIAL NOTlCE.—that miracle of sehainty, the wonderful Performing blephaat rippoo oa th . will be introduced into the arena every Afierrp'on and Eve ning. by Prot. Nash. and exam' e fears hitherto deemed unpossi We> and never attempted by any other animal. 111. E; tillinfßANllL tiftalleSTßA _eve their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every 811 , ,ruj DAY,_commencing at 83i D'olook. at the 61128i0a.t. FUND HALL. 8 Oaken". al; *Wee ticket:kW anti. for sale at Oinokering & eon's, mg Chestnut street ; Andros. 1104 Chestnut street; and Beek & Lawton% Chestnut street. Begageturete for Colacerte,Conimeneements, Par. MN, &s., mode only at their Moe, Chickering_& Son's Plano Igor", SO Chestnut street; William moil. usi North Juniper street, or C. Droughinan, 1009 Ridge avenue. ja3l-gr PEN NA. AVAOM Y or THE FINE ARTS. -40$a t. __CHESTNUT Street. " CHIMBORAZO," a splendid Painting by Migrun. "W.S FIRST SIN," a beautiful Marble Statustte by Augelird. On • Ltubition for a abort Vas. ' please o n us t air opera glasses. EDUCATIONAL. Li O. APTELORP, Professor of Elocu •-•• flan, gives lessons all day at its Rooms. No. 144 Booth TEN rfl > treat. optima* Jefferson College. atammit.era received in the early mor.sing hours. La dies at 3 ff. M. Allpereons having impediment. a.r in vited to oat , . le2l-6t* 1.1 .Y Mt , rTUN./ / I. 4.IILISAINSIUS; u-ilf MERCANTILE cnI,LEGE, 8, E. comer 191 f- VENTR and CREBTNlUBtreets.—Thsv and Evenise Sessions. individual instruction in Bookkeeping., tn olnding_General Wholesale and Retail Business, ctn. cum, Forcrardlnt and C.:madman. Bankuut t hi . ohang hi e, snuMeturing, Raitmading, Bteam tinis d 4„ the most tharesigh and Tracheal course tii• (batted States. Also, Lectures, Commeroial Celgp bons. Arithmetic. and the hither Mathematics, Fen mannlale (bust in the city ), Correspondence, &o. For axle, their new Treattee on Bookkeeping, beauti fully printed in colors, and the but wort published. •ela tf BOARDING. BMARDI vG.—A Pam ly occupying the fine Amite ersagond-story moms. w th private tri ble. Isla WALPIU street, w.II r•ltheuish them to It tanidy vian•inig such enoommodations. tterarenear ntinnod. fell7-wfnat* AMAN AND WIPE, or two eingle gen- Osman. ean be ace , mmodated with BOARD _ln or•speetabla private family. Address . . W. L ruse fboe . JEWELRY, &c. JEWELRY AND bILVICII-PLATED D. W. CLARK% Great GI titora i ( ha Lamest 111 the World,) kalEaTt•IJ a - tree; Above 8/X.rli:Elouth side No Humbug Store in the City. Your Chou* for SI, From the lamest and best stock of Jewelry, plated ve are, and t alloy Goods ever offered by say house in this or any ether City. All Goods warranted an recommended. SILVER-PLATED WARE, • - Our Own Make. Buyffil Will i sl Will Buy, Si W:11 Bay Six heavy plated Yorks. " Table Savona. • Dessert opomm. 'Pea +moons. One pair " Butter Kuives. • halt dew= " " backlit zings. Cream Caps. rpm:king COM dmerent styles. 15ge Wept. , Salt *ands double. Balt Cellars. Silver Pencils, with Benton BTo.'s Gold Fen. flats of Jewe.ry, Breast Pin and ttrops. (1,0,0 tufferent styles.) Bracelets. in :rest variety. Medallions Finger Rings, Peneds.Searf Pins. Sleeve Buttons and Smolt. (different Pookei Km- es, Fanny Coda, in great variety. In fact,. everything usually kept in a first - ekes Jeorelry atabinihment One visit will convince the most credulous that la the place to bu Goode a eau. Csnntry Merchants and others kill commit their late. restsby 'net:mains my mock end wholesale prices Ladies a d tientlemen are Invited to ead and examine my stook- of Jewelry. Silver:posted Ware, and Pam Gogda, even ii they do nut wan to paronsee. Remember, CLARK'S, rah]. ant .02 r BESTNCT etreet. elAwttvt, Oureub. SWING FULvii—UNl9 ED bTATFS TRUST COMPANY, corner TRULD and CHEST NUT Streets.- IWPEltntli: FIVE PER CAlll'. S. R. CRAWFORD President JAMES R. BUNTER. dearetars and Tkignrer. Office boars. from 20 until s o'clock. This*Company is not Joined in any apoliostiOn to the Legislature. fed AMENIUAN ISA rusu, a. s. cur nor WALNUT and FOURTH Streetsa u ltinnial to receive deposits and par all au on de as It has always done. ALE = XADIP.S.R WHIL fn. President. Jens Wizsimi. Treasurer. ma int SAJF E a J r LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. Yi Eolith EIEVANTII Street, near the • ranklin lnstitute. The ander/limed. tlutnkfal for peat favors, and being determmed. to went futon, patronage, boa mound an elegant Ana oonninuntwi More- end Wm now on hand • largo eseortment Of Celebrated Wrought and Cloned Iron IFi.e and Burglar Proof Pali*.lithe only: stnotk fire and burglar proof safes made) Also 'LB Hera DneeneJ led Bank Vault, Balls. and Rank t olina Lithe'. Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be furruebsig to order on short notice. Th a a the strongest. beet srotooted. std cheapest PO OT and Look set ousted. Also, particular attention is called to s tejllpe r p• New Cabinet Safe tor Plate, Jewelry , W Th: i is oon ceded to Burnam tu style and etc SS. AM 1 yet of fered fur this purpose. and is the only one that us allot !, fir • and burglar proof. Branton. rio RCM bre nom on hand sad Monty` o f Fanel, lif&ring & dt 1 . 1411 . -MOllt 0 1 014, nean l; new, and dome forty or other inalters, comptunns a rtm r.t to &mew, and all lately es onanMPalecleterosBs°r the no wCelebrated_.Nee. They will be sold at VOLT low p ri ce .. Please call and examine. ban Pic M. C MAD* FR. scant. pit Utqt, 8 , ..tiTcy14.-1 he ad dition to this 'Hotel being iu oemileted witblegarier modstion for Ladles end Gentleman, win be °TtNtiti°.!. " a r. eopi DA p Y te i te e i b l i irrigappointmesite. and It is the intention of the proprietors to Mike it worths the patronage of the travelling ;ebbe. D. PARK sm. JOHN F. DULLS. Thy Plume MANS" !MOTT. 814 CH TAUT intent, a ft? d rat* at , ' Continental. ), The attention of lAet ' V ere is invited to hie impauvbv C. wr anditTß, of superior fit , make. and mat e rtat. on a t i ltd nmte to nn.or at shnttnat nntien. 11 , JJLLailia, 13.14 a•Lit SitfiU I Street ! , •• • b ail J us t reselesi a large eerie at Head Wry, the and Sprigs Flooteto, Mare. jou, yea resoaottalq sanounkes that oho ligwa - aa imported a taro aascottnoot of French Orr mhl St* TO hIBROILANTEL TO lIANK Rita. A.O _E.2. f i, g ßuit j eTirt a ztt u o d oe bot tobra m ted ske i r i st t ig is enn 's °ll l: 494. nv eagera Poiftbs. jawit JORN Pontmely the Chown
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers