tratiNG learn that a meeting - of prominent either,* of Philadel phia, foreseen taidentaof Kimtacky, will hold a meeting at the Amerioan Hotel, this evening, for the purpoen,of giving o,wpm:flint) to their views on the present oriels. It is their intention to address a letter to Governor hiagollin essnrtng him of the intim/ feeling of this community towards Ken- tacky And her ettleens. The object is a commend. able one ' and we trent the meeting wilt be well attended. A Youso MOlialt-rinwhirvat —Yeritorday artisan:lh, , a colored lad, aged about 17 years, named John Davie, alias Salvias{ Sachsen, was be !env Pollee Magistrate Mettler, at the Central Station; upon the charge of breaking Into end robbing the residence of Mr. Edward Morrls,.No. 733 *lath street, some time diming. Thursday night Vol or two overcoats, vents, and other clothing were •tb{en One of the oversonta was re• cowed at a. pawnbroker's, who testified that the prisoner btongbf it none and sold It. There are more concerned In the robbery Wilde' the de• fondant. He was committed to Ramer at smut. BnoKE 018 NgCK. Yesterday morning the coroner was notified to hold an inquest on the body: of Bartniel sged el years, who broke hie neck, cn Tharndey night, by failing down a flight of Akira, at a hawse Fifth and Gartaantown rood. :The deceased wee eomewhat intoxicated at the time. A verdict in accordance with the facto stated above was rendered. ATTIMPTItb' BURGLARY:—Punic time der-. in Tuesday night, an apertment in the Odd Fel lows Haff, et Preekford, occupied by the Deostur Butldtog Otub; wee entered by burglars. The rat- Ogle fined the look of the fireproof with gunpow der and attempted to Wow It off. The outside look wee bloen off, bet the inside one was too strong. The Zia proof contained a lot of valuable met% but no money, which the burglars wore certainly in search of. Rosszarss.—The grocery store of Mr. Jno. Behriver, at the corner of Stith and Montgomery streets, wan entered by a sneak thief on Thursday afternoon; and the moneptill robbed of $3OO. The trimming store at the corner of Eleventh arid Shippen streets was also entered on Thursday averting, In a similar manner, and goods to the amount of $2O were (larded oft Marathons M/SOEUEF --Yesterday morn ing, John Cook waa before Alderman , Brasier having been arrested at tieeond and Neer streets for breaking the windows of a store. He was corn. !sifted for malicious mischief. Synnasy Dasea.—A man named Daniel Haddon, residing in Amber street, above Frank ford road, died suddenly yesterday, while eating his dinner. The cause of his death is supposed to hove been Mort dises.m. The coroner will hold an inquest. • HORS&—On Thursday evening a large horse attached to a light trnek wegfar, con taining a drunken driver, woe driven against the fire alarm telegraph pole, at the corner of Ridge avenue and Girard avenue, and AO badly injured that be died in a short time afterwards. The horse WAS going at a very fact rate, and had the front of hit head completely caved in. -OPEKING or A Nsiv Pour Hoass.—A member of hymns gentlemen have organised a soup house in the Nineteenth ward, a section of the city where a large amount of catering exists, in inner/news of the dearth of employment incident to the MUM Adam Warthresn o Etq , has been sleeted president of the society, than whom no bet ter person could have been selected to direct the benevolent object of this noble amity. The soup house has been established on the Frankford road, above Norris, where soup will be distributed on Monday next. ISKILCOUS THRISAT.—Thomas Picken, residing at No. 848 Ontario street, wag guested and taken before Alderman Piankington, on There. day, upon the charge of threatening the life of hie wife. Be was committed to mews?. Latest News front New Orleans. Tas Bazars 'PILOTS Le A TIGHT Pox .--laovernor Moore, commander-In-ohlef of the army and navy of . Louisiana, has issued orders to the Balite pilot' not to pilot any Am efts An vessel. of-war over the bar at the mouths of the Ditestesippti, under the terereet penalties. This order pieces the pilots in rather a tight box. If a vessel.of-war bearing the Amerioan gag thoold overhaul a pilot-boat in the gulf, the probability' is that the pilot will have to go on board the veeaei-of•war, or the pilot-boat and all bands will be mink. • When the pilot gets on board the vessel-of-was the next probability Is that his attention will be called to the yard-arm, with the emphatic hint that if be does not do his duty faithfully be wilt have to dangle in the air. If this be not placing the Balm pilots in a tight box we don't know what le. ORDERING DACE Tot AIIRRICAN FLEET FROM ViiRA ORDZ.—We understand Col. Pickett will leave In the Tennetleee tbla morning, for Vera Cm, carrying important deepa takes front Wash ington to the commanders of the American fleet now before that city. Col. Piekett, ea our readers mast be aware, has long been the American °onset at Vera Cm, and acute time stun left there for Washington. There an all kinds of tumors *goat about the tenor of the despatches he carries, the moat prominent of which le, that the Beat is to be coneentrated at the months of the Mississippi or in the harbor of Pensacola. PAYING FOR ins is currently ru mored that the supplies furnished for the use of the volunteer troops that recently left this city for Baton Rouge and other points have amounted to snob an enormous lgure that a few repetitions would deplete the State Troasory. If the gallant men who volunteered on those expeditions oh tatted tho tt food and raiment" charged to their account, no one would complain of the expense. The question is, did they? We will iareettgato this matter. Jere:neon Dern IS to be the Mejor•General of the now divielon of hllesiesippl trotanteere to be rained under The nilittay bill now before the Con vention. Barnum° Ostutnourry —We find in onr Baton Rouge °gelling./ the following oorreebon e tienois : . BOAtroa Locrustsl2lA MANX, Baton Rouge, Jan 11. 1881 To his Ezcelleney .Tltomat 0 Moore, Baton Rouge : th.-,-r.vivi-itretotit condition of the affairs of the State, L ytetrame you wilt be under the fleece alty of pentracting a loan, end from the manner in which the Loulviana State Bank hes heretofore ex tended relief to the State whenever it hen been re quirsd. L fed authorized to place at your disposed, and without charge of interest, one hundred thou sand -dollars. Very sospeottutty, your ob't seri% Wm. B. PIKE, Cashier EzeoUrlva OrTICR, Baton Bonze. La., Jan. 12, 1861. To Wen. S. Poke, Cashier Branth Louisiana State iIIITUC: Sill: In reply to the generous and patriotic pro poattion made by you on the llth lust., in behalf of the Louisiana State Beak, to Then to the State, without interest, one hundred thousand dollar., permit me to give you and. the members of your oorperation, in the name of the people of Load ant; my cordial thanks. Your offer will be re ported to the Legislators at lb approaelmins ses sion, undvbenuver the State Treasury shall re quire replarathment, It will doubtlessbe taken into ooMdderation. Very respect/017y, Inas. 0 Moons, • Governor of the State of Louisiana. —True Delta j FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Muney Market. Yulmost.i.tia, 2813.25, 1861. The stock market wee doll to-day, mough there was no farther notable decline in Prices, with the aX43414/04 of the Raga anaViaallltta , l eassenger Railway shares, which fell to 11 at the First Board, and sold at /4% at the Second Board. Reading Railroad stook was steady at the closing 'doe of yesterday. Too ranger market is aomewhst tighter io. this oity, though the rates are reported without ohange—tbe dif• femme being found in more strinsenor in the selection of paper. A million and a quarter more gold front Cali fornia Or the Arid, will swell the Pew TA* name lines still more, and the market there is reported an even move easy. thin before the toot turn th stocks. The Nevi York .Reerting Post, of to-day, thus al ludes to the money and stook market to that city, We Use it tame stook market so-day. Badness dem meneedanth airtight reaction front the improvement of last eVelititi. but in the alumnae of any Presenre of dash stoet, a better feeling ptevaited at the Mose, reaultier in it moderate advanoe. Without. however, soy epeoisi activity. There is .s good deal of hesitatton among aerators. sun the thlatustions of the deg are. more with reference to the *villains noel! of stooks for de leery than from tiny oeunde" Pobtimii or finanoial The market has bud a good deal of its sensitivenese to d o ub t oat rumors sod the ateaduless of quotations lc no dub, dee to the firm roiling plea which has been reaebed by stocks 'Mom ont on the latd nigh pricey by severed !Aldine reeeMatOrri. New York Central. the beekben tha mathrt.ts May he d. now that the toltsult has realised its aniems for a time. The bend marketeenth uss very firm, under a steady &mend to investment.. it sift be noticed test the Cd usaesn tnedine on mom deirtriptions draws ont few Dot dal essieoutily Is this the ease with theArmes of the Raw Park roads. 'OA misticated bores or the Erle are an efTi an ption.lbsse ewes unfavorably erected by the talk o assessment to pay off a out or the floating dote o tbe comeasiy. 'Sono is in fair demand, bat at War 4, cent. there Is a free slimily on era Ihe selection of grit otos pa ps/ te poor, arid A oy. 1 Mx months' bilis, endorsed. ar~eoeghtsitarat?holt te cent. - - 'be examine drawers are very firm' In their views this mornies. and is hirer rate on Lord.= sod Faris is established or the atutdsy steamer. First-class e1e71141 faler rano' 5.21,011110. The following is the emonnt of coal transported on t h e ph i t e di e l e tde, and Reading Railroad, for the week ending Tbursday, January 24,18a1 Tans. arts. From Port Carbon 6b 19 01 aoheylklll Haven-. 7,077 13 Auburn. „ , , .1.61 08 , Port pinion.— .. • .... 292 D 08 Total Anthi Coal !or week- 2 18,7n Gi From 316ffillbOrg tOt* l Bitilmitollll COM for Week—. _ 610 02 Total of alt kinds for week Previouelr thte year. . ..... • - • • To risme time /est rear ...•-• • •• • • - 2 f 3 . 32 ti The following is the amount of coal Mangled over the Huntingdon end Broad Top Mountain Railroad from im r g,lBlll, to January 2,e89 ffi;r.g=n Decrease. The fetlowleg is the statement of coal transported oval the Ifisteton Railvoid. for the week ending Jan. 18,1941 Week. Prev3oni. Total, 7,658 10 14,204) 04 21 ,8113 14 . 7,678 11 12444 00 1 , 5,018 17 Gut Isar -- wow— . 61 The likotiter of the Bowery Bank' gives mikes tbaL he will pay, a second dividend to the stoelthohlers of tweive per emit. hiultlend of twenty has weedy been paid, and a farther small dividend in expected to be realized. At the time of am failure It was hardly aillieted Wit the turrets would say the liabilities of the The suit brought by the Attorney general of the &eta sigiund the. New York Central Italitoat Cotenant to meolrer neveml ix:Wiens of dtilars for mutat to la evert freight transported over toe road o f the domain? onus ea; for trial' yesterday at the Orange Chanty larefliti faddist Soshen—lestirso Drovra preeiding. A jury Mime been ampannelled, the plaintiffs intrneaced their tesu mony. and after abandoning that part of their claim whteh arise more than six years •prior to the com ment:A=oM of . the sett, sod also ell claim for tone upon teas freightovided their ease ; whereupon the defend mac moved for non wilt npon the follotrintt among other grounder Pint, that there vita no emdenos before the welt bed Jury from which canal tolls could be coat- Psted yeti freight transported by the defendenta to their Lability to per nett lolls was staVished second, that the act of the Legislature, passed duly 11), abehshing toile on railroads, was a tatid /ow; air& that sit Isere imposing tolls on fret Iht transported tem of to other States by the defendants were in viola tion of the Constitution of the United Stator, sod there- Liter aiewmerit hy °tensed for the reap/Mists parties, eh Wan sysistsa the motion end disteisela the awn . . . . Philltitelptutt Stoe,l &Emmy RAPOITID ST D.s. OLATMAI 1000 Penns 54 C & P.... 90 abr. 170 do 0 & 1800 City 08 800 do — 93 800 do New_lol.l6 1000 CAI Gee as 01d.....98 MO tiny 64 d... —.98 2000Nlorris Canal 63..-00 6 do .. . .. .. .90 ad& 742 m. 155-85 TODD LOld eh Val as 40 Claes &psi Can 68.71 1000 r01)0411. lot 1000_ do lit M.... 100 WO Elm Chattel 10s • BETWEE 206 city 66.-......Near...1013i 00 Lehigh early. 65% REOOND 6 1 19 Ca Penn 15...—. lots _ SO 00 ) tla NO d o o _OS 3000 a 3000 do . 0 do 10t5.N0w..1014 2000 d New-101X 1100 do . N0w..1013 3000 Morris Canal 004..60 SIDONne It 304 1000 P inta& Buu 74 —74 i1L08.1380 Pd bin 4 NU. Philsdelshla 64- IN Ulf Philo Ge R. 9751 kW Philo 6a 101 "arms Pet .Read 42114 12% Read bds 83M SIX Read nat 84 80 anonmate/3'85... rifi 7IN enns —sr% 68 anon R amt 6a 88 PO Mor CI ooti. . 152% monis Coma ir 107 110 8,,12 r 4 W 82.. .66,1 Sod Nay 18888_, 75.5 8 Rohl vav Prefd .-1735 1831 Assns.—There is but little doing. and the market re melee /toady. We quote Pots at $O, and Fear's at $6. 19. FLora. dc.c.—The market to-day for State and West ern Flour is doll. and an favor of the purobao.r, with only a Moderate burliness doing for nap..rt and home Oon&UMiliion, with sales of 7.620 bele aiLlogs 20 for sit- Perfiae Mate; flu 300/540 for extra State; $0 16mM= for superfine Western: $6 980660 for common to medium extra Western:and $6 Wert 76 far shiny= brandeof ex- Ira round-hoop Ohio. The demwoOtfor douthern Floor is modelare, and the market is heavy, with sales of 800 Mils at $6.7086 for mixed to good. and 616150m7.50 for fanny and extra. Canadian Flour is &Oland heavy, with sales obis at $6.96®7.96 for common to ohnioe extra, Rye Flour is selling in =MUM. at $2,4084,20 for com mon to ohms superfine. Corn Meal continues dull at as.lo for Ja, and $9,60 for Brandywine. Oaerrt.—T m he Wheat marketis In favor of the borer. with only a moderate business doing; , sales of SD 000 buebeLt at $1 2401 26 for Chicago Sprng. RlO Ma rione! quiet at 70075 a; sales of 200 bushels Jersey at MO In store, Barter is fi hd at derth)o. The Corn market is. shade easier, ith melee of 40 MO bushels at 66mere for mixed Western in store and de livered; and 700 far choice new yedow Soutnern. Ps ovreions.—The Fork market Is quiet end steady; sales 100 bbls at an for men and ffin for prime. deer is dull am/prices are nominally the same . Moe mess Beef is dull and nominal. Beef hems are quiet and Sten. Cat meats ere free. Boon it quint and steady. o , 4 if &redo& Lard unobanged ; wiles 160 Mine at 198 19 0. Better and Or arse are Unohany ed. Burr to dull at/NOT/Mo. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL ROHM UT TO 12 O'OLOOX LAST JflOllT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. J H Nona, Delaware T NE Bramhall, Boston W T thumb&ll, Boston W H Denny, Pittsburg Silas Wood on, Bt,Joseph .E 14 Budd & wf, lowa A Til)ey,St Lowe Peter How, Chicano J H Brad en, Colombia, Ark P A Hone, Olivago A C Blanchard, Indiana 0 It Spalchng, N Orleans Alf It Wootten, Wain, Del Miss Stanton, °Mosso Misa Arthur, Nay York 11 18 Sheridan, New York John Marmon, Baltimore E N Drier, Bsltnnore F Tomkins, New York 1, J Csmvbell, New York O Atkinson, New York W Lions, Catcall° T H Car enter, Lions, ill John Urea, &halogen John A Phipps, Bolton 3 P Banker, Pa D W Hustme, 'Pa R p Kars & de, Pa B M Yolk, srenton,N J lt 0 SelvilleA Trenton, Ni Samuel eyser. C Y./dialer, Easton, Pa T Pommel,. H 411111070 t thlpl..New York P Daley, TODZIELIIBII Mrs DUTS.II4II, Ba l timore D W Withers, New York B Whitney, view Sock W Hurlbert,New York It NI Harlow, New York E Corning, Albany D Riehmond, outride, C Vibbord, Albany T N Ps, e, Mash) 8 D W Mord, Buffalo M B Spaulding, now York Howland, Charleston 1. Gintings, Baltimore C B Bernal, New York J E Reeelde, Wash, D BE , haterß Boger', Lee, Mass oif Greenleaf, Springfield L Watkins, Alabama Watkill, A labaras J Van Winkle & la, N V Mhos &Armstrong, N York If D Van Nomad, N Mrs Van Natrona, N ark T Laulley, Wnab Leighton, Boston 0 it Prue, Loulaville P Penney, Harralrata GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street. below If ',nth. Chases Houton, New York Jae B Duro, Now York Mallin,Carllale Geo Gesmith, Pittsburg Jae L Marg. Man blSpllniiberf 'Mina Ye A Ppegelberg, Banta Fe B H Mayhew toja, Mau Geo it Poieyor, Pensacola hl G Cobden, N W L mslls Penns Alex Gookuok, Penns Aug W kite. New York Mrs White. New York Mr & to, New York. H Onleerne, Brooklyn I Ma, aughlen, Brooklyn 1. &Bober, tit Louis Colin W ColA & N Colhoo, N Orleans Chao X Bunn, Montreal Jae Bibs. Portofino Oro Hubbard & la. N .1 .1 A Citvender, Bpi Lit Martin, New York .1 Reber, Ciao Jos Ferguson &I. N York Cot Morton, Beading J V 7 Anoton. Cal W G Fairchild. Cal J B Len [oh LW Kerwin Murray & wi, Va Miss Murray, Va Jae W Patton, New Yolk B V 'roman. New York J W Anderson A H Laßib Eo wf, N J Mies Beanlin, N J Min A M Weaver. N J John W Barnett, Boston Mrs IBr ant New York it 5 eloko. Jr. Miss B UTUPPOF. Hires David Taggart, Baltimore Mra Taggart Baltimore Mao Ilaltimoie Jae Dagan. New Yort wan F Smith, New York ai E lizahards, Harrisburg Paul Kennedy, Harrisburgß HPordr. Ehrurs, Y Jos White, Baltimore W Bartlemaii, Bee Jar elnalalr. Penna. M Sinaloa, Poona Aug Price, Baltimore B A aloon, Baltimore Idles ft Loeser. Pottsville Jun Hunt & is, New York Miss Jinni, New York Robt hniirran New York A Tyler, New York James Myer/I:Puna, C is Mitchell, New York' Mks hi E. Mitchell, N York I P Penton, r.ew York Thou J Horner, ot Louis H T Mt., Arizona B H Howell, New York I it ineCrearr & Is, Pa T X Keo.eler. Cincinnati H Turnbull & la, N Y Miss Cooke. New York J W Green, Maryland A. ri Diver, maryland P B 'Novena NeW York H Stour, Siontzerland J A Heist:Huh Lancaster 88 Wharton, Buctirnidon AMERICAN IttYPEL—vassuint et.. aboio FRO. D Cooper, New loner S e Campbell E Wane. dotanton, Pa 811 Harrison, Boston L Hart, Boston U itatet,Baltonore D Hepburn, Wensport RencLol Mclntire, Pa J F ay 10r, Mlnersvllle John Drake, Roston Wm Butler, Lewistown Jae T ointth,Latiosstsr B HMIs, Pottsville Jas F Bmlth, Readtac J Noron.,f4 est Jimmy_ nta u „,-. I Bolmia BnlTalo P DelsWare ^".l • JONES' HOTKL—Chertunt atreet above bath. H E ROStaket, Washington 3 H Call. 1111untaippi Dll Lano,Pligadelpflis Thomas Morris, Reading W waitaass tr. Is.. Wash J M statreign. t'inlada Gen F goat, Washington E M rohmlylt, New York 3 Condon, hISSIII6O Ald Pao. JeragY Jas rancor, Poruand Ono htiokney,Pottl3nd Wes ItUaknts3. Portland C Taylor, Oregon 0 IL Chase, Boston T. Louis HOTEL—Chastimt at., above Third. P Smith, ram Ili A G Wifltemaan, Ohio D, Ohio John Tobin, thita Cana Willis, Pails Maokintosh,,PieW Yotk Wm F Btawatt. Fen% ki Edwamila. Cowin% him J kdwards, Omoitmati L lsbmtea. Habana. Dr Wilma 31a, rim:atom' .11 Mills, Jersey City Heart' no IS Watts Wiz. New York Wm Wilaon. !few Jamey AAI Niamey, Rolmaabury James hlotne, Pontos MERCHANTB' HOTEL-Fonzth street, below Ara. t eml Turner, Ohto • Mina E Shelling. Cin, 0 Wm A McCann, W'moort E J Hughes , Cat, Ohio 0 W Starbriok, tarn. Ohio G A Smith, Kondeaton, Pa G Lane, lit LOUIS K Blood, Penns Semen E Long, Penna. Sea L Brown, Penn% K Cowan. Harrisburg Saran G Gordon, Penns 0 Molienry. an Franciaoo Mrs McHenry 5 20, Cal .5 Morton. Plymouth, Alan/tehurn, Trenton Hon J S Poet, Penne 'rhos Oatartrout, Anna P A Schumacher, Penne THE UNION—Arch street above Third. L H Baker, Cann, Ohio J Ganprer, Easton D look. Easton P Dixon, New Jersey 8 G Baiter, New Jersey Gerber Ic wt, N Y 7 Chamber.. eine. Ohio . 1" Shotwali, Chan, Ohio Case Whiter. Jr. Pew Jersey It 11 Fisher. Chamber*. W7B Bhilde, Chemberebers P Eroory,r4 Jersey Lipper, Philadelphia NATIONAL BOTEI,-Ittion street. above Third W Amber. Maryland J °Hogging, Balt more John Frog, Franklin 00, Pa .1H Wailers. Ye 0 Males, Ph ladelphia Tobias Nisher, Antillean Jos a Moke, Wilm, Del Baml L Light, Leheiloil,Pa H V Mohr, Lebanon, Pa John Orth, Bap isburg REVERE HOUSE—Third etreet, above RUB. iTogh McDonald, thila • Wtr. W Witcheiter. Phila. Jos W Webb, rhiladclphita 11A Shantz, Del hi les El Willlante.Allentwn W W Mot adden, Rrownv Sae A Thornton,Ttoga. AP Peru co, Pa BTATES 11/1101S--Mallret street, above Biith, S.Findtey. Pennsylvania TB Reed. Latrobe R r Dunbar • R E Parker, Juniata, Co Wm Jones. Pittsburg Bgml Headrzolkg. Pa C Van Reed, Readies Jacob Barter .n, York co Dr at Damtoond, Delaware D Welch. Bellefonte FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Beeond at.. above Market. Mr Barrett. Phila..lerabla .1?, amnia Fox. Alabama Jao Marten, New York in* D Batton, Dm BM BARLEY BILEAF--trecond street. below Vine. W P Bedford, Philedelehla E II Leavenworth, N Cl Brainard, New York 660 Ptnitering, Buck' co ir V Distr. Hartsville Jos Hill, Penne Wm MoDow&l, Penns x Gillingham. Penns /no Kelsey, Books county J P CTCHISAILte, Backe no Jeue Leedom Newton el E Broadhurst, Penes Edw Taylor, Newtown Alex Hermon. Newtown MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Reseed et., above Arob I E Eldred, Pennn Chas R Kee, Bunke co James Edwards. Yhiis John Garman, ?tubs Myi nsdintre. on Se Is Pe T H Goners, NOW Yore A Calder, Aquinunk. BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third et.. above CallowtAll Garner.ney E Roads, Somerton Aaml Doylestown .) X Rill, EarWM* D T Deleon, Jr, Books co Theo Rogeland.Northemn COMMERCIAL HOTBL—Bizth as.. above Chestnut W R Wilder, Philadelphia .1 P Broomall, Parma, a 0 Baker, Charairo - AJ, 'Hughes, AI TaiLor. Book, °wanly ' Wm Gaatarop. Parma Toe C akin. Newark John D Yerkem. Cheater no J Ban a C son, hester count Pa Illaml Fenton, Chester no mos Jack a MERCHANTS' ItOl.lBE--Third E.. above Callowblll Aug Slight, fonnaylvanis T Fleming. pohnque Hit Haywood. Chatitbeishg N Handal(' Arlo. Pa CS Muabg. Erie. Va. Chas Moore, Lohigla co, Po. Bowen , kg o gig jo m hn it yauogiitierlentocri MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH PAGE. • ARRIVED. U H att steamship Keystone State Marshman, 17 hours from New York, in ballast to A IlerogrJr.& CO. Saw ship t ft' the Cepes beating in; at 2.15 IN saw a Wu going out. 'opposed the Grey Est..; below the Lathe, brig LOSIISO , bound down; at Bombay Rook. pasged fail. rigged brig Wood no. eehr It A Donlan, Ratioers, days from New York, with Tadao to David Coover. 10.201 06 . 316 296 10 /55,50 15 meittoIAND.A • Steamship Arial. Wilson, from .fhplawall Jan la, ar. rived et New York yeats day. Steamship Zulu Goodwin, for Kingeton, Li. cleared at New Yarkiesierday. Steamship Ediubargh, Brooke, for Liverpool. cleared at New York radon's/. van Ship h 22d inst. thoronella, Allen for Liverpool, cleared at sa na Ship eaotia. Miskelly, cleared at Baltimore yesterday for Rotterdam. Ship Mary MoNear, MoNear, for Liverpool. °leered at B.itimoro yesterdaY. Ship Liverpool, R.rerney. from Londrn, arrived at 14 York yestaiday. Deo 21. lat 411.30, Meg 66 paned ship Sink Warrior' bound east. Hag been aeven days wear of Nantucket, with strong westerly ales. Ship liana Webb. Hatehiason. Iran Liverpool Deo 20, arrived at ffew.York yesterday. Deo 391 h, tat 4030. long 46 43, fell la with a ship abandoned. of DM or 3 tens, niparantlyßritigh; had her three topsails reefed and set, and foresail hi tiled upl could not see that she vim m aileron; no person on board. A hark wart lying to arose by her. and supposed she had taken off the arms, it bales moderate at timeline. Jan 7. tat 43 toN long 47 —. sassed the wreak of a ship or hark. waterlogged and abandoned; all her wasteland bow , prit gone; appeared to have been some time In that aondition. Ship Marcia C Day, Chaise, for Liverpool, cleared at New Orleans 26th inst. - Ship Emil Aug. rda. Strickland, for Liverpool, old at New Orleans lath Inst. Ships Welideet, Pesaot, Marshall. and Lemoel Dyer, for Havre; Mamba 0 Pay, for Li ver pool, and horwah • den. for do, sailed from New Orhane 19th Met- Bark Ignite ft Davis, Hand, for Boston. Maned at N Otte /WI 19 , h net. r Brig ?7 Creepy. Deakyina. hence. rrivad at New Or leans LOth inst. and WB4 as/verified 'Hith to rattan. Brig ran Antonio. Collins, for Now York, cleared at New Orleattelsth Brig A G Catrelt, Watson, was towed tones from New Orleans 10th heat. ..Brig Daniel Malmo'. Steelman. at Provilenee 24th test, tomtit same afternoon for Wilmington. NO. Bele Tallulah, Plummer. from Baltimore for Bin de Janeiro was spoken lath nit, lar la la, ions 34. Saar 31 Reinhare, Peterson. for Thi)84410)1B, cleared at New Or eans inet with 204 Wide anger, 701 has mobessee, and 2,0 empty bblir. Sahr A Tirrell, Higgins, from Baltimore, arrived at Savannah 01 last. Behr 0 M Pettit, Clark, for Bolton, sailed from Rich modd nth inst. fr6°,ltrEthiamn,,ao.Altihoirah, Todd, for Baltimore, sailed tiiitini t r i : boasts, for New York, cleared at flew lowa nth sum It Exchange tiniest, 26, IXI. m, ttletahaits' Rioting& BOARD. god Elm Chattel. 105....23 1600 Lehigh as —10034 MU k Sd-et . 166 Bah Nev et t0n5..83 I Leash Valley —am; ?a 60 Boning do R-- 2235' 40. • do ' ' ..! Csm ranboi 115 5 do 6 do , —DS 10.1,ebtghlorip. —B% 1 A.. Teuton, .115 $ Farm k Moohs fsk.a2 BOARDS. 60 Lehigh Norte---... 33, Phil!' tr. Trenton ..lis BOARD. 1000 Read R Gs '86..-05..7114 100 do '70.150rn.131 10110 Soh rinv 61 'Wade. 06.7: 10 Bony do Mond.—.... 69 '7O Rending----- --• " 7 * /0 Cam k Amboi• • • 11l 2d 3,1-at 11. 60 Rams St. Vine. —14% A t R.-- .49/ Bid. Askid. Elam& 8 Worms X ‘71.......17M 133: blau,& 73 13—.65 68 Lear laltUtd g_.. )85.1' Leh h CI PL :CH 18 LeCI& PI Sant:4. M IA Plinth Peva R—., 8;.; ran hi Penns flee.. —..06 67 X Pecan R 93 61 Calmness R Can. 3 4 Catexiss& 70 td & Sd- et R drati.43g 401 , ‘ Knee& Vine at R.J47i 70 West Flute R..... 60 88, Spruce & CI •an NEW YORK MARKETS CITY ITEMS. " Ws Tom You Bo."—We are not accustomed to UlB this hackneyed phrase : but when we read of sad accidents, day after day. Arising from the ute of burn ing fluid, we cannot but remember that we have fre quently cautioned the nubile against the use of this dangerone light, and we would again say to Our readers who continue to burn fluid, distontenue iiat once, and substitute in its Mead something better and safer, nay Mestere. Waters tc Co.'s Kerosene Oil Lamps. Their establishm:nt. mare saw in a visit to it Yesterdon to toofuesly Mooted with these beautiful, pleasant, safe, and economical lamps, and orders for them are pouring in constantly from all quarters. Their Ltg ht Emporium located at No. 35 North Eighth street, corner or Fil bert. 1n addition to their large assortment of fine Table Lamp?, they have lust introduced a nem burner of suffi cient magnitude and brilliancy almost singly to illumi nate a large ball. Tbe improvements in portable lights MU/ by these gont'emen are of inestimable value to the community. The au I they sell is deodorized. and is as b•iiliant as ordinary gas. again we would take the liberty of urging upon our citizens the propri ety—as a precaution involving the highest and Bret in terests of somety, life and properiV—of abandoning the use of fluid, and subetituting Witters & Co.'s Kerosene Lampe instead. IN TRANSITU.--Aa MOBIMI. J. W. Proctor to Co., proprietors of the popi•lar Paris Mantilla, Cloak, and Fur Emporium, No. 108 Chestnut street, are now right in between their two principal burliness mans, they have introduced a system for for reducing stork whioh, as might be expected, is anoceedint . They have reduced their seals of prices to such a degree that both merchants and consumers era finding it Profita ble to Invent for she future. Mr. Beecher, in his lemur° on Thurday evening, made the remark that " Money was hke powder ; it Was good for nothing ill/ It was fired off." Now, in our judgment. of all places in this city where dormant oath land there are lots of It) can be " fired dr" to advantage ' No. 708 Chestnut street is the best. Tty it, and tee If ore have not hit the mark. GOOD CONFT.CTIONERT —We dealt's, to call the special attention of the Chicago and Milwaugee dele gations, now visiting this MO, to the great Phtladel delphla Confectionery eatablishment of Messrs. E. G. Whitman & Co., Eleoond street. below Chestnut. These gentlemen have oblaincd a reputation all through the West by their superior goods, and there may be a 'curiosity felt by some to vie t their marmfaatorl. We can assure them in advance that they will be cordially received, and that they will hardly be able to leave without carrying with them some of the best spitOi menu of Philadelphia shill in this deparrnent of our manufactures. GOLD on Btnvan deposited in the Franklin Bovine Fund, No. US South Fourth street, below Chest nut. Philadelphia, on and after January 8,1661. wilt be repaid in Gold or 'Silver on demand, without Demob. Bank notes deposited repaid in Bank notes. Alt depo sits bear five per cent. interest. Goma Tun Bo e.—The members of the Boards of Trade of Chlorite and Milwaukee have lost no time since their arrival here. Yesterday they visited the Academy of Fine Arts, the Mint, fr.a., and a num ber of them then proceeded to the Brown Stone Cloth. inn Hall of itookbill 109 Own, Nos. 653 and 605 Chest nut street, above Bixth, where they procured elegant outfits for themselves. The strangers bad heard, in their W estern homes, of the fame of this extensive eetabliehment, but they were 'unreel, prepared to see so vest and splendid a stook of garments, for gentlemen end youth,. Asr exchange has the following as an excellent aystem of gardening for ladies: Malta up )012r beds early in the morning soul buttons on your husband's shirts; do not yaks up any grievances; protest the young and tender branches of your family ; plant a smile of good temper In your fade; carefully root out all angry feeling; persuade your husbands, brothers and none to buy their clothing at the one-prise fashion• able store of GRANVILLIS STOKES. NO. 607 Cheetnu street, receive a valuable airy therewith, and expect a good crop of happiness. OAK ORCHARD AOID Be'ntxe WaYxn.—Thie was ter la gaining great celebrity, and the demand for it Is inoreasing rapidly. Ito beneficial character is at tested by thousands!, and it ie pronounced by distin guished physicians to be superior to any other medi. °Mal Spring Water now in nee. The almost miraculous cures which it has performed lead no to believe that it is destined to become extensively used in the treatment of very many diseaaes which ordinary remedies fail to cure. Its curative properties are established beyond question, and we feel assured that it must, to a great extent, supersede many of the artificial compounds of the day. We recommend those of our readers who may be suffering thorn general debility, or from any of the diseases for which the Water is prescribed, to give , it a SPECIAL NOTICES. roSTRTTEWS STOMACH BITTBIts.—If the duties and oectipattous of Wives and mutilate are not so absolutely laborious as those of men, they are more exhausting. and the female system, fnfinl tali more deli cate and fragile than that of man, should ha sustained and invigorated. if possible, by some sale and healthful tome and restorative. The grand desideratum, for which the sex no long looked for in vain. in realized in HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT. TEAS. This preparation not only offers immediate and permanent relief in dyspepsia, and all di sturtrinoer of the stomach and bowele, but is infallible in those cases of bodily wesknes, rod merited dtptession which results from funotisnel irregularities known only to th a feebler sex. Sold by all Druealate. DYOTT & CO., Agent.. Wl North SECOND Street, Phlia, SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAPBTY TRUST CoNIPANT.—Dntiet the JSOSeenßion or lipeoSe payments by the Banks. Money Jo received end paid dolly, on de mand, in the same kind of funds, spooky or notes, as de posited; Interest five per cent, WALNUT Street, eouthwest corner of TA IRD. Jas•tf JAYNE'S LIQUID DYE HOEPASSES ALL others in communioating a beautiful nature/ black or brown oo)or to tho /lair, nt °twitches, or whiskers. Prepared onif at JAYNE'S, CILESTN UT Stfeet, Th‘. 1 .4.0 tor gob thete, end by Agents through out the oo r. • _ [Lug Dia ) lieii Drx!!—Batchelor's LIQUID HAIR DYE - CA he original and best in rag market, All others are more imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to esoape ridloule, Splendid Bi.scit or befatihli Snow u instantaneously, bold by aft Drug gists everywhere. The genuine bee the signature of WILLIAM A. wrontLon. upon a steel-plate en greVlig on four aides of ea.:ll7oz. Beware of Counterfeits. itlanuthators, SU Dantlay street, tate =Broadway, New York. CHARLES HATCHRLOR, nee-1) rrosrietor, 0)13 P 3103 CLOTHIER OR THE LATIUM serLss,made In the boat manner, ezotestly for RE TAIL OAL/Stl, Lowmer seUinf ortoes marked In loin Swarm. All goods msdatootoemarreated sada , •enter', Our ONE-PRICE system ]s striotly sdhere4 tl '4! E rr II yob, treated Oka. jr JONES h 00, • 604 MARKET Street. UROVES. do BAKES% CILLELBRATSD NOISELESS BEIVING MACHINES Che Hest in Use fotlly Rowing. 730 INEISTN.UT avast. Fhttuleafs. aus/47 SALAMANDRIt Fina-Paoor iltras.—A vary Earle armament of SALAMANDERS for tale at rea elhable prioes. Slo. Sal OR E.sTran St. Philadelphia tun II EVANS & WATISON. AiAItItIED. WILSON—LANGTON.—On the lath inetant r .tt the reablenee of the brine'', father. by the Rey. Willard Child, It. I) , Henry Wilson. of St. Louie, Mignon, to Elitalieth Chaznylon, danehter of the Ron. 11, F. Limp doh. or Cetatleton. Vernmet. ealAW—N,CKL,atl.—On :ballet Instant, by the Rev. Z. A Colestootr, Alaw.der It. chew, M. It , late of PhOadelvbia, to Mlys Annie A. iiiokhlf, of Chamber's rg. • McLEMENTCALERAOn the 12d Inst.. by the Rey Aohert Ramble, Mr. James Mol,emente to Mies Marmot Anne Calhoun. both of Phileaelphle. DIED. /WHOA LEB—On the 23,1 test . Susan Pahoelee, aged 7 years 7 month., and 9 days. On the 26th inst., Mary Satioales. daughters of John end Julia The relatives and friends of the family are requeated to attend the funeral, from their late residence, corner of Tenth andiOxford streets, on the 26th teat . at t o'olook P. M , without further notioe. To Prooeed to Cathedral Cemetery. hllTB.—On the 24th lament. Edith Rite, In the 13111 year of her age. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral, without further nodes, from the residence of Nathan Etta, No. NB North Fifth Wed, on Second de• rsorninr the 28th Instant. at 11 and 12 o'clock. • ** interment at Friends' Eareern Ground. JO,LlN.—tin the 20th 'natant, Serah E. Joslin, wife of t•ld E. !eighth in the 89in )ear of her age. Funeral from the resident'e of her husband, northeast Gamer of Beoond and' Mechanic streets, 10 echo's Point, Camden, N. .1„ on EMMY morning. at 1 0 o'clock BAITZEL —On the*23d lest, Charles, infant son of George and Maria E 11,112e1. BAtiOtt—un the 23,1 instant, James B.Baggs, in the Mrt year of Menge. Funeral front his late residents, Madison avenue ane Frankfort road, this (Saturday) afternoon, at .'cloak. BENNER.—sethienly r on the 24th of January, Mr.. Mary. wile of the late Neary Benner, In the 04th year of her ace. Funeral from her late residents. No. 220 Vaughan ntreet,oa Sunday afternoon. at 2 .'.look. Bftirt ON.—On the 23,/ inst., James Britton. aged /16 rears. Funeral front hie late residence, No. 3716 Seinsom area, this (Saturday) morning, at 10 o'clock, without further notice. DAVIB.—Un the evening of the 231 inetent, Mettle Blundin. youngest daughter of Wm. O. and Elizabeth W norm, aged 2 years and 2 months. Funeral from the reisidenoe of her parents, Clarion street, east of Logan, Went this dal Lafternoon aft o'clook. BOLT.—On the 21th instant. Beetamin F. Molt, In the garb year of his age. Funeral from the reitidenee of his mother. No. CO Landon street, OM (Saturday/afternoon, at 2 o , oloolt. JEFFREY.—sin the 28J instant, Anne Struthers, wife of John Jeffrey, need 72 ream. Funeral from the residence of her husband, corner of Richmond and Cumberland streets. Nineteenth ward, thin (tunny ) &Pero:ion, at 2 o'cinalt. LUKE:Va.—On the 24th Instant, Jervis S. Lukens, in the 33d year of hie age. Funeral from the residence of hie tether. Willow Grove, on Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock. MACONACTIY.-On the 24th Instant. Mar/ Emma. daughter of Thomas and Caroline Maconaohy, aged a y we, a months. and 22 days. Funeral from the residence el her parents, In Consho heeken,this (Saturday morning, at V o'clook. • htAlltlFfELl).-011 the 24th inst., Min. Soup Mans field, wife of Marten F. Mansfield. in the 024 year of her age. Funeral from the reeldeaoe, of her husband, No. 621 South ascend street, on hunetty afternoon, at I .'.look. MARIII4.--Suddenly, on the Nth instant, Alm bell, youngest daughter of J. L. and A. h. Martin, aged menthe. Funeral from the residence of her parents. N 0.230 South Eighth street, this (Wordily) morning, at 10 o'alook. re ILLER—Donald Miller, at bin late residesae. in Gwynedd townealp. on the 23d instant, aged 00 yearn. Funeral from his late residence, Stumm rooming, at 10 .'cloak. RODGEREI.—On the 21th !natant, John 0. Rodger.. aged 21 years. &mere' from ha late residence. No. 49 Commerce street, &hobo Cumberland, .Riehmond, on Sunday after noon, at walook. SPENER.-0a the 21th instant, Mary Spencer, aged 2K .are. Funeral from her fete resident's, N 0.3707 Lombard street. this (Saturday afternoon. at 1 n'olook. • TROMAtt —un the 24th hash. TIM Mary .8. Thome., wife of Charles J. 'Thomas, in the 39th year of her age. Funeral from the residenoe of her husband, No 1022 South Fifth street, on Senility, at 12 o'clock. • NEFF.—Un the 23d instant, Margaret Neff, in the Met year of her age. Funeral Porn her hate residence, corner of Vine and Eighth streets. thus (cam zdar ) morning sit 10 teelook• • 14110. NT.—On the 21th natant, Mrs. dohannali Nu gent, aged el yexre Funeral from the reeidenoe of her daughter, hire. Diver. No. 2009 Lombard tweet, this (Saturday) mottl ing. at lo owook. MOURNING GOODS FOR, 1861.—Just reoelved New &Iles Pecoutt Mourning Ent lish Chintzes and Neat t 4 Wee Black and Watts nt 13%0te ; Blank 1fipa00fte, 1 8X.28,31.3i,31% OLIN; 13 , rive itlmah Alpsocos. 31%. Oa 62k, la cut; Onair Luetres,37% ote. to $1 ; Bieck 800. Muslims. Anglian. Crapea, Veil Crapes.. Crape Palle and Crane yeifs, Round Corner Crap... mice end 13 resiadine Vaila, crape Collard hidan d o C i n o v ) l e tt a r . a m t t . i n r k n o g . . a li to ll o o k ro o b f int A e l e ti . J i3 ou b n A i o n ' K e and BItCOND MOURNING 000D8 full and complete. str4lBoll & ON, Mourning Ettore, 1610 No, 918 Chestnut street. SP MITUALISM.—AIRS. lg. SPENCE. of Now iveher olosumleotyles, Vcrm-mtrest wilt. Mt BuND A Y, at 10th A, in t sad 716 P. Al, Admittance 6 coots, it" PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1861. itrwomuNGMEN'S MASS MEETING.— Workingmen, Arouse! Turn out in your full strength, and let your Benatore and Representatives know your demands must be obeyed. A GRAND MASS MRETING OP THE WORKING MEN OF PHILADELPHIA Dnd vicinity will held THIS EVENING, IN INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, Distlnguistred spent era will be present to address you By order or committee of A rrangements. Pllll.ll' LOWRY, JP, Chairman, J0)114 A. FULTON. Bearetary. It• LECTURES TO LADIES ON MEDI -113 SUBJEC if', by Anna M. Lonlore a rottl i at I tn e Ansembly Buntline. T T an OOHS eNU Streetl next NUN DA andTRUESDAV afternoons, at 8 n o (nook. Adntheion 10 ciente. It* MTHE FOURTH AtIINIVEP MARY OF the TRACT atiCIRTY of the hl. N. VNIOT OH, will he held in meld Chureh, FOURTH Street. blew A ROO, nn TO-HORROWOIabhatIOAF TRathihON, et 3 °W.A. Add woes will be delivered by Rev. J. S. WILLIB and Rev. F. MOORE. A rodeo lion will be taken to aid the Eloolell• /t* UPEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE. —Rot. R. S STOSRS, D D., will Leature on T:SPAY 101. 0 1t10, Jan. Stet. at CONCP,RT HALL. oubiect— Climate r Do Influence tipon Civie zatlon." Looturo quart'sr before 8 °Woofs. Tickets 25 aerate; for Rate at the Roll during the do 1.. WEDITORIAL CONVEPITIOIII.—THE Annu , i Meeting of the PEN intYLV AMA ORIAL, UNION, will be held is Fulton Ball, in the city of Lancaster, on WF.DNE3DAY, the 20 , 11 of February next. of 2 o'olook P. hi. Important busi ness wilt be trammeled. and it is boned there will be full attendance of the members, and "Editors SenerallY througout the State. An eleotion will be held for offi cers for the ensuing roar. MUItION hleMf Clf AEL, President J.H. Put,seroN,i Sometimes. L. if. DAVIS, - - A LECTURE ON THE UNITED BTATEB. Its 13eautiful Position in rfOnhOaf, is o.aeion by tbu Combined Powers of Europe, the Watt°. Ito Reaule ; by BARTHOLOMEW HWASIER. Editor of The American Qtmftefiv Journal ef F,Tlet i r CA:. ) i n tIZ I ca Y t.ft t "f v ., " OV below fI R L t llll n B . " TU art BAY Evenin HI &cloak, at the EtlLEgric M Kin CAL COLLEGE. li:wawa. RACE below Fifth. Admittance, 6 eente, to pay expense,. It'. err , FOURTEENTH ANNUAL BALL OF TH LA DE, ELIA LBeaa'alltati.l),_No. •ii`W ho _Kiven at the National °nerds Hott. on 'W r Ei- NESDAY Evening,January SO. Tickets $l, admittioC a eentlernan and ladies. Can be had at neck ft Berne 1325 MARKET Street. {age-4t . Si ll The rakes of tfi r el t igg to ITHE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN AS• sosivrloN OF PHI% .ADELPHIA—The re m Monthly Meeting will be held on MONDAY EVEN ING. January 28th, at o'clock. in the Church on Ntiff lA, below NINTH. The remaining nor. ti on of the raper on the Life and Character of AMOS LaWntioc E, the Eminent Merohant, will be read by Rev. W. M. COHNVLE, • acme free to all. tetrange TS and !nog men particu larly invited to attend. The lent annual Report ie ready for diattlbution. WANAMAXER. 2t Corresponding Secretary. PGSTATEMENT OF THE UNION BANE. Its required b 7 the second station of the act of :nerelAseernbly of this ContraoaWealth, approved the 15th day of October. A. 1). ISM. Amount of loans and discounts. —.....8158.081 14 scenic....__._.:_...__. 74 967 6 due from otherbance...- 07,714 en of notes in circulation.. • ...• • . .. able 0) deposits, including balances due to other banks 1138 ID Pffir ADIMPaI.t., January 26, 2861. - CITY OF PHILAD.ELPIIIII, so : 1. James Lesley. Cashier of the Union Bank. being. sworn. depose and say that the above state ment le correct, to the beet of my knowledge end belief. JAMES LESLEY,_Couthier. Sworn before me, this 28th der oflan, A. D. 1861. It CHAS. Wbbt)lNG. Alderman. orrune or THE RELIANCE MU TUAL, INSURANCE COMPAN Y.—PrilLenaL rms.. January IS 1861. The annualting of the Rtookholders of this Contranr ',lli e l leld At their office No. SOS 'MAI.- NCr Street, at 12o'elook 81. on MONDAY, the On day fo of Pebruar3 noNt An Election r Twenty Directors to verve the am hap Tear will he held on 'nod day, at the same place, between 12 o'clock M. and 2 o'ohook P. M. Labe tuts,' tree 13 M. HINCHNIA N. Secretary. irr , THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF the PrISToRAL AID ASSOCIATION of ST. Wl,'S CHURCH. wilt he held in that Church. Third. below Walnut, on SUNDAY EVENING nut, at Di o'olook. PGTTER will preside at the meet ing. and addressee may be expected from the Rev. Beni. Watson Rev. Dr. Vinton, William Welsh, Esq., and Charles E. Lek, Pee. An annual report Will he read, showing the Society's oneratlone during the past year. All interested in Lay efforts to roach the neglected of our population a e cordially invited. ia25.2t. ILFEMUSICAL FUND HALL.—LECTURE IM A EI effl l li j eJ l a N • A i T a y a g. ° L I ; before_ Red.,— 'Fiction and Fact.'o nu riokete ea rOente s tse be had at the principal Drug, Music, and B , ok stores, ales at tho Dall. Dr24-alit` WPOST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 3eNPART 22.1861. CIAL compliance with instruc tions received from the Poet Office Department. the public are hereby ratified that postage mu r be fully Pre _paid by ~tam ps on ell letters or packages addressed to Governors, 11-ads of Departments. and Members of the Legislature of this and other States; in dotard , of which they will lee sent to the Deed Letter Office, Washington, D. C. Gt N. D. DROWNS, Postmaster. MNOTICE. --THE ANNUAL MEETINO of the Stookholdera of the OCEAN fak:AM GATION CUMVA NY, for the oleotion of Five threaten, and for tne tranenation of other business, Will he held at No. 30 North DBLAWAHE Avenue. on TIMBDAY, the fifth der of February. 1811. at 12 o'clock noon. WM. DENNIS. .1022-12 c Eeeretary and Treernror. OFFICE OF THE UNION CANAL oi CO.. PHIL D111,P11111., January 16, 1161,—The Annual Meeting of the Stooilholdere of the Union Canal Cora. party, of Penney tvania,witl be held on '1 ESOA . Fe bum', 6th, next, nt 11 o'olook A. M . nt the °lrma of the Comenn•• 22h WALNUT ducat( Farquhar butldinge. istrAtfea O. Tr•OMPBON, Seeretnr.r. OFFICE Or THE PIAILADELPHIA ANO NO NORTH NAVIGATION I PI 2 I 7 ANY, NO. 300 NORTH WHARVES. . . PIIILADELPI3I.I,- Jam. 22,1861, The Annual Meeting of the Mookhotders of tale Corn Dan, for tho F leotion of Five !Annexe's. and for the transaction of other business. will be bold at No. 30. Philadewhia Exohange. (third floor.) on 'TUESDAY k.VHNING. the fi fth day of February_next, et half past seven o olook. WM. la - Nef IS. Ja2l-22t Peoretaty and Treasurer. urrOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. • PI77LA7 IPITIA. January IL 1351. NOTICE TO STOCK ti ktft.-1 he annual meet inc the stookholdere of this Cotneany win be bald on MOND AY. the lth day of February. 1801, at 20 o'clock A. Nl.* at the ZIANatiM - ATIIKET HALL. • The annual election Inc Directore.wal be bald on MONDAY, the 4th env of ftlareh,lB3l, at the °Mee of u.e Comlany, No, 238 Routh TH/RD &reel. 15;1525.F DMVND AM ITU. Secretary. (T; naAaLitt I R V ATL O O R O IC A D A AN D I) C lll O fpj k e f Le w ,C A O N A Y L . , • 411 Meeting or the Btooltholdere of the Com -F-00Ru; eii r ebept..At their office. Pio dOl vooth brow too at 11 o'oledr9.o.V. the Ith day of Fe. efeettee P Ce Directors of the 0407...theooroose of (*tooling year, And for the transaction ot 00..,t...t the boamets UAW be b , ought before the meeting. I 1 NY HoDirieori,l3eoreterf. Fhl'adelchia, January IL 261. inte-tfe4 DTOFFICE Or THE FAME INSURANCE CO., ri0.406 CHESTNUT Stre.t. PTIILADRI.TMIA, January T . , 1661. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, lettt Dividend of THSEE PER CENT. on the Calmat o e day o Com f Pal m, - wa mis s deolarednest , payable on and alter the t - 1 WILLIAMS L Peovetary. are OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE IN SURANCE COMPANY. 400 WALNUT St. FRILADELPIiIA, January 16,1661. At the Annual Meetint of the Stockholders of this Commny, held on the 11th JallUdiy, 1861, the following gentlemen were elected DirPetore lot the eneutng year: nArctororti) RTAhft, WILLIAP.I NOCHE. NALttRO FR AVER, 3011 N M. ATWOO‘r. BEvJehllel 'l'. R , DRICK, HENRY WHARTO , • NORDeOAI L. DAWSON, HEOROtt H. frIUART, JOHN H. BROWN, ANDREW NEscouK. cAsII, J. L. ERRINGER..•- At n. meeting of the Board of 'Mentors , held this day, P. A ATCHFOttD 147'MM - wag appointed president. jell theSttuetif CHARLES W. COX E,Seoretari. rszCOMMONNVEALtIi !Ng - MANCE COM PANY 4, F TICE NT AT F. OF veirisSruvn .3 CIIEBTICLI STREET. FIOLADEGPITI A January 11.1861. At a meeting of the Btookholdera of the common wealth Insurance Cowan. of the State of Pennsyl venni, held at their office, January 1.1881. the following Gentlemen were cleated to serve as Directors for the ensuing year: DAVID JAYNE, M. D., JOHN M. WHITALL, TRUM.B 8. eTEWART, CHARLES H. RnOoßel, WIL.LIAM e•TRIITHI.1118, Ho.NRY .L.EWiB. Jo., ROBERT 8110F.MATEER. JOHN E. WAl,l{ EDWARD 0. KNIGHT, STEPS EN COIILTIIR. And at a meeting of the Board of Otrroters held on this day, the following Officers ware re elected President—DAV D JAYNE. M.D. Vice President—JOHN M. WHITALL. lieoretary— , AM D EL, S. MOON N O PANIC !! There le uo oaks at Die N. E, Corner EIGHTH and BYROM GARDEN tits, Full Hock Fresh Goods Daily, ' Rea Inc up times. !jelling Gonda Mono, and Buying Goods Cheap. MI Wool Flannels, Good Large slankets, . Beautiful MarselliesQ.uitta. nano-Table and Stand rovers. Power-Loom Table Linens. Bost Rnitting. Linens. ootlns, and Pinner-Linens, Damask Table Lallans. Crain Diapers. Towels, &c. Gnat Itednotion in CLOAKS, SHAWLS. AND SILKS, Fano, Dices Goods, Fooling ho.. termeN & °maws. IL B. Cornet EIGHTH& SPRING GARDBZI El% j a 26 L AST MONTH OF WINTER! Lnst Month of Winter. Last Month of Winter. Last Month of Winter. Last Month of Winter. WINTER DRESS 000^8 littLOW COST: Winter Dress Omni' 'Below Coat. Winter Dross Goods Below Cost. Winter 101.1. Goode Below CO3t. Winter Drees Goods Below Cost. WE ARE DETMltfiltsisD TO REDICK Ottft STOCK! We are Determined to iteducie our Stook. We are Determined to titilangLour Stock. We are Determined to Reols Stook. We are Determined to Reduce our tstoolr. ADAMS & SON, k;101111 AND ANtiii t Adams & son, .Mithth and Arch. Adams & Son, 'Eighth and Arab. Adams & Son, I..ightn and Arch. Memo & Son. Eighth and Arch, Mad (ZR KAT REDUCTION IN DRY COOPS ! v.-PI WINTER DRFEIS GOODS CLOSIAO our! Gre.kt Bargains in Winter Goode. Plaid Va'ensiee 20 eta, former'r 37/i. Detainee end Cashmeres very' cheap. Closing nut ail Dark (Ras, at JOIIN b. STOKES'. 3a26-1f 702 ARCH Street. G. EVANS , GIFT-BOOK STORE, %A • No. 439 CHESTNUT Street BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANfP. All Books are sold as Oman no at any other store, and h You have the Book. advantage of get reemving a handsome 'Gift wit oath You can NEW AND git UHL COPIES of all the Standard Books in every department of Lite rature, together with ALL THE NEW BOOKS. As soon as published. .and a Gift worth from One to One Hundred Dollars with each. Determined to maintain the high reputation aireadv bestowed upon our enterprise, we shall present to our customers a superior duality and greater assortment a/ OiJts than heretofore. and guarantied to give satis faction. REMEMBER, That WW mu 1 chness of a Beek, to the amount of ei or upwards), will reoeive a handsome Present, whereby_they have the ndynntage of obtainita •TWO GIFTS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. And in many instances the value received will he a hundred fold the amount Invested. TO THE PROOF. Call In and one purchase wilt occurs you that the best place in the city to buy Holiday Books. to at Ot OBOE O. E9ANgl' OIFT , BOOK EeTABLISHIIIENT, No. 439 CHER NUT Street, t P transom visiting the city are respeetfutly tavited to call and examine the large collection of Rooks. deß tt R OOK 13 1 0YE118.---43 ontlem an: I hove taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Dank. 419 CIIESTN UT Street, whore I wit/ continue to buy find sell tee t have heretofore done at the Custom house Avenue Seek-stand) g/d and now Law and Alla aellaneous Sooke. I have for male upwards of 100 old Week-letter IBlooke striated rot to the year 1 4 99, Also, :rt e go l d?Mr, L e. Z: n is!4. ° VilTgl:fteN-gvinit°4 end Atite.itteohe, Paramus at a Materna wilt rto eel Boolta, desettbe their namee ‘ ilatie, rice„Adana!, 0 410 1 Fr i mat. m oval Laws? Pon/3w %AV "°" "r""miYarATA At 7 o'olook. RETAIL. DRY GOODS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE BOOK FOR THE TIMES. THE TEACHINGS PATRIOTS AND STATESMEN THE "FOUNDERS OF THE REPUBLIC" SLAVERY. EVERY MAN 81i011.41, REM) THIS GREAT NATIONAL WORK It includes the resorts of the DEBATES I.ND SPEECHES OF THE "BOUNDERS OP THE REPUBLIC," Showing their opinions as expressed in the Congress of the Cons snsagllON, in the Convention to form the CONSTITUTION. and in the several State Conventions to rattly the rams. A diatunguiehed feature of the cheouseione are the Bombes of M Az:J][BoN. ELLSWOITH, LIVINGSTON. DS. FRANKLIN, PIDICIENEY, RUTLEDGE, RAN DOLPR. PATRICK HENRY, ROGER SHERMAN, LowirDrs, MASON; And, to short, nil those men of the Revolutionary times, renovated &Ike for their estriotism, statesmanship, end vtrtues. It will include the HISTORY OF THE ORDINANCE OF by Peter Fotes, the great Coograaatonal compiler —the only enthoutio ammunt of that femora; Ordinance ever publiebed. The alavery agitation is then traoed in its various Thum in Congreec, from 1790 to 1800, and the opinion, (gathered from the Spoeohes and Letters) of PINCKNEY, JOHN Q. ADAMS, CLAY, CALHOUN, WEBS LER. IHAH.CY, JEFFERSON. MADISON, MON IMF, H AR RHON, BEN TON, BI LAB WRIGHT. as well as eminent lime atateemen, are soottratels aomp,led. It trill also oontala the DRS') SCOTT and other decisions of the Coorta upon the Slave Question; the great Speech of ALEXANDER HAMILTON ad vooating.MONARCHICAL GOVERNMENT; also his Plan of GOVERNMENT I the Inaugural Addressee of WASHINGTON, ADAMS, JEFFERSON, and MADI SON, and the Farewell Addresses of WABHINOTON and JACKSOR. It is not dengned as a partisan book ; but as woll as alt patties claim to represent the views of the " FA THERS of the REPUBLIC" on the SLAVERY QUESTION, the object of the COMPILATION is ra ther to show WHAT those views were, and what eon ligation the omment btatesmen of the country have given the CoostiMtioo from the period of as adoption to the Rh:Platt., OF THE MiS, OVA I COMPROMISE in ISM, Thin volume la the only work of the kind published, and Should be in the hands of all who wish a history of this all.abaoroing ouostion. From many notices of the Press, of all manes. We take the following We would advice every one who taken an interest, and would Judge justly as to the question which for Many yearn has mo.t absorbed our volition, to buy this book. The ante and Rudiments of the founders of the Constitution, and of all the succeeding conventione, ocnitteues, Presidents, orators, end statesmen, are fairly and fully produced, we think, in thin volume of 495 pates. MI work is a dear, full abstract of put opinion on this subjeot.—Philadephia North American. livery man, who takes any interest in the political Merely of this oountry—of whatever complexion his opinions may be--enould procure a copy of thin admi rable work. As a book of reference it will prove in valuable.—Evening Argue, Paiisior tunic. it relates to a subject of vital interest to the whole People, and peeee Within the reach of every intelligent man and woman the opinions cf the foundere of our Goverment upon that subjeot—the whole constituting a very ailmiraole and /mama history of Mover/ an the United Eitatee.—Philadelphia Inquirer. Mr. Chase has shown industry, toot, and impartiality in this compilation, which is full and matruotive, with out being tedious or bulky. The reader has, in a single volume, the views for and egein.t Mayer', of the leading lights in thus oriuntry,from the formation of the Constitution. At this oriels, when political excite ment rune high, snob a work an this Is almost invalu able.—Preis, Ailadelphia. it is simply what it purports to be—a history of the Slavery Question, one that should be to the hands of every intelligent citizen.-I,rizerne Union. We strongly recommend this valuable work to the pa 'Mono or the publio.—Seronten J-lirard, Scranton* Peraa, We commend a to alt who would be welt and got retail informed upon the tubjecte of whnitt it treat. and predint and ,stamplan, Wilmington, Del. With pla book In hand, evor7 vereon can become fa miliar with this vexed imitation. If It ewe widely mr aumuid tt mould do much 600 d, and correct many ouo neaull itow•allions.—Pree Pres', l'aiton, Pa. Jr. is adeeervma work, written with decided ability, Tio ,,,h-Vaziv the very information whioh every Arne /Voss. nosseseed of.—Sentinet, Lawrence, it is Gertiunfr imtrortant at the present every One should bo wall Informed on tins BOWL 'We• therefore, Bay that this is a timely and exeeedinsly-trn portent work.— Er. S. Journal, New York. It 'will be found a volume appropriate and acceptable at the present oriels, to many thoueands of our Museum 'while it le also of permanent histormal Yalue.—Eran relish Nato York. This we deem a great national work, one whith most, do molt good In the future 08 well as et the present time. It lino partisan book, but a compilation fr. m the reports of Debatos, end other reliable mimes. Every American citizen should purchase and read it for himself.—Latorrars Jourrira, Nsio Caltie, Pei Thum work le having an immense We, and agents otd2 make more on it than any other book now published. The book contains nearly MO sages, handsome' Yhound, and In one of the cheapest, as well an one of the most saleable books published. Detail price only One Dol lar. Specimen boyiett Will be sent by Mail on rootlet of retail price. Monts wanted in every notion of the country, to whom the largest commission will be veld , Irir Seed for n Speoitneis Copy. J. W. BRADLEY. FORLISHER, No. 66 NORTH FOURTH Btroet, Phllndolphia THE WORK FOR THE TIMES ! EVERYBODY SHOULD SUBSORIBV ! TUE AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE REVIEW, PIUDLIBInD If InITIII.Y. Br J. HERBERT, 32 BEEKMAN ST., NEW YORK A strictly conserved vo Monthly Publication, contain ing t pages folio. Consisting of Political, Cmsrtsostal, and Literary . Reviews on nil ourrent events; New Pub lications and 'Works of Art, together with a Monthly summary of Foreign and Domestic Nowa. Also. an original eerier of Thographloal, Historical, and Botentifio Articles and Elegant Literature, by the moot able writers of the day in avers department. EVAR Y ME/ICI/ANT, 7,AWYEIt. CLERUYIIAN, And, in tact, every man of taste, Position c r iniinenoo should have it. Tun AMERICAN C.ORERRVATIVE RS VIEW will be etrietly neutral in its ohmmeter, and will endeavor, in all emergenoies, to suggest a line of volley, that eon. elstently with right and Justice, may tend to allay alt patty or seetional feeling, and reoonolle to mu/ other the hostile elements that now or in the future agitate the public. mind. N. R. The Mut number of the American Conservative Review will be leaned on the let of February, 1951. PUDGY/MEP MONTELY AT p PER YEAR, PATAWE IA ADVANCE, BY J. HERBERT, 32 BF:SOMA:I &UST, Nety YoNN. N. L. Lotter. containing euhaorletions and all other oommunioations ehould be addressed to the American Canstrvagive Review, New York. Pirat•olaasAsents wanted in every Mt, in the United States. de29•atuhth tfel GROSS' . AMERICAN .IEIMOAL MO a RAP!' V. 'row ready. LIVFM Ow 'EMINENT AMERICAN PHYSICIANS AN 0 SUHOEuN-r, who have contributed to the Ad vaneement of Medical &derma, Literature, and Educa tion to the United elites. during the Nineteenth Cen tury- Edited by 8. D. Coosa. Al D. Professor of Sur gery in the Jefferson Medical e.Philadelnhut, eta. 'the publication of this liolk MVOS Its origin to a &t -ette, on the part of the editor, to popularize, SO to speak. his profession. and to plane Its services and claims more conspicuously than had yet been done before the Ame rican people. The MORRO re ate Contrilaitiona from different writers, who were either 'personal friends of the deceased, or so intimately acquainted with their labors and onamoters as to quell& rem, In a apeoial manner, for the faithful discharge of their delicate and responsible duties. A book of biography, oonstruoted upon suolt a Oen. must. it is evident, possess superior claims to a•teation. manor) from its very nature it will be more likely to insure }opt delineation of oharaeter than if it Isere the offspring of a single individual. LINDSAY dc BLARISTON, Publishers. 1026 No. 25 Bouti, 81XTH Philadelphia. CIIARLEST N lIARBOR—Largo colored nifty ql—pUbil.olo4 t Authority. for sale et the Phaudetph)a Haug More, 419 °IMAM uT Street. Old Books. Yortraite, and Autograph Lotto's bought. ja44 St" 301 is ,L)AMPIIELL. • TIM EYE-SIGHT IMPRO. Droved. br the nee of on world•te flown PERISCOPIC SPI , OPACLES. correctly suited to every ao and condition of the vi sual orgari. bY M FRANKL Optician. t ' , cute 'FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. raf" ilr 8. Rtetuberger le the authonzod agent for my Improver' Oblates in Chsinhershurg. Pa. In2B Stip IEIMER'S PHOTOGRAPHS, MAD at hie Gallery, SECnND Street. above Green are considered by quality ho Iltalto tried him to be tine quailed, both es to and erica. lt• CIEURRE J.HERRELS, UPHOLSTERY T end CABINET WAREnousz, No, 694 WAL VIS:I, Benet, opvontA Inderendeacie Boma, formell7 of no. CB Critatnut &rate, thiladalphish 104 -am INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELiPHIA, OFFIOE No. 308 WALNUT STREET, The following statement of the attain of this Com peer on the 31st of December, IWO, Is published In pur suance of the Chatter, viz; To Capital Stook, paid $014,700 00 To Cest,fiestes o f Yining, convert. title into kstook— • —. To Continfoot Acoount for Proud urns on ire Riggs. outmoding Dooombor 31, 1839.._.-.......___ $O M Lo do received in 1330.-... 4.3,763 30 $93,063 32 To Interest /mount, net, received in _ .' smug 41 To Polio= Transfers, end other ,Frofite To Profit and Loss.Doomniiiilla . 63.764, 7$ By Dividend Aooount, paid for the Year- —• , $40.090 4 By Losses by Fire in 1800,.. 22,4138 02 By. Iteturn Premiums. Commis . - stone, &o Dy_Expenses. Taxes, {And Donations to Fire Companies........ /1, 0 00 9 3 77.132 85 Remalning with the C0mpeer......... asaaa 64 Wkl/CR I 8 INVESTED AS FOLLOWS: In Firat Mortgagee on Improved City Pro perty, worth double the .9160,900 00 In Ground Rent. first--. 2,462 60 In City of Philadelphia 6 per oent. Loan, 29,973 76 In Penneylvaaa Railroad Co'e. 6 per cont. Id Mortgage Loan (.950.000),.. 27,900 00 In Alleghoey Co. 6 per cent, Penner.vania Railroad 10,020 00 In Collateral Loans, well emoured— . 2,600 00 In iinntiqgdon and Broad Top Mountain R. R. and C. Co., Mortgage Loan 4,00000 In Pennsylvania Railroad Company's sDer cent. I, t Mortgage L0an..... . ....• ... 6,000 00 In Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. Nt00k.... • 24,360 tO In County Fire Insurance Co. 1,050 00 In Delaware M.S. Ineuranco Co. Stook---, 700 00 In Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Stook.— 4,000 00 In Commercial Bank ... 6,186 01 In Meahanion' Hank Stook— .. . 3.812 00 In Onion .51, Innranoo Co, sotlp.. .-... 3,90 00 In Hills Receivable... .... • . 14,30 74 In Book A. 0430111341, aocirced Internet, /t 0...—. 6,004. 00 In Cash on hand...—. 16,070 09 The Directors have this day deolared a dividend of SIX PER CENT. on the Capital Stook of the Company. and on the Certifioates of Profits outstanding, my the Isar ending December list, MO, without deduction for cam e 7 ax. payable in oath, on and alter the lath met. Mao a Dividend of FOUR PER C•q , l e.. parable pro rata on the Capital Stook and Premiums earned. out of the profits of the Company tor the year ending Decem ber al. 160), for which vertifioates of Profits, bearing interest, will be delivered to the Stockholders. and to the insured entitled to receive the same. tomer the pro vonona of the °Muter, on and after the 16 h inst. No certificate will tie is rued for any ig ss sore than ten dolare. nor for any fraotionet part of one dodat. Sums lege than ten dollars. and cot lees than one dollar, are credited to the insured on the books of the Company, and if. within any period of ten years, the said credits amount ro ten dollars. certificafre therefor will ?minuted. Cerrificates of Profits are liable equally. with the 4.35- Pita! Stook. for the IMO, and engagements of the Com pany, and may be convervid into Capital Stook at any time. at the option of the holder. DIRECTORS, CLEM TINOLEY. ROBERT STEEN, WM R. THOMPSON, WILLIAM MUSSER, FREDERICK BROWN, BENJ. W. TINIILF.Y. JOHN R. WORRELL, MAR.HALL HILL, IL L. CA RSON, K. LOTHROP, ROBERT TOLAND, HARLES LELAND, FREDERICK LEN^ 4 IO, JACOB T. BUNTING, CHARLY.B B. WOOD, ITH BOWEN, JAMES IL WOODWARD, JOHN BISSEL, Pittsburg, SAMUEL DISPHAAL CLEM B. AL lIINCHMAN. Bea NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. ESTABLISHED IN ISM CAPITAL, 86A98,800, CASH ASSETS, 3.2.392.255.62. ANNUM. REVENUE UPWARDS OF $1,130,000. StstDM/fht of the oar ditlon of the Company, made fa oomplianoa with the law of Pennsylvania : Caostal utook— $6,229,000 00 Number of !therms of Stook subsoribed for Amount of assessments or instalments on stook paid ln, in cash ...—........ 912,016 00 ASSETS. The value. ac nearly no mae be. of the Real Estate bald by the oitirmnr.- —• 302.029 Cash on band, and dOPOSited in Banks-- 105.931 73 Cash in hands of Agent., and in course of transtniasion . 725,78965 Loans secured by Bonds and and constituting the first hen on the Keel Ro ta e, on which there is lees than one year's • interest due and owing . 879,945 St Stocks owned by the Company, whether of any state or of the United States. or of any incorporated city .r the United litotes, or of our other description-- 29301 aa Roods he cl by the Company as Collateral geourity for Loane....---..--.—.. ass" 00 Other investtnents—..—..— ....... 91,193 IS LIABILITIES. Losses due, and unpaid. (Fire and Lite)--. 108,M -27 Claims for losses which are In snit or con tested by, the Company-- • - • . None. Lone* during the year w h i ch Ware; - 6 - ein paid. ( Fire and Life 1.....• 345.23/7 Dividends deo 23,407 )3 Dividends deolared. due, and mislaid. . 3,544 90 Amount of all other claims agairst this tornpany L oontested OT otb arc G vs includ ing Fire uty,due the Government, and unclaimed 46,440 is INCOME. niulh Premiums received. (Fite and Inters.[ money received from tha invest ments of the COMP3II7-...-- 83,196 64 Income of the Company from any other 6011(0811----- - .... A/7101171t. v a d 241D4111-7RES MUMS, tind^‘ premiums. whether smut qt trytt& 1±1,534 oo DiVidewa DWI the W 5,45/ 89 Exegesis mad daring theyear. inoinding ow: minions end feet paid to the tutexis end Writers of the Compeer.-- 183.048 60 Amount of all o.ber expenses and expendi tures of the...... Ravine oomplied srith law of Pennsylvania. the undersigned respectfully s continuance of the patronage which has been so liberally bestowed open this IsispriallY IllEloo the establishment of the Agency in 'the large capital of tne - liability of all the Shareholders offer the grestewv4:7 Minty to Policy holders. Losses raid in Philadelphia at soon as proper proofs are presented. GETTY & LEIBING. AGENTS. 425 CHESTNUT STREET, Moir Building Philadelphia Peek. Jail-thatuft PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OVPICE No. 921 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. The following statement of the affairs of the Comps n7 niputiliahe2 in conformity with a provision of the Charter: RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEM BER 3, O. For Life Frerniurne for term of life. For I:i . nillefYien:Conei i7rioii elu ' 33l 33 term. For Tatra Ti :ir i eke. .-- ,•7.:- - "" 27 For Interest received on invest- 14'31 to 11141 , 11- For Policies, FOIIOY fem..— Fnr Bolin Dividend on yureliesed ..... ..... szwoo 97 LossEis AND EXPENSES DURING THE SAME PERIOD. For Losses (23) firtlOUlltillt to. $11,670 00 For expenses Salaries, Adver minena, Med. .. —. ,5 For Ren t, State and C‘ty Taxes, 10 235 6 For ko Agenci • Charsis7, — C . Commie- For 3 ' Bll 4° aione...tmee. . For Roil:lantana!, end I nternet For Return . 2,723 07 of rolmies. • 11,053 10 For Internet . Div . idena . , Inlet onßOrtO . -. 17,048 10 For Guarantee • Capfe — al .• • 2,C04 66 9301,317 21 Amount added to Capital in .. $135.019 76 Acouinulitted Capital Deoember, . 1k16.1)68 27 Accumulated Capital December 31,1890 ..... 41 071,128 93 ASSETS UFO HE COhIP ANY LIABLE TO PAY LSSES JANUARY 1,1861. 100,000 United States 6 per cent. Loan. 1971.--. 200,212 ao 13,000 United States E. per cent. Lnan. 1860' . 19,976 100 30,090 Unit, d otriiis 6 percent. Treason Notes••••••••••- 30,037 60 2,030 Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan....- . -.. 2.105 09 20.000 Pennsylvania 5 pet 'cent. 18,174 69 20,000 Pennsylvania 6 Per onnt. Coupon Bonds. .... . 18,036 00 14,80/ ladelptia per cent. Loan ...-•-,.•.-..-_-.---- 13,691 78 3.5,010 Philadelphia 6,per Facempt. ~.• • .. 33,020 60 !SAO Philadelphia 6 per cent., Philadelphiaax. 679 60 31,260 per - Loan. • • 23,730 90 10 000 Pittsburg ... iii - oeo7cLoa,n 8,323 00 22,000 Allegheny county 6 per cent. 1 can 00 10,00 Washington county 6per Loan - 7,926 90 21 000 rentusiiiZiat7 rCiet mortgage 6 per cent, LOMA 22,990 0) 20,000 Pennsylvania ft. R. 34 mortgage 63per cent. Loan 18,040 00 30,010 N. Penna. H. R. Ist niort• gage G per cent.' Loan.... 22.600 660 ohs Penna. H.R. stock-- 74,442 77 Mobs Lehigh Coal and Nay t lotion Company...-• 6,97361 212 biirard Life Annuity and Trust Company, „ 6 676 39 100 she Western Bank stool/. 6 sal 40 200 ahsCoinmeroial Mk stook. 10,683 23 70 site North Antenna Bank stook . ..... . 10.169 00 100 the Idanufacturets' and Mechanics' B Hankok.. • • 2,76100 30 Ineohanics' of Bt. L0ui5......... • • .••• • .... 4,900 60 Mortgagee and tiroundents, all first liens 2 .. - 262260 93 Loans on --- 36,179 20 Loans on Collaterana- • • 40,179 69 Rills Receivable. Premium Notes--. • . ....... „ 120,973 69 Real Es'ate, Thiid and Doak.- --„-- 94 000 00 Real tetra°. Che stnut erreet. • 24,121 01 Rorie Lividends of Ineutaniie Comeanies.... ... _ 61,360 00 Ageme, balance of their as counts 20,745 74 Quarterly Payments on Policies i55ued..,.._...._.-_...11,918 09 Cash on hand and in 8ank... .... 12,441 29 interest on investments to Jan. 1. .. •• • . 22.3D8 83 °Moe . . 2,099 48 Franklin Fire lneuirince -. Col::.• 300 00 I 200 26 SENATOR Amount— —.... • * OT Deduot two Lostesttuo In mt.. 1.(1 510 1 Do 81,071,173 02 1"1111..ADELIIIrA. Jan. lath, 1861. At 6n ejection held, at the office of the Company, on MONDAY, the Ith met., the following gentlemen were duly Mooted ltueteee: FOR TIMER 'Rana. WILLIAM MARTIN, JOHN O. BRENNER, RICHARDS. NBWIIULD, BENJAMIN COATES, JOB. H. TRorrert, J. H. Alp BA 'ALAND, Vg M. H. )(LEN , JAMES E USTON. WI•P. VOA l'Wo JAM r.B U. PEASE, Eon ONE vitalit• JAMES THAQUAIR. At a. meeting of the Board of Trustees, held THIS EVENING, tinpilr .1., L. MILLEN, sq., was elected President. and SAMUEL E. STOKEe, tee., Vice President for the one= g YMMT. The Board of Trustees have this dap declared a Sarin Divide d of MEN VY FIVE rtat. CENT. upon the cash oremilints 'raid in MI They have also deolared a rash Dividend (ISM PER ever upon tne Sono DiVidands issued from 11360 to Iwo, Inclusive, eolith's at toe office of the Company otter the 6th des of r ebruary neat, fo those who have paid their whole premium to cash, and to those who are ludehtEd to the Company for immure [MOM or other wise, it will be payabie at too time of settlement of their neXt premium. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STORnki, Vioe President. JOHN W. HORNOR, Sooretary. Ja.l7-tbstuet 111A1M—For able by WETREEILL SZONIZIt,s47 pat 49 xertk.9E9oll) SW" THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURA.NOES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES. In conformity with an Act of the Lee''alum publlgh the following STATEMENT OF TEEM ASSETS, on TEE, Slat OF DECEMBER, 1860, • CAPITAL STOCK„9 500.000. REAL ESTATE. League Island, River 7101aw are, 939000 00 tolece Building. Ito. 304 Walnut StrriatA BONDS AND MORTGAGES. First Mortgagee, on unencumbered property', 747,009 80 Ground Rents, well eemired----.. 0,t98 81 Loans on call. with notes and collateisis—.l,o3s 41 07 Life Interests-- _ 1,658 Si Debm due to Company, inducing m 1.1 ,0 0 0 01 111 Trust . 4.962 26 STOCKS, LOANS, ANO TREASURY NOT tB, viz $ 3 3,100 00 Philadelphia 6 per cont. loan, 25,665 00 do. Guard's of Poor loan, 51,300 03 do. City 6 per cent. loan, 8.060 00 do. Gas per oeat. loan, 137,000 00 Pennsylvania 6 per Cent. 00u pun bonds 131 732 00 do. 6 per cent. loan, 20,000 00 do. 43' per cent. losn. 44,625 70 do. Otiarantied interest, 4 5 11 0 0 Soh' Nv CO Boat & Car, 39.00) 00 COLIS n, OOI I and Amboy RR, 6 6 per Camden mde, 24,001 00 nd Amber RR, 6 per cent. Sonde, 74,000 00 North POOOII,IVILIMO RR. CO 6 r cent ds, 40.000 00 Penn R.R. 29 bon mortgage bonds. 71,172 68 Chesapeake & Delaware Cana! 6 per Gent. loan, 11,881 00 Lehigh Coal and Navigation 6 Lehighnt. loan, 28,570 00 Coal and Navigation mortgage loan, 6 000 00 Allegheny 6 per cent. bods. 5,003 00 City of Pittsburg 6 per et n 12,20 1.0 City of rittsburr B per et. loan, 15,000 CO Cleveland and Motioning NIL 7 par cent. bonds 20.000 00 Hamilton County. Ohio, 6 per Fayette nds. 6,000 00 ounty. Rentuoky. B per cent. bonda, 21.400 00 Tennessee 5 per cent, loan, 5.160 00 Tennessee 6 per cent. bonds, 101 700 00 United States Treasury Notes, 103 elates Schuylkill Navloition Co., 164 do. Clovei'd & Maboning RR Co, 104 do. Commeraial Bank. 563 do. Farmers' k Ideohanies' Bk, 161 do. Philadelphia Bank. 45 do. State Bank at Camden. at do. DOIMPIIIO Bridge Co., Easton. 300 do. Insurance Co ,N. America, 10 do. Pennsylvania Railroad Co., 279 do. Bald 0 •a 1e and Sprint Creek, 250 do. Lehigh Coal & Nev. C.o.Sorio, 250 do. Lehigh Coal & !iv. Co. Stook, 108 do. Lehigh VIMIOY OR, CO.. $23,000 00 Lackawanna Bloomsb'g RR C 0 .7 Per cent. bonds, 10.000 00 Washington Gee Light Co. 6 per cent. bonds. SANITARY' 12, 1861 8,942 Sp - --$..C' 642 bo 8394,714 09 $317.142 Of 33,155,10 98 WILLIAM B. HILL. January 24,1861—Ja.243t ACTUARY. OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA CDNIP ANY ?DR INBURANCFN ON LIVER AND GRANTING ANNUITIES. (304 Walnut street,/ L ho lds.. January 23.7861 At an eleotion of the !Booss. hold on elondaS, the 91st inst.. the following gentlemen Were unanimous ly TB • looted Direotors for the ensuing year. Charles Dutilh, William IL Hart, William Kirkham, B. Vau_g. Nenry J. Williams, William Harmer. I. Pem. Hutchinson. John R.. Wuonere ,r Franois tippkinson. Bt. Geo. T. Campbell. Joseph Swat, Adoluh E. Bone, Eamuol ISorria, And at a meeting wane Directors. held this day. CH ARLE4 LLIT/Liiunsnimouslv re-eleoted Yrs sident, and 'WILLIAM B. BILL, A Ottlayi. 35.24-1 t WILLIAM B. RILL, Aohntrs. I.fIAME INSURANCE COMPANY, N INL A NDLISSTNUT Street. FIRE, AND InInURANCE. DIANCTOIM George W. Day....... „of Day & Matlack. Samuel Wright......... Wright Bros & Co. D. B „. " Davis & Mmes. Henry Lewis, Lewis Bros & Co, C. " J. C. Howe & Co. Samuel T. Bodine...—Pres't W_yoming Canal Conis'y Pio. W. Everman.....or J W. Everinan & Co. Deo. A. West— West & Pones. H. Savege, Martin, & Co. D. Wilson Davis Attorney-et. E. D. Woodruff— .... Sibley Molten, & Woodruff'. jno. Kessler, Jr._ /713 Green street. DPIORGH: BUCK . reeident. FRANCIS N. vice president. WILLIAMS I. BLANCEARD.Seoreiart. L TINGLEY, Prealdent. retary. Jals-tuthacadt _ A ISIFIRIOAN JURA LNSORANGE, 00., VA.G -Ls. INCORPORATED 1810—CIARWEIL PRIPET . - N 0.510 WALNUT attain aim* Third, Philadelphia. Hering a lento raid-np lttel Btook end Surplus in verted in sound and neat s ole Geouritiev, oonttnne to insure on Dwellings, Stores, FUrnitate , Mamba/Wise r Ventres in Fort and their cargoes, wad other Personal Property. All !oases liberally and PrOrdalled/Iodid. ergirross. Ties. Marts, John T. Lewis, John West, lamer IL Oampbo/., Tunnel C. Morten. Edmund G. mita, ?atria Brady. Cling. W. Pot limn. ralvag r lt i . Prieldinh ALBEIT 0. k. OTAWFORD. Seatoterr. fe2lq2 AMERICAN SAVING FUND.-00111- sally s southeast norm WALfitlif and FOURTH' &Teets. Osen daily from till it recd.:lat. end on MONDAY ti in the evening. This Old Instiratien ices Omani mud in Alll. on demand, without nonce. ENTERED? FIVE PER CENT. an sun paid back, on dernata c old andel' sir. PRUSTE ALEX. PT ILLDEN, President DIEHL. WORK. Vire President. John O. Farr, 7. R. Roger. George Nugent. John Anspaoh, J r.. !amt. T. AlD,O.Kobettl. John Altman, Jonas Ocrwman, H. H. Eldridge, Wm. J. Howard. JOHN B. WILSON .Treasnrer. JOHN C. BIM. aaaretarr. noon-tf if SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND. --pp,"°° , 413}40Zfin famb.toolle Vine utn, c ar. Open for Deposita sad dAtiblioia Vto o'oloolt. Also, on 7dONDAY and wilinsakiLY SVEINGB, trona oto 8 °ok. interest ter cent. per ontoa num, Dovetail anz iw w oo. lol; &ow their lone r s by Cheeks, It desired, POO posits reoelyed. FURNISHING GOODS. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICER GREAT REDUCTION, GREAT REDUCTION. GREAT BEDUCT i ON, .ORE AT REDUCTION. AT THE CRAVAT STORE. No. 701 CHESTNUT STREET, CORNER OF SEVENTH. A Largo Assortment of CRAVATS. SCARFS. NECKTIES. UNDER SHIRTS, DRAW SU E P RS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SENDERS, AND MEN'S FURNISHING GENERALLY, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. TO SUIT THE TIMES. J. ALBERT ESHLEMAN, des stuth-tf SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. 82119 938 0 E. & P ESHLEMAN & FLETOHER. tom" SOO CHESTNUT STREET, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF EIGHTH. THE CRAVAT STORE AND THE COLLAR STORE or PHILADELPHIA' CITY. GRAND DEPOT FOR TOE OENT'S PATENT ENAMELLED COLLAR AND BEST LINEN CHOKER. CRAVATS, SCARFS, AND NECKTIES IN END LESS NUMBERS AND IN STYLES THE VERY LATEST. ALL KINDS OF GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. . SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. 6 for and upwards. (NO FIT, NO SALE.) REAR IN MIND The Corner Is EIGHTH & CHESTNUT. NO. 800. lag-thee/tug INSURANCE COMPANIES. SAVING FUNDS. F INE SLURP MANIMACTO.RY.—J. W. SCOTT, 814 CHESTNUT Street, s few doors Dealers he " Continental," The attention of Wholesale is invited to his tramoview CUT OF sulkers, ot pior shorteste. and material. on hand and made to or o or at notice. Jat-tt - • ken LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No, 01 South EIBVS:NTH Street, near the Franklin institute. The underritned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient atom, and has now on hand a lame assortment of Lillie 's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Bomber Proof Safes,(the only strictly lire and burglar proof safes made.) Alao. We Clammed led Bank Vault, Safe. and Bank Locke. Lellie's Bank Vault Doom and Locke will be furnished to order on short notice, Tie to the strongest, beat proteeted, en thrheapeet Door and Lock yet offered. Ateo,pattioular attention in welled to Lillie's New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, be. This Safe is con cedes; to Surpass in style and elegance nu , thing yet of fered for this purpose, and in the only one that is aeria ls fire and burglar proof. SPINAL Not ice —I have now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Dam most ol them nearly I new. and come forte of other makers, oomprising a complete assortment as to sixes, arid all lately ax abetted fon the now Celebrated Lillie rale. They will be sold at very low pricea. Please call and examine. inall Ilif St. C. SADLER, Agent. IOpEFINED bIEfGARS AND BYRIJPS.-- C. DONOGHUE. rio 23 South WATER Street, offers for toe 5 000 barrels of Steam ILYSTAdOugM' s 401 Syruya, of various stades, at recluses ertees for cask or asp:eyed credit. Meat for 'Kelly's Fransh Bra dy Coloring. ja2s 2CY ----- -- HAVANA OIGABS.—A HANDSOME assortment, soros ring Patales, Cabanas, I Ritmo • I..eptnnO. I Mg; I :1 1 :, ' • Slaps Sea. Arguelles, Zarasosanii, &0., &o, i n UT TLE.F I S El BONE—tor sale by Esimnruo, . of all sizes and enemies, in winner, Half. One- in WETIIERILL & blitYgliFat No., ST and 40 Fir th , and One-Tenth boxeg—and in, salts leaf te ., th twousn Sheet a r yoes--lest teeved na bf o ra A l rn b dagib t lilor Tekn e . e l d dr*ia.fitN i Street. e w 7 jeas.3'wB CHROME GREEN—Manufactured and 300 1 000 nevi llA sz V op A t !;4 oo o 3 lGAßß OF. y ail for sale by WtilliEftlLl , & sootriEß., CT Itroi 49 North SECOND St. teat, via Hem Volk. among which' to et.riteiivrtiat IpIEACEI BRAND Y —4 bbls supenor Venohinelle,” to whieh the attention of the trade.'" A. Pualit 7 , of Oeoryla leash IltanUoisalAbY y i eg l eitaiLy ti alsid t i e t t r sale by OFIARIZS is iIy e S, . del 10$ AAOII Street's:U*l7l'oot ebe,t4Li, AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT-STREET .THIATRZ. • • goistessei.-- —Rm.% A,(il Vase Manager Mr. Wha 11.112051 Arent— Mr. ink n. 1,1 LAST , 011 T OF AIR. SOTHERN. THIS tBATUROAV) RV twit rya. jemmy 3a. The eerfortnn,oe W.ll ooroweltee with as gamily new Comdr. entitled OUR AMERICAN COUSIN AT HOME. Mr. t Dawn es Lord Dunoreary and the Bon.Pataael Plantagenet Albert Triptoletnue Rotslyn. Mr. V Bowers as —.--._.AasTrnobard,M/s. Anon Cowe.oe7 s i Tpourc Tooenolude with the drama entitled THE TRAER crUartDSMEti. Door, opeo et dli.e'etook Derturreaceemeeenlel2oll at 7 o'olook. Prim as usawl WEI&ATLEY OLARKWEI ARORST w TEMATRE. FAREWELL ENGAOEMENT OF SS Clialtb Ml uTTE CUSIMAN. A.Gaperb Bill nog been oroogred (or duringßD eV, EVENING'. First tone t eneacametit of Max Cashman's grand Growon of MEG 1 1 1EURILIES! In the drama learn eoott of Guy MANNERING. In addition win be given TRE 'POODLES. McDONOtrenrs oLYIliplO. SATURDAY EITHNIN': JANUARYgo, 3181, FIRST BIGHT 01 the mapnina•eitSeentaoa earthed THE SEVaN SISTERS, Produced at an expense of over gs oco, intrneuen O a THE MOST 0 ,RGEGS sagNERy H•a• manesspd an• Tbeetre 4M.ritlet. TILE BOWER OF FE ONS and OFSIBVER. is scene of Dazzling Spewing. Senn, your seats etrly. dinianon—rarguette,nts; Grolinena,ala; Cirole. Ibo; Yzivate Buz Seats, 100. Doom open at 63i o'clock; ooranaanalng at 7. PUB 0 ONTIN EgTAL TBEATRX ()perm ON MONDAY EVENING. JANISAILY 2.3. 1861..4th DRAIILIT/C AND EQUESTRIAN COMPANY. . And hie trained s t o ok. are in the Eaneetriaa Depart ment; while Ift. JAAIEFI PILGRINI the the Dramatist. Pim night of the new drama TR hIERCH Ara tiTtsED OF GENOA, which the whole force will asmear. itdmiesion Z 3 oente. Clompsane at 7. Perth a are in_dail, bills. and Moridars pavers, it VA.N AMBURGII & CO.'S • GRAND ZOOLOGICAL INSTITUTE UNITED RTATEB BUILDINGB. • 426 and 428 CHESTNUT Street. Next to the Custom rinse. EVERY MORNING. AV TERNOON, and rtVENING boors (menu II A. M, g and 6' P. M. adinieeion cents; children under nine 'eon cents.Perforee anee of Manhunt, Loons. 'Filters. Panthers. Leonard,. Pumas. Ponies, alonaele. Modes, ico., every Afternoon' and eveinwt. titllf SUCCESS' or this Moral. inatrnotive. andAmusingxhibition. SPECIAiL 1 2 0TICE.--That miracle, of sagacity, the wonderini Performing Pleohnat, 'None° esti), will his introduced into the arena every Aftern-on and eve ning. by Prot. Noah, and execone feats hitherto deemed illness , Me. and never attempted by any other Julia's& ial4.t ,ANFORD'S OPERA. DOUSE. HEARD °FEW FORT E HEARONH HEM NEWLY DECORATED AND PASNTED. OANFORD Had seemed one of the LARDEST COMYARLEEI ever promoted esortedent. who Intl 5313.33 r nigbll3. Essford will perform °Tarr erratitl. Doers ope 3 at 7; Commence at Hi. Admittanoo 23 oants. C3ikirern 13 cents. delr- fa vARL WOLFSOHN AND THEODORE TR,DMAS, THURSDAYASSICAL at. via take place on Januar/ test, at** Foyer of the Academy of time. eine(' ttoketa 81 to he had on the evening at the door. JoTIS Ot THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA gyve their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SS TUT DAY,oommenoing m °Week. at the hICSICAL FUND HALL. 8 tiohet.. 51 ; single tingats, Umtata. Andrea. at Ctoolconnr Oon's, Chestnnt street; 1184 Chestnut etreet ; And Seel It .LaTtOren., Chestnut street, Engagements for Concerts, Commencements, Par ties, Ao., made only at their Ohane, Crooke - ring Eon's Piano "Store, 8)7 Chestnut street; William IhoD, 791 North Jumper street, or C. Dronghman, ID)9 Rids* IranDO. 11 oe-4 ,„. _ pENNA. ACADEMY OF THE JINX • Attn.lo2B pmerrarr Eftite,t. CHIMBORAZO,' et splendid Psnatinc . by fetsat. " THE Plfttifr our ," a beatttithl Marble Statuette tir Angetini. On exhibition for et short time. Vieitors wi ll Weems brine their opens glasses. WANTS WANTED---- - A goad Packer, in a whole. sals Crookery house. Address " Talbot." tees of this never., WANTED—A. good Canvasser, to sell a popular Work. Jost issued. None but those haring experience need 80DIY. Address, with refer ence. n C%ovasser." Mood's bisoatckt. fa76.N• AYOUNG MAN, an expert penman, riehes asituation a Copyist. or aelostant Book keeper. Addrata L. F " ?per., office. 'Jae 30 THE SERVICES of an experienced Sales man are wanted in a wholesale Dry GOods Sobbto t bonne. To person, a Ilbe•al salary •wlll be paid. Addresa "14. F. a: C 0.," this offize. Ja24 411' •- • CONGRESSIONAL DEBATES WANT v ED.—The '• Cotutressional Globe " vo'otnea) of th 'Thirty-fourth Congreps wanted, at thui offiee. atg-tt $5,0(11) FOR INVZSTMENT IN %Yu' Alorteate securit,. and E. wri,- LtAksoN, S. corner AitCti scvm ea We St. Street+. AND $3 000 TO LOAN, - ON $5,0100 mOttgage et et Pruett,' A 11 to JOH37 13. eol.All.a, 142 South EIGHTH Street. FOR SALE AM) TO LET. AFRONT ROOM TO LET FOR l O W - M. r firtizbatzrxvarg ADP)! lit rhiPilld VOR SALE—Tat STOCK AND FIX _ .s. - tu bar. B.ok ososiiiirslinnig ;idree CLAYTON this Office, with oblige. azid a. 4 dress. Fore lady or gentleman wishing a nice basins/is this is a raro chases. F.QPB____LRALE - w . se iti tv i n k a gy. i. - 75.-914.--ttglefutia erreets. RA St* A LARGE STOOK OF DRY.GOODS Kit WANTED—For whin), &splendid COUNTRY RR tilpENCe'. with 22 acres of arable LaIVD. all of vshioh it in the highest state of .atettration. and from Three to Five Thousand Dollarem caah,will be paid Thde Pro party &dimes Laticaster City, Pa.. at:de/vat one rotate of the land lies in the intl. The building are Pew. elegant. and in the Gothic, style. she proem. coat twanty-five thousand dolarn—is clear of all Ihrittra branaa —and the title is indisputable. For beanty of location It is not surceased by any other property in the State. A fell desanytion or it, and all other informa tion relative to the premises, can he obtained by *slims on JAM) M. MARK. 4a21 et 400 011E8TP111 V Street. Philadelphia. TO RENT—A neat three-story Brick MIL Rousts. 1321 OLIVE: Street. P. JUMBLE:TON tt• 0110.. 5 North FRONT street, a TO LET—The Business Sta d nd at the scazonthesat corner or MARKET an FOURTH Streets. APPLY. between the hoar+ of P and 10. to Ri.L.t-ToN P. moult's. Po. 805 MARKET Millet. lAAo LET—The commodious and (loanable uener room., No. 513 MARKET Street. being the Second, Thitd. Fourth and Fifth Wean, front&l Dr lna feet, lighted en front, side. and by two large akar lights. The choice looation for M 2111138118 and the =Pa. rim manner of construction make them more then or dinarlir attramire to Muones II rens making or deeming a change of location,* ma fixturce throoghOut. Apply at MY oRn, MAGI:INN. tc CO.. auctioneers, corner MACK ET and BANK Streets. 418-tf sigFnßhlS AND CO ONTRY-SEATB FOR SAI.X.—The nnd•rsigned, bavinit for sale a large ranonnt of property in Montgomery and adjoining comities, Boob as Varela. Country Stat.ll. Grist Mille. Stores, Lumber Yards. Hotel., rao.. tu., persona wish ing to Motions or exohange will find it to their edaaa tane to omit. b(o obtuse for shoring propel Cate logrms sent by mail. Address R. it. comiux. dtt-era /thmatown. Pa. VORIXORANGE.-A CHOICE TRACT of rood nimmeroved farm land m the Elate of New MIMI, convenient to the oitx, be exchanged for aig a r t o r perty. Apply at No. ItB FEDERAL ettoot. RR. OORSON, REAL ESTATE BROKER . MID CONVP.YraiCER. NORRIBTOWN, PIL --East Estate bought and sold on reasonable tams. Stores and dwellings 'or ewe or rens in tiorriscown and oountry. Good inertia% esnegotated. Colleations made. The beet references given. d 24 MISSOURI -LAND!! 600,000 doves for Sale and entry, at urines =eine from /2K, to no cents yet earn, to any quentittee re quired. TAXIS paid and PATENTS urocnred for Durohtuien of Laud under the Graduation sot. Plate furnished Vane by enoloeing a postage etantn• For further information apply to WlLdoe4, haWLINGS, & CO.. U. S. and General Lend Anent', GEISSTr.UT etreet. Between THIRD and FOLI tt TEL O. LOUIS. Me. LAND WARRANTS bouKht, cold, and located. ja7-9m • B . SHOEMAKER da Co". GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, AND VARrILBELHS, • t4ortheeket Corner FOURTH and RAM Street+. de 4-em ()MENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP.—One pound of whioh will do as much washing, and do tt better than three of common rosin soap; olothes need no boiling nor rubbing on a wash board. Over 100,000 families are now constantly using it. We guarantee it to give satisfaotion, or return the money . Alt raggeota bleOrooers have it for sale. THAD( fc McKEONE. trit and tie Routh Whereas, 127=1 NOTIOE.--Was LOST from the mail; Certifioate for Fleven Shares of Stook in the Union Bank, of Philadelphia, in the name of 1 1 / 1 7. M4ll Brewster, No. 10. tiered April 19,18150. The subscriber ;woe nottoe hereby that an applica tion has been made to the said Sank for a new oerilfi oste, and oche on All persons to chew pause why it should not be issued, MARY BREWSLER. detS.thkwLit" 'PHILADELPHIA. LOOAL EXPRESS COMPANY. ttS Eolith FIFTH Street, deliver freight. parcels, mid baagage throughout the our. Par ticular ewe and attention given to the conveyanoe of baggage to all the railroad depots. Jai Im• SII OW CASE S---German Silver and Wooden, all s'aes and patterns; also, Mbar. Far niture made to order br W FOUR THu 11F., ins Ira No. 111 North 23Veet. QTOOBS AND BiNDS BOUGHT AND sold on commits - lon by JAY coaKk: & co. ja,1,."1- tour 114 r oval TRIRD t treat. MONEY REUEIVED ON DEPOSIT, LTA and interest allowed. ny JAY COOKE & CO., lmif 114 South TRIAD street. UISCURRENT FUNDS, SPECIE, &o, bought std gold IV JAY COOKE fc Jan Inuf 114 south Tidal) Street. DRAFTS AND NOTES COLLECTED TAY COOKE & CO.. ianna 1.14 South THIRD !Street. NEW YORK, BOSTON. AND BALTI more Exohange bought and cold 1, , JAY OGRE CO 114 south Till R.I Ftlest, P it!Noll ZlNC—Pure SNOW WiilTE (Vtelle, Montagne, I.n Co.'a.) Ground in Oil, and for tale . by W .I)) 4 l , H a l ß4 ). 9 6l... ri la rth atit sE U c T o fi r p o lti t. /813 CIDER BRANDY.-5 bbLs Cider Brandy, o f extra quality. now btrudiug_aod for mile by C.C. aDt, & CO., doy 103 A RCM Strom. aeoinid door ii,hotr6 Proat, POBA-1:00 BBt S. NEW MESS kr-g 1'0p.11,. for &Nig by C. C. SADLER & CO. - .d e n. lO3 w Real Street. WI above Front-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers