BIINDVQLINT mall or- PllttliALrittl:lN Bertatr or inc SUP. Viral% Noll Or PR! NINITSINVI Wattn.--The undersigned having keen appointed • committee by the eitisene of the ctineteenth ward for the purpose of establishing &Soup house in Bald ward for the re ler. of its poor, and making arrange - menu for obtaining the funds and materials to sap port the same, deem it their duty to lay before the public the sensually severe and extensive wirer img of the poor of said ward at this time, and the sautes thereof. The Nineteenth ward It the meat populous in the olliewnialeing 130403.A/4 thowand Inhabitants, s. very Urge proportion of whom depend upon theirdaily labor for their daily support Most of them are now, from the unexpeoted derangement of the busineas of the country, and other causes, out of employment, and with no prospect of ob teteiug any aeon. it In most' other perte of the city, the laboring' ,poor realde near to, or not very distant from, the UM* wealthy, had thee are enabled to obtain as- &tame in their extremity, in money, olothes. and victuals, from all of Wish the poor of the Nine teenth ward 'are deprived, as but comparatively few able to afford much assistance reside in or near the ward. Thne it is that, at this inclement season of the year, with more than two months of winter before them, tlansaands of our fellow citizens of the ward , are destitute of fuel, clothing, or food, or any Menus to'obtain them, as the scanty allowance by the ,city authorities for the outdoor relief of the poor of the ward. during the winter, has been near ly or quite alitthbaustrid already. ~Under these ciroumstanoes t the undersigned weeld'eppeal to the benevolent in all parts of the city to some to the relief of their suffering brethren, united with them by the °rarest ties of neighbor hood and interest, as well as that of a common hu manity, before they perish or Starve All donations of materials for the Soup-house, is& as meat, meal, beans, ,to , ,or directions where they may be obtained, can be left at 0. 0. Rabbit's store, northeast corner of Aroh and Water _streets, as well as any articles of clothing or food for limper of the ward, and all donations of money, 'either for the Soup-house," or the poor of the ward, can be paid to President Adam Warthman, Vice-president Montgomery Johnson, • Secretary E. J. Megonegal i Treasurer Jeremiah Eldridge, who are authorized to receive it. Tins pormanno election case of the Third Oongreerdordtpistriet was resumed yeetorday af• %men.: before Alderman Remick , The) box of the First precinct of the Seventeenth ward was opened. It gives Verree 174, Kline 70, Hamilton 7. The tally list stood : Ferree 175, Kline 71. - by whioh it will be seen there is a loss of one vote for each. The Tenth preMnot box was opened, and gave Velma 96, Kline 119. Wm. Morgan 5, whiolt agrees with the tally Hat The box of the Seventh product of the Eigh teenth ward wee next opened. It gave Verree 273.. Illee 185, liendlton 15. When compared with the tally lid it gave a gain of 4 votes for Ver res. The Fifth precinct box of same ward was opened, and gave Verret. 278, Kline 134, and Hamilton 7, which agreed with the tally list. The Blgth precinct of came ward gave Verree 288, Kline 133. and Hamilton 8, which it. a loss of one vote for Kline. laiiMi=;ll=2 *us. Txusvnia.—Last evening, about eight O'CiOail,' ROOM thief sneaked into the dwell ing of Mr. John'A. Meehan, 1305 Girard avenue, and stole two valuable overooata. One of the coats belonged to a visitor, who had been in the house but a few minutes. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. SUPILIMB COURT —Chief Justice Lowric, and Justioes Woodward, Thompson, and Strong.- 47. Richardson vs. Young. Argument ooncluded. dl Rodgers vs. Whitby. Argued by B. John son for plaintiff, and Collis for defendant. 52 Rem vs. Stills Argued by W. A. Porter and A. Thompson for plaintiff In error, and by J. M. Rush and W. F. Judson for defendant in error. Com,iioN PLEAS —Judge Thompson.—The argument in the cue of Presbury, Sykes, A CO. vs. The City of Philadelphia, Involving the rights of the trust:eel of the Gas Works over the meters, was Gentile:led yesterday, but not concluded. QI7ARTIta Sesames—Judge Allison.—Tho wholisession was occupied with the trial of Daniel E. Grosz on a charge of bigamy. The allegation lithe! the defendant was married in 1826 to Pau line Josephine Adele Deschamps, the parties then reeding in England. They OBD3O to this ocatnny and for some osare the parties Mamma aspirated, Din. Ormuz taking up her residence in New Or leans, while the defendant resided a _portion of the time In Beaten, then in New York, and subs.- guently in Washington. In 1851 he visited this city, in oompany with Mary Ann Johnson, and kas married to her by Rev. Dr. Demme. A. Doe -of the parties was the prineipal witness far the Commonwealth, and he alleged that his father represented to him that his mother was dead. Learning that sueh was the case, the witness, then but n years of age took $25 and started from Washington, and arrived at New Orleane, where he found his mother and informed her of what bad transpired. and of the mond marriage. The defence offered no testimony, but endea vored to argue that the proseontion was Instituted for the purpose of extorting mosey. Jury out. ANOTHER POISON CASE TN BEROEN—PROBA MLR IMPLICATION or A NNW TOSE RErrsiormr.— Jessie. Speer, of Bergen, commenced an inquest on Wedaesday afternoon, at Greenville, on the hotly of Mr. John d. Tuttle, of that place, who died on Friday last, under circumstances; whioh led to the impression that hie death was caused by poison. Mr. Tuttle had been treated for several months by his family physiolan for a pulmonary disease, but through the advice of a friend, was induced to apply to Dr. L. Moberg, of N 0.153 West Fifteenth street, New York. Mr. Tuttle received apreseription, and applied to a druggist in Greenwich street to have it put up. The druggist, after looking at the pre scription, and ,consulting with two or three others in the store, declined to put it up. Deceased pro cured the medicine at a store in Jersey City, and ou the following day commenced to take it as di rected; but instead of improving, be grew worse, and on.the fourth day was very lit, suffering severe pains in his stomach, bowels, kidneys, and entire body. The family physician was called in, but could render no relief, and he died on the follow -ling day, previods to which he requested that a lestlmortene be made, and an inquest be held on ISY. • El/T.—The New York Times . „ . stayn, •. Senator Benjamin, of Louisiana, was recently engaged. with other distinguished lawyers, in try ing a cause arising from the New-Almaden contro- Sem. While In San Francisco, he was milted upon for a speech, to which he responded, and in the report of his speech we find the following pu lar • Those who prate of, and strive to dissolve this glorious Confederacy of States, are like them silly savages whcflet fly their arrows at the sun, in the vim hope of piercing it! And still the sun rolls on, unheeding, In its eternal pathway, shedding light and substation upon all the world." Considering the faot.that the Senator is now one of the hottest of the Seoessioniste, he evidently naderstands his subject, and paints from life. FORT Triusinur,n.—lt is stated that Fort Trumbull, in New London harbor, which has for wine time been unoccupied, has holm garrisoned by a sergeant and five men, who will put it in con. Mon for rise in any emergency. It occurs to Os that,- if defence is really meant in that quarter, tinimore commanding site of old Fort Griswold, close by, could be made specially advantageous. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market. EXILADELPECIA, January 18, 1861. ' Stooks were again on the rice to-day. City loans and State Avis maintained the quotations of yes. terday, Minehlll Railroad advanced}; Reading Railroad shares rose to 23, again of 1/, and eluted at 22 ; and g ibe bonds of 1826 sold at 71, a gain of 3. Pennsylvania Railroad shares gained .1 A few Oars!, of bank stook changed hands. Fanners' and Meehenies' . .sold at 52, end Girard at 41. `Ssoonflind Third-streets passenger railway shame sold at 483.; Sprees and Pine-streets at 8; Chest noised Walnut at 32. The market closed firm. Tboifoneymarketls unchanged. The domestic archangel are working more easy. Many of the mrroiaats; tired of the enormous rates of asiihange, are buying up and sending forward pro visions to mete exehange. The rates between the Rastas cities, are becoming gradually more face_ sable. fibs Camden and Amboy Railroad Company bays announced a .baltyearly oath dividend of six per cent., payable On and after the 21st inst., and • dividend of .twenty.flvo percent. out of the praAltheratolote air:Raided, payable in stock on andaftsr the 15th of Pebruary. The following's the amount of goal shipped over the.Buntingdon and Broad Tap Mountain Rail "ad for the weak ending January 18 : • ' filnVf the Tons. Previ ed larthis ee; ous ..... 2014 'Tidd amount eluesed... . 4 483 Amount snipped to lame 6,663 ..... .. 2 170 The, followlog are • the quotations for Domestic' Exeliage v ae forbiebed by Nome. Drexel k 00., No. 3 &nth Third street : - 3gep p r om exchange.-- g WM. Wirrore •• • gib g al& Amentate ..... Orem Qountry formic-- I%® B The following Is the bueinoss of the Pluladelehla and Reeding Railroad Company, for the- month of Decem ber 1880. 1859. a 82,67 8 9171152 99 Re4a kr fmra Ta l t4 M 859 84 423 " Travel, ko• •, . 28 684 82 28 MI 8- i .81149.02 08 $245.978 79 sportation. Roadway. Imre, Rarnew4l Fond, • • ail 431'94'869-- 129.619 49 137.661 23 Snit frofit for the month 8128,412 06 810801,4 83 • • ti'ha New York Evening Post of 10-day soya,: ' ,lhe Ituik market Is rampant today. The en- Alni list pmeats an important advanoei with largo tut in the railroad shares. The market ,isiddidiii. great elasticity and strength, and some deirriptione are three and four per cent higher ,tbillkyaltirday. The absence of any exalting in. ~killisprows, together with the great abundance of rieveey, la the chief stimulus of the market. ' • The` market' oldies' firm and without reection. New YOrk Central 801, Erie. 88 1040, 11101 tifian Alleatial , s73, Galena 71, Toledo Mfr. '. * •The State and Peden) stooks are Arne with few offering. -2(orth Carolinas are held at 78, , with 75 bid_... Mittourfe rose to 60t. ~'ishotpa, r oarltet is almost bare of ,4 hilt Wise" . saws and 7eB per cent. are now the ruling rates. :Very good paper, however, is obtainable at 10,12 . want.' Call loans are Inactive at Oat per omit. , , ' Cie Oineinnatt Gazette Op: ...L -« it is eittimeted that the freight agese s e sec ,swollen yet the railroads $50,000 annually.' . 7 . 1 LWe dud ske above going the rounds among our "remahtogea, and to,py It for the purpose of s lu i ng th 1 1 ,4 Whilst it is pr,,bably nearly correct as far as thelsdarles find oonndiztdons paid the agencies are ,-eieselorsed, it yet falls very far short of the aggro ' lEtte Poet to the railroads ittKing agendas at thin -- -, „-,, thin the past three weeks it lo.varlously esti 'C' lest ill thatirom five to six thousand 400 of freight . -3 .110..,_, , _, - ;heertitentraofett to go !ensiled at 13a per 100 '',l. ..10010 1010 1* .tbe• molar rates, and as the Mimi ines* tertproPerly,-sve think, refuse to resolve !lit! tkan their full pro rata of, the fined rate, the ~ = m tti roadawhoae agents are competing here , , Ass addition to theta regular oompenaa- Ar r , 4- 1014 , ' SIG WV 'to - 115,000 in twenty-one days. ri 4 1 1 0 14 18 i fact to the emodderatien of their , ... ek Exchange Sales, , 4. MO. ARRIVALS AT 'THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, H. BP I - - IRMA H. BP TO 12 teem:von LAST NIGHT. 5 Beav Mead -- 60 i GIRARD HOUSE-Chestnut areal. below Ninth. 22 Reading 1t....--...2A B"I Carrier. Harrisburg F E IShattuoli•, Philo 14 d0._.... 273 ‘ OWi two, New York agalitadlie iVew York 466 d0..,.10t5—.....2iS Thou Walker New York Henry Thompson, N York 50 do---......55wu.2116 Levi W Guff, Lancaster Qal Mito/10 11 & la• CM g OS 0 -toloy 60 do tawn.2ls6 N White , Pennsylvania 1 TJoff e; Pittsburglorlc 100 do oarin.22K, D Marvin, Milwaukee Y Brewer & la. N 60 do —..0a..h.22% T D Barton, Buffalo Jno Lathrop tuffalo BO do ..............b5 Zig F D Blum, New Haven Mr White & la, New York 20 d0....._..... - ..... 21% ,W H Hall, New York W E Curry & la, N York 60 do ---.22% I H Butler, Maryland .1 H Martin &la Brooklyn 1 d 0.... m 1811,2271 •B 1. Newcomo. New Jersey Mies Newcomb, I Jersey 50 do —..22.... Hobt 11 ardy. New York V Jennings , Maryland 5 Minehill ..............59g David Mumma, Harriebg Met Mumma, Harrisburg 128 do.. ,lots - ~•.80 J B WllBOll, New Jemmy Mire Wagon, New Jo rsoi 10 See & Third sCx.. 4624 II J Day,. & la, Baltimore ioeo Mooney, Now York 46 Parma 1t...„ „AIX 0 8 bideon. Wash, D 0 C 8 Gilman Baltimore 60 Farm & 61. - Bk .62 W hilmor. Baltimore 0 Gilmor. Baltimore 3,Oirard Bk.-... _ .41 Mr 'I ounart & wf, N York Mies Toenail, N York 7 d 0.....-. ... ..... 41 JIB BigRMI & la. N York bliss Higgins, Now York BOA NOS. hlr Parker. New york ltir, MoGowan, Now York ...- 50 J.V.I r- " - Philadelphia Stei Jenvan astoarmo By Al. R.SLA.IIOI *HI 3700 Pa Es 0 lc P._ 10te.89.1: 100 CM Bs _9134 li ii do Y R 10 0 1 1 0 d R do . 200jS 97 i 1 kW d 0.... .Now.lo o 3s 600 N Penns R /Os.. • • —94 /Mg Penns R 2dm .8,74 4000 00 20in 3080 do 2dm—. 41141.87 MOO Lehigh 100 1000 (Imago Con 7a.....41 2000 Read Gs '86....c0th.70U1 1000 d0....'86 ...—. 11 Chest & Wel.. 12 Betty BETW RE 4000 Lehigh Val 90 10..0 _9O 29 Betty Mead ..... ....60 18 25 do 60 2 n 2212122 Coal -8 Poona It— BOARD. 81 Reading - 'n 100 o— 5. 100 d d 0. ....—. .....—. 26 2 8 23 16 50 d 0..--- 5.15 100 80 Green & Co -88 10ta—.....4.832 - 100 Lehit h —3Ol 8 8 .... ....12 60.4 ICES—FIRM. BROOND 600 City 6s-Ita-NeW.lOO3l 1000 010..,..New.100 200 abt Boh Nov 61 1000 'BO -67 1000 Read R 65'86....b5.72 aS Penne. R_ do N sa w m Bob ay preboaah.l B 1 do..'..pret 1731 INI Byrnes & Pule- iota.B 1301 Penortß.-lote 10 Catawates Pref. • • • • • 64 ' CL051014 PA_ Bu. Aek•cf., Bail. ..1394d. Philedelphis 6i- 9 7 / 6 98 181 mira R prf.......12 1234 Phtla 6. R..-- 973' 98 blame le 13 61 67 Pluto ee 101 lAnte !eland R ley Penna 6/....-893 90 Leh CI & N.- .4834' Read 23 Leh CI & N zlortp.,3l 15 Read bde '70..... 825: North Velma R.-.. 838 8.74 Read flit 65'80... 89 91 N Penne, ..6 7 6730 Read tot 60'85., 71.t,i 7234' Penns 11 105....-9314 95 Penna R 39 Cataynees B Con. 3 316 Panne R Idiot 8874 8755 Catawiees 10 Mor 01 00n.......38 60 Prauk &Routh R 46 47 Morrie Canal yr 112 111 Yd &Sdet R dy01.r.46 47 Boh N 671 i Race& Vlne BL R .18 1811 Idoh Nay burp . • Spouselola R . .63 65 Bohuytelav Eltk. - 734 8 & Pine.. • • 2. 4 8 9 Kohl Nay Prefd 1834'10re/1n & floatoe /732 Elmira R........ -63. 9 (Client & Walnut. 32 31 "xchangc.-Jan. 18 BOARD New 'fork Stock sum. 1001110o&14106 130 Ce nt K 111 Cent K 08 ' 60 o .... „ 8 4, 113 thal d & . 7 ,5 1 600 do 714 160 do .... —6lO 71 600 Clay 3, Tol 460 do 400 do b. 3516 60 Chi St• R R..— 69 200a9 200 do ._w '....L60 691 t 403 do 683.' 100 do __ 5893 26 Chia 13 & 94i2 60 do 74%. 60 do • • --• 74' WO 260 Read It b3O 46 R ass, " TWO 11 5.1 1865 ....... 92 .10001.1 S 6s Iteoup ... 93 1000 Treas 12 p o notes.lo:X 111900 Missoun 61 62 ... 69 111309 Teun 81 66 * Oa. 75 1000V11601111 6e..... 76 22 Penn oal Co. ... 78 I 20 Paidfio 6186 Co 9A;il 325 do .--. _.92 7 , ( Y claret H..- 801 , /100 do . 8D i 200 do " .-.... -.810 7931 150 uo 7974 190 nod River R. WO .. - 100 do . 49 690 Harlem 16 200 o . 7i hl.o d h Cent ~.. 87 18 11 70 Moe 8& 711 R.. 163( 100 do --- . • 153•1 100 do »..-..61016 100 , do -.-.. 161,‘ THE 211,1ticY.TB, Amino are quiet and unohangod, with sales 20 bbls at 86 for Pots and $612%, for Pearls. Fiona, &o —There is no important change in the Market for State and Western Flour today, but rather more doing for export and home ooneumption. Tbe re ceipts aggregate 2,669 bbls and sales of 10 000 bbls at $5.16e6,26 for superfine State and Western ; $6.40et6 45 for extra State; 36 41705 76 for extra Western; and T 5.65 es 580 for shipping brands extra round-hoop Ohio. he demand for B.outhern Flour continues moderate end the market steady. Bales 1.200 bide, at 85.80tre.10 for mised to good, and 86.1887.60 for fano, and extra. GRAIN.—The Wheat market is dull, and prices are slightly in favor of the purohaser. Shippers are hold red iog of Irg:lll.4lll°,4°,recwogriliii dull, with sales of 21/400 bushel' at 700 in store, for oozed Western and round yellow, and 710 for yellow Western Oats are firm, with a fair demand ;roles at 186380 for Western, Canada, and State. Puovisions.—Pork is firm. but quiet; sales of 100 bile at $1760 for men. and glass for prime. Beef is steady, with tales of 60 Nib et previous prices. Cut Nests are stead! at Bo for Shoulders. and 70 e9O for Mains. Bacon is quiet end firm. Lard in Cheeseith sales of 200 Ws at 9 3 ,4810,40, Butter and are unchanged' Wrosay to quiet and unchanged ; sales of 100 Ws at 189(o. CITY ITEMS. Dlielvigo re A CLose.—The swoon for obtain ing elegant cloaks and furs at absolutely nominal prices, at the Paris Mantilla, Cloak, sue Per Emporium, No. fitit Chestnut street, is drawing to a ohne. The proprie tors, Messrs. J. W. Proctor tz Co., made these unparal leled Woollens in view of their large stock and the ad vanced state of the season ; and thegreat " rush" which they have been able to keep up in spite of the times," has demonstrated that people have money to spend, Providing they one lay It out tor double value. BUST ALL TIM YEAR RoVED.—Mosere E. (I. Whitman & Co., Becond street, below Chestnut, have solved the problem of being burry when everybody sloe is dull. This they have accomplished by making and gelling the finest and tidiest confeetionery alibis lowest Drums. The demand for their goods is universal, and they are kept busy at all sr/atone ; consequently their stook is always fresh. Germ on &mem deposited in the Franklin Sa ving Fund, No. 136 South Fourth street, below Chest nut, Fluladelphis, on and after January 8. INSI, will be repaid in Gold or Silver on demand, without notice. 'tank notes deposited repaidin bank notes. All deposits bear five per cent. Interest. Tax ItraTntrogione To MAJOR AnliningeN.--The 'instruction of the Pregioent to Major Anderson have been sent to Fort Sumpter In charge of Lieutenant Hall. It is understood that the Major is direoted to avoid a oollision, if possible, but if Chars is no help for it, to defend his position with all the means at its die posal. It is also expected that after the present troubles at an end, Major Anderson will oome North and procti , e for himself an elegant snit, at the Brown Stone Clothing Hell of ltookhill & Wilson, Roe. 603 and Me Chestnut street,tabove Sixth. Ylniadelphia. A splendid stook of wearing apparel for Gentlemen and youths is always on hand at that establishment. A Liner ! a fine thing in this world of trial and sorrow is a ligtg, hopeful heart. It alone possesses the stoutness which will carry one through difficulties, afflictions, and perseentions ; it can climb mountain's, penetrate deserts; and brave the storm ; toned ocean; it can endure all the hardships of the &Imp, and march unfalteringly with the forlorn hope to the cannon's mouth. When the proud mania humbled, I and the strong man has failed, he of light heart will re main. unfearing and unhurt, triumphant over every obstaole, superior to every difficulty, and still wearing the elegant clothing gotten up at the " one-price" GIN Emporium of Gamtvium Browne. No. tO7 Chestnut street. OAIS 011.0116 RD Awn SPRLEM WATER.—This was ter is gaining great celebrity, and the demand for it is increasing rapidly. Its benefieial character is at-' tested by thousands, and it is pronounced by distill guiebed physicians to bo superior to any other medi chuff Owing Water now in use. The almost miraculous oureg which it has performed lead us to believe that it is destined to become extensively used in the treatment of very many diseases which ordinary remedies fail to cure. Its curative properties are established beyond question, and we feel assured that it must, to a great extent, suporeedo many of tho artificial compounds of the day. We recommend these of our readers who may be suffering from general debility, or from any of the diseases for which Me Water la prescribed, to give it a trim. Tol3-sly SPECITAL NOTICES DANGEROUS FRAND—VAUTION TO 711.19 Puistac.—We invite the aid of all who know the ines timable value of 110STETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS to the afflicted to every section of the country, to aid us in ferreting out and bringing to Justice the counterfeiters of the preparation and their alders and abettors. Several most pernicious imitations of this popular restorative have recently been brought out in Chicago, Et Louis, New Orleans, and Mobile, and as the lives of portions are placed in Jeopardy by these concoctions, we feel it incumbent upon us to give this warning through the areas. The national reputa tion acquired by the Bitters as a aura for Dgemmais, Liver Complaint, end all debilitating diseases of the stomach and bowels, hes tempted into the field a host of sharks, 'alio hope to profit by their celebrity. Please see to it, therefore, that the article you buy has a fac simile of the proprietor's signature on the label, and that the words" Er. .1. nostatter's Stomach Bittern" are blown in the side of the bottle, and stamped on the cep covering the oork. For eels evert where. DYOTT ft CO., Agents, 232 North SECOND Meet, Phila delphia. ltd&W TUB MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or rim YORK. Meets: SEVEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. INVIBTAD IN FIRST MORTGAGE{ ON REAL ESTATE WORTH OVER 814.000,000 The premiums are Lowita than in many other Comes mei, and the Dividend, have been GREATXII. Thus fa ti strictly MIITOAL Company. Thera are no StooltholON, so that ALL THE PROFITS BELONG TO THE IMIIRED. Pamphlets, and ovary infornuttlom may be had gratis on application to . . Y. RATCHFORD BTARR, Agent, 400 WALNUT throat PALLADELIIIIA REFERENCES ThOmas Robins, obn Weleth, Mordecai L. Dawson, Seorge N. Wart, thorn. M. Stroud, H. B. Whelan, John B. Myers. J. Fisher Losmins, Joseph Patterson. • William C. Ludwig. John M. Atwood. Arthur G. Coffin, Thomu II:Pogrom William S. Boyd, Witham Main's, Thos. Wattson. asno-thstn lm JAYNE'S LIQUID DRII SURPASSES ALL others in communicating a beautiful *agora! black or brown color to the hair, moustaches, or whiskers. Prepared only at JAYNE'S, CHESTNUT /Hula, be low Third, and for sale there, and by Agents th•ouch out the country. leaur& SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAFRTY TRUST Cots vasive—During the suspension of DP6OIO payments by the Ranks, Money is veoeived and paid daily, on de mand: in the same kind of funds, spoole or notes, as de posited; Interest five par sent. WALNUT Street, southwest corner of THIRD. la2-tf SHAKEN'S SAVING FUND--NOEVIWEV CORNY). 111COND and WALNUT STREIVIS.--DePOSitt re solved in small and large amounts, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. par annum. Office open daily, from 9 until a o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until eight In the evening. President, FBANILLI FELL; Vaunter and Secretary, mug. M. MORRIS limp. Drys! HATA DrA! !—l3atchelor's LIQUID HAIR DYE is he original and best in the market. Al! others ere mete imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to esooge rtdloule. kplendid BLACK of beautiful Ditowsi instantaneously. Bold by all Drug gists everywhere. The genuine has the signature of WILLIAM A. BATOHELOIt upon a steel-elate en graving on four sides of each box. Rewire of 00state:faits. leisnufitotorB . , 81 Barclay street. late MS liroadwar Now York. 011A31.E8 DATOHRI,O.It, rioB-17 Proprietor. tr. Air A NDER Frai-PRoor SAPSB.—A very loge assortment of SALAMANDERS to: ■ale ea res ew:table pries:, No. 904 CHESTNUT St.,Philadelphla, saltaf 'EVANS & WAltaioN, OSOTAIn & BAKia'S OHEBBISATSD NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES The Bed In Ma for Family Sawing. No. Tap cangernivr !treat. Philadolplua, CARD PRINTING, BREIT AND ONRAPRBT IN the City, at 34 Routh THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest In the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in the City, at 31 Routt,THIRD Street. BAND-BILL PRINTING, Best and Oheapcurt in the Ohs, 5t.34 South THIRD Street. PAINERPET PRINTING, and every other dee:trio lion of Printinp, of the moat superior oughts. at the meet toseoneble rate., at RINGWALT k BROWN'S, Pfeigri Hatldleh 84 South TRIM) Street. elB-tf re - rilia - ea;Br - oatrii 'Mee . Wrilitio - e, WiCio et .1 Appleton gr. Mr. Ky Miss Appleton, Kentucky I Van Starr, St Louie J W Bourroults, Vs, Miss Pourroughs, Virginia J W Campbell, York C B Smyth. Boston M. al Mills. Was ,B 0 J Riahardean, Wash, DC WO Wilson, Maas al M Rogers Virginia 0 1, Nichols, New York Chas W Mofvain, Penna. 8 0 Bull, Pennsylvania .1 L Leech. harrisburg E H Rauoh, Barrieburg E H home, New York Jae 'l' Norris, New York W 0 Collins, hew York It N Perkins, Phila. Wtl Potts, Pennsylvania Col Brackett, New York 8 M.Shoemaker,Baltimore Mr Moitenzie & la. N Y Mies Mathews, New York ins B.ennerson, Coon Mrs Henderson, Conn S 0 rratt /c. la, AllieuY I) Burton. Albany S C COl:Wirer, New York B F Small, New York W Greenway. Montreal Mies Creighton, AkOntroal 1r L Showers, Baltimore Jae K Wiloams, Baltimore M M Meredith, Virginia Mrs Meredith & 2 oh. Va C M Laney, New York Jae Fithian, New York J M Mathews, New York A Castle, New York S B Church now York S G `margin. New Jersey A Jackson, New York B 8 Seymour, New York CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Cheetnut. Mrs Crawford, New York Mrs Cushman, Now York W A Nichols, Harrisburg B B etroug J Booboo F A Cann Philadelphia E Aimee, Albany. N Y H Hannah , New York Mrs J Moore & aau. t arlisle Isaac B Parker. Jr. Pa A l McCausland, New York W P Griffith, Norfolk, Va A Virginia Miss L E Heenan!, Va J Cozier, Delaware hire Cum Delaware J W Blanchard, Harrisburg Geo T Frazier, Harnsb'g L.wis Hook, Harrisburg M Bohnrik, Harrisburg 11 W Tracy , Harrieburir Chita W Astworn. Hanish W C Frost & In, New York G t. Retty, Now York If 0 Howell, New York Mr West, Boston Mr Omits, Harrisburg John P. Katie Indiana W R Denisten. oarnsburg J Monett. PiCastio, Del J Seeley. New York John Moller & wi, N York E M Harrison & wl, N York C W deCesnedee, Cuba Mr Reekle & la. Montrose J Carl & la, York, Pa J 0 Steavens J W Brown, 8 Carona ICD Doehring, Harrisburg Wn. Welsh & la, Rumba 1 J Dixon, New York John L Leung, 81 Loam E R lawyer, Norton W E timith, Jr. New York W H Dusenbury. New York Wrii Parker. Canada BNI Fish, Trenton, NJ ft Belvil ' I Trenton, NJ N Kingsbury, Hartford Mee I, A Kingsbury,Conn Char tlayler. New York It Al Crosby & is. Pa • fdendorlf, Montreal Win Stover. Jr, New York H almy & La. New York H 0 Brewer, New York Win Endicott. Jr, Boston it C Groerileaf_, Boston D Bowe. Maine It Bradford, Boston Brewster, New York B a Arrowemith, N York H E Btetritt, New York Dr T w Martin, Md II 8 Butler, New York W P Merrill. Now York J A Anderson, New York Wm J Emmet, Now York W t. Strong. New York F t arry & wf Leorn E 1' Ross, Auburn, N Y Perkins, Newyork Barnum & la, Baltimoie Joe Ailderdme. Dr lawaro Cant Burton, U II Army Mrs Burton & l children New York J Nottle bush, New York FM Patten. New 1 ork Dr F Swift. New York H W Taber & la, New York Miss 'labor, New ork Mies Phillips. New York H Johnston. Baltimoro A Wllson, Fsq , Trenton C Haden, Trenton John Bolles, Ironton C Gray, Trenton M. B Horn. New York AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut et., above Filth. 3 l' Cox, Bethlehem I, C Voorheee, Reading F Jacobs. Pennsylvania 'l' II Brinton, Chester no J Lukens tc la, Penns Mire Lukens, Penne, J Warner, New York J eargent & 2 eh, Aleut Ohm aargent, Bass (i . W Jacobs, Chester co It H Sayre, Bethlehem Hedforee Bliarp, N J It Drake New Jersey J B finery. New Jersey ANI Herr, Btrasburg, Pa J B MoUartliey. re. G Wincook Alabama W II Blake. Now York J P Bonesteel, New York 1:135 A Bedford. New York J T Trams. Kentucky B Stevens, Ohio J Day, New York JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Bath. W Wagner, York, Penns C Wollei, Johnstown J Laughlin, Wash, DC Jones, Alabime Miss rowan, New York at van tickles, 1) C JA R Ellis, Vermont G• , cott, Wash, 1) W Lamson, Philadelphia A B Dod, Princeton BT. LOWS HOTEL. Chestnut ed.. above Third. Geo Hobert L R Franaine. New Jersty Jae T Anderson, Fay ton, 0 Ales Molt, Buffalo. N Y D Culver. Ilirooktm Chao Hey. Brooklyn J W Pincus, Wash, 11 riy, Now York U IL Painter, West Chester MERCHANTS HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. W Sanborn. Erre, Pa C S Palmer, New Hope. Pa Alex hydarn. Coudorsport E Spaturier A. la. York oo H Ford. St Lotus Hon J 8 Meretlith. . - • . Col 11. Barueell. Pa Jae Dolaplam. Widn. Del GEIO tephens, P Wile, Williamsport .3 ti Wa lao6,sterlin6. it t 3 Wetherell, Detlitahain THE UNION—Aroh street. above Third. John Thompson, Pa C D Hopkins, Pa Ross Dunbar, Fulton so, Pa D Z Btrawbringe, Indiana Chas W Cook, Chioago John 1) Rom •,hto John ti Wallaos_,N Now York Upton Hammond, Mies Chen Ii Moore, Fa REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. Reevos. Fhilads ' J lt oymour, New York Dr Bee C Foote, Fhilada R ft Matthias, Pottsv P Bartow & wf, N Jersey Chas Pennell. Chester Co John Lentz. l'hiteda John Moore, Penn Rt. E Lutz, Phdads John Rendig, rennn'n CB Weaver, Penu'a COMMERCIAL ROTICL—/iixth se.. übovo Chestnut M Wright, Lancaster co D R Hardin, Coatesville J Lying. Chester. Pa M Leer. New York J Norton, Chester ao d H Caswell, Charleston 1 Batten,NearJersaY B Thompson, Chester eo .1 Graham. Chester co T Walter, Penns hos Walter, Penns J 0 Orin, Clearfield L hliahener, Penns J 0 Leonard, Chester o) E 1 Johnson. Del eo brERCHANTS , ROUSE—Third L. above Callowhlll G Wilson /‘. la, Salem. NJ DR Bibb, Pc. la, Kooken° T R Philadelphia J Krause. Lehigh county O Fisher. Lehigh county D Weaver. Allentown Fu!rner, Allentown D A Albright. /tending FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Beoond et., above Market. Claypo^le, Bri dg eton W Downs, Greensboro R D Banta. Dover T Bookmaeter. Faun lirT B Luther. Dresden 88 Alurpay.lladdenGeld Mnt Arty, New J may Id G Okambere. Delaware STATUS UNlON—Market street, above sixth. C Baiter t New York G Waters, .Lewistown JamesTay , or, Harrisburg' John Williams. Delaware Moses Rambo, Coatesville It P Coattail &1, rdilleistit 8 Kephart & Blair oo,Ps A Hoover & le, their co A J Anderson & la. Blair oco M Christy (la, , Blairco Geo L Plitt. Harrisburg 8 0 Grono, Harrisburg U Roberson. New York HAW) EAGLE—Third etredt. sum Callow/Ith. W P Beldebrandt, Eal4oll NN R Old Easton J T Berger, Quakert'n Pa J Foulke, Quakeren, Pa G W Dawn. Hethlehem R Good, Doylestown J Clay, North Can,lina H Bartolott. Chester Go .11W Smith. Ducks oo D Brown, Book. co J Smith, Dunks co W Beane, Bunke oo MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—ROOOnd at.. above Aroh C C Vanhorn. Philada H It Rlwood. Patina fl W Reynolds, Jr, Del J H Brown, tlkton, Isid H. W Roerta, Alton, hid LDu bree, /Maks oo NATIONAL 110TEL—Raoe street, above Third, C M Knauss, Bethlehem F C Beliett, Penn's, 1' Smith. Harrisburg D F Herr,lvania John Zigler, Pennsylvania Chu Green, Greensburg Miss J Ayres, b 1 (Thank ii H Ayres, 18 Chunk Chaa A Bolden. Kansas • 0 8 Higgins, Reading Bann Markley. Lancaster BARLEY SH.EAF—Beoond street. below Vine, Timothy Maiming, Pa J Smith, Newtown .1 T Btaokhouee, Pa A H Wright, Camden J W Croastlele, Attleboro el Corwin, Easton J Alsover, Beaton B 13 Roberts. No , risiown D 1' Blair, Hartsville W I) Large, l'eylorsville C Debra°, Abington Timothy Ely, Buoks no E Eastbarn, Batiks oo Sarni Baker, Tayloinville Ifonr.LC Parry, A ttlebino .1 ), Parry. Attleboro Wl. Walker, Bohngton C Cadwalittler, Bunks co Amax Corson, Throat: U 0 Jim Polk. Books 00 W K Carver Newtown 11 Bunting, Books on H Bothers, Books no T 8 bnuth, Ducks or, Dr Hill, Harrisburg Jos Barnefey. Harrisburg Jr V Feaster. Newtown A II Large, E Y Potter, Attleborough Thos Potter Philadelphia 8 Bookman, Newtown J Steakhouse. Attleboro Win Barnsley, Newtown F Taylor, Newtown Chile Ramsey, Hartsville A B bongsliore, Backe oo Daul Rich, Bucks no H C Watson. Bucks on John Rice, Boots oo 13 P Brown, Bucks co 8 Bette. New Hope Bonj filoon,Buous oo WE, Campbell, buoka 00 Jag Smith. Watunnaor Wm Norm, Bucks oo 'l' Warner, Wrig htstown .1 E Wanly, Bunks no W Davison. Choltenham Wm Dodson. Philadelphia, Y Walton, Booking ham J M Carver, Illinois JP Croasdale, Bunks 00 D McNair, Hunks ao IMPORTATIONS. (Reported for the Prone.) RlCBMOND—Steamship City of Riolimond-1278 Ulm Boor. Boast, Newhall & Co; £37 brie wheat, Samos 1, Bewley & Co; 22 boxes, 4 cases tobacco. J tl3ans & Co; 151 boxes tobacco, 331 bales cotton, . Webster, Jr; 200 bags peanuts , J 4 Hollings & Bro; 9 bags fruit. Spring,. Oak & Co; 29 bags ginseng, 4 bags feathers, 1 bbl wax, Parker & 'Poland; 1 box mdse. 9 11. Butler & co; 80 boxes mdse. Pennsylvania Railroad; 18 empty MOB and bbls, Massey, Collins & 0o; 21 empty mule, Order. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. I3BE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED. Sterunshio City of Richmond, Mitchell, from Rich mond, via Norfolk, 28 hours, vnth rodeo and mussonge re to Thos Webster, Jr. Steamship Boston, Crooker. 20 hours from New York, with mdze and passengers to Jan Allderdme. At 23: A M, on' the Middle. passed City lee Boat, going down with ship Clyde and brig Kosice in tow ; at 10i20, at Rdy Island Piers, maw bark Alex MoNeill, oohing Eben Saw yer, Julia Smith and Orvetta also tug America. Bohr Fanny Boardman, Crooker. 8 di from Darien, Ga, with 100.000 feet lumber to Oilskin & Galvin, - Bailed in company with brig Alex Milliken. H illen. for Fair aven; on the night of the 14th inst. Cape Hatteras bearing tl AW, SS Trifles distant, spoke Bohr Indus, from Mania mils. for New York. (Correspondence of CAP E hi M e AN a Noh.a ns n . 1 • 7. I have just returned from Hereford Inlet, off which place the bark Warren Fisher. where she has bilged, is lull of sand and water, and is a total loss. Copt Daley hue taken his departure for Philadelphia this afternoon. The barks Thomas Dalfet, for Laguayra; Arron L. Har vey, for Kingston, Jamie& ; Cordelia, for Remedios, and several schooners, have gone to sea this afternoon, No vessels have come in this afiernoon. nor are there any in sight at this writing inward bound. Yours, THOS. 0, HUGHES. Br TELEGRAPH. _ .. . _ Pi kw . k on. Jan 18. ARlt—finitt North Amerman, from Liverpool, and 'bap Flora Boutdard, man from Olatigovr. Turks BBLOls l W— and ßrag Frog:lmo, for Baltimore. from MFMORANDA. Steamship Glasgow, Roskell, for Liverpool cleared at NYork yesterday Steamship Prager-Me, Mardin. for Liverpool, cleared at Nk. ork 7 esterday. Steamship rime a, from New York for Rio de Ja neiro, remained at St Thomas 20th ult. Steamship Bremen, Wessels, for Bremen, cleared at NYork 7eaterday. Ship Stephen Baldwin, Flagg, sailed from Bordeaux 24th ult for PrOrleans. . Ship Judah Tomo, Ilausooin, from Liverpool for Port/month. N H, err at Boston 17th inst, with loss of fore yard and sails split. StriP Hornet. Mitchell, from San Franoisoo. arrived at N York yesterday. Ship Champion, Lamson, from San Francisco, err at NYorklesterday. Ship NOW World, Await, from Liverpool, art at It Yorkyesterday. Bark J Kilham, White, for Montevideo. cleared at N York yesterday. Brig P Swett. Jewett, from Havana, err at Wil mington, NC, 10th inst. Brig Moose. g. from M M Odo Janeiro, with O bass coffee, arrived at Mobile 11th nest, and cleared tor Cora and a market. Brig' W Applegarth. Groves, hence fo; Rio de laneiro_, was spoken 21th Mc !at a S. lon hi 00. Bahr liars, now, Gartman, from Wilmington, Del, err at NYork yesterday. Bohr Anne Cannon, Nowell. for Mobile, sailed from Richmond 17th inst. Bohr War. Crowell, sailed from Providsnoe 17th lest for Phi lads. Sohr Tflmah. Anderson, for Plillada, cleared at Saint John, NB. 11th mat. Soh P Bohm, Rome, from Jacksonville, err at NYork yesterday. B oi Bohr Pequonnook, Barnes, at NYork yesterday from tanhah Soar Aid, Endicott, from Jackeoriville, at New York yesterday. Bohr Sarah Gallen, Cullen, cleared at Mobile 11th mat for Providence. Sea C S Edwards, Band, for Carbasien r Cobh , old at Mobile Eith inst. . Boar Mary Hudson, Hudson, for N York, cleared at Mobile 11th rust. [Per steamer Cane7lian, at Po rtland.l Ar from New York, Orion. in Bristol Channel ; Lamp lighter. at Genoa ; Duo de Normande, at Falmouth, with mainmastgone. Net O Ar from Nerlans. Ooean Boud, and Rookland, at Liverpool ; Adams, at Deal. (The above to by telegraph to Londonderry.) A r from pow 'y ark Mai, Btaniford. Amorioan and A. 14 Badger, at Morseilles,. 3 Godfrey, at Crook haven-29th. Linwood. Ocean Bello, and Advance, at Q.uerinstown ; Ply mouth .Rook, at Deal; bhepherd Knapp, Aurora, and Q Green. at Liverpool. Ar from New Orleans 29th, Rochester, at Portsmouth; international, at Queenstown; D L (ihoate. at Havre. Al' from Mobile :rid, Birnoilit, at Lizard Point. Bailed for New York Nov. a, Aran, from Batavia— Dee 9/, Free Trader, and V anal inden, from Deal; Au rora. end A Gibson, from Liverpool. Bailed for New Orisons let, Windermere, Volunteer, Leuoothea. and Martha, Irvin Liverpool-2d, Old Eng and, and Bataan), from do. THE PRESS.-- .PHILADELPHIA, SATUROAY, JANUARY 19, 1861. WILL AR e—LIARTHE—On the 16th Instant, _by the Rev George Alexander Qrooke, A. M., Mr. Willman P. Wnlara 10 Mien Mary E. Barth°. * I 'WILSON—MooRE.— On the 16th instant, by the Rev. J. tl Willie. Mr. Andrew J. - Wilton to Mine Loinea -.Moore, both of thin ony. MHO. WALION.—On. the 16th instant. Isaiah Walton , in the 79th year of km ago. Funeral from the residence of his eon-In-law, J. A. Biter. northeast corner of Elevon'h and Brown etrente, this (Saturday) afternoon. at 1 &Malik. • HALL—On the 16th instant, Wni. C. Hall. aged 32 years. Funeral from the residence of his meter, Jane F Hall, No. 333 Arch street, etre (Saturday) afternoon, eta o'clock. • B rYLES.—On the 17th instant, John 8. 130yles, son of George H. and FAizalieth Boyles, Funeral from the residence of his patents, 140. 1007 Crease, late Crown street, on Sunday afternoon. at 2 o'olook. 0 AeSADY.—On the 17th instant, hire. Elizabeth M., wife of Lawrence A. Cassady. Funeral fram the residence of her husband No. 1035 Frankford road, opposite Allen Street, Eighteenth ward, on Sundae afternoon, at 1 o'clock. • 01 RBe.—un the 17th instant, Job R. Gibbs, Son., in the 88th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his son-in-law, Wni. Flake, N 0.970 Corps °treat, on Sunday afternoon, at 2 olelook. • tiltfilfl.—On the 16th instant, Mies Mary Ann Haines, in the (Net year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her brother. John Haines. Oxford, Twenty-third ward. near Milltown, on Sunday afternoon , at 1 o'clock. • RICH 4 RDSON.—On the l(Pla instant, Celia Morrison, wife of Win. D Riohardeon. in the 33d year of her a ituoral from the residence of her husband, No 1241 (4. aerobe r street, on employ morning. at 10 (Meek.. SAN DOE —On the 17th 'natant, Mr. Jonas Sandoz, in the 713thyear of Ina age. Funeral front his late residence. Fisher's lane. near Olney. Twenty-second ward, on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. . SCHERIL—On the 17th instant. Joseph, youngest son of Louie and bonito Boherr, aged 3 leate, 10 menthe, and 13 days. Funeral from the residence of Jim parents. No. 155 Brown street, em Sundry afternoon. at 1 o'olook. • VA p OLA.— On the 17th ina l ant, Margaret 'Veneta. Funeral from nor late 'residence. Nn. gut North Twenty-first street, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. TAYLOR.—On the lath Mutant. Julie Taylor, in the 72.1 year of his ago. Funeral f - oin hie late rebidenee, Thompson Street, between Gay and Dalt streets. Marley unk, this 1 gator day / afternoon, at 1 o'oiook. 11YOTT.—On the 17th Instant, Dr. T. W. Dyott, in the 80th year of lug age Funeral Item Ina late residence. No. 321 New street, on Almulay morning, at 100'0100k. • WITHPB-8 —On the 17th instant. Rebecina Y.. wife of Hanson L. Withers, and eldest daughter of , If. Plate, in the 32d year of her age. MOURNING GI:OU9 FOR 1861 —Just received Now Rt) lee Pecan(' Mourning Kn. Bali Chintzes. and Neat titling Black and White ditto, at /230' ota ; Blank Al moms, UN, 26, 8111, 37.4 ots. ; Bomba zine Finish Moamar., 97%. 50 02;4, 75 eta.; Mohnir Lustros, 37310 tn. to 51; Black Book Maine, English Crapes. Veil Crapao Crape Palle and Crape Voile, Round Corner Crape,'Laoe and Grenadine Voile. Crape Collars and Collarettes, Bog.ish Bomblzines Jouvin e Black Kid Glnvee. making our stook of PLAIN BLACK and SECOND MOURNING GOODS full and complete. tittlelON k BON, Mourning Store, No. 9118 Chestnut strert. SPIRITUALISM.—MRS. A.M. SPENCE. or IV am York. will le eta re at 8A618061-13TH.Eb g 1,, on SUNDAY, at .10M A. 141., and 7)i M. Ad minion 6 cents. It. WLECTURES TO LADIESIO 't MEDICAL SUBJECTS, BY ANNA M, LOSIOS ORE e, M. D. at the Aosombly Buildings, TENTH and CR EATNUT streets, next MONDAY and THURS DAY AFTERNOONS, at Mi &cloak. Admimon 10 cents. iIItTHE CONVENTION OF WORKING 111. 4 N. assembled at Spring Garden Hall. on esday evening last. will meet. lir adjournment, at the SAM F. PIAGE, THIS (.aturday] EVENING. Jan. leth, at 75i o'clock. Pelegates not enrolled at the last meeting will be required to present their credentials. lir order or the Convention. JOHN ICEFSHY, It`CHAS. G. WILLCOX. Eethi. L REMESIIIEIi Tsar. POOR.—ILEV. PILANKLIN M. 00113 .1 will plead the cause of t pnor,th the atxth Preabytenan Churoh,Wr. Atom') SHUN% Street be ow 81:1111. TO-MORRO W (Sabbath) EVENING at 7% o'clock. After Vio sermon a collec tion will be taken to aid the eiorthY poor, through the Home Missionary Society. THOD.IAS T. MASON. Chairman Committee on Public Mtiettere. OT.roUrii,V°.it'ilregs.bsi),./enteMV,,Meri ettect below won. Tu-MORRO w ( j nIBBATII, AP- TnItNOOP4 at 3 o'olock. after which a collection will he taken to aid the suffer= poor through the Home Missionary Bomar., THOMAS T MASON, it t.hairman Committee on Public Meetinge. WCHURCH OF THE NEW TESTAMENT T. IL STOOK I ON, Pastor, Northwest corner of RII Avenue and THUITYMNTII Stteot —Ser vice, SA BBATH MORNING, 1O o'olook, by Roy. J. S. WILSON and the Pastor ST. PAUL'S Cllvitcm—OWlNG TO THE absence of the Reowr. there win be no de.moo tot couree on the Men and Women of the tVe." next es uAY EVENING. 'I he Rev. Dr . GOOD IN, Provost of the Univereity, re expected to preach.' le* MEASTERN MARKET COMPAN V.—AN dlourned meeting of the Stockholders of the EE et MARKET COMPANY Will be held on TUESDAY EV ErsING nest. Jan 42d. at 731 o'clock. at the Wetherlll Rouse. RANSOM Street, to hear the re port of the Committee appointed at last meeting to in veetigate toe prooeedings of the Directors eloLted Sep tember Sttli last, end procure evidence in relation thereto Seheral attention is earnestlyramieeted.' lt• R. H. HOWARD, Chairman. IFITA.TEIVIENIT OF THE UNION BANK. as required by the second amnion of the act of Ulf General Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 11th day of October. A. D. 1857. Amount of loans and discounts.......----0369,217 95 to 454 84 due from other bane5....._...,...35 823 10 • • of notes In ()limitation , 0,295 16,1 4. deposits, including balances deer to other bank 5........ .. 765 Cl CITY OF PHILADEL PHIA , so BIA, January 18,1551. 1. James Lesley. Cashier of the 'Union Bank, being sworn. depose and say that the above state ment Is correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. JAMES LESLEY L Cashier. Sworn before me. this 18 . h day of J an.. A. D. 18.51. It JOHN H. FRICK. Notary Public. MIN L VRANCE COMPANY ON THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, NOS 4 AND 11 /INGE BUIL DING —3..ivu.ny 16.1861. The following gentlemen have Teen duly reelected Direotom for the 1116 r 1863 I HENRY D. /SHERRY:RD, SIMEON TOBY CHARLES ALACA LESTER, wILLIAM S. BnILTIL JOHN BDD. • WILI,II3.AM U ft. WHITE, GEORI3I H. STUART, 5AA11.11 4 .3.. URANT, Jo ., `I ToBIAS WAG HR. THOMAS 8 WAITRON, HENRY G. FEED MA N CHARLEt. LEW;I3. GEORGE C. CARSON. At A meeting of the Daeotore,hettl thin day, HEN RV D. BR , . RRERD, Esq., woo unenimously re-elected ereeKlent of the Company. JalB 61 WILLIAM HARPER, SooreterY. COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE IQOIII. PAN Y OF TDB STATE OF PENTISY.OVA rNt6I3 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILADELPIIIA, January 14.1861. At a meeting of the Stockholders of the common wealth Insurance Company of the State of :Pennsyl vania, held at their office, January 7,11861, the following Gentlemen wore elected to serve as Director , ' for tho ensuing year : DAVID JAYNE, M. D., JOHN Al. 'lloalaS S. sTKIVART, CHARLES 11. ROG>. Rs, WILLIAM eTRUTEIERe, te.NRyLEWIS, - - - ROMIRT sHoEmAKEK. SO lINIC.Vir AL, K f.;11. EDWARD 0. KNIGHT, STEPHEN coma tot. Anil at a me lloeting of the Board of Directors held on this day, the fowing Officers were re elected President—DAVill JAYNE. M. H. Vice President—JOHN M. WHITA Lio Bearetary—tAlHUbL B. MOON. jal7-10t Tr. EAST MAIIANOY RAILROAD COM. FAN Y. VIIILADELPIIIa, January 14, 110. At the annual meetine of the etookholdere of this Company. held this day, the followinr named persote were elected officers to serve until the next annual election TIIHASUREII AND SECRY.TAIty. Jal7-31 ARGHILIALD McINTYRE. tirrOFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE IN SURANCE COMPANY. 400 witudit St. PHILADELPHIA, January le, 1681. At the Annual Meeting of the Stookholders of this Company. held on the 14th .1'1=,1861, the following gentlemen were sleeted Direetere for the ensuing year F. RATCHFORD RTARR, WILLIAM MoKHK. NALSRO FRAZIER, JOHN M. ATWOO BE ,4 JA MIN T. TR ., DRICR, HENRY WHARTON. MORDeOAI L. DAWSON, GEORG Is H. WI CART, JOHN H. BROWN, A. FAHNESTOCK, ANDREW D. CASH, I. L. ERRIB GER. At a meeting of the Board of %motors, held this day, F. RATCHFORD STARR wasippoleted President. thelctuetif CHARLES W. CORE, Secretor,. aOFFICE THE LITTLE SCHUYLKILL I% A VIDATION RAILROAD AND COAL iI:ANY. . ...,. , PITIT.ADBLPIII k. January 14;11.5L At the annual meeting of the Stockholders. held this day. the follow:11g named persons Were elected officers for the year 188 t: • .. PRESIDENT. WILLIAM 0. PATTERSON. strammas, LEVI DICKSON. GEORGE H. JUSTICE. FREDP,RICK FRALEY. otikatiEß HENRY FISHER AROHIBAL 9 McINTYRE, JOSEPH. PATTEpBON. TREASURER AND SECRETARY. Jal7-31 WILLIAM WALLA, Jr. KrOFFICE OF THE FAXIE HINDRANCE COMPANY. FllllAnnaire...Tannary 11, 1861. At the annual meeting of Stockholders of the Fame Inaurappe Company• held this day. et their otrme, No. 4 u 6 CHESTNUT Street, the following-named gentle mi.n were eleoted.dtreotors to serve for the ensuing roar: OIEOR OE W. DAy, Y RAMO I ha. WRIGH H T, AVD D E IRNEEN RV LW IS. Tit, 4 ,CUAR. STUD ARDSON, SA wURL J. BODINE, JOHN W. EVBRMAN. OFORGE A. Wk.ST. TID , MATI S. MARTIN, O. WILSON DAVIS. RDWA RD D. Vi'OODIIFF, JOHN KESSLER, JR. JANUARY 15,1551. At a meeting of the Board of Direoters, held this day. the following gentlemen were unanimously elected offioera : • . GEORGE W. DAY. President, FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice President, A Inl6-6t W ILLIAMS I. DLACHARD, secretary Ili.. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA Aril/ READING RAILROAD CONI t'ti NY. PIIILATJEJ,P ttiA, January 14.1861. NOTICE —At the annual meeting of the stookholdern of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company. held thin day, the following gentlemen were ennui- MOUSIY elected alliance for 1881 PR/MT/ANTI AMWill MEV. VICE PRESIDENT, J. DUTTON 8 PEELS. MANAGERS. J. Dutton E thole. I Charles - William Sonora, H. PrattMcKean, Robert Holton, I B.Bl.Felton. TREASURER. SAMUEL BRADFORD. SECRETA R V. W. H. IiIcII,IIENNEY. By ardor of the Board. W. H. IiicII,IIHNNCY, Jail Bt Secretary VTPOPULAR TASTE IN LITEILATUR E. —,11.E.V. A. CLEVKLAND COXE. G. D. o f Dm.. .1 , , bid.. at Concert lin.ll, CiIbSTNUT. above 'fwelfth street, 'Mk SDAY EVEN IN 0 22d Japoari. Tiokeio fIE, canto; for gale at BURNS & SIEG. Jll 011EO1NU rSt • ENSCOPAI, no K DEPOSITOSY. 1:1514 CIIESTNU V St., and at tho Door. Jal7.thetu-3t r_M• OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY.--PIIILADSL- P/110.• January 14 MI. The Annual m eeting of the 12 tooltholdere of thin Cornvany will be held at their aloe. No SOB WA I - NUJ. Street, at 13 o'olook lW on IuOAY. the 4tu. day of February next An Election for Twenty .Pireotoie to servo the ensu ing year will be hold on said der, at the mune place, between El &dock M. and 2 o'clock' P.M. )al6- tattle dell II 111. HINCIIMAN, fleoretary. VEOFFICE OF TILE WYOMING CANAL COMPANY, No, .:130 WALNUT STREET, ADELPHIA, NOTICE TO THE STOOKHOLDERS.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the office of the Company,. No. duo W ALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, Januar 21, 1811, be tween the hoofs of twelve and three o'clock, at which time an election will take place for a President, Vice President. and six Managers to serve for the ensuing .a 8. 4 year. J CHARLES ivutisit, Secretary. 'MARRIED. PRESIDENT. WILLIAM C. PATTERSON. DIRECTORS. LEVI lIICKION. ORCH JusricE, F . REPER.rcit FRA LEV, CHARI,ES HENRY AR"IiIIJALD MrINTYRE, JAME.; M INIMS PATTEMON. i. PEMIIKRTOIVIIurcHINSON WILLIAM S. WIM.IOIIE, RICHARD RBA R CHOMAR IV-I.I.IPDIJL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Annual Meettng of the Stockholders of the g C or Branch Canal Company for the citation of a held at e and five Managers of said Company Penn- held at the Oleo of the Cornhany, in eyrtit 1413. nylvania. nt 10 p'olook A. Pd., on W.I.DNESDAY, the .40111 day of January. lBBl . I), order at tho Board, M. O. rdER OUR, inl3-10t Seoretnrs. POFFICE OF THE UNION CANAL CO., PIIIL‘DELP , IA, January la. 186 I.—The Annual looting of the titookitoldero of the Union Canal Cent • ny. of Pennsylvania, WM bp held on 71) cl bruary Bth, next, et 11 o'clook A. NI at the office of the C9momi • , 228 WALNUT litreet ( Farquhar buildinge,) Jan , dtfus 0. ThOMPBON, tleoretary. fy` OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, AL11.11.71 IL IMI. NOTION TO STOCK HOL D E RR.-1 he annual meet in¢ of the stookholde re of this Company will be held on MOND aY, tho 4th day of February, 1881, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the EANcOSI•ETRc.ET HALL. The annual election for Director. will be held on MONDAY, the dth day of March, 1601, at the office of the Comranf, No. 038 Routh THIRD EOM. JelLtfed EDMUND SMITH, Secretor,. D LA.T I T ?N : R I . lvj t egg i ftYR R OYF MATTHIAS. on T V lettlt E yen/IMO. 22d JanuarY; nt CONC h:RT HALL. Chestnut, above Twelfth street, 1 , 1 the Rev. A. CLEVELAND COX, D. D., of Balti more. Md. Sultieet : " Popular Taste in Literature." Tickets 25 cents. For sale at Episoopal Doolr Deposi tory, 1.524 Chestnut street; Burns & the*, Oil Chest nut street. and at the door. Jala-fmtu 3t NOTloE.—Tlli6r. ANNUAL 511EETING of the Stockholders of the Seaver Meadow Railroad at d Coal Company will be held at their office, No. :3112 WALNUT Street, OD MONDAY. the 2101 of January next at 12 o'olook 111.. at which time an elec tion will be Mild for Preeidont and ten Diroctora for the ensuing year. L. CHAMBERLAIN, dol2-1121* Smeary and Treasurer. "NEW YORK AND MIDDLE COAL. PEEL° It A11,004D AND COAL COMPANY." Annual Meeting of the litocklaol dere e Com pany avill he held at their taco. 010 tlO4 Rooth tatreet, on attiNDAY. the 4th day of Fe bratarY next at 11 o'clock A. M. for the Purpose of electing Fire Directors of the said Company fur the emitting year, and for the transaction ram% other bionness as may be b ought before the meeting. HEN fly nowllBol4, BeoretarY. Pliradolphia, January 17, 1881. MlB Mel TrOFFICE OF THE GIRARD COLLEGE PAHRRNGER RA , bWAY COMPA^Y. oornor Of COLUaIDIA aid RIDGE Avonuos.—Pitu.arn.- rola, January 8, IMO —The BOARD OF DER k,CTORS have. THIS DAY. declared a Dividend, for the lout Six Months, of ONE DOLLAR nor Share on anon Share of the l'apital Stook of thin a:ormolu payable to the Stockholders. or their Legal Representatives. on and after MONDAY. ianunry 21.1061 lal2ditirt2l W. H. BLIGHT...I:rumor. OFFICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL 1.1-1 IMUEAPICE COMPANY, PIIILADELPIITA, Jan. 7, 1641. At it meeting of the Dtreotors, hold this uay. a Divi dend of RIX EKE eriN T. the outstanding Morin wee declared, payable to the Raripeolders, or their legal re presentative's at tne (Moe o 1 the CompanY, on and after WEDNESDAY. January 11. 1861. ja9 12t JOS. COLUMN, Seoretary., TrOFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE CO., No. 406 cliEsTritrr 9tre•t. January 7. 1861. At a meeting of tho Board of Directors, hold thts day. a Dividend of THREE FEB. CENT. on the Capital of the Company was declared, payable on and after the let day of February next. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Ja9-tfel Secretary. NEW PUBLICATIONS. SI,AVERY SANCTIONED BY MB BIBLE A TRACT FOR NORTHE ft N CHRISTIANS HON. JOHN HICHITEII JONI.B J. B LIPPINCOTT & Co 22 AND 24 NORTH FOURTH ST. j4122t RETAIL DRY GOODS. FYRE & LANDEIL, FOURTH AND AU Streets. keep only LINENt makes and Bleach PURF FLAX (STAPLE (3001)13.) 4 4 Richards Housewife Linens. 1 . what' Json's VX(Ta Heavy. Itzoliardson's Medium Shillings. Riohardeon'e Bosom Linens. jal9•tf EYRE c LANDELL OPEN TO-DAY Ter retail Bales, 10-4 oheeting Aluellne. double weight. sheeting hluet,tue. 10-4. 11-4. 12 4. :shooting 111 ufiltog..dinKle width. Shirting' Moeline, UM only. ial9-if COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP The undersigned have this day formed a copartnershiu, under the firm of ROBIII 4 ON, SCOT & CO.. for the purpose of oarrying on the Auction and Commission Business, and will onouny the storo No. 343 BROAD WAY. at present occupied by Henry Robinson & Co. Dated New York, January ft, MM. HENRY ROBINRON, It kNJAMIN BOOTT. JR., WILLIAM H. PARSON S . MURPHY-WHIPPLE IRON BRIDGE. ETON E. QUIGLEY. & BURTON. N 0.333 WALNUT tiTRBET. PHILADELPHIA. Beg leavo to inform Railroad Companiee, and others interested in bridge conetruotion, that they have formed a connection in business with JOHN W. MURPHY, Civil F7:m.llloer, (author and inventor of the above well known plan of iron bridre,land are preared to execute orders, from any part of the country, trout his designs and personal se perintendenes. All letters relating to piano and intimates should be addressed to JOHN W. MUR Pfl Y,C,vii ttoneer. nol3-6m For STONE. QUIGEY. & BURTON. REMOVALS REMOVAL.-PASOIIALL MORRIS has removed Ins Agrioultural and Seed Ware house from Seventh and Market streets, to his New Stand, 1120 MARKET Street, opposite Farmers' Market. Every descriptlon of improved Agricultural and Hor ticultural Imo'mews. warranted. Field, Glarden. and Flower /Riede impelled at reasonable prieee as here tofore. at wholesale and retail. PASO R 4 MOR RIS, Agricultural and Seed Warehouse, 1120 MARKET hweet, opposite Farmers' Market. Jai-= MOOSE DEEE..—The pubhe are hereby notified that the Moose •hieb bee been on ex hibition et G. Goehol's Hotel. Fourth end Chem streets. foe the last four days will he cut up for distil -1 ;Awn to the subscribers on 'SATURDAY MORNING. 19th inst. G. GOEBEL. TE , TIMES ARE DULL!, AND FU'fIIMI proseeote look despairing.. It a honld not deter YOU front going to ftelhlE lON N.ECOND Street. above. Green, to t et sour Photograph taken. JAYNWS IIA:R PUNIC PROMOTE THE GROWTH OF THE HAIR, REMOVE DANDRUFF, GIVE THE HAIR A GLOSSY APPEARANCE, PREVENT BALDNESS, CUBE DISEASES OF THE SCALP, riIEVI;AVT 1RAP1,4T11111: GBAylvEss, SHOULD BE ON EVERY TOILET TABLE. It will alto quicken the growth of tho Beard and AI oustaohes, and 1 oing delightlu'ly perfumed, In colon %too to pleaso the moot fat tolious. Yrepared only at JAY NE's., No. 24 CHESTNUT Street, and for sale by Agents throughout the country. jislt 12 1619 R SHOEMAKER & Co.. • GLASS, PAINTS. OILS. AND VARNISHES, Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Streets. de 4-ttln RIX fiIINDRED DOLLARS REWARD Wlit be given for the dotootton and conviction of the person or persona who fired the barn of the sub sonbera in Twenty-fourth ward. on the night of the ;!7th of flepternber,l3oo. TINSE GI , 0110 E. 1a18.2t" GEORGE E. HALL pLIMADELPHIA LOOAL EXPRESS COMPANY, tl south PIPTII Street, deliver freight. garrets, and baggage throughout the oily. Par ticular owl, and attention given to the eonveranooof baggage to all the railroad depots. 5a4-lni. ORIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP.—Ono pound of which will do an much dashing . and do it better than three of common rosin soap; olothes need no boiling nor rubbing on a 'squib board. Over 100,000 families are now constantly using it. We guarantee it to give satisfaction, or return. the money All respeota bleGroders have it for TRAIN 'ec MCKEONE, if tf 22 and 24 South Whereas. M RS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED hUFEORTERS EVIL LADIES, and the only Sup porters under eminent medioal patronage. Dulles and physionans are respectfully requesteo to call only on Mn. Setts at boy residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid oouriterfeits.) Thirty thousana Invalids have boon advised by their physidians to use her applianoes. Those only are genuine bearing the Un.ted States copyright, labels on the box, and signa tures. ana also gm the Bugnortere, with teatinaontaie, 0016- tutlifistf pmUILADELPEITA TERRA COTTA MA NUFACTORY, SEVENTH and GERM taiTOWN road and 1010 OHERTNIPP Street, Vitrified Drain end Water Pipes. Ventilating Flues. Hot 4ir 4 Flues, and Smoke Flues 'neat. of Terra Dotta, andsf suitable size fur every class of buildings, This article is worthy the attention of all parties , putting. up buildings. Large use sewerage pipes for city drains o. water pipes war ranted to stand a severe pressure. We are now prepared to contract with runes or oorporations for this article in any quantity. We warrant our goods to lie equal if not superior to am other mode in the United States or tea Plutons. se. % Ornamental Chimney Voos and G M arden ir H 0 Y T'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE - - 'warranted in every instance to ILEBTOItE GRAY ISAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL C.OLOR. It has been applied IN TIkOUSANDS OF CASES • In Dia orinoipal New En and. and HAS HOT FAILED in thatgla instance to accomplish ad in claimed for it. . . . No Hair is so Grey or Red but the HIAWATHA will change it to a beautiful and life-like Brown and Blank. It is not an instantaneous dye whiph crooks, milts, and niece a dead black color to the hair, the patient having to submit to soaping, Washing, and sponging of the hair eye ry time it in emptied ; nor is it a preparation of sulphur, sugar Grim!, ho; nor of any ingredients de leterious to the hair or skin. It is an article requiring no preparation, no washing before or after using; it is applied In five minutes time, and wallas little troublo as any ordinary artiole for the toilet. People who have used this prpparation declare it in roiraculous in its enacts, and that it will perform all that it pretends to do "—I liallon's Piotori al. its smacks is wonderful, and we can only ray we en dorse all the proprietor says in regard to it."—[Boston Journal. We obrerve, by a notice in a Boston paper, that a premium was awarded by the Massachusetts alechanics (Tharaitable Association, at their into Fair, Hoston,,to Mr. Joseph Hoyt, of this city, for his celebrated • Hia watha Hair Restorative,' an artiole which richly merit ed this favor. It wee for its superior merits in this re seem that the - committee, alter sufficient evidence pre 'tented to themselves, awarded to AI r. Hoyt this flatter ing testimonial."—[Providenee Evening Press. Nor sale by the principal Drusgists in Philadelphia, and throughout the country, JOSE. Pit liorr. Pro prietor,No. 4 MATHEWSO Bt.. Providence, R. I. ja:l-1 SHOW O A . S E S—Uennan Silver and Wooden, all tins and patterne; also, Office Fur niture made to order by Wel, G. GROVE, ja3-1m /go. 1 t 1 North FOURTH. Street. PEACH BRANDY —8 bbls superior quality, of Georgia Penal' Brandy. for sale by C. C. MAULER & CO., dnf 103 ARCH Brrent. sooond door IttinVel Front. eIDBR BRANDY.-5 bbla Cider Brandy 'kJ of extra quality, now landing and for sale by C. C. BADLI. & CO.. do? 108 ARCH Rtreet, second door chose Front. fl UT TLE-FIS BONE—For sale by WETHERILL & BROTHER, NOB. 47 rind 49 hortli - SECONT) 14tr••t. dll w'HITE LEAD—Pure, manufactured and for Hale by WETIIE RI L & EHOTH EFL 47 and 49 North SECOND Bt. m EbB PORK-100 BMA NEW MESS PORK. for salolg O. 0. lIADYAR & CO. de2T 103 nllOll •,treet. Rd door above Front. JAVA COFFEE.-1,000 pockets prime Jav& comse, for sslo by JAMES RS ARAM OV., litr•lkt IALEP—For $3lO by WEIIIKKILL kIiLOWLIER. 47 and 49 North NEGONO !Street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. ORTHERN ASSITRANOE COMPANY, LONDON. EBTABLIBRED IN 1836. CAPITAL, $6.298.800, CASH ASSETS, $2,392,255.62 ANNUAL REVENUE UPWARDS OF 81. 130,000, Statement of the cot ditlon of the Company. made in compliance with the law of Yetinkyleanta Camtal dtook • $0,298,8C000 Number of Shares of Stoook aubsoribed for —.-- • 403 Amount of assessmenta or initalments stook paid In, in 312.010 60 ASSETS. Iho valuo as nearly as may be, of the Real Estate neld by the ompartY _ 202,022 15 Cash on hand, and deposited In Banks - 205 922 73 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of transmission— 225,783 55 Loans Immured by Bonds and Mortgages, constituting the first lien on the Real Es ta- e, on which there in lees than one year's interest due and 0wing....._.,_,........, 879,915 44 stocks owned be the Company, whether of any state or of the United &Meg, or of any Incorporated city of the United States, or of any other description...-. 298.691 58 Bonds lied by the Company as Collateral Recants' for Loans —_..— 588,800 00 Other investments— 91,190 19 LIABILITIES. Loaves due. 8g;(1 unpaid, (Fire and Life )-- Claims for I .tMes which are in suit or con tested by the Company.... .. None Louie.; during the year which have been Paid. ( Fire and Life)-• • • ........ 345.297 SI Divide' de deo ared......-- 23.401 13 Dividends declared, due, and 9,644 95 Amount of all other claims agair st the Company, contested or otherwise includ ing Fire Duty due the Government, and unclaimed DI vidend . 46,440 49 INCOME. Gross °anti premiums received, (Fin, and Intere.t money r y. eeelvtd from the invest ments of the Company Income of the Company Irma any ot . her 8011M011.... EXPENDITURES. Amount paid and owing for reinstiranee pre miums, and amount of return premiums, whether paid or unpaid-- ..... 344,888 48 Dividends paid during the year—...—.-- 2.1,467 33 xpenues paid during theyear, including commissions and fees paid to the Agen.s and Officers of the Company......__.. 183 048 GO Amount of all odier expenses and expendi iures of the C0mpany........ —,....—. 81,744 46 Having complied with the law of Penneylvania, the undersigned reepeatfully a 'licit a continuance of the patronage 'which luau been an liberally bestowed upon tlua Company since the establishment of the agency in title et ty. he large capital of the Company and unlimited liability of all the Shareholders offer the greateat se curity to Policy holden'. Leasea paid in Philadelphia as soon as proper proofs are presented. GETTY iga LEIBINC4. AGENTS. 425 CHESTNUT STREET. New Building Philadelphia Bank, Jal7-thatuet TUE RELTANOE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, OFFIOE No. 308 WALNUT STREET, JANUARY 12, 1861 The following statement of the affairs of this Com pany on the 31st of Deoember, 1860, republished in pur nuance of the Charter, viz To Capital Stook, paid in—. 214,700 00 To Certalestes otook f .ProSts, convert- __ _ ible Into S To Contingent Account for Premi ums on titre Ripka, outstanding Deoomd•r 31, 1869. .... 619 295 BEI Do do 9c001904101806 43,768 SS To Interest Account, net, received In 1860 -...- e 16,766 41 To Policies, Transfers, and other I trate 66 th To Profitand Lon, December 3lst, 1&59 Dr Dividend Aoeount, paid for the year 1889— • • • $4O 090 !4 Dl Losses by Fire in -- 29,468 52 113 , Return Premiums. Com — lois - . eione. ho By Expenses. cnnluding Agenems, Taxes, and _Donations to Fite Companies.— 11,9:693 77,13.2 ea Remaining with the C0mpany.......--. $317,142 GI WHICH IS INVESTED As FOLLOWS : Piret Mortgagee on Improved City Pro- Party, 'worth double the amount-- -- $150,90,1 00 u Ground Rent. first olaue— ..... 2,452 50 n Citg of Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loan, (30 29,973 75 PenneyliTania Railroad Co's. S per cent. Id Mortgage Loan I 030,000). •• - —• • 27,000 00 n Allegheny Co. 0 per oent. Penney.vania Railroad Loan— 10.000 00 it Collateral Loans, welfeenured— • 2,600 00 n Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain R. L and L. Co., Mortgage Lobel... n Pennsylvania Railroad Company's 6 per cent. let Mortgage Loan ..... ..... 0,000 00 n Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. Stook.— 24,960 00 n County Fire Insurance Co. 1,060 CO n Delaware M.S. insurance Co. Stook— ••• 700 00 n Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 5t00k...._..._ 4,003 00 n Commercial Bank Stook 5,196 01 n Meohan lee' Bank Stook-- 2.812 80 n Union 61. Insurance Co. eorip— 380 00 14 am 74 n Book Accounts, accrued interest, 1e0...—. 6.604 65 n Cull on hand-- •• • • • 10,u70 E 9 The Directors have this day (teetered a dividend of SIX raft CENT on the Capital Stook of the Company. and on the Certificates of Profits outStanthos, fpr the year ending December amt. logo, without, deduction, for State 'I Dividend yern °asti r on and attey th parablet. Also of FOUR PER 0 pro rata on the Capital Stook and Premiums earned, out of the profits of the Company tor the year ending /MOM her al. 1860, for whloh Certificates of Profits, bearing interest. will be delivered to the Stockholders. and to the insured entitled to receive the same. unoer the pro voking of the charter, on and after the 16 h inst. No certificate will be issued for any lees sum than ton dol'are, nor for any fractional part of one dollar. Bums less than ten dollars, and not foss than one dollar, are credited to the insured on the books of the Company, and if. Within any period of ten years. the wild credits amount to ten dollars. certitioabis therefor will be issued. Cerinticates of Profits are liable equally. with the Ca pital Stook, for the losses and engagements of the Com pany, and mar be oonvertad into Capital Stook at any time, at the option of the holder. DIRECTORS. CL EM TINGLEY, ROBERT STEEN, Wit R. THOMPSON, WILLIAM MAIRSER, FREDERICK BROWN, BENJ. W. TINOLKT, JOHN R. WORRELL, MAR9IALL HILL, H. L. CA SSON, Z. LOTHROP. ROBERT TOLAN CHARLES LELAND, FREDERICK LENNIO, JAcOll T. BUNTINU, JAMES 8, W O W DWA RD, SOHTHIBOWEN Ii ttaburt, SAMUEL MPH/IM, TINGLEY, Presulent. , retarr. lals-tuth&E6t CLEM IL M. RINCIIMAN. Beo OCOENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICE No. 931 CHESTNUT ST.. P1111..a BELPHIA. The following, statement of the affairs of the Compa ny to published to conformity with a provision of the Charter: RECEIPTS Fort TH ER 31,E YEAR 1860. ENDING DECEM- B For Life Premiums for term of life• 3162,557 93 For Limited Pren.iume short term— For tatra . For Interest received on i nvest- Folic Fories, Policy cu..— For Boris Dividend on purchased Policies.- 8237,336 97 LOSSES AND EXPENSES DURING THI6 SAME PERIOD. For Losses (20) amounting to. 814,570 00 For cxponses Salaries, Adver tising, Ned. Ex .. 10 23.3 65 For Rent, State and City Taxes, For Agency biiergee, Commie none, Taxes, Taxes, dc0.... 9,701 73 For Reinsurance and Interest Paid. . . .-- 2,720 07 For Return Prirniuniiipure.&;Se of Policies. . . ... _ 11,053 10 For Interest jOividend, Interest on 17,04800 For Guarantee Capital— .... 2,094 65 8101,517 22 Amount added to Capital in 1860............. 813 0 .03 75 Accumulated Capital December, lUD —.-- 933,038 27 Accumulated Capital December 31,1860 611,071,118 92 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY LIIB6IE TO PAY LOSSES JANUARY 1, 100,000 United States 6 per cent. Loan. 1871---- 100,212 50 13,000 United states 5 per cent. 1..nan,1865.. '13,616 00 30,000 United Mates 6 percent. Treasury Votes_ ......„. 80,037 50 2,000 Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan... 2,105 00 20,000 Petuasyliiiiira 5 per cent. 18,174 69 20,600 Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Coupon Bonds... . 18,135 00 14,801 Philadelphia 6 per cent. -. 13,801 75 36,000 Philadelphia 6 per cent.. Exempt ....•- ... • -- 33,620 60 23,000Philadelphut6 per cent., no .---- 26 679 50 31,200 Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loan.--- . 25,730 50 10 080 Pittsburg 6 per cent. Loan 8,325 00 =,OOO Allegheny county 6 per cent. 1 can. 16,945 LO 10,000 Washington comity 6 prir Loan__.... 21 000 Pennsylvania R. R. lei mortgage 6 per cent, Loan 29490 00 20,000 Pennsylvania R. R. Id mortgage 6_per cent. Loan 18,040 00 30,000 N. Poona . %. R. let Mort - ' gage 6 per cent, 22,500 00 600 she Penna. R. It. stock- 26,412 77 100gation he Lehigh Coal and Navi many.... 212 Sm Co i rd Life p Annuity and 5,673 51 Trust Company..- 676 38 100 she Western Bank stook. 6 862 60 200 else Commercial lak Cook. 10,686 25 76 she North America Bank 100 sbs Stook Manufacturers' ..... and 10,163 00 Meohanics' Sank 5t00k.... 2,784 00 50 Mechanics' Bank of St. L0uie...........4,950 60 Mortgagee and rall first hens.-..... .._.....__.._ 262,960 93 Loans on Poio 0r......... • •-•• 15,179 2 9 Loans on Collaterals..-- 40,179 69 Bills Receivable, Freiman / 10 tee-• • • 120,975 69 Real E's•ato, Building Third'and Doak-.- 9.6 000 00 Real karate. Chentout alrent.... 24,721 04 Morin Dividends of Ineuranoe ..• • • .-- 61,200 00 Agcnis, balance of their an counts due- . 20,745 78 Quarterly Payments on . :Pelioiee issued .. . 11,916 00 Cash on hand'arid in Bank...._. 12,444 28 'merest on investments to Jan. 22 806 85 Dice Furniture.. _ 2,099 48 Franklin Fire Ineurance - C0_....• 900 00 D 0 d A uTt o t u viii Lone! duo *iiii.:.l4llP9OB 07 00 8/.071,12$ DIILADELPHIA. lan. ath, Ider. At an election held, at the aloe of the Company, on MONDAY, the 7th mat., the following gentlemen were duly eleotei Trustees : Yea TURIN yEARe. WILLIAM MARTIN, JOHN ILL BRENNER, RICHARD S. NEWBOLD, BENJAMIN c'OATESt JOS. H. TROTTER, J. B Me FA SLAND, W M. H. KERN, WM. P. BACKER, JAMES EUSTON. FOR TWO YEARS. JAMES 0. PEASE. FOR ONE "[RAU. JAMES TR &QUA IR. At a meeting of tee Board of Trustees, held THIS EVENING, DAMP L L. MILLER, •sq., was elected President, and SAMUEL' E. BTOKEs, Eec,., Vice President for the ensuing year. The Board of Trustees have this day (teetered a Scrip Divide , it of TWENTY FIVE PER CENT. upon the each premiums paid in 1860. The have also declared aCash Dividend of STY PER CENT upon tpo Scrip Dividends issued from 1850 to 1860, inclusive, payable at toe office of the Company atter the sth day of Pebruary next, to those Who have laid their wholo premium in cash, and to those who are ndebted to the Company for premium notes or other wise, it will be payable at the time of eettlement of their next premium. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SA MUEL E. STORM!), Vice President. JOHN W. HOBNOB, SeeretarY. jaa-thatust CHROME GREEN—Manufactured and `L , for osle 1).7 WET - BERM, & BROTIM, Jau 4T and 49 trona ancorim INSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE i I i ty .m SURANCE COMPANY.—Pamemnpura, Jan. Ata s 6 eent of the Minds or the Amerioan Fire In coronae Company on the let met, puchabed Con With th e Act of Assembly, viz : REAL ESTATE. Noe. 808 and 8 it Walnut street. and N 0.604 Wood street. in the otty of .Philatlelphta. • • • 8 10 . 000 00 k.ottuylkill Raven .... . y 44700 MORTGAGES. Being the first Mortgages on property to the oity off Philadelphia .926144400 In Montgo mery oounty, Pa.. 89 000; to Camdenbounty, New Jersey. 88.000-- . ... ..8271,444 CO Mortgages on property in the county iklifrai Ground Rents, well secured—. •—• •• . 64,019 86 BONDS. 000 00 Lehigh Valley Railroad Company. 89 000 00 13 500 60 Reading Railroad Company 89... soma 00 10.4411 00 Harrisburg, yortarimuth, -Mount Joy, and Lanouter Railroad Co. 9 050 (XI 7,000 00 Philadelphia and Trenton Rail road Company—• ••, 0 . 300 00 9,000 00 Delaware Railroad Co. guarantied 4,000 00 10.000 00 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company 8 000 00 10 000 00 City 01 Philedelphla'6 9,700 00 10 000 00 IStive of Tennessee. 6 per nent-.. 'LOCO 00 6 000 00 •• 1 ' 6 Per cent 4,800 IX/ 10 000 00 Cleihland and Mahoning Rail road Company • •••* • • •-• •• • 7 . 500 00 12,000 00 Schuylkill Navigation Co., First 1,225 00 SobtiliMVifetiV.muit 10 200 00 1892 and Navigation . 833 00 10,000 CO Lehigh Coa ape. First p ercent..... . Mortga . 9 870 00 10 000 00 Afiegheny County 6 v 4 900 00 0,000 00 Little Sohnylkill Railroad Co. 6 per 7,91110 Lehigh Crane Iron Company__ 2981 18 5,13)13 00 Susquehanna Canal Company.— 000 00 2,500 CO Franklin institute, Canal ent 1,525 40 15 CCIO tO Delaware Diyision Co 13 boo 00 10 OW 00 13 Z. Itol3 Coal C0Mpt111.9... 9 000 00 10 000 00 1 ehigh, Luzerne Railroad Co.-... SAO 00 4,000 00 Delaware and Raritan Canal. and Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Co 18 0 .... 3,200 10 8,000 00 Delaware and Raritan C 9991, and Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Co., .1.875 ... 3 400 00 10,100 00 Locust Fountain oal nod Iron Company Firer Mortgage 0,000 00 Sundries, being Certificates of Loan, Ru . 2 880 00 STOCKS. h hares Union Bank of Tennessee...... 83 000 no 476 r ohuilkill Navisation Company.. 3 84X1 00 16 " Philadelphia 4 mohanse Co_ I,MO 00 " Philadelphia and A. anaasterTum pike Company 600 00 100 " Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 3.687 60 100 " North Pennsylvania Rai road Co. 800 OD 100 " American Fire Insurance 8,612 60 IRISqELLANLOUS. 140111111 on Collateral 48 024 00 Hills receivable 8,62741 Cash on band and in 8ank._..........,._.__.10,160 88 Thomas R. Maria, James It. Campbell, John Weigh, Edmund 0 Dutuh, tiamuol Q. Morton, Charms W. YoultneY, John T..Lettis. Israel Morrie, P. Brady. - THOMAS R. MARTS, President ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. It* DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN &TRANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, NM Office S. E. corner HILADELPHI of THIRD and WALNUT streets, PA. MARINE INSDRANCE, On Vessels, Cargo, To all parts of the World. Freight, I LAND INSURANCES On Goods by Rivers. Canals, Lakes, and Land Car riage. to all parts of the Union, FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Rouges, &o. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 10860. 61100,000 United States Svelte' Gent. loan .. ... woo .500 00 116,030 United States six 4F oeot. Treasury Notes, (with Roomed interest).— 119,463 34 100,060 Pennsy lvania State .Sys ir con loan. 96,970 00 .21,000 do. do. sixr do. do. 31.946 00 123.000 Philadelphia City ail cent. Loan. 123,203 87 30,000 Tennessee State five cent, loan— atom 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Radro lo mortgage six ts oeuL bonds— 43,000 00 15.000 800 shares, stook Germantown Gas Company, Interact and pnnoipal Onaranteed by the City of Piths -6,030 100 s ares Pennsylvania Railroad C0mpany.......... 3,9(0 00 6,000 100 shares North Pennsylvania Rail road Company, ..•—..—. ... 900 00 1,200 80 shares Philauelphla foe Boat and Steam Tug Coinpany. 1,230 03 260 3 shares Philadelpia and . d.WONTO de- Grate Steam Tow-boat Company. 360 00 203 2 shares Philadelphia Exchange Hotel 123 00 1,000 2 shares Continentacol Co.— 500 00 `r. _Cost 43647 5,942 50 - -$220,512 50 -.••• 893,03 92 $391274 09 -4,700 Dar. Cost 864,336.21. Aarket val dills reservable, for insurances made...._ Bonds and mortgages.--- Real eetato—. .... Balances duo at Asenoies—Preminms on Ma nna Fohmee. interest. and other debts due the Company.— UAW 02 BoriP and stook of eon Insurance and other Companies --.. 2 625 Ea' Cash on hand—in banks— —.02803 16 * In drawer—. 466 66 DIRECTORS. 9963,967 51 William Martin, Samuel E. Stokes, Edmund A. Bonder, J. F. Pemston, 'l'heophilus Paulding, tenry Sloan, John R. Penroee, Edward Darlington, John C. Davis, H. Jones Brooke, Donee Tramiel', ellfll2oer Wllvaine, William Eyre, Jr., 'l%omas C. Hand, James C. Hand, Robert Burton, William C. Ludwig, 'mob P. Jonon, Jewish H. Seal, James B. APFarland, Dr. H. M. Huston, Joshua P. Eyre, George C. Leiser, John B. Semple; ?Meth's, Thigh Craig, D. T.Morgan, Charles Roily, WILLIAM A M B. R B T e l r n'resident. THOS. C. HAND, Vine President. JIENRY LYL,BURII. Secretary. noIT-tf THE MN TERPRISE a SIT 142 04 INSURANCE 0 OIYIPA - OF PHILADELPHA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, S. TV. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS: P.ii-LICIIVOI/D STARR. WILLIAM MCKEE, NALBRO PRAZIHE, JOHN M. ATWOOD, EMIL T. 'Molex. HENRY WHARTON, P. OATCH.Ft CHARLES W. COXE. Bar IN SU RA N 0 E OOMP ANY OF THE - 11 - STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE Nos. 4 AND /3 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. chartered in Un—:capital 6200.00D—Feb.1,18/30, cash value, 5439,792 77. All invested in sound and available mount-les—ton tinue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks of Merchandise, dm, on liberal terms, DIRECTOR. ReuryD. Shorrerd, George R. Stuart, Simeon Toby Samuel Grant, in, Charles Macalester. Tobias Wagner. William S. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson. John B. Budd, Rem G. Freeman. William R. White, Charles S. Lewis. George C. Carson. HENRY D. SHERRERD, President. WILLIAM HARPER. Secretary. jeg-tf PBC/HANGS INER7RANOR COBIPANY x-La —ootoe N 0.409 WALNUT attest, FIRE INSURANCE lion Rouse, and Itterohandise Cvetna L favorable terms, either limited sr per- DIREOTORB. leramiah Berucall, Edward D. Boberti, John Q. Ensured°. loans T. Owen. John J. Grianhs, Reuben (Lilt, Thomas' Mach, John MoDowe , Jr. , Basal. L. Emedley,_ Su. T. Hale, elletonts. J.ERENUAIf BORBALI4 Preiideat JOHN Q. euvxono, Ward President. RDWARD W. DAVTD. Peoretars EOM VIRE INSURANCE. MECHANICS' INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. No. 135 North SIXTH Street. below Race. inimre Build ings, Goods, and Merchandise generally from lose or damage by Fire. The company guarantee to actitult all losses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patron age of the publio. . 9 P 3.5 97 DIRICTOM. William . Morgati, Robert Flanigan, Franois Cooper, hliohael Molieu, George L. Dougherty, Edward Meeovern James Marten, Thomas B. McCormick, James Duroas, Joan Bromley, Matthew hloAleer, Francis Falls, Bernard Rafferty, John Cassady, Thomas J Hemphill, Bernard It. Hulranian, Thomas Fisher, Charles Clare, Francis McManus, Michael Cahill. FRANCIS COOPER, President. BERNARD RAFFERTY. Secretary. oc2S-6m A MERICAN SAVING PI:IND.—COI:a _Rau _Euilding, southeaet nomay WALNUT and FOuRTH Streets, _ Open daily Mtn a I o'oloak, and on MONDAY Sin tha evening. his OW Institution hue always paid In fall. en ermine, without nonoe. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. Allen= paid bank, OA demand On gold andel' Tor. TRUSTEES. ALEX. iVIIILLDIN, FreeidenL RAWL. WORK, vioe President. John 0. Fan. T. E.Haniper, George Nugent, John Anssaoh, Jr.. Rang. T. So dine, Alb. C Roberta, John Aikman, Jona* Bowman, a. H. Eldridge, Win. J. Howard. JOHN S. WlLSON.Treasnrer, JOHN - 0. SIMS. Seoretan. nolt-tf if QPIUNG GARDEN SAVING FUND, P 4.7 Office, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and Callowiall. lnoormated by the Legisledare April ItlipaggllrJralMTNlVADX7 EVENINGS, frorna to 8 o'oloot. Interest 6 per cent. nor worm. Depositor* earl with; draw thetrlnoneye by Oltenia, if dewed. Bimetal De. notate removed. Mums L PRINSLE. Preaidei% Pea Vedfft Vol, /foamier. sate-tY tf IN SAVING FUND, No.l 1F 1 1.31t FOURTH Street, between Chest nit and Vithist. Plitladelphia, pays Deposita on demand. Depositors' money metrerai by Rovernment.i State, and City Leans, ground Rents. Mort-s tr ig; Company deems safety better than targe t profiti, ooziness:tautly will run no risk with depo 'ikon money, bet have it at all times ready to return, with 5 per cent. interest, to the owner, as they have always done. 'ibis Company never suspended. Females, married sr single, and Minors, em ! deposit in their own right, end such deposits can be withdrawn ctsxv by their consent. ll:inter perpetual. incorporated by the State eruisilvanis. with authority to receive mower tram trustees and executor's. LA ROE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Moo open daily, from 9 to 3 o'clock, and en Wednesday evening snail a o'ileek. BLUSS TOLS. Jaeob B. Shannon. Oynus Cadwallader, John Shindler, *none Russell, Malachi Sloan. }Award Hyatt. Lewis Krumbhaar, WWII Delany, rahrtiltleitrugait,,,. J entk JACOB B. BRAAIVON, Freeidost. WITS OLDWALLAIII3, Streanrer. aplsl-y RAVING FUND — FIVE PER CENT. IN. TEREBT.—NATIONAL, !SAFETY TRUST COM. PAN Y, W_ ALNITY titian, southwest oorner of THIRD, phlleeleletne. Incerveratel by the State of Penult!. Ti ffetley le received Jo any si posit rg th e all w i th-tiivtzald trots the day of de to laic! The °ae Is open every lay froze nine o'elosk in the morult till five ;Mr Sp the ernefind on 11/011dILY =II TkitVIOY VIO • tlii Oitta Om on. RML. it NE . president. ROBERT BELFRLDIIE .Vces 'ftetideat WIIIIAN 7.llzuh Secretary. mitinolotet Lila. Hem h. Benner, . Carroll ZINNIA* r. hAiward in caner, bed eith 71, Noah B. BUT it'ente&./agion. e, Facigkee. iiiLandreth Munn, email L. !Regrew Orley is received and payments made . y. he inveatments an, ma de, in oonformity_with the erovisionis of the Charter. in ,Real Estate fdorteeses. around Rents, a? such arst-olaea seozuities as will al ways Insure Jo, Dot seenritzt to the deporiters.. and which Gannet Nu t o etre Veriattneuey and stability is this institution. qty ,ft."criNG FUND—UNITED STATER 2R UST COMPANY. (form THIRD And OBEB7- l l i g wL . Bet Elir i nc al tir al e . ,_wirh a t tT he o Omit to the dor o wi &mewl. MOrfrtalfing d gr a lVth e a lrooka y, and sa D 5 Du sale on Ent and, Irela nd. isetliatd, froward.. exident—linpEff 8 4 01A,V1P012, P r n r iM n t= "Nid". sou 6.0.3 24 ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD. Beosre7ltary. DIREOTORS. .8/164,325 71 . 171,396 42 34,60 D 00 .61,263 II Monnneet L. //ALMON. STILULT. JOHN H. BilowN. AL A. FaIINEsTOCK. ANDREW D. CAM, J. L. ERRINOII.R. ORD STARR, President. natersr. feLS SAVING FUNDS. SAVING FUNDS. •' A little, bat often, Illbo the Parma." A Dollar saved is twirls earned:, AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. • • Bole Lesare—.—Mrs. M. A. GAMrII. Stage hiansger— . —Mr. NV/MA.O APNA . Buten+. Aren• . Mr. n. tioolo Y. THIS (SATURDAY)-EITEMZIO. JoriaarY 29 The eartdrine se w 11 commence with an entirely new'Comedy. entitled . . - OUR AM. h:RIOA N COUSIN AT HOME. Mr. Pothern ord Dunarearx and the non. Famaill Plan t =tit .net Albert. 'Prietolomat Roditm Mr V Bowers its Trenehard. Mrs Anne. Cowed as.. To conclude with the drama entitird THE, GUN MAII.r.R. OF MOSCOW. Doors open at BM o'olook t 11019.111101130 at 7o'clook. 69^ Prices ea venal. WHeATLEY 5c ULARKIVEI A/WILEIT rtusteruu: MISS CUSHMAN'S SIXTH NIGHT! DOUBLE ATTRACTION On this cocas on. Itlir•ti CUMIN) AN AB NANCY SYKES ! In the great Drama of OLIVER, TWIST! mlBB I, IJBHMAN AR LADY CLIFTON • In the longhair a new Comrde of fromS ON OF THE HEART. ' 9 " 900 k9 to 4. Secure jour seats in sdrAnee. A MUSEMENT AND INSTRUCTIIIN. At the reimeet ninumProna friends and papal. PftO.P. L. G. WHITE, assisted by MRS. CEARLE RUSH A d MR. JOHnl a A. LANE. Favorite pupils, mill give an inteheotual and oleseical entertain!, ent. consiati ng of REnLINGS A , ND R ctravoivo, From the beat writers. at ASSEMBLY Li Tenth and Chestnut etreets. Philadelphia. on MON DAY V.YINIII iv. January 21, 1861. I mk l Steta Fifty Cente, admitting a lady and gentleman. R* STAN AMBURGEI & CO.'S GRAND ZOOLOGUIA L INSTITUTE UNITED STATES BUILDINGS. 426 and 428 C EuTN UT Street. Next to the CultOM RMS. EVERY MORNING, AFVERNOON, and ..Vh,NING Doors open at 10 A. M.. 2 and S.Yr P. vl. admission 112 cents; children under nine years 15 cents. Perform ance of Ponies,tt Lions. Tigers, Panthers, Leopards, Pumas. Monkeys, Mules, ko., every Afternoon and P.veisme. FOURTH SUCCESSFUL WEEK Of this Moral. instructive. and Amusing Exhibition. SPECIAL NOTICE.—Itat mirsole of itsgaeity, the wonderiul Performing Plephaet vista° ftib will be introduced into the arena every Aftern on and Eve ping. by Prof. Nash. and exeoure feats hitherto deemed impnestble, and never attempted by any other animal. jal4-6t SANFORD'S OPERA ROUSE. ELEVENTH 31TREEt OPEN FOR T kE SEASON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. M.R. SANFORD M LA RGESTCOMPANIES ever progentet heretofore, Who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7; 0011mm:toe at TAC. Admittance &lamas. Children 13 (Ante. dell !se Tr IRE GERMANIA ORCHESTRAgjve I their - PUBLIC REHEARSALS every Ss DAY, commencing at 9X o'clock, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. 8 tickets, $1; single tickets, IS cents, for sale at °tuckering & Son's, 807 Chestnut street ; Andre's. 1104 Chestnut street; and Bedk & Lawton's. Chestnut street. Engagements for Concerts, Commencements, Par ties, &a.. =deputy' at their Office, Chmkerinu& &Ws Piano Store, 837 street,, street; William Stoll,. 04 North Juniper etreet, or C. Dronchman. Mike avenue. pENNA. ACADEMY OE TILE FINN ARTB.-1036011E8TNUT Street. , 0111MBORAZO' a splendid Painting_ br Munn& "THE FIRST SIN'," a beautiful Marble Atatuatte by Antolini. On exhibition for a short time. Visitors will please bring their opera (WWI. WANTS. (VON GRESSIONA DEBATESWANT ED.=The " Congressfonal Globe "(6 tro'untes) of the Thirty-fourth Congress wanted. at thy/ offioe. jal9-tf rildE ADVERTISER, A YOUNG MAN, -a. is desirous of obtamins a situation. where he can make himself generally useful ; is a g. od accountant, and can *peak several languages. including German. hloderate compencation only regaired. Can refer to prime t employer. Address "R. 8.," at Ms Office. WANTEI).—SEVERAL GOOD OAN- T • VASSERS can realize from e 3 to slc per day in veiling Sowerie "Creation of the Ears h," loot pub iiatool. Ants' to W. B. LAIRD ec_oo.. 11. sir W.sLNUr St. Air ANTE D—A SITUATION, bp' Young Man in a Wholesale "lath or COMVIIII. sion Buse. as .aasm , ant Book keeper, Entry Cl.:k, or as Salesman. Satisfaotory referen c e, green Ad dress "T. 5.." at this office. lalB-.3t* WANTED—A SITUATION, by a com ,Tvtry,,,,A,ll l o rggc . e or Entry OLEATl:titd dress WANTED—A SITUATION AS SALES MAN by a young man. having for the Tut save% years anted in that eapacaty in one of the oldest Werth end Jewelry. Jobbing eatatpiehmente in this oily. Ad dress" W. IL J.." at this offt.... Pita 4t. WANTED—By a first-class SALK& NAND an engagement in a aboleaale Dry Goods Jobbing House. Can influence a fair amount or mew cub trade. jell 6.• $5,000 AND $3 000 Tu LUA.N, uN mortgage of City Property. Apply to J 01314 B. Cotali Aft. 2.11. South EIGHrli Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. ri FOR RENT—DWELLINGS. sTORE3_, s.., P L arms. Apply 530 NvALlivr, 1109 °OATHS Ea'lo RENT—Residence, 1620 AMR Street. Coach %ate nee Stable to the rear. Ap ply at once at 160 North TS I Q i.St. eel. jale4p. TO LET-9 he Business Stand at the NM southeast corner of MARKET and FOURTH Streets. Apply, between the hours of 0 and 10. to ELLI -TON P. MORRIS, lal6 121* No. 805 hIARICZT Street. 11EWSPAPER FOR. SALE.—A Weekly Newspaper establishment, with a handsome circu lation, located at one of the most important mow in l'enneylvania, to offered for sale. There is cateilleet d Job e 4-1.1" oftioe attached. Addreal " Printer," Press Mat.— " OR RENT—TUE COLUMBIA FLOUR MILLS, in Columbia, Lancaster county', riltinall vania. lb& Mill ii well located, ham two rag Of bum, and nun be ran by either steam or water power, It now does every large retail rosiness Possession given on April lot. For further particulars. tionisi to iIdEORGE MITCHELL. on the premiere, or tia the underingned; at Glenn Hoye Post Office, Clearfield county. Penang yams. ijal2 61.*) Otte-. J. FIIStiYi, TO LET—The commodious and desirable upper rooms, Ko. 513 MARKET street, being the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth goriest. front 53 by 123 feet, ' , shred , n front, aide. and by two large WO , Hate. The choice location for openness and the allco her manner of construction make then more than or dinarily attramive to business firma making or desinng a change of looation ; gas-fixtures throughout. Jiggly at b CLAGHO N,B CO., auctioneers, corner MARK Fa and BANK treats. inS if ABABE CHANCE TO ' GBP INTO BUBIPIBB'S.—The advertiser doing an exrenelve first-clans city and country Dry Goods busmen in the city of Lancaster. intending to engage in other busi ness, otters for sale, on reasonable terms the stock, goOd-will and fixtures of his storeowith the pnvilege of either buying or renting toe property. 9be location is one of the very beet in the city ; the store room has recently been refitted in the most modern es le, so that, oat. f Thiladelphia. the room is one of the teat in this Kate, 'The More room is one hundred feet in oepth by twenty-five wide. with an (thee book and a .scant I t Of thirty feet. Altoether, it is an opportunity rarely met with. A bueineee of Stray Monsen I hollers a roar has been done, and can be done seam. and more too, with the proper kin I of stook. For fall particulars ad dreee " Metehrtut," Box 190 Lencasuir Font Lffloe. fal7-6t* FARMS AND COUNTRY-SEATS FOR SAL R.—The und.rslgned, haring for sale a large amount of property in Montgomery and adjoining counties, gut% an F arms. Country Seats. Omit MAW. Stores. Lumber Yards. Rotel.. &0.. &0., persons wish = to purchase or esohange will hod it to their advan tage to call. No charge for showing prope.ties. Cata logues sent by matt. Address R. R. CORSON, d2r-2m Noma - town, la. VOR EXCHANGE. r -A 0110.10 E TRACT ofgood unimproved farm land in the State of Nov Jersey, convenient to the oity. will be exohauped for city property. Apply at No. 1.18 FEDERAL Street. ao2P-ti R R. CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER • AND CON VEYANCER. IVORRISTOWN, PA. —Real Estate bought and sold on reasonable terms. Stores and &railings tor woo or rent in Norristown end country. Good mortgages negotiated. CoUeotionsmade. The best references swan. d 24 6m MISSOURI LAND II 600,000 Acres for Sale and entry, at prices ranging from 12% to 50 cents per acre, In any quantmes re quired. TAXES paid and PATENTS procured for purchasers of Land under the Graduation Am. Plata furnished trails by . eitolieing a postage stamp For further information sop!. to WILnON, AWLINGB, k. CO.. U.S. and General Land • TJ tents, 6a CRKSTr.T .treet. Between THIRD and FOURTH, riT LOUIS. Mo. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. 137-8 m BOARDING. 733 SANSONL-A SPLENDID LARGE second story front room, eitber with or crab out board. n leo. transient Boarding-* BOAKDING.—A desirable Front Boom, Third Story t with first class board, on Walnut street. near Broad. Refereners exchanged: — Address ...Board," Press °Moe. .P. 14 6t 4— . . _ EDUCATIONAL. ITILSITING TIITOR.—A Graduate of • Harvard UniversitY will teaoh Latin % Greek. Ilia themattes, and least, Branches. tn inmates roading in Philadelphia, or a short distance from the city. -Ad dress " H. U.," Blood's Dispatch. Isl tuttudOt* MESDAMES OHECIARAY AND TILLY respectfully inform their friends and gm cent for th ey . have r. f move i i . thei rB ßoardlag and 1147 e nd 179.97PILUCeSt r r o eTt. g" q""11.34 ' Pupils from five years of nee upward prepared for the .earth clan. 3,11.45 m iviANT, STRATTON, &FAIRBANKS' a-s , MERCANTILE COLLEGE, S. E. corner SE VENTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—Day assd Eessaws Sessions. Individual instruction in Bookkeeping, in eluding_General Wholesale and Retail Business, Snip ping, Forwarding end Commission, Banking, ha change, Manufacturing, Raiiroading, Steambeating. Ac.. the moot thorouga and prastscat course in the United States. Also, Lectures Commercial Caloula, dons, Arithmetio . and the higher Mathematics, Pen manehip (best in the city i, Correwndenoe, &o. For Arlie, their new Treatise on Bookseentlig, beauti fully printed in colors, and the but work published. seX-tf MkFOR OHARLEADN AND SA vANNAB. The Steamship STATE 'OF GEORGIA. Capt. GAR VIN, will sail fur SAVANNAH on SAI URDAY. Jan. 19, at 10 °Walsh 1. M. GOODS FOR CHARLESTON, S. C., Will he taken and delivered in Chili lemon for FIFTY PYR CENT. additional freight. For Freight or Passage apply to HERON. JR. & CO. JalB.2t No. 196 North WHARVES. WEST GIIESIER _..--... NOSIMMI AND I'IIILADELPHIA liilidtbAD VIA MEDIA. WINTER. ARRANGEMENT, From nortnemic corner of Erahtsarith and Market streets. On and after Sunday. Nov. Seth, 1800. the !mole ll iri leave the northeast corner of bithteanth and Market streets at 7.40 A. M., 7 And 1.80 P. M. Oa Sundays, at BA. M and 9P. M. Trains leavirk Philadelphia, at 7 40A. Id. ad 4SO P. M., and on Wedneadays and clatindaye, et a F. m., Gourmet at Pennelton ,th w the Philadelplus and Balti more Central Railroad, for Concord, Rennet! Avon dale Oxford, ko,, noie rik;zock WOOD. General %Darin. endent. MINMENINLAND FREIGHT FORTMOUTR V. 4. LINE TO NORFOLK AND , 'the Trt-weekly Line via Seaford to Norfolk, Va" will be discontinued for the prevent. A Daily Line will take the place of tt br way of Baltimore. goods sent to rRENTZEL'EI 'Warehouse. 1fi12 , 11 MARKET Street, will be forwarded with despatch, aid at as low rates as by any other Line. t p. F. KERNE Y. Mestere Zratnorr i V. son As. &IMRE WEST CHESTER TRAINS via PENNIMINA t NIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner EILEVI,N nd MARKET, at &Oil A. id., Add Y. and 4P. M. iOO-st
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers