?aBßBampieiS6»r«g > ftjN* Jbfc eon**coUl juri *. ecoaomicsl rwwHwatloßArxtfaAxabyiiwiro to propound ■riwlllji mtHUmm fit&*t?c«nfUoti»* claims Utefalfr* tut istpgywx ft> mini lmprove the - tlwifSy <M Inoommon use, taebaanaen. W#;4ifriKlMA*‘*WW : inspection ct- ; «1» pf»BiJ ;opai»tten *bf.i tke “Water 9m^ h «k ■ Wratthda. t*ps*t«d demonstrations «f «t4fc* ot.Urijprocessof manu- CMtxir*. >TA:ilMtp9iiet*fl npotfe* (o. the Seim tifivAmm***,however, irtw’had aroused the *sff ronr from pany. and of the eiti- WtH a£ ft>;Oitwi Boose, baa supplied that mrul wllk along stttemeatof matters and thing! ae'fiiither sawnor heard) togtther with hla con elorioni from such premises. JTaots being stronger .thdfaOweids.-tower ibotive the Utter nay be, the following statement of a single day's operit(6nff, 'of tfle''present week, at the Girard Eo**e, u e-saffieient refutation of Mr. Seeley's slippery narrative*and false eonolurion: _. t Guana Hows; Patna., Nor. 12, 1830. TaHairxT<J.OAa*r,Ejq, Vrssident of the Keystone Gas Company: 8u t-Ap requested by yon, Zrespectfully submit a suumentef the consumption of materials, and U*r**uUs thereof, of twelve hours’ Tegular ran . niag of the gas machinery at this establishment. l : TwHiday, Norember H, we began our daily .miutdfaetareof “ water gas/’ by Sanders’ process, at 321 o’olook P« M, oar station meter registering W.«gg(egate t ’of previous manufacture- of 610,700 MttJfset. Oorebarge was exhausted at 12) o’clock A. M. this date, the motor registering 621,000 oubio produotion ofgu within that time tsh&ve been 11,200:oabio feet, the average ■annlMbrirt having ~ been ..£33 feet per: how. J2e oontamptibn of rosin was 497 jbs,, equal to 44 dlO ibe. peY'Uionsa&d fret of gas.' The ohaiv bushels. Tbefoel used JIM. nine bosheUei ooke. ? The eost of purifioa .tten didnot eiwed onecentper thousand feet At -go time was, rosin supplied to any retort, exesptin ooninnotton with-the vapor of water,-, as by Banders’patented speeiftoatioss. - 'The fbregalokcomprises ell of the materials used excepting, cost.of steam','which' is inappreciable, briai Ukenlfoa the boilers of the hotel, bat 'which max be csleateted~BOt to exceed one cent .perffcouauMf:' -> ' Tours'respectfuUy, \V fl iX C, r, \ ' .James E Place, 0- K. HenKT C OilißryE-Q Sift: The qn*- Uty of the gas ntd* andL used in the Girard House, daring the hourc.eovered by'Mr.'Place’s state* mint,, was fall/ equal to any previously famished to us from oUur private works,. and superior in brillUney to the gas .supplied'b/ the oity.-® , ' - J - • Very rmpeetfulty, yours,; • , Pixsßcar, Bvexs, A Co. > Oul*D.Hoi?s* t 12,1860, Tb 4 prices of fee above materials vary in some degreb'in dUTerint seetiosß of the Union. At those at whlek tbey canhe here supplied, vis.: Rosin, $1 burtf?'Coke, soontaperbushel; Char ddbl f >n.eenti per bushel, the cost of the. “ Water ahoTe mkde, would be 40 cents per thou mm oabio feet)_exQlasire of labor, whtoh may be ertteftted from 10 cents down to o cents pir thou with the increase of quantity ma - have- iepeatadiy offend to ropply the city wcr)a .Irith'- grir eeuts per thoosand, aea nbifer xmngemeats that wopld give to the City Treahiqr peneet aeearUy agidsac lose, and to consumers an aoiolate certainty of being supplied with a light far more brilliant than that they how obtain, why have the Gas Trustee* refused to ac cept the offer t ■ flisHV O. Oabst, .. MAhVADUCB/MoOBB, > •- A. Hart, ~ Committee of the Keystone Gas Company.. PHiLibihlpHiA, November 13, 2830. V 4 Caiamity ut Buffalo. UMnnonon Horn, ik cur . PALOr-LOis or Lirn.- ’ has already anhounetd thede -Btrtetibn, bj flre, of tho Clarendon Hotel, lia; Buf falo. The Commercial Advertiser gives the fbl- Jowiflg fartfosUrs : •; 'We. Mb dillW apen to-day to ohroniole one of the most lamentable ooenrrenoes with which our dtrluis erer been visited. About half past twelve o’esoek last hight: the alarm of fire was sounded, ■ whisk vastoona to be the Clarendon Hotel, comer of Somth Division and Main streats. As near as we eaa.aeeertaia, from rumors that are afioat, the &n eauttt la tte kitchen pairt of the building, rcnaieg'beok te WaMlngton street, from what cause baa not yet bepa aaoertaioed. The wing on South DivUeu street, gad the adjoining buildings on Jfaia street, are eomparativeiy nnuiared, the ire been confined to the. hotel bnUding . prbp«r, os the comer, and that portion before men r| uoim si nuhu iuk ,to Washington street, used "•I,kitchen, bskfiy, washrooms, and as sleeping n * 'epartmsntS by tho smployees of tho hotel. Tke moat tbrriblo feature of the night’s disas fieri.’however, is the lose of human life/ two well ksMWWelHeena beibg among the lost. Hr. H. L. .Cktmberlrin, of the. firm of Howe A Chamber-' fiedn, oyster dealers, on Washington street, who hoarded «t the Clarcadon, and whose room was in the fifthetory, wes awakened too laic to make his escape by the ctairs, and in bis terror, as it is sop poetd'leapedlra kli window, on theMainitwot ridb, to the pavemebt below, l by which he was so borriWy ksangud that, having been removed to -Jla^bewa’ l .drag r store, he died, after lingering la awijpMkiMi/.agony «>r about half an hour. -R la pjrobable tlufr keUost bis presence of mind bseonseipMnicoOf exOitemectand terror: as be was.; spoken bs..ky .those below, and tola, Ur wait, e.j-faw.; momenU. and .a ladder would be raiaedby which hemlabt safely reach the ground. Two womeneaploykd la tho hotel, Bridget Uul dahey, eook, ind AnnJCeAulay, bbetfibermaid, are aieo aaMowp among the'lcst, as tfielr irieods, after diligent aeafoh and inquiry, bav« v be*n unable to discover any trace of -A\ voaun warnedVAlioeiWhite, also one of the < employeif) was;reioued by Robert Gatdner,'a»i*t-> vnbfbrtilsii of j agie,Hy» Company, No.. 2. In a lkcmd entitle tbatgenUernsnlo the / warmee? gratitude' of every friend of ' 6he r waVat' the window,pf, the resrportion of'lce twildlsgon Waging ton .'street, and Hr.'Gardner mounted a ladder wbtakhad been raised, and, ear rotxndtd by smoke and flame, Seised-the woman In <hfsgrise, I hid'kbf* her pkrt way down the ladder, where ke daHrered her Into the hands of Fin Mar *hai £bT«, and immediately returned Into the build tag in emfehof' another in the ho tel. We understand, however, that no other per son was discovered by him;'. - CITY ITEMS. John 8. (Sough, Esq.,, at the Academy of-Sasic East Evening. Mr. South doUvorcd hi, fourth lecture in Fhiltdol p,!» ties, hit return from Europe, et the Aead.m, of Muiieitet erenisr, before an inuneuM audience, euery Pert of the house herriut been densely filled eererv m nutes before the hour of oommenomt bid arrived, . Eev. Alfred Ceoktaen, ut intrednoint the lecturer . ennoonoed thet Mr. dour h’e eeormd leeture.in behllf of the Erse Mission School in.thesouthsm puff of the otty,»d«ld be deUMred in tbe'siine houeOba IJthrs dsy oveninf orthisnselr. . ■ - ' ,■ " Mr. South thenemus forward, and. in hit usual sknr,' tray' edinneaMdt'irbatvas' in ruany re' speculate of It!s very Mi elTnrts before a Eblhdelpbia audldnee. He eeidtbst since bis last appearance hare ho had spoken ahßrooblyn, Montreal, and elsewhere, so that as be nevar »ievered his lectures, it Tap possible that, he Bijtht repeat somethin, that he had aaidwhen here, before. This he hoped to avoid, tbouth, if ba should not suceerid.bstoohsonio comfort in thefaotthatre ■MHteahfhMbot alwhy ■ nnMceptable. H# had heard theta sistlo scar had been sunt three.hundred and Iweaty *i»ev o* ee iaaar ooreeontite aithta.iathe semeplsoe (* ianttesjent, end reeel * ed with repturues upplsnse every eirht. Taetitleof this ions he hetisved wes,’r Hop de doodte do.” And if thit eong could do tolerated wito somn'ch favor, three hundred and twen* ty aifhti, he thenrht ha miibt venture en occaelonat repot!bOn cfthe tame plea in behalf of the treat tern pereaeo refoeso. lecturer then' entered upon h's theme,- From Ills first illustration (to'reproduce its effects with pen sad inh would be Impossible) we learned that from the coroner's statsmset there are no leu than from a thoasmd to -fifteen hundred cescewhioh comeintothe oortmer'n heads every'yenr, m the citr yi London alone, the result of lutempennee; and that from eisbt to ten tßcupend deatht occur annialiT in that great metropolis from tbs earns cense. Eis next argument was intended , to prove that more depended upon aeeooiatioseend outward oiroumstaneu, ss to.whethsre ohild would grow op moral, than upon the dignity of It* birth, or the character of itaanocstrr, t laee, for exaaipse, a ehild, no matter how respeotable kin parentage, in the vicinity of Fourth and dhlppen streets, end ha would he likely to grow op a thlsf. Wo r Wee It ta be suppoeed tkat/esis only became drunkards. - The very oppoelte wse freouestlf- true. A case, wee ham ottad of aiaan Wkeh in UtO. was'a habitual dddier far dmnkerde in adraiaskop. He wes induced to sign the pledse. In’tShe was elected to Congreu, and in tdihhe weethe candrdete ’of. the' Democratic party for thoObvsrnorahlpof thisßtat*.. . . Tlsp (Million, .aharaetar of atrong'dtlhk in mSu- Saonig men to do whet under other sirooipstanoes they emuid not, was taken eg end dlgeueaed et length. The fotlowiag eeeeinkte own history was related) Hefoie tie deatk of ktk mother ke had never entered n thea tre For eocce time aitarwarda he heededhis sdvjee apvar to gstkerr.antil ouo evemag, inrthe eitr of Hew Vork, peanag by the •• Old Bowery,” hewn* inyiksd to go iato the pitbir hie comrade a. ~ He peremp-' taint, rafUged. They pereiated, offered to pay (or hie tiokotr aadeks tttb as emphktioelly deo'ined. Finally,' tommjßiMatiaa toiiMw aglneeef wiae, ha iKMedead eeUkim 11 fool," or anythias alee theeudienoe pleaeed, kk had *o aocaer tahm tie win. then he wu willing to yWdjto ttdir other rtgeeat. and then, for tko flnt ticha'ia kteocterid a theUie. Theiadu- Mmanreewer, in - thin earstion, wan' also priisslsi. .cTke ! :.etdd, pbtegmatio man—the kgso, lioßlaeo, oosesrhatlta .man. who, like the hanjd orgaii, ,grmns( out ,*k*. sigmk ttman .all hia lire (oknlaao dtdiekiry IV trapttriw moderation. Others thkiw. waro who. llkaa smiefsonld wok incessantly Stpperout offset upon thsm. dooh were, , asfyelem.aad were suehta would nuot i they had wot mot for years, and place ik Idw a dead Hah. instead of a human imporamsnts, m oouneotlonwith warm, work, in tkt main, tka candidates for tin .he.' • : ",, ' i ’■ , j; - Miriam tramnn wu prebahly Mvtr more tiathi (kilyorlkrißiugly depiotod by a man “olotbed and in kta ridl tiM " than tree Uu» korrid dlseaae by MK Qoagh laptavaßiw. One of the most graphiedramatle pietaru pysteoud ta tke lsotute. howevtr, wu a eom yatieencbetweea the raqierala drinker, going on in bin pleasure sueseesrusd, and a boat-load ot plsasnrp soekers, «r nldgara river, eoanng the rapids. . Bomb time ego, while riding ia the Care alongside of a river, ke bad eeked a . gentleman near bim wkat whs iiennam?- ,t lßagaia,.Siy,>» wuthe reply. Andbow fitr are we Cram the rapids,? - About a mila, sir.” And than they wars sUdras aloes the beaki of a smooth ssinJSed straam, and Uat withla butafewmomsnts nda of those tsrrldo reptds. Asd bow look kinder, (the speaker looking yaritutlytu if degornag some object ia:tke distance,)'a . party , of ga>, frohceome young men have Isnnebed lhrlr little hark upon the bUMi of that, placid-stream for a trip of sleasure- Their sails arc sst-evsry arrsoiemeut has been made tbrakalWaid delightfel sell, and ewey ther so. gee bowbeautrfnlly they gbda through the oelm .bltuiwa. ia fegigl. ifiask aafoss tka water,' - Ahoy!» and tka re wUnp guislnck, 1 ' What«it i”-[The speaker giving. . Uelitr]-'‘ The tapidk ereba-. -k>w!)f'' , Bat'thky'keed it not.’ Pliasure they heveset sail td Mvk,kad they are. bound to Have it; so, merrily siadiksiiod driijting.attd laughing, on they go. Atd tint I ‘“ u "“ voie* ** tiafV' ftttd, the rearpoui* koc« ate ue&Tjog ih« tavlds BattfcevwMtttTote*i»«tlUdiBre»ard<(i. Th*r “know. wlMl lhneM” f «t# fullr 9fe»»red for: .feel)ihemMWt9 ‘Vw*bl* ot iZßfrt mm*t WUhoM *B9 «ooh Msiit&i.ce ?’ and kjbntrVoa tief ifOv Bft.-awfr yiifJ tbe raytds I’’ And now, oh, Godl—Cleokloß tho embodim«nt’'bflSfeef delyslTl^-firto theoirs! Tull! pull! pull! till thfriblood-sluaaw hot from their nos tnlß.ano the veins on tiiMV brow* stand out like whip cords ; everr sinew ii pJitd in Mottr ol soul; but it is too late—they are drawing nearer and nearer those ra pids ; they arO lhbdtiorto isea»9 That now, as m very despair, death starei themjnt lh# faea-oursmy and blaspbsauiK, down they no over, the oateraot of death, as thousands are annually going down over the awfol prsoipioe.of intemperance., After thie, he savs us sbme.ideaof the mode in whioh he aethers the materials for his discourses. He had leotuied ninety-five nights in Rxeter Hall, London, and found’ it neceSsarr to resort to a reorhitihg for new illustration*. So, in company with several icotle- started out one sight on an exploring expe dition. tbC result of whioh was related, to the infinite amusement of the audience. His peroration,:-respecting the nreaohinc of God’s Word to the outcast poor in the benighted regions of our large oitles, wat striking and foroible. This he re garded as the verr essence of the Saviour’s last injunc tion, “ Go, prehoh the Gospel.” It wat not “ Conte to a oomfortable. fashionable ohuroh three tiroes on Sun day and. twice through the weekbut it was. Go, preaoh to the poor, who oannot pay pew rent and make a ll respeotable’’ appearanoe. He knew that it was not in all oases convenient for pastors to go but into tho lanes and alleys for this purpose; but he would not give muoh for any minister of the Gospel who did not heart ily favor this movement, anti make it a point to train up some of his laymen to go preaoh in his stead. MHKTIN9 OF THB PfIILADBLPItIA ChABSIS Dp THE RxvoßMno Bticit CmrscE, to take aotion upon the call extended to the Rev. George ,W. Smiley, of Louis ville, Ky., to become the Pastor of the First Reformed Dutch Churoh in this city.—The aotion of the Classis which convened at the First Reformed Dutch Churoh, corner of Seventh acd Spring Garden streets, yesterday morning, the proceedings of whioh we here append, was looked.fbrward to with peonlmr interest ami oven anxiety, as involving the acceptance or refection of the Rev, George W. Smiley, lately called from the pastor ship of a Methodist Episcopal church in Kentucky, to become the pastor of the First Reformed Dutch Churoh in this citr. Mr. Smiley has been elected pastor of this ohuroh by a majority of the voting members of the con gregation there being,however. a large minority who oppose the practical secession of the congregation from the reoogeised doctrines end standards of the Reformed Dutch Churoh, whioh the aoeeptanoe of a non-oonform ing minister would necessarily Involve. In view of this* several members of the Consistory signed the “call 1 made to Mr. Smiley, under protestsand for this reason, it was said, by an excited individual in the audience, whom th* chairman was obliged to eall to order for re peated interruptions that Mr. Smiley would not make his appearance before Clavsis. This intimation was the ocoasioaof mnoh disappointment to those who had come to witness the examination, bolh sides bring anxious to hear the candidate’s views upon the doe trines to which every minister, on entering the Dutoh Churoh. is obliged to subsoribe, ' For muoh of the following report we are indebted to the minutes of the seorstary s ' Ciassis met In tpeoial session in the lecture room of the First R. D. Church, Philadelphia, Tuesday, No vember IS, 1840. at 11 A. M. Opened with prayer by the President. Officers: Rev.A.O.Halsey,D. D.»Pre sident ; Rev. 3. F. Berg, D D.. Clerk, pro tern. Members present: North anil Southampton. A. O. Halsey. Mn Craven, A. W. Knowiton, and Gilliam Cornell; 'First Church. Philadelphia, H. A. Bower; fieoond Church. J. F. Berg and G. R. Peddle t Third Churoh, Wm. J. R, Taylor and D. *. Jones; Mana yunk Church, W, Fulton and W. Turner; also C, Waok j itotffeftu SynodtStßenjaroin C,Taylor, P.D., of Cloesis of Bergen. . President stated the object of the meeting— I via: to act upon a call made upon Rav.'George W. Smiley, to beoome the pastor of-the First Ref. D. Church of Phi ladelphia. V Aitlcle 9 of the Rules of the Denomination, apper taining to •‘calls,” waakere read by the Clerk. Aoallwas presented by the Elder from the First R D. Church, upon Rev. G. W. Smiley to beoome pastor of said church. The eall was read and found in order. Portionsof the Constitution of the Kef. D. Church and of the Rales of the General Synod relating to the re ception of minister* from other ohurches, were also wad. .. ; After the reading of the above articles, the President matured if the .Rev. My* Smiley was present. Mr. 'Smiley did not appear, and it was stated that he would not be present with tbs C la* sis. ■ Th*‘ report of the 1 Committee onDoctri&ewasthen read, accepted, and adopted : the ayes and nays being called, every member voted in the affirmative. The minute* of the Consistory in relation to the c&m were read, pursuant to a request made for that purpose, and it appeared that the call was accompanied with a remonstrance against the action of the trustees calling the Rev. Hr. Smiley to be their pastor. In view of all the facts of the case, the Oiassis ap pointed a committee to prepare a minute in relation to them. Iks oommittes consisted of Revs, J.F. Berg, D. D„ W. Fulton, Mr. Knowiton, and .Riders Cornell and - During the abeenoe of this committee, by request of the president, the Rev, Dr* Taylor, of New York, made an address to the audience, stating, oleariy and forci bly, the duties devolving upon Clssris in. this and simi lar emergencies,' and referring, with muoh feeling, to the former connection of his parents and himself with 1 his ohuroh, when it was located in Crown street. The ooromittee then returned and reported the fol lowing ; 3 In view of the fioUm the ease, vis.: the rejection of certain doctrines of the Churoh before the committee, by Mr. Smilsy, and his refusal to appear before the Classu for examination, your committee recommend that the Claseii deolare the eleotion of George W. Smi ley null and void, and direct the Conaißtory to proceed to oall a pastor, in accordance with the rules and con stitution of the Reformed Dutoh Churoh, as though no oall had been made’upon tbs Rev, George W, Smiley. They would also offer the following resolutions: JiMotasrf, That the Ciassis deplore th» necessity laid upon them of taking this aotion, but a regard to their vowa’as officers in the Churoh of Christ leaves them no alternative. ■ _' , 'Resolved, That the Ciassis Jurther call upon all the officers and members of the First Churoh to remember their common vows, and to be faithful to them, and that we commend them all to the grace of our Lord andfca viour, Jesus Christ. , Signed by the names of the committee. This report was unanimously adopted, in seotions, by Teas and nay*. On motion, the President then led the Ciassis in prayer, a large number of those present, of both sexes, manifesting their disapprobation of the proceedings by rising to their feet, passing engaging rin audi ble conversation while the venerable minister in the chair was engaged in solemn prayer. After reading the miauWs, the Stated Clerk was di rected to send a certified oopy of them to the'Coniistory sad Trustees," and to secure their publication. Ciassis appointed Rev. C. Collins, jr. f a supply for this ohuroh, on„tbia(Wedreaday levening, and Rev. J. F. Berg, D, D., ba Sunday next. Business Pbospscts.—Kotwithstandlog tae asiution which fanatics are striving lo keep alive, for their own parpoees, it is gratifying to find that our roer ohaott. who qtualir do the heaviest trade at this season of' the year, are now overwhelmed with baaim ss. One of the best evidences of this ftot may be had daily a t the oetebrated Paris Msntilla. Cloak, and Pur Bmpo riom. No. rOßChefitoat, of Messrs. J. W. irrootor & Co. Their exquisite cere style cloaks, in every variety of fashionable material, anil their superb Furs* imported and manufgbtorsd by themselves, present attractions' and priors, as well as styles and qualities. Which we believe to be uhequailed by any other establishment, No wonder that their salesrooms are attracting the wealth, fashion, and beauty of our oity. .' Bias Pmas ABD Hats—Messrs. Charles Oak ford & Sons,' Chestnut afreet, advertise their fresh stock of winter furs, hats, &0., io another ooluma. They have on hand t eta of the most expensive and luxurious furs, of all kinds, together with many varie tiesnot held at so high a figure. Those who would see what the latest fashions ia this kind of goods are. will be sureto asoertau by dropping in at Oakfords*. Pbxsidekt Jackson’s PbooijAhation against Tn* Nui)Lipmaß.—The present complication of public affairs causes much attention to be directed to the pro eldmation of Gen, Jaokson. in 1833. It is an able State paper, but has one defeot, which, however, coaid not bA otherwise, when the period at whioh it was promulgated is taken into consideration. The defeot to whioh we -refer is the omission to say anything concerning the ments of the elegant garments for gentlemen and youths made at the Brown-stone Clothing Hall of Rockbiil & Wilson, Nos. GOt and GO6 Chestnut street, above Sixth,'Philadelphia. A Bbautiful Ipka.—Away among the Alle ghenies there is a spring so small, that a single ox, m a summer’s day, could drain itdry. ltste&liitaunobtru five way among the hills, till it spreads' out into the beautiful Ohio. Thenoe it stretches out a thousand miles, leaving on its banka a hundred villages and cities and many a cultivated farm, and beariug on its bosom moTe than half a thousand steamboats. Then joining the-Mississippi, it stretohes away and away some twelve hundred miles more, till it falls into the emblem of eternity, the mighty ooean. An apt illustration of the great events aoenung from little causes, and the mighty results of the M one-price” system adopted by Granville Stokes, the great clothier and fashioner, 607 Chestnut street, who presents each purchaser with a valuable g in. , ... Something Niw.—Kerr’a Ventilating Sunlight Gasatier is now to be.seen in, Aev. R, a. Carden’s Ctmroh of the Intereeewr, Spring Garden, below Broad. The great advantage* of this apparatus are, that while it gives a soft universal light'all over the apartment, the heat is used to promote, and form a perfeot and thorough ventilation of the building, and at the game time ttse colt :is'beiow the old method of lighting it. it is applicable to every description of halls or pnblio plsces. - information oan be had at Arnold A Wilson’s, MWOhestnut street, or by ad dressing the patentee, W. Rsrr, PUtiburs, fa. SPECIAL NOTICES. ' Opelika, Alabama, November 6,1860 Mkssbspßvaks * Watson, ' Salamander Safe Manufacturers, Philadelphia, Fa. t GiNTtXMSNi We have had the have our store entirely burned down, and the Safe we pnr ehaMd from you, on the etta day of Match, IS®, baa prbved a perfect protection against fire. The books, .paper*, and everything contained within the Safe were preserved is a perfect condition, not a single paper being seorohed. Will you pie tee inform us on what Condition* you will send ns another Safe, of the same eifce, for our future use i ** Yours respectfully, HIGGINS to CALVERT* A large assortment of the above quality FIRE AND THIEF-PROOF SAFES always on hand and for sale a t EVANS k. WATSON’S SALAMANDER SAFE STORE, nolS-St No. 394 CAE6TMUT Street, Philadelphia. Dukases of the Blood are all caused by the disposition of the waste or worn-out parttoles of the Blood to the weakest portion of the body. Ail forms of Throat or Lung difficulties, aa well ee Catarrh, are as much a-scrofulous taint the. system as King’s Evil Balt Rheum, Cancers, Ulcere, Tumors, and kraptionc of various kinds. By taking J. R. Stafford’s IRON AND SULPHURPOWDKRB, whioh unite with the digetted food, aedentet with it into the formationof new brood, strengthening .and converting its wastes or worn-out partioles.into gases* whioh soinvlgorates the circulation m to expel all impurities from the system. The OLIVE TAR should be used in all cases as direoted on the label, or in a painphletwhich is sent free. See advertisement* Sold by all draggiets, and by DYOTX A CO. 232 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. no!2-t2a liluk’s New Cabinet Safe the. most elegant pieee.of furniture, and the only thoroughly jere and burglar proof Safe yet offered to housekeepers for the protection of Plate, Jewelry, Ao. Please examine a sample now at my depot. Tiff CHESTNUT Street, under Maaonio Hall, Philadelphia. M, C. SADLER* Agebt. •• ' noS-sAwtf . Saving Fund—National Safktt Taosr Company,—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. _ \ « RULES. L Money it received every day, and m any amount, argeor-smaU. - t. FIVk per CENT, interest is paid for money from the dayU is put in. •» The money is always paid back in GOLD whenever 4t 1* soiVAod without notice. 4. Mrmay from Executors, Adminiftra tors, other Tnutees, in large or small long or short period. Jt from Depositors £s invested in »)Lbil«ag*«, Ghrand Rents, and Other first oiaMieosmittU'. i •' oo.fe*? *??•'• FUlkdelrtis, ,»i, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA* WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1860. Haib Dye ! Uaik Dtk !!—Batchelor's LIQUID HAIR DYE is the original ami best tn (Ac marlel. All other.‘art inord italtotion., and should bs avoidsd if you wait to ounapo ndtoulo. Splendid Blau* or beautiful fiaown instantaneously. Sold by all Drug gists everywhere. The genuine has the eienature of WILLIAM A. SATCHELOR upon a stool-plate en graving on four Bides of eaoh boa. Beware of Counterfeits. ■ Manufaotorv. 81 Barolar etreoti lato 235 Broadway, Kew York. CHARLES BATCHELOR, nod-ly Proprietor. Seamen's Saving Fund—Nomhwbbt ConNsa Second and Walnut STBBKTS.—Dcposttaro* oolved tn small and large amounts, from oil olaeses of the community, and allows interest at the rate of FI VE PKR CENT, per annum. Money may bo drawn br checks without loss of in terest. Offico open daily, from 9 until 5 o’oloolCfflnd on Mon day and Saturday until nine in tho evening, President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Seoretary, OKAS. M. MORRIS. Oab Prich Clotiiing. of tub Latest made m the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked In Plain Figure. Alt goads made to oraer warranted satis factory, Our ONE-PRICK system is striotly adhered to. A! 1 oce tli-tff.br *.roT.tcd alike. *c23-1y JOA'ICH k no.. «Q-t MAJUCKT fitroet. Ghoykr & Bakbr’a Cklfuratrd NOISELESS SEWING MAOUINEB The Best in Use for Family Sewing, No. V3O CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia- auB7-ly Salamander Fire-Proof Safes. —A very argo assortmontof SALAMANDERS for ssleatrea aonablo prices, No. Cili-.STNOT St., Philadelphia, *n*S (' * WATBON, All should not fail to road tho adver t r.ement of Prof, WOOD in to-dar s paper. aud-tf Oahd Printing, Best and Odeai-ebt in tho City, at 34 Bouth THIRD Struct. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Host and Cheapest in tho City, at 34 «o»th THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Choapcst In tho City, at 34 Soiith'l'HlßD Stroot. 11 ANII-131M, PRINTING, Bent and Choapontin th City, Ut 34 South THIRD Sttcet, PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, ol the most superior quality, at tho mo«t reasohable rates, at RINOWALT A BROWN’S, Drsxel’s DutMins, 34 South THIRD Street. e«»tf ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Ul* TO 12 O’CLOCK LABT NIGHT. GIRARD HOUSE—N. E. corner Ninth and Chestnut, J Bonovard,(Boston Chas J Coney,Philadelphia Thos OHutoninson, Hula >ndwßobinson,Baltimore Wm K>ox, Virginia H Rogers, Texas Jos McDonald Ns v York Chas Cooper. Troy, N Y C Knan, Now Jeraev John Ward. Pennsylvania Miss Ward, Pennsylvania Mr Rutherford (c la, Mon’l Mies Rutherford, Montreal Miss Youne, Montreal Thorntonßroith. W Chester F< Gillett, Hartford*Conn W A Cathcirt- Harrisburg H S Abboy, Akron. Ohio W F Green & la, Now York Miss Green, New York W L Readmont. New York J T Cluo, New York Ii ft Clarke & wr, New York W H Comstook & wf, N Y J P Coohrar. & la. Delaware W k Coohran, Delaware Mr Bright & la. New York G G Hubbard. Boston W H Belcher, New York 811 Kennedy & wf, N Y Mies Kennedy, Now York D K Stout, Reading J F W Deiumger. Rending W R Hohertg, New York H D Crossraan, New York. * Untz. Baltimore C Greujioll, Now York Mrs Grennell, New York Wm D Reed,Baltimore hdw Mundy, Cuba John Houston, Lancaster John Young, Michigan wtv Htewart. Pittsburg Mrs Stewart, Pittsburg Miss Stewart,Pittsburg Wm Ross, New York J M Long, Lancaster H B Moore, Lewisiown Kdw wßliamson Ricb«»rdPoor RMoKeont wife.N York R F Wf»av«)r, PottsviHe C W Chapman 3c la. Penna Mrs Mitoholl &d. N York DPW MoMullon, N York Wm Rajmond. N Bedford 18looura, New Bedford M Avery, New Bodford H J-tewart A la.' New York W Wawey, New Jersey Miss Warner, New Jersey S B Ptillman & wf, N York Jus Daniels & dau, Petina Miss Daniels, / enna Miss Maxwell, Penna M H Calvort, Penna W Baker A dau. Albany Mr Stevona. Lancaster W.C Hubbard, Chicago Benjamin Bakor Wm Blanohard J A Citrnn, New Y'ork John R Mu try Beoj Collins, New York D Fabbricott & <l, N York John S&rnmts, New Jersey C ft Tyson, Pottsville CONTINENTAL HOTEL-Ninth and Chestnut streets, Jaa H Hoes. Chiosgo ‘ C It Kilsour, Cincinnati,O J H Bean, Jr, Boston Aaron AColter. Cincinnati R Joseph, Ft Leavenworth Dr MoComas, Virginia Edwft Boatohar, Penna HamlG Brown. New York HH Brown, New York Miss MC Godoy, Bath Maj Esilin, USM JII Ballaneine <sc wf, N J J P ftoffeokor k wf, Del K Hess & la, Baltimore J M Deman, New Orleans Dr Wycbam & wf, US N •' F Tompkins, N J J F Barrow, New York RevjLGMoKown&l.NY Robt Gibboney. Virginia O W Massey & la,Macon,Ga W A Master. Macon, Ga E J Massey* M D. Macon .Tames Duff,Texas JFThom New Orleans J O Lone 6c wf. New York N Adams, ftewburg. NY 0 8 Btcno, New York F D Raymond. Charleston Mrs Ray mend &oh. Ch’stn W Cheuneey & wf. N Y SEceymour, New York MrsO B «reen &2ob,N Y E Andrew A wf, Il'inois J J Fell, California KM Edwards Poston W B Whitney, Mass A Lockhart, St John C L Be&oh & wf, New York Airs T B Clay* Georgia Miss Clay. Georgia Miss Anne Clay, Georgia Miss Emma Clar, Georgia Habersham Chy. Georgia Joseph - lay, Georgia JW Moore, Savannah, Ga B W Will sms. WBshmgt’n T H Brott, New Y’ork AOHeaton. Maryland M Brown Ala, A Viokers, Eneland GHBdS’nm, England 8 H Fleetwood, Chicago Miss A Fleetwood. Chioa MrsO E Hosmer, Chicago Miss *l Hosmer. Chioago Miss x Hosmer, Chicago Jav Cook tc wife Mrs E Hurd W G Moorhoad, Jlookw'd W E Moofbpad. Rookwooil C Formes, New York J Fleming, Pittsburg W Hi*'hot, Toughkeepsio W T Bhafar, Chester oo H f» Bmyssr Sc 14. York F Rt&lltnan & la, York. Pa M VB Corvin, Illinois R Ball 2 neices, Ohio J B Hall & wf, Newport J B Fnsbie, California w Lynn Sc la, Penna RLSHaiLNewYok n *• Day & wf. Ohio ?G Day. Ohio A W B inner. Ohio D Bernd, New York J Potnoroy, New York R Nauer. New York J 8 Grahein, Rt Louis C Baker, Virginia H . k icpurney & la, Boston KH Hooper. Baltimore J MoDermoU, Louisville T A Jones As la, W» sbingt’n W ft Fry, New York Dr D Hall Sc la, Delaware LimtColLay USA Pavm’r Cunningham, IJbN R 8 Matthews, Baltimore 0 Hastings, CaHrornia ■ Jaa Brown, Conneotiou. W H Brown. Connecticut W A Cook, New York M Holly. New York HR Bulkier. New York D G tjshFman, Lancaster Geo Mayall, England Geo R Wood, England Lorenzo Niohole, N York Geo Hopson. Clinton oo Mrs Geo Hop«on. Pa Mrs Reese Sc da. 8 C Mrs Davis. Charleston,B C Mjas Wall*. Charleston S C Chas B Coffin. New York D Dennis- Massaolmiott* T R MoOonnell.New Vork Miss E Gehr, Chambersb’g Miss M L Gebr. Pa D O Gehr, Chambersbnrg W G Case & wf, Columbia W H Barney, Jr, Mobile W O Taylor. Boston John C Potter. Jr.-Boston F B White. Boston C W Cooke, Waterloo, NY K D Griswold, New York MrSobenter & la. Liverp’l ThopH Tilton. New York H A Clark,New Yoik C N Tyler. New York S A Button. Baltimore C L Perkins, New York B Brook Nyce. Baltimore Mrs J B Nyce, Balfmore Mr Viilalba, Washington Jno ft Brinton, W Chester AMERICAN st., above Fifth. Wm Gordon. Et Paul John N Pierce. Pittsburg J B Murtaujrh, Penn'a J Brown. Vienna. Md J Baumnn, Lancaster H Hinsdale, NtwJersey J F Smith A la, Reading Miss Smith, Read ng F Haines, Wcb6 Chester R F * ikon. West Chester DrF« J Records, N Jersoy O B Jenkins, Portsmouth Geo WP Coates. Raltiraore J Brown, Vienne. Md T B .Darraok, Delaware J Wnrne, Bohuylkiil co K Lonroneoker. Sbamokin P Doherty. Canada Geo W Ptewart A la. Boston Miss K L Stewart. Boston James Campbell, New York T B Brown, New York H B White, New York J H Boeraie.Maes John Drake, Easton Geo Ruddle. Mauoh Chunk G G Kerr, Newark Be! J H Bragden. New York J L Ferguson. New York Jna Johnson.. New York W P Bmo’d. Conuootiout J k B Austin, Virginia Thos (JFassett A la, Md \V Nolhod Maryland Jas O’Kane, CoHimhus. 0 II Mann, Columbus. 0 Mrs Wnggner, Bißlmnre Mis’! Waggner, Baltimore MERCHANTS* HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. Mrs W A WiHlnioe, t>a D W Moore A da, Pa JII Pntnam.MusaiohuseUs.Chas MoFadden, Latrobe F I auor. Heading V J RRend, Pittsburg FPoitz, Enston S Hitci'cook, Connecticut A J Young, Spring Mill Dr G W Kneay Sr, la, Pa Cbss L Green, Pittsburg J P Thompson, Pa J J Ayres. Willmmsp rt M Frot, Easton. Pa Gen W Lilly. Carbon cn, Pa S L Casey* Bradford. Pa D Frenoh. Maasaohuietts Msst H rackor, M.C)iunk Mrs E H Weiser, York. Pa T Franklin. Jr, Harrisburg J MaofarUn Plymouth R A Neal. Slatiagtcn 8 Trischet, New York l f Marburg, Now York D Bratton, f lkton, Md JONFB’ HOTEL—Chestnut etrect, ai>ovo Sixth. Thos Lambert, Washington R C Guerard. Savannah C G Mills. Savannah A G Guerard, Savannah Thos Morris, Reading TRAiilis, Savannah J H Blitz A wf. Elizsbelht’n J M Ireland, Marrlnnd EBoyes, Maryland Geo G Hail, Rhode Island M * MoCny, Baltimore Alf Thompson. N Jereey C W Nields, West Chester M D Howe, New York * Jns H Shekoll, Wash. D C Richard Smith, Wash. D C Sami MoElwee, Baltimore Jas Melville, Richmond,Va THE UNION—Arch street, aborc Third • J A Khaaon, Delaware n W Galentine, Indiana T Reber, Reading C F. Evans. Boston F Keffer, Reading, Pa Levi B Smith A wf, Pa John Kitrmiller, Pinegrove Henry Wile. Pinegrove J Christman, Ph&mxville W H Leas, Karsas Miss Haywood. Pittsburg W 8 Ci&Wson Ala N J John T Boyer, Tamaqua W Morteimer. Pottsvillo Col R Radohne, ‘l'amaqua ‘ Bcnj Heilner, Tamaqua Mrs Cummings. Tnmsqua Miss Heilner, Tamaqua 11 Guiterroan, Port Carbon H &. la, Pa Mrs Paster. New York R Williams A la. Brooklyn John P Hoff. Easton, Pa Jas L Whitaker, N J Oliver Tonsoy, Indianapolis BT. LOUIS HOTEL—OhsEtnutstreet, above Third. Jno A Hartley. Philadelphia LL Southard. New York A H Bossier. Wilm. I’el J Johnston. Chestnut Hill J R. Barrett. Springvalley. 0 Cha* Haeniger, New York W Burke, Virginia K B Pendleton, Virginia Miss CJu Pdgerton. Phila JW K Her, Lewisburg M W weed. New York R T Paine, Baltimore A Wabber. New York J£ Wix, New York W M Niooll, Wheeling, Va C Potter, Jr, Westerly,Rl C D Rockwell Scranton Pa Thos H Ciumard. Balt Cfaas Dnrant. Philadelphia Levi Latair. Philadelphia C Drew St Louis H A Craig, Maryland Geo Taylor, New York MT, VERNON HOTEL—Secpnd street, above Aroh J Miller, Wayne co, Penna A Bennett, Wayne co, Pa H Kellam, Wayne co. Pa J E Eldred, Pike oo,Pa E Lee Townscod. Del oo fl B Talraadge, Wayne co C Wilson, Honesdale, Pa Wm Long. Easton SS Adams Easton R Corkhuff, Lowisburg J P WiPwy,!Lumbervillo B Mitohel. Damascus Barton AngeU, Penna J J Spencer, Hawley, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. John B Smith, Plymouth W Kteenbias, Allentown Jo* A Moke, wilm, Del W Wfiolfndge.Bethleh’m B F Leroh. ARenjown W T BUuman, 00l 00. Pa John 8 MMler. MfllersviHe D T Rweings, Delaware O Moby. Schuylkill 00, Pa GeoWynkoop, Denver J Roraioh. Spruce Creek M Wondarlion, Harrisb’g T Hi’own „ Josiah bmith, Colon Pa W Peacock, Col co. Pa M K’eokner. New Berlin Chas Kleokner, Ashland W Eickle. Potfsvjlle J S Heimbaoh, New Berlin Miss Jl W Peters, N Berlin COMMERCIAL HOTEL-Sixth st., above Chestnut. C 8 Abbott, New York Wm Lverbart, W Chester J Riley, Reading C C Hainerman. Columbia Wm States, Bedford co J G Uioks. Chatham. Pa M Ponnock. Wilmmgion Rufus Wiley. York 00. Pa D K Wiley* York 00, Pa S Ponnock, Pennsylvania Kastburn Lloyd. Penna J N Benjamin A son. Md J D Sharpley. Cheater oo E Martin, Doe Run, Pa M A Bertolet, Reading J Brooks, Jr, Delaware oo J M Clark, Lanoaato'- co 1* N Hoffman. Franklin co H MoCioud, Hartford, Conn C C Harlan, Columbia BARLEY SHEAF—Second atreet, below Vino. PH Matthew*, New Jersey R Sncdskor, Trenton, N J Wm H Barncn. Wvoming W Russell, lunkhannock Allen Russell, TunVhonnock ’1 bos P Parry A la. Pa Joho 0 Serna, Doylestuwn Edw Lancaster, Phila Frank Taylor. Newtown Aaron W l owis. Pa Geo Fowler. Attleboro Mra E Newbold, Pa G MflA« A sister, Bucks oo Theo Wellman. Bucks oo Wm Wilson, New Jersoy Geo Pickering, Bucks oo Rev Dr Steel. Pa . , Jos B Simpson, Buoka oo Joa Robbins. Pennstlvania David Jarrett* Monts co John M Soholfiold, Phila BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callewbill. John C Rue, Pennsylvania Job Hawk. Monroo oo D Christman, Carbon oo John Geiger, Pennsylvania F Keper, Pennsylvania Jm» G Wink, White Hall NO vanderslioe. Phoenix’e 8 Diehl. Allentown 8 C Boeder. Bneksco Mraßoeder, Bucks co J 6 Bohall, Northampton co Miss Romig- Allentown G A Happ, Doyiestown C Kleokner.Kleoknersvi’lo B G Roberts, Guakertown R A Stoughten, Milton C It Lehr. Easton. Pa Mrs Young A 2 ch. Pa Jos Brendlo, htouohsburg M B Lmton, Buoks 00, Pa MERCHANTS’ HOUSE-Third street, ab. Callowhill Geo W Stem. Easton V Hilbura, Easton H Bitting, Allontown Jna Btllzer.Juniata Jv Unangst, Pennsylvauia /. M TwAddell. N Y'ork N Metzger, Allentown D Albright. Reading J Beidleman A la. Penna K A Leinbaoh, Reading Arndt,Pennsylvania Isaao Fees, Snydor co Cilia Kratnm, ftiiltcu 0 C MoCoiunck, Milton BLACK BEAR HOTEL —Third st, above Collowhill. A Gish, Bernville * i> R Annleton, Hnoka co Henrr 8 Borer. Olncv Chas Finney, Hartsvitle w m Hamer, Pennaburg Chas Harper, Jenkintown Chas Levan, Pncetown A Buokmnn, Penna Geo Armstrong. Jenkint’n Jno H Rice, Wellington Kline, Penna Jacob Hult. Suninejtown Mrs Finney. Hartsvitle Jas Black, Pontwvlyania Jacob K Niel, Earlvil 6 Jacob Boyer, isumorßville Geo Robb, Pennsburg STATES UNlON—Market atreet, above Sixth. Rev 8 Aughey, Cheater co Faml GraybiU, York, Pa Geo rrowman. Lanoa»ter N Milton. Pa J Hollnpeter. Watsontywn A 11 W Croieh, Pittsburg Alf L Hughes, Philadelphia A Townsend. Jr, Lano co Wm H Sprout, Lane co A M Pettit, VSctst Cheater CLemaus FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second street, above Market. AKH&b, Mttford.Delawaio A N Hall, Milford, Del J A Wolfe. Georgetowui DelK E MiHpr, Galena, Md E Lynch, Delaware JYerkos, Montgomery oo J H Boone, Delaware R Townsend, Delaware Dr H M Rawlins, Chester co N K Lynch, Delaware MARINE INTELLIGENCE BEE FOURTH ARRIVED. , , , Bohr J G Babcook, Baboookt 0 days from Boston, in bnl* lasttoßßOoraon.&Oo. Bohr h&rah Lavlnin, Conwell. l day from Cnnuiedi Dol.withoorntoJas'Lßewloy&Co. , . eobr A Manship. Morris, 3 day fiom Little Crffek, Dei» with grain to Jas L Bewldy A 00. /ILKAUKI). . Bohr J G Babcook, Babcock, Charlestown, R ft Corson Sc Co, Bohr Baltimore, Mayo, East Cambridge, do MEMORANDA. .. Steamship Delaware, Cannon, lor Philadelphia, old at New York yesterday. , Steamßhip Philadelphia Brown, from New Orlonns, via Havana, arrived at flew York yesterday, , Blnp Tonawanda, Julius, sailotl from Liverpool Win ult. for Philadelphia. 4 • * , , Ship Clyde. Perry, for Philadelphia, sailed from Li verpool 30th ult. . , . BiiipsJ Boyd,Thomas, Luorolia, Harding, and High* lanilor, Shoiman, cleared at flow York yesterday for , Stover, from Pensacola. Arrived at Mobile Bth inst. , . . Ship Minnesota, Dosltnn. for Liverpool, oleared at Mobile Bth inst, with 2620 bales of cotton, valued at $llO 608. , . Ship Crystal Palaoo, Arthur, for Melbourne, oloared at Boston 18th inst. .. _ .. Ship R L Lano, Bryor, for Now York, sailed from Li verpool 29th ult. i Brig flaw Era, Walker, for Havana, sailed from SwnnseaSOth ult. Brig Chas MiUer,Browor.forßrintol,L»witJitobao co. sailed from Richmond 12th inst. . Bohts B K Jonos, Jones, 8 W pondor, Dennin, Polly Prloe, Adams, Rover,no, Gandv, Nellin J), Btudams, Guiokstep. Rlohardion, John Collins, Predmoro, Wm Ithuark, ftnuark, Kadosh. Wlihamo, and hxpross,Ty ler, hence, arrived at Jtiehmond ISih mat. „ Mt Bohr Greenland, Bates,.hence, arrived at Savanllla Rohr Burrows C, Clark, fonco, arrived at Georgetown, Bohr l Comm&twer-in-ciilefr Martin, sailed from Now Bedford I2ihln»t. for Philadelphia. Brig Baltimore, Porter, lor i’ori an rrinoo.oiparod at Now York yostoiday. „ , . , . „ Bohr A Henderson, Crowell, henoe. arrived at Provi (lnnoe 12th insr, ; , Bohr W O Morshon, Cole, from Now Y ork, arrived at MobileBth inst. ~ , Bohr Hickman, fllekorson, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence J2lh inst, „ . . Bohr Trade Wind. Buxtor, for Barbadoos, cleared at flow York yoflterord&r. . , Bohr Kato Woaton, Adams, cleared at flaw York yes torday for yemorara, , ~ tilcamer* Bnrali, Jonos, Anthraoite. Jones, and Vu - can, Robmson, henoe, arrived at N York jeotorday. Propollers flovolty, Blinw, ami Concord, florman, old at flew York yostoxday lor Philadelphia. HOLMES’ HOLE, Novi), P M—Ar solus M Kinney, Ogior, Charleaton, for Uoatpn; M A Shropshire, ftftrop* shuo, Salem for Philadelphia. Bid sohr Tennessoo, lor Boston. . . _ , . 10th—Ar brigs Sarah Bernioe, , Boston for Phllad; Elmira, MoDonatd, Portland, for do; solus tunny, May hew, Alexandria for Boston; Lydia Ann A)ay, Baker, Philadelphia for do; A Hammond, Paine. Boston for Philadelphia; K i, Lewis, Wallace, Philadelphia for Balom. Returned, brigs Chao Heath. J M Sawyer. Wm fliok gls, and Daniel Boone; solus Forest, Tiger, RII Colson, Wm L Dayton, M BMahony, J Williamson, Jr, Damon, IsabollaTnompßon. Joa 8 Hewitt, Boston, Lizzio Maul, Paugaisstt, B E sharp, Rlo.Nu Harris. Union, John, Eldorado, Alort, Z Stratton, and Martha Hall. „ v aid solirs Hannah Grant, Eastorn Belle, end J F Cum mings. lltn—Ar sahrs Bolivar, Wallace, Philadelphia for Bos ton; Red Jacket, Payson, Jacksonville for-calem; Gallic T Chartre, Uhart'O Capo Ann for Philadelphia. Sid brig Cha« Heath; sohrs Al AShropahiro, it RHig gings, Benj Baker, A Hammond, ft W Wellington, T B Hodgmau 12th—Ar sohrs W G Bartlett, Conlor.and W G Auden rled, Dartlott. Philadelphia lor Boston; Peron. Clark, Elizahoihport for Balom; Rescue, PotiingtU, Philadel phia for do. Sid sohr Snllie T Chartre. I£ARIIIEI>. BALTER—KIfISEY.—On the 7th inst., by Alexander Henry, Esc., Mayor of this oity. aucerding to Friends’ ceremony. H. A. halter, Keq., of Philadelphia, to Pin ions Kinsey, daughter of Dr. John Kinsey, ol Chester oountyvPa. [Chester county papers will please copy.}* BUTJfi— At Elikabethlown, Lancaster to.. Pa., nn tho 13th instant, by Rov. William Laitssl Mr J- H. Batz to Miss Maggie, eldest daughter tf Kuk Few, Esa-. all of the above plaoe. * PARHaAI— FRVEH.—On the J2th instant, by Bov. Joseph fl. Konnard, Mr. Robert rarham, Jr., of Kansas, vo Mias Caddie A. Fryer, o! Philadelphia. * BHEWELL-BKER.HETT.-On Monday. 12th inst.. by Rev. Philip Brooks, Mr. L. R. Shewell, of Phila delphia t > Miss koseßkerrett, of London England.* HaH VIE—MYKKB-—Un the4th instant, by Rev. Mr. Hall, Mr. William T. Home to Mrs. Martha Myers. * K4HBR-KODENBOII.-On tho nt instant, by Itev. Wiiham H. Fries, George W. Fishor to Alms Amanda Rndsnboh, all of Verion Bauare, Pa. * BROnBOfI—BHAW.—On tbo Bth instant- at Consho liocken, by Rev. J. Lmdemuth, Mr. Henry Bronson to Miss Marr Ann Rhaw, alt of Lower Alerion. * Jp.BB—HOGAN.—On the 27th August last- by Rev. F. T. Cailhopper, Air. Bowers Joes to Altai Lydia Uogan, both of Camden. N. J. * ' GAW-tfIGLEMAN.-On the 28th Septembor, by Rev. J.Hyatt Smith, Mr. Gilbert C. Gaw to Mus Eliza beth Engfeman. all of this oity. * STRUUSK—GALANGBB.-At Chestnut Hill, on the 16th ultimo, by Rev. W, B. Tolan. Air. Anthony strouse to Mies Baean E. Galangor, all of the above placo. * ABRAHAMS—On tho 12th instant, Ebzaboth, relict of the late Moses Abrahams, in tho 79th year of her age. * ihe relatives and male Inemla of the family aro re spectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late rosidenoe. No. 653 North Twelfth street, to-morrow (Thursday) rooming, at 10 o’olook. ** MURPHY.—On tno 12ili instant, Mrs. Catherine Mur phy, aged 58 years. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 3323 Pearl street, to-morrow (Thursday) morning, at nine o’olook * * AR'IHUR.—On <be 12th instant, Mrs. Mary Arthur, m the 71st year of her age. funeral from the depot at Thirty-first and Market streets, this (Wednesday) morning «t 12 o’c’ook. * CASEY.— l On the 12th instant, Mary Casey, aged ii yours. Fucorol friira the residence of her mother, Mrs. Alary Casey, flo 1337 Christian street, this ( Wednesday) morning, at 12 o’olook. * DEflflkY.—On thollth instant, at Frnnkford. John, son of Bamuel and Margaret Deney, aged « years and 3 months. Funeral from the residence of his parents, corner of Orthodox and Washington streets, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o’olook. * DITTERLINE,—On tho nth mstant, Anna Eliza beth, daughter of Charles W. Dittcrline, in tho 3d year of her age. Funeral from tbo residence of hor grandfather, 813 Thompson street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o olook. * FLOYD.—On the 12th instant, Rosanna Floyd, agodGG years. Funeral from tho residence of her husband, * o. 1108 Milton street, below Christian, taisf Wednesday)morn ing, at Sit o’clook. * BCO IT.- On tho 10th instant, Mrs. Lydia Bryan Boott, need 23 years. Funeral from the residenoe of Mr. Enoch T. Bsker, Navy street, Front street Detow Wharton, this (Wed nesday) afternoon. at 3 o’olook.* CHAMBERS.—On the 12th instant, Bolen L., daugh ter of Ann Eliza and the late Thomas Chambers, in the 6ih year of her age. * COBU.—On the 10th instant, at Now Orleans, William D. Coob. of Philadelphia, in tho 50th year of his ace. WELSH,—On tbollth instant, M».iUohM Wotah.an the 92d year of her age. jgLAOK DRESS f>OODS.—A large stock Cashmeres, Bombazine Alpaoas* Merinoes. Mohair Lustres, Armure Cashmeres, Satin da Chines, Velour Reps, Ammalinei, Velour Ottomans, Figured Poplins, Bnmtmzinea, Irish Poplins, Tnmioes, Gros Gram Silks, MouinolihPS, Poult de Boies, Reps Anglais, KngbSh Silks, Paramattas, Patent Boiled Silks, &o. BESSON A BON. Mourning Store, No, 918 Chestnut street. rv-s=» THE DEDICATORY SERVICES OF LkiJ the new house of worship ereoted by the Wal nut-street Presbyterian Church, will be held in the edi fioo (Walnut street, near Fortieth, West Philadelphia), on THURSDAY next, November 15th, at73f P. JVt. The sermon will be delivered b; the Rev. Samuel H. Cox, D. D. nol4 2c* ryvy=» GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH.—The l>. ? power-press on whioh this paprr is printed breke down, yesterday, while the edition for this week was being worked ofi. Subscribers not reooivmg their papers at tho usual time will ba supplied nt the earliest period. U* 0=» DOST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. PA., , m , Novkmbfb 13th, IBM , tpeciftl Notice is hereby given, thit Letters deposited in »ne United states iiettor Boxes, for the Mails, must tarlt Of. pre-paid by a One Cent Stamp for collection, in addition to the regular postage ; otherwise, under the instructions of the Postmaster General, they will be held for pontage. Asa largo number ofloltors are received daily at this Omoo without such pro paymont, the public are again notified that such letters are invariably dotoined Dr lay, trouble, end expense will bo avoided by complying with the regulation of the Department noli Ct N. B. BROWNE, Postmaster. ry"3=* DEPARTMENT OF SURVEYS, OF tL$ KICK OF CHIEF ENGINEER AND SUR- VbYOfl. PniLADBLrntA.Nov. 5,1869. NOTICE —Duplicate plans of tho revised lines of tho Intersection 39th. WILLIAM and FILBERT Streets, in the Twontr-fourth Ward, arc now prepared and deposited for publio inspection at the office of HAML. L.BMEDLEY, rurveyor and Regulator of the Eleventh Purvey District, and at the office of this De- Sartment. City Buildiog, FIFTH Street. hMow WAL IUT; and the BOARD OF. SURVEYORB have ap pointed MONDAY, the 19th day of November, IBM, at 11 o’clock A. M..to consider any objections that may be urged thereto by aoy «itizen ii.terested therein. BTHICKLAND KNEABS, nol9-mwg3t Chief Engineer and Surveyor. (Y3=» PEOPLE’S LITERARY INSTITUTE. IkJ? The 'hightb Course of Leotur»e will be opened atUONCEWT HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, November 22d, by Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER, To bo followed by Rov. E. W. Chapin, D.D November 27th. Hon N P.Banks.. Deoomber6th. George Wm. Curtis, Esq—- Deoetnber l.Vh. Barard Taylor,Esq-.-. December 20th. Hon. Charles Sumner Deoember 27th. Rev. B shop Simpson, D. D January 3d. Rev. H. Ward Beooher .January 10th. Rev. R.fl.Storra* D-D. —.— January 17th. Rev. H. Ward fleeoher..... * January 24th. _Tiokets for the course of Ten J ooturoo for sale at HAZARD’S,7tf4 OMESfWUTStreet. Admitting one person...- S®oo “ Gentleman and lady 3 26 , ** Gentleman and two ladies 4.00 Single tiokets, 25 oents. nol3-t2J THE FIItST FREN C II BAPTIST ILS CHURCH *—►•niLADELpHi*. November, i 860.— t(TALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN -Tho Fronoh Baptise Union Mission of the City of Philadelphia contmenoed its operations on the Ist ol May. 186 D, among the Romanists of this city, having held their meetings at different hails in the city untilthe present tim*. Unable to find a suitable place to continue the work, we find it necessary to but d ourselves a small Chapel, that we may continue this great •work. The cost of this Chapel will not exceed twenty-fivo hun dred dollars, wo hero :j ask our friends to help us in tho work. To this end wo, the Board of Managers of the abovo Mission, have authorized our Missionary Colporteur, Rev. G. ALORD. to travel, lecture and so licit aid m behalf of this object. And wo commend him to the sympathizers of the cause. All donations can be forwarded to the hands of Rev. JAMSB H. CUTHBKKT, 1703 SUMMER Stroet, and Rev. J. W. BMITH, 514_SouthTENTHStreet. nol3-2t Ts=*Pintadeu'hia exchange com- UJ? PANY, Ootobor 31. 1860. The Managers have this day deolared a Dividend of TWO DOLLAR f* per share on tho Capital Btook of the Company, payable to the Stockholders or their legal re presentatives, by the Superintendent, at the Exchange, on and after the 18th 0? NOVEMBER. Tho transfer books will bo olosod until that date. no2-fmwt!s rFs* OFFICE HESTONVILLE. MANTUA. IL3 AND PAIRMOUN V PABBENGER RAILWAY COMPANY—HestonviliLe, Nov. 12>h. IS6O —A special meeting of the Stockholders of tho Heatonviilo. Mantua and PairiLount Passongor Railway Company will be he'd at the Oflioe of the Company, at Heamnville, on WEDNESDAY next, Novombcr'On. ftt 4o t clook,for the purpose of taking into consideration the issue of a now Mortgage) covering tbo franchises of the road. no!3 21 P. D. WHINING, Seo’y. ryr» FESTIVAL. THE LADIES OF TA IL? BARNACLE M. F.SCUUROH will holda Fes tival at Handel and Haydn Bail,corner K(GH > H and SPRING GARDEN Btreets, on THURSDAY EVE NING next.’lsth inat., at 7H o'clock.. Addresses bj Revs. JoHN CHAMBERS. G. W. SMILE*. D.W. BARTINE, and J. H. LIGHTBOURNE. Muric, Re freshments. &o. Ti n ket» 60 cents. nol3 Bt* rvy» HARRISON LITERARY INSTITUTE* I\3 -FIFTH ANNUAL, Qi'W RBB._ 6FKN(N(i"L/ECTURE BY OEOnGE D. PREWTIOK, Esq., Editor of (he T-nmsvillo Journal, AT NATIONAL HALL. „„„ MARKET Street, above TWELFTH, On TUESDAY EVENING, November 20. Subjpotr— M Foliilcs ontl .Politicians of the United Staten.” Tiokots 25 cents. Tickots Admitting a gentlomnn and two ladies. 60 oenta. To be had at Hazard’*. 724 Chestnut; Bowei’s, Sixth and Vine ; Snowden’s, Fourth snd Noble, Gaut« Volk mar’sOOS Chestnut; Stokes, Frsnkford road and Co lumbia avenue; Brown’*. Ninth and Chestnut, and at tho door on the evening of the Leoturo. noi3-7t rv-s=» GOUOH’S LECTURES-ACAIJEMY OF |J3 MUBIO, MOVKMBKK. ISthand Hth.— The.Res Office of the Academy will bo open on and after MON DAY, from9to4p’ohok, for the salo of the l remaining Reserved Heats in the Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Ba'aonr. Prioe6ocents.' . . _ , .... The remaining Htuge and estra SeaUwillne aMd nt MARTI N’fS, 600 OHBBTNUT Street. Tioltetoror vnreterved Seats oan lie hart at tho Academy, Martien’s, and at the Tract House, PriooJs oonts. not, tt rv-^ - 'BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP, NO'. !L3 YtiMBF.R 6. ISCO.— The Direotora have do olafed a .Dividend or FOUR PER OENT. on the Cap]- tal Stook for the last six months, payable on demand, Ql no7-trfai6t to JAME 3 RUSSELL. Cashier. POT 1 OFFICE l’ E N « L Yli VANIA RAIL road ooM?Am.^ mK i 7 im tal Stock of the Company, olearor State tax, payable on and after NOVEMBER 18, 1865. ._ f Powers of Attorney for collection of Dividends can bo had on application at the Office of the Company, Wo. 238 South THIRD Street. THOS, T. FIRTH, oo!8-tdel Treasurer. OF COMMERCE, FIIILADEL- November 6, IBGQ. • , • Jno Board pf Directors have this day declared a SUrSFftftt'iS*. no7-wfmot ’■ . .Cashier, fry- MECHANICS? : ■* . >. WInQAJIIi, Jr„aMhier. nrg" SOUTHWAUK DANK, ■ *r, PttiLktixLPWA,November s, !Bt»- ii» n ti o ,f! 0 ¥ 9, 10 1?. 1 ? Ay.? thisdsy declared adivi nn!l nfl ' r F. P. BTERL. Cashier, fO 3 " w g, RARD BANK, riULADELI’IUA, !ivJ^t b .«.i ov «? n^?r ®i 1800.—The Directors have this day MlflfT r“ W v ld'M "t THRKu, AND A HACK PER .hi ini !. Il " t -•** monthn. pn.,nlilo on nnd after 11 “?„!? ‘ l, 1 ?"*-. froo of otnto 'lux. 1 07 -” 11 ? W, L. BOHUFFEJt, Cashier. rrr\.JYJ«T , !RN BANK OP I-HILADEI ihr i, IHI a. November 8, 1880.—The Directors nf this u?/i» nte “ lll! day declared a Dividend of FIVE in» BNr, » payable on ana after the Wtlunst. G. M, TROUTMAN, Cashier. tflf“ EXCHANGE BANK, PHILA -4U-.HtiPHIA, November fi, JBBo.—Tha Directors IKSJiin i ny doolnroil nUlvldonil of THREE PER .it r..’ on y IH o.pllnl etoolr. paynbio on the lflth inctnnt, nD S .?. r ofhthto tux. "° 7 JW J, W. TORREy, Cnnhior, n / 3 = "./:t ) .? ,; ' , EnC'fAl. HANK OF 1-ENNSYL- Wi-?n„Y A , n I A r I ,IuI 'ADKL.PtI I A, November 6,180).- J h ihi °* this day iloolared asnnii- Divit, eni! of THREE AND ONE-HALF PER t V/h paj ft ' )lo 0,1 demand, o'osr of Btato tax. Ilo7 ' .. _ «. C. PALMER. Cashier. drV^? An -MKUB» AND MECHANICS' HANK, \},3 PiiiLADxi.i'niA, October 5,1800. , The Anftual Election for Director* will be hold at the UaMuijx-Hoiise. on AIONDAY. thd nineteenth day of floyembor noxt. between tho hours of 0 o’olook A. M. jpil 8 o'olnolc P, M„ and on TUKBDAY, the «ixth day of floyembor next, a general meeting of the Stockholders, will bo hold at the BankJng-llmise.at lo’olock P, M., agreeably to the oharior. 008-atnol9 W. RU6HTON, Jn„ Cashier, BANK, PIIILADEL . PHIA. October 0. 1880.—The annual eleotion for ECTORSwIII be hold at the Banking House on muNDAY, the 19th day of NOVEMBER NEXT, bo- the hours oflOo’olooK A. M. nndSo’oiook P.M. Tho annual meeting of STOCKHOLDERS will be hj'id at lhe same plaoe on TUESDAY, the (Jthday of NOVEMBER NEXT, at 12o’otooK M. oolt-dtoolg F. P. STEEL. Cashier. OP THK commissioners OF TILE SINKING FUND. TniIASUItY DBPAETMHJtT, l M , Harriiburg, October 24,1880. \ flotloo is hereby given, that sealed proposals for the sale of nil or any part of one hundrod thousand dollars of the five per rent, loans of the - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, will bo received at the Treasury De partment. in the oity of Harrisburg, until fl n’o*ohk, P. M.;of TUeBDAY, THE 20th DAY OF NOVEMBER, a. D. 1880, tho same tn set forth tho amount offered, and thej?rioo asked. To be addressed. "Commission ers of Sinking Fund, HrvrrlsbuTg, Pa.,’’ endorsed "Pro posals to soli State Loans.” The b'ds will bo opened and allotments mode to the lowest biddors on that day. . WM. M. HIESTBR, Seo’y Comw’th, PM BLIFER,Btate Treasurer, THOS. E, COpHttAN. And. Gan. 0c27-tno2o Coramtafiionera of Blnkias Fund, NEW I’UBMCATIONS. JJENKY WARD BEEOUEK ON THE FIIESIDENTIAIi ELECTION! The'great Sermon, in whioh this distinguished Preaohor gives his views of tbo moral value of the eleo tion of Mr. Linooln to tho Presidency, nnd will appear in full iu this week’s issue of THE INDEPENDENT. This well-known Weokly Newspaper, published inNew York, Will bo on tho News-stands, in this City, on FRIDAY MORNING, containing a verbatim Phonographic report of this admirable discourse, whioh everybody ought to rood who had any interest In the recent contest, or who has any interest in tho coneequenoeswhich arotofol ow from it. The Sermon was proaohed on Bunday Evening last, to a dense and crowded audience, and held their breath less attention for an hoar and ft half. The text was the words: ' l The CAtWrrn of Issachar, whuh were men who had understanding of the times, to know tohat Israel ought to do,” Mr. Beeoher said, “The 81XTHOFNOVEMBER, 1960, will hereafter take rank with the Landing of the Pilgrims and tho Declaration of Independence; they ere all links in that Golden Chain by whioh God is mea suring time and bounding the eras of the world’a pro gress.” In this Sormon, Mr. Boccher gives his opinion of the Despotism of the Plantation and what is to become of it. Ho depiots the progress of Emancipation in tho Bor der Slavo States; Remakes a graphic allusion to John Quinoy Adams and Joshua K. Giddmgs He criticises the Mexican War, the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise, the Kansas Outrages,and the Drcd Scott Dsoision; He gives his view of the oliaracter and standing of William Lloyd Garrison; He tells what ho thinks will come of the threatened Southern Secession; He gives his opiuim of Abraham Lincoln, as an honest man, and on incorruptible administrator of the Government; Ho gives some sound advice ns to what patriotic and liberty-loving men should do to maintain thoviotory which they have achieved. THE INDEPENDENT Contains every week a completo Sermon by Rev. Henry Ward Beeehor, revised by himself. Those Sermons are oopy righted, And appear in no other journal. Among the regular contributors to the INDEPEN DENT nw Mrs. HorriotDeechor Btowe. Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett 2J owning, Horace Greeley, John &. ‘Whittier. Bayard Taj lor. Bov. Dr. Cheerer, Grace Greenwood. Roy, Theodore L. Cuyler, Rev. Dr. Tyng* James Russell Lowell, William Page, (the distinguished artistJ Edna Doau Prootor, William M. Evarts, William Allen But ler. Charles L. Brace, Rev. R, M. Hatfield, John Bige low, of the Now York Evening Post , and others. Th® Editors are Rev. Leonard Baccfo, D. D., of New Harfen | Rev, It, B.Storrs, D.D.,or Brooklyn i Rev.J, P. Thompson, D.D., of New. York ; Rev. Joshua Leavitt* D. D., of Brooklyn, and lhoodore Tilton, Esq. As an inducement to subscribe to this valuable jour nal, any person who will send to the ofiioe the names of three new subscribers with the-money (two dollars a year each, or sue dollars for the thrre subscriptions,) he will -be presented with a handsome copy of WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY, Pictorial Edition, containing 1,600 engraved illustra tions. The price of this Dictionary at tlio bookstores is of itself $G.£O. Bat here is an opportunity of getting three copies of THE INDEPENDENT for a year, and Webster's Dictionary besides, all for Six Dollars. Please order a specimen oopy of the paper, ■which wilj bo sent to your address free of oost. Knolopo jour subsonplions, and address your letters to JOSICPH 11. RICHARDS, Publieber, noi4-3t No. 5 BEEKMAN Street, New York. J£BADY AND FOR S iLE « THE BRIDLE ON THE HEART. 5 * nr TOM WAHH SMITH. In whioh the author labors to direct the stamina of the country to that proper standard of social equili brium. br which alone the land mar expect to foster patriotism or perpetuate libertr. For sale by James barber. no!s*2t* SECOND and CHESTNUT, MoELKOYW OITY DIRECTORY, 1861. l*i—The general Canvass having been comploted, persons having removed since the Ist of October last arc requested to notifr the compilor without dolay. The Canvassers are now engaged inoorroating the Business psrt of the Directory. Those wishing tn nave extra headings, or their names put m caps, wilt please make arrangements with the‘’auvossfirs. The Subscription to the Directory. including J?ust nes.t Classification, is $2 60, payaole on delivery, about the Ist of January, 1861. _ ~ A. MoELROY, Compiler, no!3-2t if 33 South SIXTH Street, second floor. BOOK BUYERS.—Gentlemen: I hayo taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 410 CHESTNUT Btreet, where f will oontfnue to buy and sell (os I have heretofore done at the Custom house Avenue Book-stand) old and new Law and Mis cellaneous Books. I have for sale upwards of 100 old black-letter Books printed prior to the year 1499. Also, a copy of Erasmus on the New Testament, a vols., 4to, printed in 1643. Price 930. I will also deal in hpgravinge and Autographs. Persons at adistanoe wishing to sell Books. wilMesoribe their names, dates, sizes, bindings* conditions, and pnoes. Pamphlet Daws oi Pennsyl vania, and old Books upon America wanted., . «a6-6n) JOHN CAMPBELL. ANNOUNCEMENT to the ladies. DISCOUNT FOR CASH 5 PER CENT. , Consumers purchasing at• our Retail Counters will henceforth bo allowed tho same deduction ns store keepers. i PEil CT. DISCOUNT ON CASH PURCHASES. TRTMMINGB. ZEPHYRS. LACKS. RIBBONS, SKIRTS. CORSETS. NETS. SHAWL-BOKDERB, Ac. Citv Railway Fares to our Establishment will be am ply repaid by the inducements wo oiler m price, va net,, quality, ana ,uant S . MAxwRLL Af<tnt//«et«r/ng and Importing Establishment, Southeast corner Eleventh and Chestnut. Prepaid goods sent by Mail or Express*, noli wthAsSt £ _ SOMETHING NEW.—KERR'S VENTI- K?LATING SUNLIGHT GABA LIER, is now to be 8f on in Rev. R. A. Carden’s Churohof the Intercessor, Spring Garden, below Broad Sc. Hie great advantages of this appnratuß arc, that while it gives a soft, universal light nil over the apartment, the heat is used to promote and lorm a perfect and thorough ventilation of tne building, and at name time the cost is below the qld method ot lighting, it is applicable to evory description of rooms or pub ioplaces. Further information oanbo had at ARNOLDS WILSON’S, tOIOCHKBTNUT Street, or bv addressing tho patentee, J« W. KERR, PITTS BURG, Piu nol4-lm*-»d Wj'.JD-BURNT AND MARBLE LIME, Calcined Plaster. Plastering Hair, White Sand, and Cement. Orders by mail for chipping oromptly attended to. Southeast corner NINTH aua COATES* F nS» Vhta ’ It. MoINNES. JUZi Y IST, 1860. NBW FIRMS AND CHANGES MERCHANTS IN WANT OF BLANK BOOKS oan bo supplied from a very superior assortment made from Linen stock, or mode to order. WAHSANTED AT LOW PRICBO. MURPHY A SON’S NEW STORE. Stationers, Lithographers, and Letter-Press Printers SIGX-OP tfla LEDGER, No. 339 CHESTNUT Street. jpl BW-tf jJiAMILY FLOUR, MADE FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT* O. HU MATTSON, S. W.oor. ARGH and TENTH ntroot-«. gHOTWELL'S SWEET CIDER, MADE EXPRESSLY FOR OUR BALEB. Tho first invoioe of this CELEBRATED CIDER Just roooivdil. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IB FINE GS-HOUFKIEH. 0031-tf Comer ELEVENTH and VINE Btroala, RETAIL DRY GOODS. ELEGANT CLOAKS. SAOQ.UEB. BASQUES. PALETOTS. THE MOST SUPERB ASSORTMENT TO BB FOUND IN THK CITF. ADD AT MODERATE PRICES. imported and manufactured FROM FINEST LYONS VELVETS, FINE RIBBED CASTORS, IMPERIAL DOESKINS, And an infinite variety of FANCY CLOAKINGS. FRENOH AND ENGLISH PRODUCTIONS, Too multifarious to enumerate. J. W. PROCTOR ft CO.. THE PARIS MANTILLA, OLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM, NO. 708 CHESTNUT STREET. no3-tf E. L. FOURTH AND ARCH. PLACE FOR SHAWLS, PLACE FOR CLOAKS, PLACE FOR SILKS, PLACE FOR MERINOES, PLACE FOR POPLINS, PLACE FOR DE LAINES, PLACE FOR BLANKETS, PLACE FOR CLOTHS, PLACE FOR NAPKINS, PLACE FOR SHEETINGS, PLAGE FOR PIANO COVERS, PLACE FOR EVERYTHING. 0029-mwa tf 3,000 yards DOUBLE WIDTH SILK POPLINS. AT THE VERY LOW PRICE or 75 CENTS PER YARD. THOS. W. EVANS & CO , Nos. 818 and 840 CHESTNUT STREET. no!3-3t c. & c. ON FRIDAY, NOV. 10th, no3*tf GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. E. & F. ESHLEMAN & FLETCHER 800 ilf«a«i NUMBER EIGHT HUNDRED. s. w. c. e. & c. Means SOUTHWEST CORNER EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. LINES TO E. A L. Some iren originate, While others imitate. ALTOSETHEB. Aliflns THE NEW CRAVAT AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNIt- HING -STORE. NOW OPEN. With a stook comprising all the Latest Styles and Manufactures. THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY, CRAVATS, BHIRTB, SCARFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, TIES, GLOVES, COLLARS. MEN'S HOSE, HOSIERY, BOYS’ GLOVES, UNDERSHIRTS, BOYS’ HOSE, DRAWERS, POCKET HDKFB, MUFFLERS, (Linen and Silk.) Shirts mads to ohdbr, G FOH ®9 AND UPWARDS. No. 800 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. noll-etuth3m Fine shirt manufactory.—Tho subscriber would invite special attention to bis IMPROVED CUT OF BHIRTH, known as the most perfeot fitting made. On hand, and made to order at shortestnotioe. WHOLESALE TRADE SUPPLIED. Also, an extensive assortment of GENT’S FURNISH ING GOODS, of his own importation. J. W. SCOTT, Bid CHESTNUT Street. 0c25 Four doors below the “Continental hotel.” IVOIIOE TO GENTLEMEN !—The beat i* assortment of SHIRT BOSOMS ever offered for sale in the olty of Philadelphia, comprising Prince of WaLs. Imperial, Abrabam Lincoln, & 0., Upright Plaits, Dim Plaits, and Cross Plaits, some containing three hundred plaits. CHARLES ADAMS & SON, nolQ-tf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets WATCHES ANI) JEWELRY. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., 823 CHESTNUT ST, IMPORT AND MANUFACTURE FINE WATCHES, RICH DIAMOND AND ALL OTHER JEWELRY, MANTEL CLOCKS AND BRONZES, STERLING SILVER-WARE, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PLATED GOODS. PARIS ARTICLES, FANS, OPERA-GLASSES, &c„ Thoprinoipal part of our stook is entirely now at » MODERATE FIXED PRICES, An Examination will entail no obligation to pur chase. nol tjal-if JCs FINE WATCHES, of tho most ap- Jfctaj Proved mokeis; Jewelry of every description, ***"■ Bilver-waro equal to coin; also. Plated-ware of tho £est quality, at G. RUSSELL'S, 22 North SIXTH Street. Js, SCARF-PINS, STUDS, and SLEEVE- Alar BUTTONS.—A large assortment of Carbuncle, •““"Coral, Lava, and htrusoan GoldSoarf-piDß.at G. RUSSKLL’B, 0c29-lm 22 North SIXTH Street. gUTLER HOUSE, No. IX2 SOUTH SIXTH. Street, Opposite Independence Square. Conducted on the European plan. Aooesaible at all hours. A. R. LUKENS, Proprietor. TW E N T Y-F O UK SMALL PHOTO GRAPHS, suitable for Visiting Cards, for 91.80. Amhrotypes and Photographs, all sizes and pnoes, at REIMEu’S Photographic Gallery, 917 North BECOND Btreet, abovo Green. no!3-2t* bm MISSES O’BRYAN, 914 CHESTNUT vbmL Ftrect, above Ninth, will open Paris Millinery, for the Winter, on Thursday. Nov. 8,3360. n7-lm* Ladies.— a large lot of chil dren’s CLOTH ING selling at great sacrifice to oiosethe business. 909 CHEHlNUTatreet. no9-6t* ZUMEA ! AZUMEA l AZUMEA ! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA PROF. MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Manur.ioturei) aoleljr at No. 69 North FOURTH Bryant. and for aate by Qyooaya lCr.araUy. Babbitt metal—babbitt metal -BABBITT METAL. Mslnl-BnbMu Metal, fabblit Metal-Babbitt Metal-Babbitt Metal. Manufactured and for sale by JOS. w. BAKER, noio-lt* Back of B*l North SECONDBtreet. W^NTS. MTANTED—By a thorough experienced engagement with a firtt-oUss Dry- Bouee, aiifitr in Philadelphia or New p Undoubtedreference 1 4 Jjf! y heuw* in noU-wwSt** Confidence,” Frets office. WANTED—A PARTNER, with from . 7 Th/ B .® to Four Thooiand'Dollars in cash, in a buameesthatwillnayfiOpercent., andisaU cash.Ad drew " a, L. R,, ,r Pre?s office., nel3-8t« WANTED ' -By A YOUNG MAN, a ." % SITUATIONaa Book-keeper, Has a praetioal knowledge of tbeDrtlg business, and of the manufac ture of nne obemtodU.,. Would be willing to make htm eelf generally useful (u above capacities. Best of re iejrenceS. 'Address “j, S., 1 " Press office. nol3-2t* TyANTED—BY AN EXPERIENCED *. Insurance Adjuster, a situation as Secretary 2u!_- * n en Insurance Company. Best of testimo ” no!2 S* n ’ A(sdreB * “ Adjuster," at this office, » W A^ TED ~ BX AN experienced; JnhlMn, m™?. 001 * 1 Packer, a situation in a Dr,-Good, iho bel? I‘ort 1 ‘ ort0 <' »na Feober. Can fnrni.h !co. Afl’drosa “i A .ft‘2”,! wWoattons, honest,. g.Q. aonross JAMES,’’ oflioe of this taper, nia-ct* 'J-P 'RENT—By a good tenant,; hor.ee, «*■*.»»»: ISfANTED An activo business man, * V having $7,000 to .*910.000, to take the otart* ni *. retinng partner in an established MsrcanSle paying a net profit of without risk Ad dress this office, with real name, nol tf $3 50QWANTED-And a good, active responsible man. to take exclusive P barge ol a light, respectable manufacturing business in Philadelphia. Profits good; demand unlimited. Ad dress " Mead," Th « Press office. n033-3t* S7 K WILL BE PAID FOR A CON dootorship on any of the City ' Passenger nis-ft**’ AddreM “ rob ERT,” office of The Press. FOR SALE AM) TO LET; a FOR SALE —The very desirable four story Dwelling. No ?57 South SEVENTEENTH ctreet; threo-story back buildings: lot 19bv200; large parlor and dining roam, trice Q9.n», of whioh 88,000 can remain. Apply to ALLEN ft SIMS, Beal* state Brokers, rontheast corner FOURTH and WALNUT, No. 3, Second Floor. noli-St* mFOR RENT.—Part of a House, on' Chestnut street, to let. Fart of the rent taken out inboard, if desired. Inquire at ALLKN’e Stationery and Perfumery Store, No 4 1024 CHmSTiMUT Stnl3-2t» m LARD-OIL FACTORY.—To rent, a |BL LARD-OIL FACTORY with Si Patent Lever Presses, with Plates, Bags, Tubs, Kettles, Tanks; all incomplete order. Apply to , ROWLEY, ABHBURKER, tc OOy 004 No, 16 SOUTH WHARVES. FOR SALE—A Store, with Dwelling attached, and Lot of ground, situate on GER. maNTOWN Avenue,corner of ARMAT Street, Ger mantown* near Railroad depot. The premises have lately been oooapied by a tailor and draper, doing an excellent business, and is suitable for either the milli nery. >or tailering business. The improvements are nearly new* and substantially built; have all the modern oonvemenoet of water and gas. One-half or more of the purchase money can remain on the premises if de sired. Apply to J. KING. 0031-ws4t* Conveyancer, Germantown. OFFICE TO RENT.—Furnished. $2 per 5°A k v,%fe 3 - Second story, F. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. Apply stl o’cloolr. nol4*3t* CIIRST FLOOR AND BASEMENT OF -*• Store No. 41 North THIRD Street, below ARCH, to let from first,of the year. Apply on the premises. n9-gt* TO CHAIR AND CABINETMAKERS The Phcenjx Wood-Bending Company, owners of " Blanchard’s Patent.” fof the Btates of New York. New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland, will sell oounty, town, or shop rights, or grant bcenses to use, on easy terms This is the only patent, All infringers will be stnotlr dealt with. Apply to JOHN BILSBY, or O. A. BURGESS, No. 34 BROADWAY, New York! 004-d3m IjiOß EXCHANGE.—A CHOICE TRACT of good unimproved farm land m the State of New Jersey, convenient to the city, will bo exchanged for Apply at No. 118 FEDERAL Street, MISSOURI LAND II „ 600,000 Acres for Sale and entry, at prices ranging fremUXto 60cents ier Acre, in any quantities re- TAaES paid, and PATENTS proonr»d for pnroha eersof Land under the Graduation AoL Plats furnished gratis by enclosing a postage stamp For farther information applyto WILSON, RAWLINGS & CO,. V. 8. and General Land Agents, L 64 CHESTNUT Street, Between THlßD||d FOURTH, y LAND WARRANTS bought,sold, and located oo2-8m BOARDING. TIOARDING.—A few Boarders can be -*-f accommodated with pleasant rooms, with private bath, Ac., at 152» WALNUT Street oo!4-3t* Furnished room, with or with ent Board, at No. 880 WALNUESt >j<d3-6t* BOARDING. —A Widower having two small children is desirous of procuring perma nent boarding in a respectable private family where good care will be givesiHp his children. Liberal price will be paid. Addressy/Ohio," office of The Press . noH-tt* TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN WISH TO seonre good Boarding m a centrsl location. Ad* dreM "T. and 8..” offioe of this paver.,.-- n!2-3t» THIRST-CLASS BOARDING, with hand- A some oommonioating and single Rooms, at 1417 LOCUftT Street- 0018-lm* FURS. LADIES’ FUKB OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE CITY, UNDER THE CONTINENTAL, Consisting of Rnest DARK SABLE, HUDSON BAY MARTEN, MINK SABLE, VERY DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, VERY EXTRA FINE CHINCHILLA, 4c., &c„ Made on the premises expressly for our rales, into TALMAS, HAIF CAPES, MUFFS, and Ail manufactured and without dTe, and will be sold very low for o&ah. CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, NOS. 826 AND 828 CHFSTNUT STREET. aoU it gLEG-ANT FURS. The aubEonbers have now open * THB MOST EXTENBIVE AND SUPERB COLLECTION LADIES’ FURS TO BE FOUND IN THE OITY FINEST HUDSON BAY SABLE, RUSSIAN SABLE, MINK MARTEN, BEAUTIFUL CHINCHILLA, ROYAL ERMINE, FINEST BARK SIBERIAN SQ.UIRREL, FITCH MARTEN, STONE MARTEN, THE PREVAILING STYLES, WARRANTED GENUINE. J W. PROOTOR & GO. 709 CHESTNUT BTREET. F ADIES’ FANCY FURS. RJ JOHN FARLIRA, 718 ARCH Street,, below Eighth, has now in store, of his own importation and manufacture, a very large and beautiful assortment of all the different kinds and qualities of fancy FURS for Ladies and Children that will bo worn during the com mg season, at manufacturers’s prices, nolt itr fJHOMAS THOMPSON. SON. & GO., IMPORTERB AND JOBBERS OF CABINET-MAKERS’ MATERIALS, 938 SOUTH SECOND BTREET. ay Brooatelia, plushes, Reps, Damasks, and every description of Furniture and Curtain Goods, eetf-Jm SHOEMAKER & Co.. GLASS, I’AINTS, f OILS, ANfl VARNISHESjT? Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE ay23»6m m SINGLE AND DOUBLE HAND AND POWER CORN-SHEIiLERB of the very best quality. Price from $8 to 820. Warranted. IWanufso turedandforsaleby D. LANURRTH & SON, Implement and Seod Warehouse, It* Dios. Hi and 23 South SIXTH St.. MESS MACKEREL-63 bbls., 57 half IfX bbls., 74 quarter bids, and 1W kitta jNo,! Mess Mackerel, of a ohoioe quabtr. »n atore andiinding* lor No. iteMXIW ROSIN, PITCH, and TAR.—I,7OO bbls. Rosin, all grades; 250 do. Pitch, large size y 76 bbls. No. Ui South Wharves- »012 ffj a OASDb uf bEED IEAF TOBACCO* R WANBBW * CO. BAY RUM—For salo by WETHERILL & BROTHER, Nos. 47 and 40 Worth SEG6ND Street. ao“ fIONOERT HALL. for m&mm Su^^^Koss. “OVA'mNs"oF , LAUeHTER AND AFPDAUBK from delighted audfesoes. The unanimoiia verdict of the public prosoaseM is fcTOr Of OEORGE CHRISTY’S MINSTRELS, Under the persona! siipervisicn of , GEORGE CHRISTY, inconsequence of this. „ M OUT FLATTERING RECKPTION* G eorge Christy has (he nonor to announce that he hie postponed his departure < .. , . hGR ONE WEEK,. which will positively be hts last m Fniiadelphia, as he appears m Washington on Monday, Nov, 19th. AND EVERY EVENIN(I THIS WEEK, .. GEORGE CHRISTY’S Mammoth and brilliant troupe OF TWENTy-ONE FERFOKMEKS* Vocal, Instrumental, Fcoentrio, Characteristic, and Terpsichorean, admitted to be the • BtfiST EVER PRESENTED TO THE PUBLIC, Will appear,.in conjunction with the original and I„h„ GEOROE wOm. PRINCIPAL GE*IB OF ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY, CHARACTERISTICS OF NEGRO LfFE. AND BURLEBQUE ECCENTRICITIES. Front seats reserved for ladies and ladies accompa nied by gentlemen. Reserred seats can be seenredatthe BoxOffioednring tn® day, without extra charge Tioketa to all parts of ihe HaU, 25 Cents. „"Oorsopenat7©’clo,3k; to commence at 8. nol*-6t GRAND MATINEE ON SATURDAY AT t O^CLOCK. CONTINENTAL THEATRE, (Date National,) WALNUT Street, above Evhth THE GREAT AMERICAN 1 ' CONSOLIDATED „ _ „CIHCUB COMPANY, Posi tiasnAV SI S NIOH^™ONLy'' ? V^ tlt Hope,inolndin« his Basket Daboe.Ao. MATINEB. commeocmg at *K otolook. The doors open at half past 5 o'clock. Performance commences athalf past 7. 25 c f nts Fainiir Cirele Uo.; Secured BeatB can be Be °ur«d 3 days in advance. \%r ALNUT-STKEET THEATRE *®ted, the celebrated sensation drama {&1- Yo%?SVfu-K4>™ n /| i °>m;L«ra n d, Mr M°.« 6'JevSi?” J,ttT * 1 ' Mrs ' ela 4«ton3 i Cerieette, Previous to the'p'ay _ A POPULAR COMEDIETTA. at7o°"oS£? n^- 6 M ! g:S lo^J?;i rt °’ IM °”’ Mmmenoe & CLARKE’S AROH-ST. THIRD WEEK OF THtßD^NlGHT^oi^^^^^' _f, r P?J 1 . oet l important raaioratiom from the origi na.! X* xt » Scenery by Wiser, c irreot costumes, &o. Auer w/ioh, a grand baUet divertfsement, entitled „ _ , LA MaJA DEBBVIGLIa. Box-Book now open nntil Nov. 17. . ‘M'oDONOUGH’g OLYMPIC (Late GAl£> TIER. 1 RACE Street, below Third. „ WED XESDAY EVENING, Nov. H, The Performance will commence with - EUBTACHB BALDIN.THE CONDEMNED FELON. tf?*!'*, i 5, McDonough fig Eustache; Louise, Mr*, «?JS9L.Mr. Ellerton. COMiC SjNGING by IVlisa Winthrop and J. Seymour. To oonolnde with the beautiful n&utioal drama of w,,- *. BLACK-KYRD‘BUBaN. william, My. jjß, MoDonough; Gnatbrain,Mr. Jas. SIS! OI K/ J t?i ob w * -f* Cutter; Black-Eyed Susan, Miss Ebza Mitoheil. In rehearsal, TH E GLADIATOR OF RAVENNA. Doors open at 6?* o’clock; commenQing at 7% , Admission, 26 oeots; Family Circle, looenw. CANFOKD S OPERA HOUSE. ELEVENTH street M OPEN FOR This SEASON; NEWLY DECORaTET) ANDPAINTED. „ MR, SANFORD Has secured one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore, who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence at 7M» Admittance 26 cents. Children 13 dents. oeiMm f'URL TYOLFSOHN AND THEODORE V/ THOMAB’ FIHSTOL4.SSICAL SOIEEE _ W ill t*lc„ place on SATURDAY, tho 17tftNOVEMBEH, _ foyer of the'aca'demy OF MUSIC, SSSffiWiCT «F?lvs? »t the e r i ii e,„i Maeie Stores. not-7t To be baa on.evemn* at the door. fTEADQUAETERS, FRANKLIN FLACE.-FREB CONCERTS—CHAS. JEN KINS, in conjunction with an entire New Company codes. Dances, Ac. noH-gt CHADWICK & PEET, Sqp’ta. 4 TJASSUER’S ORCHESTRA.—Serenade and Military Band.—For enxaaemente. awly or .address MARK HABBLBR, Offloe ISOB LOCUST street. Or Hi&ako’s Aotdemy. BROAD Streets bilowWalaat* 'THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA give * their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every B.ITJR SAX\v 00 J?I? e T SB at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. 8 ticket*, $1; single ticket*, S» oents, for sals at Chickena* ition’s, 807 Chestnut street; Andre**. 1104 Chestnut Btrtset; and JBeok 4 Lawton’s, Chestnut street. ' Engagements for Conceits. Commencement*. Par ties, 4c., made only at their Offioe, ChicVeringA Ron's Hano Store, 807 Chestnat street; William nioll, 3M North Jumper street, or C. Droughmau, 1009 Kidu atenue. , - oeSl-tf PENN A. ACADEMY OF THEFINJI ARTS.—IO2B CHESTNUT Street* ..“CaiMBOWAZO» splSndi.l PiSSS* by Mignot. THE FIRST SIl/,”ftbeaatifnl.MarWeStatuetto by Angeluu. On exhibition for o short time. Visitors will please bring their opera glasses. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. | Having this day. associated JOSEPH L. RICHARDS with me in the Plan;bine end Gas-Fittmg .Business, we wi'l catrr on the same, under the nam*rf rorkRTcON 4 RICHARDS, at cur new store, @3i ARCH Street. . Thankful for past liberal patronage, I hope for a con tinuance ol the same. * _ , GEORGE W. ROBERTBOW. 'Philadblphii, Ootoberl. iB6O. Atorca, acd. Public Bttildin*a fitted up vita friumiiru, Gas-voik«&nd Fixtures in ft manner and at reesrmable rates. ROBERTSON & RICHARDS. 831 ARCH Street HfIUBPHY-WHTPPLE IRON BRIDGE. XIM. STONE. QUIGLEY. & BURTON, No. 333 WALNUT *TR££T. „ , x PHILADELPHIA, Beg leave.to inform Railroad Companies, and others interested .in bridge construction, that tber nave formed a.connection in business -with JOHN W. MURPHY, Civil Engineer, (author and inventorof the above well known plan of iron bridge,) and are preoared to execute orders, from any pvt of the oouutry, from his designs and personal superintendence All letters relating to plans and estimates should be addressed toJOHKW. MURPH Y. civil annoieer“ no!3-6m For STONE, QUIGLEY, A BURTON. »T*BE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY MAKES known that be has separated himself, the IBthof July, from tn© firm of M. GUGGENHEIM A CO- and the Ist of October from the firm of VANHORN. GUG GENHEIM & CO., and fas established himself in the same line of business: and is trading and manufactu ring under the firm and style of MORRIS MEYERS, MUFIEES, „.. 1213 North-THIRD Street, Manufacturer of Essence of Coffee, Shoe Blacking, Stove Polish, and Induo Blue. Would kindly aolioit tee patronage of his friends, customers. and pubho in gene ral. Promises to manufacture genuine articles, and sell to the lowest figures. no!3-3t* IVOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT I * the partnership heretofore existing between the subsenbore, under the firm of HAtiT, MONTGO MERY, Sc CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be setted bv ISAAC PUGH or WILLIAM CURRY, No. 109 fiotith FOUKTHStreet. WILLIAM HART, __ ALEX. J. MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM CURRY, ISAAC PUGH. _ PniLAjmLPUiA. Pept. 8. iB6O noB fltif yISITING TUTOR.—A GRADUATE OP ▼ Harvard College. Cambridge, will give private lea ' sous in Latin. Greek. Mathematics, and the higher Pnglish Branches, and will prepare boys to enter any plans in College. nol4-wfAm6t* INSTRUCTION IN SINGING.—Mr. LOOIB DELEURIE, Professor of Vootl Music, after the modern Italian methoa, has. removed to No. 703 SPRUCE fctreet. nolS-mwfft* HfIESDAMES UHEGARAY AND D’HER iYI VILLY respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have removed their Eoardingjand Day School for Young Ladies from Logan Sauare to rice. U9T and 1&29 SPRUCE Street. Pupils from five years of age upward prepared for the fourth olass. jyg-fim Bryant, stratton, & Fairbanks’ MERCANTILE COLLEGE, 8. E. corner SE VENTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—Day and Jewing Sessions. Individual itisiTuctian in Bookkeeping, in cluding. General Wholesale and Retail Business, ship ping, Forwarding-and Commission, Banking, fix ohange. Manufacturing, Railroading, fiteamboatmg* Ao.. the most MorowgA and practical oourse in the United states. Also, Leotuies, Commercial Calcula tions, Arithmetic. and the higher Mathematios, Pen manship (beat in the city), Correspondence, Ao. For sale, their new Treatise on Bookkeeping, beanti- in oolors, and the best work published. PENN INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST 008. NKR THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streats, re open. MONDAY, September Bd. Four more puplle PIANOS AND MUSIC. PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS !! iTffn PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONS, PIANO-FORTES. MELODEONB, Made by Raven, Baoon, A Co., Nunns A Clark,HaUett. Davis, A Co., and others. myl*-ly SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. ilfnitT STEINWAY & SON’S NEW PA FTFTTTtENT OVER-BTRING GRAND PIANOS, SQUARE. GRAND. AND SQUARE PIAItfOS, now preferred in conoerts and in private circles by the best performers. Received the first premiums over the best makers, from judges like Gottsohalk. Mason, and others. Challenge all competition. BLABIU* R ROTHES 8, dfl-ly 1006 CHESTNUT Street. RHEUMATISM. SMEDLEY’S INFALLIBLE REMEDY effects cures when all others fail. See certificates. Office, 819 FILBERT street. ocJO-swßtif* ORIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP.—On© pound of whioh will do as muoh washing, smd do it better than three of common rosin soap; clothes need no boiling nor rubbing on a wash.boara. Over 100.000 families are now constantly using it. * We guarantee it to give s&tisfectiqn, or return the money. AU reapeota bleSroocr. tia.von or “ aI “' THAIN & McKE ONE. anTS-wsiftf 29 and 24 South wharves CAU T J 0 N—ORIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP—Encouraged by the grdlft and merited sue oess of this article, several unprincipled makers have closely imitated it in appearanoe oaly, and we feel it our duty to notify the public that none is genuine, ex oept our name is stamped on eaoh bar. au»-w«l2t *VAN HAGEN A McKEONB. - tX AY ANA CIGARS.—A fresh assortment from Bmr MoCl.bahan.Joßt arrived, andfoe«tljlW.br. charlbs tete, l3O WALNUT Btrs.t. C U¥tWP? iJAVANA OIGARS, of the Uvvjvvv ttioit celebratedtr&nds—vii,: Figaro,. Cabana, Bartsgae, ' Eepanola, Neptuno, Adoraoion, Blade Sea, Aoierto. Filantropaj C'lhoan, Ao., Jeo. Of all aizea and quality, on hand, and landing by re cent arrivals, and for sale low by CHARLES TETB, 130 WALNUT ft tract PINE OIL 50 bhls. Pino Oil, fresh dis tillid, in he»vj iron-bonnd KWlnujes. for •lupring. For nlejjy KOWLEY, ASHBUJUfEK, As CO„No, lSffSomli Wharvei. noli rsXWSIfTS. EDUCATIONAL, MEDICINAL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers