COUUIIOIU. - - Tke Money Market. , Mr. Gough at twt Aoadbht. of Music this _ ; pHn.Apju.FßiA, Nov. 12, iB6O. EvsNiNo.-Pereonswishlngtohearthis wonderfulora- There was a deoided ttnlo ia : the etook market to- tor on this* and Thursday evening next* will do well to w, making everything and evsrybody'oa Third street geoure their tickets early to day, as we underit&nd that took Was,' The Mki was early aflc&t that New York almost enough tickets have been already sold to fill the hedCelie* six, dollars a share* end Reading fell i AoadMiy on both evenings* an 1 the number sold will be torthrwitatoly*'&emwhiefc figure it had only rallied ‘ gtriotlylimitedto the Comfortable capacity of the house. ; renneyl?ania fives sold at 85, j it is not often that so nob an entertainment is afforded however? end Ciiy sixes dtio3 and 102#, and .the holder* our oltisensat so moderate a oost* and it is therefore or solid esesnties were not soared into any concessions ’ not surprising that they should embrace the opportuni ty B’noee.! l /;• ’ ■ -] ty when offered. There is little doubt that Mr. Gough Theftct- is inbrerMlly recognised that there is tod oould fill the Aoademy to overflowing a shore of nights mnoh capital in the country for of the in succession, i f his services could be seoured. sosaas of Utf, and, though the bank*refuse to discount Lab is s’ Shoes—'Where to qbt them in best foiaw>T«Mtoamn.'»lili th»lf «CTnrtome(l» l f l .bn»». g TYIII! ._MeM ra . Char!.. Oikfori 3s Son., under the . 11 r,6 f' l bo “. ,ht J*°?A® .[tee* “ l 8 Continental Hotel, are now selling themott peifeolli °f “Sf T ?' a * mode - , and neateet-fltlmg Parieian Ladies’ Shoes that '» V* o£ have ever been offered in thie market. Thoir oonnteis to ’ e * v * ro J regarding the futare may oro lined with oUatomera for them daily ■ also ior their exUun theraindeofcapiuhste-itoclyrnanifeslaitself and health-preserving Gum Boon. Tothose in adiaoreet and perhaps unusoa'ly oantione avoidanoe 0 f our reader, who may not be aware of the fact, wo may pa ?*' *u' i : douhtfu ' . etato that Mr. Charlea Onkford and all hi. sons are to be The bonk., «il« having continued their e.pansion. laimd at thcir , m this c«y, which ie beyond all pradenoe, and in .pile of repeated warning., raDKE TUK Ookxiii****,!. Hoihl. are eanseleuly endeavoring to strengthen their post- T , _ , „ __ w, MTBB tions by suddenly outtingeff their customers from the Ladibs and Childrbn a Fali* greater pert of the accommodation hitherto urged upon Hats and BoNNira.—The establishment, ynion above their acceptance. If they bring Upon themselves a run all others, offers the greatest inducements to puronnssrs for specie depositors, whom their own coarse will in this line, is that of Messrs. Lincoln, wood, & Nichols, havelkikatenedictohoardiog it until they see what is Wo* Chestnut street. Their largest, to come, they wi/l hardly receive more than their due* roost stylish, and varied to suit all ages ana tastes in the • 1 OFFICIAL RANK STATEMENT. oity, and their prioes are unusually moderate, their Re ‘wxxkx.y atxbaoks of TH* FHrLADXLrKiA bahks, lai * P r,oes being mainly no higher than those usually — ; ; .!■ oharged for the same goods by the quantity in less eh- Barkb. y.QANs. spßcix, tensive homes. Nov. «. Nut. IS. Nov. 6. Nov, 13. Tub Secession Movement-A Phocbaiiation PhlladaiohlA' sts iuvMv, am/m TZZfZvt by tux Psksjdknt.—We understand that Mr. Buchanan North Amerjw .SSrSs ™W4$ $ 4?6 4© *«!i® is about issuing a proclamation relative to the exciting gFarm '4 481,887 ttolstt 617,40 subject of Secession. Several meetings of the Ca -met BK9 1 "'- HSS-SSS 22>9S h»vo b«.n held, ond the ieeuingif Iho document hna W»::: l:sss» 3S£3 lOi'm b..n fin.Uy determined upon. The only «««“>{» »“• iwark.*.... 973.018 931.59 S 309,009 303 373 w»y»fthus far, is a difference of opinion aa to tne pro- Wffl/y.- 2H®O ■ 840.91, mar lK.m prioty of ueertieg in ,h« proolam.tion an invitation to ,SS iISIIS M all good oitiron., in all Motion., to purob... ihair win . 1.19c'77b 1;197.5P4 136.'0d5 1121,!, t.r garmanta at tba Hrown-atone Oiothmg Hall of Sjuiuwroa ,UlW> 68J,U8 191.M0 t 51,877 Jiookhill k Wilaon, No., 603 and 603 ChMtnut atreot, TiSmmb?'" *•*&'"& mr'm Ui'mi above Sizlh, where the mo«t varied and hplendid .took 'CoiuolidMioa*!! BCO.’ISo 496*339 69,09 82‘,006 * n thB Union of wearing apparel for gentlemen nnd Clty...„. 889,272 878,511 114,51!) 100,398 youth, will be round. SWtUIS Wo SftjfS 78,337 PftOToaSAPHIHo ms MeiSOßn.—Among the na- Uni0n..494,930 400,70 S 100,103 60,8 a merous useful applications of which Photography is oa r:~— ~~ ~ a':; pable, there ie one both novel and snraiing, which de — 37.364.6i9 4.187.907 4,011,945 B#rWg l>e reoo rded. Urgent private affairs deta ning " DxrosiTß. ctaccLATios. a oertain prince at Palermo, he could pot, as usual, pay HANSSf ■ w i, .„• TZ his annual visit lo'Pans this summer. ‘ But the Prinoe's L ov ' B> Wov>l2 - wardrobe required replemshinr, and with a now Nea ftktiadelphia.... fj,747,000 $1,889,000 9388,000 SSB.OOO poll ton dynasty came new fashions; the Prince was In SS fw a state of sartorial despair, till the happy thought oc~ Sftehaiua^, ~'934461 890 603 H9A6O 147!64fi inch to the foot, and to tend the proof to an eminent . 2§l*29S 25M52 JS?*S2 Parisian iailenr. The artist took his measure accord- Ke2uston" - ' mSo mSH m’sw ingly, and the Mlt Mi dulj made and forwarded to Pa- Pena Township '668887 . 654,6» 9,176 lermo The Prince, on receipt of his garments, tent a SMS §&i£ liliS 111992 letter to the tailor, in which he proclaims the fit to be Saw 4tfBU w’So 74*79 admirable. We would simply add, that this novel mode £irardL.~wVl*'v X,176A39 .StollU 34S 9T6 of doing things is not unknowir to the multitudinous 479,977 39,636 patroni of the “ one price ” fashionable Clothing Mart goyolidatlci,. }g’jw K 6.860 of Granville Stokes, No. 607 Chestnut street, who also Commonwealth , i”aS Pree~ e nts to each porohaser a valaablb gift. tf : msa ’SSI h A E,! ,f 11 7 r , I»W-Aw.y among the Alle _ ' ' ■ —— rhemes there fs a spring co small, that a single ox, in a T0ta1..C.M,733.8a 18,384,345 3,837.613 13A83.Q3 aoßimers day, could drain it dry. Itstsalsits unobtru * with those of previous weeks ®ive way among the hills, till it spreads out into the beautiful Ohio. Thence it stretohes out a thousand m 5. miles, leaving on its banks a hundred villages and cities* ~ - and many a cultivated farm, and bearing on its bosom more than half a thousand steamboats. Then joining the Mississippi, it stretches away and -away some twelve hundred miles more, till it falls into the emblem of eternity, the mighty ocean. Anaptiliastrationofthe great events aconung from little oauaes, and the mighty results of the *' one-price" system adopted by Granville Stokes, the great clothier and fashioner, 607 Chestnut street, who presents each purchaser with a valuable gif t. Th* ■>giiigM—66ajsre uJottevrav,' - Nov. 5. Nov. JJ. Coital BtoO*~ t)13».4» #J13»W5..1n0. 91311 ... 27360337 27.364 G69..De<>. 616,176 Specie... :j,, 4, W 367 4fi11, 943 Deo.lM<S4 1&2 &&!* 13»J»~De0.338,731 Bua toother flics.« 2 &MSrf 2,427,153. .Deo. 8» 474 W.fiSsM 193MJ45..De0,485,081 3387,613 3384tt.,1D0. 4,699 «_ . ttf __ keeps. Specie. Circulation. Deposits. V° t \T*J§2 , £?(]!?»4** ' 3371,494 . 3,141413 16,067788 feSStef'-'-l® B - i®S SiSiS fe3£Hl iff lip™ «ws jStVMiMKS' M6UN IS3S---30338 iSStfiS :■ ft SSBSB SSfi _ . 2T.~**9M314W 4.7964(2 , 2430368 15442383 ■MSWM Ja.snjw ?•—g«« u,iaau ~ «—~gi|g<W 4,7(1,631 8,80»,8S7 1&513.5M " m—.g.S3S ~sa.gB i,es7.«o immju Oot. 1 4,«itjtB3 i,«3S,MI M.SmSs • 8 *uu.*o 3-006 854 10,879,«3 " JS~—JMJWs* •- ~*si.seo 3 015.1J0D it)78e.93.i ~ 8? 4867,416 8,893,30. 90 8610,0 . 81,306.577 4,4)7,481 * 819,703 10 8)5,663 Hot. « W 860857 ' 4.167,587 8,837,613- 16 739JSS ‘lB PUS. M 3 4,011,043 8.88,818 16 Smlml The .sport, of .peeie from K e» York to foreign twit., * : «105384 m?lO»tir nNTttd. • • .^t. ..9 w,. 41,613.419 Totll'litOt jlQßttj Ut -. 941,603 743 «**• Um . la 18*..... 7.T-li:"fflgflS .. 33 636,114 — 29387.376 1W...W , 29.493,161 — 21768 066 19K ..>... T _..... 5,J55,9j0 The ibliowJi»£ j§ & statement of the transactions of the FhiUae’<phi* Clearing Home for the week ending Wot eraser lfli JW» as furnished by the manegert George E<A*4ud.£*4.: ' * CteftnoKM. ‘ Unlaaoe*. i-.j., 94,766,068 78 ' 9260 037 28 1,610,402 43 353,682 88 4JSMB6 43 l9aJS# 71 3 848,266 13 283,617 31 3JM.IBSI 173 230 21 3,865,306 86 237,643 04 !~r.:r.:z Philadelphia Btocj NovooKbe ■iPOSt*DBTB.3S,foi k TM4.I „ - ' , vi*9* i Psoas s#. as *0 MOO d 0..... jotif MOO do.* .....10*3 MOO Chioaxo CoaJ*.... W 4 1080 Citf R IMO Readinj &Os *Bs... 7#J< 108 do— 17C 106 do.._. jyv aee do. ~.lot*;<*aab J 7& BETWISfiJ 40 Stadia; Railroad..>.^. SECOND 8» Penat**,l..9s »gcito«t JM _ d0..*.. ..New.KM SFIMgStcSS -CMNPNG PUG* f KM 9S - B is U *BO in off.lD 81 34 vF Ponna S div off. 3sfa ttfi £eiuM&Mat«K so If or Cleon dv off if. 60 Bah Nar Imp 65.... , 83, «•. Philadelphia Markets. . Novxkibb 19-Bvenins. The Floor market ii very dell, end there i« no do msnd for exports. The letaileix and bakers srs abbot tbs onlybuyers at 9lS> asztW for superfine, 9e.7e0 t a for extra aad extra family, and :tSJ7X aad till for fancy broods, aocorttiny to quality. Holders are aeaeraUj free sellers of tba above rotas, tire Flour la dull at pus, and Corn Meal at 91M per bbl, Waxar.—The demand la. limited and prices favor the tapers, /bout s.c«g beseold at IXtolOo for common, ISOaIJSo fprsoodtoirlme red,and ItoaltSofor tool to prune Fauna and westem trhite. Rye selts alowli /££ %£!? i? 4 fcrDelaware. Corn isunset .3nt *9®® bps sold, partonSolnrday evenmx, at 09«70e for prime yellow afloat. T0«790 for white, and M*Mo,foraew. Oats are bat little inquired for, 9.000 bus prime flelaware so]d_at. M«c afloat, and soma Fenna at 91Xc.. 6,0 n tat Barley sold at 780 per bu>. N BaKX.-Unereitron iti wanted at $3B V ton for amt CoTTon.-HoMers. are Smio their views, but there is very little demand from mannfaotnrors and tba mar ket Is quiet. Gnocrniaii-jßelee are limited to email lota of Sneer end Coffee at about previous rates. Fnotnsroxn-Jtnw spell sales.of Bseonand Lard are mskissat steady prises, aad tba market is quiet. f stor.-Clo reraseilis scares and In demand at S93S •IJ7. -foehouse inTimothr or Flaxseed. , wmiiveonunaes dull at 99e for Pennsrlvam t. nxe bba.Uo for drndse, and 99e V gallon for Philadelphia Cattle Market. ~ Pmt*m?HTA* November tt, IN9. Th* market continue# very doll, and prices are about t*e came a* Jest quoted, witu veryj large receipts* reaching aboat 1878 bead. The following are the par ticulars of thS raise: S 9 fsaao Abrahams* Cheater county. 98419. 48 Johafiaadenoo* Virginia.®s. B 8 Mo&eaid A,Carr. Ohio. «7JoeB«a. 78 KimNe A Kirk. Chester county. 7®8,75. tt B.C. BaUwia* Cberterooooty, 97 SOOB^O. >9 S. Knxtf. Chester poenty, 97.00®8A>. 77 James MeriHea, Jr.»Chester county* 9SeBAO. SB P.Hathaw*y, Chaeterooanty*97BMo9. 80 7. fits Files* Cheater county. «BWe9* )7S (teehraaAJCeCla!l. Chester ao. and Y*„ 97.40et8.74. HO MqottexA Smith. Ohio. 97fi0e9. SH B.jffietnridtc, Virginia. SOo9M, _ 06 Fellfataer A Xiratr £3®4, «0 AttU A VoeUtoT* Ohio. 97®A»< - sterartoi “ u ?* ,r '® w »- i£MMrfar . it Buierao*. Ohio, *l6O *» k.okMW-phio, itmiM. u ». Daffy, Ohio, *l6O. flh#t* l aelliogatfrom 7«a90 V to erudition. _ ■ Cow.;— 110. Con apld&t tbo Avenue DroT.-y.rd, at from •» token* bmd.aa to gu'lfty. koaa.-§,lSimd of fioga .old, at V. O. ImtaofPe Drove-yard at fomn 87. W 0. 58.76 V 100 lb., net, aa to tnalitr. Market bri a*. 00* bud of Com Hoc. war. diaooaed or at the Avtane Drova-tart, by, Jamoa H. Reynold., or but own ehie maot. at from •SMSa.ft, and a anterior lot at 89 & 166 Sr, not. Market bulb, WeW York Stock Exchange-*Nov. 12. aaOOJID BOARD. . . MOOCBia l. 100 M 0 Reading R u Tra§£EmiaBJ<""‘ M foo MiohCenß.—S'* *»olllCentralßd« -._ MX 100 no ....MX DMMiohBBFd Bda.. 71 100 do....—alOMk mDO LsCAniLUS. 10 H*o do 01 • . 8t 100 MiohSANifiß. 14 • as so uo vsH U N YCea lU..tbH7S 4 10 do Mg W 4oA.T.r..i,v»H . soMiob BGuar stk. aui JttO do . W 6 HO do 110 31 feTSO do.^.aai^.v ; 7S .5* do ... SIM VO A,M,'HD.a.»Bh K» do. ...sIOSI #OO do *9O 70 )50 Panama JR MX ■mo do ••••Me I*K MO -d0... ....sJMMJe 100 •do - 7*j< M 0 111 Central R Sop. 80 460 Bns-Railroad *9 . too Gaf A Chi R..... 6IX K 0 ■ d07*j~.,.*».»., 400 M , do 61 lOHaJeom Airer Jt. 6OX M 0 Chi A Rook I.blS 6$ 890 <h>-..-...43®n - » d0..*... BtX mo Jio eox wo do aft MSHsriemß ..J4K HO do.- oi* 100 doixWM..... UM 800 , do- 08 » Barton * Pr«f. A . » WChiowo 74X Mo* Ctov it Toledo R. 11 t . ft do 7* THE MARKETS. • Aana—Tbo tf a tatram*iu ataady, at *6» Tor Pota Waatora Plonr i. AltSwiM Air Mira do; Bafcfor superfine Weatera; •uoa&Ttforaxtndot **.7ooft.76ror abiapina brand. Miantra Rond Boo* Ohio, Bootham. Pkmr it heavy, Wltb_aaiaa W biaa at M«»< for o»ntnr>n to mixed, »hn#««a7!nfor Jtaelaon .lira, Canada Floor I. dalU vitbMUMoUMbUitt ttnaitn :■ ,^-TbaWbaataeaTialiahaavr.apdanooaru'e in rargrofthn boyar, witaMiaa pfJOAQO Sat whoat, at •1 * 7orChfoatoMiriaytlnw* forMitwaulreo <lnb. aaS'Soa of M*MO biSfat % for aaLud wamrn. Ira fii aaStTit 7107*5. Oat. are iß..SlD«».Mfor«tram<.a. Cut- WB&mmi 1 , ~ Y ? t u ¥ .-.OrioiftMMriia, im'juni Oiuuiittrui' C»OTIZutfJUfITJ»a, B«Jt»nd Cheoo*e* fn tk. THIBDUtT**W . BILMMUis WllrrWß, Belt and Cbeswet ii iki ■ ■! HAITD-VU, fJtIXTIHe, Beat mod ClMwet <■ tk <atr.»tßkWwkjßmaea«*t. ; _• • % v J-AMmniPlllrrUla, mfcd *t*rr dtbmrdMerfs tien of MHH,«ftko »aei anmion eutlitr. atthe • ■; *Jf/s s i--~ r - Busiaasg CflAwcjß.—We invite the attention of those desirous of embarking in baaineas to the adver tisement of “ Read,*’ which will be found in our adver tising columns. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut streets. Tft Blreh, Washington. Pa Jaa R Lindsay, Pittsburg 1> Mo Cal lay As la, Middleton Jos 3) Goodman. Atlanta Mr BJaok, Dublin. Ireland Miss Blaok, Dubijn.lreland AC Jones. New York J F Cowan, New York s fa Brackett, Boston „ Mias T U Kiobardson, Dost Miss Mary Brackett, Bostu G Peterson. Penna i B k*JPSP , 7/sP nifc F»c eitzinger, Phito Dr CQ Field, fcasron Mrs T B Bayne A oh, N o Mr Pojllon A la. New York M ss PoiUon, New York Mrs Blackwell, New York Mss Preaton, 8 Carolina Mi» 8 Preston, 8 Carolina M sa Susan Preston, 8 C J A Preston, 8 Carolina Wm C Noyes & la. N Y Miss Nores, New York F 8 Tallman A la, N York Jos Price, Salem, Mass H W Mills, New YotH RLDelisser.NewYork Mrs Bayne Aob,N Orleans Miss Crawford. N Orleans Rev E Bull & wf. Conn W D White Al%. Albanr Missßanbom. Albany Mrs Turnbull. Baltimore Mias West, Baltimore Mya Geo Carter* Virginia Geo Carter, Virginia Miss Stephenson, Virginia Parol Coleman. N Orleans W Q Harver A la, Missouri Miss M J Gambrel, Me W Grange, Baltimore Stephen Tilton, Boston B Smith, Jr, ScrantontPa L E Kellogg, New York G H FaranL Noribik, va. Miss FaranttNoriolk, Va J ffLeonard, Newburr, NY .T H Soott A la, New York VTF i jpmimok A la, If .Y NK a dams New York §D W Van logon, New York * C Fisher, New York G Wilson, New Haven A H Vandling, N York B Dana, New York , WN Me/ens, New York J Ootwater A la, Now York T H Atkinson, N Carolina J H Bleeper, Boston,. M P HGarrett A wf, Va J R Flanagan, New York MD Ward, New York Louis Stix, Cincinnati C Btarr, New * ork » Brunner, New York W A Calhoun, 8 Carolina F W Jones, New York H HKpping, Columbu*. G T Godey Ala,Baltimore A w Chapin A la, Bpgfrld W Chesfer.PhiUda , J K Seymour. Brooklyn, A B Redfield A la> Hartford A Trumbull, Baltimore Andrew Weber 194,137.609 M . *],610,Ml 69 K KlCfaCllij;< rtif--, n 19, iB6O. m> Merchants’ Exchangr • BOARD. 100 Reading R I7tf 798 do.lota. 17fa 60 do 171* 366 do....——lota 17 MO' d 0..—.... I7?tf W Pen*a B- 38# MOO AUegh Co Con so lBNp‘TrttOWH R 48% lOßkof Penn Town. si* GIRARD BOUSE—N. K, corner Ninth and Chestnut. GeoF Scott, Wash, DC R O Wyatt, Virginia Mr Evans A la. New i ork Miss Evans. New York Jm L Turner, Ohio. Miss Turner, Ohio DJ Gilbert, Pennsylvania Jno ft Phillips. Brooklyn JM Moorhead, Penna Jo* M Dunn, Vircioia Hon T Jones Yorke, ft J w Kemp, New York ChasH Brand A wf. N Y MusWardy New York H Hartin, Pe nosy lv an i a Mrsßartln, Pennsylvania J W Webb, Wash, D G HP WAnn A la, New York Mim Decker, New York. JR Decker A wf, Conn E Diamond,Newark, ft J Miss Wener, Newark, N J SW Berry, Brooklyn . OH Harrison, New York Mr Cosnly, Philadelphia Mr Jackson, Pennsylvania Hon J Bayard. Delaware Mods nlondin, Niag’a Falls H Coleman, Niagara Falls Mr Livingston, Tennessee saa, stfss&igsHP James Oaffj, Pennsylvania Henry J Meely, Penna Drtj Kennedy, (J 8 Army J D ifitmins JB Tabbot Au. Maine. Miss jB Foster, Maine Miss Lottie Radeliff, Del John PCleaden, Wilm.Del J W Weir A la. Penna Mum Weir, Pennsylvania Mise Fahnestock, Penra WJoj ness, Pennsylvania Wm Glass A la, Missouri Oh a# Ardagh, Balumore H M King* Delaware) Mr LiPpmsnu. New York Chas Hewett, Pottsyille G WWhitaker. Maryland Col W A Butler, N Jersey Col WM Babbitt, N J M*j Noreroes Jeisey T 8 Allison, New Jersey Geo Christy, New York W Arlington. New York R 4bJ>eooo, New York T MoNaitr. New York J Robinscn A wf, Buffalo Honß u Maxwell,f* as ton Capt Mamsay, Connecticut John Carter A la, N Y MissCranstoa, New York Hum Cunningham, N Y J H Robinson, NfwYork Jtc Lancaster PHealy, Philadelphia Riohard Mnlder, N X Madame Ines Fabbn, N Y Tnoe Winans, Baltimore Co-k, New Jeraer F Holmes, Wash, D C J A AieeperjHaverhiU.Mass J 0 McGuire, Wash, D C C Gaalter, wasbington«D C Dacißurens, New York T Morey, New York MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch, R C Kimball. Ohio Jno B Hough. Kansas, Mo eamuel Blood, New York Wm Shonledge. Penna G Heller, Richmond, Va N Worley, Pennsylvania M A fa.Phila Mrs A 8 Brisben. flunbury Wwjun k in.Lan ea ste r RF Brown, Reading RCMmer.ldbpn, M Barry, Lancasier John Cooke, Paterson, NJ. M R Bor tree. Chicago Miss A B Caßar.Wisoonsin Hon A Packer,M uhunk C Hsmpsher, Jeanesville.PaH French, MassaghuaeUs RO Connor,Michigan Chasßurkhart,\.hambei*b Wm Borahe&dt A la, M.d Thos It Anderson, Bait BOARDS. 4 Penna R—.SB% « Norristown R.lots. <B% 6 Morris Can prefSd. Ua MON Penn* ft...lot*. 6 4Wfteadtngß....lota, 17# 100' do ........oaah, 17# 66 Race A Vine.. - 28% «C*Uwi**aftOoc. 4 55 SBk of Perm Town... 34 Or-IRREOUXiAR. . ' , „ - Afktd • ftehwlNavarf- .. si LllßlM 78 73 71 U>ng IsHndß.-.UK » l LepCi AN,—>. .nfa 63 Lon Cl AH Scrip.. . 89 ! North Penna a; ...JiJi sli rsfri|fc.'.S Krankkßouth R.. 43 ' BooondAThird si ftaoeAVjno St R., so WostPhiß R..... 57 68 , Green A Coates.... lsjf i STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Mrs Matdorff, Philadelphia 6 G Grove, Pittsburg A 0 Thomson, Philadelphia S 0 Taj lor, Monroe, Mioh PL Sbrotf. Lancaster oo H L Miller, Lancaster oo Wm H Ash,. Chester co Jas H Fownal, Lano co Thos 8 Davis -Reading H. Walter, Coatesnlle M Gable, Marietta, Pa _ John a line, Marietta, Pa hamLliopkini, marietta,Pa Wm B Watt, Pittsburg Jm Beard, Pottstown 0 Jones, » otutown W 8 Coyle, Pennsylvania J P Fryey, Delaware co T J Barnett. Harr share Nathl Wilson, Mifflin co C Derr, Belteionte, , H £ Gray. West Cheater AM Door, Pennsylvania „ RRTaylor.Heading P C ostrom t BallivanoG,N Y T Bags, Berks 00. Pa COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at., above Chestnut Wm B Stevenson, Md Jas C Worthington, Md Jas Boott, Chester co Amos Kimble. Chester oo Davis Kimble. Cheater oo Thos Brown, Maryland A william, Philadelphia AY Zimmerman, Juni'ooo J P Cornett, Phcemxvilla J Rittenhouse, Pottstown Levi G Griffith A Bpeakman, Coatesville Mias 0 Pyle, Coatesville M Bower, Newark. Del D B Crest, Pottsville Wm 0 Glasgom, Maryland D Humes, Chester 00. Pa ED MeClenehan, PDepo’t Mrs Pyle, Westchester Jno G Blackwell, Penna M Hammond, Delaware THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. M Rlentzer, Pittsburg H H Posoook, Reading R C Warner, Reading J l Stephenson. Chest oo J Lane, Wilmington, fel W P Jtfinory. N Jersey John B Pratt. Philadelphia WH gtrob, M f CtUrsman. Phccnixv.ile J Hoke. Chambersburg n, F Pmith. TamMda, Pa aa. Gross, Allentown, Pa S C Hujeu, Carlisle, Pa JONES’ HOTEL— Chestnut street, above Sixth. J Ewing, Trenton, NJ Davies Wallace. Latm oo ABBtuitevant A la, N Y HCatfs,Smyrna LM ti rammer,, Mary land _ Geo W. Bewail, Maryland Wm J Walker. Wa h, D 0 David Meoonkey, Pa A P Kneisle, New York 8 R Whitlock, Baltimore L P Corbin, Snow Hill, Md M N Lindsay, Snow Hill G W Bishop, Snow Hlll.Md MrsCJßiahop.SnowHilltMd ST. LOUIS HOTEL-Cheatnutstreet, above Third. A Weldon, Philadelphia J J Murpbey, Johnstown Conrad, Baltimore J D Brsdford.Coast Survey pOetone& la, New Jersey R Brown, Cincinnati, 0 J, Mftuson, Massachusetts Isaac Blonker, Penna Plinf Fisk. Pottsville F Chase. Hanover, N 111 EF Lummia A la.Phita John F Roffles, New York A Winters. Newark JTuohnor A Meta, New York T H Desilver* New York D Dowdigan, New York E Zimmers, Wash, D 0 Mr Johnson* Virginia P Kenner, Baltimore 8 L Reiter, New Jersey F Silvas* New York g AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st.» above Fifth. G W Sofamnoker, Penna Geo C Eckert, Penna H 8 Rutter, Penna B Spangler, Marietta, Pa WmC Dickey,Chester co J C Benson*»Paterson.N J H C Bpniftnee, Delaware Robert Mustard. Delaware LC ftopkins, Jr. Jersey City MC H B Hawkins. Easton C H Brinton. West Cheater FW Bewail, N*w York W Strong. Tennessee, W F Grigsby, Tennessee Frank P Myer, Pottsville D kLinoolinjßirdsboro.Pa Gfl Cummings, Baltimore Mi»» Cnamlngs, Baltimore p Strohm, Kingston, Fag F Brady, Pittsburg E M Budd, Mount Holly fi Drinkbouse. Easton J B MoCreary, M. Chunk «f 4* I !? 0,, . er L Well ? Dr 8 8 Leohtml, Viriima W H Neal, Maryland Jas Baynes, Baltimore FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second street, above Market HNWiitle,Delaware F A Wratt* Delaware CO Foster. Delaware J Tannell, Jr, Delaware MR Carlisle, Milford. Del Thos H Dewey, Delaware Mrs D Penneville. Del Thos gimpson,’Delaware gam! E McGear. N Jersey Cbasp MnGesr, N Jersey BtLWaplw, Dover, Del N PLuff,Felton.Del 1 A W Cook, Dover, Del B D MoGonigai, Delaware A L isard, New Jersey J«,H Armstrong. Del 8 0 Elgin, Bridgeville MaJ ft r Newlin, Wis Dr C H Bates, Odessa * Dr John A Moore, Del MT, VERNON HOTEL-Seocnd street, above Aroh, Miss H Hancock, Philada H Hardoutle, Delaware Geo Abraham, Damasone Geo W Kills, Bucks oo Marvin Kimball, N York G Christman. Penna T Hsrdenbnrih, Wayne oo Jos wood, Wavne oo d Yale, Jr, Philadelphia Sami Bortree. Wayne oo Danl Bortree, Wayne oo Jas Bortree, Wayne eo Chas Bortree, Wayne oo „ NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. John Fowler. Delaware James Mason, N J A P Ripley* New Jersey < Gbas Hirsh, Lancaster Peter Heuolr. Allentown D K Jameson, Milford John 8 Woodnne. Milford H H Watford, New Jersey MBartoletLSaa pranoisoo A Sourbeer, Lanoaster oo M B Seidel, Lebanon O L Bailor Bchavlkili Hav H N Sherman * la.Liverp’i Joejwnitaker, Mt Clare A Kwmeford. New Berlin M Winegardner, Moreland J D Bogar, Now Berlin Chas WAson. New Berlin K Swmeford, New Berlin £ Wilson, New Berlin 8 F Kleokner, Ashland J H Thompson, Harrisburg 0 Hirsh, Pennsylvania BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third sL, above Callowbil Sol Hit iter, Berk* county HO Jones* Donglasv'e, Pa Daniel Soo&s, new Texas MiasKDslgara. N Texas Christian Zettey. Pa 7™ Jaeob Pasguay, Bal'imore N B Pohiok, Harrisburg Daniel Bewnan; Harrisb’g Jonasßobenhold,Pa fetti Hubert, Kotstosra John T Moers, Reading Wm Mirkel, V rgiaswUe Wm baist. Longswamp CITY ITEMS. ns TO 12 O’CUMK tiST IUQHT MERCHANTS’- HOUSE—Third street, ab. Callowhill. OWHsnwi,New Texas A M Jhant*. NewTexat « Q F Wilson, Montg’y co C HHall, one(ferstown J L Myer, Lebanon oo GeoKrauee, Lebanon co E Peifert, Myerstown, r tffeP K Sterner, Myersiown N Relssrove k dau S Hav l. A stoat. Bethlehem CkaSPellrnSn, Booksop 4 B M G Wenok, Pa Gso Apsley, Northumb’d eo J d Wecsler, Lanoaster oo 'ifansM j|£%s?,fflb o ?,i.nd k r ¥£ r 2Hl't' ln, . WJ.V Apiley, Konhumb’d D H ooovWi tow* BALD EAGLE-Tiiird street, above Oallowhill. H SI Nnee!,Kicolinarsvillo WA Hoomr, Klaoknorijv kISSESSTw 1 M Rice, Buoks oo Wm II Niles, New York Thomas Darling, Pa BARLEY SHEAF—?eooud street, below Vine. D D Watson, Slrondsburg John Stitch- llartsville Hobt Beans A la. Buoks oo Mrs MyorsAs.Chaltenhain W Hobson, Pennsylvania Miss Mclntosh, Pa E L Bullook, Newark, N- J Rtephen Kirk A la, Pa Joshua Fell A la, Buoks co Miss C Kirk, Bucks co Mies Sally Watson, Buoks oo SPECIAL NOTICES. Opelika, Alabama, November G, 1860 Messrs. Evans A Watson, Salamander Safe Manufacturers, Philadelphia, Pa.: Gentlemen: Wo have bad the misfortune to have our store entirely burned down, and the Bafo we pur chased from you, on the 6th day of Marob, 1860, has proved a perfect protection against fire, The books, papers, and everything oontainod within the Sato were, preserved in a perleot condition, not a single paper being scorched. Will you please inform us on what conditions you will send us another Safe, of the same tine, for our future use i Yours rcspeotfully, HIGGINS A CALVERT. A largo assorthien‘ of the above quality FIRE AND THIEF-PROOF SAFES always on hand and for sale at EVANS A WATSON’S SALAMANDER SAFE STORE, nol3-3t No. 304 CHEbTNUT Stroet, Philadelphia. Diseases of thD Blood arcs all caused by tbe disposition of the waste or worn-out particles of tho Blood to the weakest portion of the body. All forma ofThroat or Lung difficulties, os well ns Catarrh', are ns muoh a scrofulous taint m the.syßtom as King’s Evil, Salt Rheum, Cancers, Uloere, Tumors, and Eruptions of various kinds. By taking J. R. Stafford’s IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS, which unite with tho digested food, and enter with it into the formation ornewMood strengthening and converting it* wastes or worn-out artioleainto gases, whioh so invigorates the circulation AS to expel all impurities from tho system. Tho OLIVE TAR should be used mail cases as directed on the label or in a pamphlet which is sent frte. See advertisement 1 Sold by all druggists, and by DYOTT A CO.. 232 North SECOND Street* Philadelphia. no!2-t22 Hair Dte! Hair Dte!! — Batchelor’s LIQUID HAIR DYE ts fAfc ortginil dnd best in the market, AH others are morb imitations, ami should be avoided If you wish to escape ridicule. Fplondid orbeautilui Brow* instantaneously. Sold by all Drug gists everywhere. The genuine has the signature of WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR upon a steel-plate en graving on four eidos of eioh box. Beware of Counterfeits. Manufactory, 81 Barclay street, Into 235 Broadway, Nevr York. CHARLES BATCHELOR, noS-ly Proprietor. Second-Hand Safes.—X am recemng a great number of t'&rrol. Herring, A Co.’s Second hand Sheet-Iron Safes (many of them almost new), also those of o*her makers, in exchange for the now celebrated Lillie Wrought and Chilled Iron 8&fo A general assortment constantly on hand, and offered at very low prices. Pleaeo call ami examine. Depot, 71 6 CHESTNUT, under Masonic Hall. M. C. SADLER, Agent, Philadelphia. , ro6-rcthtf Oh 13 Price OLorn Ikg of Tins Latest flTiLKs.made in tho bout manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling yricea marked in Plain Figures. All soods made to orocr warranted e&tui nctorj. Our ONE-I’RICE crotem is at/ictiy adhored to. Ail ate thereb'* treaf/'J alike. ue2B-lT JONEy ». CO.. CO4 MARKET Street. Grover & Baker’s Celebrated NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES Tho Best in Use for Family Sewing. No. T3O CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ttu274j IiALAMANDBtt Fibh-Pboof Safes,—Averj arge assortment of SALAMANDERS.for sale at rea sonable prices. No. 304 CHESTNUTHt„Philadelphia. Mia tf n. anh a waT3(jn,3j All should not fail to read the adver tisement of Prof, WOOD In to-dar a paper. auB-ti ffiJi'iHiTATSOWH. iJteponed ior The rroso.l CIIARLESTON—SIeaniBhip Kejatone stato, Marsh man—-14AIa tea rice John Mason A Oo; 30 do order; 256 do J Palmer A Co; 60 bales cotton order; 83 do Thomas Oinger; 3j bales mdse Hay A McDovitt; 167 do Jesenp A Moore; S pkgsmdso 8 Bispham A Co; 4do C C Sadlor A C°, 4do W Doneherty: RO do Alaesey. Collins A C0;63 doJA i , BaUz:lo.doJGiiuon.Bo» A Co; 12PdoFDith man 49 do L Salmon; 15 do W Bocuhn; 5 do J P Boia den: and others J J Spencer. Dole—99 bales do mestios Hay A MoDovitt; 737d0 eoiton H Sloan A Son; $3 do Coohran A Russell; 63 do R Paltemou A Co; 28 bags iruit Jordon A Bro; 4 bales waste Browning A Dro; 27 bags leathers 106 do fruit 20 pkgs sundries Parker A Po land; 60 bags fcathors 4 pkgs mdse S Bispnara A Bon; 134 bales parer Megarge Bros; 13 empty bbls Gaul A Austin; ?j tlo s arl,OlS . F Lemugj 1 pk? mdse J L Newboid; Ido Powers A Weightmanjl do J B Lippmcslt A Co; 1 do D Jayne A Son; 1 do A L Ha»t; Ido * M Maris A lio; Ido G B Heoso, Son A Co; 6 bdla piped Murphy A Alli aonjapkgs mdse 64ompty casks ortfer. . Klistabotn. Hall-fiS bales cot ton 159 bbls rosin Kates A Foster; SO bbls apts turpentine 100 do rosin 100 do tar Coohran A Russell. PASSENGERS ARRIVED. In steamship Keystone State, from Charleeton-Jobn Baker, Rev j w Williams, D D N Cala naoh, D Waller, A Hoffman. A M Wllman, Wm Moran, H Kaufman. Miss N E Luoky, and 13 in tho steerage. MARINE INTELLIGENCE, SEE FOURTH PAGF. x .. „ ARRIVED. USM.steamship Keystone State, Morehrann, 50 hours from Charleston, with mdse and passengers to Alex Heron, Jr, A Co. 430 PM, 24 miloa north «L?*£?iv£«! tera V exch r an l ecs signals with Steamship Stateofbeorgni,lionoe foroavanaah. * fiohr Diamond, Townsend. 3 days from Indian Rircr, with corn to Jos L Bewiey A Co. SohrSarah Demi.Smith, l day from Hanoook’sßndco. NJ, with grain to Jos L Bewiey A co. ° Steamer Taoony, Ely. 24 hours from New York, with mdse to WM Baird A Co. 1 BT TKLEOBAPH. Correspondence ol The Press.* . , u „ . ruw York,Nov n. , Arrived, ships Red Gauntlet and Great Western, from Liverpool. a -r, w New Oklba.xvs.Nov 12. r Arrived, ahipi George Wnslnntton. irnm Liverpool; Lochin. from AntwAp; Pawn.irom Both; Rhine and Augusta, from N.ew York; Martin Luthor, from Rio; MovrusW, from Havana; James Montgomery ami bark G W Horton, from Boston. , „ MEMORANDA. . Steamship ICensington, Baker, sailed from Boston 11th m»t. for Philadelphia. Steamship City of Richmond. Mitoholi, sailed from Riobmond 10th lust, for Philadelphia. Bjeamihip Northern Light, Tinklepaugh, for Aepin- WflU* sailed from New York yes'erday. bteamshlp Karnak Brownlwa, for Nassau, oleared at New York yesterday. hteamship Cahawba, Smith, for Havana, sailed from New York yesterday. ehip Lallah Rookh, from Bristol, Eng, wan cfl‘Charles ton 10th icst. fchip Uncle Toby, fioale, for Havre, cleared at Mobile 7th inst. with 3131 bales cotton, valued at §163,212. Ship M C Stevens. Etobberger, for Monrovia, went to sea from Baltimore Bth inut. Bark Wessacnmoon. WU.lden.from Montevideo, ar rived at Baltimore yesterday. Bark Clam Haxall, Dutton, oleared at New York yes terday tor Richmond. ' Bark Union, Davis, for Rio do Janeiro, cleared at Boston 20th inst. Bark Vesta, Bieenegrafe, from Bremen, arrived at N York yesterday. Brig Mary Lowell, Peterson, hence, arrivedat Boston 10th mat. Sohr C S Carataus, Robinson, hence, arrived at Charleston 9th inst. Sohr Wm A Hammond, Powell, henoe, arrived at Charleston 10th mat. 4 Sohr Fanny, Weeks, from Charleston, arrived at Bos ton 10th inst. Sohr Mar r Haley, Ha'oy, hence, arrived at Boston 10th inst. £chr Lottie, Bunker, hence, arrived at Boston 11th inst. Sohr Horizon, Jarvis, henoe, arrived at New London Othinat- Bohr G D tc R F Shannon, previously reported ashore at Squan, has been got off with but uttie damaco. Bonr Sophie Aim, Smith, Jrom Providence for Phila delphia. nt New York yesterday. Sohr Win Loper, Thompeon, from New Haven for Philadelphia, at New York yesterday. Bohr Eclipse, Cook, hence, arrived at Savannah oth instant. .Bohrs Laura, Weeks, and AJmira, Travora, heneo, ar rived at Norfolk 9th inst. Steamers Bristol, Allen, and Ironsides, Vauderveer, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. RAKKIED. KALE—KIGUTFR,—Onthetth Instant, by Hev. Wil* HamC.Robmson. Mr.GeorßO Kale to Miss Sophia A, Highter, all of this city. » „•}' ONEY—REKCK.-On.the Bth iußtAnt, by Alderman Hibbard, Mr. John Davis flonev to Miss Louisa J. Keene. Doth r.f Delaware county, Pa * BURBANK.—BOWMAN.—hn tne 30th ultimo, at Pal* J»y Key, HoraceLaton, Mr. Thomas 8 Bur bank, of fct. John, Louisiana, lo Mira Ophelia G. Bow man. of Philadelphia. » i ENHOUSK.—At Georgetown, D. C., on the 7tn instajiL by Rev. Dr. Woods, of Lewistown Pa., Rev. A, Miller Woods, of Hartaville, Pa., to Mary D„ daughter of B. F. Rittenhouse, * OIJ3B. SMITH.—At Snow Hill. Maryland, on Tuesday, the 6th day of November, mst.. Mr,. KlmiraC. Smith. We &„^'rm O oVA 8 ~,h ,nstMt ' » Tho relatives ar.d friends of tho family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence oi her parents, Jamas M.a»d An^aT-Ledd/. No. ot! B ' r * r4 wenoe mKS' 91h Wriri.t.i.uh, Funeral from hi, Into rceidenoo, N 0.532 North Front o’oloolc 8 iworning, 13ih instant, at lo aiteOMye^Tfl - ° n lnstfint * Mr: Thomas Murphy, Funeitel from his late residence, Columbia avenue, below West street, this ( Tuerday ) morning, at half past 8 o olook * th® llth instant, John Branson, sou and Sarah Braneon, in tho 21st year of his Funeral from the rosidenco of his parents, No. 15S0 North Second street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o'olook. * Oi A BlL—On tho 10th instant, Jane, wife of William in the Cflth year of her'age, .^ a ßs ra * v OO . l flor * at9 residenee. No. 11 Mauls street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. * a DEL-On the llth iastant, John Dei, aged 12 years and O RIOUtUB- J' 1 ”, la , to reiitlenoo. No. m filiippen 6 lrfk 1 f '/„ * ll Ei; ' ! V) afternoon, at 2 o’olook. * M the 10th inflt., Mrs. Marrarat B. Hu plttts, Wife of William Huphtts, in the detn year of her Vuneml from the rtaidonoo of hor husbnmi, Hatttlon’tt S'f? e °?noSra. r i^Kk.' lbove E6venth ' “■'« ,D,t - Bcubon P. Ketoham, Futltsral from tho lesjtlenoo of hi« brothor, Ann street. belowMelvt lo.i’oit Btohmond, tbia ( > uesdar) morn ing, at 10 o'olook. » . PAINTKR.-On the 10th inslant, Geprgo W. Paint-r, in the 36th year of his ago. Funeral from his late residence, Peel street, above Vanhorn,thisduesdayjaltemoon.atlo’clook. * JJLAOK DKESS GOODS—A large stoolc Cashmeres, Bombazine Alpacas, Merinoes. Mohair Lustres, Armure Cashmeres, Patin de Chines, Velour Bcpg, Amraalinca, Velour Ottomans, Figured poplins, Irish Poplins, SWiS®?* Groa Gram Silks, Mousselines, p 0 nlt de Boles, Reps Anglais, Encliali Bilks, Paramattas, Patent Boiled Silks, Ao. BESSON * SON, Mourning Store, - *No. 018 Chestnut street. A fiMlNKitn— for sale by WBTJiERILG BROTHEJt, Nos. ir and 4D North SECOND Btraat> no!2 P, A -?ii. A . MuN i'orsale byIWEIH- mreri BUOT!IER ’ n " b - 17 “1 • !U S I ‘ T ATOUR 01L.—36G Baskets Pure Olivo ftTm .%*. noir landing nou- t utii.3t affiaga, AY HUM—For sale by WETHERILb A BROTHER, Nos. 47 and 49 North SECOND street , nol2 Babbitt metal—babbitt mltal -BABBITT METAL, Babbitt Metal—Babbitt Metal—Babbitt Metal. Babbitt Metal—Babbitt Metal—Babbitt Metal. Manufactured and for sale by JOS, W, BAKER. nolO-Jt* Back of 82l North SECOND street. SPIKITB TURPBMTJNK—e« bbls. Spts, Turpentine loading from schooner MoggieV&ndu. »n, and for sate by ROWLEy, arhBURNEr, A CO., No. 16 South WHARVES I nol3 THE FHESB.-PHiLADELEHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1860. “CHURCH AKTI-SLAVerV First Reformed Presbyterian Uhuroh. OHERKYSt., below Elevotnh. It* PHILADELPHIA LIBRARY COM -IX 3, PANY.—Tn consequence of the inalemeuoy of tbs weather last Friday Evening, the “Anniversary” was postponed to take plaoe THIS EVENING-, at St. Thomas Churoh, FIFTH Street, below Walnut. Ex erotßes to commence at 8 o’olook. 'liokcts 15 osnta—to be had at the door. % H* PEOPLE’S LITERARY INSTITUTE* The Eighth, Course of Leoturtswill be opened at CONGEST HALL, on TRUKBDAY EVENING, November 22d, by Rev. henry Waßi) BEBOHEIt. To be followed bf Rov.E. H. Chapin, D. D November 27th. Hon N. P. Banka,. ... December 6th. George Wm. Gurus, ~..,i)»aeo.berl3(h. Bayard Taylor, Ena Deoember filth, Hon. Charles Boraner December 57th. Rev. B>shop Simpson, 1). D .'January Bd. Rev. H. Ward Beecher ... .January 10th. Rev. R, g. Btorrs, I). 1)~, __ January 17th. Rev. H. Ward Beeoher January 2tth. ——Tickets for tlio t-ourso of Ten J ecturoa'lor sale at HAZARD S,TU4 CuesfWUT Street. Admitting one person— ~ 1. ...83 00 “ Gentleman and lady 3.25 . , Gentleman and two ladies • Single tickets, gg cents. n013»t23 rr?* the first fre n c h baptist U>3 . (VHURCU.—l'wj.adelphd . November, 1860. TOT ALL WHOM. IT MAY CONCERN-'Sb* French Baptist Union Mission of the City,or Philadelphia commenced its oporatfona on tho Ist oi May. 1661, among tho Rohvmists of this oity. having held their meetings atdifleront halls in the oity until the present tim«. unable to find a suitable plaoe to continue tho work, we find it necessary to bui-d ourselves a small Chapel, that we may oontinue fliis great work. I lie Sost of this Chapel will not exceed twenty-five bun red dollars. We hereby ask our Irionds to help us in tho work. To this end we, the Board of Managers of the above Mission, have Authorized our Missionary Colporteur, Rev. G. A LORD, to travel, leoture. amt so licit aid in behalf of this objeot. And w« commend him to tho sympathizers of tho cause. All donations can be iorwarded to tho hands of Rov. JAMES 11. CUTHBE«T, 1703 HUMMER Street, and Rev. J. W. bMITHtfiU South TENTH Street. col3-2t OFFICE HESTONVILLE, MANTUA, IL3 AKi) FAIRMOUN X PASSENGER RAILWAY COftlPANY—HebtouviLlb, Nov.lJih.lBBl)—A speoial meeting of the Stockholders of the HestonvJ lie, Mantua and Fairn oont Passenger Hallway Company will be held at th« Office nf the Company, at Hestonville, on WEDNESDAY next, November >4tn, at 4o*olook, for tho purpose of taking into consideration the issue of a new Mortgage, oovonng the franchises of the road. noI3 2t P. B. WINNING, Seo’y. rrs=“ GOUGH’S LECTURES.—NOV. WTH IX3 AND 16TH.-NOTJCE TO TIOKET-HOLD ERS.—In order to prevent oonfusinn, those holding tiokets for,Mr. Gough’s Looturos will please observe the followmrdirections: Those holding seals m PARQUET, PARQUET CIRCLE, and BALCONY will fentor on BROAD Street;: B.TM3E and ORCHFBTRA SEATS Will enter ori LOCUST, Street, furthest door went nf Broad; UNRESERVED SEATS will enter on LOCUST Street, first doorwest o f Broad. „ Doors open at SEVEN, Leoture to commenco at E-GHT. If there are any eaata left thev will be sold at the door at )£ before 8. and ALL HOLUKRH OF TIOKR vs Ab V R V QUESTED TO BE IN THEIR BEATS BE FORE THAT HOUR. noM-tnthJt^ FESTIVAL. - THE LADIES OF _ TA -IX 3 BKRNAOLK M, F.SCHURCtt will hold a Fes-' tivol at Handel and Haydn Hall, oornor EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, on THURSDAY EVE NING next. 15th inst, at 7H o’olook. Addresses by Revs. JOHN CHAMBERS, G. W. MMILEkrD. W, BARTINK, and J. H.LIGHTBOUKNE. Musio, Re freshments. &o. Tickets 60 cents. ___ no!3 3t* rr^ 3 * HARRISON LITERARY INSTITUTE, IX3 -fifth annual course. OPENING LECTURE GEORGED. PJtlsNTinK, Van.) Editor of the r.ouievilte Journal, ... „ ,AT NATIONAL hall, MARKET Streot. above TWELFTH. „ On TUESDAY EVENING, November SO n Subject— Poll.ica and Politicians of the United States.” Tiokets 25 cents. Tiokets admitting a gentloman and two ladies, M oonts, To be had at Martien’s, COG Cheiitnut; Hazard’s, 724 Cheßtnut; Bower’s, Sixth and Vine: Snowden’s. Fourth and Noble, and at tho door on tho evening of the Leoture. . noi3-7t rr~r* GOUGH’S LECTURES-ACADEMY OF IX3 MUSIC, NOVEMBER 13th and lMh.-Tfae Box Office of the Academy will bo open on and alter MON DAY, froml9 to 4 p’olook, lor tho salo of tho remaining Reserved Seats in the Parquet, Parquet Cirole, and Ba’eonr. Price CO cents/ The remaining Stage and Orobpßtra Seats will bo at MARTI • N’», 606 CHE&TNU T Street. Tickets for unreferved ßoatsoan be had atthe Academy, MaTtion’s, and at the Tract House. Price 25 cents. no!2 4t* MECHANICS* BANK,. UJS Pkiladklpiua, November 6.1860. The Djreotors have this day dBolai“ed a dividend of FIVE PERCENT, for the past six months, payab.e on the 16th instant, agreeably to the charter. no7-9t J, WIFGAND.Jr., Cashier. ry3=» SOUTHWARK BANK, Lk3 PmLADKLPmA, November d. 1860 Tho Board of Direotors have this day declared a divi - 6 , n5, T ? f . F (X/ , LV, JSR , CEN1 ''. payable on and after MONDAY NEXT, JJth instant. no7-Iot F. P. STEEL. Cashier. GIRARD BANK, PHILADELPHIA, LkS November 6, IB6o.—Tho Diraotorß have this day declared a Dividend of THRE.-/ AND A HALF PER CENT, fortheWaat six months, payable on and after the 16th inst., freo of otate Tax. , , no7-dtl7 TT. L. SCJI*FI ? Ek, douhibh WESTERN BANK OF PIULADEL- Ik3 PHI A, November 6, IB6o.—The Direo’oia of this Bv-k have this day doolared a Dividond of FIVE PER CENT., pai able on and after tho 16th mat. n7-?0t G. M. TROUTMAN. Cashier. CORN EXCHANGE BANK, FHILA -IX3 DELPHIA, Novombor 6, IB6o.—The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the capital stook, payable on tbdlCth instant, and dear of State tax. nof J. W. TOEREY, Canhier. o=*, COJIMERCIAL BANK OF PENNSYL. „ VANIA, (•HIUADELPJiIA. November 6, JBBO. — I ho Board Of Direotors have thin day doolared ft semi annual Dividend of THREE AND ONK-HALF PER GEN Ipayable on doniand, o’ear of State tax. no7-30t 8. C. PALMER, Cashier. n^5 s “_ FARMERS* AND MECHANICS’ IX3 t4I BANK. PHILADELPHIA, November 6, 1860 the Directors have this day declared a Dividend of POUR PER. CENT., payable on demand. no7-6t W. RUBHTON, Jr., Cashier. CONSOLIDATioN BANK, PIIILADEL -IX3 PHIA, November 6. 1860. rim Directors have this day declared a Dividond of THKJEK PER. CENT., for tho six moniliß, payable on Monday, 12th inst. JOS, N. PEIRBUL, no7-6t Cashier. FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ BANK, LXS Philadxlphia, Ootobar 0,1660. „The Annual Election for Direotors will be held at the Banxing-House, on MONDAY, tho nineteenth day of November next, between the boars of 9 o’oloot A. M. end 3 o’clock P. M., and on TUESDAY,the sixth day of November next, a general meeting of th 9 Stockholders, will be held nt tbe Banking-House, at 4 o’clock I’. M., agreeably to the charter. o&g-dtnol9 W. RUBHTON, Jn» Cashier. fys=" SOUTHWARK BANK, PIIILADEL -1X3,, PHIA. OotoberO, IB6o.—The annual election lor DrRECrORn will be held at tho Banking Honason MONDAY, the 19th day of NOVEMBER NEXT, be tween the hours of 10 o’olook A. M. and 2 o’clock. P. M. , The Annual mooting of STOCKHOLDERS will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, the 6th day of NOVEMBER NEXT,at 12o'clock M. 0011-dtnolti F. P. STEEL. Cnshinr GIRARD BANK.-PHILADELPHIA, IX3 OCTORh Rl6, IB6o.—Notico is hereby given (hat an elootion for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS, to serve for th* ensuing year, will be hold at the Banking- house, on MONDAY. November ID, between the hours of 10 A, M.. and H f*. M. Tho Annual Meeting of tho Stockholders will bo hold nt the same plaoe, on TUESDAY, November 6,atU o’clock M. W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. Ootober 16. 1860. ocIS-tutha tnol9 fys* CONSOLIDATION BANK, PHILADEL- P-talAt <*niobor)sth, JB3o,—The Annual Meotion or Oirrotor* of tm« Bank will bo held at the BANK .NO JHOUfrE, on MONDAY* the J9th day of November next, between the hours of ten A. m, and two t*. M. And a Meeting of tho Stockholders will be held at the same placo, on TUESDAY. November 6th, at twelve to, JOB. N. A’EIRSOt/, Cashi.r, _oo lg-tolb&B t no!9 |Y‘y 3 “ WESTERN BANK OF FHIIiAPBL- Jof PIHA, tOCTOBER Bth, 1860. , An elcotion for thirteen Directors, to seryo the ensu ing: year, will be held at this Bank on t»iONDAY,the 19th day of November next, between the hours ol 10 o'olook A. M. and 2 o’clock P. M. r l he annual meeting of the atookholdere will be held at the same plnoe on TUESDAY, the 6th dar or November next, at 15o'olook M. 0. M. TKOUTJMaN, 09-tuthtl9nov Cashier. or vania rail Philadelphia, Ootober 17,1850. 1 ho Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the Capi tal Stock of the Company, olear of State tax, payable on and after NOVEMBER 15. 1860. Powers of Attorney for collection of Dividends can bn had on application at tho Office of the Company, No. 233 South THIRD Street. THUS. T. FIRTH, 0018-tdel Treasurer. [O = oF^siNKinG ! Fum MMISSIONBRS J. UHAsmiT Department. / M .. . . . .Harrisburg , October 24,1860. t Notice is hereby given, that sealed proposals for the Bale of all or any part of ono hundred thousand dollars of the five per cent, loans of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, will be received at the Treasury De partmont. m the oity °f HarrUbure, until 3 o’clock, P, “• ,^ f ?^ c . E J )AY »^ Uß2o^h d AY OP NOVEMBER, A. B. iB6O, the samo to set forth the amount offered, and thepnoe asked. To bo addressed. *‘Comnnss'on era of Bin*tng Fund, Harrisburg, Pa.,” endorsed “Pro posals to sell Slate Loans.” Tho b'ds will be opened and allotments iradotothe lowest bidders on that day. Comw'th, h LI SIjIFER, State Treasurer. THOB. B.CofiHHAN, And. Gun. 0c27-tno2Q Commissioners of Binking Fund. E??* OFFJCK OF TKK PHILADELPHIA ri AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. ... . , March, 2859 The holders of the bonds ol thtc Company, due July l> iB6O, can now receive, upon application at this office, 10 Ser cent, in cash, upon the terms specified in the circu it attached. . The holders are alsooatitled to tne benefit ofa feink lng Fund of 8140,009 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9, 1860, and in pursuance oniieoontraot,ciilercdinloby no company and dulr recorded, to carry the same into 8. BRADFORD, Treasurer. CIRCULAR. tfotici It tut Hciiltrs of Phil&dtlphi* anti Aistfins RatfrOrtd Company Morteags Bonds, dus July 1,1660. These bonds arc scoured by tho first mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate to $8,608,400. The net revonue for the last naonl year was six times the amountof the annual interest on these bonds. 4 The managers proposo to oxtend them for a poriod ol twenty rears, tho holders retaining tho bonds and the security of the mortgages in tho precise oondition in which they are now held, brush shoots of coupons lor the interest, payable half-yearly, will be jscued. A bonus of 10 percent, will be given to tnc holder*, in consideration of their assenting to tho extension. This bonus will bs paid in cash to the bearers of tho bonds, on their signing a rcooipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the office ofthe Compan* - , or to fts luect*, forendorsement.. Forms of reoeiptend endorsement ■v." hefuc»*t'e< on application, By order *f the Board of Maragern. ml-tf W. H. Mol LHENNY. NoarAtar*. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES, | Haying this day associated JOSEPH L. RICHARDS with mo in tho Plan.bint and Gas-Fitting Dimmers, we wi‘l carry on the same, under the name rf JtOJIRIITeON 6c RICHARDS, at enrnewstoro, 831 AHCII Strett. Thankful for past ‘iberal patronage, I hope ftr a con tinuance o! the same. „ „ ’ GKOfIGF. W. ROBERTSON*. Philadelphia, Cotoher 1.1860. Stores. Bwrllmcs, Churohes, and Publio Buildings fitted up witn Plumi'ing, Uas-woik,and Fixtuns in a workmanlike manner and nt reasonable rates. „ „ AOBERTeON A RICHARDS, eol3-6r 831 ARCH Street. TVItJBPnY-'VVHtPPLK IRON BRIDGE." ITX STONE. QUIGLEY. & BURTON, No. 333 WALNUT KTREET, „ m 4 PHILADELPHIA, ..Beg inform Railroad Companies, and othors interested in bridge construction, that they have formed a.connection m business with JOHN W. MURPHY, Civil Engineer, (author and inventor of the above well known plan of iron brid*e,)and are preoaradto exooute orders, from any part of the country, from Ilia designs and personal superintendence. - All letters relating to plans and estimate* .Bhould be addrossedto JOHNw. MURPHY, f'ivil '.xyrlneer. . no!3-6m For STONE, QUIGLEY, fc BURTON, The undersigned hereby makes known that he has separated hlmsolf, the 18th of July, from the firm of M. GUGGENHEIM fc CO., and the lot oi notober from the firm of VANHORN. GUO GENIIMM & LO., and has pstablished himself in the same line of business: and is trading and manufactu ring under tho firm and style of MORRIS MEYERS, k ... 1213 North THIRD Street, Manufacturer of Kasonoe of Coffee, Shoe Blacking. Stovo Polish, and Indigo Blue. Would kindly solioit tiio patronage ox his friends, customers, and publio in gene ral. Promises to manufacture genuine articles, and soli to tne lowest figures. noi3-3t* |\OTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT •Ll the partnership heretofore exiatin* between the eubsonbore, the firm of HAnT, MONTGO MERY. to CO., is this day dissolved by raitual oonßset. Tho the firm will be settod hr ISAAC PUGH or WILLIAM CURRY, No. *lO9 South FOURTH Street. WILLIAM HART, ALEX- J. MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM CURRY, „ IBAAO PUGH Philadelphia, gopt. 8, 1860. noB 6hf* T“W 35 N T Y-F OUR tMALJU PHOTO GRAPHS, suitable for Visiting Girds, for ®l,w, Ambrotypes and Photographs, alisixeiand prioes. at RJBlMfiill , Sl , hotographioGanory,bl'J’.North SECOND Street. aQove Green. no!3-2t* LUST —A Child’s Coral Pm, on Walnut street, between Broad and Twenty-first sts. The finder will be liberally rewarded bv leaving the same at the house of JOHN 6; KNOX, 2041 WALNUT at. H* NEW PtIBHOAriOSS. YOIS, PORTRAITS. A few only of the 4th Beries. containing 26 portraits engraved on steel and published in advanoe, with auto- Staph signatures, may note be hadt and tho London ♦ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD, Will be sent to any address for 26 weeks !! I FOR' SIX DOLLARS !i! The Ist, 2d, and 3d series beantifully bound) and con taionig 40 steel portraits and memoirs in each,may still be hod for OyFIVE DOLLARS FIFTY CENTS EACH.*^Ba Tim ohoapest collection of steel plate engravings in tho world. American Agents: 83“ HENRY A. BROWN & Co.,“^ 14 Hanover street (up Btairs) near Court street, Where may also bo found an unequalled assortment of the vory best English ENGRAVINGS, CHROMOS, OIL PRINTS, Water Colored Prints. Imitation Oils, Mounted Litho graphs. Embossed on Velvet ditto. Ovals. Line, Stip ple, and Mezzotint Engravings, and other goods, INCLUDING AN ASSORTMENT OP OVER 1!!! 200 000 ENGRAVINGS 1111 pf every si2e and variety, bound or in shoots, and on Dafor for iraming—all of whioh, as direct Agents and importers, wo offer for sale, at or below tho PUBLISHERS’ LOWEST CASH PRICES. rGTTho Elogaht Full Length^ PRINCE OF WALES PORTRAIT may still bo had, prioe 15 oents; or any nf tho 140 por trsiia already Published, may bo had, with momoir and Illustrated Nows of ti\« World.” price 15 cents each. Terms for this English Journal, is 2 per quarter, in cluding 13 portraits. H. A. BROWN & CO.. noH-t'M-tf 14 HANOVER STREET, BOSTON. «npiIAOKERAY’S NEW BOOK.” „ -7 TBE FOUR GEORGES. Sketches of Manners, Morals, Court and Town Life. By W. M. Thaokeray. OrdyoiuiPe.with Illustrations. 51. EVA* HARftINGION; or. Ho would bo a Gentlo- V®°tßo Meredith. A new novel in one vol. si. THE LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF JOHN A. QUJ I'MAN. 'lftjor General U. S. A., and Governor oftbeStata of Mississippi. Br J« F. H. Claiborne, In uraes. with portrait. 53. HOME BALLADS AND POEMS. By John G, Whittier, a collection of pieces never before published. One volume, oloth. 75 cents. LEGENDS OF THE MaDONNA, as represented in the fine arts. By Mrs. Jameson; uniform with her other works, m blue and gold, with a portrait on stool. 75 cents. THE,MORAL HISTORY OF WOMAN. Translated from tho French of Legoure, by Dr- J. W. Palmer, translator of L’Ammlr, &o. One vol. 81. IHE GREAT PREPARATION ; or. Redemption Draweth Nigh. By the Rev. John Cumrhmg. Ono vol. SI. THE STEREOSCOPIC ALBUM, Nos. 1 and 2. Twelve views m each. 75 cents. /•‘HE HISTORY aND ANALYSIS OF THE CON STITUTION OF THE UNITED BTA’> ES. By N. C. Towle. One vol. 81,25. A valuable and usefulbookat the nresont time. TOM BROWN AT OXFORD.. Part ton. PAI/CKNITZ I EDMoNB , oFBRITIaH AUTHORS, ai BPnH whioh are some new volumes. THE LADY IN WHITE. Large print. BARCHESTER TOWERS. THE WARDEN. For sale by no!3-3t SAMUEL HAZARD, Jr., 734 CHESTNUT Street, Lindsay & blakiston j s physi cians’ VIBITING LIST FOR 1861. NOWRMPY. , It»ill oost the Physician Fifty or SeVeaty-fivo eents i it Will save him &S m*oy dollars. Prioc, prepared for 25 patients weekly, Plain, 60 oonts. V. •• 25 “ Tuoks, 75 •» “ »» 60 “ Piain, 75 “ “ 60 “ Tuoks, 81 “ , “ 100 “ ** 82 In addition to the above styles, they have also pre pared aN INTERLEAVED EDITION for the use or Country Ph'sioians and others who oom pound their own prescription*, or furnish medicines to their patients. LINDSAY & BLAKIaTOW. Publishers, no!3 25 gouth SIXTH Street, above Chestnnt. ££EADY AND FOR SALE “THE BRIDLE ON THE HEART.” hy r f TOM WABH SMtTn. In which the author labors to direot the stamina of the country to that proper standard of social equili brium, br whioh alone the land may expeot to foster patriotism or perpetuate liberty. For sale by JAMES BARBER. nol3-at* SECOND and CHESTNUT, IMoELItOY’S OIIY DIRECTORY, 1861. —Tho general Canvass having befih cbtnpleted, persons having removed since tho Ist of October last aro requested to notify tho compiler without delay, Tho Canvassers are now engaged m correcting the Easiness part of the Pireotory. Those wishing to have extra headings, or their names put m caps, will please snake arrangements with the f'anvassers. The Subscription to the Directory, unlading Busi ness Classification, is 82 50, pajable on delivery, about the Ist of January, 1861. A. McELROY, Compiler, noI3 gt if 33 South SIXTH Btreet, second floor. I'HB GOLD BRICK! THE GOLD BRICK! THE GOLD BRICK! MRS. ANN S. STEPHENS -AUTHOR OP THE POPULAR WORKB “PASRION AND FAMINE.” "OLD HOME STEAD." “MARY DERWENT,” “LOST Jewels,” " Maleaska, > EDITRESS OP PETERSON’S MAGAZINE, ETC., is now engaged on n now story exproaaly nml oxolu- eively for the NEW YORE WEEKLY, (tho bout story and skotoh papor published,) ENTITLED, THE GOLD BRICK ! THE GOLD BRICK! THE GOLD BRICK! wbtoh will bo roady in the NEW YORK WEEKLY. ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1860, TOR SALE BY EVERY NEWS AGENT AND BOOKSELLER THROUGHOUT THE WOULD! JPHIOE, FOUR CENTS PER COPY. Terms, 52.00 rorycar, with A Premium. Spfloi men numbers scut free, containing a list of premiums. STREET & SMITH, PROPRIETORS, 22 BBEKMAN ST., no9-6t NEW YORK. jUEfr'SRS. TIOKNOR & FIELDS PUBLISH THIS DAY HOME BALLADS AND POEMS, BY JOHN G. WHITTIER. I'mbmoing all Mr. Whittier’s later Poems. 1 vol. muslin. 75 cents. LEGENDS OF THE MADONNA, As represented in tho Fine Arts. BY MRS. JAMESON. Corrected and onlarged Edition, with fine steel Portrait of Mrs. Jameson, 1 vol, in Blue and Gold, 75 cents. 130 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. nol2-zt SHELDON & COMPANY, No. no NASSAU Street, N. Y., Publish this day, HINTS ON THR FORMATION OF RELIGIOUS OPINIONS: Addressed especially to young men and womeu of Christian education- _ By ftev, Ray Palmrk, D.D., Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Albany. ivol.,]2mo. Price CLAIBORNE: The 3d volume of the Oakland Stories. By Gxo. B. Taylob. Eaoh volume oomplete in itaHf. Wiili illusLra'ions alter designs by H. W. Herrick. Ivol., 16mo, Price 60 ofnts. MEBSRS. BHELDON & COMPANY _ Havo just issued THE ANNOTATED PARAGRAPH BIBLE, Containing the Old and New Testaments, according to the authorized version, arranged in paragraphs and parallelisms, with explanatory notes, prefaces to the several books, and nn entirely new selection of refe rences to parallel and illustrative passages. Price, Bvo, Cloth, $4 60. “ Bvo, Bheep, flfiO. ” 8/o, Morocco, 8 00. Tho New Testament: Prico, Bvo, Cloth, SI 60. ** Bvo, Pheop, 2 00. “ Bvo. Morocco. 3 00, THE BOOK OF PSALMS. 12mo, doth. Pnoo, 75 cents. THE NEW QUARTO IS NEARLY READY. LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON; By Edward Evkiiett. 1 vol.. 12rao. 81. LIFE AND LETTERS OF EMILY C. JUDSON; By Prof. A. O. Fixdrick. Prico Si 23. FORTY YEARS’ FXPEttiENCE IN SUNDAY SCHOOLS; By Stephen H. Tvno. D. D. Price GOcents. i LOVE AND PENALTY ; By J. V. Thompson, D. D. Price 76 cents. FOR SALE BY ALL B JOKBELLERB. Hl2-2t&,Wlt BOOK BUYERS.—Gentlemen; I have taken the BMcment of tho Philadelphia Bank, 4 2 0 CHESTNUT Street, wbero I will continue to buy and sell (as I havo heretofore done at the Custom house Avonue Dook-stand)oid and new Law and Mis cellaneous Books. I havo for sale upwards of 190 old blaok-letter Books printed prior to tho year 1499. Also, a copy of Erasmus on the Wow Testament, 2 v015.,4t0, printed in 1243. Price 830. 1 will absodealinEngravinge nnd Autographs. Forgone at a distance wishing to sell Books, will describe their names, dates, sizes, bindings, oondillons, and prices. Pamphlet Lawn ol Pennsyl vania, and old Books upon Aroenoa wanted. auA-6m JOHN CAMPBELL. IMAOKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, SAL- L»J4- MON, 6c0.—3,000 bbln. Mess No*. 2,2, and 3 Mack erel, large, medium* and email, in assorted packages, of choice late caught fat fish. 6 000 bbls. New BftHftx, Eaftport, and Labrador Hor nngs. of choice qualities. 6,000 boxes oxtrt new noaled Herrings. 3,000 boxes ext'a now No.I Herrings. 3,000 boxes large MagMmo Herrings. 260 bbls. Maokiuao white Fish. 60 bbls. new Economy Me?s Shad. 26 bbls. new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 Quintals Grand Bank Codfißb. 300 boxes Herfaimer-oounty Chcoco. In store and landing, lor sate by „ „ IMURPHY tc KOONS. noB No. tin NORTH WHARVES. HAVANA CIGARS.—A fresh assortment now landing from Brig MoClanahan,just arrived, ami for sale low by CHARLES TETiS, noB-12t 130 WALNUT Street. end nftft HAVANA UIGAKS, of the UUUjVUV most colebratedbrands—viz.: Figaro, Cabana, Bartagas, Espunola, Neptune* „ Adoraoion, Black Sea. Aoierto. Filantrona, C»lhoun, Ao., 6so. Of all .sizes and duality, on hand, and. lauding hr re op.nt arrivals, and ior sale low by , CHARLESTETE, no9-22t 130 WALNUT Street. PINE OIL. —50 bbls. Pine (Jil, ire«h dis tilled in heavy iron-bound glued paoksges, for shipping. For aale by ROWLEY, ASRBURNKKi & CQ., Mo. l*>BBouth Wharves. nol2 MFSS MAOKEREL - 63 bbls., 57 hail IYJI bb15.,74 quaHor bbls, and 160 kitts No.I Mess Mackerel, of a choice quality* in store ami landing, for sale by „ MURPHY & KooN8,„„ »08 lm No, 146 NORTH WHARVES, RETAIL DRY GOODS. 3,000 yards double width BILK POPLINS. AT THE VERY LOW PRICE OP 75 CENTS PER YARD. •*» THOS. W. EVANS & CO., Nos. 818 nod 820 CHESTNUT STREET. no!3-3t c. & c. ON FRIDAY, NOV, 16th. uoB-tf FURS. gLEOANT FURS. Tho subscriber a have now open tUB MOST EXTENSIVE AND SUPERS COLLECTION LADIES’ FURS TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY FINEST HUDSON DAY SABLE; RUSSIAN SABLE, MINK MARTEN, BEAUTIFUL CHINCHILLA, ROYAL ERMINE, FINEST DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, FITCH MARTEN, STONE MARTEN, THE PREVAILING STYLES, A»n WARRANTED GENUINE. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. 70S CHEBTNUT STREET. r ADITiS’ FANCY FUBS. »-A JOHN FARLIRA, 716 ARCH Street, below Eighth, has now in storo, of his own importation and manufacture, a very large and beautiful assortment of all the different kinds and qualities of fanoy FURB for Ladies and Children that will be worn dnnng the com ipg season, at manofaoturers’s prices. no!3-2tr GENTS* FURNISHING GOODS’ E. & F. Means KSHLEMAN & FLETOHEB. irsoo^o Means NUMBER EIGHT HUNDRED. 8. W. C. E. & C. Means SOUTHWEST CORNER EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. LINES TO B, & L. Means Some nen originate. While others imitate, ALTOGETHER. Means THE NEW CRAVAT AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. NOW OPEN. With a etook comprising all tho Latest Styles and Manufactures. THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY. CRAVATS. SHIRTS, SCARFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, TIES, GLOVES, COLLARS. MEN’S HOSE, IIOBIERY, BOYS’ GLOVES, UNDEhSHIRTS, BOYS’ HOSE, DKAWERB. POCKET HDKFB, MUFFLERS. (Linen and Silk.) WT SHIRTS 3JADJJ TO ORDBfi, 6 yOR G 9 AXD UrWABPS. No. 800 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. nol2-fetuth3m Fine shirt manufactory.—The subscriber would invite special attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, known as the most perfeot fitting made. On hand, and made to order at shortest notice. WHOLESALE TRaDK SUPPLIED. Also, an extensive assortment of GENT’S FURNISH ING GOODS, of hi* own importation. J. W. SCOTT, oca Four door, BS£SESSfIBB!t» TODTIOE TO GENTLEMEN !—The best II assortment of SHIRT BObOMS ever offered for pale m the oity of Philadelphia, comprising Prince of Wales. Imperial, Abraham .Lincoln, &o-> UprigbtPiait*, Bias Plaits, and Cross Plaits, some containing three hundred plaits. CHARLES ADAMS k'SON, nolO-tf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets 9>i. II lII■■■—■!»,MWWH .I.mif ■! mi mil I WATCHES AND JEWELRY. JAMES E. CALDWELL & 00., 823 CHESTNUT ST, IMPORT AND MANUFACTURE FINE WATCHES, RICH DIAMOND AND ALL OTHER JEWELRY, MANTEL CLOCKS AND BRONZES, STERLING SILVER-WARE, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PLATED GOODS, PARIS ARTICLES, FANS, OPERA-GLASSES, &c„ Tho principal part of our stock is entirely new at MODERATE FIXED PRIOES. An Examination will ontail no obligation to pur- nol tJal-if FINE WATOHES, of tho most up j£r« proved makeis; Jewolry of every description. Silver*ware equal to coin; also. Plated*ware of the best quality, at G. AUSSEI.L’S, 0029-lm 82 North BIXTH Street, Jts. SCARF-PINS, STUDS, and SLEEVE jSiRf BUTTONS.—A largo assortment of Carbnnole, ftwaaaCoral, Lava, and Etruacan Gold Scarfipins, at G. RUSSELL’S, 0c29-lm 22 North SIXTH Street. fffe MISSES O’BRYAN, 914 CHESTNUT *45. ftreot, above Ninth, will open Paris Millinery, for tho Winter, on Thursday. Nov. 8,1850. n7-lm* Ladies.— a large lot of oiiil- DRFN'S CLOTHING selling atgreat saonfice to closo the business. 909 CHESTNUT Street. no9-6t REWARDS. REWARD FOR RECOVERY— *\f***J MIPSING.-Mr. JOHN MATLACK left his atore- 416 Kaoe strict, on Wednesday aveh'ng. the 7th of November, at about 6 o’olook* to call u* on a friend in Camden, W. J.» and has not been heard of sicce. It is supposed that ho fell into the river, or from temporary abßence of mind wandered away. He is aged aaventt’ years, bald head, back hair white, about five feet eigk inches in height, itout.and lame in tho left leg. walkt with a cane. Any mformat on sent to 1002 WISTAR Btreot, would be most gratefully acknowledged by hi* distressed family, and rewarded. P, s,—We have learned that he was seen Eleventh and Vine sis., about H o’clock Wednesday evening. noH-tf ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEAI AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA PROF. MORRIS* AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Manufactured solely, at No. 62 North FOURTH Btreet, and for sale by Gropers generally. «ei3-3m\f BELLS. Only oriE-TUUiD the price of Brass and less than hai that of Steel Bolls; of equally sonorous and mellow tone. Warranted for twelve months against broakage by fair ringing. For sale at the BOLE AGENCY in Philadelphia, No 612 COMMERCE Street. se2Q-thstu3m A. M. F. WATSON. Alii FURNACE. Thon.w non. Furiwoo Gnu Con;umer will thoroushlj warm your house, with one-third less ooalthan is re quired by any other furnaoe. Satisfaction m all oases iJuildiDgs br eeB-stuthBroif 1010 CHESTNUT Street. /BOOKING RANGES.—AII in want of tho elevated, double oven Cooking. Ranges, will do we\l V> oa\\ ARNOLD fc WJLBOIPS, geB-stuth 3in if 1010 CaESTNTT Street. MANTELS.—The richest and >0 most beautiful specimens of enamelled Slate Man tels ever offered for sale m this country, manufactured by us," from Pennsylvania slate-stone, and for sale very low. „ ARNOLD & WILSON, seB-stuth3mif 1010 CHESTNUT Street. WIDOW OLIQUOT CHAMPAGNE.— Chomp wo to* Ue r trado 6 from " tme orto »rri ve. brsnll ° f Mtt ja 9 u oCTo b 4UW}| s^. WANTS. WK?r A RESPECTABLE GER derslands En?hs, L '* or Woman.whoun' housework' Onft h wth ,aln f cooki * , *» and assist m Comfortable home, a ppfy hifl obt Sjf» a WAITED A PARTNER, with from Three to Four Thousand Dollar* in oaafa in a business that willpiiy 60 par cent., and isall ©2s?* Ad* dres* “>.L. 3.,” Frets office. m>l3-3t* WANTED —BY A YOUNG MAN, a SITUATION as Book-keeper. Has a prdotioal knowledge of the Drag business, a».d of theiuannfao ture of fine ohemiealC. Would be willing to mako him self irenerally uselu! in above capacities. Best of re ferences. Address “ j 8.,” Press offioe. nol3-2t* Vl/'ANTED —An American or German „yy Girl, in the country. Inquire at L. CARLE TON’S, No 116 North KIQBTH Street. pol2-2t» \\TANTED —BY AN EXPERIENCED *J, .Insurance Adjuster, a sitnatiou as Secretary or clerk in nn Insuranoe Company. Best of testimo malßsivea, Address “Adjuster,” at this office, noiz si* VVANTED —BY AN EXPERIENCED r«M,.«» Packer, a situation in a Dry-Goods *l °UB 9» aa Porter and Packer. Can furnish l h ° hffiJSS? 1 !? 1 ! "J® qualifications, honesty. &o. Address JAM.E3,” office of ibis paper- n!2-6t* WANTED— BY A YOUNG MAN OP good moral oharaoter, a situation as BoOK ii.ttttr'i'HS is a praotioalaccoantant and good penman; would make Jurasoli useful otherwise ;osn btoSuob »*■. tiiuonWs rif Chornoter and ability. Address “Book keeper.” Press office. nolO gt* WANTED TO RENT—By a good tenant, a Stable which will accommodate about fifteen horses. Address “Stable.” Press office. noa-tf WANTED— An active business man, haviiig 87,000 to 810,000. to take the place ora retiring partner ih An established Mercantile business, Saying , a net profit of 2o per dent., without risk. Ad rese “ Partner.” this office, with real name, not- tf A PAPER MILL WANTED—lmme diate Possession- In running order preferred. At or within .thirty miles of Philadelphia. Kent paid m gdvanoo, if required. Address A. J. BEAUMONT, New Hope, Books co.. Pa. no 7 6t* JfcQ PIftAWANTED—And a good, active. responsible man. to take exclusive charge of a light, respectable manufacturing business in Philadelphia. Profits good; demand Unlimited. Ad dreas “ Kead.” J7t« Press offioe. n023-3t* WILL BE PAID FOR A CON • ductnrship on any of the City Passenger ilways. Address “ ROBERT,” office of The Press. Pl2-3t* FOB SALS AND TO LET- Mg FOR RENT. —Part of a House, on jEs. Chestnut street, to let. Part of the rent taken ont in board, if desired. Inquire at ALLEN’n-Statlouety andforfumeryBtore.No.lo2* CHESTNUT St. n!3-2t* « LARD-OIL FACTORY.— to rent, ft LARD-OIL FACTORY with 88 Patent Levdr Presses, with Plates, Bags. Tubs, Kettles, Tanks; all in oomplete order. Apply to ROWLEY, ASHBURNFJt, & CO., ooi No. IB bOUTH WHARVES. CURST FLOOR AND BASEMENT OF Store No. 41 North THIRD Street, below ARCH, to let from first .of the year. Apply on the premises. n9»6t* TO CHAIR AND O /VBINET MAKERS.— The Phoenix Wood-Bending Company, owners of “ Blanohard's Patent.” for the States of New York. New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland, will sell county, towa. or shop right*, or grant Uoenses to nee, on easy terms- This is .the snip patent. All infringers will be etnotlv dealt with. Apply to JOHN BIL3BY, or O. A. BURGESS, No. 34 BROADWAY, New York. 004-dSm For exchange.—a choice tract of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, convenient to the oity.wiU be exchanged for oity property. Apply at No. 118 FEDERAL Street aeZZ-tt FOR SALE—A well-assorted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, &0.. and the fixtures of the store, with the privilege of ronting the store, wbioh is situated in the centre of business. The honse has been doing tho Southern and Western Pennsylvania trade. Any person desirous of going into the Hardware busi ness will find it a good opportunity. The stock will be offered on reasonable terms. Address “ A.,” at. this offioe. eelfi stuthtf FOR SALE —a VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY for a Publto Institution of any kind, handsomely situated in view of Laurel Hill, and over looking the City of Philadelphia, portions of it being 80S feet above tide. A nice stream of water flowing through it } having a fall of 25 feet, affords an opportu nity for raising a largo supply of water. Any quantity, from CO to 70 acres. including about 15 acres of fine TIMBER, can be had on liberal terms, by applying to JOSEPH POX, 1208 SPRING GARDEN Street, be tween the hours of 12and 3 P. M. Do3-stnth6t* PUBLIC SALE OF ORIZABA IRON WORKS. SOPHIA FURNACE, &0.-By virtue of authority vested in us as trustees for certain oredi tors of Pollard MoCorrmok, an* in pursuance of a de cree of the District Court of Allegheny county. in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in No. 3 of November 1863. we will expose to public sa’e.&t ths MER OHANTB* EXCHANGE- on FOURTH Street, rn the oity of Pittsburg, on TUESDAY, November 13, 2360, commencing at 11 o’clook A. M,, the Rolling Mill and Nail Factories, situated near New Castle, Lawrenoe county, Pennsylvania, known as the Orizaba Iron Works, containing sixteen Boiling Furnaces, five Heating Furnaoes. Bar Rolls, Small Rolls, Nail Plate aad Muck Rolls, Squeezers, forty-nine Nail Machines, one Wrought Spike Machine, and machinery for ma nufacturing nail kegs and fire bnok. Also, the Blast Furnace known as Sophia, adjoining above works, whioh is capable of turning out one hun dred and thirty tons of pig iron per week. Also, several lots of ground, adjoining, and several pieoes of land adjacent to the ironworks.containing coal, iron ore, limestone, and fire clay. Teems.—One-fourth of tho purohase-mouey to be paid in cash on tho acknowledgment of the deed; the balance in one, two. and throe years from the time of sale, with interest from that time; the deferred pay ments to be encored by bond and mortgage on the pro mises. CHARLES KNAP- H. BRADY WILKINS, ISAAC M. PENNOOK, WM. K, NIMICK, « PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE.— I will sell at public sale, on THURSDAY, 15th of NOVEMBER. 1860, at 2 o’clock P. on the premises, a valuable FARM, situate in Penn’s Manor, Falls township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, adjoining lands of George Gale, Gilbert Green. Thomas Brnfon. and others, containing 91 floras and 13 perches of land, oi whioh there are about li acres of meadow or pasture land, with a never-failing stream of water passing through the same, the remainder being arable land, in a goodstateof cultivation, and divided into six fields of equal size. * The improvements are, A TWO RTORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, LARGE FRAME BARN, built of the best materials and nearly new, and other neoessary outbuildings. A well of excellent water near the door, with pumn herein. &3T This farm is situated within 4 miles of the City of Trenton, 5 miles from Bristol, one third of a mile of a station on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, three fonrths of a mile of the Frankford and Trenton Tunj- f like and Delaware Canal, and 1 mile of the river De awate. This farm is in a beautiful and healthy neighborhood, and surrounded by peoulc of the right kind, and will be sold on the day of sale to the highest bidder. Persons desirous of buying a Farm and living in the heart of the world, would do well to attend the Sale, as it issoldom & Farm is offered for eale possess ing so insny advantages. fly Persons wishing to view the property previous to the day of Solo, wilfpleaeo call on JaCOBHALI.. re siding on tho premises, or on the undersigned, living Semites nonh of Bristol.' JOSHUA STACKHOUSE Octobsb 22, ISfcO. n 9 4t» . JYJISSOURI LAND!! 600,000 Acres for Sale and entry, at prices ranging from UJf to 00 cents \ er Acre, in any quantities re quired . TAXES paid, and PATENTS prooursd for puroha ■era of-Laud under the Graduation Aot. Plats furnished gratis by enclooinr a postage stamp For further information applyto. . WILSON, RAWLINGS * CO.. V. 6. aria General Land Agents, 60 CHESTNUT Street, Between THIRD and FOURTH, ST. LOUIS, MO LAND WARRANTS bought, *oU, and looated. 003-3 m BOARDING. Furnished room, with or with. cut Board, at No. 320 WALNUT St. noU-St* BOARDING. —A Widower, haring two small children is denrouß 'of procuring perma nent boarding *in a respectable private family where good oare will be given to his ohiidren. Liberal price will bo paid. Address “ Ohio,** office of The Press, nol2-4t* TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN WISH TO soouro good Boarding in a central location. Ad dress “ T. and 8..” office of this paver. n!2-3t* FIRST-OLASS BOARDING, with hand some oommunioating and single Rooms, at 1417 LOCUST Street. 0018-lm» INSURANCE COMPANIES. Removal. —the psnn mutual LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY have removed to their new budding. No. 941 CHESTNUT Street* Assets, over 81.000.000. Charter perpetual. A I,L THE PRO r ITS divided amongst the insured. POLICIES issued this year will participate in the Di vidend to be declared in January next. Ibe Company has full authority to aot ns Lxeoutors, Administrators, Assignees, Guardians, and Trustees for married women and ohiidren. DANIEL L. AIILLBit, President. BAMu. hi ttIOKLB, vioe Prea’t. Jontf W. Hounor. Heoretarr. MEDICAL EXAMINERS in atlendanoe daily, from 1 to 3 o’olook P. Al. noB The mutual ltfe insurance com pany 07 NEW YORK. Assets: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, IItVSSTBD IN TI»ST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE, WORTH OVER $l3 000,000. The premiums are lower than in many other Compa* nies, and the Dividends have been greater. This is a strictly Mutual Company. There are no Stockholders, so that ALL THE PROFITS to the insured. Pamphlets, and every information, may be had gratis, on application to ’ VV F. RATCHFORD STARR. Agent, S.W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, PHILADELPHIAREFKRENCES: Thomas Robins, John welsh, Mordeoai L. Dawson, George H. Stuart, George M. Stroud, jb. S./Wheen. John B. Myers, L Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterson, William C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur G. Coffin, Thomas H. Powors, Georgo W. Toland, William McKee. Thos. Wattson. nSly*i( Flame insurance company, no. CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED THE STATE OF CONFINED TO FIREAND INLAND RISKS, directors. Samuel Wright, D. B. ihrney, Wm. W. Walters, J.W.Evennau, Cho*. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr.- Geo. A. West, Jacob W. Stout, O. Wilson Davis, Menko Stern. Thos. 8. Martin. _ ... „ GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, VicePres’t. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary, [jall-ift SAVING FUNDS, AMERICAN SAVING JTOND. —Oom- -CM canr’a Buildmir, .oullieMt qornei WAI,;M)T and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from 8 till ,* o’clock, find on MONDAY till Brn the evening. lhi» Old Institution has always paid in full* on demand, without notfoe. EKEBY FIVj3 pBR OENX . All sum* Piid back, on gold andsi.rer ALEX. WHILLDIN, President, BAML. WORK, Vice President John C. Farr, T. h, Harper* George Nugent, John Anspaeh, Jr... Sami. T. Bo dine, Alb, O. Roberts, John Altaian,, Jonaaßowinan, H.H. Eldridge, Wm. J. Howard. JOHNS. WILSON, Treasurer. JOHN O. SIMB, Secretary. ooSO-lmif SPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND, K? Offloe, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and CallowhiU. inoorpotatad by the LcgisiatuTv April Hth, UR., Open for Deposits and Payments, daily, from o'clock. Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY jSVENIN GS, from a to 8 o’olook, - Intoiestapor cent, per annum. Depositors can with draw their. Moneys by Checks, if desired. Special Be posits received. „ _ JAMES S. PRINGLE, President. PoAneu Hr xv. Secretary- apSfr-tf if PIANOS AND MUSIC. PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS !! PIANO-FORTES, btkb MJiLODEONS, Mad. br Karon, JSaoon, & Co., Hunna & Clark, Hallott,, Davia, Be Co., and othare. J. K. GOULD, TOlHr SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. ———■ STEINWAY & SON’S NEW PA rrrVffTBNT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS, SQUARE GRAND, AND SQ,UARE 4 PIANOS, now preferred in eonoerts and in private circles by the best performers. Received the first premiums over tho best makers, from Judges like Gotteehalk. Masoned others. Challenge all competition. BLABlus RJtOTHEBS, d4-Iy 1006 CHEBTNUT Street, , AituasraiTg. ■ WSKSS? 4 otAßK * ,s a*™*l - ENGAGEMENT i)P EDWIN BOOTH?” 1 TUB6DAYEVjBNING“Nov.I3. ' SECOND NIGHT o£. „ f _ ’ . HAMLET. Produced with important restoration* from tha origi nal text, new Soenery by Wiser, oorrsot costnma.. Arto, ' wt ' ic \VM n /j^la^T(fL“r’ Mau ‘ 4 Box-Book noW open for the entire week. • TVfcDONOtrGH’S OLYMPIC (L»te OAT*. ±,X TIES.) RACE Btrsat, b«low Third. TUfiMDAY EvZWiMe.EoT.M, b"a£dTns THKCONDEMHED FELON. Loei “- COMIC SINGING bjrjifiss.Winthrop and 3. Seymour. To conclude with the thrilling drama of „ .ROBERT MAOAfKE i . .?*• T HE IWO MURDBJIkRS. J.Seymou^ 0^16 ’ S ‘ E ' M°Donougfi» Jacques Strop, In rehearsal, THE GLADIATOR OF ffsvmnvi. Poors open at 634 o’olook; commencing at 754 Admiraion, aa own, ; Faml? IX/ALNUT-STREET THEATRE. »" Sole Lease Mrs. M. A firnmns Stage Manager——-._ Mr, WMTATCTLIupWfr.* B " mM * Af rH , ir(IUEMAVi^^j§G“ IU "«Y- Will bo anted, tbe oelobraioa »,Matioß drama (al t.adrwitaoM.d^ov.MJjflM^^ot Performed for an entire season m London. Robert Landry. Mr. Ed*m Adams; Legrsad, Mr. Young i Catharine Duval, Mrs, Gladstone ; CeriMtte. Miss C. Jefferson. Previous to the p’ay ' A POPULAR COMEDIETTA. Doors open at 6H o'clock; performances coznoesotf at/p'otook. Mg* Prices as usual. U|USIOAL FUND HALL. _ _ (JRAND CONCERT. First appearance inPhiladelptila of the great lync ... .^Tragedienne. ONLY GRAND CONCERT BY THE CELEBRATED mjKejnez fabbhi. . HICCBTIGELLI. ’ Together with Mr. RICKARD MULDER, fPianist.l following magnificent PrOiraHunewiUbepft- l. Fantasia for the Pianot“^Souvenir dTta&tf* .Mulder, . , v . RICHARD MULDEIC *. Celebrated hong, The Tear, “ Die Threne,” q AJ- C ?«££?l d r and ra? b J STIGELLI. ‘ ■ “mow IN£Z“FABBRI and B'S.'STiBECul 01^' Mme. r FABB^I,Bi.. r Btf&S!il',aadc!AsL 1 F'(II^M! 1. a. L Escarpolatte. Etude for the Piano.—- Molded b. La Polka, dee Maeots- .Faai«ilU. - „ MB. RICHARD MULDER. S. The Dream of Home*’ 1 word# br Thomas Moorf* . , Mme.INBZ PABBRI7 4. The Bnghteafc Eyes.” {Die Sofcensten Augen.) «.^l« e . 4 * lB :* ! . XlGlil ' Ll -M n Jd.r * _ _ CARL FORMEB. 7. Duet .(NasMnieUo.j and CARL FORMES. CONDUCTOR. MR. RICHARD MULDER. lhe Grand '■lano used stfbie Concert Is from the °* e r?MT l D t S?rnJ. anafaotor y of Chiokenng A Boos. ADMISSION .ONK DOLLAR, reals may be secured -without extra charge. The sale of Tjokets commences This Morning, at the Musio Btore of Beok A Lawton, and at the Piano Porta Warerooma of Chiokering A Hons Doors open at7ja; to commence at 8. Concert hall. „„ GEORGE CHRISTY’S MINSTRELS! FOR POSITIVELY ONLY SIX NIGHTSMOKE. TRIUMPHANT RECEPTION BY HOUSES . . CROWDED TO OVERFLOWING, Ond the continuous - ’ OVATIONS OF LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE . from delighted audience#. Tils onanimoaa verdiot of the public pronounced m lavor of „ . GEORGE CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS, Under the personal supervision of , GEORGE CHRISTY. In ooniequenoe of this MOST FLATTERING RECEPTION, postponed honor to aßnoance that he has SO! pone is °» s J§g’ ol)E WEBK whioh-vnll positively be his last in .Philadelphia, os he appears in Washington on Monday, Nov, lPto. MONDAY. AND EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. „,„„„GEORGE CHRISTY’S ’ MAMMOTH AND BRILLIANT TROUPE op „ x TWENTy-O*NE PERFORMERS. Vooal. Instrumental. >coentrio, Charaoteriitio* and Terp&icbpreaii, admitted to ba th. ’ “ a BB3T EVER PRESENTED TO THE PUBLIC. Will appear. In ooninnetfim with the original and In Ilia bn«' ABLJi GE ° RGE PRINCIPAL GEMS OF ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY, CHARACTERISTICS OF NEGRO LIFE. AND BURLESQUE ECCENTRICITIES, Front seats reserved for ladies and ladies accompa nied by gentlemen. Reserved seats can be eeoured at the Box Offioedarins the ddy, without extra obarjje Tickets to all parts of the Hall, 35 Cents. « °?® n at 7 o’oloak; to commence at 8. nolt-dt GRAND MATINEE ON SATURDAY AT 9 O'CLOCK, CONTINENTAL THEATBS, (Lata National,) WALNUT Street, above Eighth THE GREAT AMERICAN CONSOLIDATED „ „ CIRCUS COMPANY, H. P. MaDIGAN A CO.. Proprietor.. POSITIVELY BIX NIGHTS ONLY? MONDAY. Nov. uth. 1860. AND KVE»Y NIOHT.THIS WEEK. FIRST NIGHT OF •* M(INS. BLOND INd* Who will appear in a aerie, of unparalleled Kvola tions on the Tight Rope, molndinc hut Basket Donee, Ac. MATINEK. oommenoms at o cloek* . The doors open at half put 6 o’oloox. Performance commences at half past 7. Admission only 26 cents; Family Cirole lffo. ? Secured Seat* »o. Seats can be seoured 3 dais in advance. no!2 6i ©ANFORD'S OPFKA HOUSE. ELEVENTH STREET OPBN FOR TUE BEABON. OWl ** NEWLr DECORATED AND PAINTED. „ „ hUt. BANFORD . Has seonred one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore ▼ho will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence at 7X. Admittance 39 cents. Children 13 oenta. oelft-lm WOLFSOBN AND THEODORE THOMAS* FIRSTCLAPBICAL 80IREE „. WiU take place on SATURDAY, the J7tb NOVEMBER, _ AT TBB - _ FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OP MUSIC. Bubsonption received at the principal Mueio Store*. Single tickets 91. To be had on evening at the door* no9-7t Heabqhabteks, feankun _ PLACE.-FREB CONCERTS—OH AS. JEN- Kins, in conjunction with an entire New Company ton?s. Dances, Ac. nol3-6t CHADWICK & PEET. Sup’ts. TJ ASSLKR’S OROHESTBA.—Serenade JLi «,4 Military or Office 1208 LOCUST street* . Or Hluko’t .Ao%Jemy, BROAD Street, belo'w Walnut. nTBE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA give A their PUBLIC REHEARSALS every B*rUA DAY, commending at SK o’clock, at the MUBICAL FUND HALL. 8 ticket*,si; single tickets, 25 cents, for sale at Chickenne A Boa’s, 807 Chestsnt street; Andre’s. 1104 Chestnut street; and Beck A Lawton's* Chestnut street. ..Engagements for Concerts. Commencements, Par ties, &0., made only at their Office, Chiokering A Son’s Piano Store, 807 Chestnut street; William moll, 314 North Juniper street, or C. Drouglunan, 1009 Kidefl avenue. oc3l-tf PENN A. ACADEMY Of THE PINI ARTB.-102C CHEBTNUT Street. M CHIMBORAZO,” a splendid Painting by Mignot. “THE FIRST a beautiful Marble Statuetteby Angelmt. On exhibition for a short time, Visitors will please bring their opera glasses. MEPICINAIi* J R. STAFFORD’S OLIVE TAR. When Olive Tab is Inhaled its healing Balsamic odors are brought in oontaot with the lining membrane of the , THROAT, BRONCHIAL TUBES, AND ALL THE AIR-CELLS OF THE LUNGS, relieving at onoe any pain or oppression, and heairar any irritation or inS&mation. When Olive Tar is Taken upon Sugar, it forma an unequalled Soothing and Healing Syrup for Coughs and all Throat diseases. When Olivb Tar is Applied, its Magnetics or con centr&ted curative powers render it a most speedy PAIN ANNIHILATOR. O/tr* Tar is not sticky—doss not discolor. Fifty cents a bottle, at 443 BROADWAY, N» Y. t an by oil Druggists. J. R. STAFFORD’S IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS are a soluble preparation of Iron and Sulphur, identical with that existing in the blood of a perfectly healthy person. Uniling with the digested food, Thbt Revitalize Ann Pubity the Blood. They Impart Energy to the Nervous System They Invigorate the Liver. Thsy Strengthen the Digestion. They Regulate the Secretions op the Body, And arb a Specific for all Female Weaknesses Price, One Dollar a Package. At 443 BROADWAY, New York, and all Drnggists. Pamphlet containing Testimonials from the following and more than 108 other well-known promi nent persons, will be sent to any address,/™* by mail. Geo. Law, Esq., Fifth avenue, New York. Simeon Draper, Esq., Banker, New York. Thublow Weed, Esq., Albany, N. Y. Gen* Duff Green, Washington, D. C. Col, Samuel Colt* Hartford, Conn. Col. Chas. May, U.S.A. Rev. Joshua Leavitt, Independent, New York. Rev. E, Bright, Ed. Examiner, Now York. Rev. D. W, Cronk, Act Am. Bible Union, N. Y Rev. O, F. A. Spinning, Butternutta, N. Y. Rev. Dr. Leonard, Exeter, N. H. SEND FOR A PAMPHLET. Sold by ail Druggists. DYOTT A CO„ No. 232 No SECOND Btreet, Agents for Pennsylvania. se22-Jm SPECIALTY FOR LADIES. TRUSS ~ AND BRACE DEPARTMENT oondnoted bj com- Setent Ladies. Entranoeon TWELFTH Street, first oor below Race. A lull line of MeoEanioal Beme *}W4 wjd elegant in construction, specially adapted to Ladtes 1 use, „ -nr „ C. H, NEEDLFS, Proprietor, S. W. corner TWELFTH and RACK Streets. Philadelphia. Entrance to C. H. N.’s Room, for gentlemen, at the corner. sel4-Banf A WONDERFUL AND NEVER FAILING REMEDY FOE diseases of the NERVOUS SYSTEM. FROMSSSOR MORRIS’ EUOEPHALOS, AN EXTERNAL REMEDY, Prspar.l b, MO (J KRIIIGK k CO., No. fist North FOURTH Street *ar And for ea’e br Druggiata ganerallT. eeU-Smif TMTUTTER’S cough syrup. J.YJ. F. BROWN. COPY-RIGHT SECURED. Prepared onlp ggg^SBg l tf|f , f¥S'K’ ~on of the late AT FREDERICK BROWN’S. Northeast ooraor of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, , Philadelphia This Remedy Is a sale and simple preparation from the reoipo of the late distinguished Professor Mutter, with .whom it was a favorite prescription. That be used it in his extensive praottco, msures to the timid a certain proof of its pure and innoxious elements, and to those who know ois character for skill and oarefnl attention to presonbe only sooh remedial agents as should secure restoration without producing subsequent evil, it will be welcomed as a real good. Under the guidance of a Physician, (to whom its combination will unhesitatingly be made known,) itwill always be found very beneficial, and messes where a medical adviser is not at hand, it may be used with safety, according to the directions, in all oases ol short or long duration. '■ And for sale also at FREDERICK BRO W N, Jr.'s, DRUG AND CHEMICAL STOIJE. . „ . ; CONTINENTAL HOTEL. Corner ol NINTH and CHESTNUT Street., Phila.. t ,An?. by “II reapeotablo Druggist. tbroaghotit the United States- aolO-stntblna Rosin, pitch, and tar.—1,760 bbis. Bosin. all grades! 2M do. Pitoh, large site :7S bble. Tar, part Wilmington LLOtlotete Mgk ***bvm**'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers