HIOtiAi&D.YAVS, ' '• &<'•}•' ’ £**s fALttASDKR, : ; ' : ( ; : ;irV‘*MWW‘*’® roEV * R „,,, , JWPFREY JtETZaAR, : C!I v'w::>vIaH?ARt»:WARTMAN, ‘•'.’‘V'i .JACOBY, 4 4 ".f ■JOMPHDOWBAI.L, •.V : 4'..l64.r*ff:JAMßS,' . . ' OIORQE D. STIXZBIi, ' JOHN BLACK, aBOBSB GFRO3S, , - > ‘.WttfclAU i: DBWART, S. B. WINCHESTER, JOSEPH LAUBAOH, ! ISAAC RBCKUOW. • OEORQED. JACKSON. WILLIAM R.' OOROAB, JOEL R BANNER,, < \ , J.R.CRAWFORD, , VRAM CIS LAIRD, 3. f. HOWELL, ' ' • JOflit CALOHAN, ’ ; SAMUEL MARSHALL, WILLIAM BOOK, JAMES S. LEONARD, ' OAYLORD CHURCH. ■ :">I*IANCIAI, AND COMMERCIAL The Monev Market. f Philadelphia, Ootober 31»I8£0. .' A fteterkuteff effort to expend, the panic in the finan /oi aiWorid waswide to-day upon the strenith of the re potted feilutoa of tiro or three houses in Baltimore, wfciclf have Men not only gambling in mining stocks, ttttwbioh have been in poor oredit for eome time— Uring upon the reputation of the founders of the firm after ikon founders had'gone out, leaving only their aao.be behind, them., Saohi;x«t of failures as were to«i day paraded opdn the nesrtpeper bulletin boards, and held ip to terrify the timid etahe a took boards and in the besk parlors, would at'any other time have pasted .without a. re mark* other than the n*uai “1 told ffO'day,.however, they have been made the abfcowr heroes or the hour, and their *Vtafortnnes wttk' mining sbaree have been made to bear with ten- Add Might ujon all etooks, whether remunerative or speoatouvp. -.Virginia' Bt>te bonds, which have for eama;time beep losing pnblio oonfidenoe, gave way en ttrtly tinder the news of the * disastrous failures in t Baltisnore,” falling three percent. The State of Vir -ctaih hat hataelf been the pnnoipal seller in the market forsdme time baoktdisposing of her bonds fromday to 'ff'dy to pay for Internal improvements, which seem never to teach completion. The proclamation of her VOoveraor ibraeeelion to provide faither food for these tetebesthatare tacking her blood, has added the feather too mech to her load. Pei haps the downfall . is the stock marhetof her bonds will have a good effect, mi lead her legislators to pause ere they go further upon the ruinous road to long travelled by our osm good State* -: > ‘ Kailyoad shares are steadily poured into the market. 71 Oadlirgelot it sold by one party on one day. aadaaotfcer Jibroaghtforward oa the next from some other aaartsr,aad eo the game goes on. AlUheeeare -aaMteteeff to be wold -as collaterals.' The deollnein thi'toafkst has exceeded the margins left upon them, the money markatJaake.snaetil'd, and those who set out to carry them for. the;speeilators are tired of the toid,'Jb. th#V«fl to realise. Mar the victims, whose jseneri ffaVaps*. snergiss, has thus vanished into thin 'air, fears never to do eo any more. CityVxe* are irm amid all theexciteraent. and Penn : fo lVa*U Railroad sharse were much 'stronger to-day* j NOfth'pessvlvenia eusMftU off )4< The market gene rally te dull ia the extreme, ead sales of stocks ean only 'jbe'maie is isy large amounts by coming down to ths i. Money market, there m no change ae yet, the :nHSelpit. 'toe.clMDcr having been to make *of eapifel more, reserved and careful. Their tfceUta* beak* however, will make prices stiffen up a reeuUsof ttis hubbub may basalt added np ' foi thWft& wifeH'the . presidential election is held and otfifi tpeehad) look to see He effect upon the stock sales end the mosey matketnend we shall fisd that that ef fect was dtscoumtedistoe fortnight through whioh we are new parn ag, - ■ The New York Courier and JF*«ui>rr ruts : ' '** Them here bees so‘transactions inlbe new United States jee*‘ at the fltoek Exobante. We hear tfpri- Oat* tolqe*tl|j*pmißia,wuh later trsnasenons at H. The torgeet kpna ask IV’ cent/ premium 1 , and there ZllltNtiMmt arMpnoe, except a few mattering lots os the martetsit X-- The tsmofor aoopptingthe proposal* oftse.Hudson River fthilroad t> extend tooTseewfl .mot fpf9‘ bonds expiree on the first of J To-dayNsvr.Tork Svming Tost says: r-^Thii-flitoektaencet 1 opened, buoyant, usd before the Board LOR Sharpe New YorttCentral chanced hand* at 91—ah advance oft percent; but on the call of the Plate bonds s dull lee ling prevailed, the Southern stoeks giv»ig„w*T Isel percent., and the share list at once sgenie l l- a heavy appearance, though prices are wetmatorgUy”?*?**“*etthis time ye»terdar. miiatari eftks market was the weakness mthe> States*oet%,While Missouri*. and all North ermLoeds, are steady. Illinois are* IBS bid. with none .offering. .Thedeebneon Virginias, mace yesterday, is X.per.eentroa forth Carolina* *J4,on Tennessee* &. . MfemMiml Ctliiorim row li. . 'vTMtttfnre'of'Memrs. Josiak Leo & Co.,ofß*U more.'eaanasncad by telegraph, and to this we attri bute much ergs* heaviness of the Son them State stocks, of wbteb,'ws belitve.f'tltsy have been buyers ox, late, The Krst efMfcuMSJjy.vMfa-fiutare on U» bail side is - tohissttfe lets is tbs condition of the shire are Quite feveruh at the Sale.. itoWxork Central at oustim- mid as low ae afterwards ye turned,to B*?go£3. foie remained Harlem 16\a17. Illinois - IIX*TIX, Toledo 34eS&, ~ The heaviest qfUe Western-stocks was Burlington ■lf*-- Ssr »t U.. Xi« ]U: ol nilioid band. : ! “|& , SsSB,TW I r i n p s!l « l t 0.,., on esn.and*peroeat,is-readily paid.on Irst-olaßsooi jMemts* in demandato»a7per : rMltfalHu iltock S&chaß«t> .■; ' ‘ ~ OitoWtltisn> M*tout*b w AKteitTltiuct*, Merehwtt* ExohsnsP •••r'.iniif***#. a WubiMtonGw - SUi f.Sft aofleadß..lt»i.M_MS-l5 W00..,_ ...it; -SS.JS-ajs.'-v'i**?. .MfiolnrtSonp JotoSaX ,iV,: astwksn 'boards. , r*“-' -,’-.i '■■:,■ aidOWP BOARD. aWPowa*<ts......«fly 11 Cats R Con ' > do«’.UK do 4/4 wßmingtonlaJtt. Wi Wltorriitowa '4S?« . » tfeadjuv R ~v - *o« » SS£*2s-imo, d0..-*,„..iie*.a ‘.j -:£v ; VhflDOMtß.'.f'BiOßS-bULI..-- ‘ .' BM. <|W _ , _ AuL Aslprf. QMMlInk-.WX MJ, Klein Jt....pt«r..17 u , nqMmM*. .MVi E£ Ktoiro 7a Ta .... ,7o« 71 '. KD»t>_.,««JK DMi Loni lil»E(iR._.I2H M %* ft, UZaSlrttp-r U -74 K ft Fonns R 10*.^.... 109 . aSgii' & Kf£#R§'i < 2W”IS»fW-'W ' SSW fjpnioa-ft Pra®..~ 1 W „ JElaifrl«^w.v.^.-&* 6m»Jb Costas .17J* W-t J, ‘ * Markets. - * OctobxeSl—lvenlng. ■ to; operations to-dat, and the There fa verr little change in BrjadstelTs, and MAX) bbls Floor only found buyer* at for super, 9&£7 for extra, and 96 for ex ttaTMwily, moetly of the Utter description; there ii ■ 191 a Uttle extort dsmaad, end the retailers and baker* tajiK st thrsbort rate* for jb jperfios sod extra*; end 94,9M7 for extra family and fancy brands, as to fttahtr. Ayf Floor ie'ateadrt vifth small sales at 9415* Cora Weal Is not much itwuired for, ond Pennsylvania is held at 93 MIP bbl. ... • fee rtUesVWkaterm«*C Fatmsvlvenia red. 91. Mel 37 ftrjNataerm do, aw from 91 dial 89 for common to weftiWnolee ilrtte.. Jure. l« unchanged: Penney 1- 1 iisff*H&ar at fiu.Md -Northern at §ol Corn is doll aaffmtaerloirer iJMQ nuaeli eold early in the day et -Fl9TOVtbe fatter rotuid yellow j and 2,000 s’i»t wo.! 1 ttxtAl, but ruk.tr Quiet. to , wagtloa eeSeutuniu, the Mtoelion of tfto ;rojSc!fiilli<“ft»e, farther .mail *alsb of Sujrar and vepertMet tteed, prices, end tba market ia - JPmoVlsfoir*/-fcloa ara.conftned to em.ll lota of I’ork, Btoo*. aM irefdpirttbw fhenie menotationa. - ' TAM I (Ood dantaad for Ctoveiaeed; aalea of MMtMkWf bean made,moatls at aaea.itx W, bii ( eebtae u end Flaxeeed _W«i«xTie dnljet'ttifo forfenn'a kbit, a«oJSo for Prediet aeale or Midi vtm •V:.. IMFOftTATION b ilfeMtifor Ih.rreee.l OALOUTTA-TBUiVietetie Faed. Preble—l7a bass Wuetra MDdooatu, 18»doHiee«dI8oopoekaudo 110 qtt laedo JatsSMtaart.Caraan k Cos 178: Bao doeuldjl isu do ImaeedlWO pooketa do Mdttojanoyeioth, Gross k Bro; soobaea o'obtofiUK do linseed 48 eaaea lao dye as, ot. 7»eases iad i ro HI pockets nux vi niica Lowber fc Wiliaer; 33 bales (oet ekfne E: Bal’ett-<7ooboxeeandhalf fivveienxxmdaito lejerdo <R>7 do do liaila seedlesa do M keys snn do JoM.ee sertooodo seebaxss Is moos no do vhrtofisa Slkexe piseso j) V oeake nreat JMde lOdodeydo Benners k PASBKNOERB BAILED, ,rjaptaoesabi, Stedeof,Geers ix,for Havaanah-*Mr«M .gf~OMuL«X,I flukerc H,. Bern Otoe, Mrs Gerwin, Mlaa AmrMTWBM -W: Fettrm, art Tutor eedjuiid .er ode v9wltciii*»*M.*»e*» Mr. J Bernard m 3 *erm«i\ry AYKrasegd lady, Mrs Fish, Met o ssjoherdse.r A'lwsrrf' Kss JW Clextoa. 0 K Cor see, -raSSSSSSJrSXIiir,9eo T Kvo.F A OUvar.Dr l K>Edifl ’JibbWWsMmE objppen nod tsro ehil drsnimloi o Ooleoran. Joraa O.Bemediet a«a three mi - AnlavemlM ia the eteetwe. jlAMlrtt ' INTEUsIGSNCE. AIUTEDt iSelrJPfm Martiae Walker, 4 dare from Aleherin Ri ?erj»HJ. eo 00» Imxk «ypMM snmi lea to fiotoniM k. 3Shss»*ai#i^!Wi^ ; s ** k -’i' ' ‘ttt*ex*y«. ■■ ,jConeew)nde»Qeot/ffco Jresa.i . * _ . t 'V: ‘ :.‘J »EWJJHtBAt«9eOotBI. ' ’ ' sfeya lnspeetw, Kearease, r r , „ r . 1 KBMOEAKOA.* ' ■ *2^^,MSSJfc[!L !tol ' eU -“ iled Uom TpUp Bypnean, Leeds,ay Alexandria soth nit. Irom fc il3pSe»j l fn»phi Wbitln'r. from Majatlan, Mexico, anised at jfewVork yesterday. - gjuptaotlMo, Faeces, from Fadanc. arrived at Hew jSStpM'Aaftieek, Tme, from Oalontln, arrived at Near ■■ Hon ‘ ! * **otS&* from Sbanghaa, arrived at New from Rio de Janeiro Bept wu at<iact Klo do Janeiro, arrived at M ■ ; 'f**~ f ''T 4 la . Medeiros arrived at v s-~-n arrived at Btur Hrtpn, arrived at B |oh?RieS3r^X,i^ink , : *! Bpeton *>th ult. r °liSr StaokhCoW, cleared at 8t Joh*, NB, SeaWitlhTMe^rhepjChas Moore,andTCme fine Kiebey, tailed from Providence aoth ult. for Phils daSh» J®k«b.w. yiAv H W Godfrey. Weeue, and J> 9 Mention, Alien, henee, ar rived at BiebmofinoOth ulb . ~ • SchrO P Bbokner, Garwood, sailed from Alexandria 99th nit. for Boston** > SchrCH ffogSre, Langley, oleared at Bavafinah SBth ult for Boston. . % L , Steamer Sophie, Bell* henee, arrived at New York yesterday. OITY ITEMS. A R4BB ChaxCe Poa RotrscKßHPßits —We have, on several Ocoations, referred to the Carpet trade of thia'city as embracing in it some of the leading representative houses m this oountry. Prominent among these is the well-known house of Messrs. Baily A Brother, No. S2S Chestnut street. These gen»lhmen have long been among the heaviest importers As well as manufacturers of carpets, 'ihe goods of their own production have obtained a deservedly wide isputatioh On account, not holy of thsir durability and general ex oeltenoe. but of their beauty of design and adaptation to the wants of this market In the *mpprt#f part or their stock we foiled, on exaiAihihi it yoiterday.sonie of th% richest, and in all respeots most elegant goods ever offered in this oity. What we now desire to ap prise housekeepers of is, the faot that* they are selling their carpets at much beloyf regularpriets, The Imme diate occasion of this is their large purchases within the past few days, at the New York anotiocs. Owing to the-heavy importation of carpetings, and consequent 'forced sales, they have been enabled to preoure some of the most desirable goods, embraoing Ithe choicest patterns of Velvet, Brussels, and Tapestry Carpets, at prices far bslow the usual rates; and having antici pated this emergency, instead of overstocking their warerooms a -rlier in the season, they are now prepared tooffer icdusemsnte to buyers whioh their patron* and the pnblio generally wi‘l ft* likely to appreciate. Pru dent housekeepers Will do Well to ehaihine lhlB stook before purohtsihg. I , Tab Ftni Tbads —Having been desirous of as certaining some reliable daU respecting the fur trade in this oity, and its prospect*, we have called upon Mr, George F. Worarath, at Nos. 415 and 417 Arch street, who has long held a leading posiUon in the fur trade of Amerioa, to obtain the material neoesiary to form an opinion with reference to this important branch of our industrial and mercantile interests. The information thus solicited has been of the most satisfactory charac ter. The stook at the present time in his immense and elegantly-arranged warerooms is the heaviest and mesteleborattly getten-op ever offered in Philadelphia, embraoing the prettiest assortment of ladies* furs, brought, by direct purchasss, from all parts of the world, by Mr. Womrath himself. As the picheer fur rier in this oity, he deaervei credit for having won for Philadelphia a reputation for probity and fair-dealing in this department whioh we have reason W bslievd does not atUoh. in an equal degree, to any other oity in the Union. It is s’gnifioant, at least, that a considerable portion of Mr. Womrata’s trade is from New York pa tronage, there being many persons in that oity who, in order to insure undoubted correctness m having their orders executed,come to Mr. Womrath habitually, in preference to running any risks nearer home. In addi tion to a magnificent stook of todies* furs now on hand, Mr. Womrath also offers an admirable stook of robes. His trade was never more promising than at present. A Gbbat Sboppiro Cbetb* von Both Shxks Every Philadelphian has reason to be proud of the pa latial meroanlite establishment of Messrs. Charles Oakford k Sons’, under the Continental H6tel. By all who visitit,whether citigiQS or strangers, the Verdiot is that there is nothing equal to it in either bemfhpbnifi. The “ Oakford Hat*' has Tor years been the kyb'dnim of graoeandelegande, wh 6h is equivalent, of course, tobringing tots firm the largest amount of orders from gentleman of taste. Sihci combining with his other nunreroul departments that of Genffsmea*i Furnishing Goods, this popular verdiot has been extended, as now it ia not only the hat whioh mast bear the Oakfdrd stamp npoa it, bnt also ths eoatf, gtoYe, orava’t, nlfter clothmg. hosiery, and even the Walking rtiok. Since adding the Ladies* departments for the Bale of Ladies’ Sboes and Mieses* and Children’* Hate, their ware rooms are ae great ah attratatioa for the lair as before they were for toe sterner eex. The Peirce of Wales—HsWnrq Macbxrss ahdthb Royal Family—The Ptincft ail'd kin suite left Portland for home last Satordav. M God dare the Queen,” and the “Queen’s Own.” Among the few valuables and curiosities oolleoted by the Priftoe and eatte during their visit to the Provinces end the States, we' leapt thefe were two of Gxovsx A Basse’s Family Bowing Maohmes, whioh the Marquis end Marobmness or Chandos selected in Propria persona , at the sales rooms of the abOve-namsd enterprising firm. Veiily, this “ iron needle-woman” isablening to (bem tint toy hold upon her, and happy is every one that ret&meth her. MOE* GBBAT BATTLES ON THS PACIFIC COAST—FIVE BaTiAIART VICTORIES ACIUSTStt. The* Eldorado has Become top Field of Contest for Mechanical Art. YUS KCWOBOVB* fit BASSE SSWIRO MACUINSS BVEBY- WniSBIR THS ABCKRD4RT. . To their long list of triumphs just achieved this tide the Rooky Mountains they have added TIVS BtGXAL VICTORIES, within the last monlh, in California, bj taking TUX FISST riHMUJM ct the Great State Fair at B&oramen’o. and four other great Fairs held in the State, over all the heretofore popular Sewing Machines in competition, Ar Old Mar’s Advtcs.—The Reverend Daniel Waldo saysi “lam noW ah old hum. I have seen near tt centory. Do you Want toknow how to grow old slow ly and happily 7 let me tell yob : Always eat slowly— masticate Well. Go to yenr occupation smiling. Keep a good nature and soft temper, everywhere. Cu'tivate a good memory, and to do this you must be oomtnuni eative 5 repeat what you have read; talk about it; par ticnlariy if it has any reference to the elegant Rail ami Winter Clothing gotten up at the one price Gist Cloth ing Store of Granville Stokes, No, *7Chestnut street. Selliso off AT Cost .-'-The extensive stock of housekeeping artioles kepi by B. 8. Farson A Co., southwest oeraer oTfeoonff.pnd Dock streets, is now olersd for sale at coit prieesi Those in want of good ct this kind will do well to call soon, as they will shortly close this branoh of their business. nol-3t ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, nr to 12 o’clock last Knurr. CONTfKENTAL HUTEL-Nliith end Chestnut Streets gCMnlfisster. Delaware Mr Woottea, ■Wllm. pel Kliblifer,Hamsbure T HBaldwin, New York C W Metcalf, Danvifie, Ky Miss M Wtohole, Danville G W Pureon, Ness York Chsll Uilatfd, Ne» York Jf^2 nn ’,t f \? w .i'K k fw §eney. Cincinnati ,0 D K Bmall, Fork. Pa • Thoe white, Yotk.Pa Henry Teom,, Penna C Kraelsiyn k la, N York 4,Oioke!«n*Ja.N Jeraey J W ihirtd.t la.Vitrlnia W H Milh * irf. Muse SB ariosiit vrf, Bneton Dr Breach, smith Carolina W Wh«lirright, Boston ABC Ltndaey, B t’avolnus B F Johnson, new York £irodxe, Georietown, D C G B Williams k la, n Y D Taylor, Mew Orleans H etonefc la, St tamis J.W nheever, Kentucky J_Pynet la, Now York Misalawrenc*, Hew York WkMtimi, Hew York <j°l o j Jack, BrOTklrn. , JTWlewa.l, Mobile Henry W Gain JtewYork W 8 Crooks. New York '?F*MSafcla, Mew York J Vender pool, Nssr York i[?* 3sHow»id, HisrtKirtl Joe D smith. Miseonn -.Mice KXeonantrMimonri Mist M Smith, Missouri .IS MeCeae & la,StDoels mimlarkia.StLome Mios MeCene Ae. St Lonle P Chamberlin, Mess w GUdwta. New York - , O W Rlohards, Hew York MBieakam.A la Mis; Brady B D warren A la, Boston sWCoo. now York JPFellur.AiS’.Hyork FOTSker.Albany J H Boattr, How Verk J A Wood, Doe Man Otl Denican Hew fork DD Webster. Boston N DHftohooek, How York GfcCurrie, How York Jae Teloott A la, ft York W PClark, Boston W WPalrbanke,Taunton Mr Wootten.Deleware Dr AJ Foord.Ua A OH Walker, Condon B M fesgiyt. Baltimore W B Muaoaetor, HaUim’e Then w wmiamt. Meryl’d CWilmer A wf, Daltim’o y i Baltimore J Mertefield.Beltimorc A A Robtacs, Connecticut S 8 Barns, Wash, D C A A Wightman, Maw York GIRARD BOUSE-H. B. comer Hinth and Cheatmrt. Bpbt M Smith, Kant oo Mr Vannart A la, H O My CarWr A ia. Montreal Kju Carrer, Montreal Miss D Carter, Mon.real 33 W IVallace, Ohio Mies Waliece, Ohio - Mr Moodr, Hew Orleans' Mr Caldwell, Hew Orleans Geo Pattoreon, Pottavnlo Obaa HMullin, Penaa TM Prater,Lexlns’n,Ky W gtuart. Haw York . Mrlfewkirk A la. Virginia Mien Howltitk, Virginia 0 B Adama A la, N York wita Adama,Hpw York , A Bitohoook, New York M Atchison, Mississippi Dr R.Frsrae, Delaware H W Bolton, Beltimoto Mr Little A la. How York CastJWßedman,Lonitr KCFroeeer,Maryland A Hitpboook, Hew York B E noyrnour. Hew York MiesGCGordon«PayannohßMAustinfcsrf, N York Mica VontgooMryt N York Chna Beaiten. Jr* Dal J B Knapp. Sumfordt Coen W Jl Andrews ft. wf, R G Mias Andrawg, S Carolina Min Ptavern, 8 Carolina Gen Paez. Venezaela Mies Warner, Venezue a T H Smith A wf. H Yolk MiaiSmith. Hew York Snml Crawturd A wf,Canada Mias Crawford Canada MliiThompion, Canada Mrsdteles fclch, ones G Brinton, Jr. Choatoroo-' Wj Cochran, Virginia Mia Cochran, Virginia -. R H Tyler, Virvima John Diamoad, Dot 00. Pa . ThoaSoekley, Delaware Alex Hlsbet, Jtoeheater. H Y Mist Hilbet A eii, N York H Brandon. LMkHaven . JUGnnner A la. Hit and JasiCnmnuns,R Island, H Hughes, Hew York § w "i"Y JSMjP'Mton _ , J M MeCemly, Waeir,D C 5 osi' fewf. SeirettriKa ewr’n A D Leaver. Saratoga Bpr CP Muhlenbarg, Feeding pMoKnifht/Reading -W A walla. Hew .York' 'H 8 Evens, Westchester Hod C W Pitman, PoUayilte Geo Hopkfns, Hew York E W Lana ng A wf, N Y Bobt BpdnSii. R Island Joo G Rlpley A WI, Va , Mna Tiramse, Viriinia JS Hiddle. Virginia Jno A Weiser, Yorks Pa Kdw OUnton. Cnarleaton W bTBom, New York B kloore, New York Ju Niteon. New York Alex Young. Wheeling*, Va 0 Doherty 4b wf, Mo W Lowrte, Boston K Parmly JPermlf . W Blanchard, New York G J Thomas, Virginia P Corning, Mass’ohuaeits H N Jbunoom k U, If J MBRCHANTS’ HOTEif—Pooith street, below Arob. Conrad Home. Ph'Udelphia A M. Saliade, Reading Jas U Carr, Allegheny, Pa J Larnsden, N Orjesns Jno Gorden, iadiona Mrs Bweevand, MirsPettebone,Wllkabarre J L Bender,Easton . t W Lott. Qimkertown . 80l DHenke), Virginia Geo G tob&ue, Delaware J F Weaver. Clearfield .'i-Boose, Salem. O • OGHexeo* New Castle Mia Campbell* Blame G.M Bamlm. Troy, 0 ' l*J2L < sl»»“ i n<e'^ 4 w. * hasMKrben, Lenoaefer ,J w Clark;Danville, Pa Cynu Drown* Milton. Pa I PKase. Danvllle. Pa - Hon A Packer. M Chunk Ingham Coryell, N Jersey Zadok Street* Salem, O fun Cameron, Mou J A pooner, Union town F deGruyter, Clifton,Va Jno inrnbnll, Xeoia. 0 Pettebone, Wyoming, Fa A B Chapvn, New Orleans Noth Nafe, Preston, Va . AMERICAN ROTEIr-Ohastnnt st, above Filth. John Thomas, Pennsriyania M Halt, Pennsvlvania Jes H Seek, PotUvilCe B Murtaugh k la.w Gbeet K L Mern&efd, Philadelphia Philip 8 Smith, Baltimore f BPorepanghdPhiladelshlsb MeKntght. N Carolina k JthodraiflSßd G B Buckingham, N York GO Walter*, Newlfork HO Cooley fnewYork KeMler. Centre 00. Pa W D Browning,Ohio MM. PhilliM k la, NYoik H 0 Cooper York iflftSSftflalSftu #0 D fu° S t W D n a,^T&' 1 Ge o E Croswelt, Va ttJ.u JONES’ HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Sixth* E Chajleorer, Delaware J 8 Stewart. Huntingdon AP Wilson, fluntingdon Miss A V W.W, Hunt’n JBmith, New York W| Shepard. Wew York W P hander. New York W T P«lkid, Halifax C Dar, North Carohna Mrs M F Carpenter, D C M R Hook. Wash* D C 8 Benson* Newark TB Benson. Newark EMopeoa, New York J Philjjas, MaiiaohasetU J AYyJones. 81 Paul Bidnev RCarr* Pennsylv’a J 0 Palmer. Phila ffm P Brewer, Trenton, N J G 0 Stair, York, Fa 8 Dreyfons, York* Pa Geo Bra brook k fa, Mass R M Wilson* Maaaaohusette Wm w Wilson k son, NY L’ Whitney, Jr, Maes W Tilley, Washington - Wm M Eilioott* Baltimore Columbos Drear, Florida’- N 0 Cornwall A la,New York ■BT. LOUIE HOTEL-Chestnut street, above Third. Joe Patterson, Washington Gep A Nicholson, Mass GeoMPowell, St Paul , CofVW Post, Brazil Thos MoDpwell k U, Wash TFOlearland* Baliimore Mi F Ludwig, Tamenua . L Hall, Mew Jersey Geo H Biok, Newark, N J Jas Bliwk* Lem aster G HlTalbot, Barnstable E Pennelton, N J , „ „ A Reitlmger, Philada J T Redder, Newark, N J G Robinson, Albany, N Y W Jones, Marflend Wm Warren. Penna LT Morse Delaware A Pernot, New York M Arpei, Pennsylvania M Lewis, Philadelphia THE UNION—Areh street, above Third. Wm WaHace. fiwedesboro J F Paucett, Rwedeiboro J R Giddings, New Jersey A Leggate. Allegheny, Fa, GeooMorris.Wash,DC AG Prevost,Trenton, N J F D Hetnok* Easton, Ta J P Cummings, Ohio R Carrol), .Youngstown, 0 FOUNTAIN 310 TEL—Second street, above Market. FFieher,Herr York '■ ThoeTTaylor,Fhita W William*. Troy - N Bates, Albany a Ro.il Hew Bnunwiok , Goo W tlwelL Hew Jereey Jno P R Wallaoe.New York H M Hayee. Frankfonl, Pa P A Jollie, Felton, Del D C Legg « la Smyrna,Del David Porter, Delaware Thos Bnokmester, Del Del GeoTKay,Seeford, Del JohnDirnning, Maryltunl R B Gowuy, Hew Jereey ' BLACK BEAR-Thrrd street,above Callowhlll. Reuben Drey, Milltown Lyrmvdle - ; H Miller, Fenrreylvenfa ■M ffiS!!r*W«Wlvaiua Eli Beohtel, Fenneflvania ueo Braner, Doyie«iown , ■ ■ NATIOHAti HOTEk-ilaoe street, aliaveThird. Silas G Coven FennA Sami 8 Swank, Penna Jed M Blum; Pcnna J Kaunmau. Reading ABalliet A sod, Lehielioo J - Wright, Potteville H J Hendler, PotUville Jaooli Glrton, Blooratbur* John Jameson, Delaware John F Severance, N York Henry & Swartz. Lebanon J Kleokner, Snyder 00 Chas Kleokner, Ashland Wm Frito, Qrangevdio MERCHANTS’ HOUSE-Thinl street, ab. Callowhill. W Kddleman, Allentown John J Slommer, Kansas JS WLandu, /tooklood, P& John Samueto. Rookland A O Levis, Oatosauqua John Hu 1, Bunbury, Pa W K.Ruth. Berks co, Pa Jos Coqver.MTerstown.Pa J W Haines, Norristown J W Adams, White Haven BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vino, N Dunlap, Pennsylvania £ K Patterson, Phila John P Livezey, Buoks co B M Collins, MD, Pa Jns B Lambort, Buoks oe Jns 0 Cadwall&der, Pa , Sami Craven A d*, Pa Peter ft Thompson, N J fioDC S Gould, Trentoh W S Adams, New jersey Ml\ VERNON HOTEL—Second street, above Arch. Conrad Biedeoapp, N York Jesto I.ovet, Trentod Uhas Trimmer. Johnsville Robt Johnson, Lebanon Ruben Jones. Books 00 Geo B Young, Bloomsburg Frank E G Baker, Boston John T Jones, Bristol STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. FJ Mitchell, Baltimore Chas Plimpton, Philada W M Conner, Now Albany J M 'Wlnteßide.N London J Ralston. Armstrong co D Thomas, Indiana 00 MrsH Arms, Columbia John-Gallagher, Maryland J A Wilson. Chester co. Pa J ADefenbaugh, Blair co H M Dorh Pennsylvania COMMERCIAL H^TEL—SiktK st., above Chestnut. U U Rtlibbs, Maryland 8 Garver, Chester co. J R Dauphson, Reading, Pa D Blaok, Potl Deposit E W Hioks, Chester 00 Jno Bmith, Lsq. Chest’roo JG Worth Oxford, Peonn I Berlolet, Reading, Pk. W9I Gle -son. Wisoonain Thos Ferguson, Lano no • G R C.arke, Pottstown BALD EAGLE-Third street, above Callawhill. H Williams, Slatington Philip Reese, N Jeriey Francis Balliet, Lehigh oo W m tfterner, Monte co Geo W Runyeon, Reading Mrs Eunyeen, Reading JohnHHagerty.N Jorsoy Mrs E Hagerty,N Jersey SPECIAL NOTICES Dyspepsia-Indigestion.—lf the diges tive organs aro disorganized, thewholo maoinnery of the body ceases to aot harmoniously. A Consumptive is always a Dyspeptic. A person catmot liave a torpid liver, or the piles, nor a sick headache, who is not a Dyepeptio. Dr. J. R. STAFFORD’S IRON AND SUL PHUR POWDERS oure all forms of Dyspepsia ond Indigestion. They are a soluble preparation, whioh unites with the digested food, and enters with it into the formation of new blood. Tho Iron strengthens the Blood,'and the combined Sulphur oonverts its waste into - gases. This notion upon tho blood increases tho vital or h r e-giving forces of the body, and regulates at. its secretions. Fee advertisement of Dr. J. ft. Stnflord’s Remodios, and send for a pamphlet. Sold by all Druggists, and by DYOTT & CO., No. 239 ftorth SECOND Street, Philadelphia. 0c37-tf , Saving Fund—National Safaty Trust Compart.— Chartered by tho Staio of Pennsylvania. RULES. I. Money is received bVery day, and in any amount, arge or llimll. 2. FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for money fioin the day it is putin. 3. The money is always paid back in GOLD whenovor it is called /or, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Executors, Administra tors, Guardians, and other Trustees, m large or small sums, to roraain a long or short period. 6. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Renta, and other firet olses securities. 8. Ofiioe open every day—WALNUTStreet, southwest corner Third street. Philadelphia. jal2 Sbamek’s Saving Fond —Nobthwbst Corner Second and Walnut Btrekts,— Deposits re ceived msmlMl And large amdUntsVfrom all olaaßrd of thePdmmiinity, Ahd allows inte'restatthe rate of FIVE PER CENT, per annum. Monoy may be drawn by oheoks without loss of in terest. Office opea daily, from d QntiUo*alook,and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, CHAS, M. MORRIS Gfeovßß & a Celebrated NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES The Best in Use for Family Sewing. Nm T3O CHESTNUT street. PhitadelpßiqJ rtlig7-iy |V3=- ftOTICE-tilE I'HILADELPIIIA BAP- L 3 . TIBT INSTITUTE.—The Annuel Mnntinc will be neTd THIS EVENING, November 1, atrX o’olook, at the Rooms, uus CHESTNUT street. H* 8. KNOWLES, Seorstoty. (V«5 s * 'GOUGH’S LECTURES, ILS A „ t J*9,Y#MiJER 13 AND 15, AT THE ACADEMY OF MUBIQ. On and/ after Wednesday, the .31st last, the re maining Tiokets for Unreserved Boats will be sold at Martien s Book More, GOO CHESTNUT Street, and at the Tract Depository, CHhSTHUT Street, belofr Tenth. Price 25 Cents. ~ , A limited number or Stage ana Croliestra Tifiketa can be had at martlen’eohly. Prioe 50 Centa.[oc3i-3t* iftm’Aßß BARK.-PHILADELPHIA, Lks OCTOBER 16. 1860. Notice is hereby Riven that an ©lection for THIRTEEN DI RECTORS, to serve for the ensuing year.-mll be held at the Banking-house, on MONDAY. November 19, between the hours of 10 A. M.. and 2 P, M. The Annual Mooting of the Stockholders will be held at the same plaoe, on TUESDAY, November 6, at 12 o'oluok M. W. b. SCHAEFER, Cashier. October 16.1860. 0010-iuthn tool 9 fVy* GONSULTPATION BANE, PIIILADEL- . KttlA,Boiober 15th, IBJo.—Tee- Animal b leotion /or oir*otor*of thu Bank will bo held nt the BANK IJNG MOfti/AYtthe 10th day bfNbvettttar next* between the hoiios rtf ten A. M. and two t*. M. And a Geieml Meeting ol the Ktockholdera wm bb held at the tamb placa, on TUESDAY, November 6tft* at twolve M. # JOS. N. BAIRBOP, Coabtsr. oo t holt) WESTERN BANK OF FHILADEL -IX3 PHlA,.October Bth. 1669. . An election for thirteen Directors, to serve the enra ine year,-will be held at this Bank on MONDAY, the Ifith day of November next, between the hours ol 10 o’olook A. M. and 2 o’olook P. M. The annual meeting of the stockholders will bo held at the same place on *1 UKSDaY, the Cth dav of November next. ati2 p’clook M. G M. TROUTMAN, oiMutbtlEaov Cashier. XHE PHILADELPHIA BANK. Octobbe U 3 » 13, 1060.—The Annual Meeting of - th«* Stockhold ers of this Bank, will be held on TUESDAY* the sixth day ol November next, at the Banking House, at 12 o olock, M.: and the Annual Election for Directors will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 19th day of November next, uotwoen the hours of ten o’cloofe A. M. and two,o’olook P. M. _ ocfe-nnhtuotf . B. B. COMEGYS, Cdsble *. AND MECHANICS’ BANK! IL3 PHiLADBLrniA, October6,lBCo. rt The Annual Eieotion for Director? will be held at the Banking-,House, on MONDAY, the nineteenth day of November next, between the hours of 9 o’clook A. M. and 3 o’clock P. M.,and on TUESDAY, tho sixth day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders, will be held at the Banking House, at 4 o'clock P. M., agreeably to the ohartorj. oc6-dtnol9 W. RtJSHTON, Jn., Cashior. ffy? OtIFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL \L3 ROAU COMPANY. PniLAbELPiiiA, October 17,1850. The Board of Directors have thin day declared a semi annual dividend of TH REE PER CENT, on the Capi tal Stook of the Company, olear of State tax, payable on and after NOVEMBER 18.1800. Powers of Attorney for ooilsotion of Dividends can be had on application at the Omoa of the.Company,No. 239 South TffiftD btreat THUS. T. FIRTH, oolS-t&el Treasurer. (Ts=» HOtiCE-.-THE ANNUAL MEETING 'k3 „ of the fitookholdors of the Pennsylvania Balt Manufacturing Company wi'l ho held on THURSDAY, the )6tb of NOVEMBER, at 12 o'olook. at the Office of the Company t No. 191 WALNUT street. Philadelphia, ocaS-m THOS. BFARKB, fceoretary. HOME MISSIONARY (SOCIETY OF IL3 . iTHB CITY OF PHILADELPHIA.-lhe of ficeof this Society has been removed from No. 531 East NINTH Street, to No. North FIFTH Street, below ARCH. It will be open daily* (Babbsthfi eioept ed.) from 9 to 5 o'clook. The money contributed to this fiooiotr for the rblief of the poor, is scrupulously appropriated to that pur pose on y, and the managers earnestly solicit donations from the public, to enhble them to carry on success fully this brantih ot the Society's operations. To afford tue comhiemty an opportunity of contributing, they mvo sent out the Agentofthe Association, Mr. JOHN t*. A.RRIBON, who ia now waiting upon our oitizens, solioiiing their aid, and the managers bespeak for htm a kind reception/a patient hearing, and a liberal re*, eponse. GEORGE H. BTUART. President, MATTHEW NEWKIRK. Vice President, XL K. BOEFLIOH, Secretary. , THOJ. T. MABON, Treasurer, ooistluitua No. 434 MARKET Street. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS IL3 OF THE BINKING FUND. 'J’heasuey Department, / Jfarria&urg, Ootober 26,1800. t Notice is hereby given, that sealed proposals for the sale of all or any part of one hundred thousand dollars of tho five per rent, loans of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvnpia. will be reoeived at the Treasury De partment. in the oity of Harrisburg, until 2 o'clock. P. M..of '1 Vt SDAY, THESOIh DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. p. 1590, the same to set forth tho amount offered, and the price asked. To be addressed.- '‘Commission ers of Sinting Fund. Harrisburg, Pa.,'* endorsed “Pro posals to tell State Loans.” , 'Jheb dswlll bo opened and allotments made to tho lowest bidders on that day, _ WM. M. WfESTER, Seo'y Comw'th, KLT BLIFER. Htato Treasurer. THOS. E. COCHRAN , Aud. Gen. oo27*tnoSO Commissioners of Sinking Fund. ffy* SPRING GARDEN SOUP SOCIETY.- xS The Annual Eleotion for twenty-five Managers >f the above Society will take place on THURSDAY EVENING, November Ist, 1860, between the hours of 6 and 8 o'olook, at the Soup house, on BUTTONWOOD, eanof Brood strcoL JOSEPH J. WILLIAMS, oc2s* th a tu-flt* Sooretary. ITS* SOUTHWARK BANK, PHILADEL PHI A, Ootober 9, IB6o.—The annual eleotion for prRECTORM will bo held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the J9th day of NOVEMBER NEXT, be tween the hours of 10 o'olook A.M. and2o’clook P. M. The annual meeting of STOCKHOLDERS wHI be n"ld at the 6ame3!aoo on TUESDAY*, the 6th day of NOVEMBER NEXT, at 12 o’olooK M. 0011-dtnol9 F. P. STEEL, Cashier. EXAMINATION FOR PROFESSOR ILf„?RULOF GERMAN IN THE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL.—An examination of Candidates for *Jje Profeitorship of the German Language in the Cen tral High 8oho«l, will be held at the Sohool Building, eorner BROAD and GREEN Streets* on FRIDA i, November 2d, 1860, at 9 A. M.* under the supervision of the High Sohool, Committee, assisted by a Commission ofGerman Scholars. Applications and references must bele/t at the Controller’sO/bcs.Atbsnajumßuilding, R utheSst comer SIXTH an 4 aDELFuI streets. Qy order rff the High School Committee. ROBERT J, HEMPHILL. Secretary Controllers of Public Schools. Philadelphia, Oct. 19. ' oc2u-12t NOTICE.-THE BOOKS OF THE PHI -IL- ladelpbia musical savings and LOArrSOCIETY are now open at the Office. No.’ 1091 CHEB JNUT Street, to reoelvo subscribers to the Fourth Series. Persons desiring to avail themselves of the advantages of this highly beneficial Institution, shi uld make early application, as the series wilt be lim ited to 209 members. The Pianosoan be obtained atonce. H. W. GRAY. Secretary, 0c27-7Uf Office* 1021 CHESTNUT Street. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. ..... Pepartment of „ MINES, ARTS. AND MANUFACTURES. . Course of 1860-1891. The Course of Lectures m this Department will oom monce on THURSDAY, November 16, iB6O, and will be continued os follows: MECHANICB AND CHEMISTRY. Prof. JOHN F. FRAZER, Monday and Thursday, at 4 ’ ’ GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY Prof. CHARLES B. TREGO, Tuesday and Friday, at OIVIL ENGIWEBR'KG-CONBTRUCTION-SUR- Pror. FAIRMAN ROGERS, Momlm end Thunder, ot 5 P ' MINING. Prof. J. 'ETER liF n 8L & Tu, S to. £ r s6 P. M. Prof. E. OT*S KENDALL. A Course of Mathema tics maT be lollowed by those who desire to do eo, uuaer the direction of the Professor of Mathematics. The Courses may do attended either singly or to gether. ARRANGEMENT OF COURSE. PROP. FRAZEH. THEORY OF MECHANICS; andito Applioa nt# the Construotion of Maohmeo. CHEMISTRY ; its Iheonos, and the Properties of Bodies and their Compounds; its Applications m the Arts. PROF.KKNDALL. APPLIED MATHEMATICS; Trigonometry. Prac tical Astronomy, Burvejing, Geodesy. Theory of In struments and Observations. PROF TREGO OEOLOGY, a? applied to the Origin. Order, and Geo graphical Distribution of flock Formations, and its l raottca! Application to Mannfaoiinos ami Agricul ture. AIINTJRAI.OQY, ns applied to the Constituent Mate rials of Rooks, the .External and Chemical Character ot Ores ftnq Minoral Buliatances, their Connection ■with th* various Rock lorinalions, ami their Uses in Metal lurgy and Mnnutaotures. PROF. ROGERS. CIV IL KN GIN E Ell IN G-CONSTRUCTIO V ; Btiongth of Materials, Masonry, Framing, and their Special applications to Railroads, Canals, and Water works. Surveying, Uro of Instruments. J/EBLKY. MINING; Structural Geology,Metallurgy, Attendance upon these' Courses is voluntary, and they are notoonnecled with the ordinary Colloko m etructioit. For Ticket*, apply to FREDERICK DICK, Jamtor, at the university—North Builoing. And for informa tion respecting the Studies, to _ FAIRMAN ROGERS. Dean of the Faculty, .0033*10t _ 808 West RITTENHOUBE Square, THE PRESS.-!-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1860. MONTG(SMERY-MORTON.-On Ootober 31 Jin St. Lube’s Church, Germantown, by the Rev, Wm. White Montgomery,of,Buffalo, N. /..ThomasH,Montgome ry and Anna, daughter of the late Samuel George wor- BILL.—On the23d of August, by the Kev Mr-JUust, of Herbertsville, N. J„ Irvin* W. THortlas, of Philadelphia, formerly of breemapsburg* ,rs . to Addle Y. L. Dill, youngest dnugh'er of John Bill. of HerberUville, New Jersey. „ * NOSTRAND—ARBIS.—January 22. 1859, by Rev. P. J. Cox, Mr. Charles T, Wostrarm, of fhe cifyot New York, to Miss Josephine ATdis.tof Philadelphia. WALKbR—READING.—On the 2ffth of fleptombdr, by the Rev. J.H. Kqnnard, Mr. James Walker, of Dela ware, to Min Chanty Anna Heading, step-daughter of the Jata John George Vogt,of Southwark. „ * - HOWETT—JONKB.—On the.Hth ult, by Rev. E. W, Hotter, Jem M. Howett to Harfiet E. Jones, daughter 01 John Jones. Eaa.i all oCthjs city. ANDEHSQN.—On Sunday. 28th ult,, Jaoob W. Ander son, ih the 48th year of his age. Funeral from bislate residence. No. 1505 N. Fourth street, above Jefferson, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o’clock, **" DAV IS.—On the SOth ult.. Kllzabe th R. Davis, daugh ter of Elijah J. and AnnaP. Davis, lu herl7thT«M. ... Funeral from the residenoe of nor parents, No. 916 Rodman street, on Friday afternoon, at 2 o’olook. * * DEAL.-On the 29th ult., William Deal, son of Mi chaet and Charlotte Deal, aged 2 years aud 11 months. Funeral from the residenoe of hia parents, Marlon street, below Moyamocsing avenue, this {Thursday! afternoon, at 4 o’olook, , * „ 1 the SOth ult, itaohfil E„ daughter of JosiahH. and Ann M. Githoos.in the 9th year of her funeral from the residenoe of her parents. Market street, above Fourth, Bouth Catnaen, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o’olook. HAKLY.—On the morning of the 28th ultimo, Rev. Joseph J. Hanly, in the 31st year of bis age. Funeral this { Thursday) morning.at 9 o’olook, at Arch-street wharf, steamer Royoold. To proceed to Woodstown.N. J. * LOWEkY.—On the 29th ult.. John Lowery, aged 40 years. , Funeral from his late residence back of 769 South Sixthstroet. below Fitzwater,this (Thursday) morn-' mg. at 10 o’clook. * MoCAUIEY.—On the SOth ult., Alexander MQCau ley, in the 37th year of his ago. Funeral from his late residence, southeast corner of and Carpenter stteete, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. MoGINNJS.—Oa the *oth ult. Mrs. Elizabeth Mo- Ginms, m the 79:h year of her ago. Funeral from the residenoe of her son-in-law, leono Bi Roße.-Mbnumont road, near Kestonville, this (J 1 hursdajr) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * MILLER.—On the SOth ult., John Wynnd Miller, in the 13th year of his age. Funeral from the ros f denoe of* bis unole, John Wyand* Cherry street, below Tenth, this (Tnursday) morning, at 9 o’olook. * u’NmLL,-On the SOth ult.. Mary Adu, daughter of James and Mary O’Neill, aged 21 months. Funeral from the residence of her parents, 312 North Fifteenth street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at I o’olook. * PACKERAOn Third day morning, the SOth ult., Mary, widow of the late Amos Packer, in the 70th year of her age. .* Funeral from ner late residonoo. N 0,603 noTtfi Fourth street, on Fifth-day afternoon, 11th month Ist, at 2 o’clook. * REA.—On the SOth ult., Mrs. Ann Rea, aged 74 years Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, Geo. W. Hodge. No. 1112 PrankfordLroad, abovo O ter street. thib (TjiUrsUar) afternoon, at 1 .o'clock. * BANGBIi,R.—On the oOthulk, Margaret Jane Sang- B ’SJ>J r .*£S.°£.Wm. Banrster, need 34 years. * WAIiTER.—On tlie29th inst., Franois Walter, baker, aredSOyears. Funeral from his lot* residence, No. 1613 Sansora slreet. tine (Thursday) afternoon, at 1 o’olook. * YERKEa.~On.the 30th ult.,intho Bth,year of her age, Kate, daughter of Alloway and Levina Yorkes. Funeral from her father’s rcsidenco, No. 1234 Wal iacestreet, thls(Thurgdar)afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * JJLA.OK DRESS Gi Cashmeres, .Merinoes, ArmineCashmeres, Velour Reps, Velour Ottomans, Bombazines, Tamises, Moussohnes, Reps Anglais, Paramattas, BESSON |jg CENTS PER OUNCE is OUR PRICE pnn PURE SEWING SILK By customary New York Silk Weights of Zinc, 8 drams in every ounce. w 66 CENTS PER OUNCE by oustoihary Trada Silk Weights of Brass , 12 drams fn every ounct, fT . . OUNCE by standard U. S. Government Wotghts of Silver t IS drams in every ounie, ichith U?e habitually use, • illustrating one of the many instances m whioh' , DIFFERENCES IN QUANTITY, WHEN EXPLAINED. MAY ACCOUNT FOE SEEMING DIFFERENCES IN PRICE, r J. gTmAXWELL k SON, Manufacturing and Importing Establishment, XVUOLXSAMt AND RET vIL. . _EL*VKNTH and CHESTNUT Streets. TRIMMINGS. ZEPHYRS. SKIRTS, HAIRNETS, RIBBONS, LACEB, AND CORSETS. ' oc3o-tutha3t rjiHE MEROANTIL.E TARIFF CLUB Will meet for Parade at national hall. oil FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2, AT 6}S O’CLOCK, to Move at 7« IrHcisely. The Club have engaged BASSLER’S CELEBRATED OftCHEBTRA, > BECK’S PHILADELPHIA BAND, AND FIELD Mbsic. All Mercantile Tariff Men are invited. Dress-* Slack Silk Hat and Dark Clothes. j. n KEYSER, oo3[-3t* MARSHAL. fXEADQUARTERS, PEOPLE’SPARTY, . PlULAllßiraiA, Oct. 31,1860. t he Committee appointed by a Convention oomposad of the Marshals of tbe various Clubs, convened at the request of the Committee of Superintendence, to make arrangements for aORANn FINAL DBMONSTRa- TlON|jpwvious to the Presidential Election, announce teoow ng PROGRAMME: I Tho Demonstration will consist of a General Toroli* light Parade, to take place on FRIDAY EVENING, Novembers. 3he City Clubs, and other organizations not represented in the Convention, as well as citizens and Cmt* from neighboring elates and Counties, are cordially invited to participate. 2. Citizens not uniformed are requested to organize in their several wards, by the selection of proper offi cers, and upon reporting to the Grand Marshal-m- Chief, an appropriate piaoe will tie assigned them- For the purpose of receiving imoh reports, «he Chief Marshal Wilt be in attendance at the People’s Readqdartors frolii 12 M. uhhl 2 P, M„ on FRIDAY. 3. The profession will form on Broad street, south of Chestnut, right on Chestnut street, and move at eight o’olofek precisely, over the following ROUTE: Countermarch down Broad to Christian, down Christian to Fifih, up Filth to Chcs'nut. up Chest nut to Twelfth, up Twelfth to Brown, down Brown to Sixth, down Sixth to Chestnut, when the parade will be dismissed. i, The various Clubs and organizations ere particu larly enjoined to lie m the positions assigned them in *• Spooial Orders ” to be hereafter iisued, prepared to move into BBOA.D B>reot at 7H o’otcotr, puootunlly. Equestrian Clubs froin abroad will form on BROAD Street, north of Chestnut street, right on Chestnut, under the direction of one of the Grand Marshals, at the hour laatabove mentioned. Clubsfdiempuntedi from abroad will be reoeivedend escorted into line by the Central Clubs. The Grand Marshal ih-Chief will make the neeeis&ry details. . 6. Col.PETEßC.KLLMAKEßhavihgboenselected as Grand MarshnMn-Chiof by the Convention, wilt arrange the details, end communicate the.same in “ Special Orders’* to the various bodies designing to participate. The ‘‘Speoial Orders ” referred to will b« TGodyfor distribution at Headquarters on FRIDAY MORNING, when Marshals of Divisions and Clubs are requested to cali and obtain copies. 6. Hon. A. G. CURTIN, Governor elect of the Com monwealth, will review the procession as it posses tbe Girard House. 7. The Grim’d Marshal-in-Chief. in pursuance of au thority vested >n him by the Convention has made the following appointments, viz; GRAND MARSHALS. DAVID B. BHiNEY. iu<i , Col. THUS. M. FEMINUION, Col. WM. L. CURRY. ’ „ , _ _ „ DIVISION MARSHALS. Col. Ja«. D. Keyaer, Henry Buinm, Jos. H. Sinex, ti Geo. 8. Bethel!. Samuel Mitchell, Edw. W. W&U&oe, 1 bos. Thompson, James Work, Jns. P. Loughe&d, Ed*in T. Chase, Wm. H. siokles, Robt. P. Gillingham, 8. Snyder Leidy, John F. Preston. Ch«. W. Bacon, AID*. Co). Philip P, While, Alfred ‘L Warmer, Joseph T. FoTd, Wm, K. Brady, Wm, M. Bull, John Davis Watson, ft?" NOTICE.—The Marshals and Aids named in Ihe report of the Comnuttee of Airangomenta for the Grand Aorohlight Parade onFrid-y evening, are requeued to a'Ma. M ' iTim DAi - at f,i ' :opLE ’ a ~ , T _ P.C.ELLMAKER, Grand Marshal. Pawl. M. Blackbubn, fleoretary. rol- It « rilBE UNION MUST AND SHALL B -*• PRESERVED.” " Cling to the Union, that gallant old bark, it has stood tho storm when the tempest was dark. Its timbers wero framed by a patriot band, And they aro watohing us now in the shadowy land.” „ _ DOUGLAS AND JOHNSON. A GRAND MASS MEETING OP THE UNCON QUERABLE DEMOCRACY of Philadelphia, and the adjoining Connttes of the state, will be held on TEUHBDAY EVENItxi, NOV. 1, 18t0, AT national hall. , t MARKET Street, hatow THIRTEENTH. Lot the friends of the Jfrrotc Statesman of Illinois, and Of .the Chtaalric Son of Georgia, be present in their might, to attest their devotion to the pnnoiplos they have no nobly battled for in the present oontest. Let all.those who value the blessings they enjoy, and who desire them to be perpetuated to their ohildren, LOME • Let those who desire, with Jefferson, ** Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever State or persua sion, religious or political.” COME! Let all those who rovere the Constitution as the Bheot anohor of the hopes of ireemen, and who are alike op posed to a ‘*Atgfter /ate” that would repudiate its plain provisions, and a lower law that would justify re sistance to opts passed in oonformity with it. COME 2 Let the Merchants, the Manufacturers, the Mecha nics, and the Laboring Men of Philadelphia, whose ma terinl interests are to be saorifioed in a futile effort to nullify the laws of God and Nature, bj devoting the NEGRO RACE to au equality with the descendants of Washington and Jackson, BE THERE, to renew thsir allegiance to DEMOCRATIC MEN AND DEMOCRATIC PRIN ,., CIPIES. Able and distinguished speakers have boon Invited, and will address the meeting. By order of the Democratic CltyEieoutivo Cojbinit tep. WM. McMULI.EN; It Chairman Committee on Meetings. fJREAT DEMOORATIO MASS MKET VJI ING AT NATIONAL HALL TO-NIGHT. .The following gentlemen have accepted tho invita tion of the Committee to address tho meeting: Hon. J. W. Maynard, of Lyooming, Gen. John Davis, ofßuoks. Gen. William H. Miller, of Dauphin. R.iLLamberton, Psq., * f Ira C. MitoheU,of Centre. , t H. W. Boasalh of Montgomery. „ Hon. Riohard Vaux, iHenry Flandors, Hon. Charles Brown, George W. Nebingcr, Lewis C. Cassidy, H. M, Doohort, Horn R. Kneass, WilliamlM. Btnith, R* R. Young, John O’Byrne, and J.T. Owen, 0. W. Burke, Kegs, H SJTEREOBUOPIO VIEWS OF ITALY.— Landscapes, &o.,new aubjeots. STEREOSCOPIC INSTRUMENTS, new Patterns, at the lowest priocs. Spectacles, Opera-Glasses, Microsoopos, rnaibematioel Instrument*. &o.; the oheapest in the city. M. J. FRANKLIN, 113 South FOURTH M., PQI-gt. below CHEftTN U ? P. R RIMER’S PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLE RY, second St., above GREEN, is undoubted ly the best establishment in the city to procure a true und reliable picture, Call and satisfy youiselves. It* £\HlO AND PENNSYLVANIA BRIDGE BONDP.—The Coupons of these bonds, duo No vember 1, 1800, will he paid on presentation at the office. No. So South SIXTH Street up stairs. oofll at* 0. MACALEBTER, Trustee. .—l5O bbls Tar, 275 kegs do., in fc tore and for sale by ROWLEY, ASffBURNER, & CO. No. 10 South Wharves. n ol PITCH. —700 bbls Pitch, in store and for sale by ROWLEY, ABHBURNKR, & CO., No. 10 South Wharves. nol STORAGE. —Storage for merchandise of MAHHIED. DIED. lODS—A largo stock \Bombazine Alpacas, Mohair Lustres, Satin de Chinos, Aramalines, Figured Poplins, Irish Poplins. Gros Gram Silks, Poult de Boies, English Silks, Patent Boiled Silks, &o. Mourning Store, No. 018 Chestnut Street. POLITICAL. C. H. Sieger, Wesley Stephenson, Wm A. Babcook. Joseph Rank, Charles O'Neal, William B. Foster. NEW PUBLICATIONS. -yiNCBNT’S SEMI-ANNUAL ■ UNITED STATES REGISTER. MRst VoLinvißi BEST HISTORY OP THE COUNTBY EVER MrfcHfßft. This Work contains every event of importance oc curring m the United States within the last six months. Each event arranged under its date, suoh as Affrays. Duels, Fires, Bequests, Wills, Murders, Outrages, Po litical A flairs—comprising National and State Conven tip/ia, Mptssml Cn, Kleotiona, Llva. of Candidal.., tiioir Letter, of Acceptance; Ohuroh Matter,, SMpwreok. anil Ca.naitie.al eea, ,Roil road Matter., Pore.fiee, and ,B«indlirU, Oaeej, Death of noted Men and Wonjen, vtith Blp«raphto.tß«et6hes of their livee, together with every event of lnterfiat traneplruir in the united States within the 18et half The Book hee an Indel nfautty hoitßrins, ts iinndsdmo, ly bound m Cloth and Librdry etylh, aent by mail, Bee of poetajre. , PRICE—CIoth, 8- 03.. Library tftyle. 82.26. OFFICE, No. 80 North FIFTH Street, Phitadelidila. F. VINCENT. nol-th«tu6t» PUBLISHER. "WILL BE PUBLISHED IMMEDIATE- A NEW L Nt;^EEbyth , eAntho’r of the Heir of Red oliue, entitled, HOPES AND FEARB j SCENES FROM THE°LtFE.OF A SPlNSi'Eft, j j 1). APPLETON &UO„ mhllfergto noi-3t 443 and U 6 Bft(>AOWAY,-fO^ I3IOHARDSON>S MEtiUAftIOAL DEIsT- llO iilnetration./ LINDSAY & BLAKIBTON pnblieh tbie day PnACriCAI, TRBAT’SF, ON MECHANICAL DENTISTRY. By Joseph Riohardson, D. D.b..«i.D.. Profesror of MehhamoafDontiHtry in the Ohio Collego ofDentaUnreory. With one hundred and ten tlhietra tione lvoi.,Bvo. Price S 3 36. L. «B. also publish ... . J .. hakß'S’ Dictionary of medicine and dental surgery. HARRIS’ PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF DENTAL BURGERY. TOMES’ SYSTEM OF DENTAL SURGERY. Do DENTAL PHYSIOLOGY. TIVE DEN?fsTRY CAL THEi ™ B 0N OFBIIA FORAjND HARRISON THE HUMANTEETH. .. PIGGpTT’S DENTAL CHEMISTRY AND ME TALItURGY. • , HANDY’S TEXT-BOOK OF ANATOMY. ME?)?CIN K PR ACTIOAL TRBATIBE ON DENTAL ARTHUR*S MANUAL OF DISEASES OF THE i hi. 1 it* _ LIND3‘Y & BLAhIBTON, Publishors, 0030 us f»outh 81XTH stroat. above Chsstnnt. GO. EVANS* GIFT BOOK STORE, • NO. 439 CHESTNUT Street. BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS’, •Where you can get books in every department of Lite rature ; and v BEAR IN MIND, that besides gettineyour book at the lowest retail prioo, L, r iL . THAT A GIFT, , , , Worth from 80 oenta to dloo aooompanies eaoh Book, ALL THE NEW JJOOKSjAB BOON AS PUfl ' Calf in, anti one, assure you that the (>ost piaoe in the city to buy books, is at _ _ ff. Ga EVANS’ . GIFT BOOK EBTABLIBHMENT. ocB-tf No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. ANOTHER “NOTHING TO 'WEAR.” , o.. 0 ,o„, READY TO-DAY. A SATIRICAL PO«M, IN THE STYLE OF “ NO THING to w;ear,” KNTITLKD THE PRINCE’S BALL, By EDMUND O. BTKDMAN, Author of tho “ Diamond Wedding.” Wtlh many humorous full-page illustrations. One elogant l2mo volume, tinted pApor, cloth bound. , Price, co oents. , 1 his Jjttlo volume acts out humorously to ohjromcle tho journer in America of his, RovaL Highness tbe Prince of, Wales—his passage from the ihothef cßuhtry —arrival m Canada, and exploits therein. From thence to the States, with his manifold adventures, he is fol lowed to New York oity, where the culmination takes p'oee—t, e„ r THE BALL AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, of which a graphic) sketoh is presented; with the trials of Miss, Flora MoFhragey, notpnly m procuring admis- Bioo. but in her subsequent endeavors to danoe wit h the Prince* A Written by themasterly satirioolpen of the author of the •* Di »rannd Wedding,” embellisnod with humorous original illustrations, and sold at the low price of 60 cents. The publishers anticipate a rapid sale. *** Conies sent by mail, postage free, by RUtID tc CARLHTON. Publishers, 0018 th»tf 130 GRAND street. NEW YORK. TCST PUBLISHED-THE BOOK OF * THE SIGNERB: Containing Fao-Bimile Letters of the Signers ofthe Declaration of Independence. Il lustrated with sixty-one enzravings, from original pho tographs and drawings of their residences portraits, &o. Quarto, §8 Large Paper Copy, India Proofs, $l5. A Book that no Amenoan should be without, and a desi deratum in every library. Lj m •• . . WM. BROTH6RHEAD, Pub) jaher, and Iropoitet of Old Books, Autographs, and Lnstavifigs. . 0031-lm* SIS South EIGHTH Stre.t." jgJMINENT PERSONAGES. NOW READ V , the quarterly part of 13 Portraits, en graved on steel from Photorrapnß, expreasl? for tbe ILLUSTHATBD NEWS OF THE WORLD. containing the Portraits in advanoo to January, 1861. This elegant Part is sent at once on Teoeipt of Two Col late, and the Paper is cent for 13 weeks from date of sub scription, the Whole prepaid, by i , . ..H, A. BROWN A CO., 14 HANOVER Street, BOSTON*. Moss., Importers and Dealers m Engravings, Chromes, &o„ «o. 0c27 #tuth6t BOf'K BUYERS.—Gentlemen: I have takenthe Basement of the Philadelphia Dank, 419 CHESTNUT Street, where 1 wifi continue to buy and sell (tut 1 have heretofore done at the Custom house Avenue Book-stdnd) old auu new Law and rdi*- oeUaneops Books. I have for sale Upwards pf 100 old black-letter Books printed prior io tbe year 1&9. Also, a copy of Erasmus on the flaw Testament, 2 v015.,4t0, printed in 1643. Price #3O. I Will also deal in Knsraviure ahd Autographs.. Pefscjua at a dlktanoe. wishing to sell Books, will desoribe their ndiiids. dates, sixes, bindings, oonditions, and prices. Pamphlet Laws oJ Fenmyl .rama, and old Books upon Ameno& wanted. auS-Hm JOHN CAMPBELL. WATCHES AND JE WELH\ jpkilKS E. CALDWELL & 00., . 833 CHESTNUT ST. IMPOKT AND MANUFACTUHE FINE WATCHES. RICH DIAMOND AND ALL OTHER JEWELRY, MANTEL CLOCKS AND BRONZES, STERLING SILVER-WARE, « ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PLATED GOOU3, PARIS ARTICLES, FANS, OPERA-GLASSES, Ac., The principal part of our stock is entirely new at MODERATE FIXED PRICES. Ah Examination will entail no obligation to pur chase. _____ nol tJal*if FINE WATCHES, of the most ap proved rnakois; Jewelry of every description! Silver-ware equal to coin; also.Plated.ware of the host quality* at G, KußßEbb’S, ocZMra 92 North SIXTH Btroet. Jts SCARF-PINS, STUDS, and SLEEVE £t§3 BUTTONS.—A large assortment of Carbanolo, wrTB Coral, Lava, and iitrusoan at oc2o-lm 22 North SIXTH Street. FURS. I' ADIES } FANCY FURS. -* JOHN FARbIRA, 718 ARCH Street, below Eighth, has cow in store, of his own importation aud manufacture, a very largo and beautiful assortment of all the different kinds and qualities of fanoy FURS for Ladies and Children that will be worn during the com ms season, at manufaoturers’s pnoes. noM2r dj[ORE LIGHT I THE GAB LAMrs FOR THE MILLION, may b« loon at ti« 4 NORTH SECOND iStreet; 830,000 worth are now in use. The Market street. Green and Coates, Ridge road, andothor horse oars are now using them. We alter any filthy Kerosene Lamps into Gas Lamps for 61; 10,000 Agents wanted to sell them throughout the United Btates. The Gas Lamp will light a room twen ty feet square for one oent au hour. _ DR. C. A. GREENE fc CO.. No. 204 NORTH SECOND Street, above Raoe. ■elS-thsfcm-W SHOEMAKER & Co., GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, AND VARNIBHES, Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Street.. w,33.cm gHOTWELL’S SWEET CIDER, MADE EXPREBBLY FOR OUR SALES, The first invoioe of this ' CELEBRATED CIDER Just received. ALBERT O. KOJBEKTS, DEALER IN FINES GBOOERIES. oc3l-tf Corner ELEVENTH and VINE fitree s. FLOUR, MADE FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT. O. H, MATTSON, 8, W. oor, ARGH and TENTH streeta, *els SPARKLING AND STILL CATAWBA *3 WINES, ' ManTraoTVRAS ay J. E BHELB V Cincinnati, Ohio, Always on hand, and In lots to suit purchasers, by CHARLES F. TAGGART, Sole Agent, JrP-fim No, 831 MARKET Street. THOMPSON, SON. & CO„ IMFOBTERS AND JOBBERS OF CABINET-MAKERS’ MATERIALS, 838 SOUTH SECOND STREET. S9f Brocatoll., Flunhes, Rope, Damaaka, and over, description of Furniture and Curtain Goodg. .olg-Pm jgUTLER HOTJ&E, No. 118 SOUTH SIXTH Street, Opposite Independence Square, Conduoted on the European plan. Accessible at all hours, sott-ly A. B. LUKENB, Proprietor. SLATE MANTELS.—The richest and k 3 moat beautiful opaoimens of enamelled Slate Man tels ever offered for sale in this country* manufactured - , by us, from Pennsylvania Blag-stone, and for sate very rt DONOGHUE, 23 SOUTH WATER St., uuo oHKBTNu“st? e Vt. Vy* lias for talo 0,000 packages of .Refined Sugars and Syrups at reduced prices for Cash, or approved short m/| w a BAND(iREN, PROFESSIONAL „red„. Asont for iELLWt* Freooh ■ ,u — UU ?L-U- gpruco street, for the speolal accommodation of Invalid Ladies, and lor those coming to Philadelphia to be Con lined, or for medioal attendance, where they can have careful nursing, good board, and all the comforts of home. Mrs. B. rqfera, by permission, to the following professional gentlemen: Professor C. D. Meigs, Caspar Wister, M. D„ Professor B. D. Gross, X,. Rodman, M. D,, Professor Job. Panoonst, Professor 8. Jaokson* Itaao Uajs.M.B., R.A. F.fenroio.M.D., trolM" 01 u.l|. Hodso, U. YT. Norris, M. D., J. -K. Moigi, M. 8., Professor 8, H. Bioknon. 003-lm Lycopodium — For sale )>v wethe lULli ft BROTHER, 4 T and 41) North SECOND Street oo2? COAL OIL. —17 bbls. Lubricating Coal Oil m store, and for sale by ROWLEIf, ASH BURNER, & CO., No. 16 South Wharves. 0036 cy I UAbEfc Oil' SEED LEAF TOBACCO, vy in store, and for solo br _ __ N»r JOS. B, HAfiSON 00. RETAIL DRY GOODS. ]\EW CLOAKS. BACO,UES. BASQUES, PAIETOTS, LADIES’ FURS. OPENING EVERY MORNING, PARIS MANTILLA OtOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. THE LARGEST CHOICEST STOCK. IN THESE SPECIALTIES, TO BB POUND' IN TIIB CITY, J. W. PROCTOR iSs 00. NO. 70S CHESTNUT STREET. qnHORNLEY & CHISM’S I ! I A One Dbllar Silts for 750.! * Dollar Twcn y five cent Silks for Si!» Dollar Fifty-oent Silks for $1.98] !! , n ® l - co!!!! Long Brooho Shawls. Excellent, for §B. Long Broohe ehawls, Superior, for sio to $l2. Loncßmche Shawls, Very fine, for $l4, $lO, SIS, and $2O. NEW CLOAK ROOM!*! I?- « „ Boauiifol Cloaks for $5. .. ~ Fine Beaver Cloaks for $7,88, $9, and SIO. eon 1! Elegantly Trimmed lor $l2, $l5, $lB, $2O, and o2u, , Arab Cloaks, Zouave Jickets, Black and Fancy Cloths, &0., &n 7 „ u BEST BLACK SILKS!!! G6od Oual)tyß aok Silks, will Wear well, forSl, Heavy Black Silks. Blnok Figured Sitks.’&o., ftc, . * • A AUSW’S AND BOYS’ WEAR!!! ’ A I argo Stock of Cloths. , . A Large Stock of Cassimeres, Batli«etfe, & Veatifies. Blankets, Flanno’9. Linens, and Muslins. „ At THORNLEY A CHISM’S. N. E. Corner EIGHTH ft SPRING GARDEN 8u: N. B.—Every article bought for dash. not QAMEL’S, HAIR SHAWLS. E. J LEVY & CO. HAVE RECEIVED, ON CONSIGNMENT, A LARGE LOT OF INDIA CASHMERE BHAWLS, Whioh will bo offered at very low prices, to close out the invoice. L. J. L. ft Co. have also in Btore a choice assort mentof .. NEW CLOAKS, In Cloth and Velvet. oc3i-3t 809 and 811 CHESTNUT STREET, E. & F.- ■ BOO. s. W, C, E« At U« Some folks originate, While others imitate. rio2Wf JNDIA SHAWLS. VELVET CLOAKS, CLOTH CLOAKS, SILKS, SHAWLS, DRESS HOODS, In great variety and choioe eeleotions, at GEORGE FRYER’S. No. SIG CHESTNUT STREET. oolS-tf A LIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS. STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS. ZEPHYR WORSTED, BEST QUALITY. GILT TRIMMINGS AND BELTINGS. CROCKET FRINGES AND BERTHAS. EMBROIDERED SUPPERS AND CUSHIONS. EMBROIDERED CHAIR SEATS. WoolleH Yarns, all sizes. ZEPHYR-KNIT TALMAS AND JACKETS. ZEPHYR-KNIT 80NTAG3 AND SLEEVES. ZEPHYR-KNIT CAPS AND GAITERS. TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, . .£°™ r EIGHTH and CHERRY Street*. oc9-tNM —The greatest bargains in the IV JENS’: CLOAKS.—The largeststoolttrhe best aaeortment, the oboicest colors, the finest qualities, the moat superb trimmings, the newest stylos, the best work, and deci dedly the lowest prioes in the city, at IVENS’, 23 South NINTH Street. oolS-lm IVEVr AKOH-STRBET CLOAK EMPO RIUM. CHARLKB ADAMS ft BON have now arranged their Fall and Winter Stook of ... , FASHIONABLE CLOTH CLOAKS. Of all the latest styles, in great variety, from $5 to-$23 each. Purchasers are invited to examine this assort ment before purchasing elsewhere. Cloaks made to «rder at one day’s notice. Also, the best assortmontof Ladies’ and Misses’ Blanket Shawls in Philadelphia, Gents’ Mauds, Fanoy Neok Ties, Choker Collars. Linen Hdkfs.. ftc., ftc. SDLKNDID STOCK OF SHIRT BOSOMS " m> , , Just from the Manfifaotory. The handsomest variety. New Style Shirt Bosoms ever ollered in this markbt, comprising Prince of Wales, imperial, Exoolßior, &0., fto., some containing 300 pleats. oclMuthstf EIGHTH AND ARCH STREETS.'S 1 INDER-GABMENTS FOR LADIES AND GENTS. Double-breasted BUirta. Extra large Merino Shirts. Morino and Cotton Drawers. Silk Shirts and Drawers. Ladies' Merino Yes's. Ladies* Silk and Cotton Vests. Welsh and Swanskin Flannels. Fall Btook Winter Hosiery. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. 0030 tuth&atf ■OANOY SILKS- From reoent public sales, Varions lots of fanoy Silks. At muoh lower pnoea than usual. Also, Blaok Figured Bilks. Flam colored figures, at low prioes. Flam Pode Soies, all colors White, Blaok, and Colored Moire Antiques. M iF SHARPLESS BROTHKitB. OcZl-tf CHESTN UTand EIGHTH. Blaok broohe long shawls. Just reooived. a full assortment of— Blsok Ground, open centres Paris Broohe Shawls,) With narrow and broad borders. Paisley White and Blaok Shawls. Extra quality of Long Shawls. Clmine Lamo, with deep borders. _ , SHAKPLESS BROTHERS. oe23rtf CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. French poplins. A FEW CHOICE STYLES AT THE RIGHT . , „ PRICES. Lupin e French Merinoes, at the right prices. Figured Wool Bolaines and Cashmeres. Valencias, Plaids, Figured Alpooas. Children’s Delaines and Wool Plaids. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Auction lots Frenoh Merinoes, 66 oents to §l, “ *' Wool Delaines. 30 to fiO cents. “ “ 6-4 sublime quality. SL2S. " " Bombazines and-Alpaoas. “ " AmefinesjFg’d Alpacas, Reps. •* " Blaok Bilks, Coburg, *o. COOPER A CONARD. oo!5 Southeast oor. NINTH and MARKET. AND WINTER CLOAKS, of all R the new shapes, ready made or MADE TO ORDER. - First-olasa work at popular pricos. Every garment gnarrantied to fit and please. Cloths by the yard or pieoe. of just the right kinds for Ladies’, Misses’ and Boys’ wear. COOPER & CONARD, oo!5 Southeast oor. NINTH and MARKET. r^LOAKS.— I The CITY CLOAK STOKE, 142 North EIGHTH. Every one Is talking of the great bargains and superior quality of the CLOAKS at the new CLOAK STORE. 143 North EIGHTH Street. /^LOAES.—If you want tho best value V/ for your money, go to the City Cloak Store, 142 North EIGHTH Street, above Cherry. fUOAKS.—The CITY CLOAK STORE, 142 North EIGHTH, is said to be the best and cheapest store in the oity 0013-lm j^LOAKS. —A magnificent assortment of all the newest styles imported this season, with every new material, made up and trimmed in the very best manner, at prioes that defy all competition, at the Paris Cloak'Store, northeast oorner of EIGHTH and WALNUT Streets. oold Hn BELLS. FOX CHURCHES, FIRE ALARMS, *• roi SAI.X BY NAYLOR & 00., *9O COMMERCE Street. BELLS. Only one-third the prloe of Brass and less than hal that of Steel Bells; of equally sonorous and mellow tone. Warranted for twelve months against breakage by fair ringing. For sale at the SOLE AGENCY in Philadelphia, No 012 COMMERCE Street. eeSQ-thstu3m A. M. F« WATSON. YJTAEM AIR FURNACE. ThenewCone Furnace Gnu Consumer will thoroughly warm your house, with one-thud less coal than is re quired by any other furnace. Satisfaction in all cases guarantied. Buildings warmed^and^ontiWed^by seB-Btuth3mif 1010 CHKBTNUTStreet. ROOKING RANGES.—AII in want of tho V7bc.it elevated, double oven Cooking Ranges, will do well to call nt ARNOLD WILSON'S, SOB-StUth Smif IQIO CRLSTNTT Btroet. WANTS. ANTED—An active' business man, * having $7,000 to $10,609, to take the place of a retiring partner in an established Mercantile business, paying a net profit of 2fl per cent., without risks. Ad dregs Partner.” this office, with real name, got tf pAKTNER WANTED.—A person with * Two Thousand Dollars at command ean enter into a first-rate* well-established, profitable business by apDiylnr, through Blood's Disp&tah, for three days tO “ft. H” __ 0031-2t* WfANTED—By a Southern man of ex " " tensive acquaintance in Mississippi, Kentucky, and Tennessee. a situation in a first-class Jobbing House: best of city references given. Address 0031-3t* J, J. WABRIB, Post Office. WANTED —A Situation as Book-Keeper, by a practical Accountant, or other place where the pen or hands will be of servioe. Address “ Book- Keeper,” Press offioe. lor throe days. 0031-Bt* \ GENTLEMAN OF COLLEGIATE Fdncation. who hue had four years’*s»erienoe« and is fuiW qualified to teaah Latin and Grjek. ns well as the higher English Branches, deairos a mtaation in «rme school of high grade. Good testimonials fur nished. Address “A. M.,” “ Box 153 ” Post Office, Harrisburg, Pa. * . oc3l-St*_ ANTED—By a youug man, who is a *, B°od Accountant, a Sitoation in a Wholesale otore. Address F. G.,” Offioe of this paper. 0029-4t* A PAPER MILL WANTED—In running t at "I‘hm thirty miles of Phi lodelpnia. Bent paid in advance. Andrew - _ T James c. wkeden, °°3Q-St Hew Hope, Bucks county, J^a. jftfkOfl WILL SECURE AN INTEREST 3r l/ y v in a firat-rato Patent-rightthat will secure a fortune in a brief time. Address ,f A. B.,’'atßedLion Hotel. ooa9-3t* PAST-OFE CLOTHING WANTED FOR CASH. Please eall or address . AT D. ANCONA, 0c24-12t* 330 SOUTH Street. JFOU SALE AND TO LET. MT > LET A NEW HOUSE, No. 2318 GRBKN Street, with all the modem im provements. Bent s42d« 0036 fit* M LARD-OIL FACTORY.—To rent, a LARD-OIL FACTORY with S 2 Patent Lever Presses, with Plates, Bigs. Tubs, Kettles, Tanks; ail in oompiete order. Apply to ROWLEY, ASHBURNER, ft CO., oc4 Ho. 16 hOUTH WHARVES. TO CHAIR AND CABINET MAKERS— The Phtfjnix Wood-Bending Company, owners of ‘‘Blanchard's Patent,” for the btates oi New York, Hew Jersey, Pennsylvania and Marylacd, will sell oounty, town, or shop rights, or grant licenses to use, on easy terms This is the only patent. All infringers will be strictly dealt with. Apply to JOHN SILBBY, or 0, A. BUB GESS, No. ;M BROADWAY, New York! 004-d3m FOR S\LE —A well-assorted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Ac., and tho fixtures of the store, with the privilege of renting the atoro, which is situated in the centre of business. The boose has been doing the Southern and Western Pennsylvania trade. Any person desirous of going into the Hardware busi ness will find it a good opportunity. The stook wiH be offered on reasonable terms. Address “ A.,” at this dffioB. ___ sets stuth tf For exchange.—a choice tract of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, oonvemenkto the city, will be exchanged for oity property. ApPy at No. ltd FEDERAL Street se22-tf . jyjISSOURI LAND!! 600,000 Acres for Sale and entry, at prices ranging fromlSHto 60 cents ier Acre, m any quantities re quired . TAXEB paid, and PATENTS procured for purcha sers of Land nndor the Graduation Aot. Plats furnished gratis by enclosing a postage stamp For further infofmaticrn apply to k WILSON, RAWLINGS * CO., V* £. and General Land Agents, 69 CHKSTNUTStrset. Between THIRD und FOURTH, 1 ST. LOUIS, MO. LAND WARRANTS bought,sold, and located. • oP3-3m BOARDING. TfXRST-OLASS BOARDING,, with hand- A some communicating and single Rooms, at 1417 LOCUST Street. 0018-7m* JSUU CATIONAL. SPRING GARDEN HALL. —HLASKO’fi BRANCH ACADEMY, AT SPRING GARDEN HALL.—lnstruction in Linz's Cahsthenio Fjteroises for Missoth and a new method of ExeroisOß, united with Military Drill, for Masters. Class Days, Tuesday and Friday, frotn half paat3 tos for Misses,(no gentlemen admitted during this Instruction;} and from 5 to half past 6 o'olook P. M. oc24-12t ItfESDAMES CHEGARAY AND D’HER VILLY respectfully inform their friend* and the public that they have removed their Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies from Logan Square to Nos. 1387 and 1629 SPRUCE Street. Pupils from five years of age upward prepared for the fouitn class, jy26-4m OKYANT, STRATTON, & FAIRBANKS’ MERCANTILE COLLEGE, S. E. comer SE VENTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—Day and E««nt‘«r Sessions. Individual instruction in Bookkeeping, in cluding. General Whole&le and Retail Business, Ship ping, Forwarding and Commission, Banking, fix ohange, Manufaottlrlng, Raiiroaauig, Stcsmboating. &o„ the most thorough and practical oourse in the United States. Also, Lectures, Commercial Calcula tions, Arithmetic, and the higher Mathemattos, Pen manship (best in the city), Correspondence, &o. For sale, their now Treatise on Bookkeeping, beauti folijyjrinted in colors, and the best work published. /CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREET, below LOCUST. The duties of the Classical Institute wilt be resumed Monday, September 3. J. W. FaIHKS, A. M aua7-d2m Principal, PENN INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST COR NER THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, re opens MONDAY, September 3d. Fdnr more pupils will be admitted. Catalogues sent to any address. au2l-tf JL STEWART, Principal, MB, WINTHROP TAPPAN’S BOARD- I?A;#Gand DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, No, 1737 VINK street, near Logan Square, wIU RE-OPEN on WEDNESDAY, September 12th. Circulars tarnished on application. auli-tfil INSURANCE COMPANIES. OpHE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM- A . *, • PANY OF NEW -YORK. - SIX MILLIONS S! 1 DOLLARS, ISVBBTBU IN VI, RT MOHTGAGKS ON RVAL U3TATK, WORTH OVER SB 000,000. The premiums are lowbh than is many other Compa nies, and the Dividends have beon oebatkr. This is a striotly Mutual* Company. There are no Stockholders, so that ALL THE PROFITS BELONG TO TUB INSURED. Pamphlets, and every information, may be had gratis, on application to _ F. RATCUFORD STARR. Agent, S. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins, John welsh, Mordeoai L. Dawson, George H. Stuart, George M, Btroud, £. 8. who en« John I). Myers, J. Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterson, William C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur G, Coffin, Thomas H. Powers, George W, Toland. william McKee. Thus. Wattson. n 23 iy if Fame insurance company, no. 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIbTTsM, BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RUSKS. DIBSCTOns. Baraue! Wright, D. B. Birney, Win. W. Walters, J. W. Everman, Ohas. Richardson, Henry. Lewis. Jr., Geo. A. West, Jacob W. Stout, O. Wilson Davis, Menko Stern. Thos. 8. Martin, GEORGE W, DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, VioePres’t, „ WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary, [jall-lft SAYING. FUNDS. A MERIOAN SAVING FOND.—Com- I* pany’s Building, southeast corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from 9 all I o’olook.and oh MONDAY till Bin the evening. This Old Institution has always paid In full, on demand, without notice. _ ___ INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums paid back, on demand, in gold and surer. TRUBTFES. _ ALEX. ffUILLDJN, President. BAML. WORK, Vice President. John O. Fair, T. E. Harper, Georgs Nugent, John Anspaon, Ji.. Sami. T. Bodine, Alb. C.Roberts, John Aikman, Jonas Bowman, H. H. Etdridge, Wm.J.HowATd. JOHN 8. WlLSON,Treasurer. JOHN C.BIMB, Beoret&rr. ooSO-lmif CPRXNG GARDEN LAYING FUND, Offioe, 331 North THIRD Btreat, between Vine and Callowhill, Incorporated br the Legislature April 14th, 1852. Open for Deposits and Payments, daily, from 9to3H o’olook. Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENlNGS,fromfitoB o’clock. Interest 6 per cent, per annum. Depositors can with draw their Moneys by Chocks, if desired, Speoial Ds posits received. JAMES 8. PRINGLE, President. F«AHef* Hast. Heoretarr soHO-tfif FIANOS. A SEVEN-OOTAYE $4OO Ko9E n*n> WOOD PIANO FOR LEBS THAN SflOO- Payabls in Easy Sums of @5 per Month.— The Board of Directors of vhe Philadelphia Musical Savings ami Loan Sooiotr, chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, April Sd, 1856. take pleasure in announcing to the publio that they have concluded to issue a FOURTH BLRIES of 6took. the books of which aro nowopen at the Office, No 1021 CHESTNUT Street, to receive subscrip tions. Persons desiring to avail themselves of the ad vantages ot this Highly beneficial institution, should oallatanearly day, as the number ol members will be limited to 200. The Pianos oan be obtained at once, and are warran ted by the celebrated manufacturers, bohura&oker ft Co., for six roars. The grent success of this associa tion makes it useless to speak of its merits. The Di rectors did not. intend to iseao a series this Fait, and have only done so in compliance with tho earnest soli citation of numerous applicants for membership. For further particulars, call upon the Secretary, who Will take pleasure in showing the Hooiety’s splendid instru ments, and will give any information desired. WM. A. ROLIN, President. H. W. GRAY, Secretary. _ Offioe, No. 1021 CHESTNUT Street. 0037-7tii GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS.' TjIINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY,—The M? subscriber would invite special attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, known as the most perfect fitting mado. On hand, and mode to order at shortest notice. WHOLESALE TRADE SUPPLIED. Also, an extensive assortment of GENT’S FURNISH ING GOODS, of his own importation. J, W. SCOTT, 814 CHESTNUT Street. 0c25 Four doors below the *• Continental Botel." LEGAL Letters executory upon the ESTATE Of HENRY DOOUTTLE. deceased, havo been granted to tho undersigned. I by the Register of Wills lor the Citr and County of Philadelphia. A persons indebted will please make payment to. and all those having claims or demands against theEnateiof the said docedent will make known the same, without delay, to A. J. PRUDEN, PLANK Road, near MAN*. UErk Street, DOOUTTWI NELSON DOOLITTLE, ANDREW J. PRUDKN. Ootober 4,1860. 04-th6t TVOTIOE.— ALL PERSONS INDEBTED ii to ub for Flour and Food are hereby forbid paying the same to our late driver, THUS, BANES, or any one else oxoeptthe proprietors, be being no longer in onr em ploy. Our team consists of two gray horses and two gray mules. CHAP. COMLY, . „ JOHN comly! October 29th. Bjberry, Twenty-third ward. oc3l-3t* A SSIGNMENT,—Notice is hereby given,; -£’*• that I have this day raado an assignment of my pronem, books, notes,and bondsunto EDWARD E. PALMER, lor the benefit of all my creditors, to whom I all accounts must be rendered. GEO. W. STIC BR, , Leipsio, October 23, 1860. 0030-3t* 1 NOTICES. TO THE HOLDERS OF SHE STEUBEN VILLE AND INDIANA RAILROAD COJIPA NY'S FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. . n _ The Truces request that the n*.meßof a l holder? of such bonds with the numberspfth® bum s held bjr each respectively, be immediately iDem.lothe n&m of Mfircrq Cummins. Alexander, and Green, Counsellors at Law, N 0,20 nT?o ange Tlaco,New York Clty - /i. M. ALEX ANDKR. ( Tran tees. New Yokk, Oct. 21, )S6O. 027-’/t NOTICE. — An Instalment (being tho Third) of Five Dollars per Share on the Capital Stock ol the OLRMANTOWN PASSENGER RAIL WAY CO. is called, payable on or before NOVEMBER "ScS-m' • WM, SIKGERLY, goo.and Tran. msjßinm, QON TO-NIGHT, ANDFOLLOWING EVKNINGg. THK LAST NIGHT BUT TWO. THDESDAY. NOVEMBER l, • BENEFIT OF MISS ANDERSON. PIANISTE AND CLAIRVOYANT*. FRIDAY. Not. 2, THE PROFESSOB ’B BENBFIT. ,Undar the Fatroitse. of tM CALHDONIaN CLoK the Memb.rsof— hich march 10 111. to the MM OAT.IT 'last NIGHT BUT ONR. HATURDAY. Not. 3, THK LAST NIGHT OFALL, BENEFiTof MImc.KLIZA and FLORA ANDERSON AND THK WIZARD'S FARKWELL SPBRaHT NextsaturdiY Aftarnnon.at 2 oolock, THIS IS REALLY I T*V WKEC. Every evening at 8. Doors open at 7. - * aeounng a good seat. 7 J ‘ Balcony » cents; Body of Hail 60 cenU. ael rafHEATLEY & CLARKE’S ARCH-ST. * » THEATRE. The Lessees beg leave to call the attention of the Patrons of this Theatre, and thspublio in general, to the TkAOESISS, ■ Which is confined to a Limited NnmbeVof Nights. THIS (TfIURStIAY) EVENING. ,KI He will appear as 2AGO, in OTHELLO, er Seats may oe secured up to The Fred List mutt be entirely suspended, except the preee. during Mr. Booth’s nights. - WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. .7" Sole Leasee —.Mrs. M. A.OAIBJSTTIWI. Stage Manager Mr. WM. A.CHaPB|AN. Business Atent 771.. .Mr. JOB. 0. MUHfHr. w;n v TH . Ie L (THURSDAY) EVENING. . y , will be acted, tho celebrated sensation drama (al ready witnessed bv over 16,000 peraons) of p„. . THE DEAD fiBART! . .Perioiped for an entire sesaon in London. . Robert Landry, Mr. Edwin Adams; Legmadt Mr. Young .Catharine Duval, Mrs. Gladstone ;CeHsett«. Miss C. Jefferson. Previous to the p’ay • . A POPULAR COMEDIETTA. Doors open at a quarter to 7 o’olook; commence at 7H o’clock, isb Prices as usual. CONCERT HALL! j GEORGE CHRISTY’S MINBTRRLB! under the of experience of over eighteen years in the pro fession, and performance for the last twelve year# in the-city of New York, before the elite of that great metropolis, are a guarantee for the excellence of the |nw r toinments he submits for pnblio approval. He MAMMOTH COMPANY OF TWENTY-ONE FER TO.„ FORMERS Will open ON MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5, nu (/ONpERTHALL. Ihe original Giqjse Christy in his INIMITABLE ENTERTAINMENT, Comprising the PRINCIPAL GEMS OP ETHIOPEAN-MINBTRELdY. The best seats reserved M ladies and ladies with gentlemen. Tickets tlli Cents to all parts of tfig Hall. Boon open at 7 o’olook—to commence.at 7%. ao»-« QKORQK P. gALB, A|SBt, CONTINENTAL THEATRE, (Late National,) WALNUT Street, above fisttfe ’ THE GREAT AMERICAN CONSOLIDATE# „ t\ ..CIRCUS COMPANY, _ H. P. MaDIGAN ft CO.. Proprietors. EVERY NIGHT DURING THE WEEK. ... SIGNOR CANITO, .The wonderful representative of the Riig-Tailed- Man-Monkey, who will hang by his tail from the ex treme height Of the theatre. First appearance of WM. H. MORESTE, the Won derful Horizontal Bar Performer. Re-engagement or W. K. SMITH and TOM KING, ihe doors open at half posttio’dooK. Perforatee» commences athalf past 7. Admission only 25 oent*; Family Circle 1A ON SATURDAY NKXT A GRANDTJATINEH, CQjgMBNCING AT gl O'OLQCg, l»° mfcDONOUGH’fI OLYMPIC (Ute GAUE- J-F-H TIBS.) RACE Ptreet. Seioir TWrd. GREAT BUCCESS CF I.ITfI.K, CORDELIA HOW . u ARD AND HER Anothor splendid moral drama, written expraeeiy for the Howards, entitled w . KATY, THE HOT-CORN GIRL. Duringthe play wIUM introduced m THK mIhAJUES OF THE FIVE POINTS. To conclude with , THE AR7FUL DODGER. „ GRAND MATINEE ON BATURDAY AFTBRWOUN. Al* T WO O'CLOCK. Prices of admission, 25 cents 1 Family Circle, If oasts. Doom open at K before 7 e'oloek. Ferformaace tw commenoe etlH oclock. yAN -AMBUKGH * CO.’S mammoth menagerie JiISAT MORAL EXHIBITION. HYATT FROST. Ruwr, Will .kMbit,coT7ier _ TENTH AND CALLOWHILL STREETS. For a short eeacon <WTg, dbmmenoinr . n MONDAY NIGRT, OCTOBER 2, ' Aft.rw.rd., Thrae FarfortMOloks .ub Anr. MORNING. AFTERNOON, ANlf KVENWS. Dooi. opoa.ip A. M., «qd2(m(f«R|l., Admitnos 29 cent.; Cbiidren uDd.r ffyesrs N ooatof. H«re mar)» found all tb. . ,i, RARE, VALUABLE, AND CURIOUS ANIMALS Krowri t° N.tur.li.ta, anil ]. tbs onlruur.wifcmr-' reot .onool where youth, oan miooettfally Mask, study, and define the GREAT BOOK OF NATURAL HISTORY. This Bboyeoutairealltbe animal, beioakinr to Van Amburyh ft Co.’s Two Menayenes, nuitad and ar ranced into one oolosial euhibitioo. with TWO SETS PERFORMt«& ANIRdLS. TWO SETS PERFORM (NG ELEFNABT*. TWO SETS PERFORMING PONIRn. - TWO SETS PERFORMING MONKEYS. ' TWO SETS PERFORMING MHESs. OCTZ-Ot CANFOBD S OPKKA HOUSB. hj ELEVENTH SIRXKR NEWLY P D^(sS& , ren S A^D^AUWED. H»«our^on.ofll,t S4l,PeW> LARGEST COMPANIES aver ptwestad bnetoftm. who will ..year rnehtir. Banfoid will perform ewery evening. Doors open at fj Commence at TK. Admittanod 3b oentsTohildrdn lseenta, oeM-Ua rilHB QERBIANIA O&OHESTRA ccw ■; mence their PUBLIC. REHBARDALS on SA TURDAY, Nov. S. at 3)4 o clncb. at the MUSiQJIL FUND HALL. 8 tiokete, $1; aioglotMkets,9l«eati, for ule at Chiokennr ft son’s, 6*7 Chsststzestreet; Andre’s. 1104 Chestnut street; and Beck ft Lawton’s, Chestnut street. •> Eugagemenfg for Concerts. J3ommfn«*ni**(f t Par ties, fto., made only at their Office, Chiekennc • *eaw i Piano Store, 807 Cheetmft street; Wiliiam Rtott. 8M North Juniper street, or C. Broaghman, 1009 smc* avenne. , HEADQUARTERS, FRANK LIN PLACE.-FREB CONCBRTS-LMch 11-A.M. The beaubfal and accomplished Vooalirt* MtPAB DURAND, and the beautifuldanseuse. Miss HoRT COLSON, assisted ftv Messrs. MURPHY. HKNRY, and HERR KUNKEN.tie celebrated PiuisC oo»-6t* CHADWICK ft’PHOT,S«^ OARL "VFOLFSOHN AND THEODORS THOMAS’SBERIES OF SIX CLASSTCALSOI REES, at the FOYER of the ACADEMYOF»IUSIC, Subscriptions will be reoeived at the Musio Store* of G. Andre ft Co., 1104 Chestnut street; Lee ft Walker. 722 Chestnut street; Beck ft Lawton, Seventh ana Chestnut streets; and Tfi. A. Schmidt, Juniper and Chestnut streets, where the programmes and parupw* Jars can seK Syr* PENNA. ACADEMY Of THE FINS. ARTS.—IO3S CHESTNUT Street "CHIMBORAZO.” & spletfd*.! Piiintlas by Atgaot. “THK FIRST SIN,” a beautiful Marble StotMtte br Angelim. , On exhibition for a short time. Viators will please bring their opera glasses. SALES BY AUCTION. Bazaar, ninth and sansom LARSE Ba£e 8 6F JfOHSES, C»RKIABES, *o. On Saturday Morning, at 10 o f oloek. Included in the sale will be the'exteimve Driving £•* tabliahment of a -gentleman going to Europe, com prising— „ , ... A pair of elegant long tail bay horses, A single hay none, raatohes the pair. 4 A pair of bobfail bay or brown horses* A stylish bobtail sorrel horse. A cream-colored saddle vony. 'J wo brown mares, one hss a colt. One coach, by Watson. Two coupes, by Rodgers, one as good as new, coat 39CQ. Onepbsotonorbaronohe,b* Rodgers. Three sets double harden, by Lacky A Phillis*. Salts horse fclothes, blankets, robes, and stable gear- ing. Sale peremptory. „ , IST No postponement on aooount of the weather. kF* In addition to the abovp. the usual catalogue of horses numbering nearly 50, will be offered. Also, a desirable collection of new and second-hand SEK" “ d wlsoE! 'a , Mm'.Mi^U™' 0031-3 tif , Auctioneer. HBPICISAJ,. J R. STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR. When Olive Tar is Inhaled its healing Baisamif tutors are brought in contact with the lining membrane of the THROAT, BRONCHIAL TUBES, AND ALL THE AIR-CELLS OF THE LUNGS, relieving at once anyparn or oppression, and healini any irritation or inflamation. When Olive Tar is Taken upon Stjoar, it forma an unequalled SoorAtng and Healing Syrup for Coughs and all Throat dise&ses. When Ohvm Tab is Applied, its Magnetic or eon oentrated ourative’ powers render it a most speedy PAIN ANNIHILATOR. Otive'Tar is not not discolor. Fifty oents a bottle, at 449 BROADWAY, N. Y., and by all Druggists. J. R. STAFFORD’S IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS are a soluble preparation of Iron and Sulphur, identieai with that existing in the blood of a perfectly healthy person. Uniting with the digested food, They Revitalize anp Pueiey the Blooiu They Impart Energy to the Nervous Ststrm. They Invigorate the Liver. They Strengthen the Digestion. They Requl ate the Secretions op the Body , And are a Specific for all Female Weaknesses Price, One Dollar a Package. At 442 BROADWAY, New York, and all Druggists. Pamphlet containing Testimonials prom tbs following and more than 100 other well-known cent persons, will be sent to any address, Are by mail, j| Geo. Law, £sq., Filth avenue, New York. Sp Simeon Draper, Esq., Bankpr, New York. Thurlow Weed, Esq., Albany, N. Y. $:% Gen, Due? Green, Washington, D. C, J > Coi. Samuel Colt, Hartford, Conn, Col. Czlas. May, U. 8. A. Rev. Joshua Leavitt, Ed. Independent, New York. Rev. E. Bright, Ed. Examiner, New York. Rev. D. W, Cb.okk, Agt, Am. Bible Union, N. Y Rev. 0, F. A. Spinning, Butternutts, N, Y. Rev. Dr. Leonard, Exeter, N. H. SEND FOR A PAMPHLET. Soid by aU Druggists. DYOTT & CO., No. 233 No ' BECOND Street, Agents for Pennsylvania. seß-tm I flfrntf I For the INSTANT RELIEF and PER- AolUlill MANENTOUREofthkdistreasingeom- plalnt»iM F E W V T »s BHONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Mode W Q, B. SEYMOUR ft CO„!4#8 BROAD WAY* NMrTork. Price #2perboij sent free by port, FOR SALE AT ALL PRVGGIBTff. FOR LADIES. TRUSS AND BRACE DEPARTMENT oonduoted by oom netout Ladies. Entrance on TWELFTH Street, first door below Raoe. A full line of Mechanical Reme dies, tight r and elegant in construction, specially adapted to Ladies 1 vse, . ' O. H, rr&EDI.ES, Proprietor, - S.!w. comer TWELFTH and RACB~BirWa;^ t) to O.H. N.’i Hoom, for cenU«nn,^t AiWONOEBFUL AMD NEVXB yAXLIHft REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE KE^OUB 8 WeSSOR MORRIS’ UUOEPHALOS, an external remedy, Prepared by MOCKJUDGE 9c CO., No. €9 North FOURTH Street. , ay And for sale by Druggists generally. saU-fauf 1 AZUHBA 1 AZUMJSA ! AZUMEA! AZHWEA! AZVKBA! AZ¥MEA PROF, MORRIS’ AZVMEA BAKINO POWDER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers