Interesting from Sonora; t onDRR OF Ausawarr Orr ana—AOTION OF TUB I , f}nlo/LA AUTLIOF.ITI2I3 P.SII,FIDT OF Prom the Washington Constitution.] It will be remembered that some time in the lat• to part of last ,summer three Americana, of St. Louie, attached to a mining =oh in Arizona, near the Sonora line, were set upon and murdered by some Mexican peons, who also carried off oonside• rabic property belonging to the mining company. A public Indignation meeting in regard to -this cutrage was held at Fort Badman, which meet log appointed a committee to correspond with tho oevernor of Sonora, to demand justice on the mur derers, as wall as the return of the property. This Jocund was made ; and a correspondent at Fort Buchanan sonde no the reply of the Governor, whieh no have translated, and here subjoin : REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. GOVEUNHEAT OW TU STATE or SONORA On the 30th ult, the prefect of the district of Ig. patio gave notice-to the Governor that some Mexi can peons had assassinated three American old. cult at the mines of st. Pedro, in the Territory of hone. The - names of the assassios, as well as" those of the murdered men, wore given. The Go-; tornor, horrified at the crime, and being animated with a desire to preserve the most perfect and cor dial harmony witluthe neighboring Territory, im recdiately issued a oironlar to the. prefeits ordering the arrest and close confinement of the criminals. Afterwards (on the 10th of August) the same pveletat sent' to the Goveinor a list of the articles stolen by the assassins, and the Governor ordered all that could be found to be collected together and securely kept until- they could be sent to the an ,ttarities of the neighboring Territory, to Ira dis posed of in accordance with your laws. In the communication whtoh you sent to the Go. vernor in the name of the meeting of citizens over which you presided, you solicit the apprehension end punishment of the criminals, and as this is in conformity with the sentiments of the Governor, ho will comply with your Bequest so far as his au thority extends in such oases, promising you to communicate with the General Government on the subject, and to keep the criminal in prison until be shell receive orders from the superior ttovcrnment, hoping that this step will farther the much-de tired adjustment of an extradition treaty between the two countries. A 8 soon as the proper officers inform the Geyer. nor as to the property they have been able to obtain from the criminals now in custody, end who onn be identified as in any way complicated with the murderers, it will bo sent to the authori ties of your Territory. The Governor has already answered your com munication of the oth inst., renewing his nem. ;arias that the authorities of this State will ear nestly endeavor to punish the murderers, promising to omit no legal measures that will conduce to the result of vindieating publio jostles, preventing in title manner the repetition of crimes which the Go vernor laments and condemns in the most solemn manner. lie hopes the steps be has taken, and oontinne to take, so far as his authority ex trivia in this matter; and his exertions with the tlecoral Government,•will satisfy the individuals the meeting of the good disposition of the peo ple of Sonora, and their desires to not lot pass un punished molt atrocities as that which they hays denounced. God and liberty. Hermosillo, Almost 20, 1800. V. PESQUIEItA. _ . MANUEL MONTZVERDE, SCOICtIIry. :to Edward E. Croes, Erg., Fort Buobanan, Arl sona. Oar cprrespondent says that notwithstanding the professions of tho above letter, which ho character tzas as a piece of Spanish duplicity, no action has been tnhon by the Sonora authorities, except to re lease the murderers from custody. None of the property stolen has boon returned. Our correspondent ndde, writing under date of '' , ,tpteinbor 30, that a bloody revolution is in pro rzss in Sonora. Peequiera is entrenching himself at Hermosillo, where the Gandaristas an collect ing to give him battle. Gandara is characterized ce friendly to Americans, while Pesquiera 18 de. :a abed as pretending friendship, while et heart a bit ter enemy. Letter from Ralph Farnham, the Ve teran of Bunker Hill. Ralph Farnham, the veteran of Manlier 11, ~ ao has rooontly visited Boston; causes- the fol tenting letter to be written to the papers of the " ACTON, Me., Oct. 23,:1.860, " I wilt give you a brief account of my journey home. When we arrived at Lawrence there was a largo crowd at the depot. They requested one to hold my hat out of the window, widish I did, when ihzy showered the 'needful' into it as I never ~xi,ected to see in my life ; then as the train moved on, we left them amid such sham as I shall never forget. " At Dover, N. IL, I received a like reception, end the worthy Mayer very kindly attended one •ever to Great Falls, and presented me with a $lO bill. At Great Falls I mot with the ease demon- oration as at Lawreneo and Daver, and the Ticket Master of the Groat Falls Branch genres(' invited me to a dinner that I enjoyed very much. " After leaving Great Falls I was received with hearty cheers alt tho way along, until I arrived at Acton. I told them, wken I got home, that '1 hid seen the elephant,' and was very glad to got hook. " "I am in good health, and my friends think I am better than when I started on my journey. :do sure that I am 83 well. lONA which I received when there. I remembor, with special pleasure, my visit to Bunker mu, at. I ended by tho Charlestown oity authorities; the military and musio ; elm the addresses delivered on that occasion by the Mayor and Mr. Frothing !: tm. . am also greatly indebted for the liberal min of money, and the many presents I received. .My thanks, wadi is all I have to offer, scam but poor return for so many favors. I ought cape :dally to mention Mrs. W. Farnham Leo, and the ...npany of Lancers, and Mayor Dana of Charles t,:n, and Mr Gilmore's Concert Band, for their liberal presents. " Though I am in my 106th year, I am not past ..11 usefulness; I split my own kindling wood, and build my own fires. lam the first one up in the morning, and the first one in bed at night. I never el :up or lie down in the day time, but rise at 5 and retire at 7, and this Icontinue summer anti win ti.r I have always been temperate, and for over t , ..irty years past I have not tasted a drop of spirit uous liquors, or even eider. I was never sink in lay life, so as to require the attendance of a physi elm. About twenty-five years ago I broke my thigh by falling on the Ice, and had a surgeon to tel it, bat this is the only time a doctor over at tended tuo. I live on plain farmers' diet, drink (so and coffee, and eat a very light supper, never eating meat after dinner. 1. have no doubt it is ening, to these abstemious and regular habits, and the avoidance of medicine at all little ailments, my life has been so prolonged. I voted for ll en. Washington for President, and have voted at every Presidential election since. and hope to vote ..t the next election. This is the duty of every Christian freeman. " This letter, which my grandson has written a my direction, I have carefully read and approved cud I sign it with my own hand. " RALPH FAR/MAX." STREET-SWEEPING MAGNINE.—Mr. Heine man, the owner of a street-fiweeping machine, yes terday tested its qualities, on Seventh street, west of Washington Square, before a committee of Coun cila The machine consists of a large wagon, be neath which is a revolving broom, with sir sweep are, and is so arranged that the driver can raise or lower it, by means of a crank, as the necessities of the case may require. It worked vory well, and removed all the dirt from the centre to the sides of the street, for the distance of one square, in seven t,en minutes. Mr. Heineman asserts that six of these machines would be sufficient to keep our streets in good order. The price asked for them is two hun dred and fifty dollars each. By keeping that number of machines In constant operation during the dry weather, and having the dust carted off, Mr. 11. believes the work could be so effectually done that, even in the spring of the year, there would be verylittleesuse for complaint. The plan has been carried on in Cincinnati, New York, Boston, and other cities, for some time past, and has given generaleatisfection. The few members of the committee who were present yesterday ex pressed themselves - highly pleased with the ex periment, but it will be some timo before Councils will take definite action upon the matter. THE NUMBER OF LAYGIIAGES.—The least learned are aware that there are many languages in the world, but the actual number is probably beyond the dreams of ordinary people. Tho ge cqrapher, Babi , enumerates eight hundred and sixty, which are entitled to be considered as disk Omit languages, and five thousand which may be regarded as dialects. Adebang, another modern writer on this subject, ream up three thousand and sixty-four languages and dialects existing, and which hare existed. Even after wo have al lowed either of these as the number of languages, wo must acknowledge the existence of almost ing id.e minor diversities; for almost every province has a tongue more or loss peculiar, and, this we may well believe to be the case throughout the world at large. It is said that there are little istande r lying close together in the South sea, the inhabitants of which do not understand each ether. Of the eight hundred and sixty distinct languages enumerated by Debi, fifty-three belong to Europe, one hundred and fourteen to Africa, one hundred and twenty-three to Asia, four hun dred and seventeen to .Amerieti, one hundred and seventeen to Weeniee. by which term he distin guishes the vast number 41 islands stretching be tween Ilindostan and south America. THE AMOUNT tsr SALT IN THE SEA.—A now subject of research—namely, the amount of tail contained in the sea under different latitudes—' has jest, received a considerable degree of de. volopment through the labors of Mr. it. Thornassy,, Butfetrn• de la SocieteGeologigue de France.) he determination of the degree to which sea water is impregnated with salt in different plains is important, hoth because it exercises an in enence over various marine species, and because it may tarnish mariners with tgeful Indications of oortain contingenoiee worthy of attention. In northern latitudes for instance, a diminution in the degroe of saturation will wain the navigator of the break ing up of ice In-the Polar regions, or else it will inform him of the proximity of land. Mr. The matey'll experiments show that the salt contained in tho water of the Atlantis, taken at the surface, and at a distance from islands, continents, and the ice of the Polar regions, is represented by a mini mum .of four 'degrees, which, under the evapo luting influence of the trade winds and a tropical sun, may rise it to 4.40 degrees. At the mopths of rivers subject to the tides of the ocean the halome tor marks three degrees at high tide, the ebb making It fall at least one degree, (the mom the instrument sinks the less Is the salt contained In the ivatet.). ' Along the eoasts, subject to the in- Anemia officers, the instrument, according as thero' is ifoir - Cr ebb, °satiates between 2 40 and 3.50 de areas, but may rise to 3 80-in, southern .latitudes: The 11-elf-Stream marks 3.00. . Sitt&I , 1118 A 6 A LSOTVP.BIL-112 EAU 2111001SG .on the 20th nit., Gen. Shields, for. meal Of.lWnels, - appeared as a lecturer, on the subjeef er; “:General Impressions orMerice." Tho - .The attendisnae wee largo, the seats In the body of'. the hill being fall, and the galleries not empty. Wahl platform were Rev. Mr. McAllister, who in. trodessed the loots:Mar ; Judge McAllister, Rev. Dr. Scott,RSV. O.P. A' Pitsgerahl„ and other clergymen. When. Gen. Shields; was introduced, there was a good deal' strihtspering among the ladles, who bad generally expected to see an old gentlemen, white haired sad venerable, but instead saw before them a mtiefitill young, with blank hide ' end a well kept black mustache . The General bowed deeply, and at °IMO commenced. Ho spoke enthout notes, with petted ease and freedom, 'and every few , momente,• bx- iwnik lit of dry humor, or flash of wit, provoked heettyleighter f , , was one of the =it apsbeble leolnrieriabsie listened for months." - GENERAL Nnitvt-i. TERRIBLE ACOIDENT IN TENNESSEE—A MAN KILLED AND WDEAN MANGLED DY A FALLING TREEI.—A correspondent of the Lexington The path, writing from Deoaturville, Tenn. l under date of the 14th inet., gives the following particu lars of a terrible °eternity : As some nogroes were passing the read leading from this place to Perryville, this morning, near Rushing creek, they were attradted by the ones of a female, and upon examination, found, near the road, a Woman lying by the fire with her husband, both confined by a log across them. It appears that they were travelling, and had stopped to camp, and had built their fire near a dead tree, whisk caught fire, (after they had fallen asleep,) and burning off near the ground, fell angling ae.oss them, breaking both the woman's lege Just bmow the knee, and killing the man almost instantly. When interrogating the woman we learned that the tree bad fallen across them several hours before day, and that her husband lived long enough to tell her what to do after he was dead. he geld she called till she could call no longer, for some ono to come to her relief after her husband died, (not being able to extricate herself) &he also stated that her maiden name was Watts, and that her husband's namo was Jefferson Kelly ; that they had been married about three months, and were going across Ton name river, whore corn was cheaper. When we reached the place where the unfortunate persons wore, the scone Was most horrifying, and the arias of the poor woman when taken away from her hus band were enough to melt the most obdurate heart." STRINCIENOT Or THE Moray MARKET IN Now Orleans Picayune says : "In our own oity the tightness which has, up to a very late day, been experienced in the monoy market has by many been attributed to the polltisai dis sensions of the times Is all this there is a dispo sition to i croaking that is not fully justified by facts. Here, and elsewhere, no doubt can be en tertained that other causes than politics have been mainly billaential in producing the state of affairs which arouses so much apprehension. Now Orleans has certainly advanced in crops and labor, not only of the tieuth, but , in Western produce, an unusu ally largo amount. This alone might havo effc'ted much of the demand for money that has been felt, white the uncertainty in regard to the crops may have created a little more than ordinary prudence in meeting the necessity for funds. "The favorable change which is now reported in the money market is an indication that the atti tilde of the political parties of the country has but a small ihfluonee at the present moment upon tho action of capitalists. "At the present time the croakers aro doing a cc. rious injury to the public. The won i t that s in immediate expectation does not render any civil commotion necessary. Hops strengthens any cause. A cheerful confidence in the future, that is not blind to the actual state of things, hoe 2 a great in. finance In averting impending danger. While, therefore,' the disposition of men to take alarm at the slightest suspleion of a coming political storm should nerve every man to his full duty to avert the dancer, unnecessary and unfounded predic tion° of breakers ahead should be carefully avoided.". DROUGHT IN CENTRAL MISSOUItI.-1110 Da venport (Iowa) Gazette says: "Cur follow.oitieen, Mr. T. Scott, who has just returned from Mts• surf, informant that the good people of that Stato were suffering from the effoota of drought. There has not be'en any rain in that portion of the State ho visited since the 4th of July last. Residents of thirty years there informed him that never in their recollection hue there boon suoh a time '— no crops. Mr. Scott purchased in Morgan and Moulton counties, about forty miles southeast of Jefferson City (near the centre of the State), two hundred head of eattlo, which he intends driving to, and feeding in Cedar county, in this State; as to hogs thorn are none to be had, they having been all bought np by drovers, ho. Many of the farmers in that :action of country aro removing their stock temporarily to Illinois and lowa to winter. The people in some parts of Missouri are suffering for something to cat. Oar informant says that in a travel of two weeks, he saw potatoes on the table but onec—and these were imparted from St. Louis. The bill of fare at the best houses down thar ' embraced only 'corn bone and pork,' and 'pork and eon bone.' WHAT IS THOUGHT OP THE CAPTAIN OF THE MINNIE t:CIIIFFER AT LiaolE.—By the Now Orleans Picayune of the 10th hest , we learn that the in telligence of the loss of the steamer Connaught, in connection with the heroin conduct of Capt. Wil son, who is well known in that city, created a deep sensation. All the papers express unbounded admiration of the disinterested and noble conduct of the captain of the Minnie hehiffer, not unmixed with expressions of pride that Capt. Wilson woe recognized as a New Orleans commander, who was widely known there, and as widely respected among the merchants and shippers for his gene rous and manly qualities. Biographies, more or loss extended, appeared in most of the papers; photographs of the new celebrated little brig and her commander wore displayed in the Exchange, and groat satiefaetion was expressed that the mer chants of Now York were subsoribing to a fund to make some suitable testimonial to the deserving seaman. It should perhaps be mentioned that after the very proper distribution to the other offs core, and to the crew of their share of the fund. a little over $3,000 remains to Capt. Wilson. As the subscription is still open at Messrs .Flowland Asninrsall's, there is no doubt that the amount will be considerably increased. A SINOLE POUND OF COTTON AND ITS CAPA BILITIES —The London Quarterly Review, in ten article upon cotton-spinning machines and their inventors, thus illustrates the produottveness of tole t, machinery now the cotton enables spinner to cm Witn n - potinavt cotton. A manufeeturer cf Manohester exports what is called No. 240 yarn, in large quantities, for the use of the finest foreign muslin manufacturers. Of the fineness of this thread some idea may bo forded when we state that two hundred and forty hquks',. eseh eight hundred and fifty yards in length, are spun from a single pound weight of cotton, or a total length of 'one hundred and four teen miles. But this does not by any means ex haust the eapibilities of English machinery; for at the great exhibition of 1851, spettimens of yarn span at Boston:wore exhibited, co fine as No. 700, or equal to three hundred and thirty-four miles in length, spun from one pound of material. Worked up into the finer kinds of laze, the original shil ling's worth of cotton-wool, before it passes into the hands of the consumer, may bo increased to the value of between £3OO and £4OO. MONDAY night last, after retiring, says the Rappahannock (Va ) Southerner, we were urousod by feeling something moving in our bed, apparent. ly between the sheet and the ticking. Thinking it to hon mouse, we arose, lighted a candle, and com menced examining around the bed, and mush to our surprise, horror, and disgust, we perceived a hooded adder glide from the bedding and disappear mysteriously. Oa Tuesday afternoon, while sitting in our sanctum, we heard the venomous reptile in a waste-paper box, and with some trouble and groat danger we succeeded in rowing him from his quar ters, and quickly despatched him. His snakeship measured three feet eight inches in length, and four 'inches in diameter, and, had wo been bitten, death Would have ensued in a few hours. This is no t• snake story;" the curious can see the reptile banging up in our office. EXECUTION Os' A MURDERER.—OH Friday week, Daniel Clifford was hung in the jail yard at Dubuque, lowa, for murdering a man named Wood, whom he robbed of $27. Clifford wee but twenty-tiro years of ago, yet the murder was so unprovoked that hardly any sympathy was mani fested for him. He refused to eat any breakfast on the morning of his execution, and had to be sup ported while on the way to the gallows. Arrived there, he hod to he lifted up the steps, and when kneelioj, in prayer with the priests, ho kept con stantly repeating, "Oh, Lord, receive nay soul!" " Oh, Lord, receive my coal !" Although the body fell about coven feet when the rope was out, the wretched man died from suffocation. THE Tenor RAILROAD IN TURKEL—A railway about thirty miles in length, will shortly be opened from Smyrna to Turbali, which is nearly due east of the former place. This work, the first of its kind in Turkey, was undertaken some years since by a number of Englishmen, but has experienced more than the usual share of delay, arising from obstaeles on the part of both the Government and the people. It was expected to he completed early In the present month, and the Sultan and his Min isters wore to attend the opening. CEINUS OF DELAWARE.—The census of the ono one, h State of Delaware has been completed and shows the following results : White and free colored in. habitants 110,542; slaves 1,805 ; number of dwel lings 19,257; families 10,264; farms 0,060; slave owners 615. Total population of the State 112,347, against 91,532 in 1850. There were 2,290 slaves in the State in 1850. A PEW years ago, an engineer was killed on the Central Ohio Railroad,just as he was about to bo married. The young lady to whom ho was en gaged afterwards married a Mr. James Froaso, and he, a short time Elmo, was seriously injured in an accident which occurred at almost the same spot; and now, to crown all, the lady herself has been thrown from a carriage, and instantly killed. ARRIVAL OP THE U. S. TROOPB.—Company second artillery, U. S. A., Captain Elleby corn• manding, arrived at Auguste, Ga., on Friday eve ning, from Fort Smith, Ark., via Memphis, Ten nem°, and. proceedediat once to the arsenal, where they are now quartered. It is a long time, re marks the Constztutronahst, since United States soldiers have been seen in Augusta. CAST AWAY.—The schooner Coral, belong ing to Clement C. Spalding, of Leonardtown, Md., was driven ashore above Cove Point, in Calvert county, during the gale of the 19th instant, on her return trip from Baltimore. All the cram wore Saved, and it is hoped that the schooner herself has not been materially injured.—Beacom.. MIJIII,TRS IN VIIIGINIA.—Tho Fern:Mlle Journal states that two murders wore committed In Buckingham county, Va., on Tuesday. A man named Oliver Blankinship was killed (In the pre sence of a justice, of whom be was seeking pro teotlon) by Wm. F. '1 oney, and a negro blacksmith, belonging to a Mr. Chambers, was killed by a white man named Abrahams. SCARCITY OF FOOD IN IRELAND.--A letter from the north of Ireland, dated the 4th instant, states that there will be a groat scarcity of food for the people. Potatoes aro scarce, and the price is rising daily, while oats, which rank neat to po tatoes as an artiolo of food, soil for $4 60 per berrol. A I.IONU3IFST, on a magnificent scale, to Martin Luther, is to be erected at Wilms. It is from a design by the Sculptor Rieteohel. The whole sum required for the work is £17,000 of which £12,000 has been already oolleoted during the last three or four years, fruit almost all parts of the globe. RAILROAD SOLD.—TIIO Minnesota Southern Railroad was sold at public auction, at St. Paul, on the 16th inst., for $l,OOO. Govornor Ramsey bid it Off for the State. The only opposition bid was five cent.,, which would indicate but little , . competition. RETtinzis from forty-fire counties in Minns. iota give a population of 114,214. The population of the whole Stato will not be loss than 170,000. In 1849 it was not quite 5,000. INSTITOTE BURNT.— The Polyglot Female Institute, at Natchez, Miss., was destroyed by fire on the 17th loot. It was ownod by St. tiary's Ca thedral.. The loss is estimated at $5,000. POWDER.—The powder used at Old Point, Virginia, in firing the great Floyd gun Is in lumps as large as hickory nuts, and almost as hard as granite. AOCORDINO to the census of 1860, 2,957,657 of the slaves of the United States were blocks, or of unmixed African descant, and 240,650 wero mulattoes. .Tur. yellow fever at Honduras has swept off tho entire European population. NAVAL STORES.-75 bbls Spirits Turnentino, so do. Wilmington Tar, 276 legodo. , 800 Ufa Atoll, 480 do. Rosin, in store, and for sa Im.ROWLLY, 4.6RBURNEK, & CO. 16 Boo th t W LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN the PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE up to 12 o'clock P. M. on Saturday, Ootobor 17, 1560. Pomona apPly:ng fur oflvortiodd Utah, *III pines mention the data of the Leit. (*m on Sunday from ni to 8% o'olook A. 3.1., and 2 to P M. LADIES' LIST. Allen Mary Ann G wins Susan Owens Mary A Apple Mary Gibson Grace O'Leary Ellen Arnold Fred T Good Elizabeth O'Rourke Ellen Akranus Laura Green ultantry Old Henrietta, Matron Oath Gross Emily Otley Mary A Aumer J IL airs N B n an n o w n o t l i r i t o h F A l d o a r a Il i i i . a a a r g r , r r a y i n s o A D' n ' Imaltel Amelia 1 IP, Porter aary ktoen, Marta Fmiiazr ay m Barborer AI Nanland 11 G Pointer W D Mrs Baker M A Handwright M Phillips Rose Beek Annie Hamadan C P Perry Lizzie ";V" Barber Harriet Ilazelith Annie Parker 'l.9ilio Beers it, 1, Burst into Potter Sam R Mrs B actin - limier I Henderson U Parker E G Mrs Balaton Mrs Harris Elisals Powell Lucretia Bard Mary }lamina 1, 8 Plandtaeli C B Beagle Ebrali II aritaugh C Patton Thou hire Mahar MerY I Barden i B hooves Emma E Blooksort Mary tie I Mary Ails Romer Annie Biolihand Martin hilbert Mary Randolph J Mrs Mrs Harlem E Min Reed Eva A Brown Mrs Hambright E5l Itiollards M Blake NI A Mrs Hickman I. J Rioter Chas Mrs Morro Isabella Hickman E J Randolph I Mrs Bloomer Hannah Markley lil T flyers Mary V Boi er Sonata Hoopoe Anna Roberts Eliza Byard Jane Hoag Harriet V Reser Hen Mrs Brewster Sarah J Holden Emma .1 Ryan Johnson Boyle Mary Ann 801 l inan B Root Julia Brown Pinkie Howell Mrs Roberts Carrie Perkins Anna E Howard 11 Mrs Robinson II FS Beene Miss Hoskins Lucy G Sotioekley DI Bright Amanda Duey Elizabeth Sheridan MA . BeArline Hellman Carol'e Sohryver Louisa peeslie Bridget Hogan Mrs Sample Mary Origin Carrie 'Hughes Carol's Shahan Cath I3randyn Ida Ilynosarn Fluent blhannsey Rosa Burnes Mary Houser Jane et Satterthwaito Howson Catho Ireland Isabel Edw Mrs Campbell Nary Jones Perms 8 Sham Anna DI Campion AI Mrs Johnson Dolly Schott Lizzie Chapman Martha Jordan Laura Sholniardine A M Carson Milne 'l' Jones It Sailing Pauline °mummy Mar t en, Johns Maria banns Sophia Carroll 'trots Jordan Caroline Smith Mary Caallett Sarah Jameson Lomas Smith Mary F Cambersen G Johnson E 11 Smith Mrs C. uldwell F Jackson Mary J Smith Annie M Campbell Eitel'. Hoax Anna 11 Smith Alias 11 Cannon Annie Keen Maria Smith Francis It Calhoun Ruth Kleckner Sarah Sinclair RAI Cathers Sarah Hemphart J tides Caroline Charlton Mary A Krearner Eliza], Simons Diana Clark Aunio Kelly I. furthers Emma Clark Julia Keen Susan D Streamer Lizzie Craig Mrs Knowles Al Mrs Somerset A F Collins Emma Kelly Ellen Stryker F 2' Mrs Corcoran Maggie Ramey Mary - Sullivan Marg Canard Rachel Kohlben Oaths Stan Mary i.. Creighton Cath Kuhn 1 4 II 2 tine Elizabeth Collins Lucinda Kirk Jane Mrs Sweeteer E Mrs Cooper Margt Knausor 8 Id. Sulavan Oath Conan Jana King Sarah Solis Martha Comes Jane Levy Sarah J Southworth E Carne L Long Selina A Sunegar Fannie Cross Mary P Low Elizabeth Stine bailie . Cox Mary I. Loper Mary Swalhlen Sarah J Cromo Mary Lane I L Mrs Taggart Mr s CoPPinger J D Line Rachel Toinpeon F. Curran Anna" Lawson L Si Thomas Rob Corcoran Mary Lowry Marina. Thomas Sarah A Crandol Maria Lcrring Calera° Treversnore MAA Cowilnek C Mrs La forty Mary Townsend E W Darling Noyes Leavitt u K Mrs 9 ownsend M 8 Dimond Jams , Lester Annie Talents IA Davis Elizabeth McCay Mary Tobias Maggie Denis Louisa McGovern 8 A Taylor Oath Deßelent E M ro c Cali ep M K Traria Ann AI Durvall AI 1.1 Mad blorreily Amelia Trazel'A I' Mrh Diner Anna Mrs McMullin Sallie Thomas A T Done Elizabeth McCauley Marc Thornton hl J Dougherty 8 A Mamma Alarg 'Patera Mary K Gurney Aral Pao - Manua Mary Vaughn Mary E Dolan Mrs McFadden U Voiles Nellie Dover Mary IlloCheanny NT VOll Marie B Duckett J Ir B blot aughlin AI A Vanoleve Ann Donn Jules (1 McNamee Mrs Webb Bettie .Unefros II AloGorngal Mrs waters Elizabeth Fgner Emma liloCaulvequin C White Went° Branner btones Mclntyre Eitel Weary Susannah Enlist I. Lilly Merlin AI A E White Mary. Kira Ellis Elizabeth blandness Bona White Sue p Endriss Ai grata Mrtyland L E Wanes Ellen Eihrenburg R Merriam C hl Whelan M C Engle Jane Mellen Lizzie 8 Waeett Lizzie Frame Mary hi admit Adeline Webb Bettie 0 Foughray Ellen Motherway C Watts Sarah Forrester Mary Mattis Ray W White See f Flynn Miss Meyers II C Wilson Mary Frothingisam E Millen Carrie Wilson Fr Favly Bridget Merriam 0 M Wilson Cult Frazer A V Mrs Mitchell Mary Williams Cohen Franklin It Mrs Miles Corals Winger uusanJ Fox Jane Miller Flora Welder Mrs Fetid It E Miller Annie Wilson Thus Mrs Faines Elieli Mitchell 111 C Wilbanks D A Farrell Mary I Alornmey M C Wilson Mary Ferguson Mary Myers Oath I. irVitman Reb S Frazier Moe Molloy Elizabeth Wilton Emma 2 Flouin Charne Mount zey Al. willetts Han Gibson Grace Alorgan Thug P Williams E ti• Gilleland Mary Mrs 2 Wirtz Matilda Gipson Lou ism N AM rray Alary . Al Woods Virginia Godfrey Lucy .9 Al onterh Jane aVersley Annio Guise G Monahan Drul Wurl Mary Grine Many F Murphy Cath Worrell h Mrs Graham Anu Nolan Mary D 2 Wolfe Al Mrs Gleason Ana Nice Carols A Young H 13 Mrs Gray Elie% lionaher M L 'Lowell Mary Brooke 'lnduct GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Allen &Co John t• vane F B Looter .1 W Addis Harvor Evlett C H Lee Robt Adams Chas 0 Ester F C Lenroy C II Alter Davin Filar /I B 2 Levi& Wm B Ain Jews Ade o• Hyena Dr It Lewis & Co I A cite Evans F T Lilly Luke Adair Wm Evans Goo J Limberg Herm Addison. J Etter W J LloYd. Potereon& Allan W H Evans Win Co i It en Wm Etter Calvin Linton J L Alb gond E A Evorott 8 T Livingston 2 R Aline Geo B Fhuin Chas Lindsay Jas Aldaz I H Fern Boswell Iloy E F Am E Sewing:Via- Ferry E W LineincottJ It clime Co Fe ht John tatted Squier All James Farrell J 11 Lightfoot B Id Allen 1) 1) Farr Win A Little W 0 Aahonfeldor J Parthinv John rands Lewis L Arnold II B Friar. Win Long Joe Andrews & Mon Fags Win Lonna lotadler Atwood Henry Ferns Loam Jose W Arthur R. Ptah &CoC II Ludiestori li Amin Filch C 1- Loowengrund & 7 Atkins T W Fly nn John Co Anderson John Field, Morris & Lute Jos Andrews Chas Co Low I' Anderson J L Flu tenor Henry Loutz Leon Augusto P Fitzpainek J G Longs troth John Anthon PE 11.emington Itail- Lower John Angier Wm 11 road Long B B Au kasha Theo Fineran Wm Lynch Geo W Ash Mat F Fleming Geo M. Loterhart Jan I' 3 Actimead rime Flibzjor Mehl LUDGE.i. Ar” strong Robt Enos Kota! 3 Emigrants' Armsyr o ng & Forrester John Bennon No 123 Shaw Fruit 11 13 Gen Marione KO Bad Edgy Foster Jos T 0 F Barnes V C Frisby Jan Paradise IV 1 0 -........e.,1 A Fraley Than F 0 1 0 1 Barlow 111"1' loran rsseo - Beim 34 I 0 B B Ball & McCall Fowler (I II Mee rise 0 Bartalett Gen Freeman A Co McDonald Pat Barrington & Frederick I) II McCormick Cam flatlinil Fowler Cline B Mcßrids 1 hos Dr Baker A R FostAr & Jenkin- McCurdy, Park & Bassett John (I eon Co Parnger Levi Polon John McCullough Che Bain John II French Jos P McConnell H Banker A V Prone ii M. MoCool John Baker J C Fulkerron If C McClure Edw Barty & Bra Forepaugh Fred McCann rack Bartley Joremili Fulton John McDermott B Barnhurst Warm Frazer J J yleCammon Jac Burnt H 8 Fuller A 31 McCarty B 31 cadger Chine Id Feuronm Mons 0 McKenna P J Balomin 1 P Franklin & Co MoGreagure W Paroles Anion Freemen Wm 0 McKnight Jno Baron Diane Fogel David MeGuin Jan ilmennirn il Frowenfield & Co 31eLesky Henry P.arkier H E G E MoMonegal C Barber John Gangue U MeGurk F Batson Or toardel Bett'd McFarland Win Baker I' A Gallagher Jas file Gray John Barton B M. Gsrdener John Moßare Peter Bern= Henry Gandstrom Thom McVeigh R II Beeht Florian G ..Ilig her 1' II McNeil J II Benkert John Gallagher Chas hlchittler Chas Bar tley id IL Gaylord L F Maguire Andrew Behan Jae 11 Gallagher M I Mallieott Jae Beeklord Eugene Garwood WI! per Berresford C A George Peon Maier John Beam 8 A Gerhart Jan Macline R II Beale Edward (Foyer Geo 310 earon W Maley Chan J Glnb G II & 31 Maddox 18 Rev Bargee John Whom J G Mahan Cornelius Beam= F 8 Gibbs Don't J Magoran Thos Behold Mr Gerrlngton John Marlin Relit 13 Beats J K. (Ninepin JJ Malheur D 801 l John B Gillman Jacob Martin P 8 ) airs Wm Glass Wtn Marlin Wm H Beach Ebenezer Givens II L May Hear. Benton David L Gillespie J L Matthews Isaac Bisset, Comingn• Bible JD Mann 'F & Lo I der liillintlar Wm V Almon 31 Bishop W C Goodwin T P Martin Geo Biddle &Colt id Goldeinith &Co Mathews WC Dr Blake .1 A D Gotham Henry Menden H& C Bloom Jae P t-ous ro curl Alentu F H Black Mr Gordner John Matthew Al 11 Black Hobert Gower Geo Munn John II Blom., (1 Goddain Louis Manning A Blanchard WG 2 Goodwin D R Mayer Jacob EJ Boyd & Belforl Brennan Win ftleakießenrY Bowdon P M. Griffith Jos V Mellow Auatin Bowen Ilenj Graham nobt hleakea Gen Bowen Hi' Groff bevid Meek J W I) Borneley W 111 Graham Wm Merrill Win A Boyd John 2 Bretton & Co Meyers W H Dr Bird &Co J A Gresory Ira W m e ad ri H Bond Th. Griffith Begj !demise D Rev Brown W W Grams J Alegdonah Feats' Brown A 0 Graham Chas V/ Med. Nay. Board Brown Goo 2 limy & A lord Aliner J hl Dr Brown Rob I Greases Win Muffin W L Bootee I P Grubb & Itemizer Miller Columbus Brown W II Granger J J Miteholl Mr Brown W G Griffith Wni Miller Geo W Brown F 8 Ilampton J T Mills W& C Brown W It trains ii. MillelLemuel B Browne W C Hnil Wm S Miller Georse Brown W 8 Bail Win E Middleton W Bradfield FII Bart, Taylor &Co Miller Lewis ' Braman S L i Day Thus Miller 0 II (Redbird 1 C Batch A J Miller Jacob Browning Jr A 2 Hamel Mr Miller Geo Bridge Chris Barley 3 F Miller John 8 Brower Thou J Horne Wm Miller, Meehan, Briggs Robt Hanson Jay C & Co Brettarg It John Horsed J Miller Geo Broderick eat Haywood Jos Thokle J B Beater Wm Parlow•Geo Minster Jos P Bush & Lobdell Hawn Wm Mille Sus Burton A II Barns John 31. Middleton Slepri Burnhani W Hap.; fl Midnight I F Byrne Thee Banner & Rhei- Minzer Wm.!! Butler EH .- mor Moony It Buohana A Hansel' J 8 Moms F Bottler Pan II PanadenJ Morgan 0 Aeltb Burros II W Bengston Mr Morin Jno Burnham W Harvey Allen Montague Jaw Complied 8 II srria Gen Morgan Mn Carnes John lianas 0 VI Morris Geo II Canning J E It Hazzard trona Morgan It C Callender Jno IL Henry Lis .1) Merges Mr Carrigan M. Henderson Geo 1) Montgomery T H Casedey Micheal Henn I' Morse JM2 Campbell Jno Burnett Chas Morgan H Cataya Dr It Hester lease Moore W E Col Caldweli J Henry G W Morgan Cyrus It Cavada Don E Hector, Brist, & Morgan Jno Chew 11. B Co J Moore hl J W Clocker= A Heator Thos H Moore N C Chaninan Lewis Ilaulenbere C J Moorehead A C Chester John Heylinan J C Moses Thos F Clarkm an 11 31 Beason Barney More Geo Edw Cline D A II eneser Ptk Morris & Haines Clough J 8 Boyle Henry Mudge Danl CI Clay Geo Heineker H Mudd Chas Clark W I Hinds Wm C Myers Louts Clark B F Bilery Goo Murray Norman Cobb Henry Bill tianel Murray Isaac Cooley Hiram Hooper Edw W Murphy D T Cooke J J Hoopes Jasper Newman M M Conlon A F How W 8 Nagle M J coo ing .] p o 11 Holmes D H Noland CC Corey A 1) Holden II B Nugent Wm Courier United Worth, Harrison, Norris M. Hates to Chasm Nicholson .1 . Courtney W B Hounseald & Norwood ES F ' litn4loB E. H Simmer Nants F A Corry/Sarni Hoyt Chas A Nat= Adam Conyngliarn & Howell Win Nash T P Mueller Boughton & Co 2 Nichols 'r 8 Collins 'I hos Houghton Jr Co Notilitio I) & T Collins P C 8 Newbold Chas Collins John Houghton C 8 2 Melo MJ . Cooppon 0 C Holcomb Fran Newell Ins Cozen Saint 2 Holinee J B Newbold It El Colley Win A Humphreys J P Orwhg W W Rev Copeland W H Hyde 8 B. Orr Andrew Consul de Espana Huntington & Corns Chas H Conine Mr Mason Bros F J Patton P N Croasdill Jae Hutton Joel Bemoan EL T Crispin E T Irvine II H Patten 11 H Culp IL E Inch P .1 . PaydongL 0 Croaley h Barr Inman It Page Chas F cronleY J 8 Irwin Than L 2 Patterson Jos Cunningham 111 Ingrain John ?ammo TG 8 , arm,. Martin Irwin Jos Parry II C Cohn Ro,bt 8 I redoll Hold Patterson Elkton Cunard N Jacoby W H Patterson E G Gown Win II Jackson A 8 Palmer W Darling 'P S James Mason Parker Thom 31 Darnley II W Jana Mr Paymaster U S Dawson John Jags art Chas J h sle i p x s a p aL t oegada Darling A ea. T j J a ri ckn ee . b o sB j . w i pano o net 8 Davis I 7; Daley Wrn 2 Jacob Id Worker David Edw VI Justice J P Pattie 8 Newton Davie Geo H Jovhart J B fables Robt 8J Davis Joe Serz Wm Peters Francis Davis J 8 Johnson E C Plielen Peter Dantz J 111 Johnson E W Patentor: C Davidson RB 2 Johnson Joe Peters & Benner Davenport John Johnson Albert Petnner Matt Deveriu John F Johnson &co R Pommy Thibaud Dean Jar Jordon S It Piper M & C Dearunell A donee Geo W Palen Geo Depur W A JonesDr Pilline 111 De Ruse W Jolene liaml Polk aml Dixon Time.lones J P Porter Chas 2 Die kes Thin 1) Keene A F Porter Hugh Dixon F .13 Keeso & Pearsall Porter C L Doran Then Keefe Levrrenee Poe N J Doherty Chas C Kolohner Wm l'ratt Danl R Downing Jet H Kemble Geo 8 Prince Band 0 Dobbins Zolisdee Kelly John Pribe Francis H Dodson W 1' Kelly John C Pratt R N Dolan P H Kelley Milton Price Jos T Downey 11 Kurtz Christian Pruden T M Duffield &Co D Fitzpatnok Jas Pratt Win E W 2 Kurtz Adam Rankin 88 Col Duffield D FL Kenlierson Chas Habana Gro Duprey does 111 King Lomat; Id Hannon L R Dubois Alex Koplin Philip Ramsay Jas M. Dunlap Wm Klipplee Id P Randolph E D Edwards .1 II Kittland H C Ramsey F M Lt Earb & Shun- La Valli° A J Kay Jay chard Law Tae Reynolds Wm Embree John W Layton Fred Reform School Eggleston & Fitz- Laycook Wm Reiheline 0 IV/ DI gerald , Laconic ß Reyn o l d W Mid Edgar J Jno J Wm A Eloook Than Lawrence ii I' Reece Wm Editor iiaturdao Lowder S A Read Rufus 8 , Star Labarte Wni J lief E Earl Hugh Lathrop Mr Reeve (I W Hon & lo dwell We, Leek). T E Co Editor Home Cir- Lewis F AI Richards C H ale Lewin Morton Rice Fredk Etta's' John Leeroy E K. Richards U 0 Eby Gee Lee A RI ' Riy Robt Egartz Lee Algernon ItedinstonBethept Elliott Joe Leate Taw M Ruder - W m T Etter if li Logone Henry Diehards W F Hotabrook Geo LonfertBJ Robbins & Bro THE PRESS.-PHHADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER. 29, 1860. Robbins Joe Dr BpoYJ B Ward James Rodgiano Wm A Spangler T E Walker Robert 8 Rose Alexander Spain CH. Watts Tnlbet Dr 3 Itogors .1 E, • Sem ght Jae • Ware RD. Roams Th. 0 Spalding H J Walla. rtr. Al Ross Bonbon Spofford C W Walsh B Russell John Spencer Fred C Warren Jos NI Ronny John B Stevenson D Watson 1) I' Robinson Wm Stewart Jae Walsh Victor Robinson Wm 0 Steelman Abe Walinee & Ellis Rosa R Capt 2 Weed Bez II Robbins H Stesihnan 11. C Wobsr Henry Rodgers W Capt Steele John West Jae Rosa Alexander Steelman Chas C Welch John , Rush Thee V titorlmg Jos L Weaver D P Russell John Sterling Glib% t 3 Wehr 8 F Ryan 'rhos Stowart J J'r Webster A H Reels Thos V 2 /Hoes Jno It Webb Ch.]. Russoll Moses B Stone GNI Dr Woloh James Russell Jos S Sterols L Irwin Weaver Wm Runt & Son Sue Hotel Wellcome P Rush Sam'l Swift li & Co Welch Robert Sanderson Wm Swaying' 0J (3 Weir Jae sample &Co Terry Chauncy Weaver Joe F Sanders Coward Taft, Steer & Co White DD , Sabato& Mateo Talker ADr White Ault, D Scott Amos Taylor J Ii Whiteman PI, Scott T Al Tall, Williams & Wheelock A A Scott James II Co Whitaker Wm Scofield Thos Thomas Mr Wheoler Georgo Berson Win Tighe Miohael Whitney Wlt Sohnomaker P P Thompson inn white J P Scofield Fred Thompson It G Whitehead John Osman Wm Thompson E C Wightmon Joint Savory Chas C Thompson JAI Wilcox Win C Sampson Al Thomas G Wilson Robert Safford E Thomas A R Wilcox VI tt Scott Thos Tilden W II Wilmer Teams Solosselman Jno Thompson Jos Willtaano JAM'S Panders C H Thompson II Willis II P Baling Li' Thompson Geo 2 Willing A & Son Simian W E Thatolier Jno R Willa Rev Semple JE Dr Thiel' Wm Williams James (Meyer At Tevay John Winslow Geo Shoes & Co Trask Oliver Williams 0 P Shonton John Tornwalt George Williams John Showell Chime El Trist H BDr Williams &hornless Jno Tormland R Wilson 1) 0 Shippen W Tobin aliened Wil iains James. Sherry Francis Trois W Willson Morris Sheeler Arnold Tomlinson W Wi eon John Sheffield Stephen Toolo Atfred Williston lien II , Simpson Henry Ttron 81 , Wilicin Lowellet Simon J D Truman 8G Wiley J Silyer Chan Trask Robert Al Williams Joao Sitio) , Joel; Trimble floury Wilder Wm Simpson R F Tremble Joseph Williams Cllll9 1' 13101 M Edwd P Turner & Blake Williamson u A Slake Sidney A Thompson C P Wolin, Thomas Sleoane Chas 2 Valiance J R Winer Wm Smith Jacob 0 Vanleer Bernard Willioins (I H Smith G F UndordownW 8 Williams Joseph Smith Jno Van Saxon A Wilson Chns V Smith Saint Valliant A C Wl,son Rota Smith Wm q Willey'g Hugh l Lemon _ Wirthwoodcut.j° Jos Smith 2 Smith B Smith Isdwd Voorhees F F vvorral. R Ito Smith C B I inderdne J. 2 Worral Albert Sm its ri II & PI Vanliorn Jos Woodman (I W Smiths Jae Vellums] s & Woodcut 3 M 2 Smith W B Baenor Wenderly Goo Smith Jon B Vallee T Cant Wright tiro W Smith • mos Vankerbine Wm Wynkoon 13 }tiler Smith Ferdinand Wanner Al R & Young Edwd Smith T W 3 II Young wm Smith Dennis Warren & Bros Young Win 0 Small Walton Wappiok Max Yorkee Chan P Snyder Peter wadlow lan li Young John Snyder Goo li Wallace Jae W Varner Chne Sebrado Dor D J Watson Jae Zink Wm 8 Spring Parser Way Willis W Zink Wm S t It N. B. BROWNE, P. M. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT GIRARD HOUSE—N, E. comer Ninth and Chestnut. Win W Potter. Ph Ia Chas Wray, Mich E H Langdon & wf, 8 C Clinton I loyd, WiPmsport E Jackson & la, Albany 11 A Browning & la, Pa Allegeman & la, L Island W W Wright. Palma Hon A H Header, Easton Mrs Ogler, West Chester Mr Brinton, West Chester Mrs Brinton, West Chester Alt Norton & wf. N York hl ire Norton. New York nisei Nelson. New York 1) F Marks. New York Jae Hodges & wf. England Mrs Leach, Canada S H White. Wash, it C Chas B Wallace. Tenn Mies sue Wallace, Tenn Mr Walker & In, N York Miss Walker. New York W C Johnson & wf, Conn Mrs Goo Ramsey, H C P J Glans, Kentucky J Abell, Massachusetts J T Cornell, New York H H Decker, New York W Si Brown, Harrisburg J 8 Clark, In, c k ser. t lulu. Dr P Goobrick. Virginia .1 Blunt, la &o. Brooklyn GEi Wing & la, 811 Ti. Nathan, Princeton W P Armstrong, Princeton .7 W Griffith & la,ficw York Jae Hi:marina, New York J Brownhall Thee Porsythe,tileina, Del J R T Coates, Cheater Bawl Eocles. Jr, Chester W Ward. Chester Y D Hardy & la, H C Miss Hart, South Carolina Wm Blackwood & la, B Miss Brankin, B Carolina Gee Long, New York D Watterman, N O T B Brookinay, Ohio Hon Jim Halo & la. Pa J NI Moorhead, Pa Miss Young, N 0 Dr Mercer & 2 senile, N 0 R Curtin, Pennsylvania 1.) Wilkes, New York F Gibson, Yorkville L N Winton, Hartford J Williamson & la, Pa H T Williamson,Eriston,Pa Edwd Avery W T Cummins, It 1 IMrs Cummins, R Island 811 Broiler,Lancaster T A Brusuire, la & oh, N Y 8 G Gilford,Troy, N Y Miss Gilford MIAs Crawford . . . . . Edmund Moo, Minnesora H G Eiskin & la, Ark J . Waldo Hutchins, N v T Jones & la, n Carolina T A sTar. wets Brunswick B B Itorknile, West Point Jas Deets, Louisville F W Meyer, Loulsville,Ky V 0 Williams, Vircinia J H Dalt, Ban Francisco 8 W Hopkins. New York A A Jones, California Judge Lott, California JiC Miller, Maryland J T Hester, Salem,Ga W W Potter, Philadelphia A L iiennershotz,Beading Win Garretson Harrisburg Mr Jameson h la, N Y Miss Jameson, New York Geo Christy, New York CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut streets Hon Wm AI Davis, Phila. .1 HI Tyner, Illinois 4 . 17 . 6 , Jones, Cincinnati R T Sloan, Chicago GS King, Columbia co, Pa 1) 'Entiury, Jy,&l,l3rooklyn W Shroyer, Bonilla) W 13 Candor,Milwaukee FSSell ginger, Phil a it cernellNew York Dr L A Sayre t Now fork BP Johnson. No - . York W D DAYIII, New Jersey G C Carey k ht, Virginia Henri Plena. California Miss M Brown. Wino, Del Mrs Wm McDonald, Bait Mrs Gillman, Charleston Miss Gillman, Charleston 13 F Satterfield, Al ary 'and AP Fulkerson. alaryland Jog Ragsdale, Maryland Miss Mary Sanford, Phila W Poodexter, Baltimore 11W IA encore VirginiaP Moncure Virginia .1N Townsend & la. N York J Walther.'Baltimore W Blake & la, N Haven John Dun & In. liniihn Jae F Green. Charleston P McCurry, Virginia J Stoddard & la, Savannah ?Pm Stoddard & sae, tin 151 8 todilard,Savannah B Barnwell, Charlesuin J White .1 F Waring, Savannah .1.1 Wood, Columbus J F Batty, New Yolk Jas B Groan & la. Virginia C S Newell, Boron Slt Orissa, New Canaria Fred Garcia, gve,York J Roberta k la, Willa Geo st. Taber, 11 redloril Bonet: Lane, Troy T II Brockway. Cleveland T B Rockway, Cleveland 0 Long, New York W Gordon. Now York D It Whitney & la, Baster' A B Halo & In, Boston 1. Vverett. Lowell 0 1 Rathburn it la, R I el Jenks & la, Moss N T Rrnith. Boston F 11/Smith, Boston D Ken Roxbitry,Alass Mrs Sheldon,on, New YoGe .1 AAI King & la, boorgut it 1, U 9 Navy RJ Thorne & la, New York It, A Raymond, New York Fdw Baldwin, New York Thus S 1" Unerton, Baltim'o T B Tilton & wife, Boston W T Fin tit, New York H ..1 Peak. New Dr/env. GPO A Jackson, *Pow York D W Bast:att. New Y.orki G W Bartlett. New jerk Dr Wll Van Buren, NY r. L 00,13 ie ta, Marl Iran 0 Whitfield it la, Alabama. Jas.') Whitfield, Alabama Mrs Cheadle. Charleston Miss Troup A slater, Ga D N 13 Troup Leorg la 11E White. Washington Winrooks .Portland C Townsendortland H Farrington &wf,NY F Albany B Doughte,Mtddleto'n,Conn Sam l l C Cobh it wf.Boston Mrs Richards. Meal G Renshaw, Providence 1 1 8 Bishop, USA JO Spencer, e ow I ork W P Conyers A wf, N JD Walcott, suss It W Latham, New York W C Tyler, Washington Mrs ff. Tyler, Washington 'l' F Carboarty, Dr:lmila ).owls Rigordeon, Havana B. BiTOllB, Havens - 14 Corson, Philadelphialt Wilson. Calif dmia it R Corson. Pennsylvania J Lave:l, Maamohnsatts C J Corry. Philadelphia 8 It Fleetwood, Chicago Geo F Bailey, Chicago if B Flamer, Franklin J Is Willard, Chicago A Roan. New York A T Jenktna, N Carolina MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth etreot, below Arch. Jae Pritchard, N Lisbon, 0 T P Warrick, Cravat', 111 W Steele. Now York A G Marshall. Heflin, Aid TJ Meroney, N Carolina .1 F Loran. N Carolina Henry N Coward, Pena 1) W Moore. Clearfield N 13 Willuiton. Verment CI Kimball, Elmira W B Poked, Penna M Murry Princeton, Ind Hon Wm Al Platt, Pence Edwin Vi rich, New 1 orb Mrs Morton. New York Mee Puller, New York JI) Flint, Methuen. Since TW W hito,Metho en,Mass R 33 Wilson, bliddleport, 0 J 8 Brown. Erie, Penne Cites 0 Brake, it Paul E I' Hildebrand Indiana J Hurrlaov, Portein'h, 0 C W Robinson. N Orleans Hon N 13 Eldred, Penn Jno A Eldred, Penn's D H MurPh i i, Hiploy, Uhio Allan hloi!aom, Pateburg J A Book, oading C L Croon, Pittaburr, Saint Nyco, Reading 1' M Oastezhout, fonna AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut et., abovo Fifth. Jag 0 Oriel, New Jersey Geo J Robbins, N Jersey W Hatch, SkowheganJ Cushing. Augusta laa Mrs !Harrill & 2 ch, Illinois H Holly . . Ohio Jno Graham, Erie. Pa Geo VI Howavi.MaryPd K J Darman, New York Ca pt 0 H Pitfield. N Henry P Wilson. N H T H. Holman. Boston Saint 6 Price & la,5L-Cliunk Mrs Sas A Polk, M. Chunk Jos Sumner, Connecticut lien) Kimball, Mose Jared A Timpon, Now York Mr Coburn & la, N H M L Holmes. N Carolina S F clause & la, California Wm MoNei 1, California Goo W Pratt. Now York H S Martin. 41exandria.Ya A A Davis, Mass - • • • • • • Denj R • N Jersey NHnll J Bromley, Phila Lilley, New Yoric R D Churchman, N Yor JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut atreet, above sixth, J Summers, Connecticut Thos Walker, D C Miss McAlister, Delaware JA W Jones St Paul W A Fiske. Portsmouth,Va Thos Jonas & la. N J Powell, Virginia J N Carpenter. 8 N L T Smith, Pennsylvania Wm 8 Bitch, Pbila Cant Doyle, New York • Mark Bois, Canada. Wm F Mills,Cansda R Searle, Canada 3 J Guthrie, i 3 B N A E Cuming P .11 Norris. Unionville, Md 13 Le bodes & son. N C David Si 'Bunting. Penns Thou Forsythe. Penna. J A Evens, New Jersey Sami Wallace. Now Jersey C P Murphy, Altoona J 0 Spencer, New York ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. bleo E Clapp. Brookfield W Browning, Brooklyn ri O W Jones, Philadelphia THD Silva, Cl 7 Jereey Jos Morgan, New York 0 Darlington, Nadia Si Philips, Ponnsylvania John Thomson. Panne J B Norman & la. filo Isaao Seeley, Rochester H H Tics, Hagerstown STATES ONlON—Market street, - above Sixth. J Nicholson, Fenno Denote Clark, Blair co, Pa Inn Brandon, Indiana co It Mire). & lady 1111 Peterson Ohio Ellmakcr, Lancnater Goo L Boyle. Lancaster Meat I A Baylo, Lancaster If Springer, Hollidaysburg Q B MoAnalti, Pittsburg Henry Barlow Contra co tt Moyer. Williamsport 11 ThomaeCoateerillo Hugh G H Mullen, Georgia H Johnston, i'ittebu,g W Clmmbere k la, Penne. B T Trimmer, Rochester Cha H Butt, Williamsport Chs T 'Huston, Williamsp't I P Pryer, Delaware co O T Jeffertee, W Chester T C Elea, Philadelphia James McClure, Perry co Chas Moyer Roxboro, Pa A Dixon. Roxboro Pa J Williams, Roxboro, Pa C F W Merrell. Wilm, Del Geo H Morgan. Harrisburg G II Trout & niece, Altoona W H Watt. Pittsburg C Campbell, Altoona James Young H P Dunbar, Pittsburg MT. VERNON HOTEL—Seoond street, abovo Arob• .1 Henderson. Lancaster 11 A Wynkoop, Pa Josiah Roberta, New Jersey W B Lathrop, Norfolk, Va J Lord, Sr, New York Waah Halley. Boston Shouse, Wayne oo V Sktnnor, Wayno oo Dr Loflend, Virginia B A Should!, Pa C H Larkin, Pennsylvania A lox King, North Carolina Goo lord. Equinunk ThoOlanoheider. Eno in'k C T Teeple, Equinunlc Moses Billings. Equinunk .1 A Shartle. Philadelphia A Lord. Bales Pdilv J ItDoak, Wilkesbarre It W Welch, Now Jorroy ha It Everett, New York COMMERCIAL ROTEL—Sixth et., above Chestnut Mies R Ratan, Ideobaniosbg Jas M Clark Lancaster J Ford. Maryland P M Bare, Pit Upton, Pa J E Loll), Williamsport Levi Haines, .Pete la Creek J M Conkoy, Lancaster Rdwln B Brown. Illinois PIUMMOTO. Jr, Pinta Moore, Cheater on Joe D Roads. Del on. Pa Josiah Jackson, Chen co W P Jackson, Delaware Goo Taylor & la, Ches co John R Moods, Chicago P Baldwin & la, N Y J B Kirk. Chester no Truman Coates, Lnno co John Travner, Chester co B M Rich. Pcnna Col Eaton W II Gleason, Wisconsin 'rhos G.ldoralsvo lOWA P Bare. Ponca Louin * I:hector I) Rany, Now Castle, Pa FOUNTAIN HO TEI,-Second street, above Market. W P Sumerton. Dover, Del Jno M Saybrook, Dover Miss Hyde. Wilmington,Del AP Graham, Vermont Geo Bobbing, Vermont W M Cummins, Delaware Saw] Armatrona, Delaware Jno W Joneo, Buss.x co J B Ferguson, New Jeremy Jno W James, Delaware Martin Maloney, Pa Wilson Maloney, Pa C 111 Gager, Dew Jersey Jan Martin, Wilm'n, Del W Dempster. Cheater on J Beam, Pluladelphl MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third street, ob. Callowhil N P Riley, Allentown Chas Breneiser, Reading, It K Smith, Allentown Jna Sarum, Philadelphia II H Railway, Riolimond Wm S Southwortii,Siehin , W L Yancey, Lancaater co 0 Landfield, Del co, N .1 II Hollinger it II Jones, Resdins Alex Elwood, Del co, N Y E Willson, Del co, N Y N Elwood, Del 00, N Y E L Holmes, Del co, N W Martin Del co, N Y S Lewis, Poston BARLEY BREAP—Pecond street, below Vine. Henry Love. Wyoming co W Carr, Bucks co Dennis Dalby,Plobt C Leedom, Banks co' Ptewart Meatless, Bunks no C C Harvay. Bucks on IV MoKinstrey, Bucks co Cass Larkins, Bucks co W Hough, Pa At B Watson, Bucks oo Wm Ferer, Easton 19 NATIONAL HOTEL—Rnoo strut, above L Desenhart T V Rhoads, Allentown John Thomas, Jonestown G F Kurtz, Allentown John W Bmith, Bedford co John Lacroix. Altoona U Terry. Bradford. Pa W Taylor. Iliamsport Jno M Reist, Now Jersey Jos Gormley, W ash, D C John Smith, k co, Pa John Hendricks, Pa D Haskins & bro,New York 11. Snyder, Easton, THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. J J . Hyde, Boston J Ohio R Carron, Youegeteein, 0 IR Cassany, 0 &OK BEAlt—Third street, above Callowloll. Saint Trumbower, Pa Judge Offline r. Allentown Henry Ott, Chester, Pa J 13 Dillingor, Allentown BALD EAGLE—Third street. above Callowbill. B P Whitaker, Deposit, NY Geo W 7ravie, Del on. Pa :Reported for The Pinto SAVANNAH—Behr Moonlight, Stutes-71 bales cot ton C P Rolf 120 do H Sloan & Mn; 0 pi: gs liquor 30 Pa timber 113 halos cotton ordor. NEV7HERN. NC—echr Wave-121 bales cotton 821 We rosin 127 do tar 2 hhdo tobacco Kates & Foster; 1, bbla tar Cochran &:Ruesell: 18 do mdse N llethnor & Bro. LEGHORN—Bark Heotor, Welsaer-1 case frames and alabasters W B Alartlen & Cot 1 marble bust George Wood; 150 bales wool 280 do reggae blocks 41 slabs marble 70 mks pumice stone order. RIO DE JANEIRO—Brig A J W Anplegarth, Groves --89.3bamooneo B A Lewis; 1763 do John Mahon & Co. MATA.DIZAB—Bark Jam Smith. Brewer-36a IMds AO tieroesmolasses E 0 Knight es Cc, IMPORTATIONS. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE, EDWARDS OLAHIOE,) WARRY OtEAD, Costui , ..qtr Vir flc/1;,. M. L. RE N. x.EiTTZA .134103 iireTcl43nts' Exchanger, PhllsectJteA. soon 13ti`b Doris, ' Ciii ( S'o u n ' e a l, soon 11ARINE 1TTTE14.1.7.. 1:41? I 1 ::: Z P tr,st POITIAFII', Oct. 9.9,1b60 - 6 4T-SUSi SETS. ttIVEB. Bark Neetor, (Norw I Weisser, 72 darn from Leghorn, with rage. wool, marble, &o. to S Moms Wain & Co, Towed up b lire J F Bum. Barg Jul ' mitt. Brower, 13 days from Alatanzas, with molasses to C Knlght & Co. Brig Standard, i• 13r) Card, 14 darn front Windsor, NB, with potatoes to A Bauder & Co. Brig 'Delmont° Locke, Mitchell, 10 dnle from Jack sonville. with in mbar to captain. Brig Belle, Wells, fa dais from New York, in ballast to Workman & Co, Bohr Jae All terdto, (new) Stiles, day from Dorches ter, 193. in b i sllast to Jar Allilardie 0. Behr .Patigassstt, V 7 aples, from Salem. Behr John Cullen. Predmore, from ri embus por t. Behr Barnet Smith, Kelly, from New York. Behr alert. Flizabeth. Bred, from Boston. Bohr Annie Mar,oe, Wheaten. from - Boston. Behr A Cordory. litthemik. front Boiton. Bohr J Ireland. Lake. from Beaton Bohr David Bmtth, Donziars 0111 Boston, Bohr Bpray, Price, trout Boston, IILEA.RED Steamship Delaware. Cannon, N York. Allde ally e. Slim Beranek, Rowland, Liverpool. Cope Bros. Bark Conrad. Balsbury. Pernambuco and a 111 whet, T A Newhall & Bons. Brig Geo Harris. gtowora, Pen sDla, EA Solider & Co Behr Eclipse, Cook. Savannah. II 9 Stetson & Co. Sehr Pr:r.ry rslizabetli, Reed, Salem, Von Dimon, Nor ton & Co. &Mr Dodson. JerVIS. NOW London, do r.ehr ben Taylor. Stevens. Ilan iiitore, do Sohr Benj Sheppard. Marsh. Alexandri 1, do Behr E W Perry. Sampson. Roxbury, do Behr J A Wainwrielit. Corson, Boston. I. Fehr yartassett. Waplen. Boston, N Sturtevorm & Co. Sehr II Smith. Kelly, Boston. Simile's sou & Glover. Nola Annie Magee, Wheaton, Boston, Blalitston & Cos. Sehr SprP n d . L Itotherinel & Co. Sehr Ireland. Lake. Cambria seport: de Behr John Cullen, Prediran 6. ohmund do Bohr A Cordery. Bubeeek, Charleston, .1 Street Co. Sehr I) Smith, Douglass, Providence, Reyes dr. ' (300- Behr George Palen, Niskorson, Providence, Crom ell Collins. otr 0 Seymour, Palmist, Alexandria, T Webster, Jr. SAILED. Ship Wm Cummings. Cope. from 1 icorpeol, in tow of tug J F l.tarr. She takes out Ito following cargo: 259 tcs beef, nil hales cotton. 301 Mae timothy teed, 2-17 bags mill feed, Ml3lito!s flour. 30 0:6 bushels grain. Ship Sarnnalc, Itowl,unl, for 1,1 yawn!. in tow of tug America. with the InllonAng cargo; 29 C 53 Iniehnls wheat, 1190 bushels corn, GOO bbls flour, 93 brio 1.14 bbls cotton seal calm, CO Iml - s cotton, 79 lieis butter, 53 bales mCS. 20 casks tallow oil 23 pkgs !ridge, and CO peunangero forward cabin and steerage, 17. , :a... - eneavorlee of the Phiirtdolehei. Ezon:vn., Pel.. Oot. 20. Thor° nr r:o vezeols at harbor. Wind SW end wdrin Thum t. - 0.. !M. lIKIMA Cur esAmileues of The Pr,. .s A 'TRW. DE el: File.. Oot 27, IMP. The Wyoming left with I 2 boats. laden and emu:taxed aX follows; Sarah Jane, errs to Alex Nesbitt; J 11 McConkey, do to Brand) wino Mills; Mary Ann MeCringey, railroad iron to David Reeves & Eon; Alien Welsh• mg iron to J W & F Starr; John F Johnson, mai to John A War ner; Eavlo, bark to Keene & Coates; T 21 Hathmel cad Mary of bloom , . towhee to It Wolverton; Boston and Bruner, do to 'Trenton' J 1) Cameron, do to Wilminoon; Thomas Swenk, do to Worercco & Sheets; Virdella See hold, do Co eactwalader & Co; Commerce, light to Hum phre)s, Daman & Wright; Rebecca Ann. No Plus Ul tra. Sarah Edith, and J Edgar Thomson, coal to Dela ware City. I=l Steamship Virginia, Kelly, hence, arrived at Rich mond :nth inst. Steamship Matanzas, Lie:mgang, front Matanzas 220 inst. arrived at New York 27th inst. Ship (loch/rise, Borneo, from Il embay, arrived at Now York 2710 inst. loot all entire suit of sails, sprung mainmast. main topmast. and other spare. Skips Middlesex, Boni Liverpool. and Deutschland, from Hamburg, arrived at New York 27th toot. Slop Sweepstakes, from Now York for Melbourne. out 20 dare, wax aptken Ist inst. Int /230 Pl,long 4320 W. Ba-k Maria of Boston. front Montevideo for ft York, was alt, lot 10 40 8, lona 32 40 W Drips Fi nano. 'I roworstr. and Tangier, Colson. train Boston for, patted Item Holmes' Hole 2011 z instant. li ng sitar, eirsimlon, hence for Balm, sailed from Ilrilmey' Hole 20. h inst. Brig Elizabeth Watts. (probably ) Br/ ant, hence, ar rivod at St Jage do Cuba Gth trot ling Brandywine. liarmati, hence, was dieoharging nt Peroara burn 3,1 inst. Briy. Gray hound, Putt. from Pernambuco, arrived at New York 27th inst. Brig John Welsh. Kiraly ,dce. for Philadelphia, cleared at Mobile 2EI net, with nit bales cotton, 13 do rope cut tings, and 123 amp)) , 00000. gr; 13n Tarantino, Prersey. II McGllvarr. 'Heenan, and Ii G Chaloner,Kennoy.hence,airivod at ilostoa Valli inst. . 41,t, Martha Wnshinglon. fiend, cleared at Boston 20.11 mat. for Sea Francisco. 8,41. r Fliznbeth. Hal!, for Philadelphid, cleared at Nam !ern. NC. 24th inst. SCItCH 1' Coo. Sil mw,Georam.. Morrie, 0 F 'Hawley. Drlen. end Allan Down,, e. itlny. Irmo Boston for Plnladelehia, amved at New Vold. 27 . th met. ect , r Went', Eawill, Howell, hones, arrived at Ruth mord 26114 net. Solt' It 21 t•rowr ;no, Maley, cleared at New York 27,1, hint. for Philaderhos. Sehr ears li Al Kept, Thompson, hence, firmed at liarturterc 21.11 Mot. Bohr Gee W Krohn. Ememen, cleared at Itritunore 25111 rest fee nolorlalphia Loins Penn Perkins, Goodwin, llsrelot Newell. Sher nran, and Gov Butt, n. Wlntlntore, hence, erns ed nt Boston rl7Bl r nat. Pander. Ltioc,rtrne, Johnson, .1 Runyan. Matthews, J Ponder. Jr. hilineaworth, Ocean Herald. Cos. let. Henderson. salmi'. Smell.and Z, phraim Anna. Dole, from Boston for iddladelpio, from ' Holmes' Stole Pridi inst. Behr S P Garrinon. Grace, from Braintree for Pinta delpaia, from I:Wm,' Hole 7.7 , 11 met. Mthrs Nor P Phillips, Sarah, Mame. and i L Holmes. Irma Delaware City, arrived at Providence 27th lent :ohm Knoell Pratt, Bhorman. and Mars Patterson. Homers, hence. :milted at New Bedford 16th Nat. Sal , . L G Floyd. Hackett, aailed from New Ledford 23th inst. for PhiladelPhra• Sohn 1: inhird "Farm, Fmk, A S Cannon, Novrall, A iramntirmi. nut , . Li. 0 Aral' ad, Smith, frank tioreert, Parker. Edwin Reed. Outman, M It imrlitlo, Wine more,l7 21 h aley, haler, .skean Doxanna, Palther, J G Stlllo. Swain. and Chris Lesser, Snow, hence, arm ail et Beaton D3l mat. rlohe 011 Bo t tlen, Drorlitrnan,_ Driatol 211th mat. from Fall River, to finish losern: for Cuba. Sohr It 11 Baty, Etoplicrs, hence. arrived at Fall lit ter 250 mar. tchr 11 (Rant. Newman, for Philadelphia, bailed from Newbaryport ."6th Pelle A Henderson, Crowell, hence, arrived at PrOVl dense 15thinor maantern Meek Drarnond. Allen. rind Alril t, Polon- Lon, hakes, arrived at New York 21th loot. MEDICINA_L fMOS; FOOD. BLOOD 09D 11113=0111 01.0011 } 000. Ili 001) FOOD. Theattention or Invalids, physicians, &err ymen, saienti fie inn, and I hn pu Woo EORCratil t is resPeollullY soliaited ti the mu-its of this chemical preparation containing Iron, Saltdow. and Phosphorus, and whlclt as identical in its comPositton with the lit Molar Mo tu le, or r,l bloc.!. In aildlnetlSeti accompanied with DEBILITY. pale rountenance, and nervous derail:foment, analyses of the blond thaw a deficiency of the red globules. Sudny coniplamon and a roes tint of the shin. is always mitten lava of health ; txlule a pale, wan-like skin and acoite nancd—wh,ch evinces a deficiency of the red g lohums— accompanies a diseased organism. Preys , atlons Of Iron have bream gietn fur the purpebd of supplying the rod globules, but we contend that Iron atom', Sulphur alonc.Or Phosphorous alone, will not meet the deficiency in every cams, but that a Judicious combination of tail three elements is necessary to restore the blood to its normal standard. This point, never before attained, has been reached in the Blood Food. and ate discovers' ranks as ono of the most EC' entific and important of the age, Its edects an CONSUMPTION are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, afar the prostrating night sweats, increase the pity viola and mental energy, enrich the blood by re storing the laektn.t red globules, increase the appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton frame with flesh. The Blend Food will lie found a spesitin in all Chronic Disco St 3 of this Threat or Lungs, such as Seth inn. Bronchitis, Cougrulnio speaker', and FilligBl9 will find it of tlity in clearing and strengthening tae vocal ans. In Dyspepsia I iver Complaints, Dropsy, Fipclopsy, Paralysis, Scrofula, Cravat, Et , Vitus' Danr.r., Fever and Ague, Ito ah em)). is marked anti instantsurous. In no gloss of ',m esses, however, aro the hanslicial effects of this remedy o conspicuous Ito in those haraosing PI:MALL COPIPLAINTS - - - to which tho gentler sax are liable, and which will tend towards Consumption, Buell as suppressed or 'Difficult Menstruation. Green Sickness, Whites, Ivo., especially when these complaints are accompanied wits paleness, a dingy line or pallor of the skin, depression of mots, debility, palpitation, want of appetite. and nervous prostration. we love the utmost confidence in recom mendinn the BLOOD FOOD to all who may ho con sent's of a loss of vitality or energy, and to those whose mental or bodily rowers are prostrated through over use, either of the mind or body, andaVe deem it our duty to say that in all cases of Weakness and Emaciation, and in all diseases of the Kidneys or Bladder, this pre paration has a claim upon the attention of sufferers which cannot be over-estimated. . A tattlitut trial will bo trued the most convincing proof in regard to its ellioney that could ho asked tor. the above remarks, and NVI th too numerous testimonials eve have in its favor. we offer the " BLOOD F 090" to the consideration et the afiboted, knowing that it will be acknowledced as pre-eminent over all other ereea rations,patentora olnal, to point of usefulness. Cir culars giving the theory upon which this remedy is bounden, 0110 Certifier tea of remarkable cures, \YIh bo sent free when desired. We forward the BLOOD FOOD to any part of the United States or Conadan upon re ceipt of ptiee—ei per bottle, FO for six bottles. Be careful in all ORSC3 to take none but that haying our fac— simile signature upon tho wrapper. None other is genuine. Prepared only by CHURCH k DUPONT, Ne. 409 BielUieVay, New York, And cold by them. and by DYOTT & CO., 932 North SECOND etreet. Philadelphia, and by all respectable Druggists. nee-mewl tf P. IROF. WOOD'S It F.STORATIPLI COB DIAL ANTS BLOOD RENOVATOR In preciesly what its name indicates, for, while, pleasant to the test o, it is revivify ing,exhilarating, and strengthening to the vital powers. It also re vivifies, reinstates. and renews the blood in nil Its original minty, and thus restores; and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the only preparation over offered to the world in a popular lone. so as to be within the reach of all. Po charm :ally and skilfully combined as to be the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted RC to act in perfect neeordance with the laws of ita- 1 Bare, mid hence soothe its weakest stomach, anti tone up the digestive organs. and allay all nervous and other irritation, It is alas perfectly exhilara ting in its effects, and yet. It is never followed lip lassitude or depression of spirits. It is composed entirely of veentatnes, and those thoroughly emu bill ing pOWerftilly tome and south mg properties, mid'„ 'consequent)y can novae injure. Pooh a remedy has;: 'long been felt to be a desideratum in the medicaly. world, both be the thoroughly skilled in medical ; C science. and also by all who have suffered front do-Vn. billty ; for it needs no medical skill or knowledge' . oven to gee that debility follows all attacks of dis-h.. nano find laps the mime' (led system open to the - ,.,1 ,attaoks of many of the most dangerous to winch '., itioor humanity in constantly liable. Such, for ox-',? ample, no the following: Consumption, Bronchitis, `1 Vi; Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Lose of Appetite, Faint- us nets, Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, Palpitation of stun Heart, illelaneholy, fly poi:3mnd rte., NightiO Sweats, Languor. Giddiness, and all that class of eases. so fearfully fatal if unattended to in time. 4 , ,called Female Weaknesses mid Irregularities, aloe, p Liver De rangeinonts or Torpidity, and Liver Corn- s Plaints, Diseases of the Kidney e, Scalding or in. . continence of the Urine, or any general derange- ment of rho Urinary Organs, Pain in the Ilack,tqrle, and between thin Shoulders, predisposition to slight 'lolls, Hacking and Centinuoil Congh, Emaciation, Difficulty in Breathing. and, indeed, we might enu i inmate in. ny more still, but we have space only to say, it will not only ours the debility following < Chills and Paver, but prevent all attacks arising C. front Miromatio Influences, and mire the disease it ' at once, if already attacked: and as it oats directly and persiatently upon the biliary system, emotion ... the laver to notion. promoting, Is tact, all the ex-ta. motions and secretions of the system, it will MAIL t• libly prevent any deleterious consequences follow.' ~. mg upon change of climate and water; hence all l. travellers should have a bottle with them, and all ; ! should take a table-spoonful at toast before eating ' As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the discs i tine organs, it should he in the bands of allpersons I of sedentary habits: students, ministers, literary men; and all ladies not accustomed to much out- Idnor exeunt. should always use it. if they will. they will find an agreeable, pleasant, and et:lOl6M remedy against those ills which rob them of their 1. , beauty; for beauty cannot exist without healtß, ,„.• and health cannot exist while the above irregulmi- I ties continue, Then, again, the Cordial is aerfeet ' o •_„.. 1 i hlother's Relief. Taken a month or two befo ip re the ,•', final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety. There is no mistake about io it, this Cordial is all we claim for it. Blethers, try H --- it ! And to you we appeal to detect the illness or ..., 0 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— , decline, not only of your daughters, before it be too ,••• The undersigned, trading under the fine name i 'tate, but also your eons and husbands, for wade • of the Bridge Conroy, Loco this day dissolved pert ' the former, front Woo delicacy, often go down to :la premature stave rather than let their condition ,y er ship by mu t u a l consent. lite business of the fi rm will be closed up by the Pro:laurel, Algernon Roberts, ha known in time, the latter are alien so mixed. up with the exettement of business that if it were not who is authorized to use the firnßs name in liquidation for you they, too. would travel in the came down-1 of the attains of the Company. . ward path, Mittl too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother to (thyme vigilant, and to you wel liConfidently' appeal, for we are sure astir 110Ver- Mating alleolton will unerringly point von to Prof.l Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator an his remedy which should tie always on bend tel time ofneed. O. J. WOOD, Proprietor, tf 19 BONI . ay, NOW Y ark, and 11 I Market street, St. Louis, Mo. ; and sold by all good Druggist. Price, Onel 'Dollar per Bottle. old here by DI'OTT & CO.. 232 North SECOND Crept, eowd&W-tf FIAMOMILE FLOWERB—For sale by WETILERILL & BROMER, 47 and 40 North GOND etroot. 0a23 lEDISUEANCE COMPANIES. TH .T IN TERPRISE T.P- - qi - j-I'ANCE COMPANY Gl:' PattADEPETA. 31115 URALIC:I; mr.cLroxvnLY.) :1"/' 4 _ A' S BUILDING. S. A. CORNEA gal' AND 117 AL N U2' ETitri RTC. IRE, UV ORB. tam. WILLIAM Mol{lat, tiAtuita Fu.A.zun, J olut M. ATWOOD, fBROS. 'l'. 'EurtrAcx, 1411ND3 - MURTON, • F. ItTCHIP, CfrATLES COX.E. Se( Alouprom tr. DAW114:11 H. 82111.2. Y, JOHN H. BitowN. D. A. FA/IN:el/32'00Z, ANDREW D. DARE, J. L. V.II32INFZA. 'ORD RTAR33., PreaidoM. •:cret.e.r.y. felr. D ELAWARE MUTUAL V.,FETY fzURANCE COMPANY INCORPORA P TED BY THEE OF LGISLATURE ENNSYLVANIA. 1835. OFFICE S. E. bORPTIES. THIRD AND WALNUT Strooto, Fluladolpoia. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELEI V ARGO. To all parts of llio World. FREIGHT, INLAND INSURANCES _ - - - On Uoode, by River, Canaln, Lakes, and Land Carnage loan parts of the Union FIRE INNURADIOEII On Morehandibe generally. On Btoree Dwelling Houses, &c. MSETS OF THE Co imPANY Noyember 1, 18.9. Par. 11Iarhtt 9123 650 Philadelphia City 6 4, 0 ' cent. L0an..612.3,050 141 6100,000 Pennsylvania State 6 Ars cont. Loan. 93,665 04 821 0(4.1 Pennsylvania Slate 6 4P' cont. Loan.. 21.000 00 • - ,26,000 U. S. Treasury by. Ap• cent. Notes and interestduo, 26,263 51 530,000 U.S. Treasury 4.P' cont. Notes an d interest du0...._._ • • • 50,615 00 523,000 Temporary Loan to tho City of •••••-.' • , 25,066 00 660,000 Pennsylvania Railroad '3d . M o r tgage 6 4p' cont. Bonds 4,3590 00 520,000 North Penneylvania Railroad Mort gage 61Y cent. Bonds -.. 12 509 CO 611.000 West Philadelphia Pansenger Company 7ir at. coupon Bonds. 12;;0.1 00 81502)0, 300 shares stock Germantown lies Company, interest a'd Principal guarantied by the city of •• • ,-- 15.000 00 @6,00+! WO shares Pennsylvania liallrea'd-Lloni -, 3,775 00 65,000,120 shares North Pennsylvania Railroad Company...— 95000 82,660 ' shares Philadelphia ---- Boat and Steam Tot Company, Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Com ,. ramp, Ocean Steam Navigation company, Philadelphia and Havre do Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exchange Company—. - 2,210 00 435.0) 8405,718 54 Bonds and hlortgages, and Real Rotate, Of fice Buthlt • • ...... 7e,fd3 85 Dille receivable for • Ineurancon 181,698 69 Balance die at Aceneica—Prennuma nn Ma rino I'olioier. intercet• and other deb •-a dee the Company - . ... Berm and etocd oI canary IneuranCe . 6Cra -1 Canh on Bennett in I3ank, DI EincTons. samuoi 13. Stokes, J. P. Peniston, Henry Sloan. Edward Darlington, IL. Jones Brooks, huencor Thomas C. Hand, Hobert Burton, Jacob P. Jonon, James M i ntriacil, Joshua Pam, John B &Ulna+, Pittab'g D. T. Mor can. A. B. Renter. M MARTIN, President. HAND, Vice President. ['rotary. dl6-tf William Martin. Edmund A Semler, Theophdus PauMin.:, John It. Penrose, John C. Davis, James Trrtgintir, Witham Fs re, Jr., James C. Hand, Wllll3lll C. MI Twig, Josruh H. Foal, Dr. It E. Huston, George C. Leiner, Pugh Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLIA THOS, 0, HENRY LYLI3IIItId. Sec SURA NC E 0 I ANY OP THE -11- STATE OF PENNSYLVA NIA—PIRE AND MA RINE, INSURANCE Nos. 4 AND 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, - Chartered to 1791—Capital s2oo,ooo—Feb. 1,1&;0, cash value. 8433,792 77. All invested in mind and available securities—con tinue to insure on Vesidile and Carcoeis. Buildings, Stooks of Merchandise, Sio.. en liberal terms. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherlund, George H. Stuart, • bimenn Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Alecalonier, Tobias Wagner, William S. smith. Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Ladd. Henry G. Freeman, vhlbain lt. White, . Charles S. Lewis. • - Genre C. Carton. lIENRI' D. SHERRERD, President WILLIAM HARPER, L'eoretary. p9-tf , NTIMACITE DTSITF,ANCE NY.—Autherized Capital 4i00,000--CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office No.Sil WALNUT Street, between Third end Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Thic Company rill insure against lose or damage hp Fire, on Dui Min.vs, Furniture. end Merobandine gene rally. Alm, Idsrine Ingarancea on Vennle, Carrote, ea. Freighte. Inla.ul Insurance to all parte of the Union. DIRECTORS. - aril, Enher, Jozollll Maxfield, 1). Luther. lie. Creorga N. Eater, L. Audenned. John R. illahintm , . Ravi, Pr.areen Wm.. F. Dean, .1. E. I3auin. JACOB L3ILER' President. Wlt. F. DEAN. Vice Prvadent, W. M. NATITO. Secretary. eel-it AND TRUST COM UTUAI, LIFE lIISU UESTIi UT Street. AE3.30. ,IFE INSURANOI - 0 -APANY.--THE PENN ANCE COMPANY, D'2l C LIVES for the al r:es and endowments- Ic Estate. and makes all cant of UM. 'They act as Exesutom. Trustees, and Cluardians. TR.;),S' a whole torn of life—grants --purchases life interests in I contraots depending on the Atlminintratore, Aneignees .TEES. Samuel E. Stokes, WOham Marten, James 11. hlnFarland, Jonoptt E. Trotter, Awe Theophilua Pauldinc, Edmund A. Soudan, Primal L. Hutohinzen. John IV, Hornor, Film S. Archer, Samuel J. Christian, Josepti hl. Thomna. John o.l3ronner. ILler. Easton. ILLEII Pcusident. E. STOlt Vtca Pres: t. null 3 Daniel' L. Miller. Boni tunin Coatea, Richard Y. Newbold. vriniam P. Hacker. William H. Kern, BMIIIIIIO C 11110 T• Charier; Hallowell, Hcnr? C. Townsend.. cdo phue Kent, lv illmin H. Carr, P. V. Dullon, illiam Rohm loon, Warrior id. Rama. Y. C. *ABA DAME! SAM.L. Jodi: W. Itontroa. :mom ItIEVIOAN FIRE INSURANUE CO., HICORFURATED 11310-0111,ILTE.R. PERPIL2. UAL. N 0.313 WALIi ..'t,Toelt, abort" Third, rhiladelphis. Faring a 1. , 11 go pn:d-ut. Capital Gtonl: and Sun)lag la yette,' in round and available Hecuriti2m, continue to In, n ro on nr,vnlng.a,Storeft, Furnlture, 51erhandlo3, Vowels In Part and their cargove, end other PorrorAt Pi oporto AS kunsi ;Ibe,•aLT and pram:11)01 :P.dine':,e, .10.17 irane-t Campbsl4l, ainund Pualtno DataY. 7.' , '„,cz.13.1.1.r1g, ' r ' ..gilTl .i. '-' i':? ort.,:tt Morrie ' I : riordAli 11;51A.R.11 I' t, C.I...CILAWFOILD.Iearem . r ' r. "Ic..nat-tf LUKER. °l'll INSURANCE t;OMPA v4S. 1.4 y--1 , 1: A ivi.ldli BUILDINGS, CIS WALNUTST REF, PII IILLPIII A. CAPITAL AND SUR PLUS _VLSl,7o.7o.—lr.eureo againet Lawlor Damazo hire, and l'ho Pottle of the Belt inland liavicr.tion eed GEonfiE R. HART, 'President. liSa. Vice Preeideut. _.•• - • - - a, See'y ant: Troacarf. 7.1. RS:Wt. - PR, Aanqtralt B•nretcvs 11.1 - UTO RE. ROVV2, Fe/10r1'ork icc t Andrew R. Chamfer Jonot. at..o7f,A U. kin IS. A. C. Catkr., W. flailr 7 f_1e.1,t1 , ;. , 1, Lon. H. M.1,u)1,-. p.XUITANGE INSURANCE COMPANY DCA—Offtoo No. tr 4, WALNUT Street. FIRE INSURANCE bon 11. °wpm nod Merahandthe generally, ou feeornble term;, either limited or POT . eetunt. DIRECTORII, Jtrommh Bon:e.;. Edward P. Robortk. John Q. Ginned° John J. Griffitbz, Joebun T. Owen, Reuben C. Reif.. Thoinna Marsh. John DloDowolt, Jr., Numb L. Omedie7, Jan. T. Rule Bellefonte. .1 - Eft :o 1A H. BONHAM:, pranniebt. JOBli (I. OINfirJDO, Vine Praiidont C.Dwkrib W. Devil, Paoretary SAVING PUN DS. " A little, bat oaten, fah; ❑,o Paro." Ter ANICIJIN SAVING FIJIA - 1), lgodi A. 1:31, South I'o IiF.T.D tt , trent, Imtwee. cheat- i twat and Whhmt, ittlat?lptua. psva all ~,,•coom tr.! on domain!. Depositor -a' 11401,e4 '21011.n:4 1 , Inovei:l3l , 3r;.i . :Irate, and CAT Loam ', Ground Rentz, Mort-, > gates, Ito, ihiS Company dooms Paler,' Fetter than I:4 - 1: 17 profits ‘ oontmeuontly will run no rt.ek wall tlnt.o- li - , sitars' money, but have it fit all Limos rea I: , to E return, with 5 per omit. interact, to tho owner, trs they have always done. Thin Comparc nnvor suspondod. a Nentaloe, manioc% or matte. ano Kirorv, env 11 doposit in thetr own right, and such dopnrl 4 ,, cn.. 7 be withdrawn utiLe bl their consent. Chr.rtor porpetnai. Incorporated by till Stntu 2 lof Finnerty auto, with authority to TO:OP., rtmmeo 0 ... from tniMmenr.nd executors. LARGE AND DM ALL 6 IlltIlt; It ::Y1 , 0ri10 ,3 open dnitr, from li'm II o'olcov, aod GI- 1., lifelnututAY ttueninq until 3 o'alcr- DIRECTORS, Jacob B. Bliannco, Circa Cad sativdcr, John Strnitar, 4.:...0rg0 Russell, r Malachi W. Bloat!, Edward T. Ityr.t., Lanus Krumbhaer, Bonny Delany, INioholas Rittonhonso. Nathan Eincals7, Jag. R. tlittorthwaite. Jong Yorkcs, I Joseph W. Litpi imam JACOS B. BRANNON, PrEso4r. CYRTE CLEPWALLADVR, Wreasnrcr. 4r.23-7. " A Dollar faced lc twice carted." ,ciziA - VING FUND-FIVE PER CENT IN TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PAN Y, WALNUT Strout, southwoa.oornot of 7111 - 2 D rhilndeph!e. !noorpoested the - fltmto of Founzy . VAMP., koney is recoreed maA Imm, hmo or email, and it toreet paid }turn the day of i:o;ozit to the day c.f Witt draval. intoo.kion to open every day front nino o'olock in the inornina till Ewe o'clock in the tivenior. end on Monday and Vinyl:day eiliht olook. lion. I.ll:SiftY Pre dent. RiJi3EltT BELIPICIDU.E.Vuo l'iteKten frILLIAIT J. REztr, 13eoratary. DIIIIICTOILS Ann. Homy Le Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, bdward L. Carter, Jonaph B. Barr ttobert Selfridge, Francis Lee, Zama' IC.iehtort, Joseph Yerkoz, C. Landreth none, Jamco L. Etophonson, Money is received and payment's made OILY. 'rho investments are made, in oonformay with the provanons et tho Charter, in Real Eztate Itlortr.elints Orotund ltente, and anch ra-pleas eaourittha as will al- Ways intim.°perfoot :leeway to the depositors, and which cannot fail to rive perm:lmm NW gablitLY to biz 'natant ion- ata-ty AVINO FUND-IJNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner TIIIRD and CHEW:- NUT Stmt. Large and eine!! sumo recenved 4 and raid batik oil de mand without notice, with FM. PER CENT. IN Ph- REST from the nay of deposit to the day of with drawal. Ofhce hnurn,from 9 until 5 o'clock every' day, and On MONDAY E vENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. , DRAFTS for sato on England, Ireland, ootmnd from .+:1 upwarde. President—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD. Sfroasurer—JAMES It. RUN ER. 4 NOTICES. r O TUE HOLDERS of 'IHE STU:TEN -a VILLE AND INDIANA RAILROAD COAIPA- Pi 1 - 8 FIRST MORTGAGE. BONDS. Tho Trustees request that the 11111105 of 1111 holders of such bonds. with the numbers el the bends held by cash respectively, be immediately forwarded to them. to the cam of Messrs. Cummins. Alexander, and Omen. Counsellors at Law, No. tltt Fxchange Place, New York otty. .1. WILBUR, H. M. ALEXANDER. Toasters. Now VOltit, Oct. 21, e27-7t 'NOTICE.—An Instalment (being the Thad) of Five Donnrs_per Share on the Capital Stool: ot the GE,RMANTOWN PASSEIVGER RAIL WAY uO, is called, payable on or before NO Vz.NIBER tat next. • Octi-Inl WM. SINGERLY, see. and Trona COI'.9III'NERSIIIP NOTICES. A. & P. ROl3Ell'l . B, LEVI LINE. l'jm ADI.LPHIA, Oc.lobar 17, nco. The buteiners of building bon Bridget; will be con Ironed by the untlareir,ned, in connection with the ma rinfactiire of Oar Axln•. at the l'encerd Iron 'Werke. Office 410 WALNUT Street, l'hiladelphia. 0017-/2t A. ,a I'. 110BElt1'el. fiIIRST PREMIUM AWARDED, at the AC late Agricultural &onety, to ALLMAN & MIN DER, Fourth and Vine for beat Family FLOUR.— Constantly on hnnd, Weirder; Harper's Ferry, Fasnren Four-Aces and Stag Roma:Ct. Loom and GambrifFe Patanseo Family Flour, oc2-lin SALES BY AUCTIOIq. FIURN V.SS, BRTNLEY & 00., No. 429 MARKET STREET VERY ATTRACTIVE CLOSING GOODS F RICR SAXoNy WOVEN DRESS Will Boll M thwroue C. F. IStNEMSSE.DER & CO. BRINLEY, & CO., at their Store No. 429 MARKET Street, On Tuesday Morning, October 3d, ISO, at 10 o'clock. 4,000 PIECICK, The entire b‘ilance of the fall importation of rich Saxony woven dress geode, of their well-known manu facture and favorite styles. Comprising the most desirable line of this class of goods offered this season, mulling received Per eteamer Borussia. The Luger proportion of these goods are entirely new gyms, adapted to the boat city trade, and have never boon offered at private sale. Censirting of— . . 160 pieces sirable very de rich designs cloth [seed Luz,as, very 400 do very high lustre and superior designs of Castings. 200 do chene grey Locnoras, very desirable and tearer. 120 do ex nob quality end high lustre small figure Eugonias. 000 do rzeellent.quality newest style jacquard Gyred Polihnellas, for best city retail trade. 20 do ox !heavy quality satin finish Reps Vio !antes, beautilal style. 201 do splendid quality brach° figured, entirely now style, Miraudas, very expensive. 100 do magnificent quality Modes .fignred entirely new style Marcellmas, very expensive. 100 do imeerb quality broohe figured entirely new 6t, le lsido ran. very high cost. 100 de °llene . grisaillo broche figured Albinas. 10) do still lusher cost de Auroras. 000 do Ingle width cotton and wool Cashmer mores, of the usual splendid assortment, quality, and superb colors. GM do double width cotton and wool Clarabollas. 400 do all wool Pura I nines, best quality, assort ment and colors, including the famous now crimson. LARGE OF 2,800 PARIS PRINTED AND Eel 13(MBED CLoTIL BTANO PIANO, AND TABLE COVER 6—The nit offering this season. On Tuesday Morning, Ootober 30, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, on six months' credit. 8008-4 Paris embossed cloth table covers. 8608-4 do do do. 100 Paris printed cloth piano cocere, magnihcent pat tern and quality. 690 8 4 printed table do. COembossed stand do. To witleh the attention or the trade is requested, as this will be the last offermg this season. SUPER QUALITY 'SLACK GROB DE RHINE& For Best City Trade. On Tuesday Morning. Ma:3linch splendid veiny Lyons black silk gros do chines. Heavy whito poolt do soles Heavy colored marcelliase. BONN fill AND TAFFETA RIBBONS. Nos. 72ag7Panis poult do sore bonnet ribbons. Nos. 4.+15 heavy black taffeta do. LUPIN'S BLACK THIBET LOVG 5F1M777.8, 11:c. I upin's ox quality black trebet long shawls. Reversible woollen square shawl?. WO Vienna broohe square and long shawls. Try dozen chenille scarfs PARIS BROM.: BILK EMBROIDERED POPLINS. 70 pieces very rich Pans silk embroidered poplin.. 3.260 00 67,060 01 " BALE OF FRENCH HOODS, On Friday Morning, November 2, at JO o'clock, by estalogno, on 6 months' credit. 6N) packages and lots of Caney and etaple French dry gook. Samples arranged for examination, with cata loguesy early on tho morning of calc. Emma F. PANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, Snc- L'A l iE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, BONNET AND TRIM MINO RIBBOIVS, On Wednesday Morning. October 31, by eata'ogue, on a credit, commencing at 10 o'clooic. 13111.1.1? FORD & CO., ADOTIOSEERS IL N0..730 ' , I ARYL'. Street, too! 52. MIND. Street LARGE POSIITVE SALE OF 1.1 , 00 OAFIEB HUM, 1311.01,0, BROGANS, AND GUM 8110E5. On Thursday Morning. November 1, at 10 o'clock precisely, will bo solo, hr catalogue, on 4 months' credit, 1,000 oases men's, boy;' , and youths' calf. kip, and grain hoots, calf. kip, and buff brogans, calf and patent loather garters, Oxford tree ; ruin overshoes and boote, &o. WOMOn'F, misses'. and children's calf kip, morocco, and hid heeled boots, gaiters, slippers, buskins, and overshoes. Also, n full assortment of city-made goods. Buyers aro particularly ravi•ed to this gale, as it will Consist of a fresh and seasonal, e assessment of goods. la3"fs'oode open for examination with catalogues early on morning of sale. q'+AMUE N ATII A NS, AUCTIONEER, No. 284 Routh THIRD Street. below Walnut. LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED ?LI. DOES, By order of ABRADAM NATHANS, Broker, On Tuesday Morning. Ootolier:30, at 93'1 o'clock A M., consisting of gold and river patent lever and other watches, gold chains, finger ones, breastpins, medallions, pencil oases. silver and plated-ware, coats, pants, vests, shawls, umbrella:.•, & Dunne carpets. pistols, guns. c. 1/3780DA having goods on deposit with me over the Ingot length of time, will call and redeem the same, otherwise thee will be sold at public sale ou the above day. ABRAHAMATHA NB, Broker, Northeast corner StXTII and - CALLOWHILL. cell Mt* S.E2 Z.: 7 213 A - CT CTIONE B ;au) u6:;:t-4lzi.:lol° MERCHANT, routheast corner oi 31.:C2Y - 2. ald. RACE atresta. MONEY F.O LOA.N.I y11.z,;19 0 to, at the lowa,: rate,* watebe3,J evrelry, envoy plate, drr goods, olotlung. ;; c sexam, hardware, outicry pianos, mann, te 7- niture, beddinr:, and on sroods of every aescriotma. z Lane or entail amoonts, from ono del every to ttlOU,,tri for any length of time opeed on. CT Poo Oldest Estnblished Houso in this sin Preto entrance on RACE strnet, EP Buoinoen Imam from 9A. M. to 9 P.M. bleary Insurance for the benefit of dopositers. ONA lteES ONL'y TWO PER CENT GT Acfravocs of elr4 and upwards al tao par er.. Advnacol vin hr. , l yvvrmalts, 4.t o.le vor thc.rt SALE OF COLLATERALS, on intraday Merman, November G, m 10 o'clock, M N n.THANS' Auction Store, Southeast corner of SixTh and RAGE titreeta, in cieental stray Salesroom, entrance horn Race Street. Counts ina of— Enveral canes of first quality French Calf Skim Several cases Kip and Calf Skins. Several ntsos superior Split Leather. Dealers, tithoefinders. and others are invited to attend the rate, ns the Leather will positively ire sold without the least reserve. m lots to suit purehaners• GC?' Open for examination the day previous to the sale. M. NATHANS. 51 -• 'I7O T I7IIII2:M K OBEITA R /I P SLot, A zae '- t3ixth. BALES EVERY EVENING, - - At 7 o'clock. cf Books. stationery and fancy goods, watches, jewelrv, oloblo, silver plated ware, cutlery, paintm ea, musical instraements, Also, licriiery, dry goods. boots and shoes, and mer chandise of every description. DAY SAFES every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 10 o'clock A.. 11. PRIVATE. SALES. . At private El3Veral large consignments of watches, jewelry, books. stationery. silver-plated ware. cutlory, fancy gooec. &e. To which lo solicited the attention of city and country merchants and others. Consignments solicited of all kinds of march:aniline, for sillier public or private sales. Vr'Llberal cash advances mach on cowl:gum:olds. Out-door sales promptly attended to. m i INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS gI&EWILLIAM C NEMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER 1:1 STOVES, No. 33 NOBTA. SECOND STREET. °flora the mo't perfect, convenient, and economical Una-burning Coolona Stove set invented. Inquire for It te Lehigh Gas-burner, to obtain the heel Store in use. Also, one of the largest and most complete stook of Stoves f'r heating parlors, chambore, stores. count ng• houses, Sie., in the oity. The attention of the Imbibe Is soliolted. 3 STOVES! STOVES!! JAACEFS,_ f..41?.F.4k 0.11 i s CRARIVET STREET, le now prepared to meet the wants of the more completely in all the details of tha Stove trade than any other establishment in Philadelphia. in proof of which he !avijos coax PARATIVE EXAMINATION. Mlt2l Int! . . . . . The following are among hie own insentient', several of which have alr.rerly obtained a national repu tation an surpassing in excellence and sermon/I/any other Stoves in ea.% JAMES airreAß is the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved Ons burning Cnoliine, Stove, acknowledged to be the boat Stove for family use in the world. JAPdtel SPEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated Gas-consunung Cooking Range, now rapidly coming Into general urn. ••- - . • JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the Improved Sil ver's Air , tight Ona-consuming Parlor Stove. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor of the Improved (Patented) Ornamental Stove Urn, whioh, from its beauty and utility, is likely, this season, to be waver • sally talented. JAMES SPEAR is the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-saving Ironing Pan. JAMES SPEAR so the Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Railway , ear Renter. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor of the Improved Fire-board Stove. For all of the above the Inventor very MittlY Claims advantages whieh require but to be understood by the public to be universally appreciated and preferred to any other articles of that else, in the market; and he would hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persons in want of Stoves to call and examine for themselves. Parties waning to examine will have every attention shown them. whether intending to or not. QUAKER CITY GAS CON SUAIER, PATENTED by CHARLES JONES, ..4B Seventh Month. 1800. GAS BURNER. GRI,AT IMPROVEMENT ON SILVER'S BY the use ofthe Quaker City Gas-Consuming Parlor and Office Stoves all dust may be avoided, the rooms ventilated, and an even temperature maintained for many hours, without any attention to the fire, and at a great Saving of feel. For sale by CHARLES JONES, Patentee, No. 305 North SECOND street, above Vine, where the excellent Gnu-Oonsuming Cooking Stove DAYLIGH P. unsur passed in its operations, may bo obtained. Of the large number now in °Psyllium, every stove, we believe, gives entt re sat,sfaetion. ooa Sm THE CELEBRATED ROYAL COOKING STOVE is the best and most popu lar Cooking Store in the market. It is made either with or without gas-homing fixtures. Manufactured and for nale by NORTH. GRAsE. it NORTH. Foundry Warotooms, 209 North SECOND Street. 08-Im atTHE FIERY STAR GAS•BURN ING AND RADIATING PARLOR STOVE, is the best and most economical Heating stovo Manufactured and for sale by NORTH, CHASE. lc NORTH, Foundry Warerooms, 209 north SECuND Street, 08 1 tn. a_ OUR NEW GAS-BURNING BASE STOVE Is the most economioal Stove of the kind, and miles more durable than the Gas burners with a sheet-iron base. Alanufastured and for sale by NORTH, CHASE, k. NORTH. Foundry-Ware rooms, ~lir North SECOND Street. na-]m PIANOS AND ➢IIJSIC me l PIANOS ! PIANOS ! ! PIANOS ! ! PIANO-FORTES DlELobEoria, RIALiuFORTES. Nome &by Raven, Bacon, & imms & Clark, Hallett, Davis, & Co.. and others. C 0.," J. E. GouLn rant-ly SEVENTH and CHESTNU — T. STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA -6 RENT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS, SQUARE GRAND, AND SQUARE PIANOS, rumPIANOS, preferred in concerto and in private.oiroles by the best Performers. Received the fi rst premmina over the beet =kers, from judges like Gottschalk, Mason and others. Challenge all competition. BLASIUS RROTHERS, de-1) loOt, CHESTNUT Street. BURNS , CELEBRATED ROSE v wool) nod full metallic-Mate PIAN 0- FORTES ; and Estey & Green'. Hamm= end Eollan Melodeons. The above instruments are of the vory latent Improvements, and beat makes, For entle at 111A12811'S Mum M ore, No. 1102 CRESTNUT Street. • oats Im M ARSH'S NEW IMPROVED PIANO INSTRUCTION 730030.—Emmet method of fin gering, together with a beautiful selection of popular Pieces and progressive lessons, ever before published in a small work—prom only 50 eenta—nt MARSH'S Music Store, Jilin OHESTN UT Street. oeb-Int MUSIC -From all Catalogues in the United States, at Ono Cent per pneo—at 1118 MARKET Street, opposite the p ath ,' m ammo th Market Rouse. oca-lm WINNER'S INDEPENDENT VIOLIN v it PLAY bit , Non. 1,2, 3.4, 8.8, 7. and 8, are now ready—urioe 22 cents—at MARSH'S Musio Store. 1102 CHESTNUT Street. eablan 5 0 (.7 SES OF SEED LEAF TOBACCO, In ktore, mat for sale l i z n. n A Ns.r.„ A 00 te7S4 r V10R.A(1 , 1.--Storage for merchandise of all kinds, and at low relaxat Kensington Screw Molt. 1 naa North DELA WARE Awwu, °nig AVA COFFEE.-1,000 pockets prime 0. Java Coffee, for sale by jAAngs yummu. Co„ IT' A fitreAt. AIIP—For sale by WETIIERILL & BROTHER, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. M!!!! THOMAB SONS, , - 199 end 141 South SOCR'iS tree. REALruierly N 05.69 and 69. 1 ESTATE, STOCKS, &a. Tuesday next. Pamphlet entalognes now ready. containing full de , seriptions of all the p•operty to he sold on Tuesday neat, 30th instant. with a list of sales lath and 73th Ruyan her, and a large mortment of real mats at Prints sale. RIOCKS AND REAL enx.r.o. A's' THE. EXCHANGE PVERY TUESDAT t Handbilis of coon property tuned separately, addition' to which we publish, on the Saturday Wavier* to ouch sato, one thousand catalogues, in parephla' form, giving ,all desoriptionn of all the property to Er" sold lin the following Tuesday. All I).—Our eater of real estate and stocks the E7.chanco will hereafter be held at 12 o'clece rnend, in the evening. at 7 o'clock. Contributors have the option of either gale. HEAT! ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. PL:9 - We have a large amount of real estate at private nate. including every description of city and countri Property. Printed lists maybe bad at the auction ate PRIVATE SALE REGIISTER.- Roal earate entered on oar private sale registers and advertised ocetrionally in our public sale abstract (of which 1,500 cople.. are print charge. ed ereeklY.) free s• STO YES 6AWE,I BY AECTieft. BONDS, BATIK, AI:D OTHBR STOOKS, PEW. &c, On Tuesday. October 30, at 12 o'clock noon. at the Phdladelabia Ex change, will ha Bold for account of whom it may con es n -22 seven per cent bonds. $l,OOO each ( ammo). E.g.. ern Market Company, with all coupons attached ao• timing attar ( lumber 1, 1850 Thrao $5OO sevenper .cent. bonds Hestonville, Mart tue. add Fairmount Paaann ear Railroad Company. . For other accounts, without reaerva 45 shares Kensington Bank stock. 10 shares Farmers and Mechanics Bank. 12 iMares Commercial Bank 10 shares Ponrisy,vania Hamad CariapanY. 6 rthares ',Mash Coal and Navigation Company. 1 share Philadelphia Athenaeum. 12 shares Tacony and Poquessins Plank Road Com pany--anr $2O. Bale absoluie. Pew No. 63 middle aisle Calvary Church, Rev. Dr Jenkins. SEVENTvENTH FALL PA LE—OCTOBER Largo and - Valnside Brick RESIDRNOK and BMW) ING LOT, used as a side's-are, Noe. 1412 and 1121A5014 73trr.aeict ktlble andof Broad nnl 3lr: tin e t €: lot the rear. b Tret with es is h e nished with the modern improvqmente and enema mamas. .I.xecutora' Sale—Yetate of Jacob Johnson. deeeised. Valuable TRADT OF LAND, containing over 62 CUT, srithllerve Stone MANSION. Born, Carriage- House, &c , in the district or Belmont. Twenty-fourth ward. Same atate--Stone MANSION, 'With BT Petalleg of land, adjoining the above. Peremptory Sale Very dcairable Country RESI DENCE and about 4 Acres of Land. near the Oak lane Station. North Pennsylvania Railroad. Handsome Modern Fonr story Briek RESIDENCE. No. 1832 Race street. near Logan Square, has the Tao dery conveniences ; 20 feet front,. . Handsome COUNTRY PLACE, 14 Acres. 12 per elm, WILLOW GROVE. Montsemery. county• Penn sylvania, on the Old York road. 72 miles north of Phila delphia. lies largo Stone Mansion, Stone Barn, Stable, Carnage-Bourg. ho. Peremptory Sale—hstato of Matthew Smith. deceased. Three story Brick STORE and DWELLING, No. 1631 Lombard gtreet, with a three-story Brick Dwelling in the rear. . Parametors Elate—Three story Briok DWELLING, Ito 2010 North Fecond street. below Batßhin street. Executer's .stale—To clove an Estate—RESIDENCE. No. 602 8PRI;;Cs; Street, wee; of. Sixth street. Imme diate rosseston. . _ Alodern Brick RESIDE:NCI-I. No. 827 Race street, west ot Eighth street. I lennedulte possession Three story Brick DWELLING, Nn. 330 North Fifth street. south of Noble street. Has the modern conve nlences. Peremptory Fab—Estate Into of Ezra Hoopes, deo'd. Large and Valuable LOT. its feet front by SO feet deep, Front street, late Southwark. Three-story Brick DWELLING. N 0.35 North Seven teenth etreet, above Market street. Has gas, bath room, to. Neat Modern RESIDENCE No. 223 Vine street, east of '1 bird street. Ens the modern conveniences, ho. Valuable Ilusmess Locatmn, Six-story Brick STORE and DWELLING, No. 214 North Fourth street, be tween Race and Vine streets. Immediate possession. Peremptory Sn'e—Estate of Ann Smith, deceased. BUILDING 01'. Twentieth street, Bonn of Market street. Pale abs., Nest DWELLING, southwest corner of Master and Perth streets, between Seventh and Eighth streets. Twentieth ward. Three-story Brick DWELLING and BAKERY, with Two-story STABLE, No. 1416 Ridge avenue, corner of Francis street . _ biee etori Brick DWELLING and BAKE-HOUSE. No. We South Front street. between Spruce and Union streets. Three-story Brick DWELLING, No. MS South Front street, adion3inB the above. Valuable Business Property. STORES and WARE HOUSES, southwest corner of Delaware avenue and Ton al/ey. south of Chestnut street. DWELLING and ICE CREAM SALOON, N 0.21 Lombnrd street, west of Second street. Sale at Suffolk Park. BAR FURNITURE, HORSE, COW, HAY, LTAI BEE, the. Thte Moriang. 27th inst., at 'll o'elook. at the Ballolk Park. Twenty fourth weld, a quantity of bar Turniture end Batures, about 20 tons of bay, farm horse, cow, lot of ;posts and rails, lot of :umber, large ro'er, scraper, sulfas, sixty bushels of potatoes, &o. Large Sale Not. 139 ERPOOL and 141 So Wuth AREFOURTH Street, LIV, Consisting of Crates. Direct from Lieferociel, per Ship Wallace. On Wedn6sday Morning, Oct. 31, at 10 o'clock at the Auction Store. contiating of d.nner and tea eels. cops and saucers, plates, dishes, tureens. covered dialect, chamber ants, tea Pete, pit' chore, bowls, Jugs, sugars, creams, &o. fro . to be sold without reserve, in lots to suit dealers, housekeepers, and others. BALE OF POPULAR AND VALUABLE BOOKS, on various subjects. all new and fresh Stock. On Tuesday Evening. October 30. at the swarm store. an assortment of valtriblo m scellaneous works, school stock, raper, Ece. For particulars see catalogues. HALE OF BOOKR—By order or /Administrator. Oa Wednesday Evening. October 31. at the Auction Store, an assortment of valuable misoellaneous books, a portion in unsatitiea. the Frock of a bookseller deceased V' For DartleMars see catalogues. Sale on GRAY'S Lone . - HORSES. OXPr4. COWS. FARAI WAGONS. CARTS, AIOWING M ACHINE, HORSE NESS. FARMING WA ROCKAWAY, GAILNEII,2, FARMING IMPLEMEN IS. Ac. On Friday Afternoon, Nov. 2d. nt 2 u' clock. at the late residence of Evan W. Thomas, docettaad, tho personal nro_perllP, comprising a superior horse. 5:, Cara old . Slack -Hawk stock, Wat son wagon, harness. Durham and Alderney cattl, dca. l Full partionlars in handbills.d Administrator's Rale. SCHOONER JAMES 'alaGEB, On noon at 3. HOO. at noon, at the foot of WILLIAM Street, RICHMOND. en nedtvlded Fourth Part of the Canal Schooner James Magee. 330 tone; 90 feet keel. ITH beam, 8 feet hold. sale absolute. Sala at Nos. I:i9 and 241 Fatah FOURTH Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH-PLATE MIR RORS, PIANO-FOR PER, BRUSSELS CARPETS. On Thursday Morning, At 9 o'clock. at the Auction Store, an aisaortitent of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant Fiano-fortes, lice mirrors, carpete, etc.. from families deohninEE housekeeping removed to the store ;or convenience 01 sale. IIERIFIT'S SALE—On WEDNESDAY MORNING, October 31st, at 10 o'oleck A. M., by order of the L‘norifl: the Good Will, Stook. and F .xturos of the old-established GROCERY ORE, douihwest oorner of dr. COND and I'INC Streets oe?) 6110IIIMMMIESTO yul iq?iG e x4l4 FOR THE SOUTB.—OIA.RLEI AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHirit FREIGHT icrw O.E.D. Heavy Freight et an average of TiVlisair per cent. Ivo Now York Steamehip rates. FOR CRARLFATON, S. 0, The U.S. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE IVTAVE, CleP tam Charles I'. Maranman, will seal on Monday, Nov. 5, at to o'olooh A. M. Vbre'isli in la to 50 mars—only LI boars at as. FOP_ SAVANNAH, GA. .n , 2, 11. Nail Stemr.chio STATE, OF NEORSIA Cartain loon 3. Garvin, will tail on Wednesday, 1001, 31. at 10 o'clock A. 31. h rough in ea to 59 hears—only 48 bons at Sea. lair &Linn, o re Ottqged from every Saturday tat svarj fire ddro. , irtaer reclireq, sad Bills of Ledlns stoned ever, - day. The splendid first...i4.a-1 side-wheel Stearnahtes STO.NE ETATS' and ELATE OF GEORGIA now run as above every ten days, thee forming a five-day ecour.a nicanon with Charleston and Savannah, rm! the South and Southwest_ At both May:a:to') end Baxtausa„, Wren Snipe eon :lent Villa,F rorkfor Florida. and - Ralf railer-a. /3•1. for all y11.1.:.e9 in the INSURA gouth an E d Southwest. NC. fraight end Insurance on a large propertmn at feeds shinned So - ,:L ba found to be lowe.r by these ships than by nailing the -roimieM brine ono-half the rate. N. 11.—Inuttnnes as slt TaPrce.d Freight is entarelr unnoceranly, rather that, Charleston pr savnnah, the Railroad Comrara es taking all mks from these Dints. GREAT REDUCTION IN ;AEU% Fare by this :onto :etc 40 per cent. cheaper than hi tho Itland Route, on Twat ba ces_n_by the following eche dui°. Tbrollyh tioketa from .Philadelphia. via Charles ton and Savannah steamshipa, INCLUDING bIEALS es the whole route, ancient from Charleston and Savan nah to Mentronic-r VIA. CitiatLESVIN. VIA SALVANNAII. To Chatluzion_..-913 00 To Savannah,. IV Anglian -- 17 00 Augusta— 17 50 Columbia—. _ 20 00 Manor..-._... 20 oo Alanta—. 21 CI Atlanta-- -... 00 Montgomery—. 30 00 Columbus— _ 21 NI Mobile— 35 CO Albany. —..— 53 00 New Orleans__. 39 76 Motitgomm_... 26 00 Nashville_.._.. 27 75 Mobile-- 35 oft Knoxville _____2a 00 Yaw Orleans__. 39 75 Memphis._ 3170 Fare to Savannah, via Charleston-. .._ IS 00 Charleston, via Savannah.-.., 16 00 Ito bills of ly.dlny sari:Lex:lanai' one chop hen For freight or pasasse annlY on board, at rescind Wkarf above Vino street. or to /LEI. ItERON,Jr., _& CO., R No. 126 NORTH WHAVES. Asonta in Charleston T. 3. &T. G. RUDD. Savannah, HUNTER & GAMMEI,I. For Florida from Charleston. 'Learner Carr/Mt evert Ithesday. For Florida from Savannah, steamers Bt. Mary's and Jchrea every Tuesday and Saturday. a& TEE BRITISH AND NORTD AMERICAN 1104 AL MAIL BTEAM- PRoM NEW TOUR TO LIVERPOOL. Chia Cabin Passage— ........ Second Cabin Passage_...—._..— . 76 PROM EOBTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage— ..—..—._- second Cabin Pa55age_....._....60 The ships from Now York call at ork Harbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har bor.. . _ I J'ERSIA, Ce pt. Judkins. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Ca_pt../. Stone. AMERICA, Capt. Moodie, ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitoh . SCOTIA, (now building,/ These vessels carry a clear white light at meet-head I green on starboard bow; rod on pert_bisw. PERSIA, Judkins. leaves N. York, Wednesdy. Oct. 70 CANADA.Anderson, " Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 17 AFRICA, Shannon, " N. York, Wednesday, Oct. 27 ARABIA, Stone, " Boston, Wednesday, Oct. JI ASIA. Lott " N. Yore, Wednesday, Nov• 7 FUROPA,Moodie," Boston. Wednesday, N0v.14 PERSIA, Judkins, " N. York,Weduesciay, Nov.ll Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Blurs will not be accountable for Gold, Silver. Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones orMetals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor ante the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pas sage, apply to E. CUNARD. wile 4 Bowling Green, New York. EXPRESS COMPANIES Dpn: gEgzgwts THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., Office 320 . tHE8TPIUT Street, forwards Parcels, Package. Merchandise Bank/Intel, n d Specie, either by its own Lines or in connection with other Express Companies, to all the prineirrei towns and cities of the United States. E. S. SANWORD. General Superintendent. Id ~ACKEREL, SHAD, HERRING, ICOO bbla liox. 1, 2 and 3 largo and medium Mao keretc, in aaanited packages, of a very ahem quality: al 50 bble. now No. 11 large Madiersl, &I halt blitz new No. rdo do, 90'bbla new No. 9 medium do. eo do new Esatern Placa Ight‘d. 30 half tibia new do do ao. 1500 blaa new Kaatport No.l Herm r $Ol.l do do Halifax No.l dn. 205 do new Benton No.l do. 100 do do No, 1 scale Flah. 10 do prune No.l Salmon, 100 aunitala GrusAgank Codfish. 100 liOXO3 LIM haII9MOT OCRlaty C.llOOlll/ New landing and in more, for sale bY 1415 1113 MURPHIII x /a. oona,„ 111 MA VAUTI ON ! — ASTROLOGY !—LOOg OUT!—GOON NEWS FOR ALL:—The never Mills; Alm VAN HORN to the beat; oho succeeds when all others have failed. All who are in trouble, all who h for onfortunate, deceived by false promises. to her tor advice and comfort. /n late egrairs_s+l4 . never fear. Bhe has the rceret of winning the alleo tionn of the onnosito Sex. It is this fact which induces illiterate prefanders to try to imitate her, and copy bee advertisements. She shows you the hkeneaa ofyeur fh ture wife, husband, or absent friend. It Is wall Immo to the nubile at lark that she is the find and war per eon who can show the likeness in reality, ant can r i ver entire satisfaction on all the tiresome of v 'oh can be tested and yroved by thousand!, both man ed and single, who daily and eagerly visit her. Comenne come an to No. 1.9.% LOA;SASti Street. betweenOult ear and Broad. oal9-st. COAL OIL.-17 bbls. Lubricating Coal Oil in store, and for sale k. ROWLEY. ASK BURNER, fs CO, N 0.16 Houth Wharves. ocail PRIVY-WELDcleaned at a low pnoe to obtain tba contents. Adding! WMATlLovizast drette oifige, Man North 81100A1D Iftwet.„
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers