At/41W WIWPRINCtrAt 410/USI. 17P TO 12 o'nook LAU' MO* CONITINENT44I{OI7,I44Ninth an , . d Cr _. . ow)** streets. li _A. _g Iv k, Boston .•- 41r -0 Ihnillwood Dele.ware I I A et :If ellrY wit • J. reaaroln.BOrhasieldi lII' ). Wttr..lllr e `ChitoirO ' ' A - Whirs. Pentisri raisin • Mr Pentnaltlie New York Alins Poi lon, 'New York as 4 Ittaidtwislz.Nser: York .4r_Chamonets, 1 *toaster • '1 krone Haverhill, Mass W II PlOTOol2,_Sazdu•k7.o Y 1) Af. if, 1., .ovein, Mass P D. dire, rr New York 1 4 woirord. New York •. A Strilterroblqh la, ~Y ork J WYA•tok.v•Acistna ',' Mr Froinratiel. Cubs • - Espaln. Cuba . Sir tsrl'4,olOur Liam ,N 0 N ,‘ Bridge. New 'Denims 1 otowo, r.,Aron.W.IN York CO Paulen" New 'York fah .ra obiet CidifOro 4 MTh! Rem pm, New N ork .ir linbbar.t.'new York hiPm Johnson. Itwortork r ii ° i ' leFi: ItA il itr2t, . ' Z ' il l ii ktratirli abany 8 tit PriandeNest wr.wave•Pße‘m & la, b .nr_mater eo e_ i he. P. it • • w. A Bedsit & lis,N Orleans l'irathans. Rio 40 veneiro David Remper, N Orleans quaottett a Lii,,,t, n ~: _ .Jernes II Boreen.Chiosso yerrlnnit4raw YO1 4 : , F JOroa 4 Is. new York r ..14,7111t Senaltdi.Bi I, NJ Dr 0 Corey. New York Andrews, - wlrsinle. . •• 741,0411. Penoulyers 1 1 irt4r : 77l:irlPo r ili n - Win Pilir a . :tort 'Oton'M rloneve - r. iteorgis Virrn aldvrell. 13.4t0n it r ic.tib. , ,. Bo ston I. .A. - . 11 or: But on ;', Ei l l i •iorfshinlle .- YZ ( AT; vii. 1 14 4 iltoV 6 1 5 F 42 : 17; F, lt ow' 11 = - e if 1 Kline, lT E= d a . al. ' V i riitrigi n i 14'31" illit'Ang°4 C,gitl Y ViVeiritrlnatian% ' ri A r Whitnej l h Ti l t i ntoston Inman It la ii , ..ron Mrs n Gordon & oh- Me . a w i nks & of, Main .F Atkinson & Brooklyn h 4 w,„,„!. ' 1 i D Cooks &Ia rJ C Rod iino•Goo 1,, , . 60.•,, [mins P K Lane. Maine - Atkinson. m sax m, (3 Jones . Alumna Oa B M eOrtler flalumore B J Rohm. ^ %mark - . N .I *leo l'Ioli„-trattimoror lie. 0 4 h.w, Cincinnati 0 rtßslowin. Baltimore Al Mire,. nattintore' ft N T 01.n.n, Prov. R T mnb alloyarto, 4r. Prot , ' RI .1,31 W BOlithi New York rstiton It tnii, pew -York Gate.'" 1:1 ECUiE.e.N. E. - riorner Ninth and Chearziut 'I It a amilion. Mast Mp 'Hamilton, Muir roma liamilum waa 0 TOP,- Minion N A tW4 e n. Yuen% : nos 'Paton. Mare aiWat:rinpik nh, Alm Mr tiardeer & ta."l CI la %starter: a 0:: Mia Cook. South Corolla. k". LiaarY a la.-Looterana re I.lndrey,Lrontrania •M Nelda. liintints: W Baker. Clo,eryio hi mito.n. Go m el% oho Ft Sortie & wt Md Mee f.imne Marie. htd W./ter 13arrl I. • ,, d fibs* Watre. Vita* •' '31 , 3 Firchrel, Virrinta ools•ffereley &w ( Del l.lja 0 teed' It la. N Y M lee Leeds. Now York I W Cooo o r. Neer York 0 retool; Bortro.d - N Carpenter ti SA • eh , . B • oret. Bonin 0 Dilworth, Norfolk va YR T .PWI toe a la, B - y , Miss Pinnies. New Ymlc ... 9 hoe Wilson. New York Moat Wilson. Sew York .ii.r laratt. - -SewYnrk R-W 'Reyes. Jr. New York fAenn A. wf Md Mesa Rutherford, aid .• . 1 ' Ranoh. Plumb . Mali 0 Tower, Pottamlle .rt Pieo44: Pawl hr • Louie , amPb+ l l ' se 13.1 near atom:till@ .1 ES , nolair, Wert Cheater ,re "r -o'eir. Weld Chester rd Sieelair. West Cheater ciao %Soo. West Cho'crer,W Modlil. Ohio in.ot sway, New York • 3 Thernia„ mate 00, Pa J.kykonlay. wavy 0n.116 W W Mann. N 0. Moreideioe.,oin Ohio - .a.Waat, New Jersey n W ei nnn ly C It, N . Y John Meerut. New 1 ork finirebill. Celia - - - 3 1 1.. s Mobile • RM-r hat el trentela• • • W J Raker. Ctn. Ohln iipearselrehelLrin..York M "alma. Pottsville' oho It' re. tortronSe eo Rome. Beating • won - Pave - Ilialmay • Mee Herding. Ohio kerrranne4 Ohio Henry WA eon, N Jena/ Al( Jln'and. Nowlornry Pearl Foulke. Pa ....k a tsistly.t coos - Lnaron D A 11( JOl.O, New York iL Nondrreon. Lase on Alin Reoderson. taro co iv virohy & bc.loarYork Alin fireehr. New York to walkevew York , Tkoe I Hodce & 1%. hrokln riloimon. • , Yoot - 7 Soott atewart, Calm% 4ii afinviar. toh.:o 0 R.Lt r. area. 'Wilmot. A ''. ermine & 1%. Momohic Wm C MoEntire -• 0 Radle. Neer York - John Barbee Lou trifle , . 'roman, Maryland • Alf Sates. Maryland l' B 71, 1 halloo a; wf. If Y 0 a Choral, Coposetient IV: •• M , .,;." ew•York .- A 1•11 Picker. &li Walt tro J W van Clew , . Rffalo I W Van Vey% Ir.Boffalo e•• I) petrel t arf Mrs E Leorel TogOole. Wawa. ' • MP - IterrA746*NOTlMr•Fourch street. below Aral. ifi 0 Untie. Foieseleanie (Ts Paller e'ew York - Tem. Mo.. Brad.'. Bend 11 P Weer k I Noblaatwo Morele,Chwe. 0... Joe M ROM!. Bti• !Tolle-NJ ra n'oeh• an. Alea beny ey I Stow az wife. New York ma Peoeknay: New Pork plr it emitornm. BafrilPhimid. N..., Amer 81 , Jefl'”eari, Pn-tarnth.- . 0 ." Lilt r & l a. U.. P , P , WII. Cn w i a H Salowell. Peons , Irst-irio. route is prip. - W onnstant. Peni Ind J.WACI ny..Treztna, Poo 4 B Guthrie. Pitt 'bunt kVill een... Pooos% tenets Clam Gill New Pres! Ink k 1 Wiindlftsid x -,11 Ti x-Rawil. Now York 'weer et Iteinn.n.Okacr. - AV Marsha% Allen'., Pa 1,.i nn lied e,. Obto !...:15.1.12 tc. la, Bethany 3011 Tree HOTEL—Chistnll. Street, above Firth. ILl`'eriproe.n. Near 'Rork 0 0 Brothers , Mbrabilorl 'ENV lemon, A 10A mt. John At W Joneg. Pt pant 6F Roooks PittPl tvg 3 ft Reynold, renneeeee M tA T Pgitio l . " Ce U in i le 1 IE B 4;m n a ma r T R N drE irork tthr ` 4I IPIA 4. } 11. .7 41 141 .. Book . W e n 8 fiem 0 Fenn:leer. NJ it Vymo. Deliverer* air wr Amer. t lungs J. Whither. Jr. htmrs IA roe 4 l'lt. .trore :Mose Rem York W. rne. Pella Pe R Withe re. Phil& rshn orn P h_ltlae*.ttf.hllietlS a Colt, etitladt. IP n.4.'1 ove•eiatos Tun Adam's. thiltimere Nobs rbo., bt 3 W Stearns Rome. le V Anoefeno awl W Bermenter. mew York TRIO, We. , Matta - mi. Poteberit. Delaware vh• rn Renee Ft 4 1 PootbaM fl_Rewl..trao Wi Imitate nos Windle & la. Balt ealier. Now York h ANPVCA:v poTFL—ub•ernot oe., aboro Fifth. rUve• MoValmn.New York W C NUM. Bat/more . j.,... W It••n'r 0 U Wendel. New York ..,.. _A &mit.. f irtGlioni . Th.llo nen.. G+l.imore r^ras l4l , r'i %inn 'G n pim m yow,,,... ehnrynr•rt. waw11%.13311, 3' it walker, Indmm% Wh gnn. N o • " LlClndic. NeW Yotk R er , loe tfr Is: Tr.nion Joe 3 4 2 , 700. Damson. 14 .7 14 AneV,ll &Ito , ' Jolley 1 1 ; M malls , . New Jersey , tretirdwift .1% tlastott R. G 1tt0m. , . , 8.,,,,t0ne root .• o.nree I. hite... York Yolwito...^G.• Tease ' Chem WArGer. New wort WW•rribl. dll um ro , k w Irnamond,Nim 'York It r•rohy. mi" VArk ' 8' • MeCollan,.- NM 1111 0 Witham I% ow York _ A N Coleman, New York • PT LiMae 1/OtEL.-Cherftwat etregt,sigivo Third. Dien • 7. , .... :.: - - - - ) mil. R Pr/Loofa& 1111 • Mkt* Goddard ri York nk' : .' .11 ci urky. nory York Nit. A M Carr. Now York fg hover New York ' G-W Wimp & to. Balt tohd 8 rri, iv Palt , more CI o For4..ntritroyo kr-ehmon- B.ltirowe . Tkawar3ill. , llrosbioxtog .11UPtInt.r.P•oruryjysois IA %pont & .f. Conn L t irilre... rrovh.l.l*. oan R L ine. NOW York rc I P P•ul. V•ola jtobt D•ok. Plo o olo . %ter 'gear York • I. !Conroe, Baltiators re9.ltow York ' ' - • ~ „'CITE UNTON—Aroh stisitiabais Thud— trfroller. Stivebestir; 0 .at 'W l wilsna. New Y.ik - o.oli 11. Ohio ' __- kl. .heolor. wow York finStr , Wker. New 7, , rk' ' E. IG•vinesto, Wash co 1 1 let) M. N J•rsey v Innr, Easton Cwt. ea Ohio Zoo 13 Tknrops , rt. N Jersey leitAr 1;1 llomvenn, pi J nl2ooll.lotedlitoot PO_ A Me V% n0516A ' • Cavt lease 8 Walker, r i Y JV pase. teatime, Ohle ~ , lITATRII UNlON—Market atreet,"abows rixtd. iweirs's. Chester aortal,. P w °emailll. P. Del Anoebn'a-e I imiitown Jay Bannerman. Bit lam* 9 wof•porrmore , - waml 8 mabra, Pnvrefon iWe rllor. Anti. Awl' Wa • oristroor ilarr!thPg IP rim, hill Illairtalle 8 H Chardon , Dlrtiverrillo IK Goa4a Imtaarraa. Pa 8 _lhorpson Ind.ana col. b ,• Gr...,..orrlantint _ ;11. Pfo,o, 1 400A iner co i 1... . I." n-i rne•r6 , n /Orr en. Del .wa •00 N Maaelf:Wilm. Del KM Durr, Penneyttems 00X0tVRCTAL 00TVI.-01xtn st.. above Chestnut lactel Stubbs. Chapter co A F Fel4/. Chester count 7 ril "I bn' toy n. MD. • w G M 'Paley BalturaTe ears.a , l Tow. a. Chesar ea .14.. 1014/1 Bawy. Ch co nr. ester, Cbes , er v ebestet est co Vhwets.onc. , cren C 0 bforti.on.liontmen Go 0 Itrol,tur% nv,oto !leen co MIS Bigger, Looktunt, Pa IA . ettdith;Pughtown,Ps .• AAR Lry Brf ESF...neoond street, below Vine. 'Ell•hs Neurbeld. Pucks to B urittain New Jersey p fl T. slor Bode , n 0 Biokelintr,Buolte on rear, II erre, Pilate co 01. Nmith. Co ta 1.1 no..V.r %Os en nhae Bohlen, P.mns vno burn I.chneks T ima th v Pl.. Wermlnster nate M v werado.trir W I, Walker Hooks co Noolollrn & 'rf Hooka on Rnht Beene Bioko on 'l' 0 a r. Hocks co B Btradling & wf. Penns 'al E'qnkidling• Penns Mpg IV 1) tirshaln. renu Penns n Peril Penns A.l Csrer Berms Berne. 'Ps horn - .3 smith. Penne hes Delmer. Penne W ..• Campbell. Penns - • W %ph, Find coved J T &puma, Rust etort . , Y. Neon. Pinuvit a re Xutssy,_P-nit3 la st Hibbs. Jr. -Penne K Ts‘lor. Pfllna - A Co+. 00. Kefaiecli P Crozer,Plt•qrs tri Itsisht. Penult Jae Horner. Hitrtyfile ' aalwallsder. Penns A Men Loncshore Olvuton, P 3-mylvanis M W Kirk & non. Forest'. tirle Mites, Pr , *as oo T K Frets & Is. Penns ttlilloll'. on n K Lukens. Monte. Pa, Vonoercrift. Batiks oo R B 11 nedeker. Trenton thtobBoll. Cheltenham 0. Groff. Cheltenham t o o Allen. Bunke so Xing! Smith. Books oo st p,...cop.hil.qad elp .ekonri. Ye J B Botts, blew B.OPe II 0 ,Cantei. Phia BL WIC BEAR—Third street. above Cal'ewhill. Mn t thin:mei. Weston_ . Wm $' Onto.Se.Tertown m Ponk . ' nwtown - John Flaluser. stiebmen4 .ftni I st'e't: Patter tape- .111., &eh el. Forierove En Cepturalader. eltunstead w rieekrnen. Newton llntokrnrA wirohanialv'e 4 Beekmana.lesbenlese's 4 Pia, Vitrdleysllle - j I. Treater, vardlerville *Neal; Polintroa rand Shutt, Warrlne inn 'Clei.etts. Chester Va ll e) I Meilen , . Chester Valley le Use I shone lei Q Han. L.haska. Mrs tive, Lahaakti Ss ml Neale, rieitoskia pet Raison Penni, It H.seland. Br berry oielithd ðernet& 14 Hovland, frorrhampen Wier Roan wninviton _Slime Roads, Ronthameton 4 A Redd , Southampton eaml Norris, Port Penn Ilion,. lisßert. Northampton Retire J Ro - er. Olney /B R•nlion. Bunks eo Teo Roseland. Penna, obi Sorrows Peru* , P T Si.atia. Pennsylvania, ohnwillsrg, Agates lease Woodru ff . Newtown h_iisii?l,l, Pali neon .lobn Wilt, Allentown 'a Wilt, AU•4I.OWa Geo Markle ), if intown .. . . —..... . _ LER(MANTIV 1101.7M—Titni street, ab- Callowhlll. .11 i'hiar. Raiten ._ no s wirier & le. Easton a r ErernIZ I LLIV.Zram p_ v ir4V.! ,l l: i i . i. P .L Co ~,,,,,,,g..,,,,....,....,,_ ~,,,,,d,graib...,,,:,,,.... ~,7,:er„,,,,,,..v,„,.. ~.„„ire,ri,=,;,,,,,,,,„..... NA T1437A L NDTP3.--Bsee etre•t. above TbINI. tise ~ Bleb! DavyWl:4Pa P aloe Polo,Roo• ooroF,MY art“,"::''WeTs_74- I rTs I' 7, 1 1,14131 4 tV,1fire en 7 viTr i Vee.. re a ig i Mato:. mumble txo, Pa It t : l 7ivt i liMe _ 7 :l l :Pe ,TOSO tie i I;& " ; , iail e n " . 6 g ll ja t alai: am, Baum, N J Jos Weltaker. Mc Clare . ' IN' get th v s7Blll l ;21: i 1+1 6. tirirb:11,_Sfg n oTalte , ‘ fa .ilarass, Pe , e 'peso's Joan .0 nwor,ms O. Pa ro rirotoo.. woolio 00, Pek rhea Beaus, Mucks on, Pe *I dinVb• 11 *.kka 00* ri WB. me. BuOta 00. Pa R elm Ohio• Gto T eteln, Alleourwa Asper, Ailento.wit yolperilli NOTNl.;4"eoond street. above Market. Th ne elnii r e , Pppodolphla Iteury Et Orden. N Jersey l W 11444 Milford. Poi _U A Lowatll, Dover Del XT. VEJOODr, TlOTEL—feoend arrest; above. Aroh. 1.; Vd-od. Bethlab.m (KA Pldna. Jones, Pa IN) 16 , , Tomwood - Parma .1$ Griffith, New York wolyn.4 On. P. . • IMPORTATIONS. VHSporced for the - Priss.l - • rimy 4 Pll A- Rs pi Loans°. j ig eatia:4l44 -bses I ems eirw._•Aufs4 ssrlitments watt 4r" 4- , ffihr west Wind. Hilinst.-180 Ittrds sugar so th• SI bads mehi... , s Madeira At Oabsda. siOtHj. ...Rim Moist Messy, hrolmat-46 bales 10..",,klutittUrtiert Cu; hhl rase H Ifsr, Bast. Inv , 1 0 : - "%hr WWl' 'nu* Bhaidore Wes act in,. 0 49150 n r' , 4r MI% M.rner liatelni 1 auk art tad it - Mssers; btis II mats of J Redman empty stsks Wolfe. et al P 4 rengehr - Waft Queen. Johnson-IC. 000 0 . 1 4tr - II I KVIVI:11 1 ."44z41, keede -1100;04,clumfor Plow> fr. Cs.. . „ MARINE 'INTELLIGENCE. US FOURTH PAGE. • 't&RATVED, eMohlo Ds'alwtro. Cannon, 21 hoaro from N York. lm* and osatetwora to Joe Alldardloe. Pima Mat BoaThay Rant 'ship ylaa: troln NW York) a reit marl brig and a berm twig off _Delaware city; an ta , - Tiylatrit off wilreintton, and bark Mentor, In tow of INF Div. off Tinionm. tr - a J 1.19 A polagona • Growl. f rom lio do .Itowar; °, 4 1 li n 73A Dora. to lona M as on & I N T owed u Or Wm Goatee. Yawl. 1 day . from Smyrna. Dot, bNl•ril.l:7`t^47, it..1:73:?!..iff'01?1,),6 I day' from Smyrna. D 4 .1. map , Taln to Jas t, UoWIRY & 110, .... Dohr John WV 'inv. Elenderion • i . ay f rom 011OaSI. Illiq r won barley to Jac', fittl7loV & Co. Bohr Planter, h day Dorn Leiyaio, Del, with eorn to ja, l, g•wley tt On: lil^hr Pearl. Brook. lday front Lowey, Del, with grain is Jai lakersoley - er, Co, • 'HY TELIGRAPII. Worresoondezioe or the Press.) . . . Non Yong. Dot 26. Arrived. ship T Ti" Beers. from Bornbsy; barks Wm nears, from Cardenas; Old Dominion from Pavan.; linianairt Rae... fp.m Lesrang; Linda Stewart from St itani Arida Stsl'a f orn Turks liintio; 0 P Williams, from Havana; Ridaigo:-frcma.r4tievitaa. at et Jaro 'lib 1114. bridal JO Cam. from Baltimore, 101262162 Berate, f .r do, Ides BOSTON Octni Ri. A ve d. ;Arica rrainglija. f am Rios 'Com Convict Via 01i/slower's'. it la - alter , from Mobile; nrig a ii enlist from misinami Rvelien Rutter. from Matan- SIM Ries. port. Gooaives; oislita F vi tokeraidn. from Cape iiirs - ntAgatr.r,hilaigt:Zza,ll: °an's— allealellg: from Hayti. i . m id " a " ane l aLTIMOIa. Cot 26. ' 2 ,2441446.`1iaer Piereilla, from Fit J B aso. IS icw.Os.2.sarrs. Oet. 26. Aildsreeil,lier - 3 - P thrives,' from •23 ver000l; Sloe "Pri ” i l li :! g r 9 , a r a ,. i l e r t g r l• l ! am Usvasa. : ii MighlOßANlMin . . - - iiitoii;Citioker, keno,' liiit•l iC Nirir, 1. I !i - + irrark—llon-Bantsaishismit New i egiigrAirili444:l4,7M4 l 4? 0 1,4 410eIrlraitkleitenhy,-- --- :-:, , 1 , , - .. , , ship! arra titir,4Asiliii-Prandsco, old et iseuYork yesterday. Ike' Rosette. C , aoker, for Banos Ayres. Cleared at row York yeste.WY. Brig India Frances Campbell, Moored at New York Yesterday for Plaledelohia. - . Rack Charles Eosin, Littlejohn, for Montevideo, old at Neer vn, k yeete-day. Hark Chun RoMe neltl2 Rio de Janeiro, arrived up at Ha timore yesterday. Bark Traveller. Mandell- for 1110 de Janeiro, went to tea from Psinstne Rneds !Ist Ira , . firm .abao.Rmaq. hence for Boston. put into N York rute , day with lou of boats. Roir. Fmmt daker,.geo Amos. Maldy. and throb Elisabeth. Roy nes honor, arrived at Boston nth inst. Etchr A IL Brown, Edwards. for Philadelphia, cleared at Now York yes.erdas. echo fltrin. Loring. hence. arrived at Pnsinn Sdh root palm Evergreen. Potter. and Bea Witch, Tyler, benne. arrived Providence ask l oot . Pteemor Concord. Norman, hence, arrived at N York Yesterday. "IF A it trimr. CLARKE—MONNE/3.—On the lath j ut.. br the Rev. John p.oton. D. Th. Mr. Thames 'Of, Clarke to Mies Sto , h Wrong.., All of this oft?. M ATH vWEI—BR A DY.—On the lath inst., by thews's. Father Marto Mr. B. 1. Mathews to Mire Ifi:te Brad*. both of thle city. MUR RAY- , G EE.N.—On the lete inst.. by the Rev. Thomas S Malcolm. Kr. Barr* B Moiler to Mom An dreae K. Green. oldest daughter of G. S. Green,' and grand-daughter of the . tats Col G Clark. and gran.d eau*htor of Dr 'Pennine Browne. tote of thrTER—BROWN.—On the 15th met., by tho Rev. Andrew Monshm. Mr, James greater to Miss Rallie.R. Armor. of VAlrotneton 11.11. . • smiTtr—PretrOCß.—On the 271 h August, by the Bev.' • -d,w Mansbio. Mr John ,R. Bmith to Mrs. Ann Ma -4 a Planer. both of Tothot county. Md. BF:IBS—MBAR Y.—On the 17th loot, by the Rev. 3 Thomas "Sarre* Mr. Rtoshett M. Reiss to Mire' Began P. Murray, of ibis oity. OIRD. MOB Carneen.N. .1., harsh Morgan. The relatives and friend. of tim family' are invited to her funeral. from-her brother's residence. Third street. *novo. Market. qamdan, N. J., on Monday TrOm . ”.,Sif h mat., at 10 o clock • Df illNßl)N—ln (' J.. en Wednesday eve nine. Oot 54th John _Thoklorron. printer son n John and Renee oickinson, ut , ed 21 years and 8 months. The frienaa of the family are invited to attend the Amoral from. the, reradenen or hie enfants ranter of Fifth end Cherry streets, cwuth Camden, this (Baturdp) afternoon at 3 o'olook. f 1 OF g IN4 —On Thursdry M mornme. 23 h t instant, in the with year of her nee. rs. Catharine Davenport Rowing. relict of the late I,oltr, Hooking. of Dublin. Ire and. - tier fne.d* are nartionlarir Incited to attend her fu neral from the reeddenee of her grandson. W. P. G. hepatica. Pohoolrhotme lane. near GermantOwn, stet (ff.'srAimj afternoon. at 3 o'clock. WRITF.—On the Sith instant, Mrs. Elizabeth White. aged 31 years. t ,Fun e o a n Mo m a y h m r o l r i ni e n g es a i t d s e 3 n ; e c l N oc o2 5 Sumner COOPS R.—On the 26th inst., William Cooper. in the 4td year of his nee. • Funeral from his late residence, No. MS. Thirteenth Street. below Shippen, to•morrow '(Sonday) afternoon, at t o'clock. FRI/M.—Oh, the 25th Met., Fatriok Friel, aged 33 year.. . Funeral from his late residence, Lybrand street, east of Nroad. above Rate. tomorrow Runde,) afternotp, ist_l o'clock. Hannah , OT T.—in Raumpurt, N. P., on the 35th met , Bennett W. Lipeinoott.. Funeral from Friends' Meeting Ifooso. Mount Holly, thus ffeuenth Day/ of ealann. at 2 o'olook. MONTGOMERY —On. the " 23h mat., Alexander J.limatenmry. in the glut near of hie see. Funeral from the residence of B. Theoltara. N 0.214 N. Twelfth street, this (Saturday) afternoon. al 2 o'alUeioelook. F.--en th. 12311 inst., William Mance. in the 81111 year , f his ewe. Funeral from, his late risidenoe. Fisher street. above Curnberlaad. the Oaturday afternoon, at 9 n'elook. . PFTRR.9.—On the Nth inst., George W. I'etere. lo the 33d re r ef his age. Funfleiti front hie brother-in law's (Mr. Joshua CORI - Jeri residence. Chestnut Bill, thin (Saturday) aDt.r neon erg Re 541)5.--On. the Nth inst., Richard Sands, aged 51 yearn. Funeral from his late reridenee, No. 2012 Lombrird Street, this (eatarday) at 1 o'olook. 7111CtLAGi - DRPAS G A.+Plor: . . ODS.—A large. stook Bombazine Alpssaiiiii mohair I nitres. Batin de. Chines. A mmslines. Figured Poplins. Irish Poplins. Gros irs Bilks,n °n , e:' i:gCu atent Boi ea !As. &O. Sl• Mourning Store, No. 18 Chestnut west. Clgehmeree, Meriuore. ....awe Caehmeree.• Ve.our Pere. 'Velour ottoMelle• Nonrezinea, itnllllll , l, oonelmes, era Amami, areMeatea, BENSON OUR P . /CIO/C.I O R PURR ERWIN() BILK 3$ CENT!! YER OUNCE tir rEllltimParY New York Bilk Weight.. 56 CENTS PER OUNCE by oustoinarr, Philadelphia Silk Weights. . 75 CENTS PER OUNCE by standard U. S: Government We!ghta. uhteh kw habitually We. he man %odes brhiah D r I " F b eE tI VE " N i° OIII I N IIA TITY MAT ACCOUNT TOIL DIFFERENCe4 IN PRICE. J. G SIAXWET.T.. & SON, Manufaoturinn and Importing Entablinament, WHALIDIALX AND RUT IL. EL.V WATS and talforrAttlT Stmts. TR;MISINGS, ZEPHYRS...AND SKIRL'S. [angfi-tf TrFIRST REFORMED PRESBYTERS. AN elfiJollfir.flaoAD if (*Etc r, BELOW SPerca—Rev Dr. Orithatn. of Rowland. (now of lAectipool. I.,ngland.) pronalLTO- MORROW •Jiß SaTR) EVEN NO. et 7.1 f o'clock. end Rev alextuder M. Elmwerti of Ilttsburr, in the NOnNINO et lOg netook. Commtminn cervices from (me till four o'clock. Colleation in the evening In aid of Dr. ()oakum's. new ohwoh ..,CIDA.N - DIE. SHALL HE LIV AGAIN ? - RSV. Dt. Wli LlialkOitt Will answer .1717reat and interrating question. in ,tite Affirmatve. and give the reneOtle therefor. by rimmed teenage. in series of sermons. commencing the Ohorah of the tomb, en-morrow @venire. at 7Kin'obusit. feats cro tided fee strangers. end all invited. it' CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR. MN LON- Street, eibov. Tweifth..=October SrMr. Fothervalt. or eanad.i. at 1('1 A. M. Rev R. ndenlitill ormoh at 3 r. M. Sea a free at sm. also at 73i P. M. Subject, - by, "'Abe rasa briot Jens Deedini• atonement himself." It* O • SWEDENBORGAVILV_AL BARRUTT a-Psoture TOO6 , OItROW (Sun day) E V PINING, at t}g &cloak. at the Weer Church t nude. in BMW. above Penns Garden street. on o'l he Esseenal , vature nr_linevep." as revealed In the Theo eicSfeltillargelstirrtZ ro 1 7tri. nr. All interested In the p- REV. Jrlllllt COOKMAN WILL PREACH in the ITNION M. kb. CEIUK.'H to-morrow nth) moving, at 10/i o'cloa. and evening at nek o'olootr. It" WSPIRITUALISM.—MRS. M. S. TOwIYSKND.of Vermont, a Tranee-Medintn. di,g and lemur, under Spirit centre!, at trAel.o BC. HALL. on aIIND •Y, at lOW, A. M. and 7,4 P.M. TI rea will be her closing Interim Admtnion Fire Cent*. It* NOTICE.—THE BOOKS OF THE PHI. MCIFICAI NAVIe I, OI AND SIOOI.FTY are now open at the Office. sn. • out Ceel36t Nett Stress.. t oreoelve subsoribsrs to the Fourth Varies Persons dowsing to avail thernael• es of the advantages of this highly tau:Mica:ll Inabltution. eat old make awl,' seirtutasion, cc the series wilt he lint lied to2oomembere, The Fiero* 0:0 h. ohttinsd at onee. 0a27-711f !Mo. g 10 21 C GR E Y T NUT St ry e t. ip-.STA.TEMEISTOF THG UNION BANK,. as required by the second section of the set or t General Auembfv of this Commonwealth, approved the 16th der of October. A. D. 1857. Amount of loans and diaeounla....---61655,986 mote. . 76 658 re due from other banks.. ....+..... 77 6 803 " °risotto; In circulation—.. 67,810 0.1 deposits. including balances due to other banks.. • .... NIP 769 60 Purr ADIMP dOtOber Ed, 1660. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, as : I. James Lesley. Cashier of the Union Bank, boom sworn depose and say that the above state went Is cermet, to the best of my knowledge and belief. /AMES I,FALRY, Cashier. Savona before zne , this nth dor oir Comber. A. D. 1880. It P.C. ELLNI AKER. Notary Puldie. grOIiTICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS or THE BLNKING FUND- Tansilllit Dny/..8rat1317. • Harrisburg Oeto 6 er 26.1860. Notice to hereby given that ewsled proposal. for r be sale of ag or any part of one hundred thous sal d dollars Pf the five per re. t. loans of the CommohWealth of ennsylvania, will be reaitived at tile Treasury De plrtment. to the city of flarrlsburr, until n'o oak, P. SI, or U SDAY. flits 10th DAY OF NOTED,' gER, a. D. 18.0: the same to met forth the amount offered, and tbepriee asked To be addressed. Commealon ars of Sin ong Fond. Harrisburg, Ps.," endorsed "Pro posals sell etato Loans. be d o will be opened and allotment+ made to the lowest bidders on that day. Wm. As, O IRBT Stlfey Comw' , VIA 81,1 F ER. Btate Treasurer. THOR. E. COCHRAN, Aud Gen. 0t27-tno2o Commissioners of Sinking Fund. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stoo',holders of the Philadelphia R. S, elavings a r cilLan Company will be held at their of north east corner cf Tenth and Chestnut, on THURSDAY . , November 1. at 1.0 4. M. An electton to.l Directors will be held between the hours of 11A. M., and a r. M. B. L. HUTCHINSON, Beeretari. EXAMINATION FOR PROFESSOR SLOP OF GtOrMAN IN THE CENTRAL BOHOOL.—an examinatorn of Candidates for the Profeworebio of the German twornate in rim Cen tral Rush Patrol, will lye held at the School Molding, roomer FRO/In and ORKEN Prreete. on FRIDAY.. November Id. IVY at 9 A. V.. under the eugerviefon or the High Scheel 0 1 1emittfe. mewed by a Loom:Onion of Herman aoholsre. A noneations and references moat be lett et the Controller'. MfioeLAthenteum B o then at corner elX'rti and Osta`n I etreets. Ny order of the High &hel Committee. 110 BURT J. 1.101111114.. reeretary Controtlere of fabito Reheat. PHILADSLPRI.t. 0M.19. oeiblEt SOUTHWARK BANK. PHILADEL. PHI will be held at the VAnkait.: 1 'rkg:.% moNDAy, the 19th day of .NOVP.MBER NEXT. be.. Mean the hours of JD o'olook A. M. and f o'olook P. M. The anneal meeting of STOOKHoLD I7 Rtt will be at tee son,o_pisoe ESDAY, the 6th del of NOve:Mlie it NEXT, at o'gjoox M. 001 l dtnoN F. P. FITEEL. Cashier. TMFARMERS , AND MECHANICS' MANE, YUA DILPIIIL, Octobers. IWO. An' unl Election for Directors will be held nt the Banking- Hones, on MONDAY, the nineteenth day of November next, between the hours of 0 o'oiook A. M. end 9 o'elnok V. M., and on TUtADAY.tbe sixth day of November next, a general meeting of the Stookho.ders. will be held at the Banking House, at 4 o'olo,k Y. M., speesbiy to the ander octS•dtnol9 W. RUSHTON, Tn., Conhier. firrGIRARD DANR..-1411LADELPHIA, 00T013 1, R 16.1660 —Notice is hereby given that eleotion for THI H TEEN DI RFAYTO RS. to serve for tho eeing Var , will be held at the Banking house. on MONDAY. ovember 19, between the hours of lil A. 10.• and 2 Y. M. The Annual Meeting of he fiteekholders will be held at the male place, on TUEBlJAYNovember 6. at 12 oOlookM ufro. 8011 . APPER. Cashier. ocl6.tuths tnol9 CONSOLIDATION DANK, PHILADEL. Y•biZA. tietober 16th.1810. fee anonet k 'cation or direetore of Me Bank will be held at the BANK / ,1 : 4 -HOU •E. on 01011/4 1 1. the Inn day of hovembot next, betweee the how" of ten A ro. and two e. ADA &Oe oral Meeting of the vtooliholdere will be bald at the mama blue. on I: I, ,HSHA p . hi - member 6th. at twelve no, J. 14. zautsob, Casta-r. 001$-tnihhe t nolo Err 111 21/VIKASITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. MINES, ARTS De AN me A NU PACTURES. Course of IRD-1861. 'The Course of Lenttljell In this Depllortlnent will coin penes UseDAY, November /0.1530, and will be emanated WI follows MEC re AN Lea AND OREbInTRY. Prof. JOHN F. FRe EEL Monday and Thursday. at 4 P. rd. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. Pro l f. CHARLSS TREGO, Tumor and Fedor. at IL I. ENGINEER zp:7,csi„NtentuoTtoN--auft- IMMO Prof. FAIRMAN ROGEBB, Monday and Thunder, at 6 MINING. Prof. J. PETER I,,FSLE Y. nesdarlat 0 P.M. APPLIF_D MATHEMATICS. Prof. E. OT o KI<NOM,Ii. A Course of Mathema tics may he farm ed by those mho desire to do so, unaer the disclaim' of the Professor of M•thematms. The upUreee may be attended either eingly or to [other. ARRANGEME , T OF COURSE. PROP. FRAZER. THEORY OF M PlICa ; and its Application to the oonstructlon of Alaohines. CR MCP Pity t its t hecvms, and the Properties of Bodies and their Compounds; lie Applications na the Ans. PROF. KENDALL. M APPLIED ATHEMATICR; Togonoineiry. boat Astronomy. Purveying, Geodeey. Theory or etruments and Obeervatlanr. PROF. TREGO. OFOUOGY, as applied to the Origin. Order, and Geo graphioal Distribution Of Book Formations, sod its litaotieel Ayblioatiou to filanufactioes and Mond tore. MINERALOGY, *expelled to the Constituent Mate nail andeki. the Su bs tances Chemical Character of Ores mineral their Portneotion th- venous Rock Formations, and their Uses in Metal lurgy and Matinfeutures. ?Rot% ROGER% CI V IL 'ENGIN SERI NO—XONBTRUCTIO‘r ; Stieneth of Pdatenale, Masonry, FraMieg , and their Bp gist , arplications Itallmedslansig. and Water works. Buyrtylog nod the tire of natrumentia yitirlN Streortiral o Geol o gy. A, Metallurgy. ,AtFentiani`e Upon these Coulees is voluntallo aßd ui t tß m ire . kot drienemed with the ordinary College In atlaVekets. d ' oplyto FRBItgItICK Diort. Janitor, s nivisaiti/Sorth itevilaing. And for !promo tt.oktoomottoxt stook* to 144: 1 1W itm - A intlfWahlistare, lir ROME" MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF L d P f ß ro l m A.— No th e et ficie of th ' i L S H IIOo 6 teletyllesOFbeFenliirebritoA°vEe 631 East NINTH Street. to No ell North FIF cif Street, below ARCH. It. will be open daily, (Sabbaths except ed.) from 9 toe o'clock. no money contributed to this Bogota for the relief of the poor. is scrupulously appropriated to that pur ose ony, and the managers earnestly solicit donations from the public?, to enlible them to carry on soccess folly On. branch (A the Society's operations. To afford n i g et :amenity an opportunity ot contributing• they Wm sent out the Asent of the A isolation. Mr. JOHN F. AR RISON. who Is now waitinc upon our citizens. mho' , i reception, d, patient managers bespeak for him a kind a bearing, And a hberal re sponse. GEOROW R. STUART. President. MAT rimw N MAK, Vice President, R IC. HOEFLlSeo , etarr. TIIOS. T. MASON_., Treasurer, ooll3thetu6 CIO. 434 (HARKEN Street. 03- OFFICE PE NN LI'L V ANI A RAIL ROAD, COMP A N Y. PHILLDELPIII4. October 17, 1860. The Board of Directors have Mom day declared a semi annual dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capi tal Stook of the Company. clear of State tax, payable on and after NOVEraBgR le, 18,30. rowers of Attorney for collection of Dividends can be had on application et the Office of the nompany.No. 238 eolith TRIRD otreet. TROS. T. FIRTH, 0018-tael Treasurer. 'SPRlNG Managers GARDEN SOUP SOCIETY.— The Annual Election for treaty-flue anagers P;:rabovestsocsety wslt talcs place on THIJIIBDAY EVEN s a G. November Ist. 1860, between the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock, at too tioup hones. on BUTTONWOOD. east nf broad street. JOSEPH J. WILLIAMS. 0a26 th s trpat'r Secretary. CITY COMMISSIONERS , OFFICE. BOARD op , hut ansbritra, Ont. 11, 1860., APPEALSie will sit upon the fol lowing days, to hoar Appeals of Property Owners, to W Perst and Psoond Wards, Monday, October 15. Third and Fourth Wards Tuesday . iiotober 16. Ptith and Sixth Wares, Wednesday. October 11. Seventh and Eighth Wards. Thursday. October 18. Plinth and Tenth Wards. Friday_ October i 9. Florenth and Twelfth Wardis,Monday. October 22. ' Thirteenth and Fourteenth Wards, Tuesday, Octo ber 23, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Wards, Wednesday. oi:de bar H. seventeenth and Eighteenth Wards, Thursday, Oc tober 26. Nineteenth and Twentieth Wards, Frtday, Ooto ber 26 Twenty-first and Twenty-second Wards, Monday, October 29. Twenty-third and Twety.fourtli Wards, Tuesday. October 50. EDWARD R. W.I4.IAMS, CHAIM SS 55, NEAL. JOHN J.. VOUSEMAN, eal3-t 30 City COMMOSIMIGII• NEW PUBLICATIONS. SAMUEL HAZARD. JR. 7'24 Ch ESTNUT STREET, I. now receiving invologi of 'ENGLISH BOORS. Consisting of fine editions of STANDARD AUTHORS. ILLUSTRATED WORKS, JUVENILES, ko., Many of which are exquisitely boned, and to whioh he invites the attention of , BOOR BUYERS. Cr For list, see book column or thio corer. oo2T•omw ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO. ALCOHOL; ITS PLACE AND POWER. By JAMES MILLER, Professo- of Surgery in the Uni versity of Edinburgh. In Flexible Cloth Price 50 cents. TRit USE AND ABUSE OP TOBACCO. Bir„Touir Ltzsus. late Professor of Purse r In the Royal tAllete of Surgeons, & o. In Flexibm C loth. Price 98 cents. ALCODOL AND TOR* CCO. The two In iloe Volume. keen 75 oents. LINDSAY & STASIS i ON. Publishers, 0027 20 South SIXTH Street, abovo Chestnut. EMINENT PERSONAGES. NOW READv. the quarterly part of 13 Portraits, en graved on steel from Ithororraphe. e'er. eel , ro. the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD. gontainang the Portrait. in advaneo J4nuary, 1951. Thus elegant Part a sent at none on reremt olTwo Dol ly.. and the Paver to cent for 13 weeks (mu date of sub umpteen, the whole prepaid. by to. A. BROWN h. CO., 14 Ef a NOM!. &mat. BOSTON, Mats Importers and nealers in 'Engravings, Chromed, &0., &o. oca7 senthdr Tusr PUBLI6BED.—TITS BOOK OF THF: 1 3168/8:$8: Containing I Pno•Sinsile Lette.a of the Signers of the Declaration of indepandenoe. Il lustrated with stxty : one en•ravinge. from original pho tographs and drawings of their residenees portraits. tko. Quarto, $B. Large Parer India Proofs. $l6. A Book ibat no American should bo without, arid a desi deratum in every library, WM. BROTIts AHEAD. Publisher, end Importer of Old Books, Antogranbis, sad xssrassoss. oer•St• 918 South EIGHTH Street. ONE OF THE BEST STORIES EVER WRITTEN I WM alimonies this week. Will commence thle We*, THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, No. 61 THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, No. 61 THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, No. 61 THE HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, No. 61 BY WICIE COLLINS: BY W ILKIE COLLINS! BY WILKIE COLLINS! BY WILKIE COLLINS! Author of " The Women In White," " The Dead Se oret i " tam, waled THE CROSSED PATH! THE CROSSED PATH! THE CROSSED PATHI -THE CROSSED PAT Hl__ TEE NO lIBEEOLD JOlrittfAL, ie puhlietted weekly Prioo Tit hEts. Cas hinint.nll Nr trn-agents yo u neme r i l i , led on reoelpt the Friona' stamp, by the A. HARTIIILL it Co., 20 NORTH WILLIAM OTBEET, New York. gubaoription 81.513 altar. or 81 - for thirty.four weekg. Try one number of Ole. the meat entertaining and in. squatty. permitted, of the day. with two pares of the newest end beet motto every week. Le 23 Win 3t ANOTHER ~ NOTHING TO WEAR." 1, 410 . AD YODAY. A SATIRICAL, ;OR DE M. IN T THE MIN OF "NO THING TO WbAR," RNTITLRD THN BALL By EDMUND C. sTElthenN. Author of toe" Oismond Wedding." With mane humorous full pare illustrations. Ono eloping 14mo volume. tinted paper, cloth bound Yam SO come. This little velem. sets out boisterously to ohroniole the Journey in America of Inc ftmmt Bustles, the Prince of Wales—his passage from the mother country —arrival in Canada. end exploits therein. Prom therm° to the Mateo, with his manifold adventures, he is rot lowed to New York city, where the culmination takes pl aoe—t. TUB BALL AT TIM ACADEMY OF M11;810, of which graphio 'ketch is presented ; with the trials of Mist Flora alciFlinnier, not only in procuring adints moo. but in her eublevuent endeavors to dance with the Prince. Written by the masterly satirical pen of the author of the" Di‘mnad Weddmic," embellished with hurnotona original Illustrations, and sold at tbo law prom of 60 cents. The lablieaeta autseleate a rapid pale. "...Come:rant by mall,stage free. be Messrs. R 11101) & CA uo RLb•TON, Publishers. 0018 died 130 GRAND street. NEW YORE. P ORTRAITS AND MEMOIRS WIIIOII have already beau issued with the ILLUSTRATED NEWS 01". CHE WORLD. ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING - PORTRA2TS, Yngraved on Steel from Photographs, and pnnterfon Plate Paper, for Framing. and Memoirs for Binding. already published. may be bad for 1., cents each. wish address. O ISEMpa, end will Ament. post-paid, to any by ornering of the an Agent., H. A. BROWN AS.I CO 14 HANOVER STREET— ROSTON. His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE CONSORT. ' 1115 ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALKS. THE PRINCESS FREDERICK WILLIAM OF PRUSSIA. THE PRINCE FREDERICK WILLIAM OF /RUSSIA. THE EMPEROR Or THE FRENCH. TUE EMPERNS 01 THE FRENCH. TUE DUKE OF cAKIERIDGE. THE EARL 0V CARLISLE, K.G. LORD PA/MUM LORD STAN. EY. M. P. LORD BROUGHAM. LOUD LYNDHURST. THE EARL OF RIARTZSBURY, THE EARL 01 ELGIN, THE MARQUIS OF SALISBURY. LORD ESIEVRY. LORD RERNERs• LORD EGET. LORD CHELMSFORD. VISCOUNT I....LIBERATOR. LORD JOHN EURRELL. 1.1. P. LORD CAMPILLL. WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE, M. P. SIR G. C. LEWIS. DART. m P. JOSEPH WARNER 111/NLEY. M. P. 11111 JOHN SOMERSET PAKINGTON, M. I, RIR FITZROY KELLY. Q C.. M, P. THE LATE 1011 D St.CAOLAY. VISCOUNT COMBERMERE. GENERAL SIR COLIN CAMPBELL. (LORD CLYDE.) THE EARL OF CARDIGAN. SIP. JOHN LAIRD MAIN LAWRENCE, DART. MA7OII. GENERAL SIR A WILSON. HART. GENERAL sta. W. FsNwICE. WILLIAMS, DART. • GENERAL CHARLES AIME WINDHAM. MAJOR GENERAL RIR J. EADDLE y WILNIOT INOLIS. GENERAL SIR JOHN FOX DUEOGYNS. LIMIT. GEN. 51R GEORGE W•RELyZi HARRY SMITH.' THE LATE ADMIRAL LORD LYONS. HIS HIGHNESS THE MAIIARA/A • DHULFEP SINGH. THE LATE SIR JAMJETJES /SEJERRHoir HART. MARSHAL 1 . 111.1.51 ER. DUC DC MALAKOFr. TilE 110 N. GEORGE MUSLIN DALLAS; AMERICAN MIMS. TER. BARON DRUNNOW. THE ARCHIEI6IIOP OF CANTERBURY. REV. EERILY WARD BEECIIER, THE 8151110 P or CAR. LISLE. THERMO, OF WINCHESTER. THE BISHOP OF RIPON. THE 111010 P OP MANCHESTER 5, WILBERFORCE. D. D.. BISHOP 01 OXYORD. THE 1115110 P OP ST. ASAPH. WALTER VARQUILAR•IIOOI. D. U. ARCHDEACON DENraoN. REV. JOHN CIIIEPEspALLE MoNTEEQUit VELLEW. REV. HUGH MCNEILE. D.D. REV. R. MAGUIRE, M. A. REV. HUGH STOW ELL BROWN, REV. EDGE STOWELL, M. A, • REV. JOHN CUMMING. D. D. ARV. ANDREW REED, D. D. THE LATE REV JOUR ANGELL JAMES. I , EV. WILLI. AI MORLEY PrNaltoN. REV. CANNEL DoIIaLAND WADES. HIS EMINENCE CARDINAL WISEMAN. 1. A. R "B I CE• ESQ., M. P. JOHN EltigHT, ESQ.. 11. P. PHILIP LOCAL XING, M.P. FRANK CROSSLEY, Elig.l M.P. T. .. DUNCOMBE. ESQ., AL P. WILLIAM SCIIOLEFIELD, ESQ., M P. SIR ROBERT WALTER CARDEN. DART. DAVID WILLIAMI WIAIL, ESQ. 613. JOHN RATCLIFY, AT. THE LATE ZARori ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. PRoVERAGE FAIL•DAY. V. R. 0.. D. C. L. THE LATE ISAMBARD KINGDOM BRUNEL. ESQ., C. E. THE LATE CAPTAIN 11•1511150 N, OF THE " GREAT 15 ,, ETERN." THE LATE JosEPII RTC Rog. OF antstirNGHAM•' DAVID LIVINGSTONE Eng., LL.D. SIR AREIII/3ALD ALIsoN, DART. THOMAS WRIGHT, EsQ., SI.A.,P.S.A. JAMES WILLIAM OILEART. ERG., F.R S. WILLIAM Po 1 WELL FRITH g , E9Q.,11. A. JOHN 0. GO 01150 N, GH.En, ESQ. SIB. HUGH MCALSIONT CAIRI , IS, Id. P• MR. MISTIER KEATING. 51E. stRopANT sHISE, Q.S. IHE lION EDWARD EVERETT. THE LATE W. H. PRESCOTT. D.C.L. CHARLES DICEENS. ESQ. ALBERT SMITH, ESQ. • CHARLES KEAN, sag . F. e. SAMUEL PILELTa, ESQ JOHN BALDWIN iitrcitsTorre. Esq. PAUL MURPHY. ESO THE CELEBRATED °liras PLAYER. MADAME AI Borth MADEMOISELLE PICCOLOMINI. MISS AR •DELLA GODDARD. MISS AMY sEDGIVJCX. MADEMOISELLE TIT:ENS. MADAME CLARA NOVELL°. MADESIOISPLLE OUARDUCCI• MADEMo.sELLE LOTTI DE LA EvANTA. MADAME ANNA 1115110 P. SIR TATTON MIER, BART. SAMUEL • VARIIEN, Reg., Q. C., D. C. L. MR. JUSTICE HALIBIJETON, M. P. MARTIN F. TOPPER, 15g.. D C. L. DAVID ROBERTO, Ego. R. A. M. Giacomo argYgrontrit. MrCHARL COSTA, Rag. MADEMOISELLE VICTORIA BALED. Thirteen or BMADEMOaEoE Po NCO li te and MeMOire may b, Selected at Once, for a Quarterly Subscription of St or Yearly. 88. by marking this list. and forwarding it to the office. 14 Hanover street. Bton. N. B übsoribara for a quarter or o your receive , their Portraits free from foals. Cases for Binding 63 Portraits and Memoirs, Avinch forma beautiful Volume for the Dray io ••- Room Table. are neW reads. 111 Raab. •o Proof Impress! ons of any of the oh .ve. MUG ra per, for immix's. 81 25, on India, 82 so mil. - • OFFICE, 14 HANOVER STREET. Jel6-4366-tf HENRY A. BROWN & CO, GOUGH'S LFC CURES. Nov gisiRER 1 3TH AND tilrif. The sale of Deserved *vita will be continued at the Academy of AMMO on To-DAY and MONDAY. Gam 9 t? o'clock. roe CO °ante. Of the sale of the other tickets dee notice will bc 91Yelti E 47 1%,* THE, PRESS:4-PMLADVIE 0 01* : S4tOC,RDAY: °art:OBER, 27, raB6o; LITTLE. BROWN. & 00., 110 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, PUBLISH THIS DAY, VOLUME XIX or TAB UNITED STATES DIGEST. Containing a Digest of Deolliona of the Courts of Common Law, Equity, and Admiralty. in tho United Staten and in England. BY GEORGE B. BMX AND 11. FARN AM BIOTA BEING THE ANNUAL DIGEST FOR 111359. Royal avo, $5. 0e23-tuthr3tif A GREAT BOOK. SHELDON & COMPANY, No 115 NASSAU STREET. NEW YORK, 11/12 , 8 NOW REATY 2118 12/822 . VOLUME OF DEAN TOLMAN'S HISTORY OF LATIN CHRISTIANITY The work will ho oompleted in eight volumes. orown notavo—one to be published the first of each month from Oot f ober halPrice in 82 20 Cloth, 8110 Per volume; in Sheep, $2; In Calf. . Brodrvhat Prescott, the ifletvi4o said et -II - In n private letter to 8. Austin All ub one, bag., Prim °°ll said to yea high prai e. I believe no one who lief oareltilly read the extraordinary work to Which it cc fere will consider it higher than the book deserves. Front Ron. Edward Evererl : Doe Ton, llth October, 3filfi. Gent/men : I have great pleasure in corpreseing moat favorable opinion of Dean fifilman'e"RistorY of Latin Christianity. Through the kindness of the WM* I have been ac quainted w is the work since its first appearance lia England. It is n walk of vast researoh, conducted with Judgment and discrimination among aothonlies of' very diveree weight. and not neldontoonfiicting purposes, and always with a spirit of truly liberal incalrYi No one can deny to Dean Millman the oredit of Learn ing. Candor. and a ooneaiontioua search after 'Truth if Theologioal Literature of the modern 'English Church has. es tar as 1 am aware. Produced rig more valuable work. I remain, gentlemen. with s rent re spent, truly Mrs, EDWARD EVERETT. THE LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON, MMMMAIMI TAE LIFE AriiLETTltßti OF MRS. N AtIL O. JUDSON. (reoiy 7011.11ESTM) By A, O. KstiValoc--.—.,..-.Frioto sl.t I. LOVE AND II PENALTY; ou, ErznNAL PCNIsIIMENT CoNtaireNT will( Tall rA- TaRRAOOI) or tiOD. By 3. P. TlioMreoN. D, D., Pastor of the Broodu'orY T 86811111916. / Vol., 16roo. ?nos 75 onto. Iv. FORTY IN BXPERIBI7OI3 IN SUNDAY SOROOLS. 131 . eiTzPilEl H. Ty.HG, V. D.. Reotor of St tieorge'ls Onured. New York. One neat 16nto. v01ame,......—.Yme 60 cents. FOR BALE BY ALL BOOKSBLLBRB. 0c26 d2tWit HARPER & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK. VIE LAHR REOIONB OF CENTRAL AFRICA, A Floture of Exploration.. By R roux') F. Amoy, Caot H. M. / Inoinn Army: Fellow and Bo ld Medal nit of the Royal Oimmarmlost cOolory, WWI Mara rind Engravmga on Wood, svo. ALunin, Q 3. (Uni form With Barth and Limestone.) ODD PEOPLE. Being a Popular Domination of eta,. pular Race,: of Man. DI Captain M. UM Aii; ' or of "'The ',pert nom," "The Bath Boys, &u, With Illustrations. lemo, Muslin, al eenta. MY NOVEL;" By Praralluertis CiaTott. or. Italia tog in I.:neigh:l lie. Hy Hi, E ButWun LyyroN. • 2 vols. 12mo. hluilm, $7, (liAltraa'a Library EdItIOB crlßulwer's Novala.) FARADAY, ON THE PHYDICAri FOICOE Matter,urie of Six Leottree en the Varietal Forms of and their Hehotoiato eaol‘pter. !Colima, PArte.... D .1t, R 13. ti 4. E ud ;Ironer °bohemia- , ntl4tus tiltrstionll: ' llrio,=%: BO cents. WHEAT AND TARES. A Novol. Mao, Math, 78 cents. I r f'3LY IN TRANSITION. POlioßooneeand Pri_vate Oyte'eosin the NVITIK of MO. Indurated oz °Metal lloonmente from the Papal Archives of tho Revolted logotiono. Dy AZIEVR, A. 1 1 .1. 411. CabPTERS ON WIVES. limo,rs. Ettie, Author of othora of OrnatMen." Muslin, Of. THE woatAN IN WHITE. A Vovel, BY Wit , XIX Cor.Lpis. Author of '• Antonin% The Olmon of E•arta.'"• The 1 mid Swot." ', to. With Mug a twos hr Joni McLE •rr. Elvo. Paper. 76 orate; MU ha. I. (The Now Edition now ruidu.), 8091 ; o, the Parisian Old, Freq . the Frenah of Madalua 1/ 0 11 ESSENIE. Mit. J. U. FLEVITUBA. lemo, Mne In. 60 acute. VIE MILL ON TIIR FLOP, A Novel. Ilf °songs TAO?, author of " Adam • 060" sod "Ifeeltes of eterioll BVo. Papor,,Ao °out& Librsi7 UL tion. limo, Muslim, el. STUDIES IN IVIVISSA_if LIFE. By GAO. H. Lily's!. isisrreings. , 12mo, 2duslin,Ar LIFE. . __. ~,....- .- , . - - CASTLB Brolitifola . A Ne% y srpoil llot,t,Ope, Author of .D.poh Tkolne. "'Ti,d ' , meet Indies end the Omen sill . in; ' The Three Clarks." &o. limo , Muslin, al. f 1 TDB TIIREY CLERK& Bx Mormon . Tiotiori. Author of " Dootor Thorns, "The Bertram," &o. 12mo, Muslin, el. Tir f 3 WEST aims AND THE ,STANISFI MAIN. By AnTerom. Wst LoPB. author of .• Dr. 'Thorne, " The LtertraW,lto. tql ,.. : ,,,.. toadutaln, $l. ?. - 4ria , THE QUEENts WDblt BY-BnAct and Pinto. WuAttrott. Wst n Fine and Chninoterittio En.raidnits on-- . By CUARAX. ALTANOMT Is TLE nod the °tiff,. D.ra.zia.... nmo, Muslin gilt, 6.1 O. VA New Edition id vas porting week now ready.) -: LOVEL Tag WIDOWER. A Novo). E r W. M. TPAostraay, Author of •• Valit. Fair,' • Yon. doom _s," " he Newsmen.'" The 1/frrintans,” " The Treat Bolo:arty Diarnand.P •• Leortnros an the Pephsh Humorists," &a. Illustrations. Bee. Paper, 25 cants. ArRIEB OF 1 0 11 0ftli AND FAMTLS RFATIERS. reigned to terioh the Art of ttladlne in the most pimple Natural and Frio:Beal way : embracing in their Plan the whole range of Natnia' History and tht Fh•Bicalitiolsness t atomic at the highest degree of sefulaess. nun splendidly alustrat.d. Consisting of a Primer ard Posen Be4ders. By cies WlLL sari. The Primer. and Forst. flacons Third. and Fourth Readers. now ready. Priee 7a. 10, 30, 80. arid GO canto. Brat at half pries to TEACIIIIBS for exempt nation. • RIOII.T AT LAST and Other Taloa By Mrs. OAR KELL. Author of " Mary Barton." '" My Lady Lad low." '• Otanford." So. tYmo, Muslin, 75 oente. ROOKER'S ILLUSTR ATED NATURAL AMORY. Natural History for the use of:y.ohools and Families. Br WORTIIIAOTON Books% M. D.. Author of The Child's Book of Nature." &Q. Illustrated by nearly ast Engravings. 12mo, Muslin, el. DANESBURY HOUSE. Br MIS.BENIIT Woon lemo Mahn, ee cents. A MOTHR'S TRIALS; Ort. THE' FIRST BORN A VoveL By tho Author of "My Lady." L2mo Muslin, el. HARPER k BROTHERS will send either of the above Works by Mail. postage paid ( for any distance iv the United States under 3,000 miles,) on rooeipt of tbee Atones• 0526.211 ENGLISH BOOKS NOW RECEIVING At HAZARD'S sooxsToßE, 794 CHESTNUT STREET. PERCY'S RELIQUES. 3 vole., royal 12mo, tree calf. gilt edges. An exquisite copy. LYRIA Ge4tslANltyA. Lays translated from the German, two vole. Oxford coerce, superbly bound in calf antigun, or Turkey morocco. BYROXt'B POETICAL WORKS. The "Murray" edition 10 vole, full calf, silt backs. MOORE'S POETICAL WORKS. 10 vele.. half calf. marbled. DEMAN'o POEMS, 6 vole, 113 mo, calf. WORDSWORTH'a POLTICAL, WORKS. 6 vole, 16mo, calf. CoW PER'S COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS, with Life and Lettere An early r opv In 15 vole, beau tifully bound In half morocco, r ilt hmir cod edge'. r•HAKSeEA v o l The VA' PLY edition. with 170 il lustrations. 75 yofe, cloth or half calf antique. MRS. JAMISON'S WORKS uN ART. comprising Legends of the bladonna, Legends of the Manumits Orders, and Seared end Legendary Art Beautifully bound an full Levant Turkey morocco, tooled. 1 vole, inuetre,ed. LOCKE ON THE HUMAN UNDERSTANDING. I v01.12m0. hoe Dal f. TRH INGitYLDSBY LEGENDS. A new edttion 3 vole in two ; half AlAUrd/kAt'S TH.c.ABURte.el of Knowledge, Sot sone, Lite r retturo, Arta, History. Chronology. 6 vole, 16.TAVID'bt ex tra. a't Southey. Full bound in calf; one vol. THE 'POUR OF DR. SYNTAX, in Beereh of the P. ,ol nrePlitun. Wire. &c. S vole SJo ; colored illustra twee; self or sloth. 61ILAISEIVH GALLERY OF NATURE. One vet Soo; cloth; proinsaly_lllustrated. i HE'S WORKS. Translated from the Gormad• 6 vol ,- .12in0; half cali. Sc.Hii,L,FR. Do. 4 vole. T KUBNER'S (WIDE to Original Arnerioan One vol KIRBY and SPENCE'S ENTOMOLOGY. One vo lume. . . ALLPON'S HISTORY OF EUROPE. 20 volumes. 12mo ; cloth. THE COMIC HISTORIES OF ENGLAND AND Rualg. By Thomas A'Beoket. With humnrouo Mae tratinne in °Wan 3 vain 3vo ,• cloth, huff owl, TOOKE'S DIVESS,O , Is OF PURLEY. fiver. STRICKLAND'S LIVES OF THE QUEbNS OF T4',NG LAN D. 8 vole ; clear typo, with portraits on stool: full and half ralf. MISS AUSTIN'S NOVELS AND TALES, svolet h HANNAHra. MORE'S COMPLETE WORKS, 11 vole 16 mo ; half am SHAKSPEAR (' E. The Stratford edition. 10 vole; half calf. • . . _ . 130oWELL% LIFE OF JOHNSON. 10 vole; half calf. THE WORKS OF CHARLES LAMB. Mozon'e beautiful edition. 4 vola; coif. l'fl POETMAL; wOlllOl. WITH LIFE OF BURNS. 8 voila la mo; full oalf. ru t. Maxon. With many other valuablo and interesting work,. al of wawa are now dieplayed for examination. oarll at G. EVANS , GIFT BOOK STORE, • NO. 439 CHIISTNUT Street. BUY YOUR BOOKO AT EVANS', Where you eau got books in every department of Lite rature ; and BEAK IN MIND that besides getting your hook et tha lowest retail into% THAT A GIFT, Worth firm SO tents to SRO nocompanles earkßoolr. ALL THE NEW BOOKS AS SOON AS PUB LISHED. Call iu, and one trial will assure you that the host place in the city to buy book", is at G. G. EVAlstr WET BOOK ESTABUSHMENT. ocibtf N 0.439 CHESTNUT Street. ROOK BUYERS.—Gontlemeh: I have taken_t'se Basement of the Philaftelphla Bank, 419 CHEST 4 UT Street, where I wilt continue to buy and sell (as I have heretofore done at the Custom. , house Avenve Book-atand)nid and new Law and Mls. oellaneous !Book.. I have for tale upws.rde of 180 old black-lette7 Axons printed prtork) the ye i r 1449. Also, im a copy of Eraemus on the New Teatime t, 2 v015,,4t0, printed in. 154 8 . Price 8 9 0 . I will also deal n Engravings and Autwraphe. Persons at a distance "atehing to sell Books, desoribe their namee,date eine% hindienE , oonilitiona and igloos. 'Pamphlet Lawn to Pennsyl vania. and old Books neon Antenna wanted, eue•em JOHN CAMPBELL. JULY IST, 1860. NEW FIRMS AND ORANGES. ItIORWIANTEI IN WANT OF BLANK ROOKS eau be supplied from a very intperior assortment made from Linen elm's, or made to order. WARRANTED AT LOW PRICE& WM. F. MURPHY & SON'S NEW STORE. stationers, Lithographers. and Letter-Frees Printers mon Or TIII6 LEDORU. No. 339 011..aSTNOT Street. Jed ew-ti . _ IF YOU DESIRE SOME SMALL VIM TIN CARD DHOTOGRAPRa t go to RI•IMEWIP. Ineonnd Above Green. end order rump. the riles le IRodereit*, IniP. only 414 for twenty:purl, NEW PUBLIVATIONS SHELDON & CMS LATE PUBLICATIONS ARE /lava Just Published IBETAIL DRY GOOD/11. MEW AROH-STRYIET CLOAK EMPO MUM OfiARLES A DAMS & HON have now arranged their Fad end Winter Stoo FHIONABLECLOTH CLOAIKS. Of all the lakest style., in great variety. frci m ea to SPA each. Purchasers are invit,d to exeunt'', this assort ment before nurohasing elsewhere. Cloaks made to order at one day's notis it. Also, the best assortment of Ladies' and misses' Blanket Shawls in Ply iladelphia, Oents' Mende, Plumy Nook Tien, • Choker Collaye L Llnen 'emh. fs.. &0., &O. SDLhNDI Li STOCK OF BB InT B )90hIS Just from the litianufacto 'rue handsomest variety New rityl 'Shirt Bosoms ever • offered in tine marktit, 13011 Pr sing Friona of Waits imperial, Exceialor. &0., &o.yscone containing sec pi, late. 001 7 EIGHTla AND AP"— OOPEN-A 7 GENERAL ASSORT-. ALVNT OF DRESS 000 DS, 'with a great variety OP LADES' .41 , 1 D HISSES' CLOAKS, ganufaotirred of the beet reatortani, in the moat stylish manner, maid will he soldohettnei than CANE BE POUND ELSEWHERE. AT S. V. It, litiNTRR' l B NEW STORE, 90 South:BEooND Street. 0e25-6t. LADIES' • AND, MIS SES' CLOAKS, • OPENXINIG DAILY, At S. V. R. TONTER'S NEW STORE, con-at* ;No. 40 South SECOND Street E. F. sEE oal-tf SI-lAWI-S, 'VELVET OLOAKB, CLOTH CLOAKS, intLICS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, .10 greet variety and choice aelocUonc, at GEORGE FRYER'S, " No.. 016 OBESSTNUT STREET. 0019-tt LAID , IES' DRESS • • TRIMMINGS. STAPLFZ'ANO FANCY GOODS. ZEPHY.S. WORSTED, BEST QUALITY. GILT 2111MALINGS AND BELTINGS. CROW - 7' FR 'NOES AND BERTHAS. EMBIMILOER2SO SLIPPERS AND CUSHIONS. EMBROIDERED CHAIR BEATS. WOOLLEN YARNS, ALL SIZES. ZEPHYR-Kri IT TALMAS AND JACKETS. ZEPHYR.KSIIT SONTAGS AND SLEEVES. 'ZEPHYR-K7 iIT CAPS AND GAITERS. RAPSON'S TALMIdII4 GS AND ZEPHYR STORE, ..gsmr EIGHTH and CHERRY Streets. 4 :0 41 " 1 CLOAK?", AND CLOAK CLOTHS. LADIES' PINE BEAVER, CLOTH CLOAKS, READY MADE. /4 ,IC DB T 0 0 a I) li II VTR ARAB. THE BASQUE. THE WALKING COAT. THE PULL BACK. THE PLAIN BACK. TEE CAPE STYLE. CLOAKING CLOTHS, O[ just the right kinds, eoluenslng LIGHT WEIGHT GLOSSY BEAVERS. FINE BLACK BROADCLOTHS. HE4VY BLACK BEAVERS. HEAVY BLACK TRICOTS. • L9VVICED UNION CLOTHS. , CLOTH GOODS of every deeoription fur Ladlea', Dente, and Dogs' wear. ntraTioN LOTB WOOLLEN SHAWLS AUCTION LOTS BLACK TRIBET SHAWLS coizYPEß 001•TARD. ocasiqutt fs. B. Corner NINTH and MARKET. ( 1 .4.0A138.—The greatest bargains in tho tit, at IVENS'. Clol4l3.B.—The 'aro at stock, the hest assortment, the choicest oolora,'- the finest swathes, the most etiverb liltimings, the newest styles, the best work. and deci dedly thfi lowest plea* in the oily, at IVENS', 23 South INTU rest. . 0013.1 m FO( AN' . FrOra recent yobbo Woo. • Various iota of fanoi anti, • At morh lower prices than noun!. Abe. Blank Figured BIWA 'Plain colored force, at low peon. !laic Poo° corm all oolore White, Black, and Colored Moire Antaques. BHA RP .6NO_GROTH 19tn, ooM•tr 5011Etierri UT and EIGHTH BLACK BROOIIE LONG SHAWLS, Just received, a full assortment of— Bleak Gronnd. open centres rnrier Broohe dhawls.l With novrow and broad borders. Paisley White end Black Shawls. Extra QUitiity of Love tihnwls. UMW) Leine, with deep borders. Bklikurbp.sitl BRoTHERA, 0023.1. f ClibSTNtiT and EItHITH 'PYRE LANDELL__, No. 400 ARCII .1‘..111 Street. will open TO-DAY, from Anotion. the fol lowing bargain,. whieh will be sold as bargatas I ,lark Think Shawls, All 'wool Tiabet Lung Shawls. Fineetiagensehawls sold. c , tio - rimatitfid Magenta Pb Lames. ts~b. bite Morning and Cashmeres. Magnificent Brocade Poplins. Peplum be'ow regular prices. oer.o NEW STYLE BLANKET SHAWLS, Lang and Square. direst from the celebrated Washington Mills (formerly . Bay State Company.) com drising sii the new damns. in Stripe., fanadints. Plaid°. rays. Dark Mixtures, and Blaeks—ha Plain Medium and Gay Myles. Also—Stella Broolps and Reversible Shawls in groat varlets. A fine Wok Plain and Printed French Morinoes. Ve lour Poplins, new style Uioh Printed Coburg, all Wool Monsimes, all Wool Plaids, &o &e.. eco. •, BLANK tale. SLANKE IS An invoice of new 10 4,11.4, 12 4. and 134 Bed Blankets, p'me very superior Ballard vale and ell Wool Shaker annels. ann a fino stook of FURI4ISRING GOODS GENERALLY. CLOAKS, CLOAKS. CLOAKS—in great variety, of the latest styles, on hand, and made to order. at the shortest notice. CHARLES ADAMS & SON. oar EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. pRENOII POPLINS. A: A FEW CHOICE STYLES AT THE RIGHT intlCEt3. Lupin's French Merinota, at the right prices, Figured Wont pelnines and Caghineres. alenoma. Fluids, Figured Alpaca.. Children's Delaines ae Plaids. BLACK OREBS 1.;001/8. Auntioa lila Frew% Merinoex, GO cants to tit, Wool DelitlMl t 30 to 50 nen% 6-4 sublime quality. $1 26, " " Bombazines and Alpacas. " " Amelines. Fg'd.Alpacae, Reps. Mack Silks, C obura, COOPER & CONARB ? onls Houtheast nor. NINTH and hIARKE 114 1 ALL AND WINTER. OLOAItS, of all the new ehape3, roady made or MADE 70 ORDER. Virat-olaeu work at popular pricer. Every garment guarrentred to fit and Please. Olothaby the l ard or piece. of Just the right In nde Cur Ladies', Alleges and Boys' wear. COOPER andONARD4 005 Southeast ear. NOME] MARL 2. PLO,AKS.—The CITY CLOAK STORE, 14 'North EIGHTH. Every one Is talking of the great hargaiusind superior quality of the CLOAKS at the neer OLOAX STORK, 140 North EIGHTH Street. Cl.oaitS.—lf you want the best value for your money, go to the City Cloak Store, 142 North EIGHTH Street. above Cherry. CLOAKS.Tho CITY CLOAK STORE, 142 North EIGHT% is said to be the beat and oheepeet eters in the olty. 0013-lm CLOAKS. -A magmficent assortment of a the newest atyles imported this lemon, with every new material, madb up and trimmed in the - Vets beet manner, at prices that defy all competition, at the "aria Cloak Etore, northeast earner of EIGHTH and WALNUT fitreets. (lola lit E XTENSIVE IBIPROVEMENTSI TIJORNLEY & QHIBM N.E. Corner EIGHTH & SPRING GAR DEN Ste, Having enlarg CREASEDre. and Iei,THEIR STOCK, Now offer forinepeettou ONE OF 5 HE BEST STOCKS OF GOODS In their line in_rhiladelebia• BOUGHT FOR CASH EXCLUSIVELY, And will be sold VOSITIVELY CHEAP Bendel attention invited to Mils and Drees Goode. arm's and Cloaks, Cloths and Caseimeree, Blank_ete and Flannels, Linen Goods and Minims, Marseilles and other Quilts Hosiery, Gloves, &0., &o. All Goode marked at the lowest price. sell PIANOS. A SEVEN-OOTAVE s4lio ROVE WOOD PIANO FOR LFSS THAN WOO— Payabis In Easy sums of 03 per Month.—The Hoard of 1/treaters of the Philadelphia Musical Ravings and Loan Society . chartered by the StAte of Pennsylvania. pra 3d,1864. bike pleasure in announcing to theyublie that they have concluded to Issue a SOI3IITH SLR Ed of stook, toe hooka of which are now open at the Office, No 1041 CHF STNUT Street, to receive subscrip tions. Persons desiring to avail thempolves of the ad vantages 01 this highly beneficial inetttution, should call at an early day, as the number of members will be limited to ITO. 'rile Pianos can be obtained at once, and are warran ted by the oelolitated manufacturer.. hohumaoker Co.. for six years The great success of this elitlool4- tion makes it useless to speak of its motile. 'rho Di rectors did not intend to home a series this Fall. and have only done no in compliance with the earnest a citation of numerous applicant, for memberehip. For further particulars call upon tue Reciebtry. who wall take pleasure in showing the Society's splendid merit ments, and will gave any information desired. WM. A. ROLIN, President. H, W. GRAY, Secretary. Office. No. 1021 CHESTNUT Street. 0c27.71if SAVING FUNDS. AMERIOAN SAVING FICIND.--Com 2ar A Jnildins, southeast corner WALIWT n a Pelopean l d t M i tgrd t kl• t?lr d tt l i evil% g l 9 old institution has always paid in full, on uernand, without none a s e IN ERIAT FIVE PER ORNT, All Ina o d baos,ylemand t in said arta miser. OBTN.Eid. NlllLLWN,l.roeldent, BAKU. WORln K, Vice President. Jo tin 0. Farr, I...g.Hayp o ey, George . Nugent, j iiikm a g "r " t . m. 3,119.13763. JOnri 8. 411,80 '.Treasurer JOHN /wan, Secretary. SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, gso, u qa 1 North Tlir d ße ft , rat between t an ti 1551 VallPoliZ ci patil PM e nlep i ts, &prow pril SIK. delog, cin MONDAY and T U DAY VENINOI3, tromp to 8 o'clock. Interest 5 per cent, nor annum. Derositort ['an wllh draw their Money!) 11.1 chooke, it (lowed, Ukeatal potits reselred, jAIEUS 5, riIIIALIO, rreaddenh 14140100 ownetius, unit ATTENTION. INVINOTBLES ! Assemble at HEADQUARTERS at SEVEN ololook, to raceme the Delaware and Chester county Delega tions. It. SEVENTH OF THE ORAND SERIES IN PALVOR OP FREEDOM AND PROTECTION RICH STR SETS. The Hon. JOHN AL BROOMALL, of Delaware °mar, will, by invitation, address the people, with out distinction of party, on SATURDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 97, 1860, AT 8 O'CLOCK, MARKET street, below Thirteenth, Philidelphln, ON THE GREAT MUER OF THE DAY The dilrerent Lincoln, Hamlin, and Curt'n Clubs of Delaware county aro expected to attend. They will ho mot by the Invincibles, Ornamentals, Campaign Club, and other organizations in Philadelphia, and °snorted to the meeting in GRAND TOROnIGHT PROOESP3IOi.r. OW • A spacial train, for the occasion, will be run on the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Rail road; leaving Linwood at L 45 o'clock. and Cheetti r at 7 o'clock. Fare. for the round trip, 25 cents. All persons, whether members or Clubs or not, are Invited to participate, and avail themselves of the excursion and cheap fare. It RHEUMATISM. SMEDLEY'S INFALLIBLE REMEDY ellaots cures when all others fall. See eetttfioatea Office, BID FILBERT street. 0.320 serial** R. STAFFORD'S OLIVE T.R. WHEN OLIVE Tan le INHALED its healing Ba/samie odors are brought In oontaot with the lining membrane of the THROAT, BRONCHIAL TUBES. AND ALL THE AIR-CELLS OF THE LUNGS. relieving at once any pain or oppreselon, and healing any irritation or inilamation. Wnus OLIVE TAR Is TAKEN pro"; Straka, it forme an unequalled Soothing and Healing Syrup for Coughs and all Throat cligeaseer. WREN (hays TAR ts APPLIED, Its Magnetic; or son eentrated ouratm powers render it a Inset speedy PAIN ANNIHILATOR. Olive Tar is not Sticky—does trot discolor. FlttY canto a bottle, at 442 BROADWAY, N.Y., and by all Druggists. J. R. STAFFORD'S IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS ate a soluble preparation of Iron and Bniphur, identical With that oxieting in the blood of a perfectly healthy person. Uniliug with the digested food, THEY REVITALIZE AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. TREY IMPART ENERGY TO TUE POMPOUS SYSTEM. THEY INVIGORATE THE LIVER. THEY STRENGTHEN THE DIGESTION. THEY REGULATE THE SECRETIONS OP THE DOM • AND AT& A SPEOIPIC PGR ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A PACKAGE. At 442 BROADWAY, New York. and all Druggists. I'AMpRLIST CORTAININO TESTIMONIAL, PROM following and more than 100 other well-known promi nent persena, will be sent to any address, free by moil. OHO. LAW, Esq., Fifth avenue, New York. nargox DICAPInt, Elm., Banker, New York. Trnmow WEED, BK., Albany, N. Y. Oen. Dorn OrmEn. Washington, D. 0, Col. BAIIIIIM COLT, Hartford, Conn. Cuss. MAY, R. B. A. Rev. JosuuA Ll:Avryr, Ed. Independent, New York. Rev. E. BIIINIT, Ed. Examiner, New York. ov. D. W. Orions, Apt. Am. Bible Union, H. Y Rev. 0. F. A. Brinnirm, Butternutts.D. Y. Rev. Dr. LEONARD. Exeter ,N. H. BEND FOR A PAMPHLET. Sold by all Drugglata. DYOTT & CO., No. 232 No tir.COND Street. Agents for Pennsylvania.. se3ll-2m For the MOUNT RELIEF end PEAL ASTIBIA. MAMMY'S CURE of this itietreuins tom- olatta,us BRONOSIA.L CIGARETTES, Made by C. 13, 'SEYMOUR & (30.,;468 BROAD WAY, New York. Prloe 31 per box ; sent free by poet icivi-sin in FOR SALB AT ALL DRUGOITTR'. R,PEDIALTY FOR LADIES. - TRUSS AND BRAOV.REPARTMENT conducted by oem- Wept Ladies, Antranco T ELFTtt street, first moor below Raze. A lull line of hieohanical Herne, dies. Ugh; and elegant tonstruetten , specially adapted to Ladies ' utt. le _ ut.FA.Proprietor, B. W. corner TWELPT and RAOH tweets. Philadelphia. Entrance to 0. H. N.'a Room, for gentlemen, at the corner. sel4 Smif A W,O NDERFUL AND NEVER • &Ai- FAILING REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE NERvous SYSTEM,. _PROF E.S§OR MORRIS' , EU OE.PIIALOB, o AN EXTERNAL REMEDY. FOURTH S t reet. & 00., No. OA Monti REP.And for sale by Druggists generally. selg-erolf MR9. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED Ax-a• IMPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Sup- To liters under eminent medical pstros age. Ladies acd physf dans are respectfully requested to call milt on Pers. Sethi, at r er reendenca. 3039 Wki•NuT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid nounterleits.) Thirty thorium invalide have been advtisea by their physioianie to use her appliances. Thine Only We genuine bearing the Un t:d Stater copyright. laced, n the bon, and signa tures. ano oleo on the Supporters, With testi csomale. oole tutlastt INSURANCE COMPANIES. pIRE INSURANCE. - MECHANICS' INSURANOR COMPANY or Philadelphia. No. 138 North SIXTH Street, below Race insure Build ings, Goode. and Marchandlee generally from I , ,Se or damage by Fire. The company guarantee to adJuet all losses promptly. and thereby hope to merit the patron age of the public. DIRECTORS. William Morgan, Robert Flanigan. Francis Cooner, Michael riklii 00Y. r.eorse L. Dougherty, Edward Moliovern. James Martin, Themes B. MoCormick, Juices Duress. Joan Bromley. Matthew McAleer, Frannie Palle, Bernard Reir.irty. John Cassady. '.I limas J Hemphill, Bernard H. Rahman, Thomas Fieher, Ovules Clare. Francis klcklards, Miohsel Cahill. FRANCIS COOPER, President. BERNARD RAFFERTY, Heoretary. n 023 6nt THE MUTUAL LIFEIIISURANOE 00M PANY OF NEW YORE. Aurs : ' SIX MILLIONS a OF DOLLARS, IMYRSTED IN VI , ST MORTGAGMS ON RNAL 88717 3, W0RTH OVER 513 000,000. The premiums are Cowan than in many other Compa nies, and the Dividends have been onitainli. Thls 15 5 strietly MUTUAL Comp There are no Btookholders, Co that ALL T• 4.., PROFITS Pamphlets, and every information, may be had onavis, on application to F. RATCHFORD STARR. Agent, E. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins, John Welsh, hlordeoai L. Dawson, George H. Stuart, Geore AI. Stroud, E. 8. Whe en. John s ... Myers, J. Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterson, William C. Ludwig, John hi. Atwood, Arthur G. Vomit, Thomas 11. Pnwera. George W. Toland, William McKee. Thos. Wattson. nI3-IY*ll VAME INSURANO.FI COMPANY, NO. 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED R APRIL, Iss.S, BY THE STATE OF uNNSI LVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND REIM DISICTORs. Samuel Wright.. U. Birney, Wtn. W. Walters, .1 ) . W. Emmen, Chas. Richardson, [wiry Lewis, Jr., Ono. A. West, mob W. &onto Q. Wilson Davis, Menlo Morn. Thos. S. Merl G i E n. ORGE W. PAY A President. PRANCIS N. BUCK, Vine Pres't. WILLIAt,IS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. fjall-Ht A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-NO TICE is hereby riven. that Letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of CHARLOTTE DOUGHERTY, late of the city of Philadelphia, declaimed, have been granted to the undersigned.. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having Online against the sane to present them for Battlement to RATAN WELLS, Administrator. se29-set Pottstown, Montgomery county, Pa. TD THE HOLDERS OF IHE STEUBEN. A VILLE AND INDIANA RAILROAD WAWA- Y - S FIRS V MORTGAGE BONDS. The Trustees request that the names of all holders of eueh bonds with the numbeisot the bonds held by each reepeotivelu, be immediately forwarded to them. to the care of Messrs. Cummins, Alexander. and Green, Counsellors at Law, No. 20 rnehange Flaise.New Yolk city. J. WILBUR. if .1. ALLXANDER.t (Trustees. Nu Yens. Oot. 21. MO. 027-7 t NOTIO.E. —An Instalment (being , the Third) of Five Dollare_per Share on rital Stook of the GedtblAN rOWN PASSENO WAY co. in called, payable on or before Nu /1 BEE sth next, WAI. EAGERLY, fen. and Treas. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOTIOE.—The subscribers have formed a limited Partnership, in acoordanoe with tn. Aot of Assembly, under the firm and name of 88. NN -To & DRA PBS, for the and trading in Foreign and Pomestio Merchandise, and the general Commis mon Burmese. The general Turners are ISAAC B. BECINBan and WA RN KR OltAriiift, and the epeciai partner is JOHN O. BENNERS, who ban contributed to the Capital of the firm the sum of Ten Thousand Dol lars. '1 he Partnership commence. thin day, and ends on the twelith day of September, A. D., 1861. Signed, ISAAC 13.ENNEHN ' General Prather+. WAR NKR Da. PLR. JOHN D. BENNE:HS, Special Partner. Philadelphia. September 28. 1880. ee26 met DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— The undersigned, trading under the firm name of the Bridge Company, have rho day dissolved Part nership by mutual consent The business of the firm will be dosed up by the 'Preneurer, Algerhon Roberta, who fe acithorized to nee the firm's name in liquidation of the affairs of the Company. A. Zr P. ROBERTS, LEVI LINE, PIIILADELPHIA, October 17.1060. The buminess of buildins Iron Bridges will he aon tinned by the undereigned, to conneation With the ma nufnoture of Oar Ayd a.. at the Penooyd Iron Works. Office 41.0 WALNUT Street. Philndelahis. 0017.12 t A. Sc P. ROBERTS. GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. VINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY.—The subscriber would invite special attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF BHIRTN, known as the most perfect fitting made. on hand. and made to order at shortest notice. WHOLESAUE TRADi N_UPPMED. Also, an extmtnive assortment of GENT% FURNIBU, ING GOODS, of his own impoltatioll. W. MI 514 CR J. ESTNUT Street. 0e25 Four doors below the "Continental hotel." T• B. GODARD VERY OLD COGNAC e half v(pos, 20 vutitern. in bond4 r oje u te i ca , ealB.l2t 91P1A itar ROA' Urns& POLITICAL. SPECIAL MEETINGS IN NATIONAL lIAIA, MEDICINAL. FEND T's DELONO TO THE INBURED LEGAL. NOTICES. WANTS. $l , OOO TO $3,000 WANTED TO IN wilt in tilortzam Fevr& sum 4 on j orgy A l l ogi j ot! Igltcrket:litr. AOOl7 toE.J.B.Toteli;.4t4,B' WA NTED—SIX STOVE FINISDERS. ETre v ets a . l"l9 ""e FritligEocasulE°7iirrZerlii.N 0025-3 t WANTED—A PARTNER, with a capi tal of about 95 O. in the nistilhng business. This is an opportunity seldom met with. The party can have entire control of Me money, and can nttend to the de A. I,nowle,ellge of the buemees not necessary. Address" Distiller, • office of The Press octSeSt.' CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED FOR CASII. Please call or address 330 S O U T H O 6 N r A e t. IVIANTED—In a first class Dry Goods • ••Jobbing Bowie in Ye w York c:ty. two TIM - Judd lialeamen, cntomanding a good trade. Address liok 2 e,91." Pot, °did-, Now York city. stating where trado is looatod. and expectations as to salary. 0e22-6t A N EXPERIENCED SALE4IIIAN wishes to engago his moutons in a Ilrabolass Dry Goods ouse ; 0,111 furnish undoubted testimonials as to character and capaoity. Address .• Forobam." office Of this paper. noms at" PROMINENT NEW YOKIE DRY L.% Qootio Jobbing Ronan about to diegolve by the withdrawal of one of the arm, an active or special part nor di wanted witn one hundred thonatina doilars. to Join the remain ne memh.r of the firm. woo name amount. adareoe A. B. C.," owe of bleear.. J. W. Yn I C/ El. New York. con ft. TM' FOR SALE AND TO LE T. VIIESTERO )lINTY FARMS FOR Sit LP. TO CLORE AN EBrATE.—Two very desi rab'a Fauna to ➢eend, mina tomueltio.fave melee notch of Coatesville. and am from Downingtown. The lend la of the best quell ty and under good cultivation. Pith two seta of buildings and will be anid together or gape. ratblY, at a reasonable ptioe and upon acomnmoctatine tarsus. pply to J. It. IthlNl3o CH, oo If 3t* 936 WAIAUT Street. T A NEW HOUSE, No. .1r3.2318 GREEN Street, with all the modern Ml provements. Rent igt2s. 0c36 6t* LARD.OIL FACTORY.—To rent, a nUtir PAOTORY with 3.1 Patent Lever Presses, with Platen, ti.tge. Tabs, Rettlee, wankg; all in complete order. Apply to ROWLEY, ASHBURNER, & Oct N 0.16 MOUTH WHARVES. 'lO RENT—A very desirable vate Residence, situated No. 634 North EIGHTH Street. between Brown and raryish, west side, having large Parlor. Dining-room, and Kitchen. on the fires fluor. with two Fad Rooms end tlittins-room. rod Rath and store-room on the second, end four chambers in the third, with all the modern improvements; with two fur naces in the cellar in complete repair. Apply to Taos. MARTIN. Real Estate Agent and Collector, N. W, cor ner of Third and Lombard streets . oo7.3.tuth&s 3t* SS PUBLIC! SALE OF. A VALUABLE FARat—Will be (November) blio Sale. on Second day. the 12th llth month, l&N), on. the Premises all that valuable FAR id situates in White marsh tiitimehip. Montgomery county one and a half miles from the Obestnut Hill Railroad Depot, adjoining the lands of Gentle Blight. I stein A. Lukens, and othere; also, bordering on the 'Wissahickon creek, con taining one hundred and fifty acres of verysupenor land, all in the highest state of cultivation. The lime atone to of the very beat quality for limeburning pur poses, and the lime made from it bears a high character in the Philadelphia market. There in also on the premises an opening of Iron ore, Which prom.ges an abandant supply of ore of excellent quality. The improvements consist of a Stone Mansion House. contemn two parlors. dining-room, and kitchen on the first floor, five chambers on the second floor, with ceded tittles. The le 011E0 le well shaded with evergreen and other trees. The Bun le of stone,loo feet long by 00 feet wine, and connected with it are a large manure abed, wagon house, oorn orib, Eco., a I built of the .best materials. • There are walla of excellent water under cover, at the Howse and Barn. There are also on the premises a goad Tenant noose mid large Barn; also. three ; 'tastable. prim a com fortable House and atables,stolSotent for the Ilse of the kiln a ho al , oye Farm is considered to be one of the beet properti ea in the neighborhood, and will -be sold with out reserve. A large amount of the purchase-mane) may remain on the promises. The property wall be ehown by Imo Williams, re siding thereon. The Hale to commons at 2 o'clock P. M., when the °maintops; wall be made he-wit by oel7 wfmllt" ANN WILLIAMS, Trustee. VALUABLE SCHOOL PROPERTY FOR HALE OR RENT. Will be offered for tole or rent on 13TURSII.A.Y, the le, of NtiVEMIls R. 1860, at 12 o'onok M, on the pre mises. MOUNT PL.LifinNT NEMIN ItY, one s:it the moot healthy and desirable 8 .hoot losatrons in the r tate. situated in Boyertown. Berke county. Pa. For condition of the wheel and further vartioulars see an nual Ostalospe of the lest five yearn at this effice, or cell upon or address the subsoriber on the vermeil. F. H. Bl'A cold-tuthat* Poperrown.l3erks no.. Ps. • JoR B ALE—A well-assorted stock • of Hardware. Cutlery. kn.. and the fixturee of the store. with the privilege of renting the score, whleh Ie situated in the team of business. The house hag been doing the Southern and Western Pennsylvania trade. Any person desirous of going into the Hardware betf..' nese will Gad it a good opportunity. The stook will be offered on reasonable Onus. Address "A.." at h this oce. neLS etut tf rrO CHAIR AND C &BINET MAKERS.— An. The , }thgenlx Wood-Bending Compang, owners of "Blanchard a Patent." for the htatee of New York. New Jager. Penusgivants. and Maryland, will sell county, town, or she, Ter hte. or grant Itoenses to use, on easy terms Thai le the only patent. MI apfriet^re Will be etriatlor dealt with. .81417 to JOHN alh'IDY, or 0. A. BURGESS, No. 34 BROAD WAY, New York. oel-tl3m EXORANGE.—A 011010 E TRACT of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, inventent to the airy. will be exchanged fer allrpertY. APPIY at No. 118 FEDERAL fftreet. piILSSOURI. LAND!!- 600,000 AOTellfor Sale and entry, at orleen ranging Nom 1I to 40 cents tor Aare. in any quantities re q9llqiFli void, and PATENTS oroontrd for Purcha se to o Land ander the Graduation Act. Bate furnished gratis by enologing a rootage stamp For Lumber Information a4::„0 Wij..soN wLnias CO, , IL .and nerat Land Agentg, 60 CHESTNUT Street, Between THIRD end youßnr, OUIS /40, LAND WARRANTS bought, gold, and !anted. ong-Ons BOARDING. tiIRST•OLASS BOARDING, with hand t.ome communion:inn and mingle Rooms, of 1417 LOMB Streot mold lm" ED Ut3A.T.IONA.L. *IONS. ALEXANDER WOLOWSRI, PIANIST. VOCALIST. and COMPOSER, loss to inform hie Than& and the pubfio that, PR ctifittii9 HIS DEPAR rl.l RE. ha Is cornrow:mins I , oel TlVed.v T. 13 LACT rOUPSN (.1" tNRTRUCTION of the PIANO and SINGING by MI EX PRAORDINA- Hy nar,TPon. Mt hose mho desire to even them selves of the last opportunity should apply at once at his it esnionoe. No. 721 RANSOM Street. between one and two o'clock P. M. 0c25-'h a-at. "--7PRING GARDEN HALL.-ALA SE O , F BRANCH fCADEMY. AT SPRING GARDEN flAta, —lnetruo ion in Linea rlaltsthemio Exeroisse r.,r Mines. and a now method of Exercises. unitPd with military Drill. for Mutant. Clams Bays. Tuesday aria Friday. from half poets tO5 for Alissee,(no gentlemen admitted doming thus lnetrintion;) and from 6 to half Illty e On °look P. Al. for Masters. oeft-lat LTA-ESDA NES 011ECIARAY AND VEER VILLY respectfully inform their friends and the public that. they have removed their Boarding and Day School for Yount . Ladies from Logan Square to Nos. 1027 and 11129 SPRUCE Street. Pupils from five years of age upward prepared for the fourth Maas. b26-6m B RYANT, STRATTON, & FAIRBANKS' MERCANTILE COLLEGE, S. E. comer SE VENTH and CHESTNUT Mrs ets —Day and Evening Sessions. individual instruction in Bookkeeping. in eluding General Wholesale and Retail Busmen, Ship ping, Forwarding and Commission, Banking. Ox idizing°, Manufacturing, Railroading, Steamboating. ho.. the most thorougn and practical course in the United States. Also, Lectures. Commercial Caloula- Mons. Arithmetic. and the higher Mathematics, Pen manship (beat in the city i. Correspoudenee. For wile, their new Treatise on Bookkeeping. beauti fullyprinted in colors, and the best work published. se2d•tf CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREET. below LOCUST. The duties of the Clew/deal institute will be 'mimed Monday. September S. J. W. PAIRES, A. el., ati27-d2m Prinoipel. - VENN INSTITUTE, SOUTIIEAST t'OR. NER. THIRTEENTH end FILBERT Streets. re <voile MONDAY. September &l. Four more pupils will be admitted. Catalogues sent to any address. an2l-tf R. STEWART. Fru:impel. MR. WLNTIIROP TAPPAN'S BOARD ING and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, No. 1727 VINE streot, near Logan Square, will RE-OPEN on WEDNESDAY, !September lath. agonise . ' turroshed on applmation. atml-tf HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACKAGE HARDWARE ROUSE.—Wo would respectfully oall the attention of the Gene al Ilardware Trade to our extensive t ook s of illft tr r IiNGHADd HARDWARE', which we offer at email ulvapee by tit° package. Orders for direct importation solicited, and Goods de lIVOTed either in Shia nay, New YorklNsw orisons. W. 0 Licw 1 & BON, 411 COMM ROE Street, lmoortmg and Commission Merchants, and Agents for Forelsr and Domestic Hardware. FAMILY FLOUR, MADE FROM ORME WRITE WHEAT, 0. 14. MATTSOII„ 6, W. oor. ARCH and TENTH streets. THOMAS THOMPSON SON. & CO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF OABINET-rdAIKERS' MATERIALO NS SOUTR SECOND STREET Ng' Drooatella, Phenol, Rope, Damasks, and every deseription of Furniture and Curtain Goode. sent-am R e SHOEMAKER & Co. 414AISIF, PAINS% OILS AND V.L.RNIBINN Northeast corner FOVarill AND RACE Street*. siert9-4. BUTLER HOUSE, No. 112 sOUTII SIETE Street, Opposite Independeuee Square. Geminated on the European plan. Accessible at all horns. ze2s-8m A. R. LUKENS, Proprietor cAST-STEEL BELLS. Fox OECURCHELI, FIRE ALARMS, a.,, DOS ILLS By NAYLOR 8a 00., 12741 SRO COMMERCE Street AZIIMEA 1 AZUMEA 1 AZUMEA 1 AZUMEAI AZUMEA AZUMEAI AZUMEA PROF. MORRIS' AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Manufactured solely at No. 62 ' , Joan FOURTH Street, and for sale by Grocers renera Ir. sel2-Bmit MRS. SANDI. REN, PROFESSIONAL 1 , 11/118E. has opened a Warding Home at tfo 1011 pre street, for the special aoPommodation of cyclic tea, and for those coming to Philadelphia to be Con ned, or for medical attendance , where they can have oareful miming, reed board. and all the morons of home. titre. S. refers, by permission, to the following proles .I.inalwilemen : trotiesor . . Metes, Caesar Wait?, M. D., r ,,, 0 r Grose, L. Rodman, . D.. rof,ssor Jos k rapeoest, f t roferr 8. rokso n gu rel l e a r Y li is i; Av.,. a' 4v. Nome. . .1' rg..e m eig ..• : ~ t Professor 8. IL Dickson. 0081 O DUMAS COGNAC-40 zcj a unilors, 20 elghtl, landing from " I foß.; o rka . 4 • Wov sou th 1,10/4T. AMUSEMENTS. MATINEE TO-DAY. CONCERT HALi Li THIS DAY (BATURD4Y) AT TWO WOLOilliG Diet but on Pit oFESSOR ANDERSON'S With theG RAND MATINEE 3fAGIQUE, HALL ILLUMINATED. .13, invitation the 0 1 rt •RD COLLEGE PUPILS WILL ATTU • Oar Doors open half past one. pit VAN ASIBURGH & 00. 1 8 MAMMOTH MENAGERIE MORAL E XHIBITION, EAT MORAL EXHIBITION,. HYATT FROST Wi I , nY I ii! t. AWCIALLONVoIitLL 811=111. - For a short twasert only, eemmenoins MOVDAY NCO- T. I-010HBR 119 ' Aferwards. Three Performances each dsr_a itioßals46. APTENHOON. AND EvErdra. Diorp oven 10 A. hi., and Dana 6K P.M. Mammon 25 eents; Children under I yam 15 ante. lirema. be found ali the YAW ABLE. AND CURIOUS ANIMALS Known to Naturalist. and is the only pure and ent reat school where youths nun successfullr unto*. 'lndy. and define the GREAT BOOR OF NATURAL HISTORY. Thin show contai re all the animals belonsin. and Ynia Anitargh & Tws Menagerie. united and ar ranged Iwo one colossal exhibition. with TWO M ETA pERFOR MG ANIMALS. TWO BETS PERFORMING ELFPB ANTS. TWO ti hTB PFORMtafit Po% ig.t. TW WO IEIB PERF O RM IN GMOKEELY& or:7 6t* • WHgATLEY it CLARK E'S AR,OII-BT 7 THEATRE. _ _ THE 2.319 T TIMMS 1 , 110HTB: Or TAR R PA'r R0373,31T1C 'DRAMA.. Tli 77(7N - RZY riOy ! TEE M03.71037.H0T! TO-Blum r ma.TIIRDAY. OCTnBER 27! 100'vDAY. oC7 077 RR 17! LIESDAY. OCTOBER 30! Box-book now open for eaoh ntght. Secure your seats AT ONCE. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. - • • v Sole Lessee— —Mrs. M.A. G SDKs Manager —.-- Mr. WM. NPR. Has nem A rent . —..Mr. JOE._ p._ • THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING. Will be acted. the celebrated drama. of THE DEAD HEARN. Performed for an entire season in London. Robert 'Landry. Mr. Edwin Adams; Legrand. Mr. Young; Catharine Duval, Mrs. Gladstone ; Cerieette. Miss C Jefferson. Previous to thetpl ftr A POPULAR COMRDIBTTA. Doors open at aquarter to 7 o'clock ; performanee" coo , monde at o'clock. W Prism as usual. CONTINENTAL THEATRE, (Late National) WALNUT Street, above Eighth. THE GREAT AMERICAN CONSOLIDATED cracum CONY. R. P. MADIOAN CO.CO Propnetere. A GRAND EQURaTRIAI( it MATltutaW. Tills (SATURDAY) October 27. talueh Mr. SMITH, the daring %%Trawler triampl pair in hut great act "Ls Elsohelle; Mr. TOM. r.ft. G. In hie wonderful leaving; and the whole Ttollgo in a diversified and ieleasinc programme - Doom °pew at 2P. M. for the " Matinee. commence at S. In the Fvoei ea at the natal time. Admuaionit cents. Fetidly cents. it IifoDONOUGH'S OLYMPIC! (Late GAM O TI ES.) RACE latre.t, Wel, Third. RAND AFTERNOON AND EVENING FORMA NC It PER FIRST NIGHT OF RICHARD 111. R ard 111 -...........J. E. Mc DONOLTOR. Last mo rel TRN NIGHTS a ? 3 ,lL AR. fia 0 ittia ( ORD KLIA' HO WARD aa Man' Morgan. To conclude with THE LIMERICK BOY. Afternoon Parfor CLE manas to comme ßlN nce at 2 o'oleck. UN TOM'S CA Little COE DEL.IA HOWARD a 5...... ...—,EVA. Evening nerfo mates to commence at 7 o'clock. Panes of admission. 25 cents; Family Circle. 14 (Nate, CONCERT HALL. DENSELY THRONGED EVERY EVENING, IRREVOUADLY AND MOST POSITIVELY EIGHT LAST EIGHT NIGHTS PROF MO R. AND g RPON, rri hi. Great Entertainment* el A NIGHT IN woNDEft-woßmat A NEW PROGRAMMEEKS FVERY NIGHT THIS TO-NIGHT. PRIORY—Lest Night but Reveal: THE CALIFORNIA PROGRAMME. SATURDAY—beet Night hut %ix. TR 1 4 : PROGR , IRMA. The Renamed Wonders of the Mighty Myettelitelf be preencted this week. i^oledine the MAN WHOM NOBODY CAN SEE._ AND To I/A DY WHO CAN ..E_E uviorTntice. POSITIVELY THESR A RE THE...4AR P NIGHT& GRANO 'ILLChtTNATRD NLA . IN ts_ T 0,510 RROW (SATURDAY) AT 2 O'CLOCK. Ds/oonv 2e *eats ; Body of Ball SO teat& ooKI-111 , CONTINENTAL THEATRS, 1 - 0 ' (Late National,) WALNUT Street, above NOW, THE GREAT (10 1 REOLLDATED RUIN COMPANY. H.p. If/ AN & Prometata, EVERY WORT DURING THE WeJSIL. The Claimers. th Pressuting tninr,eptchtnaidott nf da•hing sad i t l f , Vvr arifilta2.2 l l4 l EtlitElts. wontiertol Al ..KT tasse. rtr , ..ELFRS. and PANTOS.ItbIiSTS, endill,odo 0962 - Parlion With ant troupe now extant. The hot of the Company and , ClB TOR. CIRCLE ill doo m s bialed in daily bide. , The open at hair past 6 o'otoort. TerforMatteli , commences at hair pant. Admtalion only 20 cent': Family Circle 15. Oa SATURDAY a AIATINE o, aonameneist at three o'clock. oat ft SA.NFORD'S OPERA. HOUSE. ' • EVENTH STREW OPEN FOR T E L S R E I ptION. tam", y,EitcoRATP.T , AN PALNTED. MR. RAMP° Hee seouyed one of the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented herelderse who will appear nith tly. Hanford will perform every evening. Door, open al 7; Commeace MG Admittance IS cents. Children 15 oents. LI E ADQUARTERS. FRANKLIN Pi AC R. Revived under the eupereudeit of Memo. cnaDwiex. & 1111 , :T.—Prie Cwneerte me*. iv • the bast talent in the city. Free Lim& and Ra heareal at 11 A. Id, &air. Come 0 ". OM" alt. Jude for ynuraelves. 0c74-41 CARL WOLFSOHN AND THEODORE '.J THOMAS'S BERIF,B OF SIX Cf.ABBICAJLeor- REE 4. at the FOY FAL or the ACADEMY OF MIMIC. Subscriptions ',III be received at the eluWalk e r a. Andre & Co.. 1104 Clestnut street ; Lee k TV Chestnut street; Beck fc Lawton, &Tenth EA Chestnut streets; Mid Th. A. aetimidti Ammer Ch e.tnut streets, where the proirtuntunee and Me lars sun be seen pENN A. ACADEMY OE THE FINS ARTS.-10`25 KiIIESTNIIT Street. " 'AZ(/." s splendid hunting by Muria. A TE ': FIRST SIN," a beautiful Marble Statuette b 7 i Oa exhibition for a shnrt tithe. Visitors will please brins their ovate. slimes. BUSINESS CARDS. DB. S. T. BEALE, DENTIST. lifts removed to 1113 CHESTNUT Street, (01rami Bovt.)Philadelphls. odd-1- " CHARLES W. MOORE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has removed Lie otEne to No. 132 SuU TR SIXTH STREET. oIS-H• DYOTT it CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street. —Having removed to our new and liPaelollll More, we would call the attention of Dealers to our ex tensive stook of PATENT MEPICINEtt, PER FUMERY. and FANCY ARTICLE'S. Our list com prises a greater variety than can be found at any estsb nchment in the United States, and oat D 110441 Will cone t. are with any market. an - bAtheltte I_,) It. CORSON, RETAIL ESTATE BROKER. NO RAISTOWN, PA. OFFFES AT PUBLIC AND PRIVATE BALE. some of the most desirable and productive farms In Montgomery and Chester counties. Also. several Mer chant and (hist Mills. tri desirable parted' the conntry. Persons waning to numbest properties. either as homes or investments. will And it greatly to their ad v antage to call. or write for a catalogue. Several handsomely located farms to endwise for oil, property. Norristown Properties for gale or rent. Uood Mortgagee negotiated reasonably. And, to R. R. CORSON. ocft lm NORRISTOWN. NEW ORLEANS (LA.) PIOAIIINE.- JOY. 00E. da Have been appointed sole agents in Philadelphia for this extensively mrculatingpaper. of commanding in fluence. Business men are advertising to the best new paperS of oity and country. at the offiees of JOY, COE, & CO., Advertising Agents, PIPI . g. and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia; Tribune Buildings, New York. sc26-tf J. BAYLIS THOMAS, ILAID ATTORNEY-AT-LAW._ Has remegabig elide froze No. m Arch street tow 4 , 2 WALNUT Street. Particular atOuStiti given to the Marva of M tile Claim. The atoning and glutamate:. of , Converances,Maignmehte, liners Of laitle,gmd Trr Instruments of Writing. The manegementof Executor ships, Adininistratorehipe, and Trude, superiuteitilod: and the best requites procured for the perm:2lP- YealMelate of alener , tialagfectorT retarenoa Tea When matured. • • TIORACE SEE, DIEWIANIOAL EN R, etnd PATENT ATTOR_ OINHE NEY, No. 114 South SIXTH Street, (Neerle vomit. tree County Court limed 'um and ta alfgam-4-g,mwd--lewith the ottaintn=ant -11 Patent ta rdaohinery Designed and Drawing's 14444. WIS-he I NICHOLSON, . 111anntaottiree t i 1 / 4 NHIRTN. DINEN and AI ItLE.DEN DORMS AND COL A e A Large and °home anortment, and . wau Nang. alwaye on gaud. unto whioh I particularly invite ate attention of cam and neetnet-ennua ellOwe-Telay buf ere. . E. Corner of SECOND and AROH Streets, rens. de phia. aa7-11V S. FUGUET & SONS, IhIPORTERB RAVANA_OIGARB, 80. 216 uth FRONT Stmt. Receive regularly mull assortment of destnsble GARB• which they offer at low rates, for oaiM or an- Droved credit. 11,10-17 pAWSON t NIOHOLSON, 13M8 FU ES en n itiveLeal„ Wird arisal J..uas XI63IOMON, Je ff ly. AMALGAM BELLE. Only ONZ-TRIRD the Infos of Brass and less than hal that of Steel Belle t of equally sonorous and mellow tone. Warranted for twelve months against breakage by fatr rinsing. For ealo at the BOLE ACIENOY in Philadelphia, No 612 COMMERCE Street. sok) thaluSin A. M. Pt WATSON. WARI\I AIR FURNACF. Thecae. Cone Furnace Gas Consumer will than:W/11T warm your bonne. with 01113-tblid lea dortltnall to ge qgirea by any other furnace, PeValactinn in all OWN gilarantied. Buildings warmed and ventilated by ARNCI.If & WIL•UIf, 201 .) CHESTNUT Street asB-stuth9mif COOKING RAN(4ES.—AII in want of the heist elevated, double oven Cooking Fames, win do well to WI at AKA% D e t t E r,M,9At t t ieet. sola•atuth amif %LATE MANTELS.—The richest and most beautiful specimens of enamelled Blare Man tels ever offered for sale in this etounti7, manufactured by us, from Pennsylvania slate-stone, and for sale Teri low. &121401_,p , & wrj,soN, seUetuttOmif 1010 011ElaTMUT street. fIRIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP.—Ono pound of whioli will do gig much washing. pad do it better than three ol 00rumon rosin 110.; clothes need no boiling nor rubbing ou a wash boar d._ Over .30D01 0 . families are now oonotariiir We r tras " 4" to give ea igtootion, or return the roomer. II reilleata r " bleGrooora have it for iMe. THAIS & biIeICSONE. snag-iats if it' fie and tie &Rah w yaraw N OTT CE.—APPLIOATION HAS BEIM made to the Auditor General of the Rtatta of Petit ivania for the renewal of a Cartattoate of v reartestw t 2 1.1. 4.3 . e l g oa i pi i t; e i ct io n . f u l,te 16. lilt, of o. s W a t i l. k ig tgnetii, the 63016 tisyla; been n et or dearly/ed.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers