#lioseialuir moriti4:4F" *7o,Tl a pt lliiiti Viji t i ts--raine VAT ' , Aka* ibillitillic:', i 1,, A: fri allat i Mrt iiive y, ~,,, 4 l W l ialtrolll4*ll4lDk tlet&M eAllatak o .yr.' . e , ; 11, tit y 4 a fri , . lisiotom 1 1 b 64). ' .. e ',if ki,.t4,pli adatke ge tliet its tie lisbarattra.,Kapplcra tithibUtli itiblitter - • ‘ slir - . er,lrditiateitoi OW, Ale .. 4 471g 1 ' 0. 40 411 6 t thi frisisds Of 'deism& ito to el ottani amptailited with the fraothile'tinactllft r inirtitlif&thelo hit death by foal p l ay , a eria ry,forsnoon, Sept 30, the Catherine: Ad elitiai ;Jlitooverodt lying at anchor about4t , y arch from the Hoboken, Ter lordly d lit,.ilihreh; tlithAtelt , eiSellklighl liarillig4ll4.6l* Trot& , Itt .4 Finkle', iteudillon, Bonet persitawo* act=in feta' boins toreitton, render a iggragsoa;radtAti srattithariS the vetteol, fotuid no personae board. q '., ~. .. „ . Wks *able Was+ frattadi l l i ,:idtate "of froth beif st ..0.„ tnii l Lfettinigrat:- other folal;'l,fid a WO ,foa-i, Wiese artle a had apu ra nstly Ural toii board very 'rattleittly. Ike vessel wan tow Aellatp, where, abet eboetly 'rater limit liiitiat , . irillit the. friends of 'the oaptalueltiV't bran en' tb• 'lookout to,,:iraoistaltatis comae of, bit lityleasinsi 1 diarppaaranco, without ineeerm* until the finding of hie body be fitandsy'. = - awake Whit. h, of , 11oken,*elewedibe body„ and ft belated heafteileg say evidence, gave Ptnoloteel to the tfieeds to remove It to Wfotottrars actor. ' A oFtill/Mon, rotierall William Hooper,' Oraathe cell on 'employed tin board the lebooralf, end he: pitiont iliti the, yawl-bratt, have' been ''Miming OMIT* tinkles Of the vatic! .' ' Ahrtef eleirlin Oiktik . :o l f -ilia *Tett of tie! ishi Of. September, i night before the acticomer was found in '6, eteitlee state, two young 'men, belonging to the Yacht Zings, disooverid 6 yawl:boat dating down liertrant,. slid; ityrat'rettleg eat to it,'l4l a man jr le.,ob=hu 400 oiro O. side, of boat, apps rraWitttosteratd, His general eppearancot an. ' 00 1 " reA ld, w`b ri b o a ry t ' trillt b lioli el ly ii r t 7d Pi 66". r. atigatittfialt bliek Whine . : ::d bl i t::'Z i t l t: Tie teen at the tine supposedh i m to he a *stored eittb;bat ocipla not be praltivc, on inscoont of, the dandles' Clot' 13.6113Ja fee wee ematiderably agent away,' bat severe awls were dimovered tratotitttheatd, •and particularly 1 Weft out over ildileA'eye. ' . .. Allon.lhe above foot! becoming keown, a nem borod the 'oltiam .of Hoboken., were diarattirgod with tho t otooraiei to- white Jodie. WhitleY , bad ALefator — ol-or ,the ow -, sod seeordlegly notified orowerAaroey in order that a thorough, invettl gatiOrentight` be hod: , Af'er boarips the 'video.. the coroner decided loadjbarnlist invoralgation for the parforo of too• outing farther evidetoe, and, if possible, to find fe4kyawl, plash pray teed to other development*. Jag theory is, that a dmitrat frosts me have oe nutlet between Hooper mod Capt. Holly, whiob ay'h stasra Spited in the &ugh of the latter. . _ • 'NEWS. `illitte" - tiorinits-The Census returns! of all bur 27• in;toWnii Cottientlitut, foot 'up a gain-ot 31:010e trot: 1 ,11150 - Tim large towns to be returned I viiiliPiobably bring the gain up to 65 000; tubing the whale paimilittion of the fliet• 445 000: INtni. fet cocoa, Porriont, bas; a 'population' of -37,253. 110, bes.,l9et.l.oB7in ten year. Nartford;ithere. not ralitnad - .potion vlllege has grown op ' hie &slued 21T„sta . le the only town-making any eon OdeSilele leill; *hit* Woodocek bas gained bat Tlrveiedeor bee fallen off 250. end liertibid, the I touirubori if his fallen ; 4,11 812 ; The populatio n of Dubuque; L ows, has ' f allen of f 4 080 in thre yeen, and is now shout - 13 MO.' Cape May county, New Jersey, ties a population of 7,130; haven s gained 703 in ten peers. Austin, Texas, has 2 480 1 whites and 980 negroes ; the whole of Trash coon ty;ln:irbiob it is attested, bus 4,960 whites end 8,149 slaves. Concordia parish, Louisiana,' h" 1 ,0 3 0 -I tyhtlessitil 12 800 Wachs. - • Vertioits,llisr,ori.-Sir Henry Bolwer, the =ambassador; lately bad -en interview with Me; iri *blob, after t ezoonsiulieg epee the incapacity of the Seltanis officers in the provinces be suggested Foul reforms •in the internal Polio 7 ' of the Llitapirig • and"- said,- among - other _ thing : t%Women are mimesis. , in , Turkey; and In year " inty's household they sense amnions waste, an .,.. ,, .. - -: mejtsty blows, and,ycni have ordered 2 , 1 33 . '', ,,- , ,, , _ ':...: iltit , perheps not moilielent for the prudent reform, .. -: - I 4td language was made still sitsatio ,r Thu .-: ---. and- the Sultan, eel. more so 14 the interpteM:. :it Powers" were dontlyoupposing that the " Ore... • ''dared that going to curtail his wlfe-depirtment. co.- .ould while be was willing to native ,adviee, be...- - ' not be insulted, and immediately retired., It wee. =der* the nett day that explanations could be made sittifeetery, end: Sir - Henry admitted to an- Nitifilitilellll,4lletit' forty bier/Mules, to be etoploymi_by,.the Lester Manufacturing Com , party, grind lien' yesterday morning from They - wailed in a body from the wharf to the factory enemy - street, (where theses work s foiiberik nosed;) and on eatable* thole journey e end have Om* lusty eliono, and then proceeded-to inaver.the • prembec - The company has already - comineueed operations on a lhatted wale, endue's' that 'tbeamio body of their operative force has sr rired,,24lll proomdtOmpply all deo/mills that may libtelatillettputtheoi, for sewing matinee, and other -wotpetantoseettinery.-Kiehowed Whig ' eepy Cottbus, sines it welcomes to a South erniiistor.itte_operadv_es lately employed in this eity , by the Chat Eleving-htaeldne Omupany, Who.. ,It` shill -b 6. bit:"resitombued, left In consequence of a, dtredehosie the gmatandugtosoldne ease- :_ _ . : ... Iliiiii.r=4/ite ' Wand of 'Ctible, 'h' spite - of ... iiiialrtitell , '.lelerule - says the' Lonion Alvioaq, , is cm" 'or- the -alai prosperous porticine of the earth' „NU - iprilist - if boyeletion Is, estimated at 1180,000; of MtlelV warty '550 000 are white - hibabitnts , lalt,ooo:ites tiolored,- 400 000 Asses; and 99 000 AWaties . tied ' Thdimiii..The sugar *states are boutenoily'prodoetive. : Toasty.three of the pains plantations, eoesiorising•about 100,000 sores of land and 10,175 slaves, are valued astAsceocloo• These larsuly.three„ estates , : produced, lb 1859, I /35,000 bezel; the-:worth Cif which , was £4 each boCutailagrlll £940,000. There , are -1 60tl roger_ plantations in Cuba, the exported products of-,,wideb - amounted to about £10,000,000 per an. , ' liitzleolt. re .PritsintrA,G.-Thie Worcester Meer says that in diggieg a °SUIT In that part of WriOlitabbirg _ known as Crookerville, the la. Nines allualtd a %Moan ,skelotoC. Boma , of tho buttona of tie Eolithic's, and also the shoes, were in a good state of _personation. The skeleton were beliereel, to.betitat, ot one:of this Erich laborers, Who Worked on, the 'railroad in that plan to 1817 The tabours had then a riot width :the military were.ealled upon to quell. At the ant wand of thelimus Ike rioters teat but have ever declared that one men Was mortally . injured at . the - tide whose body never Gould be found 'lt is supposed that bewail , build just se be died, to prevent aU knoirledge, Of his death by others. , ~ , Croannire Pargie,r-Mention. has -been ataaaoktho. diatoverj of • new kind of paper for making olgarettak. and a manufactory, hair been es• tablished M to dialers for working this new coven. ticoi. - 'The paper in question' in made from then. fuel, abate end portion of the leaves whiob have, imeirtittierte , ;brown away or burnt es uselam.-.li heti Ufa calculated that the value of the rage frcim which the paper for teamigenttes has been lousily made, amounted 'annually. to from 9 000 0001. to 10.000 0001," - Tee benefit *blob Prelim snit derive from this install:a may be therefore-readily con ceived, find an doubt met exist that the otanufao. tore nittitho alluded with greet sumela.--polig. naafi. i ' A TEL beautiful gravestone, bee just been prepared at Maitford, Cc , for the grave of a young girl in'Alateime. , Coder the projating _moulding at the top of thestone Ii ilird esge,in relief with I a bird eeseplog thrtiegh the open door. The cage I Is made in bars- not, so lerge as .pipe steins, and every detail Is wrought out with the nieest deliem ey. The foe ot the , stone' under the nags is as smooth and level as any other portion, though there is no space ,wider then half IA mach through which to work upon: the , marble,' The cage ap• *ars ra frogiletbarose dares hardly to tomb- it lest it' might eingthie to plasm' " ' . Pleas' f/pitirmoos.-An 'incident concern -lig ihentiernin, of Wealth end 'good ',stindlog is tabbies oobilderible gossip in a neighboring town. It seems that • wilier lady with oblides* entered 1 the boosle of' Wedlock . with hire; and after a honey- *nos 2ot. forma**, s note for $2OO wee promoted himfor payment ~,by One of his lirife'e creditors. i .10blie the vlotimlied husband war visiting another towi for the purpris• of getting mole/ from a bank withatioh to pay the debt, his new wife picked up Inir Altai** end started for cther looallties.-Man acorn ( N• Et) Mirror. A Homo, paper, hearing of the "extraordi miry esithitude, strewn bY a ;Western Mlles,. cow-: -pony , for-tea safety of the PrinasSof,Wales, in a, owlet examination of rails and bridges, in a line of eignii,turn, , end - in a pilot engine, le naturally troubled in behalf of the American traveller who -has bees over and who will go over, the road with out any such pretentious., if this pare was neon- Miry on one oeossion, it certainly is not less team etsi ,on soy other; it is' not probable that the, , public will - appreciate the higher value set on the It& Of 4pyiredelthiatbst of a mimeo man: . , . . ,_ ~ , 17 is Mid that nothing now extant admits of oelnelPe . With n i klottiMon's new tabernacle in Loa on, The raiz asitu'of Witty has fairly been - 1 Attained: ' /t ie not easy to co:testi* any substatt , Hal advancement on it. &smithies is- vast and -yet that very IMAM*" IS so concealed as to give it as of oompeotuis. It is a wonderful creation', WI Ilirn'lleal , Teitutua, , ‘ and the sklifol, builder welt I &Immo the glowing enloglum pronounced on him' 'VW gporgeon. • . . , • 1 `'„....''. 4 l4_o7nnommvs_Womair.--A. Mr. -Barger, of, Palislaiimic;. who; was , married last spring, het' :.siets•Alased itheself , obliged to . supply a • former teneetlour -with money: On Tittroday last `she -eatered -his eitop,, tmhere his wife-was sitting,)- on • pule:less( demanding a good bill In Colour for. a , eoantedele, arid; as shewas beading her the me, sisyc , dashed lu his foes a bowl-fell of vitriol, - de.; - stroyieg one and probably both of his eyes.- , - Vri9l VrialvA - .Rwicurai .Sitirsitmen.-The: -pettier eritoloted at th e July term of tee united' 'State" CoUrt, ler . participating, in kbe , tone of e!, - -bigillve Sieve , at Ottawa last &Sober, were ben-; t a med nt,'Obieige bat Wednesday, as :follows : -- - , lap :_, nosmolt, :ten de la' impthatunent • gad one hundred dollars Sot; troesph Stout,' tee days!, int arrictobreenS 'and Afty dollars - line; Claudine B. Hisif: ;Cue day's imprisonment and ten dollars toe. '-':- A-111500v: of gold worth $2,400001 been exhibited at Denver City, as an evidence of the: riebeise of the Pike's Peak whoa, but the diem-, very has beep ;aide that the peggot was manures toed, at Deaver'ol4, for the purpose of tweeting a sensation. The moat rascally. means are being re-' parted - to to /alder no the reputation of the Pike's 'Yeah We* tut it wlll not be ssomeitful. -- _ , - ~..*lniansista buteatwaareeentitexkibibid • ,`-at- it *Wu fair in Coneattieut, whisk was :brought , -.foible etteettry'at its early_settlement, and Is still Arkelred -ill - the leneeSelsnly. A chair that has moss latailY ice Yvan; SS, another some e 290 yeare,ol4s," were alioosbitated, as well ass pair - 01. 1 5b1SVe: Maio that have bees wore by three - 14. 4 .-Pp#o; 014,17,1 0 Mill in good PrMarvation. - ''.'Vvre aria- Ao were hunting - in lAA, - not ' i/obil:llMiA'ttioto.ii fight, with . a lime grimly - biar,- - -'oliltak potiiscad upon thia - - fommon matt itiA l rliim downosad tore Itli Ikea badly, but . - Zbe *OM* Pair of boom, be bully 9111001/ert• - : ,"iii iiii, Aolairtimarrairay by kicking bit now iiklis.l44fter mil steak by too sub frighterita to i otitfinte ; ,, • . • - - - .-_ - lai r : 7 - 411115$ . -Arent nary ; at - iheir ,imient , ..'?inliOW 11 1 0101 tea' Agri, bond one kindred' -1 141 4 ; *loolll4l4*4lll4,tsipiliwkiatid 4,1 .- ,- -rilika*lf , - ; - 2 - , :• , -r, , , .)., „ ,:-. - iviVit 0411044' 4;14'0 414 beli44o,tii* ,-.-', at • .-=,4ol4:4l“..ipodisvot lts'iberititeiio the 411111 blin• 4 1490 VlitsV ; a*lia,tia rep: - 6,- ' - 40.9 1 C 06 04 0. _ _A: ileakaffk - 14 1410406 mi n , ,0":14 ~ .w..; naimlee Met - ~ 1 1 .2- - . ,":: -&'''' : ~'-,', Sittrietnedell." liii iatineSin ne, eontraetort 'Ohlto diet ' *SIM UM ass% dmenemptiqop litre ". --it, TONFIT6:I 421.«.-80-`;-9441;7-9;--14-1-.11-7-;*:. L o Wega til t2i;sorirfltirt= ;, ram 29. blar,4bseadttediraut irpig t 101Sl ip mett.the 311 do Mamma A.ftitat, , its 69 Atamiacaßoltoorkco. ; palgtaYstPitttaoiuu? lUDS. , rrii. V VEl3 l) ... .°.IP 04 0 1 . 1111 “ • 4071141angabllift406/0011 DIM* goon 4-1:11"1"k' Wit= Marx mPPrad"'KennY •.• •Maitarit *ion Mr Bak Fag gles 4aes V wrote r,foallji::::4:s!Ll.mart.d.o:ril nriCheo.de,Calbs, . 4 01 w ioht 7.1 `; MXItUIE'''IATELLI(iIEN K. rArtur elnLatisLeitiii."oo,t;,io .1680. MIN' MAIM3S4IIX .tt AT4lllklrria - - - 10 sr ARIIIVEO, vortant.ta Piro& (Nem' Loneohardo. is dor riom G.ol2Satt. Wth brimstone. ito. to 1.1 & Legtair-• 'Owsd ao by tug • - „ flay' from New Vork. w,slt 313 'ittlohs Milt to Virtu Hamm—vessel to A Heron, ire A co. rienr Quletetep. Ittelrerdson, 6 day. trim' Eastport, With lads v Ka, tioufter &. Scbr Ephraim 2c AMA. Digs, dayttrom ilottiid, uns. , 4, Ammer rn & CO , - Bohr vanity tto.rdmtn. Croaker, *me from Olodoad c,r4 Masi with 11 . 411.1 ro *tomtit , Bohr J L. Mosvoths Prom as, Idm from Dover. Del, with Wh (V. .110e. , MatilLti A Son. tlframor HOne fly. Herne. 21 home from - Nett York, wilt was to NW 21-Kairu Is • - - . , Duo rqtas he Willitur. Walt*, (Br).. enoteln (from's. lroul, he ter. NN, bouoft to.ftalt,.mom rnillia rthi; t f t eas ow .ltr l S:4 l 7,l,l. peri,Atit .6:tutored a' ea ro,nt SW whiah a .u..4 th e eastel to leak gib nit S o ol tar, km Per hour. At 11 o'otook yesterday, oft Coos, ;via , . tree fallen in with try, Mg imam& end towed leers sthsfbarged and repaired. BLEARED • RN/ Abner Teylnr,ittan.2. e. A Sot:idle& Co. Ile g Almvp, InrallB, Mg7b4heid 111 hr 14_01.12 Crowell. Fort latot. . :I: BehY' n3tinet.Newei. Nortott.l Rteeitt & Go, Nit hphraintal3d Anna, Dolt, Boston, Z Anne/pied & ,_._. . . . dofir Northern L1.012t, Lake, Charletton,Nta Linton No.rton& Co, -; Boor Lineris. lobtodoo. attetandria. do noot st 4 Taflor, To, WIN 81 , 101331 do (ttoTroooondamoo of theFhiladldoblo Esolisogo.) -• • • • LA ; COW. rel.. Oot. & The fleet before reported 'knelt the herbo toe morn ing, . Nothing vowed out in tow jo.rerday ; 1111 bfif to eight, eosins down the bay. Wind 1. geese. rao.. Ir. tuoimAN. , , - - feerte”orldenee of The Piens t PLAWiI F. OIS GRACE. Ont. 11. Wd. The Itineeton left with le boats, laden and consigned as tellmrs: - Blanton 0 Welsh. pigiron to Toe 0 'Jones; Irenrr k Oaroa• - - tt Dailey it eon. L^ P Bower. lumber to John Oren.; 3 Lipponeoti. do to Mr Nehmen C Ration. co to No , eross & Pheetm Malone & Tailor, Cnu Shooinak- OU to Malone le•Taylor: Dr LI Waldron. minnenepo. do to Pao net Mitten+ & Co; T M Rothermel. d , t to r , Wolverton; tanner Mehnfer. do R Croaker; Merchant•• Poend do to cheater; helot & bleessoy, mai to Dela ware Ode. • The Phenix. in opposition to Mr RAM ellor's line of tow boats to thiltiroore. mute her first trip yeetwrdwii • • - Tuare MAI, • W. 'if,. W. • " MEMORANDA. - '• • ; • • Steamship Ds Sots. Johnston cleared at Bow Orleans I l a t iie n = an ti a tstil37ll, o ilice, was at Limuldo W C a,. Ana H. Blde James Brain, Crabtree, was at Callao, lath nit, insights, _ eb , te Mary Ontideli, MoGilvery, frOm Weer York,i4 ; Buenos apses Hlth nue. for Mansholt about 20th ult. t Parana. Langston, from flaw York was dischart ittio et Buenos Aare* limb 41 4. • Ship D H teetotal'. Stetson. from Catty/ for Now York, lims spoken 15th sot. tat St N. lon 44 N. • hhip John Cottle. Hallowell, from Callao 4th Ans. for !Hampton Roads, was at Talcahuano Ana nth Leaky • • Bare Pelliedin, Wilson, non. remained at Buanoll ;Ayres loth aim. ennk madiant, Filen, from Boston, at Baena' dynes Mlle Atm disebarSins , nark Owe*. Bash, hence, was disohorsi,og ~, sres Ads Wilk I Bark Wocidiand,Pascook.honceosas at Rio do ja-• newn. Ails SO. • Lasiathaßotreel, hence at Boston Eith inst. , twig :Monosta, Baynes, stilled from Providence Ttit + n ßrir for this pcnrt. Mottin us, Mitchell, for this port, sailed from _ltatoort SI inst. Ketch President Baum from Mozrovis, W C A, ar rived at Bait more am inst. , Dna a J W•Appiegitath, Cotlias , henna watt at Rio de Innen° Ana 24. it Brigs Tarsrins. Pressee Chinopse. Howes. and X W Drako,Briako, hence, am wed at Boston St inst 3 Brie Canada; Leary, frolaVittraeall, arrived at Balti more Bth Inst. itil e , l = 3 A lit t okeeliar, Stably, h,unce arrnilki at Beaten Leahy tl L Banes.nordence riti inst. rocker, for Run delphia, willed from - Roach for Philadelphia, ~,'ledt "' fi ack- Sa J o " ,4 4 Baker. from Jackso ' Onilei h' s triV• Nair D0,V1131. eh a....elew -York 11 , ti ""' T mutt. EdwZds, hence arrived tit drift esh inst. • moats k•msline flickev, Tice. hanslei and 2 1.;". 11 e.till. Homes, kenos for Pairtaglitiqat PromOmmiSth It ft Vasa, Frisk; P case. Endicot4 t .. Prt., kin Wars. Moseindi•bt A etworistare.Shropshita; ....t Cann. n 2 stowsim •A rain.; Gras. uirdisr,,,k 4 ipe, Wel: believe hi J . e ano n Mary utattnisu At 'food; b Tiiv• Sh•sbe 4 end Primus Eawarea, Bab cunk. hence at Boston It'h Mist I gohr Water Watch, Bull, edared at Boston Rh hut, 113 tVgr s triati Btrolay. Celdwiok. at Bassos Ayres lath I * n o n I . 4 . !s fo r_ r 11 ; t 1q, ° i 6 r .: 13 1 1:941,1ii h ri l e, t e . at Fa'l River Bth reet. Newat e Bevan that, for this Bahr Diadem, Blanchard. hence at Portland Gat inst, 010100 d /4WD to If WM Behr_Maroons blouson. Jr, Brainier for this Dort, sailsd from Prociosuoe 6th that. Six J Jerome, Jerome, berme wired st Mazandne err' Met ot. Thotaliblotr, °imager, hews %nixed at Hart• ford7rh idst. PREPARED GLUE. SPALDINeek3 PREP.A.FcgIY 43L111E1 ~"A BTITOII DI 1/114E SAVA; NAM" :4COPIOMY 1 DWPATEINt SAYE 11177.18 I alisidetss rill Aims, ow ill ma441161/Wer L'ameilies it is ,10/7 "desirable to have some cheap ane 'aonveigest nestring Funature, Tom Make h. Mt., OPATADINGIVA PREPAIM GLUM I ,serattall inch entergenoies, and no household Sin afford es be without it. It is always ready and op to the ettok :as Point. There Le no leaser a necessity for limping ;Andre. spluttered ransom heedless dolls, and *ekes Imola.: It is het the 1141019 for cone, shell, sad other '7nutmente work. so itoputes with ladle's& refinement This admirable reyeretion bo used Dodd. being oho ducally hold in Johann. and possessing all the rateable taelitlea of, the but cabinet-maker,' glee. It loaf be tied In the, place of ordinary macalase, bon really aore "USEFUL LE EVERY ROM." 0.9. ♦brut. sooomnenieo moo bottle. IPRIOS TTENTY-FIVIII MINIM Ifiwkwale Door, No, 4$ CEDAR Street, New York.: SLIMY 0. ...PALDING b 00., Box Ito. Mix, Mew Tork. .1141.'SoranbisgettritrAtitatigini tooomPlummi *sob ipsokage. or A single totle 91 BPALDING'B PIMA FM' GLOZ will nans ten times ittoott anllnally to elm by yto t atine k Otu ehobt by and Farnt n r ne De S ler o , gr o ~rs Stores. ilgesntry Merobents shottid links • sots of - • SPALDING'S PREPASZD OLT% when =Mu ay their list. a WILL STAND ANY CLIMAEE. cALILNNT rtiRN/T LUCE. FRENCH FURNITURE. GEORGE J• HENRELS. EIVI4 WALNIIT STREET. Oast cloned a huge invoias of QUADRILLE, MARQUETItte, and Whieh hel will cell at very SEDUCED PRICE& ,FMST-CLASS CABINET WARE. GEO. J. IiENICELS, • S 4 WALNUT STREWS. ,VERY REDUCED PRICES The la;aelt tienertment in the Union, all et New Deming 'Cat and'exantine befois purassing. soli CABINET FURNITURE .AND BIL LTARD TABLES. MOORE &I CAMPION. No, 981 SOUTH SECOND STREET In eotineonon with their cottons - ma Cabineet Siudnem, eh nuir n4 " f li t inFal i ngt r E t e o 2dhave now 011 hal a full eunply.. shed with OORE & CAMPS:We IMPRWED Ciinjoehs, lob ere pronommed, by all who have used them, to be raper to all °them For the mislay and finish of these Tables the menu ( TS rower totleir =won pstronit throuhont the m Untonoeh mire with the diameter of their ra 'NEW OABTNET WAREROOMS °PEKE MI WEEK BY ' E, J. EIMER, No, 15 South BE OND Street. Four doors above Chestnut street Philadelphia. antes xeorkro!.t of FlTRWTVRltofeverydesorlst tion consulintly on hand, at the lowest oaeh priory. 003-11 m HARDWARE PACKAGE UOUSEN. peoiceue HARDWARE BOISE.--We . void teerettellg call the attention of the opt Witfera lw iniArgiir t h c is w ,XTVe re ei t er k at c lem2l yepoly the *totem ' weep eg attent pnecal t on Wig itedond lidoods&- Ogden e thet in tem cab w Yore.gv 4 ova, 'triplet. Gi . Le. &lord. . . ell (10hild HOE Street, _Xinwtinv Iletenttindeston Idegehents, and Agents Tor warmer had tneneette Henteare. sogg-tf GENTS° PIYANDMING GOODS. GeNTLEMEIYStURNISIIING GOODS. xofiriipecting, a aprb adstrtmestpf ssrAlliss for Valson,vi: : Bus KA EICAKF:KIESL_SO.AsFe., 1: COLLAR& FLANNEL , . F tR 'VHS vv.LLINui S litr, &e., mansonod in London 611A 4T P/zlt N r whiett speca a ttention ill ISlNtedin4 0414 d ireet. ow , •A kW (6 . rs belinr ths " Comb:mist?, VAt ( T 1 0 N—ORIENTAL DETERSIVE FAr—recoursged bi the grit and tnitod.imo Ttm , ortoole, several aaratotiolad makers Baia *as 111110 SW appearance onii. &name feel it oar duty to notify tbe tonne that tont, leonine., ex '17.1,2%17 uk," ll 'VA'r MR& mcptorfs , IR" PERMIUM AWILEDED, O t te 4 ;rf t rzuvltip ret& jov eistg '' Yore St .4Aug wet lob, 's I 7 name AIRITISEICD-4 csatltidistadt We. WEntlflll4. Inicerant.' 4444 47 OM it mon' rumilL9ll4 liiiiEOTll:7 E ; PERSIAN PPIER dICARM FEVER AND AGUE EXTERMINATED, Tali WOMAN CONSTITUTION SAVED PROM VIE PREVENTIVE AND REMEDY. INTBRIAITTSNT AND BILIOUS DENTAL NATURE'S °RAPID RESTORATrVB. INPSOTINE. INPEOTINE. NPEOTINE. INPSOTINIL The temble malady known to the FEVER AND ACME hteenntneit bundled* of Demur& of Woman thrountont theWerld every year, and has never till now been met by nuoimairol medical treatment that hea not prodneed severe which offset the hinge, the spleen, the liver. the heart, or other Parts or the :bunion isreanorm. The INFEc- E is the natural antagonist of all fevers, and when it comes in contact with the skin, le absorbou' by the interior organs, which resist easily raise= and all ton duels. toward those maladies which prostrate the mind and body with fever, Fever end Ague result from numerous causes. No ohms lissome from the causes which promote the es ietweae of .the disease. lbatheing once seated in the system, iodation depreition of spirits, lassitude, lan guor, pains, chills, fever, and a long train of disagree elm sensations, depriving the patient of all energy, ar reducing him or her to a condition of Way will aty one auger the horrors of a debilitating Intermittent Paver. when, by the us of the ' the eminent teethe& and ro Wu' Cali du of Which are tnstantly absorbed, ♦LL 7RAORS OF DISEASE MAY BE AMAI. EELS-01M13 Id DUTY" TRAM PHYBIO. ruaulis3 if walla TUN ART, I4VERYWIBI &ABB BAS DIVINE REMEDY, THE WlBl 5 A.PPLY MULE THER roman WITTED. Vlitli'VEAT THAN wourit TO :WM& THE INPEOTINE. Ilea oared thomeadsof both eueeet the most dread lel Wren. Readied rated. IVII 1 ) 10) 310 alsjWs Leine!' Ming. of Pittsburg. for two years ;iasiosri to hintssit and lasistr—st martyr to Chills sad Fever— onrsd ia 1148 thaa three wasks, and imyrouad hours. Mary. K. Felknen, Banduekg. Ohio, after alma leenng her reason.es well ea strength, by Intermltten Paver, n% °Me, restored to health in twenty how, J. I. Tilton, of Belgrade, /doing, brought from!, death's. door, haoinn suffered for four years, 'made well in Ars weeks, and improved in two honor. Adolphe Monbro, of fiance. Witted in one bona whit* traektiling 1 tha ,01111 of the Fort !Wu, and Chicago Railroad. H* was apparently dying with China Zion B. Benson, Lookwe, New York, vwousd showiwvon rune mdamhup A pmfeot ORAN Thousands of other cased prevented and mired every month, and not a abode oomglehtt of the etflotenoy of the INPECTINE osnzory 7iPORK, WRY ii. PIOVE IT. KNOW IT. Anil wake knot's' He wonderful towers sad Virtues, that those who sneer, or who are threatened with sofferinioatty be led to wee eunebi,utnonloue ore nemtton, famished hr the Iteld of Nature for MAN'S BLESSING. ID BOLD BY ALL DALIOOMO ADD MEDIOIDIS pRICE ONE DOLLAR. gent by well to us out of the United etetee. It lo not token tirrordly, bat la avolied ontwardly. 4400141 u to dittotiom whioh sooosoiant *soh Nick- No. JOHN WILCOX & CO., RICHMOND, •VIRGINIA. Na 0 wit OF 0010p/ROE BUTLDINet YORK CIITY. 111/141/1111 OWE 41 11 411f1TREWAIWOr,! . A41;4 ' EtW PAY' A cra I " VAR 10 Imo WZSOK. DORMS INDURBD IN A DAY, LNPEOTINE, INPECTINB. NEDIOINALL DISEMIES. BITRBBIE BBLPLBSSNIML INVALUABLE IN? rim, PERMIAN FEVER CHARM. LATED IN A FEW EOURISID DREAM. DEILAVI ARE DAZWEKOVE. PERSIAN FEVER. MARE, DIRIIIIAN 18VER WHARM INPEOTINE DELL - ENS IN AMBRIOA. MANUFACTURE& BY 1118 NatiX STREET. BRANCH OFFICE, - / 4 /*Yrr PVOLlCA'morts. **A A GOOD BOOK. ‘ I tYV BEADY TO-DAT BUCKLAND'S CURIOSITIES Op,I4:TATIIRAL HISTORY. erorit , ' • One largeolloioirot..vitti f ontisinfece. Price el 26 (,14nfoirn s . v4tl,:k the, Opt Barlea.) Tine volume (printed from tlig iplthor's advanee sheets) will - 1m found alracyand. as 'maritally° as the first series of the same work published a year avo. •• it is written in a clear end straightforward stria, which will be grateful to the venom' tender from Da unsoientifio oharsoter. Its rablo of contents is of the moat attractive king, and if any one wi lies to know more about Natural thin entertatniag A new edition of CESAR Et ROTTEA.It. Novel, anslated from tin) 'Preach. One v01..12m0. Cloth bound, Price .Si. The New York' Lender gays t " As a novelty—as well as a novel—Cesar Biriitean will be eagerly enjoyed by nil res,lloq Of weep.; of hotter', developing as it d o e.. life u tt er the Jte..n «oelpal of a master pro fessor:. Either of thole bane RIM t bp_ mal ) . vostate free. 000 , Blink/ & OAVTN Pulthahere awtf l3O °RAND aseet. Rpm yoßk NOW .RE IVY ! ONLY PULL AND ACOTTEVE EDITION ! BMW , VS GNOMON r THU EW T PNtENT, Timely , nu.l , ted from the ORIGINAL La +MI Otf siRLTION T.'a ! LEWIS, 41. m. F. VIN r.riT, Proreasore.,ln rrov University. VOL T. of the above work Iv blob wit be onMplete in te r , voipmeey 1. 'lnd. 'ready or delivery Syn. olotb. Retail print, 82 00—for which it will be seat by Mail or haves., pr , paid to any addreas. liberal dumounito.A , , g • men and whnlectle par etagere. PrataklNP, & 11.180' N Nord* POD 14 St oat. holaoolohlg,. For bale by Snot:senora generally. eon r 0 13,1, tr. N'h.W MEDICAL, Awl) SCUINTIFIO 1300.13, RECENTLY PLIBLISRED by LINDSAY & SLAK S. ON, Publighettr. nona.ellera, abovepttem, 25 tomb &X PH Street. Chestnut. ALTIIADS' MEDICAL' ''. ELECTRICITY. Theo• retinal and Preemie!. une volume. Price 81 25. DIXON'S GUIDE to the Practical Ptudy of Maims of the Eye, Cue volume: Price 81.1 e THE PHYSIC! . N'S YI6ITLEG LIST FOR 1881— various styles and prt.o9ll. BANRING'fI 'HALF YEARLY ABSTRACT OF ThE MEDICAL. SOLENCE V S. No 31. WETHE RILL ON TOP. 111°NIIPACTORI OP VINE° ,R One volume. Vi rice WV. TAR FIVE 4 ENSES t on, GATR'x*AYB4O KNOW. LEDO u. 113m0., cloth. Price 60 cants. A COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF MEDICAL, DENTAL, Al.iu SOIBNTIFIS ROOKS. nab !shed and for sale by dim. furnished emus upon applica— tion. oeB JULY IST. 11:560, NEW FIRMS AND ODANOES. MERCHANTS IN WANT OF BLANK BOORS can be supplied front s very superior assortment made from Linen stook, or made to order. WARRANTED AT LOW PRIORI!. WM. P. MURPHY A . SON'S NEW STORE. Stationer', Lithographers, and Letter-Frets Printers MON OP TES LEVIER. No. 339 OR aSTNUT Street. leg ew-tr N-7. DIoHENRY'S 8008 ROOAI3. 406 WALNUT STr,EET. PAILADELPHIA. STANDARD t , UIiRCRIPTION WOR KN. {lieu 1.• RIEDICINAL. inOTHERE. - MOTHEM MOTHERS. MOTHeRS. MartihßB. It must be obvious not on y to you. but to every atten tive and intelligent pereon, that the first dieeases ofin fanta arise chiefly from a disordered condition of their bowels, no din this oo , nection we present to your notice for the alleviation and cure of these diseases a remedy known as DR. BATON'S INFANTILE, CORDIAL. Prepared from a formula need by Dr. 'Felon with re marimba success during severai rears practice, we know It to ben moat 'reliable and elltioacioua remedy for infantile coMplaints, and one trial alone will convince you of its silperionty over every other preparation of the hula. It is particularly recommended FOR CHILDREN TEETItINfI, tnd at thin Period of infantile life, when 'your atixioug heart', are pained by witu-sping the sullen:ifs of your little ones it will be fo rid invaluable in 8 teeing the 6ums, Redwing fittlawmation nd Re iCtMlf aft Pain, For DIRE •obe ATTE T snob as Diarrhea, Desenterg. Grrpi g in the p a p u le, Aridity of the Stomaeh,_.Wind. Colic-sad Cold in the Head we confidently otter this as 11 oertain relief and pure in every u..se when a iven in time. it will inverts dly regulate the stomach and bowels. a,d Its imeolintarm in tine reepeet can hardly no estimated. IN CONVULSI9Nq, from which more infanta are said SO die than from any ether dieense. the little eufferer is ielieveo instanter: scout fy, as if by manic; 45 id in thie dread complaint alone MI intrinsic is such that it has teen rnomn- Wended Nem one family to anotiier, until the became DR. RATON'S INFANTILI, tiO.RDIAL has " f as a houiehold word.' We now ask your at , ten.. 41 to a eattiqot of vital Interest to yourself. as well ae to a our suffering child. Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cor dial contains MORPIUNE OR OPIATE • - - Of any kind, or of whatever nature, glif" a fart whiels we arefung warranted in stating yannot be said of any other preparation for infantile distasef, at Chit time before the pubiie.NiXl We find that throughout—tile Country, Mothers are becoming convineed of this truth. and of the sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result !rain the nee of nareotics disguised in the form of gine ting.remedies ; their continued admin titration being invariably followed by stapefuotion, and constipation of the bowils, ending enflames in con vulsions. Hernia DR. EATONftt INFANTILE COR DIAL differs tram every other remedy.' It DOES NOT CONSTIPATE the hovels, neither does it act by deadening the semi. bllittes of your Widen. but nature I.y through, its rare robiboinal_g_uabues, by removing ell p ain and cause of aisease. we earnestly recommend lOU. therefore, to loss no time in procuring a bottle. that you may have at hand a remedy winch will never fail to relieve your child balm!" of need. It is perfectly hartn/e s, and can• not injure tee tunic delicate talent. Take none but DR. BATON'S INFANTII E COA- L/lAA, This you can rely upon. Poole 25 cents per bottle. - Prepared only by CHURCH INIFONT, Pro. 400 BROADWAY. New Yost. And sold by them. and by all teepetable Dynyaleas and bY - [ar & CO aul-rawf-sow 032 North EIRCOND at.. Philadelphia THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT DAS STOOD TILE TEST OP YEARS, AND GROvia MORE AND YORK PODrLAR !MERV DAY. And testimonia e, niter. and almost without bomber. might be given from lad,l'ea and gentlemen in all grades of soniety. 501. 14 , Waited t es , imooy none CO Id millet. that Prof. Wood's Hair flestoratiye will restore the bald, andsray, Dt i preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in IN tl youthful beauty I BATTLE OBINE. Miy h., Di o 21,18 M. PROP, WOop: Thee willt please reset a line to in form thee that the hair on my head all 101 l off over Mont , years ago, caused by a complicated °lemma dig-' ease attended with an eruption on the head. A con. Meal course of suffering through having reduced' me to estate of dependence I havenat been able. to obtain stuff for cape, neither have I Men able to do them up. in consequence of which mr head has slanted • extremely from cold. This induced ine to pay Briggs It Ho: gee &Intim the last cent I had on mein for a two dollar bottle of thy hair Restorative about the let of August last. I have faithfully followed the directions, and the bald erotic now covered with hair tniok and black, though short; it to also romilig in It over my bead Feeling confident that ano her larg e bottle would restore It entirely and yermanetitl). I feel mucus to Persevere in its use. and , tog destitute of m e an s to purchase any n ore, f Non d asp thee if thee wonklat not be wither to Bello me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and retain,t; tot 'self the Scripture oeolaration • The rower., is to those that are kind to the widow and the fenerlees." Thy friend, SUSANNA/1 RIR BF. • Lloolgliga. Noble c 0.,. Indiana Feb 5, lia - FSO'Y 0. J Weep; Dear 131/ i 1:1 tue latter part of the , year 1867. while attending the State and !seminal Law ohm,' of the State of New York. my litr, from a eauee unknown to me. commenced failing o 2 very raeioly, so that in the short span of ela months, the whole upper part of me eonlp was almost entirely bereft of ite never g. and much of toe remaining portion upon the side' and busk part of my head snortly see, ii,gging gray; eo that you will not lei surprised w hen I tell yon that.,upon my return to the State of Intim& my more ouual ao guaintanoet were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my avvealanoe, aa ma more ' ornate gequain.anees were to recognise me at ail. Monne made application to the most skilful phut- Mans in the oountry, but. receiving no assurance from , them that my hair ould again be teetered I was (breed to become reaoneiled to my fate, untilLfortunately In the latter part of the year 1667, your nestorative was regoinniuded to me by a druggist as being the most reliabe Bair Restorative in use. I tried one b .ttle. and tonne to my great satisfsation that it was producing the desired snot einem that time. I have used seven dol. litre wOrth of your Restorative, and as a result. have rink coat of very soft black hatr,whioh no money can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for your labor end NMI/ in, the prodoation of so wouderul Dna-hole, I have recom mended its use to many or my Iriende aid eceuttintan-: gee, who, I am heresy to inform you, are using !tenth' like effect. Very reepeotfully, yours, A. M. LATTA. Attorney and Coensellor at Law. . Depot, 4144 Broadway, and sole by all dealers through-: ontt. tee world. I'M) Restorative is put up in Bottles of three sites. ilas large medium. end s all; the email holds bait a ia. and motile for one dollar per bottle 1 the medium olos at least twenty per out. more in proportion tban; the small, retails for two dollars a bottle; the lame holds a quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, and re tails ls 443 ottle. S or Oa.. CO. Prontietors, 444 BRO &DWAIN' New "1. sold and 114 R Kea Street, ht. Louie, Mo. And aold by all good I)ruggiste and Panay Goodie Dgal erg. Sold here by DYOTT do 00,, 232 North SECOND street. euts-niwtc-eowWtf l aza. ORCHARD AOID SPRINGS. O These Syringe are situated in the valley of the Oafs Or hard Creek, n the town of Alabama, Geneses co., N. F . ei ght miles eolith of the village et' Medina, on the Brie Canal, and fourteen miles from Batavia. ST The principal held Springs are three In number besides these there pre six others. They are all loomed within aiircuit of sheet ART rods. medicinal qualities o fthe waters are fully shown in the subjoined testimonials. They contain a very large amountof Suf phur,Sulphuric Acid, SNlPantil of Lime, sad Prato-, Surphate of Iron. The great medicinal virtues possess-, ed by these waters depend very largely upon the pre sence Mauch unusual quantities, of these curative sit_biancee Mntidreds of Cake, of disease, especially those rank ing from these/01131one diathesis, have been cured by their tine. IT In skin diseases---even in confirmed Nprosy—the waters have been signally epooeseful. Opinions of medical and Galant:tack gentlemen are snlen In the circulars. The following eminent gentlemen speak in slreag terms of the medicinal value of thine waters; Prof Emmotti, T. Hoteogn Beok, M. D., of Albany _4as. MoNaughton 1).„ of Albany ; Bdward Spring'M.ll., of New Yor k' Dr. R. Campbell, gcr ass. •, Dr.. 7. 8. Bhuler, or Lockport, N. \t They reoommend the waters confidently. Dr. SPrin i refers to agog, of chronic diarrhera of rrytral years? muting, which was cared by the use of the water Dr. ok gays. "I am satisfied that these wistere are Mit& valuable tie Mirth& agentS. Campbell says, ' 'they must be hip ly beneficial for all throttle dietitian; of the stomach In bowels, P. White read a paper on the mildeot of these Waters,_betore the Apailemy of Phygiciang. in the city of New york, in which he states that the Waters pos. sass deindedly tome, ref rigerant. and astringent propel , ties; and that the elms of diseases to which they are more perhoularle adapted are obronio affeetions of the digs:ties end %Milani organs, and coins of tee cutane ous diseases; Atonic dyspepsia; chronic diarrhaa ; throsicdysestery ; chronic diuresis; chronic amass dyntetes :MUMs of plumy hemorrhage, each as Pe rpm. ra hemorranglea, and the oolliquative sweats of Beetle Fever. The Water may also be often used with ad vantage. he says. in cases of law typhoid fevers Colivaisicencefrom protracted/gears, to excite the ;Petite and prOMMe digestion ti..cliarrhoute•partioulan7 ouch as areolaperdeilt on a relaxed or ulcerated state of the mucous membrane of the intestines. In eslou lonslnutiona. or hihiasis, attended with phosphatic sediments, it is the suitable remedy, being preferable to muriatio mild as being more solvent andess apt by continued nee to disorder the stomach, in febrile dis eases. it tan be used properly diluted. as a r efrigerant to diminish thirst and preternatural boat nskin dis eneee—ln thole forms of dyspepsia connected with an alkaline condition of the stomach, as in Porous, or wa ger-bra/M.lm will prove better than hydroohlerlo acid. in inserter Goitreyisionum. and other miurious con sequences arising train the action of lead, this water will prove to be an admirable antidote. In chronic plarrigstis. laryngitis, chronic mucous catarrh. and I,umtd asthma, chronic .ovhthalmia (externally/ sea gargle in ulcerated sore throats, in easels of sali vation, and in illtiCol74Bl3 and glut ; and also in PIUS. When taken tolerantly, a Wine.glessfulpt the Water,diluted, taken three times a day, is sufficient for an adult. Other en testimonials from phyiuelans, and _other rd',the snectable t. may- be seen on moillostion Ag ifl_eajtmenepited on liberal term. No Wager MIMS uniessprocured from R. W. BOSTWICK. --- No. 074 11 taDVV " A% ' - • Nest Yore. ' For Hale at the following Agencies: FREI);Rw BROVirti"B Drim t and - Chemical More. Northe It Menet of FIFTH. and ..01fRtiTiellT Streets, Also for sale at PRRDER/01( BROWN, ht.'s, Drug. Store continental . corner of T igen.(Dlgtfig UT Street's, Philadelphia. • %le lade 0,0 ng ~ . - INSURANCE COMPANIES. I TUG - AWARE MUTUAL :SAYADTV 4i • , niJR ANCEICONTP ANY. INCORPORATKIIor FR F; Z.EO/SLATIME OF P.O NN.SYLY 4Avd, jaatt OFF/CE S. E.•-t..o' itralltt , l3llltl)- AND WALNUT litreetliyitkladelp ila. _AI 4.8 j, E IsBURANOE os-ctry,serdz ._ • ... , csis?o it , ' To all Parts or the World. ,• •. •• , -• ~ •• NL no mettias f On 0604, by Riser, OaflaleiLakee. and Land Oarrlage • ll 1,6 iLI 1 parte or the Union - FIR R INC 11.11.ANCES ' on ararebandise generally.' On Mores Owentrie Houses, ho. itStir,TB OF-THE; C•taI,PANY,, November 1, Ina. • Par. Market Value. 8123 P6O Philadelphia City 0 4fr pent. L0an..8123 060 03 wimp Pennsylvania State 6_airr sent. Loan. 93.655 01 $ll 00 Pennell:Milk Slate lir oent. Loan.- , 21.000 00 troppe U. B..Treseury eit •IP . sent. Notes and interest sue de cent , , 16,103 61 600,000 U. 61, Tretteary 6de cent. Itotat• sill{ • ' intermit due. .. .. /M . - 0 ,, . 30,616 00 AO Temporary Lolb fo the City f ili „ cia - • delehm... • . 25,000 00 560.000 Pennsylyania Triliiii - ad .. 3ii .. l,lOrfeisici • r 6 Wendt. G00de... . • . 4.3500 00 803,0 1 0 North Pennsylvania ilroad 111,3;.i. gore 6 W cent. Ronda . , itgpo pp 811000 Wait Philadelp 7 V' othia Pae . cou gse npon eiiiij CINTIPMITBoIds. 12,600 00 816,000, 300 shares stoat Germantown Gas Company, interest a d prine,pal guarantiedby the city of Pinta delphia ,„ • •••• -. 16.000 00 55,000 100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Com gmy ..., .... .... .... .. ..... - ..._ 31176 00 85.000,100 . 6haree North PermsylVania Railroad 83,860 • 83.060 shar C P m h p l any l . p . hia Lie Bna , a n , dt66- 360 OA Tue Company, Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navinato.n COM- Pony, Ocean ataam Navigation Company, Philiwelphia and Havre de grace Steam Tow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exchange COMpany------ •_....- 2.210 00 Bo 8 0 Bonds and Mortgages, and Real Estote, Or -8408,7/5 51 floe' Badding .. • • ...- .. .. . . 16,363 86 Rills rreowablo for lusutan'oos made. 181,695 69 Balance due at Agencies—Premiums rn Ma rine Pohoise. trhelrert. and other debts due the Company......• lan •• . . 65,548 59 Sonp and stoc k o f sundrilhuoe Cask on Velkolitt in 67.060 SI DIRECTORS. Pamuol B. Stokes, J. F Penhdon, ,Pta Y ri Mon, a Jones Brooks, Keeneer hrllvaine, Thmas C. Hand, Ea o red Burton, Jacob r, JOllOl, James B. M.Parland, Joshua P. Byre, John BPomp)°, Pittslig, D. T. Morgan, • " A. B. Berger 51 MARTIN. iiresident, . HAND, Woe resident. untarv. -wtm William Martin, , Edmund A Bonder, Theophilua ?au'ding, John R. Penman, Jahn 0. Davin, 'amen Thy:Whir, t)l3, Jr., James C. Hand. William O. Luinrig. Y " . 7 i. 6 r . 11 h i . Bunion, Ueorna C Ungar, Pugh Cram, Marlon Kelly, WTht.l ,RENRY LYLeTTAIN,Be: IN SURANO id 00 PANy or THE STATE oF pI , NNSVIN•NTA—PIRE AND MA RINE INBURANOE—Nos.4 AND a EXcHANDE 13BILDINDB. Chartered ,^ Hat—Capital e2o9,ooo—Feb. 1, 1810, oaeh value BM 7927!. All inyeeted in :round and available aeourities--oon• time to , mare on Vessels and Canoes, Buildings, Stooks of Merohandine, &o . on bberal term, DiRSTOttS. Henry 11 Sherrerd, Georan H. Stuart, Mmeon Toby,. Kamttei ttrant, Jr., CoarleaMaaeleater, Tobias Wagner, ' , swim S. Nnlithl vhomb.4 B wanton. Than B. Budd_. Henry G. Freeman, William R. White. Charles 8 Lewis, Geoe C Canon. HARPER D. SHEItitEHD, President. WILLIAM , SoorettrY. jr9-Vr Ira LIFE INSIAA NOI PANY.—THE PENN an WE COMPANY. 921 c 8637,691 62. Mau LIVES for thi annuities and endowments eal _Estate. and imakes all oontingeumes of Life. They aot as Executors, Truateet, and Guardians. Parnell,. Miller,TßAM' Benjamin Crtlittee. RIONI.Td Newbold. "Waif ain P Hacker , William U. Kern. Samuel C Mier, Charles Hallowell, Henry C. Townsend, Rodolohue Kent, W Miami H. can . . p. V. Union, William Robertson. Warner M. Ram. r. N. Mlehl ,DANIEL BAM. . hurt W. Hourion. Beare' AND TRUST COM MUTUAL LAVE INBII - UT street. Aligeta, 10 wholn torn of Aro — grants E—purohnses life interests in contraots depending on the Adminietratora, Meigneos, :TEES. - Samuel E. etokee, Witham Memo, James B. McFarland, Joseph H. Trotter, JamAs tuston. lheophilus Paulding, Edmund A. IL under, Voniel L. Hutchinson, John W. Ho nor, Fllie 8. A roh m er, l&mord J. Ohnstion, osepn hi Thomas, ohn G. Brenner. or, toston. L. MILLER, President. • STUK•nii. VJOB Pre. t. A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., I - IL iNCORPQRATBD I.BID—CRARTER PERPRT. No No. RD WALNUT Street at aye Third. Philadelphia. Raving a large paithup .arntal Stook and Snrpine In vetted in soundfind avai ahle Seopritiwoontinne to Permla o rn i t .o. we t il erd elre n. e irforp ut eltd a btag ° l l = 2 3l Property. ail losses their many and promptly adhreted. allgcrons. Thos. IL Marla. John Tamwle. lohn Welsh Jamul it. gitunphed. ntel andoS. Ndmand.' O. DMA, •dok . Chap. w. Ponitney. yet i Morrie. . ll SIAS R. MARIS, President. ALBERT II j., CRAWFORD. Secretary. felt-t 4 nUAKER CITY INSURANOE COMPA. •cia, NY—ERANX_LIN RUILDIN9B,_ ta9 WtLNIJT 't•REET,_itaILii.vELPRIA. CArrreu, 4. Mu SUR bUrifinae,ne.7o.—lnsnres nor= Lesko? vamare 14 T v: A EA j 3 1 .141 Pante of the 13ed, Inland navigation arid r GRWR_Q. H. HART, President. . '. KOZO, ALLVi elndrat. H. At . i unw .. l3, l 4 at y s .g . , e veas . lia, DIRYIO.II3, i t elLeg a lf t liete, . P. itOtiffl, . MOT S. realms Wltaireb IlliriL:rlrigfer. Andrew R. Chanty's. umnal Jones, rd. .. reee-tr ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPA, NY.—Autharised Qapital SteOAOOO—CILARTER PERPE TU AL. °Mos No. all WALNUT Street. between Third and Fourth Street, Phdadelphia. This company wilt Insure against toss or damage by File on Building's, rowans°, and Merohandiee gene :Wl:s;l4lßa, =ingragee on Vessel , garattlis. and Vdatlpte arta - o r the Union. ".1.1 Zr" t . Autignnod, arts rearann, OW tilegey, VZ :lo t !T a t l in .:e n h , e rt . wm.Y. Dean, ' J. E. Baum. JACOB ESFlER,Yresident. WM. F. DEAN, wipe Ftwodent, W. M. NM Prit. Beorew. • ito-tuchsti _ _ • THE .k...NTIEI2i,PI-CISE ThigURANCE COMPANY OF PIIII4ADEPHLL (FIRE INSURANCE EMOLUSIVELY.) COM,AIMS %BUILDING , . S. V, C_OGNEI rOgARTH AND WALNITT ifiTHISZTS. • DIRECTORS. ii_4 l ) f.iLmairstan Sulu. AloanAtras h. DAMON, WILLIAM MORMit 920.21. 8111,1111 Ta MAIMM FRAUD., Joan H. Blown, JOHN M. ~I. W OOD, M. A. FAMPIISTOCIL, BRlLT.7 4;vß iz i voi, AirfaiW D. Casa, HINI ' ' elm Jib dttlir, ° Meidre. CHARLES W. CO Q. (notary. * 011. 9AyING J!IJNDs. " A little, but often, title the. Fame:" PRANIELEN SAVING MINA No. l 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chest nut and Walnut . Philadelphia, pays all Deposita on demsad. Dail:Witch,' money secured by Government, State, and City Wang, Ground Rents, Mort o• phis Company deems safety better than large Pofits, oonaequently will run no risk with defpu rotors' money, bat have it at all times ready to return, with a per cent. interest, to the owner,.. ' they have always; done. This Company darer guiwended. ' Femals, married or tingle, and Minors, can deposit in their own right, and 'mob der:wits can t,,0 withdrawn ONLY by their eminent. Charter porpetrush Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania with authority to receive money from tnuffees and exeoutors. LARGE ANTI SMALL BS REOSIVED. °Moe pee r daily, from 9 tot b'elook, and on wodsaaday evening antp a o'clook. DIAZOTOIta. ir .l ll 3 : l l : Zto . .non. ell VT. Biz, rd;rarti r . — ratt. ricIVIAA rtrikftta, c.,,..aattartnwaite ones yerkee, ditPAßAtill; pmedna. uaalao4nanatn n. ansn,Trearara ap2a-r " A Dollar caved ii twice earned." SaAVING FUND-FIVE PER GENT. IN P.-7TERat.-NATIONAL,' SAFETY TRUST CQM PANT, NUT Street, sonthweet corner ot /MIND Philadelphia. incorporated by the 'State or Pannspi TIMM Money is received in any mm, Mrge ore ms% and in terest paid f rom the dal of deposit to tho der of wit h• 400111.1. • The °Moo is open every day from . nine o'clock in the morning till five o'clock the evening, and on Monde, nu lßl T YPltriarALPreeidpEt. 'v ,Vicc Pres...DS Wrizzasi Run, deoretsm sernmcsons: i r igitrY L. Behher. Z. moll Brewster. dwa , garter. mesh B. Barr Robert Selfridge, Inarnnel K. Ashton rituals Lee, Joseph Yerkee, Q. Landreth Munn's, ernes L arephenara. ItiOney in received endpaymente meole daily. The investments are made. in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Estate f.lortgases Oround Rents, and inch first-clans secs Gee al will al. ways insure perfect security to the desoeltore, anc tote Ifla.loh 08.11110 t to give permanency and stability tc fraxtitutioa. aul-ly RAVING- FUND-UNITED STATEt TRUST COMPANY, earner THIRD and CUEST NUT Street. itarie siid.small withetTe VoibeOk or mud without notioo Fly rEit CENT. IN It REST from the day of depotit to the der of witl grawat. Moo nonte,from 9 nntil o'olook every day, and et MONDAY' EVENINGS from 7 tuna o'olnok. DRAFTS for isle on England Ireland, d front glupwards. Preaident—STEPHlllV R. MAYMORD. Dretentrer—JAMßS HUNWER. .LINV Firm. Anhui'''. LEGAL. IN TL ORPHANS' t OUt.T FOR THE ct VY AND COUNTY OF PRIIJAPRLPR'A. Estate of hi ICH& L Mee/trill-IY. &melted. The Auditor appointed bir the Court to audit. settle. and adjust the nocount of MARY C. ItlaC •Rttt Y. athoin.siratrix of the estate of said deord , iut, and to make distrib coo t t h e balance in the liac forf the ac countant. witpart es interested the pur pose of h.t appointment. on TIuUpItUAY, Voter 76th. at it A in., at hi. onto. No. lOC North BATH Strset, in the aft/ of Philadelphia. ocs finwet IJ.iNV i D. VAIL. Auditor. VSTATE OF .A.BRA.HAM. MITCHELL -114!I Deoeued. . . Where Letters of Administration of the estate of ABRAHAM DUTCH ELL, deoe,s d have been granted by the Resister of Wills for the City and county or Philedelph a, to the undetenined, ad persons BaPlus claims agatoet the said estate did requested to male known the same to. and all persons indebted to the said estate to make edo m oa t to& N tie 1. Administrator, ho. 206 E F n RU ° P , W in „ d ,OMw etattorney, No.26o M ß a o o h Pl yk n Sjneet, NOTICE. -All persons indebted to the estate of WIS. JOHNS, late of Woodbury. flew Safety, on bond, book amount, ()M aount, note, or otherwise. am yeanested to make immediate payment. and tboqo name, demands to preeent them for settlement, to akal nn PR it. MCI. ifamoutor, N. E. oernor FOURTH and a ROIL Pluladelphla, Sept. n. 2680. sad 'tent* NOTICES. PARMKRS' AND DINTLTANTO,S , BANK, 141 , LAIMPAIA. October 8, 18 1 10. The An •nal bleotion for Directore will be hold at the Banking Howie, on MONDAY the niheteenth day of November neat. between the hams of 9 o'clock A. M. end 8 o'oleok Y. M., and on T (thane Y. the aix.rh day of November it •xt. general mewing of the §tookho dere will be held at the Banking Houle, at 4 o elolt Y. M., agreeably to the chatter. 008 dtaol9 W. RUSHTON, Jo,, Cashier. NOTIOE.— /in Instalment (being the Thtrd/of Five Dollars _per Share on the Capital Stook of the G•littlAN tOW N FA4BErt GE tt RAGI,- WAY t 0. is exiled, payable on or before NuVailllElt 6th nent.• oc6-fin W Vii, BINGERLY, Eno. and Treat. NOTIOE.-A Singing School will be open -11 IN. next TIIIIROAY EVEN/No, in Church Foutth Aug Piao. AU who wifih to Join 6113 WA* EDUCATIONAL. VIRIVATE TIIITTON.—z-ASeeent Grad*. • nto of Darvard ("allege. Massachusetts, now pus suins hie oroless . oritil studies, o r to talcs ono or two PnPne to oregano for Cwitoso, or co trzstroor Szbrinh Studios— iteferaneel :James Walker, D D.. and CO.. Foltott, L th p ... o mabridite, Maas.; Wm. Fulness, D.D., and Charles Short - Foe Pluladoloh . Address F hex 608 Yost.thiliss. F 4 MI' Y 1 MROIIII3 SOFIOOL FOR venwolifltd Ahrl) ring, at RantOWlar Mont - Ornery county. Pam stilvanitt. The Twentieth snit-anftual tessicirt,of thin gehapt niii3Oeh On WFDITEBD a Notisinber 7. 'AN chit ute aavantan. e offered may lie named; Reasonshio forme ; a healthy and attract ve ad - nation t on extensive and ate oust course of study; liberal, revision for the rereonal comfort of pupils; parental diseiplind, end strict eurie•vtaion of morals and ntannerst an experi enced t -abhor for eVery ten plinth% ; acmes Emir tinted& day be Reading Railread. Reforenons : Me sit, Elotorann At. Dunn; James L. Chighorn ; James E. Caldwell; John W. Claehor n ; V. ; Joanna ft. Evans; A. F. Glass; • homes birch; William Pr. Kern; Hon, 'Owen J onestlion Jas. Cooper t Hon. S y. yw.• For Circulars, conimying 1011 potioulms, eddrsea Rev. Ai. MWS E. A. M. oa3-.9t YOUNG IikDIES , BOARDING AND DAY RCHOOL.— Rev. JAMES I. lIELWB Anarding and Da , / School for Town LeAieet,l6<s VIAL 14 u'rlBtreet.itrill be roaeonell Sopte mho r 12th. all-atni.am THOMAS 13ALDWIN , S ENOrIgH. i.v.KATIcAu. and CLASISICAL 6014001., for Boys, N. E. corner of BROAD and ARCM, atilt re-open Reptembor 9. 001-12t* MEBDAMRS OHEGAttAY AND blip,- vadAr respentfully inform their friends and thepublic, that they hava removed their Boarding and Bar School for Yount Ladies from Logan Square to Nos. 1 0 2 7 and um SPAM.% Street. Pup, le from five years of age upward prepared 14 the foutth nlaea. Yy2.6-6m paPELAND IN ,, TITTITV-A BOARD INO tfOROOL, FOR YOUNG MT:N.—This imti tution is Viewed in n delocht ut. healtht, and retired pert of the Country. twenty four miles northwest o' Phi adelohia. two hone ' ride from t.t.e city accessible by Norris own r Woad ono s Kees, twice a del. Near sees , on opene October Zd. For circulate. address H. A. 1 4 11NOICKER, Prinoipal, se27-rode Feritinmen Bridge Montgomery 00. Pa e 501.655 57 tIY ANT, fA I RATToN, & FAIRBANKS , MERr•ANTILE COLLEGE. S. R. corner SE VENTH and °GESTE:UT etre ets —Dap and Evening Sessions. individual anqtruction in 1304:Mopping- in cludtbe G.neral Wholee‘le and Retail Pastnees, &bio me, Forwardin , and C gmmieston , Eanktne, a change, Manlifitoturing. Naimindine, eteamboatinc, &0.. the ma, t thorough and practical course In the Vatted States Also Lecture., Commercial Creech- Hons. Arithmetic. and the Maher Mathematics. + - en- Mangy p (beat in the arty Correspondence. For sale, their new Treatise on blookkeePt'll• beanti• fully printed in colors. and the best were published. ees4r tf 111i' MISS S OASEV & MRS. BERBEI English and French B arding.linn DA7 Pohoolt for 1, Young m:ilea N. 1 03 WALNUT ' &rest, mil be teop62lml 0n ViiEDNEi•DAV, SAptember 12. sell Im CLASSIA'AL ENSTITTTTE. DEAN STREET. bolo* 'LOCUST. The duties of the Classical Ina. lista will be resumed Monday. September 3. J. W. FMREg, A M., ....a1427 dam Principal. PIINN INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST .00S. .I . fgß TCTIRTBENTH rod FILORRT Streets. re opns MON PAY, September ed. Four more Pupils Will he admitted., Catalogues sent te any_ addles. R. WART. Principal. rR WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD- L. • • NG ard DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LAJ/09. No. 172.7 VIN argent, near Logan Square. ILD -OPEN W V oNESDAYinentornber nth. Oiradlars lirnighed on application anda-tf MISS LUOY R. MAYER and Mrs. R. M. BIRD will , eoeen their school for young In dice, nt No, 1010 OPRIJCB street, on MONDAY. Sep t ember 17. ang.l4.-7in IFIUSINERS CARDS. NEW ORLEANS (LA.) PIOAIIINE.- JOY. OC3E. & Ca. Have been apPointed solo agents' In Philadelphia for thin extensively oi mai:ding paper. of pomman - mg In fluence, fieriness men are advertising in the best news• papers of city and oountry, at toe offices of JoY, COp" & (0., AOuortissig nsonts. FIFTH and flilfeSTrt Streets. rhiladelolita ; Tribune. Buildings, New York. se26. of -UORA(1; SEE, MECHANICAL ENGINEER, and PA VENT ATTORNEY. No 114 South SIXTH Street, (Nearly opposite tae County Court Beluse..) Prepares Specifications, Drawings. &c., and criminate another business conneoted with the obtaining et Let tere Pattlo.t niennhinery Designed and Drawings made. suie-Etn* pot R. (JORSUN, REAL ESTATE BIW- A-IL* KER AND CoNVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN, P nra i ni gtOßEß, MILLS; and HOTELH FOR SALE in Montt otnergadok ,s Chester, and Dela Ware Qom:Mee, Vatilug from Id to SOO sores, ffi good localities. Perlionn implying will bo shown properties free of charge. Bonds and Mortgages negotiated at fair rates. HAND SOME RES' PENCES for sale in Norristown, Potts town. and intermediate slimes. For Catalogues_ and fad deeoristion, address R. R. CORSON. .1121-6nl Norristown. Pa. y NIOUOLSON, e TT Manufacturer of LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND COLLARe. A large and choice angortrtterv, and WELL MADE, always on nand. unto whieh nartloularly 'Liman the attention of CA.413 and prompt-velum StIORT-TIMil nt tl sinhta. era:COr d rier of SECOND end ARCH Stree auts7 . PhDs -3to* PIJCIUF.T riagnerms ON HAVANA CIUARS, o. 9. 6 South FRONT Street. Retomea .regularlr a fall 1111Bortment of desirable UI %RS wfuoh they offer at low rat', for aseff or ap proved oredit. pAwsoNl4llollol6Bol , l, ROOKINO, NOB. $l9 AND 441 MI BRII NOR a 7.112331?, 23otween M ALLADELY arktt and Chastain initiSuli PRIA. diatEri PAIn'ON. JAL 13. EtlaitatßOß. bat - I - WAGNER JERMON; lire ATTORNEY AND COUNSEUOR-A7-lulWe Offme, No. 116 South SIXTH Street. (Opposittludependenot Square.) renternhente, By_the eld of reliable Attorneys, at different volute in the Unitri , litauls, es ti en abled to prosecute and collect ofaejjmpp r et7ter f it'L l' to the exarainarion and ne eovF of the alarms o#4....eratees and Devieeea k and the axe nation of Land Ales and neuron the mterente of he ra and all persons interested in the sam e, In all Pails of the Union. ma the Btatmen of all the State, and is Oommistionto for_ moat of them. e v erriAtone outlet, taken tinder Oomunemou. J. BAYLIS THOMAS, • ATTORNHY-Alf-LAW, Han removed Mt °Moe from No. 997 Aroh SVeet to N•. 429 WALNUT Street .Partfonlar attention ityten to the recovery of 1 011 9 0 1 g 1708 , T h at; ro ata m m g, a lgal? cn t tZtgd74l; Imam:coot+ w notn6 The management 011k:cantor sahnirai e 'o tgt " ,V:gez xtu a g Torrg;r t i l l=ft yedm..t. of Monev. Fistiotnotord romreane river wilen ream resti an2fs-Am• - 1 1A.Iliii/NEWii • AND Iltt9N. PENN z•iTEANI ENGINE AND EOILER woßics.—NE FIE LEVY PR c' lO THEORETI IAL ENOINEEE MACITINIBTR, BOILER. fdtrEERl3. BLAOKEYOTES and EDON fltsßE. having, for Mani gears. been in eugatieful operation, and Veen exclusively engaged ir. building and repairing Marino and River Engines. MO and low pressure, Iron Boats. Water Tanta, Propellers. kc,, tro,rospeatfally offer their eertraies to the public, ee lull, prepared to contract for Engines of all t ingo marine, Elver. end Stationary having eels of pawns oh different lige/, are prepared to caesura or ders with quick deepatch. Every desoription of Patten making made at the Mortar notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and cylinder Botters,of the beet Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forginge of all aloe, and ; Iron and Erase Oaetings,of all descriptions Roll Turning. Sorew Cutting, and ail other worg nested with the above, butanes,. Draw . t i rge and fi speoliTtions for d all work done at thou al 'i t te l eurelgterr ample wharf Oh guara ntied. 20 rt • Pairs of boats , where they can lie in P.ef.mot eafe.r7, and are prattled with shears, blooke, mum. , tre., tic.. for raking heavy or light weight O e. VJAHNPGLEaIE, BEACH and PALMER slaved*. V. MVILILICI. t. V YI AVOILII.II X12.1.1C11 rt. adirRVX. SODIS I RATIMUNDRY, Frm AND .WADHINEMON IMMO, MERRICK & 8015D4 SPldairattel. AND Mailkiirals7s, Manufacture Mae and Low Pressure Steam Engines, foiltsand, River +rid &Anne Berme. hers,Gasometers, Tenkai Iron Don% ate.;Oestrus rinds, either Iron or Druz. Iron Frame Roofs for Nae Works , Work Shops, Ball road stations, &a. • • • Ketorte and Gas gdzohinery of tke latest and gam tw, proved oorurtruotio • - Every desorip tion of Plantation Maokinery, nob ai Sugar, Saw and Griot Mills, Vacuum Farta. Open stew Dereoatore, Fitter', Pumping Entine', &o. Bole Agents for fi Patent sugar Bonus Amirante .Nasmyti's Patent Steam Hammer ay Aspinwall & Wolsev s Patent Clentrifued Sugar Drug- IMF Mahone *thy POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 953 BEACH StrootaCenologton, MAX R. TIERS Inform, his fnendo that, telVlak Du chacen the entire stook Patterns at' the above Fonn drx, he to now proppored to receive ordorafor r 3 t, and flaw KW cuttings, aces Monaca!, ant Rouse Work, Geanag, Roaranga made, Item' Revet berator> or Cobol& Furnaces. m dry or (nee aand. in,, tbrO•tf SSECOND -NANO FIT RNI TITRE no uGuT TO ANY A MOVNT.—Houseke•nera hating wile es of Furniture. Few her Bede Carpets, Mirrors. ,Stu ,to uispoge 01, will get a liberal ea,h urtoo by applying to WA BH. .6 , 80, on hand. a relent nesortinel,t,or new and seoond•hai.d hurniture. gaited for toe nit) trade. T. N. WALL. oci-lItt" N 0.934 u' Tura atteet, below Tenth rr .. FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES, for *ale by FJLII BAIVICB 1; FRUIT! FRUIT FRUIT! Ahead of ♦ll competition" DONNELLY & OLARIC, FIFTH rover,. nelow Chestnut. hem, Just received a 600 nimottiti+nt 01 Print Dom the Nutheries f Or. Boynton. OA and sett thorn och IVI kS. t-AND REN, PROFESSIONAL NURSE. 'nos opened a Boarding Home at Pro III! dome street. for the, special acromesodation of Invalid Ladies. stil for those volume to Philadelphia to be Con -tined. or for medical attendance, where they can hare careful nursing, rood board. mei ail the comforts of home. rdro 8. refPre by Permission. to tae following profen*ional sentlemon: Professor tJ. n. Metes, Carp al Wider, M.D., Pro essor .8 D Gross. kindman, M. D.. Professor Jos. Pancoast, Professor 3. J.eaceon, Isaac Maya. ht D.. it. n P PonroNe. M.D., Prol Mot t o,. L. Hodge,. Norris. J ra, D., Professor Dickson. 003 tm PHILADELPHIA TERRA CrOTTA MA NUFACTORY, FIEVEN I Et and GERM aNTOWN road and tOlO ciasTroyr Ilitreet. - Vitrified Drain and Water Pipes, Ventilating Flues, Hot Air Fluea, and tor every cities of buildings. This article is worthy the attention of all WIMP pilitiflp up buildings. Largo am sewerage pipes for pity &aware. Water pipeewar. ranted to stand a severe pressure. We are now prepared to contract with cities or corporations for this article in any quanti‘y. We warrant our goods to be equal if not superior to any other made in the United titates or Europe. Ornamental Chimney Topa and Garden Vs/111, 1010-Or ACIUBREL, SHAD, HBBRING, ita.- 1000 bble Noe. 1, 2 and 3 large and medium Mac keroi,ln assorted raokagee, of a very oholoe quaLity; Mao bble. new N 0.2 larke Ideeketel., ea half bbl new No. ado do. DO I:obi's new No, 8 modlum do. 00 do new Eastern Mese Shad. 60 halt bbl new do do do. 1600 WM, new Enetport No. Eocene. 200 do do lialitax No. 1 do. wx) do new No No. 1 do. 1021 do do No 1 reale Fish. 24 do prime No. 1 Salmon 100 quintals Stiwid Hank Codfieh. HQ bozos new Herkimer aonnty Cheese, - Stow landing and In More, (el sale by MURPHY tc 1600N6,_ 11a NOWTIT Pril ItlnCa, 50 bbls 20011.1 f bbls, 375 qr bbls, 400 kit% 300 two, quart nO ono-quatt cans Patent Tallow titaasa..wmta, y allow. and black. m an facdured and for Bala by Itt)VYLEY, ABIIBURNI. R, tr. 11. No to South a.harve.. °et OIL: in quarts and' pants, for sale. WETWER It BROTHER , . MO. a 0 Wrs,". o MII,I B"l*4linvint.K—Ground pyre in Oil, 40 „,I , ? faI i o,,,IIOETHERILL & BROTHER. 47 and 1110,1.1 , .P$ nOtiAX ; relined, • in cases and barrels, Sor sale, 171311ERIA. alt.oM-it, Ong aug L 4u nortli NECOCID at, 14 -I IIRNESS,-BRINLEY &•M., MAAWET STA VES. SALE Or IV PORTRD DRY GOUDA. . • On Fmtav ISlotnina, ••,• ROotober 12, at 10 %clock, by catalogue/401211Z months' o•mstt. too 2 4131( 21ms and )ots o f tosoy and staple _untortad up cond., atir Samples and natakenei early on the morttbli lir sale. 00 P/EO2S GERNIAIiCLOT . On Frid For Clo tlte. • • 2 timed pieoes) 6-A black ay Morainr. otoahm and ooloind Moths for JiRCYCEIE sfi .twLß. ' 300 Vienna brooho long and aquant d La wi t . 950 all-Wool Benton . Ind Inn.: a/two/1m flitOlDE o IES. &c. Ar. involos ofjaoonot gauntlet sett!. nhentllo marls and Velvet tibbond, gum au vendors. &o. SI R.53.:r LLEB QUILTS. An invotne of 8-8 12i whit. Alarmalley qtalt., USRELLAS. Cases gingham tunbrollaa. SALE OR FRENCH UOODS. , On Friday MOTRIDS, Octobar 13. at 10 n'olook. 600 packages and loth of &nor and staple French dry goods. LARGE SALE OF PAP IR. VIENNA. AND, BERLIN MANI e. • On Friday &tomtit- At 10 °Wash 260 lots aglow's comprisittlr -All vont Vienna broebe Moro and lona sbawle, of the choicest patterns mid vatic es, and the tetras de sirable assortment of enters, gosh hes and very rich new patterns ebaine barn° breche to sbaorle, Plaid. checked, and turn over ohokse wool shaWiat in h,,vr patterns. Choice reserved styles of heavy and soft Voel Owls Entirely nose ar.d ref erved patterns 80. 1m several b'e double !need shawls, . . , New Elea plaid gitriped and cheok Jana/ wool lone &haws. In — an: 1 11 rill plaid =raj:A: e a% -tad, Square and long wool fringed bleak ,thibet and me rino shawls, —t ozone iltominnted chenille gages. B —Comorieing a large end f¢l mortmont for Present =leo, wOrt the attent..on of t. dA. StO brocho border Pars bleak Stella shawls. Di.,esol{ TABBY VELVIM, On amount of Underwr.tera for clash, slightly damaged. n rridav Notnini, At 10 n'olook. 1 out. (70 tseosso silk finish blsok tabby veh eta, itlghtly damaged on voyage of importa tion. IN F. PANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, • atm.'. to B. SCOTT. In., 431 CRESTNIIT St. SALE OF SOO RIBBONSRICAN AND IMPORTED I iR. v GOODS. riummiNos, MOROI DEnthe, eco. • •'-s1 Toe Moraine. Oot bypatalouno, on a orrant, commenotng at 10 "o'cdoOk precisely BONNET RIBBON°. 100 cartons richest aid boat !Lyles Noe. 6030 eMbroi demi, plaid, strive, and plain vault do so.o bonnet ribbons wry rich AM wide trials colors silk velvet ribbons. Very rich, new style.' narrow ve.vat gaun t and posit de sole Gap and trimming motions. iviI,LINEFIN GOOD°. Mob high colors fancy Sonnet velvets, corded and plain bonnet silks. &.,. PR - Also— cartons Pr A na S F rr L i O o W la # R were. Iti.A;R sli; VrL ET& - A lure Or ex quArt , I.ynns all elk blank volt-ate. Erintßoj uEIIII. S. An inveloal of Paris embroideries jaoonet and ORM brio enders and set- in fitr..ta' waist* and robes, j aria net. flounring and edei.ge. and in s erting ; ladies' em broidered lisndkerobtefs. Aa. ACE VEILS. Also. line of 'adios' e lace round voila. Tlllli MING 111813.6648. 111 ch fed styles silk and velvet trimming ribbons, fringes, brains, tiro ' ' ee.XONY EDGINGS. A line of Resorted a iethe Sasony edgings, blank set ton lager, Wool thread laces BALOu, JOINED NDS. 26 cartons all silk,oinPd blonde. 8111x18 An Invoice of boys', youths', and men's oity-made shim, ----- SPECIAL BALE FT F. 11 1 ,030 I PP, PICTURES, An On Thursday /51 - 01111116. OeL 11 at 10 &clack. Com . rier n American and imported groups and stews, plain an cal.srud. Revolving' and hand boxes. ego. An invoice of 'are guided birds. A leo. NO framed oil wattage, lithographs, prints, Ego • 13PFC.1 1 .1,11ALV 1 11 1 GBH MA v TOWN FANCY KNIT 000P8. aOSIERY, SIIIRTS AND DRAWERS, Ere. On Priday Morning, 'Oatobei 12. 1850. by catalogue, on a credit, commen cing at 10 o'clock precisely. Catalogues and sample* ready early on morning of sate. LIITLIP FORD & CO., ATJOTIONEERS, co. 080 MARKET Street, and 021 MINOR StratsE POSITIVE SALE OF i. 211 (IMRPS OOPS, SHOES, BROGANS "AND GAM SHOES. On Thursday Morning, October 11, at 10 o'clock precisely, Will be' sold, by catalogue on 4 months oredit.l,2oo eases men's, boys', and youth's' kip, calf, grain, and think bnots, brogans, gaiters, Oxford ties. &o Women's. misses'. and rhildren's calf, kip; and goat, and b,ll heeled boots and shoe,. A foil assortment of women a, misses', end children's city-made kid and goat heeled boots and shoes. 9i7" 4he above ses will embrscie a large assortment of fresh goods, from first-plass manufacturers. N. d—i he ear y atiention of buyers is outlet:dull invited to examine the goods, early on. the morning of sato, with catolottes. Ft 1 7.,- , ATRIOK & BROS., AIX • TION.LERS, 604 ettEsTNUT Street, above Sixth. _ _ . SALES EVERY EVENING. At 7 d'o . loolt. t Books, stationery.and fano,' goOde. teratotion. 3ewelre, olooke. silver plated ware, outlery, vanittnee, routmal instruetneote. &O. Alto. "c*lery. dry emelt, bouts and Omi, and mar obandses of every description, DAY RAPAiu every Nbuday, Wednesday, and Pr? dayst, la o'clock _ TE BALES. At private sale s everal large consignments of watches, Jorre.r.v. books. station', 1' silver-tdaud wars. ontlery, fano) , goose. &o. To which is the attention o f cam and country merchants ann others. Consignments solicited of all kinds of merchandise for either W,:° or private ewes. leso - Liberal oash ads:deas made on consignmonts Out-door Bates prom P:IY attended to. only rta USES SATILINII,' A n TORE 14 I tv-ml AND COMMISSION MENCEANT: southeast °miter of KEEN and IACE Street te. MONEY WO LOAN, EP,cOOO to loan, at Mellowest ratew, on diamond% watches, jeWeiry, silver plate, dry good*, clothing,s. Ames, segars, hardware, outterT Mamie, milTotai niture, bedding, and on goods of every description, terra or small amounts, !Yam one dollar Co Unman for anzlength of time agreeem ILI - The Oldeet Establish Rouse in this city, bL i ipz e tzu c h e, on 9 4.. C4 sum lc He 1 7 i muLßariNLl Ttiaik i nat Or, Advances of 0100 end up et two per eta Advances of 1100 and towards, at one per cent, fin snort loam AS PRIVATE paLE, Dome of the Sliest GOLD PATEN T , LEVER min ONRONOMETER WIATCIIEIO, manufactured at hat the turaal e 0 prices, meld lever and lepine watches. silver lever and lepine watohes, English, Swiss, am French watches. et astonishing low Prices, ieWelry of every diatomite'', vary low,Joum, pistols: musical im et/meets, first quality or Havana mom, at half the importation price, intinantities to suit parenssori , auf vanoug other kinds o [pod. OU ' DeoE' SALES Attended to p.reonnilr by the Auetioneer— co CVO nsignments of an. and every kind of,ll solids WI IV - Trr • %OS STOVES STOVE! STOVES!! JAMES p:IF'F:A IR, - 1 . • 0.11 16 aIASKETSTREET. Is now prepared to meet the wants of the pub.io More comp male in all the details of she Stove trade than enr other establishment in Philadelphia in proof of widen he invites cost PAae TITS EXAMINATION: The following are among tits own pope ar inventions, several of whieh have already obtained &national repu tation as surpsesing in 4:ea./lance and sea* omv any other otoves in nee. JA MPS SPEAR is the Inventor and ,Patontee of the knioroved Gas burning Cooking Steve. aohnowledged to be the best Stove for family use in the world. JAMEo SPEAR is the Patentee of the celebrated Gas-coneuming Cooking Rance. now rapidly coming into general see. _ JAMES SPEAR la the Patentee of the Improved Sit. ver's Air tight Gas consuming Parlor Stove. JAtIEB EIPS'AR. is the Inventor of the Improved t Patented) Ornamental Stove Urn, which, from its twenty and utility, is likely. this season, to be =ver nally adopted. lAM ES SPEAR le the Patentee of the Labor. Fuel, and Cozr2fort. easing Ironing Pan. J aM ES SPEAR tithe Inventor and Patentee of the celebrated ftsite/ay ..oar Renter JAMES SPE, It the Inventor of the Improved , Fire-board Stove. For all of the above the Inventor very Justly claims advantages which require but to be understood by the Public to be universally appreciated and preferred to any other art cies of that etas* in the market; and he would hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persona in want of Stoves to gall at it examine for themselves. Partite wishim to examine will h ave ever. attention sown .hem.whether intending tininedistely to new ennee or not. . selban Q tr d'IC CITY GAS CON-, SUMER, PATENTED by CHARLES JONES, t.evestli • Month /ASO. OH t- AT IMPROVEMENT ON SILVER'S GAS BlJt+NLq By the dee of the Quaker City Gas-Coneumlng Parlor and Office Stoves all duet may be avoid, di, the rooms ventilated. and an even temperature maintained for many bOU a w it hout any attantiOn to the fire, and at e. gr at sav,ngof fuel For wile by CNA RLER JONES. Patentee. No. 303 North ahuDivDstreet, above Vine. where the excellent passedutinwin, Cooking Stove DAYLIGH the nsur in its operations. may he obtained. Of large number now in op ration, every store, we behove, gives entire eat *faction. cab Sin THKI CELFBRA R+ +Y L COOKING 97021 , 3 is the best and most pope . I I lar'Cooking move in the marker. It ts mule either with or ' , mahout ge..-:urniug fixtures. Manufactured end for sate by NORTH. CHAAS.:. & MIR Nouncry Wareroorns, 209 North ISVCONI) Street. 0 THI , I FURY STAR GAS•BURN ING. AND RADIATING PASTOR STOVE. S mpfgs. "" tt h d b al t d a . et Th asie P Orn i rtTil l , e tSl v gkr,7 NORTH. Foundry yr nrarooms. 209 ~forth 0.e.,4.‘,1912 Street.' 1 , 8 WI OUR NEW GAS•EgftNING BASE sTovv, A the 'most economical Fiore of the kiwi. and n uch more &triage .than the Ciao hu,aira woh a sheet-von bum. MarAlfrostured and for rooms S O U (11-leSk Stree t. Foundry Ware , North IsECOND oB 11. n BHIPPING. FOR Ti tai nut.ra—tatiliLEß. TON AND RAVANNATt RIFEAMSIank FREIGHT REDUCED. i s KOMI Errata so as avers e of rirraxw per scat W ise, New York Steamship ta a. FOR °KAR 11 0 1'CLN S. C. no U.R. Mall Steam ArvioNli; STATE, en tail' Charles P. Maretunanor llama on r4ontie - T, October le,st 10 o'clook A. M. It . Through ot 48 to to tomos--mily le kiitrit at BM FOR ISAVANA,__OA. She tr. 3. Mail Ststmakip STATE OF GEoRenA, Ca m vtatu Joao I. 'cwiir.'in.. M. will seal" on Saturrdar. Bon- tobor NI. at 19 olock 9 • . • • • l tirough mail to eu aunt - a-only ea Agars at Sea. liwSailing Gays changed tromevery Saturday tell/50 five days. @toils reeeived, and Bills of Lading signed every as,. Thesplondld tlint-slass side-wheel Steamshiss KEY STUNE STAT E and STATE OF GEOREIA now run as above, every ton days, thus forming a five-day commu- AbiatiOn with Charleston and Savannah, and Um South WPlSouthwest, ' At i yth Charleston and Savannah, these Says +yen ned th steamers for Florida, and with radtoaal, for 5139 es In tax comb and Pennwalt, INSURANE. f'reight and Insarance on a large Proportion of 95.;;Us shinned Smith will be found to be lower by those amps than by wining vessels, the - 1551151:0 being one-hall the, N. N. it.-Insuranes on all liai r ly:ad n Freight is ontlrMy tae r e o efrall, farthertir i i Oh% I ai s savannah, the I d (MITI& lYtrbl l lO r N IN , m e an theca "11314 F Inlandhis routo will 40 p cent. the th ßube the Santo, as ha sO9O by the following dole. Through hokets from iladolphie,_vis Charles ton and Savannah steamships , [MIMI MEALS on th e whole route, ascent front Olutriesten and ISSIYAII - to Monttnomry • VIA CIIAILLIBToN , VIA. SAVANNAS. To Chtalenos-..—5 15 00 To Savannah,..._.. Big 00 17 00 Augusta.....-. 87 00 -. 20 00 20 00 Atlanta—.._. 21 00 21 00 Montgomery—. 25 59 - 21 GO Mobile .Albany. •• - 29 00 516 w Orleans..... aa 75 Montgomery- ••. (10 27 75 Alobtio--- 95 00 Knoxville_..._ 26091 New Orleans...-. 39 75 Memphis . _ 91 50 Fare to Savanush. via Charleston. -- 30 00 Charleston, via • • 1d 00 No bills of Mains mignon eller LAO soup hex 'Ruled. wrzlr t tghtor passage seer on board, at second ye Vine !,.izearksitori do 00. ri0.1126 WRAkag, Agents in Charleston. T. S. &T. BUDD. • Savaunah,l4lll6TEß & GAAIMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina ever, T r fi r d ir gt. oohnfc rlda Irc T SadvaY nt an A, Ssntdaa Mary's and 50 , CABER OF SEED LEAF TOBACCO in earth and for We by a.2.5-tt ~ • • 308. W traNROM & CO. tali.-L-51) bbls • Tar i 275 kegs ditto, in "etorti'atui' for - aide' " ROWLEL.4.I4IIIRIAN,I* 004 Ao.ZO E Whorl/61 nn THOMAS it SONS 19~• klos.-1139 aid-131. - Soutt FOURTH. tree. flermetly Nos. Or and Ott- - - - - STOOKS MeV REAL ESTATE.,,__, : SALM AT, TEM EXIMAIWE , RVERTAVESpay Ammo the trasineos sampan 4uly and .Aamet.ml7 meamonal soles. , Randbillo of each property levied addition to artioh wa Viabliell, on the Wards) fti _to end; ealit, one thousand eatalogaise, pent P form, giVing full dosenotrons of ail the Prolted7 •• sold on the following Tuesday. a R Shies Or rest estate end MOHO the Eatthitn i M o stull hereafter be 'hold o'oloel n" JeUr " glerjtet= v b e gglit: t p 7 tfoll i Tligtbettele REAL ESTATE AT itlyaT SAT.S. erir We have every e, amount of road estate motivate ieeluding description of-eity and. oecintnr otoeettY., Fatted bets ms be had at the swan dare PRIVATE S ALE MOISTER. -- SF'Real estate mitered on oar private sato Torme nt and advertised oceniionsllt in opt make vela_ , ablymot (of which 1,000 civvies aro Pri44 6 d Weel 4 t) u•• 0 $ charge. "lIVEIPTII. FALL RALE—OCTOBER, 11. Pereinntnyy Rale on: he Prem , ses. property lately Oa cupied by V 7 A..bdwards. Esq., deoetsed. Ou Thurs day, throber 11th. 1860 ,n• 12 o'olook noon. VA .UAR: E VAR VI. 115 ACRES 51 PIIRCRET. Radnor towentnp, 7 omits county, on fly Lan sate turnpike, 72 males front Philadelph7a. within a mile of the Morgan Station and one-quarter of atndsev. Wayne :Station, on the Went Ohester Ratite/7d. he band le In Lint. rate hand lion, ernl the farm ta attmatiW to be one or the beet to nadnor township. 'Xerme—Une• Mire Dank. Bale absolute. _ • .1 1 11TFENTE. PALL A Lig--OCTOBR• 16. Eieontors' R ale—Estato of Benyge'Rendle, deceased. Threo story Brink D Wl3 lA,. p on York ate •et. be twee s ..Walnut and Porno* and east of Third s! t. mania bsrato— hree-story DWy...,14.Nt5., No. 341 Dot an streo% east s‘do, abOire'PAo .trea t E„ au t ors , gate—Estatp of Corn. williant Bainbridge, deceased Large and V.:noble REM `,N0.1.1041 Wit t latit et vet, veal of Twelfth street Lin a at ryont Three. story Bri , k U WELLING. No 2216 Clayton at, weer of ivrentvextuend arear. Plfteenth ward, COUNTS Y sicea.—A desirable C, notry Seat axd la pores, Marotta Nrolt. Deliwara county Pa the IlliptoVdMen a are two neat cottage,. hendsome her r age boutat stable, and other out buildings. plan a the how ton Hoorn, Three story Beck TAVERN and D WELLING, No. 2315 Callowtull street. Perennyory Se'e—Neat D WEL LIN 0, No. 155 North Sixteenth street below Smallest. Large Threepanry Brialt VIPDING and Stone D L Uhl), Centre street. near, erat ntown ave nue, germeutown-• Lot 45 feet front. Iwo well aeoured tiltUUeD ttENTB of ,59 6 11-7•11 r awn. • PareMptory EMe Yetate of Rbtabetb Late. deeld. hree ivory Prick P W r LLLNG. No. :95 Elontb Ninth street. between t welpt. ard Sprees st r eets Sza.te Psta , e--Three /dor! Brice DWELLING. Ne. 419 spruce street, bove Fourth arrent. Two story F 1111719 U W}.ll LING. No. at Chsr'easto between south and ellipse , ' stre.ts. Late • °athwart. Bands , me a , °cern N.r.SID EN Cr: War no street, be rween Watant lace and 'Tnlceboaken street; 1 , M , 4- Wan. Lot 1-0 by 150 feet. It re boa in th enter 10? man ne,. of nun! Stone, and has M the modern conve niences . Neat Modern Drink DWRLLING. N 0.600 North Fir t• onth etr.et, E on , h of Coate- street Peremptory sale—Neat Modern DWELLING. 1(0 721 North Ninth greet. ENie nn. 4C9 North 'FOURTH Street. ELEGANT FU RISITII RE, NII,LOI DARI'ETS, Thin Monitc; 10th instant, nt 0 o °toot% at P. 0. 0 ,9 Mirth 'Fourth et.. the elegant parlor. Onvne-rOoni.en4 chanter fang torn, fine tapestry velvet eatneot. eiattiner two ilizrala hP itiVea:TV.inti& at g o'oteok on . hemaniu the sale. SALE OF TEE ISTOMC OI A RETAIL. 1300E FIELLEE. This Evanins, Ootnber TO, at the auction stote an assortment or misoeltaneous and Bobcat books, juvenile works,Bta tioilP Pot particulars see oataloines. Bale sonthweet corner of EL h,'VENTit end OGREN Street.. STOCK AND FTXTURER OF A GIanCERY IND P f , OVI +ION 8 1 4)F,K. *ORS , . WAGON fo.EIGEt, REFS. GER TOR. SC ALES, COU.NTERS. BULL YING, GROCERIES. Sce. On Senn - Sat Morning. 10th inat . at 10 o'clock, at the eonthweee owner of Eleventh and Cr den atreeta. the stork and fixtures ofs, IrTeCOT, and movie. on store. oemurntinc horse. wagon. sleigh. refs aerator, platform miles, sugar mill, count er ',ad shelving, groreries. tre. war May be exasumod o'cleCk on the morning of the sale, BALE OF SUPERIOR FORNITURE. PREPVIR- P ATE MANTEL AND PtP,li millSOitB, SU PRIOR BIL IA RD TABLE,FINRVELVET AND lIROPfIe LB OA lt PETS, c, CAS U .-Our sale immorrow' morning at the euetion More, will comprise, besides; DM lets of excellent second hood furnito fine French-plate mantel and pier mir rors. superior billiard table with ball. slid ores oero glom. hoe medallion, velvet 'rot Bru.Seht carpets. Chine. end glassware, beds and bedding, ace.. mining tin 'tr. treetoreAesortmeni, worthy the attention pt /adiellAist Others desirous of purnhastn. eP Cataloging now ready, and the articles arranylki for exatrunnuolt. Bitlev Nog. 139 FR E N CHRTH street SUPERIOR FOREL AC, PATE hI/E EOM PIANO-PO US. BRUhSELE sAsmis, Ma Thursday Morrung,. . At 0 o'clock, et the Anotion Store, an smortment el excellent second - head furniture, CIO gi n 3l 2 ) plasto-fcrtel. fine mirror*, carpets, eta, from hes deelisour housekeeping, removed to the store or convenience of tele. . Alen, a superior billiard table. B.le WIN 1.63 t CREST/MT Street. SUPERIOR PiIRNITURts, ed.RRE).RB QUILTAItie. v.ELvEr • Tr; 12th inst., at 10 o'clock.' at No. 1637 Chestnut street, by catalogue. the 'mintier furniture. French-plate mil rors brocatel curtains flee velvet carnal". Also, the kitchen furniture. The eat) net furniture was made to order, end to of excellent quality. Wir Mal be examined on the morning of saki st a ceolook.a. pale N 0,13 t Muth TWENTIETH Street. • HANDSOME , FIJN,NIT rrAPf.BTRY CAR ETS, CHINA A Monay ND hionlm GLABISWAAIE• A &a• Off d g• Iltth inst.. at 10 o'clock, at No:4l3l.May . Twentieth street. corner- of Cherry. street the haodeome parlor. dinimc room. chamber and °Mee Immure, , tapeatel carpets, China And plesaware. &e. Also. the kaohen futnitttlA Mir Mar lie examined us tale morning of sale et g o'olook • wi , h. catalogues. - Sale nn tho Premises. SPRUCE Street. ELEGANT SESiDENUE, AND FURNITURE. On WadyWider Morro' - October IT. at 10 o'o took. will be sold at eublio eale, on the Premises. the eiegaut Modem RESIDENCE. no. TM tiyuy etreet, with superior Stable end Oosoh- house IA the rear. on Elizabeth street. Lot 24 feet 9 Wailes -front, 200 feet in dentb. SUPERIOR URNITURR. Also by oatalosue. the superior household furniture. ' Full Parbeulars tit a few da7a. _ Peremptory' Fala. LAME LOT OF FM. Ma DMRA AND BuzgaY wINE. On 'Wednesday Mornina;' October 24. at )2 o' , look 'et the A notion Stare.without wave a l l o yme d v m magr i of 11 and : 0 1 Madeira and Mora Wr P htitmulara In Wade aaveittasaanta and cata logues. - - LARGE SPECIAL'AND PEREMPTORY SAES OF ELEGANT AND VAt VADGE PAINTINGS JAMES 8. EARLE & 80NR' THIRD GJU3AT SAWS OP PAINTINGS. to 'be held ai the PENEBTLYANIA AC:A [WARY OF FINE ARTS. amino o f ihre will for &accent of Messrs- Jarned S Marie lc Sore. October 26 knit Ye. an ostensive and valesb , e col lection of Oil Painting., Including almost every mallets of subject/. the productions of the most eminent Am non and k uropsan lutists, tieing elections DOM harle a Gallenee bit Chestnst street. • AMMIR th.m Will be found ruany_works of art never before exhibited. a !Bo comer , us Pictures sedated ex pressly for ibis collection and gale. This is bel•eved to be one of the most beiiuttfel bud valuable collections that bare aver been submitted to nu bite nomni titto, in this atty. - f fir lhe Dale wilt be peretraptory.withodt moms or limitation cAtatogues,with partioulme.*Rl reedy Mee week previous. and the paintinss arras for losiree tion. DEPARTURE OF .IkAILROAD TRAINS AMMINAIMANIN PERIOYIX IRI ANIe CENTital, RAlLROAD—Eleventh - &tat Market streets. Matt Train Vannes., Harrisburg Acoominodation.....— 00 P. . Lancaster Accommodation • ---. 400 P. Parksburs Accommodation - 6 41 P. AL West Chester trair.s leave Elev enth and . Market. et 7 30 A. M., 12 80 made OOP M. Williamsport, Elmira. - 11nMilo; and Nth/Ira AO% ler.ve LS A. M., and 200 P. M. NEW YORK LlNES—Walnut-Street Wharf. Accom. Line. via C. and A.. leaven .... 600 A. /merlin. Line, via Jersey City. Goo - Morzune Express via Jersey * City, 9.10 A. Bresm boat via Tanalll7 and Jersey A. . Camden and Amboy Accommodation 1230 P 111. Exprras, via Camden end Amboy.: .... . r. t r . EVOIIIIO 1. :Drees. via Tacony end J. C....... .P 4 00. M . *Event g Ala il • via Camden and 3017439 600 P. . Might Payless Mail .--..11.60 P. M. Camden and Amber Accommodalion 6.t0 P. M. For Belvidere, ~ wren Flemington. Ite.. 6SO A M. and 4,00 Y. M .from Walnut street wharf, and 7.10 A. Al • front Kensington depot. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg. &wanton Wilkesbarre i Montrose, Great Brno. &o.,at 6 A. M., from Walnut- Street wharf and 1.10 a. NI, from Kensington depot. For blanch Chunk. Allentown and Bethlehem. at 8.0 A. AL. and 4..0 F. .. from Welnut-etreet when, as 7.10 A M.. from Kensington denot. For Mount Roily, at 0/0 and 900, A. M.,.1.00 and 4.60. I P. hl. Poi Freehold. Trento n, Bris t ol, nd 1 00. P We, Line for Al., from Walnut street whatr, and? 10. At., stud I 44, P. Al.. from Renstr_gton. BALTIMORE R AILROAD—Broad and Prime Express Train teavea—..... .-...—. 8 16 A. M. do 00 noo_n. d 0... ..... 11.10 P.. 88 For Wilminaton at 816. A M., II noon, 1.15. 4.111, 8. and 11.10. o. 1", , r Middleman, Rover, New Castle. Roaford and in. tarmedtatealaope. at 8.18. A. M.. and a 15, P. M. qundaya—For Balttwore at 1110, P. hl. READING RAILROAD—Broad and Callouddll stmts. Exa r reem Train Waves. ..... ...... 00 AM. Night Exess -.—...._.. .. _ ...3.30P M. Reading doomenateton.-- ..... 5 00 P. 1%. ELtAIRA AND NIAGAR A IL Es tali—Woad and end xpress Train leaven-- PI 00 A. fit. Matt .E 3.17 Mee 3.30 Id. GERMANTOWN AlTDNotutisTowN RAILROAD -Ninth end Green, Trams leave for 4 onehohooken and Norriztown at 5 80,7 3.J. 9,05 aad 11.05, A. M.. and LOS, 3.r5 4.30. 85, 680 and 1116. P M. For Mananak. at 660. 720. 903 1103, A. M., and 106 . 2 OS, 3.05, 6.30 15 65. 80, 816 and 71.15. P. M. For Germantown. at 800 790. 800. 940. 30 00. 11 M. 1100, A. M.. and t.OO. 2 00 3 a), 3 39.4 00.6.00, 00 6 30. 7.00.8 5n).913) 10 15 11 30.. P. 01. For Chestnut Bill. at 60'x,800, 1009 and 19.08, A. M.. and 2 00. 4.10, 5.00 830- 800 9 00101)010.15 M Al. Sunday trains (or Germantown leave 9.05. A. M and 7.43 and 1030, P Al. Leave Germantown at 8 10. A. M.. 1.10 400.630. 9.38, P. M. For No. rittowri e.c43, A. 51..3.00 are 8.00 P. Al. Leave Stornstown 7.18 A. Al., 1 00 and ACC P. M. CAMDEN ANDATLAIV wh TLO RALWROAD—Vine otnift arf. Mail Train :saws .730 A. M. Rapreasmcda Tram his 45.00 Aooomtlon to s aorbor ou. 15 NORTH PEANSYLVANTA RAILROAD—Front and For Bethlehem, leave at 6.W A.'21., and 220 and P. Id. • of DoYlegtcrarn, leave at 9A. . and 00 P M. . p. kr . Fort Washington,, leave tit 0.25 A. 1.11.. and S.LS ISmidaya—For Bethieherraat 800 A. M.. For Dories town at 3.00 P. M. WEST CHESTER • 7 7VIA NA—Thirty-firat bltirket streets . . 'hairs leave at 7.0 awl MOO A. M., IN and Da .M Sundays leave at 8 00. A. 81.400 P. AI, Trains marked thus(*) run on Sundays; (i) Satur day. p5,..n,,41. EXPRESN COMPANIES. La mm ME ADAMS EXPRESS CO., °Sail 320 OHESTNIJT Street. forwards Parcels, Packages. Merchandise, Bank Notes. and sopie, either by its own Lines or in commotion with other Exercise Compu S ters, to all the ennoirid towns and cities of the United tatom. E. B. 01011/FORD, General anorrintendont. UTION I—ASTROLOGY !—LOOK OUTI-000D NEWS FOR b eet ; Thene failing Mrs. VAN HORN nu the ; she 'mewled' wn en all °thorn have failed. All are in trouble!, all who have been unfortunate, deceived by false storeneS• fIY to her for advice and comfort. /ft lava affairs she aster jails. She has the searet of winrung the affeo appg,ftethe c t im3ente sex. It tlig. t. faawAi t op c gi n duna advertiseignt:. ers t rloTes t iou ni th i likenelle ye ar . To! tore wife, husband, or absent from: l k is well known to the pu b lic at lame that she iS the t &idy per son who min show the likeness in . an can give entire satisfaction on ail the concerns of litre, which oats be tested and gloved by Montan:lds, both married and single, who daily and eagerly visit her. Come ohs I crone all! to No. lne LOMSAKU ,Street. between lum.. • e • nil Rrnad OC6-Gt. AVA COFFEE.-1,000 pockets prime " JAVS C , Jll5e, for vele bs MARS GRAHAM & gtrwa.. alt.-375 bbls -PAO, in store an d -M. for - gala by RowLaix, , Aellikluilia. 140.1.a.south Irtutrwls . _ stoi - Ditiv,l.V ELLIS °leaned at a low pine to tenebaeltingiiiircsAtriokaav- SMMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers