ft • • 4. ` '1111"31111P ), ... eeY JETT. • 1 0 1 1 14 . P .• WO/PtiV• • Oita '47 D`alLY~rxxßs~ MINTS rsx WZIONIDOTRbIe to the Carrier. Mailed to glabeoilbers out of the City at Six Dora. A ne :Pia,Artnum, DOWL DOLLARS, TOR Bum litoxrue. Douirts ape. Elm kw:Tug—inmate* in ad . „ ' exiiee,hr the time ordered, TELLWEICIELY PRESS. Untlea to Suhaoribers out of tho City stTauxts Dot in %donee. :COMMISSION' ROUSES. Homail a. GILL. 'COMMISSION NIEROHANT No: SSC CHESTNUT STREET: , - PHILADELPHIA: • For ale br the Paieksge:, "STUN, • FANCY COATINGS, 'BEAVERS SEALS' TS, BELTS, AO. 'AtheLaVEGLI, MASS. , ORISKANY, EITCII ' • BUR% ROYALSTOI% AND WIRER WAND Or ' 'FANCY CIASSIMERES, 11 ' 11 " P- 5, 4 0 1" UNIOIT CASSIMERES, , . -T.M.ETTB, VESTLKEIS, BILE -13L98, &a. EMILE LADI26' Q tJTIFB , NEINBTEL ao • -St'Mu, wAiRD, wyroauisoN . NO. DailfiSiilON KEW:MARTZ Mi Tm nibs OP Par:4ADELPIIIA-MADE coons. IF WELLING. COFFIN ds Co. 110 CHESTNUT STREET, o.iler, by the paokige, the following desoriptlo n AMERIOAN GOODS. *PP 111 . 2JADADD NACU AID 11 ORLI? YABIIIT vszszna Ar ANIMA= URINO 00.'8 PRINTS ; BLEACHED AND DROWN SUEETLNOS, BM:RUNGS AND DRILLS; OSNABURRS, DENIMS, AND STRIPES; COUNT JEANS, BILEBIAI3, AND NAN HEMS ; CANTON FLANNELS AND PRINTED LENTN6B; ERODE CSLAND LINSEyB; PEILADELPHLS. L 7 Y'S AND OBEMCS; KENTUCKY JEANS AND COTTONADEB; mato moms AND KERSEYS ; ALL-WOOL AND UNION CLOTHS; - BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERES; BLACK AND MIMED DOESKINS; qAxitilas AND UNION CASSIMERES; TWEEDS. CASHMARETTES; &o. atH-3m WASHINGTON MILL'S, YORMERLY BAY STATE KIM. CRAWLS of all sixes, in treat 7ari e Buiboesed ane Printed TABLB COVESE. UNION BEAVERS and BROAD CLOVIS. B&LMORAL SKIRTS. DOESKIN& and Double and Twisted COAT/NOl5. 11-40ACKISGS and keen ZBPBXR CLOVIS, Twilled and Plain PLAN4BLD and OPBRA FLAY NU% Printed P.BLT OARPBTII4O6 nir sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, 14 South FRONT Street, and 33 LETITIA Street. ROVSE.FURNISKING GOODS. WILLIAM YARNALa.... , • /NPORTER AND DEALER IN :HOUSE FURNISHING „. • GOODS; , No. 1020 CHESTNUT STREET, (Immediately opposite the Academy of Tine Arta.) TABLE CUTLERY, OVAL WAITERS, KITCHEN .TABLES, , AIMS MATS, - - CLOTREE JAArtuLES, fr.e.. /co. Various oomininiOlsig nor smcsarl:46 are parlipolarlf Anita to so' exaßiituatOn of thii*lt of Vann lihti - OSE-FITANDIDMG GooDS SELLING OFF - AT COST. IVa are new Ragtag off our large and wall-assorred oak of ROUSE-FIIRNIBILINI3 GOODS at ooat prwea, iy crrdor to elm Otis braitolt of our busineee. E. S. FARSON 60.00.. - F. W. COAXER. BY.catill AND DOCK. soa-1:t FURS. FURS ! GEORGE F. WOMRATII, ROB: 40, AND 4(T ARCH' STROBL Hon now Open • A FULL ASSORTMENT FURS I LADIES' VURS,. To witch the attention of the rilbllO Is invited. ce3.4in CARBIAGE JtOBES. GEORGE F; WON.IRAri`H, NON, 416 AND 411' ARCH 1311LENt Du now Open an nututualls LARGE ASSORLRENT 'r or• CARRIAGI?. ROBES, 0!? !W OWN 11 kNUFACTURE. oc3•wfoeSt SEWING ikIACUINES. %IBS BEST gANUPAOTURING AND AL FAMILY SEWING MACHINES IN THE WoRLD. AT T. M. rSIN & CO.'S, orbn No. 610 CHESTNUT Street. WMIELEkt & WILSON. • SEWING MACHINES. 098 OffIOTNUI OTREET;SECOND FLOOR. 7776,4 m W . P.UI-11ANGER da 00.1 S MaUTTLE AND DOUDLS•LOOP EITITIA SEWING MACHINES, • FAMILY CIE. wAILORM ekolotAr4lts SADDLER, rte. No. 628 ARCH STREET. 'Yrlab of SHUTTLE El AMINE, SS% FriaSof DOLIBLE•LOOP Si/TOR MAME& from ilia versed - v. The mailed end most efficient machines mane faotared for all kinde f nee. P. B. MACHINE 'BMX, COTTON, NEEDLES OIL, etm, oonsteditly on band, i,14- m vvthoox GIBBS , SEWING MA CHINE: The great and tooreasing demand for WIIOO7 ig Sibhe' dewing Machine ie a 1051111:1tee its sairerief_exoeilence. ?rice too. Ynt va• FAIRIBANKS , *ale Warehouse, 716 CHESTNUT St fe6-0 GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. CiENTLEMOIIIS FURNISHING GOODS. Vi-11 Plow opeing, a salr anortment of novelties for tiolttle COLLARS,PIt ?KA. liCAitit RN. PIA .881,19 ritiVFLIANQ BliutTB, .to.; selected in London end 'Paris, to willoh ecesnal otteatnm invited . 3, W. gt3WCT, 814 CHPBTIVIIT.Btreet , a 022 A few dome helots the Cantinas tat:, WOOL. NOtr rn atone, aid for AMs at the lowest malice Yrieelf, a largo Stook of the moat damnable trades of °MO NtrEENNSY.LVANIA PLESOES. ai Luso , , LOW AND MEDIUM. WOOLS, Whisk xurottasers are requested to Mill and examine BENJ. COATY,S, 127 Itlarket Street. flatlet • his. ►jHOMAiS THOIVIPSON, SON, & CO., 131.E . ORTEBS "AND JOBBERS OF CABIRI.IT!MARBRS' BIATERIALS, 235 SOUTH SECOND STREET lir Bro.:late(lc ?Wenner Bean, Pamsekth end every deroosion of Furniture and Curtain Uraia. selit2m it.biioEM/,LKEit era Co. TAINS% • : -1 GO AND VARBISSEO, .tbriunr YOUTWAND LUZ Streolg:', %Wafts, • ; 110 TIN Is . QUAYLVS snyzonnx k lojANp VS110? GOODS • 10SrlriblieaA T JART. _ . now tramiirex. . ... .......... . . ~ . .. . . : . . ~. ~. , .+fiig • . c ' < ',< 3 i < l -: ',. "‘ ,<:, <" .• TT - .''''' 4.1.= 4- , , r• _.. I - <, .0 , t•_ 1 ' „(" '. .. - %' 'll' /'' '':-.-. ".• . c're 1 1-s "IZU .64 t - " -;,-. ~- , - 71i , „ t i ,. ~. • 3:1...,,ipV.ki,., ~,,,,, `"": *- .. , :f n 1 -' '- , ,"L,. ' - 4 1 - „ 1,:;11 -,,,,.... ,sVrli - sr - : t,.. , :.?0,, , .,. , _ ~ ~ • •.: , 1..4 4 741 .. . • .... rf ~., :-.. - , ,-, r : ~..,',.- ~ -,; %' - 71 - ' ' . ..- • .. titf,llllfrlie - 4.....„."- ET A "' .h '"77tr . ' '17. 1.1..." 1 '' L':'r) . "1 , 1 -r- t . 4. --I rtrt -rr iil 555 ~9-c h 1 :44,tarl'e.,.tr, 'G::• ~ Vi . '".- - 14V . "' i VA, - 4 4 .: ' . L.... emi -..... ..:., . .. . . 41,,.. , - „ t ..,,...., , ~,41.r..f.„, .. 2., , , g. ~. -"L•v-.4 .-, ai - Wivi{ ki 'f."-WFlT ,,. ;t : illgtig.. f 1 .. Aftla4i l 4.7l* , ::-. -- - -, :r. "i fF l(- -,,, a , ' "r •f 4 1 i , -.. s.-:,11.- t: ~ ~,,• ...... --• -, 1 7 .64',••••-••.•t•-•1• • .1 ,•-• ,' ,7 7 . 7 • ' .--r ":&;14 ..• rk '-'''' V". f ".., . ~. .. 7V 7 ~-,, ,„ ~,...)- 4, 7, 77 r :7" -, ..1' •r'• • - -.---, -,,,, - --- .^ - 7'.- - r. -•-• - , -.0 , -..,Z 1 : 94,..--..,.. 4 , 4. , .„..,-, a , " - - ~ , ,,- , 4 -41. . 1....rt0....,. --..r.F.r.•tsl , v.A.WV. 7 , •:, ~,,,:y.q....".0 1 '5 - ^,...., _ .:.....<."- . ---- :f..? -Nr-z‘.4'` .- .:...4-,,.". - Y 4 ' , - , A.A" - 'ut - '-' - t'r • ' ,- .'-'ee.'rar..',, --, , `""- - '''t, -- t. , e...-. 0 - -,....4-- --..rPF.r.: , s . flirz.. , 4.i . -. =.- 4 -, ,, I,' ',A - ' l %-,-- - ,--..- .-,,---- , - ,i)..•.:....,:iR- ' / -..,, , :::. - ..‘r - -...a. 1 , - ,1_,-=:-‘,...--4 1, - , . ~, .:40)0 . 5 4 1- 1 ,,„ ,„..41 1 6,11 - 41 --- r i = t . t ., .-_-_:_. -- .,- - :=-= , :ilt t - a5.1k‘:„....f,,, r i,t _ - .-;-,..,-.,-------... , , ) 1..—...- , ..- = ----: 'l.O ......---,.........,,,---,-,4 . , -,7 - ,..."'"'“-• -'''''---- --' --'," -'—.- '''..--..-.''''.--._ • ! _ ",-. ,' , , VOL. 4.L-NO. SS. SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS SILKS FANCY DRY GOODS. IMFORTATIONS FOR. FALL, M. L. HALLOWELL SI Co . 333 MARKET STREET, tar NOR= FOURTH STREET, Are prepared to elfin to the trade their naval varied arsortruout of Clouds, Duration(' on the ' MOST FAVORABLE TERMS, 13y orrverianned buyers, in the Initial Dal MAIII3IIACTUROO CITIES OF 3.:IUROF Theca have bean valuated with time for FIRST-CLASS TRADE, And will bo offered at prices to commend attenton. CLoas Durans, from all notions of tlio country, MO invited to inspect our stook. TER:vs.—Six months credit to Merchants of un doubted standing, or siX per cent. discount for cash. Twelvo nor cont. per annum discount for advanoo Payment,. no-thgtu-2m LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK Yea \ FALL AND IVINTER SALES, SI - lORTRIDGE. BROTHER,. & CO.. IMPARTERS AND JOBBERS, No. 420 MARKET STREET, and No. 44.3 MEROITANT,STREET, PRILADELPIMA, Have to store complete'lineo of FOREIGN and AME MOAN drAPLE, and , FANCY DRY 'GOODS. selected with a view to the interests of CASH and prompt hiIX.MONIIIB' Dealers, to which they invite the attention of the trade. N. II A FULL STOCK constantly nn hand,embracine_ntany stylee FACTORED FOR THEIR OWN *ALFA and not to be found elsewhere. Orders executed. promptly, at LOWEST MARICIIT RATES. sed-am CLOAKS I CLOAK'S I • TO WHOLESALE BUYERS EVERY NOVELTY OF THE SEASON, AT THE LOWEST CASE PRICES. IfirAlerohante own metentds made ova dewed. HENRY IVENS, se{-am N 0.23 South NINTH Street. A ir W. LITTLi.bI tfa CO., ' • SILK GOODS. No. 326 MARKET STREET. miff-Sul FALL, 0 EI.A.FFEES. STOUT. &I Co< FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. oul6-312 . No. 523 MAREET STREET. M . ARTIN & WOLFF, IVIIOLESALIi MILLAR/ IN FOREIGN AND DOBIESTIO DRY GOODS, 2134. MARE/ T STREET. CMII and prompt Bix•montbe' Billets, 01 nIl Koalas aro invited to an examination of our Stook. auB4m* R E M 0- V A L. In eonseguenee of the deetruotion by fire of their THIRD BTRIST STOP.II. YARD. CEILLMORE. & CO. HAVE Iit.EMOVRI) TO - NU; 610 CHESTNUT ST., sot-rw . 4fOPh• .yDravii rumn-rmbrinA. Whey hare ilow open AN SNTIR} NEW STOOK SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, GLOVES, RIBBONS . , DRESS TRIMAPINGS, Together with &LAMM ASSORTMENT or STAPLE ,I.7O)F.diVCY WHITE CilitoODS. HIMOIDEHIEH, LAOI,3 1 ' DIANTILLALS,. So Having received but a email poi lion of their 2' 3LL IMPORT.iTIONS, ireviatur to the fire, they arc enable,' to digrlaf A NEW STOCK, to whim.' timy invite the attention of their Cuctonteil Bud donne generally. nu6-sra WURTS. AUSTIE. MeNEIGI-1, IMPORMRB AND /013DEEMI IN DRY GOODS, No. 311 MARICI."I . Street, above Third, Marlon Wurts, Henry Aueti o lianaltnn T. bioVelah, rulLizsLriiuk. John 0, Wenner, Joseph 'Surma. 11100 WOOD, MARSH, 8 . ; HAYWARD, IMPORT,EILS ion) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN. DRY GOODS Aso ..OLOTHING, NO. 309 MARKET STRNET. Poll and Winter Stook now ootooloto and rot Orlin burere. an. 3m rArr.R HANGINGS• PAPER -HANGING.. " (Wms, TRADE.) HOWELL fis Raving removed to their new Store, CORNER 1101 Mall AND MARKET STREETS, Are now prepared to oiler to the Trade a large cue elegant assortment of WALL PAPERS. DODDERS, FIRE SCREENS, WINDOW OURTA IN GOODS, Ac., All of the newest and boat designs, from the low oat Priced article to the finest OOLD AND VELVET DECORATIONS. Southall and Western merchants wilt do well to visit the eetabliahment of ROWELL to BOU - RICE, N.E. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS PITILADRi,PIii A. GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, &c. KEROSENE OIL OP SUPERIOR QUA LITP. 'KEROSENE, or COAL-OIL LAMPS, CHANDRLIERE, BRACKETS, &o, Manufactured and for We, at LOWEST CASH PRICES. by WITTERS 46a CO., - No. 34 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, N. E. nor. of Filbert, between market and Arch. WTIITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CIIRR AND WINE VINEGAR, Green Ginger, lilustard Beed, Bnlees, &a, gm AU the reeulsltee for Preserving and Poshling nurgotas ALBERT 0. ROBERTIS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streato, WARKLING AND STILL OATAWBA worse, XL` CPACTLITIED DT 3. EB HELI3Y, ' Cineinntal, Ohio, Livrap, on hand, and in lota to /onto/foliar:arm, to , CHARLES F. TAGGART, Sole Agent, 3111-4 m No. 631 DT &RKET Street. FAMILY FLOUR, 310 °Bk.!, H & OO ARE NOW ortmliG THEIR PALL STOCK OF H A RD - WARE. 421 MARKET. Kwl 436 commitcE s TRE ET O. H. MATTSON. MADE FROAI CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, ARCH and TENTH atTests. CAST -STEEL BELLS. FOP. CIitIRCITLES, FIRE ALAIOIII, WOE 1A1,1173S _ NAYLOR & 00.. gro COMMEROI3 Street LADIES' intESS 'rgiarmiNGs. WILLIAAI R. lIORSTALINN cts SON,r3, FIFTif AND CHERRY STREETS ) (✓Adjoining Ilic itritnufactin y,) Invite the attention or billow to their Fall stook of LADIES' DRESS ANIS cotruor.v., Dalititt (iIMPS, COMM, LILIUMWS, VELVETS, I'ILINUEb% BILK MID GILT IlfiLTIZi UUTTUrgkS, 1111Arllti. ITERTIE.II, nc., tr. Our note mach or BERLIN ZEPIIYIZS, SEETLAND WOOL, 1 Is eery largG Wad erobraoce a lull Into of all colors and chador, Our feeilitice for home !production, I= wall Z.l threot oentinuniention with foreign inarkeLa, onableells to offer indeeetnente to verehaners. rrii- I a! MILLINERY (4-0011 S Ti -3.08. KEN N & BRO. "~Q9 CIINSTNETT STIMET, IiELOIV EIGIIIII, Haw opened a SPUSNOW A'cBOIL'A RENT of FRENCII FLOWERS. HEM) DIMSSEBp FEATIIER% RIBBON% STRAW GOOD% I3ONNET 114. A' ES, AT LOW PRICP:B re . FALL. 1860. RIBBONS, BONNETS. ANA MILLTNEItY (.100D5 EXCLUSIVELY. We have now on hand, and daily rootivinc, alone and hanueorao nanortmont of RIBBOIsIS, OF EVERY I/ESC/RW . IION, BONNET MATERIALS, • ETRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, MISSES' AND INFANTS' HATS, SHAKERS, An, FRENCH AND AMERICAN FLOWERS, FEATIIERS, RUCILES; AND EVERY OTHER mama: IN TILE MILLINERY To which the attention of t h e trade 10 threeted. ROSENILEIII, ];KOOKS, CO., suls-2an 431 MARKET Street. North e Oa, 1860. HATS AND CAPS. NEW EAT STORE. r!P JOHN E. POSTER, Mato of 109 South Third street,) Having talon tho store at NO. 331 CHESTNUT ST., And fitted it up in superior style, invites the attention of Ills patrons to his I.II.IWANT AND EXTENSIVE STOCK or • HATS AND CAPS. IC3'Otis new fall styles are much admired. sal 9m C . H. 43ARDEN ft Co.. Manufacturers of and Whole:ale Deatem in FLATS, CAPS. Flf S - AND STRAW , GOODS. FANCY SILK AND STRAW SONNETS, ARTIFI CIAL FLU WERE, RUCHES, FE.kTRERS, Nos. 600 and 602 MARKET STREET. &athwart corker of tfixth. The moat extensive and complete assortment. The beat term and the lowan vines. First-churn Inlets aro partiettlariv invited to atm. auto- CLOTUINLI. KELLY & DOHERTY. TAIL01:0, 31 and 33 BOUTIL FIIPTII STKIiET, RAVE JUST ItZCEWIM TIMM FALL AND WINTER ST V LEp, Together with a Piro w,ortmout ' NEW AND PASILIONABLE 1 300.1 M, To Which tho vublie aro invited to nxuniine. Pen Itto Iwnt-Ifti,-tvlujD BLINDS A.NI) &HADES: B. J. WiLLIAMS, 10 NORTE. 61XTIL sriri;r r. 14 tho meet O itet:!\o Manilla:Atm!. of VENETIAN 131JINI)8 WINDOW .SHADEt..3. The Lirge..L and fiue.t abz,orl.w.ont a tha city, aL tho OWOiL wice3. . . _ . EtTOll"... 511111)1.0 icado and tetteltd, IifTAI HMG promptly attended to. LOOKING; GLASSES. G-GLASSES . PICTURE 1'.:12011:/3, • Of overy s.nnety. ENG.RAV.I.NUS, OIL-P./INTL\ G ar NU, ARCH - fiTREKT. Ci HO. F 131/NKEILT, !I.+AL•l'All WILIC Ant. 12 . 41•0 R TYR. ricTuitz,COHNIC:.E. 114/ONI .SIOULDID“./g, oe2-ant Wimeeale atta L 00KING-GLASUES, PORTRAIT tND PIOTUBM TRAMP, ENGRAVING - S. OIL I'AINTX , WP, 4cc.. ax dAHIES S. EARLE & SON, AIPORTk:P.S, ATANUFICTURERS, IVLIOLIc SALE AND RETAIL. DEAL Eli S. BARLES) GALLEUIES, REIVIO VA L. EVERETT, HICKS, & CALDWELE, CLOTH HOUSE. Have removed to 523 MARKET Buyers are invited to osemiho our etook. anii-ran SLEEPER & FEN N ER, WROLESALE MANUFACTURERS OF UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS NO. 326 .11.4.12KR'r FUREET, ruiLanELPim, are nnvr malans more than ISUNDRET) DIV VE111.7,T V1 , 111V.T11.5. 0% nsnr.U.Lioi Of svoly alto, from 74' to SO inches. 13nyers who have not had b. k F.'s make of Fonda trill find then. tune well spont In hooking over this molh•mnne stook, whooh includes MANY ION'LLTik:I , , not Met with eisetchcre, ,ul^ -5-3m MOE FINDINGS. ISAAO . I-36:RTON & CO.„ IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SHOE STUFFS. FRENCH AND ENGLISH LASTINGS, GAI LOONS, PATENT LEA.T.LIEN, Also, (1001)5 FOR CARRIAGE MAKERS. No. 1 4 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Philadelphia. Il,itfll&wfl, IYT(JIIIIDJM PAOKAUE lIARDWARB 110IISE.--=lte would respectfully cull tile attention of the Oone ral Hardware Tradr to our extensive stook of fitl2- LNG H HARDwAn (3, which UT ellar r.t Minna advenne by the rmam , ,,,. Orders for dtrnct. 111/rOTlAtinn soliritell, and Goode de livered ottkf r 10 lure cam Nov , York. or Vow Orietlntt. W. 0 L,N.WI & 130 N. 411 Cohllllhlngt strett, linverting and ( - lemma:den 111ersbants, and Agents fur Feral gr and Domestic) llardvrnre. ant?-11 1110 (I.IIESTII UT 9121 t I: r, w, PiuinJ eiphiL RE 1%0 V ASKS. UMBRELLAS. ItiltDlVAttE. 1 )1 1 . - M,ApELPOIA; MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1860. W CAItRf.II I .INGE. Di 1,10 artivais I It;vo vartoty 01 all tho HAW btylo4 of CONSAL , tlNti .(‘;, pita or TEmilETows :se t t-ro and Brondth 41: XIT 4N 3tILIL 3 ; Rt./Qt.:ELLE, ItIC6IULd CO., 41t)1.4%.W.N, PSICNUIf 310 lUE'1"1.1; BIIEADTM; J 11N CIiOGSLLY .LSON 'S BIU2SSLLd ' S.I.I*.EL;TRY; lIENDEIISOIA"S 1311,/.76 REND E171+011% , !. W0.1281'1;0 .01.11A6;i V 101:711.1.116, new, good ; ha? n boom :folottol abroad duriug tho last four !mats, and ean bo odor: d at um/111 , 111y low moos. In udthtion In out t auc,t y F()11 . .F.1C1 - IN o.bs. we hsco the vat lots of A .LIERICA:I7 , I INtiltAlDi 111.1t.b..arlA OAIiTETIN I I, OIL nouil to 3 Tat do wide, of ore' votutylo, JAM SS H. 01 -LW:.,. • No. 620 011E61:NUT 22., bdow OEVENTII, oclo-nmf let - f. ADE f. Plf re Ali 1, TRADE. AIeC.A.LLUM (JO.. CARPEP l‘imiuvAcautinta, quat 11C11.0 MILLS , GEI.3tANTOW.N", Also, Impeller:l and DOCICIM in aAI~PI~ INCA S. OIL (31,0T1-I.S.' MAT TINOS, RUGS„ e. IVARELIOUSII, 509 CLIESTNUT (opposito the State limo.) ScAtthe,M wati Western Buyers um rebve:tfally itivtl,3d to eaLl. nul7-2m A USTIN BROWN, I\IIOLIIBALEI DEALtat IN F OR 0 - 1 . 1.-C 31XYPI-18, 164 North 'III IRA Blreet, tiouthwnt corner or RACE, (up atEurs.) aol2-1)1,* MIMI EVANS & WATSON'S SAFES MAYA YS ! Theu:,:flantatekr &hitch, oa tabard at the Pc:Wm l‘a• ma:Hato fair, hold durin , ; the 23th, 27th, Lath, arl:Uth 01 September, la'u,,lrtvo well a the nicatEsr ritumium Or $,40, for their superior riuuht‘r., EVANS & WATSON 'Have a large assortment of their SAFES always on hand ut their 6toro, 3'1)4 CUES MUT Street. ool•lf PREPARED GLUE. =ESE= PREPARED GLUE! "A sTrioit Ir 4 vim BAVEti .1111 i U." . . EcciEstO !pisriaciu SAVE T. PLECESt As R-V36•lsfliS *flit Mlrrea, ft(4 111 wrll rißwimid rarWits nix very iltqtrablo to have , .c.sun cAennand thicenlcut Vraf tar covattinc Furnitu to, Toil, (.11(g)lail !lAD, PREPAILIED °Lai; iotett nU roueli etnergoneivv, and le Itoontheidern &hot to be vsilltottt it ft to olwayo ready and up tv the eLivl:- ,ns uwiit . 'throe le el longer a necoetrity fyr Marin' attain', erhoteiml 7covera, hendloso (lan, rind broken mote,. It in fort the arttele for cone, eltelL nod other ornamvotol •o , et k, co rovular vii , h hullos of tefinemtnt %rot tante. adntiuthlo preparation i 4 Med eobl. Leith: ebo moil!! 1,6 i In rtnhitlon,•ont tlxs Nalivans enalltice of the !Ant eatthict-mkere taus. It nmy tied in tbo Once et nitlinary Inuc‘lnce, bon: raid!! sure attltelive. ..118EFUt.. 111 .110113 E," 11. U. 11. ' , rah cecuuivanice mc it bottle. .I'.ltloli '.I:II7.ENTY-FIV.T.3 MOTU. koitoote Pooot, No. 43 CEDAR. [Moot, Nov Yoxk, dddrens HENRY (1 ['AIMING .t CO., Vox No. MO, Nov York. Pat ire Inc Denim in to containing font, night, and tca r itt.l dozen, a bewail al Lithographic' Etiove-c&3CP cariornpanying ec.c.th package' N-. 0" A ?undo boffin of 131 1 21LD11 ?REAM ItYlil 0 LI) fi, raxe ton tunes Ito owl. tattoo:li to ovary how:hold told 17 all rronu.tzt fitationorg, MITIEI66'I Mud wire and Puilutoro Dealors, tirouorit, end ntuzy ftaren. tloantry Alemhants utioula make a nolo of ISPAIDING'S GLUM, vrlont makina ma their IT WILL BTAND ANY IJLIATAIV. 453.1,11,f-y 1.5 cie BROOKS' NORMAL, Mr,runt, ARLTIIME. TIC .23 ate. IJILOOK,T KEY TO MENTAL AItITIIME .SPORTING GOODS. t TIC :23 as. G 4 UN S, 0 ES. bICATES, it( PIIILIP WILSON & CO., MAN UFACT UREI? S OF SUMRIM tiUtiB, itliPOrtUrti and Pesters FINN (M AND MOWING' muta, GICICICHT BATS, DALL 6. IMPIJEISII3NTS. VCATEB OF EVENY VARILTY, FINE TACKLE' AT THE LOWESP ritiCV3 43:2 C UT STREET CABINET FURNITURE. FRENCH FURNITURE. GEORGE J. 1-IENRELIS, Q,4, WALNUT svusET, a rust orane,l a large involee of 171,E, QUADRILLE, MARQUEPRIE, and ORMOLU WORE., Winol,ltowillsellatvery REDUCED fit ICES, FIRST-CLASS CA B INET TVJIRE. GEO. J. HENKELS, Z 54, WAI.NUT STREET, Were at VERA' REDUCED PRICES The largest asgertment in the Union, all of New Designs Call and examine Iletoro 50143. CABINET FURNITURE AND LIARD TABLES. MOORE eia CAMPION, No. 261 SOUTH SECOND STREET Cu connection with their extensive Cabinet Vueinsyn, are now manufacturing it eurertor article of Dthl. , (Afi TABUS. hove now on hand to full supply. finished with 3floo CAM I 0 Pit , IVED C Which ore pronounced, by all who have used them, to be superior to ell others. For the Quality and finish of these Tntiles the mann- Neturcre refer to then: nulllffrolp palrollS throughoutthe Union, wit care familiar with the character of their work. ao2•Gol MEW OABINE W - AREROO)IS 4 (WEND WEER. 11Y ` If. J. II No. 45 i , nntl It UPI,' OND Stront, Four noon :Wove ChnMtdnt nt root. Phil:idol One, A .10,, znrtment of FinlikTiTUßF. of every deann i , lion nnnalnntl - on hind, lit t lin lan•rnt enth Prnvp. 6rt 3M TIMM STR riviT Jonatra; HOUSES BUNICT, RA - 1(3-UBLI. ea CO IMPORTSJIS AND JOGI11:•RS OF FANCY DRY *ODDS. No. 137 ',NORTH 11111tll ktTILIZT, NOW 'OFTER, TO TIIE TRADE AN UNUSIJAIJN ArritAirrin or GOODS, ttli; l3 o:6r DaVSIS i3(lOlY.i, WIUTE GO() WI, E7IititOtiIEitIES,I.4I.CIES, V.bfirliVt;t 4 , ANI) 1 . 11.12.1111,NU5, Tt.,,ethet with It full antl caucd of FALL AND AV I El A.Avr,s. To all I,` Teich they tot ito the atteetlon CASH AAI) l'3' 61X...51014TH5 .13(1YEICI eof .114 al , D- UM, 1 1 ,10010, 4. CO., Nos. 1:!!0 and NORT.n. T 11. RD STIVEIT.I2, ILVI .A 14.0 musi: GOMPII,E'PE 1731:10(1K or 1111:5CII, BM:11611, 1.1.1112i14, AND DOMEaD, D Y 0.0. D They Iwo ercy ulrei od, Da. to 1011,11 tLD attoution ct E=l Is ICJ:carting :elicited Rs ror ;oti and oompialnilOtn in nil tt, dorm t nicutl. our tooLcut utook olloiu inanuornoutn to iny , !in unsultutusoil by any other houen. 0125-lot T/LE attention el Buyers is solicited. VRESI-1. GOODS. RIEGEL, 13 AXEL), A; CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS ot , a DRY GOODS, No. 47 NORTH T1117:11 STREET, Wneld renneelfully invite the a ttentton of the trade to their LAItUE AND IVELL-SELEOTED Stock of FRESH FALL GOODS, Wlltoll Silty are now ononing, SPe nee daily in reoeiet of all Inadi of fresh and' desirable, gooda. Call and examine our stuck. se7-2m JAMES. ICENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS 1) 13, Y U 0 0 1) B . NOD. 230 AND 241 NOWd!ll TILTED UTENET, ABOVE RAGE, BOaruoquß7 inNito tho ottoutiou of Buyeca to chair coual LARUE AND COMMETE DTODIC OF FOKELON AND DOMESTIO GOODS, Anutr, %loot' 'will be, !mind tt, general tmlort ' utont of PIIITAI)IiLI'ILEA-14 ADE (100DS, Ate°, a large variety of Tievf and confined tly lee of PRiNTS, 111E.RIUMACK SECONDS, &c. 00.. NG. 8 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS H OSIER Y. 61115 as Aril) intAmAts, dMJLI. - WA ittiqt-ac Tanq. 111ELLon, EDwAu”AtNi. nor-11u 1860. COOPER, PAJII•IAM. Ba !,,Porters, Mittutlaclararß, and Jobbers or HATS. GAPS. FURS. FALL', ST.III ANV G 001)S. NO. in NORTH TILIRD VILEL,T, below AIICIL riirLADELaquA, COOPER. WM, M. FARRAR. ItUBENT D. WORN. Itr - Etvok uoty compicto and roadr far burora. Gill/ :in SOWER. 13ARNEb% 6ii CO„ 1 1 t'O1161;LL A 141) r ÜbblallE It 8. Er/). 37 NORTII TIMM HTREUT, L,. 'get ruir. !shoo Markot tAtect, Ins .te tho tate% lten of I.lo,,ksottolo anal country tut r hvits to Choir t ory I irgo stock of SO hulll BrliAte, pub Ituht d 'tug and 011101 o two togothor with :411:!C0111 , / 0• 0 , 0 I/ l" a t t ln t i l r V s 1 8 t ' I tll B .l4 l° N.l'lllrr n lro a rt: ;Anon v.queli at° the fullowritg TIIE OENTRAL GOLD REGION, iw COL. NV [LUAU GILPIN, Ltvto of tho U. S. ArdlT.) ILLA Srltieftd) 11Y Nt.1311i1201.8 OHO oh. fire, bound In cloth. Pr irn :°11.73 1 and a liberal discount to tho trAdo. Thin boot. Is r rouquirced tho roost ~ondorfiil, Ile/ 0111 z tic, And ownproliongivo 'realm) ou tho !cog rn ph) 01 our CUL:tlll!ltt over yulthshod. Liol-1.00r.• 33()OKS: BANDEIZU' filitilLS OF 1t1..-....118115. UltoolilS' riolor. 4 ,L PIi.I3IAILY BROOKS, A. IS., Protestor of alallienutties in l'enntylrnnia 13Into Nor 'nett Nolinol. Liberal terms for intrcniuetion. W.H.ITE'et COPY-800 - KB BY T. KIRK' rzethleat of Peinihylvitizi4 Conitncroial Colleith PELTON'S OUTLINE . 111.11? S. Thin rorict of SI C SUPERB MAPS la now Adopted iu a.11, 4 ,5t oaaty Bahaal of mita nt tho Union Micro goo. Krat , lty is tnuhht and 4ae no Nina'. Pi Inc &25 for full eat of fo3 Maps, or 61u for eot of liennapnorn taupe alone. auS-.lm rtiEJ , IczNA.IJ E. STA PFORD'S • OLIVE' TAR. TAIL 11A1,10 , its Waling; Naixantic o,(oriurs brought in contact with the lining membrane of tits PIil:O1T, ItRONQII T 1 113193. AN I) ALL TILE Al It.C? J.Lti OF TILT Lutui d. relieving et once II /I V pain or oppresaion i rind healina root irritmoon or 11,11,ontion. WORN 01.ivr T:.13.14 TAM'S urn:: gl:GAlt, if form an unequalled Soothiii: oaf/ Hiaiinj Sump for Coughs and all Throat diseases. Wu' a• °LIG' g TAO 1u Arrll2:l , , i u 3lagnetio nr con cent rat ed curative powera render it a moat apaedy Orivr Tor is amt Fifty emits haute, BU.OIDIVAY, N. and Dru,gicla. IRON A\l) SULPHUR POWDERS are a whoa rrrpa ration of Iron and 81k!pipit'. identical wkth that CI:Wall; In I. e DICTA Of a rerfeolly honithY Uld•ino with the dige , ted food, 'rum REVITALIZE. A VI) VIE BLOOD. :CUM" I VrAll T lia•Fnuy ro 7710 Nrit 1 . 0175 81 , 7E11, TIM( INVIoCiE.; T 1: Tarr. 'Tim , : NT:M .O 3II;EN THE BIDE Tan' SITIITT OF Tall! BODY, AND ARE A tlrrelD:r von Al 1, Fmr At 4 1.2 EROADWAY, New York, and an Druggists CITATNINH I.EvTI 4 :OMAT 4 room THU fuC,etcinenvdma - P th'n lon othcy tociLialown yromt ocor pf.rrorg, 4 , ,it Tr. Vay add re 47 ft , c t 7 inn It. L, ,o, r : 41., 1:11 tH nrenur, New York. b 1 4 1 ,, , ,; Bo 4 - 1•1 , 11, Erg., Banker, Now Yon:. 'roc MOM: Wr,ao, 1,1 , Albany, );HI. Wr.rionzom, D. C. Eit. , :vm , r. Mutt - rod, Cont. v, It B A, Rev. ,W-.IIVA VITT, Ed. (inleiindent, Now York. Nov. F , B nrour, Ed. Exlmincr, New York. Nov. IL W. CHO:VIC, Art. Am. Bildo Union, N. Y. (tot. O. F. A. H?r;siNG. thittornutts, N. E. Roy. Or, LroNATi.P, Exeter. N. H. BEND NOE A PAMPHLET. Boltl by nff Drovis DY(Y1`1"& CO„ No, No)1,11, SECOND Street, Agentq far Pennolvania. ne2.2in 111 - ART'9 DIGESTIVE.--To invigorate the dt!•eetivo orznos.—Thoso who profess to take 00 iiiatiioloo iO.O it 1 , 0'05 .nßby NV, ti 001;8 . /14, Nort hewn corner of TEN IT end Pm! oilier ProKPistp. eel FP* EFIN ED S Aft,.--1,000 Barrels LO VEittrio's Cruniked, oer.rne and fine pidveriseil. A, D, and Cotte_n_, and relleell yellow tiugar, fogy 'Ale 11 JAMES 4.0121,13 CO„ 1.1 , 31 V talent, • e i (1 1 ) 1?.), MONDAY, OCTOBER S, 1860 Lord llunfrew's is lie, at it is called, consists of his tutor ; the lion. Major General Bruce, who resides with him at Oxfur a, and has him completely in charge; al•,o of the Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of State for the Depaitmeut, and of Earl St. Germans, Lord Steward of Queon Victoria's household. During part of Lord lionfrewra tour in Canada an. the West, ho was occasionally accompa nied by the Marquis and. Marchioness of Chandos, and by Viscount Illuchenbroke, but these visited this country en their own ac count. The t isit of the Prince, of Wklos to British North America being, in a manner, a State affair, it was considered proper that he should be accompanied by the Colonial Socretary. Tho Duke of Newcastle, who now holds that office, was born lifly `!2, 1811 ; was married to Lady Stisan-HaMet-Hamilton-Douglas; only I daughter of the halo Duke of Hamilton, and divorced front her in 1850, after they had four, sons and a daughter.; auttsucceeded his father,, tho fourth-Dukeyin :January, 1861. Fur se veral years before :that- ont, ho hero the courtesy title of Eat I of Lincoln, and sat in the Houso of Coatroom, first for South Not tinghamahiro, untillB4o, when ho vacated his coat by acceptance of the Chief Secretaryship for Ireland, under Sir Hobert reel's second Administration. The late Duke, his father, a Tory of unbending principle and obatinacy; who had nevor forgiven peel for granting Catholic Emancipation in 182'3, was greatly irritated at his eldest son's joining his banner when "Free Trade" was inscribed upon it. When Lord Lincoln went down to his native county, for re-election, he was met by a let. to (dated February 17, 181130 from his own father, addressed to the inhabitants of South Nottinghamshire, in which he strongly urged them to reject his son [the Earl of Lincoln] because he was going against Protection to Agriculture. A contest ensued, and a Mr. Hildyard was returned. Imniediately after. through the influence of the Duke of Hamil ton, his father-in-law, Lord Lincoln was elected from the Falkish district of burghs, in Scotland, and continued to elf for thorn until he went into the Bonne of Lords, in 1851, as 6th Duke of Newcastle. Ho was educated at Oxford, where Peel and Gladstone also eminently distinguished them selves. Entering Parliament in 1832, as a Tory, immediately after the passing of the .11etetin Bill, Lord Lincoln naturally,attached himself to Sir Hobert Peel, the Conservative leader. In December 1811 whon Peel ac. copied the Premiership out of which he was driven in the following April, ho made Lord Lincoln, then only In his twenty-fourth'year, a Lord of the Treasury. Peel returned to of fice in the autumn 91' )1.11, and appointed Lord Lincoln to the Chief Commissionership of Woods and Forests, the salary of which is 5,10,000 a year, frequently with a seat in the Cabinet. Ills subsequent appointments were Irish Secretary, thou $27,500 a year, from Fe bruary to July, 18.10; Secretary of State for War and Colonies, 525,000, in the Earl of Aberdeen's Administration, from December 1852, until the offices were divided, in 1851, when he took the War Department, which ho resigned in 1855, in consequence of popular clamor on account of the bad equipment of the army, during the •Crimean War, which it was alleged, he should have provided against. In Juno, 1859,. when Lord Palmerston rcbutlacci the principal administration Piparbhio oflairs in Englarni, ne-- - rePlaced the Duke of New-, castle in office as Colonial -Secretary, salary $2,), 1 101.? a year. Welt born, wealthy, highly educated, tout in succession to one of rho highest titles of no bility in England, (for though the Dukedom of Newcastle was created, by George 11, so re cently as 1136, the Earldom was granted by Elisabeth, in 1:572 . , and the extinct Barony of Clinton was created by Edward 111, in 1367 2 ) Lord Lincoln entered patine bib with unusual advantages. under the absurd practice which admits future members of the peerage to sit in the House of Commons, he was a member of 1 Parliament at the age of twenty-one. In those i days, too, ho nas considered very well-looking, I and Peel, who nes or brought forward a dull luau, early gave him reputation and prestige by skiing him c•ffice Wale lie was twenty four yeara old. Subsequenblf Lord Lincoln showed considerable administrative power in higher offices—he has twice been is Cabinet- Minister—and though he never bad the name of being eloquent, speaks with considerable deli:nee of himself, when he re signed the War Secretaryship, in 1855, was that of a man unjustly held responsible for the faults of a system which he had no power to change, and showed that he could be an orator, had he a stirring theme upon which to speak. Front 1846 to 1851, lho last fire years of Ins House of Commons' life, and before ho succeeded to the Dukedom, ho served on sevei al Parliamentary Committees, and showed great diligence as a shrewd and practical business man, and considerable tact in ex. ambling, witnesses. Ile possesses vast estates, chiefly in Nottinghamshire, and has a great induenec, as landlord, in the boroughs of Is ottiugbam and Newark. His father, w hen taunted with compelling his tenants to vote as I lie wished, uttered the remarkable reply, per. vetting the moaning of the text, Cannot I do what I please with mine own?" Tho first Duko of Newcastle (of the present line) was Prime Minister under George H. and 111., and was excessively incompetent. His igno. ranee was great. At one time, while he was in office, lord Ligonier having suggested to WIN 11. him the propriety of defending Annapolis, be replied, •• To be NUN : Annapolis ought to be protected. Oh ! yes—Annapolis shall bo defended ! Where is Annapolis?" Thin cc. minds one of the old lady who exclaimed, when her son read a newspaper paragraph commencing—The Dutch have taken umbrage, "Dear me! Taken Umbrage! At this rate, WO noon wont have a town left ! The Earl of St. Germans, now Lord StoN ard of Queen Victoria's Household, with a salary of SlO,OOO a year, has filled much higher offices, and, indeed, is a man of considerable ability. Ilia titles are compar atively new, but he represents an old family In Cornwall, where his extensive estates are, Port Eliot, near St. Games. One of his an cestors, Sir John Eliot, distinguished himself in the time of Charles 1., as one of the mana gers appointed by the House of Commons to manage the impeachment of the Duke of Buckingham. FOy this and his subsequent op. position to the Court he was fined and confined, and 'Mil in the Tower, a State prisoner, in July 168 . 2. One of his descendants, then M. I'. for the County of Cornwall, and a staunch supporter of Mr. Pitt, was by him called to the Upper House, in 1784, as Baron Eliot, St. Germans, Cornwall. and his son again, the Second Baron, was created Earl St. Ger mans, in 1815. The gentleman now with Lora Renfrew is third Earl. He was born m 1790, and is neatly connect td, through his mother, with Mrs. Stove's and the Black Swan's Duchess of Sutherland,. Ile was ~ onto time attache, at the Eague, and subsequently Secretary of Legation at Lisbon, in 1824. After this, he entered the House of Commons, with the courtesy-title of Lord Eliot; was a Lord of the Treasury, successive ly under Canning, I,ord Coderich, and '' the Duke," from April, 1827, to .N or ember, 1882; Secretary of Legation et Madrid, in 1833, and Ambassador to Spain in 1834-5 ; concluded the " Eliot Convention," respecting the treatment of prisoners during the Spanish civil war; was chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant and Keeper of the Privy Seal in Ireland, from September, 1841, to January, 1845 ; Postmaster General from November, 1815, toJnly, 1816, when he went out of ()dire with ppel ; was Lord Lieutenant, or Ireland, in Ow Aberdeen premiership, from January, Lord Rentlew , s Suite. TWO CENTS. 185 a, to March, 1855 ;'appointed Lord Ste ward or the household in November, 1851; resigned early to 1858, and leas reappointed in Juno, 1859. lie sat in the House of Commons, with a low intervals, from 1821 to 1845,.v,1icn he succeeded his father in the home 'of Lords. He has the reputation of being a Li beral Tory, and has served under almost ins many political chiefs as Palmerston himself, via.: Canning, Goderich, Wellington, Guy, Illelbourne, Peel, Aberdeen, and Palmerston. no is a fair speaker, nett informed, and a good wolking man when in a responsible posi tion. ito has several times been a Cabitiet Minister. Nothing, except the baulicring el the English aristocracy atter situations which place them near the person of the Sovereign, can account for such a man as Lord St. Ger mans accepting such a subordinate - ailed as the Lord Stewardship of the House—Mr office which, though it given him precedence Over all Dukes not of the Royal blood, really in volves many of the duties of an upper ser vant! Another member of Lord liontiow's suite is Sir Henry Holland. Sir Henry; who did not join Lord Renfrew until alter ho has co:1)- plFted his visit to Canada, is the :thrt of a pi rate gentleman in Cheshire, and wits born ih 1788, grailuated as Doctor Of Medicine, ut Ednabingli'l3:pivorsity in 1811, wds appointed) - PhyaTCraik lii 'ol•dinary - to, Prince' Alb'ert' ' I.Blo;rilitricktreen'ViCteria in 1851 4 ,, Al.ii,was Man a Batonot, in' April, 1853. Ills second wife, whom ho married in 1834, was Sabd, daughter of the Rev. Sydney Smith, Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's. In 1855, Lady Holland published a Memoir of her failiev,, With `a 'selection from his L ettersmade bY airs. Austin. Sir floury Rolland has written several ' General View of the 'Agriculture of Cheshire,' in 1807 ; Travois in Greece, &c., in 1812-18 ) Maidical Notes and Reflections, of which sere.; rid editions' have been published, the last in 1855 ; and Chapters on Mental Physiology, Mr. Allibone characterizes: the Medical Notes and Reflections as embed : mg the results of hearty forty years' active practice in London. Slr Henry Holland, now in his seventy-third year, is an active gentleman, under the middle stature, and has acquired a liberal indepemi deuce by his extensive practice and alai) through his with, who succeeded to her hither's considerable property. The Marquis of Chandos, who will proba bly accompany Lord'Renfrew to Philadelphia, is oldest son of that ill-conducted and astral , vagant Duke of Buckingham and Chandosi whose princely residence of Stowe came to the hammer some twelve years ago. Lord Chan-I dos was born in 1823, entered the' Rouse of Commons in 1840; married Miss Carolind Parker in 1851; was a Lord of the Troasuryi 'under Lord - Derby in 1852 ; was appointed keeper of the privy seal to the Prince of Wales in March 1852, and special deputy-1 warden of the Starmaries in October following,t and has been chairman of the Board of Directoi4 s of the London and Northwestern Railway,l since October, 1853 ;---llicy arc proud to sit tin , -; der the presidency of a Marquis, who is a Plan-, tagenot to boot, and he is happy in receiving, $7,500 a year for acting in that position. As' a legislator, the Marquis has a reputation to make; as a railway president he is said to have manifested no small aptitude for busi.' Viscount llinchinbroke, who was with Lord Renfrew in the Wost, was twenty-one years old, last July. Ho iu oldest_son of the se venth Earl of Sandwich, and crossed the 'At lantic, we• believe, in order to have banjo. hunting on the prairies of , c the Far West." This concludes our notice of the principal persons In Lord Ronfrow's suito. Hore, and 1/cwhailaatikrAwr_Tht*,, pruuatny-u,n.. larged by tho temporary addition of 'Lora Lyons, British Minister to Washington. This nobleman, who is a bachelor, was born in April; 1t317, and succeeded his father, the first Baron, (created 1856,) in November, 1868, a short time before his appointment to thl4 country. - - The Japanc..c at Sca.--No. 11. Corressmndenoe of The Press.] U. S. i.3TEAIf E/ZIOSTM "NtA0.5.1:.1.,” I St. Paula do LUando, Weat Coact of Africa, Suoday, Aug. 12, 1860. As the .` Marion" has received her orders fur home, and intenda leaving in a day or two, 1 take the opportunity of writing and posting ,you up as regards cor whereabouts and intentions for the future. We left New York, as you aro aware, Saturday. June 30, with every prosifect of a pleaaaut voyage, and a few days saw everything in ship-chaos order, and the Jape—tete well satisfied with the fine accommodations fur nished fur them. On the oth of July we passed the spars of a wrecked vetted, and, from their aharo, supposed them to belong, to tome English fruiter. They had every appearance of having been came time in the water. On the afternoon of July I:,th, Wo sighted tho Cape do Verdo Islands, and that night dropped anchor in the harbor of Porto ti rand° ; the follow ing day wo eoruutocood getting hi coal, and seers 611cd by night. On the following morning, the 17th, wo again got under way with etoam, wind being ahead, rrhiolk it continued durirg our whole passago to this place. On August 21, our Coal giving out, we wore compelled to eet all sail, and beat against a light On August 3d, nearly all Um wator being consuructrof which wo had any account, (no draft of the ship's Bold being on board,) the crow wore reduced to ovo .jrr¢•rls of water per diem, which, with the boat of, these lati tudes, occasioned no littlosuffering and grumbling, but fortunately, on Monday, Anna oth, we made this port, or I can hardly say what may have happened. On August Ist no noticed a partial ()clips° of the moon On the 7.h inst. wo oonsteenood the ardu ous task of coaling ship, hauling it front the beach to the slip in our heats:; but fortunately en Friday last the ship " Sabastian Cabot" arrived from Philadelphia, loaded with coal, wbioh we got alongside of us, and aro now whipping it in out of her The Sabastiatt Cabot has had quito along passage of it, being one hundred and nine days, having encountered a enceession of Imad.windi and cairns. There are now in this port the following vessels of our squadron on Ibis coset : The Con stellation, (gag ehtp,) Marlon; MYstio, Mohogan, and San di:Mute ; ofileera and crows all well. The Pdohegan captured a clever last week off the Congo rtiver, with lictwoon 000 and till Africans on board. , We will finish coaling and watering ship by Wednesday next, and on Thursday will leave foe Cape Town. The impression made upon the Japanese, by their visit to and treatment while in the Vatted States, will not coon bo obliterated ; it is their constant talk; and uherever they go everything ithat it Amorioan meets with instant favor, whilst every thing also they look upon with distrust. " Tom my's" only care appears to be to daily overhaul hie three hundred and forty six likenesses of hie lady acquaintances, and keep them In a perfect state of preservation ; but there is one to whom 110 pays extra attention, and over which he hoe shod many a bitter tear—l mean his first, his Trasktrtg ton Love; ho calls it his God, and prays so devoutly to it as a Christian. While on this subject It may not be out of place to mate that Government has furniahed 115 a chaplain, (Rev Charles S Stewart,) and evcr since we hove boon out wo have had morning nod evening worship, thereby showing the=e Japanose a that uedo have a form of worship, which they had every reason to doubt, •by the round of dissipation they were pat through. As regards the further discipline of the ship, I cannot speak very favorably, so I will say Little; but taking, for example, over four hundred souls being reduced to two quarts of water per day, when only thirty-four days from the United States, in the largest ship in the mory, where every se commedation for the hoalth and comfort of the I crew should be complete, is no flattering encomium fir the executive of the ship. But, hoping that the time to not far distant when wo wilt:bring- the Nia gara book to the United States, I subscribe my self, with the best wishes for your welfare, You're, ac., rl SitonT time ago a mon named Crandall made hit escape from the .kilegbeny county jail. For the intornintion of the curious ho has lately written hook the follow ng acoount of the manner of bid esoape " I suppose it is 0 ruptory to some bow I got corny, consequently I will give you a brief history or my departure , The modus ape ? andi Was thl3: 1 got out of my welt by ingenuity, ran up stairs with agility, crawled Out of the bank window in oeorooy, slid down the lightning rod with rapidity, walked out of the angelic town with dignity, and am now backing in the sunshine of pleasure and liberty '" llyannEn INsuratECTlO:st.---A report reach ed Norfolk of the discovery of a plot for insurrec tion among the slaves In Princess Anne so., Va. Ten nrroits, it is said, have been made, including the ringleader. TIDE VV - PA.ERLY PRESS. Tim Wxxxx.y Perss:Xkilt be sett to' subscribe - ye IT MO (per annum, to advanoo,) —_—. _BO.OO Throe Copies, " Fitle Ten, " " Twenty " " (to ono address) 2.0.00 Twenty Coven, or over" (to address of (mutt subsoriberd each, ror a Club of Twenty-one 'or over, we wilt teed an extra copy to the gottn-up of the Milo rr-1 , Postmasters aro requested to act as Amite fur Toe Wolof LY Punqr- CALIFORNIA FRES& hued three mire a Month, in time fur tho ealiferm% tilemnera. --- Anothor Steamboat Explosion. raanran /11865TFIL 114 maxae---I,IIELDFCL or itre-*-31.%E.SitElt GP TUE OZOIIGIA /10r83 01' 111:111M3ENTATIVP.S DR.OIVNAD. [Front the N, 0, Pioaslll.lo of October:4 Tbo atenumhip Orizaba, Capt. Place, whisk at tired last evening from alveston, brings to no in teltigorato of a dreadful - dttester: Tho atoeuxboat Bayou City, Capt. Forrest, ono of tho regular packets which ply botweon 04Juni:ten anti liCoal , ton, exploded her boilers Ibursday evening !APE. whop_ nose Lynobburg, Texas, causing n fearful loss lifd, though how great was not known. The following is a Bit of the cabin pasrengors . Mr, Johnson. C. 1-lurley sad lady. Airs. Etinilorsou, Shsrue ead13.19. Mrs. Pardon. Pies Susan bolter, ' sotoo 'Prawn and lady, B h p Brown. too., nud five h wp m , ,r tt. tmLeit. `,;',Vlllll.74..gantu"tt3lr., Locate 5 . ....1 ' . te k.:. ! LAMB, P. Aron ho r ten, led. Besot S. tirogory, It W-1 Soot . .M. Patten, W.. )1. utobor. .1. it: Fisher. UPI- N. Snedearn, slooloy, D. I. Ely mon- - S P. Jones, 0. ti Nitrbet, r Farland, Watts. :allow. Nolan, 11-.ttle. 61, l'. Ca lows). 'U. IL vl ue. S 1110./Oriklti. Janos Bentley. B. Johnson, Ftshor, homyson--rduo nogrova, Of tho deck paesongore there is no list what ever, 33.:10WN TO BE ERAP. /9/04. A. WeMropc. otevrard. John Coololgo.lsoonnd clerk. JOhltlOth negro fireman, beim:l6lG: to easflm root. Hotßon, fireman. bo'oiigiur to Mr. MoLane. Fore, not ro, belonging Mrs. &taw, of R feh mond. Low,p anti rror_re, nogroes, holonlins to Mi. 'E. John eon., of Booto,ttlo, drowned. . • 4lnut, Forrest:isle/Ws, scalded. Wso. WhilSons first or/inner, Iv, broken. end badly hart. Mac , lerev. mete, elightl* . trialded. W. player. ssrat pilots ell s glith lout, I , dr. Galiounsr. of Geordju, Font alightty thja:cd. Capt. Bolt of Co'd`s'un/ntirs binbly 2Erlarcd.- A hack, thud cooks lielarnoncr.o ttio Pslaut cstato. t,y,- Ishut. Fleury- factOdus Isoldng u;ssto btl. Dts , ru. ' oNton Tv/Soloist otowst d 401 °14111g td E. P/lors hand/ sled facie BM td.tt: - Jnn ussa uarrston, /miters, belooriuz 'a Cart. Etter - Trot. Isadls hurt. • 'kin, belonging to:Alt:John/cos Boenciill , :s., L'lClN2rtr.r.D. The followingare all the ttatneflnre nettldoittain : Dick LCIAS and his brothor, of Waverlay ; dlr, G. L Battle, and a largo family of negro servsnts— men, woman, and children. This gentleman canto from Georgia, and was mins way to hie planta ii.m in Wharton empty. Mr. Catlette, first clerk; Mr Curley, second engineer; Mr lit White, pilot; ~ oven boys, all colored; Bob,-fireman, belonging to Mr. Crawford ; Mr MaJonkin, Cabin vaseenger ; Mr. and Mrs George H 'lmbue, cabin passen gers; Mr end Mrs. Barley, cabin passengers, Gal veston; Mr, :Reber, of liotf9ton; George NUM, third stork. rAnnottAns or THE 1119311TE11 . . 'The Galveston News furnlithos to ua the follow. ing particulars of this fearful, disaster, brought down by the steamers Mary hilt and .Neptune, both of whioh woro instrumental In relieving the sufferers: Oa the upper deck of the 11iiL rat a quiet•look ing gentleman, Mr. tiallorvey: of Georgia, with his foot bandaged up In white, linen Ho seemed to teko it calmly and philosophically. L is friends , nrosently removed him to more comfortable quar ters In the upper cabin was the body of Mr: 'John Coolidge, a floe young man, canoed ulerk of the boat, who, when the explosion took place, was in the office making - out infls•of lading and other pa pers, preparatory to the landing of freight at Lynchburg, /lo was badly scalded, and died just AB the Mary Ilia reached the wharf In ono of the berths near hits was a coloiod man named Milton,• belonging to Zlr. 11 ,- . It Baker. Ilia fare was much disfigured pad eitollen; and his hands severely hurt, but he conversed with Much intelligence andrulearnees Lind took matters very info of th e eight cabin boys, and was on duty at the tido of the accident, the slier seven being in bed in-the Togas. On Me lower deck of the Mary Mill were three deed - bodies Mr. Westropp'ainolailed, and a number ',grim wounded, who web all taken to the hospital or their several homes as rapidly as possible. On board the Neptune avers the following: Mr. Hewes, of Now Orleans, eon of the President of the Opelousas Poilirotul; Mr. T. P Loyd, of tlte vonvillo, Texas, slightly injured ; and Dr. A. M. Potter, of Galveston Colonel and hire new, of Columbia, were among the peesengers, and roinsined at Lyl:hi:erg. They wore unhurt. Mr. Bowes lost a negro boy nameii }'rank. Mr J. T Irvin, Speaker of the Georgia limo of ltcpresentatives, and (mod tillte moat prominent men in the Stuto, nes on board with n family of nine negroes, and his brother-In-law, Mr.. U. L. Battle, of }gypt, Wharton county. Ile wan seen rushing aft, and It is believed ho jumped over board and was drqwded. None of his negroes were injured. . . Mr. Calloway, we leard, is a largo planter near Washington, Georgia. Be canto over with &teem , . Battle, and Irvin, with a view to sottlirt,T in Marta. We learn that Captain Hall died last night. CAUE3II Or , 1715 The Olsdrestan esoititnt—ofaneLuu,ee7n: Capt. 3. ono of the 11 - . ts. leaver• Into of '-eeeutern, - nas revisited the steamer Bayou City, for the purpose of lurostigati.ng the - douse of the oxplosiOn of tho boilers. Zia !baud an borne • tation of salt, nearly a fourth of au inch thick, on the under Interior mutat° Of the bollere • and hoe nodoubt tlar explbsion-ivan viaduct,' by ' it.' :The (rector° °slurred in Ott. under aido, patting out tho fires, and the illtuago to tho uppor POTtiUtt of the boot, and pausengors in It, was produced by the reaction of the 2102111. Capt, it has ..net yet prepared a report of the coin, but will do co in a day or two. The boilara had been cleaned out at Um usual Limo, bushed boon kept heated during, the day, us it woo necosaary to more tho boat from place to place in taking in freight hero. Bull (lila Opera Co stutue for Gentlemen . tionir C. lieott publishes in the Hoots -7:none. of New Voris, the following .ditcotions to 'rentle men, relatit e, to the appropriate ball and opera cortumes.- They; tilt ho 'read with Interest by such as may visit the entertainment to be gircu to the Prince in Philadelphia Baur ivpinL &mut -Bei.Clr Denes Cf:Ar - Waist of moditztu length; skirt extending to tiro bend of the hope, and very escrow; rlcaves very large at the acye, with very full tsleere-beads, and tapering regularly to a modest size at the hand; rattier alma and euttiesa , collar with DI ends, ehort very light; lapels rather wide, with smell holes to correspond with the Small but tons, and the breast formed to roll down to the around button from the bott-al ; breast fae/usa of sill'. extending rut beyond the under lapel to near the batten-holes, dimteriog a 'very narrow lapel above the turn. PABLILOZ , I Noser Fs.vr.theoss et dew f./.,:tgr-Sitalgbt and half large trueing the form of the 'figure above the limbo, from whence rather tapering than atraight to a springiera bot tom three inches lower at the heel than en the instep. Made up entirely plain Omar lion; Neirrn-TnaVarartenr hnssc - BLACK SILK VEsT,--IVP.ITT,I.ISImn-Vrr,t , roll-collar vest of black silk, rolitng very low to cetrerpond with the roll of the breast - of the coat. U . :Met-vest of white silk or !inmates, (p: cut do:No-breasted, with a roll collar. rodlicg low to coliform with the outer vest, and double breasted, to form n, snore tasteful fit than cars be done where two rotes of buttons come in contact; but ittoreare only three buttons and. holes cn each forepart of the under-vest. The roll of the breaat of the under vest disoloses front a half Ina to an inch of the fold piejecting beyosd the crease-row orfold cf the breast of the outer vest Beet an —Stow color of the lightest tint, or pure white, is adniissible. r ales COLLIM -The standing able, collar is the mode ORAVAT9 -It to itunosAible-ascarding to the " fientratsston des iilodes" the highest authority on fash;os in the world-to dress en rezts for a hall without wearing a white oravat. The cravat or white necktie should be very ne'rrbw, to conform with the narrow collar, and the tie should be Tory email. BOOTS A 7312/ -Pump soled boots or pump eoltql shoes with low quarters. and black silk ateeLlags, are the wear it.c t trues-. For an eve ning like that of the Fritmo's ball, the fine are preferable; while for a party, more quiet and Eri loot, where the utmost retlnement in dress in ne oessitated, the latter should ghtain The Seventh Congresfdonal District, (Col rinontiouoo of Tilo 1'r460,1 A letter of X.," in The es.> of theNce ult.. dated Allentown, Sept. 19, undertakes to count a telegram from Allentown, announolog Dr Coo per, the Democratic nominee for Congress, from the Seventh Congressional District, ar, a " Brook inridge wan." In answer to "X. X.," peewit the insertion in your paper of the following undenia ble feats: In the contest between Senator Douglas and the Administration on the -Totomnpton question, Dr. Cooper openly and bitteriy denottneed nil woo thought proper to differ with James Buchanan. lie even permitted his feelings to carry him so far as to Jtscentinue the Allentown Democrat, then edited by Col. ll.ennum, now editor of the Lucerne Union, because the Colonel defended Judge Don glee in his differences with the Administration. Dr Cooper's nomination was urged by the Brectinridgo Democrats of Lehlat county, in sold column, and was received by them with unitle gutted pleasure, as a Breckinridge triumph Dr. Cooper never paificipated in the proceedings of any Douglas club or meeting in our comity, whilst it was effectively urged as a reason against other competitors for the nomination, that they bad signed a call for a Douglas mass meeting at Allen town. We learned from a prominent Democrat of our county, that by nott-in!ervention. as understood by Dr. Cooper, a Territorial Legislature would tsar,, no power to prohibit shwe,y. Is this non•intoc• caution as understood by Judge Douglas' It would possibly be better if Dr Cooper him self had dented the charge of Breeltioridge pro clivities. instead of leaving that denial for others. Tfel: EIZGLISCI II kILVEST.—A despatch re- C 41red by Um steamer Connaught, says The most prominent topic in Logland continued to ho the weather and the harvest. A-good deal of rain had fallen since the departure of the Persia, and the weather was unfavorable for gathering in the wheat which was out, or for ripening that which was still standing Tho samples of the new crop which had found their way to market were general-. ly unsatisfactory as to quality, being mostly damp and inferior. A notice from the Commander-In- Obief of the army permits officers to allow a cer tain number of soldiers to assist in the hal vast. NASOLEON literature is still oil the increase. Prince Pierre Napoleon Bonaparte appears again in authorship, as the translator of a Corsican le gond, " samproso," of which be had formerly publi , hcil the Italian original. A collection of I Speeches, Messages, and Proclamations" of the Emperor Napoleon during the years IS-19-60, isßlro promised by him. Nir; Tor 15 f VibllD. ALLuroirN, Odt. 3 IS3t)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers