Szegignire 4issz,ll43i,Waluvt Street. Pkiladelpkitt 8t0,6 • • ' 'Catobe itatompßur S. N. 8 14 . 14 FLIRT ride - Oki 0....«.4.)0i34 SOO do., ' .' slo ett d e7..—; e;;; . a .1 1 e 1 o i NOD 50..104 7800 v.oa . 31 auto a,e. WOO despiiirtretli•ON so Qua • VC. 13S SO 11/dret4 04/011.L • .. .. 64 14 do 10 Lehtslx Zino. 11 /0 30-- • 60 L oss ft 9/4/11.--1 1 00 Loss Island 1/, Bertweeßet 1000 cats chaetelloe• • • •• " • • aseciern 100 7 31 Lir "- 80141...-..i .".. .Rig. -'*li lioheialas 41 in Reading - A— di s ' 11 no% .24 INpvTil 4iriiii"fft Mr Boat Co 70 • 11 Ideals& 50na.......48 ' 4 Thus & a1b0y....188 1 4 8 Bean M0ad0w..•...0 8 ***mos R 101 10 Del Div Cos*. —4B MOO Can farAni fa ..87 9 ,I_l4barnaa Mr* el% 100 Vain BA of Tenn 3044 Oitard —.484 48 Mee he Bk. ..... • somuis.. Bo&RD. Po • —4l 102Resain6 R._.,.66.24 100 1634 14ra On & 00 d 0...-.. b 5 & iot24 301Ahigh 50p.... 42 000 Cato R prefd-65..76 a do • 100 Cota R—Old 8..16 00 Tam' 6 40 Elm[ra wed—lots ID .2 Bk 01 IV Ametiaa..l42,4 10=—F111M.! 14 Parini 1000 .. .. 1013‘ 1000 W Up&01 A lejiB4 on, II OCIAO 0 1 0 Y 100 do.. $ 100 Palms 11 - letrett—Joos 3000 Om en t Nth 7e. • —76 oco & Mame 79 $9 0000 Pars 754. - ......b611 10090 Readmit '40802.06 9/Si 4 Penns • - Cisollllo3 P Bid. ,44ked. ; 41 rilt i e g •--- 1-111°C 4 4"181 . 1 ki t liiii l l ' : EQ.—mg..* 71 Plills &L. .sinr.lolo4 103 Long !eland R-1334 13.1( g off ON 91 Tysh CI kN. almi; .. ; R :-..'...; 24 24 Leh CI & X Serie Oh ita„ in 1 10t1E4114 - North Pe rt . R.- 4 4 iti I Sgt 7 634 77 N Panne R 10e . .:40 1 : lin Panini R. 41 413‘ Cetairion R. IX I,e' 41 :rnal I:AIM ei LI muirgovi,)r I:, or_ol Dr dv0n..11834 Ileif &wood & Third-48M • • X 8032 Ina 721 78 Roe s Vloiket,X) •31 I No orl Navlmfil.F4, 27 Winn iris x-ii• 973 i 99 71 Zlix . 34 9 IMlllpinte Pine. -10 ii No nil BIAV Int_ lii 24i4 'twat & virelion 0011 .. . EO9l l / 1 1 .11.---- 7/4 10 IChestntit & Walnut. ...33 rhiladelpida Markets. - Orrous.l-Ivening., The Flour Market M rather firmer to-day aced holders generally are asking higher anus; the demand.howevere is Moderate both for export', sad home use ; 1.000 bbls good Straight sumfine sold at /LIE and WO bids extra family at 16. X 41 bbl ; the wales tdthe trade are limited at, the above rates for superfine and extra, and 166.8007 ads bbl for fancy bUnds. u in quality. Rye Flour is dull at 1416 and Corti Meal at 16.40 WasAT.—There is not moth doing owing to the firm. ness of holdarkwho are *skins an advance ; shoat 4 0 0 has tow to.pine mon% and Westatn red sold at 1300. 100 bus toutherti do et In. 609 bus arise Ohio white at 1460. and 3,00 bug prime Kentookydo al Me t eta bitter la ewe. ye is dull, Perms selling at Wang Northern at die 1 8 bus Cora is rather lower ; atqut 000 bog ppuma /..onthertt yeAloW add at TSI arid' tWO bursar Jedavg do at f2a.alloat. rata are i active, with sales of 1.800 Us Delaware to bona at 360 , and some Fauna at l aro. Bader is mime. Saaa.—Qtrzoltroa 'manual in demand and Deuce atilt Iv Wet ist No. 1. Covrosr.-1 tie market is quiet. and about 280 bales sold. at about Drevione,quotations. Olocsatira.--Therd very Wen doing_ in Sugar or fitolaws. tanks (Mr quality new-trop Moe rola. the Brit of 'hi reason, at So titotathe wharf; mans received AO sold by Meter,. Rotes & Fade , . ratavadotia.--Therti it no new feature, and a mode rate buillnednidolng. Beans.-110 Mashed. new-crop Clovetseed sold atsos blahs!. at *tick rata it in wanted t and 100 Wedeln writne 'tlinottly 12.87.04e3 ir bushel ; there is very !due feting. Wa tsar a firmer. with &Manor WO bbtar at 2234e133 for P eld erna at,211 IWO lOr Ohio bbisi end DM for drudge ; blids are h. 3 alr gallon. 'change, Oct. 2. 'WARD. New York Stock 6110080 4'03 Mioh 11,8 fd Ada,— St 1000 Mich 8 21 .. deft 100 6tY coo ', l 84 230 do d0....410 4 90 914 ... —. .1450 74, , $5l Eris Railroad 4l 100 d 0.... •.. bao alg 1 8 Erie 11 assouted,. 89 , do do— • • 408 100 ilsrlom .86111011 a... 141 .100 NV 100 do.-- MO 2+ /00 Harlow Oral& ••b(0 661 60 ttl-••-..-- 61 800 ; 61 I 300 . do.— ..... 188 Mia/t1.17 N 1 70,71 700 do.. SOS 810 6170h8 44 14 Istd.- 421. • • .71 407 60 do . .. : 441 ale 8 it 9og 1 0 013 0 . Mos IL-- is 7600 Est C Chi R..... 470 74 OGal & Chl R— .. 74% 100 do —MO 74 IX do ....... —.410 74 1% Clav d & Q—. Tol 117.7:.b60 —. 1 411 4. 100 do. ........—.... og VW d 0............... 46% AO d 0..... ..... ,s6O 46% '440 Hudson Riv R.. IWO 66 d— ..- 63 ZOO ' d o 0...-........... SS% lou Penems R....,60 /ft 10 do.-- ..... .. • .126% 160111 Con R 6418 .—. 11 240 Jo —.BlO 66 100 do. .... ........ s3O 4 1101) MX...—. NO 85. 10 061 & Chuoago..loo 71 1160. do —....— —761 L /60 d0....-.i .... ...• 70.3' 100 d0.—.........100 76% 60 . d 0......... ,060 76 60 d0................a60 78 60 dn......—.... TA; 160 d 0,........ ... .430 7631 New York Markets. of Yesterday. • AMISS ire stead) at len for Pole, and *Lao for PeariCitittLealea of M bbl, Flout he news, per Glasgow and 'North Ameri. toe as tetsursehed llama given uitesnimpetnstoour ttreadstaffs market, BMW and Western Flour is SWUM better, Shippers hare again entered the market, and pardhseed tojt ModeMte extent at the adverb. Re oel pt. Ma bleu t Wee 15 000 obis, at RS Stati.4o for nu rerfinsatlt to. Re 11085111) for ware do, Stillieb.4o for :Vier afi r e Western. Tn r i l he%7l d o tfr j Is a shade firmer• sales of LNG bbl, at $5 Woe for superfine Baltimore. $6 36e7 for extra do. 1116 3305.40 for sonar- Wine. 16.15e 7 for Georgetown, $640e8 for Peterstrirt and 0 w7.09 for , Richmond . tmnada Floor le a • e better. woo sales of 400 bbl,, 0L0987.50 for extra. ye Float sad Corn Meal show no noticeable change. ORetill.—lß heat to rather firmer, though there is herath so take a at the advance. The export de mand h.. taker a rresh start under the recent news from Runup". and a fair business hum boon done for that purpose. Ihe reoeipts se to 172 M 6 bushels, anu the matte rimutem thus far to SO bushels, embrno or amber winter Western at $129, and atilwankee Club at SI M. Corn tiontinnes aurae, end prier* are better. iota to day 17 646 Whale ; sates WOO bushels at tar for Wilste,ll mixed . RY• is firm , and want-d et 790. Bar et firmat yesterday', advance. Oste are steady at Shwallo for Southern sod Jersey, and 3170400 for flaseds,Stabe, and hilentern. fsorts loss —cork is dull and heavy for Meas. with IMMO of nialoles at $O for old Mist; *1510015.56 for rwdo; sl6.ofor o d Prime; and Sleep, MU for new v«rnitiblet end firm, w ith sales of iOO ~bloat *4O 410 Mr coal 17 Pt4is: $5.560 for. count'' , t ams 17010 for repacked Wendell' and I 0 60011.60 or ex • fishtails GUI fit are dtul GSA noustnetat 034.9 - O Rhollkieri, Wine or Hem INcon is dull. Lard is quiet 'wine /Wee o 106 bbl. ac mu ormot. Butter is eittlied tetußetr= i tt litiedißits for Mot% and MO :In 11 , r !tate. Meade pi estllSr e o. • vrwithv ma st. with mhos of 1(19 bh4 at MNo. • , . , ' THE OIL 3141,11Ke'r.•-,r; have had another aunt weakly the , Oil market.' no ,lit held at 4ZJ& In wit** Oa IN& not hear o ear traneaettore. P Jilaygi °eal oasts .. can bat holders demand ill. lit, GO Onto. • In lt•wpott. yesterday. 100 Ws blaolc-fiah o were sold sten elate 4fr eel. a months. William's is cult. on th no axles In this ntarkot.—Ne w Bedford Mem gent DM all. 114Tketo by Telegmyb. BALTIMORE Oct. - 2,TIORT 4061'. 11111. h lama sales: Ohio and Howard greet. Hale. Wheat adromi Sol WOO at elgfirel ad for red. and $1.31w1.64 or white. Corn aimed, • inmedmireaso ye/lOwalitatlo. novisiont deal heare'_at 011.9.76 for mete. and inie 75 for prime. laird re I, at inelallo. Cake firm at sl4.iireltig for ClrMiro. Whiekr CIERATIr 020.0002.—F1 0ur has advanced ,1 7 00, and the 'demand la limited ; ea_ • at as 45•16.15. - km' advarced So Whisk, sells or imo. Mean chink,heat— n S Bacon Mme. Monet market easy ; ex on „New ork firm at 3fi per cent. premium. 'CITY ITEMS. A Pottrunkra Totiru.—lt is said that Baron Renfrew. when he beeomes of age, Will be worth £7OO. OM, or three millions five hundred thousand dollen. It is Mimed that one of his objects ffivisiting the United Mates, tato look apeman investment for smarm of his sundae revenue. It is at lomat certain that. while in this city. hie lordship will expend a portion of his in.:sews in the amebae. of a new.asd elegant snit at the Brown Stone Clothing Halt of Wnokbilt & Wilson, Moe, am and Mg Chestnut street, above Sixth, Wining' Fent , Foss —ln another column of our wiper to.dar will be found the card of Mr. George, Womrath, Not. 415 and 417 Aroh "street. annotneing that their stook is now fed, and reedy for .bnyers. - This wilt tit varmint intelligence to hundreds of ladies in due nits', who. for good reasons, have for Pearl Petro moot Mr. Wonfistit's establishment in reference to all °Wm. In a brief"look" through their magnificent stork. now complete, w e were better prepared to under stand the acknowledged claim of this old established hone, to the first glace, in point of rank and extent, in thellnion.: They evidently do. things on a mammoth orals: Their ware rooms are palatial. Their stock, coatscning a large proportion of the moot envenoms fare known, to enormous: and their faoilities for obtaining ths Mek and choice" of every important lot of furs in thti country and in Norms, are certainly unequalled hen. and, to the bed of oar knowledge, unsurpassed anywhere else ' ONWORDO Autumn Hays. —There is but one opinion *mums issatiemeu of taste with regard to the bat qatestron this swot ;and that is. that those factored." exhibited, and hold by Messrs. Charles Mk ford k Soils, under • the ( Continental Hotel, are IMO'S- Nimbi/ superior. in point of style, goon, eznelienoe, eleteleeeeetlen to the season, to any others. Their bat windows contain a display of this important article of softy gentioniate apparel that constitutes a fine index to their mammoth-stock inside; Oakford dt dons are now, we believe. selling more hats and caps, whole saie sad retail, of their own manufacture *ad Importa tion, than any other one house in this country. Sit IT sarrarinti wow. or was it in "The Dori Area 1" Soo ^ The City Item" of this week. A GOOD STIKULAAT AT LAST !—The alarming facia developed by Doetor Cox and Inhofe in roam d to the adulterations of liquors, wore rust dtaWing us into the bulls' that a gum Stimulant Imola not be had for lowa or money." The advent. howsser,of fiat snide's rim Rye' Waisky bay aattafiad an that where ld•fa- Awned lionsaty 'minim the Still. a good WriOilliOala and invigorating liquor can be had, and snob a Heuer nneueationablr me Burnside's. Messrs. Clary and 'Rock dale, at No. 528 'Walnut street, are dispensing tt to inva lids and °thin. with the most gratiff inn results. BPI *sold tall the attention dour resders to the stlvertteemint, in soother oolomn. or Mr. A. J. Habba, who has taken the splendid store, No. 45 booth eeoond BOWlllra MIDICATIND FIGS are an aliniant MOdir Snell derangements of the bowels, habitual ers. Myosins, min end nervous headeohe. dyspepsia, piles. *O. Person% of sedentery_life should einem, use them They are Tillable and safe, and do not debilitate ; osa be talten at alltimeswithout inconvenience. They :ma tins so memory : pleasant to the taste. One fig hat a 4:tadve effect, Sine two figs are suillalent to produce intiYis gorge. Palatal only by 0, 0. Bower, Sixth and Vino, and sold by leading Dintaists. Frioe par box sa est% • • - if FILL SfvLs a. PALL STURM. PALI. STTLBq. • • 181,11.• /860. /860. aranitille Stokes. • 4 ' Granville Stokes. (tretwille Stokes. • ,- on Piles, Chee Price. One Price. Grits! - - WM! Gifts tt the one-otiee Clothing Hatt, No, 607 Chestnut &tree SPECIAL NOTICES. ACADmir 01 , MUM. NIPECIAL N9TIOE Th. gentteaunt of alt• Coloinitteenf the Grand Gels Opera Bight an honor of Ws Royal ilnihneu, Baron Ban hem, an Wednesday. Oat. IG, are reminded that tortlohe they call for their I aserved Hetes and Nate pnor to 6 P. M., One don the, Win be disposed of at the Box ernes. BoODonTris.—This sore forerunner ClaiNineon oan be hutastli relieved aid sermaenat ly Wits use of Dr. J. L graeroaws mops Untied IltON turd fibLPHINt POWDERS. This Win Tait &see salmi. ha beets . .imitenise end tellersemearear awl WCOSI litollelsher 'orders eoeverte the weeks at wk. Wtkifecif Air Blood lit* MN. VYes vr• eleOrd time theiterb hp am, pores toteNlise 1641 .0# 44,4 NlSllS''Eler,teetietepele of sew Iss• SlisestlikwatAlWOß.iiSerre ere seetelsed, le I penehletrithleCtiilt imp et eritfree 511 0,611 to say ad lei Dili Peso& NOM 111 ell DORT :it Oa. Pk *St North 111INEWID 0100144 f.:w 1 - son-tr 4iff 111,110 . _ 1104„ .. jliilreid the attret%. r f er:woup ta.4•• • paper. selHd GROPER k BAXIIOIII OZIABILLTED 140181th1588 BENING MACUtNES• The fleet in Use for Finally Bovine. - ' 730 CfqfirNUT Went, Philadelphia. au27•lf 0/10 Dual CLOTO/NG OP Tall LATEgT gswigionade in the beat manner, ',Wrongly for RE- TAIL SALIM LOWEST selling maim marked he Plain Figures. AU goods madetoonter Warranted sell& °wary. Our ONE-Pitioll anitem u atnetly adhered to. all are therstr•.treated alike. se23-I , r JONES & CO. 604 MARKET Street. ' Smoteroma Futz-LlsooP Savas.—A very ergo assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale /area enable prioes:NO. 304 COLSTNlTTSt.,Petteeelphis. sun tf - EVANS & WATOON. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Op TO 11 - O'CLOCK lan NNW, SIRARD HOUSE—Ninth and Chestnut streets. Thos 'Webster,_3r, Phila A Pleasonton. Phila Jae W Cartier Pennsylvania Win Milligan. Lancaster' Mrs Miigan:Lanoaster,Pa Miss Mulligan, Lancaster T Barr a. Pennsylvania Saml Hamilton. Jr. Pa l'hoit Humphrey, N_O P tqadlay, New York David Hewitt, New York JasSmolair, Pennaylvania Nathaniel Mews rt E humming, & wf, Salt S Wier, Wheeling, Va Any Britten, Burlington ae M Grant Burlington wm Herringt. n, Pa OMrs Mains:. South ll t r Mains: Pa Carolina W 8 Winght. Ps ft &raven , Carolina Fitzpatnek. Charleston Daring & wf, N Y Mum Thommion,N Y wartin & la. N C Miss Martin, NO T Thornton, 8 0 Musa Thornton. 8 C Master i hornton. S 0 E B Evans, New York Mr Hayes ar. la, Ga HA Wade, Elizabethtown it B Cunningham Mica gH. Rivers, Mississinol Horaft & Mlssissippi A Cochran - Jr , Denware miss hlaudaira, Del It N Taylor it-veTB Catalina N B Royston, Baltimore Wm A Collins, Mississippi B B Shaeffer, Lancaster • Win H Pewee. NO, York Judge Woollen, Delaware 4. it Harris, New York Geo Floyd. new York SS Moohenner, Virginia Eii Clapp. Virginia ileywomi Sr. la. Mass Mina H It. Heywood. Mass Geo Sweeney, New Orleans Cant Gillis, O S N John B Rearm, & wf,NY Ard Austin A C Elliott, Raltimore Josiah Wood, Virginia Mrs re Wood, Virginia Win Bodes, New cork O Sailer & Is, New York Mr Chester Bla Boston Miss Chester, Boston H M Wilkinson & is. Mess Miss Wilkinson, Mass Miss Matthews, Masa Miss Liza e Walker. Mass J B Pittman &NFL La Mum Pittman, Louisiana Geo W Hazzard & la, II C Miss Hazzard. B Carolina Geo T Campton. N C Miss tiumpton N Carolina Win Warner, Baltimore Mien Warner, 'Baltimore Mrs Richards. Baliimoro Stewart, Arkansas Geo /We, Delaware P McEvoy, Lancaster John tauter, Albany, N Mrs Carter, Albany, N Y NB Morton, Albany. N Y J Quinn,i New Jersey • Muss Roberts. New Jamey J Watt, lowa Baal F Shenk,Lanoaater S L Florid* J A hiltohei, C G G Von, New York Id s Cleveland, Conn J W Clayton. Maryland C .1 NI Eaton. Baltimore Cmotionald & la, N Y hii.s Watson. Brooklyn Miss McDonald, Brooklyn 'rhos B Lsnoasier. PhD& Lonnie! Dobbs. New York F Dorsey. alaryland T L Douglass, Pittsburg Jno A ,Multz, Lancaster J D Oranston & Is, it 1 Miss Gardner, Prov, It I Mrs Leonard, Proy,R I Master Leonard, Pror, It I Geo Itarn•ey ih, Ohio lialnany, Ohio Mr Hamilton & la, Ohio Wm Gibson, New York Moses Build. New York Joha W Stoddsrd twi,NY Miss Stoddard. New York J W Rodman. S C I'l3 Potter. Philadelphia Jam Cummueky. Salt Mrs Commusky &son, Salt N Batt es, Baltimore John Watt, New Orleans L M Close, Washington 111) ninth. Virginia. John Bowman. Virginia John Cook, Jr, New York „I T 'Thant, Virginia W M Palmer. Virginia L W Rickert. hew 'York I. Pritchard, Connecticut 11 K. Haight. Baltimore MaldWall, Memphis M P O'Hern, Baltimore W Temple, Delaware ./ A Cavender, Delaware 8 Green, Delaware Dan). Currey, Delaware II Piddemao, Delaware John r. Owens, hl Orleans E Spraance. Delaware lilme .Rodmao,l9 CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Cor. Ninth and Chestnut. Geo D Orioe, Charleston J 0 Farley,Cross Kers.Ala J L Edgecomb. Chicago H R Cochran, Virginia D Hankins. lodises CD B u rnish Indiana Geo J_Mitebet, Penes Rev Dr Clarkson di 111 J W England. New York ./ B Gittinga, Martinsburg A 0 Reodarstin. N Carolina W a Violett, N Orleans Mrs Violett, New Unsung Master N Orleans W P et w.Pittetig M Itelgour. Cmoinnati Jag D Schoolfield, Virginia Thos Coder & Battlim'e Mrs it A Bennett,Bal , imore Mrs Norris, Baltimore P a Calhoun. Bridgeport D F Prout..Atabama Lieut /d J_ff Gillis U 4 Ar tent W fl Ward, l/ N Dr B Ward, New York RII Roberts. Albany B D Resell. New York W it ennth & err, N York J B Willard, New York W C Dickey, Chester co H Ross, 'limiter co N A sicken, Virginia O Ribs, Marl. /too 13 Rowland, Philadelphia J W Pierson. Bristol. New York Wall, Newborn, C Tome Via Brunt, New York W H Ker. Alabama .1 O B Jones, Memphis Mrs Mares. Memphis Frank Shipman. Po Carolina A Shipman.N Carolina E 8 , t1112. North Carolina F E Hartshorn, N C O H Sampson. Boston L R Blake & virf,V.ll Wm Fos, Pottsville D boutderback & la, N J F Fuller A Ind Boston W B Potter, Phila John Fallon Phila delphia Levi Mattson, Port Carbon Alex Bansini, Eng.and Robert Di Morris, Ohio ?Dr W We ld DJ A Masonlllinois hos B Blair, rand:io F starry. New York N Smith & , lody. Mo n/ bile W H Ross, Alamo. Oa Thai Taylor & lady S C it Cemitti, Hartford, Conn Oenterman, New Yo , ir R 8 Bultivan. New York W Hoadley. Philadelphia C N Fair. Philadelphia Alf N Hughes, Penn Hon Isaac J Breve.mi, Wash T Whatnes, Boston Ralph Tunaelle, N ri R H Dickinson, Richmond Laws E Smith, Mobile JoAßamilton. New York Jno T Gilohnst, Jr.& sr.N.l J N Mitre. New york John Byers, Boston Daniel Dodd, New York A Ottenheimer, New York Wm P4131311T1V , 11118. Mies P Taylor. Nil ThosJMrtoheli,,N C Sam) Cores, It ioluriond 0 Meanie. Cincinnati, 0 Gen J Ferry, New York -g Suites, New veldt C Bingen & la, Brooklyn Dr Whistler, Baltimore R It Curler. ISIMIOnaII A Boyd. Vitamin A I legs/sell. Mohite Root D rowel Virginia Js J Cowley, New York W H Carty, Wash, N C L Johnetou, Boston. Chas W Copeland. N y A 1 homson. Virsjuia Jae Robinson. Viteinle Li hoot New York Wm it Armatrong. Texas J H Nee% Macchia D B Sexton. Cleveland E It Diddle, New York Dr J_Fowlges. Memph i s Benj 0 Bios, New York T, A Robinehn & la, Va N Lowell. Bath It C. MoClond, Mississippi U Persett C E Green A. Is, wash, DO M J Ramsey. N Carolina Geo 0 Baker, New York J C Conrad. North Carolina oeoJ Hopkins, B sum id Hammett. Philadelphia T Whitlock, New York .N W Pike, New York MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street. below Aroh' 3 11WennorlY,Wmaport Virja.Lucitenbach,Pll Mrs Li:errand's/1. Penns F W Seaford, New York J M gratger & wf. ClearEild W B Mo ley. HoMetown A-p. Ham, York, Pa AC Hastily, Columbish. 0 attss Longhlbri, Penns J Chesser,ile ,WO Warren, Davenport. Ono Mass 19 Washburn. Co.nro City - B Perkens./Teana w Dickinson. Penne s G Turner, Luzenue oo It Boyers, Inon•g en 1 Thomson. Alleg Cit. H _ B Frees,Pant, Ohio Wheeling, Va hL Wilson. J Jr. Peons, D 8 Graham, Penne. .1 B Bach, Lancaster Thee_Allison Be/wino° 0 0 Morgan. Ohio J McHenry. Cambria co W P Stuart Ala, Carlisle WR. Hartshorn A in, Pa Pt Sim Miss E Crawford, Poona SiAtoffeery. Cambria oo Wount. Penns B.SLawton & la. Parana 'PProsser. Ohio Oen ells, Jr, Ohio El F Maclean. Dimple T W MoNolson. Fayette co Mies Anderson, Pittsburg Mice ',MVO Anderson. Pa J Allison. Pittsharg M WI/too/we. Pittsburg at M. Smalling & Yin( N Y ovt , 80 , olds, Parma I , D Davie. hew York D C Mood, N esr_Verk .1 Drennan, Ohio O M Robinson, Fairfield W Et Rodgers, Mn Km Mo John Chatioon, Virsinia L NixdOrlT. Maryland J Mordurtir,Mifflinbtirg Nohlei(ellr, Concord, 0 AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut Street. above Fifth. B Philadelphia Et Howe, Salem, ChM ILO Morrie, Catasagas - J B Murtaugh, Pa W E ytallensleber, Illinois C Brodhead & la, Pa R Sayre, Jr, M Chunk John T Johnston, Virginia John NI Moron . Virginia John C K Crookr, Virginia H Hebb, M a T Brown, Virginia 7, Wood, Winchester. Va 8 S ilver , Delaware H Al.eohaeren, Lana, Pa , J B MoCreary, AI Chunk A .1) Harlan, Coatesville Robt P_Mollvain.Laneaster Joe M V. oms. Lancaster Johp MesCarq. tit Louis Wm Brown. Virginia , • A molnty re, south Carolina A. George. tooth Carolina W E Johnson. Mate Mr Hall hla Phlla W T Meech, New York P' W Sewall, New York .7 Garland &la N York Mrs Erardoastle,N York J D Mosquerou. NJersey .1 W Jemerson Al Birk & is NewY,rk 0 W Adams, Virginia Oal TOM; ham. Maryland C Harding. Maryland Theo 8 Conine. Marriand D Griffith. Delaware 0,08 Payne, Maryland E whardson. Maryland Jr Korai/. Mart land B Eggleston. Ohio P I Levy. Maryland • , Getzendamer, 11. T. Johnson. Washington A Bielaski, Washington - B F Stieger. Washington JONES' HOTEL—Cheinnut street. above Sixth, 8 B Fullerton C J Walter, ainryland slue Fink. Lancaster Joe L Thornas.Lanoaster R A. Grieve, Maas W It Ramsey, Mass John 8 Adams, Man W H Kinglet, New York Bishop Bulled e, Florida John NNenning, Md W Wheeler, Penns Jno C G Rosa, Delaware & Eli Lyons la, lowa City F L Brett. Boston la Et Gurney alassaoinusetta Jos Wolf, Pittsburg hl Wood, Marysville Mr Pell k la, ,limn,' Groabener, St Johns Chas IL Woreley & la, NY C Hull, new York 1 . 0 Sanderson. New York Mrs Geo P Moßrair, N V A J Averilt & wf. Chicago .1 A Turnell, New Orleans Wm Cutler, Cleveland, 09 BT. LOUlS—Chastain et.. above Third J Pruitt,. Philadelehis R K Widiamson, tion'ton O W DrodleYi Philadelphia E Owen Jackson. MA Thom Walker, Georgia Jlllllll Small. New York IS Beard &w, Georgetown John Olth, Boyann .1 Carrard, Havana Ralph o berorombie. Wash X Podison, Charleston. Al C H a. Orals. Maryland J H Curtin. Pennsylvania J McCallis, Atlantic, N J K Hayes, Mass Jos Noble, New ork Mr King & Trenton .1 Marx. New York A Deakin. New York R Ransom& New York Mrs Vanneps, Albany G Townsend. Delaware W PTlOlC•Dativitle I..Kieutzsr, New York J Krenilioh, New York UR Oberlin, Oberlin, 0 M Bleak. Delaware TUB UNION ROTEL—Arch street. above Third. Wm A Onlvol7, Cincinnati WmDonahower. Reading P A Donahowsr, Reading FA IAMMI.D. Middletown .1 G Raymond. Cinoinnati Miss K Raymond Ohio 430 O il ier. B .P2l J H Clarke, N Roll/mil, Pa J Blluman, Pottsville T M Yitsbugh. Pa Mrs P Uhl e r. Utilersvi ll e Mrs J haul, onlersythe A Collins. Lancs. ter oo t.O Luke. Atleheny City 0111 Batch, Altitude, 0 J B Brown. Mo ultrie, 0 W W YdoLiniehlin, Ohio D Tony. Philadelphia • •Mrs Russell. lowa J N Rainey, Pa D C igh_.ltz. Ohio P Thomson, Ohio W Frazer. Pennsylvania W Rainey, Ohio 0 Brown. Pittsburg Sol Roister, Pennsylvania 8 C Marshall. Concord. 0 -W Gault. ditto H Heisingor. Connersville Jos C Talbot, Nebraska E Lsatherbury, Baltimore 11 11 ' COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth street, ab. Chestnut,. W Shoemaker. Franklin 00 J Votes, Ooshert, Pa SHi &loa Stroudsburg L 1. Leonard, Locust °rove J 'ley. Reeding . John Janes. Reading 0 W Book, Chester Yallel J R Hate, York, Pa M Pennock kW, Wilin'ton Louis W Chester W W Backus, Chester co rn Radom, Chester co P Chaster no Thos R Haley Philadelphia A t Gibson, Maryland 1 OJones. soxborough M W Fu ton. Mitiyland E Bigler, Ohester co R Ba , dtrin, I.ancaster on AL) ono. Port Ire p_ce I t Conlri in , Maryland !Wired Mackie, Maryland Joa McVey. Morgan 00, 0 NATIONAL ROTS).—Bane street. shore Third, Col C earmuff, Lano, Pa M J Muer, Lau, Pa M ris Swart:. Williamsport Geo Weitver,B onmsharg D lEdwards, (moron , ill. 1) Masters. Anthills Geo Specular, Lancaster R_G Kern & wf, Milton Miaa Kern, Milton Win W Clarhson,Balt M Ise Mary Barkley. Danvil Miss Cathcart°, Danville C Orsbeer, Tuscarora Pl 3 Higgins, R.ading C J Adams, Port Clinton M r s Hartman. Harrisburg' i Master Hartman, Barriatet Dawson& oh, Bait Jacob K Punch. Lebanon 0 P Buttonholer, Bergs oo H Adams. Ashland Mrs Rodgers. Penna. HWWarford. Iffsnoldown Miss Julia Loaner, Ps J B Pah menok, Penn& BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third et.. ab. Chas Pismire, Hartsville Chu Harper Jenkintown H B Rorer. ulnas', W Warner. Penneburg James Ban. Ninnillaiing St aiittyy,_Sannentirg H nornemsn, Pennsylvania, Jacob K' Ea.lville .1 B blusselmva, Pa IT Meese. bunk. county W r Madder. lotiltnwn Writ Eddows Moreland Mrs Eddows, Moreland B J 5 Petters, Hatboro Chas Creasman, hooks co it Worman. Boyers:own Milford Tomlinson. es Jacob Hatt, Samna/town D Wagner. nhortelaville J B Rotamel.rdaider Creek Adam Glaze, Wash, Pa Rev P chants, Reading George . Fonnqpric. Stev e ns. Dauphin so, re , Mina, .arvillo Roue, PennitYlv'a Jacob so.lof,Stonerevillo Win Keith, Pennsylvania MERCHANTS' MOUSE—Hard street, ab. Catboat)]. Michael Ketter,Readtrtg A Ciunentor, N Jersey Morgan bong. Durham T P Chum:loon, Ash rd,Pa J leaser, Columbia oo • W Song ter Sinking a lag A yosurn, sinking spring D N McWittiama, Penna. .1 t 3 MoMtirter. Min:labour Marti oser, Penns R Weinter.t. ttamosin .1 TT , anyclar no, Pa Peohlhorm Snobs no, Ps J ihrhhhi undue , CO) SA K Moon. Bunks no, Fs BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third it.. above Oallowhill. Tea Darling. Monte co Harrison 'I romiliwer, Pa cr M Wtorr Allentown Joa Dotile, Penney Wallis Hil , Md M Scroll, Penns JO. Brhirman Penns Thor G Riese , Penns, Mier hi Leta :Chester Co Aaron Richards, Penne Reuben Fluor. Penns Stead Snyder. t etitaft co Tilghman ateinntetz, Pa D Beekman, Nortbamptn co T. Dmner, Jr, Bethlehem E Dater. Bethlehem Thee Yeakel, Monte c WI °chock, Penneburr ,t _T Oeybelioh. Dauphin e 0 blin Micheal), Penns Wm Bridegatn, Beading RI a HatTATILATTermown It Riot°, readier 0 A Rapp, eroyestown T W Roberson, Dolman BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—locoed et., below Vine. B Rdndall, Jr eitumunt M Wiped, Books to, Pa Motel Parlion, Bewtown It 0 rotor, Attl eboro A T Braid, Books co, Pa Gen .1 Davie. oohs oo It David Watt. uoics no, Pa tiltomyarrett, Ducky co Gin J eider, imam oo Woht sane, Sucks oci, Pa It Herne ' Bust s 00, Pa Robt hompeon. Pa Thom B L nton,Newtown 4 , , h lSivita i ,l lia r , Yiellifiron, Y i l e V/ Ti: Pe Alex f: r i Jolultsc i in!'11. 8 11ope II Simpson , n u t s ea John oleey. Ducks on 42_Leadoni, IfortWell Chas Kirkbrkle, Dunks no W Davison, Cheltenham FOUNTAIN HOTEIr-ticsand strait, above Market. Naw Tort 1 , 4 I I &mom, Dover, Del t rj rstf b ir eh itatisisga „„,„„, Vtaili.b. a {s l ime & 43 11111 tat fa ft. latirial tk v iegitie O r e l Lyome Imlw illd s • Jord&u,V p irgiois WA, t o r a e l A Wafer, rorton, •-•• Mt. 0111NOPI Pl d atrtilt..above itch. otoa J W giTil l tn r igrAiltiVa l g g Satoptataa, rdillaratowe D - STATES UNION a/Melt:eat. liboY6 &eta, D J Potwar, Bellefonte. Pa Mrs Huniberger. Harrislig 0 Paxson, Philadelphia H L Van Reed. Heading ltiotnat Groom, Clearfield Jos II hillier. Russolvillo Dire Hamer. Lancaster, Pa hips Heller, Lancaster Wm Reynolds, Maryland Jno 01Ipin it eon. Elkton 13 •irnhain. Laminator oo H P Danbar. Pitt 'burg . James S Smith, Lex. Va Edw. Williams. Baltimore A.B Eirunr. tiarliple. Pa Jaa Campbell. Carlisle, Pa A hYetril, Phtfadelphial Jacob It Plottook York co Sea ljeveter, York co James By le.lacksonitillo W Boom Jacksonville Mien E Douglass. Penna. J R Haynes. Phillipeb'g.Pa A W Russell. Lancaster Edwin Clark, Lancaster, a mon Rooker'. Lena no John putt, Lancaster ao J D Harrar, Lanoaste, Co Win Snyder J M Pennington. Lane no Richard Watley. Penns '0 Williams, State Hill H M AiHeok, Phoenixville H (18terthene, Camb co S A Johnson. Pennsylvania J H Dever,. eanusylvartia FASSENGERB ARRIVED In bark Cordelia, from Kingston, Ja—Mr Washington Lopes, Mr NatAl Lopez, and Mine Hannah Banjamme. IMPORTATIONS. [Retorted for The Press.l KINGSTON. jam—Bark Gordalia, Roberts-220 tons logwood 2 bags 9 Ms weed I bb; beeswax D N Wetslar & Co; 4 bble Peppers I do arrow root 1 box preserves D Barrett. HOI4DEAUX—Br brig Rolla. Corran-34 casks 50 oases wine Laguerenne & Trasel; 70 (make brandy 40 bxe earn. ples Patterson Jr Boulton; 8 oasks brandy / cook wino Moßean.l3inie Jr I cask champagne 11 Bolden Jr Co; &) co 41 do wine 150 do oil A Stephato; 20 baskets nhomPlane 2 oases oPgars P, J Wildberser & ilo; 2.50 beekets oil Jauretehe & Carstaire; 40 Casks brandy F 1) Longeliamps; 6000 J Middleton & Co; 10 do 1: Simpson Jr Co; 392 do li Lever; 10 do BlKern; Ido A Hopkinson; do 2 casks wine J L Scherer; ossks wine lrflemeiadon 4 auk., brandy 80 came wine w Wallow; 18 do oil 13 oks wine G Thasole; 31 casks brandy 11 oases WlllB 14/do oil 27 bales corks order. NEW tiff<DP. , ED—Bohr Cornediai Crapo—MCO galls whale oil 5 bza candles Shober. Bunting Jr Co; 444 M galls sperm oil R /I Lightfoot; 2213 do whale oil Taw Jr Beers: aso do sperm oil Wood a- Garrett; 2090 do whale nil 2400 itia soap order; 12 oases foots Theta & MoKeone; 1 lot bills Massey, Collins Jr Co; 135 coils cordage order; IS bales 7 bill mdse Chas Amory. Jr Jr Co. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE POUETR PAGE. ARRIVE D. Bark Cordelia. Roberts, from Kingston, Jam, Ttli ult, with coffee, togwood, ko. to D N Wetzlar &Co. Left ships .Nathazue_AThomeon. Dtokman. for New Orleans soon; John A Wood. n l aok, from Newport, Wales. die, to load for New Orleans; hark Alvarado. (late Burton) from Newport. Wales. disohg—oapt B was drowned 6th tilt; brig M ary. Morebouee, hence, los ding for N York; Primness, Grant, for New York, disohet Los Amigos for do soon. Ketch Laura, Conk. willed 7th for San Blom The C was towed up by %pg J F Starr. _ ling Rolla. (Br) Corran. £0 days from Bordeaux, with brandy, ho, to t.aguerenne to Trued. Bohr Annie Virden k bRITIII4IIII. 1 day from lAMB, Del. with grain to Jas I, Bewley Ss Co. Wit Bo hrrainW Edgar, Wal Black msley. 2 days front Sassafras h geal . Tr TELV.OII./al3. (Correspondence of Toe Preen.) ' BOSTON, Out 2, Arrived, ship Union, from Calcutta. 'MEMORANDA. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchel), henna, arrived at Richmond Ist mat. Steamship Cambridge, Bowes, hence, arrived at Bos ton let inst. Steamship Delaware, Cannon, cleared at New ' , jerk yesterday for Philadelphia. Ship Hietingriffe eddy, hence for Called, remained at Montevideo July it, to sail in a few dare. Phip Highlander. Oberman, from Calcutta May 26, ar rived at New York yesterday. Sark Osmanli, Gordon, (neared at Beaton let inst. for Smyrna. Bark Chester, Atkins, for Mob le, cleared at Boston let ion. Brig Financier, Haskell. hence, arrived at Beverly 27th ult. Bohm Nellie D, Blade= Ringdove, Adams, Hick man, Dickerson, S Hawes. Mason. Louisa Beeves, Lemon, Thou Branch, Hun d, and Problem, Pyier, hence, arrived at Riehmond let met. Bohr It P King, Leeds, hence, arrived at City Point Ist mut Bohr' Hannah Willetts. Cramer, ft H Wilson, Davis, Exnelsior, Riley. Racwella Blew, Peterson, and Coffin, henoe, arrived at Boston Ist inn, Bohr Good Hope Phillips, tor Philadelphia, sailed fr, m Beverly 26th alt. Holm liktognian, Corson, n A Rogers, Rogers 0 Lookman, Endicott. Althea. Corson, and L B Fergusoe, Smith, /mild from Salem 29th Mt for Philadelphia. Sabre George Washington, thermal:4 and Beni But ler, Crosby, for Iniladelphia, sailed from New Bedford 30th ult. Seine Phoebe Ss Elisabeth, Smith, from Boston. R S Dean, Cook, trom Taunton. Chrysolite, Smith, from Fell River, and all pre viciesly reported bound for Phi ladelphia. sailed from Newport 29th ult. Bohr Hero, Terry, hence, arrived at Baltimore yee fermis. Ha i g R B Howlett, Rooters, front Boston, arrived at Wilrain -ton, NC, 30th tilt. Bohr Sarah Abuse, Weaver, cleared at New York yes terday for Philimelehta. Bohr , .Thoomfield, Wheeler, hence, arrived at Wash ington, DC, yesterday. Bohr Conlin e, Willeits, for Philadelphia, cleared at Wilmington. NC. let inst. Behr ..O.• L B Wales, Swain, for Philadelphia, cleared at 'Wilmington NO, let inst. Bohr C it Vickery, Babbitt, from New Bedford, ar rived at Baltimore yesterday. Steamers Anthracite, Jones, Alida, Robinson. and Tammy, Lip, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. MARRIED. CANNER—CUMMINGS.—On Temsda. morning Oat. 2, by Rey. Jobe Mobowell.,O. D., E. W. Conner to Ade line J. Cumminge,all of thin city. SMITR—K RI oEft.—Clis Tueaday overarm. 2sih ult.. by the Rev. Win. Reineolt, Mr. Georae Omith. formerly of London, England,,to Mary, daughter of Jacob ;ri der of thia city. BbUTHA—RAMBDEN.—AS Rnanliford, on the lath nit., by Roy. A. Atwood. Mr. Jacob Boothe to Mien Anne Ramadan, all of Franirford. Itstr,n 2 FAß OE AUX.—Bent. 27. by the rector of Bt. Thomas CI urah, Jesse M. r ben, of Norfolk, Virginia. to Mien Ellen A., eldeat dauthter of Jacob Fairbeaux of Charleston. South Carolina. _ febarlostonpapers phase eaPi.3 GUDNECHT-.1 ACORUS.-On the 30th ult., by the Rev. F. Gilroy. Mr, T. Alfred Godneeht to Mies Hanulth E. Jacobus, all of this °a y. GI. GE s Chß- BUS+ , lER.-At Chestnut Hill. Sept. 29,1860 by tho Rev. R. Owen. Mr. 0. T. Glegenfuse to Mite Sallie T. Ressler. ditoghter of the late Dam Bum mer. req., all of Philadelphia. WORREI.A.-SMITH.-On the 30th ult .by the Rev. E. A. Beaman. Isitao C. 'Worrell to Miss Emma Smith. both of Philadelphia. BURNS-CARMAN ...On Sept. 81. 1860. by Rev. T. Brainerd. Mr. William H. Borne, of Lionville, Cheater Donor to Mime Mary 1.. Carman. of Me oily. FRI ''lft GER-KANN N,R.-On the 26th of Septem ber. by Gm Rev. Jos. H. Kennard. Mr. Henry W. Fritz fuser of Cape May. to Mita Almira E. Rayner, or Car den, N J. ACKSO'v-VAND 1 411.13L1CP.-On the 3d ult., by Rev. J. R. Merrill, Mr. William A. Jpetteon to Mrs. mary * .t. Vanderslice. all of this aim HART-YOUNG.-On the 25th ultimo. by Rem Alfred Coogman, Mr. Charles A. Hart, or Newbern, N. C,. to Addle J., daughter of Samuel Young, Esq., of Site city. • MAH a N-PIDGEO el.-On the 6th ult., by Rev. Joseph Kennard. Mr. John Mahan to xi IBA ELMS Pidgeon. • " Rql3, l ll , M t k-GROVES.-011 the 26th ult.. by Rev. A. H. Robinson, Mr. James R. Robinson to Mies Eliza J. gyaNtlfi, ell of this city. 0 ' ENGLE-111oCAFFREY.-On the 26th ult.. br Rev. F. J. Barbelin, S. J.. Sebastian Engle to Rote B. M . c- Caffrey, all of this oity. DIED. PELTZ.-13cldEnly, October 1, John William, eon of the late Philip Pelts. Al. D., in the 28th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend h s funeral, from the residence of his mother. on the Nleetown lane. near the Norristown Railroad, on 'Phursday, at I o'olook P. M. without further notice. Interment at South Laurel Hill. fli,iffOuSON —On Monde , . Ontober 1. Sarah Nichol son. daughter of Joseph and Iftneline.S.Nactolson. aged 18 !care. Relatives and friends of the family are resecottullY invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her parents, 612 Chatham street, thin (Wednesday) after noon,at 2 o'olook. without further notice. W BRINGroN.—On the mernmenf October 1, War car F. Washington, eon of the late /Made Washington, of PittsburA. in the Mali year of his age, The funeral will take placethis ( Wednesday) morn• ing, at lc o'clock, from his late remittance, 330. 1210 •s Slß•ttce street, without further notice tIPZBR—On the 30th ult., James .11yeer, Sr., in the nil Year of hie age. _Funeral from the residence of his eon-in-law. James W. Lewellen. 1002 Popnr street,thie(Wedneaday)bt ternoon, at o'clock. EAGER.--On the let instant, Theodore Eager, in the 20th year of his age. Funeral from the 'residenee of his father-m-law, Mr. Samuel Peak, in Marlborough, above Duke. an Trre tar afternoon. at 9c clock. .NTWISTL.E.—Thomas Entanstle, aged '36 years. uneral from his late residence, Past Street. Ma navunk, on this (Wednesday) afternoon. at 1 o'clock. • p...e,mmlNG.—On the let instant. 81ra. Mary Flem ming, aged 60 years. Funeral from her son's residence. No. 1711 Burton street. this ( Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock G NISL .—On the Ist instant Mary Emma. dauebter of Edmund N. and Caroline Gamble, aged 1 year and 10 months. • • RARTLEY,—On the let of October, 1860 . Mrs. Jane Hartley, of Milltown, Montgomery ociuntr, in the 60 1 11 year ot Der age. Funeral from her late residence, on ThurettaY morning ,at 10 o'clock. ILA 1,618 aUER.—On the mat instant, Charlotte, daugh ter of George sod Sophie Hanauer. aged 13 months." xu,PATRICK.—On the let instant, hlrs. Sarah Kil patrick. In the 47th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, beak of No. len North Front street. above Girard avenue. Seventeenth ward, _on tubs (Wedneadat ) afternoon. at 3 o'clook. • Ll-:Vt.—tin the let instant, Mrs. Fannie Levi. relict of the late Joseph Levi. Funeral iron, her late residence, No. 1318 south Sixth street. on this (Wednesday) morningtat 10 o'- °look. • LC/CORREA CIL—A t Trenton Insane Asylum, on Sun day, September so, Mr. lienfSll2l4 Louderback, en the 63d year of his ate. Funeral services at St. Andrew's Mural!. Eighth street above Spruce, on this (Wednesday morning at . ll o'olock. 111/OIIRNING GOODS FOR FALL.-- Blaok Amelines, Reps Angistr, Argure Cosh meree, Lupin's Merinos, Cashmeres, Bombazines. Tontines, Motu Wine% Bombeginee, Velour Dein. igetin de Chines, Pannone,. Bom hu tee Altreoes, Bemond Mourning Corded Milanese, Venetiehnee Orandriles, &o, • Illeog end Penile Pine Printed Mousseline Be Loney and Cashmeres. Beloit end White English De Laines.lB/ioente, DEM ON & BON. Mourn ng tore, est No. 918 Chestnut saner. 0:3- ELECTRICITY—WHAT IS IT? " It warms in the sun. r freshen in the breeze. !lbws in theaters. and blossoms in the trees; Lilies through all life. extenda thmigh all extent. Spreads undivided, and operates unspent." Will it ou.e dinesse ? WIA it cure after all other known remedies have, proved unavailing? Foote are stubborn things, to which the attention of the puhlio di reetea. Profs. Chamberlain and Bolles, No. 1280 Walnut street, Phtlade Oda, are daily outing the most °ban noteseases—eiseases that have h• filed the bear medi cal sk ill and remedial ageneies They have restored to health hundreds of persons in Philadelphia by a few applications of Electricity who have suffered from a COMViCatioa of diseases five, ten, even twenty years, and the following expression is referents to their im portant discovery n the applicat.on of Eleniricity am a curative agent is from intalligenkrear Poiable citizens of Philadelphia, who have called from time to time to witness the wonderful effects of EleetrioitY on their friends and acquaintances: WHAT WE HAVE SEEN. What we have witneued of late in the wondera per formed by Electricity, es administered by Professors Polies & Chamberlain, No. 1820 Walout arrest. Phila delphia. where they are successfully testing their new dirriovery of the Nonrigid polarities pf the Brats and nervous system, by which they claim to control all curable diseases. Revlon friends under treatment by these gentlemen, end anxiety to gain 117 ra r a t ion, hes induced tie to,eall and witness many experiments and to satisfy ourse l ves of the claims of their new discovery in the aPplioation of Pleetrielty es a therapeutic) agent ; and we would gay for the benefit of the sink who have failed to get re lief from medical mon that we have seen ouch demon strations in toe ewe of the most ohstinate diseases that we can, with confidence, speak positively from its ' effects as a curative agent oniour friends and. others. We have seen a ease of Pulmonary Consumption cured by a few applications of P leotricity. We have seen ease of Indurated Knee joints (immovable) of eighteen months' standing, oared in a few days. We have seen Themes, the most obstinate, cured in a few treatments. We have seen Asthma , of. twenty years' standing , consi dered hopeless. cured in three natio:ie. We have seen mired a case of Heart Palpita tion of five year ' standing. W e have seen many oases of Impotence. which have baffled medical skill, alto numerous cases of criminal weakness. cured by these gentlemen Wan also, eases of Diabetes, 11 heurnatism. Spi nal Weakness, and other diseases too outnerose to it ontion And we know that they warrant to mire all of the above diseases. nod many others, after a tho rough electrical diagnosis, by Moll they olaim to de• tide absolutely whether the cares are curable, C. B. Compton, M. 11,1613 Vine e. P. M. Tacker, 1621 South 1 7 1011.; 8. Stilwell. Palmer; 0. Mcßride. 617 South Pollan ; Robert Allen, Third and Monroe ; John Heist, fill hlarket ; C. D. Ctudiney, Western HO • tel; J. B. Sawyer Philadelphia; Caleb Lamb. Philailel. Phitt ; Edward McMahon.l727 Front. out-dzt Wit E OFFICE OF THE'SUNBURY(' AND ERIN RAILROAD COMPANY. Ps ILADELPII lA, September 20th, IMO. NOTlCE,—Holders of Coupons entitled to he paid on October 15t,1860. and thereafter, scoured by Mortgage of the Company, to CHARLES S. BOXER, in trust, dated September brnh. 18P, are hereby notified to pre sent the Same for payment to the PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY for Insurance on Lives and granting an putties, No, 304 WALNUT atreet Philadelphia NV PfiUIthREAD. President of the Sunbury and Vole Railroad Componr. Bolden of Coupons entitled to payment are requested to produce their Sonde (before or at the Smoot...Pay ment of the Coupons ) to be stamped and registered. CHARLES President of the Pennsylvania Company for Insu rance on Lives, &C. 001 Bt. 301 WALNUT Street. ErWO TIME CHATTEL MORTGAGE BONDHOLDERS OF THE WILLIAMSPORT RLMIRA RAILROAD COMPANY. A meeting. of the Chattel Mortgage Bondholdors will be held on FRIDAY, the gth of Ootober, WO, at /I o!olock A. Id.. in Hoorn No. 16, Washington Building. • .0.1414 South TRIRD eet. to hear the report in re -lerd to tholease of chattels lately exeouted by the EL mos and Williamsport Railroad Convent* . By order of the Colonititto of Chattella ratan., Band lioidere. JOSEPR, lIARRIOON, RN-6W Chairman. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER -3, MO. tamTEACIIERS HAVE ANY OF you suffered? Parente I hare any of you dot:et:lrue The City Item" of this week. le of N tfiVtlgh — olfoltitfiV i G l 4:,7ll ET lo l l2. moot and Radroad,Comy_any will be hula on MONDAY, tile Wit day of °dolor Ift/A. at the Offioe of the Coffma n'', No, 423 WALNUT Street, alit o'clock A. M. oda wfm 3t* MMAGEE, SeoretarY. CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, MELOP.4 Street, above TWELFTH —Loehr/on, rx,rL eotu r e e every WEDNESDAY Pvening, at o'o/ook. Ernyer-book Leotores every THURSDAY A tterooon. at 8!, o'clock, by the Reciter. Strange, s al ways welcome. tt .-PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR FRO roOTINO MIRJOULTURE.—pIated meeting THIS MORNING,st II o'clock, at roome, 020 CHEST NUT Street. it ECLECT IN MEDICAL COLLEGE.— L Lectures in thislnetihttlell EVERY DAY. at 9 a'a ook A. NI. Students of hiedinine invited to attend. College on RACE Street. below Fifth. W. PAINE, M. D., Dean of the Penult', No. 120 North FIFTH Street, The public are invited to attend Dr. Paine'e freepub lie leieure, at the College, ovary THURSDAY IrtlP:at.• IND, at I °Wools. cog 6t. W'UNIVERSITY OF F/ENNSYLVASIIA.... LAW DEPARTMENT. orm of this Inlltitation will commence on the first of October next. The following are the sublects of the leetnres Hon. GEORGEPHARSWOOD—" International, Con stitutional. and Oivil Law." Prof. P. Mee A pleading. and Prnottoe." rof. E. PPEIiCPE MILLER— • Real Estate and Conveyanaing.' The introduotory lecture will be deliverpd on Fridar• Pectember 28. at 8 o'olook P. 14. , at the 111S1181 lecture rum. tir Prof. E. apenaer Mater.. nal ANOTHER EXQUISITE BOOK. A Companion to Tom Brown's Pohool Days at Rugby. NOW READY, LOUIE'S LAST TERM AT ST. AfARY'S. Insoribed to the Memory of the late BISHOP DOANE. A neat 12mo. Price 81. (From Mm Lincoln Phelps.) Thin anontmone volume, descriptive of 'ciaol life, totems not to be the work of any novice in literature, or the production of any ordinary mind. It is bold and on atom to design, den at to show that a well-meaning teacher may. 'hrouah prejudice, greatly ant agaliP4 a enrol too proud to come oncer an iron rule. The inner life at St. Mary's tone netOcted bra master-band, wilt be read with deep interest tir all who are interested in educating the young The'an•hor well understood school life, and the semet springs in young heads can only be tpuched by love and kindness. Parente may well be Pleased to put such a book into the helms of their daugh ters andpupils may like to present it to teachers, who are not always _themselves too wine or too good to learn." DERBY & 3 ACKtt 4 ON. punLisnEks. it - 498 BROADWAY, New York. GREAT SUCCESS OF THE HOUSEHOLD OF BOUVERIE; 08. THE ELIXIR OF GOLD. UY A SOUTHERN LADY. Two handsome 12mo volumes. Price 82. A Fresh Edition Toady THIS MORNING. DERBY 1a JACKSON', PUBLISHERS, It 408 BROADWAY, New York CI G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE, 'I.A • No 439 CITSSTRUPStreot BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS'. All 'Books are haveeap as at any other store, and non the advantage Of receiving a handeome Oift worth from Fifty Cents to One Hundred Dollars with each Book. Str B WKS. JACK IN THE FORECASTLE..- . .Prioo $U A Ova NTURIS OF A DAMS, the Catitorn ia Hunter— .... -Price 81.25 fILACIEyndaRS OF THE ALPS. ByTll-Prloa 1.50 LIFE OF Mae. JUDaON (Fanny Forrester) Pries 1.25 THE MAOICIAN'S OWN BOOK —Priem tin THE BOOSEDOLD OF BOUVERIE, Pride 200 WHIMS AND WAIFS. By 'Minima Dood-Prlne 1.00 1..11E LADIES' hOOK ETIQUKTTE-Prloe Slap THE Gf.NTLEMEDPS BOOK OF ETI- Q UETTIS—....—Fnee $lOO WooDS AND WATERS. By A. Street...Frio $l:5 MESIOI4B OP HOUDIN. the Mag (Man. —Price $lOO . Br the author 01" Mose Side." ' Alone. " Hidden Path."—.. Prioe $1.25 A LIFE FOR A LIFE . By the author of John Halifax, eta. . —.Prioo $l.OO THE MILL ON THE F LOSS. lheau thor of "Adam Bede. ~Price et 90 THE LAND OF GM D. Br Rev. Wittier Colton, auth or of " Dank and Port," "Bea - and Sailor." Ship and Shore."._.._. . Priori $l.OO ITALY AND THE WAR OF 115 2 -'6l 7 3 1 Madame de Marguerittes. - 51.25 THt. BUNNY SOUT Profe sso r T; Sout.herner at Home. Edited by Ingraham-I'4oe $1.25 THE THRONE OP DAVID. By ley. J. H. Ingrahani. ...Pnoe 8115 ALL •rviCi.itmr - slifoltisTSlikini tsaugo et the publishers , Regular Retail ?nee, and a handsome Present with (moll Book. . . . Call in. and one trial will assure you that the beat plane in the city where you should Purchase Books, ie G. V.V.Kr4S' GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. No. 439 CHESTNUT &rest. oc3•3t Two doors below FIFTH, on the upper side. A LIBRARY FOR THE MILLION. That which usually makes the difference between what In termed the higher and lower classes is awn/- Limos—the want of which makes the one a digger of ditches, living in poverty, while the posseerlon of it renders the life of the other comparatively eery, and anroundß him with numerous comforts ann luxuries. The secret of acquiring KNOWLIDOZ is to solve every question Or difficulty All IT . ARMS in the mind. To do thin the beat mode in to have all that learned men know on every subject, written down and alphabetioally ar ranged. That mods is now offered to the young men of Plii.adelphia, in APPLETONS' NEW CYCLOPEDIA, which pimiento a panoramic view of all human know ledge. To bring this limn woca within the reach of ALL, Subscribers (who prefer this model, are regularly sup plied win the volumes on agreeing to pay 8I stormy or 25 Caere WIRKLY. Achim's the Agent, who will wait noon you, or oall at the office, h 3 Booth SIXTH etroet. JOHN hfcPARLAN, Agent for Pennsylvania and Delaware. Agent also for Putnam's new issue of Washington Irvina's Works, m hlorith'g Volumes. 001-vavikeSt .1 CILY IST. 11160. NEW FIRMS AND MANSES. MERCHANTS IN WANT OF BLANK BOOKS Can be supplied from a very superior assortment mode from Linea stook, or made to Order. WARRANTED AT LOW PRICED. WM. P. MURPHY BON'S NEW STORE. Stationers, Lithographers, and Letter-Press Printers mon ov 'cut locum. No, 339 aItoSTNIIT Street, lel irsr-tf BALZAC'S m iso BALZAO'S NOVEL. , NOVEL. JUST PUBLISHED: OESAR BIROTTEAU. AAONIFICENT NOVEL. BY M HONORE DE BALZAO. One elesant volume, oloth bound. Price dtl. Translated from the French orlional expressly for this edition, by U. W. Wight al F. 11, Goodrioh, ~, • Dlok Tinto BALZAC Has been little known because he has been little trans lated. Yxceet by teentanon, ho is almost utterly unknown in America. " over the whole mmtinent of Europa. however,'" (to quote the worde of Charles Ihok ens, in "all the Year hound "t " wherever the litera ture of France has ponetrated, his readers are num bered by tens of thou-ends.' DICKENS CONTINUES! "Unautationabl7, Balzao ranks es one of the few great amuses who appear, by ones end twos, in cen tury after century of authorship, and who leave their mark ineffaceably on the literature of their age." Tlate second &Lingo novel wall be THE PETTY ANNOYANCES OF MARRIED LIPS. RUDD SG CARLETON have also lust published PO- Mild BY BEN KY L. PLASH, of Mobile, Ala. One elegant Limn. cloth bound. /Auto, Mo. *„ 5 Any of these books cent by voalnie free. RUUD & CARLVTOff.,_Pub ishern,_ gag wslf 130 GRAND street . NE YORK. rrILE BEAUTIFUL CITY AND 'IRE RING OF GLORY, BY THE SON. 'WOODBURY DAVIS. (Or Portland, Maine. In one volurne,l9mo. Price 76 mots. Published this day by LINDSAY & BLARISTON, Publishers, Rookie Dem and Importers, 95 South ii XTN Street,anoko Chestnut. RECENTLY PUBLISHED. 'URTZ'S TEXT BOOR OF OHURCII_ HISTORY. KURTZ'S MANUAL OF SAC 4 RED ataisofty—the seventh edition. BAI SIPS , ELORTM REVEALED in the Creation and asthmatic n of Man. SURTZ's DISTORY OF THE OLD COVENANT. arms BARNES' WAY OF BMXATM. 1 voi. Do . ON THE ',TON KMENT. I vol. . Ett &nom, simmovs. 1 v o l. NEW BOOKS. All the Nem Books thaday received se Bonn as pub lished. and solder retail et WHOLESALE PRICES. by LINDSAY & BLARDITON. oof 25 South SIXTH Street, above(TON. Chestnut. R OCS. BUYERS.--Gentlemen: T hdve A-. taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 4111 oaFATNIJT street, whale I will continuo to buy and sell (as I have heretofore done at the Custom house Avenue Book-stand) o.d and new Law and MU bellarteons Books. I have for sale upwards of LOG old lack-letter Boats printed prior to the year 2499. Also, a of Erasmus on the stew Testament, 9 vole., SW: printed in 1148. Price $3O. I will also deal in Engravings and Autographe. Persons at a distance wishing to sell Books, will describe their narnos,d me e, sign, bindinge, conditions, and prusee. Pamphlet Lawe of Fennral van ia, and old 'looks upon America wCAM anted. JOH ht P BRIX. P.-7" MeHENRY'S BOOR ROOMS. 406 WALNUT STPEET, PHILADELPHIA. STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION WORKS. !sag 1121. TILE MERCANTILE TARIFF MEN THIS EVENING, AT NATIONAL NALL, AT t O'CLOCK, FOR Punctual attendance Is requeeled, as the Club wi move at 7 o'clock precisely. MOUNTED CITIZENS' 01311 T I N TORCHLIGHT PARADE, Wednesday Evening, Oct. 3,1800. Persons wishing to Join the CAVALCADE, MOUNT ED. will please report themselves before WEDNES DAY NOON, to the undersigned, or at the stables of AI. A. KELLOGG, RAGE Street, below Twelfth. Equipments will be furnished, By order of Marshal of Cavaloade, 002-21 GEO. W. JIAOKER,It r.. REPUBLIC/AN IN VINCIBLES Will meet at Headquarters on TED 3 (Wednesday) 'EVENING, stdiikoiolook M., to attend the Coanin Demonstration, Dr order dt'Onintitittes, 003-11. A, hi, WAIACIDOHAW, Marshal. NEW PUBLICATIONS. POLITICAL WILL MEET OCTOBER 3, PARADE .7. D. KEYSER,Masehaf, RETAIL DRY GOODS. FALL. CLOAKS OPENING THE FINEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY W. P. CAMPBELL'S, 003-20 t NO. 1144 CHESTNUT STEET CLOSING OUT SALES oa L. J: LEVY di CO. ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, We will offer 20 oases NE W FALL GOODS. Part of the orders for this season's iltilecwhicth have been handed over to on to Woke out, at lees than the coat of nriportatican. Embraced in the assortment which is now offered to the nubile will be found a variety of NEW FABRICS; SATIN DE CHINES, PLAID VALENOIAS, SAXONY WOOL PLAIDS, spnitioa IRISH POPLINS, Plain and Pleads. SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS, And a full and complete assortment of STAPLE GOODS. The whole stock will be offered at rery low Mites POR °ABR.' L. J. LEVY 8c CO., 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. eel- tf GRAND OPENING. CLOAKS, MANTILLAS. AND FURS, PARIS MANTILLA CLO, AND FUR EM PORIUM, 7 08 CIELSTNUT &TRUST, J. W. PROCTOR & CO. beg to announoo to the La dies of Philadelphia and vicinity that they are now daily opening NJ ly sTIPLES AND NEW 11RLS FOR FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, ARABS, sAcqurs, BASQUES, 4 - c. They also respeotfully invite attention to their PUN DEPARTMENT, which, clone last season, they have considerably extended, and are now prepared to ex hibit a samptuous collection of FURS OP ALL NATIONS, InoluMnkßeal Russian Sable, Pine Dark Hodson Bag Sable, Russian end American Mink Bahl°, Royal Er mine, Chinchilla, Fine Dark Siberian Squirrel, &0., &o.—matte up expreealy for beet City trade, of warranted Well-seasoned akin, into all the prevail- Mg styles of CLOAKS, MANTILLAS. CAPES BALF-cAP vs, MUFFS, CUFFS, 4.e. J. W. PROCTOR 8a GO , TILE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EM- FORMAL oul-R. 208 CHESTNUT STREET EYRE AND LANDELL, EYRE AND LiA.NDELL, EYRE AND LAWNDELL, EYRE AND .LANDELL, EYRE AND LANDELL. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. OPENING OF SILKS FOR FALL OF 1860. NOVELTIES IN SILKS. NOVELTIES IN SILKS. NOVELTIES IN SILKS. NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS. NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS. NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS. NOVhLTIES IN POPLINS. NOVELTIES IN POPLINS. NOVELTIES IN POPLINS. NOVELTIES IN DE LAINES. NOVELTIES IN DE LAINES. NOVELTIES IN DE LAINES. NOVELTIES IN MERINOES. NOVELTIES IN MERINOES. NOVELTIES IN MERINOES. ■ol9-wtm 2m T HE UNDERSIGNED DAVE NOW IN Store their Fall Importation of ZEPHYR WORSTED, Embracing all the newer d choice colors of the season• la all, the finest stook and assortment aver offered to the ladies of Philadelphia. and, as heretofore, the whole from the oelehrated manuficturers, .HERTZ & WEGENER, IN BFRLIN, Now to favorably known to the Wien of thie city, and which we have had the pleasure of introducing. Ai wo ere desirous to give to our customers every advantage positible, and having (acuities tor so doom second to none In tot anr lute of hpinees, we have concluded, for the future, SELL FULL, HEAVY WEIGHT, - Without advancing the price per olive. Our custo mers will, therefore, enjoy' the advantage of having their Worsted WEIGHED AT THE COUNTER, 'The only foal preventive of fraud. CHINCHILLA REDUCED TO 110 CENTS. We would also call attention to our stook of En 111torrwRIEs. in Worsted and Chenille. EMBROIDERED SLIPPe.lit& Era nor or:RED SOFA CUSHIONS. SILKS els , ALI. KINOR WORKING, ORM KNITTING BALL FLUTED RIVIEROID BRIER. Pi EW..tiTFLv GIMP TRIMMINGS. GILT 'J. IMMI NOS AND GMT BELTING& DkEsS GA R NITURES. WOOLLEN YARNS, ALL SIZES. RAPS° N'S TREMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, CORNER EIGHTH AND CHERRY. se26 2rn FALL OPENING.—Our alterations be ing completed, we have now arranged for sale a fine assortment of FALL GOODS FROM NEW YORK AUCTIONS, which, for Quality and price, cannot be surpassed In tgvi ettg Yam Ottomans, all stylist from e 0 cents to 81.76 per yard, French Merinees.inaluding come rich browns. Fnnted Mennoes. magnificent styles. hatln Sole ; Peering; Dlnatabe all ho .. &0., &o. IVO its lee'Paci fie Dthunes—MM rents. One rased 4 double parole Canases-12X cents. JoUV IN'S -AND BAJOIPS OLO YES, Just reeeiveda A splendid enrolment of BODO:BOLD PIANISSIMO GOODS. We r ive teSOIVed TO nen sort at a Et.4l PsOPIT THAN YEA BEFORE: And hereafter will have but oNS PRICE! We invite oilm an, gad ev angers to call and examine our stock before looking_ elsewhere, OBARLE 4 AD salS & SON, selTvrmf EIOLITh and ARCH Sta. 184:-,fi -EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH 1,4 and A Rai!. BRCOND OPENING AUTUMN GOODS. TYCOON TAP 'NESE SILKS ROYAL BROCADE RILKS. fIOLVER IN° ON BLACK GROUNDS, MORA ST SILKS IMPORTED BOLFERINO AND BLACK POPLINS. GOLD AND BLACK FIGURoD POPLINS. AUTUMN 11.AINI.S. dreond Opening. OPENING OF OLOAR •lO•DAY. MEXICAN, ABANIA, ARABS, &o , do. 01 CILOAKING CLOTHS, tIASSIMERES, V BROADCLOTHS, V ESTI IIGS, &C. Fors' Casaimores, good patterns. 75 ate. Eattneteane Limon ()animates. 60 to 70 ate. Fancy Garsonerea, from 76 to $1.76. Fine Black flualmers a nd Deeekine, BROADOLUTIIB. For Drone Coats, Fronk Coats. Overcoats. &o. Muni OVerooab dili[o. Beaver Tricot, &O. LIGHT CLOMI INGO. • Eor Ladies' wear, of every dealr.ble shade. ine totality and low mice„ by the yard or roam . G.—TaGorssonvited at lowest bet, cash pilaw COOFtat andOMA RD, Southeast oor. NINTH MARKET. EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS I "PDORNLEY kM, M. E. 4:1000.0 'EIGHTH & It LNG GARDEN etc, "lii eat airt ° T re li a in a ß NToox, i li l' o l : n or g r for inspection Oft OF Tar rssT sTooxs OF GOODS In their line in Philadelphia BOUGHT FOROABR RXCIXBIVELY, And will he sold FOSITIV.bLY CHEAP firecial attention d to Billie and Dross Goode. cheerio and Cloaks, Giotto and Carienneree, Blankets end Flannele, Linen Goode and Muslin& Marse.iles and other Quilts Dower', Gwynn, kire.,eco., Acn. All anode marked at the lowed price. sod FALL CLOAKS IN, PREPARATION 19111118 opening every day. Stock will be comp!sto. Orders taken and executed with despatch. Fall end Winter Shawls. Children's and Misses' Shawls COOPER CONARD_ salg Siontheset c0r.14114T13 and MAREEP. CRICKET FLANNELS. Just received. Sure ri or white. BHA FtPLESS BROTH ERB QUARPLESS BROTIIERS Haven IPoepnegnmenflidtglitila?N•giii..... Broene Carded ropenne, and Thick fancy ato.H'e. WWI INOUSSELINES, Chintz Colors. new' tlesigno, Neat pp tiles bright onlors. Friendly patterns of all -wor le AUTUMN SHAWLS. wow openin%. Brodie' Cashmeres. Striped. Droatte Ombreh and a the thick winter Shawls. imported for this season. SAAR PLEBS BROTit se2S-if OREBTPI UT and EIGHTH Streets. DIVIDENDS. grAFFIOE OF TUE AMERICAN FIRE IN . ..ORANGE COMPANY, OOTODER 7.18t0. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE DOL,LARN , per share tor the last six months, w h ic h will e pain to the titookhoiders or their legal representatives. on and after the 11th instant. exclu sive of State tea. A. C. L. Clta'N FORD, oc2 10t* Nearetary. MO THE VIRTUOSO. -A collection Of flare .Bilver Medals and Coins for Bale, about one thousand in Dumber, comprising a series of Lutheran, Papoleonio. and Loins fliiiio7lo medals; rare antique Oennan,Dutah. Figl i ph, Freon, American, tk c., me dals; a StilitiOil berm set of the Mudie Inelinino in case; very rare Hnshrli and Homan coins, Ho. The above, now offered for sal., entire, wore the collection of Mr. John Allen, a well , known Norniamatologist of New Y or k, and comprise the 'ration' nes of over sixty, Years. As nit plaque audition of interest to a Tannin inetnutton or private cabinet, such an opportunity is seldom offered. as It i• believed to be the finept collection on steGraii,..n., mat 81.),TN torus,e r coOS et E ORIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP.—One pound of whioh, will do as muoh Washinr and do it be l ti l nt PT olm T nrosn VV c V il 7e prtoliturAbigoOw i aslbO Over tamiliee ore now constantly ueng it. WOguarantee it to give eutiefeation or return the money. All respeota bleGrouovs !lava it for tale. TRAIN k 20oXE.ONE. 00 ano 04 Mouth Wharves. turf Ira i tr AT AUCTION PRIDES.—STOOK OF PICKLES, PR, ESERVEk, MACHINERY, dm, V ala fi a t t ro r2tlon Pttoot, to dole bovine:A i re 'DAVY:WELLS cleaned at a low price to obtain the oontente, A ibirain Tltibini. POll - Office, 1213 Northl4.6ooM) Street, 003-11n* THIRD STREET JOBBING HOUSES rOtAIGUEL. MOORE, & 00., Nod. 220 and 2U2 NORTIL THIRD STREET. NAVE NOW OPLN THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK or FRENCH, BRITISH, GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC . DRY GOODS They haie ever offered, and to whialt the attention of DAM AND SHORT-TIRE BUYER/3 he respeetfully solicited.. nrs, F gr v p " c i gn y t a gor O n fi l e l l 9 s te rn e dliegre a ris it tt buyoro unsurpassea r oy any other hones. ee2s•lm THE attention of Buyers is solicited. • FRESH FALL GOODS. RIEGrEL, BAIRD. & 00., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS ear DRY GOODS, No. 47 NORTH THIRD STREET, Would respectfully invite the attention of the trade to their LANNZ AND WELL-SELECTED Stook of FRESH FALL GOODS, Whioh they are now opening. We are daily In recolvt of all kinds of fresh and desirable goods, Call and eltanstne our stook, 067-2m JAMES. KENT. SANTEE, & 00., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS. NOEL 289 AND 941 NORTH TRIAD WIRRET, ABOVE RAOR, Respectfully invite the attention of BllYell to tbalt until LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO GOODS, Among whmh WI be found a general amortment of PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS, Ale°, a large variety of new and oonfined styles of PRINTS, MERRIMACK SECONDS, ho. aulL7-2nl THOB. MELLOR & CO.. NO. 8 NORTH THIRD ISTREET, IMPORTERS oP iri E R 'Y ISHIRTS AND DEA WERtI, FAULT, WARES, &a. Mos. ADILLoa, JOHN B. 151ELLoa. EDWARD BAINEI, Olio. 0. EVANS. eel7.4m FALL, 1860. COOPER. PARHAM, & WORK. Importers, Mannfaeturere, and Jobbers of HATS. CAPS, FURS. ♦tyD STRAW GOODS, NO. at NORTH THIRD STREET, below ARM PHILADELPHIA. MILTON COOPER. WM. M. PARHAM. ROBERT D. WORE. AT Pall Stook now omelet° and ready for buyers, walT-Ira SOWER. BARNES. & CO.. BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, No. 37 NORTH THIRD STREET, Lower aide, above Market Street. Philadelphia, Invite the attention of Booksellers and country roar phanteto their Teff large stook of Schoolßooks, pub lished in this and other Gait , ' together with Miscellane ous and Blank Books, Paper. and Stationery generally. 15., B. gr. Co., are_publisnere of many Popular Works, among which are the following : THE CENTRAL GOLD REGION, BY COL. WILLIAM GILPIN, (Late of the U. B. Amur. ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS MAPS. One voL, Bvo, bound in cloth. Price $1.55 •, and a liberal disoount to the trade. This book is pronounced the most wonderful, erdenti no, and oomprehenstve treatise on the geography of our continent ever published. SCHOOL BOOKS: SANDERS' SERIES OF READERS, BROOKS' NORMAL PRIMARY ARITHISR- BROOKE' NORMAL MENTAL ARITH➢tE TIO ----- ...... 25 ota. BROOKE' REY TO MENTAL ARITHME TIC---- BY E. BROOKE, A. ht. Professor of Mathematics in Penthvivanis State Nor mal School. Ltheral tering foe introduction. WHITE'S COPY-BOORS. BY T. KIRK WRITE. President of rennoylvanis Commeroial Collue PELTON'S OUTLINE MAPS. This series of SIX SUPERB MAPS is now adopted in almost every sohool of note in the Union where geo• Mohr is taught, and has no equal. Pries an for full set of six maps, or 810 for set of hemisphere Maps alone. aug•Sm FURS. rums! FURS! GEORGE F. WOMRATF.I. NOB. 416 AND 417 ARCH STREET. Hao now open A FULL ASSORTMENT or LADIES' FURS, which the attention of the Pubho le invited. 063 •Im CARRIAGE ROBES. GEORGE F. WOMRATH. NOR. 41A AND 417 ARCH STREET. Rae now Open an unueually LARGE ASSORTMENT OP CARRIAGE ROBES. OP RIB OWN MANUFACTURE. 001-atood MILLINERY. arvi Mro. M. S. BISHOP, No. 1016 ICA& CHESTNUT Street, next door to the St. 140- tattoo Hotel, will open on TRUSSDAY, Ootober the 4th. PARIS biluaritßY. 003.6 t. ft MRS. E. FOOTE WILL OPEN ON THURSDAY, Ootober 4, Fall and Winter MIL LINERY. at 415 P/111t Street. 040 NOTICES. rllO CONTRAOTuES AND BUILDERS. —.Notice is hereby given that sealed Propos.'la (hndoteed Proposals for the ereotion of a 801100 L 110 (lib in the twenty-third ward ) will be received un til WEI:MI:11MT, the .10th instant. at lOo'olook A. M., for the construction of School House near Frankford: in said ward. in atoordance with plane and specifica tions furnished by George S. Bethel], Esq.. Arehiteet. to be seen at the office of the BOaRD OF COIXT2tOI.- LERS, SIXTH and ADELPIR Streets. Payments wall be made monthly, leas twenty per cent., which will be reserved until the completion of the bund log, and security will be required for the fantail! 'per formance of the contract in accordance with the plan. and to the satisfaction of the Committee on Property. By order of the Committee. LEWIS BITTING, Chairman of Committee. VDUCATIONAL. L{ :0111 Y 13 , )ARD1NO SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN AND RIPS, at Pottstown, Mont gomery county, Peru syl 'The Twentieth semi-minual session .of this School will open on WFDISESDr, November 7. Anoint the aavantag'a offered may be yarned Reasonable to rms ; a healthy and situation t an eitenaive and thotough course of study; liberal proviewn for tile POTOODOI comfort of MOO; Parental discipline, and etriot suporviston of morale' and mermen ; an export enoed t • richer for every ten 'pupils ;Room four Dineen day by Reading Railroad. Referenoen hteuire. Solomon M. Buon ; Same. L. Clashorn ; James E. Caldwell ; John W. Cisghorn ; V. Ballade ; Joeeph R. Evans; A. F. Mary liomaa Biroh ; William Pt • Kern ; Hon. Owen Jones ;'Ron Jas. Cooper : Hon. J Y. Yost. For Ciroulara, convoying full particulars, addreaa Rev. M. hi SIGS, A. M. 009-31 - it.- RS. SANDb REN, PROFESSIONAL NURSE. has opened a Boarding House at No lOU Spruce street, for the special acoommodation of Invalid Ladies, and for those coming to Philadelphia to be Con fined. or for medical attendance, where they can have careful nursing, good board, and all the comforts of home. Mrs. B. refers, by permission, to the following professional. gentlemen: Professor C. D. Motto, Caspar Wieder, M. D., Pro , essor B. D. Gross, L. Rodman, M. 0.. Professor Jon. Paneoast, Professor S. Jaokson, Mario Days, M. D., R. A F. Penrose, M. D., Professor IL L. }lodge, 13 W. Norris, Al. D.. J. P. Meige, hl. D., Professor B. IL Dickson. onh Da N CABINET WAREEOOMS o min) nits WEEK BY li. J. RUBBS, No. 46 South BEI OND Street. Four doors above stre ph Chestnut et e hatladelts. A constantlyrnent of FURNITURE of every desorre tiou on hand, at the lowest oast' price& IF YOU DESIRE A SPEAKING LIRE -a NEBB, REIMER will Photograph or Ambrotyye you at 6t Ci and 617 North SECOND otreet. Be is a good Artist, and 617 all, /t* rvoRoRES, FOR PARADES—Manufac tured by MEL,LOY & FORV, 2t* 123 MARKET Street. AZIJMIKA, ! AZUMEA I AZDEUDA ! AZUNIEAI AZUBLEA! AZUNIRAI ATUNIEM PROF. MORRIS' AZITMEA DAWN POWDER. Manufaotured solely at No. IA Mirth FOURTH Street, and for sale by Wooers generally. vel2-Bnaf WANTS., NVANTBD-A MAN TO WORK AT Inut ping. Tcti e rej: o iiiim il eit e igire. r . e rtUTe .patch. oot3 WANTED—A young man, graduate of Pti,rineor, to assiat in a Drum and Presorti .lon Ptore in Chester county, Pa. Addreee by mail, "E." Coatesvae Post Cit e. Chester co., Pa. stating salary expected first year, and producing goad references. 003-4 t. WANTED—By an experienced Sales man, s, situation in a. wholesale Cloth "The Goods house. Address AIARTBN, °thee of Press." 0c3.10e _ WANTED FOR K THREE MONTHS and.I, for which ood security yieldo given. an interest in a undulation that will fifty' per rad . ro t t! , inafx. months. For partioulars address Blood's Dispatch. oc3-3t* WANTED—Board, for man and wife, with. communicating Noma 11, location central. Private fnmilq preferred, fikiteas 11. COON. atatin% ter ms , at Ms ninon. It• . WANTPD-A SITUATION AS POR TER. OR WA REVOLTS /MAN, by a competent Person, who ern furnish lame of the best city refer extorts. A shoe house preferred. tut he hoe had v n rears' ea parlance in the bum es. and staid Prom Ac the interest of his employor. or would he willing to nerve in his onTlavtl ro ell 11 11018%1e or eomoneston house. Addreis••BbEMS.' titter awe. °omit •. AYOUNG' MAN, who writes a fair hand, and is qui.* at figures. wishes a Patuation in a whole-ate store or feotory as Cloth. Address •• .A irred." this oiriae• 0c2.3t," WANTED—By a Lady, a situation' as Teacher in a &hoot or Fnvate Family. Ad dress "T. B. " Furiieeton Post Office, N. 7. 0-1.2 t. WANTID—A Purchaser for the Fir , • twee and Good Will of a Grocery and Provision Store, dovur a f it ieusineas. Prise. QUO. Fo particu lars. adarese seventh Street," Ace of The Fres,. oa2.4t* T° GROOERS.—A Young Man of active business habits. who has had'severel years' 'lave rience in the grocery business. wishes .a settatton: can give his I , st erovioyer ea reference. Andreae "LPWIN," office of The Press. on-fit* AN AMERIOAN GIRL wishes a Situa tion as kearnetreas in a private family. can work at all kinds of Sewing. Apply at 1140 MORRIS Street. nee-2t" WANTED-411 Exchange, prime to ir t Z i .dry , vti Farm Land in New Jersey unitla tY r on this paper. y DtoDerty . •Addralll •. k7 P. a " 41 ' 4 oe2-g•of WANTED—A Situation in a Retail Groatiry Store, by a TOMB' man who hair bed several years experience in the Mums. Best of refe renone given. Address'` chinks." this office. oci 7t* WAN'LED—A Situation, by a young man who has had four years exttertente in a first•iiims retail braise on Cbestnat street. and can Drlnf unexceptionable teferenoes. Address "Indus try,' at this came. oat St* FOR SALE AND TO LE T. 2,500 o IN CASH WILL BOY A one-half intereet in a nem and thriving business In this eds, to a man of enterprise, acceptable to the remaining partner 111 hrith is the reason or selling. Address " Enterynne, ' Press office. with real name and references. ciag-tit VOR RXCEIANGB.—A CHOICE TRACT of good unimproved farm land in the State of New Jersey, convenient to the otty. will he exchengedf...r oilydraperty. Apply at No. Icti FEDERAL Street. fro LET—The large three-story Store, - 11 - No. fIOS CHURCH Alley, suitable for Commis sion or any other meroantde business, l'ossesdon given immediately. Rent SW (nix hundred dollars) cornerllllM. Apply to WM. ItYATT, nonheast of SECOND end RACE. sal-fmwft MI.BSOURI LAND I I 300,000 Ades for Hale, at pride ranging from DX to . bigra I or /orein any quantities reddred. T 8 paid, Mn!d PATENTS procurml for yardm en o Land under the Oraduatioy Act. 2 Mete furnished gratis by endoeing a pottage stamp For further info e n BM IT to V' so; nivruNoe re. co., . Lame General kind Aeon% 66 OH ABTPIBT - Street. Between TRIED end PONNTIL ST. LOUIS. O. LADD WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. oolArn IIOARDIN G. TWO GENTLEMEN OAR BE AOOO-M -moDATED Ina Pr ate Family, with full or partial Board. The location central, and the neigh bruhorti unexceptionable. Please apply to "Dowell." Bloou's Dispatch. 03-3t* BOARDING}, with communicating rooms, exclusive use orbath, with garter, and private table if desired, 1841 WALNUT btreet. sen•Gt" SALES BY AUCTION. stinKo 100 CARRIAGES AT AUCTION TRIRTIETG TRADE BALE AT PHI -I.AI BLPHIA.—Tine sale will take place on WA:D -RAM/AY HORNING. Weber 3. at 10 o'clock, at the BAZAAR. NINTH. and RANSOM attests, and will not be rintponed on account of the weather. The collec tion will ,mbrace over one nundrec light Carriages, made by =Asia of the higneat reputation in this city and vioinity, oir The eartlagee may be examined two days pre vious resale. ALFR,Eo Al. BE7IRN.F.BB, seta-atif Auouoneer. NEW YORK ATJCTION SALE. 11 - EN KARD & H TTON Will make a Special Hale of the ENTIRE BALANCE of their Importation for tine !lemon, inoindlng LUPIN'S MERINO CLOTHS, CAOREMEISE D'ECOPE, BOMBAZINES, AND MOUSSELINE DE LAINES, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, And their magnifioent stook of STEINBACK, KOECHLIN'S, AND SEYDOI.IX 81EISER'S PRINTED MOUSSELINE DE GAINES AND ME FRENCH CHINTZ PRINTS, &c,, ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, October 4 and a, AT THEIR OWN STORE, 141 DUANE STREET Mgr Particulars hereafter. NEW Yoax, Sept.St 1840. REMOVALS. REMOVAL. EVERETT, HICKS, & CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE. Have removed to 313 MARKET STREET. Buyers are Invited to examine onr stook. anll4m REMOVAL. CHARLES HARKNESS, WUOLESALE CLOTMER, - UAr REMOVED Ho. 608 CHESTNUT BTREEN, South Side, abovo SistA. PHILADELPHIA. anSO-1m GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, &c. KEROSENE OIL OE' SUPERIOR QUA LITY. KEROSENE, or • COAL-OIL LAMPS. CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, ko., Alanufaotured and for sate, at LOWEST CASH PRICES. br WITTERS & CO.. No. Ad NORTH. EIQH ^ a f STREET, N. E, oor. of Filbert, between Market and Aron. sele-dro UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER ik FENNER. WHOLESALK MANUFACTURERS or UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLO, D. 306 MARKET STREET. PTILLAIMPRIAL, • are now Making more than rtvx 'HUNDRED DVIVORIONT VKRIRTIIth OV lIIKBRILTAU of every size, froni 22t0 40 inches. Buyers Who have not had S. Ec malt(' of goods vril find thei, time . well spent in looking over this stook. which INOINdaa MANI NovEraas, list met feit +lntel:am aide-tm GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. (.I.SNTLEIMEIVS FURNISHING GOODS. Mow opening.superb assortment of noreities for Gentlemen via: EUREKA BOA ttl? N TIE_COLLattB, FL ANPIELta FoR THAVI.LLING tilEtigTe, &o...eleoted in London and Pane, to which spools,' attention to invited 6,l4 cit &A . Nala t. ser7 A lbw doors below the "Continental." WOOL. NoW In store. and for sate et the lowest marks Pricer, a large Stook of the most desirable grader of OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA. FLEECES. LOW AND MEDIUM WOOLS, Whioh Durohasers are requested to call and examine. BENJ. COATES, 127 Market Street, Philadelphia. BUTLER I-10136E, No. 112 St/UTH KIXTII Street, Opp Mete Independence Square. Conducted on the European plan, Accessible at all hours. sent-Sm A. it. LUKENS, Proprietor. CART -STEEL BELLS. FOR OKYROREEI, FIRE ALARMS. &so )OR SALMI BY , NAYLOR & 00.. ie7-tf ISO COMMERCE Street. THOMAS THOMPSON, SON, 8a CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF OABINET-MAKERS' MATERIALS S3B SOUTH SECOND STREET lllr ?roustslls, ?lushes, Rehr, Damasks, and every desonvtion of Furniture and Curtain Goode. ael9-2m FAMILY FLOUR, FADE PROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, O. H. MATTSON. ARCH tang rd'StiTH streets, 010 AMI7SEMENTS. AbIERIOAN AOADEMY OF MUSIC, The Dieeomm of "THE ACADEMY OF mum NEW YORK, reepeMfally announce dint they will give a brief /Odeon of ITALIAN OPERA, Commenoing on Wt. LINESDAY. oto her 30. It A 36tERI AOADfDIY•OF DIMS' The rentlemen forming the committee for the Opersno entertainment to be given on the IP It of Onto ber arc reacest-1 to call at the Academy en either TuEsnAv or VV.'DNEs OA Y. Octob sr 2d and 54. be tween the 11-nrs of 10 A NI end 4 P. N. to receive the tickets or t..e seats thstrthwed ork.nOardays the 22th. September. and 12' I ve receipts for she same. All the seats ths.' were reserved b- the committee, Which aro not cal•ed for by 4 P M. of Wedoesdsy Oot. Bd, will be disposed of at the VOX OffiJe of the / ea d•my. WEINIATLEY 45c, OLARKIVS A IWIT STREET THEATRE.—TIIIRD NIGHT "P THE NEW ...:111trE y GR LriCERS, I ROCS& ROV 1,0') CWDS OVERFLOWING T TO l• (IN TOM TAIZIAOR'cs FLRCVON TO NIOH I `' AND EVERY NIGHT! To conclude Tritoth• new Laval Oddity entitled the PRINCE OF WALPS AN RTVIca, PRINCE OF WALES ARRIVED Seat. may be 'mired for any night during the week. Paventh Grand Matinee Saturday ring, WALNUT-STREET THEATRE ir Sole Lorsee......—.ldra. df a. oARRETTRON. Stege Manager WM. Offs PNAN. Business Agent --. Ms. OR _U. WM RYKY. CH (WZDNESDAY) EvEN 'NO. 'r9 D UriHr dR OF CHF R Mare Dnneliter f the Regiment. Misr C. Rich- Ino Certotioho. Mr P Filching& Doomsclude th PF:OGY "R.ERN. oven o' a quarter to 7 o'clock ; performances commence at Ma r .:hook. Prince of acimecion : Dram Circle. (Seats 'Conrad without extra charge.) 50 mita ; P%r91 ,6 t. (Feats oared at 60 neva.) 67% Dent'; Seoond 'Pier and amity ("role and Third Tier, 7.5 omits ; Private Unites. 66 and 13 ; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 760. CONCERT HALL. TRTOMPR • THIS EVENING. at 8, AND EVERY ptikrut - G DWG Tuk; wri,r( PROFESSOR A NDkfi RON IN HIS ENcv4 ANT. D P Bl CgHoaAtfTggUßl. SECOND WEEK OF PROFERSORD.R.ON Of the an Vuonx folcoVio.fol nod t . lomphactl. noel. lar, brilliant. grand and extraordinary draw, of nine% A NIGHT IN WO %ORR WOR On,,MAGIC, O . MYSTERY. AND MIRTH, A comedy o• o TMIODA ezniternent h. the of Philaaelpbia, in the oroirdeo houses of but week aa oho • GREATEST SIGHT IN Tff IR OR PAT OPTY. PROFESSOR ANDER GI GREAT WIZAID OP VIM NOVrti. COSMOPOLITAN MONARCH OF MAGICIANS, la %iloted by Mile Aiderean, Promote Detro - Reatintscent Orthogra htet, and Clairvoyants. Mia. z v Andemon.. —. •. • dttendantArial. M Flora ~ ..Tne Fairy t h. , tens. Atr..l. H. Anderson, Jr.. to the Wizard. Doors oven every evening at 7 o'Clock. Goinmenoa at 8 o'clock. ADAIIIMON. DOID , of the Dal], cents. Balcony 25 00DIDA. Grand Illominatod Matinee next Faiurday. at 2. Schools admitted to the in.e at half ono.. VONTLNENTAL rtnEATitl, •—• (Late Nationslo_W AUNT Street, above Etlath. MONDAY AVENING. Oott CARR caI4INT, tirultni, OPERA the rtiLsdonne e . BUR LE.,QUE OPER& TROUPIS, Aldlt PAMIR B OW Pit FRANK MORAN. J. L UM Alf AD.PLEY. CARNRO ,I B. and All appear niglaqs. he greatest amount of talent and the moat talented Performers now a the business hoe them. A MAN cdr,, [GIL Bee INdls T l , :o o r im p t :3 s i o n e l:T: . . Doom open at 74. m. SANFORD'S OPERA RoIUSE. ELEVENTH &TIME - P. OPEN FON THR SEASON. NEWLY DEOuRATE. AND PAINTED. RIR. SANFORD KM secured one or the LARGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore, who will , topeed• nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence at 73( Admittance 25 cents, Children 1.1 carte. sell-iert CARL WOLFSOHN AND TEMODORE THOMAS'S SERIFS OP FIX Cr AFSTGAT, POI. REFS, at the FOYER piths ACADEMY OP • VFW. Subscriptions will he received at the music &ores of G. Andre & Co.. 1104 Chestnut street; Lite & Welker 7r.1 Chestnut street; Beck & Lawton. Feveinth an Cheetant streets ; and Th. A. Schmidt, Juniper an Chestnut streets, where the programmes and prawn lars onn be seen se2l3 6sr" PE N NA. ACADEMY OF TEM FINN ARTS.-1096 CHESTNUT Street. Containing a large otileotion of Paintings and eatftp tared' now open daily from 9 A AL P. M. Ai:l -n/in= Y 1 nG. , ohildron underl.9 mars. 19 apata ffEibICINAL. J . R. STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR. WREN OLIVE TAR LS INHALED its heeling Bat:anis odors are brought in contact with the lining rnornbrano of the THROAT, BRONCHIAL TUBES. AND ALL THE AIR-CPUS OF THE LUDO% relieving at onoa ani ram or oPpression, and healing any irntarion or infkrnatton. \VIXEN OLTVB TAIL IC TA K.'N PPON 813GA9.. It for ET an unequalled Soothing and Healing Syrup for Con cha and all Throat Mennen& WZIEN Onrre TAR I 9 APPLISD, Ito 341axxiatio or onn oentrated Curative powers rend.r It a most snoods PAIN ANNIHILATOR. Olive Tar is not sticky—does not discolor. Fifty cents a battle, itt 4 4 2 BROADWAY, N. Y by all Druggists. J. R. STAFFORD'S IRON AND BULDIIDD POWDERS are a soluble preparation of Iron and Sulphur. ideutioai with that existing in tte blood of a perfeotiy healthy person. Uni ins with the ingested food, THEY REVITALIZE A .D SHRIVE TEE BLOOD, THEY-IMPART ENEROT TO TEE ISE.VOTTS ETSTIZT TREY INVIGORATE TAR LIVER. ' • THEY STRENGTHEN TEES D/ODSTION. 'Crow riFctrLATN THE SECRISTI..Na OD THE BODY, AND LEE A SDEDIFIC DOR ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A PACKAGE, At 442 131tONDWAY, New York, and all Diuggig: PAliplii.ST CONTAINING TESTIMONIALS FEGar TES following and more than 100 other well-known Promi nent persons, will he sent to any address fres by mai/. GEO Law, Esq.. Flan avenue, New York. 2,151E0N DRAPER, Esq., Banker, New York. TIIISELoW WSED, b-sq., Albany, N.Y. Gen. Lora GREEN. Washing, on. D. 0, Col. SAMUEL COLT. Hartford, Conn, Col. Cues. Play, IL 8 A. Rev..losllDA. LEAVITT, Ed. Independent, New York. Yen. E. lawman, Ed Examiner, New York. Rev. D. W. Ort.xx. Art. Am. Biblo Colon: N.Y. Rev. O. F. A. SPINNING. Butternutts, N. Y. Rev. Dr. LEONARD. Exeter. N. HaND FOR A PAMPHLET. Sold by all Druggista OYOTT /a CO., No. 232 NOVal, SECOND Stmt. Manta for Pannaylvaraa. e•23•3m HART'S DIGESTIVE.—To invigorate the digestive organ,.—Those who profess to ttke nb medlotne tee It torus strengthening sta i n s,, 04 by W. G. ODOR )re. Northeast corner of TEN end ARCH, and other Druggiatr G 33 Ht. SPECIALITY Pi PR IADIFS —TRU.sS AND BRACE DEPARTMFNT oondticted by com petent Ladies Entrance on TIP e.LFrir Street. brat door below Rate. A till tine of Mechanical I. erns doe. tight and elesani in contr.-nett:on. tpgiallit adapted to Ladies' US O . C. H. NEEDt FS, Proprietor. 8. corner TIVE t.PTIL and /LAOIS erreete. shiladelptna. teir Entrance to C. H. Room, for gentlemen nt the corner. 2•14 Smlf A W ONDERFUL AND NEVER= 11 FAILING REMEDY FOR DM e4.8E8 OF VIE NERVOUS BY BTEM. PROF Easoß rJORRIA , EUuEPAALOS, AN EXTERNAL REMEDY, Prepared by MOCXRIDGE fr. CO., No. 62 North FOVETH PtroM. OW And for ea le br Druggiste generally. aelt.graff for the Iltiatan RELIEF PE$- K►7lll.®lll hiI..NENT MUM of Ma diktrouist; Distill*, l‘a ,FENDTP3 BROD - IC.IIIAL CIGARETTES ; Made by O. B. SEYMOUR dr. CO,, 468 BROAD WAY, New York. Price 81 yeY boy i Sant tree br C. 41. 14 , 74110 ifl R AA LIE AT ALT. rfl tr,,Grwriv. MSURA.tick. COmtrAviEa F - AI4IE INSURANOR COMPANY, NO. 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHIL/WEL FRIA, I NCORFORATI D 4 PRIL, L vAN 131 7 TOE sun OF FLNNSY A. CONFINED TO FIR) , AND INLAND Amu. DI in? Samuel Wright. . R. Muff, win. W. Walters . Evernla Cam iohardson; sort Lewis. Geo. A. W, sob W. Stont„ Davis,D 0. Wilson etko Stern. Thos. B. Martm, 6ECROV Tr. nAv,..?!..,gidult. FRANCIS N. BUCK, v toe rivet& WILLIAMS I. BLANuRARD. Seoronm. !JAIL 11l THE MUTUAL LIFE It'SDRAIIuE uVAI. PANT OP NM YORK', Assets SIX MILLIOrges OF DOLLARB, INTNITID IN WNI §T MORTGANE§ ON REAL zwrgiii, ORTH. OV MR 413 CKV,OOO. The nremintna Bra Lon as than in many Other Comas• nies, and the Dividends have been Oat 4.TEIXt This fa a strictly hirrrst. C.lnparr. There ors no atookbolderstao that ALL TtrE PROynta Famphlota, and every information, may ba had FIIATIS, On applmation to F. RATCAFORD STARR.*gent, B.W.comer FOURTH and WALNUT Street:. PHILADELPHIA HEFTY-FM . 1 . 8 . Thomas Robing, John Weigh. Mordecai L. Dawaon, George 11. Bruh- George M. Strand, E. B. wbe en. John D. Myers, J. Fisher Lenwite • Joseph Patteroon, John M. Atwood. Wiluam 0 1 uthrig, Arthur G. Coffin. Thomas H. Powers. George W. Ychand. Witham MaKee. Thos. -Watteau. n 4.3 7*it. _ _ SAVING r lAD& QPRI.NO (lARDEN NAVlikai FUN. D t. 7 Onion, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine - nd Dallowhill. Incorporated by the LegisatUre reth, 1881. Open ter Depoeits and Payment!, daily, t rein. 9 toVio'olook. Ala°, on MONDAY and TRUE k.DA . t. - E'PI9NINie3, Irma to a o'alook. Intereat Saar cent. per annum. Deportitora draw their Moneys by Cheat, if demred. Special De , Posits received. lAMER B. PRINGLE. Preeideet Vl> Irmo/ •. low aono-ft PAiISE E . W IYGER I A . N I- D IN FR . RUUTIs TO NORFOt fi and PORTSMOUTH, Va., via the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Halt more,_ anti Delaware Railroads. thence bY the lIIPW eteamer P.hos delphitt to Norfolk. anl Portsmouth, Va. O nata t a f ter J u ly di, passengers from Philadelphia will take the 815 A. Ai. train at the depot, Corne t Broad street and Waehlagton avenue, on • uee d.r.. Thursdays. and Saturdays, arriving at Seaford at .I.U) P. M., end at Norfolk early the next morning. The steamer Philadelphia will leave Norfolk on the even ings of Monday, Wednesday and FridaY, connecting with the train at Seaford, whioh arrives at Phi adol phis at 1 P. M. Fara for first clans passengera, including meals on thi boat, Sr Second-alma passengers, including meals on thaboar BFre4 60 ight taken as low as by any other route. For turther Particulate age email hand-hula at th betels, and other publio places, or mature ot C. t , DANE, a gen t. corner Broad at. end Washington ay. t F. KEN N.P.I, Master of Trar.a portation, SOB Int. P. W. & B. It. It. Co. NOTICE.---011 TER VALLEY ILAILIIOAD—PAN. SENGI I MIPFOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN, TEEMEDIATE {STATIONS.—On and after 113 h Nor. INV, the Pearmor Trains for DOWNINGTOWN Inn :tart from the hew VexaMaget Deyot of the -NlA deem. ortcl Readlna_ Railroad Couirmar, cooler of anima 15,ALLOWHILL litreetr4 (vorootitez fAl tranottoriGaliewha MOXIWS* 71X.Allt fir Downingtown. !taus 411i4) A. M. DON WUXI for Venratraiow. "zing - *A 3 * PAM (piLdttya aroapftt. ) an ir o Z w. f 1/13/4onl i c o( Afeuucera of IW/1110h/okra sof it7MlßltthrPV:Aliie" tart: taItRIMIWItST 011.EitTER TRAINs %in PP,16116171 0 4. MA RAILROAD, leave dftpoi, earner BLAtivh, and MARKET, at 7.36 A. M., 1 4 .30 P. end • Me On Sund at ay 6 . I P. wo PluisdeliOn at 8 A. 611., an o d W t yli an M. 30-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers