beendone at fate annual xneating_laat year. This ilug --gtinttittif. bowls. aftax-wbio4,the COSfiStIMUOIL united in singing anther blitin;:: The *ay. aJai:bins. - pf that Presbyterian next addressed' the stieeting.bleguid trod for the Or a brother thole nissisnt a year and a half alto s rxmis ton these ritittings had originated. and de tliat Ahem would - gravy 4:eft of , u unityettot stio/triething to be talked about, but Some -I",,Att# 4041440,0 R ootild age; arid' inereeiate:: - del lifoir Mew' 'tits} 'this notinfeatiyanhion Was, to be brought about. tutit groAd..asxnredly,Clolllipland ohs , of h ki t re n, etutilitXtid fog this/Int& be yteltitredi , r lt _,Aatttier, rieti l eanking pit:OlllMA ghttetexii. Re Dnae boldly against holding, up any longer_ Annie* tiontligi%Onotitigtheinfti'd Ruse of it- brain fast suns Its ixpingentir hlXXentlaient ' '!Prfi_other rotate ie blown 'Way ehoutit stbei. below Beg. Thomas if. Btoekton:D. fhi was next ,an- - I/whined tirtifteolisirintiti.Ate isnif he felt come doitbt at to thoegoerletr or big' rising - to- egeak on this 000 a glen;cnisnaimallot, ehrtioel condition; and, • • somondiy, on abionnt of the tientinielite he was about to • [itereipOndunth halittidildrha 'pro:to eay,oAfilrot4 that " ita' the .taiimiiarthatiartatiltitioirit Of harinony then inkyvadmp t their trieetioit. He then WM011116(1, in hie liitb_t neethar et la, beirtnning,. - ", Chtiet,'Thrist, Crterlog is the OM, Brest name around which allohr in teraigni eentre,” -din, he meld, Was in the heart, and all abraiti,-,imiOhrist.:as' the Creator of elf, became the '" ledieMer 4:011:", - Efentdara th•Ory hi the Plvine order, of thinis Irina wee neouliar. hi the natural World he • diathfreend d , araileafdetlitiotstitin. or Impairment, as allows in the, shietienitii`el in The "`enlidttial there wee' manifestly progreps,and• had' beau eel/ eine° the firet proitibil of tedenahtion eras made in ,Eden: Wilk regsrd*i the - nratilidal, lamina Of :theee • wieetfliii, the DoOtor eitid,orith telluig,lorea;that they, • -,,-„ nfigairtheir errotaisdnuttedtheirerrionieenniTiodged ; that they etwht their, differenom'see played • that they might' he one; and 'yet: when tbei,Hoegatod, .cite_ same trtereveve,stlit nrectisedr:the antra 'labia Wee found against the Protestant •Epilooliali against thaPreablterliin, against tbe SWIM, assinetpm ,thodiat, and atl beating vehemently against each bther„, I , - -Ita lie he-wished :to see corrected. Re hoe* that I ' hie entire% noinetimea adenoid hirreof being "In ad ' *mine oithehge.i., Well, if he wag.' hithcined the Lord would , fointre him, and *eked that4einieht he hindly tomemberedin th e prevent of his ' brethren Cm be ' - ' A - fell renntyltewete nett.magle by the - R0v..1. • Tonnes, of the Methodist • Eollie-enal Cburab ekioh were followed by a hymn, and a abort whiting by the Rev. 4.llted COokonin. The litter looked upon Calvary as a mountian,.the. nearer Chnetimuntritreaehed the mused Of which, the mister triasitber angroaoh each other; The Clear they came th the, foot er the CeAse, the more I,infintls .would they he one. He compared =the Church to a gettranichattetT. : JitWhtallAtili - mPtalie •Ihmittst Mere geteed Myer umin lafer t elte eic4l4 intro duced. and theloles anemic:lto praline thi nioid tre losudotti- effects, •Es, said - he, the "miens dknomink '• Vattern brought mann ttartnorty, would iumoinnligh What, thoir leolatior,ithey never could achieve. - The Ger. John Chambers, at thin stage of the Meet; Ins, roe* and made a daracieristio additive, Ast; coin . • rammed "aka mammon to that morning when ahrrow Vas in this clap of Israel. on account of the hey' ger vents, and the bitten ones were healed hr looking ict the bonen 'orient which Moms lifted up it the 'wilder- Amis. Re pointed all, to the Lamb of God, who bed, in like mitosis:ham lifted on for the traisiliOU*l the bi ea of all Who shall Ook to film in faith,' •• • Aster enothiti hrthu,' thc,Chairmin onlled upon the 'NO. Dr. Cooper, of the Enisoogil Church, to lead in -••. wager, which the lather responded to. remembering the posogragatioa nod rector'of the in which they Were assembled. for has Mg kindly 'granted them the lige of their 'dinar . " ' The meeting of the morning. srhiclitrast highly, into - testi*. and chanaterixectwith milted unanimity, was antateded wan or another hyMn, and benediedin by the ReveDr. Komi. , 24gi', ,AT TWELVE—DIEITDRDANC. AND IXCIVNITNIIT. At twelve o'clock the meeting was continued at the Baneotn+stieft Rantlet Church, keying been nietged intotheinoon-day prayer meeting. The chair was coon , 'Pled by the Rev. Mr.Perniey, of the htethehist Ettlot4 2 . poi dhurch. Ile evened by giving ante hymn. engaging , in prayer, and reading the earipturee, is part of the third * .ehaptei Of the fret Epistle of Sobn hams been select ed " Alter ei.brief exhortation by the chairman, and another hrinn, the meeting was given into the hand, of the brethren, the three•nunnte rule having been pre . vimudy intlunced'and duly observed, though not :a wait, promptlyobeyed. - - The fratspeaker was lifr:Farker, an active partici :" -ow in elf theseLtinioa Meetings. laid, in opening, : war; that there was nothing worth having in yeti " - lion that did not point to Jean,, Fie furthermore Mated. to the congregation, that he did not believe in dye ear Inure, but that he had recently had a dream which he felt - tempted to relate, and relate It he did. The import of the dream was, that he had been tried for, murder, and ootalemned to die—hig amuses having bestride own pastor. the Jtay.Jpr. Newton, What was to him most remarkable is hm dream wed, that his wife end children, , Wholliaffections he was witted of. all atoOd"aroUnd in ermyt,artd, with merles, eyes, heard the verdict pro ,,Yarker added thstrifter.the roceoutiOn I " been effected (?) a little grace had been given to hun toarteege his Ours. The lesion he drew from all this wie, to enable bim tOspforeelate - mor6ire'neibly the feel -, - - taenotthe eo'n of clod, wbeelt.rtoci . neit lama led forth ' to esieention,vrah'xime to pympatho with Minix: Rio „ ;Immo( greatest - trial. , ' Thar whold Mfeir was hardly up to the'etandara pt the, objects of "the 'Meeting, And. as the sequel 'proved, was not promotiOe of the beat mutts. • ,'Re had starcely taken hm tentoshen Vatter Clemens, n venerable-looking gentleman, in the opposite part of - the boase, rove, and *oiled to add a fowiremte to What" — the tut brother had said about dreams.' Ile wished to • speak of aoireurnstance that had struck him very Forci bly. The circumstance wee introduced by the brother's • • ismarkinethat thb surr toniihed everything it Phone nada, km. and he Concluded by telling ,his dream, to - wit : 11. had dreamed be was dead, and was lying . in :We ooffut, and that, in spirit, he bedstead beilde it and Watched the fliee.gathering on the face ! and that, in • vusescausems, he, bad,. bintielf. given, instrootreoe to lidynd on the coign. Witt a leer =Mt remarks ' ' upon the burden *luck 'bin _great cap au had Wien to him in life, he *lewd. .11 poiltaneNt rose, near the moderator, and. said bir _wished golitake a hew remarks span the words, which' 'ismer in tho 1614 versa of the 2d chapter of 25 Pam, find irhlohlio Proceeded to do in a rather, dloreserpotfol rummer torierde the olern, when the outiregatiriu; to save Cum the trouble of finuallus them, broke out. in sirmint , -• ' "Itiaier my Gal to Tl.lef ' • , ece, When these hies Were' /mat, the Rev. John ChM , beta eagated in prayer: hoping that the same Merit, ...wild' tont prevailed' la the wining would still, con tinue, and that tho wicked would be foiled in their at tempts to mar their him niony, and that the devil might .., be - aisappointed: atia.followed in prayer by the • Rev: Air. Allen. Thieves Mowed by another exhorts. - ' ton-end hind. the .' pitching-in" indiVidual still retaining flosstirtiftt positiorron the door. rind' facing the whole iitidiesice., - At the Masi ofthe hymn requesting made for roarer -to be Offered, whin the aforesaid individual waved his 'aiads t itask,tioramenoed repeating the Lord's Prayer • Minaltanconsly with the Drayer of a MAU on the pupa site side of the room. For a %Wowed' both oontircied aloud, mitil the " voted interloper" was requested by the moderator to desist.- - • • - Fattier 'Abraham Martin, the veteran dundarsohool• miesionary of this city, next followed in - prayer ; Mean-, while, the troublesome individual still kept his place on the lour with evident deteimination to wedge in some, thing, if aosisible-thoiring - an 'Mahe comet* to make 'every ridiculous dieplar of himself.' At Mug statithere seemed to be a fatality,eigzed to the nuetipt. Another cations individual, with it bald 'forehesiilintoustaolie, and White cravat., rose to viridi-.• oats the'sionding brother, alleging that he might have, something good to say, ant ought. therefore, not to by $91911 down. ' Mr. Farber here again took the tom. and related an emeedote to illustrate his thought that the beskiray to get rid of mob tronblers was to let them have' their' three Minutti, end bedone This adviee4 howl everorne tiot triton by the moderator, and prayer was , aimed by -Mr. Anemone, - the - resolute individual atilt • • :itsmitegrlooldng detehairmilf not "to give it mg so." a thpngb hewer obliged, to, for the next move was to sing a brain, and typal the meeting with a benshiedirm. TTlisktidwAhtithst Moabite of the day was held at the itetkodleißgisoopal Church, 'Youth Street, he. A Damming ilarinatin.—Burnside's pure Rye ~lybieOylis found in daily - use, in many families in Phile ; betas, where no other stitnulantmould be tolerated, ao wolf eattbliahed is its oharader for purity and entire ' ,freetroitr from ingredients. of a deleterians ehamoter. it is imaiwoa a oelloloug beversge, and Mauro. Cleri.k. fitooltdaie aradisosnelag it in goodly quantities at their iietabliihment, No, sPa Walnut street. m • Tee GLAD Tie» 641111.11)1114. Wm thy oritge, Allegheny. a blast has been blown : Deem thy tide; enstashanna, the - murmur his gone ; 'From the Delawares Marge to the raise of the Weal ; W herever the foot of the &mini bath seemed, 4iteierfal Intahlrencs has gone 'forth, that Gentlemen ;sad Youthirced;,o,lititin the most elegant' garments ex :hop, bi Miffing at the Brown Stone Otorttinc 801 l of keelinfdk W ilsan,lYos. VA and ea Checuint street, -Shove Sixth. - - • litiofaran Ffati ire is tiolost re. . toady Zpr all derangemeate of the barrels, hebituel • ` 2;tieeliker,stiOx and aervooe headache, djepepsis; ko. , Yerrican of sedentary life should alweys via them Tim 4041,1n:liable and safe, and do not debtfitate ; opt be takes at all tim e without irconveruenoe.%They bo,toliteerl 'Pleextutt to the taste._ one fat hap a laxative erect, vidlotwo figs are aufhoient to produce sp. sistas Purge, Prepared Oily:bre, di Bowen Sixth ' Sid Vise, and sold by legate Dresatibe,', Pyles pot box' • WU oast*: ULM ! , READ ' Iffultimi in 'Vettune doe/ net chaise men, it deli gisteiteke them. • COrkeorews have sonic more people than Loth imitate Kill everlseett up. ' • , , Jaw a sweetly-fashioned month brui t haan' Measured to nuts htdeines by the fiery tongue within it.' Naprieslia like a ;Mt with a mauled tal, wbiob every One TOM SW, but nebotlr can hold. . , ftwittnio 1110118te clothing et the ono:poet fa s h mi ki i : ampotins of aranvilld Stoke/4 No. 607 Chestnut atretet. valuable sift it ereseited with each yotoheee. ) rd offarii 0111 - al,O (ik) DIA • - , -- Mums Siiimciorn DRAwgits, in large c vatitst,isoilisidthis fliitfatlertoo,.tolob'e Wool, And water, Ifolt;Vittifillftrter'suottotent of other roodlt - letergrAfrite; firsoffitk , ,WINcieKTER k CO.. • . asti9lSgOiblis. , -,44i1K Ott • fOrtivill xier of oenseienthrreliavederal..fiielellt. ly erive'dbythe use et-Di. LIU BTAPTOIIIeif.OLIIII TM and IRON and 8141, enult POWDULL Timi OHS* Ares Were plane. and beite itoreniss met tbs. had mid !Webs?' Premiere loaves% Orb woe , viiiiiii-etklartiehrief this 'Skied lane pa* isibisk • ' " 'ate ideated from the body py the onsemrespidil Oaf &jointed sa, Flamm The ter:amoebas of aurae sew Want. and t welblincein persons , ars .coateitaid pamphlet. which wit be seat free by mail to ally ad • - 'drew See advertisement in this yaps r„ gold by i 11• „ ' ditithrime, oytyrr, rt , o. 4 32 Iltorth ORCOf4Li ' s oe:tt - „ . '-"-SAYING flysto—'• - -NvivniALSA rthir ;470AirAirs..7p4rteiea try the Mete of Penne/lama, 11.114P.a. • t Metter iri . reeei ! eil e v e ry chi, and itk_itur amount. • ' Verger oehrest - - ~ • • - Fite MiT - .lntareet rant for 'miner fiom the dey it is put in. a. Tha, money i 4 alware paid hank iri.-99LP whenever iii * nidled for, end srititont notice: • • •'• 41,1dtital fichn. Ext outon. : V6ii; aficlfdiallfitßed ,ether Trheteee, ni tow or e n t a il dew, to remain a lone or abort period. - Thirstiinialciedtlivid Detiee. itois iiire4en i n I.Sookmortines.,o!outut *ba' intralin ,••• !at f . • PLR "--.,1V41114,14,34 "?. - N i es?* O.:wag : • Wfdreirriaterif all atotinue of ;04441,404040101raiiii,thrtnsta orf L 00: , • ' • -"•• 1 "-- , ' - _f .314 i ttttimmorlit , 0 1 04 ,,,, rit1i05. p0, et in; KVA' ,tt * ..v 21 ' Iraq Mom dolt, /m tw ei/ unti 'oroakilor 00 Aigo -: - 4141? ` "1"1 4 41 11. 40 ' ' 4. t:ti• • „ 1;1;1 U - . 1 0 0,0 • •• Art.tfil / 1 - • GISEAq IdEPAOPABIENT ID SEWING NIA. otiriai-;atri' iv/Instable *speed, to nut stow or cast, for' marafaaturiaa mak faratla Ono. Prices Tedium). to 850 d upwards. LADD, WEBSTER, k ral4-6twata . aftgi GIIEOWNUT atroat. • r alumni OBLFORA.TED 7101301.,Efe11. /AWING ALAOIIIIiSS. the in,tfie for Family 00 , , • • :14..730 ell6fiTNllT3treet. Philadelphia, ONA Paws ;040THINO,OF.-.TIIE LATEST linsuist,made in the . beet mender; algresaly , for TAM SALES, ,LOWEBT 'hotline , erteee eatirked in MAUI' Fithittit All MN Made Voraer warranted padd' factory. Ottr ONE-PRIOU ayAtem .us Strietil !atoned to, 'ARIZ" thereby treated " 23 " 1 v JONES te Co. 4304 MARKET Street. , Bii tai not fail to read tho adver titimachlt et *a WOOI in to=day s vapor. sub-tt . • ,SALiamtpx#Yrtuivritoop arEs.-Lkvery, arge'essgitment ok ediAIUANDERS for sale enable 40064; NO. 304 womirr Bt., Philadelphia. suss tr - "- - -- EvAtio h wrizsoN, ARRIVALS leffiltt, PRINCIPAL HOTELS Ir„To•Wo'otobillasttttin.. CONTINENTAL nOTEle—Cor; Ninth end Chestnut. D White, Baltimore w' n Boyer. Philadelphia M rer: B Boyer,Lookport,lll King 3 Boas, Reading 8 Cobh. Kentucky W W Handlin. N Urbane T L Leaking, New York' . It M. Harper, Virginia 3 T Inipay,l annum jno W wilharrison, e 0 TD Du Pont &In 8 Caro% A Bowmen Ala Pen na 3 (3 J ames & w fi KentllekgUss 8 Itayos, leentuokY Mre iloward,lCentuoky Joe Tildern• Boston W nialtoD, Now Orleans A Chase. Baltimore It M'Wharion & Xi. York Cud A Cu,, II 8A , E P Pearson; Rending • Nixon, Alabama • • Mrs tioritt:GeorgetoSin, DO Miss Brett, Goorget n, D Dr A El_Garratt,U - W Martin la, 8 Care's, W'lr Chiang° 4 , Dr A' 13 Void, Newyork S W Dibble . Charleston 0 B ahields & .la..Natoltez F 111 Del Aal Reynolds, 11 Jersey , W Fmk, Lewisburg • Flt Biros & la.Now_York The Fisher & Huntingdon Win C Haddocks, DI Y A P. Boach_., New York Lieu) R D Minor,ls B A B Sloan, U 8 A 1, fundiler. 41 S A • BCaehin IS A J 1 1 ,1 Wagner, USA WA F Warmth New York P nava & la, Gears ia etkisso : Plow York Silas It Bill. Wash, l) C Ansa Htil.Weighingten,D Miss is P • 8 Yawner, New Yore W F Watkins A wf, Al Y Mrs .1 C Tiffany, Baltimore Min Mayeriellaltirndre B Titan", Baltimore Airs Kirny & SissAlnbitins Mies Kirby, Alabama 3no MoWilbanut, Mouton Jay Could. litoldsboto, W Neenes, New 'York, W M Bennett, Virginia , Alex B brogan, California II Swish & fatoallobllo ',Miss 'Herndon. Mobile II 0 Whiteman, Louisiana C B Paine, Eastport J i, Richesoo, Illinois • 14 I harm, Antral° John B Murray,' New York Thos E Potter, Plias. I) L'AlaoNeill, Florida - L B Willard, New York/ A Jsokson & is, Tenn ' Thos 3 Powell, Tenn MuurPowell; Tennessee James molt, N H, 3 Hamlin, Troy, New, Ybrk hl Brewster. New rk - W P Constable, Balti more '.O A Barks, Virginia! C Careell,./low -York ' W T Doardinande York Nana. New York Williams. New York 'At 8 Henr, Illinois 'AK Willard, New York b Baker, S teptooky • • Geo W Bell, N Carolina W II Clark. Al Carolina, A Ostrom A: la, Ceycinti Benson. Indiana Mrs J M. Jotter, Maryland Minn RosaDavld,7larridad Roht macoltutN.Yor lc .1 W Bradley, New York W Boott. New York Weid, Now Yoga L B Foss, .Boston Jno F Goohren,' Virginia II 14 Sargent, Virginia .1 B Fricke, new York ' A Renault, New York A Gardrat, New - York W 33 Sewall, Bath, He P Inc ermar,Virstma • • 'IL Bliss. Mobile • F Steele. Virginia ' Mm Kerte 11, Baltimore Chas 13 Gibson, New York .1 Hutchingon, Pittsburg John E Itathbon,,,e 34 11'1' Johnson, Baltimore Jos W Veazey, Maryland et/RARDMOUSE—Ninth and Chcstnut streets. C L Nicholson, Philadelphia M Noroross, New York Miss Norormm New York Wm If Lansing, Ohioago Miss Lansing. Chicago Mansfield Woodruff,,Ala Moss Woodruif,Atalwma .IJ'M m i L l Lo & ok Raven M igM ß orhe %Mo oO ea M l ven Mies ß ßyew% Mo M t on a ' l al Maeter Russell, Montreal Chas J Howland, Ohio Mies Howland, Ohio' W W Chisholm ecla t Mita I Mist C Austen, Louisiana C P Montague tc WI, La M Gaston, New York Thom Candanz. Now York J Firth, England B Baldwin. Troy, N Y Mrs Baldwin & da, N Y Chas W Coleman. Chios. Miss Coleman, Utica • It foarkly, New Yurk James Brooke. New fork Danl 13 Ennis &ler, 8 C feisgßymiridonth Carolina Non F 3' St Louis B Brookiy, Lsne, Pa W Markly. New York Chas Sinaloa, Delaware 'rhos Caldwell & tat N Y AIM Caldwell, blew Vork Mies Cook, New York I E Clarke & la, So Carolina Miss Marko, 8 Carolina , i James Freeman, Virginia. E Renedy, Virginia Min Nialiols. , Boston Miss A Nichols, Batten 11 Nichols , Boston 83' Bird, Boston Chas E Morton, New York_ M Hampton, N Carolina Mrs Ranipton, N Carolina Miss Hampton, N C • Master RamprOn. N C Chas Hewett, Pottsville J Meity, Penns Geo deß Reim. Pottsville A Maynard Boston ti 8 JenkinsiJersoy City Jenkins, Jersey City C Fiord, Williamsport C C Mowton.New York J 3 Beaumont. Bt Paul Mies Viekey.,SouthCarolin L 11 Viokey & la. 8 E N Trask, New York J E Crawford, New Yhrh B H Hayden & la, La C W Remick & wf, it Miss R.,nsick, Virginia Jae Bunting & la, Balt WTThomas,Baltiraore llDonegari, Baltimore IL Ntenten;Baltimere 8 A Whitney, New JsrecY t it Whitney, New Jersey W A Cathcart. Penn& fri 8 Matraw, Lancaster A W Moltee, Lancaster Hon AIC McClure. Penns J A Crimson, Harmon rn M Malone, Pennsylvania PB W ilWn, Bellefonte C T Wilson Bellefonte John F Long,Lanoatter altos Rowse, Media Pa it England yAraby NOM York , Geo W Anderson, N Y WeXelm, ka Don J W Kiflioger Pa Med G et Lauman, Reading Dr D Luther, Reading. yam, New Jersey J M Marlin, Harrisburg fl Willman) & lady, Ala N JBllrnaker, Lancaster LelsellonS, , Non 1 J W Fuller. Pit IS heeler & son New York Miss Walker, New York Mita Kerr. Nurtork - C isew York 14 W llunoan, ew York It; 's New York ' A C Laarix. VeirosaylvEut.... - 11 ltertilwit AP list C Niles Kennehr,beitttins, lohn edatns Virginia AMA Nroadereon, Virginia Jae Stool, New York Shaekelford & ly, N Y II L Mixer, Boston Mies Miser, Boston W L Hind, Florida WJi Lee &wf Brooklyn Mrs Corsoinfor, Bleoklin Miss B_Comesir, Brooklyn Olga 11. Idunin, Robt Lawson, ew York Misr Choureau, &Louie Robt L Teel, Washington Daniel B Dexter, R. island 1.1 awrence,blew Nati: k 4. td. Jetteson. New York., 'r R Magill, touth Caroline Win Crow. North Carolina B A McLeod: PI Carolina A M Nino:tsar, St Poill BeoJames., Zanesville. 0 W B Allen, Baltimore' It. histioa,'New Jersey MN Gambrell, Baltim ore - .7 0 Wester tsla, Memphis Miss Wheatley. Memphis iH Behrend; New York- T Norton, W heeling Ya Geo R Rola, Baltimore Dr 1 0 Schley, Alaryland W WOtiame,heir York BIEBCDANTS' IMPEL—Fourth street. below Arch. A d Cowell, Leek Raven D C Mo..risi Johnstown Letic-Weymonth, MUM O W anneal, Ohio •J Wandler, &remount,Pa J' berly, /Strasburg, Pa C Howe, Ottashithe. Pa D P Pulley & wf, iiloir oo David Mgr, Lancaster Jas G 7 aylor, Ya John A Camden. Va .1 .1 Moore, Pennsylvania Bon Geo Doom' Pa • Mollauelaine, A r a wet mob oveni, Galltorntw - Inarerwl,Mlato _n, d Mrs Avarts. Elkton, Md Allee at Evans, Elston, hid JohnN Moffatt, Hew 'Vorit Jar Gold, Greenfield A Muhlenhats &s, pa. .1 F Mollheny, Gettysburg Gabon*. la,liarrisburit. Rotma, Virilksabarre L Taos todsh, New Vine J Olthodes, Mrs Gardner,Panville Miss HarovativElocnisburs. Ansystrottp.Nazleton , • E d McDowell, Phi me Aliso A McDowell. Philo. Mae P McDowell, Pinta tl L gushes. New York it W flamer, Ohio D M kinginsler. Galifornia Mrs B Wylie, Jr WM Au Roar, WWllin co, Pa Mr Mani/while A le. Pa A Hostetter. whippensburg -II 3 Forney, tihippenthorg P Itgle y, 0 W ft Montgomery, Tenn 4Jeo W Motasty. Maryland J J Yeddiconi, DOCMCIf It 111 0 it Dodge, Dalt:imam W H seaman, Tenn P Pllussey & wl, Blatt co, Pa JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Stxth. Mira WARatiow,Chteago J P Denny, New York J E Nottingham. Penns R Waters, Lancaster G Waters, Lancaster ' 3 X Snyder, do 0 L Mundiy, do A II Saner, do H F tlysteeoher, do John Striae, do 0 W Penn. do L Paultok, do W R /1. Pox, • 'do 43 C liradY, do H Holler, do J W Yoodsrarnith, do Jolla hi they, . do , J Plyder, do J Hemeinan, do , E Varter, do . John W 3007. do 'J C Suydam, do G G Sbrtener, do .14. Yoga% do it lecCorky„. .no P Biome. do G Elj W arobright, - do Wdt iimbnght, do A E rely. do Gen P Scott, ash, D C W • 00811, Provideace.R I W Cutter, cleveletad. 0 W r Lander. vest Yoilt 3 B Alton, NeW 'lark • E &Whits, Penns i H Gurney, Alms E Wright, Philadelphia J Wright. Phitedelp,hut tith T Forsyth. Delaware no L L Sevens, Vaginta J RI )(taker k la, Henishalg AMERICAN HOTEL—Mordant street, above Fifth. Chao B Shade, Now York Jas Baldwin, New York 4nas atereer & la, ...hest to •Thos M Almond, Virginia Ratohenson. lowa A M Porkina.Boringßeld Bays.Plizbaleirthia ET Bowen. alarkland Dr Thomas. West Chester .1C Crookahanks. Ind G W Walitiley. Maryland Ciao A. Ford Ma land .IDonaldson & la. Unarm& Mrs W J o na s. rho, Pa Jelin Traver, Minersville brae) Learning.' N.l T _Lanford. Masssehosette W Metrienhali, Pa Geo J.Herr. Millersville Geo W inia Geo Shalt, Philadelphia J Fathey wf.W ohatiVr Wilkinson, N Carotins Jacob Clinara. N Carolina Leltoh. New York I Waoon, New York B White, Baltimore T H Percival. ti irgima G 8 Groahott, Maryland J R Barn, Baltimore Bliswell,Plew York* ' W Smith, New York F W Nods, Newyork Chas B Tappan. N York R Read, Virginia .1 II Ridenour, Virginia TS Biatk North Carolina Bolster, Norfolk. Va J Baylor. Baltimore J E.Parsons, Merl/anti .1 tt. MIViS. Delaware Taos li Megear,,Delaware BT. .40 1 1118—Gbestout at., above Third GS Bradbury. Beverly .Tan B Pl Canis, Burlington Myers New York .11 W Webb, Baltimore J LRoKinu, Newark B L Franoin, N 9 P 9,131113i2 9 North Carolina F Smyth, New York , Geo A'Powneend, Philo. .1 Srnithero, Tobin, Pennsylvania I W Ileazeli. Fayette co W Allen, Washmgton, DO Rol* Boyer, Ph , ladelphia I,Burehhenner, New York Wria ilmor w_ ,f Ohio Thoo Garter, Raleigh, N Mise E Witson, N Jersey it Geyer fit la', New Jetsey Plaster Guyer, N Jerooy H B Amen. new York 'l' Jordan, mouth Carolina W Win, Smith Carolina L laidor, New York D Teller, Now York • in B Morey" Boston Hipperaows B Hecht. New York John P Deflate Ps J o P men, hi *dolphin A Townsend..Pluladollea W B Fletcher, New York J -r gait, Newport, . ~ `THE MOON HOTEL—Arc& street. tbove W Marshall & Penna R Nelson & la, Chiongo W Alnewortli; Phil' N Wolle, Luiz. Pa W ft Hopkins, Hartford 0 W Smith, N Holland, Pa J Tagus; Colarribm, k'a 1, Reiltuan, 10'1 1 1lb:07n, Pa Mem shirk, Jonestown, Pa J t He.lman, Penna Ur 8 R Ttetokler, Penne J Osesaman. Lebanon, Pa John Rock, Pine Grove B V Berlin, Reading Gin 'Mamie, larnagua, Pa Col R R RetOliffe. Przina John Coleman, Penns B Gauls. Boonsboro'. and 13 Warner, Eanton, Pa John W Voorhees. N Ar. Miller echylk CO. Pa (I L Buck, Enterprice, Pa D Eppley, Harrisburg J 13 Bennett, liagerstn. hid R tiycl & la, Franklin no Hen H L Cake, Pottsville Mrs l'ilalleaberger, Ps Mies E Hallenberger,Pa Mira 18 Hanembereer, Pit A Landawer, Tamaqua John Neele, Panatelas ' Cadwallader, Penna JA Cadwal lader, Peens Vandertiolf, N York J W-Conyado,Zsnisalriaii, 0 J Baker, riumplend Jacob Baker, eharpeaburg bßoods,.Marrland 1) IC_hlissetter. frlerylatid I R PhintdelPhia .f Reading'. Aa w Jei geY lI , NATIONAL KOTEl,—ltsta street. above Third, John H Cumming. Phila .1 T B Seibert, Fenno 080_1* Pettibone , N York W F Vance, Philadelphia P 8 migairr, Readout - AI Wolf, Altoona. Pe , Jno Jammu, Allentown WF Y suet, Allentown Jacob Landis, Ephrata 8 P A IN eidinan• Ephrata 0 :Markus. Maryland .J H me, Rinegold AO A Manic, Lebanon it L Kreider Lebanon H H *Bees, Yummy* Win Tower . Finegrovo 3 W Stumm. Oatawissa O H Steinmetz. Annvillo 1 3 Brayer, foriestown Mr Brunner. J0170 , 1'0%0/I Jim IS aide . Lebanon M r Jleininger, behsoon - ire L Tanner, Lebanon •P W Killlnaer Lebanon Joelttor, g . M M lltitter, Headinichael ai, Tacricoga 14 3 Handier, Postasille W C Harris, in incnati J . f i llaralul. Pennsylvania John I) Beallur, Lancaster I - Altman. bane/Later I, T *Walesa, Moomsh , g Mm ht Kellner. Lykena H C Heaver, Lyons, Pa O W Crawford, Pa' 8 Soeialemayer, Bartleto l ) fKirk, York no • N 3 Eyre, Calawiesa lit HenkeL Danville PA limbo. Caesarians wall Whitaker. Mt Clare Chas_Cledirwater, Pa Henry, Lebanon A E Miller, libilmsgrove Muss Meek, Hoer, Mica k rattler, New Columb J Boaa . r, Traveller' - B. r$ Mire r, Lebanon Thda Lolemen,,aaaosater . , . • . STATES UNlON—Market street, above Biritu. Henry .1 Wyman, Pittsburg gropl *Stun, Juniata no 4: .Vittlliams„ Baltimore it .1 Glentl 7 Vila Gingen. Hy ...1 W Van Women. KT in it Watts, Latrobe - Jacob Mintler. Pralihns Vigi Mooh l fitate Line tt Huitalee. WIIMOre tli n .o46ll l . ° P:ilellielphia 11. r l t river.g.r,rh:t v L 1. r /him On ern, Claarbein Jos If Miller, hussellviliel i T osi Danner, Lanoaater horn Keller, Lanoaster ..., Amass, Maryland John tillpin & atm,. bid • he al ers. l Lalleflater to Hon A S a y l or i•W °heater !Mil Jim hits ou John Maloy, mourer, Pa. . ohs Bethink. Jamie co C . Patterson. Millorst'n James Bell, Moir on, Pa Jerome Messick. Pa Jacob Smell. Pa. • • Jos Mower, Bluppenebu rg 8 Cllallan,Bhippenalmrg J Cot man. Carlisle K K Davla, York co, Yet 1:1 F Anderson, Blair no Wb' Boon, Visit co. fa. a . Si Malian, Indiana no, Pa , *glen. • Philadelphia W J Smith, Union no. Pa (hark. shitatoaar,Kr, It It Janken. Levittown rs Powell & I ohn, Florida Miss A MoLaitehlin,N my who N. MoLouthlin.Nowv John Irwin, Carlisle, Pa If Herron, rem , on, Pa Jon Jones Jos Milligan, Party. co, Pa COMMOIO3I/11, - TrOTEI,--Mxtb • street, ab. Chestnut. 1, B Woodward, W Chester AmoeSpearer. II De Grano . t Epeocer,H, De 0:11414 F. Jordan, Witten, bld James/3°OM Chester oo Davis Amble, °plater oo Dowel littipb, Penns ' ' •-- Or rusTemtuin. Penna Jas Tlintapeett, ghee*, Co - l' J Pennock, Oxford, Pa W IttoCamell Es IJoiasta ooldrs 7 -Maxwell, Juniata oo Rev Dr eneel-Perias - • (leo W RelYtal, retina W $ Woo& WoypesNirg, J Crawford, MR,cytand JR Ciswtord, Maryland ii it Hoopes, Delaware Wet J Bpi& tad_ r' • , . Jobe ,Ttionisisoo,Ponna A Wt. Ilbratttion_, ewYork John 110hofi0111,'Yenva ' Cited> Memo, retina* - ' • batedly Darli ORM, 1' ri ' LewhrtaxsoaiDelawsre '' ,' ' , , ...,..,-- , , .. V - tuvettfill'Y.itti 114.10ANANIA.••• ••• - - ' I,i, wh i ii -. LAv - DErsal ra. -. ... .. - -- PelfiallANTS' HOUSE-2Mrd etmet, el. pi . r.. pima or - this Institution willsonssiblimlett Oth Oat' 1 - 111LIbteri.Abiqcortt - S kiwi DeDuie)l4M, Pft , :: oetober teAtk : 1 1 1 ,eje4 O .I II MI I I , nrieVilie 6 t; or the i toßben, D tiorandelite . 4- del , P 1 , 6, 1 Y0V 0 '„;.., 8 1 , ii t . vv • * ~, .'. .:',. , oleo, ssaA AA ow -- - A Layblkotw lc-1.50A ,„, _. _ ol• P. wei it a a COD,. , Intetaatlsoutl,,tiou Hos 44 /Om irw , .1471 , ./10V-St ;Maker, GW.L., • tiI.tIOSI4I.OI.IIAUEP Liaw.". -- i --- ',. • - •:"7" --, ' „ 1 ..,,I r k z , r ,„ _Abott,', C.rbon• co ' i-rittl,t 4 1d0,,11,A1r-' l i tibbAnd s Preetioio ,i -:VI x °111 4 7 V/ 4 4Wo*Y d ifiltI k iVigae ' u'Itrire" "taliza . lien r s il iN :6ll ~ .I` l ' i ' --* 41° , 4-I ' l ', t "' ° "a ~- 0 ,1 1 0404 44 'ne1P' Jls rigEso; s. l mooderoo $ The Ititlolgolallohirttill ba deli aired on.Friasr, 1 1 1 45 . ttoo `''• • - AI -t-• rbiterlostri Aebenow oo &member ,_ at, 0 °took . M., at t e: alma ieeture lul 1111 ; 1 dnimottora!irSJ aerlaiii,LOSOWlT •,, ' • teem, brifror r, s.irsots miturT - • act24-8w ' '.. x -,.... , 1 it V. ,",-, ItS. (I'.+ ll 1 - 4 ,/.., ' ,- - Yri ,' -' -. ' . i ' • ' ~.. • • . , 1 , -, 3' „,, i.:- _ -. • ~', ori i•-• , - • BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third ot, - , Fl Pfleger,Jleirthampton co John Bohrepp, Allentown t' VI Itubsr,Loliigh, so 'lllos Martz, lichuyllnll co Loise,riinnzaturnabarg B A theolil, Allentown it Einuokißcr i gt_own, Pa Jacob B ge ß e, p qm „,b 4 Mum Oars° malungie "[Burr ti Hersh, Kleinevißo John Evans.- tatilansl, Pa Elias Pally, Pennsylvania H Beaver & la, AliilVlllo Shah e Lebanon co 1/ Bordner. Lebanon co M. Shark. Dauphin co john Fettle. Penns Gabriel Miller, Penna Aug Stoner Myerstown Jaeob Bollzer tc le, Lei) so Mrs Long, Lebanon co' It Bubb, Lehanon, Pa ,0 6 Michael, Philadelphia WmLamber. l antra Jacob Schoch Pennsburg Mrs Sepoch,Peuntiliurg It V Glover. Hartletown Mrs Geary. Penushurg Jos &lifter, Pogelsville, Pa Peter Gross, Behenoksvi I John Romichillohenckerl Writ I.` Miller, Lynes o Miss Alaimo, Bethlehem BLACk BEAR HOVEL—Third it., ab. Callowhill, John Ott. Cheater, Pa W Smith, Philadelphia John Ellinger, Philadelphia A Ditty Georgetown, Pa SnYder, - Georgetown, Pa John F Weida, Lehigh 00 Beni N Knippe , E Alien A it Troffinger. Berke eo Leidich.Boyeratown biro I oldie,. lloyerstown If Royer dr. la, Fonnneytown G F Ohs', M. D, Berke, oo Levi Mena, Barka no . Levi Dunn. Berko co, Pa .1 Heil!, Berke en, J B Darned, Berke ed. Pa Devralt, Berke co. Pa j O Kline, Barks ea, Pa Tamen Weiler, Lehigh oo G Moyer, Monte oo, Pa Moyer, Dauphih co, Pa M. Cooper.. CooPereerloz.... AdalllN,l4}lllilnlgViil9 A Kollar k ehhont i l i rp i rgil: 'A , s 9 ll'illift'kAecr.gevnr PAearriAra fir l ighl. Renville H Bechtel, Reehteivilte weisenhurg Muss Mattis, Berryville ' ' BARLEY SHEAF ROTEL—Irma st., below Vine. A E Pavane, Danville, Pa B F Reifenydor, P Peak IV A Smith, Huntsvato , J Walter. Pennsrlvania C Johnson A Bine! Kutztown Jesse B Reaten,Newtown Jan Mosy. Lancaster A C Barber, Lambertville Alt Sloan, Kansas C fidholfield, Philadelphia N Boholfield, Phtla Noah Stout, Montrone, PI I Beni F. Wakeman, Penna. Wm M Beers, New Jersey MT. VERNON ROTEL—Becloud street. above Arab. 'Alex Roahl, Fenn Chan Downer, Maine .1 Asterhouttt. New York W Calkins, Culliooon, N Y FOUNTAIN ROTEL-;Second street, above Market. John SRobartii, Fucks co II P Sager, Bunks co John Li Bennett. Bunke no Deo O Cram. Branchtown B start, Charlestown, ltd Jns Finah, Pittsburg John T Tanker, Norfolk, Ye. Chan W Jordon, virgin's T Wilkinson. Lancaster CM S Plummerdiew Jejaey C M Gager, Calibinna . Burton 11.:111,0,0 W Perolinsan,BeiflMATo J .1) , Delaware Flesh, FonneYirania A II Gook, Delaware Buena, New Jersey W Hassell , Maryland Remelt, Maryland John Russell, hlatyland 1' Russell, Maryland Alm PA Mosher, Laneast'r Moss L M Monher,Lancantly Clbornton, New York Jas J Milton. Maryland IDIPOItTA.TIONS, (Reported tor The Prose.? GLASGOW—Bark Village Belle. Dlnisdell-60 pun cheons whiskey A 0 Craig Or Co; 40 do John Gibsoth Son k Co; 10,000 fire bricks WA chimney ruins JlO Mitohell; 43 seeks soda ash .1 Lee & Co; 02 bales dark wood Thor Richardson & 20 bales m dse Wm Raphael; 07 tons pi ft tg—"lValses Vr t irl . 0400 cigars Thos Waggon & Sons. Ricißeto NC—Steamship Kelly-20 hlids 6 05 smoking tobacco 180 bxs tobacco /Waco MoCammon & Co; St bros 2 Mitts do &Win Sr, Penrose; 00 bxii do Mots &ilioehro; sO do R Sank & Co; 2e bxs OS do T Web star. Jt; 21 bad do Mercer & Antelo; 20 do J Hanson finedl smoking tribaooo 10 Thomas & Sons; 20 bags fruit 'Women & et); al bble cranberries. C Knight St. Col I egg oldie W 11 Horstinan & Sons; 40 bales domestics ,Nik shiny', Coffin & Co; Rabble tar Cool:- ran & Russell; 81 do Weaver, Fitter & 22 do lard Morgan & Reeves; 21 empty bbla Massey, Collins & Co; lea pigs lead C Adams & Co; 23 skits mdse 172 do fruit 230 empty bbls6 bbls oysters various consignees. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. GEE TIGUIPEE PAGE. ARRIVED. Steamship Virginia. Kelly. from Riohmond, via. No rfolk 23 hours, with rodeo and passengers to Thos Web ster, Jr. tar: to Hampton Roads, bark Altmann), front Boston for Richmond; shin Village Bell, from GMagow. Vas off Fourteen-foot Bank; ship (Inv Lang ion, for Li verpool, woe at anchor off the Buoy on the Brown; sohrs Fannie, from Havana, Paragon, and .11. W Farnham, wero.above the &tog on the lidlddl oming up; brig Emma, Dakar. from Boston, was off Wilmington oreek; in the bay and river a largo number of vessels upward bound. Biu;' Vil Bel, Naiad() 92 dart! frop 0 /Mow, Irak nidee tor; A 8011dOr Co, Towed UP Dy ateanaus Amoriott. •• • . - Bohr_ Panama, Vance, 13 doge from Havana, with sugar &o to T Watteon & Bons. -Towed op br tug America. Bohr Mail. Kelly, 4 days from Providence. with mdse to Crowell & eolith.). Passed at the mouth of the Bohuyl ktll, eahr Targittground. • Bohr Golden Rod, Connery"( days from Now Loildon, with oil to Mahar, Bunting & Co. Bohr W SIPPIe. 1 day from Frederica, Del, with corn to Jan 1., Bewley & Co. tintir 8 C P laden, Tuft,l day from Fort Deposit; with wheat to Jos L Bewley & Co. Bohr Sarah Lavinia, Conerell, 1 day from Camden, Del, with oats to Jas Bewley de. Co. Bohr Vaindolia. Cooper,l day from Smyrna, Del, with grain to L Bewley & Co. Bohr Roxbury. 011880, C days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Bohr Minima, Bartlett. from Boston. Bohr .1 Ponder, Jr. Ellingsworth, from Weymouth. Bohr I, Sturtevant. Barring, from Boston, Bohr Silver Magnet. Petry, from Boston. Steamer Concord, Piommm houra from New York, with video to Win fa Baird & Co. CfLgAftED . Rohr Roxbury, Chrise:Tic - iiiii,M., Audonried h ßohr Medorn, Bartlett; Charlerpown, RE Corson ds Co Rohr John Ponder, Jr, Ellingsworth, Medford, do db ßohr D Townsend, Townsend, Olorannsh, A Heron, Jr Co. Behr Isle of Pines, French, Portsmouth, 3 Street ,b Co KohrSll Dicskson. Travels, Washington, do Petit Colorado, Phenpard, do do Rohr Annie Virdinia. °alley, do do Bohr /11. Main, Book, Powtuoket, do Iry T2L8681712_ (QUiTalnagaenoo at as PYOIIO /Vow' Form, Oct r." Armed, ships Etton Nlnm., flout B e%oti toveenninD tan, tram Liveypoo); hogs Norma _,n from filament" Ath once, from Rants, \lint; sohr 1) W Eldridge; from An rata. Boarn,Y. Oat ). Arrived, barks Ann Augusta, from Atdromon; U C Adams. from Cadiz L brigs Geo Washington, from Bo unite; K Cowley, from Ittmedios. MEMORANDA. fltsamehip Ariel, 'Wagon, for Ikepinwall, sailed from Now Yora..3e.terday. tteamslon Dzenvilte,.Ballook. for Havana and Now Orleans cleared at. New York yesterday. dliT 13to p from Havre.Frothinshaln. Btemon. m New Yor/' Ships Baltic, ierega. from Newport; Caravan, Bands, from Liverpool, and Victory, Ainsworth, from do, ar med Wises , York yesterday. Slues Dashaway, from Rotterdam, and Abby Brown, from Bristol, arrived at New York yesterday. Ship AlllOll4, MoKennie, from Liverpool, wan below Charleston 231 h SW Golden Etiale,Luee, from Callao, arrived al New York yeeter . • . 11 hlveJe Patna and William, from Callan, ar rived vest al cimore reale rday. Bark Margaret, Quin, hence for Pernambuco, 78- matted at lityhomes IE4I repairing. Bark Pilarim,lialiook, frcm Bordeaux, arrived at N York yesterday. Bark liraziliara, Baxter, for Rio do Janeiro, cleared at - New York yesterday: Bark Salim Magee, Boole, from Richmond for Rio do Janeiro. was spoken Ist hence arrived ong 40 al, Brig Tiberias, Leooe, at Mobile 26th Beet. Bohr Greenland, bone°, part of ken Igh total 40, long 60 41. with lore of part of deck load daring a gala 4 da e revious. ff,Niltis 111 . _ DAVIS-0 ARVER.--On Monday evening, Bent. 24, by he Rev. George Bringhuret, Mr. Alexander O. Davie. of Baltimore, to M lee Anna, only daughter of the late laeob Carver. of this cuty. WANAMAICER—BROWN.—On the :7th ultimo, at bergind independent Churolt, b. the Rev. John t.harn- Mr. John Wanarnalter to Mite Mary A. larMaDo Only daughter Or Thog. Brown. Eno., all of this pity. * KING—LEWIS.—On May 20.1300, by the hew. henry Rteele Clark, D. D.. Mr. Edwin Fisher Ring to Mien Annie E. Loam, both of thin city, YOUNG—RULIOL,P R.—On Jams 23.183 e, by the Rev, Mr. Clay, Mr. Wm. H. Young to Mum Mary E. Ru dolph, all of thin city. DIED. NICIRMSON.—On Monday, October I,.Serah Nichol son. daughter ofJoeepli and Emeline.B.Richolson. aged 19rears. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her Parente', 812 Chatham street, on Wednesday after noon, at 2 o'oloolc. without loaner notice. W 4/3 f3INGTON.-00 the moraine of October 1, War ner F. Washington, son of the into Meade Washington, of Pittsburg. in the 90th year of hie age. 'rho funeral will take place on Wedneedav morn ing, at 10 °Weak. from Me late residence 'No 1210 Oyruce street, without further notice. IiOWERS.—On the 28th ult,, Reiner t wife of Peter G. brgerap aged LS years. Funeral from the reindenoe of her husband. No. It.? North Third street, boo r Brown, on this (T«csdaY) morning year of hie age. Funeral from hie late residence, No. 1434 Christian street, on this (Tuesday.) afternoon, at 2 o'olook. CRAIG.—On the 29th ultimo, Mrs. Catharine Craig, in the elet year of her age. Funeral from the residence of J. Pergrin, 1206 Parrieft street, on this allude') afternoon, et o'clock. • HllollBB.—on the Vac aft, Mrs. Ittargaret. wife of Peter Hughes and daughter or the late Worse Fore palish, in the ,oth year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband. No. rig Kurt: street, above Polder, title Meader) fiher noovit 2 o'olook. iii LER.—On the 30th ult., Jame liner, Br., in the 71.6 'cunt Ida age. W. Funeral from the reside street , on James Lewellen,l6(o2 Poplar on Wednesday, 'n atant, at 2 o'clock. 11. I.oN.—On the Zith nit., Elizabeth Linton, aged 60 Funeral front her late residenee. 1011 South Third !Meet. on Ora (Tuesday afternoon at I o'clock. • FATTERBON.—On the 20th ult., Ann Patterson, in the TM) ear of her age. Funeral from the residence of her Cater, Ellen Patterson, No. 1.311 Bedford street : near Bittssint lane, on this(Tuesday) morning, at 100 .RlTTnrsllol./BE.—On theasth BarlylrVillr. of Renry_N. and Mary ft. Rittenhouse. aged 8 months. BPACKMA.N.—On the Nth cult, of molly, Mary. daughter of Chalkier and sidettne Bpackmaa, aged 2 yenta and 2 months. Funeral from the residence of her _parents, northward corner of Filth and Vine smile, Third clay morning, at 10 o'olects. • TARTER.—On the 24th ult., Elixaheth Tartar, in the 36th year of her Age. Funeral from the residence of her Iniahand. rater Tarter, Ro - thorougli, Twenty-find Ward, ore thin (Taeaslay) Afternoon, at I o'clock. VAN RR UNT.—On the 29th ultimo, John R. Von Brunt, la the 2ith year of hia age. rtinectil from the reaidenee of his father, No 9829 Franklin street, above Thompson, on this ( rtieaday) afternoon. at S o'clock. MOURNING GOOD 8 FOR FALL.— Blook Ametines, Rees Anglais, Aryura Cash meres. Liunin's Merinos, Cashmeres,. Bombazine'', T/11111111198. Moutnelines, Bornbaarnes, Velour Reps, garb:tide Paramatras, Bombazine Omits, are, Second Mourning Corded Milanese, Venedehnee tirandriile, &n. Stank and Parole Pans Printed. Mounetino De Baines and Cashmeres. Bleak and White Baldish De Lainee, IBi cents. DESsort k 80ti, Mourning Store, 504 Xo, 01S Cimarron. street. JOURNEYMEN MECHANICS AND wortiriNamErr, AT ENTiO,N Union Les Meeti7 will be held TIIIB EV.bNINO: at the owner of S RING GARDRN and TWENTIIiaII ;Arcata. AR hnon men. opposed to nootionnlism, Abo litionism. nod the election of William D. Relies to tlon gross, are Invited. Ron. H. M. Fuller, Ron Ricoh Uroom, Mark Mandy. John 800 Robinson, Nblinno Walters, and others. wilt nddress the meeting. Come ono, come all and declare that he who nails no " RCM liounde, and dos." shall be derSateo. BY order cot the committee. blunts Men mid Union Goa - rag invited. It* GTOFFICE OF TIIEI SUNIOURN AND Raiz RAILROAD COMPANY. raILADELPIIIA, September 011i.).5.60, NOTlCK—Holders of Coupons entitled to tm paid on Oatober PUS)°, and thereafter, seemed by Mortgage of the Company, to CHARLES B. ROSES, in tract, dated September 10th. 1111, ere hereby notified to pre sent the acme for, payment to the PENNSYLyANIA QOUSAZInt for Thelltnnee on Liven 471grar . itms an nuitief; No. 304 W.O.NUT etreetLPhiladelvdna W3f O. MOREHEAD. President of the Sonbliry, and nide Railroad COM any. fielders of Coupons entitled to payment are redulested to produce their Bonds (before or at the tiMe or pay ment of the Convene ) to be clamped and reeletered. CHARLES DUTILII, Presidenc of the Pennsylvania Company for bait ranee on laves, Ace, oet.3t :10 it WALNUT' Street. [0..• NdW IS THE TIME TO SUBscojor, for stook In anew Building and Loan Society. An adJourned meeting of ,the Eighth St, (Morse Build inA and Loan Somety rill be held at Ward's Hots!, CtaiRRY Street o'clock , HI I), on Tuesday evening, October 2, at for the purpose of diappsing of the stook. .I,t ' which time persons desiring to tont Badding Society, based on liberal principles, and tha beat in tills city, are Invited to attend and subscribe for stook- 3011P1 VOLlthUtit, Pres.dent. JOHN DlTlPMEecrerotsry. se23•Rs' frlr*TO TIIE CIIATTRE mairromix HON DHO LA ERI3 OF THIS WHALIAMC PORT XYO ELMIRA RAILROAD COMPANY. AmeetinWf the Chattel Mortgage Bondholders 711 2 111 0 held onYR.I.DAY, thh tth of October, 1880,. at 11 0 ()lack A. M.. to }room No. 1,6. Washington Building, No. 274 sullen THittil titter to. hear the report in re gard to the teace of chattels atelycaunted by the El an in and Williamsport Rail ad Colony. • or4tir of the Canton' tee of Matte M *VA. (omen. JOCEPR .114 Ridoft_ • te72,43gif Uhairipsn, THE PRESS.-PHILADELPIIIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1860. ter • it warms in the nun, refreshes to the Lreege, t G!owe in the titers, and blossoms in the trees:- Livex thrc.ueb all life, extends through all,eatept, tip roods undivided, and°vendee Wit! it cure Meow Wlll it cure after al lother known remedies have proved unavailing r Facts arc stubborn Udine. to which the attention of the publics directed. Prole. Chamberlain and Called, No. 1 4 290 Walnut street, Philado.plua, are daily entitle the meet obsti nate Onseillea—diseasee that have baffled the beet meth. oal and remedial egeuetes. They babe restored to health hundreds of persons in Philadelphia by a few applications of Electricity. who have suffered .cam a oompiication tlf distaste five, ten, even Monty yearn, and the following expression no reference to their nn nortant discovery in the application of Elect flinty es a curative agent. is front intelligent, respeotable °insane of Philadelphia, whir have called ' from time to time to witness the wonderful of Electricity on their friends and anquatntuncea WRAT WE HAVE SEEN. What we have Witnessed of Isle in the wonders Per formed by Eleetritity, aii administered by Plefetwere 201100 Chamberlain, No. 1220 Walnut street. Phila delphia. where they are euooessfelly testing their' new dinnovery of the Eleotrionl eolaritiee of the Brand and ervous sy ideal, by Which they claim to - control all Durable diseases. Baying frienditunder treatment by these eentlemen, and anxiety to gain information, has induced ug to can and vennege many experiments. and to satisfy ourselveg of the claims or their new discovery :in the application of bleotrioity no a therapeutio agent ; and we would eel for the bene6t orthe ruck who have failed tO get ie. lief from medical men. that we have seen noon dernon ettations in the cure of the most Misstate diseeees that we can, with confidence, sneak positively from its effete,' lie a curettes agent on our friends and others. . We have seen a into of Pulinonaiy, Consumption cured bY fewr applications of Meet/lofty. We have seen a case of Indurated Epee-Joints (immovableLof eighteen months '. standing , oared In a few date. We , have seen Ihspopeja, the most obstinate, oared in a r few treatments. We have aeon Asthma. of - Meats i r Tears' standing, considered hopeless. cared n three I estines. We have seen oared a ease of Beak, Palnita tion of five year) standing. We have seen Maur pains of Impotence. which have baffled medical ram eaeo numerous mince of Seminal weakness. cured by . these gentlemen; also, Cane of Disibatea, Rheumatism, Sin' nal Weakness, and 'other dimwit too numeyoue to mention. Anti we )chow that they warrant to .cure all of the above diseases, and many others, alter a tho rough electrioal diagnosis, by which they elauri to de -pide nbaolutely whether the oases are curable, C. B. Compton, iIL 11.. 7612 Vine ; Ft. P. za, 'maker, 0822 Routh Filth; )3. btolwell, Palmer; C. Mcßride* 817 South Pointe • Robert Allen, Third and Mama ; John Buie, 122 Mark , t Onstiney, W estern - tel ; J. B. Sawyer, j • Caleb Lamb, P1111141 : 1- Pine;Edward Aloillation, rza Front, ,cic2,121 Wit NEW PUBLICATTONS. NEW LAW BOOKS. JUST PULISHED WHARTON d• srrbLvo A orERICAN ILTEDI- Cat. JURISPRUDENCE. A Treatise on bleilicalluriserudeno_ adapted to the use of the Professions of Law and Medicine the United States By Francis Wharton. Ban.. author of Amerman Criminal 'Law," "Preeedonts or Ind tot- MUM" &U., and Moreton Stills, M.D. The medical part revised and corrected, with numerous additions, by Alfred Stille, hl. D. Second edition. 1 vol. Bto, 1,050 pp. Price 87.5. Wifigt TO/1"8 L 4 W DICTIONARY. ex A lLawn Lexicon A Law i Dnie Wor my o n d u Ph p a u e de nc m e - Ploynd in the several dewwtments of Pupils,' Law, in. eluding, ,Vgn, the various Legal Terms need in Com mercial Transactions tes ether with an explatiaten7 na well no Literal . Trandation of Latin, Maxims Contained in the Wriings of the Ancient and Modern Clommanta, J tors. By J . J. $. Wharton, Esp. I vol.. B to, 790 pp. Printed on beautifully tinted paper. Pelee only 1a5.450,` FROM TUE .I . P.EPs OS ' The alma atteMpted, through out this arrangement, have been compression, atmiding obscurity, arid yielding information easily and effectu ally. A. word bock, when it obviates tediousness of smell by givingcOnoise gnawer to one ooneulting it, Possesees a peculiar vittue ;Tor irksome is the process or turning out a 'ward. where, mewed of finding its ex planation, there is a referencia to another pert of the book. but should the Inane 'referred to again direst the inquirer elsewhere, or, perohnnee disclose neither notion nor interpretation. nor. in fact. anything' con cerning it, then patience becomes exhausted. and per verance indeed nopetese," HAY flc BS : WTI-MR, Law Rooloreltern, Publishers , and I mnortare, • 002-lUtha-Gi&C Philadelphia. . THE BEAUTIFUL MY AND THE KING OP otAmtv, By THE ROM WOODBURY DAVIS, (01Portlud, Maine.) In one volume, Price 76 cents. Published Ms day by LINDSAY ec BLANISTON, pobliehers, BookIOWA, end .I(fiiti on 25 South SIXTH Street. above Chesthilt, EC ENTL Y P /IL IS FIE D. KURTZ'S Tes.XT BOOK OP °ROACH' vrtsrottv. KURTZ'S MANUAL ON SACRED HlSTORy—the treventh edition: BAIRD'S ELOIIIIVI REVEALED in Me Creation and Bedetnetion et Man. KURTZ'e LUSTORY OF THE 01. D COVENANT, 3 vole BARNES' WAY OP SA LVATIOP. 1 vol. Do. ON THE ATONEMENT. 1 vol. Do. PRAOTCAL BERRIoNS. 1 vol. NEW ..SOORS. All the New Books of the day received as soon ite pub. linked, and sold at retail at WIIOLESALE PRICES. I. I PIDSAY BbARISTON. 001 25 South SIXTH Street, above Cheetnu t. 114 &ELROY'S ' CITY DIRECTORY. 7464 will be issued about the jet of January. Mal, and will 'be carefully compiled, under the personal supenntendence of firmaubsoriber. and will contain Mentions! changes of Am. as hereto fore, All buainess and professionatmen. housekeepers, and others, destrousof towing their names and loca tions correctly stated, will please sine wove? informa tion to the 4anvasaara. A card. with name or names, canvassers private dwellinrs, could be handed, to the by the attendants, and ti am way Strome he avoided. Subcaription price e 260, and names ,of enb sari here inserted in capitals. 'I he canvass will com mence next week. A. ftichLßOY, Compiler, seV•difdt , 33 Routh BIM% street, ad Boor, 4,00 K PantRIRS----Gentlennnin I have 419 CHEST h UT em tr ane , n Where h Th ( e onv ehn D by and tell Out I haVe heretofore done at the Crtetont nom Avenue Book-stand) old end new Law and Miy oellaneous Books. 1 hare for Bele onwnrde MO old 6reak.rattat B,,atut Tainted Door to the year 1499. Alec, a copy of ..ernemns on thelYew Tettemeet,l yunted. lete. ?nee .3.90. I toll Meade& in Encratingr and Autographs. Persons at a dmetos IviehinF to Books, will an tbOr Warner,, daces, sizes, Medium conditions. and Pnowl. Pox:millet Laws ol ,Yenneyl - yenta, and *ld Books upon Asnenea vented, ' nue-em YOU ht CA PUULL. PRANCE Qfi'ALßS' PORTRAIT.— Pult.tenKth steel plate portrait gills noyal Bitch neap.l3ap Hu. PRP w, irom photorrabb bA, of leaden, taken at Windsor by command of ..HRB. rerr, expressly' far the 11,41113VRAT t,I) NEWS OF TILE WORM). MSI he had arid will be gent to spy nddreiat, FOR 15 CBlue oAllt osl isTA MPS. Post PA IP, by E. A. Witivrs E. CO.. /A HANOVER, Street. Roston. se7l-tbatu4t MoBENRY'S BOOK ROONE4,I • 406- WALN (IT STARS: .1* PS ILADELPNIA. STANDARD SUBSORITTION WO K . 25. teitel3 ;NIA. - 1 4 0 0 .11 G-GLAhRES AM) PICTURE FRAMES. Of evory variety. RivaßArrivas, na-PAINTINGS, ' AT NO. 526 MICR STREET. GEORGE P: BENICERT, NIANPVAVITIRRIt AND iISPOATF.R. PICTURE OORNIOP, ANL ROOM MOULDINGS. 002-3 m Wholesale and Read. OFFICE OF THE. AMERICAN FIRE INIJRANCE COMP/tNY, °MODER 1. EEO. The Directere have this day deoisred a dividend of FIVE DOLLARS pet share joy the last six months, which will be paid to the etookholders or their lege! teeresentatives, oa and after the nth instant, mid• ewe of State tax. A. C. L. CRAW FORD, oe2 Au Secretary-. • NEW LONDON ACADEMY. A HOME, - 13()AilDING 80110014 FOIL BYS— Thorough Instritatlon and Rind Dementia Treatment, Terms very moderate, Refers to Ron. Relies, Rev. Dr. Boardman, and others. in Ptultolelplon. Eeselon opens on let Wednesday of November next. R. EV. 1. I'. OAR:TER. Prineipal. New I onden, Chester co.. P. oc2 GENTS> FURNISHING GOODS. G _ ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Now opening, a BLIPPrb wlsortment or novelties far Gentlemen, ttP HOARFs, Tup4, cobLeits. FLa,isiNEL'a FOR THAVI 4 LLING SHIRTS, selected London and Paris, to which special attention is invited. MITTI , II.IT &rest. se22 A few doorsbelow the " Continental." pIRST PREMIUM AWARDED, at the late Asrieultu ral Society, to ALLMAN & ERN DIM. Fourth And Vine. for Best Family ELAM It.— Comae nth on band, Welsh's harper's Ferry, .PagllZ.// Four-Aces ar! este,: Horn, Louie, and tiamOrßlL's Patapsco Family Plow. ois2.lm TORCHES, FOR PARADRS—Mattufac two by burt,Loy & pow), 2t* 723 WAREN Street, POR A FINE COUNTERFEIT OP LIFE AL . get Your picture at REIMER'S, SECOND Street , oboe° GDEEN. Neale of prices 1/3 very nod the °hammer of lute work racks very high. lt• AUTER'S HATE DYE, 50 AM 25 cents per box, 317 ClLEBrl3l7T6treet. , AZIMEA AZIIMEA I AZDALEA AZIMEA AZVAIRM .A.2IIMEA ! PROF. MORRIS' AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Manufaetureil Wel" at No, 63 North FOURTH Street. atni ror vale by Oroorra generally. sale emit' WIDTH PRESERVINQ BRANDY, PURE GISI;EIt. • 13th WINE VIN.EGAIi, Green Ginger, Mustard Seed, Spices, tee., tee. • All the requisites rer Presenting and holding purposes ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DEA LP.IL IN FINE GROCERIES. Corner ELEVENTH and VINE &meta. WARKLINQ AND STILL CATAWBA WINEff, HANIIPACITII MD BY J. El S 1-I E :13 ir Cincinnati, Ohlo, where on nand, toel in lots to snit Tonohnsers,b, GIiARL'ES S. TAGGART, Sole Agent, hD•dm No. 831 AL ARKET Street. SHOEMAKER 12 Co. 011.41 AND VARtiIIDEA. northeast Cartier I'VDD'AIt 34D MADeEtreits. ■t7N-Em 14 - IMILLY FLOUR, MADE FROM CHOICE WHITE WHEAT, 0. H. MATTSON. ARCH and TENTH stoats. 'Asl6 GRAND MASS MEETING—TBIRD , CONORPifirONAT, DISTRIGT.—The Dem o _ oratio oitizena of this District ',evil meet at the corner of SECOND and 0 Pi R ALCITOWN HMI THIS EVEN ING-, at half pact I o'clock, Demoorats, to )utmost! nod shale hp t our numbers that the J)emooracy of the Distriot are act (fielded. r!trike, then. for the gaunt VoaeT, Swim, and the whole heinocretie Doker. Permit ahlo cheakera INS Addeo,' nu, meetow. The Clubs behmenw to the differont wards are - invited to attend. W ILLtA AVM ottllll,l_,EN, Chat rma» St. - of the Comuottee on Town Ifleet Inge. SIXTH 0 4 THE • • • - GILAND SERIBS OF IWYCSAL IttEKTINOR IN FAVOR OF rßspalgra AND PROTECT/OM . 7118 gOti; FRANK P. BLAIR. JR.,. tly iprllatidh. addtetak a l e .2404 r bout A Wirth vtiv, cla •. hipAr..kvb,ra,“..„ OCTORKR ad; •••• •- • rAT t.LOO, , • • ' NATIONAL HALL. . MAIIKET ATIt VET, .10,LOVT 'KEIIRTKPNIVIL oe'n•lft 00.1.1t0 (treat 'Wales of the day. • TARIPP MEN w ill twtitt 61, W 110.061) AV, InrftrilN,q; 2 o6l o bi,, at 6 o Vune find attend 64 to etelldetell, an the Ulith •miltlneve at 7 •9 '431 ° ,, / , greo Helm' Av KV; yssu.manitio. op2-2t ••• , , z„ ~~ , DIVIDEPiDS. EDUCATIONAL. 616.'411, PAIHIS, FOR oovEzixox or Pioncsiz.vAtea, HENRY D. FOSTER, of Westmoreland County. Foa CIONORISS. Itt Distript—Wll4,lAM, E, ItEErfIAN. 2d " JOHN BRODHEAD: ' 9,1 " JORN KLINE. 4th " WILLIAM A/ORGAN. AUL " / LARRY INGERSOLL. ISTemsrawrolt, DiarIot—SAAILTEL J. RANDAL'. LEGIATATIIRE let Dletriot—JOSEPH CALDWELL. 2,1 I . IIOMAB E. GABKILL. - • " PATRICK MoDONOIIOII. 4th .. ROBERT E, RANDALL. th " - SAMUEL JACKSON, oth . 0 CHARLES L. WOLFF. 71h ," PAUL K.EI'TE'RLINI.I.I. Bth .. JOHN ShIITIt .Ti 9th 0 HENRY DUNLAP. 10th .. • HENRY 0. LEIBENRII4I.I. 11th " JOHN S. MEHL. 12th ..!. • WILLIAM 0. 111 0 1Y.DER. Ettt " WILLIAM D. rani:mom 13th " GEORGE W. D. EMIT% ' 12th .. JOHN M. ARUNDEL. • 13th " THOMAS W. DUFFIELD. ' 17th `.` EL M. ZULICAL, Run REcoann OP Dula., GEORGE W. WUNDER. FOR PROTIT ' ANO . TARY OF DISTiICI Uavwr, WILLIAM LOUGHLIN. YOH Mint( 01? QUAllTra 811 , 4totil, PHILIP it CONOMMt ANDREW LOWRY Epd-ti :prA l -)Pi:R26 TTCIKET covrwlion, -- • ASDRM 017ATIN. Con Ili Ji 1. Ditriot. JOllll 41, BUTLER 2d " EDWARD JOY DIOARIFS smut P. VP:Mtn. 4tlt " W,ILLI,LAL D. KELLEY. fith ,* ' 'WILLIAM MORRIS DAVIS RECORDER DE DEID:‘, A 1.1141 b C. IEARNIEN PROTHONOTARY OF DISTRICT DOIIR VIRILIP S. WIUTE II,RAF AA eatTiVr nit QukuTER fißsatol. otartoß x. mcioxr, CORONAR, ANTHONY CONRAD SENATH,—PIRST Ilrgrnirt, gmitim - ritti rinlima TA.TIVI - 4 • lat lhatitat, ARRARAM. STEWART. " WILLIAM R. WANES'. 3.1 " WILLIAM B. SLOCUM. ath " _HENRY E. WALLACE. stn JOSEPH' M00RE...111. 6th DANTE', G. THOMAS, 7th " JOHN R. fiElazEtt., N. P. oth " JACOB E. RIDirWAY‘ 9th " DAVID JONES. 10th " JOSHUA EAMES, " ItOAAC A. SHEPPARD, 14th RTCHARD Wit.DET. 13th " CHARLES B. FORD. 14th 't '4V•I4SII.LNGTOri hl. WOE BALL. 10th " 'JOHN P. PRESTON. )otb • HE:NRY 100 OLER. 17t4 - s• pBABLES P. ABBOTT.. - ELECTION.--TUESDAY. OCTOBER 9. k. 92..a-111 - 31 01INTED OTTIZIINS' C,URTIN TOIIC3HLIGIIT PARADE, Weithebtlity Eveumg,Oct. 3, 1860. Poreons wishing to coin the CAVALCADE. MOUNT ED, will PiOath, report therneelreg before WEDVES• DAY NOON, to the underetgbed, or at the stables of M. A. KELLOGG, RACE Street, halo* Twelfth.. Equipments wilt be funusherl, Dr order of Marshal of Cavalcade, oca 2: GEO. RACKET, pro. ATTENTION, FREEME:N! O'er thy ems, Ilegheny. a blast has bean Wow; ; - Down thy tide, husivehanna, tha murmur hake Prom the Delayrare,s merge to the 'tale of tho w, Wherever the foot of the freeman bath pressed t 'Tie the voice of a Pnonx uprisen—awake: ' Pennsylvania's watch word . with freedom at stair rt, Thrilling Up from each valley, flung down trot 0 each height, Our country and liberty,: pat for the right GRAND RALLY ON TOE BATTLE-GROUND OF GERMANTO 10 FREEDOM! PROTE CTION! EQIIM.RieRTS! kali Int UNION CiF ILE STA`PEB! A TilAnG MEETING OF THE P WILL zor Rata roe - •tont TIIURSI)A.Y, OCTOBER 4, 1,880, The fi3d Anniversary or the ginner ,e strurrelle for liberty tit Germantown. Let us remem ,her Mt/deeds of our nevoint,onary Sires. led oh by arinehingtoOt layette, and Wayne, and show our ape keetation of GaltAt, virtues on the memorable 1101 a of to Air heroism. A. , who desire to Impure THE FREEDOhI OF THE TE RRITIGIIIit; A bIINEFIOP;NR'HOMEBr F,AD HELL 1.; A RAILROAD TO THE FACIE ICI 4. PRoTEC TIVE TARIFF RIVER AND, HARBOR IhIPRIIVES TENTS! BY paeans of the triumph of LINCOLN! HAMLIN ! CILTRTIN! Alf ID DAVIS! Will assemble on the Prattle 'vivid. The meetinv alit be tinned to order at ono o:olorik., Beate Wit I be provided for aOM Ladies Exonrefon t: a las will 1/ o run MINOS the (tar at reduced rates of fare. The Don, JOHN -WOOD, of Montgomer y, eat ne Chief Marahal. to whom sill 'ekes. Chiba, County and Township Delegntione wall ran , ort upon their arrival on the grounds. Delegations Oda ruling to brine nith them oars, iralorl3, and platformr.,, with insignia, groups 0r tableroi Nvotilts, enabler/ix no of -the great invincible {mho of Sam 001100 , Jenne report in ad vance to the Chief Marshal, and table - the plain's in the rl tyBrlit procassion that may he RV agROO to them. A ROIII,IOIIT PARADE, AN p 4. GRAND DIS PLAY OF FT Rk,W Will late place to the evening. T ;he following - eminent spenkere will positively be ore gent •and address the peopl NOß e: . FRANK FLAIR, of SF ~ Hon. FREDERICK P. STA ATOeeenriN. formerly of Ten nessee, now of Kansas. lion; JOHN TEN /•- , YCK. ' if New Amer. Hon. TOM CORWIN, of 0h,,, Hon. HENRY WILSON, Mionmelitieetta, Bon. JOHN nicklitAlt of poRtOoIVIIIRia. Hon.. JANE` H OAM I .41ELL. DYPennsylvania. J. 0 . PIIETTYWAN. F Delaware. EDWARD 0 BRADT , ~o,t h r E on.. n e l ywarp. Hum "NM. D. I ( bLIA Ir of Perivsylvania. Ron. ANDREW O. 1 mIiTIN, of Penneylvnuili. Poo. E.-For Molu't to of Pennsylvania. ROBiß'fL.i.tAit'PlN or Penns) tvann lion. W ht. PENNT NG'koN. of New Rimer. Ron, CHAR. R. T PAIN. of Bravaohaffetto . Ron. R . COv ODE. of PARDS7IVRIRB. lion. N. IL MIT .11ERN, of Delaware. W. PINCICN EvitNo, Eon., of Maryland. , Dr. WM. F,LD , AR, of Posarnertrenta• lion. Witt. 13 . MANN, oe.pannsylvatia. , MORTON 11.10 •MICHAEL t , Es!t.. of Fetillaf !yam° , lion. HE ^I V.P. IL MOORE, or rednorlyanici• Dr. FRANh i tAYLOR. , rof Pennsrlvania. A • WILLIAM ,OktRIS or Pennsylvania. JOHN T L,"trOOMALLe. of Pennsylvenia. FA• BY' ..NS. of Mary's/ad. Judge a/04AR ALL, of Maryland. ofTGUMEIiV BLAIR. of Maryland. IocCLORE, Pennsylvania: 4EO. A. OiFFEY, of Pennsylvania. Freemen of America, muster in your mighty num here, for the defense at your mats and tile rescue of Your country! Come from your farms, your factories, Your vorksimpa, your mines: Come fpm your term, gout furrinees, your teems. and your Minces! Come one and all, and attest your devotion to the true prinoiples of Repulihomn Government! ARISE! 'YE TOILING MILLIONS! Aril Mot from power the corrupt faction that now mis rules and aistcraool3 your country. Redeem the' land from the sway of conepirators and traitors. Svure for yourselvee your children, end your chil dren's children the broad lands of the West, to erect therein new Mateo, in winch the settled rights of Free dom and r H to o c n t n kts o ah a N TH U NDER v T i ONES ! The land is the gift of a bounteous God, And to labor Rio word onminands, yet nitilipne of handriwant notes And millions of aores want hands. ' Keep it before the people. The laborer elelins lite I»red — The rightofeoil, and the right to toil, ' - From spur and bridle freed. The right to bear, and the right to shorn, • With you and me, my brother, Whatever is given by cod from Heaver,, To one as well as another. The Coil lien fallow, the lands grow rank, Yet idle the Poor man at made: • 011! millions of hands want norm! And millions of wares want hands, Voters of the Fifth district, freemen of Philadelphia, montgomery, Chester:Datemare, Rorke, flunks, Sewall kill. end Lehigh, ;Pennsylvania exegete that every man this day will do his duty. Charlet'Henry Fisher, Colonel 0. , G. Childs, Charles Winter, Gertnentovrn. , John - Wood, Chatter; linden; Mark H. Richtirde, Robert T, Potts, Lloyd Jories4Montgonaery county, Dr. Fronk Taylor, E. W. Capron / , U . H. Fainter, Chester county. Y. Swalter, - Jositua , E7re, Daviti:,Ralitein Jad'ob .Ver sell. DelawaratoillakyY Bemandtl Damien, Salm - Milt Levi Bartholomew, Guess., 4 , Generel Kai s e +, • ' aLuvatllittter. ilyruerfeadt •IlowansWith, , itm. Kern, Harry Coggshall, Wtr. otch- :Meter. (,eneral. Woo. F. -Edward. X- Hal lows it Fred. Emhart, and G. W. llammerely, on behalf' of Committee of Ar rangements. Communicatione mar be addressed to CJIARLEtI R. T. COLLIS. illeo'y of Corti. ' 'Boda Yttilathilchta Pont ()thee 7 x i ATTENTION !--The members of .11; Young Arart'a,Donghts Ottumwa!' Club will /meth; Ma at their Rooms THla EVENING. at 7 D'ulock. ra o l t il l OVrrinaA N . " .4 le . " , ` l,7 , "c'" and • TAO .H. i4.1,4116T0N. Marshal.. 'RETAIL DRY GOODS, WEII AND LACE TRIMMINGS..- RII3I3ONS AND HI OWN TRIMMINGD. DTAPIX AND FANCY Dattig TRIMMINGH. LDIES' HAIR ILETB. ll't aatg i nVilY e ltS IN FULL LENGTft RANIV3 Of our Wahl! importation free from the ooptomary injurious frauds imanznr ib te i tim it and Skewing. THOM.PSONiS OROWN • • WEELV'S PARIS WOVEN CORSETS, J. G. MAXWELL & BON, Wholesale and Retail filanufeeturing and Ininntting Establishment. B. E. corner cliEerrf UT and 'ELEVENTH Streets. 002-tufe-if-at Two bloake vote! of the Continent:it. FREE FROM FRAUD I—TROMPSWS sicign: 4 7111. ONLY MATS OV OUR CUSTOMERS NEVER COMPLAIN. THOMPSON'S MEDIUM PRICE CROWN SKIRIB, TROMPSuiVeI LUW PRICE CROWN BEIRTE, THOMPRON'A HIGH PRICE CROWN SKIRTS, Are each of hatter make and material than the same price Bkirm of any of the other patents, of which we neeretried all. An we keep on hand the three grades, our customers can compare them tide by side. the common fraud of selling shortened ounces of Zephyrs and Selma' Enka, b 7 means of false wolgilts nod otherwise., should serve tke a cannon to beware of deception in Shiite and other Goode. J. 0, MAXWELL & SON, Trlmminta,_Skirts, arid Zeultyrs. f ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Eta. CLOSING OUT SALES OP L. J. LEVY & CO. ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, We will offer 20 oases NEW FALL GOODS. " Pdrtof tfie orders for this consoles selesonlAch lowa been handed over to ue to close out, at less than the oost of importation. ' Embraced in the assortment which is now offered to the nubile will bo found a variety of NEW FABRICS, SATIN DE CHINES, PLAID VALENOIAS, SAXONY WOOL PLAIDS, SUPERIOR IRISH POPLINS, Plain and Thuds SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS, And a full and complete assortment of STAPLE GOODS. The Whole stock will he offered at very low slices FOR °ASTI. L. if. LEVY & Co., 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. col-tf GRAND OPENING. - , CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, AND EDE% PAM'S MANTILLA, lil,o 4R, AND FUR. EM .POR/U.lll, TO'i CHESTNUT STREET, , 3. W. PROCTOR to CO. bog to RnnOunce to the La diet! of Philadelphia and vicinity that they are now (laity °parting NR IV SVVLES AND NPR' CLOAKS. FOR FALL AND WINT.ER CLOAKS. ARABS, SA.CWIRS, BAsguEs, They also respectfully invite Attention to their YAM D FWART WENT, which, since last ceasen, they have considerably extended, and are now' prepared tO ex hibit a sumptuous colleotion of Rims OF ALL NATIONS, Including Reel Russian Ee.ble, Vine Dark Hudson Bay Liable, Russian and American Mak Sable, Royal Er mine, Chino/1111a, Fine Dark Siberian Saairrel, ero., too.—made np exprenfily for bent City trade, of warranied well-seasoned skive, into nil the prevail ing styles of CLOAXS,MANTILLAs, GAPES, HALF-CAPES, MUFFS, CUFFS, 4.c. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., THE YAMS MANTILLA,CLOAK, AND FUR EM PORIUM, ool•1t YON CHESTNUT STREET. FIRST OPENING . OF PARIS CLOAKS. EMBRACINCi ALL TUE LATritiT NOYEDTIES, MONDAY. OCTOBER I. THOS. W. 'EVANS •efo CO., Big and H2O CiiBH I•NUT litreat, ce39-3t REAL IRISH POPLINS, THOR. \V. EVANS & CO, iimtiz, susT V.V.OEIVED 11=1113 REAL POPLINS. of the coletiteed MANUFACTURE' OF pin BROS. & Co., DI)BLIS4 XlB AND 821) ORESTSIUT STREET. 6.142. tf • %WIN UNDERSIGNED NOW IN Eitoro their Fall Imaortaton of ZEPHYR • WORSTED, Embractng all the new and choice colors of the season' In ult. the finest etook and assortment ever offered to the 'tidies of Philadelphia, and, as heretofore, the whole from the celebrated manufacturers H E HERTZ at WEGNER, IN BERLIN, NoVr so favorably blown to the ladies of this oity, and which we have had the pleasure of introducing. As we are desirous to give to our cuatomers every advantage possible, and haring facilities for so doing second to none in our line of business, we have concluded, for tho future, to SELL FULL, HEAVY WEIGHT, Without advancing the priee per ounce. Our nee - me e wirll, t therefore, enjoy the advantage of towing their Worsed WEIGHED AT THE COUNTER, The only reabcreventive of fraud, CHINCHILLA REDUCED TO 20 CENTS. We would also call attention in ml stook of EM BROIDERIES. in Worsted and Chenille. EMBROIDERED El LIMB& EMBROIDERED SOFA CUSHIONS. SILKS OF ALI. KINDS FOR WORKING, ORM KNITTING BALLS. .FLITTED EMBROIDERIES. NeVr-wryLv. GI hIP TRIMMINOS. • GILT •SHIIIIMINGS AND GILT BELTING& FR ESS GARIVITURI. WOOLLEN YARNS, ALL SIZES. RAPSO N TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, CORNER EIGHTH AND CHERRY. saga 2ra • iB6O-EYRE LANDELL, FOURTH • apa ARM TYCuO SECONN JAP D 4 NESE SI OPENINO LKSAUTUMN 000D8. ROYAL BROCA.9F. SILKS NL ERIN() oN NLACK GROUNDS. •RIORFST BILKS L.NiPORTED. SOLFERINO AND 11:' , A 0 E POPLINS. GOLD AND BLACK ri`GURED POPLINS. AUTUMN SHAWLS. end Opening. OPENING oLo`ARS 'lO-DAY. MEXICAN, ABANIA, ARAIsS, std. of CijaILSING CLOTHS, ADASSIMERES, 811.0ADHLOTHS, VEBTl.llHetke• Roye' Cassinieres, good patterns. 70 eta. Fatineta and Union Caasimeres. 00 kg 7g ON. Fano', Csasoneres, front 78 to $1.70. Pane Black ClSNlmern and lleaskine, BROMIC GOTHS. For Dross Coals, Frock Coats, tivettoatits atn. Heavy Overooati ngs,lleaver, Pilot. Trim% kn. LIGHT CLOAXINGS. F9T Ladies.' wear, of every desirable shadee. Fine quality and low price, by the card or prgoe. N. B.—Tailors supplied at lowest net cash pr Ines, COOPICR. & CONARD. sell tiouthonst oor. NINTH and ildtlatliET. EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS! j'HORNLEY k CHISAL IV, E. Corner MONTH do SPANG OA/WI:N.3M, Having enlarged their Store. and ItiV.R.F,ASED THEIR STOOK, Now offer for inspection ONE. O1'• THE BEST STOCKS OF 0000 M In their line in Philadelphia. BOUGHT FOR nd CA wi ll tili EXCLUSIVELY, A be odd POSITIVELY CHEAP! Special attention Invited to • Silks and Dien Goode. tiliawie and Cloaks. • Cloths and Cassimeres. Blankets and Flannels, Linen Goods and Alusling, Alrinsailles and other QuillSo Mary, Woven, . 11° Hir, Al, kn. 1015 MI Goode marked at the lowest price. A I k T B E w RgT O I OD3 C R OX I I4TED AND CHARLES ADAMS dt, SO l k • have moth inereaaed the depth of their store, and will Moir display, on ONE FLOOR, a fi.. , rge and choice variety of SABONABLIE DRY GOODS, ashle.h they intend selling at prices to uses coNyrri- TroSi, FOR OAS.G. 4-4 'W am Shirtings,l2% cents. 4-4 &O. Adorns & Don's do ,10 •• BA do do Pillow filuslin,l234 cents. Dark Prints, tali cents, usual P7lOO 12Y,1. White -ground Printed Itrlitianta: 12AZ cents, stun New ragp 'is 25. Ile Fall Detainee, at 18ai cents. usual price 25 Sneer a , entity Roos Skirts, at e cents per hoop. Rich pa rated French Id animas. Ruth di o Lupin's Mous-de-Lathes. High eoP d etnnit Nelda tor children, Large bar rich et, lea Plaids, , Naw ate," neVit,Lavellae. liteiLa...EtooliA, and Blanket ihupels.. Roelerra ad Dieek-ties in varte Dew p ior A s ar.dt be daily received, and every atten ti ll g it y sTSL T Ze r FalifLY DRY GOODS STORE. seti-stuthtf S. S. corner EIGHTH and ARGIL Sts. PALL •OLOAKS IN PREPARATION, some one rim,' evarY day. Stock will be woon. , plete. Orders take n and .execated with despatch. Fait and MI its rF. bawls. Children's an d Maass Shawls. COOE'BR, tk. CONARD. ea, g t e nths, ant cor. iNTIi and NIARK.Fir, CRIOKET 7- FLANNELS. Just resets ed, sugurius sslit to. LE SHARPSS BROTHERS • SHARES& BRQIIIERS Have ovienAd J's fixe dtiplsv (41, • k P li .' relt b d b rifite Pa a kh ,88i0r tu • IlisEtTNEs, • ' • ":”: : •Ohintir .• 0c4 • 84, ifirridesitife, • Nest 8 }llea bright. eators._ • •'• • Friend 7 Y pattetne of flii , ArtWilla• • AlUT,,llll4Ict: !;11A1V.1.5..1 I .'- , ---'' -Now ivein, a. -- II ~, 1 Clwal e an&all .13fnohe, Qn*hmt. trpg, Stslvotl. .r..e ul.._. T t 'MS thtok Winter S' Almillrukutt a to , tt olB Tla - ..'• • . ' , 13413.114 . 1g 58 klllo.l' , lao-if ' U IfEaTtivw•nrAZIOWNI etreeti, L. WANTS. WANTED -A SITUATION AS POR TER OR 'WAR GICOIIB bbIAN, by a competent Person, who can furnish some of the beet city refer encea. A shoe lumen preferred.- ne he /Ise had ten Suave' er parlance in the business, and could promote the toterret oh Itioemployor, or would be willing to serve m Jibe capacity to andwholesale or aomsniseirrn house. Address••i bEktB, this office. cio246t • • AYOUNG MAN, who writes a fair hand, and is quick at figures, wishes a Situation' in ft whole ale Otero or &story as Clerk. Address `• Alfred." this office. on: Bt` WANTED—By a Lady, a Situation as Teacher in a School or PrivateFamily,Ad dress "T. At.," nuriplgton Post O ffi ce. N.J. m.2'40 WANTED—A Purchaser for the pia • tures and Good Vrlff oocery and provnnon Store, doing's. f•ir business. Pr i co . $l4O, Po , particu lars. adoress Seventh Street," office of The Press. oc2 4t* TO OROCERB.—A Young Man of active bueirsies babits, who ties hadhieveral years' ease risme in the roxers business, Wi'll , e B a situlum "IT sive hie lest employer as reference. Address .. Lewis, ' °Moe of The Press. .43a•SV A . / 1. -t° 4 ERIC 3 Pai GIRL wishes a Situa tion as Reantqtrese in n private &mill. Can 11.6r34 ct all kinds of Sew/ng Apply at 1 140 DIORRLS istnita. 002-2t' WANTED—In Exchange. prime uniin. proved PAM Land in New Jersoz,oonwnient to tine city, for city property. Addreu offtoe of tits paper. - WANTED A Situation in a Retail Grooery Store, by a Tollng 11:19.11Who has liod kiveral years' raportancp m the busmen. Beet of rote. moos given. Address •• Charloo.” thio office. 002 22. - - WANTED—A Situation, by a piling ir • man who hag had four years experience in n firat•olers retail house on Chestnut street, and can Luna unexoemlonablo references. Address "Indus tty," at tide utteu. FOB SALE ANY) TO LET. 11ILLIARDS.—FOR BALE, two Billiard -. Tables, Phelan's Cushions. Marble Beds. in com- Clete order. Inquire northeast corner of 8/X7ll end HESTPCUT dtreete, second atom. oc2-tuthat.iss RARE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE MONEY.—Ten Staten or a very valuable Patent ititht ran be bought for $3 0. Addrega, immediately, Useful," Press o ffi ce. 'it" IN CASH WILL BUY A $25500 one-half 'Merest in a new and thriving business in this eity, to a man of enterprise, acceptable. to tho mmatnins partner. health is the reason of selling. Address 'Enterprise," Press office, with real mane and 'referents% 002.4 TO LET—The large three-story Store, L No, 205 CHURCH. ANT. mitable for Comma shut or any, other mercantile busmess. Possesston given immediately. Rent 8600 teix Minket) dollars) corner Apply to RA C E. 11. SIVA northeast oftECOND e nd te•2l.-fmsvet " RICH EXOHANGE.—A CHOICE TRACT -IL aped unturproved farm land In the State of They /Briley, convenient to the otty. will he ex hanged for oily property. Apply at No. 118 FEDERAL Street. tie22-tf 3E - RRSALE OR EXORANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY—A Farm of 40 or 80 Acres. situate on the Camden and Atlantic, Raiiroad, at Ham- Monton Station, Rouge, Barn, Fencing, and improve month, generally, good. 'The House and lodation snits- Inn for a Boarding Room or Seminary. Cottages and Building Loth also for rude er Atlantis City, Enquire of TORN STEWART. - Architect, sod. stath-12t* Nn. 427 WALNUT Street. Ij'Oß BALE--A well•assorted stook of Hardware. Cutlery, sio„ and the fixtures of the store.'wi,,h the privilege of renting the etore, which is situated in the centre of business. The house hue been doing the Southern and Western Pennsylvania trade, Ar person desirous of going into the Siardvtrire nazi nose will find it a good opportunity. The stn) will he offered on reasonable ternu, Address "A.,"at this of hoe. sett Rolm tf BILSSOURI LAND 11 300,000 Acres for Sale, at prices ranging from to 60 elf( ter Aore, ant Quantities natured. l TAX psid, arid EDITS procured for pnroba sere of and 'under the Graduation Ant, Plate fiirnbehed grebe by enclosing 0. Dottao stamp For hither information a prdy_to 11..a0N, AWIiINGS CO,, U. S. and General LAud it_gonts, Ey CllKfiTbi UT Street, Between TRIM) end FOURTH IS, beo, LAN D WARRANTS bought, gold,and lo O c U ated. ricg-Sm BOARDIN G. P,,OARDING, with communicating rooms, exclusive use of batb.ronth parlor. and private table if desired, 1521 'WALNUT Street. se29-6t• SALES BY AUCTION. . _ kfUltloo CARRIAGES AT AIICTiON —THIRTIETH. TRADE BALE AT PHI- L APELPHIA.—Thie sale will take place on WED NESDAY MORNING, Oototter 3. at 10 o'clock", at the BAZAAR, NINTH and BANSOAlbtreets, and will not he postponed on account of the weather. The collec tion will embrace over one hundred light Carriages, made by makers of the highest reputation in thin oaf and Idoinity, _so - Tea titu-riage. rms.- 'be examived dor, Fres- VIDA ttmk. $.1..1 . Lt..11.V=1 , 45.a.a, sexy-et,r A uctioneer. a _ NEW EOLIK AUCTION SALE. BENHAM) & HUTTON Will make a Special Sale of the ENTIRE BALANCE of their Imortation for this season, inoludme UVIN'S MERINO CLOTHS, CACIIENIERE D'ECOPE, BOMBAZINES, ANA MOUSSELINE DE LAINES, SIISS, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, And Nheir munificent stock a eTEI N BACK, KOECFILIN'P, AND B . RYPOU X MEM PRINTED bIOIISSELINE D 1 I.AINED AND 611• RINO'O3. FRENCH CHINTZ PAINT§,S.c„ ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, October 4 and 5, AT THEIR OWN STOKE, 144 DUANE STREET * Pardeelate hereafter N 5 . . ,.. Yalu( ' 3ept.71,1860 ItEllEo VA.LS. REMOVAL,. EVERETT, HICKS, & CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE. Have removed to 223 ISARKET STREET. Buyere PTO invited to examine our etook. auli-am REMOVAL/. ViIARLES 2IABK~IES 1, WIIOLFRA.LE CLOTHIER, lIAN FIFIIOVF ) No. 6 08 CHEATNITT STILLET, douth Bide. above Sian]. PRILADELPETA, SAVING FUNDS. PELNG GARDEN SAVING FUND, moo,. 931 North THIRD Street, between Vine end Cidlowhill. incorporated by the Legielature April 14th, VAIL Open for Demotic,' eriet Payments, deity, from 9to o'clock. Alm, on MONDAY and THURSDAY HVENINGO, from.% to o'clock, Interest a per cent, per annum. Depository can with draw their Mooney; by Checks, if denim& tlpeoial De posits received, JAMES S. PRINGLE, rreeident. - worsens rise.. dearety, if `TOOL. Now In store, and for este at the lowest savrtst prices., a large atools of the most desirable grades of OHIO ANTI PENNSYLVANIA FLEECES, ALSO, i/ffirt AND ItIEDItiII W 00.1.5, Whioh eurohseere are requested. to °ell and ezaroron. BENJ. BOATER. 27 'Market Sheet. Philadelphia BUTLER HOUSE, No. 112 SOUTH SIXTH Street, Opposite Independence Square, Conduoted on the European plan, Aooossible at all hours. se26.Bnt A. IL LUKENS, Proprietor. AMALGAM .B.E3LES, Only RtiE-TitinD the prop of Brass and less than half that of Bteel Bells; of equally sonorous and mellow tone. for twelve months against breakage by fan• Tinting. Fo r a.% at the SOLE AmENCI.' In rhila.lelptua, No 1.2 COMMERCE Street. Fre-V thstuStn A. M. P. 'WATSON. CAST -STEEL BELLS, FOX CILIURCHIAI, FIRE ALARMS, 4t,. 708. D ALB BT NAYLOR & CO.. THOMA'S TI-lOMPSON, SON. & CO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF CADINET-MARERS' MATERIALS, 93S 13013T11 SECOND 6TREET. ,Broeetelll, Finites, Revs, Demasks, and even , deaselvtion of Furniture and Curtain Goode. soli-:m -la TIIE VIRTIJOSO.--A Collection of Rare Hilvor Medals and Coins for sale, atxmt one thousand in number, comprising a aeries of Lutheran, Napoleonic. and Louie Philippe medals; rare antique German, Dutch, English, 1. renoh, American, Eco., mo dals; a dupeoribets' net of the Mudie medals, in ease; very rare Enchth and Roman coins, ko. The above, now offered for sale, entire, were the collection of gin John Alien, a welt-known hurniernatologist of New YoTtc, and comprise the gatherings of over sixty,yeare, As an unique addition of interest to a public Institution or private cabinet, each no opportunity 10 seldom offered, aa it is believed to be the finest collection on hue continent. Address, for teens. &0., GEolt 6 4; ROGERS, 441, PEARL ' Bt.. New York - City. se2B at TAIDTT & CO., No'. 232 North SECOND Street.--liaving removed to our new and spacious store. we would call the attention of Dealers to our ex tensive, stock of PATENT AtEPIOINEe. PER FUMERY, and FANCY ARTICLES: Mr her com prises a greater variety than can be found at any sta nehmen in the United Atates, and our prmes wilt oars vire with wav nmka, au7-tutheSm 'ELE PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, Jr, AND BA LT:11104E RAILROAD COMPANY= September 19,1&;0.-2 he Direatore have this day . de elared aserni•annual dividend or three and a half Par cent. on the capant stank or the c'orapany,poyabla on and otter tat (Maher seat . ALF-R-tat 110.R.pagit, ae2o-Lhatuat EitOreittrY. FFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA, 'LP GERMANTOWN. AND NORRISTOWN RAIL ROAD CO.. Aeutetubeill stated Board of Mana gers of this Contany. at mooting At The lOth etna, dOeinted •tu dirletistaf 5. per Gant. on the c tal itoox, for aix month*, ending thkt 30ttt ittetart Which trAttaul to htuekheddatitbd and atteredoll9lliy, ten let of tiotobe It next. Ttarteflsl43vtfiii hake moll/ or ten don/ ePerthe 201 n inat'hit. eelB tatteol % Treahlirer." AVVTION PRIOAI-.-nOilk OF PI:9KLEB,• PREOF.ANF.:II, °losing out, at alletiOnSineavnto tri papcvr Stmt. C. • r 1 1 4 Ui* AMERIDAIi ACADEMY OFIMUSTI.— .The gentlemen folliting the, committee for the Operatic entertainment to be given on the 10th nt Octo ber nro requested to call at the Academy en either TlThd DAY or WBDNESOAY, October 2d and 39, be term the hours of 10 A. ht. and 5 P. AI,, to receive the tickets 'or the spats distributed op Raturday, the 29th Beetemixr, and rive receipts for the sane. All the seats that were reserved be the emrim , ttee. which are not called for by 5 P M. of Wednesday. Oct. lid, will be disposed of at the tier Mee of the Aca demy, /t AMERICAN ACADEP-IY OP MUSIC The Directors of "THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW VORIC, reneetfully announce that they will give a brief Beleun of ITALIAN OPERA. cominlrillALon W.N.DNESPAY. October D. O( WALNUT-STREET THEATRE St,le Leenee-.....-_-Mrs. M. A. GARR tITTSON, 'gar) , Malinger —.-...... Mr. WM. A. CHAPMAN. Blame's's Aront— 61r. Jog. O. Mt, AVIS Y. THIS LTUV.SDAV) BE BUNDMAN. The Mare:rile Di Samba, Mr. P. gioltinnn ; Mall. Ole' onriene, Miss C. RIM - jogs. To conclude with LOVE, IN '7G Doors open eta 4319.Ttei to 'I o'clock; performances commenee at 731 o'clock. Priam; of Admission Dress Circle. (Beats secured so cents; Papiiiet. tEents se without extra chay . geo cared at 60 cents,/ sDI cents; Second 3ter and ,namily Ctrole and Third Tier, 23 cents; Pntqtte Boxes, es end 83; Mingle Seats in Orchestra and Privates Boxes, 75 0. WHRATLEY 6.7 CLARKE'S ARCH STREET THEATRE.—SECOND MORT OF THE NEW CONIEWV. • GP.EAT.&T.TCOESS! ROUSE CROWDED TO OVERFLOWING:TOM TAYLOR'S ....I.LECT/01.1! . TOM TAYLOR'S "ELECTTON t'. TO OGWE, AND EVERY MORT: - To conoTutla with. the now Local Oddity entitled th PRONG e: OF wALFb ARK IVEp. PR I NoE OP WAGES AHRiVED. Oeeb. max bo , 00ttrod for any night tinning the week. reventh (mad AlatioanSatsvddy nett. tl) ON 013 GB '8 NEW G AIETTES— RACE Street, above Record. LAST WEEK OF THE MARTINETTI AND RAVEI. • TitutiPE. TUESDAY EVENING. October 2. Commencing with the Comio Pantomime of TTo A SOLDIER FOR LOVE. b 3 followed bY LE D D A (WAITE, in whic.ll APL,LE LINA WINBELL and PAUL BRILLIAAT will a'ePeor in new Danive. Concluding with tee magnificent Pantomime entitled the RF,33 GNOME. With New Tric%s, Tranefoormtione, New Dreamt, &a -.NOTlCE.—lnondiy ErenzaK. October E s Pa, 5T31 5.7 , - PearBlloB or Mr, J. B. rdnOONOUtill. ONCERT HALL, TRIUMPH. '1 . 1113 EVENING. at 8, AND EVERY EVENIRG DDRINti THE WEEK. PROFESSOR ANDERSON IN HIE FNOHANThO P.9IOIIOI.IANTEURI -BECOND WEEK OF PROPEASUR ANDERSON. Of the au: Dric at IT suonessful and triumphantly porta lar, hnllinnt, trand and natraordmarz_thama o 2 B 26310; A NIGHT IN WONDER WOR.L.D: Or. MAGIC,. YSTERY, AND MIRTH, A comedy a , r• minnow excitement, andoreed ryf4.6 wizens of notwelplua, in the crowded hou.eee el ;CL* Week ea the GRKA TEST SAGIIT O THIS GRX.A`T 011'; . PROPESEOR ANDERAGN. GREAT WIZARD UP THE NORTH. COMIOPOLITAN MONARCH OF IllA01011411:7 ; Is Fanned by Wise Mbierrnb, Pinnate. Retro-Itminbsoaat Orthogra elitist, and Clairvoyant°. 14 me Elms Anderson— ._. • —attendant Mae Flora Anderson........ 'rho Fairy - Cliantones. Ii r. J. It. Anderaort. —AM-de-came to the 3 nze.rd. Doom open every evening at T &cloak. Corereencre at 8 o'clock. ALHt :toll, Body of th 9 , easis Bah:tour et,nt% Urand Mutates neat Satetia'f, at .1. Fehoste admitted to Matinee at half print,. rONTINENTAL TUEATIU •--) (Late Natinnal,) WALNUT Ptreet, above Eighth, MONDAY EVENING, October 1. 18 , 17, Atet every Fvening during the Wek. CARRONORSANDSIIARPI,EIBItIINNTREOANII DUB bESQIII; OPERA TROOPS. PRANK BROWER FRANII MORAN. J. L. GARNCROSS. And HAM PRAIIPLE': All appear nightly. Ihe groa.test amount of talent and the 111081 t9lents:l performers now t CHANGEete. See them, A ITITTLY. Bee daily bills for particulars. Doors open at 7; (30711- mem, at 7.5. Tielreta 2n neron. oal-St SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. BLEvENT/I STRAE OPEN FOR THE sEnsos. NZ ir DECORATED AND PAINTED. MR. DANFORD Has Pecured 0110 of the LARGEST COMPANIES' over prerented hsramfors, who tatlt appear mphilr• Newton! will perform every evening. Doors open at 7; Commence nt Admittance 2l cents. Cluld Ten J3i , ente. seL,lro CARL WOLFSOHN AND THEODORE N-/ THOMAS'S SERIES OF SLX CLASSICAL SOI REES. at the FOYER of the ACADEMY OF he USW. Subserlptiens wttl be received at the Music Stares c'f a. Andre k. Co.. 1104 Chestnut street; Lee k Walker, 742 Chestnut street; Beek k Lawton. Seventh and Chestnut streets; and Th. A. Schmidt. Jumper and Chestnut streets, where the programmes and wartten tars tan ha seen nen 6w. ENNA. ACADEMY OF THE KM.; ARTS.-10:0 CirESTNIIT street. c oo L.ln:ng a Larga.ooteation or Paz arralra lare % tentrit eoecl ch ili from A.M.. WA 141. At, tataston ohtldrev [fader LT rear Il CEMtif INIEIIICIN&L. MRS. JANES BETTS' OBLRI3EATEI., Supporters for Ladies. and the onty eupportora ur der eminent mediae( patronage. Ladies and PhN chins are respectfully requested:ton-all only on Me h BETTS, at her', - residence 1039 WAL.N Street. Ph)ladelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thoneand invalids hate been adenoid by their physonitne to - ass her ennlianoee. Phone only are genuine bearing tae Molten States notryright bitiela on the bor. wad siren toren, and also on the supporters. with teshmontab. tt R. STAFFORD'S tor • OLIVE TAR_ Win OLIVE TAR IS INHALED its hortung'liaisfout - odors are brought 1.1 contact with the lining Inerrituvai , of the THROAT, BRONCHIAL TIMM AND ALL Tin AIR-CELLS OF THE LUNGS. relieving , at once any pain or oppression, and lta ::eat nay irritation or in oamation. Was:: Obtrz TAR la Tsaav 11PC1x &rasa., it forma a:a unequalled Soothing and Hooting Syrnp for Conglis or - i all Throst diser.see. Virnrx OLIVIC TAR me APPLIED. its Magnetic or c7,3,- contrt•Nlcurative powers render it a most aronldy PAIN ANNIHILATOR. Olive Tar in Not stieky—does not V 3,010, Filly cents a bottle, at 442 BROADWAY, a 7.3 by all Druggists. J. R. STAFFORD'S IRON AND SULPIflit POWDERS are a soluble preparation of Iron and Sulphur. ideptioxl with that emiating in the blood of a perfeotly boa:thr person. trailing with the digested foody THEY REVITALIZE AND PUR/TY THE BLOOD. THEY IMPART ENERGY TO THE NERVOUS Et5T/T , , 'PRET INVIGORATE THE LIVER. THEY STRENGTHEN THE DIGESTION• Tuts REGULATE THE SECRETIONS OP THE BODY. AND ARE A SPEoInc FOR ALL Fax.str PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A. PACKAGE. At 442 BROADWAY, New York, anti all Drup4l9:3 PAHOHLST CONTAINING TE.TIHONIAIs ritotn i 1O following and more than 1O other well-known Yrom'- nent persons, will be sent to any address, frr: • OM LAW, Esq., Fifth menus, New York. grsxrc,:r DRAoRR, Eaa, Banker , Now York, ntritiorr Warn, him., Albany, N. Y. Can. Dray Geean, Washington, D. C. Col. Saxrat. Cora', Hartford, Conn, Col. CRAB. Itlav, U. S. A. BM 30513 T a LHATTIT, Ed, indopotdOnt, New i rys. Rev. E. BRIGHT, Ed. Examiner, New York, Her. D. W. CRoNK., Mt, Am. Bible Union, V. ROT. O. F. A. SPINNING, Bittternatta,N, Y. Bev. Dr. LEONARD, Exeter, N. 41. SEND FOR A PAMPHLET, Bold by all praggiabi, DYOTT 4 CO., No. 232 fsni SECOND Street. Agoras for Fennaylrama, 1,e22-2m V,PEOLALITY FOR LADLES.-TR 11,9.73 PO AND BRACE DEPARTMENT conducted by oom patent Ladies. Entrance on TWELFTH Street, tan; door below Race. A :nll tine of hleobentonl Reno then. ligAt and exgant in construction. speciq"L odartrd to Ladiet' C. If NEEDLES, Proprietor. S. W. corner TWELFTH and .RACK Street. Phitadelphss. Cl' Entrance to C. R. N.'a Room, for gentlemen, IA the corner. isel4.9anir A WONDERFUL AND NEVER , FAILING REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYTEIFI. PROFE SSOR MORRI‘o EfrOEPDALOS, AN EXTERNAL. REMEDY, t'un t f i l a y n llOCEßlDGE & CO., No q" And for {Ala by Druulsto AMIEFor the Rita:MlT RELUSF end FBA- I 71121.4Fare11, - iFitE orthi: 3ir&erttr4 pitCllt• FEND T,S BRONCRTAM CIGABRTT.IIks, blade 14 O. R, WAIF:OUR tk; CO,, '45! WA Nor York. 'Pelee $11;or box ; cent froo by if) FOR SALE AT ALL DRl5OOlbT9'. WARM AIR FURNACE'. Thenew Cone Furnace Gee Consumer , 4111thcirourhly warm ). our house. with env-grind, lyre coat than it te. qlurea by any other butane. Lattataetton to au cases guarantied. Buildings warmed and ventilated bi - ARNOLD & WlLacito. seg-ettith'amir 1010 CH.ESTNI:I" Street, COOKING RANGES.—AII in want of th.; -, best elevated, double oven Cool:tug Range , ' vitt do well to call et ARNOLD t WILSOIVR, iseS-Ftutli 3rtlif 1010 O.dEttTNTT threat. SLATE bIANTELS.—The richest . an - a. most lAeautitul speeimend or enamelled Slate M 0113 ever offered fey sale to this eountrY. rormufaccurra by us, from Pennsylvania slam-stone end for sale very low. se&-stuttatnif musoLleit CHESTNUT CHEtiTIVIT Streez. INSURAIieII COMPANaIS. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMP %N LONDON. READ OFFICE, No. 4:15 CEFFIN U'r STX New" Mutt, Philadelphia. Earl: CAPITAL.-- 9 ) INCOME OVER__ FIRE RISKS MICEN AT AIOPERATE RAP LIFE RISKS ON FAVOILkI3LF.TEKIIig GETTY d; LIEBING, Aug-tbstu 2 na -PARE INSTIRANOE COMPANY, No 406 CHESTNUT Stteet, PHILADEI.I".HT.A COHPORATk.I) A NNSYLVANIA PH MG. BY THE s rxr 7 - 01 PE. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND tIL - 1,1c,. toIP.MCTOR. Sanatel 0. flimsy. Wm. W. Walters, J. W. EVerillall. Rieltardsaa, Henry Loris, Gen. A. West, Jacob W. Stoat .1 0. Wibum Davis, MenloFtent, Tboz, a, ;SIAM), Gitoßm.; W. DAV. President. FRANCIS N. RUCK, VIM) PTE.'', WILLIAIISI.I3LANCHARD.Seoretary. Ilnllnct THE MUTUAL LI FE ICSITRANUL • PANY OF SMNEWIs YORIL AS: • ISM MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, civurgn- IN Ins PT MORTGAGES ON REAL Es•TAI , WORTH OVER X 13000,000. Tlielitreeatitme ate Lptvra than la many other COplo. gies, and the Dtvidende have been onsavas. This St o ckholderl tiliscrsi, Company. PROFITS VD V,. s, so that ALL TFfE PROFITS RsLosa TO TRH INSURED. Pamphlets, and every information, may ha had GOAT/StnaP PV B VItaciFoRD STARR, Agent, S. W. corns rFO LIRTII and WALNUT Streoss. PHILADELPHIA YtEPPRENCER: . Thomas Robins, John Welsh, Mordecai L, Dawson, GeortAlL Stuart, Gtoro M. 13 trnnd. E. B. who en. John B. Myers, J. Fisher Learning. mauph fAtteram, William C. Ludwig, '4013501. Armond. Arthur G. Cain, •'rho ram ff Foram eaorge Wiplomioget4 Thou, WlAtaol. 04.11•4 eaeraliT. aal2.2mif
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers