Skiritm Fcr2o,-,11.1.716kkr., atarirr T MIST Coaraiy.-Lelisiteiid by the 4tate of, Fantasy Imam. SUES. 1. Money is received every day, mid in any anima, lora+ of smelt. - - _ xpRATENT, interest is pant for money flora the day it isnot in. - 3:The money to always paid back in 13OLD whenever it is called :Or; and without notloe. , 4, Money is received froin Executors,'Administra tors,Gmardians. and other Trustees, in large or small ems, to remain a long or short period. a. The mosey received front Depositors is invested In Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents. and other first rdelieeeritittea. 6:912ae openevery day—Vi ALNIJT Street, southwest ediner Thiid street, Puciadelvius. 3112 HEAMEN'B SAVING. RIND—NORTIIWIRT Connell. Elleoan and WALNUT grnaiTs.—Deponita re onived in - email and lame amounts, from all cla.scon of the Community, and allow' interest at the rate of FIVE ESR. 01:NT. per annum.' Money may be drawn by cheeks without lose of in terest. Office onion daily, from' until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and flekotday until nine in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Tretunirer and Secretary', OR AS. M. MORRIS. EiREAT INPROTBNENT IN SEWING MA intirES—An adjustable speed, to run elow or fast, for rnaarfeeturing and family use. Primes reduced to Rao and upwards. LADD, WEBSTER, & CO., selo.6twem• t 320 CHESTNUT. street. , GROVER & BAEHR'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. The Beet In Una for Family Sewing. 'f SO CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. auff-Ir ARRIVALS AT Bib -I'M/tie/FAL LtuthLo. Ire TO 11 O'Ol,OOX 1411T-InesT • GIRARD HOME—Ninth 'sad Chestnut *treats. W B Watson. Lancaster Mies Watson, LanoaSter , R. Adams, Williamsport M N Norman, Wmsport Nir Wilkes - • Jas Johnson & wi,_ Pa T Hammond. Philada - C (1- Wray, N Wray,Mn New Hampshire D B A 14 Owen, Boston Wm M. Chase, N Bon .1 K MoOrhead,Pittsbg Alma Moorhead P i ttsbur g G &Nebel - ton. Pittaburg AI IC Moorhead,g Mr Hernandez 8c la, Montrl Miss 'Hernandez. Mono'. Miss Carroll, Montreal Thou H White, New York Mies White, New York W F Reynolds, Bellefonte .1 Connely & la. Albany Mias Connsly. Albany N lObson & wf, New York C A Waterbury, Md Mies Waterbury, hid - Mow Cortland, Md i &bailors, Texas Stephen Hays. Texan D alothastey. New York Gen WJr Bradley & wf.Ga ,John iV Dail. San Francine Clinton Lloyd, Vermilion L. Orin's, Connersville Wm Morrieon & la, Y; Daaler,'Nnotnoket D kerne, Pennsylvania Gorwihum. Trenton lily R Morehead, Fittelatrg My Milts k , New Orleans Mrs Moread, A oh, Pa LNr intley. Savannah W L Bailey. New York 'era nantley, oh fr. none Mre Bailey, New York • Man Thomas. New York C T Wiley, New York D Qttunter, New York John Pierson, iN ihnington Tentootpn A la, N York, N Templeton, New York Neary adoney,__New York .W MFinley, New York J D Chandler W,ltnington N Johnson. Wilm, Bel N M Sualr , & fie. Baltimoro 'A 8 Kennedy & la. KY 0 B Shama. Baltimore Saud SprOule. Baltimore Wm Blackwood, Baltimore , T Deliont, New York , . John Stanley & 41. Del A H Btewart,Pa M. Cloy Hoof, K Bowneri& 13,141 d P Carr. New York John Mathews & wt. N Y RRRill{ al atheWs. New York Mira Klui, Now York tabard 111010/IU. Mass B W Witten, . Miss B Lowery, Boston Geo Armstrong, NM York W K Browning. N York W W Smith & Is, N T 'Brady, New Yrrk T K Botsfod, lowa T A Darend. New Orleans 0 E rollaway, Boston France, Wilmington B Ullman New York 81 3 4ix;1 1 1)11,tilVi, N Y V?„:„ . grijolnan,PlVN Y TAI Johnson, Tennessee Mrs Nininger, Cuba Misses Ninin:er. Cuba L Glover, New York Adam Bunter, New York Win Bnmpbry. new York Ono - Dare; Huntingdon no .1 W Hughes. Om, 0 .1 WMatthesre. Woeton.Mo J B Montgomer Penns N finer & Ia L N Y H Moulton & ma , N Y MissjHoultou, Now 'York I..iss Kirkpatrick, IV Y A B Ennis, Toledo Geo While- Toledo D A Wailes,. le Issinalppi mnpden Zane, Louisville aties Kane, Louisville J liJohneon, Erie, Pa A W Gunner, Ohio James Gunner, Oho Bobt 'Henderson Se la. NY Miss Henderson, NY Miss Atwater, Troy, N Y Mr Hubbard, New York Mr Coulhoun, Louisiana Mr ThoniplOn,Louunegna Wm .robnion, New York Mrs Johnson, New York J K Rodm New York Jit Bogert, Baltimore B Budgford, Riehmond Mr Johnson. New York W A »loin. NnW York T Cosi. New York I 1./ Mentor'. Baltimore W F Herring, Atlanta, Ga. Mrs Phillips, N Orleans CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Cur. Ninth and Chestnut. 41 B Kesler. Pennsylvania 1) De Negre, Pennsylvania IL Burn'. tiessimose I Blanchard, Bellefonte Evan hlßlatadiard, BellePio W B Ogden, ehicago B Payson, Chicago C M Smith. Chicago W P Touneend & wf, Pittsb Mrs M A Btirlow, Chicago 11 C Ilinotaaan,lllinola H 8 Goodwin, W'insport Thee L Brown. Virginia lAltehler, U A T Templemari & la, La Miss Winger. Lano no, Pa Miss liershey, Lana no, Pa Josit J ac kson wf, Lane co Coo a Haigh. N Carolina II C Pritsboro,NC A Redden & la, New York CB Owathmen Virginia Chat L anntington,U 8 N CD Wildman.Leesbure,Ya C H Wood, Cincinnati, 43 0 . 8 Carmth la, Boston Miss Carnith. Boston T Woodrow in wf, Ael Honnquin , N York It P Stamina, flew YorIC MrsJ St Wisdom O rle ans 0 Miss A H Bell, Is Orleans Win ELBell, New RI.. badly, Plaehville AC Judson in wf, Albany D Thompson in la, Detroit W Thomason. Detroit Brew I) Harmon, Chicago Joe 1, Coma, Chicago Jno P Thompson, By il l f r efg a. gi r a l l t ra i rs ei los Vaa s a Sohawb, Chicago' B wayne, 'Baltimore 'l' ilighton, Estella J Fulton, Estgland Bolden & la, r 4 Griming James Marsh. 8 Carolina Sus Mama 8 Carolina Miss Sue Carson, S Hirtings, Baltimore Thou F Tha:oher & wf Jno Lamer. Jackson, Tenn John B. Sears, New York B T Recd. Boston , A L Holley. ..ow York NM Russell. England 8 Hanna. et Wayne ,lo T W tleaveme & wf, Boston Chas 8 11041 y 4 " wf vt, Von Rensaelnor, NIC I.Patterson,New York' Ceo fl Rogers, Roston Alf Bellow Boston fßertrand.L.ulca Martin,cubs . 14 Jautnge, New York John Dyers , Boston John Van Neat & la, N Y Cll Moulton & la. Boston N V matton, 'Etaltimore - J B stallord, Baltimore J Cole , Baltimore A Wittichen, New York ItobtTurner, Baltimore H At'sater. New York R Jones. New York Thus Livermore. Md . . . . 'Chris Ound.lll New York Y M R Branch. Virginia J .crow er la, Liverpool E Trith. New York .1 Brown, Cootie ,ticur 0 W T Kearsly; Bosh, Lexington. Kr J Bean. Augusts, Uss . P Martin, New York AIM H Alamo, New York Mom wily Abbott. N,Y ARP.ierEbf (OM MCItCO Of A Balers, New York Dothinde, N Orleans J Chamberlain. Made Geo W Cinolnnati F lers Device s , Louitilanei W A Reid, Louisiana 1, New York J Atelrian, New Orleans Or S.M. Riasstone &15,80 Paillg Eve, Neellvige T Lye , Arigmnia. L 0 Minn. Philadelphia Oboe throve, Misniesippi F C Imsdbeniet. at Louis D 8 Goodwin, Penne T DoPor, Pails 1J H Newco m b. 8 N G Whitney, Boston F J_Stsmiton, Karisse Jan A Pe.kins„ Boston J 18 Wright. Massachusetts W Wilkinson, Wash 81 Itsuinell, 8 Carolina Win Bhiell, 8 Carolina Wm Lawson, Detroit Thos Kaonnerer, N York Jag B Keagi, Arkansas Mr. Ringgold, Baltimore O &Peant]. New York A K Elliott. N Carollna ft W Pall, Nashville B U Andrews, Texas W A Graves, Norfolk, Yes J B Hanson, PI Orleans John M Soars, New Orleans Geo LI C N enl, Baltimore 'V K Lano,Ssoo, Ma Thon G Carson, Mass John Balderinale, Baltimore 8 Merenhere, Alex, To Jobe Abell. Washington O Fitken. New York R H Kimball. Baltimore •C M Newvllle, New York J it De Volie. Georgia E Frank. New York W th r N York Gov J J Stevens, Oregon O W New York J B Kellogg, New York Jao P Brown, tionstanimoole. NOM MERCHANTS' HOTEL,—Fourth street. below Arch A Swain, Mobile, Ala C L Zute, Jr, Philn R R Duncan. Pa_ rt W flints. Ohio N Chimman• OhioP H Updegrall Indiana A Welton. C arkeville .Th Walton, Rice's Lend. J &Terrell Kentucky 8 C MaCorintek. Lewisbrg .0 Timms, Buffalo C W Buffalo H Wagner. Leb,nen .1 H Gillis. U B N W Overheld, Philadelphia .1 0 Caldwell. Pa Crocker Jo wf, Pa W B Butler, H chunk .1 Ma, Alabama W F Edmonds, X Thin T Allen, Alabama B. Mudge, Winsport. W Susan, Fayette co, Pa 'l' A Glease, Tennessee Clangs, Tennessee W C Anslmtz. Ohio J C Brown. Tennessee" .1 H Benson, Alabama. D azimut. Termestee J O Willis, 8 Carolina P H Rarer, Boston W Moore, Clearfield W A Wallace, Clearfield J B Cortman, Pa H A Hancock. Wilkesbarre H Keenan, Dublin, Ireland G Ptreet. Salem. Ohio W Xenrear C K Wlty, Camden. Tenn I. Weehhorn, Tennessee A J Ring, Georgetown, Ohletton It Brodhead, Easton M AB Chapman. esseehus'tsJ F Stevick. New York J Normsn. Yentas D Bretton, Elkton, Md 'r W McGee, Virginia J B Stone ' AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street. above Mail 0 H Weston. New Jersey W B Jameson * la, Fa X. L Stewart. Peana B 1' Brooks, Penne J Graff, Blairsville, ' J W Devinny. Blairsville 3 F Smith, Heading .13 1' Wait, Dayton Mrs Richardson, Dayton Miss Richardson, Dayton Master e ioharilson, Parton Wia 0 Ewing jji Hester. is Carolina Y it Whitaker, Maryland W C Porter, P Grill Carolina A al Perkins, Mass J F Ramsey, Danville J Behring . ,Jersey chore W R jilloKair, Roston At Cook. -North Carolina F7,;,,,tk Lash. $ Caro bna .1 Peale, Mississippi Garrett. North Car Mrs Morrison it 2 oh, 11l IT Bush, Mississippi J T Pierson, Baltimore A Ar Smith • Jai Darla., Penns, AL Bersve..Penna t I Brisse, Jr. Pennsylvania o .1 Brown. Penna W H rhillios;Harristnirt L !items, New York John T aloili;tt, Pennes4oo H A Hopkins, Virginia Goo F Wright. Virginia B F Harvey W J Arthur. Virginia My Ream. Virsinia A G Miner, Lebanon, ?do G C TOMitl/8011. Baltimore B C Tamen, Baltimore Mrs Andrews, Virginia Miss Andrews, Virginia JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Sixth. N P Mohlichael, N Jeremy R. Van Kirk, New Jersey John O Well,, New York HS Merrill, Cinoinnati Dr Dunbar , Baltimore J R NloPheetenr, fdiesonri J Thompson, Dubuque, lowa Isaac Goddard, Mug W Sane, Fort Laniard 0 RGrolonoe,N Jereer C E Jo,dan, Alabama 3 B Makin!, Alaham4 WV J tuition = Trenton, N J I Anderson, N Y Pronto, a: la, tit Louis C D Rankin, Ohio MCCouhen,Ohio Retch, BelaWara E Stavetur, BAkasiuro fl J Rankin, Ohio M Capon, Ohio Col D D Lamplon, U S A lAt Raleigh, Philadelphia C W Altupin, Virginia Jaa Hail, Virginia Jog Newbugh, New York N Lea, Navel nrk Dr H t 3 Ihragon,r, h.l A ilopktn, Baltimore ßrotherion,R 'cannon( - BT. I,ool9—Chestnut et" above Third. Jkmn, New York tlnml Kinety. Delaware co W P Seymour, Philadelphia H J Addison, New Jersey Peter Musedllim, Pidenoty'e W 9 Benjamin. California John Amber°. New lark A MoConing, Fenno WO O atretttel9. Delaware D. Pain ilymercer ad, N J 3 ,U3tairoid. Boston E Herrick, Lawrence W Jones, Phil,delphia A cam oneld, New York P J O'Nowke. Lancaster C l.,codman. Georgia C 9 idenbu, gioeor.o.t W WHIRR k, wf, Ohio 'LC Franke, New 'York Mr Trayez & la. Bal ti more Thom Carter, North carolina J Smith. Philadelphia F.SB Watson, Vidal, Del Geo WSpencer' Phila W C Willson Philadelphia W W Warner, Hula O Kaufin uniDanville, Pa John MoCeinies, Phila THE UNION' HOTEL—Aroh rarest. above Third, B M Kratteer, Barrisbara eAI array. MD. Bonton ample Sweeney, WaIIII, Pa U A Leggett. l'a H B Mittel', Allifylfirld 0 111Vnlner, New York A W Gray, lows .1 K Orumbatier & la. Ohio John L'Enylor Alt Lawton, Philadelphia B Drove. Ohio lox McCoy, Ohio M Oppenheimer, Porn, Ind J &Blot & in, Baltimore STATES tlNlol4—Market etreet.3bove BLitt - - - 11. Walter, Colter,-ille Wm Thomason, It la. NY 3s Ta Ja y,lrenton Plank. Ponnaylvania w, remityhmnia Dr Wm Much. Penns 'minion an tot. lowa lti Anierson. Youngato'n 11.E&Tens k w(, Mate • Geo Plitt, Barri/Ibn rfi' Wm Lowlier, Lana on, re. I' tewart MoOlung, Va ; biotria, Newark, U J Monk, England Fruit' Enna, Penne, .' 01. make. Freedom, 0 fPatoblnaon, /am Neill, Del co. Pa ipmer, Philadelohm John lavadle, Pittabuil ,••• MERCHANT'S' HOUBE , -11,1n1h Atree.. -41low„111, D L Pandora, Lanosator C H Kramer. Club= oo ' Pa ' Lao Erausa.Carbon 00, Pa 3) Clank, Carbon 00, Pa. !Wideman, Daopbin co J D BeShenner..Dayton,o C Rosh, Etnalcortown bto Lonaonbaoh, Lab co _C H Parry 00, .113mfia, Peru' eo, Pa Dans Lobar, Perry co, Po. Sarni %1011, Naor York Aaron Alum, BPringtwo,l'a A W Ether, Lana co, Pn FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Peocind street, above Market. Mai x Woodiugton, Del A B P , iton ft, Philadelphia , D,FileiFeltori Delaware BOY Townsend, Delaware ol C J Rush, Al , abama Neu it C Pitkiii• Plorida IboirtUaokiion, Delaware Emanuel Lamas. Masa Irsowen, New Jersey Miss M Bowen, N Jersey I Bolding, Philadelphia Jit rlatty. Trenton. N J .1 Bryant, New Jersey A Fenniugton,_New Jeteey Samuel Cowsill, New Jersey J Courtland , New Jersey B Benue k wr, N York 13 M.Easen, tialifprnra Thee Brown, Newjersey H Thompson, Philadelphia B it amnia), Maryland J Persuson, Men land i aJ Pennington. Maryland Li Id Eltrett, New Jersel Isaso Levis , tnuo .1 /Joann, Philadelphia tiALD EAGLE ROM—Thiri et.. above tiellowhill. • vbos f 3 !hence; Penns Joe lichirmaier, Penns h'Oentnan, Labial co him (iehman L Leluca co Senor, Quakertown Snail Seener , Palmyra - ;yet i : g , % l b; j '. .;Ylta r r W al t l t i l it e triafe Pa P cone) dc AnlaYl)(o.PB ,H R btimbharKer.Pozin v a - 40.13 - 11Huntor, Ca4lforina C knout,lietaleauni - "NATKMAL ROTEL-Knee mitred. stormiThirt. E l y Ipt i e l lar ter , ) 111 A egrel i roms. - . P18= 1 ! 221 V 01f,i, ra. John q u n l ietlg .Irim 4 l.l; l . 7:11 " - l l l:erylibtf r iff i 9 (: 4. Geo G. l'ettthone, New Yotk W F Voute, Philadelphia ' -_IGOOMKKCKAIiiifOTEL-ftwei sliest. ab. Chestnut. - - iSti. tkeley,,Stoxboro. e II A Harding:Peons , , rrh,Ceer, Altoona J 8 Ktown; ProwlenoG ,-,. Vic a r% Yhtia .-, 14 3 Wagon, Chest 00. Fie f IS , Cried eo,- Pa . r Gordon. Cleat noble, Chester oo 8 Ktrk, Chatter no „ . . AT, ,, MtN . ON ROTF,L 7 Stscond street. abova t Aroh. ' • . • • 1,V114.•ii/Putloi: Lotii;jr. Pantotylv's e`' TI it!: NeirJerier • ends k'wf.,,t4 Yolk • . W aka, silent; Ohio I..zitt,t,:h. •- , "4 — T.014 ay^ 0141341,U. , . , 0 5 / 1 101 E. StiliabriVillW . 4 ,tAwst. , loafer Xkiag ock, • 0 ' IMPORTATIONS. (Resorted for The Presit.l LIVERPOOI4-111, Welloos. Lane-1486 bars 032 bdlx 9 iron Norris. Wine er & Cok 148 do 711 do P. 4, B MaltonY & Co; 9066 do 60 do C 01 1 Robins & Co; 2110 do 7 do Potts & Robene; 80 doll bins steel Naylor & 273 oks soda ash C W Chureemse; 42 do Twells & Co; 100 toe bieaob see F Lennie; 150 bbls barytes 75 tons plaster J l aw . ; hoe Judi" R Tugs & Co; 1 do Bird & Dilkes; 13 do Wray & GRUlan; 11 do W rdoKes &no; 5 do J & J P Steiner & Co; 12 bales William Watson & Co; 4do Sharp, Babies & Co; 13 do A Wrav & Co; 7 do Stuart & Bra; 1 dol . /avid Graham & Co; 315 boxes tin Plates Na than Trotter & Co; 4 woke holloware Holden, Porter & llooth• 9 do A Id F Watson; 6 do Handy & Brenner; 24 do R G Stotesburyk 21 orates earthenware James Cart wright; 40 _do 8 B Pieroo,Sons & Co; 97 do Peter Wright & Bons; 600 tone common salt DI tons fine do A Kerr; 14 casks hardware order. PEILADELPRIA BOARD OF TRADE. EDWARD. CLAIRE, HARRY CuN RAD Combrivzis or ezu ?UM writ. L. REHR. LETTER BAGS At the Meechants' Exchange, PhiladeOlga. Ship John Trucks. Lindsay...—. —.—Ltverpool, soon Ship Tuscarora. Liverpool, goon Bark Sea Eagle, Kenny— Havana , seen Bark Butiote, Staples Matanzas. trot 1 Brig Mar, E .Cardenas, soon Brig Black Beeall, Davis— Jago de Cuba. soon Brig Samuel Welch, Cole— ..............Barbadoes. soon Fan Waal. COAFTOF AFRICA—The brig Calvert, Wil lar. despatohed from tom port about the 3d prox imo, for Sierra Leone. &o. All lettere and packages in tended for the African squadron, or parsons on the mast, will be forwarded, If left at the Foreign Letter office, Philadelphia Fnrohange, on or before the above date. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT Or THELADELPHEA, Oct. 1, MO BUN 12-BUN 48 1111111 50 ARRVED. Steamship Boston, Croaker l . 21 hams from .New York, with mdse and passengers to Jas Anderdice. Passed, below Reedy Wand. ehip Gov Langdon. for Liverpool, in tow of tug America, and bark Alex McNeil, for Li verpool: in tow of tug J F Starr. Sam Wallace. Lams, 49 days from Liverpool, with mdse to Peter Wright Sr Sons—towed up by tug Ameri ca: Reports the It 9 steamer Water Witch, from Cuba, at Quarantine. Brig W Woodruff. Robinson, 8 days from Dighton, in ballast to E A Sander & Co. Bohr I B Weldon, Smith, 0 days from Boston, in bal last to Sinniokion 2c. Glover. Bohr .H E w estop, Long, 4 days from Salem, in bal last to N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr W A Hammond. Cain, 4 days from Salem, in bal last to Nevin, Sawyer & Co. Bohr C P Stickney. Garwood, a days from East Cam bridge, in ballast to R R Corson & Co. Bohr Alphonso, Vincent. 1 day from Salem, NJ, with grain to has I. Bartley & Co. Sohr Black Bird, Compton, from Boston. Bohr R. B. Shannon. Marto. from Boston. Sohr Raven, Rose, from Boston. Fehr Willow Harp, Pules. from Boston. Sohr H W Godfrey, Weeke; from Boston. tiohr Spray, Price, from Boston. Behr Rhea & Rebecca, Price, from Boston, Sohr Treasurer. Fisher, from Boston. Sobr 9 V W Simmons, Godfrey from Boston. Bohr H Allen, Babcock, from Boston, Sohr Wm P Cox, Honoir. from Boatom Bohr E 7 Scott, Steelman, from Roxbury. Bohr A of Edwards, Somers, from Hingham. Bohr D H Bills, from Jersey City. - Bohr A H Brown, Edwards, from Providenco. Bohr War Steed, Smith, from Providence. Sohr John Rodgers, Clark, from Providenoe. Behr Jacob & William, Matthews, from Portsmouth. echr 1) I', 'Calmly, from Portsmouth. Bohr Wm Loper, Robinson, from Braintree. Scar Elias Williams, Taylor, from Weymouth. Bohr Wm II Dei.nie, Wheaton. from Newport. Pohr J 1.• Crouch. 'Henderson. from Newport. Steamer Mars, Nlohols, 24 hours from New York, with nurse to M,Bai r d & Co. Steamer Josephine, Green, 24 hours from New York, with mitre to W Al Baird & Co. CLEARED. Steamship State of Georgia, Garvin. Savannah, Alex Heron. Jr. le Co. Ship Gov Le.ngdon, Stone Liverpool,B Baldwin & Co. Bohr War Stead, Smith. Warren, Sinniogoon & Glover Bohr I 8 Whilden, Smith. Washington, do Bohr Eliza & Rebecicia, Pace, Charleston, Van fnlaant Norton & Co Behr J B Johnson, Johnson, Washington, do Bohr Fanny. Hartman, Alexandria. do Bohr John Rosen, Clark, New Bedford, do Bohr Martha Wainwnght, Corson. Boston. do Bohr Frank Herbert, Parker. Boston, do Bohr Treasurer, - Fieher, Boston, do Bohr Hero. Lakeman,iliowlell, do Bohr W V Hammond, Jain, Boston. Nevin, Sawyer & Co. Bohr 11W Godfrey, Weeks, Boston, Tyler, Stone & Co Bohr W Southbury. Bildern. Boston, N Sturtevant & Co Mohr Willow Harp, Hake, Boston, do Bohr H E Weston, Long. Boston. • do Bohr G W Cummings. Weldon, New Bedford, do Bohr Lydia A May, (now) Bakor, Boston, L Man ned & Co. Bohr S V W Simmons. Godfrey. Boston. do Rohr Eliza Williams. Tailor, Boston, do Bohr D P, Talpey, Newbursport, do Bohr E Boott.Steelme.n. Roxbury , do Bohr H Shannon, Marts, Boston...L Rothennel &Co Bohr Win H Dennis, Wheaton. Boston, do Bohr Black Bird, Compton, Boston, Repplier & Bro. Bohr Raven, Rose, Boston, do & ielir Jaoob William. Matthews, Portsmouth, do Bohr I F Crouch, Henderson. Treverron, do Bohr Chief, Champlen,.Norwioh, Bansroft. Lewis & Co Bohr .1 H. Allen. Fl,.boook, Chelsea, as Bohr Wm P Cox, Houck, Medford, Blakinton & Cox. Bohr Wm Loper. Robinson, Braintree, do Bohr A NI kdwards, &mere, Hingham. C A Heck soher & Co. Behr A H Brown, Edwarde, Frovidenoo, Noble, Hain nett & Caldwell, Bohr C P htfakncy, Garwood, East Cambridge, R R Corson & Co. Bohr George Falee, Nickerson, Providonoe. Crowell & Collins. Bohr Cerro Gordo, Irons. Ba lt imore, oaptain. Btr R Willing, Cleypoie, 4 Groves, Btr B Seymour, Palmer, Alexandria , 'I! Webster, Jr. AILED The U mail stearnsh ß m State . of Georgia. Capt Gar vin, for Savannah. loft at 10 A M. on Saturday, With full freight and a number of macaws. Ship Gov Langeon. Stone, for Liverpool. Her cargo eonelats of 36,ea0 bushels wheat and 0,210 bbls flour. BY TELIZGRAPII. (COrreSpOndenee of The Press.) Pisxv YORE. Sept °AI Arrived, ships Masa Webb autl North Amerios. from Liverpool; bark - klbe, from Hamburg; brig C R Kenne dy, front Cardenas. Also arrived, ships J J Boyd, from Liverpool; Ellen ri Maa. from Newport; Abby 'Brown, from Bristol; Dash foray, from Rotterdam. NEW OrtgEalvs, Sept Rufus (Correspondent,. of the Philadelphia Bxehente.) LEWN.B, Bel., Sept. U. The brig reported in me last as being ashore on the Point of the Cane, proves to be the A Blanchard, of Bos ton, In ballast. She was hau:ed on" 11151 night by Messrs Barton a; bluebell; wag perfeetiv tight, and will pro- Leed to Falladelphie There are about forty schooners at harbor, tint the heavy nee prevents me from getting their names. A ship passed in yenterdny. Sept 29—Bark Jo,' Maxwell, for Lagoa, ra. in pompano with bark A A Brebort. owned nut yesterday_ at 12M. Brig A Blanchard and ochre Harriet Voodoo'. F NO le-on, John AloAdam, (three masts) Canary, Richard Borden. Bern, and Niagara, are now at the harbor. Wind fresh from NNE. Yours, &e., N. W. RICKMAN. (Correspandenoe or The Press, RAVRK. OR GRACE. Sept. t2.19:10. Tha Kingston left with N boats, laden and consigned as follows: Osprey. lumber to Malone & Taylor; Traveller, do to Noornisi &.dhsets; Thee Welsh. bituminous coal to Cam den, NJ; Lithe Jane. Gal G T Hamel, J.O Rod'ins n, Monroe,Keheeca .Ann, and Judge Regens, coal to De !aware tilt}' . litlerrespondenoe of THEADI he Pret Ne.G) , Pent. XL The fallowing boats from the Union Canal paaaod In to the Balmylkill Canal to day, bound to l'ltiodelphia, laden and oonaiaried He follows: H Long, lumber to Norcross .k Silents; Mary and Barbara. do to J H De) sher; Win Bennett, do to &mord Boiton; J H Pu'mer, do to Henry Cranny; American hagle. flour. &c. to captain; Jersey Oak, Mauler to Mr Linderman. BITMORANDA. Steamship Keystone State, blaretnnan, hence, arrived at Charleston 27th ult. Steamship Cahawba. Smith. for Havana and N York, cleared at New ruloans 24th alt. Steamehtp Toutonta, Taabe, cleared at New York 29th Mr for Hamburg. ship Arcola, Crolta, cleared at New York 29th alt. for Havre. . Bl u p maths, Lahr., from Calontta, arrived at Boston Rich Ship Nautilus, Elwell. from alauila, arrived at I3os to Zith ark - Heindoor, Lanfair, for /3arbadoes, cleared at New York 29th ult. Bark Panto!. Hallett, for Philadelphia, via Altana, WU at Jabea. Spain, hut ult. Bark Palermo, Ingham, from Naples, Was at Palermo 9th nit, una, . Bark Cadzandrin. (Dutch) Oomkens, for Philadelphia, was at Rotterdam 11th ult. Bark Banana, Freeman, from Buenos Ayres, ots In dio, at Boston 29th nit. Bark Mystery. Taylor. from Boston 7th July for RIO de Janeiro, was Been Aug IS. lat 10 8, long 33. Bark Jas Cook, Blanchard, cleared nt Boston 25th ult for Philadelphia, to load for Cuba. Brig Amy Warwick. Brown, sailed from Rio do Ja neiro 119th Aug for Baltimore. Brig Orizava, Pendleton, cleared at Boston 28th ult. for Belfast. Brig Monica, Loud. from New Haven for Philadel phia, arrived at New York 17th ult. Bnga Tarantino. Presoey, and Judea Blaney, Coombe, sailed from Boston Mth ult. for Philadelphia. Brig Ella Reed. Tom hence, via Bermuda, arrived at St Jaw de Cuba 14th lilt. Brig Alfaratta, (Br) Bither, for Philadelphia. cleared at Providence 2Oth tilt.. Brig orddis . , Baker, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedford 29th ult. . . , Bohr L N widfrov, Elba, from Delaware City, arrit ed lit New Be dford 20th nit, with lona of jibbnnin, having been to coalman with Bohr C II Bogeys, of petaware Breakwater, 20th ult. Bahia Mary Anna. Gibbs, Cornelia. Crum, and Sarah, Benson, for rhilogielphia, sailed front Now Bedford 29th Mt. Bohr Kedron Haskell. frnm Hartfnrd for elided/d -ella, arrived a t wew 'York 29th lilt Nehr.lnliet. Barter. for ehradelphia, sailed fro :a Pro vidence 29M ult. .• . Echo; John Compton. Elliott, Bea Witch. Tyler, and Amelia. RookhilL for Philadelphia, sailed from Provi donee 23.1 t Bohr Chrysolite, Smith. from Fall RiTOr for Philadel phia. sttled from Newport 11th ult. Bohm Bay Hiatt+, Versuann. and T P Lamed. Ireland, hence. arrived at Boston 28th ult. Buhr Albert Pharo. Cavalier, sailed from East Green wich 270 ult. for Philadelphia. Being James McCloskey, Stebbins, Maria Louisa. Commutes, and Clinton. Borden, for Philadelphia, aid from Pall Inver 28 , 11 Bohr Hannah Matilda. Price, for Philadelphia, cleared at Savannah 28th nit, with 248 bales cotton any 191 pkgs Bchr Minefield, Stater. for Philadelphia. cleared at Savannah 29th ult, withal! baler cotton 29,000 feet tim ber, and sundries, Bohr J It Mitchell, Morris, for Philadelphia, sailed from Bristol 27th ult. Bohr B L Emmons, Gandy, for Philadelphia, sailed from Fall River 27,h ult. Fehr I H. Jones, Harem. Little WNW, Foster, and Buena Vista. Davis, from Philadelphia, arrived at New Haven 27th ult. Rehm ti 1. Greeter, Presbrey, from Taunton for Phila delphia, and Protector. Ross, from New Bedford for do. railed front Newport 27th ult. Sohn If & T Cramer. Huntley, henca for Pawtucket, arrived r.t Providence 27th ult Bohm Antares, Carden. 8 B Strong. Mott, Revenue, fined., and Anna Smith, Smith, railed from itovidonee 27th nit for Philadelplun. l i Sobr trlohe, Ames, sailed from Warren 27th ult. for Delaware City. Nehru Isabella. Taylor, and C Budd. Rose, from Paw tucket; Allan Downing, Rice, and 11 Endicott, Smell, from Providence, all for Philadelphia, arrived at Now York 2.9 ch nit. Soh r Coquette, Skinner, for Phlladelrhie, sailed from Petersburg:4olldt . . . Sabra Julia, 'rroxel. and Geo Franklin, Tyler. hence, arrived at Petersburg 29th tilt. Bohr Zeno, Flolds. hence, arrived at Baltimore 29th Bolus Banquet, Nowell, and Wonder, Hallook, for Philadel phi a, cleared at New York 29th ult. &Mrs Eclipse, Gook, hence for Portland, and Ontario. Sawyer, do for Hennebunk, sailed from fdolmoe• Rote 27th uir. Bohm Horizon, JAIME, hence for Anisionn, and Ga zelle Naylor, do for haluibury, sailed it Holmes' Ilo'e'Nth &b re Jan 8 Heeritt..l.llnwav, and GD & R F Shan non. from Boston for Philadelphia, railed from Holmes' Role 28th ult. Bohr V Sharp, Haley, henoe, arrived at Portsmouth 20th ult. MARRIED. Si LCIER—BRopIEON.—At Carbondale. Pa., on the 27th ult.. by Rev. 'I homes Drum, My. W. Alumnae Bulger. Bulger. of Philadelphia, to Mina Lizzie Bronson, of Ca P r IIIMPRINULE,—Sent. 27, by the Rev. ,Wm. J. R. Taylor, 1). 0,, Robert Phipps to Sarah A. Prank , . - VAN tIORN-BAVD•:O.—At the residence Po t the lirlde l a father, on the 27th nit, by W. J. Mann, Mr. Charles C. Van Rem to Miss Pauline IV., daughter of C. F. Sauter, Earl, all of this caty, WALKER-1,11 , P Y.—On the evening a the 21 ult., by !Rev. W. W Barr, modeled by Rev. Prelude 0. Chore' and Rev. Robert Watt e„ Mr. James Wall:erupt Mum edtte Lupney,all of Philadelphia. onowN-IrIONSOMI.-July Yeth,lede,ey Rev.J. N. Lame, Mr. Robert Bum to Minn Mary lYlonegan, all of Philadelphia. DIED. McMCLLIH.—At Mantua, on the morning of the 28th inst.. Mr. John It. McMullin, aged et years. The friends of the Enmity are invited to attend his funeral, at 9 o'clock, P. M.,on this (Monday,) Oct 1, from his r sapience, H. E. corner Thirty-sixth and Bridge streets. fierviceeny the Presbyterian crea, saner Thirty-filth and Bridge streets. Interment land yemeterr. LIEPER.—On Thursday, the Zlth 'natant, Col. Wit hrim .1. LiapflT. the 68th year of 1118 ago. His funeral will take place from the residence of los sonter,_ _Mys. N. Patterson,;ie. 1619 Loonst street, on this (Monday') 00t..10..t. 10A AI. - Mis friends, and those of the famlly.,are respectfully invited to attend, withent further nitme. The interment to ts , it . enko h eN. NVitti t( ift- n -olt t liglrnit t , ' ale , an the Mth year ofiga spa. - - friends ofA ap vett as °anti: i ll Marton' e l yroall.Ve n etfolirln e yrrsd =arra; air t ts lat.l residence ;No, 1021 Cowslip street. on. Monday. ' .1 ,0 1 0 10, 1 1 1 al 9'0199k, • BRATTY.—On the WM. of September, Mary Norris, daughter of the Hav a Arahlhaid arid Mary S. Beatty, n e 8 months and , 19 be held in Creamer Chapel, Twenty-second andLooust streets. on Monday, sot at half, past 12 o'clock, P. M. BR. ENNER.—On Friday, 28th September, Christopher F. Brenner, of this city. in the 27th year of hie age , Funeral on this(Monday ) afternoon , ut 2 o'clock, from the residence of he mother, in Lartoaster. Pa. in his DRESS E L R.—On the 2 8th ult., Frederick B. Dressler, 77th year. Funeral from the residence of his son, Anson Dressler. at Rising Sun Village, on this (Monday )afternoon, at I o'clock. OLAHIC.—On the 2gth ult., Arthur Clark, in the 89th year of his are. Funeral from his late residenoe No. 1434 Ohnetliin on Tuesday, October 2, at I o'clock.' Weekly Report of Interments HEALTH OY➢TCE, September 29 Interments in the City qt Philadelphia from to the 29th of September, 18G0. menaens, E6M:132! ..... Apoplexy -- Canner.,— •- •• i•• tomaoh— Casualties Croup Congestionof Brain Cholera Infantum.— Conteption of Lunge Convulmona.•••••••• Diarrhma .—.....• Dropay 8rain....... Heart Disease of Brain.... Heart.— Fever Intermittent lilat==tl " Typhus Iphotd [looping Intlammatn,Bronehi Liver. —. " Peritonteum " St. & Bowels Mani% hlaramne ....—..... . . Neglect . .... O ? l a d l e e..._.._..... Rheumatis Sarnfula Still Born. Tabea blesente;io. Tetanus _..-- Unlinown— . I Violence -• • • Drove DysentorY.•• • • Fever,Enterio•—• OP TILE Under 1 year— . From 1 to THERE WERE !From 60 60 to CO—.— to 2to 5.-- ..._ 21 " 70 to 80_ " sto 10..,......... 12 " 63 to 90..... 10 to 15-- ......... 6 " 90 to 100....... 15 to X 1........- 4 " 20 to 30 ............ 18 " SO to 40.._.-...... 15 40 to a 0....— , 12 NATIVITY-United Matt", 160; Foreign, 36; l'n known, 10. From the Almshouse, 3; People of Color, l 4; from the Conatry, 2. • I WATID4. I WARD/. WAIIDS, Flint-- ...,....19 Tenth -- 5 Ntneteenth.—.l3 8e00nd.........111E1eventh...—.... 3 Twentieth .. 11 .v.»....Third.v.».... 10 Twelfth_-_...- 4 Twenty-first ~ . 3 Fourth—. 11 Thirteenth...... 2 Twenty-second.. 4 Fifth-- .. .10 Fourteenth..... 4 Twenty-third,...l4 Sixth --...... 8 Fifteenth.-- 5 Twenty-fourth.. 0 Seventh -....-14 Sixteenth --- . 7 Unknown ........,10 Eighth......__ 81Seventeenth....10 -- Ninth._-_....... 61Eigideentn......11 Total_...— VW The number of deaths compared with the oorrespood inLyeek of ISO and of last week, was aa follows: Week ending October 1.1359, was ...... ----151 September 23.1850," ...-.„..•..188 Slides, 110; Females, eg; Boys, 10; Girls, 95. By order of the Board of Health. ARTHUR HUGHES. Health Officer. MOURNING GOODS FOR FALL.- - 1 -T- 11 Black Amelinea. Reps Anglaie, Arnure Cash mem. Lupin's Mariner', Cashmeres,. Bombazines. Tanaisos, Mournelines, Bombasines. Velour Reim Satin de Chines, Paramattas, Bombazine Alpacas, &d. Second Mourning Corded Milanese, Vonotiohnes Orundrille, &o, Black and Purple Parse Printed Mousseline De !mines and Caahmeree. Black and White En doh Do Lamm, wants. . BESeON & 50N. Mourning Store, sod No. 918 Chestnut ;street. LAW DEPARTMENT—UNIVERSITY OF PENNHYLVANIA.—The annual meeting of F tWeciety of the Alumni, of the Law Department of the University of Peunsrlvania, will be held THIS ( Monday ) AF rEallooN at 4 o'clock. at the University. WM. BRANTLY .121Atts.A, Reo. i 71 T — ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY...Members will meet without further entire. THIS MORN IN, at 10 o'eloolr. In the ST. LOUIS HOTEL, to pro ceed to the funeral of their late brother. Colonel WAI. J. LRIPER. B. R. CRAIVFORR, President. 040. YOUNG. Secretary. It =OFFICE OF THE SUNBURY AND .ERti. RAILROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. September 29th, 1550, NOTlCE.—Holders of Coupons entitled to be paid o n Ootobor let. 1810, and thereafter, tenured by Mortgage of the Company, to CHARLES S. BOKER. in trust, dated September lath. Mr, are hereby notified to pre sent the tame for payment to the PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY for Insurance on Liven and granting an nuities, No. 304 WALNUT street % Philadelphia WM (r. MOREHEAD. President of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company. Holders of Coupons entitled to payment aro resuemed to produce their Donde (before or at the timo ofray. meat of the Coupons,/ to be stamped and registered. CHARLES Durum, President of the ,Pennsylvania Company for hum ranee on Lives, &c oelAt 30 4 WALNUT Street orrREPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES AT- TisraluN t—lllember,t of Otte Clu b who purpose going to New York on the 3d of October next, to par ticipate in the Grand National Wide-Awake Demon ntration, are hereby informed that the train will leave Walnut-Streit wharf at 2 o'olonk P. M. on WEDNEe- PAY, and return at a convenient hour. For particu late in regard to pride of tickets, etc., aßnly at the Club Heimiquarters. northwest corner Sk. VENTII and CHESTNUT Streets. Gentlemen who purpose going. and have not yet signed the New York list, are requeated to do es Imme diately. It !Cr CHRISTIAN UNION—THE SECOND A nnual l:oneert of Prayer for the Unity of the Spirit will be observed on AIOND,:tY, Oot , :her 1, The first meeting will be held at 9 o cloak A. At., in the CHURCH Mr THE EPIPHANY. CHESTNUT and Fly rEENTis st,ept. : the imoond meeting at 12 M., in the BAPIII3T CH.Uftuff, SANSOM Street. below Ninth. and the third meeting at P. M.,in the UNION AI P. MODEST CHURCII,_ FOURTH Street, below Arch. Clitistiane of all Evangelical Denominations are cordially invited to be present. • ALFRED NEVIN, Chairman of Commttee. A. COOKAIAN. Suntan'. ze29 21" iff• NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE for stook in anew Binding and Loan Society. An adjourned meeting of the Eighth St. Beetle Build leg_ and Loan Society will be held at Ward's Hotel. MISR HY Street above TMM, on Tuesday evening, October 2. at 7n o'olock, tot the purpose of disposing of the stock. At which time persons desiring to join a Building bloniety, based on liberal principles, and the bad in thin city, are invited to attend and subscribe for JOHN VOLKIVIAR, :i a N DRIPPS, Elecireiirl. TO THE CHATTEL MORTGAGE j-c BON nflut,DEß aMr THE WILLIAMIIPORT AND ELMIRA RAILROAD COMPANY. A meeting of the Chattel Mortgage Bondholders 'mil be held on FRIDAY. the 6th of Oatohor. MB, at Ii N'cleric A. M.. in Hoom No. 16, Washington Building, o. 274 Booth THIRD liven to hear the report in re • gnrd to the leans of chattels latelr executed by the Rl nu ta and WilhamePort Railroad Contralti. Br order of the Committee of Mattel Niortmage Bond holders. JOSEPII IiARRItON, JR.. se29-6tif Chairmen. WTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONTRIBUTORti TO THE YOUNG MAN'S ITTE will be held at No. 132 WALNUT Bt., on MONDAY, October let, at 12)4 o'clock, When the annual report of the Roard of Trustees will be submit :eft, nod en election for trunteee held, Wm. L. REUN. score tars of the Board of Trustees. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA... LAW DEPARTMENT. term of this Institution will oommence on the first of October next. The following are the subjects of the 'Wares; Rom GEORGE SITARSWOOD—" Internatfonal, Con stitutional, and Civil Law." Prof. P. McC A LL—" Pleading and Practice." Prof. E. SPENChIt MILLER—" Real Estate and Conveyanoing." The introductory lecture will be delivered on Friday, September CS, at 8 o'olook P. M., at tho usual lecture room. hr ProL E. Spanner Miller. acM Glr MILLINERY GOODS. BONNETS. WINTER OPENING, THURSDAY, OOTOBER 4, MO. LINCOLN ; WOOll, NIC3I-101,„ 72t. CHESTNUT filitEilT. nol.Gt EIBIRq. H. 'WRIGHT. NO 137 PINE Street, will oven P ASHIONABLE PALL M TL LINERY, on THURSDAY, uotober 4,18C0. ocl-4V IMM=MMM BLINDS AND SHAT3og. B. J. WILLIAMS, No, 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, It the most extensive Manufacturer of VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. rTita larmt and finest SMOllmont in the at the /own priccen HTOltut SHADES made and lettered. REPAIRING promptly attended to. ool•Im SATES EVANS & WATSON'S SAFES ALWAYS TRIUMPHANT ! Their Salamander Safes, exhibited at the Fenneylva nia State Fair, held during' the 26th, WO, 2<, and 22th of September, In, have reoeived the monm PREMIUM OF SIO, for their superior qualities, EVANS & WATSON Have a largo assortment of their SAFES always on band at their Store, No. 304 CIIESIVUT Btraet. oal-tr mommetr=rnio. POLITICAL. SIXTH OF THE GRAND BER.TED: . . OF- SPECIAL. MEETINGS .IN r/1 , , V.0R OF • FREEDOM. AND PROTECTION. • • TIIS • • HON. FRANK P. or - INIIBP,OURI. will, Its invitation, u' ll eteles the PX ,O PLR, Withant distinction of pa,' ty. on • •TUESDAY , IiVENLOG, OCTOBER 24:‘' - - AT 8 W:1.00 1 1 ; AT NATIONAL Abl. c _r . MARKET STREET, HALO TRIKTFENTIE, settl-..1; cin theirpret mown of the 47, THE , iIRESS.r,-1 3 ,1111L1DIRtar t il1A9 ' , MONDAY' , , OCTOI 3 ER •19 1860. DEMOORATIO TICKET FoI GOVERNOR OF PENNWILVILNIAS lIENRY D. FOSTER, Fox 00HGREge. let Diatrlot—WlLLlAM E. LEHMAN " JOHN BRODHEAD. " JOHN KLINE. 4th " WILLIAAI MORGAN. Hit " HARRY INGEDSOLL. STATE SENATOR. let Inetylot—SAMUEl, J. RANDALL. Ist Distriot—JOSEPH CALDWELL. 24 ' 6 THOMAS E. GASKILL. Sd " PATRICK MoDONOUGIL 4th " ROBERT E. RANDALL, 6th SAMUEL JACKSON. Cth 0 CHARLES L. WOLFF. 7th 0 PAUL KETTERLIMIS. Bth " JOHN SMITH, JR. 9th 't HENRY DUNLAP. lath/ " UENRY G. LEIBENRINO. Ink " JOHN S. RIEHL. 12th " WILLIAM 0. SNYDER. 13th " WILLIAM D. RIDDRIBON. 14th " GEORGE W. H. SMITH. 1011 " JOHN M. ARUNDEL. 16th " 'IIIOMAB W. DUFFIELD, 17th " H. M. ZULICU. POI: PROTHONOTARY OF DIsTRICT Con?, WILLIAM LOUGHLIN. FOR CLERK OF QUARTER 5R93T004, PHILIP H. LUTTS, pEOPLE'S TICKET ANDREW G. CURTIN. - Id District. JOAN M. BUTLER 2ti . EDWARD JOY MORRIS It ', JOHN I'. VERREE WILLIAM D. KELLEY Gth" WILLIAM MORRIS DAVIS, PROTIIONGTARS Or DISTRICT 0000 T CLERK OF COURT OF QUARTER BENNO:is, RPPRT , NNTLTIVIZi, Ist IhNtrint, A BRAHAM STEWART. 21 " WILLIAM B. TURNER. 3.1 " WILLIAM H. SLOCUM. 4th " HENRY E. WALLACE. Mn JOSEPH MOORE, JR• 6th " DANIFL C. THOMAS. 7th " JOHN H. SELTZER, nE D. 6th " JACOB E. RI DoWAY. nth " DAVID SONI4.S. lath " JOSHUA IC,AMES. 11th " ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. 12th " RICHARD WILDEY. lath " oRARLES D. FORD. 14th " WABHINOTO3 Hl., 12th " JOHN F. PRESTON. 12th " IfI.NRY RIOLER. 17th " CHARGES F. ABBOTT. ELECTION—TUE:3I I AV, OCTOBER B. a1a.20-lat; CUR TIN TORCHLICiItr PAR&DE. All persons wishing to join the line, MOUNTED. wdl rerstrt themselves on MONDAY MORNING. from 10 to 12 o'clock, M., nt the CAMPAIGN CLUB ROOM of the TENTH WARD, BROAD, below Race street. Arrangements have been made for Equtyrnenta, and all earneetly invited to attend. Ity order of Marshal of Cavalesdo ATTENTION, FREEMEN! O'er thy crags, Allegheny, a blast has been b`own ; Down thy title, husnuehanna, the murmur bau gone; Prom the Delaware's mains to the lake of the West r Wherever the foot of the freeman bath Pressed; 'Tie the voice of a P.POPLII uprisen—awake: Pennsylvanin'e watobwoid. with t reedom at slake, Thrilling up from each valley, flung down from end It height, Our country and liberty ! God for the right GRAND RALLY ON TIM. BATTLE-GROUND OF GERMANTOWN, FREEDOM! PROTEOTI(iN! - EQUAL RIGHTS! . - AND , I RR UNION: OF i'llE ST ATEFI ! A hints MEETING OF THE, PEOPLE. .I WILT. 105 ITE , .D 0,1 I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, IS6O, The Khl Anniversary of the glorious struggle for liberty at Gcrmantown. Let us remember tha decide of our Revolutionary Sires. led on by Washington, LM- layette, and Wayne, and show our appreciation of ih.litr I virtumi on the memorable field of their heroism, hll who desire to cecina THE ritgo,posr OF THE TERRITORIES! A BENEFICENT HOMESTEAD BILL I A HAI 1.10.1 t.. 1) TO I ` THE TAR .IT PACIF IC! A PRO'TEC t- nitwit AND HARBOR IMPIVOYEMENTS! liv insane of the trinmph of LlNuoidv , HAMLIN ' CURTIN ' AND DAVIS! Will assemble on the Battle Field. The meeting will Im called to order at ono o'clock. Seats will be provided for: 000 Ladies. }Ammon trains will be run during the day et rechined mien of faro. The Ron. JOHN WOOD, of T,lontgomery. will not as Chief Karelia!, to whom a.ll Wide-Awakes, Clubs. Count!' and TownelliP Delegations will repot; upon their on the grounds. Delegations intending Jo bring with them care, Wagons. ari.l riatfOITITII. WI tit insignia, gr' ape, or tableaux vivants, emblematio of the great Invincible truths of our esAise, will please report in ad vance to the Chief M make', and take the planes in the dty 1i,.. , 1it moo 65i011 that may be tangoed to them. A TORCHLIGHT PA,RADE AND A GRAND DIS PLAY OliF FIREWORKS Will take place in the 4 waning. The fallowing eminent speakers will positively be present and address the people: Hon. FRANK BLAIR, of Minn ? , Hon. FREDERICK P. bTANTON, formerly (Wren nesse° now of Kansas. Hon, TEN EYCK. of New Jersey. Don. TOM CoRWIN, of Ohio. Hon, HENRY WILSON, of Martraolineette. Hon. JOHN HICKMAN. of po anar k au i, llon. JAMEA IL CAMPBEL Delawaresylvania. 3. a. PRETTYMAN. Esq.., ol EDWARD 0 BRADFOrI 0, Eta., of Delaware. lion. W M. D. K }..LLEY, of Pennsylvania. lion. ANDREW 0 CIItyTIN, of Pennsylvania. won, E. .ioy stoß RIR of Pennsylvania. ROBERT L. MARTIN: }ea.. of Pennsylvania. lion. Wlt. PENNINGTON. of New Jersey. lion. Cone. ri. TRAIN, of Monsaehusetts. lion. JOHN CO VOD E. of Ponnarlynnia. Hon N. B SMITH EIV., of Deja,,,,,0. NV. PI a CKNF Y EWINO. Fed., of Maryland. Dr. WM. ELDER. of Pennsylvania. Eon. Wal. B. 'MANN. ot Pennsylvania. MORTON aIefiIICHAEL. Eea.. of Pennsylvania.. lion. lIE - iftY D. uiDORS. of, Pennsylvania. Dr. FRANK TAYLOR. of Pennsylvania. WILLIAM MORRIS DAVIS, of Pennsylvania. JOHN al, BROOMALL, of room Lama, Col. EVANS. of Maryland. „ledge MAltall ALL. of Maryland. MONTGOMERY BLAIR, of Maryland. ALEX. ai op LUR E, of Pennsylvania. i. EO. A. C. iFFEY, of Pennsylvania. Freemen of AmEriaa. muster in your mighty lIIMIR here. for the defence of your note rind the recoup t I your country I Come from Your Canna, your factories, your workshops, your mines! Como from your forge.. y o ur furnaces, your looms, and your offices! Come. o e of and ßepu bl ic all, and an Govern attest your devotion to the true prinolP 0 0 1 ,, ARISE! 1 E . TOILING MILLIONS! , And hurl from power the corrupt faction that now roles and disgraces your country Redeem the lend from the away of conspirators aid traitors. Bemires for yourselves, your children, wait your chil dren's ohi'dren the broad limits of the West, to era of therein now taros, in which tho MIMI/ rights of Fre e- dam and Rumonit!. shall forever in inviolate. PROCLAIM IN THUNDER TON nfi ! The land is the eitt of a tonnteous God. And to labor His word cononands, Yet millione of handl; want florae. And millions at d(3lolllvant hands. Reap it before the people, lie Ineorer claims Ins mood— The right of soil. and the right to toil, From spur and bridle freed. The right to bear, and the right to chair, With you and me. m brother, Whatever In Oven by (40,1 from Heaven, To one as wall as another. The soil lieu fallow, the lands grow rank. Yet Idle the poor can stands: Oh! millions of hands wont wares And nullieng ()crves want hande. Voters of the Fifth district, freemen of Philadelphia, Montgomerv,Oheeter,'Delaware, Berks. Elneks.ithinuyl kill, and Lehigh, keennylvenra. expects that every man this day will do his duty. Charles Henry Fisher, Colonel C. 0. Childs, (Merles Wistor,Germantown. John Wood, Charles Iredell. Mark H. Richards, Robert T. Pott,s, Lloyd Soiree, Alentgomery County. Dr. Frank Naylor, E. W. Capron, 11. H. Painter, Chester county. • YalWaltdr,Jonlitia Eyre, David Ralston. Jneob Per rell. De!aware county. Denm ß an 13annen, Levi arttiotemew. !Moss. • General tiVnl. li. Reim. Berko. • Levi Rutter, Cyrus Newlin iF tlowavißills.Wm g. m , Cogg,hall, Wm. OM • tater, General .Bmall,-r.dirard N. Hal °well', Fred. Einhart, mid nr,W. HAIIIIIIOII/190 Ohm behalf Or . 0011111:11%thO of AT tangomentg Coof Cam. , 4 m t u Ali i l , 9ox 705 i o , ; y r co WTNTY.POVR - 'Photo.' smiths for 8160, - - Al‘in Photographs for 31,0 r q 3 phr dn2en . Life-size rnntograpini in r t aslow at. 192; ixt or,ooto F 3 treet, above Oren]. /t• POLITICAL. WoutinotoLund County. LEGIALLTURI FOR RI:CORDER or DEED?. GEORGE W. WUNDER. FOIL CORONER. ANDREW LOWRY ee6•tC GovEnzion. I=!! 31 ECOE DM 07 DEEDS, ALFRED C. HARDIER PHILIP S. WHITE GEORGE 11. MOORE Cor.otiEr, , ANTHONY CONRAD MPNATF- - FIRST .OffintlrT JEREIVITAII NTC1101.!1 MONDAY, OPTORER 1, VW CAVALRY 1113ADQVARTERW COME ONE! COME ALL! GEO. W. HACKER, Aid RETAIL DRY GOODS CLOSING OUT SALES L. 3. LEVY & CO- O N MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, We will olfer 20 oases NE W FALL GOODS, Part of the orders for this soason's ales, whioh have been handed over to no to close out, at less than the cost of Importation. Embraced in the assortment which is now offered to the public will be found ft variety of NEW FABRICS, SATIN DE CHINES, PLAID VALENOIAS, SAXONY WOOL PLAIDS, SUPERIOR IRISH POPLINS, Plain and Plaids, SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS, And a full and complete assortment of STAPLE GOODS. The Whole stook will ho offered at Ton low Priam FOIL CASK. L. J. LEVY ea Co,. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. 001-tf GRAND OPENING. CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, AND FURS, -PARIS lIIANTILLA. CLOAK, AND FUR Elll For 708 CHESTNUT 6TREET J. W. PROCTOR & CO. bog to announce to the Le' dies of Philadelphia and vicinity that they are now daily opening NE IV STYLES AND NEW ITATERTALS FOR FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. ARABS, SACQUES, BASQUES, .s't. They also respectfully invite attention to their PUB DEPARTMENT, which, since last season, they have considerably extended, and are LOW prepared to OX hitnt a sumptuous collection of FURS OF ALL NATIONS, Including Real Russian Sable, Fine Dark Hudson Bay Sable, Russian and American hfink Sable, Royal Er mine, Chinchilla, Fine Dark Siberian Squirrel, &0., Re., Re., Re.—made up expressly for beat City trade, of warranted well-seasoned skins, into all the prevail ing styles of CLOAKS, MANTILLAS. CAPES HALF-CAPES, MUFFS, CUFFS, 4c. J. W. PROCTOR in CO., THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EM PORIUM, ool•4t 708 CHESTNUT STREET. FIRST OPENING- PARIS CLOAKS. EMBRACING ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 1. THOS. W. EVANS & CO., SIS and titlO CILESTNUT Street. ce29-3t 'REAL IRISH POP.LINS. THOS. W. EVANS 6.1 CO. RAVE JUST RECEIVED g enaee of REAL IRISH POPLINS. of the colobratra MANUFACTURE OF PIM. BROS. & Co.. DUBLIN. SDI AND 820 DNESTNTIT EITRF,ET, eat tf EYRE AND.LANDELL, EYRE AND LANDELL, EYRE AND LANDELL, EYRE AND T A ,ANDELL, EYRE AND LANDELL. FOURTH AND ARCM FOURTH AND ARCH, FOURTH AND ARCH. Foußni. AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCM OPENING OF SlTatt-3 I'o It FALL 1860. NOVELTIES IN SILKS. NOVELTIES IN SILKS. NOVELTIES IN SILKS. NOVELTIES IN SR AWLS. NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS. NOVELTIES IN SHAWLS. NOVELTIES IN POPLINS. NOVELTIES IN POPLINS. NOVELTIES IN POPLINS. . NOVELTIES IN DE LAINES NOVELTIES IN DE LAINES NOVELTIES IN DE LAINES NOVELTIES IN MERINOES. NOVELTIES IN MERINOES. NOVELTIES IN MERINOES. sol 9 4m UNDER4IONED HAVE NOW IN 31- StOTO their Fall Importation of ZEPHYR WC)R's..3TE.D. Etrnbraoing all the new ant choice colors of the season• lir all. the finest stock and assortment ever °tiered to the ladles of Philadelphia, and. az heretofore, the whole tract the celebrated manufseturers. HERTZ k WEGENER, IN BERLIN, Now no favorably known to the ladies of this city, and . w hich we have had the pleasure of introducing. As we are desirous to give to cur customers eve:, advantage possible, and having facilities for so dome second to none in our line of business, we have concluded, for the future, to SELL FULL, HEAVY WEIGHT, iVithont advancing the price per oun:e. Our easte rners will, therefore, enjoy the advantage of having their Worsted WEIGHED AT THE COUNTER, The only real preventive of fraud. CHINCHILLA REDUCED TO 20 CENTS. We would also call attention to our clock of EM BROIDER lE'S. in Worsted and Chenille. EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS. ErdBROIDERED SOFA CUSHIONS. BILKS OF Aid. KINDS FOR WORKING. ORNI KNITTING BALLS FLU FED EMBROIDERIES. NhW-STYLE GIMP TRIMMINGS. GILT 21IINIMINGS AND GILT BELTINGS. DRESS GARNITURES. WOOLLEN YARNS, ALI, SIZES. RAPSON 'S TRIMMINGS AND ZEPHYR STORE, CORNER EIGHTH AND CHERRY. coil 2w 1860.- ..E J M&- if LANDELL, FOURTH SECOND OPENING AUTUMN COODS, TYCOON 3AP ESE; SILKS ROYAL BROCADE SILKS. SOLEERiN O ON BLACK GROUNDS. _THOR; ST SILKS IMPORTED. 130LEERINO AND BLACK POPLINS. k voLD AND BLACK FIGURP.D POPLINS. AUTUMN 13h AWLS. Second Opening. opENING OP CLOAKS TO-DAY. M.MICAN. AB ANIA, ARAII3, ho, CLOAKING CLOTHS, CASSTMERES, njtonpcLornis, VESTINGS, &C. Hoye Cassimeree, good patterns. 75 eta, Potinote and Union Cashmeres, NI to ?Clots, Fanny Cassimeree, from 76 to 81.70. Fine 'Bank Cassimers and Doeskins. BLACK BROADCLOTHS. For Dress Coate, Frock Coats, Overcoats, &e. Heavy Overooati nes. Beaver. Pilot. Tiicot,&c, LIGHT CLOAKINGS.• For Ladies' wear, of every desirable shade. Fine quality and low price, by the yard or ewe. It B.—Tailors supplied at lowest net cash prices. COOPER & OONARD. eel 2 Southeast con NINTH and MARKET, WALL OPENING.—Our alterations be tug completed, we have now arranged for sale a fine assortment of FALL (.00PS PROM NEW YORK AUCTIONS, whirls, for quality and prior, rennet bo surpassed in the ruts Velour Ottomans, all alpine, from 60 ciente to :91.76 per yard. French Mertnoes, including some rich browns. Printed Merinoes. magnificent style a. Satin a Eloie ; Poplins; Dinorahs, all wool Plaids, &0., 6;c„ Re. 250 suttee Puma° Detainee—lB"-4 cants. Ono eased 4 double purple Calicora-124 oents. JOUVIN'S AND BAJOU'S GLOVES, mat icceicedl A splendid assortment of HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING GOODS. We hove resolved to ee/l gon ate LESS PROFIT TH gs AN EVER BE PORE! And hereafter will h N ave OE f iat We invite citizens and strangers to call and examine our stook before looking_ else CILARLES ADAMS & SON. sole-wolf EfORTiI and AR= Ste. XTENSIVE IAIPROVESIENTS! THORNLEY & CIIISAI, N. K. Corner EIGHTH & SPRING GARDE"' Sts„ Having onlaed their Store. and INCREASED THEIR STOCK, Now offer for inspeetfon t)Ni. OF TIM BEST STOCKS OP GOODM In their line in Philadelphia. BOUGHT FOR CASH EXCLUSIVELY. And will he sold rosin. vb.), Y CHEAP! Special attention invited to Bilks and Omen (loot's, Shawls and Cloak& Cloths and calsimeren. Jalankete and Fiannela Linen Goode and'Alusltne, AI are 011ie,. and other Quilts Rosierv, Gloves, fra. All (tootle marked at the lowest price. loin "IfilAbb OLOAKS IN I'IMPARATION. going opening OVOI7 day, Stook will be complete. Orders taken and executed with despatoli. Fall and Winter dhaorle. Claldran'a and riflemen' Shawla. COOPER A. CONARD, sel2 Southeast °or. Pilfall and MAR UT, fIitiCKET FLANNELS. „luta received, Ntiverinr white. .B}IARIMASS tlitOTlatal ItlARk..LlLbz; liROTIIEItS jp,ve sivone l d a f t; inf i f i dat;l d l i al tilv... 11=treOrdert Ptygohna?..anit Think fanay eau. RIOII b.l0 7 VSSELINEs t Cotoisfuew.deiigns, e Neat satytes Frisaly pottarmsaf TUNI A ,tlyedie Castitnei:es, gt.tned. Broil o:Ain Igo, and at puok'ivntor strl4 d iuzoidi s o c i t i var i a to, „go.E B f CITE, I3- rsi ant{ aril Street+ NEW PUBLICATIONS. A LIBRARY FOR THE MILLION. -`--"` That syhtoli usually makes the difference between what is termed the higher and lower classes is KNOW LEDOZ—the Want of which makes the one a digger of ditches, living in poverty, 'while the possession of it renders the life of the other comparatively easy, and surrounds him with numerous comforts anatomies. The seoret of ¢ring tiNoWthrion is to solve every Question or difficulty AS IT ,A nines hi the mind. To do thin the best mode is to have all that learned men know on every subject, written clown and alphabetically ar ranged. That mode is now offered to the young mon of Philadelphia, in APPLETONS' NEW CYCLOPEDIA, which presents a panoramic view of all human know ledge. To bring this nontE wens. within the reach of CALL, Subsoribers (who prefer this mode) 'me regularly sup plied with the volumes on agreeing to paY _ MONTHLY or 25 °EMT wargr.r. Address the Agent, who will wait upon you, or eall at the office, '3'3 South SIXTH Street. JOHN McFARLAN, • Agent for Pennsylvania and Delaware. Agent also for Putnam'a new issue, of Washington Irving's Works, in Month's Volumes. 001-mw&s3t THE HOUSEHOLD OF BOUVERIE 3 OR, THE ELIXIR OF GOLD, BY A SOUTHERN LADY. Two handsome 12nlo vole. Price &2. DERBY 42 JACKSON, It 498 BROADWAY, N.Y. T HE BEAUTIFUL CITY AND THE ICING OF GLORY, BY THE NON. WOODBURY DAVIS, (Of Portland, Maine.) In one volume, 12in LINDSAY cents. Published this day by & BbAICHLION, Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers, 25 South SIXTH Street. .1 Chestnut. RECENTLY PUBLISHED. KURTZ'S TEXT ROOK OP CIIIIRCH HISTORY. KURTZ'S MANUAL OF SACRED HISTORY—tho seventh edition. BAIN D'S ELOHIM REVEALED . in ;the Creation and Reilemptirn of Man. KURTZ's HISTORY OF THE OLD COVENANT. 3 VOW BARNES' WAY OF HA INATIOF. I vol. Do. ON THE ATONPIMENT. 1 vol. Do. PRACTCAL SERMONS.' 1 vol. NEW BOOKS. All the New Books of the day received as soon no pub iahed, and sold at retail at IrHoLEsALE PRICES. ONDSAi & BLAMBTON, .05 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. ANNA CORA RITCHIE SAYS OF THE "Household of Bouverie;" "The masterly manner in which all the tangled 'shreds are unwound—all the mysteries rationally accounted for —all the improbabilities proved possibilities I,vi ren dered rerairms to the render, disarms critic:dem, and leaver only amazement at the brilliancy nud fertility of the nut,or's conception, anti admiration for her powers of execution." It HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL. SIXTEEN PAGES HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL FIFTY COLUMNS. THREE CENTS WEEKLY. FIFTY COLUMNS *7 - Pronounced the Cheapest and hest Periodical of the day. THE BEST WRITERS WHICH MONEY CAN COM- MAND. THE BEST AND MOST ELEGANT LITERATURE THE BEST ratiztlC. BY THE BEG r COMPOSERS. THE BEST WIT AND HUMOR. THE BEST PUZZLES AND CUSS PROBLEMS. THE BEST GARVENING AND HORTICULTURE. THE DEBT RECIPES FOR THE HOUSE AFD WORKSHOP. TILE BEST LESSONS IN BERMAN AND FRENCH TIIE BEST BIORRAPHICAL SKETCHES. THE BEST HISTORY AND TRAVEL. THE BEST SCIENTIFIC AND ARTISTIC NOTES THE Bk ST POETRY. THE BEST TALES OF PACT AND TICTION. THE BEST ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. THE BEST MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC cßur clsms. THE FINE ARTS, NEW INVENTIONS, LEADERS CIIRRENI"I:OPICS, EVERY WEEK.-ktiT, FOR THREE CENTS 117•Tha trade supplied by ROSS k 'NOSEY, and OEXTE & COM P.ANY, or any of the wholmale now pageant in Now York. Publishers, A. HARTIEIL & CO., 20 North WIT,- IJIAM. Meet, near Chatham. New Yoe:. Order the brat number from sour News Agent, or acrid a Three Cent Stamp to the publishers f.r it. Subset iption price St MO a year, paid in advance. se/12831 3t HARRIET E. PRESCOTT. AUTHOR OF Sir Rohno'n Ghent," nem • •• The' Household of Mummy' in tinltke anything that I ever read. It hn'i the great merit of moutons ourtooitY and seeping it Mott from the fast to thelant tine. The plot re stalfully conduoted, and there In an parnestueas to the prle that is charming, whorl pot beside the 1111 , pent, teuilleton like air of many °thorn," It GO. EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE, . No. 439 CHESTNUT Street, BUY YOUR BOOKS AT EVANS'. All Books are sold as cheap as at any other store, and yen have the advantage Of receiving a handsome Gitt worth from Fifty Cents to One Hundred Dollars with each Book, N B' 1 01{8. ADVENTURER OF J. C. A DAMP., Mountaineer and Orindl. Bear Hunter of California. One vol. 12m0., with en gravings. Vii" 51.25 JACK 11X TILE FORECASTLE; or Inei dents in the Early Life of Hawser Mar- Sneak.. One col 12m0., with engyaringa.Prioe 57.25 LIFE AND LETTERS OF 115111.1 JUDSON, ( Fanny e' 13y A. U. Ifendrink. 1 vol. 12m0.. with it Portrait. Prins .7 1.25 EVER E vr's LIFE OF WASHINGTON. One vol. MM.. with r, Portrait. Pasco Lod MARY DUN )(AN. the Dreamer's Blind Daughter. By the author of " Grace Truman." '1 vol. 12m0,, illustrated. Pyle° 8,1 00 THE EBONY IDOL. By a Southern Lady.Prioo 5100 A WIFE'S TRIALS. I vol. 12mo. Price 81 00 A MOTHER'S TRIALS. 12mo. Price et) NI CAMILLE. Br Aloxander Darnaii. Price 81 25 NEM.EBIB, ht the author of Alone. Price : 4 1.2.5 THH tINNY SOUTH. By Ingraham. Price ,§1.25 RoßgaT HOUDIN. the I!,nsician. Price 81 00 THE HOUSEHOLD OF BOUVRIE% Prim) .5:100 ALL THE NEW BOOKS AR SOON AS !SSG KB at the Publishers' Regular Retail Price, and a handsome Present with each Book, Call In, and one trial will assure rou that the best plate in the city where you shouldpurtihase Boo , " is 0 0. EVANS' GIFT ROOK ESTABLISHMENT. N 0.4 39 CHESTNUT Street. se29-3t Two doors oelow FIFTH, on the upper side. Al ARLON HARLAND, AUTHOR (..F 132- "Atone" and " Nemesis," sere a piece of tmaginative writing. I have seen no thing to equal it since the days of Edgar A. Poe and I doubt whether he could hove sustained himself and reader through is bone of half the size of the,' Household of Bouverie.' I Arns Merlin, hurried through it by any intents Si tomtits, tor devouring curtosits —it was more than interest. I read eve rs where, between the courses of the hotel table, on the boat, in the care, until I hod swallowed the last line.' 11 J.V.I.eHLROVS PIIILADELPRIA CITY DIRECTORY. IE4I. will bo issued about the Ist of January. 15.31, and will be earetully compiled, under the personal superirtendenee of the subscriber, and will contain the anneal onangon of firms, So., as hereto fore All business and professional men. housekeepers, and other., desirous of having their names and loca tions correctly stated, will please pit o rattier informa tion to the canvassers. A card, with name or naines. Ac., loft at private dwellings, could be handed to the canvassers by the attendants, rind thus MY errors i t o avoided. Subsoription price 82 LC, and unman of sub scribers inserted In capitals. '1 lie one-sees will emu. moues nest week. A. Mclnl.lloY, Compiler, sette-dittit 33 Southl3l.XTil street, fld floor. NEW BOOKS -FOR SALE BY SAMUEL HA ZARIL.In., 724 CHESTNUT Street. EVERETT'S LIFE OF WASbili(47oll. One vol., 17nio. cloth. SI. The only relialki end popular Lile of Washington published. TRH oh/wadi/3 OF THE ALPS, being a narrativo of Exoursions and Ascents. and the Origin and Pheno mena of Glaciers. By John Tyndall. F. 11. S. With Il lustrations. One volumo, l7mo, et a). PART NINE of TOM BRO TransT OX FORD. THE ODES or HORACE.tated into kmgligh Verne, with a Life and Notes by Theodora Mustm. Blue and gold. 73 conte. lIE HOUSEHOLD OF BOUVERIE ; or. The Elixir of Gold. A Romance by a Southern Lady. 2 volumes. S. LOUIE'S LAST TERM AT ST. MARY'S. k tha principal events of whiehoomirred at St. Mary's College, Burlington. One volume. SI. LIFE AND LETTERS OF EMILY C. JUDSON, with Portrait. By A. C. Kendrick. One volume. al. CHE OREATNE :8 AND DECLINE OF i`ESAR BIROTTRAU, from the French in Honor° Do Balgm. Said, by Din ens and Thaeke ray, to be the best novel of the age. One volume. I. THE COLLOQUIES OF EDWARD OSBORNE., and THE OLD oat LSEA BUN ROL'S b. By the author of Mary Powell. WILBERFORCE'S MANUAL FOR COMM.UNI CAN Pt , . ELEAIINTPS VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. Sy Krouth. n, 3t R OOK BUYERS.—Gentlemen: I have taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 419 CHESTNUT Street, whore I will continue to buy and sell (as I have heretofore done at the Custom house Avenuo Book- and) old and new Law and Ma oellaneous Books. I have for sale upwards of 100 old bleak-letter Books printed prior to the year MO. Also, a copy of Erasmus on the New Testament, 2 vols., tto, printed in MS. Price $3O. I will also deal in Ensravinge and Autographs. Persons at a distance wishing to sell Boas t will describe their name, dates, morn, Matinee, oonditions. and moos. Pamphlet Laws 01 Pennsyl vania, and old Books uron Arnerina wanted. JOHN CAMPBELL. MoILENRYS BOOK ROOMS, N." 406 WALNUT STREET. I'EILADELPH/A STANDARD SUBSERIPTfON WORKS. (el 3 lm` A ZUMEA ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA AZUMEA! AZUMA! AZUMA! AZUMA! PROF. ➢IORRIS' AZUMEA BAKINO POWDER Manufaotured solely at No. 62 North FOURTH Street. and for sale by Grooere generally. nal2.Bmtf WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE OIIvER AND VVI.NE VINEGAR, Groan Ginger, Mu&tired Seed, Spices, & n. All the requisiten for reasoning and Tinkling rmei)or , as ALBERT CI ROBERTS. 1113 ALER IN FINE GROCERIES.. Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Stream DARKLING AND STILL CATAWBA NifitIVACTVIIIIII nY E FT F., TA B Y Oi aciminti, Ohio. 41Wats on lamb and in lots to mut purehat,Nx. br CHARLES F. TAGGART. Sole Agent, No. 631 AI ARK.F.T Street R . ! SHOEMAKER as Co.. CIASS. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES Ilmitteaqt Cramer FOVRTH AND RACE MmHg. itrll9-61n. _ . roe *impato, POI Alkitlat Sr., 4/o's iss,l,* ET 14,4,1LL0R & CO.. GAO CONNEAUT, Street. le7-t7 , ,BUTtEtit 1-C FUSE No. 3.12 • 801.rji SIXTH Street, , • .. :. ' Orponlte Inderetolance tqure. .. Cie/taunted on - the Xuropeon nlnn,- • l'Atemasible nt nll hours. ie93•Bm ' A., B. Mt 1ck114F.1., Proprietor. SVANTg. TANTFD—A respectable gentleman, to °collo , furnialled to Front Room at, a cleemmt room, in a private family. Unexception able reference toquired. Address KARP, Dlood'a Dm patch. It' WANTED—A Situation, by a young man who hss trui four years exPertOnce in a first-class retell house on Chestnut street, and eau bring unexceptioneSM references , . Address " Indus try," at this office. oel•St' WANTED—By a first-class old esta blizbed Life Neurone° Company of Now York; tin Agent to represent the Company in this Pity. He must be an active, energetic, and persevering person in good standing, and qualified to do the brisinese of Life insurance. Addresto with reference, Box as7.l. New York Post Wine. see 01 FOR SALE AND TO LET. A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE MONLY.—Ten States of a very valuable Patent Risht can be bought for e 3 0. Address, Immediately, Useful_'Preis office. it" AL LEr—The large three•story Store, No, 206 CHURCH Alley, suitable for Commie mon or any, other mercantile hotlines& Possession given immediately. Rent 8600 tax hundred dollars) per annum. Apply to Wit. R. HYATT. norilieut corner of t4ECOND end RACE. ml-21-frtivr6t rilBE SUBSCRIBER HOLDS FOR SALE a handsome country residence, situuted on an cmi nonce one , tourth of a mile abnce the terminus of the Philadelphia and Darby Railroad. 12 acres of superior land, bounded by Darby creek ; well watered by never (sling springs ; house spacious, containing all modern improvements; water through the house. bath-, oom, dumbwaiter, ke. Also, a large green house, furnished, with fine foreigu grapes, ice house, spring house, stabling. &c. Handsome grounds around, abounding in fruit and fano , shade trees. For health and beauty, cannot ha surpassed, settti.6l° JOHN B. BARTRAM JoR EXOIIANGE.-A CHOICE TRACT of good unimproven farmland in the State of New Jersey, convenient to the city. tall! be exehanged for city woperty. Apply at No. LIB FEDERAL Street. ae.U-tf re, MONTGOMERY COUNTY 'FARMS - .A. AT PUBLIC AND PRIVATE BALE —R. R. CURSON, Real Fstato Broker, at Norristown, Penn bylvanin, will offer at public sale seveeal valuable FARMS during the months of October and November. Catalogue.. with full dezeriptions, sent bi mail to par ties wishing information. Handsome properties. varying from twenty to fifty acres. within 234 miles of Norristown, for sale. FARM of 50 sores. 1,4 miles from the borough, with a fine, large cottage. water and fruit, and fine location. F ARM of 20 acres, beautifully located. with now cottage and out-building, only 2 miles from the borough, will be sold a bargain. FARM of 78 acres, 11; miles from Court-house, Games of woodland, l 5 acres of meadow land, and stream of running water passes through ; house is 2 stories, in fair oondition, and one of the largest and best barns In the township; will he sold a bargain, us the owner is going to Europe. Terms will be easy. Them i 9 . 0 tenant house and barn on this property. Persons wishing to purchase will call on or eddre9e sae-mother R. R. CORSON, Norristown, Pa. 311E030 - URI LAND r 300,000 Abres for Sale, at prices ranging from 19H to to ror Acre, in anyquantaies regutrod. TAXES paid, and PATENTS proctirod for purcha se re of Land under the Graduation dot. Plats furnished gratts by enclosing a postage stamp For furtl;er Information apPlto WILSON, RAWLINGS & CO., • U. 3. and General-Lend Agents, be CHESTNUT Street, lirtween THIRD and FOURTH BT. LOUIS, :do. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. 172-9 m BOARDING. BOARDING, with communicating rooms, exclusive use of bath. with parlor. and private table if desired. 1521. WALNUT Street. 1218 WALNUT STREET.—A few se. loot boarders accommodated on untamable tonne. Beoond and third etory, sin& and oommuni canna rooms. 6t* EDUCATIONAL. PRIVATE TUITION.—A Recent Gradu ate of Harvard College, alassaelinsetre, now per suinyi hut professional studies, wishes to take one or two Pupils to prepare for College, or to Ins:root in English Stu thee. References : James Walker, D D.. and C. C. Felton, LL.O., Cambridge. Haag.; Wm. IL Furness, D.D., and Charles Short, Fass.. Pluladelphin,. Address, E. F.." Box CO Post Office, 0e1.6t rrillOlIAS BALDWIN'S ENGLISH, MA -a- THRMATICA . and CLASSICAL SCHOOL, for Boys. N. H. corner of BROAD and ARCH, Will re-open September 3. LEGAL. 11--,E .TESTAMENTARY UPON the Estate of AMY DIXON, late of Bridgton, New Jersey, but formerly of fhilidolphia, Pennsylva nia, widow, having been granted to the undersigned, nil persvna indebted to the rani Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same, wttnout delay, to JAMES MAGEE, Executor Po. 403 WALNUT Street, Or SARAH WESTCOTT,Exceutrix, TNERSIIIP NOTICES rrSOLLITION.— The firm of E. A. xtua,By & co. is this doy dissolved by mutual consont, t y tro withdrawal of WM. S. KAR L. The bwaness will be (weal - mei - I by E. A. KELLEY and ISAAC VAN UPEITBF,N, unde E. r thAo sameL.E narneand 00 10. . RE L.Y. 'NAM; VAN DELTSF_If. WAL S. EARL. Philadelphia, October 1. 19i10. U.* _ . SALES BY AUCTION. ••ar 100 CARRIAGES AT All kynoN TIHRTIETti TRADE SALE AT PHI- L A l'HlA.—Tht.s sale will take place on WED-. NBIBDAY MORNING. October 3. at 10 o'clock, at the BAZAAR, NINTH and saNsom :Meets, and will not be p mooned on account of the weather. The collec tion will toihrace over one hundred light Carriages, made by makes of the highest reputation in this city and vicinity. 'l.ll , The llarringes may he examined two days pre vious toslle, A I.PREiy Al. HERK.N.ESS, se '8 51. if Auctioneer. NEW YORK AUCTION SALL'. BL N ARD & HUTTON Will make a Spacial Pala of ilia ENTIRE BALANCI, of than' Importation for thlesearon, rneluihrt UPI Ni' MEM NO CLOTHS, CACI' ERE D'ECOPE, BOMBAZINES, AND MO ITSPELINF, .4]N ES. SILKS, DRESS GOODS, SRAM LS, Anil their magnificent stock of STEINBACH'. KOECIII.IN'S, AND SET BOUX 81E.E1:1C3 PRINTED MOVSSELINE 1E LAINES AND ME R N OES. FRENCH CHINTZ PNINTII., Sr.. &r, ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, October 1 and 'a, AT THEIR OW II STORE, 111 DUANE STREET YVAirl'artioelare hereafter. NEw Yonic, Sept. P.T, 18N INSURANCE COMPANIES. TN SUTRANCE 00 MP ANY OF THE -IL STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE Nos. 4 AND A EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartered in 1791—Capital 0)0,1)00—Feb. 1, 1190, cash value. $4.19,792 77. All invested in sound and available secants's—con tinue to insure on Vensela and Carsuan. Buildings, Sleeks of Merchandise, &a.. On liberal terms. 11l RECTORS. Henry 1). Shernril, I.leorgA 11. Stuart, Simeon Toby, s'amuol Great, Jr., Charles Maealester, Tobias Wagner. 6..iinth, Thames B Walton, John B. Build. Henry G. Freeman, William R. White. Charles S. Lewis. George C. Carroll. HENRI 1). SHERRI.RD, President. WILLIAM HARPER. Secretar.i. fee-v. -10C FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. NOORTORATED APRIL, ISM, BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND MISKB.I DIRI:CTORR. Samuel Wrixlit. D. B. Birnoy, Wm, W. Walters, J. W. Evetirnn, Chas. Binhareetin, Henry Lewis, Jr., Geo. A. West, Jacob W. Stout,, 0. Wilson Davis, Monk° Stein. Thor. S. Martin I; FORGE W. DAY. President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice Free% WM! DOTS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. ball.-ift THEIIIIITUAL LIFE It'SURANCE COM PANY OF NEW YORK. Amte : SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, t?IIMMZ4=M=I 'WORTH - 01/ ER :313 C 410.000 The premiums aro LOT MR than in many other Comma Ines, and the Po:Mende have been nanAml. Thin is a ntriottr nereAr. Ooravarv. There are no Stookholdere, no that ALL NO: PROFITS lIILLON.I TO TILF: MEL:MILD. reMehletz, and every information, may be had altelTil, on application to I'. RATCHFORD STARR. Agent, S. W. corner 1 7 0 URTH and 'WALNUT Straeta. PHILAHELPHTA REFERFNCES: Thornne Robfrus, John Weigh, Mordeoni L. Hamm,. George H. Stuart, George M. Strom}, F. A. Whe en, John B. Ahern, J. ruiner Learning, Joseph Patterson, William C, Ludwig, John ht. Atwood, Arthur G Coffin, Tharnme H. Powell, George W, Tolend, William Moline, Thos. Watraon. SAVING a UNDS. §aßti. 11'4 G GARDEN SA VIN G FUND, K... 1 Office, 3:11. North THIRD Street, between Vine and Callowhill. Incorporated b 7 the Lesinfature April 14th, 1331. Open Mr Deposits and Paynienrq. diijy. f rom 9to Sid o'clock. Also, on MONDA.I. and THURSDAY EVENINGS, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Interest 6 per cent. por annum. Persiters Can with draw their Moneys by Checks, if d3strod. BDeoral De emits received, JAMES I!. President t Fa attc;v Rant. 6.,nrnts.vr. stll-trif SAVINGFUND—UNITED STATES ti TRUST COIIII'ANY, corner THIRD and COLF:37I NUT Strout. Large and 'mall sums received : and naid bank ol do mend without notloo, with FIVE l'Eff CENT. 11 , t 21.1 REST front the day or deport to the day of with drawal. Mien hour.. from 9 until ti °Wank every day, and ea MONDAY E V,e.NINOS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for salu on England, Ireland, nd lcotLwd, from .£1 upwardo. Preeidant—STEFFlEN R. CRAWFORit, Trowuror—JAMES R. HUNTER. PLINY FISK, Actuary. WO THE VIRTUOSO.—A collection of Rare Silver Medals and Crone for sale, about ono thousand in number, comprising a series of Lutheran, Napoleonic, and Louis Philippe medals; rare antique Carman, Dutch. English. French, American, itc., mo dals; a Subscribers sot of the Media midair, in case; very rare Enelith and Inman coins. be. The above, now offered for sale, entire, were the colleetion of Mr. John Allen. a well-known Numminatologist of New York, and comprise the gatherings of over slaty years,As an unique addition of interest to a public, institution or private cabinet, such an opportunity to seldom offered, as it sa believed to he the finest collection an this continent. Address, for terms, hr. , GEOntit; ROGERS, 441 PEARL Et., Now York City. so7B St J-1 ALEXANtIER BE WO: LOWSKI, PIANIST. COAIPOSER, and VOCAL -IST, mamma he friends and tho public that he has eommenced, hie course of instruction on the Piano, and in tug nig' Is Philadelphia. BY Irione. Wbicwehe e me thou, a persoil i hacing a slight snexcledge.of mum wall to read it with grant . Mathis end Tai;to'peerearolteold classical numbs Sri th Sete; nd'bril bailey% to the Vocal part, by his may of coillzetion he, orrives at met extraordinary reknit:, rem Mr a the voice powerful :is well as Ilectible.and the singer is eras bled to VoboZet the most difficult passages wilh code. areee."fa'ciiiti. and perfeetion of tone hlottlyVh loil`ski has already proved, by his numerous p.insi s.last unaum. what'could be done by hisnew mode or trim tion, which has made the greatest seiestion 11l rope. Those who Wish to aVIL,I themselves ottly e raus od eeoulda at once, at his residenood4o 7214.1/1 Street. between lb and A, Ma every dui, PP y excepted, • 1011•0 AII2VSEMENTR. CONCERT ITALL. TRIUMPH! THIS EVENING. at S. AND EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEER. PROFESSOR ANDERSON IN HIS ENCHANTED PSYOROMANTEOM. SECOND 'WEEK OP PROFEI3BOR ANDERSON. Of the au snonessful and triumphant] popu lar, brilliant. r rand and extraordinadrama fit MlSillet A NIGHT IN WONDER WORLD • On. MAGIC, MYSTERY, AND MIRTE, A comedy o' oi nunuous excitement. endorsed by the elusions of Philadelphia, to the crowded bowies of 4tit Week of •lio GREA PEST SIGHT IN THIS GREAT CITY; PROFESSOR D IM E ,ANRON. GREAT WlZAlcil OF NORTH, COSMOPOLITAN MONARCH OF MAGICIAN& Miss Anderson. Pianists sßeto- Rby miniseent Orthogra plaint t and Clorvoyante. Masa.F_ol Miss ElizA Anderson The Fairy Chnntelme. Mr. J. H. Anderson. ra : :Aid-de-cattheW. —..• .•••Attendant Ariel. np to Wizard. Deere open every evening at 7 o'clock. Commenoe at 8 o'clock. / . {D 1E _Ili: ody of tho Hall.--. eenta alcony BGrand Illuminated iiraieie—x—t Frt-tu—r—da.;;al4ts3."l"' Michaele admitted to the Matinee at bait tame, w 001-61 WHEATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. TOM TAYLOR'S • ELECTION! , TOM TAYLOR'S "ELECTION TOM TAYLOR'S "ELECTION!" TOM TAYLOR's "ELECTION! , TO NIGHT, AND EVERY NIGHT! To conclude with the new Local Oddity entitled the PRINCE OF WALES PRINCE OF WALES ARRIVED. Seats ybe r °cured for any night daring the weak. Seventh tirend Matinee Saturday next. - WALNUT -STREET TT E A TRE. • Sole Lessee ---Mrs. M. A. OAHHST3OI4, Stare Manager —Mr. WM. A. CHAP AN. Dimness Agent— .__ —Mr. JOB,D. MU. JAY. (MOYDAY) EVENING, THE BONDMAN. The Marquis Di Smells, Mr. P. Richirgs ; Med. Olga Comma, Mite C. Itmlurkgs. To conclude wall LOVE IN Doors OVEILI et a quarter to 7 o'oloalc ; perform...noes commence at 73..1' o'clock, Prices of Aannsamn: Drees Circle. (Seats secured without extra charge,) SO cents; Parluet, (Seats rA . - cured at SO cerus, )) s7.4 cents; Second Tier and tram' Circle And Third Tier, 25oento ; Prlvato liglea, 95 an e 3; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Ilexes, 75 o. CONTINENTAL Mato National.) WAT.NIJT &resit, alswe lliehts MONDAY IyENIPIG. Ooti.ber 1. 1 3u0. -lad every ' , wising during the 'Week. CARN Ofts AND SHARP LEV'S MIN , ' 1 R&LG ANTI 11URLEEQUE OPERA TROUPE. FRANK BnOWE FRANK MORAN. J. L. CARNO9E, and SA VO M SRARPLEY All appear nightlr. •/ he greatest amount of talent and the moat talszted performers now in the businem See them. A MUNI. NIGH. v. Eee daily hills for Tartu:Wore. Doom open at 7; Goo - mono. at 7%. Tioketa 2Noenta. A _ tcDONOUGH'S NEW GAIETIES-- A- RACE Otreat, above Second. IBOINDAY EVENING. October 1, LAST WEEK OF TILE MIA RTINETTI AND RAVEL T.tio UPE. Firet night of the new and magnificent Pantomime. entitled the RED GNOME. Mies LINA WIND EL in a new and bean tifel Dance. etoniching feats on the Tight Hoge, by Andre Loh man and heave. Now Divernsement of " La ir,'te Dansante," intro dame Paul Brilliant and Line 14 - indel. NOTlOE.—Jtonday Evening. Octeber 8.103, fiTEI , ap pearance of Er. J. E. aioDO:kOU6.ll, aaaisted by a powerful reonat , o Compnny. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TNE GRAND ITALIAN OPERA. The Directore of the ACADEMY OF MEMO, NEW YORK, respeo ifully announce that they will g ive a brief Season of ITALIAN OPERA, Commencing about Monday, (hitcher IS. In the coarse of which the Directors propose to give the following operas: ROB Carr LE DIABLE, by ... ...hIEYERBEER. MARTHA. b .—. PURITANI.y— br LIZB VFPitEB VERN. pi ammo° ( first time in Philadelphi emir --..VP,RD.t. MOSE IN E 0 Ira), .. The last-named Opera, recognized 53 the chef Woe tee of the great Composer, being performea, ler the first time, in Philadelphia. In the above Representesions, the following eminent Arti MISS will epee or. viz t MISS ADELINA PATTI. hID'ME COLSON, AND MADAME INEZ FABRI, (Her first appearance in Philederial i. SIGNORI BRIGoOLI, STIGELLI. Ck!, ER Alia, BBINORI FERRI, h. BA_RILI, AND HERR CARL FORMES. (Bin first appearance inme hie return front Enrope.) Conductors: MAX MARETZEK. Signor MUM, and MAU RILIE STRAKOSCH The Directors intend to render this the most Operaiic Scum ever given in Philadelphia. Full particulars in future announcements. It A MERIOAN AOADEMY OF MIISIO.- -i—m- Tho gentlemen forming the committee for the Operatic, entertainment to be green on the lath of Otto he. are requested to call at the h_csdeniy on either TuLUDAY or W UNEODAY, October 2di and 3d, IV tween the. iv.o re of lo A ➢I. and IS P. M., to reciette the tmuets , or tae neate Metribnted on Entarday, tot, eortember. Alt the aeate that were reeerved hr the commit!" Which are not celled for by 5 P. ➢I. of Wednesday, Oct. 3A, will ba (Imposed of et the Ilex Office of the Aca demy. It SANEORD'S OPERA HOUSE. STREET OPRN FOR TH I : BEASOi~i. NFF7.Y DECORATEn AND P.A.MFED _ )IR. SANFORD Erns 8.30111,3.1 one of the doiIPAIiTER et - et I , Tenr? - he. htiratofo=r, who will arßear nightlY. Sanford pertorm ever! eVellillf• Doors open a, ; Commence at N. Admittance in cents. Children 13 cents. sel7-let fIARL WOLFSOHN AND THEODORE YTIOAIAST SERIES OF PIE CLASSICAL SOI RETIS, at the FOYER of the ACADEMY OF Jo CBIC. Sebseriptions will be received at the broom Stoma of G. Andra & C0..1101 Chestnut street; Lee & Walker, 71'.1 Chestnut street; Beck & Lawton, Sevauth and Chestnut streets ; and Th. A. Schmidt, Snalper EIC Cho, teat etreets, where the programinee and pertet - , tars min he seen 0023.6-e' pENNA. ACADEMY OF THE ARTS.-1025 GILI:STNUT Street. flon.tainin.: a larre collection of Pnintinr,2 d tare, to now open 4sity Irani 9 A. M. Ulla P. M. -Ad mieelon 5,5 eta. ; children under L' ream 12 oenta. MEPICINAI,, R. STAFFORD'S 0 IL, E 'T All Wirr: Ours TAR 1$ INTIM:AD its he.l,ll7..T.Sa:cmr.:. on; s aro ',might in contnot with tho lining more:rano of nip TILROA'f, BlloNgli LAI, TUBES, AND ALI, TiF: AIR-CELLS OF THE LUNGS. relieving at once any yam or opyreosion i and houlitic any irritation or icilanlation. WIRER OLIVE TAR Ia TAKE: RVON SVGAR, It for itS az unesualled Soothing and Hon &• Slim , for Cos Os Uniit all Throat - diseases. WREN ()LW )/ TAR Is APPLIED, its Magnetic or eNt - sent re tea curative Dowers render it a moat nyoedv PAIN ANN CRILATOR. Olive Tar is nod sticky—clogs not disrolor. Fifty cents a bottle, it 4 42 BROADWAY, by all Druggists. J. R. STAFFORD'S IRON AND SULPHUR Town - Ens are a soluble preparation of Iron and Sulphur, tdanHaal with that (mating in the blood of a perfeoLlTltln person. Lini:ing with the digested food, Tnnl REVITALIZE AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. THEY IMPART ENERGY TO THE rixhvors 81 - arnt. TREY INVIOOILArn THE LII ER. THEY STRENGTHEN THE DIGESTION. THEE REGULATE THE EIEC81:1 lONS OF TUE BONY, AND ARE A SPECIFIc port ALL FEMALE WrAKNtssr PRICE, ONE DOLLAR A PACKAGE. At 112 BROADWAY, Nev York, and all Druggiel a PA:•I?IILET CONTAINING TESTIMONIALS r nom VIII Following' and mote than 100 other well-known mrolre nent vereons, will be sent to nay addreas, • frea by altos[. 6 to. Law, Esq., Fifth avenue, Nate York. nIMEON DRAVER. East., 'Banker, NOVI:01'1Z. TIVCRLOW WEED, E•a•, Albany. N. Y. Oen. Darr Owitmg, Wastang'on, D.C. COL SAMUEL COLT. Hartford, Conn. Col. Oman. Mar, U. B A. Bev. Josnra LEAVIIT. rd. Independent, New Yee.. Item. E. BRIGHT. Ed. Examiner. New York. Der. 0. W. OrcuNN:, Agt. Ara. Bible Union. N. Rev. 0. F. A. SPINNING. Butternut tr, N, V. Rev, Dr. LkoNAnn, Exeter, N. H. SEND FOR A PAMPHLET. Sold by all Druggists. DYOTT & CO., No, 232 North SFCOND Street, Agents for Pennsylvania. 6 , 27 2ra 44P.EVIALITY FOR LADIES.—TRU.s2EI AND BRACT. DEPARTMENT conducted by corn.- potent Ladle, Entrance on Twkrrii tZtreet, uro. door balmy Race. A :ail ban of Mechanical home ticht and elegant in commuteion. ,- r ectally adapted to Lathes' toe. C. N, NEEDLES, Proprietor, S. 17. earner TWELXrx and. RACE Btresta. Philadelphia. CO" Entrance to C. H. N.'n Room, for gentlemen, at the corner. salt 3anf A WONDERFUL AND NEVER FAILING REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS EVETEM. PROFESSOR MORRIS' EUCEPHALOS, AN EXTERNAL. REMEDY, Prepar2d by MOCKRIDGE & CO., No. 453 North FOURTH Street. *3 - And for sale by Drnggirts generally. ecri-Scolf ASTIMFor the !NATANT RELII2/ 7 ex.l rwt . blANEtil MAW of tha dtatreas^.2c ptalet, nu) FENDT , f4 BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES. Med., by O. R. IST - ',YMODR re CO., .465 BROAD WAY, New York. Price H 1 per box; meet tree b 3 Lo.t. ifl FOR BALE AT ALL DRIFOGIST.T, i;ifirARED GLUE. EWE= 'PREPARED 4:4I,UEt A TIME 5AV.Y.5 Ecorio., .S.A FY , : TU .1 4 EN:. -7 P' At isecids444 Will LAPpsil, evpi 4,, wat-rn . 4412;1 , 4 familis , It it Vary tlesirm,hlt to hav,!..(mt o!nprsp ooilVentellt WV tor itoitiriog rurratul a, WOVA, Tyr AO. SPALDING'S ritErmtED meats all suoli erne nannies', and no hcitseho:d eon 51:Gil to be without it. It in alwayn ready and up to the anoi nts point. There in uo longaz a neoosaity for lirr.ylet s hai,s, splintered Tanners, headless dolls, and broken °radios. It is just the article for oone, shell, and other ornamental wort, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. T hi s a dmirable preparation is need ooli, betittit char; miaally hold in rotation, and posnessin; - all the valuable qualities of the beat binet-makers' tills. It may be mob the plane of ordinary - r-laat! , .det barn YadtlY more atiliesilte. " LitiP,FUL IN EVERY HOU: , g.. 13. A brush aocompanies coon cattle. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENVa. likelsgele Depot, De. 4 lIRDAR Street, row yen. Addreu /LENNY C. ,PALDINGm (N), )ox No, 3.9,0, Now Toi Pate for DBlllOlll In CadeS 'A - Waft:111111g FC4.r. and twelve denim, a beautiful Lithographic du ow- .+ twoompanying each psorsze. A eingle boGleitif SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE Will 9U° teu Ulnae its ooat annually to ovary honana.,...! - Bold by nil nrommot Stationer'', Thurtitbi. "lard ware and Furniture Dealers, (iraData. 'ma le.'2%i Store'. Csantry gereaanta eliould make a note et SPA T4;6 P.REPARND (114 DR, when making up their lilt. IT MLLE STAND AITY 00-eawi-Y riIiMMEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers