A!s* VALE LT THE -PEN . CIPO HOTELS. 4, , x,wintro,-- _, k , k ri vel l Is, - iptaW k et; DT 0 'root, antra A . ti tkh "rninviil . lillaykilkingl i r.t" FlA lim tarr, bg i- - , : . - , ViitA ii `4*. 6:i zo ~: Jul. 4; . :. Vol t. it- am: ' • het tient Prol=York , rwlinge. MP, land ' '• Foleax & wG El C irdman 'Vss ithian m minims canard,. Din =sot. NT ; rth `..ittenir:: fork Wi'agg Irr ~, Anderson. 11,.4 Y • Osseo& Is., V prison. Nett York Person tat_ 2 l4.4l e gr i am/. Newyork iiiimilton. Coin ph my; N , yolk - - . nk in: Look it amen Aidttili/DaW York Sanderson. If York harry k la, Albany Berkley, D C • . 0 larks. Virginia " itorQablineyiDnlawar• i p7ri WTI Po i tnr. .v i rb*..--......__ __. Smith. PI Camlinsf • ou ,,, ,takt aligi. . Riltlin its - L it , Bowsor&jskB iltlm e able., Rapp& Ti Davie FaiPpits ,• ~ ,i . '', Pitidailistais, VI. iiinia • " ' J tfolbrook. New Fork ''-'--' ''' i tAtuktlinta N OPolina, .1 P Itanderson & la. Fla I. .... •- -- litititirt. D•hionite I R 11.01rY*M-Artillat • !: ,: C2N! ILWithu..:New York • 'f 8 Snare** _.1 4 Dateline: —' '"' wilholi, Thaw's.: Miss Nisbet. Nett York • . . . . , - :, : - ,•00/. AG ROM-rCoi. Nhath and Cheslant •,-,- 1111, 0 ortititilrgbils •• 3 Shelly. Cleveland , • - MUM Shelf.. Cleveland RW a Jarvis , Dartford -•••; , Ina WelLegniese &a. Wash Cs ihicomb. Waah'tnn 1 ...,-.,„ gl ItlarrahDifilliete '..M VIM AllitiMPlE 111. N I 1 . -. 41 itYnninnidtlliabiga,, t . - J T Mangey& ls,ofisltittiore i -lign_O-PrikAlaniet. Balt .0 W Fall; Nastpiale • ' - Nair& Gietworfi • J B alobre Cittemnati , ilatn &10.,tilhar lia tiWal - -Miss C,o pf. bin & sic COW ton .- • • Dllieisear., ,yew York - A Pauleiria. Pittibuot Anginas, Washington Binton,Wrishaegtoe° • - r r alilekart.B4o -, ' B Douglas. Middletown, Ct NI F IdayttsoniN Carolina kiii Winsatat, hallway. .• ~', ,tit i s ta It t r t l it= i2 g. tla 1 il u rt r ,UlicTo% - " ila Mos, Att•tinga N Btjhba. Lairmr. ' • , filll w ilißl A tte ld t.. ar• my cal. Arylnitii I lcil, Las koo.l. Wastrel , r ."...... . , '''' I Martin i ici ii. . tab If Green/ Dau e. $j Miss Omen. v. ki: Ry . Wit Boyd & laixenn .; H Bake k. ii. tibiroi l l i ns-; iie Rahn 0 ea. s a - - Jr Wilrion. a Oar as W W Keith 8 Carolma • , isaKei .Bolith Carp ma Geo Reidy Booth corrilica '-* - 8 Rapt, "nth Carolina arils Most. booth, Carotins Mrs John West. Brooklyn Mrs All Raker. Natchez D g yt incu ken i t. Nitoisis . r i.....b. wr. Ala •B W whey& wf. _EI 0' - rJ 8 Lawton& wt. 11 0 ' •-• '' Mien ri-• .11 Carianna Davidion. Jennsy Cis. prdiston.l3t Limit - ~ Dr DJD CMG Fhthsdat 1 4 rellitager. rinlaihi, 0 0 Earl. Anre'tsr: Mau Hvinur Newark, Dal ' T familia &- wt. St Louis OW 13 M t ateie ' - Mir I L lV . ift t ro b° l%l - fe S tr i i t rtrettrWsgh,DOlVE t tlpg m t u ot e tti Ni clPek a IliJi n &Istbils Ns otyohn. .......e f ~$. * 0 1 1 1 r, "RUM" -, w it Chandler: Pror.R 1 - ^ b poi Pi uphis - 3ft Giosisomb, Richmond - ' Ofogiscomh, N 0 - " Chas It Weld. New York , e• Now York John • Poetwell. Conn 1 7 11 "I ttett t ..Viriainfa , IT.* i Fox. Ir.-Virginia ~ . : A n.. lrrair iLrir t tilita, - nt i oureibhe. Boston LII Brigham & la, i t -Y. - Watt Howirre. n Orria" P liarrison.&•da.yiratnia Vit atewayt & 14. NO . 41 1 4ir1• u 0 ii• . , • Ai x nnies Wilt Id. it ßlt - . ~. *Paw, Vargiroa ' Powell. V' 8 , :Jolla _A, HMIIIIOII. algiss John W Smith. Virginia „•li r Vanier: Detaware It F Cox, North °polio 4 JD B no Bow It is.. Lei 8 Tookeransn & wf. Boston . Aux TnOltim.Res.ton IP H 1 anadon,'Dalaware • , -', Ls litinai. Plus , It A htecomb. ageorgla /- - 2,fit=7",.o...item. yjoit!afrifiOsl!sni: ": ",71, 0 /phnston. Pittabarn D vrTikiei. obMina - • " .I.A .I c Dslessitoll Carolina T I Packwood kis. 72' 0 . Drag. i l i ff Yore •Ipbt flonalC New\ mit : awe . more ~ w Graham: ne a r - A ro rob rebind' „ 8 Wllonerldria. ter Volk. ~ '• SOCIAKiIIY lOW York -Jew Doha.. W ,0 q . .41 _Willions: Annan • - . , ~ , • „ . bIiRRCRANTIO H OTEL-Pourth sweet; below Arch. '• , N owwww. Womb*. $Oll Ty Mi.' Cioardetd • ' 1 PPluhuni; scrim. Po E 81 , nek. !WWI. Pa lI T Breuku: i 'Awnings. o,_ . •;;,,11 0 111 nett. Richmond, 0 17 enr...IBI:A.Ot !lia. Iwo oftiTeritgerrr'' nl E Raman, Pittsburg_ IBs t/Buther no , . „ A_:_gisis lingcntown.,Xd .1 WPo or. Boonwer, Pa 00 1 ._su ft pl o o_ _„ - Ef. , Rat osidow,,Cootoo,o , - - ,OR7WwloW g oliOtiiii' B Vgg:rialL'ey Rmg hun t, 0 • •Is c l i livinu ir rsausa mutts ' $m Hs MA, 4341 , 474 1 .% Eli 8 / 1 11roin s i t ,renti ry E PaT4ll,lr,,Pi__Usburit fl Rustier, liiheasfiehe l ,‘ '• as.L . M.Wr i P • 68° . , , 614 , 2 1 4 0 0 0 I EVai l r ej ! h ' I rush. 915 1 01 - _ W , r - sil a dartigetorismown , .1 1LER Trap iNd"ipreta"tk'f9blitargyrlfierrtoen ; Imre -, . . Rhino' Venue. . Cosa 4 , ihiallipili - . TlBoasolt.Elisois ;' ,1, ,,i . ! sew...it. _— _ , BbtfiRICAN NOCB, kiirtitat- strait. oboist/Nth. haw. Plillarfalibile !, . '- - BB Baker. New York NAtiki-tilekriarton"..,ll la & lii, New York. DIMI4NOW York . J E xtt la; settitabem A, . nt si l.etilhefend.-1( 0': V tt att. Cohmtbate. 0 I V ' -- • ,II Peastioxi .. a Illekolams. Vork;lbir - - i:. is r illtiswisa,4o '- -- T' Cintrie. Itahwalasr, , 11 1 gitialg:tiairalkn it oli ;MT rid= re bi art rot Yoko' .1E- tram hod - Ifflototra. **Word. Cott: et lota Gonne. Ponta. J.O Paot. New•Jener • la fkati'Cosititto •'' , lametnet. Baltimore ~ t . ..• PosonatoiNtra York' - I,'"r *odorant. Vfnamo Ilien tti ort= l ki t ngt ll -. 6-", Q lo° J i ren • ot Wi l ilit . : W titrotip Tnonnit, , NB Diva, 'Virginia - - . ... , - —,. JONSfir .. )lo7,Sti—Cheataat stmt. above Math, ' ' f. veia Mae. Porlimn. NJ P Nob. 11 ala , DO W Pkilimidodialmonlla BMA arOI/D_Bo r ltimoro Oro PW*O O New Took . - A 0 Weld. itinr lora., Yor k A • T guatii. litoor.bnottr. • . Thai A Her a New York Noe* vniat. Bodo& , .r: - "jllU)ww. lt4oit ' T 8 Wlllintro:PAno Volk'', 1. Albion, Namibia& • Pia Inamrson,'N•w Yorlt - ,. Mime L 9 Andstato, N Y Aellpidian I. salitaloro ~-.,-,. : Jae Itimmtew arisen. ' motor. New tansy, , Pond Bartb..Baltimora , -a t om": Now York 'I C r Of/WM+ Wiill. N C 04 / 1 8 , Dighltling,Waok D b . rIY Parson .Nirrlsed Wei* ll'arroll.'ma,tand. J 4obnion*.la, Balt: . Bawl Leavy, NawYerk -- • orf . anmp-chattig et.. above TWA r , ' WM ' ,- ....liWielliali • ff. Itmirliad. Penns ; lir ows . 7 Ma a_ 1 t ri mr r o .... . 4 _ e+ ' ' 41". • : frifisariott.-.N•vr Jersey 'Alin' Mi.. estalab. ft eo Ommisr. Pr Nola orlaird. Philo Nis. ttofraitale,_ aka ea Jula . Aljr soap 47.1 , 2.bg . . 0 ':.tilttlb":" BLrVall n , grantOn• Pow yolk M 1 1 ,1114 B aco n , 110113401111111.111M11iS 11_•Ikr York: A M itimitetiogair York • W Roberto. ?lifornin Mrs KO". ureihroore • - bilft4l,llono M I.orstor. Now York 110hrabo.Bqoks 00. Is TIM i(„o72le—Arch dreg. above-Tided. Trento Joe Ries. Tot *.ll J . W chTter. fiello ITaide:r i. IID Pieter. N.ldastrot;o- Pqrryvifle. 0 ww, IlodernW, Reirelitenn3 Mgt' '''lttAntri,ll6l4irars A Paean k la. W Castle, 0 V-0 Weed. Trope Run, P,,,a A a yowenee. Wash. 0 A Thoetot, Oluo , - I , oMettilti MOTEL—Peened street, eke* Minket J X • OW: I'l' 1 2 1 em. D4ll V 20%. • WiseVlSiS 7ar,1r1.111 Vs A p eac h C S Ili. Melaw re' 'Paler D rollioi New York, OTO weary, lady, nos Cell Ip++. Md - P I ow, Troy. New York , PC 'Owed k. , ',John B Panniettort Del , Hen W Petioion. elms ' AR rook. Doom Del Dictum, Breotomt. S Jewel B I Parkhurst, Now York B 0 Puree, Fates, lid ' . . . 130MMEICIA 1. Mlile.nixidi . sheet, bk. Chestnut. 'Wm T;Wrie;lß Cheerer' :B I Miles Barwsburit 4.LP Wiley. Pew* Reetom. lutN Wiley, Po.oh Boi'm . Wilep,leitok Bottom N Bllomkor. JrArtoosater Ilkoreroo.Perri' a lro - ,VontDro. , Ohio Wr i t 114 1 411470 - 0 - telir C atai , , Ch eater 7Mno til M.f.. Cieeter 'aunty mum Dortolot, kewhne rot 1_ jeklity.__Mesboyn, Ps IiNSIbtiSSOS. ISAISSWIrS WiidOntitt , VSIMISIVAIII% It OlS th eraWS4t. • , • ThOlikr 4 West Chester V Ltkoyere Qualms no BARLEY RERAF NOTEL-7Seeond at.. below ,Vine.' i re 1 1 / lA TlOilltm Ley . r i a i rkiro I 1 . , , fts c igiam btrrirror7p Wm Balnel•Mrorrnirn ._. -, , ititntie l =ir:Pa' 4l lß ` AliflPili= Wos 4• 1 0 r, xrdopeamit --. Timotitt iy, Davinviller herr. A itleb , rn - Alhott In Iv, PineVe,Pii 1, • pinto. P4rty. Pierkee. p ii 'Pltmi W Woe. Colgtury 111T-Tt Parterdifiritown_ ;= 'PP Peydor. Pit ito I arcs. Pa .- .- . IT Berlonsp, Newtown p isipurtstr:Nepterrp ' -it w ffoprine. td Jersey • - - JIOSp Belk Pa - '. 7 lir Pknowell. Pa A' 114 t e i c k tilen k. co Pwmeagvtgrie, s, e, J g Igo:, rimem• - lir Plifleallr; Pucks on :, I 1740leit,' Pot •• ._ ' - R 0 Right. Rnokingham -.. imengtOntgon; IP indlelnwn I V Renton, Doylestown ..: , poseealkorts. PA = -illmar k eon Ps 112 Crosor: Ps- - -• lit W • I D Linton. Newtown . , Ti4,7 1 44 . N.g: r 0wil . 1 0 11 reitY. Ituatelyille - , AVTiumPoick & ham:lois D e r 2. igion7Ps -...-..-; .. , _ BLACI BEAR HOTEL Third it., nitAillowhill... ;ft= Lei . 4 1t i ean n ie : ~ . : ~ A . 1 , 1. n 111 . 1:: m a r 5 tk:11: 3 77 , eilltermarry_. - e',,,_ SrP- if, 'llm.el k e It_Tinteler. aollerville Neater Peer. Yardleyvtle ee , -A Seetronan, itehmeemlle .TRITIO6 Plotelr. Inn Ghee Rereter.Jankrotnern R Teffett, Pevneylvania • 444 1 / 4.4t 1e , Ronde r "Mutton 1,,, Tomlin/ern & la. goineen ' ,e Rye, Lenaaks 1 ,1 1 A Nenid. Pertinent" i v. - ,„tr no, rennin tor Mia. Altert Eherliar. EinttyiNg ' : eleiker. Gott/shore ~ P A Boedarbeethentelnn ' • - bite. BOntreton ~ liielletnertet (Theater Val „ - _RA& en illtnwn - lir W -War n e . BorilV 116 C - Aalbaph,inniariket Mrs SeaseriTsi,Beiville , .11 ATIOPIAL no7Kb—itao• stree t ibeiliThird. - B F Nendererm/Lairrede es Wnt Fol qnte: 0 crier Co • Jsa_vAehtooß. norrletown A REOZ, Blair 4/1 JothirlifirleCßOteentte - - ,- 'J A Thoftosa6.imanpgiont f, e 3 1 4 1,1filgrA. PAM. ride , .'r. R Willieme. - Re/drort - ' fir nm eeelev Potte.oll/.. -Bee wi t ,stke,- Pittabnvi es amloa s Atblseit -A Rd, I t enrotbane :: 'l64lVente, telt area ',. , • A PYeaser, Myr Jersey fiTATERRBIORLAIIa7k7tt etieet.lillieb. - : - r Jas * Glarb:Lateeater . 3 Bltnhinsoe. llirriebnrir i .. .'rat t s . irrgixis * i4 l 6 M,""* Ther a a' ' ~. . .31 M. D o r en. r,Newry troms • Tbno r tr. W att: le . P s Ps ' f ' Will Boom P•rneylveraia, " B IB . oCounium, 94eiter ao ' e e Due ilarrar; Baton" ' . • ~ ..,„ 841,11-BABIllt-VO'rEl.- 0 13 , 1•441t.: lehosne Bonwhill -. PI Wentilk. Books oonntv Robert Good. nenjettewit -rt 8_417.1118111 B/1666. Books . 9c Gen weever: Bethlehem - W-Oremeatßetb latent '. 0 A Itspv,Dolleitown -- , - 4 11 17. VERNON '1101•71 Mooe d, - irti•at. above Arch. _ '..,,. Wamsiey Ppherry . I H Rol tveld. Phreees - --=, - .::: „,- ~T jr-Amorre. a/64Am R lAikene t _Queleertoes , .- - -- 4 ':'' ,., ,, ,-1 : _. Gotethillr Behemlle - , F Altiolt,v, /meanie. Ps, -. , . .4..... - . 7- .1,-)- ,•!:,,,-,..,:,.,...._ 10-1, 1 k1tii,,. ,- ;;•,.. , ':''''.f.:: ' : EW, 47 ,74 l tilit iikeOieseS S.- 7 ! , s ': ' -" ' ' '' li.. " f i lieweir' eillit,VAeor—Brig - Ornerier, I4stla-260 fihd.4 IR . *-1:44,L1- - - ' a...a. Ki.it, 3m. ~...r-Ly,.....1ih5,;?P'..7,= , ~-,- . .1., 4, , . -. ,, ,, , - , p , - -•-. li, u • s • ; ... I s r•-•,,,,,,,,ivi-m, 1 , 11 , mil C 0.. . IRO , &.. i 1 . ~..,; ..4, % ~, i - X . 5044 ,- . ~,„". i i 4,,,, "4,,, W A AMOS ., 0; 'kr f 4 ' .--- ; . &' Aliiithe nrl4/01101M01, § 'kV , • 4 ''''' ';',l:- ',. 1,... i....,41...',i,.. 1 • .1 - 41TIA',A*1111 1 1 11 0 11 11L I'' ' , i 2 4 -. * l,s t 4: 46,lltNeltrerEttatGENCE, ' i ••• ' - -' ' ' - ' l'' ? 0 - '''' ' TN PAGEL -. .4ffli1;„:, .._, a _. ,70 , -, R , t;:i. - r ,, : 5 .,; - Lt':,:';.. . ARI/V.VD' '' ' ' -' . " ' ''k: - . ,-- ;4' , 'A•fr.'..i;tl' . .:', --2 '' 'lh'imai t 'Ain..larvas.l Any from Freder i ca, ii,o," s i ; , '....',i - 00. to Jsx 1.• axle./ it Co loan i', otoratie ak !o :'... - .-5 'll~ Jaws. Aylrentl...Ain , :! , '-e-i5 : *wend" tAgh,f i gz 3 1iz:'60.,-mon;po.• 4' • : --` ~ r - -.rj:: xagiliraft, fft ittirrOt. . ' 4 :'' ' ' . temtato , ll.4rot. lergiSillO,rl Y or k , rrm.Ntor t.;. ''' 11''-,.. • th,E4 k iiii. • •-• ~ , • , . - '' ,BM manit! OadrrefiarerAMus d, ' '-'_' — 1- ramOssaittekissii-- ,-,'':' :, . , , r , r.imrontiitiorits. • • 4 •. ,1 .` ,2 :,• - • " mist aiiir,2 r • dlemitiosinee of 1.107“111" - • ii=ifil i ll grjrn ig P i tt An ur60 21. rata. 'VGA *nun M ospag_._ttept lb._ Rohn R Osier. titereakand Ocean Were. Steel man, for hdadephut, Jailed Roan Providence rOth tug. her--inertemeteore , Bennett, pea .ptekeentrills. rived at lerir York renterdar• achr Azetcrecit. modiste, entered at rim Yore teeter. day fer Peiledenr. sumfteicarenti eq,"tranderveer, - Bleek Diemottd,Al - end Planet. dzon, hence, arrived it Rey York yestefilly.-; ty"Vo "THE- r . ..riIkSOQATIQM I' alba MURIA —The ritenter'teconthiy Meeting wilt he - held 'on" MONDAY ille ' , eviNo• the Mtlt inet.an'the Sansom-street BA P -TIST OBERON. name= street. blow KWh. at IM o'clock. 4%e introdectorr to a general diseneiton how to lumen the usefulness of the asseciationi Mr. G SU. ' M. STUART will peseta some facts in resell to the means Maid by the association in other oonntrleg. Ageintniettone'for officers for the evening year will-be :mule A full attendance is, requested. The public' te sneethilly intrittd. Galleries rese.trod for the ladies. eeltt•ft JOHN WANAMAKHor. Var. Reo fra.m. 'GREAT WEEK •OF PREACWING.— U... 3 `sUNION TENT - EIGHTH and Gin ARD Aye- Inne.—TO-NWEROW uasAlo)l7,iiml Prayer Rhe ims at 7A. hd. and 4 P . hi. Proaa_hina at 434 P. M.. by Rec. ,I. 11. Lihtbouni, and a) 7K P. M.. by itev. W. J. R. Taylor . D l D.Dunnic the weep there will be pre r ali.- WADI friElira u :_t rt ig r i7cloc_ ". for children. "All ereilayited to them e seance. • 4. e ti e it L e a lergeL r i U ~ ~ Glc ORGE .I. MINGINIL nucernitendent. ""19122012 hi: . E.' rouaTu Street, below Arch: TO-MO9RO 9 ." (BAU- R). September 23(1. pyeaohing In the mnaing at 1034 &alto*. hr the, vattor, Rev. A. LOOK NAN. after which a .nollootio” wilt be taken , to aid the Ileventh at eat M. E. Church'. Sabbath ?Theo! at 9 M. and 2 Wino .P Meeting at gig o'clock P. M. Preaching at 93‘ o'clock in the evening, by Rev A. 'COOKMAN.L he sesta are all free, VOHUROH OF THE MESSIAH (UM- W R` . .&/M 4 T). I °OUST Eltreet,erata Froui, Dr A HILIJAHSON ga , ter.—Eervleea TO-Aon , R•W GYBAINGoet 734 o'cleek. Subject— 'Sodom and• Gomorrah ettlreting the vengeanoe of eternal - CHURCH OF IfFIFCOVE NA NT.—SEII.. 7' l7 'CM ) IO CONNNT- HALL. °ARITA Ur va T W ELF EL Stteet,_ every SUNDAY. at log .4. M. attd,7M P., br thb Rey. B. T. NOAK Ed, ma lt. SPIRITUALISM.—MR. L. JUDD PAR wen known Inspirational' Medium L. lof New. York. wilt lecture at the Phcenix street utiltrrßmL.l..T, OEIUKOH. Kensington. eUNDAY afternoon. et 3 o elook. Admission free. A collection wilt be taken for the 'seeker. tc. MSPIRITUALISM.—THE REV. JOHN TJERIVItiT, of Massachusetts, will leoture at I-BT. HALL. cents NDAY, UN A. H. and P Admission lt* ErrSTAR OF BETHLEHEM LODGE. No. 190 f o'of 0. F. The members are invited to attend the funeral of Bro. John 0 Weber, this after noon, from 092 Booth Third street . To meet at the Hall at o'clock, GEO. BERTH AM, It• - Eeoretary. aPATTENTION !—THE REGULAR AVNOWe,w o I ft b e h Y dTU M SEVE UGLS t their rooms, northwest corner of FIFTH end CHEST NUT litreets. Toting men are cordially invited to Join ma; F. A. VAN CLEVE, President. 9. lilommreoretarr • It' rpm., CAB D .— THE EXCELSIOR BASE BALL - • 0 LUBSIP :BROOKLYN. at the sotimmtion of 0 Base Ball players or tine city, have consented to amt a game gtth a talented nine trout tee various Clubs of tits city on MONDAY next. September 21, at 2 0 cloak P.6f. on the , erounds of the Climate and Ath letic Sall C atm. Carnage.. akets of adm Mon for gratuitous distribution will be furaished by the undersigned Committee to the re aaaaa ntett via of the venous Ball Clubs. on &Palmation. R. F. D.,; . ORE . 826 Chestnut tit., BTEVE tsß, J. B. )(MEN. rr!STATEMENT OF THE UNION BANK, as required.by - the'recend section of the Ant of the General Assemble of this Commonwealth, approved the 19th day of October. A. D. 1867. Amount of loans and dlseounts.....---....41343 423 98 '" some, . 11 7 OM 99 " due from other banks..... 56 829 93 of totes in circulation.—. 70,690 03 " deposits, including balanees , l4o to other banks. .. • . 446 023 07 rifltADVlMl4A:lileiptember 21, 1860. CITY OP PHILAD.ELIII.74,so : . -James Litlo7, Cashier' of the Union Dank, being sworn. depose and UT that the above state ment is correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. :AMES LEELEY. Sworn before me, this llst day ofneptember, A. D. 1860. .It • BDWAIKD HURST. Notary Public. orUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA... LAW DEPARTMENT. - Mune( this inetitution commence on the Sint of October next. The ronowint era the ebbleoto of tile i ni t ti.YEORGEPRAMMT,OOII—" intimaticinsi, Con- I qr a oer. k a at,M - 1 1 riad in - and Preiitieei' ~..trof. S. etEßialcit NJWlft RAW Salate - and conveyancing." The introductory lecture will be delivered on Friday, September 1114. at a o'cdook P. M., at the usual lecture room. tiv Nor. K. lipeover Miller. ancl2l ew OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA "AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. MAnon, 1800. The holden of the bonds of this Company, due Alb' I, MI, Can now 11101111,0. upon application at this OEOB4O cirteent. in tub , upon the terms apeollied in the mon attached. e hir C er, are also entitled to the benefit of a Oink ing Fa •of OMM bs Per annum, as eatebhed by the reecho gni at their tinning meeting, held January 9, ISE, end in purimattee of the oontract,eni to red into by hil comitenT sod duly reed to cam d same in eat. • 5.• EA FORD. reamer. , MIMS to ail Radrr C l ß , iteuislyhts and Readies itwitrosig cowpony Mortgage Bonds, dui .Itat , 1,1851. Thou bond* are secured by the first mortgages on t road,. amounting in the aggregate to 53..W.400. T he eat revenue for the lost fiscal year wets six times e gamut of the annual interest on these bonds. The tnensgert mutew to extend them for a Ponod of twenty , ream the holders retaining" the bonds end the seontz te of the mort i tages in the - precise oonditio nln Viit:iit,p n ailire h tialt-p F ei r tM, :V a tutuof-par"f or , • A of E per cent. win be given to the holders in coast oration of th eir assenting to the extension. wins bonus will be paid in owiNto the bearers of the bonds, as. their inning* `rwielptand presenting their reaps°. hoe Wade at the Waal of the OemitatlYtor to its agents, roondersetent. , • • ,M111..0j pt extd.iltidereezieat trill be tarnished r ite - Wer gilts Bo.idg Igromeere•— ret-tr "- . , 'W,, w: larettAlltrimY. genretarv. LADIES' AM)_)11181;ESt snoEs: T 0 THE LADIES. We hive now opened the most beautiful Striae of _ EISSEIP AND CHILDREN'S - BE_ A V ER' ia ' • Elegantly Trunmed. Also, LADIES', CHILDREN'S, AND MISEIEW , 'S H O E S, Of newest slatterns, Just received from Pans. PLEASE PAVOR 1/3 WITH A CALL. o'i.voe WiTCPCIR_TI PONS. Continental Hotel. it Noe. 326 and 82S CHESTNUT Street. FURS. LADIES' FANCY FURS JOHN FAREIRA, - 718 ARCH Street, CHR-PRIDE FANCY FUR CMS Naming. tow; open at Inv Nov Store. 118 ARCA Priest. sod for sale. my large and beautiful assortment of ell the different Kyles and qualitimSof Fancy Furs. fort•diea and children. that will be worn during the coming season. and having adopted the one-price prin ciple of dung himitiess,l feel confident in saying that any lady wishing a set of Furs for berielf or friend can have the advantage of sets otitis from u wiry large es 'unwept, and at the lowed possible price they can be bought for In the oit7• sen-gt LEGAL. L'LIZABETH CARPENTER, by her next friend, ve.JORN CARPENTIOI. Corn Pleas, !Divorce Docket, elaroti T„ 1800. No. 21. "To 40bn Carpenter : Yon are hereby notified of a nilo Planted by wild Court of Common P ea, on you, to show enure why a divorce ovtnculo marrimon it should not be grarved to your wife, Alissbeth Carpenter. said rule returnable on Saturday, Sept. 29, 1850. ee22,26. le-St* NOTICES. jigoTioN RERIMY GIVEN, THAT flans and full Speeificatians for the erection of a. "johoolliouse in the Twenty- third ward will he re net ad by the undersigned. at the office or the Board of Controllers southeast corner of SIXTH and A DELPHI Stmts. until the first day of October, 1810 at 12 o'clock M. The said school-house to .be fleeted on• a lot of ground eitasted on the Frankford road, near Frank ford. being GO feet front IT 214 fret deep; the building to be ,two stories in he ght.- to aceommodate three hendted pupils, and not to cost over three thousand &Mare.: The •ircbiteca or %Mar, whose plan rhall be adopted unperintend the erection of said sehool honse. and receive for his reryfree three oar cent, on the Porter satd %steins'. Aooording to the Ordinance passed by Connoils nothing will be paid for any plan ot approved by the Controllers. BY older of the Committee on Property. ROSPAT J. 11101PHILL. se23-3t ' Secretary Cantrell , re of Public; Echooln CARMANTOWN PAS'ENOER RAIL: vs-Wa COMPANY—Orrick Brsrrr and DIAIIOND Ettreets—Fstinansi.pitra. Aug. Met, 1868.—Ari foetal meat of Faye Delius per share liking seeond inetal moll an the capitol stook of lulermaritown Pfieeea ser atiwey Coynpany, is due and, pay able on or before the first dsy of tkitober neat tsusuins. Dl timer of the Board of Managers. W. Id. elielliFißLY. BeereUiry and Treaeurer. 1860.. THE -. 860 AGRICULTURAL PAIR 1 . , AT • POWELTON. TWENTY•FOURTR WARD, PHILADELPHIA. TUE PHILADELPHIA SOCIET_Y - FOR PRoMOTING AoßrouL - rtmg Witt held fra next Exhibition of the products of AGRICULTURE - .HORTICIJLTDRE, And the MRCHANIC ARTS. On the popular PAIR GROUNDS, West Philadelphia, • On - path. Nth. nth, and lath days of gemtember. • Ali obleetsto be entered on or before EdAY, Sep tember 16 , at noon. at w Mob time the ,Exhibition VIM* OTIN TO VIIITTOM Competition invited from all tarts of Pennsylvania and tee adjoining Watts. Sesames frame buildinge, tittits etalls. and sheds will be provided for the dmPitty of Stock, of A srstutturat Produce and implements., or Fruits, Vegetables, and Flowers. and of Machiatry and Manufactured Garda. most libesatellansements will be made with Rail road COMOROITS for the, transportation of Exhibitors cadobjects to and from the Fair. rial. of Horses. Pretensions of the best Animals on Exhibition, and labile tests of Implements will take place daily. Pamphlet Copies of the Premium Liet may be had grateltously at the Agtioniturel 'Warehouses, or by ad dressing either of the undersigned, at the eOOOITY'IS Rooms, o. 6,113-CHEI3 • NUT St act. . CRAIG; DIDDLE, President. , A. L. KENNEDY. Rea. Soo's'. sem 8t STOVES. TBENERY BEST AND MOST ,tsuWilerifrf ril li i ? eathrAtioinanana.lt 'mess. 'Them 'fovea receive the moat enthusiastic prairie *hewer they tome been in nee they are the 'most economical Gas Burner raid Radia Stoves for winning , house extant, are cOnstrUCte on the most nomadic. primal'', and will consume t heir own make and gas. making. st Nevins of fuel forty per cent over ant other stove in use. It is the house•warrner of the cgs,: has a direct end radiating draught by opening or Moms the danMer, Fat sale wholegale and retail. Call and see. No, 293 North bEt..OND Street. se2ll4;*, • .•..1 F. Fuels. A:PINE - ASFORTNIENT OP WRITING PavERS just teneived :it AM I..RN'B Now rook and Stationere Mars, No, 1024 CHESTNUT Street. WI/KITING PAPERS OF THE BEST antiiity end steles. Ma learns the Celebrated De Ls Rsoblarlutaatnre,at aI.A.KN'S rook andiStationpsy Ilitays„ rim 1024 CHESTIIUT N Feet AFINE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH Writing Pavers, inoluding Letter, Note, sod Bath Pcst. Quadrille , and Vfacer l aonfal i tt I, ti ellzg e tt mates, ALLNIt ES, No. GE, ALLEN'S LADIEi , PEN, THE beet in ord. Get Allen's Pplstelary Pen, No. UO3. Get Allen's Bank Pea. &superior rations. • . Vies. Pens are the beet in nee, are YOry flexible; end Trite eirloOthly. Cell at NO.lpil4 CHESTNUT Street. and try them. 'ALL THE , NEW M&GAZANES JUST reeitivod at Aro New rook find Ptationerf FROM. PO. 10*I MirrTNUT Stoat. se22 2t. PORE PORT WlNE.—Physicians and Meat of as reliable article of FUR , POW' WIN , are *soured toot they oan °Won it at !Man I,ANTW.ELL'S Wino and Liquor titers, *rat *sifter of yEItIVIANTOWN ...oaf) pad EER POOO. who. pas on hand a meal qUantity of .4111 T , bottlivd io Oporto in Int. ant 6t WRY, TRY, TRY, 1116 GIRARD AVENGE, A IV84. 9 11:10R8. AND SHUTTERS, nispa!, !maw and DwAttritiwn, THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1860. NEW PtiEEICA.TIC;NS. THE , METHODIST, FOR THIS WEER, lIIREADY. - Its contents are of the usual various character, with the new feature _ OF A PORTRAIT OF TEE REV. HENRY SLIVER, D. D , OP THE EAST B iLTIMORE CONPERPTCP. WITH A RIOGRAPpICAL learin. A SERMON, • BY THE REV. DR. CRANE. 07 NILW mEltsly. LETTER FROM BALTIMORE ON BORDER AFFAIRS, ho., ho., TERMS—TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR. L. BANGS. PUBLISHER. Subscriptions received by PERRINPINE rt HIGGINS, It BS North FOURTH Street. ANATIONAL EDITION OP IR VING'S WORKS." SAMUEL HAZARD In. No.l it 4 CHESTNUT Street, Hee the pleasure of anrounoing to the Philadelphia public the , the well. known piddle, er of WASEUNOTON IRVING'S WORKS, Mr. G. P. Putnam, of New York, has now in counts of Preparation A NEW AND COMPLETR NATIONAL EDITION OF THE WORKS OF"HAT GREAT AMERICAN Au rim. WASSINGTON4IRVINO, In 21 volume'. together with HIS LIFE •ND LETTERS. BY PIERRE M. IRVINE. His Literary Executor and Nephew t in 3 volumes. This entirely new edition of this Popular author will be published in monthly vommes, at 81.60 PER VOLUME, PAYABLE ON DELIVERY, In 12ine. sae supethly printed on dellostely tinted paper, substantially bound in bevelled boards, snob VuLUME ILLUSTRATED WITH VIGNETTES ON STEEL AND WOOD, It will be BALD EXCLUSIVELY TO SUBSCRIBERS, Ard will be greatly superior to any edition ever before publisued. A very handsome set of these UNIVERSALLY POPULAR WORKS Is thus placed WITHIN THE MEANS OF ALL. Six volumes. viz: TAE SKETCH. BODE, SALMAGUNDI'. DRACENRIDGI4 HALL, WASHINGTON. Volumeal and 2, TALES OF A TRAVELLER, Are now ready, and subsoriptions received for the set, at THE BOOK STORE OP HAMUE6 4 H C AZARD t ; uILe t sett etstuth ALZA.C'S •x BALZAOS NOVEL. 1 - NOVEL. JUST PUBLISHED: OESAR BIROTTEAU. A MAGNIFICENT NOVEL. BY M. BONOBE DE BALZAO. One elerant volume. cloth bound. Price 81. Translated from the French original expressly for this edition, by 0. W. Wight and F. B. Goodrich, I" Dick Tinto"). BALZAO Has been little known because he has been littlo trans lated. Except by reputation, he is almost utterly, unknown in America. " Over the whole continent o f Europe however," (to quote,theworde of Charlesiltok ene, " ell the Year Bound" . wherever the It era ture France jints penetrated, his readers are num bered y tette of thou ands." DiCKENB CONTINUER: "Unquestionably, Balsao ranks as ore of the few great seliuses who appear, by ones and twos, in un to'', after century of authorship, and who leave their mark ineffaesablv on the literature of their age." The wooed Balm novel wlll be THE PETCARLNOYA NCES OP MARRIED LtPF. RUDD &ETON have also Just aublished PO EMS BY BENNY L. FLABIL of Mobile, Va. One el:ken• 13mo, cloth bound. Price. Mo. Any of these books sent by wain stn free. BIM) /A CARLNTON, ,po Publishers, 130 GRAND street. NEW YORK. se23 watf FALL SALES OF BOOKS. SAMUEL HAZARD Jr., T 294 ckIEaTAUT Street, Invitee the a!tontion of ...Bott . X • BUYERS, and the publics eenerelly to the • LANDS AND WELL-IdRTED STOCK OF BOOK EVERY DEPARTME N T OF LITERATURE, now in store and being received from recent HADE SALES. THE /*MACRAE T P. THE FARMER, TEE STUDENT, THE MECHANIC, on THR MAN OP LEISURE, can find at this establishment Books thet will be lnetrunting, arnialing,_or useful to mob and every ono. THE. NE.. PUBLICATIuNS are received as fast as Issued and BUBSCR'PTIONd ARE RECEIVED, also, fo- all the Magazines. BTATION.bRY IN GREAT VARIETY, and of the best desoriVion. Having BINDERY connected with the establish ment. Binding can be executed in the best and cheat/- eat manner. Sir Persons residing out of town, at also citisens, will find this a pleasant plane in which to ears time in l ooking over the hooks. eeir-mwdeset B' 01 K BUYEKS.--Gentlemen: I have CHESTNUT tasemen whe r e e Philadelphia Bank, 419 Street, I will continue to buy and sell .(as I lave heretofore done at the Clifton,- ce r-wooks printed prior to the year 1499. Also, a Copt o Emmaus on the riew Testament, I v015.,4t0, ...voted in 1618. Price 050. I snit also deal In Bncravings and Autographs, Persons at a dietanee prishin i g ia ta se: Boohe, will des ,rtbe their names,.dates. SUM. 12_ dins.. con¢ittone and enacts, Pamphlet Laws of rennin ram. and old Books upon America wanted,_ aus-em JOHN CAMPBELL. SMoHENRY'S BOOK .ROOMS. , • 106 WALNUT STREET. PIIILADELPNIA. STANDARD PUIIFIORTPTiON WORK.. (son lm" _11',4..TS AND . CAPS- CIitARLES OAKFORD & SONS Have now open ALL THEIR NEW STYLES OF GENTLEMEN'S DRESS HATS. NEW STYLES OF SOFT HATS JUST RECEIVED FROM PARIS. SCOTCH CAPS Suet Reoeived. All of our own Importation. CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, Continental Hotel, It Noe. 926 and 829 CHESTNUT Street. CURTAIN MATERIALS. WINDOW SHADES AND CURTAIN GOODS. W. HENRY FATTEN, rzo. 630 011F.8TNUT STRUT, Offers a full stook of NEW and CHOICE PATTERNS, at as LOW PRICES and on as reasonable terms rui any house in the United States. sell 66 GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Ci...ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Now °among, a *sorb riesortment anovelties for Gentlemen, vial EU itP,KA BCe tr.P TIEB,sIGA aPa. PIE..,_COLLASS. ANN ELM trit 'PRA WILLING SHIRTS, An., seleated in London end Paris, to weigh special attention is invited. J. W. 'MOTT. Sl4 CHESTNUT Street. se22 A few doors below the 's Continental." DIVIDENDS. rll 9E PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, 11 AND DALT MORE RAII.ROAD COMPANY— September 19, 18130.-1 he Directors have thin day de eared a semi , annual dividend oftbree and a half per ~. cent. on the capital stook of the ctupanrpa uthle on and after let October next. ALF.Reaii liOltN ER, ee2o-thetufit neeretar V. FFICE OF Tllg PHILADELPHIA, GERM NTOWN. AND hORRISTOWN RAIL ROAD CO., September IT, 1860.—The Board of Mana gers of this Company at a Butted meeting of the lath Instant. declared a dividend of 4 per cent. on the caw lal stook, for six months. ending the 10th Instant. which will he paid to etockholders on and alter MONDAY. tne Ist of October next. 'Transfers will not be made for ten dare after the 20th Instan t. t. sets tathoto" W. S. WILSON, Treasurer. DIVIDEND OF THE PLANTERS' BANK OF TENNESSER —The Dieinend of taenty.seven and three•qoarters 121 X) per cent. on the 'ank of the Planters' Rank ofT enneasee. lees the fractional parts of Orme already paid in • oath, will be paid in Stook at the Western Dank of Philadelphia, on and after the lath inst. te115426 . G. M. TROUTMAN. Cashier. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. COPARTNERSHIP.—NOTIOE—I have thin darlormed a Copartnerahlp with WM W. BRONSON, uncle. the " firm" of CONKLIN de BRON SON, in the general Livery, sale and exchange Stable Bulinees. E. K. CONKLIN. l'hiladelphia. August ZI/. 1860. B. K. CONK] Ire. thankful for the liberal patronage extend.d to him. begs to whoa the game for the new firm of Conklin /c Bronson.7oADoA. WM . ronson. CONKLIN. NS ee2o 6t* W. BROON. AMALGAM BELLS. Only ons•TIUKD the price of BMX and lets than half th a t o f steal Bella ; of equally sonoroue and mellow tone. Warranted for twelve months &amine, breakiege by fair ringing. For gale at the SOLE AGENCY en Philadelphia, No 612 COMMERCE Street. thetu3m A. M. F. WATSON. WARM AIR FURNAOF. Thane w Cone Foresee Gas Consumer will I horoughly warm your house. with one third lees noel than is re. mime by any other furnace. eatialaotion in all oases guerantled. Buildings warmed N end ventilated by 11.0i.0 seti-stutliSmif 1010 (711ESTNIJ Street. ' QLATE MANTELS.—The richest and , most beautiful specimens of enamelled Slate Man tels ever otTered for sale in this country. manufactured by ill', from Penneylvaniaslete , stone end for stele very low. ARNOLD' &WILSON. Ne.B-stuth3mif 1010 CHEOTIVUT !treat.' RANNIA —All in Want of the ` l l.-/beet elevated, double oven Cooking Ranges will do wilt° onil et AIINOI & wimre os,' feB-litUth Smi f 1010 CdEBTNTT Street 50()AM p i t - Li AN A. 0 (MRS.—Com " intail's. Espanola, P c. il litTils,_ Tintano, .- Deck ben, Oaltioua, An/Fl7. • . Adorsoion. Arroyo Hondo. &e. Or *nisi's. Louth's*, Millar. Caudle, users, and Flan deaf, sq all mixes• qualitles, sad priesscort,by ye Cent OnlYSill, and for sale by cil • ES TETE NS Pt ASQ W la etreeit, %MILLINERY GOODS: L .I,t+ FALL, 1860. - • - . LINCOLN. `W OOD. - - ,NIOHOLE. I 725 OHISSTRUT STREET, eons Mock beloW,the Girard Rdnee; • STRAW AND MILK , BONNETS, FRENCH FLOWER®, FEATHERS, RIBBONS. Children's and Misses' BEAVER HATS. ! The largest and tallest assortment of the kind In the Mtg. sull-tuthe ant FALL, 1860, MILLINERY GOODS, M BERNHEINT; No. 91 SOUTH SECOND STREET. I have now open a complete assortmedt of RIB DOZY.% FEA7 REM FLOWERS. and BONNET MA TERIALS, alt the most fashionable colors and *tries. ALSO, STRAW GOODS, IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, £O., do. A Large assortment of Vernon and Continental Hats. with Feathers to match, to which I call the attention of MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS. Piing are LOW, and great Induoeme a ts will be offered to Cash and responsible Purchasers. AO/1m THOS. KENNEDY & BRO. 729 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, Have opened a SPLENDID AtSORTMENT of FRENCH FLOWERS, HEAD DRESSES, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, STRAW GOODS, AND BONNET MATERIALS, AT LOW PRICES. Ca FALL, 1860. RIBBONS. BONNETS. MILLINERY GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. We have 'now on hand, and daily receiving, a largo and handsome assortment of RIBBONS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BONNET MATERIALS, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, MISSES' AND INFANTS' RATS, SHAKERS, &0., FRENCH AND ABIIKRICAN FLOWERS, HEATHERS, RUORES, •ND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE MILLINERY LINE, To which the munition of the trade is &rooted. ROSBNBEILM, BROOKS, & CO., atile-1m 421 MARKET Street, North ride. Ink ni rS. M. S. BISHOP, NO. 1016 lerrtimepre pared to tarnish milliners and rturpta with pattern Hata. POLITICAL. FIFTH OF TUE GRAND BEILIBR Of epeolai meeting' is favor of FREEDOM. AND PROTROTION. Tun ROM. FRED. Y. STANTON. Formerlv e of 14228 6 g00, now or Knumn i wilt adatiso the plil ia wan i tnektan , joArty _ 21E2Tm131BER 23, • AA AT 3 o cLocic,_AT lONAL oAL,L, MARKET TREe.T. BELOW Ticiftrmircra, 1411-St On the treat lane. of the day. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. POI( 00VEIELNOt OT PErINTLYANIA, HENRY D. POSTER, Of Westmoreland County. 161 Dtstriot—WlLLlAM E. LEHAIA.N. 2d '• JOHN BRODHEAD. SI " JOHN KLINE. Bli " WILLIAM MORGAN. sth .. HARRY INGERSOLL. Sluts tlaxltOE, Ist Dictrlot—SAM ("EL J. RANDALL, LIWISL.ITVRI let Madrid—JOSEPH CALDWELL. Sd " THOMAS E. GASKILL. ad " PATRICK MoDONOUGH. 4th " ROBERT E. RANDALL. oth " SAMUEL JACKSON. 6th " CHARLES L. WOLFF. 7th " PAUL KETTERLINUB. Bth " JOHN SMITH, Ja 9th " HENRY DUNLAP. 10th " HENRY O. LEIBENRINO.• 11th " JOHN S. RIEHL. 12th " WILLIAM 0. SNYDER. 13th " WILLIAM D. MORRISON.. 11th " GEORGE W. H. SMITH. 13th " JOHN M. ARUNDEL. lath " THOMAS W. DUFFIEL D. 17th " 8. M. ZULICH. FOR RECORDER OD Dump, GEORGE W. WUNDER. FOR PROTHONOTARY OY DIOR= COURT. WILLIAM LOUGHLIN. FOR CLIRIC 09 QIJARTER 13R8STORS, PHILIP IL LUTTS. Paz CORONIII, ANDREW LOWRY REMOVALS. TV?. J. HENRY EMALTZ. his Reni4ved t. N.E. corner BIXTET end BROWN Eits. REMOVAL.. •., EItRRETT, RICKS, & CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE, UM?e removed to 821 MARKET STREET.• Borers are invited to examine our stook. 111111-113 REMOVAL. CHARLES HARKNESS, WHOLESALE CLOTHIER, TM REMOVED TO No. 606 CHESTNUT STREET, South Side. above Sixth. PHILADELPRIA. . itu3o.lll n'YOTT & 00., No. 232 North 81100 ND Stteet.—Vas t ing removal to or , new and spacious sts,re, we trout as l - the &taut en o Dealers to' our Ix- Votive stook o .PATSNT M WINESr PEtt- IMMERY. sad FANCY AtrrIOLES. Our tat own prises master yarietv than can be found at an y ease aohment to the United States. and our priors a 111 oan etre with env market. auf-to theft R EM.OVAL.-M IBS B. M. RED& lON bRo removed to No. 12114 WALNUT etre' IL 1112 121. WOOL. Now in store, and for sato at the lowest mark' via's,' large Stook of the most desirable grade I of OHIO AND PANNSYLVANIA FLEECE ALSO. LOW AND MEDIUM WOOLO, Whioh notohmara an nautili:ad to oat( and sw=ine. BENJ. COATES, ISIT PI arkst Sinai. Philadelphia• FAMILY FLOII.R, MADR FROM. CROWE WHITR WHHAT MATTSON. ARCH and TENTH 'Meets T I EYE-ORIENTAL DETERSIVE "t 3 0A —Vneoureged by the gyost end. merited too. o? es 9r this artkole, Devote( unetinohlted:soelfers comely inntuteu)t eneettoooe oily, ema we fee h Our duty to heti(' the leurollo that nose he genuine, Si eept en( nuns ui !dimwit on tiAmtn t • atuttl-wo 14.14 imam in $471E01.03. RiItAIi 7 NIiRICGoODS. REAL:IOISII7POPLINS. „ .„. THOS. W. EVANS & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED 2 (rums of REAL IRISH POPLINS, of the oelebrated MANUFACTURE OP PIM, BROS. & Co.. DUBLIN. 818 AND 820 eIIEYINUT STRUT. ee22•t! FALL CLOAKS OPEN! NO DAILY THE FINEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY, W. P. CAMPBELL'S, NO. 111:4 CIIESTNur STRENT SPECIAL NOTICE L. J.LEVY&OO. WILL OFFER, ON SATURDAY, SEPT. 16. ONd CASE OP DOUBLE-WIDTH POPLINS, FIFTY CENTS PER YARD The goods era ENTIRELy NEW IN STYLE, 'laving Jolt arrived, and aro greatly below the u'eual MOO. L. J. & Co. will oontlnue to reoelvo daily the balance of their Importations. They will he all mold at VERY REDUCED PRICES, As it in their intention to olono out as reninir at Doe tilde the whole of the stook. Families requiring Superior Linens, Blankets. Table Linens, Bheetings, Flannels. Quilts; Cambria, and White Good. or all desoriptiorui, will find a Very large amortment to chomp from, and a.I at PRICES GREATLY REDUCED 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET aols tt SPECIAL NOTICE. L. J. LEVY Je Announce to the Publio and their Customers that they will commence to sell MT, on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, AT RETAIL, AND FOR CASH ONLY. Their very extens.ve and ohoioe stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. The scads will all be marked down to VERY LOW PRICES, in order to dispose of the stook in as abort a time as a forced private sale will admit of. ON MONDAY NEXT They will open three owe of new printed MOUSSELINES, CASHMERES, AND MERINOS. Alao, one cue of black ground FOULARDS. Allot which will be offered under regular prices. L. J. LEVY & CO. would be greatly benefited by an early settlement of the accounts now due therm 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET, sas-if Ir, ADIES INVITED TO SEE TUE hrieri this anornaillTdli *Lobit &TANI.. No, 400_ Finest Idennoessold. Vinest flashineres Fiona De Lainaa sold. Richest Dress silks sold. Best Frenob tT , ntzea soh!. Store-keepers and ot re sae requested to examine goods. eel! WILDNESS STUFFS. Ribbed Pooelines. Garibaldi', new, at T 5 Gents Peking, Rare de Franco. PnvelitlVl BrObe• Embroidered Minimum Rich styles of de Loins.. Panay Bilks, of new designs. Large lot of blerinoes, French Chintzes, very rich. Neat Pope.hes. for Friends, Children's Bright Plaids. Flgiared Black Bilks. Plaid Flannels, (Motel styles, Mantle Silks and Velvets, SUARILESEI tlßUTttfritn. OliESTfluT and EIGHTU Streets. EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS! TNORNLEY & N.E. Corner tiliflTH & tir IN() ()ARDEN Ste., Roving lint 1118111i/ari t gl i fe STOOK, Nowoffer for inspection. ONt. OF THE HMI r STO CKS OF OCH)DS In their line in Phsdelphia D -WORT FOR An CASH .EXOLURIVRLY • d be sold POSIT' VnLY CHEAP! Special attention invited to Mike and Drees Goods. shawls and Cloaks. Clothe and Cassimeres, Blankete and Flannel's. Linen G..ode and Abashes. Maneollea and other guilts Hosiery. filoves, &o. All Goods marked at the lowest price. sell ALTERATIONS COMPLETED AND NEW CH A RTOOD9 RECEIVED, ES ADAMS & SON. have mueh increased the depth of their store, and will now display. on ONE FLOOR, alms and choice variety of SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, which they intend saltine at prices to Davy coarvirt- VON, FOR Cahn. 4-4 Wainsutta Shirt , ngs. 12/: cents. 4-4 C. Adams & Bon', do, 1 0 04 do do Pillow Main. 12% oents. Dark Prints. at 10 cents, usual price DX. White-around Printed Brilliants, 124 cents, neon price 25. New style Fall Delitlnss. at 13% cants. usual price 23 Super quality Hoop Skirts. at IS cents per hoop. Bich printed French Morinoes. Ilion Jo Lupin's Mouirde.l sines. igh cold mod Plaids for children. arse bars rich styles Plaids. New style neat Laved:is. Stella. Broche. and Blanket Shawls. Hosiery and Neck-ties in variety. New Goods will be daily received, and every atten tioniftven to render 'Me a F1R31 . -CLARE FAMILY DRY GOODS RTO RE. seB-stuthl S. E. corner EIGHTH and ARCH Ste. EYRE & LA.NDELL, No. 400 ARC/II strest. cash dealers JO Shawls, wholeza:e and retail. 1.000 Mack Centre Stellas. 1,000 OA Sty le Fall Rhaarls. 1.0 .0 Soo , oh Plaid Clan Shawls. 1.000 droohe Long and Square Shawls. sel3-t IPYttiu do LANDELL, southwest corner FOURTH and A RCH. Cash dealers in Fsnoy and Staple Dry Goode, Richest %is a imported. Best quality Blank edits. Silks imported for Friends. CLOAKING CLOTHS , CASSIMERES, BROADCLOTHS. VESTIR OS. &C. Boys' Cassimeres, good patterns. 75 ate. ginets and Union Casio mares. an to 70 ots. Fanny Cassimeres, from 75 to 51.75. Fins Black Caesimers and Doeskins. BL At K BROADCLOTHS. For Dress Coats, Fleet Coate, Overoonts, &o. Heavy Overcoatl nes. Beaver. Pilot. Tricot. Am. MONT CLOAK INDS. For Ladies' wear, of every desirsble shade. Fine quality and low price, by rho yard or woe. N. B.—Tailors supplbed at lowest net rash priors. coop Pat & CONA RD self Southeast nor. NINTH and MAK RE . WALL CLOAKS IN PREPARATION 1 some o_pfijli ng every day ; Rtealcsrill he complete. • Orders taken nod executed with despatch. Fall and Winter Shawls. Children's and Muses' Shawls •COOPER & CONARP, 5612 Southeast oor. NINTH and MARKET , CLOTHING. 1000 BOYS' CLOTHING. 1002 F. A. HOYT ea BRO. HAVE THIS DAY OPENED, R FALL BUSINESS, WISE TUSER USUAL ASSORTMENT OP YOUTHS' AND BOYS' READY-MADE ' CLOTHING.. Also, on hand, large stook of GOODS to order, from ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, sen-tbstulm TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. KELLY & DOHE4i,TY, TAILORS, 31 and 93 BOUM FIFTH STREET. HAVE WIT IMBUED TIMM PALL AND WINTER BTYLNB, Together with &lame assortment of NEW AND FASHIONABLE (MODS, To whloh the publi'e and invited ta examine. selo 2m AZIIMEA l AZIAttA 1 AZD . AZUMZAI AZUMCA I AZUMEA! AZUMEA ! PROF. MORRIS' A7.UMEA BARING POWDER, Manufactured solely at No. 6/ ?forth FOURTIf threat. and for sale by Grocora k eneranr. .12 Dour gulpOOß RICII ARD'S EY EIVATER."— Thim actentif,o prevartition removes cataract. end all kinds of ti•flaiumarion• no mAtter how long ataNl lng Wev i ra. 3. l'o l4 b o e . h t a i d l iVentr-five °sea per bottle, ota-ati W %NM WANTED—A situation as Errand Boy I V:C/WW.TiogralaNlT l Nat 2.22-2 t• WANTED—A Middle-aged Lady as Ifourekeaper Reference riven end required. Address Thpuiets." Blood'i Dispatch. eetlSt• . WANTED—A Second-hand fire proof Siff., EV. III & Wr.tron's male preferred. Ad dress" B. C.." Pre , : office. re 72 St* pIARTNER WANTED.--The advertiser wishint to onlarge snare and profitable business already established, and paring well, is willing to ad mit a partner who clan furnish ea WO. Address with real name Allen." office of The Preis. aid 2 tlt• A A YOUNG MAN FROM TER 0013 N. TRY wishes a situ' , tlon in a Retail Groner, Rtore, Can give good city and country references. ddreu " Elwood," o ffi ce of this paver. se22-3c. WANTED -A NUMBER OP SOBER and industrious men, of good manners. Addragg in the liandwrions of Inc applice4 l 6o4 at tins affioe. almanacs required. ge22-30 WANTED—A Young Man as Assistant Book keeper in a Book and Paper More; elle who has a knowledge of the business proffered. ad dress, stating salary, BLANK, Press office, ;en 3t• A GOOD SALESMAN, WHO OAN I - 14 fluencie n fir amount of ossh and short-oredit city trade, will hear of permanent entatement In a Wnolees , e Cloth Store. !Wilms "Cloth,' office of this ',suer. eel ft° WANTED—By in expert penman, a flituatton in • Convorannor's Onion, u Copriae. Addresn P. E. 8., ninon of The Press. seri) 3 A N T s E D—An experienced BOOK KEEPER in a wholesale dry-goods house To a competent person a fair salmi Wilt be wen. Address, with references, " & Co.,' *Arlo° or TA, Pres.,. 5019.4 t• A . HARDWARE SALESMAN, HAVING fourteen years' experience in ei first.class tier York house. wishes an eusegement In this city. Ad dress •• Box 2t01," Post Office, New York. sel9 st' WANTED.—An industrious young man V In attend in drL g,.14 NtOre fiord refe,eatto s required. Address " F. G.," this office. sea It' IT S. MARINE CORPS RECRUITING BERVIM—WANTED—For the U. R. marine corps, ab'e- bodied, unmarried men. herween :he age, of 21 and 35 year!, not less than 6 feet sff, inches high, and of good character. Soldier. serving in this corp s perform drily at navy yards and on hoard United States ships-of-war on fo reign station.. ?ay, from 911 to 92) per month, besides clothing, ra tions, 3p. All other information which may ho desired will be given at the Rendezvous % No. 31 I South FRONT St., near Sprain. let Lieut. W. (OES BUYD, sel7-121 Macmillan Maw. r EACUERS WANTED—As Principals, Aniiitants. or Partners. in the different States. Sobool■ Familes. and Colleges, *eyeing competent Teachers (for any 1160(/013 of country.) can obtain the heel talent for any Department by addrauin g the " Ne ttenetTeaohera' Institute." 33$ BROAD WAY. hew York. FOR SALE AND TO LET. pOR EXCHANGE.-A CHOICE TRACT •-• of good unimproved farm lend in the State of New jersey, convenient to the city. will be exchanged for pity Property. Apply at No. 11t4 FEDERAL. Street. r se= tf FOR SNLF-THE STOOK. FIXTURES, MACHINERY. ko.. of a BEDDING and FEA THER ho ablishment, (Gilbert's Old Stand, 938 and 939 RICO E Avenue I Tr. is an opsorton ty seldom met with, being ettabhshed for Sissies bears, and loins a fins business. lt• ROXBOROUGII PROPERTY FOR BALD.—Three-story STONE HOUnE. with none rooms and hell. two acres of land, plenty of fruit and shade, within ten minutes walk of the Norristown Rail road. Lopated on Ridge road and Rittenhouse corset Mx miles from Philadelphia. Terms emu. Apply to JOHN TOW PS. on the premises, or inquire at Stb North SIXTH Street. se2l)-/R* ROOMS, WITH STEAM POWER, TO LET CHEAP. Apply on the promisee, Waal hiokon Station, Nor, down Hai(toad. NM St. .1. TOWERS. AiFOR SALE—A new Clipper Bark, of about Eel tone, now or the goal.; bruit of the beet material.. Can be ready for sea in six days. She is fitted for passengers, and would make a fine ps obit. Apply to POWLE . 11AHRiti, & . 017 CO North FRONT Street. 31IS50URI LAND II 300,000 Ames for Sale, at priori ranging from I 3) to 60 cents ter Aore.tn any quantal:les required. TAXES ptid, and FA'rENTS proour Jd for purotta se no of Land under the 0 raduation Art. Flats furnished grails branoloeing a postage stains For farther information appluto WILBON, RAWLINGS CO., uu e. and General Land Agents, BO CH F.STN UT Street, Between THIRD end FOURTH, ST. LOUIS. AtO. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, and located. jrg-am gg FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR dein CITY PROPERTY—A Farm of 40 or 80 Acres. situate on the Camden and Athotio Rst.road. at Ham monton Swain. Howie, Barn. Fencing, and improve inept+. generally. good. The Boon and location cults bin for a lioardine House or Igernmart. Cott/saes and Building Lots slut for sale Atlantic lay. Enquire of Jollro SCEWART. Architect. No. 40? WALNUT Street. 'a etuth-12t• FOR S ALE—A well-assorted Mock of Hardware. Cutlery, Am. and the fixtures of the store. with the privilege of renting the store, which is situated in the centre of business. The houtirdtaa been doing the Southern and Western Pennsylvania trade. Any person vermeil of loins into the Hardware bssi. toss will find it a good opportunity. The stook will he offered on reasonable terms. Address • 4 A et this otfiee. &BLS etude tf HOARDING. nOARDING IN A STRICTLY PR I p; rand!g wanted try genilemnr wi'e _Re, _ Add revs !NU Lb tax. v-a 14 . .4 R. Le accommodated with coot] toareint in a rentßel Ettvate,frimily. Location central. Athirst' •• 8 . . rail °ince. son 61 HOARDlNG.—Families and Single Gen tlemen can have Board anti large pleasant rooms. furnished or u n Annulled. in a fi•st.olass house. hi an plying ai No. tb.l9 obi arroN street vhieh 11101 east and west, and between SPRUCE andPINE streets. 5e14•450 B• DlNti.—T rligible aeon-fur niahed Rouse. No. 13th 'WALNUT Street. will be reopened for the reception of too or three Derain nent (emitter, on the let September under the eupervi mon of efficient housekeepers. References exchanged. ean-lgt REWARDS FIVE DOLL R 3 RENVARD.- LOST—A large blank and whitey_ spotted Ft. Damara DOG Answers to the name of " Nero " he bve reward will North by returning it to the Elootrio Ott Depot. No 6B BECOND Ntreet. RAILROAD LINES. STRANGERS IN PHILADELPHIA, NOW IS THE TIME TO VISIT TAR SEA-SHORE. THE 110TEL3 AT ATLANTIC CITY ARE NOT HALF FULL. FINE lIATHINU, BAILINO, AND FI3IIINO. Trams leave VINE•STREET WHARF at 7.30 A. M. and 4 P. 11L, daily. NORTH PENNSYLVA NIA RAILRO s D. (MAT RYDoCTION OF FARE TO WILKESBARRE DURING THE eTATR FAIR. During the continuance of the State Fair. the North Pennsylvania Railroad Compsny. will IMMO. from its TICK T OFFICES ot WI 1.0 w Street and BRRIN Street. Single rickets to Wilkesbarre, at the reduced rate of TURFS: DOLLARS EACH. Tickets for PlolnAelvhirt will Alen be issued at Wilkes barre, by MIS Route. dories the Mlle time, at the same rate These Tickets will be good from September Pith to September 21111,, inclusive. and will not be recognized at any other time. ELLN ',LARK Agent N P. R. R. Co. FRON r and WILLOW Streets. im le amei WEST 011E81 E R AND PHILADELPHIA VIA MEDIA. OHANOK OF HOURS. On and after 51onday, ptembe rlrdt 1850, the trains win leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, corner of Thirty•first and Market streets, West Philadelphia, at 7.45 and 10 A. NI.. and 2.50 and 5 P. M. Leave WEST CHESTER, from the Depot, on East Market street, at I and 10 15 A. M., and 1.40 and II P. ItAU,itgA ) ON tHINDAY, Leave Philadelphia, from the depot. northeast gamer of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 8 A. M. and 2 P.M. leave West Chester. at 7.30 A. M.. and 4.43 P. M. Trains leavir g Philadelphia, at 7 48 A. M. and a P.M., connect Wednesdays and eritutdays only, at 2.1) P. hi., at Pennelton with the Philadelphia and Balti more Central Railroad. for Concord, Kennett Avon dale. Elkview. ho., and for Oxford. via nage. from end of Track. at 743 A. M. On Tuesday. Thursday. and Sa turday. the 743 A. M. train from Philadelphia will con clot with a line of stages, via Oxford and Hopewell, to Texas. in Lancaster °minty. The last Paesenger Railway Car will leave Front and Market streets to unmet/. and Eighth am , Market streets 25 minutes before the starting time from the Depot, and will carry a Bag to denote tt. Office and waiting room, southeast corner of Eighth and Market streets. where passengers. purchasing tickets for West Chester. will be furnished with a ticket over the Passenger Railway, HENRY WOOD. General Finnan ntendent. The baggate ear will leave Eighteenth and Market green; one hour before the departure sif the train from the West Philadelphia DePot. eel4•tf airiMME PASSENGER TRT-WEEKLY AND FRe IGHT ROUTE TO NORFOLK and PORTSMOUTH. Va., via the Philadelphia. Wilmington. and Balt , more . ,„ and Delaware Railroads. teepee by the new steamer phils delphia to Norfolk. ani Portsmouth, Va. On and after July 9th, passenger.! from Philadelphia will take the Slb A. Al. train at the depot. corner Sword strict and Waslonston avenue, on l ussitare. Thursdays, and Saturday a, arriving at Seaford at 100 P. M., and at Norfolk eerly the next morning. The steamer Philadelphia will leave Norfolk on the even ings of Monday, Wednesday. and Friday, connacitn% with the train at Seaford, which arrives at Phi &del i:his at 1 P. Al. Fare for first claw passengers, including Metal on the boat, $7 sanond-olass passengers, ism:ailing meals on the boat, $4 50 Proigia taken as low as by any other route. Von further partnutats see small band- bills at the hotels, and other publm places, or inquire ot C. P DARE, Agent, corner Breed st. and Wantons ton ay. • H. F. KENNEY, blaster of Transportation, P. W. R. R. f'o. 1 I T V RfINS T vin k1 i Er% , g35 1 31. ' , r t. corner ELEV Ervin On Banda'', leave illatelphi'a l 2. Pi.ilti:tekd4 Chester II 4 P. M. vsa-tt CHINESE AND JAPANESE GOODS.- The balance of the above consianmeut received by the bdwln Forrest. will be &sensed of et low priors. laboct of a very enamor Japanese Cabinet, Tablas. waiters, Fans Tenpors Teapots,* few well itteaed r ine a pe'e awl lob Fall and Winter drew, Jae., Sta. No.b West PENN tiQUAllts. sel9-Staf inARIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP.—Ono pound of which will do as much washins, and do it better than three of common rosin scan; clothes need no boiling nor rubbing on rt wash hoard. Over Moue families are now constantly using It. We guarantee It to give sa•lsfaottort. or return the money. All reetrentn bleGrodsrs have it (or sale. THAIN & 99 and 94 nouth Wharvee. Inn wsittf PICKLING VINEGAR.-375 Bbls of clmsfisd Cider Vinegar for Piokling..l4o do. White ?(TP:il;',avr.gs ,, xtr,prArAstokNwur , % - .. trc. 1. soma lusty's. c 0. .. AMUSEMENTS. CONCERT HALL, CILESTNUT STREET, Metamorphosed, by Thaernabargle Still, into the PSYCHOMA.NTEUM. 0 Venial' In Psyationmatetun."—Cictro MONDAY NEST, SEPTEMBER 21, MONDAY NEXT, SEPTEMBER 24, MONDAY RBXT, SEPTEMDRR Y L First ■ppearance in Philadelphia these eight yore of PROF. ANDERSON. " Great Wizard of the North," CotrnopoMao Monarch of ?lief/Want, and CYCLOGEOTIC TRAUM&TURGIST. In bt elkborftely GRAND ENTERTAINMENT, Replete with the Superb, Ornate, Elegant. and Mtet,e A NIGHT IN WONDER WORLD, A NIGHT IN WONDER WORLD A NIGHT IN WONDER TVORID, MAGIC, MYSTERY, AND MIRTH, In the highest development* of the ART MAGIQUE. GE=I THREE HOURS OF ILLUSION, Comprising, with countlew addittooe, the tune reportotre of wonders u presented by PROFESSOR ANDERSON, BEFORE Queen VICTORIA, at Bt:Ali:oam Palace; The late EMPEROR OF RUSSIA; The RING OF TILE BELGIANS; KING OP HANOVER ; HMO OF SWEDEN; AND Jar. THE CROWNED HEADS OF EUROPE AND RECENTLY IN USTRA LIA, NEW ZEALAND, TASMANIA, INDIA, BURMAII, EGYPT. SOCIETY ISLES, SANDIVICII ISLES. CALIFORNIA GGYMNASIU . —The Gymnasium of Professors BHAERRAND VEWIII. at the corner of NINTH and ARCH Enver*. is now pressred for the Winter course. Tine emultisbassal ass haw thoroushly renovated and /enlarged. and a sanstt of Improvements have been added. Be. des the terse numb., of over a amiss:sof pupils, lathes. tetVe men. and children. who were beasttal at tale institution lest rear.... hope to Ewe thotmada more °I an sexes ant ages take adrant.ga of as °ppm tonal offered at (Ins Institute to to .elit payseal health. which is the Louft raossatty for kapptaaat la Is man life. AND 330 INCIDENTS, I ?lease call at the Institute. A NIGHT IN WONDER WORLD WILL DK IN FIFTEEN ACTS, EXEMPLIFICATIONS OF THE MAGICAL, MYS TICAL, AND MIRTHFUL, Selected from every department of NATURAL MAGIC! And with resources derived from the sciences of Che wietry, Dye amine, Hydraulics, Aoonstics. Optics, Elec. trioltY. Galvanism. Electro-Magnetism, in., is., in.. combined in such a wanner as to astonish by the mar vellous character of the developments. stimulate to thought by the myrtle nature of the performance. and amuse by the elements of comedy which it is admitted to posses.. Unique as an entertainment, it has the attributes of yield cg el:dormant to auditors of even age. equally delighting the young and the old, the staid and the jovial. THE THAIIMATURGY OP THE ANCIENTS. THE MYSTERIES OP THE ROSICRUSIANS. THE WONDERS WROUBT BY CAGLICMTRO. •ND TAN MARVELS OP MAGICIANS OP TILE ORIENT, Will be more than excelled on each night of the per formance. On the stags will be erected a magnificent ENCHANTED PS YCHOM ANTEIISI ! Embellished in the most costly style, The de:glint splendor of which will call to the mind of the students the temples devo•ed to the Mayo of the Ramses and Thotmea, to the young the brilliant fauta eles of tPe Arabian Nights, and to the travelled that whirl% they have walleyed cf resplendeoor and sheen anatomic &splay in the lands of the Brahmin and the filog'em,•hen in. -- 61 t he rammer morn Adowtt the Tigris they wire borne By Bezdad's ehlieee or fretted gold. Hugh walled gorderut green and old. Ey garden porches on the brim. The costly door' dune open tide. Gold glittering thr-ugh lamplight dim. And brolderrd sofas on ertaXtitaya;!trese per The Yeyohomsn's , or —" _ of encrtatment. MEMEEMBIEM Ind ooneist of variety of intricate ani beautsful rnaohinery. exoeeding in snAgnifioencie anything which Professor Anderson hale previously attempted. ORNAMENTATIONS OP THE MOST OOROEOUS RICHNESS AND SUPERB CRYSTAL PARAPHERNALIA will be presented to view on 'the rising of the curtain urm the scene or Bewilderment. The entertainment ssdi h. divided into a eerie. of SOTS OF .MAGIC, nnenaei so as to constant• a srorrnmme selected from that presented in the course of Professor Anderson's tour !mind the world, that which he submitted to QUEEN VICTORIA AT BITICINORAM PALACF. those which he hex at ►snows times proseeted before the different CROWNID MUDS 07 trito77, and that which eight years ago, met with the greatest runners the Wizard of the North had anywhere achieved in its representation before the GREAT AMERICAN PEOPLE IN THE VARIOUS STATER OF THE UNION. Commensurate with PTO, Ten of Natural Scienoe, from a knowledge of which that of Biagio reignite and is composed, are the modificatfots and imarovemente in the present edition of Professor Anderson's Per lormaiws and it is to the learned, the well-informed, and the seeker after information that he would more especially appeal for patronage. Not but what be feels confident that his POT-POURRI OF MAGIC will be found to contein moroesax to please the moat fastidious epicurean in•amueement, and condiment@ to suit the taste of the most satiated gastronomist of ex ottement. That it shall really be the most sumptuous treat of the load as yet submitted to the publia of Phila delphiais simply Profeasor Anderson's desire. To oar rY that intention out will be his elm. and to Std that he has succeeded an lbe his most ardently coveted re ward. Moos last seeking the suffrages of the oil/sees o Philadelphia eight years ago, it has been Professor An derson's good fortune to visit nearly all the large eine of Europe. Asia. Australia. and California, to be a so ;rumor in the lees of the Paoigo. and a performer ' amidst people of all nations and of all tongues. In eve ry city and in every nation so visited. it has been his aim to search for. collect, arrange, and make available ' to his enteitainment whatever might present the charm of novelty, the value of ingenuity, or the excellence of eheibil ty in the form of amusement wherever it is re quisite that many art, should be called into play; that these should be the ingenious to excite admiration, the novel to enlist attention, the strange to produce auto nishment, end the novel bleeding of manY Pleasing tints into one picture. in order to produce general satisfac tion. 'Eight years of study, observation. and travel have bean spent with these ends in view. That which the fertile and inventive genius of the French could suggest in Paris, the industrious reses.oh of the Ger man oontybute on the land of the Teuton, the tar famed skilfulness displayed by the Hindoo to Br-- ish India. the mystio powers of the Arab beneath the shadow of the Pyramids, the mating' resources of the mgrignmigs of Algeria, the twists known to the Abort. giros of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. the re ligious cabalistic rite. of the inhabitants of the Societe and Sandwieti Islands. and lastly the mechanical talent of the heterogeneous population of Americans. English Meg/outs, Chinese. Japanese, and Polynesians, misem: bled in California, have all been enlisted and adapted by Professor Anderson, so as to render the amusement which he now has the opportunity to present one of the most cosmopolitan, extraordinary. and complete of any in modern or in past times. The facilities which Professor Anderson has had for perfecting his enter tainment by extensive observation may be understood from the facts that he has given his performance, with various modifications. before people of all classes, from the Queen of Great Britain d'wn to the uneducated na tive of a Pacific Island ; that he has also performed un der every variety of circumstances—planing before crowned heads at Windsor Geode, to audiences of Turks in the theatre at Pers, to groups of wanderine Arabs on the sends beside the Nile.to tribes of dusky aboriginee in the forests of Australia, to recumbent o.ientals tearing against recumbent elephants where mangroves flourish and where pagodas point upward to the sky, to dusky forme beneath palm trees in the Pacific, to gold miners at the bottom of a gold mine, silver hunters on their way to Washoe, and to some of the most remote Pio neers of American civilisation in an improvised thea tre on the stump of the Big Tree of Calaveras in Cali fornia, No one entertainment extant has been eo variedly given, and perhaps no one entertainer living has had more vicissitudes of travel to encounter. These farts. as Professor Anderson is aware, would amount to nothing in the estimation of the public, were it not that they establish two important points: One being that the opportuniiies for adding to the fund of amusement have been many, and that the stamp of approbation is not that accorded by One city or people, but by the first of the aggregate people of the O:obe. With these cre dentials will be submitted to the public of Philadelphia ha Night in Wonder-World. The itajO WM on this occasion present the MOST GORGEOUS COUP D'CBIL: As lot beheld in any liana( Philadelphia, AN ENTIRE TRANSFORMATION Will be effected, and the Conceit Hall will be lIETAMOBPROSED BY MAGIC. THE GREAT PROGRAMME WILL BE YUBLI3HED ON MONDAY. The Protector will be assisted by .._—The Modern airlillr.OrrnS and retro•rentiniooent orthosraphist. halu W. Anderson —......—. The Ariel to Prosrero. Miss Flora Anderson... The Fairy of the Mi■tio &mac Mr.i. U. A tderion, Jr.—.Ald-de-earns. to ths Wizard, Miss Anderson $7 The stay of Professor An,ler.on a lunit/id to is few 'weeks only. Ad mission to thej.pelly of tne 00 cents. 1.1a100n7 __ 23 cant. B e a n i n twit planes. obtainable without extra oh arts on Monday next end every dal from 10 till 3. . Grand Matinee end hiagiq P.M.e. on BATIYRDAY aim It I etrLook out for th• PRCKMASIME on Monde: t It ANUSPJUINTS. ACADEMY OP MUSIC. ITALIA'' , °PELL TBIB EVENING (8••TU eeelssaker = , °BAND GALA mosity... Boxed apeearanc• or the *My 'co nisi* Disagh 112113 eIItITEAB rce,TALL Lun•yzte. Bonet SIGNORINA AUNEBI• ATALIas tilt/NOW" A FANNY NATALI as At )0 FON OR BEI GPWLI Se Geneatv. Tickets cab ctsined for either orti=x i ll Academy. Beek k Lawton's. and CU/ and Nu.° Btort • Doors open at 74* _grin waraspes & NI 0:4 DAY EVEIa IN% aalla •ba oe• of the Boa son. BENEFIT AND LAST APPEARANCE OF MISS ADEL.INA 'urn. And her first sessaraute• as A ir sokL—, 1110:1474. Mass ADELINA. P AT LAI thsesissaisselAshisesetar or- Vio'etts" (first time.) WALNUT-STREEI THZATRI • • nu Lessee —.-3tre. M. A. GIAB i IM tilts( e kianaolf Kr. WIL A.. A Biainess Agent__ 94,. j ry • TIM telA.'7l:Rll.sr)7isvapirmila. 34:R.:ki ANT OP VENICE. Phylotk. M. J. W. W &Utak ; Ports. Mrs. °Wilma*. To te:Wade via. tie coLpitx PAILMIEIt. Deers owe It stock : reeicres.esatio someaccite et TX (Meet. ?nese of AdmEssioet Drew Cults. ((Tess sounuet without extra eberee,) 110 cents; rerlset. Mery cured title) sent'. )37)4 *sets &coed Tter wet • Circle awl Th:rd Tvir.llll costa : Privv.4 se. $3: Steels Seats to Entwistle. 1.44 retests pocree.7.e. WHEATLEY L CLAIRRA'S ARCH STRVET THY:ATM.% FIFTH GRAND MATINEE.TO-D k.LLA A . e 22 o'cloc k L Cornmeoc[nt With TLI F. LOCK Mk KEA'S NAT. Is the Ecv/toot• 4 14 L 11 1"" efri T ristE! LALLA RCIOKH! I.ALL A JI.OOIIII Dart •Inveareece of !dr. k Jim FIAviLFLICS.. 1.1 re az oo &toads!. AIcDONOI:GIVS NEW GAIETIES-- RACE Btte.t. tbovi &tom!. CROWDED Roe* NIGHTLY 01.161,1' THt wrinipxowvy MARTINWTTI AN AIrEL 11101.71. 'nits vrooso. BOK U. Fint mght nt•bo tram at'Tor octislod tha, Y. OREN MONO IL. With now maks. cow lOST •1.1 onn o n s , ar Kamm. ?A UL CHI *RINI soil NIT.. CILARTIC. and AY.DRK VA yi tAO oCy BLONVEC TH PE th.ADIATOR3, &Icor, Mau out,. CONTINENT AL THICATIE, , we Noma*.ld WV NUT etnn irn above BATIVROAS EVPSING. r o. LA • T DAY AND NIGHT OP HOLMAN JUVENILE PARLO* ory Alltotrpg. Cocoons= (oar of Ulf/ vorid. Rime talosiod Chains IA tit* A MATINEE will be grim TO-DAY. Wm& - eiott Oto sou.Nrct Tom* 113 Um world. IlleZ I' RANCH!. Pneu.ell lut sounnsuoto.ajght. On Mon sy GARB open, with an.'" Irina, Teononi. Hen dear Nile for parti - nlars. Doan open at r; sann mance !UM. Tteketn SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. ELEviorra maxi% OPSN FOR Tk k; SEASON. NEWLY DECuItATE7, ORD AND mumilD. MR. SANF Hea stewed one or tLe LANGEST COMPANIES ever presented heretofore. who will iiopter nlxAtlv. Sanford will parfegra erery eventor. Doors open at T; cOMnlenee at 7K. AnMittanee Children LI carats. sel7-2sn pENN A. ACADEMY OF TEI RUE ARTS.-1.023 CHEBTNUT Stree. Containing s Large colleotton of Pauttiningaad taro t is now OVBII dilly from • A.• M. tat a P. 11 .l mission 111 ctn.: children render 12 Tears. 12 aiscla. BLEPICINAL. 3 . R. STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR. Wuzi Ott - rz Tau. is Imlay:so Its heallag - 84/w4rrii: odors are brought to °outset with the hula' soakage of the THROAT, BRONCHIAL TUBES. AND ALL TRU MR-CELLS OP TEM LUNGE. relieving at once any Pain or orpritasion. aad ttealiat any irnta'ion or intimation. WHIN OLtYI TAI IS Tax 'CFOS ersjiji, it fors... u ualipoolled Soothing and Heating SIM/ for Cousin sod all Throat &scums. WgzlC 01. Iva Tax is Arrtrzoi its litsosaWs or rot oestrstsdeuratirs pavan raad•r it a smart spoody PAIR KNST BILATOR. Ohre Tar is ■ot stiaty—dods nit ducats, Fifty vents a bottle, at 442 BROADWAY, B. Y.. lAA by it Draitiets. J. R. STAFFORD'S IRON AND SULPHUR POWDERS :re a entable preperaben of Iron and thilphar. hineatiaal ',LI that 57 , 211Dif in tt• blacd of a terra: 41s health tenon. nu in/ Vitt the dueetall read, TUT girrtir•Ltzi • •D PrirlT Ttt 145.71. TWIT txr•er Seetor To TIZ Maltreat trerry. TwaT :571Doiarl. T 511.1755. Tsar It elerate rat Driteltoe, Tlll7 Hzat - L•111 71r PicsiThea or 75/ 8055. ATo ass a Sri:: era woe ALL Ft.51,211W PAltraLIT coITRININa TrITIMOTTRZO THOU Till ,ll3vint &Hid Mrtßl o [R ,I „ ( l6fieMmoa gi L .rr. ` Ciao LAW. Esq.. Elfin avenue. Kew Yost. B.3szoe Deer se. Esq.. Banker. New York. Turagely Wien. Esq.. Albany. N. Y. 0... yrry Reese. Wubter on. D. C. CoL Sastre!. COLT. Hartford. COL CHAR MAT, B. 8 A. Rev. Jo.HLA I.al v ITT. Ed. Independent. how York. Rey. F.- BRIGHT, Ed. Examiner* New Yolk. Ray. D. W. Ce...ss . Act. Am. Bible Veins. N. Y. Rev. 0. F. A. Spinning. Butternutts. N. Y. Rev. Dr. Leon/in. Exeter. RI. 11. Bt.NL FOR A PAMPHLET. Bold try all Druggists Dl OTT k C0..N0.234 Nonl SECOND Street, Agents for Fenturylvinxn. gel Sing •••••7PEOTALITY FOR LADIES —TRUES AND BRACE DEPARTMFNT or:seine:ea ly coo- Patent Ladle" Entrance. on TV, WLFIIe Stmt. VIC Joot below Race. A line of Mechanical .111e.wr dies. lieu and theant ,s [clam's:lien. tipermUill adayted to Lad."' NEE _ DI FBProvrietor, 8. W. corner TWELFTH and RACIi &meta Phitadelpaut. S 7" Entrance to C. R. N.'. Room, for gent lol6 . ll l t the corner. 0611 imi AWONDERFUL AND NEM FAILING REMEDY FOR DISRASEE OF THB NERVOUS SYSTEM. PROFESSOR MORRIS' EUCEPHALOB, AN FXTERNAb REMEDY. PygpsTed by MOCRRIDGE & CO.. No. Oil North FOURTH Furor. Or' And for sale by Dnigglats generally. eidt-gedf kffll For the IN/STANT BRI.TRV mad ati, MANE= CURE old& distend's wet- olaint. us FENDT 9 B BRONCHIAL CIGARSTTBB, Mutt by C. B. BRYMOUR & CO., 101 RASlLtiti Street, New York. Frio' *1 Per boX i seer free by Peet ary?4Pr in FOR RALF: AT ALL DRUGGIBTr. SAVING FUNDS. A . MERIOAN SAVING FUND.—Qom. %ad gIIAITH B Ige I % P°l 4lr t daT rAW A lL Tl ' l o'oloct. and on MOND A Y au II in the r e • Old..lnslataaon has always paid in fall. aa . mad. wittioat notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CF,NT. All gams said back, on deman l , La gold ardai var. TRIATI 4 I. ALEX. PrYt ILLDIII, 88811. WOLK. Von W. John 0. FfifT. T. E. Ilazwr. Game lost. John Angsseh, Jr.. liaall...&l l ;e, ARV. n r. John "airman, Jonas an, _ll. Wm. J. Howard. JOHN 8. Lksori,. °' 1011 N C. 8 IhLS. Beareiary. ii k i PRIIi G GARDEN BATING FUND. A- 7 ChEce. 331 North THIRD Stria. botvres Yu* snd Calkrah ill. Inoorporated In the Logialeig m ni ilth.lBsl. Open for Deposits and Ps,ymentei ' ra ito 13(t o'oloot. Also. on td,ONDAI AAA Tit AY EVENINGS, from IS to a o'cioca. Inters4l per cent per annum. Dispcmitaut ia vig . draw their 9 5,01:471b7 Ciltekl, a desired. pante received. JAXES L PILITILIAL i r m it z b, FRANCIS HART. IllearatlifT. INSURANCE COALPANIES. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON. HEAD OFFICE,n, 42$ CHESTY DT !STREET. New Baikkec. Plilla.lonaza Bank. CAPITAL -66 999 SOO INCOME OVER-- -...- -....51,200,090 FIRE RIM TAKEN AT MODERATE RATER. LIFE RIBK9 ON FAVORABLE TERMS. GETTY 1 LERBDiG, Aaisrs sal th.tem THE MUTUAL Li FE It'SURANCE COM PANY OF NEW YORE. . _ Assets SIX 311Luoris OP DOLLARS, INV/MID sWO RT H X/ RR A Su S =MReI,AL. LITATt. The premiums are toeraa than in many other Celine& wee, and the Dtvidends have been fa anaTt/t. This Is a strictly Murcat Comma y. PROFITS no Stockholders, so that ALL THE sr-LONG TO 10! Pamphlets, and every Informal ton, MI t 4 bAA a ALT It g on applotation to R. FIATCHRORD STARR. a en•. B. eonaer FOURTH sad WALN UT&»etL PHILADELPHIA REFFRVReES i Tbomes Robins, John Welsh. Mordecai L. Dawson. '4°,14,11. Smut, M7l 7.11ieW. " ' E. P. be en. J. Fisher Learning. Joseph Patterson. William C 1 sidling. John H. Atwood, Arthur 0. Coffin. Thomas H. Powers. George W. Toiand. Witham McKee. Thos. Wattson. al3-17.11 -- - FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO 406 CHESTNUT Strret, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED PEAP ti RIL, M. BY THE STATE OF rsyLvetht. CONFINED TO PIM% AND INLAND RUM. DIIICTAI,• Blrte 8A Irli r W . w i c . • Chu. Rirharamon. Ch.o. A. West. &cob W. Stoat.. Wilson Duu. Menlo Stun. Thou B. Mir naß E W. n kY,Prenidont. PRAT( CIS N. SVCS. lire* Pries. WILLIAMS I. BLA.M:HA RD. Seerstanr• DM- if ACKF : REL, BEAD. ILT.RRIENO, L.T.J=I:,..L. t r im ar i rrniv=oo tlAAli alto id bb:l..wir No. Clan, Kao4 - 11114 ignal DOM NM lici.llo. do. SO Ws no• No. II sadism do. la to sole SO half obts doe Oa. LW Ws Rev tpost No.l Bantu. SO do do Dm No.l 40. NM do Rfilt /10,1 Kis g is mt p?i l ik=k4ii choss. NOVMaddhel Iftelattill26l
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