Attalthilkifflllll4ll9olMllollo of ,oIIF thlinilitsoollllltra: r SIRRARROtr&B-4/Ba ,11t*siblit stsisti, : aW, liteciiiia:: , # Br PIP° " ' tt i „._,....- • I nt *i l ( 6:k Lao 8' :' ' imonBoB 4 - d - _1 , • •'in. in ' - la , / la. t o it main 1M ' 1' etk ,, 0.1 181 M . New ~ WMg • • Ugkettj , + ogifitrnakAttantro , 17 Ni r - . r-4 , .... twqm, &Barr' Ina AVIT . •, „ ,• . . ,_.- ..... Ivy, 411 lt,r4T, 1 8 - L r Wor, 8 G ret iv 'Mfrat, , tet l i ki t W Sipa-ofmk If ~, . Gftnains / Miaa ,Wrot, 61 , ; Lhosiiiy. Naw Tar John orlon. Now ark, nark 4 Ililinilattt 14 • Ci : MlllM3orbaq4.B. daal. , Ne, Bit isr" ' 100 '-' is_ P wn6oltorata s ioAd -,,, iv IGovilt, ...Blois, irMtn MX PAN, ■ mar#l al It gt. wymirf o ,, i iiiV-V i t. '. -15" 1. " irtlosits. %lir, Iti . , . tr A 0 itina V. Z( r ' l. l ". '"F re Irmo r• 4 ~, ~,,„, ~,a, Iwo ...- ri r ii i kl74 de, Prtvan, fit. 181801vint. Bo r26roliniC D 8 'Bl4 N ewyork Jaws tintapose. itaw York R / Boaz , .14sw o rk 0 Bodartaßilt-kMrt g O V %au Madam/NW. AUL id r •' °lc " ' B 8 Bogor: rim ;!.; --. • --__Ah G„,. t its &,vt.-14 • A h (nark . Boucot , meant& Vinialll DiOrke erlittlifin.iilool )lirl i nfiall & do;t4 Y O Wright, Oonneetiant _ Goo— orunavoren. N Y Jams FoNoprk" Mralcor. Now York - W ii; f st i q -, ;1 lobs Wet &lon. Ba lt ~' Ohba A W t 001111 ' - Mao hp: Conneatiaat „ Maw Ram a, -Cain ' • 11 L - Mifflini Chicano' _. - .1 IL Lybar. Chlowro 14 graft & kl. Na w yol k :- o.orsistionasa, Balthnore' Goons Gorman; Jr, Wilt Wain., 0 noninns. li York X A 1M Forma, New York H A lAthrgr, Gonnaononk --I:Lathan!: Connaatunit • r Geo L Leavitt, Pt: York. Mrs Goo .4 Leavitt. SI Y Iii 101 43•01, Leavitt, N Y r Tromp. Boston Jabs 0386111; -- ~, OMR Snow. Now,Yosk" MI I s l and r Bagood &i& fill? YO4 - it atowtke , ark ~ .' r_Davaiss, Walk, DII • J F . wow 6. nelt,l) 0 Prt Oliver & s °soros J tit - Banta m * J J Bloodroot , VirgunOl O . RI . tit ii ~ W Konsedr. Marchand - O B at , ,IR 0 Blaakeatog. Bolawaro I' ere ratilavars . Rlt Coohr; Mayers Vwsl,..__rneat klerar• 8 thavow. nous? B pliag e lrr . 4 447 _. .R 6 Shaw - . arth Carolina • , . U perms/mu, HOTEJ.—Coy. 'Ninth and Christina. W Boston W p seyinourglida., -, ICIR 0 sinntrn"..radhutt .D...Blxirr. pus tg .„ m v„vatitioa - , w p al tionat. leading . 0 C McardialDle, artigra •'i X odor. Manses , y :p i...„,,,.... .. root EV . Penns/Immo NM•rayko.• susseeth„Ten Abereromlns,Meraphis . 0 0 rislu t Seetillbarit - -1 181. Frick.Lynnsbasa Wlf Hai irtieboomid,Vart A Abbott: Ballunoro N K RaesollkOonanar . M veek,Conneotiout .. 7 W Boller_ sOn, 0 ' A t PlAipport. Indiana a k Il L Griswold: I eisna- •' w w Young it Is.. Misty i lit Robinson emmlnlrd R j illonik.%. o l ii . dna.% # ''!'m u.._ at Lilly , sivcaift FA Irdtartai l laiolisit Orti l lia i ri ,iti t i d lroa7oXll6 J j si oj og 43 , • :,..R. r BjokardstmeN p . .: ' - lc mane, ipmvA no, yq, Min rasbaim. ,Vicciina O Leingan, mar.thimt -', , ;Thos an. Maui: las Miss 0 Kenan, Selma, Ala:" Maas RIM Kenn: MLA - Muni M Smith, BelamiAla 'l' ?pi'M' imball.-Healco ' • J Monteoworlarlwav - x If. Outtmr, jl3 Conkey, Bolton . - ' - Mrs 0 Thosigion X 1 Olts, Wm MiaiWs.-Baitninirel •r ,_ /mania ' -- •. Mies mews_ alobardson,llo T fa thoem, Virginia • J Gasbag% Jhrginta " - - Mni HiA,vitscerald. Ya Jal vlita.` ?vett:. t i , „,..A.Pa t tr, A y k lrtinisi ohn 7 roebeiel'inn Mrs L Van }khaki" E 0 Perrin. Ala ow York K rreddee, New Orlealle J P Davis, New urlssoo- ' • Thar G Barnett, Mr, 'Min Mors X fa.Barrisbn. Mir • Mrs M A Vim ,I Tens / S_James lc law Maim - Omit Constable, fild ` W 108108,(liteinnall, 0 • W Obese,- Battalion , 1,8 Malan IMlradlarristog' , rtz,lLylornia . ': • • D Neilson_ , • •• ' • lokney. New (Militia Whals_n A "niing Orleans . -Laintrk Ia,LBLI . Goo W Waitts4•Wayaasi4 •A 8 Mather k wf",, - Roston 11 P Rotbrogt la do, Ps - - Kik.'Postolthallin, 0 ' 8 Talop RaLsisasoo 4 ‘ Miss /* tor, -lastirVark ' Thos - rocriAlsbasia ~ •L. P pisoon-kl. Nis ,-• Joan 0 Prance, Mim JII Molteler /0 1 0108 . e II II fitaffonl,erer York -- TBJ HatlleY: roma '- n P 8 ninn.Boaason.Tox Mtn 8 &Poor, N lit • p J Gillmals swimmer ', •''.B it Dawn& wr," Pa ' , - . F r it Roof, fle w Yon( ream M Boof,kl V Chao .Taylor; New York ",•-,; rs Taylor, Now York .1 I. Staistar, Hooduic ' -, - , Potooon, pa' X R Isamu& X Orleans ••-- Alebardaon, New York Plf VAldel, now York , . •-- emirate 11. Coibir, XY. , - K WintaiitialionandiVa 6 6 eitmaevlt Is. Cin, 0 W Omni,: new_ York - - U Mills. New York .J V Essett,:Lin4vi s r lfy: , 1•Xl Wadnrortk, New york- Mreamymid • Tank .5 X -Zentstoyer k la. Ya. PI Dae . Hex. or r•-. , 0 PI: tireyory.:Jemer City It i_ iitoig Ali r bn. a . lil w ,L o ßsAt New Orisons, St MI Pity Yorit . ' ' oft Walker an'P' ,1 1" 11 "; .ie=li.Nlllffli V.ana : ~ .7. it L Dhaw.•lnoltyarolian W il PwA4Lealp y rwr , ---1 - C Mairm. I. 7 4lWArr A y.forii ~ l'APLV:aii,ll, l l'.. 0 Buss it 8 oki_u 8 Army.- .• •C 'W Abbott. V 8 Rove 8 Abbott. U 8 Neal '. ••• • .§Xorns, liked" Island , • JI. Baily-,llulanolotna . 1: J Moore. Philadelphia RD orne A Philadolehia- AC Tdoomb, Mobile, Ala A.O Il i c 4., nom.% N Von Keller, New York W T . New York.••, ".. !GTltonias, NOW York ' ' Urn Rae, mit R. g_Coie, Plasissehrsetts• 3 8 Kinard & Yingisia D Hunt, Richmond A f r it s kt im eni on Lean • :, t o , wmirriw i ttim A, ._ Go dilliptl, Ifirwr 14 0 4i' 12112k,44 iik.dTa,-L ANA,. it ow r or • .11 w latitos, ew York . iWAliztoarYork Q_ , , firland re Willinsam York. , William, ser York - X modern 80 torlo •- X W Com, ser York. i AO Measseinray f Caridins.l•Resialli riontit•Carol E 0880; New ork Mrs Gray. Boston M I.OAs, Near Yin* 9 4E.,l3srripos, California A 8 Bean,"NoW York " , AMERICAN ROlRlastust stmt. abovr Mb. It ua. .1 8 . Xi* York i :::, lii ItTioniaii,jihrtaa -gleef rton,Yania,; -,•kic pr L arob pens Jam Id vs & dp a ,8111,•• •T D Blt a . .1 . iiiMiraifoinsioni4ilril i =o.lll•o 71 jin lisbi - 411141:1)...." \PI, - : o i fyirestos.FlaW ever , 'wont .8:m1m:A .1 , J oboe, nor York ' ~,: /eirliamtb,pni & i.Oldo II launbenen Nang A , - AillYnall,riorjja , Carolint 'l' AL brova, Cortina wit •Botimey. N 0 Ju Falai:B Yap'. ‘: i, Oho IT &now. fisanormp mrs gii , E liiti.DC, , •• , Lpiettutatzwit il ,p ft .1. Ault, ortb carolabs arJallsre tf, in ma 0 Camoungs ft la, XY • :_ /Di My`smaspripl'A WErtmliord• •". •,• _ 0 Biramonirm York 0 I sostpar m iork • - -Br snorer , , , U D 'Moot ahoy* ti , Bad. army-Bkm* - ~_ iL litsrelay enity Ithors .IR Ralilabseirenea -' Y!Watt. tiOrtiCiii i nit Ma i Tr% 0 - i k iNlMlZtliii . 2llll/:,. l i n/ s ail D JOnsidi n N J in , , A Miller, Omagh fie , `-' C i p e ifo r &ror rja r . i: l a ".• p_rtwasedelb velum° 0 0 411errabir. Kentucky •"v wills*, noirtooky ', , - Il Iliktrifane. Len. Ye 11 MasdramiX _Caroline ',•• 0 a Meitesitio. el 0 . , 8 8 Realer, 8 Carolina " • 'Mini 8J ,an.-.ff Carolina Car iamb, It Carolina. tDr J "i" Smith. in Carolina A Sellout. Ohyp - A &Wig Virginia. AA Of Aoki ft ClO 0, iaa' ' Alske . ‘Mginird - '.. I „ , , • .. XXII.CMXTIP NOTEir-poolthatroot, below -Anal. a , - ri ;,- .;,..... 1 1 1 4koi l t e t' r ; NI - Le 04 ' oaks, vir, -- ilita - A 8 hiA rid, ' U M' oo A ••••• - s' rter. teldtui",• ; 01 p gatit. 0 to' ' '.' aim Okt ,I, tr , objo ll4, l9raiblat,'Obt6 - W BsAerlr* - . -_, _, al ILariamsbutg J a totemajztoetlue t - .. J. Tiviliethk_Olatleld.,o & 1 ai., fre.V.,!".11111 3 L. e At orkpiv 'Clmis itaatoe. - N Cr : • D r $ P aseAl,Araiet Pal i Negerethefen oW i i Hit 4Wleivrti u, Mao ulna. be J 1 , was , xr*Sek A dam. am Pa F ifer, _rine - Juan bootber Altoona Tekikaamotosonaito 14 X writ wolh i „ _., P 'Arnow, kar t moo a lather abeam &al. tale 0 F Mita, datratore W D Utbbent, weal bury too Magoon. woe& 0 B Roamed.): t .tet. ea - - 1 417 , :ve .r..„b N hin JL. Noberti'Vkiaabenbati 'l' . amenore OW Armstrocliegvesuo iel Jig, kroo Al Williws,* ' frir 'WA DO. < J P Pentoel4W Atbeetet 0,1 P ' ' rritrarri'= , : , ict Roar* A knawirompitiaryr ~ ~,isims Boh m % , i.Lr.• • S. AllOtiiiiktiPensa : XS bleasiyie l e s7 s 7 r it aigggait i lreee• I . l „, vil taisie j . Oita A 0 Itobseoui Touteisoi- . ` f 0 Lei, - stionaewn A Levi, Xagent„ , , 8 Dittlebook, -Alagentaira TAB UNION' 110Tilli- , ilrele4. Moire Tiara. Ilex Mougrove & li, Ohio Djkover. Ohio . " . ' W Utter', Uvianyttio, thito'"J II militu3 , • • F o X a llikki -'," ~ , 1 . TO walt,AliestowiL 0 Bbe ; Mays :: 1 m s lt i vlttle a d:R.,,,, r =!-_-' ~ .1 , ....wie - ..e,i t t..d... , mo w., cr.natirti: A tr Jr.;Firw".4,.. 4 ., lentun.r . 4- .. Grolier. -, b ap :-- ' ' Nvototerot=lnsais m f i p Mal, ~ '': %br H d laylw; %adon ' T . - Ws. nealerCij . :NY ititMearri — 7, • 0 Nom sus, 1 -, W reerere i reatost. D A i so U Ewer* Delaware"- John itonfil i Perm • ribleirepi-- r. *Mao; *addle ' - AloliCiiiTaal HMO - 'a il.s Blii.. r". Joke 111 - Adalt; G&W -, " !'.lllee 0 Deane dy. Lamm j /i4gplcialigabosteint , • :al Clumbero, GUOUlliati 3 M. imoria'Wdebill4* - 0 i !yaw, inkio - W 1 , : Wolt.Mugr ,;-- - '• -, k awnelued, tad ' S c iratir*. learlicliif '. dltimodnakaarilainil Vollnakolelpliligel I Pliti k guns t ot J Ralik 1110MinityrA I 0 n . ' etiOrt. =tw o r ip' JONAIP NOTIW-iNisfteinit stratet. above soak. IGI o,ll4.Nyi Was s Yak " . A Mamalunar fr all'itarfairomori N.4lirslay Nihau Anderson loM.. Pbatadows -N lii, Towns, Ps ltrk s ,' H Ua4=Paii , -• At Ms, N OSMIUM ... 1 awilloall. nag CMI saa,r, Maryland , Nakalimeina ' . i i B jteasiag, ehetipenstati 0 a '' J „auctoliga. ilirmaii - Y Yabaglais*Nivaw.. _ -. /40m: . Swans J waif mivanaii — ./ aNt Alamein. %ma, Vot,la r prk ' - ' ." ' .f4=itirth.c.rourt. vr. , l*7lTVilitim. 4;fft:l,2 , Yin nil ,: And araW ~ _silt ;' ' ..,., . 14 SB anus. Baltymare II theirs:o r tailba Cr retnell Cllal 0 P:Mantaoi. 210140pluaa -, . . , , , - ~ „ , . YHT. - 14011.113—Chadaot ms., above Third riliraiii Penla- -'- Atm K; Marshall , fiatttard IL Dad; tht ' - It lifter, Stot.log. 111 iv Bolf‘eg . Aida oo• W 8 ark; Islam)» ' ;4p.lrri =At ' AI -- rir tatZo ld it . li s siat 1 Calbrio's , latttakora ' - itak,gmaanta.-Igatasiora ealaper, At i ramo. ,r. inuattn. llama A Itairwoadi A lora ' 'Kam Miltbator• •-, - A brim Astaintre • Basistty, Boma " ' A a 1bl:woo, Ptillaaelplta 1. Mortaw..oala . , , p A .kopokostosatilto .•• , 4V Baaviovi;Goviestoio - :f li rtio . tol l oorenforijii 1111j.'Zrwer4"1"3,11:p4,Thua -I,,...tnitaa'alatala ,• • • .. VJ . maw. lio,oosa piiiiiiiiiiltOtilalrot;'ialoita jg la' pLiViavon,Willisuppoot Colton% Anna -• ' IsamoitotOos Now Una t)• Now mimic igkist an , • J . Pa ;' • - 'k A Noltaabsab **siding Ir chs i , l4 V N l i i5 ,e 6 . 1. ........r0 1 r10;ii'i- A na I: l i V i vtilo . .' l : 4 - - • p t Jovia - alas 4....2 1 " , - - " m IOO : 111130 mo" " Ai Mpitgill,llllllllllVMOl -U. Ito takr.volla, ' Atbsrt a itbr i raam, ire it wi . . tkestimmt tr i llainnlaWrjitb -A A FrAntilareto toe .L.... Folgolh - foralaat •• .r A Johnson. wiatoa r tirro , 00111116461iL IVOTSte-aikti. YAM. lib: cikiestaut, J A attar:idea. Chelterao. I.W At* 'Hi; titn4pillor; Pa Joke Creastiti Pranlabt ad AJP Worrell. Chester A Itentiagtob.lieotyja . .1: 8 liesoineon. area' W . 0 ?MAW, gradall. Ila ,'— Sala loala, OistaLoa VWWok/. PtwaoA Ilona 1.. 8 tie% Tonotosaos. a irork • ' Chao BO zoom. t• .og p pieconobso,P,Degoit 01 riomporall. Dr Rook Ro ult it l erAk i i)= l :l 4l O l : -. 71 lerbtA n k 1 A t e t tl i t t T a 1 IS " fibrilea, MG_ ~, ..., Jae Hugbaream Tree l itt ° =l4 4 a l e a ra'a. i s rlat E r k larbOga v e 4 'FijihriAlll4lo . liLtliaZati iii. 1414; above Allooisil.: Fropkilari t ballaVafrf ' .". leit. Plorkherot. Poor York , Q. la Mutt , &altos. ma - -A'A Coilm. Looton. Md Tpas ConaDdir, Reirto, - Pal -A mes J Inabbili. Del .. - • L .,,,, 0 0.m.., Mir York; vitals Id A dams . Dal:wart .Calatogti Del m ; • 111. 8 1.1, Opktol r ps. L •.. rpc' L 74411 g yin Job g l 'irt i t_y r ik fft 7:4l' %Yalta - Jlll . Obltim-Pol 0 - t I , gamma Jersey, it ! t aro. Eaweiro i w a l lirmf be tl ikie Jr . t Irol 140., ginoyer. Del iff:ffall, Lb Were I Virdlog n lt o l i t swi C Christi/at .. _ , . owOrlo , ous , p 11111110, SIAVEX-AiQyaß-I•Thad et. ab. Calkaraili. , • ' II , roofer - , holm lama JO Motuar, Allontova I L Vlfittea, Pa .„. „ boo, WWII. 1111#014 illt I VII i t iegrAi l 7 49 ; 2 8 111Cit t e n"l osA CCI '. ":. : . tik, ti; sli a, 0. 0111111 P. rii , - , it 1411).0111111 '., rkillll a olleu• .rbotrillo • II " Iragatila : o g e alttdrir vi" ! - , J A , ~ ill im igg .j. t .. owl, Dorksai :: .- ~, :4/0.11111 1/1110L-Illoatoi litilol. lairra Illitli• ' LI=I21:4 1 /Vaial.a it ikirgo l if f . emit 00,mo ' - ,rrel" ''Srff ri f#l7:s 4 'll=M; illE ateharrt CV Jarabh . Pittiburg to ti Al Plan , ~, %V I v , Iloilo , ; a l , Imo.- ,4 ~ - , , , - ITeteirls A °Atm. kriddlot ‘ own T - I4 :4441ifiet,Ar .. _AillbecEgyatrin., Wei . tattyk-- -, 1„,, frzul7;- tbipri ., ~ up ttori.Plborm.; „ iv r -• . - ' t 117116, neltilriUlt„. ' , WYO . * ,' ' - 'CiltiSir:j4biiiepoli 1, , " - wiptesimirri; oo lid Addis. Italie:co. Pts.• tai l :sborit: i - - Arne, ataatio,Utty • stood whittent,ffl, law • • .... _ll...Whoolor. IAP• Mar - /AliMernAA#4, ati.' tW;W Via.: .. ~ , ...i ' ; A '' '' ." ''''' 14 ' 1 14 *? - ig : .Tht :Vita s " - ~ :, -, , - • Wlla JlOl/ob,,P•tialllslais ziacliav4i.L.4%l4.-Abar. odialor .L.-ii. , ~ . , , ~.. . ; , , 0 trz.o9, Y . .tl'''''''''• - '';,',' i`lo. ' P't""*• ---, Trt'''''''' .;.." '-: - - '-:/: • 14 --. ... . ... „.. 4 ., ) 1 .4...0.-i - - Roitou-1T Baker aelrtrr, MI of lostoni nhootsjh tgaimion./Tany;47 I•4:4lfir'ur aro,. aid °Winning.; - 7 - 7, 11=31=2CM2M11 NM FOURTH PAUL • • , - • "RRIVED. Debi ifip7. Riokarde t A I dar frois Camden, Dale with rto&p a' Riertsy &•Co. • • ••• hr Wm George, Easel. I day from Emma, Dal, wtit norn to Jul.' Bewley & Co. • IllohpearattDenn,dmith, I day from DlWONAL'aßridiet onth whwA to Jas 4 *Adel &Co. , • gl —Da oa b t to s Iphonse'. Vincent.l day from Salem. NJ, with A Tao Et • Otaismar Anthracite, ;ones. !Plows from New York, With indite to .W bl Saud & Co.. • • . _ . ~., ,' M.EARED. &hi. 8•04,8110 rer , Weeeerceembneerort,L Rothe/ ISM k. 00. Rehr II W Moree.Thillipe, Teaston, , do Bohr R 8 Amu, Cook, do , do _. , Pe 1111.110SAPH. (Chavessondesse of the Press./ New numarre. Sept 19. • , ArriVad, shiPa Dopentotion, from Boston; Georgtone, neat giew.Yorc'. • The iteaawhip Star of the West will sail for Havana on the Mt inst. • • MEMORANDA. Steamship Kennebec, Johnson, hence, arrived st York yester4y. • ' Steinetnie stY of Richmond, atitehell, sailed from Riohmond inst. for Philadelphia. Befuishir !curdle, Bullock. for Nov York, s'intin. vans, olcared atNew Urbane 14th inst. • kgnesinship Bremen. Wessels, from Bremen Sept 1, and Borquipton 6th , arrived at New York yesterday. Akio sry V l Searn o inon, Tiokbani, for Philadelphia, snared otward at Liverpool 6th that. • Ship John Bryant, Gardner, Rooleallao. at Cuxhaven Bark Oast, Ryder, for Philadelphia, sailed from Boa init. mut 3 V O OOll, UMW, cleared at New York veaterday for Galveitton. • ' Bark Clue R Batil, Beandells, for at Thomas. cleared YOrkgesterday. Brig Routan. Drinkwater. cleared ae Et John, NB. 16th inat. for Philadelphia. ' Brig Ocean Lee, Morrow. henna. via Berbadoee. at St Thomas Rld ult, end sailed geth for Crab lelsod and Phi ledelDhis. Brig A 13 Cants% Watson, for Philadelphia, wag ad untried at New Odeon. 16th ion. - Behr J L Bodnar. Cordery, hum, arrived at Belem 17th nub MusD P. ateTer, and Jacob & William, Matthews, hence, arrived Fortino:loth 16111 lust. • Behr Grecian Matthews , hence, arrived at Ports mouth inst: . . Bohr Smith Tuttle. bens, arrived at Barnsta ble 1601 l C ug Fehr aroline Hall, Graham, hence, arrived at Digh ton UM last: Bohn Mary Pletoher, Crosby. Ella, Paeksrd, and Sa rah, Benson for Philadelphia, the latter via Sipplean, mined from New Bedford DU inst. • Bohr 8 Chester, Bowen, hence, arrived at Nantucket 16,11 last Behr Brunette jettison, bane', arrived at Richmond 19th mat. , Sohn J Bleeeker. Fdwards, and Emma Beulah. Botanic, bleared at New York yesterday. for Philad. • Bohn Sophie Ann. Smith. ti A lieoknober. Stubbs, and Ala ! /indium hence arrived at Boston lath inn. Holmes, Rawl% sod John Rodgers. Clerk. for ftiin l i i el i gta, sailed from Providenoe lath inat. Steamers Josephine. Green. and Vulcan. Morrison, hence, arrived at New 'York 'asunder. SPEOL&L NOTICES. HATS FOR FALL.-W. R. WARBURTON, HATTER, No. 430 CHESTNUT Street, having pre pared Several new styles of HATS for gentlemen's an tame WNW. , reepecUully invitee intonation and pa tronage. • sets-6t BATING Forn—NATzoitAL &Mr, TAM flowralry.—Chattsold by ths Bute or Fitrenneranut. RULES. 1 Mem is mailed mr) day, and la any moont motor small. FIVE PER CENT. interest L paid for money from Ms day it bleat to. The mousy is always paid beak in SOLD whemsror It is called for, sad without sodas. :4. Mossy ismosives from/Lumens, Adirilipttidirefer., .owareliass, sad Mbar 'Prutsabin lams seams* Mal. to rejoin a long Or sheet period. • *a. The 'Dowry received born DePasitors is invested la *sal Eats* Kortagew *mid tenth end other first idass asemitiaa: I. Moe ogitejyifidly,;liriLMl' Ctilit. ig4tUnisai (Am Illdrd amt. Philadetslls. . ALLenotrui not'fall' to read the &dyer. temarient of Prof. OOD in t&liaeo paver. stuS- it . SILAXANDILEI Fnus-Piook S.AFES.—A very tamp assortment of 'SALAMANDERS for stdo at yea insane etitMe. No. 30,11011/oMitl Bt., Pailadelphim ,all3O - - - - E VANS &-WATkON. „thrit P*iei Ourtnura OP TUN LAM' li.tatc, made is the beet meattii, totterenly tor OX TAIL SALM ,LOWEST eoliths gnome walked le Main Fiona. • All gooleAuttleto omer warranted Bette. foamy. Our ONE-PRIOR spriest to atria* adhered thee we believe Ate to be the only our was of dealing all itirtel27 trimited althh - JONES et. WV_ . • . iliM MARKET Xtromit. Quints & "Bitrata , s V/ILFBRATBD Nonni= Bzurrna ithcanint, The Best in Use for Family Bowing. No, 730 CifiBTNUT Street. ;nits&lphin. 'swims ~Elissza's :13AvitNS Fron)--Noantwirt Comm tWORD 'surd Wats!? Bramites.—Deposits re- Weed iii Mitsii and large annouste, from all clammy of remnienitf. and idiom Internet at the rate of FM rER GENT. per annurn. ' • • Money may be drawn by akimbo without tom of in tripen_dallY, from S o'clock, and on Mon lay and flaterdey until nine in the evening. "'resi dent, FT.A.NKLIft FELL; Treasurer and Beeretary, nitall. M. MORTIS. , • MARRIED. FLAMIOAIe—RAZZ4T e —On . the 0.11 of Aucust• IMO, by Rev. M. Kitraser, of this int.. Mr. Wm. H. plant_ W Imitton.l to Mies i f i agete,imprctit, c " 20,, An y 'mom/talk et. -iosieih'e March, by the ey. Thomas Mr. ee H. egme. of Ipilifontitt, to Mite Mary A. Zieb.nnr. melphts. • • GiftftittY.—JUßTlOß.—On the 17th instep t. by the Rev. . Tnylor,Mr. Mantron.Oodfrity to Mite Mum Blirikrilll4lolo,b6th ofWilfainetoo. Del. MC TALU-15ARD —On the 10th of July, Ity_ the Rev. Mt. (Rey, Mr. Archibald McCall to Mee Mewls ß. Lard, tooth of this city. .DIED. MATTIM4II.--Pesiancil this life, on the 18th instant, Fromm, *ifs ofXoseph I. Matthise. • The relatives and nilds of f' the family are Wee tionately invited to attc the Amaral. this (Thursday) artereaßiket BQ:clock.. tom the reader** of her hus band, no, 1511 north firciond street. To proceed .to lilenument Cemetery. KIRBY. , ..g)n the 17th inst., Isabella, wife of Richard ••- Paws' from the residence of Mrs. A. Kirby, No. M 1 North Weeend street, this (Thuteday). morning, 14. M olo`ook. • - •AY RES! —On the 17th kettle, Anna M., infant daughter of Geogge R. and blab H. Alma. Funeral from the ...idolise of her grandmother. Deborah...A. Marshall, thui (Thursday) afternoon. at Do'eloetr.- BADORILL.O.I the 18th instant at Bristol, Ps., Ed mend Rodger, in the slt rear of age. BAUNT.—On the Zak **tarn, ftemea 24. Haunt. in Mink! year. _Fea•rat from dm madams& of hie father. No. 313 3 &DIM Thirteenth street, tins (Thundayl 'Ramon, at _o meek. _ the 17th, instant. at North Lebanon, Pa. Lehman. in the Teth _year of his - fintind • from the residence or his brother. sada loin Lohman. Germantown. this (Thureasy) after noon. at - 3 o'clock, LIVZIKY t rOn the 17th instant. Mrs. Mary Ann,*ife of George rseyiaged 19 sears. Fusers! Man ths residence of her husband. No. 190 Po plar streat,this (Thursday ) afternoon, at 1 o ..PRTSROOII.--Cin the 17th instant. Mts. Mary Peter son, in the am year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her brother. Samuel Meat, Nseettrwa lane and Harrogate lane. this (Thurs day) afternoon; at 2 o'4look. DIIFFY.--00 tie 17th instant, Philip A. Daffy, in the 34Year of his age. Funeral from his late residents, ne street, west of Fortieth,-West Philadelphia, Ituii (Thursday ) at 9 o'clock. • - GRAHAM.—On the 17th instant, Mrs: Matilda Gra ham. aged b 9 Team Funeral from her kte esidence. No. NI 'North Twenty-third street, this. ( Thursday ) a ft ernoon, at . X o'clock. 144031112211 jeere- 18th instemt, lAtigabath mem. lath 07 t h of her age. Ma- Fnneral from her late reimole4oo, No. 433 North ahirtsentb street, on Fridak ea..' noon, at I o'clock. , MOURNING GOODS FOR FALL.- Mak Amelia.. Ras Anglia, Amur. Cosh mera ha m'. hied.... cashmeres, Bombazine.. aman, *minutiae,. Boenlines. Velour Reds. &Mande Chili's. PlinAlf BicabaNitife Alpose, ko. - Second !dimming Corded lidanase, Vansushas Orandrine ke. - Sleet mod _Purple PL.= Pr inted Atouarelins Do Woes end Caebrneree. , , - Mack and Whits.Ralisit Di I.shles. um cent. DX-0*024 & SON. Idounilug Store, yid - Do; 918 Chestnut inreet. THE YOUNG MEN'S REPUBLICAN CLUB wIB meet lit rbeir room. - Aturd Mon* of rd or Two Artllll4lol. Soo CRESTNuT Went, at 8 P.H.. on THURnDAY,2OOrnar., Business of impor tation will bet tradiaotod. • •* • * LEVI ~ RUTTER, President. W: X. PA Secretary. • nel9-2r NOTICE TO FEMALE Ti.llollllElgtt. Yearti a nl i trtdial 9 iirti a rl i fttliltnit l i B0(11..-rill take place at tee Waakinguin Bebop! Moues. Bkoir's lane. • AIABAYUNK, BeTUBDAY neat, the MI tutelar; at o'clock A. datery ehto o By or l difr - ir= the Comite.tiee on qualifioation Teachers. = ' ael9-3t ' UNlVERearneLter pEarmixtvvlcuk... ' LAW TREAIIEEMENE. -tails of this Mouretion calamine on the rat of October nut. The following me the subjoin' or the lectures: - - Roc GEORGE i IgA . R.S7,OOD--i! International, Con etL{tt+ggoarti sod E i relighat eel tlsegeti." rot eEEPTER • Kam Estate and Ooeveganeleg." d Se T et e ar d gi e rit t l fir li t y h e e t. °A lecturz room. ter . ileimeer Mille . • eu, 8w plIVIpEN;18. WILININUTON, • AND 1 , T,114048 RAILROAD COMPANY— Reniaiadif DWalark.—Th* "Ditantota hays this day da• olarnd a Denn•anatd divioend or three and a hair per cants on the oanitniAtionn of the nOMPBB) , ,Mitli• on . and attar let Ootobernext. AI.FRISO illtntltilitt • eldo=thititsk t! • Igeorotarr. D THE PLANTERS' BANK: OF TEN Dividend of teontr• *yen and tkree.anarters_l43oper *at. on *be stook or :the• f`laubia' mane otT ooneasea, leas the fruition* opatta of • area alroode , lndd w4ll be paid **deb* tam *taro flank of Pailadelphia, oa and aneribaratb tiet. self qf, . O. M. TROUTMAN. enabler. , PVT OX. OF TH 0 PHILAHELPERX, lur r OiSANTOwN. AND holtßlVowli RAIL- IoAD .; September 17, 1810.-. The Hoard of Mena ihlOLOf ' Company' at stated'ntecoUng of the 13th leeseiht,:deedated a dividend of per cent . on the espi ialetooh. for six month.: ending the 10th instant. which of Oe. said to atoekholders on and atter MONDAY. tee lit October !oat. Ttansfows will not be made for ten dare otter thetent Instant selS tathet.ol, W. 8. WILSON, Treasurer. SALES BY AUCTION. "1111 4 1111.4. NEV SANSOM STREXTji.• • • .1.411,02 SAL M OF MOISES AND OARRIA6I3O. • . On Saturday morning, at 10 o'olook. fielading a pair of valasbie Bison Hawk Colter 10 1 0 ed uThorid piiidtwa ,oljeridesJintt, Vermont. • allettencetoree, Mrsteon wagelt. and Hareem, be: ° M i nZer:h t .4,, he z t zgrifil l ip: P ar regrvekcrttitteeref OM nit mem C APro l io teco ss negent on scoop nt of-the weather. Teadn s fiale of 100 Carmweneit Octlhor. ALFEMD,Mt..I I / 3 11tiCM0116 ' . ; • _ Epru,cs..tioNAL. PAWN, REENM,',AND LATIN, by `1114414thi1?;..t. LOORESTOWN:, BOARDING-SCHOOL 11 1 0itielitfil 1101 tempt.* rote 10th month, Oato. be OMR; For Imotto " • No KT S. -LIPPLMOOTT. Proprietor, edirtit* - ifooreattona P. 0. . Ihnltunton N. T• MUT It,ibVIVOTIOI4.—NIM HMO 111611U:or to,Artrittme tojpr Duptir, r f ee t On MunDAi. 00 wbert. rtgg i egfir t - INAP-56", THE PREBB.-4 1 1111 . LADELPHIA;, THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 20, 1860. NEW*IMLIOATIONS. NOW REApY,_ ::WijRCESTER'Ei ;'' 00jAPREURNeIVE nroTrortiivir, FOR SCHOOLS. 'COUNTING-ROOMS, AND FAMILIES, REVISED AND ENLARGED, BY J. E. WO4OESTER, LL. D. One Vol. Large ftmo, 608 pp. Frio.. 8/1. This Dictionary isenbstantially a combination of the Comprehensive Dictionary, first Publieheein Igha, and the "Academia," published in /1355. It contains a very full vooalattlary of well-authorized English words, and also 1118111 other words, in relation to whioh an Engllelt reader needs information as to their orthography, pro• nunotation, or meaning. In Bastion to the common ivorde of the language, it oomprigeo numerous technical termit in the various arts and sciences; some winds which are obsolete or antiquated, but which are found in books that ere much read ; some which 'are local or provincial; some which are peculiar to the United States; and some inch words from foreign languages as are often met widithr •Engliett books. The notice of synonyms will be, it is believed, of essential use. Attention is particularly invited to the appendix, which contains , FOCA BULAR IBS OF CREEK AND LATIN PROPER NAMES. SCRIPTURE PROPER NAMES. CHRISTIAN NAMES OP MEN AND WOMEN, WITH THEIR SIGNIFICATION. MODERN GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. ALSO. TABLE'S OF PRONUNCIATION OF THE NAMES OF DISTIN GUISHED MEN OF MODERN TIMES. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN WRITING AND PRINTING. SIGNS OF PLANETS, ASPECTS. ZODIAC, &c. A COLLECTION OF WORDS, PHRASES, AND QUO TATIONS FROM THE LATIN, FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND SPANISH LANGUAGES. THE PRINCIPAL DEITIES, HEROES, &c., IN GREEK AND ROMAN FABULOUS HISTORY. Copies furnished Teachers for examination at half prim). SWAN, BREWER, & TILESTON, 131 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. 12 EDITIONS IN FOUR WEEKS! TWELFTH EDITION READY TIIIS DAY MARION HARLAND'S NEW V ORE NEMESIS. One large 12mo. Price $1.26. Miss Evans, the accomplished and popular authoress cf " Beulah," UPI (in a long review published in the Mobile 71"ibuse :) " A meaterly hand in that which, touching the chords of our common nature, thrills the great heart of hu• manity throughout onr broad land, and eroding the Atlantic elicits genuine, unstinted praise from earroig European critics. Years ago that girlish band laid hold of the sympathies of the public, and with every suc• edema book the hold tightened. All who read 'Alone' hastened to follow hor through the the' Hidden Path' to Moss Side,' and now all press eagerly forward to greet Nemesia,' and hear from her lips of those 'mills of the gods that grind slowly.' " Buoh books as 'Nemesis,' if properly read, cannot fail to Impart nobler alma, to effeat special reforms, to teach wives princi ples Which are in imminent danger of being forgotten, and husbands the temperance and gentle forbearance so many lack to fill desponding hearts with ;glad hopes; to brace nerveless arm, to honed labor—in line, to do a vast amount of good." , Also, just ready: Fourteenth edition of RUTLEDGE. Twenty-sixth edition of BEULAH. •1.25. DERBY & JACKSON, • rufaasugits, NEW YORK JOHN MoVARLAN, No, 33 SOLITE SIXTR AGENT PGR 'PENNSYLVANIA FOR APPLETON'S NEW AMER:CAW CYCLOPEDIA. All subscribers or INTENDING vutworibers are sup- ANA' , Ma. 6 611're. the retai l pr Amo ices. ng the works subject to th'is discount are the fol lowing: Retail. Reduced. A Tatum Biehts.Booengravings2 es 00 /2 40 Bourne on the Bloom R0 5in5 ........ 760 6 00 Breokfast. Dinner. and Teak— . 1 50 1 2 0 -. INV t i mm ,... avr ...,...,„„, winmeiri - aniaigt. "-”' vet. ad.= nreiss. Rev'. Cherles Kingsley's 33nnyan's Pilgrim's Proeress.-.-... •.• 6(0 4 80 Burns' Poems and Eon's, ve r y eta -, sant, 4to 4 60 , Jand's Prairie Varsting—.....—. w 4O Carlyle 'e Essays.. . ,--...-- . 200 1 60 Darwin's rism Of 1 4pecie0............. 126 100 Hamilton's Writings. vole. / to 5, 2 00 Jeffrey's kingly" __ __ _,,,____ 2 00 160 Macaulay's Essays...—. .... ........ 200 1 60 Maokintosn's Essays— ....—. 200 1 60 Alison's Essayo..... • • •................. 126 100 llyil Smith's Roam,.. .... --... 125 100 Talfourd & Stephen's Hosaye-....... 125 1 00. Professor Wilson's Essays..... 1 25. 1 00 Patton's United Staten.... -.... 260 200 Punch's Pocket Book. ... „ .... .. .. ~. CO 40 White's 111#011 of Frolics to 1848.. 200 1 60 Aaron's British POOlO. 3 vole ....,. - 760 400 Piotorial Cyolopedia of Biograp h y. 960 Dietionary of 'Machines, En gi iier_ tug. 2 vas, ' half !dor ... ... ,„.......-, 12 00 960 Appleton's Popular Library, 26 'rola 14 03 11 20 Arnold's History of Rome ..- . .... 800 240 Banton's Thirgy Years'Vlerr • 2 vols 600 400 And all the /NEW BMWS of the day. it 4•11111•••••1111 0•1. - .' VIRZ.PROOF SAT:ES. LILPE'S PATENT WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON FIRE ..AND BURGLAR-PROOF HAM AND COMIIIMUL TION BANE LOCKS. VAULT DOORS, &a' The time hen arrived when Bankers, Merehants. and business men begin to feel not only the unnortanoei Prot the necessity of having a thoroughly fire and burgle r- Proof Safe. That the sheet-iron or common safe tam been inn. improved as fire-prootarnoe it. first traroditehotr, ant that it will preserve the written matte r, under favors able circumstances, is admitted ; bet r hat it still Mass= riche defects must be conced ed. 7.ta liability to be mashed by tbe fall of walls, Statism e, 0., or by its own • fall: Ito inebilitr to prevent the cow dant evaporation of toe moisture of the filling. as it is scarcely leellßible to make or keep the vapor chamber reatert eht in so frail a structure ; also. its entire mobil! ty to retain the Steam or vapor during the fire. its rape I deterioration lir met and otherwise. and its entire into jaunty aaemit burgla ry. will hardly be denied. ill. ' claimed t hat defects are remedied in the 1.4:0 Are wrought and chilled iron safe and bask, and the ow out of this article is. not only to show this fact, hut the who and the wherefore. • To do this understandingly. a short synopsis of the structure will be first prshoy tad. of this as well es of BM sliest-iron safe, premesua• that the two I:An/deice corn- Mee the Verclere dee now in use. Further, that' that the vaporeriuwa t 'e for the only one now relied upon to make the safe of, or all safe-makers having any celebrity. non'jecinlitly. ell now put In a composi tion-chamber for this' eat. - 81 1KUOTLYEE k/F C ILLIM IRON SAFES DE- The base SCRIBED. m o bode a this safe is a box made of liars of wrought irr, D . ,t 1 to tg" of an ineh thick by lig to I% niches crossing eaoh other at Asia angles., sad Pieced bind each other, forming a contemn network oboutlnch holes arc drilled near tacit other through. these Ars, andounter sank ; omit iron Is run between OM bars and i nto the holes, and over the outer ou truns,. making the whole thickness Lig to 2 inohes of solid withoutioints; the wrought-iron bars thoroughly chiming the &tat iron, and making it dryll proof, while th.e two irons arose strongly tied as not to be separated hroken by eny ordinariPower. STRUCTURE OF fl P.ET-IRON BARES DE- The EDIBE. e/lest-iron wife is made of heet-iron plates, from one sixteenth to one. twelftn of an inch thick, banded round the outer edge with light bar iron, the larger stare llamas hand norro the centre. This constitutes the whole iron work, adding the door Ilansee sad back plate and the door-way nr front nausea ; except some eases a thin nlate of hardened steel is plaited Inside, and this Is celled a bingLar-proof safe. As has been mentioed, each of the above Safes have composition chamber. or, more eractiontly, vapor chambers, as yew [s found aboifintely necessary to ant upon the iron Stoles that surround the composition chamber, or the heat would batman, uondnoted through Menet I/Angell to the interior. though composition °eters° good a non-conductor. se ron le a bee con , dada/ of heat, and valor is the only preventive, It must be admitted that tee best material for this cham ber %tithed which Is the greetest absorbent, and will not cake or become hard. Lime may be conceded to be that article, as most of the Safe makers use a earniso intkon having lane for a. coneutuent, and this is the only ' reliance for the produotlon of vapor ; tut es lime to light, it is in the sheet-iron safe adult...rated with Lire elny. or some heavy substance, to give them weight and stolidity. The Chilled Iron Safe has both in theouter structure, tonsequenily the °limner Is filled with limo unadultera ted, producing much More vapor than the composition used by sheer-iron ma' ere. end while the sheet-iron ;Safe is warping and telltale at every Joint:when heat ed allowing the vapor to swipe. the chilled iron has no outer joint.. and the thickness of trot prevents the springing of Disjoints. consequently the vapor cannot escape. And here lies the great advantage this este huge,. fire proof) over the sheet iron, but it has other Important advantages. The structure ahowl um it cannot be affected by the falling of wells. Writers, eta, (yr its own fall; that there IS Rochelle. for deterionition Wein /OA or otherwise: that In cue of fire tie shape is I not Wanted ; that if It Is checked by water, or. other cause, the check clan only peach to the wrought Iron bars, consequently the Bale is not Injured for nee ; that the gleam or vapor le mainly kept n the varier °ham per, ands:Mee not destroy the bindings to books, or so Were the paper es to require copying, thereby saving this trouble, as well as the expense of &nemesia.. As to Burglary, the structure shows this *are tole drill•prcof all over the screed. and, with this Gels= brated Bank Look attached, which is doll.aledge, and powder proof, It will be seen that it is thoroughly bur glarikroot—wille theatrueture of the sheet iron Safe allow' Wet the erowbsr, axe, cold-chisel, or Grill can Penetrate it in a few momenta. without muck noise or distiebenee. • The hollowing We severs test is one of the many of a similar character non In m 7 posireasion. end published in my general elreplar, fully demonstrating the advan tages claimed for thus Safe GP:gnu BAY. Wirermain, July 25,1 W. warehouse was loaned on the morning o f the 11th L s ust I FRANK n. now h. Esti . agent of Lillies Safes : My and you may judo aof the character of the fi re wen t tell you that fifty barrels of whhtky stood within eight feet of one of rail. lame site No. dßefey, asking en &Whit heat. whiegi your Safe pareed through, and, to the astonishment rip all , preserved everything, money, bodge, end Pete re, ins perfect state. Signed, Goo H. HAYWOOD. WM. C. SADLER, general Agent, 716 WIESTNIIT Street, under Meuronio Ball. ms2O-Irstr COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. VOPARIMERBIIIP.—NOTIOE—I have thisiur formed a CopartneruMp with WM W. t Andei•the " firm" or CONKLIN & BEON EON, in the reneral Livery. sale and exalts' • Stable Business. E. K. CO&KLIN. rldladelph a/ingunt 20. 1861:1. E. IC, CON ELM. thankful for the liberal hationine extended to im. bete to soboit the same the pew Orin of Conk & Bronsom E. K. CON LIN te7A 6t." w w. pito:46ox. ANIALGAM BELLE. Only Odig-stun the price of Brass and less than half that' of' Sterol Bells; of equally sonorous and melloW tono. Wan anted for twelve months against breakage by rear sinews. For aale a Ithe BOLE AGENCY in Philadelphia, No. din 00B1111,Bl I ON Walthetußp „ A. M. F. WATBOI4. PIURUCATIONBA, TUE L ., ATy,S;__ THEYLARGEST, THE • BE ST:' WORCESTER'S QUARTO n tt I'OTIONARV, THE STANDARD ILLUSTRATED THE' EXECUTIVE PRINTING. THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS, THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE' SENATE AND HOUSE OF RE PRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATESAAND THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTI TUTE, TO oONFONIO IN ONTHOORAPHY WORCESTER'S QUARTO I' ACCORDANCE WITH ORRTEFICATES OF JOHN HEART, Ego.. Sup. Poblio Printing. JOB. MATTINGLY, ELM., Foreman Course! Olobe. JOHN C. FITZ PATRICK. Clerk Aoots. Senate U.B. Hon. PHILIP F. THOMAS, Com. Patents. Hon. J. W. FORNEY, Clerk H. R. U. 8. ' Col. W. HICKEY. Chief Cletk Senate U, B. D. O. DANIELLE. Esq.. Clerk Accts. It. R. WM. E. J LIMN. Fes., Librarian Patent Office. Prof. JOSEPH HENRY, Soo. Smithsonian Institute. WORCESTERIAN ORTHOGRAPIIY IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE. In a recent dieoussion in the Senate on the bill to carry into effect the treaties between the United Etates and Siam, Chitin, Japan, Penis, nod other countries, the following orthographical amendments were made, as reported in the Washington Globe: Mr. Bayard. There are some amendments which are merely formal, and I desire to make at a suggestion of in Department. In line six, section twenty-one. I move to etrike out the words " of the Sublime Porte." and in sert the word " Ottoman" between the words " the" and "dominions " , It is a different mode of descriptiOn. It is considered baror and mon effective. The Presiding Officer. If there be no objection, that medlfiestaon'srill be made, Mr. Bayard. I have another amendment wherever the words" offense" is sprit with an s." instead of a .3," to si nks out the "s' and insert the "o, " because it is an offence against the Englin language to spell it in that war. • f Winter.] • The presiding Officer, That modification - wilt .be made. Mr. Bayard. T move, also, in the fourteenth line of the twenty-eighth section, to strike out the second "a" in the word's employee." The Presiding officer. It will be so Modified: Mr. Bayard. I have one other formal amendment wbieh is essential. It is, in the ninth line of the first notion. Wingert the words "invested;" instead of vested." The Presiding' Officer. Thai ;hangs will be made. The bill was reported to, the Senate tui amended, and ainenainents were concurred in, and the bill ordered to be engrossed. and read a third time.. It was read a third time, and passed. "SIGNIFICANT FACTS." The publishers of Webilter'a Dictionaries hare re cently published, under the hoed of " ffignifioant Facts," several certificates from certain booksellers in relation to the relative sales of Worcester's and Web ster's Dictionaries. The step bas undoubtedly been taken to produce the impression upon the public mind that, Worcester's .Dictionary does not *ell, add that Webster's doer. It is therefore proper to state that none of the firms named have any " Pamela-re interest" in the sale of Worcester's Dictionaries. They are not our agecte, and most of them have not purchased di eeetly from us a copy of the book. In fact, we shall Presently show that they have, most of them, an inte rest in preventing the sale of it. We are therefore happy to learn that they have sold as many comes of I Worcester as they have certified to. We feel that the literary publio meet be heartily tired of the " War of the Dictionaries," and we confess that we are: but there Is a large class of people engaged in the varinne avocation of life who have something else to do than to study Lexicography. They know little about the etymologies of words, and care less. Stitt, they want a good English Dictionary. They want it for their own Use, and for the use of their (Mildred. It is phis class of purolumere that the publishers of Webster's Ll:olionariel hope to influence by their advertisement", misrepresentatione and mblitatementir. "Oat "Get the Cheapest !" "Get the Great t A h o y e s l3 , 3 ' , g ut ek n V Aletionary.:" Oat WOW:" are as fa miliar to' the eye of every reit:Wl:l'a nesitraper* as are VVlVlentj Of YU....AULSt" 4 1 ' i : At 11;fola housind Flowers," or the veriest nos trum that has' recently been invented. To prevent thte i n weitlori, at tS to defend our own property from their unprincipled at took., must be our apology for so often appearing before the public. To show the Milers , of the oertifiestes of some of there bookseller., we subjoin the fol owing correspondence, which took place too'n after the introeuetion of Wor oyster's Diotomanes into the pnblio schools of Philadel phia. It will be necesse re to state that Megere Mason Bros. of New York are publishers of some of Webster's Pobool Dictionaries, undier, a lease from t he Messrs. aMerriam. Preemeing that 4 ' one of the firm ,, o f Messrs, If, Cowperthnsait & Co.. the publishers of Warren's G e ographies, was not ee l -operating with them in milting a "National Standard," titer, (addressed the following letter: - " Speens• UONSPEHTUIVAIT & CO. PRICI oisperA ..Genflotten: If YOU are inter-14d to Worcester's Dietionaries. or are using your influence for them. we and thestherpoblighers of Webster would be glad to know it. We have often heard that such was the case. but have paid no attention to it. The minter now mimes tousle such &shape. haves's'', that one of your firm (mirrors to be acting as an agent for the Worces terpoblieberr. " We, of course, do not question your right to work for theroboolts or any others, but would !Ike a clear un derstanding in the matter, as we are disposed to reel ;ma.° favors in th ere book matters. Plena to show your flag. Very truly, yours. MASON BROS." POSTCRIPT..—AMOUC the vublishem now aving im portant pecuniary interest in the SUMS o fWebster. are W. B Smith & Co., Cincinnati t Sanborn &carter, Boston: M& l'ltinney. New vorld; A. R. Barnes t Co,. New York; Appleteno,NewYerk; *. C. Merri am; Morton & Griswold, Louisville ; Ppillipa, Seem son. & Co., Boston. If you have leined heads with the Woroester in terest, we should like to have these parties knew it, ea their &rents are able incidentally to do something in l e d Warm . valutffibtrabPliel DIG NIFIED REPLY WAS MA DE. AND " MR.ette. MAsorf dr, Baps.— ...Gents: We should haveirreat pleasure in defining our position' In reference to Woroester'; Dictionaries. were it not tor the implied threat which amsompanies your letter. As it a decent self-respect prevents our reR lying to it. We do not believe YOU are autho , i red to speak for the ; lirme whine naniee _You use. We, expect our cote pothers in business will do what the roes honorably to secure the I atrodoetion and sale of the, books they pub lish: but we do not believe thoge of them who do not publish geographical works will instruet their &Kenos adversely to our geographies. as You intimate will be pie ease, whatever may Ire our course with reference to tVl,!:,agtVr th I taritcPtr4iltl4 &CO. " A short time previous to this oorrespondenee, the School Committee of .lineton ed with great una nimity t 6 intinduce Warren 'e Geographies," to be used exclum vol. in ell their schools, to take the place of Mitchell's Geographies." In acoortlatine with the threat contained in the letter. ens unsucaesiful attempt was made by the :meet of Webster's Dictionaries to displaoe Warren's Geogra phies (published by Messrs H. Cowperthwait b.,C0.) in the Beaton achonli. A vigorous attack was mans upon the book through the coluinns of the prose, and the emb lem was disoussed at several successive meetings of the Bohool Committee of the city. when the foregoing cor respondence was brought forward, and the conspirators were thus exeosed to the ridicule of the mnitr. • -we ought in Justice ta seats. from the hi gh eet&nth a ,fity. that; with the exception of Mears. W. B. Sm i th & o. and Messrs. Merriam , the very respeotable firing alluded to had no complicity in the matter. and that Meagre. Maegn & Buy hers were not authorized to use their names in the correspondence. • Thawssiguifieent fame" show the value of the certificates alluded to. They show conclusively that these parties not only had an "important pecuniary in terest" in the success of Webster, but that thepub- Bch erg of Webster attempted to coerce others lab an opposition to Worcester. But. happily fo r the world of letters, they did not secoded.•Woraester • Royal Quar to Dictionary ix not only a " significant fact," but its success is a ...lixtelfact." SWAN, BREWER, & TILESTO N, 131 WASIIINGTON STREET, BOSTON. j{EADY-THE TENTH VOLUME OP APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOP/13- DIA, $3. CANVASSERS WANl'RD.—Skilful and resolute gentiemen,can make an Income equal to that of the Go vernor of the State. The opportunity' to catlvaaa a York of aunh magnitude and sterling value manure. ver bena, but once in half a contu ry. Pro feesioned gent le mint not. fully -orioupied. and etudente, please take notoe. For term whiten the Agent, JOHN MoPAR LAII:No. SS Sou th h SIXTH Street • ee2o.3t NEW LAW .1300 K. ,JUST PUBLISHED TREATISE ON . THE LAW ,(),1" LIBEL AND SLANDER syultioacciN F. HEARD. I vol. Bvo. Pnoe $3 19. LITTLE,. BROWN; DTI CO. 110 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. 51315 stutla Stif A TLAS OF PHILADELPHIA.' NQTICV TO THE P,U111.1.C. Now in press, and aio soon he wined. n new Men of the IVlialt Consoliacittct City, in twenty-five motions, on a larger 813111. than any heretofore published, exhi biting accurate, the el Ze of all Mocks. Streets, Courts, ttlleys, Ronde, & 0.. with the looatmn of public and other uildinse, ho„ together with a Seel, engraved Index op. tempters ta 'Steal, showing the boundaries 'of ardn, and names, goo., of all street. and Roads in the City. Also, valuable Historical and Statistical Tables, 1 alphalvtioal list of etroets, and reference, to various Acts of Assembly and Ordinance,: /co. 1 rhe work will be printed on superior paper, and sub stantially bound in atlas form. eighteen by twenty four inches. This will make it oonvenient to every citizen, and particularly valuable to professional gen. tleinen. As the intention has been to make this a standar/ Map, no pains or.expense him been spared in its preparation. The subsoribery having secured the valuable assietanre of the different District Surveyors throughout the City, and have for several years been engaged in making ac curate surveys and plane for the work. JO&E,TO H. BONSALL, No. soy WALNUT Street. • SAM N al, L. sra:DLEY. City tturveror, Till KW-FIFTH St. and JJANUASTAft, Av. selt.satuthlm SAIINDERS' LATIN PARADIGAHL—A new system of Lotus Paradtgine, with a Synopsis of Deotensions. Adapted to any Latin Grammar. fly Cortland Saunders. A.lll. Long Bvo. Pnee 73 cents. This work is renoturrtended by the Srotessore of ailment languages In mole than thirty of our set Col leges. mad-3m E. If. BUTLER & CO., Publishers. BOOK BUYERS.--Gentlemen: I have taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 419 CHESTNUT Street, where I will, continue to buy mul hmse se A lP v f e as nu i ir k e . i i h ta e u re d r p f l u d re en d d on n w ow nt t t . hz i e e n n c rto m ,? , ,- eellaneous Book'. I have [or sale upwards of 100 old blank-letter Book' printed prior to the year 1492. Also, a copy of Brarmue on the y Tegument, vols., Ito, Printed In 1818 . Price *SO. h all etch deal in Engraving. and Autocrapha. Persons et a divtanoe wishing to sell Books, will describe their namem,datee, eises. binding!, coudittotis, a9A tope , rantiddet Laws of Fennell , Yaws, and old 000 upon Amenea wnted. c ult -hn JOHN OAMPBELL, CLOTHING. 1000 BOYS' ' QWIHIN G " 1002 • 0T r; 4• r HQYT 4 4 . Bi-13,E10. , 1..• • f/71 OPti TI NATIO THIS 'DAY tt)HINIIP/ T t Tir . l . ll",Yl • ;' . IT. • FOR F L• BIT S - I:N ES S, Walt SHER USUAL ASSORTMENT OP YOUTHS' AND BOYS' READY-MADE CLOTHING-. Also, on hand, Urge stook of GOODS to order, from ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, w6-thitnlm TENTH and CHESTNUT street/ KELLY & DOHERTY, TAILORS, 31 and 93 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, HAVE MDT RECEIVED VIEER PALL AND WINTER STYLES, Together with a large assortment of NEW AND FASHIONABLE ODOM To which the public, are invited to examine. eall.9a, • RAILROAD LINES. STRANGERS IN PHILADELPHIA, NOW IS THE TIME TO VISIT THE SEA-SORE. TRH MOTELS AT ATLANTIC CITY AI NOT HALF FULL. PINE EXITING, HAILING, AND FISHING. Trains leave VINE-STREET WHARF at 7.30 A. M. and 4 P;al.. daily. een-tol IMPINIM WEST CHESTER ILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA RA VIA MEDIA. CHANGE OP HOURS. On and after Monday,Septemberl7th. NM the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, corner of Thirty-first and Market streets, West Philadelphia, at 'me ask 10 A CR E ST.O and P.M. Leave WEST from the Depot, on East Market street. at 7 and 10.15 A. M., and 1.43 and 0 P. ON ND • Leave Philadelphia, from ßlO thedepot, northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 8 A. M. and .1 r. M. Leave West Cheater at 7.80 A. M.. and 4.45 P. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia, at 7 45 A. M. and 5 P.M., and on Wednesdays' and Saturdays only. at 230 P. M., oonneot at Pentielton with the Philadelphia and Balti more Central Railroad. for Concord, Kennett Avon dale, .to., end for Oxford, via Stage, from end of Track. at 7 IS A. M. The last Passenger Railway Car will leave Front and Market streets 80 minute*. and Eighth and Market street' 25 minutes before the starting time from the Depot, and will carry a flag to denote it. 'Office and waiting room, Southeast corner of Eighth and Market streets. where vateengera. purchasing tioksts for West Chester, will be furnished with a ticket over the Passenger Railway. HENRY WOOD. eeneral Sonerintendent. The baggage car will brake. Eighteenth and IVlarket streets one hour before the departure of the train from the West Philadelphia Depot. sel4-tz A-114/MNNEW TM-WEEKLY PASSENGER AND PRNIGHT ROUTE TO NORFOLK and PORTSMOUTH, Va., via the Philadelphia. Wilmington. and Baltimore, and Delaware Railroad's, thence by the new steamer Phila delphia to Norfolk. an.l Portsmouth, Va. On And after July fhb, passengers from Philadelphia will. take the 815 A. M. train at the depot, corner Broad street and Washtsg ton avenue, on Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturday!, arriving at Seaford at 130 P. M., and at Norfolk early the next morning. The steamer Phihuielphiswillleave Norfolk on the even ings of Monday. Wedpegday. and Friday, connecting with the train at Seafont, which arrives at Phi.adel- Phi* at) for brit Pare for first Masts passengers, including meals on the boat, di Seeond-olaas passengers, including meals on the.boat, 8430 AnglanziguWlTlMUlnu. at the hotels, and other publio places, or inquire of C. P. DARE A gent, corner Broad mt. and Washington ay. H. P. KENNEY. Master of Transportation, see lm. P. W. & B. K. R. V°. SILVER-P I. ATER WARE 1 /El_ W. OARRYL & 00., MANUFAC x:A. 'CURER% 0 F FI N E SILVER-PLATED WARE. beat quality only. •PLATED CAtITO.IIB, $1 00....714 street. ~. 3 00... .714 Chesnut street. 3 150....711 Chestnut street. .. COO.- .714 Chestnut street. 4 40....714 Chestnut street. 615) ...716 Chestnut street. ... 5 VI -714 Chestnut street. 6 01....714 t.hestnut street. 610, ...714 Chestnut street. ... 7 00.-714 Chestnut street. .. 7.60. ...714 Chestnut 'Cleat. 8.0.1.....714 Chestnut street. , .. . .. . 680.» 714 Chestnut street. • 0 00.......716Cha5te5t street. 9 60....714 C hes t nut street. .. 10.40_ -7/4 Chestnut street. .. 11 CO ...714 Chestnut street. .. 12.00.-.7111 Chestnut street. 13 00. ...714 Chestnut street. .. /4 CO. • ..714 Chestnut street. .. 15 tX). -714 Chestnut street. 816 to 28....T14 Chestnut street. PLATED TEA SETS. 89 ye... 714 Chestnut street. 11 60.-714 Chestnut street. .. le 00. • -714 Chestnut street. .. 18.00. -714 Chestnut street. .. 20 i 0....714 Chestnut street. .. 12 80....714 Chestnut street. 2. 25 2 I :. ~ ....7 7 11 ,4 oChheeistlutt street. .. - .. t7.00.....T14 Chestnut street. _. . 70 1.0-114 Chestnut street. ... 836 ton. ..711 Chestnut street. PLATED iIUTTER DISHES 03 et 714 Chestnut street. .. 4.00....714 Cheetnn t street. .. 4 1.0....714 Chestnut street. ._. 600... 714 Chestnut street. - 6.81-. 71i Chestnut street' .. '8 00....711 Chestnut street. ... 8.60, .-.714 Chestnut street. 7 00-..718 Chestnut street. .. 7.40....714 Chestnut street. ... 8 N.. -714 Chestnut street. 9 08....714 Chestnut street. .. 1000. -714 Chestnut street. ... 11 00.. -714 Chestnut street. 11 60-'..714 Chestnut street. .. 15 60....718 Chestnut street. PLATED CARE BASKETS. 15 00. -7/4 Chestnut street. .. . . . _ . . . . . . 85.00.....714 Chestnut street. .. 640—.714 Chestnut street. • . 6.00....714 Chestnut street. .... Sat . „US Chestnut street. 700 .. 714 Chestnut street. .. 160...114 Chestnut street. .. 6 00.-714 Chestnut street. .. 9.60...114 Chestnut street. .. 10 00....7/4 Chestnut street. -. 10 60-714 Chestnut Street. 1100 —714 Chestnut street. .. MCC —.714 Chestnut Street. ... 1600 .../IC Chestnut street. /4 00—.714 Chestnut street. ; .. 15.00....714 Chestnut Street. 'lB to 16....710 Chestnut street. Bayer Pitited Ware of every desernstton.wholesale Mi l h r kt a A l b i n i t e re t e73 4 41?;:1 e l lat i l l a ß . " 4 Co . , 14°. 7 1 t 4 MEPICINAL. NEW 110MEOPATILLO PHARMACY.- 211 EIGHTH Street, below Walnut, Ashmoad & Steak's popular rerredies. with the mutat' Romeo- Pethio preps rations. Dr. STECK in attendance for con imitation. The deserving poor liberally dealt with. sel9-Sts HO6I.HOPATBIO BLACK TEA.—Un surpassed for purity, unequalled for grateful fra grance, undoubtedly the best Black Tea Imported. Be index its unrivalled qualities its a beverage for general table use, it to especially recommended as a Abet drink for invalids. Pumices in y and )4 pound*. 25 and BO cents. bold only at OL7 ntreat, below Wal nut. N.B.—Notsold by Grooms. selg St" RPEOIALITY FOR LADIES.-TRUSS h. ) AND BDACE DEPARTMENT nonduo Stre e t , om petent Lathes. Entrance on TWELFTH first door below Race. A lull line of Meohanioal Reme dies. lien and elegant is construction. speciallit adapted to Ladies' sue. C. H. NEEDLES, Proprietor, S. W. corner TWELFTH and RACE Streets, Philadelphia. ileir Entrance to C.ll. H.'s Room, for gentlemen, at the corner. sell SAC AWONDERFUL AND NEVER AILING REMEDY FOR DISEASES OF 'MR NERVOUS SYSTEM. FROFESSOR MORRIS , ' E OEPIIA L 0 8 , AN EXTERNAL, REMEDY, Framed by MOORRIDGE At. CO., No. o North FOURTH Street. 1101 - And for sale by Druggists generally. sol2-Snilf ASTHI A , For We INSTANT RELIEF and Pia I MANENT OURS of info Women( own iplitrit.ase FEND T'S BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Blade by O. B. SEYMOUR & CO., 107 NASSAU Street, New York. Priori ell per box ; cent free by poll terl-4m in FOR SALT AT ALL DRUGGISTS'. REMOVALS. 'REMOVAL—MISS E. M. REDMOND xs , hne removed to N 0.1224 WALNUT ntreot. • nett In* DR. B. T. WILD LEAS REMOVED TO a.: Ed. 634 RACE Street, ono door below Seventh DY°TT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street.—Raving removed to o new and spacious ;ore, we would call the altantiono Dealers to our en clave 'dock of PATENT M XplclNbn, ppm- AI , MEE.Y. and FANCY ARTICLES. our list com p sex & neater variety than can be found at any estah ns meat in the United States. and our prices will com pare with an , market. aul-to theft REMO VAL. EVERETT, RICKS, & CALDWELL, OLOTH HOUSE. Rsve removed to 523 MARKET STREET. Buyers are invited to examine our etocdr. anll-2m REMOVAL,. OHARLES HARKNESS, WHOLESALE CLOTHIER, lIAI3 REMOVED To No. DOS CHESTNUT STREET, • South Side,above Sixth, PHILADELPHIA. REWARDS. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD.— ..z..arsr—A large black and white spotted Bt. Bertioci OG Answers to the name of Nero." The •above reward will be paid returning it to the Elm:Arlo Oil Depot, No. CO North SECOND West. se2o-3t wpm?. RICHARD'S EYDWATER.”— A.. TM, scientific. preparation removes cataract, and ell Inds of iit atom anon. no mat ter how lon stand - n g e Revere. Co be be had of all Drusets, an dat the .... ra t depot, No. 8 Went PBNN BQ, E. Twenty-five cents per bottle. • eefd-ettf TO BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS. —STEREOBcorig warn umgwra _Winufelo n .3 toted iiLevory style LIITRREOYCOPIO VlEWS,Ame nedin, Frenah, and gAligh,o4 remit inorrgloo.g ".1°w" 1 1 011 ' t at i ftuiljt E lit toiow'caestgut. lair au RETAIL DRY GOODIL EYRE AND LANDELL. EYRE AND LANDELL. EYRE AND LANDELL. EYRE AND LANDELL. EYRE AND LANDELL. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND ARCH. FOURTH AND AROR. FOURTH AND ARCH. OPENING OF SILES FOR FALL OF 1800. NOVELTIES IN SILKS. NOVELTIEs IN SILKS. NoVEL CIES IN SILKS. NOVF,LTIF.S IN fillAwLE. NOvELTIES IN BRAWLS. NOVELTIES IN Sr.& NOVELTIES IN FOt INN. NOVEs.TIFS IN FO INS. NOVELTIEs FO _LANS. NOVELTIES IN tE LAINF.S. NOVELTIES F E I..AINEEL NOVELTIES I E L,AINEE. NOVELTIES IN MERIOEs. NOVELTIES MERINOES. NOVELTIES IN SIERINOF.S. se2o Im GRAND OPENING OF 1860! THORNLEY & OHISM, N. E. corner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN, Having enlarged their Store. And greatly added to Its CONVENIENCE AND EFFECT, WILL.OPEN, THIS MORN ING, A MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF RICH FANDR , SILKS. BEST BLACK SILKS, BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS, PURE LINEN GOODS. EXCELLENT DOMESTIC GOODS, FLANNELS AND BLANKETS. -- CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, MARSEILLES AND OTHER QUILTS, WITH A GRAND DISPLAY OF SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, At proms as low ae can be found in Philadelphia, and every artlole sold warranted to be as represented. N.B.—Thankful for the past, we look hopeful to the future, and promise to do all we can to plume. THORNLEY & 01-IISM. sell 8t COR. EIGHTH. and SPRING GARDEN. SPECIAL NOTICE. L. J. LEVY 8c CO.. WILL OFFER, ON SATURDAY. REPT. 15. UNA CASS OF TOUSLE-WIDTH POPLINS, FIFTY CENTS PER YARD The Goods are ENTIRELY NEW IN STYLE, Having just arrived, and are greatly below the usual Price, L.l. & Co. will continue to receive daily the balance of their import/ one. They will be all sold at VERY REDUCED PRICES, As it i■ their intention to close out am rapidly at poor Bible the whole of the stook. Penalise restoring Superior Linens, Blanket!, Table Linens, Sheetings, • Flannels, quilts, Cambries• end White Goods of all deaoriptions, will final a van largo aatortraent to (shoot° from, and el at PRICES OREATLY REDUCED 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET sels-t[ SPECIAL NOTICE. .L. J. LEVY & Co. Announce to the Public, and their Custemer" that they will commence to sell off, on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, AT RETAIL, AND FOR CASH ONLY. Their vary extensive and °hole° stook of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. The goods will all be marked down to VERY LOW PRICES, in order to dispose of the stock in as short a time as a forced private sale will admit of, ON MONDAY NEXT They will open three oases of new printed MOUSSELINE% CASHMERES, AND MERINOS. Also, one ease of black ground FOULARDS. Allot which will be offered under regular prices. L. J. LEVY & CO. would be greatly benefited by an early settlement of the accounts now due them. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. aes-tf DRY GOODS —A LARGE ASSORT ra ENT, Wholesale and Retail, bought for Ceehr end sold for Cash only, at very email profits, at the Cheap store of J. C. PAYNTER, No. 115 North EIGHTH Street. above droll. 551931• RICH DRESS puffs. Ribbed Popeline,. Pekine. Rare de FTILI3OO. Geribaldie, new, et 75 oents, Popelines Ameba. Embroidered Marina's. _ . Fancy &Ike, of new decline. Rich styles of de Lames Large lot of Mneinos. French Chintzes, very rich. Neat Popelines, for Friends. Children's Bright Plaids. Plaid Funnels. Scotch styles. Figured Black Silks. lklaritle Bilks and Velvets. RHARLLBSS BROTH Ran. sel3-ifCHBOTh Ur and MOM% Streets. EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS! THORNLEY Es GRIM, N, E. Corner EIGHTH & SPit INO HARDEN Ms.. Having ontfatlga'kfilVl a ß. STOCK Now offer for ivuopeetion ONJS OF , THE BEST SI."OOES OP GOODS In _their line in Ph' *dell BOUGHT FOR OAHU EXCL. USIIVELY, And will he cold POSITI V.Sta."- CILHAP Spectial attention invited to Bilks and Dress Goods. ahawle and Cloaks. Cloths end Cassoneres. Blankets and Flannels, Linen Goods and Mullins. Marseilles and other Quilt,. Hosiery, Gloves. didliffs., Qc., Ao. All Goods marked at the lowest price. sel6 ALTERATIONS COMPLETED AND NEW F ALL, GOODS RECEIVED. CRARLES ADAMS & SON. hare inueh lammed the depth of their store, and will now display, on ONE FLOOR, a large and ohome variety of SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, Which they intend selling at prices to nevi compittt. 1 FOR CASH. 13 . Wameutta fiturtingi,l2M cents. 4-4 C. Adam. & ao.lo • 6.4 do do Pillow Main, 123; cents.lDavk Prints. at 10 cents in* pries Lei 4. White-ground Printed 'Brilliant', .1414: cents, mat price 25. New style Fall Delaines. at MX cents. usual pone 85. Sneer quality Hoop Skirts, at 6 cents per hoop, Riot printed French Merino's. fOoh do Lupin's Idous-de-Laines. High cord ail-wool small Plaids for children. large bare nob etllaa New style neat Levelly,. Stella.troche, and Blanket Shawls. Hosiery and Neck -ties in variety. New Goods will be daily received, and every atten tion .r wen to rends ' his a FIRS r-cLAss FAMILY DRY GOODS STORE. sett•stuthtf S. E. corner EIGHTH and ARCH Ste. VYRE & LANDELL, No. 400 ARCH street. eash dealers Bhawbr, wholesale and retail. 1,000 Black Centre Stella.% Leer 0:d *Byte Fall Shawls. 100 Scotch Plaid Clan Shawls. 1.000 Broohe Long and Square Shawls. sel3 If EIRE & lANDELL, southwest corner FOURTH and ARCH. Cash dealers In Fanny and ?Hanle Dry OWL Richest 8115 e imported. Fleet guality Black lifts. fluke Imported for Friends. soH•tf OLOAKING CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, N./ BROADCLOTHS, patterns.S,ScC. Hoye' Cansimeres, good 7a ets. Patinets and Union Casio MIMI. 60 to 70 ote. Fancy Cessimeres, from 76 to .91.75. Fine Black Cassimers and Doeskins. HIJACK BROADCLOTHS. For Dress Coats, Frock Coats, Overcoats, Ao. Heavy Overcoat' nu. Beaver. Pilot. Tricot, &a. LIGHT CLOAKIN OS.' For Ladies' wear, of every desirable Rhode. Fine quality and low price, by the yard or piece. N. B.—Tailors supplied at lowest net cash prices, COOPSH CONARD, sell Southeast oor. NINTH and MARKET. FALL CLOAKS IN PREPARATION, some opening every day. Stook will be complete. Orders taken and executed with despatoh. Fall and Winter Shawls. Children's and Alums' Mewls COOFER & CONARD,_ self !Southeast con DIME and MARKET. pOCO METALLIC PAINT COVERS Ja•e OUP /mire Name metal end G.OOO on wood per ICO , t m e . wmts p mounts to heavy oonettmera..r nomad niattiont end eix. cents in oil , with large d Hamelin and circulate, with yormennee and analysis at this moat d mat.). qnd ottoepest of_patnts. Cent fee. t W. O. 81 flit, 132 N. FOURTH street. sale 2t* sole /1.2.1 d. CINESE AND JAPANESE GODDs.— The belenee of tht above oonsignme, u t tt opieed by the Edwin FOlll3ll. will be dispoeed of at low ♦nee' '1 hey commit of es very superior Jeev.ndise Cabin./ tt Tables. waiters, Yane,Tlinoe2s. TenWts, few orW I selected ries A Vo'll llna nob alut areeovro &n o dm No. ti West PENN AQUA teltHiti A ZIIMEA AZRIIRA 1 AWo 7 ,tira ! AZUMEA! AViltiEA! AZUMEA: PROP. MORRIB' AZUhIE/... RAKING POWDER. Maaufaatyred polely at No. G 2 path POURTNI, atroetiand for sale by Clrortirri mom 1 WANTS. A GOOD SALESMAN, WHO OAN -Ls- nuance fair ampont of cash end short.eredit pity trade. will hear of permanent ensesement in • Wnolegate Cloth Store. Address "Cloth," offiee of this paper. seen 4t• WANTED—By an expert penman, a Bitnstton in n. Conveyancer's Mk*. as Convict. Address F. B. 8.. otfioe ot The Press. sale. St• WANTED—A SITUATION as assistant Clerk, in a wholesale hones, by a_yonnp man 19 yearn of are, a graduate of the Central High ftehooL Balm no °bleat. Address "Willman," Mao° of this paper. sel9-Bt• WANTE D—An experienced BOOK. KEEPER in a wholesale cicy-roods house. To a competent person a fair salarr will be given. Andreae, with references, "L. & Co., ' ornoe of 77.4 Press. seinet. A H ARDWARE SALESMAN, H.AVING fouitsen mire experienos in a first-elms New York house. ensiles am sniinliimeat In this c‘tY. drew" Box OW' polt urns., Vey York. self Pt IVANTED.—An industrious young man • • to attend in a dry tool. %tor.. Good referonen is ream red. Address" R. 6.." this orlioe. ul2 4t. WANTED, for which s bonus will be paid. and a life ;ahoy tir,en as se curity. An addressed to F. wllkineon, thronsh Blood's Despatch, trill receive promp t ;Attri tion.ael9-3t US. MARINE CORPS RECRUITING • DEAVICE.—WANTED—For the U. B. marine norm able-bodied. unmarried men between the ages of 31 and 38 years, not leas than II f eet ei< ruches high. and of good ebaraoter. tloldiere . seivtni in thts oorpe perform ditty at navy yards and on board United States Mum-of-war on to 'eg, at it ti niall to ID ear month, beside' clothing, ra tions, Lc. Alt other informatiotrwhioh may be desired will be given at the Rendezvoug, No. 311 South FRONT St., near Spruce. Ist Ltent. W. STOKES BOYD. sell-121 Recruiting Officer. WITANTED-TO RENT IN GERMAN TOWN. 'House with lot or ground and stable a Apply' -that a- Box 2185." Philadelphia Post etsee. n3O 91. 'MADDERS WANTED—As Principals, -IL Assistants, or Partnere, in the different States. Schools. females. and Colleges, smelting competent Teachers (for any notion of country.) can obtain the best talent tor any Devartnrnt by addressing the •• Ns tionalTesohere !waiting. 330 SRO.S.LOWAY. New York. eel-lm FOR SALE AND TO LET. ROXBOROUGH PROPERTY FOR SALE.—Thred-story STONE HOUSE with nine rooms and hall. two sores of land. plenty of fruit and shade, within ten minutes walk of the Norristown Rail road. Located on Ridge road sod itittenholua street. six miles from Philadelphia. Terms easy. Apply to JOHN TOWRRS, on the premises, or inquire at 318 North BIRTH Street. 3.20-6t* ROOMS, WITH STEAM POWER, TO LET CHEAP. Apply on the premier, Wisps- Whorl Station, Norestown Railroad. se2o-3t . J. TOWERS. SSMTO $BOO.—A essh Business, v ery remunerative, now In sucoesaftil °ite ration I this city, New York, and Boston. Ton person haying the cash a chance to establish the same in a neighboring city le now offered. lo those wishing a permanent, growing, and reliable bummer', with no risk, the above offers a rare opportunity. For further partioulars, call on B. RODOhil, 113% N. NIN EIi street. selg-St" FOB, SALE—© new (hipper Bark, alltniior about 800 tons, now on the stooks; built of the best materials. Can be ready for sea to six days. Bhe is fitted for passengers, and would make a fine picket. Apply to YOWLS. 11 altlitl6, lc CO., 86 North FRONT Street. MISSOURI LAND I 1 300,000 Ames for Sate, at mines ranging from um to 00 cents ter Aore, an _y quantifier required. TAXES paid. and PATE'NTS procurrit for truyolia• a. ri of Land under the graduation dot. !'rata furaiehed graha b 7 postage dam/ For further information sr e IPIY Witor4, RAWLINGS & W. U. S. and General land Amin, 03 CH IGITIN UT Street._ Between THIRD end b FOURTH T. O UI, • LAND WARRANTS bought, sold S , and locat ll rd. 101-3 m FOR SALE OR EX.OHANGB FOR die CITY PROPERTY—A Farm of 40 or 83 Aorta, situate on the Camden and Atlantio Railroad, at gam montou Station. Rouse. Barn Fencing , and Improve ments, generally. good. . The Rouse and location snit& ble for a Boarding Rouge or Seminary. Cottage! and Building Lots also for sale at Atlantic City. Enquire of JOHN STEWART. Arolgitect. sag stuth-12t* No. 427 W ALN UT Street. VALUABLE CHESTER COUNTY FARM FOR BALE.—The subscriber offers, for sale the farm on which he reside', in West Goshen, canter counts, counts, Pa.. one mile and a half north of WeireChesrer. containing 118 acres of first quality land, and in excel lent order. The buildings are good &Rd substantial, with large barn, eto.. etc. The location is vs beauti ful. and possesses many advantages. and is off ry ered for sale on accommodating term.. For further particulars apply to Bally & Bro., No. 923 Chestnut street, Phila delphia, or maths premises, to OMAB ArLY. sit6-thstun Near B. Tayl ors Mill. n earW. Chester. FOR S ALE—A well-assorted stock of Hardware, Cutlery, .to.. and the &Stores of the store, with the privilege of renting the store, whieli is situated an the centre of business. The house rim been doing the Southern and Western Pennsylvania trade. Any person desirous of going into the 'Hardware busi ness' will find it a good opportunity. The stook will be offered on reasonable terms. Address „ A.," at this office. sell 'tett, tf HOARDING. BOARDlNG.—Families and Single Gen tlemen can have Board and barge pleasant rooms. furnished or unfurniabed,in o first-alas bongs. by ap plying at No. 929 CLINTON street, which runs east end west, and between SPRUCE and PINE streets. sel9-at• qIIPERIOR ACOOMODATIONS for Fa mtlieu with board, N. E. corner of SIXTEENTH and LOCUST streets. An elegant suite of rooms on wound floor with private parlor, If desired. Also Mu - ale 7001te. References required. sele-30 BOARDING.—The eligible and well-fur pisbed Noun. No. 1315ALNUT Street, will be reopened for the reception of two or three perma nent faun on the lit September ender the gayety,- sloe of efficient housekeepers. References exchanged. sed-13t MILLINERY GOODS. FALL, 1860. LINCOLN. WOOD. & NICHOLS. 725 OBBSITIUT STRUT, (One bloat beton the Girard Noun. ISTRAW AND SILK BONNETS. FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS. Children's and Mines' BEAVER HATS. The largest and fullest assortment of the kind In the oar. atitt-tathe Em ea MRS. M. S. BISHOP, NO. 1016 VAILCHESTNUT street, next door to the Bt. Lew ?eines flotel,_ has reoftived a large arid elesant assort men of PARIS BOPOIETS, CAPS, and HEAD-DRESS, aid Is now prepared to furnish Milliners and Merohante with pattern Bets. ars POLITICAL. DKAIOCRATIO TICKET FOR GOVERNOR 01 FERNSTLVAIM, HENRY D. FOSTER, . Of Wentmoreland County. Fon CONOX 893 Lt DIstriat—WILLIAM E. LEHMAN Td " JOHN BRODHEAD. Sd " JOHN KLINE. Ath " WILLIAM MORGAN. 6th " HARRY INGERBOLL.I STATE SINATOZ, Ist Distriot—SAMUEL J. RANDALL. let Dhstriot—JOSEPH CALDWELL. sS " THOMAS E. OASKILL. 343 " PATRICK MatIONOUOIL 4th " ROBERT E. RANDALL. sth " SAMUEL JACKSON. 6th " CHARLES L. WOLFF. 7th " PAUL KETTERLINIJS. Bth " JOHN SMITH, in. 9th " HENRY DUNLAP. 10th " HENRY 0. LEISENRING. 11th " JOHN H. RIEHL. 12th '' WILLIAM 0. SNYDER. 13th " WILLIAM D. MORRISON 14th " OEOROE W. It. SMITH. 16th " JOHN M. ARUNDEL 16th " THOMAS W. DUFFIELD. 17th .. B. M. ZULICH. FOR RECORDER 01/ DEEDS, GEORGE W. W UNDER. FOR PROTHONOTARY 07 DISTRICT COURT, WILLIAM LOUGHLIN. FOX CIABX 01 QVARTIR 813910113, H. LUTTB. FOR CORO:Mt, ANDREW LOWEY seft-tf NOTICES. MERCANTILE LIBRARY NOTICE Oa and alter SATURDAY, the 16th instant. THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY Will be open front 9 o'olook A. M. until 10 o'clock P. M., and the NEWSPAPER READING ROOM from the time the building Is oven, early in the warn log, until 10 o'clock P. M. melt-at THOMAS THOMPSON. SON. & CO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS CB CABINET-MAKERS' MATERIALS, 23(5 SOUTH SECONDJSTREiT. air BrOOStells , Plashes, Reps. Danasskr, slut every desaristion or Furniture sad intsin Ooodys. **Wits IdoIIENRY'S BOOK ROOMS. STANDARD p..y. 406 D st WA woßipTion Wox IA tiT BET P ite. ffiADELPHIA L AMUIRIIENTS. A MERICAN MAMMY OP 1117810. ITALIAN 0 1114. The Great Cow of LYR MAE a• SECOND NIG,HT. TNYMIS A ApowsholL -, Debut of the isunoatAtilia, trait th• IIiTTILA A • and only night of Vertfi'a oelotny °pont of lb TIDY* S. SIONORINA. AGNENINJLT as tooattra. oIONOSINA FANNY NATA(t air Ammon& First appearance in Philadalplua siONOK swum. (Snncipal tenor of the Daviwo pars Coirowni) who austain the ot'aforinco. BMWS P. OA as the Corot di Loam AMERICAN ACADEMY Of MUSIO. TO-MORROW, (FILM YLTELERD LAST IPFNAwCB OP` MIRB ADELINA PATTI In her celebrated character or RON NA, TH 8 Billt.11&14. OP ISRVILL.E." SIGNOR BIOGNOLI hle ransoms elterseter of Coon: Almatnra. SATURDAY, GRAND GAGA NIGHT. Price of admi won so Pe sts Mae. PArIINPM aretzel Bsloony'. AG; Reserve Se. 1 3 owe • y Clone, CO cents ; Amphitheatre, X mite fraude nu i flaxen. Tickers can obtained for either °fine_ sawn, 4. Om Academy, Beak & Layton's, and umatermen Maim and Moue Stow. OTIP open at 7.34'. Opera oommennei at S. CONOERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET. MONDAY nolt. EMMEMEET EL FIRST MIGHT Or TIM payGHGNIANTBUM. REENTREE TO PHIIIADELPMEA. oilman absence of eghtioars of PROFESSOR PROFMMI•Ift PROPEAsoR AtmEr In% t WIZARD OP .961• WIZARD OF IS SI • ASID COSMOPOLITAN MONARCrff OP MAGICLANIL COSMOPOLITAN MONAR cOsNOPOLITAN MONARCHSELO OF MANLANAL On which 06011010 D IRE h• F M AGI WEALTH OF GORDEM DiltaP ITS M AONIFICENCE OF A PPO ISkTIA ITS ELABORATION OP Et• je atl ITS ORNATE EMBELLIB ITS MAZE OF IRYIITER TRANSYRIAD OP MARVIgg,_ ITS CENDENT ENCRA WENT. PROFRNSO a ANDERSON'S NIGHT IN WONDER-WOILD. NIGHT IN WoNDER-WORLu. NIOHT IN WONDER -WORLD. MAGIC. MYSTERY, AND MATE MINING OR AND DAADDX)-DRAIf 13 15 ACTS, •ND MO INCIDENTS. The Professor will be tusieted ky_ MISS LOUIS t ANDERSON 28188 • MISS A L N RA ANDE RSON, MS. J. R. ANDERSON, J. The Admiuion will he: Body of IWI, 60 Gents. Sal- Cony, 26 cents. DT Particularly in next Advertisement. WIIIKATLEY & CLARKIN AROH ATKRET THEATRE. THURSDAY. FRIDAY ,AND SATURDAY. THE LAST NIGHTS OF LALLA. ROOKS THE LAST NIGHTS LA SOOKH THE LAST NIGHTS OF MR. A MRS. W. J. FLORENCE! To-night the great a xtravaganta of LALLA ROOKS! LALLA ROOKS! To commence with the LIMERICK BOY. Fifth grand Matinee on Saturday next MI o'clock. LALLA ROOKS in all its splendor. WALNUT-STREEI TIMM. v Sole Lesews— —Mrs. 21,41. GASEZ. Stage Manager Mr. WM. A. C Business Agent- —.—.ldr. JOB. D. libritni. THIS ITRURSDAPI EVENLNG. lEMIC 221, MINER W. TUE INHERITANCE. Weir, Mr. J. W. Wallack•• Utrio, Mr. Edwin Ada Jose.oldne. Mn. s Oladstayie,. WANDERING MINSTREL. Doors open at 7 o ' clock . Performances commons at:722 o , cloak. Pnoes of Admission: Drees Ctrole. (Usti ..sand Without extra eharue,) 50 cent.; Parquet, (Seats se cured at 50 0ente.137,44 cents; Second Tier sad franulr Circle and Third Tier,ss cents ; Pnvate Arles. Is said .93 ; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Boxes. 71 e. CONTINENTAL THEATRE, (Late National ) WALNUT Street Paws Eighth. POSITIVELY SIX mantra (iNLY. Commending_ MONDAY EVENING, Sena U,ISM. THE BOLMA.N JUVENILE PAR L OR OPAJIA TROUPE. Comprising four of the most talented Children in tie vorld. A M. &TWEE will be given on WEDNESDAY. See daily_bille for particular.. Loon open at f. seen rne nos at TM. 'helots, M cents. McDONOUGLITI NICW GAIETIES-- RACE Street, above ikoond. IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE WONDERFUL MARTIIvETTI AND RAVEL TaOUPE. THIS (ednesdey) EVENING. SW. le, JEANNETTE AND JEANNOT. GRACEFUL GROUPINGS SY TEE TROUP& DELLE OF MDRD. Charantere by the Cougmar. MI, BRAN Veg.! on the Concluding wit ITALIAN BRIGANDS. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. ELtvENre STREET. OPRN FOR THE HRABON. NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. llas secured one of M theß. HANFORD LARGEST COMPANIES ever ,resented heeetafore, who will assear night's. Sanford vitt perform avers ensuing. Doors open at 7; Commence at 7E. Admittance mite. Children 13 cent,. sell-bo YMNASIIIM. —The Gymnasium of Professors HIL,LPARAND t Lavna, at the corner of NINTH and ARCH Street.. is now peewee& for the Winter course. Thu estabbehinimt hit beet thoroughly renovated and enlarged. and *variety of Improvements have been added. Resides the large number of over a thoused pr a t ladies, gentlemen, and children, who were blue at tale institution last year, we hope to see theassads more of *llse:lC/anti ages take advantage of the owpog tan ity offered at this !mutate to benefit their *veva! health, which is the first necessity for hareems, is ha mee Please call at the Institute. pENN A. ACIADEDIE OP TIM EINE ARTS.-1045 osimTx trr Street. Containing s oollootion of Plantissu taro t is nov open ally Rom; • M. till, e m mission Hots .: oln &on smart 71111111. 12 obits. SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUND. -0001. and I , ollll . 7llVigici. " %• th. r i ca n icarlPA o'olook, and .on MODiDAY in hs_crerund, Old Inahtubon alwidn mead in foil. on do "ith°"7 ll ; Eassr FIVE PBX CERT. All sum pstd kiedr. A r i alin said sidailnr. T EX. klyp r nt John O. Parr. Core want. John Anarsoh. klaml. T. &dine. Alb. John J. Adman, JOHN E. lONN O.BIMB. Bearstary. salt-1e SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, O and Calf:4ll 3 R I_Ververalad k i MINA 8. 14 t34 16 .i a loof. ' Zee ' Be nit I V= on 0 DA A AY V Lill iri a l3B, from' to 8 o'oloet. Interest 6 per cent. per annum. DeleeDiert=t: drew their Moneysreceived by Chee . If dewed. !WU . ks ]ANDS U. DRIMILIG heleideit newels Half. aleeretare. alb imsußAxer. COMPARIF.S. NORTHERN ASSURANOE COMPANY, LONDON. HEAD OFFICE, No. 426 GEESTN UT ISTLEBT. New Band'', PhiLvielphis Bulk. CA PITA L....- - __50:1(96400 itiCOlt£ OVER- sitseo,eao FIRE RISKS TAKEN AT MODERATE RATES. LIFE RlBKei ON FAVORABLE TERMS GETTY a LLEBING , deists au2 thstuim TEE MUTUAL LIFE 11781:TRANCE COM PANY OF NEW YORK. Masts: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, INTIOILD I WN t o l RT T E OVER O 3ILS ON ,ORL IST/1/4 The premiums are Lowey. than in many other Cornea ntes, end the Dtvidends have been attire/in. This 111 a strictly lITULT. COMpaa PAOPrre e no Btookholderi, en that ALL TAB PROPrre neLorio ins Pamphlets, and every information. may be had a ir.LT t 5, on apsittettloil to - F. RATCHFORD RTARR. agent, B. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFFRFNC.EB : Thomas Robins, John Welsh. Mordecai L. Dawson, Georgaß. Stuart, Georga M. &road, F. R. whe en. John B. Myers, J. Fisher teaming, Joseph Patterson, William C. Ludwig. John M. Atwood. Arthur G. Cahn, Thomas H. Powers, George W. TMand. William McKee. Thos. Wattaon. sag /ea FAME INSURANOR COMPANY, NO 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIL/ J IM!, BY THE STATE OF PNNSYLVANIA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS. 11. Samuel Wrisht, D. R. Disney, Wm. W. Walters, J. W. E verm ". Chas. Richardson, Ilenry Lewis. Jr., Geo, A. West. Jacob W. ?Monti 0. Wilson Davis, Meals° Stern. Thos. 8. Martin. GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vies Pneet. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Dan- NS 1860. AGRICULTURAL FAIR, AT POWELTON. TWENTY-FOURTH WARD. PHILADELPHIA. THE PHILADELPHIA sOCLETV FOR PROMOTING AGRICULTURE Will hold its nest Exhibition of the products ot - AGRICULTURE ORTICULTURE. Awl the MECHANIC ARTS. On the popular FAIR GROUNDS, West Philadelphia, O 26th, 26th. 77th, and 24th days of September. All objecta to be ente red Ott or before TUESDAY, Sea to m b ar 25, m anon, at • hich time the Exhilnhon will be OPEN To Vierrogs. Competition invited from ill parts of Pennsylvania and the aaJOJOIng Witte!. Spacious frame buildings, tents. stalls. and sheds will be provided for the doslAta of Stock, of A grunharat Produce and impkments. of Rears, Vegetables, arid I . 7morre and of Machinery and Mona Goode. The m oat liberal a-monuments will be madettrith Rail road Companies for the transportakon of EllllbitOre and ohjeota to and from the Pair. Trials of 1 oneesione of the beet Animals on Pxhibition. 'abbe tests of Implements will take plans Pamphlet Copies of the Premium List nay be 1144 gratultouely at ttie Agricultural Warehouse*. or by ad dressing either of the undersigned. at the necury's Koons, f 10.6.26 CHER NUT Sheet. CRAIG BIDDLE, President. A. L. KENNEDY. Rea. lioe'y. sea to WARM AIR FURNAOF. Mena w Cons Furnaoa Gil Commer will glom thly warm your house. with one•third lea oust than LS re - qUirod by any other turnsoe. Betielaction is al/ awed. guarantied. Building* wanted and ventilated Ty_ ARNOI.D & WILA.OF eel-stuth.lant 1010 eitEsmur SLATE MANTBLB.—The richest and moat Usauttful ssereurusas of ones d .. bele ever offered for sets to enseemy. by r. us, from Mi rums !ta slum ewes, elltheiaver to sellstutbim if IN I A CI thrItsT A Parr Umelt. COOKING RA HONS.—AII in want of tie beat altorsteil, doable twos Conitis do well to eall at AS MOLD k W ka-itatll &rut 1010 Cuarelit, 1860.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers