(Tiiff : o`7l GHT Cl7-trf, 11 'l'll ; t. 011 , AT/CM HATTIMR-i.: 44: 9.9P' .1, p. 74, One r , . , SetraZl,l,s,l! ll'ran'atat r ` :moor attruits,Minglopri Orgarkor , Viasivßedpatkl9,-,:: - , [Cnn6g oi - 64#1 , r*xirk;ilifTArtr.--or InTeßioß, Aki AND OF ) ?USN' ttitof %111 11(17CR102.j „ • 0,3 “17, ••-• • •*,• • ; To His .40:01 4 ,14t' f frilt:iefeiet otHityci , Passitenti}nrate ,l liti - •linits cease . te enbudttcyalipooo l 4*iiiftdt'erla h tlitub7. der taken3tWitijor4ers, On the question of imigien don iYite tiiritattliOtiiiliti of Oqi -- ttitev haring eitaßkai - ttadet diffirent'pointk of , vie* this itatiortA : Whieet;it istinisitosahatitate acithni for prellisitnisfiidielc:,the*t*Alast questiOniateriftprirsoled to the Goierninint the Itepublicp: Men,who hare elreSiated.aut tialumf! of our eel! 41 , ,L our national , manners, the worktgs(oUtrat • instlisitiOns; 'itoral. tions of yam *ietiferiCA'iteille to pat their- hands to the work: Direet, propositions baye • beats' dressed to ai; demands for infortiation have bein made of us ;,-tiMe•Pressesr-Ahey opght Whir replied' , On the tither bind, we ought, & lab; tams in' MI that - *IAA 'Of• hatisPlephere' which' extends from the Aiverett,Lawrenottto Qripoeo, a work'of expalsloweepopelation is en pro, gress,to *bleb tiro' oughtnoti4v*lt'Prispen9ve. To proliAby, this movemenUnatrefleCiutpg men 'of hnsbloml; the vie time of those outrageonsperseoutions, hi to continue the werkg „habilitation undertaken by the found,, ere of tbillittr;'44, l 4. fai t hful to the nationattred • „'; - I will; grelilysttimir under. your eyes what Ism been dOhio7 lll l-4egeasorts. and by 'myself to advance ITs ques tion - 46 Praitteht result-;- and then I will 'lens* to -your lExceltenoy, the mutila tions wtOtilitt hatemitonseproptii,to adopt. On tho:22frotiugust,4Bs9,.the Government hY a oironlaref -the- lice rotary of, fitati,-af , the Inte-,, n or ImiUilt„'ffrlealtstre -nada , nti -appeal to all persona of : cal raoesilia'inife r WOinlite ',prejudice of color r Itiytt afire theta • relate:mid fludittiel to dome Ind' *With themselves . among ue. To agricultarlsti, Imitlealarly, they jrnarentee,an Im mediate poettien An harmony With their pecuniary positions, •TheY;:ritay become landed proprietors, farmers, or , 'laborers,-or halfs, [ d moitiefruits, J or by the ' , Seek: - Those'edsong them who had not •the means of paying their ; passage would be re ceived at the expense of the Government. ,• It was.stated „that thelnnstigrants 'would be ex cued Milk Wintry service, the strike of the Na tional Guard alone being obligatory on all Whew. Convinced of the importance of Informing fami lies whonestrad to come to our &entry of the libe rality of any pOittlition in matterSofreligious be, lief, the Government guaranteed conformably with the disposition 'of oils laws,:thri publie exercise of the worship, that each of them professed. This appeal vrai reoeived'abrOad with numerous commendations, emanating as well from those who were themselves interested as from the friends of humanityo Itinoresised the honorable position of the Goierristentirhiohenabled us to throw afar off a ray ofetrilfsation. But thiS,Alta hitt step snide by r ourlovernment,- was only. a general enunciation of generous inten tions. fialptsq' mint , rotations with, men well •dis posed littits,palled'ettr attersHon,to points of details which it :lea useful le eiamtneend to which it be came necessary to , give precise replies. Tholloyernment deolared; first, of all, that an absolibitiabatisikon to the lawtiof 'the . moats', wee" the chief. of !conditions. _ Liberal and republican„ these' laws '.6ffer sisrlons 'guarantees to all, They satisfy, sis Ayell in dish' as peliticalorder, all the legitimatAiwants of esiadvanced:socioty... l In ma: king knows, its dispositions, it was in reply to questioasiproposed--4ieanehlie, all the' points A3l detail wore not extunited-,they,were enlightened.' Our interior:lstate- is . little' known abroad -we' indeed it neeenesii to' dissipate ill •deabts `which might exist-is the minds of-foreigners. Thus, the Governmenttaili that it•posseesed in all points of the country demesne Mali in large , traotti „ , ithettlaisieng 'them there. was found soil of excolient'quellty, - andAlust the laws authotieed ae to sell them; ittie ii ".0 tiern ' i • - • Th .p ee of hem w odera 0,, - - That, at di ff erent poliits;" the extent was so great thatgroupsof a hundred id two bandied females would be able to establish thiniselves thereon ; ' That'friaitokof-_there • groups situ would be granted „ai ' title gneranteed for the establishment of echotibrand chapels,. whatever_ might be the re - ligiona_belfitt of the moorhen of the settlements; Thatuntbeir,deelaration;Of intention - to become, Raytians and tenet:Mee all . other , nationality, the' emigrants..wasildiveAtitti , right i - of , pertdissing - That to liiinisitiebbnirgivigoioni; bet'Poor, who might not be hi *Within tOpreliese, it would give all the diwirable faellities:lbr obtabilagrerouneM tive:Werlii,.ilther eals[iners, - - or interested . on shares, Tthat,l,o, l , paying one-half the_ °rot, As tent for the farmi.hoste, and minufaidories,] oral day laborers, work of Walt the` profits would- enable them, in a short- time; if Men of economy; 'of good conduet,:to bcoome prletom ; • , ;• '-• . -,,-: - That, farther, the pub li c treasury wonld pay the passagtv of ibis class of Onions; at :the rate 0f,15, piastres (Amu:lel/1244AM ;for t imob ,adult man or women ; and of o:nimirinifor; each childnf less than 12 yearsOf afts, oragedlfereVna over; 6(/; . - -.- ":. 1. . That all the immunitiee, which other citizens of the Republic enjoy will be:Wielded' to :them aftei a residenoe of one year imtheßenablie ; ' That the Mestelseof all »ROMs was protested by our laws, and that our national .lIIIIMOVII gear antsed.-an unlimited toloriusee of alLbelicfr; , That - the , formatter .of "oommerelai, companies. esistinenothereortutrios, was authoriserby our Thist,thiimiliwi teoognise :"- ~ "-,'" ' ' - ' &elf* _with a collective name, without the : rie cessity.of a'nrelketneiry authorisation; . . Anonymous, pootelles, with 'the' approbation of the statutes, by the Government; ' - That, under the mission of "this legislation, com-, panics might be formed as well far the_ exploration otalinee=cud :forests ,as for the establishment of ,e . , nit we itiao tiopelentmright lawianat that the principle palate ifkourply,li l ‘ aw, and is capable of expansion; 7: ': . - i .:: • , . 7 ,-: .. _ That the Government cannot en itself to en• courage, by a-protective tariff,' ales which: might be manufactured - in - Hayeki - hat :that menufacim-7, !era-will-dud m - sufleient guaranty In our matte' tariff, which has alWays avedegedle per cent. on the purobuirifiltie.' ,Aamor heed legislature de rives its chief revenues from Mistosoliouse duties, it Itiretlikely that it will, for OM time, to come, abandon this system • , • , • , • _ That the chief eitiolea :of food tieing always abundant, there is .no necessity , for= emigrants litinging priivisiona from abroad, Mod 00 teletplonilY, of having the.ptilmant 'Ormudoin•house duties thereon; 'but' that - Mithines; airtionitutellimple.' mentor =and Useful effects, shall be free of entry ;- , , :That;••:as - Ao :the exportation of prated+, .no change will be made' in ,thepresent custom-house duties; ' - ,' i ' -. . That the cordial reception ' given at 'St. Mark to . the Louisiana emigrants by onripeople so natural lytidipitable; was . a prod of. the cordial reetiPtion teilitlerrnffor thaw; who mayviubpequeldly sir. rive • , ifii i ik. nobbig: , ithiil ~ eolitiai ail . , tiii i : religions Fropehat.- - Of those Velio:iegard, • It. as •i duty, to-ab -404,1111-.-00.4.0Eitifen'thelliabliath • it is rioldide;however,lfilif itiii 'Monthly r'eriew of the .National (hard WM teen held on the first Gettofite-meath ; bat it will be easy to make I al Madiflostien oLihisurrangement • - f x t a temporaryledgiug,for CU drat eight diye, shaft be offered to, those' arriving while waiting:or f travelling turret destination;., •, :• ~ • -- , hat, IndipendentlY 'of " the • seheelelhat "ilavvel new citlainiamay create; theemietlng Givrernment, , which °couples itself "Withootesaidng_wlth the °ire . -oflublio Mstruotion, has founded; and will Mill l i found,';iiiinterens 'establhhments of odimation, lo which the-monthly dilutes ate next- to; nothing, , and greediest to thepoor L ,, - -.--.: •-- . • ....- - .1 That,Onijitrk deprire no , one' oft he right of quittini the country When' they jmellt; yet, timi tldeitßaytianwho deserts his county in the thee of need toes! foreVer" his - quiditr et eland. ,Th emi,grialsiiho May not . desire. to *Main in ilayi Will beat liberty to- re -embark ;,buftlimio 'whoa iuhoduotion into the country shall ham been at pnbliffemitelmik, mkt, be .04multimll to: leave until after *payee's kietidenee,'orAifitil; they remit I • the esperturitlekthey emanoned kith* Govern, ment;;;; „,-,.,„„--.- • ~ , ... ~,, , I The -r flovelmient would nit have regarded its ,t , thiVas eomplete i if it hid not collected the most ; 7 1PeltIlPiOinel f acts , on every point relating to this i grave question. After Securing, he cider Of Your Mosellesey„ , =l.eddreseed,-, cc the 20th of .Marcii „last, Celieulat rfo - thei 'commanders 'of - the arm* diestemente of the oonsuls'otthecommUndi, instruct nag tlhem'to lntorm ill the Pafelatinnfor the mull' try .of the' einiditien :of men of - the African rade abrogukandat.oask , frooli - therM an energetie co-opi• .ration in the iiiiiit Alta great number of Permit' ~.„stmedOkie_e_v i ntl p.their. abode in Hayti. _These situ -- - latalinvicheidentiblikard thfreeporiaellho itt hive called forth-leattfye m set lively sentimen ts _,• -et-fraternity- -- Extending - to -the- administrator f ,Seift r if? their eumseity of manefterset thane. . :1 , „„ , domolia; , AL opriespoiidenee, which hale been idollraPiali, -Ind er Which if , is sly 'Posslb;vo, '•'`' deaf to submit to you &synopsis, has given us .. ' ,...0f i genital geed will , Reiss; there are ef- ; "..."..ri ,e,:-",of.'pu'" blie"mitacriPtioliS ;`, there they, wish o ;! - -4berge theinaelveit with:the care of 7 a certain nn - haps( persons ;• in au -infinity of 'places they 11- .-.. '4l,vitfreatliandf on: half., somo will rent, others '.,geltiiniss ;ell,4ne, all are dhpesed to mike ell 0 1 4-re Oft kleliffialletle r tii give, iiirondliminst in ~.:. by rivronolssement,! [there ere-twenty arrondi e• -.merits or oonntifutin Hayti-Jai - brief - statement ,of . thatatientnitbllo:inil prirateiestatesvehtsh Aerobe , , hought;laasadr'nf Worked- en' Shares; hem - which wniadge }hat at - leitat'so,odil could lie Im : effetely .f:„*ltvieadlifilfaiii;'ltsfetkivedsb- - of the eager "..l net* witii4hioli theliiihlloafiteethvenCiallsieilial ...._. ~„ ,_ . _ ..___,,_ _____ ~_ .4, , •'*.thions,lsled the proepoot of thio Government ok ._+.4, - traiiiing Hayti the_ohneed land Of the ?mitered mtee. without *geed map, Mateyo?, (ind;tbere ilionc liAturste - inar, of ,Knytt published-1;11'41 knitted ..„. tittettai,l. or withoutasoompanying geographiaertie ' latis,7whieirweableybleatly lengthen this ambito, ;wavelet-4 the reportvitinid, ht....unsalted to the f .. , --',_ nolumnsof.in amerteanyaina' "at. 7114 - ;:ropett' coele, „by, veeetamending--.lst. " I '' l l 4 ll6,liontliiiithia 'of „, , Sgonts -. tit'.foreigh "email* - ,,, teliemente a eoloitixt emignitleiL! , "ldi Tha Ita:me• "''' diatiedeiltilatiefirof the towatorthipe 'Hayti's; Bt. mg 14# 1 15 . ,A1 0 4, 444. ,IPtIn0; - oiNitatir4 . o;id •Osyist ii -- 3 tiviria , Vi ibsemParlMent; fiirAnnterente, with the ~.i,Polffr 4,,,e4dleg,Pial ,tfe ,f , elz, glitregoene, Alert 4,;- , ~ nini.YintllainoWn.easerof Deed: - Bd. the qr:,l pli , o ( LttiklnvOtifili 'of ;the_ North lend lo_fdisOtt) for,the furpoii: of mineYthit the 4nnds indlinklng'ateximt deseription of s., '' 11144 ittl: c alif idie4s, N* gob Pilto Ot st e° .;',. .I***ittiniainher 'Si "tionden` 'MIMS,' 'watch :4;bonnetestely t be put up for emtgrents. :6tb. i t , - pliet*gfht.',"the tltspeitat l . Of enels-Byffiutßa id 14 } Mielgititiati; &Motility. deethiegteUeselve 1 Oa VW Malgranier-esi their dieemberkauset,Mind an. : Abortengib , er t i - L to - providefor their.:wente th e g il t 1 ;M u T r ll . 4sprinting of throe Gambino .: ' ittgellorPl r estgnett . .444. 4 1 . J oseph. aeoro;tiii ' ,, ;lsiiiiiiiiiaut:ot 403idtiffet: 'Air fellow- " PIMIAP he dhilesseil (iivrai) offleeldent ()MYNA ... .-,;. iid : 41Ertaptfielseethemeadattenn with whlPb the 18. .• A. .. ,; 4 6 . 441 . - ' - .4rihrgikh"ustiA lll if Mil!. 1, . ,1 . 11 ,! 1 . 11 . Ul r e-r °' ' ,5 , ; tlita r e . ouiglik t olse ,-41 , - ettlllartlier Men a) -.... , ./ , # 1 11.,0? 3, , LIP I' bAlv 44142 pee*, inducements :. a , 14 7,21tanwirtrud.- 4m ....it t o i r: .. . . t o WV .anthe P 4i.r.;: ~ '!'' ' elhilibbeisiniiiiaod te , diiViiiiilthrs' So flt-o? ..:, ' tied lie intinden44, -- 44glisecg -the v \ ?Es , , orentontlands*Gl4*- ti ' *Met m e 4 - Sheri of our wild Westernleintli and it Isievinfl .:';, atiltad ilia to largo toloutee of intelligent men; of' - . -*ail *witched ammeter, corteArt lOW, 0, treble of irtilltrj..wlll be vatalMiisly'sitte4 -.-- 1 , ....... , • -.- ~, ..• . -_,- ,-. • - . - . ' .Thiliiiiirsmi. l ' ',. - .1 . crnifts4o;f . itticiiinityti,"Aag: 33, INC ERAL ' 'NEWS. •- - - ...... ..,.. A.A . TSTEE.I9I7I3 tiECIAOY-r-ViitrAiLtEl 'Liii . 101.-401. Lim( Box: , -LThci' Nunda News rocked - the Wearing announcement of * windfall to the, IIOn• Whir' (1.-Peck Of , Angelic's-. i , The .News, Sep : "Louis Sterka „Prussian: ]hirhirtkdled at Love joy's Natoli - New York eity, on- Thursday, August 10, and left hid eintire'pronerty to Mrs . ; L.' 0.-Taokt .wife. Of the tiler': L. C. Peek, of this place. The , dim eased mane to this country in 1827, and shortly aftef binding in New York engaged in the ocenpa- tion of iniperting Prussimrstawls,,where,- it-is sup. 'tamed, he- imaseed considerable wealth..'. l After A llSilloils 'iethi)vitdloAngelios, where he melded, for about tWenty. yeere, , dealing, mostly la led estate. 'Boon eller, - Mr: Stork'- arrived .at Angelica ha be 'eainfralitinted.cwith ' MC, Meek," and a, warm 'frhindeliip bite always existed • betwomn them., In 1855, Mi. Stork'beeoMing well advanced in years, nedevlMatielor,' and , haybig 'no friends in this I ,Oettli „ made 'hie will , hy,Whielf.:hoyaechs gra. I.:47:: tot the Sole legatee of hie personal property and realettate, estimated ' L. C. Peek hie - Sole exeautor. 'forty.Vrepryis at ,hettieen thirty and o thousand dollars., : Mr„. Wolk went 'dawn to Ned York last spring. :At his, death he left a large . trunk; on the inside of which was an iron box, Which he said, contained everything iti regard to his histerrand allthit,would bi of Interest to his Minds; and that no bumetreye had ever seen the -Inelde 4f ik - iiitept his own, and never would until -opened-by his exequtor.. - 11tOvas a very es:merit/le lngvidnal,andlint little has ever been known of 'his early h i story , Some supposing that be was ban , fished Item the country of his birth at the instiga• tion *from. of. hie friends: It is said that he was a man of extraordinary edueation, speaking fittent ' ly ftvel different languages. Therefore, to those who 'have known him, there Is a great anxiety to know hat the Iron box contains. Mr. Peek and son let for ;New 'Pork Monday on . lest, , to take oharg of-bis personal property and examine the °entente of the iron hox, and when they return we "shall Probably learn , what there is of, interest to the pnblle in regard to the whole affair. ; , l'Oxf is`notv on exhibition, -in London, a painting chid to be the work of the Italian painter, Benedetto Oastigliene (161640.) The canvas is 5 feet 8 Indio long, and 4 feet 1 mat high; and the subjs., 4 , is the " - Plight Of the Holy Family into Hgyp ".'or rather, 'perhaps, their eptry into that count, ,at may be inferred from an image on the ground,, and the strorigly-exPressed astonishment of a 'group of shepherds; as if at the-supernatural :fall,ef, their-false gods., The Virgin is seated upon on asS,, and 'tenderly holds the Infant' Saviour In front Of her; while Soseph walks, and Is occupied in the' management of the animal. The picture is offered for sale by the present owner, Mr. Thomas Hall, a merchant captain of North Bbielde. 'Be purobused it last year. in Genoa; where the account amen' was that in 1849, during , the revolutionary 'outbreak,-It was 'taken anitonget other plunder which the mob, carried elf-from the Doria Pa. , . „ lace. , . Trlima aeeMS;aaya the alta California, to ,bo a Custom prevalent among the Chinese in this city, :of stealing away eaoh other'', wives. What the system is founded upon, or how it is managed, tt is Very difficult to say, bat the thing constant ly odours,. A poor, one-eyed Celestial, living on Stockton street, ail it servant in , n family, was recently summoned to some Chinese preoinot,where; 'nil bib informing relative stated, his wife was being canted away by the orders of an over-ruling au thority,' recognized among the Celestials. John riuthbd hastily to the place, but only,in time to see the Wooden shoes, almond eyes, and - moon face, of his beloved whirled rapidly away to the Sacra mento boat, and before he could collect Ms scat tered soma sufficiently to take legal measures for her reeoyery, she was en route and lost. - Peirreaa TO BRAZIL DR THE FRENCH tILIII,-- PaßyAtstanr °smear. —The French Government has )recently concluded a postal convention with Brat'', by the terms of which lettere may hereafter he transmitted between the United States and Small, via France, in the French mail, at a postage charge of thirty-three cents, the single rate of ono ton th ounce or under, which embraces the full :yes ge (United' States, French, and Brazilian) oha geable to destination, and may be prepaid or 'left unpaid; in either country, at the option of the sin er. - Closed mails for Brazil. will be regularly des etched by the French post office, alternately, by he French mail packet leaving)3ordeatut on the;24th of each month, and by the British mail packets leaving Southampton on the 9th of eaoh • moth. • _ G ~ . . . RE RAIN TRADE ON 'LAKE MICHIGAN.— Th Chicago Times and Herald of the 14th inst., ;dates : On yesterday twenty vessels cleared from heie for ports on the lower lakes, with 299,707 bz4hels of grain, 1,577 barrels of flour, and a large als ‘ ount of sundries. There is now sufficient grate In store here, at the lowest calculation, to load 140 retools;, the daily receipts exceed the shipments and. they are likely,to keep pace with them for mile time to come. )210P8.—The cooperstown (N. Y.) journal says - -that the market has been rather finotuatiog daring_ the past week. • At one time the English deity was reported higher; and buying in the coon. try about ceased. For a day or two past the spa. ordative feeling appears to have revived somewhat; acid twentydlve to thirty cents can be obtained for diet Plies. The weather during the past week has been grate unfavorable, and picking has programed rather slowly. fla GOI3D - Crtarorr.—The city of New York otvertleed for a loan 0f15250,000, at six per cent. e bide came on Wednesday. No less than $1,111,100 was bid for, and the loan was awarded 4t an average premium• of three per 'cent. Tbc highest rate offered was 103 t, and the lowest par 'Money meat be plenty when so light a premium Is offered for a six per trent. city loan. . • lowa' noun. TO Piss's PgAir.—A train of venteen, wagon's, loaded with forty hundred of dour each, started from Conrail Bluffs fot Denver qity'on'the 4th inst. With Pike's Peak region foe market in the West 'and the rest of mankind for the eastern portion of - lowa, this year's crop ought to bring some money. QUENN Vioronia, when she travels to Bal moral, from Edinburgh, completer the journey comfortably in a single night, occupying a Irma'. due bed in a Bleeping car, and thee avoiding the 4beeriration whieliher presence on a day train at. rays attracts. . i , POISON OF rim JEBNAKINE.—The Pensacola Mune says: "Two children—white child and egro-; - -while playing, a few days ago, in this city, at a piece ,of the yellow jessamine vine in their poaths, which resulted in'the ,death of the latter ad the severe illness of the former." , ... . . i Tam' defenders. of ßalti more, in 1814, Gale adroit& fhe fortv-sizth annivarsery.of the battle of Worth -Polati , ol the 12th inst. , The celebration took place about eight miles from the pity, and !seventy Of . the original defenders were present on 'the occasion. • I Own George Alexander, Nichols was appre hendad, in London, on, the °harp of annoying the ! Princess Mary,' and' other members of the royal family, believing blaiself to be " the Lard Jen/a Christ and God Almighty," and signing himself BY ROBBERY or Mas.3llony, THE ACTRESS.— The HeseYork Sun, of yesterday, says : Henry a - ceaoh driver, and Thomas and Bernard Oitildwell„ , brothers, all of whom reside at 12p West Nineteenth street were arrested on Setts?. dal morning by Meer Ragbag, of the. Sixteenth ward, on a charge °flaying stolen a leather satch el, containing several gold bracelets, ear.rings, diamond Sager-rings, hair pine,,and other articles of jewelry, valued in the aggregate at 21,000, from Mrs. lioey, , the well.knowifectress. It appeared that the prisoner Kelly had` for some time been employed to *envoy Mni,-Hoey to and from Wal. leek's; Theatre in his iloaah. On Friday night. ae ustial_, tie, conveyed the lady' to her residence, N. 3311F.Tvrenty-third at, and on this occasion she was aecompanted by her husband. After leaving the ,vehicle, ,the discovery wad made that the satchel .containing the jewelry had been left behind. Mr. Hotly immediately went to the stables where Kelly - was employed, for the purpose of obtaining the property, but he found that the" driver had gone home, and his residence could not be ascertained train the person in charge , of the establishment aturdav, morning, however, Mr., found out where Kelly liveri, and, in going to hie house, No. 120 West Nineteenth street, he found that he was BUIL hi - bed. On looking irOund, Mr. Hoey saw the satchel upon the nuuttel•ploce,. and , closer scrutiny resulted In the discovery-of one of the ,rings on the finger of Bola Kelly, the prisoner'S wife. In reply to a question why the Satchel had not been returned Kelly said he intended to have brought it home in the morning: Subsequently, Mr. Rosy ascertained, upon examining the con. tents of the beg, that a portion of the jewelry had been taken out, He, therefore,, demanded of Kelly the 'restoration of the missing articles, eon fisting-of, two &anion& finger rings,' a diamond breastpin; and a' *mind. hair-pin. Kelly an swered that he knew nothing about them, where upon Mr. Hoey went for an Aileen- When •he re , turned, the wife of ,the prisoners stated, that there - wee a ring and platens on, the floor In the room of Thos Oauldwell., ,Cauldwell was, eenseqnently, ,arrested with . .the other parties, and the missing broochwas.Tound in his pocket. Bernard Oauld. well, brother Of . Themes, was also taken into custody, Kelly baying- stated that he pinked the' lock of 'the Medal,' The prisoners were all taken before. Justice Connolly, who, after en examination of the facts, held them for trial, and they were ComMitted eat* in default of 21,000 . bail." 'Kelly stated In hit examination that he foetid Ike setobel in the carriage, after he had put 'up his horsee,.andlook it home, with the intention .ef returning it in' the Mending. He placed it in his room, and went down stairs into a grocery and liquor ers, where be drank three or fear glasses of beer with the other -prisoner. After returning to his room, Bernard Cauldwell opened the satchel, but Kelly could not say with what instrument,,as be was too drunk to see. At this juncture Thomas Cauldwell came into the room, and they selected as much of the jewelry as they chose, drank more bber,'and seperated. He knew nothing more of the matter until he found himself in custody. Bernard Cauldwell admitted having picked the lock of the sateheli but, said be did so at Kelly's instigation. The other prisoner said be had no thing to say about the affair at all. , Tun GEOGRAPIIi or" CONSIMPTION—AN [NTH. RESTING Surgarawr.—The following valuable in formittionie copied from the manuscript of a forth: coining work entitled "Infiuenoe of Climate in North America," to be compiled by Mr. J. DI& tuniell • ".Consumption originates in all latitudes from the equator where the mean temperature is eighty legiliecFahrenheit, with slight variations, to the higher _position of the temperate zone, where the mean temperature is forty degrees, with sudden and' violent changes. The opinion long enter tained, that"lt' Is peculiar to cold and humid all mates, is founded in error' Far from this being the i sm° the.tables of mortality 'warrant the con ' oludOn that consumption'sometimes more preva lent intropioal then in temperatecortntries. - Con sumption is rare in the Arctic regions, in Biberia, Iceland, the Orkneys and Hebrides; also In the northwestern portion of the United States, "In North America the diaeases of the respire; tory ,orgate, of widoh eonsumptien is tie chief, have their maximum in New England, in latitude about 42 deg.,.and diminish in all directions from this point inland. The diminution is quite' s rapid westward as southward, and a large district near the 40th parallel le quite uniform at 12 to 15 per lent- of deaths from oonsumption, while bfasseohn sette'varies from twenty to twenty•bve. At the border of the dry climate of the plains In Minna- Note, a =William is attained aiIOWAS that • occur ring in Florida, and not exceeding five per sent. of the entire mortality. It is still lower in Texas, WU the ehiolute` Minimum - fot -thi'montinent in teMperato latitudes Is in Southern It. The Upper pentieuld of Michigan; em bracing =the wholeof the Lekti Superior region, Minnesota, 'Nebraska, and Washington Territory,are all alike 'exempt,' in - i:iimetkibleliegfee,frora the abovof fatal disease. Invalids suffering from pulmonary complaints and throat disease are almost uniformly benefited by the climate of the above northern region, haring a mean annual temperature of from 40 deg. to 45 deg. Fahrenheit." =BSI P /11 164 0 " 1 "1.- -•-• +-1 • . MWII iign r N IAFIELTRO 80..!1RD DP TAM.: T. IYROTRINGINV Croittr; six 01 Tai lgilara, ROBERT B. REED.' - , iiiir;iiii Blot ' -c - ' ' ,ett ih,a'Merchants 'Ezehange,PhitekeittlAis.., Shiplohn TIMER . Lind1ey ,_;...,,..:... Bhigi Timeworn, olivii--, —... ....,-,LiVerped4soon' eipbmil Animate, tritAlind,:-...., ..ililverpixil, soot Ship Zarod, Magma' e-...-....,*..LOildoAderryi 880k-10. Shit , Oov L4TIORki Nt.p.no—... - --Liverpool, soon ownl nun Anna, Uohn--....:._....'..............14ver, woo, Lurk lex PloPleilliSoreere„,„:...,..:Liver Ohloon Barg ryna. Wortioiter.. - ...,,........... ;Barb ovh,soon Bark ItsEkbeth J . , Yqulicog- , Port as paln,Won • Lin ii• nee WlLlter, Biortlt...._, ~...---.8 t., Bart*. low, 11/I . ILINGor THE- OCEAN IaTEAINERX. • Ritold ,THE'inirtso BWATFA. , SHI2I LAMM iron - . • ---Boston..:TAvarp6al Rept 19 O Washington-,New York -Liverpool.— .........Beptll3 Illinote...-- New York..Bouthampton..— Bent St ~.Boutton:..ElalWal—.: at. Res Ss Aunt --..... Sept Se Bremen....— New Yorr.:BoutheMptOn...-:-..Sent 39 Kanparoo— -New YorY.-Liverpool--,....—Sept Tentonia- .. -New Y0rc.,..80nte5mpt0n.......-Oct 1 York.. Liverpool 3 York..Hevre .. .. Petals— New York-Livem001.........- -Oot 10 • , • • FROM EUROPE. SNIPS LIAVZ DOR DLTS Metita _. ......Llverpool-P all fay ....Sept 4 Leineter _...LiverpooL.sew rk—..— Beet 4 'Pentonta....:...Ontharnetott- ew Yo rk. Belt 4 Braaten. —Southampton- ew ork—.—Rept 'Kangaroo -Liverpool-New 6 North - Amerloan.Ltrerrool...Latr....-------Beet 6 Cantu:Bart- ......Liverpool .. Beet 4 Europa---.ldvergool. A fent 4 Adriatic, --Southampton-New Turk U Anglo Staon...-Liverpool-Quebe_g nn -...., Pe Live rpool N euo York-,....-.4.:.8eet 16 Nazonta...—Bouthaunton-New 'Pork— .--Bept 18 Connaught- --Galway_New York.-_..— Sept 18 Prince Albert. Galway-New Y0rk....,-.....8epf 18 . ....Efouthampton -New York.„-.........-Bent North Briton., ...Liverpoot- 1f 20 Vanderbilt....liouthamptow.,6(ew —Peet 36 The California Mail Steamers *all from New York on the Jut. llth, and 90th °Ewalt month. The Havana Swarms leave m onth. York on tne 2d, Ith, igth. 17th. and 17th of' each month. MARINE 71114ELLIGEN0,11. PORT OT PHILADELFRIA, Sept. 18. 1860, BUN Ram__ 64-BUN MGR WA'NER.— is° ARRIV PM. Stembship Virginia, Kelly, from Ibibmond, via. Nor folk. 25 hours. with lodes to Thomas Webster. Jr. Re ports that tho bark Florosta. for Pernambuco, went to sos from Hampton Roads 15th inst. Brig Ormns, Baker. 4 days from Fall River, in ballast to oaptaln. Bohr Hero. Terry, 11 days from Baltimore, with mdse to Thos Webster, Jr. Bohr Flight, McNamara, 4.days from Richmond, with shorts to J B Lanogster & ton. Bohr Louisa, Emlett,ll days from Boston, with salt to Wm Bumm. Bohr ffi R Sheppard. Lane. 8 days from New Haven, with machinery to aaptain. Bohr Dragon,- Sadler, dayi from Calais, with lumbei 'and laths to Oaskill &,Dalvin. Bohr Jesse -Williamson. Jr, Winsmore, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to 13 inniokson & Clover. Bohr 8 L Simmons. Gandy, 8 days from Fall River, in ballast to R B Corson & Co. Bohr H W Morse. Fhillips,s days from Taunton. with mdse to Twells & Co. Spa th hr Diade a m. Blanchard. 6 days from New Bedford. wi oil to cptain. Bohr Emma I, Day. Hackney, 8 days from New York, with miles to Crowell & Collins. 5118ohr Golden Rod, Canary, 7 days from Portsmouth, N with mdso to A n d e rson er & Co. Bohr Tomah, , 8 dnys from Eastport, with miles to E A Bonder & Co. , Bohr 8 E Hammond, Garrlsh, 8 days from Eastport. With video to E A Bonder & Co. Bohr Martha. Baxter, 6 days from Providenos, with indite to Crowell lc Collins. Behr Bayer Magnet, Perry, 8 dais from Boston, in bal last to Nevin, Sawyer H Co. Bohr Delaware, Denby, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to Jim Barratt & Bon. Bohr J W Early. hipple,,l. day from Frederies, Del, with oats to las Barratt & Non. Bohr Isle of Pines. Frenoh, from - Proaldenoe. NolitAlbertrharo. Cavalier. from Providenoe: flohr.James M Vanes, Hardee. from Boston. -Bahr Louisa Gray, Weaver, from Boston. Steamer Conoor,Normen, SO hours from New York , with mdse to Wm M. Balrd.& Co. • CLEARED. Bark Aides, Dunning. Portland. C A Heoksoher & Co. Brig Sarah Btarr, Sloonm, Wilmington, NC. Baker & Folsom. Brig Morning Light. Blair. Bath, Nevin. Sawyer 8c Co Brig Burnish. Sherman, Boston, captain. Bohr M R 81mpeard. Lane, New Haven, captain. 'Bohr Isle of Pmes. French, Providence,& Co. Bohr A Phu°. Cavalier, East Greenwich, Tyler, Stone & Co. Bohr Jas M Vance, Burdm Boston, VanDaman, Nor ton & Co. Bohr L Oray, Weaver, Boston, L Fothermel & Co. Bohr Immo ioh. Crowell, Boston, N S turtevant & Co. Bohr Jesse Williamson, Jr, Wiruimore. Boston, Bin mason & Glover. Bohr 8 B Ashram], Young, Norwieh. R Corson &Co Bohr t 3 L Simmons, Gaudy, Fall River do Bohr Silver Magnet, Perry, Boston , Sawyer & o. St'r J S Blamer, Dimas, Baltimore, A .firovoi; Jr. f aiirremmetentot GRACE . rew HAVRE DE Sept.l7,lBlo. .The Kingston left with" boats, laden and consigned as fellows; Pato Alto, lumber to Ceilidh & Galvin; J D Cameron, do to Wilmingtont• T I Moyer,_' do to Cadwalader & Co; Two Brothers, coal to New York; 8 0 Collin", Lillie Jane, M J Lhnk. Four Boys; and Mary Bowman, goal to Delaware City. (Ceneepondenoe of The Preen) READING, Rept. IL The following boats from the 'Union Canal teased; ti t° the Sohnylloll Canal to day, bound to Philadelphia, ladertandoonmEned 84 follow.: J C Davie, grain to Hodd & Comly; John'A Lemon, do to Cookman & Hro; Wm & F Taylor. do to oaptaini_ Dr Wm Moore & Ranomma , pint iron to Cabeen & Co; Hor ner & Btout, do do C F Smith & Bon. MEMORANDA. Steamship Delaware, Cannon, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship Palestine, Cook, sailed from Qualm* 15th in.t. for Liverpool. Shia Peruvian, (of Boston) Roberts, at New York.l6th inst. from Baltimore, to Smith loading* foram Pranomoo. Ship liermine, Striker, from Callao, via Hampton Roads, with guano. at ,13alttmore lath inst. Ship Sir Charles Nap i er, from Bombayfor Newlfork, way spoken 20th June, nolat, ** •-•- Bark S A. Nichols. Nichols, cleared at Searsport Ist inst. for Rio de Janeiro. Bark J B Johnson, Blake, cleared atf SearspOrt 11th inst. for Montevideo. Bng_.Barnak t Downing, from. Cienfuegos 17th ult at NegOfork lath mat, reports: 9th lest, Barnegat hearing WSW 10 miles, wastun into by sehr Buena Vista, from maten Island for Virginia, and had the bulwarks and bends stove, plankshear milt, foremast gyms. - maift topgallant mad and forutopmmt carried away, and 'the fore rigging on the port side; tort foresail, split ma n and middle staysails. and sprung :steak, and was com pelled to into the Brealrwator for repairs. The B V Inn her bo wsprit and firing illiboom. Aug I. Oeorse Ottene ofNew York, aged 21 years, seaman died. Behr Volta. Brooks. from Oreenport for Philadelphia, el New York 16th inst. MEDICINAL. pERIIVIAN SYRUP, OR. PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTOXIDE OF IRON COMBINED This waII-Itnown ;Remedy has' bean wed extensively ; _•; .. 0 and f reAspoientr A APL _ OR IMPAIRED AND IItIkERFECII 'IV -'2 DIGESTION ; TOR VIII CONVIQVIINT ILJ DETERIORATION 07 Tux BLOOD: * ---- . * AND VOA THB FOLLOWING FORMS OF DISEASE, , Most of whion origin,ate in • DYSPEPSIA: LIVER COMPLAINT, DROPSY., NEURALGIA and NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, LOSS OF APWITE, HEADAURZ, LANGUOR and DEPR lON . OF SPIRITEC_RUNCLES AFFEC T IONS EI, Pax% SCURVY, AFFECTIONS OF'- TEE SIIIN, CONSUMPT IVE TENDENCIES, BRO_NRI TM, DISEASFS Frau- LIAR to FEMALES. and PL ALAI Li)M- , . _N ACCOMPANIED BY GENE RAL DEBILITY. and RE,QUIRING A TONIC and ALTE RATIVE MEDICINE. • ' Norg.—Tho failure, of IRON as a remedy for DYS PEPSIA, a bad state of the blood. and the numerou4 diseases caused thereby. has arisen from the want pf such a preparation of Iron es shall enter the stomach a PROTOXIDE state, and assirmiate at once with L t h e blood. This want the Ph,RUY AN SYRUP supp es, and it does so in the only form in which It is possible for Iron to enter the circulation. For this reasons the •rgn.uvlnN SYRUP often radically cures diseases in whiCh other preparations of Iron and other medicines have been found to be or no avail, - CERTIFICATE OF A. 'A. HAYES, M. D., OF BOSTON. It is well known that the medicinal snots of Protoxlde of Iron are lost by even a verLbrief exposure to alt and' that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron, with Out further been deemed inlvesible; In the PERUVIANSYRUP this desirable point is at tained by COMBINATION IN A WAY UNBORN SINKNOWN; and this solution may replace all the prom-carbonates, oitratee, and tartrates of the Idaterla Medico. A. A. HAYES, Assayer to the State of Mass. 10 BOYLSTON Street, Boston. N. B.—Pamphlets containing Letters from the &mom+ named Gentlemen and others, and giving full infortna lion of the Syrup, can be had on application to the Agents, or to . ; N. L. "A gDia . t r elt i girN. No. 7813UD8 URN IiSTREET.IIOBTOp. Bold by Druggists generally throughout the United Rates. Agents for Dennevivanlai GYOrD .2 Co., atiT-tuthe Pm .232 North SECOND Street, Philada. DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. 2 Dr. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATINfI SPIRIT. . This Medicine has bun used by the public for six years with increasing favor. it is recommended to Cure' Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Heart-Burn, Colic Pais:, Wind in the Stomach, or Pains in the Bowels,' Headache, Drowsinsit, Kidney Conipinints, Low Spirits, Delirium Tremees.lslernperaßce, IT STIMULATES,, EXIEULAILATeiI, InvtoonATae , 007 WILL SOT INTOXICATE OR STUTRPT, As it Medicine It is mile& and effeetual, °using the most aggmvated cues ofDylipersial tildes/ CoMPlaints, and all other derangements of the Stomach and Rowels in a speedy manner: It will instantly revive. the most melemeholy and drooping spirits, and raters the weak, nervous, and nuttily to health, strength, mid vigor. Perso d e jectedoni the injudicious systems quors, have become and their nervous shattered, °mutilation" breken down, and'eubJeet to that horrible curse to humanity, the Dammam. TAX/11/WS, will, el most immediately, feel the happy and, healthy Invigo rating eifioaey Of Hantrebvigorating WaA WILL DO. Donr.—One Wine glass full as often he necessary. One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will cure Heart-burn, Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give you a blood Appetite. One dosei will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia, One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of wi ll or Flatulence, and as soon as the atonisoh receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distress ing load and all painful feelings will be removed. one dose Win remove the most distressing pains of Collo. either in the sumach or bowels, A few doses Will remove all obstructions In the Kidney, Bladder, or Urinary Organs. Complaintsho are seriously afflicted with any /annoy are assured of speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radios) onre by the wee of one or two bottles, NIORTLY DI SSIPTION. Persons who, from diuipating too much over night, and feel the oval effects of polrouous liquor., t V 1011121% headaches, mantis at Woniaoh, weakness, giddiness, ike will find one dose wills omeve all bad feelings. t:adies of weak and lankly' oonstitutiorue should take the Invigorating Spirit three .times • day s It will make them strong, healttly, mid ham y, remove all obstruc tions and Irregularities from the mezirtrual arcane, and f i t:g r it the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn During eregnaney It will be found an invaluable midi:. sine to remove disagreeable a/mentions at the stomaeh. All the proprketor asks le a trial, and to 'admit+ thie, he has put up the irIVIGORATING ;int battles at Meant', quarts $l. General Deyat. 413 WATER Street, New York. DYOTT A CO__ 432 North SECOND Street Wholesale Agents in Philadelph ia, and for gale by all Dragnets. COAL. GENIIINE EAGLE VEIN COAL—pure, Hard, driaht. and Glassy, equal, if not anterior , to any Lehigh Coal sold.- F.arr and tltove Cap6l4,lXl nor ton, Lage Nut 613.76. Cad and examine , S r O lend your orders 'to ELLIS BRANSON% tiOAL DISPOIN, GALLO wHlLL'llitreet, third yard above broad. etre k. • nem 73t. • CABINET FURNITURE AND ELL. LIARD TABLED. MOORE it CAMPION. No, 5161 SOUTH SEOONLI STREET. In conneetlon-with their extensive Cabilnt Mail:a% are now manufacturing a stMerior article of BLLLIAMO TABLES. Agit have now on m and a full sugi v finiched with °ORB er. CA NI .3 ED CUSHIONS Whioh are pronounced, by all who have used them, lo be superior to all others. For the quality and finish of these Tables the mann factitive refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, wit oars familiar with the oliaraoter of their wore. mut bon JIAVAI - OOPFEE.-1,000 • pockds4prirnfl Jav a corm for sale by JAMES GRAHAM b. 00.. RTITTA Street APINISEED-4 casks Italian for sale. Belo WETHER a LL 4 & nRtTHRu_Ri, da Nt. V ,Y/flP,.. l3 Ti` all t. • - • ,•• -• It ' 8817Thilirggit 18' I INPECTINE PERSIAN FEVER ()HARM. FEVER AND AGUE EXTERMINATED. THE HUMAN CONSTITUTION SAVED FROM WRECK. THE PREVENTIVE ♦ND REMEDY. INTERMITTENT AND BILIOUS FEVERS. OUREEI INSURED IN 'A DAY. NATURE% GRAND RESTORATIVE!, LNPECTINE. INPECVNE. PIPEOTINE. INPEOTINE. The terrible melody known ea the FEVER AND 'AGUE boa smitten hundreds of thousands of lemons 'thronehoot the world every year, sad has never till now been mat by momnefal mmileal treatment that has not prodooed layette MEDICINAL DISEASES, 'Whieh afoot the lams, the spleen, the liver. the heart, or other parts of the human organism. The INPEC TINE is the natural antagonist of all fivers, and when it 'mines in tiontaet with the skin, is absorbed by the interior organs, whioh roast easily miasma and all ten dencies toward thou, maladies whloh prostiate the mind and body with fever. Fever and Arne vesult ,from nUMMOIie causes. No Mace ni exempt front the eseilei,Thhderheit• the eV 'stance of the Mew*. Thudding ono* - seated in the system, inducts denteesiost of !pinta, imsetude, lan guor, pains; °WI4; fever, and I' lola train of pogrom atie einuistioils, depriving the Wield of ill energy, and reducing him or her to a condition of EXTREME RELPLEURISL Why will any ono soffit tho horrors of • dobilltatdog Intermittent Fsurpwhlsuby the us of the INVALUABLE INFECTIVE, FEMUR FEVER CHARM' the eminent medical tad magical qualities of whisk are meter:Ms absorbed, ALL. TAAOES OF DIOSAIIM MAY BR ANNIII LATED IN A FEW HOURS I 81114P-CARR 18 BETTER THAN PHYSIO NATURE IN WIRER THAN ART. EVERYONE/JD NAB A DIVINE NEDLEDY. THE WISE APPLY WHILF. THE FOOLISH BETTER PREVENT TRAIN STRIVE TO CURE DELAYS ARE DANORROUP. THE INPECITINE. PERBIAR FEVER ORARIi. Has eared thousands of both 'axe* of the most dread fat fevers. Read attd reflect. liveLft).Jl at; lUD a) Dtsif Lime! Boman, of Pittahatif, for two years 'nohow to hintualt and soolaty—la martyr to Man and FON— cured in law than three weeks, and improved In sight hours. Kerr K. Belknap, elindliSlCY;Ohili after shoos login her version its yen ee arreusth, br WlOE:Mtn Fever, Ninth Chills, restored to hesith trt twenty hours J. R. Tilton, of Belgrade, Maine, broiled from death's door, haring suffered for four years, ima4B well in five 'weeks, and improved in two boars. Adolphe Monbro,•of FranosYreliwied t>t one tour. while trayalUag In the 011111 or the Fort Wayne end Chicago Railroad. He will separestli drips with Chills. Ellen R. llama, Lookpott, Uri York e , Tenoned after seven lean' Writing. A pairsot Gam Thousands of other oases prevented and eared ever, month, and not a single complaint of the efficient» . of the INPEOTINE FERMAN FEVER CHARM. TRY IT. PROVE IT, KNOW /To And make known its !wonderful powers and virtuso, that those who antler, or who are threatened with suffering, may be led to use a inmate, inuoxicout Pre ',oration, famished b► the AGM of Nature for MAN'S BLESSING. INPEOTINE 1 B BOLD BY ALL DAMD3IB4II AND bIEDIOIDE DEALEgis IN AtiIIRICA. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Boot by mall to soy pact of tha Vatted States. REMEMBER; It is not taken inwardly, bet Le altwardili according to directions, *fhb MOO*PIM' " eh 15". RKO. MANUFAUTUASD BY JOHN WILCOX & CIO.. 158 , MAIN aTREPi 'lixonmotrp, vuti.plNLA. BRANCH OFBIo R, „ • NO. 28 . BANiE OF 66mattitdiriieruni'40.• NEW YORK CITY., II!!= INCOLNI MASS MEETING INPBOTINE. INPECTINE POLIITICM. HAMLIN t OUR 'l' IN VICTORY! PEOPLE'S XsikNOA.BTER. PA . WRDNEBDAY, BIWTEISIBER 19, 1880 PROTECTION AMERICAN INDUSTRY BRREI - if °kVA FREE LABORERS! 1NW4:16.03t4Mi0)314:1 FREE WHITE MENI THE MAINTENANCB NATIONAL UNION SUPREMACY OP THE LAWS! THE PEOPLE PENNSYLVANIA Who are in favor of the PROTECTION OP AMERIOAN INDUSTRY Who ars In favor of FREE HOMESTEADS TO ACTUAL SETTLERS Who are in favor of PROTNOTING TERRITORIES NOW BEEN From the BURET OF SLAVERY EXTENSION; Who are In favor of MAINTAINING OUR NATIONAL UNION SUPREMACY OF THE LAWS INVIOLATE t Who are in favor of A RADICAL REFORM, Bush as will correst the shameless prodisnoT end OOP' ruptiOns of the present National Administration, are invited to attend a GRAND BTATH NAM MIMING LANOA.STER; PA.. ON WRONNEIDAY; los To strike decisive blow at the perfidious Demo cratic' mien who. have impoverished our Treasury, Pamir/10d our, Commerce, and bewared our Laborers by their Free Trade polioy, and to rasa their voices scab:lst IhretionalLain and Disunlonism in any and every shape. The following dlannenudied gentlemen ate expeoted to attend and deliver Addeo/eon: Hon. HANNIBAL ILAMLIN, of Blaine, Peonle's Candidate for Vine President Hon. ANDREW G. &ATM, ef Penna., Peonle'a Candidate for Oovenior ; Hon. CARL /MURK, of Wasoonsin Ron. JOHN SHERMAN, of Ohio; Hon. THOMAS CORWIN, of Ohio; lion. SIMON CAMERON. of Penn.; Hon. MORTON MoISHIHAEL. of FOWL Hon. LYMAN TRUMBULL, of Illinois; Hon. E. JOY MORRIS, of Pennsylvania; Hon. JOHN HICKMAN, Hon. THADDEUS STEVENS, lion. JAMES POLLOCK, Hon. JAMES IL CAMPBELL, Hon. DAVID WILMOT, Hon. JOHN W. KILLINOER, 'Hon. A. IL REEDER, GALUSHA A. CROW, lion. B. IdcPHENSON, Hon. JORN COVODE, Hon. JOHN 0. KUNKEL, THE LINCOLN, HAMLIN, AND CURTIN MUDS Throughout the State, end espeoially in all the Eastern counties, are expiated to attend, rnoperly organized. THE WIDE-AWAKES Are expeeted to attend in Aill foroe, properly offioered and anidnod, and a WIDE-AWAKE TORCHLIGHT DROON.SHON Will take glue on the Evening of the Day. EXCURSION TICKETS Will be Issued on all. the Railways, good for the tune necessary to go to Lam:using r, attend the Meeting, and return hoots, Friends ot the Right? the great preliminary struggle in the Keystone State is nigh at bend. Bally in Your might to protnots your glorious caws! Our friends in any part of the State, desiring informs lion in detail in relation to the (=Utica for transports bon to and from the Meeting, or upon any other point Will alma the STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE; by "'blob all oommunioations will be promptly end satisfaotorily answered. ALEX. K. MoOLURE. CHAIRMAN NICELY/8 ATM CCHMITTH JOHN M. BULLS VAN, flgerptarf. PEOPLE'S STATE COMMITTEE ROOMB,} PIIIILADILPHIA, August Mth,IMO. 1104 14t SUMNER RESORTS. MANSION HOUSE, MOUNT CARBON, Al-a , 1101111YLKILL COUNTY. PA. *nines armommodsted with good rooms at reduced V old-eritablished Toner boasted in the ga be tween 17 andPlecorot mountaMm. immediate l y on theine o th Philedelphia mid 'Reading Railroad. withinhia a pi nto of Pawing, formerly teat b. Jo *p He ,of 1. the old Mansion House, Philadelphia, Molina) his demise. been under. the charge of his "NeVituse is Presared, at all Masons of the year for the reiltiou of guests. sild lies been recently pat in *Mar. , he Large saran. mu park adjoining. Presents, naliti noagnants as a samovar resort. to persona 'Flail ing vend a short tinge:gay' from the duvet and for FA of the .o,ties. wherethey omi,brea t ilie fresh moon noti ;: r i e n g d i zioy the son Mel ilia minim of atmantutation pamenger tieketri, ter the use of fatal hati. ara sold at a seduction of twenty five per pent., Fea 11100eVeleefietIOD train will leave Fott.vi de daily r its the summer months, to °sable those who may frig CO spend the Weal portion of t h he h day In the 10 be tertrittliheelanipe same ev e grair m o gl a rt y rnill t a s ie D a A hl : "" arOt term, a PM in Jektiena ktantloa Ham. Moons Carbon. Schuylkill Co., Pa. COTTAGE RETREAT, BeniMy and conseciently located at ATUANTIO CITY, N. J. Boarders acoommodated on riasonable term,. ' M. MoOLEBB. Proprietor. STAR" 110 TEL, ' iti4ILY %Van I V V. /4:112M. DINNK LAMIE ADATITB. .013Piti.V. CENTS. O. 15 WI ei till Will isr Boartliattoomm tit Ost Me most . rempable term. telkl-thn VIACILE BETEIMEN, PA. 454 , 1 30 1 18elOd i elta t ratfiliomin t auppe 1111011r;nvii31.1.00trizrive4,.n.,:ltritti of q_ the plea glawt r tate. OAL 11 van, rrontieten Will* • LATE RodIING:L4OHN .:WELOH; Y., SLATER, in prepared to put on any .amounl of will at low rate& AU ramron t 'onsiar rebrtai4 t proartly *Wades tee EDUCATIONAL. rrlig MISSYB OAEEY &MM. BEEBE'S 111,4"W:tr. 4 1,E411 1 : ;rt. lilt.; :VII for ettiP .41 cn WEDa tinDAY. p , etaber ',mil im VINGLIstI AND n 6SSICAL SCHOOL. —Thee hoot of the seher;ber. in Sidles' Binding, l 7 BK ' I N _ mrprt, n. eve Twolfiti, will re-opoli 00 . yen tf B MON.' A Y, the nth Ur Be/ tem> r ° , ARGES MOAT, A K. TAYLOR ; TF,ALIIE I I. OF SING ts • I NG. NAP 0, IVIELOIDI ON, ha..6761 , 40ritt TWE FTE 10 1 ,4 4, him resumed. Comfnunlegions promptly :tussled sof ISt* PROFEB WTI "rThliOlibl. of 80/Of MI. and Pietro Nomitnt t . e of Pglno - ren ßon Dc a un d , i rho s n ag w u t h t h a e me n,a in a m to the, theatres of %Wen, , len , a and San Carlo, at Na gle luta ipst arrived from Hale. and intends to fix his re , oesoe in Philadel shirt. Waive lessons insisting. His ad real is Mita .W WY UT street. MLR , 'NC es —Mr. De's F erst, Brandi Comml Hon. Joii Morris, Mr, Ducar, Mr. H. 0. Mallory, Mears_ J. Lipymoott & On, 0. G. Evans , Junius RajuX, Mame: Andre & Co., Mr. Pollan. ims-12t. PRI N G GARDEN ACADEMY' FOR yourio MEN AND BOYS, N.B. Cor. EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. Book-kseping, Langua ges, Mathematics,Plasuipt. &o. Boss resolved at any ate. I, DUNLEVY Ltot4o, Principal. 'UNION ACADEMY, No. S SOUTH FIF TEENTH Street—Principal, TAOS. D. JAMES.— Af noted to the prow oto oo of sound bealth, good er hotar shin. and pro fi table assontattong. Creators mar ha had at the rooms, or they will be sent to any address. anal-1m SUN DEES' INSTITUTE, THIRTY-NINTH ANIS MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Professor E. D. SAUNDERS & CORTLAND SAUN DERS. A. M., Prim;y° Ron. WM. BIGLER. Clearfield ; Whl. MoKIBBIN, P.sq., of the Merchants' Hotel. Philadelyihia; Hon, J. 1 , 7, FORE EY, of The Press ; Hon. N. U. BROWNE, Philadelfihis; eT . . v . k . ,wAsz i tt , .of the S. EWITE I N A r fi :Ego President of the t W urrory. favuredguncezirliuz,i7. ~ . .g,Ab.yriuilc,„}:rha San rs give their friends Who may he looking fore safe, thorourlhasul pleasant school any information dashed respeoting Hos seminary. A grove and lawn of EIOAT ACRES are attached to the Institute for geolusion.reareabon,andphySioal ercise,_ •Tli , e toms for s session of five months, counting from the day of admission, are 875 for day-boarding 8100 for pupils who spend Saturday and Sunda i at home. tied $153 for pupils remaining constantiy. No extra charred. Pc uncle in advance. aril9-Im THE MISSES MERINO, No. 1135 Spring •A• CARDEN Street. wed of the Chureh of the As gumption end formerly occupied by the Minato of Notre Dame,win , open their Academy for Young Ladies on htoNDAY THE .3d OF SEPTEMBER. Circulars con taining terns , and other particulars , may be obtaited on and to 6i after the glthtinst., at the Aoademy. lm 3 , 1 ADAME D'OtIVILLE'S ENGLISH J l l- and Frenott.Boatdlng and Day-School fois Wise. 1411 SPROOF. Street, will openon MO NDA Y, September 10th. mall-atm Ira HARRIET BROWN WILL REOPEN Nor SCHOOL FOR GIRLS on the N. W. corner of FILBERT and JUNIPER Streets. opposite Penn Square. on 10th of ninth month, (Sept) au27-Im. CLASSIC/AL INSTITUTE. DEAN STREET. below LOOUST. The duties of the Clusloal - Institute will be resumed Monday. September 4. J. W. PAIREII.. A. M., an 2- dam Pripoirral. MHOS. BALDWIN'S ENGLISH, MA TIIEMATICAL, and CLASSICAL SCIIOOL, for Borg, N. E. corner of BROAD and ARGIL will re-open Sent. M. no.to-lm. BALLAD SINGING, OIIANTING, PI ANO end GUITA E.—Mr. T. BIREOP will resume baldness Sept. 10th. VOCAL ACADEMY, 1202 FM BMA r Street. ante lin. THE OLASSWAL AND ENGLI 8 Et SCHOOL of It D. CRECIORY,A. HOB MANN= Street, M reopen on ON DAY, Septert bee 81. etal- tat 111/118.3M. W. HOWES HAS REMOVED her sobool for young ladies to 1023 CHESTNUT street. and 'Frill reopen o Wednesday, Beptember few boarding pupils will be received. For circular,, finvive zr.tuvitgt.• rmblten- H-0.41-44 PENN INSTITUTE, SOUTHEAST 00R. NKR THIRTBENTII and FILBERT Street., re opens MONDAY, bet/timber 3d. Four more pupils will be admlttpd. Catalogues sent to ttny addles,. H, STEWART. Principal. MUSS TuoRPITSonoOL Foil. YOU LADIES, at 113 DIRARD threat, will ream on MONDAY. tiontsm 1.10. anlo.lm. CENTRAL INSTITUTE, TENTH AND SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen Septem ber S. Bye prepared for any Division of the Public Grammar Sohools, for Golleiree, or for BUIIII.IIII. sueO•ew . H. 0. MOWRY:, Principal. MIR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'S BOARD LTA MG and DAY SCHOOL, for YOUNG LADIES No 1147 VINE street, near Logan &mere, will RE-OPEN on WEIDIRWAY, tileptembarlta. Cimino' furnished on application. ISS LIIOY B. MAYAS ouil „Mrs. R. M. BIRD will eopon their sahoOlor swot la dies, at Kn. 1010 arßucht attest. bIONDAY Boy towbar IT. • ausltam Blamzr& STRATTON'S NATIONAL MEDCI4INTILE COILFHES, locatad,at Fhila dalph'n B. a. _prof' Bf.v NTH and (111EsTN New York. Donald. inetelma. Cbioago, and Bt. Lou*.t Fp• information call or cad for Cstalorme. fa-tf MESDAMES OUFOARAY AND D'HER- V 11.401 relpecitfnily luform their friends and the n"blio (Fat they have removed their Boardingand pay Sohool for Yowl: Lathe% from Loran Square to Nos. 1D:.7 and 1329 FIPPUtIE Street There they will be ready to Toasty, their puy.la on THURSDAY, SePteM ber 13th. Iderdames 011WAitAY end D'IIII2VILLY will re oeivo vent re at No 1509 LOGAN Square until the fifth Ancmt. lyiteent BUSINESS CARDS. MATHEW BROOKS, MAN UFAUTUREN. OP U MPATON UN FON MB. In every vane, of colors. No. 189 North THIRD &root. oelo.lm nppogen Cher.. Philadelphia ITURAk. E SEE, MECHANICAL FYI:a:YENS, and PA FENT rroßrow. No. 114 South SIXTH Street, (Nesrly opposite the Coilnty Court House,/ Pr.sparos Specifications, Drawings, So., and transacts al/ other timings oonneoted with the obtaining of Let ters Patent Machinery Designed and Drawings made. -au2S-3m• RR. ()ORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO e RER AND OONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN, Pennsylvania. FAR4IB,_EITORES, grus, and HOTELS FOR BALE in MontgorcerY. Bunk., Cheater. and Delaware Counties. vault's Dom lOW POO sorsa, in good localities. Persons applying will be shown properties free of charge. Ronda and Mortgages negotiated at fair rates. HAND SOME. RESIDLNCEB for sale in Norristown, Potts town. and Intermediate places. For Catalogues and lad description, &Weal R.jt. CORSON . , 1711 em /VOrTlatOWl2. ra. NRILIOLSON, CO • Manufacturer of SHIRTS. Liti_EN and MARSEILLES BOBOMS AND COLLA RR. - A largo and ohome assortment, and wKLL MAIM always on nand- unto which I particularly invite the attention of cant and prompt-paying 111108.T.T1312 8. KCorner of SECOND and ARCH Streets.. Shiba delohia. au7-3m. FUGUET & SONS, N- 7 41 , IMPORTERS ON HAVANA ClGtreet. ARS, No. 216 Reserve regularly a hilt aasortment of desirable CI G &RS, which they oiler at low rates, for each or ap proved credit. PAWSON dr. NICHOLSON, BOOKOINDATA, NOB. 619 AND 021 MINOR STREET, Between Mar k ht and ELP Chestnut striate. _RALADRIA. hottEs rAwaori. JAS. B. NICHOLSON. tar lv , • 1 WAGNER s ISRMON, es • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, Olkoe. No. 116 &nth ELITE street, (Opposite Independence Reused PHILLDILLPIIIA, BOA aid of reliable Attogrieys, different'polnta to thnited States, ia enabled to prosecute and collie! Maims or every deportation. Particular attaptionitiven to the elimination and re °ovary of the claims of Legatees and Devisees k and the examination of Lend 'Mee and securing s a me , terest! of heirs and an persona interested in the l* all parts of the Union. Use the titatatea of all the State. and la Commissions, for most them. Depositions carefully taken under Commissions. u-dra WRY E. KEEN] A'I7ORNE,A7-LAW Rea REMOVED is office Y from N 0.63 0, Weinnt 'tree to No. See Boeth T c • I Street. rebel-am* J. BAY ti ,THOBIAS, • ATTORNEY-AT.LAW, Hes removed hie office from No. 918 Aroh street to tic. 401 WALNUT Street. Particular xttentmn given to the recovery of Merolla tile Claims. The drafting and examination of Wile, Convevencerignmehm. Lining of Title. and other ern:tents o Writing, The management of Executor pg, Admi tratorehnsh and Trusts. superintended; and the best geoundeg procured for thepermanent in vestramite of Money. Satigfastory refe pe rence gives when retained. 1200-11 n• HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES, PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—We would raspeotfully call the attention of the Gene ral Hardware Trade to our extensive stook of MIR 1111NORAhl KAIiOWARE, which we offer at a small advanee try the paokage. Orders for direct importation solicited, and Goode de livered either W. this city, New York. or Ne & w Or u leans. 0 or. 411 COMAIERCN street Importing and Commission Merchants, and Agents for Foreign and Domestic Itardware. nun- tf EXCURSIONS. PHILADELPIIIA AND READI_NO RAILROAD. REA U lON 0.1. FARES i Op and after APRIL ini. Neo.. Commutation Tiokete, with twenty-11x coupons, Will be issued, sil for the holder i end any member °flue family, on any manger it. and at any time. th They will ba N so I br the ielli e b r egre fl it, c a i Nt e r4l „ al ' rormt,-ei.278 fait .rom e remihr farm Partied_ wishing to enjoy the Bummer in the Country will _find this a very desirable route. the Eelill i gaili and Lebanon Valleys bete/among among the most bumf.' 1 end healthy In the State, and tioeeil- MK, by font tr a trom and to Phi e dolphin. Muir. 11, DRADFORD, Treasurer, rutLanuLYßlA* Maroh 36th. MO. mh.l7-tf _... ...._ A.tiamism FOR, THE SEA SHORE. —CAMDRN AND ATLANTIC, XAILROfD end after SATURDAY, Eeptember 1. Mail train b ayes Viiir:etrnet wharf. 7.30 A.M. Espre,s •• " , ..4 00 P.M. RETIJENII4O, LEAVES ATIAWIIOMaiI 1 ..—..... —......—..4 OD P.M. Lxnrcas ........ . . . ....—..—. 6.06 A.M. .Btoppine a all • Mt 4 tion• emu; and raturnins. Far* to • flotilla, 31 rotitd trip tickets, good for th oo day,. 43Y.60 Preitht must be deliverril at Cooper's Point by 3 P.M. 719 t'ototany will not no rrow.m.lnta for any g00..a until ret.elYed rind too:lined for by their Agerit at tne au3l.tf JCHN G. Ult% ANT, Agent. AIRPULL .t1)El PIHA AND READING it A bROAD. Dg ()NM. On aud after MONDAY, Y 6th. until further notice, tee tollownett route, be otte_n ror axon mons. haute for sale at Ttoket Office, Broad and Callowhlll To Situate, Fele and ate to TTTo and return.........._.._....e 00 To Look Haven and return. 6 4/0 Tror turttpr pirtieultire tee small bills, or auger to okot Ageut of the C.nti.any, Broad and etkilovrhill ttreeter. or to JblO. F. EILAT Occotal Arent Rending Ibultond, Phila. 53. A . 1410 , 31.1.8. en'l Superintendent, Heading. till-If as FRUIT TREES AT LOW RATES.— ,a 6100,000 Peach trees of the most healthy growth. a ig,fg/trg i tTe e el , a l ;ertrtroil i gerecirt. i hgtta c rnlionie two years old, arid Wei grown: ere tolree per hundred .' woo I:valentine; fi neJ large eyeeimene 01 hanchome form, suitable tor an immediate erect. 00000 lame syealmtna of Ornamental Trees, of every ariety. Htooknuequalled, and prices low. ~ v Manton will find it to their interest to examine our stook and p ri mes. The dally ears pass the nurseries every half hour—fare 10 cents. hORERT BUIST ft 80 .4 ._. Rosedale Nurseries, DARBY RUA U. see:nt Warehouse. 929 and 024 MARKET waver, POINT PLEA6AAIT FOUNDRY, No. 9.51 BgACSI StralitLXenshiston, MA% J.l.TlE.Rl3infOrins his friends :st, hams pur chased the entire Stook of Patterns at th e above Fowl ers, he is now prepared_ to receive° ere soritoilior, Grist, rind Saw Mill Castings, Soap, Choniioal. one House Work , thermic. Commas made from Revor teratory or oopois Pommes, to dry or greed mud, 9r Kik r • FURNEBS, BRINLIT & 00,, No. 499 MARKET STREET SALE OP 400 LOTS DRY GOODS, THIS (Taeaday) , MORNING AT 10 (YoLOOK. A 0 ARD.—Tbe attention of pnroltasers is requested to oar male of son !olio( unsorted dry goode Una ITIOIAIr ing,, Tpesday,l Serember 18, at 10 e s so ma MOO tlrenit. oomprtsing derarable essortmena 0 es 0 , 0%. reads - , - NO CE — To Retailers, In sale this mom mu— ll!' lots of linen damask table (dotter, napkin', and doylies. of the best bloselo imported. 10-4. 11-4 and 11-4 Marseilles ankh& —Stella shawls, Berlin reversible "shawls ; French merinos, wool plaid dramas, gingham', black 1110110111 de ; velvet ri bbone, silk vesting", headke.reiusfe, k 0. Also -70 lots needlework embroidered infants' robe". to. IMPORTANT BALI Mo rn OF DAMASK LINEN GOODS. This I. Sept. 10. at 10 o'olook, a desirable and attractive as sortment of - M. M. add 3i linen aairkipi4 In every aaandmhtit. 8 418-4 ds-4xlo-1, 10 4110-4 and 10-4112-4 in da msels, double damask; and spot table slabs. Doylies. in neer pat and 4 and double damask. Warranted all yam line lif faot bleach, all of the 11814 1 111iaSTAiiirtimuLaiEN. .CllBllO HDKPS. Warranted all when. cases M fine plain aad printed border L. C. kdkfs. do do • do do. BERLIN WOOL ROW.ERRIBLR BRAWLS. For CP" Trade. Tlve Mortuni. IMO 22-4 now aryls Beton wool revolvable square 76 12-4 exquality velour (rims shawls. PRINT AND BROWIE BORDER STELLA eIAW prinLS. SID U - 4 Black and colored, ted, and brocbe border stela shawl' PARIS BLa CK FIGURED SILK AND MATALASSE. 30 nieces rich Pane blank leered Bilk vesting. 40 do do do instals's'. 6-4 ALL WOOL PLAIDS. 2 oases 160 tics all wool plaids. BONNET AND VELVET RIBBONS. 50 lots new style bonnet and all silk blare velvet rib bone. . . . . NEEDLEWORK EMBROIDERIES. 100 iota silver Jsconet needlework aolLsrs and "Mc In fa r : i l o j i TmVcgirtsA% mu. fr... IMPORTANT SALE OF FRENCH GOOD& The leutecribers will offer for sale through FURNEdS, SPlNhey a CO., 429 MARKET Street. On Friday Mondale, September St, at 10 o'clock, on tux MODtblearsdit. foo Pieces Lupin's extra SUDO/ qualities French me -11110 cloths. assorted cobra, high colors, blames, whites, &o MO Pieces Lupin's Thibet cloths. RIO do fine to extra super. foe. &ad Apublism quality plain motor de lame, high colors, blacks. whites, and modes. MO Pieces ex rich and init.erine malaise printed mow de lainee, CO, and 10 colom new and choice designs of 'Steinbach , eydoux. and Seiber's vitalise. co Pieces GE rich ehints and °homiest* prints, Stein back ploeohltife manufacture; very new, high coat and desirable. 800 hems new style worsted dims goods. 300 Pieces rich and choice fancy dries silks, arming, stripes ._dersehe, ke. blank gym; de Raines t Blaok Taffetas, 11' alma F. pad Bonnets make.) black satin de chime, black neared silks, black lustnni, black satin ventage, 1/9 now and elegant 7.9 flotiamed talk robes, latest Paris vile. SHAWLS. 400 super qualities high colored thibet shawls, heavy silk fringe. Lupin's make. 100 mode and black do. LOW long and square do, woo) fringes. tai rich printed tidbit sharle_. new designs. no) brootte border ex super Sae stalls shawls, black mode and assorted. MO Fans male extra. rich brooks rave shawls, rule style, Cho nut Oouin's make. 1 000 Pans and Vienna manufacture long and square broohe shawls, choice and beautiful collection or new designs and extra super qualities. SOO nob new style Fans ' and Vienna wool shawls, very elegant. SOO pieces super quality Union plaids. 10d do worsted dress goods. 20 do Lyons heavy elk velvet. for a collars. N. 1 1 .—As this will be the only offering which will be mode tits season, in this market, and which we make only to satisfy the expectations of the trade, the atten tion of dealer, is respectful! requested, SARUM)) ge BUTTON. N P. PANOOAST, AUCTIONEER, Sue • oaasor to B. SCOTT, ix.. 431 CHESTNUT St. SALE OF AMERICAN AND_ IMPORTED T/RY GOOD 9, EMBROIDERIES, MILLINERY GOODS. FLOWERS, &c. On WednQeds7 Aloyainn. Bent. In, by oataloc4o, cut a credit, ooattpattoing at 10 o'olook arpoisal.r. sir Catalogues and maniples ready early on taotaing of isle. YIIILIP FORD & 00., AIIOTTORRERS, No. 630 MARKET Streit. and 131: MINOR ttrIANR SALLOFI,SO oAstte Boum. 8110 M BROGANS, AHD GUM OVER-BEIOEB. Oa Thursday Mornius, September !that 10 o'clock. pnloiaely, be sold, by catalogue, imas months' oredd.P,3oo oases men's , boys', and youths' Gaff lop, grain, and Hungarian boots; calf, kip, and buff brogans. - gaiters. and Oxford ties ; woman s,miss_es% and ohltdran's soat,calf, lap, and morocco Noel boots. . - Alin, a tuU assortment of women's, mines', and chil dren s city made goods. Alm . an invoice of Scotch gingham umbrellas. The above sale grill embrace as assortment of goods seldom offered at auction, and from first ohms City aad .Eamern masubiaturers. err 0 00 da open for examination early on the thara• ing.of Gala. LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS' OOURT FOR THE ••• CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of REBECCA PLETCHER, deceseed. The Auditor 'appomted by the Court to audit, mar. end adjust th e supplemental ancoant of B. IATTh L and BBDlJAllalft COaTEU, executors of Rebecca Fletcher. deoeased. and to report duttribution of the balance on hand. will meet all parties interee.ed. fort he Plitiofest of his appointment. on TOEtloa V. the Ikth day of bIEPTEMBSR.I3O4 et t o'olook P. M., at rin. 10 go North SIETE Street ithila lama. Bela-stuth at iOBEILT H. LEE. Auditor. WHEREAS LETTERS OF- ADMTNlS tration upon the Estate of /01ilf RANKIN, deemed, have Leen granted to the- Bnbeertber. persona indebte4 to said Fasts are rOgneitaa tona, CW214 4 41 1 20 the woe to proaan them IS 2100.4144.141tiN.- dnieletnavLs, W . o t lr ei r t 4ttorneg. WM. B. o 4WD, 242 South FIFTR Street IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. JAMES TWADDELL vs. JAMES W. KELLY. end. Ex. March Term, 18(1), No. M. The Auditor appoi n ted to report illatributio . n of the fund in court arising from the blhertrs sale, under the s bore wnt. of " all that certain .lot or piece of ground situate at the southeast corner of Chestnut, or James street, and Margaret street, In the Twenty-fourth f the city of PhilacelPhiajormerly in the village oHa-- milton, in the chariot of West Philadelphia, and musty of Philadelphia. containing in front or breadth of said Chestnut street one hundred feet, and extending in length or depth southward, between hoes parallel with the said Margaret street, two hundred and twenty feet. more or tem. to York street- bounded northwardly by said Chestnut street, eastward by ground of ft. H.Erans, southward by said York street. and westward by Mar garet street aforesaid," will attend to the duties of his appointment o p TUESDAY, the loth of September. at 4 o'clock P. M. at his olliee, No. hig &sok SIXTH Street, when and where all perms intereqed are re united to present their datum , or be debaned from coming in upon said fond. set- Int JOHN F. BItINTON, Auditor. NOTICES. GERMANTOWN P 4 B3ENGI B RAIL WAY COMPANY—Deems EIJI.TH and DIAMOND Eltreeti—plILADELPHIA, Aug.At v Ma—An instal tnent of ire Dollars per share (Reins second instal ment) on the capital stook of Germantown Passen ger Railway Company , is due and payable on or betel e the first day of Octliber next 'Rentz's. By Linter of the Board or Pre ns ead, W hi. Uri BRUT. Secretary and Treasurer. (IFFIGE OP THE PHILADELPHIA AND " 1 -. READING RAILROAD OOMPANY.—PaILa- Ds vm A , Aug. 93,1260.—The ratesof Freifkitand Tails on Coal transported by this oorepway will be as follows,on and after lit Deptember, untit farther notion: 'o /I.loiptepd -_ prz -- -7.8 .= ioetown... , . ._..- Germantown R . Salle of fiehuylkill._ Mariarank- -- Egbe rt'a . ---.-- Conshohooken.-.- Swede Furrows-- Rambo's- ..-. ritorriet'n or Bridgeport Sort Kennedy---- Valley Forge.— -. rhtenlitille ............. Moyer's Ford- --- klt : n t n o to . - - - - . - - -- - tiglaseville— .- 0110080 Y ......-- 1 rdeboro.-- itr ----...- Algot= = Lew:art. §ohrerille..— Oreritigg . and Alibi:int. By order of the Board of Manager, an24-1m W M. Mel I.II . F:NNE 7 . tirev. . EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO.,Othe 920 CHESTNUT Street, forwards aroels, Pankages.Minshandum, and Systole, either by its own Lines or in oonneotion with other Express Compaqies, to all the principal tone and ohms of the lituW 130stes. S. SANDFORD, 1106-tf General Superintendent. CA II T .1 O N!—ASTROLOGY !—LOOl{ 011_TI—JklOOD NEWS FOR ALL!—The never laa/lnl mrs. VAN HORN ni the beat; 'he imeeeeds yam' all others have fatted. All who are ' he trouble, all i r, Who nave been unfortunate, deceived by Wee reprises, ny to her for advice and comfort. in /see aim sae siVer fails. She bee the resoret of yinning th e arse tigns of the opposite sex. it is this fact wine Wilmot illi'eri t te pretenders to try to imitate her, an copy hat advertisement. She shown yon the likeness of your fu ture wife,bnsband, or atoent ( need . It is well known to the !Anne at large that she is the first and only per son who can show the likeness in right!, ankoan live entire satisfaction on all the concerns of l which can be tested and _proved by thousands, bo thmarried and single, who all y and eaguty visit her. me one ! come all! to No, MS LOMBARD Street, bitWaiialintd• ear and Broad- sale-a,• 10)11ILADELPOIA TERRA OOTTA MA -i• NUFACTOR t , liEVß_ltilland GERMANTOWN road and 1010 0 liiiTNIM affect. Vitrified Or iun and Water Ptg )i. eltilating rime. lint AirPlnei, and Smoke Fines a Taros C.J.ta, and of ecitabie ruse for every aloes o Mil aim This musts is worthy the attention of all partials putting buildings. Large slap 'limonite pipes for city drain e, water pipes war n/abed tO stand a severe preuure. e are now ensnared to contract mitt Ritmo or corporations for this trtiele in icy ItUantitY. We lorarnint our goods to be imnal if not superior to any other niade in thp United Orates or V*mroise. Ornamental Chimney Tops glad lid Outft'le Yaws. M L AOKEREL, SHAD. lIERRING, am.- 1 Ibis Nos. 1,1 and S large and medium Alao- ke &lerel,ln assorted paokszoo, of a vets choose awaits: 60 bble. new No. a taxa.. lnao!erel.. 60 ball bbla 6 , 1 No. 'so o. So bile new o. 3 sedum d o. m Item. Shad. W plif HZ new do _ d o _c.. IWO la new Eastport .1 nerds's. soo odo lit i lifax No.l 40. 1100 o new ton No. I do, IQO do do 4 1 1 fir eale Pick. ;a do mune .1 'Salmon, 1w donuts U nk (WPM. too knew neW met nowt Shosee. Now landing and in etoro, k d r fIIU it k 11•003131. 148 0 Vila* It VLE. AVANA 500 II , 000 'prising : Parts's*, Figaro, Eepanola, abanas, Treptnno, 11,,ek sea, Calhoun, Arnaw, Adoracton. Al royo Hondo. &e. 0' Regalia, Londrea, Millar. Coneha:Opara, and Flan lines, of all In zee. eualitiee, and prtaeal in storeji re cent arrivals, and for sale. by ' 4.: 11 •&L .8 Teri' , ana-air 130 WALNUT Street. EFINED SLGAR.-1,000 BarrelslO AA V.ERI ti o'B Crushed., wane pulverized. bi Yank ElNA'AViVeg°ll4l 9 ilAth4gv.'°r•A` FAIRBANOrLANFORM WALLS, only • #3lll for sale by .. I.lculg ARM, ZWIN T rruT & . (*neat. ph C3 & SWEET OIL, in ctuarts and . pind, for wEnthRILL ec BROTUER, 47 444 49 Ranh BUONO Rt._ 31 . T taw; aam . Pica 139 and 1.4.17 Ntlll. Street. • mat do kaiiiiieCT•St , Ylll/ i lete s nou u kA: e) it 1191101 one ot sit tba 10 be am rimakilllatlt. ma mutant with a let o Wee tor 11111. lad latia raid October I. comprising a large asount of ealueb!* property. i7lMlEgl .14T°C19giaIEtVAtivIri.gTm / diimu ta• t Wallas eamaJay- w y itr of eat& timed eemendif, le addttion to villa erie • li___gastaSp to auk male, one :24 giving rull duo= 617 i aU"teroeell te , C Cllr ane t rVt4 in. Jr- of resit sutiati the as anee will Istrealler be lee at Doo r tetliao4ll=44t r r; sale. MI IaITA7 AT A SALL IT We have a large easonnt . o rat estate at rings We. including .vet darer of ruty_sad amain Wopetts. Printed Irizottp lad ire 11LITTE &IL KW Wir Taal estate enteral "on oar. vete Ade tesisbese AV advertised coassotoaally In oat Lathe ea* tet whlnk 1,000 owes ale /naiad 1/110/01.Mt canna Eighth Fall We. llegtegaber. Ninth Fail Azle, Igth Septageber.a tate of George Rex. NI wee Obarlaut IL Tenth Bale, Igth Reptialierr at luilrairge. prol Comonteold on BOT NONDAI. mut to lB oosta ll o . toR Ai batl tins yr/4k. eir ogalosueo now ready. This Day. September 13, MO, at /X sabot . nova. at the Plals delphis Exchange— / elms Academy Pins Arts. 7 slums A ft/misted Betehets and Dnreanr—ger share Foist Breeze j!ark Aesonstum. T 5 dunes Aposdemy Mnsie. wi th 'hue bilvelphis Mutual iesl Estate Aslant t on—per $l7B. fellow/. PerestptorT Bale. COUPON BON DA. MtIITGAOHB, /to. - Timidity.- PePterriber Ifith. at 11 On Velook, aeon b 3 mad et Public sale at the Phdadelphie Biobsese, withoot »- tor mph. for account Of Theta it 6 •11 4 1.rn. the follownig, viz t Be coupon ond. of securedtem Market Cellivear. I.oeo each (aM5,003.1 e three morteasse. the first hennas date Zdth Marsh. IMO: the shoed tatotted date 13 h Jae*, 13N: and the third beanie dale fth February. OM. and recorded ut Plidedelpinehs Mort- Me.gbook A_D_l3. No R. ease 81 •D B. r ats. pees and A DB. Mo. i 2. tiessativel M Girard eipt of A. Mr . Jeetniel. the Trust, for VI of eMd toads, Me Delta thereby moored. Third. t cartel* bond and marts M eel exe cuted by James Yowls to Boluses wait. Las 11117,0). but which bas suz iez to op the rune harms hest Or seht CcroperUtwait to Praceim a. el, a me nd be Franca A. Drexel to William Beebe% sad of dry pollutes of inearanets upon this Market Mem ot the said company. Ter ins—Cash. payable at the time of We. tam diately after the property le struck off. EIGHTH PAM. Sh_LIS-19th 1111P111113ER. Three-Story Beek BTuRB sad DWALLING. No. 1433 Atrwsrer street. meet of /Lad street, wtte a three story Brack Ihrollisl tlihs Peer. Throe-story Brut Dm - ELLIE% No. 301 Fitsirater street. West of ersteteetie street Modern 11E810E110K. No.llll Sprees street. replete With modern Improvement'. la azootliest order, °see m te the Hospital Garden. 10113 r Peremptory Bs3e. Tee HIIILDINB berth 8000nd etreet, below Haataugdon arrest. Wan to, Peremptory Ilalsor-story Lick ENKE rem No. en flameout street, west of Elsbta *rm. ab solute. NINTH FA LL BALE—lllth IMPTII3IIIZR. - A t 4 o'clock P. M., on the Proousoo.Chooliant Will include— Estate of Grotto" Fez. deeesspa-:.161/yelleaie Hoeft Ikehe on the Premises very versatile Lay of MI Aerie' Chestnut Hill, sdloinine the vionat wintry sumo of Dr. Pepper, Mr. Plat. emi oasis. Plan sad feline /oriel:Jon at the emotion ream "I'drout—Hall the pan:haft money Billy 71111itl on mortgage. 'TENTH FALL BALE—lath SEFTENHER. Orphans' Court eats—Estate of Agleam B. Quarvel/s, Threowtory Brick DPFVraI66I and Ilet of 6reead Via Washington Maria, treat of Stransoat saran. P ero n ~ Estate—Two two-stow Dick zwimuzica Lombard street. etaof Eleven* @tr. et. Same Estate— Of GROUll_ith Weise at. lest of 6 ermautoinf rasa. Metes** same Estate—Three- etcm , Beak D W claw. North Tenth serest. south of Orion street. reereeeell* word. llama Estate—Book DWELLING. Maylead agreed, Sixth ward. flame Ea eta—DWELLING aad EaEr...ECPSE, Ara Fourth slyest. 6°1'41 of Tammy west, Brad. Barns treats — ; rick DWELLING. New genet, be. rough of West Chester. Chestar • amity Pa. .Psresnytory S a le. el order claim Estate of John Murray ,e4oseesd. Three-story Brielt BTO e sad DWELIKL, Meta eatat corner of Ninth and autre7 argots. want. Orphans' Court ra'al—bstatoof opaEvaile dee'd. An vadynced ninth mutthe three-story Brief _s DWELLING, No. $ll South Front street. Barre Estate—an undivided •th th soag of the thrso story Briog. DWELLIDO. No Stia Yuath Front sweat. Same Estate—an undivided math pad of Go large STORE and WAREHOUSE. eauthviw wan of Dela ware avenue and Top Miff, below sPmMtat NAM * et fast 6 melee frost. Fame .state—An untried 4 i i i o na part *f bard ps three.- s War Zd x0.1.414.1. 1 4116.th street. above Cherry street Large and valuable parser LOTH Ilguriatta, Chestnut, Oak, Forty math sad Fiftieth ty.fourih ward, cantatas brisk ;slay, Valvable corner LOT, Lle by Ile het , anathema atom of Patois and Florida streets, Twenty-hewth weed. i nutliga i r 41 ,s ho Wi t tßia l o_ -or .rt • . Atetatata. k arst a aeon, IR lipekilit le tt . =4:a to% Owe sato. We No. 1331 SPRUCE. SOW. SUPERIOR PURR rY USE it sm2SL MiRRQRS. TAPESTRY . VR[Oi. Cilinn , ke. .M 0 .“111 OZIMSE. '- SUL instant, at 10 eek.r..t a rm . the sapenor larcutuce. large Preseli.Mate meatel mir rors, gas chandeliers, Sue tapestry velvet imps*. Ohine,tro. e7'b[S.7 be *neon . ~ed with astelogme, cm th e isma ing of the sale at I o'atoca. Sal* No. 1329 Girard &semi* SUPERIOR vUsNITURE, HOBRoOD TAPtSTUOIRSAY 111011111 US RY cetrirre, he. On T : 36th nut, at Ur o'clock,. by estalorse, et air, 1329 Girard avenue, the importor pular ' dna." toga. aid !dumber retorter', rosewood planar - or* ' Swat Mau ni_eArrevross, to. Also. the IdteheePensawres , sr' stay be examined 00i0Olg MR 1 111.11INV . the male. PEREMPTORY SOLE OF WOOL., BY THOMAS HILBFIN k CO. On Walaseday Mormon. September IS. at 11 oNitnek , will he aid. breattlogas. without rearre,at the Maauftetnrere 1r isksirs. No. C 2 Yfonh FRONT stmits_a lame lot of oirl - vane. Ohio. and other Please. Tub. esa unwashed Wag. tif all grades, Zia These Wools are very light and highly derroible end will be sold In moll lots, to order to aeeomnoaate pars base Aitthe Wool oared will be in store esd ogee for .- trilr'sitigittsliikepirtinttgligeTTZ l Zll4'l.- for examit anon the day previous to We. MOM add by ma li n Paiaiognes, with fell description of sash lot e ready one week previous to a le. Also. a lot of Cape of Oood Rope BAIT Shies. Rale No. 16 south Twentieth street. WALNUT FURNITUR. _ItOEWOOD PIANO. CURTAINS. TAPESTRY ha. On Wednesdar_hlonang, 75th inn.. at 10 o'olo3k. at No. 16 aoeth TeNatieth street. above Cher/est street, the weleut faintitera, ea taut Rosewood Kano-torte. fin. window cartel's, oil palatines and engravings. fine tapestry carpets. he. Abs.. the lotohen furniture. air Mny he examrsed ate Woks* OIL the mermen of the We with eatalog us. MOM NAINANS, KUOTTORNIN AND ON MERCHANT, atirthgast corner ot_illß NAIR/MP LARGE A XOP POIFIIITHD 200 KB. ooronsung of Theologica. Hiatormal, intembeal. Law, On and Mssoelloneoes books. T edneaday Morany. Sept 19th, at 10 o cloak. at Moses Nathan.' Anetion Store. southeast corner of ninth and lace atmege, in second-story salesroom. entraaos frome Roes wpm. emanating'. in part, of Donal !tibiae. Rational Peg chti logy. Prom'. Pictorial Worm, Nine evtimet,_Atieno mical Atlas. American Joanral or stelenco, Philip on Chrome Dimmer, Hind's fllidwilary.3risaa' raotioe. W Hsi/non Fannie Dwane. Malan* *diem. Homoeopathic Practice, Dublin nti erector, Bache a Dm. y ib llo k n i don r iti o s . ne4rA t r ii ols. /. Is strlle in ryes I a caner mum; Poets and Poetry of the ginmenta.roete and Poetry of Europa. Life of Clad. Lt fib of 'Penn, Menighee 91 the C 111.403. Life of Washington, World of Art sod Industry, 111astrated Views in tootlead_ r _Great Kat? and Ireland, Chambers' Miscellany. Woinist of Testament, splenddly_ ilinatrated i Byron WCIT Campbell's Poetical Works. Shuns Poetical Works. Poetioal lanotatione large family Pelee. nobly bound to momooo and gold; floott's Bibb,. Ina rola; Little ton's History of Engl. na ,to 4 vole, year PH7I t atin. Greek, English, and other Dictionanee; French Winks. Boots of Mello. and LUX/other Woks. gyp The Trod*, and tke Dahlia generally, are invited to "'dead the sale. $1.15 115 155 115 7.55 1.15 116 1111 135 1.18 140 L3l 1.20 1. 1.11 1.14 109 1.01 . . Open for examtnation early oa the marine; of sale. DEPARTURE OF RAILROAD TRAINS F9..-77:L= _ll--,.. ~.. : PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD—MaI/WS Snd Market Watts. Mail Train leaves 7 3) A. 7.1. Fast Line 40 A.M. *Express—...—. TO 45 P. hi. Ifarrisbare I* P. M. Lancaster Aecoenmodanou..........__—. a OO p. Parkshanc AcCommodation . 5 45 P. At. West Chester tnuca leave Eleventh and ?dulcet at 30 A. At.. 11.10 and CO P. M. Wallientssort. itsirach and Niagara Fans. leave 7 15 A. Id., and! CO P. 2.1. NEW YORE LlNES—Walnut-Street Wharf. Agoom. Lino, via C. and A.. -... 600 A. M Aocom. Line, via Jersey Cite. .. . . SAM A. 01 Moraine Express. via .1 arse" 9 . 00 A. AI Steamboat via Tsoony and Jersey City. --Al go A. M. Camden and Amboy Aocommodatim ........12 30 P. M. Express. vos Camden end Amboy .980 P. 01, Evening Fa puma, yin Tammy and J. C.—, ... 01 P. M. • Evening Mail, via Camden sad Jersey .. . 600 F. 01. ',Night Express Mail —IIOO.P. al. Camden and Amboy Accommodai ion . MO P. Al. F dere. I- FleriunstonA 4,, 6 a A. A. and Egon M... from Walnut atreet wharf, and 7.10 A. M . lrom %swing - ton depot. For Water Gas. Stromosbixg, Scranton. Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend. .to.„ at 8 A. At.. from Walnut street wharf. and 7.10 A. ftl.. from Kennington depot. For Neagh Chunk, Allentown and Bethlehem, at 6.00 A. 111.. and 4.r0 P. M... from Walnut-street wharf, arid 7.10 A. M.. from }Canna eton depot. For Mount Holly. at &C 0 and 900, A. M., 2.00 and 4.20. P. M. Warreehold. at 6 CO, A Bri t and 2.0). P. M. Line for Trenton, 01, 7to . anO P. M., from Walnut - street wharf, and 7 Al.,ht and M. P. 01., from Kensington, BALTIMORE RAILROAD—Broad and Prima. Paprara Train do . Lt 00 noon, do. . , For Wilmiinton at 13.117,./.. U, 11175.00, 7.00, and 11.10, 7..,.1k1:. Poi Middletown, Dover, New Culla. Peatoni and in termedrate Manes. at Ale. A. M.. and 6.00, Y. M. SandltJt—For Baltimore at 11.10.. P. M.. P.RADINQ RAILROAD—Broad and Callow!.ill 'Waal Itnprata Train la avea.......... ..... SW A at, int Ezra, • 3( 9' 11.1 ELMIRA AND .NIAGATIS FALLE—Busse. Aid Cal law ful Express Trait Night Express GERMANTOWNAND OR IS OWN RAILROAD —Nuith tad Grim. TVUIII lanes for Conshohocken and rislovr. at a 1.7. 73/. 9.06 avid 1110,_ A. M.. and 1 07. 313 4.30. km. 080 and 11 and Yor Masa, oak. at 600. 7Z). 11 06. A. nt.. O6. es. 5a6.4.....0. a Ss, • toa if and M. For 6trrinentoun. at CO. 709, 11 00. CO. 10 co. 11 t00.60q 5t0,5x.406.1 00. 6Co 97. 7 03. 3 00.0 00. 10.15. 11 30, For co o ' r oot nt 60. 60. 10M and If cad COO, 4_60. oo 630.805 01 and 10 13 P. M. Runday trains for Gersoantnern leave 06, A. M. and sm. .100, 600 765 and 10 60. P. 111. LOll , O Gemailcnra at 6 to, A. M.. 1.10 4 Cal. 6 70. IX, P. al. Ponleorristown 9 00A. at .. 11.00 aim 6AO P. M. Litiee Mornatown 1.15, A. M., 100 and COO .P. 14. CIOARS.—Com- CAMDEN AND ATLAWIIC RA I LlOAD—Vine- rtraat vbssf. Mail Train leans y.....__....... T A) A. M Express TT0119... .. • •OD P. M dooominodstion. Uarter . only— ... IA P. M NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD—Frost and Willow. Toi Bethlehem, leave at e5O, A. M., aa4 6.38 sad 6 P.M. For Day letdown, leave at 6 00, A. M., 4424 i f 0 6 P. M. For Port Waihingtoa, Le&Y. at V ve, ~ awl 2.13 P. M. Sundays—For Bethlehem at 860. A. M. Pit Do, Ws torn at 3.03 P. M. WEST CHESTER. VIA ME nIA!-Ilialdseatil and • Market attests. Trains leave at 7./0. 10.11 SA. SULU, 6.11 k P. M. andaya least n 41111: 4:.11.. - Trains marten thus (*) tan on Sundays; (I) Battor days a:espied. , .- ,o~omm«,nt,oa.
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