I • i , . , , , ' '.± •' ' " , :.•:,- • ~,‘ '4. PT.' it 414, 2, ' I , iTi rrs',l4,r_ ''f A l t wily , - -1 .4 , x ' ttV. 4 ~.,,,. ~, z t ,,,,.,,‘...,, , ;`tiß . itz at ."..0.,-.1: ,Rlotll,tn,, A- ;'''''' - '"' ' ' I *J .. 7"r,...7 t „;.'',::::,' „ limn tWwie" .- ' _ ,_ ..„, ,.., ~ 4 ' ' 04 4 0 ti= vii.lol.o 74;7 -sir ,:ii.;,' ~.• tip- .it , NP U L I MMAPX.R.t.; clAjjkAl t yar: • i pawn" g_ aurgaroN , . to - fUJUILIVI 1.; * atik %;-'OIII . O*A4I4IITRIPE ,STARKitialithiS App46, ETINGFI; AND 811 k ~': 13117r0i*-11PIAOMID DAILLS.- • - HAMILTON- W l D$ X-Xl/4 - .** I HED kUtt:o4ll).:;' WietiltitHirik-SON, t : HtIIOIOI4I4II I, STRNST. - ;ANA* , HoggnialtA9oolli Nilia , $ g # vim stir! rwri Oath, rt a 1111;1' toritiratraitoad Pamir **01140117 eftwevennutaitar moothems; " extuamowwAnsuaitar e muteigw. anursam movicaoss i IWiiol.4oll leM et ellifillVP fl t i c gn ai i t a f la .Y. ato ioF7uaot orOifoirbsit mil vlldi all sow wont MOM he id* oat, saistilis. a. j W i 1 1WV41°I. '4 , n D iiiinTnie ocp.; , )) = ;) ' $ 01,0 41 1 031c. '' - - A, - .-1 -*,'.. grumuivnitinume ea; ' ~ -•- , `, wAthOli fg 00 1.- . ,- : , ' trithatinG 101:11111CAllt 441DILOWil PlKW.ll_nlill. . • _ . _ WO4ll4R ‘, 14:::/iVirr • HAM •ANYSillinr-KAMAPAOriIiaL:,.' iikpomidustotiletiinlissistri sad Afiltiwominr•i• Essigiewimi airsk-aanded sidAitalliir 11101• iw- IIRI • Tor swam snsorsslundicskss, APP'' ''''''lllll=llnrinis Ommisies ~frio..tke_-4101411414-, sioos=iomoilio lmito ll o l o4 l 4l, ll4 .o4.4**l szpoto44.: 93 4 11 1.0WPW - 41 -1 1 4 1 000 1 114).0,' -.#0 10 14-# ll- .4*IJIIIV*OR: l• • • ItlitT44ll/1 OQ hi.410w44 110- -14000"41.likritlOPPik .04910-4- •• - •sk; 'iniUELAIDEMFLIALice. . OS' . , T G -iajz**tit, - 0.000000 4 40.0 1 , oratga i ntioY- ociamtas," tu.** _nursokb. •r: Mn 4. 9=114.11;: , 11110.11,, - aws grin motel ; ;7-, :4:: FAOtat itiiMp*EUEo4,- UMO- WM UN/ 0 4 94 05 01 14490;att• IninirP% =INS+ ,/140411.14W14 8 '-9 1 4rtak :2,', VirELICANG,COPETN*Co: ,; -; Its minstri IM!MNM!39n2nM • iirmaing !#, ILUMFACTIMEEVr , :_ - AIM BrAn i a* 411E1101i "lig JNAWIE:;MMINK ffigV,o4‘:i4l9!;,Nlti - -A121111111114 , A- •‘, - • , Ain&A Wain An* MO* * APTIMET. 47 4 IS 4044)1 7 13 4 A r e ; 33 g. 11111 "; • Alai-4000Si InltOif , 44*,1101174101f CIAXIMIMIS• ' WAX aID iitEMIOOXMLINS; - 1011111111114310, 1 44: tto it:. *ILLS; vy , LIKMUMILTE' BMX -W. 1 Ww44 flisaMlN. l *.greag. moqtritioirrwarpowa ':'N'tteiC l 4=o-' 6 !lt gIOAD CLOT* ; -IlitalktOgitAt eS ' 1MM1E111.1144 OATPIi .0 4 , 10, 5 11 4 4.1 ** 221 1 1 PL T• IM 0 1 1 A 1 79 14 1 311 "! 1 . . u. s 'iriOiIUSGSAIL Wu* sot Iduiss icily& saki • Stis lIN*4 MIME CLOTHING: 1000 Mg: OLOTHROL 10:0 r.' A.' iicorir • milli, • (is A t,i,; u, 1, rf . c- wn: Vila tffiVAl, 'assoinnim oP f. : - ' ' ' ' 'ool l . lis i ! -- A2+lo:' ,A0r.,44 Akio:Flow "lirsiste.Vot 000111110 ad, roc_ok JiUkMILY BUILDINOO, 1 ~ ...11 0 1 , IC7t,4 40 ,4 * A luelsr 4 V T . 14"111. tier ' ,•,..Isio 'kw 0,410.• • , - . 1 • . .14 1 0. Alta'''. • .".4-03-ox=ll-.l).),estolikinl4.l*.eorlw • tss,A. i • I tali c - s ty I ,## 1 1*.k.•54-Vig 341 A, 04X) of 4* talka-11 4,46 ..t . " l-4 04 11 0-21MILIP*4 *4700 . , .4111p,5-11:' • • . •• OATAWJA . 4 --' - ,-- a 4( I. I 0 s -} z7f-7:46 -&-h - f wan fol 1 ift(444WT,Ttl.toW-TVQ:..., ~, , Ail " 3 - I . l H ' • I *%9l.4'nriliiiitEiLi 13 Via , ', ,dsll;:Xst-134.110111", , • "L.1 ,- -- _- 0 -44•Wi1 ,, 1 _,i, .-rk ="1 ,. • 0100 111 1 11 14 1 . br," 111 ) 41#1,1 BIEMBEZ _ 1 ;VOL. 4 MIMI ° ~~,~~~zp~~ I:;=MM LLIAM HORSTMANNAVIONB, VV I lIFTA AND CWERRY - STRIETS, '‘ (ddjirisitirtp!'fforreriorl,) •• lirrito iiresiliattoi butorito Witt Vollitook of 1c,,:,-, „ . Di t r ass I EAW CLOAK - • ' , .„ 0. R t i#o 4 llet t .G ‘lr . $ , PAN . CY DRESS Gni* Otos, Suipmas, VEIMSTB4 ; !Ul4le AttD oiflr-11.4411:iGict, BERint'atitcfito; minsOmp WOOL, ita . of 9 1 F0Ya,41141 601 . -. !' : Ai Gheifitisa for bona prodgetioi, as yal! J4llllO iiklimati*m ilintimiiics,Pi. issablas offv, ~I.;nir4g,fklir#4ll3,r,g!: , ';', , W lll * -1 "!.; 41 '7 4 !§7 4 E 614 ; - w „ . : , :errArtbm , rictomgs., ' tridattairtivtinont -- D'!isErworis4o/Etuqr. tMAIMICMPOiI QUiiinne AND IitruAVY'WORIC,' lotH' treablip of to istVutrid w titt.L.Maika cao.,m ' isqt 4 On, rirsiat-Loor arra* HAE*lO9r MAOHINEIL "MUM ly zzo 43213 . "A1i gl}l • 'STREET. pry ,ffirk,etinicimat ourNiulia: , i • • • r')l/ 1 7 0111 Wrmni 6 : 11 , , • - • Sid :lA* 111480, VeraklAdth I sic" 111-41.1011MT1 007 TO N• /MIME& Wit 4161.• qirkiad. „ , , jkoii , • . _ rr ••• tilitiitti4ol Ali ••'O4. , • - • 1 nearpairawinfp.filawriess . f i ;,:'• :-",::: ii:itillt Mr, i . 4l* ' ' ' . • : .. Re . .s9_ smil, 00** hiluari. .. ' t i ayaviedevidainromoribreiorstealh , ! it:i • ,'V ari f ito nt o te • ' r Te v eseilat.H7Al= (Xs , taithitalithee ot , - " , , 1 ' 4.ootiiiirr :41,t/CLX,S, ' . dithfissideotrayl4•49lsitio.' , Tiqirig Ms ' e l , Illf r i es;r l =lMV- a. 14. =4= ' 1 VAPID' imitorgew. HOWELL BOxift*E.:' Bobs romosodtotbdraoirittoto• - , . /0 3 .X=00.0f . , 4• 1 0444 013 MM111ie1,, r'aiiaetwt of ow.trosotod to ,ollot ; to tS.' i Tnb a torgltOxid soitasza, E . 1 - 1 ••• lUing ACRairaeo Wm, WIT otrifein Ootime, ai„ !An of too soviet aid'boot,oodloo, from tie loymat- , pliediittolit Mime GOLD AND VELVET' IWORATions. tareup•nisiolllrpatenostro*iioolo troll to Heft ttlitOotobtioittiontot 49waLL * sqlosx*, °Omitlrol7RTuA WDtAlt*T *swarm Aiatr4Diulita,, , , umptimirAB. LEEPalti -- fIVVEZANER„ • WHOLISIA4II !LANUFACITIMERe UM/Vitali L AB. AN D re it *sot a, "- ass ituitireentrzr. • - AItithiPXLPRIALI 'limey than , • itr# isirlnsivistiamirk v,fitninplor trmaituota inravi tte d 'fah. ta th i Mr4SASoltilkovarttg r at= aut viey,wirpio;l6,lot=ii :-:,ll4RDWrAlitt; 4 001WHENSZEt,,&130. • mui oiinnse ,NALL' ITOOi - Or '"' r -HARDWARE. 4117 ard COMAISICS ISTIREET NEW yotitt-ADvzimisimiziis, E` " F 4t ; . :lt*O '4l, ARMSTRONG. & ,CO., 11C.PO 111,Ne,N AND J:0,11 DX B • • • OF DRY G 0 ODE!, la, TT, 71), SI, 03& ,D'II AET 'N . NTRNET, NEAR BROADWAY, OFFER FOIL SALE A NEW. ARO ELEGANT .of NEE GOODE `for the '041.14. =App. *1441 to all 'Whit./ it Ma rowdy. They an opestios Ira** . . - • • • AMOIiIiCEAG W Mr T T A. , :PRINTS, 111; AND 27w lrr=l r ,• oiffliiE anfirsor mild lithe IFENEFAIKO, Om Us Ittittioty4 &Men to them. ''-:-;o4PrtrAririorlextito Gomm 4 1 ;1' Ir. - vorrist• :re: he,' ', t aottlY, •;, iremilareatit fge:4o4ttititlt kis f 6" letrArtAireis% us iczet %Awn. - .; -wellyth .SIZEWOWI6I;I,4424bi r , ' 11 611,11 R" , ,*IIOE,"VINEqAi, ihresteuisir;t Itofoxißies44loo. AG A *4. Alktlyl4ol4lllforrraTist swoon& *to ktlagfro. • '„! ' - :l6. o 4o4lllrepkitia.vnal, awe.. ifklifi ;..vigawlA;"l..oVlStrate,( Asd ot**SufMn Aisdik ss:ssbt 'clew raise. SOICIaI • ky:=4.4.rp!gpir efi ecr.",- . ' • -?, , v.! , . . . . , ....„ • • _ . , . • _ • , , . ~,.. - • . - • 'ld' 1 --7 ' Bki • I.' l r.-' ' 1 • . .--,• - .. , (" ' ''y -fe.. ~, 4. - - y f ; .:e . .--' -', .. . -- N *• s k6 Ok i11 , ,,,' • ~:, ...,.;,, .. „, Mak id.p l ' \ ...d , 1 ._ 4 i , i i (..• •• N.,. i :„. ' •' • ' . , • •,--- ,„---,- •- *...P......:`.....,,",, , ; -,;:od . 1 . - 1 /401.- -3 .” - lc - -1 131 r-" - • ,-'` A 441... , ?'\ .4.1111 , 1 ••:- • ' , 4, J , 0 - ...•.1 ,II lIIT , ' , 11 •,, • ~.„,, . .. • 0 4 • "2 , • • - ,- • , * 1 ••••: , ;' 2 . , • . .40 . ••• 1.....-..• - - ... lUM __. IMI - I Eli v ... . _. ll' ........ .......... Ie ; ,„ • - ' - ) - ~r :.:sifirt of li .:11 1 ! " , . . . , ' sit n . , ~A.• . f ~.:„ :. 7 i ..„7 1) ,4'71,",,r1,77,4%)..„1.,-. ; • • ,p ~h,,p, `4 4 4 1 .' ' ll , -,•1,_, ~,.• • --- • - -- -4. ? ,, - • t ..,,, .., , , , . • t,pip, , _ ~,, ~:t . .., .•- '•• ~ '4 , i , ,l'''''''''' i . . , l „ ',. •A . 1, r . •'. '' 4 ., - , ''' ''' I . , . . .._ . ._. _ ......:L.-,-..." - r . _ .• .nr:', : ` 4.'. , ' - - ' ':!' - ' " " . =NO =lntl Our item 'B6*lliof VonoreOotrag; at, Go.; xo. ar e soak imisa street. suau s rbu . Ar D FANar DR,Ir ckpolati?L `IMPORTATIONS F01!.•17A14.. M. I[4. H4 1 44 3 WRZ1t 4 S t i 43 ° • 833 IdARKETriqI-BAT, ➢7 ',NO#TH.F,9II4T#,STBT. Are prepared to oder, te, Our fra4Asir meal vatted ansorlaient of Qooda, Derefteeed on the ABBT FAVqBABI*YEMITS. By enerl.oSokbuyers, in Ike Iti ebsl MAN u:PAPrpaivp camp pIinEVROPE, Thim(e di" 11000t,114 with oars for PIRSIT-OLO4 . And be offend at Mono O. Ootemn ll 4 itto, 9tola BUTIRS• from all - eestione of tkoroonntry, aro invited to izepeot one dolt.' Tltlifired Mouths **Mit to Mstsbauta of on. doebeed , etendisg, or six per oeot:dieoountior multi teielee per Sent. per annum diteonnt for advinee garments: ann-thstu-int s josave. BAJLT4Y, , ) IMPORTER AND JOBBER. • .No: 413 MARKET, ST.4 Rea now Gm A LAME AND 43114172'1FUL /luortmet of DRESS 'GOODS end ' SHAWLS. Of the Np,ViritB . l` - AND OHOIOSST BTYLEB, At the LOWEST, PRICE S. The Attention of emit stet el:-months peed h lan tid. 144 f LAROE AND " ATTRACTIVE STOOK vox - FALL , AND- WINTER' pAtzti. . . sS.I - 10;RTRIIDGE, • ' BROTZEIV,43.; a cstik:',„ • .:1110.0A,T03 At4D; JOBBERS, 2 , lc. , 4Bo.lll4llltitTlifitittiT:sad 411 G IdERCHAIII t174,32T, pra i TaXgraiimi t i , Eoit,!StaNaad AXE twatailiactitp ctsli - to dole:ogees of CUM and Ith=a l l r t, g°ltki°l ] 44 7 n T i° IT ' te'S I l i 0 P801108141111rinr°112.1.10"U -'faded mit: t°4 t° 4 4 ft : 417!ad 'arils. at Lt:tw.anTJ)tatigT biir-tVS i OLO +4, . TO *no • • LIALt.x.,E BUYERS.. • EVERY NOVELTY Or THE BEASON. TAB Loissi a 6itt mop. thrittarditao'o a,itt!idataada "tit &oral • **,044401. ! i t*. TAT , o*#lco. • . itar.' 000E0 1 4 , , • 2U itiAltrAi BTRILE2'• 1860.. CHAFFEE% STOUT, & 00.1 FOREIGN, AND,DOME6276 DRY G001)8. auS-Ilon No. 493 lailiCET STREET. , MARTIN la- WOW. 'lniotistut 'mama IS FOKRION AND DONESTIO DRY KOODB. 334 MAILART STREET. Cask Loa Dreamt Mx- sat.otbs' Homo. 01 an gleatiorip atea ineitod to c tut tutioo,ot our Stook. su94m► E"-M OVAL . In eOngeltlenee of the itestrootion by Ere of their Ulan STRUT STOIIII. YARD. G.TLIAMORE, it CC?. IfAVE REMOVED To NO:, 810 OIRESTNUT ST.. BOOTH Stith.' ABOVE 51.1711. PIM .11.9111LPHIL. Tiers have now open 11( ENTIEE NEW STOOK Akroir:s -4ND: AMOY ,DRESS GOODS, ORAW/A.; ol .o,yEs, RIBBONS, DRESS. T.RIX,XINGS, Together with a LARGE .114930ItThIENT of STAPLE 44TP FANCY 13-00135. i EMBROIDERIES; * Iik0118; MANTILLAS, ' *O. Rota »awed buis antatortion of their FALL' //nip TATIONB, omit* to the'dre. *beg are 'emitted to dieplay ' 'STOOK. to widokithay Writs sheet, Mien of their Ougtomers and Hume generally. sug-gm ETS. AU BTIE. & MoVEI43;H, • IMPORTERS A ND JOINIERS) IA ORY G OODB. No. 311 MARK NT Street, above Tfitur. rF A li ss At e rilt I SIMILADIMPUIA.; - atm &WM H4fflbi r , • 1 at44lm ;FALL AND WINTER. CLOAKS & MAN TILL4S WHOLEOALE, T RADE, 80AITIIIIIM and 9/J M m . -1481 I.OIfANTEI tail ing modulo' t 9 rirt/ owl art to In gr." agrffia "'lV,W•o4 WO Orr Tr ' ; W 'FA to 8 •• , • AND ON ,LIDER.AL J. W, PROCYPOR & CO. THE rBv Ale MANTILLA im id CLOAK EMPORIUM 70 EYOI3ESTNI JT BTI*E,T IMP 4111 it WOOD, MANDL 114.YWARD Mn WHOLESALE V.EALERS IN DRY -GOODS CLOTHING; I(0.309 IIItRKET RIZIEBT. be ir m lizi# Winter took LOW oomph MI 'and ratan BUISINESEI VEIN ARE AE VERTIONG the istf o ra" ?ter l4/40F• at Cttr avid Country7-st • JOY. OQE., to 00.• NatalierkfAl lil ROILANTS AND OM 4i OUR aleroarni4._ t, .k. w v, / NI:. ' W l :n ° . 4:4 ' ti 1 1. ' parAircif ffi saY v ot i , fa n t ar i q rs l . 4 I ?:______,. e llin-ir , 1 A RTIMOLAIL :. il R. M EI, , ARlliddiAle ' AT. . 1,2 mist, lig 11. 4oupakpo, .111 01048 t ilAy atu ipiT=, unricriciatcgiklagria n ! fft,lll-lm , ARDAI ttOMSE ND; a MALitilt ; 74, cOilke ~ mairMilinit,k Smarm, lat.. • N .. eVatiti I •ol3lb:—licklittit tor. &mai t - ri — sr, a, XI, &st .8. 44 r t i wr ./ ioi N WAY. WILBURN, rk , . . . . !eels POILA BU I MAirg TllFfsattY, IrEWMF!ANO OIL 4' TRADE: imosaki,Lum . a Co. 4tamAaryiu,iB.; aLvt ECHO HHAE, , 0E0421019N ? Also, 'uo:d Dellii 1p OiL CLOTHO, NV I AANH9P 3 P, ace pi:mix:pi ETEEIii, • (Opposite the stets House.) Sou c thern awl Westurn Sumo arererueetruhy Invited to d. ault-Int CRPETS, CARPETS. TAt & BROTHER. tio. 900, ORESTN:UT STREET. A#INVOIOE OF 3NG-I,IBH INGRAINS. Just (Mai atf:tion. Prins 75 cents a yard. IBA.TLY, & BROTH-RR. VELVET CARPETS. /14w open, the newest patterns d • ENGLIBII VELVET OARPETS. ?DAILY & , EiROTHER, 14o; 990 011VATMIT Street. TAPESTRY BRUMSELS. tit i n now o Her for wile the largest assortment of those poyiner Carpet' 'gs, et Ofi ll i• DOLLAR A ThRD, • & BROTHER, 920 CHESTNUT Street. B RUSSELS 'CARPETS. Of ttie bait anahty, in peat variety., at No. 020 011118TNUT mien. ; BAtLY & BROTHER. DRUG - GEMS, • CRUMB CLOTHS. &o. Th. most extenswe stook we ever offered, in all widths ' DAILY & BROTHER. MATS, RTT( tIALTS„ RUGS, &c. 4 zminiter, Velvet, Tourney, prnietels, Wool Toned, eo, plain and bordered, of all sizes, in great variety. DAILY 8a BROTHER, gall-thotu•Sui , 140 CHESTNUT &met, UST/N BROWN. WNOLEBISLE DEA.LIII. IN iFLOOR ,OIL -OLOTEW. 1 4 North TRIM) Street, souttoren obtain. or . Raoz. (upstart.) HATS ANA CAPS. A NEW RAT STORE. = imp , JOHN E. FOSTER. 0.46 , 0(.109 Booth Third etteet.i ' Naomi taken the afore at irO. 891 CHESTNUT ST., pott.a Main armorial. style, Mollie the ettektdph lus Is t raail s khli:d Extititivz stocK -- ow . I HATS AND CAPS. ! aGr Mane* fall stol e s ar e much admired. ' melt ISM • H. GARDEN at Co.; anufaotwers of and Wholesale Dealers In RATS, CAPS. FURS. AND STRAW GOODS. FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFI, ( OIAI. FLOWERS, RIMERS. FEATHERS, &a. Hoe, 600 ;to 609 MARXIST roan, - • Southwest GSrser of Biath: The atost , extern's* and completkaspottesitat, The best tams ,and the Unseat yrlooo. nut-albs %ism sitrtioubtriv lotitod to can. , ==Z=l FRENCH FURNITURE. A 2) WALNUT STREET, Has fast created a large Invoice of BOULE, QUADRILLE, MARQUErma, and ORMOLU WORK; Whioh he will cell at very REDUCED PRICE& FIRST-CLaSS C4BINET WARE. GEO. J. EENKELS, 5514 WALNUT STREET. VERY REDUCED PRICEB The largest assortinent In the Union, all of New Damn, Call and examine before purohasing. , self am GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS; &c. JOST THE THING FOR THE LADIES WARNER, MISKEY, 8G MERRILL, 7.18 CHESTNUT STREET. Manufacturers of GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, SW., Rave been appointed Monte for the male in Phi Mel phis of SHALOM PATENT SKATES. These Skates are so oonstructed that Garnets or oil cloths are not inkred by skating on them, and persons can thiiiefore; team to skate Indoors seven as on thetas. Persons wishing to wisdoms at wholesale eon be sup plied at the mannfaoturer'p 'nom. aelSdt KEROSENE OIL Of SUPERIOR QUA I,LTY. KEROSENE, or COAL-OIL LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, , hlanufaoturad and for sate, at LOWEST CASH PRICES. by IVI.TTERS & CO.. No. 36 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, N. E. oor. of Filbert, Warden Market and kali LOOKING GLASSES. LOOKING -GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PLOTURN MAWR, ENGRAVINGS. ' 0114 PAINTINGS, le.. ao JAMES S. EARLE &3 OR, IMPOILTA h 4 l, MANITFAcTURERT vilioLl BALE AND OBTAIL AR ALg , g FARCES' GALLERIES, 816 CREEITNUT STREIT, MEDICINAL. .I.I,I,ILKSOLD'S FATRAOT BUM/ A.A. ' THE ORFIAT ofoßt4Tin. go ' V" Di.m rtif eP r ia liftic d . r t ', W 0 0 IA p p 1404 i i t""s tp l 4l . l4o " 4lMPL li e itir h i? -wmar ic ar, Mornop o , ont s etßrithisit. WiringMABBo:l 3 OF ifirtOrlUtAft. Y fal: I"4 "l2:M i rkri t ariter ri•vili°4 ,li m" .. loon fellow ific, Pin% Mjellerlo FR. , paims-r, fiRENLE X Alfa% , . • DirMil i gardire i rlirMigt iir" u 2 -. I. the pent _thereto, dad te oetteht to gr e the vet act ie the die "lsm' IN " si g MititaPAßsia, • '' • ' WM:tali/7AM :rdffil , 4 a ,..__ . §l§rliti IVIViAltt • uentooote of ammo - of from Impjliktipir l t, gr;g a lki n an,E2EgiliZZUF "" • 7L. Ye ,Tr e l't l kita l ti. l. " " r, 86 . I t' w a tt7 t ___...-,... FAMILY FLOUR, . Mail FROM CHOICE Winn WHEAT, C. H. MATT S ON. ARM and TENTH 'limits. M. 4414D1K13 'INV ELvt.lalptiovieght t.. Tr. min D . dm libifint Torteitiar#: 4 4l 740:j -ammo I yanuhturit its on t lan ; I " , • -T 131;1311 •rstund- p for iiko.:l2fignftEltlLL oty is auut4D atraet, 1103 .„ 7 iefined. ih 'gime a+ ,Jur for kit', WITHESIGI, it4R., • . , • 4 7 told co nem VtirrAvri Pft f 4 i 60 . Itititay & agagsm. soften warm and SPRING GARDEN, . „ ~„ IMZ=I CONVENIENQZ AND EFFECT, WILL °PAN, THIS MORNING, ' d'AtAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF • ; I PANCIV BILKS. BP.Sr ELAM( NUM EXCELLENT DOAIESTIC GOODS, FL#NIiRL B OA, BLANKETS, 6ifselOwstEs,. ?lulu; E [Mail „Atiik MBA 4,1140'S WITIE A GRAND DISPLAY OF , S#AWLS AND CLOAKS, At mow saki* iimukeJektimeteamt,Phpe.deletit end iv Ivarticle sohlyitiliteted to be arteli,fet*r,,, - t Br—Thateltfol for the past, we tad" hoPsfat to fie tattm and voile's 03 do an we eau to Vow. THORNLEY & CHISM. se 6C COIL Eissurrn and SPRING GARDEN SOUVIN'a GLOVES. '1 1 !11.019. W. EVANS & 00. HAVE JUST OPENED 500 DOZ E N OP OEPIUINE JOUVIN'S 'KID GLOVES. Ilf* ILO end 820 OIiE3TNUT BUM. Apia*: V.EOI . AL NOTICE. 1, ! • J. LEVY 6.; co. trta (!PIER, on. SATURDAY. SEPT. 13. ONA',OASE OP DOUBLE.WIDTII POPLINS, PIPIT DENTE PER YARD. EATIRELY NEW IN STYLE. paving Jut arrived, and are greatly below the mud gree; ; will continue to reoehe daily the balance prti4lilmyottabont. They wall* ill sold at VERY 'REDUCED PRICES, As It is their intention to etas out all rapidly as Dos :tills the 'whole otthe stook. Familial requiring flaFerber Linens, blanket*, Table Limn% eheihings, Flannels, quilts, Cambria*, and Whit, Goods cif ail description, will find a vary large saeortment to choose from, and ad at PRICER GREATLY REDUCED 809 AND 811 011ESTNUT STREET soll-tt SPECIAL NOTICE. Announce to the Entitle and their Customers Mit they will comma:me to sell off, on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, AT RETAIL, AND FOR OASH ONLY. Their very *Mensae and choice stook of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. • The goods will all be marked down to VERY LOW PRICER. In order to &image of the stook In as short a Me lot tt forced private sale will admit of. ON MONDAY* NEXT They will open three Oases of new printed MOUSSELINE% CASHMERES, AND MERINOS. Also, one cage of blank ground FOULARDS. Allot whioh will be offered under regular prices. L. S. LEVY & CO. would be greatly benefited by an early settlement of the Recounts now due them. 808 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. LIXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS! 221 _TERNLEY A MIMI, N. E. Getter 110 Elt SPRING GARDEN BtL, Raytne litil f yg II tare. mid N .11, ED TEEM STOCK, I.4 " "fr X OP GOODS 41 N . I 170 111717xditheivimy. . 6411, r outvließwAp, ibtriiidarrAlsw phaWls *ad %Aka. Clothe int Geeenneree. Oltutkets and Plan:tett. Linen Geode end!Calm. , . Xlatietitee end othe r Quilts, • ' Eatery, Owens, . ' We AA, ko. Alt Goods method at the towed wine. - We A LTERATIONS 003fPIATED AND .1-m- NEW PALL 111 , 11 S REQEIVED, GNARL ADAMS & HON. have 'peed increased t e depth of their store, and wal now &spiel, 011 ' ONE FLOOR, a large and oi4OPA yen etir of . • SA.BOI , IADLE DRY GOODS. whlolt they mend Wins S: 3 1110811 SO DAVY COMPEIII - OA li. I T.47l . WatrisUtti. 81girt o ils.1 amts. 4-10. Atlanta &Non 1 (410 ' 6-4 no .•, .do *Dow Muslin. UK cents. _PIA Pnnta. at 19 ciente nstial pries leStl. Whig -around ?nulls' 'Brdllsnts, LIU cents, usual priest& py.:.?,l7filll l :LnklN.s.tircztn.l.lilr4"" u. i. iaPtrlndwillT4rFilrinirld;l`nelfildren. .. —l lll nett 'lie' small lsodi.' for ° OM •et • neat 1.,s T l ial fk _ . i le, mrocne, at t. . 1 :114 et shawis. ogiely and Ney • ties n vanity. i ew• Goods will /ally received, and every atten t"Thatteatd7AlarLY DRY GOODS ATOM?. 1 ' astlretettlat, .4. . corner EIGHTH and ARCH Bts. VIRE'kLANDELL, No. 400. ARCH s-:4 street; cas A h m dealers in baw l wholesale and retail. LOW la Coate Stits. MOO cl.d Fell Looosao4Ab. PStyle laid ClanPhew's. Shawls. IMP proohe Loot and &mere Shields. sel3-0, fhttedoliphts. E YWN & - LANDELL, southwest corner 9/8 / 3 4 sZiVa l l'and Staple Dry ' Cloods. totters Sites imported. rat 44uSlIty131sok sdkn, Bike Imported for Friend'. LOANING OLOTII9, CASSIAIERES, .0110,11D0L0T179. VESTING% &a: . •D'oya` egsgiumeg, good patterns. 71. otg, t stloltLg i ld Union Vileastmerre.b3 to TO otg. FMIOI trognog, from 78 to 41.1 g. FA. „I 3 Iterataimatdend Doegkios_, BLAult OM/CLOTHO. For`Drizr Elogta i Frock Coats, Overoosta, o. Moog vetlot lff .u cTem at t ,Triootqt..., o For Ladiev arm, javiety desit•breehadg.' ' g u ile! tilt Iran i p o grtdd r i sn'o t 47•l t t i r tee. COOPKR Mad RD. .012 BoutheeM mit:Nina and , MARKET, 'ALL CLOAKS IN PRKeARA.TION, some Missing every dap. Moot wilt be complet4. ^ Orders tatr_e_p and executed with despatch. yalt end VI inter 011dr/is's sad Misses shawls • COO EA k CONARD, X6l9.Southeastoor. tlitali and ,MA LRAM? BARTON & IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SHOE STUFFS, p 1 Qfl AND ENGLISH LABTINGS, GAL LOONS, PATENT LEATHER, Aldo, GOODS FOR CARRIAGE MAKERS. No. 35 SOUTH SECOND BTRENT. Phlladelphts. aul-31n limiti lla rtl g i t' tr. W : f , i t= a ill twelve i SH.OENIAKER & Clo. OILS AND VARNISUE !i{erj►esit Oernor FOURTH AND RAO* 11.1 x. C. 41. 3T-STEEL it.V4I,LJE4S: „tot U~NItOHF~ ,' FIRi6•AI . l~ilille, kl., • ros s'it.t.tt`wr . NAY,LOR yip 1.1-tt, " pOpVitlixes Most, .113 Qit, 47 and asS .d barrels YC At, 4 3~sC~ttill 90 141 NO . cng /2:o° And grestkr iddo4 to Its BEAVTIFUL DREB3 GOODS. PURE LINEN POODS The Good; are SHOE FINDINGS; inas4, PAINTS. Kl./ tt it II TUESDAY, SEPT Eft Is, IMO. Perio4teal Literature. The August number of the Combat Maga s*, edited by Thackeray, has been handed to us by Mr. • Callender, agent for this city. Thine are twb ohly unreadable articles in it, and these are "The Veins of Wealth," by John Ruskin, and a heavily didactic one upon "!,usury "—in the manner of the moral es says in the Spectator, Rambler, and Guardian, of ,the olden time. Mr. Trollope's novel ad vances slowly; Mr. Sala's, eighth paper upon William Hogarth, is as good as any of the preceding ones ; and Mr. Lewes' third article upon Physiological Riddles is wonderfully in teresting. There is a Roundabout Paper by Thackeray himself, and a continuation of his lc Four Georges "—a series of lectures which, from the extremely bad manner of Mr. Tbackeray's delivery, were as unpleasant to as the .Ik4cideolly are very pleasant to 'MeV:*I sitome r kr,qf George the; , sidered the unconscious as Well al n witthei of Atiiikl*. heft lAtnot stupidly Inistfissinni 1a Aoierloan A/subjects," and obstinately, upon floclutt,the Stamp Act npoi thew; the colli sion would not,havetalfeli plii 6 cc in 1775. Here is 11fr. Thackoraes Sep:ming up of the poor old King's reign : AU the world knows the story of has malady; all history presents no sadder figure than that of the old man, blind and deprived of region, wander ing through the rooms of-his palace, addreutng imaginary parliaments, reviewing fancied troops, holding ghostly courts. I have seen his pipture an it was taken at this time, hanging in the &pert inent of his daughter„ the Landgravin• of Buse Bomber/ rg—audde t books and,Windsor Tann tore, and a lostrited root reminiscences of her 'English home; The poor old father 'ls represented in a purple gown, his snowy beard .Dtillng over his breast, the star of his ,famous' 6fder Sufi idly shining on it. Be was ot • only sightless; he be came utterly deaf. All light, all reason, all sound of human voices, all the plenum Of this world of God,were taken from ,hills. . ~ . _Some' stight 'lucid moments,he had, in one Of WOW the' Atutun . de airing to see him, *Mimi th e reein, and found ' him singing a hymn, sad tooompanying himself at the harpsiohord. When, he 4taildleished, he knelt down and prayedislosittbf her, and then for his family, and theater the nation oonoluding with a prayer for hiemetf , that it m ight pleas God to avert his heavy calamity from hint, but if not, to give him resignation to eubmit. .11. then burst into teem and his reason again tied. What preacher need moralise on this story ,• what words Sart the simplest are requisite to tell it ! It is too terrible ,for tears.- The thought of such a misery /to terms down in eubmistion before the Ruler of kings, and ;near the Monarch "Supreme over empires and republics, the inscrutable ;dis penser ,of 'lie, death, happiness, victory., -a brothers," I said to those who. heard tee first in ABletufe..;..si 0 brothers! speaking the same' dear mother tongue-4 ootnriutto, *negates no more, let us take a mournful hand. together as we stand by this royal corpse, and call a trios to battle! Low be lies Id-whops the proudest used to kneel ono*, and who was cast lower than the poorest: dela y , whom millions prayed for in vain. Driven' ar his throno—butfeted by rude bands; with his children in revolt: the darling of his old age kilieti before. I him anthnely ; our four hangs .11rOf her breathier, Ups and, cries, ." Cordell', Cordell& stet l little !" Von not his hort—olf flat tkiat pssi-A i d,hsteibina * 1 ghat would upon the rowir of this tunk :World ingen him put loaner 1 - . . , Rush"! , Strife, and Quarrel. over the solemn grave! Sound, trumpets; a mournful march. roll, dark eurtain, upon his pageant, his pride, his grief, his awful tragedy ! ' Three months ago, we noticed the first Num ber of The National Qicarterly Review, pub- Belied in Now York. It struck us as not In dicating much promise. We have now re c'eived the second Number from Mr. W. B. Zetber, the agent here, and have to make a I much more favorable report. It opens with a long and extremely able paper upon Cooper,thei novelist, whom it has become too' much the fee4(Bin_lo undervalue. Hero, while his faults writer are pointed [ -- ndi-oveerat_reerlts as appreciation. It 10;f far, the hest notiefi of Cooper yet published. Y(Hungary, Past and Present," is historical, and too nenc# hurried up at the close. It is absurd•to crowd the events of 1848 into three pages, as is here attempted: "Social Life In Ame rica," is a notice of the various works writ ten by 'foreign tourists in this country, since Mrs. Trollope's, in which our personality as a nation is discussed. This is a well-written and very fair review,—the criticism upon Dickens' "American Notes" is especially good. The papers upon Tasso, the English Language, and, Seward as an Orator and Statesman, are of average shil. Far above these, is the criticism upon the imaginative writings of Miss Evans, author of (‘ Adam Bede,"—a criticism evidently written by a practised pen. There is also a paper upon I( ; or Politi cians vs. Statesmen," professing to re [ view Cinskey'a (( Political Text-Book" and [ John Savage's (‘ Living Representative Men," [ and never once mentioning either book ! The short notices and criticisms, which make the concluding article of this Review, aro scarcely satisfactory. Hudson's Shakapeare is too old a book to be put among recast literary publi cations. Mr. E. K. Washington's «Echoes of Europe" receives the warmest eulogy, al though it contains more inaccuracies, blun ders, and misstatements than ever were ier petrated, in similar space, by any modern tourist; and, .in noticing Norton's Iliad. Book to Europe, the reviewer characterizes it as I( accurate and reliable," whereas its 'Pe destrian's Vocabulary is crowded with errors, particularly In the Italian phrases, and, in its map of Ireland, the city of Cork Is placed in the west, where Galway actually stands,: and the place, in the south, where 'it ought be marked, is left a blank. In the notice of the late Mr. Rush's I( Occasional Productions," (recently published, and largely noticed in Tido Pares,) the reviewer States that 4 ( Mr. Rash is dead only since the 30th July last," whereas his death occurred in July, 1859. Upon the whole, notwithstanding these 'inac cuyacies, the National Quarterly Review merits high praise, and promises to be come a formidable rival to the North etineri can Review, which, Booth to say, has latterly become rather soporific. Publicntions Received. Vocabulary of Philosophy, Mental, Moral, and Metaphysical. By William Fleming, D. D. p, dited, with Appondlx, Bibliographloat Index, ho., by Charles P. Krantb, D. D., 'Translator of " Tholnok on the (impel of Bt. John." 1 vol., email 800, pp. 662., Philadelphia: Smith, English, k Co.—To students of moral and mental philosophy, no book can be more useful, for reform., than thie elabo rate, extol, and far from dins* Vocabulary. Narratives and Adventures of Travellers in .Afrlea. By Charles Williams, Rai. With engra. Tinge. 1 vat, 12mo. New York : Diok and Fitz gerald. Philadelphia: Peterson and Brothers. The Norse and Ms Diseases. By Robert Jen nings, Y. S. 1 vol ,12mo. Philadelphia: Potter. Historical Magazine, September, Mb. New York: Charles B. Riohardson .• Berearksen HaytiPlaee of Settle ent for Afrio•Amerloana ; and, on the Mulatto a Race for ) the Tropics: Ptillidelphta tT.B. Fu h. Poems of George P. Morris with a Memoir of the Author, i2mo,. (bine and gold.) Now York. O. &Abner Philadelphia, Lippincott k pompany. ?demote here, se singularly inoommunicative es not to ray When Mr. , Morris was born; nor even what the Mysterione Initial in the middle of his name represents, chiefly consists of eulogies upon him by Oriewold and Poe, -Horace Blaney Wallace, and N: P. Willis—the lot boing Mr. Morris' part ner. A concluding anecdote, - professing to relate an incident in the British BMA 'S of C011114.011P, must be taken rum: gram, salir, because Its speaks of " Gourley, a member from Yorkshire," where. as no person named Cagley ever eat in the British Parliament. Considering that " woodman, spare that tree," traanvidently suggetted by 'Oampbeira poem,'" The Beech Treel Petition," Widen oom metees— ci leave this barren snot to me ! Beare, woodman, !mare the beechen tree !" the fanotful history of the origin or the poem, given in the notes, might welt have been omitted. We do not think that Mr. George P. Morrie t 0 any thing like " the bast of American' soeg.writers," but he has prOdimed !'greet many pleasant lyrics rrldoh, 'l bedded to Immortal Music'," have be tome popular, arid he hall writ— "No havrisleh, dying. he need wish to blot." , ia'great, equal to that of Cherie? fisritti, the Fnglish 4 ahem he reminds ue, therarAjhla &zap of thought and depth of fanny are inferior. Nather haire! perpetrated 'IMO( ' Cookitey • rhymes air leatriris mad ,r(alurs, TWO CENTS. (p. 225,) Arargarithi ant, Aver, kat, leilk H. qualms or *let her add Meet Alert whipb pap rhyme only to Margarattard the sake of Jet -140142' "Intrere, we ere pleased, that his yenee are eOneoted in "blue and pia ) ? neatly irinted; and lear-prieed. , First, Soloed, and Third Class Haider!. BY George 5.,19.11ard. Boston: Swan, Mester/ Tileston. Some time ego' wa malted, with fan oonueendation a set' of ewe 71 tesdiscd300ks, by Manaus 'Wilson; riblbhed by Mewls. -Harper, New York. We still hold to the esurlotion that better books, of the sort were never produced We ha _ _ y , much el Boston, , public a the popnl !lad soot and Mu to the I at It, m don't to the Atm world. dleaster, which we condense from the Western and Boiithernjeurnals THE CALM! OF THE DIOASTOR. the a MEOWS ju ry , after rendering verdicts In the oases before t hem, proceeded to take addition al. testimony in relation to the cause of the disas ter. Capt. Malott. of the eohoonar Augusta, was recalled, and testified as follows : • " It is the duty of the lookout to report to the offloer of the watch anything helves. The second mate. Geo. Burge, was the °flier of the watch at the time ; if the second mat* discovered the steam er's lights, it was Ms duty to keep steady on his course, unless a collision was probable, and then take all precaution to clear the steamer; " 1 had given no orders that 'night for She valet id thwarts her course, meeting a steamer: It la generally supposed, when the captain Is below, Met the other officers are competent to" clear a veseel. It te generally prudent when two Voila& collide ' to ley to and sec what damage is done; but in the damaged state of the schooner, we could not work to windward ; I am ems that I did *et hear the Whistle or bell of the steamer; If it was done in stantly, we might have beard it ; but at the dis tance of a mile we could not have heard a large gun that night; I made my protest about three hours after the accident." A MILITASIX eouraxr 'II , IIID 04? Or ZZISTRICII. The whole number Of I-dependent Union Guards who came to Chicago on the Bien 'as 33 mus kets, with five officers, and only Mei! were saved alive. The entire company was pretty mesh wiped out of existence, at one fell blow. Also, the Milwaukee City Band' was nearly all destroyed,e as only two, we th 1.144 Were BOTIO.I 11a$ . I The propeller Acme t she palmed. yesterday morning, saw ; es, floating on the lake, about fifteen miles aerNraf the harbor, and six or seven miles offlaml. Shs tug MeQesere was immediately declutched by Ciptida in search of them. The sohooner Rada*, Capt., Brown, oommander, passed neat Waukegan on Thursday evening, and reports baring teen about one hundred bodies!. The wind wee so high that it waelmpeesible toe him to recover them. 71111 UODY CP CAFTAN wttsow. Tho body of Captain Wilson tau been recovered, and is thus desoribed : No 73 —Captain John M. Wilson. The body of Captain Wilson was Identified by over ado tat sons. late name was 11,1t0 found w upon the wateb•fob of his pantaloons. as follows: "J. Wil son, March 'CO. From J. F. Molntosh A Co Washington, D. 0." A broken silver plinell and sold pen were found upon the body. The watch stopped at 8:45, prolmiblr run after biz body went down. The body of Captain Wilson was found about two miles north of Oros Point. HOW IT WAI 111CCOVIIIRID The Chloago Prtss and Tr suns say,: It es.; lilted a thrill of emotion among the speotators wd bystanders, then a lame throng, as the body marked " No. 73," and Identided as that of th late gallant commander of the ill-fated steamer vi u tortas from the wagon lido the dead-room. 4 4 nearly off the ptot -.1=1.!"1.11t of the - an t d sublime heroism. A gold watell ana eseu‘. taken from the body by Captain an• the remains were plated in the bands of one o our andertakers, to be Owed In a metallic) burl& caul, ready for removal to the desolated home o the late brave sailor, In Coldwater, Michigan. Tag APPLA9IIIOI or Tag BODY. There was little in the features that could Identified, decomposition baring been rapid, an the violence with whiob the body was made th sport of the curt destroying all semblance to t countenance in which nature had not written on line *Caught than manliness, courage, and a der • lion to duty, nobly exemplified lu the fate of hi who oonld not Beek his own safety in the raginr surf while women and children claimed the exs - 'torte of his gallant arm. LIONORS TO Tilt REMLINS The remains will be taken to the %ohm* si House, the Chicago home of Capt. Wilson, d from thenoe will be this evening attended to e Michigan Southern cars by an escort whioh, n numbers and oharaoter, shalt fittingly comport with the honor due the noble dead. Throughout to day it to dedred that the flogs of oar shipping, &or hotels, and other public places of business, be nt half rout, and the lime occuian will be appropri ate for such other token of mourning In oar places of business and public. streets as this late groat calamity deserved, and not more fittingly to expressed than now. The setter Is deep In IP hearts of our oitiseus, and, without any formal f or distinct plan, it will find expression. Owing to the lateness of the recovery of the body and the short Interval allowed, the notices of greater defintte nese will be announced to-day. Capt. Wilson's widow and other friends are expected to reach the oily tad sy. 1 ASINGULIR There is rather a singular Incident related re girding the life of Mr. Ingram. He wait sta l ing upon the Folly Pond, anal* and a half from ot tinghem, England, bathe year 1837, when behrre through the toe, - and was maned by Mr. J hia Biantord, who is now residinA in Chicago, at the corner of Catherine and Halstead streets. - HOW rip ACCIDENT OCCUSIISO.- The following is the testimony of one of the it. tosses et the Coroner ' s inquest. It Is Inter big as throwing light upon the cause of the scold John Morris. seaman. Had the wheel of tie si gnets from 2 o'clock of the night of the collta n ; took the wheel at 2 o'clock by- our time, aid, kept vessel B. by E., as she was then. until I 1 to f an hour before the collision, then hauled her about 8. E. Shortly after I took the wheel, I noticed • light about a point on our pert bow ; said td the seoond mate, s. Do you tee that light 7 " fie said, Yes ; 'it is a steamer's light I guess." T'hio trui of an hour or en hour before the collisloisHthe schooner heading S. by 0„ gradually, to avoid jib. bing ; she answered balm well then. I saw no more of the steamer's light, after hauling the schooner up, as the sane bid it from my sigh T t i i This witness detailed the cinmenatancee f the collision the same as Capt. Malot and othe He saw persons between decks on the iteameti, but beard no one speak. After getting away Goan the steamer, witness went into the forecastle tem it there was any leak. lie says : • I When I came up, one of the men as d the steamer was coming book after us; /sate he- part ly winded round, heading more towards shore ; I should think shad was about five or sir einutes alter the collision it the captain or the imates bad been looking at the same time they oeuld have seen the boat beading for snore. TUE WRECK AS SEEM IX TIM Captain Prendiville, owner of the litiogasen, who was out with that gallant little steamer yesterday, informs no that about six miles off Winetita, and' manifestly not tar from the exaot spot of the dis aster, is the entire forward portion of the hull of the Lady Elgin, partially enbmerged, ant Siding at anchor. It Le stripped of all the upper; works, and on the larboard side out off just where the fetal blow alma ; on the other side the iIISXI6T and planking run further beak. The hell 440 0011110, empty and naked. It wait doubtless oirried down with, the engine, and, beooming role d, has rhea to ride at the aneliors bent to the chain cables at the bow. It floats to mark the spot whi many a brave and loving heart perished from ea rt h. Tax DX4TII Or COL. LILVHDia, Or Tail axw ALUM! rICATITNII. . . The New Orleans Picayune says: Barmen Doane; Esq.., agent of the Crated States Itteurance Company, in this city, who renamed hems last evening, direct from Oblong% furnishei to us the following statement, made in his prelim:N=lV John Collins, a colored'boy of Odense, who- ulna saved on the wreck of the Lady Elgin. The statement was taken down by Mr. Drake. of the ITrement, House, and is believed to be reliable : I ' , I saw Mr. Ltimsden a fel mientea before we went down. lie asked me if there was Much dan ger. Ills wife and family were then standing near Mtn. Ilia wife appeared very much frightened. Ills son told him he bad better get a tabllsgeaf and be prepared for the word. Ife did not do so, how ever, but told his family to stand where they were, while he went oat to see what the danger was. "Mr. Lumsden left. The son then advised his mother and sister to take off all their upper cloth ing They did not do so. Soon after, the captain' oeme into the cabin and advised the passengers to secure each a state.rOom door and go Out on the quarter deck, which all did, except Mr. Lumsden's family, who continued to wait for him in the cabin. In the meantime, young Lumsden got three table leave& ready to float or. i ~ The boat then went down, and I saw nothing mote of them till I was in the water, when thelittle girl caught hold of me, and called out:, for bar , la ther, and asked where he way. Ile answered , here,' and asked where she was. 1 "A big wave then swept over us all, and attic:, I came to the surface the littlegirl Wu washed away, and I saw nothing more of them'" This statement is very clear and -*pile% and we tremble to believe that it is, in allt robability, ti true. Mr. Doane informs us that ere could hardly be a possibility of the bo's = staking the, 'family.. Pe described each mem ber of it with per fect accuracy. There is, however, no well authen- Dotted statement of tither of them baying been seen eller that fatal hour. In all probability they were burled tit one Watery awe-10g*49r., t • . THE WEEKLY MONK iram WzNILT Palm will be seat t• .ewe bef mall (per imam, in &Immo.) st Throe Copier, " NI Flys Ton " Trent, Mix Coptic°, over osohorubsoriimord Mt• Fit fb Chtb of TworriPoso or omM' rill oat *a alto Ow/ to the oottor-oo of the OM. LP" Pootrosatoro IRO roomoloil to sot m Moots ft, iitoßtiturPoser. CALIFORNIA PI& holed Woo amen t Noalk, Is t M his fir Ow Chnhosl4l Steamers. TO FILIBUSTER IN HONDURAS. WALKER EVACUATES TRUKILLO- THE EVENTS WHICH LID TO IT. Interesting Particulars. A lorraspowdent , of the New Orleans Piraystrue writes es follows: Tatra3ll.o Honda:as, Moot 2 2,181110. follows!' Most lost sris' of Twin! MUT I Use dee- sostast. MOW* pos. me lit sorjsotopsmo bla sad stoom4locis it osortatinkltisit vs Nos socrood Trosillis.i 'Vow 'allies ;tow tho sos . sit Astlis titer = • . _ _ _ ft m ' irkg a the 20th bat., sad the tersempo, Of kith L have given a brief synensia,bok plow ye b ade,. - The Jut' eomeawaleadiet frith Cob = der Salmon was reestrod V eosin! Welker st boot dva o'clock P. M. forth the .1111.1 dedierw b f t it arranged to return frugal/le slo", Allf A lasi re ly at ten Weleak this 111011147. n •.o askew lastar tke rec}tpt of this an ra th er ponersory le tar before movements were ridble bathe the fort indloatbg that aomothing enema! Wee 41111 lbw tapir, although se oas needs would lonvenotheed any dune, so quietly was rrvelytideg drew - TOO WORK 07 WirerwlMAL Savona of the prholoal Mims were sumusied tai the presence of the General sad orders given as td the various duties to b• performed by Pula with dispatch. Additional rowels of as tridigss and ceps were given oat to tie MB; and a qua*, et powder and: balls for the isamiteetere at maw °Milldam wu embroil, pat up to moan kap toe tie men to naelt.with theca on the imiserfers march that wu before them. In the ordains= eat were sixtpols of Walker's Ilialle hick mut nada bedded ; Zed es time meet es rarity tall into the beads at, tke minsy, the ks ware brakes and the Wish bent to mich a Manner 4s to render the mean A larkitua s ty of powder and some cartridges true throws to the waterMosats, sad auks of wenn imptled Don:them. Thai, to one souk* of anther._ the ears sad men were badly. e m pl o y e d sag lai wen ten and elervaa o'olcer P. N., whin the two mpantes were rapidly finned In enter. mg the arch tionaussied. averyadag 1 boauelem With • evaciutios of the fort wee imedeeteitu anted, ad sheerly that no es* knew of it •in tie bun et n board of any or the several meals be Me has. or. It seemed as If men the dogs at Sr . Realty so miry, Wend le. bark ce an cr hash Wenn by the partlesunasamet TAX XII/TENI KOLL. The whole aunties of melt under Walker, art erring the tort with him, was about 80, teals. ding °Hoerr. The nartiee of some of them follow General William Walker, Generil-hi-Oblef ; Chia. A. F. Radler. Colonel Ccrouseualse; Major Jobs V.' Hof, rating - tiptala of Compaq A..; Major Thomas Dolma, &Wag . Caftaht .0 Ocrapamr captain .1. 8. Wert, Char_ al Camailrairy Depart; mutt; ()opt. Ruud), Chief of Ordnance Deparaesat: Lieut. John Ryan, calor of Quartermaster's De part-mast; Noah J. Carious, Dina -Disatraaat Compaay A. ITUAT TUt 13131 Y TOOK ITITZ TUIpl. It Le supposed eaoti roan bed, au /auslag the fort, thirty rounds of oartriodges andeSoodes the extra allowance in the gooks. No the cow. rage pet man is shout one hundred able carried with then two barrels of pilot lireet As regards blankets or exhs eletking. lbw OW, army bid taken wider was than Iseli peas bad on at the tiara of Asps:taro; for tic aparbweell of the fort wore found strewn with se td" wwwry description, on walking trownd res tkbswaS.g, Trunks were left open, and jewelry, books, private letters, daguerreotype*, do, lay around la plat". Lion and confusion. THE SICK LITT IN Al HIPlO• TiCTIO HOSPITAL General Walker left behind itles In tits fort the entire hospital. Thin is earn • • of eight par- I ffitrose sedinrisdkruni„: . sotto*, tarpon floe ; Charles Allen, sue sink of lent; Wahl! fitinillY. 'Ma* wed 'P in the am ; Autry. Cooper,private, moulded la the leg ; F. Conway. private, fever, and A. Lowe, private, fever. These peesoua felt tithe queer when they rowel t vas the safitary la mates of this old tort sod. the solemn hour of mid night upon them. Fig. If any, of theme their eye@ In slumber, and *my aolie, apeasielly the bark of a dog, was imagined to be the ii natural:neat of the rapid approach of an arm • and blood-thirsty enemy, Intent upon oar destina tion. However, all was well, sad, after a keg wateh. daylight broke upon us, and not • person, either friend or enemy, bad entered the fort durin. the night. STCE AMC PROTiCTIOS TROY TES WWII At an early hour this morning Dr. Newton sail Mr. Allen went with some haste to the acting NH tish aonsui, Mr. Wm. Method°, sad, is baba/ of the satire party, made application for British pro- Ludo's. As there was a man-of-war to port. the commander of which was Mr. Mulheclir , s °Motel superior, be could not give as a peddle answer until a acumination woo had. Be, however, pro mised to do all in his power for oar welfare_ Is the meantime the boatmen of thalamus OWN into the fort with a few marines and took possum= of it, placing sentinels sad interdicting an la as and egress. At about ten o'olock this morning Commander Salmon came esker* to the fen, and wu reeedred by Dr. Newton and Mr• AnoP• • ram cormuman's The follow log conrerration then took piste : Commander 8 ,+ Gentleman, I wellarstand that you bats bean Mien ter Mr. Walker and that you desire ter protection of the British N. and A. replied that seek was the traS. Cos- mender 8. said, " I edit extend the_pmelestios of the Drithis tag ever yea if yea w ilt !ahem me what &heatless Mr. Walker has takes.' tf. and A. replied : We aertainly iliest i a m ec tertian int pensions sad name noir to the tat sick and woutt4s4, but we do not know the • lion of Gen. Walker's rural." Comanager 8. than led that be noderstood that Kt. Walker's secretary bat base W behind la *hospital. Mr. Atlas remarked that he had acted as seers tary to Gourd Walker. - Till , COWEJ3DIII WAXTII TO ZVOW Willi Commander 8. called the were tary aside and questioned hlm closely as to Walker's plass sad the direction of Ids march, but lb* aseutary %odd give 00 satisfestory repllea. The commander fired particular!: anxious% know whether Walter het gone Into the inter* er bad tabu %the east ter thepurpose of waarldng, /I.,mturfrpd that he regretted very *ash that 10..119144tited sot accepted Ms terms, as be feared it email ge esti hard with him end blames It he attengtest to nuke WS way threuirls tlse4:weratry.- The am. sunder then • rem% " - thou who bad been left need apprehend we • Re Litt& tied should be extended% Ill.‘' ' Wemet• terrte rattled %leave Ttuxillo whenever oppiwiunsty presented, and ,would be allowed to . 'take bar ri vets baggage with us, trot all 'nose" papers te- Utlag to Gen. Ni'alker'n expedite" mut be re tained In the fort it pgbiio mutt:, The Picayune of bet Karaday says: The Eritish Mt i Kaie Captain WilWigs fits/me& which brier us e ab ove. interestinceonerpondence. arrived at this port lan evening. , rot Neaten Istead the 21 inst. She reports that** brig Favodta attired at Port HoDoneld on this3let, from „Tragillo the same day, whence she brings the very Detest nag tisanes from the mainland. It is to ha Nllowing effect: - ' t Altar leaving Tratillo, Walker retira). down the coast in the direction of Cape graded. — fie had at that time (the 21st) eighty men, all well armed and in good spirits. On the 23d the enemy ststiai nut •in pursuit, and the same day an omn i potent took place at a locality nailed "Cotton Tree," an the Roman river. In this engagement one mim (private Pomeroy) was killed and five men Wounded, bat none of them severely. Among them was Major Hoff, who was very badly disfigured with hooksbot ; and private James J. lic,rg, of this city, who received a gunshot in the area. The wound, however, was not severe. Gen. Walker wan .100 personally assailed In the conflict, and received a alight wound In the face, The assailant was, however, shot down on the spot- After this engagement, Walker enthrall to f s re tire till the 25th, when he arrived at a railed Limas, abandoned mahogany works , the in habitants at gret took to Hight in gre ' , but were Induced to return by the favors repreeen tationa of one of their number, andhiethe advice ~. - of Walker. At last accounts Walker was still at Limo, with seventy-six men in good fighting order. This was Sunday, the 2dth, thevery latest MOWS received at Ituatan before the Kate left. It is believed that the Wools, at Database', brings no later news, but that her report of so many men being lest Is only partisan report and not reliable. At that time also each man had about 100 roneds of cartridges, and was every other way wall pro vided. It Is believed that they made their way doctrine toast without farther lose. - In addition to the above, we leers that the offi cer reported to be wounded at Traxi/lo was Col. Henry, of this city. He was wounded, however, liken affray which grew out of a Driest' diffioulty, and not la conflict with the Hondurans. Tim wound proved mortal, and it was be that watt g‘l °ay buried in Trwtillo. We also leant that, in abandon/aim TrIPLIEW , Walker left behind a large quantity_ of stores sad provisions, which, donbtlese, enabled the .seamy to make • ming igi vlgoroni Old abetim These are the 'very latest partleidare we bars by the brig hate, and they ars farsidied to - um Irons the most reliable and autboritett i .rl 4, L l N wir'ibll- And it is soirosly probable teat the at Bata . ~ i ci, brings anything later.- the is 'to hoped, ' • fore, that the report i twiry great die. ittwelkus of its men reduedag his tbree two ' eiffhtteli*Mtilvei kitty ton out to be WM, • • aW - yr'.... T _ - . by bin Peemedso .1 Una* i thscols. seam he lbsedies the ihe, • !, owtsai• dein 111 Wirt ot jmirobst lila _ !mom. 161911:117.-1 _ ..• arbor fa WM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers