filitAt AMU' _COIII/11ERCIA,Is. littA t T it Thietoek tietiretto;doe Weer' • 114 2i1 actable skew Wino% • troves besets auxikati* tft , lo llllol- ' of Sebinikill Jeolieee The stoneineuiiii v ehtl i tioel firatikikrieviritt clam beeuteeseentlieluiees9l94!f , }4 l 4itter44ll4AN, lel , pi, l i l t •oxop-e-1-,v Ti. folloirtiaiketiet*Atee4 , 4tviet iereette . etestaokis Ys Isf eid For :reek 4.40 Bente time ~,,, The Inersese„..SOAP 2 1 -- ` 4l9 * * 1 .1,! 1 # 11 1.. 443 ".. ammo of :thikj - 4 Stailro d Compet,v 43044449444909*.1it P4 ' tovered rM vaeseeters.. T 2883 701114 49 81,723 it • io it't el 1.0. W.. ~:14,9110 1,282,22: Isrolion'o.a> . ,;(22-22 , „ .122 „ 2218 .. Total— . 4X 4 W 5 7411-40 12 ; 4 14 ~ Earnings trout Jillftlag IWO - Ditiresee. 411,9711 - ***499;199,990. The °Mast ioreeesOiof - the tette ha the- eitrof New York for the Irak' Italie 8; mom, Tremont le the ststerste the tolleirteg previous weeklf Ittateeithel peeress. .441-1440 Ino ovum gtf1pe010::.„4 , .. - 0, Inestsio, or 'Amulet ton De!osiso of Ilograwn DoirOfitc% - - The directors of the Traderte,llactir,,of ,Riohmondi here elected &albeit egehiek;DlT.Edilird'ainlim. lons and fiverablyinewn as core Of Are chief oleitisre the Rant et Virginia:, ‘Thisiaelltion was , finial tendered to:, Fifillient".B, a4.,,0f the *banking Rem of Illatek& Tatint.init that iiittetram deolified. The folkiwiegoetass, before thellnited Status Mend , Court of Rhode island, are of intoteit hi , the' cotton • _ Bank of_the Stem Or South COO'itati not. Bicknell at Shin er.' This seat ands to equity brcuslibto compel the defdanhe to deltver up •st quantite! of 'cotton chipped:th e m for • este abrAlrfiehoet Legume - of Chorlestosi under whom the beck qhweeeli the elen nimnaiatireffeeteg to deliver tipctothe defendants the billa pepeptort by them. Belch &ad been drown amnia the oh ipreea „The basuatemned ni to sowtioo of -the speeido altos adeit'W.d to let* been An. the honer of the de= 4 ll4tte.eatewthireemereeeeesteent of the mut. a writhe Plaintiekueoordinitly. , • , Thr. Beek •Om Statiiof South *Nimbns. set. fkokt null tSander mid the Comuleressi htutost ininirance Comtism. Tea foots in this caws :ars similar to those in the teat-tutahlit VW. mum% teat the cotton lied-been lost by the perils sea angle iroyperinvm Chg. los ton to New York. • t had been insureq of fee einstseces under en open Vri aid thteeeetlieetefeAthed OM' they weft SIM ittejasuirroa• m o nabUpuptug the Wile" wan sici,sustalim court. sin the b srlus.d mused.• .=- • The heir manNteateht of the Marietta and : Clown nati Railroad iiikee'ilreied7 etenmencea bpieltiohie upon theline"Or their toad; to oomiiiiko It in Its Whore length, and to.toptoirs that portion,sow being opera-. . BeThe ertptisy44 the,Treamaryjnyliel promwain. fpr a new loan of 110,000;002;xo t providelor the tedaufption of aertaairtrtmatil notatlrowmitstazslieg.; Tits stook , will be miminitelibla in RFD. sad bear Mistreat 'tit oar cent. per Xamtmi.,,Rbe Award will b ri gade as the; Rid , or October nakt.sedire dijasila of sacouifpi : biddiee' will be remsimid rt the filub-Trearcity . mit New York ; Risittm i Philiderptibraßiarleetooi Nesechrlannic, and St. Tha_Diaisytmerif, kowev t will Minsider the wishes of those enceessfill bidderirxelisimip i prodir to deposit et Other points. - The Inherent We Men will have the option to dasignstex:theiineciiheirorstimpon D. 114ROw_, Elk. le "Mina Melts of lettiiiiißom Rielintond; Virginia; toythe'lifisihs , g eneral issWaht of anthrseitis aid bituminous 'coals' aped their alles;wßich"siontaln , Smich metal (affirmation; Rsirythil,antimMite; imatraXiban of pennmirm4iiie ptiMriiiinyer the lam of tiMmiiiki;•, tains of waste arc, that boa met with in Mon. pled lik*W isir irifeit_akr iimmt to' Embarrass the factO ip g litaked'.o**om• -- invention tibia isidiara thlesoitialled coil dirt tomitio nam 410 . 11411elworc.iossa to eve India , to there nest **W . :refuse matter tot the anthracite aisA z direwith bitaimmow , thermaticaanaleation vt till Mixed fuel Omits . .. , .. The idea in not new. , It has been and is now that Sic "WI eil t pe thonsh "redo not know 'that ibis **triodes.'" a' seisoss nay pan of this a; simple WOW* 4 4111nilf rich, etrene, and imbue bi minisous:.lp-liiiil .' ; with. an -eon a ! propolt oc, itin• or ilathtlette . eoaldittP malech good- I lilt milt i te=l4l44l =Alia sfliniarzi turni a_ noun coal under holism a o -'fine two odds ar:#lo-: tenably' Satin , ssexed, SeSledeel. and are r in oompimatlwW- • reamuippliti the inuetee - Oa ta s thrown or hot laitundiebubse till ntestplithe bitumen tc .'ertintil the mass le earberniXed Vie" Isitensuseaup i tiptagratlibrasite and both-thee in the the glee ,- it thittigteice Ws bmkan-nc kr firemen. pa allowed to hum alined in elm DeWitt.' . lump oali.tiottnlFirtialliteoesused or until the lite ire-' color addlidealdlirat.--,Amot, 'rood tuna whoussier mlltpxgre=r4-targraini=i.L2oh., 11;acittrat S stronger lad nn or draft. thhn odinmolThitt. tasWicalth li,A aqtlinorethatt arithrealts: to i.,n well. . siTiM ignii* g JAA TUiiii Itivait x ,.. i b a r, : „.,-AvAz 5. made need ' cii iiticti'perptees, sae tiate a taomieoe - for the Oar 0 lattoll - . Al* wiltet.or Iwo produced by_ leciikag., • - of thkantlirsezesot nastl, mixing it wi Ux ,,bi ledepainoss - tor this pinverses : we, And. Irsorarer:t iao free-bernipli epode. iir atithrtei , albinos' woke' a' Ater Millar, than the ilititer at more compact coals; buts nder a sand blast or drart. the daft-ono! Is ecarefiT PelVdditike- The fret ill-WA-I ted deg iseinesetese suiernseedlelth -less ,dillionity - bit , the tatter is therreost r arable.- rao Trivortoa mid. and' the wads gentirsily from the : Western euneelliateof the two limes:eel Olds, aril - direirableas a-mixture. and in: thin seriturn of thedibil red Ma the, molt IMES is nude: gad eoes.querntly some - eiractirmtge mode of exacinii-- MsdAl Up punt nil -dad '3 Bat Via MOO mood between tlie MITA eon tall an bridles ander..ootabosnon. in it nikiti= tkm with equal portions ot bituminous, is' not pinooprO hub enough t • "dike mimic dilltinoti P. - Mile mode is applicable to the entireUrealeur all portinra or Abe ou tbreak', replan" • • --' ,- - - - , .-. . iWery target amount of iima t o - used lu all opr groat Atlantic otcps for the poip -Re o t gasman 11 g , BS/S. sad la al 111 paler Sells nailed fuel is aeplice bis. except' for bort" had it e e bres'whe'S the most heat is re quired c withitsaix sternforedi feel or,"ratie- .- . - ft seta-lain of producing fine hitaminous cost in PidWalonis Old& tiniore from thottegioti Webs we be fate *Wed taper ton, - - Astlireeite `,noel dill !, can he placed in ether or tEMltesdee fetid: "!Toe cost of mixing 'seit tern /ball brhand avoid not be. more than ZS seats par tea $r the cost per ton fo- thelnixed 'nal void bairn-ex. at an venal cost wi- hout erne. The mid thug 111112411, II !SUSI tO Cumberland Broad -. on , . Coal -lilt clisclitAteripriesCand'ensich biller flitie,saiiiit el zed anthracite Tor the genera' ton ,orettlant. TM , . of te er r IPP l opteForie ' 4. - ;. i sii " . ;t ab 1 i ti Slor "" rit ,' .. - r 1 4.' 1 '" - , 'deliversin Rhiladolpamior -es than four dime per ton. Vint dew theist any mg for profit show the soma) east AtaseporetWea tow those whew ..twthill 'pi is the satire Doge. of,setinag sad, ... 4 , spat sew IR Ittehliesid.. But. sawn if the two we seed vile -taible. Ad they would r lie so' estrehte se tp.-illight octal for:this pliftoweinnos they are destitute dine wowed inowtt of bitumen to eaktue en wed postiost of eathwoite. . .. Both combodand and Broad Top are so. , 1-totumi.: snug in chamotey, aid contain c.TIII , -About 16 per dint. of Attunes, it trait- be %bedded that tile ton of Ron mond oath only containing Sipes pent. bitumen. m i ght be combined warlord. ton of itoollatute eatitraette. and edit oo" tat a the lame rinestitnents la the Cemberiand. We &mot wish do be aoderstood as traducing or tail-- posting "get seisms! the tood.qualitiesuf the oalsbra tad Cemberiruid coals. We do not suppose that hotter noels estatfot this Warsose:' but we wish ito pomt out the means or esonontisiug a , dims :of rehab:" ooaia now-getneless. and we think it quite clear that Shin ean be effected; tinewe think at equally as. evident Abet it can only be dope is connection with the Richmond, 4,),100 Stock Exempt, ''ailitl#F; Septesibor U, 1900. Maros.", 3IT N. M. msorxassz, Erg VraOut Strut :MO 'BOARD. ' •., - • ', ~. , .70011 Pa Coup/el-Uwe .901 I6,Po.ane R:.:... -- -.:-.'41.5• 4 .XOO do ......*5 op, .9915' 10 iltaehili 01,. . 004 so , 4"dy 6.i - ~-.300, ' - 23,thaa it. bar Cd1....A3 .. If IlldOttop p051.,..;00g 000 Reading .4. : ....... 2,11-11 1 col tateriiiiialiil9l " 1 • Rotel Viaii,: . . "‘ iii 6; 12 , do ......«....... .22 . 3 •do ,-;.......'.....-4...30 WO g.,...&-iiaiaiqi-.117._ . 6 Caw, & At61W51.7.1.253: - 300 sorriatowaß.ltd..6oX 30 ti sank Igy-osidt,lo/3,1 2 Penns R.!.......... AIX, 9 vommattwoalth Hk.'4o,, -' , .RETWEEN rifaßDS.,' ~, . ' ,7 5 ke dfti or 1ita5j0,,,..r.36 I,lo'liilnstforn,R.. ..001r. .30 porriltcpwas,..... ..aidui. - . - . tricot, - BO ARD.:ti --, 8 &ay Wend ,l sattl,bUi6Ea..c ,66 do ' do •11 ' do • 2dy5.2.62: 10 Groot t Ots.N,winAtet 160 Loutfold 'IWO ws. nue, m Pe oss xiso_L—sos s Atidatrof Maefe. .l 300 g i ttir v tig et tir •4111 ..-- ; 1 1 1 4 Ifat4wilL..: 3 Manayeak ~, ~•,`,, , ',, ROBIRG PRI Fie.Jett%' - ilk Ali • Vitwanti .111 ~v a: 24, V 4,31 lialitof ' mil an sod-. If* : 76 puy sag e iv 2 or Ti l dToll7...fir -85 ' we inar,W6 .- 1 1 4 77166•122 a!, _ . N . . _, MO it0.7:24 9)1 .1,7 Nlimra R.,...._.. a, 616117015p1r.. " ' - . o ', ' 14 :4 ' i&i i; gltiri 41•E1r1c. 1zi5ur4 . 73,...m, V Lout Is /-"LS - RW, e h CI & . R-t-46 .- 4134 Nth Penns it -Mg: 1 19 4 i Yeana,1469.:.4.79s 74; _ gair% Th t ht i ritie. ll" i re ' Fralc( th R. 49 ' 61,_ B_o4ltA &"Thltd:.43, 49 % Y ea thi f ts111. 1 :11 0 04: 1 0 6 ) " Shrutar& Put9, - ..,^ , , _3l: Greott atkootes„3l.... abenje - widdut. - --- .10' . riullsdelpitilt,,Notikets; . - .lffarramesit ii—Eragrao. ,, .. ' yr °vs.—Then ta-aorait lit .drautial...asit ,abOut, 2 210 MAD in* tiled at $0 11 for airot,stratalit super-; Sas, ',blob ia ootamitaatoM2 Marra; mat illammatlfor extra family. ;The satteta, the mils - art rierlirrate within taa atop% tugs of prior far , ruprridutriad ex tra., and EMT 03 *AIM 'fro fiatof sad_ ttrettonirtiots. • '470 *loaf La lbatte .sod• te**4-at- SO oattanoitittod span Wee are making 41.41.• -;Corn Mimi to imam ad aaaoY ' east At i t-tittciig% 04,.,.....; 4 . Mir klf filiOd , astly istrarttakattkik V coli: Conata Rot b Mita ioissot to aissms'. at Trio4saavat omit* vat await:At a' -(Aa Ara laseuvr strait 3 Ora tow Do>. i re .04.. -iMOO4r t Aaron ratio.'..:— .- ;mat.-- - *mot:tont& ha dat *SWIM' WA 1 tauk *CO Bads ant tatter Oraari.trak pada • at ON per corrox.—Tha isiarket. la Mtlitt k amt a 1•20 1 12 MR rioles 2rarjefF l 44 A rli v sit C7 ' . ~f reV.. ii•imiii yit limn O for too, a d JAWING to , Lain . v mt.— -, raoyartoooe,—.Tlionir to got amolt Maas'. lag Me OtaV MU very at or moo* tattle. - - , ' ~ tinsel , bil dolma le - h**Ot ; alma t* m .wrakeir G 0.. ratssor a*j calla outt 100 ttos, Timothy, at " rg tfi r "g - ' ,• _lto :Arairia; Pattratylvanoahr Wits eit at)io, lad Ohio do. * aaaa r k, vrrptra ifWorth 110, ltd kids 210 Der Woo.' , , 4r • --- ''' --- MtatillAimilittwAWMpake of theAddfi; IMO ~'""Vhst Medi int yeryfioon'bess rep- ; LudribtOpialresttes' Europe &fir the merotis&thi Of Mobile ;fifief Nl* Oitiim,'is.iertdest; peo-; pie iiibrid to do it, ami.whst they have ; thelf:c 14 1 14;:id. "lo :,:lhoy :AsoonappritC „lwo a cotton pima mow eqestio-emolindi to Buy: ids* i 3 New Orleans: snots on IMO Utak and Ja*flaientnfrbon' Whifith the Afirdeprerfited'ifehr oak be- &lifers& ort - hoird the' stiatehditi 'O4 l the; :riser histadisiely - from till:cloud theinkotti it itre: pinidtiotis Jews The home Will take it irthe himststippt of dhia'rivif; Wheivele Cinverd loth. seaboard, and shipped ihk)&Wypi: `Asificitton - fiedirrfitthtfirsity list plat MesitTetp&MiSiderilsii amodatef aspic,* Ads . ;SW Barpler• r of this:o4; bat: n rOnaMallaitilelstunidurtnith• *hole sionior - , Inettork for, gad Ltonwation s-direet trade bailor actlitairn the' buropith kentishistal „ — tifreeist and Memphis.: OiherePreesgerld the .141#11 ontorpriesinßeslatad.”. ,J3II” XX Si~ MS Wok_ Till , Paiii6r.l—There 141. 400164 Wroiwki; s either ttptilllthkitt bk. silted). by.;IIMIA47II-.! INipses, the ,Priiio - of WatieftWilhitrpillottflbiToreatrilfortkraMund • ems.. -The spade in _length throe rest one The blade htsditemiad s.haif loshoZ A of elirerrAtid :*sure.- -the f o l~ " twilmtic.bttlie;,"TorMito "" Out to.' Arlfliageii, * Kitt MdWird at ei„fi stabs fisadifio**4:cli. ilififirrsi*Mitrifoyst igianatifa4-# 1 (Y-Th - 6' etigriviist iiirml44oll' 11 40Poilito 40199,04.10,0,814,14!1it • . tr-dffiiTi P P iI : 4I POP. P,••:AMM4aOk rkFMt.) .*„ : Nig i i i 04, , II& V -..,. • 4,.:.. ' ' !,,,,' er * . , efilif ' t * '''''' ' ' ' '''4” • 4.• 'Pt vi S i l it • tiutegy , .., ,_ ~4, , ~ • ego . .iv ~.. :„,.....,,,i„ - •••:,.., 4 IdirdistitaatcrthirSt ' of it inv 3 • .___„,,,,,4„„,....• ~,,,, :,-,-...,.........,„.„.,„„ .. Sit . ,I f .„ 4 . ,a., 0, ~_, Ofiltoollll9lViaollllo, - rd ' 4 . ',:... . .•.. , 4 .4 P44 4-, 44 - ' , 1 -o ' , '' ,7 ~,-,,, •71- . :, - :::'..., ': . ' • , ' .:. - M" ' -j: ~. ~. ,1 ; , " ei, ,, , - 7-*"':::-.:-% , - - - -- 1 CITY ITEMS IELXGAIS,' Broc a er _eentiee L o ,'thitAterd,o(ltit f°l lPo li n 11° "" e °ln uTtE l rint UttV "l". -;1 . 0 4 , lns to ea ,tIIO _ which he ail gg o tt mast vial - done !so. that ler Rihrr, teild t iadienera) adapts to the wants of ,kro, ii**lo2,l4 bitripasiWC , The and welt-de. Creplitition of this old-establithed bouts is more to p agataiaed the - iiigamimeata welch tber4ze. prat i t nyeit_td otter their patrons and the entitle at large this eor r oteonv l tlttoetele connected with the, lei/Hite ntenu -fetkerers ip *hie fionntry and kuriMe. Mr. Ome has evl-: dietlfeettied irninituilu taking thA teriest advantages 4kjilefalnlities for the purpose ot ; eresentiint 4 stook of in lids line at once creditable to his hone* and M" , ,tki - th d t Teautatinti of theatipektireddr4 rill 4 44- Plihat - i , r,,, ' a, _have ll'a.alP.W for 13etotiWbut;Ve W.OlO l Se! Teem that in Mr. nine's Itttesieivemearenoomi," i s t ,.-e s pp:strut streiV(Tefinitti 'Obeithet street elen,loitnd#d and forty, feet, togonaopi s !Tee.. t f l thefiloah fsifidicoweennot if - heine ettitsdkirord the inniit etodeynte-Ptitled-estinte lhittlinn, tiptritheircoheet ated Meet elegant foretitn fabrics: from irhioh the foot fall 'Tortures no echo.", Tbs. Tectpleton_ Funarer end iihentilth Axminster - esinds'.',Atfteorii. cud, numerous nebr It to o r cyienesy affiltietie're really curet., the richness and ' Whl3lll MIA beset! to he p-„ vreciated4 and ere teid yhtledri-in ieorimmendirig this 'magnificent stook, as tt whole, t 4 the attention of *tyre. • = " ' , Wire ',WORTHY -cgt#ngyr --Arrnagementi have loan made toholdatrentertahnnent on Thureday, the 13th ittet.;: foil heitifirorthaorphan children, tiome two hundred and forty in all) of 'the CatholiciAmlum to WeetThlladelphiL' Ttitileettvitl Will be held on the Asa- Monittroenda of the Anylum,and wilt doubtlesiMford,not onlithe In eerie for the' oharitabiy dismayed to aid is he- Iletieent Objtet,hitt'aleorinlifuantdai'l recreate/4 to 101 ;4phe partieintite. Itelleihnlents in ever- Vadat/ ere lohe'abundantly provided, and a number of canvas tents are'alleedy arranged to :Mini.; the comfort and oonverdatniktitsiaLtOre. ..itn , addiponat camber of oars teplacepon theJlestoevillo tine and other city railroad, canuented with it, during the day. ,and no Mains will be spared to mike the , occasion ethinentl7 attractive. The relayed is oven ,under, the ea/lotion of Ht. Rev. Bishop Vr, r oodt of this , diocese. and a number of Ilia Mother clergymen are expected to be Vegeta, and .1o;n in the innocent festtvltiee of the den aos 2,381-335 FiNIS 4 BILVER %MII of ivory deSerip Jinn; besi treb 'plktn m.,narsetured '1: W. CIAURTI. Ce.. , • . 714 Chestnut street. FINS 'POLISnEn is ;t, Erp.r.' Seta, $2 to, $l5 — Bronzed Imo Fire Ll , ll*firida. • , ' - Brent Iron Pontl•ar:s and Floivrr /Banda Bronx d iron Andi , oir - . " ." , °Nu - <mbar* and ro‘iiiiiii Fire Boreena. 44. : . ii Wi lt ' woe and Scutt!, s. . . .„ Thelariest ard moot pOowleto aasiiitmeit Of the above EOiti in Philadelphia. at Wholesale and retail, • - • cAawri. & CO.. „ -"n4 chebt,ut. _:act, Philadelphia. Tapia war; beJ an opoliins - t echo* en Kuehl PoWer; in Dr: lloardman'e Church, welith and 'ffalnut streets; on :Uhl:Wade? evening, at Buiwin'e ItfletitOATßD 71011 . MA 'llololol2t 'loath for all derangementi of th e bOWele, habitual cos, „agonies, rook end nervous heradaohe. dyspepsia, :Ike. Persons iiTeedeitart life should always use them :They are relfahlr and 'safe: aid do not debilitate ; can be talon afah times without inconvenience. ..ft., eon- Wit no memory : element to the taste. One fig hue a Dative effectotbilefwo age are suffioient to produce an riativigratee.'irrepstel only , by 0. C.;Bower, Sixth. and Vine. and sold by leading Oreggists. Pries ear hog' • ',Taman , AB*A • GOOD MAST KTIIMS OP 0001).—' the grading - ionununity;lne man who can' nay hie debts ;is "good." A moral person is undoubtedly Prgood," but then &very immovil one is often esteemed goolifellovr.7 `.lf,iWorunimerolal people gooduent .oownlits poly firitbul the faney” in muscle. In - skort,;everywhers weitiritli ail gotta. of folks. "good" , tigresses eimplywhatie toieh liked or desired. , A tra 'yeller On ooest of Atinii, Writes' ett a:native said to him, eyeing his abundant apparel , (of which the :negro had next'to tiohel—" You very good elan-Lyon got Weary shirt:" With us, good:: when applied to wearing igeratel, immediately suggestive of the elk Kant new styles of Pall and Winter Clothing, sold at the Palatial 'tore of Gemqvivbit airointi,,NO. 601 Chestnut street. at *blob the one•frice system prevails; and a Ours. Worth - often merelhen the money - pod for the gaming, is ftesented with snob article sold. ; . oßiyiii-A.T,THR -PRINCIPAL ROTOR n'cvobr.pu: maa . . _ 00HTTNIINTAL HTPT.EL-Con. Ninth mid Cheetnne aso'Fallon. Philadelphia '' R Blanehmen, Bellefonte 3Kno.. Pitt/Mem „ k s ee. h. tn e rgArit t 4i n a l OnSty ' Wog Bissell, Allegheny ...giber • h , ~ , Mre C 0 Converse ' 4l4 l l6rawfortitattiniore AB Lorl e gitoinnati; Ohio p.Rig hli Air.gxbary: A Pn w rieet t ig n , Mass 4 1 111ii i krien=fo. - Pa lis:VlA l ogreanirt, Pa Sri Downey k ii . l 4 4lTril b' ri .F. 7( ;d l it l o t i . .qtros l ids I.t th rPte n c sr7ali f3 r e - 1 riiriglirMtr i .ras IS Stowes & Ili. Sties I) W Colt. worwroh, de m o •.B Boardosse. Cons -Dr HA Bookeler &w Bart :111 Heywood. Ramigh at B Watson. Raleigh H. r St John , bouisisna A B PATIOS , . Flushing &Hooker. Rochester T il Maxwell, Grin•va s W,Resigersoa. Mariedon - C pi* Hooker. Rochester Alerwker, Roxbury. Mass 0 F Tillinghast Pitteburg R Patterson. Pitiebtirg F Allaboorik. New York IN . v Crawford, Mentand.W N Wilson, Delaware p Fairckman Augusta. Oa ' .1 itisiell & is. at limas J !Inewart3Ciillicotbe. Ohio Miss' Stewert. Chillicoth C T Miller ‘ y kill moths, 0 ~1 Hoy & wt. New I Wean, e IttiSe floe. New Orlin/se' - Mies Johes..ros Odeo n . A AvAokliti, Alabama . . B R Bliss. Springfield IT VIZ Orpo . Tennessee . -AI 11QKOTS, Albany .1 111 . ifilla 11dompphis : W BRiroball. Men/ride O 0 Room weights/von F Nix -' n: North carol/an • G 8 Tennant & la. 8 • ilt 0 List. Wheeling . P Morelia& wt. Misso uri . Mrs Molls y & deo. N It D Drew. jt..Miny.York T K Dennis. glaryland JamesFres, Ballroom . Dr John 8 Clark ial 0 A thintar.Cariele - - ,J P 0 Marin& le; Ohm Misr Blaeklookil eh° II P By ram, ouisville J InEvana.. , : ew Y.,rk . Jeff rig Maryland A T., o,gle.,Mert lend Davis & wf . Mize inall gi.3"o , llh._lailiiisaiD4i G A "ykee,,M ssiesipp i ll. me Sykes o. SO, Mir 'Vt B Fort,' iniisisslyni Mies sort, Mississippi , , , Wl' Young t aystissippi 11torr4,,X,Orint. kliesissem WS Loos, ending , 3:t. P illiams &M.Kr _ Mr. Ewell . entookY Miegjill Cuero: n. KY • .&J , Chaps an Her tuoky 0 I. Dirpm, fienderson,X7 lu Tootle, St Joseph WitAdhew & wf , Weeh • -. W A_Brilend. Louisiana A T anketiej, Woetington 3 W Wrlghi, Verernt - D Bstir le laneemen, ir , 0 0 Cottle & le, Buffalo as Bates , Mho, el - T Van Spat, N Y Pisk, Philadelptilit - - Hen 3 Hughes, Ps. - T 8 Berktnan. Augu.sta. Go 0 3 HMO, Auensta. Ge. Pbs N Myrielk Florida H. W Graves, New York oe B Boland; I.maislana Thom A Pnde, Virginia I Palmer Jr.Yire tile . WU Wilson. Virgil:ifs " JIM,' M. Wheeler & la.„Pri Jito W Jacobs Danyille;Ky M. A Jewett, Terre Haute MVMo VI &hon. TOXR.II hates DA1167011-& la.. N 0 ' Jes L urahant & .ci le, Pa BDA Et4l,4 in lollhOirrf, Coon 'd Bellinger. emir Orleans L I ~. hl ' Hampshire 3 it t , Stone. Indiana John _ Mollitillio.N k orIP, 0 ir Adam! & 1.. Macon Gs .H. PI EEush. 8 earolinis - F 0 Batman. Boston Geol . randt, it Carolina 3 0 Love, Pittahurg A Mitokilliemllarbruloes a Monet*. Baltimore P F Pow, Baltimore , • I. H Webb, N Otrolinit 1. 0 "AV7IIOA 0610 OP Bissell. Peoria, 11l J R Cooper, New York . R IS ninon'. 8 Carolina F H /mimeo, New York ' PIE dtrein New York Weston Lewi s, _ Boston Jon Moore. Ohio F F Email', 'Wagon It Rice, New York D Fvereti, Nsw York._ Qeo W Hutton, new York W D Pattersomliewark,NJ - John /area Arkansas W B Hall Alabama , - TT 8 Courtney: Baltimore Thom A Herne, Missouri C A Chisolni. Charleston J January. Louisiana - II 0 Freeman, New Yo. k Oto 0 Davis. Virginia-3 R Ryon, New link A G Cummins, Conneectin:t betimes. New Orleans , Wm D Batch, New 011C7,1e I. 8 11 Caughem. Baltimore 0 WerittingAlabstra ••li I, Thome.. Mari land 1R J, a rts, Kentucky , J 1 l'endegast, Baltimore TB ell, Boston . . , • 1 ; GIRARD HOUSEI-Ninui and Chestnut streets, I , W Cunning ham & laC r-1 , ..1 Ounniegham, 0 May ' John DOl login.% b al.,y J ~- wllkes. New York 8 F eld, PoiledelD a it J limiter, Lancaster '3 B einntgome7 Fa .., li. iqarrin. Ohio G W Merrill & la. Mb - ! , l':-e. 'Arm I. Missouri Ditarneon, MiiimasiPpi HII . neon , Misel.surpt !Itßontistron. Philatlemin'a ean W Werner. Florida JT e ullivan, St-Louis . 1, 041 itaiiiiill. New Orleans 03 Fox k wf, , Roston . .1 !;.,; land, New Orleans • WII Bookes.Stiohniond .:ii dalleway. New York .1 A rkwell. New York WIS Northup &la Ohio Mies ortnom Ohio • Len 81 , manual, 8 Carol/ a Mrs ME/MIN A. da,BCNB '1 1 7::1 law. N Carotins Miss Kate Winslow. IT C - 0 It Melt s, hlassaohnistts 1., Breweter, Pew York B 0 :,.',-, I ~ .2 & la, NY 1 Mtn Menem, New Bork Mrs" L , z 2,,e alaflon,,N Y Mies Banie, Troy, N_Y Hon li no . Gams, N I ! t e ml D Beker Lea Va WA 0 il.or. Lex, Va 1 . t ir e it i li e JArk,Alt i nire . 1,0 r i r i t g lag h i a e r e d , s , ei N C 0 1 Mna 0 3 FL Madder. Brooklyn Mum Madden, Brooklyn ',Mho, Wall & la, N 0 Hiss Watt & 'sister. rs .1 ' A wret,,New Orleans 0 N Watt, p•ew Orleans Miss G Boyer, Bending J Harenmen & Is. Reading Geo Wade & IS„V vents !dim Wade, Virginia , lirm MoPhitil, - Vanilla NUM Mofherson, Virginia - Robe HArdington, Georgia lobo Hardingeon, Georgia CEnnte. Jr.tlcrillne Green 1 MWelsh. Kontnokr H On Revlon. Georgia " RFt Burns. 210 y. NY - ~Mmes Dennis. R J W G Stephens, N Carolina - E JIB/tele. New York WC Thompson, Ne* Mrs H AIWA, LPIINIAne Blies Amis. Loniels-a A If Anon, Lonislano R 8 s meg LouisianaJ W Vincent. new York Ii P,Breent telniaville' 0 W Brooks & la, N Y Miss Brooks. New York Mire Sheffield, New York; '3MMorrison ..Co =ties, 0 W I, Roes, Colombia, 0 I Blelrajlrris KY Miller."' roy, Jas Bo l d e n'Delaw•re H H Hamilton P e tersburg 'NB Pinson. St Lou s Mrs L. 3 Ciet.dt Louis J Cowen,' Pennsylvania_ J 0 Came , on,_llarrishurg - 1 6 Col ar. Alabama • NF. Bristol. lee wY ork 1 • IT Coleman., lanecolent - D P Ilibboria. Baltimore [ T J Worse, Bell more' lir Roberts. Pennsylvania . .Flamlly Shippep. F. twills Jas Long. Pennsylvania * 8 Wien', riktlAHßrlvanta . W P_P•Nrown. Pottsville Chas Dais Jr nest Jenny : Ilan (F. la,"Albsny Mies Hart,'„Mtiany, , !.Iles James. Albany [IT K Gilbert. New York , Miss Ilene Gilbert. N Y ' 0 ?Egerton. Baltimore ' 'it H Prem. 8 iltimore le notion, Illinoie • . Oen II Tit wards, Jersey Jo n_foroes, New• York 0 Van . New O A wattgynanitseelehia 0 8 ChM', New York 1 Eilevtienpsborne, Mass John MoKey, Mass . is R o binson & ha, w w , wise Robinson, New York 11_ V McDonald. Brooklyn '0 F Grove & wf. Trenton Se es Grove . ' 1 renron ' Non A K McClure, Penns .lllHiseites, Tennessee , -- OTr k la, Aueusta. Os IN waged, Baltimore W T Duncan. N York If Soniges. elebarmi -J- _Cooper, Alabama • . lkifiess, Alabama - .F. H treat & It, Roobester bar,imsr. New n * (irlisust N, Al Kejler. Virginia -. • k 11 laM m ir '''!'‘? 11 , 72:ri , °A's= rug ase:Troy. Y - '0 A . ' ranner, , friheeton I itle Delaware W A Shepard, New• York A tctiiiiitortean. '1,47; Perry, g'ar'land • NEINONAN4WIierEIe-rwtti street , billow melt. No flandyloll lia, ,I* J . Irvin. Cunejneville Sal D118.,` BingonliC. Pa • 'A S Monks,Jelfers'n oe,,Fa ti3belt. Atessedrts,Va -.1 T Neweenner, Pa - Met' 0 1 00 1 c4.0 IA ~ z i sc Itotengleirlt 'Jakarta's") wiss A DiWr i ertfill'idtnig - - M i l l s. il l itlianha ts , rgifil .1„B Brown. Pittabing Mrs Hitoboook, Pattsbnrg W L' ; f4eo intorikt Pit iihnrg A Jambs &eok, erf Browne, Miss be ii , Walter: Cheerer 3 " Mlllittnet' Ohio N Roberts, Phensborg -- • - - NF Irwin* son,Olearrield ins A Gray,Brulgeoort' -yi ea moire. Clearfield, Pa Mir M Miy„ye. Clearfield' .1 Ft Plunger. Jr Towercie W I.ll.ldeP. Nal' York - -Oa tri m , Calvin, Chia ar samara. Mon'eliela city Ti. Barrows, e Iletheny John SlTate." Ado. bony Rhos , It flummery. KY S H Nevin. Messeehusette Mrs OW Mullin, AA City mum • & Moilin.Atl City, A J rierriton. higneroes S. i. Boarder vr &,IniPa . 8J Berger. Bisiargio.a co 0 800, e.a, NJ RA i• timer Bethlehem J S Rough await citr.Mo A P Morel. Idssaschnietts J y wa r oglyle.t hes no, Pa F. W Carriden Pa ' J L George, Pittshore . Mrs A George, Pittsburg 3 %Keefer. Obarabentrure Mrs sublet' & coo, Limo ' „Commingle. New York Geo Johnny', Ohio / „Dhambeli. i 'l2 lit s liri em lo k l .*l ga h liTii 'r .g a n .r ailk i irtgkol a fii'lihtl n ig:lni;,- forsig l igi l ari'al;:dfata 11."4:412,1:.°N . I'susrg il-ITZ: itteT;in Tennessee 0 0 Batchelor. sew York W H Borah. N Carolina rt mime, Ohio VI Yonne. Ohio 144 Metcalf, Tennessee - Jl O Beckham. Ares city 0 r eletszer. Mason oo;Ps, ; Noroross, thorela J9NEW ROTEL...Chestnut street, above Sixth. ' W R Johnson. De IWO, Po -'y N'll.yon,Allotitsan - F M HMIIIIII, . - 0 a Bostwick, Ohio Jl4 Comb ar, Is, Georgia J D Richardson. tad Beal F 'Mefferd, New York A Thoipson. flord_enlown A Ptariffirt,Chtioe. N Y . GW G beny & la, milb/oy I T Wilson-New Jimmy - KW I miler. Phi lo Grim alter Maw York, - li miller. Maryland , ;; 0 RSook lbeville. Ira Alex H White, PA_ tf &Fermi Ili NeWiersaY A w AnKel New Jersey erl Butterlose.N4WAersPl W eft_VlV New Jeriell Coble,. JVlrir jointer .1 o, lr W i reden. N N e J 11,F, k 1 W I t t r 0 : 11l - Trenton =' •`,l77:lllBora g o vigke y r i l tr it _ T p.Davisan, Baltimore 1 , , 1ni11.,01.118-Chestnut at,, above Third. -, 1:141t ; '... .. ' ':- .1 W P V,VM D ; reel 1 1 n 4 1 4' A ~,,,x ir`g tja b"lr :. ..,' . „0 Westbrook, Baltimore r i ttLt i i si riZ a stVroYAirrt i r m ;;;Us t fi l n 0 SI , N: tc.ri - ---. 'I ilioko4..,ew .Tir nits the , .yer, '-' "'; Jenter Neel.Tej Octanes ; or. I IX: ,- - • WIP Orterafigi sEt 0 tM es eta; New - ork -- , • Jae T pave, as h,TI C , 1 0 1 81 - DitTigi MD 0 Ant gialeedo._Dharlesion *;Coln ,• - A Goodwin, New Saner d.ui,or f4; 4 irm ot ati, . k. ? , Ix i - k i tt:4 Adi il li el .e reor i p ;' ,!4,l l4 l:Ai l y to o liii l a _.-... . THE PRESI3.-PHILADIMPMA; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1860. AMERICAN ROUSE—Obestnut street, One et nth. Wm 8 Chandler. L., Wilm. Del S C Benton, PWLie - r Noti tel stou•Altooria :spiurlitlittaigasells, Pe" Uthetartin e . Blairevl le Ountsputer, Bahl Haven anoh Frants. Um - eater ' Wm B Kirk, chin Jadkios , Ohio e John Browciennsylviania., 8 Myers * la. New York Mies Myer., New vork , 'Wing. New York - - • Pgradyill'enus Ivania • B.W rarptl,,watnttsi Pa; 'Henry Monako've 111:g tht tike w .y e Ni u raPtif r John F,Oarlipe. . AnoLi'r Bet Dream), aid A *Niger:NewYork -.‘ - r 9 end) Ale‘f York • , B MiKuribrill.ißoriton B meet, New pork A Horrinstoh.!,Deleware HJ Perkins, Peringyivaal4 - Prof Anderson, New York Winohester Qrshern, rt f. kl Brown, Lafayette 8 0 Comniton'. New Ybrk M Murphy: New - York , Ciamobell.'Plaw York Raney Mulford, New York J Beinev,.New York eiTypia l fl o rg, liaA r ets i tr sigat i v i r . ,Arig i aster reamlttown. Ohio . It M 'Withers* led, Miss Ruddook John P Anderson Jena Thompson. ft I It w Halley. New York .1 Li AlOCime,* La, Minnie 'P N Petterson,Bohnitikill p Loodertnim,PennsylvantsMies &sober, X Caro'ins Mini Gilmer, la Carolina Miss it heeler. N Carolina , 'A A (Muslim M Chung, Pa O 'ooki Conneociont Berger. Brooklyn - Fft Vallerman, New York 'T,Cureey, Keniucky It 1) Pert Ft le. Ala R Smith. Conseotmut 0 Snow,'Conneetieut • ;W P ontrman. New York 0V) 131enlintr, New York D Kremer. Lewiskirg,Ya7. Gillett. Philadelphia - _Woad. Wireelnia , A'Ldsrkin,_Vireirus T !Mott—Virginia - - amen, Halelch,N 0 ' •0 %trier, Maryland J P MbbnidarTland :A 0 Toaddlue,,Maryland 11 White &Mond W.P Donley, 14. Carolina B es.h, D C T W Ma•thiews, Wash, D 0 T 0 Paleser... - Newark, N I. -,13 Taylor, Virgin's J sLter, WOO Cheater,' Pa ~•- . . FOUNTAIN BOTEL— Second street. above bleaker. W W Vrnndhntt Philo. 'Wm C Crow 'Elkton, Md Jan N Smith. Maryland ' B joheisonolladelohis VOA W serener. Jr, Phil& J Lower, Igo Del Willard, Philadelphia Col G al .pie, Dover: Del Tees Peeking . Dover, Del Semi B ulsavor. Delaware Wm 1. Ford, Deposit, N Y F. Townsend, Delaware P Lumeden.BridlepoTt , • • THE UNION HOTFL—Ahoh street. above Third, J M Rob;son. New York Miss Robison. Pa Jno Hendricks Norristown John M Eater. New Jersey , iiy watery, Iy/son. Miss JAB Fubnn. oultana R Parker, Pittsburg ' M Cunningham, Ohio W H Crew it !mined, 0 " Jos Rohey. Mt Rterlin . g, 0 J P Smith. Pittsburg N Minieh. Memel on, o 311 . Peacock. Pennsylvania Rol Weidt, Reading, Pa WM Cosgrove mod , Jos Popharn, Ind riaand Flumes, Ohio - t Kiser, Jeromerille, 0 0 8 Hoff..Ohin . All Peeper. Ohio -- 5 H . Neditt. Ohio' 1, 14 Besyminee, Ohio P APPleMan. Ohio T OPeliartson. Maryland JR Appleman. Ohre , 13 Picket & la, New Jersey .Jas T Reeeide. Arkonsas David MoOnnee; Indiana Jae Xinawdy, Penney lyania J Beaver. Wayneebore. Pa S 0 Doolittle Manifield, 0 Jos Nilidilbe. Ohio Lewin Oswalt', Olin Jeri Riegel Meohaniosbg,o P Reynolds Zr. art', Ohio Hayworth, Pittsburg D T Terry. New York Wm F Rieke, Massillon, 0 Geo Kemble, lowa Site Miller, N Carolina NATIONAL HOTEL—Rime street. above Third. Baldwin. Weston Jno Minks. Easton Jos Whitaker. Mt Clare Wm 0 Harris. York, Pa Raml Grabill. York. Pa D It Yemen. Maryland II Bowman. Lancaster. Pa A Eldon. Pottsville Chns'K Reist, , • Ilentown C hndler. Penns 11 A Anderson,Pennsylvania J Leofe c t , Books Go nna J I ancniter J Kauffman. Reading Ohm Cong. Cstawism Paml Lewis, Allentown Cy rue Moore. Mine milk) C_ Renry, Lebanon John W Alhorn , P R Eckemouth. I ebanon . 1 FT Henry A.m., ', flo ws.. laws steelier. Trenton „P S.HigginsAteaditig 01 Wiliam, Reading 11 H Fox, Reeding , slarmaker, I mauler Miss M Sohlick Hunt ngt'n J Bohemian, Alientown rl wSchropp, Parana J Sur der & Bloomsburg W H Snyder. Bloomsburg. Jerome Minder. Reading John Dam. Wilkesbarre Drake. Wllkeeba'e Mrs J Davis. Wilkesboro) W B Loomis, Wilkesboro) STATES UNlON—Market street. above Sixth. Win Blair. Carlisle . Et Cohn. Coffee Run, Po . Jae Simintori. Albany John Weamer M L Levers, od Pa. J 13 Rayne,. Phillipsburg. Jeo George. Latrobe. Pa J Garrett. Atlantic City Iseob Yawn. Perry an, Pa John Wine, Cm 0 W R Pioneer, Chamberab's •W' Spencer. Lana no. Pa Gem W Richards, Boston M. MoOlees, Atlanta) City Miss 8 Moolees, Atlantic Op Jos Leland, Lancaster COMMERCIAL HOTEL-131xSi street. ah. Chestnut, Dll Newburg, Chester co I Wilcox. Jr. Penna J B Howard. Lane 69. E C Ostrander. Penns Win Cox, Kennett Square .1 Larkin. Jr Cheater no B Cos teimile. Pa J Jordan* Is. Md John Evans. White Hall, Pa 1. B Platt. Buffalo N Y _ n Rtubbs. Oxford. Pa J R Ramsey. Oxford. Pa P Pennock. oxford. Pa JHubley & eon. Pa lon Roman, New Jersey C W PlllOl l Chester no BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third at.. above Dallowhlll. Smuts Geerge, ellenleWn Mrs George, Allentown 11 Tombler,Bethlehem Mrs 'Keeper Zr son. Pa F H 'nubbin, Bethlehem Mies Rtetler, Allentown Mrs Iframs.-Allontown L 8 Redder Sonnet's!, Ps. A W natation.: Reading • W Gamer: Lehigh on, Pa Mm Wenner. Al mama S Rerestrager, ttaten,Val'y Peter ihert. Easton 'l' Zimmermen. lowa Mimi 8 Keener., Allentown Mahlon Schoch, Peensburg A F Bertolet, Reading T 8 Leisenring, Pittsburg MERCHANTS' HOUSE—Third et. ab. A J Dotp, NO Reborn. Pa l ConMeos, TrAnonok co P %erlln. Centre 11. , •11 , 0 F Wileen i _Menig on, Ps A C Rsdgers, lissding. Ps P Albright.. needng. PA Jnn W Bans', Bath. PA r ifoisionr wf. PA CJ Brower ar. Oral, Sam hOg B W Cerpsnter. Leh ocp A gdainhsoh. Pannsylv's A Copp la, Doogatown Jae Coal, Dnylestswn Cl= Brenner, Reading Thos 0 Atherbnit.lkake no BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third it.. ab. OatlowbUL 8 Keeley. Monte on. Pa Adam Knoll, Pottsville G Ansley, leoithumb'd oo AyeleY, Nortbnti'd on Ritrwer. Olney Wm Harrier, Porinaborg W Meekly. Milton, Pa C Warner. Jenkentown Ise Tomlinson. Somerton Miss Tomlinson. Somerton Ab'm Bookman. Maoliaree semi Rappers. Bending Levi R" Balthonee Berke on Casper Fetter. Feeetanv'e Inane O Snyder.Oreen Lane Pent Erelfrioh. lone Roams, Himlnger, York. Pa David Beohtel,Bechtelville Mies Bechte. Becht.!villa ' BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second et., Uelow Vine 8 mil M Ensign. Conn Chas Starling. Trenton John Taylor, Montiery on Stephen Taylor. Books oo Moss Paxson. Plinks oo H Morrie Willow Grove A Osnenhower. Bucks co Thee B Linton, Newtown .1 Whit+. Penneylyania E A tidos. Wrighistown Joshua P.ll & la. Pa Win Rots. Jr, Bunks no Thom It Hart. Bunks en Frank Taylor. Books oo 1 4 IR ilnielton. New Jaeger J 8 Heaton. Newtown Win R Sewle, How Jersey N Loring. Baton MT. VERNON HOTEL—Second street. above Arch. a R Cola. Snipeensimrs Min D 4.1112. Cape May Wm Walton. Ca IM May ' At H Williamson. Trenton }T. Meisel Pennsylvania Thos. Horner, Frankfort Harman W Oodahall, Rutatown IMPORTATIoNS R. - ported for The, Press.l ItA VAYA—Hohr 'Chrysolite, Bmith-731 boxes sugar & W Welsh. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED. • Rohr (Amenlos. Smith, IA days from Havana. with sugar to A & W Welsh. Behr Telegraph. Connor. 1 day from Smyrna, Del, With wheat to Jar Barrett tc Bon. CT. Fehr Prone Ann, JoneL AAR i Oeoreetown i J Street k Co Behr Rustic, Roark, Richmond. • do • IST TELL:MARK. (Correspondenoe of the PreSSO T Arrived, ship Autoorat. from Liver poo l. ON, Sept 11, BALTIMORE. Bea 11. Arrive&briir Chattanoosa. from 'Buenas Ayres July 25. Left ship Parana. for New York, Ids: brie Commis, from do, d mehgt._ Spoke, la. 040 , long STIS, bark Wave Crest, for New Volt - . _ ling Mount Vernon, f rom Rio And. Left BRIO GM teen: bark Panama, for New Vnrk. Mg. Ship Snuth A merlon. from bng . Chesapeake. from Demerara Aug 25. Left brigg At it clrhall, for N 'York, Idg. MM! Steamship Remington, Baker, IMisoo, arrived at Bre ton yesterday, Steamship Nenneheo, Johnson, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamehip Northern Ligiit, Tinklemingh, cleared at New York vesterdav for Aspinwall. Steamship Cahawba, Smith, for New Orleans, cleared at Mew York YmilerdaY , Steamship Prince Albert, Walker, cleared at New York yesterday for Ordway. Steamship Kanserod, Brooks, from New York, ar rived at Liver of 90th ult Steamship A rago.Linee, p from New York, writ ed at Southampton 50th ult. and proceeded for Havre. Steamship Car of Washington Petrie, from Liver raw 50,h tilt, via Queenstown 90th, arr i ved at New Yo k yesterday, y _Ship Ann F.: Hooper, Homier, hence, armed at New far S h ip yrday niloka, Glover, cleared at New York yesterday London. Ship Panama, Hanson, oleared at New York yester day or Live rpool Ship Mos.. Taylor, fof Boston) from Qaebecualet ult. for Liverpool. was Worm 10th lout, on Matashquan Bar. near Father Point. Barbßark Sea Basle, Kenny, hence , was discharging al, atinee 2Sth ult Bark Maraval Gibson, from Barbarities 10th tilt, vii. Grand Turk. arrived at New York yesterday. Bark Roanoke, Thomason, cleared at New York yes terday for Bin do Janeiro. Bsrk Trieste, Sewall, hence, remained at Rio de JR metro Ist Mt. Brig Bolus, hence. wee at Demerara 29th ult. mond Fehr loth J insrvers. Prank, hence. arrived at Blob- Steamers P T Remit, Buten. Mimic Diamond, Allen, and Concord, Norman, hence, arrived at New York yes terday. Steamtug America, Virden. hence arrived at N York yesterday, having towed around skip Ann E Hooper. SPECIAL NOTICES &PATRIC, MAGNETIC AND MAfINHTO• Maobinse. for Medical use. manufaotnred and for sale. at No. E 3; South SEVENTH Street. by ' son St' WM. C. & J. NEFF. MR. HOWE'S SKIVING PATMIiT IN EXTENDED FOR ARYAN TEARS! The feet is, the voine or sir. ROWE'S invention, as exhibited in the new OROVER & RARER FAMiLV SEWING blAOltriVE. was an unstariwerable argument for the extension. No one who has seen the GROVER & WARR to the fo may, Mowing toil into pastime, and work inta can doubt the propriety of this extension. sett-at' HATS POB 'FALL.—W. F. WAIIBUIITON .NATTER, No. 430 CHEST NUT Street, having pre pared several new styles of RA. V 8 for gentlemen's atf- Main wear. respeotfully invites inspeotion pod pa tronage. IRS it SALAMANDER. Flag-PROW+ SAPES.—A Tiny tome mottrtiont of EIALAtiiNDERS for 4t l e at roe• sortable otiose. No. 304 OffoliTtl UT Ett.. Philadelphia. • nal tf E ANS & WA'fft ON. Gaoisis & BAziars CELEBRATED rimsELzu eswin. surnams. The Best In Use for Pa:Wily Sewing. No. 730 CHESTNUT Meet Philadelphia. sug7-17 SAVING FUND---NATIONAL B&Fm TRUP/r Coitrette.—Oltartered by the State of Poonativanis.' RULES. 1. Money is r6o6lVdd every darn end in any amount arse or smsll. 11. FINE PER OENT. Interest Is vsl4 for money tram the day it la put in. a. The money ie always paid beak In GOLD whetterst ti is called lb!, and wittiest notice." t. Money bireoeiven from Eneutors.Adottpdstratem GuardGots, and other Trustees, in large or small Hume, to remain a long or short period. i. The money reeeived from Depositors is invested In Rem Rotate, Mortgages, Ground Routs, and other UM 'class seouritlea. t we* con every day—WALIM Street, soathwall oluir 1111 rd attn.*. PhilMolahia 14,1 0101 Paws 01;OTIIINO Ole ITN • LArilite, Syrtis, made,in the hest Wingate, enotewit for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST roiling prime marked In Plain Plgurea. AU soodu made to °roar Warranted sails.' rectory'. Onr ONE-PRIO,E system is abut!) , adhered 'cowers believe this to be the only *air way of daallY4 All ere thereby treated, shke. JONES es Oth. - See MARlCErp.Meset. ALL subtrim not fail to reasYtha adrer• tisentent of Prot. WOOD in to•drr'; taper. eue•tf tl I A EBB B BAYING .IM—.CiOBTEWBBT CORNeR 810010 and WALNUT STREETS,—DONOItiI ft 4 /Wood In em4ll and last emounte, from all Manses of thq munstpanttr, end allows Interest st the rate of FIVE . PER VEN T. Dv minim, MOM, MU be drawn by °hoots 'without lon of In- Omit. "(Moe open daily, from until g o'olook, and on Mon• day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Presi dent, PRANRLIN - YELL t Treasurer and Secretary; CHAP. M. MORlfl CARD PUNTING, BEST AND , OREAPEST xN the city, at 34 With THIRD street. 'olfwllLaß PAINTING, Rest and Cheapest in the City. at 94 Routh THIRD street. . . BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Beat arid Ohs:west ,Gt the Oit* - ; at 34 Beath THIRD street. - ; _ . . 'HAPHOIIILL PRINTINGr Best and, %impost , inalie Clity, at 34 South TIIIRD street. -- - PAMPHLET PRINTING, and eveis Other defier's- Eon of Printing, of the most superior Pullti, - at the most rsaeonable rates, at RING WALT & intowivfl, 004•14 84 TYllilt stout, .103 it. , ihiimAtriai4M ' i ono, • A6l 4 1,, ftnir m ii . i., . ch. ya,0 22 . 41: it t iti Aertssit7dttuatere Solt.lohn Winteisare - la-- &MIR. j_ 3F' i• ; . T,. , L,V PA IN E-0141.1At1_77A3153134 0,..111110 t r. ROM rains. of Starke 001111t1. Unlo, to Obi klehrienti:P:POWall: of Ilattr6699lllkrelL Garret t h Hervey iteiteinbrAi ler i i : enn Ay. D. to bliss .elletti:f. nr ' f Philadelphia. t, R—RITNTRMAN.- 0n the 6th instant. by lion. _ ho as Murray, Per. Garret Randolph to Mr" Mont. a 111413. i / RIGE, -,- UR BS R.—On the Mth August, by the Rev. Mr. florin% Mr. Charles T. Riley to Miss Emma M. Bother, both of tinge ty. JACKEION—VANDERRLICE.—On the ad of Barden!, ber. by Rev. J . R. Menai: Mr. William A. Jackson to Mrs. Mary J. Vanderslice, all of Philadelphia; * DIED. MoRNIGNT.—On the evening of the 10th inst.. Sarah A. daughter of Robert !Urania ht, Sr., In the 17th year of her age. The relativen and friends of the family are reemeot. folly Invited to att•nd her liinetai. front the residence of her' father. 1729 Barker street. on Thursday morn ing. et lOp'olook, tn prooeed to Woodland Cemetery,' 1300 fin Sundae evening. 9th teat,, James Good, -DM, in tfi 11011 year of his age. - - retat vas and friends and those of the family are resuctfully invited to attend his funeral. this ( Wed- Molds,) afternoon. at 3 °Wong, from the residence of his son.,C. J. Ghod, ho 91 North Thirteenth street. interment ;at 'Aural Hill. Lancaster,-and Reading l's irtg' l l3l.tvi(fi T e: 10. h instant. Mrs. MorY Elizabeth Gates, widow of the late Stesbn Oaten, in th 00th year - of her age.' Funeral from the residence of her sister, 3 i , fl. Re becca Gates. No. 1223 death Fourth et., otiose Wharton. on Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clork GIT.L.ESPIE —On the 10th /resat, r4igg Eliza Jana. dauehter of John and the late Martha Gillespie, seed 21 years. Funeral from the residence of her father. Second street. above Thompson. on Thursday at I o'olook. AVISTE n.—On the , coro n a of the 10th instant, Mr. James Navistar, in the 721 year of his age. Funeral from the ranutence of bin son-in-law Mr. John Foote. No. .1".5 Fine street, this tWednesdity) raorninr. ht 10 o'clock Elf.t,EN.—On the loth instant, him Sarah Killen. aged 7.5 rem. Funeral from tier late residence Iladditrtnn, this (Wednesday) )aftern on. at 2 o i nlook. MoK the 10th instant. John MoKee, only ton of John and Sarah McKee. aged 2 'earn. "Funeral from the residence of hie parents, Master street, this Wedneminy ) afternoon, at 3 o i n io e g. WU, iNE.—On the 10th instant, Jane Eliza 1110- Clone, in the 19th year of her age. Funeral from the residenne of her parenta No. MI Merketatreer, this (Wednesday) afternoon. at 2 o'el'k. PORI? it A N.—On the. 8 h inernAt, Margaret C. Fore man, Wifty of Wm. Foreman , in the 31st year of her age, r , Funeral from her late residenee,l23l Olive street, thin (Wodnesdav manna,. nt 9 o'clock. 111 - OURNING GOODS FOR FALL.— Blank Ainelines, Reps Anglate, Arnure Cash meres. Lupin's Merinos, Cashmere,, Bomb a z i nes.— mannises Moursalinee Bombazines, Velour Bens, Satin de ' c hines, Paramattes. Bombazine Alpacas, etc. Fecund Mourr ins Corded Milanese. Venetiehnes Grandville, &o. Slang and Purple Papa .P rinted Mousseline Be Lnlhes and Cashmeres. ' Black and White English De La.nes.lBKcents. 11ESAN & SON. Mourning Store, set No. 918 Chestnut street. PIBANNEKER INSTITUTE.—A STATED meeting will be hob:114118i WednesdaylSVEN LL inst., at 8 o'clook. Dopiness of Importance. 1t• J. C. WMTE, - .111. - , bleoreteri. irro..o, 0, OF, f): F.—ALL THE MEM pun.% of the Orand United order of Odd Fel lows are requested to attend a Mace Meeting on TRURBDAY EVENING, Bentember 13, at 8 o'clock, to make Baal arrangements for the excursion to Boa ton. ABRAHAM MORTON, Chairman. A. S. Canal', Secretary. It. REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES, AT TENTION ! eal, ,neet tab% THIS EVENING, to move at 9.14. to attend the MEETIO}. N TlvitAL HALL. The Platform will be reserved for the Club: • , • By order of Committee, A, M. WALKINBILAW. Marshal. gye AUTUMN- o the season n F a E id S Tofl V t A e L O . —THHE . LAST spacioue f and pleasant i grounds ot h theASV AN M.W b s e hilade I Ala, on THURSDA V, the 13.11 inst. En couraged by the numbers that attended the previous entertainments, the Committee ,of thaßoard of Mana gers trust that the erten ements made on this qociattion will give general satisfaction: Refreshments in error., variety. will be abundantly provided, A number of Canvas Tents will ha arranged on the irround, and every inducement offered of spending a ,day of inno cent recreation and rational enjoyment with this faintly ol 249 Orphan Children An additional number of ears Will be Placed 01 the Hestonville line, and the other city raiirolds connecting with It. A band of superior music will add to the oilier attramlone, the whole form ing a pleasant and agreeable entertainment. The Right Bey. Bishop Wood. and a number of tne Reve rend Clergy will be preeent. and [has_ venation this truly charitable work. Admission tiaketil 26 tenth. 6620 3i* "OFFERING DAT s• AT THE PENN. SYLNANI TRAINING.BO OK. ror Feeble-' Wurd Children, a t MEDIA, pu ,TRUKSDAY, Sea tembes 13 TICKETS fur sale at the following places. PRICE NI CENTd. Edward Parrish, S. W. corner Arch andElslith streets. Berne & thew. B. W corner Eig T hth and Chestnut. Hoyt & Brother. W. eornar enth and Chestnut. Yerkinpine & Higgins, No. 56 North Fourth street. Th 9 time for runnina trains to anc from Media will be announced beforehand in the gapers. Dinner and Supper will be provided, and an Exhibi tion riven by the Children. Sale et lanes and Ueeful ARTICLES, seine of Whioh have been made be the Chi dren. IMP" Take your offerings, end do good as you may ha. , e ability„ , set-tf UTUNIVERSITY OF PENNEYLVVN/A.... LAW DEPARTMENT. term of this Inetitotion will commenee on the firet of °weber next. Thu following are the subjects of the leetures Ron. EOROE SHARE WOOD—" international, Cott stituttonal,rind Civil Law." Prof. P. McC Beadle,' and Praotioe." Prot. ePE GER' MILLER— • Real Estate and Conveyaneine." 1 he introductory lecture will be delivered on Friday, September 29, at 8 o'clock P. M., at the usual lecture room. by Prof. E. dpemser Miller. aug23 the OFFICE OF TliE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. liganeol4. The holders of the bonds of this Company, du n e , July 1. we, min now receive . upon applioation at this office, lt) per emit. In cash, upon theteruis apecufied In the ones layattached. The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a !link ing ;Fund of 0140,000 pot annum, as established by the atookboiders at their anntilti. trielitnil, Mild honer, 1 1 , 1550, and in pursuance of the eontraot, entered into kw he deluge:3y and duly recorded, to carry the same into feet. , t 3. DRADFOlLti.,Treasnrer. CIFOt/LA tt.- • Noises to las Holde ,for t Phi/ode/pais and Ridding ,Rairrecd Compel ny gage Bends, doe July 1.1800. These bonds ate secured by the Bret mortnele on the 'road, amounting in the ayear gregate to 1113...400. Tg: net revenue for the last flees! year west: timeV , elegant of the annual Interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty} years, the holders retaining the bonds and the seen ty of the mortgages In the ,preoise conditio n whio they are Lbw held, Fresh sheets of coupons fto or the' interest, payable half-yearly, will be issued. A bonus of 10 per oent. will he given to the holders, an consideration of their assenting to the extengoon. This bonus be paid in clash to the bearers of the bonds, eta' their earning a receipt and presenting their respeo tive bonds at the office of the Company, or to its agents, for endorsement. Forma of receipt and endorsement will be tarnished 01 applioation. o.•ter et the likes•-dcf nrotn•were, • tr hieILHENNY."-BeeretarY. CARPETING AND OIL CLOTHS. CA.EIPETS, CARPETS ? BALLY & BROTHER. No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET • AN INVOICE OF ENGLISH INGRAINS, Jut ripened from nu tion. Price 75cent,a JAW. BA ILX & BROTHER. VELVET CARPETS. Now open, the nnwe et pn ' tterniot ' ENGLISH. VELVET CARPETS. .13 AILX* & 13ROTHER; No. 020 OHESTA UT Street TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. We now o nbr for RZIN the largest assortment of those popular Carpettnga, at ONE DOLLAR A YARD. BAILY & BROTHER. No. 940 OILESTM; C Blreet. BRUSSELS CARPETS. et the heat enaltty, In great variety, at • NO. 920 O,IIESTN UT Street. BATLY & BROTHER. DRUGGErrS, 'ej WOMB CLOT lig > gee. The most exteneire trel: ire aver nfialed, in all whitha and rizen. B AMY & BROTHER. A.TS, RUGS, &e. Axminster, Velv e t, Tourney, Brussel s , Wool Tufted, Coco, plain and t adored, of all sizes. in great variety. BAILY & 'BROTHER, eel2-tutlr•3m No. 920 CHESTNUT Street. AUSI .BROWN. IVIIOLINALE DEALER IN FLOOR OIL-OLOTHS, '164 North MIND Street, southwest corner of RAGE, (up stairs.) ,Ul2 lur NEW CARPETING. By late nerivale I hove received a fall variety of alt the new styles of FOREIGN, CARPETING. CONSIBTINO IN PART or TEIOPLETONIS Senor() and Breadth. AXIIINSTEHS; ROQUELLE, It ICQ.ULA & CO., AtIBUSON, FRENCH MOQUETTE IN BREADTHS; JOHN CROSSLEY A SON'S WILTONS, VELVETS, BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY; HENDERSON'S .11.11 y, SEEDS; lIENDERHON'S WORSTED DAMASK VENEIIANS. These goAdi'havo been Wonted !abroad during the last four months, and con be offered nt ii,nusually low talcum. In addition to our variety of C. FOREIGN GOODS. we he,ve thp initial variety of AMERICAN INGRAIN THREE-PIA' CARPETING, 0 IL CLOTHS From Ito 8 yards wide, of every ' , Ariel of at) le. JAMES H. ORNE. •No. 620 liolOw SEVENTH, oolD•ocoollot PHILADELPHIA. AWNI ! AWNING ! ! FLAGS! FLAGS ! ' JOSEPiI II FOS:TEN, AWNING MARICR. 443 North TlfilltEtatrOat t Phlladelphia, Has on hand FLAGS of all fuzee, or made to order, a abort notice. Yolinoal ps i rtips, Clubs, or captains o "vaseela, would dcoroall -to *all tratoto _purohaatna aloe where, 3aoking Bottom', Bata, and Wagon-oovera. aunt-111m* QWEET OlL. in (parte and pints, for 0410. WETIIER & 11R0741EH. 909 47 and 49 North St. AVANA CIUARI3 . ---A 'fresh lot just reeeived, ner " Ann I;lizabetli," of Londrea, (Londres and All la r elm) and for sale by CHAfffie TETE. 130 W.4I.NGT atiest. .W PUBLICATIONS. I §,' VES, AND BAUDEORS REMEM_BDU ' That on l'Fet/DA:re 'the 913 t dui of BAPTFABER; . WO, you an' promint to your ~ SW.EAT#NARTS, HUSBANDSi . '• ;. , AND tORILDREN A copy oil." Tire liloniebo'd Journal," the oheatmat and best periodical ever published, oontaining sixteen pkees of flftroolamne•of, msttet, hi the best wtiters on the bes , aulpectir. Price Three Cents per ,00st, to be published weekly. - . R?' The anneli4d tiy,R9B3 k TOUSEY, and 111•XTER, •COMPANY, or spy- of, the ‘ 040101113 news agents thlfew York, who Will eneply the retail trade with ehotir.blle, ko., &a. ' ql2-St NEW LAW BOOK. LITTLE. BROWN; & 00., 110 WABIIINOTON STREET, BOSTON, A TREATISE ON THE AMERICAN LAW OF REAL PROPERTY. BY BAIORX WAHUBURN, LL. D lintrorslty Protest,Or of Law in Harvard Untroroiti C Bm, Frtoe 4580. This work is divided into three books, the Bret em bracing ilia nature and quantity of estates in corporers h ereditarnents with their qualities and oharaotetiatiee, which will be found in the volume now publirhed. The remaining volume will embrace the ascend and third books, the second treating of incorporeal heredttaments,,. their natdre and characteristics ; and the third preseglt _ ing, in outline, the titles by which real property may be acquired and held, and the rules of its transmissior, and transfer. It ie divided Into chapters, each intended to embracei a separate and distinct subject, with e oubdi vislon in some came into sections, with gunk a refer ence in the notes to the American statutes as 10 give the render a tolerably full idea of the GM noideaCe or diver sity of the ru es of the several Biatesoso4 the subjects therein treated of. It aims to provide a safe and convenient book of re ference to the lawyer, whsle it fu'rnishes an elementary treatise for thevree of the student. selo-mwfdtif G. BVAIIS'. GIFT BOOK STORE, ILA • No, 439 CHESTNUT F treat. All Books are wild as cheap as at any other store, and pop have the advantage of receiving a HundredmePresent, worth from Fifty Cents to One Dollars. with alkali Bonk. NEW AND CIIOIOE. BOOKS. THE EBONY IDOL. A Novel by a Lad.' of New England. One v01,121n0, with a gift. Pone 81. THE SUNNY SOUTH. , Edited by Professor J. H. Ingraham. One v01.,72mti. with a gift. Price $1.15. NEM VETS. By the author 1. or. , Alone," &o. One vo lurne,l2ino, witha gift. Price SI 25. A.' RUN THROUGH aIfROPE. B 2 E. C. Benedict. One voL.l2ino. with a gift. V.. P0ne81.2 5.- THE , WONATi IN WHITE. One volume, Sr°, with a gift. :Price $l. . RUTI.EDGB. Br— --. Vl One vol.,lYmo, with BM Pena - I. ArEMOIRB OF HOBER V T, HOUDIN; The Edited by Dr Shelton Maokenzie. One vol.. Hmo, with a gift. Price $l. BEIMAU. Br Mice Evaal. One vol., 1.2m0, with a OIL Friar. *Le& TRH mordELIN-LAW. By ?dm F. D E. N. Southworth. One vol., Um.. with a girt. Price 81.25. . WOODS AND WATERS OF THE SARANAC. /37 A. B. Street. One volume, Ltmo, with a VB. Price ALL THE NEW BOOKS AS BOON AS PUBLISHED, and a Gift With fton. Call in. and one trial WI more YOU that the beet v l4o * in the OH, to buy Books, 7i M G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. N o. 4 39 CHESTNUT Street. poguLAR Im o AND NNW BOOKS.• BOOKS. THE HELLYSI AND TIT O'KELLYS. A oeyttal naw novel, by the author or Doctor Thorne.' 4 &o. 1 vol.,4lnth bound. Price 81.2.5. TuK HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. An erxeellent and *mulling hand-book on manner*. Cloth bound. Price eiaa. A nu POPULAR LIFE OF JOHN BELL. with a Sketch of lb. Lae of Everett. 1 vol., paperbound. Pride o f !. . . . WOMAN (LA FEMME). A new volume. by M. Mohr.let, author of " Love" (L'Amour). Clothbound. nice SI. WALTER ABHWOOPI. A new rummer novel front the pen of &prominent NEW York lawyer. 1 vol. Price. eI• H UMBOLDT'S PRIVATE LETTERS. The Enter taining and Gotinoint CorrosOollaelllee of Alexander Voallamholdr. Prie. e7l 21. A POPULAR LIFE OF ABRAHAM LENCO (di AND HANNIBAL HAMLIN. lb. nniebrated " Wigwam Edition. rupercpvers. Meet, cents. BOORS IN PRESS CESAR BIRD fTEAII. A novel by De Iltlzao. The first the sorie3 of Balkan's novel, cloth honed. Pees I. - Poe, 13, BY HENRY L. FLARE. A handsome levp lame of by Mr. FAA, of Alobile. Cloth holm/. tong 76 cents. Wien, tav D'BOIIRIOSITIEB OF NATURAL Tufty. A *trend acmes of this entertaining work. Cloth bound. Prins 8125. fewe free, A ..' ' ''°°Pie"l' lll ll T)l l4 Ptiltarror4i , P ß iiktAh v ei t a k Rut) wait ----- no( K : BUYERS,, , --Oentlereen: I have taken Vier Basemeat of the Xhiladelphia 41AP01111io• irr•Ptree, where t Ina continue ' to buy and, sod (as I hate heretofore n e w the Custom ho A,Peutte thookstalullpol and taw and blip ! 0611 tette Books. I have tor sale upwards of too old Wa • letter Hoots printed prior to the year 1499. Also, • copy br Erasmus on the new Testan.ent. vole . Ito, snated In 1619. P uce $3O. I will also deal In Ensravtors 74,43KUstratrer nalnie,ed.g=es7igigico.tiVAlNl ennodtons, and prices. Pamphlet Laws ot Pannsyl tattle, and old Boots upon Antenna wanted. ana-Gm JOHN CAMPBELL. i‘tIINDERS' LATIN PARADIG.V.IS.-A e.- 7 new eyamm of Lorin Paradigm& With a Synopsis of Deolemeons. Adapted to any I atm grammar. By Cortland Saunders. A. M. Long aro. Prioe 76 oents. Thie work le recommended by the Prolreton of anniont languages In more than tinny of our first Col lege.. nod ..1m E. If. BUTLER. & CO.. Publishers. RAILROAD Llfltal, STRANGERS IN PHILADELPHIA, NOW IS THE TIME 'f() VISIT THE SEA - SHORE. TnE HOTELS AT ATLANTI' CITY ARE NOT HALF Md.. FINE BATHING. SAILING. AN FI.3IIING. Trains leave VINE-STREET WHARF at 7.30 A. M. and 4 P. M., daily. aal7.-tot SPECIAL TRAIN FOR MEDIA.—DEF BRING DAY OF PE.t. aYt. VANE,' TRAINING 14J1100Ii. In ftddltloll to regular train. during the day, a epeeist Irani will leave the depot. THIRTY-F - 11181' AND MARKET STREETS, At 9 A. tn cnncey vientoth to the TRAINING M.. SCHOOL. AT MEDIA. (in the " OFTRRINit DAV." THURSDAY SEX I' SEPTEMBER MD. Retorting at 6 tied 9 P. hi. Exenthion tickets 60 ciente. Fill 9l me NEW TRT-WEEKLY it t r- Ito tae . NOEFOCK and PuitTsmouTir. Va., via the Philinielphin. Wilmington, end Baltimore. and Delaware Railroads, thence by the new steamer Phila delphia to Norfolk. eni POTtlinflUttlt Vn. On and alter Jell th h. passengers from Philadelphia will take the 815 A. M. train at the depot. Owner Broad street and Washington avenue, on needs) C. Thursdays, and liaturdaye, arriving at Seaford at 130 P. M.. end at Norfolk early the next morning. The steamer Philadelphia will leave Norfolk ou the even ings of Monday. Wednesday. and Friday, connecting with,the train at Seaford , whic.h arrives at Phi adel plots ml Fare for tint class passengers, including meals on the boat, &7 twonit-class passengers, including meals on the boat, 11.1L0 Freight taken as low as by any other route. For further particulars. see aniall hand-bille at the hotels, and other public places,pr in of D C. r gr., agents earner Broad st. and Wrenn inston ay. H. F. KBNPihY, Master of Transportatton„ seB lei. P. W. a; B. R. R. Co. CLOTHING. KELLY & _DOHERTY, . T 4. I&L,O;BoSA 31 and 33 A KIDTH FIFTH STREET, lALVE:WIST RITEIVIID THEIR FALL AND WINTER STYLES, Together with a large ageortment of NEW AND FASIIIONADLE GOODS, To which the piddle are Invited to examine. selo 2fis FERTILIZERS. SOMBRERO GUANO CONTAINS EMMY PER CENT. ON BONE PUOSPIIATE OF LIME. FOR BALE TO FARMERS At 630 per Ton of 5.000 pounda, Df JOS. B. HANSON ea CO.. 8010 Atezta, No.3s North WATER StV,at, antl•wfmlm RETAIL DItY GOCPSS. CLOAKINQ OLOTIIR, OASSIMERES, BROATICUOTPB. VF,EITV. 08,&C. Hone Cassfineres, good patter na.76 eta. atineta and Irnion esestmeYes.64 to 7C.atte. Favor nASSI wares, from 76 to 81.76. Fine ansstmerketrd Doeskins. atai.. frOADC/A1116F). riot Dress Coats, Froo • Coats, l) kr). savy Overeoattago. Beaver lldot, Tricot, &e. CLOAICII . 4OB. For Ladies' srear, of every desir•ble shade. Fine quality and lots nri,e, by the yard or meee. rt. 1 3 TaltOra enppllad at Tolson net each prices. COOPRR & COINIA RD. sell Boutlteast oor. NINTH. and MARKET. FALL CLOAKS IN PREPARATION, goma opening every day . Stook will be complete. Orders talon and exeoeted with despot* 1. all and Winter shawls. Chialren'ii and, Misses' Shawls COOPFR andONAR.P gen Sontbettet nor. MARKEL'. A ZUMIIA I' AZIIKEIA ! , AZOMEA ! AZUAIEA! AZUMEA AZUMEA! AZUMEA PROF. MORRIS' AZUMEA DARING POWDER. hisnuraohlred solely at No. 64 North FOURTH' Street, and tor In lo by Croat re gitittoralli. non,snur SALES BY AUCTION. ELIWIILD D 3 4 111% R RNA 11:jhuneer =EH • j vu, p' T I N - NA) • VAI:OVINK, '4`Oi9NBEND, & WAIMINS, FRIDAY, SRPTEMB.E:ft 14. I=l SPECIAL SALE°OF SHAWLS. Of tl,O importation of THIRION, bIAILLARD, & CO., °DAMMING THE FOLLOWING DESIRABLE' 2,000 LONG CHAINS LAME PARIS BROGUE tIETAWLSpof superb quality, oomprunnu fluter new and rich patterns never before °flared. 1,000 SQUARE CHAINS ,LAINE PARIS BROCHH SHAWLS, of edperlor quality and entirely new designs. 5 .0 0 0 ISUPERB QUALITIES OF THE NEWEST STYLES TH IB ET and OACHEMIRE STELLA BROCHE BORDERED BRAWLS, compelaing the riohest goods ever offered. 24060 MERINO AND OACIIRMIRE ECOVIE KEAN Y and RICH BILK FRINGED BRAWLS, extra to auperfina qualities, high colors, choice mode shades, including ,BLACK INDOUX BRAWLS. g,ocio MOUSSELINE DE LAINE SHAWLS, fine to extra qualities, high colors, pellet mode shade', and black. 2,700 raIER4IO . AND CACHEMIRE ECOSSE SQUARE WOOL FRINGED BRAWLS. extra to superfine qualltlee, seleot eolore and black-. 900 MERINO, AND CAOHEMIRE L'. ECOSBE LONG WOOL FRINGED SHAWLS. extra fine to sublime qualities, all blank. 500 SUPERB CACHEMIRE PRINT,ED STRIPED LATTE BRAWLS. 1.200 RICH PATTERNS THIBET SEWED BOR DERED STELLA SHAWLS. inoinding some or the choicest speciMens, of printing ever Alrered. LOO SPLENDID PARIS BROOHE BORDERED BC A Kn. comprising very slob and new designs. 600 SQUARE MAINE L AIN E BROD BIE STRIPED LATTE BRAWLS. ell nsw designs. A large variety of very desirable styles XABYLE, IN DOUX, B R 0( IRE. NOUVBAUTE, and TRICOT ECOSSAIS 13 RAWLS. ;•1 ' • • 16P The above con .erisee the FINEST EXHIBIT in SHAWLS Un eaoh dleaorietion) EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. , Dealers are respectfully Invited to examine Catalogues and Einmplas on morning or snle NOTlCE.—Boaere will °loose observe that in our °Baring or the 'hove Shawl., Brooke, Long and Equate, aft likewise Stella, Brooke Borders, all are of /selected Yaria align, and Inatome. No Vienna Shawls or Bor den ate ernbnaoed in this sale. ' N. B.—ln view of meeting the wishes' of the Trade. the above sale will be steamed for examination, by catalogue. on THIJRB DAY. the 13th inatant. ■el.p2t T. M. 1. CO.. POLITICAL. D EMOORATIO TICKET FOR GOVERNOR Or FRENXYLVANIA, HENRY D. FOSTER, Of Westmoreland County FOR CONORR49 ht Bi4trirt-WILIJAM E. LEHMAN. JOHN BRODHEAD. JOHN KLINF.. 4th " WILLIAM MORGAN, tth 0 HARRY INGERSOLL. STATE tismAroa. ht District—SANlVEL 3. RANDALL. !St DlStilOt-JOSEPII CALDWELL. 2.41 " THOMAS E. CASKILL. " PATRICK MoDONOUGH. 4th " ROBERT E. RANDALL. 0111 " SAMUEL JACKSON. 6th " CHARLES L. WOLFF. 7th " PAUL KETTERLINUS. 6th " JOHN SMITH. is nit " HIENRY DUNLAP. 10th " HENRY G. LEISENRINCI 11th " JOHN R. RIEHL. uth " WILLIAM 0 SNYDER, 13th " WILLIAM D. MORRISON 14th " GEORGE W. N. SMITH. 10th " JOHN M. ARUNDEL. lath " THOMAS W. DUFFIELD HOL " FL M. Z FL MIL Fos RIccRtTR or Dm..., GEORGE W. WUNDER. FOR PROTTIONOTAItY Of DISTILICT WILLIAM LOUGHLIN. ' POI Cr VIA nr QUART!' 811.10`1 , PHILIP H. LITT& Fna Ccomga, ANDREW LOWRY MOURNING (WORN. NEW MOURNING GOODS. BESSON Sc SON. MOURNING STORE. No 919 CIIEBTNNT OTREET, ARE. NOW OPENIN,I A LAB ApORMANT Of BLACK AND SECOND N.OltlittlNO DRESS CA 00 DA, AMIN, PHA Lo A n , . and all other 600.1. TPUlliiiie tar FALL AND \TINT/ .11 w Innstly of our nwo amportation, an d to b e ,„.1.3 at the LOWEST MARY ;ET PRICES. N. I.I.—NEW GOODS EVERY DAY, and DAR GAINS FROM AUCTIOP , throughout the Nemo. IVIIOLL'6ALT; AND RETAIL. selLetif LADIES' II 'DENS TRIMMINGS. WILLIAM F(. RoRSTMANN A SONS, FIFTH A'.4l - ) CHERRY STREETS, F KILADELPHIA, Invite the Rtteati pa of Wren to their Fall stook of LADIES' DRESI3 AND Cr OAK TIZIMMINGrS, I=l FANCY DRESP, GULPS, CORDS...BINDINGS, VELVETS, FRINOSEI, SILK AND 0 ILT DELTINGd, BLITTOW, DRAIN, BERTHAS, &e., Re Our new stook of DEW„ IN ZEPHYRS, SHETLAND 11110 L, Is vary large and embrsoss a ban has of 0.11 colors and shades. Our facihties for home prodnotion; as well se 4ifeot oomm u rile atl on with foreign markets, e n able. us to o,Ter inducements to purchasers REMOVALS. REMOVA iSS 'E. 14. REDMOND tree removed to No. 12241 WALNUT &wet. lel2 PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURAN CF: COMPANY REIVIOII - ED TO au29.wfn3ot Not 491 CHESTNUT STREET REMOVAL,. • • • OFIARLIB :,FIARKNERS, vinciszetaa: currivira, . Nos AEIIII 3VED • • • . •ri • ro. onuto NUT STREET. South fltd*,l %hove flLzth, PgiLADI 110:0113 WANTS. WANTED.—A young man, who has had some exeerienoe in the Dry Goode buliness, se Entry Cte , lr; Good tef'ereno•e required. Addrese A. k C 0. ," offloe or thi onorr. eelii ?t• waNtED.—A first-class Salesman, Who vsr. e 3 Mtt eletette:gat of rod South i tim ßry f,rr lAt n• Address.' ni 711W0 YORNO GIRLS wish a Situation in a pnvate one w Ifutse.and the other ea Chambermaid. ADDIS' to hire. McArthur, No. 557 TAYLOR Street ; to the roar. .- tell-7t' PIIROBASER WANTED for a respect able end very_arofitable Imminent, ',sally menaced. 111.0110 to $1.606 The owner meet leave the city. apply to It. Rodaere. No. 60 North SIXTH Street. sel2 at. WANTED—By a respectable middle aged WIDOW LADY. a charge an Ranee keerer. Bea or reference rived and required. Ad d " Bates." office of 7bs Pres. sell Ste TUFT ADVERTT.SER who can command a Cash Capital. le desirous of entering into a busi ness that is safe , and will afford 'Kyles prpfit. Would ba willing to take an training in an established menu= factoring business, with a partner. Address " Indus try." o ffi ce of this paper. WAliTEDIrii a Wholesale Hardware House, a YOUNG LAD who issuicat et figures and writes fafr • loath Add MO .. .iIardIFILTO office of this paper. mean. JIHE ADVERTISER, WHO HAS HAD muob egperfenee at selling by Sample and a large Southern r o lua stance . is desirous of selling manu factured g sby sample on a fair Convoismon. Good roferenee lbe given as to oharaoter. Addrinis P. T.," Philadelphia Poet Offioe. beg St. A N AO CITE YOUNG MAN—Having AN Beoo in cash, wishes a situation in a Wholesale etore. and would be wilting to loan Iffii 0 to his Implorer, provided good !leeway will be f nrni s bed. and a perma nent situation insured. Addrese J. 8.," Press office. see-4t• 'VIP PEEN HUNDRED DOLLARv.—A n active business Man. baying Fifteen Ilundred Dollats, will have an Opportunity of securing an inte rest in a first class Manufacturing Business ahead, established. For cathodal& address...ll K.." at this office. seBfit• rIIEACITEES WANTED—As Principals, .1 Assistants. or Pdttnere. in the different Staten. Sohnle ' , smiles. and College', reeatne competent 'reechoYa Mr any mention of country.) can obtain the beet tweet for any Department b y addreume the Na tionalTeadhers' Institute." 333 BROADWAY. New York. AYOUNG LADY WHO HAS RE . oeived a liberal education, is desirous of beoonlinS n Teacher or Governeu. Good reference given and re. quired. :Addreas o• E. B." office et One paper. see-100 WANTED—A Situation as Clerk or Salesman in R wholesale clothing haves. Brit of references given. Address T. b., at this office. seCi-Gt• • FOR SALE AND TO LET. p U 131,10 SALE. TUE STOCK OF PICKLES. PRESERVES, STEAM ENGINE, COOKING UTENSILS, MAORI - NEST, Sc. Requisite. for earn Ina on the business of Preseralni Meats, Fruits. Vegetables., &0.. end for the Manufac ture of CHOCOLATE, will be sold in lota to snit pnr °halters. at PUBLIC SALK. on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH. At 10 o'clock by N. F. PANCOAST, Auctioneer, On the premises, /1 NO. 712 MARKET STREET. M. B. ESPY. sell-3t FOR BENT, THE CENTRAL STORE. Souttorect °outer of EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS* APPLY ON THE PREMISES FOR S ALE—Two secondhand Marble -mi.- Top BILLIARD TABLEAL in very' good order. For partionlAva. Inquire of MOORE & OAPAPIoN. 261 Fout6 BECOND !Street, doors above SPRUCE !Street. A•11-6t• HANDSOME FURNITURE OF A. 'arse hone to rent toe private fancily or board ing house. Itent taken in board. Best rstarepte re quired with si.curitv. address" T. E. 8.," Preis office. Heal name and residence given. rel 2 3•• COUNTRY STORE TO RENT.—A good Store. MO [mien from Philadelphia, on the Pehayi kilt Canal, eonnented with a Flour Mill, wilt he rented. This in a good charm, for any one haring a stook to te more. or for a now beginner. Address, " Aterohsnt," thin Office. at. RARE 011ANCE.—The Advertiser. A who has an established manntactunnic Maims" requiring hat a small amount of capital. and Yielding a large profit, is willing to dispose of the same on mo derate terms. Reason for selling not is that he is going to leave the oar Add?. ss " Friler." this,dt. TO LE THE DWELLING and IlFeleClloo/. ROOMS No. 1304 PARRIRII Street, formerly occupied by Mrs. Keyser, now by Mtge Jones. Call at the 'Natoli/be. or with 14. G. MO - MIRE. North west antler of TENTH and BPRING alifttqf Street.. sell 6.* Mt) RENT—With or without Board un• famished seen:W./tory _mule of Rooms. in la Pri vate Family. Location, CH Goa t NUT. above Fifteenth. Reference required. Answer Alpha," Pr aelt-3t°ess of fir pox SALE—TLIE STOCK, FIXTURES, Iv LEASE, and GOOD-WILL of a large Carpet Es tablishment. Located In one of the Best Easiness streets in the - - city. , she stook is one of the best selected in the market •che whole arm be disposed cf on (erosible terms to close a p rtnerstup. For partioalase, apply at No. 47 Rooth FOURTH street so3o lyt aFOR SALE.—The Very Desirsble R., donee, Nn. 1104 Spruce street. t heat float and 206 dup . Apply at t 2 O Walnut street 4 , 9160 i 60 . 2. up ataits. mthtt-if f aFOR SALE CHEAP.—A neat four. ....Irv. double Thick DWELLING sod STORE No 171. LON! HAW D itroot. Appi• It A 7 III7IPeNI N. W. rorntr TENTH and &)a/* t u. ses ',Am • --- al 10 CAPITALISTS.-FOR SALE 111111Tie Maolithory, Stook, and Fixtures of 1/111. ry ALgaulanto of PAYER ANU11 4 403. ?splits wnti re eying oonoi B enea for °arming on an *steno.* but utttte de h u e n ta t t o or 4.14..14% Jingai rig aglif Et raleATNO r Street. 11111rOullif RA l. MONTGOMERY. R. CO. ISSVURI LAND 11 300,000 ACYlllffal>l‘ l .' it P ri° " r"4i° l,L f" ' "' 1134 4o 40 Gera, 'sr Aare,i# TAXLB p 1, srocar..4lfur purshs ,••rsot th./..4stanstion. Ad. lints tarnished gratta to' A.:closing a poetise Mal/ For (lather inforrass..ow VilpSON R. LINGS & r. and Q I**ll &sots. *• VT Stplot,_ arty's* 1 1;.1 I , _ldt U, 61. LOUIS. MO. LAND WARRANTS *med. S.V.*. 10**tird. brS-31u 0 BOARDIN (I. IVOUNG MAN OF GOOD HABITS As• dis;res Beard In a pleasant locality' &IA strict's oriental kruily. Address " rederick," ewe of this eelS.St• A • SMALL FAMILY n e igh to necommo -• tan• nr three gentleman with ,v t. airy Chambers. and Board, with axe or bath. Attif tll/1 (L.". Prrts *Car. wort 41.• BOARDING. --The eligible and well-fur to,tod Foul. Nn. 111 4 WAI.NiTT Ftreet. he reopened for Me re:solo - mot do or three prima ronr n0w..., on the In tfeetemt , sr under rbe purer,- mon of erhotont housekeeper , . fte(erenre• aro:11[104h ■r3-I+t DIEPICINAL. A WONDERFUL AND NEVER -E- FAILING REMEDY FOR DIar.ASES OF THE NERO. Entine:AL YROFES6OR MORRIS' EU UEP IIALOB, AN EXTERNAL REIHEDir. , waxed by MOCICRIDGE k CO., No. 63 North FOBWU POOPt. ind for mle by Drawn* senersllT. soli Sour - For ed. INSTANT RELIEF and PER ASTilk. monarcr CURE of Ws Ceram= me- plaint, la FEND T'9 BROM. Taan CIGARETTES, Kul. by C. B. CO.. 107 HAIMAII ral Street, Ptn► York. Pio. gi pe a ; f r" bl tfl FO It SALE AT ALL ..... ""1" "Mr. HOUSE-FVDNiSIILNG GOODS. WILLI AIV.A7 YARNALL. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN HOUSE FURNISHING (.1 0 0 D S No. 1010 CHESTNUT BTREET. (Immediately' °melte the Academy dna. Arts.) TABLE CUTLERY, OVAL WAITERS. KITCHEN TABLES, DOOR MATS, CLOTHES MANGLES, .t o. Yersons commencing HOCIIIMIIIPING aro Oarticulerly invited to an exammation oC tem stink of Uerrtic Goons. H7-fmorgot HARDWARE PACKAGE MOUSER. PAOKAGE lIARDWARE UDDER—We would respectfully call the attention of the Gorie st hardware 'trade to our extensive stock of AIR vIOII.MiHARD WARS., artuoh we oiler at small ane. by the paoltase. Orders for direct importation solicited, and Goods de livered either in this city, New York. ot New Orleans. W. 0 LaW I & SON. 411 COMM 'ROE street Importing and Commissionblerchants.snd Agents for .Foreien and Domestic Hardware. auk tf SPARKLING AND STILL OATAWBA wlrMs, lIVIUDLCITIIID NT J. ESHELBY. CI notinatl , Ohio, Always on hand, and in lots to suit pnrohasers. by CHARLES F. G TAGART, Sole Axent. 09-BM No. 831 NARRET Street. R. SHOEMAKER 6: 00. ILIAD. PAINTR, Una AND FARMEREZ Northiast Corm FOURTH AHD FACE Attach. giTIOHSni LATE ROOFING.—JOHN WELCH, 1.• &LATER, Is prepaped to t rut onnw toain oinntmo! tr . 4: 11 : loj r zten. All Neu . warra nted 0 It AVIA tO n/ aft 'IVAN r sil will be promptly att e nd e d O. M(IUBEMENTEr. WALNUT -STREET TBIATRZ. voisLeases___m m _m. A. GAVAMIN. Stage DI &rawer WM. A. Beal nen Arent —...... JOS. D. — ETWiI. THIS tWEDREADAY, STEROID. ant. M. Will bet premier PkaltspeASO JLIEA re' U s elay T .in ATI woof ENO° Romeo. Mr. E. edam; Anninte hoe. To opnolnde with bOWLED OUT. Poore open rant o'clock. Performanoett 1701111111101/ ot ru o'clock. Priors of Admission: Dress Cava. !Bests Mauled 'gridiront extra eharee,) 541 canto: PnfVaet r o lts; cured at IA Genic) SIX cent.; Second miEr sad turn'', and Third Tier. 28 anat.' ; Private Rolm. as 113; Annele Beats in ureheetra and Prima ame.Tie. WIICATLEY & CLA.RILIVS ABM THREEERTTraIaATR FAVORITE .P.LEC.SS TO-NIGHT! 111181; EMIGRANT MING AOTIIESS. and Mra. Florence in BRYAN CairPfAr. characters—erith mei aad dem. Mr. Florence in three eltarantorah To-morrow—First root of the great Extraragaasn entitled LALLA 1500811 to be prodaoed in • lola of great eilendor ornthfiranti Matinee on &genie/ next- CONTINENTAL THEATRZI WALNUT Street. above Eighth. CARNORr.S. AND SHAarl,'S 1119MTITLE. FOURTH Alen LAST Wittig, LAST FOUR NIGHTS. On WHOM/SSD CY. September In. Iv& Benefit of Mr: MARCUS W itn EN, alias "Old Pop; OIL SRS ! e fRANK WHITTAN KR a . Rube, . oe houses are immerse, and with the attrastum offered be tn. firm "Frank Moran." , assisted by the men other Franks." Pun and Harmony Ask say me. Tickets, ZS ants. Private bozbe can be eeeeted ak the ofilee ea - To morrow eeeninx, li•neflt 'dilly John L. Caro cross ; when noveldes of a lush order will be prseented. McDONOUGH'S NEW GAIETIEB".- RACII Ftrset. abase Second.—Passenger oars to and from all parts of the city. • BRILLIANT OPENING. CROIVDED AND DELIGHTED ADTEHMS! I3HuUTS OF APPLAUSE AND LAUGETWII. TILE WONDERFUL RAVELS In the Comm Fantommo, THP: Foua LOVERS. THE CORDS THNDUE. ND VOL-AL-VENT. AtINSIVITON.—PIIrqUette Rod Press CITONg. orate; Upper nor, 13 cents. I.)nnre open er Xof 7 o'clock; to commence at Tr:. /ORA E. lif.cDONOVeli. Sole Proprietor. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUM. ITALIANOPERA. opr.mme; carli.tirßEDAv /fur - mars n The Greatest Comtanattna of LYRICAL ST 4RB The Directors of the Anode= of Muse. man. Toth. hare the honor to announce to the public, that the/ Mee been so fortunate as to combine all the Eminent Arttete of the ITALIAN OPERA COMPANIVi. At present in thin eon-trs. in ONE GRAND COMBINATION. And that theywill give In Philedelphis 'Mort Hawn of SIX NIORTS ITALIAN OPERA. in which ad the amide 'mimed 'nil &tamer. Tne Beason will open favorite Opera LA SONNAMBULA a wh ich -' - tsiSS ADELINA PATTI ' appear in her, runts:Bled role of Amos, Stinor BEIGNOLI to Ms Ismous role Elrino. Conduntors ....MANETZEK. MUM. ItTILA-KOSCR. On Thunder. Debut of the notFrein llmonde Prima Dona. NEZ FABBBI. NQ OPeRA WILL BE REPEATED. Pnee of ailmiss'ett to PaTanette. Yeirflliell4/ pref. end B damn. IL Reserve Peel/. CO oen's !WM 11111111 r Circle, 60 cents. amphitheatre. 23 cents. I . rOtteilltint Boxes. SM. The sale of Subrunption Tickets for all the six nights commences on Batordar. September 13; and see armsdar nmenoes the wale 'or saber of the six mehts. Dom open at 6 Opara commences at a. _ mitt-tf A i ( SS CAROLINE com a. _plum it es wa the earnest revisit of her MAT (flende and patrons, vho are desirous of •0104 11110na nity a. evonoe the great regard and high estatruntista Who they entertain for this favorite of Phitedelphis. twill the 3 CONCERT, MICeL D T., AT as AL lIES On FRIDAY EVENING. September 14.1M0. The fottow lag Popular artistes will appear: Mtge C. Rif:HMOs. Mist R. MA RY O'CONNELL, ther ill r. Mr. TAYLO R !C H e . Mr. RTMPnON. Mr. FRAZER. Mr. OAERh i NFR. Mr. UNDER. ConAnotor , —Mr. under. TIOY eta of rolmusion. 50 cents To be obtained at the Mtuno Rtorea of al el., re. Andre & Co.: Boot & Lawton; Lee & Walker. eon Renomaker'e. seM-et DENNA. AVADFMY OF TIM FINN -gs ANT/L-1003 CHESTNUT Streit. Containing a Largegolleotion of Painting. sadist. tura, is now open daily from II A. hi. till g P. m. munnon al eta.; ohildnen mating years, n send. 'AMY EDUCATIONAL. rrIlE AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE . l e. (Established In ISM) a a reliable and prastleal Agency. through which Families. and Reboot...l sissy pmle. may inigits IMPIIIIIICXII , and ACCO7OIII.IIIIMD "crAcoins and Pactr•solls, for ab7Liniutivt or Instruction. Elpecinl facilitici for +stmt.* .ase Teacher,. Teacher. of worth acd ability are aided in a4bentir g onguetrentsi. .chOol properties and partner alii ps arc bought and sold on Gomm mem. • li erase:was —Hon. Thee, Fredinzauyme. LL- D . and Faculty of Rutgers College. N. 3.; reef. O. Ten ney. President Fayette Female College. ?dila • Hog. L elr Jo Ke Ilall.Frectient School Board: Kee. T. * Cann. Wilmington. Dr 1 • /mime F. Pearls Fig., tendent Public I nia . ruotion. Nashville,. Te n n.; as. hoc F a. Allen. Principal Normal Sehcol ; W. E. - be r, Esq.. President Fohool Board. West 1- ha ster,_ ; 9.r. David Malin. D D.; Rev. Dr. Converse , Editor Carignan (Mt., tw, Philadelphia. . Rend for a Circular exalmanac else. ko. PAIITH. WOODMAN,_ k• CO. - 609 CI,. r.19T1 , 113T Brest. lllOlscielpida. It* !96 BROADWAY. New Yore. MUSIC OF THE CHURCH. —Wits /TA. and seatlemen desirous of leartthicto Sae Inn ed to to are eat oa TiIURSDAY KvalT.t . 1S h instant, at '!•., o'cltx k. Lactate Renal of Dr. Finudlnto's Cbuieh• corner of TWEt.rili esti wm..rt +ben sm.l whsre the fret Lentereleal de:l•ered sad amass formed. self-ft . 10101 SOWS. PROPOSALS. pROPOSALsI FOR ME OONSTRUO- TroN OP PUBLIC BVILDINOB. 'I he Board of Commismoners for the emotion of Public Buildin. a in the ray of Phrhadalphoi seam rized tie Act of Assembly of April 2d 11,k). lber•bl ig nite :boded Proposals on, or before TllEfloAk • Po {trawl*, Ii at the office of the lb sdor, for tie aye.- Mon of theta Ruildints. In costermity to that ideas slab m itted by John AloArtiou. Jr.. and adopted oft the 6th astant the construction of the said Btti6l3nn sk Übe .011ii menced at mach time within six months sail oust the date of the contract therefor as sttatt Ito osetaresa by the said Board. sad *mat to Inlslord within tbreei year. thereafter. All the materials to he naiad, and the mark 10 be MOO shell be at tee resat mad oh f th• ens Motor; WA such nnate•tals matt be the bit of the tad sad le respecta mutable for the warwatio and use to whin k dos wer to ret *pp red. and snot work most he dole is Ike most workmanlnk• manner . The plans. marration. seoucno• and dts wlnflwilOt bare been indoPtind h 1 the fkord me' be es st the (Amor the Mayor batareau the 11.01t79 of 11 /4. IL a, dIP. M . where pf,a tea m pies cite*n tinn• will be fatmahad, and fall elhdettalliMiSil= by the And wee Payments yeti: be eel:mined sod made Dom WISP ti time in th• follow n. charmer *mine bre , Nroader of toe mouth to which etthor tam'ilins shalt be r measmand. sod oft the Damao des. ra *eon month thereat :Se. until the tiersiderlitivandlblit Curd by tba contract for th• e osiers,* ef tee betV lots, a eamfa and aorn.nats Oh/Meal In Moot ef or: titan el• t o, i d sod s p. to and teremina tie seldtat et . , tihe i t . ,ii-cettnettna of sand tna-Sfras du tat tte prerretni tnra•h.. tot ine'ad ne •11411 iK6 miters Me nom dad or premed for erathatie== bona at d wromnitatiy me ea rind. pr hosta We imam , and mrctliad to the 11111eoi of to.. .aatal who shall throK•lei entbe omsreelest torima, to thy to M appoinied for the earperie &MMus* cud te•re,r...e. and &dermal*. as* *eel fiat set m std work. and *Winsome tholtateest nt m111131,01:1. J.ii twenty per mottoes no 'demeaned by too eity as • soet.riti. la sort. ter teW net tie faStiivi filment of the contract. shad be Oi .1 to tea motivator eatiafsctom •44:43. It. 10 the emoest of two Beene thou.nd d01..4r• tet reenzrOl. rn 4.4.1LL00 to tho leTfltiOn of ho•T tr per comm.. All carman era stint maw to• *osnale rool in tlio, comity:moon of emd tbes assli emr• by kind. and not by mill wain the •areptton of Room teat Mord. and window site. The &nerd of 1.74`1111/110111. 1 Cf.f/ shill hare the robt to rea re the mew rel. theate.or 5101111.11.11 Of all arts .11 not forirtipohdotot II quaint Of wwlimusibup WWI Into mom Seems. enehodiao to thee tarmac ateirliblid that it he dews:sled by themwilltie nem colaratiestoriora af:or .Cl,l maraca; hat toes set nr deem Ito mad boedingf. ' An• etbsiboot is istaarstico• from Ow mid pima sod neei ticatteee which Kleist id lost f M-S1 deem eeeemd rjan,re t i sli , Msn a t i, ..ilen t :Atr e lT3sn' t the• e speetioul . ef o ri a l the . isoresio Or leteerile of the trot thomer. aim hay, 'ten ascertained-and thy teralaleed LI canto may to Mach preeether mtiume, be PK/ to the Contr./to/ .11.0ofeler the reit-aired add Woe De niter"! tins *het eriarte—hoi the Mono* Wu. there' e two di re inatihrie. etenteratioct eleellat of •4..,11. der rpees. •4 pre, oast, Itle.lOtt..6•4l.shiel be airhourd from 'ha as a ei frets ea der the oorrinsec. Ail T ee lad damate 'hal to monsred to earn n•aleor or Net t say one owemed tea in the . rola 'he •1.4.1 be peel the them ootriefoc.. who .1444 1 1 t c o l nee fto m `ems, fy tee el.,* ef from col Oct every c a. m • r Ceti's tar any Mmitelle ha r any arch ri•• ect es fasts • I I.' con•racior • h t mimes. ant !neared. beet la n w* * hr. ti• eV tae In the Dyke's. to a .411 h 5, m the .1,4 Onu•ddi ea hem ,50 , 0 emomeimemare• t o their ern end Soli rem to the , eat —II. men woe corny/311e whet Me i 1110140011.• 1/C01111•11 14/ be doe's sated by the Board of Coesamseneeima, sad ho be chanted from ramie tino. as that, nag r. the nod in/U/SE•e shall. is cue ISO, or sa nforeolod. Snore ta the alive:ate. c the o r proonse'• hereby In Med meet be for the meek, of thee itima• In 1., aitezbta. resaimiessla boa* marble, ant-o n. C,Atecitieat. or other ereees or acrd s t ax is ALEXANDER HERAT. ?missteps. axis R. Lestow. tlemetary. aot-Obf PAPER HANGINGS. pAPER HANGINGS. HART. NONTGONERT. & 00., WILL BELL AT AtCTIDN, Without rewire. from their 'tore. No. 322 CHESTNUT ETHEET. ON THE 151 a AND 192 a OF BEFTEMBEH. AU their lane stock of PAPER H.ANGINOI4. 'vv , 'RS. PANEL. PLAIN. MARBLE, OAX. AND 1 - CRTAIN PAPERS. he.. 1141 Ila lots to urea MOOS of say ems. Le offered to tl'toes who with t ' 4 611 to get Largaixe. 'Teri low net*. tke dal •te,V". Of &Ovally,. A rare obAnoe papal' their houses th._ The ...tea will he 8044 of sale. HATS AND CAPS. C . H. GARDEN & CO. Manufacturers of and Wholesale Deals. zn lIATtI, CAYn. FURS- ILND STRAW GOODS. FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS. ARTIFI CIAL FLOWERS. RUCHES, FEATIIERS, An.. Nos. Boo and 602 MARKET STREET, Southwest corner of Sixth. The most extensive Atli ocimpiets_assortuseat. hest terms and the I,etet pn rim-Maas betyore axe partacularte invited to ealL anl4l-11m STEREOSCOPES AND STEREOSCOPLO VI ORB ; test , . Spectacles. Eye-Owes, avers .ifs Qt.fist. and all k tad of Uoteal and Itat he - matical Icatrumeuts, at .1. FRANKLIN'S. Gelman, sell alit 11.2 S. FOURTH Strut. NW. chestnut. itRIENTAL DETERSIVE SOAP.—One •••-• Pound of whioh will do se meek vials/at. and do it better than tine* of common tarn soap ; need no but nor rubbing on a wash board Over MAO tramline are now tionatanily using tt. We guirsamtlt to pre as return the money. Alt rapeen bla hare it 1.4 sam. TRAIN & licXE0:111. 4. and 04 /smith er oarrea. LEMONS WHITE PRISk.RTING BRANDY, P LIRE CI I.ER AND WINE VINEGAR. Green Ginter, Mueta•d Seed, Sploes, &a. &e. All the re iaiaium for ?rasa rving and Pickling rorpow ALBERT 0. Rt.) DEALER IN _ FINE Ciltut - JERIES. o,rner ELEVENTH and VINE SUM & JOHN KEATING, No. 1746 LOMBARD ..,.." ; 11:pot x knr STANDS TO DIRS. for Puse port 0(1 , 4414.41t0n on me 1/*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers