The itioittit for Plow oontanindollintr Tana these IS Some little, &SSW* Pirexpeyt, hot. holdars are, linwtir their vierowi Ma(' dni,* , ky r pomi'atrelpht swear fure, eeralltair,seerori,%4Witt,ko bids have berm's*" et Abet prise fekshipmesitiand 2,OMi bins liresterelhatfyiliieilly - varterres kept private; 113 fol ir rot u ribiY brripbf; 4 1, an q u ality. Rye Pim is scarce. at.,-,initif bbl. Corn Meal is shict.eistrat; 'Pennitylvailirt pi ;Wanted a sup IP kh l ;l 4 -,; - 'nl - ',: " - - - ' • WIMAT.—Tha rmaipts are'light, and harem ar*.hold int of. fiemitOPOOteseitele weretiispeeed , of. in lora, at 140,21415,, fotMluttneheiterirl .dialmo.'reds. and 140011413. tor wlntererli . .twintiality.,My* is wanted. anti if here would hrisigartrine.-Onen , 'Arm era wither more ao-, tive atria for prime yeliew. Oetavre-onehancedr an d *boat saw/ treepromelloutherneeid at haiim east some Ormx,--theMitcoral stiMdr;atilititlo.4W• sou for la Corrort,—insrotno Dime tuevlitioWallu await , the num! heemese ins In 1 - Onocratite,434SaiS fortharriales of lUD Oornee are reL Ported - tt-- Peorteromy—The market *dented: 61143 , 1% small businesert%;Beeset and ar,previoari rates. Sams: , is, ir steady - mem& for s lots roeso MO bps Oise • stile litenedasomownt at alio 4i , hit ; Witltbf, is worth M22llvoil STK tly hbIsWHIM! continues snares mad -high. Pennsylvania aellinp at ; Ohio do 263. and Dradge at 22a; hada are sat.` ate aa" gallon. Philitilelihis Cattle M*rket. fibiPTRBIBUL 10,1860. Tbo receipts of beef Cattle are large again this week, and erioeinboubthe sante nklait quoted. The market closed• brisk. and the stook wee generally good. The following ars the peAtiontars of tba Went' 86 lesitiAbettiieee. o 61669 . 33 John. Ban anon. Chester county, $B. 23 Kennedy 27 .30 1 esserDheatereountY, 480050. 44 K. Baldwin. Meter county, 8809. • 87 goat & ,Igiettdri;:aleirriand, Sang • 32 KlMblel h Kirk. glineter county. 48,000a60, 87 Moquaid & Larry tThio, &Scala au P. Ittinf Alen: Qhich.oso9. - • • 51 Donee McAllen. Jr., Ohio. 89024 29: . 59 P. tinthowar. Onto end Chester county. 5809. 90 Cochran & Sloes% Virginia. $7.7939. : 90 John Todd. Virginia, 87.75*9. 40 al opayitssnitt,„.yjrginiit, 1800 Z. Mg Son ambers ClAit. 4 7109 . - 33 B Bektoin i p,-01n0,1984009.57X. orest . ,ol4, or, Cheater 00€11ars 41209,25. 303 111144., rank. Ohio. 8809..• ; • . rttitat,r. Ohio, 880921 -- 38 P0nae1ivnaiti..39,7540440,, 71 Rothe , Pennsylvania 38 5009. 7t Moans, iMewolvaens, • - 37 (look* t o rele,Virgint 4. t0.5aa8.75, 22 W.-2 p,t, 03.1 6 e 373 . • 2.3 Hut ib:anymour, Virginia, $32308. .38 eitor al, WO. 434 32 Jegaeo Onyiety, Virginier tr7B:B. • , 44 It Bayinaker. Ohio. 8709.26. - - 73 TheattasetittoklandiViixtuia. van ' 79 A !evader & Chandler, Chester county. $72009.25. 8.530 031.320 -Arrived and sold at the avenue Drove Yam , lt typal 7 CO Wit , per lb. an to condition. 120 burs arrived and sold et from 84 to $BO halt& Market brisk and demand bettor. - NS Hogg attivind end acid at the Avenue Yard, by i.e. 11. Rey Mild., at tr0m.317.51) to eS 63)fi 100 lba net. 1619 UNA also sold at 0.34. imhotra Union Drove Yard, et from $750 to $8 50 flr 100 lbs nut, according to Ne.w•lterk B tock - Ex - cluttsve—Sept. 10. 10000 Villistait_6B:-.; .813.1 41 3111311 ch 8 k N Ind It. =5B 4000 Cattfornta St 71., 0316:tt6 Midi. 8 k 14 I st'd. 4834 5000 N CarollnaBt 55... 083: so -do ....1..-1:00 45.14 3000 Tanta 410: ... 81 : so • ikr......:, ..._ .DBO 4 1% 0000 NM hrtOßSci nitt 'al 17 - SO La Crosse &lilt R. itx 2000 Mott Rad DA hitt a 100 11l Central 11. Rorie. 87 - P m " _2, r ~...,,...: 4638 RP do - :-..—. OM IS 4000 . qz.4,. ......" 0 61 500 Gal & Chtaaio L.' "i , No Nv. czntria.'.',:- 86381 50 - do. ,- ~.. 7931 MO - do ---.—.. 804'400 Cleve & Tole'R.43) 4614 900 d0.,4-:.:, • ' . : 40711100 d 0.......... .OK .200 .rdrc.. t .'..7.7.160 87 4 . 200 d0................ - ;30 461/ 20 Ertaßaeseuted. 9934 ' ICO do • bBO 4 7 4 214.1F.rfe'11.:.......1203038 12 Chiosso & Rook 1.. 79 - 000-do . , , s 2.0 101 do .-- .- . »..... '71 1 3 , 510 `de -_ - .-.-.".. 9914 26 ' • do- . - ~,, ....- 7 la „do_ -..,_. ~. 293; ion do,. ~-........30 79, 910 Rudman River R. 80 900 Chi Built Gilmer. 90X 23 d 0:..:. -- g - .- 5931 140 do ... --..• .-b 0 4 , 4 . WO 40. - .--.....610 IMIX 100 do ...... -. -460 90x I 100 , tIIO-.1.- ~.: .. 1,10 BUN 14(1 do.. -.. .. b3O 911 • 200 Ree d sit 4338 100 Mich Central li.slo 71 - , - TElR'PartitKeS. Aiois - ore study, 9nto. Wes of Pots at -626. and ?'earl* at -116 Ifkorn.-the 'market fog aid Western-Flour is %shade better' , Hakim show tle anxiety to realize. except at full value. while on the other bona °gambol:in of• Hatted by the ism oiti slid dearth of trate ht - rota*. sad lhOrte of - Abe local trade by that"- nit- Willingness - to puyeusaatereedet hush vitae.. Itects,pta to-day 911.800:bbfs. and sates of 90 tYJO bids at 84 80 for euperfirs Wats_ ;$8 WOO 15 for ORM!' di:4'071185 161 tor suostfine Western. VI 1806 81 for extra do, and $6.200 II 33 for extra roan • hoop Ohio. Sangho tn Flour is a shade firmer, withal.* of 1,88 bb la at $67006.40 for 'mixed to good, and $6 5008 for extra. Canada ?lour is steely, With salon of SOO WAR at J16.65*.180 for sugar fine. 0ad0467‘987.110 for ,trYtta. Rye Flour and Corn 2drga air take gbasir ' ' • - • 't ' 6esnr. 4 -Whret ts-Onato- two oenta better : with an 1 100• 8 badness print eiteort while the mill.» soff • Obese statreerrf ree ly of the better. eyed**. Receipts 737,0&7 bleated, , . Ida riported thus far 100 000 bushe l*. giVirlgritrill i g. r B27. " .%;l4%.l. l 2_ ° ,l47.7al m000m,..1.. at -1111s6 d d - -Coin le a wed. better. with a brisk dtln od for import sad consunintion ; re *MM. OAR boatels; sales/104W bushels at 680600 for Wearrtrmined:.-R0 is firm .at7BBlB:4l..lttirmy la dull and nominal Oats a , e unchanged at 380400 for South " 11 1. Pe 889 10 19111 . 19 8 d JartsY, 400410 tor Canada' end , Westoli9o a 4,420,z0f 82,9,ter. ~ "4 ,14 7 - I,O.4IIIerktFGENUE• Qunammsz SSiti tom • udtow • William Bird was ehargod WWI -attemptheg to pass a mmaterfelt note: - Xr,..,. - MOtire;e4-Ziew Jer.' Kr, got $ 2 O geld-Pleee changed' •by - the ado seal; , awl . repeetvod Paw- , and when Mr. Moore ' , errs 'abont- paying Lone 'Of - ' MOM :RIMY he was himself arreatod. -110 - ,thep called on Mr. Bird, :who ;refased -to 'the .aote; "on the gronedleit.hehad not passed it. " Teek44dantf Stilt denied theeharge of passing the note; and iritnemos .se to *good oharnoter_were tatted, -Mei:list, nagnilty. ' • - e CathorineeKay, creerhited of a - charge of keeping" a disorderly bawdy•berisi , in-Mood- Street, was eentenoed to thirty-days' imprisonment: . Mary 4tigley , was ionyicted op a charge' of adoltery.4nd John Sigh, the part3e.,lmplioated with her , waseariffotedef a ohargooffornioation. SentenaddeSirteC • . Ma g 'Pr' , lu te .t. 091 94 41-o .h fie!, baboon& oharpag og Withotita Ifeetee, - and the. otbor with gelling, not to minors-, . Belitextoed'to psi a r e tr.i! ,l ? VA# l.l oft n-1 941. 1 -#4. 1 ..,!4 twant " , • • James Rickman ao<obett arose bills, were Olaf:gat with Essatilphd A- plonk?' was ii),;iladdMgdcwirMidalt iharetairhmati, whilapisebilfihrbigti the WOods:flioliaeue and his astty-were ThaisivriniChth patty, and , IllekulaawataishbaLwith i sword.-earea._ This wattlielitoriimitobibli,Hiekotan, ban= alleged that he, with hitipirty,lwietlist attacked, sod, Jilekmew headed him ad and attiolced hint," ThealVeiiiirthat , Datio got a cane frailtiaaialediealow , and: defended:: Monad. r While r atplOaditigAiinielf, the-cane Ina - ‘llsaor. eared tAlefitalit s swoid,'. fed- tide:Wes need to Pet the etteeX•WhbV:wni elmtiameLly On triair;:',."l ITY'-LT,MS. A Butt.Sognr,Tathing contrive a .tnore satin. factor/. cildiiihWdei ot qi lhelik,andirs' plantsof : a taleinesal easkelatinuenti than , ita:lanart uniformly , thronged yotfesustreerev, kenos. Charles Oakford k. Sans, tleggirsup' the -slogan t bald ness palactigaitigind by Willits, under the Canaanite:. al Hotel, for the sale of GentleetetfeHate and deprde every style and variety;' irefelorlihiise and Children ; LadielolX, lagedghoing r Ladleir Oinhrellas, and Oantionlo - rtionehing Ouodabavanemiesefully oer sted otrilife Wright the earthaittil Their aslar-rooms: at the arnestititnii.` olveirrikarjethe snook, present a neve 7:o3itisfkinit'eattritk.4o4Ch 'araiaire .for, nasal Hueldf o tor.looll,l atom Make it pert of their ,leidatyittr , droprn dt -Oakfotdid,in order to keseirrefeirrirtion . "trie the season," as there Jig isomety nn arrival frow,Eulope which does - not bring some new and disirable addition. to the stook of thie slegant-amporlum,:rliomoderate prices at erhioh tjnsieeftrhenr gnodoris only;snaounted the: extent nffthedinaiolitlin4r,taitlitier'e end In Enrol" Tanta: CtrjEcnit;:cergki , lll*-pletad 'libidos, of every desdnadiakiki in& ainiity, at what/kW/rand re tell. B. EST , iikistuirtnirem-J TIo - fb.T ftineoasit emenionver, will se% on the, orendikehof , M+ll; 'MariYi;rfaii fin Market atreet..on ThursdaytAriedember 13th„ p very gateways is nortmiine orrisserves, Pickles, &r., of choice corilitf , nut um eadreiiiir for ohs oostimiaPtion, to; *Nob the at tention of Itilniere and enemata' aartientarly,directed. Bee adver;inareentliteinottieLOClnnin. Joniliiiiii**l3onk i tialkjecreaMpleted an en tire new_gliaWorlati - afoul wintiedlie toned in the city; Padget in 44i4ineention. doll 'and see it, Northeast corner atlfintli and Chestnut Wrests. - „ - Bowaa's Sintainta Puts' are an ' mode foitilldmingetietits et the thetas. baktaal ooe. tiveneactindr:and nervous' headache. dmmegena, tiles .PerienaM#f itedentertlife should always nee there They atitrellaW; Mid anfi,and do riot debilitate ; min be takeitAtialliemisithontinsoarsmenorg..They eon lain no maroon' t pleasant p) the tests, One dihas a' • tien'hirs - tirtr - eardnient to piodnee ” s c 44 *g r e;Tiaira• - .Ctitilt , bge. cvliOwer, Sixth sod Pima' ecifilheleastingDempetste. Price per boy atitfeeiite,—,ra.::,,; : • te Ttiatit•tiltig 1 Goon Ataiihriling or GOOD.— To thei"*Sii*.oorirseinsilliset'Who Zan vivid., debts A moral person is undoubtedly " soon._ blarthemervorstrasierst omits often esteemed a " Kona follow." Witlreetorneroiat People goodness eousista.Ut.merier: fanoy't,in muscle. In short. everywhere and with all aorta of folks; "good" XPretseg simply whittle smoh liked or deeired. A tra veller on the time of arrietwerriies thata native seid to him, llMMlAlitt.aboidant apparel (of which the negro had mit to , sone . 1.....P0tt vete Weed men—you got "'good." When • applied to wearitufaivirel, Is Imieediiiely enereitive of the ale Sant Miter, Me of Pall and Winter Clothing:sold at the nalatia/ Oars Ft OssernareaTOZlN. Mn. IMF Chestnut street t et yititett the one•grleg 'system Prevails; and a • viottli often More than the money paid for the germinitilegreisale4 withal* arbe , esol6, , , I 11 .(140, 1 ,P.Mfilfile-' 4 lo. l gibl.kt i eetilatlons are aftnat)as m iler eases of the bun ting' of the big balloon of Professor Wagon, Saturday. teed sueveaheek hive been Moils Mt M Beeville - tent shall ter eased rie to pre vent silislisinewebanee. totncrarosimend that it be mewed us ettleelitare Stone Clothing Will of Iteekbill &'imo4l4,4ititiiiiieas Chestnut street. Orme Stitb ets noiblat ever rigs that comes from ,that popular es. tablistiment. It is at leastmnrtaliti Set, the moat ale gent and oomfoitiblit gatinsrtil the esentrSttre made ARROWO tjlt lIOULt3 tao AMT. 011141 p 11,43U5E-TYlintkill4 Moth* attests , W4l oo oltWi New 'York '," . pt 1...,. . %,, N.y0,,, 8 &sot, ow•Ydrk , •• - Irk Kant. onnittal.ido John Caldwell. IS Catolltia Johnson.' II ,• &robin' urn Rtidal it hi', R lahttlON.Milj ' Muth& Carer, V* ' • N N I'2 t: johmond • : . (1 "w Nll4 , I v or.' York R Win ~,_ , 1i,,'.; .• 'NW Jane Willi ton N RS 4...1r, ini.j) 0" • •- ,18 ißuttot..Charleston L n I. Lif ! lye , : U Gummy, Ais.bwro A R M " ~, NO , :-. • Erase . Louisiana It ft orn NH emit - i - •0 titumloond & IC IN . it:Grit f ZattivANlN.llo,l4rrookt Pa ~.. , bt. notion so, Pit no r INNNI,Nook *o*** , 0 R L rynat & wi.Lanoarlior Viol ekari •• lanourtor Goo do It keno, Pilumno,, 3 Draw. rim hooey Hg V KotollVi*WitriOr , ..110kelorr & ladi C J . " 5: . ; kll.ri , 11 S .„,.,,,T r 6l.Tottr& lit t Yrioyi„tl i ry n ,' RlZik. i tp ig,wk.:4;ir 1. P Bernard de - LW ,1." , ': : 4 44 Of& it. wf. N York Z Hamlin, Sal mop ."-- . •• .Thinner. Myr York Jo, P ROtatkirelbuti , Dora. , ..mity m Oookrap, "Delays* chas Mminataistai.Rod •-!. • " 'auk Banaten, calawars = Jail B artar li ff.w York : ifs Baroian Pew York Ibis Me TrOjlna...: - kio*LoharhOn:PrAilir i f ite D g Roberti, INV otely, 'Moat, JatiMP OOP frardv k wt. kl C . =' • arrlfilo Carolina el m Rudy, ps,C,aaolisna, • -.-, . 4 Thirkislirro. Moblio.; kEI Froloite4ristrabort_ - 2 - .. o deli lei Carolin* tiJobason &MLR Itt - .. , velar: Madison, In t 0., 1 widess e t; cm C . elmort Odin, I'll , ~... ~.. Frrb"froenge4o4.tot r Laront• at m 4 l l Willis. it fa'. Albany ' • AT_ rk .. Virgialli: ?I I to ' i•Virkrairs , -=:, 3 .i i i ti mk rooklya ~.. 1 % .. • at tit ifirt 4l , - t: 4 121W4 4,4 i i 1 " r ...,., .7 , - ri - "IINT , k • ' = • Z i ..;?. • . o .lf ri• . g - -v al ' ' 14 • ° J r _hitop INW 111101, , ,14 : it .44 1 35 . ' .:. —,,,, i, iir oa theatill*OwitOr. •,, W i . 1.1,7 i, .1 7 , .:••=':,,,,,,, Tollef. Naw- York , ......,.. ~),,„. „ Whiti k paitatin!t . - . m i'" 1 " . " . C. 1111 - 1 . :‘ , ll Htellt - ' . ''' Ni. ,4 . 14,04„;,.Biliteloung, norir irr ~ - *la Turner. New 1 01 k, i • L ea Z. i, ,' , .=: , . ,, ,, :i ~.,•-:., cal:rift g021114,0rA- 1 ,: •_:;• , '''. ~ . . , ms 44 '""'"l ii "' roolOtOze-,* i ';.i .i.,.., • 4,;.i!.... x.i, it i;:rnr. c ' .4 , ' d. , f..tt4' 4 , 41 r, w Torn . • 4t. - 1-t I'k: 1..< ... . . .. 4 , T. '314 , 11" - . „ ,t go: 3.'1 trio MA's Heinte'reon & obit, Lis lames V. West. New York -Mn West & deadlier. N wawa% Brooklynra r tg.m.y, NY M Davies. Penns C_ W 8. Penns J Loman.Kaiamazoo,lllloli arNefl; sneaker . Sarni H Reynolds, Lana Gen B A Sohserer, - Lano". Geo M Steinnian4,ano • Mr.l.amden, Cuba B P i:ardner, Ba'tirnore m p wont lm, 7tr6lma r W E Bill. Virginik :VVRAPhIOI, ATVR114.38.. ' Dr J D Grafton, U 8 N mt m ,phosehard, New York N B Clarke. New Vol; • -W . ' i# McNeely. N Carolina R M Oats. N Carolina pot st, Myers Riehm'd, Va Geo M Gillet. Baltimore Sae C Smith:Baltimore Jae Marks & la, Alabama 0 Marks, Aliteams. Wm B. Hiss. Baltimore W Tooker k. eon. Wash . A. Bowers, Stanton. Va E F Johnson. Conneetiout 3 Isoklon Jr, Virginia , 3ff Smith. Baltimore C Newt a. Lyno/Ourg Jue.H. Fawley, Delaware • S M Shoemaker, Baltimore - B Piddeman, Delaware L M Close, Washington Hon Herschel V Johnsen, Gil CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Cor. Ninth and Chestnut. B Andress' Boston A J George. Roston 0 , A Wood. Pittsburg . 9 P Hamilton. Pittsburg nos D Johnson. Baltimore J Kendall & la, Wash A I Moses & la. Charleston II Guterman. New York A Shincienthal,_New York 7 A Fox. North Carolina -B Ottani:mar, Now York Mies whvg Wallace, NVi - FritTunkersly. Texas - win W Warren . , Boston A. Peeram, New York Sherwood, New York Jim Vick, ti onhester, J M Burrows- N Orleans D Tricker, North Carolina T r. Belton. Florida W Vocrheis, Lexington, Ky B F Grime. Georgia A Hall It la, Georgia - fat 0 Bryan. Alabama Miss 7 P orine. Alabama Mice WA Stanton, N C 11 0 Alden.. New YOrk R Il RusselleNeloLark P Morris, New Yo rk - ja, w Nelf York Ell Guardenier.'lloaton N Topper. New York F Timer. New York &Batton. 510 e.% ^Ol4-Wetherele 13 ilt imore Col M Cohen. Baltimore A Omaha, New Orieang W o Smith, Virginia Thna Helm. Miasmalpoi B W Buller, Nouih Carolina A fi De Witt, Coln inti, Gs G . A. Jones & la, Texas Mies Baker, Texas I. Bowden, 8 Carolina W M Browne. Wash. 11 C Thos tilahon.B Carolina T N Hunt... Memphis, Tan C Ingersoit, atissirinptit T Dow, New York Mr Owen. Sal timore Miner, Janesville. Win R Willie. Dubuque, lowa S Palmier, Jr. Pittsburg .1 J Sampson. Boston 8 T Winsor, Boston T Weinter. Jr, Philadelphia.) R Stewart, Cincinnati W G Morlinisland fit wf, Mo I R, Ha lam. Kentucky litre W"ight. Cincinnati J Johns. 'Delaware J Laidler, Richmond. Va D D Cabanies & ar,Huntsv Most C Cahaniss, Huntsy t e A Caaanos, Cuba F Csaanoa, Cuba t W A Ramsey & oh. Ga • Smith. Syracuse Hlt Boardman, Rochester 0 (Reward & la, New YorkSarril Blatohlord, N York 8 A Blatohford. New York • I.N Holmes. New York J Fvens, York. Pa W H Garland & la. Miss Mina i t C Garland. Miss Miss 111 E O'Oallahanildiss Miss It Turner. N Orleans 8 C Humes & la, Cin, 0 SR Caswell John A ellisan • Parrs & da.Natohez Mrs GDI Sargont.Na tohex 0 smith & la, Baltimore Hon A Kendall & la•Vfash Mies Kendall; Wash. D - Mietolark. - Wtinh. I) Ash. Jackson Miss Dr W A Dudley.' Virginia S R McCarter. wf. Virginia J P Southern, Carolina J Wilm. N C Johnßolmer. Pittsburg Miss Holmer, Pittsburg Miss Beard. Pittsburg Mollemon. New "York .F Morris, Now York Mrs John Glenn. Baltimore aliss Glenn. Baltimore 'Mr Glenn, Baltimore G WFairman & wf B Donnas &oh Albany W L paint - ouch, 8 0 '0 1' Pritchett Charleston John W Candler, Boston Can N W M Rooker, Virginia Bayard Taylor. ew York lt if Adams, Virginia Dr .1 I. Duncan & la. Pa has gribling & wf, Georgia F G Roth. Jr. Virginia John I) Wi lie & fy. C I Miss Witherspoon. S C John Benny, New York Saud V glutton. Baltimore 7 A Underwood & la, N Y J C Stanton. New York DNStan'on, New York lion. D L Volga, Blonde. Jno B MeMullea. NY WO Put, New York Jae Mcfntosh. New Orleans DJSMilllofl. New Orleans Matter I Jamison. N 0 - vit 1, Cochran, Virginia. Mid cord. New Orleans Wullieh & fy, N Rani Pollard & la, Rich, Va alms Miss R Mtollard.Hish. Va Wm R Primo, Island M T Pollard. y INTO Roffman. Baltimore Miss 'Roffman & la! , If Indianapolis Wit P WoYmant r ',L e p Thai, Nesters & son, Aug, Ga - Al W Jones. Baltimo re st Jones, Baltimore F Crandal. Haiti Mere D Crandat Baltimore T Woodward. Jr. Ohio I D Evans. New York a B Metter• Virginia Wm Whitney. Mars Jr VT Newton. New York John Carlisle k r wf. Cm, 0 Miss F Carlisle. Cm. 0 .W BBstsham, Ohio .1 W Sprague Ohio G L Lamson F.Vanness.NewYork E % Kellogg. Na'. York T W Field, Brooklyn A 0 Moore, Brooklrn w L Steele. N Carol i na A ...ratiarn, New OTIORTIO Btt Crroy &wf KentLioky, 0 X Garrison, New York Miss J . N Alive. New Yor k L D Atwater & la. Brooklyn 1. 13 Hisecok Boston 0 D Danis, Boston F I. , Wisconsi n M Dexter, Boston ' J W McKinney, Meek T R Gordon. NOW York Ji. Roberts in, New Vol Y.. Geo Risers, New York 1' P Allen. Now York D Earle, Trenton. NJ J Thorne, Jr, Now C Merritt. New York I. Owen. Alabama Yo rk 9 B floral! New York J R Foster. Georgia W Anderson. Georgia 0 B Gaston, Alaba ma HGnygenheirner. Virginia JUtermYer & eon ry a 3 Plant. Georgia HF A Ormond, Baltimore Wm F Ravenil. 8 Carolina 'rhos Story. W .shine ton T A Ball. New York Mra Sampson. New York W 111 Collins. Texas 8 W Sanderson & la. Mies P Weaver..Natohez 0 Sanderson LOMMIS W Foheloy & is.. Augusta RA. Jordan. Virginia John NI Owen, Virginia Miss Butt, New York M A Cooper. Oeorgia .1 IS Iforner . & Misourio I .7 id Selman, Maryland P Armin & la, Tenn Miss Nate Murreil.Tenn Miss ltd R Murrell. Tana T Tilghman. Maryland James ATones & In Va `Ora B Jones. Alabama M M Gallagher. Now York G liarerave.Columbus, Ga Alias Hargrave, Georgia Miss Forsyth, Georgia 0 Aubrey. Georgia 9 aham Davie, N Carolina AI Waypteil. Missouri M Lines. Missouri J E " , elPdo. Wash. D C Reeside. Houma Air Beach. Now York .'rank Taylor. A Chester W F Adams, Philadelphia F M Hank!, Texas ' W K Brown. New York W B Wilkins, Delaware Dr J J Chisalin & oh. SC AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut street. above Fifth B Murtanith, Pennsylvania Ge n ts Newhall &la N Y C:G White. Delaware istmumba raar . Del 7F Coleman. Burlington Kl 3 Parenber. er, Pa B D Smith. & daa. Conn Mrs Scion. Delaware Hiss Eaton. Delaware B Murtam(b. Pennsylvania Hand Mel) Fate, N C A Brussel, Georgia Parkinson, Virginia GB King. Massachusetts .7 Tr Wells. eharlottesville A) Norton & la. Now York W T Moore Riohm'd. Va. A A Liberty. Vs. Then smith ' Dobson. N C Chas W Trotter, N York - JO Trotter. New York M . A BAIL xitley. Maas Wm I, IIICIVINeW York B G Fry. Baltimore I O t notweiler NY ht R Nichols, Pottsville A Henderson. Pottsville If fiTareeliera & la. AM- H Buylineton sterdam I Pierce. Washinet n. DC RR Rolm , . Virginia If U Adklne. Delaware Z Boon, Salem. Vs W Reynolds, Yin infs. .8 Watson. Delaware Miss Annie Reynolds. VA Miss A Reynolds. Virginia Jag G Anthony, Virginia 8 W Trenchard & wf, Ald 8 C r Mon. Delaware 3 Carden, Delaware Mrs W Cowell. , f hdadelphlaJ M Seth, Maryland W 1„, Lowe. Maryland ' W Crag'. Manland T Barnhill-. Georgetown. D Cr 13 Suit, Virginia W Sinus hter & Pt. Phila T P Kleinhans. NaW.Terasy Rutter, Went Chester David at Eyer Marietta David Engle. Marietta • John Musser, Marietta H m Engle. Marietta Wm Henderson. N York 'A 'tern. New York Sanford Allen. Kentucky C St Louis LP Sherrill N Carolina Semi Landen. N Catalina Gen 'W Spicier, Delaware Alex Sharpe, Delaware NlRodge. Maasaohunotta - - NATIONAL HOTEL—Rue street, above Third. D Miller. Mlhorstown Too D Nichols, Ohio W P Raiment, Ohio Jae 0 Strohecker, Reading E L Brown, Jena) , i'has W Carr, Pinola. Pa Inc. Roemer, Wheeling,. W Bensinger, Pottsville Inn Bohan, blinereyille 'No MoGerigle, Baltimore IR hi Ailliek, Phrenixville RT Milohneh. Bethlehem Chas H aeisay. Bethlehem .17i Bardilf, Nazareth Witman. Reading H W Eahm, Laneaster Stark, Nicholson F. I....tiltanford, Liberty RIoPO, Minersville 13 .1 loomrenoe, Minority 6 Whetstone.Bohurlkilloo M Whetsterne. Robust lAbrania, Womelsderf J Eoh.rt, Lebanon "Jamb J Ksterlv.. Reading- A Holman, Chester an F-Beck & Ormigshorg T No 111011,1" no I Wandler: Pottsville . • Master Holman, Chest alm.terifoiman. Chest co Rnht Deviinstem. Parkes') 1? Lewis, Philadelphia .A M Rupert, Bloomsburg CO !haat. Knoxville 8 D Rinard, ()stamina Mr M Brobst. Catarina C Barr, Pchull Raven joeenh Whitaker, Mt Claire Wm R Jacoby. Bloomsb Thom W Edgar, Remy, Ps J W Bossier, Sunbury 0 Beck, huntinry MRRCRANTR HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arch, R Post, New Yotk 3 G !Braley; New York Watson. Arkansas W A Lowry, Danville. 11l RE Price, Tennessee H at Witherspoon, KY Jnn N Ept.a. Princeton , KT Gee it White. FitteD `Miss Parker, Pittsburg - Mrs Zug. Pittsburg Miss White, Pigsburg, Mrs .f Birmingham. Pitta) Miss Parker. Pittsburg Mrs Zug. Pittsburg Geo W Menth. All City Plhe Reeves, Plicertiavqe Geo W More. New Jersey bliss Henrietta More. N Mien Ellen,Unek, Ohio JW Carson, PhiladelPhia R. A Crawford Georgia • W Wilde,'Delaware -Mn R Jones. marriand J Berry. eprinsbeld. Pa o A M Leidich. Colurnhia eo B Plank. t'oltimbia en, Pa Gamble. W C Reynolds. Wilkeeb'ro 'fKre Reynolds 6c da, Pa W Roman & son. Milton ,Peter Weidman & art: Pa A R Runde...), Wilkeebarre Junes T Saw, er.Quiney,lll Marta,. Early, Lebo° NV Burgess. London, Pa D McCulloch, Peoria. 11l IA Brater, Chum bersburg N Babcock. Conn 8 .yethaßeY.Rising Nunand semi Bigler & wf,ra A owenstein, Tenn 11 3 Castleman Wiseh.D C Jne Ranonek, Florence, Ala H G Reese. Elkton, bld Fli Crowder, Mobile M T Mervin, Phil% Miss F. Bulkeley, Wilke/re JONES' ROTEL—Chestnut street.. shove Sixth. C Doggett, Riolimond. Vit S white Pennsylvnita I J Collier, Jkarlottesville T RTotty, Charlottaville E M Onion. Baltimore' A Demme!. Baltimore Lewis Ritter, Pennsylvania 14 6 Woods, New Haven 16 Witewlek, Massillon 8 e Eagle Marietta. ?a. R Smith. Bal , itnore M S McCoy, Baltimore Ur el YV Walker. Texas C E White. Tales, W °Limon, Ohio Norton Virgi nia T I Cook, New York .1' Ewing, Trenton Master it Ewing, Trenton W Wielcersham,Baltheore Mra 0 Meyer. New York D Middlebrook. Deeto s. Mrs moiyatir, Whee:ing min McCoy, Wheeling A Davis, Georgia AI, Fleury Wallin gford Ch's edame, Wallingford R B Jones, New Orleans Deo W Powell, New Orleans . . ST. LOUlS—Chestnut at.. above Third. Kr & Mrs Derriekson &oh Richard Ellis Lewis, Gulooehio it la David A. Harrower, N Y 0 K Berton, New Tensity J Janobs, ' ow York ' , Myers. New York Air Wittiohan. New York] .Tr D Allen, cans • ANI Rinser, Hotmesburg ! F Philadelphia A R Benner. Philadelphia Maw) M Itraneer, Baltimore O H Wagner. Nee , York., NI Geo T Bourne " J Moore, Now Jersey -A B Ansbaehar, Now York P Stevens, Indiana W Hartford. N J E R Nato, Norfolk, Ya lrenrr LIM. New York Col Harting. Delaware N Neearentiner, New York C Winoh. New York Taos Dinienbunr. Now York N Sehalar. New York ICI J H Von Clore, Trenton, N J Mrs E Dlokenson. Del Miss L. Diakeneon, Delaware I. Osoar. Baltimore .I.llopgliton. Philadelphia W Bright, Germantown T A tiatinom. Virginia Tiros It Lee, New York THE UN/ON HOTEL—Arch street. above Third. Webb. Willa, Del J 1. Devon, Jr, Wilco. Be Jr" F . /Mellor,. Ohio • Nal Wheeler. New York 'Jos A Grow- Ohio W Robinson. Ohio Minh Deshler. Seaton, Pa B 0 Etter. Chambatsburg John HATA it la, N Orleans Mine 8.1 Hope, N 0 JH F Utter. Lane no. Pa A Rutter. Lane no. Pa 00 W Heebner. Pt Carbon CI Christman, Norristown I Bumble on, New York nil Wagner fr. fare. Phila John °neer, Berlii4Ohio BF, Hydef, Loudon' Pa A Id While & la. N J .r fine ~tritipoy Jon Goa, Green Castle.PaJas W sem Pa I Hoke. Charnborsburs, Pa H C Hartman ,k wf, Pa Lee Reseal', N Carolina Lewis A Brickley, «Beton ' Wm A Fritehey. Maryland Jon 11. Fritehey. I,ittlosin Cheri Crouse, Littleetown Harrison Carver, N J "arATEB UNlON—Market street. awry Sixth. _ . . S B Hunter. Philadelphia And Wallkill. Lewistown Henry Dueller, Newp't, Pa Geo L Plitt, Harrisburg GPO NBmith Bbensh'r e Pa thillP On, Ulna. Pa tihss rtexpeater • Bellefonte Jetting reek. Centre no B Bunter. Honeytown, Va J F Tyrone. Pa T Fitzsimons:, Richin'd, 11l N B Gibson, Richmond, 11l Wm Livingston, Ci no:006U J P Clements, Baltimore Geo 8 Spaulding, Baltimore i Woodman. Warn. pal .1 F Miller. Willa, Del Danl Kimble. Greensburg H istewart, Quietly, 11l 0- rt I Shay, _Philadelphia MoClees. Atlantic' Ott! I) Beth. Marietta. Pa U. Full:Mao., 'War'. (tn. Pa Ames Rooker. Lamle° '•w O MoCiure. Lana Go - Levi 11 M 0010.6, U6lOO Heed. Pennsylvania ,mtin Sow. re. Perry oo 8 Wickersham. Pa B R Jameson, Carry le John Locke, Lewistown Robt Xing, Huntingdon Mire Almon, liontingd'n H Walter, Commits Wm R Ash, Penneylvania Geo 11 Grier. Altoona Grier, Altoona H M Door. Pennsylvania A Stewart, Chester no G W Cuhroliman, Del co BAIMEROI at, HOTEL-812th street. ab Chestnut. G Baker. Ras, Media. Pa Jas float, Chester co, Pa J 8 Kirk. Chester co Davis Nimble. Cheater on Amo. Kimble, Cheater co 'l' Cooper, Philadelphia D Hodgson. , heeteroo John H Bwope Maryland Di Brown,PhiladelphiaA MoB lvain, M a ;land W Adams Baltimore 'I, Felber, Baltimore fW Clark & wr, Reading 8 Simmons Pa Facob Simmons, pa John P Green, Pa Isann Batten, Maryland R W Levis. West Chester N Ellinaker, Jr. Lancaster D Stubbs, (limiter county JJt Hamner, Chester co J Devoe, Wont Chester A Bunting, Delaware no, Pa Truman Coates, Lane 00 3 H Baker, Obeeter no R Baker, Cheater oo a Palmer, Michigan . . FOUNTAIN HOTEL—ilsoond street. above Market. Dongherty. New Jersey Thai W hyena,. Sr. Phila ,D Philadelphia Henry M Hays. Phila rhos Johnston Virginia 8 Plummer, Salem. N J Thos Frame. Delaware .1 13oulden. Felton. Del Hand Townsend, Delaware W A Kennedy, Maryland tV Dewees, Mary lann Thee H Denney, Delaware B Clar kson, Delaware A R Cook. Dover, Del WHnnie, Delaware Simeon Blood Delaware 81l MoOonegal, Dover, Del .1 r nelville. /Dreamer° Mite Al{ ire vil la Del Jas Bowan. New Jarmo I D Chandler, Wll, Del D .R Baylor, Lancaster no BALD FABLE ROTEL—Third it.. above Callowhil Edw Odenwelder. Easton F Dorman, Hasten 'Mr Kauffma , . Allentown 'I Schaffer, Lehigh ,o Rich.irtt, Allentown Illre Edinger, Reading Wm Adams, eaegersville hire Rom i g, Allentown E Donor. Bethlehem Daniel Itionarde, Beaton Charles Adana, Darks co, re, W Heeler. Keeleraville BLACK BEAR HOTEL--Third et.. ab, Caßexhill. Ohm FinntYqihrtayttlo : Id Cooper. Commrsborg H 8 cope, 881 OTIMIIe M EMenklee, Reading D D Elder. Fottatown : Julian Fieher, Landman A Sunman. Baltimore J F Burkhart, Bermtlfie H. F Groft, Bernville F S_paugler, liroworitlle H. Gruber,-Tremont, Pa M Rudder. Reading John Whiteeading John Kereah• Pennsburg John Reoharde, Hamburg John Rothloff, Hamburg _ -BIERCHA.I4T/P 1101188--Third et,. ab, Callowhill. W halter Cartledge& 11D Yeager, Cateetsgua 111% Reiterlihnore W 8 Pr Bert, Wornebsdorf GU Wtnneledorf G Burkholder, Pa mark, Lebanon D Albright, Reading R 8 1848sriabOetniiketsidne J Elope. Reading IrWoifeneberger Berke ed A Itipp it la. Milton, Pa Weidentaut,. Pa , - IT. VERNON HOTEL—Second street, above Arch. Clegg Paltrier, Jenkintown Win H smith lb lA. Philo 20 0: &aukla • • A 'Reckon, Troy, NY NJ N esorlthaca, N J Went. Jr. Cape May. Ro wenn. New York Mips Robinson, o'rPoesa 4 7174 1 4 l ig i t. i rigik ran t otorn ,N -- ..114:TEL—Seoond et., below Vine I r Loting'Hoetoli , C Stiles. New Jersey - Nartea,_Reading I Rill Pennsylvania .T Dungen, Hositleton N Xirk, Penner Ivenia rairaiaMies, -- korristown A.R Moan. Cm, Ohio ltak r,Prlticetturya fisaodokar, I:mutual • I MP, pitEss.—pnitAnzipmA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1860. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BRE FOURTH PAGE A RRIVED. Steam's/lip Virginia, Kelly. from Rioltmond, via Nor folk. 24 hours. with mdse and mosengers to Than Web ster, Jr. teem:nth the ably. Esther, hence at City Point 4th Met. The ship Ann E Hooper for New York, re.. mined at the Breakwater yesterday morning. Passed bark Caroline Ellen's, for Portland, below the Ledge, and several lumber-laden vessels in the bay and river, bound up • to Jae 'He Sour Ann aley & C Gray. Kelly, 1 day Smyrna, Del. with oat* Steamer Sleek Diamond. Allen, 24 hours from New York, with mdze to W bI Baird it Co. Solis E Rickey, T io C e l , L Pr i gatet, Mass, .1 Street & Co ti . ohr Elvarado, Williams, Washington, J Street & Co. MEMORANDA. - - Ship 111 1Prograe, ' , day, henna for Callao, remained at Montevideo July 29th. repairing. bhip Metropolis, Pront, from Liverpool, was off Charleston Bth, met. We Bald Engle, Tresilwell, from Liverpool, arrived at r hang hen June 25•11. Ship Levanter, Brown, for Hong Kong, cleared at N York y eaterday. Bark, Giulia. Bio, Fardelia, from Palermo, arrived at NYork yearerdan Bark Gambia ! Kean, for Rio do Janeiro, cleared at Baltimore Bth inst. Bark Roebuck. Chase. from Montevideo, July 29th, arrived at Beer York yesterday. Bark Maria, Lewin. for Hampton Roads, was loading at Montevideo Jule 29th - Bark Paladin, Wilson, from Baltimore, arrived at Montevideo July 29th. Bark abigail, Mandan, for Richmond. was loading at Montevideo Jul29th. Brig Galveston,Whitfield, for San Francium, old at New York yesterday. Bohr J beaming, Tilley, cleared at Savannah 7th Met, for Jaokaonville yeaterday. Bohr Belle. Barrett, for Jacksonville, sailed from Charleston 7th inat, titeamera 'Tammy, Ely and Vulcan', arrived at N (York i eeterday. A•!i.E'EUIA.L.I N ELECTRIC, MAGNETIC AND MAGNETO• Elootrto hiaohines, for Medical uao. manufactured and foi Halo. at No. 33 South SEVENTH Street, by 2t" WM. C. & J. NEFF. MR. HOWE'S SEWING MACHINE PATENT ig EXTI/111/110 FOR SEVEN YEARS! The fact ie, the Value of Mr. HOWE'S invention, ail exhibited in the new GROVER & BARER FAMILY SEWING hIAOHINE, woe an unanswerable argument for the extension. No one who line /MR the GROVER & BAKER in the fa mily, changing toil into vastuno, and work into play, can doubt the propriety of tine extension. sell•3t° HATS FOR FALL.—W. F. WARBURTON HATTER, No. 430 CHESTNUT Street, having pre pared a avoral now styles of HATS for gentlemen's au tumn wear, resPeotfully invites inspection and pa. tronago. seB Tt SALAMANDER FIRE•PROOF SAS 119.—A very largo assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea sonable prices, No. 904 ORSSTNUT St., Philadelphia, auk tf EVANS & WATtON. GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING 'rho Boat in Use for Family Sewing. No. 130 CHESTNUT Street Mils&!Dina au2/-1Y SAVING FUND—NATIONAL &WSW TRI:16! Uomrany.—Ohartored by the State of Peonlylvens. RULES. 1. Money is Melted every day, and in MU amount arse or mall. L FIVE PER O.ENT. interest is paid for money from the day it Is put in. D. The money ie always paid back in GOLD whenever it is called tor, and without notice. d. Money is ree eivea from Exicsa ors, ddmisisitarers, Guardians, and other Trueteee, in large or small Ems, to remain a long or short period, S. The money received from Depomitorp is Invested In Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first ohms securities. a. Moe open everyday—WALNUT Street, southwest airier TAW etraot. 161 P ORR PRIOR CLOTHING OP THE LAUB? STYLBS. made In the beet manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Rolling vrioes marked in Plain Flguroa. AR goodemade to order warranted natio factory. Our ONE-PRICE system re strictly adhered to. ea we believe tide to be the only taw way of dealint kit are thereby treated alike. JUNE® /a CO.. et-tf ISM MARKER Mittel ALL snouLD not fall to read the adver tisement of Prof. WOOD in to•dar'e vapor. au 841 MARRIED. SEILER—ORTA.-1t Rarrinbuys on Thursday morning. 1860. by Rev. T. H . Robinson, Mr Jacob Hailer to Mis s Mary W., daughter of Dr. E. L. Or h. ail or Dui above niacin. GEROKE—DoCaHHE --On Autust 2d. by the Rev. Jos 11. Kennard, Mr, I. Netirr Geroke to Miss Julia. Anna, eldest daughter of Francis H. 'DuCatoie. all of this nitre .MILLER—CALLAGHAN.—fin 3tit July, br Rey. Francis Charon, Mr. John Miller to Mien Margaret Caltastian. or this city. PHINNEY—riz ARD.—Ry Rev. Beptimue Jones on Friday evening, the 7th inst., Rufus Ph Limey to Amelia Ann, eldcetdanehter of Richard Tizerd. all aline pit,. DI EN ELT—HARVEY.—On the 4th lust,, by Rev. Mr. Vogelbach. Mr, Herrmann Dienelt to Miss Mary Har vey both of this city. HRNDRICKEI—A EXANDER —On the 4th instant, by Rev. Richard Newton, Mr. John Hendricks te Miss Annie R. Alexander. both of thin city. DAGWAti—MARTIN.—On the let of MaTilB6O L by Alderman F. Me:much v. Johu Dagwan to EMMEt Mar tin, both of the city of Philadelphia. DIED. LKWARS.—Suddetly. on Paturdar. the Bth instant, Frederick Augustus, son of Charles and Caroline Le- Wpm, aged 4 years and 2 months. Funeral front the residence of his Detente, 828 Spring Garden street, this (Tuesday/ morning at 10 0 'olo??1, without further notice. RA RN£4.—On the Bth instant, William Barns, Jr., in the 18th year of his are. The relatives 'and friends - of the family are respect fully invited to att.nd his funeral, from the romances of his father, William Barns, at the corner of Ritten house and Green streets. Germantown. this (Tuesday) afternoon, the 11th instant, at 3 o'clock, without turthr twine. KELLY; In this city, on Saturday morning, the Bth instant. Philip Kelly His reatives and 'male friends are invited VI attend his funeral. from his xr.wher'a residence, No. 1318 Chestnut street. Mat Tuesday) morning. the 11th inst.. at 9 o'olonk. interment to take place at Laurel 08111. • LAFFERTY.—On the 7th instant, Mesmer G. Laf• feyty, seed 42 yearn. Funeral from his late residence, southwest corner of Second end Lombard streets, this (Tuesday) alter noon. at 2 o'clock. GOOD.—On Sunday evening. 9th Met., James Good, Reg, in the 90in year of his age. Hie relatives and friends and those of the family ere reeve° CC Ili , invited to attend his funeral. on Wednes day afternoon 12 , h inst.. at 3 o'clook, from the residence of his son. C. J. Good, No. 51 North Thirteenth street. Interment at Laurel Bill. Lancaster and Reading papers elem. espy. LEWIS—Died at Brookfield, Mess, on the 9th inst., Rents Lewis, in this 89th year of his age. * AcKbhy.—On the 9th inst., Margaret R. daughter of Thomas R. and Elizabeth A. Ashley, aged 'I year. Funeral from her parents' residence. No. 31 Beek street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 8 o'clook, without further , otieo. nLAcroartrf.—On the 9th just., Robertson of the late Robert and Catherine 1311ekman, in the 28th year of his age. Funeral from. the residence of hie mother. No. 907 North Fourth street, thin %Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. without further entire. GAYGARD.—On the 22d of August. at Pantego. Bean ford county, North Carolina, Btophon H. Barnard, a native of Philed lonia. in the 34th Year or his ace. CONWAY.—On Sunder morning. 9th inst., Catherine Conway. wife of Alexander Conway, aged 25 years and 8 months. Funeral from the residence of her husband, in Kel lyville Upper Darby. Delaware county , this day, the ilth instant, at 12 o'clock t Routh Camden, N. J., on the 7th instant, Capt Joseph Dole aged 33 years. Funeral from his late residence, Liberty street, be tween Fourth and Broadway sout h Camden. this after noon, 11th instant at 2 o'clock. • IrAR,GADY.—On the 7th instant, Mrs. Sarah FarradY, in the 58th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband. 1113 Elder street, tnis (Tueaday) aftei noon, at 3 o'olook, Without thriller notice. * FORF.i I / 1 14.—0n the Bth instant, Margaret C. Fore man, wife of Wm. 11. Foreman, in the 31st year of her age. Funeral from her late reeidence, 1231 Olive street ' . n Wednesday moraine. at 9 °Week MOURNING GOO D 8 FOR FALL.- Bleu* Arnolines, Does Anklets, Arnuro Cash- RIMS. Lupin's Merinos, Cashmeres, Bombaz+nes. `rename., Mon tontines Bombasines. Velour Bops. Satin de .'hines, Paramattes. Bombazine Alma!, ko. Second Mourning Corded Milanese. Veneuehnee Grandrills, ko. Vlaok and Purple Paris Printed Moussehno Do Laines and Cashmeres. Blaok and White English De Lainev. ISX oonts. BESzON k 13Ortr• Alq_urning Store, see No. 915 Chestnut street. 'FRE ONLY RELIABLE ARTICLE— CLAWS Patent INDELIBLE PENCILS, for Marking all kinds of Clothing noatly and Indehbly. Shay dojhotr work better than ink, without Its trouble or flak of Blotting. Eaoh will 'nark 2.000 &tholes. For male, Pirholeasto and Retail, by D. C. %mon sr, CO.. A nenta for the hlanufaoturer. No. 600 CHE I•I9.IImSTNUT 4lrPat. MASONIC FUNERAL.—TIRE OFFI- C.,RH and Members of BASTaRN STAR ❑E. No. 19d, A. Y. M., and the members of the Or der generady. are fraternally requested t. meet at the Hall Chestnut etre et, T HIS A FTERIN 00N. at o'o l ' Mr, t i tawidgitat kktttp_oLteepeot to their late Brother, oGROBy of order the GRO P. LITTLE, BeereteiTY irr• efiuncii ANTI.LANERY SOCIE TY."—A zneating for Cos terense end Pray erwfll be - held THIS ( nesdas). EVENING in Rev. Mr. Wil son's Charon, CHERRY Street, below Seventh, QUILT ter before 8. [!G• AUTUMN FESTIVAL.—TIRE LAST of the eeason, in aid of the ORPH ANS. on the spacious and pleasant grounds of the ASYLUM. West rhilade I nhia. on TH II I - 0 DA Y, the 13'11 inst. En couraged be the numbers that attended the previous entertainments, the Committee of the Board of Mana gers trust that the arrain entente mode on this oaoasion wilt give senerat satisfaction. Refreshments In evert' variety will be abundant', provided. A number of Canvas Tents will be arranged on the ground, and every inducement offered of spending a day of inno cent recreation and rational enjoyment with thte family of 240 Or h en Child' en A additional number of oars will be p need o- the Heateneille line. and the other city conneotina with it. A band of imperial. musio will add to the other attraotione, the whole form ing a platisitnt and agreeable entertainment. The Right Bev. Bishop Wood. and a number of the Reve rend Clergy will be present, and thee sanction tine truly charitable work. Admission tickets Zf, cents. eel°. 80 OFFERING DAY AT THE VENN -3 BEL veiNIA. TtletteitliG 801100 f, for Feeble. tcoded Children, at "EWA, on THUABDAY, Bee ternbo_r 13 TICKETS f PR nCIeE ato CENTowing planes. Edward Parrish, K W. comer n rot and Eighth streete. Burns & Meg. B. W. oorner Eighth and Chestnut. Iloyt di Brother. W. comer I enth and Obectnut. kerkinpine & Higgins, N 0.68 North Fourth street. Thermo for running trains to and from Media will be announced beforehand in the papers. Dinner and Subpar will he provided. and an Exhibi tion riven by the Children. Bale of Panay and Useful ARTICLES, some of which have been made by the OhlAreh. F - Take your offerings, and do good as you may have ability. set-tf icrLA VNIVFOSITY OF PENNSYLVVIVIA.-- A W DEPARTMEBT. term of this Institution wilt commence on the first of October next. 'The foltottteg era the subleete of the lectures: Roc GEORGE SRAREWOOD—" International, Con ettutional. and Cavil Law." Prof. F. file° 4 Pleading and Practice." Prof. B. , IPENOaR MIJAER--" Real East° and Conveyanoing." the introductory lecture will be delivered on Friday, September 13, at 8 o'clock I'. M., at the usual lecture room. by Prof. E. Spencer Miller. aug23 6W 000 ICING RANGER.—AII in want of the beet elevated, double oven Cooking Rumen, will do well to oall at AHNOI,D & WILSON'S, 009-ettithamif 1010 OttESTDITT Street. CABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. td 81 BouTIE SECOND STREET In commotion with their extensive Cabinet Business. are now marnifarteliflAPUßEVe of And have now OD hand full allePiy, Bombed vnth MOORE & CAMPION% iIIarROVED CUSHIONS are pronouneed. by all who have used them. to ho superior to all others. For Ihe quality end finiah of these Tables the mann fiet Union, efer to their numerous patrons throughout the wit oare familiar with the aharaater of their 41.0A.k- RAI2 em SWEEP 011. in quarts and pints, for sale. WETHBR LL. & BROTRER. • seta 47 and 49 North SECOND St. ILLAVANA 010 ABS.—A fresh lot just received, per " Ann Elizabeth," of London, Re gaits, (Londree and Miller mite,/ end for Azle b CRARbReI *o4w A6O WAI4W Mit* NEW PUI3I4VA:PfONS. T fi N , BLN;f3 - T x•; , . , rotirrloArYit'EXT.BQ,OK • 113 Tag : . DEBATES OE' LINCOLN AND DOUGLAS. One Volume, Royal Octavo. PR WE—CLOTH, 50 MS, ; PAPER, 35 CM 31,756 Copier, have been Sold. FOLLETT, FOSTER, A. CO., Pabliehere t COLUMBUS, OHIO. For sale by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 22 and 24 North FOURTH. Street, PHILADELPHIA. GG. EVANS' GIFT BOOK STORE, • Nn, 439 CHESTNUT &reek All Books are sold as cheat. ea at any outer store, and you have the advantage of mowing a handsome Pre sent, Worth from Fifty Cents to One Hundred DoUare, with eaoh Do NE nk. W AND CHOICE BDOILB. THE EBONY IDOL. A Novel by a Lad• of New England. One vol, 12mo, with a gift. Pries $l. H. THE BUNNY SMITH, Milted br Professor H. Ingraham. One vol., igmewith a gift. Price Val. NEM 13618. 13y the author of " Alone," &o. One vo. WPM, l2mo, with& gift. Price 81.25. • A RUN THROUGH w_UROPE. Ilv E. C. Bettedlot. One vol., 12mo, with a gill.• Price 81.25. V. THE WOMAN IN WRITE. One volume, Bvo, with a gift. Price 81. VI. Edo°RUTLEDGE. BY One v01.,12m0, with &girt. $1.25. VI. H MEMOIRS OF ROBERT OUDIN; The Magician. te d Ed t i by Dr R. 8 Kelton Mackenzie. Ono vol., Dino, with a gill. prioo 1. rimmAu. 13r Miss Evans. One vol., 12mo, with a gift. Price 81.25. TX. THE MOJ ktt,R-IN-LAW. By Mrs. F. n R. N. Bouthworth. One v01.,12m0. with a gift. Price 51.25. . WOODE AND WATERS X OR THE SARANAC. By A. B. Street. One volume, 12mo, with a gift. Price 81.21 ALL THE NEW BOOKS AS SOON A 8 PUBLISHED, and a Qift with oaoh. Call in. and one trial will-assure you that the beet place in the city to buy Books, is at iy RI/Alas , GIFT BOOK ESTADOSHMENT. No 439 CHESTNUT Street. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. AUGUSTUS JULIAN B GEQUIEG, of Mobile 12mo. 70 oento. HARTSHORNE'S MEOLOAI, PRINCIPLES. MEMORANDA 111.010 A ; or, Note-Book of Medi cal Prineitofee. Being, n oenoise Syllabus of Etiolosi, somaiology, General Pathology, tiotology. and general Therepoutate. Wtth a Glossary. For the nee or Stu dents. -y Henry llartshorne, A. M., M. P., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Medical Department of Pennsylvania College, &o. nmo. $l. RECENTr.Y P USLISH SMITH'S NEW GEOGRAPHY; Co^taining e. Con cise Test and Firplanatorr Notes. With over one hundred Mans. For the use of Schools in the United States and Canada. By Roswell C. Smith, A. M., au thor of enveral School Books. SMITH'S NEW GROOS +PHA has been in course of preparation for mnre than ten years. and is the crowning work of the distinguished author. It is. without doubt. the most comprehensive work of Its sizo now published, and raffioientlY comprehen sive to answer all tho purposes of an advanced work for higher Institutions.. . . The test to which we are daily submitting t his work proves highly eatiefaotory to all concerned ; and though somewhat prejudiced against it at first.we aro now fully convinced of its merits, an evidence of which is found in the fact that we have adopted it as our STANDARD TEXT BOOK in Oengraphy."—F. A. Alien, Prinomal, Chester county Normal SAM. J. 11. LIPPINCOTT te CO.. 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street. sell-tuths3t: THE EBONY IDOL--SECOND EDI TION.—D. APPLEToN & CO., Noe. 143 and 446 BROADWAY, New York, Bove now reedy • TILE A 5 Y,V0 D3 49, 1" f IDOL. A NOYR4 ' o Br A LADY ov NEw ENGLAND. 1 vol., Nmo. Cloth ei. 'From smart . novel,erver.] " A capital book, a the first to the last page: a lively New england village story showing the misery and mischief that dame from ing Abolitionism i nstead of the Gospel. The Rev. It. Care) beeonos infected with the mania, and suddenly burst, upon his people with his new messaire, and keeps at it till all thq usual conse quences of strife , division, and ruin follow in the train ' (From the Philadelphia Frees.] " ' The Ebony Idol' is the best wallies) fiotion of the day, and will probably have a large circulation. It ought to have it, if wit and humor, with oconslonal dasher. of pathos end truth. have not loot their spell upon the heart." IFrom the Boehm Post.) " It is exceedingly 'well written, soicedWith satire. dashed with sentiment, and will produce a sensation both at the Mouth and North." D. A. te Co. have hut pnbAmhad : RE/SINISCENCES OF AN OFFICER OF ZOO AVER. 1 vol limo. Cloth. et LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. By Franoia Rrlnley. 1 vol., 32m0. Price $l. A RIJN TRH UGH. ;EUROPE. By Etestua C. Bens dint. 1 vol.. Himo ?nee )11 25 WHAT MAY RE LEARNED FROM A TREE. Br Harland Coultas Ivof. evo. Fries _C. THe mysisior,oGY OF dOM MON LIFE. By Gentle Henry Laves. 2 v015.,12m0. $2. PIaftE.NCE NIGHTIN GALE NOTES ON NORS IND. 1 vol., now. Cloth. Fries 26 cents. Pam covens 15 cents. TOILLDHAM AT OREYSTONES, AND HIS TALE ERE. Price SL Nosily reedi: RAWLINBOII'II ILERODOttAI. Volume IV and THE ILLUSTRATED HORSE DOCTOR, By Hal hew. • • VILLAS ON THE HUDSON: A TAleation of Thir ty Photo-lithorronhs of Country Roo denoss. MACAULAY'S i,ATE,ST MISCELLANIES, lvoL, Umo. Withutu St BOOK BUYERS.--Oentlemen: I have taken the Basement of the Philadelphis Bank, 419 CHESTNti: Street, where I will continue to bar end sell (as I sive heretofore done at the Custom house Avenne ok-stand)oid and new Law and Nile- OCiall6ollll BOOkS. I have ran sale upwards of 190 old hisoktletter Boots printed prior to the year 1499. Alec, a copy or Erasmus on tho New Tastament, 2 vole. 4to, printed in Ida ?nee IN will elso deal in Eummvings and Autographs. remove at a distance wishing to sell Books, wall describe their paves dates . Mies , mediate, conditions, and prises. Pamphlet Laws of rearteri yards, end old Books upon Arnow% wanted. au6-6m JOHN aarePBELL. kAIINDERS) LATIN PARADIGMS.-A new system of Latin Paradigms with n Synopsis or Declensions . Adopted to WU Latin Grammar. By Cortland @mindere, A. AI. Long Bvo. Prioo 78 oents. Thu work in recommended br the Protenors of ancient languages in more than thirty of our first Col leges: E. R. BUTLER & CO,. Publishers. MAIDS, WIVES, AND BACHELORS ! nOYD'S PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS AND COPARTNERSHIP DIRECTORY, Just Published. price One Dollar. oontame the names at nn Nommen men. Whi. H. BOYD, No. 333 CHEST NUT Duvet. net-St CLOTHING. 1 000 BOYS' CLOTHING. 100 2 F. A. HOYT & BRO. HAVE THIS DAY OPENED, FOR FALL BUSINESS, , WITH THEIR USUAL ABSORTMENT or YOUTHS' AND BOYS' READY-MADE CLOTHING. Alnu, on hand, large stock of 00088 to order, from ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, se6-thstulin TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. KELLY & DOHERTY, TAILORS, 31 and 39 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, SLONE 31:1T ISECEIVKD THEM FALL AND IVINTBR STYLES, Together with a large assortment of NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS, To whist, the publio are invited to examine. WO 3m MOURNING GOODS. NEW ➢MOURNING GOODS BESSON & SON. MOURNING STORE, No, 91S CIIESTNNT STREET, ARE NOW °TIMING A LARGE ASSORTMENT 01 BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS, SILKS, BRAWLS, and all other goods requisite. for FALL AND WINTER WEAR, mostly of our own importation, and to be cold at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES N. D.—NEW GOODS EVERY DAY. and DAR GAINS FROM AUCTION throughout the mum. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL •ell-3til RAILROAD L Sift E is. Rignani SPECIAL TRAIN FOR MEDIA.—OFFERING DAY OF F.SteoYLVAlyl,t TRAINING 130RO0L, In addition to resider trains during the day, a special train will leave the depot. TRIRTY.FIRST AND MARKET STREETS, At 9 A. M., to convey visitors to the TRAINING SCHOOL, AT MEDIA, On the " OFFERING DAY," THURSDAY NEXT SEPTEMBER 13TH. Returning at d and 9 P. NI. Excursion Manta 69 cents. sell-St QTEREObOOPES AND STEREOSCOPIC' Views; also, Bpeotao/ek. Ern-alaknon, Opera- Omsk/ Atiormoves, and MI kind of Optical and Maths inatom Inatluments. at M. J. F,RANKLIP.PB, optician, soll•if8t 112 8. FOURTH Strut, below Chestnut. MATHEW BROOKS, MAN NFAOT URER CAMPAIONIINIFORMS. In every variety _of ergots, No. 139 North THIRD Street. eelo-lin opposite Cherry. Philadelphia. _ WARNI AIR FURNACE.—Tho, now Cone Cons Fumaoe Gas Consumer will tborouthly worm your house. with one-third less coal then is re (Mired by any othey furnaoe. Satisfaction in all oases guarantied. Buildings warmed and ventilated by sol-stuth3mir NOL.D W L el. 1010 riffESTNUT Street. SLATE MANTELS.—The richest and most beautiful specimens of enamelled elate Man tels ever offered tar sale in this country. manufactured by us, from Pennsylvania slate-stone, and for sale veil ttP4Ol,l) & Wjf.Bo/4, pO9 A { BNhg { A{L 193 Q PABatilg,44to,t, , POLITICAL. ,DEMOORATIO TICKET, FOR GoVZRROR 01 PRNNAYLVANIA, HENRY D. FOSTER, Of Virestmoroland County Ist District—WlLLlAM E. LEHMAN. 22 " JOHN BRODHEAD. 24 " JOHN ALINE. 4th " WILLIAM MORGAN. 6th " HARRY INGERSOLL. STAIR alnalolls let Distriot—SANSUEL J, RANDALL 13t District—JOSEPH CALDWELL. Zd " THOMAS E. GASKILL. " PATRICK MoDONOUCH 4th " ROBERT E. RANDALL. Sth " SAMUEL JACKSON. 6th " CHARLES L. WOLFF. ith " PAUL KETTERLINUS. Bth " JOHN SMITH. JR 9th " HENRY DUNLAP. loth " 'HENRY G. LEIBENRING. Ilth " JOHN S. RIEHL. 12th " WILLIAM 0. SNYDER. 13th " WILLIAM D. MORRISON. 14th " GEORGE W. H. SMITH. 15th " JOHN Id:ARUNDEL. 161 h " THOMAS W. DUFFIELD. 17th " S. M. ZULIOII. FOR RECORDER OP DEED[3, GEORGE W. WUNDER FOR FROTIIONOTARY OF DISTRICT COURT, WILLIAM LOUGHLIN. Fon CLEM( O 1 QuAllTBIt 5t5810142, PHILIP 11. LUTTS FoR Conc.:gen. -ANDREW LOWR Y i‘ F REEDOM'S BATTLE ONCE BE (111 N. pequentisid b bleeding sire toms, • rhough baffled oft, in ever won . GRAND MUSTER OF FREEMEN ON RIIR BRANDYWINE. BATTLE-FIELD, SECURE PI/EEDONPAND PROTECTION. And the Triumph of • LINCOLN. lIAMLIN. AND CURTIN. A MASS MEETING OF THE PEOPLE Will he held et ORADD'S FORD. O TUESDAY, the 11th N of SEPTEMBER, • The Eighty-third Anniversery of the day of the great Struggle for Liberty. BY THE PATRIOTs OY TOE REVOLUTION, ON THE BANKs OP TUB BRANDYWINE. Hon. JOHN SHERMAN, of Ohio; lion. OHN IJOVODR, of Pennsylvania ; Hon. JOHN HIORKAN.; R. L. MARTIN, Esq.; Hon. JOHN M. BROOMALL. of Penna.; Hon. N. B &WITHERS, of Delaware ; ' Dr. WILLIAM ELDE;R, of Penne.; EDGA,EICOWAN. Rea" of Panne.; Hon. WM. D. KELLEY, of Penna.; Hon. WILLIAM 11. MA NN• of Penna., ONO. A. COFFEY, of Phtls . Wit. MORAN. of Phla.. W. PI NKNEY EW IN O. of Md., EDW. G. BRADFORD, offh.l a , Hon. , AMBB H. CAMPBELL DIRT INGIJIINA T r iL SPEARERS. Will be present end addresr the meeting. FREEMEN OF AMERICA! As , leXaLlt IN Tots Molly ori THE GROUND lUDS. ROM: IST NILE DLLoli OF YOUR TOREFATit.Ra REMEMI3III2 YOUR SACRED INHERITANCE! RALLY FOR FREEDOM Win WASHINGTON, LAFAYET = TE, PULASKI, AND WAYNE f HANGED POR LIBERTY! srroW THAT TISK MEI OF 1800 VALUE SIM DUDS OF Trill MEN OF 1777 The meeting will be or et one o'olook F. M., in a Grove on the Farm of 'P. e. Stokles, Esq._ AMPLE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR LADIES. errAT• paoyiDs. roe 2400. Clubs of " Wide-Awakes." " Rangers " and "Ward Innincibles " " Red-Splitters,'"' ?Abets," and Township Deleyations. have announced their intention to he present with Bands of Memo, Banuers. Extra amomn odatlons end rer 'toed rates for ex ou monists, will be made by the Philadelphia a d West Charm And Baltimore Central Rallrorul Companies. whose oars stn close to the strove. 'I rams will leave Market and Th irty-fifth rty-fifth streets at 730 and 10.30 A. M., and 260 P: M. Fare for tho excursion., only 76 oenta. sUB-conimi i'rEt. OF ARRAN OHMENTB. Francis C. Hooton. I Lewis P. Ifsfivey, Townsend stieekmen, L. ebrimo• Joshua P. Eno, Mordecai Lewis, .H. W. Capron. evt TT Rutter, Franklin Taylor, B. C. A. Vernon. Dr. Owen, Joshua T. Heald, W. PinkneY Ewing, Md. U. Painter, Come all, and hreathe " the haunted air," • e sons of mires who conquered there. With arms to strike and souls to dare, de aulok, as far as they. Strike for your altars and yogi. fires: !Wire for the grain cravee of . your weir GOD AND YOUR MAIMS LAND! sei 8 11.3 t CHINA AND GLASSWARE. SELLING OFF AT AND UNDER COST, TO CLOSE TUE COPARTNERSHIP OF KERR & 00., CHINA HALL, • CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE STATE HOUSE. The stem stook of tlle above eonoorn is nom offered at greatly reduced prices, with the Oleot of gelling off the whole stook In the shorteet than poeeiblo, and will oontinuo until the entire Cock le Capone(' of: This in the beet opportunity ever offered in this oily to obtain bargains in all kinds of China and Glass. WM. J. KERR & CO, vett-3tif LADIES , DRESS TRIMMINGS. WILLIAM H. HORSTMANN it SONS, FIFTH AND CHERRY STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, Invite the attention of buyers to their Fall stook of LADIES' DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, VOMPHIb3NG FANCY DRESS GIMPS, CORDS, BINDINGS, VELVETS, FRINGES, SILK AND GMT BELTINGS, BUTTONS, BRAIDS, BERTHAS, &c., Our now stook of BERLIN ZEPHYRS, SHETLAND WOOL, Ac., is Very large and imbrues a full line of ell colors and Meaty Our fsollities for home production, an well u direct communication with foreign market', enables us to offer inducements to purohasers. REMOVAL JO4BON. SURGEON D HT UNTIEIT. ISIIIOVAD PROS! ADD? SIBIZT TO NO. 253 NORTH NINTH kiTtiftrr. NEARVIsIt, EMIT SIDE ae6-00 REMOVAL. • CHARLES HARKNESS, WHOLESALE CLOTHIER, Hla REMOVED No. 605 CHESTNUT STREET. South Bide. above Sixth, PHILADELPHIA. CLOAKS, REMOVAL. EVERETT, DICKS, Sr CALDWELL, CLOTH HOUSE. at.vo removed to 323 MARKET STREET. Bayern are invited to examine our stook. DY°TT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Stmt.—Having removed to our new and spacious store, we would call the attention of Dealers to our ex tensiv_e stook of PATENT rdlthiwposs t P E R . kihiciftif. and PANG STropLES. Our het com prises a treater variety then eau be fou prices any cash hshmen tn the 'United States. and our will cow pare wit any market. auT-tuthena QUBICLINQ AND STILL CATAWBA. ts , W/HEM J. EESHEI.BY. CinoirmaU r Ohio, Always on band, end In lota to 41111 t motto/sem by CHARLES B. TAGGART, Sole Agent, No. 691 MARKET Street. R . SHOEMAKERt& Co. 'LASS, PAINTS. pmis AND VARNIBILEIS, MintheaAl Corns! POURTH, AND lAON Streets. full4m WHITE' PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE OILER ♦ND WINE VINEGAR, Green cooper, Nitootudl3 , reil, Brioes, ke., &o. An Om regulmites for Preserving and hokling porpospo AritiEßT 0. RO.FIERTH. REALER IN VINE GROOERItS. (#' Q9UO4.*44IYAATIL wig WAN Inns% FOR CONGRESS LIWIFILATORM REMOVALS. KCIIIYARTIMID Et SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS JOSHUA L. BAILY. IMPORTER AND JOBBER, No: 213 MARKET ST., Ru now open a LAME AND BEAUTIFUL Assortment of • DRESS GOODS and SHAWLS. Of the NEWEST AND CHOICEST STYLES, At the LOWEST PRICES. The attention of cash and prompt eix•monthe buy'ers is invited. eee•tf WHOLESALE BUYERS. THOS., W. EVANS & CO ARE NOW OPENING THEIR OWN 'IMPORTATION OF GOODS SUITED TO THE COMING SEASON. These goods have been selected for tho Ctty Retail Trade br ono of the firm in tho foreign markets, and combine all the NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. Pr, cep will be as low as any in the market. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOOK FOR FALL AND WINTER BOLES. SHORTRIDGE, BROTHER. & CIO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, No. 420 MARKET STREET, and No. 115 MERCHANT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Rave in store complete lines of FOREIGN and AME RICAN STAPLE and mica , DRY GOODS. ealeoted with a view to the interests, of GASH and prompt SIX-MONTHS' Dealers, to winch they invite the attention of the trade. N. B.— A FULL STOCK oonstantly on hand, embracint many styles MANU FACTURED FOR. PBEIR OWN oALES, and not to Orders elsewhere. executed promptly, at LOWEST MARKET RATES. se4-2m SILKS FANCY DRY GOODS. IMPORTATIONS FOR FALL, 1860 M. L. HALLOWELL & Co . 333 MARKET STREET. sir NOR'Fli FOURTH STREET, Are prepared to offer to the trade their mai vetted ansortment of Goods, turohaeed on the MOST FAVORABLE TERMS, By experienced buyers, In the principal MANUFACTURING CITIES OP EUROPE Theme have been ielooted with care for FIRST-CLASS TRADE, And will be offered at prices to oomicarid attention. CLOOt BIITYRS. ftOM Bit lOOtfoll3 of the oountry, arc invited to inspect our stook. Tnaste.—Stx months credit to Merchants of un doubted standing,Pr six per cent. discount for cash Twelve per cont. par annum discount for advance payments. an2-thatu-Rm CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! • TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. EVERY NOVELTY OF THE B,SABON, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Erhterchants' own materials made up if doeit.d. HENRY IVENS. ae4•fm ' No. 23 South NINTH Street. FALL. 1860. CHAFFEES. STOUT. & Co FOREIGN AND DOMEStIC DRY GOODS. Auld-3m No. 547 MARKET STREET. MARTIN tt, WOLFF, w11m3r541.3 DILALI7t/ 171 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 334 MARKET STREET. Cash and prompt Bix•m'nths' Buyers, el all sections aro invited to an examination of our Stook. auB.3m* A W. LITTLE 8,1 CO.. SILK GOODS. No. 825 MARKET STREET. aue.3m REMOVAL. In consequence of the destruction by hre of their Titian STREET BTong. YARD. CULLMORE. & CO. HAVE REMOVED TO NO. 610 CHESTNUT ST.. BOOM SIDE. ABOVE SIXTH, PIIILALELPIIII. That have now open AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK oP SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, GLOVES, RIBBONS ; DRESS TRIMMINGS, 4c . Together with &LARGE ASSORTMENT of STAPLE AND FANCY WHITE. GOODS. EbiEILOIDENIES, LACES, MANTILLAS, to. lievrng received but a smith portion or their FALL IMPORTATIONS, previous to the fire, they are enabled to Moyle, A NEW STOOK. to whioh they Invite the attention of their Customers and Buyers generalit. au6-3m WURTS. AUSTIE. Bo MoVEIGH. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS/ IN DRY GOODS. No. 311 MARKET Street, above Third. Chorlds Worts, Henri Alums, 1/eirailcnn T. MoValth. l'ultavitrau. John Weimer, Joeeph Burgin. J mu-sm FALL AND WINTER. CLOAKS & MANTILLAS Mt THE WHOLESALE TRADE. SOUTHERN and WESTERN MERCHANTS buy ing Mecham to Pint. °lnas tr 00 DS, are invited to in spect our Stook, whieh ire offer at LOW PRICES. AND ON LIBERAL TERNS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. THE PARIS MANTILLA and CLOAK EMPORIUM. 708 CHESTNUT STREET. auS-2m Rs WOOD, MARSH, dc HAYWARD, R. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS OLOTHING. • NO. SOti MARKET STREET. Fall and Winter Stook now complete and re e 7 for buyers. au em FALL GOODS. 13AROROFT 4% 00.. NOS. 406 AND 407 MARKET BTREET. IMPOFITRDS AND ODERRS m: FOREIGN AND DOMEtSI.O DRY 000 DO 41429/69924 1 010 Ong re6s47 for Toic,o, iatlit WANTS. WANTED —By a respectable middle aged WIDOW LADY. a charge as Haase keerer. fleet of rer- , ,nna given and required. Ad dress "E. D ites," e4e Press. nell-3t. THE ADVERTIira who can command a Cash Capital , a desirous of entering into a busi ness th,,t is sale, and will afford living profit. Would be walla- to take an , nterest in an established mann facturiabusiness, with a partner. Address " ean-et* try: , offices of this paper. - WANTED -7n a Wholesale Hardware House, a YOUNG . LkD who is snick at fi sures and writes a fair hand. Address •• Hardware office of this raper. sell-3t• WANTED—By an orpert penman, a • • situation ins Law or Conveyancing office. Mode rat, compensation only required. Address "P. Car -I.o_lo through Blood's Disestal• _eee-3t* A YOTING MARRIED COUPLE, with• out children, wisheitnation to take charge of a Farm or Dan, on eimes. Beat city reference given. Appty to R. SMITH, MORRIS Street, above Eighth. ezB-3t• THE ADVERTISER, WHO HAS HAD Thud *A1;611131100 At selling by Sample. and a large Bouthern aoquamtanoe. la desirous of ',Dias mane ictured goods by sample On a fair Commission. Good reference will he given as to character. Address - P. T.." Philadelphia Poet Office. seB .41* N AorlvE YOUNG MAN—Having VW in oaali, whales to ituation to hie hoiu). More and would be willingloan Beill to employes. provided good security will be furnished. and a 'perma nent situation Insured. Address "J. 8.." Press office. eca-4t. 1 1 IFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLAR9.-9n . 16 .: active business Man. having Fifteen Hundred Hams, will have an opportunity of securing an inte rest in a first class Manufacturing Business• misted, established. For particulars address .• H. K.," at this office. zeB-6t." WANT ED—A PARTNER with a capi tal of $6,000, to engage in the best-paying octet :lmolai business in Moony. by amine roan who can in fluence eight hundred cruitomers the hut year. and roe. on interview, profile to average over two hun dred per cent. For particular.. address "Business : " ti le office, or call on J. MINER, 336 MARIII,T Street sea at. TEACHERS WANTED—As Principals, Asisistants. or Partnere. in the different States. Solitude Fraud... and ()otiose., eeekiair umunetebt Teacher. ( for any isection of country.) can obtain the beat tnlent for any Department be (Odra.. in e the " Na tional Teaohe re' Institute." 335 BROADWAY. kiew York. MS WANTED TO PURCHASE—Orange and Lemon Trees—About twenty good. health,' FRUITING PLAN 113, from three to 81X teat high. State price, and where to be aeon, to R. BUIST & PON. sag-gt 922 and 924 MARKET Street. n- YOUNG LADY WHO HAS RE corned a liberal education, is desirous of becoming a Teacher or Governess. Good reference given and re quired. Address " B. B." ofhoe of this paper. se6,lot. VI/ANTED—TO RENT IN GERMAN '. TOWN, a Hones with lot of ground and stable Apply " Box 218," Philadelphia Poet Office. au3o-thetu-9t, WANTED—A Situation as Clerk or Bateman in a wholesale olothieg house. Best of re foresees given. Address T. L.. at this office. 535-6 t." MILLINERY GOODS. FALL. 1860. LINOOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS.- 725 CHESTNUT STREET, One block below the Girard House. STRAW AND BILK BONNETS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS. Children's and Misses' BEAVER HATS The largest and fullest assortment of the kind an the oily. ae3l-tu the 3m FOR SALE AND TO LET. pUB LIO SALE. THE STOCK OF PICKLES, PRESERVES, STEAM ENGINE, COOKING UTENSILS, MACHINERY, Ac. Requisite for carrying on the business of Pullen , lns Meats, Fruits. Vesetableas, An., and for the Mannino tura of CHOCOLATE, will ba sold in lots to twit pur chasers. at PUBLIC SALE,on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH, At IO o'olook by N. F. PANCOAST. Auctioneer, On the premiere, NO. 712 MARKET STREET. M. B. ESPY. sell-3t FOR RENT. THE CENTRAL S TO RE, Southwest corner of EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. eell-3t _ APPLY ON THE PREMISES A RARE OHANOE.—The Advertiser, who has an established manufacturing business requiring but a emelt amount of capital. and yielding a Large profit, to wilting to dispose of the game on mo derate terms. Reason for selling out ;a that he ts going to leave the sits Atkin-as" Foley." this caked sli ELEGANT PARLOR AND CHAMBER TO LET, with first clam Boarding at 1123 GI RARD Etraet. ei TO Lur Tll] DWELLING and matqCllooL, ROOMS No. 1031 PARRIS'S Street. formerly oocumed by Mn Koyaer, now by Mms Jones. Gall at the protases. or with R. 13. McGIIRE, North west corner of TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets. nett 3:. T O RENT—With or without Board, un• furnished second-story note of Rooms. In a Pri vate Eff1.11214. Location, C HES t NUT. above Fifteenth. Reference required. Answer 'Alpha," Pren of fice. sell-31.* FOR SALE— CIGAR STORE, with STOCK and FIXTURES. For Dartioulara call at 42.) Ciff" STNUT 6treat. lt• . FOR SALE—THE STOCK, FIXTURES, LEASE, and 000D-WIL.L of a large Carpet Ea tabliehment. Loomed in one of the Beet linsineee streets in the ° Se stook is' ne of the beet aelected in the market. The whole will be dimmed of on favorable tarns to olose a p .rtnarshic. For cartmalars, apply at So. 47 South yoURTII street. VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE, in • a Rood location. For further Information anvil at No. 434 FORTH THIRD Street, Camden, N.J. aura-etutblre f a TO LET—A three-story building, in =COMMERCE Street above Sixth, suitable for e inenufeetuting bueinesa. Ininieconte poeirmon given of the second end third stories, and of the fleet store on 3%11E1617 lit. 1361. Apply n O,IS fiurth SIXTH Street. to SELLERS BROIHBRa. ae6 thanat• ATALUABLE CHESTER COUNTY FARM Y FOR BALE.—The subscriber offers for sale the farm on which he, resides. In Vs est Goshen, Chester count , ' one mile and a half north of Welt Cheerer. containing li d acres of first quality land, and in expel lent order. Ile buildings are good and substantial. with large barn, etc.. oto. The location nicer, beauti ful, and possesses many advantaares, and is offered for sale on (1400 , r , ( , 14 , tp i rgy 9 i 0 For further partionlars aPp l la t i o , on i the yreirliseg, estatit street, rtuia- TRONIAB y, "A VV. sedl•thstuat Near R. Taylor's Mill near W. Chester. is FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY—A Farm of 40 or ea Aores, situate on the Camden sad Atlantic Railroad. at Hem montott StAtion. House, Baru. Pommes. end itoprovs moots, generally, good. The BONA and location suits ble for a hoarding Howie or Reminary. Cimfagee and Building Lots also for sate at Atientin City. Enquire of 3011.0 STEWART, drolureof , see strati, lit' No. 427 WA L NUT Street. a.PUBLIC SALE OF ORIZABA IRON , X0R1(13, SOPHIA FORNACE. Ac.—By virtue of authority vested in us ea Trainees tor certain creditor, of Pollard MoCornoor, and in puramince of a decree ol the Theriot Couri. of Allegh..ny county, in the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. in No. 3 0 , Nogninber term ; rrarivotlr:ktmvihA Wei:l;3l(3l(4AZ burg. on rtia IaDA *. BRP f. 11th. WO, commencing at 11 o'clock A. td.. the Rolling Mill and Nail Factones, eituitted near New Cemle. Lawrence county, Pennsyl vania, known as the ORIZA BA IRON wOR RS. oon taming sixteen Bolling Furnaces fire Heating Fur noose, Bar Rolls. Small Rolls, Nail Plate and Muck Rolle. Seueezera,l3 Neal fdaohines one Wrought Spike htachine,Allll Machinery for manufacturing Nall Kegs and Fire Rook. Also. the Blast Furnace. knon ea Sophia. adjoining above Work'. which is capable oti turning out 1.1) tone al l'ig Iron per week. Also, eeveral lots of ground adjoining and several pieces of land adjacent to the iron Warts. Containing Coal, Iron Ore, Limestone, and Fire Clay. Tgam..--One-lourth of the purchase money to be paid in cash, on the acknowledgment of the deed. the bal• an. e in one. two, and three rears from the time of nate, with interest from that time; the deferred payments to be armored by bend and mertgag_e on the CuARLF.BRNAP ISAAC. PENNOCK._ It. hRAI) WILKINS. au.lo-taell Wht. K. 1415110 K. MISSOURI LAND I I 900,000 ACTON for Sale, at vices ranging frown% to6l)ante, er Acre, in an y quentitaes required. TAXES gnus of Lend under the Graduation ant. 1 0 4 r, Flats turniehed etntm by e ming a postage stamp For furthDr in hirynet,ep e t. ~, WILSON, GS & GO.. U. B. and gee d Agouti, So 0 , NUT Street,. Dt tweet, TRI end FOURTH 'al. ouis, hfo. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold, end located. !g3,-dm BOARDING. BOARDING.—The eligible and well-fur- Milled House, No. 1313 WALNUT Street, wall be reopened for the reception of two or three perma nent famines, on the lit September under the superrt mon of efficient housekeepers. ReferolloeB exchanged. seB-18t PRIVATE BOARDING.--Gentlemen and their families, or single gentlemen, can be accom modated wth Board, with pleasant and handsome rooms, furnished or unfunnehed, at 616 LOGIjBT Br_ south aide of Washington /Square. The localqon, being opposite to one of tho handeomeet Pattie in the oily, is central, and extremely pleasant. Transient persons visiting the oily can be accommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement frontroom t with private entrance, for rent. suitable for an opine . roll-Sor "WARDING REDUCED AT COTTAGE RETREAT. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—This stelt•knnegn Aga-shore tioarding.houso is still doing a flourishing business Board. per week. SS; per daft ISt. The house will he kopt open during the fell and winter. ses M. MaCLBES. A NNISEED-4 cuts Italian for 4 s a , le. 404 WETIDR N L AVGUMWw 4lh MMPSEMENTE. WALNUT-STREET TUL&TRZ. • • so!eLeuee— —Jilts M. A. GAPAMI. s.tiKe Manager Mr. WM. 46 AT Basins.. . Mr. JOB. TON ( ruE4v4Y) . /MS. 1/. Will be presented Lovel's PhY. in five WS, of LOV8 : '8 8 Matthew I:l;no7s:iii:Edalii7ciiiiu - t; Margaret El inre, Mies • nr.tte Ince. To conclude with an entirely new faro*, milled bOWLtD OUT. Doors open at 74 o'clock. Performance* 001110111111100 at 7'cick. i'11 3.1 cz o e o o f Admission: DAM Cnisl6. Mat* tenzed without extra ohnrzo.) .50 cents; Pnzselet• (Faits_ _slP vreri nt 5 hole , 0 1 v h s i ts.) my' caring; 800013 d Tier and , aaaily Q 3 ; tiintle se,gTrofg=r4,ll:cry:trit=",7::! McDONOUGH'S NEW GAIETIES— RACE Ftteet, above Becond.—Passenur ears to Aad from all parte of the city. BRILLIANT OPENING. CROWDED AND DELIGHTED AUDIENCIES: bIioUTS OF APFLAUtIi. AriD LAUGHTnit. THE WONDERFUL RAVELS In the Comic Fantommio, THE FOUR R THE CORDE T]It(DUE, •xn VOL-AU-VENT. ittimmatott.—Parquette end Press C1113 , e. f mai Upper Tier, IS cents. L••ore tipeß at Si of 7 o•elocti commence at JORN-E. IdcDONOI3OII, Bole Proprietor. WU/UTLEY k CILARKE , B ARM STREET VESTAS.-- Charles Dickens' famous Drams of DOWB & MOP , . Captain Cutt1e„.....,...Mr. W. J. FLORENCE. To conclude with the celebrated Protean Drama, called A .I,lO l bOPl FOR lIIIBBANDIL Aire. Florence in wiz oharapters—W.ith onus &Ad demi. gerriee — teirs. To-morrow—First night of the sees*Eipsystowiza. entitled L A LLA /100$/t : to be produced in • Wl* of great splendor. CONTINENTAL THEATRE, WALNUT Street. above Eighth. CARNCRnSe AND BHA,. 21.w.vre AmisTRRY.S. FOURTH AND LAST WEEK. OnTUESDAY , September It, Mt Tne Bones—the Comedian—the earn Johnsen. Second night of the aH . U rea. Burlesque 01,0113, OH. 1! Seeond appearance of PRANK WHITTAKER*. RO,lB. The houses are immense, and with the attraction offered Iry the first " Frank Atoraa. , ' assisted by tke two other Franks." Pun and Harmony. Ask any one. Tickets, 25 cents. Private boles can be secured at the office Wig - TO-MORROW EVENING, Mr. MAMOI.7B WAR REN. all- et A IVIERIOAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ITs LIAN OPERA. OPENING NIGHT. WSKNESDAY. SEFTEKH zit Ia The Greatest Conolututtlon of LYR/CAL. ItITA.RB The Threat:we of the Acadeatr of MEMO, New York, have th fortunate announce to the Nitrite alai the= been no as to combine all lbe Bunnent of the ITALIAN OPERA COMPANIES. At present in this coustry. in ONE GRAND COMB/NATION. And that thes live In Philadelphia &short gow n of SIX NIGHTS ITALIAN OPERA. The in which the arbor ea aged pe ar. season wel A orp hi ni N u m iatir Wont Ope In which MISS ADELINA PATTI will appear in her unrivalled role of Antijna• thsncir BRIGNOLI in hie famous roleeif Eine*. Cooductors.....MAßETZEß. MDZIO. avinsosc On Thutedae. H. Debut of t NOhe Eminent Dminate Prima Donna. • .INOR A INEZ FABEIRL OPSRA WILL HE REPEATED. Price of ailiniseon to Perquetue, Parquet,. Mule. and B , 10 , ”17, 81. Reserve Para, wows eats. Fs inijp Circle. 60 coati. Amphitheatre. an oenta Preemies Roxes. 315. The eats of Sabooription Ticket, for all the ein nights coromencea on Saturday. September LS: and on Moeda, co omenees the gale for either of the eta tights. Doors open at 6 ()nein commences at 8. cell-t 1 MISS CAROLINE RICBINGIS---In com 'panoa with the earnest request of hot mans [moils and patrons, who aro dogtrot') of Solar ciripartn nal' to evince the great regard and bigbogra=t which they mamma for this favorite of naiad will give a • CONCERT, AT TIM MUSICAL F_OND HALL. On FRIDAY .13VHNIff Berreember The reoew yoular artistes smear Miss C. RICH! GS. Min Y O'CONNY.Lt., (her welt.) Mr. TAYLOR. Mr. RICRINGB. Mr. BIxPnON. Mr. PRAR . ER. ?dz. (MEITNER. Conductor.... ... • . 'rioters of admission, 30 - oents 'To be o•sithe Mum° Afore.. of !A ewe. Andre .t Co.; Beet & Litweas: Leek Welker. atm Ekshomater'o. sedtlik JOIOmOLOGICAL EXHIBITION will be n- opem for VISITORS on TUESDAY rirENING. at 7 o Gloat. /nal continua onmo day and IMIIIIII OE Wadnesd+. and rimvaday. Admictoei oast.. pEN NA. ACADEMY OF THZ FIN" A R7)3.-1026 CHESTNUT Stmst. Containing a large colleen.= of Pawtuus sad rum, is nOlr open daily from $ ft, M. tilt P. 111 191 1„ MISMort 26 ate.; ohildren =della year*. n 0/11ML PROPOSAI•I3. DROPoSALR FOR THE CONSTRUC TION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. i he Board cf COMiaillilloners for theerection Of Publto Be ia the city of Piffle&lphls. rued b. Act of Assembly of April 2d /MO. bentS il ry• rate fielded Pr floen or before TUNS Xs leptember 13 at t officef the Mayor. for the mo tion of these BElM:fines, in conformity to the PUS sub mitted by John McArthur. Jr.. and adopted on thee 6th instant. The conrtruction of the said Buildings 'll4l he aces meneed at such time vntnin six months next esseateg the date of the contract therefor as shall be dninidaitiM by the avid Board. and =vat be finished 'within Shret rears thereafter. • • • • . All the materials to be used. and the work to be dOOO., shall be et the cost and charges of the oontisetor . i sa il matvials must he the test of the kind and le al respects suitable for the purpose and no. to 'Ellett they are to Pe applied, and earn work moat be dose in tkoe moat workmanlike manner. The plans, elevations. sect_ mut. an have boss adests SIAM ass d by the Se ammo the office of the Minor between ;he ors of 1171.11 and 3P. M.. daily:where printed armies of the epeoffice tf one will be furnished, and fall explanatiogui agoras( by the Architect. l'ayments Inaba determined and made from tins' to lime in the manner: on the first Mond+, of the month in which either building shall be c , miaowed. and on the Dame day an each month thereof ter, until the terminationof thefix A wed by the contract for the oompletion of the logs. a careful and accurate statement in detail mstennls used end work done in and towards the meant on•etton and oOnstrtiotion of said building. dn.= the preceding month. (not including In snob statesmeg ea W materials interded or prepared for Pee therein bona fide end permanently set up. armed. or Malt Into the said buildings in aeoordanee with the plass sad ego officationealbresauld shall be mede out by the sow. A ligme tractor and furnished to the 6.11111 of Comma who shall through some competent perms, to be appointed for the Impose etamine sad the said statement and determine the cash vales o old materials and work. and thereupon the amount of seed valuation, ase twenty per eentialn to be raifterved t r city ea a security , in part , for and until tie Paid, le filment of the contract. 'ball be paid to the 61: = eatisfactory security to the amount o; two ' thousand dollars will be required• in addition to the re. nervation of twenty per centum. All carpen er ' s wort upon the eateries need to, the construction of said buildings shall be dose by lend, and not by mail with the exception of Boom wash boards. and window sills; 'f h e 60 a Td of mmaisioners WWI have the relit to require [ L ie removal. change, or &iteratioa of an sashi mi not enrreeponding an quality or workmanship vi the gpeetheatious embodied irt the °attract- aro that it be demanded by them within one ealemiar tam after such material has been set up or used In the buildings, Aviv additions or alteration, from the said plass end specifications which the said Board may deem asesaa rp or expedient. neon receiving the approval entire City Councils, shall be made by the oontreotor, after the Increase or lessening of the coat thereby. shell have been ascertained—and any increased expense 'hall, in canto grim to mob emending estimate. be Plod to the contractor whenever the required additions alterations shell be made—but if the aggen.a eh thereby be diminished. the es'imeted *mount of one decrease. as previously ascertained. shall be dedacte from the final ray meat under the contract. All loss and damage which 'ball be incurred by any neglect or fault of any one concerned in the erection of the., buildings shall be paid by the contractor who shall bind himself to in lei:unify the arty of Philadelphta from any and every claim or action ter any damage by reason of any such nerlect or fault P 'I he contractor shall incurs. and keep inspired, from loss by fire ri• by other cause is the endeavor to entia- Knish fire, the said buildings from their conameneesamit to their completion and delivery to the city—the men canoe companies in 'which such insurance is effecting to be decimated by the Board of Commismoners.aad be changed from time to time, as they shall re 4sire. Mid the wad insurance shalt, in nese of loss or n as aforesaid, enure to the advantage of the city. The oropaents hereby invited must be for the emotion of these building. in Lee marble. Pentutylmnia bin marble. PletOtt, COnneetiout. or other brown er red vice. ALEXAISDER IfISNBY. Pritiodesit, JAMISS It. LUDLIII7. Pecretary. se9-118if NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, 45:1 CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, 13, 11, 13, 81, 83 tr. 80 DUANE STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, OFFER FOR SALE A NEW AND RLECIANT STOCK of DRY GOODS for the FALL TRADE, suited to on MS of the corntry. They are ermine weekly, AMOSKEAG AND WAMS U TTA PRINTS, IN NEW AND DESIRABLE STYLES. THESE CFLEDRATED PRINTS are the CHEAPEST end BEST now acid in the UNITED STATES, and they beg leave to call the particular attention of dealers to therm an :t-lm PAPER 11A.INGLNG9. PAPER lIANGINGS HART. NONT4OMERT, k 00., WILL SELL AT AUCTION, Without reserve/. from their store No. 322 CHESTNUT STREET. UN THE It.rit AND 19211 OF SEPTEMBER. Alt thins large stock of PAPER HANGINGS. uoßpEas, PANEL, PLAIN, MARBLE, OAK, AND CURTAIN PAPERS. Ac., Of all qualities. and in lots to suit rooms of any nse. A rare stance will be offered to those who wish to paper their houses thle fall to get hetattitt , The -took will be sold et very low mites until the dey of esle. tea -Mitt ILITS AND CAPS. C . H. GARDEN & Co.. Manutaoturers of and Wholesale Dealers' in HATS, Card. FURS. AND STRAW GOODS. FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFI CIAL FLOWERS. RUCHES. FEATHERS, St. Not. 600 and 602 hf ARKET STREET, Southwest corner of Sixth. The most extensive and °amidst* assortment. The best terms and the lowest trines. First-clan Wens are partioularly invited to can. sultan EXPRESS COMPANIES. mowTM ADAMS Minn a CO., Offloa 390 CHESTNUT Striat, forwardaParoals. Paakaaea. Merchandue, Bank Notes. ace .. , peaut, either by as coarri Elam or in annt= all w other 14xprota ComMioo , to sal tits If toras and Wiles or the United:a rAtilFo lei{ u to
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers