-vro 1 € Goon Ann tliggen.oll44o7,lldaitatAitog z -US Ohl* itii'spiolieatinii'io the , Otienter siCsenetior; e*Ootionees' of EC ti; - kVo t ,ftoonCntreet:ibekiekCitee that. , The innikkinleittniityat Aft oftitoeititiAtist itendbutdedlY 140.4)1)4400;‘-ntiteit,,eadixlebeit.eeitreatiOna that etleaktodeeed tistenerld, and geti•tront:thiliheuneigo Iradiihnd enteueolnery fariiiittear they, hineaabled to sistrat as hue POO* ss inferiof hoods li resold tfingslier MOO stare :,`. This deneouittaids ant, sad, looting at itne sub; it,,tenet 7 lo ha wrindlirelfatihaf "Vein la 'beginning tit - patrontie J 3. 01Whittnar, & C0..-for oon-, ihelislon of 'etferibtetteise.'7'init le - , "Oxfiro*ifing:tho Octets* 'Orentlg htexid aitaen In ;; , ;, -•, . Lop r,,Avytts.cr torts-Thei,thiliesidipsduettian wtfl find eftlich-te Sitisat las att'srifioniust flow, to pase;' Inc along the weer 'dour prineiral Witness thorough- Laren.'ind . oiliatittlng dui shoe-windows. - Vanes. the 4-,Ye r stilidar , the. pavement; in front of chines Oseford k Bone ioneni&pent store, intder the ceintinintat - HotalOvils thronged With aril , Art. orlhi.;innquierable nine:articles ler the treason thii Annie nos, &Waging in &elfin:Mire win 'doWi,, whitge thrOtigh the antiulcer boots were eon. inanely nautili and relAseinS, looking niehlnt and in quisitive &a they entered, and happy end satisfied al , _tbet , emerged. -,OsiebriPri bur certainly become one • 'otOny hiradlng centres oValitthotion. - ; edverlisement 5n Our Amaee ment column, it will be seen L tbst on Monday evening next, Pr 1. Lave, ttie greet Unropenn masiaiin and ven t fountst.'eointnenue senes of illusive entertain- eneote4 Theeiess of the ooentry eronoueoe him Wader EllaCk'dre.!" Trot Love; eMere told. perform* . the m4it fentr. and duet his Toils oZ dace tieu-ea stuffy that Aloe* who:stead behind the scenes Tamura or the modus operavett is the audience eanied in fro cit... H e -will remain moor city tor six al eb.l goneert doubtleee be filled to witnese - M51111;1105. - •• - - TOITOR NOT, TASTiI NOT; the villainous alonholio aduttaittions se abtmdint the nrreent day. but, when s stunntant us seeded. use niood arlote, spelt as Barneida's Due Rye, Whisky ie soknowledged an Ali •idde r a totie. Thi Weak it ationgthens. and the strong it tarot so,. brits prisdissly.tissoiss qualities. The to °rested flyer tt liiitoestins • with deity is the best tiaishits, pc, ttslisiOtteititl:- Vlery Btnekdale, re• l OtletOts,SZ! Wshuitlttast. - Tss. SNOWst , Arttustit AGAINST Soajtow Is ''6giinoiit-zitl." and the surest remedy against vire is ••eleireettierallot your money., net unmediatele needed rortriai ef life, in 'the Franklin Illainee Frio, No. US Booth roorth - stwiet, below Chest . nut. Phileilelehie. where it can be Withdrawn when re ;,'-itairel,•Witheet entice . , with five pir eent. Intirest. , In ':.esstinints are thitid'Olij in the mat reltable 'securities. • This Saving Fond never inept:Wed, and piss in gold Or _Over if deemed. Hoe advertisement in soother column. I Ac wilt be iteetiley their card in to-dare paper, Cesperrea.k.Pherviss'a Minsteale will neon atthe Wal -mititntriet•Thiiiitre tie IN ednesday_eventinn pent, the 2 Fies - are kc eflotint re isaffir tn. illAleriedeinents of the bonnie. hattinio •/ , ;111niniiNintok and'neivone headaohn. dyspepsia; piled -"Ate t :;',l7l4re)ils.ef sediatery 104 should idwaya use them. * , —They. sar..and do not dehibtrte ba t i akin v alt thnes without ineenyenienee. They oon- Otli lib, *intent, g ptoaewt to the-teete.. One fig We si ;;;IfaitiCiotteotorinie*wo - Sias are srillioienktoproduoe -an/Wive puyge. ,Preiue 1 only-by_ O. 0. Bowel, Sixth d Vine. andeo'dhTlen4lne, Raw pllr box la 373 i Oen% , • , Oka Ososann km) Bianco Wpas.—This ws ,tarks vadat:grist ethlobrity. sad QC druiaad :for it , hriaarilmons rasititS. Its bens4ohil character is at, tbottiorodo, add it proaounoid hi "dial* ,ipaithildvhysiogsais ia itanerior to any other meth ehas! dnrinc Maar now fnlase. The almost minutubtaii . ' l ' - unirtrawhieh it his gerfotil id lead iu to Wittig that it r.. detained to become inttenevely =wain the treistment Of very many diseases which ordinary remedies fail to :=itre.l!ta Curative 'reseed's are established beyond endive feel asanred that it Mast': to • Item extent, supermiie many of the artificial compounds of • thldo.) : :,,,rit*ointnend thee. organ% resitti' we who may be sitifertne ttsint gained debility, or NMI any of the diseases fog which this Waters szeocri bid, to give it a 0171 f-sly : be,esspix;PsoiclO.: 7 •ltlrite,iroog. remark of on ancient philosopher. that& sensible man could alfty• hokrown by the out and style of his clothing. Foss r n ivn the t X CPU. of fantastical 'fashion ; sour cynics' of , i t s eted,neert of mulish adbeteree to what was est, and , rnen)ith? rdisere went Mei naked; white spendthrifts • ' is'dirgon titi ad sores aeon their hooka, in (henbane pQeLtrta and calve ti. Bensib e people, upon the con - tarsi Dwane a hairy mean between Latham extremes, — and: to thatarid i they procure their garments at the x• bloat!. Clothing Hall of nankin') & Wagon. Not. __ aud fill_ Chestnut street, above k Lath, where the' quest spendid etook.cif wearing arparel-13r gentlemen • 'and yoitina the c ountry will be found. _ • ARRIVAL& AT TEL PRINCIPAL HOTELS Air in?' 7.2 o'esocx•LAir main: , CONTiNENTAL HOTEL—Coy . Ninth and Chestnut. D C Wollnee.Polith CaballeiS P Par, Pittsburg Sea B Fry. U 8 A. - • !I Coffin, Cinehmsti 0 P Weitoott, Norio. 11l , T Boom, Chicago , P R Mtlirkla aka nolitniM 33. Levis. New Orleans ' 0 3 Vonrkis St Donis - Theo Cook, Cincinnati. , IC' R Carter le ea. Pt 'Louis Mira itarter..Lotnarllle se P Coker. Flub/ay n. , Mrs Dr E Marko, Colombia Aline Marks, Columbia. E .1 Meru. Colombia Jaa F. Rankin. Henderson'-4_N Freeman. treomis - - 3 . A Pemberton. N 0 , 0,0 Powell, St Joseph • , D nteare &16. Baltimore Deo Brandt, 14 0 John Yonne.. C nehmen. Chas E YonetsVineirmati ' • .1 Ajolea&laN C. Mrs M A Jardin N C J I Masks & t . Jac k son ß .1 Fallon' & wt. Pt Lotus it Ilifyller. Colninbia, IS C P. Townsend, Columbia : - J W Sorb:Macon, Oa John Burnham & ois, Del r•+ Mess Ammover. tielaware Sami .rilver. De aware 'M B moot AViireling, Oho V Harris New York Chas Jackson ' . Roston ' D W Myer &la Balt . Plre 8 Myer, ttabimore Mrs yohnatto. Vinare • ' , 'Masts a Johnston. digit E • Ilendrick. ochester 4EII sh in,'; Ilarrieture A A nemmet. U 8 1 1 ( r lrßiltak.Ph,la , , Gep W City, U 8 X re .1 7 , A nder s on . lit Louie *.lio I Anierson. 8t Loots , Iris ç Balton .St Louis ' Ifs A erf. St Louis X Tho oat, !Contact, w Ildegd:Now York A Stirling Jr, Baltimore A Otirlint, Or Baltimore - - Javntiltrrllng, Baltimore .1 . li. T Sneed A la. Memphis See hlennily. FiFSNITC- - Thee IteAuliv. Mow York A/ Walleflt &14,,Navelkirk L 0 Colvin, inainniatl ,',,., A w g i ttsy n r; to, so iU . - i ' t Per/ i rit4:4l, l - ,* : : -I.l l far ent r n iii . et il irN in , I.A . soe'lL i ßlif t :us t eett Loai : Rim& clef/les:We, Tema W. P Winans & wf,'Ls ..,...... W•ilokhir ar. wG La • ,•'T P mime. chommton .... t swig Allen, Detroit- . PrOoff. New York R "older. N YP Rudder, Belt , MOne - ---- rt On sobers-Pittsburg J T Percher. 8 Carolina Si W Olationtorp, Kentucky J N Catlett. Eenttnier . • T Tboonsou. Baltinkirs i r A Jewett J : 'pest N 119.1 en 9 W Robe rte. West Point ' R Rada*. Point , 3 Kidd!, Went Point ;Rion landerre. C W t o .;,... .P i M o Lootime. Car- (a s ' All& snit 0 Orleans .. W slonartirwi gg I R. A i datm Petw t orlatip s , ~.. 3 Raid. smith Carolina 0 Miltenberger & la, N . O .... weds Milteribenter. PI 0 W hialtenberaer. NO , `on Mutt. N oJesse BJAvelooo, Ala Godes. Marion, Ala' •, J L Mauldin Greer:ills . ins M Kama. Indians/mks 0 8 Lister, Masseebusette f'' 411 4 11 1 4. 11 7 1 .3 Y .‘ " .. . . 4 1 3 inig ininin Vii t i r,ille. Bolivor.Peell.' . . ;' l'hne M Bones: Aegetsto NI ' ns - H g ama &le- - New York ' R ranneabe. New York ;,--. Artintd- Tennessee 8 D lisnie A ha. Pittsb'e , tkirkirstrlek. Newburg • Non Deo W P Smith, Mil ~ atuaLat Foram, ' Std B. J Rarglisuklat .6 1 A Crenshaw Athens, Ale Wii Nelson, N 0 ~ 9 M00re.... rh• lier Abe 'I R. Megennis. Florid' ...,•J•R &Goa, SC. • • P E %womb C l- , 0 I , ,lrord. S - . • T A Ritekland & la. Mo 1. , •I'D Roberta* ts.lB C T 0 Wildman, Osamu Cy -.IV 41 rendleion, Kentucky JO's W Dust. Dayton 1 .'- 0 'Rory, Alabama R J Cituninglisim.4lshoma ~. el Klan :. tigusta. Ca" A S Lit so.leneusta, Oa ..-• - • J sansolf. - Pilireborg - • Phallerd Johnson. Balt a., , X,Nonroad & ledy, Ark Thos_Maynes. Arkewla, . M aeda, o firkins** ' A.R woe avid* lady. a 0 4 - Wheedler , W W Willard.;....WhAeling _ It R 'Mine, • 'einem • Capt °lmes, - U 8 II q.. 4.Wilhriaa://earer City -"1 , allitalin MOUSEinto and Cheateetstreets. 7 , 1 if , t.Phitidelibiai - ' 3 P Qtattoli Orion. Mich .- , ..wv Nat rhinos". Biaitimere H Bradley. !donors eamiZemajley, Pittsburg' fleml Sproule, Pittsburg ' B B Ramsey. Pietennee Jiffies Jelin* ne. Lanealtee ''Ai tomeester - - Roatiard Dummey. Lena, - Vise'Caltwell. Lea. Va R Knox Ur n Costie.ilail j f." Prammore & 3s, Pa , - David Snail, Milwaukee t o us rine Galletbne. N 0 Thomas 1. Mar -A. u iihrris' 1., &wood • J W Pilmunems, W ile r ruld Curtin. Bellefonte D P Brown. Pott sville - , q Pinup. 13 it Mr.. • John rd Matra& Pa c4l AQhitios ' - ' W 8 Preston, Ark , i 4 ,-- ..7,1.01. NY• ' - . ' P H Bwenvon & le. AM • r •• • Bkmdzond - Noefolk(Va 8 W adsve, Chioiipo .6, antral} & la/ et 0 • ' John a Wilson. Ghee as vicC .uly. Thies .1 H hoodoo. thins -Jolur.O. Wiler, Utica, • I C ei. r k & g, Mass ”Peent Clark..eliaingaiyel D 0 Nor Incr , Mar Ispd F *eel, Minnuota P 4 liandao;& hi. re Min ACV , enderson, Ps Drury lii. Wt Penns g1i,11.21.A.0h00k Alemphis Thos P Smith. 0 . . AV none], • Medan. -'• 1314 % inloker &la Arltanpus Mast W - nd Tummy. Ark " /1 . allor7.lYouth Carotins 14 Policathornadsatehes W ism. Georgetown, Del Ti 'MAI in: worth Caroline. Adios i Gibson . twaroltas 4 , v 4.13 n .12e ldin 418 Carolina D E T h omas,lr, Balt Mre tl. 0 lamer. Elkton. Md Mies emir. Etkt.a.. Nd .:, Al. lintart , & - le.. .14 Carolina Mow umout. re Ce. areltn NI fir ohs is. N York el•se Brooke, New Yor k •IL i Ntdo'Xon.. Ne w York' N S Pular. 'sew York ... 4 tritton. New V nrk 0 W Roper. New Orleans , i ritill" , reamer, N 0 leans Wise 1.. Roper; Pt 0004n* Nue l'.. 8 Ironer, N Orleans Pi 0 G‘rrleo... "anland ,- -a r im ; &M um Ala Gsorgia .1 a W viten. Georgia i . J3ka.o,olhol litt l e J j F R Re t li t i. , , Si v ettilor tn oa "Il l io n rll'Au tn hi 'S im' 3 P Coyle; Wag. tfin n t '.;- :lel& ft, twitinio . fal ' Jai P Itannell Trenton —.' 4 41 , 11'erri7, Canada jr'grale4Ztrt New York go .-N-Y.,,, ,- Coot Dn's ler. Coon . . r- - itinglan'enticist Ceo a. Hoffman, Phnom' km CI ki•nostiner. PieW York Jamb Murphy. tibia Josiah . . u• as tihm • A 0 Williams, Kenturke ---44•1totaolyr +llford --- Thom covet,. Lex•ton, ICI fly D 0 val. es. .ara X.. °aver & la. Oa sea ('liver & sis,_ Oa, tbn Barbee. Lou-aril. 01 gI mown. "Imola Thus Wilson. Lottieville i'. . utinir,frirylvenia, g Johnsen,. Nashville 14_ int lime, ow York Avt Grant, New York i lM n tr n isia • n t7eg r t i a g 2 1 Bellefontegri l ltiltiq n illlts3entino, Rellefonte = Bond Valentine, Realefonte *- 4 fOritheoir,PbtkideletilS • - e_Lorribdan. haltimore I a - il o tVII roirdserWorat. 0 r Tit Straub & la. Pi York ..;,- . 1 i lf ., Wdover, Noy. Port, , Mi t Weaver, New Vora , 1 kvilityrd; wham -, ',w Hawley, New York ff,' l to *. . Wier - Neer YOB( t Allen, Sew ‘Ork ... ins Allan. 'Yoke:York ' ; Harrison Fenno '''-" Trodr, PograllitVanle. B Brady. , ensellesnis .. , ~, Day; Txins' ^. ' Cle 111 Gillett, Balt , more ;1 3 tinideorma, trorriobunr "1 Cadwalader. N Jersey ".: itir k Selma, Little Vont iroswol, Balms, Little Reek F. ; ' Mei A ehine Pr i son. Ilk 1 lhaolri.Nerw York '' i til l iall e ing 6c 44 l l l 4ll l ler• 11 7111 8te:347.140 1 4 1 Y0tk -'- /OH 'Mira , Charteatonok C C fr. Taster, Richmond tis t ylie. JI, 8 iehmottd - Ftebbins.:Riehrriond ..1 aa - Doming 14 Yarn ci. H Braiater.N York 1 2 1: wl4l: " ls li se "" ttr i l: r A ill f ralfria7. o i r riWa rk :r . '' 0 N thsiateig. " Weebington 0 Har t . e, Pannerlvanks *‘ '2. fit•VrY. l t i ejt r o n t n i I _. l v In I a - ' FR?, o or Fe w voli°, * _il ow Mutate, ledia9B ch ar x* , New lamer ',..514A.11... I enieguet ssAllen, Lexington ,- ; `,...i Matutitant k arf, Baltimo re . it ,MEROH&IITSJIXTEIrontth at., below Arch. e l ii WWldteetdes,PiDeD&l j X rode r, Col. Tenn ,i 0 Wiwi,. Tennessee' - 1., X Plot d. Mt Vernon.lnd Dee o 3 lemons ft to, Tenn W E Desto, Mattoon, Ind -.....4 .. - I EX.A.Ii:ON-millereburn, 03 E Koch . Jr. bltllersbs,lt os AllithiteOt& -- - ' Walter fi Oliphant, N J Newton. Oxford. 0 W Kelsey. Cotemhas ~.,,,../. 0 Kelsey.iCoteotbus D Robinson. Jr. Wooeter,o ;.. i lsop:Phijadelphla . D.f.elootackiis, Mime ...' X ' 4i 0,0011,47cm' - JIL Wilder, OWIDIMIIie =2 l- ' , • 4 oneerkte. HiehmOnd Col *abide*. exam .. ... ;1. 1 . ' A•ilintin 'Delaware 3.ne 5 Martin. PliEs t ,' l t hiteVigg: P .ArAi ' Sii k _ ii , Vilfasuriltiraira .4 , . Boer, Cotton Plene,AtkChaepneh.__4ok.onene . T jimwm„ A , ;mm. We , n , .fterroo, .ft, Mass ~'S. img4tolpybpluburt - ' -.• , mcgilcAN:akyrsl,4ollentitit strait, &belle Fifth. 4441.eiKottelloi Iri Easeire ', Jae Kiahmond, DEIiaiWATO IT oarritson, rhOstlettnlis Jacob Klepper, Tennessee W H O Mahone. Voltam.. =AJ Folts, Oalem, N 0 Olitneetn l J.K - ooklyn • John Thomas & lii. le J ' oni'Phoorke.litorJereer I, Cooper, Dyer /epee_ , P Milan & I .eZet.oloA .: 1 2. 1, 21.2,77,a4, 1 2 2 1411, -,, •tar....-fizi„ii-q.,,.. WIi3PW bit d ereT'.; .3 otrfrest, ' ' Tarraggen , .....,,,, : ..„ nliegneit , be atrium'. Carbondale `....)' 1111 ... .._111eit . i'reettditar ~,, • -JC iter.ikrkentee - ..toswzi ork ..:..,' John Moyne, Jr. Melton 1 f',..." 4 *".17=1,,,,444,- . .. , .. - Alas ,. South Carolina )1 ~i,...,. el i e l ~,..- . X<ifiwr rf.X&E; OTEL,-/Moon* 04. below Via& e.c.Xll.llLneyett ico-. , Thai Wieder; &eke no ' ta pot - 110 , .11. ,r4l .R.ll thewp, •,. j,... - 0 _ I , er ..• co JAPpds eis 3 litdt , It'..t r. . , . npoo Sillisegt - . jilike3,* wing ststreet.i&ave Sixth. • R Wright,, , Live .a , rarker,Philadelptue '0 W miggagg , • - ohn llasime, Illihois F Relf. per i hklis 0 /Poet. %Its, N(3 88 Ken no Gs • ea Worrell. Prow. P, I „Thoegions.P , ov...s. I• . / Dogrel!, New Jersey • SI Rosenbers. "lents 8 M Tait. Riolignond. Ya j ha coaway:Riehrriond,Ya I Harris. Pennsylvi •Briv,p-A. Gaynor. Ginn , John Gaynor. New York eats i Gaynor, New York W ... Oklllnian ,Pa , H J Williams..__Ene,, Pa J 8 Spencer. N C Josebileeiie. niatylsed • C ,F ray & fa, NeW Jorgigy A a Nisbet, North Carolina .... NZ LOUIB If UTEL,-(7hestant it. above Third. VS II Williams, Ihirlinggdn' .y . Vdwasibion. Georgia - 11,8pauldiag. New York John .1 Kelly, Phile J Wolstecholni, It Island N Litchi, Louisville; Kr Mn B Edwards.' Marsinsb's M isr Annie Edwards, Pa Min Mary Edwards, Pp i Malaria', Baltimore *fittap _wife; New York H King, Now York , L yisa n ZlNYrk . J McDonough, II Jersey , N ew Jersey - THE UNION—Ara street. above Third. *Ropes, Brooklyn nog Hughes, Brooklyn J C btone. atoCoonesmilt• Mas_A Alexander. Ps J M Blaalthrim, Massillon R Indianopolis C V Jones Cinoinnati J H Davin, Malta. 0 ra T Ham g. Monarch lowa_ E 8 Nadirs. fhiladelontsk, John A Horner, alt U Ibidel, Pottsville A J Ektchison. Ohio Geo J Bander, Waynesboro F Dick, Huntington. Ind 0 Palmer, Danville, 11l ft Young, Fungoid, lowa HO Gleason, Minot Mrs qleakon, Mass 08 Morse. Massaohusetts • 0 B Day, reoria, 111 Day, Peoria, Al, , J M &mg, Chinaga .MERCHANTS' Hottes : — Tbaril M.. above Oallowbill, F Vanwint; Bustle on Jas Fitzgibbons. Scranton Nerve Cope,-Wilkeiblirre W Ouleddlentown IS Moms. All entown C Jarrett, Montgomery co H 8 Wood, Bsoke no Chas Krasner Quakert'w F Farman. Quakertown - Daniel 0 Fur m an. J Josish Bartholomew, Pa 13eo W Wolf, listmant'w Mmll Kaminerer, Centre oo BALD EAGLE ROTEL—Third et.. above Callowhill. A Deverett,,W boohoo Vs J Boren, Books co. Wrath, Bucks oc. Pa W Beans. Books co. Pa Geo Nokia, New Jersey Jordon tit..ver; Penns NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street. above Third. Wit Gabel, Lancaster ' Lobo Silvia& Din/nyder W L Atlantily City - 0 6 Lipp At onto, City F Smith, /Übaldo City . Chen Getz, Atlantic City B. hiarimen, Atlatdio CityA El Edwards, tiorlinston damn Holman Abs. Ches oo Nimes Moses & in. Chesl3o Thos W Harris. POLIIM Geo liargent;Philadelphia H J Handler. °Naval. It P Atkiuson. Philad'a I L Wood, Pennsylvania A P Rhonda, Pennsylvania FOUNTAIN MOTEL—Second street. above Market. Thos P Denten. Maryland J fßarrel, Northam 'n on di It Pacer & la. Mass Mire if Pasty, Fairfield ti It Vincent. Concord. Del A th. of. Dover. Del W N Jabots, Dover, Del Nervy eirsom. - Maryland W'r Mo. laments, Centre's J J Barron. Centreville T Willie. Centreville. Manlove Coolyn Mass Mice Carrot, Burlington 'J W Reynolds. Felton, I'd A 0 Donn, ()maiden, Del J Lone, VViiminaloor De MT. VARNON ,IOYIRI.-Besond itraet. above Arch R B Williams. Poes'ay w 's Pt 0 B !timbal, Alex, Va. ro Willard. prtilivielphia yecob Ne.m. W a y ne oo Lewis Deb re. Rooks co , Mr Christmas!. Nomstown JIM'S McGraw, Alex VI 0 8 Adler. isoaedale. Pa COMMERCIAL, HOTEL—Math Street. ab Chestnut. 131110 Batten. Pt Deposit Alfred Bunting., Dal on J rh mason & I.llavre de Or p Er s lomai A 3y, Pittab'e John A Owens Pittabdre T Dammam:l. (Riveter on R. A Dookstsder.. NY WM Chandler. Wilm, Del Bunt id Tsickp. New York Marsha I w right, Lane 00 J Raritan. D. Mime oo Lomas.) Book, Mester co Elise E Noboru, Meson co STATES,IJNION—Io &that 'treat. above Sixth. R Woodavr & 3 ons,Pitteb's John M gberie. Laneaster 8W I 411711111 & fa • , - V? Lawrence Baltimore EPuri/.. Philadelphia'. - Geo Ild Kulo & t dart Pa Hall, Vir&da , - Jas a B lion. Philadelphia e; I ane,wieontsin ' h; J Pinta eon, Blair oo A ?Mier, Franklin no, Pa TJ, Mager. Ohio IMP 0 KT A T Pim s ( ReOrrted mr The Pre..l VlCR l l6oNl)...eteamehin. Virginia-36 coma tobteon Cohan k Taitt: 40 bee do Huainan , . Moriaermon & oo; hare feathers Parker & Tolemd:32 bales yarn .1 8 woodt, ward & done; 1 tr..: miles Morrie. Tester & 77 bare reed Boyer & flowolay; in empty hhde 10 do bble M assay. Wiles Co; 13 emery hide R. Newlin & Co; 223 do 6os totviooo 4 Milsoi—dnete 26 hie sitedrire order. Ni3w BEDFORD—Rehr 13 Pratt. Bh4rman-6600tare nil Flrelreon & Kern; aft odo Cochran & Rureell: 3200 do Allen ft Need'es:3 casks 'germ W P Newlin: It Ware 11 tots 9 bble ml rl Arno), & 2/1 Allison to Penner ire. nla Railroad; 62 do North Peansylvania Realroad; 162 coils cordage order. 'MARINA INTELLIGENCE. IBS F 0111.711. PANG PRIVErn• &et to Brig Won*, Barnard, from Calais Aug 1. with lathe, Gaekill tr. . . Rehr Standard Anaheim.l day from Fort Panib Del. with grain to Christian &Tanta- Fehr Olivia. Fox. 1 day from Adam'. Del, with grain to Christian k Curran. Rein' Henry Wplfe. g data front Milton, Del, with gram to Christian & Curren. Bohr Emma,Hrooks.lday from New Cantle, Del, with wheat to Jae Harratt & bon. WIRMOR arena The treeket steamer John MoMakin. Marshall , wnilet at anchor in Lewes Creek. Del loaded with gram , trait and vegetables, for Philadelphia. took fire at 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. and became a total hew. Capt M win not on board at the time of the fire but the deck bands, engineer. and firemen were. and exerted their beet enemies to save the -easel. hat without effect, es the depth of water wee ipsufficient to scuttle her. SteamshuirKennebeo,Johlueon. hence, arrived at New York 'catarrh's. • Steamship Arago.Lines. for Southampton and Havre, cleared at New York reirerday. Steamship Sealieroo. Brooke, for Liverpool, elearud at New York yesterday. - Ship_John Merrick, Crabtree, for 0 laagow, cleared at New York yeeienlay. • Ship Chas Ward:Gould, from Liverpool, arrived at N York yesterday. - Bbip Mermaid. (new, RH tons) Scudder, cleared at Boston 18th inst. for Hone Kong. Bark- Nordnam, Van Lewes, for Philadelphia, Was loading at Rotterdam Mat nit. _ Bark Washington Butcher, Coi l i ng, for Marseilles, cleared at New York yeeterday• Bark N H Gaston, Parmelee, for Barbados/4 cleared at New York awarder.. Buhr M Pickup. Baker, cleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia 'Yalu Onernine, Willotte, hence, arrived at Wilming ton. NO. 16th inst. Bohr C 0 Saddler, Sipple, front Delaware City, arrived at New Haven 18th inst. &bre Marl Haler. Haley. and W A Hammond, Pow ell, hence, arrived at Boston 18th lust Bahr Atlantio,Wass. hence, arrived at Saleml6th inst. Bonrr Alice Lea, Polder. and a m Aldridge, Bateman, sailed from Palm 18th last for Philadelphia. Sahr Horace Staples iiibbe, sailed from-New Bedford 18th 'met for Philadelphia. Stir Ana Eliza, Hohinion, hence, arrived at NOwYork Yesterday. • , ISPEC3IAL NOTIOEIS. , . SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, ,THISTT.IIINITI AND 8711DISTS, Philadelphia. A Belem Boarding 'School. E. D. 4 BllJteirttrwrisna - territTN - Arrirwe HERS, A. Ill.:Prineiptla Hon. Wilt. BUIL rR, Clearfield ; WIH. iIIcHIBI3II% Esc., of the Marthants , Hotel. Philadelphia ; Hon. J W. FORNEY, of " The Press," Rev. R. WEST BROOK, of the S. CUniola ; Hon. J. W. MAYNARD , Williamsport; 'J. LEISENRING, EMI.. President of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Cowmen.. and Hon. ASA. PACKER; Manch Chunk; alt of tob am have soks boarding in Saunders' hisiftlete, will give their friends 'who in be loosing fora safe, thorough, and pleasant 13'..h001, any information desired respecting this Semi. nary. Ifow ROEIER A. PRYOR. for several sessions et mem ber of Protestor Sanders' Institute. in a recent letter to him, remarks: "1 remember the years r spent at your house with great sattsfsetion, and I am indebted to you for tte foundation of any literary - taste I may nos sees." A Grove and Lawn'of EIGHT ACRES are attached to the Institute for seclusion, recreation, and physical exercise. , TIMM, 107. A 11101101 01 FIVE NIONI/15 Pr pilot by the daY. receiving 111 Papds by the week. up to Friday Pupils remaining constantly...... -- • -- • No extra extra charges. Payments in advance. INntooluera Tun kxSTIAL—Two-thirds of our diseases proceed from derangementeof the stomach sad the nerves. A want city - Igor in the digestive organs causes en Immense mounter discomfort, both in body and mind. ONE PREPARATION, AND ONE ONLY, reaches the cause and lie eenseguenees of tit's discom fort. 7o give strength to the weakened stomach. to calm "the agitated nerves, and to restore that regularity of action in all the organs which oonstitu e perfec t , health. and tend to secure a long and painless life, there is ne medicine now before the world which will com pare with HoSTETTER , s STOMACH )31 i TEM It would be an insult to the reader to suppose that he has not heard of their amazing euesmee in Dyspepsia, Liver Complerat, General Debilitt, and all the disou era to which the stomach. the liver, the bowels and the ner vous system are *abject So marvellous is the effect of this great rest 'retire that physicians of eminence do nor hesitate to affix their names as witne see to the tes timonials of personswho have b-en rescued from suffer ing and danger by the Bitters wh-n the remedies of the dispensary had all been tri d without avail. Sold by all dragatati everywhere LYOTT k, CO., amid, 232 North SECOND street, LARGE! 'FMB Wtrunt.'s 13nws. Law:deter Town'hip, July SOON). I Msairi.EVANS & WATSON 1 13 cc TLnizx The small Mee - Po. I Iron Bafe which I purchased from your agent, Mr. e dam It. B en .. in tan. cower city, on Jelly 70th, 058. hen been subjected to a very severe test, rrhieh it withstood in a snout satisfac tory manner. This, containing all my books. together with valuable mmers, belonging to times f, and some to my nolo bbors a-d friends. and representing a value of over Twenty Thousand Dollars. (OM 0000 was to my Mill, which was destroyed on the night of the 77th of July, 11330, and passed through the fiery ordeal un scathed The Hale was on the second El-or, and fell to the byeement of the mill, and was subjected for sus hours to en intense heat among the ruins, which was greatly increased by the combustion of a large quanta,' of grain confined within the brick walls After the fire the Oafs was opened. and the books and papers taken out ins state of perfect preservation, the paper not even being dmsolored. This fact was, however, to many bystanders a better reoommendatton of your Safes than could be expressed an any other words, from me. Yours, respectfully, SAbIUEL RANCH. EVANS & WATSON neve e Large Meortmeat of the above qtlality SALAMANDER SAFES No. 304 ORZEITNUT STREET, On as good tannage any in the United States anli-dt Att, snoutn not fail to read the adver tisement of Prof. WOOD in to-day'n paper. sub-tt COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARIMPAIIII.LA FOR megirro Boor Baas.—A pleasant and heathy beve rageaLbzghtCentsa Gallon, for family use. Full di rections locompany each bottle. Its universal and In ortuelnt popularity is its best reoommendation, Be ears of numerous imitations sold on the oredlt of our extract and advertising. Too Muting prepared only by YOTTER .t WIAMPIN. Practical Chemists, WEB TSRLY, It. I. Wholesale Agent, for Philadelphia: DYOTT & CO, 9119 North 131bCOND Street. Bold by Draggled, and Grocers generally throughout the country. , hie that-MAO _ 'UARD PRINTING, BEST AND ORGANIST IN the CRT. et 34 South THIRD street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet and Chemed in the ilitiost 34 South THIRD meet. ' BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Rest and Chestiest in the City, at 34 South THIRD street. HAND-BILL PRINTING, Bast end Cheated in the •Oitti it 34 swath THIRD street. , - PARIPIMET PRINTING, and every other deaorip- Goa of Printing, of the lead anterior quality, at the nest reasonable Taut; ;at RING WALT L BROWN'S, prenere Banding. 34 Routh TRIAD street. 1/1 3 tf - Saviiisa Annk--NownamsT OoninnriWOND tad Wow/ striate.—Draroolro re imikaid largo amomito, from all &ow of aetaffi sud allots iaterwt at the rate of FIVE ME CENT. mir 141 . 11• TPIrp li tirs l P l 4' Woks inthoip, laid of in- Okii t = k ,fro6ltiatiti,etilmlioxii es Nos Skit aim ill the amsnis.= , hied- PILOILWX HILL 1 *Nem Md Iciroterrt MIL IL ItOSIVI. Ox>t PitION CLOYMIIIO OF 11111 LAMM lenne, made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALM . LOWEST awning mows marked in Plain Figures, AO goods made tO Mier warranted sane. %Amy: Our ONE-WOE spasm stnetly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only tilt way of dealing AU are thereby treated alto. JONES & CO.. eett-tt log MAIAKET Street MET Nas MIRACIELODS !limn; Da ■:sons, the oldest end beet remedy known for Ex terminating RATS end MICE. COCKROACHES BUGS, ANTS, MUSQUITOEB, FLEAS, MOTHS, GRAIN WORMLand GARDEN INSECTS. Er Ptinetpal Depot, 61A BROADWAY. N, Y. Bold by all Druggists everywhere. mill-am SAVING Fain'—NATiONAL SAM= TRIM Clotretty.—Chartered by the State of reoneibrame, RULES. 1. Money in received every day, and in any amonn tarts or small. L FIVE PER CENT. Interest is paid for money from tbo day It is put in. P. The money Is always paid beak In GOLD whenever It is nailed for, and without notice. 4. Money ie reoeivett from EZICUIOT3, Acestiotistrittors, ti‘nontiass, and other Tnistees, in Imo or small sums, to remain a long or short period. i. The money received from Depositors is invested In Real Retatei Mortgages, Uround Rents, and other first olass eltOurities. S. (Moe open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest 01 lIIf Third street. Philadelphia jell SALAMANDER inui-PRoor BA7IIB.—A vory lane assortment of BALABLA NDBRO for sale at rea sonable prices, No. DE CHESTNUT Bt. PILAW&RbIa. udit-tf 14VA NR ib WAUtah MARRIED. WIIITP,—•rf !NEM BYFIL—JuIy 10th. at the Par, soilage N 0.1003 North Fifth street. by R.'. Wm. B. Wood Mr. Richard It White to Miss Ernetine meter. both of this oi BOIJIITON-;.BRINDLE.—On the lath indent, by the Fey. J W. MnDongsl, Mr. Reqsaiin P. Boulma to MiekEllen a Brindle, all of Vinoentown, Burlington count.. kJ • . OLAVER—ROBINSON.—On the 10th 'natant. by the Rev. F..A Beeman, Captaiohn S. Oliver. of Balti more, to Mee Hannah Rob ins on , i of Philadelphia. • DIED. PROCTOR.—At Mount Roily, N J., on the 16th inst. Margarette Proctor. wife of Willliam Proctor. Jr., and danebter of Amos Bußook. in the 39th Year of her age. The friends of th • family are in. ited to nttend the funeral from the residence of her husband, at the ably° olacie,on second day. at 1 ololook P. M. ' I,F.MIN G.- On the 17th instant, Joseph Fleming, in the oath year of his age. The male relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to att-nd the funere.', on Is °nt' y afternoon. at 9 o'ol'ok from his late residues, No.loll Vine street. Fterment at Woodland Cemetery. "• B sOR ilB.—To Brooklyn. on the 13th instant. Caro line 0., wife of F , ederi r B mike', and my denghter of A. D. R. Mo ma, of Philadelphia, mad 26 yew s The relatives and friends of the f'miiy are respite fully invited to attend her funeral from tee residence of her fat whir. erederink R. .aches Main below I tarhOeken street. Germantown. (Saturday) mo'n inn. lath st.. at 9 o'nloolr. B RlDriß —Of congestion of the brain, In the 31st year of his agp. on Wedsday. the lith instant. at the residence of Colon. I Wm. Cummins, Rimbaoo collies %film county. Pa., Rev. Thomas R. Beveridge, rotator Of the sixth 'I./rated Presbyterian Church of this can His friend. and clergymen of different denominations are resee , tfully invited to attend his tune Si from his ints, residence No Eta vorth Twenty-first street, on Monday morning. the 20th Instant , at 0 o'olook. Fu neral t , Mount Mulish Ce metery, e• • PARMA:Y.-0u the lath instant. after a lingering iii nese. James Carmsn. in the 39th year alibi age. The relatives and friends are respootrally invited to attend his funeral f om his late residenne. oorner 'Of Broadway and Federal street. Camden N. J.. at 10 *lock on Monday morning. the 20th. withqit nutter notioe. Funeral to proceed to Laurel H il l Centeterr, • DOIIOL.APIe.—On the 14th instant, Mr. James Deng. lase, In the 67th rear of his sae. Funeral from his late residence. Pennsylvania Hotel, No. 48 north Birth street, this (Saturday) morning, at 10 &oho*. • LEEK —, On the lath instant. Fannie , wife of Wm. flj..ees in her 2ith rear. Funeral trom har late residence. 10115 Stoppen street, , ylinorninest9o'cloolr. r ' d it..-0,3 the lath instant Mercies B c i r s .o t eu s o a n, ! op , , r Pesohal IL and ^ arch Omlter. Funeral from_ the residents or his Coul isarente, corner of gneen and Tow , ship Line road, Germantown, on Stin 4 iv• rtfternonn. at 2 °Nilotic. DRUID Lb.—Ott the nth instant, Mrs. Catharine Driscoll. as ed 60 years Fune T h omp so n , late residence. Me vine street. below this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'slook. FRY .—rin the lath instant. Jose t ph Fry, in the bath year of his ge n a. H EV.—O the 16 1 11 instant, Sarah Ann. daughter of Thome and Sarah 80138 Y, aged a years, 1 month, and 16 da Funeral from the residence of hen:lamas. No. 211 North Seventeenth street, above Race, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 it olook. PHI. LIPS.-00 the 14th instant, Rebekah S , wife of Daniel iI Phillips. in the 34th year of her am. E1111.V13 from tne resulenoe of her father. Peter D. Myer , No. r(l5 ?derailed street, this (Saturday) after noon. at 3 o olook. 811.9.`v.—0n the 16th instant, Joseph B. Shaw, aged "r giVe a ial from his late residence. No. 704 Erie Street, west side. first door be:ow ehippen, on Monday morn ing. et 9 &Monk. SHERLOOK.—On the 16th instant, Margaret Sher lock. in the 81st year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her daughter. Sarah W hittou Pasoalville. on Sun 'a afteencon. at 2 o'olook. STEVEN:C-0n the 16.11 instant, Albert Stevens, in the 41st a ear of hoe age. Funeral from his Late residence. No. 235 Madison street this (Reiturmay I morning, at 8 o'olook. ST KVENSON.—On the lath instant. Li dia Ann Ste venson, aged 25 yearn, Funeral from the residence of Edward Wilson. No. 17 queen street. this (sere rd al ) morning, at 06 o'olonk. SUPLES.—On the 16th instant, Evelyne. Suplee, in the 00th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband No. 1109 Ridge avenue, this (eittorday / afternoon. at 3 o'clock. TAYLOR.—On the 16th instant, Sarah Elizabeth Tay lor. In the sth year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents. Duke street. above Hanover,Eighteenth ward, on Sund a y afternoon. at 4 o'clock , W ...1,811 —On the 15th instant, Ch ristopherW. Walsh, eged 36 years, the re/Mears of his mother. No. 215 Prime street, above heisond, on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. . . moMAMON.--On tho 16th instant, Ann, wife of Michael McMahon, aged 29 rare. Funeral from tho residencg of her hnabend,Eighteenth 'treat and Girard avenue, this (Saturday/ morning,.nt 9 o'olook. BURL—On the 16th instant. Mrs. Bhkabetn Burr, wife of Penmen. Burr. eyed 56 gear.. Funeral from the reeidanao of George A. Gilbert, Gent Broad street, Burlington, M. J., on Sunday morn ins. at 10 o'clock, BYJINI6I.—on the 16th Mm. Catharine Byrnes, wife of Wm. Byrnes. aged 32 Year Funeral from the re.utenoe of I:er husband • no. zzo Water Wayknt • - . ROV.AL.—On the lath instant, Matilda W., wife of lotteph Royal. In the 29th ear of her age. Funeral front the residence of her brother-in-law, Win. W. Baxter. No. 431 Enterprote street, on.Eund.ay afternoon. at 4 o'clock. BINTZ the 15th Instant, Wnt. Meisel, in the 50th year of his age. Funeral from his late remdenee. Franklin street. above Noble, west side, on Runday morning, 19th, at 9 o RLACIK AND PURPLE FOULARD Aar BILKS. . Plain black Fou'ard Bilks. ' Black Dungen, 3(.8-4. 7-4. and 8.4 wide. Black Crape Al aretz. aatne widths. Gray Ghana R. flit Poplins. fray Chene Harem' and ' ll °halm. NO Bars, a, ruffled po t u t s . twe's Summer Bombazines and Cindy& lank and whits torwrus and Organdies, &a. BEBBOIS & BON. NoarnipKlNOTO, Nn, 91R CB ESN tYr Street. N. B.—Darins July and August we close at 6 P. M. THE ONLY RELIABLE ARTICLE ... CLARE'S Patent INDELIBLE FFNCTLIY, for Veiling all kinds of Clothing neatly and Indelibly. ihey_ilol4ir work bettor thou ink, without Its trouble or risk or Blotting. Kook win mark 3.009 alludes. For sale, Wholesale and Retail, by D. C. TAYLOR lc CO., agents for the Manufacturer, No. 911 CHESTNUT ielutm TTSIXTH 11. P. CHURCH, (LATE REV. Te.o MAR Ir. BEVERIDGE'S.) RACE Ftreet, west of TWENTY-FIRST. Preaching T4).4)101.- 11. , .w. at 10,14 o'clock . A. M.. by Rev. Or. COOPER. end at 73,114 Rev. Dr.DALES.• IV' rr.REV. JOSEPH F. BERG, D. 8., WILL wench in the Firet Reformed 11nteh Church, corner SEV NTR and SPRING at RP.hPI htree.a. I CI-MORROW (Sabha. h) ?doming. at 10 o'clock. SPIRITUALISM.—UO NE E RE NC F. S at RA ‘205144T. HALL,. on BUN CA V. at 1035 A. T. and P . .1. Ars the phenomena of modern ktytri weber,' the remit of the requirements and conch tions of the eget" Ad mine.onO emote. /t• LOMBARD STREET UNIVERSALIST 1,3 CHM% to tmen for Ponder morning servios. Paetnr. ay. Abet C Thomas. tio. 218 Lombard et. it* -a. A VOICE FROM MARATHON. OTE .11 vs/ DOUGLAs. HERSCHEHEN RY L, V. JOII D. EGA Nt• ON. THE REGULAR DEMOCRATIC NOM N Er°. Thooa Who revere the m modes of SIMON ANY rw.r er+ntiEW JACK.ONI, and FRANCIB R. MUNK rally to the time-honored standard of Do. moornoy. A meeting of the CENTRAL DEMO 'RATIO AG .roc A 10 NI will be held at their Dal .N. W. corner PI FTH anI,CH NN ['NUT btreate, THIS (SATURDAY ) EVENING. at 8 o'olook All who are opposed to fieeesatonists and Disor rani sere are invited t.• be prey qt. Neveral em neat epeakers mill address the meeting. Dy order of the Committee of , userlntenos. J HIS O'ltYltrce, t hairman. A Lclt v 1) T. JO'S 8 HENRY A. Of LD EA, """`ahm It. trSTATEMENT OF THE UNION BANK t as required by the second section or the Act o f the General Auemblv of thin Commonwealth, approved the 13th day of Ootober. A. D. 1817. Amount orloune and discounts ...-.....5149.634 29 specie due from other bunko 3 . 1 3 13 8 4 181 76 4 1 °CLOW* la of ronlation 69,1/60 , ' depovite, including balances due to other hanks. .... .. 426 189 96 AD2I.2+IIA. Amid I', 1860. 'CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. ss : I James Lesley, cashier of the 'Union Bank, being sworn depose aud say that the above statement i s cor rect, to the best of my knowledge and belief. JA 11Eti bk,BI,EY. Cushier. Sworn before me, this 17th day of august, A. D. 1860. It P. O. ELLMAK ER. Notary Public. IyOFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA /OD /LEADING RAILROAD COMPANY. Xenon, MOO. The holders of the bonds of this Company. due Aar le IMO, can now receive. upon andioation at this office, la per cent .etaish, upon the terms specified In the °trea ter attac The holders ere elm entitled to the benefit of a MlA ing Fund of 9140,000 per annum, as established bythe stockholders at their annum meeting, held Jantiary 9, 1860, and In purulence of the rontraot, entered into by he company and duly reoorded, to carry the same into gent. fil. DRADFORtf, Tresimrer. OIROU.krAR. k r Nottee to t Holders of Philade/phia end Readies Railroad OM/ Afortgare Bonds, dee .fsay 1, MO. These bon a secured by the fi rst mortgages on the road, amonn gin the aggregate to 83,508400. The net revenue or the Laid fiscal year was six omen the amount of the annual Interest on these ho& The 7311313511578 propose to extend them for a period of Dreg years, the holden retaining the bonds end the see ty of the mortgagee in the Premise eonditlen in wide they We now held._ Fresh sheets of 00111)0CLI for the Interest, payable halityearly, will be nomad. A bonne of /0 ter cent. will be given to the holden", in coneideration of their assenting to the extengion. This bonus will be paid in cash to the bearers of th e bonds, riveheir signing a receipt and presenting their Teepee bond' at the aloe of the Company, or to its agents, for endoreemont. Yonne of remultit and endorsement will be furnished a ll e ig i gi ti on ' he Board of Mnagers, n 3 0 - vi. B. MI ra UN ENNY. Weersterr. pHILADELPHIA. PAPER-HANGING MANUFACTURERS, (FALL TRADE.) HOWELL & BOURKE. Having removed to their new Store, CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, Aro now reared to offer to the Trade a large and elegant atwortment of WALL PAPERS. BORDe.RS, FIRE SCREENS. WINDOW CURTAIN uoons, AU of the newest and best designs, from the lot; Oct. priced article to the finest GOLD AND VELVET DECORATIONS. Southern and Weetern merchants will do well to vlelt the eetabliehment of MO WEL L A DO URKE, N. E. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS. aulglm PHILADELPHIA. RICH AUTUMN SILKS.—A small as iL net opestd of Noon:lee Nana" Silks,. Plain COlOlll Fode roles, Cannella Stripa. irt Color*. t.Mid-Oolored oh PriordAi i Goineso. ' 14114ellactip me . " 1 f " 1 , 1 0” , ow esisior oe_sod_Yeloore. esil-If OftlntiMlSHilttithita. trlith ttattgss.—rimAimi, AUGUSfr 18, igeo. APPROVED SOINOL BOOKS, Pubhshed by E._ll SUTLER & CO., 137 South FISURTH Street, Philadelphia. MITCHELL'S NEW SERIES-Now Ready. 81 Hel 28 en's First Lemons in Ueograthr eliteholl's New Primary Geography,.., • .. 010 Mitchell's lntermediate Geography- 1 12 Mitchell's New anoient Geography- -.- 112 MITCHELL'S (OLD) SERIES, Mitchell's Primary ..... 0 42 titohell's Intermediate ..... 084 Rotten's Geography' and Atlas.., • . 190 Mitchell's Aliment Geography andAdas.,_,,,_ 1 23 Mitchell's Geographical Questions-- 026 ' GOODRICH'S SERIES OF HISTORIES. Goodrich's Child's Pictorial History of the United Motet. Reedy in September - •• • •• • • Goodnoh's Notarial History of the United itates. 1 12 Goodrich's Pictorial Ilistory of England...... 0 94 Goodneh's Pictorial History of Greece— -- 094 Goodrich's Pictorial Platen' of Rome-- 094 Goodrich's Ptotnial Ilistory of Franca,. --.. 094 Goodriohte Parley's Common School History of the World—.- .• .......112 LATHLY PUBLISHED, Coppee's Select Academ ic Speaker 1 IN) eoppee's Elements of Logic, ..... .............. 076 Co!M , e's Elements of Rhet0ric...............__. 100 Sanders' New Latin Paradigms.— 0 78 Tenney's Elements of Geology. • • • • •—• •• • 1 " Howie Ladies_ Reader.. 112 Howe' Junior Ladies' Reader........ 0 84 Stooknard Vs Principles of Chemistry.-- 19d Stookhardt's Chemistry, bound with Cooke'S Pro blems. Rainshorn . 's Latin Syn • onern . s.,. I 28 Flsnder's Constitution of tho United - States..,.. 0 81 NEW EDITIONS. Poholar's Companion-English Words .... , , 0 60 Flemming & Tibbin's French and E.nglisli. and Ensile, and French Dictionary -. 300 ph on on & Tinbin"is French and English. and,Eng bah and French Inotionary abridged Nuront's French & Eaglieh, and English and French Dictionary -....... 063 Donnegan's Greek and English V . . Dictionary._-..... ..... 300 Hart's English Grammar 0 94 Hart's Clam Wok of Prose 0 84 Hart's class Bo , * of Poetry..... .. 0 84 Hart's Constitution of the United States.—..... 0 90 Comstock.' system of —.. 100 Anse ll'a Series of readers, in six numbers........ aulB 8t T STATE4MEN AND POLITICIANS. 11 THIRD EDITION NOW READY, POLITICALTEXTBOOK FOR 106 Q: Comprieine s Brief View of PRESIDENTIAL NOMINA) I )PIS ANT ELECTIONS, Jnoludint ALL THE NATIONAL PLATFORMS EVER YET ADOPTED: Mao. A HISTORY OF THE STROGOLE RISSPRCTINGL SLAVERY IN TERRITORIES, AND OF TEM ACTION OF T H E PUBLIC 4O THE FREEDOM OF 'THE LANDS, WITH THE MOST NOTABLE HP SORER AND LETTERS or MuSBR9 LINCOLN Do UGLAS, HRJ.L, CABS. SEWARD, hVERF:TT, intcKINKLFON. R. V. JFIt. ON. E 0 ,_ETO . OUCHINO THE QUEs- TICKS OF THE DAy; RETURNS OF ALL pstgro-pNTIAL ELECTIONS SINCE 153 5 6. JOHN HORACE CREELE I C p D ile d JOHN b. °LEVEL/alp. Price SI per eony. post-raid $66 roLhured. Cash orders solioired. Address TR r• To) ONE. Tribune inklings, New Fort. For sale in Pbiludelphle by TI. P UGS. 7T Corner ol X r end CHESTNUT Streets!. S AITR'S NEW QEOGRAPIIY, CONTAINING A CONCISE TFXT AND EXPLANATORY NOTES. IY , Trx t r)rtic Huey bin, MAPS. Por the tree or sohoole in the Unitetqtates and Canada. By DinpNRLL D. eilvirrg, Author of several School .1. B. LIPPINOOT e & CO , runtenitas, rltlLADLLpitia. sumps NEW GEOG AM/ tag been to OMITIIO of preparation for many years, an s the crowning pro duction or the dun naunaled author. pro pains have been spared to combine in it nit. that is essential to a co:an:ern and costritnr.sasivx anon! OeographY, and great:Are has been taken in its constraotion to ret4. der it ol the creates patotioal manliness in the school. loom end family. 1 he following are some of the distinguishing features of this work: . . . . 1. ktlearnese and comprehensiveness of expyeulon in the Text. especially in the Definitions; it being the atm of the autnor to teach the puriie Just what they want to know In as few words as pr. pticahle. if. Superior colored Mape. exinlntit.s the Nun. Re iinvernmente. and states of Civilization of dif ferent nations. 111. Forty-four Vicinity Maps of the Principal Cities OD the slob.. L V. Thirty-two large full-pared Maps of b.tates and Countries. V. Copious fdarginal Notes and Explanations. giving the derivation and meaning of difficult words and terms. This feature is of great praotioal value to teachers and intelligent gamier,' VI. Comparstive Map. on a uniform scale, exhibiting the relative size of the different Countries and larger Islands on theglobe. VII. Railroad Map of the United States, exhibiting theprincipal railway lines. with their oonneetions. • Viii. Physical Geography. with ilumboint'il elycem of Isothermal Linea. IX. Outline of atathematioal Geography. X. Geographical Clock, exhibiting the relative time of day under Ulfferent degrees of Longitude. 'From Prof. F. A. Allen, Principal of Chester County - it is without doubt, the most nompeeheneive work of its size now published. and sufficiently comprehensive to answer all the purposes of an advanced work for higher Institutions. • • • The test to which we are daily submitting this work proves highly satiefitotory to all concerned; and though somewhat prejudiced against it at first. we are now fully convinced Of its merge, an ev.dence of which is found in the fact that we have adopted it RS our S TANDA RD TEXT BOOK in 000211101. (From the Religious Herald.] In its simplicity. accuracy of tabular reference, and statistical information, it. madly excels all other works of the kind now before the publics. • " • We have examined this work, and urtheattatinsly pronounce It • The Geography of the Gown, the author's groat mas terpiece" * * • We would *all the wipeout! atten tion of teachers and school committees to this DOW Ueo apbl. '[From the Hartford Courant( The book IS the h•st and most comprehensive we have ever seen. Indeed it must take the lead of all American Geographies. There is an immense amount of the most careful, faithful, and finished labor in the work. Every thing IS simplified, condensed, and arranged in the very I boat inchhod. Of itself it furnishes the best intern salon which any work on Geography ever has given or over eirin give The maps in the vicinities of the large cities constitute a most important and excellent part of the work. We recommend to all teachers ' school commit tees. or others who have the selection school books, to examine this book. They will find it the beet, for every Masa of mile. that has ever been published. we litice n tspinercivfensttos t ,r , airilifigNlPtult *Moan& maps: alit-ma mma maps and tables; wind and rain charts; maps of the oceans, &o [From the Evening Prem.] • • • One oan see at a glance that a vast amount of labor has been expended in its preparation, and the result is the most complete text book, both as regards method, and luoidity, and variety, and range of details , that we have seen on this ;subject. • • • Whoever examines it with an* care will be oonvinoed that this le a text book needed in every school. TEMA! AO will IA furnished with copies of the work, in flexible norms by tutul. for examination, upon receipt of sixty.threo cents. in mousy or poetess stsutpe. by the Publishers; and schools will be supplied with the work for irdrottuotion, upon ricoorninodating terms. .1. 11. LIBPINCOTT .tr, CO.. sultS&lB-2t St . . l and 24 h OATH pounTli Bt. aBORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK G STORE, 439 CHESTNUT Street. AU books are sold as cheap as at any other store. and You have the ad vanrage of receiving a handsome Pre sant. wor.h from Fifty Cents to One Hundred Dollars, with each Book. ri KW AND CHOlCE ., tanxs. N ffifrila Pi!(ll.f e ete . a . ul iffe ;',, r ). la M i Ci ne." Prioe II 25 THE Nu.ivr sour. &Atte(' by J. H. Ingraham—.. Frio, 1 4 1 25 TH • OLD FARM HOUSE . B y lidre.l aing.brice ISO THE LADIES' BOOK OF ETIQUETT.s..Prioe 191 THE qUEIr.NB OF SOCIETY ----Price 125 THE • 0 I'RES9 IN NIGH L1FE..... .Price 100 NATURAL Hal 0 RY—" Hendon Why to- . . Pr .„, HOME 1100 K OF Ric/ 6 1,TH ice $1 00 JACK IIOPETON't; ADVENTUREQ Frio.. $lOO LEAVER Ow (MARI. liv Walt Whitraan.Yrtue RI 26 UAW KNVI VW. B 2 Fiala ' Lee........ .....Pnoe $1 25 HE:1110OLDT8 L'ETT P II 8. „ . . ......—. Prioe $1 25 E LOLA MONTEZ'3 LNFIfRES-- ...... l'noell (0 THE N 7 tla. ON Fi. FLU-H... ..........1 0n LOVE (L'A AWE ._ By 51ichelol Fr!oe 100 011 HoUD'et M ,5101R8... .. . ........ .1"noe $llO ROHEAT mouDir; ; or, The Memoirs of a slnttgian , . ..... ....Prioe 100 LIFE OF K . l:y IC • EgON.,.. . • .-- Price ICO 'nig, rfl •R ii 1., I- FAUN. Liz Hawthorne—Pilo° 160 --....., . —. ... 8 ha L 1.1F1 1 1 : 1 1 :1TikN A. D COLAS—. t ill 00 Li OF ABS Pric e utin 00 L FE (IF liAn BoUsTott .....ou L FE OF COD. DAVID CKUJKI TT Price 100 ALI, *ME NEW BU KB A. 1300 N AS PUID.I .8 GO. Call in and ono mat will assure you that the beet plaoe lathe oily to buy no Is ,t G. G. FVAlstitilt GIFT BOOK FATAID.ISB ENT. aulo-3t rt 0.439 CHIATNUT street. BALZ AO S •• BALZA° S NOVELS. a NOVELS PARISIAN LIFE BY A PARISIAN. READY IN A FEW DAYS. THE GREATNESS AND DECLINE OF CESAR BIROTTEAU. A NOVEL, BY M. HONORE DE D aLEAC. Translated br 0. W. Wight and F. 11. Goodrich (" Dick Tinto"), One elegant 13ino. vol., cloth bound. Price 31. THIS VOLUME onnetitutes the first of a aeries of translations from the French staAard novels of tae celebrated trotter° de Balza°. Al honeh but little read in this eountr —partly owing to the extreme ditliculy in rendering their delicartf and subtlety of conception into novels of Bel- Zoo enjoy the utmost popularity in Europe. where they °octopi a front rank among Erst.olsag fictions. TB bi SERTEB will anneal in handsome duodeolmos, p eaoh novel 00111- ote in itself, and sold separatelt or by the set. Printed fro .. new and einem tree. upon Ane paper. with um form blotting. designed expressly for this work, they will be unusually attraotive. •,,* Copies sent by mai', postage free. Apply to ROnO & OARL.'f 0 ts,_Ponlishers. IyB wstf No. 130 GRAND street, PIP.W YORK nOl-K BUYERS.—Gentlemen: I have -11-1 , taken the Basement of the Philadelphia Bank, 419 CLIEeTNIIr Btreet, where I will continue to MU and sell mg 1 have heretofore done at tile Custom hones Avenue hook-stand) o d and new Law and Mir oellaneous Books . I have for sale upwards of 100 old black-letter Bongs printed Prior to the Oiler 1499. Also, a copy of Erasmus on the now 'Pesten ent,ll vole .410, printed In 164.8. Price $OO. I will Rhodes' in EsagraUilige and Autographs, Persons at a distance wishing to sell Books will des. ram thou names. dates slam bindings, conditions, and Irmlrma, .m Pamphlet Laws el receusyl- Valli 4, an d Books upon Amerma wanted. au6-tho JOON CAMPBELL. REMO VAL. EVERETT, RICKS, Ac OALDWELL, QLOTH 1 - 110 USE. Have removed to 328 MARKET STREET. Bayern are invited to examine our stook. ault-In DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street --Naylor removed to our new and spacious store. WO 0 Mild call the attertion of Dealers to our ex • PIT:1711r. clock k nd ° IVA A . ll E ZlTTlna l . C gu li eltst P c l A - - prises a greater variety than can be found at any estab lishment in the United States, SAd our priors will com pare with any market. an7-tuths3m REMOVAL.—The undersigned have re moved their Moe and Salesroom from the Foun dry .at NOBLE-STRv El' WHARF, to the et. Koerner of SECOND and RACE Streets, where dealers fi nd a large collection of STOVES of the m'at approved patterns. Tinned, Enamelled, and plain Hollow-ware, comprising an assortment emiond to none in the coun try. All orders left at the office, or by malt, will receive prompt attention. LEIBRANDT k 1 1 1cDOWFILL, Philadelphia Stove Works, nub-inm and Hollow -ware Foundries. WIDE AWAKES, ATTENTION ! ORGANIZE AND CLOSE Ur THE RAM! YOUNG MEN, BAY YOU WILL! Tho underaorned furnish the ORIGINAL HART FORD UNIFORM. oonaletnot of FULL CAPE, FIRST CLASS 01,AZED CAP. PITKIN'S oelebrAtod PA TENT TORCH and WIDE AWAKE EAGLE, at a lower rate than any other manufeolurer. Address, hISB S. CHALK ER, Commandant Hartford Wide Awaken, anla Bt HARTFORD, Coon, ARTIFICIAL RM 8, ARTIFICIAL LEOS, made by U. A. GILDEA. No. 712 CHEST NUT Street. Refers to Sheppardn Neill and T. Gur• net Smith, and Forman Erb * A nnu l 8 AMBBOTYPB AND pap. R E PO IE GR R APR GALLERY, on sEeopo Strut, ibi's sisals, tt4 most extensive and goatee...4sta bitehinent for salmis all kinds and quallti“ of Itio• graphs and Ambrotnilos. NEW PUBLICATIONS. Quarto; Price it. REMOVALS. EXCURSIONS. STRANGERS IN PHILADELPHIA, NOW IS THE TIME TO VISIT THE SEA-SHORE, TIIL I[OTEL3 AT ATLANTIC CITY ARE NOT HALF PULL. FINE DATUM°, SAILING, AND FISHING. Trains leave 7.30 A. M. and 4 P. M., daily. tually iNfliNgNiN SUNDAY TRAIN FOR THE SEA SHORE. Loa Vel Vine street Loava At'matt° at Tina train will atop at gaddonfitld, Waterford, Ram- mouton, and Egg "Harbor City THIRD STREET JOBBING HOUSES JAMES. Tfl NT. SANTEE. & 00.. IMPORTERS , AND JOBBERS , or DRY' 9-00DS. NOS. 989 AND 241 NORTH THIRD STREET, 'ABOIE RACE, Respeetfully lien, the attention or Buyers to their usual L 4RGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIXzN AND:DOMESTIC/ GOODS, Among 'which will be rand a general assortment of PHILADELPHIA•MADB GnODS, Also, s. large varlets of new awl conflued aisles of PRINTS. MERRIMACK BECONDS, 9ull•gm TH-4:311* MELLOR & CO.. NO. 8 NORTH THIRD BTREET, IMPORTERS or HOSIER:Y. SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, ' SMALL WARES, &a. Taos. liDectoß, JouN B. Almon, EDWARD BAUR. ORO. 0. EV A:111. aul7 2m FALL, 1860. COOPER. PARHAM, & WORK, Importers, Manufacturers, and Jo bbern of HATS, CAPS. FURS. AND STRAW GOODS. No. 51 NORTH THIRD STREET, below ARCH, PHILADELPHIA. MILTON COOPER. WM. M. PARHAM. ROBERT D. WORE. tar Pall Stook now complete and ready for Lovers. aul7-2nt SOWER. BARNES. & CO.. DOOR ELLERS AND rUBLISIIERS, No. 37 NORTH THIRD STREET, Lower Rule, above Market Street, Philadelphia, Invite the attention of Booksellers nud country :net chants to their very large stook of &Moot Books, pub halted in thus and otuer o tire to with allsoellane one and Blank Book', Paper. and letattonery generally. 0., B. & Co., are mildly:era of many popular wotks, among which are flie folloWt ng : THE VENTRAL GOLD REGION, BY COL. WILLIAM CrILYIN, (Late of the U. 8. Army.) ILLUSTRATED BY IWAIEROIId MATS. One *col., Bvo, boned in d .go4 : l l t. tg i t o r e d l e l . .26; and a liberal This book Is pronounced the moat wonderful, soientl ÷2-...IPPTPIINZYX.—"----- tha.x.eruzzaal. ' SCHOOL BOOKS: SANDERS' SERIES OF READERS. BROOKS' NORMAL PRIMARY ARITHME TIC._ _l3 cis. BROOKS' NORMAL MENTAL ARITHME TIC— _2O ots. BROOKS' KEY TO MENTAL ARITIDIE TIO 113 ate. BY B. BROOKS, A. M., Professor of Mathematics in Penissylvents, Btate. Nor rant Bohool. Literal terms for tutrodnotiun. WHITE'S COPY-BOOKS, BY T. KIRK WHITE, President of Pr nnerisunis!Commeroled College. PELTON'S OUTLINE MAPS. This series of BIX BUPERE MAPS is now adopted in almost every sobool of note in the Union where geo graphy Is (aught, and has no equal. Pries $25 for full set of six mane, or $lO for set of hernial:mere maw, alone. auo.sm MEDICINAL. PROF. MORRIS' BUCEPIIALOS. Thera are 100,000 Sufferers from DISEASES of the NERVOUS bYOTEId, in the oily of Philadelnhla, who can be our by wg PRuPES in .OR MORRIS' EIJOEPHALOS, Which is an original snit WONDEREALL REMEDY. Compounded Crum the private formula of Profeesor Morns, M. D.. of this oity. !t 8 '' t A d. ' t " t I " fl o g n IV croeßne TIDY through the pores, and It needs busstbe trial of a 'SINGLE BOTTLE to test Its marvellous virtues Sufferers from EXCITEMR4T OFlrtui BRAIN, PIA R VOIAD nt. l /4.K. gIENE SAL EBIL LT Y. grlYt l e rild. lin. MC EItVOVSNESS, Am, Will find the desired relief by its EXTEANAL USE, as dimotesi ltit i be Caning. ill i -Hy , fiY Ti , I n' p ~ .'n It 't. T -.R , I I TRY T ~,R , T , I lil Ti y ... RI I R '.:R IT Ify_ou are estimated by over-moo), study. Ii you 'offer from sleepless nuns, if loners a MUM to neuralgia, II you are prostrated by exoessive grief. drinks, you crave I mnintin t s I flg RI 1 " lifiii 4 mit win remove those miserable sensations which in duce a morbid disposition _towards intemperance. TRY Fr. if sou are suffering from Nervous Debility in may of ifs ; tp i rt i n c l k agthold wh p initiagthing and to your nerves, and worth many times its cost, in the relief afinrded. Numerous testimonials from the most reirpectable scums. eau be seen, by applying at the °Moe of the pro prietors. Pepsoml by NLOCIRIDOS to CD., No, 65/North FOURTH Street. gw — And for Bale by Druggists generally. 11r-if ASTIIVA For the INSTANT RELIEF' and PER 0 MANENT OU&E of this Wessman( cam Plaint. as* FE NI) T,B BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Slade by 0. D. SEYMOUR & 00., 10Y NASSAU Street. New York. Frio. Slyer box; sent tree by poet tar?-Xin In FOR SALE: AT ALL DRUGGISTS'. SAVING FUNDS. AMERIOAN SAVING FUND.—Oom 'mu'', Handing, troutheast comer WALNUT apd fOURTH MONDAY tS ) ll.7ln 4 g l e Y elf=s t o clop , and .on Old laiditution has always paid in foil, on demand, without no}o,,,REtivr F IVE rsit AU online pardlmok, oiunn n demand, in sofa and el. var. T ALEX. int LLDIN, President. LL SAP.. WO E, Vice Presplent. John C. Farr, T. E. Harper. Worse Nugent, John Atesaoh, Jr., Nand. T. Bodine, AM. C. Roberts, John Aikinan, Jaime Holtman, H. IL Eldridge, Wm J.Howard. JOHN B. @MASON, Trearnrer. JOHN O. SIMS. Secretary. PRI N G GARDEN SAVING FUND, Office, 331 „North THIRD Street, leSpreen and Calowhlll. Incorporated by the Lesielatiare April lith, lan. Open for Deposits anti Fermenta, daily, frond ato Itio'oloott. Also, on MONDAY and I:IIILiftIIDAY EVENINGS, (*roma ton o'clock. tautest a per cent. per annum. Depository can with draw their, Moneys by Checks, if desired. Special De polite received. JAMES S. PRINGLE, President Fiume Emig. Secretary. stati-tf it $lOO REWARD. h —On nitht . the residua in West Manchester townsgip fro t lo i rk R o c o r gg; FOUR HORSES. Two of them are black matches, about It or 15 hands high; it one of them is four y ears o d and the other five. and as a few white hairs on his forehead, which would not noticed without a close examination. 'llia Wt.r two are light bays, and one of them i about fourteen hands high, le five years old, has a bald face and one white hind leg, and is blind In the left eye.. The other horse is about thirteen hands high. is we* years old. has a star on hit forehead, a white spot on his nose, s white hind foot, and is blind in the right eye A reward of $6O will be mild for the recovery of the borsee, and See for the apprehension of the thief. or a 8100 for both. 816,013AM1N KAUFFMAN. uglPat AFLOAT.L...S 000 bushels Turks 1 . 3 Island now landing Irmo bril34 B Walter, for sale in to to yult by A KERR, OUTH nrd 320 NOKIR WHARVES. nult 6c* lailOß PROTHONOTARY OF DISTRICT gOURT, • WILLIAM " BsCOND ARD. NOW to the tales of tha Demootatts petty. , 'Wit, COMMISSION HOUSES. THOMAS IL GILL. COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 212 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. For sale by the Paokage: MOTHS, FANCY COATINGS, BEAVERS SEALSKINS, PELTS, Ac. MILLVILLE, MASS,, ORISKANY, FILCH DURt, ROYALSTON, FANCY CASSIMERES. fiARR FANCY UNION CASSIMERES, BA MEM, LININGS, VESTING% BILE- EAGLE LADIES' CLOTHS, VELVETS. , t 0 atos-2m RIDGWAY, HEUSSNER, & CO , IMPORTERS OP CLOTHS, DOESKINS, AND OASSIMERES. Bole agents for PR. ERCKENS,ILitVe Tioket.) ci V E 4 AZI I, A rrO N IOi ti I . . ) & M Cloths. E. 1 14 RAM & EON, (Gold Medals.) :gAel ON A BROS.. (Parlor °sash:perm) E. T ENNIES & CO., and other manufacturers of the greatest oelebrity. 206 CHESTNUT STREET. au2-km -- 8311A.151 --. ,6.30 F. N. WEILER 8a NEEDHAM. OHARLE3 WEILER. GERM/011'01V N HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS We would call the special attention of H 031017 Buyers and, Mannfseturere to our new and moll-needed Im provement in CHILDROPS and MISSKEP TUCK RIBBED TOP HOSIERY in Striped and High Colors [PATENT APPLIED FOR.] ALIO, FANCY WOOLEN coops, 110008, CLOAKS. TALMO. BACKS, EONTAGS, NUBIA% ito., tr,o., &o.• Comprising OVER 200 STYLES from the latest hand knit designs. From our own long praetleal experienoe, and employing none but first °less ri sohardoe. ws are prepared to offer to flowery Buyers a line of these goods al.Chsrai TO NONE. in point of workmanship, style., or prices, and respeotfolly sollott the patronage of the Trade. 8010 Agents are F. V. KRUG 8.1 00.. Iy7-■tuthSm 395 OHESTNTJT STREET. HOSIERY GOODS. F. V. KRUG do 00.. 825 011E5TNITT STREET, Odor to City, Western. and Southern Wholesale Bus most complete hne MIRA/An and Fanny DOMESTIC/ HOSIERY GOODS, Comprising, in peat, GERMANTOWN RANGY WOOLENS, GERMANTOWN CHILDREN'S MlSanx, WO. MEN'S AND MEN'S HOSE, BOSTON RIBBED HOSIERY, AND WOts.,EN STOCKING AND SHETLAND YARNS, Being the best selected and most complete line of hese goods we have ever offered, and whioh aye suited wants of the market hi price, quality and styles. Bole Agrnts in Philadelphia for. the WATERVLEIT HutilEßY MERINO' AND AIILt EL_ ALL, WOOL WATERBURY KNITTING CO: SA R I TS AND D WERE, NORFOLK HOSIERY CO., HALF H O E AND S. OTIS MANUFACTURING CO., WALLACE & SON'S STEEL SPRING OSBORNE AND CH SEE MAN'S, SKIRTS. Also Agents for t hhhe AMERICAN AND HOWF, PIN CO.'S PINS. Iy7-stuth3m 3. C. HOWE & 00.. NO. 240 MARKET STREET, AGENTS FOR TILE MANCHESTER PRINT WORKS, Have no+ in store a full assortment of the %trim goods made by the above company. A largo variety of very ohoioe styles of M. DELAINRS, CASHMERES, OPERA CLOTHS. PRINTS, tc. 3. C. HOWE AL CO GLENDALE. CRIV7'R R VILLE. MERRIMACK. ELM STR RET MILLBURY, GREENVILLE. BEDFORD. SRADPORD. TAFT, & CO.'S BLACKSTONE MILL, J, T. BHAGRAVE & CO.'S GRANITE MILL. null FANCY CASSIMERES. 11P1101.4 MILLB,BLACK DOESKINS. (Very superior high-Instr . ° goods.) ndian Orchard. Bleaohed and Brown Sheeting', shirt nra and Dnlls. Colored Corset Jeans, &0., &o. The attention of pilotage buyers la soliolted, Philadelphia, July 31,1&o. Jy3l-tutli"-lmo WELLING.COFFIN & Co. 110 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer, by the package, the fbllotring description of AMERICAN GOODS. Olt STANDARD MASSE AND IN GREAT VARIETY GREENE MANUFACTURING CO 'SPRINTS; BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS, SHIRTING® AND DRILLS; OSNAIIURGS, DENIMS, AND STRIPES; CORSET JEANS, IGLESIAS, AND NAN• KEENS; CANTON FLANNELS AND PRINTED LININGS; RHODE ISLAND LINSEYS; PHILADELPHIA LINBEYS AND CHECKS; KENTUCKY JEANS AND COTTONADES; NEGRO CLOTEIS AND KERSEY'S ; ALL-WOOL AND UNION CLOTHS; BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERES ; BLACK AND /MED DOESKINS; SATI gETS AND UNION OASSIMERES; TWEEDS, OASIIMARETTES, so., do. aul.Sm WASHINGTON MILLS, FORMERLY BAY STATE MILLS SHAWLS of all elm, In great variety. Einboneed and Printed TABLE COVERS. UNION BEAVERS and BROAD CLOTHS. B ALMORAL SKIRTS. DOESKINS, and Double and Twisted COATINGS. 6 4 SACKINGS and Leavy ZEPHYR CLOTHS. Twilled and Plain FLANNELS and OPERA FLAN NELS. Printed FELT CARPETING& For sale by FROTHINgHA3I & WELLS, SHIPLEY, 13A7ARD, it lIIITOIIINSON, NO. 119 ONEBTNUT err.. COMMISSION' itEROHA.NTB FOR TILE BALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE sake- GOODS. int TCONFE3SIONS AND EXPERI ENCE OF AN INVALID —Published for the bene fit and ite s warning to young_ men who suffer from Ner vous Debtlits, Premature Dopey, ero.; suPPIt tng the means of Pelf-Cure. By one who sued himself, after bolus put to great expense through medical imposition and nu Wary. Hincrle copies may be hod of the author, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Bra.. Bedford, Kings coun ty, N. Y., by enclosing a post-pcul addremed enve lope. sum-im IITIROI.I PROFESSOR BOOTEE—" Thy X" opinion the H RT ELL JAR combines more ad vantages than any others for Preserving, being whoa! ofglass, cleanly, strong. and durable, closing air-tight, and opening and abutting with ['sodas. "JAMPII O. BOOTH." PROM DR. ATLEE. I have used the Hertel! All glass Jar in my faini y for the preservation of Fruit, and in comparing it with others previously employe for the ourpogn. I contialer It highly preferable, and partioularly Co to metal jars or lore with metal tops. It m poi featiy air tight. and pee Irmo all possibility of taint. an is the case with metal. it is seemed with more ease, rapidity. and certainty than by cement or solder, and opened readily. while the fruit is kept in the most admirable manner. Having tented the Jar well, }consider that at ineete all the indi cations that can be desired. " WASHINGTON L. An.an, M. D., No. 140 in Arch Street." Manufacturers under the Patent, BARTELL & IXTCHWOItTLI. au4-luail Ise. 13 North FIFTH Street. A WNINGS! AWNINGS ! ! FLAGS! FLAGS!! JOSEPH 11 FOSTER, AWNING MAILER. 448 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Hal on hand FLAG is of all sixes, or made to order, at short notice. .1- olitioal parties. Clubs, or captains of yeesels, would do well to call beforourohnsins else where. Sacking Bottoms B Bags, and Wagon -covers. augla-if Itn• A ZUMEA 1 AZUMEA ! AZUMEA 1 LEUMBAI AMEBA! AZVMEAI .12IIMEA t nor, MOREDP AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. Aasfatun i uM e :1 0 1. o mi Ll i ll 14311 D ally AND 011188 WAKES OP SIAS, 4.0 SAMUEL NEEDELAAL Are also Agent's for 94 Routh FRONT Street, and 35 LETITIA Street. EDUCATIONAL. M ADAME D'OUVILLE'S ENGLISH end French Bon-ding and Day.g e hno f or son ladle,. 1411 SPA UCE Street, lull (menu IstoNlbsV September 10th. mod cuthim P RIVATEp SCHO4: I. 01M NARROWS. for the put six year. As_soci ate Pennine! of the Blast:thongs academ/, in Eish• teenth etreet.tibovo Cheet^ut. will open a school for tore, in Chestnut street second door imlow Ei hteenth, (City Institute Building,/ on MONDAY, SE PrEalß ER Et, ( " M trout/rot mar be obtained at the City Institute and at 808 and 009 Chestnut street. References .—John B. Ran, L L. D., J. J. Reece, M. D. It* nOADEslY.—English and Classienl &shoo', ( in the City institute Budd -1 end C tiEeTel UT and e.IGHTEhWI ii swots. en trance on Eighteenth street, third door above Chestnut. The next session will commence on MONDAY, Seo tembor 3. Ism. 507.1111 JOAN H. WESTCOT T. Prisolpal. MR. WINTHROP TAPPAN'B BOARD LY-KN43 aril DAY SCIIOOI6 for YOUNG 6A DIE 4 I. No. 1727 VINE atrcat, near Logan Fauva, will RE-OPEN on WE ONEEDAY, Niptember 171.11. Duca furnished ou application. cull-aar ISS LtJOI R. MAYER and Mrs. R. ..".M.• M. BIR D sooen thei r eehool for young la dle/. at No. 1019 BPR UOE atreat, on MONDAY. Pon tembeg 17. nugl4-7m YOUNG LADIES' BOARDING AND DAY P CHOOL. —Rev. JAIIEP I. 11EL•111 D'ardise nod Da• Sarno! for Young Ladies. 1.545 W e lo • UT titreet. will be reopened September 131 b. null-emer2na PRPT‘TE SOHOpL FOR BOIS. -Lu. CMS BARROWS. for the Dalt Ex Years ABIO - Principal of Rittonhonse Academy, in Eighteenth street. above Chantn it street will open a Reboot for Boys. In CILb.S rN U f street. second door below Eta h teenih. (Ci'y leatitute Buildings,' on MONDAY, Ben temrer M. Circulars tray he obtained at the City Institute, and at 696 sod 609 Chestnut street. References : John IS. Hart. LL. D., J. J. Reese, RI. D. TE MIS•ES CASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S English and French Dowding and Day ?chop!, for Young Ladies. No. 1703 WALPIIJ Street, will lo re- Opened on Wednesday.Sopt. 12th. aul-6w IVE 4 g !et e ) . , a l . 1 y t3fß reform " their A3 l" ° ! . t l) l.l ' d i " tia; the pnblto that they hava removed their Duaelatag and Day School for Young Ladies from Lorar Square to Noe. 1547 and . 1429 SPr UGE Street whore they will be ready to reoeive their pupae on TEURSDAY,Septem ber 13th. Mesdames CIIEGARAY and D'HERVII LI( will re ceive visit is at No 1509 LOU:UN Square until the 20th August. yylo-6m AItiERIOAN SOLIOUL is a reltalge medium thronghwhteh bohoolx sad ',mel ba, may oPteurt aolatent teacher'. Parents roar or. pin.eretettetCy, in eriste_ancl lareekei of the bar .ekeels. b woonx , , a 00., WAY, Now York, or al!-tf ittstrAT Street, philadovpiza. nRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL a--e• MERCANTILE COLLEGPE. located WI deltohiPi. S. E. corner SEVENTIA and OFIESTSF Nenr .rk, Buffalo. Cleveland, Oblong°, and St. Loa For ',station. call or wlld for flatedoran. SUMMER RESORTS. EP El RATA MOLE N T AIN FPRING.- This onPultr Watering-Platte will be her noen during the season of warm weather, and end 103 frost sets in. Pe.sona desirous of spe,ding the remainder of the reason wnere theyhave the advantage of pure water, pure nmuntain air fat en elee.rion of .welve hundr-d feet) tree from fogs dame nights, and mile mrie. usually rising from alusgtah stream* in gorges of moun q as. ud low localities. wid Jere find e.ery o m ien and amusement to be IT et with at tit, best-regulated watering aces. Nor further partioulare and circulars, please call on Jos. B. Myers. corner 'third ear Vine Stroo.a,and James s. Fade & • bk. old Cheetnut Street, Phi adelphia. or on JOSEPH e ONIGhIacHYR 36phrata Post Omoe. Lancaster county. Pa. 009-1 m Qt UN HOTEL, BETHLEHFM, PA. K. 7 This fine old mansion founded before the Revolu bon. and tnt Print lyconnects with some of the most Interesting features of our nat'onal hist ire. Is now of 0 peony to aceounnodato a lane number of guests. The house is conducted in the best manner. -nd no truing is wanting to make it the pleasant and corn torts ble name of visitors I funnx their yoiourn in this de lightlu inland temp. The sir Is ealutir oun. the moun tain and river *caner. beitetiful. and to tho seekers of either eealth or pleasure. Bethlehem is not mailed by any other summer resort in tae Union, an3.lm .1 1..18i RT, Proprietor. MANSIO I 110USR, MOUNT CARBON, SCHUYLKILL. COUNTY. PA. Families accommodated with good rooms at reduced p ,_ Ci liVieuld-mitqliehed House , lociatail in the gaP ha ,vsgn 87 and Second mountains. immediately on the Ns o the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, within of a mile of Pottsville, formerly kept by J.o genii blear.,_of the old Mansion House , Philadelphia: hex, lie al. demise. been nuder the charge of his daughter. The Home ispared, race gt..„,. .)-pared, at all mamma of the year, for the tion en and has been recently put in order. The hallo eeßen, and park adiolning. presents great inducements aa a mnuner resort. to reons wish ing.to tvelle a m. 0 ., time e•vay from the dust and tur moil of the cities, wrier: ri tt, G e e b r eath e g r e e t, ree er ,.. W e air. and en toy the ' Ind beautiful scenery of the goal region. Commutation passenger tiokets.twy the use of fami lies are sold at a reduction of twee, f i ve per sent ., and an accommodation train will leays.aterilieri e d.._ during the summer mantis, to enable e who may desire it to spend the business portion of t day in the city and return the same evening. on which of e harges will be thirty-three per cent below the usual rate, For tenns, apply to EAD. hiansionHouse, mount Carbon Schuylkill Co.. lta. MANSION ROUSE, ATLANTIO CITY, N. J., ISAAC TELAYE.R, (fete of Surf Housed Proprietor. This House brut been very much calm- ed and im proved. Has now a rewire mber of Family Rooms, not surpassed toy any hotea ntn is city. It is lighted throughout with gas. New and fine walks have been laid to the ocean, which will be lighted at night, from the Hotel to the water, by splendid reflect ing lamps. Attached to the house but separate from the main building) tea Intro Hall for Hops and Parties, with a first-class lon Cream and Conlectionery attached. Over the Hall there are forty sleeping rooms for single gentle men. There is also e. play- ground for children, well shaded and enclosed, with twines, &o. The eatenng department will be under my own es- Pewit eupervision, and I trust that my reputation is sufficiently , atabliatted to 'satisfy all that my table will be unsurpass'd. Tarots will be $l2 DOT week. Transient Boarders Se per day. Carriages attaoi ed to the Howie will take Boarders to and from the Ocean free of charge daring bathingtionrs. jesa-tf .18AttO THAYER. Ix-A MERMAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN', PA.—This well-known and Popular hotel hal, daring the oat season been to TnigtaVAlbktffilvtiVetWaccitiVisette t a the interior of rennsylvania. The beautiful and healtothl satiation of Allentown 'renders it a de lightful tawnier resort, in view of which special &T -rans °manta have bean made by the_proprietors toee oommodate summer boarders. J. Y. BRCHTEL, )era tiel );- W. BIGOItff. BEDFORD SPRINOS.—Thin well-known and delightful Bummer Resort will be opened for, the reception of Visitors on the FIRST OF .JUNE, and kept open till the Ist of October. The Horst will be under the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, and attention to his guests. give the amplest asouranee of comfort and kind treatment. Parties wishing rooms. or any information In regard 'a the plum, will address the subscriber, JN O. P. REED, Beti!y and Bedford Mineral Springs Co. CONGRESS HALL-- 'ATLANTIC) CITY, N. J.—This see/onus House, situated at Atlantio City. mill be reopened with every scoommoelsfion for visitors on the 38th instant, by the subscriber. The House fronts the beaoh 12) feet, siring a splendid view of tto Ocean. ann is near the Ftahrue and 13ailute uotnt. No pains will be enema to secure the comfort and con nience of ewes. fP2O-2in THOMAS O. i;A RWRTT NEPTUNE HOUSE—ATLANTIC CITY. —This popular and eminently avorite Bowie at Atlantlridity has, since the °toeing of last season, been enlarged rouged, refarnteted, and completely re tuvenated in every particular. and is now open for he season. Prom tta delightful situation, near ness to all places of interest. close proximity to the imam and beat part of the beach, It .a Tendered one of the most convent e tit and decidedly the plesaanteat how* ort_the Island. Terms — SlO per week i elle per day. Children and servants half price. OHN , prietor. R. L. FUREY, SuperinteJndent.MlCK Pro I ital-am COTTAGE RETREAT, Beautifully and conveniently located at AT I,A N T. 1.0 'ITY, N. J. Boarders acoommodated on reasonable term.. jean -3m M. MoCLEF.S. Proprietor. STAR MOTEL, NHAELY OPPOSITE THE E. P. lIOTETor ATLANTIC Cl rY N. J. SAMUEL, ADAMS, PROPRI I TO, DINNER ALSO, CARRIAOE. .....S TO . HIK . FIF E. y OEN - TS. far &tenant accommodated on the moat nameable tormi IMO 3m MANSION 1100801. MAUCH CHUNK, CARBON CO., PA —This is the most comforta ble and extensive hotel in Northern Pennsylvania, ,nd the proprietor Batter& himself that thus far he has .110- renued in keeping it In a manner that cannot fail to sa tisfy all his guests. The Rooms arenewly and elegantly furnished, an' the Table lilways aontains the very beat the Markets afford. The hotel is located on the banks of the Lehigh direetly°waits, the railroad depot, and at the base el Mauch Chunk hunk A path leads from the rear o the house to the ion of this mountain, from whieh woo, sorra eight hundred felt above the Lehigh, the most sublime simile Imes inable is presented Th. Route is abundantly supplied with ice best and Purest Mountain iirinc eater. PO - Hot and Cold Bathe can be taken at all times. 1035.2ni Ob.ORO. BliPPlid. Proprietor. AMERICAN 110TEt , MAlltil CHUNK, PA.—This HOTEL is now kept in a manner el fording every Tom ort to ettanzers and trivellers. Arrangements ha% a been made tins season to accom modate SUMMER 110 A ItHERR. The most sub'me mountain. 'Denim end rural enjoyments are tone af forded. MICHAEL WiLH GEO. W. WILH EL/11. jeWtsel Proprietors, T. HE SEA-SEV atc—ATLANTIC CITY IIICRIBBIZVB U. S. H • fEL. The underaigned, worrier or of the above•tiamed house, being now prepare/ to receive guests. re speotfully eolloits a share of the ',obit."patron age, Ames last summer tnere has been added to this hotel a four storied wins. Ho feet in lentth. non taming (beside the bed- room!,) a sulte of three Parlors, for ladies, and two for gentlemen; also, a reception ro room, wash-om, and spacious bar-room. Bowling Saloons. Billiard Rooms, and hot and cold Salt-wnter Bath Boone have been oonstruoted for the accommo dation of visitors, and the whole /rouse will be lighted withgee. The house has been newly painted arid fur nished while the shaded ground, surrounding it have beep put in complete order. A well-manned pleasure and an excellent Band of en gagesf tame have been en gagor the season. J . hIeKIBBIN. Jtt-tr CARLISLE The favorite resort for those Who appreciate Grand Sooner', WiIITFOITL,PRUR Pure Mountain Air, Invigorating Baths, Large and Well-ventilated SP `` llSitiS, Cumberland co., Pa. ROOM, Good Society, and a Good accommodationsfor Tote. 900. For particulars send for Circa- Taa:118 LOW. ler. OWEN, CLENDENIN. & VIBSCIIER, le7-3m Carlisle FPnng. re. V k LIMMIT DOUSE, DARBY ROAD.— kJ Thu?. pleaaint rural retreat. four miles from the city, is now 01 , 011. 'ars pun thy don hail-hourly. t en tlemen and fdmilies accommodated. timid fishing. a ten-pm allot. firm kabinet. anathema !nowt. a gond table. Tetina moderate for full or partial bawd. and single meals j)27-ewsw COLIT'SIBIA 110 USE, CAPE ISLAND— CA r MAY, NnW Jersey.—Thia large, first-clan HOT hi. will be opened. for the reception of guests, on the 25th Jane, IWO. The House hat been complete IT repaired and refurnished. A new cooking range. ovens, steam boilers, and every modern improvement added. Exteneive etabling attached to the premma All letters euldmsseo to the subscribers, Cape Inland, Nev Jeremy, will be promptly attended to. LAIRD WOOI.SIAN. James H. Laird. late proprietor Franklin House, Chi la delphiai R. B. Woolman, formerly proprietor Mount Vernon Hotel. Cape 'eland. dlut Igi . AGLE HOTEL, BETHLEIIEII, PA. -.:A This larg e and old-established Rowse, known es the LEIIIO VALLEY BUMMER RETREA." is now open or tho season. The aeceminodations of this Bowie will be found unsurpassed. The yids here. by the North Penney heads Railroad. is one of the Plee tautest in our State. CALEB YOIIE, Proynetor. je2s3in A MERICAN 110IISE, CAPE ISLAND— Mr& M. REYNOLDS, Proprietor.—This favorite hotol will open for the reception of victors onMON DPY JUDO Mith. It ham been fitted op in the best style, and every attention will be pull to the oomfoirt of its guests. IeIS-dtSepl SEA BATIIING. NATIONAL RILL, CAPE ISLAND.. GAPE MAY. N. J. This floe large. and airy bowie is NOW OPEN for vißttorm. It distinguished Mr etimlort. looehh, and superior a 000mmodanons, with ample room for SW per sons. Tema mod AA srote. RON GARRET/30N. Proprietor. QEA BATHING, OAPS ISLAND, N. J.— 'forge""Mal 6311111,14=. WIPIATLEY & CIARILL'S A.ROH STREET THHATRat, OPHNIKG NIGHT. SATURDAY EVENING. AijimeT 7 3 .1 , TtPc litaAl.- W. Lori Duherly. Mr. P. Chippendale • Dick Dowlas. Mr. Wen. Whew try; Ceel'y ifnmeetran', Mrs. L Draw. LITTLy RrASUEE. Admission 25 cents &eared tents to Drew cteela. S'X cents: Parquet. 60 cents;Haver; fur &Aorta oar bona. 25 cents ; private Box in Gallery km co ored me .^...3a cents. Dow+ cnert N.Terform alms c OTOIXISOCeII oartsr to IL VONT INEN TAL THEATRE, (lat. WALNUT Stmet, above El hth• CARNCRLSI .AND SHA.IPLEY'd s OPER ATV: DU fith QUet TROUP C° o9 r" PO ItTEEN T LEN TED Aiti r DSTl. And runt BRIODT el.,* eras MTki !GPI AN FIRMAMENT. FRANK BK. wER. COMMenee a wire o r their AMUSING EferisKTAINIHENTBI IVED4EBD al( &V.H ON st IRO. AUGUST Z .1k ad oontinti mita farther wee*. A RPi.F.NDIu PROGRAMMR_weealattd REPLETE with ORIGINAL NOV ELTIVB. oral put ha with the Brilliant Terpsichorean Displays of the FOU G DAAb'Efte. Admission ."4 multi. Doors open at 7 °Wank. To cornalcuee at a yowler before 8 o eloot . aol,l-(k CONCERT HALL. MOST EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION. • - FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY. Commencing MONDAY EVENING, Anglia X. IW. PROF. LOVE, THE GREAT EUROPEAN WIZARD AND VENTR,LOQUIST. Whote wonderful and estomebing feats In Magic pad great sowers of Ventriloquism. have beet. the adistra two of thousands of vim ors anp gained Men the !gri t- tun). from both the publio end the press. of being the GRE ATES I` MAGICIAN OF IHE Ar.Y. will have the honor of making hts first aP. e tra nee in Philadelphie et CONCERT 1 , ALL. ON MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST Pl. And following evenings whe . he will Piesent N. big patrons the most wonderful and ind On. preherunble bate renew al. puolostip teal. And oimentlo Mum and van triloq . itt a vant tv of experiment" n-ver before ane d •ri this or ant Other country by any other artie t himself If Mtn( .vents being at the same time cht•te. mill son and instrucove. cannot fail to "Naas the meet faro mus. having risen large iy patronoged by th e ,p o rg y n them.the told end New Worms and fads endorsed by and prononneed to be the as plus Won of map osl 'Ponders . Prof. Love'. ;uranium:tali tithe most extensive ever seen. presen inn at the same W.' e the eleennea midis ' s" of the Asostio boudoir. together with the sublime SiP pecracce ea Impends , ars. abode. 11Gr The evening programme will be °hogged ever,. ether Dow - will be open at 71i o'zikiek Corseting will aka mane° at a prep:agog. s din , 'sine. SI seats ant? gt A -,. L'E Otv.R. Are t and Resusess Illiastet. GRAND PRobigNADV FREE CON cER This A leTERNmme, at rot= LittV rP ZUT44 F • a 7. Ir it:. " 11 ITV ' Bror t l i tZ tg We - mecca or at a.ti o'clock P.M. Pare 6 or 7 cents Vora every point of lb.; pity feta airatd-avrnbe RalliOad) to the Place. rairrornt steamers afro atop. sti/11 YEN NA. ACADEMY OF THE TINE ARTS.-1025 CHESTNUT Street. Containing a large collection of Paintsnweed tare, is now open daily from 0 A M. tall P. 110 11 .. miealon:M ote. : cLrtdren or:darn nears. II eenta. 1 WANTS. WANTED —Five Iron Moulders, good wnekmen on steam enema work. Aryl , lIRInG 111 etre Muni Fr..iiford.mmi • ty-thir ward. Philadelphia. T )m IV:HANTS.—A your Mau, 18 Years; or ars. haring esitelrffnos a drir-r= busters, would has situation wan or Month e Pumice It IVO n• Addrest B. C.. "at TA Pr ytuat. qt. flee. for throe days. it• w.ANTEI —A person with $5OO, ($2OO wit, the At one. the h.la pro fi ta b le month* to unite wit, the advertiser in a ivveatasaaL PrlftaiDal IP It return In a few months. and a Nancems profit accrue for a period several yea:ll. If ddriall "R. is. ro" office of this paper. sal? St A LiwAt, AGENT INEACII MIINTY or Penneylve.-ia. Del , ware, and New Serm wanted to sell Tonhe's ?moat Barometers. G. VV. t FOSS. No. 61 North TRIG D treet. ante SO WAN LED —By an experienced S es house.•m a situation fairwholegile Jobbing. dry-soods Ca , . influence a amount eine- r short tredit trade. Address -• ttamiiton," at thi othee. ante Ut• A YOUNG LADY, who has had six pane experience as teacher. desires similar employmott in or out of the city. address " Teacher," office of The Press ante 1711... NTLD—A young man as naleamam • • Who thnrettehly acquainted with the Merchant Tailor's and Clothing trade of this atv. To as/ Demo cable of Oiling tug section. a liberal nompstivatien rn pa be given. Address Box 413, P.O. blh-tf WANTED—A Situation, by a man, thirty-seven years of age. of *Measles enoe in businees, ot good achirees.iad eouspelimM almost any position, either as a clerk. emponsitendentt. or salaams. is very respectably connected, sad cis give the most satisfactory references as to lateen . mercy, andhuainess =Way A sic . idereas trizsleAtz_th _be accepted. Address B. " FOR SALE AND TO LET. at TO LET—A line large three-story AR CU D, ELI ING, in TWENTILTA Street. above ARM!, No 151- Rent SaKo Gas &storm. sad ell modern Improvements throughout. Inquire at 329 CHESTNUT Street. main. AuR SALE- 'FIE STOCK, FIXTUhES, LEASE. and GOOD-VVILL. of a lams CARPET ESTABLIpIIALENT. _ LOC& Ell IN OF THE B 58T BUSINESS lITHEETs IN THIS CITY. The stock moue of the best soleotrd iu the market. The whole will be disposed of on lacorabla terms to close &partnership. For particulars, apply at No. 47 Routh ForrHTll, street. aula 7q eaFOR SALE—On accommodating terms, the STORE and DWELLING, No. WA ARV. Bostic. Apply to WM. E. ALLEN, No. t.3.b ARCM Street. an11.11t• al TO RENT—Two spacious, well =ll., Urbted, vet-ventilated Rooms. near $h Bi obeage. domed for mortmo °Moss. or for ooartumomi , purposes. as there 14 Ample steam sower Washed. 6.11. dress" X. Y ," box 1397. Post Odtoe- aatlm ERfeLANTOWN PROPERTY. For . =mug/ u. tame O . oreta n ise t asse shad% inpne or a the beet toostions v,tt be ar tY .ow. Address Box 1180, Phalsostlatts poet 0f0045. rro BUD-DEM.—A large let, ha three front., auitable for immediate imerow !named on TWENTskrriketreet, below CAT Wtllbesold on accommodating terma to a ru as erti, mill imp, ove. For terms, &0.. address "K. thus raper. J7O-e Fj AOTORY LOT FOR SALE. -A lot. having three fronts, admirably gasatiodq Eknitiminiern part or the city. Wilt be mimed or on reasonable terms. For narriordara, apply at ter office. 105-0 I et FOR SALE—A handsome Eneiah COTTAGE, on Main stre•t in Pivertas J . ei. J. midway between the ltreambo it ding and station. The LOT 03feet hunt by 200 feet diseTrial laid out. and filled erith dwarf fruit tress, grape Pula. shrubbery, Sco. Ihe haute contains on first Boor yip tor, Anton a-room. hal.. nursery lane dinice-room. and kitchen and on second floor four comfortable ohs:Weer& Te whets house is in excellent condition. frs-kly painted outsideand surrounded hr good shade triers. as been occupied both Asa summer ant waiter resi dence. 'fern's 33 SCO SIAOO sash. the bilance earl re. wain on mortsa,e Inquire of Y. B. 6r .3 Crnsolida tion Bank, or on the Viennese Riverton is a eellantfol pace. 10 miles from the city ? a cesroble sane ten times daily by steamboat and retina. , or by a tune pie ride on era of the beet turnpikes in New Jars. Boat leaves Arch street wharf at 3.9, 6116 6 o'clock can Walnut street at nearly all hours. ausl6-thstirdt• 50 VArdIABLE FARMS FOR SALE, m mention. For larther tnfortnatioek at Nu. 43 t 0 RTIt TRIAD Strati, Camden. N. J. ault-stutblm• MISSOURI LAND I I 300,000 Acres for Bala, at wipe.) ninging l 3lll to ISO cents or Acre, in any savuttio• TAXHS p id, and PA CENTS proem? d for iraroba sera of (And under the Graduatiort Act. Plats funneled gratis by enclosing Ilk lolt+l 4l fftatlP For funnel' urforroat ork slyly to WL0024, It Or brbiGS t. and Gel:torsi LoixtotAgemis, 60 CHI #TAUT 8 Ite tweed THIRD and ON ti r t bri . LOU 0. LAND WARRANTS bought, sold. sad 1003,10 8, d. 172-3 m FuR SALE—The Stock =drub:iron of • Whol'sole Boot and boo HMO, r.ow doing • good businags. Thum as a goo° opportunity /Or NW ow wishing to go itto the bagmen or a holm wagon= to increase tar trde. Batist•o.e.e reasons omit for oTr.. .Ar , dreus "NA 280," Philadelphia Peet tt:toe. tv..h owe. Fr-) N U ItsER YMEN AND FLORISTS •w• For sale a . large lot In the Southwestern meal of Oa sgr aq, e'l adapted fora Narsgsr. Terri acwortua ta m . 1 , or 'a:hooters address •• K. this office. st -U 13 °AHD IN G. prtiv • TB BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and their families, or 'single gentlemen, oan be iwoom =dated with Board. with 'pleasant and hpllCeontel rooms. furnished or unfurnished. at tilb LOC Cell Alt.. south aide of Washinstou nom,. The l ee pa me . bp," Opposite to one of the handsomest parks in the cite, ts cen•ral, sod extremely pleasant. Transient persons visiting the city con be accommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room. let* private entrance. for rent. suitable for an office. jell-t 1 91WO YOUNG tyENTLEMEN UAN BE Ji accommodated rich good, airy apartmente•terittt or without boaniain a gnvata factiln Lonarira cen tral. Addrasa 't TOLB&R,T," earough Blood • Dis patch. INS UItAIS cr, C OMPAIN IES. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. HEAD OFFICE, No. 426 CHESTNUT STREET, Vow Buthinur, Thilsdelyha Bank. CAPITAL....-. • •-•-•- --SG 295 SOO INCOME OVER.•-••••• • • FIRE RISKS TAKEN AT MODERATE RATER LIFE RIBKS ON FAVORABLE TERM! GETTY .t. LIEBING, au. thstu2ni INS+ 'RANCE COMPANY or THE STATFI OF' PENNSYLVANIA, FIIILLDELPI3I4 A u mat 6,1430. The direwors hare this Oty declared et dividend of Sit Per Cent., or Twelve Dollars pt r share. out of the profits of the come , TIT. payable to the etookholdera, or their leenl repreaentetivee. on . tonna., e.u7-10t Wil. LAM I[+ R PER, Fecretary. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 60M_PANY Ors.:EW YELL 15.1. r. MILLIONS OF DOLLARB, OPIUM TN Myr SioII VER $1 TGAGE3 3,000 ON ILIAL 1111ncil WORTH O,ov, no premium; are zetvan than in Marl ether Centree Rim and the lltntende have been enIATII. StNia Is a eriotly co Cnor.n,cor. Tnelp ar4 Ateoltholdars. co that ALL Tun reoPirrs Pamphlets, wad eyes, information. may Ist Itsl Imam, on application to I. HATeH_OR AlTARDAr t e r ; m t s. ill. W. corner 101.11/TH wad W.A.Ui PHILADELPHIA JLEPETETUEIIt Thomas Tams. John Welsh, !tondo= L. Dawns. tleongs H. Stmt. Pg r Alli:gr a. t_P i iii7.l l . •`• atii.._ ...,,,,h Patterson. Mane C. 1.42 Ins. John M. Ars - cod. ta t'r e th orro li W C° .T el oltid. Thomas IL Powers, Witham MoKee. Thos. Warman. nTallit • VANE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. R 4 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED APRIL ISM SY THE STATEO/ noursytvaitA. SONFINED TO FIRE ANDINLANDER/IL 1111111010111 . B. BMW. 4612VrA v it a t ig. I w. 4 ,.. TaL ., 1 „ . ~J -.. gb r i.io n tw 3 .., la . Ism& i. Wilsogr. 4c14 8 ' tiiia 1 L . A k ivv iag tm./. Truzugg 1.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers