i~Mf IN:ATBIL TIM 1 LATO,P 4 ft 4 A' O IA - THE " ab ,. RBS , apß4o , 4r* anrwriolu,Or„ cipinmpFs: - ormas IN 41M. =!!== Th i a,jeicisimausualtnition appears in a late, nutabeiie iffirLondon Theta , . Tim D4,114101:1-rillt TgotriAND DARGIS. - On 10th instant, the alarming nOwe reaohautits' that .mt the dl, melee; shalt M., th 4l -*lTubSil of .th.a" abrisalux.uttl:Tter :of Da inamiikAwthe Maimpire...of the Ohrletiaink had eornmaneed. 2 Another affairw,asfaared tri Beirut ; bus, fotturodely;np tb,thtti 'oc eurred'- I hare 'men the account from the lartglialt consul at -Darnasoter, Brant) and also letters from some.ot- the motsionaries Alters. : - .They ,ell" agree in rtlitt, E ltiprrible oonseettenote to ,; . They appre. handed. Moor Mr.Grahum, an-English mbudonary , there, wateseeit to fall - wounded - and isoupposesito• be detid.• • No eltureVriet'a ,Ohilstimt„"holm,`, re maioe Praia the Steil risoeliad yes': terday, the "Modems of the - better elan fear - for themtelvel, as they protested' many Ohrletians;' and ash looked uponlyAlits fanatics as uo true bit iieverd:.;-Barido all this 'A. horde of Bedouins and Arabs, , assisted.' by- tkt; 'Drums -Mid the :Modem mob, hasWbegen suck 'a work as proinises to level tho whole of Deraaeonaerith the ground.-, In the Castle ten thousand -Cltriettans are shut up ; but if they are notkilled, they must die of hunger in u few day!. ru ipLTair POWIIRLVIIS It is imOteible -to estimate the number if, set , sone killed; but from ail accounts up to yesterday , there cannot be lem than 2,000:- I hope, elm, for the sake of humanity, you will limit -this in your invalueble-paper., II- fear, sir, the people of- Eng. land are sometimes too do* to believe, but surely the reports from our emstels, frail tbeeohnnanders of our toes-of-war; will awaken Snead taste that the Turkfilt Govenunent,,earozot any.lokser main, tain orderin its decathlons-, Perhaps this may be smoothed down by a promise - froin the Sultan to remove the pashas, but reeelleot; after thiree years' rosidentmin:thispiseij have never seettany metal rial different)* between onepashe. and another. Thei r plan isto-peoket as inuoll as they eau themselves; and they manage pretty. well when they can lay-by an in4epeudenoy in two or, three years. Yon must also yourself be well aware that the Turkish troeps are about eighteen.noonths in arrest of pity./tad' this temptation'to plunder' to' their natural fanetit ohm, and the little diseipline their-ofeeere-oanno— tome on them, and drew your own eonetuittens ,ea •to the result. • • ' - ',:," lIUMOItY MID COIMAGE OP ABD4IfrICADSR. I op-assure you, from good atithority; that the Goverkment of Pamesaus hes,borrowesi money to buy food- at 'the- enormous rate of. thirty.six per cent." per - annum. --The -Enseian,- - Anstrian, and Belgian censalates at Damascus are all-burnt, and several .itteuipte have :been- made) to t burn -di. Frtnch. tip.% the fated news the English consul' was safe, but as things are going on,r denot think' his life is ivoith ninth. The ehuith of Tern Santa is burnt, and all the father! killed. A. large titn ber of persons- have taken refuge in the - house of Abd-etaider; *holm armed'About two theciand of his MogiAim and promises to protect the Chris tians to Us lest drop of blend. -. . - I feel-sure yea will feel the niroessity of making there thingtriblic ; and in the sincere hope that my letter may do its there towards pausing England to see the lives she is !sterilising to uphold a Moslem Power; l'ain; str;yotirs; A. Butnnintz. Banitrr, - Tely lb. • - THIC cnessrune 111•11111072. The.'Bositoti . . Triivetler,,publishes letters from Syria,,dated * Suly 6, giving blither details of the massacres: We extract several. paragraphs ." Many thousand fugitives have lived upon the, ohartfldi of Beirut for trhiltir, - - ha' as tlie nuriber of the starving and hammiest 'daily' inereases, the American and Baglieh residents have held a pub— lic meeting - to devise ways and means to obtain adequate relief.. The residents of,Beirat, base been very liberal; but as winter draws nigh Beirut will be unable to supply the many thousand appli cants who' wilt Ithaca at our doors. . Al, ,this meeting the American consul was ~ called to• preside, and, after' some deliberation, it was agreed that •an appeal' should, be .pnblishad, addressed to, the American and British- public, setting forth some of the distressing facts connected with the War,nn,d solieiting contributions for the relief of the mom' 'widows and orphans, who aro now fugitives, homeless and penniless.• Rumor's' of leviable axe in circulation to-day; lint such ii peace uaa proposed . will cap - the climax- of horror.'The Turkish Governor ,General has pre• pared a treaty 'of peace'which the' bruises Will be most happy to sign, hut, which Win prove A death blow to.the Obristians. Its provisions 'are for an immediate 'cessation of hostilities, and a full ac,= nettle' for•the Denims of all further responsibility in the case: tiudh is - peace will put a premium neon murder; rapine, and butchery, encouraging the Draws in their,work• of robbery and death arid giving no vroteotion.Or immunity to the ehristiona. A DAT 'or VANTIN4 AND - Totrarma In view. or:the great desolation which now pre vails In Syria, and of the necessary abandonment for the - present of all rniesionary operations in Mount: _Lebanon, the American mission iti on announced the following Friday as set apart - for fasting and- prayer-- Services wete held in the American chapel,- where a large num ber of American and English gathered to indicate their dependence upon God and their sympathy with the unfortunate ones around them. -In the mission _premises _=were gathered several hun dred ~ hornets*" ones, some- of wham were. sick and neirly tithed: , It was a teething eights. Upon the other side of the ishaPel were stationed a group of'Soldiers for Ake_ proteetton of Amer' can Miens. Under theth Peculiar elrotamstatoes. Rev. Daniel Miss opened the meeting with prayer and the ustthrexereises of reading the Scripture" and singing He then addrenied the audience for a few moments relative to God's Providence and watchfulness in the affairs -of men: Rev. Dr Thomson, the pastor of the church, and author of that pcipular work " The Laid and theßook," them called ear attention to the main object of the meet ing, i.' e j to pray for the interposition of Jehoyalt j f, and to humble ourselves before Hire, seeking that light and wisdom which odmeth front she'll, 'sod that sedation of our tildleulties' which can emanate, from nriothereteiree._ • - • . MANCIAL CRISIS SMPBnpilfa . . . . . The playing of the British band at:Brui Beyroutla is hardly in Consonance,with the state of things, for_ the community 'is' in mourning, , stricken with; a terrible grief. - A financial ands is also impend. lug. Several; thousand — citizens — and' merchants have already. fled to Alexandria, Naito, and Cyprus ; those who remain can transact no busi ness, the hank taiersi money, and everything is at a standstill'. Not everything, for another' Anted= can vessel, the Moneynick, Captain Smith, arrived on the' 5%0 :triaging lumber fret& Savannah:lt hits come in good time, for hearty two hundred v i llages must be rebuilesooner or liter, in order to reinstate tife fugitives, htt their hems. A Witt' s* rot THE snrrittritelr 113111.11 T. CardS ofiniliation'imve been leaned to the pub lic of Beirut to a grand musical matinbe, at the re sidence of lfr..,Bnref,the banker, for Monday, for the _hermit `,Or soffertirs—adinission', fee ono dollarZ"-TWaubaorlption list la. very ,till,, in eluding ail the resident °oriole and mini-foreign reeidents.. The brass. bend of-the - British = lirte.of battle ship will perform its hest Pieces, and the young ladies will exert: themselves for the peblio good.-. Benevolence is now the oider of . the day, and relief for the poor le-the password in. Beirut circles. • - anorrtotisr. OXTAILS OP THE DA.HAROTES . ao r ailtit tit' in iherl'rai;Stii?,'ditedlleirtit; July 14, furnishes further aeociaits of these Oa,"ton4aj; instant, ,ohildren Who td, been ;UWE aroma in the riusd,,and otherwise in saltiiitlie:-Ohrtstiane of Dathaseris ' 'were arrested by thwOovernor, and; after a abort imprisonment ; were matt to sweep the • stisehi , of the, Christians This step was the alifted„eause of the outbreak. antrare7,trank eowtdatr Wbit apart of the gc -- merit plait ; to'prodase the result which I am about to oosmtunfoste. _ _ Alneb'ef about five hundred pentane rushed to the reliet 7 4 ,these.children, and attaoked Ihe Christian Anarter: it. two o'clock. P. M. At fhb hour the Ohrisdanmerehantswereawayfrom their homeirin- the business part the ety, - and were unable to - rem& their fatuities after the breaking forth of the.‘nierreetioti. EDE WORK OP DEATH COMMENCES. The sigilif for death Ind dietrietleri hiving thus been given, the Work'of slaughter commenced, and at the date of the - - latest Melees, yesterday ; at 3 P. AL, the *deka murder :and village Was eat{ going on. Tho Christian population of Damasous has been estimated at twenty-Ave' thousand souls. Ten thousand Christians can now be accounted for lodged in the castle of the town, and under the pro teetiorf of DM fartiobs Algerine Atal-el-'Keller, who has proved himself, it great friend of the,Ch rig. dens. Bat white are the test " Fifteen thousand are unaccotuded for ! One hundred fugitives Are crowded into the British consulate; but who can tell hew long they will be safe? , - sittnimn, PILLAGE; 'ARSON, , AND CHIME. A letter was received from , the -Prussian consul of Damascus, by his Coring-General at - Beirut, stating that majority of the Christians had been saved up to that time; that the consuls had taken refuge_ at the house of Abd-el- fader, ' ex,' ceptlon;of the English and Prussian consuls who. were fortified inlheir own houses, in the - Tu rkish quarter,: and that the -itueslart, "(Freak;' French. Austrian, , ,Dutch,, and Amerlean centrulates bad been pulled down or burnt. - . - On the evening of the rleth the mob increased to the number-of-twelve hundred. Ott - Tuesday the' Arlbs and Brutes were adreittesf; and - fresh from the bloody Dade of Dale el Xavier and' , other rase- , snores, these den& inlninan shop* redid Into the Christian quarter, killing every -one they met. The work of destriction is eampletel"ect far as burning and pillage is concerned ; not, a habitable Chris tian houirerreinaiiii.J , .•S' '; - The British conga , ibe safety of, his own eommiate ratimlitithelatit that it is situated in the 'Turkish querter, , lntri which the - 11%061mph is not allowed to gaits= tlitt..Oners of, ‘ • the prtipertj, the landholding Mbefeens, standing in the entraneel of 1h °5 tr!, 14 9 1 1i A6t°"PreTri them. THE I.SRTMWDMEST , CONNIVED:Ai , THE OUTRAGES. The Pruden consult furtheretates that the Go venom:loore, ~nq at other places; completed the, deetractlCh•ortlui Christian quarter. FlratliOrtimul regular andlorregular troops were placed` mound .the Vhtistlau quarter, so as to sur round it entlrely,,and these 'men, who could have prevented Abe insinictioa without; s blow, al lowed -free Ingram and egress to As ineurreation ists, ant.instead of allowing' the deelogOlorlittarm to esdipe,"4,l,lolmat, and throw itiemhaikholo the . What hare ;Ohristiane to hope In meth land as this', u& Under lath a government" They • - are noWsleerperhere spit upon and persecuted, mod' th ~their 'prlelleges are being raptilly ' wrested fromi nAriosa, - Beirut,,isorts-consideriatl ; to be. ',l n imminent danger; pot only *eta thi Noses *ll6 still threat-: en the entennination Of the , Ohristlansi - notwitk standing the treaty ef , pease Oat tapas& by them, but frets the' Meeleare and the 'Turkish soldiers: , bkve, Red; and *item toindaniatlop .firpreaked Into sondes itm , thooe yilteLisay,* ty-day on* to ,•, , t tiontwrltzetbstuts IN ,ool.lstitiitadll, the author of three . laiireirol Imes on Mt. Lebanon, the father-ln-law of the Aria* vide oonsul, a friend of the Drnses and ME= Wtri 1411614E1-11W to a Chrisfaerritia of PltrietiPalf,7 spode every night onboard a British frigate, fear ing.the perils of a langermmidente oa shore: IPA he is 'a British officer ; so who ceri blame ns ladies for feeling alarnted?'Thei Eurtqiitan". Merchants .have sent their familleato,Enropep and hold them res in readiaem to "leave at a moment ' s notice , e agents of the American house, of Dabiej uriniagbint, of 'Boston, live on board the Money-, niolg,"an' American vessel, and the entire Christian quarter of Beirut fa to•day deserted: News is just received of the murder of one of. the missionaries ertiauir =Rev. Mr. Graham, of the Irish mission, a British Subject, was found among ttie dead in the street of that 1114 aW:eitYVBlo Cara wes' , a peculiar one' The dangers which have long threatened the Christians of the interior indneed ataxia of the nits ,akmaries to, ,withdraw .to thellea: °east, as it , had, 'been resolved at a meeting of thi Trish and'Amerl ottn-Sniesion that every one should: avail himself of ideli means of Imam as bethought proper, This ti estinglsocurred:about ten days ago. - Rev J. Frillier and family earns to Beirut accompanied by" hie do-laborers; Dr Rattle and Mr Forrett. Mr. Oraham Prepared to accompany them, was booted and'spnrred for the journey, when be changed his mind and determined to remain a few days longer -wits! (bolter: Bmylie Robson and family, an gag- Bah pissionary. r . - nelu r zetrsrayaoraorrom ve , smentesw asst -mgliTg• ioforintition'that th ere is but one Ainerioan vessel-of warin the Mediterranean, and that that vessel hineE.neoessarilp ; remain in Smelly, for the uroteotlonof Ainortaan Intereate there, is, very dis -Ataartetilpg;,,iiid to-day, there is e, growing feeling in the Amerloanomnronnity in favor of an exodus. Most of us wish'...te remain as long as our 'consul 'stays, but, as be is determined to remain at his poet at all hazards and ,under anyeirourestonote we ioey leave very aeon. Ite•.oan give as no fur ther:assurance of...safety, and says, we mast take 'sues measures Biwa deem - proper for our safety, either at his house, on board the shipping, or retire fora short time to• a lees dangerous locality. It may belliat the •fiext steamer to the Island of Cy rlvoonsay:istier seine, of tits; from these exciting . i Tie . sadly' of Rev. Mr. Frazier will he the third missionary fatally departing for 'America. They - go M-day. ARRIVAL OF TURKISH OFFICIALS.' Admiral Mustapha Pacha, with two ships of the linel and two frigates, now commands'fbe harbor of Beirut, and the new Governor General of DlMAS ons,leett to replace the present Governor, departed yesterday from Beirut with about two thousand soldiers, for his new,and somewhat dangerous post cif duty. ' The appointment of Namik Pasha, as commander • in.e)iief of the Turkish b army in Syria, is not con .sidered a fa,veistble`. sign.; for:, - Alisi. Christians, ' ineimnoh as he.was.the Governor of Jeddah at the time of the zeta:Weer° at that place tWo'•years . Indeed, the Christians are ,so much disheartened, Milt utilise the 'onuritry Will soon .pasi into.tbe .hands of a Christian Power, they Will desert it en niatiee. Syria is thrown back' fifty:years at least, already; and who can read the future? A DIMPATeIt PROM DAMASCUS. iA correspondent of tho Boston 'Journal' thus Writes from Beirut, July 12: • Billittr,-July 12.=The Prussian consul here has reosived a despatehlrom , the .Prentsian consul of which says that the whole of the Chris- Mai quarter is burned; that the greater part of the,Otiristian population is saved by well•dispos,ed Moslems, but that several hiunired had been mat. seated. The_English and Pnissian contmlates have iiotibeet tended: ' I onisuno,Acoorrar OF Ma MMIBACRI! S. The following is from Mr. Robson to Mr. Brandt on the afternoon of the massacre:.Many thanks for 'the kind remembrance - orme in such a fearful time.. For the last two and a half hours the street past my, house 'has presented a terrible seen. First, the rash aid - running of men armed, and women shouting imprecations on the infidel Christians. and (fries of Rill them !, 'Butcher thein !" Plunder—burn—leave_ one—not house—not anything; fear not the soldiers, fear nothing; the soldiers will. not meddle with you!' They were right—nobody has interfered. Those :women, boys, l soldiers, for, more than two hours, hallo been carrying every sort 'of thing past my bests°, like fiends from bell! I cannot go to your house. Could I go, with my wife and servants, into the midsfil armed ruffians crying and thirst. inifor blood ? To open my door is as mush as my life ii worth. I must remain where I am, and Peale the event with God. Where is your Pasha. no*? Fifty men could have put the insurreotion town. Ras any attempt been made to preserve the lives and property of the Sultan's subjects on the - faith of the Powers? Perhaps at your quarter yeisee nothing of this most shameful, as well as most horrible, business - Had not the poor :native Christians reason to fear? I know not the moment whine some of these plunderers and murderers, who are passing my door without ceasing, will recollect tha,t. this is the house of a Frank and Christian to stop to rob it and murder us. I have no hope that thili will end to-,day. Perhaps tilt plunder becomes sewn in the Christian quarter I may escape." DIeTRUOTION OF 't RS 11.0058 OF 'AN AItERIcAN 111.81310NART. • - • , Bantu?, July 14.—News from Damascus' to the 12th, P. M , reports that the massacres and burn inge still continue. One of the missionaries, Mr Grisham, of the Irish' Church, lost his life, in all prob4bility. • , • , '4 Mr. Frazier's (American) house" was binned and pandered. Mr. Frasier and family and Dr. Rattle happily same over to Bierut last Saturday,. , Mr. Robson and wife safe at the English consulate. Opprard of 2,000,,if not many more, persons mas sacred. A.-Turlrish frigate Aind a French brig-of. war at Sidon,_aiid heavy firing in that quarter. It - is reperted that the Drums attacked the _place, and the firing is inconsequence.' - Giro. 0. RURIZR. q You will be glut to hear {fiat' Dr. Meshakah's wound is very slight." , - • STATEMENTS CORRECTED '...ae.are informed their,-the statement recently ddpied from English papers that the American missionaries have abandoned their fields in Syria And returned home is incorrect. Some of them have been obliged to leave their fields and to' E . WI NG d their labors, but they nil! remain upon the ground, ready to take advantage of - any opening which Providence may indicate to them. SBA MIBBIO.II tll, - TuAT conermr. ' The Taiirnal of Commerce publishes the follow ingletter from W. M. Thompson, American mission ary, in Syria, to Wm. A. Booth, Esq., of Now York . Burnout., (Syria,) June 27th, 1860. My Dean SIR: When I promised to write to you, I little dreamed, of the tidings whioh I must report : No doubt you will hear, before this reaches you, something about the war that has de ablated almost the entire field of our missionary operations. The ehureh at Hasbeiya is burnt, and the Protestant community destroyed in the general destruction of the town and massacre of the Christian population, A thousand new-made _widows; sad many thousand fatherless children, forth but items in the general account. Jaren, and ,aitthe Christians, between, that and Sidon, burnt and butchered. The poor Christians were bunted doWn and slaughtered, quite to the gates of the City, hy 'Bruce, Moslema. - and Metualis. The Sidon station is suspended. Mr. Ford bac renewed to this place, Mr. Eddy gone to America: The Station of Deer el Kezinar tt dead; the missionary, is saved and has got ,to Abieh. At the men of the Deir were butchered—the wotoen and children have seethed this place. Za hilt is blotteti, out—every house burnt there,,aa. at, the Dier. r mention' these Principal towns, in tending to Imply that, all - the Christian villages and hamleta naturally included between these ex.._ treme points have likewise been sacked, buint, Ind destroyed, with the exception of certain places lietweia Reirout and Abieh. Thestation at the Belk is suspended, and Mr. Bliss and the young ladles of the female seminary have fled to Beirout, and are new here. Mr: Calhounds to disbind the male seminary , at Abieh, and hold himself in readiness to descend' at a moment's - warning. -Brother Nilson hasnbandened Items, and come to Tripoli. :We shall probably abut up our press to day, and put our large'property there in the best position we can for any coming emergency. Our schools are all dlspetsed, and we are just holding onto the tragmente of , our mission, to dee what, the Lord intends to do with 'tie You will not undorstandiall this withouta‘weid de:planation. The,wild war between the Draws end Marerates of Lebanon. has caught like n fire in the general element of Moslem fanaticism. The Pasha, (Horskid "Pasha,) supreme Governor of this siountryc fanned the flame with ell the eunningi-du plfoity, and intrigue of his. erum and his govern-, mint, and hence the titter deoloralization and ruin' of the Christian population. They have been be wildered and terrified by the Turkish Government Turkish soldiers aided the muses in the massacres tot.the Christians, and encouraged the Moslems everywhere to engage in the same nefarious elangh- Thousands,literally thousands, of nien *ho -lad laid down: their weapons at thetlommallo of , the Government, and on its guarantee, have been banded over, utterly defenceless, to be killed by the Dross, -•• ' All, the great butolieries of /lasbelys, Itasbata, Deir el Satter; do., were simply done with hatch ;eta, knives, and daggers; gone were not needed. he 'infernal- butchers dragged out the violins, laid them doivn and out their throats like sheep or hogs. The individual atrocities which I have heard would fill a volume; and etch a volume as had not yet beau written about Syria for a thon-_ send years or more. I may yet prepare an ex tended 41000110 o this wits] jornado, for the press, if I can only get things to stand still long enough to take even a photograph of theca. have cirit ten a brief account to, my eon floury, and directed him to find you out Bid read and explain to you • Knowing the names of persons and places, he - will be able to give you many explanations; and as he will get letters constantly, you may be k_opt in formed of all our „affeirs 10 fax aa you take inte rest in them. ". =_ _ I am requested by the brethren of the minion to 'ask you whether you would allow part of your generous donation to be expended in saving from starvation those who were to have been taught? galore the war was three days old I had to suspend "eat female school that you saw examined, and give •up Abe entire_ premisee,..garderui. .to. The :wretched refugees from the - mountains; and from that day to this we halm hid hundred of those most miserable people .on our premises Oar *most ability is exhausted to Seed this starving erowd. They have lost everything. It is heart. rending to behold those thousands Of Willem and "orphans, many (diatom were rich, now wandering about like ghoeht !a - PO , tags, 134404 Omit deity bread. According to your :written request, wo began't4' expend your donetiori:WA fine class of girls was taken into the female seminary, and Mr. Calhoun/ was tO have olinamenoed his -theological class at Ableh,,Whilllt POMO common sabot& were kept bit that would have, been. disbanded. Now all these things are gone, and . ** cannot gay when they can be resommeneed ; while the mission bag been put .to great expense' to save the lives of the people. by hi ag guarder oavases, and entreats to bring the exposed out of the fire to a place of safety, We have not been ebbs ourselves- to gam bread to the perishing, without being aocompanied by Govern. meat • guards. , whore we have had to pay at very high rates. • Will you authbrise as to direct at least a part of your donation to *est teethe of mercy ?; •Please answer at anew.„ , As there ire thousands of widois and orphan, and .tins of thousands whose houses are burnt, and their effects pinnderedomenorrhookainottnt of suffering inevitable, do what WO may. • Doting the warm, 4r 3 r months, parents and eshildren'e;in sleep under the trees, es. they - tire sloacdping;” 'but . the cold, rainy months will 'be tin' us; and thin the people ,must Peva elother, and a 'whetter of. some sort.or other or die.' • Are there not some of yntir wealthy' friend' iirho',Will'aid u ' alleviate. this 'dreadful MdemitY? ' Every tient will psi - Obese a little loaf Resume one,-whe otherwise may, have none. We ' to , England', also, and 'else •Where Wherever there is benevolence to bo reached. Bona• and family kneersomething' 'etesoutApto eenetry,,fon.wili doubtless be happy to .apt' dethe 'ohtintkil ihiengh whiek charities can reach•this_arretehoditeeple.-o. thillietetteepeetitoVelttinission, it it tau oaf ly to speak with any confidence. Any interference of Frans or 'Russia In the affairs of this country PRESS.-PHILAIYELPMA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1860. itd probablYtietid as all to the-sea for persodal fe y. We migtit Jay off 0110r8 in a ship until the ' haw, and theri,retarn to bur trma Wo` may belitiven to _Cyprds, Rhodes, Meta, No human sagacity an 'predict 'What iito take plaop ed;sitaioni".' ‘ffbereis bet too mubh restiam to' apprehend - look a foreign interference; and 'it rimy come any hour; r CI" - • ' ' Vray for us, and urge ill'whe fad aninterest in our mitelon'twaelte, with you earnest, prayer on our behalt ~,Weare poising through -deep waters. ,We are. surrounded with darkness, and involved 'lti perplexities that bewilder. ...Light and salvation can only oome frbin'the Lard.' ' Mr. Van Dyok and wife ,are in Germany. Mr. Eddy and wife left us yeseardarfor America. 'propose to remain by the stuff, and gather up the reagnients of thirty years' labor, as soon as the storm lulls sudioiently to adinit of encl. work. All my family unite in Christian salutation to you and years. May the. blessing of the Lord ever rest upon you Yours in the best bonds, Heavy Embezzlement--A Fast Woman in the Case. [Prom the Cincinnati Gazette, August 8 3 Considerable exotternsnr,was oreated on 'Change and among business men throughout the city, on Saturday, by the announcement that Charles IL McDougal, junior partner of the firm of West & MeDouKal, commission merchants and grocers, No ,23 Walnut attest, had absconded, 'in company with Wm'. T. Montagne, bookkeeper for the firm, carrying away about 06,000. The -establishment has been doing a pretty heavy business, and stood fair, we. believe, with the ,commercial world; so that the dot 'orembezzlement was a misfortune never dreamt of. The facto attending the diem very of thil affair and the escape of the parties are as follows : On Wednesday laetMr. Isaac E4West, the senior member of the firm : went' to Indiana for the pur pose of attending to some business there, not in tending to return until Saturday, but instead he came back to the city on Friday, and went to his business house at half,past two o'clock in the afternoon. , He did not find McDougal at the office, and., on inquiring, was told by the porter that be had stepped 'out onlyji few minutes before and would soon return. Mr.. Westaat down, and looked over the ledger. in Whiehr . to-his surprise; he found wrong entries. He next inspected the "check" book, the bank- , book, do. ; these things seemed to be in a most in explicable condition. It was now about four o'clock, and neither MoDeugal nor the book-keeper had appeared. He went to the banking. house of A. H. Bussing 45 Co., - and on' inquiry found that there was upo to his credit, when his banking book showed a credit of $lO,OOO. This wee eueugh to eet a suspicious man to think ing Mr. West walked—no, he rode—at a brisk speed to Eighth street, where his partner resided, and was told by, the servant girl that the gentle man and his lady h'ad gone to take a carriage ride. Unfortunate information, for the victimized part ner was so much misled as to deem it beet to keep a quiet watch at certain places in the city for the return of the parties. Mayor Bishop was requested to furnish' the police 'force at ten o'clock in the evening, whioh he did, without' knowing the pur pose. At two o'clock in the morning be was aroused, and then learned for trio first time of the embezzlement, but not until the fugitives had bad several hours Start' • They tiould 'do no better than to wait until daylight, and to lay the plane which they have been earrying out since... It was found out that, about ten minutes befire Mr. West arrived at his business home on Friday, Mr. MoDottgal left it, went to the poet office, took a letter out, and walked leisurely down Fourth street, reading it.' - While the senior of the firm was perplexed at the mystified appearance of the books, the-a -junior had obtained• knowledge of his retarn,• and harem the drive. 'The book keeper rushed to the Burnet- Homo, procured a hook, drove to Eighth. street, not in time to get the trunks to Die - C. 11. 'and' D. depot, but in time for McDougal and his wife to get aboard the cars. Book-keeper remained behind to look after the trunks, which be had taken to the depot for the six o'clock train, making arrangements that the cheeks for the same should be delivered_ on the train 'to whoever called for them. Then it is known that said hook-keeper got for_ the train at Cum minsville and demanded the checks, and that Mc- Dougal and wife aft, got on the same train at Ham ilton, and they all wont northward. Saturday morning detectives were sent on each train, telegrams were sent to- St Louis, Chicago, Cleveland, do., to intercept the parties, but ny to this time no further intelligence has been received of them. It appears thst the money, about $35,000, was collected in various ways during Mr West's brief absence. Paper was disposed of in a summary and advantageous manner; $lO,OOO, we believe, were procured on a shipment of bacon to the firm of J. I. Adams A Co., of New Orleans. He sold a bill of exchange to T. S. Dugan Co. for $7,000, another to Baker, banker, for $5,000. A sale of one hundred barrels of molasses at 27 cents was effected on Thursday, upon whioh $l,OOO was received before delivery. There was a note on Pullen, Hatfield, A. Brown for $4.900, which was discounted. Some money was secured of N. W. Thomas A Co.; and $5 000 were procured on the shipment of hams from G. H. Bussing A Co., bankers, en the north west corner of 'Third and Walnut. In this way the' amount specified above, which is' mostly in gold, was secured. It is likely that more has been secured which is not yet reported. Thus the matter rests Speculation is rife, and there are scandalous stories being circulated about the wife of McDougal, who is handsome and fast. She was a widow whenbe married her, her former husband, Mr. Churchill, as our readers will ro'-' member: having been shot a' year ago last Fourth of July.lby Riohard Neff. , The family connections of McDougal and Montague era respectable, and sympathy is expressed for them. For Mr. West, the unfortunate violins of this embezzlement, there is mush sympathy manifested A reward of $l,OOO is offered for the arrest of the parties. Negro Insurrection on a Guano Island AN OVERSEEN FATALLY INURED The Petersburg Rxpress gives an remount of serious insurrection amongst the two hundred negroes who are 001003'011 to load vessels at Som brero guano island. The regular overseer had been temporarily superseded by one Snow, a man of energy and determination. He had long been accustomed to exact implicit obedience from the sailors whom ho had formerly commanded ea mate, and .did not change his system of discipline on the Island. The negroes, who were principally English and Danish, and were obtained from the neighboring Mande of the West Indies, belonging to those nations, and were, consequently, always hostile to Americana, on account of the latter's slavery proclivities, grew dissatisfied with the management of their new superintendent, and meditated every variety of revenge. Only four of them. however, seemed to have ' brought their designs to a coneertedmeasure, and on' the 24th of July one of them was dele gated to murder him, while tho others were near to see that it was effectively done. They wore engaged in loading a oar on this day, and the chosen murderer being on the top of it, took ad vantage of the foreman as ho was stooping on the ground below and hurled a tremendous lump of guano at ills tiead, crabbed his skull with the blqw, and left him for dead on the ground. Considerable commotion followed among the whites upon the discovery of the attempted murder, and the negro who committed the dead was Immediately arrested by ffaptain Burnell, of the Emma Tuttle, and Capt. Betithali, of the bark Warren, of Baltimore, placed in irons and conveyed on board the latter vessel, It was their determination to take him into a United States port for trial. The arrest created the wildest exeitimebt among the negroes, who rook en masse, and took possession of the island. The white employees, who numbered only twelve, ware compelled to eubmit to the revolt, but were unharm ed, since they romaiped non.sorauifttal, being too much intimidated to attempt to quppress tt) rage of 20D half-savage negroea, and at the came time afraid to Join with them against the vessel, knowing that punishment was sure to follow from the United States authorities as Boon as intent. gonee should have boon conveyed to the nearest American port. The negroes threatened to sink the two vessels if their comrade was net givenMp; and when Captain Benthall attempted to return to shore from tho Warren they collected on the wharf and stoned him .until he woe forced to take refuge 'balk upon his bark. • Captain Burnell got ashore safely, but was met with savage dethonstrations from the insurgents, Who were, armed in theirright .hands with blie,o plebe, and in their left with heavy blocks - of guano. ge 'with "dg4otilly made his way through `them, and -was compelled to 'maunder all the English money he had in his pod: session, to appease them sufficiently to admit of his escape from their murderous clubs. Getting safe. ly into the office of thd agent, Mr. Elliott, who is owner of a large interest in the island, and is well known in this city, he succeeded in making ready for his departure next day, having already taken his load for this city, and of returning unharmed to his vessel. Mr. Elliott expected in the courts of a few days fifty Irish hands from Richmond, with as many revolvers and other instruments of govern ment and civilization, through means of which he would bp able to subdue the revolters, and ef fectually prevent any further outrages, should it be his good fortune to osoape their fury until that time. The superintendent wee not, dead when the Tuttle left, on the 25th,' but Was not expected to live. There woe no physioian on the island; and no treatment he received could either alleviate his sufferings, or insure a hope for hi; recovery. The nogroes had refused all ,otters or deutlands to return to work, but, holding possession of the island, wore having a fine time with the provisions and privileges of the place, with nobody to dare to say tt boo" to the first one of them; This they will doubtless, insist upon continuing until their OWD. rade is given up, or taken by themselves from the Warm; 1 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF "SRAIIISS GEORGE. N. 'I ATEIAM. T. EAQTIHNIMAY, CONIUIIII or THI Mr:m.lu RuDEET B. REED.II LETTER BAGS At the 'Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. ship Westmoreland. soon Ship Tonawanda. Julius—. ...... soon Bays Kanawha. IA note. „Cienfuegos soon trig Ells Reed, de Cuba, soon Wig T B Martin, Carver --.....cienfeugos, soon Brig Adeline Bo} 1ken....---...,.L0nd0n. soon Brig Blank Bluetit. Davis— —Cardenas. soon umtiflE IN Tp.f.d.IGT.P,N P.)11.1r PUILADELPHIA, Aug. 10. -30-no. 9 1 1111 11111111 1 .2.-.. -_ 0 H-9UN . 9ET8.Z2.. H OH WATEM.,- - , . ARRIVAD. *hip Philadelphia. Poole, to days from Liverpool. with mdse, &o to T P Richardson & Co—towed or by I ton Ameriea. Resorts the bark Modena, front Boston. below Bombay H onk. Brig OtntarmOld) pringer, bo t tler. days from Branson. with fudge to I J' plate Ii Bohottler. m . Beh tr o ft L ft Co Simmon n s. Candy, 7 day' front Boston, with dse rso & Co. bight John 'Fernnirt Hall. 4 days from Proridenoe, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Bohr John & Thomaeoßraverteica days from Balti more, wjth mile to captain. Bohr T P Lerned. 'lreland, from Boston. Bohr ft holiel Blow, Peterson. from Roston, 1 - Bohr Woodruff Sims. Mason. front Boston. Bohr r f d i u ,s r e l e e r 'I R n e y f l t o . t e ,T ri n a .3 l , l i n t r o , m fr from n Norwich. Lynn Bohr E Smith, Smith, 1 ,, M Salem. schr 'P Lake. Scull, from Weymouth. Bohr H L Bay, Hnokner, front Rokbury. Bohr New Haven. Griffin. from,Bssez. Solo. Buenos, Gandy. from Ito yrderne. Bohr Nriignard, Williams, rom Providenoe. CLEARED. Steamship Keystnne 'nate, 31.srelor an, Charleeton. A 'Baron: Jr. - • Stramehip Delaware, Cannon, Ebw VAtt , VS Cape , 'May, J Anderdloe. • Brk aMy, Hammonds Cork and a' market, Welts, ;Motion lit :Berk - White Wing ,' Entine; Limn ay TS. Dettett ' Bohr A ricatel,AslSey. Richmond. 2 Webster Jr: Bohr Casper Heft, Shoe. Pawtucket, ft hilines'fr, Cc, Pe S t e - vail i t n & Co. • Bohr ake, emit! Mutton. L Rothermel & Co. Bahr Crandall, Pitch, Westerly' , Rohr JURA Maria: eaton..HaVorhill, ' do Bohr Woodruff Site, Mason, Boston, Noble, Ham mett & Caldweli. Bohr .7 Brognard, Willtatne, Providence, do rt , ,10 Y lr""rirt'Nif "Tv, ell' 4 `l . „ , • t !Behr ite4.sErne s GandY. , Prbeldenee, Reporter Sr. Bro. - Bahr M Saute, emit /t; Belem. 0 A Ilookseher & Co. khr B Day.'Haektier, Roxbury. de • tlahr ,p, i.et nod, Ireland, Chelsea, Banoroft, Lewis & Bohr New Haven, OtifilniNew Haven, Bares & God . • ' 14114 ED,• The U E mail steamship Keystone Rate, Cat Mandl man, for Charleston, left at 10 A Myesterday, with a full irotght and a number of Puellengere, Ii,MORANoe• Rid e Andre. Putnam, from Penang, arrived up at Boston 14 , h inst. Ship Sabine, Hendee. (Mtn Bombay April 19. for New York. was spoken 10th ult, 184 28 B. lon 9.30 F.. Bark Cavalier, McLeod. from Baltimore for Rio Ja neiro Wail spoken 9th inst. tat 9329, lon 63. Bark Aaron I 'larvae, Miller, for this port, remained at Sierra l.enne 16th ult. Brig F A Reath, for this port. sailed from Near Haven 13th inst. - • Brie Calvert, 'French, for this port, sailed from Sierra Leone about 11th ult. Sahr Lima, (Br,) O'Brien hence at Halifax, N S, oth host. Bohr Salmon Washburn, Thrasher, hence at Dighton 13th inst. Bohr Sanders, Johnson, at Fall River 13th nisi, from Delaware Cdr. Bohr E T Allen. Allen, Sarah N Smith, for this port, sailed from Newburrnort 13th inet.. Bohr Wm A Dubow', Newcomb, hence for Orleans, at Newport lath inst. Bohr Laumkali, for this port, sailed from New Haven 13th inst. W. M. TnomrsoN Notice to hereby itiren that the Graven Ledge bell boat has been removed for reaming. and a first chute can buoy now occupies her station:' She will be replaced in a few days, of which due no me will begiven, By order oft he f.ightimuse Hoard , MELANCTON SMITH, Comm'r U. 8.N., Lighthouse inspector. Second District. Boston. Aug 12.1880. „ pYSF'EPSIA REMEDY. This Medicine hew been used by the public for six years with increasing favor. It is recommended to Cure Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Heart-Burn, Colic Pains, Wind in the stonuich, or Pains in this Dowels, Headaches, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaints, Low bpirits, Delirium ,Tremens, Intemperance. IT II T IN( ITI. ATER, EXHILARATE, INVIRORATES,BUT As a Medioine it is gala and, effectual, curing the mostageravated cues of Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaints. ar.d all other derangements of the Stomach and Bowels in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most melancholy and drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous" and sickly to health, strw.isth, and vigor. - Persona who. frorr the injudicious use of liquors. have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and outdoor. to that horrible nurse to humanity, the Dimmers THRMllias ' will, al most immediate.feel the happy and healthy invigo rating effiimay Or. Ham's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. Doss.—One wine slam, full aa often as necessary. One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will cure Heart-burn. Three doses will core Indigestion. One dose will give you a Good Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of. Wind or Platinence, no as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distress ing load and all painful feelings will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of Colic, either in the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Rulney, Bladder, or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured of speedy, relief by a dose or two, and a radical cure be the use of one or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION Persons who, from dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effects o. poisonous liquors. in violent headachea. sickness at at-iinaoh, weakness, giddiness, &0., will find one dose will s .move all bad feeling,. Ladies of weak and sickly conentritions /tumid take the Inineotating Spirit three limes a day; tt will make them strong, healthy, and ham y, remove all obstruc tions and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn face. During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable medi cine to remove nisagreeabls sensations at the stomach. All the proprietor sells is a trial, and to induce this, he has put op the LIVIGOILATING BPULIT in pint battles at 150 ciente, quarts $l. General Depot. 4S WATER Street, New York. DYOTT & CO., 232 North SECOND Street, Wholesale agenth in Philadelphia, 187-thstult and 10f sale by all Dr u ggists. PERUVIAN SIRUP, OM PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTOXIDE OF IRON COMBINED This well-known Remedy has been used extensively .. . :,/, and with rft s s i ingess for . . 4; 40 ' t et, ,ro OR IMPAIRED ANV I IIIPERFECT , V nil DIGESTION • FOR SUE CONSEQUENT • . ~,.._) ~ DElpßlOtt ATION oa DIGESTION; BLOOD; 0 t . o f FORMSr A TOE Op roLo.v I DISROBE, Most of whioh originate m --- DYSPEPSIA : LIVER COMPLAINT_, DROPSY, NEURALGIA and NERVOUS AFFECTIONS LOSS OF APPETITE ' EFADACHEI LANGUOR and DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. CARBUNCLES and BOILS, PILES. SCURVY, AFFECTIONS OF . TujisKit4,_CONSUNI.PTIVE TENDENCIES. DRoNCRL TIS. Int:MASKS PECII- . LIAR to FEMAL‘S, and PL A AINTS L COM . . . . . . . . ACCOMPANIED BY GEN i:RAL DEBILITY, and REQUIRING A TONIC and ALIT,- ' BATIVE MEDICINE. NoTE.—The failure of IRON as a remedy for DVS PENIA, a bad state of the blood. and the numerator diseases caused thereby. has arisen from the want of such a preparation of Iron as thall enter the eremite!' in a PROTOXIDE state. and assimilate at once whit' the blood. This want the PhRUVIAN ksyttuP and it does so in the only form in which it is potable for Iron to enter the circulation. For this reason, the PERUVIAN SY RUP.often radically cures diseases in which other preparations of Iron and ether medicines have been found, to be of no tiVall. CERTIFICATE OF It Is well known that the medicinal elites of Pretext& of Iron are lost by even a very brusf exposure to sir and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, has been deemed impossible. In the Pe',R U qI.AN RUN ,tus desirable point is rit.. Mined by COMBINATION IN A WAY •888088 UNKNOWN; and thissolution alai replace all the protossarbenates, citrates, and tartrab.sol the Materla ed ma. A. A. HAYES, Masser to the State of Mass. 16 BOYLSTON Street, Beaten. N. B.—Pamptlete containing Letters from the above named Gentlemen and others, and giving full informa tlon of the Byrne, can be had on application to the Aronts, or b:. N. L. CLARK & Co., fropriforti. CODUN MM. INGS, No. 74 BUDDURY I:ITRkET, USTON. Bold by Drugghtts generally throughout the United States. Agents for Pennsylvania: DYOTT & Co,, 232 Norm SECOND Street, Philada. anT-tuths 8m THE CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND. PALLET'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. HAB universally supplanted all other 'eietmints_iuld healing. applies.tions in both the Eastern an Western HeinisphinesowkareVer lona duped ; andlts lenient mint is the true lemon or its snocess In ell cognition elacticara. whether the cause be titartgat,or discuss, BUYNS & Sit SCALDS ere instantly relieved of 6 their anguish, ettin and inflammation, by a timely appliin or tins very'. wiest listi/tr ‘ and the flesh isle newed as if in a charm,_no blemish_or s ecar E ., yemaininp TILE FRIEND OF THE NU ERY. Children are freptiont • sAffereril 1 . 011102r111116- luries, steamily from mid and came nu la p.osions—therefote every mother thould have this heahns preparation Goa- 'tautly on hand. It heals sore Breasts, and gulokly a„ removes the TETTER or RINDWORIff, so sea - lent in the knorsery..._ I:0 TRAVELLERS HY SEA AND LAND. The ia.shinliff the Tya 0 veller,and every other in dividual whole iot In life .-i throws him within the chance m aoci ent from . ..,,ffi sae/oast, Ars or cola- Jim, shoolo bear m raind ~,, that this Matto' Extrastot is hit bast. and only fnend:ig I t is both portable na b sheap,litmlenouid °Vat be a, Mx doniblininn, in a friend n need. There are thou- sands of hying witnesses to testi° to its marvellous kl virtue , who owe their sound hmbe and muselea 1 to Its Navies efficacy. The followmgare a few of the loadbludismses far which DALLEY'SMAGI- CAL F AIN EXTRACT OR is a FREVENTIVE m as well ea CURE: Bums, Eryglpetas, - Bores of all kinds, Brahmin Fistula, Shot Wounds, rig, - Front Fit , n, D i . i .4.1„, nreenfirivales,Per vr ls a°l.66 Males Glati e lar Dix- Scurf,' Canner, 308•141 Head, Cracked Lip s Chapped amidst Mercurial Sores, Sprains, Chilblains. -. Pains generally, Small Pox. Cramp, t g PlArielae. Tumors, gCully Cory, fi„ez. i'Vg: lgeli4x of the Vutatinct, Venereal Sore., Skip, 1 ashes, ~ am, SIM at the !Depots, U Broadway, New York. Anil el* arid 1 C ernes street. New Oriels., by J. WSIOWI do C 0.,., ard(ml &Sat. It elm also be ob tainea oz ail respeetaole snugents and Merchants throutt•ovt thi. Doi tad State. 10.1 1:111184%. felt 1 CO., 232 North SECOND Street, Kaotessle Arena tor l'ennsrtvams. JANE WADR, BY HER NEXT FRIEND, BENJAMIN PARIS. Are. JOHN WADE, Cm. Mon Flom December .ern. lib 9. No. 11. To JOHN Wa DE. the above Reepondent: Sir—Please take notice or a Hula to show cause why w Dtv. roe ahould nor be decreed a vinouto matrunenh. returnable MONDAY, September 97, A. D. MO. at 10 °Woo. aule•tutilft " • HUHU" for Libellant. NICHOLSON, • Manufacturer of SHIRTS LINEN and MARSEILLES and ArYP COLLARP, A largo anw ohthoo a46ortnianT and' witta. roax. always on hand. unto Which I particularly invite the attention 01 cavil and prompt-paying ISLIOAT-TIMK buyers. 8. E. Corner of SECOND and ARCH Streets. Phila del .hia. au7.-Set • LEVI W. GROFF, • Near HARE - 21 , 111 , 41 4 GAGTRU CO., Va. Manufaoturer on t ()I Prows 8 NO 1842 OP DOUI.E PILLEED 49ama i ej l j t tn?Pige Y . vNthZt 1 1 .9 4 c. 1. 0:p Did FILLED FROM THE DEBT OFY r k.; ''CIN BAYLIS Tl.lOl • ATIORN/Vl-AT-LAW, Has removod_his aloe from No. 933 Arch street to No. 409 WALNUT Street. Particular attention Siyan to the Moaner,' Of Mercian tito Mama. The grafting and examination of 'Orilla, go,trayanoesrvianments, Briefs of We,. and other instruir,ents o Wins. The management of gaeoutor ships, Anmin stratorsnins, anti punrintended; tied the best aeounhes prooured for Ms rmaniint in veatmanta of Money. Satisfactory re memosgiven when required, au3o-am" IFIENItY E. K.Z.ZNEI ArTORNET-LAW. Her M REMOVED e office om N0.6e0 Walnut street p ft.... 166 South TRIM) Street. tahll-em" HORAOk ' kit/ , 942443 1 1 C A T IB I RIPET, R. and Pie. 414 Bouts Si.X.TH s r , 0t.adr0„50..0.1,..0p5 0 , Copt ouse s ) Prepares rpeotheations,Malrtnss, kn., mut t enemata all other business oonneeted with ebtainine or Let tare Patent. an 23 4m• FIIGIJET it SONS, KY* IMPORTERS Op HAVANA CIGARS, No. 216 South FRONT Street. .11PDISIVI3 regularly a full assortment of desirable CI. QKRE3 which thay offer at tap rates, for oath ap " pro Ved otedit, • ~_ -. 64 pAiiriSON it NIOLIOLSON, montINPERS, "94tA"lir"tlt.9"i'twI nIN y4Wa Lp ee r ere . JAMES EANSOIC IAII. H. NICHOLSON< iftsr tv• WAGNER JERMON, ep • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, (Mee. No. 116 Heath SIXTH Street. (Oigroxit6lndepeodenee Squared ruftauffs.rftra, BEthe aid of reliable Attorneys. at different rohats the 'united States, is enabled to proaeonte end eolleot claims of every deeorietion. Partioplar attention Alum to the examination and re covery of the Chums by t egateell and Beeman, and the e nation of oche rs and all Jgg,t. 111%11.41:na int erest,iall parts of the Union. fine the Statutes of all the States sad is Commissioner formilt of them. De Mum oorol4llYWen P44or 04 44 314410 44 4P -414 • OILS.. 25 bbla. No. I Western Lard Oil 3.00 ga . til i a. Extra Bleached Whale 3,00 prVV.neLarlitigl'ee r o At an gfo r . " 16 83i fi e ouq ,iI.IIRVRA„ 0014 pROVISIONS.-175 Bb s o. Leaf !Lard ; 10 hhda Shoulders in drr soltdand ice bbla Mess Pork. for sale b , y Q. C. BADLE,R & CO.. No t 103 R strAnt. annna clan, above. I. RONT 'VAR,— 270 barrels - Wilmington, N. 0.,• Tar,MA lona do.. do.. In More, and for gala by R(rWLEY k (;(),, No, 16 Ofautlk WHARVAI. NOTICE TO MARINERS MEDICINAL. Dr. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT WILL NOT INTOXICATE OE SITTEET. D., OF LEGAL BUSINESS UAIIDS. ftAILROAD NEW TRI,WEEKLY iIappoiPABSRNORR_ AND FREIGHT OVER TO NOttFOLIC and PORTBMOUTR, Va., via the Philadelphia, 'Wilmington, and Baltimore. and Delaware Jiallyeade, thence try the new steamer Phila delphia to Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. ~Qn, and after Jnlr 9th, passengere from Philadeb. sant take the 8.19 A. M. tram at the depot, corner itroad street and Washington avenue,. on Tuesdays, Thursdaye.and taturdaysotrriving at Bea• ford at LSO P. and at Norfolk early the next morning. The eteampr Philadelphia will leave Norfolk on the evenings or Monday. Wednesday. and Friday, c v l ivgl i f i nt t h l til . elain at Seaford, which arrives at F are for first-olass pruiseagers, including meals on the boat, $7. Second-61mM eassongel a, including meals on the boat, 60. Fret ght taken aq .oa , 44 by any other route, For further particular,. lees mall herubbilht et the hotels, and other pantie places, or inquire of ' 0. P. DARK Agent, earnerlimed It and Washington ay. H. F. XV.NNEx, Master o 1 'I mnsportation, jy27 lm P. W. el , R. R. Co. atil ffiffi tgliglifi WEST ORES uER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD VIA MEDIA. • RUMMER. ARRANGEMENT. On and afterMonday,_,lnly Mb 38M, the passenger trams will leave PHIL ADELPRIA_, from the Station, corner of Market and Lehman or Thirty-first streets, West Philadelphia, at 1.30 and 10.30 A. M.. and 3.30: 4.45, and 6.3 e P. M. Leave WEST CHESTER, from the Depot, on East Market street, et SAO. 8, and 10-30 A. M., and 1.43 and 6.18 P.M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Plul t delphfa , fro thenortheast corner o[ r Eig hteenth and Market streets, at 5 A. M. and 2 Leave West Chester. at 7.80 A. M. and SP. M. The last paseeriger railway oar will leave Front and Market etreets 30 minutes, and Eighth and Market streets 25 minutes. before the starting time from the de pot. and will carry a flag to denote it. The Baggage Car will leave Eighteenth and Market streets one hour before the departure of the train from the West Philadelphia depot. Trains feavir- at 10.80 A. M. and SA P. rd.. eminent at Pennelten wit trains for all points on the Philadelphia and B•iltimore Central Railroad. °Moo and waiting room. southeast corner of Eighth and Market streets, where passengers, purehasing tickets for West Chester. will be furnished with a tinker over the passenger railway. HENRY WOOD, 13 , 3-tf General flupenntendent. PIITIADELPHIA AND DALT i MORE CENT R RAILROAD. BUMMER A ARAN GEMEN further notice the trains will run as follows: Leave the passenger depot of the West Chester and philedel- Phia Railroad Co., corner Market and Thirty-firet streets. West Philadelphia, daily (Sundays excepted) at 10 MA. M. and x. 40 P. M. Leave West Grove at 8.150 A. M., and 4. P.M. Amity line .of btagee to and from New London and Oxford connects with the fun A. hl. Tram jrom Phila delphia and the 840 A.' AL train from West Grove, leaving Oxford at 6.30, A. The beantilid scenery and well-known healthfulness of Delaware and Chester counties offer rune nor m duoements to those looking for summer boarding. Freights for this line received at No. IBM Market St. A. D. BURTON, Philadelphia, June 28.1860, tauld. Superintendent. •NORTEI VANIA RAILROAD. For 11ETHL_EHE111,_ DOYLESTOWN, EAPTON I ranum omlsts.. IiAZIAJON. ROW V. w HITL HAVEN, WIL KESBA RAE, WILLIAMSPORT, Am THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, July V, IMO, Passenger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Stream. Phi ladelphia. DAILY. (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 6.30 A. M. (Expresio, for Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, Williamsport, At 2.30 P. M. (Express), for Bethlehem, Eaaloa. This train roaches Easton at 0.00 P. M., and Wakes close connection with New Jersey Central for New YAt or k. 6 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, At 9 A. M. and 4 P.P. for Doylestown. At 1050 A. M. and 850 P. M. for Fort Washington. The 6.80 A. M. Express Train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to Wilkesbarre, and to all points in the Lehigh Coal Region. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Bethlehem at 5.53 A. M., 5.20 A. M. and 5.21 P. Leave vlestown at 7.90 A. M and 4.15 P. M. Leave t Washington U at 635 A. M. and 1.16 P. M. ONDAYS: Philadelphia for Bethlehem at BA. M. Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at 8 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 8.40 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia. at AM P.M. Fare to Bethlehem..Bl 60/Fare to Mauoh Chunk.B9 80 Fare to Easton. .. . 1 60 Pate to Doylestown.. 080 Through Tiekats . Must be prospered at the Ticket Of fices at WILLOW Street, or DEMO Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. AU Passenger Trains ieieert i!unday Trains) connect at Berke street with Fifth and gixth street* and Second and Third-street Passenger Railroads, 20 rrunutes after leaving Willow street. Jy3 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. 1860.Mattimett 1860 • SPRING ARRANGEMENT—NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES FROM PHILADELPH A TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, JAW Walnuta treat Wharf, WITI leave se follows—via: VAns. At a A NI. via Camden and Amboy', C. k A. Aoaom modatioa ~._•8778 -.-- 25 t9A M, viaand Camden and t.t T. Morning 9 Mai 1.......... ..... . S 00 t 11 i3i7l.7dieambgit, via Taal. an City. Weetern 000 112% P M, via Camden and Amboy, A000mm)- dittion— . At 9 P M, vin bariiden . and Amb ruse 3 00 At 4 P Id, by Steamboat viaTaconT • and Jersey City, Everting Express..., 3 00 At r M, by steamboat via Taoony and Jersey City. 2d Class Tioket 126 At 6 P AI, via Camdbn and Jersey City, Evening At P via than-. . — nen and 'jersey Oar, Southern Mail 2 2.6 At 6 r lir7freamden and Amboy, A oda ceomm tion, (Freight and Passenger,--Ist Close Ticket. 2 ZS yi I. so The 6P M. Mail Lino rune daily. The 11 P M., South ern Mail, Saturdays excepteiL For Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, &n., at 6 A M and 4P M from Walnut-street wharf. and 7.10 A Al from Kensington. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg. Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend &a., at 3 A. M. from Walnut street wharf, and 7.10 from Kennington, via Dela ware Lackawanna an Western R. R. For Mount Holly at 6 and 0 A. M., 2 and ei P. ht. For Freehold, ate A. M . , and 2 ES. P. M. WA LIN . . -vfx„ . 2 ,;ur6d4 4 M. fo o t Ke ntton. For Palmyra, Riverton. Delano°, Beverly. Burling tomi }inane°. Bordentown, ate., et 12X,1, and etg F. M. Steamboat Joe Belknap for Bordentown and Interme diate Places at Y.M. Steamboat' Tretoten for Tacoma at 1.1 M. and Tatamrdleverty, surlington, isn4 Ninetol. cactip. FIRE P o oo4 l ofittxxaCo. onlY, allowed Petunia ger. rassengera are moinbited from taking anything lia baggage but diem wearing apparel. Ali baggage over fifty Founds tu be paid for altos. Tlm_Company limit their reationiailit for baggage to One Dollar Oar ipound. and will nut be liable for any amount beyond atm, ex cept by special contract. asaa WM. U. GATZMER. Agent. PLULADELP/1141., GER MANTOWN AND NORRIS -111111/111MIARUMAI ER AR WiGEMENT.- On and aßer MONDAY, May 11, 1660, FOY( G M OWN Leave Philadelphia 6,7, 8,9, 10, 11 and 13 A. M., 1, P. 3%, 4 1 9,6, 656, ,8. 9, 10%, and 1 1% Y. M. Leave Germantown 6, 7,7)6, 8, 9,10,11,1] M., 1,2, 6, 4.6, 6, 6.14, 7,8, 9 , 1 0Y.i -F. M. ON SUNDAYS- Leave Philadelphia 9.08 natl. '4Y."AI., vo, 11, 71i, and 1034 Y. M. and 9.4 Leave Germantown 8.10 Min. A. M., 1.10 min., 4,61(, CHESTNUT HILL RAILROA,D. Leave Philadelphia 11, 8, 10, 12 A. M., 2, 11, 6, 634, 8,9, and KIX Y. M. Learn Chestnut Rill 7,10,7.0,0.40, 9.40 11.10 A. IL, 1.40, 6.0, 6,10, 8.40, and 1.10 Y. M. ON 16(1.1.4i)4Y81, 16411V0 Philadelphia 0.06 A. and .4,4 P. AL Leave Chestnut Hill 7.60 A. 10.60, 040. and 9.10 min., M. FO Y. R CONSHOHOCKEN AND NoR S IGToWIi. Leave Philadelphia AM. 714; 2.06. ram, A. AI.,, 6.6 6 6,60, and 113€ P. M. Leave Norristown 6,7, 8.06, 9, 11 A. AL, 116, Mt. 1 Ind 7% P. AI. . ON SUNDAY S, leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. arida and 5 P. M, 14avo Norristown 7.44 A. M., 1 and _a P. M. FOR MANAYI.II9!" Leave Philadolikriv PPL.9.lld.tilsi A. ai.,lA/1,1.09, LOC Of. 8.10, UM. 114 P. M. lvr Leave Mantiyunk n. 63, and IN A. Ho, Log, fr 0.34, 8, and PAC, UTI ElurmYs, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 8, 5, and 8 P M. Leave Manaynnic 73i A. M., IX. Oh, and 9.14 P. M. H. K. smrrx, 41.nera+ P: , ne(4itundmi U l9- q /NTS and limpaux stmt.. impiww. SUMMER ARRANGE _ MEWL PHILADELPHIA W VINDTON, 4 . 11 D 1;414i- Osj. P l3 4lV i lt i etAlLHOk P.O.,BBUar.x .4 4His BAVE rtuDADr.LPHIA, rOr Maltnnore MB.II A. noon. Expreiss.) end 1140 • For Chortar at 0.16 A. ht.. U n00n,1.15, 6.00, 7.00 and 1140 For Wilmington at up 4. II won, 1,16, 5.00, TA, and 11.16 P. M. For New Castle at 8.15 A. M., and LOS P. M. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M. and 6.00P.M. For Dover at 8.15 A. M., and MOO P. M. For Hamngton at 8.75 A. M.. and 6 P. M. For Milford at 8.16 A. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Faturdayg at 5.00 P. M. For Farmington at 8.15 A. M. Mondays, Wodnogdata, and Fridays at 5.00 I'. M. wor Seaford at 8.15 A. 51. Mondare, Wedneedeve, end Fridai a at 5.00 P. M. F.1 . 8 , 1'1011'78 4. ;I. far Trani at 815 A. tit 0060601 at lleaford on Tuesdaint. Thoredaya, and daturdare, with eteamboat to !Orio'. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPIIIA Leave Baltimore at Old A. M., (Fixeren,' ale A, Id., and Lail P. M. LeaveWilinington at SA, 820, and 11.89 A. M., 3.(1, gm, and 8.35 P.M. Leavy klahabr.9 , at LEO P. SA. Leavy Seaford t Weffdata. Thursdays , and ;Saturdays. at 7.21) A. M.. and g WP. Al Leave Farmington, Tuesdaye, Thursdays, and Satur days, at 8.00. A. M.. and 4.15 P. M. -•.•• . • • . I cave Milford, Monday/I, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 7.60 A. M., and 4.00 P.M Leave Harrington at 8.16 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. Leave kover at 9.03 A. M., and 6.16 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10.03. A. M. and 6.11.7. rj. Leave New Caetto nt 104,4 A. M., ROA 7,39 P. M. Leave Clteltet at Y. 9.10 A. M., 13,01, 9.21, 6.30, and 9.16 P. M. jar Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Delaware YAM oat at TR A INSI.;and 6-26 P. 111. 9OR IiALTI6IO.BtI4 Leave Chester at 8.46 A. Id., 1238 and 11.40 P. M. Leave Wilmmaton at 9.26 A. 111..12.66 P. 01., and 12.20 . _ PII.E.IOIIT TRAlN.with PABSENGER OAR attached, will rim es Leave Philakelplile tar Pertyvitie and inwrmediate plr e e . l4t Imington for Perryville and intermediate plaoes at 6.00 P. M. Leave Havre-de-Graoa for Baltimore and Intermedi ate places at 6.00 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre.de.Graoe and intermedi ate plums at 1.00 P. M. 611 1 A 1 A75 Only at natty. M.. fro hijaaelplua to Baltimore. Only at 6.23 Y. M., from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Jy7 B. M. FELTON. President. ELMIRA ROUTE.— MIRAIM PHILADELYIPA AND ET,- HA QUICKEST P.MITE to TaMaillUS, qktawiecia, Ru pert, Wilkermarre,_ Scranton, DenVige, Wil d.smeport, Trot, Ralston, Canton, Elmira, Sunlit°, Niagara l'aile, #oolioster, Cleveland, Detrojh Toledo, Chicago, Bt. Lou I.lidilwauttee, and all potatti North end Went. ramager tiglus trill leave the new Depot or tPh ,5 ladelphia and Rendi ng Railroad. earner BRO AD CAL LOWIIIL streets. t Passeiager entrance ori _Cal lowhill street./ daily (Sundare .. .aggepted) .. above Points. as follows My EAPRFA,.. . 41.00 A. M. ---- LIP P. M. The e Th.utrA. M. train conflicts it connects for Wilkes barre_, Piltson, Scranton, ell stations en I e LABKAWAP/114 AND 14Loog i enuna RAILROA D . with th e trains make direct connections at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie, Cananthogna and Niagara Falls. and Buffalo, New York and Erio, and New York Central from all points North and West, and tie ( anadan. Baggage oheekt.,l to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge, and all: termediate points. Tickets oanba i moored at the Philadelphia and El mira Railroad Li 04'1 icket Office. northwest corner of SIXTH and 011 .• PPI VT Streets, and at the Passenger De "kfl a ir(ra 'l A i ll i ntilflo6o l. 4ltl 4 lll Leave the Phil t eights and Reading Depot, Broad and Callowhill etre daily (Sundays! excepted), for all points cola North, at 6P. M, Freighte mo be delivered before P. M. to insure their going r Amp day . , For farther inforniation air at Froislip Depot, THIRTEEN and CALLO ILL, or to CHAS. 8. PAPPP, tieneral Agent, Northwest smear SIXTH and I ESTN LIT Streets, ants-tf Philada,phin. CLAIMS ON IRVLAND. O'GORMAN & witAsoN L (lIIRAVARD O'GORMAN. EDWARD J. Witan ATTURIVIES AND COU SRL LORS AT LAW, No. BROADWAY. Now York, BIO!ing 021011100 d +ORURO GOORSROMIRROB and AgenaleethrougVmt Ireland, will take charge of the collection of Clams, Legal:nue. &0., and attend to other Ougineee fanny part ortiikt ouutrr. fete etuthain JAMES BETTS' INVENTIONS LTA .E I OR LADlES.—Approved of and highly recent mended hi the Medical profeaaton throughoutthe United 'Mates, T Irty Thousand Invalids having been advised by their I) to use her Surgical itpillanoits. She would caution Merchants and ntliers riga t aura:lasing except at hoe residence. IMO WALK 11l treat, what° oho can be consulted daily, between the houte of and 6. Her book of testimonials will he riven no apoll cation. Sent free to any part of the United Stater. He signature is on each article, Envii tuthe-tf RAILROAD LINES. T HE i'ElinlityAN'Lt„CtEN T RA L RAMROAD.. 260 MLLES DOUBLE TRACt. 1860:.. iiiimpipms ,I_B6o • THE CAPACITYAVIIIIITIS bir EQ„„.. To APR' 1 TPLE OUNTR . 'THREE TRRO OR PAD ENGER • RAINS BETWEEN PRILADELP,CI AND PITTSBURB, 'eeting 'Moat at PhiledeUies with Through Trains Ij ors 13oston, New York, and Ail points Last, and in the mon Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and tom all points in the west, Northwest, and 'southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpaseed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines mu throne; to PittebArlt, without change of Cantor Conductors. .All throu .Yas sensor Trains eitteride with LOUghrldttee P atent Brake—speed under r ifepe ot oontrol of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of traveoers. Smoking Cars are attached to emit Train_; Woodruff's eflepeing Cars to Exprese and Past Trains. The ii.x.rilm,BB RUNS DAILY: Mall and Past Lines. Bun dayttailitttleties Philadelphia at 7 8 0 A. M. Feet Line 11.00 A. ht. "rep Train leaves " 10.iley. M. AY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: iir'burg Accommodation, vut_Columbia, 1 F.M. Columbia ~ 4.00 S. M. Altenburg " 5.40 /F. M. West_Cliester " • 12 M.P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the Mail, West Chester Accommodation end Columbia Trams. Passengers for Sunbury, W tlhamsport, Mount, Buffe ter, Niagara Falls. and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelphia at 7.0 A. M. and St'. AL go directly through. Tiokets Westward may be obtained at the °Moos of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Beaton, or Bal timore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Offices in the West ; also on board any of the regular Line of Bteamers on the Missuunppi or Ohio rivers. . ke ; Fare always u IoW, and time is smolt, as by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Street.. The completion of the Western ommections of the Pennerlvania Railroad to Chum°. make Due the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN WEST. EAST AND THE GREAT WEST. The °ounce - lion of track. by the jtailroad kindge at Pittsburg, Avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of' time, are advantagee readily appreciated by Shipppere of' Freight, and the Travel lip Pehlke. erchants and Shippers entresting the traniportation o their Freight to this company, can rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the- West by the Yennaylvantrt Railroad are at all times as favorable as are charged by otter Haltered Corn units. 119 , * Be partiosiar to mark haekayee " via Penna. Rail road. For ryeight Contracts or !MPhil Directions, lAPDIY to, or address either of the following gent. of the k;osa- Pans B. A. STEWART, Pittsburg; H.B.Pieroe & Co., Zanesville, 0.; J. J. Johnstonißtpley. 0.; R.MoNefslyl4layirrille, Kr.; Ormsby k A.:Totter, Portsmouth, O.; ' Paddock k Co., Jeffersonville mill- L'jdfitil i , f '°lll/`: oe. E. moore, Ity.; P. G. teltiley a Co . :, Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham & Co. CM.ro, 4114 F. Saie. Libeler & Glues, St, Louis, Mo John 11. Har i rig, Nashville, Team; Harris & Runt, Memphis, Tenn.; Clarre a Co., Chicago. Ill.; W. H. H. Reonte, Alton, Di.; or to Freight Agents of Railroad. at different points to tee Weet 8. 11 KINGSTON, Jr.. Pinkulelptila. CO.,MAo RAW K ?WWI' Wo r ni c r i, V , tira. 6 l4llti ltim it r . e , Baltimore. RUCH k. CO. No. 71. State street, Boston. lL f,lS9l?l,..lit£?fogrimAftnlLlllEhilt E. LEWIS, uM Gaul &Lift Altoona, rs. is_mmimm PIIILADELPIIIA Amp II RAPIN G RAIL nOAD.-PASSEIGIRR TRAINS' for roTTSVILLE, READING and HARRISBURG. MORNING LINE, DAlLY.lfluudaye excepted.) Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD alto CALLOW HILL Streets, PHLLAD ELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Oallowhill streets fat 8.00 oonneeting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, 1 P. M. train rtinninr to Pittsburg; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.011 P. AL train running to Chambereburg, P. and the train atftii CENTRAL RAILROAD P. train, running to sun bury,lito. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA.(Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill street/L) for POTTS • HARR a IS UR . G M a DAI L Y , (S , a D n A e Ly 'ox en otie. DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. FADE PHILADELPHIA. Miles, To Phw.nizville—..— 681 Reading-- . 68 I Lebapon..- Harrieburg----I.ll' Dauphin— —.-124. Millersburg,— 111" Trevorton Innotion..l6B Stmbury Northumberland—..M' Lewisburg Milton— --at* Munor —197 Williamsport --MD larger Look Haven.--.236J Ralston.-- Willianatiort and Elmt r l , PlOY— —ifff Railroad. The 8.001 A. M., and the SAO P. AL trad . l connect. daily at Port Clintn, (Sundays exceptedd th the CATA WIBBA. WILIAMSFORT and ERI RAILROAD, making Mote tionneotlons with linos to Niagara Falb), Canada. thLw i lit, and Switharest DEPOT I ILA DELPHIA: Corner of BROAD and OALLOW Streets. anl3-tf W. R. MelLßENNEY.flearetarr. NOTICE.---CHESTER VALLEY VALLEY RAILROAD—PAS SENGER TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE STATIONS.—On aerd_ftergath May, MI, the Passenger Tonna for DOWNINCITOWN will tartfrprn the new Passenger Depot of the Plula doh. us and Reading Radroad Company, corner of BR AD and CALLOW DI ht. Streets. (nateenger en trance. on Csllowhill. MORNllifit TRAIL( tar Dovalnitown, !arrow at ROO ta i rERNOOl l l VRAIN fer Thrtrningtown, Isavos at SELY Mandel. esoorttto en iv i catz z oit lloard e of Managers of the Philadelphia aoJ W. Ie i &PigiIENNEY. Secretary. RIMPHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. REDUCTION OF PARER On and after APRIL iti, IMO, Commutation Tickets, with twenty-ea coupons. will be issued, good for the holder and nal member of hie family, on any tormenter Train, and at any time. They will be sold by the Treasurer, at the odiee of the company, No. X 0 South FOURTH Street, at &reduction of twenty-fire r cent. from the regular fares. Parties wishing to enjoy the Summer in the Country will find this a very desirable route, the Rohl:Lytton and Lebanon Valleys bean/among the most beruitiful and healthy in Or State, and LOGOS "ibis by four trains from and to Phi adelphia daily. ,RR.LOPORD, Treasurer, PaixAmpaiik. March won. AN% •mhw-tr tsG~WE3T CTIESTER, 12 1 T I I I RAINS v' PRNNSYLVA leavedepot it ekier zti ELKlllaNTli 14 lA. RAIL Kota); npd MARKET, at 7.30 A. M On holiday, leave Plttliglelptkis at 8 )1,. vir„ and 4 P. est Chester at P. Al, IY.V-t! WE S T ELLESTER RAILROAD TRAINS yrs PENNS IA Al 6 ILROAD. Leave Depot, earner ELEVE TH as MARKET Streets. diulr ( L a ve bndayl at 7.11 A • ht., 11.10 P. M., and i r. m, Leave wait 10104tAr at ILLS A. M.. uLaa A. M.. an l 1.10 P. M. SHIPPING. . FOR ITLE BOUTII.-OIIARLIS. TON AND SAyANNAH STEAMSHIPS, FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy Freir at an average of Yorrasu per !rent. be low New Yor Steamship mita OR CRARLESTa ON e. n, The U. S. Mall Steamship REYdWUNESTATE. Cap lain Chao, P. Marstiman,will sail ba Weduesday. August 116, at Il h to lo'oltu?k 'A, M. ni 40 I n"" 2 1° 01. IIVAN Y ALI2rA r a at Sea. The U. S. Mail ateamehtp STATE OF CIEDIIIIIA, Captain John 'J. Garvin, Vll. gdit on Monday, Aupuet 0. at /0 A, gd; • llyough in k 8 to 60 hours-only 48 hour' at Sea. laWStUung Gals changed from every Satumay to every five dam laos 0154ITad, and Bills of lading signed every day. Thogaandid_Hret•tilses side-wheel Steamships KEY STONE. STATE and STATE OF OEORO/A no w run el above every tan days, thus forming a five-tinyoo,l7ooe Morton with alarlenton atilt Illnoß9rWithd the Spat! Attiti t flaleaton and Savtuinah, these Ships oon nemtwit steamers for sjorids,and wan railroads, &0.. Ica' all places in the hiouth and Southwest. Neuntato.E. Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of slon f t, IhiPrad South will be bound to he Inner ity Ise** magi than by Nailing versrl7, thig -toughen-wing one-half the rn,,••••, .Ingaranee on all Charlestonreight la entire,' onteoenary, farther than or savannah. the Railroad Companies takin all rieksfr.omghligo poino. GROAT REDUCTION 1; , JiAgX, - Fere by title rol. ‘ to Se to 40 pet cent. cheaper than by the inland Abate an will be seen by ' th e folloking 'Mho dole. Tbroushalekiste from Muladelptim.vis Charles ton and - gamin steamshits,INCLUDINDMEALSoO the whole route, except from Charleston and Sava,. - nah to Montgomery I tut. age Sill. To Charleston-.-013 03 Charleston-.....__..11M 11l Tanuam.— 00 Savannah._....__,oo 02 00 Augusta 26 00 soon— 21 00 Macon— B2 76 Atlanta.-.._...... 33 60 Atlanta— SI 00 13 00 Columbus -..r,,.-_. as Co Albany.—.--. 24 00 pp 00 Moritzomet7--. 24 03 Steritgomery—. M0bi1e._.......... 36 00 Moode.— 411 fy New Orleans * 39 71 New 0 - leous-_-_, I 3 60 no bills of lading Inßovdaltprthc ipMugalled. For freight er laaorta 4491 y on rd, at senond wtiarf shoes tile Street, or to ALEX. HERON, Jr., Sontltireat corner FOURTH and CHEST/49114 !gents in tlharleatomg. S. k'l'. BUDD. Savannah, HUNTER & GAM/HELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Caroime ovr - Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah, ett3 ,l )ela as, Marra St. John's ovary, 'l'..agday end Saturday, fr ".•••'• THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM.- NUYS. PROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage._ . .81 Plecoad Cabin Pa55ate............—.........? iy PROM BOSTON TO LIVI,RPOOI, Chief Cabin Pasant, .l ' '• ~.. ..,dyjo Seannil ilitp , vi tames . • . .. ... 03 The Ships f rom Boston ork oath Cori H.rbor. The ehips from call at Halifax and Cork Har bor, PERSIA, Capt. Juilkint. CANADA. Capt. Lang. ARABIA. Capt. 1. Stone. A , it E RICA, l'apt. lilt. ca, AMA, Capt E.G Lott. N I AGA RA, Capt A ild• rgou AFRIC a, Capt. i•hannon. EURrilld. Capt. J Leitch VOTI clear building.) These Ireasels carry a 'White light green on starboard i?ove; red on port bopat mast-head ; CANADA 'Lang, leaven Roston. Wednesday, Aug. S ASIA: Lott, " N. York. WatineeilaY. Aug. 15 "UROPA eitch. ' Boston Wednesday , Aug. 52 pi..RBt A , .Jilking, " N. York Wednesday. Aug. 2) AR A BIA, Stone. " Boston, Weila 'day Sept. S AFRICA, tihannon. " N. York, Weilnerday, oept. r Berths not secured until paid for. .. An exPenenced Surgeon on board. Tho owners of these ships will act b 0 aooountal)fe fay Gold. Silver likilllßß. 'Pao a, Jewelry, Precious Bones Of IPlatalS. unless bills of Wen are signed therefor and tile value thereof then o expressed. For freight or pas sage. apply to E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. ens Now Vork. MACKEREL, SITAD. WERRILI(4, 1000 8818 NO3. 1, Caned $ laige and modiunt Mao ke als rel,te aooorted vantage'. Of VePt 61101001119glity; o 80 bhle. now No. S 'Arlo hlankoral. 80 halt bble new No. do do. $0 bid!' nev No. Bme idm do. a) do new Eastern Mess Shad. 80 had' olds new do go , I•• 18°0 btn4 AOtp rd No. 1 Ilairing• odo Haditi& No. do. WO do new Boston No, I 4 4 , 100 do do No 1 coida t 4 ,sh. la do prtele No d notrnoa. 100 0010tals Oratallant Codfush. Inn btiXes new liOrtinier 001114{Y Cheese, Now landing and in Ido/11, (0) 8 , 00.8_7 M X It HOONS, 1 46 NOH4H Wll A RYER. WORK'S ODOMETER BAND COM.. P_ANY, Bartlett!. Conu "_manufacture WORK'S PATENT ODOMETER CARRIAGE BANDS. which are durable. cheap and efficient, measuring with uner ring accuracy any distance passed over by the vehicle to whieh they are attached. These extra- finished Banda cost but a trifle more than inferior buide without the Odometer. P. B.—rkod, reliable Agents Wanted in all pa ve rts of the country. Firm. F•itii fra revlAri. ,11-11 ca H ENNESSY BRANDY.-70cslit, in 1,1" P'Ptt.vArtt P't" and }f Pize,t, for; M. in 9110 Tlllll LHOUN'S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. She above pate" Is deemed, by hOlettribo and sweep eai hien, to be the very best ever oliered to the public,, and needs only to be seen In actual operation fm lta merits to be appreciated. Nothing ever introduced is so perTeotly adapted for ventilating private and public buildings, schools, hospitals, engine houses, m e s s , steam and sailing vessele, and for the cure of smoky chimneys they,lll%Vp.,llo Manufactured and tor rusle,_wliolesafe and retail, at the Heatingend Ventilating Warerowns of Personal n Btreet. Personal attention will be given to all descriptions of heating and ventilating by the tindeinigned who has been many years praCtically onnagod in the a'oo e bum apse. Also for sale, Culur's jiptly-colobratcd Warm-air tumults, cooking ranges, bath boils, re,gjetere L ken by relg-stuthem CHAN, W I 1.1,1Alt:14. • RIOS. • 200 Tierces PriTne , Retailing chatietten Rim, far axis. by JANTRA GRAHAM k Clio.. f.f.:TlTflk vtiqt • 'SIALAIJ 011.—Baccigalupi'b:, for sale by I'•WN.THERIBi r & BROTHER, 47 and 49 North E GOND OHM. aula • 14' 1 ,URNEBS, BRINLEY & CO., No. 199 MARKET STREET. FIRST FALL BALE OF IMPORTED DRY GOODS. Tuesds7 Moniing, Aus'dot 2ted, at 10 &oda*, by aatalogne, on 6 Months credit, 421 , vaokagen sod lots of eeeaonable Goode. li r: Beane's; and catalogues otkrly on Um monzigi of LARGE SALE OF FOREIGN DRY GOODS, (Slightly Damaged,/ From the store of Messrs. Yard, Gilmore, & Co. :ruesd Morning. , A u " s t gist, at 10 o clock. by catalogne,• we° sago"' men; of Dig Goode, Consisting to Part of-- LOW dos men's any women's miner cotton hoisery. 600 do kid, silk, cotton. and merino gloves. to do kid gauntlets. Norway do., seal gloves. 1800 pos. col'd and blank trimming and belt ribbons. 100 doz. plain and erab linen a.tmbric Wits. 400 do fillet mitre, long and short. 600 pos. brilhants.jaconat, cambrio,'and Swils mee -60 do superior quality Irish linens. 65 doz. linen shirt fronts. 300 6 4 to 8 10 linen cfamilsk table-cloths. 160 pos. printed silk hdsts. 100 do mohair deblg^. Coberge, Bo do superb quality mohair lustre". to do 6-4 Frettoh cold merinose. 20 do 6-4 do printed do. 60 do 6 4 all wool plaid". 40 do Faris printed asinine", brood's. Lyonaise, and popli 100 do cord dns etains and chalice. 110 do all wool delaines. hareem', and crape Matala• 160 painted Cashmere. atolls, and Pm het "bawls. 60 Vienna, square, and long brosbe shawls. Also, ohenelle enarfe.nyeire shawls. robes. neck ties, sewing silk, !foundry,' Marseilles silk skirts and draw ers, laces veils. silk nets, French needlework, head dresses. /to.. /So. NF. PANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, Sue • censor to B. SCOTT, de.. 431 CHESTNUT 3t. CARD.-1 have, in consequence of continued ill health, disposed of all my interest in the Auction bust nese heretofore aonduoted by me at 491 CHESTNUT kitreet to Mr. N. F. PANCOAST. I Mke this opportunity to tender gay thanks for the support 1 have received. and ask a eontinuetion to my successor, whom I hereby authorise to collect all on unsettled accounts. B. SCOTT, la. Dilt.A.tompHiA, August 1. IMO. FIRRT L 0,14 GR RA LE OF AMERMAN AND Ist- POR'PE D DRY GOODS, VISHOIDE RIES. MILLI NERY GOODS, &c &c.. for the Fall of PRO. On Wednesday Morning, August Vd, hy oatalogue. on a credit, commending at 30 o'clock, punctually. Included will be found alt suisortnaent of choice nes sonable floods suited to approaching eaten, to which the attention of the trade is invited. pump FORD & CO , AUCTIONEERS, A- S No. 530 MARKET' Street. and .21 .MINOR treet THIRD SALE OF BOOTS AND SHORE, FOR THE FALL. OF MO. 1.500 CARES. On Thursday Morning. August 16th. at 10 o'olook premeely, will be gold by catalogue, on 4 months ctedit.l,6oo cages men% boy., and youths' call. kte. grain, ono think boots. calf, tip, thick and meet brogang, women% misses'. and chil dren's shoes. A full assortment of sty-made goods. Also, RI doz. Calf Skins. The above gale will embrace a fug agaortrnent or prime goods ...Urea from final, nut.turere, to which the attention of buyers is invited. CT Goode oven for examination. with catalogue early on the morning of ale. WILLIAMS BOYLE it 00, ATM TIONNERS & commissiort MEROMANTS, No. 6 North MAIN St., ST. LOUIS, Mo., ( formerly with Messrs. Myers, Clapham: it Co. Philsda) offer their Ramose to the merohants, manufaeturers, and others of Philadelphia, for the sale of dry goods, oar- Pelrl,lrrrota, shoes, hardy( are.jewetrr, &0., &a. get Cash adyanoes made on reoelgt of goods. ST Settlements made three days after sale. . narienernes. Meant Myers, Claghorn, & Co., Philadelphia. Btuart & Brother, Philedelkhia. Van liVrok, Townsend, _& Warrens, New York. L. B. Qurtia & Co., Now York. Wood, Christi. & Co. /St. Lome. Mo. Crow. McCreary. & G 00.." inhtl-thataly SABINE do BUY, INSURANCE AGENTS, No. 494 WALNUT Street., Insure sealant law or demur, by Fire, on cotton and Woollen Milli. and other Manufactories, Buildings. Merabandure, Furniture , and other property. on favo rable terms, in the following welf-knownfompsniss: PHOGNIX INSURANCE CO.. OFDARFRD. DAR FORD. itTROPOLITAPI C IVRTna s er.%7 r ' V I ENtr M YO S i rq: Cash Capital and Surplus 1.162.666. 60. PROVIDENCE WCSNTNGTON INN, CO., PROV. Cash Genital and Surplus e 346.786 ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK, carkchisital and Surplus SWIMS in HOPE FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW PORK, Curb Capital and Surplus $81,44 CITY FIRE INSURANCE, CO., OF NEW HAVEN, GERMANIA VIM: Ca :I%3 C , l i O ta !Cl an F d N B E r if lu Y s 83"-le:IRK 77. Cash Carnnd Surplus lrins..4* 07. HUMBOLDT FIRE INS. COO u OF NE 4' YOAR. Cash Capital and Surplus o=6Am PI. Applications in person or by note urillreoave prompt attention. SABINE tc DUY agents, Je4 3m No. 424 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia and Readint and Lebanon Vallerß.FC Nortitf r le . ntrall Sunbury And Line LE THE ENTERPRISE ENTSURANOE COMPANY at PEBADEPHLA. (PLR& INSURANCE, EXOLUSMLY,) lOW r S BUILDING. S. W, COVINA IiDURTH AND WALNUT srkaszy. F. PLATIMITORM ISTAMIt WILLIAM AIOKIA, IVALSIO loon M. ATwoon, 135.41. T. TREDICIs ilsrutT WiIAR2O.I. F. RATCHF CH ARLES W. COX K. B . ANTHRACITE INSITRENCE CONlPA NY.—Authorized Capital SIOO4OO—CHARTER PIptPETUAL. - °Moe No. AU WALNUT Street. between Trild and ?mirth Street. Phibuielphls. Tots Company will insure itgairuit loss or damage by Fire on Ittuldinss.Puriuture, and Merchandise gene altt " I nl andmitan on Vessels, gangti, and ?reit ta. ln/evince to all parts of the Valois. DIRLOTOIS. Jos ß eph htexteld. Dr. thiorr i aZ i okio rt. Win. O F. I 040 beast. E._ JADOB kiSMER , President. W. M. SMITH. &mobs,. WM. F. DRAM. Vie* President. atin-tathstt le.uob Eiher, D. Luther, L. Allred, DIMS Amman, Peter /eget, AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., UAL INCORPORATED 1810--CILIIETER- PEEVE' , • NO. ale WALNUT Street above Third. Phlladelptua. MMus' a large paid-up imotal Stook and Bute In vested in sound and seat able Beauritlesoxsa eto truism on Ovellints, Storm Furniture, Mem dine, Vessel. in Port and their cargoes, and other Personal Property. All lows libeolly and prorainlY adiaira. xamloits. , Thos. R. Marie, adow .tohlt 1144 , 11.11. Jan itreteh, flanartel C. Morton. nig M.__ Vai ll. Patrlok BradT l Ilt. w. Yourtney. 1 1 41 0.0r1.. MAIM, President. ALB WT O . L. CRAWrORD. '3eoretarv. fel3-tt (Al - JAKE& CITY INSURANCE COMPA -.A. rIVE rRiLADLLPHIR. RANKLIN aUILDIaI STREET PLUG Cal,Tom - iverammii, Vagoire Fire, and tlis !ark w mop "notion oat rtr, M ourta ijAog H. nAitHr, rowed. B. a 1,218•011tari. George H. Hart, .It. 0. Cassell, • E. W. Bailey, H. R. Cortilisil, Hon. H. M. Puller AFf.INSURANQE AND - Tann' 00111- -•-• F „ - VII TUAL LIFE Intl itAn4 , oornar of TIMID and *x Ntroata. nt, 111. 491 IL 131.111.. M. LIVES for ins whole term of into—yams anintuttea and andowmenta—parobasea life Interest* in Mast Eatato, ant a r i nakea all eontracaa denen(l%4 pp %be aonongenolaso Life. They not ma itiontori, A"; ..ativarrHatong. imitates Trainees. ani tie t roktail_ paliatS, le.,,ram 11.. Miller. Miamwel B. hitolcal. Itznjamin Coate!, wmiam Imn 'Lenard 8. NstrooL6 pe* A. I i. williana P. Haote-, Joarign u. Met, Tr 111 , r,-A U. ;tart,' l Jafahn Enron, &Instinct 0.. Uoi, entirlda Beltottell, pi or.piii i Ma $ ataTinsottl Mem C. Toarnaerdi AW . ornor, Aodointins Kont, 1 71,1 .r na . AEC pr. . her, %Mr nstiasj V 5 1 , 14: i ' FiCailig . Joann hi. Thomas. John U. Brenner. , Y. S. Allottior, EV t. DJUMIEL L. Mt R Preatdea IIAML. EL nox . Vies Preget, Sean W. Wolimnii. Plonvetstry. sr sg DELAWARE MUTTJAI, SAM)! IV tu rANY. ivcoxtro".siie XY TALEG ISL 4T772Zit OF " ~:. -'• II 112. f 14, lan. OFFIOE 8. I. Y.R RIRD Aro WAIII7II <Tee% t /II adellue. MARINE INRIJANCE ON ORWELL Y ( on ß a katLlPT. •.,.• io,__ .'iguivtaor Um Went. ". 111 LAND 1145URANCER "It Oaurin, by Sher Canals. L . and /mut earring* flu VAtelitt i lt ' ,f 14 <rt 14 1 1 .1.1 151 • litAtlatsai. 4 Ida tiloree,llere an_c_Hotwoo, &.0. 414.55ETS or TUE COMPANY, lativszabar 1. I. Per. Miast Vales rade, thßadelphia MITA 41 rent. Loan,- VLIS.O6O 00 MAW.. ennsylvenitt R;4,..e tiret:Loey___. maul co et,ooo Pur.wl - .4.44 ISlallt II et. 1.9;ri.—.11,400 OD 1t1.C.,41, U. Q. . treavary IN 4, cent. ?lota* and mtartat atta ..-. %,30 It< 010.01<1 V. OA <0& 411 17 II Yr ot. Note. and !mer est due---. ... ROAR tO 434.000 Temporary Loan to the O il y ofPhila delphia eendzo, Pennsylvania A r lilrox,4 p.I .1/.47,4:m• II V , cont. 11Natt4— U,RO GO 4170.000.1i , :j%4PeniAlvautkRailrcutd Mort ' Ritel 4 041. Ouuda..— —. ISM 00 Iste,4oo West Kola elybia Paineneer Rallwa, Oomoany 7Or ot. coupon bonds L 1.600 CO smoocham shares Meek Germantown Gas Oomsany interest and pr.nelpal guarantied by the city of Phils delplus— _-..-• U.C4 , 0 0,000, 100 shares Pennsylvania Railrosti Company —.--......„— t ,...--.. LIT. tt) ecom,lllo share. North Pep-4ulyenha RAI_ rout POPvenr - :...:- L ...-____,_., 00 , e 1 a3O, sils.u.ielkitaaconis lee Rost and Steam Tag Corapstny L Philadelphia and geode And 1 4c.rtg , ISee. ehtt.lteal Estate. 01-111 138 Me Los 1;1111311e Ciegt Bate rooetvaKi far iiiirttntoiainLie—.— lama 11 Dehk3oe Ole at Ageumee—Premiums on Ms rmo r oho ea, itterezt. and other debt dee the Cornosor we " : Rteric end stooir — ol car; Insuranoiro Caaipj LE4) emit on fiermit in ismak.—* • oalr Grim in • • • Vrillugm Martin, Ear=ld A. Eloud•T e Ineoptukts Pedifim , John IL Penrose, John C. DMrlO, ;m'lfilleg T rautuur, Eyre, Jr. Jam 9e O. baud,Willa 0. Ludwig, jugeph H. Reel, Dr, R. M. ilugtor., Oriente 0. Lemur. 'ugh Craig. Charier YulTy, ALE:IO(Y LYLDUAN. igiric NICHOLAS HOTXL, imOADwAY. 1 , 4 L Whea comp leted , six years ago, the ST. Nlollol,fie was. universally pronounced the moat magmficent. con , end thoroughly _u_rganigtd establishment of L. e hunt on this continent. what it wan then it remains to day—without a rival in site. sumptuotianess.' and in the seneral elements of comfort and enjoyment, The Hotel hoe accommodations for one thansand scene, in guiding one hundred omelets, mutes of aterthients for 'haulms. h undred pe mons oast be aoratortaoly aeatta at the tables of its throe publiodining riming, and zip thing that modern urinal devi bed for the corirenie nee are /Omni gratification of the travetting public has, neer omitted in its, plan. or is neglected In ill practical details, The early reputation of the house at home and abroad, derived from its magnitude. its superb appointments. and its home-hire eomforts eon luxuries. has been en hanced every rear by the unwearied exertion. of , the TREADWELL, WHITCOMB. h CO, SLATE ROOFING.-JOIN WELCH, tiLATtiR, leprepated to , pat on env amount of roofing at low rate,. All work warranted to give sa tisfaction. Orders sent to THIRD Street and fIRR MANTUWN Road will be promptly attended to. 4409 tm SALER BY AUCTION. r7'l. I+Utiltl~ MU, INSMCNCE COMPANIES. DIRECTOR!, llnalAsou L. DLWIIIIII ego. IL 11711131.7. SABA H. Blows. B. A. YeitNisroci. AIiDRZW D. Gun, J. I..._FAAINGIIIII. ORD STAR R, President • retail'. fa," DIREGTO.P. E. P. Row, Faller 8. Perkins, Andrew R. Chappell/. Samuel wArtf Ba~nnnnhSteem r vuitioq'Coni- iiiii7 - 07A71 - 6tea m Ilav:za:zt .;ompapi, PhilMplettia n sp As._- Ire de 6revi *Mon Air BO fietnty,ry, flulaxittlattl N,tol?-90 OA altDo3,oll+% Ili . 0. lt,i a l t 1 14. 5 to . keih tare i r e gliarlinstrina JR. Jones Brooke, Prancer Willem% Therms C. HAnd, MeV 1..=, Alms s.ltPntrield r Joshua P. Eno, JobAt B. Fiemels, Pityrg , V... fficrean. A. it Nateer. 61 6r4 MARTIN, President. 1 HAN% Vico Prein 'rotary. dlflte HOTELS. NALEEI BY AIIMION. 11111 THOMA S a BONS, -• Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street. (Formerly Nosi_er and aL> STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. SALES AT THE EXCHANGE EVERY TUESDAY. Dorms the business season in July and August only commons) sales. sr. Handbills of each property issued lletnaltnt 2l l.. to addition to which we publish, on the tisturday previous to each male, e thousand catalogues, in pamphlet form. [Winn on descnyttons of aU the property to be sold on the following Toe/der. CAR the Exehenee will hereafter he held at 12 &elms noon and, ID the evening at? o'clock. Kir Contributors have the option of either sale. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. MT We have a lam meant of real sstate at private sate. including every degoristion of pity and couatrr property. Printed bete may be bad at auction more PRIVATE 8 REGISTER. ST Real estate entered on oar private sae resisters and advertised occasionally in our nubile sale abstract inf which 12011 copies are printed weektr,) ire' oharge. TO BoOZSELLE RS. THE PIPTY-FIFTH PHIL ADELPHIA TIAD SALE OP 8.,0K.5. 81EREOTYPE PLATM, Intl commence on MONDAY, September 11, iNA Catetotnes In mem. MECOND FALL 8A IJE. 4TR SEPTEMSEt VERY ..MFORTANT Br order of Trainees. MONTOTIR IRON CO MPA NY'S WORRS.AND ESTATE. esda September 4. 1803. at On 1 o 'cloc k, noon, at the Phila delehin Each:w— l:he eery valuable property belonging to tke Montour Iron Company. wowed in Montour county. Ps., con sisting of about 2 000 acres Tert valuable mineral leads, ores, mining rightx, roiling mills, furnaces, lleaelr SOO daellinee, offices, he., Kr. Ternue—S2o.o exec ution when the prOperty is struck off,. balance on the of the need. within 3.3 4 1 .2, s sale, • fir Pull portionless ready in hondbills. • Peremptory Rale to Mine cern. GROUND REIN r—An 11.111.1a.1 r oundßora of s9o s year. Other descriptions preparing. THIRD FALL BALL-11TH SEPTEMBER. Wi.l incande— Orphart;'4s. Ott Pale—lstale of John Evans Tree. An undivided ninth part of the Three-story BRICK DW LAN Cr, N 0.313 stunt h Front street,. Same I , state—An undivided ninth pars of the Three story BRICK D W ELL lING. 3:8 eottih Front Street Same Estate—An undivided ninth part of the luxe STORE AND WAREHOUSE, Bontliwec corner of llefeurare 11 , 011Ue and Ton alley, below Chestnut street, 61 feet 6 inches front. Same state—A Undivided ninth part of the /Imo *tort RRI , ,K DWEW !NG N 0.310 tombead atreet. FARM. 1 213 Acres A ratite Lard. with I roprosements, on the Milford road.l% miles from the Station, known as the own 'r Farm . The PARVIR FARM," adiolning the above, con taining 100 acres. with im craven:mgrs. itThe " t.LARK FARM."containing 109 Acres of good Pnrining I and. The " FIORE IS TRACT." containing about 90 Afire' front • on it Tamil. and within Wl'' , mile of &Station. IMO The •' 8!1n 18 FAH M." contsining 123 Acres, front ing on the rsili , ad. with beiloin4s. - The DORMAN wAR.M." containing 93 Acres, e.l- Minuig the ab; tillerOntainremen's. The " ovew containing E 9 Ames Wood !end Tne •'FRANK'S FOLLY," oontainiag over 100 Acres of neavy ook Timber. BALE OF SUPERIOR F 77 FINITZTRE. 7 OSF.WOOD TABLES AND FTEOISILEA, Cilield. AND °LAM WAIL E, C Alt PETA, Bte. 43 sto A w il D co mOurs e n an e a h so s tmon les . e a o n t he aanfuon niture, carpets, tc., removed to the store for ,e -mencence of este. to which we invitethe attention of 'tulles and rollers desirous of yuretteeine. scr catalogues now ready, and the articles arnased. for examthatios. Rata at Noe. 139 erd 141 9oath FOUR TIL Buyer, SUPERIOR FURNITURE, - FRENCH-PLATE MIR RORS, PLANO-FOR.T&S. BRUeSELh cemesre.. This ?demur. At it o'clock, At the Motion more, eII aseorLnelst of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant gifisno-leztes, nee mirrors, carpets, ate.. from *What; deetiranlt housekeeping, removed to the EOM zor coniremetios sole. MOBEB NATILANS, AUOTIONEE/C AXD 0011111.711011 MP...101AX% goatlisadi Minter eIRAW MONEY TO Ll llB l2ll 125,000 to loan, at the lowest retie, on is watches. Jewelry. 'Aver plate.grr goods. 0 k aeries, seems, hardware, en tbsre Pomo mirrors. ftg niture, bedding, mut on 0005 of every dasoppiten, is large or Small amounts, from one dollar to tacrasands. for any length of time sensed on. The Oldest Ettabrishe_d linsae la thiasitY. ifir Private entrance on NAGE Pacer. iisr Drainers bowl from A. 3a, to P.M. M. heavy arumranoe for the benefit of depositors. CHANG/. s brILI TWO PER. CENT. lair Advances or 110 e and upwards st two ;eh. pepi. Advances of $lOO and upwards, at one peg for abort loan. AT PRIVATE 6 hit Sam of the finest GOLD PATEX" LEVE.II. ead CREOS/0111ETER. WATCHER, Mllfulsotured at 1.11 the tonal selling prices, gold IsTaT laid lamas wutchee, silver lever and /spine 3estohmt, Englieb. Swiss. and French watches. et astorugun/1 tow prices, jewelry of every description, very larskaartc pistols, me/josl 1.. etrumenie, bra t civility of *evens omen, at half the Importation price, tarinsatincatosait purchasers. and 1111101 U/ other Inane or goods. OUT DOOE Attended to personallp by the Aminoueer. Oonalgnments or any and IIV•11 lazd cods 11641- 01 cited. ROSES rrATIIA.Ne. MACHINERY AND IRON. PENN STEAM .ENG-INE AND ' - • iLt. WORKB.—NEs FIE : 17 1,EVY, •Rs ' AND TREORETIOAL ENG EVIG. MAC I • B,__BOILEK.ALABERB,BLAC MTER. and FO 04.11.8, having. for teeny years. bees rye ornocessful oleration, and been asolunvely ermined in building end repairing Manne and River Engines, bisb and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanya. YroesGers,, ere.. ac., roxpectfu ll y oder than se to the public as beini fullY Prepared to contract for fines of all sizes. Marine, River. and Eltattonary, havuot le paterrdi of different sixes. are prelassol to emepute or ders with quick despatch. Every Iftsorittian of Pattern making made at the 'hornet Wine. gigh and tow Pressure, Mae, Tubular, and CyLnderßojßzs. of the best Pennsylvania ciarooal Farrllkilk , oi and kinde; /rod and Brass Castings,of all itesoriptionla l i t e, oß t.i Tu . if t r th s. e nc t rew l,... Cu b.i ttin n g .„ . son 3.11 other work sow l)rewints sad seeeifiestrons for a?. work done at thew establishment. free of °Sorge, end work sesrantted. The rubsonhers have ample Wharf dock room for m inim of mentos/1m they wan lilt in perfect safety, and ere provided with sheen, Moltke. felltt, he., ket.. for mums heavy or light waighta. JACOB O. NEAP LE. E. ON CEVY. BRAZIL and PALMER etreeta pOINT PLEASANT POMMY No. ;41 Ja. lIXACIR Street Kenaington, Pilat4-411ra. LIAM E. TIERS tamale hut fonds that, Thia gege ,... Oared Um entire stook of l'artensa at 7sm -01, he Le now prepared to. moue* 2 3, z Omit, and awe Aldi oftaungs, soap, Rowe Work, Geanng. Castings rg,ada rer berstonr of Cupola Fantlete% to ery . or Mtn and. or loam. up*Oef V. 111211 re. f. veielell! ttnlreca Wa r ta&er SOUTIINTOK FOITIsTDRY AND wournenvir nranir rruLenetrilla. • ILEIMICK BM, ENGINEERS AND MACE:111;11M Nassisoturo Ruh and Low Programmes& Astfaska for Lad. River 'nd Insane vernal. - Guorasters, Tasks. Irsiallksoht. As.; Castramt or al kinds, either Iren Or Amo n boa Prilaie Roofs for Gas Works, road Scats:sub km. Work Sacra liali- Rstorts anti Oss Gissidasn of 110 lONS sad smiths. Proud masers& Ittaltrirßadr___Arensecistir=al seituaeamatax: was, Dtfo...agrsicitars, Poivoiss i&:1/9tos. Boil eats, Yazont Xllia Sre WOllll 2141"ClittifelMrliraill &A Ina. tKr SAYING FUNDS. " A litq.b, but often. fills tab Pants." NO FUND, No.l F'Rl3B South F0117 3 4H nut and Walnut. Fetladelyrie e , et ia b = C s h o s s u ll on demand. Depositors' money se, by by Govern - coati biota. and CRY kohne. otroand Roots, Mon ettittn. ko• 'tits entersetlY deems safety better than lute Ing,t, eouseeuently wilt rut no risk Inth dela , altOrs' money. but have It at all times ready to return. with Sysmi Waren. to the OVUM. they hare ste 01000. This Cottony AMY repealed.eystopi, tearrled ay amts. erg iginors. tem depoelS IT. thou own milt, and Mon olllttlettl 'has b• with...4+llra olia.11:..1 thou sernassa. Caul= parse wna• 1 ,10 . 11 .7 11404 BWe sr posnotsslus. authority tomatoes/onm from trUstoes %ad effeatori. • IA RUE AND SMALL SUMS F.r:GETVED. Ortee oven dsJl7. front 9to a o%.!ook. an.l on Wednesday evening ultni Wejtadir. DIRICTOILEL Jacob B. Slutzzor, thras Cadvi!lader. John Blundter. `_;award Raman. Malachi W. Sluss. T. Hyatt. heWle Krn*Mliir - Henry Delany, nicho;ha xlttorchcitio. Itathaa_ffeeedley. .10. a. IL Battetttlwaite r _ Jones YeAse. Joseph W. Lic an c4t. JACOB B. eg NON, ,resident. Crave Canatar.Lenns,' r. II sent -7 " d Dollar asirod la twima earned" RAVING POND—FIVE PER CENT IN- N. 7 TEXEBZ—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUSTS:IOH- W . WALNUT Btrcet, by TlLift Pbandelphia. Lworparste4 by Els Stale at Pesetayl rum itioneynt received in any, saint lane or mall, and in— Serestpaid from the day as ...oxen to the day of with— drawal. The ofnee exam every day from nine o'olook in rho, morning Ave o Moak in the evening. and on Mender. and Thamily evenings WI i9ignr o'clock. tion._RENRY BENBER, Pruident. ROBERT SELFRIDGE. Viz* Preeldent. Rea, Secretor/. treat:MP.; : Ikon. Henry 1., Benner, p. Carroll Belnesten. n.dward L. Carter, Aeasioll D. Ban Robert Selfthige. fen-novo Lee. tlsmuet O Laniirstn 3,1454+6 Joseph Yertes, Junes L. Step) , ,paem. .14'..41r 144a1Ved and parmente made eell7. tevestmente are made, in oonformity_ _with the pmVainons of the Charter, in Real Estate Martzelee. tiroend Rents, and wean first-ciao aatatrittee as Ind al ways insureperfect zencrity to tht cletpostters, an.k which cannot fail to give pernlany - 0.4 ace s'atni , ty this Institution. sal-ly SAVING Flirsill--UNITED • 5T1,119 'TRUST C.03.11.A.NY, comer THIRD and GRIST NUT Stm... Large had small rims recessed, and raid husk on de mar d wlthoat notice, with FIVE PER CENT. IN Th REST from the dal of deport to the day of tnth dratrat. Office bourqdroro 9at o'clock ererr de), end cmt MONDAI idyl:ft/NUS Dom totfl go clock. Dr.ArTs feT seect' Eng lend, IreLlald• fUld Scotland.., zrox./f/ uesr.r.fe, rtsetder.t—Sprzx R. CRAwFORD. Trigrar—J ES R. RUNTER PLINY PIS . Antrim., HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. PACRAGI HARDWARE HODSE.--We -waled :ever:luny ol.; , atteatior, of the elens- Hrdasra oo.t. esteosive E toot of lilk- NINoRAM. .11.A.KG WAX% letifek wit eller at a sze.o.4. skriLac tkr paqkage, Order it Tor el/Tel :r.ip . ettanel: ao.urred, and 80odi thlerell al Or: /V Mtn New York or Now °atone. W. G. LI.WIB & tlon. tll COMMIA.OI: imver!lar and Conan:au:on Aid 21.:„011ta for Yong SIDi sal.smco HAINES BROS.' OVERSTRII! , I3 Illtfl P.A - TE NT-ACTION PIANO FORTSS Cliret:62t3. JlTclN.v,..',Vl`:t4T,!:7;l',.. fiforglfral SII4StA.N t b Prices. •%nd warranted forlea. S 7591 . 1. Becond-hand hanoe for sa!e and to rent. GEORGE L. WALKER, S. E. Cm ImpE I II.II and A PRINCE h CO.'S oved :dELODEONS. from 846, upwards. )3,16-3m wol f PIANOS! PIANOS !! PIAa./S !! Kilict-FoßTa Lcumaris. PIA.No-i IT& iitz . I inni. l.i. clprett a, Clark, andm776 1 GOULP. SEVELNTH CHEs'i N trr Fffffir STEIN Vc A 1 ec ,SOls' INS Vl , PE4.- TIM'!" OVER-ATRING GRAND PIANOS, §QUARE ()RAND, AND 641:ARE PIANGS., new yrs.-- tarred in cion , erts and In private oiredee by the beet gerforment.. Receive) the first prenueme over the best makers, iltem 3 adzes ktke Cattue Wk. Meson, and arkege. Challenge tit eomoetatinn. 3 , 141 t 01E ST r O IlTlTr ER ! EXPRESS COMPANIES. aartime THE i v o ) . Ams EXPRL forwsrds Pereete, Feeittree.ltteroh e arlddee T , N l dfid Specie, no her by Its own Llnes or t 0 oonnettiotir with other of Companies. to all tlis Armoire, towns and oniee of the Ihuted S. SANDFORD, fienengSsmetintes4A4A T AR.— Tar in kegs and barrels, for sate by_ ROWLI.Y..MYHBOIINER. do CO., N.. to south witeßvzs. mai V . LtN.: - .04.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers