tt-J4. *neettlig of, ti+ AMMON/. id IP; Mel t • domby4oelertV i MP was held •) )1111, liele4r! It "h l4l47 7.4sOrreatit " • ;to hear an address ? D i trAtllMile{ht nemiltc,the '..fewWreriplariOftittiiided. ..y.,01y,„,41(. :Dane lntesieledc and introdatieddilri - .ttpettialmto-ktim4aMeably. - - The•milled 'ref *. :themes ppeledeatlif4 l .V l o o r 6 te. sod 1 0 11 - "iiitini4eilolint 'of MAP ~ 411LeledAles irlskpeoplet e 'Alluded to the Atli:, deli d tavirarerttieh llostlakilig:.PilieelOOle the lrishownleirdilitif the. nreatAnterest`lhitin by ahriettline tbrongtoint" DM:world.. speaker quad aot.thint that imp• tieeetintrof tbitineryelleell'ttirrfillC.'kunong'4ltt hard olclidPrittediihnhaperatems.:- ilia deseripl • Hone. of --varietal' ieeldeuls - Wu:Meted! Wilif:Ahe, teNrAt lint/rem, Woe,' fall ',of leterist, t.ind^wertalitined to with profound attention. ;11e reminded. with a stronvappeal to the Ohristians of An;teri p * let trk *Mr Prejers and onatrilm :VO4.olitloPd •;" AllAttCoateelnaletr of .'the &Mame, d. -T. Cowper, D. D., offered a rmieletkMellOreasing the confidence of the meeting In the representations of Mr. Kiipatrieltilisd rectoinuteodied hia IlberwteenSidpration of: the Ohthlliitn-oont. ON CHENTNITT Vheltdanditirtnerbiallock whioit ie bohl.-lintit by ,ps i .,.4 l 4gorulbe site of Me -old. Arcade' is- goini forward ` rapidly and:the Omit already ''gi*ec pro-, mire • 'Of :extaiorditiarY - hearty: material is *oat she Lee gnerriesi Nor Eng land, end ireeetraste handeomelf - with the granite Atairlit'of it ,'lnd the mere sombre-looking Com-. ''llsointfeaith buildirtgon the east , The hew straigure has a front of one laindred fatt;,,anti it.will be four ' toff, stbidie to height.' One imPortant..featrlM of the - alineels the fret; that they will be in a great reelMorlidirelreef; .t The loorsorhieh will be laid', t in reel ,upoct, i iron .girdira.. - and Inioky etc - .ahli,,thez,freef,alll beef metal. • ,The Ritua l . divided into-three storie s which will , have a clear sweep through_from Chubut' street to' Jayne, a dialicuee,rd omtbundredund arty feet. DlTlL:Jorryitl'otat.e77A,florPrilse out about yesterday rderning in the third Mori or AT:sid,ioliPlo. , 23o Quarry street, , Thug building is rerned ~b4 y Mr., Jacob Ipebneff, &idiots priool.. pallT•ased as a iiiinfototory.otreafi and bindles., 'The tVidliht birth IWO! were entirely - ,burned • ' out; led the other perilous et Abe. b,u ildi n g were delhiptd Witk , erater. I Mr.. Lennon' estimates his' less otibuilding, - Stook machinery; te-; at $2,500, whksh 'store:ask hy legume*, J.: P.,,Wilkinson,' turner in wood, oconplod. the around floor.. His ' z iOsfliiiebettefi kdi f;foo,'!toon Irbthere 'is an irutur- - 4Ell ' 0 so o . l ii' TO; liaise s' Were eonlified to , the ' Witting in widah--they originated; bur the 'poor. ...,±peoplo who *coal the eonets' - end 'alleys which , ' atiotind to th at borhood were greatly alarmed. ;,The ariglaA.the it le MIR involved Or mystery. IN ..IniNciliarn - CHANGAN.— 'of telegriphtig fret& Philidelihist ibeyektitiefa greottiiednowl- einem, the laying of the cable between Vine-etrect wharf - end Cooper's paint : Before-that woo oonelimmeted-thiroh o rge -for4 rump of ten worde wee silty -ltri mints ; the *Mini esreloole how'peiformed,. more promptly ' for 41,rtyrionte. ,poforo the ltylng of , the Gable,. mee to, he gained, across thinner on the rfeerr boat, now they' directly ovir thkerizetbe qween•Atlentio City Ind - the offloe of the American ,Telegraph Centparty,. !at Third. and -Chestnut streets. " • ' ' t91) 1 4/1 COSTOMER:-011,' Tuesday af finities, a :resildelit of Abe '-Flrst Wardi :nattied „ . MeAleary, attaehed,'Peter Osamu with an , Iron bar: .- - -ThepprtlaiSire'Cli ill; terms, and' Mint,, , it ttaillegiti.-ptteektet eateidShis'own heists, andibietliiii shoat. IltelinuVidthibp.:;bar, fag vetsierfonitirotristc...7The.,rudiat threatened with a kalfejlmollieer litararrested hhic - liti was bronghtfolerins bye threat of eoldlead, and com mitted to prise.P.'.:- - - - ''' • ' i latlrp*Oactrp---1413 - Prietiit 'Of 'a rag setlariea the eastside of Third street, litrosSOben- Sit bed itleailleflie edit; ilderinen'Beitler yester -1?..1% lo t the Ohargil'iirbin-ing 7:feinted the person of :a..gist 'Lorelei years.eld. It Is alleged that, , tho Obildwent into the , cellarrif: the . defendant Maell .4t l H l 61 4m* and Whlle.there the outrage wee com mitted, ander.lihroanistaseeti of peculiar 'fruity.. The'pyksuer-wamtilMi9ll,s6o ball to nantriiiir. - ' °lima Afirsiiiiii:--;,-,The. - -folloiring were received Yeefirdai lit : goitersXotonship==Popnle tick:44l3 -;;. deaths during the put year, ; funailtrr3 selkils,i'tiatibite,Mst 205' pupils; 1 church: , 12 itiontionui 2,238;: detain during year, 19; Anse, 215; 5 cahoots,_ p teaphere„ and: -00,5 pupils; 4 Chiribee.' • " „ , • • • - . :-,earty ...yesterday motaip6, g titan nymed Haitwap,.ihe proprietor of aveggery inNesgdarket Street, near klergerotta, Metentie Wird, gutinto a wrangle ker',-ethielvended In the - latter dabbling Ifirtmait Istitelleetty pert of the left arm:.. The woind hied freely, bat itts nofeckneldeied dangereac -Walker was,errosted end:bald to, beil:fell,ooo,. to, answer.; rnsowirain.—A .man named JohnEttan:. tienty4re; was droirrii:,": isA. ware , yesterday 'afternoon oflonslie .NerziaLatieet wharf. body was enbeittuantly recovered and taken to the rWidimee of -Mr. Ituehanan. ie Euler= aid etteetothere -the eoroter was notified at. tirid. , :i s • , - Una/ .o,..sit'inetzn::=Yetsterday morning a man aaiati*,,Tohn Penio?sk tree before Aldermen Plaikliton on - the = ohaige of running a milk wagon ever a.ehlid of' Edward- MoontrY,,at Ninth and-WidliketrOte, .Peapook was held to; answer. Fteig.*'-An ?Ala* of fin - Was . eieeice6eeo , lle o'deak.:' , 7iettreday•afternoce; by tiro! , putfall:-bemieg of the reef or.e hquie, Ia ,CtOretel ; 91, Vlty!'yterd., pamege Art- fiftir6ininine, Or Tyitonix. r -4%. European oorrupp . ndeßt ot. the itet:Ypik hlerald w!ltes : " therels itinoCiaidln the European papers on the subject of thietierly_dhisolstion of this empire, and of itkpartitionYaineng the greit'lwirers of Ifarepe:Y-This grows eurof the repent pretentious pat lortiard by,Runte in favor of-the Greek 'sub pits of the Sultari,lnd of a. supposed entente' twain that zacieenireenVend the, Emperor of Pineal? ,whilstthis does not exist in any form, so Was s t e er be leinied here. louti-Napoleonsemms: twat& pleasure initeeping his 040 over the Chap-, net in 'eoniiintel nterm;and cannot jOiti,erittinny. other: , ,Potmc Wearily, Ole Baeilea,em any sub- Bid; linnet* leginerate , and. ,1 rthy,' with% outvnisingthe hibitleinflho •tell& tioa. - Itic- IteYtWyetlaitatasyyeafeaerseatithtealtde hang on to life inn most aggravating manner, greatly to the annoyance of their belie; `and this one may yet, assist at the funeral of him wito;:nt-thig moment, merlins to hive the diiiiides of Etironein his especial keeping. Newel ty is the motbit„ollniention, And thd, Porte 'sniffy yet- *tad a wise of , Wealth:with whieltto prolong its eftleteseit'idd"OhnePpeint. the very greirtfeiif 6116 WNW 'ln taititeectio.more ehotcot dissolution, though./ doter.pevirty.:thia 11% cttlOalvibiaeet visit hate several years ago:—liie: new reguletions pt . tke,ro,rte are grodetqflinps.l nity, eciAt.r,ere, end •tialitri: (where :iii : rear#giteia:- reekle) luave -lierfe• - „andi gOfthlOt' esemediblheir , streebrarer stillierseeilevelted, andiari al Itt npitlith gala, OPOD .1111019:111 atittel, t k the" old proverb sartould KOod 'whisky:A*64p) praisartfOr it' be ''onies - law'''. To make known aimed artiote in this line, ro would direct the attention of our readers to Burnride's .4401 d moson s ithea R Whisky:of which( Coleyy atimadste. Note %Went street - Aro the note proprietors, This whiskyisdistilled frenrsoleotedgrain. and Weever, readies the market mad ago hair rendered it ripe and Mellow. This pure and' excellent artiele • has attracted the attar:diode( tee medical faculty had is freely PPM unleaded for medicinal use. • • • - " WALK or Lira —We talk of human fife as • a toerner, but hoer varietraly le that !Minter performed There are those who come forth girt,-and shod, and mantled, to Walk on velvet lawns, Ind smooth teirtaiese where every ta'o is arrested and every- beans is" tem - Pored. ,•••The re are others who walk on the Alpine paths oflifeleisittat droving misery; and through storror'eor-, rows. over sharp a filiotionsi want Xl* bate feet - and nakedhreerat,Jaded, mangled. sod.dhllkd ; whilst there are, Still ethers whose pathway. lies, Weep thiSep extrailtee;ehopriser ea "the ereete,tior of their way, aod Way theft' gar:neat, at the 4 0ne Prioe"s Fitatitonable Emponuni_Tr Gasivi , .ata• !folio; Chestnut etreist''Aesperopriate and valuable Gilt is presented to each purehater a a garment, tf, Manaiias VilittaaaßY Lira =ln Englliad, ia canaly, the seOona daughter of Charley Dickens, was latrriea at Inatutio Chareh;.Kent. to - Mi. ,Gharles Cot line, a biathOi Of Wilkia'Collhui, and himself* balding author, lir. D r iehaus's country 'home le at ead'a taliitat; tint Kane of ratataVa. Nyat's, Paitera;WO BardOlph!lestiiaita-zthe kiealtty. for. a wan of manias/ad biueui, as suggesting.the " rogues in Kinstall Gyeen." Diskens himselfganoralli primates his best /luta - at the Brown Btoaa ,Clothing ,HaP.of ficiolain'ts lain, 'Am!. 103 eitiltMOlCheataat' Aloe.; . , Longs. RISAD Tam t— bait Bud monis nioosPins ari•friapially Ontiii4ted Piteut;Corret-bost-'. int( Mookino,l2ol Noble etiod. ifood roar Order, or oat. sad Vos-the.operstft?q. , "• _ Stn. Idinti 4 Muntriv'"—: - .Ttili eidnitrible Cordial 'is 'anglified iviihstdally_ for all those eonipitlintel (Widen; to , the' host of nein .Diarrtices and - sev' r eikr- shin of 'the , ettnneeh. 'minting, Ito.,iaaddf yield to"4v . ery noething Irak enos.-.lll4.7inite Pleasant rind • grateful' to the taste After a trial. tow peresonsanii,bn-,villing to be without tb._Thote_leetving tor the country shetlid-notdo so' without providing thentsilvee - with .the fitordiati tt its sold hr Power; Sixth and Vine. Prioe tit cents. tt 81, 73 77wr1T1MT1711 ITES F01111111,410K. • ireeishiplCeiteebeo; John ' ' hem froin'ttew yorts, vitt ivpi-rday T Imre, viDA etas end yassint4eret, Wiser Aliderolic • )elio C Young, Amboy , ' Wiley. from Georfetowt, St witirlemherto Oswald. stir Omni Croft, Coolies; deye from ,Cheittprrike City: nth gnat ti Christian & - Soler Lenoir. Direrd, 1 dey fron; Chadians, Dol , win oat* to Ceristoin'& (sense'. - • - Behr B , llneeetl i Dtiffelf, days ' Pro mday/41"o, Del, With 011ie to Sea L porriey it Co. " _ . • . • " BY: , IELICIRAPIT. • (Correepooddeee of the "'resod raw I ORR. Ant A. Arrived ship Porthendo (rove Havant ; stip Herr hid. from IA moot; Brig AC Merryman, from_ Cer- ~" ,NICI‘ORANDA': ' -, ,•-• ' - ; - ' BieWsuripPiiiisawohiarT ater, dearer id New pr leans Pb hilt.Thr Hsvaiii aid New York.' '. - etehauhrh 'ltrietrwass. - Lhosegerriv for Maritettzu, - elehred at New - York reererss 7 . - '' - • . hawnakta. Horton, Praetor,. clewed IP New York yes terdayt Phitadelphhr. • ... v 1. ' Ship Cairo. Wooster, from nottordail;arrivt4 st, New linritieettr 4 sf." - '.' ' " Skip Ihrogyard;p .. op!wi, at Kr* York 'tistittilit Mini Liverpool: , Bar k Lambs. Greenman. rot _ Ipdptiols,clesred at riaw V ilit r ieritit3ttftint, trait': Miliiwill,'*- wet at Jour Y'imit Petits pt.-7i ---...-. ,.• -.-- - ,-, -. Jititk Rill'EtAli, Autiedut. totlitgadiajobiti to 5 days whk 54- phi ptprro nth Bit,' - : -.- .. :-,.. r.' alkyd,. rlaNiptik_ it•ll!le.r.'itt l!anostton, ,ye O, - t 'fiii c. 4.Niatiotii;lf t it, -- Wilittii ii'lk itia s ..41i et irtitod at. likyork,SlPPwel• ~,., - et - monlyn.'p ;.-1. ''."l4''' '' '. ' I - 4 .- .4:llrfgaitia • I; , ettAuf,4 8134 ,14!. lin Yi ar ... _.• A 1.1„,•------,,,...,,,,...,fiik-filiiCidelt*IIfiiii4 it , arr • at r " Ar-- ," iii,..- - 'i,iii-iiii-i,; r • ~., ,.,,,q.w 1 ,,, kg • . ' T • Ot - 1.716 7 5 - 55; . 51thie iiilaisi..ciarkl A - r oia', , • jo . .-`ripoohnook; live*: and J IL-- 'aster.. -G 4 4 Ad . . Pastor Rh fast._ : .. ~ ..., 4.44. - IrboltrrOrk-ri F o v Vild l oll9 lo ;qtir-s • 1 "" - elleggiggiiihms /*fink -;:, • ',,, , i11, 04 , .. , 1ivi ,- ,...:, =. L.- , :. tali , 1 , 41, --, 2 -.1 2',. t Cus,T4 ritit tt-4aekwavi.,4o ,l X..e.-_-It is stated; by s correspodeet, that 4oeptifizotiAu low is an ittitisdiate mtre for le-growing nails. Ile. lays :,the latteni mit/tont, I SUM athie was itiatitato,,ietighatt lit4m,utiatile to put On a etito, lovseveral months, middeoldedirthe woritepee dhieaae -been along; ; spending-,,,,Theedge§tthe'llitillWasilettply ntider-: lined ;; the granulations formed a high ridge, l `tiaitly*ttitie4 with Stilit,and`putt constantly oozed from the root of the nail; the Whole toe was swot-, loa;,:itndixtremely tender and t m inful. My mode :of Proboeding Oils,: I' pet a *ary smell piece, 'of tittle* a spoon and heated it over a lamp tin - All- became very' hot, and dropped two or three drops between tbe nail and grantd at lOUS. -! The afoot was almost magical. Pain and tenderness wore at Me ; relieved and in - a few days the granulations merest/ gone, the diseased parte dand destitute of fita,log, :and • the , edge of the nail exposed so as to admit of ' helot_ Pared away without any/ Inconve , Menem ' The: cure waecomplete, and the trouble, never returned: , I-ha a tiled this plan repeatedly thice,..w,ith,the most sallifoototy results. , The ope-I :ration - onuses but little. if any pain, if the tallow is roperly, bee led. A repetition might, in some owes, e necessary—although I never have met with a 0484 tbat did notyield to one application. Admit-' ting the theory of Dr. Lorinrer to be correct; the, 'waits, ()Jerald , : ,is very plainly to be seen. The liquid 'cautery insinuates itself in every interstice under the nail, accomplishing in one minute, with out, pain, all that can be effected by the painful op :nitration of nitrate of sliver for several woke.— Make and Surgical Jouinal. ARRIVALS la THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS OP TO 11 O'CLOCK LAST MORT CONTINENTAL, HOTEL—Cor. Ninth end Chestnut. ,r) McCormick. Pannierleant% Miss.! Carnsron,_Thirrieg Miss M Cameron, Harrjsb's Mies Betr,Barrich's Miss_F Berghwa,Harrab's wall A Worford. Harrish's ..1 M Porter. Harrisburg Dr 6 W Rally, Harrisburg 'sonatinas, Pittsburg • Miss Holmes, Pittsburg -Miss Beard. Pittsburg ' 7t IDeedwin; I W a y ne "MS Dn Barry. Pr Louts 'Thornton. Kentucky `A W Delmar to wf, Chicago R J Doodelklllinom Mies Mattson. Illinois lc Blanchard, Bellefonte A Harvey. Toronto. C West IS 6 Fowles, New York M Pisa & da, St Thornas OE. Buckler: New York John il*Ker is McOuffen, Pa - R B McElroy, Pittsburg W Frick. Lewisburg NI Reynolds " • DIGS Selby: Bat_ timers L 'P Thirdly. Nashville John R Davis, Virginia F Eshleman, North Carolina 6 A Lathan), N C R staresue,North Carolina yr V Nearayer & Va J F Carothers, New Orleans Shanard, Arkansag Mrs Phavard:Arkansaa Mrs E Robertson, Tend Mien s X S" Mttook. Tenn J M Glace & It. Kentucky Mi Seseen, Kentucky Dr R 3 Ward & Its. Ala Miss A Ward, Alabama, •W A ikon, Chicago J Reiman. Pt Louis D W Collar. Don. 11l C Young, New York _ It Schiff. New York Ohm F s inith. Baitimori Dr N 8 Jarvis, 118 A Mies Kate Ware, A'abanin. Jas D Ware, Alabama TA.Motton & hi, Alabama Miss Vara Jordan, Ala Miss Mollie Robetuton t _Ala Miss Mollie Reese Ala .B Crosland &la, NY Nfd Timmins,e l AR & la, Ky C & la. N 0 Mist 'Risks, New oAetna Miss Mclver. New Orleans F A Foster & Is, Boston •It Brooks, Penna•lvania N RLemao. Jr. Boston Miss E tallber,Harrisburg (3 &Colby. New York W P Wilton/els. W Hifurnes & la, Pa j tr English, Zanesville Unmilton. IVI D; Va 43 West & Is. Brooklyn • C 8 Dyer, I Geor, Prat:dies—hi 0 'l' A Craig & wf. - Arkanass J n Johnston. Brooklyn - Ferguson. Bridgewater 13 B Stetson. Bridgewater I, U Wood, New rork Alfred Wetherill. Wash'n John steremon, Virginia E Morris. Louisville Platt, Now York , Charles Carroll, Elmira Joe Merrefiald, Baltireore. .1 Wilmer Philadelphia G W King & la. Cbarleaton Miss Brune, Louisiana Mae Lowrey. Louisiana A C Lowrey. Louisiana TiH Tamable & wf. Louisv Mrs McKnight, Pittslinrg Miss Matolon. Pittsburg Edward Matthews Ohio F Lloyd, New York • Daniel Roll Fork Gen New Gen L Cori. Savannah E W Moore & Is. Norfolk E R. Dana, New York A Robinson, Delaware 7)A.Prirjerrifiena,i= 7 l,t, igrbounc . k.', 3 FgAirld P Rank It M. Boston ' , JWllutar rs. la Pittsburg Miss Butler. Pittsburg Miss Edmundsan. Nash , : 11 8 Smith & W H Ross & la. Mason I Awn( C Pyriohan, La Miss Pynohan. Alabama Mi.' Hamilton, arorgia W.l Raynor, Baltimore 6 Pluvial, Baltimore Judge Fitzhugh. Wash T N Iroffurto, Baltimore (too C Irvin.Baltimore' Mirc(ireenhoo 3 da, Wash James A Wailer. Brooklyn P C Everitt. . W A Parker, Alabama 0 P Parkor, A M. Randolph. Virginia C J Teigh. New York . . Allen H. Clarke, London lion Renal. Meeminta. 'l' Brown en i m e i p hi, DT White, Boston • C A l / 4 Rowley, Missouri aIioiRDNIODSE--!Nnith and Chestnut streets. John IS Helical; Philadelphia Wm Harris. Pennsylvania Jae Harrineton. Penneriv's Mrs Harrington. Pp David Pittsburg Sarni Somale. Indiana B Stinson. Springfield Adam Wray. Lancaster Alex Raille. Pennsylvania A Snow,Now Jorsav Mrs Pnow, New Jersey , Chan M Pox, Nkw Jersey Jas Sinalatr, W Chester N L Blnelbir, W Chester Henri admits Pa Mrs Adam... l'enh , ylvanrn D Leal. Pennsylvania 1) M Cram, baxington. Ky E wagoner. Akron. 0 D ()Whit°. Con , oel tont W B Crawford. Conneotiont D Cum, ri.vcrnnn BH. Carter. Hartford rr Tr I- andiron H 1114 , rd Jahn T Morrie, Baltimore H lisle. B^liefonte Mr - Freeman. Nsishville S aly or. St T onto J fintmonn. New York - A Thirktetd Xenia. 0 'tartly N Merrill. 80 Mire S C Miss L Merrill R ,C, M 11 Icor &'A. • Jamas Osborn. Virginia 1)1 in Osborn Vir•inis Mr Porter.-New York my Weir. Ne y n ,t c Gen W Noilson & la. Pet Henry Hart & la. N 0 Wm McCoy. New York Motloy. New York WO Marrow,Jr, Norfolk Chan dinatead, Maryland Min oung.. ; Orr al Jame. Y Carr & Is. New York .T A W Prinderland. Pylon Min Briiinsitd, renniniveninn V Moody. Mitaissipto M Wilkinson. Augusta. Oa Gen H Brinchurat. axon MisiA Tir;richurst, Kentucky Miss aarah /Irina! nr.r. Ky /Peva North Carolina John J Taylor, Noy: Port Hiram Frieht Cane May J MoCall &la Nan Vri-k Mira McCall. Now York mine Maxwell, Now York Misr!. Maxwell. New-York R T Brown. New York Min Brown, New York 1) Eastman A la, ') nriditud Mi. , 'a:animal:, Mar. I ard IC itineklo 81, , th (lamina Aii:aHieokte.Win C ro'in %II Mclntyre. lidassammatts Al it Turner. Maripciroaette s Perna It H grunt Wort ester H K Lathrop. ( "Omuta o WlCorry, I+ ew Vhtk RT.! Dirrnnerh kla Conn 'Miss Ilarransh, Bridgeport K 0 niicholart & In. N J Mica Ni. , holas. H I , P n Co. her & is, Mika. Miss 41 Reer,Mialiptint B Smith &la, Cane May 'AriS5 Smith. Can May • Miss Cook, Cape May ThoaL Nesbitt. Maryland, A C Rives Pennsgrove Thom Markey. Pesnagrove Yames,Eall. - Montreal ~ it A Delho.or, New 'York J Leanne. New York J P Clark, Virginia . Silas Height. Elmira ' . 1 Cooley, Elmira G H Cameron • • Mrs Cameron (Ikea Crake, Ohio E Drake, Ohio F. M Ovando. & Is, N Y Miss Grandin,'llew York AHD Carroll ,k la. Vie Mies - Carroll. Alekandria .1 A Greenlow Pc la. N Y Min Greenlow, New York C W Whaley &In N 0 Non XI Walker. Weak Joo H Wyman. N York Mrs A K.MoClure. At City J C Whin & la, N York Alias White, New York .. ThOs Price, Atlantic City John Preston. Atlantic, Cily Min Preston, Atlantio Cty Lewis Halsted. Louisiana Misr Halsted, Louisiana Warren Tucker New York Oen Rudd, Montreal Jama De l a n o , d. New OrleaneW T Davis:New Winne W Chili, 8 A T Fry. Mobile E Beriter,'Raltimore E R Watson & af. Va Thos It Limonter 41 C Tardy. Richmond I. West. Richmond Jaw Franey, Pa .1 A Clarkson. Richmond J H MoMahon. Galveston 13 0 Davis. St movie C B Sawyer, Chicago Miss I'Lown . New York Jon J Levy. sew York .1 M Ninon, New York - 'I 'Frazier, Havana. • It B Convent. Ohio Chas S Venable, ri 'Pt Horlinon, tlprineflPd, Mau Chu Clocker. Wash J Adams, Jr. Waaltington Moses Bark. New York W Hines*. Nubiille , lax White, New York Cleveland. Jersey City N Mycatt, Jersey City Witt Sinter& la. N York .! LJ Leary. Texas Joe Rehm, Cinn, Ohio L *teals & - la, N York ' .MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arch, T T. Hired, Witehlngton. Pa RP: Stream, Wash, Pa. J °Loraine, Clearfield, pa Lyman.Husted• Galena, 11l Menial Clark. Paris. 11l • N Harhansh ' Pittsburg Ben R. White. Pittsburg `.F. , PirP Whitman, Pittab'g W W Speer, Pittsburg B W Wright, Pt Jett. La B Bepleti. Philadelphia L Robert:. Doytettewe W A Hopking.Heinlerson,RY n....r..We IMenneppr R 7 S M Shaver. Tennessee IT Miller. ellen, Ohio Rev ion Mahan, Pa . E Hitcher, Maw tta P Monte. Tennessee Jas B•Roberts, Preemie° •Wm H. Harney, Lynn, Mara D A Main. Lynn, P&P P Money. Missies:tem IT I) Money, M1..1111.1ppl Natal Meltirstry.Mar34gind Mies Sarah Mcßinstry.fild Hon 3 BHlack„Wash - • Jos 3.onobheirnar, Chicago r) Henderson. thiepsnin Jacob Heiser . Parma - Thomas 3 Ridley. Penn- t,. Robert Frame. Del D McCord., Prttabarg, H on R Brodkead ton , Fit Hnebask, Ohio - - 6 M i ller,olumbia, Pa Ina Wells. New 'l6 ork • •JB Chambersburg tJegin Hommen,•Chatriberab I Lawshe, Atlanta, Oa ,1, bathe. Atlanta: Got • J M Holbrook, Atlanta, Ga WLWadrworth, Marietta H H Bunt, Jr, Miss B Caw, Morvide. La X T Powell, Alissouri W C. George, Tennessee ' JONES' HOTEL—Chesteet Street, above Bluth. John H Clark. Missouri - C C Cube. Philadelphia W 088Mbla t Il KentraSkfrß...& ,,, „Ken. ,, ok, JHranse;a",..‘, nbt P ;Woods, galesberg Mr Itenvon, Brachial' JAhanet k. oh, Ohio A H NW. North Carolina Yo Burt.ildass W Goldstone. N H H Beetling. New York Mrs F Davenport, genes Mit Cabal, FeeeMlVailia F. Drnmend, Jr. Baltimore Mns E Dentnead. servant !Mrs M Beadent, BaltiMore Theehild. Baltimore 'RH Butatine, New Jersey, Bell. West °better Jns Marsdrn. New York 8 It Kramer. Baltimore Mrs 8 H Kramer. Baltimore $ P Jenks. Philadelphia D Cross, Masussoansetts P Jonas, Massachwietts 'Rola Brown, Philadelphia thimlMororom N H Band Panelling, Bangor Lewis Carter. Bangor sal Gardner. Maromohusetts G Posahard. Havana I J Blair, New Jersey C E Yale), New jerwar. A cVark. New York Nee se .en, Cincinnati I W Hever, Virginia J Westennister James Wuhan, New York Jas McDormit, New York AMERICAN ROTEL—Chestnut. above Fifth. .G Hach's, New Jersey . _ E Prancer. Ireland T Borland, Cincinnati Frank Hatch & la, Wig . W R C Otes, Cleveland Mr* E d Hood & eh, N Y B kwoope, Clem rfield. Pa fl Harvey! Baltimore , 8 A Minor & son.Kentucsy G Banker, New York Nlilarel. Newark De Thomas. West Cheater W C Blain. Philadelphia Walter Kirk. ( d D. Villa 4. Brady, Pennsylvania Johnny Rine, _Wilm. Del 'J Brown & don, Maryland Mae or JA W addell ft at-Wilson. Wesiempy Tr 8 Mason. Virginia M D Barnes,-New York W H Boyd. Montrose, wc, flaunt Torrey, Alabama D M Convtll, Paterson, N .1 Stewart. Paterson. NJ arts MJ ttnerle & la, N J Stainsby,Newark New Jersey RT. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut. above Third. If II Beaumont. Hooks no Jae Pawards, New York 'WA Umstet. lowa A MeLaurin. Baltimore D Nelson co. N't .Edward Clarke, Phila. LT Heddett. Newark. NI Jhl oC Martin. Wyatt. Pa W Hatterthwaita & la, Del A lf Mellish. New York -A Pt Tomlinson, N Jersey W 8 Cook, New ie soy F Everett, New York base Buoaer, Baltimore Mosesßucker, Raltinnore Z Smith. Washington Alfred Permit 'New York It F Booth, Wok mond. Va :F H Mark, N Jersey Mr Kellogg, New York Miss Smith, Washington 4 STATES UNlON—Market street, above Si xth. oMFreeland.Phileda N P Dtinbar Pittsburg 'Henry Snyder. Pittsburg Mies K L Dean, I` Haute .0 0 A Stußibaueh.Chemhorgb' Mns tool. Chamberebure Rodgers. Chambersburg f RNesbitt Greenville, Pa P. Woodruff St w. Pittsburg C D Pittsburg A J Wollkill. Lewistown Den A t ivingston.Lewist'n Jag M Dale, Lewietown W Sanderson, Lewietown 08 Nesbit, tridiara county R Wood & wt. Patabett Wirel3 eistown J G•ant. Pittsburg B Pitteburg P B Goittrey. Pittabii , v H Watts, Pittsburg Wm 8 HaVall, Wm, Del Chse A Hares, Chester no ,James T Btarlwin. Del H C Hall .ts Is, Colton E Clark & lady, Boston THE UNION—Aroh street, ahrnin Third •W Bemple..Alleshenv John Pnbnre, 8t Louie "Aobtf.eello. Zaresville WWt nrk. • ahlead. Page. Ashland WO Hay, Wineow W Donahue. Pennsylvania N lora, train O U Price, Ohio J Oadwateder. N r lbany It litiehmond.Va W 0 Perry, Philadelphia D Teller. Ph ladeipma r , the email. RaePrfdePre 'e r 8 Brace k la. Momphil Mt.* Arno... Memphis lohn.White, Point Pleasant 1 X Semple, kiloton NATIONAL; NOTPL—Race street. above Third. Jonas Shelter. Parts county V Ti Phelter. Harks county r:4lBitter. warriabore John pe”,,srivanies A , Ernyder. Pennsylvania I,lvto rishwe , e W I one. Harrisburg Cam-hell. Ha-ro.bura John Moore. Philadelphia 11 1 Handler. Potts, We It I Miller. Philadelphia • 8 &amen, Wilkosbarre P Uhler, Uhlersville, Pa " FOUNTAIN ITMEL—SOOOnd streat. above Market, PHorton, Delavr , re mar. Ite , r lend .Tas hl Smi. Maryland REJeekann, Md R 4tnr't and ohm 11Ny don, Delaware Wm H Wav New Jervirr F ilidovay viand Townsend. Delaware ni,Arm RFA HOTEL —Thild it. 16. flallewhill. Mood 14 flerhteh Pa .Taant, Fkoer, Stonoraville, .'lleha A 1-trfPnan..llf adinff thAk Prlea,ll.adinT Jo. o , , , man. t.nha , ar Pa T Wayne. neroville Paml orrill, Philadelphia John Stork. Philadelphia eapt-I , lErdman. Chas Val Naas Plank. Per.neylvatils Chas .1 Roseberry, Easton J Yoho, Easton BARMY RBEAP HOTP.b—Seeond it.. below Tine. W Davidson, Pennerlemma B notts,,Jr, Bucks co , P Mrffann. Pennsylvania. F. B Boileau te yr. pa .4 p r Ztl i l i germantown _B . B Xll3lO. etrolol9l3o3g . Than P nerve , . Do 'Mato rhaßoider, Pennsylvania 0 Pinter, P 1 ' 11 ' 1 ' 1 ° 41 ". Evan D.Joneg L Penns. , Oeo Abraham, Wayne 00 Jag Taggart, mercer co Theo AI Pearson,l ranton SIT. VrANON HOlBl.—Sewind street, above Arab. 3 E P_elley. , Pennerlvariia 0 Reed. Hencoop ORO W Jackson, finila Jon A Baer. Philadelphia W Vailbert kW. N York Mr Spencer. Hawley , A Calder, Bement:Pa W W Williams, Wash NI rtnineon, nanzook, N Y 3 W Walker, Boston M.BinnLANTIP EollBE—Third st.'.. ahoy. Callowhill. N R Zimmerman, Lewieb'g Simi Wertz, Allentown ono Brown. Chester .. John Martin, BrideeborK Trosell. Sellersville Gee Woolf, Germantown WWI RothAtellertovm Tlson Bowman annver apish Btruble.-Ziosi r fl 1., Lebanon 03 J aftWiest. eehnglkill co .1W Ha r m a n W Haven Plisitowellehiontgomerloo n 15 , Pa. COMMERCIAL Ronli-4iith Street. ab, Chestnut. R Martin: Cheater county E K Planluntne,Pottatown Wm ftoberrs. Motgotnry so W T Mamma. rennet Jahre•D Worth- W Cheater Irwin H Baines. Laud co C • nr.inetrw. Wag Chester L Tredereek, Columbia Woaell." C Columlus 3 H Crawford , Maryland wo W Parka!, hester chn,o 'Ps• D J Drown, Wilin'n, DeL It herehree, 00, i gl e BALD A LY. lIOTEL 7 Tbird et., above Callowhill. tie ; , zar i e co, • , ge t t r f a T i elA us Itt r owu , rier,gllernt g SPFAitin NOTIOES. A 1,1,8110111,1) not fail to read the adverj itlisooloot of rrof, WOOD ill to-does oaf*. ant-tt OGMPOI72IO . .EXTILKOT OF SARSAPARILLA FOG ?Salmi° RooT Dias.—A pleasant and he - albs beve rate at Fight Gents a GtaUcin, for family use. Fall di-, re:diens accompany each bottle. Its universal and in- - orer .aing popularity' Is its best - rsoommendation, Be. ware of Muria roue Imitations sold on the credit of our extract and advertising. Tne genuine rewired only by POTTER k GGAMFIN, Practical Chemists, WES TERLY, F. 1., Wholesale Agent, for Philadelphia.' DVOTT k C 0.," 252 Nertlt StCOND Street. Sold by Drliggiete and Grocers generally throughout the country. i ltl9 thstulet* CARD PRINTING;BEST AND CHEAPEST IN the City, at 34 Routh THIRD 'treat. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest iu'the City, at 34 South THIRD street, BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD street. - 'HAND-BILL PRINTING, Best arid Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other denorip- Hon of Priming, of the moat superior quality, at the most reasonable rates, at RING WALT & BROWN'S, Dreirel's Building, 34 Borah THIRD street.. SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SMUT TRIMT aostrAnt.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. RULES. I. Money Is received every day, and in any amount large or small. t FIVE PER CENT. Interest is paid for money from the day it le pet in. a. The Money is always paid bath In GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notion. 4. Money is reensivea from Executors, Administrator*, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. i. The money received from Depositors M invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other fad eless securities. S. Offloe open every day—WALNUT Street, 'southwest atom Third street. Philadolshia. JAM ONE PRICE OLOTmNG OP TERI LATEST' EITLES, made in the heat manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST belling prioee marked in Plain Miami. AU goods made to oraer warranted satire faotory. Our ONE-PRICE eystem is aridly adhered to, as we believe Nairn be the only lair way of deans' All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO.. ,eB-tf IKE MARKET Street. BRAM RR B HAVING Filliti--NORTIIWIST CORNEA SaCoND and WALNUT BTaßETa.—DayOlfita re. carved in small and large amounts, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT, per annum. Money may be drawn by checks without lola of In terest.. °Sloe open daily, from 9 until a &crook, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Presi dent, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, CRAB. AL MORRIS. SALAMANDRD NIRS-PROOF SAI I IIB.—A very lame assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rear tenable -wipes, No, X 4 OREEPNUT St., Philadelphia. malS-tr gYANS k WATSODI• MRYH R S t iiIIIRAOOLODS VERMIN DR STROYER, the oldest and best remedy known for Ex terminating RATS and MICE, COCKROACHES BUGS, ANTS, MOSQUITOES, FLEAS, ItIOTHS, GRAIN WORMS, and GARDEN INSECTS. Principal Donot, 612 BROADWAY, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. MARRIED. • CORDAN—BROUGHTON.--On tho 22.1 of July, Mee, by Ald. John fitedh Mr. James L. Cordon to Mrs. Emily Broughton. both or Philadelphia. FoWL. R—WOODINGTON.--On the 17th of July,' by Ald. W. G. Conroe,. Oscar P. Fowler to Mine Ruth mine, daughter or Halt Woodington. of Elkton. Md. * CaFFHEY—GRANVILLE.—On the 10th ult., by Row Father Lilly, Edward E. M. Caffrey to Margaret A. Granvlllo, both of Philadelphia. DIED. NRILL.—On the Bth inst., Rev. William Neill, D. D., lured= The funeral servirea will be held on Monday, the lath, at 12 o'clock, In the Sixth Presbyterian Church. The friends of the family, and clergyman of all denomina tines are particularly invited to attend. MIDDLETON —On the 7th met.. anus P., daughter of the late En and Mary 11. Middleton. Th• funeral will take plans from the residence of her unnte. lames R. ) Oaesues. No. itim Wallace street. on tab; (Fifth day, t at 4 o'clock P. .M., where her friends ate i nvi t e d. Mt an FORD.—On the morning of the a seenstant, lltre. South nradford. in the 61st year of her Funeral Lem her late residence, No. #33 St. John er reer. t new Crean, en this (Thursday) morning, 9th Into . at 19 o'elock. WGRIFFiTHI.—ang. da u g h terns Griffiths, wife of illioni G and of the late Nicholas Le Hutu. egad 48 yettos. Friends are ItNtled to ^ttsnd her funeral from the re• fW. Sterne, Na 129 Noble street, on this elltuttaloy l rtemo.tri. Ata.tu.t a at b o'cdook. CARO % On the 6th instant, John Casey. In the 60th year at lus age. Funeral his te.'e resid•res, No 33 South street, ou thisTharetlar afternoon at 1 o'clock • 11CM 1 .11 , 1,. On inlets, evening. the 6th test, Mr. tra-rdi Hummel, in the 71 , t year of his Putters , from rho residence cf eon in law, Mr. James E. Treater. No. 8.17 t ork avenue, on this ('I huts days morning nt 9 °Week. MOORE.—On the 7iti inst., john Moore, aged 22 yea re. Funeral from the residence or his porepts. Pole thorn (late Perry)street. below Thompson, this (Thurs da mo , raine. ar 814 n'olnek. • 7111RL'ON —On the Ming.. Charles Abbot, Yonne eat ben of James M. and Agnes Mormon, aged months. Funeral this (Thursday) afternoon, at 4 o'oloek, fr,tm Falls of Ocher Iklll. NIXON.- - -On the 7th inst., John Scott Pilsen, in the 79th year of Mu ann. Funeral from his !ale residence, Otis street, late Wood street, third door above Amber, this (Thuradap afternoon, at 4 o'elock. McNIULTY.—On rho 7th inst.. Arthur MoNulty, aged (6 rears. Funeral from !gelato residence, No. 1312 Race stre . el, on Friday morning. at 9 o'clock. JONEII—On the 7th inst., Mrs. Elisabeth Jonesoged 87 nears. Funeral from her late residence, No. 831 North Second street, this (Thursday) )Morning, at 7 o'clook. LAWLESS.-00 the lth inst.. Andrew Lewin'', aged 43 years. 4.unered from his Into residence, O'Hara's mut, Seventh street, below Oh ippon, this (Thursday) after 'mum nt 3.0'0100k. . . CLOHOSFY,—On the 7th inst.. Mr. TiloMlls Cloho- SOX. In the 67th year of his age. runernt from his late residence. 1331 Fouth Fourth street, below Wharton, on Fnday afternoon. at 3 o °look. ,•• • . DllllF..—On the 6th inst., Barbara Dhile, in the 78th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence. Ridge avenue, between Bth, and 9th mile stones, (hie (Thursday) afttr naNte-freie 7th inst., Henry Greer, in the 2.Bth yenr of his age. Funeral from the residence of his (Thursday). E Webb, No. 1022 Wood street, thus at. ternoon, at o'clook. - GOUSON.—On the 7tll Inst., Marie Barb era Goujon, :wed 71 years. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 916 Platt' street. en Friday morning at 8 o'clock • the 7th inst.. James Friel. aced 40 years. Funeral from his late residence. Nimes street. west of Twenty-third, below Market, thts (Thursday) of wimp, at 1 o, ohmic. WHITELEY.—On the 7th inst., Mrs. Hannah White ley, aged al years. Funeral from her husband'. reeldenee, Marshall road ;Cardington, Duper Darby, on Friday afternoon nt 1 OBITUARY. Mrs. SARAH BRADFORD,_."oIiot of the late Charles Bradford. well-known in the Northern Liberties, died on 811136 Y morning. at her residence, In St. John street. below Green. A. more exemplary woman never li ved. A more dted mother could er friend to ail Wo enjoyed tier cionfidenoe but, e'llom be met with. She lived beyond the meridian of life, and has left a family and a large circle of +imminent:ism to lament the void which her presence alone could fill. her grave Will need no tablet whereon to record her many virtues. They will live and bloom with perennial freshness, and be Inscribed upon the hearts of those who knew her but to love her while living. and in death will name her but to praise. Her funeral will take place this morn ing. BLACK AND PURPLE FOULARD SILKS. ?lain black Fou'ard Bilks. ? ? lain Barogoa, X. 6 4. 7-4, and 8.4 wide. Black Crape Mares, gams widths. Gray Chine R. nu Poplins. Graf Cherie Mimes and Mohair/. Black Barer e. ruffledpoints. I.upin's hummer Bombazinen and Chair'. Bleak and white bewail and Organdies, &a. BESBOG__& BON, Mourntaaßtore. No. 938 OBESNUT Street. N. B.—During July and August we close at 6 P. M. %IDE ONLY RELIABLE ARTICLE-- ••• maims Pate,nt INDELIBLE PENCILS, lot Marking all kinds of Clothing neatly and indelibly. They do their work better than Ink, Without ita trouble or rink of Blotting, Eaoh Will mark 2.000 artioles. For wile,.97holegale and Retail, by D. 0. TAYLOR & Agenta for the Manufacturer. No. 911 CHESTNUT Street. .102-em PATTENTION! REPUBLICAN INVIN- CfBI,ES.—A Stated bleating will be hold at the V:tiarterg. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Btreols, on TIII S (Thursday) EVENING. at 8 o'clock. GEO. INMAN RICHE, President. BON,. Hucgat..tleoretary. I t* WAU lAN lAN BENEVOLENT ASSO. CI GRAND EXCURSION TO vIL OVA.— AA. R. A. will give an EXCURSION TO VILLANOVA on THURSDAY next. August 9th. the proceeds to he disbursed for the relief of the Poor, without duninotion of creed Cr color, the coming win ter. Tickets One Dollar• Children half price. Core will leave the Depot, ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8 o'clock A. M., precusely. A fist-class String and Boise Band wilt accompany. the Excursion. An eminent eatefer is engaged. who will sell refresh ments of the best kind at the lowest price. No stance, other than the "Caterer's" wilt be allowed on or about the Grounds. DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE VtirrahVlDßCll.l4; AUGUST d. IBA.—Whereee, J: ems ped on Saturday last from the custody of the Officer of the Court having him in charge ; and, ns the ends of publustico require that said felon should be , pished for the mimes of whiek he lies been convicted I offer a reward of FIVE HUNDRED AND Fl Fll7 DOLLARS, which I will give to any person who will apprehend and deliver hint up to Justice. au7-6t WILLIAM B. MANN, District Attorner. POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PA —August let, 1860. . arrangements at this 06i00 foe taking charge or the City Letter Despatch having been completed. the pahlie are Informed that on and aftor this date thrum will be four daily oolleetions from the United States ct'er Duel. at the following hours, viz: 8 and 11 and I and 5 o'clock P. 111. Four daily de t vene will be inialy. viz: At 734 and 1616 o'clock A. 51. and .45 and 5 o'clock P. BC The charge for collecting letters for the mails will be one cent Newspapern noel Foreign Letters will by col lected without charge. The charge for city letters. In eluding collection and delivery. will be ono cent. In alt cases they must he prepaid by postage damps. au3 61 1 N. IL BROWNE, Postmaster. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READ/NO RAILROAD COMPANY. Manon,lMO. Tito hollers of tho bonds of this Company. due July 1 100, oan nosy reoeivo. upon application at thie o ffi ce, DI ptr cont. in cult, pima tao terms eyomfiod iu the mon far attached. . . The holdere are also entitled to the benefit of a /fink ing Fund of $140,000 per annum. as established by the stockholders at their annual ineoting, held January P. ISo.I, and In pursuance of the contract, entered Ate by ho company and duly CIRC reoorded, to carry the smite Into fleet. B. ULAR ti.AOFOR.o,. Treasurer. Nome to tie Holders rJ Phslodelphia and Readies Railroad Company Mortgage Bondy, dun %ply I. MO. Thcas bonds are gowned by the first mortgagee onjhe road, amounting in tne aggregate. to .33,3ff1,t00. The not revenue for tho last humid , ear was Mx times the &mounter the annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them fora paned of twenty foam, the holders retaining the bonds end the security of the mortgages in the precise condition in which they are now hold. Fresh chests of coupon' for the interest, payable half-yearly, will be awned. A bonus of 10 per mint. will be given to the holdera, in consideration Cl their assenting to the extension. Ibis bonus will be paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds, on their signing a receipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the °glee of the Company, or to its agents, for endorsement. ' Forms of receipt and endorsement will be furnished orl s appllcation. Islot4Of of the; oariff MentIKOTII, Ili if . MoII.I.IENNY. Mearotary. REMOVALS. REMOVAL.—The undersigned have re moved their Office and Salesroom from the Foun dry .at NtiBLE-STRe ET WHARF, tb the N. B.oornor of SECOND and RACE &mete, where dea!ern will find a large collection of STOVEI of the m -et approved patterns. Tinned, Enamelled, and plain Hollow-ware. comprienng an assortment eeoond to none in the coun try. All orders left at the office, or by mail, will receive prompt attention. LEIBRANDT & MoDOWELL. Philadelphia Stove Works, au9-1m and Hollow-ware Foundries. REIM PHOTOGRAPHER, IS NOT AT 920 Chestnut Street. but at hie new and superior taller ,1319 c,•HIioTNUT. where ho will be happy to see his old friends and patrons, and the priblio. It BALSAM TOLU—For sale by , WETIIE IL H N L & BROTHER, Noy 47 and 49 N or th BB CORD MIIM AN trtivit§toit, 'itiOUST 18603. SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS: FA i IiCI , Y, DRY GOODS, IMPORTA.TIONB FOR FALL, 1860. M. L. HALLOWELL & Co.. 27 NORTH FOURTH STAKE r. Aro prepared to ' oiler to the trade their usual varied assortment of Goods, rtuclhased on the MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Bp experienced buyers, in the prinoipal , MANUFACTURING CITIE! OP EUROPE. These have been selected with care for And will be offered at prioes to command attention. CLosn BUYERS, from all motions of the country, aro invited to inspect our stook. TEatiii.--Bix months credit to Merohante of un doubted standing. or *ix per cont. discount for oath Twelve per cent. per annum discount for advance Payments. au2.thstu•4m MARTIN & WOLFF, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Cash and prompt Six months' Buyers, of all sections aro invited to an examination of our Stook. auB.Bm" A . W. LITTLE da 00.. SILK GOODS. No. 325 MARKET STREET. aug-3m R E MOV AL. • In consequence of the destruction by fire of their TXIIRD STREET STORE, YARD. GILIAMORE. 8a CO. HAVE• REMOVED TO NO. MO CHESTNUT ST.. SOUTH SIDE, ABOVE SIXTH, PLIILA.DELPICIA. They have now open AN ENTIRE NEW STOOK OP SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, GLOVES, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, 4.c.; Togother with a LARGE ASSORTMENT of STAPLE AND FANCY WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, MANTILLAS, ',to. Raving received but a email portion of their FALL IMPORTATIONS, vrovious to the fire, they aro enabled to divots,' A NEW STOCK. to which they invite the attention of their Customers and Borers generally. ens 3m PAPER MUSLINS, WILLIAM McKEE & Co.. Noe. 22 South FRONT Street, and 23 LETITIA Street, Are now receiving a LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of their CELEBRATED MAKE of PAPER MUSLINB, various qualities and colors. nua-Stif PRINTS 1 PRINTS . ! The Subscriber invites attention to an assortment of PRINTS. Which for extent and variety is unsurpassed in this ma rket, consisting of the choicest styles in MERRIMACK, MANCRE3TER, GLOUCESTER, GUMLESS, PACIFIC, SPRAGUE, COCRECO, and other STANDARD MAKES. Besides a fall litM of ENGLISH PRINTS. Now open and for sale by the Piece or Paelosse, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. JOSHUA L. BAILY, 213 MARKET STREET, and-tr PHILADELPHIA. WURTS. AUSTIE. McVEIGIE-1. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS. No. 311 MARKET Street, above Third. Charles Wurte, Henry Austin Hamilton T. #,toVe i g h , PHILADELPHIA. John e. Weimer, 1 Joseph Burgin, ) nul.3m FALL AND WINTER. CLOAKS 83 MANTILLAS FOR THE• WHOLESALE TRADE. SOUTHERN and WESTERN MERCHANTS buy itopneAlginti, rzg h ol w er e te o r 2s, are invited to in- LOW PRICES. AND ON LIBERAL TERMS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. THE PARIS MANTILLA and CLOAK EMPORIUM, '7 05 CHESTNUT STREET. au7•Ym FALL GOODS. 13AROROFT & 00.. NOB. 405 AND 407 MARKET STREhT, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Stook complete and ready for Trade. au2 Sat R WOOD, MARSH, & HAYWARD, IMPORTERS • AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, NO. 309 MEREET STREET. Fall and Winter Stock now complete and ready for buyers. aulSot INSURANCE COMPANIES. INSDRANOECOMPANY Or THE UAW'. OF PENNSYLVANIA, Flurannynis, August 6,1830. The directors have this day declared a dividend of Six Per Cent., or Twelve Dollare per Shore, out of the profits of the company, payable to the stookholders, or their legal repreeentntives. on demand, au7-10t WILLIAM HARPHR, Secretary. T ax MUTUAL LIFE INSUBAROI COMPANY HEW YORE. Mots: RIX JRILLIorna OP DOLLAR/5, IRSllivin in2inwev MORTGAOIS 0111 arab Mani wORTH OVER T 11,000,000. 1170 Wallowa are Lows". than in many ether Map* dee, and the Dividends hem been saavollai WkLs is a strictly kirrirei. Company. Them* lit liteekhobiers, so that ALL THE PRO 11L0$§ TO Utz 1t5111). ?ornate*, emit every information, May luN pima, appimationl OR T R R. W. song; Ir t Al anNAttil &SIAM* PHILADELPHIA REFERENCE/Or Thomas Robins, John Welsh, • Mordecai L. Dawson, Gems B. Bteark, alo, M. Stroud, John sayers, E. IL Wh i pn, j. Fisher ambsg. Roes Patterson. William . Ladling. john M. Atwood, • Arthur el Conti:, 0111611 H. Powers, *corgi!. W. Tolind, William Moitee. Tho. Watson. nit-trit• VANE INBUItANCE COMPANY, NO. 406 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHLA, INCORPORATED APRIPENNS YL L. DKVANIA _BY THESTATEOF SONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND maim *Mani W_Oght. DIZGOV D O . N IL RG1307. Wm. W. Walters J. W. Rvermalli Ches. Itinlardnon: Henry klimu,Jrn Gen. A. Wed, Jamb W. GUM, 0. Wilson Davis, Blank° Stem Thos. B. Ma GEORGE W. DAYaresident. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vine Fres% WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. Ifall-1111 STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, JUST RE calved, entirelyneyr goblet:2g. STEREOSCOPIC INBTMU MEETS made in every style, end sold low by M. J. FRANKLIN, Optioian, 112 South FOURTH street. below Chestnut. iscr Spectaolee and Eye-glaaees correctly suited for ell axes. microsoopes. Operm .glasses 4.. in a great varlety.ot the very lowest *dam wholealti• or total!. . au3-atlf 333 MARKET STREET, FIRST-OLABB TRADE, I=l 334 MARKET STREET. COMMISSION HOUSES. RIDGWAY, HEMMER, & 00,, IMPORTERS OF • CLOTHS. DOESKINS, , AND OASSIBIERES. Solo agents for PR. EROKENS(Litt`oTtoket.) AV A A C S II L A M I 'l" h re. ) & M. Olq ) P. O ERRS mAN & SON, Mold Meuala.) RANSON& BROS., Watley Casqinseres,) E. TOENNIEEI & CO., and other manufacturers of the greatest celebrity, 206 CHESTNUT STREET. istd•lnt WELLING.COFFIN & Co. 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer, by the package, the following description of AMERICAN GOODS. OP STANDARD RAKES AND IN GREAT VARIETY GREENE MANUFACTURING CO.'S PRINTS ; BLEACHED AND BROWN MEETINGS, SHIRTINGS AND DRILLS; OSNABURGS, DENIMS, AND STRIPES; CORSET JEANS, SILESIAS, AND NAN• KEENS; CANTON FLANNELS AND PRINTED LININGS; RHODE ISLAND LINSEYS; PHILADELPHIA LINSEYS AND CHECKS; KENTUCKY JEANS AND COTTONADES; NEGRO CLOTHS AND KERSEYS ; ALL-WOOL AND UNION CLOTHS; BLACk AND FANCY CASSIMERES ; BLACK AND MIXED DOESKINS; SATIOIETS AND UNION OASSIMERES; TWEEDS, CASIIMARETTES, &a. nuT-3m I • C. HOWE & CO., ••• N 0. .: 240 MARKET STREET, • AGENTS FOR THE MANCHESTER PRINT WORKS, Have no. in Wore a full assortment of the various goods niade by the above company. A large variety of very choido styles of M. DELAINRS, CASHMERES, OPERA CLOTHS, PRINTS, Itt. J. C. HOWE & CO. Are also Agents for GLENDALE. CENTREVILLE, MERRIMACK. ELM STRRET 11111 .Ln uk Y N , GREEVILLE. BEDFORD BRADFORD, TAFT, & CO.'S BLACKSTONE MILL, J. T. SEAGRAVE & CO.'S GRANITE MILL, And various other popular makes of FANCY CASSIMERES, UNION MILLS BLACK DOESKINS, (Very superior high-lustre goods.) ndian Orohard, Bleached and Brown Shim tinge, Shirt rigs and Drills, Colored Corset Jeans, km, &o. The attention of package buyers is solicited. Philadelphia, July 31,1860. Jy3l.tuths-Imo WEILER & NEEDHAM. ORARLE> WEILER. SAMUEL NEEDHAM. GERMANTOWN HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS. We would call the asocial attention of Hosiery Buyers and Manufacturers to our new and much-needed im provement in CHILDREN'S and MISSES' TUCK RIBBED TOP HOSIERY in Striped and High Colors [PATENT APPLIED FOR.J atm, FANCY WOOLEN GOODS. HOODS. CLOAKS. TALAIAB. SACKS, SONTAGS, NUBIAS, &0., Sto., Comprising OVER 24/0 STYLES from the latest bend- knit designs. From our own long practical experienoe, and employing none but prat clam toechanioa, we are prepared to offer to Homer- Buyers a line of theme good. EILCOND TO NONE to point of workmanship, Myles, or prim, and reepeotfully aolloit the patronage of the Trade. Sole Agents are F. V. KRUG & 00.. 326 CHESTNUT BTHEHT iy?-xtuttiam HOSIERY GOODS. F. V. KRUG & CIO, 325 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer to City, Western, and Southern Wholesale Buy most oornplete line of Staple and Fancy DOMESTIC HOSIERY GOODS, Ownerieins, in part, GERMANTOWN FANCY WOOLENS, GERMANTOWN CHILDREN'S MISSES', WO- MEN'S AND MEN'S HOSE, BOSTON RIBBED HOSIERY, AND WOOLEN STOCKING AND SHETLAND YARNS, Being the best ealeoted and most complete line of hese goods we have ever offered, and which are suited wants of the market In price, quality and styles. Sole Agents in Philadelphia for the WATIRVLEIT HOSIERY 1. MERINO AND MIL S, I OOL WAT RDURY KNITTING CO.' SHIR T SAND DRAWERS, NORFOLK HOSIERY CO., HALF HOBE HOED. OTIS MANUFACTURING CO., WALLACE lb SON'S STEEL SPRING OSBORNE AND OREESMAN'SIi SKIRTS. Also Agents for t the AMERICAN AND HOWE PIN CO.'S PINS. jyt-stuthSm WASHING TON MILLS, FORMERLY BAY STATE MILLS. suAwLs of all sizes, in great variety. Emboesed and Printed TABLE COVERS. UNION BEAVERS and BROAD CLOTHS. BeALMORAL SKIRTS. DOESKINS, and Doable and Twisted COATINOB. 6-4 SACKINGS and Leavy ZEPHYR CLOTHS. Twilled and Plain FLANNELS and OPERA FLAN NELS. Printed FELT CARPETINGS. For gale by FROTHINGHAM h WELLS, 34 Booth RRONT Street, and jrll tf 36 LETITIA Btreot. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, 'B5 MITCHINSON, O. 11S CHESTNUT trit.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE .remGOODS. MEDICINAL. PROF. MORRIS' EUGEPIIALOS. There are 100,000 Sufferers from DIREASER of the NERVOUS SYSTEM, in the city of EM'adulate, who °an be oared by ff mon/ PRoEtif OR hIORRIB' _ _ U 0 . F. - .IHA LO S. Which it an original and . . . . . . WONDERFOI. REMEDY. Compounded from the private formula of Professor Morris, M. D.. of this city. It acts directly upon the Nerves BY ABSORPTION through the pores, and it ne BOTTLE trial of it &INGLE to test Its marvellous virtues. Sufferer r s from N X RV EUMHNETDFTHM BRAIN. (WIRRAL, DEBILITY. NEURALOIA. RREUMATIShI, CHRONIC NERYOOSNESS, &c,, Will find the desired relielby its EXTERNAL USE, as directed in the Circular. TRY IT ! TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT ! TRY IT! TRY IT ! TRY T. TRY IT! TRY IT TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT ! TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT ! TR TRYT Y I T ! TRY T ! • If on are exhausted by over-much study, Ifyou salter from sleepless nistits, /fyou are a victim to neuralgia, 1.1 you are prostrated by excessive grief, If you crave stimulatin ! g drinks, TRY IT :WIT! YR IT! TRY I T! TRY IT! thoPo mteerabll As it will rem,. is tholes - Wiley - 4 - 61e sensations which in. duce&morbd disposition towards Intemperance. TRY IT If eon are suffering from Nervous Debility in any of its forms, and you will find it a soothing and INVIGORATING APPLICATION to your nerves, and worth many times its coat, in t/W relief afforded. Numerous testimoulais from the most respectable sources can be acen, by applying at the Otrio o of the Pro prietors. Prepared by MOCKRIDGE & CO., No , 62 North PI/LINTH Street. gar And for Bale bY Druggists generally. IYT-if For the INSTANT ASTHMA. MA and PER NENT CURE of this tUatR ELIErF essins coin plant. nw FEND T"8 BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, ?We by C. B. SEYMOUR & CO., 107 NASSAU Street, New York. Price 51per box; seat free by post nio-cii in FOR BALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS'. ir NICHOLSON, J • Manufacturer of SHIRTS LINEN nnd MARSEILLES BOSOMS AND COLLARS. A large and chomp ossortment, and Mild, mann. always on hand. unto which I particularly invite the attention of CAIITI and prompt-paying SHORT-TIME 91. 6 L E : Corner of SECOND and ARCH Streets. Phila.- dolphin. au7.9ni • PITOIL-275 barrels Pitch, in store and for male by ROWLEY A _ABHDURNER, & CO., :Ph 1* SOUTH WHARY&O. BREAD. puma AND CHEAP BREAD, MANUFACTURND BY THE MECHANICAL BAKERY, lAN NW OBTAIN= AT TEI POLLOW/1111 PLACES: MECHANICAL BAKERY, 8, W; conger of Broad and Vine streets. 0, M. CLARK.— ----Poplar street, below Tenth. E. cornet Sixth and Coates etreet. JATHO & BON, .No,iitie North Fifth street. JOHN G. No. MG Vine street. T. P. SMITH.. —No. 111 North Fifth 'treat. S. 1900 Y— E . corner streets. and W. W. MATllEWS.........—S lt. f. , :zw e egventh and D. KNIGHT.— street, below Wal- GEORGE GARVIN HIS Lombard !street. • D. COURTNEY. --N. W. corner Sixteenth and Pine streets. WM C0URTNEY—............N0. 006 South Twelfth • street. B. R. WANAMAKER— e F der al street, above • Sixth. 13. LENTZ—. South Fourth and L. HOLLAND.r. — J W no n n e s S e xtee nth an DAVID SADDLER—....N Cgd gI s igltt Eleventh street. I. WEIGHTSLAN---Thl= street below S. B. TOMKINS. 1010 Nort h Front B. BROOKS.— —B2.7, l :r e n s e t r re o e f t. Seventh F. corner Tenth and E. B. TURNER,............—NoNTSI3 r O e uth Front tree t. SHUSTER--- —B. s W. corner Broad and Parrish streets. THOS. T. BLEST-- —Corner Nineteenth street and Ridge avenue. B. S. E. corner Plinth and Federal streets. J. MoINTYRI3 Twenty-second 'treat, ab. Coate o s. ALEX. FULLERTON.--....Corner f Fifth and Chris- MRS. E. RAMBLER.---..—No ti . 17 an. 31 Coates street D. F. do T. W. WOLF 633 Girard avenue. WM. McCRACKEN —Mee Hamilton street. R. R. .N. W. corner of Twelfth and Melon street, FOLIOS KLEIN --.8. W. nor. of Thirteenth and Parrish street. AL E. corner of Fourth end MRS. F. ELLIOTT GOroartne n ti a t ah and Green street. J. L. Camden. N. J., store Ile Arch street. C. H. West Philadelphia, 66th et. ab. Haverford road. N. L. YARNELL.----Leruti, Penna. JOHN BARNDT— Tremont and Pine Grove . Penna. GEO. B. TOWNSEND.........West Chester, Penns M. .Atlantio City, N. J. D. Florence, N. J. 8. F. EBERLEIN -Calambi's, Fa Jal4/ JOB PRINTING. THE NEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE "THE PRESS" Ls p tapered to extant/ neatly , cheaply and expeditiously 119.1111.7 DISCHIPTION 01 PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTINf. PAhlfithisTE, PAPER BOOKS, UIROULA 88, BLAPIKE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. /0151 E IN. NANDBILLS, Printing for AUCTIONELRS, LAWYER& MERCHANTS, hIANUFACTURERS. MECIIANICS,,BANKS, RAILROAD AND INSURANCE Alt orders left et the rub!Mellon Offloe of TA. Pm., N 0.417 CHESTNUT STREET, will be promptly attended to. tale tf PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! "A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE." ECONOMY! DISPATCH! SAVE THR• PIECES! As esculents wilt Aal7rn, seta re woti-rirsalewid fitontliss, rt is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys. Crooke fr. Ste. SPALDIENG'S PREPARED GLUM meets all Nook ethergenoles, and no household can afford to be without it. It ill always ready and up to the stick ing point. There is no longer a neoemity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles. It is just the article for oone, shell, and other ornamental. Work. so popular with ladles of refinement and tag*. This admirable preparation is need oold, being ohs. =MOO' held in solution, and possessing all the valuable Modifies of the best binat-makers' glue, It may be need , • the place of ordinary mucilage, being mar more achesive. "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." X. S. A brush accompanies snout bottle. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Wholesale Depbt, No. 48 CEDAR Street, New York. Addteu HENRY O. PALDING & CO., Box No. WV, New York. Put up for Dealers in Cues containing four , eight. and twelve dozen, a beautiful Lithographic, Snow-cum wisompanying ouch Pukes& 6,7" A sin t o bottle or SPALDING'S PREPA USD GLUE will save ten tames its oast annually to every household. Bold by all prounnet Stationers, Druggists, gard , ware and Fanuture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Stores, Sounh7 Merohanti should make a note of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUM, en making up their Hut. IT WILL STAND ANY CLIMATE, TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Jg. OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Jacob B. Miner and Caroline his wife, In right of the fluid Caroline and t. Itta Morrison, plaffitiffs,vs. Ca nine' Flew, Mn B. Clark, Enna Flea, Joeeph Figs, Mi riam Flee, Joh aEVane, and Sarah tits Wife. Catharine Boyd, Hannan Pies, eamuel Borden, Johnßnrden, Jo- Reeh Borden. Ann Borden, Loula - Burden, Benjamin Bevan. and George Bevan, defendants. Action of Partition. No. Mof .ikuitast Term, 1860. [Copy of Writ.] Montgomery County, as. fR .1 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the She A ri L lT of Montgomery County. Greeting. We command you that you summon Samuel Figs, Ann B. Clark, Eliza Figs, Wag Joseph Figs, Mi riam Piss, John Evans. and Sarah his wife. Cath arine Boyd. Hannah Fins, Samuel Borden John Borden, Jo seph Borden. Ann Borden, Louisa Borden, Benjamin Bevan, and George Bevan, (defendauts,) late of your county's° that they be and appear before our County Court of Common Pleas, to be ho'den at Norristown, in and for said county, on Monday the 20th day of August, A. D. IMO, to answer Jacob B. Darner, and Caroline, his wife. in right of the said Caroline and 1 , lira Morris on, ( plaintiff's), of a plea wherefore, whereas tho and plaintiff, and defendants, together and undivided, do hold all that messuage. tenement, and tract of land. situated in Lower Merton township, in said county of Montgomery, bounded by lands of Wit lain Lesiva. Sa muel Sanders, and Dente Kelly, contaiums five acre, and thirty-one perches, or thereabouts, with the ap purtenances, ~arttlion thereof between them according to the laws and customs of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania inauoh oases made end provided, the said de fendants do gainsay and refuse, and the eamo to be done do not permit very uninetly and contrary to the same laws and customs. Anil haveou then and there the names of thoao sumnioned, and y Ws writ hereof. Fail not. Wanes, the Honorablo Daniel M. Smiler, President of our said Court at Norrfstovrn, this lith day of June, A. D. 1860. [Signed.] F. SULLIVAN. ProthonotarY. Published by ord er of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery county. JOHN lii. STAUFFF,R, Sheriff Jyo.wBt E WHIM NATIONAL EXHIBITION AT CINCINNATI. OHIO, SEPT.I2th-Itch, THE UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL SO CIETY will hold its Eighth Annual Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition on the grounds heerally provided by the oitizena of Cincinnati. which are to be filed up in the best style. 'I here will be Halls and Tents for the display of Impleinerts. Machinery, Tools. Domestic Mani factures. Farm and Garden Pr•uluoe. Fruits, Flowers, and Native Wines With stalls a d pens for Horses, Cattle, Sheep. and Swine, and an ut equalled Track, one mile in length and forty feet n width, for the exhibition of Horses. The Premiums t gored to cash. gold, /diver, and bronze medals, diploma, and certificates amount to Twenty Thousand Donate. 'rise Exhibition wAlremain open rout WEDNESDAY, the 12th, to THURSDAY. the 2( h of SEPTEMBER. thee giving time to examine and test the implements and machinery. For premium lists or informaLon apply at the office of the Society. No. 356 PENNSYLVANIA, Avenue, top stairs,) or to the subeeribar, at Cincinnati. Ohio. PEN YERLEY POOR.P. Secretary U. S. Agricultural Society. au/ ew-teell 1" N. KLINE & CO.-,_116 WALNUT ST. •./ • J. N. KTAm.§. & co., 116 WALNUT Street. J. N. KLINk. A CO., 110 WALNUT Street. J. N KLINE'A CO., US WALNUT Street. AROMATIC CORDIAL DIGESTIVE AROMATIC CORDIAL DIGESTIVE AROMATIC CORDIAL DIGESTIVE AROMATIC CORDIAL DIGESTIVE WILL CURE THE DYSPEPSIA, WILL CURE THE HEARTBURN, WILL CURE CRAMP IN THE STOMACH, &o. Read the following certificate from Hon. J. IL YOST. U. 13. Marshal, Eastern District of Pennsylvania: PHILADELPHIA, June 4, Mi. Messrs. J. /V. Kline d Oentlemen : A member of my family, having suffered with the Dyspepsia for several years. was lately recommended by a friend to try your Cordial' and gm happy to say teat before using the contente of one bottle she could enjoy her meals with a good appetite, without feeling the least moonvemence. 1 takegreat pleasure in recommending It to all who are of J. Year U. 8. M. R. D. of Pa. AROMATIC DIOEBTIVM CORDIAL—This excel lent and agreeable preparation is one of the beat means of improving the appetite, promoting digestion, and giving Wel and tone to the stomach, which has yet bect. offered the public. It is an old mien receipt, and has been in use for many years in the families of the manufacturers, where it tut roved an invaluable rpm! for DYBPHPBI.4, HEARTBURN. FLATULENC , and CRAMPS IN THE etTOMACII, arising from ao dor indigestion. All persons having the tenet tendency to indigestion should never be without it, as a small wine-glass full. taken after meals. will exolude the possibility of contracting the dysotiesio. It is composed of fifteen Ingredients, Bitters and Aro motion, and only needs to be tested to be approved and a i P t P rinhowant beverage, and may be used with safety, pleasure, and advantage by invalids and by those in health. o be had at all the leading Druggists' and Grocers', pu up in quart bottles. Priori one dollar. Manufactured and for sale by J N. KUHL' & CO., jel3-wiAl3m 116 WALPI VT treet. SUMMER RESORTS. VPIIRATA MOUNTAIN SPRING.- Thug popular waterings oe will be kept open daring the Manna o f an weather, and unti. tile front mite In. Person; desirous of spending the remainder of the season where they have the advantage of pure water, pore mountain air, (at an elevation of twelve hundred feet,) free front foam dams nights, and WM: loan. usually rising from sluggish streams ro gorges of mounra ns end low locantres, will here find every com fort and amusement to be met with at the beet-regulated waterlog-places. For further particulars and circulate, please call on Joe. B. Myers, corner Third and Vine Sitreetsnd James S. Earle & No. 1310 Chestnut ,a Street, Pheridelphia, or on JOSEPH KONIGMAIIIIBIt Ephrata Poet Vitae. Lancaster county, Pa. au9-1m •• UNITED STATES lIOTEL, ATLANTIC ClTY.—Grateful for the patronage so liberally ex tended to 1d01,,, the early part of the season. the sub norther begs leave to nay that he hie now ample aeootn , modations for all who will favor him with their patm oage. Io OTFLP n WORDS. ILK 113 NO3 FULb. atiCat J. hIcKIIIIIIN. SUN HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. Thin fine old mansion. founded before the Revolu tion, and intimately connontoo with some M the most interesting features of our national Motor,. is now of capacity to accommodate a large umber of guests. The house is conducted to the best manner, end no thing in wanting to make it the pleasant and comforta ble name of visitors during their sojourn in this de lightful inland town. The air is salubrious, the moun tain and river scenery beautiful, and to the seekers of either health or pleasure, Bethlehem is not excelled by any other summer resort in the Union. au3-1m J. Lhl BkB.T. Proprietor. PERRY COUNTY WARM SPRINI - favorite Summer Resort is now open for the reception of suitors. Fine mountain scenery beauti. BA walks and (hives. facilities for boating, bat t ing, and fishing, and the health-giving qualities of its waters, make it a most desirable place, both for single guests and for families. It is in daily communication with Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Pittsburg. by means o' daily stage. and mail connecting with the trains from these plaees at Carlisle, Pa. Terms moderate. For particulars, address JOHN EARLY, Warm Springs, Perry comity, Fa. 111 , ANSION ROUSE, MOUNT CARBON, fiCHUYLKILL °MINTY. PA. Families accommodated with good rooms at reduced Prl tl e tili old-established House, located in the gap be tween Shire and &mond mountanui, immediately on the line or the Phibuielphia and Reading Railroad, within half a mile of Pottsville, formerly se pt by Jo seph Read, of the old Monition Home, Philadelphia. hoc, niece his demise, been under the charge of his daushter. • . The House is prepared, at all seasons of the year, for the reception of guests. and has been recently put in order. The large garden. and park adjoining, presents great inducements as a summer resort, to persons wish ing to knead a short time away from the duet and tur moil ai r. he cities. thecawthey can breathe fresh moun tain and enjoy ild and beautifial scenery of the coal region. Commutation passenger tickets. far the use of fami lies, are sold at a reduction of twenty five per sent., and an accommodation train will leave Pottsville daily during the summer months, to enable those who may desire it to spend the business portion of the day in the city and return the same evening, on which the charges will be thirty-three per cent below the usual rates. For terms, apply to MARY READ, Mansion Hones Mount Carbon, fe3o-tin ' fiehuylkill Co:. Fa. LONG BEACH DOUSE, opposite TUCKEETON, N. J. This Hotel is now open for the reception of visitors, both permanent and tram natant. Having been at a large expense in refitting and re-furnishing. I feel assured. that for comfort and con venience it will compare favorably with any house on the coast. The heat mills and servants have beet procured, and no efforts shall be spared to render the stay of guests agreeable. The proem:lts for Gunning and Fishing are excellent. Oysters of the finest quality I have in abundance. With those increased advan tages, I am confident that the most fastidious will have no cause for complaint. N. B.—Capt. WILLIAM GA KILL will run a daily ins of first-class rackets from e Santa City to the beech, one of which will be at Atlantio every morning on the arrival of the morning train from Philadelphia. Parties wishing to coma by way of Lead ' s Point, or otherwise. by addressing me a few days in advance, will have a good boat to meat them at any point named. le9o-6w LEWIS P. STEWART'. MANSION HOUSE, ATLANTIC OITY, N. J., ISAAC THAYER, (late of Surf House,) Proprietor. This Douse has been very much enlar-ed and im proved. Hee now a liar!.e rnber of Farad, Rooms, not surpassed by any hotel' at h is inty. It is lighted throughout with gas. New end fine walks SIAVO been laid to tho ocean, which will be lighted at night, from the Hotel to the water, by splendid reflect nig lamps. Attached to the house (bat separate from the main banding) is a large Hall for Hope and Parties, with a first-clues Ice Cream and Confectionery attaohed. Over the Han there are forty sleeping rooms for single gentle men. There is also rtPlar- ground for children, well shaded end enolosed, with ewinre, Tho catering department will be under my own es pecial supervision, and I trust that my reputation is sufficiently retablistied to satisfy et that my table will bo unsurpassed. 'forms will be 813 per week. Transient Boarders 0/2 per day. Carriages attaci ed to the House will take Boarders to and from the Ocean free of charge dorms bathiagheare 1.323-tf ISAAC THAYER. BILL HKADS, AMERICAN 110 TEL, ALLENTOWN, PA.—This well-known and popular hotel has, durin ti g it t E heAaa by t iss E as N o i n ,Aaor. boon D AND IMPROVED. and is now in capacity and convenience second to none in the interior of Pennsylvania. The beautiful and healthful situation of Allentown 'renders It a de• lightful summer resort, in virw of which special ar rangements have been made by the..trovrietors tone commodate summer boarders. J. Y. BECHTEL, j 02.6. to el it W. RWONY. LA UELS BEDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known and delightful Summer Resort will be opened for the reception of Visitors on the FIRS"' OF lONE. and kept open till the let of October. The M otel will be under the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whose exoenence. courteous manners, and attention to his guests. give the amplest assurance of comfort end kind treatment. Parties wishing rooms. or any information in regard to the place, will address, the subecriber, JNO. P. REED., Pac'y and Treasurer, ilf.dford ALineralSorings COMPANIES CONGRESS II ALL--ATLANTIO CITY, N. .I.—This spacious Rouse. initiated at Atlantic City, will be reopened with every tiecommpdation_for visitors on the 25th instant, by the subsonber. The Rouse fronts the beach 12d feet,giving a eplendid view of the Ocean. and is near the Fishing and Bailing point. No pains will be epared to secure the comfort and con vnience of guests. con 'se THOMAS C. GARRETT. NEPTUNE lIOUSE—ATLANTIC) CITY. I —This popular and eminently favorite Rouse at Atlantio City hae, since the closing of last season, been enlarged. refitted, refarnished, and completely ye- Invenated in every particular. and is now open for the season. From its delightful situation, near ness to all places of interest, close proximity to the safest and best part of the beach, it is rendered one of the most convenient and decidedly the pleasantest house on the Island. Terms—slo per week; SIM per day. Children and servants half price. Joins BAILOR, Proprietor. It. L. FUREY, Superintendent. COTTAGE RETREAT, Beautifully and conveniently Waded at ATLANTIC) CITY, N. J. Boarder! accommodated on reasonable tenne. Je2o-3m M. McCLEEB. Proprietor. STAR 110TtL, NEAELT OPPOSITE TEE V. P. ilortm, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. _SAMUEL ADAMS, PROPRIETOR. DINNER „ FIFTY CENTS. ALSO, CARRIA G ES TO HIRE. fa - Boarders acoommodated on the most reasonable terms. MANSION HOUSIe, MATIOH CHUNK, CARBON CO., PA.—This is the most comforta ble and extensive hotel in Northern Pennsylvania, and the proprietor flatters himself that thins far he has sue ceeded in keeping it In a manner that cannot fail to ea tie all his guests. The Rooms are newly and elegantly furnished, and the Table alitays contains the very best the Markets afford. The hotel to located on the berate of the Lehigh directly opposite the railroad depot. and at the basol Manch Chunk Mountain. A path leads from the rear o the bosom to the top of this mountain, from which point. some eignt hundred feet above the Lehigh, the most sublime scene imaginable ut presented. The House to abundantly impelled with the beet and purest Mountain Bering Water. Sat - Rot and Cold Baths can be taken at all times. life-tai CIEOROE HOPPF.S. Proprietor. Amyx l.l.oAN HOTEL, MAIIOII CHUNK, PA.—Thus HOTEL is not* hest in a manner sr- Cording every oonvort to strangers and travellers. Arrangements hale been made thot_season CO 11030M modate SUMMER BOARDERS. The moat sublime mountain scenery and rural enjoyments are here af forded. MECHAM, WiLiittlAt, OEO. W. WILItELM. je2ls.tsel Proprietors. riniE SEA-Slit/RE—ATLANTIC CITY. MoKll3lllll'B U. S. H ifEL. The undersigned, propne• or of the above-named hedge. being now prepare( to receive guests, re spectfully solicits a share of the Dublinpatron age. Sihce last summer tnere has been added to this hotel a font storied wing, 140 feet in length. con taining I beside the bed-rooms.) a suite of three Parlors, for lathes. and two for gentlemen t also, a reception toorn, wash-room. and Imamate bar-room. Bowling fawns, Billiard RtKuris, and hot and cold Salt-water ath Hooms have been constructed for the acoommo dation of visitors, and the whole house will be Belted with gas. The house has been newly painted and ter toehod.whilo the abetted grounds surrounding it have been put in complete order. A well-manned pleasure Yacht, and an excellent band of Music, have been en gaged for the season. J. ttIcKIBDIN. jela CARLISLE wurru SULPHUR SP R INU S, Cumberland en., Pa. Accortineelatsorisfor 300. TERMS OWE OWEN. 1 itl-am UNITED 8 PATES II TE L, LONG sitArictr, N. I.—The subsoriber takes this method of informing Me friends and the yobbo, that on and after JUNE 10th his house will be open for the re ception of guests, when every effort will be reads to please those who mar favor him. The house an plea santly eituated on a fine bluff. with lawn in front. A full view of the ocean. good roads, stabling, k make it as attractive as any house in the country. The e., com munication is accessible by two daily linen tram foot of Walnut-street wharf, via.: 6 A. M., and 2 P. hi. Reference—Grandy, Warden, & Co., tlit9 Chestnut street. E. A. 81t0EMAKEit, je9-1m Proprietor. COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND CAPE MAT. New Jersoy.—This largo, first-class HOT RL will be opened. for the reception of guests, on the 20th June, MO. The House ban been completely repaired and refurnished. A new cocking rause, ovens, steam boilers, and every modern improvement added. Extensive stabling attached to the premises All letters addressed to the subscribers, Cape feland, Now Jersey. will be promptly attende d tn LAIRD WOOLMAN. James 11. Lai rd ,late proprietor Franklin House, Kills delphia 8. IL Wmilinan, formerly proprietor Mount Vernon Hotel. Cape Island. dOm pAGLE HOTEL, BEICILEIIEbI, PA. This large end old-establishedllouse known as tho " LEHIGH VALLEY RATREAT," i■ now open for tho season. The itooommodations of this Rouse will he found unsurpassed. The ride here, by the North Pennm, tvaniot Itntlrnad, is one of the plea santest in our State. CALEB YOIIE, Proprietor. je7.l3Sin. AMERICAN HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND— Mrs. M.REYNOLDS. Proprietor.— Thie favorite hotel will open for the reception of medore on MON DAY. June Rah. It hoe been fitted up in tho beet style. and every attention will be paid to the comfort of it, guests. 1618.1-ItEepl SEA BATHING. NATIONAL HALL, CAPE, ISLAND. CAPE MAY. N. J. This flue, large, and airy house is NOW OPEN for visitors. It to distinguished for comfort. locality, and superior accommodations, with ample room for YiNi per enrol. Terms moderate. re23-2m AARON GARRETSON. Proprietor. SEA BATIIING, CAPE ISLAND, N. Jr DELAWARE HOUSE inflow open for the Benson. tete-Bo NIVAI 111 RA V. Prov.i•tor NEIV PUBLICATIONS. MY YOUR BOOKS AT CVANS' GIFT .BOOR STORE. 43U CHESTNUT Street. . . . . Poets are sold as cheap as at any other store. and JOU have the edvanlaye of to ereciving a handsome Present. worib from Fifty Cents One Hundred Dollars, with each Hook. THE SI'ININY SOU rill ; OR THE SOUTHERNER AT HOME; embracing Five Years' Experience in the land of sugar, rice, and cotton. Edited by' Prof. J. H. Ingraham, of Mississippi. One volume, 12eno, MS pa gas. Prieto e 12.5. LAW ES' WRITING PORTFOLIOS In great variety, and a gift with e'ch ALL THE NEW BOOKS In every department of Literature. Books of Fact, Books of Fiction. Books of History, Books of Farmers. Hooks of Biography, Books for M eenanics, Books of TTAvel. Books of Butner, Books of Adventure, Books of Pathos, Books about Horses. nooks for Amusement, Books about Patriots, Books for Devotion, Books about Indiana. Cooks about Soldiers, Books nbout Hunters. Books about Sailors. . Call in, and one trial will assure you that the boat place in the city to purchase Books is et G. 0. EVANS'S GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT. Vo• 4 39 CILEFITNIIT Street. pUOTOGRAPII FRAMER of all dcscrip Mons constantly on liana, at low prices, at II EL SUER'S OALLERI ,t , Et;Oo D street. atxwo tfteou. Al h aving photographs to bo framed should call on Ret or. The !events rejsort for those Who appreciate brand Scenery, Pine Mountain Air, Invigorating Bathe, Large and Well-ventilated Rooms, Good Society, and a Good Table. M=l;=l I.:EiIDRNIN. h. VIBBCHER, C.Antele Bpnng, re, AMUSEMENTS. pENN A. ACADEMY OF THE PINE -m• ARTS.-1023 oßsarrevr Street. Containing a large oolleotion of 70natings anollieul ture,, in now open daily front il lt. tin 41 N. Ad - minim 115 ota. ; children underl2 seam MI eosin. Jyll-tt WANTS. WANTED—The services of an efficient v Salesman in a wholesale Boot ,and Shoe louse. Address, wall reterrenee. •• T. & Co.. ' this (Ass. as! UV WANTED—A middle-aged man with a Lam baying of Elos`ory bodoom. Moues •eoured Inth interest. ands foir ofidory. Ad dram'. " limery," office of The Pns s. sof WANT CD.--From Two to FiTO Thowand Donor, way le invested with {the Nebel:fiber. in a business wall established. As interview will ern vines that a fortune can be wed', and the amal i i i i . a vested realized esirtainly within sax iisciatltia ca n be paid ein instalraints as may be afield 19 " 4 rg a penult of ney and enterprise, but Irttle ereeer re geliad. Address. full name—stating whirs aB view may be had, considered nonfidentiel," 21 - 0 .• at this (One. aNTE,D—A young man as Sales tan, v who is thoroughly acquainted wita_tie Morolint Tailor's and Clothing trade of this city. To soy Borms capable of filling this position, Liberal onsnywasw will be given. Address Box 411. P. U. WANTED—A Situation, by a man, thirty-sem years of age. *Vestal:dry 11114fi- Mare in butane% o I good address, atid eassretea m a z y m ill almost any position. either at a elerlita t , or salesman. Is vary respeotebly earawew, illil give the mot ton ralemees sa to tatagn 1.4 energy, and businees aapsoity, _A mallsratelalaty„ tile present will to seceptiiii. Aileron " B. G. za. 01 The Presa. . FOR SALE AND TO LET. is TO RENT—Two • spacious, well lighted, trell-ventilatod Boner. near Pre Ex change, suited for printlair oases, or for znenegagoanag purpose,. OH there amigo obiampoweriLlSlObed. £4ll- dress "X. Y ' box 1397. Poet Oghoe. era•lia WANTED TO RENT A dwelling • • house, with thres-ettn7 beak butildnesa. situated west of brood and north of thrinc Gatel Meek* Bent not to exceed ens. Andress 'p,. at 111111 offi ce. erff 111* THE UNDERSIGNED, WISHING TO devote his whole time to therwtios of me boles will dispose or his DitiT(} STUMM sitgarad No. eh North id IitSBN Street, Lanesster. , one of the cheapest and best markets is lk• oireatry. Persons can lire more comtortablyin this city rhea us Philadelphia, and at half the amt. Te store II situated lathe principal business street. and has beep Is sateeme fel operation for about AZ year,. There is s WINOS the premises for five years, with the 'mellows of gimes It up at ring moment the occupant feels disposed. Ts a good purchaser, terms will be made OW. Fgf Author information call at the store. D. McCORMICK. temasster. August al, laCtl. melt GERMANTOWN PROPERTY. For Bale or to Let, a large and convenient Rives tit_ Germantown;_gam. water. large Lawn, end pipirt7 of /bade, ill one of the best locations ; well be sold ow. Address Box WO, Philarielphia post Mane. ern-1.11 To BUILDERS.—A large lot, having three fronts. suitable for immediate imirometem situated na TWENTIhTIi street. below CATHAitletra. , Will be sold on eithommodattna terms to ARM who Improve. For term, to., address •'K, ofae this saver. IM-if pAOTORY LOT FOR HALE. —A -a: lot, having three fronts, admirably situated I l l = Southwestern part of the city. Witt be seated or sold on reasonable terms. For partioahus, spiky at aus office. 1,10-11 TO LET—The first floor of the fine Build -e- ing N 0.704 CHESTNUT street, formerly amyl as a wholesale (and lately as a Wail)y tt irx.i. gles ofJ MAU Perfumery Store. Apply at the o & Co., No. 704 CHEeTNUT Street. Phtla. J fll-1L MISSOURI LAND!! 300,00 Q Soros for Sale, at prima rants( from Iltg to 00 cents or Acre in any smoothies elettlqad. TAXES slid, end PAThNTS prepared for Sarah"- se re of food under the Uraduation Lot. Plato furnished mho by eneloang a gootoge stamp. For further tnformaton a_potr W Lsor4, OD., U. 2. and General ligad_Ageate, 640 CRESTA UT B. tween THIRD and FIN Loll NIV. LAND WARRANTS bought, ookt Cr , and toestid. Iy2-3m IoR SALE—The Stock and Fixtures of s Wholesale Boot and shoe Bosse. now detag a good business. This Is a good opportunity for any sae wishing to go Into the business, or a house mi i irg to u. increase tho trade. Batisfsonsor memos selling oat. Address "Box SOSO," Plitladstplas hest tigrioe, with name. *IV 'nNURSERYMEN AND FLORMITS For male a , large lot Ire Elostrehera " of the ay. well sort r e . d for a SLYMDIT. ar ms tint. or "attic addreee " 'at this ase-ti BOARDING. VAMILEES and Gentlemen desiring sups rior board for the summer cueitow have ado* of lane. coot rooms at 945 WALNUT I.trailt. 17151 PRIVATE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and their famihas, or single gentlemen, east be seems modated with Board, with pleasant and k rooms, furnished or anfurnuthed, at 616 I.,OCUS aad M, south alde of Wnahington Pager,. The location, Da tes opposite to one of the handsomest parka in the city, is central. and extremely pleasant Transtent penmen visiting the city can be accommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A haemostat froutroons. with pmvate entrance. for rent, suitable for an oSee. T WO YOUNG GENTLEMEN VAN BE accommodated with good, abi_spart i r s iteith or withent board ?t a *mato lastly. tral. Address ' TOLBERT," tlttualth Maar. Patch. &BM EDUCATIONAL. • 9111 E MISSES CASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S Eng Ugh and French Boarding and Day.flobool. for Young Ladies, Pio.l7lXl WALNUT Street , w ilt as, re opened an Wednesday.Bept. lath. ' MESDAMES OMEGARAY AND DIMS JAM- VILLY respectfully inform their _friewhe sad the pnblio that they hava removed their Boartiad sad Day School for Yonne ladies from Lossallsoare to Noe. 111.7 and 1529 SPRUCE Street where Ugly will be toady to receive their pupils on THURSDAY. graptess ber 13th. Meadeunee CHEGARAY and D'HERVILLY will re ceive visitors at Do. 1809 LOGAN Square until the 20th August. i!11-110 A 2d/RIOAN SCHOOL INSTITUT/ is s isi A -IL reliable median thir t taiitargh So sal Pae i t lies tilitall nr e tram mit -yeas ...S: 1 '' am% want , a ~ CH EiRDOWAY. rw rh y lasu r a. 11S-t1 w CHBINT UT Street. BRYANT k STRATTON'S NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLIS(' gelphio. 8. N. corm -818 sat Nov I irk, Balfalo, Clefoload, ; Yet Ina motion. Gall or wad for PERFUMERY. DYOTT & 00., No. 232 - North SECOND Street.—Having removed to our new and specious atom we would will the attention of Dnalota to our ex tensive stools or PATENT M SLIMES. PER FUMERY. and FANCY ARTICLES. Mir list eons prises a greater variety then eon he found at any estab lishment in the United States, and our pneeu wilt com pare with any market. anT-tothalss CRISTIANI de 004 PERFUMERS .BND IMPORTERS, RAVE REMOVED TO NO. 35 SOUTH FOURTH BTREET, Five doors above their former stead. C. & Co. have plateaued all the mstenale, monlds. &0.. of the late Orm of T. 11, Perste & Co.. Mo. 718 Chestnut street.) and have added all their 'West° their own variety, with many new ones far the mount lea ado, making the most complete assortment of any hones in this wintry. C. & Co. continue the importation of DRUGGISTS' ARTICLES, of which their stock is nowvary complete. They wilt spare no pains in their attention to the wants of their customers, end maintaining the good anahtynt their articles. ati3-tool SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FlJND.—Oorn maiTillni=t,...aonjheartdrirneL.lVALPTUT and o'olocs. and on 510:IDA.? tills the y eving. 9 h it Old Inettution has always paid to fall, on ditaguid, 'without notice. INTEREST FIVE•PER CENT. All sums paid book, oft demead on gold Aga silver. Ykidlißta. ALEX. WitiLLINN. President. SAM.. 'WORK, - Vice President. John C. Farr. T. E. Harper. George Nugent. John Anspaeh, Jr., Paml. T. Bodine. Alm C. Roberta, John Altman. Jonas Bowman, H. H. Eldridge. Wm. J. Howard. JOHN B. wthaort ,Tremartor. JOHN 0.81518. Secretary. 3,10-Im SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, Offion. 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and Callowhill. Incorporated by the Lskisiabire April Idth,lB6l. Open for Deposits end Payments. daily, from 9to 95( o'clock. Also, on MONDAY and THDRBDAY EVE NUt ClB. from 6 to 8 o'clock. Intereels per cent. per annum. Depositors can with draw their moneys by Checks, if desired. Special De Points mowed. JAMES 8. PRINGLE. President.. FRANCIS HAJAT• Pleoretarir. sall-tf if NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. HEAD OFFICE. No. 42S CHESTNUT STREET. New Building, Philadelphia Bank - -- 1NC0ME0VER........ FIRE RISKS TAKEN AT MODERATE RATES LIFE RISKS ON FAVORABLE TERMS GETTY a LIEBING, AGSM. 6u2 thstu2n2 AVANA CIGARS.—A handsome as ortruent on hand, br . recent arnvals; nom- viinar— Cabanas, • l'artagas. Figaro. r epacola. !Verdun°, BLao& Bes. Amullt9, Zuagoanna. Adorsoton. Arroto Hondo, ..4.e., &a., Of all sizes and qoallties, for tale low, b 7 CHARLES TETE. _ -- 130 WALNUT Street. A ZUMEA I AZUMEA ! AZIIMEA ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA ! AZIIMEA ! PROF. MORRIS' A TOME& BAKING POWDER. Manufactured solely No. 651 North FOURTH Street. and for stale)-- writ-11mi! 'PROM PROFESSOR BOOTH. In my opinion the HaRTELL JAR combines more ad vantages than any others for Preserving, being wholly of glass, cleanly, strong. and durable, closing air-tight, and opening and shutting with facility. ANL3 C. ROOTH." FROM DR. ATLiE. E " I have used the Bartell All glass Jar in my fermi) for the preservation of Fruit. and in comparing it with others previously emptoye i for the purpose, I consider it highly preferable, and particularly so to metat jars or Tars with metal tops. It is per featly air tight. and tree from all possibility of taint, as is the case with metal. It 13 secured with more ease. rapidity. and certainty than tip cement or solder. and opened readily, while the fruit is kept in the moat admirable manner. Raring tested the Jar well, I consider that it meets all the indi cations that can be desired. AsIIINGTON L. ATLXS, hi. D.. No. 1101! Arch Street." Manufacturers under the Patent. BARTELL & LETCHWORTH. No. 13 North FIFTH Btreet. C9NTINEI'TAL NAILS, (Edge Gripe,) manufactured at the Portage Nail and Iron Works t from superior quality of Juniata iron, on machines ot the most arroved construction . and warranted to be at least equa . in quality , uniformity, and finish, to any other brands in the market. Other brands (flat and edgeeripe) always on head. JOB. O. 1). OH OtaTht&N. 42 t COMMERCE Street. Prince Pc Christmas's superior solid-eye Planters Hoes for sale as above. 1,14-111 m UNA COFFEE.-1,000 pockets prime J JW.I. Coffee. for Isle by JAMES GRAHAM & CO., LETITIA Btrcet. D 7 ' l )R'° RICO SUGAR.-250 hhile mc. dium arid strictly Hipps SUGAR.-250 sib, by JAMES SMILAX & CO.. LATI-n& .56.298 800 81,200.000
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers