.■ftbare i«ißf gtf- toe / AMTtab? tofl'basteMXad'boeß rboeived to tbo Inti ; tertoe ihiPfeabftieton Qra<s.> /; Md::|»WMi«Wn t,tlTa'cl»-V; tkie .’ottsatioijipf'tie: endaipe.i.l < »jMng - »n« fifty otttfet (Kota dlfibrent psftp of tho.cosn tejr, laTntt«ibeZma»tototldlMinan» difitrent pl«8os,, :T5» tf tb»»« inrUatlon jfrbpladbithooMelbilltyßf arsplyto eaehof them, Sffi^Sggff^K l Ssx£. "the Wdihln|tonGra}«, that perp* at oaoa eat' about mtkliur anapnswtUK’S'™ t ‘ le ™ a recep tion- Onpt,. Longßranch!'to a ' Special messenger rreedeefibiehodto cell him home, and ,bb. tta* espeotSd ffutnyp y«<eriiaj.'itel«- Itrsphio despatch w»* Teeelred JCBterdmy from tbs Z'marm'iattaoqadlbit'Uiat tbeywonld arrlva in Philadelphta.peme'tlmS tip day, at whet boar It sot kD*rt,; bu* probably {a - the efternooa. Bib 7, merce weib at West Point yeaterdse,' where they - .wcettsdrtU with one of the oompanUp of.tbs 80- % T fa'k H*gimetit of. Sotr.Tptk, who had assented •ItheTrohalTtogs. The committee c.f arrengomenta oftheWashlng ton Grey a bare bosh lobhiug oat for a suitable piece for thoiirangerstogtVb an tahibKlaa of ttteit drill; and it lJttpacted that It will ukotilaoa to morrow afternoon at tbs Point- HhbesePark. This plsselsaVefy fine One-for toebi purpose, bat iu dlitauw froo the. thickly itet tied portions of toeelty, nod the Tael that the public. are'BOt Sd- HiUed. meket H Tery-ohjeetienehla for a display ’of ibis kind for thase-nwon*. If thh ZoosTeacsn drillas wall as repreeentbd, the pablle aboold beTs . tta pritllege of witneuli* it, : A , drill - of- the 1 etrsoaereattbe Academy of Molds Is ttlkedofas part ofth* programme. , . ’ StrPkavtsoßg'AppoiNTHn.—The following list or, Saptniroß for tta esrloos wards in this City has Seen returned to the Mayor by’tte City Commtmlonere: .- ~. ' Pi tst'.Watd—First Division'—-W m. Fo9tvr,Jarot B Hcffuerr, HooitonSmith. Seoond Division— Wm. Hidings, Juba fa Nagel,;John!.ong. Second Wardwtmes Falby, Joseph, Elliott, Jas. DiVttpfi’t. ' ' . *■/ >■ Third and Fourth Wards—Samuel Mitchfll, 33. J. Touog, Janes 8*». • ’ * l ''\ Fifth sod Sixth Wards—John Gibbe,!lhemii Grant,'Samuel Z«ne.. .Seventh hud Eighth Words-*Henry Bobb, Sami. MnCeUr, John FSbanser. Sloth and Tooth Werda—Jamts Kelly, A. P. Mitlls,JohnSttKit.. . Rleventb' end Twelfth Wards—William M. Wil ■on, Henry Mdle, Fdnard Simpson. Thirteenth and -Fourteenth. Wards—John W. Middleton, Oaoer D Hal), George Naßhevß. .. HaToeuTH o Keketine. . Sixteenth mod Seventeenth Warda—Andrew W. Wright. Jeete Dattro. Samuel D; Tcmpkioa;: ■ ' KightMakh Ward—Jeeeb Belter, Goo. VT.Han klnaon, Waa. MrCatehepu.. . • nineteenth Ward—C. 'A'.' Bonder, Montgomery Jshnson, BarjemluEwHer. - Twentieth Ward—First Diriaion-rWilllam T. Djjle, Sainoel ShbwXker, David Bowera. Second Inriaion—Robert Keiil.i lloary Myers, Joseph Twenty-hrSt Werd—First Divlelon—William D. Thomas, John Dyer, Thome* Jeffraa. 'Seoond Di vision—Jacob H. Kecoh, ,Franklin W. Uagy, Ja cob L Warner,.' . . '' /' , Twenty-second Ward—First Division—Danielß. Harper, Uiilory Kriekbenm, Wm. Little. Seoond D.'ffafon—Reuben Banda Joseph' Porker, Babe Springer- ,s‘ Twenty-third Ward—First Division—-Thornes Dickaon, Itaao. Mann, DanlelMoroney , Seoond Dlvlaion—Denial D. George, James Pratt, Samuel Shastar. Third DWWen—George Hart, Simon T. Bhngart, Jacob ;Baekelt.';. Twenty.fourth Ward—First Divirion—Joseph Frees,. John Sloan, John A. Dickinson. Seoond Divldon—Joe. B. WUliamr, John A. Brown, John Geddis. Third . Divides—Wm. A. Fredaricks, Wm Smith, Jersy Knot. Tbs New Fecoed-sirket Market —in April, 1859, the Lrglilature of Pennsylvania In corporated the Union Market Company, which project edgiaated with tbeJaruera of Bocks and tha/nelghbnrtng ooaatlea; the object being ten ants e snl'aMeoarket-hOusepherafarmers might dispose, ofthelr prodoea In their own way, and en joy «{nxl -privileges vrlth'bntehert and others. The eowpany Waa organised the sth 01 .April, 1880, end since then the property known as the Limb Tavern; hecond street, above CnilowhiH. has been salee ted as the dte for thamarket-honae, being one of the most nlijjdbTb in the «!>y for that purpose. The plan for'the bulldiofcls regarded as one of ihb handsomeet yat designed. ;; Tharewill be fbnr main sivenneoJthiMghJt, thirteen fret tlx teeheawule, extending from Ftcond to St. John street, .npd the italltwilliiomber 205. There will be n ceUtr, esderntath'the whole for storage and ether par poaet. The bnllding will be erected iu the most snbstantial manner, and ell the luteat Imprnvt menta for eomfbrt end enoreelence wilt be added. Tkacostlaeatlmatcd atsl3o,ooo. ■_ .. MgxTDJG op thb DaosoiaTS.—A meeting' waaheldbythe Phertnaoeotiateon Wednesday evenMg, at the College of Pharmacy, lo determine' anon irhet hoars their atoms thoald be opened on Sunday. The hoora died ene were ea follows: la the motelag, open notii 9i A. M.ln the after, aeon, from 1 to 3 hnd.in the evening, from 9to 10. They heve issued an address which cilia upon mediae! practitioners for enbonngement. In this rafnrm. It say*, In ooim: Union: “ Having, baaed thismevemeatmainlynpontkegrcnods orJerUe and erpedleaey, clalmieg only. share In that day of ralt-prhvMad' by tke henefioeot l.iwa or,onr Bun fit ‘ the ease of Breettdn,’ we cannot forgat tharihnw ere many, wtflrpU'je atew~.iiiijinffl9tr ta ahitain rrom nnnacesaary aacalar amptnymsmt dn fhia 4«y on the gronnd of paramount raligionl duty; and on behalf of these waelala n atill hlgbr r conalderailon aad willing icqniaaeanea in the fall exercise of eonseientioMt nonviations, whlnh. re gardlast of theological dlffertnees, all are bond • m reapect.” '■ . Pleasant. ixccasioN. The following named yachls wili Icave this oity for adrnieo at half past ten o'clock toil mb>jnlng, and axpaot to arrira at Baltimore at an early, hoar cn Sunday naxt. ’ Tbw yachts «Lillie,Captain' Daniel P. Bay, George Vanaeirer, saiUng'maateb, with 16 men; the ‘' Wm A; Delaney,’' Capt Wm Kronro, with 15 men; the “ Wm. W Abel,” Captals God frey Kroose, with,ls man—lota! 48 men. Oar en tlfa rquadfon of yaeht* will tom oat and eeoort them as far dowa aa BUUngaport. They will apend three days In Baltimore, and, alerting far Wash ington on Thursday, trill stop at Annapolis and Old Point Comfort on thb way. They will be absent from Philadelphia about sixteen days, end a vary pleasant Mm. la anticipated. ; Fukeral of jus Honored CrrtzKir.—One af the largest funeral escort* witnessed for a long time In thbcitv, waa that of Mr, David G-.-W.n»on, . who'wak borled yeslerday'nf'araoo'n from hia m aidanna in Dtlwyn ptrtet, at Monument Cemetery. Mr. W waa the artiinr partner of the Arm of Wl\- son A Childs, and highly jreipeeted.' The last two, er three yeare.ha has been totally blind, and en joyed.targely the sympathy of an extended etieie of friends. ■ Betidsn bin osrh ifomediate fomiit,. the fonera! waa attended .by tha workmaa of the lfm—from J5O to 2M la nomben—and by aevaral Old Falloir aDd-Maaoelo Lodges. The funeral aerrfeew wtniftiMapi hi’ Bev. B.' W. Hntter, of thn ffaw-atrsiKLatharui Church, of whleh deeaaatd waaamemher. Todkb Dbowhbd. —f’oroner Fenner, yes terdaT.hstd an leanest on the body o( an unknown nan found floating In tbs DsUwsrs nssr Bridssburg, on Wednesday exemlsg. The deceased wm appa rently aboat thirty-fire Ogata pfago, ' He bad llttht hair and ' sandy whiskers, bad -was fire feet eight Inihss lethslght.', Hewore light Btriped obb ttqcßra nantf» .tfhtta stoekloge, and gsitsrs. well worn. Thors mi nneoat upon tbs body. It had aoperently boon In tbs water bnt a short time, f • thorn heshetrnnottlssorproxlded toksep dead bodies to await Ideatlfiestras. sloes the destruction of the grsett boons, dehtßsed was Interred In tbo poWlchorslargrooDit. f ■■■•■ • 1 - gip iw Wabd. -At a meeting of,the roug iaa Clob of the Fifth ward, heldat tbs Upton Ho tel. Second and Soak streets, test exeslng, the fol lowtog raaotattona ware onanfmoeßly "adopted T V/itreat, We, tbeßeaiooratls.Pon|laa' OlaV of tba Plflh ward, haalox heard that whan too nano of Onr worthy and •tsaitfsst " Democrat, Charles . Helfrlebt, was sbnonooed as onoht the aloe prert -dents of tbs Control Donelss" Club, exceptions ware taken as to bis Deaglaslsm;' therefore be it Ueso/roxf, tbit we endorse raid , Charles , Hat frleht as a gsod sad tjrse Douglas mao, and fatnm bis flams to tha Ceatral Clob as ear choice for riot president to rsprnsut tba Fifth ward: I «oAii iHMiUfHiWci! —Qtra«T«i Sir* sroita—dndgs AlHson —Tbeesre nf John Donnelly, chirred with being aessesory before thafact to a larseny, ocoapied toa eoort all ofysstefdsy." The" exsasinstlon of Albert Bsker. which was Inter rupted by tha adiparnmeat of Wednesday, was pro oaadad with. Mr. Btxld Pan! Brown rrom-ex amined Mm at Sencldersble length.''ln the enhrse of thla sxaslcatten. Bskor statel tbst after bo oamdonr of priioa be Intended first to rob the silk store of Morrli l> Hsllowell. and made an exstci nationof thapratnliai-wlth. that ylaw, bntdnring the progress of that essminetltm the burglars bit . upon Mr.Bixto' store as likely to return a greater profit. After Ithsd bsett decided to rob B»ri«. Bot lir entered the store and asked tba loan of a dirso tory for a' few mica's’, and-whlla pretending to looxst the book be made an Inspection of tho.into ller of 'hostow. Afterwards ho wont op staira aod ordered amid bind-boxc*. eg a pretence, in order to examine ike upper pert of the store. ' - At Usher hsd festlfisd that he mot ,T*hn Bnr.- nelly upon ssvsril oocs'inns at hotels. Ac., Iba sross-exxtslsstloq wssodirsetsd - to_tb# feet whe-„ ' tbar or not anybddy bad sooh tham' togotbar, ' bat Baker was nnabtt, tSgtre tha asms of- a sin-, glo parson. ‘'.\ -y ..- -. ; * The, testimony .In eblsf oft"Cocksy' f ’Moynes oorroborated tka;itory"of B»k«r,, Ha underwent; • tHomogb.eress : agamUUUpn ettJU bands ol bn F. 0 Brewster. r;. In ordarto eosrobordta_B.eker.HiA: Msjnss In onspsrt of tkslr testimony—that, While pitting atone Sheond.street arlth Mr.DonneUK they met Mr. (MddleSack—that gentleman, was «Usd.' and" ho laatilsd that ha rcocllsotedeislog Maters* and Bakaroaths street. 1 "^'.V Crast-Miminad.—l dld sot notion Jokshßan nelly at tba time; It wes,oa aSslurdsyl test Haynes, and Biker; I think Msyusp and BAyr warn Sloaetogaßlorf I did dot nhtloa a tMfd pah •on; I ao!icid,B*l'er, bso«nM ho turned arannm J Philadelphia Markets. oTJsmm wss 'Mb 'K*"" 44 “• verJ , ’ all *»-io r- ■ There is ver j little —XS' Xy t.^VsSllhatshe WMnTeMnTto' demlad for Flodr, either for export or home use tpriosi •SSfoS" W J„ \nd *r* nstolr nooiSsl at tiM for superfine. *5 U> for rx ’ m£?i*?to*s udoet’fied thst X 1 rtri * ra ‘ •*« for extra tamilr. end fisostso for fenor ihtMHiiaTllbit(oflW7<- .t '-livni? ?"► 4 lor*ood fr>mr rpdjMoKiftafor mlpriordo^nd.l2o®!^ ■(ikltriniMaTta Ikm AiflC . steady et'9*S V ton for lit No. && Ji i«,» com! demsnd for Cofleoi ■ MMI DttonilV «fi%«rds, nothing .-; - tbo IHstrleC At-Sn«. »i xldtod’John Donnelly s 1 Btmimn. losoßouth, aupeuue toi^the. former, end toanlb strtst; fppnl.*.t rac^tt -r |l -.- ,, l'o.h»d_a grsy | it wiitwatxltsrittfoa; bbto tiers teen sold at Thn difoSnbWns-wfahbb'hw'y, :o) Bsawstar, who . axpreaaad the ablltty cf the dafendaattp ahorr.that the whole atciy sf Bakhd nfil Mayueawsaa false hood, ftpotilhegfabing- te end,and thaeMr. Oon : ssmiaassa^Mfit irjKMi“are“f.iisttVS ' thatharrascoun- MlinafitMts wowa HrDonßeUy was Interested. Oa Frfde/ B*tttrd*y, DeeembeV 30 dad 31, •sd 2,1830, Mr. DonndHjr tu •I eQ Mrl/ honr In the morning wntlt twelve o’clock, aahe wai intereatad in having, ball jaSUfted In tha Saprdme Coart., Mr. r Wailaei» ; had bis, rdeoHedHon of Ute of thasb virfts flxod bj a membracdom In the nott .hookj rMv« Donnelly waa a> constant visitor at, the oftaS, aed eo frequent in hta .visits and prolonged tbtm-to_Fuch an satestfaathe was. Informed by Mr. Wallace’s partner that he took, up entirely too teaehvnom.-:’ ' ■ , . - rM T: 'H; 7 Oehlsohlager ( the. partner of Mr. Wallace, corroborated'htß statement, and both Were positive fa regard to the dates. OharleaP, KtmbalUestiflad that he reeolleoted the f oaae 1& lb*’ Sspreme Oonrt, referred to by Messrs. Wallace and O.ehlsehlacer, In Whleh ball was to be bn Hobday. 21 ot January ; tb© witness ohe bf the parties to ge hall; on that day the angagement to meet'Mr. Donnelly abofct 9 o’clock at the Eagle' Hotel,'and.the two Wdnt‘t»Mr. Wallaeet’aoSoe;' . Mis. Joseph Donnelly testified that .the arrest of Baker and Maynes was effected through the agency of her husband; that after the arrest, Mrs Maynes yisited her several times, and admitted to her that the fpre hed been brought to her hoofe, and she had > found them there the. morning after the robbery, and her finHnpulee was to barn them, Hat they looked to nine she' had not the heart to do so. . A large number of wltneSMS as to . the good cha racter of John Donnelly wore examined. The oase Jsoa^rial^^-t—-7- i- - • • • ' Daring the recess which was had at two o’clock, the matter of the loss of the promissory note, be -longfQg'to thfi twh pHtehen;.Taek'eonahd Freeman, was brought up in another form.' It seems that Ltoot. Taylor had heard of a conversation between OBaer Mtgee and Jackson, in wbfoh Magee ad mitted that he bad lost tbe nOte. Jaekton was ac oordiogly brought from prison and sworn, and tes tified thaithreeor-fbarday* after the arrest. Officer Magee called ai the prlsoa'And Interrogated Jack son in relation to hie means of getting money; Jaekson told him he |iid none at band; Magee then arked jhim If the jnote of hand was good, and sab-, eequetttly he told him- he had lost -the note, hmli,afterwards he *said „>he thought- Lieut Tailor,had It, and he proposed to saddle it upon theli ton tenant. . • Officer Megee was prose&t In oonrt, and denied mdmtttißg at the same time that he had visited th? prises* nut had said nothing abbnt the loss.ofhay note. . ■ - Freeman, the other prisoner, corroborated the statement of Jackson, and at the conclusion Judge Alllaon-tirenaferred the case to -the Mayor for far ther torMtigatlon. Charobd with Hiotwat. Eobbbbt.— William GUehrist and Patrick MeOloekey were taken before >1 Herman Beitler yesterday on the charge of knocking down a Mr. Denby, at Eleventh' and 3praee streets, some time since, and stealing his watch, valued .at seventy dollars. , They were committed to'answer. ' - - Not ,INStfBBD.7-Mr. Jas. B. Alvord, Se eretsry of the Glroril Fire and Marine losiirance Company, aUtes tbat there was no insurance ef fected In hia eompsny, upon the stock of Chas. Bootfaroyd A C 0 at the fire on the 24th'inat, as was erroneondy stated. - Foft-OAPB-MAT.—The-gteamer John War ner witl lcave Philadelphia for Cape May* at 6 A. tf jon Tuerdsv morning next: to remain there nutil six o’clock P. M., thus affording au admirable oppotttndty to all who may desire to see the Great fiuien; HOBBEXir.—The durelling of Mr. N. S. in Brown street, above Maaball, was broken into on Monday night, during the absence of the family*and robbed of olothlng, jewelry, Ac., to the a mount of nea r f2OO. FINANCIAIj AND COMHEBCIAL. Tbe Moner Market. Philadelphia, July » MW.. Orten aal CoAtM-ftreeU Passenger Koitwsy stock husadvanced to2<—a gain of VJI iltle PohuylkiH ha* fsl'en to It; Heading Btilrond share*, sold at2l W 100, aid Lobiß*n rorip advaueeiHroin38to39. The business iiv« light* end the a arket unsettled ' Green and Coatee i», hoverer, quite active. The com pany having pcteed the July dividend in older to apply tbeir accumn'ated profit* to the extinction of their floating debt* the publio confidence in the management ia increasing, and the baslness'of the road warrants the expectation oflarge dividend* hereafter* The money market in tbie oity bee not felt the efforts of a few part’ee in New York to give stringency to the market there.,. on. the_etrencth of the panic among lea<liempecolato'e abroad, which eflbrte. io faot*,failed utterly ih New York. Tea market is steady at previous Quotations, first.-rate paper being in demand at or below ■ijuikriteii. - ; Peterson** Counterfeit Detector for August it published this afternoon with itaumal contents, including a list of ei|hty ei*ht new counterfeits pat into oirculat'oa •inee the pnbueation of the July namber. - On tbe firs page iB a fw-simtle of the new five-dotlar note issue by the Commonwealth Bank of this ei y. instead of that whioh'waa lately ao successfully counterfeited. The Dttutm cautions its reader* against another new fraud, as follows* '* Look oat! There "ire in circulation in the Wetter* part o» the country, notes purporting to be issued by the City Bank of Trenton, N. J. No tuoh bank, •o rsfusa aii.* Tlm following is the amount of coal transported over the Huntingdon and Broad Top Kailroad for the .week ending July 29, MW "“ ~:7tfm loereu*...*.. I- .«—V* ~—.“ .7.. .7 Mtests Drexel k Co., Bankers, 81 South Third street, fansiStr'ostheTofluwihx rates ofexchaage : Boston.^..U...par®jtpre. Ho K NewYorlu par®S» are. Mobile. .1 Baltimore,.»..,.pareJjdts* X«I . Washington ‘n* H Memphis.. Ho M RtchmonA . . ..«9 £ hashvi 1e............ HO If PUtersbßrg....i..'.a£9 « fit. IH9IM Norfolk ■- i 69 M Louisville HO Wilmington. N. C tHoTS «... Ho X ft l to'gb.N.C«.....J3el« Piusoarg*..* Hoh Charleston .&• X vbioago. Treasunr Notes. 0X pef ot p*toX pr ct prr 111. Do do. SXperot —pjr«X pretprem, tOFram-s. 93 £g it s Patriot- do.. 20 70 LAMP WAXXAKTB. Baying. Belling. 79 89 .. 78 8< ..89 95 . 11© ' UO Market firm. A firm in'Masilloahave now in course of construc tion, far the Pittsburg.' Fort Wayne, and Chicago Rail • road, an iron steam passenger car, to be run as an ac commodation Imp. .The. entire length of the oar is seventy-six fert< sixteen feet of whioh, in the front cn<t of the car, will be taken up by the.boiler, engine, baggage-room,. Ac.- It ie designed, to carry aboatoae hundred passengers. Should this enterprise prove a sucYe-srtbe man afncVorrrs will do a he vy bosluass in eonrtruotieg this data of dare, *ome half dnsen being already engaged The cost of a oar of this description is about «C«fc ' The following are the current quotations for specie, dorae»Uoexphan*e, &o..aefurnished by CronUeA Co., bankers, Po. <0 South Third street: MO aorta 12i) acres..~ toierei.M.. 40 acres Old Amor. X doll* l.«« 01d American *old-...l 08 «• *4 *• IOTK |over«lgiia..... v 4A5©4.87 Mexioan dollar*. ..LOB7 Napoleons—xx francs.3.BB Spanish “ 14M Ten thalers..... ..... ££s 8. Aroer. “ IM «• 4 (Prussiaalgoo Five francs..,-. » . •• ruHde™..~....-S.&B German crowns.. •—■ lAS Spanuh aoubloon... ..le.?o French “ - ~*~.MO Patriot 44 ...15.70 XXCBXtfSK. . N.Y.Kxch’ge, par . Pittsburg.—- VtoJtfdj*. Boston . - dia. Ciseumati.... Stol “ Baltimore >** Louisville 1 Riobmond..,,. Jfto %** St.- LcuL*..—.B *J Charleston..-, itoU4" Chicago..^,.B)4 , w ** Savannah ltolM“ Ciaval*nd...-..l to 1 H * M0bi1e,......<1 JM * NashvtUe.-...-D4 ‘ New Orleans.,l# to I* 44 'Memphis.——.lW' ’ - The Columbus end Xenia Railroad Company are now baitdip* a arge freight house at Comm'us, and within a jtftr Will erect new atone or iron bridges over peer and Darby oreeke. ■i he floating debt and only debt of the company is about" two hoodred thousand dollare. wbich ie nowm -bonde. ft'lrf whioh fall due in 1860. ’6l. >«2. and The company are about to le*ne aix per cent binds, secured by fi«st mortgage, payable in MW, io meet t&eae improvement! And the floating debt-above ’reotionacL - Bat one hundred thousand dollars of these bonde are to be issued at present, and the whole issue ie limited to five hundred thousand dollars* ibis amount is more than at present aotusliy needed or will probably be used, hat to avoid in any oontirgenoy a secord mort' g*ge', the Board of Directors deemed It expedient to adopt that amoact. ■■■ The Cbieaso Press and Tribunt says: “ Mr. MeJElroy, of T takfaam A Uo/e Reporter, has handed us foe follow-, ibg description of a dpugeroue alteration whtob basinet madelteape«nra*orio;thfeoityi ~ , •• iWskofAmertea. 111. 8* altered from le. V gnette female between two pedestals, Indian princess on lower Tiehtend. 1 Geno me he have a female, eagle,-pole, Ac.; Sm red on lower right corner. . , . - , , ' ‘ftaisi™** Ie admirably executed, and well calculated Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, * I ■ July w, im Rkfoetxd by 8. B. Sla.yxj.kbb.BUH WalnKt Street. , . FIRST B»MU> - 2000 City 6e..~. ...101 284 Gr fc Co’*-«U 1U 1)5 24 juu) n Pa,(t0*.......... 76>i su do at 2iWt3rkCoß!M-*t*7». 8»- 1W d 0..- 2t lUt»Pei)i)Sßdi3dmt< a>s£ 21 d 0..- *4 .JOtWCam h Amo «e’|o , :«»0.. d 0.... « afivn.. «... 86K 15Little Soh’l 11 i JO r.-idgh Scrip...*. «» 1.. d 0.... . litf i Beaver Mead R.., 61 14 Un Bank Tana..... 88,V i 10 Sd fc Sd-»to R. «3- ' ! KK TWFFSi B Un 71 fr of Tenn; .>.,. 6S,*f i 16 .neoli'e Banlc.- Jtttfj '8 do. -..Stiff! v board? rj «C«m Ex 8’k.27 if 7W Or & Coate*. .lota. 34 jftM) Jillstmtg7**swn. 66 IOOARD 1^ 60 Or A Coates 24 60 do .24 If do 24 •Qgchuvl NavCo.l*. Jo# jw ha. ibjS 10.0 Pht a A Trenton Cs 02 . i Meoh’s B.uk~~. «# 1 do KH [CES.-DI/I.L. mi I'JSSfAKisSr & ; taafte*,.B, Noi'ih'PennaK. ..JO# 10# 76>4 B> a r io*. jiw# m IM t»-» b. 28 66 fcifait’iß". 60 Tfad ttt K 47# ii fc Viße-st..3l* 81 Phtla-8..... M ISerao# A Pme...loJi 11# uirMß A£oatM.J4 i*J6 [I Chest A Walnut. B4 86. ' SECOKI) WOO Pcnn'oCn..WK loun Read K ca 7‘X JUO do...MU 100-r . do .. .. WOOohutl No* da’Bl. 7« ]uaCheaiValß7> '.. 40 ■IOUU do ........to. 40 lOPoaa'aß attl ' cwwrfe PRti - . : Bi* At** Phil»del»tiloBi..lfo7£ WKI ' M 4& lot off do .so 7» * m *4 or Cl oon d^rojl. . S 4 Hot Cl»fdTofl..llJ . 114 Mob MU'Mjodff 74H 78 . !fel«!k£!:i0 10* OehttjtNovor?... SSK S 4 V: ■ ■ New York of Yesterday* . Ashss me steady at the decline for Pearls; salts 40 bbls at- 95 is for Pots, end $5 80 for Pearl*. \ j Flops.—Witha continued limited demand foralloon-' sumption end shipment, but with decreasing receipt!, the market for State and.western t» heavy and pricss favor p »«*rs. Th.< receipts this da*ft.sreKateSWbhl*, whil* sMetare-of 2 000 bV* at 85*610 for:tapbtßna r .Mate; #olo9ooofor extra dot 909006 for s<perfiqe Western t 95 iCai 00 for oommoa to raediumextr* do; 9A»9544fr extra rotted hoop’Ohio, southern Fhn* is heavy and dull, with saes or 1,000 bb's at '9O lis£ofO for mixed Jo good; 900*9070 tor extra. Canadian Flour is da’i. with sales of too-bbhat 9000 for siteer* fine; #01097 60 tor extra. Kye Flour and Coin Meal a a.uoohauied* • Grain.—The market for Wheat is still poorly sup plied, me receipts agrreiatliu but 40 003 bushels, but the market, though still dull, is rather more active.'hut the prices are unchanged.; ’ihus iar, 24 000 bn*hels were sold at 9142 for od white Kentucky; 9100 for new white dor 91. 00 for Chicago Hprinc; 9L*O for Milwaukee Club; The demand-for Indian Corn, con tinues fair, ana with receipts of 118 272 bushels the market is steady; sales 10 (tv bushels at 00 cents for damaged Western mixed. 6-&6lKo for sound. 62p lo; choice, Rye is steady at 88983 c, Barley is dull and nominally quiet at S8»40o for routheru and Jersey, and 40941 for Southern and Western. CITY ITEMS. Qko. Christy’s Mwstbils, National Td«a tse.—Another crowded house greeted ihlscraok corps of performers last evening. The treateat harmony was risible, both on the stage and among the audienoe, "who seemed more than ordinarily wall pleased with the en~ tort iinment. George has 1 raproved arnazuis ly in bis low oomedy since we last siw him. end his troupe cannot bo exodied. To-night he gives Schtrtnerhorn’i Boy, and on Saturday there iriil be a grand matinee, at 3>£ o’olook. for ladies and children. Ladikb, Read Tme!—Dust and moths in carpets are off ctually eradicated by the Patent Carpet-beat ing Machine. 1701 Noble street. Send your order, or oal and see the operation* Fib Jambs Murray’s Camphoratbd Cordial.— .This admirable Cordial is designed especially for all those enmplfitats inoident to the heat of sum mer. Diarrhoea and severe pains of the stomaoh, vomiting. Ac., readily yie'd to its very soothing influ ence. It is quite pleae»nt and grateful to the taste After a trial, few persona will be willing to be without It. Those leaving for the oountry' slum d rot do so without providing themkelves with thefordial. It is sold by Boner, Blxth and Vine. Price 60 cents. tf flow to Turj* Nxenoss Whitb.— An ingenlott* French philosopher is maintaining the hypothesis that the feeding of the negro races continually or exclusively 07 an.mal food would effect their conversion into white men. Be grounds his belief mainly on the faot that in ■ me districts where a large quantity of euoh food Is costumed, the peculiarities of the negro physiognomy Are oonsiderab'y reduoed. just as very awkward people beoome elegant and graoeful in manners and appear* ance by wearing the handsome garments made at the Brown-Stone Clothing Halt of Rockhiii <fc Wilson. Nos. 000 and 608 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Mannbrlt Young Folks.—Young folks should be mannerlv; but how to be so is a question. Many goudboysand giils feel that they oannot behave to suit themselves In the presence of company. They are awkward, clownish, rough. They feel timid, bashful, Belt distrqitfat. the moment they are addressed by a stranger, or appear in company. There is but one way to get over this feeling, and acquire eaty _and jjraqeful msnnrrs. and that is 10 do tie beitthe? can all the time, at home as well as abroal. We most be oour* toous, agreeable, civil, kind, gentlemanly, and man y a home, and then it will beoome a second nature every w.ere. The most agreeable persons we have eier known in oompany were those who were most agreea ble at home, and pnrohased tl eir clothing at the “ One Price Gift Clothing Emporium” of ' Granville Stoxbs, No. 607 Chestnut street, where the full value of the money is guarantied, and a valuable gift pre sented with each article sold. ' ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP ,0.12 o’clock last hisbt. GIRARD HOUSE—Ninjh and Ohestnntstreets. Cant J R I'lek'nson, N Y F Hamilton Pittsburg E Foster, Pittsburg Jse lohnson. Pa Hobt P t tenon, Lancaster Jo Wily. Balt H-• o‘tune. Halt Jas Williams, Pa J Anderson, Mioh N Watson, Ualt 8 9 Garner. Harrisburg Maj D Vaudersieve k la, H am Bell, Mariposa, Cal Kansas BRWi son, •» I)W Cbessm«n, Cal HonK C Bumes. Pa Mrs N h tiiout. Cin. O Cuas H 4, la* Mass Bon A G Cu< tin, Pa Miss Lewis, Mass Miss Baker, Mass Mrs Duoo«n & 80, Fittsb’g John W Duncan, Pit’sbnrg TO Wooster A la, La Mrs Shoenberger, rtUsb'g N Corned La Miss James* La 8 napewcll, Md James E Connelly, Md R Bradley 4c wF. N Y A E Jones & d t. Mo Mies 8 D»er, Pittsburg J Lsmden. Halt J P Trusting A S las, Balt A C Elia, wf 4c ch* PittsbV HMMorfi%Bm Mn Carpenter 4c oh. Bait Miss Carpenter, Balt E W Marshall. Charleston C tl Miot Columbia J L Harrison. Memphis WP Gibson 4c in, Miss Alex Shaw. Md J Rogers, 8 ft Miss Rogers, 8 C Wft Alexander & la, N Y «M Barnett, Va Mist Barnett, Va Miss JS atnett. Va F G Crawford. Mil W B Parser. Ma G W Dickenson. N C Miss Diokeason N O Foster T ickenson. N G Thos H Cooper. N Y Jos Casey. Harrisburg J Mstroghom. Va L T Tnompson. Phlla W c Campbell, Utah Ter'y J K *ike*. Germantown J Storm. Bait J ft Grout, Detroit H* King 4c la SC •j hoa Norton. NY A la* Biooklyn Jas Hota-dtes. NY F K Boas, Harrison O W Anderson, Nashville JFgrguspn. &t Louis 8 Cope, Pa W Ward. Pa «eoFox, Pittsburg E Brid»mnn. WCkaster J H Oobbiu. BeilefoiUe w T Valentine, Bjllefe A 8 Barker. t*alem Al r fisher. Halt lad Grant. Pa., Jos Pi*k. Barlm Jag Canning. Montrose W Hill. ClsrsviUe Mrs Hi!!,’ lajßviHe W Pycdriek, Cm,o CCrawford, Cm. O WWillmms Pa w D Barretr, Balt Jes B Eliman. N Y w L Hull el.Louis* Wri Wefa Ala. N J Mtu N J W Troy. N Y J McNeil,*V*tov, N Y Mr Nixon 4c Y j Z Goodrich, Mass G Barrington, wash % ft Lawson* Ala W R Brown. Live pool Jas Wilson. Va Cb&s E W il*on, Va H Duoleavey 4cU.NY Oris M Voms. Md J L Hmunond. Del (J K Livingston 4c la, Mus Mim L Livingston, Miss Miss 8 Livings on. Miss Master Llvinwston, Miss ' Mrs Handv, <• nnapoiis C Harwood & !»• Aunap’* A Hiestaod, N J Mrs H Blandy. NY Mrs Chap- on NY- M'ss Clmproan. N / Mu W' P Curtis, N Y hobt Rodman, RI * John B oxbsm N Y J Smith, N Y ‘ WWW»iiu,NY Ornhiim 4cla. N 8 Gladwin 4t la, Va C K Woodman 4c W, Mass Miss Walker. Mass ••jes Woodman. Mass Miss Newhall, Mass SiJLWataoß. Minnesota Miss Wattoo. Minnesota ohn w jison. Georgia N G Turner. Miss Tart er, Louisiana ft F Riahardsou 4b la, Md,. MlssCalweil. Ain MissCelhouq. Md J Ktotiardson Sr u. N O C , , Jp Maamwtu- Bsltmore T.W War&eld. Baltimore wm Ferns. Bal imoie Ha Mallory. Vermont John Pordy, Verm' nt w a Slcut. N > J Bfltewarr Washington D P Rnider Pa A Artorrnn. Boston C P Mattingly, Kv Mrs Mattintly 4c dan, Ky H ftiditely 4c la, Del J N Frans & la. La Mrs Powell, La Miss De Hart J.a Hr Nook. La Z Vi Pesmmau. Va N P Ward Sc la. Va W Davis, Jr, Huntington Geo E Barry, Bait CONTINENTAL Ninth and CbesthUt v 8 Dousl s 8t Louis Wm E Mover, Rt Lmiis O Vt ML Leopold Ciu O kJ nputchipson k 1%, Pitta Miss F M Adams, Kr W W Allport, Chioago K Wuntmao 4b la, Titub’g T Wightman. Pittsburg Master J Huasell OKA hutobinao-i. chica o J ft Davis, Va Mrs ft H Oavis ftiebmond Mss ML '-rown.Va Miss M P Brown. Va Miss 0 P Davis, Va JO Davit-Riohmond.Va J H Kuten*, Pa M Jaok, Qrecnsbnrg. Pa AD ctmitri 4c la, P ttxb’g Capt Jos Maith. Pittsburg JasMoAuter. Pittsburg Wm Holmes. Pittsburg Mias Holmes, Pittsburg Misi J Holmes Pittsbu*g C Hays fc la. Pittsburg Geo Weyman. Pittsburg J T wood 4c la. Pittsburg Miss M Moorehesd Pitts’g Jno O n heafl'sc la. Pa A M Rpeer. Pituburg Dr Whistler. Phda Bimon Mnok, Cm ~ M irtin Sta >ler. Cm ELaurer, Cm WHNafl.Cin W G Woods, fit Louis Jas B Hrough nn. M<sg Mrs i.O MoGill. > its ACnoivngham, aiiss Mrs 8 G fngersoll, Miss kSGrffin Mi-s Jas 88->n*nter. Louovilo Mrs Dr i-udley, Louisville 8 M Crosor k ]< Jewell, La Mrs Bowtrd Christy, Ky W Preston, Ky Sidney J Rodee<v,Ky T BPnlnu*y. Augusta LAoho idt. NO P T Pet s t la, Ha M Lyons FJa V W Bisemsn Pa Sllfiibley. a UKUBta. Ga SWoodwsrd. Memphis Mrs M W Meeker. N Y Wh Anderson, Natchez K Centre 4c la, Bi(*bm*d J W l-udiey. Cm, O 7ns J HrunßMi.'W’ash, Pa John L Humphreys, S C 8M Glark. Wash, OO E Hervey,NO D w MoreheadvN Y 0 P Williams k f Natohez CftFassett, La JohoßKmery Pa j-is a Brian. NO I<M Brooks, fiandusky, O M’sBNugent,NY MrsKHauht, NY RT Berry, Va Baml w ethered, Balt W H Bruce. Balt Go w Hopkins Arizona Jacob Jones Cm.O W C » arr. Dayton W J Mathews, Wash,Pa ill, Mo Th'vs Hill, Balt P Wilson Ciu,o W V Hay. ‘’Mearo A Voore k dan. Piitahuig H Ciymer 4c wf, Reading FK. Waesehe Balt E W filbert, Ba't W D Sews I M»ss J B mcrofi, Jr. Charleston Hon Tnoa Coiwin. Ohio J M Porte». Jr, Eas'on J T Denuiston, Pittsburg MinEK lush. PitUhurg H W Quinn 4c da. N Y N B Rojsion 4c la.Balt EPatterioo NY J M Srn tb, Va J Watson. Wesh, Pa JM Levm G K Colby, N Y && H J Jackson 4s con. Btk John Wooster, N C R Mo<’oru. fielina, Ala OF Hardin, Boston J Moftae 4c Is.GhrodentSC Jlßenrvj Charleston, SC J M -rawlev.SC Win Jacobs, Rich raocd,Va Jnofichall Jr, Wash, D C L Bclmxe. Evansville Dr Gk Sullivan. Md W >vAdger 4c la, 8 0 T BWheeler, Albany GeoTLane. Iroy FraarTClapp.N O AJFitoh, Jersey City W Rollins 4c la, C*l N K Berry, Balt JobnG Medmeer, Balt J G Gehnog, Bait J it *■ heeler. Bait Robt I Kerr. Rait P Perot, ; Y Mnrrit Arno’d, N Y W Bliss. NY W Cheney Conn B Read 4c la. Wash,D C Miss w Midlleton, D C « L Ja *kson, DO WE Webster, Bale Wm M Csnbey, Wilm, Del Julius J Wood, Ohio B tl m ooris. Ala F H Berks co J H Grim, tirimsvilld C Fleming, Pitteborg MEPORANTB' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Aroh. j M Btonebraker J Kirkpatrick 4c wf, Pa J Atwell 4c wf, Pittsburg Wm Fulton, NJ J B Williams, Kentucky W M Taylor. Kentuoky J Marsden » Jao >b Yeager A H Hellwt, Glenrock Jas Bron on, N Y A J Fnl'er. Phila T W haitman. Pittsburg J M. Bailey. Fitubnrg ft H Zug.- Pituburg MrsDrfifte'er,Lancaster 7, Hats&wf.N r Miss Ha> es, N Y Mrs A ecudder, N Y J Miarpless Catawissa. Pa M M Marple, Phila SObetdorfT, Wrixhisviilo J Bruohe. Biltimore M Hunt; Cm, O GTfitoroh Cin. O E Bell, finllimo-e Mr Rappbea. NY Miss Hspphea, N Y J M Foster, Phila li JMulfoid. NJ O MoDonald & la, Ohio C D Keller, Centre co, Pa ft Davis. Charleston, 8 C Jno Patton, Fa WmMoßnde, Pa D W Moore, Clearfield J H Dußsnt. Wash, D O ?am*l Weinok, tn>der co K A Menoh 4c la Phila noMPfan.Cin.G Geo II Walker, N Y Wm Hat s Wash BO FBates, Wain,D O Jno K Thompson,Waih, Jas Waterhouse, Mass HO PEL-Ohe*tnat, above fifth. EIU h A Leech. PitUbg Wm Jarvis J K Ihitiop A ia. Ky John H West, Fittabr BO Bieok. Pittghe J Miltnr.Columbus 0 Mr* M J Mmrißon A 2 o, 111 J W Binshan). Ohio H Book Trenton if B Pearson. Phila Wm Wolff A la. Pottsville Mias C ara J Wolff. Pottav N o Wt-ia, Pottsville Ju T Bieer A la.ii Y F J Allison Easton. Pa t* Toppan. P» V L M Bond. Phila GH w*ituon. Scranton H A Jarman G W fli'J, Taunton, Mass Mis* B W Brown. Maas W F Donaldson, Tamaaus G T Titus Pa / Rttdloy, Bos on Mll Phillips &h, Conn Miss Hla Mason. Conn Geo Burroughs. Jersey City L Trimble. Jersey City Jas Carter. N V M » Nifholls. Pottsvftle Ham'l Kurts, Lancaster J R Putnam, N Y Miss W Sterling, Greenabor Mias J Miller, Greensboro’ H tt MoConnell. Pa John Harrlniton, 1 a Jno_Mo aughlm.Pa Jas MoLauihlm. Pa JosH Griffith, Hat J Simpson, N Y . A Balaton Newark J>» *t Andrews. Hartford C M Hurtwiek, N Y W a Boren, Miss, H Hoohrtesser, N J Jesse Keenan. Del JONES’ HOTEL—Chestnut streat, above Sixth. W Buckaid, r-aston JL Oakland, N H Mmon Keunej, N if J A Stereni, Ga G Vann, N Y n h ftl Miner M < Martin. Boston T Henry,«* Y J Muir. Indianapolis J tnderton. Boston Jm Anders n, Boston Chas a tiUtg, Mass K 8 mitß, Boston Jos W|la->„, N Y K B Thoms*. N Y Q*o D Buoh. N J Jaa Post, N J . KM J\>fins n, Mass Chae Johnson. Mass Geo Dillingham, N Y W Bn*g«, N Y 0 Mathews Pa BT Hamm’ nd, Phila JN L Milner, Pkila T M Bristol Charleston H Huey Md JP P Peok A da. Ohio , Geo Brabrook. Mass Mrs E U South, Montg, Ala W Anderson, Boston BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third at., ab. CallowhiU. Jacob J H 111, Earivfl e F F Christine, Olnev Henry S Rorer.Olnev John H Borer. Olney Miss Louisa Borer, Olney Miss Ca<ohne Rorer.Olney' Jackson Smith,Jenkmiowa CJ-as Hoads, Sim , han>pton Geo W Wolf, i anboro A H Getlei. Lebanon John Krutzel. Lebanon „ JO* Richards ft. la. Pa Henry Groof A la»Bttrnville John e Bolt* A la, Pa Isaac N Leran, Beading RevSK Urobst, Allentwn NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third, ACRaphle, N Y 8 Butler, Wilkesbarre j Wright, P< ttaviHe H J Handler, Pottavilie Gabriel Hirsh, Lano, Fa carol Mutcher, Pittston AP bush. Pa J OTjltr, Dftjton.O W H Batter, Wilkesbarre STATES tWON-Marbet Street, above Sixth. CSnnveiy, Harrisburg Le Rue Remer, Harrisburg Jno Humphreys, Vorkco 4 Oswego N Y Geo H. Loni fellow, J ewist’u Geo S Long. Lewlsiown O u Mathers, Harrisburg JMI ut* Harriaburg B H Newhouse, t hi>a Col Od alinger, Ph|i& J Woi.de, Columbia W Watson. Columbia M HeM>ods. Md Thos POamptoell. Pa G H Stine, York, Pa John bturgia, York, Pa BARLEY HOTRL—Beoohd »t. below Vine, H RHuiebon, Lurabsrvillt Jt Suedeker.Pa . Jot bus -fell, , P Wliitlook-J'emb.rton w Ttionipson, Po>lMto7n C W D or. Do, 'corn W K Halliard Sja, Pa Wra A h Buja. Mrood.b’, Mlm Carrie MFBoy,.Pa ,5 Bora, Btroud.b’{ Pa M P ahi.ld. Phil.. MraMi.cl.n', Prtnoht'ii A 0 S.an., Biorra.Wn i Jm JBe»», Phila \ 3 8 Borner., p£u. not. pREsa-pmtApiirHU, FKiOAr,' abit a, lsw. ST. LOUIS H.OTEL—Ch.BtnutitrML »bov. Third. F, Himlo. Bo.lon. . A D»*;« b *t.l.oui, ■; J Ohm ■ • ~ A Hu»t, PWi» Jnn Smith.'Pituburg P ater P .?.E Mto o.>* !SMVoo»* R Piokhardt. N Y - T Va« Usft, » Y F B Merlin. Miss Hon Wm Wmtaley, Del t avid Potter, n J Mfieeley, NY U Chaa Reninxcr, N Y ' J ?,'L oa <o* .WJjVilkmt 4b son. Balt •V^,9 s^A*** ft w , v* t A Winlerosst, NY J F Heelden, ,N Y FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Seoond street, above Market* Geo H Anderson. N Y MWood 4c l».Wllke»b*rre 8 T Armstrong, Del Misi Lissle J WOOO, r*a P J Bath Del • Anßmith. rlxilft . Aa on Hudson Del • 'Jhonies Mason. Del John a Avery. Del Txtoa Wells. Del Wm <1 Preston. Md David Md Wm A Moore. Md Thos J Moore, Md n Rtdgwar. N J £»» Ridswav. N J Phila WmQ Wi^lkini. Balt Mri M B ‘‘aylor, T ano co Mis« Julia P Lord, N Y Z D Merriken. Del Wm Arthur, Del J F Poott. NY AH Cook, Dover, Del JeaseCx.NJ John *harp, N J _ _ Ji L Bodice, N J ftobtPhUfps&iaip.Pa THE UNlON—ArciTstmet, above J M fitoin, Chioago J M MoSAinn, Wthaln>po» J W 81101 m ham, Phila A J ray Texas B Hawoud. Pottsviile .lohnT Barbor. N Y W O Vosuursh N Y Jos • anshmuUer, Ind D L Jacobs, Ohio jd Nottingham. » . J O Austin, MoConnelUb’g JO.Buobar.Miffl'mburg Jos Harter PhcDdixville H ofliiok, Hitcmxviue Pemlth, Irelaud r MWPherMILKy G C •*annon, N Albany, Ind AKHay, "j , W 8 Si arp, N J C a Wation 4c la, Del COMMERCIAL HOTEL-Blxth Street, al. Chestnut. D Soott, Md Cyrus Fngle. Pa W a ► Wagner, Fa N B Hammond, Pa ft W Levis, West Chester J Detioe, • e*t Chester 8 M Seldomrjdxo, Lano 00 Geo'Grosxinau, Lano 00 Jas Bryson. Lnnoco A B Holdemun, Columbia J Millon, Phosnixville rtRIIOHAN.TS’ HOUSE—Third at.. aboyeOallowhill. AM Heistand.Mt Jo ,Pa JnoLßobarff, Womelidorf NP Riley Jno.Shannon. TurbertsvilJs W ft H flinan A la. Pa Ban.l Hauer, Lebanon Jno Warrick Freemansbg C F Wilpoo, Montg 00 Jos Busn, Berks 00 D*lbight Reading Geo Baonman, Reeding Wmßergert, Pa MT. VEllfcoN HOI El<-Becond street, above Aroh. Hiohard >iiman, California Jacob Knowles. H I ft Paine, Stark 00, 0 MissCpUins btarkoo, O J s «i>eis, fnd T Levis,N Y J s Lewis Dovlestown John Edwards,Y D I’ Willard, Buoks 00 Robt Morris, Buoks 00 RAI.D EAGLE HOTEL—Third st.. ab. Cttllowhill. John Morey, Bath. Pa Ph N J N 8 Btrasß urger, Pottstwn John Miller, MonU co J icobf-hear-r, Montg 00 John teheetz, Berks co N Baliiet, Phila IMPOHTATIUNS* titeported lor The prees.l RTOIIMOND—: teamship Virginia Kelly—6o bxs to booco fiercer 4c Antoloi 373 bx#37 os do Buoknor, Alo- Cainm' n & Co; W lure S os ao J K Sank 4c 0.-; ec bxs 66 cido Dohan 4c Taiti; 27 bxs <2 os do A 4c h ArmstiLiigi Übx&6oBdo Motz Bl Bmfhni; 70 empty bbls Massey, Collins A Co; 40 6x812 os tot-acco 1 hoe Webster, Jr; 14 bags seed B iyer 4c Barotay;6o bales yarn J 8 Woodwaid 4c bun; 6 pipes brandy 1 box tud'e w J Martjen tt C •; 2 bags leathers Weaver 4c Graham; 9d> 8 Bisphani 4c Son; 11 biles wool and raw Parker ft Poland; ohhdelft bbls old uoa A Pnrves, 10l bags pea num 69 empty bbls 180 bxs auti bbls produce various oi-nßignees MAKINJE IMTELLIUEMIH, SHE FOVftTH PAVE* ARRIVED* Steamship Virginia, Kelly, irom Rlohmond,via Nor foU,26huurs, with mdse to Thos Webster, Jr. Passed uru Nramiy wine, from Peruaiubuoo, at anchor off the Lazaretto, eteamshm Boston, Crnoker,2o hours from New York, via Cape May, with mdse aud passengers to James AliderUioe massed at 10 AAI yesterday, off the Ledge, snip Westmoreland, from Liverpool,ooming up unoer canvas; also ship Wyoming, fur Liverpool, m tow ot tug Amerioa. and brig r hzt. from Havana Baw a large schr oil Morris Liston’s, bound up; b ig Triad, from Ha vana. aeround on Ctiemlsuind Fiats, and a brig and several schrs above Cheater.* Br'g Bramiywiue, HaVinan from Pernambuco 224 tilt, with Jl6O bass tugar to Tnoa A Newhall 4c eons. br eolir Fear Not Knowles, 9 days from alenthera, with 7fi*U doz pine apples to J d A ALPerot. co hr W Jl Kowe, Harris, 6 days from New Bedford, m ballast to L Kotiiermel 4c Co. Bchr Telegraph, Connor, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with grain to Jas L Uawloy & Co. Steamer Anthracite, Joues,24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. BY TItLBQRAPn. (Correspondence 01 the Press.) Nkw Yobk, July 86. Arrived, bark JW Andrews, from Cardenas; <ohr W H 0 save, (Br) from bleuthera. below, ship Gnoe Norveli, from Calcutta, MEMORANDA. Steamship Delaware, Cannon, h6nce, arrived at New y ork j esterda*» Sieum.hip Baltimore. Greene, for AspinwaU, via Kingston, Ja, oieayed at New York yesterday Steamship Florida, Nelson, for New Orleans, oleared at New York yesterday. Steamship Go.don, Adkins, from Wilmington, Del, arrived at Chariest <n 24th mat. Bara Washington Butober. Bpragu*, for New York in about 6 days, was at Hemedios July 17. Bark Marion, f>owler, Irom ftio de Janeiro 18th ult, arrived st Baltimore yesterday birk W H Newman, Gavett. from Rio de Janeiro 10th ult. arrived up lit Baltimore yesterday. Bara b> Piunbus Unum, Wollaoe, irom Baltimore, ar rived at Rio de Janeiro mb ult.' Bark 8 H Bnow, Higgms, oleared at New York yes teroay for Melbourne* Bark Amy, Hammond, sailed from Boston 26Lh inst. for Philadelphia. BchrsJ H fitroup, Corson, Redington, Clark, Damon, Pitcher, Lsmsrtme. Johnson, Trajan, rook, and Lucy L sharp. Weaver, hence, arrived at Boston 20th msL fichr Car line Grant, Presßey,henoe, arrived at Sa lem 24tb lost. IO(U *«,U lU*(< Bohr Lady Ellen. Godfrey, for Philadelphia, sailed from dale m SSilt inct. bohrs a P Hawes, Mason, Nelly D« Stndams, Joseph Guest. Hamer and A 11 brown, Edwards, hence, ar rived at fttohmood 23th in*t. Steamers Anu Eltxa, Rv binson. and Alida, Robinson, henoe, arrived at New 1 orx yesterday. HOLMES’ HOLE. Ju> 83, P M-Ar. sohrs Willard F Phillips, Smith - Philadelphia for Medford; ft Porter, Hudson, aud Wm l< imyton. Babeook, do for Danvers jport; Brsdore. Goodnd<e. do Ipr Baoot Pred’k Dyer, S'tute, Baltimore lor Portsmouth; I H Wainwrubt, Corson, J Pondor, Jr. Elliogswnith W ft Audenrled, Howitt, Charles P Buetney, Garwood, Hhodella Hlew, Peterson, and John ft Plater, Gandy, Boston for Phila delphia; Gov Burton. Wirso Ore, aod/delaide. Young, jatem for Pm adeluhia; Viotor,Bears. Rookpait fo/ilo, 2tth—Ar, bark Union, Tnsp, Boston for ftatutnore; sohrs liK*. Francis. Wilarnigton. Ni\ via Badge • eenoe, where *he was ashore—was got off uninjured. Also ar. sohrs J L Redner, Cordery. Philadelphia for Salem; Gr«oian, Mattuews, do lor Portsmouth; Rich mond. Pitcher, ho for 8ao». - ■ n Bld. brigs Wave, CatnarmeNiokels: schrs William A Bnmmund, W P Phtps, Rcbt 8 Bed. ft G Porter, Win L Dayton. ►liza L*land Bradore. Prederiok Dyer, I H wainwrlght. J Ponder. Jr.W GAuaenned Charles P SUokney, fthodelia B>ew, John ft Plrter. Gov Burton, Adelaide aarah C Willetto, John L Kedner, Grecian, Ktohniond. heinniusatSAM,birk Union} schrs Elisabeth and Rooay Hut. &k>hXJIA.L* NOTIGEH. Ohh Prior Clothing op tub Latest SiiLss.mado in the boat manner, expressly for RE* TAIL BALES. LOWEST selling pnoee marked in i?lain Figures. All goods made tooroer warranted satu aotory* Oar ONE-PRICE system is stnotly adhered o, as we bolievc this to be the only lair way of dealing U 1 are thereby treated alike, JONES A CO,, ■es-tf IM MARKET Street Salamander JfntE-Faoop Safes. —A very arge assortment of SALAM aNDERS for sale at reft' ionable prices, No. SOA CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia, aifi-tf EVANS A WATbON. Sr am eh a Saving Fund—Northwest Joanna Bsconi>and Wxz.i«nT Btbext*.— Deposits re jeived in small and large amounts, from all olaeaes ol he community, and allows interest at tho rate of FIVE •'ER CENT, per annum. Money may be drawn by chocks without loss of In terest Offieo open daily, from 9 until 5 o’olook, and on Mon lay and Saturday until nine in the evening. Presi* lent, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary. 3HAB.M. NORRIS Mbtbbs’ MnuonLons Vermin’ Dk iiaoTßE, the oldest and best remedy known for Ex terminating FATS and MICK, BUGS, ANTS, MUbQUITOES, FLEAS, MOTHS, IKAIN WORMS,and GARDEN INSECTS, VT Prinoipol Depot, 613 BROADWAY, N. Y, Sold bj all Druggists everywhere. inylA-Sfa SaviKg Fond —National Safety Trust Coup art.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, RULES. 1. Money is received every day* and in any amount urge or email. A FIVE PER CENT, interest Is paid for money from die day it Is put in. A The money Is always paid back in GOLD whenever t is oalled for, and without notice, L Money Is received from Executors, Administrators, luardians, and other Trustees, in large or small game, x> remain a long or short period. 5. The money received from Depositors is invested is Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first tlaas securities. A Office open everyday—WALNUT Street,sonthwes* mar Third PMliulaloMa j aIS Card Printing, Best and Cheapest in the City, *t 3* South THIRD street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City at 34 South THIRD street. BILL-UEaD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City,at 34 BouthTHIRD street. HAND-BILL PRINTING. Destand Cheapest in the City,at34 South THrflD'street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the most superior quality, at the most reasonable rates, at R<NGWaLT A BROWN'S, Drexel’s Building,-i4 Ponth TH'RD street. iylS tf SHU*TER-KN*WLFS.-Onthe3d instant, by the Rev. R M. Hmetiluink, Mr. Joan Thnmoion Shuster to Miss Louisa Knnwlea. forth o r Alans*utk. * WIGuINB—NOR llt BY.—On the 22d initant, bj Rov. James Cunnlmrham, Harvey B. Wiggins to Sarah Northey, ollof Philadelphia. * PARRIBIL-On the 25th irstant.nt Long Branch, N. J., Margaret f> Parrish daughter of George D. and darah L. Parrioh, In the 3d yoar of her aee. ** VAN LAEtt.~at Burlington. N. J., Julr 23t0, Fov, Courtlandt van HenssAlaer, D. J>., in the 6Jd year of his age. The funeral services will take place at the Presbi •erian Clmroh in Burlington, on Monday, the 80th m -tant-at 11 o'clock, A. M. The friends of Dr. Va„ Ren r >elaer and of his family, and the clergy of the various denominations, are respectfully invited to attend. ** HALDERMAN.—On the 24ta instant, Mr. Benjamin Y. Haderman.acedSO years. FuDera'tf’om the resideoi o of his brother-in-law, Jesse L<vi zey. 266 Dauphin street. Nineteenth ward, on Sund*iv afternoon, at SoVlnok. * LODGfc3.-On the2sth mstant Harriet H. Fried, wife of/, tsvan Lod«e, in the22d year of h*r age. Funeral from the residence or her husband, Lower Mono'i, Montgomery oounty, on Saturday afternoon, at l)i oVln*k. * CAMPBELL.—On the 25th instant, Mary Ann, wife of Edward Ca'< pbwll. Fanernl rom the residence of her husband, corner of Huntingdon end Balmoo a'reets, Nineteenth ward, on Baturdat morning, M 8 o’clock. LURAN,—On th-' 24*h inetint, in Horsham, Pa., Miss Mary Jane Doran, in the 23d year of her age. Fuoeral Lom the residence of her mother, this (Friday)morning,at JOo’olook * . GOUDHREAr’.—on the 24th instant, David Good' bread, in the 6Sth year of hit age. Funeral from his la'e residence. No. 032 Hutobln son st»eet, above Poplar, on Sanday afternoon, at 3 —Dn the2srh ins*ant* Aneeline. daughter of John s*. and V li*a> eth Webb, aged 19 years. Fune at from the rrsidmoe at her tarents. No. Cl 4 Jeffersi’n street, th>s Friday) afternoon. at 4 o'clock. * WKSi'-On the 26tb instant, Frank G. West, in the 23d year of his age. Fuuefal liom his late res'ilence, No. Budd street below Spruce, this (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock. * SIP VKNBON.—On the 25th instant. Mrs. tiebecoa, wife of Joseph ftevensnn, in the 48th year of her n»e. KFuneral from her {nm resmeuoe, No. 1343 Savery (late ' nion) street, above Thompson, this < Friday ) af ternoon, at 4 o clook. * Blaok and purple foulard BILKS. . la .„ Plain blaok Fouardßilkß, Black Bareges, %, 6 4.7 4, *nd 8 4 wide, Blaok Crape Maretz same widths. Gray Onsne R» ria Poplins. Gray Ohene Bareres and v| ohairs, f'aolt Bare e, ruffled ooiqt*. ._ , upin’s summer Bombazines and Chalys. Black and white L-vrnsand Organaiea, Ao. BtSSON A oON, Mourning Store, No. Uia nHKHNirr Street, N. B.—During July and August we olose at 6 p. M. npHE ONLY RELIABLE ARTICLE— J. CLARK’S Patent INDELIBLE PENCILS, for Markmg all kinds of Clothing neatly and indefildy. lliey do their work better than ink, without its trouble or risk o> Blotting, haoh will mark 2wo articles, For side, Wholesale and Retail, by D. O. J A YLOR fcco, Agents for the Manufacturer, No, 911 CHESTNUT Street, IsllSm MARRIED. DIED. fT?* POST'OFFICE. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Ik_? —duly 30*li .180),—In aofOfdjjnoe with ins'rue tione rtoeived fMini the Post Office Deptriment. Notice is hereby given. that and aft r the Ist of Auguit next,ONK O Nl’ KACH will bso*iar«ed lor the hol lo tionifromtsmp-pcstandi eherletter-boxesiofletters ititen ed for tranumsMloo Hirou*h the mails. This, like the regular postage, f?iu<r he prepaid by vottage stamp <, City Ibttors, not intended To* the malls, but to b*i doli >u'J®nt a Postage of ONE tobd prepaid by postaie stamps. <t n. B. B kO Ww k, Poitmmte r. fVff* ATTENTION J REPUBLICAN INVIN -113 OlBiiKslJ—rim Compatt'»B will assemble at tholrJßoom«. RR V^ N't'H and OHKBTMJ C Streets, on FRIDAV EVENING, at fIH o’olnclc, to prooe-d to v*e»t Cheste . Move from Headquarters at bX, and leave Depot, Eleventh end Market dtreeta, at 7 preoise • It. Excursion Tiokcte 91, 'J he Pen.isylvuiia Cornet Band will be in attendance. Dr order of Committee. w T „ r A. a>i. WALKINSHAW, ftmrshnl, W.V.J. VxtUIXTTX, ) Howard Ellis, > Asst. Marshals, Q-xtis Nkv/lin. 1 n* twenty-fourth ward Douglas ILS CLUB, will meet at the READ ING ROOM. MARKET Bireet, on FRIDAY U.VE- Nl "G. JULY 3r, atBo*elook. JvM Bt* JAMEB MlLLER,president. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA UJi AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. The holders of tho bonds of this Company. due’July 1, 1890, oau now receive, upon appiioationat this office, 10 per cent, in cash, upon tho terms speomed in the circu lar attached, , The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a Bink ing Fund of 9140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, field January 9, 1890, and m pursuance of the contract, entered into by he oompany and duly recorded, to oarry tho same into fleet. -,rJ?:J2 K Treasurer, CIRCULAR. Nottet to the Holders of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company Mortgage Bonds, due July 1,1890, These bonds are secured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting iu the aggregate to 93,©8,400. The /let revenue for the last fisoalyear was six times the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. The manager* propose to extend them for a period of twenty year*, the holders retaining the bonds and the seounty of tue mortgages in the preoise condition in whloh they are now held Fresh sheeta of coupons for the interest, payable half-yearly, will be issued. A bonus oflO per oent. will be given to the holders, m consideration of their assenting to the extension. Tills bonus will be paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds, on their signing a reooipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the office ot the Company, or to its agents, for endorsement. Forms of reoeipt and endorsement will be furnished oa application. a of "' a nfv f s/siwsiw NEW PUBLICATIONS* OUJR SLAVE STATES. NOW READY, A JOURNEY IN THE BACK COUNTRY'. FREDERICK LAW OLMSTED, Author of “ A Journey in the Sea-board Slave States/' "A Journey in Texas,” “Walks and Tails of an American Farmer in England,” &o. 4M pp, Ticelvemo, Cloth. Price 81.25. This volume completes the series of “ Our Slave States/' in which the object of the author has beon to desoribewbat was most interesting, amusing, and in structive to him during a journey of fourteen months through these States, undeitaken for the purpose of studying the oharaotenstios of tho country and people. A keen aud impartial observer, and a very graceful and attractive writer, he is acknowledged to have presented in the previous volumes of this series the most intelli gent aud interesting ocooontof the region they repre sent whloh has yet been given to tho pub'ic. The pre sent volume, embraomg the interior Slave States, com pletes the account. TUB SERIES NOW INCLUDES, A JOURNEY IN TRE SEA-BOARD SLAVE STATES. 724 pp. Price, SIJS. A JOURNEY THROUGH TEXAB. 51S pp. Pnoe, 91. M, A JOURNEY IN THE BACK COUNTRY. 492 pp Pnoe, 91.25* PUBLISHED BY MASON BROTHERS, 5 and T AIKROBR STREET, NEW YORK. BUV YOOR BOOKS AT EVAN.V GIFT BOOK STORK, 43 ■» CHESTNUT Btrect. All Boots are told ft* cheap its at any other Storo, and you have th* advantare Of receiving a handsome present. Worth from 60 rants to one hundred dollar*, , * Withe*oh Book. N K W COOKS! The HiatCrv, Theory, and Practice of tho Flectrie Telegraph. ,By*ie<». B. Pre«cott I vol.. 12mo. 91.75. Men.olraof r ihomo*Hood. 3v01«,12m0. Leslie’* Autobiogiapm nl Reooileotiors 12m». 81 25. Life of Kit Cars*, n, BvC, Hurdett, 12mn. 81. The Wood Bangers, fly Maine Reid. ISmo. 8125. •LWild Life, by Marne Reid. 12mo. 8124. I Out of the fteptb* i?aio. 81. Beulab. Uan. 8124 The Mill da the Plots. 12mo. 81. Love rao Lutlo. By Chas. (trade. Umo. 81. Rutted *.e. lirao, 8125. LApI&S’ Wit iiNG PORTFOLIOJ, In great variety, and a Gift with e ch. aLI THE NEW BOOKS, In every department of Literature. Call in, auo one trial wi-1 assure you that the best place in the city to purchase Ho*.**, is at O. G, EVANS' ChetpSonk ntabiishment, J>27 3t No. 439 Chestnut Street. ILLUSTRATE WORLD A new volume of thu eleg mencea Jrtlr 7. Amnax Kh next six monUn will bs s niß BOVaL UOHNESS PRINCE ALFRED LORD LA'vBDOWKK. TUB I.ATS MoNSIKUR JUL LOR ADBR EES'. LIEN REF. C. H. SPUBGBON. RICHARD COBPBN, M. P. TAB LATE SIR IORN FRANK- 1. W. WALTERS, of the UN. Timt*. BOSBBT CHAMBERS. THE LATE B. STEPHENSON. WILLIAM CHAMBERS. MADAMK MIOLAN CARVAL *IR CHABtrR HO. SIR BENJAMIN BBOBU. (MADAME NaNT lER DILIEB. Snbacriations. with portraits ito advance, and papers sent tree6>r* ad orepa d. Si o«rc»<r'er. henry A. BRo*N & CO., jylB-wfmw4t 14 HAWOV R Street, Poston. HftDIOAL PERIODICALS FOR JULY. i-Ti Published by LINDSAY Sc BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers. 35 Bou'hBlXrH aireet. above Chestnut. RANKIN’® H •LP-Yfc.AnLV AiiSI’RAUT 1 F THL MEI/JoaL SCIENCES Price.p rsnnum. $2; Com plete gets, sheep $2 per volume; Complete seta, half o otb, 31 COp r volt/ne, TH* BRlTftjH AND FOREIGN MEDICO CHI RURGID*L REVIEW, ( The Lorn on Edition.) Per annum, 85. THE XiUARTPRLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCO PIOAL SCIENCE. Piranoum. 85. THE aMUKO-N JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCI ED OK. Per annum 95 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY. El-AtnUthly, S 3. 87* Subscriptions received for all American and Fo reign MEDI* AL and SCIENTIFIC Periodicals. J>2s NEWS OF THE gftnt London Weekly com ie 26 steel portraits lor the |\|W PrBLIOATIONS. i- » THE ROOK OP AGES; or Boriptnre Testimony to the one Eternal God-he-idof the Father, 8< n and Holy Ghost. By E. H bickcrsteth. M. A., with an n troduotion by Rer. F. D. Huntingdon. D. D. 12mo- 630. HOMb AND COLLEGE. By i*.D. Huntingdon. 12mo. 60 oenta. •HK RELATION OFTBE SUNDAY-SCHOOL TO THE CHURCH. By F, O. Huntingdon, D. D. Pam phlet. Mo»nU. 9 MORNING HOURS IN PATMOB. By Thompson. 12rpo. 81. THE rAIfD-UILLS OF JUTLAND. By Hans An dersen. Itmo. 75 oen*«. LESLIE'* AU' OOIOGRAFBIOAL RKCOLLEC- T <*NB. llrao. 81. 6 KRaPF'K TRAVELS AND RESEARCHES IN AFRICA- 12mo $155. THb KKIIYS AND O’KELLYS. By Anthony Trollope. 81.25. 0r “ e \fILLIAM B. & Af FRED MARTIEN, lelB No 906 CHESTNUT Street. JUST PUBLISHED—BRIGHTLY’S PUPDON'S ANNUAL D GKBTB for 1854 to 1860 —containing the amended Constitution, Cjimion Boliooi l aw Consolidation Law and its Supplement, Corpora tion Law. Militia Law. Criminal Code, with report of the revisers; Free Banking Law. KAY & BROTHER. Law Booksellers. Pobliahore. and Importers, Jtl7 19 South SIXTH street. i-„BPLENDID BXCUKSrON TO CAPE MAY AND RETURN, lor toe purpose of visiting the Mammoth Steamship GHEaT -AS'FHN, 1 vingatanohorolT Capo May. fromC A.M. tillflP. M. The swift, popular, and splendid steamer, JOHN A. W*R**RJl, Will male* an Fxeurajon as above, leaving her wharf, (Inntof CHESTNUT Street,t on TUESm*AY MuHN JNQ, July 31 1860. at6>J o’olook preoiaely, arriving at the 'teamef h) 11A M. RetU’Dinc will leave Cepe May at 6P. M..(the same hour the Great Eas‘ern leave* for New York,) and will nooorppanv the* i eviathan” a short distance, so as t.> cive l-xi unionists an opportanity of seeing this magni ficent ship under weigh. « h Fir *Bn ft) ENT- of the BEST QUALITY, and at REAS »NaBLR I‘HICkS. TICKETS (for the Round Trip) TWO COLLARS. Tiokets are most positivel* limited, and o*n he had on B»t«rdar and M nday, at Adams* ExprossOfiioe, 820 CHEBTNUf Street. PAKTJCU'AR NOTIC*'". TH« STEAM-HIP GREAT EASTERN will b© thrown open for the reoeptimi of visitors on l’ UEB DAY, Ju’y3lBt. from IP A. M. tnU P, M. jy27 3t* S&mmssmm NBW tri-wefioy ffI&fI&SSSSSS? PASiKNGER AND FR f- IGHT ROU *ETO NORFOLK and PORTSMOUTH. Va.via the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore, anu Delaware Railroads, thence by the new steamer Phila delphia to Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. On and after July 9th, passengers from Philadel phia will take tho 8,15 a. M. train at the depot, onrner Broad street and Washington avenue, on Tueßd&ys, Ihursdaji.and Saturdays,arriving atßea ford at 1.30 P. M., and at Norfolk early the next morning. The steamer Philadelphia wilt loavo Norlo k on the evenings of Monday. Wednesday, and Friday, connecting with the train at Bedford, which arrives at Philadelphia at 1 F. M. Fare for first-class passengers, including meals on the boat, 87. Becond-olass passonge>s, including meals cn the boat, 60 Freight taken a* low as by any other route. For further particular*, see in,all hand bills at the hotels, and other publio places, or inquire of O. J\ DaRK, Agent, __ corner Broad st and Washington av, H. F. KENNEY, Master of Transportation! l)CTlin f.W.tKCK, do, fiMOti PONGEES. Natural Color for Coats. Yellow Pongees for Dusters. Lead oolor for Dreiaet. _ , , . Wliito Ponieee of All Vidth*, Pongeoi for Undervertf. _ , . , r onp*nsforunCorwear. Thea* goods are or selected qualities And *ro imported for our retail Bales. RllaJ* '.ESM BROTH Kith, |y!7 CHESTNUT AND EIGHTH STREETS. Busings men are auveht.sing •n tho beat Newspapers of City and Coimtry—at the office# of JOY. fIOE. & Co., AIVFHTIBING AGENTS. FIFTH nml GHES l'N UT 8.r,0t«. Flillmlelrfiia. TRIBUNE BU MUNI). Kre Ynd. i°27lf MOQU li» NET i Ir' U, THKEti YARDS at vert low price*. BHKpPaRD, VAN ifAKUNiiEN, fc ARRISOtf, It* 1008 OHt-bTNUr Btnet, N&W EmBR ‘IDURSu S*TS, HDK?S., ito.—Just opened an invoice of do#lrabl» roods, SHtPPAHD, VAN HaRLINGk N, k A R It* 1009 CHESTNUT etreit, THfcRB CAN BE NO MISTAKE W the Pictures made at RE , M , 'R , BGALL‘ RY, 8E- btreei. nlmve GR}*EN. for '‘the instrument don’ the.” So, all who desire Pioturea should o#ll ” 1* TxPIOOA— ood.—ForsalebyWETUF- RlLb it BROTHER, 4T and 49 North SECOND Street IrM SYCOVODIUM— for sale by WEIIIE. Klbli fc BROTHER, 4T and 49 North SKCi'ND strut. ir>S SUMMER RESORTS. \yASHINGTON HOUSE, H° u so, tUnafe.l near tha^hoaaiuand N on oaa of ,iia U open for the eceoviou wrok mmar * llt an average rate ofsg par ¥ If? Vj al ® tabling attaohad to tne premises. H. B. WCIOLMAN. « DIVIEBE HOUSE ” u LEWiapunG, UNION COUNTS, PA. 1, 1. y or .L t f ,e,ort ° r visitors I, kept In firstclase Pyj£* It i* th« ißOKoomfombJe sod eztensivo but*! la the town. Location the m ott centr*>. Cbanroi mod*- 1 pfiV-ißt* * l, Propnator. pBRRY COUNTY WARM SPRINGS.— * This favorite Summer Retort i« now open for tbe reception of viaitore. Piee.mouatatn scenery, beauti ful walks and di lvei.faoiUties for boating* bathing, and fitbinK* and the health-giving qualities of its waters, mako itamost desirable plane, both for single guests Wd for famities, je is in daily commtioloaiion with Philadelphia, Haiti more, and Pittsburg, by means o f a daily stage, and mail connecting with the trains from these places at Oerlisfe, Pa. Terms moderate. For particulars, address JOHN EaRLY, _jyl> lm Warm Springs, Perry oounty. Pa. D |OUBUNG GAP WHITE SULPHUR AND OHALVBKATE SPRINGS.—Thu f.mou* Sivh «» n * p * ace ha* been entirely refitted and furnished* .ervnnu.andevarjadrantai* tbatrata' th f Lcountry aod euy rtooea. can afford °£ #0, [ orevery indMoamentto paiaoaaae-M -jaauL® heaitn, or reoreation n^ h sa, i ;?IL h J' i,ar ®a >,t, J? t « dft| « hl miles from Newville, nr^,.« 0 i UD V' K*” » most beautiful and fertile section of oumberfand vail* y j they are various in their oharaoter.BtrcnKly impresuaied with su’phur, roaane* eta, front «o.i and produced, wonderful aanative eflbete upon invalids and o'.hers. Visitors will find first °lms hotel aoaomnjodations. with attentive servant*, and all the dehcso.ee of the sesson. Price of twardX * 1 26 per d»y. 88 perweek, 830 per month. R n p«i a b? the morning: train - in 10 Fare f>om Philadelphia to the Pprinxs 9i. Two trams a day from Harrisburs oonoeet with two line* of ooaohes «o the ttprius. Fare from Harrisburg to DoutjlmgOapBpnngs. 81 16. 8 Ttokeu to be had at the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company* Philadelphia; Cumberland Vailey office, Harrisburg; and return tiokets, at same rates, to ton/of *l:he hotel* ■“ arriB b Qr sf* to be had of the proprle jylt taul yAWAOA* KOBER. COYLE* & CO. Yellow springs house, Chester COUNTY, PA. The above-mentioned Home having been thoroughly repaired nnd,refitted in the best manner with newi'ur mture,4o., is row open for Hoarders, Ihe.Ye'low Springe House oßers every induaem*nt to visitor*, being latge and oommodious, with shady walks and romantto rides, &o. , Ihe variety and quality 0 f the Spnnsaaml Ba»ha have been long and favorably known, and the subscribe), who his been Tor several years past connected with the Co lumbia House, Cape lslind, N, J., will tue his best ex ertion to make the stay of his guests pleasant and agreeable. Mages oonnect daily wjtb the Beading Failrnad 8 A, gL* and on Saturdays with the BA. M. and 8 H P. 89. hvery information will be cheerfully given, by ad dress ng the subscriber, at the Ye low Springs, Ches ter County; or J2XLLB,atPhmnixvilje Station. Read ing Railroad. a. U. SNYDER, JiC-lm Superintendent. HOUSE, M JUNT CARBON, ITX SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PA. Families accommodated with good rooms at reduced pnoeB. r t his old-est'blighed House, loo'ted in the gap be tween Sharp and Second mountains, immediately on the line of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, within half a mile of Pottsvllle, formerly *ept bv Jo seph Head, of the old Mansion House, Philadelphia. has, since his demise, been under the ohorge of his daughter. The House is prepared, at all seasons of the year, for the reoeption of guests. and has been recently put m order.. The large garden, and park adjoining, presents great inducements as.a sumuierresort. to persons wish ing toepfndaehort time away from the dust and tar moil of the pities, where they oaa breathe fresh moun tain air. and emoy the wild and beautiful scenery of the coal region, , Commutation passenger tickets. for tbs n«e of fami lies are sold at a reouotion of twenty five per oent.. and an accommodation train will leave PotUvUledailv during the summer raontbc, to enable those who mar dpsire it to spend toe business portion of the day in the oitv and return the same evening, on which the oharfees will be thirty-throe por oent below the usual rates. For terms,apply to MAKY HEAD, mansion House* mount Carbon* Jtahuy llrili Co . Pa. Long beach bo eras, opposite TUCKERTON,N. J.-This Hotel is now open tor the recoption of visitors, both permanent and tran sient. . Having been at a large expense in refitting ami re-furnishing. I feel assured that for comfort and oon yeme -ceit will pom pa re favorably with any house on the coast. The best of cooks ana servants have been procured, and no elTorts shall be spared to render the star of guests agreeable, The prospers for Gunning and Fishing are excellent., Oysters of the finest quality I have in abundance. With these, increased advan tages, i am confident that the most fastidious will have no oause for complaint. , ft. D-Capt. WILLIAM will run a daily line of first-olasa paobets from ‘tlentc City to the beach, one of whioh will be at Atlantio every morning on the arrival of the morning train from Philadelphia. Fames wishing to come by way of Leed’s Point, or otherwise, by addressing me a few days In aovanoe, will have a good boat to meet them at any point named. JeSQ-gw LEWIS P. STttWAitr. MANSION HOUSE, ATLANTIO CITY, LTJ. N. J 4t ISAAC THAYER, (lata of Surf House,) Proprietor. This. House has been very muoh enlar* ed and im proved. Has now a large number of Family Rooms, not surpassed by any hotel in this city. It is lighted throughout with gas. New and fine walks have been laid to the ocean, whioh will be lightedat night, from the Hotel to the water, by splendidrefleot mg lamps. Attached to the house (but separate from the main building) is a lar*o Hall for Hops and Parties, with a first-class lee Cream and Confectionery attached Over the Hall there are forty sleeping gentle men. there is also a.play ground for children, well shaded and enclosed, with swines, dco, The oatenng department will be under my own es pecial supervision, and I trust that my reputation is sufficiently 'stnbUsned to satisfy all that my table will be unsurpassed. Terms will be $l3 per week. Transient Boarders 92 per day. Carriages attached to the House will take Boarders to and from the Ooean free of oharge during bathing honrs. _Je23-tf IdAAO THAYER, g}EA BATHING. ~ OCEAN HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND, N. J. This well-known establishment, the favorite resort of visitors, is now open for the reception of guests. It has been onnsidervly enlarged and reform bed, the sleeping roomsspncionsand airy, and oommunioato to suit families. The house will be supplied with wat*r from the cold springs Persons doternu* of spending a f'w weeks of the sum mer in an agreeable manner could oot do better than to give the Ocean House a tnaL ISRAEL LF.AMINO, je26-Bw* Proprietor. A MERtOAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, PA.—This well-known and popular hotel has, daring the past season, been hRKATuY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, and is now it) capacity and convenience second to none in the interior of Pennsylvania. .The beautiful and healt- ful situation of 'Allentown renders it a de lightful summer resort, in view of whioh opeoial ar rangements have been made by the jproorietors toao onmmodate summer boarders. J. Y. BKCHTEL, Jets t el K W, BIGONV. BED Ft >RD SPRINGS.—This well-known and delightful Bummer Resort will be opened for the reoeption of Visitors on the FIRST OF JUNK, and kept open till the Ist of October. The Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, and attention to his guests. give the amplest assurance of oomfort and kind treatment. Parties wishing rooms, or any information in regard to the plaoe, will address the subtonber. JNO. P. KEBD, Seo’y and Treasurer my3o-3m Bedford Mineral Springs do. JJEDLOK’S hotel, ATLANTIC CITY. NEW JERSEY. At the terminus of tho Railroad, on the left, beyond the Depot.—This House is NOW OPEN for Boarders And Transient Visitors, and olTere accommodations ecualtoany Hotel in * tlantio City. The chamber# have boon very much improved, and rendered more oorafortablo by Venetian blinds having been put up at the windows. Charges moderate. Children aod Servants Half Prion. •£/ Parlies should keep thoir stats until the can arrive in front of the Hotel. The signs are conspicuous, Jyl-im A SHAUFLER’S RAILROAD HOTEL, ATLANI IC CITY, opposite the Rail road Depot. THE BEST SITUATION ON THE ISLAND.. •y Newly fitted up with pew beds and bedding. Boarding and Lodging 81 perday. jyl lm TVEPTUNE HOUSE—ATLANTIC CITY. 11 —This popular and eminently ’avorite House at Atlantio City has, sinoe the doting of last season, been enlarged, refitted, rofurmahed, and completely re- in every p&rtioular. and is now open for e season. From its delightful situation, near ness to all places of interest, close proximity to the safest and best part of the beaoh, it *s rendered one of the most oonvement and deoidedly the pleasantest house on the Island. Terms—Blo per week; $1.60 per day. Children and yervants halfprioe, __ JOHN SMICK, Proprietor. R, L. P’UREY, Superintendent. jeJI-fra QOTTAGE RETREAT, Beautifully and conveniently located at ATLANTIC OITY, N. 3. Boarders aooommodated on reasonable terms. Je»-Sm M. MoOLEES, Proprietor. rr.EE SEA-SHORE— ATLANTIO CITY. M. McKIBBIN'S U. 8. H TEL. The undersigned, propna-or of the above-named house, being now proparac to reooiv* guest*. re •pootrullr solicit# & share of the pubho patron age. Since last summer there has bpen .added to this hotel a four itoried wing, 140 foet in lensth.cnn taming (beside the bed-rooms.) a suite of three Parlors, for ladles, and two for gentlemen; also, a reception room, wAsh-roora. and spacious bar-room. Bowling Saloons. Billiard Booms, and hot and cold Salt-wter Bath Hooms have been constructed for the accommo dation of visitors, and tho whole house will bo lighted with gas. The house has boon newly painted and fur nished while the shaded grounds surrounding it have been put in complete order. A well planned pleasure Yaoht, and an excellent Band of Music, have been en gaged for the season. j. McKIBBIN. JeH-tf /CARLISLE The favorite resort far those 1 j who appreciate Grand Scenery, WHITEBirLPHUR OumSSSfd ?®.’ P*. SXff*' Qooi Bo ° let, ■ » Go® 4 AeeommcdattoHs/or 300. For particulars send for Cirou- TBEMS LOW lar. OWEN, OLENDENIN. & VIBBCHER. Je7-3m Carlisle Spring, Pa. MOUNTAIN S B RINGS, A—A Lancaster County, Pennsylvania —This estab lishment will bo open by the tltn of June The ad vantages of this beautiful resort are: Mountain scenery, pure air, and soft water; every variety of bates, and amusement*; a good stock of livery horse*. Had car nagea. For further particulars oail on JOSEPH B, MYERS, corner Third and Vine Btreats; JaMES 8. EARLE, No. 818 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, or to the proprietor, JOSEPH KONIGMACHER, Ephrata Post Office. I.annnster Cmintr. Pa, UMTED BiATLS HUTEL, LUNG BRANCH, N. J.— The subscriber take* this method of informing his friend* and the pubho. that on and after JUNE 20tn hi* house wiU be open for the re ception of guests, when every effort will be made to please those who may favor him. The house is plea santly situated on a fine bluff, with lawn iu. front. A full view of the ocean, good roads, elahlirg, fro., make It as attractive as any house in tho country. The com munication is accessible by two daily lines from foot of Walnut-streot wharf, viz.: 8 A. and 9 P. M. Referenoe-Grandy, Warden, A Co., 9U9 Chestnut street. B. A. SHOEMAKER, je&-lm Proprietor. COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE JSLAFD— Oafb Mat, New Jersey.—This large. firat-olass HOT i*L will be opened, for the reoeption of guests, on the 25»h June, iB6O. The House has been completely repaired anti refuinisheu. A uew oooking ranse, ovens, ■team boilers, and every modern improvement added. Lxten«ive stabling attaohed to the promises All fetters add'essed to the subscribers, Cape Island, New Jersey, will be promptly attended to. liAIRO & WOOLMAN. James H. Laird,late proprietor Franklin Houae, t hila delphia; 8. B. Woolman. formerly proprietor Mount Vernon Hotel. Cape isUna. jel3-d2m_ CuNGKIISS HALL—Vi\LAN'JIU CITY, N. J,—This spacious House, situated at Atlantic City, will be reopened with every accommodation for visitors on the 25th inslant, by the subaonber. The Housi fronts the beaoh ITi feet. siving a splendid view of the Ooean. am is near the Fishing and Sailing point. No pains will be spared to aeoure the oomfort ana con venience of guests. IctO-Sm THOMAS O. GARRETT. A MEKIOAN HOTE), MAUuH CHUNK, •tjL PA.—Thts HOTEL, is now kept in » taanner af fording every ooro ort to strangers and travellers. Arrangements have been made thts season to accom modate SUMMER BOARDERS. The most subltme mountain scenery and rural enjoymeni*. 51® w* forded. MICHAEL WILH' GEO. W.WILmKLM. Proprietors. OEA BATHING. CAPK Ia&AND?o\rV “,'Xiow OPEN for J,w™f‘TtH«i‘SC.h'. r 3 .hr' co superior aooommodation*. with ample room for 206 per* *°j»a to fm “ mOI AiBOW OAHHETBQW. Prop, Mot. CJEA BATHING, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.— summer resorts. ITITTANNY house, v,„, BX. S?o” W! “ 6riSMnt Passengers leave the Kensington deoot »t 7 m a at and arrive at the Gap for early dinner; 5 ?; b? the No tti T Fropnetor. SURF HOUSE, ATL*NTJO~oIty N J iSfflSfSii^^'asnXrssa^fe theV.hfostant^ opBnadfortb ® approaching season <£ stories high and 32 feet in length, b?r Qndms f L naa been add* d. contain vards nf th T /f? m 8 and attending to within 60 » ii n h^'.‘!SSSJ5 to lh " tu Minic.sddit.onal sss?£s , Mtai,ac t ut ™ u '" ««5 h B 0 ii tAWd T) 11 b® »app*i»d in the most liberal manner, ’’will be exercised \ n thegeneralar the house with a view to the comfort and coavemenoo of cutsts. WM v “ a.: B?™ h k n * a ! Atlantic;» uiuurcawed and the pure, to^nvallde P . hfire proVBd to P 4rtionlajlT benafioial ♦h« B to engage rooms wd. % sue address or Bt jggmwf-am H. 8. BENSON. CTAR HOTEL, 8. HOTEL, BINNKR AMDJiI ' ADA ” 8 > rSOPRI.TOH. TO OENTS> terfoi Board ® rt aooommodated on the most reasosable ie» 8m ]VI A NSrON HOUSB. MAUOH CHUNK, £ I £.?«TCS? ,r ***■*',* himself thatthus far he ha! euo fisfy allhu gu^JS. 11 in 8 nuwmer that oanaot *<> thl Tabla !r and « l «*M»ly furnished, an* contains the very best the Markets hotel located on the banks of tho Lehigh, directly opposite the railroad depot, and at the hau^n! Wfsa^»a l1 A d6^S.? p«^tteji , 1 x n n d n & ? i tof? l,e4 withtaß b «» t “ d jg* Hot and Cold Baths oan be taken at all times. - Jeg ~? ro GEORG h HUPP FS, Proprietor. PTAQUE HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. 4SvSH SE> OAPB island— ... . 8, M. REYNOLDS, Proprietor.- This favorite ifWTaiSaath o,r ftk r w 6pti 2 n Vl8 »fo« on MON? u i, June 9Sth. It has been fitted nn in the best utile ?S». e J el,aUentio “- 111 bs Paid to the oomfort or iti t “ e * te - Jela-dtPopl SJUMMIT HOUSE, DARBY ROAD s'e.sait rera l retrent. fonr mile, from tho or. IM*. tie doo fiolf-honrlj. • on tiemen and families accommodated. Good fishing, a •Jff'VJ ')'- fin« itabl.p,. hifndwrn.“SSSm. S'lM [fafc meal.. 8 m ° Jertw fut <all or Mlll “ l j,^. d s ” d WANTS. TMTANTED—A man to attend a Saloon KlaaTHS?,'e ? e. to FOBD ‘ »• °° d » B°°th wanted—a salesman mthcWme a “ and Liquor business in an impor'ine honsa one *i!d > South‘r^!!i !lnd '."O 11 ”" 0 ® a Vimni?, No°rtS couth Carolina first-e asi trade. The bes* of re. fereuces as regards to business qualifications will be re s;f #!$?;& &sfsi 1 » A situation, by a middle mete ntleman, in any capacity m whioh he can th?sofflce SO ‘ fUBe^11 * eaaa address 41 Necessity,’Jjtt %^ANTED. —The subscriber, having his ” * mornings at leisure. wou»d like to make an en ragementto keep a set of k>ou for any concern whose business will not authorize the employment of a per manent book-keeper. Address “0.M.H.,” office of Tht Prts *' i jj2s-6t Vl/’ANTEO—A situation as Boolc-keeper, .J.l b y* young married m<n with several years’ *?f.l B «, e s p ?, r 1 c 0• * Pys l -olms references' riven. Address “ R.,» office of The Press. j>2s-6t —ln a Market-street Cloth * * House, a first-class BALEBMAN. who can cora -sl?£ft o a A c ® an,ount ut Country trade. Addre«a Box gggQ P. 0. j)2S 6t* aiOnm 110 $15,000. —Wanted, a .j**partner with the above amount, to join th»* advertiser in a safe and paying basinesa. City reiereaoes. of the most nndoubted kind, • iven and re 3aired;a[l communications striotly confidentiaL Ad ress, with real name, •• Activityat this office. J 24 6t* A THOROUGH ACCOUNTANT, WHO is folly capable of onnduct.ng the financial laN>r and business dep -rtments of a manufacturing establish ment, is low or an engagement. Address •• Hamil ton,” at this office. jy2S-6t* A YOUNG LADV FROM IHB NORMAL SCHOOL wishes a situation TEACHER in a private lamilr or semmarj. in or out of the oity. Ad dress T UTOK,” this offioe. jylf-Bt* ANTIfD —BY A YOUNG MAN, A *y situation in a wholesale dry goods, grocery, or hardware house, understands bookkeeping, and has baa some experience in busin*ss. (salary not so much an obieot os steady employment. Can fnruish the best °f reference. Address ** J. P.,” offioe of this paper. WANI'dD— i*Y THE ADVEKTISER, who o&n give first-olass basinets reference, a situation in & wholesale dry-goods jobbing bouse, as bookkeeper or salesman. Address “P. U." offioe of T»s Pre<s. ' jyl7-10t* W'NTLI) —A young man as Salesman, who i« thoroughly aoquunLd witn the Meroh«nl Tailor’s aod Clothing trade of this qitf. To anj perion capable of filling tti s position, a liberal compensation will bo given. Address Box 413, P.u. jylA-tf WANTED —A Situation, by a man, thiity-scyen years of are. of extensive experi ence in busiuess. ot good address, and competent to fill almost any position, eithur os a olerk. sucerintendent, or salesman. Is very reapeotably connected, and oao give the mo»t satisfactory references as to integrity, energy, and business capacity A moderate salaryJor the present will be aooepted. Address " B. G. H.,” office of Ta» Ptmx jeU-'f BOARDING. FAMILIES and Gentlemen desiring supe rior board for the summer can now have choice of large, cool rooms at 9 .*5 WALNUT % treeu Jyl3 Im* PBIV -TE BOARDlNG.—Gentlemen and their families, or single gentlemen, o&n be acoom modated with Board, with pleasant and handsome rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at 610 LOCUST St., south sideof Washington fquare. The looation. bring opposite to one of the handsomest parks in the city, ta oen'ral. and extremely pleasant. Transient persons visiting the city oan be accommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance, for rent, suitable for an office, jell-tf TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN OaN BE accommodated with good, airy apartment, (with or without board.) m a private family. Location cen tral. Address “TOLBERT.” through Blood's Dis patoh. apJ5 SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUND.—.Com •a*- pany’s Building, southeast oorner WALNUT and FOURTH Btreets. Open daily from 9 till I o’elock.und on MONDAY till Bin the evening. Tins Old Institution hat always paid in full, on demand* without notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums paid backdemand 1 n gold and silver. ALEX, JTHILLDIN, President. BAML. WORK. Vice President. John C. Farr, T. E. Harper, George Nugent, John Anspaoh, Jr., Baml.T. Bodine, Alt), u. Robertr. John Atkman, Jooas Bowman. H. H. Eldndge, Vn. J. Howard. JOHN 8. WlLSON.Treaaurar. JOHN C. SIMM. Bearetarr. jiao-Im OPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, *3 Office, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and Callowhill. Incorporated br the Legislature April 14th, 1851. Openfor Deposits and Payments, daily,from OtoJ&o’oloor. Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS,fIromBtoB o'clock. Interest t per cent, per annum. Depositors osi) with draw their, moneys by Checks, if desired. Speotol JJe so.iu nwmd. JAIILEB B _ pju NGLEi rrejii.PL Faaifcrs Haut. Secretary. apSO-tfif yy ASHING TON MILLS, FORMERLY BAY STATE MILLS. SHAWLS of all sizes, in great variety. Embossed and Printed TABLE COVERS. UNION BEAVERS and BROAD CLOTHS. BALMORAL SKIRTS. DOESKINS, and Double and Twisted COATINGS. 8-4 SACKINGS and heavy ZEPHYR CLOTHS. Twilled and Plain FLANNELS and OPERA FLAN NELS. Printed FELT CARPETINGS. For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, 34 South FRONT Street, and 35 LETITIA Street. OPARKLING AND STILL CATAWBA WINES, MANUPACTCBBD BT J. ESHELBY, Cincinnati, Ohio, Always on hand, and in lots to suit purchasers, by CHARLES F. TAGGART, Sole Agent, il9-8m No. G3l MARKET Street. Yard, gilimore, & co., have take n the Store No. b 10 CHESTNUT STREET, South side, above SIXTH Btre**t. All counting house business wilt be attended to there Jy2s-3t /CONTINENTAL NAILS, (Edge Gripe ) manufactured at the Portag* Nail ana Ironworks, from superior quality of Juniata iron, on maohioes of tne most approved construction, ana warranted to be at least equu, in quality, unilorimty.and finish, io any other brands in the market. Other brands (flat and edge gripe) always on hand. * JOS. O. L. CHATMAN, ' 421 COMMERCE Street. , Prinoe k Christman's superior solid-eye Planters Hoes for sale as above. ,<irn-»i |0 RB. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BRO • KER AND CONVEYANCES, NOKBIaTOWN, MILLS, find HOTELS ™'* PA Lb in Montgomery, Buck*. Clio*ter, and Delaware Counties, varvi..g from 10 tpibO notes, in localities. Persons applying will be saovn propsrues freo ol bonds and Mortgages uos ot ‘* le d **p*l£~ fidMh K*8I» E-vOK* lor.tt'e m,Norristown, Potts town, and intermediate i> lao * B, -for Catalo2u«s and fu.l description, addre" K. R. CORSON. j>2l-Cm *.* Nornst wu. Pa. AZuMea l AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! PHOF. MORKI6’ AZUMEA BAKING FOWDEi!. Manufactured solely No. 62 North FOURTH Street. and forwaUi-- »|[ T< nnrP-ftnilf RICE.— 200 Tierces Prime Retailing Charleston Hioe. for sale by JAMES GRAHAM % On.. I.KTITI A street pHAMPAGNE. —360 casc3 De Vcnsge v/_Chamt>asne iusfc received. for tale bv JAU RKTCHa k OAflSTAißS.aOdand 204 So. Street. jjiß-wfmlt i^LARET.—7tO cuses Ft Julien and Margaux, for g-lo by JAURKTGHE k C*R STAIkn-02 nno vo4>*. l‘ Street jykS»wfu4t G3 casks f-t. Julien, for talc V/ b» JAURKT-IHE* OAR3TAIRS, ‘JO2 «ml 201 south FRQN i street. 1' 25 BURKINt* FLUID, Alcohol, ( arnrhene, mar ufneturO'l daily, and for sa'e byROWLKY, ABHBURneR, k CO., No. 16 South WHARVES. I»9 A.snr^EMENTS. |IJAII0 V A.L TiIEAv—O7DROB PIIOM tilßto ' B BA TIITS STJtR TROUPE OF MUBICMNS. 04NCFIIF. ANTI CuHTwaNS* * FOB FOUR NIOHT-only” AndSATirhDAY APTtRNOON.Joi; m Ufa this evhning. wedyesd'y.' ““ ® cc gnd glrht nf tbe New Pine* of „ , BCHERWEHBORW*B BOY. As performed before the Fmtnuuy in New York. FRICK OF ADttUMUHf: Dreis C role 25 Centi, Orchestra Chairs ~flO ** predial j 9 * 11 at * aVofl * to ootnxenee at eight o’clock* Front Beat* invariably reserved for Ladies, and G*a ueroea accompanying them. Gentiemanlr ushers will oo in attendance. jitf-4c TTNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC T m»CITY. a.j reipfotfnUy inform* hi* numerous „ r pliiSlS.i l ’ ENN e HfiHDR VOCAL IOCTET Y. Swredtot in a ' haT "’»* h ■ ■olioitoUen. kiniilTvoW h-iyiLGEAND CONCERTS UNK ! EDBteEfl e 1 lT?L 0h o'J*“ 0 'J*“’ m tt * HaU 0t “* SATUKD Y aNd momoav VVJJNINGS, , .. J ULY Wth and SOcb. 1960. For further particulars see b.ti* of the day. jy27 It* pRIDAY, THE 27th JOLT. niSarf&SfSi VX-OXHIADK FREE CONCFRT. ?L.?i£jl l '> , BFlKl/p* 1 .es'.rn term! ui of Htonmoiui CHKbVhA*' * EaUroad.l by tho full oMfHI.iM OR- - Mr. MORITZ BEERHALTEft, Birrotor. Comnußee »l 2X o’clock, P, la. ”• pHILDRES’S HOLIDAY.—Grand Mati -8.5 - CHRIST'S MINSTRELS at tho <>« BATURDAY Alr.rr.oon. ot.2}£ o otoak, for Ladie, and.CbiMron. Children half » rl °»- J)M It OENNA. ACADEMY OF THE FINK ARTS.—IO2S Chk.STNUT Streat. Containing a largo collootion of Paintintaand Boulo tnra, u now open dallr from a A M. nils P. M. Aa nuiaton tt ot».: ehildren under u years, U cents. jy%-tf SOLOMON’S TEMPLE. 2 Alario, beautiful, and perfect model oft ne grand est and most interesting building aver btult is crested in the immense saloon of Th M |«Sh C F T ’ TWELPTA STREET. presented by fIOO figures arrayed in Jewish costume, surrounding the various courts, give it a life-like »p -%?. l !!S , *K h tf l 9 ** oh »*U Chron..BBth chap.; Sd Caron., 4th ana 7th chaps.; and Exodus. »tb chap., for oootenu and desoriptUfn oi Solomon** Temple, aU of which is faithfully represented in the Model. * OPEN TO VISITOR, with e“pu£s££, from 10 to 13 A. M,. 3 to *», and T& to 10 P. fij. Admission, 25 cents; children, half prtoe. Family Tickela five for $l, and poolr. of tan, for Clnba and Booietiea. 0] go rayf-tf iL By the request of a number or Fohocls and Societies the hxhibttion will be oontinued one week. FOR SALE AND TO LET. H TO LE T —ON HARRO'WGATE LANE, above the. passenger railroad leading to Frank ford, a large bnck mansion, esceUent water sod well ■?* J n L a *® and stab.© room. Apply to C. EEANS, HKDGESfreet, Frank/ord. Would be rented by the month. jjjg jj* CJ. ERMANTOWN PROPERTY. For ™ Sale or to Let, a largo acd convenient House ln_ Germantown; gas, water. la»*e lawn, and plenty of shad'Mnoneof ’hebest location*; will be so’c low. Address Box 1480, Philadelphia poet offioe. BUILDERS.—A large lot, having three fronts, suitable for immediate improvement, ■it anted 07 T WENTiETB street, below OATH aRINE, Will be sold on aoeommodftting terms to a parr who wmimptove. For terms, Ac., address **K»” office of this paper. Factory lot for sale—a urge lot having three fronts, admirably situated in the Southwestern part of the city. Will be rented or sold on reasonable terms. For particulars, apply at this office. Jyl9 tf TO LEl'—The first floor of the fine Build* ing No 7C4 CHESTNUT street, formerly ooeupied as a wholesale land lately ae a retail) Fancy Goods and Perfumery Store. Apply at the office of J ttiAs HAUKL kCo» No 704 CBEbTNUT Street, Phila. JyU-lm LAWDII 300,000 Aores for Sale, at pnoes ranging from UK to CO cents per Aore, id any quantities required. TAXES pud, ana PatENTS procured for yuioha sera of Land under the GradoationAet. Plats furnished gratis by enclosing a postage stamp. For farther inforroat on apply to WILSON, RAWLINGS * CO., V. S, and General Land Agents^ 6» caKSTNUTStraet. - Between THIRD arid hODRi'H. Si. LOUIS, MO, LA*»*D WARRANTS bought, sold, and Located, jT>-3m FuR SALE —The Stock and Fixtures of % Wholesale Boot and Bhoe House, now doing a good business. This is a good opportunity for any one wishing to go into the business or a house wanting to inorease their trade, Satisf otory reasons giving for selling out. Address “Box 280,” Philadelphia Post Offioe, with name. jeM-tl «TO LET OR FOR SALE—A FoUß stonr house, double back bnildinva, all modem im provements, in oompleta order; an elegantlar»eyard. Term* low to a good tenant. Situated No. 1924 CHESTNUT Street. Apply at No. 710 CHESTNUT Btr*»»t. in the Masonic Hml. mjM-tf EXfioUTußiS' SALE. —The Stock Fix tures. and lease of Ibe Wholesale Hat, Cap and Rtraw Goods No. 417 Market street, for sal*,. This is a good opportunity for any one wishing to go into business, or a house wanting to incresee their trade, as it is a long established and favorably known house, and witbal an excellent ocaton. Inquire on the van i*es for the Exeouton of the hstate of Jyl6 mw!6t JAMES 8. MARTIN, ar.. Deceased. «FOR BALE—A ibar-story’ hrown stone residence. No. 823 PINE street opposite the hospital. It has all the modem conveniences, is weU finished, and ism good order, ap-'lyon the premise*,' or at 417 MARKET street, of the Executors or Hie estate o r JamesS. Martin.Br..deceased. hl3 fmwfit* . *lO UAFITaU^TS,—FUR SALE— The Machjnerr, Stock, and tores of a large Mauufaotyrr of PAPER HANGINGS, replets with every oonvenieuoe for carrying on an extensive bon nes*. A desirable investment to persons of energy who can push the business. For rale with or without the builmng. Inquire at SS CHESTNUT Street. ° jalSwfmtf if BART, MONTGOMERY, k CO, A GOOD KAYINtt BUSINESS FOR SALE in a flourishing town. 17 miles from Phila r'eloft’A. where a person w>tn a oapitsl of $4 COO or ffidOOd. can do a very profitable bu+iness, as will b» proren by addressing -A. B. C.” this office. jy2S-wfgi4t TO NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS For sale a, large lot in the Southwestern section of theoity.welladaptedforaNuraeir. Termsaooommoaa ting. For partloulara address X, at this offioe. apl7-tl INSURANCE COJUFANIKS. HPHB MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE A COMPANY OF HEW YORK. AeuU: SIX MILLIONB OF DOLLARS, IITIIID IN MOBTBABXB OH SEAL imtt WORTH OVER IURMA The premiums areLowxxthanin many other Ccmja nioa, and the Dividends have been sum?. VUs is a strictly Mutual Company. There are as •teakholdera, so that ALL THE PROFITS SXLOKC TO TSM IIfSVAZB, Pamphlets, and every informatics, may be hs*4 •satis* on application to F. RATCHFORD STARR, Agent, g. W. oorner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCE*! * Thomas Robins, John Welsh, Mordeo&t L Daweoa, GeorgeH. Stuart, Jleorse M, Stroud* £. 8. Whelen, ohn B Myers, J. Fisher Leamingi Joseph Patterson* William C. Ludwig* John M. Atwood, Artim" G, Coffin, Thomas 11. Powers. Georgs W. Toland* William McKee. Thne. Wattaor. n«Myll» FAME INSUKANCI3 OOMFANY, NO. 408 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA THE STATE□? CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS DUBCTOBS __ Samuel Wright, D. B. Birney* Wm. W. Walton, J. W, Everson, ChM. Riohardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Geo. A. West, Jacob W. Stout, O. Wilson Davis, Henko Stem, Thos. 8. Martin. GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice Pres't. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary, [jall-u t! MEDICINAL. pURE GEORGIA ARROW ROJT.~~ The epeoisl attention of physicians and families is oalled to the superiority of this article, ft is rapidly supplanting all other * im s, and all those who hare o*ea it give it the n.ost decided preference. The following Extracts from Certificates id the hands of the maou fnctuier, Col. Hallowis will show the hign es Ima tion io wkioh the Georgia Arrow Root is held by those gemlomen of the medical profession who have lolly ex amin'd it. •7” One pound. &?>• cents, or two pounds for Rl. Complete instructions accompany each package, showing how to make the most delicious articles for the table. FOR BALE, WHOLFSALE AND RETAIL. FREDERICK BROWN’S^DRUG AND CHEMICAL STOK*. N. E. OORNhK of FlFlii and CHK-TNOT BTH KETS, PHILADELPHIA, AND AT FREDERICK BROWN. Jr.'s DRUG AND CHEMICAL feTORK. 8. E. COR. of NINTH AND CtIhSTN UT bTRKETR, Under the Continental Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. “ 1 have examined and prepared tome Arrow Boot f manufactured b j Col. Hallowes. of It. Mark's, Seorpia. It has *he bee quality of that variety 01 faecuU I have met with, being superior to any Bermuda or other Arrow Aoot 11»™ fgft, 0 „ L JACKSON , M . p ’* Universit* of ■penTraylTama 1 * PftUF. MUichlS* iCUOnPHALOa. There ere 1 00,000 Sufferer* from DISEASES of the NERVOUS BiioitSM, lathe city of Philadelphia. w n oc M b,our.d i b3«,n, OR MORIUS , EUCEPHAIjOS. Which is an original WONDERFUL REMEDY. Compounded from the private formula of Profeeeor Morris, M. D.. of this city. It aot, directly njjwn a through the pores, and u needs but the trial of a SINGL*. HOTTER to test Its marvellous virtue*. # Saflet.™ (-•» EMKNT oKTßffi BHAIJI, NERVOUS HEADACHE. GENERAL Di.BU.iTY. NEURALGIA. CHRON'C ?JEKVOU*!NE3S, *O., Wdl find the USE, Md t «, n Circular. r“Y T! TRY I’ 1 ’ i TRY T! IHYITr TrtY T! TRY IT! TRY T! TRV IT! TR -/ T! TRY IT* TRY T! TRY IT! TRY T! TJtY IT! TRY T! TR) f IT! TRY T! TRY IT! •iRYtT! TRY IT' If you are exhausted by over-much study, If you suffer trom sleepless nigh s. It you are a vjonm to neuralgia.. Ij you are prostrated by excessive grief. It you crave stimulating drmkf. ißYirt TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT! ToY IT! •» miserable aensatior as it will remove those t. on* duce a morbid disposition toward* intemperance. TRY IT. if tou are suflerioe from biervoas Deb lit? in any o' ... ’ A 'MVci{T’ l li3S >t!,,,,S “ d to your nerves, and worth many times it* cost, in the relief afforded. . , riuDjerou-* testimopia * from the mo*t respectable sources can be seen, by applying at the office of the pro ,rjSss?r«d by MOOKRIBGB i CO., No. «2 North FOURTH Street. ter And for Sale by Druggist* generally. 4 nwinif I For the INSTANT relief per AMHMI MANENTCUREorthudij|qSunDora- pl&iCtiXlM IEJUT'S BHONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by a B. SEYMOUR k CO., 107 NASSAU Btre«t, New York. Prioa 91 per box: aentfr*® by post inyT-tei if) FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS*. PORT WINES—IO half pipes 1(0 quattera.fo oa>aves Da Mull/r Puri; S ha’l pipes.di Quarter*. 2* ooiaves. Benicarlo Ju*t wairett n®r Man Lucres a.” lor *»le by JAUhE'ICHh A CARSTaIRs, and «04 d. F*.uNT at. jy«*.a mu.
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