usaasssß^i ° pjSwiSs&bf!s>r^Sl»tti*i4 motion the flats or tho Luti t;, '• '‘ J '.!£ 'U*»*\* Onen §*; rfotook A.-®.. MU* to BMflk&rifoaßSßfe. {saMS^. BrSwnia* . NiH -r<JohnM P«tv.»t»»«*nA' jr*«at»«-8 P, -j. HioSoroothn 1 , -.K.'oJ *_--,. fwobmj Rg*!* . Blltunßajtt > M»PivS»S a ff * SrondbentCl*. us A. Hm Catb&nne Hoachy J*B« '-. «*•**• ISSSir* A anilb*hi«_ Boptor lf ._ LW 1,,r ; Eteyw-j * WtSCn*. - %*&&&& r vfe&^ r ' SJSrait ; : pfe?r?,^,:, |^ i !‘^‘ !,, ’ t ijSfeg* TJI JCf n*ott¥ tt« 1* §££&!Si\l c ' taw | e n.u^.-S3lri C-xslt# M»r=t Kibelr Mr* FfltogbMi«tw Cr*t*oi*asan l*t . ..£?**l! mlwU.* - ..;'. 3&52« - S® Z?, mt ■ «?*•& ; k«J}? . DwrtttW'««t . £MTil«Bo*te _ gouuerMnri &IIIMIHM , jUHruMarjtm.B ‘ B*»l e* Cvharlce , P*iuicmi& —Jtoudar H*tue_ Dvton iTaov M ,i-ov«t»o®aariu*, Bommervilla MX j*eUp JM»oo» ’Lonigarti® •-' m I)»m> Moyf -40 C MufitU . , rtOVoft Mfl & bsc*» Prucilla Lowronco Lioolo fijM.Sli" Bavtaß». , '*i ) ©hn-orah , . Solornia* Grata - PUT. Julio V., .Medium M-i,n•. 8touuo»o Befeni JJivine Catu 'tew'U Mar>| Jiiotrorcon A MoNoato* Mr* Staubrn Kath pun worn’t f. 1 MoDarmodWn AI. ;- Pulkioo b»r* L_ - MoGarrtm Joan — Lilli* B JVittiheetof BW. flo .oy 34wi T ta ©amor u* A. fodhertrOA,' fco‘ roe.Mr.h 8 1> "*H : tr-.ik* oltanv M.aroodr «r» T-TtirtfoUH Maty. Bmi «»y ittio B MoMollln Bl|* thTrtmifeipo 8 B , form MOry ■ .Molntnoh M»rT;uerJ<>o'ph’e lyeatH ; Mo(Uv«iy''"r».’. >ot.o Mn*B.- i o WeWi’t ■ Mofti' ™ Hnmnt Tor orSu.on on> JoUo Mmiorneld »« .Tom»»itii .north rett II A W Mottb'Wi Mr* D Taekar Annio . JStfono Mr* H Mortm nl *■ V ’ oitn Annief ■ ■ >'n«l»S H«l*n M*r»b«U *bl-'*l! Toumor-Mm - Eutim rntb-O'. ~ Moll*' t tiro 2 »,. Tj'PJ l P. E>tmA pf&fiolt Muftifl Mary IJiiua hUI “ira i S* S Mi 3 ' 'Mimh “orf-.rtUrVrMU-nnEl.oa- ; fm.-i Mo.fjo M*l!i*Mr* Tout ViMotb *«b ' Mr*l)t MortboiAdrliOL V» divoor Vlorr S jr.loe trio* A • -Motney Mpr» V*tthrHl«ht n H Milior OorrirtP Mariomt A . Ur-tmclr aous U uortin rlaroprtt W.otonton Mi.« Pkwd lion Mllor Hik Wol.or «m . M Jfo.r-h r li-l-o A MilißoHioJ Relrecra i , Millar Mr* w»>y.Wo ,h Eltta P • min* bonnio JtioKin 5 W«ik*r Bjr.h Pit b Wory a- ’M.em Coiborino -Wbiinll-yitb F < Horn .orob A Mowbroy Mr* Wellor MOry A Pirter -oflio A WnlnoUMbuo . Whee'.or Mr*W I- Pio d Motj O Mu ten Oallio 1; Wnmr Arno F.rt cr f'oroFo Jiiiunß Bfllbo K S rr«».*rMorr_ Mnrpt.r Brideot, W*H* Mory P. . Fmnoo omtoß MoinMoryH , . watiMmLoio .. GtllomFdith .. Jt. rm.'iary . ,-Warf n Mory - * Uloaoun tn.rr A -Atn.pnr HelnnL Wabb annio Gibooa Mballa Marl, *iieo TWiteon Min R 0.1,.her. alb Mor.nMatt V Wildam-Mlou O O'.t BridfOt .Mo tio 0-ary V Ml i ;oo Hory o. yio.a- Marot N«a. Annta Willi*™ Nannio Girrarl) Oath ■ wim ok* MrtJP B ffitlinti Marft sm*ooH*n.tak w|bhl*Mr*H Watronoo.u B-irdner Sorak . Porthron Ann Mr* RV nro’dMrt 11 boiiml Wr. L A W'tl*-;n K-becca ' Goa-d Cstn - Norton Mr-. Wood* Mr* G* a n #flrt J - Noa an nolo L Wo dyard Elia Oriihn B Peßolo- Noltin Kate . , Wo,*hrlt*oß O.rlhio Abai*. Itiaboi Marrarot Wneht Annta Jl Oibhut* Mlti B i.’Bneo John Younf MnH OtbicnAdaliao - OlotauuMra immiC-Mary GFNrLtMEN’SLIST. Adams Ch*s H Dans DaMelA Hollingsworth ft Adams-DaoielJoho W C <*J , Aous Hum Davis JtevJ PI Po iueiCapt W 0 A<tams tiilbe>t Dart n ft w Holienbush Dr C AUmbb come DaWslbosM „G • ■ , Aden n-eodera neweon HB HarbartThei C Atoom Andrew- Davis Frank Eure & Keefer t Ait * hit* and Co- Dele Robt Hummel HichM lumbi« H JR : ' Dene Re* W 0 Hutf’initumnJ H AiUmsiSK .. , i>a*i« fi Woobey JosC AUen •« T . / 1 Dawson &PrHoh* Hurse R P Aiiea Jemes . _ard -j , HjdeTmi V Adram'Wm BandsoiiTbo* HydeMfA . Adams-hJt--- Des'ine Chne- - Hutchinson JV - DevJinJoa ■ - / » Hnitoert and Armv.mwrD Da 'vi!J«ror Mons.jrboinw . Anders mfcßrog DoFordPanl HjßttJas Arnutriuu W J ~ DibraJottn ' ’ ngraTaiThos-Jt Armstrong W B piazßJlns Irvine Jaa. Apeitonisfl' pwme *lex _ lakes Wm- Ardi»wmO . J*e CeitoßtsD' Uiraan Meyer De Rf>zta John ngran'i Alehina John Potuherty Ja* Jackal Ldw* Aplev Lorenso D Downing A H . Jackson.Ur Aos’la »m - PoozeJoe J«n.<s leut W A; Andri'We'fenoe C Dobs a John ■ .* Jeffereis rB ATueloiJohaO Dour.hsrtyAT Jackson David Poaobae.f! Jenkins Guns Atwood Jrsaie Down Leonfaart Jackson W 8 Anolafc&rJW Deane Capt S B Ja dioc J H. Arthur Dr Rnbt 'otcgerJoo* , Jacobs Henry AprlsgateJ P DrainssDr „ ■ ’'Jenkins J HE AppisateGT DromftCoJß JenkePT BierWmJ Huffy Miohael Jordon WmH BakerS l* A J W Drum Garrett , JcnesJ B jtatcbelder W 8 DnogleeDr R.Jf . Joseph J Bstrt* Leek el >ubl» BH»MD Johnson Hen P E trees Jcertck • lonian Wn» A. „ JohnsonW B, •Bareas AB Doan Leonhard L Jones J A l’<att*lev John* Dutton Henry 8 Johnson Bobt Haxot W Durant Lester 1 Johnson J H - Dar» Ihr Henry 9 J/oval Was a ' Johuaou John Baird Story/ . KtbertDr JohmonVfM' Sanger Jhos E'dndge John R Jordon ChasW Stird Robt ' ’ HaeJtonTho Johnson JnoW Bah a too uhas T Editor »'hiMel- Johnson,’ Pry- & BabbCojGC - yin*Union-' -Go’ '•••’ BakerTU; Efijs Horace ; ; Johnson Mr fiiey Jacob . Earle Gjot* 1 Jones Bam) B *rton Francis - EdeellWmß 'KeveDevtd icon),Ml >r hldndteJßt Kane Karnst «MterChas >ar! H A Kelly A Co ■ Bavs'lH EhiottGeo.W .Kelly DavidB Baker C *r Elkins John E . Ramps Tneod r Baser JasW Eckert Win Bj . Kettle Andw- Biksr w H Knew Philip - JSare'ay>A Efalert Au*u r Kern Enoe 8 nedy ’-- ' Evaris* » o D YTKorobum Mr B t/uett IsiSo . Erenaon A Son Krake Gustavna s . Barelav'ridmfs ► verson Dr - , Ke«m*Ho*li Bailey Wm Endesa t ■ ' Kelly Holmes B ' jLhaafcawP PerroeD W - KeshlandMons •• Barker Jaa. ' PaltonMiehL Kiobar.d Capt EattenbereJ . Parley Capt Jno KitkimngerMor , Basertft&CoL , KirohenDrJlnoS gellThos Pell Wm„ ; 'iA J earh Henry Fern Dr K< . ,Knrri J<mti H Bel) Philip KarnnmMr. * KiernhnJs* • - Perlr/a* - '•* Peril Boswell Lavaeue Capt Hr.tune Wm C Fanner Jas 8 A r _ Bel'csruCwt (J Eeller Fa’aster Latisinr Henry Bell Jas F __ Fabmo Jog .amsr J F i- ‘ Besker & Co H ” Fems-Wm F -Lamed D%y j *eU- rett’i& Co r Florence Jacob - -Eaore&ee O r Fellows H W •, Fitspatriek K H ‘Wn Betainger Jacob Fn»«era<j WmHLaober John B&hnM - Fitch ThosG . ' • Lsoe Andw ’ i- Bi«hop Dr 08 Fa'ionGeoP - ' -one JoJo-noan B)p.'jzian.Ohaa A Filler Ch’»s H *on Mastm • - Blaster Henry Eitrpnr.ekl J - Leltod Aojostcs s«irt 0 iter W- Field Geo - -sese Bsmi BrmfiUt RirGW Fisk Lewis H Lewis 8 B ias Zenaa - Pi-herji Rhoads Lewis BM-< Bissoivsr Flam Win - Pi-ok Jot . .Fos’erSF LPsoh Jewish. W E F ickG-n . *sne JP. • Bland W H ' Pnrb»s John G Leuobsennag H a • 81-kerCaptO * Poster *U«s P ery L A' . SluenkcrO J - Fonston Oliver* . -ea»y John • ■- •aae/- ,r mV ‘ FontameJohn’ ' -ewisEnonM' ■'.* Pom M W. ■ Fox-John, • Lesett;Joed * . 1) C - Footer I‘lioC Gi #vis J --- - ‘ t • fiolaed Jewish Fiederiek ad*«" ■ : B ml • - - Foster Lewis - > ‘ daOiyCP. Boyiwimke l Vox Jc Ross > v ,ipi»iitoott Frnj - Ba»* b A Kennedy Fuller Troa R - Lipetnoott B J Botrdmaa' 1 A Frncher Joo’n »'*■•-iddia wst • Gravfl -• • ’Plan ois vfoi'O 8 W»# w - PoriiMMi.jM *. -iLirlwjoeT 1 ronse John E! Loudon A Co Pamhnryer Mr • Freeman Wm HLmty J H‘ Bo were John R Gay & Bnlch-r 3 Loyaa Peter Bowen Wm- t fltrborTheo * meanJoetan-' B iv esßenjH GabebJu'ius - - ' LocostGap Impt Bo»erW.*ah - bardiner Prof W J Co -- Erne* Hobart A . > o * Locker Wm" B»dJnoW. Gardiner Henry .8 LordMD 3 ' Prownßjlvester Gsu- Louts K - l*oat« Morris**' , Erowa An bony flitr'enJal Lorberry OhniF Geo J G«rdiner K 8 Locust Mf Coal BroWoJa-P • Gaui Fh'lie ’ _ 'A Iron o . j BrywoJM Garvor Hrnry P : LukinsOL frwnH orrt Gage Aa-on ' Love Jas town Geo W> * Gaidy Wm R - , to does. . n»woBW- 1 Garber u FofTDivNol73 E , owß>'Arrott;'AGe!iespy ’John Lodf«'/»o4A lOOF tCf' t»-_* OMrufCsiiisl • . ip-f* t peyerßL GafuxMr, ... Jl-'^!. mss Mr ■ - Gheien Bon 8J McO'draW-C ,** rooke John 0 urs**r D*n*l NcDunala/*>ouc* Patrick Gnl Geo W- -- .McCaule* wm Bruiser & Co J tt Gibson hjoColomJp |iri kinauCns J G bborsGeo W £ JifcL’a*’* ey J H . Bridies, feds .Oilmora SbrlockMoßnds /m, Brioer John tt • A Go M Bruder ibos -: G'lrtM » dyar t*T . ,Gtl' ‘boa* , ,McO**'lough Jno . Brady FatHok flibha J- shuaE# Aioßride Heart Banon &.M& Gtrra-d'l'eroy ! shJ**hn'.f Bu k JobnS Gibbs Capt 8 Ji 2 Bo|lv«uiJa* BuIHH . GiierJ - , {JolntoshDanl r Bures Henry L GiluotA Bro j = -< • SurrOL Glenr* Franklin Mcouire Jas Putfiett 8 Henry GeasonOtr.Dr McKenny Win Bu .ell A Co t /Giorsr Lloyd , Tj Mo'lhine Jno P Pu 'hanxn Jas GoodFre Geo E 2 ’MeElwee P*tk Burnett i h<>« Gcodall a G n'CdDeaJas Busting (c Co, JH Gotwaj G«o r - j'ona fi Otilahan Wm Gpoidrheo - • '-'--JJoKenlry Jas Cas’enan m , Gold* J 23 c L* ,ro Uaitsad t» Prof J Gorton LD aoa'flafriWm, . Cavens Jefferson Goldy Iraiah2 McG>»Ukhey'Chas . Carr -n nonv t* .Gra> Wm a McGrath ‘Johl Cttnplieil. t K\ Grogan Frank M-KnuhfcT Carr> G n HresanJos ’ McGee A Co J h Ci% dwell Rami , . Oroda .Wm B . MoMurrat Jos it Caswell Jnoil -Graot'Jds 0 - 'S°« e / 1 J , « w,d m Csa Vjn * Green Ji»!ln B" MeyeUhHaraT Gamer Lotus i Oregon Open 2 McCaßery Pat C*re Peter' H r ant i»aVld*W Me alpine R W. CtvapnnnSx Grier "ev Jno W HP Campbell Rev W Gross gyro’l,; Mahcm ThneX T Gray fenooh K*>loy F K Caldwell John ... greaves Jas P Maimnes J Carter WjmV Gre-n John Malonv Baml - ; GuerouM HA Mertm Win Cftl-n.n Dr lTioi Or en w Matiock Edw . Cash Geo Grooms & God* fcajal dosl*h_ • arhe tHburß*"' aard "Masurian'S B Cantwell Jas Gathennsnn T M Matlack John R Ctrmli Patrick Guild Q.ibertG Marley Jehn Chandler DrT _ «a'r« Fenton 2 Mathews Jno M .;Haokinsyn Jno . Mason Jjj, ’ Cban,ber« John J ’Ball ThoeH ‘ 'Mart'nOif ' CnurishPß .H®de n>ie ary . Mark Jos Chimbirslt Jr J - Han David h- -Maroteau J Mods Chapman Mr Ao Hale.dc MoDoWr Meyaialhos N 4 ChamOf j- eH. ' 4 j,carip Monsß ChapieiET Wm J Haisey Jas_ MeWMteSaml r Chambeilun P H*hrah«n.Wm Meeds fatal - Chu? A Wuod- r EuniltonMi *Maumwer Jos .path ' ' . -B»ujel i>swis, - .Mereqithtsml Cbtytoii JdtO - Marine Jacob Meredith A * UfvkJL;' - Jiartredrn RD’ O atk J Wilson.'. gaTdiM Wm J r Oh tie Thos, Hart Jas - - -.Mitchell Wm .... Clark: Rev L Harvey Geo Miller A Go GeoL O’arfcGeoß ' Herbert/o - Miller Chas ' Clop* TobiasB i Hayden fhoeL .'MillerA Bro • Clarke wm HayaWro MUlerjH-A-- - OivkJos Hassettwm Miller AJeiPr Clark A B •' Harper Capt H MiMheTo W' Cjajton Jok C Barn* It «o Geo Mi.isr G«oW Cbvrfcson Kobe Hancock W-P. M MtobelO I otttne* Ur IV HayltCoJK > MoorDV C »rson Hham Harvey i'ancaet; 'Moon W P C dims 1 hod - > -Favner Charon Morton WW ■ C laaghaa John Haenon Jad : MooreJesee . CmrioayVred - Heiljerg Mr a°orlyl»atk . . C**ok Ab «hsjn' He’lb Joei,. Moo,e ' CooperDrJ W~ Heifckil/Thos •" Moore A D C.iro! Waraun A > >ebert Theod’e Town*end> -- Hsury MB,- -,, Morjif Wmv, r, ( . C^rdmvSW-.;. mv/i Chas IL.^a;fiontolva*W{Hr! Co hun ft Co / ,jUndmtartf cT' &oofft/VowitMhd OooperjHon JaS- BSokle KevM t jMonfis.Drßobti’ .1 Conner JnoJ,- '-Henry;/fta,Mortoa-Capt ß M C >wan jau P -■ H«nry 7bos W Molone Mfv - Ji. lojp t Thp* _ gatehey Hanl - Morton B.lve«ter' Colroaft Bott-Jir Eerbrnrion EaP - Moor«*W«r ' Cirey H»I Phtup , 5 , ; MfintgomerjrJ H . Cc*tn Ur Caleb HUgsy Jno Morton W H Cott n, v . Bindmaa W> »r’> - Moon ft Bro -wB rtoeaitiiueJL-. HiafcmanJHenrV-S Moore- Wwr-; Cot4arh»m JaB '-Hiil HAmvmi \ Murray Wm I ,:' ©meet w» rsn. Hickey Jas *' 'MreJs.Thps ! - CiANh-feb*P ' Muvhwwono'.Mnifoy CaptL* > r »-.»iliihk'lt*ao * ‘Murtey-WTir ' Conrahr John C Hinkle Wra . MjctiChaa'.. _ ‘ - Snf»y lUv, j .. CjnrSwm 0 g ; .gtSiMo Wm ) cuiiwTg?.. l /floLrdact,.' • Simiaw . jrtH Jnnn. r - . Alb.rt '. Cro»Uk'Um l. RoUmldM : . . Mnlm Jfltti' CnwpS&'iit. t ' *Bw -5J5g»j;T fJolfriKSßw j John - "-TSr&r- - ~-3Ta glar-Peter - - - Q’CqnnoHO . SaUi-bory Jos.H { Thum*» Maihev Oswald iman’l 2 SanohanpJ'D- Thom H .- o'K«al4Atabael~*-BMroM)-J--'-' —Thompson Jk' 'Owen Parker • , Peats Ben} Capi Thoraefipn Mr O’BneirA' <' Sea*"© Thoh\f'' TTldsn T 8 - v Paiktottmdiott, NlbertMall Town*gd T V Eo»»tn*y<Tho* SetieyWt) ■ - Turns* Samuel v i teasi^sasawi:.-IssiV." KffiaASL JfiSiWaßfc BBS®*®'.' i ffflteni-'fcSfeffe v-ksss 4 "' 4 . Pa'me^Jobn- 11 §KR?jd Edirin VaEßtine Jacob *>-SMnre PA • • VauDys«FA r Parker Ttaoa fln«ham C M Verriam o_;' ’. &, :: H«nry 7»?tt»°mioa Philips John Sifaan a Wattscinffn Mmpsoa John - EjjiyS&S Fhiuney, Jomab T> 8 ippeoQ John , Sag S'" w Fetiriegrast Capt" t* mpeonWm A. • r » N PnkierChM - wajk*r woolPk « issfjr--- -ssss/ap .•Sa&Tft KtrrC -- ■ B-SmonS.t'l’, ' Wall. Abwlnm R M&s*a u^t Antt WanalepFeru l * iy|wepy« • J&Jffl® r? 5 - P SSSnSD ' V i *«M tH A9 wr Walker Rev W F Power «*CojoMl SrnjthSWm Walker John 0 ~Pott*vil»-wintiJrßmtthJoi 8' , ‘Wallace Edward T* Hmith WmW v. Wallaoe-Thonus Powndall JohnXjspiitK.lV: , ~ Wado John,. .. j>?o**r valoaa; }- Btmth. Get) ~ ~ Walker Geo *irdii Works ; T v'Bmtth wesiJoseeHO ■" , -SmtthOharf;i*'' WelamanrT- PhelpsKamson Smith Aiex. Hi - Wenori kJC P0d4.8.J •: ' SmithMbrijupJ :WeitSomueVC . FriesThdeO Baii»h MbertK WelchTnnraaß . ’ Proetor Win ft * . flmtih Oavid ,< • W* ob, LelPis ft • G Priech-ttA il BuHthGeoP ' i*a>l* , , , Prtee jaa F. . t Smith JasK -• Weaver Elisha 1 Price rhea 0 Smith PJ „ „ -Wei* 0«ir» •SMJfcf %»' Ouion Mr Small Wra ,> West John (Juans Ur. B'iU'ely Johnl Weir James .RappJae Somers Wm WikcnmanJos • * Haney Wm Somers Capt Wm Weekmsßsmuel Kalck Martin > - Somers & “«S? b . tw f ** A - SadeuvPitter.T ; SokeylOarTons H Whitney and H- Bootnere-Dr- _ Karoeno Jas - : Hpanxter Wm H White EdWd • , Rapp Adam Wid SpeArmanGeo Wtjhftuu p& P v Reed 8 • Sfrinner Ja» P Wilson JPjipeft Rhode Heyman Sp oul J P Winter J W Meea Geo Steve, s Joshna Williams P Rhodes ft Co KM Stearns ft Marvin Willounhby’e Self Kemioks John. Siout Le*is L ' eaimk ine >Reed eaae Pte lin* Mr Williams Cbas i /Reroeßeal-■ •-Stevens J Walton Johns * Read N - PtauourGeo VilsouJH HeeieB:FTnnkß..Btau»s W' ~ W»u amsMoni . Reed Jackson ; Stevens WC * SU J,n, , D t l U 3 M tesdftCo* 1 Stevenson 100 A • Wilson J w ee-Phoe- KnrlcaidGVon Rat an ft Co PA. Stins-n Wm H WimarasJDftM . Reppl‘ol JL • ’ Straaserimsrer'F Wilson W H Midxsw y.TE PtarrGeo w Williams James . Rumanl F C Btea tft D ' Witsil Ueo li : Riokey Mallory ftßterlinv OS. Wilson HP Co., Storm Adolf’ WllUrdCaotJ Risley G P ettukel' »?r ; WitliAots Oh is 0 Rioba'dsPS ; Stevens Philip Williams Rev I ftilev John StisfOnasD • WiUeyd .hoa, • Kiohardson B J Stevesson Mr Wilkinson A M IliehardsJobn gtrenrer Jacob -Wm? J -i ' Sts en>o& - m Williams John Riohirdaon WE. Paplee -1 boe B Wirthl* H KrU« .Lewis lul ivan Oha« L Wilson hdwin , Pavr W> K 1 W.laams ft ; . Rots t-dwd Bn'h*risnd D W Wilson Mo v leg & Rotten Jacob Sunderland John Co _ »*y*j« Uhas sweeny «e© J'oob Robtaeoa Wm > Swope,ft Swartz W dup Cjrus F eoseubtum a / Bamm«ie John **«m{ore E N Roiilbs G B ’ Banur W]) Wilkins JF Robnsou J W - > TaitoT J- WixmlGW Ra hermelP F . Tarnes Eugene Woodward KM ft fobmstm Rev AH Tax Simon JB„ oit a ft Tapp Wirr WorlSamuel RoboJes- ■’ ' f&W'HL Wood TP _ Soehe edwd-M T n T l r JotmS L Work Rev w r RojerCftM Taylor nmuatF Woollier Chai hu nerHenry . Tayl tGeo W 1 'Worlds Masonic H aeon art J|f Ta lor John H K«<isferS , Ra*h rhpe V f TemplerJnha Woodward Caleb usbotham Jas - Tailor Samuel Wolf Mu. Ra<and - - Wood Dr « 2 RupertGL 'ThompsouJ Wood H iohard Ruse’U John - Woodward CW. Rotter<’e>B TnomssHA . Woou ft Merett HynexJobn ThomAs Milton A-Woodward GS , Huftle Juba Dr JW Woodbine Rev J Setthderson Prof Tiloen Walter H . WngUt Or W A tScbroeioJohn Tteri»av«da Wray. Henry o NKifieidThos .Ihompeon JaaC Wright Beni 8oo« B G .. . • ilies «* t ■ Yoaqg Rev G D Scott's Weekly Thompson AH M umbrook An h > N. 0. fi«i)WftH, postiuaeter* ARRIVALS Af THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, DP to U O’CLOCK last bight- CONTINENTAL HOTEL-Nlntb and Chestnut ate. Cuowea, Pa John L Doty. N J „ AlexHart.NO Driver. Salem. Mass A B Petrikio, pa H W Rice, Milwaukee Geo Wet man, Pittsburg W M Wiley, Lanossier - H 'MoCune, ct Louis R F Spin/enberg. e* O WHHsoveny;lowa AII Persona. Wisconsin THai*ht.NJ Theo 11 Tilton. N V. J D Phillip*. Dayton, 0 H K FettypMce Vobile D B-ssett, Michigan JM N Wilson* Ohio 8 L Bmwu* 111 E J Dawson k wl, Mass John Fors* th. Mobile - Hamuel Brooks. N Y JM. Dav'icUon/La Wn Davidson-*a - , J t* P* It N O 0 8 Gibson. Richmond DTO•rnahan, Baltimore GeoU i avia. Baltimore Pr W B * ittle. Oal Johi. T bilohnet, Jr, Fla - GeoUekla Nashville BABeck-*«*i, La - - Miss Valentino. Miss Ju» Le Coate Ala,-S C - Geo Odtor e, Boston K W Mayo,' • eon Ja • O Bradley, Ala Time W Baxter. Chloago G B Toruer,»‘hio G G Noland fc In-, Miss •A Slones & la. Savannah Geo B Barnett NY . W B Lyon, Illmoiß- ‘ 'R Greee A. eon. Mlmme J M Tower fc la. N J «ov P u Jenfctos, 8 C Mrs W R-jauktuß, SC - .Mies AAt Jenkins, S 0 MJJenkina'SC - • John Hoes D Rirwin. Wheeling. Va W Pouslxsa.M'* Geo PBsmsdeilrßoatou Chat MBeeie. Ga , eal»arr Hull, Ga m K Lord, New York Miss Irvine Plorence, Ala J H daleetmr*& la, N J'rittabf .MrsWA woblure «ch,Pa Mitt M BHam Itdn, Mo Jam** itamil'ou.Mo W P Siraun, Cincinnati G o A Potter & wf, Boston Mr* Jno 8 Loring. Boston H A vulkley.N Y OUFonr.j oekHaven FMontenoilm. Jr Ky W Cooper, N V A K bedgwiok-N V P H-Wallace; N Y ~ ‘ J P fUrnasa, Md „ W W Loring, Baft John W Overall. N 0 AElrired Milwaukee • K Hdred.‘inioayo J W Stevenson, Ky C H Bassett. Conn. Howard Cookborn. NY J Ilardenburgh, N A Mr West, Wash, J) C 'J 0 > hampion, N Y . , K Tiyior. La John G Martin, 8t Louis A ti fte< d. Wash, D C J W Lefaveur, Boston D H ansley k la, Ga Mitt Graham* Jam*sSStevens,SC . R L William* Louisville 88 Moore, Ne*r Albany,ind Geo W Foster A la, Ga J RBudwell. AookAnd K B Turner. Austin, Texas AT Bond. U« a,, , ■ J Vance, Texas. W R Vaooe, Texas T B Hall, 8t Louts WHb&rabeon. Del cs laly,Ala WNoms. Williamsport M W Lowber. Pmla R Lyle White, Pa -- Gfl Rudd, Chicago Henry Graves, Jr, w Y - Beni Grays n, lowa, H H J’arrah fc la. Boston • J ftoggen, Hudson, N \ .Johnßaldwin,'Pittsburg Mim & w right. N k Miss A Wright, «V 1 • W Millard & fa, Troy i GIRARD HOUSE—Ninth and Chflitnot streets. Col Johnson, <Va J B Montgomery, Wma’rt Geo FftlcCleane, Pittsburg 6 A Gray, Ohio WE,Harrison k la,Md Miss young4ssister,Md J D Morris,Canada Goon Baylor,N Y Mrs Booth, N Y, Mr Boot b,SV„ „ Master Booth, NY Mias E Booth, N Y ArnosCooper, NY J H Hunting & la, Va WMMpmeDel. . Cb»s ft Dallam. Wash H Lcvejoy, Tehn - . * Morris L Sharpie*, N C Ja* Marshy, Jr. Hoboken W Armstrong a is, Va Miu Armstrong. Va -Vyiss Her he LWkm, Va Henry. Bhoner,'Balt T R dimraond*, Danbury MriSimmonds Banbury E Ward; Conn B W Ward,-oan ■ Q. JF fiaitmus . R J Haldsmai), Jlarrlsburg L h Par»ond. Ala ThoaC Fields, NY ISC Maxahall Ky J i G»iffith, Pacramento,Cal M Duike/7C'*nton, 0 W A Jones, Ohio PBBt'oase, Plula H Wil.on. ft Y » H»rdm., N Y „ * CKimstook,ft-Y WComviook.'NY,,,, K. w liiiamson, N Y Miss Williamson. N Y p Wheeler. Si V . Jas D McMann, N Y Y Lomt Jamer. N U W Mailer. 80 Tb Stewart ra GpoP Peabidy. Phita Hon W wiLon. Conn L Jr, Bglt W 8 Inslo. Jr, Bait H M Walirson, Tenn L V B martin, Ala T M Lanahan. Ala Sami 8 i.lpjd, Havana Jos Richards >n. tsavana Geo W Hyatt, Havana J F Woottou ic. la, Havana ~ Batnl Harlneri, Boston Frank *rtbnr, Boston ' * R Lovett, wash' Yi Hlttltir, U'lmnbia, 8.0 JWLangley ft laiTemi Mitt A l /Langley; va ■ ■ P Higgins A son. Wasn Hon - A'Dob "toa it tai D 0 F tteeio A la, Min,,, putt ÜBteele, Aim Mitt Kata .-teele, Min Miss Rose:, tcelev Mm Mis* ttallie • teele, Mm ' :Mim Fahnytfteeie,A»in'*- Maaier Frankßweie, Mm Dr Johas oni La Miss Johostoot La L Louis, cavannnh . JM Bradley - J « Gaskins,-FelU M alone, jra . - W GGibaon, PKtsburg AMERICAN HoTEL—Chestnut. above Fifth, *6 Scran oof Boston-' - WW Mflhl.P* * DJm oulßj fiirdeWro V! 6 W Boyo, Phifa H Smith, Fiuia , Thoa J uhver. t-ngland J B onrvil, fcnylaid FF. rbas B». vil, England n m Bootc, West Chester K P Dix West Chaster R b Small, Raleigh, N 0 0 v eou t. ill Jos a B<>an, .roy.ft Y Mrs Cuoiiuiskey. Balt - AiiiaC»wim*k«». Ba#t MasterOnQiniiskey. fialt N btone, nocißsier AOorew Gale. Mass # wm t> Murray A U.N Y bliss. J'Urnti N y John Ray X bawl Herns, N Y Geo F Snath ft Y W, Weu, Balt J PZaoe, < &1 ‘ »tof Jtiohatdson.Cal Hu uoud, N Y Henri D»vi* ai,. Bait - Willis/t woo 4F. w f» Balt U.o si .liiur • H v.arieton. «Y„ M i»«ill>,'Wilm,i)el, Jdß heataley, IH If rt EKOtiANTb* HOTEL—Fourth street, oeiow Arcb. W, Sbattuok, NY H L Oieffeabsoh, L Haven Jos m i bowpson. Pa b Wrthaiui & J*i tietme'm Gen Geo Souit, Caitawlm CKBa> ait, .no C Mgfiti/hio, Jr, rml& . JB L unlap: JoDnst’n, Pa Cuptou.ifxas _ . C« Green. Pittsburg J AicCaioaot, wash Mica a otepbene. Memphis J D fisher. Pmia . Hon a C UiKue, lowa JaojrsLGtfim. uoatesville F P nii>Uia»,Va Jas F Morgan, N Y • RL Mo ris, siiss mis Roberts Pbila Mrs mormids & ch, Pbila ft Weise . aUntown WROtia (Via"ohChunk 8 LKeltam Mauob Chunk Jouuoordm New Albany w rate, t»ab lino re barnl Hiierwtt.Pmla w\y Martin 'Cleveland Hon W-Buuer A *», P* To? ywuMPift K. RtoeVeigh- Hannibal WFDonaldson. „ If GetfFbbO'rb.N \ - R D foster. Pa JCOmrl Greensuurs,Pa ,westuioreland H O B Gettysbur«, Pa B F oawyer, Cincinnati, u retdr Ent, Pa' ; • i ST. LOUIS HOTHL~Cheetimt street, ab. Third, FKKe&t.PbiU J-FWlva, fa . 0 H Spsflbid* Chicago Mrs V A Marsh. Chtosgo •~jPio»peH,NY Bariholom w, N Y WC«*mitb» P» Y 0 a Hex. Halt J M Morr.s, New Haven Mrs Dale, BurUngton, N J A Richards, N Y . CMcCali^Uhlo A A Dupuy.Pa t T Hell. Pifsburg Mrs bejla M nto It ohil, Vi SB Hitch, Dei J G Kelloy , Phila - tr 8 Hall, XV if „ ' M 0 Remington. N Y M.s K L Allen, Pittsburg SJ Alien Pittsburg Miss Lucinda M AUen, ra JONEB’ H - TEL—Chestnut street, above Bixtb. ~ BSWiIsm.NJ BJHodine.NJ EM Justice, NY BHBmith.NY Ambrose Green, Pn ‘ • L Winston* Pa'* p a Moulnune. Phila , J O-Nevett John Angler, Tex&s . E WoodrufT. N Y G O Van Amnng, Jr, N Y H Nolan Mas*, N A Mnioni Mass , ~ A E rands, NY GH Vance, Ga ' ►.Gardner, NJ~ W Kinsley. NTS R k Bolings, Montreal Joi* Jewell, Jr N Y D MoConfcoy, Vf Chester je, D MoClouah&n, Md * H Cams, Balt A H Parsons, E McCall John T MoAUchin PtiPiioe THE UNION HOTBL-Aroft street, above Third, James D Botwslli ChioAgo'P 8 MoOoy, Ohio - Thos J Edwards, PhiU BHFuh, Pa„ Pe;neerin?er, Tirond. Pa. K W MarslialU.Phila FM Wheelerj,N,Y' 0 WBtran, Phila B WoolmM.xi Y . . ' ' STATES UNION HOTRL-Market street, above Sixth. , Jpha Larimer. Pittsburg W 0 Brolay, pittsbnrr H A Wyman, Pittsburg W H Watt, Lntrobe, I 7 a L Kulp Lewistown J Gest. La* caster co. Pa ■ JSSnyder. Uwpoco.Pa H PDunbar. P'ttsburg ' H Hendenoo. Pa' J H Webber ft U, Altoona S Rinehart; Waynesburg* Pa W Spoon, Pittsburg A Booaoon, Comb’d co, Pa HSp-tts, Ba]t . J MeUiiar. Balt. , MImP MoAfpin. Danville JH Keiisl; Pulla , . }W M Phillips, Alexandria J'Jhertpfca, Ohio •'J- _ BALDfeXOLE HOTEtAThlrt ,t„ CUowblU. Rer EA'PrilMlE,/ H«b’r S DKend.u, N Y , Hockey. Montg 00, Pa Jos Smith, Books oo .Harelay'Brpwn. Pa . . -R Meyars.MortU oo; Pa- J;L Bnoker. Pa i - P S Lelsenring, Pittsburg .»Y BhelJey r Nebraska • SARIiBY SHEAF HlXriL—Baotrad rt„ 6,10 w Vine; HOTEL—eedohdWiset, above Marset, ■'■ ' 9 WDewVj.rJY i EATIOWAI/ SOTEIi-IUo, n«,,.«I>OTS Third. ■ Jot WAiMur, Mtipl»r« .., w»lta t It Moor,. Pottsvl Rome, b Burig, PottaTllle KGnr m in, P„tt^.l!a ■; HiSis:' - ' JMOPWT VERNON HOTEL,—NeoctA, above A rob st, ' vuu; B DH-Ilb.rn pile, co, Pa ■ r'ffiffrliblAi. above Cheatnut DaUowbip, tto'OitMTibN6,' [ Reported- lor Theffefl*4- • : R)CHMONIK R tMfflsbiP;yirgini&~S pkga mdse Hen ton A DeneklaV7tiF<e4uhaaoo49kegstob9eoo Huokper, Wartfm bbfs p-oduo» N Hplllngs A Brp‘W9dp6 bxs doCoki Woodworth 4 Co*, tleaply casks Massey/Col* Jins at Col 9 pka* hadkeSlS empty caaks'lBsS bbls aud bxs prodnoe various 0.-nsigneeßij’ ' ' yABgWHBBL 4 u °" n - ' . ... LifcTTMH 'iHAGB ' [ ’ At ihc 'Merehjin(3 f Philadelphia* Bark Elisabeth‘BrookmanA-t.-fLondom soon Bark Nt James, Crosa. Rio de Janeiro, soon Brlg,6earkTitk>ea, wuwe11........ Buenos Ayres, soon Bohr Evelyn rY0rke."..........:«.~ Havana, soon IT- MAKINfi IXTBIiUGENCB fORT OF PHILADELPHIA, July i), 1960. FUN 4 S-tiUN BETS—-. * t SI HiGH WATER.-1-J.-^.v-. «03 • ' arrived Bhip John Clark, Latoutnau. 3d* days from Liverpool, with uwLe to Wm A Jonies 4 Co., tite&'tißhip Virginia, Kelly, from Richmond, via Nor folk, jtf hpnrs, with mdse to Tnos Webster, Jr. i Rep.rts thebarkbjos Maxwell, from Laguayra.awl A H ftim ball,jVolu New Urieaos, above.Bmabiy Hook, and brig J,Nioker«on, from Boston, below Datawnro City. .. Btoaaianip Kenuebeo, JoiiDson,2o hours from New YorkvVtaCa&e eaa>,with mdse aud pasaengeretoi AIU derdioe. Passed an aaknown bark Mluv the Brand? wine, bound up, and brig Lavaoca,* hence for Mobile, at Hnohor. with loss of main and lore top gallant iiiasc<- ; ’Scjir J G Babcock. Haboook. 6 days from Boston, in bkllnatto N Sturtevant* Co. . 6chr Dnmond -Norton. 4 days from New London, in ballast to Co. - . _ _ , • Bohr Cianss* Budd. Rose, 4 days from Pawtucket, in ballast to Uaum.Dgte, ft Co. < « Sour Autftres, Cordorey, s days from Mystic, Conn, in ballast to L Andenreid fcOo. . , „ So hr Meohauio, Hendrickson. 4 days from Odessa, Del, witn grain to Christian 4 Curran. , Sohr Sarah Lavnua, Con well,lday tromCamden,Pel, with gram aqd bar* t-' Jas l Bewiey &Co _ - fiohr Chief, Townsend. 8 days from Indian River, with oorn to Jas L BeWley A Co. CLEARED. Steamship Cambridge, iiowes, Boston, H Wlnsor* Bteainsmp Delaware, Otnnon, N Vofk.J Allderdioe. B,ra Coniad.Salsbury, Kiode, llioa.ANew hailAßoua Datoh hng Jweo Vrtsndea, Meyer, Havana, Madera AOabxda.- . Soar Coermne, Willetts, Wilmington, N C, Jaime Raker. rour William P Phillips, Smith, Boston, R R Corson A Co- •- Sobr J G Babcock, Babccok, Boston, N Sturtovant & Co. Sobr Diamond Norton, Boston, N Sturtevant k Co. Soar George W Ereba, Lmeraon, x' Web ster. Jr. ' Sour Beile Conway, Delany, Baltimore, T Webster, Jr. sohr Clarissa Budd, Rose, Pawtucket, Baum, o*le, k Co, Bohr Antares. Corderey, Providence, L Audonreid & Co. ~ ''• ‘ Sohr Three Sisters, Leonard, Riohmond. Blaldston A Co. Mfry A Adams, Sparrow, Smithfield, BlaklatQn Sir Biohd Willing, Clay pule, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. , _ - eixunoitAft^A Steamslaplliinois.Gnffia for eouthsmvtoa and Havre VorkSOm uit Cahawbo tt v.uh,olcated at New Oileanß 2ltu nit lor Havana aud New i o k . . hbip Noiwoj, Major, hence from Hong Kong, was be low 4<ew, Voig ttt.. u.t. Bmp Eagle w me. Worth,9o days from San Francisco, at New York*o.uuit. 'Snip Jo m Jay, Doty, cleared at New York 30th ait for Singapore., Bmp Tartar, Belcher, oleared at New York SO h ult for Buenos nyres. Bark Jteimieer. Coatts, from Rio Janeiro 24th May. at New York JJiu ult. . r.p rjlitou outward pass .gel latl SBN, luu.27tt VV. spoke etup isaao Jeans, Horn Livo.- pool iur oaloutta. 'Bark Ftticun. Lunt, oleared at Boston 29th nit lor Port Elisabeth, oQ U. > Bark Dawn. Chase, cleared at New York 30th alt for BucnueAircs Bark Ethan Allen from Boston for Caps Town, Btrook on H+rdutg’sKoOka at 4F At ihuisday; was assisted off b> sieauier Hetcus} lost part o( shus. She proceeded on ner voyage, although aUmsed by pilot to return. Brig faiatme, k ress<(T. hence at Boston ftth uir. Bug M Horrera. Aillman, oieared at New York 30th nit ior iiaiLoa Ayres. > t»ng Omius, Baker, hence arrived at N Bedford 25th ult .nrig W, Mo 9 eivery, Warren, cleared at Bangor 28th ult for Philadelphia, Nohr o L Crocker, Precbrey, for this port, sailed from D.ghton atn ult. bohis Arietta. Robertson. Chief. Chamolain. and H B Gibson, Crdcker, hence at New London ult. Bohr A ft*«um, Jtyan, tor this purc,osuedirom New Looaon2Bth ult. . . „ . ochre l H Endioott, Leeds; T J Boyd, Raokett, and ThoeFage, Roune.>n.neuo«at Neaport24.ti Uit. ecu/e a Haunuond, Fame; x> D Perstus. Buiuh; J A Allen, Duboock; J B J hridon, Johnson; Treasurer, Fisher; M Atturopahire.&nrupahire; Mari A dumber, Ireland ; Alert,Ciiamrion; 8 F cohday* Seamens Fe quonnock,Burrowe; LA Danenhower, Miller; GUM H.Fshannon, Marts; o Etfhurp. Alayoi ivy,Bonder ■u; Pauimsset. Waples, aud Adolph Hugel. Mason, hence at Boston Shhult r. „9UU. ... WVDIUtI .(LU Ul. I, tichrs Goo L Greeu, Green, and & May, Hoover, clear ed at Boston 23th uit for this port.■ " Sohr V k T C/amer* Huntley, hence at Pawtuoket 28th ult. rohrsJohnFarnum,Hall; WmCoilyer, Raynor; W CNe so. Bimih *, Ftisht. LUbtlei; Vamhu (*harp, Sharp; Lady Lake, hits, hence, and Ann Elisabeth, Carlisle, frOal Delaware City, at Ffoviueooe 23th ult. Bobrs Anna Gardner, Jarvis ; a 4 Appleton, Stao woud; N U nail. Lord ; Revenue. Ound .and John C Henry, Fenton, sa>!?d iros; rrovidenoe£Bth ult ior this port ttohrs R W Tull, Townsend,Kod Banquet, Newell, for Philadelphia, cleartd at New York-sOiu uit- Sdnr G'Oce Caroline, Phillips, honoe, arrived at New Haven 30th ult Bohr W Loner, Robirson, sailed from N Bedford 29th ult iur Mutaa^ipbia. Sohr D Goodwin, Beaston, oleared at Galveston ISth alt tor Philadelphia. BobrLuoy K Waring, Chiveral, hence arrived at Ba vaonah 2dtu ult. Bonr Mahion Betts, Thompson, for Philadelphia yia Poit Walthall, sailed from Hiohmoiid 28tn uit. FIREWORKS. 3BIL.LIANT Fireworks qv A SUPERIOR QUALITY. FRENCH, AMERICAN, AND BKY-KOCKF.TB, CHINESB ROMAN OANBIiEB, COLORED STARS, WHEELS, FLYRHS, ROSETTES, FIREMEN'S TOROHKS, . TORPEDOES, FANCY PIECES. ETC. FOE JALI, ". WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY E. Gv WHITMAN & CO., SECOND AND CHESTNUT STREETS. )«19,e,MMjy2,8,4' piBBWOEKS! FIREWORKS!! A LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF BRILLIANT FIREWORKS, Of the manufacture of iB6O, in store and for sale. Wholesale and Retail, by . . „ . STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, . J«S lm 1310 MARKET STREET. 1 HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. gOTERIOR REFRIGERATORS,, - Most Improved kinds. CHILDRENS’ GIGS AND CARRIAGES, * In Great Variety. FURNITURE LIFTERS, Very useful in spreading Carpets and Mattlnr, WILLIAM YARN ALL’S HOUSE FURNISHING STORE. Ho. 1030 CHESTNUT STREET, Immediately opposite the Academy of Flat Arts* apSO-tf EDUCATIONAL* ; SEMINARY.—This large l*-. . and flourishing instiuitiou is located at FaiifisTd, HeTklmer ooun y. N, Y. The faculty ooniists of twelve thorough at d experienced teachers, four of whom are cn lege graduates. -The libraries number over SOOO volumes. The cabinet, philosophical, a.d chemical apparatus are extensive aod complete. There Are two regular graduating courses of stu> y—one of three years, and one of five, and also a commercial oourse. Upon the completion of either, parohment diplomas are con ferred. and, if possible, positions secured, fcchool* ds slrpus of we l qualified and excellent ff male &acDer* f whose eb liiy and auoosis will be guarantied oao se cure them bv addressing the prlnoipal. Fktl itrm be gins Avgust 237. Tuition from 84 to 86 per t*rru of fourteen■ weeks. Vosrd wsshiug. and » oin rcnt (furnished room) per term. S2/.60. Fprcntalo*ne*.or to »nga:o r oms.od dr t *“ s ... . REV. J, B. VAN PLTxEN, A. M , IfM-mSt* ’ _t Principal. MRS. FREDERICK HODGES, OF BOS TON, intend. npAnln, s SCHOOL FOR YOUNG, OADlESinthi. oitj,onmmenoing in Santerabern»*t, Mr..H.hath.llonoro/rel«rinttothe Rer. Afept 1L Vinton, D, Jt , RMtorofttieCimrobqrtlie iiolr Tnnftr. Ciroulsni.with Ml cjrtlonlani, mar b. obtained of Mr. F, fi. iioquoe. 701 .treat. , , ap»-Am w ~ AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE is . J*- rellibl. mKlinm throorbwhioh Sohoolrana Funl lie.m.7 obtiunoomutent teuhert, I'nrentimnrob nU-tf wMliAmSn Bryant a stratton’s national • MERCANTILE COLLEGES, loeeted M'rtiiU-' delphis, S. E. comer SEVENTH nnd CHESTNUTS, New Y rk, Buffalo, Cleveland, Chlcaso, and St. Iroals, For ini tmation. call or.seod for catalog? e. fe9-tf gEINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS. No. ID NORTH SIXTH STREET. Im tb. moet entenriTe mnnufnotnrer of VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. Tha tarieet end finett ueortment In tieoitf, nt the (dwest prices. STORE . SHADES mode < and lettered# Repairing promptly attended to, , . apJ-dSm H. HYATT. *0 5 0 HUR 0 HALLEY, Sole Mniuifaotare; nnd Patentee lor. thin oltr ‘ " 0, TQX PATENT PAPER BOX. Thi« Sox orcein all othore for beauty, strenrth, and durability. Sooting i» dl«pen«ed iritb in it. manufac ture, thun eeonring the great deeideratum of STRONG CORNERS. tO" Orders Solioited. lelH-fm £JAST-STEEL BELLS. FOR CHURCHES# FIRE ALARMS, kc„ FOX SAI»B BV , - JtyATfLOR A,00« J»7-tf. ,; ~ . . ,fl3o COMMFRQE Street. Brick-Making machines which * temper the clay, and make 90,000 peTdMV' .SR^aasassa^s®? j.,Pi P^Pjgft^AKGlWeS. fyo CEOBE BUbmEBB. HAST, KOm-OOKEBY, k GO., HO. lIJ CHESTNUT STRUT, Will mU eat, throagh thia wlnteraad tyring, their : large stoek of. ' PAPER HANGINGS. •milting of every variety oonneoted with the booinekx. AT ORKATLY REDUCED PRICKS, IHE FRENCH TAPEIUS AT M PER CENT. BE- LOW COST. f«r»is wutiiif tk»l?.Eoiaw Psc.rei,Mk i.t (cwt BARGAINS. LOOKING GLASSES. 0 KING-GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMIS, ENGRAVINGS. OIL PAINTINGS, &c„ Ac. JAMES S. EARLE te SON, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, EARLES' GALLERIES, 818 CHESTNUT STREET, MILLINERY GOODS. JPRENCH FLOWERS. MONTUEEB. STRAW BONNETS. 4. osenci, o A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. THO 3. KENNEDY & BRO., mjT-Jm No. TS9 CHESTNUT STREET. SEWING MACHINES. yy m P. OHLINGEK & CO.. MAMV9ACTtmS&S OV SEWING MACHINES, Making the Loop and Rhattlo Stitch. The latter for al kinds oi maaufaoturlng parpoaes, prioe 940. The others are from 925 upwards. N OFFICE AND SALESSOOM, 628 ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. P. 8.-MACHINF, SILK, SPOOL COTTON, OIL, NEEDLES. *o . conaian-ly on hand jel?-8n) \yH.EELiEK & WUuSuN SEWING MACHINES -ICENRY COY, Agent, m CHESTNUT STitEET, SECOND FLOOK, Maohlses, with Operato» r on hire to Private Families. *»AMCH opvicki: t Wwt STATE Street, Trenton,‘N. J, 110 CENTRAL SQUARE, EaMon, Pa. jalMa WILCOX & GIBBS 1 98 WTNQ MA CHINE.—The great and inoreaeing demand fot Wilcox k Gibba’ Sewing Maohme is a guarantee of itr •npenor exoellflnpe. Prioe $3O. For sale at FAIH- Scale Warehou*. 70 OHEBTNIIT Street, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. PROCLAMATION 111 „ H, 0. WALBORN k CO.. Noe. fi and T North SIXTH Street, *tUl ooattnue iheGENTLEMAN’S FURNIBH yIsSS,*’ I .afiiti departments, at their OLD SLAND, and intend to oontinuo there forever, or at leaet Until due riotiee is given to tne oontrary. This an fbiinoeraent is made in order that onr numerous pa rous in this oiti and elsewhere may know that their or ders, addrtresiod as al-ovo, willnlirhys Teach nt. wheth er they happen to eoe our in th% murs paverg f ir tho tuno beine, or nol. Please out this out and paste it in your mem ramlum book. myl-tf Jrv. euuTi—isi» of iho firm of Win • oheit'r * Boott—GENTLEMEN'S FIHINISH- I«q,SfORE„ »nd SRIRT JSUNUFAOTOnY, M« CHISBTNUTStroet,(nMrIy tha UirardHo-te.' PMljLdoniliuu .J.W.S. would xespeotfnlly call the attention of hie 'patrons and friend* to hie new store, and ie pro to fill ordeye for SHIRTS at short notice. A Stfitguarantied. Wholesale Trad*Supplied witt drte and Collar*. t*»-lv prepared glue. gPALJDING'S PREPARED GLTJEI "A STITCH IN TLMK SAVES NINK” ECONOMY! * DISPATCH! SAVF. THE PIECES! At GcctdtAit *UI happen , «o*a' f* vtll-regMlatei familUtoitln very desirable to have soma cheap and convenient war for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crooke IT, *O, BPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, end no household oan afford to be without it. It is always ready and up td the stick ing point. There is no longer a necessity for limping ohairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls; end broken eraoles. It le just the, article for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used oold, being ohe mioally held in solution, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the beet binet-maker? clue. Jit may be used the place of ordinary mnoitage* being vastly more allusive* « USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE,” N. D« A brush accompanies eaca bottle, PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. • Wholesale Depot, No, 48 CEDAR Street, New York, Address 1 HENRY C. »-PADDING * CO., Box No. 8600, New York# Put up for Dealers in Cates containing four, eight, and twelve doien. a beautiful Lithographic Show-caup accompanying each package# S9* A single bottle or _ _ BPALDING y S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annually to every household, Sold by all prommet Stationers, Druggists, Hard ware and Farmiuro Dealers, Grocers, and I'anoj Stores, Country Merchants should make a note of SPALDINO’B prepared glue, en making up their list. . IT WILL STAND ANY CLIMATE. d»«mw£t BUSINESS CARDS. VB PALMAR, THE ADVERTISING • AGENT. FIFTH and CHESTNUT, elves his vtiwspfthe principle and best mode of Advertising, daily, between 10 and 4o’clock, addicts myll Sm V, U PALMER. EJ. BAVUS TBOMAS • , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bos removed his offioe from No. (S 3 Arch street to No. 439 WALNUT Street. . Particular attention given to the reoovery of Mercan tile Claims. Tho drafting and examination ef Wills, Conveyances, Aetipnments. Briefs of Title and other Instruments nf Writing. The managerasnt of Executor ships, Admlnistratorships, and 'rrusts. superintended; and the beat securities proourod for thg Permanent in vestments of Money.' Satisfactory rtfersnoe given when required. apSO-gm* BENRY E. KEENE. ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has REMOVED bm office from No, AID Walnut et,r6el to Ho, ttf South THIRD Street. ,__mhWC>i» Horace see, MECHANICAL ENGINEER, and PATENT ATTORNEY/ S^ T No. 114 Routt SiXTH Street, (Nearly opposite the.Coacty Oourthonee,) |reparesr'peomoationt,J>rawingß. &o.) and transacts 11 other bouness oonnecteil with thf obtaining of Let irs Patent ap2S 4m* f Wagner jermon, w attorneyand COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, Offioe. No. 116 South BIXTH BlrMt, (Opposite Independence Square,) Grthe aid of reliable Attorneys, at different points in the. united Statos, is enabled to and collect olaimsof every description. ,- rartionlar attentionxjven to the examination and re covery of the claims ofLßcatoes and Devisees, and the examinational Land litlesand seounugftheinteresta Ofhoirs and all persons interested In thd samo.lo all pans of tbe Union. „ Has tbe Statutos of all the States and Is Commissioner for most <?f them. Depositions carefully taken under Commissions, apfl-6ro SFUGUET & SONB. • IMPORTERS OF HAVANA 01 OARS, _ No.«» South FRONT fire.” regularly a full assortment of desirable Cl wAßfi, which they offer at low rates, for cash er an prays r»y& ir ALFHED L. HOUGH, -«■ PAPER MANUFAOTURKRB’ AOKNW, Onlrrs for ©very defloription of „ PAPER AND PAPER-AIAJtER’S MATERIAL,. , „ No. 17 South SIXTH Street, Philitdelpbiu. fell-.m* 13AWSON * NIOHOLSON, NOS. A 1 S AND S3l l MINok STREET, Between Market and Chestnut .tteetii. PHILADELPHIA. JAMES PAWSON. JAB. fl. NICHOLSON. JaJ7 lr* Mrs. still’s CRYBTALINE Licit ID H*IR COLORER! A preparation new to tho public, but which has long been fn private use, for restoring Grav Hair to its natu ral color, imparting to it a glossy appearance, and ren denng itsoftnnd silky, * It is entirely different in its nature and offeots from any article now in use lor tho same purpose, being a oleanly fluid, nearly as olpar as water, requiring no washin* before or alter its application, free from sulphur r any other objectionable ingredient, and applied as silly ns an ordinary Hair On. Can be had of the following persons: , W. Z. Harbprtii corner Jumper and Pine streeti, K. J Fennell, No. 30 North Eighth street. Thomas > am-aster Spruoe end Eighteenth streots, Thomas Weaver. Vine and Eighteenth streets. Win. B. 'J hompsoD. Alt, Vernon and Seventeenth st’s. Kuward G&tilard, Jr., Aroh. below Second street, E. B. Gajiifeues, Coates and Tenth streets, George C. Bower, Vine and Sixth etrfteto. A. H. Itowman, Spruce and Second street*. Cbarlen Shiver*. Spruce,and Seventh streets. Caleb R; KeehCy, Arch and Sixteenth streets. For sale wholesale and retail by, _ ■ FIFTKENTH A ind A ifo® Usf', myJ6 fcn . Philade'phio. ■JAVA COFFEE.—I;OOO pockets prime CWfta,: for nl. hr JAMKA BHABAM k OO f|lL - LEMON— Grass, for eale bv WE- * BROTHBRB. AT »dd 4»_N<mh fs-JCH.—4«u- bola. Fitch Wilmineton- ABHB« r b"orNt.i^^'^V^ V ’ SUMMER RESORTS. Mansion hoosw, m *unt' carbon, 1 - sdHiJYum,!, county;' pa. • ■, Families aooornraodated with good rooms at reduced prices. ’ |, '»his old-est'blished House. looitod in the gap be tween oliarp ana Hecoud mountains, immediately on the Uo» o* thp'Philadelphia Arid-Heading rtailroad, Within half a Bnle olPo»t*vtl ; e, formerly *ept b* Jo seph Head.of the old Mansion Hom-S, Fhiredelpbia' haa ( since hts demise, beon utdor the obarga of hit, , The House 1* prepared, at all seasons of the year, for the reception of RUears and has been recently put in Older The larxesa'den and parkadjolning. pn-sents great inducements a* a sumraerres ut. lo persona wish ing, togp no a short time away from the diist and fur moll of the cit;es. where they oa i b'eathe fresh moun tain air ar.d ewoy the wild and beautiful eoenery of theonal remn., - Commutation passenger tickets, forth* tue of fami lies are hold at'ft’feouofion d! twenty five par cent., •ml ftnacoon.raodftt'on tram will leave Potlsvilledailr during iha Bummer .nrnntiftfci enable those uhi may desire i’ to spend tue business portion of the day in tho oitj nnd T.eturu the same evading on which the charges wil‘ be thirty-three per cent below the usual rates For terms, apply to MABY PKAD. Mansion House, » nui.t Carbon, Schuylkill Co . Pa. LONG BEAUU DOUSO, opposite TU'JTTERTUN.N. J —Thin Hot"! is now open for. the r**eept'on of visitors. both permanent and tran soit’nt. Having be<*n at a large expense in reGUing and re-fumUhing, I feel assured that tor oomfortand con venie »i!l conieara favorably with any house on thaooa«t.. The best of conks and servants huva br-ow procured, find no shall i e spued tn rebd*r tho ■tnv'of quests H-ireoab'e. The prospeots tor Ounmo? aud Fishing are excellent.. tiysteraot the finest quality ha v O in abundance. with thaso increased advan tages» ■ amconqiitttit that tho luostfoatuLouswi l have ooofinse lor complaint B~ I'apt.. Wti.CIAM will iun a daily iDfl of first-class packet* from 'tUnto City to the )pach, oneofwiiien will I>* at Atlantic every morning on the arrival of >he morning tram from Philadelphia. Panics wishing tooome by wav of Leod a Point,or otherwise, by Addressing men few days in auvaoce, wir have agood boat to meet them nt «nv point mimed. J&3Q6W LEWIS T. STEWART. <g.EA BATHING. 1 Philadelphia. OOF,AN (I0U»E, CAFF INLAND, TV. J. This welt known, estjbluluneut, th« tav«r*te report of Ti»it‘»n». is now open fo- tho O'i of ku#*s s. It has been o-msdaraUiv enlarged and ho.l, the sleeping robnis Hp&omuAand n.<ry. and c.mimunioate to Miu families I iie huuss wtd bo supplied witU wat r from the old spring* PerhOGS desir»u* ofspendhg a f w weeks of the sum iner in an agreeable niKK&er could iior do better tlvin to k*. v * ,, l‘*^ c ® au House a trial, ISRAEL# LEaMING, JeM-6tv» Prop iotor, Mansion ohuvk, oaRBON CO., PA.~Thla f« the moar comforta ble and extensive hotel in Northern Penimlynla. nd the proprietor fl «t'ers himseif thatthu- far he lias suo oe*aed in Ueepiu* it in a manner that oannot (ad to sa tlsfy all his guest*. Tbo rf oomi are newly ami olorantly furniahed, an'* Table always contains tne very best the Markets afford. ; Tho hotel la looated on tho banks of the Lohigh, directly oppnaito the muroad depol. oml at tne base or Mauoh Cliuuk Mnuntnln A path leads from the roar of tlie house i» tho op ofthismnua»/*m.lmni which p»vn . RO’*eeuntliundrHd feet tlioye the Lehigh, the most sublime scone mttwtDable ts presented Tu-HtmsaisaUundaotls oupyliod with t o bent and purest Mountain cprinr Water. tor Hot nnd Cold Iteth* can be taken at all tim a s. je-g 9.1 GbOHG H«.pt»-8# Proprietor. AMKRIOAN HI vie , M vTJIII CHUNK FA.“~This HOTEL is now kopt ina manner af fording every oom ore to sran'srs and tr»veilar*. Arrancernents hate been made this season to acoora mnd'te BLMMBR BOAkDERs lh»> m *st sabl me mountain soeneiy and rural enjoyments are here af fordftd ftMCHAM. WiLH LM. , M , GEO. W.WIL » LM. Jea6-tael Proprietors. AvMfittl’ AN UU'I EL. RETHMH M, Pa— Proprietor of this Hotel haa newly fitted up hit house for the aouQUimodation ol vis tors during tho sun. iner SADRon. 'i’he o erioan Hotel i* situated or* th -most elevated spot in th * Borough. EuMilchrm is lo * wo> known for its beautiful scenery and commaoning view of the surrounding onuntrv. and toritssa'ub >ous moant'mair, toreq ito oounnont .Tue euhsc'ibcr is uqw prepared ,to receive B-a.d*Tß and P'lnili-e.aud promises to do hi* tu-sl to render their st * With him pleasant and agreeable. Charges Modcrattt J. W. R, PHARO. jea tin' Proprietor. Eagle hotel, betcof.hkm, pa. Toi* large «nd old-eAtablished House, known a* the ••LEHIGH Valle* SUMMER hKTREA',” 'snowopen for the season. The »ccommod tions of this Houso will bo found unsurpassed. The ride here. • yt e North Pennsylvania Rai!ro<wl 1* one ol the p'ea santest In our Btate. C AuEB YOHE, Proprietor. j »am , AMRR OAN HOTRL, ALt ENTOWN, PA—This well-known and popular hotel has, 'during* he past season l>*en ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, and is now in capacity and rouvenience BPC«.nd to none in the interior ot PeQQsylv*n a. ‘Jhe beautiful nn< healt fu' situation of All-ntown renders it a de lUh'ful suinmer resort,-in'view of whrh special ar rangement* have been made by tho prouri-tur* to'.o c'mtnodate summer boarders. J. y. (t^CHTbL, ]»W I e) t.vy. BIGONV. SfiA BATHING, ' , NATIONAL HALL, CAPE ISLAND. CAPE M aY. N. J. Th’S fine, large, and airy house t* NOW OPF.N for Visit *rs. It i* distinguished for comfort, looalltv, nnd sapenov ncoommodations, with ample room for 200 per sons. Terms moderate. je2S tin AAKuN GARRBTKON, Proprietor. gat LIGUT.H 'USE < OTTAGE, NEAR HSH ths light-mousi: Atlantic city. n. j.. (fho ne .rest haa l ** to ibe surf), is now open for tbe re ception o( {iuarttftrs. Th'- proprietor rosrootfull* solioits a eontmuance of the patrons.o of his friends nnd tho pulnio jet 3 lm* JONAH WOOTTOH. Proprietor. HJfEAUI HOUSE, ft ft- BCHOOLEY’S mountain, n, j. Isnowopen fir the reception of con>pinv Commum oatim r by letter will h* promptly attended to. Jw3l lm P A. OHQWBIi... Propriotor. NKPI CMi HoU^E —ATLANTIC CITY. —This popular nnd eminently avorite Houae at Atlantic City hns, since the closing of last aeunn. been 'nlsr.-ed. refitted, refurniKhed, nnd complete'y re luvenated iti every par f tonlar and is now open f»r he From its dadghiful situation, near ness to all plants #T interest, closj proxunitr to the safest nnd best part of tho beash. it '8 randered one of the moar convenient and deoidediy th* pleasantest houso on the ls'oiid. Terms—«lQ per week; SIN per day. Children and servants halfpnoo. „ . „„ JOHN SMICK, Proprietor R, L. FLREY, Superintemlont. Je,2l-2m RETREAT, ~ Beautifully and convemertly located at ATI',a*TIO « ITV, N. J. Boarders accommodated on reasonable terms Je2u-3m , M. AuoCLEES. Proprietor. CONGUFSS HALL— 'TLANTIO CITY, N J.—Tnis spacious Ho- se. m’usted at At-anrio City, will be reopened with every Rccom vodation for visitors mi th* wrb ipy'.nnt, by the Bub-oriber. Tim House frootft iho i»«ct iiifoet. giving a Bpiendid view of tho Ocean an ’ ia near the Fishing am Sailin ' p unt. No pains will be sparse to seeuro the comfort anu con ven»onco of guests. _ JaWin THOMAS C. GARRKTTr?. CTAR HOTEL', KRAR:,V OPPOSITK TTIK V. S. ITOTEh, ATLANTIC Cf-Y N. J. «,.r.T,^ AMUisL ADAMS, PROPRP TOR. DINNER ... ..! ...FIFTY CENTS. ALBO, UAFHIIAGfcS TO UIHK. fcy Boarders aooominodated on tho most rcrwnonVe tnms le.o 8m SEA BAI LING, CAPE ISLAND, N J.— HOUrfF isnowopon lor the season. je»e 9m* JA M 8 M KCH 4Y. PropMetnr. | 11. U K, C»PE 1-LAND. N. *• J.—HUMPHREY HUGHES. FroprioFr —Thiq houiio. sq« laisantly citua-ed in t rogimit' tn the beaoh will be open for the roception of vlsito’s on the 25th ins'. Tho largo, splendid lawn in front ol the home; tho fine shade, good rooms and t«ble. r nder it tho most desirabl-r place on the island Attached to the premueg are i-owling saloons oml b »rber shop. jelß Im American house, cape inland— Mrs- M. REYNOLDS, Proprietor This favorite hotel will op n tor tho reeeptmo of visitors on M<>N- D' Y, June ?srh It ha* boon fitted up in the bos* sty]*, and every attention will bo paid to tho comfort or its IfiTHITE SULPHUR AND OUALV B£- ▼ ▼ ATF. BPMNGB, at DOUB‘ ING G*l\ PA. Those hpnnee are in Cum orland coun’y. W miles west of Harniborg. and ore access' b e from nil tho East ern and oities bv rnilro n to Harrisuurg. thence on tho Cumberland Valley Railroad to Nowville. theFprlnge 1 mUe * staK,nß ’ ln new anil caay oQac hea, tQ Pasitengers leaving Philadelphia. Baltirr.oro.or Wash ington, tn the morning,cars arrive at tho Springs the same evening at h P M This property has changod hands, and hasundoreono »thorough repair ;h are© hu lain* has been reoted in whioh are warm and cold Baths, andevery arrangement has been made for tho comfort and convenience of vi sitors. New stabling has been erected; horse* and carriages vnll ii'waTi be on hand for biro. Terms moderato, Mails daily. . For oi*culaTS and particulars, address theproprietorß, Jeia lm KeSaGa KOSER, COYLE, & «.0 Lebanon vallly holsk LEBANON, PA, CHAB. W. KUUNLE. Proprietor. Sommer l ©aiders taken. Tho houso is new and rom modioii*. with grounds Attached. Surronndme oonntty beauplul and bfi<hv Railroad oommuuioation with ’thomtv twoeadav. Charge* moderate. jcifi lm* riMIE SEA-SH Rtf—ATLANTIC CITY A McKIBBIN'B U. S. H I'EL, Tho uiuierBlgn*d, proprn or ot the above named house. Iwin* now prepurre to receive kuobU. ra- Speotrull' solicits a shnre of tho pubho patron age. Hmce last summer mere ha* been added to thi3 hotel a lour e.oried wing. 140 feet m con taining (beside the bed rooms.) a suito of three Par'om, for ladies, and wo for gentlemen; also, a rrceptinn room, waeh-rnnm. anu bar room. Hqwlide Saloons. BiUiard Rooms, and tnt and co d £ait w ter Bath ■'ooms have been oonfitmotrd for riie ftconmmo dauon ol viritors; and the whole house wi l oe luhted with «os. The houso has tieen newly painted and fur nished while tbo shaded grounds surrounding it have been put in complete order, a well manned pleasure Yacht, and an excellent eland of Music, have been en gaged for the season. J. McKIBBIN. Jei4 tf United spates hotel, long BR\Ncn, N.J. —The subscriber takes this method of informing hi* frionds and th« public that on and after JUN F. 80th his houso wifl be open for the re ception of guests, when «very effort will be made to please those who mat favor him. The house is plea santly situated on a fine bluff, with lawn in front. A full view of the ooea-n* eood roads, stab'r g, Ac., make itps Attractive as nny house in the country. The com munication is aewssiblp by two daily 'me* Irom foot of Walnut street wharf, viz. : 6 A. M., and 2 P M. Rflferenco-Grandy, Warden, * Co.. 2 '9 Chestnut street. Q. A. SHOEMAKER JeS-gtn Proprietor. SUMMER HOARDING.—OLD SAND fcfPKINO near Wojpolsdorf. '’erks county* Pa The laro and oommodions HuTlSi, AND HOARD ING HOUSh, at thla delightful Kurnmor Kotrent. is nowoomn*etrd,and will he opened for Hoarder* on the lfitho JU'NK. I&>Q. *&"’ CommmicaMon twice daily, from Philadelphia ond Harnsburci by the Hooding and Lob.inon Vallay Railroads. S9* Boarders received hr the week or through the season, on reasonable terms, jefrlm JOH* MANDERUACH.Propmtor, (QARLISLE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Cumberland no., Pa. Atcommodationtfor 300. TERMS LOW , , . OWEN, ( JeT'Sm 13KD3MKD SPRINGS. —This well-known and delightful Summer Resort will Ik> opened Tor the reoeptioQ of Visitors on tho FlftSl* OF JUNr., and kept open till tho Ist or October. The Hotel will bo under the management of Mr. A. . experience, courteous mannera, and attention to hie guerto. give tho amplest aßsumnoe ot oondon and.kmd treatment. . w » B hin« rooms, or any information In regard to the place, will address the subscriber. « JNO. **• HBPp.SecVnnu Treasurer, my3o-3m Bedford Mineral Springs Co. [?PHRATA MOUNTAIK S T RINGS, Lan.'nsier Comity. Pennsylvania— I This estab lishment wilt bp th* iltn of June Tne nrt vaataiea of this beautiful report ar-: Mountain scenery, puroair.anu soft water; every variety of batus.ano aiMiieroents; a good stock of liverr liorsea nnd oar riacea[ For lurmer particulars call on JOSEPH ft.' MY I" R-£j» corner Third and Viiw Streets ; JaMES 8. E ABLE,.No. I*l tt Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, or to the uropnemr. JOSEPH XONIGMACHBR, Ephrata Pont Oihce. banc iuter County. Pa. niv3o-8m COLUMBIA 'iorSß, OAPJS -.SLAi'D— -Cape Mat, New Jersey.—This largo, first class UUJ >• u will be opened, for the reception of guests, on the 25 h June. iB6O. The House has l*een uompietely repaired ano refurnished. A new ooobnig rarwo. ovens, BtPHtn iHiiieri*. and every modern iniprnverae'»tadded. Extensive stahlim* attached io tuo premises > II letters add eased to the subscribers, Cape Island. New Jersey, will be promptly attended to. T „ , LAIRO A WOOUMAN. James H. Laird, late proprietor Franklin House, i hila delphia; H. 13, Woolman. formerly proprietor Mount Vernon Hotel. Cape .stand. jelk dim fIQNPRES* \ lUI L, CAPtJ ISLAND, J-' PAPE MAY, N. J.—This we)l-kjiown, first-olass Xipt«twill bo eponed' for toe reception or KUtsta 6u Ba- V'ejeth inst. . .The twwlmg -Mleye have been removed, hnd new sleeping rooms added, nooe lost season. jeli*6w WEST * THOMPSON, Proprietor* JelBdt»-cpl The favorite resort for those who npprooiato Grand Scenery, Pure Mountain Air, Invicomtm* I3aths, l.argeand Well ventilated Booms, Goodbooiety, and a Good Table* For particulars Bond for Circu lar. CLENDENIN. fc VISSCHRR. Carlisle NpnngjPft. BtmMERiIESORTS. : IVIAVSICIV HOUSE, ATLANTIC OITT, N. 3., lßAit THAYfcR, (lit. of Surf Homo,) ifrppnator. { , Thife, Houm has been very much ealarged and im proved- Uftifnevalargaiiumberof Family Rooms. cot BurtaHied fey nny hotel in this city. It -slighted throughout with gas. New and fine walks have beenwdt' the ooean, which wH! be lighted at night. from the Hotel to the water, by splendid reflect ing lamps. . „ ; Attached to the bouse (but separate from the main building) is i lar-e Hall for Hops and Panics, a first-claa* ice Cream and Cnnleot'onerr attached Over the Hall there are forty steeping rooinsTorsinclesentle mnn. There is also a play ground for children. Weil shad’d ..rid endowed, with swings* Ao. The entering department will bounder tny own es pecial supervision, and I trust that my reputation is numo'entfy established to satisfy all that my table will be unsurpassed. Terms will be 61* per week Trnosient Boarders 93 per day. Carriages attached to the House will take Boarders to and imm-tho Ocean free of charge during bathing hours. Isaac thayer. TTNITBD ST ATI'S HOTEL, V,. MILLKRSBURG, DAUPHIN COUNTY. PA. This well known Hotel has been leased by the sub scriber. and Ihs been thoroughly rerovated and entireiv newly fu-nisbed. is situated in one of th« most rornsn'io regions of Pennsylvania: the •‘usque h nna river flaws immediate y by the to n. and viiords fine fishing; the mountain scenery is unsurpassed m the etaro. Gam# anotin-'s in great plenty, affording fine Hpori for huntsmen ; the mountain stream* abound with trout in great plenty. City visitors, who are desirous of spending a few months m the country wilt find tnis one y me moat desirab a olaoea in Pennsylvania. The North Pennsylvania “allrovl posses the tows, and it is In daily c<»fimunica ion with Phtlaoelphia, Baltimore, and New York. The subscriber will u*e every effort to make his guoste coii.fonable. v _ A J. WARFIE* D, Proprietor. Mil.ersborg, June to, UP. Jeg lm UiiUSlfs AIL NTiO CITY. N. J. v This spacious Hotel, possessing the most advanta geous location at Atlantia City, having been recently enlarged will be opened for the approaching season on the Ufa instant. A new wing throe stories high and 93 feet in lensthi with verandah o iitounding it, has been add d contain* ing 44 Inroe and .ory rooms and extending to within CQ yaidsol th« ocean, a fine prospeotof which is afforded from almost ovary room in the buuae. Ga» in introduced into the bu lding. additional bathhouses wil be erecten,and numerous other im proveraenf* made, it heme the aim of the pr>pn«*tor to make the Stf P HuUSK • no of the most attractive plan-s ol eumrrer resort n»ar Fniladelphia. Tlie table will bo supplied in the most liberal manner, and nil pns*ibie • are will be exercised m the general ar ran-einents of the house with a view to the comfort and ooQ'emenoe of gu fits. Ihe athing at Atl«ntio is unsur-assed and the pure dri.atmospliere hus proved to be partioulaily beneficial tp invalids _ Parties winning to ensaso rooms will please address tiie suhson»er at the Surf Bouse* cr at the Ashland House. Arch street, Philadelphia. jofiinwf-Sm U. 8. BENSON. NEW PUBLICATIONS. BUY YOURBJOKB AT IVANS’ QTFT BOOK STORK, 4*9 CHE TNUTStreet Tis the best placu in the city. Books at* told as cheap as at any other Btore, and you have the alva < ta*e °rreo iving a hand"-me present, vvorth from 6j cents t 109 hundred dollars, „ , With each Book Books of Faot, Bonks of Piotion, ».<oks of History, Poo s for Farmers, looks oißiograpny, Bo ks for Mrohanics. gR oksnfTrivcl, Hooks or Humor, on-gof Adventure, Book«or P thos. okßab ut Heroes. lor Amusement, mooi-b about Patriots, Hocks tor Devotion, Boots about Indians, Books about So-diets, Book' about Hunters. Bo -ksahontaailor*. _ ALL THE NEW BOOK* In every departmentofhtsrature. Call in and ono trial will assure you that the best place in too city to purchase Books is at . « GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, J'2.»f 439 CHESTNUT Street. IXpEAV ENGL SH MEDIOA v, DENI'aL, AND CIKNrIFIC BO >K,. K6o.iv.rihT I.IND3AY & BLAK'BTON. - nV.i’h.her.; Boolm. lera, .nd In-norter., No. S» 8 uth MX I t! -t.. Ahov. UHEB TN u\r. SMI I’M ON HYRMORUoOIDS IBrao. BE.ROHI *GB AFTkR l HI) I'M By A_Phyfioisn. BjU.AIID: IHK MSE.SE3 OF INRa . I’B AND All* i H KiHo MORTON'S VETERINARY PHARMACY, 6th Edi tion _ m tio° bt on chroni ° alcoholic ivtoxica- P p RADAY’3 L'-CTURES ON THE PHYBICaL (■EEM -NN’B BnIT'BH FERNS ATOSF. VIEW. 8 UhQIN on THE CURv I’F THE fICK. ON THEDISEASESOFTHa TEETH JON*B ON THE EY. ANO KA«. ■ AY'WOOD ><K D> -T.L PR-CTI' E. RENN-.TT OV l>. LMONARY CONSUMPTION. DANESBURY. HOII E By Mr. Wood I9th th.un.nd. WINS. OW ON THE DIBbAatS OF BRAIN ANU MIND )e!0 Tjw UNION Tl'ii ET—BELT. AND F,VEHBTT!—The YOUTHFR" I MONITOR h«a heat'd ihisflag Knbs<*riptioi.s. m-'aign : delivered (fr-ejb ihep’nnv post. Penoi-s wihlrng to subscribe if rmrsed by thecn psof oanvassero could send their names ro the office corner of D OK and WALNUT Street—jo hat «A- *u»«4«r of subscriber* may b- known btjore the next tdition is pr-nttH, jeSO 3 r * THE YEAR OF grace. 1 HE YEAItOF A Histonrnfthe Revi* vn\ in Ireland. AD. 1859. Hy Her. Wi.liam Gitwun. D. D. With an Intrcdu- tron by Rev, Barow fctow, D, p. J?I2S. MOURNING HOURS TN PATMOS: TheOpenlngVi ft'on of the Apocalypse, and Christ’s epistles to the Seven ClmrJxes of AGia. By A. 0 Thompson. l*mo. S THE MGNRT RING, AND OTHER GEMS. By Rev J. Do Ciofde 16mo A3oents. TIIAVELs Rl‘BhaßCHhB. AND MIBHONA»Y JjAUOKS ‘‘URIVg rIGHIEEN YKAhs»REBI DKNCEIN EABTERN AFRJOA. By Ihe Rev Dr. J. Lewis K»apf. Wiih an Apprndix reaproiinitheSouroea of the Nile, Langnarea and -Literature of Ebstern Afr<ci. Ao. 12mo. 61.25. For sale by. , WILLIAM 8. & A* FRED MARTIEN, _jeJ7 No 806 CitEß t NUT Street. TV E W BOOKS, TOR SAtB BY SAMUbI. HAZARD, Jn.. THE MOUNT VERNON^ Edwi'rd fvoett. Comt'ete in one volume. 12roo..cloth. 6125. VOLUME EIGHTH OF BANCROFT’S HISTORY OF TbE UNITED 8 I'ATFti, being the second volume of ihe H»st-'ry of the American Revolution, uniform with the preceding, volmnas. THE THRMS Cl.hftKS. A Novel. By th<* nathnr o *• Dootor Thorne,” “ Barchesrer Towers,” &o. One volume 00. 11A WKBV It'.W. The new Novel By the author of “Sylvan Holt's Daughter,” •* Katbie Brand,” &o. One vol. 81 Oo DAN K-BURY HOUSE. By Mrs. Henry Wood. The Saw Pnz' 1 '‘tory. Scents. THE FIRS* BORN ; OR. A MOTHER'S TRIALS. R* ih*>. uth«»r of My Lady.” St co. r Q> uy the author of “Margaret Maitland ” 76 cents. THE KELLY* AN D THE o*K ELI.YS. By Trollope. GF JOHN ITS OWN INTER PRL PFR. By Juhn Cochran _SI 09. A DIG I lOn AnY OF THt*. Cotnpnsinc its Antiquities, Geograi*hy. Biography, and Natural His tnrv. By William Smith. Votnme ond, Bvo.. cloth. 65.(9. RUTLEDGE, The new and well-written Amenoan Novel L- OKING AT I.IPB: 08, THOUGMTB A'tD i. .v t'/ 1 Oeordo A. Sala. author ot" Journey Dae Worth ” 81.2 f, Jen MACHINERY AND IRON. <€?. gjf& PENn STK'AM ENGINE AND j£S&SeiIIOILRK WORKS-NK • PIE & LVVT, SB ■ OTiOMj AND THfcOHt-Ti Ah ENGINEERS, R MAKERS. BLACKSMITHS,' aid POUN< tRB. having, lor niaur year* been in iwceasiul operation and been exclusively eiuaeed iu building and repairing Marine and Biver ► o*lnes. high ai d low pressure. Iron Boars. Water Tanks Propeller, «c. ora. r'pppetfully ofler their aervice* to tbe pubnc, a . bejng folly prepared to cm tract for Pngmes of al dans Manne. biver and Stationary, having sets of Sfiteroß of different sizes, are prepared to ezeonte or ere with quick deapatoh. bvery description of Pattern making m da at the ahortent notice. Hiuh and •ow Pressure. Flue. lubulnr, and Cjlinrier Boilers, of the beat Pennaylvaninoharoonliron. b'orgitus of ail sizes and kinds; Iron and Br*ss Castings, of ail descriptions; holl Turning. Screw Cutt ng, Hna all other work con neoted with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at their establishment, fre*ot oharge, and work guarantied. The sobsonbers have ample wh&rt oouk room for re pairs of ioats where they oao lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears. biooks, falls. & c.» &o.» for raising heavy or lightweights. Jacob g. neafje, JOHN P. L»-VY. BEACH and PALMER stre»ta. POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 95) ,B K ACII blr eet,Ke n »1 ng ton, Philadelphia,—WlL- LlAM 11. HERB Informs ins mend* that* havm&pur- Shaaed the enure stock of Patterns at the above Foun ri, ho is,now prepared to receivb orders for Rolling. Grist. and Baw Mill Castings, boap, Cfcomloal, end House Work Gearing. Castings made from Rever beratory or Cupola Furnaces, in dry or creoo sand, or ‘flam my9-»f SAMVBL V. MXAHiCA, WILLIAM H. tfIRBICX. (SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, *3 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREET*, nUtiA'BBLPHXA. MERRICK A S6NS. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Boilers, Gaaometers, Tania, Iron Boats, Ac,} Cwtinir of all kinds either Iron or Brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, &o. Retorts and Goa Machinery of the latest and most im proved oonstruotipc. . Every detonation of Plantation Machinery, suoh u Sugar,Raw ana Grist Mi'ls, Vacuum Pan*. Open steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ito. Sole Agents for N. RiUteux’a Patent Sugar Soilmi Apparatus; Nanay th*sPatent Bteam Hammer; and Aspinwall * Wolsey’a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machine aaf.T SAVING FUNDS. “A tittle, but often, fills the Purse, 0 ! EMIANKLIN SAVING FUND, No. IJL1 JL 136 South FOURTH Street, botween Chest inuiand Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all Deposits 'on demand. Depositors money eeoured by Government, Btate, and City Loans, Ground Rents. Mort gages, Ac. This company deems safety bettor than large profits, consequently will run no nek with depo sitors ’ money, but have it atal) times ready to return, with 6 per oent. interest, to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended. I--males, married or single, and Minors, can deposit in their own right, and such deposits ©an bfli withdrawn onli by ihoir oonaent. Charterperpetnai. Inocrpor&ted hy the State of roanajlvama with authority to rocoive money from trustees and exeoutors. LARGE AND SMALL BUMB RECEIVED. Office open daily, from 9to 9 o’clock, »nd on Wednesday evening until 6 o’clock. , .v, DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Cadwallader, JotroShindler. George Russell, Malaohi W, bloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Krumbhaar, Henr> Dolan?, Nicholas Rittenhonse, Nathan Smedley, Jos, Q, Batterthwaite, Jones Yerkes, Joseph W. Lippineott. „ JACOB B. SHANNON, President. Ctrob Oadwalladbb, Treasurer, ap9B-y ** A Dollar waved is twioe earned.” Having fund—five per cent ij BAFETY TRI'ST COI £ANA .WALNUT Street, southwest corner of THIR rhilndelphia. Incorporated by the State of Ponne: Money w received in any sum, large or email, and m drawaf! aid fr ° m 1110 dajr dep<wlt 10 day of with *f op«»oven day from nine o’olookin the ,no , r HiP* 1 j “ v ® o’olook in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till eight o’olook. R Y L. BKNNKR, President, nr,, „. J (.SELPRIDOK, Vice President. william J. Kekd, Secretary. . tr „ DIRKCTOHB 5 JJj* Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, BsOT d ol , iV ( fV t6r » Joseph B. Barr Robert Solfrldge, Francis Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, u. Landreth Manns, James L. Stephenson. Money is renewed and payments made oaih. Ihe investment* are made, in oonformity with the * tha Charter, in Real Estate Mortgage*?, Ground Renta, and euoh first-class securities as wilfal* » ' n *“ r * i'f r ? ot noouritr to tha dcuo.ilors, ar.d m 5 na^iV° CAVING POND—UNITED STATES NUT aiV« B «T. ooMPAW Y >. «ont« third .ad CHEST- Lar.oand amnll ram. reoeived. and paid baeSondc nKVT W f{ h m U Sk OU V ,^i\.F,VJ! TEIt CENT. INTK drawal “ om °I do P°*i* 10 the day of with- m9im£B o’olook feYBTT day, and. on M #»l^9 r * s "l NOS # oin 1 nn«l9o»olock. “ eal ° ofl fcn*tand» Ireland, and Scotland, irom ii usTrardB. Prflßident—STEPHEN R. ORAWFORD, Treiliijrar-JA.MEg r. hUNTE*’..• i LINY FIyK. ActUßrr, 1 AWES’ TRAVELLING- BAGS F< fll ’ MPr - I,s rjm.. rp , t . lul nwmifMtorar of ciaA * o»v^te.|?feJs™;teta. Dre! ' ,n, Jonhiny pro*™**!- Hni>A t»T TJK GAK.— I,OOO Barn Is LU * « brushed, ooarseand fine pulverized# A.n.aml Loflee.and refi. ed jt low flusar, foreaie W JAmKS GRAHAM a Co. t lib'ilTiA street, iPUENESS, * CO.. \ ’ Wo. 439 HAKKET BTRBP.T. R SOOTT. Jk„ AUUTIO'LER, No. 431 iTt?,L ( i!y ! ‘ ,T .u CT J s,r sf ,l o the Outturn Hojm, Botw...'Ponith wri Kifth str,etß. LAST STRAW GOODS. T _. . * , This Moral nc, I . o , okSj* V.Jo < itmi? Si “' ““ “ oomawnolus u log lno udfed in sale— a hue of most desirable shaped brown, drab, and riding huts, tancy hats, bloomers, fto , for wdiss , onswa'i aa ohlldren g'v«ar: new shiwii »tw. twlr.end N »POlitaii^oi, o eu;-(rll&" K 2 SrJff¥A S'*"," 4 bo " Le * h0 ™- FRENCH FLOWERS. A’eo. 59 oartoas moat desirable color Paris artificial flowers ‘ Also, one superior show case for a milbners. PHrup FORD & 00 , auotioxefrs No. 630 MARKET Street, and »21 MINOR Street. THIS BRITISH AND NORTH SmamL American royal mail btkam- _ FKOM NIW YOU 10 LITBtfOOI. _ Chief Cabin Fatsage.— — #llO Second Cabin Passage— —— - ft _ , f ROM BOSTON TO LIVUTOO&. Chief Cabin Passage—fJM Seoond Cabin Passage— 60 The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston oall at Halifax and Cork Har bor. k*t.tWlA, Cast. Judkins, tGANADA, Capt. Lang, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone,. I AMERICA, Capt. Miliar, ASIA. Capt. £, G. Lott, {NlAGAKAtuapLAjidsraon AFRlCA,Capt.Shannon, JEUROPA, bapt. J. Leitch, SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessel* carry a dear white light at masthead; ;reen on starboard b >w ; red on port bow. NIaGaRA. MiU&r, leaves Boston. Wednesday, Jane 27. ASIA, Lott. , •* N. York Wednesday. July 4. KUROPA. Leitoh, ** Boetoo, Wednesday, Jir 11. PhRSTA. Judkins. M N. York. Wednesday, JoJyIS aRrBl A. •* Boston, Wednesday. July » AFRICA, Shannon, ** N York Wednesday, Aug. 1, CANADA Lang, “ Boston, Wednesday, Au< 8, ASIA* Lott “ N York, Wednesday, Aug. 16. EURQPA-Ltitoh, ** Bofito", Wednesday, Aug.». PERSIA, Juakina. " N York, Wednesday, Aug. 20. Berths not scoured until paid lor. An experienced Surgeop on board, The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gold, Silver Bullion. B»eoip, Jewelry, Preoious Stones, or Metals, unless billa oT lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to E. GuNaRD, mu 4 Bowhpg Green. New Vnrb FOR THE SOUTH —OHARLIB - Freight at an average of pip*m« per cent, be low New York Steamship rates. FOROHARM?«Tvm n, a. The U. S. Mall Steamsh p KEYSTONE STATE. Cap tain Charles P. Marshmiß, win sail on Wednesday, July J;. at 10 A.M. _ Ttuouch in 43 to6o houre-only 40 hours at Bee. . _ F-'Ji OAvANWArt. GA. The 0. B. Mail Bteamshn* BT*TF Captain John J. Garvin, will sail on Monday, July SO, at 10 A. M. v 1 hrough m 68 to 6) hoars—only 43 hoars at Sea. . days changed from every Saturday to every five days. Goods received, and Bills of Lading signed every day. above every ten dare, thus forming a five-dav coirnnu nioation with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, there Ships con nect with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, Jco., for all plaoes in the S^utj^aiul^oathwest, Freight and. insurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-hair the rate. N.*B.—insurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary* farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Kailroad Fare by this route V to 40 per oent, oheaper than by the Inland Route, as will be eeen by the following eohe dale. Through tiokets from Philadelphia, via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, exqppt from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomety: To Charleston-..- 91100 to Savannah.—,- 15 00 Savannah—.--.n 00 SO 00 An|pi«t* »U) hlaoon 21 00 Macon— - 83 76 Atlanta—-—. 39 00 Atlanta— . 8100 Columbus—-. 39 00 Columbus—..... 86 00 Albany 34 00 Albany. —lff 00 Montgomery--. moo Montgomery—, taco Mobile— MQO Mnhifn_.„ 4| ft) Now Orleans--. 80 7* New Orleans--.- 62 00 No bills of lading signed alter the ship has sailed. For freight or passage apply on board, at second wharf above'Vise street, or to_ _ ALEX. HERON, Jr., Southwest comer FOURTH and CHESTNUT, Agents in Charleston. T. 8. A T. G. BUDD. „ „ Savannah. HUNTER A GAMMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina ever; Tuesday. -For Florida £ -m Bavanaah, steamers St, Mary’s and Bt. John’s everr ruesdawaud Saturday. IN THE ORPHANS COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. _ tstaeofioilN 0. HUGHES Deo sard. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, aiw aoi* st the account of Uamel Starke . Adm»n ntra tor mm lesraminfoann'zoof JOHS D. H*'GHfb,da ceattd.acdtoreoortdistnb t'on of the balance in t»e fc.mds 01 'he AdraioLtrator. ui 1 meet the parties in terest-tl for the purposes of his appointment, 00 TUEB - the l;th day ol Jui>,l33i, at his offioe, No. 6*27 Wa LNUT wtreet jo2»-fmwfit oeMUELO. PERKINS,Auditor, IS THE, DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM H. ELLIOTT aud C . HARINE.hU-srife, ..vs.L'Wl ;R. DRENKfcL. ... AWVtml. Ex. No 16& Muon Term, 18C0. the and tor appointed bjr the court to tUgtr.btre tbo Tuna id eatm aroma from the sbeiifTs sale, under the above of— aII that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on the north side ot Poplar street, at the .istanre of i<t foot westward from the w-st side oi Bohujlki t Third street, now twentieth etreet. in the late district of Spring burden now in tbecitrof ► hlUrielphm. containing in root or breadth ou the Mid F*'p'ar s-reet is fWet.and extending northward, botweea linetfforsllel with sad Schavlkifl Third street, in or depth SI feet to a aofeetwido street. leading westward from the said Tima street into Oorimhian avenne, called "'cot* street. Bono'-rd noithward by raid Heottstree', southward b> «-id Poplar street. eaetwar.i by ground noworlaie b‘ William K.Bco tand others, and westward by ground granted to I>ar>iei *■'. Drenkel H ~a bijcK message or tenement is now erected on said lot. three stories high. Wihntiend to the duties of bis appomtmn.tou MOV- D , tho 9tb day of July 16£o. at hie offi'e No. 630 wALN.I etrp t, ■ ? the city of Philadelphia at U o oloclr .M. when and wher* all parties interested inu-■ t make tbair olAlmii, or be debarred from cnmiiic la fund. JOHN M. THOM 8, Auditor. [V 0 T i 0 ELetters of Administration »”, »• E?n the Estate of JOS. r>EAI. late of Frotk ford Twenty t„ur‘h wird, Philadelphia. detested, Savine t een sraulfd to tba un teisifi-fa all persona in ched to ba'd -state reiu sted to utsko immediate pijmeut amt all per so a ftarini tJairr.s against the same to present them,dul> autben'ira, ed for»a ment, to AiAttuAHy'* u AL Admin at'atnx. or JOHaN Dfc)AL t Administrator. Jf2o 6t* Frank ford. Wlil'E & VANVLiIT ts. ifOSiiFH BCHIIRH In the Diatr otCourt of Philadelphia. March term* 1860. No Ml Vend. Exp. * JoHN P FEWUCW Vn. J. SOHURR. in the Supreme,Court of Penosylvawe to January tenn i*X). o 77. Vend Exp , The Auditor Appointed b» the Court to report distri bution of the moneys raised or sheriff sale under the above onealed writs. of •* All that certain three storv brick dwel'ißE h* tu»e and brewery, lieer vault and lot of Mound. sito ite on the eat* side of Germantown road, one hund r ed feet south of Cambria ttreat in the city of Pliilndelphit. cmtainio* in froni<v Getmintown seventr five feet and in dertn one hundred and ninety ftet to Hutchinson st* et,” wilt at»end t» the duties of his appointment on 'IU'SDa> .the 3d day of JUtY, iB6O, at .4 o clock P M. at h a offioe No-6 0 W ti reet in the oity of Ph'Kdelphi-t when and wh- re al persons aro requ-sted to make their olaims, or be de baned from coming iu upon a nd fund. . „ , THOMAS D. BMITH. J»S tj>3 A door. IN THE ORPHANS’ OoIIRT FOR THE OIIY A-D COUNTY OF PBU.A n KLFHIA. Fst te of H Gm • deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, sell!*, and adjust the account o' WILL a M COUPKR. sur* vivinir- hxeoutor ol the wiU of HUGH, UnURLEY, deceased, and to make distribution!,! tbs valance in the hands of the acco 'ti ant will u eet the parties imeres*- ed. for the purposes of h»« appointment.o > TUE-PAY, the hi d Da.) «'July.in3 n’ol ck P. at h»s office, o. 2SQ Noith FIFTiI Street, in the city of Philadel phia. Jf22-frmw3t* O- W. THO'N, Anditor. Letters of administration upon the eatateof IACOtf MOLZ.oeceaaad bavine i eon granted t» the heiiate-of Wilis to Hip undersuued.ali porsonsimlpbted wmid ea’atd will please make'pay. ment, and those having o.aims present the «am» without delay to HAftV MOLZ,- jel-mBt* No. 332CALLOWHILl#street. *• vacuhah naajuci TVOTJOE.—A Meeting of the Association f | known aa the" Amygdaloid Minin; Company of Lake Superior, 0 will be held at office ol tD' company, to the city of Philadelphia. „n MONDAY. * Idof •J.u y, low, in pursuance of the \ ramiona - f the: seo non oi ilieaoi suppleraenrary to an not to Mithorite u.e formation or norpirattn.,* for Mining, Pj&eluvK. &c., Legulature of Michigan. and apuoved on the 6th of February. 1865. for the pcrpua* of elroitne Directors and adopting Ui-L&wa for the Kovwrnmentoi »aid sJoeint<on, and the transition of other business na may properly come bofore said meeting. JAMrtt AHBON. J. 8. WATKOUS.' Jels ISt Philadelphia, June 16,1560. OP r ICE OF SCHUYLKILL NAVIGA- T lON COMPANY. MAY 10th. ISflO.—From end ftt-er Julv Isth, 1860, and until September tat. l£GO. the ohameafortbe use of Care, vd for Toll end Trane porUtionnn Anthracite to t-hitadelpnia, hr way of the Sohuylkill Navigation, will be inoreaaed Fifteen Cento per Ton on the rate* fixed Merab 13,h, ItSCO; and on the la* of September, l&eo, a further in oreaaoof Fifteen OenU per Ton will be madoonaaid charset, and so continue until the close ot navigation. 13y order of the Maaarere. F. FRALEY, null s,n President. X, w * NEIL.Lt & Go., YARD. S. E. Corner BROAD and CALLOWHfLL, t , nruLßaa in Superior WHITE AfiU, TAMaQUA, and LEHIGB n * OALSS Prepared and Irept nnder cover expressly for Family nee. far Orders by Diapatoh will reoeive prompt Atten tion. apis Sir. HARDWARE PACKAGE 4IOUSEB. PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE We *• would reapectlully call the attention of the Bene rX Hardware Trade to oar extensive Stock of BIK iIINGHAM HARDWARE, Which we offer at a£n£l •ivaace by the paoksfe. Order* tor direct importation xolloited, and Goods de livered either in thu eity, New York, or New Orleani. W. 0, LEWIS*Son. r _ 411 COMMERCE Street, . , . . Iwnertint andCommimon Merchants. And Ar ant* fer Ferem and Denactfe Hardware. GOFFEK’S patent _ KNITTING MACHINES. Tor Plain Fanoj Knitting; Maohinoa lor Knitting drawere, Siiirtt Ac,, n>\ . . o* all niges. Rib Maohines of 1 and 1, 2 and 1,2 and 2. and 3 and 2-Rib, .. on hand and ri atle to order, i bese Machines use the plain English Hprne Needle, on A new principle, cheapest and most rapid Machines for Knitting in use. The Police Patent Family -Knitting Maotyhe. Sot Family and F/aafanort t' a new dnd suoeeaaful feature in the useful inventions of the age, and rank* with the Sewing M&orine. Agenoj and Salesroom. No. <577 BROADWAY, New York, HENRY Q. LEE. Agent Kt'Oß' EUROPE,—Having been appointed Ajcent* forWM. WILLIAMS & CO.** Traaaat lantio Exprena. we are now prepared to receive , . FAKJGHr, PACKAGES, fto., for oil part* of Europe &ml A*ja, ot pnees unprece dented in thi» oitj, OAKMAN A CO.. %x>t 1m rio ts Smith FIJPTH Hwt Havana cigars—a large, band. and VARIBDASaORTMKNTr con»is tinßor*ouch brand* aa CABAblH** PIG* RO, >hP tJng. am staUas. lspanola i&bvkilhbs, fito . fco., of ah»iEe® wo.W'jUMtt, on h»H-‘ conirtantlj. and for sale low, by oHajILLS jhih. 13U.WaJaut »tr«*ei mi New LAKtiE NO 3 MAtKEKEt— Iw tMa landmt from tteam.r, and Tor *»'•>» J. TAYI-OK * C<V .. . i 1 • a '■>>>< vf'uVw E - > I.LOl'iS—Over 2 0 differtnt stilts srd im Milinit from SCo. p»r 1 000 upward, i.'r Pt-KKVr. Btotjontt, iß'O'- !ilO tierces Prime Retailing tzvr’xmiszp'" l * w)4 r“ b ' ! oaiHiii PRIME NEW M’. JOUNE ALt. WIVES' »i.bbii for iald tr _ . .'•lt WH, 1. TAYLOR X CO. HALES BY AUCTION. SHIPPING. LEGAL. NOTICES, COAE, saxesby auction. M. ft'SONs" ~ r ~ ’ «oe. fO Poetb FOURTH Street CAV^JIS^MKSkuiI,AY.-» week will beheld on JffiMt3«v££mJT* 1 , ? a( “-» will »nc Bdethe real fJLI x* ead ° r Tut***?. IS .took™*'., of?h,ir"iSi^wSffl! cl “ l ' , *ir Railroad ComriHT. w * wuu * lßi '»»«. »»4 Ena REAL BSTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. ’ •ala, moStdft™e«rf*(/eMnptinn of'citr'auPooanrS . ****** entered on oar private sale rarisim (nf d wlo-' f ,' I r^r 0 “ i - Onlllr “ °ur Public gffJbSST tSarle. “ d 1,000 °° sl ® s ar ® Pnniad weekly,) fraa of 811.000 UNION CANAL BONDS. ohanlo 3 willlJi^ih nii?n?a*'tbe FhiUdelphlaF.x ohango.’BnUbesoldfjraceonnt of whom it nTay con of F th« V U , luosE*aMl'c^•m^A™n , • * IMI> eMtl «•«-«». SURF HOUSE MOCK. Also, without reserve- Afe;Scd.‘!s c ,\,'ir^“ Barf Hoa *» battel »r Sain absolute. CATAW,SS^>,.™^?^ E i B I E p*,t ROAD dATThta. ROLLING STOCK? i/ IL " Thus Day. July 2. at [2 o'clock, noon, at the PhiladelßhHFx. Pennsylvania* *°* J * ** <leorefl o{ k“i*«nw .The rtal eetate, franchise®, chattel.rolling*tcek. Oomp/ay 0 Cata wiua, Williamsport, and Erie ftairoai T P° V* k® } n caah onthpr«!«*® tate. at th« time of sale. ingstocir o & aeaotlof tb6o{faecfivo lota,chattels,roil- REA& ESTATE B'LE-JtTLY 10. . At u o’oloes, noon. FERE'* PTOSY HAI.S-MORTOAGE OF SSW. Bod<{, and Wort* are of £BOO, Becan-d on bout* awd lot on jbriPoasavaßue, north of Linden street, Ctmden orj ?"nW Ooustfiale-FaiAte of Eliot Creseon.dec’d. Two 6tor> brio* DWLL,LiN-+ Crownstraet,between Prune and Doke rreet highteenth ward. . Same Estate—Two-story Bnok DWELLING, atffAtn mg'beabnvo Orphans’ Court Gale—Estate of Gronre Fleming, fiec'd. A Yuarly GJiuOND RENT of 866. w * Uia **“ cou ‘ Bsnw E*tare-A y«T|T GHOU*J*»»ENT of #66. Oaphans’ Court Bale—Estate of Jame* McCocnelk ‘ _ deceased. Two-nory Brick DWELLING. Swanson k l mt, ho {J^e- n aod Cunstiao stree'*. Orpna s Court *al»-j- state of James Thomas, dso’d. Ihreo stor* Brioa HTORb ana DV7Eulu3b two t iV re n‘ BUll7^rio * Dwelling. and two-stiSr Praia Dwelling, Currant aley and J aken plac«7l*iwiiK Tenth -aid i loyeath ►nd i ocuatano epruce street*. Tnree-siory Bnek DWELLING, No. Oil NVjSerentil street bei wGtrrd avenue. - • .*•. hxeoutrrx * Sale— state Hamlet Peanto, deo’d, Taro.ator> JL'clr BUILDING, corner or Chri*- tian, and Soverth streets. 1 hro. .tory Brick DWELLING, moth Fifth rtroet, below l ombard street F n J *toy brioa DWELLING,Nn.-«0 Lombard s ewstof Fifth street. Ent 30 leet front. Immediate poa te#sinn. Ko> s atthe auction s»Q'«. pfi» r ? e B l or f Brick DWELLING, F.raleu : orTulip street Nineteenth ward. Two Iwo story Brick OW&LLINGB, York «troet, Nineteen t-ward. • «*%•«<*»,* %?•.£?? n ** Briok DWELLINGS* Tnho street, and Middletons rset, Nineteenth ward* v 1 Modem RESIDENCE. With' Stable and Germantown*' Gre ? a atre6 ? of Manheim Street, mnt? warcl B,iok Braddock at, Nine- BUIL n ING hweai corner of -Lomb&td and eraso streets between fifteenth snd Sixteenth t,'"'-?l7r- !,IODERN RESIDBMCK-With rd« yard No. 16CH Green street. Two Three-story B-ick DWELLING?, northeestoor nerof lhirty ggven’hand Win streets, Mantua.' Sale at Noe. 139 ana 141 booth FOURTH Street. BUPERiOk FURNITITRr... KHENCH-PLATE *uk- RORS. PIANOFORTES, BRUhS" Lh*CAßP£t£ ... . . w On Tnursday Morning. tho Auction store, as assortment d exoeilent seoond-hand furn tare, elegant piano- lertes-, fine mirrors, carpets, etc- from families daclimnx bouMkeepm*, removed to the etore for ionvenienca of jlft.'SßS NATHAHS, ATJCXIONEEB —>«* • ®«.000to lnw.»*u» lower. ret»», «■ diamonds vatcdeß,jewelry. nlver plate. art good,, clotti"r, ..<>l • '££?!?• oatlery, eiaoee,mirror., ior nitere. eedunr. and rn rood, or every deaerietioa. In t&TgaorsmMl amounts from one dollar to tbemsand*. fo 12I?U: D & l i of HtneMrflMoae 1 The Oldest I’stabiis&ed House in this oitr. fBT Private entrance on RACE Mreet. «T Bnameue hour* from 9A, M. to SP. M. Heavyinsnianee torthe benefitof de oeiiors, TWOPLRCEWS Advance* of $ 100 and upwards at tM mr WHli ?hort&? f 6 aLd u > ward *’ at «W nrwnS „ /, AT P»rVATKS«T^ Some of the finest GOLD PAl'Svp LEVFR aM ™ 1 ' I '^V«,V r KR WATCH 1; a. '4fnnfa«Sil M h£» the asnals-Uinß puces, gdUlever and lepin* watohee, River lever Md lepine wafehe.*:, English. Swiss. W French watches, at halontshiUK .low prices Jowelrror evert desorption, very low.*m»a. pistols, m.isloai in strnme&'ji. fir-t qnnlity of Havana cixars. at half th» price, m qualities to salt parehasere. and various other kinds oi good*. mu . , OTJT IWOR SALES Attended to personally bv the Auctioneer. ' onsignraentsor arty and every kind ot goods soil oli™. MObKb NATHAW3. HOTELS. »T. NICHOLAS HOTEL. bhcJadway YORK When completed. six years ago, the »T. NICHOLAS was universally pronounced tho roost marnifioent, eorc tenjent, and thoroughly organised esUbitab m e ntoftle kind on this continent. w hat» was then it remains to pM—TOUiout a rival in sue, jn ■umptnooiness. and m toe general slsmanta of ©oinfon and enjoyment. The Hotel has accommodation* for one thousand mesta. in cluding one hundred complete suites of apartments/or thing that modern art has devised for tfleoaoremenoa sad •ooiftl cratiac&tion of the travelling poMio has be-n omitted in its plan, or m neglected in it? practical details, The early reputation oi the house at bom ead abroad, derived from its pinmitado. its superb apparntuttats. and ita home liye comforts aim luxuries, feas been haneed every year try the unwearied exerti&da of the proprietors. - TREADWELL. WHITCOMB, * CO. CJT. LAWRENCE HOTEL, BROADWAY tkm YORK,, on* Nook above I^®‘/• r j r , , t ffg t ?l-._Th 1 A De ? Hotel is now open for the reception of suests, and wu! be eondseted V 1 pl ‘V 5 * The long want ofa truiiness hool, m portion of the city, haa induced hbLEfi^fu r •stabneb the prices on the following liberal oinglp rooioi, SO cools per day j e leg ail suitffl, With a thorough knowledge of thebusi nc*a, Btnct attention to the wants of every guest* I hope to receive a libenu share of public favor* »**-*"• t w Pror^sior. KXPIUISS COMPANIES* ATLANTIC!CITY EX p&vr* prop*l»<ori of the t'htl-uielvbi* lqotl ran s*> Express to t is popular hathin* place oa r a* th'i'crniins eea on. Mark all ».o as l»j “ Express ” and deliver at oar office, Or b> ieaviii* an orderlies will be c lied forb> otirown wsK>>ns. We will alio «ail for and cheek t>aet&.e at b teu and residences thrmirh- to be 'e iverea both at tl-»n‘ia <bt) &nd Pbi adelphi*. t y which *mn*etuent the travel er baa no care or trouble with his b*eca?e» Fre Eat-parce a. »ar*a*e. end merchandise called for an- 1 delivered with pronjptne*a thn-u-'hout tbee-iy. . Good*snipped by i-xp.eaa, bailroad. aau Steamers* anti hills 01 lad ns returned Charge* lower than b> n-iy oth*r eonvejasre. Also. A&entßXO? William \V illinn • & Ku’opean Elprtu. OaKMAN <fc CO.. PrOMV»tOTtU Offioe No. 28 South KIP i H Street. JSSSSSSHEH 3HE BDiJl' EXPRESS SKSeSecO ,Offioe33o CHESTNUTStTMt. ftmrards Paresis. i’ ck.TKtH. JUerchwi'i u. Bar:!* Ao!.n, and specie, either by it# own i.inee or in oonnecUQ# with other Fxprasa Companies, to all the principal town* tind o.ties of the United States, . , a „ h. 8. BANDFORD, jeJ6-u General Superintendent. PIANOS. PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!! Imr! FIANO-FORTES. AIELODEONS. PIANO-FORTES. -Made by Raven. Baoon. * Co.* Kmu cSrt!| Mallei SDavui ft Co., and others. 4, E. GOULD. mjM-1 SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. jfSB|r STEINWAY & SON'S NEW PA mrrn TKNT OVER-STRING GRAND PIANOS, BQUiR£(iHAND t AND iIUUARS PIANOS, now tre ierred m ocnoerts and in private circle# bj the hew* performers, Received thp first premiums over the ben inMere, from judge* like tfottsehalk, Mason, and other*. Challenge all compefatiea. BLASIUS BkOTHKKS. dMr 10M CHESTNUT Street. CAUTION !—ASfH* )LOGS . I—LOOK °UT!-OOyn NFW3 FOB ALLf-Tlw bst.t lamng Mb. Van H()ilN ,a the he»t; ,hc succeeds woenall others have failed All wh'*.ire in trouble, all who have been unfortunate,deceived by false promises, fly to qer lor advice and comfort /* rtf ain skt ntvsr fails, She has the secret of winning the aflee tions ot the opposite sex. It is fact whjoh induces ilii erate pretenders to try to imitate he., and oo»y her advertisement. She shows yon the likeness of your fu ture wile, husband, or absent Dread It is well lenowa to the public at large ttia* the is the first and onl» per son who can show the likeness in reality, and can rivo entire satisfaction on alt the concerns of life, wfueh oan be tasted and proved by thousands, both married and smale. who dm tv «nd eagerly visit her. Come one 1 onme mi. to No. 1 S 5& LOMBARD Street, between laiu-v uer-q*o “»nw iit At* PHILADKLP-OA TERRA COTTA MU NUFACTORY, REVF N H »cd GERM <N I OWN to-d »«d 1»10 CHER.rNWr Street Vurifi-d Dr iE nnd waier Pipes. Vonti aun/Flues Rot * irFJ-ea,RTi»‘ bm.'ke Flues mid* ol 1 erraCntu, aa«tof aauable rje ror oi buildings. .Timsarticle is worth* tue. intention ol a 1 parties pu-tme up biddings, Lar.o size se venue pipes for city drainace. water nines war ranted to stand a vera re. We prepared to contract w.;l» cities or corporations f .rtli s article in any qunnti y. We warrant our R o-ds to beecualifnot t l i p^, «2 r to l4 anv «lher msde in the United states or ► trope, Ornamental Chimney iof* and G nJen Vflje * jea-tf P APFV. PAPER—NOTE, LETTER’ . , ,rAP. B I.L, LEGAL. DRAWING. SERVOS. rJlPoo v , & er k'ndßnf Paper, for sale, at low prices, by Pb B K Y.Frationer. FOUKTH .nil PACK. jiß >m TtSACKERSL; Ml AO HERRING, A <■.— L'JL iooo bbls Nos. 1, i nnd 3 large and medium Mao - af o * packages, of a ve> y choice quality \ 60 bbls. new No. 5 larre Mackerel. 60 half bbls new No. 31» do. SO bbls new No. 3 medium do. BO do new Eastern Mess Shad. 80 hvf obl« new do do do, 1600 bbls new Kaatpnit No. i Herring. SOO do do Halifax No. 2 do. 2U) do new Bostoo No. 1 d*>, liO do do No 1 gaalo Fish. M do prime No. i balm;,*. SSB52?h£ r a nd J ,sl, ‘«« KnJ lAnil rk ' ‘ n ? r county Cheers, Now tanUulg and in sUue, sale by . * MU'tFKY & KOONS. jfg 14b NORTH WHARVhF. S y ■ CftUCIBLr S S- Or sail, bt- BROTHER- 4T and 49 .W„ p.ULOiUTK POTASH Lor sale by * MOTHER. 47 and 49 N.n, CJYRCP MOLASSES, Ac.—soo hhds nnd p- 1 Barrels LOVFRIMG'S Ne Plus Ultra. GoWenfr rup. and ext<a Golden. Also, fiutar-hoi'jc. ftlneco vadi, and Porto Ktoo Motas'es in hogsheads aid bar rels f->r salo by JA.MLB GRaHAM A Co.. LhTIilA atre*r Qfiftfl KE‘MS WRITING PAPERB, assorted selling from 75c, (Vf 4 per renm, at PLRRI’3, rpUhTH ard RaCL, ,• j«J3-liu ACCOUNT XiOOK;? for the 1. 1 -! m?de expressly for oar Retail FsJea. PK*«RY, Manufacturing eutiuner, FOUKTR and KAC ja23 Ita SI'KFL PENS.-—l,ooo' Otdss' assorted, set i>* from lfe. per gresg upward. PER*<Y.Sta tioner, FOURTiI and RaOK.. >. - jeji l® T IQUQRHvE— T B^ftalian 1 ,, for sale * WOTHKR. xt4 49 BUOK-KEIPRbS. cet good Blank books »ud PERRY'B, FOURTH and RACh 4,^ t4 . JeS3 Jot PORT O.Stop SUGAR 250 hhds me ainm'anrf prime quality, tor sals by JAMRy ORAHAHaacOv, LRini \ Street fiffiSf;ESSnstT-70 catle, in "taa T &'* t "W9ruii&iv
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers