Sw«*;lS-«3e* tkp un Tkaytrted to ti :<'o |nu£f|3rti4a* 4W»t. i«wa wUh • Mtts » bit V 7 • 3~ ' l* tia others woeid hold ‘; - breaking ofertbem ~' sllMgK»M««iX> UU UtwnC WM.; t«*4 .several - taa »4ep|#rat* ;•&(£ llr .feakail sataed the leg trbtoh w*» free, wmmief^&sasum, CttMtiaagtk.aad.waltleg ktetronblt «w»tß»i* : •‘wSSoWpfcfcg M Mte 1& trim fti.liiw* “i !»«“ - *WfWuVu*eli* WTrimtwua* > _:-, i r‘ <k* ftfmviYoiiß mckua .«& »rA Jsassr fisrikg;. •\X c\ - v,* - ‘r nour after the tVetk ■i ■ a «f s*,.'«ri.»*l»*tf'A»lialie.aoantT,:N. J,-, oust rnn •’ .iSi MivV W? ef wa wreck, and bar v: 7/Port arV «i Hap’eLandtog, u>i. '“S*l^B,J.H«<hkttj»BrBmUh,lutin ; EngUs»a,»n4 Wm. TWpier. aotad in the raoet human* manner ■JfiseFfih'b'a* heart: tho oycnpant* of both the ‘ best*. who ha4kapb,togalb*f, end supplied them wMhtUV»iye*Knfbrt itwae iu thvlr powertodo v:^;vo«U‘'MMM(enttMd')B'thh vletatryTarfoar or hoptiiii th oiok7wp,e<Bte’or. aaisrir* mea AttUe thoee picked op Bore the /;Mw4osUdg at the reof ofthe cabin. iaeihdipg r mf.Sea'wWvwbr ejiethli wifeagato on the Porter. • After hit hag'bkea'picked op wbooenld beeeen. ,t, .Ifc* aakoenereilM away to? Cepe Mej, »heM «he ■ hHtWd ifdo’Meek ito Thursday afternoon, : \ ■ The anrrionii epealf lo tke highest term* of the / .. Idedoeee.extended te: -them be th«. residents of - r jjQMrfrit«r. -ArtiwliAAiJrfwUßMWts w«*e thrown tuJttVou w*w iubplieff. f tn^««r«JllAVwyAeitittite condition, fatviog . <«Ahd (iotbieg ftoMtha wreck bni thectotheStbry Mood in Hsapef them: bed only Utelr night V'WjfelfimOikSil'TV? v <■• . -,. " >' :0a TharedeT 4ft*raMdi, the steemefKenoebec > of Sradford’l We between Philadelphia end -New - , , lerk, l teeyM*ro.ei>*«»yt end * Uent Guthrie 7 and Tittyof taamwttook puMptln ber:to Sew ■■ 'Torhil Tkelnt olScsr, MtSeawell. hl« wlfe.end font Ot'fiTeolhapb/yeeterter mereinglook p«s -• page on beerd.tb* ateeamr Detewdr* for. this city, . ■ aad arrired et ,6t*ft*d> wharf, below Snreee Street, Jeatrria? hftefeoon beteeen hoe end: two . o’etaek, liefrer the mee who earn* In the ‘ Deleejn* «nt ?nrlt eeriy ln tb* af - •'.■,e*riieo2:' ’ ThebUeVpgla neorreetlUt of thb l'.’,'.'-. v --rWa.JttaStW* '.' : "•' - ' ; i* i *#>)t ; *^di' l WU».',usl. Chritelin* Crojre, S Titaowy Chow, * JJ OherteeMller.t . 3 r ;Jer«*ttb flofejt,; ■IS «*Mg* W John*ton, 4 Brown,•; '7J4 : riemerl,Steer,' - S.MfeheelJtteo, , IS.P.terConwey, , 5 HarantißimnaTlento, 16, Ceolrl £oUb, . r-JnSwWttefAen,: 17 JohhF*rren, , >. 8. lB. deeepb B*l**, 7 'S. John'DtSeell,: :•;!». June* Fwren, ; Id. 7' " 20. 'Georg* Priee, .. -T 'WW7. •-* >-• -. Job*J,<Htbtl*,U»tt<m«otCommending. '. d. Bnt tfber andledy. B. V: Qathri*! weoad olteer. . 70Mrte* Mtrrb>tt,thtid 0(6?,r. duu* tUllmen, mgeen., K._B. Swift, engineer. Heatl Cfek, : J.thn Thompeon, ’dptaßaelw, • . John Walyb. . „ JehiheTMing,’., ' MeOeStoy, 7'. : CtterlM etimndi- ■- • ' D. Coobran, -. !: irheßaell, Jnhnßroea. : 'Join Tetlor,' - 'William M. Mtpei, , ! d*M*"H*rriaon, .. • Bdward trnoh, - BeWtldlner, • ,Jo*»ph. Wiletn, , ■ 3tc*|f{ll*rk, , John O’Brien, . , a#OTt*flP*t»m, \ JohnCutn«r. gpmM&r*- ■; yataetGoidiu, ■ - - .Whi. legen, , - ' dtbdw-.!Bf^f,.- 7 John Bom*.■ ■ - ’ J3*>l ' . Jamee De Oontey, wm. Boyee, •' , Bernard Catroli, .7 IbaaujtllWf, ' 7 John A. Minor, , Moato Boot. - , .Tames Clark, . , Paterßeekwr, ■ Hioheel Boyle, , lUthaei Lyoce, wiemt uea troeeG, of.ebodt three . ketwrip -teati- burdm. ': What Jhreame of tbe . rtwtr whlob eimn iete.eoilfaiom withherweanot . knoWn ywtordey. A wport preeeiled that eh* pat Into CepeJfay id s 'd*Q*at*a eosdition, bat w* oanM not treetltt to eny r*li»bt* entree. MMifedWtet *ea*of ;tb* jnbeW men mey hero boon ptoked np.' If eny of the mntlng m*a war* ■till fil’keelii* th*al»*lTn on aperl end plecet of ' the wnek for ihrho or foar houre, there b eotno •tight ebeore that tbey .may Barb bMn h*y*d by pairing TMMIe, Theßeoretary of the Nary;will,no doabt order aeoertof.ieqoiry to toehatigate all:the citotlm " Staabeaef of the iweeHl, and.' aaoertaln whether the (hit re*u with the offleei* of the .! Walker or thoW of tbe eehooner. Tbe mbjeot of -the warclty of boete, by which nearly tdenty lira* toe* been lobf, wIU alto be thoronghty inreeti ' of thtr'mtwin ea far as we oould eaoer teta, betmied .to PbUedelpbia, exbept Henry . Beat, thiftntßeaaad oatba)iat, and tbs oOtoera :<(.BeiMid «Mta,MiMiiiatntad #lth hb net Janes , ; kfr. F*awS!tr «M Of anrriror*. brionge to ''aotfotk. T*.i aad b a nlatise of Bobert Tytef, Ben ,or Abiiolty: l ‘ . , 7TbebfihSr* npaek hi the highlit termi of the be herlor of tbe ereWr- Theiewaanct«n «or of in-' : 1 eoberdfeettMdarlnw the wboienfthetryihg'eeeee, ' rfieWS A : it 'beeame.eridMt: that ell eonidnotbe . f' dMM.'fltset on tbb wreekriMmed tc be resigned to 7 Sbetr Eahst or 'detsnataed to trat to the setlor’s matt7 To ' a utrebsnt Ttttel, the loss of lib would dbebtleei here been far greater, as . nsariy all Tiendt rt«b ift tho boats, and in the strng ' wte to git In diet the boats are eaprirei, and the SsSrit’essastlstotliefea. • • LcoaL tNTBU*»HCB Wn. s tIffITBTCT 0 '*t»-tudtr .Cadw r —x* l4 e,w l °, r s ! Ao,on . tearirxwaer Acorn, libelled faraeamen’a wasea, was ST O>C. » . Oc«v,Tt* Ssastbsa—J pda* ATliton -TJie antire aea rieenfener'wearor«eitdtndtS9oai«tof e number of 1 iwreaw.cf.nmilelntrirat . _Cndinm;l%s*e«Jndr**, Tnom'smi and bodimr— TV.« ort wea ehce ed until twe VC o clock oa tha in ' an’reetliet, aßer whloethaeoateried-eiaonoa oa*a waa , "jff iwebo-Veadar tba Strii aad sb*h' •pocificatVoia, , .aTo-iniin*idr*n«tweieeynjee in tba «aih ward, 15 ftmr'-f rir. WoOe. In eritlen e III" . aoecral rern-nefibe ward whielrefr*a Mr Mof'f isSmtesfo .tkaFrfibdiyiatnaeftkatwad. whilathe laiiy adarwipittGrrorea ft* M . Bef r. . n •■bMnlee tree made rolSe rerest on of thia S»ser. b'r»a*a itiaaejnn iarraerden**, tb* tally pseereofckediSerontnirismiu betat h« beataridenoe.,and the alleaed uieoresanoy -«£f bemadedpi'» tu*i»:>-i,_. , The taliy saenriof tea Filth dtrielon are a!re»dr ia . CITY ITEMS. J«4ik Wlfil tin* «f the wjfd* clteunxiH««i _ . . ; : _ , *l*9l rtfifldemrdM. 9 itwii■wdh« a {jnjqvM Establisbueht if fcbere Cftnhc eettfftrt tSSs*^’ , fwS , ln r tht«c?t* y d«riarthai *• in? siujl# M*Wi*hm«st in tbit country thwt em mtfermrtAr Aerij.tndtbejhciinu'nr of Mnr.txdra' thraen m enunt perfection »• manr d ff>rent depart- BDcatvof DiCr^hardixinr Mthe oeUbratcd empo iam o • Se^M*«^^^iShlS?«2' %%??,<&’v2£r '*«a«.Jharlef Oakford A Bon..nnd.r the C.mtinrn a mused jT*t Hotel* There are colewtaan 6redepartment*.in (, « . :->yio*n*4 wManpemaar- pendent of tMr Fur which In tbe vanetv ! ggr^g^rggj^ySg**and perfection of their *tnote are unrivalled, : U - lfpewso2n BoeS are their Bat*} GenU’ Furnishinr Gt«d*; Lndies' and ? SrWTf*t i*<»»'*rriF» tbw* h- v eneMet, Ch ldr*» r * Snoes; mfse*’ Fancy Bat*, and Ladies’ sun ■ oT tte’PjeonWs-Be" received IJ1» p*r day department*, in either and all of which may bejoimdtheehoicertand meet ooms'eteaaaorlm.ntof ■ty vhnheToted fov fnrcirir controller; hi* tloket v»* pood*under their rtspeottve heads to be had in this or h*a^'toj»ig^y.M!..Ge«»«e ; Hcehiy > eh*h Yrfeog he any otter city in tke Union. SEWOTWWra * ESHonwaw Smo As.sn.-Tho greet suroos, of y*^gWlrW^W , a*».raKM«!?J!!l»!?lft«‘ia» Mr.J A.F.W*mao.tbe enterpriams proprietor of Iho * Great Central Cravat Store, loosled oa the Worthweet Fonrthp'eeinctof e raer of Chestnut rnd Seventh etrerte* has erened the &*!&*3***»lr* pjya. .yanaett, rivalry, n-t only in FbiMelphia, hut m the rfSiikiSSh a CW«* truna-AtJanuo capital*. lhi» ia mainly owing to • Bffiifffitt irrriimtotftttffie 'Mention but returned theJactthat Mr< Febienan ha* had Hha geniu* and heytj mett eapße *Macity to kad, irute dof fo iowing the Parisian ** l 8!y r fjP~ lialiioßeln the msnn'actnre of all maimer of wearable* l«r the neck. Tbi* baa*in fact beeh a real pioneer -liitiniMujirrrmiirriirr~nr itirftntbthfm achievement in it* way, and entitles the berootitto ( place. B*rmuhtaleit»rof,ln* much credit. The ineuiry now i* not, is thla the latest ! Fr,*'k,'yu. Out, ia h,. the at.le of F.fti.mon 7 ■ •reetiriy tb»a to ro to Fifth .and Chennut flreela. Oettiks Besot fob tbb Foobtd —ln addition 'wee notHe tad’^m weS if to the superior .lock of eontteUonenr. whiobeyerjbodr taeji runrirrs'riTn since the tlfrFcs's bad not h ard arsoetatea with the name of Messrs. £ G. Whitman & Z'T.' 1 Co, Second street, below Cheirimt, thia popular firm mumed Sn dhuStai haaalrrUrMmin.no.d preparation, toeontribu.e moat •* • effectively to tbe patriotic demot Strattons r of our oiU ?.*S; ** lo di.meter, will heeom. ' who mo. wish entlhiuk m thie line, we mat aafel, say, :>lAn at >yt et the latter, et eet ,B. O. ’Whitman ft Co.’e ia tbe place to buj them. ?Wiemeter of ■ A Gbest bawreo Mscntnn WanEßoosE —The •eo’lreftjiffiatylbatiodiame»r extan«lTewar*rooma of Meura. W. F. Uhlioter A Co„ vEJf 'S aTtitZv! SlS! ttfStrl* >«•*** Aroa meet,ere attraction meeh attentioa from ewanSKt • oar oitlaens end etramers, bolh on account oflhe great ftbeoitr foreome I.,re 9*s*_ T ta I variety of maekines manufaeiared b, them and the extepaiy*moaeerin wbiok theee oeeretotiaare con i?#%**wlf[?eliiirediS*daed tatalsil ‘ d«« f «d Theat ientletneg unsnestionably male the iVwti fetmw.wb lob are arr"at im prove meat beat maebinea ia tbe market, ard eeilst price* decided* lr below the uaueltatea. Give fhein'a call, •treffnankwerd. ,4'k*e»tdi*orm«eoprT ' Bath Made East.—Hundreds of our.eltt kriek workWllfta y uUr of tS „ j„,por!ance of bothing, »w«eje.i) s , ■ ;__ ■ ■ t either at home, where lb* convenienoee are had orby rarkklf. ■ 'MaM;KZ. Hoc**.—Tb»« .iaitias some wateiio, >aee, hut they are so ai Bated smew** eojwee, which waarke pioaeerin the lsr«e ud that neiiher of these eatedi. nta era within their reaoii SSikeMeetoftb'e deserjeUonwhich edorn.tha city. w c *n sae b we would •y, that tf yoi bad the leisure o> S^«feliSTO*aW , !S. M U?SS, , M o slmce and the wealth of an/.tor, ,ou couldnotb. —-r < more admirably anitedwitb s deliciousnath,m every UMKtg*B»<bti»eepf«irlike neeeem.ita«Bdl»ku-,',t,|aa ß d temperature, then stt aaplsndid sew rooms, s»£l Tkii seSmi Of thia"eniSpraleAaaM<malM»d of Mr. b. Guteknnet, Fourtn end Branch etreet,. aSi'rfSmSgßiarAter and three-who*. w» a ktrsa, Soionok’a Tkkplb wUI be on mbibltion in this *'MAhibpteawrihWr* Tw**pk!oM,ot JttMh Beeoiid eity for only a abort time, All should improve the first x StfoVwtorf, *. opportanity to seu it before its removal. Ir afford* ple»«neendios:ni«tiontothebehoMer. fitutCwiyuiLwiirbiitb<w* i *** byauasienter. Pbopriutors of HhTels arp Boabdino- Hcirag* at the various watering place* find somtucr to- inS’of'bi°. ftaf^W*« S'-rte.w 1 find it to „ ei, edv»,,t«. to < U< « /< {* L .. tensive OMOrtinect of Housekeeping goods offered for jbcAiNU TKrtmu* FcVA'«k fa t e by K. 8. Faubon A Co., 8. W, corner of Second 2tafflir^^t mhs’i I and Book streeis. Tbalr stoek islarsa. and amhreces .n^Sf^ta^n^kSS^' r “! ' er«r article.of otdliw and conv.nieno.in .hi. nne. \ ■ - '-mLjZ ■■Pijr^Ll%*/-*.!’ <- iiw' *aohu* SHvcr-platfd Ware^,Cutlery.TeaTr*>s, Co ce tAcaBFMY ,pF * wefelc* nd T^a Uru*. Cooltios I’teosiJsof all kinds, Kefrigeru tors, Wat?r Cooler*. Ice-cream Frecsers. *o„ fyo. Hotil keeper.a»»Pli.d on liberal Urms. a verv „ 1t „ £ lB is ßT o Boap twoCmstSEyg, tb*s :*o x«p o»< t» WW*" *»4 iteliolseanerto make U»*bm>any w)lli fiva.,fi4a»red dollar*, m fpriacM than lo keep one at your oommand.un* winsrnnn..: I t. M ,ourefrainfiominvestmslt in hajardotwtpeoula - K MmfißfcMm* ■ lSSJwitb the aspentation of (treat gains Frsnkl n’s -BtMfct&iSMiWWit*Htwflw l .veaterday ririted motto wss ■'maktimaU min, and the,thy min mat ■ Immj” nndaUwesortlon of the community are so do 'int'AnjubTWwS* lag (tines the P»»ii' of Franlc • iw?SkwSS9«t*«t: SfiFi itmiboyrirt FeitardßoUifT- i|n-*nvins Feud, No. 130 South Fourth »tre*t. below wm; 1 . o“..‘.s’Philadelphia, where It will d aw five par . w»k Wfoya 's^v.'nfC 11 “«r mS'ki. *d«^».b-.ta»o*h.rco:u»n ■.. lufSfiW f bckibtt i«Tc*u|*s> work from the Wurket- 1 . Oak Obokabd Acid Sprihq Water.—- Im* wa m?aUarn*tMMtn*h*?fown*n.' tevtisatnlns areat calabrity. nnd the drmand 'at it i- wiixeonel/erad a,breech oAre.l. i* lacreMtaa rapidly. Its henefioial character i* at ■wda itbeeomea iarcany. He was tested by thousands, and it is pronounced by dietln -7 '>7 jL 17 ’JI( :7'7 ■ I tulihed phnieiam to be superior to any other mndi mm* WA*t*r UAt.—On i oinal dpriiut Water now In use. The almost miraoulous wof July te* I ‘ViSflSfif P?«'lK ' cures which it has performed Iced U.IO believe that it .v^fneteStor l HoHayl«ltafiiJ«- destined to becpasextensivelr used in the treatment rne.rure. m/h k ene?e'ted of very many diseases which ordinary ramcdisef iil to i a>v*seltr r f ,r#P*rln« for merket eore. Ita eurativa. properties are astahliehed beyond W« Au«wion,aud.wer«lmoored that it musvto a areat ;>W*W j , xlen i t auperkede many ofthe a tifiolal compounds of "7, 77 -WWLLifA-Tdi thedar.’We rebommsad those of oar rudeu who may ta wrerja* trim) aenenJ.debtlity, or from any of tbo >»*-» dijnikesfor'wliipk this Wstens pitsorltied.tpslvfiit* •1. ft. ■ tnyH'Siy ■■ -Iw^w^eewe^^.l^yl^wjfoyjierarsfytaa'.~;WgA* Tttt BoirtiaT TaAMOaipr sars -“Alt , tßat it Claims ro 11.-*« lait week announced thf aew«yo!«ut ofdoia* bu.lnera inaugurated u the ■ ,7.*:?vGtkDW; ..'HatSftyßwFßy .d*ftbotkinc Kmvoriem of Oren-iila Bt«kee We are aatl*' Balaauvititrofolisl'tbairaaifcattietkrtrvrdatitiati g j tkAt the procees.whioh aasal eady.doub'ed hta 71- , ”*" fotKtr baaieeu, (e a iud.oou# one. Ouetomert ere 7 :SZag^Rtapwr^;7.m)uWl!Bi»taUQueue*. feinisM with garmsute ia low at by eny on’ in tbe ,77 WnF ~ 7i trade,'Wkitki ee.a pteatlam fir.their; patronage the I Ptytyitkr, i profit le divided with them in the ehaaepfavlu-.ble -j.*s I iMS&9I9B!IG&t£3Z£J!Z Tr rs--iinr* ~fr’ *ift la-avsr, thnussßd dollars wor'h.of goods eoid . " mj -ißfr - ’ s rriMtaOualpta'rw aifijad to praegefaiiona la dja *^lMHFWfllwi3iSk?i>TOa-fiqg**fc’g-g?? one maara ceiresaftne silk umbrella,while another, perhaps,is Buam.r»«!.-As«u.t *gt«'°lKf c * 3^7 tsmamp^Be& ' Fountain* ATFAtakocrir.—The fountains •» .),« Mritjtt* tn b. »I»t.<l «r«r» alwraooa from four to flflrtffoloo*. 8bmI»>« oxca, t ii. . ; Fi!t{U(CiAL AND COMMEKCIAI,. The RoneT Market* ; : i. *, .nptispttU4 ( Ju»M.nMi ", -Thsrti woe onlya moderate aroountof business tran*- acted at the Stock Board,' bat price* lire re firm, with an Upward tendency; Heeding improved X. Schuylkill Na vigation'shares )£* Cityrhilroed, stocks are firm, bat thsre islittlecbiagieg hand*. / - * \ / ,Ths aonsy rsarketcontmus* easy, the supply ofca pttel tying istxcepsofths demand. Firat-olas*paper ieraaditj negalsted at6X to 6 per ©cut.. ;ir laatadvtMß front Karope, we- learn that the Wift* ther in England was unfavorable to th'eifowins crop*, and fearewer* entertained *batth«y would be injured* The grain market* in eonettoenoe, has improved, there being a brisk demand for ship*. ent abroad. ~ . . Bohemian Copper Minins Company shares s->ld at the Boston share-market on We-nSeday bat at 17-eeiler sixty days, ' ‘ ■ The eftipments of coal over 4 beHuntingd<>n and Broad Top Moaptaan Raiiroad, for the week ending June fcutw.ftraoqtited . 4 873 Tons. Prarwasly this year.... .80 4M '* . 1 V/Total.:i.J..i;.; --- , m »» PamedateWyoar.. .MHB increftM...«. «... * 17.15) ** T)e Lo«don Ureawnin remarks m follows as tow* connection between Commerce and Money m nines of psaeei s.* “ The elTect of mercantile can *« on the rate of In terest tß’verr simple* The cardlna* .prinmple of our eabjeet, is.: th*t an .«»cr«a*t*g irndt •# ttere wry to a Msarfymearp attna' IsWitit* ae-nmu’ate ■tear nv year and they must be omnloyed in »oiw way f until they are employed, ibey press upon th« merkrt and Teen e the rate o int«res* We must augment the ehaneels ofsroe'ormeqc ae »ell he the money rnmnns emawraeut. if we wish for an unaleretf.value oi mnaer. Unless, therefore we see good reason fi)f an tioiratinf a f.onihfcmbi* end rapid augmentation in our commeme**© emit ant espeet to ee a eonsmerao e and rapid rise ia the ra'a**f ni'-o«yv We may hope for men aa ordinary and mail extern on or trade as will keen t**e r*lqeof-«noftay from falhnc farther ivut we should beeontentwththat To the best of oor present j»d*- r ent, we afanald not veatttrp to anticipate a .result more “ Tne changes ih the value of mnnevdarmr the pt*- sept 1 ear have been somewhat remarkable- <m the la/ of January the hank rate of tfiseooat was 2X ver cent »hith»-|9hof that month itadyahoedto 3 ?nn the a -of February to * ou the 2tth of Merch to *X; o - the Itth of Aprj* to* per eem- at this rare it continued HI the !<• h of way on which davit w*sreduced *o 4X and «n tbe H hult. tosper o ut The fate on Lombard street is rather he nW than above the bank rate, and therefore, it it certain tLattk- value of money, which had doahfed • mihr the epriier pan. of the year, ha* smoedechned eenou«iy*’* , ThP effect of war upon the rate of interest in the market ts fu h illustrated ; nthe following summary of tbe.cb*ni«s produetd hy th* French w»r of 11691 - At the - betianini oT. And wth estatu shment - • ' the War. toh». of Peace, i>ll Frankfort,from....Jw to <hip. e. from—4 x toS.p. e. Am-terdaa. 5 t0^3...;r. tos .... Fffrir - vj-r r~ —_ to F 4 4 i 03«,.,. Bremen - „ 3•to ‘ 4.^.......6 r05..~ toe *>..B It farther Appear* that the foltowinr were thearer vase anneal rams of discount daring the last six years* 1W4.1&55. 185«. IS*T. IMS J 859. Frankfort.,.: 4%. ,■ ik Amsterdnni.9 .. 3 M-, 4i2} tS 5.V 3 Br'fnen 4 4)2 - 6>a 3?« 4 I 0art08...., B>tf 4M ' frS ,83 IB«mlmrs.9)4 ' 3?* 6V *)< -.The key Vorfc Ca/,trol S: R Company advertise to pay off #lOO 000 New York State 5)4 per oente, oriiinalfy -issued In aid" o.f the a obarn and Brehester link of the new eonaolidiied line. 'The inttreit iamaditeesase on let Attfttß* when lbs certificates will be redeemed at the bank orDnßoan,Sharmaa« Jc Co. ' ... DrexslAr Co.) 34South Third street, report the follow* intpadse of ' liAltn WAXBAHTS. - ' ■' Baying. Selling* IWacres...... .* 36 , ?5 « W 80 n - 86 ‘4l “ *»' . 00'* - Q.aoU»ioU:soaua*l, in onntrauence of the anree- of the Coagtfseioag! oomtuittee upon a homestead t*iaiadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, Junta, wee. Rwoknt) n’S. £. 3l*tx*k*i, nvl Wslisnt BtrMt. first board* 68ch Nav pref-^ - 0 Lehith fiorip ... 3oX 100Clal'd R bs* lt% 63 WnrrU Csnal r 4 0 PFt W A».hl R.... 100 Reading ft... .cash 20.69 • 4 GirM B’k. 46X 6 d0...-.* ... 46X 17 do 46»6 W do 44X S Meo 9CX 3 do *Swd.2oH W»All*lV*lß7«. ...M MOTan Coopssin NY BTs.... *r -11 Pel JDir Canal..Ka. /8 99 do Htf...bo.4S .31 , do 00.,9d.s 49 10 Cheetn A Wai’t at. 10 'do do...*..Ja^ 30 do d0*.^..,28H 90 ido do —~. *#>b COO New Creek X ■ 6Gr& Ceaies;....» 92 ..3 do . d 0...... 34 BOARDS. BKTWKKN 800 City R 6s 0 A P. .101X1 ‘W do do ..o’h.'OlX 10000 Reading. R 64 ’7O. 84 rtOOO do - do ...V« 84.V1 iWO do C0.... , 8C.'*74?4l , > r 'c ■ SECOND ] H‘ l r*c£r.V o ’h.!§i!| 300Lehinh Oe 100 • JOOO W hest7«..«.•>. 77X M Cat Oha: 10s 94 600 •do do ... .. 33 MUCetawlstmtcTh*. SIX IOfJO Cam AAm 6# '89.. 86 1009. do S 133 d ASd'Sts R 46X . CIiOBfNG FRI ' Bid. Afitd. loix, v>H Pfila'4e...caw..tMX Pena 99 : ff Msx wr. Beadmt6s*B3... UH UX Fauna ft*........ mi- 3SX, N** Vnurl K.v lukJl , m I Sehuyl Uavstk*. BSJ' 9 hohuyl Nav prf.. ts *. 23X1 JJOOOSch Navd*’62ioff.73X tCnaKs ...bfi 22 6 Morris Csnalpref.uthi 1 '1 do no ui% I BOARD. 1 fd& 3d-sts R 43X SSob'lNavCo 8X 100„ do do™.S3. 8X 2 Penn'aft .....sax 10 do s'i'i 100 Bohemian M.*..b3.- sx 36 6r A Coates ....b5. SIX 19 mor Canal pref* ...Jl*, 10 Union B’kTenn..., 9iX JOBS—FIRM. , Sid, Arttd. .WAFIR 1 IX WABllslffitf*. 67X 70 ttoegtsidß..:.., 12X i2?£ IrfficTk I* 4tolh« K L«hCl*KSo.le. it)* 3,M North Fobs, R... BJ4 Ki •North Pennalte«.7l 71X Nth Ponna n l9e. 97 99. .Cats R, Ist mt tsla 61 Bil£ iFrfcd Afroata R., .. #3 >B*e A Thd 8t» ft. 4fl '“*7 ) A Vino st 11 83 .■. (West Philft ft ... .. M3* ISpruos A Fine.:. l'X IS Gram A oa<ci..3ix 33 IfChSMt A tt alnnt. 28X 30 New York Stock Kcchange—June 33. BOASD. fOMtchH JcNlf.iCO. n !0d . d 0.... .. XB% 20 do.— 23 W d 0,.... ....i».27K 6®ecta»Ufl£lL... WpßOftms R..... .860 13£( Suo do 860 M* iO do JMK 200 111 Cent R fcrip . • • 635| m d> *3O BUH m to too. 6 K HO 6S« WOGftlJcChi >l5 62 1 CO do 16U G2l* 'COO-l«rAToJß...»ft> BlJd 2 0 do. 850 SIH 900 do Sl*i *0 do too 3 iH l.uo . do ~.*BU. s« ; *9O chi to i 70 . CO Ci« s k Ciuinc. .860. 73 k {*> do *2O. 75H I*oo °esd R 810. -ftEC.-KD ■ COO ~rvl State 7«........ S 3 2tM *rie R m f ir<X . 55 11*00 Erie R 4th mu... .< 67 V Mi Hodnm m 3J mtg. 91 y» 10 'm tx B«nk .. iO"V , 16*PbCBniX Opel* udC’l..... 07 ftNV Central. :.ift ujf M , BSj» XU to lift. 8 H ft ' - do. aio. 82V ft Hade Riß*...tit) <8 V - ft do W0.,48?< ft d 0..... t'Kl 150 Ene tutlretd . 19V ft do .......»80. 19V, .Suolitr tro ft... UH| 1 «l Her em R cr* f.... 39V UMicfa Cents. ,48V I ■ m mch*klillL™\ }* IW . da 14 ' n da 13« VreawCed with a gold watoh, but every purchssor/e -orives a valoable present in addition'to his - pure has* The prices art markeddntlie goods iap'aiQ diures.'* tf Stock op Mbh’b PnitAnßLrHtAStfOß Olothiko at auotion, on Saturday morning, ooromenoing at 9 o’clock, at C. O. Maokey/s auotion room, 80. 613 Market street. A large asso* tmant of Philadelphia-made oloth ing, comprising a great variety of aeuonable garments. • - They will be sold singly, and may be examined at the auction room this day (Friday), from Bo’clock A. M. til ' PgßkOKs Aifi> faviubs repairing,to the differ ent places of summer resort, should not fail to take with them' Bower’s Medicxtsd Figs, which aie a safe, speedy, and certain core for oostiveness, habitual con* etioation, dyspepsia, slot and nervous headiohe, and bilious affections generally. They consist of pure Alex andria .soona* combi* «d with4he best quality of aroma tioa, so skilfully inlaid in the fig as to prevent deteotton in taste* Price 87X cents per box* Manufactured by Qeo. O. Bower Sixth and yinests. tf Another Case of Vitriol Throwing. About ten o’clock this morning, Mrs Marla Gav? came out of her boarding place, No. 115 Leo nard street, and stopped near the comer of Centre street, to visit Miss Whitlock, with whom she is in* timate, when her hatband, WUfiam Euetio Gaw, encountered her, and drawing a vial of sulphnrio acid from his pocket, dashed the contents over her face and neck . Bhe fell to the sidewalk, blind and eoreaming, and a orowd soon gathered, at the spot. CUwwm immedutely arrested, and the parties taken before Justice Kelly, when Mrs. Giw made ab affidavit to the foots Gaw atreouoasly denied the commission of the offence, but Messrs Joseph Armstrong, residing at No 89 Centre street, Joshaa Carlisle, and some others, were witnesses of the whole occurrence. The parties are actors by profession, and were married in March lest.' They left for Providonoe, Rhode Island, a few days afterward ,to perform an engagement After their return to this city, Gaw became janlonsof bis wife end treated her with great harshness Poverty was added to their troables. Mrs Gaw left her husband and accepted' a rimution in -a waoderiog troupe. A few days since, having terminated her engagement, she re turned to tms city. ■Meanwhile, Gaw mot with an accident at Ho- D tkeh Ferry, whtoh disabled him several weeks He bad just left the hospital, when he accidentally met his wife ia the street, and had a violent alter cation with her. He visited her boarding house, and demanded an interview, which she retused to grant. He left, threatening her life. Sbeobtaired a warrant against him from Justice Kelly, which seems not to have keen served. Their next meet ing took plane this morning, when Gaw perpetrated the outrage %t which he was arrested. Mrs. G*w Is shockingly disfigured. It was the evident ohjeot of her husband to do 'this, that she might be made unattractive to others. She de clares that she can never consent again to live with him; that he is causelessly jealous of her; that he'.has a wife living in Pittsburg. Ac. He vehe mently denies having thrown tbe vitriol upon her The offljers found a dirk in his possession, with which, it is eonjeotnred, he meant to rake her life After making the necessary affidavits, G&w waa Sommitted to tbe Tombs ana his wife taken to the !Uy Hospital Sho Is young, only eighteen years of age { Gaw is thirty-three.—TV. Y. Evening Past, June Y 2. Persons visiting Atlantic Oily can have The. Press served to them on the arrival of tbe morning train, by M&tbew Caldwell, news agent on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad. Orders fir the paper oan be left at his aland, in the United States Hotel. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, mr vo 12 o’clock last wiqbt. CONTINENTAL—B. £• corner of Ninth and Chestnut. J K. Fellow, Mas* .Too B Semple, F& , J&onbGeftis. Ciu, O J J Faiiue . Lewlsbnrg Eli Bl.fer, Bar istnirg Enrol Vf Bradley, N Y J HChase.F'ov, HI J • Garreit J*yw Haven ft L McDonald, St Joseph F T Htanton. Kansas A 6 James, W <> CO Field A 3 ia, Va **on Chns It Train. Mass Von J H •jraham Mass Fon J Hickman, W Ches ?Ii n JLT N»mN J ~ -Alonso nly, Balt J B white,Springfield T£ BiasHßill Waeh, D C l»GBim-s. Miss Miss Hill, Wash. D C C tt r ichmond A la, N C J P Wriunt. Wash Mias Richmond NO W *4 F’aouner, Boston 1 ft Parker. Jr, Carlisle, Pa J Hartshorn, ftnston , Titos ft Parker ftnriioaton JLoq J Covode.Vfestmorel'd Jaoob Jovode, d M LReily, Wash DO W Finley, Waeh,l) n John Chanoey- iVash.DC Wml* Wood, Wash,DC WmHßosart. NY Mim N k JJNwper. U G o Fuller, N Y . „ WJBuraess, joiiati Meoy k. bv, N \ RM Bisei, Americas, Ga W<J jennMt A son,T»mi i* Daffietd, Carlisle, ra J Brinnoli A Is. N iedford Mr Wil i. N Y Miu Willi*. N V O W David. Cliicagn ft M Clark. M*69 G Bro 'head A la. Atlnntio 8 H Fa nhara A la, N Y R Beardman A wf, Pa JLo**din,(St Louts RH Ho*dley. Y G H Baughman. N \ H V«n Heed A w| f Fa A V Jones NY W Mason. Taunton A M lUitsr- Ark WA Wiyttiesey.OhJo FCatanc. NY A Mjhs MJ Jones, Boiton I’hos Arno d. Columbus,O N Brown, ra t Mrs Brauihall A da, N J Mf,*! romuall, Jr, N J H L Gj.bert, N J • J FLif htfoot, Ala beo w Joneii. 'ann ’ H w ucGavook.Tenn A Randall. Boiton Richard Rear. Pottsviile h A Bucicn&m. Allegheny F M Fa l£ hnl, P ttsburg J)Bqnrbeck Ohio ChasM.Kees.Ga. „ |amt Bilso .Balt John G ftobißson. N O W B Green A la. Mass ft £ Terry, t Louis E M Patterson 8 tirann k S Ely, Jr,NY . W D Humphries Mise W W Cone, Cincinnati < Mraßraaou. t iueiutatl 'Sire £chiHe!uer, Cmninnsti J B Johnson .Me J W Clemleoiu, Baltimore Tbos a Gardiner W Gill, U 8 A F Geipake. fterlm Ham Gelpake. Berlin - M AJHull Ga Capt Horton, London 8 t StemhaQser Mr Flint. NY AMitedei.NO, , Geo Brown, l oronto F D Fisher Columbus O v*- Forter, Lynn, Maas J DoWdall, Commons Wa.no .tiov ayh, W Ches Mist Lewis. W Chester A B Biilerbeck. Ky Samuel Pond ... M J Wal on. If Y GK’ii daiLNY Lieut Mercer. Ufi N Rli P*TtntsQ,UftM WBulitt.Ky , . Genld Craoo,Phila FR West. NY J K Mnu« Alt, N Y John O Ham, N Y. AKimn.e Shreveport Amos F EgpN Y J G/oenl nf, Colli übos- J Fie d. Coiambus T COui«tnok. Colutfthus H fian.troir, C> lumbas L Moanldsoft Coiambus C P l, Butler. Coluuibas W F&ilmx. Columbus . L t. Ogdon, CO'umbu* MrLunhety Co umliai W G Dwhler, Colambus OJ Hardy .Columbus J.» Wil ox. Columbus J tberiy, Columbus * G ftouty, Columbus J E mC (air. C»lumbus ‘ 1* fialnvaat, Cotumime J a right, C lambus W if Frotsman, AV w Yen Veoh en, N Y GIRARD ROUMS—Wintb and Chestnut streets, KHRauob.MChunW ChasM Kefanrer, Halt RHUaie, Ky G k Pritchard fc.a» Va J J Young & 2 com, Pa LH Clara, Ciucafo Tno< 0 Itartlort. MU M&aO Uarteu, Aid.,, Aoibtts.atumte Ji B riobettxac la, ff Y Mira Titibetta, ft V! Jo Marshall. brio. Pa Z Motor fc la, omo W.Hinkle, Fa GttharrLnn, Fa Walker Kelyejr, Md . a M Morris A la, La H W after, Mu m< ,.„ B P navis. N » W W Ha ermati N Y uen H W ’itone, Boston Thos K Whit* Maas Vi ooodwin * (a. Mnnt’l 8 G Morns, NY H V hdmonds, No wtoh . 1 ouia Jaair* NC> j * Pearc Jr, Priaooton I>»e<t, Jackson. Tenn T J Randolph, N O Tbo* Philips. Va f J U«<c A la SO.. Btevheu H IJ>o;ij < son,Md Miss Thompson Md,. w L GraPon. Ji Y J O A I*. Brooklyn Misstewis Brooklyn, %f jss Walker . 11 i rax a A boo, KeadtDf J d Gordon & la, Mass Master Gordon, Mass 0 f **aile», Ga. „ Joim .t WRlHer. Bait Geo O hobert*. N Y JA6 Buffield N V Geo Bodice Del vy b ttDavmport.N Y -G,T Hou»*e & la. Oa •4 Pmhhaiu, ftv b S Barline. N Y 0 T Hat (re t,NY A* band X la. Cons W SEdsale, v t Wayne W Dorris Jr. A wl, Pa R ftl Cox, ti Y OR Oiark. N i Geo (Veils, N \ bm Coulton. Balt A Horn NY iMuailo. C J Ustick NO Kb Marb.e, N 0 Thos h Newoom, N 0 Col Haiiy W Coleman. Pit ahura hums Northup, ft J M. rr* Hock island b« pick a U» N Y„ Miss Wilson, N\. B Banders, Jr. New York a n i»as«#ir -tLonfe Cspt L P G«*nk, N Y a H Bur |eM . N Bedford RCjok *Y iT - « Halo. Id, N Y J'h Wr tht. J B Hewunc". N Y W W Wmo A la, N Y‘ jas Hod a Boston ‘ E Roberts,N O. .. « b Gwens. Bait T G J3*vi t * Ja, N Y Jas A»o neon Bt Louis K. piotto**, Lex, Va vjdt'f' srbetuc. NY A 8 J Puilipir, if) J L Vattier, Oin, 0 „ N Harris, Oin. Q J b Hiekinan. do, 0 b Bandera, £% Y i’hos bpanta, Ohio AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut, above Fifth. G H Benj-min. N York W K Rojsrs. N York . A a Alien, Was tnxron SRBarnum, Wnminfitoa l) A L&wrenoe. Wilm’n A U Gallup baston N Marsh . ewark 8 J Dicky. Chester oo W *t Hart &*f NJ Milton Hart, N J P Hawk, MH.NJ Mm ids ft la. Si J W Banks « la, Boston Miss Ba.<be. Boston Jas Har-er, N York J'fan » udlow. Y J us F Davis. N York - W PB«e»i Jlover* N H J Walden, Va NB Avne. Wis PW Henry, NO H w Watson, Wmspt Jos B FenGy. N York W 8 Qenry & wi, N Y H hjver, Mobile * JodiiAndersen,N Y il P Woodward. N York dPROHAbTS* BOTEXr-Fotirtb street, below Aroh. Hr Garden, Wtlm Del J RMo' u»ray. Pa T 0 Hn>der.*K)iertown J Johnson, Carlisle P F*>rguson. Johnstown Paonher Wilfcesbarre Wilkesbarre D h Kanporta. pa Miss Bluaids. Pa, .MissCook,Pa J K RobtSun.Atlintio City Wmfticliatdson.Min J W Jo e« A wt. • n,O fIHG ddcs, I) C b Henrdman, Bonn N A Hahn ohics^o Anuilta Jrnirs Indianapolis O b Bhimr ok. Zanesv, O WY Strong &wf Piaua, 0 K Knapp, Halt Dr W * efm, Warrant n,Vfi Mrs Dr Garden A son, Del J W Williams, N Y JONGS' HOTEIr-Cbeatnut street, abovo Sixth. New York GFYimHev 8t Pauls J WAt-ra, New ' ork A Drummed, Baltimore 0 R Brinks , R'ohmond JJ H Smooi. N J R Sununeraer, n J A Barry, fU J David** n Alexandria R Stevenson, Alexandria r Hirtott, V* W Pi* r«>n. Va p Green. Del J Ross Del W J Thomas, New York J Davie. New Yo*k B 8 Snowaen. Now York B R Ormednlft, Pa W p tten. Jr, Bal Iniore H J 5 Lnfrtra. N J J P Brosdbent,Baltimore CO Weldm Del o H *roook- J W aldron, N J J E Scofield, N J MERCHANTS* HOUSE—Third at., above Oallovhill. Son Hess, Lettish cn RO Vouts, CentrenJle Mina C Houln Centreville ME Cross J W Childs, Tioga co Jae i Rahm. Pbila chnaMerroto . S R'Salmond, Ri* hmond 0 H slesby, Richmond C F Monte co H MoCampbell. Newtown WH Hoffman,Allentown F W Kramer, Allentown Al. Kuhe. Alim, tow i irano w ees. e nyder co ham INs os, Reading ohn BeUel, Jr. Luzerne co NATIONAL HOTEL—itaoe afreet, above Third. T H Good, Allentown JO A ftahrer & wf. Pa J Wentzell. Readme John H Coohran. Md W D King, Har«r rd J M Pager, Pottsville Reuben Keller, Pa H J Handler. PnttsviNo CK>eckoer, Minersville F finals Minersville H w hanki Jonestown, Pa H Hutchison & wf, Pa BALD EAGLE HOTEL—’lhlrd fit,, above Callowhill. J T Barge r, Qnakrrtown H Sheerer. Books oo B W Ducks co Wbeane, Buuks oo b ceannser. tiuoksoo H Geialnger. Buo soo E L Mull, NY J Martin, Meyerstown BLACK PEAR HOTEL.—Third at., above Callowhill. Geo W Wolf. Danboro Jos Ruch. Coopersburg J Roller, heading H novdmio, 'leading Danl Engel, Keorimr Bam*/butt, Pa Wm Pad, Bncke co.Ta 1 1 T exler, Yard eyville B B Borer, O ney C Roads Sou Hampton Casper Roads, By berry A K Jones, bnuthampion A b Nesl to son Pa Danl Pooka, V, onsvjile .'eneoaFell Aaon.Pa p, B.nes, vardleyvjJle S Unnet docks oo , Cheater Valley ms Roads, r oothampton B Rhoads, Southampton A Bookman. Meohaniosvme FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second street, above w*rxet. WM Miller.Salem.NJ MrsB M Chaw,NJ L L Gar. ner. Boston pro W Henunosson, Pa HWAmea. Pa fcmuUGil «. Pa iit Artnut hemllot-m, N Y JnnD Simmons Trov.NY Jot-n Jones, Smyrna. Del Jns i»liv«r, ■‘mirna, Del a H i onk. Rover, Del Wrai-annon, Del LWiMn, D.! W&SSSffIP Geo F Mxon, N J Thos Buokmnster, Del a H Cook, Dover, Del M Collins, Del *OUNT VERNON HOTEi —Second rt,, above Arch, OB We'd. Balt H G Fardnn, Conn HH English Conn _ V A Auten, T’enon,NJ a Jones, Tienton, N J JM Stem, g, Harrisburg F Slyer*, Lancaster HBojer, NY GAR LEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second at., below Vine, 8 M Rropnfieid, Balt. J Brewster & la, N Y Dr W Livingston Phila tethCoar, Scranton Betn Ely. Hooks co S I. Hoffman, i ebigh eo H Gilbert to la. Bucks co A God ball, Q.wtn on L Hopper, Newtown Timothy My B o*a eo smni, orsoo, VHddletown » has Torb-jrt Pa A Maker. *ewtovrn • JHAardey.Pa • t W K Career, Newtown CJiaaDubree. Pa v 6k rtlwe Junnretviy Pa r* U T ylor to eon, Pa u W Sweet & la, N Y FWCroter.Pa . FSnltli Pa n s?n J,nn Davi*. DAvisvUle jfl , Y , M|L Pa J T JennULS, Wyommi eo Jr, Pa K alburn JUfd-r.hewHope ? C Cornell, Pucka eo JK ‘l »>J«r bucks oo J H Oadwtiiltdor, Buokaoo K/Wli il Baoaaao fcanoo* §am B.oUmm Chsa raimer. JPft VWißh®?'* b " WM “® Ki Hi»faes<P* P^„ I McKioairy. Pft W W Cajr, fa $ holuouibe, ra BTATJ 9 UNI W street, above Sixth PSewis.NY WmHdokoU,Ps Jag Wari er. Bucks eo W Maeon. Pa , w ft Watt, Pit'Biraig Geo L Phtt, Pittsburg E H Van Court} Pa -MM- PRESS.—PHfLADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, iB6O. TRE,UNION HOTSL—Aron street, above - GebConMtn, oitt,,o ‘ W Healese- Piwibdra Joh n Murphey, O' WK Coavars VV ' F, Comb*, n j, Joha G Reynolds* Ohiceco Mis* K Reynolds, Cluoajo G•* Molineaux, 111 K u CUadsy, «Y D Kelly, Pa E fihopp, 0 - G b Taplig, New Haven COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth' st*. above Chestnut. J ‘lack A la, Chester on ffm Lewie. W Chester J Deyoe. W Chester Robert Hod?*nn. Pa Jae Graham, J J Brower, Bloomsburc L B Llvinyatoa. Del oo . Ja« Rtttenhoate, **ottst’n J B Broomell, Coatesville ‘Wrn T Howard, Md S Pennock, Pq ■ EP Harvey, Chester oo MAKING INTELLIGENCE. «EB FOURTH PAGE. BV VXLXORAPS. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exch&mr*.) , CAFE IBLAND.N. I,Janets 640 PM. A large tnree-Rmsted steamship, supposed to be a government war vessel, is now passing m. Wind nortii .ut-«a.h.r H«. THOB _ R HUGHEg> MEMORANDA . Steamship Citv of Richmond. Mitchell, for Philadel phia s*Heu fmm Richmond Slat inst. Steamship Keunebeo. Johnson, henoe, arrived at New York yeste *JaT. . % , . . steamship Vigo. Mierhouse, for Liverpool, cleared at New *»rk.yesierday. . . , , . _ Hteamehip Arago Lines, for Havre, o’eared at New Ship lnme« a ßrowTie, Crabtree, sailed from San Frail' olßoo36thuU for V> Ipara-so. „ , M - of the West, Gorham, for Key West and Li beria, olo&red at 'Jew Ynr« ye*tarday . . •. Ship OrondrtnuihC Femuels, rr> m New York for Li verpool ,wa« flißnsured I7ih ipat, 1at4148. lozkcQ'o. Ship Cniu'nHa. Bryant, from Liverpool May 9(1, ar med a* New York **sterd TK , * *. », b Rru Mary E • illiken. Norden, cleared at New York yesterdftv for Philadelphia. . . « , «oh' Belle Creole, Coutens, hence, arrived at Salam Boh>-Three Brothers, Fenton, hence, arrived at Hali fax 18th inat. „ , , , , , Hchr Thomog P Cooper, Taylor, sailed from ProVl* de«oe 21atinat for Ph»iad ,, lphia. -. . > a.SrhrCo r neha, hnuell. smlej from SippioanSOtninsL for Philadelphia , . .. ' . Schr Lizaio vqnl, Haley, sailed from Salem. 13th lost. tailed from Richmond 41« t m*t» • Schr David Faust Moslauder for Boston, oleatea at Wjimlncton, NO.aiit.ioet , , „ „ , 8lo»mer Alida, ftolansoD, henoe, arrived at N York yesterday. NAVAL. i The U 8 eh«p c 'Aratoea left Vera Cm*, hfox’co, on the 2d i nt. and arrive* 1 o(T the navy yard. Philadelphia, nn ttie2td inet. Tn« Tl •* ihio Savaonsh was nt anohorotf V#ra Crus*. The USbteflra-*r Broojfjyn left Vera’Cruz the ssme day that .he Karatoga did for Campoitoh*. with the U *1 Minister, the Hon, Hober* Mo ane.‘ The following is ft Hat of the Sarstoßa’s omuersJ—Tho nea Turner, Coii irinmior; 1 ipatenants, M C Perry . Fierep Cn eby, Rubeit'» Chspinanjlaeut or Marines. J »rntßt Meiere; rurzeon. <'harles H Wheelwright; ’sslsmnt Surgeou. Wm J-hnroh, Jr; Purser, James H Wat rooU’h; Master. Robert L Wivthia ; Midshmmert G 0 " hire. H M Blue A eGlerk.Wu Wade; Pur-er’e r'lArk 8 D Ru»-rl>; Bofitavain. ft J nnblonnn; Gunner. Wni Cope; Carpenter, R G Thomas? WmAMnull; Master a Mates Char>es M HnluiSsand A J Markoe. Passenger ftamnel P Armstrong, bearer ofdeapVoh’** from Mexi 00. 1 W-fc'JBJU'iAJL* Nt>TXOKtb. Electro Maonetio and Maonhto-Flec Tttic 'k'AcnijjEs. for medical use, manufactured and for sale at No. 3X SOUTH SEVENTH Street, by W. C. A J. NEFF. JeC-2t* Hostetter’s STostAcn Bitters.—Vigo roue digestion and pure bile produce nutritious blood, and nutritious blood n healthy frame. Does the viotrnl of ft dispeptm stomach and a disordered liver desire to know how the digestion mo» be improved, and bile and otuer fluids of the body purified. The great restorative named at the head of this paragraph will accomplish, within a week this desirable revolution inihesytlem, regulating the seoretiousand the exoretions, giving tone to the animal juice* which dissolve the food strengthen eve.y relaxed nerve, musc/e and fibre, and bring the whole machinery of vitality into vigorous and healthful play. HOSTETTKR’S STOMACH BITTKRB is Bold by all Druggists. je33 It Wit The New Perfume—Pnaeons’ Pau low^’A.—The celebrated JAPANESE EXTRACT for the handkorohief. prepared from the Blossoms of the celebrated Tree of Jnp&n. Tho Messrs. PHALON take pleasure in st-ting lhat the.new extract has never been surpassed for itwetrength.aromatio sweethess and lasting perfume, C*yrighc secured. Fore&le every where. Prepared only by PHALON A BON. JelO-lOt 61 GRLENE Btreet, New York. Mby ebb* 1 Miraculous Vermin De btroyub, the oldest and best remedy 'known for Ex terminating RATS and MICL, CoCKKOACHES BUGS, ANTS, MUtGUITOEB, FLhAS, MOTHS, GRAIN WORMS, and GARDEN INB-CTS. m*r principal Depot, 612 BROADWAY, N. Y. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. raylO-Sm, Sbahbii b Saving Fund—Northwest CoENin Second and Walnut Stbbsts.—Deposits re ceived in small and large amounts, from all olasees of the oommunity, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE PER CEN r. per snuum* Money may be drawn by oheoks without loss of in terest. Oldos or«n dally, from 9 until 6 o’olock, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Presi dent. FRANKLIN FELL: Treasurer and Seoretary* GRAS. M* MORRIS. Sewing Machines. All persons who have bought Sewing Machines Whioh will not perform the work expected, are informed that B(NGER’O Ma ohinsB sever fail to do any kind of work* No one Is evsr disappointed in the Afachines of 1.-M. SINGER A CO., No. 810 CHESTNUT St. apl-Sm One Price Clothing of the Latest Stiles, made in the best, manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling pnoes marked io Plain Figures, All goods made to order warranted satis factory, Our ONE-PRICE system is strictly adhered to, at we betieVe this to be the only fair way of dealitti All are thereby treated alike. JONES A CO„ M*-tf ' cuxixiEKSTrßtrattb Savins Fund—National Safbtt Trust Compaxt.-—Chartered by the State t>f Feonsylva it. . RULES. 1. Money u received every day* and in any amount targo or small. 5. FiVR PER CENT, interest is paid for money fro to the day it is put in. 8. The money is always paid book in GOLD whenevei it Is oailed lor, and without notioe. 4. Money isreoeiveafrora Executors, Administrators- Guardian 3, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a lons or short period. 6, The money received from Depositors is invested is Real Estate. Mortgages. Ground Rents, and other first* slats securities. 1 Offioe qpen every day—WALNUT Street, southwest -irnar Third Phitivin’nin* ' inis Salamander Firs- Proof Safes—A very targe assortment of SALAM NDERSfor sale at rea «onable prloes. No. 804 CHESTNUT Bt.i Philadelphia . KVANS * WATSON MUDTW— —On the 17th instanl.atth* resi d»nc“«f Mr. Hcerv N. Barlow, by*the Rev. W«i. B. Wood post r of th* CohoaVsmk M. B. Church. v r. Prcoerfok G. Mudle and .Miss Mari lit Muore. all of this Ottr * K r *B-Onthe 19th instant. at tho residence of the bride’s father. Mr. Charles Wilkins ny the Rev. William B. Wood, pastor of the Coh- ok smk * F. Chu r oti. M». Charles W. Horner and Mils MariaM Wilkins allofthiscitv. * YhAGI.E-l'OEb.-On tho 21st insta* t at the par snna-e J6y3 Nnr*h Fif It street In* tne Rev. Wm. B. Wood. Mr. Christian Ye&gle and Miss Leaf £del. bo'h o thiictr. - * Kf-POd v th instant, hr the ► ev. E. W Hatter Mr John J. Kirsohensnan to Miss P*hsoca Ca'houn all of Philadelphia. * MOORE—OaVI < —On the 2Ut »nstant by his Honor. Mayor w enr* Isaac W. Mr ore to Barbara P. Davis, both oT Ptutad Ipbm. * KKNDA‘« —UtJAOKt v BU J, fI. OnthaSOth Instant, bv Rev Mos«*s Kail-u, J-»hr. H. Korda lto Mft*y O. danehter of Benjamin Qaiokinbaih, isq., of New p r j3Pßfg—CoL v Vt^v—On th* 2pth instcnt. by the Rev. P. Stanton. Mr. Frankbn Ferris to Miss -lice Coleman, both of Lower Mikefield Township, Books county, l a. * DD/3LN.—Of diptheria, on Thursday even ; nr, 21st instant, Margaret, dmclnor of Joseph B. Van imscn. 'll the 13th tear of her it so., T‘e relatives and friends a*o invited to nttsed her funen*l from tho resideno* of her fft'hT. No. lu 9 Vino street this (Saturday) -frernum at3o'ol«ok. * WHICH ifn West Chester, on the autbinst. Elisa beth Archib'id Wrisht. The friends o» the family are mvitedto mertntTri nity M. E Church Eighth above Race, this ( Saturday) mornine, at 11 o'clock. The faneiat to procoeu from then-e to Laurel Hill. * BUNKEk —On the 21st mutant, Mrs. Anne Bunker aped 49 vcar». Funeral f'nm her late residence. No. Jit Coates s rest, near Tnurth nn Mr.rda- afternoon, at l o*o ock. fIURKHaHD.—On tho ,20th instant, *nne Maria robot of the late Samuel Bnrkhnrd, in theB6th year of her a?e. . * CORNELL.—On the 2]*t instant, James D, Cornell, i» the 43d year ofhia ate. Fune'-l from hi« >ate resi enoo„ No. 73 Fr«nVfnrd Btrest Frankf.ird this Saturday) morning at9o*clook. FI h G h ‘L.—O instant, Mrs. Elizabeth Fiegel, in the 77th \e»r of her age Funeral from the re-idenoe of her brother in law. No 429 Arch street, this i&aturday) afternoon, at 3 o’efoe . * hh.NNV.~On the 18-h instant. Joseph Kenny, in the 47th yenr of his age. aft»r a long and painful Hn'ss Funeral from his lato residence No IM4 Lombard street- on Sunday morning next, 24 h icst., at 9 o’clock. * KiKRN AN.—On the 20th instant. Barah Kiernan, aged 72 rears. , huneral from the residence of her husband James Klernun. No 1231 Market street, below Thirteenth, this Situ day)morning, at 8 o’clock. * KRICIR —On t- e 29th im»tant, Mery E.» consort of Geor<e W. Kreis. and only dam hie* of JDnvid nnd tie late Eleanor M.Jrelan,aged2Byears,o months, and 16 d*va * PaINTFR.—* t) the Sistinstant, John R. Painter, in th*4lst\ea of hie age. Fpnoral from the residence '{ George Maffbire, T< Ird street, above Poplar, on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o’clock. * PEA WT,,—On the 19th Mr. William 0 . Pearl, son of the Nte John Pearl, of the Northefn Liberties, in the 87th year of his nve « KWakT.—On the2l«t inttant, Wm. Blown t, aped <U years Fn«»eral from hialat* residence, No 406 Snath Six tesnth street, thisfrntnrdny nhemoon.at 1 o’clock. * STEVE *S.—n the instant, Joseph Rtev«ne> m the 53d ye«r of his age. 8i viPsON—On the 20th instant in Chester, Pa., Mr. James dinipsou. formerly i<t this city, In the Sstli year of his age. , Funeril from his late residence, in Chester, this (Saturday) morning, at 10 o’clock. * CUMWEiydOUHNING GOODB. Black Barosee and Cmpe Maretz. 7-4, and 8-4 wide; Hlnok Hilk Grenadines. Gtenadme Bare/ee, Camel's Hair Bateses, Summer Bombasines, Chalis, Crape Chalis, Tumartines, Taminatnns. line MoiMeline do luunes, Lawns, G nth mn. Organdies, B'lks. Poulards, Chnliede ' aines, Barege Manti'hs nnd Points) Bareno, Grrnadm© Barege nnd Grenadine shawls i a" in Ojnb ell*s Fans, Summer Gloves aad osiery; Veils: Coll Hrs. ele-ves, do. BESSON. <k eON, MaurningStore, jd No. 91» CHKRNIfV StrAßt. Thr only reliable article— CLARKS Patent INDELIBLE PENCILS, for Marking all kinds of C»- thing n*ft»ly and indelibly. They flot ,, eirworkbottflrihnnlnk,-wiihnut it* troube or risk o' B'otting. Kach will mark 2 000 artiole*. For sale, Wholesale a«d R* tail, by D. C *»A» LOh » ro„ Agents for the Munufaoturer, No. Oil CKKBTNUT Stieeu JelzSm THE YOUNG (WEN’S CHRISTIAN AS IL‘I SOCMTF'N OF THU AD LPrti*,-Tlie rern» far donth’y Mee ing will l>e he d o» M(Wo*Y KVK- NiNG, M«h init..atB o eloc.,m the F.FTH BoPTi-T CHURCH. Sansom street, below Ninth. A full at tendance is earnestly re*oe»t«i. UauM ingat7Ho'olock. 4*‘HN WaN’M*KKK, Je2b2t Correapondlng Sroretary. NEW CHUB CH ENTERI’HISE.- T w T CHRIST *V N'lliU’AL HEPt'R »»ED ClrU* , U M .«coinmonlT o lied German ltefnrtnid 1 \r<li worMilp ntthe H 1). N.W.corner nf.MOGE Avenue and COATES street Se/Vines at iOK A M.. and BP. M. Sunday School at * P. M. A cordis, invitation is extended to all. H* r? ♦* JOSEPH BEGGING THE BODY OF Lfjß ll«—Rev J HY' 11 Hv»l*h on this luh ject. To.MORHOW (Babhath) AFThfINOOV at 3)i o’ol ck m t« e North, H&ptis’ • hnroh FIGttTH Street. No Meeting mAmerioan Meohamqs Rail, \t* : J. NOLEN. [Tr* UNITARIAN SERVICES IN THE • J jr*N‘»IS».AVD HAYDN RA L, ht .bvH B # BAkB-r T9-MOR»OW past 19, andBoflinfltln the bVLNING. Seats free, •, u* B RW R s¥V.ras& > .S!i Twelfth street,ever* SUNDAY, at 10K A. M., and 8 P. M.ibMhoßev B T NOAKES Rector. it’ fY"! 5 * SPIRITU4LISAI. t CONPeR£NCES ILf wi'f he held at BANBQM.?'treet Hal.L. on SUN DAY, M iQM A. M, asu 8 f. M, Admission 6oent». MARRIED. DIED. rvre* PHILADELPHIA AND READING South FOURTH BfMt A • th. wi)., To .raid fouaHtw. the +oU«r. of Coupod. of thl> Co °p™tlu*ou the W-Siwtimo.»» >WMjei Wo th.iii at rlit« offioo. on or Mints will b.KIv r n and oh.olcswm t— reftOyfordeli v«Vr on tho Jdoroxitrio. in osohanse_for sale[r.oojpts. -fliw Mraon. who ha''» not jet e*t«nd<Kl heir Bond., »r» romlndSuhat br dpins y> now, the, w.Il r.o.lve a fiatSP" °” lCl <B °Bf^lt*- p|; ' oßll ' Troaanrer. <v-3=> CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL.-THK BX. »th of Jnne. nt 9 X HL The candidates iriuat he at (east thirteen year* of age. jeaMeafs ofihe oiryf Phi ladelphia. and Tor at least one year pupils m the Pubhe Schools of the o>ty. , .. •„, .. rA ..< AW .. Tho order- « f examination will be as follows . WE ON EST) a.Y, June 27 Rlscory of the United States M 'Ku|SdB?*i Juno 28-Orthography,Definitions, and A FkVdaY, June 29-Gramraar-Rnl*B and Paying. July 3—Arnhmetio— Theory atd a xam # t’uKSOAY. July 3-Cor.Btrutionof tho lTni‘fa Stales wd Mensuration. NICHuLAtt H. MAGUIRE, jets St PnnoipM. OF THE UNION BANK, i ? as reauired by the sooondseotinn o the Aot of General AssembW of this Commonwealth, approved the 13th day of Oatober. A- D. 1837. - Amount of loans and disoouma 64 “ sueom..... 7* 499 64 11 due from other banks 44 82231 * * of cotes In circu1ati0n,.......... 72,176 oo “ deposits, iuoluding balances due _ to other banks -.-. 405 71563 Pm’ AOELPaiA, June 22, iB6O. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA ss: . _ . u - (, James Lesley, ihuhior of the Union Bank, being sworn depose And sav thatthe above •tatementiscor rect, to the bestof my knowledge and belief. „ m J 4 vtR4 hVhIY, C'«hier, Sworn before me. this.SMdar of June. A. D 1810. _)t* P. C. KLLMAKFR Notary PuMio.Bj rs=» NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING ,L 5 ottheStookholdereof the CAMDEN AND AT LANTIC RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on THUhbDAY.Ju e2B, iB6O, between the hour*of OA. M and 2 P. M., «t the ofnoo of the oompan*'. Cooper’s Point, Camden, *ow Jersey, to elect Direetori of said oqmpaoT to serve for the en*uing rear. Je9-rje2B HOtfEßr FRAZE q ,Rea. rfga OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA X 3 AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY. MXBCH.IB6Q. The holders of the bonds of this Company, dne July 1, 1860, oan now reoeive, upon application at this office, 10 per oont. in oash, upon the torms specified in the oirou l&r&ttivohed. The holders are also entitled to the benefit of a Sink ing Fund of 9140,000 per annum, as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9, IB6o* and in pursuance oftheoontraot-entered into by he oompasy and duly reoorded, to carry the same into ffeot, 8 Treasurer, NoNci to lAi Holders of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company Mortgage Bonds, dut July 1, IfiCQ. These bonds are secured by the first mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate to 93J08.400. The net revenue for the last fitoai tear wm six times the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty ragr* the holders retaining the bonds and the security of the mortgages in the, precise condition in which they are now held. Fresh.sheets of coupons for the interest, payable half-yearly, will bi issued A bonus of lo per oent. will be given to »Ue holders, in consideration of their assenting to the extension. This bonus will be paid in oash to the bearers of the bonds, on their signing a reosipt and presenting their respec tive bonds at the offioe or the Company, or to its agents, for endorsement. Forms of receipt and endorsement will be furnished By order of the Board of Managers. uil-tf W.IL MoiChENNY. Secretary. NEW PUBLICATIONS, Good spmubr rbad'Ng. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON THEUP® Op l> M}Lf'. t ' s \4ttOlNlA tl H. HOFFMAN. Hs2Wii.W SH f h, t~ ,N A KISFN BAV OUR. T^j'^OSPPL IN LEVITICUS, Hr »ev. Dr. rsis*. VJS B . I 'S?' r "* BI.ORV OF THK RFnVRMKR. TROTH eLAYTON! Or. THK I" RUIHEE AFTER HrrrUt B MeKef’vnr’i! Work*^ SONBIIINF: O- KATE VINTONT Km. EO TH'S MINISTRY. Hmo. THE FIODNCKD ROBB, ASRWBAT IT COST. LINDSAY % BLAKIBTON. ... No. 115 Ponth All New Bnoka are received a* eooft M pablisaed end for sale at very low prices, j# jj BOV YOUR BJOKS AT FVANS' GIFT BOOKSTORE. 459 CHETNUT Street. „ bOY YOUK ROOKS T KVASS' Gift ikxik B'ore, No 419 Orottmit street, 'Tt* th plans In ths our. . ALL THE NEW Soon A 8 PUBLISh’eD, And a ft with each. NEW BOOK THE MOUNT VERNON f\APnR». By Edward THE THRiiE CLERKS. Br ths author of Dr. CQOS BOpJKSoV aii iimis, and a eift with eaoh. WRITINGS OF THE BTA 'BARB ATI* THORS id ovary department of literature, at the Pub* Jiaher « Reaular Re ail Trice, and a handsome Present wjth eiusb Book. IF YOU ARE iN WANT OF BOOKS OF ANY KIND, _ ' Wot them at , _ EVANS* GIFT BOOK PSTABMSFVF.Vr, Je23-St 439 CHESTNUT Sf T3R MOST REMARKABLE PR'DUC~ TION OF THK PREB«*T DAY, I* the volume •nutted, THE STARS AND THIS VnGKLi*. It will excite a sensation in the theological and scien t»oo world, by the bomn ß ss nod immense extent of Ms speculations. The author soars ioto resigns where the imagination of man has seldom travelled, and by » pro cess r.f reasoning apparently lrrea«atib'e. He has ob tained some asYiu’shing results Pome of bis apo'uU tiors mar fina)|jr prove to be moroconjeouies. hut he has fortified himself so well with both Scripture and Boience. and «o distinctly traced the line between the certain and uncertain, ami he has used lo<io so eletr andsTonc. »bat he wi»i, in nost oases, carry ooaviotion to the thinking »nd reflecting ramil. No one should at tempt to iced this work unless h* is willing to exeroise his Intellectual faculties to their fall extent, ard devoti himself to intense thought, reflection, and careful in vestigation* for the author Jeade him into regions almost entirely unkrown beforo. Price, 193-20. Published by f i WILLIaM ti. &.At FRED MARTIEN, Jett ; Vo «OQ 0 < K 8 »NUT Btreot, New books, FOB BAT.B BV BA*IUISL HAZARD, Jr., THK MOUNT YKHS'OV 2 J"AP idwsril With thejirecedinr volume*. THK THReB CLKHKS. A Novel. By the author o *• Doctor Thome/* “Burches er Towers/* &c. One volume $lOO. _ HAWK-Vit-.W. The new Novel By the author of “Sjlvaa Holt’s i ambler/’ “ Katin® Bra. d,“ &o One vob 910* * DA*K*BURY POUSE. By Mrs. Henry Wood. The fjeon Pn*e «toiy. GO cents. THE FIRS BONN : oR. AW« THER’S TRIALS. n?ih* utlmrof *■ My Lady.” 91.00, LVOV OROF r O' 4 By the author of “Maigaret Maitland ” 76 cents. .THE KELLY© AND THK O’KELLYS. By Trollope. sltt. TrtE REVELATION OF JOHN ITS OWN INTER PRbTF.R. ByJi'hnatchrau SI 00. A PIO»IOf*AiiY OK TIM-. BfUuE. Comprising its AnMeuities.Geography. Biography, and Natural Bis tort. By William Badth. Volume one, Bvo. doth. 6&r<h RUTLEDGE. The new and well-written American LOOKING AT LIFE? OR. THOUGHTS THINGd. Br Georgt A.S&la, author ©t ** Journey Due North/ Bi,tt. je22 A BOOK FOR TIIE TIMES AND FOR , AGENTS VoUNG’fi POLITICAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED oTATB . This js »o humbug nnr picture l»ook. hut a work of sterling mer t, entertaining, edif>in*-. and highly useful as a ‘o>>kof reference. There are a number of co-cl oou'>t'es in the taie of Pennsylvania not tak«*n. in which agents are wanted io sell the work. Address (_• iiu stomp enclosed)T. V. WEBB, 734 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia Jel9 iuti stf UVING. gHAKSPEARE AND MILTON. JAMES S. EARLE & SON Hav* now open.'or a short exhibition, the origins Patntiiga by FAhD, of SHAKSFBARE AND MILTON, WMoh have 'sen so successfully engraved. Also, POWEL ’8 fol -length portrait if ' Washington ihving, Whioliis now in course of Fnrrnvinf, as a oompanioß ploture to the Bhakspea*e and Mil'on, ADMISSION FREE. EARLES’ GALLERIES, Jel3-6t 810 CHEAT VU r Rtreet. PhHa, NiLW NOVEL BT AUTHOR OF “DOCTOR THORNE/* MESSRS. RUdTT & CARLETON HAVE NOW READY THE KELLYS AND O’KELLYS. A new Novel by author of *• Dr. Thorne/* Reprinted from the last * ondon Edition. One vol. 12mo. mLslin. Fnoe 812 d. *•* The enormous olrquUtion in England. last year, of “ Do tor rhnrne/’ nwrFne m-ny taousindsoldin this oanntrj, is sufficient swwanty of the exoelienoo of this authors Nitve s. The “Kellys andO’KeUyn’* m a re print of one of his best.J w« Also. NEW ADITfON OF HUMBOLDT'B PRIVATE LETTERS. An American translation nf this deeply-interesting work i*na vol. j2mo.,muslin,with Portrait. Price $1.35. jeW wstf SUMMER RESORTS, MANMON HOUSE, ATLANTIC PITY, if An. j„ ISAAC THAYtR, (lete of Burf House.) Proprietor. 'I his House hwi been very much enlarged And im proved. Has no v a largo number of Pamilj Rooms, not sur. as-ed by »-ny hotel in this city. It •* lighted throughout with gas. New and fine walks have beenliidti the ooenn, which v*H be lighted at nwht from the Hotel to the water, by splendid lefloei tng lamps, Atuoheil to the house (but separate from the main banding) a lor e Hall for Hops and Parties, with a first-dns* Ice Cream and routed onery attached Over the Had Mice are forty sleeping to ms For situ ic gentle men. There 1b also a.plnr ground for children* well sh"d*d enclosed* wnh swings. &o. /The catering Uupartrnent will blunder my own es pWal supervision, and I trust tha« my roput-tionia ■ufSoiently established to satisfy all that<my table will be uneurp**sod. Terms wilt be $l2 per week Transient Boarders -is per day. Carnages aUnohcd to the House will take Hoarders to and from the Cceanfreoof charge during bathing hours, Je3a-lm ISAAC THaYER. LIGHT-Uf‘USE rOTTAGE, NEAR 'JBbL TKBLIOHr-HOUdK ATLANTIC CITY, N. J„ (the nearest house to ibe surf), is now for the te ccntlon of Boarders. The proprietor respeotfuH* snlioits a continuance of the patronage of his friends and the oahiio je» lm* JONAH WUOTTON, Proprietor, Run away,—john t>aly, an in, DFN' p URFD APPR.WNTICB to Grocery busi ness, ated U 'chrs ran away from ihe subscriber on the 19th imt-ui'. This is to oauttonali persons from harhnr incor irssttnghim on my ac-ntint. ns I wil' pay no dpb»s contracted by him. DAVID BUL» IVAN, It* t». W. correrofTUffiP am German Hlree»s. Mowing a KK-hiNU lU Al HUNKS, Korse Rnke,. (fu-r kinils ) Homo H»r-Kork, with block and rope, for at reduced By . . ..* . - o. b: poufcftfi, st» No. m M •RKb’T >|rAt. SE VV"»NG"Ma" C{ltN t S.—The *Sptnv\ Of for Sewing Machines ai.d othe.-delioste machi -5. p J Jr .J‘J, r .? al ° i n lur * e °f smaU Quanutlaß.at 202 Bou>h FfIUN r Btrei-t. JeB3-St» All WH*> in nkiED of a uouu pioturrof themselves, and espeoiallr thnso living up town, shou d ko to Kenner’s Gnilery, ScCOND tit.* above MR ‘ KN. before go'ngelsawheyq, U* BOOK-KEKPMIS oan Rtt good Blank Jjoobs and Siatioaery at PERRY’S, FOURTH and RACK. je23 1m Qfinn KE MS WRITING PAPERS, assorted selling from7Bo tos4perrenm, at PHRKy*B. «»UhTH md Race Jett Mu Account io *k« for the it oi j U t , expressly for our Ref ail PE'RY* ManafadtUflhk ftationer, FuUkTH and RAC . Jett lm SiLbL PEN>, —4,1,’0U <r 8s assorted, selhr from 180. per gross upward PER*-Y.Bta tinnrr. FOURTH »mfR *«-b. . J<*3l lm E' \ kLUkIS Over 2 0 diftertnt utiles. and s'ses. selling from 900. per \ 00ftupward. Or. dera hr mail promptly attended to. Pii.KK\, Stationer* FOUR* B end EaOfy jett lm P.iW<i, Nujli, iKITER, CAP, BILL, LBOaL. lIRAWING. SERMON, and ail other kmus of Paper, for sale, at low prices, by F£KKY*6tfvtioaeftFGUßTH and KACJS. jtttim WATCHES, JBWEEEY, Ac. ; RIGAN watches. MADE BY THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, AT WALTHAM, MASS, Attention i * invited to the following statement en aooompanring letters of recommendations and testimo* nials in favor of these celebrated Watches. A gold medal wm awarded the Company by the American Institute, at New York, in 1867, The Company also received the first premiums gold medal—from the franklin Institute, Philadelphia, in These Watches have now been in the market for nearly ten years, daring which time they have been tested as to accuracy, durability, and reliability m every conceivable manner, and have proved themselves to be the most satisfactory time-pieces ever offered to ihe public. This resalt has been brought about by a striotapphoa tion of mechanical science to the oonatruotion of the W«toh from its very inoeption, rendering it when finished, mathematically oorreot in all its proportions, and neoessarilj as perfect a time-keeper as it is possi ble to make. The Company have tested their Watches in many in stances by actual daily n* tmg, and the result of this test hits been that they have exhib’ted & rate equal m regularity to the b j st marine chronometer. N* B.—We have Just introduced a n«t» style of Watch, ehboratelv fin shed, and thinner than any we have hitherto produced, with several improvements calcu lated to insure the greatest acouracy of performance, and to prevent the usual acoicentc and derangements to which foreign watches are liable. The following is from Mr Porter, the well-known Marine Chronometer and Watohmaken Boston, April 90, 1960. Mr. R. E. Robbins, Treasurer, 4*e. Bear Blrt Mnnsny noteto *on of September, 1&59, 1 have sold a number of your Comoany’s Watches, and hear good reports from them without exception. They give me no trouble and my customers every satisfaction Recently, a shipmaster, to whom I sold one la«t year, called to say that hie Chronometer having broken down at sea. he navigated his vessel safely home by his Waltham Watch, Yours truly, Geo, E. Pottbb. Nsw Yobk, January 23, 1860. H.E. ROBBINR.Egq. Dear Bir: The American Watoh mrde by your Com pany, I have had in constantase for about a yea* baa kept excellent time, and sustains ) our * oaranty, It seems to be less disturbed by horseback and railroad car jolting than the generality of fore'gn watches. Kcapoctfully yours, Qzobor P. Morris, Book Room, No. 200 Mulberry Street , New York , February 6, 1860. R. B. Robbing Trranrrcr American Watch Co Doer Sir: I take great pleasure in being able to certify that lor tne last ten months I have carried a watch from the manufactory of the American W*toh Company, and that it has given per f eot satisfaction as a time keepe Judging from the one I have, I do not hesitate to predio that the day is not far distant whenwatchts made in th UnitOAfetates w.U supersede ail others, jAJtKB Fljt, D, V, Wilton Bluff, 8. C., October SO, 1859. R E. Robbins, Fsq. Dear Birj The ttiree watches of your manufactor whloh 1 purchased to, be used on my plantation, har proved to be the most correct dme-keepers f have ever known. I gave my head servant, my head carpenter, and my hoad engineer, eaoh one of them; and since they have been in their rtspeo'ive so sessi n, every thing on the plantation has moved like olock-work. tn oo'seqaen'eof the extreme accuracy and regularity with which these watohea perform. Yonr* truly* Chicago, t u,„ WarohlKO. Ammucan Watch Company, Waltham, Mats. I have tested with extreme care the running of the watch t bought of you, now nearly a year sinoe, and so acouraie and equable has been its performances that J thought it would interest you, end ell others familiar with horology to see ft record of its variations. Jt was finally set to true time after it had been regulating in my possession for three monthe: Jucefi lost 4 sec. I October lostSseo. August 15 lost6sen. | December 9teo. Sin e whioh time its average monthly variations have not exceeded six seconds, , N buan Wiaxp. Oautiov.—As our watch is now expensively counter fei’ed by foreign manufacturers* we have to inform the public that no watch is of our production whioh is unac companied br a certificate of genuinanese, bearing the number of the wau*h, and signed by our Tieosurer* H. E. Robbins, or by our predeoeesors. As piston* Tract fle Co. As these watohes are for stle br jewellers g»perally throughout the Union* the American Watch Company do not solicit orders for single watches. BOBBINS A APPLETON, WUOLIBALE t GEXT3* inj2s-flGt-if No. 182 BROADWAY, NEW TORS. GETS OF JEWELRY, of the Newest And MOST ELEGANa STYLES. a!»o r t LADIES* WATCHES, Just received. THOMAS C. GARRETT. 713 CHESTNUT street. MEDICINAL. HKLMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCQXJ. the GPEAT PIURkTJO ior Disease of tb* Bladder. Krameys. Gravel* Dropsy* / ORGANIC WKrtKNtßs, Ac , Ac. Sufferers with diseases of those organs experience MANY ALaHMING SiMßTOittSr Among which will be frmud Pain in.the Back* Weak Nerves* Loss of * tfinory, Difficulty of Breathing, DimnessoT vision. Languor. universal lassitude op the muccular BV{j't'‘ M, These diseases or symptoms, aUo»ed to coos, which HdLMU* LD’m EXihACr fit cau In anably removes. Soon follow Lftt of Power, Patuit., and Epileptic Fits. VOrr AKK _ HPM*-DY Diseases of these onaus require the aid of a Diuretic. >nd is certain,to have the desirvd effect in the dis eases enumerated whe’herar sine firm HABITd.OI> DISSIPATION. INDISCttE TiuN. UV EXCESSES, Atd no matter of how i.fcLMBOLD*'EXTRACT BUCHU Is pr'Sonbßd a d used bv the mokt EMiNeNT PHYSiOIANS. Certifies es of cures of from one mouth to twenty years’ standing wil accompany the Med cine, and evi dence of the most reliable an* responsible character is open for inspection Pnoe 91 per bople, or six for 95, Delivered to any address. Depot, 104 South PhN • M Street, below CtiEbTNUT, J,23 tf pROF. MORRIS 1 EUOEPUAIiOS, PR n FEB*OR MORRIS* MORRIS* PROFESSOR MORRIS* KUO K P HALOS, BUCKFHaLOB EUOEF n A L 08 , AN INVALUABLE ' AS INVALUABLE an invaluable !i!s! A 4 S»P?: FOR CP EASES OF THS**™*"' RKMEM ’ F°R DlB-ABEB OF ThK FOR DISEASES OF THE NEM’OUS SYSTEM, MtelTvous system; . . .. . NERVOUS SYSTEM, Aaooo&sio~«d by intense APPLICATIOv OF THE MIND to the reseaohes of Literature, the o ncarns ol Comraeroml aud Financial Business, aadtne affairs ol Prot*s«ionaland Political l ife, or as occasioned by a >y otheroause Lorn which the Nervous bystem has be come exhaust d at d diseased. Thesymptoos ooveied hv this valuable Preparation are numerous: of whiou the moreprorninentare, 'aXCIT** *1 v T OK THE BRAIN, AGITATION AND DEPRESSION OF THE MIND. CHNON C VNK^VOU^NbBd. , Etc..Me. The EUCEP ’ it oarofaUy nrepared.br per mfssir n» from the Fobmoi aofPm OF W, MORRIS M. D.,of to whieh he refers tohia Philosophical Pamphlet, ••pfil/KlfC B.‘* On the relations of the Gangito-Nervous Syatera to the immaterial foul of man. Having exi»ihue<f t-e irinoiples and commended the system of Composite Bomsopatn«« Processor M says: >r ltmay be permissible that i should offer, as anil lustration, my own ojue. A commons course of stu des for a number of years bad. to a certain extent, pro'need the •.ratnar* effects of extreme mental ap plication by attenuating the prime centres of or, ansa and ana hen''® arose a ot personal relief. Having a wed-founded confidence in Onip site Homoeopathy and an intimate acquaintance with Materia Medi a n( tht Honimopataio School I eeleoted oartaia substances of turner ai/jed harmonica* relations and approvid us*s. and oombmed their essen tial properties in proportional unity. and was gladdened by tb? possession of a medicinal resource.” Professor Morris describes the mode of application, and then adds: '‘ln this Wiy the desired relief has been ob tained, the nutritive system invigorated, the eanglio nervous system restored to its former tone, and mental dearness, tranquillity, and visor—at th age or nearly three score-are the much valued results ” Prepared, and cold * HOLKaL h\ by MOCKRIDGE tc CO,, No. 62 North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, and at RETAIL by Druggists sener+Uy. t% , Pnoe, 91 per buttle, large aise-fid cents small sis®. mySS Smif ininnui For the INftT ANT RELIEF and PER* AMUMI MANENT CURE of this dlatrestiQgoom< plaint, ate F E N D T»8 BRONCHIAL OI&ABETTES, Mad. bp 0. B. SEYMOUR * CO.. 10T NASSAU Street. New York. Frioe 91 per box {rant free by post mr7-4m If) FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS’. pUBE PORT WINE FOR INVALIDS. FOR SALE BY 0. H. MATTSON, X AHOff AND TENTH STREETS. JULY IST. 1«80. NEW FIRMS AND OIIANGES. MERCHANTS IN WANT OF BLANK BOOKS can be supplied from a very superiorassortment made from Linen stook, or made to or<l£r. WARRANTED AT LOW PRICES. WM. F. MURPHY A SON’S NEW STORE. Stationers, Lithographers, and Lettor-Preia Printers SIGN OP TUB LEDOHI. No. 339 CHESTNUT Street. jea BTT-tf ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA ! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA 1 AZUMEA! PROF. MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKING POWDER Manufactured eolel, at No. 69 North FOURTH Street, and for eale hr Grocers rencTalW. mvss Smif riLARPT! rLARtT! CLARET! ON DRAUGHT! ON DRAUGHT! Claret on draught, from $1 per gallon upward. Also, a!) < tner kinds of Wines And Liquors, imported by ViSKßie.it & LhSIEUR, HU South S*:vfc;*TH Street. JeiMgt* TRUSSES! BRACKS! SUPPORTFRS! Correotly adjusted at NEEDLES*, TWELFTH and Streets. Latlietentrance 15ii Twelfth street, firat’door below Ha*e. Lady attendants. French, fcng liah, and Amerloan. in great variety. Belts, ElasUo Blockings, frtigpenaorisa. Shoulder Brace*, Bynuice*ijto mvie bunlrl It “ HAVANA—The A. 1 schooner &V& . VRIE DPN. Captain MEYER, will sail us above, with despatch. For freight apply to MADMna. k CAHXBA, je22 Bt 204 -oiuh Bt»N Y street. HORSING F’UID, ALOOUHL. AND * ’/“"flipjltjilili ana half lib'., taancrMiuted A»R>IURNfcH.A.H>.No. 80-’IN. —17.i0 bbls. Shipping rosin, in rood or er. in .tore and lor .ale i'.l A.HBURNER,4 C0.,N0. IBBDI'fH WHaRYEt). fi ASTsiR OlL—Fast India, for sale by V / WETHEHILL 4 BROTHER, 4T ana 49 No th hkCO.Bißtwt. Jt*. CIIU/hATK POTASH For sale by WF.TH”9ILL 4 BROTHER.4T and 48 North BhOOND . treet. , AM GAROBN ANDPAKLOR VA’iES.St'A tuary. Fonatain., Ornamented Fto*er Pota, Baneiof vajei. 4o„ ot Terra Cotta, raaaufMtnrsd and A , YOt ¥&*•, J ust trom **»« Cotm where fiiSf make himieflieerut. ro obi»e*t Aforeee T. L. JOI.ES, Blood', D..w!eh"lo7thr° . j»23'st* WTANTED —An active Young Man, as 7 * Cinvasser for a popular work. Just Issued A& dreas «♦ Publisher.” at the offioe. j t n tf* TStf'ANTEO—A' Young Men, as Assiat -77 *"t Book-keeper in a Commission House. Ad dress with reference, •* F» It Co *” this office. jet 3 it* TJ D r Y GOODS JOBBEtiS.~A SITUA TION WANTED, by a thoroushly-competent Salesman having a first-class oily acd near trade, *d dreea • Salesman” Offioe of Thi Press, If ANTED—A Pro estant man, of quiet T " habim, to wait upon a permanent invalid in the viointtjr of theoltr* eooJ were, siven; refer.one for SL h *™'lf !■'eoo rea- Ap.tJ Satunljj mornfn*. Mo. Sal WORTH St between ABCHenJ MARKET. »«•»« AN EXPERIENCED BOOf-KEEPER, 8 *«&**’ experience as Cashier. Book osft »IlA” v. oorre, B o , ni, * D, ' , 'H llw .* n engagement in a A'P'P.- Ihe lo’t of reference given. Art d’«»» H4TLL." at the oflioa of Tie Press. • - VMT^NTED—A Situation, by a man, .»Vfi!iJi2® Ten y ® a s*°/a*e-of exttafiwexport* 01 doodad reu. and competent t*fili ni^iE^Sl,? 08 .°« el{h#r M * dark- •tteem.tefldeat, £f«2 ♦£V n £.«.* l J l« # P*oubly connected, and ops flv« the mo t satisfactory refer»no«s as to ®iP® r *r ood basinet* rapacity A moderate eafTry for tiMUrST* ** Addret* •* B. G. HT,^oflo* FOR SALE AKD TO LET. SALE—A 5 horse Farm Engine, on wheel*. J. C. Qi^'flißY lt 109 ARCH Si, or l COOMB* fp 1 LET—AII the upper stories of No 29 Y *•<«>«. The roront Bra ISO f» e r r"" s ' *" r l1 »kr-llshu, water CoieU lioiiU, gat, aod lire proof. i>eot verj loir, app tto KVa -8 k masat,. Si Soutb POUR.TH St. fl i rI'JT, - " The "’Operate sized KARRUO^'r'^^^ 0 ) ?, K) yiruarrtreet.opoo.ite nA«,KH.ur> Row, with ail modern convenient* ■ - __ Jg« St m ll.l'T—Three Hell lighted Lolts, a' pTTat Vo SBAaK'; t r rV. t t. 0, " K>Sl “ " Mrt * Bro - *»■ J« 3-6 t nUIKRBHOFBtt. LOEWI. * CO. eOHUIANTOWN PROPER!?..-i.or _ ."'J J'rr low, pud on accproraodatinj term*. TWO yroIHAJLg SloNr, COil'oGnS Lou 60Tert each front b US feet deep to a itroet. ‘ ttunt* on Wuhlni tnn^ v £. nu «, t « oi d na o* from Nailroad station apolr Keil-J* 71 - 00 . onv, J a “ cer > No - 111 Hortn SIXTH street. j, *• • SK TO R&NT—A very desirable three ■2i.tori.iJ D».]i|sg wuh back buil in.« «od modern improvemeau No. ITD3 Loom* iiTeet. in -irel .ni Arn> to „ «M. BROWN, J°*o tf Mo. 1639 LOOPBT Stmt. •9 StOttK TO I.ET —(he Four-storied aasTORB, No. 30* Nona FKuNT Mreet, store y.A Su-.tAtile lor ary tu.n.fK* Apply to Dr. K »<J. MOW r, ftp «i 4 ARCH Mrgcte Jel9 <t» El' »R "ALE—A desirable COUNTRY RESIDENCE, with about t-n sores of land, so I irnprovemen b nesrtbe Brandy wine, six miles sou>hoi Wen heator, near the Baltimore Central Railroad. Address _ J. W L nh L Jo 19 lm* Parker lie. Cheater county. Pa. \TA> UaßuK LOT FOR SALE.—A Lot, * .I 50 foot b? 100 having three fronts, located in the southwestern part r f the oity, in the midst of a rapidlv imprnvin* neighbor hood, is tiffered f >r sa e on reasona ble lit* Lewis Morris. m FOR MALE OR RENT—New Stone KlMmsio «»Barn, An ,■ with extensive aocommoda tionwana thirteen seres of land, oa Cheltoa Bills in qnire at No. PNorth THIRD street. jtt3-12t» FOR SALE or TO LET—A Double Btone • ottwo. Garmaotown. situate on Dewey’s lane, second home from Thorp’s lane, five minntea walk from railroad station, contains ait the modern conveniences. Apply to F. «L WIL ON, jed-lm 603 CHESTNUT Street. m FOR Sale—A three-story BRICK ■SaHOUSE (new), with all the modern improvements; isrii 60 feet deep. Apply on tne premises, No. 31$ REED street. Jell tnthslt* ®FOB SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE—’Two two-story brick houses and lot of sronnd subject to improvement Rent for #7l per annum, each. A small amount or cash, and the halanos m merchandise required. Address A B-, Prtst Office. mytt-lm *P R T Y A T E BOARDlNG.—Handsome suitesnf Rooms vacant, separate or to»eth*r. I*. fi. oorner SIXTEENTH and LOCUST streets. je»af hjjUMMER BOAhDlNi.—Persons wishing to yo to the country oaa find pleasant Rooms with fnodao-ommpdatio-s. at the WASHINGTON HOUSE. WOO BUKY. **.J. The House has been e tire modeled and refarn shed throushi-n . For terms he., «Mres« f Ju«N P- PH’PPS. Wood.ury.N.Jy ’ Jeg ist* Late of Mansion Borne, West Chester, fa. PRIV *TE BOAKBfNG.—Gentlemen and their families, or single gentlemen, oan be accom modated w«u Board, mtb pleasant and handsome rooms, fanjißhed or unfurnished, at 616 LO°Uar Bt., south side of Washington square- The location, b'ing opposite to one of the handsomest parks in the olty, is cen ral, and extremely pleasant. 'Jraneient persons visiting the olty can be accommodated br the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance, for rent, agitable for mi offioe, jen-ti jpAillLliS AND G'NTLfcMEN WISH- ING F!RBT*CLAB' BOARD, with gqgl fionrns. oannowh*yochoice»t9 8 WAb*VT fi?. JM Im* »Vu ¥UUJNG UaN BE aooommotlatad **cd. airy, ap&rtraant*. (with orvithrct board,n» i onvata family. Locationmq* tral. AddrMfl r *TGLBJ3RT,” tbroagh Blood’a l>ia- aptt f'WHN EXCHANGE BANK, f THEfcK CENT, outh* Capital 6 took, dear 01 tate T&x, and payable on u*m*ad. mtl-tf i. w. TORE BY. Cartier M’S* IUCY R MAYER and Mrs. B. M. BIRD will roopta thetr BCHO n L for Yotmg Ludiu St 1010 BPRUGK Street, on MONDAY. 8«s tornbor 17ih. JBH). )*a-lm KBMOVAL. —SMALL ft CHANDLER, WHOLESALE GROCEJtS.hav* removed from M North BECOND Street, to 111 MARKET Street, above Front, north side. faf AMERICAN SAVING FUNO.—Com jpany,s_ Building, southeast comer WALNUT and FUuhTU Street*. Open daily from 9 till S o’clock,and on MONDAY til)Bin tha evening. This Old Institution has always paid in full, on demand, without notice. . INTEREST FIVE PER CENT All gomn p&td back, on demano, in gold and silver, TKUBT ► E^*. ALEX. WHTLLDIN. President. BaMu WORK* Vioe President. . ohn 0. Farr, T. K. Harper, George Nugent, John Anspaon, Jr., Sami. T. °«siine. Aid. U. Roberts John Aikman. Joins Bowman. H. H. Eldrtdse, •* w. J. Howard. JOHN B. WILaON ,Trrit«”rer. JOHN C 81 H’, Seoretart Je9o Im CPR«NG GARDEN 6AVING FUND, Office, 331 North THIRD Street, between Vine and Ca'lowhiU. Incorporated by the Legislature April 14th. 1881 Opsn for Deposits and Payments, daily, from :»to 9>4 o’oloo* Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY fro mB to 8 o’clock. Interest A per cent, per annum.„ repoeitore oai} with draw their “oneysby Cheoks, if desired. Special De posits received. _ « « .. JAMES 8. PRINGLE* President. En**rt« Htnv. Raer*tarr aeXl-trtf INSURANCE COMPANIES. C^RU— NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. i.ONDGN, No. 495 CHKSPNUT Ptr*et. Philadelphia. The undersigned 'bets to inform his friends ard the public general!*, that HUG<t LIKBIVG, tjsq. of this city, is now associated with him in the AGfcNCV of thisCOMPANY.aod tbs style of u«e firm being ‘.'bTTY k LIMBING, 'the patrouage heretofore so nher liy bes»ow*d upon the undersigned is respectful'? soliojted for the firm Wl I,IAM GET • NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. Capital, Bfi 253 800 Income, over 81 000 ftVJ, Losses adjusudand prompt.y paid without reference to Loodon. Hates moderate* GETTY k LI r BING, Agents. 495 CHt^TNUTStreet, JeW Ct New Building, Philadelphia ank. rfiHS MUTUAL LIFE INSUKANOI A COMPANY OF NEW YOKE, bis milliws?Tot' DOLLARB, !«,„» >»•«. Ckasramltmu ataiownthuin man, other Coni»- nles, and the Divideads have been •uim. ,u ’« , sAh^ o .S; * XBLOHd MTHI IN8V&19, Pamphlets, and every Information, mar be haJ wifi,, on application to I PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thoma. Robins, John W.lah, Mora»oaiL Dawon, G*or»H, Bknait, Georae M. Stroud, E.JB. wh.)®n, John it Myera, J. Fiah.r LMinln,, JoMph I'att.raon, William C.Luawii, John M. Atwood, Aithn- G Coffin, Thoma. H. Pow.n, Gjora. W. Toland, William MoK»». Tho*. Wattaon. nO-lrlf ’ IJIAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. A IM CHESTNUT Streat, PHILADELPHIA. •ONFINED TO FIREAND INLAND RISKS ctnxoTox* Oha.. Riohardion, Hanr, Laina, Jr., Seo. A. wait, Jacob w. Stoll, O, Wilaon Davii, Menko Siam. ftoa. S. Mlrt^ o n G j. DAYjPta.ld.nt. FRANCIB N. BUCK, Vioa Prca’t. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Beoratary. tall- tt r<l INTON county LIFE AND GKNE- Kj EAL Chartered in 1880.— Authorised Capital, 9100.000# mascTcßS i Ha ’Whittington, Winslow Turner, T. R Bradley, Georse w. Culver, James H. Birch. *r. H. W HITTINGTON, Pre*. I. N. HOOKADAY, Sep. and Treis. . Special attention paid te Collections, and Monay romptiy remitted, BwdnesasoHotted. SHOEMAKER & Co. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Northeast Corner FOURTH AND RACE Streets. myg-Cm 1860. I0E! I0E! 1860. COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. BCALSOF FAVILT FRICXS, 8 pounds daily 40 oente per week. U 1 M 11 " 18 ” ** 83 «» ” 20 ** ** 70 ** « jg JJ \\ 108. J* ** Send your orders to the office*, or may he riven to the drivers. THUS. E.CAHILL Offices. 32fi WALNUT Btreot.se ond story j PINK -BTREET WHARF. Skhuyikill. City Depot, LOM BARD and TWENTY-FIFTH Streets. ap»-fmif •pVKFY F iMILY S HOF LI) piFSfiFS A BTEREO^COP v Irstiuii'enis ma* nufsotured in tha hestsule ; Bier ~soopio Pi tures. of tue fi- est qunl ties, recently »mportftd, alia inlu it the lowfl.tprloaain th, country, b, } FR , 119 South FOURTH Bt.. leloW Chestnut Bs?"Bpertsc e* *-nd E>egl«sBfi« provided with the eeisbrsted Penscop'O Om« and 00-rec'lj silted for mu Rg#*. MidTosco es and Viprotcpic Ptiotocrsph , Opera Glares. Maiheniancii Insirnmen s. &o -m treat Variety,at-he in<«*r reffiffinnah',-ra-wffi. J 21 if-6t nr FAIJtIi.INKS'PLASFOBM SCALES. For rale by FAIRBANKS 4 EWING.,, «M-1 r Ti«GHUJTMVTBH,WiFIuI«i WANTS. {MB9 alley. BOARDING. DIVIDENDS* EDUCATIONAL, HEMOVAJ.S. SAVING FUNDS. AHUSEJTENTS. - > YXTAr.NUT-BTREST THEATRE. «* Bole it a. GaBBRTV>n Bustoses JOVD7MtJ#FHY Doore ov«a at 7tf. Performances mirninitl (roiOOk. « INCREASED FURORE, HOUSES CROWDED, Last w'tt op NIXON'S UOYaL EQUPSritIAK TBOtTpfi i FROM ««<Sj g D tarn. * r AWok& o *- . , . If*S HOMES ARIAXS. Among the Artmtes are _ MIe.E»LA2OYA|U. The greatest Feneetmnne in the World. W , AM _ IJ . JAMES. ROBINSON, J?ts?A ld i B Si5 d » horse, withoct midi* or tmdle, are hMond parallel. Th. ,rut Till Kiimul ComortlSSt 11 * 11 *' Bawort*! 1.2 the ettti.e Troy* of COURTV^STKR.^... L .. Mr. j^Jp 1 S pl§tl,AKß A Kffif BRini'FpUL TRAIN& E«*«ra£"e»W bS THK BRAUtIFUL TRAIi,Bn o ZaFdkß. Ew*HrfonMgu ft ho . BY TH> DRAMATIC COMPANY, ON WEIiftESDA Y.. *_* or*nt) afternoon rlrVorma^cb, Bi-ylDDiDtat a oVVoIr Doortneenatyti. ‘ Perforata®* CtuMrsn are admitted At the aveninr Performances. SEATS 8»‘.? hBASVBCAL -' W withouttxraS c cgAi»gii. »n tt li BALE'S < OCTKT OF DEAtH,— ?*'»««. hr RKKBRANDT FEALE.miI be eihibtted,for EiGHT DAVS.uA so n ' Or0 ’ AT CONCERT »At.L. C"MMFNCING FRIDAY ETIS Js, JUNE JJ. Thun the er-et muter,>eee of Mr- FuK it-nr n an «un feat nr cattrae, contenti K Lift 8m Fi gores, and is rained »-t *• T . , >6 0001) LLARS -j.i?lVf ntß Ra im P rdBS v * vivid letmn ue*n tit* •nan , *rßnc« nod War. th* cno*>i»l typf*ti ffiraiaortSat? Wlun,pt " of Chlißt,an **“l*«*»rthe D* a'h* n lu,lr6t * on oi the Poem of fiishoy Porteos, on n*h/*J!f , wl! rOTn * T ? ythlng revaltfe agrv?n? e who BBe u once d,B,r ® to it again and Open from 2to 6 arid ato la p M. Tickets 25 cents. Season T ckeu 60 cents. Je2'-6t M cdo;ougu>s GMEIIIS - E A 0 s . ■ lol M N M Sfo S U7Y”5 C ft 0> M ] A. THE PIRATES OF The MlsatSjlPPl. ALL THE CoVpAtlv. JCnLoM iN b TEMPLE. ~ . A l *'**.’ , b< ?««A'L «*A MrftM model of IM uraiut- S , tSfejls’Si» b,uWln * ,vn _ WABXET. £B©Vb TW STREET. . kJS* *<««» * teet’wiS“ r snd»frrt °*?h» by yo cae jets, and the woreiri veer* ri- Maes? afi^«n& k JS9i a i3 ’issißMsaif “d 7 to 10F « Leotor* at IK 4.a»d#ko'clock; ohtuffiX;,;!? Mnl * l ‘“0 cliWmTsi iute lBM la Liboral uraunnonu made mti aohnoleaad cknehae mth antrilage of lecture by their yeetor. mil-4f PENN«TI.YAMIA ACADEMY OF PUIE ARTS.4O2J CHkSTNin Strut. The STth Annual Exhibition is now oven doily* from •o'clock .o, M.enoi 7 P. M.; o-d t obB tiß 10FM. , Adnusmon* oents. Seoom tickets, to eeste.'Cfcrt area. osii*jnds theAiaSem r9o€iv# tiakvta •*of express companies. Yoa CAPE M aY.—Persons MMSBEIo »b Ut TAisnn CAPE MAY e«n iftl ed or. ohtekail ntißtboirruT SeoM,Aß^aelirerednnboßei tho m taiiunn.ft ware* J*oetoß» sndKeene bee* which lea* a (Im (mi W it, dsilf. It tt c'eSr kA. s?*» hj leevinc tnair toami at the iifie* ofiakAaAM'rt Buss.* »l»o <teliT*r»d to tt, N,w Yoik liui, Urdeiß oarefnliy acd VTOaistly attended to. OS«a* oven from 8 A. M- until It P. hf. y mv9m ** tciaaT^ THE AD»M* EXPRESS si v&q&xi&sigz a arsxi towns end cities of the United States. 9 Orprrai SouSwttSiii. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. FRUIT JAK&I FRUIT JARS, FRUIT JARS. THE BK3T FRUIT JARS. THE BEsT FRUIT JARS. THE VERY BEST FRUIT JARS. THE VERY BEST FRUIT JARS. THE EBUrr JABS! WEIGHT. SMITH, & GO, •i ■ » No. S NORTH FIFTH STREET, Offer to the trad, the heat h rttit Jere oat. Ceß tad uo tiieir gnr.l.tiee teeted by erjerteente. JtU ti7l I^AUTION— FR«hH FRUIT J VBS.—The o are cauaoned acainat tha T«rion. imitation* Of H'RI ELL’S PATENT ALL-’.LaSS aIR-T GHT JARS, now in mars*»t. The ganuina, haw. H.rteL’a name on ibe cover Mauafa tarer-a d-r petent* ~ BARTELL & LKTCHWn* jel3 Imif* No. 13 North FIFTH gir**fc. "POISON— FRbSU FRUIT JARS?,—Th© acid of fruit alwa> s corrodes the surf ee of metal; be careful, therefore, to puroh&re nly Ja.s of las* «nd Covers of Glass. HAKI’K'-L'S -'a l KNl* AIR TIGH Cal L (jLafb J* RSa-e admitted obethdew:? tenable and perf ctly_*afejvr in mar et HA TKLI. & l. ETCH WORTH, jeU-lmlf*- BTamifrcturera, Wo. 13 N F)F Hsrreet. DO GO INTO Til 1 -* COUNTRY withou* surehasioj RARTE' I.’S ALL GI.A’S. PATEN I AtK-TIUHT JAftS.-Mira Niohol.J>’«oela br tad oook book, with lu'l diraetioos f»r nutrlo* n» truita- An. toyothar with soo oth.r ncefot teoaiota, Siri3“AIR?TGS?jA r «? 4Uil ' L ’ 3> - lliNi ' Al^- HARi'ELu 4 LETCBWORTH, joUlmlft North FIFTHStraot. CLOTHING. H. ELDKIDGE, « CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE,” ' R. E. Goner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Sta. KT Cutomar Work made at abort notion. mhU Om-if COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NIUOE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, Thattba Limit'd Partnernbip enter'd Into on tbei*»t dar of J *E. ISM between JO3H.H B BU * and HfeNK'*" HR A* j* renewed and ooa tsooed for OV 1 A°B from Jl’Nb 1. IS 0 , end the* On bereb*- certify that the n m- of the a m urdnr wlrcb th» Mid p rn*r*h'pja &* li« ordorted ic CHAR'.Kh HWfUY B*Ja* that the yereratnator* of the bnunens to le tra sarted is Tai orio? aid th« t&ni anil be trennaoted m the city of Pm ad“l»W* ; that the nnme of tie syneTM psrttpt ot »».o fi at ie CHAHLKB H*NKV HRlAN'of the oitj f thUiiel o U And the name of*h* aptci&l p me B, aOTCnlNbO’t. of Bnatnl, id the Ptet* of tApßSjt vanta ; that the capital rontritoted bt the ta dJ« e»h B HDtchinfion, npecial partner, is tno 'boua&td five hundred doliara m oath „ JOSEPH B. fc U’CH‘NPOV, _ Special Pa taer. CHARLES H. HR aN. General Partner. Je23 »6t DfSSOLtniON OF PARTNERSHIP.- Tbe nartnerahip heretofore existmf ii-der the firm s»f STiLhOw & STONE in «h«e day dtwived by intita«l consent. ROBEht MTILSUN# Phila., Mas SI, 1660. J. B. STONE. Philadelphia, Jane 21,1*80, I^OP 4 RTNEBSHIP THE CTNOFR \J SIGNED hare this da? formed a under tiie firm of BTILfcON, BTON V , i- CO., for the Sureoee of transactm* the Wholesale China. Glaea,and ineeoefrare butiaesa, at fto. 008 COfrM&BCI!, ht. a l*Oß* RT i* t ILSON* J. B bT**N E, JOHN P, BENNETT, Jose I,ls&vitn OaJJD TO THE! irUBUU. OONGEESSSPRING. SARATOGA, APRIL 18, 1860. An attempt has been made to deceive the public, by personsoffering what they call “Consssss Wat**” from Fountains; end at the price of *£x (9> cant* per glam. Tha wJkoteish prioe oft&e gmuino Cocgrees W*- ter, at New York, being about7* ©ents per xUit. the im~, position of pretending to sell at retail at lew than ooat, and without allowance for freight, o&rtaxe, or breakage,' is apparent; bat their probable coarse has been to empty cm bottle of genuine Congress 'Water into a Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christening Its total contents. We have kbveu sold Congress Water iu Fountains, nor m vessels of any otAxr description then ordinary tiged glass dottles. The cork of every bottle of tbe genome ia branded “ CONGRESS WATER M —**C. A W,,*’ and any, without those word* and tetters on the cork, la coUMTS&fktT, whether from Fountains or Bottles. . CLARKE A WHITE, PlOt.ri*tor* of Coacreea Sjrint, Tho following gentlemen id Philadelphia, vigi FREDERICK BROW'*, cor. Fifth and Chestnnt ste., FREDERICK BROWN, Jr, cor Mnthand Cheetnnt* CHARI E 8 ►LLIS &Co, 7W Market street, J, n. TURNPB -NY * Co . Ml ?stqo« street, THOB. J. HUSBAND. 3M Bouth Third Street, O. B.HUBBRI.L 1410 Chestnut street- A. D. D. TAYLOR, enr. Ninth and Chrstnotstreets. Are constantly supplieo by us with the mmiM *• go»- obess WiTBB.” m bottles, (resh from the Concrete Sprmr. „ CLARKF k. WHITE. eelS-tmif OKP • R Hr, Vn-V Oik, PURPLE TOP LE LOW itUTA BAGA-TURNIP B**ED—Farm*rs desiring a pure and reliable article at the lowest uiarKot rates, should purchase their supplies at b, BUIRT & SON’Sserd Warehouse. jeai St 92SandBg* MARKt-TMreet.ab.MNl H. AND OHM SOIP served t(PC ul> every da* tbroexhout the seisor iSundvt* ■ t»ee»ied),bf JAMt&FJt<m9i!.R,NO. 808 MARKET Stteet, N. B. Dangers frnwltto 8 o r e>oclr. m**tt t f fffe M-S. M. S PAKfoiAN Mlmillinery K«TA%USHMENT. No. torn CHESTNUT street, next Ruor to the M. Lawrence Hote». msHt tw Hits .Ir WKLkYST. >rJi AM) MAM/- FAC’W'W*- . Orders pronulU alto d-d to. IIJUK P.l* North KIGHtH ctrn X Ab- vo Market. * tTHE BEST ABE UiiEAP.ESI.~Bny Vnbnllu ud Pmmou of W “*WWWW'»«. t VARASuUi AIIU t>U« OMBiUItLAS, in ev«rj rwftST, okti», as WM-WW FRUIT JABS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers