Sf&r-'Cih}; Pt >^i till tSP' MEE r' ’ te I ’ .rs iFi;--: 'sk §e | $ -eoaitadjoatmd t to MMit r»»a. twiSa <* ennrietiiatiMm- Bjßaaaas I@S^blS i»- s&ossi ■ f? -wzm&v&s*--'' -- *‘--® r ■Ja-S i ; *p mim[ mi Jr^wi(4?'j|i'<s*iiffiw» &?* - v Av£s• 1 *>.?£.,- _ f. - ->\ -S • V; - ■'- 1 ’; ... 1,. |afr' •- «i«m mfinp&HMrtttemrisMiir «*»• v»«.***t W) '. m.mmu « smtu, mm «ww of II f -;iw r■ iii»»,if iUw yiwtaf tt»:o«t»i««i». ybo win »ot If •. |f->- ■ . * h*ia ; bl ■ - / IW.M4WMMi»i«'iM«£if«r tM fttoifMm b«» % -;,f S'/ ; .te **«•"» a - / -’ *' ■ vVsl^^SP’HWr^Sflt**'/*tS‘ <.V' ■’fi,'**#•;”' .*, / £&*>*& *• w - Viw if • .'<-• '• •*•+&••% Vb iatfe# eUr oflU*: *dftf Ucf.JuiULlMOt ■la^asfe^ f».. .I*. tttjtn *'■,;. 2ang tps mmm'r ill? , im r i w i- M - :5» «Sk Ceeuw JtS gSp, - *SS*... ,T.“' ijaHOJt .WSs«k&«iKl.Ttj .'.!Bst socuic Toitdo h..... »x , m - ■■ do;_....;.«»»uxi••. wdir «he i masse wt oMtofria Brothers, PeH» *. Tfblinfettsftpjftfr 'ttelt ftsiooOOert. thirevenmc. ' of thsir soars. Mmn. WilKm*We»v#r, Bdvin.CerroJl.Jchiay Fslktfc# Morris Brothers, m ■'ftfet; tbh datiretrocpe, appear inthairbett Mac** aot#, U J w ?'-' AwßxqumTn ‘Kbw our advor- - tiain* oolamu-ViU b* found ike announcement. of s B»w.pregsmrtgiftrioofttiaxhaud kerchieft, etc.,' enti ,fl*ft:j'J*imi' .fcjdpdirfcd from tie blossoms ofthe eeJeVrated troacf Japan, -Tbs sample of this a*v extract whieh we hav* reoeivadtnables ue to -bpidkdf itemenl# wit# eoniilehfle.' W« believe' that sveet&ess;it is unequalled. That it u an exealtentartiaie,'hoirerer, needs no-fiir tker gueranieotUaxtH* faotthai it.iscopynghted and tfW& Greenostreofc, jpll ’■■■sSisai vrott wur ii ck»J- ■\aui Hr 4'bMa # who arzamvx FunsisHWo or refitting >itmmorr*«iflenees wjli day all to cs'llon Aft 8, ''Parian* f Co..’ iouthuest eofni’r of Second and' Doth, 'rtsn'tbaf fittd.a ooapleteiitook oreverything pertaining to bouMkeeg'ni, among wh ; oh may bo nten , tioi«dtfa« poroelain -Un*d wafer aeolers, 100 pitcher* ioe-emm freezers, wire eovere, uttipobalrs.tAtUiiictaW.. Ao.,lcc. repairing to the differ ent plaoes of mumner resort* should cot fail to take with than Bown** .MxijicAVSD Pias« 'wbioh a-e a safe* ■peifily, aad certain Mre for coeUveness, habitual con stlnatioaj dyspepsia*sick: and nervous headache, and :Wioae eJeetloo s *enenllyV They consiitpfpure Alex andris; atsnan eouittied with the.boat quality or aroma-' hM. so skQfWlf. inlaid. lathi fi* as to prevent detection tatista.’PifTGe ITtfoeate per by Gao. C. Bower. Sixth and Vine sts. tf - A on ApynnsnVßNT has* been •<&n*ed br GzwiHe : fashioner, KcKWCbestnutatreet Foreaeh garmenteo!d,>s*dy UCdeormvieto order, ou. price only.is asked,and nsverdeviawd frora.the pnrehlfer nlwaj* receiving » vsfnhhle.nnd nsefU pro—ttharewitb, the cost of whiohis rfetf&;«*/remUrtprichcftke artfole, end i> Intended as a new moda~ of advertising, vltioh. £ r revolving, neat the kind ind t- p preeiarliverVoenderntion of the pnWio. No bogus “ gifts !*_tre presented > ihs troth of waioh - assertion is beuf .ietcely atteetea by the. thousands of recipients wWVih .torn*latßd 4heir frienos to swell the army of -4lMM*fc& **jtroniee the “ Gift Temple of FaeUbn*** ,Na fiß?;^b9ttartrt'rsst.f ~ -i* the easterner depart mant«invkieh are evSced aeorpsof the most skilful x , J ; , jel»-tf # votes ijgvMfc ■ doses; -M* ,p& m ««onh-Tam mi Jt* tad Wttra* 'fa stsmssn 'i«*lil*»»*K>h»- r/:;f MAttmg wmaummui. - ijnt row*^i>ji#fc_v^_ Luersool. M»T)s,»ith Brouirj-tow.d ii, br rM»»d wferH g JMn.». «t.«n»i( fc Sic.. Jan. 7, lit uJ», f»» Jtea.or, Wale.,’ tor Bmioh, oat a <[<».■ fn tMHUi,iiirt.ior tb» C*n» WMbnjßf.il b, bubFranoai il.arijWfc offhwßwlford, oat» saatb. twl l»j dny» oil .b. Mat tuwa, axmatic. «.7ce br A{is»hart.Bwintw 1» daw fnwi Tork. Irtaaij, KtS^H}s€tS:sS 1 day fthmOdnssi Bel, with oats to r^^mra^>tan-^wTlj;htinßton, : Thaeher, 4 days from lda, trow Haaaorii'aßhdfa, lO^mtk^.ntaJetL SawlarfcOo. ■ . nSt****?-*%»,fehww.if hears from New York, Withartseto WMBaudft Co. Hioiid Jdßtira. /olm ' .do BUaaarJ«anrar,llmi u, Baltimore, A Orora, Jr. Carth wmHTajlor, (MwlSjaom, AlSinr, D Mo r ' E K Kaadrick, Caob.ld, I) McCartbr. . . Xijikt&pmijM* of iM * b*rk.*ad ftbrig v*at in tfai« forfnsonVW ind «THO 3. B. HUSHES. ! hence; arrived : ns**l!*&£if!kß**V : 3*tloeV v frmnNev Orleans via mcTtfrmd m MerfoA yatterday. „ . baaoe.ernved at New %Jft*wSl^yßi&-^hwnt» > ~ : /ete«w4 atNew York .UirrtEt ( ft*.-ft«i»j^ini;brlMii*,»ti , iv«S «t ;•t Bat^ron?* St&S*' I ¥ owls *> wo Cal*o I »riiY«d frotaH.fr .Orl*M* f . : :wa« braSsKBfisro{lh,*Mi«[.it. ftnio We*t Corot of S Row York Kttdy'fcirived at Haw.York'yds* jjirFfciladelphis, mu loading at .Nichole. hence for Bear*port, Je Inkiest. . . . . [tnrma* for Rio Grande, cleared . *s wpett kfw»i «f)v(Ki*t B»l(i - OTh AOraiiur, WaaVrr, iwn;!. boat SAlam. nrrirad «t i>- wioagia t JWMicm.neaoeas GalvostoftJdto *tlkabe,PJt,4U ASSITAIS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Jvi, —WTO U o’clockUß Misn. v .{ ■- : • . ■ GIRARD HOllRB—lfibttj udChMtmitatraMi ’hoa J tfnaday,R Y . • M Csmwcll it la, Montr’l Catfc«aji;ltoatiaal TOgniit .Mnatnal §Tw iitUMir.Okit •- i J DMorrn, Oblo *v [UaJ|nrri«,<>bU 7 6'l , W«tMI.Md ias^' yjipfafife' ja«A!s*»»"** la,N Y A R WArS/Bd ■■■.=’. stes?; ■r.fcaetep.; . SlfiSefer :-;&Wwlw IMACjwoS.JC ,IS*,yl' T,r * S'.fT £2£&sas~ • , v; ;. ; .^.ft®saaSs ,t »3S*ffSi,c faster” ißitnnl, CbvoUat G*» Da » Koiio. BotuwU» M°l W 6 IY r '- ■ ' VtHpAadtncmfttaituS'* 7 AL-M, E. Waerof lflßlhiwdCk**tMW v Fanra*. .aainmix - to®,- : iy?Stir. £«», Mm* J bfisont, MuaFChaik iWIMI/B. I* . _- - *U?pltn. lUjtfnril <WjgBK; hlfiil^wuWiuitoii jp£fg^^?««a*V>V a ’ ' -Veerti Awh ifi'.V'"nation i - ‘ - ISSSk' -. A G.Hersct. 80 J Moor# * Conn titessuv-v |ssr. n^ N j: _j.Wo!RS:B^. BLACK BEAK HOTEL.—Third si. above Callowhill. JHBranar,Erypt.NC ■ prTßCoopar.OJopeinb’e I'jeWheahaek.Lanoaater 8 Frr. Coop>r*fiu){ J Knot), UaSl.(Don - W Hamer,, Peonrtura H 8 Rorer, Diner A Bookman, re „ : ' Clue Harper. J.rtk«ntown firol. Tomlinaoa. Milton Cooeer, Cooopnb**' Wellinittgn Oojger.O’yraoi Ctie* Tinner, H art*Vllie WraH Grim; Boy.rtown FTomlinron,Brberrr . Ch>« TpmliiiMn, flrberrjr Cair»»rFott»r*.B’iha[upton w J Grim, Bojertow ~ SemTMorrli, PblU Joe Patera, Pa _ iSiMPeteta.P* r Mlae J Petere, Pa MBKCHAHTB* HOUSE—Third at. above OaUowhUl. ks&iPiffßSs-' John i'elpinger Lebanonco AHB*|t»er, Berk?eo ; John Battkejr. Jr, Miffllnb’r AdiraKirtx, Readme O Jarrett. Nettovn Chao A Patton Mr Miller* !*/Freeport, 111 WiEyrick, Reulmg • i HBakerT HarrUuur*: TO Asher holt. Bucks oo GsSSiholfiTGoltttnbiaoo 8B Howard, Heading C F Haintz, Allentown ' ST. LOUisHOTEL-Chaitnutatreet, ab. Third. iasf- 1 w;.w • teA°a lk sfe^r- 0 %*ss&«&*** MOUNT VERNON KOTEL-Second st„ above Ar oh. H H Godihalk, Kansas Mrs M JLmes, Tronton J J Spencer.Pa JT Bains, Pa ' C R Smith, NY - JMyej*. Lebanon W Harding * la, Chester co Silas Tanner, Newtown BARLEY SHEAF ah. Mow Vine. J•* Ely * son. Hoylestown M J Moore, N Hope , i J Hoffman,NJ JD llotfman,N J . ’ ARsnshoWer, Pa - DM Carter Harts vllle L Broadhurst* fo . Major J W Fry, Doylestn B W Miles, Buoks eo E Atkinson. Buoks eo W Butte, Jr, Uuosaoo ' J C Rich, Books oo J> Jarrett. Harteville J su Kloh- Buoks oo ni * CF Stapler, Pa Dr W.Lovingston* Phila ij Bookman, Pa - , J L Bioh, Pa Thos hStTLambertviile ,Wm Carr. Doyleetowa ' Hoses Eaetbnrn, Baoke erf 8 Cheltenham W Davtsdo, Chelionham B F Brown, Bucks oo Mathias Btiaw. Buoks oo J Btaokhouse, Buoks eo Thos H Hart, Bucks oo COMMERCIAL HOTEL-Sutth st . above Chestnut. JDpvoe, West Chester • WmMLons, Md £ Vosbarg. Elk eo, Md J J Bus. Elk 00, Md s B PaUereos. c'eell eo, Md Thos rf Roberts, Phila f 7 Petmook. Chester co, fa mrsflioks, Chester onPa . M Baber, Chester eo. Pa '.;os BJ£iy,T)ov|Mtown. Pa Gao K Clark, Potutowni L 8 ttoopec, Wilm. N C AMERICAN HOTEL-Cbestnnt. above Fifth, WB E B HardenbenhrN York 6M Rogers, New York F Thompson, Plula , J Keenan, Delaware MAWay.NJ - B p Houghton, J ) Ke,th, N J J K Newton, N J I Pratt * la, TitUbnrg A Pratt. Pittsburg, obit Pratt, Pittsburg R it Sayre, Bethlehem V H Sayre. Bethlehem H Buek, Trenton , VM . -l)r Wilson, Bethlehem i Pmjrjie, Jr, Haston GAFotd.md OH rox * erf, Pa ' • MreH J Uasmer , , J DROss, Chester eo. P& JH Bangs, Wilmington W C Smallwood, Wilm’ton T H Brmton, Chester oo F W Bewail, New York Dr B Bent * wf, P a. W H Man, Milton, Pa- W F Estes, Dover, N H , RFufVr.Dover.NH JH Malory. N 0 W Hutterheld, HUfford, Gt G Taylor, N.Y „ w J W Lowden, NY O CUflen, Frov, RI B B Aagerty ,HY J Keenan, Del BALD EAGLE HOTEL— 1 ! bird it,, above Callowbtll. Joe Doerie, Pa ' Ana Ooerle. Pa , Jonae George, Allentown ABBertolett, Boyertown dies M Wiley, Lehisbtoa John Kiemm. Lewis burg Pittsburg W T Law, Pittsburg G Kanfimao, Bchl f Haven H* W Harper. VretmsvlUe no Neal, DanieUvi Ue ,W EI lliek, Monroe co Amos JRtegel & la* M. Chunk H J Youiw, Easton Sol Reger, L-»no co Pa R Y e trasabu f ger. Pa M PCanning, Pittsburg - M K Hegar, Raiding O B Stoughton, Milton, Pa FOUNTAIN HOTEL-Second street, above Msrcet Capt D J Riehards, Del - John J Mason, Dover. Del Walter Dattgan.NJ , -R W Rrrno ds.Felton,Dal Pam’l Sharp. Milford, Del John U Brian, Phila A H Cook, Dover, Bel ' David ftjoKee, Del _ ‘ JaaHßharp, Del- . J McCormick. Bristol, Pa Geo W i -olliepop, PhHk. , HW P Oranor* Del John R Rich, Seaford. Deli J Lowry, AUliord, Del E Lines, Bndgevilie, Bel THE-UNION HOTEL—Arch etreet. above Third. DO'Conner,Va ALRobeson,NJ . WB Shaffer,Balt , > p ßoberts, Hamaburg W_P Hammond, Pbtl# v, J 9 S ydar, Pa . J Kissinger, Jteadtog - OC Krebs. Pittsburgh J G Graham, Cleveland D icgersoll, Toledo, 0 L M Teel, PhtUipiburg BE Blake, Mui _ , L Hail, Va - - • ’ W Sedgwick * la, St Clair DAFobl.Pa G A Janksfc la, Pa T U Tnoniae * la, Newark J D Sklles, Lancaster - J A James* la, Newark ' - STATES UNION street, above Sixth. iD R&ffensberger, Fa. - J C Morgan, Chester oo MoJtiesiok, Chester eo - Kdw M Dbffyi Phila*' Jon Alexander. Mithin oo JaeobFeusteinaker.Pa Jasßark, Gin o , W Woods,Pittsburg ' • WiHead, Latrobs M j Weaver,Steaoenoo,NY BPark. Buuuen 00, N Y KHaines. Perry eo,Pa . FX rearsoa, Columbia UeoMoAiyin *la, Danville Master MeAlput, uanville SPECIAL NOTICES. Tne Nkw Pbkfcmh—Pb.lons’ P^u lowkia.—Tlie celebrated JAPANESE EXTRACT for the baadkorebief, preyarrd from the Blossoms of the celebrated. Tree , of. Japan.., The Messrs, PHAJLON take pleasure in stating that the new extract hat never been surpassed for ite strength, nromatio sweetness and lasting perfome. Copyright secured. For sale every* where. Prepared only by - PHA LON * BON* jeiS-lOt w - - 01 GRlENKStreot, New York. UITEBB’ MniAOULOCa Vebmin Dk 'Stkotsk, th, oldMt u 8 tMt remed, knnvn foe Ex tanninaUnr FATS and MICK, COCKROACHES BUGS, AMTS.'MU.QUITOEa, FLEAS, MOTHS, OiUIN WORMS,snd GARDEN mSKCTS. tr Frlnoipal B.jwt,. 613 BROADWAY, N. Y. Bold by MI Pnuwiat* iniyvlm Sbambs s Savino.rmn>—Noethwbs, Coaan Sicomud Wum Snnn.—D.,odM n- Miradiana.il ud lary. amovita, froin all claaaaa of th. oonnooit,, and allom ioUrMt at tb. r.t. of FIVE PER. CENT, say annam. Mosay mar b« drara by ohaoka inthoat loaa of ia satMt.. ■ Ofio# osMd^lr.fhm*aatil.o’oloolr, aad on Hon da, and BMVdn, nnttl nfata U th. .ranui, Pr«d dnt, FRANKLIN FELL;, TMaartr and Baoiaturi CHARM. MORRIS. , SawwG Machihbs.—AU person*, who have bought Sewing Maohinea which will not geyiform the work expected, are informed that SINGER’S Ma oliinee never foil to do any kud of work. Nooneleever duwppointed m theSdeohinea of I. M. SINGER * CO., No, 810 CHESTNUT St, ajU-Sm Oms Pmio* Clothing of thb Latist Btnu.nAd. In tbb be*t munar, .xprecelr fer RE TAIL BALKS. ' LOWKST rolUn, »no« marked In Flain Firorae. Ai! ,ood* Kuid.ro order warranted aati*. thetory, Oor ONE-PRIOK eyctera ie etrietly to.ro ve beli.ra thi* to be the nil, (tit nr of dealing Ail are thereby traated aliba. ■ - JONES A C 0.,. . «MI M MARKET Mrrot Saying Fund—National Sapbtt Tadw Ooxp.ni,—Ch&rtarad br the SUw of Penuiylv. Uk auu*. 1. Money u rewired .v.rr dey, end in euyemoant larieoruneU, «. FIVE PER CENT, intend i* paid for money from th* d»r It U pnt'in. I. The money l» elver* yeid beak in BOLD vheneirer it i. oelled for, end vilbout notioe, . t ’ 4. Hont)riirHeimfienk»eid<rf,44*iMi(nMrii (hutrdUuu, end other Trades*, In inne at smell ntu, lonmetoelony or .hortteriod. . : S. The'money reoeired from EepaettoTOisinTaetedii ■eel Eetate. Korteefce, Braand Kent*, end other fir.t elee* eeaaritiee. ■ . t, OfleeoteneTCrrdnr—'WALNUT Street.Knthveel •rmer Third *treet.PeileSs;»Ms let! SiuiuKDXß Fim-Proop Safm.—A very large aaeortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at rea ee«*b!* grids, Mo. SM GHKBTJCXIX Bt* FhitodetoM*. • . ' - - , wmm » wtTunit JHABBIED. , COWPERTRWAAT—WUNDB&.—On the7th inst, by .the Rev. Joseph H.;Kennard« Alfred 0. Cowperth* wait, to MmSaj vh_Ann Wander* ail of tbit city. 1 • tha 37th met* bv the lev. T»r O'Hara, of St. Patrick's Church, jv r. Hear? i. Andrews to Mitt M. K. O'Hara, bpthof PhiladeL '’DR nOBBEEK»-J'AEQBR.-On the 7th rerttml, hr lev. O.A.wenge), llr. ,opear deVobbeltr and Mis* hdonlaM. Jaeger, both of this cits DIED. '. Hie ra auvcaand friends are Invited tnattandhis iti nera! from the rttidence of fait son-in-law. No. S2l : ipaUi Eighteenth sirret. on Frd*y momma &t9o’ol<tck, Toproceedto LaurelHiliCemeterv, •** " tt e morning of the 19th met., Jane* wife of Robert MoKnUfit, . The relatives and friendaof tbe„family are rcspect rJally invited to attend the funeral from the reeldeoceof ber husband. No. 1729 Barker utreet. on Thursday after npon, list met ,at i o’clock. To proceed to Woocland Cemetery.- •* on Sunday afternoon, June 17, Mir. Theodore W. Roge- s ' faterai from hit late residence, near Markon, New JeisSy.tlmM Wednesday) afternoon, at l o'clock, ** ROkEH,—On the 17th instant* Anna Raul, daughter < John JB. and Susan 6. Borer, aged 19 month* and 20 from the resident# of her grandfather* DanlelPaul, No.SJ9 North". Fifth street, this(Wednes day { afternoon, the SOIh instant, at 3 o'oKck, without further notfae. t ** COHNBaU.—On the 9th instant, at Sprinsfield, Illi formerly of thin city. * DOWNING,—On the IBth instant, Benjamin C, Down* tpc* a&ed 4* yearn. Funeral from the residence of his sister* No, 726 South Eighth street*this (Wednesday; afternoon,at DICKSON.—On the 17th instant, Mrs. Attn Diokson, relict of the late Win. Dickson, m the 46th year of her age. Funeral from h«f Jafa. residence, Nev Second street anty Fisher's Lane* this (Wednesday) afttrnaeni # at ' sVaNß.—June JBtb, Elisabeth* daughter of the tote Robert T. Evan*. _>aner*) ftoio the residence ol her brother-in-law, W, H. Knifbtl bo- Is9 North Ninth street, at 10 o’clock, Ai_M..oaTfaursdßTeS>tiinst , \ , „ ** , JpRK.NO-On thelfih inpt.,Christopher L.Frcno, in **>nn#ral%nm the residence of hit mother*No. 118 Spruce street, ihfaU Wednesday) afternoon, 8 GHKGAN.—On the 18th instant, George Ghegsn.in the Bfth year of Ms age. , Funeral from bis lets residence, Wilimrospn street, below Mqjamennog avenue, aed below Morris street, on Thar Fa ay afternoon. atSo'otook, < * HINIiM N.—On the 18thinstant, Stewart Hindman, Sr., in the 79th year of his use. - .Funeral .from the-residence of bfa son. Stewart Hindman, Jr, No, IM7 North Second street, sols (Wed’ Beeday > morning, fiO'h ioat., at 10 n'olook. * . KKNNy,—On thelSm luitant, Joseph Kenny, in the 47th year of his age, after a long and painful illness. , Funeral from his tote residence. No. 1624 Lombard afreet, on Sunday morning next, 84 h intt.j^at-9 ° On the 38th init., Wm. Meynes.io the mh year of liis age. A native of county Tyrone, Ire- from the residence of Mr., J. Dougherty, No. 1848 Germantown road, this (Wednesday) morning, nt lOo’olofilr. * PEACOCK.-On the 38th, Inst., Sarah Feaoook.aged, 1# years l month and 9 da\s, ~ •„ * ' Funeral flrom' toe residence of her parents. No. IfiJO .North ifeeona street* above JeKerton,, this (Wednes* to* 4 ” Wm- Hennr, son of MuLfard and end grandson of Mrs* Ma ria miller. a*edi7aa»». • '/ „ ftßm the residence of big grandmother, No. 937 Swanson street* mlow Cnrictisn, this! Wednesday) ? the 18th inst., of scarlet fever* John Ims, eon of James and Jana Wallsos, aged % years and tesldenee of his parents. No. 457 street, this (Weduegday) morning, atB a clock, CUMMER MOURNING GOODS. *3. Bbwk Bv« •> »nj! Or»»e Msfcti, V, M> T-4, Mil ->>»*««, a»w»e».Bamiii*r - , SaroMliMh tifeiUir Cr*»« Ch»lli.7T»m»rHneii■ Tsmmttww. *m Moiu|«Jlii»d» Lstn««, l»wn», Gmilnini, OrMnJiM. Silks, Ppul»rd«, ; ;, QaUirtjiM, Fmw, Bumowr OIot«« »»4 f feVv* *': ! -‘Vt sn; ’ THE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1880. IV«B'' : cuCrch consecration.-by Mi fawnre dounty, to the service of Almtgntr God; on THURSDAY next) the 3tot* at 11 o’clock mertoian. The Rightßoy. Alfred Lee,D. D. t IfoJfT*, amlat in, ihe- consecration, and the Rep, A., H. Vinton, D. D vwtU praaoh the consecration sermon. The train whioU teayes Eighteenth and Market at 10.40 A. M, Wiltiroaoh Media in time, and there are two return .tram* in the afternoon, The friends of in® .Choroh a,, odrdiall,^ IVS» NOTICE.—THE OFFICE OF TH* ILJ CONNECTICUT MINING COMPANY )..t No. 113 South FOURTH Street, eeeond Soor. : , It* H. B. K, KLI.IOIT, Anietant Secretary. NOTICE .-A MEETING OF THE llj STOCKHOLiDERSOP-THK PHILADBLPHTA AND BALTIMORB CENTRAL RAILROAD Will b. held aVON'DALE, on SATURDAY, th. 90th intb, at i o*olnok P. M.. to tab. into oonaid.ration th. praaant fioanoiat condition of the Company, and to adopt suen. measuree as they may deera.jttdiofons.to secure the prosecution of tha work extending the Railroad towards, Baltimore, and the sucoessfut working nf the rdad. . ja!6 fttr ROUT. HODGSON, BeoreUry. PXp"". T sm.^rthmV«^s'A^ LWrTfO railroad COMPANY will bw held On TRUKSDAY. June 39, 1960. lietween the hours o? JO A, M. andJP. M., at the offioe of the oompanv, Cooper s, Point,Camden, New Jersey, to elect Dimtorioisaid oompanr to serve for th* » * - je9-tjeSB ROBERT FRA2EH, Seo, JgA.THINQ DRESSES. THOS. W. EVANS & Co. NORWICH POPLINS, SOLID COLORS, SUITABLE FOR BATHING DRESSES, , „ No*. 818 and 830 CHESTNUT Street. JO3O St Reduced to 20 oxs. per ounce. CHINCHILLA KNITTING ZEPHYRS, VOITI.KU da. do. SHADED do. do. In dou'i'., ilnglo, or*plit, REDUCED TO 20 CENTS PER OUNCE, From the Uitl-1 pride o! 25 oentii. All th. NLW COLURa IN KMTTING ZEPHYRS, at2ooenla rarounne. A new lot of BERLIN ZEPHYRS, 15 cent, per ounce. trimm. g n^, at reduc » s ALB °- in oor laces, ribb h air nets. *O. . J. G. MAXWELL k SON, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Establishment* , . CHESTNUT and ELEVENTH Streets. JeSO w 8 tu 8t Gauze summer blankets.—a thin. soft, and delightful article for the eeaeoa. Also, Unshrinkable, Jlomestio* and Game Summer van Harlingen * ah- RISQN, 1009 CHESTNUT Street. n* Lacb mantHjLab* POINTS, AND BOURNOUS, From Auotion, oheaper than ever. La •» Points at $B, worth 88. Laoe Points at $6. worth 99. J.aee Points at SO 80, worth #lO. Laoe Points at #3 worth SIS. Laoe Mantillas at 90,w rih SO Lace Mnutilias at 98. worth 912 80. t ace Mantillas at #ll. worth #lB. Laoe Bournousat #9. woith 9)2. Lace Houmous at #lO, worth 814. • Laoe Bournoue at 9ir, worth #l6, ALSO, SOLID SILK MANTILLAS, BAREGE AND CHALLY SUMMER CLOAKS, • MOURNING MANTILLAS, TRAVELLING CLOAKS, nmlth.new«tyl» - ARAB BOURNOUS, Made In .rar.tr of ranter).)*, rolled lotli. seawra.l 30 to *0 per cant, below euetom.ry prion, st th. PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, TOB CHESTNUT STREET. , J. W. PKOCTOK SB Go. Je)3 3t a. r b orxon. 1004 CHESTNUT 3TRKBT, above Tenth, (06 BOOTH SECOND ETREET, below Spins., Ha* ju»t received a COLORED TARRETANS. For covering 4 GLASSES, FRAMES, &c., &c., je!9 tfl 13 CENTS PER YARD TO 87 CENTS. TSfAR IN SIOILt—WAR IN SICILY,— wMo--W ™ w ' or „ See ILLU3TRATKD Hnpelmnent of 'THE iu& J PillA DALLY INQUIRER, issued THIS MjlßrliJ'iU . THjK INUUIRER in PRINTED ON WINRsWIHTB FAPKR. CLEAR. 1/ARGE, NSW TV'PE. THB INQUIRER* Double gheet, with frequent Fug ntemeote.ia served at a very EARLY HOUH KVBffY hl?riMl£?h L . V cfe. rS * « OHin. 181 South THIRD Ktteet, below CHESTNUT. WIR IN SICILY—WAR IN SICILY— THE .LIPEOP GARIBALDI. VIEW OF S OILY, AND OTHER FINE ENGBA TH>? INQUIRER* Double Sheet, with IfMCrnt Sniv rileruents, ta served at a vonrßA*<LY HOUR EVERY MORNING, at TWKLVB CENTS a Week, byoireful Camera, payable to the Carrier. 'Head yonr rntmeand have the ORBT PHILADELPHIA DAILY served nt YOUR HOUBR Office I*l Bouth THIRD Street, bolow CHESTNUT. TMPORTANT DOCUMENT! import ant DOCUMENT!—THE FULL HEPOR P of Hi* Hand«ora*-)T fltaßtraw. Price TWO CENTS. For by all News A Bants Berved hr Carriers at an w|r "our every morn n« for TWELVE OVNTB A WEfK *and ?onr name and address tnOFFICB. 121 Bn"th JHi HD Street,aid iet the best PHILADKL PBIA DAILY. ~ it IMPORTANT DOOOMBNT! IMPORT* M. ANT DO^URfFNT!—THE FULL REPORT of MAJORITY OF TEE COVODE INVESTIGA TING COMMI V TEE. Alio, Ihe Minority,, heport is published id fa!] in »Hk pHlt.AflfcLPflfA INQUI- K.KR of TEJB MOHNING. Triple Sheet, with Sicilian ►uoplemeut. Handsomely Illustrated. Price TWO OHNTB. For sale l>v all ftewaAseate. Serv'd hr Car. net* at an earlr hour «yer> morula* for TWELVE GfciWii/.lK.fc'liK*. Pend roor name and address to lai Srmih XHIRD Street, and get the taut PHILADBtPH‘A DAILY, It TMPORTANT DOrUMBNT! IMPORT JL ANT.DOCUMENT ‘-THE FULL REPORT of the MAJORTTV fF THE COVO Hi INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. Alto the Minority Report, it'published MORNING. Triple Sheet, with Bioiban Supplement. Handsomely Illustrated. Price TWO CENTS. 'Tor Sale by all News Agents. Served br Camera at an early hour every morning for TWELVE CENTS A WK fc-K. IMpel your name and address to OFFICE. 121 Sooth THIRD Street, and get the beat PHILADEL PHIA DaTLY. it, nnHE L'ST OP VESSELS IN THE PORT JUrIS. rBpA r,l? y’9 lA f ? r FOREIGN and DO MKETIC FORTS, and »lajs of sail, corseted daily, is puWisfh^^.ln thef ffILADu LPtMA INOUIREx. TSPWSoik&VXff* fVafirWHBB. .« Offir. I*l Foath THIRD Street. jtto at FflHB LIST OP VESSELS IN THE PORT * nr PHILADELPHIA far FOREIGN and DO MESTIC PtR IP. flnir navial wwt. oorr-oted datty. i, piiMi.h-dialli. P'UI.ADKI.PHIA INMUIRKR. „y.,. c , A R ” 1 K ,tw everywhere, m TWfii.VK CKN’S » wn.k- Clffloolßl U ntil THUD Etroot. Jejl-St TIB LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT of PRIIADKLPHIA f..r FOREIGN ami DO MES' 1C PUBTd.ftmi tlaysof .ail.florrnntod duly, is puhiflifd inlhsPOi.ADl'I.PoIA INOUIRER. EVERYWHERE, at TWB'-VK CKNT.S a wo.k OUlca 13. I'nnlli THIRD Ptroot. left) 3t Proposals p m ooal and wood. MINT OF THE UNITED ATATKB.I _ , Philadelphia. June3b 1830. <. FropoMTs rnrPupplyt„ K the .Mint of the United Stn-a .f*th Coal and Wood from the latof Jalr proximo OKO.) tciSOth of June next'lSCl.iwilMie received by the un derstated until 19 o clock M of 3tth mat. /I he Coal nmst be of »he beat Anihraoite Lehigh, of L h ® „ e *F .. ami Mid entirely free from welsh «!no pounds 5 *- r lore,gn sutatances; eaeh ton to anlt h « e pruc?if?e be dry Bnd ofUw bo9t quality ofliiokory *i2!!!b .Sf'r? "I? 1 ! 1 h ® do L , yf r ®d at tha Mint, at such time* and m sflo|i quantities as may he required, free frosni.catting or other charges.and subjoot to the In spection and approvnt of the Uireotor of the Mint. Proposals may be imde for each a.tlcle separately, and are to ta endorsed •* Proposals for Coal ” *• Hropo sale for Wood.’* JAMhS ROS 9 SNOWDEN v ji2o-dt23 Dirtotor of the Mint. rjOX’S SPARKLING GELAT.NE, by the >/ frogfjdosjfln.tiralnff'epflokftEe. 1 ' ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, . . noaer In fine Groceries, JpgJ Cornor RLF.VKNTII and VINE Btrosts. TUBBB ARB NO PiC'MJRRS IN THE p'ty, fiilh«r Pholomphs or Ambrotypes. better than Those taken at HKffttbß’B Gallery, SECOND st. above Green. Everything in this establishment is com plete. - it* damaged pianos, melo- Is • f IMeons, Guitars, Violins. Bass Vi«ls. Poobls Ba«e Ancnrdaons. Fhitbias. Ac.,from the late fire at 1103 Chestnut atreot.liaVe been repaired and all nut in good order. For aalo. at a great sacrifice, at 1102 OHhSTNUTStreet,of Agent N. tf.-MUjslo at fine oent per page, at 1118 MARKET Ht. Je2o-4t nplAß.—lso bbls. TAR, in storo and for iuflWfeiaW* A3ItHIIHNER ' & co - 16 'I7INEGAB,—3Sf) bbls. Olnrifled Cider Vi r V r.asar. 226 do White Wine Vinetar, in store and gbTfe l, Curves.' ASHßimWEß> * Cft ‘ lk CPIRITS TURPENTINE.—27SbbIs Ppts. Turpentine, in store and fi>» Mia by noWI.KY, ASHUIIRMI'.H, ir CO-No, 10 SOUTH wHARVfcIj' 1 mAP AND CANDLES.—4SO boxes Or ► 7? lean Snap. J7B boxes Oliva Soap; S7O boxes Adaman tine Gandies. 8» boxen ilydranba Candles, na.boxet The subscriber win act as 001. LECTOR and Anent for the oqllentlon of Renta apd Bille. SatiefNOtorv reference and eeounti arm he JeH fm»ftt ■ ALEXANDER STEPHENS. AV aNA OIQARS— A LARGE, IIAKD -IDOMB nnd YARIKD ASSOHTJIKHT :cop«i«- itrm. ‘ JelBlm f |~J.ARDISN ANDPAKLOR VASKS, S(m7 fJBNNWSSY BRANDI.—-70 cuka, in RETAIL DRY GOODS. INVITE ATTENTION TO AN ASSORTMENT OF. AT 80 CENTS PER YARD. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF at' fsom SUMMER RESORTS, OOTTAGH RETREAT, beautifully «n<l conveniently located'at ATLANTIC CITY, N, J; Boarder* aooolmmod&tad on reefetmahle terms* JcSO-3nt M, MoOLBES, Proprietor, rjONGRESS HALL— itTLANTIO CITY, N* J.— I Thia svaeiouiHouee, aituated at Atlanlio wHlpe'reopened with every aooommodationfor via torn on the 23th loitant* by (be aubionber. The *yi^ a »f r OQt* the beaoh H'J feet, giving a splendid view mthe (Mean, and ia near the Fishing and Sailing punt. £J®' Pwna will be spared to aeeure the oomfort ana eon venlenoe of guext*. ' Je9Q-2in ' . THOMAS O. GARRETT. STAR hotel, K*ABt.YjOPPOftTB Tnx V. B. nOXEIr, aA *; .ATLANTIOOnV. J. _ / rtnvdSAMUEL AuAMS, FftOPRIhTOII* PINNER... j ... FIFTY CENTS, iALSO, CARRIAGES TO HIKE., • ~ Orders aooommodated dn the moat reasovable ic» 3m SEA bathing, cape island, n. j— l. F i^ WARE IIOUfIK fs nov nsen for th. rogson. JAMFS MKCRAY. Pto,ri»tor. HPREMont HOUSE, On PE ISLAND, N. fete&wsiwa?™ s? iss W ) b'*®» «e line, ■hade, good room* and table, render it J??®* 1 d«*ifable place,on the ialand. Attached to the premuea are bowling aaloona and btrber ehop. jelfl lm A MERIOAN HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND^' r 7“. Mr«, M, REYNOLDS, Proprietor.- Thia favorite ?i°iv J or * th ? of visitors on MON • 2®* It ha« been fitted up in the be*t atvle, end every attention will be paid to the comfort of ite JeiB dtPepi WHITE SULPHUR AND OHALYBE ATB SPRINGS, at DOUBLING GAP, PA, Thoae Bpringe are in Curauerland county, au miles wait of JUrritburg, and are aooomible from afl the East *l?Uthern mL«B by railroad to. Harrlaburg, theeoe on the Cumloiland yuliey Railroad toNewvilie. thenoe»ight mile* aloglug* iu new and easy coaohes, to the oprlnga. . faaeengera leaving Philadelphia, Baltimore, or Wash ington, in the morning oars, arrive at tho Springs the eeme evening at 8 P, M. Thle property has changed hands, and has undergone a thorough repair} a largo buildinghae been erooted. in whioh are warm and cold Baths, anuevery arranKemen t hag been made for th 6, eiiufort and convenience el' vi* has been ereoted; horses and carriages Biiledady - 00 for rtf Term* moderate, . Forolroularaand particulars, nddreit tho proprietors, Jelfi lm KENAGA. XOSEfI, COYLE, & CO. f EBANON VALLEY HOUSE MJ LEBANON, PA. CHAS. W. KUHNLE, Proprietor, Summer boarders taken. The home ie new and com mique. with .ground* attached. Surrounding country autiful and healthy. Railroad communication with thecity twiceaday. Charge* moderate. jels lm* THE SEA-SHORE—ATLANTIC CITY. McKIBBIN'B u. 6. H > IEL. The underaigneu* propru or o! the above-named house, being how preparet to reoelve guest*, ra •peotfullv solicit* a share of the public patron age. Since last summer toere has been added to tali, hotel a tour morled wing, )40 feet in I*n«th.oon tainlng{b**ide the bed-room*,) a suite of three Parlors, forJftdles, and iwo for gentlemen; also, a reception room, wash-room, and spacious bar-room, fiowliog Saloons. Billiard Rooms, anti hot and co*d Salt w-iter Bath Koomj.havebeon constructed for the accommo dation of vintors, and the whole home will be lighted with gas. The house has been newly painted and fur* Slihed while the shaded grounds surrounding it have sen pat In oomplete order. A well m&imed pleasure Yaoht. aad au excellent Hand of Music, have been en gaged for the season. J. McKIBBIN. JeH tf ' COLUMBIA HOUSE, OAPE ISLAND— Cam Mat, New Jersey.—This .large, firtt-olass HOTHL wlij be opened* for the reception of guests, on the 18th June, i«o. The House has-been completely repaired andrefnrntahed* A new cooking ranre, ovens, steam boilers,and every modern improveme-jtadded, Kxtennve stabling attached to the premises Ail letter* ndd’esiea to the subscribers* Cape Island, N.*i.™»,,*i.lt.,rora l .i, I ««n* i . VooLMj(if JametH, Laird, late proprietor Franklin House, rhila delpbia; H. B, Woolman. formerly proprietor Mount Vernon Hotel, Cape island. jeU dSm HALL, OAPE ISLAND, .VCAPE MAY, N. J.—This well-known, first-olass Hotel will oe opened for the reception of guest* on SA TURDAY, thel6thlnst The Bowlin* Alleys have been removed, and new s’etetng rooms added, etnee last season. JeU-gw WEST * THOMPSON, Proprietors. ttURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. This spsoious Hotel* posseerngthe moat advanta geous location at Atlantic City, having been recently •started, wilt be opened for the approaching season on the 9 h instant. new wing throe stories high and W feet in length, w|| verandah surrounding it, has been added, contain ing%» large and airy roomv. and extending to within oO •arus of the ocean* a fine, prospeotof whioh is afforded Trom almost every room in the house. . Gas is being introduced into the budding, additional both booses w il be erected* and numerous other im provements made, it being the-aim of the proprietor to make the fcU:»F HOUBK one nf the moat attractive plaoee ofwummer resort near Pniladetphia. . The table will besuppiedlnthemort lilieral manner* and ell possible care will be exercised m the general ar nuiieKenta of the hnnse with a view to the comfort aM convenience ofgue»ts. j .... Tee Hathing at Atlantic is nn*dr«assed. and the pure, dry atmosphere nai proved to be psrUoulaily benefioial •Parties wishing to engakerooros wIH please addrees the sabconber at the Barf House, or at the Ashland Jioese, Arch street, Philadelphia. „ M . jsemwf-fm n. g. BENBON. UNITED SPATEB HOTEL, LONG BRANCH* N. J. —Tho tutaonber takes this method of informing bis mends and the public, that on aad sfterJUftE nth his nonse will be open for the re* ecption of guest*,'when every effort wilt be made to please those who may favor him. The house is piea •antly si lusted on a fine bluff, with lawn in front. A fall view of the ocean, good roads, stabling, A 0., make it as attractive as any house in the cod&try. The com munication is accessible by two dally lines from foot of Walnat-street wharf, vis.rd A. M.,and)P. M. jEftreno.-Orrodr. W "*k £ Jsf-ym ■ . Proprietor, RUMMER BOARDING.—OLD SAND RPRING near county. Pa. The lac*f Andoommodjoas.ROTE u aND BOarD fttGHUUSK,.at this delightfnl Hummer Retreat, is and will be opened for Boarders on the ■ twice daily, from. Philadelphia •ad by the. Reading and Lebanon Valley Sirßearders received by the week or through the W l*»lm° o r<MOG ifoiiirSLAJNDEKBACH. Proprietor. The- favorite resort for those Who appreciate Grand Scenery, Pure Mountain Air, Invigorating Baths, Large and well-ventilated Rooms, Good Society, and a Good Table. OAKLIBLE Cumberiand 00.. Pa, Aes9fft*Hodatums/or 300, , Jer-Sm' - . FoVparticulars send for Cirou liaNDENtlt. ft, YISSOHER, • , Carlisle Spring* Pa. DEDFORD SPRINGS.—This well-known and keptopentlUthelstof October. The Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whose expenenoe, courteous manners, and attention to, his guests* give the amplest assuranoe ol comfort and kind treatment. „ , Parties .wishing rooms, or any information in regard to the place, wiU address the subscriber, JNO. P. HEKIL Seo’jr.and Treasurer, myfiMm Bedford Mineral Springs Go. E*PHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, AM Idtutaiur Coootr. P.nn*>lvroi>—Thi. «*t»b lt*ltraenc will b. opan w th* )Itii of Jana. The ad viituu of this beautiful ;«»ort aro t Mountain loenery. pura»ir,.nd *oft watar t.rarj variety of bath*, and aoua.ni.*!*; a rood .took of Uverv iiorie*. nnd oar- M.'iffiEH S. Post Omos. Lancaster Counts. Pa. miBo-lm POLITICAL. Q.RAND OPENING- PEOPLE'S STATE HEADQUARTERS READING ROOM. THE FRIENDS OP LINCOLN. HAMLIN. CURTIN MT At* Invited to be present at the Peopte'a State Headquarters* to assist in inaugurating the Common wealth Building as the Headquarters of tun People for the COMING CAMPAIGN. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 20tn, 1960, AT eight o’clock. COME, ALL FRIENDS OF HONEST OLD ABE; MT Come* all hard-fisted Workingmen; come, friends of Free Labor and Protcotion ; coma from your Workshops \ come from yoar Looms; oome from your Stores: oome from tbar Fiolds; come from your Homes, and listen to the eloquence of the FOLLOWING SPEAKERS, Who w»H%e present to assist at the Dedication of the Hall: Hon. ISAAC HAZLEHURBF, Hon. HENRY D. MOORE, * Hon. WILLI K.M D. KBi-LEY, Colonel PHI LI P 8. WHiTK, SAMUEL C. R V A. Fsq.. - 'GEORGE A. COFFKV, Esq., ' LEMUEL O. REEVES, Esq., JOHN M. DUtTON, Era , JOHN M. BUTLER. Fsa., JOHN D. WATSON, Esq., J, F. TRENCHARD, M. D. By order of the STATE COMMITTEE. joIO 2t gSA BATHING. ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY. 2« HOURS FROM PHILADELPHIA. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 6,000 VISITORS. ATLANTIC CITY is now aonoedod to be one of the most delightful Sea-ilde resorts in the World. Its bath ing is unsurpassed; its beautiful unhioken bearhinine miles iolenglhHsnnrqualiedbyanyon the Continent, nave that of Galveston; its air is remarkable for its dryness; It* sailing and fishing faoilities are perfeot; its hotels are well furnished, and as well kept as those of Newport or Saratoga; while its avenues and walks are oleanbr and.broader than those of any other Sea bathing place in the country. Trains of the CAMDttN AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD ioave VINE-STREET WHARF, Philadelphia, daily(Sundaysexeepted)flt7BoA‘ M.aud4P.M. turning—reaoh Philadelphia at 9 A. M. and MOP. M* Fare 81.60. Round trip tickets, good for threo days, 31 CO. Distance CO mitesi A telegraph extends the whole length of the toad. ; ' ~ jeM-tf , MANNA—SmaII Leake,- for sale by W& Im A BROTHER, 4T and 4ft PRIME NEW BX7 JOHNS ALEWIVgS; TAVA COFFEE.—l,ooo_pooketg prim, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. AMERICAN WATCHES, tIADB BY THB THE AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, AT WALTHAM, MASS. TO THE PUBLIC. Attention is invited to the following statement of facts in regard to thye watches, and some considerations why they should be preferred to those of foreign manu facture : Thoir sale has been constantly on the inorease aver ■inoethe business waa commenced; thus proving that they have grown into popular favor through their in trinsie merits, As an evidenoe of the extent to whioh they have received the endorsement of’the pnblio, we may state, that upwards of Thirty Thousand of them are now in daily use in the United States, giving perfeot satisfaction to their owners. This result has been effected in the teeth of the moet determined and violent opposition from the greater part of those in the ’Watoh Importing Trade in the large ol . t *“' w I bo systematically used all their influence with their ctutomers to disoourage their dealing in an Article which threatened, by its superiority, to displace the foreign watch to a great extent. Many of the Jew ellers and watchmakers of the large propor tion of them foreigners, seconded the efforts of ihe Watoh Importers, being persuaded by their counsels and misled by a contracted and imperfeot view of their own interests; by the fear of lose on ihsir stock of im ported watches, and the apprehension that their profits might be diminished through competition in » well known domestic artiole, with other groundless preju dices arising from a superficial inquiry into thesutyeot Notwithstanding this, however, the watches have stead ily gained m the estimation of the people, the retailers have been constrained to keep them to supply the de mand, ardby degrees, we are happy to add, their pre judices and alarms are being dissipated. Oar present system of making the different parts of each watch the exact counterpart of every other watch of the same series, leads to a uniformity in quality whioh can never be attained by the foreign process. If one ol our watches is good, all are good; whereas each foreign watch is only a probability by itself, depending upon the skill and fidelity of tho-particular workman who may happen to he employed upon it. In addition to these primary conditions of BUCQeee, every watoh issued by tho uonipan is made of the roost choice and enduring materials, oarefuUy finished by the various prooeases to whioh they are tubjeoied, and then put together, in spected and severely tested by the best workmen in the faotory. Suoh hue been the oare with which there va rious duties have beon performed, that out of the large cumber of watohp* sold, pot more than a doseo or two have been returned to the Company for exchange, from any cause whatever. Every watch is guarantied by a guaranty that i* good for something, and by parties that can be readily reached. Foreign watches, of the mostinferior descrip tion. are often/uUp guarantied bv their makers, whom it is impossible to call to oooount under any circum stances. American watches oome to the consumer unburdened bY the various expenses and profits incident to Impor tation—the total of whioh, including custom-house du ties, more than double the prime cost of the watoh be fore it gets to the pooketof the ultimate owner. 'This consideration of itself should decide the question in our favor, Every dollar diverted from the purchase of foreign watches is so muoh saved to the country; so muoh en couragement to home industry, and so muoh added to the public wealth. We do not aska preference on these grounds, if our watches are not tiller, for the money, than the foreign, 1 To conclude—we olsim that our watches are the best and most durable time-keepers in the world, besides be ing the oheapeat; and we assert thataaeriosofwatohet was never mad* that would showso little average va riation from true time as those we have issued. In in dividual mfltancep their performance has been unsur passed by am thing recorded in the history of horology. A descriptive pamphlet, containing full information and numerous certificates from we i-known individuals, may bo had on application to the undersigned. 0 AUTION.-Aa our watch is now extensively coun terfeited by foreign manufacturers, we have to inform the public that no watch is of our production which is unaccompanied by a certificate of genuiness. bearing the numberof the watoh, and signal by our Treasurer, A E. ROBBINS, or by our predecessors, APPLETON, TRACY, A CO. As those watches are for sale by Jewellers generally throughout the Union, we do not solicit orders for single watches. . I (.HjIIPS* . For the American Watoh Company. ROBBINS i APPLETON, Wholesale Agents, No. 102 BROADWAY, N. Y. mjSOwfitif GETS OP JEWELRY, .. nfrhe Newest and MOST ELEOANi'STYLES. , , ladies'watches, Ju»t reoeirad, _ . THOMAS 0. OAHRETT. jeIMS9 Tla CHESTNUT street. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. PRU I T JAE 81 4 FRUIT JARS. FRUIT JARS. FRUIT JARS. THE BEST FRUIT JARS. THE BEST FRUIT JARS. THE VERY BE3T FRUIT JARS. THE VERY BEST FRUIT JARS. THE FRUIT JARS! WRIGHT, SMITH, & GO.. No. H NORTH FIFTH STREET, Offer to the trade the beat bruit Jera out. Cali and aea their qualities teated by experimenta. leU Ujl {^ACTION— FRBSH FRUIT JARS.—The public are cautioned against the various imitations or HARIELL’B PATENT ALL-GLASS AIR-T GHT JARS, now in market. The genuine have Harteli’s name ou the cover* Manufacturers n«dgr the patent. HARTKLL A LETCHWOkTH. jel3-lmif* No. 13 North FIPTH street POISON— FRESH FRUIT JARS.—The aoid of fruit always corrodes the surface of metal; be careful, therefore, to purchase Jars of olaes and Covers of Glass. KARTELL’S PATENT AIR TIGHT ALL GLatS JARS are admitted!q be the only r.Hab l ,and P .rg i , ifT ..f.^Hn jl¥ ,. HVoßTn Jol3-lrisif* Manufacturers, No. 13 N, FIFIH street. BO NOT GO fNTO THE COUNTRY without purchasing HARTELL’S ALL-GLAHB. PATENT AUC-TIUHT JARS.-Miss Nioholtoo’scele br ted cook book, with, full directions for putting up Irolts, Ao,. together with 609 other useful receipts, fiEisirjaHKiiiP'j A r R t. AKBLl ’ s pai ' ju{t Ath - HARTELU t LKTCHWOHTH. JeU lmifr Worth FIFTH Street. CLOTIfING. H. ELDBIDGE. ••CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE,” H, B. Corns, EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Btt. KT Caitomar Work mad. at abort ootio., mhSl-Sm-if MEDICINAL. pROP. MORRIS’ EUOEPHALOS, HmSi »BIS{K fiDKESSOB EPHALOS, fiUBJ/Sm8I: iB WWal}:l an INVAL a remedy, EXTERNAL RKMEOY, EXTERNAL REMEDY. ?f!5 8F ?Si FOR dlseases OF ™ V;rvous b NERVOUS BYBTEV NERVOUS SYSTEM to the researches of Litnrcture, thei concerns of Commeroml and Financial Oiismeis, and fee affairs of Frotesrioual and Pohtioal Life, or as occasioned by Any other cause from which the Nervous bystem hay be- Tht »m2tS« onv fl d ,e“T, l, 'th,. valuable Preparation AND DKPRFBBION OF THE MIND, CHRONIC * ‘ N E « KBS;” NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS HEADACH.B Eto.,Etc. , The EUCEPMALO9 is oarefully urepared, hr jper mtssmn, from the Formula or PROF. w.MORRrfh M. D .of tfjisoity, to whioh he refers m his Philosophical Pamphlet. **PBUKIKUB.‘ , On the relations of the Gangiio-Nervous System to the immaterial soul of man. Having exhibited the principles and commended the BYstmn of Composite Homoeopaths, Professor M. says: •Mt may be permissible that I should oner, as an il lustration, my ownoase. A contiuous course of stu dies for a number of years had. to a certain extent, produced the ordinary effeots of extreme-mental ap plication-by attenuating the prime centres of orramo and intellectual life, ana hence arose a felt necessity ol personal relief. Having a well-founded confidence in Composite Horomopathy and an intimate acquaintance with Materia Meara ol the Homceopathio Sohool. I selected certain substances of ascertained harmonious relations and approved uses, and combined their essen tial properties in proportional unity, and was gladdened bv the possession of a medicinal resource. Professor Morris describes the inode of application, and then adds: “In this way the desired relief has been ob tained, the nutritive system invigorated, thosangno nervous system restored to its former tone, and mental dearness, tranquillity, and vigor—at the age of nearly three soore-are the much valued results-” Prepared, and eold WHOJjEJJaLK, by MOOKRIDGB fc COT, No. #9 North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, and at RETAIL by Druggists generally. Pnoe, f 1 per bottle, large sise-80 cents 1 nmny l For the INRTANT RELIEF and PER AMIIIAt MANENT CURE of this distressing Com- plaint, use FENDT»S BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Mid. by 0. B. SEYMOUR fc CO., 10T NASSAU Street, New York. Frio. SI per box; not free bypo.t my7-.m ItJ FOR SAUK AT ALL DRUGGIST*.. PROVISION S. -4,00 P pieces City smoked Western Cured Shoulders. 1 2jWO tieroee Olt, Smoked Western Cored Ham.. 20tioroos Gardner, Phi,pi, Sc Go.’t •xtr.Sue'r Cured Dauited Hams. . 100 bble. extra Heavy Fork, Fo,.ai. Vet - I ’’lftlMHSASit ! AZUMEA I AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEAI AZUMEA! AZUMKA! PROP. MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKING POWDER. ' Manalactured nlely 'at No. 8B North FOURTH Stmt, and fnr sale lit Grooere renerelly. mrX3 Sraif ' Burning fluid, alcohol, and OaMPHENE. in barnli apd half barr.le.mnu- ARIL LEMON—Grttss, - for s»l« by WE- WANTS. 521 NORTHSL, between o,<ra **rfiOTM«eii uSm5 s T^ANTED —A situation, hy a yoane h ; * S*L r i e 3. man. in any mercantile bu*in«M where himself generally useful; ie a roodcoi* JIPJi NooMeetionto. an*kindof to. slnets that is honorable, dsn give the best of reft. *8, c «woity and integrity, and security ,if Please sodress •• COLLECTOR," at this JeW 4t» AN EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER, Jr"*" °* y«iP*V'ex»erience u Cachicr. Book a «« ■• HALL,” »1 tt« office of fto «t» Y\TANTED—A situation, by ,an expe- —One or two experienced Vha «nn ’ Q a Boot and Shoe’ Warehoues, trlir?i* M 5 riri JL t i» C D 6 .pood JerMr and Pennsylvania tradg. Address Box 1408, Ptnladeleiiia F. U. Jel« 6t* A Situation, by s man, , ineA ft. hnrinr.A. T f? £ss* of »f#. of eXteneiv# eXPCri- Of •» «m»a. ,I» nn lumlebSr SiSUSS?i|2Si’' away.? lll b * * M * , . t * j ' FOR SALE AND TO LET. m desirable country plage, o.f Norrutown; * .emi lor.o .ton. USS^-nta,'«;»•, bam, carrier. home, Jam larden, r, tr o * or . **!•• or exchange for rood car rented, saw Particulars, 616 North BIQBTH Street, shove QRBKN. jelOwfmßt* —A very desirable three lmDrSv.m.n w !« 1 1E ?;„? 1 J h back building* and modern - rjiig Bjj STOKE TO LET—The Four-storied S l,?i? o hl No. 305 North FRONT Street, above A,tlr - to Dr ;^£y BENT IOR THE SUMMER—The room, of a larte liouia: Parlor, wliS* room, kttohen. four obsmbere, and bath-room ramute,* wait of the Tiora Hatton onto. onWrFo SHgC’gd-^' or ‘ Mseu Mr *' M - m FOR SALE—a desirable .COUNTSY imn™™m* CE. withi about ten aorec of Land, and improvamon’B,near the Brandywine, six rnilee sooth of ” re A t rtssf? tor,Deartilfr^altinioroCeDtral Railroad/ . AQttfflU l W i.aitu . 1° Mbim* Parltev lie, Chester county, fes. LiOR SAI E.—A .stock of Hardware and R,or. H^S2 y .5 oo i'K ■r ho Good will and Flat™, of a Store opia. a Hood bn.meat; terms esar. the .resent owner hiving determined to olote, for the porJo»« of removing from the oitr. Addreu J. J. 1..,at thieoffiee, with nam* and reference. Jew st* fTANDSOME PARLOR AND BED -RX ROOM? to let, with Board. Gentlemen Furnish ed with meah. No. ofo SPRUCE Street. leS-St* m A FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET,IN .®MMANTOWN. near the depot Applr im -10 °» X WUIRUELD, tto3 South SIXtR Street. _ jua-at T-> RENT—A Second-story Room, 35 feet br *0 feet, with etearn power. lighted on font iiaea and he ated .br steam, with natahw&y. Sco. Apslr to, pav. t CO., Jen 7t nag and 3U9 OH KR BY Strait. VALUABLE LOT FOB'SALE.—A Lot, !M feet by 100. having three front*, located in the rontbwesternpartof the oity, in the midst or a rapidly improving neighborhood, ib offered for sate on reaeona bleterme For partiouiareapplyatthie Office. Jcia-Ut* &FOR SALE OK BENT—New Stone Msnatoa, Barn, fto.with extensive accommoda tions nndthirteen acres of land, on Cheiton Hills. In quire at No. 8 North THIRD Street jett-Ut* m TO CAPITALISTS.—FOR SALE— MiThe Machine™, Stock, and Fixture* of a lane Manufactory .of PAPER HANGINGS, replete rmh averyoonvauejnoe for carrying on an extensive ban ner* A desirable investment to persona of energy who can push the bniinen. For sale with or without the building. Inquire at3M ORESTNfJTStrcet- Ja&efmtf if BART. MONTQO BARRY. A CO, FOR SALE OR TO LET—A Double Stone (attsge. Germantown, sitnata on Dewey’e laa*, second house from Thorp’s lane, five mlnetes wife from railroad station. Contains alOks modem conveniences. Apply to F. R. WILSON, ]o6-)m 603 CHESTNUT Street. IFOR SALE —ad DESIKABIE FARM, "■ containing 112 ACRE’S OF LAND., situate in Rad nor township, Delaware oountr, UK miles from Phila delphia, on the old i*neaater Road, eboatone mile from Morgan’* Corner, and Eagle stations on the Pennsylva nia Kailroad. with all necessary FARM BCILIP ING3, corivoaisntly di nded into fields with good spri-ga and running water upon it, asm«U proportion of stood land, good orchard of choice fruit, soil of the first qual ity. For a view of the eremises and farther particulars apply to THOMAS DAVIS, on the premises, or CHAB. KUGLKR, Cabinet post omoe, Montgomery oountr. t a. naySO-wfeeft* MFOB SALE, OB EXCHANGE FOB MERCHANDISE- —Two two-story brick houses and lot of ground subject to improvement. Rent for 973 per Qnnum, each. A small amount of oath, and the balance in merchandise required. Address A. S., Prtsa Office. mytt-lm BOARDING. PRIVATE BOARDING. —Gentlemen and their families, or single gentlemen, oan be accom modate <i with Board, with pleasant and handsome rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at 616 LOCUST St., south side of Washington fquare. The location, b*ing opposite to one of the handsomest parks m the city, is oen-ral, and extremely pleasant. Transient person* visiting the city can be accommodated by the day or week. Terms moderate. A basement front room, with private entrance, for rent, suitable for en office; jeli-tf Families and gentlemen wish- JNO FIRST-CLASS BOARD, with cool Room*, cannowhavechmoeet 9*5 WALNUT St. jel-liu* Wo yodNg GENTLEMEN Can be accommodated with goodf'airy apartmente, (with or without board,) in a private family. Location cen tral. Address •* TOLJUBIIXt” through Blood’s Dis patch. apH ; DIVIDENDS, pOBN EXCHANGE BANK, V PHitADM-FWiA, Hay I. lam. The Directors have THIS PAY declared a Dividend f THJLKE PER. CENT, on the Capital Stack, clear of tota Tax, and payable on dfmanq.^„„ w VI myl-tf J. W.TORRKY, Cashier EDUCATIONAL. HffSS LUOY R. MAYER and Mrs. R. J.TX Me BIRD will reopen their SCHOOL for Young Ladies at 1010 SPRUCE Btreet, on MONDAY, Sep tember 17th, 1860. jet-la, REMOVALS. I>EMOVAL.—SMALL A CHANDLER, ssmnumisat above Front, north side. tat SAYING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAYING FUND—Com -ljL pany’s Building, southeast,corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from 9 till t o’clock, and on MONDAY till* m the evening. This Old Institution has always paid in full, on demand* W “ hoUt “interest FIVE PER CENT. All sumi paid baok, on demand, in gold anusilver, , ALES?WHILLjnN, President. - BAML. WORK* vioe President. EygßSu MgBS!: ifeMßKk 'ToMJ’W' JOHN G. BIMS, Swratary. leal lm CSPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND, >3 Offioe, 331 North THIRD Stmt, between Vine andCallowhlil. incorporated firth* LwelatureApril KVEnINGS, from 6 to 8 o’clook. . .. Intarest sper cent, per annum. Depositors ca? witn drawtbeir moneys by Checks* if desired. Bpecial Da pout, received. JAMEg g rR n, QtB , [Wnn Faancis Haxt. Beoreterr. wtfif INSURANCE COMPANIES. CARD-NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON, No. 423 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. The underlined laretn inform b;« friends and the pnbilo Keneraltr, that HUGO LIBBING, Lee.,ofthte city, is now assooiateil with him in the AGENCV of this COMPANY.and the style of the firm being UKTTY & LI6BING. The patronage heretofore so hberrlly bestowed upon the undersigned js respeotfoliy solicited fotthefirm. WIiXIAM. GBTTY. NJRTUERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON. Capital. 86 233-800 Income. over.Sl.OOO OM. Losses adjusted and promptly paid without reference to London. Rates raodorato. GBTxy Agonta. 425 CHKATNUTStreet. , JeM-Ct New Huildinfi Philadelphia Hunk. milt: [MUTUAL LIFE ESSUKANUR A COMPANY OF NEW YORK. SIX MILLIONfToF DOLLARS, MTIITI9 IN VIHST MOtITSAOBS ON BXAL XSS4TS, WORTH OVER BUJBOJW./ Tka sremiams are lowbu than in many other Coape* alee* and the Dividends have been eAianm. ISLONO TO TEX IKSVEU. Phmphlete, tpd every lnforaration, m»r be had PHILADELPHIA REFE^NCES: Vhomu Robina, John Welsh, «C°om M sSSJT n ' f e.'whi "' Mi.ra, 0 j. S|fh«f L*«ata,. Joseph Patterson, TCI 1! f * John M. AtwOOd, Arthnr Coffin, Thomas H. Power., William MoKee. The. Wattenn. ng-lrif» tNAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. r ,06 CHESTNUT. Straet, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED TKE STATE OF •ONFINED TO FIRE~AND INLAND RISKS dihciobb gainue! Wright, D. B, Rnty, Wm. W. Walter., 1. W. Evennaa, Chaa, Riohardsos, Henry Lew:,, Jr., geo. A. West, Jaoob W. Stonl, 0. WihjOß Dayte, Mecko Stern. Vhos. S. Martin, n . , WILLIAMS I. BLANCHa »P. Secretary. ralk-tl r'LINTON COUNTY LIKE AND OENE- 1860. I0E! I0E! 1860. COLD BPRING ICE COMPANY. iCALi of riJni.Y prices.* g pounds daily 40 oents per week. «2 l ii «53 *• - 3. .* M % •*' ' **/ H :: g S«d yout«d.ra to th. fcanaggfe Tl/gACKEBEL, SHAD DERBING. WHITE IyJL fish AND OHEESB.-Va.to bbie M«6k.ra!. Nn. i .riP ,^“,,A ~ rsoa “s^A“uk t i' , co., For jeli’et No. iO3 ARdHBu»«t. gNIUDE TURPENTINE -r-75 bbls Spts aruskmehts. INCREASED FURME. HOOMg CROWDED. NIXON’S RQy*Ti EQjrwffiim 'TsfitTßa i Th * * T “Aft^sK^o^ A * WoiM - Jtaaa •j* s^wm,pithostadils „ w n» wPEff®™..,.,--; Th. lnmH NNA, B ** ?$ * 27thr»*. of Z<UD “? Atth.Rvfflmr , . _ SKATS BKcirSl’S. ** -!WI WITHOUT J.Blt STBEKT THEATRE. ' ~“ ; MORRIS BROTHERS, PELLR TROWBRIDSA’S the OHAMPrON TROUPB OP THE VOCln . Ji CHARIiES A. MORRIS. Annt. M°CTBRB-y qH ’ S KAOB "fas, . ’ ALL THE COMPARE. SJOLOMON’S TEMPLE. ' AUrs., bmstlfal, udirim mod.l of tn. grMd- MARKET, ABOVE STREET h. 15! aws. 1 ® OTM.nt«i bj toj Iran. an«T«i in SSSnSST tcrronndmg thevanoas eoarts, give it a hfe-lika a»- pearanoe. * Rnul lit Kivn, Kh to Bth 0h.,.; 1 Chnm.,Mthohu.; M ChmaAOth.no 7thohnpo.; nnl Exodno, Wthoh.Vfar oontMt. «id downotion or Solomon’o Toin.laTU of Which is faiehfeljy represented uttheModeL OFJSN TO' VlMTiaUfftMK 1* ti 1 JffX-ML % Ut* nog Tto 10P.M. LeotiraMil,*,udSX ohna?i"sSint "*** ! iffiti* tW , , r?^s ß .?a t B n t ;.TO PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE A" ARTS, 103 S OHfcSTNUT Strut. S “*“ “fMM.** ““»■ HtoSSSSIS? * iUwMiT * ttAlrttotoni.m. o«o.of SEWING MACHINES. w. *• UHLINGEK & CO,. HASppACTPnnao op SEWING MACHINES. Mokln, the Loop and Sh.ttlo Shtoh, TO. letter for »n kintf. of monnfootannf ,orvoK>, price Sip To. other, an from WfnpwnnSr*^* OFFICE AND SALESROOM, 628 ARCH STREET.- PHILADELPHIA ..?,-AtMACHINE BILK, SPOOL COTTON, -OIL, H*EJ)idiSi *O i constantly on heed. jaß-Sot \yHEELER A WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HMHBY coy, ACM*, ■i CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR. rrith Opemton, n oir. to Prims. Enaita. nun rams: f Wort STATR tent, Ttoan*, N. 1, . W CENTRAL StIUARK, Hwtofc Pa - ' ' ialMta WIL OO X & GIBBS’ SEiWING MA- COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. TtISSOLUTION OF PAKTNEUSHIP. ■patT^Shß*. -Tttß UNQ*B ■nrpooeof trunUctin, th« wkolw to SlMo, end RneeninrobnuiMOi M No, SOS COM MERCK St.. yOfEjSf^LSONi Juno 1, MfiJ-lm ' JOHNF. SeSheTT. HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES* PACKAGE hakdwab* house.—w« MHWHAM.HAJtBWAMI, VhMk M-flittlt .OOhii IMimn JT-iw FOR CAPE MAT.—Persons mSSilmJm about viltUni. CAPE MAY can have their Hefgagecal!»d (or, ehMkad from thair ra.i denca, and delivered nn board. the Sea-Steamen Bela- Ware.- Boston, and Kennebeo, whioh l.aeo the firat wharf below SPRUCE Btreet, daily, at Pbf o-olootA. M., bylravinc their addreu at the Offioe of GRAHAM’S BAGGAGE EXPRESS, No. 3 WALNlJrgtroet. or R. F. FA (tTHqRNK T B, Dnr«ut, THIRTEENTH and WALNUT Btreet.. . Baggage aieo delivered to the new Yorklinee. Orders oarefnlly and promptly attended to. Offioe open from 6 A. M. nnul 11P. M. jelg-ttt fmL.mutMT- THE ADAMS EXPRESS fißsßESßLoo.,offie. 390 CHESTNUT Straet, forwards Parcels, pAokiges. Baok Notes, and Specie, either by its own Lines or in connection with other Kxprets Companies, to all the principal towns and oitiee of the United Ntated. 0 B. 8. BAWDFORD, jelS-tf General gnpenntendept. CONGRESS SPRING. SARATOGA* APRIL 16,1860. An attempt has been made to deceive the publio. by persons offering what they call “ Coaoxxss WaTXE*’ from Foantains; and at the price of sis (6) oents per glaia. The vkoUsaU price of the essmw Ctongteas Wa ter, at New York, being about 7R cents per glass, the im position of pretending to sell at retail at less than cost, and iri then t allowance for freight, oartags* or breakage* is apparent; but their-probaUa.eonzsa has bean to empty ese bottle of genome Congrea Water fete a Fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christening its refsJ contents. We have eevee eold Congress Water in FoaataiaA nor m vs—sis of any other detcriptio* thaa ordinal •igedeiAss BOTTK.XS. The oork of every bottle of the genuine U branded “CONGRRBB WATER w - u C. & W.,” and any* without those words aaid letters ca the oork* is cooETZETZit* whether frbti Foaattnna or Bottles. CLARtK * WHITK, Proprietors of Congress Bprisg. The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, via: FREDERICK BROWN* cor. Fifth and Cheetnnt ate*, FREDERICK BROWN, Jr., eor. Ninth and Chestnut, OHARLRA KLLIB & Co , 7M Market street, J.O.TURNPENNY ft CJo , 941 Bpruce street. THOB.-J. HUSBAND. «J Sooth Third Street, 0. bThUBBELL. 1410 Chestnut Street, A. D. D. TAYLOR, eor. Ninth and Chestnut atreetSv Are constantly supplied by ns with the genuine ” Coe qexss Water ” m bottles, fresh from Uts CoBErtM Spring. CLARKE R. WHITE,' aprt-»mif 98 CEDAR Bt,. New York Ciry. JJALTIMOKJS CON\ r EJNTION. MANN ’fiTHOTBL AND DINING ROOMS ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Rooms with or'without Meals. Increased accommo dation during the sitting of the Convention. 3be only House of the kind oh the principal street, 124 W. BALTIMORE STREET, Nearly opposite the Sun Building. O. H. MANN.. jol6-«t PROPRIETOR. GOFFEE’S patent KNITTING MACHINES, For Plain Blooking and Fancy Knitting; Machines for Knitting growers, Shirts, &0., Rib Machines ofl and 1, S sod 1, t and 2, and S and J-Rib, .. on hand and trade to order. . „ These Maohmes use the plain Eurltsh tfprm Needle, nn a new principle, and are the cheapest and most rapid Machines for Knitting in use. _ _ , The Golfee Patent Family Knitting Machine, for F«m*lp->ON4 Plantation use. is a new and successful feature in the useibl inventions of the age* and With the Sewing Maoune. Ag.n.y »d BROADWAY,N,w York. jel-3m HENRY C, LBK> Agent TRUSSES 1 BRAOFS ! SUPPORTERS ! J. Correctly adjusted at NEEDLES*. TWELFTH and RACE Streets. Ladles entrance 152 Twelfth street, firttldoor below Rare.. Lady mtendante. French. Ertg- Esh* find American,, in great variety, Belts, Elastic Stocking, bhoeMer Braces, Bynnges«Ao §THB PHRENOLOGICAL CABINET. Estabushbd »t Fowlx*, Wxlls, A Co., Is open dev and evening, for the kale of Boon on Phrenology, Physiology, Water-Care, Ae.; “hrlVological examinations. # The importance of Phrenology m the training of the young, the selection of occupations and cqmaaaums, indin every department ofaouve life, Is ft It aad ac knowledged by all iatelhgest pereons who are aoauaiat- from daguerreotype* will be “&&£&SfflL UIS«%W L. CAPEN, ' No. 932 CHESTNUT Street, eeoond story* nh&-w Aston f- W eow WbilaAnilua. |i£j AMBLER TEES, Dentist, would HEEQXnnforra his friends and t>>e Ainmni of the Hich Sohool, that he has opened an Offioe at 1418 CHEST NUT Street. Teeth extracted without pain- jeifl at* -jtWTOF.TLE AND CLAM SOUP served TR u» em> day throughout the (Sunder e eioeeied), hj JAMES PAoSsbR, no. 808 MARKET Dinner* from U to 3 o'clock. M«S. M. S. BISHOP’S PARISIAN MmiIUNBRV ESTABLISHMENT. No. I*lo CHKBTNUT itreeti nnt door to tho St. Lan*oco Hotol. . • ' ' W>»-Sti tXHE BEST ARE CkiRAPKST.-Bay UmbrellM and £antcak of . my«U»lif t PARASOLS' AND SUH UMBRSLLA3, ia»n>rwt«tT,ehw»,«t • 1 " J.;’ nU-tiilil Mr FAIRBANKS’ PL A 1 FOBMSCAMS wszmmEgf&k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers