SpJWi-i- jfo,; «• got b* h»4.at£n<*f»a thelieVTr«4(i»*l*rol Jww.lMl. r*i>*.'. ;«• UntonCouitan,!*. 1., *P«rw^ll.OOO.~ ' ■vr.s'xl i S'Uif ‘ 5f , tUMsbli »n»*i«i*«ili*4J»no wmmmu^dmimuitt d*«*x.»n« «M«t<*it it w 'l«»rtrtU «; :rf»to*4 M MX t,Utnt Mud*tm : ud K. TMH «S»JS^;S»wSS ! --V foUMiww»iy i—rthi ;«gRS»S§^^MS? ( | iu* i«ir ooont«ma dw« on lki* b*nk- , Weiri, of u «* »uWi»htd;» Biwh MtHmUt!inl» AMMuj B**X!NtHße r*&K, o»:Uii* «UJt, -W* U*iiM iu twrtion," , _■ '. ‘ Lte-Wg^?if-jgg!«fii^.ft!Sj^^Sft*L-ft*^i. larch k Utob.; i iMM Uiira I,MO<U 3U 5T< ii’-''- tt •• ■ ‘■• ji - r»i «.4M,r.' vSl |LW 15,868 : g£&~„.. afei?.4£* m Amoant foK .. ...~^.*Jtgr<is 4»MB»lU»*«Jto*MM4«»!kl**jm...~...:..i.WW fe ; 'Emnn w* VttTSlSsi®^ VMW • £ i££ki*£sA,A ’swi-'-i *'. ’®4. <**«£ 11Pr1'0KI IlliiiP^tr IMM$* ***H*M*hS* 4 • jjffilMtot » 4>U 1 »bMt MW r&gMim ?*#*»■) }J& ■ l.’Mthfiu MftM pnm ( wbr fWbkialH *x (-. 'HtiWilKwkMHri*k- ftrAnsr " KMluont txalntfbirlud cftnd *t ()JTM it fon*r,.*ii M»mm OMtor th. Utur. . la inuil' ■ ,r::rr t "»"“*** 5* | - I 'Oa* Sa, ‘ ■ • "■' Biv*n l I*o<B»ndMd JAI44 Wof*,Bo*et. r< - Two -; On* AgH *t oT Jmaiiaiio Ckwa. ~ ‘" FiMSfiiOa»b»SA^“ r rpi^r.''V;'iy ‘ ; >•' : !-£ L :t: '- •;jSt.x«AltrAJtDDl7«All.*;—The advaht aak6ng lit pfttoPWiOßbka.Jfmtaaw kumtim* upon tha,eo*!pat** worn br dliwitat fcnttpa* Th* ntv «u,4»!«of- th* OriaatatawoqM b« V poor ptotaatlon uaiMt oa» VaktprnulowitOTiWi »«il,*b»lr atlk >ob*« andtaibroidaradpattlebaia voald not wit *» aotto* to-ahtadposaln. f'nthaottarha*d,ta<lk aiattotawl darabla tarmtnti aa'hr* nadaat th* Brava Ston* OlathiM ITnU of RtakhiU t Wllto*. Ifo*. «* *ad *M OkaiUat itiMti *bow Sixth. at* no* obl r *la»a*t, ««■ fbittbl* and rfurtbia, bat they »r* adm)f<lMy,dd»ptM t« th* olimata axd tothowantapf thh paopl* Hd lit* H». • axd paxilipi rapalrtng to th* dlfhr* ant plaoaa of mmatar raaott.lhonM net (all to taka vltli tha at Bowjik** Mxsicatio Pint, vkiaK ait a aafa. apttdr. and Mrtala akra for opativt****' habitual ooa- At) nation . dirahapiiki alhkabd narvooa. haadaoha. amt bit i ouaaSbction a aanatallt. Thar oowlatofpara AltX*. andria. aaaaat pomfeir ad with thk haat aualltf of aroma tioa, ao akilfaßjr.Watd ia thhdk a* to pianant dataatipn in takta. Prtda.WK aknta.par.box. MaattlkoUrad br (Jao. C. Bovm, .gixth and Vina *ta. tf »Br —’s Lax>— - Tnocaas."—“hat*. In no Bbown’s Laxatitb tidal of. adaokariMn ttalrooiapoalUon. Vatf meny of thoftratrphyatoiaaa wharothe Troche* ar* mißn(Ko ta r«l know Iholr-togtpdlantt, and froaly recommend them tuM. Where habiteel or aooaaional oonetlaatron eaieta, they mil lnMUblr roraoro It,, ami will In do* tin* realoNa nataral and healthyaetloß, J#tl-wfi*tt, ■ A-Omd.—A Jttii' and aqattafci* rojtanl for tbe right* of otboro, ao woll da for hie own, baa (nduoed Mr. OoanvaLE B*o*'»e, tha/.dalobfitadVfbaMonar and olothl*r;of'No. ear Cbeetout itreet, to iaaniamt* hia ■raramqrisarkina oairrire on oaobarttolaofolothtn*. obldformeaeured ror,land rvyeentinit toeaeh natron a valuable rifl—Vrulettiat will, In no olrq'ametanoe*, bo | deviated fyoin 's thtte rendeiina eaoh purehaasr a aharar In the general proftt* of thbaalabliihmeati or.in other wordti glvingtbem aetljyeribr article, jiotten,up ip the vary beatatjliiatlrsi coir than ihojr oan prooar# elee where,'tti|d. paying: them a annua for tholr crutom. The' boat of Che-artiolc proaentod lain noaraae added, to. that of the garment* hold, but i#yado**d therefrom. | •Imply eoaaißduoeiaent toeeoota 1 aye. ffothuig of'a.toaea or' neelaoa okaraoter le a iron away. ' and 1 oVery’ artipla ao'd and. praarntad gnarantdM to siveaatiafaction. Qbahvillb Hroase’e Ont-rriii Gift Clothing Smyorfvm. Jto. 907 Ciieat nutatroat.; V/!, v, Jell-tf; ARRIVALS it • THE ' PRINCIPAL ’ HOTELS, i, vr roit o’clock list shut. CONTINENTAL— fesobrocr of Ninth and Chestnut, tol J HF<»4frj;Pitt«b«nr i - Jehn£hi ptbrt ,'Pittsbu rg J TC©ebr«n,«tt»barf GW. Thomas* USA . 10rJs6obae,:AUeghenp.- Mies .»*oObu*, Allsgbeny JHHass i Is, Chsrlaston HGrinetd.Aalonto W Smith, CqnnMtlont . ■ Moln'osh, Miss OWW«w,.*>litii«S Wm WKMdhJI X/ ' -/ohnAoSen A Is, N J\ BD Hsm»tonils,N 0 .. J W Robnoo mU, MJ Mrs Chsnsr, NJ , Mivßmtln.’N J , .N P. Turner, Cslifomls JHRirni, Csliforais,. C $ Boos, New Urlrans JbAI, Pturlrsr fc to.:* Y? 1 aECpwiMi.yb'WsjHetit ' cams, I'pptitOhiosso !. fIF.PiM*. Mastthustt* OHDsmsbr. nttstars' Woiß-elson,N Y , Ws'come StillmM, RI - • Tho» ri»rk, Pa_ ; H fcw f. Ohio 1m Jsekmi^etmmt m&ik? iSftteßsfr iflawjr??* vsnWMaasr &£&s£«!** ■-Pte£nb jss'Morrcrir.il»rlest«i,SC lfmjpil'* Y .'•• -' s Sjfiwd. Boston , , WFcKHa Boston T WSosssnw. in Boston 'SH R»70owo, y 8 A ■' ftr°‘ H.Bnowden. Baltimore:. - J'TWeasworth. Riebm’d iMiss tt A Wadsworth, Va T 9 Jeekson. Richmond DZeHe.r,Ha*«f«town _ !, . f GIRARD HOUSE—Ninth sad Ukesfegnt streets, •’ \ 1 «!«?&■•. PJ&F* V ■ R J Lrifobsrts, Norrittosni Miss»jiw,«d ,v OJpumoa Js I*. Boston jjiai White. NY ... , >ii|tUor Bradley, N y 9 Preaoott, Dei - > t k ; ,/ - Miss Prescott, Dei • - j !: fpoSw-™ ; Mrs J ITMsut,TJoxiso ; 1)H Bsrtasll, W Y S W IJ.Wr.rt f ,T« M jfhos O psrcr. Nsshvills ■ ' - Is Jtfbtsson. Hartford ,-P H Nelson a IfcOau. ~ p Prut. P» ■= • 'fePlMWßfc* f * Bowler, Conn _ Oku P Femss, Conn ’B*elS Dillon. Md:.A it 5' IhlmDillon, Md IfrnP o *?/, r- BHCaarbrßait ;Wm P ,F fiteale. Mm .1 6 Msthsr, NY., - r Miss % risthsr, MY 2#-y-1 8C F#M»ad*n & wf, Me '•Lewis Webb. RujbtaumtL'. *IA Hwt & Ut, Xa A R wifJi Y - ; Tboe Berrowe, L&ucteter «fiROHAPTS’ HOTKL—FourtJi etroei, beW Areb W. j’oeßerrr*'swo . . Joha Ohio JaawSbßi"^ OL Bammj, us , , African Pinh, Y\ JWt . >^^^K^4?Ts,Sfinn TMfjuwrKMi, P* J . .WP-tßdm«os,Pla - rp S_P ■t = j‘i tfiSSrtKUb'l&D.tt Y i ataww*? ■ ,; g£&SSft& k ‘ ’tfess^a . JONJBe'HOTEL—Chwtont StrMt, »bov* Buth. - , Albeit Day, Boston Min Day, b<*iton JM -t bopK M . j FuterbaufhM.d JK RBMn«l*r L Salt- John Robbs, NY *- - AljioßipaoDatia.N J Mm /Thompson, N J . OW Tiers ft la.« Y M>M‘iier*.K Y • Alex Davis NJ Wm Johnson, NJ • James Wilson, N Y Owen Jones* NY> .. ‘ Thus Richards. N V A B J oltfoa. Lisbon,-Pa J Lisbon, Pa , ; JJWMfIUuMd 1.5*2 J CyKv.tt, V.* '.. . A Brasral, Bttlt aT.LOOisHOl'KL—Oh.«liLiit,Ueit, »b. Third. JF 8llt», H»loiMtwr,,P*' B Plant. Pfcilu mw^.pam>L..r Bd«»r A« <U»n, K> - • Wn, BP.non. Bolt KSBxZlamM' . t'.butkM irfkort tint. n,tn*o tor fatWooto m 4 «t, u 4 9a 'if 1 I rSi “ilS® Si ~..-*m»Sj .' ydOMTAW HOTKL-Beoond etreet. above Herat. JggAjiKr. MidjlUtoWtt ' Jo. Bmlth.j. fc w f. Del jlro«j??r Ed M%WSAi ; JlfMiokgrVwto • ??*! Cl»*t tt, JgnnMgOnrtmQk , Bristol < SSt y IS? £2i w, »V»* «SR« SlSpffljnSL,, ..: iJ&n'fW&f" -iMfßßsaaUirt STATES UNION HOTEL-Metketetreel, ebove SUtb. AH red. .N Milford Drlglioiur.aeeker.'Lene' rß>lo jjr, Tarrr oo O H gaoeriT, P, ' °°> e * £»»» Cramira.BeH ‘W9E»i-fe®S!w- NATIPNAk SQTKk-Bede etreetUboveTklrd. ■ ttiwl i<ram» , ,TgW[jSm», lew rjtarlralteer. Pe FFggohefeW. Ai)eelo,w*' ;M n shFrietf, •Unttowa StHB W&,.bore'Third.''. Wn ward, Jlaveasa,o. - ja«Crosier,-,Mm« maetefF • - k l k"A , lf,^« 3 *5 Em top . L Wainwrijrht & wf, Pa Cbioaio M Carter, St Louis . HRJngktingale, JEuton CO MMKROIALHOTEL—Sixth «. ehoTe Cheitnut. ■Win A ovler. f-inwoofL P* Win 1 Cheadt.r. Det WmjrjßereoMe, Wal W»;Painter.UliMierco ■-■ ■»mllli«Hrr.t»le( P* ; . . » A Huniln,, Linwood, Tv - 1 j ■ . Thoe growa, Md $ eoV' BLACK BEAR HOTEL.—ThIrJ at. above OsUowblll MBROHAOTT HOUBB-fTtuttiM.; sHTe' oaiknrltilli lttriiiUunoß. 188 ,, v Stssmshls Citr of RlehmoiSv Mitoiiall, from Blob* loPos^WSJftr i l . ® a * nl ' mdM ■lBtSMHkjslnaaaMe, Johnson,»,hours from N Totki With mSas.snn sMtaniart to 1 AlHtrSioo. Psassilof CAM MAViMer A nanimonn, Bom. meUmi anditrerai Bob* wm «eni|t. Hit«aL L itor from yntrrea.Bsl, w ma|nms; Sir WMtMMimAiMnt.ldavinrsia Indisb Blvsri . iPF^ Vim Sumbi Nor- it Corson 4 Co shift e rali'JOtßCOrißa Mid ejuirm brie peseMin tm*«i>entoon. Wma>~weether fine* Yovt, *,. c THOB. B. HUGHES. , Havana June 6, and Nmmu Ph, arrlvad at New York reatenjar* . x ‘ Mgagon, Baker, for Valparaiso, cleared at Pew • Ship CorKrland, Merrill, from Sunderland, arrived •at nrewYork reeteraar.. . •• •- . ShiPjSiMjfM^Toinand,Adams, olearsd at Pew, York , T Bhfs Sahina, Hemiee, sailed from BombarApriUPb for Pew York. * * a - ~ , , Bhip.rne.rpttM) Krvoit, from nUreaUtM, arrivad at - New York yaeturday. f flhlp JMiab Bradlav, Donbar, waa M Baker Island ltareh 15, to sail same dap lor Hampton Koade, * Ab»p*Beokliebt« Hadlep, for Liverpool, olearadat Mo bile 6[hlnat« with MM bales cotton, valued at tMO.ltt,'* • Bark Meaoo, Joeselpn, for Rio de Janeiro, oleared at Charleston 11thlasts' t itark Ohaeg,_naffle,.from Rln de,_Janeiro.for.Haltt raoro. eras off Cape tenw 4 PM Jftblwt * . • : Br*r 'SserJUlps Boa. WiswelJ, cleared at New. York yesterday for Philadelphia. ’; . t , ; Brig Wave Spirit. Oraqger, oleared it NeWrYork pea* i So hr David Feast, Moslander, from Boston, arrived at WilolnttoarNCluhinst. L _ : Bohr Robert Franklin. Speddes, ole«T6d at Balttsore pesterdtpfopPhiladeipbla. . •* ,»# t ; : ' RohrfisHaajiMr, bsooe, arrived at Halifax 6th lost, .1 ,< Bohr John Parnnoty Beal, sailed frottProvidenoe llth I ' l oohr r jeue, for Philadalphia, olsared at Halifax6tb lost: > SohrC 0 Smith, Smith, benoe, arrived at New Haven fhehr T.P Cooper* Taf lor,sailed from New Haven Utb fsteamers Bldel. and Planet, Wilson, hence, arrived at New York pesterdap. ~ . • Liverpool. Map M—The bark 0 B Trnitt. JVom New York, (fast from Cork) lost fore topmast and main top -6411*31 m««t., Twcattempts last evening failed In <eV ins off the Rmiip Gardner; thep will be resnm'’d to morrow, when the of the tfd« win be more favor able. , the Joseph, Steel, from Calcutta, lost her bow | aPJEOIAXi NOTIOEB. i Dbay Madb to EbUß.—lnstruments to assist tbs Hflstinf, in svsrj vAristf. sad of tho most snravod oounnotion. st f. MADEIRA’S Esr Instru njost Csvot. No. 1U Booth TENTH itfMt, bolow Ot|Oot .atstrssL '' ■ ■ jsA-it: ,’ Mbt ■R s ’ riiRAOULOOB Vbrhin Oil stiovzs, ths oldstt sndbnt romedv known for Bx tortnlnstu, BATS, sod MICE, COCKROACHES. 8008. ANTS,. MUtftUITOES. BLBAS, MOTHB, BRAIN WORMS,sni GARDEN INBROTB. ' BBT PfidoiMlJJeiot, 9J9 BROADWAY, N. Y. Bold by AU Drnmdsts ..rorTwhow, styld4.it • Wathr Coolers for the Million, at MoMdiMly low -prisM/st E. S. FARBON A CO,’B, Mwiufsctdry, uornsr of DOCK A FEAR Stjvsts. j«T4t ‘Saumansbr Fim-Proof Safes.' —X very larce sssortmsnt of SALAMANDERS for sal. St ras sonsbl* p7iMs.NO. MU OHHRMDTBU Fkllsdtlfbls.' soM-tf / KVANB A. WATSON. ’ bp the State of Peiujrplva la. •: RULKB, - ‘ , ‘ \ ' ,L Money is received every day, and m any amount large or small. t FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for money from riiS day it Is pntin, , .> . . ; 8, The money is always paid baok in GOLD whenever it la oailed for, and without notion. A Money is reoeivea from Ezxcutertt AdmtnUtrmlert t Qnardiantt and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. $, The money reoeived fron\ Depositors is invested is ' Real Estate, Mortgages* Ground Rents, and other first* olssa seburitiee.. S, Office open every day-WALNUTStrtet, southweal OTRST Third Street. ?hflnd*l»h{a> ' iali SiAkiy 8 Siwnro Fund—Northwrw Cfokim Bsoottirahd Wanwvr Stsssts.—iDepoaiU re oeived is smaU, jutf large assounu, from aU elewes of the oomznnhitr* and allows interest at ths rats of FIYB PER CENT,peranniou' Monsp map be drawn bp checks without kws ©f ia* terest, ~ \ n : •• : • <Mhw open fahry fawl nntllh tfelontfaMy fib dap and Batudap until nine in the eveSua* 'Prim dent,' FRANKLIN FELL t Treasarer and Seoretarp* OHAB*JLMORRIR ’ r, . ; r T . BBWWO ' SLumms. All persons who have fcoujiht Sewing Machine* which will not verfora thcworiferpectodi art informed that RiNQE&’fl Xir ofelnes never foil to do any kind ofworic* * No one Uever diaaftofptedm th#Maohi»e«of - • IlM* SINGE* * 00« N 6, OHi«TNUT fiU ati-tot ■ : . :.--y '• On Pbioi OtcwmKO op rta hxnm linui sue* In the bant nranw. nxtimalr fcf RE TAIL SALES., LOWEST mtlirif. nhoan-iuriM in Plain All loMaaidntoordarvnrrMUdantii feotorr. Om’ OltK-PRIOE arcUts la atrictlr adbartil io, imra bnlewthia to bn tto only Mr vayof daaliay MI to thombr tntud niikt,,. JONES ft co.. aaS-tf : ‘ • mt MABKET Btraxl •';V : ; MAKRIED. . - PU»WB , a--*OOE»*,-o«tlHsl|thiMtM at the Uni tarian Churoh.-byThe Rev. Dfjumm,- Horaoe How ard Faroes* and mim Helen Kstsfi daughter of Evans R SSi?i , Tf?>-BONNFR.~OnTaMdAyeftnißf,thAMii insti. etthe residence of the Wde’eWher, bj theJUv. Dr. rohlmen, Robert H« Beattie, of tmsolty, end, Elisa ,eldest daughter of Andrew Bonner, Esq., of Alban/, VAUr-fiTROUD —On the Ml* Inst,'at 8t Matthew’s * Church, Eighteenth and Girard avenue, by the Rev. J. > mien Rare, I). D.. Lewis D. Vail, Jteq., to Botta M., daughter of the Hon. Geo. Id. BtrowJ, all of tbie * EYANB—MKLLOR.—At Oak .Farm, Montgomery county, Pa., I*th iost, by Friends’ oeremony, *-sn. O. Vvana. of Philadelphia, toEhsabeth, daughter of Thoc. tb.’lSUi leek, m Fhil.- delphie. to the B«y. Jokn W. Healer. M« pfthe La- Ueran Cburob, Centre Square. Pa., Mr. Edwin Miller, o? Philadelphia, to Miet-Jeannib B. Carlisle# or Norjii* t ! I ASHPNFELTEH-fINANNON.--At the eune_tlme MBdilMe. A,/; AehenMter, of Phila tSpbia. to niee Liaate H. Bhaason, of Norrletown. - naakßlB-JAOOBB.-On the Wh Jbrt., by Rev. Mr. -Morris, Mr. Godfrey Harrte to Jaoobe, both * bEBNsTbR—JACOBT^-<h| l dMMWh tub. hr Rev. Mr.Cox.Mr.H.nrr ,w.BiMeer ioMiee SoeehA. J«- oonr. With or tfaf. cUt. ■■ . HKPP&-FAOKIBR.-tOb the lltb laet. tar Rev. J. Rera’d Mr. Oh.rlee Inline Heoto. o( Phlledel.bie, to Miee Eirnne Peek er. of Camden, N. J. ■ MoOARVBt-COt.WATL.-2w the Tih of June, to lev Semnei B. Aenletoe. Mr. Aleuader MeServer to F tfr^&^’xa»Mer.tol,.v.M,..Ab.rn, of fit, Paal’e OathHio-Onu-ctn Wo.G, Haselto Mire, laabelE.Fox,bothofthnfcity. , pm BROBIUB.—On tbejtth inet., Mur We. wife of Joseph; P. Broeine and daoehte* of Jobn< Ely, Attleboro* finese mnty, in At RRh year of her Age. . . • The relatfvoe and mftaaot the family are reniect* foil* invited to attend her foneral, from the reeidenee or her husband. No 6Of Worth Hebteenifc etreet on Fifth day afterngra, the J4th at3o*oiook. without further JCp proceed to'Woodland Cemetery. * WE WNGTON.—On Monday afteruoon. llth. inet. after a lingering illaem, William Wellington, printer, mtheMthy#arofhi»a«e. . ■ •* • M . Punerat from - n*« late rendenoe, No. S 9 North Twelfth etreet. title (Thuredrt*) »ft*rnooa, at 1 To oro end tn Mount Mori«h Oemetery. . * MoUERMOTT-On the 11th init.Mra Mary K.,wife of Edward J. McDermott, in the 30th year of her ace. Funeral' from the residence of' Mr. John fievane. 1330 South Front etreet, on this (Tfcuniday) afternoon - at i oVlfc’V'lf. * CARROLL.—On the 13th init, after a lingeang illncse, Cbarlotie Carroll, in the 74th year of her age _ Funeral from the resldeneeo! h*rMß-)fi4aw»Thoa Bondar. No. 814 South street, on Friday afteraoofl^^at • SHQWAICER-rOath* ISth iost..Mri John G. Bbowa ker. Sr., in tne 47th rear of falcate. ' Funeral fnni ina late reeideroo, No. 11S6 Fourth etreet. above George street, os Friday after* noon. atgoVilook. ■ , ... ‘ ■ *.* - • FORD.—Qh the morning of the ISth inst., Emma, daughter orjsaao and. Amanda Ford, aged 1 year, 11 >ontbean4Wj4a**.’ ‘V ’ * ; .i •, , , , „ ‘ Funeral on Friday morning, at 9 o’olook, from No. uw. w«, Baacaok ttreet. below Master, tfale (Thursday) after* nooo. Atao'okrg ■ ... ‘ , •McM ASTERS.—<Jn the morning of the 11th' i»sfc, John Andrew MoVaeters, aged3o yeard and* months. ■ Funeral from the residence of his grandmother, Maria filaok, PS4 t Bmith Fourth streef, this (Thursday) % H/SEfi , iPr.is)?tbe'ninrnlng tnsi, Samuil Jcjhn HaalPtt, twin children of Jataeg and Amanda ■: Funeral from No. 1819 Beoket street, on this (Thun darlnftenwep, atdo'aloftk. • ~ • the 13th inet, Bridget Moran,a native oJ Londonderry, Ireland. . . , , _ per late rendenoe, northe**t corner o[ -Twenty-thiM end Spruce streets, on this (Thursday) mnrnince.At9n’olook. • . _ • , • . - GEORGE.—On the 12th lost, Fdwin Frauce. Infant sob qf Adam and i UsabetH George, aged 7 weeks and 1 i^%cOAFFEßTY—Ontheltth msL Elleo, daughter of john and Rose MoCafferty, aged 11 years and 7 On the 10th, instant, Mr, Mlohael Gavin, the 10U» Instant, John KHey, aged. 30 WARK.-Oh the IHh inat, Joseph Alexander, eidest son fit David and Matilda wark, aged two years, and the morning of the ISth iu«t; Millard Fillmore Alphonse', sob of Joshua E. and CsrolineNeel, aredlyears.a montluianaSdays. / • Funeral from the wsWenoa ofhlspamnjs, No, 006 Twenty-first street, this (Thursday) aftsrnoon, at 1 ° llth. at Her late residence, is Horf hamvilie. Montgomery eounty, MrieOhariotU Palmer, widow of the late Geo. Palmer, In the Mth year ofher A. O.Kespr, ofthe lew Im of A. Q. Keen A Oe.i Mjeen. :j • - -i . SIUMMER MOURNING GOODS. S\. .] IC* Sleek BmeiteeWd 0»m MereU. S<, end ONlit StLiAßlie «s&>* * -PlS^ '' k " <} ***t^»**' ftWiitWWlaMw-HWk nf?T-A CARD.-THE IADIE* OF We*|l 85,“’^wa\%JS. , ff S&«! , .™!Syn*£B6; 4$ Through aland Provijsao*, tM/¥m gW M aci*. to moke ample *nd«g«w»ttw* »TrMig*. UMti for the Urge and l*qr*e*ui6 Sabbath MMOiooftr neoun with th* oopgroftloß. • -v > • it *%)•&'* on >r, nr»6. , ig2 l ß ■ [T'?o*— * Hu iiSftbVfc od 4fUr THURSDAY. tbs 14th mstaat.a DAILY WAUj WjH be mad® op at this office, during the Bum* Wo. 339 Street, on THURSDaV Aftar fiooQ* (art-. *tan©oo'oofc. Funeral to proc**dto Mo> it Monab Ouxtorr. 1 ■ « j*K-*t aUa ”* Wry Wftl. H, JQNftS,'Secretory. ttrACT igjr j(», E P^y« iaH coa % and , , PRiLADSipnti, June If, 16*0, the Adicnrnhd Meeting of the Stockholders of the MWhwni and Navigation. Cotnpaav held .thii'daf, me roitowing roaolutioD, moved by Jfenrr Cope.snd •eopnaea bjr’Jemet Cfoz* vm unaniraou*fy sdoptea, vnt —fi*p * <rf * fhe Stockholders reeerdvTth: much* deyveetioa the efforts of the Manager* in rsduoln* the) indebtedness .of the Company, and rrootamend that they, embrace every favorable opportunity'by wh»eb provtefoa mar be made for paying off the remaining dgyi** consistently withtUeroauirsmenteof the Deed of.Trast. Thuathe holders of Sorlp will be enabled to para*? in the dividend*; and the dividend* be mersaeed to the full amount of the net earmnta or the Company. ij BWtll _ a . •• . < THOMAS EaRP, Ohairrasdi. 'EDWIN WALTER, Beor*t&ry. JelS 8t rTjf- PHILADELPHIA UNION STORE, ON Ifefc. kVf's V t rt.l"’ u ‘ uM “ v,w elm ’ ol9 of five dollar* entitle all to the privileges ofthe store and a quarterly return of profit* on their purchase*. Acholoe assortment of Krooeries and provision* al yayeod band at the lowest oath prices, and delivered' free to any part of the oity. Order* by mapateh protnpt ly.sttwnqerl to, AU article* warranted s* represented. jeiatltif* HENRY B, BOQQif, Agent. instj, aßenjooo A Qd evening, for the benefit of the ae*o ojation. Fifth-street oars run to and from nnUIII o’clock at night. ' Jelfi Bt* b itsnsmtz *v£ fryT ANNUALaMEETING ' * f>t the Stockholders of the OAMDEff AND AT* L&&.T«i'ftAILROAD COMPANY ww'be^nei qoa THURSDAY. Jo'.e 28,1860, between the [hour* of 10 A, M*.tols P, M„attbeoffioe ol the oorapanr, Cooper* Point, Camden, New Jersey, to eieot jD|reetor«of said oompMrto eerve for thk ens Dins rear, J*9-tJ*2B , ROBERT FRAZER, Sec. !TF;®Mg a e°» the term* epcousedin the cirau . The bolder* areaLep entitled to tbs besefit of a Sink »•» annum, as established by the at tneir annual meeting, held January P, fWbeJw.to punaano* of the contract, entoredin to by and duly recorted. toe airy the same into OIR.o'ULAX* o**'' 0 **'' tnmm ‘ rAi Holder* of PAt/od«f*A4a e*d Jitadint AeqrMd Company Morttags Sends, ttus July 1, 1860. fteeetondaaTe *eoured by the first mortgage* onthe £»«!• ejowiting in the aggregate t0863b8.m0. The net revenue tor the last n*o&T year wasmatimeetne amonnt of the annual 1 nlerest on these bonds, The mai»Kef*propose to entenf them for a period .of twenty Team, the holder* retaining the bond* and the OTspffiKSssssmS* A bonus of lo per cent, will be given to the holder*, m gott»aerau<m of their assenting to 4 the extension. IltU bonu* will be paid in cash to .the bearer* oitpe bonds, on their- ngaing ajrcoelpt and presenting their respeo tav* bonds at the office of the Company, or to it* agents. i (of endorsement, ~ Forme of receipt and endorsement will be furnished onappucaGon, * ■ •. ;aS a ‘ rofth<> . Xanratarr. CHINA AND .GLAfWVARE. PR U 1 T JAR 1 8! y • •* Vkuit jaks. PKDIT JAKS. FRUIT JARS^ , THE BKBT FRUIT JARS. THK BEST FRUIT JARS. THE VERY BEST FRUIT JARS. THE VBRV BEST FRUIT JARS. THE FBtTIT JARS! WRIGHT. SMITH, & 00.. No. $ NORTH FIFTH STREET, Offer to the trade the best 1> rult Jars out, Call and see their qualities by experiments, Jelt-tJyl /'JAOTIO3 r -FReBH FBtJIT JABS.—The IABB. now fn. mntlT*t. The (onuTno hato Harteli’a ■T-" joia-lwlf* . ■., . Koa 13 North Ff FT* ctrtet POISON— FRESH FK fT-.’ ARS.—The cold of Amitalways oofriKlcd the iurfi»oe of metal; oo carefal. therefore, to.jporabue. air Jrui of olaes PATENT AIK* mi??i T admitted-o be theouty rollabloandoefftctiyeafeTarla market. • . : A a. a ,ra ftjLaISTCttWORTH. jeldlicif* Mamtaotorora, No. 13 N. FIFiH street. TV). NOTCH) INTO THK COUNTRY o?»sPHbvsaft"* LLPB,ATK » riiL !«■»-.«* CiOTHING. Jg # H. EUDRIJDQB, “CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE,” N. B. Comer EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Sts. ‘ tit Ouftom«r Work made at short notice, mhsidm-if .. . rp HE SBA-SHORB—ATLANTIC CITY. McKIBBIri'SU. fi. HOTEL.. .-V The undersigned, .proprietor of the above-named house, being' now/prepared to receive guests, re spectful!* soliotts' a share of .the <peblio patron* eat. Rmoe.laet eummer there ho* been added to this hotel a four storied wing. 140 feet ip l*n»tb. con taining (beside the bed-'rooms.) a unite or three Parlors, for ladies, and ‘wp for gentlemens also, a reception room, wash-room. and ipaoioue bar-room. Bowling Wooni, Billiard Rooms, aod hot and oo'd Palt-w-ter Sath dooms have been constructed for the aooommo ilatlonof viritora, and the whole home wiu be lighted with km. The house has been newly painted and fur- Efehed while tbeshsded grounds surrounding it have sen pat in complete order. A.well mArmed pleasure Yacht* and an excellent Band of MuaJe, i»av* been en s jell tf r>^ >e MafloQ ' ■ McKIBBIN. a’DVEBTISING POPULARIZED! - ■t*- THE PHILADELPHIA foe SERVED HY OAHRIHIB FOR,TWEUVJ! OTbNTS. Insm* Advertisements of all aisss.jfor.gfXffENTfi A LiNk fotue first insertion. and FOUR CSNTS for eaah sihseqaent insertion* or ONK ; I)O]GIiAk. AIINE a month. . _• Offioe of THK PHILAUELPHIAIINQUIRER. 121 South THIRD Street, betowOheetpufcitreet; iell-St A DVERTIBINO POPULARIZED 1 i iAILY'M DOUBLE SHRKTt EIo'jLE.'i*AGES! . ! FOR SaLK ffv ‘ SERVED Bv CARRIERS,FOR, TWELVE dENTS. Inserts Advertisement* of all *1 see for JHX CJNTS A ‘lit B forth* first insertion.end eaoh tnibeeqhent inaertiOH.OT ONiiDOLLAR ALIMS a month. ’ Office of TOE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. 191 Sooth THtRu ftreetroelow Chestnut attest. jell St , A'DVERtISTNQ^POPDLARTZfcD! THE PHTLADBfpWTA It 411,Y MORNING INQUIRER. DQURLE SBRBT! EIGHT PAGkB! J - r -PBICE TWO QRvtS, . . FOKSALK BY ALL NEW* AGENTS. -' - SERVED BY CARRIERS FOR. TWELvK CteTfl. ■lpMrte Advertlsemenrsof all MxesforJßfXj2?Nts A LINK for the first insertion, and POUR CENTS for each aubseaurat insertion, or ONE' DOLLAR A LINE a JU”Bth. i .. •* .., PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. 191 garth THIBQStTcpt. below Ohhstnut street. JeH-3t JMMt PENN* KT^AM.ENGINE AND I&CHI«ISTBrRuaKR-MAKkRB. BLACKSMITHS, and POUNDERS; havmr.'Wt'many years, been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building ana repairing Marine and River Engines,high and low pressures Iron Boats, Water Tanks Propellers, Ao. Ac. if'fpeotfuJJ.r offer their service* to the publm a* being rally prepared to oontmot for Engiues of all •lees Marin*. River, and stationary, having eats of patents of different sites, are prepared to exeonte or* ders with qulok.deipatoh. Every description of Pattern making m.de at the shortest notice. High and) ow Pressure, Flue. Tobnlar, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania cbareoaUron, Forgings of all sixes and kinds! Iron and UrsseCastinge.ofaUdeacrisUons: Roll Turning, dorew Cutting. and all other work con neotedwlthlbeabovebuslnese, . Drawings and specifications far all work done at their Establishment, free or charge, and work, guarantied, • The snbsonbershave amp’o wharfdookroom for re pairs of coats where ,they:natf lie-in-perfect safety, end are provided with shears: blocks, falls, Ao., Ac., jeU-tf BEACH naf pAlTMEß'«traft.. ITtHEKE ARE NO .PICTURES IN THE SHMtf .bove Green. -Everythins in tbls eetabliannient Ueemplete. ■ ■ 1 ' ' . ■ It* THE JAPANESE AND ALL OTHERS eboutd ,o to BUTTER’S PHRENOLOGIOA L *OOM»ndh»jo> their U'enre dMeribed, at the, ■pi Hit ooroir of SIXTH and NORTH •troete. show TORKBT. -Honregtolt ATM.-- leU-it*,» IMMENSE KtROOTION Vff J o PANESE oo* |DS.~l*he baT&hoe of the stock wtß b*»«Mw|th oai reserve, consisting of Baunt, Bilks* Fine Apples, Qrapes. FongeejUndkerohienf, Vaseii Wo-k boxes, Jw,, Ao,, at, b- wEST PKNN SQUARE, firsthoßMißOtth. or Market,’sbove, Broad street. • '- l - v ...'‘'i;!' ,-i.7 * . Jeß ct TUtf AIT AND GE'jp-THE’’;o •. ■ • " OF THK AbRAHA M LINCOLN. . 1 BY W».D. HOWELLS, I , 0 1., ltmo, Steel. Furlrr.lt' ®l. Will be raedr {hliMlUon.' No oiherjan.nnnouooetl bws hi, .ithontL, 1 !; 114 KAJ VmmU ' „ jr « i S'iiloK.iUf WSFf tpM(ifTlol)». gANOROFT’S HISTORY. NEW VOLUME. ' r. LITTEE. BROWN. * GO.. 37 KILBY Stmt, Boston, PtfBLWH, THIS DAY. , ■ -THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. VOL. VIII. BRING' VOU.II. of tin AMERICAN REVOLUTION BY GEORGE BANCROFT. “ I OCTAVO, UKIFOKM WITK TUB PBXVIOHS VOLUMKI, ,» T ? n TL rlB 4 i .„ t * verlod extending from the Battle of Bunker's Hi» to the signing ofthe Dsola ration or Independence, on the seeond of August, and mohide* among other thing* the siege of Boston, the negotiation of England %ltli Russia for troops, written from paper* from the Archives of Engtopd and France, including letter* of George 111. and of the Empress Ca therine; the invasion of Canada, from private letter* and paper* of General Montgomery and hi* tonily j the movements of France and Spain, from very copious documents obtained in France and Madrid; the disin clination of TuTgot to,the war;,the revolution In the French Cabinet; proceeding* of Congress, In pert from unpublished private journals by the members t the in eurreotion m North Carolina, from very full unpublished contemporary accounts; the purchase of German troops, from the fullest oolltction of papsrs, with' letters of George 111, end the German Prince*, Ministers, and Agents; the hesitancy of the Central Colonies; the movement* for taking up independent government*; the Virginia Restoration ofthe Rights of Man; the Battle of BulHvsn’s Island, In part from new material* the Resolution of Independence; the Declaration of Independence; the signing the Deoltration. The mass of manuscript materials collected for (hie volume is vsty complete, and unfold* the origin uid profcrettafever/ important measure, triemr the'pro gress pf the Revolution completely, in reference to every part of the United State*, and presenting the snbjeot alsom ita relation to the history ofthe world, during the period of its progress. . ... The History of the Revolution will be completed in two more volume*. jeU-tathOtif JOHN McFARI/AN, No. 33 South SIXTH •*, Street. (*eoond entrance above Che*tnut street,) sole Agent for * Appleton’s KewAmenoan Cyelopmdi*. l fas? asSfel ist ; Pubeonbera to tbw Aaaaoy for any of tb. above work, art, port and for tb. Ibtata. mp.lted wltVarr Book, or Maaajliiee of any pubtf.h.r, (axo.pt StibaorTSios Book,.’at20 par cant.diHOßpt frmn!b.rotaltpnoM. Law. Madioal. Hellriou., Solontfeo, Hlatorlaal Claa woal. Juvemla. Pohool. MlKollanaoot aod all th. Wow K^ r , l d h i^a I „V Am6r " 3,,n ° r l ” !lU - Book Bonn, brModmir their order, aa above, get an; book. 111 print at th, iotreat publi,b«n'vriou. aad “ Av f. r *" T ’ r oot.o? even hendrei tm «M . worth tbo eavitto Is RtO. tvbtte the boove are aa cheap aa at a"» other More. Thu etvixo ii inflelont to buy either the Orolopsdia or the Debatea of Confrere. The dl.ooupt prtvlle a extend* to all fatnr* parobM«. , CataJaKuea aent xratia. OMerva,the addrew. No OSSontb SIXTH, Jd Boor, ■am, lending aa Meßlny*. Directory Dmea. It 1 ■PUBLISHED TO-DAY.— ,*■ r.OPPEL’S AO/DEMIC SPEAKER. Contain ing a large nontbor of nnrud appropriate Piece., Br Proee Declamation, PnetluTseeltatlon, and BramaUe ReadlDK.oarafkily emaeted nromtUe baetanUntra Ame rioan, Engltalt, aad Contm-ittel. Arraogad tea rtato neat order and .adapted to the wanta or il ~rrie n School,. Aa&d.mlea. and Collate,. BrHannriSnpae. A. M.. Profaaaor of>n,l!«h Llt,„‘t or a .a thiKiiV. P rsftr pf Panti.rirania. author or •• Elettwnla of Logie. l ' *' Emmenta of Hhatorio,” Ac., Ad, j vol. Svo., E7P pagaa; ®R VMBHOH N’* L ATIN sy NONY MS. Diotjonarr of Latin Synonym,, for the » ofßMtool, and private Btn d-ota,with a'oomptata ladax. -By Lawda Ramakorn. From the Carman by Franeii Lfebar, LV D. A naw aditton. »v01.1.- f^l »,» f ., b?g l, STOCKHARDT’S ’iHEHIsTRV: The Prinolplaaor Lheml.try. illu|tratad by aimpli experitnanta By Dr. BJnllna Adolph Stockhardt. Profaaaor in tbaßoyal Ana- m Bexony- 'PranaSw^ff 1 m'aibri 0 ' e w^Xo® i usssgs.w^birt. Claaaoa, and Private Srtdanta. By Sanborn.Tannai, A. M.,Leotnrar on Pby,loal«aograph. led Natural Hl<- torytn the (Jaanehna-tu T.aohera’ Inatitataa. Mae-: tratad with two huodtad wood Kngravtnge, Ume. mna l>n« * 1.13 a HOW’rt LADIES’ READER. The Ladles* Beider- Designed tor tit* use of.ladies* Sobool* an'*Frailly Heading Circles; oorayming choioc selections from standard authors, in Prose andFoetry. with the esetn tial Ru e* of ►locution. jtatoUfied And. Arranged lor stnotiy praotioat use.' JSy John W,. & How, Prolerajr, of Elocution. ffJ.W. IN PRBIW. wTli. BB READY IN A FEW DAYS. HOW’B yi’NIOR LADieSFRKAIJEK. SAUNfiKItS’SLATIN Par ADISMa. A neweyetem of Latin Par,dlgma..with a Bynopaia of Dacianidona. Adapted to anv Latin Grammer, By Cortland Saun ders. i voLlcngBvo, Jfloent*. ■ ■ JoH-lt Strtit. BUY YOUR BOOKS AT IVANS’ GIFT BOOK STORE. crtJRSTSBT StiMt. Hi ft Book 8tor», go. 4 •« Chwtnnt atrMt. Gift Book Stor*. No. 439 llhwtMt ttrMt. Gift Book ftore, No. 439 Cbe*Cant ttrtoft. M , ’Tie ike bait elaoe in tac city. Books ere told at ohea®as at anr oiner itort, „„ . and *oe have the advantage G^B&Ya“ h ' JS BlCltfE.-A Treaties on Dtipepaia. Con*' sumption. the Skin. BrentMm, ventila tion, Cietbin#, Food* fexereiae Reßtveod general UwB«wm<luclve to Health' br W , M. D. One volume, ifeno, IF Y&U ARE'iN WANT OK BOOKS OFANIKIN V, ’ KVAN£»°IfS®WMENT "Where *ou oftn set ' BOOKS IN EVKBY DEPARTMENT OF " * kITKRATURK. , - • /bdyou have the advantage of receiving a Gift with esoh Bock too parobaMO. CtoJfea.aad ojw trial will yea rAoi fAeftesf t face tfa tit city whin you thouldpurtkatt Beck# u eirr-BOcS^ITABLISHAESr. „ 439 OHKBTNUT Street* Philadelphia. Two dooribelqw FIFTH, on the ne**7«de. . Strangere rutting the oity are r«*»ecvuHT invi ted to o&ll and examine the large collection or Hooks, and geta Catalogue. jeis-st JOHN BELL ON THE CONSTITUTION! iiC ,A BOOK FOR THR TIMES-WiTER V.. POLI- LINDBAY t BI.AKISTON, Bookseller? and Publishers. No. *23 South SIXTH Btreet. above Chestnut, (Have lately publlshea-* JOHN BELI, ON BATHS. A Coniptete Treatise on Water, as a Preservative of HeftlthAßd a Remedy in Disease, and alto including cold, sea,#arm, hot, vapor. Bis. and mad baths, and the use of water craeraUy. y John, Bell, M. D„ Fellow of the Royal cwexe of Parsioians. Ao.. Ao. In one volume. Prioo 91JP. “ No work in our language oontains so tanre an amoent of well-dicested information respecting the above sub |eoL”—l Report of a Committee of the American Medi cal Aseooiauon. The season for bathing having seal* arrived, t&is book oontains information which all who wish took knowledge as moat essentially apperteins to health snd the preservation of our constitutions should atone* *jeU M ‘ LINDSAY fc BLAKISTON, PaWieheni. FpHE BOBBIN BOY JL _ ANft THK GOVERNOR. ™ a 11 ' TRV ¥B O Y¥u O /is&M; aieulrm ° t ar.d the boyi he knew~bow they played, howthey studied- encouraged by thslr leader, the hero of the story, who stsrteqat the very foot of the ladder that he tt still ajcfHdiHs. His Pohoomißtes those who followed his example, rise to honorable station in life, while ua idle and oareless are the poor of to day, or have died in nlutyloni .mee. wmLE , - . It Is »!«o a 04reralLffE , OF Thl°iJaV<. ® , '“‘J )r b lUa *‘ r a?O b K 7. {aBiTB. For ,al^, b / LIjIAM gf * ALFRED,MARTIEN, 1 leU ■ ' No. 80S C“ESTNIITSDMt. RETAIL DRY GOODS. l*BES< «'OODS—SINGLE AND \J DOUBLE WIDTHS. * , Chene Wide Siikand Wool Mixtures. Chen© double-width Moheire. F„ r are^dda s! e ?bl^ ,b,!^m. te ,h^ , . Marked down to such low prioes as will Insure spsedy ’Barege Robes, from B 3 BO to slo.’, * ’ Extra Cheap flows. 94 to 85. , Neatandstfhehßaiwgejfc , Jel3 S. K. cormr o/^Sifl § DRfeSS BTUFFS TO Deters and MATCH, Striked flutter*. ‘ Mixed uo. - Shone do. itjadtre do.. -Bilk Chally do, .Lace Mantle*. Jeia ■IJS2L. Plain Style*. Genteel. Laea Bonrnoue. ■ ■'mF&ffsufo. OUR AND LACK MANTL‘B. *3 FRENCH LAOE BOURNOUS AND POINTFS. Wil I open this day«a handeome M<ortmept of LediM* and WiMee* Mantle*, of the neweitetylee. much below the usual prices, at N 8* v» A> HUNTER'S New Btoffli 1 jeU-«* No, 40 South SECOND Street. B. E. oornei IRISH LINENS. A fresh invoice of ' B ere sheeted expreeslj for, ottr , finally INSURANCE .COMPANIES. ,‘ M *aax. jaoAUAJL “HFBi INBUBANOI A . SOMPANY OF MEW YOKE. " SIX MHi/IOS?&# DOLLARS, ' vmkWßtißsur Stock hoUsre, T BILONO torn* ihsvjim. ram»hl«t*, and ever/ informations mar -be hid •““•^rsifcsifwsßSk vbUjAPBLPHXA EKFKIU£NpKI« JThomw Robin*, wbawmiki, SuMdeoaiL-Banjo®* WM>n«J|e Btuitt Mfe .*wjfcv ; T ! 1 . TtoyVitiewwtiTii l INSURANCE COMPANY, No. r «8 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. . INOOHP STATE OF •UNFIHED TO FIRMANS INLAND RISES <»; v DtXMtOU . V. Iy,SmSw, ' '' QKNIfc ;r-iia»rt.nJn t**** - rtf,? j *,? y- f wj yAHtlt fi4At.MsVm< ! pAi. feibs^sfeflgfac- $20.000 w «om- Wißa«aßMWc» jisjdn sit ISSEIi aa^S'ite^Vll rjSMEXERY LOX. VTANTED.—Any per -3^ WANTED -Two Hoisting Machines; \V"ANTKT»—A Situation as Trarelling IL^ANTSD—A good. Coat-Cattei‘i ! at' BWX Worth THi*o stTMt. «n »,r ~k. atd aituttlon mem* to ona that triiraaitianji*. A COUNTRY' RESIDENCE LASTED within# (hr mlteaoffha city, on tha Una o ri caatangar iZailva*. at a rant not exaaa<?nt aiJO n-r annnm. Add mat E, P,, Qfijoa of T 4« Prtu. jtl£lt TFtf"ANTED—A Situation, by a man, ai'flsSsE a^g-n^sssAftssjasaEM «n«Hv refenMw** u to mtoirrity, c *P*M*jJ A modarato MHfy for Of **• a f Cßß{ed * Addreu “ B, O. H.£ oflp HPO WHOLESALE OIOTHIIRS A tho .***. ro ®rkJy oxynawood *sd •o*iv*tio ma i. rum am gffH^salr^aafe ]'tt/’ANTKO-r-A CLERKSHIP, in an In * v ioranwJUfoeor Bukiar Ho—, by nttorooib TEM/’ANTED-A s Partner with front Three _ .to Pirn bowtj Dollsra, in a jrroftebta hui •»£%*<.. AM"** W“ rnSnama. °* ft ll MWr - Comm ‘f‘JST. u WANTED—A PURCHASER for an tn tareat in a note aad srolub’a Maanfastartai In. A N EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER o»an for wanncamant by tha and or thla nddraaa 7 Book-kaaoar,” ottoa orthlJj^ayar^ FORSALE AND TO LET. FIXTURES FOR SALE OF RETAIL Trlrnmim and Variatjr fltoro, 980 *ortb FIF TKRNTB itlFtiibovi Rim fttMta *SI4 * lwio * of *to«k3£luuid for aW*». npo BENT FOR THE SUMMER.—The ,**' followtnk FnrnUbod Bno— of a tot* hnM, atr lor, dinmc TOoia. kitaboo, four oktatorii Md Uik. [owijWfciii torW w[BMUaw*Ut “ Tl«bss?kmoJ }b# Odnsdatova Hti'—d., Tir— ■iiiaiim AmW iwmniaSiroQ <&• —2—aTwEicfTaZooifS I S3 SJ-wOp®W* B *S2tt* or • m»m.ooC TOW, >r ßl«t»<gttMfotOteo - . .jtiMl* SALE—That rery' desirable pro »tntar raniaa. rta.]WS, Jw. UltbriaiSat* Wiir heaoldol noMMawlatln*tariaiaathaoraaria anont ■aayjni tha oily. Caabeaaaa batwaan tha hnSta oTa And aF. fju - - Joii-4t» * rtow AND OAIF FOR SALE.—For. v marly Won«M to Kao. Dr. OikiM. Arttr Cat- and Craahalaa toad. Oarmantown. lalAkt*^ fiHESTER COUNTY FABM.—For Sale », vsr> iuMtlor«m*liPA*H.of « «o««, nut to Pb«aix<nli«. .Soilof ttaintonlltr, vitk tn*d non* m FOR SALE—A. threaten-' BRICK WLnomh ittg TOALUABLE. LOT. -FOB *SALE.—A Lot, * .!«faatbrMO.hmrln* thMa'frdnta.looatadin tha toathaaatrroMrt ct tbaoltjr.in thanldatof a land!,' miprovitiK naiibboiiund, laotfarad f,r an'a an mmobo bla Uran. For aonionlhm opal, at Ihtauffloa. )a»m* BOILER FOB, SALE.—3O inches ■*>" diameter. 34 feet loot; low for ou!i or trade, in dry rood* or pooeriee. Addreseßox 1107 Post Oflee. FOR SALE—The Stock andFixtureaof a Whoteanto Tobacco Honan, of ninht ynoanataod- In*, and atom to rent, lanoiM at-Ho.3loath>KoHT aanot. • ■ j«aw g| FOR SALE OR RENT—Sew Stone SBLManjnoti, Bnrn.io .with irmniiTT KTtTrJi . boos and thirteen son., or load, on CheKoa Hifln IQ euiro at Ho. 8 Worth THIAP Btroat. , Jatt-int* 8 FOB SALC-;A HANDSOME PBO «i tu ana vatoi thraainoat. inn f£3in. tarn' ■5 3 "~Bgg BOARDING, COUNTRY BOARDING^—To let, for six week*, two very desirable Woowu in the Brink RivertoßF cs. J.Aitfly at gaOMAKfcbTftieei. pRiVeTE BOAl|DoQ.rCleatlem«Ddßi *i-} their fainUiee, or Ein«la ceatlemM, san be aeeom modated with Board, -with"fliMiaat-jUBd i rooms, famished or Unfurnished, at old LOOUBT 8t.,, south tide of WaabinxUMiiN«af«r - Tte looetipa, betay opeosite.ioQaeor.tbebe&deonMdt tens )atkeeity»i* central* sad, extremely tleaaaet. Trtttsieirt yeraews .vuntm* the city oaa be a«oomMdaSed r by t*e day or week. Terms moderate. A .ha—meat froat room, with private enttanoe. for rent, seftabte for r sn oißi.isl»-ti TKY BOaBDING—At» firsi-dnss farm-boe*a, thiitr-aix mileefrcKA tie City.M*r Avondale Bt*tioii'P. *3. C.K.R. fKjm the oily three tlmee «d&». Penrose tfeelrtilf Board for their famniM art nivitea to view MepUoe. Can leave A. A. For pa: ticalarv. eddrees E. yf, HICKB, Chatham,. Chester count?, Poona. -v- • jet-Be* . fjtAMILtES AND GENTLEMEN WISH: A .INO FIRST-0L»|B BOARD, Witheeol Haoaii, can now have ohoioe at 90 WALMJt 9t . je4 ha* CDMMER BOARDING. —-Accommoda tions for two or three MtfeUiuse fwmUiee, e»a a few single boarders, can be secured at Extern Aeedeear, Xenaettßqoare, Chester ooßßtr.ifanboatioe bejeade "jsfcsr”- , Jef-irt* , - Principal ana Proprietor. TWOYOUNG GENTLEMEN CAN BE accommodated, with rood* airyapaiUMiifcs,(with or withoufDOuatOjL, Ajnvtte faeiilj./Loeaaoo ota tral. Addrea *{TCLBeIItv» through JHoodV Sp yatoh. , '• ’ >".aet- • DIVIDENDS. EXOHANGS BANK, V/ ■ ' • ■ I*o. . ■' f TIIKKK PK it C KNIVon the DuuJilisoki clear ol - tat* Tax* and parable on demhd.. ~. , ■ , mB-t", - jrWTToaRHY.CMtIat EDUCATIONAL. TVfTSS LUCY B, MAYER, end Mrs. B. A*A JU. BIRD will reopen tbeir SOHO'’fr Tor Yoon* Ladita at 1010 BFRUCE Street, on MONDAY. St* tembar ITth, IMP. Jcl-laa REMOVALS. J^EMOVAIi.— -SMALL CHANDLIB, ffHE FINE AR|T3.'; EARLES’' GALLERIES : : ov PAINTINGS • - AXO ’ LOOKING-GLASS WAREROOMS, • , 818 CHSSTNUT STREET, rniLiDILFMI*. JAMES S. EARLE. 'St BON luv* now io tJieirGal lariei a verr taro and Interwtini oollMtioe of . paintings, :. The worka of Native and addiUdM m HotanabHf eber, Hueltloe* <vaax» Waaifa* Motaa* Van Btanenhorglr NBWKNOR|yiNOB jut reo*iT|d. noladiy the Utect anbleotaor Landeeer. AoadeUtTarler* Faeo»4e*» 1 THE PALMER MARBLES. Fiotoirepb* oT til* llKbta* of FAUtER, tire S«l|]|- eakles* galleries, < 810 COEBTNUT BTREBT, ' ! PHILAIOtLFBIA. . l»MOt CARD TO THE PUBLIC., CONGRESS SPRING. SARATOGA, APRIL 16,1S«0. _Aa atteiapt hM been mad* to deoaire tb* »abUo,bj Mraonioß'arlae'what tint cmU “Comiere Wans” from Foaatain* i and at tto priee oT ids («) e*nt* »n (laa*. Th« uhclutlt itio* of tb« Cwnw Wa tar.at K«W Yorlnbdiuaboatnf'amtawr tlua.tb* i*-. position of preundina to jren at retail at l>ai tb»n oort, ud ailhnnt aUowaaoafor freilbt, aaitaia, «,breait»t», la .retreat; bat thair stobabla aoarea baa lnan to am*tr oat bottla of tanmna Coattaat Watar into* Foabtaiollted with' thair tr«aii,*adtkarabT otuiataniaa iuiwal Ooetanta, ►L.%.- • . . - Wa i»ra aaraa'aold Omtltm Water inFountame, nor inlwaaala of MS alhtr ducHi«<re Cren “ n ““*P •ited aonist.Tha oork oTarerr bot«* of “• (anoint la breaded CONGRESS W.,” and ani, withont thbaa worda_ and nttare on the Wh SARREVwS!'" . ) Proinetore of Contreta Bprinf, . : The followini(antlanan in 2?: ‘■. I i aaSbplt ;; r »8 CApjjyK»fl*w Yoi* C»G.‘ 186 ft J 860 ;; .s. m spume ibsuoitfjitjr.f; . , > :s 8CA1«0» »AMItYHUO!iI., '' ! A *Wf*Pt!* {•»»<• »« ’ r s* fc; r : m >,«- 1 i”~. fi-H** )3 ** ■' /' ■- ** /4 {7l i •* 17* •* ,j %i . -- - - ~ VClfcsiar ~~ fI\RV Al , BRAGiS'! 8CPPOBTBR8! WBSBBSSSSS lyfaja^asmumt^ MTALNOX-STBEIT THEATRE. ; - • KXTBjt««DD»>*r IWTCW! yaba, _ ■ ... -. Tbo fltrWWgyteWggMfttfctao World. whbon MU!mr qna horne, withaataa«la or bridle, aid JMread aaanflnl. , toe Tubloh sxoTßsis. the moat vaaiarnniyiaants nor nan* m tail or oar other qooatry, HSU rrna»r.Tnn. Tha (Mat StUt“liSa,.“” _ _ . . MOTgT DUVKBHA, Tha Xowmrd Coa'nrtiqSiit Jba aotiro Trooaa of •• -. Jtr. JOSEPH WO. ramwa* Each yerfbnswnee!mh»’ aKjaMZfcw Rational and historical pano din? 11 two L»- ?> ETki ' nU °' ■— AdMittaaeelieaota- .Children 10 oaata. . FnfJl b«t«T?* oma *‘aaa oaf*, will be llwtSlh lor NATIONAL THFATRg—WALNUT 1 a STBJTKT. ABOVE EIGHTH. iSSsias® MBMdAp _ QDOKK:» TftSOTX. Toconcloda^lua^bab^^ JaMajfts&web OROIT AND FLORAL FESTIVAL AT Day of this week. Open from 3 o’elaek r. JB7atti#|i •eoh day. Any of the Paseesfer raihrnys waaaSfeM W|tbth* Metkevstreeior waataroUeaai uSSSmSm win take matter* to withuia MMtMtpjrai THEATBE. FOB TWO WEXU ONLY. COMMEKCIHG MONDAY BVBNIHB, JUKI u. mo*bis bbothebs, pell * tbowbbidbw# KIHSTBBLS. EIQHTBKH STAB TEA7OBMZX* THIS CHAMPION TBOBPK OF THE W0BI.1t! CHAJfat Of mOOSAMMX ETEK YETXXXNQ For fall sajhsolani a«a Prcfraauaaa of tbo Bap. AdaalaaioO ... .. Wf>«. Benraeßaati in »«»«« J>e*an BaoSaiaPrtrat* Bona ManaSa Pnaata Baa.a .... , •* aad •(. : LOST MOJUUS, Maaagar. obablbb a mobbib. A«nt. If, B.—PoartlreiT no Ordain or Maaor Mahal at tha Poor. Jall-ai* HALL.—JAPANESE FEBTI- Doom at 1% o'clock; mfwamtito mmmm *t t, iFMWSIro Seo £Wter*Bd yintrmm««*fbr MrtiaolM AJpO tMO*ileei»te; cutdreoUKe- . WRTIIT AND FLORAL FESTIVAL, JL- ' 4jn> a CONCK»T BY TffK BIaIKDs ‘ • SANSOM-STABFT IJAIT,, non Scitoot/'jß ooKßootioß with terintliNnNl fywttiw Cbsrah. TiotittUeMti. To bo bed »t tbodsor. Doom 09m ■tl'io’o oob. - - irtEySaSar"^** 1 ** *• HfcDONOUGH’S GAIETIES—BA OX iTJL BTBBBT. THBSB HEW PLATS, AH ‘ollO! PADDY’S WEDBIHO. "... '4*3B££3£s£*' tamumnx the vanoas eoarts. .give tt a ffrMThttr eostsnts and deeortytKm fiwbi aU of r^wjMflßasrSrwEiiaß. ebitd, ld eeain. - ■ tiberfU .arnuueaaents siade.wiA aeboole and etarebas With yrrrueie of leetere by tkmr pastor. striY PENNSYLVANIA AOADttfY Of UN* A • ARTB, UtialCßHin Stmt. =• , AdsSesipa » Mato, Season tnxcta, M osnta. Okd -4roa> npurpnea. wtu rsoaivs that* tirtmit tfca ciwof MEDICINAL. pRO*. MORRIS’ STJCKPHATjOS, PROFESSOR MORRIS' _ PROFESSOR MORRIS* • PROFESSOR MORRIS* AN INVALITA BLR*"® is-i htmtu , mm am FOR jmEASES OF TUB FOR DISKASES OF THE ‘THIBHIi 4TOo^ffifL!6Am ff w »»» to the nMKI« of utentan. the eoaoeree of Comuisrmal eudfruLneial BfUMi asdtaaefslra <3 ProfessionalmPSttioar Life.ot as oocseteaedhr ur other osnse front wMeh the NerToe*Systemhat M ooaa enhwetrd Md dieaaead. , The aymutons oorered hr this nlaapla Pmudn are numerous; ofvhleathsttorsprQfuatnfM*, Gaiupio-NervuqaSTataaitotbetmsatenaleouofißuu HanwroxtiikitM tea pripoirtsa eodniumeadad tfcs antemof Ootapoerts HoM«*th<, hrtjjnrinßi! “ItiaarheMniuaaibls that I aboard omr, aa an U luatration, mr port cue. A ooaUaoaa nun orate tUaa for anamher ofjesrs hod, to o osrtuasataos. lIWfOMd tkO OMtIUT ofkotoofnxttMM a«M» Mfmu r*U*f.. Havitif tytU-intwii oonidtiaa la Cumpf'Sta HoinfKHMtky and »a rouiatn •MufataMf with MMtnw Mgm»a oith*Hwa»opaUip 80S00II aelaotad pertain aaftaatfia of —o>raippd banaoaiaaa nlatioßJi and approved aaes» aad.oonbiMd taair aaaea- Uaj cropsrtiM In proportional natty, arfwas tUddaaed L>t too poaaaasian of a aaadioiaal reenarop.” rrotaaor Morris desenhss the mods of application, aad tMC adder “In thii.mtfea dtairad iwUafhae baa* pE- Uiaedotha aatribra nwUm inTiparated, the taagUe nervous ■jr*iam raatorod to ita foraer tons* aadatatai olaarnaaa* traaoiUitj, aadM-iaor-a* UMWaot aaany aßn a fftK», •! HAo&leJESSstra-eO atadtaUn^f t annul Forth* INSTANT BELIEF and FER- AoillUl MANENTCURE ofthisdiotmnfof oou- plaint* dm FENDT’I BBOUCHIAZi CIGARETTES, Mod* br O. E. SEYMOUR k CO., IST NASSAU Street. Now York. Prioe SI per box l eeot free by eoet nij7-*m m FOX SAUK AT ALL DRUGGISTS’. SAVING FUNDS. A MERIOAN SAVING fund.—Oom ootock, awl oa MONDAY oil sin the etreßtof. Tftta Old Institution he* alwaje Hid in full, on demand, without notioe^ KßBT p IV£ p gR cent. All aunt Hid fold aad aflrer, iflgaga.ir M ssSbb& a. JOHN c. SIMa. Beotatan. OPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, KvK«&l6S r from*toB o'oioet- .. , Interest! per oent per auaua. Pepoaitonoaa wvtib draw thalr.Moaara by Oiiaehs* if daaucda BpiNdal Hp- noaived. g pwWQLIS( fnMdnL PdAKOM Hear. Saoreearr. ■ utk-tflt ! AZUMEA 1 AZUMFA ! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUBCKA! AZUMEA 1 PROF. MORRIS’ AZUMEA BAKING FONDER. eoWeTat No. SS North FOURTB Street, and for eels hr Grocers reuerullr. mini naif AND OLAM SOUP setrod urn* Ptnaara froaUtp B o'olook. - auM-tf *n/ MBS. M. SHI SHOP’S PARISIAN fit THE BEST ARE OHEAPSST.t-Bav u HmbraUaaaadParaaola of" • -r -' -ru-tiriif - Aha PABASOIN AND SUNtJMBSMiAS, •'waaiaty* ohaap« at ~ r jßf~fA l tßß4NEyraaiibKM scales! I®? "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers