77'77 2‘-'l'- k 4 4,:aif,ii:4,l'4fl ' 'l3`F Iliar —a tf, l 4tPlo4 io,woctl.4T; -..~. - • 04ft4 . 44.1novaist-so:•4ta eiklistottoikutioth , o,f4e. , 4).34 2„:bio.ilui r efik4moiitadinumiti , isi4,,,utch 16.44.0., 0 ,iittut, tot , 441kki `were;riot and' • p-1 ,, '' , =k- = —at.',. =, , , , , ,, ,=, ? ; nt*iA4 4 ii i z 4 -, ciormitkii . wideli l loptni jitit Not , o,lizioy 4 Mirka tOr" ,-t t a Tim eltimmuteft on sPlepot Oriel - Ara Prersated a • report fit riefation to a taebtothitik Rev: &Wit. "11, end t 'I I IPA el le P ininli ir or ik v!if,f,"l of the , itt,sdiaileA`tifitsof of 'union, to which ent:rebstatitialtes athiebed:`lteseltedi.Thet not ehdalftile nire.riedblietiele af= tie prbeiplest ofelitlit4 Sahli' atibiderall;-bilt,tbi Ibilldbi &PIO eaticifed,thew hitbeleidahl and obvhnut Abase, lif thetliWilok: filitf, ef thii tutted Prethytaiiii o ll i f eb. , Thsurceidittie*WlS agreed, to. ' ~ Thikermi4theepalD4iratiO4OlUfftleespitiented • refihtChaibbdfibit =tbeei , soll . leitlibri i, 1• 'net Rev,. Kirtpitthrte, be appointed the Modevater's,*l-' teter# , ~ X , l'illtha tenlOtt be Prigtea.oll the , fol. I oldie eabjtai=mts : fclitie rwatiel , relations sad e capitative, elahneof Moms end Foreign , Mis-, 'llOlO Vlf.l RSV: 11:A. IfrOwne ; his 'iifeinite, Rim. J. se __,Eilble, '. ' 4 : ;Toot n dkvount , egithe " MAY of the - lainfri% W. the' Yonne , be delivered by Rey. • Dr, Jan* Tivccivis; his alternate, Rev. Robert Gn aw; • Ti report *4 ' 44004 - 1 , A 4fltitividtiotbalme At ',Preebikorien Mite& sal &est, wee,' predicted and read. It asked the geibilii Assetally to'reecniteend the society to the liberality 1 141t..020 11 'ibbir finder It Wedge for the'lseenniery weans stiaisit• ,for ` Carrying on the tt',.leftr:er 1# : ei ViP)l et ten; The •P e t i tion us krailitiiiir'of eeichtfois *dative to fixing a reap eon for: prifyiplbanbegiving ind hiplystettoseation, to liebbierred - by thialinrehes daring the year, were prsiented, - , Ofkasoldin, the whole matter was refeired to Die,Consinit4e 011 Devotional Erse. , sine.' '' ~ ' „•',.' ~.. ' Tior-AssiointitylifealitOseedisii to eonsider the drift. P1,44e.8 6 4 01) 11 00u ifsf'Pftti'a Ammi the " 14141t t" , • , ; , kfiliiiber ciL artemininteirtneunT of a roast , pr'asimperbint- charaeter, were pre• nutted and debated by the members. They did not alter the material portions or the original draft, width we.' adopted realnly as it same front the einentittee- ' After the 'r eport had been adopted, A motion was towie to Ins:tare' it to the vides* presbyterfei fol. constaeratioii. ' The Dirotaittes on the Book of_filsitplitte were lastineted to priqiere a rehltdion of overture ort4 r•Port a t*tb 'Az' _,_ Bair. bi.'Welh,ee a r id..ini;ti ootankittee be gip= pointed to prepare a draft of a directory for tinnily and public worship, and _cirri it to the next As esetably:%,- -The metieti'arria adapted: ' Di. Wellies, Prof.werentpointed the.oolemitten,/i "" -'• •- Itir: - Pi..l..T2i*ty presented a 'resolation de canting ini- the part nr. - lhe;-.Pelted _Presbyterian Monk that the pitellneof pronaleenois theatrical enterteininsite; ',en*: -Other -worldly - anoesernerits e a similar itatetre; : is eminently, tin= thl, and should lie 'itepnelelly! ; mnded, against: : reeoliation' w`mingreed to t and - ainothni adoPted that tbe'rkailiatien be read in every church, within -the bounds' erthe ~ • _ - A' repNitt 'from 'the Botta' et Charon Intension was presented and, read. the method to be adopted, by _congregations -while ooillibileg: moneys ivithin Lae Chinch for the - 'radian of ,-ellareh Llanelli:le- It, represented thst•there was of _ the Board,mbile the Mini mainee*rig-ailred:ifie42;ooo;„ - - _ , 'ALletterjaene recibir :41rOin tbelteternant Priebt' .herlerallyinekeigned by J-4i.;lttiteod atof Whitens .ftionilbentratifttle'of -- 00bedy, and read: ' ' Oirenotinti.er Mr,-Eleailler,it was laid on the fa 'l)**o f"r•Ofedln'bribilitid: '•= „ *Taro: etimi!wils adapted, direetlog - that a Dorn sittL4' te_Psiblisk: a letter , to the Okikelinnlbil'teeebefti Oath' Biters foe increased, eontrlbutioni la the; chatreh,- Brown, Itee:JW - .1 1 4,4*a1f . .: - -iiid j lter.rii,lllftlfese - wire appointed the 4booneitteiC s ': • - - Thetnestion of 4 noir esibion,Ci-Prainit was re-' cannek , „•, - ,The following ren - getkins .were adopted That the= existing- commlttiebe an- thoriao&to complete the work assigned- them end' report at next meeting of the Assembly.,,• the meantime the omtnitttre 'AMU Pedtlishr. *too remit of their labors in a cheap paaapilot term 'for tke.exantioation of_ths Church. The nmeaotityrionsuijourneff with -prayer.- . -41 rws41 1 , 02 ,r1 11 ls!tow• ' ' Mkt ;Alninfi.blP;lnakif.,llO,444..ll%.halt u'eloek, sat wpropoitaitMf prayer.' Rids Pr:A9Ehree; the otairmin of the Comidttee oa dertaislenehmeo; presestird tho,dreftef a letter to a sister deneal- Who- . Mr. James hitiljetllerre;,,lbe:,treent,er of the As eeinhw eneiteet 'rorrt,_:ertitehlruc Alejoitt •e:reeenteA iroti the' tletinnittinni 01 ,t they ; audited the miens , reports of iteePnro# preeentlet tbere,And foio d ,•theme to ho '..extir'tel: - :'3* . ik:4psikiil*kriallOrsimaia.' lassiled " lt jO i lii iE r l4 'Af t U t .Th t itht:hkrili The ii),peri . , , ira(aAfottor;::!:( _ A kronen eni''_neeteiti,..oirnettH: iirthe,expeniei tankinint 4111,:pobtkitOon -,theAhreetoef for petile*inshl - 6.t0 , 410fitihg. '..Ws•lte; ; liiiitch of the ,ehurch, and -.s3ktkihi:;sierislaat otorti; Nor linierlelge'rteetegireetio., Thteeterier the,letoreteifee of Boa d, of Yon* ertd'Aiene ightsWikiist* - 00*(560.%:..' kravolutleir iraelehnedei telderieg to the tesitee,oft Philadelphia the *obi of the Assembly for: their hied attention, indAif the nuriptnunr„ meteor le which they inthirtehted , the thetO4iti Pritl,e,AerettitiV: *ft* Thu clerks -irta . rP - imalreit:* o '• Or atit4o o - tie 101 . 4 4 1 1 1 5 r .i. 0 0 0 ;444fIgt*faliillkw : heineathistreatfthri•,the:•elrenniv_ reitioado2Aki, the eoiertesiehnitA itieenbire In , and • the eeinvrterent Atii - n - pablio' journals - for theli:se;• , terienee, wero"adoptel?,.,, , •1 ; : • _ • Ontroition - et - Iliegatidlete,.p refeletliei — L alnico to the trutkree of itie'Beriotii dP 14 . 14 10,1 4 41110 - -thio' Arietably_ met; for - ditties' ef theff•koltitilipresiefePtest: ' ='' I*.l l 4l44AKiikoltriPoiated rtie eonireitte to - eepietpiereCriCriht,hsettou of the Book of piiiiidritir.J.4.43irert and Rer. J.-T. Cooper. Tle obt4sift,teifileef itie'OPoit of thilioerd of lieeiellietive eras reeeread. &morel applieletiona u ußfitie _We k eoiipcieilione up voted Bzeteiiiii.'&iiiiiitee of,-the Neil -eirietreirt bro. ;lel& likeeithedrettier. Ow_ fit it expedient, to: eibibtiehihi s i 4014 they in ditiietaik!4:i NO* thi plaikteillYotfet 0 6 ,144 4:***bij,_ • - the Obi ; sott9 of ifF: eel 10 : esition 4 co it. the epeeist Omer tito s4,oWitHOPtiAilsteer. Thrilesiettitee . -to itUssf was Wetted the qui_ 11 1 11 4 f re*** °Midas wet sauna& 's fellawls s pays, Dl.Dersailigii, Di:Missy, G. D Asehtbsl4, TCll.llortnit,,assi Dr. D. K. Item ~ A sisolitirm nnt of iostio to the committee was adopted: ' Rev Abner ` Toms, ihe sisstitii,of a now viligt*Ariii6lme, aside a etaimeat to the Anew l atfit l POttitiliathigPOPiethi°• , L'; Ow4Solazi et*:ft. Diassei i iise Dstpilassmir,'` slaa'sfair kiiisiiniMdolte'tialmemshiCthassideSi; uesettbwoute.sis,igniked bbat l lll!giVilfit:to* tetbaStoM*Stiiheil So' eonirDiestio its,:iiiitwod. • riamr*ifo l3 -ft*eltikotilikiTtifiltniletret. thstialeatei Cu,TMs mittee on Bab id ovositra sold. a. terftti - "divirting Olood of the Ifesi ha' s two ottor 4.), node ,2ll . : the 13 /n° 4 rittOnvg thesol44Kfitesitliagnal: PaWity Ilse cotiof thi notiork the'Ag-; telmteildlio' 44o o lllll PreAr b 7 ' , • 1`" ,_ _: , irgituiti 11 1 01 0itr ; „ '., Tie A: teatbly - mist at,73 o'clock , BIM Dr, X. T Plitaily in tbilxietr, in the 'boom* of the Mode. , ' , 44: - /lit , ,Osooy pre,ented the ToPok of ti• CtoortaM4*7ork ITllmo., • Thiliad ettaihtott' fko : volkoY: C4' thio -ptoshylotias,AltA Soot OW • 4 4!9 4 1 )fk T4A‘Pilig Oatewere l iloisota, lior- AblottOtAX montitow ;14 - 419*-'froM other disfobvii ;iew imußogottitt 4 , b 1 pastostliktit.• sief*:SSl444l4 4 4 131 0tion;v1e-a obilatirild . aso4l* ''' TbA - rtildit 1 44,1101/ ,f '"•,, ' - , ThkA4tably plo'tii ,4 wiet.tittaiispasidorottoti of So iopift ditto wrignittiii4otaq overture., .r o o o somkatio4 tho 'fitiri&etorivelppolo,,w, - 4 ,1 , • to W•esi„. The *boil, metier iise *bite& to thi out Atuottily by a vo,e of o :- K Tbc'tkitiontetto 401 Cortoopoaditatosietottod I draft - q/tYofo!sial*bol, l 4o 6 - 0 0 ; 1 40 fF: l o*fo' • to tiOso"-too o lTiflttont the -,Taatiolo' i 0 "hai, la -.l4ll4°lol,4ll4tlk,4_,Yidtokihmthytorlia 4;r100-if catitikda: ,-, ThtAtatorof tbotti Haw were ;Imam,. adopted, , alifo4 - iiiit by thejtoutatoi and clerk ;'''' • '': • _ i'.' ' '''''.:, , i;', A rosoft,llYM t ' varrof . ttiert•Oi7o7 'K' ''. lM'' . trait tom ih - o.":4lotiiii'fiptiiit.'ititie Woit,to thi ' - ~, f akitioaOtnitwOciricsiored- a idies•spf; '-', •-.. - 4,,soaotAttorsoao:otoisit Willi. 8. U. re , ,:- 4otillot!silhittsistOgoo l / 41 !" (4 74 1 1 of Mato , Al iii7o, 0 1 olden* i f l o'lif il,,f the th", ' '410114,1,1',4111;14.;44.144, -. : • - ' , - ._.- 'A YefouA firm ; As OPuittto , Drotl#llAs -40116, ' 44i Woof 'ma (oliow; ' ' • W- • 4 5e ' - ' - 1 :.: , •.• Dit el4, ' " ' `;ontlicked of the noootolii of the l aid htillitv 711ajtit to ?raft t) temititillioa Watts t i o ?l= n ot t; 64 4 - 0 1 :711ra 411•144440:1 ffiA.4fuliitintari nest- t:.1! •• !it '..ht g ills- ' V t."' 44npi =E= 'magi re the ••AiNiabli t 'enk.lairthhdaily ao. !he u • • t clerk; Rieo2:4:Befath - Viet aid to those "Mini, 'who/1,2,4101i the urrangernente.fOr VW - Arista* ererecis*asuunated !Or 'tlie :rainy oath** eakaided to' blm while in the Parkrminee entle profeselonaEdutles • , k • _T___W.4,Bl , E I,S AISCIouI fruit is per Season: Dealers Uri there • liana time eagerly eaking house •iteegers to litiv - and In some eases the berries seem ili~o4784:0!.golt A - fload, arbtele eau be' obtained 'from - ten to fifteen cents lir bee, holding about a, quart. ~::This; - le; cheep eratigh, in all oonsolenee. pot Attne' of the greatest "Margaime 7 ', in Sideline were °Cored lut evening, hisi'deitieiderinloinr;'Whe had a' stook on hand which had been plightly,dauieged.by, the heavy rale; 'which fell.,:abont six "o'eloeli. Be retailed them out from the end Of his .eart, at two, three, and four' oents• a 'box; which_ caused a great de , 'mind, and many_, mouths wbieh bad not t eted strawberries for time were gratified with the limetry, some , ' . , IDOUGLA Li- MN, FOtIiT4E2iTH WARD.— jot Pitrimance of the cull in ThePross of yesterday, a large and entlitiehustli Misting of the Demooratio - friends of Don, Stephen A. Mullis, &ambled at the ward kouse,Twelfth and-Spring tlarden etreete, last Wight. - A committee of- arraugemente wee ap pointed to haw; transparencies, torches, eto., pre latiaa, and to' engage ;Miele; and it committee of, compoirca ,of " one from each preolnot, iiumed'A Make the netetwary colleetione to defray expenseei.' 'The meeting then adjourned to meet best:Friday night, "at the same, plata.- All the aa- die working Demo:a/Map! the ward were present, and a spirit Was manifested ta have a brilliant dies play onDeOcession of De ,groat Douglas meeting on Monday. Nomurxrunvo. —A - alight error, oaattie in the item on tbelhat page, frith this head ing. 7he agent of the airing estate nominated is nitit'Billson. The itim headed 0 Po- Mien - Mgfirtvates," also Osithenitside, was intend ed to folow among the :Other nominations, being 'ibb4lei at timianse onions. • DEATH OF„'OONSTABLII Di w.—Henry I) ,rew, one of the. ,eonitaldes of the Fourth ward, died jesterday morning, et 'hie residence, Eighth street; neer fibippen, of consumption. He bed been confined to his bid about three weeks. ~ !Acomixr.—Yesterday a ft ernoon, a m an, name.; Patriek Ilalhigan,:63 yew of age, fell down While mallets pnah!cart , near Tenth and Callow hill 'Areas, ,- . iind'Vroke hit ilight arm. fie was ta-, area loltieTennaylvanialleepltal. ' " ' DitotorirEn.A 'colored 'min named Dra ,peir was drowned in, the Schuylkill shoat three o'clock yesterday aftorneoW, opposite the Fountain Isti-ItlebodY was recovered last evening, and the coroner notified, to held an inquest. lFtiorri Finw:—About, nine o'clock last evening's alighrflre oimirred at a grocery store at the corner of Madan and Green etreete. - The fire originated from:a gee burner in the window and watiapeedtly,extioguished. t3till-Boni` vs. Wide Awake. (From the Cleveland Phandealer.) ' the "Imperial Manifesto" of Iverson, Davis, Slidell; Bunter, A 00., iithe.most decidedly still. born issue of. the age: In two 'of our exchanges oaly tuts - it • been copied, and .there only to bring the authentinto ridicule , quid show up the /root cid''.. Oar exchanges are-filled with quite another style of matter. - -• - The numberof poblio meetings which are .now being held by,thellencoeraoy in all parts of the *tufty, smstsining the action of the friends of /Senator Douglas at Charleston, is most astonishing. Resolictions, speeches, ;and letters to that effect are pouring in upon tui avalanche: Public son• intent, overwheltsting the opposition to Douglas, and the delogatesraPßaltltabre favorable to him will be animated by a spirit that is irresistible. We every day hear of men among our best citizens, who are not sad never were politicians, now warm. lraronsed and bound to be at Baltimore to balance the ..uchaniers The South, too, are in motion, and in the right direction.i We see by. our Southern papers that in. Alabama Governor Winston addressed a largo meeting at Montgomery, denouncing the action of the bolters at Charleston. Hon. John E. Moore ,addressed the Demooracy of Jackson, on last Mon de:7, on the-same. • lien. D. O. iltunpbreys ad dressed a large meeting at Madison on the same. Hen. F. E. Shepard addressed a meeting of the peopleat Dniontains on' the. wane. Col. W. 0. :Winston,' we learn, is,to addrearthe people of _De lob, Lebanon plenty, to•day, on the same. Colo. eel Voeper'rublriates the :people of Cherokee, at - Centre, to day, we learn.. So the ball is in motion; 'Si blase has commenced to born, and •we say, heap on the fuel until there will not be one of the reyoltitionsiry spirits leitto tell the mournful story of.the Charleston bolters.' Them orators bring the record of these seceders toe the;iteimp and exhibit them, as Judge Tilden Inthibited the autograph of John Brown on the rostrum of-the mourning Melodeon, but for a very different purpoe4drasilty, Mame instead of cheers. few 'of theesipletuies are as fernier,' !, No one.can :bedeeeived as ti what are the oh }mitt OfDie.OlinilestonConeentiOn hotter'. Listen to;whatibitir.men *ay - .I... , wanC the - cotton States preeioltated into a ;revollthiti Yancey.: 1 .If L. hid the power, I would dissolva this Gicivernment twondnatee.'—.7. T. Morgan. - - tit us break up - this rotten,slnking, and op priattlie Government barge Payk. , " 4.lisinsumee 1, reidstanie ! to death against- the • ilikerninentle sthatete Want now.'-=-David gua, .4kr:vre erntM go on throttgbout the Whole este logne,Asteluding Blanche, and Sweet itesete, tbsdaSamienorigh convict tide 'crowd of. revolatititiary Intentione:," , These men amidst as Obnoxious to the national -and, thorenH sentiment of the country Mt Garrison, Wemdell Phillips; Parker.' Their ha !MA of the Union and Colistittation is even greeter 'and morn dangerous than that of the latter. They Bare 'beeiness,lihatirer In'a Democratic Von.. ventlon. Yet, „under - the 'banner of those men, Wye traitors to their country were found—the Northern . enemies ;of Douglas—who, In order to 'gratify their personal malignity, would destroy the „ Government; arid Vie Government-imp - 14er of 'Cleveland pubilefies only the-speech of this Yancey ittiChirleston, and that approvingly, and ridicules stooryAbitheno an Who dered to utter,' send-, mint in itoserdence with.the Northern Doling. Irt beautiful contrast with thb,-hear a pliant Booth' Carolinian speak. T,. terry, one_ef , thedelegatHei to the qualm._ tim Convention frentAintliDerol Duo, eilio redacted ,inj Blsiv: s liodykfseillie_rectie Ili delegation had aeleded;+.Ms•Vitfdnt, tittisfied , Arith the platform anoptett&braoMeMoumeatlon to the Columbia South cOrtiinion, thue speaks of the local feeling which AVMs brought to - bear upontuitional delegates in that -dlinnici city. - He says: . the galleries of the Convention members who dared do, their duty oonsolentlously on the floor eters hinted every time they rose to address the Convention or vote in' It - This was altogether 4r/buy strong outside -pressure, producing ',pretty strong excitement. - We all know how contagious political exeitements are. Is is hard to resist such' a Contagion, and the holdest and most conscientious fall .vkttims to it, before they are aware of its in finitude, and Somtinies ',they never.are, conscious -OM" - - - ' -- That kind of feeling -will not prevail at Balt-- More ~ T he fact 'that it was so , npbiy resisted by the Northern' and Western mew shows their•ex- Salient -pluak arid endorsee.. Having stood up is oliarieston, Ibex are not likely to falter in Ba t. Visor,. „ The Prospects of the Growing Crops = Geuerally,theintedligmbie in regard to the crops II very encouraging. The long drought which threatened a famine in the Northwest has been "broken' by 'enplane rains. .i The Saida are green, the' fruit trees are in- bloom, eireedy.verdure hen commenced luxuriant growth, and alt nature looks - refreshed and irivigorated.'!' The Milwaukee News says: .. If the present weather Continues but a ,abort time longer, no fears steed,' be entertained tbat the . harvest which is to fellow, wilithr exceed iii bounty and' fraltfulneas its, predecessors for saany,,jesirs. With a gealaf atmosphere, an &bun - - dine. a ofmehtitie, an 1 careful attention, the coming ',Mamma will witness a gatheringlef cereals which will gladden Abe heart- and - insure p ro sperity for ."' - the future .. ----" . •-' " ' , Abe; ettr - Pant, (Minnesota) timid& - is Informed Iliii a-reedereas, who has travelled= over large por tions of Miramotiti that all sorts of *rope are in e Nitta, condition then ever before- known at this season 'Of the year, end more. than double the amount of _ground is under cultivation than last • yOr; In Kansas the prospect Is not so favorable, tU drought ocietlnuee end its bed climb are very aleverely felt. 'The armlet are apprehensive that iiiierieltfitot be able to gotta their corn in time to gr a ltOitiiithe frosts. The fall wheat is entirely est- for - Wass rain The oat crop will be ' RAI, !alo! rain comes. The prospect to geed hi lowa. , Tim rye harvest will be very large. An saistual area of corn haa beenplanted in this State, mbiliSi to limning On Suety. • 'Me When pipers *peek of the wheat prop as leaking remarkably well. A late number of the petrels Advertiser notices some fine specimens of 'whom and rye. The rye Was fully four feet hi hi'lliht. and was- headed " out ; the wheat was at loam throe feet, and would probably have exhibit. "ei heeds In a week's time. Short crops are pie. :Meted in Kentucky. The . Louisville Journai ;hip : , t Rehear many comphiluts about the wheat la this State. A gomany of the fields in'hhieh tee whisk 'buti beau froasit out hare been planted le something base. • The - remaining fields present sliPetted 'ePPlerleetti the plants Min o f uneven 'height. The chum to t his is stated tole the work. of a fly, - which deposits its egg near the root, the Item eateAuto the stalk producing a weak and sickly growth." -,' \ - OMa sad fruit p ro mise well in- Pennsylvania. The Pittsburg Journal thinks the fruit crop in the - western seelion of the State will be unprecedented . , Tears, plume,. eberries, smile., all promise an Abundant crop. The etrawborry never looked liner; In d" , snub is ; the ease with the, other small rfruiW' ' -Tim - Wheat -`tirep never hooked better. throughout the State, and is advancing finely; and flees present indiestlene will. mature early. Me limos. are malting, series "ravages in Virginia. TheArisdariekeberg (Va )'./bra/if says that the AO** *hint crop-from Frederieksbarg to the ate Itapponenneet river--inibreelng the willei sPierfirtile • Valley ,of the Rappahannock, vault eattlfintdred:Milee .in length—ia less pro. whiner ibisefer many years put: • In Richmond, e lltiainit t lia; - . M id dlesex,' Spottsylvsinia, - Ring . y OreeMei Vitt _Stafford, Me w or n is making ci ' insulg4t -:-The worm has roads/its appearance 'Wird parte of We - county' of 'Amherst, and le =:'Phl , h,M.liii'ti item* telth the growing wheat. . welt= at the age _ 4.liters, who has never ' , rod paaai; is called en *la Vuoitt uejustly used 0 1; being art old maid Is ths,..imeawlon of purity, and OWN' are essential tt wire f:Withent them, dies deaden debar/te r, pprffieuttb , manners, won" 'theta over; nor thew looked beyond 'anti cheering 4n 4 ; l lttl rile 4 lbbp 2014dd:their time.'N-: %stub' CITY ITEMS. tittEA't . OR JVIAEST. — ihirink Settortil days oast there his been eh intents et= liniment in front of itooklull & Wilson's Brown Stone Clothing Nall, Noclo3 and us' Chestnut street, unused hy.a 14rdir ditipliy of jewelry,'suoh es is 'amenities used in silt enterprises. All °lessee appeared to part:Miran in be excitement, and male and female. old and young, have rushed to the spot, end the pavement was filled, front the window to the curb , during botk dey and evening. - The exhibition of cheep Jewelry was design ed as hit at a peculiar feature of the arms , and the fiur deitling portion of the pnblio'inJoyed the expose with great nattefaction. The real value is marked on each article, and' it is no Mystery how some fonts oath Word to give a ea breastpin with !aisle of five dollars' worth of garde, when the nest value of the " gift" 19l cents. a Ss "ladles' set" that coats 91 cants. gold looketa marked to cost es that cost in reality ao (tents. The display, And the complete expose it involves, has caused a great deal of amusement to lookers-on. FACTS SPpAz LOIJDZIVTBAN WOODS.—Tho new system adopted by °Owlill Stokes, or Khios to every purchaser of a garinent th,Jbll value of his money in elegantly- fashioned clothing, and a handsome. valuable* gad useful present besides, is having Its effect on the Public Mind. "One price; and no abatement." is print ed and marked on each artiole sold, and strictly adhered to, the price being put down to the lowest figure. The accompanying present, which is always of use, and fre quently of great value, ill never added to the price of the garment sold; on the contrary, each garment is marked as /ow as Me lowest, and warranted equal to the beet en rai raiperts, the girt being merely an additional inducement to each customers to buy, after having sa tisfied themselves that they can invest theit money no better elsewhere. With the entire fairness of the whole transaction the ambito are invited to /Mit and make them selves familiar. at the "Temple or Fashion," No, ea Chestnut street. • • SPIRITUALIEM.—Owing to the great interest felt by the eitizene of Philadelphia in testing the truth fulness of spirit intercourse, Mr. J. V. Minefield, test medium, will remain a 'few weeks longer in this city. Big rooms are at tati Arch etrret. N. B. Wolfe. M. D., healing phyintran, has rooms at the same P1a441. ' Bowan's "MXDIOATZD Fins" are composed of the linnet Alokandria BOMA, combined with ' fine aromatics, and inlaid in the natural fruit, As a remedy for constipation of the bowels, dyticepsfa, Rich and nervous 'beadaohe, and bilious affections generally, they stand unrivalled. There is but little taste about them, and they can be eaten by children as well as grown persons. Manufactured by Bower, Sixth and Vine. Price Wl cents per box. Fon Corrivaness on OoneTIk.ATION, which aredually breaks. down the eoniditution, and lays the foundation for Dyspepsia and many other disorders. "Bro'wn's Lazatire Troches," or Cathartic Lozenges, are partionlarty adapted, misting Nature by strength ening and invigorating the nrooess of digestion. • GREAT EXCITIGGSNT ox CIIIISTNDT STREST.—FOr several weeks put GlAltvlitai Prongs, the great Ame rican fashioner and olotaier, No. 607 Chestnut street, MS been absorbing nearly all the Chestnut-street trade, in the way of tarnishing elegant, cheap, and fashiona ble clothing to the million. Naturally, the envy of cer tain unprincipled persons, who have neither the enter prise not honesty to enter Into a fair competition with him, Ills been aroused, And they publish their shame by advertiaing in their windows bogus jewelry and insi nuating it iq of the kind presented to the pattone of the ONE-PHICS GMT CLOMM% Etironitrza of GEIMVILLE Brogan, NO. 607 Chestnut street. This has naturally produced the effect desired by Mr. Stokes, anei excited the curiosity of those who had been hitherto buying at their establishments. The result is, they foisake these bogs", unprincipled concerns, and purchase where they not only get the value of their money in elegant cloth ing, but a really valuable present besides. 'The most skilful clutters in the country are engaged by Mr. G. Stokes, and every article warranted to give entire satisfaction in fit, fabric, fashion, and price. It ig Particularly desired that purchasers would inspect the quality and price of the garments offered, ready-made or made to order, by Granville Stokes, and also the sifts he designs presenting with each article sold, all of which are open to the ptiblie, who are cordially invited to see that they are of real worth and intrinsic value, and exactly as represented. k ARRIVALS ArTHE PRINCIPAL HOTELS VP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST MOOT C iNTINNNTAL-8. E. earner of Nieto and Chestnut. M Davis, Polls T If Davis, Phila. ham' A Danforth. Del " Robt Jarvis. ~.ouisville T A Mills. Newark N I Peok , Ind lanamdm J L Allen, Dover,N 3 E M Stanton & 10, Wash'n Mrs Lowe Hutchison, Pa -C 'P autohuion, Pitts burg 3 F Stooges, Newark B 0 Magee, Dover, N J 8 A Raulettht Louis Mrs A L Davis. Bt Louis Miss M D avis,a t Louis W 8 Webb, N Y R Bowyer, Y on kers , Nlt WIL Ross & wf. Pillaging Geo C Gibbs, N Y E RI., TA, or . Brooklyn A Chester & Is, Ohio Muni B Ile% California W C Faison & la, Del C IL Breneman, Lancaster T H Burrow.. Lancaster if Ernest & son. By E Blackman & do, N Haven Mrs Battolph. Trenton,N J Miss Buttolph. Trenton 7 M Fairbanks, 71.1. & J C Huger lo, Lancaster A M Horn & Is, Ps W B Colwell, Ara J ft. t' Havana), Charleston Chas Brooks. Boston Mom L A Brooks Boston Miss B A Brooks, Boston B A Morrison & fa, Mo .1 Lawrenoe. Boston - 1. Young, Del If Ames, Conn ' ti W Butler, at D. Philo G' Tuomas, Balt Am Fk Louisville H D Gourd. N York Mrs A Clark, ri York Miss Jordon, N.York L Morganstern,Tittsburg Mrs Andrews & da, Boston Jos A Berm), N Jersey A W Gibbons. Balt li Spencer. Ira W P Wilson, Bellefonte II T Murray. Hollidaysbrg Dr Wright & la, N ) D T Wallets & la. N Y' Mrs M Shannon. St Louis ' J N tdutdook, Boston H T Beardsley & wf. Pa C W Bentley. Balt H Grins , N Y 8 8 Marshall, 11l As halbert, Bethlehem Peter 41ine & Is, Easton Wm Bing. & Is. A Y 3 1g i sytor, PI Y J M Nabb,N Y, E 0 Fisher, N Y Yawl Clark. Boston Alex 8 Gordon, NY .11) Cameron & la,_Harrlobg John Irwin, Jr. Centre on -E Del Mallard, PI Y j 3 Java. iv V Mrs A P Rowe ~ Mrs Robinson • 11 Adams • Mr Pierson & Is. John A Charlotte & Is, N Y Geo Runnewell. N Y H 01.s.sume ttr ido _ , 3 P Cadagan,.(lumny, 11l P W Lane, aloof. .., /II W B Franklin, NY /3 J Dallas. sithington W 8 Bradley, • onn $ CI Babcock, Conn_ a M Carlisle, Wash, D C 0 I. Beeokinan, N it A F Hoppe'. Cinn. 0 7 8 Clement, Boston Christmstrong& lA. N Y M sorer. Lhio Grayer & Is, lf Y 8 frt Conkla & la. N Ir M Reilly. Wheeling. Vs , 8 Fieldin & la, Louisville M Mallory Louisville virs Taylor, Louisville . L W Fairchild, N Y . • Thos H Dull. la 0 Charles Mare, Miss Dr Miller, Wash, D C Jos Lemke's)* & Is. N WT Hicks & Is, A N Y J II Allow kiloton*, C ,ff,... W H Clarke. Ps - Mrs A Wlllenson &0. / . 1 X . oy N y . E J Daveo, Asia Minor Pri l 'ffe ri tric i ni, Webb, D C Byron_ Watlion,_Wsoh, D 0 H Bedrock & la Wei Heyward, Easton, add hoe 0 Itioholear. Md 'H H Muster, NY, g GIRARD HOWlN—NitiVad Chestnut streets. • 0 Gaylord Lauber. Vhila rug Newlin, Philo • iiobt Ellie A Is, Athens, Gomi ss Ellis. Athens, Ga Mei W Wade, Filleting Chits A (Hover, Ind Geo F Thompson, Ind . Jag Maguire & la, N Y J W flerrow es la,hloiatreal - Jno Archer, Ohio lil , lFitzsimmort., Md ' Mast Fitsslmmone. hld ' • Jell Capon La A Overton &l 0.• Ara Cowan. Pittsburg P W Scribner. Cal W C Mason. Smyrna Del elm Elimon,_Bmyrna. Del O P Moos, Danville,. Pa C D Marsh, N 0 CH IL Judkinsoitr 'Panda' E 8 Davis. N Y Opus Wheeler, N Y R Hooking & le, Brooklyn It Peterman, N it - ti W Martin, Wash, D C. John Watkins, Bel C F Diets & la, N Y Jul A Blink & la, Va Robt Andrews, Md I' Howard, hid. E Roberts, Del Jos T sive% $ Y Thos Jackson°. N J John Warren, Conn - N 0 Carleton, Montri,CW Goo W Willinefl Al ontreal Miss Ii Taetiers._WCheeter lii Haldeman,' arrtirg Dr TASOIIaII, N 1 -Iva aa kaatumn, 'Y P Johnson, Holmosburg Mush Johnson, Holmests'ig E Johnson, Bolmosburg L Overtoni Holmesburg 11Koehler, N Y .Fulton Pant, Hudson .1 E Dunbar & In. Conn W 4 McCann, NI Jas McCoy N Mexico Lewis Marie ) & la, Ito Geo Presco tt, Cumberland Jos M Faddin. tied Jo ha W Dome & In , N C John L Hewitt, Miss ... voNeal, .M. 83,100 Walter W William,. Miss 11 Wright, Tenn Mrs Mary ehannon.gt Louis Richard Green, Maryland Rev A Hartponoe, Tenn .1 Lomden, Havant) Mrs W 11l Ross, Havana Miss A Ross, Havens Miss L Hoes. Ravens Muster Russ, Havana Miss 0 Esender,Havana C Anderson. N Y N Anderson, N Y N MoCaully, N Y J Martin, N Y V . J 11 Danforth, N V " N H Rauch, M Chunk C E Gregory, Jersey City J Cornell & is Va t W Thompson, N Y James tkiott, PI 'V - 0 8 Cochran, 8 0 0 ass Cochran. 8 C Miss colhoun, el C II 8 Black, 8 C MI Thompson. Conn John W Thayer, COdo W Mho hard, Jerseys's. 11l Jacob Yen Dike, N 3 • W E Alcoa. N y ..... .1 B littalford,Balt Gilbert Congdon, Pros F 0 Mead, Will , J 0 Dull, Wash' 0 J Costello. Balt 3 Condos, N Y H_Consine, Elk Ilan Mrs Dewey, Elk Horn,Wis W J Jones & wife, Md C N Hatch, lowa I 3 Mittman & la, Akron, 0 Mrs Hatch. Akron. 0 A Spates: Md I) 8 Russell & wile. N Y Russell, N Y F at Doan, Va -§ v r As , ', lnir, Pa - N Richter. N Y P Mointopp, N Y ' Dr Hale, Pe A Wright, Tenn JONBB' HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Sixth, G A -Pitman, Donnas, C W Beni Ackerman, Maze Geo it Draper, Pt Y J A Murphy, Galt E Van Antwerp, N 3 II Du y Mier, Wash, I) C Wm Holland, milla Geo A. mondani, N Y Jos Whew. N J - IL Rand. B C H visdartieit, Pa . W H Lament, Texan John B Chapman, Cal Wm Bobrew, Min E N Bowes, Ind 3 it Easton, Ga Thus 8 Bell, 'West Chester Jli Adams, 14 Y LocMenonigle & wife N 1 L Starch, vent, N 0 ', . w Tiney,Wtuth,D C, II H. Dotelikiu, l'il Y John Butler,N YCant H W Morris, U 8 N Jae 13 HON B. 1, Adkins, Del banal Watkins, N J Mr Martin, Pa riEltOdAPlThr BOTEL—Fourth arrant. pewi t > pm. Semi Keefer. Ind Wm V Wright, Clearfield I W Menem. Clarion no Hon J Schindie, Lehigh no M L Cline, Newton, N C A Spence, Snow 11111, Md caving Spence, Snow Bill Mrs 1 W Ulrich, Lebanon JB. angle" , Ortilipolur. 0 L Langley, tiallipolis Rev John Leitheed._.Pa, , Col liyer, Selinsgrove WI V bennett, New Hope J K Orate, Bloomabuig John Musser. Adamatown Ptokardt, Bethlehem B Chase, Wilkesterze 3 Raub, Wllkesbarre A Girder, Bethlehem L Williams, Loot Haven Wttherow. Pa T M Dodson. Wheeling, Va Mail Dodson, italtnnoria. B A Miller, Pittsburg STATES UNION HOTEL—Narket street, above Sixth. w Hoops, Belt esa Peterson, Lane co W Watson, Lane co P Hammerman, Newport, Pa W H Watt, Pa . Joel Miller Lena oo W Shaw. Pinta J Gleitn. Phil& WPiokel, Lana no P Ladd, Pa JA Lingle. Bellefonte ' Jae Boon. Lino no W Price, Williamsport ' B R Jameson, Carlisle . AMERICAN . HOTEL—Chestnut. above Fifth. W El Plitoraft. Phila Capt Thos C hull Cent P B Parker Chas id Johnson Boston W HD_unp. West Chester Deo Williams , Harrisburg Mite Williams, Barrisburg,. ID Edmondson. Bellefonte WHlllibb. Bellefonte J B Branton, West Cheater 1' 9 Branton. Weat theater Sas Moat?,othery., Balt W a Brick, N Y If Bushell, 14 Y 'l' Lippincott. Pittston W H Patchett, filo H Bunk, Trenton W Hurd, N J fat Olidereleve, Del WA Darrell & la, N Boded H Adams, N Jno Donohue & la, Balt .1 p e e e r n , P n ei y Joe Williams. N Y Andrew Briggs, Y .? Blackwell . JO7/101 Shore p I Justice, Min It 8 Lathrop, Conn E Lathrop, COMI W Covell, Wore J 8 Whalen, N Y Jag Stevens, N X S g Montgomery. N Y Plitt: d, B P Willies, Belt COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Buctli it.. &byes Chestnut. I( Kerns, Loco co 'A F Beatty. Potty/1110 DI F Noel, 1 , 1 Y 8 Jet Tries, Atherton John JtOot 0 W Harris, Lams co Wm Molvide W B Britton, W Cheater PW Winton, Cites Vaßer, /1. Id Grim It wf, P 4 OW J Smith, Lazio co, Pa W A Chandler, Chester no J J Blair, Lebanon J ?demount, Chester to Miss Alexander, Ches eo A (Juldit, Pottstown Fow Priok,WOro, Del 18 White, Pa Morns,Po I) McConkey, W Chest MERCHANTS` HOUBR—Third M.. above Callowhill Thos Beok, Lookport, Pa T H illoeoklyMonroe, Le John Eraok, Monroe, La J Frymire, White Haven John Parkin. Johnstown WDe Young. Wilhamspt H 8 l ii iiik,cateeanona. 0 A Asahbaolt, Allentown Jonas' toyer. Hooks no Jos Coover, Myerstown D miner, Lebanon II Buoher, Lebanon - BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—leecomi et.. below Vine. 't hoe Ent, N J • Semi Groff; Cheltenham .Win Davison, Cheltenham 14 L Elk New Rope .13114tPiX1 1 1.,5110t: j stru b eagietorineet= Jno Farrel' or. Pa P Wideman, Cat Wm It Seigle, 11 Robt Beane,Johniville Blt nusetton, Lambertville A Snook, vow Hope SLACK REAR HOTEL—Third It.. above Calloerhill. TamaquaJEtayard. Tamaqua J Swoyer. Allentown S A Lewery, Wilm J °Sowell, Abington Mns HolloTl, Abington D Bet htel, heohteisville 0 Harper „ Jenkintown W T Wayne, ft J 8 Ooldsunt L61141143° W R Richards. Centreville Mrs &chards. Centrevile H Maurer, Bechtelsville A M Bright. Bernvine E 8 Frey, bmitheville S Lefler, Orwigeburg S n t fuitfamn hs tnet u J Stapleton, Choy J 431110, Hamburg if A lif,,•aegro'ner,H r amll B. urg Dr F Yanarttdalen, Pa IRE ;UNION HOTEL—AM' sheet. above Third. r Weed, Pe. H. Evans, lisnultori, C W Mrs Rusgell, Id Y Conklin Tow anda, J Conde?, (IleVeland, , P Moore, Pa . W M Mathes, N Y Henry Hennon, Reading IJ H Coyle. Aida - W Busmen, Lancaster J Kohler & In. Akron. O' NATIONAL 110TNL—Kane etreer t above Third. John Thomea, Moots ao Mum M J - Hainan. Pa - A.:Kew...NW no, YA J A Ounninishern. Ps Oto, Karts, Loros lAtekwood, pe LI Andress. Allentown IS Lone. Milton, Ps P a s co e g ic b 1 11 1 .r wn iilli , W l4lllt h ingin Li a 9,811:1441irte1. u te r ki p, iahor,J! Fisher, Lewle f. Ye -Jaw J 51tikcin,lEThitount -'"lrr 111U.RSDAY, MAY , 31, 1860. ~ v B o l' o oll E lu OT , B i i7c , irseiliger oii, six 'Vitt. ' ille ti A Taylo r t ft J, I i ~'A iri t liktlir I IS 1 VlCat i tTAET Y ol;no . j l iptigmi. Ae ' ad) t ai , - A tio elder ~` N't. I;diptkri Oioomipto l ' 0 Pmkon, in ' I ' ' i m O W Wog s to t r Alb!itit ' , 1 , . din °this. Alton'''. ' 1 ; rP l ilillia, Iris , ', 0 1 41talfr P4dlsl' FOrif.rrAiN 1iarY4 ,439 C90, ilirelit: ' 5 6 1 14 1 p . ..W Sot am. BMyrns, Del li &altar , R mlamni,, !i w W Heaftear, Rd ..: HB. Prettyman; el J G ehaw,i e ' J W Smith, tatmodOntw I Thom W mammy, Jr, Phil& John tibial, mot 1,.. 4 „. Alin K. Hs% Pt J, Mrs ci ht Slosn & mn, rf A Mathew, Zanesville, 0 fa H tinte. lingetmj J Alex El ymr, Ps- ' Jom 8 Jarriit, Dior _,. et John It Dorton Del Jna Cook, FroOriok, Tool Jos Motno,,Doi , i Sam ti corn& ilk Minefield, 14.1 , 11114 L , I. H Cook, Dover, Dol J Paljc_innnjoi. Jere, city John nified, Dover,Del , Mrs Inansnotti & %Re geo Wiplos, IN 3- - - IS M Stevenson, DoYer,Rel WOW Rena, ,T ‘ ionsT, Del. BALD BAGLA DOTAL—Third et..• above Oaßarnhill Z D Long, Carlton 60, Pa 9410 Bline,Hummttnill D Kresge, Monroe oo , J 0 aohntopp, Pa T H Leesettring, Pittsberg ,Tea Levd, Centre 00 , • " Jan Lownght, t'aliforitht• J W &worm, Pa A lantiman, Allentown Ainhew CalVint Eallt 6 _P D Reed. Bohm co, Pa BIM Brod, Trenton; re A alternate, Monroe te Mte Altemolb,'Monroe to Mtn Mbomou' Monroe no • MOUNT VERNON ROTEL—Sew:a r. i 4bove Ar_oli .. . J Vsynos, Berke no. PO, li_3l , ) I,rwre Whletßo. N Y TY u. Ph ;Wu. Rome. N Y . JO Vanoleve. Pa Mies Anna M;Yanbleve, Pe John genic Doylestown NA Inejl)aytson_ , . 6 . . chez Middleton, N Y Morton widens, Kanto, ty '',, , - ii IMPORTATIONS. [Reported for The'Pl:iie.l MESSINA..Bohr Annie Grant—lMO Us lotionslo6l do oranges SO totlep Rooms Isaso Jeanee a Co. PERNAMBUCO—Brig A J W AgvielSrtb-2600 bags sugar J Meson & Co. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. GEE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED. Steamship Virginia, Rally, from Riohmond vie Nor folk, 27 hours. with mdse and Passengers to Time Web ster, Jr. Passed off the Ledge ship „F Baker. or Liver -I.ilat :nch°oflZwTltsi alerh. fro m o• a.ndrry. Z d nark from Carden... itellatabip Delaware, Cannon. 44 llosirs from N York. h md.e. and passengers to Jae A Iderdloe. Reports a small ehib, with painted ports, a bark, and two brigs, above the litirA , on the ,Ledge. Brig A J W Applegarth . Coiling, from Pernambri May 1, with auger to John Macon fp Co. Left bark m. peradore L ßubbard, for rhiltidelphis. to Sail la. I days, and brig Somers, Col Held, from and for Boston. disc it. The bark Margaret. Quig. sailed from Pemambuoo*B April for Delaware Breakwater, for orders. May Si r let 4118 N. long el W, exchanged signal' with 04 sex, from Pernambuoo for Boston. drip Samuel French, Persons, 4g dare from Eastport, with fish and laths to I A Bonder b• Co Bohr A M Aldridge. Batemsn,s days from Boston, in ballast to C A Heokscher A. Co. Bohr Clayton & Lowber, Jackson. 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jae L Bewley & Co. Bohr Semi C Fithian, Tuft, dare from Port Deposit, L Md. - with wheat to Jag Bewley & Cu, .Bohr Ann, Blake, 18 days tram with laths and pickets to from Calais, with lathe and pickets to Oaskill & Calvin. Bohr Olivia, Curra n day from °dogma, Dol. with grain to Chnenan & . Steamer Conoord, Norman, 21 hours from New York with mdse to Wm M Baird & Co. Steamer Black Diamond. Allen, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird & Co. m 719 tuttis St • • ' Bohr Napoleon, Birrno OL Wwbem, NO, B A Bonder tt. Ca Bohai* W it Dennis. Wheaton, Bogota, Van Dusan, Norton & Co. • , Bohr hi Van bunco, Ireland. do . 3: Bohr Grao Hardier, Paine, ig Bohr J C Baxter, Baboooa.. do Bohr Joanna, Hand. Nor Walk. do . Bohr °north.. Packard. Portsmouth. Nli, do Bohr Wirn Loner, Robinson. New Bed ord, do Bar Chief. Champlin. Norwich, do Bohr Wm - P Cox, Houck, Saugus. Blakieton & Cox. Bohr den Taylor, Hunter, Westchester, do Sahr ki B Aehmead, Young, New London, do BT TNIXOIIArIi. (COTTSINOIMOSNoO of The Press. l' NzwiVoltz. May M. Arrived, ships Manhattan. from Live pool Enter prise. from Havre: Palmerston. (Norw) from Newcas tle; Oldenburg bark Oerhard,_ from Firemen; brigs Fanny Lincoln. from tit Men', _Hayti; P R i nker. from Begun; Windward, from Mato/nag. BOSTON, May M Tho achy Roxbury, of Philadelphia, wee struok by lightning this afternoon. ' BALTIISOBII, May 90. Arrived bark Ella Virginia, from Bahia April 90; inky Peerless, from 8t Johns, PR, 15th inst. Left in port barks Montezuma. for New York; Volga, from Boston. Spoke on the lath, Bohr Pxohange, from 8t Marks for New York. Steamship Boston, Crocker, hence, arrived at New _York yesterday. Steamship Glasgow, Thompson, from Liverpool, ar rived at New York yesterday. Steamship SLIOLIIII. Ehlers. from 'Hamburg 16th inst, arrived at New York res terday. Steamship Ariel, Miner, for Aspinwall, cleared at. N York yesterday. Ship Helen MoGaw, Tricker, from Newcastle 2, ar rived at New Yorkyesterdey. Ships Western Skean. Westmoreland. and North canon. fir Philadelphia, were loading at Liverpool WM lost Ship Julia Lawienoe,doear, for Callao, remained at Leland° March 30. Ship Star of Peace, Hale, froli Calcutta, arnved at London nth inst. Bark Elizabeth. (Brimfrom Bremen for Philadel • Phia, was spoken Mitche llnet 48,30.1036.30.36. Bark Colonist, hence, arrived at London 14th inst. • . Brig New E a, Walker, for Mobilo, cleared at New York yesterday. B, nt Brigh Minsary Ann, Cola, hands, arrived at Bt. John, N t. Brig Vrean Bird, !Blackford, from Para April 29, ar rived at New York yesterday. Brig _lf C Brooks, tierrilli from Rio Grande, arrived at New York yesterday. Bohr Forest Xing..Perri. for Richmond, was at Bahia 10th ult dischs, for Rio de Janeiro. Bchr J B Lee, Corson , for Charleston, *leered at N York yesterday. Bohr Sarah Jane, Jones, benne at Boston 29th inst. ISolirs Henry May„, Hoover. and Roxbury, (Braga, (neared at noston29lll inst for Fnitsdelpsts. • ta eket Bohr 4e W th i ßohner, McElwee, hence, arrived at Nan- avower Ann Elina, Robinson. berme, arrived at New York yesterday. SPECIA.ta NOTICES. co PRESERVE AND DRESS rn of the best dressings for the hair ever invented is BURe' NETT'S COCOMNE; Ladies dmuring tbelr heir elabo rately for the evening still find thaa it 'Ribbon it la for hours. , Re 'qualities, se' proyettunir the heir from falling, are truly reinartAble.—Tnifadrlphia Bet. , Jain.lt . 'SAWING FUND- 2 1 4 1.iT10NAL.8.A.1 1 11117 'TIM* Comoatry.—ChaTtered by the state of Penarylva n. MULLS. 1. Money ut rraelired every day, and m any amount large or small. 2. FIVE PER CENT. Interest le paid for money from the day It to pat in. 3. The money Is always paid back in GOLD whenever it is nailed tor, and without nottoe. I. Money is reoeivea from Acmes:ors, Administrators, Gradients, and other Trustees, in large or email rates, to remain a long or short period. V. The money rooeind from Depositors is insetted in Real Estate, Mortgages. Ground Rents, and other first class securities. 0. Office open ovary day—WALNUT Street, eouthweet °roar Third street. Philwdelohia. SHAMANS &VINO FUND--NOWTHWEIN Connan flacon. and Waymire Bniairts.--Depoeits re. °shred in small and large amounts, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of FIVB PER CENT: per annum. Money MU be drawn by checks without loan of in twat. Omen open daily, from • until o'olook, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evening. Presi dent. FRANKLIN FELL; Treaumper and Secretary. GRAB. M. MORRIS. METERS? MIRACULOUS STROM, the oldest and best remedy known for Ex terminating RATS and MICE. COCKROACHES BUGS, ANTS, mumurrosa, FLEAS, MOTES, GRAM WORMS, and GARDEN INSECTS. l Principal Depot, 012 BROADWAY, N. Y. Hold by all Druggists everywhere. MODEL SHAVING AND HAIN-DRESSING EOTABLIORMINT. L. OUTBRUNBT, N. E. earner FOURTH and BRANCH Streets, having opened his magnificent Saloon for Nair Cutting Dyeing. and Shampooing, in conneotion with the most elaborate private BATHING facilities, would now and nounoe to the public, after a year's enceessful operation that his means of aaeommodating his numerous patrons have beeri rendered still more portent. la , None but the best artiste are employed. S Private Rooms for Ladies and Children. Oct Best Hair Dyes, and other dressing preparation. always for sale. Mr Charges moderate. ' SALANANDNIt FINN-PaooP Sents.—A very largo assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at res. sortable prices, No. AN CHESTNUT St.. Philadelphia. anitt-tf RV...NS le WATSON. Omit Puma OLOTRING OP 'MR LATEST Ornate, made in the best manner, exaressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling priced marked in Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satin• factory. Our ONE-PRICE system is strictly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing All are thereby treated alike. • JONES & CO., seS-tt eO4 MARKET Street. &WING MACMINIIB. All persons who have bought Sewing Machines whioh will not perform the work expeoted, are informed that S(NCLER'S Mu chines never fell to do inn Mud of work. Noon° is ever disappointed in the Machined of I. M. SINGER & CO.. No. 810 CHESTNUT St. apd.Om 130811ART—MYER8.—On the 20th met., by Rey. Mr. Mr. John 6. noshed to Min Mary Myers. all of Phtlitdelphia. • WU. D—T tir EEDALF..--On the 28th inst.. by Rev. H. Tv eedale. Mr. 2amuel Rild to Mies Sarah 'iweedale. both of Darby 41, BOMEIBLER—ROWLAND.—On the 30th init., be Rev. Ism Loes Ro wla nd Bomeis city Raohaal, daughter of 9. 8. both of this MoCA ULEY.—On Tuesday. the 20th inst , Lieutenant James B. McCauley. U. G. Levy. His male blends are respeetfully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of Thom. Ackley, corner of Second and Penn streets, Camden, N. J.. on_Priday. June Ist, at 3 o'clock P M. Interment at the Woodland Cemetery, West Philadelphia. a• POULTE RES.—tin the 13th April. at Hanover, Ger many, George W. Poulterer, in the 29thyear of hie age. The relatives and friends of the Comity are respect ful y invited to attend the funeral, from the reaidentat of hie brother, No. 1721 Mount Vernon street, this (Thurs day) afternoon, at o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Gill Cemetery. GRAHAM.—On Tuesday morning. the 29th inst., Robert Graham. late of Mechem, County Londonderry, Ireland. in the 77th year of his age. The relative. and friends of the family are resp aect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the fen na. of his eon, James Graham, N 0.1099 Market greet, this (Thursday) afternoon, the Slot inst., at 4 o'clock. To Pi li m irati t t o oVl a .n li n li tt 29th met., Charles Albert, son of Josiah and the late Rebecca Jane Branson, aged 4 years 6 months wad IT days. Funeral from the residence of his father, No. 1609 Addison ;treat, this (Thursday ) afternoon, at a o'clock. . CALHOUN.—On the 29th inst., David Calhoun, ion of the late H m. Calhoun, aged 19 years. Funeral from his late residence. northeast earner of Albion and Lombard streets, this (Thursday ) mon, 12g, at 9 o'clock. 34thFERMIN o.—O e t he 28th inst ., George Fleming. in the year of his a. Funeral front the reddens of his biother,No, leg Fibers slyeet,shis (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, " lIOLIOIII ON. Suddenly, on the gath inst. Atm , Houghton. wife of John Houghton. aged 14. • . Funeral' from the residence of her husbend i and Chetham streets , on Friday a ft ernoon, at 1 o cIoa ADIL L itil l' ;ll.lll t n h a e L n a O n ; I. t., aura IL, daughter of Funeral from residence of her parents, No, lam Girard avenue, this (Thursday )afternoon. at 'o'clock.. MoGREGOIL—tm the 76th mt.. Peter MoGregor, in the 39thyear of his age. Funeral from hi I r ate residence, James stre et, Falls of Bohuyikill,this (Thum - lay I Morning, at 100 clook. MIRABBON.-00 the 29th init., marl Ann Frier, wife of Henry V. Abrasion, aged 85 years. Funeral from the residence of her hotted/NO:MIS Obeisant street, this (Thuradey afternoon at o'clook. MlNlSTRl2..—Suddenly on the Mtn init Bartle . daughter of LeVeIIIIIK end Annie E. Minister, in the eth year of her Age. Funeral from the residence of her parent., r v io. Merriott stmet, this (ThuradityLaflaarnoonot o plook. PEART..—On the 28th ituiL, Thomas 3. matt in the 69th year of • Funeral Rapt IS late eel htlid. Plsti street', above Fourth, nom amen, t h is (whitreday) morning, as. p. Welton - - • P ta:Lf.:4l4 sot, Albeit Aged years and {months. • - - Ftittrtr iai llieldence of hie parents, John and, in tellitehte, llnekeeelletit (Tour y) afternoon, at o'clock. MEMORANDA. MARRIED. , 't.ttA,*lB.-00 the Sith inat., Arthur Trivia, deed year., , Amend from his fatti reeldenae, Cullen Urea. above Pleventhrd below Lombard, this (Thursday) morning, it gsi o'o oak, • • ; , * ~..110ir R. —At Bethleh,Fonns,,,an_lginday morn ing., the 17th inst.. afer w ort ilinselt, Mr. Loomis DOS- Ser. Sr.. in Ma nith year of bin sae. . Mr. Coster was well known in this community, end hi ehir esteemed for bie, man; sterling 'tense. A man of ( le 1 - dureeted forethought. netenniaen patneveninoe, an thorough nativity. he was aminaptiv sttooeuful in all is plan. for the benefit of himself end the boom, h Of which he has long been a mica-beloved end greatly. teeneeted oitinen.• Alwaye affeinionate to bie children. ever generous to the needy, and feeling the warmest sympathy for the efflioted; he endeared himself to Maur, win now mourn the los, of a loving father and true be nefeator, and will ahertsh his memory in their heart. while life continues. B. V. If, rnmorner, May VI; 1860. BLACK BAREGE MANTILLAS, of the giost eeproved l etylosland well made. Black Grenadine Same Shawls. Black Silk Grenadine Shawls. Bltt Canton B ji girls e ,illt v t i sin, craps, quilled, and rut "llsollthet Shawls, ribbon, crepe, end silk borders, &a.. &o. .Black thick and thin materials for making DEMON .& eOlf. Mournins Store. nisT No. 91 B . CaESNUT Street. THE KEYSTONE CdJK FOR STE• PEEN A. DiaUGLAB.—At a meeting f the eld at their W. corner 'PWR PTA( and GHESTNUT Streeta, on WEDSSSDAY. t e Eld 'instant the following resolution was offered byJO .0014,TATS, Sm. and unanimously adopted : 'r , Seseitied 'I hat the outages of the Demooratro _party are resolad pee the choice of STEPHEN A. DOU GLAS as the no minee of th ...party. We request that our I)alegates from Philadelphia to the Baltimore Con• emotion. to he held on the 18th June next, shell use all honorable ival , fair means to have him nominated its Ira standard bearer St the coming Presidential eon •trage.. Ito frro EXCELSIOR DIVISION, NO. 0015, 50 OF ¶r.—The members will pleaan be 'punctual in attendance THIS EVENING, to receive a visit from the "fitters of the Grand lb Melon. it* ROBERT McOULLOCIf, R. II FRANKLIN INSTITUTE.—The week t Ir. , %°,ll4fia.TarmigunatrAkitNytiii,V, it len t., at 8 o'clock. WM. HAMILTON, It* Actuary. [IrTHE PHILADELPHIA UNION STORE (Profits' oPwhich are divided among the rim ma) will open on SATURDAY MORN NO, Jun. e edi with a well-essorted stock of Orocenee and rrovt iitons, at No. 210 North DiNTE Street, above Race. Goode delivered at any part of the city. Stockholders, and those wishing to become each, will - please meet at the store TO-MORROW (Thursday) RV:ENING'. and reeelye their certificates. Shares on shli, 45 each. J. REIM, President. ; 1 1. S. BOGGS, Agent. rny3o-er ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY.—A STATED , meeting Will be held o n the evening of TRURO , heelst inst., at 7fg oclock, at the ST. LOUIS L. Members are requested to attend without g Other notice. Ing3o ft it GEORGE YOUNG, Secretary. g7MR, HIRAM CORSON WILL GIVE A course of Six RemPogs, With oriticisms. at 929 NTON St.. commencing MONDAY BVENING. MO May, and continuing event evening of the week. . The copse will include 'passages from Slial.speare's ftec n ri o nl , ;lrolus and Cressida, Richard lII,Mer 'A K u m Atinnb i rtNipir:glij,;°l2 l neoo o kaino d g jant l t i etitO Gem, in Meob3thr.uoler age's Geneveve, Detection, YOuth and Age, Ancient Mariner, and Christabel; Ten. nrpon'e Lord of fiurleigh, The sisters. Charge of the Light. Brigade ;In Memoriam; hlacsnlay's Battle of IM f ROWE Dream of Eugene A ram, Silence, Song of 06 slot, Bridge of Sighs • Our Village, The Loot Bea; Loggfellow's Skeleton in Armor. Building of the Ship. Midnight Mass for the Dying Year, Hiawatha.' Dean Ullalume, Raven. Bells. Annabel Lee, Haunted Palace; The_Rsechtlen, Ingoldby Legends: Butler's Nothing to Wgar : Dewey bn Dennis; Burke on the Nabob of Afoot a Debts, &o. • Tickets BO ciente. To be had at the door and 609 OTI'cIock.EBT,NUT St. Readiag will commence a m t eight o- flt" lirll. ICIINI 0 N D AND SCHUYLKILL M :PASSENGER BAL AY COMPANY.—Notioe is iereby given that the COUPONI on the Bonds of this Curnpariv. due on the first day of June next. will be paid at the Oifine of the Company. No. 136 south THIRD Street, tun stairs.) on andafter that day, between the hours of 14 and 3 o'clock. znyD-7t CHAS. S. *AYNE. Treasurer, IirOFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA Alp READING RAILROAD COMPANY. MARCH, MO. The holders of the bonds of this Company, One July L VW, can now receive, upon application at this office, 10 tar per cent. in cash, upon the terms specified In the circu attached. The holders are also entitled to the bene fi t of a Sink ing Fara of a 140,000 per annum, aa eatablished by the stockholders at their annual meeting, held January 9, IMO, and to pursuanoe of the °entreat, entered into by he company and duly recorded, to carry the name into Bea CIRC. S. ULAR BRADFORP, Treasurer. Nettee ,00 the Hohlsrs of Philadelphia nod Reading Railroad Company Mortgage Bondi, due July I.IBM. wort These bonds are secured by the first ottlittee. on the road, amounting in the aggregate to esoumoo. The net revenue for the last focal year was gut. times the amount of the annual interest cin these bonds. The managers propose to extend them for a period of twenty years, the holders retaining the bonds and the maturity of the mortgages the preeise condition in hrhioh they are now held, Fresh sheets of coupons for the intereskpayeble hal f yearly, will be leaned. A bona° of 10 per cent. will be given to the holder to consideration of their assenting to the extension. This bonus will bo paid in cash to the bearers of the bonds, Flia t lid: signing TiPtlrSolgeal,ig their zszea-, or endorsement. Forms of receipt and endorsement will be furnished oft apple lion. By order of the Board of Manage re, ar w filett,lfErovv. Miutrekbarr. NEW PUBLICATIONS. tMBORTANT BOOK FOR EVERY ONE .A. WHO VALUES HEALTH. NOW RNADV, TILE AVOIDABLE CAUSES OF DISEASE. B. Some Etms,_AL D., Professor of the Principles end Practice of Medicine in the Western Medical Colf Cleveland. Ohio. 13mo. 306 pages. Cloth ; Pnoe SI. In thie volume explains in a clear, simple manner. the various onuses of disease. witn the condi tionse habits. and precautions neenasary lo the pressr• vailon of health. '4 he aim has been to impart practical information. such so will be useful to every one, and to embody the .beat - results in tbia important matter whieh smenae/sesveselied. Teehnioalittes have, as far se possible. been avoided, and the book will be found of genuine And permanent value in every family, to adults and ohlldren.• To parents especially. it is commended, as affording timely information and counsel. It is a work for the people on topics of vital interest Pub -1161 ed by MASON BROT SERB. met Nol. 5 aid AIERCER St, New York. : VALUABLE. THEOLOGICAL BOOKS. , - fIUD I WA HV BLAKISTON. 26 Sot th SIX PH Street, above Chestnut. BAIRD'B'ELQIIIII REVEALED in the Creation and emiemptlonot an. I vol.. octa vo. , itiatre g k itirlTOßlt OF THE OLD COVENANT. ocituvo. • Price Se. gozool ENCYCLOP riDI Aof !•• ,rant Theo logical end Ecclesiastical Le vv..; r.. I 1018'3'3 GOSPEL IN LP. v VITICUS. I vol. Price el. KURTZ'S' MANUAL OF SACRED HISTORY. The ova edition. 1 voL, 12mn. Idget:torsi assortment of Theoloirlcal. Religious. and eesiberloon. Hooke always on hand, and for sale at PRICES. my3l BUS NEFS GUIDE OF THE BALTI- MORE AND 01E10 RAILWAY, conteinins com plete and accurate lisle of all bueineee and professional men between Baltimore and Wheeling. and also on the Parkebnm_ and Waehinetnn branches, including the cities of wheeling and Pariciburg. as wellita thrum of thei town. m the vtoinity of the Greet Rai lway Line. Line. For ssle by A. Mc KUM Y Sit! Dlreotory Office. my3l-3t• 33 Fouth SIXTH slaw. almond floor. SUMMER RESORTS. RED roRD SPRIINGS.—This well-known and delightful Summer Resort will be opened for the reeeption of Visitors ou the FINS P OF JUNE, and kept open till the let of October. The Betel wall be under the management of Mr. A. ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, and attention to hisguests. give the ampleet assurance of comfort and kind treatment. Parties wishing roomg. or any information in regard to the place, will address the gubsoriber. JNO. P. OF F.% Sauey and Treasurer. myso.3m Bedford Mineral Springy Co. EPBRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, Lancaster County Pennsylvania_—This estab lishment will be open ny the tiro of June. The ad vantages of this beautiful restort are: Mountain scenery. pure air, arm soft water; every variety of 'baths, and amusements; a good stook or livery bora:m.2nd car riages. For further particulars call on JOSEPH B. MYERS, corner Third and Vine Streets; JAMES 8. EARLE, No. 516 .Chestnut Sheet, Philadelphia, or to the proprietor. JOSEPH KONIGMACHER, Ephrata Post 981 cc, Lancaster County. Pa. my3o-lm 1./4'rell6 LIRIL GOODS. REAL 1R15.11 POPLINS. Browns find Modes. Maas and Macke. F.LECTt D SHADES. Ong English Poplins. Chino, High Luatro. BILK STRIPES CHINE. For B B RO rumsut Fluids and Cheeks BHA RPLESB ts and Drown!. my2l-if CHM:Main. corner of EIGHTH Ste. FIVE C ENTS A HOOP—GOOD SKILLTS. Another thotusand AUSTIN 'KELLEY & Skirts. ' , eduction also in Corsets. Shawl Berrien, Creehet Braid, Hair Nita, iterlm Zephyrs, Trimmings, Ribbons. Lases. Tassels, Rosette Buttons eta. J. G. ht.A.W. Wholesale sod Retail hlannfaoterinEstab lis hment, my2S-sthits3t rp ELF.vr.:Nirki and CILKBTNUT. MILLINERY GOODS. FRENCH FLOWEIIS. MONTUERS.. STRAW BONNETS. Yiut opened, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. THOS. 'KENNEDY & BRO., No. 7119 CHESTNUT STREET. INSURANCE COMPANIES. VANE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. iv. 40e CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, INCORPORATED APRIL, nee HY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVAINIIA, CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND 12.181 F. DIRICTOIO3 gbmuelAla, D. B. Arne), Win. W. Walters. J. W. Eversnan, Ohm. Richardson, Henry Leann, Jr.. Geo. A. Welt, Inca W. Stout, W'lson Davfa s Monko Stern. Thos. B. Martin * attORGE W. DAY,Priteitient. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice Pros't. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Seoretary. fall-t( TM MUTUAL LIVE INSURANUO COMPANY OFete: NEW YORK. • Aes SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. 310011.12/) WO m THOVERBI3 O O N ,OOO.AI 1114Tio The ereminme ore Lovvita than many Aber Compels Wise, 111101. the DlYlands have been a 111 LA 71111, Tidal II a strlatly MUTUAL Company. Thew WO MP Stockholders, so that ALL TILE PROFITS EILOMO TO TU 'navaJan. pamphlets, and every information, may be bid/ elAl/et on Misitizationfa N. RATOTIFOIRD STAR R, Anent 6, W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Silvers. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES, homes Robins, John Welsh d 1.,. Daimon. esorge H. Stuart, Norte M. Stroud. E. S. Whelan ,oball Myers, tVET he r e l .li s id i vii i l e. ,oes p i lk Patterson , , Arthu• il Comn, Itnisi ji. f!owers !George W. Toland, ° liam Melina. ' Thos. Wattson. as-irif* ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPA NY.—Antliorlasd Capital Sfoopco—CHARTER PRPET CA L. Moe No..D WALNUT street, between Third and ps2urth Street, Phlleuielphia. This Company will insure against lose or damage by Fire on Ituildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rall4. A 0, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cameo. and Freights. Inland Insu lECTOS. rance to all parts of the Union. D . _ . . . tsnob Esher, . Luther., . Atitlnned, mil Yeerson, eter, Sieger. Joseph Maxfielti, Dr. tinorge N. Lnkert, John It. Diskinton. Win. F. Dann, T. 11. Daum. JACOB ESHER,Propident. WM. F. DEAN, Yion Ptemdent t W. ht. SMITH . Bearstars. an3- tether } REWARD. 7 —LOST, on TUESDAY, Asuff add.y.annl i anoidn-lantd Dud) InovrEN. Nx OMOVU ADWIWt WATen• enamelled dish d OSP. 'Fhb deer w.II receive the above reward. by returetnaJt to WM. W. W NOKESTER, at Geolge mope mods, No. SOY BRANCH street. It° %,'AIfTII. • WANTED - . A Priwtidal 116°k-binder, competent, it; take bharge of apre*eatiblisbA inept, .e s permanent situation iney be botelmed by One Pomeising the,reaMlidte quail ilostions. Address. With nia n dril snda"PinW Where PnwicdiT Y .1 4 7" , , Dion • spa . My 1 t* WA N T . El:l—By p ybunig man irliti wr it e' "P. rt.: of Bgaot dc Btistto o ti 0x. :L . r.9.11 . zit. Can tarnish the hest "HOLMENTAy 818T4Nriiii,referenee. Address I,ff/I°VA% ACC. mysist. WANTED.—A. practical. experienced Book-keeper desires to make an ensappment with a wholesale house. insurance office, bank , or an busincle v erhere hie services would be reguired. Ad week - dress A. R. T.," Philadelphia poet Meer for one week. my9o.t.. WANTED—An' active man acquainted with City Orocerfh as collector and outeide agent. Must name well recommended. Address ThAB, this o f fice. my3o.4t* A YOUNG WOMAN wishes a situation .L• ae laundress In a private &only or to do chamber w ik. Apply No. 084 TAILOR Street. my9l/-2t. WANTED—a Tonng man to assist at book' and make himself generally ntsful, Ad drams, in handwriting of applicant. T.. office of this paper. Ingao.3t* itt < flan WANTED on Mortgage on a tro_mnurfirst-olaas Addresson aw,ooo. for w ioh bonus will be paid. F. & CO., office of The Preis. , loy3o-3t* I'l l o WHOLESALE GROOERS.—A young -P. roan, u - ho writes a oodhandaadisquickatfigures. wishes a aitnattou In a wholesale Grocery More. Ras hal four years experience in a retailgrocerb Good re ferences elven. Address " H 11.' , at this onion. my26-Elt. A N EXPERISNOED BOOM( PIPER AN wishes a Situatton in a wholesale dm or factorT. Batiedetory reference men. Address " Btenhens, ' Oleo of The Press. my 26 6t* AN EXPERIHNOED SALESMeN WHO oan inflame a fair amount of near oesh-trada, wishes an assessment by the let of Rd, m a first-Wane Jobbing Dry Goods House. Address "F. D.." Offlos of The Press. my22-10t. SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUND.—Com pany's Building, • smitheast corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open &lily front 9 till 6 o'clock, and on MONDAY till in the evening. This Ole Institution has always paid In fall, on demand, without no lN tion. TEREsT FIVE PER CENT. All sums paid back, on demand, an gold and silver. TRUBV , ER. ALEX. ,VIIILLDIN, President. igAML,. WORK, Vice President. John C. Farr, 'l'. K. Harper. George Nugent, Aohn Anspaoh, Jr., Band. T. Bodine, Alb. Roberts, John Aikmae. Jonas Downing, H. H. Eldridge, Wm. J. Howard. JOHN B. WILSON, Treasurer. JOHN C. SINN. Secretary. SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND, Office, 331 North THIRD Street. between Vine and Callowhill. Incorporated by the Legislature April leth, 1831. Open for Deposita awl ?Armenia, daily, trom 9to 2% o'clock. Also, on MONDAY and THURSDAY 2•i nIN OS, from a to 8 o'clock. Intereac 6 per cent. per annum. repository oaq with draw their moneys by Oheeks. if desired. Special De posits received. JAMES B. PRINOLE. Pra'aideor, FRANOIR HART. Seeretars. step-tiff BOARDING. TWO GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACOOM modeled with a large front room, with gas and bath, at No. 260 North FIFTH Street. my99.3t* Two YOUNG GENTLEMEN OAN BE sooomrnodatiad with good, air? apartments, (with or without board,jn a nuvat, family. Location cen tral. Address ** TOL.SZAT; tnrongh Blood's Die patoh. &DX REMOVALS. REMOV.A_L.---SMALL & CHANDLER, I I. WHOLESALE GROCERR, have removed from G 6 North SECOND Street, to 123 MARKET Street. above Front. north side. PERSONAL. DERSONAL—CASH WILL BE PAID, and the highest grtoe, for ladies' and gents' out off clothing. Please call at, or addrege, B. D. Ancona. No.' 737 SOUTH Street. my 2.6 6t* CLOTHING. B°llB' CLOTHING. 11.0CEEHILL & WILSON. No. 603 AND 603 CHESTNUT STREET, Ara (donna to the public, in connection with their regular business of MEN'S CLOTHING. A superior stook of BOYS' CLOTHING. Of the latest Spring Wats, and made in the MOST-FASHIONABLE MANNER, Measures taken and Garments made to order at the SHORTEST NOTICE. mygllin E. B. ELDRIDGE; "CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE," 211. E. Corner "EIGHTH and CIiEtSTNUT At& iT c..tomer Work roads at short notice. sinh3l.3m-it A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. CONGRESS SPRING. BARATOGA, APRIL 16, 1860. An attempt brut been nude to deceive the labile, by sermons offering what they 0211 " GONGRESS WATSR,” front Fountains; and at the price of Jaz (6) cents per glass. 'The wholesale price of the unwise Congress Wa ter, at New York, being about Tit cents per glees, the im posihon of pretending to sell at retail at less than cost, and without allowanoe for freight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent: but their probable ()curse hen been to empty ace bottle of genuine Congress Water into a Fountain Ailed with their trash, and thereby christening its total contents. We have rowan gold Congress Water in Fountains, nor in vessels of any other description than ordinal', sized (MASS BOTTLIII. The cork of every bottle of the genuine is branded "CONGRESS WATER"—" C. & W.," and any, without those words and letters an the cork, is COTINTRILVICIT, whether from Fountains or Bottles. CLARKE & WRITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring The following gentlemen in Philadelphia, viz FREDERICK BROWN. nor. Fifth and Chestnut sta., FREDERICK BROWN, Jr, nor. Ninth and Chestnut, CHARLF.S ELLIS & Co . TN Market street, J. C. TURNPE & 941 Spruce street, THOS. J; HUSB AND , NO South Third Street, O. S. BUBB E L. 1110 Chestnut street. A. D. D. TAY OE, nor. Ninth and Chestnut streets Are cnnetantly su p plied by us with the gamins Cox- GRIM WATER" in bottles, fresh from the Corigreu Sprink. CLARKE & WHITE, 99 CEDAR St., New York Chg. ILLIJMINATOR&.. Briny one is oomplaining of their exorbitant gas bibs. At No. 55 South THIRD Street, may be seen the " best Lamps in the world " Can be need 'wherever light is wanted. Cheaper than aciaLoiLor as. A gents are making $5O a week selling them. More wanted. $30.000 cold ' 'I he Gas Lamps will light a room 20 feet square for I cent an hour, or will born all night fora few cents. DR. C. a. ORSHNE & CO., my3Lthekm-ly No. 55 South THIRD Street. JUST RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF WASHINGTON, A LARGE STOCK 01? JET BRACELETS, Both Plain and Gold Mounted, which will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES, BY THOMAS O. GARRETT, my22.lm No, 712 CHESTNUT STREET. WE recommend strangers who intend to to get their nieturee while in the city. to call at the well-known gallery of B. F. REIMER, 617 North SECOND street. above Green. It' 5> A ., A PAIR of well-matched FAMILY mko WAGE BOBS FB!will be well taken ears of for their nee. from now till November or Beeember. Very beet of City carotenes and &cora,' given. ad dress " 8.," Bok No. 480 R.O. my3o aid Wit STEAMBOAT TRENTON.- AFTERNOON UP-RIVER TRIPS. to Tooony, T mePdale, Beverly, Buthnaton, and Bristol, at . 4 o'olook P. M. . . . On and after SATURDAY, the 26th of May, the TRENTON. Captain Hinkle. wilt leave rhuadelphia at 4 P. AL, for the aboveplapes. Returning, will leave Bristol at 620, and Burlington at 630 P. M., for Philadelphia. Fare each way, i 2) cents. iny29 at W4l If. OATZMER. Agent. abgTURTLE AND CLAM SOUP served g7.l7bitlsT4Bo7llt,hl::.l.T4' Street. N. D. Dinners froml2 to 3 o'clock in s MKS. M. S. BISHOP'S PARISIAN HANkMILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, No. 1016 CHESTNUT street, next door to the St, Lawrence Hotel. m716.1m At THE BEST ARE CHEAPEST.—Buy UmbraUm and Paranoia or was. H. RICHARDSON, mylt•thrlif No. 418 MARKET Bt. f t PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS in every variety, cheap, at WM. H. RICHARDSON'S,. mvl4-tlylir 4IB MARRS r Z i FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SOALFS F.' "18 b VirkiMit r tit i t tr 4 : lr 2ls tt., SOAPS. P.- 7 VAN HAAGEN & MoKEONE'S CELEBRATED ORIENTAL DETERBIVE, CHEMICAL OLIVE, ' EXTRAJALE, HOWL_ _ PULLING TOILET, tee. Yo[ In , the 100 agents for the tean_efeeturere, TRAIN & MoKEONE, MI and 34 S. WHARVES. Also wholesale dealers In COCOANUT, COTTON SEED, PALM AND ELA INE OILS. feln-wwlf RTE Ald SUGARS AND SYRUPS.—O. re , DONOGHUE. 43 So WATER St.. afore for male to the trado in lots: 4,000 bbl. Steam Refined Sugars and Syrups aline following twah'prtoee r Standard Loaf ku f,ttr, ashen ; Crushed and Pulverised. 70 0 Caro l e A 4 and Pnlyensed, 9.36; Clarified White • , 0%; ClroleA:White,9)i; White B. IN; White OAK; Yel- J0w. 11 . 7, ii to 8%, and , Brown Merified, to 6%0 boyar 11We Elgin]) to Midi and bble, arid 490 ; Penton Ivania 470 and New York tigrope i . r y t ' h u ed r an d b a bT, d 33 b g a 4 4 9 s o and , ino„.3t. IAYNE'S HALL.-200 NEW °USW ONS oultablo for Churohee.Lootttre-roomt, Benobes. Settees, Camp Utoole,Curtainik All manor at noir Value. Apply at ESHLEMAN'S lIHMh store, N o , 620 cHEATNUT h tree t, under the hall, where lon get thaw handsome Oiothot Caaalperea, Vesting,. &0.. ro oheap. myl9-1m M - , A t," NA—Small Leaks, for sale by WE tRKRILL St.,11, 4? sad 4 Nn'Kb /MOW IX awn FOE. SALE AND TO11"-LET., OR SkLE AND TO RENT.-& Farm and Mills, 90 sores, Wattles. A farm 93 sores. U htne-stone and iron ore. A 10t,7 acme, I lame kilna 12 'Dried, ba siold as iota crone *tore each. A lot me feet by 114. All of Ihe above prorties situated ontind near the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Also itOod house BROWN d rooms and alitehenv A si% No.lll qtreet. JOSEPH LMKENB. 411431-31* ak TO RENT.—TWO COTTAGES, NEL sontbout earner THIRTY-THIRD and BA- R 4 ,16 streets,-Mantas. Aptly to, a JCST_CE, N, W. sinner FIFTH end COMMERCE streets. rural-thituSt* - gal FOR SALE, on accommodating terms, tz t i h_ n e At 3; 7 o lo 3N AND DWELLING, N 0.211, Arch s WPC R. ALLEN. 535 ARCH street. ;, FOR SALE—A SORREL HORSE, Bashaw !itock,7 years old. 16% nand@ high. free and stylish driver ; will he sold low for want of nee. finely at ART' Enables. Broad slid !Valises treats. myna ft. X. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL OR BOAC D :LING-HOUSE TO RENT.—The whole of the up per portion of that fine bedding adjoining the seem side or the Philadelphia Bank, in CHEMTN UT Rtreet, ogee FOURTH, over the Stores 413. 415, and 412, VIP same Wins 50 feet front, with an extensive four-story hank building, 20 feet wide. and extending ISO feet to Reiland place. In these premises, there are 40 well lighted, well arranged, and wed ventilated room, of se rious sixes, suitable for parlors, saloons, and chamber., together with e. dining-room. 100 feet in ' length. There is also a quantity of welt-preeerved for - Wore on the spot, which the tenant could have at a fair price. The advantages which this location pommel to an enter prising party , party. for the establishment of a filet-elate He fei or oar ding-House, sre too well-known to require further commendation. made t o the Froknetor,Jol,lo/ RE A. at th elllTfluT Street. atntre FtfUßTll,from 10 to S o'olook. rnft9•Jt Fr um o PHYSICIANS.—A* Ph'pl re -IL siding in a populous town. about four hours' ride from Philadelphia, and having a vraotitte of 83,000 per annum. would dispose of big praotioe and locution at a reasonable prme, to a married person, who will pro duos proper testimonials. A rare chamois is offered to nor Person who wishes to louts in tr.,pleasant town. Addreu Physiman." Mau of The Prior. myll3 6t. dgig FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE—Two two-story brick houses and lot of round enbieot to improvement. Rent for $72 per annum, each. A small amount of out, and the balance in merchandire required. Address A.B. Press Office. myiB.lm TO LET, UNTIL OCTOBER, IN MEL Chew Street, below Church lane, Germantown, a Furnished House. with Stable attached. Immediate possession will be given. kigture of Mrs. RHOADS, 436 'WALNUT Street. m 728 at' FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY property. a farm ofel) or SO ao•ea. situate on the Camden and Atlantic railroad, at the Hammonton sta tion, thirty miles from Philadelphia and the name from Atlantic. Til'elireanon ie high, and the neighborhood is remark ably healthy. The house is spacious. and the whole property very suitable for a seminary or bearding wheal, or a summer bmtrding-bonse. Forparticulars, inquire of JOHN STEWART, Arohlteot, 427 . WAL NUT Street. my36stotbet" FACTORY PRO,PRRTY FOR SALE.— ma. A most desirable Factory, wit\ large lot of ground, fronting on three etree s. mutable for almost any kind of manufacturing. 'farms easy. For partici.; lam, inquire of A I.F.R.R.D FITLER. Sixth below Arch, or to W. D. ROGERS, No. 1009' hestnut st. snylS-1m ditt TO LET OR FOR SALE—A FOUR story house. double back Imildines, all modern im provements, in complete order; an elegant large yard. forms loy to a good tenant. !Situated No. 1.924 MUST NUT Street. apply at No. 719 aILEBTNUT Street, in the Masonic Ralf. mocc-tf dm FOR SALTC—A HANDSOME FRO PN.RTY, in Germantown, within a few minutes walk of the depot. 'Fine garden, with ho-beds. Abun dance of Fruit—Grapes, and plenty of shade. Stone flimse ; gen and water throughout. Stone Stable. Large Limn. • Terme very accommodating, and poeseemon given when required. Apply to B. COMEGYS, -if at the Phila la. delphia Bank. F OR SALE OR RENT.—A very desirste _NEW COTTAGE RESI DEN C 1 4 , at Twenty. first and Venango street!, two squares from Tioga Station. on the Germantown Railroad; twelve rooms. bath room, water-oloset. furnace range, gag. &n., &0., baj comes. shade-tree., and from a halt to an more of ground. Apply to J. M. WALLA & tiONS, mr26-6t* 320 WALNUT STREET. At FARMS, FARMS FARMS, FARMS. 1111 7 —GREAT CHANCE 14 OR BARGAINS.—Rome of the finest Properties ever offered at Private Sale in Montgomery, Cheater. and Books counties, by It. conor4, Real Estate Agent and Conveyancer, Norris town, Pa. N 0.3. is a Farm of 78 sores, within a mile of Norris town ; will be sold a bargain. No 6, is a Farm of 90 acres. in Lower Providence tp. No. 7, is a handsome property of 38 acres, near Centre Square. N 0.9, is a Farm of 109 acres, in Gwynedd township ; No. 10,1 s a beautiftilly- looated Farm of 103 acres, in Lower Providence. with fine Improvements, water and fruit plenty. No. 19. Yea very fine property of 39 acres, in White marsh. on she turnpike, in a good neighborhood, and improvements very fair. No. 16, is a Country Seat with 33 acres, near the bo rough ; a splendid property. N 0.21. is a Country Seat. beautifully located. with 30 acres of good land, water plenty, fruit, &o.; near the borough. No. 213 g, is a Grist Mill. Lumber, and Coal Yard. with 10 acres. near Norristown, phere a large business can be done. No. 27. isa handsome little property of W 4 acres, only two miles from Norristown ; improvements nearly new. No. 33. is a handsome little property of 10 sores. with pnvilego of 14 norm, in Lower Providence township. No 39, is a Farm of 70 acres, with fine improvements, good soil, and very productive. near Line Lexington. N0:96, is a Farm, Pavers. and Store. with 66 acres of land, in Upper Providence, all in good condition ; for sale a bargain. N 0.36,15 a Farm of 41% acres. in Norriton township ; imprenty.ovements quite fair, soil good, and water and fruit pl N 0.17, is a very productive an 9 handsome proPerty of 16 acres. in Whitpain ; water and fruit plenty. No. 99, is a Lot with 2 acres and improvements, in Lower Providence, in a village. No. 43. is a Farm of WM auras and vary good improve ments, soil very productive ; also,' Lot of Si acres, and 1 of 40 acres, adjoining No 4, No. 44 , is a very productive Farm of 66 acres. in Lower Providence, beautifully located; improvements good and substant ial; terms easy. No. 46, is a Farm of 90 sores. in Montgomery county, 334 miles from Norristown. No. 90. is a splendid Farm of 87 acres, near Borough limits, very convenient to the town and very pro ductive. • No. al, is a Hotel and le acres, sg mile' from the bo ough ; a beautiful location, No. ad, to a Farm with new and handsome improve ante. and 30 scree of good Land, on the fltate Road. No. 158, Farm, Country Beat, and 96 sores, one mile torn Norristown. . N 0.69, is a handsome and productive property. near the borough, with 21 acres. . No. 60, is a splendid Mansion with 17 acres, near Potts town; for sale a bargain. - N 0.61, is a Farm of. 43 acres, in Noniron township; improvements good and water plenty. No. 67, is s Track Farm of 7 mores, two miles from, Norristown, on the Pike. No. 68, la a beautiful Country Seat and 6 acres, at Nor ntonville. N 0.63, is &Country Seat, and 16 sores. within the bo vine') limits ; one of the handsomest Properties in this vicinity ;Aaron. easy. No. 72, ism Farm of 6134 acres, in Gwynedd township, with good improvements. No. 73, is a. Clronis Mansion and 2 two acres , in a village 7 miles from Norristown. N 0.74, is a Farm of 46 acres, new buildings and Prime mod, In Worcester township. N 0.75, is a Lot of 10 acres, in Plymouth township, with good building., 2 lodes from the borough. No. 76. is a handsomely. located Farm of 118 acres. along Perkiomen Crsok. 10 miles from Norristown. 'No. TT, is a highly-improved and beautifully-located Farm of so acres, in Worcester, on the turnpike. N 0.78, is a Stone Grist Mill, with water and steam bower, 10 miles from Philadelphia, and doing a large usiness. No.Bl, is a very fine and productive property of Kai acme. near Port Rennody ; for sale cheap. No. 82, is a Farm of 165 acre,. in Limerick, with a stream of water passing through it. No. 83, is &Farm ofaing acres, in Lower Providence, with wry good improvements. N 0.87. is a highly-cultivated Farm of 72 acres, in Lower Providence township, with new improvements. No. 93, is a Farm of 132 sores, 3 miles from the borough, fine buildings and would divide, making two very hand some farms. No. Si. is a Farm of 83 mires, in Norriton township; a first.raie faun, and will be sold low. No. 96, is a Lot of 11 sores and improvements, near Centre Square. No. 96, is a Farm of 103 acres and very fair improve ments, in Whiteout township; the land is very good and and hie My cultivated. No. 97, is a Farm of 60 mores and 9 limo-kilns, in Ply mouth ; some of the best land in the Butte. No. 100, is a Lot of 19 mires and improvements, near Norritonville. No. 101, is a Farm of 48 sores, in Poulton, with good buildings - a beautiful location. No, 103; is a Farm of 62 sores, in Chester county; near a railroad ,• terms osay. No. 104, is a Huddles Site, containing 10 acres. near Fort Washington. No. 103, is a firsbolass Farm, in Worcester, of SA moron and improvements. No. 112, hi a Farm of 76 sores near Pottstown, on the Pike, and must become very valuable, owing to its prox imity to the borough. N 0.114, is a Farm of 87 acres in Upper Providence, wito improvements nearly new. N 0.117. is a handsomely.locatedProperty in Woroes ter. on a Ink° ; Smithahop on the Dr l/ Si gores of lan No d. .118, is a beautiful Country Seat, 'with 17 sores of primeland. in Plymouth ; btuldings cost over 1131.00:10d will be sold low and on easy terms is a good Farm of 30 sores. in Lower Provi dence townsh ip with first-rate improvements. • N 0.121, is a Farm of 88 acres, improvements very good. land in a high state of cultivation; only 3 miles from Norristown. No. LW, is a Farm of 40 scree, in Whitimiu ; will be sold a bargain if applied for soon. No. 133, is a very ifine Property with 60 bores, in Ply mouth; land very nom and terms asst. Plo. 124, is a Farm of 40 acres, in Whitpain lanil good and improvements fair ;• will be sold on ass, terms. No. 129, is Farm of 57 urea, in Whitriam; a good lo cation,• some meadow land ; improvements very fair. No.llo, is a model Farm of 125 awes, near Norris town ;3 sets of buildings; would divide conveniently, and must become very valuable, owing to its proximity to the borough. No. 127, ie a handsome Country Residence, on ayike, 4 miles from Norristown, with acres of prime lan d; will be sold a bargain. No. 129, is a good little Farm of WI acres, in Worces ter. with good linprovements. No. 130. is a Farm of go acres, in Norriton, improve ments new and and good.; terms ealy. No. 131. is a Farm of 80 acres in whiteout, on a pike, fine improvements, land good. fruit and water plenty. No. 132. is a rheap Farm of 87 mires, Limeriok, on a pike •, will be sold a bargain. No: 133, is a very fine Farm in Whit n , of Ent acres, beautifully located, and in flog rate order, N0.1.34,ige Farm of 83 acres, in the borough; will be sold a barsamoind on easy terms. No. 136, is a Wharf and S acres of Land, with basin that holds 4 canal boats ; stone house with store and bar room*. and 7 other rooms, opposite Pottstown. No 166. is a Farm of 110 ac res . near North Wales sta ti lion, with good imptivetneqs. , No. 138, ha model Farm OE 163 &msg. in Upper Marion, 1 mile from a depot on cheater 'Valley Railroad, No. 130, its a Form of Thames, in Whitpaln, in the best of order. and will Nell on easy terms. N 0.140, is a Farm of 63 sores in Whltpetn, 1 mile from a depot on the North Pennsylvania Railroad ; improve mento of the best kind, and no finer farm in thatown ship. No. 143, is a oho Farm in aleroer county of 100 acres. near the town of Me rcer ; a good chance for a Men of moderate mean,. No. 148, is handsome Country Beat, with 31 agree, near ?Myth:own ; a splendid location. No. 140, is a Flour Mill of 3 run of stonee. saw mill, and 10 acres of land; mill nearly new; on a Railroad. No. 147,1 s a Farm of 60110100 in Cheater county. No 149,18 a Country heat and 10 acres of land, on a pike. N 0.3132, is aTann of 77 gores, in Gwynedd township. No. 163, is a cheap Farm of 78 sores. in 1 ; heater county; pri scree of timber land—will sell a bargain. No. fad, is a Farm of 74X acres, in Cheater county ; near Phcenixville. No 137. is a cheap and productive Fenn of Ilg &ores. near Zieglereville, with fair improvements. No. 166, is a handsome litta Yana of as acres, in Gwynedd, near a station. To, M. is abeaniifnlly located Farm of 49 acres, in Gwynedd, with very fine improvements, on a oil. e. The above properties are all for sale, or some will be exchanged for largeb t and some for smaller Farms. I have some very good Store and Tesoro stands for sale. not included in the above list; Miro, smith and wheel wright shops, where a large business earl be done. I have severs` residences in Norristown to ex change for arms. Hours for sale in all parts of the Bormaki, ranging tram teeoo to 010060._ Mortgagee fla gons at reasonable rates. stools bought end sold. Houses for rent and rents collected. Public Bales of Real and Personal Property made on reasonable terms. For Catalogues and full descriptio.os of Farm., eto., &e., please address H. H. qoßaort A my 23-24 26 29 al fr. fea Norristown, Pa. 1.860 ICE: ICE: 1860 COLD SPRING ICE COMPANY. •. SCALE OF FAULT PRIORS. 8 writs daily SO cents per week. 12 06 is it .1 a 16 4 2 ,1 ' I: :: a :: 64 111 75 175 " Bend your order* to the Wipes, or mg .• driven. be aiven to the TR .. B. CANTU. Ornoen, 3115 WALNUT Street, de. an d story; FIN E. STREET- W DAV. liekeutkill. City Depot, LOM BARD and TWENTV-FLYTIA btreeta ap3ll-InaD TRUSSES 1 BRAO FS 1 SUPPORTERS 1 -"" correctly edJusted at NEEDLES', TWELFTH and RACk Streets. Ladies entrance lda Twelfth street, firstidoor below .ktaoe. Lady attendants. Fmnoh_ding huh; and Amerman. in great variety. Belts, Magna Stockings, auspensorits, Shoulder Braces. Bln uheeZSo hli/6-tAhlly/ 11 SPERMACETI. -50 boxes Sperm Candles, Not. 4 mid 6. New Bedford menufagture. for colt ey 11911WHA1.EY. VE ASHBUREER, /t CO., 80. 16 SOUTH, N ILLEMON —Grass, for sale by ,Wr k - H 'PHI k. BROTHERS.. 4T 666'119 North SECOND St. . miusgaimmi. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Roo Lamm— —Mns. M. .CEtr,J4,oL. ha t M z me nei t r r . Manager ME . F Taa(TEHVOHB UDSW Sl.Mkt vt l P, r gir ff .lfo n ting ? rfdriy B Het h ini n trk. C A s . P g i gErt. Mje Perry : Margery IPTret , Mllia Annie W ile.- woof/DOM de with the new Least Hstravaio _ VARIETIES; OR, THE MAN 4 HEE SWUM' OF NovsLay. 'ttrerin, Mr. ChlncrantPoalgtn.Mr. Young; FSHIHHI. Mtn Arms Wag; Novelty, Man ?doe. OirPrteee as aaaal. _ • Deere °yen at 7% o'clock': Medan' will rim at B. WHEATLEY & OLARKES AEON STREET THEATRE. ,TlllB ITIEUJI.NDAY) 'EVENING. 3.11, 31. 1311. BENEFIT OF DION BOUOIOADD - When wilt beore- anted, tor the Seventh Time, 'end every EVenine NU June 9th. the Ineh Drams of - THE COLLEEN BAWN. (Played in New York amidst an excitement never ex celled.) A Mem" in 9 sots. by Dion floneionnir and decimated by him to the ;mirror memory of Gerald OMB. YLEft-NA-COPPAL KEN. (Myles of the Fo rth%) Dion Bonoiaault. Sesta arearnd lox days to ad vance. EXTRA NOTTOR!-FXTRA NOTICE IdeDONOUG RAC WS GAIETIES ! treet INTERNATIONAL S AL PRIZE FIGHT. he Dealing Faroe now tehur performed inLoadon i with ing great stlo ed nees. at three Theatres. on t he muse even. entitl B. 8., - or tlie BENICIA HOY! Will be produced at the Gaieties, on WEDNEdI . AY EVENING, with the °mold Colors of Sayers sad Heenan. NEW 8/ENE PAINTED, ' Representing MEADOW AT PARNSBOROVOIL THE BATTLE GROUND! To give the Piece every vairibLe eareat, an sums merit has been made witlr AARON /ONES! The Celebrated Pugilist-the originylTreiher of JOHN_ C. HE KNAN. nod the competitor of 10K SAYERs ! Who will conduct the .1 7 /tIHT ea it really occurred, aad - will represent JOHN C. HBEINAN, THIS CHAMPION OF AAWRICA. MAT RUSK, the old &Tonle of the Nwrthero Liber ties, and the • Champion against PKEIPILAND. the oeWbrated P.oslish Prise Fighter, in INS, will, for this ooOsion, represent TOM SAYERS. CHAMPION OP ENGLAND!' _ SOLOMON'S TEMPLE, A large, beautiful, and per model of toe est and mart interesting building ever built le in the immense saloon or NATIONAL HALL. MARKET ABOVE TWELFTB BTREET. The Model i n 35 feet long, fe feet wide. awl 111 feet high ; lighted by MO gar Jets, arid the worshippers re- Presented by MO figures snared Jeth surrounding the various mouth. gin a ids.= pearance. Read ist Kir is, oth tooth chap.; I Chinn:, RA OUP.; ht Clime., 4th and 7th chaps; and Exodus. 311th obap,for contents and description of Solomon's Temple, all of which is faithfully represented in the Model. OPEN TO VIBIT/41t 6 ifrom 10 to 13 A. M,. 3 to 6 and 7to 10 P.m. Lecture at 11 4, anctEiM o'clock. Admission: 23 cents; two del/drys, 23 cents; nngts child, 15 cents. Liberal arrangements made inth sekiscisandchurshes with privilege of lecture by their pastor. _ m l-0 DENNSYLVANTA AOADBMI OF TIME ARTS, 1025 CHERITIVP Street. The 57th Annual Exhibition is now open daily, forte 9 o'clock A. hi , until 7 P. bit., end from d fill 10 P. M. Admixeion2s cents. Seamen Whets, al Cents. CU dram', half-price. ,Btochholdere wll receive their tickets at the Ake of the Academy. 3LVDICTRA.L. DR. J. H SCHENK'S SEA-WEED TO NIC. FOIL THE CURE OP DYIPILPSI4.—This remedy is composed of a oclneutuld p M*mtlea of a common weed, growing IVO= tie kleeime, sad is a certain and infallible remedy for the once of dyintsyslis. I have been in constant _practice for over twenty Years in treating diseases of the longs and stomach. and fouud. years ago, that my nehenit'a Polmonic Stine, in litany oases, .where the stomach was very.wesk and wi , h much aoidity,rieeded some arscstence • aoinethlug to stimulate and bring up a tone to the stomach was re quired. In other cases, where the stontseh end Liver are in a tolerably health sate r r xh amditum, the Panama 8 ray blood, ftl the agii se pe e ni g tti: matter in right hold, smiszirei:tre s soon effected. I round pore !trendy would stre n gt hen the stomach and greatly assist digestion.• dsversllollBll ago I gems across an article in ea old *manse concern ing the effects of seaweed distilled, in strengthemag the stomach. After testing Re virttles In atmell way soon saw: its Mod effects, and got nit a st.ll for di more general manures:item" since which time. I have oureA _hundreds of Dyspepina with the BEA-WEED TONIC and MANDRAKE PILLS. The pills relsa - and start the secretions of a torpid liver muchquicker then cabutl, without any of its bed effects. The Bea-Weed Tome brines up the tons of the stomach, gives et once en appetite, and the Pulmonio Syrup then digests and cure' Consumption in many desperate oasis: first began to manufaeture and sell the Sea-Wend Tonio, evert medlon,l work and nearly every physician was opposed to thong ,shmulants for anything like diseases of the lungs liver, or !stomach ; now. stage seeing the effeota of the ' Pea-Weed 'tonic. acerb every medical man recommends Bourbon whiskey or stiwiulants of come kind with good erect. ;The effect of the Sea-Weed Tashi is felt soon after It is taken, as it supplies at once the priaciplee of Om de ficient matt] alnico, and the food i s diga teetotal. In rant the Tonic go nearly resembles the 'natural me tric Juice , that chemists even find difiltralty is distin guishing them. It gives tone and etreegthena the sto mach; thin' enabling it to secrete the proper quantity Mid quality of gastric hue, and "Dyspepins and all Its diseases stem disappear. • - It has now become of general nee. When there is no symptom of consumpt i on, a little taken before break fast will create an appetite. After eating a hearty din ner. a wine-glassful of it will digest the food Cud pre vent any unpleasant feeling df Meese It is perfeoth harmless and very agreeable to theMeng ; it oommts - the stomach in such a way that everything that is eaten reams to agree with the stomach; and by *Detention its use persons become quite fleshy. I was once • wag ing ekeieton about the streets of this cfty end he tee trod stage of consumption: I now weigh 114 lows ;,ia eboit. it being seldom that persons are troubled with dyspepsia without some torpidity of the liver and cos shpation of the bowels, then one of flokonera Mu d rite Pills shou'd be taken every night toy& west or tiro. then one every other night. TM* grill regulate the bowels so gradually that nation Will do it without tbe aid of purgatives. ilt is a well-known feet that none suffer like the DTl pe ptio ; for. til addition to the Dyspepsia, there kit otter ether headache, sour and Welt stomaeb. to the side. palvitahon of the heart. chills sad fever, trime, disease of the kidneys, nervous weakness and tremors, and general debitity. ahe Bea Weed Tonle is is plueent tatters, airing a Persona good appetite and good digestion; it HI Pa in quart bottles. alwas agrees with the stoessek,S U M ova borne generally ettreots a cure. Prepared by T. l SCHENCK.. and for aide whole le and retell , at his Prinoipat Office, No. 89 No rth MIRTH Btreet. tPrice Inner bottle, or SO per half dozen. myM alit' PROF. MORRIS' EITORYHAT,OS, PR9i+F,B•OR MO RR Ity . . . . Vt+OFERBORp, MORRIS' - _ PROFESSOR MORRIS" - . WOCE'PHALOS. SVC AN INVALUA B EPHALOS ISUCE P HALOS: EE AN INVALUAB E AN INVALUAR E EXTERNAL REMEDY, EXTERNAL ABMs EXTERNAL:MUNRO Y. DISEASES OF THE FOR DISKABES OF TDB FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS SY TH , NERVOUS SYSTEM. Asoinnisioned by Intense APPLICATION . OF TEE, MIND ti the researches of Literature; the cioneenge of Oommeyolal and Financial Sammie, and the nears of Professional and Political Ltfe.,_or as oatasionent try eat other cause from which the Nervous System hat be c exhausted and diseased. The eymptons covered tor this valmitile Preparation riNt numerous t of 'eldest the more i rrositere, 115XCITS.MENT OF THE B , AGITATION AND DEPRESSION, OF ZWA NO,CIBLKINT. ANWEINETD B :IOHI3 I3 Eta. ;The EUCEP LOS is careibllvipired'lre per m mem t , from the Fonistins. of PRO A. MORE. ca l D., of tins city, to which he refers tali* Philosophica Pamphlet. " PSURIKoft" On the relations cif the Ganglia-Nervous System to the ymmaterial and of aim. • Having exhibited tne prinmples mid commended the st stem oi w Composite Homeopathy. Professor genii "It may permissible that I should offer, as an il lustration, my own case. A continuo worse of sle d es for a number of years had, to a certain extent, pro-toyed the ordinary effects of extreme mental. im plication. by attenuating the prime centres of organic and intellectual life. sad hence arose a feltreoessup tersonal relief. Having a well.foonded eon-edam% in Composite Homeopathy and an intimate seentuntsnce with Materia Me t oi the liommonattue School, I selected certain sutatances of 11800Valned harmonious relations and approved wee, and oombined their ewe tintproperties in proportional unity. and Wu 'la= by t h e possession of a medminal resivaree." P Morris describes the mode of spetiestiee, and thou nag "In this way the desired relief has been ob tained, the nutritive system invigorated, the esambo nervous system restored to its former tone, and mental clearness, tranquillity, and visor—at the nee of nearly three more—are the much valued results." Prepared. and Nor t h HOLEALE, by MOCHRIDGE & CO., No. en PoURTH Street, PhiLsdelshia. and at RETAIL, by Druggists generally. Price, all per bottle, large rue—S) cents small aim. men Alai( ASTFor the INSTANT RELIEF arta PRA IIIIA. MANENT CURE of this &Armies eom- plaint, us* FENDT , B BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES,' ; Mule by C. R. SEYMOUR & 'CO:, JIOT NASSAU Street, Now York. Price ilvor box Pint froo by pool m77-.3m if] FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS'. BURNETT'S COCOAINE. 6URNETT'S COOOAINE. BURNETT'S COCOAINE. ' A compouudolCoooanut-nut 01.1.•te:. for dressing the For e60u07 and apteablenens, it is without An TI I ".PRETENTS THE HAIR FROM FALLING OPE. IT PROMOTES ITS HEALTHY AND ITIGORSI7B pROWTH. l IT IS NOT GREASY OQ STICKY. IT LEAVES NO DISAGREEABLE WHEN . SOFTENS THE HAIR WHEN HARD AND DRY. IF SOOTHES THE. IRRITATED PCALP SKIN. IT AFFORDS THE RICHEST LUSTRE. I r REM AIRS LONGEsT IN EPFEOL IT (108T8 FIFTY CENTS FOR A HALF PINT BOTTLE. A sin; leianclioation renders the hair (no matter now stiff and dry/ soft and glossy for several days. It no conceded by all who have used it to be the HEST *N I CHEAPEST HAIR DRY.SSING IN • THE WORLD. BURNETT'S HALLISTON. As a wash for the complexion has no esnel. It is dis tinguished for its cooling and soothing properties i and in admirably.adapted to all unnatural .conditions or the akin ; removing tan, sunburn, freckles, redone, and ape; ing o r il t • e ° lro n 'e5et«17,`;%.°:21,4V.%n9,1:i e n d a ah otner e an ntS ing n meets. Prepared by JvdEPia 33 U B.N.Err snub in Price, CO cents Der bottle. For male everyw here. myrl-13t-if CARRIAGES. OF MI /LAIU7AOTIIEI OP WILLIAM D. ELOGERH REPOSITORY, No. 1001 CHESTNUT MEE% 80. 1011. fen-fraif PAPER HANGINGS. We invite the attention of all persona who 'a - I'h to decorate their Houses, to outlay'e matte:ten:live stook of PAPER HAN OINGS. at either of our initablish manta, all of the newest and beet styles, suitable for Mores or dwelling', and put up in the city or country, by careful men. HOWELL & BOURSE, IC E. Corner FOURTH and MARKET Btreeta, and 17 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. my74-lni VINEGAR.-2PO bbls. White Wine and • Clarified Cider Vineanr, in elitry . irkKord_el, for sale kfiFt.2 1 14 3 45. 4 Y . ABHBUrtriall 4-1 OUTi PINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 BEACH Street. Kensington. Philadelphia.—WlL- LlAM. H. TIERS informs but friends that, havia gar °eased the entire stook of Fattens at the above Foun dry, be is now prepared to , remote order' for Ro Grist, and Sew Milt Ceatings,`Soap, Chemical. and Home Work. Gearing. Ciampi made from Rever beratory or Cupola Feduares. in dry or green land, or totem restart' A AZtALEA ! AZlRdism AZUMEA AZIJELEA.: 17.11M8A AZUMEA ! PROP.' MORRIS' A ZIIMEA BAKING POWDER. Mokatselkirmi a rVA NA. Es Meth Wotan/ RMS. isxl Tor s amosorilismilanT. Saar OIL TANSY—Nastman's,. foF talo - by. BEG WARM 2 4 ., 47 sad 45 .114 11113) syS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers