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S OLEe' 14414014111 Aisp.lommt AnksTmN" • Dsaiaa., - • aiNaiussoi ilia T . airra: iiii;lisz'Ais' DANTDN ixDPIUNTIDIAIDESEHL " ' IMITIID/Y 'MOM AND DOTI- ..TONADEA. i..~,~ AL4•;;WOOL AND MON °Lolls. *" 1- 04 OrP 4 i*l r imiciaMPUM: , tu.s.ox inn *prim Dozerimi: , a l ma 'numbs, TBERY;III,IOZi )1, 'CO. - sociiksx;AT 1- 'lltl , ollllote AND Conlin -0i ' ' Oko TA! 9 : 15 1 ,,„}L.E10111, • e IkreL4lo6pa, 4/10 viii4potifti sena. 44 i AN* Am , its1,11440 ; 101 at ikkii kunst intake% CLOTitiffe. _O l -PTIM I ,O I ''" ' -'.. • , _ • i IAT LANITRAIIIWiOLELLLE, 11LICELI: ;'( t 7Fi l tlirgiViEl •,. - IA.TLKNOSEL re r ;Meitree't iliTiUMlST,Ossibsest arrestor Pour* , -, ;- • ' - •0 91 :4 1 mr. .- 1 , r-, '... '- lOU e ;9/413/1 MT • AT 7 RIVIALL; i . ' • - lINTICIA JULY la. , , .• • :4 ' ,-.:-- Tie iressetallss *Obi Illateat Sack or. • - 6 4 P1141411 ~,AribiIIISMICIVOLOTRIBIG. INOWOMIC,f O4 ;:' O 4! - "O" '1 0 6401 ! i ,Trid o AN:4.4 '' ' `, , • fuiltallitict'Atik,:dvitttme to :: .:14tris. ,: . Isqmotitt!i* , ;,, : ~,-,. :.- • ,•-• -' 0 nA,TELpEs,' 34 - e.Littaloseki , - ,-, . --. . ~,- , i':,sz.. ~:4:- *- ci1ing0.,,.,:._., • ' , . _., ~. , , . . , ~„ . . . , ,_ A 1 3: ak"II3 I FILIN GERAC I O.7b I , ictor.r4 isi toolio - ProisgtOf - EWiNd. I,IIrAgHINES: . A karmiLuir,uo, MAORI. 11/10YALANUiPAc ; „ ' ‘ .. .,l'ilttlf; tlenpiripT.isto. , • ;-..•,.4 t. • , :t.t,.,-...,--.•., 40 , ' -:. • • - • • t -' t '''S o •-• IiVi;ABOR„ ,• is*M. . ;, , ;,, • tt - --- k -‘ .: it -,,,•,',.,•!,,,.--, -•,-, -- - • 'ffielrff'," l " YPP ll ' 64 "tr ' ~ " r,' •:, ~., ~, , i , -- , „ tiEWING t,. , :ittAOHINEW ,i i ::', id 1 ' r 7 itginkr tiOr;',l4. ll n; . ' ' : ~- -1 . . ! iiis irrfniT al 1 4 1. • ,iista* nm 94 it* ;oda!isit , osatle;rorii. No* P?l'ljvai• *swum' ITA TZ strisi.vis*m.'l4. J. 1 ' Ilk _ O ,PITRAL STI 4 R I , I •,'"'" / 46 • 1 -, . • . , ' VIT I'l. 0.0 X,/ ••GIBBS' , filliflNG MA -17: a sad reaissAVitf, 4 u,t , clwE7eirgalk TEI AR,GE , IMPOATATION I - OP - • bentogt.lNGl4. „ 1 1!Isemitiont fired fa" , ,1,H40,1;041.T,HE AVCTIO;fI;. • QfITiRH ' .M9i. l4° F BRIUMMLE, AND.TAPBOTRY ' • O ARPET b - . AT- :AUCTION ''- - -BALVE , -Ro fob orsermir STREET: - ATB , HATS I HAT 6 i. • -, • • ['MEN'S BTR &W HATS. 130 1 171 113TR4* HATS.. i4ssi DIaIBULB ears OF ••• STRAW _RAT ittri /43ADY: . TAN60.1.N., WOOD* f vs* oirsermirr street. 4t*11T44. OE. piTm4-E..!is. REEF WE 12- HOURS vkritai e ir teixii4E*l'ENtitit. GENTS' PpRNIBRING . (1068 1 ,, • 191.839 CHEBTRIIi! - BTAiET. art:Oruro. OltalltkVllarOelTE . grovAltrattit More it largo gook of • . ' , • FINE ' SHIRT'S, ' ! - -- 9 I =Liam' 4 ITMDERIIIIIIRTS; / 1081 " 1 Y , DRAWERS,K GLOVER. litd•Veri ith*Avtiole In •Parninttinn orthe` LA TEST'STYLES, mid at !I, LOWEST PitiOTIAC. •ESIR e EBTAN'S CRAVAT, STORE - tilt N. *. telt. Q{+ 9FVENTB-dND • . CHEBT 4UT. ; (7161VATti, MARF4; TEES; PAT NT 00.1.44118; ORNTLEIREN'O- PURZTI@IIINO OOODBI • - • , • ALL. RINDS .U . N.Oth. VtrkAk • - • RtilRTB id/OE TO ORDER ; FOR 89. -00 R. SEVE.NR. AND ORROTII - 01`. ••• Joy3-thotti4ii ROO L AMATXON • )R o e' , e W y' 4I,D a O t RN doritt ilarsti t e rive 1 01 D Aft . sod' 'steal -to pOntrone -them forgoer. Or at librost until duilootico limos to the eontrary. Thu ea atimemesit is Made le Ardor „that cur Alameroni• Donate t it le end elsewhere mar saw that their or demadddesesed as above; will always wrath' iscsr heth et they.hapyeaVerie oar advertisement is twesees- Purrs /. the time. beln.t. or not. , „ roma out tirrqut rota vitt!!! r yaer meta nuid6re book. • .• toy.t ;IF. EKX)TT---IstA,of the-Brit of,ifin-• oh•• r-&,•artirkirSWerffil . WiA n ecou.ameeThe't,TAit . o Vvie.) &phis. " El. would reepeottnny the attention of hie fonaerOne and friend i q new atom end is ate , ..ordem for L a 84 r Aholt m ingze.4 rata.thrta,t.lw..",!• • , r LOOKIP(G GLASOINO4: LociKANG-6L,Asszii, • .PoiTRAIT PRIMEB, - ENGRAVINGS; OIL TAUNTING& &0., &c, JANES S. EARLE' & SON, IarPoRTBAs; M4Mtii•ddf'iritffhs, *ROLE •FALL # lOl Rimt , 641.,ER1ES ei6 CHESTNUT 'UABDWAR. ABBEY. de NEFF', tIO. 8U SORTIE TRIAD STREET, Bearnow la arta a moat omelet* stook et 1 • • HAREiW AUK; ono) imartestem. lad America* etillefielire, slime Itiey edit to the REAR VIALS rete eery hat '1- • 4 111 • B 43 / 3 14 /!. '4"/ • OLOS 'BUSINE SS ' f MUT& MQNTGOXIIRK,.& 7 OO.; , • M. nioairianni mist; , *sea eat; r Andsoct irriks, Wit WAFER HANGINGS;', +wain ;Terivarier6' iociAluioteci With the bElidiffh AT t&ATLY 4 , tEDIYO/40431088. Fltp(94 PAPERS AT. p *€Perisparie4.4ma iet greet 43 1 ;1ifigt,441*14: = •Sit' A[RCIIdNTTAIL6IIO. „ EO. THOMPSON., • - • • • TAILOR. E. COIL SE yArs. AND WALNUT ETREETIL Clothing made TO ORDER oaly. A Fine Stock or Materials always on hand. ' B.—Etrangets visiting the City are; solicited to hear their atesetires. atigt-Sm MEDICINAL. , t ip9. - wlNst i o N w ari ; nu imagia;o Mini igt E illsti AAA a taspee l t 3 :either. her ' ' 0' HiNli SYRUP "" liOlt ORILDR'R NYR E THING, ** l , I p,i, _ , . , ,,,,,..4r.1y t ivr.g.. ft.: Ai r_ W 1., TO. RE A Mi'vtfizie_ ! __ `' /Mind YOU. kr , 0111,101 rill give reet termed's' . 'tELIEF AND Biel= TO YOUR INFANTS, ' r e k li s li oggint e o le II; : l i ar:l l A f pneh ee ck t r, Cu.' Z a tffr2 41 i.T eted'S any, Br i i, lri' zi pt: NEW' F 11l S A. U lO. cu w am ol ' I &oho n' e lig one I f ; ir r taundlt. T rtrroon ci ' ' Aar . oilgAri cil,,.. m inAgkS l S , - The er e 'go , • ser4 i i ettliv r Oal e = adoeirettw i r i terF a le m isre i lit' imam -every e where, le 1:11 Wilde q( from vein and ustlashe vil be e ,, Umatilin eaten or tweet? "tees ther is metered. • _ - vet ere op I.Oe tresonetion_efirt SAL : 4 0 0 D AND _SKILF n re Deana • seem nem 'with I never- _mt ggeeu in CO • THOt S •OF OASES, ' • Aroot only =veal :0, 1 2 him from pain, but in wrest e mu k en . hovels, corrects tridltl i ligiajro""l" energy, P 'arGlllPlaktnNebig Wham r , WI ND 0 COLIOass swamp con rm. -A wT, 11 , 4,1 t r ig . 4 Wire r l e gl i i i s world Lin all to NTZRY sad D 04. to OutoDRIIN A w ther_jt seem rota WM= or fromeyethe ~. ow e . we lewd. say to even' mother elm-Pee • child safferlng Mee ear of be foregoing oom Mints It porta lat goer prelndiem. ao r the mei -o -- re, end ag between b tit e lA eri l ei t iff • the fliki—VolVw the si a cw. 'm ile. f e y time y abed. MI does= I N i . l i r Ul M I6 II • M on. or tis rlie the i r .- X Cil flfirotrdorsek. Pat! ee tt n e e w York,' As Irit eon de wre Per. r02 °14 11 1. 1r Agror r irt "W l Y wo lt ill ' Pri l'el -IFt kria• V es tt u s bottle reel, wor , jomy Nat ~ i mpERIA.I., , • .. .. 1 -0 " H A - Ikl P A — CYN E 'i , mei= *moss & CO.. EPERNAY. FRANCE. *old by an itesseetable Dealers throughout thadountrY. Thig;fing , brand of- Off i artA?N t tli: h wln i . :43 . l nth tg? re continent ilLwaiw obtl% ued to anboaaded mosso and 7r i genly in this smut/. 110 piCrit d r i t , Al l rerotter, PrialtPtityl6grarnf. of eZ 6 Purity an a de oleo). and those who ' once try it t nmi * s itnee l Vinti l ettit it kaTo lg titir a ' ti l n u i:y y the ° Is' enonmuti and Atonsantly Inereaanns. ' Our ',Ant. mo r as to mare the guality of the ine Dem , emu ped at its present hick Standard. erso lateen is teoptuisti solely tout o ws bows ° erg. "s°4`l - • 4 r a . V. n ia. _ 1 1#01978 dtt a thal Nee, 0, 400 pedaiSP.o.4ll7.4. . New York. , Sold in tlns oar i - • °Tr ' REEVES & DEAL, ' slit Rs b• -, , ' ' "904 MARKET Strut. BLINDS, AND SHADES. WILIAAIVIS. 161e0ItTR SIXTH STREET, L the most extensive nrearthoturer of VENETIAN BLINDS alrn - • WINDOW SHADES. The lemma end finest assortment in the 10, at the lowest ram. ' STORE SHADES made end lettered. Residrint ,analletly attended to. • ass-dam : C . H. MATTEISON s prepared to Welsh his CUSTOMERS AND FAMILIES Residing Ia the country. With a CHOICE SELECTION OW IPINE OR bOE RIE • AND TEAS, ARON AND TENTH STREETS. PIM T o FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE stoat Dimmer. wo ere grapszed. aeharetotora. to sessidr Fiunihos at their einantrtnendenons with 1191117 dieseription of fine eitiavEßlEe, TEAK. &e, 4149 iii" ' 11. '*9 o • l con=4,o,oftk,vivnairwilh StrNDAY-SCHOOL . 11 IL' • • . . - " TElell OF ' HOU/UNDO; • " sas , ruoltovent's vita onssb, torten ,^ • 011.i01,At, • ldr;BradburA ,eharmlnis nee , Myren i;rittilig:.#oo,l Porletinday Schools. - zee lemo. ?Doe SKoente. .'1;? rflOtiK. 4,ONTAINS -I , lEn H Xtri TUER.. '*,j Oyer Ittint whiph were leaver beers - nnbliatie4. spo, which were merged cap early, fur Sabbath 80, 11 , 0 9, 1 91' &no between 300 and 400abotto [tyrant." , ' ," - Pale tineueltieerhnetident ive have for seers . desvoreu ta 'emirs the beat mum within onir reeattfire the Sabbath Bohool, but have never been elne to walnut a tithe of the interest which your bookltaaltrocuo; The musteits'edsoted w ith iamb- eletaint lereeearto the, Weee end temperaments of t he young, Jill t We Ailey *Ott. liirdixtg,rg,zgcrri•fir..likoviril oti vera never tri vests . eirthe Teen remim las' °Pi* sindlaronittletts =OA peti, il i giatiatitytatng". 1"""9. • @abode whir& may not feel able to`pareheite the T,qie ,l sildißMS Book the • setiolare. elen.ob_ma the lEOlllll s separatel y to mate up the legume! numom a ty MOT are .published ,nl. one volume. cuing ',yet )!l e (v 410011% metal' .enaer thelitle oda. • •‘ Copies for examinstion Sent by mail for twelve letter etttintar, The gym, Booktortye letter atainek., hese boobevrill better Inset the went. or 'iliebbath Be tale'btblikledite,whether bit, ovectibtrf t , Mira' nerothere towhee: •; •- • "V The beat mule, and a larte varleAT nt r . 01, end .. _ xylscorti, triNzagi& • Pa lishereinew , * ark ~, Per ertlir • • • ;airiaetti'etw'L"AM BU' YOURBOOKS- AT EVANS , InE u r - utak grout , ivo:4 - s9' owEBTPOT OrlAiro., .•[, ...::: Nu • k• V .i s tiff mar ,:, ,' . 8 0 I• e A MIR' 1 '-'.. a% , to , 1410.4. 0 faSt u teseease„,•••:.• ' , :-1 el itirtoesi'Ne• 4 t atateset.: - -!'7,, , • OM Book Stee.loot4.ll, ea tWaie. o! -,,, •", n aget% etrill : tt l itirilife, -6 , 1 ,'', and' Tot baftrtaisai er • • r‘• - ,. 4 , I _., Or reoeillne slim al _ft w t , ma, .True., Amy" jiraool Vil l takU IF 1'"olu-Aitt iftl a ViikliblrArricp4,' Et( iiiAN 8; ilitT u role r ifi ' .- ' ,',; l '.' , .., .9 9 fat t aTtEL Ti r c, ,_._,• -•-,, .i ‘ "..•1 , • . /0?0K8 IN , l6Vii.tt s, DiewASTiair,T OF :71 , --'• ' A2lO lfa iti ih.i,i1V4007411,114146:14414i4 each edk het yo 'patchouli,. • , - • 0 ;Chi( iwoeiat esi (vise WU' train oeit AO &len Ogee we kike aile•lehmee vewsherld jitreelao ago '' ‘.— `7" ' 'inPr-110 . bit EuVAD If -e : - —. ' . estrormerrx p rteetWuraitt;, Two doe tell ~ *: Eitya agate 4, tp t. ' 62 um u , S. I , eseAlemi .. . , it ,i, led a, °ad sad exe a? t e• , , Jut "gmeowei 0 . • • * aid alit a Cidaiesae. ", : ,:•: . , ...,,, • : ,:,, - .:.:00 i ' 1 ll ' ' IPI JAMES • • '.• Atl i tAlib___lf l / 4 4 , rr,p , , , Forty. , Yeiatit Familiar' Lenin fir' V. AteXtdtri .D,D., oosetitatroceorii& tbe $llll, * Memoir o but.f.lfl; editod by ,Job.n , Dell, il,. .1,71 l w Ard r tt i li " lttivri a illerl Rig ediiak ' .FIV RO., Dn. Get WO oieJ r. ' , , et ( - -,1 r r. ,, ' , Li • Taloa fronLlV4a ible, for Dm ifrelpit. ..DT *pie irk •T ey 84 ,nothoro 'Toot, Boy , end metphoi at: ittp.,,,,, 4 1 Tilatli. , ' -, . • , Bennone , By •J. Adduion' , Alatekdor;D: D4 , 10/011.1 Magnuis'ileisoi eliciuf tan% ni ets, . „", Blind T o ; or, the 1 , 64 round.' 60 OW ' t Mark !lob* r or, throlkitton II sokises. SO et5. ,, , - ...! • ' For awe py . . • • • •,.. ~.. .• - • •-., • ..; • -' , wltpliti'ikr:cjitßmA ritni L ., poi .• . • No. 606 u • istrrni uT, • TREAT, rbilisalvt;ilW Fort,,ksV4T4F , B: WEt4;` . - .WAR,B•'UR ri"o.l.ifk: , -7, PATENT SN, tatinnS B , AS - TIMMO/1 1 -I:st lIP cooLtrns, Am king eOlYt 4so, 51: 21 M9 11 !PR19F4 1 190,7„":4N", '3l4t iutrioved ldadi , ORM:MEW 616:1! AND beRkTAs 1, ; rj la Great ;'• PtiOritiitE LiliTESerst ;,,, O s iTifts 6l 4:-** l- 4'i L I N4 7 : 11 :'-1 4 :4 1 . , X44M4tat1ik - Ne. /OAS: CiRESTNUIr STREET, Or - liitthat.ty L ommitek the Madan' of Yii•All4lll4 pram CHEAP lIREAD, MEOHANIOAL BAKERY , CiN RI 077L1N D 1r tmc iroilaw* P. 6413143 14011ANICAL BAKERY, Gi l t. oor t r a of Brood sad C.M. t;:b e low H. MoNELD.,—...— —.H. 2 ;Or :NOY and JATIIG A. SON, SS Airt me Arlitli etriat JOILN G. MOXISY.—.. —No. UN Vizi* * stmt. ' b T. P. inipT14;...........47-P40,14 PknittPitthntiist. O. corner Fifth and W. , a i n gtil a l t el;entn sad wooing/me; 'Broad Wm. below Wei ; GEWLGE EARVIE7*.-....110.14,18L0mbned stmt. eintoopth: and Wig; annontMolftb . oat. 8. R.. 1 ,81;0miexti!.,..-.AA 'Wont, lIMPTO i3ontic , Pourlk add ,E4LiPrE.'..-.. -. 7 . '7.B 6 ftileM t io l o"nEinn 'DAVID SADDLER_ .` 240. r a !VA: --TlZo t nin :innH E inflow 8.1. Thom TM ' Front neAmt. - , • H. BROOM wA.voon:Lor.,..oftteonno. F. MORRIS: ' N an . it e rgirtath an" .E. E. TUEIIER. No. WA o Pro un- Braid and TEM 8LE87—....-.-drnelltinatoonth' street eennd ~33: S. 10P017.7 : J.:AtoINTYEE,7;* Tign i ty-noo t On . d.atireo;i, ALEX. FULLERTON..:....-Corifeiltrifth anattais,' Ain, E. RAMBLER-7.—E0% Coate.' street D Of T. W. , JUoI)ERT C. RantTs; 4.4., t.,?1-1 PAITWELPII4ti ''',..TtitltSPAY; , , , liAlr ~ it, :: 4860. • ; "",-', PkillNWAtical observationn on 6 / 6 tobitlinill cii,the.h • i • OANOI4O,NERVOtIe SYSTEM' - •, - • - ' ;Nibs bartelkinr. , • , . - .• th! 'Att4N•' . : • t " By INTI;LIANI For silo " CiAUT da VOLECNIAR;! layout . 609 euisTivr riEw Housarrilmtptunte qop ~al~sn ,' MANUYACTUBSD BY TSB WM MoCILAOICEN Hindltnistrost, oa t ' mar ofiNiMitki &Willman Myna. JULIUS XJ43111..--- —..8. w, lor.tor . Thltteenth M. trk m iti, in. F. ELLIOTT _.:.._..8. V.' =Vi t a and Green street.' - 7, L. HMO. • Cranditri g 11; J.. stare IV RAINIER..--:—rmitr t elOilh Whitt. ;Pa i sar r " 41, .TOMf BiRNDT . ..,-- 7 .«Ttemont and Pint erenlt, 4EO, H. TOWNBE.rp.—.l4.2%stii,rolos , • M. D. HORTO24--- Florence, N. I. 8. F. EBBRLEIN -- Columai., pa. iel-tf PLATED ICE PITCHER% .11. ' OF THE MOST APPROVED KIND. For sale by THOMAS. C. GARIIETT I ~ No. 112 CHESTNUT 4ITHAET. R . SHOEMAIrER de Co. GLASS, PAINT'S, OILS AND VANNISRES Northeast Corner FODRTN AND RACE titrfita... my29-6m -BHEW &Oa • PHOTOGRAPH PRAACE HHPOT, ' No. so Noma Exuma it4irts: . Above Obeetnot, ' TWA L the eels oetabliehnieet In the city devoted exolusiveltto PHOTOGRAPH 'PRAMHO. A greater *army of OVAL' GILT PRAMS oa bißdi than eon be &gad In edy one establishment In the, Pelted stars., prioesiower. serfiriag your,Phototriebit sad 4 , 4 them fated without edge 'barge' • ,• dhg-lhe 'persona are eauticitied ag_sinst tiustijim any of the ertartif thi , Neigartind sri .40,ZUEITEM , from Amateriabh `their oontrttoting Mill IMMO 148ittlitrinSingfil' t3btit I,ololl.raiti6f. MTERIGOSCOPIC INEVlttnif p3;:tnan• "w 7 4 rooturod in'ovory 1211401 fin iir •Diptatasi 'or TO .l`ol,2ll24boxes. to hold- Tom, ' at° ,r,5.....p. .1200VO PICTURII, off tiouttlaatexititto 0.11, iglm, 640 French, trfoot viliftli r otele 17 • .., iroccr, wholeasto er ri N , 2 , it* .14111iTH 5a,441, 41E1 78t. Spectacle,/ .'itt tr9lcoVi. i i f g Ili . iiii a ,: Ns roma ntooonab • mei% th '0 y. - • ; 11PIRRIK•MAKING , miotitslts _.wiffou JUF t 0 rt i, ono , . m , nittogitAinorjny, Ina itrit a° i I6 EL 43 tWW/VATII/2 1 , n A ir , inn ill . • ..!-. , 67.41121 1 IQUOIt B ,'koowo f to oi • ;for Olds t 07, 111 1 4, ~ 0, . ; ORKIOMOn Olds ! ........ 0.,.... Ty p. , . ••1 -, ,,, r, •. , • • On.F cl j t 13ress , Tatigkxki, 1860 PORTRAITS-.NO. XI. TY. Hatter s , Pastor of St. Mat - 1•„ * theiry (Lutheran) 'Church. • RE X,' iinithntes . ate cot Wanting in Our history wherein - ..iieds,Wlretre.abandobed the intliiit Or , political life. Id dbe tollOWlng sketch' we have this transition re itplead; and Inorder:to present the picture pa./pito : ,rsisf in prime* relief, it will be necessary to devote ittlfeattlialf 'a life of foripieven r years as a jour n4itioriO politico bailrgionnd. - . I , ! Pie Res , . E'dwin' W. Ifirtter is of German de- i :„ le i nti "was born' lit' Allentown, Lehigh county, Eh s'State, - Septembir 12111; ./81J,'oi, Lutheran pe r.eilts,,' in Which " detioininatfori'*was reared, to 1 `lll,feh h 1114alwiiiiiieri iy"a:rMly attnehe'd, and of ,t 'progressive branch 'of ithieh he' le today a ,prinitinent retheseiitative: ;In oonsequenee of the : e a tli"ohis father", be "was 'thrown upon his own ,1" `r ues at in early 'age, ; though it must be *ma te ' thingaturi bad itappliod him ' with better "-lir IfiQuif tO'grapple with the Stern realities of life ,th it tire , imieliseleil to the common run of Meriale, f it ataigya inferred from the fiat' that,`lkt ',ri.ifesiz p • ' PittaiWieltie4difer - Of fib newspapere in Y h INOWilivfit tolietrerielin' Ali oilier English) roarTrwelitittipmfilafßeiuyieti " . lifiii ' '' , I thil, *,)". ~, - , ',. ~ ili` !' It ititeetkk .• tit ieigrogx 'to int gii:torliailiiiiiiiiiit-i if iii 0t,,,,,,..... ini d la qteric le in*Y'riani ii i aided! tlaitAia doulde-tonkfted editorial To., ' 'abeeld' e 'Wrier tollan''irlei . ited:‘ Tliief:ll'e . i:' iii, lialieti, *Ai "fait ' thi(t 'tile ''protei riiiiviei Ate . b4 - beeetiie' h'iiidifary, /Ild lettier` iad ~ , • 1 athisi - htrittig been b4itoritifoi4 iStik:' fle'yetin Me tefnorft.i, ,Itiit: thittei f lradap• .' • telf prbitiatioiait ofUli g t 461ilifir,:'ti?itl:ei:po m* in , 1882, sad'ifilifelinehttyPteteitii: . . der Alike 'keirilell: ' "Be continued Iltii . - .laeeitiOneitiiiit '180; :41iiii; ii tiii viaiudig • . filtfitwirof chiveifiz.f kgiter 'tnieferAtoni he , . , ted:a , position In the ' eligeyor Generalie ': - ;lie" reinovea 'ta Ifirtiabirg. Ife :wits neat ~.!: 'to - We editorship of 2'ke'leavitone, een t . 'tyrintid by ~Woniiii l',:ir now' tlovernoi II! ~, er. ' While; at Harriehtitt, Bel also' established , A ,, an palier, 'the Pien.o7,e'on.fes kaati '24-' ; . 'and '6IW - 46140 M State ' Printer by the i;eile; .'te , o AlcIe481“ tiiiile. . tee,iiiiifi;eafttneidi: ,-..: 7,r . !....eidfon'adi;tee'hiz.: l :4,:i:m.',:ii,.?o.4„ . eidt°r(ioiifpapilGty'oe'v'f'seeintohlrt' ia .i' tinder the' 13 - ebtehitior, file, Ceroutenir , ealth, I ; 4' oe A. V. Parsone, of thieniti.'"" ' ' ~, thitoonainerteenitiit of *Mi.' Polies Achninie- I4Wit, Vt. Mutter: ioinored to Wiehlegton, whirs' - Seintlntied thiee yeais In' the polition 'of private Mitiy to Mr. Beebe - nen; Seoiotirfof State, , Sit . . taw - or irilleh' he illttifilea•fo . reniisylianle , dibedatnellie editor itidiiieithiddi of the Lan , iti Inielligeneir.' g o on aftifthis; a diathin Wilily wrought a`greefolisile In 'the mind' Of • 4ftkiter *lib reliant,* thel!ipbjecil of ridiglei: * , (4 iiightnorel tine of his' piper; and the iirotni; . :Asztven'in its doh:wane terellfietir litertittir9; not only indicative of this, but:intiaelhilit, ..t trigenbar's raVorite'ara' newspaper. I was daring bit ootinedifon withithiajourtal that '6. *ll3' appointed 'to 'denier' 'a - eulogynpOii Mr. ki Dir! Boob:tali . preflOaaly •deolfned lb rappbtatmeatati adoiinnt'of 'the :personal is he bed etiateitted to thelildminietiatlo'n of the " • - Mr: !fitter's etort on that mouton has wifely . , a . intruded Air its grace turd ability, and was re: pliblished in seVerldWashingtota and other journals. • Thideetienintr religleui Ifnpresatons, already ..,re 'feittill to, - soin deVeloPed inte' a settlbd distates for Vie political arena lit wideb,ler twenty' yetirs, he hattbeeri 'illiteit uninterniptedly engaged. Being fully pomaded of his duii,td enter the relnisity, Welt, wide - Paul, " Wee is Unto me, if 1 preach ptie Gi ns e 1!" In the - surnmer of 1849,, he watt n a by%tiris Lutheran Board'of Publication, at r II T itiliole,' to take charge or the Lutheran,Beok .C4ndern and ''Fitbllibinfr Itatabliiihthent there lo 'ri ed, and also to torsi at in con dice Ong the LulAerats ff) s erver; to Which he isiented, reading Theology ,during i hie connectien With tent { journal, nildir the B . Benjamin' Kurtz,. D. D. its senior' editor. Ors' lieensed to preaoh the' Gospel bythe Synod ~ I , b liiiir)fliiiiialtise ther Syood` of tla La ;thwart Olsinh), at Potts Villi; i, I,lne, 1850; SA bis singular coluoidence, preach...l one Of MS first MOM at Allentown, the place of his boyhood, Witere be hid long labored in a different cause, and left eleven Years before In - the full tide of political P . 7PerliY• ' ' string the ensuing summer he visited Philadel 'l3is, and while here preaelied tWe'sermons in the 0 d Pine street Presbyterian Church, (Key. Dr. B sinerd's), where he was hoard -by some of the. 1 members of St. BiattheW's (Lutheran) Church, ,Ifew street, below Fourth, at. whose instance he ,4s invited to preach in the pulpit of the latter, ' ~w h ich hid, shortly-before, become vacant by the resignation .of Dr Stork. The discourse, in re ' siinse to thki invitation, was so satisfactory to the congregation that, on the following day, they con vined a meeting and - extended, to Mr., Butter a ,ultanimoua call, which he accepted, and • entered uion his pastoral duties among them early in Sep. , tapber, 1850, where he has continued to labor ever since. ' ;In Person Mr. Hotter Is of the medium height ; 'his phystre and features being marked with 'breadth and roundness rather than length. He has 'al good vital . erganisation ; a large, active brain, ,end. a temperament ,bordering on the sanguine. 'An breadth Of his intatleotael lobe is iddioatiVe ef resOurce and origin ality,rather than aoute :pewers of analysis. In other words, he is more .profound than critical, and hence his diseountes are'inOre • noted for , cngenoy and strength than subtle powers of illustration, The lines of his face ate well defined and expressive, but he evinces liple facial power in speaking. His ordinary ox ptesalon, both in the pulpit and out of it, la a blend. Idg of gravity and hope, 'ruid.the same is true of his intonation'. 'His voice is sonorous, but bloke flexibility. In animated discourse his most vool forons accents °near in concluding his combative periods, -froth which I Infer that he is fond of de bite, - manner, while preaching, impresses one hat be' la in earnest—that hefeels so deep ly the truth of what he is uttering that the pose! , bllity of any mental gainsaying on the part of his hearers is totally ignored. His sermons aro usual 'lT prettylully written, with a refreshing freedom from redundant epithets and weakening verbinge. ?Ploy are fall of thought, chute in diction, and vi ait:ons in phraseology, and, what to by no means common even among reputed pulpit orators, would bear printing as they are delivered without die , credit to their author. In this respect Mr. Rutter discovers the advantages of his editorial training. Were his style of delivery equal to Ws power of dompoeition he would be a great preacher. He gesticulates well, but is oomparatively.unskilled in, QB he is also indifferent to; the tricks of oratory. He has not a distinct key for' every exercise. 'He 'eeks In an audible tone; reads hymns Rifle de liverable sermons, and prays as be reads. There is one noticeable peculiarity in his articulation, and that is, the unusual breadth he gives to the .1h Anind in pronouncing words of that character. Hat not to dwell further upon these details, his enocessful labors since entering upon them furnish the best comment upon his adaptation for the mi nistry. As we hove already seen, ho epont, "that are commonly regarded as the best years of a man, in a field, (with all due deference to the many excellent men in political life, be it spoken,) as totally dissimilar to the vocation of a devoted flirtation minister as could well be imagined, not- Withstanding come of the tatter oocaeionally at tempt the sorry equestrian feat of riding the twain, In which it not unfrequently happens that both aro degraded into a mere hobby. In taking this stop, Mr. Hatter new - undoubtedly actuated by the 'noblest motives. ~ So far as position and emoluments were concerned, be tuthed his hack upon no mean prospects, for a vastly different, and to him untried field. Like Abraham, when ho wee called, "he went out, not knowing whither he went," being confident of this thing, bewever, that !, where the Lord guides He also guards." Although by no ;Beans an indifferent observer of political movements, and heartily sympathizing 'now with the political amoolotes of his former days, who dare to' do right, his ministerial'duttes practically engross all his time and attention. Hie devotion in this particular has doubtless been one great Emmet of his spocess. Visiting his congrega tion, and especially,the afflioted among them, con stitutes a part of his daily labors. With regard to, the apparept result of his ten years preaching in the pulpit of St. Matthew's, it 'may be stated that, immediately before he aceePted this • charge, a peaceful colony of some forty 'families bad gone out from it with Her. Dr. Stork to Spring Garden and • Thirteenth emote, now known as St. Mark's. The 'places of these have all since been filled,t3ither by cateobleathrn.:,-.-on anoient practice of the Lutheran Chneoh, which V still adhered to—or the inufirmation- of such as have pretested their faith through the instru mentality of other meant. The total number of euitteesions to thew tommunloiiwithin the ten years ;has been about tour bemired and. fifty. An in debtednies, Of, the .ohlireli; ifs/outing to nearly • HP GRAYBBARD eight thousand dollars, has also been entirely Itga dated taring this period.,' ' - St. Luke's Church, konelpiidii, kitidelf;a . hoit nine years, ago, is also, a'braneh of ilit.Matthe*'s. Vrotti the commencement, of his, ministry, among, them ptipple , have experienced ludnterOpted harmony. They tiaie, tit the present time este-, bhabed a , very flourishing Sunday, gotio; in which the pastor takes an active, interest. They, have„idso planted,. within the past nionth, and are sustaining, with their ewn teachers, a inis- Mon eshool on Xleyenth street, above Girard aver nue, which already numbers over a hundred scholars, and .in all the benevolent and, Chris tianising movements of the day, they manifest a due proportion of ,seal. Mach of this efficiency is due to the Atlas! attachmeut existing between 'Tpster and people, and, it has been intitated that, nothing short of, a thunder• clap "call'is, likely, to effect their separation—i. e an . emphatic call rim above., „Hitherto heThas persistently,refused even to take Into consideration the cells he has rep ;solved from other aerobes, dralaring that while he finds work to he done in his, present Acid he will never desert it. , , IMr. Rutter is a worker. Independent of.his tin. Mediate congregational labors his equal facility, for speaking the .If,ngisit anetitinfien languages Induces frequent 'demetnds ; for his services. in the latter in, the,administration of baptism, officiating at funerals, and .preaching to Germauoongrega• tions arty. frorupps CRY. Re is at.tha present time Oerresponding.so,riitery of the Chnrch,gglension ":80etY,9Cth Lathernn Ohtirh-;a.responaible and a iiillte 011011; and also a member of the Publish ing:consinitfen of 'the LAtherakßoard 'ot Publiofr tr a,, In hte,ecciesiastical vlews,„while 'he, evincee 4 :itio),Faxol3 , :foellitg for his own branch of. the, ~ welt hn,iti not a bigoted denominationalist, but,, :lye ihe.contrary, profanes and oonelitently,aote out 111 .11,'," /1 0 70, for Am brethren, " , Be eyideutly,tioes kipolude,in hitteategory of pulpit pretogativei f 4. . ' right of indulging in either open tirades, er ;e. , ping elan against sister denominations.., , . 6pOn ,in Havana. - - ,-- - y the Quit t Carl olivithitandirig thiS heat and the lateness of the ;die diiiist in 'Havana is Still in full bleat, slitird'fielifili Wig: tile chief attraction. The; Ityharibien Aine - of the most suodisairit they i t "t 4'0%1.14411h Hairisia. 'When Signor foliini lid if getting' tins Taion for a - short setteen of opera,. he was advised not to attempt it; is; on io ; count of the Triteness of 'the deimon s he' would' loie bY IL ' But Signor Velpini had heard the siltins . Drittail sing, and frilliaPpria feted their worth; and, mbrnilberal towards Ariferisain artiste thin other -gored° Menagere; „ he ',. engaged' theni for , the riebeen. • HIS success and „theirs bee been Silly ptiored by the ProlOriging of the season, and hie en gdging the staters for the next winter. The Ra vine', press Speak in the . higheot terms of these ydung ,hidies ; Mien Agnee Nritalfis.,proriotincel the .. greaten' P7oriiia . eve: heard in Havana. , To show her greetSfueoeli in 1, Norma," , she has ap pesed in that. ope'ra ten . times in loss than two months, which Is extraordinary:for Thtrrine,, as` no piima donneeier could ittreet three full hoitee a . in the eeaaon, herOefere, in.thet chareeter„On.the ltithinst.;tit the request of the Captain General of Cribs - , end the Spanish , Ambassador ,_ together with all the authorities, Agnes ilatall appehred as. /tonna, to one of the largest andienees ever assem bled ,within the Wails of the Teem' Theatre, and ‘ntiver did our itilf‘AdaMiWrgnen,actilit berseltbet ter.' ifter . ester, Fannie Naiad Teiti, wan( .0, Adpv.,„k ‘ The last* novelty produced by this troupe was Mereadante'a hi . Gularamento, an 04ere well arleulated to- test .the abilities of the sisters, and in which they achieved a great' tri uMplil-Agnes as Alaises, and Female eni Bionpo.. Their Porfortaanoein'this oper# Created a great se'n sgtion. The duet in the first aot; hy the eisters,,was liitened to With breathless attention by the im mense audience, at the end of which they were on aired Sgainand again, atid there, was so Masi "eri , , thusiesm that they °Enid not go ciiii _With ther,gera for several-Minutes. The dying scene, as repro stinted in the last act by ]M ist AgnesNat#ll,lB a:M oldered one of themost artistic repiiimitatietni c eier 14enor, the Italian star. ;4%0 lialmneie are Idea "with wonder - at so much talent' in one so young— Hiss Agnes being now but in her twentleth'year. nos' toner,' Signor Testa, gave that beautiful re mania,, "Hells ,Adorata Irentogine," 'With Seat sWeetness, 'for 'which he was encored. We hope Signor Volpini may, Y he induced to visit Philedel. .phia,' next winter; with his expellent tfdnpei and pi•Mlueb some of those hew operas. 'elle would reap szolden liarv'est. , Norristown and, its Vicinity. Tonto iterida and lore° Prfula ' IMISBORII.- EDITORS : Desiring to pureheire is steal! PP:newly -in a. - pleasant neighborhood, where I Might enjoy " country life" under my "own vine abd fig-tree," •I was induced, through the repre sentations of friends who had purchased property trough It. R. Corson; Esq., to visit Norristown. to seek in Mat - vicinity what -.I desired. It was my firstYisit, and though I bad often beard the pleas ',taken of, as I thought partially, I must confess snyvelf 'surprised on .visiting it. - I found a town of from ten to twelve thousand inhabitants, beauti f ily too:deli; its streets broad, clean, Well paved a d curbed ;, its public , buildings superior in *rein. t etural beauty to anything of the kind -in -the State; churches of all denominations, and some of 'them equal to the best edifises of the city; public and private schools of very considerable reputa tion ; large mannftieturing and mechanical opera. lone ; and a people busy and active, and giving ovidences, on every hand, of prosperity and pro gress,. Added to all this, Norristown is surrounded with one of the Most favored agricultural districts of the world, and, as I atterwerd found, - deserv ing, and should be known, as the " garden spot" of the State. - . ' - , 0 ' . The day after reaching your town I was 'driven out by Mr. Corson to look over the country for What Isms in seareh. Having 'the day on hand, we took it leisurely, and• rode through Plymouth, IVbitpain, l'iorriton, Gwyneild,Voreester., and Low. er Providence townships. the face of the country le beautifully diversified, - and on- every' hand the ' bounties of Providence were lavished in greet pro fusion. I never saw the country look' more beau. q{ui; or give Prornise of • more abundant harvest. egrain end : grate , fi elds; the 'fridt-bearing or rads, the lowing herds, the rippling - streets's, all Seemed te rejoice' under t he Influences ' that were developing their glories and leading theta to their full fruttion. - • •' , . While I enjoyed fully - what Nature bad eo is iishly bestowed. I could not but be attracted by the evidences of prosperity and 'improvement On /very hand. Substantial forth houses. commodious barns,, and out-buildings, the *irefully tended kitchen 'garden and 'the little plat devoted to shrubbery , and' flowers,- marked distinctly the character of the people and told of thrift; of Intel ligenee, and-,of enjoyment. In my opinion, no thing more arks the general chamfer of a peo ple than the reads of their section, and in this re spect the 'country through 'which I travelled is re markable. Good roads are the rule—bad ones la rare exception and I have been informed that throughout Montgomery county, there are More miles of turnpike roads than any other oeunty of the Commonwealth. Judging from what I saw, have no doubt of the feet. Tho scenery of this meation of the county is pleas ing ; in many instances ft is imposing, commanding a great extent of country. It has not the character of the prairie, nor the wild end rugged presence of oven a hilly region ; !but Its general feature is un dulating, with suffieient diversity of surface to fur nish many points of prospect and beauty. Flohotel bonitos, the nurabiles of the men yet to play their ports on the world's stage, are all around, and the Church spire and the bumble meeting house by Iheirfrionent presence' Invite to thantsgiving_ for he Man, blessings which crown the year. 4 I think I never enjoyed a trip of a few hours with so much pleasure. There was a charm about it that is ineffaceable. The country is beautiful ; lo many evidenoea of prosperity and abundance; and the scenery from many points as perfeet as an artist's dream. After partaking the hospitalities of aeveral farmers we returned to your beautiful town, and after completing the purposes of my visit, I reached the city in the evening, as you may i}elieve, well pleased with my two days visit to Nor kistown and vicinity. W. R. D. PHILADELPHIA, May 28, 1880. Later from Tehuantepec. NEW - DIEICOVREINI3 Or GOLD Drf TUX 131111078 'Specie! Correspondence of the N. O. Picayune.) MINATITIAN, Tehuantepec, May 16, 1860. The latest news from the Interior is very favors hie to the Liberal party, and gives promise of en ultimate, if not speedy, triumph. The political news, however, favorable as it is, is as nothing compared with the great gold mine excitement ',which now absorbs the whole attention of our ;people. , An engineer of the house of Joker I:, Co., in Mexico, who has been engaged in surveying - the !Linda of • this house on the Isthmus, returned some Idaye ago with floe specimens of gold. De reports :to have diboovered a rich deposit of gold near the , head-waters of the Chalohijapa, under the Sierra .Madre.. This report threw the people of Mina ttitian into a great exeitement. A meeting was held in order to raise the necessary funds to fit, out parties for the mince. Mr. McAllen, with four more Americans, and a number of workmen, have since started for the new El Dorado. The person ,who 'discovered' the new mineir brought down a ,handsome specimen, worth about five dollars, which he Warts that he withered in About two hours; with a small pan. It it very probable that the reports will prove to be true, as it is positively aseertathed• that gold is to be found 'in all the streams onion Isthmus. Several fine parties have teen out prospecting, and always_ succeeded in Andtbst, gold, though not in suffloiont tinantitien pay for working at that time, oa account of the scarcity of water, but as soon as the rainy season seta in (and it fa olose at hand) ' there will then bi no cause of complaint. The partieShere *he ,have: started are old California !miners - • , . MAR - Rant DPI A DEAN AND MDTE 0017P1.N.-Mr. 'Pre:piste Motfenell; the well. k holm _sculptor, whose chisel has worked Many beautiful wonders in marble, wee married last evening tolliss itate :A. Garrett. Both are deaf mutes., The ceremony was performed by indica Benham. Be wrote out the marriage, oontrtiot, outoottted it to them, mil they bowed aeseut. There Wei si t ouc h f ervor to these bowed assents es though tlitty bad bean spoken, p ar b o i l moro, : for some one has *Tilts* that " the !heart: speaks ,:m4l, run, 'Au, anie not. Clenelanef etitiodkdor. • , TWO CENTS. . , 1 . . Lotter fltwtrt• Trtintoft; 144 1. E9Orresponitenoe of Tbe:frees.l , ' ' Taituroi, N. I', May'29, 1860. • co t Jost W. Poitanii in. the debate which took place last week is the Milted' States Senate, the atinte. and brilliant. Snatch': fro* New Jericy i i w 'B, after months of - labor, 'delivered of .a !pear oc opying obout ;st.e hoes, In which, In order to fo Cry .- hid : prat-104s boastinge; he boldly de ol 4"/ " Oat no apiii adAti bevy been .eleehl ar:delegate te ‘ Cit'arleston from tfits Eittifit gin had been known to 'favor .the olairite Of Judge Dongial le a candi date for the Presidency." Btailt ti4atinting detili-, radon as thlintay•Pass torrent Air truth In the Se nate ohaniber OV , Wathihgton; and under the ins. 'mediate' earaof such men Mt Slidell, Bright, Bigler; add Fitch, hut in Chia gallant little State /than only mittle our robast i SenatorappOaronore apron:loly ridiculous than ever . ,It isywell i .knorro that Mr. Thomson mad,, an.-eipocittlidlgrimage 'from Wash itton to Trenton on the eiti of ear State Conran ti u ' and kept himself' iiinglittoneetr dniing its meeting. It is well 'known that Be weft every 4plierioe and ' attigee by' rtibabis of Me' Vat. mestere,' ctistominise °Moore,: tideintitere,''end toadies, .to influence 'and control the' action of tliat Convention. -It is just .ae well known that 1 1 h -attempted,- bat . eignally „failed, to defeat „ot more, of , the; delegettni mho were elected, o e a d it is patent;tA crerybody how he returned,like A triumphal hero j to the darted, and ,Masted to ht ” friend 'Slidell' that' n'ot. 'a ' single Douglas m n had been 'eleoted''iti 'a'dellitgateh, but d .0 i nater Th'omsbri; Winfroit ybit gemniteted beeu ti a lly.- Did 'youthink; 111 this liiiiplbstlyeriroir b rt. that .therlarwiltedy.ef4llolllollll.l% Nat , to ad ,ail.-ever everftdteintiPtgiOlibpsStlilffrn't°, 'I? led liko.:494)l4topnedelltedegAtiewn* qinetileaFt fi 4 4 7, f P t ' ? t _,P i dl4 ° Vll /11 1014,, , 4 . !' 3 ,,a11e°...w0 m ts,,nC ,aot.ive aenionstiatton; the , you were bind i US hanland toot ic;' iiiii.oiiiii Or /Seel/itll; and di onion? ' If itin'ilid,'Yoit'nutileli itoefigiegletis' mistake. It was well knownES`6iiiiritT!Oluilig min in ; that - Convention; `and they' 'were' not lir feti,3'how ' Chancellor , Williaixtdon,- , emtloventou.Fort, Col. vlardlten ' • Col. ..Wali f , and . :lobo .I.: Sharp, would te ,if ob ey. were pleotedrandM ; Judge _Naar of thle True n AnaiiripanLanii,,athoirs 4'o not giveo di .l r t,end positive,easnianoes,of thetr,friendship.for, d ago Douglas (which theY,have sineti (eloped. and b trayed) ndi oho' Of i4'int 0 . 111,4' ) iavalen eletial• at do you dill*. albeit most`vnillii'and engi rd ' Senator?' .I 'pet It side' by'aide iiith"Your o 'broad end- vaitilMilotai Meeting and twill w gor all yoUrpolitioal remitatio fi thatony declare tt n 'epoch utoretruthful than yours. •If you have n t f oi l ed ont [ yet i -I,rathor, think •yourwill before m ny, months roll over , iet . t r head s . that, anmng the', w rkiug,.,votiog,,Pentoor,W, Of„Mew„,fersey.the, " ittlo Giant" has more,frionds than all the other, o dide'teS, pa .togethe r. ' Yon. tried - bard to get 11 t . 'delegitien . 'in.iturred to vote' as a 161. t. D you gel it? `No, lint mitreleriMllY tilled ! ..Y a fried 'through' Your' einiseities -and trots at' C a'rlesiOn'to alioke off and tooentriel the Douglas d egates' to vote as yell • wanted - : them,' and - you fe led again. , Let me. advise Joe the 'next -time y f attempt. to' dragoorp is State Convene:7n to' fo low, you and. to , comply ; ~ with .your iIIISMO . , de m o ils, to know your men elittle better • than you i di et i yOurlaat'fallure. ' If yott , angyour - " dearly b loved " John Slidell hate Mr. Douglas and hie " . pular sovereignty Am. intentlelyi why do you a 'cic hini styli and insidiously where he cannot a ewer you I'. ' Yost ere 'Me' ieers—why don't you et him ',‘, fate :to fens and foot - to foot" • in the nate ohamber„ and wale" us, y our poor be. n hted , constitnentl,That'his • deotrinee are - trea. s nableand bk;retioil T .11shawonfd be the 'manly ' i•to s rip it, tiMstmabidideoator,. • Don't be afraid of h i ...pitoh , Into hitt , like:re thrineind of brick— g e bun no carte}— use' m, him' iiti; . and sifter you h ve accomplished ate, ihert perhaps , honest. in telligent, conspientious, and pathetic Jereey,Demo / o ats will be disposed to follow yoar toad. and to bind humbly down Mid'eeniply with your owlets b t until I/ OM do this, wewill pursue the good old p an, of .thinking, and sating , for, ourselves, and f rming and following r out our own judgment in .litloal 'matters. •'' -' A hisser Bunn. • The State. Of •Aiter 'Xiste Skillet. orressoadence of the London ElikaiLl , , NAPLIS,Tuephoi, Allay 8, 1860. The O f ficial .Tdurneil; kit night; after a week's i, ewe, publishes the following bulletin : "In eon rmity With What we have S'epefteciksed, as to - e perfect tranquillity re•establlshed Isi Palermo, d: the'neighborhoed, We itjoidg to add that th e - ate of . siege 'in -whirls the 'silty hadheett placed tl' ' laket, off, 012 rt.he- 3 5 1 inst. , by, tkecommander of , atprovine; whereup on ev.v7thing his retotned • its primitive - normal stale And a precious state at 'west' .13i:stem a • comment- on this bulletin, take - e rent:4 4 l g intelligence up which yon may rely : The di:merriment, tar - the lark thik 'days; has •-•etv le a state of untitnelagitatioir. • Thereltas a 'anon , of generals at th e Yitiaaerfsa, Sandlyy, and • night Prinoe Luigi went to tleperi to benig up , a. nary' et 'therintalif - arillietY; th e: oil) , battery k .. the - -kind-in - the' nerving; lb*: willso 'I, era "t• tate-ken, wee.-seat liff :kilt night., At theossime, g me , it is said in the arsenal that an Order has . • -ii - given 'for sending. - kie 'fi've'"thottitoird' more oopb to' Sicily: Ilkave it 'freer - military men d. civilians, ,and the -following -preparations Zorn to confirm the. tenort. , , Two of the steamers longing to a private company, 'which ' had • been' .turned 43y, the 'lloverpment a Week since, were . . sin taken up on Sunday', theyare - the Sorrento .. i(I TfresuOio; and .1" fear that IFik.ocorrgspgpdence rill be dragged all rotold , the eoist - .as• a- apnea: , 01163, -as„ the. Vsan*„ slid' the direct service to 0,- arseillos. Two Government frigates left rater._ .1. y morning , and four were at Gaeta, having been 1 called from' /natty, probably- for the transport troops, whiett„ I hear. ,have ; hues. assembled in •at , place. A thniderlxlt seems. to have fallen , : .. onget the royal party ; 'and, Without pretending - belt prophet, I think you will i fi nd, before this rives, that an 'expedition of volunteers has left , o north of Italy Srh Kelly, and, perhaps, bee tided. If such be the ease, and 'Garibaldi, as I rmise, be at the bead, of it,, we shall hoar of a tri neral revolt, andSierly.te 494 t ; for I can give 5. u no idea of the'terror 'arta& the very name of I aribaldi strikes Into -all' Olasiels bare, and- the t cops especially. Already the publin voice is on t e traces of the expedition„ and every ,one An. n unsa s th at' it' has sailed-4 Cowie; ev ery t e details vastly.‘, Unieei titer Pleamontese an. vrvnment bas prevented it,l believe that, by this t it is at least en route; and raesreely think tat the 'G overnment ' would ': dire ' interfere, It °ugh it has refused , to give upllooo muskets high had been ,Oolleoted by , the great is special purpose. ~ , • ' A person who is often in Palermo tells me that, o , Friday, at for o'olook, , the ehops were opened, , ,d,the, cannon removed front the streets, but on , :r turday, at four o'clock, they had beiM replaced. a. I row or two hid taken place the night before o table fered the , m ir , teasn.d,Tinhaieecrail}reyy,onhd • e kap e rd, , h t V e : a ate of things was awful.. An ' order to open the a ops wee posted' on the walls, and' everything was o t rem:nw sour pla p na 31,, ai insurrection o, and rvit 1 r out le s y rjea so . pli itatn W rue doiewht h o, re st ht e 7nrih n eerjra t i stas h wwfet as t me rir i o n ste t heprir itst6 n lov. i r th r i e r e o s a Bastille fha t i r otti o edilm n i ß:Enkoffrom f brokeno M ess in al.oll wnci, :Patio. i opo o ntia a : je t hit.p :n i g: n ..tf.t. i -. . ietun, that all wee traKull, and that,the state of I ege was- taken off on the 84 inst., • most WM- emery proclamation , which owes its origin to Ft- I ngleri, had been published in both places: Arms re to be given, and Hats of the names of °means arms or supposed to be so, were to be affixed to all publ ic plates for fifteen days. If the persons shoats names were therein , entered did not appear and have their names etraok out, they would be liable to be tried by court•roartial, and shot. If a ilbief were brought in by any one, his captor would have 100 ducats reward; if a common man, the captor would have 10 ducats! ' . I A revolutionary isommittee in Palermo, the moan iers of which the Politte vainly attempt to iiseover, ends money and instrnotions to the insurgents, and ontrivea to keep, up constant communication, al hough almost all the gates of the city are closed. in a s t ilte w bf as e p o o n s tal n pa t t h m e ls ;t the ts fo o llisiztroc o ioltn ay 3, and wherever torn down by the police was Speedily put up again : , ~ Itnernsua : We havelong awaited oar revenge for 1848 Hatred to the'ernel slavery of the Boor , bons animates our unanimous hearts. , The obal ' lenge bee now been given; we have accepted it. put first rencontro was not favorable; you know the reason why. A few hours before the de- SilliT6 moment a traitor sold us to our enemies. urprised, divided, borne down on all sides, we were fain to fight singly hand to 'hand ' ,' without order or direction in streets filled with Soldiers and shrri twenty times ai"numerous as Ourselves, but who yet could not stistitn the shook, of our first attack. For seven long days the firing bf bravo patriots flocking to* the oombat';froM nil parts of the country hits beard at the eityle tin., For the last month we dispute' inekbYinidt with the royal troopla soil strewed with dead lint - 117,-' tog. The army is only master of Petering and the bountry lying within a few =ilea. round, for the whole island hag risen as one Min to the dry of the Ivengers. Towns and villa'ges 'have hoisted the talian tri-oolored flag. Messina has been threat ened In the true Bourben style. We have not laid down our arms; the combat goes on without relax iition. You, in this city, have repeatedly seen our armies returning beaten; but lately the soldiers `with had been sent to Catini and Capitol related `with terror the exploits of our armed brothers who haddispersed the royal bands whenever they not them. • , • After reciting the cruelties of the Kinee Go vernment. the proclamation continues: " We solemnly declare now, while.vietor7 is yet 'uncertain, that tired of cur shame' and the, un limited tyranny which oppresses uf, tired of being considered OS something less than linite beasts, be ing strippe,d of ell rights, governed by force and caprice, and degraded in the eyes of the world— 'we declare, we say, that shoe we must suffer, our 'determination Is to put an end to the present state Of things: To' this end our actin:more directed ; our object is to overturn the edioni Benrbon Go vernment; and to' effect the union of 816117 with those more fortunate provinces which already form part of the great ihtlien family.: In *word; wit wish to follow the destinies of 'the Bones of Savoy, to whiclrßioily iris the first to offer herself in 1848, and the offer then made by her Perliamenthas been - confirmed by five ineurreetiona between 4849 and 1860. We , may be vanquished, , lbitt , :never, 'mind. Vtotory we know does not always declare on the aide of the right. We may be vanquished, and be agaluxedueed to SIIWITY, but war all be slaves ever terrible, ever seeking fresh . means to bring to a favorable issue that lamentable Struggle between the executioner and his victims; betwagee. - 'the oppressor! and the oppressed , which del the insatiable and stapiditttldtlef the Minotaur of Napte* Via; i'Adis. i Veen Vienna lassraivez! ! ' " Palette% Mehy 2, 1.860. 1 , 7 • ‘, •o- . - • : .CC •..,-,•:: ~ • THE WEERIAf t - PRENS. Tee IFlOnLy ° ,: rasia. vitt ba„%sii. estoari bf matlfootaaniuo, in advoato,iat,—.—..;—.ll.o o Three Copieo, " Tn 0 "" - • Twenty" " ..(to oak oulfiroatwO.a. Twenty Copilot. or °Tor " (toaildresaof - - each dabsorbor.) sash -- 1.90 For a Clairol Tirantyr-on, or am, w,Tili mot MR extra *oar, to,tha getter-ut of the Club. MT Roatomating IMP IDr6 - t0 a e t lllll !*ifer THE Vrlnumrlizsaa. • ivAvarop.au-rairms.: losual Borni-Nont.hlr in time for !the California Bioriraera THE" CITY, l ASSigtiNT AUTOMATA' TO' TALI' TOM QM siorg or 1860.7-The fonoihNil4o.rmilisee the ap .. fiointmenta made by AS 800-4mb 8, ,Xoat;tr, 15; Mental of the Restore Djetriot. of Penasilvanta. of Azaiatent ?Kaaba& for ibe city, of Fbiladelphis fat! the census of 146: - ' ' ' ffl2MS=Elo= - iSeeppil Tard.- 7 .nrafi3 H. lititierr; and N. G. o:fr:4Weird haii And Heinys Bort Fort, And min IP. Bhat , 7 gilts Trard.--Sobn G. 'lfiripatrtaki and - Joeob A.fratit. itScith Ward.—C: 31. Donovan, and Oltrieinthlrcifdr.:—Eiiin C. •Jaokson, Augustin it: ' Vog lL ha Wart —John Magee, • WA _Pabiek Ma , Ocinu*, - : - • ' Ninth Ward .--Banpia p..lholieti, and ,jiiaei „ " a f orth Ward.—John leukini, ira Aglaia . 114: , iir ,,, ... t,,,b11....Wa"rd".,-4iniai-ii: iiiiter,.ind Jo-'. . w. c' 43 . b feelftir Ward : —Y. -A, chpdaiik,,sad4ptai i.! _ 71%4teti Ward.-:.4::-.ifissitir r ,api4, 7 Thai. .; ' otalsoctk - - 34'dni.—H.41: - finlike ; , said. jobsa ' : "iftepaliriVerd.-.4ldm id; Weiler, and raselias • ~. fins/ma Wa' ralrohipabletellt. D=11: 1 1:1 4---STV , --,: r steli ~, , !T Tl'., .-: - -' lfrartisQleahliet•Sbeideetaad K. C Brady. ieilissaffrardiresepitft.. K. Snyder, eseL is - 1 3.*LifoBWOrarf , - - , , e lo bn WE* - -.And_ 43l e o 4 o '. - . . ~.. . " i aWsiteedillriirtf.—Willlem•Peal,,and Join_lC. i lesutpoirst :",iliard. .0 tiiiebilipk,. arai. J... vilben. ... .._ ..,.. . 1 ittgareeerz4 ; T r a r4 ., 3 4 r p0,,ri,.. cox,. ma _ A dzarr Twinty:titirditird.-40in:KArlialii 4 :Wilth ii '. J. Crane„rhumas B. Worrell, and Walla= t7irtei: '-' .- iTleeetrioutt*War;d. 7 4.seale Leiielt,-li, Alai !it'd e r T;K1.11 ,,, 714 - 11 ”7. MO: 1 ' "" ~ Tns MSS OF tit 1111101431 ii Fta z dosir ~ 1' . ./ in OSIN, of the linciseny ir.ir. Clegipeiey • • against the Trustees ef-tlie-Fire-Assoelatles. has been 4,04404 : 1 !YAr ealMalle 0.910 , 1 / 1 ...., -In, Cid the, Harnuinyment And of liergie•, r ut cones, r i te 4 nee of , aome disaatlefaetiog aik„oriAooo.oo. of C y Connolis regarding thg.goyettaineitt of the Fire D pertinent. . The_ HailauaY,- 7 Wate4.l 4 eir, , ° l4 p ndsesi•and glued- their appnetstia /DA none! , n r the Bell Tavern , on„the. Perky e rßitd,‘ The, e rof the Fire imitation requires that the , r . —,.._ — — e pantos oceripoeing it shall Imre Aleient alma us in regular earriafirlirtideNfiiiin to reeehne d* ", iftidif"ftittintedidwitortiiiiteoesnisesilied,' 4 , tierdosegniewftlillythdaurittigypiind= they: met *fey theme** He'•enieslAliehliesete.. , •-etwePeot..4PP ll •4 l 49 Aadfft Ase 4. Wins rink far fm , bli"otio" , a g 47 # 0 !; ,17 i"! 1 / 4 - • thfCAlNMotio.,n; 7,nr, AcreOftlie,•,4;sffMtite, ntlirf"9 l ,4 4l ;MT" a°F4 11P•4 6 .,T4 a", .Ig.ion ot me 060 ernitetee' oli oiiintes et the 4416114 it the F: 1 21ifsib& fertufifiterietbeiivticritio firtiiieit;•aziaihr , rassit ,, hu Web looked lbw 4. I thlmkietyi! • , The Jitilsoel hee,earved edam, • , I,the,indirrAdaelt Unapt!, ,eastiesll4ll thelet/ ttr:theA7ll) b* 'he* , P,471,07 7 3 2 1rt4 1 , Ag .' . . ths A!LTantli,the dixi49l4l 3 4o. l laTel w*,:., houl., -OA off. IMITP4 , ig-.., 1 4- *RROTAR : o . 4 NI. *Ortir'44****•,..;', --o! , -T,Pid.i,..*i!fi - bkvoirti0.0. - . - ; lOkty ? hi:vim irk pustody man rrho lei olltar*d - r - : - w til' MAPtito4 I`Phitnitelphlk i nat4A - OPAir oat- it '' ra'thild`rifiit gollirm'f:Worth'ordryliMmig. I'llisc - okra iM'mohloart.thelug6partiN thimigoills item , ;:, sar: , LedwigiKnoodboril Ce.i.ozok .Biodroft 47-; 0 .;.os tho'l2th, OfvEmpleadber: lam, ropomooting to, ~. t es Oat, ho Sfafc &gam' wO4 MIX. 4 4' Nlin ,'-' , 1 eMoto f kimf..pill'„Pr9PortY/tJhe, 8 0 510,'„wV. E 444 N*• ?".I th RP& h4 q t "PgrC 9r * l r`l"- °, —: I ratgroPr. o o B M: l **s.RVitae_trfh". - 40. a bt, MO:Ail:ldler • dote': • ' 04"hproioor L iiorir '' 9 IRO' i - O - t - ',,:iiiiimikli . OMMityiKmistroMW IL heti' thirnOtris till 'dile; 'thopilitit' esistirigiyr pro 4 ' .` i "ed; Mitt ballifidut to CisoinnOtt tor 'eciltdoriev.' t a ilraislat6reistottwertaided Ahem tkeirttartoe 1 , r hookaimboansimploutomt4 Paot.mroo wrk , who,. , r ppm:m*l, Oho :proff„oktAm,pr,rot)l roper.ty ,or la ipmpohorm,,l real Witte. 44. ~`foliilrlirt. omi7 ricl.hiimi t ta in kgiiginnift. _•. - • ' 0400 1463tirrACliiiiii:IL- 2 the icier:Arra ea' tiCoutirtlfil the PioPle'e forly, Of both bribelp . , iteetd'i APP:hoi yesterday alletitaon: Iry Centindi'-:: tiiieil choMhir, miototodethe! folk:Whit neattom- , ' rut.4lThe boosiidotim win to totertriorAndprobs,; hi „ A4Stitd tilk , i o V4lttA *eßtivi”; of--90=444 4 ",, ig•alimvicrfk.l,, .4 , !tp.!r,snffrprl . f74 Gerard ffstate.—A. W. nil, the , prrent Ageni • Crirail'Biiitte=tritlism Ellison, the esentliiotiiisbeid." ' - Guardian - ot the 'Pook,—Wra. C. Stevenson, of OPotirth ' ' Board of , Hcalth---Dr. Jewell, the pre !! .t incumbent. T . • Dirgetor9. pf Girizrd Cagegl—Hepzi CI Cot id, Robert Bou,.st. en 4 Roory EndoSmith, CONVENTION 001:6PIT4I, 41TPERRITERD ve.-1-4 Convention of Superintendents of Hos tala for the Insane, throughout the United Status a British America, hie been In- iessiesi in this for Bimetal deye, 11T r MeFerbutot,,ot the 1111, State ',lnitiator', ;gadding: : Temierdey mbere visited the FeeneyJeanie Hospital for the sane, *here Dr. Hirkbrideshotiell the plane and, r .rhing of the lnatitation.- Y,Ottt4F44Y th,,e'rwasti h'rankfordi, l and /held a seettion .in - the - Friends' I Innt.for the Insane.- To•day they will visit the j titans Sebooy for Feeble-refitted Children, at edia, and, in the afternoon visit, the insane de rtmentof.the Philadelphia -.4timhouse. NEw Pouoz aExEN r,—lf Hen tar ippoiatid Atilermais 'BeAtler the oommitting Write for the pttj to hen and determine camas the Central Station ! under the resat sapyiement the eonsOidalion not -• The Mayor yesterday ceded h 1 canine to take all pennies arrested or the ant of June for serious offences before " at magistrate. Parties arrested on warrants is ed by ward aldermen Will bean exception to the as the warrants mast be returned to the ma ! • [strides who i ssue them. 'The. new arrangement r llbe an important aid to the administration of , Wee. P abs C a MAGMIAT sa.-.First ,district, muel Lentz ; Segond, . Thomas Dallas ; Third, .4 Swift ; F,ourth, Christopher Brasier ; Fifth, t Patohell ; Sisth, Williain 8.. Hikiberd ; t'.verith, William H. Butler; Eighth, Joseph Itlankington ; Ninth, Robert-, Hutehinson ; Tenth, thins H. Shoemaker; Eleventh,. John Cloud; welfth, George A. Reese ; Thirteenth, 0. L. Ramsdell ; Fourteenth, Joseph Ring, Jr. ; t Bath , James H. Coady. . -•, The Convention was unable, to agree upon • sandidata for the Sixteenth- dletriet. ,Coannoriox.—Wo.received s note from the president of the Philadelphia Bank, yesiter d ay, in regard, to an' item ssttiitte appeared in TA. Preai about the arrest of James EL Reilly for at empting-to pass e counterfeit• nve.dellar bill an that. bank. The. president says that the bill GU Med to, although a • little nibbed; was genuine, and that, as far as he could: eisbertain, there were ao counterfeits in circulation of any of the present issues of the Philadelphia Bank of any denorainaz , Son. Rasmus OR A Etrom—During Tuesday Tight the hardware bloke of Mrs. Shaw, No. 1136 It irard avenue, was entered; lig-riming open a rear doW, and robbed of twenty-live dollars tummy, • nd - aboht-an equal aniount in fine intlary: The tebbers - first attempted to enter the place - bt boring through the battik door. - Falling in this, ihey toned the shutter. They got safely ott with he booty. 1 Tuts Corwrs.—The District Courts were in session yesterday, and spent The day in the lenaction of business of an unimportant character. r n the United States Cotut;-the counsel in the inn of Jeremiah Buck, before reported, were Ongaget in arguing points of law until-four o'olook in the afternoon, and having not yet conoluded, the ledge adjourned the court until ten o'eTook this morning: ' ' iit IDENTIFICATION OF A BODY.—The body f men found floating in the Delaware, at Reed treat, on ennday, bee been identified an the re inahlS of John McCaffrey, who was employed as a .ofteliman for Mr. C. D'lnvidllers, at Germantown. The deceased disappeared on the 18th of Deoupber last. WITHOUT AN OWN& IL—On Tuesday even ing a quantity of female wearing apparel, and an Bpincopal prayer-boot,' paAed in a box, ware found on a Coal bin, at Eleventh and Brown itreota, and await an owner at the Fourteenth•ward station-horse. Fome of the articles are marked Anna Ellen RlMads." Another Sliver captired. A ttar4ra, Oa , May 30.-;-A epeelal detteatati to the Savannah Re;nuatican, - dated °oder Heys, Kay ;nth, says adviaea have - been; readved A lm aa nounoing the eapture err:melt bark,,with &cargo. Or five hundred Afrtaans, by Lieutenant"Mattit L nf the United States steamer Crusader. 'The vessel and nagroes wen:married tb IreyWeet on the 2511. Arrival of Sageentere. , :T!147 84 1 1 , etThe lesamehire Glaegew, tt*M MVIIIP 0 0:10 011 44 tQ tho Ink instant, *al Senthetewton, with Mites to the lath instent,chnived beta this eiorhl4.." Their atirasee kart ban at iiiipibea:= ' •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers