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Tas W.' ~,„ „, , , 11.161 1 11 VIVA/P. 1 01 1 . ggir 1 1 4 01100 , ssfrz- 7r- • • , if:. , `,. AFMItTAM , DXYk . P4SO • „ *WM ROAM. - • : . - 99_10 11 44 1- 10004 • -. , --:-Lx:Pl4 , llO, r:Aa iskirwmuveimi si • wrovoilcfc , • B tiaitP l ;t-ek oB °B•'6 Is . • aid itieliTit wrest& TUE I WE I P Ct)LCIla ; i ':,,VAtylviglA 11013 a. MU' 41341n1 Vi inUtti ranill P lB ' op • " ' sigifina. AwD lirld i t CAME , 911,1 't, e. • ' Allm `k. l4 .R 4 ii X ' 2 Z P // Y It Si 4,.. , owl% PER. ousels., se i J. eakiDlAMWEital., & N, - Om IM?Eras, Vaill"WW"li ts Aurn trc wire' milers. "Wiarg4" AfSI22ZMIDDINZ ':IMP DTI. p.. .01t. OSEiTI6 UT 4 . 14 D B L IP In , DT imililissolit 3,' . . ' LOTI:ItekOLATHIS '' ,,,,- 13A8141141LERES ' ' ,;a MESE amooA'iliaietAall;we'at SNoOrM3BIOIIIItatANII No. SWAM& SIKIOND post, OHNIMIUT. Sr Phi; EL** sta: alum warm tor LA- MEM GRE.A.Z.IIBDuOTION I oF Aft WI Li 14 , A 8 • 1 7:1,4 * : - tS; PIO 811. 0 A K, M 9 Xi A 2 :Xi - Ebb crk i A Litii and SWUM' Agooketiaglo Wll 1 ' PA NI PBEK.M. isisi.thas, :a cassriarr *MEET. MANPrILL .J l /04 ' -igiA4 4 4 ol MILK 10,11.411A4LA8 -.195,849, 4 1 405 1 0 31 4'ittik. maTA 4-4 4 11 !ND stmt. es)•,,-• • , • i1t 1 41' 4 2/ : lad dillikes• l 4 , - VE.Nlirk , , - Stott: LACE -111ANTLE0:7 , Th. eriiiifiit lgiirOre Ors; jasl;ll7'ilv, I'VE =II BASEOVANCIGAIiiii MANTUA , gusse,sasi.2liltiji;Missisit‘ is VW .1.-Atac• ~f - , Aor wisirria Tumor Or ilitatTAMll6 - 4 ' 7t , Irt**** l 4 ls3o o 43 lo l A . t 3;411 4 41-hq - Y,'''N -111 BERN ,i; 1 40-0 , - VO,r,N tf; F 1 044. 0 ,000k.1 4 0004 101 M, PROM MA44r4.1%, WI A.: 41- 4.- 44 it rfr - 0_ -N,"15: 1004 olizsimmarmr,-- , wisS-11 1 401P80IMU8II0 0 iM 824112- ANSI, NEW `01)0DIEL': h 4 d,,l•i mits!o•Bo.!hl±t. maktriaol:9o4.' , All ocsaii. - Otailassirrrinuislap. - 1111Witsitglibtrtini01113. • AttelopmaND *sr 1,041 , 17 itar;VAND - WooL. "41r BLO 1 0 44 "0 1 4 8 4" • :,;_it*PkVol4ra-: Ta 1 : 211 Jig* Ptitrart' 0 1 . " 1 1 pas,V;tir,;,ffael."7,l4l,De,CPLELPlY STI it FANCY . , CA B I3I3IpUCEI. Vallie r „ Stilm; Th. •rt tm4.40., leardwe pc_4l, e x:';• w at th • Imo strir , apcsiewimin 1414, • Ib r r 1 " 1 “, ,to amitiatiAtheml!, I & - ASAAW• i t PLIGUSZN9`..: ;40A40-- ' .l74 ! l7r: MA 4 P tlk arf."4s4l:l6"lo4airti: -- VOWP-PrMsic: v,intlu:4oo4 . 14;`61C0iti*Vgirr STft Mp .I.olsloo tetOtsit jig's if:.t,mirsifoliti mom. PO'r4" I !MT .• . . fiiiirkroouttheirmipsnithithelogisoles . 47r#40 - ses osi vie lox Loft* ask • 100 s ki testralriltiftrilsuile.q kiiio4lo 4001 .m._wt7,4, 81 1 4 4=4,64-,-,,, t oo ku ri .- 4 . 4l " l ' l * , 'F l . i ' Await ::of : 0 '. 10 . 610 , 14 ,! 11 :21600 ,I4gy , 110 4 , ,,5# 4 ,, gu n. f rP _ ';` , VP*g. t- , ;'111 AV, II , 5 • i[ 11 ' , `,rgiST,T,NsMo._:', - ', Otikrailiqurrit street; .e q' 1!{ ~ =ME VOL -loninumorriiitueas. •,, WILL,DFFED. TEM DAY 4- ST }`IERB,A SS,QA,TMENT 041,1410 R DRESS GOODS . , nor rs~ soar , AUOT.OI4 SALES, - , . , FAR BELOW THE COST OP IMPORTATION. .218 MARKET ST. !' V; ria I R- a, : . 40 2 9 14 4 BATES, LANCASTER, MANCHESTER, MARSEILLES QUILTS, ALL. 1113114, POR BALA BY L. BAILY - •111$ II'ARKET STREET. ERRY,. PRIOR, 00., - 1140 11.11.KST STREET, nommen eon ostuas ow epOTHIS. 10A0 SERBS, Ito.. feitos sow Oa asso IMO and welleelsotad stook, Melt tai, an PrePenel to sell at tee lowest matkot WA.T.IrEp,..EVANB & COM soekli-HICM) 13Et-oo41) !3E14:)0r., coavoN. rior - any ever unportei, 4 strength, innoOtheene, elastit4r, fog mieridne or had swiss. i -4. i , lfli'lfo77lB. , :WARILANTBD. pgrA t irttA r wb ei:mkrat Asset; zti v York • . .r. B. ,L ' ' • . Agent for .Phltddeinikie, 6 41,4111 . •13 ' /EIZI a - i j I 2MI • bEWIENS Ifirt4B suplikr; ,ilezeitb, atrronnitioN, - _ IW. 11$ 011113THUT OCOMYISSION " 5a4,2 OF rinLatL.DELPHIA : MA.DE GOADS. W Er-AL/NG. OOFFIN. & Ock. 011', STR,EIT, aseriptioot &hii'ERIO4N G 0 I}S 1 41 " 6 " 14 . 1 - 4 sP" *ld NI was farts `- - . , 111111110, IPTAIpfIICAND ir LS& a$ -,klerg n a rrmat `'. l inosm Ipuiverzy ram% AIM - ♦IdrWWOL AND •UM CILMIS. si;kai AND PANalr 110"KIZ*D "P' ' ;mum Arm) sh i i i t ; a i s 'AVM% CLOTHING. CLO'THINGI - IT LEM TiIAN-WifoLEAALB plume! Ofttkr - itES , HARKNESS.- ' triszET - 11,11 MAE ifoitkosit °emir or rOorti - 45111 1 it` ,r• , AlNTitadi f Y ' . Tio OM:nib/I/OOf iti illogoaiSEOlc of ViL °THING. tainkehatared for this, moon's Wholam* Trade ,- B.—Farah/ham will Ind it to their advantage to make their inleetiona Immediately.' pilikatiEft PIOSPARED OLVZ. SPALDENCIVEI PREPARED GLUE! . 4 41111111C0111 IN 111141 C NAVE. MX:, DiONY 1 DISPATCH BATS rus PIECES I .6,isfoar *IL mi7«4; wet trat-regukuut pinta, it is vim deeirstile to bun some oheap end *maw .11) for releairius Furniture. TOIL Crocks ' :WALDINGV PREPAIUED GLUE aside en sleek esserseneiseossi rie household oss afford Ml* **out it. A la sterssfirsdi WAN) to tke stick- WI Polak, Then limo loam a noreesits for Ilseplse *sho t relottered veneer% hoodliss dolls. aid broken ,ersdiss,qe is Just tis artiels for eau, she% sad other euusisestal Toth. so Molar erldr loftier refinement "Mrt i Zliidde sorseratios L eepot void. Was oh* alsillelisid id sollioNe: aid soesildse the eslustdo SuslJOes OW beet ishiastisakters' SW. Away be toed the :gam ifordissry alsodhsrs, being vastly 'obis athilatink' • ' "lISEPUI 9 IN WM WNW' . • . A Alma stacrufa L iss aaek bottp. - PAM TWEIITY•FIYS 0114111. . ',mamas ikeetiygo, atcrictpA.B. nowt, 11 - evi York. ~WIRY O. 9PA1L0.13(11 k CO., Bo:No.0W New York. to . for Design in goon eonto4nuig tour. dint. nak +mar, sbospifrat Litliosraoluo Intow- aura 111 k IPl!Rug e • lap kik, of,- SPALDING% PIIUKCAUD GLIM litvitirfolitinno its own onsinsily so oven bouthoyl. Priniatio,jrartl r Brum. Tre,g7. sad AMY 11111101 illOonkosno*nok piniwinotoof PILIPARILD GLIM' nisklinuni inaii Cat; ' • • WILL STAND OLLWATZ. az*. Amu quilsolimmuc. LC HT, -SMITH. 'a OCX. eiwic , WilteNeWmur..• tarii3BOßG, AGENCY. 'LAM Pilla ta..4slaveroll from th• h Mom lIIIANTJYACITII2I4II4 * .IILIOIIII , North rim ow«, eijirATINGS. trk : iiiiißLlSlLp KORB, 1 04100 On .070 ND onorr, f` , (kora otourratm. & 00 -•• • Ilu,srefi imam Toirsetto & NoN, 1100110 Innis•kraneininIn •- r,2% 1101111-Pii 'matt 1. ,, :'! ~'",'' ' - ' ' ' =GRAIN X.:O'V A;,: Br ,, P„ "E, . t r, - a _ii..= .9 4 ti ^ b . 3:1: ,- .1,` , •It. , " ' '' ',l '.,' -.. t '. - Ira& lOW* Ali' itit all i iliMil 1 1 a h ' Lt, 4 ',ICU. 'tel. -, Al 4; r, ei021.-c, , - 4 4 4fA iN i4 , " 1411*14. 4 ,11410111611Wi1l I le Ili IL " 1 ' ' ' 11111046111101 " PROCLAMATION'S 1 I Q• B ORN OO.,NoI. 5 haidl North SIXTH. continue the GENTLEMAN'S FURNIBEE ia its departments, at their OLD limat waif ZIA% Vf-11! t tnae wo P e t i s t ryt a are at noungament is wiede to order that our numerate' pa -4e gl i di u r= raid rt a i r , 1 4 e ri r itirl y or k irrit w ara t s, tl iNi r elt or they bap/SA*lmo our advertitenstat• is the one,- haitra f L •r the time imitator not. Please out this out and paste it in your - mem random book. ,Iir.r$001"1 1 ---Isto of the - firm of Wirt- J• r'/ n ß d o a 5ll - 11iHlTN T ; I *l/F E M 'F TO U , R RY N , I H= .1 I- • et,mriToppos tains 6 wMO") die alteptim of h sierfouti r =d l ilti his i new Mora, and hit 4 1 - 1511 order for_VILIRTS. abort noHoo, 45, tassratglot ',rade surodied Win Its and Clollikes: • " LOOKING - GLASSES. 1 4 0,01EING-GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND• PIM= FRAM S, • ENGRAVINGS, OIL PAINTINOB, &c., to JAMES is. EARLE & SON, IMPORTERS. ' MANUFACTURERS, WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, EARLESI GALLERIES, 616 ORXBTRUT EITRE.E% ItARDI . VARE. ABBEY .& NEFF, - NO. 308 NORTH THIRD STREET, Have now in store a most complete stook of HARDWARE, of lets importation, and American manufacture, Which they oder to the NEAR TRADE on the very best mint! app-!m' PAPER HANGINGS. & T 9 CLOSE BUSINESS. RUST, XONTGOiERY, & 00., NO. 1= CHEETTNUT IYIUNET, will eliu Vats OLANRISII WS winter and next a➢ring, their IMO stook of PAPER HANOINEII3, wits4u4,f sirfry v*.riety oonneolat with ttie, AT GREATLY iciamora PRINZ • IIIE OMEN= PAPERS AT JO PER, CENT. BE LOWING% fermis treaties their Kowa Fevered, era set mat B &RGAINS. SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER di WILSON SEWING MACHINES. • - mow' COY, Agent, ' iIItt , CRISTWUT MEET, SECOND 17,001, itMh(w, trithOnerstore, on Aire to Yrtente Ps lUar. - i Daiwa omens Wart STATE &net, Trenton, N. J. 1111 CENTRAL WARE, Easton, Pe. 4411-61 , „ WILCO X. GIBBS' SEWING MA: • • ! CHI —The mot and 'Retooling demand for ivfat ba , Suing Biaolung is a ipaarantse otitis or aloe o_4oe. Frio. $3l). ___For gale ot FAIR EP Beals Warehotte, 7 / 5 .:Mt UT Stmt. MERCHANT TAILORS. E 4 O. THOMPSON, -,T 4.1.14 : 0 6.* ObtSt soda To o - of MstarAs4alway• un kind. .111.1e.-Btrati6els vieities the City eye eolioite4 to leirOtkeitysiessorea. MEDICINAL. HES. WINSLOW . , 4,11 Expstur i mp g e t i mm th Fsn '77 tirr n ire sTRu " POE OHILDWEN 'TR E T BING, Kr* imili r•Vali the alT=6 4 =lda!? j aui h MerOirite mows - Depend upon %soothers, t villein" natioyourselves . VIRLIRFARD ia rTf ~ YOUR MARTI', n e have sat so so _ I mole_ for fnir_to Minh and 7 , 1 i. etnt Pe noe and Pow or it, 911. we lim • r 8 0 "Ansi (my other t ,TOED Pd MIT A UMW when Kll ms .. ever did 0 4 we know an Ituranne of on any one ho need It. ton the eon . ail we ilehotsd IA th its operations. and_ "in terms of highee .... • . mni,titionomm speak irAL e eottnad medimilvi w . fatter what we do X 1 • ow. aftr ten yesTI T Ma l i pecand plods i , Winn or to• Rohl ot what we nem • In almost every (miners the in( t 0 is . owing firm vain and r ,,,,,, zm .. rif so filler or twenty , valagermatlon 3 mroltel,f i c, _ iu. t e llif‘rwEnebtind 02 d has used with' „ . l i tErktt OF Oval, It riot oni t i s eves CO hild Iron vain. rigorate• at,aok mot ^ bowels, comma avi d ity, 4 gires=erir it e i r e oli c ynna wg. WIN o es...ft...me goo ralsonevrt .7 1f i : t of 4 iii re s=Aditaiat alt i4 llB cases 002 8 nand Al DREPI X w • sr it arises Tom othoinanyothe ~.. kiko., • would say tat over/ mother who. has Oat si r ens Eternally ad he toon.n=ijits Its ?Avg " I your one met ill intlferin4ld ei ; the reilieDger i l a wgr e te ~ vitm.. / gs. . TAY .pp hY 41.1 to ogole the rejior m" in wir,ocom n" Ot =oral?, tai. Tie e tte Moine tr&T, the mo if; X mi:p o ot tl i lan it PEA, 11 l ablrby ISIt l i s l athroorl i tmi t i a ttie 'etr="Ainef ma . oe, No. IS l I DAR Street, ew York. Moe le oents a tie. 108-1, FAMILY - FLOUR, Each barrel warranted Or mate more 13 R A D'., ' .ad of BETTICR'QUALITY, than any made in SigIADELPHIA. Q. H. MATTISON. my ' If ARCH end TENTH Streets. PRINCE IMPERIAL FROM DE VENOGN & CO.. EPERNAY. FRANCE. Mold bl all itelsotabisThiShire throughout the country. - This line bnujiIMARAIME, whicq t o ustair was roof axe silty to the out Wise to. tient' rust now obtatited the we susoun ea eaeofin and ;Wit tt a irountll. a i m t r oMrr giV4 y e a rl M e an e W , "1' lux! n unt o f tie IT User amity asd &Roam: salt those who ono. treat eiagel IlegYgliiMitte,°,l%llll,LT l ZZl T Tie Unarm is enormous and const an tly moreiwns. 'Our *tVis i rrl ti orittari c p h od Sg at i. g a rrigo i n h t e nT i Va o . ar the T rd. bs. Pes Imsewil importodisonely br wO n neing the so le Agents of Messrs. Oa Venus & co, in this 00Inr17. IL V. KtUelimOUT & CO, •• Nos. RC 4110 Eid all PAR WAY, New York. i ! nin , thi" °lt" REEVES & DEAL, :"'pbg gm fe , 004 MARKET Street. FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We us ,revered, es heretofore. to supply Families at their country routdonoeo with every description of fine GROOERIES; TEAS. &c ALBERT C. ROBERTS, msB-If - Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. THOMAS & MARTIN, $ll OBEEITNIITIiTREST, - KATZ YOZ SALE APAQUAG BEABIEL,E'OEI BAGS,. UPI ALL EOM taftis FIRST PREMIUM GAB-LIGHT COOS EITOVFM. Ito.. FOR BUMMER MR.— T'Fo keep the tatoben had how cool—to am orlftiChltr(clitiCiellAtnigrafigridal r ,lk Moves. I f , you "rant • dove that the Pre ears be liClltadfind put out te mime as an ordinary tesheht , n a ntrmr , glixt g. l l o4 ' 744l,4l l ::;% " 44 e end broil, beet I c O. b !6.• t i l itre b6l, rese nt up in dillerent rtyleti, to suit tailors, Patters, druggists - , yostmktinto, boarders. priest' familiar. mid boerdinu houses. Priem vory ha twin 0130 forle ona a JOHN ...tiNV ; No. 1840 and volituaic t., 'Wile tho Ord* cninir sad Ll'4ollll Itinuttmi wit bout' JOHN 'KEntrYAM'S same eel nosmer. epee en the mate, tom bijou in operption at all meg. iNir Plow out this out far 1 , 111 TOGlVOtlise, mpthrtat-fro ICIROVISIONB,— , 2,3OO pieces, lismis a id Wirlitete; INV ftliked, Alio Se bbie Gsrdni, ll :S l l l),4l— A r igC 3 Crt. . Boraesd vfi trsbovF !NZ AL00110,4 • A 141) rjsciatimairthaim MAY 28, 1860. ENTERTAINING .77 lastioks: FOR THE" . HOME, CIRCLE AND TOURIST . . SAY AND' SEAL.," ..;. Br ihe4othor of " Wide, Wide World," sad.lhe sailor of " a/opera sod Genre: , . Two Vole:12oao. 'Prime , FOOTFALLiS 01 4 1 1017NOilq, OTHER 'WORLD. Br Robin Dale Oxen,formerly 'bomber of co;txrelri, and Amerman Mirll stet to Naomi - I ' , • - • ,OneTolollid.o. 81.26. ; , - ;•• " = , • COMPENSATION ; Or. I ALWAYS 4 Bi‘ ' ter ' ; - • One Vol, limo, Prieto 111: • ', A TALE DP COLLEGE LIM By Rev. Ffederio W. Farrar. 'Fellow of-Trini brut Camoridgo, author of "Alio; or, Little .", - - - • . - ` one Voil2aio.l4oi el.' BUOY:RWB WORKS. urrincorr's 10/11011. THE' CAXTON% •"' 2 Vobk MY NOVEL,' 4 WHAT WILL HE DO WITH IT? DEVEREUX, • LAST DAYS OF POMPEII; „ 2 " Cloth, Al per Vol. IN PRESS. • 00CARONAL•PROD roLprlqati l , DIPLOMATIO, AND MILK:ELLA - • • , , NEOUE, among ahem a slate, at the - COGRT AND GOVERNMENT OF LOUIE , FIIILLPPE: And thn •' . . . Philadelphia. 1 , FRENCH REVOLUTION OF 1816. . - • While t re'author reteaeif, as Eniay' Extraerdiaary ' mat r Pienipotendstr from the Ualtad • Rtatar. at BY THE LATE RICHARD RUSH. EbITZDISY NIS , EIWISORIS." 1 'J. It. LaPkINCOTT. & CO., rny2s4tl 22 and 24 North FOURTH St. 13.1U.KIHOEP:. :Plulosephioal observations on the relations of the • • 1 GANOLIO-NERYOUS SYSTEM To the Immaterial , • • SPT.TL 'OF MAN. By WILLIAM MORRIS. For isle by • : : . • GAUT & VOLICMAR, m196-6t I • • : ' • . : • "1"r .• : e se: e e : • virofin, , NATIONAL DIXION. . An entirely new end bestitiful edition complete in P 1 volume.. punted oo' exquisitely tinte d and prepared' reper4 with illustration. on sterd and wood, at 'Lao Per VOIUSIM. • . , . , 1 FOR BUBBORIBERE ONLY. . Thia. day is reedy— ' . _. • VOLUME ONE OF THE LIFE OF WASHINGTON. Bei* the se a nd volume of -the srorkette , published, and to'be had w th the ' , oolong volume, . ...: I gE 13KETC11430011; • - • , % vn subscribing for theswhole sot et the Bookstore of •• i . • - SAMUEL 11AZABB, Jr., 1 724 CHESTNUT street. Mso; in" Uniform style mith the above. - f' C BALMAGUNDL . 'WVING & PAULDING. my" D l" ' ! ENS , NEW BOOK IRVING & PAULDING. mta,,&Antir IS PUBLIBRED THAI DAY, Aid lbt sale, at retail or wholetale, at T. B. PETERSON k BROTKERr. No, 806 CHESTNUT Street. SHORT ST, CONTAINING THIRTY-ONE' STORIES t 13y CHARLES DICKENS. and never before pu in !hilt untrii.. - firkin:4 from the V.. swots 'ton b , from the edition to be b bed Ai ai, raw minder the editorial glipery on of Ns. = tinktesedil mg what the editor eau Psibt i lf.ed_ggr says of it A NOW Vogoins str Dicagss.— B. Pinc_r aoi r hers Sieve jest leaned 'a awn net of 1224ratitd4,1_11n= Vin:Wrgartrlat'iVal OWE. 11110eiToo from Mimi! fropo of r A l ort r efoltiOO" oAtotall alita the 414s ig irrtur;re al i as 4 crreWifslaWiis w seht_jmaa-,lBMaNbents, and anoy n one ainleohno • volume, bound in 04, pri nfln %nth the other oditiooll or Hoke works Published by us. llookselle. News Agents. and all others. griW pleas mend on t elr opiate at Ones for what. they , root Of either of the Above editions. Polk of winch Will prop" to be of great latotuatitY and ottalinhis6 IC IV of the above book will to sent to: 1W ca., to' Any ,at ono*, free of ppetaiter on realitnag the pries to the publisher". Foraalent "D T. B. PETERSON & BROMERS. ylan , 806 1111138T.Win Street: • =RPM' SHORT STORM, BUT YOTTB. BOOKS AT EVANS'. GUT (BOOK BTORIE,Nc. 439 • OhliSgy 'NUT Stmt. pp if Agit Byr 0 R K 4 A EV 9' .k Stank Ito. 419 Chest= street. ,Itntore,l4o 439 Oneotant streeL Gift Book Store. No. 489 Ciumuld 'treat. 'TN the belt plane ID the city. Books are EMI 1114)hesp. se at any other store, and 11011 hive tee IldVeittete _ Of MeiVilljr kandoome Gift with sada Hook. ALL THE NEW .. .1900K9 011)04 AS PUBLISHED, 10# orist IF YOU ARE IN OFIOO OF ANY KIND, _tiny tb i tm EVAN9' GIFT 8042 EfftAlLtdeRIKET, 430 CHESTNUT 8 REET, Wade n net 900K9 KNERtrARTSLENT OF LITE RE. And you have the advantage of receiving • Oa with each firbok that you yarchruie. Call so, awl ono tnai will adorn you 11 she hoot detain 14.1 eity Was you skouid pril v us oaks 4.1 ,Lda iiirrilo dso . AGs g t am A ENT EP 439 oiningro u ittzeet. Two doom below Fl H. on the' or dd.. • ftengeto 'dotting the gay are maestro ly invi ted ea t and examine he large collodion o Books. sod a Cataloono. (Part Pint of the 116 drithmetle. New 0. & J. BIBME & 00. N 0: 608 *;41 , 0 MINOR STREET, PHIC,AMELPRIn• have re oestaistblisbad • E PR4 ' ARI TTO hjis i n i t uplaination• or, the landsmen= misses arithetrod their appinW.ton isnpousd numbers Omer sing oopiousageroises. _ r i r WMLIAX VOODZS. °lsnot of Pianissimos it tie Oen tral Rath Schooi of Philadelphia, and author of Treatise on Mensuration and Piaotioal Geomatry: and SA‘stym., ALSO.P, author , of " First Lessons zebra,' • A Treatise _on, .alsebra,Jor Conine', gosh Schools," ito.; " A Treatise on Burreynag." Ito. WT., 0 it : North Amerteew Gad Uattal States Gazsits says •• We lows /muddled tins elementary treatise with Muoh oare, and consider? u exact, well arranged. and praotioal, an any work o the kind we have en , deedoru might safely award It the palm. Its epplek: natiorg, rules, and examples are remarkably and dea. . ttE Single copies for examination, mailed to teseh ers,tostage pang, on map , of tea edit.. • MY33-it NEW .YORK KREERTISEKENTS. AOOIII3T 'Ol/110AIT & 00., " BA] KE-B®. , NRW YORK, Woo* Letters of Credit, to Trio/diem syeasplo la ALL PARTS or "THIS WORLD, TRZOTIOE MEMEL ROTHSCHILD, ow • ARM LONDON, EIidNEFORT, TINNIVIts IVA PLES. ENE THEM CORRESPONDENTS CAMPHORATED V&TIVERT, For the Preservation of . Furs, Cashelstes, and Woollen Goode from the re vases of MAIL Antis, and other Losectio. The OdI4PHORATED 'WETLY/MT ix • combina tion Of Camphor, Vetivert and various Aromatics. It has been loot and favorably known iri Europe, and hes been found superior to other article' for die purpose. Prepared at PARRISH'S PHARMACY; , No. Boo ARCM Street. BLINDS AND SHADES: WILLIAMS. - No. le NORTH SIXTH: STREET. le the Meet extensive manufacturer of • VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest 'And Anent ersortment in the city, et the loweet viol& STORE 'SHADES made and lettered. Repairing erosivity &Ojeda& to. aie-dgm S (p E.W & i) Oita PHOTOGRAPH PROP DRPOT,, No. 3 SOUTH ilollTilOttest, - , Above Oheetant. This Le the only aotalgiahmoat,ll,thi 'oat devoted erhatvely to iliOTOOßAPll,7lL4htlfft."A'grettet variety of OVAL CILLT PURIM eh fhigi ea be. fend In any one ertabloasoana In, the Oidted loam. 'and grim !war. • • . , Or Bring your Photorraplia, 'and hail, stjdAygi itt4d 'ithout ant: elm . so. • „ niadinin Orlelawft4.l; , ol.l . ol2lre * .c...0 4 .... a r g d00,,,...04.,. Hotet n 1 laugyrinv litotiannidarT 1 , r ems ins la i rpOgps . t It city a . , : 610:47 fie' Ei ji 1 titr s ,o n m 1 1 Maddristra l k i lljailLtilit o ' , lt, _ •. ty‘ 7" 14 04 ) 4 4 7":: , ,71rti BRIO/ MAKING , ' HAVIIINTS:' .L.ssztrArariai n nigta r eatrO TWVIR - ALiiigh itriici • , . 4 S DP4 VAAJWYa” --- I,PV.kevilluNriZZ.4 , •inaitthin "A‘v"tist ( viol!, jIILiAIt HOME; Mir ~• Mir ' k ; Jr! • orri . .rte CEO =4 l Jig=~' EF,I;E • ENTERPRISE 'I - igtTRA.NOE • COMPANY ili;" 3 - J O: Pliatith oiß liP o lta. viiivE I! , r 7. 1 -,,i ME Di ifitAX X .[..Y.) IrCO A IS BOILDIIVO. S. W. CORNEA 4 ~, uTR AND WALNUT= szitEsrs. f% I= ll I , DIRECTORS. ' : - '• Illa z O s T r AßUs MORDECAI L. DAwsOn , It& FRAMS, oss H. Blown, let . Twoon, , B. J .A. FAEPASTOCI, IF NA WOOD. Anrhusw D. Otani, diNIT AAA VII % .T l3 l ° .. B pit . B A I:: 4 . ' "8111.11b*N I: Wrire l otti i ri." "!I " Prelletri AWARE MUTUAL, SAFETY 'IN' IRATtaB CoMpANy . . ' ' 0,11 D BY•THE LEGq - SLATI1111? OF vs. .. an AMA, EIt r THIRTIVirD 'W ALIMIP - - ' B eßt irstleitt o B 'we .. .. „ '• ': Mid 1 Usti Parte of the Wet% l i nt A ktti It . Yel l t:lis l a i lle iri ,ptai old ' Lan4 gattiase' •, I _ 'FR Iriil f It s A - len it "7 77 1'11 7' ~ I g iu3Lj r:a m *nor , l e. AICYI , r ' ; I T : 1 ; - - '' 'l Ol4ll tit t r i I T , ...i. Lox' 4„lo l 2r e t 1---.0 ' /MO te gr 01. LOlll4-:: litiM 0o ' f_:_p , •: ~ , Yanta ?Rata I fr, at..bas. a. —, IWO Oil it st . ...my (tent. - PlOt6ll and l odB 14 111#0 • fivatel7 lit at. Notes aid inLei: ' " • t —..._.. ...,•, _ 1000,0111Xelpari fte Loan to tablEyrorl'hil . 41, 2°419 c ° : 1 !tire/41F , Ertail - fd l golt•Tir °AI CI P ;forth Veggigiiltßailrot,thijal 'alit° T -.;;.....- e rr I wit! i useelohnt Panseneer envoy , • Pe 1; 1 1 1 1 111 ' ej i tritro l t r 24=1" . "0 %I . • 9, -; company, Interest anti admi t . . •;,, 1 r o tnAtted by the oity,ot rhi 11,000 11140300 Abates Taanaylvatif BV - Wettll — n 10,110 f, lit ' ottarea,' Z d TroireaTiii6W IMP imi, "filhollitiormieatiroeliost turditeant NI C° a g galVainctiTg l air oitr• i A n tiime ( t al, %Ma N , B ,:al s LtiT4 1 , " ere 'de . Orstas Hum: A l w Boat ' • 1 40ool• Pettadelehia Bauhaus • - 1 ,. Pah, —.... 7 .,—, IMO 00 • - . 10008,n8 04 11 17 . eg j ea: and Re . al Estate. Of- .. m i n or lt tn i t2TraS e o lnu taict ".l It! 4t in R i dof sundry Ineuranntido - ntne. °Ai al iii . a;;Zrfo -- B — ani . C.--'==' - .. • al 2 MASS Ili •SIXECTORIS , ' Samuel k. MMus. i r i w ti V; e i t VS r Das guns .:gieJonisßroo m neer M'llvaipe. emu O. Rend. too t lit, u orei' James : SPFairMid, {oehnert, Eyre, . a j jo B. Semple, rittat,g, B. P. ;yr, , • ',.. • Ix .' k r i'reskient. 4 D, Pm Prmndent, 6 relerv. ' dl6-wfintr wape wit LYLBITN.I34 . ~ :k4.4 .: NaE :INSURANCE 00PAPANY I f1p.....1i - I .• d. No. digIVALNIIT Street. PI - - t ifttni&nrtol3• on Roues and Aterettendlre i oiittaxertiple terms, either prated.. or per .t • ' • i r - ''' DIRNOTORS: • • - ' g4Wi j a a t s tg; ' Dr; !Mb* N T' ' . iitOwen, • .enben C. H ...: latini; John maolreL Jr., .. sllntedlet.' t Jas. i i , i , Hale, llefonm '-.' ilikAr Q. IliiiliKNO rig PP:- ' 1'. 4. ""' '' An" nW, A Avoi Secretari al 6 nital-wtmti URA N CZ fIOMPANTOFFTHEE Tos or .rintrow.vANlA-AnEr A fitioxtr, wwfog—rit. 4 EXUA,MIZ BUILD* rod in nst—capitil i!"o,2oo—Jurnata, January 1, ; • vestal in wound and neisilable_iseettritier—oon ware on Verresiennd Cargoes, Dundinge, Iltoete ' • handles, kohmileAleir AC. Il gen r D. Itherrari, n Top'. George easit; Memel Want. Jr.. r,, 'L'obiai Xamar, , th, 'novena Wntegen. - ' t i ent! , ? i ktgeipsi, lute, [ Deem! O. AC:lgron - - DIGNRY D. BRItrD, President. git- He wegrß. Freantraret 7, .le 1.-ertrn tt lOWAN PIRIV I.NSUBANCTE CO., , ifttrORRATED • 110.0-011ARTER PERM irkrikr illig , e.dt a i ? lC.Vis rnied. r ihnadi;latne.. ' - go Oa,. , ItlAspf aine siu7hpl etuz , • # d War carom:, and Other Paracmai lam' Bilaills linen:Br and samurai/ . adiust•B• 1 6 .421 ralterroas. kitWelrs! " , • traMii hn T eam is pt*B "L e R IQ. ar . ' J n 2 rton i n.antnnst 9. &an: ,Parr air Brads. gekvini (lh aaflY7l:lB ll , t ;;;d_ent, ALIicERT C. L. CRAW OAD. learetarr. 1020-61 A , CII AKEIR CITY INSURAN(T COMPA. . IL—PRANKLIN BBILDtv': - .1 oit WALNUT L143 i „,,..„,„....,,,,„ . „...,,,}3,,,,‘ ~,,,,, A L t i ND Slit ire, n 0 the Penis it v di e e B iNt m inlaa ' Ainglitil i n e nns natio. R.KuROE H. HART, 'President. E. Y. ROll% Vtoe froludeat... _ N.H. cooesnALL, Bea Y =a 'Kliaelliter• 5. B. BUTLER. Asinalani Beetentry. , DIRECTORS. Georg R . Red, E. P. Roams, A. C. attoß, Poster S. Perkins E. W. alay, Andrew H. Chenbern tonfilllither. Samuel Jones , AL D. iILtNTON COUNTY LIFE AND GENE RAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ELATTSBURO, MISSOURI. Chartered In 1810.—Authorited Capital, 11100,000. DIRECTORS: H. Wlnttington, Wins!err Turner .R. , Bradlefr, .oeorge W. Culver, . W OTOR, Prem. I. N. NOOKADAY, Neo. Ind T' epompt attention Raid •to Coligoiaatut,, and. Money ' rematch BUM= Ronal ted. adan-llm" LIB E INSURANUA AND TRUST . 001 d . 0 P lAfißir and l aw Ll,l fairtkie‘hobsisrsi of One—mute l IM u es 11 . n • d en e d n iF n es en areo u n r° hatideligninte teas:Chi in t . emelt of in e. __UAW Set as Faces.utors, Adminisirstori, AMU - UM Wristoosaind Onardi • T I VVETR 10 L. Miller. B. Blokes, "ran made ! siek Marian, u rd = l i ismel a kipParlaccia Joseph • wrotter, • - It ill_i_W Kern,ern, Jaws Item cull:Wilma Mg Vim rw y eah Mmand.A. Bauder. Frg r ias"," DrgeiV7te hi al° 14 isfkAirsher, Horner, 4 , W i rk uia lo o n b ,. °6 , l% . smael J. retialli Joseph AL homes. • • : Werner M. Resin, • John (i. Brenner. P. IN . M. r lob l le % r, T K O surto k i el s. • lll Vla Pr sr i ree' de t. al. /six W. Helena. emehetlrc.: ; , . mole LEGAL. ESTATE OF LAWRENCE JOHNSON, .AIi.CEASED.--Letters testamentary to the estate 414WRENCX JOHNSON, late of the oar of Philadet aitemiesed, havrog been duly.granted to the under s in, ,ild Persons indebted to mad estate are requested to ro e e Pannent Without Melo,. and those btoug clams or demands await the same ere to present them to JABI!) McMILLAN. WILLIAM O OROWELL.I Hzeoutors. 606 SAN OM street, • JOHH_B. 668 T, 129 Bputh, FIFTH street. Or to their Attorney, rnyn-e6t— IN TEM ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITYAND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Es • Late of JACOB AIOLZ. deceased. Notice hereby given that the widow of the said de cedent has trr minted and filed ha r petition and appraise meot in the livid court claiming to retain real estate therein ro sewood to the value of s s oo, under the Act of Assemblf April Nth. 19a1, and the supplements thereto, an that the same will be confirmed by the court on Frday, June let, HMO, unless exonftiona be filed thereto; GEORGE H. EA LE, mO.-194449 41* Attorney for Pet tioner. tN THE ORPHAN'S COURT FOR THE 44 CITY A4D COUNTY OF PHILAICELFRIA. Estate or ROBERT MchtENAMlN.deeeased. The anditm appointed t the _Court to anditorettle, an: adjust Ha amount° MATTHEW 'PHOMP.sort and ARCIIiIIALII H. el AHAM. Faeontors of the last will and, testament of Robert Momenamin, de ceased, and 4, revolt distribution of the balance in the beads of thenoommtant, will meat the rties E for the avosea of lie appointment, on MON AY, June 4 at 4P. M.. at his Oirioe, No. 242 uth FIFTH treat, in the City of Philadelphia. T.. 1. BANDER. my23-wfwitt; Auditor. IN 'THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE II °ITT AN) COUNTY OF PHI LA DELPRIA. Haste of Oriumodore DAVID CONNER, deceased. - The Mafia! minted by the Court to audit, settle, fa adittst the account of bUSArt J)ILLWYN CON aH, .Execsbr of said decedent, as filed by Samuel mlen Randiaplat Administrator cum testament° annex° of said Sam IXliwyn Conner. and to make d istribution of the Wants in the hands of the aooountent, will meet the parties !aerated for ;he Inman of ha appoint ment, on hlCel DAY, the fourth day of Jane, lea. at 11 o'clock A. M. at hie office, No. au° WALNUT Btrelt, in Ike city of Philadelphia. tayEtwfrat SteRN pa. THOMAS, Auditor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR TI CITY AND COUNTY OF 'PHILA DELPHIA. lu the nutter of the Petition of theolvonoy of MARI 4i13 T. A. !AMON IN. Notice la haat'' , elven that the subscriber has at , - plied to the Co. t of Compton Pleas far a firitil climb vire, under the croisipos qf the nsolvent lawis of this Com monwealth, into sMd application will be hews by the Court of ()onion lees, et the court !QM Qf f Silk 004 rt, c aul, trioldhe June . e State Rouse. rhiiadelphia L on the 22i1 day A A.D. 1081, at 10 o'clock 4. 51, when and whirs all' the creditors of the undersigned may attend, tither think roger. L Is F. A. my2l.nawfet• 14;0 COLUMBIA Avenue. EDUCATIONAIe,; ENousE AND CLASSICAL BOARD pig 60E01, FOR voinio 'AtENAND ROIL M. AN, Lam toter county, Pa. E. L. MOORS i Prinbipel. The locati on lit in every respect a very elaabl i e one. , Come ot ostpuoil_ ample .anti , a o = r a y g r eg: red at any tine. rot particul ars mre-im" MRS. FRBDERIOK iIODGES,_ OF DOS :writ TON, intagds opening a 80ROOL FOR YOUNG iii/ADlip h i p tlt i l i i i ie 4 oir o , r orn ;lancing t i o n tl e eterbef o net rton. D. D th litor ot r ibe g i tigib of P/1O : T VOratt '" , , t . ge obtain of r. f A IdNIUDAS BMW& INSTITIPX.k• in a reliable medium Drargblraitialieti: . jil iir s" rouir i 7N'46lls4 3 *i s 'emu onittiffitt4.ll.4ll4:, 12RYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL rimn pu otibmp r • 4,- 0111 . 1.0.• r ES. . er anti UHT $ iq r Oa . Pal pi. d i ng, 4 19.'t %Mk 'UM' 00/OZ-=-I)othilamegi it Wi tty a ,raititaLt.aa'fl (ra^ ~`:f,.'..f r 3 t c , 41 4 s • MONDAY, MAY 28, DSO True Story of " The Colleen' Bawn,” Dion Boncicault, with even mere than his usual tact and „akill, has dramatized aThe Collegians," ; written by, the late Gerald Grif fin, in lti2B, widch decidedly the very best Irish novel ever published. Boncicault calls his play iw The Colleen, Pawn," which is "a prettytitle, but very inapplicable when the he roine Is attempted by kites Emma TaYier, at Arch-fittest Theatre. There, is another young lady, played by °Mrs. Drow, ,who has, dads hair, but is dramatically Tailed the, colleen Ruadir, (the red-haired gir),) originally played at New York by Alias Lisura 'Beene, The has auburn hair,, which, some do' call red 4 , Bon-, cicault has made a ; very:, effective, acting. in which himself and Mr. CharlealWbeatleigh, are fits performers.. ,Let na see tiPen, what tide play Was confided. ' Flinty-a few words-about Gerald: Griffin. BorninDecember 1808, in the city of • Lime rick, died in J . 0ne, ; 1849,. at• pork. At Pie age of twenty he !went to London, a literary, ad venturer, and after,ireiltbig asa reporter en. the daily., Press, with.oeCaSiOnal contributions to' literary periodicals, published Holland- Tide, or Munster Popular Tales," in 1627. fere this, had writtenthe tragedyrff sippus," which, was .net perioriz4 until alter his death,, when 4acready ,took the leading charaeter. „.“ Tales of the,litituder Festivals" appeared in 1828„and was immediateli lowed py w The Collegians." Hie other works, were '« 'the Duke , of, Monmouth", and w The Invasion," historical romances; "Tales of the, Five Senses "Tales of the Jury Room," and sufficient poems to ,make.a volume. All these he wrote between 1827 and 1p8 ; retiring in the latter year to a religions house in bork,. where he died in 1E40: A highly , interesting biography gf Gerald Griffin has been -written by his brother Daniel, a physician in Limerick. A collective edition of his writings, in eight volumes, to which thinblegraphy wee prefixed, appeared in Lend0n.,1n.1.842.11, and again in 1846.. But the only complete collection, whlch' contains „w . Gisippus" and the Irish novel of, " The Invasion,", (omitted in the Landon edi. tion,j was lately published in ten volmnes; with portrait and other illustrations, by I. and J. Saltier C 0.,, New York. FOr this edition, the Life was revised and almost Wholly re written, and no Irishmen, pretending to , have any regard for his optintry's , literature,,sliOuld be without Gerald, Griffin's works. w The Collegians," a book .which p'Con nell was so fond of that he invariably had a volume, of it, in ,tbe •,.pocke., of his. travelling carriage, wa s fnunded on circumstances which had actually occurred in Griffin's Own native county of Limerick,, eidylaine years before he need them in a work of fiction. Hie brother has recorded how this book was written—lite; rally ,against pple. "The printers," Doctor Griffin says, cz, overtOok him 'about the middle of the third volume, and .from this time .for ward it was a constant race between him and them." • It was thus; to our owia knowledge that Bulwer's w Last of the Barons" was writ ten, with the cry of "more copy, sir," 'ever sounding in its author's ears. ''et the cies ing'half volunie of "The Collegians" - is the mestPciworful, and most concentrated. The writer's mind was in . it, and he was seriously puzzietiwhat4O dp with lint:drew Cregan,, rot:, itoetienj tinitritor!d . justice world :rogilire . :llls '&l4-4DlALgtonenviut, for his complicity' In' ie. readers,aranfi,dashing ,hehkoing "gentleman" ew, woe be indi e g o n thinig esitat ti s n o l e i ! the lianda of the executioner. Griffin, himself a dramatist, was fully aware of the great dramatid capabilities of 4 , The Collegians." He once said to his brother, pausing in the composition of the story, c' What a great deal I would give to see Ed mund Kean in that scene of Hardress Cregati at the party, just before his,liireet, while he is endeavoring to do politeness to 'the ladies, while the horrid warning 'voice is in his ear. The very movements of Kean's countenance in such a scene as that would make one's nerves creep; every motion - and attitude of his, his ghastly efforts at complaisance, and his subdued sense of impending' ruin,Would all be sufficient to keep an audience in d thrill of horror, and,, without almost a word spoken, would indicate the whole agony of his mind." Immediately after the ,publication of "The Collegians," it was dramatized and acted at one or the London theatres. The adapta tion, however, was much inferior to Bondi- We now !proceed to relate the leading inci dents in the actual' history of the Colleen Bawls, whose real name was Ellen Hanlon, changed to Bily O'Connor in the novel and play , Forty miles below Limerick, the Shannon, noblest liver in 'lreland, expands, on Its- way to the Atlantic; into an istuary, which stretches ten or twelve miles from - batik , to 'banki-;-Li merick Ccitinty being on the lower and Clare on the upper bank. LThis estuary is almost soli tary,—for there is little shipping in Limerick. Early one morning, in July, 1819, two poor fishermen, living on the Clare bank of:the river, not far from Kilrnsh, saw, as they walk ed along, a human body which had been cant ashore by the last tide. It was the body of a young feniale; covered only with a small bo dice. Around the neck was tightly tied a rope, at one end, the other terminating In a large loop, to which had probably been attach ed a stone or some other weight, to sink the body. Nearly all the teeth had dropped out, and the general appearance of the corpse in dicated that it had been under the water for several week's. The fishermen removed the body to a lit- tie , distance above high-water mark, making for it a bed of sea4eeds, and covering it gently all round with sand. Immediately after, they gave notice of their discovery to the nearest magistrate: There was difficulty as well as delay in as certaining whose . the body was, and haw it came into the water. A few weeks beide the corpse was found, a girl named Ellen Walsh wanted to tress the Shannon to go to where she was in service. On reaching the shore, silo found a small pleasure boat on the point of putting off for Tarbert, a town on the Sorry side, not far from Glyn. In this small craft, besides three Bilrush boatmen,' were Mr. John Seanlan,,a young woman who was addressed as Mrs. Scanlan, and Stephen Sul livan, Scanlan's servant. This last was known to Ellen Walsh. There was on board a small boat belonging to Mrs. Scanlan. Without any difficulty Ellen Walsh obtained leave to cross the Shannon with this party. Wind and tide were against them, and the boat which bad left the Olaro side before dark . did not reach Carrickafoyle,aamall place below Torbert, un til thoolext morning. All the party went into a small public house there, to dry themselves and get breakfast, after which the boatmen returned homes leav ing Mr. Scanlan'a boat (a recent purchase)' behind them. Mr. Scanlan and Sullivan went out, and Mrs. S. and Ellen Walih Were left to gether for an hour.. Mrs. Scanlan, when the men had gone, opened tho trunk and shovied its contents—' new and handsome wearing apparel--to Ellen Walsh, who MO noticed' that she wore 'two gold rings, one plain and 'one carved; also, a gray cloth mantle, lined with. light-blue silk, and made in a paiticular'may, and a pink-co lored:silk handkerchief round her,neck. By, the • thri4 that Iffy. ficanlan and his man returned, the weather hwiteleared 'up, and they wished Mrs. Si - ta'aco r with them in the boat. Ellen Walsh 'iiaitan-tham,'to take her tO r ,Tar.: Veit, but Sullivan,takirigher aside, hada,her stay Whire she was ruftiCtlierifezt morning, adding '(iii his master's hearing) that, in the , main tinge, " they would get rid of that girl,'? Ws; S." 'Finally, they took plan Walak *idea a 'reek of the river, to save her walkhigiaround 4e several ;440 , 4,047) 1 0 1 ;ed her three atlas , 13`17,r 1 ;ii*Z a Val aw !w ay for OA oppa., iita shore, shale ,'l , Ito') '4 it') TWO CENTS. Nei day, Ellen with& 'exit SulliVan'etand 7 : lug at, the door of his mother's biotite in Glyn, and, oti entering the hOtise saW'Mrs. Scanlan's' trunk ripen the floor, and Was told by Sullivan that they had shipped . her ell' with the captain of an American vessel..." A few days later she saw` Sullivan'a' sister wearing Mrs. Scanian'a gray mantle, and saw the ailk' neck:kerchief,* and two of the goeint Mrs. Scanlan bad shciwn her, it. the house of a woman' t dlyn.with whom Mrs. 'Er:Anhui had occ.asionsliihidged: The woman - had bought' them from 'Sullivan, Who top her that lire: Scanlan had run away' with an officer at 'Bilrttati and left her trunk behindl. A.' fortnight 'atter abehad last seen Mrs. Scanlan, this dame' Ellen' Walsh saw Mr. Scanlan' and Sullivan' lithe honee ef 'the Wo-" man. 'The, gold carved 'ring • Which • Mrs. S. had 'wdrii was then upon Mi. 'Scariliiii'e `Heger. Both nien were in liquor. The servant' Asked the' master, for raoneY;'atid, beinfriefulied it,' ephaOcally' 'observed' it Hr. Jobn,Yetrlntew , I' lava as good a right to that money is l icin have."' '' • ' . ,' ' ' ' Ellen Walsh related, at the inquest, what she iii.. 4 eeen'and hard, and coupled with the finding of the , body and the disappearance' Of the yotpigWonian who 'owned the trunk,itseera ed a tuistacietts case against Mr. Scanlan': He,' howevar, was heir to a fine estate in 'the noun ,ty of Illmerick, and nearly 'related to several nobleramillear Besides; if heand his servant hid w onted to kill the girh: how' clumsily had 'they l eo ted-4telling astranger that 4.they want-, cUtto, rid:of that 414 5 ,"Land immediately Coining-back Withterclothes And jewelry. , • , , Thefhedy 'Was ezhemed foreasecord"exami: ,nstizeri, but 4 decay's , diming , fingein, • had been silently busY there: 1 At last Ellen Walsh repolbicted 'the formation. or /tie; • Sainiaies , reoutli---twa teeth, •cin e on each 'al& vrojeettd considerably, and, when the Mouth -was- ex amined, though all the teeth bad dropped out; two oti the seeketii *ere iii formed- that pro=.. • jecting or buck teethmust have been in them. The jilry returned' a . verdict of cc wilttil Milt— der" against John Scanlon and Stephen Sulli= , van, neither of whom had • been dean Since the finding of the body. ' . - Snliiran succeeded in' effectinglis flight. Scanlan was traced to 'a farm-house,' where,' though strict search was made, he wag not to be foiind: As thedregoorts, ) whe accompanied the police, were riding away; one 'of them spOrtbrety struck his sabre into a heap of etrawi that lay near thehouse" . Not in the' leant hurt, but much frightened, Scanlan bite; ,from ;his concealment,' called out for meter, and Was conveyed to prhuni. • , , ~' • The Murdered' girl, it appealed was Ellen Hanlon, the Orphan niece of John Conroy, a ,sboernaker ' in a small town 'in the county of Limerick. ' She was sixteen; 'and very hand some; She robbed her uncle of One' hruidred pounds in notes and tweli4 guineas in geld, , and took this money anti' herself tkldr. Seat lip. 1 He was thus accused of seduction, rob bery,and murder. i Th trial took plaie at Limerick assizes, and Scan n had no defence against the Well-built up cane of eircunistantial o,Videnee;• The jury,' it wars expected, would convicthim ' at' once. But this was in the 4 ProtestantAiscentiancy"• timed, and Mr. Scanlan lies a Protestant. AfteC many hours' 'delay, during which the ,populace became greitly excited at the pros. pent lof the murderer's • eigestpe,y a verdict of " Gullty" was brought in . ; and , John Scanlan was ordered for execution on the next day but ,one. potue of the highest names in the county werettached &memorial- priiiing the -judge to tr nstolt , it'petititui•to the Viceroy for the murderet4 pardeit, because "he was. a Pro. I:l9ls7max-e-guznalthre declined interfering lathe murderer's favor,' and also declined respiting -him, to allow:1111a an ()girt to be made:- The ct first , gentlemen of aril "county? , as -they called themselves, then sent off a special messenger to Dublin, but the Viceroy. (the late Earl Talbot) refused to interfere with the coutse'of justice. • • Meanwhile; Scanlan vehemently protested his innocence. HIS connactionti Could scarcely have believed him, and their 'desire to substi tute trinspOrtation fbr death, In his case,ivas to avert from families of, high station and wealth the ignominy of a relative's execution. The High Sheriff, himself related to Mr. Scanlan, postponed the execution for sortie hours—until the ,reply should arrive , froin the Lord Lieutenant. It was 'adverse, and Scan:• lan then swallowed a quantity of landannm—he' said to steady his nerves, but it was believed to anticipate death. On quitting his prison, he repeated that he was wholly inrioeent; as wnuld ' appear if . Sullivan should ever be ar rested. • The prisoner had to walk on foot from the prison to the place of execution, for the horses, (taken from two turf-carte belonging to his own tenants,) had ieflised to draw the car riage in which he sat. The laudanum was act ing, and his steps, were so feeble and slow, that he had to be suppoited by 'the ,jallor and the clergyman. He had recovered some firm ness by the time he reached the gallows, and died saying e; I„ am suffering (Or a crime 'in which, I never participated. , If Sullivan is ever found my innocence Nill,appeu." He died with a falsehood upon his lips. Sul livan was found shortly after, and convicted upon the same evidence which had been brought against Mr. Scanlan. He made a lull confession that Ellen Hanlon bad insisted in retaining in her own hands one-half the sum of which she had robbed her uncle ; that, to obtain this, was one cause of her murder, an other reason being that Scanlan disliked her habit et caXirthira: olsusband,"lie had deceived• her by a mock marriage. for, undertook to kill her. ‘; After putting Ellen , Walsh at shore," says Mr. Shell, (from !hose account most of these details are condensed,) "they returned to an unfrequented point near Oarrickafoyle,wh ere the instruments of murder, a musket, and a rope, lay concealed. With these and the unsuspecting victim . Sullivan put out in the boat.. .The muter ;remained upon the strand. Atter the interval of an hour the boat returned, bearing back„ Ellen Hanlon unharmed, ;I. thought had made up my mind,' saidlho ruffian, in his peniten tial .declaration; ; I was just lifting the mus ket to dash her brains out, but when I looked in her innocent face -I had not the heart to do it.' • This excuse made no impression upon the merciless 'master. , Sullivan was plied with liquor, and again despatched upon the murder ous mission, the musketwaa once more raised, and , the rest has been told." Moreover, the execution of the crime 7/114 delayed until Scanlan had purchased a boat, in which the victim was to be carried ont.ot sight of land, and there cc done to death," and until a, blacksmith had made a chain and col-. lar to tie round her neok, attached to a heavy stone, to sink the body,. The chain not being ready, a rope-was substituted,' . Dearly forty yeire have elarsted'ennce 3[r. Scanlan was executed, and there are hundreds atilt in the county of Limerick who saw the execution, and still belleire that, because Scan lan-Was a'gentletaiii, be was allowed to'eeeape to the•Unitod Statei, ;and that the person who really tmilinid,'Niiii ; Some other prisoner, ren dered' iiikOnsolone by means of strong nix cotiois.' LARGE ATTRACTIVE BALE OF FRINCIE GOODE, Ay. —Tho *Particular attention of patchwork is re quested to tho largeoldnablo,:antkattraotire as sortment of- Btonsh, • Bonnets, ,BpisS, 4ndia', and British dry Boa4s, 11,01191p0 . 4frttaisiqt of desirable, fancy and staple „artiolee in Silks, worsted, yooey an .00tiYn t abs os, I no u ding riob,dtks, dress goods; Iplen'didFrench Meek lace points atid. 'fititattilitt;, silk 'sun - tuttbrellii,' ribbenir, initti; tb ;'to be peteniPtitily'aiddityleitWegue, ' od six months' oridiy oommaltaing.thtiinotning at 1110!olook, to be ooilianot sit day, and part of the evening, by Myers,iltaghora as 80., auotioneets, 232: ffarltet-, street, • , rii6Gll BALK Elso'cit ' s asn'llnau Eereis to•rott row, at 12 o'clock, noon, at 'tile Excharigtqlioeliz' diheilrst *lass bnetneas properties, oountri lists handititne and 'plain city dwellings, building lots: AG); part pereniptory sales, - by. order of ,issooutors out others. lira Themis 101t3esseparnpblet ea*, togttes.trtantlpllM,i4“Mme; .-t • kzi ei , ;K1X,4112,88.„ whl bir 0,14 tikrlAbooribent,4 adr4oodat.-:--...1.. .944 •• - •• 000•••ddres020.410 " (b7 , IIIiMMOU c - (1• • letlb entpona or owing will mead an tter•na fliala - ' 1; ritopeet toiei ei atosato vrixsprneviL: ,citurwrizit t s. leoutd lienli-lionthir` fa, Omsk (cr-also California •Stesszerii. - - I .Lptier from *ell.', lONB7I.I . 7XDDEIN AJD CONVENDIE46 or BIT CAWNRAL PpllC. OF NEW YORK. Cones* *lmo of Ile Pnfoo.l • ' 1 Maw Your, May 27,1860 I am 'mdebted to one of the Croludseloners of the Central Park for a eopy.of a-report prepared for the ilea of ,the Board, hereferettos fp various at tract:lone shoot to be introduced into that mapitl- omit place orpubno 'Maori. nailing hive net' - yet keen publishelin any of otSettYitannale• and . WILL el wore, tr# a 11 t Ventilated throe & the eel- Msins id The Prate. / Your readers, should not be , deteriee /m'il'e Pernial on teciinni of its length. ' It Is bielayititeresithl, as setting forth the variety' • and•extetitof the.diversiomt which will ,be avails- , tole to he them splendid grounds. The alginate that fol la contain the *pionimini portions of the report f the 'Baird' Saperhstendint, •Predirith - , Law 0 Bap, wit& wasegaingiedamed to vied/ the Par o et the VAPOR*? Ottle•fit,_ ... ,_ltwwel f or th • • purr of examining into all th e detans'of their 'taro ant and management, With the visa' of ' introdmping each of them airgande - properly be breastinto Inquisition her, Tha rtheamehle. Hong ro e by, him have beekedepted, and WM now, so in pros of, being . carded into 'feet ;. • .. . d e " D I APB the lest etizeiier, front OP that ed•rane to tite;na at, which I left the Park, on'preeseding . to Bur o* , /hers weri, ordhuorily r Alta: 1,000 vi sitors ally. upon' thi nimble. Bet sin Batardays there ware generally TAO, and ontfindaja 12,000. A even v ariation has oesiered during the winter, - except t the number of visitors. as &Wisp has bee larger. On,Chriatmas aad Xaw Year's bonds there were, probably, 100,000 ;‘ at other times, hen ire and weather were unusually invi ting, gaily to th irty theeesstd. • . "Of li erdiPwl7 illtalitet Signora I believe that A one- nliVe been Word tethef. towa ; "NV that propsr on in svirege, • both enlinelrily sad ea- 2 - Mad& 8, smooth the Paykoreti rowdy Ikea walk .. or a d ve, but to remain moral_ imam, as to a spas• or entertainment- sway thane taimenda ' half d , and, evezbeforii kt z eumanithm.n r , oonve sums for resting had preirkisal,. fent hi lies In parties of visitor. frogs the Afttli or — West' came pplied with basks* of9ilmi and ' drink As ' - 'peedhhp mew its getetteg sae _.- • ."Th swages o ft _p parks and gawk= mina it s the ;in &Menthe WhlO's short earring, amen the Ceatral Parlrhat telt • : 1 • ~• . 1 1 • • - . flu the /304 de Xecthignn there ere six ~regtanr ante, dr cares, cr OlLres reetiturant beads& entail- eve prbvialati tbr ref:ambulant within the PriCabi lan. There are several on 'dm Chaaaplit and oub in the garden oils Taller*, within .200 feet °lithe Pelson,.here is one or more is the humanised* pedant: I found ' odelmarly - am . eba • in the Bile deNineentomouni a laze today/sat •, end i l'allt !' ) et l W i te elkie 4 ea end, 9011- feetlo rL, In the" '4llO of Parr of Bt. Oloud., nitrate a tilatalreatiopeohle gest ' " the Pk . et• Voltenl&Nalltieteakee,wied• krassmilt . •.. are ao on the terra& beers gm AWL There , are, p biablY, Ifty itablie' meow te••ithevidle Min the •Pratav, ek N'llemw sad time. am n emus excellent three me Ake, laberthe mph . men of the city. There lire house "ofiefer: Worn ton thepublie gregnahasehareadee—Lrelp sic, B rlin, and of every , law town I harevisthed in Gertnany. Therais a largemistaureat'on 'the Royal' Pith' ilia onewitithi the Beth& Efeihreie or ' Bramels. ‘• iayagd , Teylor mein* the Of. the , - rural promenades of. lit....Peberston. . ~ Tile Ruh are hearty and 'regular Went and drinki andiallineliwitinui any Other pels o lo • light moiety tet_ta mole' eitirespe, '- Gun Par k as, nevertheism,a cace„whiph js rea by . , ti t 3 f the` fattens deffielioner, ' and is sum In the Pirldin style than eirythithrelea In lorrite.-^ >_ the mi fix_ilfoOttaLi9r OWs•itliKri4o , ol44lollis .. ~ dd y le of Regent's f Park, two In ths Zmilegfeal _ Garde an d co sse nu l n the Botanic Gardereirthil Muni '.• `• - park. te meshy seld , en Prisamosaßilhl: .L; and smelt of the .gatelodippe 0f,•1144.1= l and (a dsll,y Park. Thelielleompleter park tams 'alyeady prcreitied with a-largreftenitarth." - ble botista whit* soppltee refrealteMette kt . obit- '- Tea, Mae, end cakes are sold is Mats on the - torts tck,: and I ' preen there ire renitent' - With este T ter reroadmaatter, , bnt-ig so, SKr: '-,• secs sky notice; ' • • ~ , 1 , . • " • arrangennette for .refreihmenti at AIM i t s Crys nelace,'-ilydertithari; were -liir hie the meet - comp/Sts that ti mw, being adapted** mat tka wantswfa greatirmietyoe people, andefen= s l . rylni t r i nim a fewhiguidrid to twahundredth' whirl ' number vidted lbelirtmods on th e Bitlf ••- • , Tune,' BR, nearly alinf theintothing rein.; . wines a nt} liquors net , b eing prehlkikid. Dem' . . thel ," the ' therefity leforgaell'lgte - lii 11110i'was • Ike d rderi . eld mut i darapirst dm , ) : *She b aonedep . barg 1,%, - - . • 4 4 ' n 1 i tad to teen . not eels mere ' • . , , then 74 wiltinalteliikiniiesit Elndivax.”.tiC ' Wipe re .itiiiiin, we e a much greeter propo ' of th pePtalatkeris abie'tolt4lllo"tiveir" heilittr , - -r non 1 ihtuee'olleesimd cool .drinke_tban that. of.: , Italy. There ere now many more plaints at Willieh Afro inentearbdobtamdid'ill'ireir York;lkarr in-ce p European-014 , or itistse; one dilstanenla • this r 141,14,104404 tad: So .correspondlig . diffe nee In the, ha bi ts of the 'peoplle, hai beim. — wit' he thictriostoitioui ithirtinat in tiud'iyai'et --: at ase comer, brnaend the mane lebaenrnat' air I -.* cent tanvellent. - , "dip an forlbe " build4ig 'Prepoirsd foi Cenirat - Park ' accomPiiites'thle repirt: • --' "•, • i -: •-- %IL building of this fort there may be etweral," - - dap orts, *Lien, altbopgh distinct front Ann& otheri emus be carried 'on adsantivioisly and goo= nondWly-ender ens managament..: Tie plan alb , mittilineludi*--, - , '-- ". '• : " rat.—Ark extended platform or veranda apace, snob mated-by posts or oolinonS: 'hilt 'skidded'''. posts dr Column. hut` Adele trom 0 son aid - manly a boldly projestizig roll. This Wooded for al fresco entertainment, who . the eathet is tot entire a A ly suitable fq r the servion 4 of re is testaments' ins - the 'tibint are - proposed , to hoopoe& Moist on the Lamm and. ender the trees; at all onnemtient situations in the viebsity of the btdiding. - . - • ~ Ssmoref.—a ' Innehirotan 'for Aker ass evest• obses[of chattel. , who., will requirts,antwksatial. . refteihmonts et a moment'a =ties. Tibia pro posed to contain a oeunteir als indicated, behind' '' which *space is provided , for the waiters end 'an-. vers, that has ready communication pith - the. kite n. - ." ditizt. , --A dining=rOom for visitors who have i t ampl leisure, and desire to .be furnished, with a oolete, well - served meal. ~ ourth..—A smoking. rooin, entirely detached ' from ' the other visitors ' rooms, , end - having a dis tine y separate 01027/1300 on the side of the basi -1 lag rth* removed from the entrance, to refresh: I MaIIMOM u ifth.—Dreain . I g and bathing Poona- for each t i sex, th entrances on opposite sides arils bad inf 1 irth.—A small rota; In a prominent situa tion, for the sale of;rovaspapers-aedmagaidnea.. " k Wow/4.—A erimiliir ro9m - fort** salsa soda-. .. wet* and summer drinks only. , 'ln a retired spot in the southeastern part of*. .. - paLl f ,:t the head of a glen 'formed:by two large m of rock; sad. looking over the, lower tisk**. it is , proposed to erect a small house, or chalet; of - a rang or rustle character, and- which - may lei called- the.dairy. -In front of it "Kukla b. a hill - of a Mohave sores, which is b 4-naall.T.earreendedla wets which can eon be (emend as a pasture.. , Hero' it-'is proposed thiet , simnel' , ma orrery Ockwklitallr 14 :, /WA , tOr• MO , Aireage Ot , • • sup ay iniii.. at certain bows in gi., morning and ' Orating, milk (bash' frost the dew ; as le "don emir the entrance of Si. Asa' , Park, Loudon. - At the , . dal Trboun j lZaht, refreshments, ospectiallyc tub as era lens mainly of milk and cream, would be provid ;end this eatitidishment would be in-. tomcod seposially to afford a quiet piece to which ladies and invandp might at any time resort with satisfaction. ";In the southwebt quarter 'of the park, a small banding will be required, la !ponneotion. with the oriqket ground, where more substantial refreek i me is may be provided. .' 4 I recommend . that . ',repeats for providing bp ts upon tbe omit* lake be advertised for. The. tio t o to be of a preaoriked 'model and material, to of them tel be put upon tbelske immediately, ' andllsus many More within two moniker after sm or de stall be given by the imperialendant, or shall be ought necessary to meet the Fatale demand: ' Three oarsmen •to be provided to every four bo ta, each to be, in all reapeste, a good boatman, a ghod swimmer,' and of sober habits. 'The boats to bekept clean-and in good-order - , some of them to ply from point to point on the lake, taking pas sengers in themanner of onaniblasses, and otbera to ho ?on will, like hackney coach* with established rates of fare. h i I also recommend thatadvertisement be made fo proposals for vutttgnpon the park not lose t n ten mehleles,- whio shall answer to the follow ing description : , . . I The floor to stand not more th an twelve Inches ebnie the Toad, the, Interior - adapted toeontein not leas then two br more than four person', and tribe p I nd vided with a;ewrer which may be opened or el In front at, the option of , Shoos within, and with an outside Nat for ;the driver. To be neat, strong, and convenient; esob to be drawl's' by one horse. The horses to be mend, without vice; drivers to be men of good moral detractor, and ra waited to be sober and courteous to all persons when eci the Park ; to be dismissal when reported for fahlt or want of skill and attention to their duties, bg the Saperintendantiof the Park; the vehicles and harnesses to be kept nest and in good repair; the drivers. to be neatly dressed, and to wear a badge and number; the horses to appear well gdoomed whenever on the Park. . UM' GEAIMYARD GHOST —There bee been attach excitement lately in consequence of a report that s ghost was visible between eight and nine - Ore:look at night, within the enoloaure of bt. Ann's gave-yard, in Sands, street Large crowds col lected end the sidewalks were actually rendered impassable, every . one trying ta Obtain a eight of the myaterions vienter. On Saturday evening the - throng was so groat that the pollee found it neves wry to interfere. Offloer Bennett, of the First Pre cinct, aeoretad 'himself within the erielceure,tind alter a while the ghoet, lure enough, made his ap pearance. The ofter pounced upon the nocturnal stranger, arid., lifter directing him of a white sheet, rigoogagui h im as a reaident of the neighborhood: lie was talon -t6 the station-hot:we; and-after * sport detention was permitted to head. - The following applers-on.thaßi .nt-enlateetnehetwe fn relation to the affair : ~V or the last three nights* largepornerd of pea pie were amensbled near Fulton strinitin front at. • lit. Ann's grave-Yard, to ItwoosPows Short wall. lined* the endoeure. -Seelitic t 4m, erium , of pollees:nen, was mint to, , titan s and ff peep' tole to,. bag' the gloat; be of whteh acesoin-' plished by arresfints thin 'rebid*" la • puce; which' bin ibeihar 01 Ike Tare;. wbo Aviv. surprised whilewnstbowl'inT WOO" idliedf with ai 140.4. aheet. *PPM *rex Nit 00iMas eaktaiklt• VtputApza.gra4rA . to name: - Jits tikla; to the stspipiv-*ine4V s ate, after ibiirdediaa • tinned igalditr faea los tasksapiV • - • ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers