- .01.4 • - A 't - T,Z 34 " i-`l;°= "11 „,,.... m...t.7,...,rt4 : 4/;44,,, , „, ,Z, -1-- 4„1.-i40F,..5, •t- - f t ~,jrV --• # 44 „1, t A i',-.-r-2,41§k21,,,•,,05...4:- •:Ift.•,&', -, A, 3,-.1 - : rg •:.:-.L . ' c ii..,' •''.--• • ;'' '•.•*-,-., i:1 cli•-?•••:' .- -,, :;,' ... - k.: - ._,',...--.,•• • '.- .•,. ' - ~-,- t t; _ 3 ,- ,, , , - ;`, til 1 ,4.-,;;10?..,1_--',.-.1.:•1,;-;f:.-0,,t-i :?4,.•:•:t-A, , fi,-_-• • ~4,155,7 ;..4.,', ' Ati- t -i,tl' •• '', ..-:;--ig.,..t, 14,-1' i t ` P ,'T . . - : • C i ' ` n,,, ; A r:- eliM - , 9, 11 - : ,• 1-:P.'- "-_,' Itil,-i--fi:44---rta' SWPI i4l•1 O-4.-; 5%-'" ; * - -• I, -''' ik mirAitsloltt 51 ‘ i 4 4 . ;kQ . t 1 .r t i ..,.,.. z- - i m a te i. .!-•..thiii arm.' In -- „y ' ” i s -- • :, -t....,...-----eflor: _:..- ket......,- .muri;•• ~ _ . 4 - ; . . tri l i c.. W - '54-11164“-Ticootira.44!-- •-- 'l4 - wh i m i i i. jtettar t 212= - :.--- '410•1-.710, *l,l- ''''" '''' kb.,.."...... - '' - .- '• I- 11' , -J1.:1 h! , ~..', %, .-4- ' 1 0, 0• , , • 1 ' - Tea tWit l 4 l l*** . 1 4 4 5411/4 1 10 1 01Tr/ , rolitlorl - - naanlonr/Ingit ii waniertW 4 " . - 1 -."0* 41-- " , i4TWW.lnniaelgl* o4 ; ; : inonlia* • audat =l k# loll * -s miffs he wad* too** Aritids . , ,, *4'll!aits ,cat *o ll o l 4 4 k ' . _Wealth of ItiMien?.kr4.*'ltiiiiiilibeit:i* : .; *tot/ sag Aia 411ilgoe - at j tbn - PtraMOT *mot, tbialrernlitions4.l.l l 4', - hal*, Ilse thins in1iM44 .1 44, 41 . -7 ThaTiodiretionefTha 4 trroutiou; sad peruntilitian ,W404, 1 •"4 116 ;! . .. - OM" say. ; " "It 04 :hak s aiii ' liiif O*.VIO silence of labia i" and , AnslibishoPrWrnkro - .' ax even woos to iiitioutotOteiren ,, " Science Xl(4 the Mehrilisal or popul is ton; reomplete' - iirstem mot bejeetty called a : 'i tse upon Trade, a Mercantile,. rolloy, or • anythinirwhw that commas itself pat, amid onlywith The *awls „ 111 4 MO l natiirb_Onithai4 4 - 7 ,reiataoi. market, orpromMlade* ordistribution. To thie ibilidmMtakinalon,leinindina bu y " `cheap end selidireirreapr6dp.; There *le setldni Aisle le whole system: 'Ai/Minnie "4 144 non nrlntaK'WhiiorWhO l O "in* le mike the Mignitprollt out Mi le Made *bleb Is is at the netemetteageteloi4 buying undoilltne!Wiwinn be llnll4Otalab , Is held"to be low lea ornel as tlosal liaallialtP In other NO! i'Astionit, " 144 pee „ W * ll 'l l3loll iii o barba.. , ' , bight of comae , is entitled to the•frskeonsi deatton, dad ',thy `beet ; elute of npeoPle aiming at WOr*Oalliat• Ram - mommy and merchanditie are central and semen* ;`• rink mats, if be is considered. of ief; girded simPlins Milnitreinent of produotloa., lloder this system”it its not 'BO clear that Ma.: lade- are moi_Of , sail lot iiradintir and Ano_ windlogly, only anoataillint bf Ilifattak;lnk fui - kr#J.***.*i , iist4*: ordY 141144,terdlihrte _Mr bhulmpattenemagt • lb , nun ite esmagh, mot lissMan Wave akeirsbelity.• Their theory ts ing bat .7e4a/1ne0f.4.: olummeable:retras.;.l"oreloari and ledgers are. Its aiPoosnto. l sad exports and imports 1 4440 r:* *At data: ICedonoeat'aaolet7/ thita7; of allosellitif,"thatht itto: 00 001 40 d with the ladividual and Mama Witihre* of men. =lt * : mama wintoont.olneit , sweb power of s peep* and, With their - power:to , oeusame prodnete ; and rit 4 r l olgot;ix:• -, 4 !k ail iP otat as tier Ontrgelte te i gielet** ' are the mesas and•la objects of . wealth. The. wealth of a lab/ tir: 4 a nation, consists; °f: andto command ta• tomocmiosheirf,i*Ethey , • *wag". iowii/,. , *1ne*j 1 .4**K.4 , . isoloos frgisat, are -the, atidtnirrn" et *Oh ee taw thbitOir b : al, - ,0 mid pantted in a. ti0i0494,0r,,:ii siianns:; All viii ie olk subsidiary to .theee ' gads: IteiturlileSidic4 ll l* l '4d it twiimeOef - 44 , 105ik; *Sig Elithia'inesta or adObn*:clikl 'w"not 10 0"4 0-0 0:n - hnbinonItob,0 ' .Abaala* They areiesor rerMital, but they f, ern .1 ; • not ot the mamma of twilit/or or_ . they sin 14 end' akalnwrlnn,nalO l4 444 Before iroaradlOtlOstatb*tidaOtrlnb,,Or: Proteetiou,WitfroPMM,'briefty as re , P ly ar we can 'to one*our 'tatters*,ittleab w i lono evr t 2 724? l ', 1 "i 7 4 0 454-41 1 , 1 40#0 nonn& haawklat/Paidllat*i''it should• raikagiOnitOn.ffiffikintAinikOthlr ' . rigor t"t"2-nall'w*roAnto74 Tb.expert.. time of the,jtapti,M9antallta:tho !wawa,'" be :4.6404 %ad; W*4:401174 be ;inept raid be Arril 4 islaiiioit pcfalopti#9 . 4:, gad action JOetLia , l l 4o. 4 nOtat..4 journey *bar dinoota-evor9 40 9tatiPArrtha, "1"/ and *o7oll r eason ,wiss:l4lafrffillef.k Promotes the inataritieCiPmerinkienera**. "wily beat arbiltalla !TINY ~atatIO'WAIO‘ Va a l. " ' ' f • • sfi In the MaitedUCIMOMMIMMI f. it "P h Y all "".. -1 4 :11 t w t, tn .. i f"dit,lK,n i t? ' aradif 01;; *Oa "aid: flaahinkta.: l 4, 9 to time which lore diadmilm in their nittall or rew i tiee red eapmuli predintk*“ ,; Winn things in which they or ownewba**„ war, the isudestment of -,taternattonal law, tareallaTtbalibibrwObliitbalOtainn4 l *(4 l , to•ladle"' ind-„ateitiff Ad, thiedoln Off won= . 'rumination • things that. maiMita moral and laterialintereeti t ';' BO'. fir, 41;:e1401' national t iconera*-, in4OlaiiPaliboei**l rage; tlle* ol l:ntifkat. the whole *noOn_rW*i:• l4 k*it - **4. - otlkOjtc ter nation: tint motion lanai Aat SO l i& 1 40 40- thrOpy.lts Immediate k f it roldi*Vart: oln"ntl innt-Akiiitt:oob44l4,l l o,,at that isprintlemgeltir the world:oitside.-; Here Isol4 bits plamr, and the' ma ids an/41*W andzatlieuisi _ne gist;be vidisitem iseOliflonav .1 - • - A wise inbant o o 4o 4 the ate titular Twataar Pal* rirrlo!*; 040ft4 4 , suns ealealated to hasten itePrOgress 'WOW ligation, pone', and w n ll4wl t l ikt ali' th t 1111 " : - Tr ooo rkaan. 'Ofitn *OM nonditiOnr i i ; thin* body pow/Midi. be hartnoWleaslY develop ,it In ell" * rl t orWittnltO 6l 4 - and tollOonti.i: todePendent...:•*tasmblignat abstriet thee-, - - vaunt be aintOt4Woninat to the Ikea eee' ditioas sad' capacities ; First . prim:VlM Mergemeist laws apply only it those educes whose subject. aMdsed, orderly, and perfect, , and in ninimistrit. but the remedial iris, whether they are meth- eel or politici‘ have diseidereinPriltintii - 4 lad oariabTtrto Oak with, oat lair falai /PIN ford Pa n nalonoonnof *own Int° "n t h*. • Ornt Atin A Walk tararaia what attain ratpertsiee,.bliedly follownthemettiellte esw tem of nati onal policy,. if;that Is tba Mid,, on the assumption that enstemeti•l ter ' wontbk onwunnnnnenn bent fof. an: Mrsaimiai eeyy , sad that the - reekMntiinimiseel upon ablIbood•• are "noolonot I° 'lnntlnitOf awnt annbelie,., that jai-4t9 1 4 11 /' not the tnmagowiiad. lit chememettle Mo w be bon&iiirkot WWI; 70shi40/„*4: ,se has terrible ,aPposkenslOna - ari , frei lied; after each. Attlieleate4C. 'Enitetid, dut Y " - two 2 ,4 nunot OW - -flan ' s spot iron Orr.. riefl, .after'lll9;ril <ls at - Wear dollars . lees'-than: It could. be :Alone Ast, **Oa. alholor:maWielM44 - 111014lnalk - m heMelf-lkeml Yearramg ' experiseeeLa tbovitighly'ioirindit that ;MI outs 06 1 441 * is la`nalt 104n•WitlIc the other=-har4ilii speculative ftes4lidir 'twins the littineml,af hintelesnaPn upon'. At raltlidat/ alba *ell' sees 'Mot • ai-bin exact relative ikstensen,': Mualt;•1114 1101 r ugh up ineatlaintirlK.lol4 4 aha - * o # l 4 meddlinirril the natoratud "alrerief If thlada www*- 10 ;bbni` 14 , 5%***‘the th•orytbAt*iliokeig******, • 17l)f idiom as, la[;adilenialtriewboso and blintit**, latarfat/ and iOvatoOd - 1 10 ajoh*; 4 - iii 1 04 4 )0 .9 i4 bit 4"; dliatitpatimaileoWo ankimonntOi b****k quite idkasitiOson 0* - fp AM Ail -"win wareid ta'oaPtlr 41 4.1 1 igborq -- 410 . 11 eIoadihfirt iiikiit'are* 11111 !kW*. or •• ato4 l 4 4l l:'''o .,: osygitto - oeina, • , ftieree tikitgoi*Cittrnoce * :7o l 444444;* "titi*kor 4 01 i tg fulj ' l l ifk** ,o l.4o ol tilliCliteoe ---140,41(1001,#-- - 44 7.- ' tiF r " 'ArStr ft.e:**44k &el 11°P h11;w , 4sk , 4).' ' ' the*/ "when trade utumnola men, what will you do , • • - • t V The ifirti r *another generality, 44 ''. -.1_.; YJ5 , :,41' cheapest is the iaw . ' r , 're!,gf, th at wiU take cave: f, t 4 ~ , - ~ " , With them w ~ ..ii /il.ftAtl a t heat; and, if commerce Is in "any 140614 u l, T I. Ye Mot, a tree tight his their unction, t would pull down cutout-houses though al'Wertrohowirttr he fortifications Rth.ol4 plAvvoryi .you are n Wra—arad - trim ' .it la bUider• 1 short stmor is a • • - eshiniertigl" thitlholsoiatiola la ilutioug tro uti i nennit l herieny sitmoilth to ~...,i „ AnCitolkiftha*whoa° ,f 7 '`hath t ibi nuiev , retaivef and whose 14 . .hit lieMl P COiaillsi ewe' z st e le„ f l4 44.44*;', eet'lf,W,kettii,' Sid is wk. , oft I linifir ',1419 ,- ; bsq* It , Wait ir t n=, 1 11 ,tri .. ,Aci.M4 10 * 1404 - 14ainta ta't I f f aX,r.anY ofleablimigg,lt psoltuo *nth theory `O , -. 01430 i. begone' It la Akat ,only undue. Nary,torte t r owenient , •ied burdensome, to l mahira ” 't that 'he , cldid - should be eililoAll 4 - 4 . olo e l Cehtel 4 irellefied Valet thCipi/ Is so' ' tahOg'tietiSithsiP - the begin-, Ofii.tbutlhe l eattio. %Olney ought to 'lrri,instaitily_ abollehe(k. ~ , , ~ , , ~:l iP li al )4 ti'1 4 0 1 0 201 -4 14.140,':aat., statesmen; Prolitai I notf , bistorterm I theorists,• not phi loseti ,i ;They ~ d o_, not _ know . that _ , civil *TOO nt.ls a riotous • of expediency; and AO iit a Tant , latioh ; 'that the , absolute• beetle Iket , se: g oOd'ibr use rartinitipit i adjutod ; nor that Ili** itself 'mist pOst*ried for law, under .wiiiiii . ' it' mai grew - until`i& becomes identical, with lair:,' Tliey 'do' na,iii,l , diat absolute science appliesAn ll 9- la . order and , health, ;tot to, :d isorde r - and dioeUe. They would;','repress ~ the ~, a dhesive , adhasive , lamination which hers 'a broken' bone, , because it IA not the noting' white, of ther.eirculatien ; and would tell 441%160C:era that,lie get welVin spite, of ii--tbet` thi 'splints - and' bandages did not protett, tut rather eMbireetted the constitu tional Anne s. This• is the way,tbey treat the ll6VilitiOil act ol: England, ,noder , erhich ,her navy to the mastery of the man, 'and ter:pUictlie Oyster(); irhieV has given her , r emh.f.i:iu t iipn g , the, industrial and aom niercial*tious etthe•esith. " ' • That la • Vatana, ef, the, theorists of the sung, , : oria ;SAY school . is compopolitical, • and ittenatloteal, is apparent from the fact• that all 'theft ~p 4ciples are abstract,, universal, and niktoinlitkonal 1 .' that , universal 'peace is the heals Of 'their' whole - structure 'of doctrines; that•the hold all; =aura of 'civil govern ment's* Opremetion - of industrial prosperity b u'lltal ,useless; a i l l te l' el !s i !'li n !' era l l a tht tP * f ildleaPW ,o fria the /*woo degreePf bar- - O* itisterikuth h uparde, only three things are neoessary—mo- • *date Station, a good administration of dia. tribrifetjuidiceysind peace; foreign and , de ineatio.fl This Is the language of Anus Sorra. ..v.x . f . ;:i l tsirsnaloi of,.priaste economy, by which I+ Means that of the single finqi ;of radii, 4"0 1 °Yew,144 is.tl!at of a nation;: aid ofpolifieal economy, by which he intends, that of-ell nstionsi or of, the, whole human; race,if"cinsidered• as one , great, partnership Ot•ioute4l and harmonious . relations in trade and eompierce i but he does not treat of this I 4'ii t nationitiOrainomy, tbno, diet! ngnishe d from iniiii,dac.,at iall i,'7,at: idi 40ailges insist that ,lqi; aiakaln..*a nuraalt,64 a #!rait‘rk the st cin .n e x t we will endeavor to present iamb! Id -of ~ a , national system • of • economy tuna• eli- Os.to a-better • elucidation of our particular subject. , ' . vtgle iXONIEOPOWIErk 0 4 i tgett,cofi : . - h PecaltWita, .. . , i ''''" Wamatteros, lifity•22,-1800. ~. ~. --, Wl* eubt Meatertssied.:that the . tesate will MiOpt.e, itiesst;prosidiog for an early adjourn pie issistf biddy the 18th of inns, ar reoommendid hi. the , . SWIM At. &Lao, *Alt bodies will get AS:,,": rk early, and remain , In sessioniete. dlire l po i tlie Imminemmill be teaseled In this way that* spilt AillSeptember. : The day for , hher men tier debate Ths. three great measures *ilk: ' ;Web will be get out of the way if tit any, Pert •ef ,Orgewisation Among their thilifllontulbent, Ise, risiPeotieelY: ' ' The ithtletiesolt ~"•,- ~, ~ ,- : ..- ' -110; _ !Halved I sed-7 ',I , •-•---- i , - - -: ISM, ' le nerlpsfers Rie-iksate.; ,It Seeittt ‘; Peek . Lthiakteleint thee& apt, PrellablhA Weill ICSismilsom Abe Roue.; I repeat my ispialtos, eget**, that thiciathe *Wog thee Sit ' *MU whole qesstlon. . -If Mr. Radian* Mahit a as,lsterest , *31004 ,:will appeal to iii Oh toryleit- ameatidng rise:the' exigencies of Rift " " he *old *Re 11.:10',4 jest aid lastieg .114 K, latititiesk Imecedd %most effectively t . Militted Resmanfestar,;;limAnnumweile wadi, , dialer " Air r searbriala. , Thadelsops `filmSltl foam Nowiefaer lag resalsYkal' ,fO, - , **he saere', *Ws, in* they :reed all that wmplied; 1,-..; ;c-21t4i , hie fi xed Thursday semi-fir the•lleat alderatlee, of the Paoilleitailrowl , bill. ~ The better iliketni is that it will pass. All parties—from the Dento4' este down tu.the liewessioniste—have spoken out for 'm, railroad tit. AV -Pune. ' The Otafer Convention bed it ist their Mistform, end of course , thiratt Mahar, . Coorintiolt Will do,the lame.•-• Uilike disenwlentis .n L eswiewa: &WE little ought - to b er :*lf at " . .--.: The , )Pfitaldelit 1100., Pet , fit.liatelf Alit, aPesihaffee.ei felt; favor, flol. Ceettei et , 1 4tett; . is thkfhemPleePtthe bill in *Dow, + sof ~ .. d i seases, and , will,permiere in the 'ollbetk *tog ,If to a yeti with the got** en la Thillite*K" ',--•1 ",• ; 1,, ,stsid billwillip! to a committee of eon- Ihreuis, and I have now little or no, doubt that • geserettrAtir bill:will be agreed upon. and Paned , Pane fears are, entertained lest the President. t vikto the homemeid; , , bit *ls ought not ,to Itt. ol, #tiaPeed7 lettOn an the part, of Congress. , -,::ThiSPPOOa of these three great measure. will Unto Mae more for thi Rename todo - bat pass the oppwitslation bill, and adjourn. ',There is a prps "Wit "Of the adoption of - , a navy bill, increasing the pof of Tottioers and subalterns in the navy, and sposelhipe of the peesp,of Ibe,paello , telegraph projeeti The iiricists overlind,MMll SehMies, awl -therrenewalMf the contract for the ocean mail ear -0010 between NOW York arid heo ,If racism, eon. tiletp*?4. they will; may go ever.; • • • .; -1111..-awrode Is going *smith his investigations withas4aithe; i' voiopiialtteti 4 Mafia ' to .be. sari al htetortOrl; If :not u. 'Odiotiti, as. the Wi . noliieti Spanish•lnipilaitioi., , ,-Be pursues big objects !without fainting or faltering, ,flome strange ewe* tit** falen pepteted before - hie allege" and hi l ls,* Ond,` - senie distinguished'persias hive there aYed , verbal rata, Ile first 'stirred Mp" the Poseidont with the pelmets* letters and eeeitelhel that feeetiolteitto put hinweif betbre the country *lt altitude of mat o; iiiihsthle Dire I*. ,47- , nethei boXiihaid the editor and. pro* ilia/010f the bait, organ of the President, thew Gar Talker- Made: hie; debut" In 'exploiation of :palms; and iliesi the Attorney 'Gaeta, ' In vial ititiOti 4.` himself ..eillAg',! 't° lll o 2° P l °C.* * . • 'Bet probably. the mostmot extraordinary of all the ,eilarietere who have kind borers -these invittl "lpitbog isoMmittmis, in hiarkebee, is Mr. Come. jtalWisielj, ,-/I*ls, ii"fiet,Smi of the oakedttes, tit- thi I *tit. , 1- ilia heard 'it alleged that he, bee iwpwitedimforieviwy inveetigatiOg committee Mthelediehtril that as been raised &Avg t.,aatid: ial't 4 3 9#4 ah4: l /4 11 . 41 ' 34 ' 4 7., ST-Ol7bidi 0 16 . •_Soti into trouble , Wendell manages to keep Ms bea d' obi* water. l' Oslo* spinet the isinktti 'stratiee 'Of ''''3lo Beehatlesi' after laying totia, tiCatoet,iadidieritler iilatlikui ta *ltch till: , 94 Pikeilillik • ATlAli , *l,llo.,iAPpletoi And others et the batik( orbits.. la that 00011.111.% Do; emumoit itylage Towers frier the .staip'darteg hiC Illisele,„Stimpelgt4, 'WeediiilSSt th is moment 0 * er , thil 4400, 4loitliolitil ","' Stet ':ii*fi; fiteedi , :; Ai Demo. wain eirill '' fieliedV it 1.1 . la .tailletat 10 lee how may of the Reputitioaste, are', :nada hit mantiel,r•;ll4 tells , everybody that be lir 'infer; 4nd4at *ea ever te oidoi dip ppoi, :34# leo4 4 hh4 r ,'Jte..,a iipi4 joke, ilpit he hor .ignr*ixsy whoa beta bleb, set bade It milli he. West iiir pocket.-' apparently realism is the men. .4 f asgfof, his own lA*, his. ?flatter, esuditteh; lit,ateet: tattial - .70, *abaft*" 'attCatarteteniss; to ii biiB - itit*Rk 66 ( tag t !Oil* led soon stymita hive rendered rit the , weeder of ail ob•• eirrea. , ;llefreeatit ki Ilea , a anode ; to toy all 7 067 .1 i rtkj iiii:** , ll,o 140,1 glifirriiti; #4/4 .504 1 044*C0i;' 0 040 * le protest Aititil . ,f.94l4l:t4oll;*ll bii rii4 eiriaiiiiskysteris OIPI ;%4ltafitable MO kind is *frau* hie isigetiStr . - ttifildistinuielaiiliti tifbmfisities he - Si**, -1, 4 40 - -.4l9stit le;ooll4l4, l 7ifittleiVa l man ~pore witt i torikaiist iiii* , ,iebiri4iip this sem II *lea t et fries4i,ftaia al- Mai 4st tt i t i * 4 °4 3 ' '; 'l34o :oM iA l' -; . ' '"''' : l" '*-- ' 3 - .2 ' 44';'' ' ' -" `‘ • _";';`, raid' *li i ttaiNtilihet'i'lirea:r .... .-''';' _•''''' ...; Tha i bile* art in the rem over vemati; , * s oma, chatted strettpwitior eolliettes of ' ''' .0 ",* Piiill'W.eblifi l itWOO,re h". Doi itiWair:est4 4 l44.4 l4 ol;ll ll ol l4 o3l. ,,l Larii ore .4firte.ileekkibio- 1 4/ 1 4) . 0 i - ' ,` .4 0.: 1 . . ,--7 . hlta.Weliew la- well- haws , ae ::0 . . - kao ' - ptibW •vhottillta..ll , WS lieog,tos,iiii , irgitalimiik iiiiiisti,hi et it, hat 3.4Y1, -,, ,-.. ~. IN* , :id -,. - . ~.- , ......,. - , , - 4,4 L. - 111.0041•4114 Newt Pleatiti -1, ' ''' "OA ;** 6 7.44*.,„"' tiplayte`Mahil 'Mira jai; 104.-41 , bittfit . ' 14 1 . 15,14... 4 0 : Aitilwrioi , now t tte wilor 'sit Ur i'a 'ollllerrrilie4eintiVii: loos Ole hi a MsTY Queen of Boots, signing her abdi- WWI" and the other is " Corielanus outside the Rat* of Rome." 110 11 le e T ~ sx : , ,„, , -,. . ,i, 4 .:..,... c: . 1 -,... , 11111,PATCHP is 46 THIS ilessisK Tr:4Asint s t -------Wmumgarm May 2Z The Japanese will make their appearance In the Ateletelitit illetteEte , iworreor tit : waeoleleek..gThey l"" kept 148FPONM*1 1 1, 1 4,1 4 ,WWZ e x l l V 4° 4 lB ; ° 4 y r . ( 1' k,hiloo n ot i 40 On* iviiikiVt . ,"9o 62 .; p,41.4.4 ditiing toWiiiii, tee on ortriii, iiiii tiiiiii„liite "retair 'lthe'd kOrhatiit'-viOtetV- tiii ,Elope ajtitAientatit* . eli seare sio,'he'irie to.' i cielrja 1:7 h4irhole 'l4ieeeetistive bode Mini) ti 011 . 141.4 t retthittawilnemp the re the these eqiiilliip mid Welters, - r :, • , ~ i '. ,_ ,„ , ,igoAs I nireparArri - stimimknois invoyoit TIM ,• , ”I 1. .00 1 70DIL'OOKKIST112. ••• . ••. • • '„li ease d (rat Me morning, before. the ,Oovod• 'eoaseoltte4that the celebrated bid of Joaneox, of IfireiY= ~a,ppying the oceau mails between Safi ,and i Mir sit/tough , believed to be istieelY tops at the time, was made known moretly tolcithin)parties; and - 'Whin the next': bid der: who Itatiiamisitedble 'mime forward and de m paid Ile it'yfae 'discovered that the de-' mirth:feet bad awarded the contract; or agreed, to award IN to Mr: Ifannimmur,r, - at an advance of 'nearly ' $84,000 over the offer of the responsible bidder. It give the statement as I get it, withoilt vouching "OM entire, iorrootiess, but I believe it'willtaro oat to lie nearly its above. The Cotrode committee also 'examined this' Morn ing M.4'l: brit., who teetitled that heives'eonneoted with the St ashington - Mich in and had been authoribettiinformed ib illation to the Lecomp• ton Must' . thin; Just' attar tbe,Conventien which , which adopted 'Elsa adjourned to most ate subse- Anent period,, that the slavery clause alone would submitted-to a mote, of, the people,of kaneas. 'Re-sial•asked the Maim of the person from whom he obtairuld this inforniation, but deolined to give it do the groond that -the communication was mode fa 'him 'eatifidentially. ' The 'cinfaitteri have not yet deoldedwhether they will require hint to glie ebb hams: not,lbut: ititsprobable they will. as it le' in 'fill rtant landmark' in the investigation of the Looomipton policy ,of the Administestion. The following, , resolution was this morning *del:tad - by the House, on the motion of. Mr. Darnino, of Massaohusetts: iesolved, "flint the Committee on a-riot:tiff:ire be Ja i di-dated to incnire reepeotnig 04 novel and alarming malady Lair. reveille% among the cattle in certain localities of the United -States. known is pleura view 1/$O/4 id • thattbajnonsider wbetheethe infection has or is likely to became seteral as to be a subject of national concernment; ant to recommspd say action which it may be competent and expedient for ‘ rongreas Wish*, with . a4isw to arresting the ravages of so de salt:twee Menu. - „ _ .ptip miy.appear - a morel subject for Congres *nal ,ininstigation, -but it is a most _important one. Partnere an d ethers, who suffer great losses by the ruragea o f this disease, are unable to find ,say,ramisay for it,,and snob Information um, be obtained by the Agrioultnral ,Committee it T hey give it their attention, ci will prove to be of im mense benefit to the vast interests concerned in the grashig and growth ofcattle. • • Tam •Daystnixoir siim:..kirti ENPEWIES OF TIM wrrarxesaa .xxvoll INVESTIGATING COMMIT vas oir THE NOVSN.,= , " The deficiency' hill is now before the Senate, hav ing been amended in the Howse as follows. The Senate alit hardly name to accept this amendment for the payntent of the expenses of the </mode and other epeeist House committees, Inasmuch as they have provided for the payment of thelrovn ipeolel oontmitteee ;' but there may be a Oollision "Reiortica, That tids Hotete 'lto concur In the second amendment of the &Tete. with the following , amend ments i After the. word, Banate,! in, line two, insert the words ;',".ind gouge of Representatives." After the word`" dollars." in the fifth hie; mutt the following words And for the velment of.experse• of the *eve sal invisatipatio4 poomottoos of the Noose of Repro pentatlyeta Dirty-eight thousand dollars also for the payment of the expenses of ',hoed** summoned or to be summoned before the gotomittoe on the Judi cloy of tfieHoaell of Reereseetativeu during the pre sentiment:in. twelve thounid dollars ; and that the said sense &alibi added to the mmoallanecoe'ttem of the continent fend of the House.", , TAEFFE THE SXNATS—ITS PEOSTEOTS EILIONTENING. Senator Minna counts' twenty-nine votes for the Morrill bill fn` the Senate, and our friends in that body have expectattons of getting the balance oteetes. Xeesseary: to 'setae Its passage out of eleven who are aapposell to - feel kindly almond to it.• •It le dun tour: BIuLEE.to add that le doing all he 0 ,1 71 t9.,14 8 .4 the APeplittil cooolasion. ITIME rANTED IN THIIINNATN. Thevoentry ought - to lie deY, ii tE dbubtlies Of ties eternal litiouision of the • slaiery 'queletion talky fielinita.'' Judge DonaLle big spoken in reply eti-poritilent mw tot Um debate pas on daily,. and preo 4ts Um* is *sated without eompanetion., itviry , Senator fakes a der to displayhimseif, and 'ventilate: his opinions' Meentline, the tariff, the Teeifieltuliteitd;and othivr , iract,bial mesitires,'llll( 'hang ere._ This is 'great Wrong; and 4clorvei to be instantly remedied or at 'once rebuked. , • uIDISPOOMON OF TODOr DOVOLAII. Judge *II tienffering from. &severe attack .1 isenialgti, - erldoh prevented' him from . being present Geiibi yeeteidly 'dlifuji the deliver , rj, of M. Tociaerpolitt,' , ind wilt likely confine him - eo M s hones ditring . therpieseat Week: ~ • f ii-lONER . TO PARAGUAY. J - • • , aialkoritaiiirelY given out that the important poet of ! pounniesiofiet Piragusy will he'offered to Jou, yeirflOase, of Mew Yoik. - It Was to hive been tendered to Mr. Dik, but he was provided for in the New York poet Vfiloll. Mr. VAR Baehr ,de serves some oonsideration from, an Administration *Mob 'Wee having laughed at thOugh,all oireles, be /101„ 0104 defends. cioop TIME AT , W1PLA.11,5 2 4 ise4iipaneseskre the canoe of, a great consump tion of the good thirty of, thli life on the part of thekti vislteve 'end entertainers. The army , and 'navy hale united in a ,eombined isesslt upon the 'chabigiigne and delleaoles, and are as hospitable ,to the little Japanese se'they are hungry. Whin 'lfossartt - visited the [Tilted Statet,' he was the soiree orgreit expense to-the Government and the munielpalitiei; and' a glorious excuse for the grati. Bastion "of the dead-heads. ' Brown's Hotel here 'esu the:headquarters of ,the: German patriot and his *Med followers, and,,the 'forthcoming bill the wildest at vs* 4/rumbling at the Treasury. The Meson, WILLARD are, faunigs fqr tppir liberal charges, and es they are haring an excel lent opportunity for the display of this ahem teristio„ they will indulge it to the infinite Mi. fleation Mr. Coss and :Mr. Bucuuair. It is really , surprising, bow much champagne and French Cookery these fat and shiney islandertire supposed to mamma. - • No NONEY TON THE INVESTIOAT/NG COMN4TTZEIL Mr. CoVOnal sent on to New York for a batch of sew WiNIONNII Aids morning, but ,ho and the other committees are greatly embarrassed . -for want of money, tin appropriation having yet been made to pay theleitenses of the witnessmi. They are thus thrown into' the bands of the shavers and Sbyleeks, who buy Wp the tiertifloates of the witnesses at an enormous discount. .7m,pipmurr TO' NAVAL OITIONES, SOLIGTONO, , INOLPENTIV, ANN C/FAPLAJNO. , The following is the bill inoresalog the pay of ollieers in the navy, surgeons, engineers, chaplains, end others, as it pissed the Bettie on Monday. It removes the objeetions made to the Senate bill by arie - Margeoruf nod engineers, and it is said will un ,tionbtedly paiv . the Senate, Ina/meek as, with seve ral' altirsidons; it hi imbstantially the same as the ,orlienal Senate bill. Llt 4101tril 610iiii1111 AND' RiOOLATX TUC r.ti Or - ' Irma NAVY OP THe Indian TTTTT arautdee; by the Senate and iltruse ,tif 4e `resimtatives ofthe United , States of 4snersea, sta. - Ooftiiers assembled : 'Thai from and after tha plans, of thin ant; the annual of the afoot of the ,navy,' on the active !Ist, hereina ft er named, shall 'Mao follows : „ CAPTAINS The eintet. Sag °Seer, tweeted undei and by vir tue of Mi set of Congress approved Marsh 2,1057, !hall 40ceive • 'Oeptitimy when com . mendingleguadrens, 10,000. • Alt other eapteins o duty at via, $4,200. Captains .on ether Aso 53,699. , " When on !save or Motility; orders, Ad 000. _ mistusuneas. Evetioosimander on duty at ees, for the first tlie .years after the date Ohio commission, $2,825. Per the second Ave years 'after the dato of his eommliston, S3,IJ). - -Every commander, on 'other duty, for the Bret years Ave yea after the date of hie oommissiori, $2,602. For the second Ave -years, after the date of hie oommiesion, 12,025., Ail other commanders, $2,210: - Lieutenants commanding at sea, $2,550. itenriesters. • 7,verj lieutenant on duty at sea, $1,500. After be shall have /lon seven years' sea-terviee ig 0 111 7, 1 11 ,7€.9. ' 400 , he shall hay. ern nine Years' sta..aervige, 'Alter be shall have seen eleven years' sett-etir -82300- - Alter he alteli himie seen thirteltit years', seii-ser .'riee,•, $2,250. , 4115 Everi' lieutenant on other duty 'shall receive 00, • , 1 , 4fterlse•shell hive nun seven Yearn' , sealerviett Vho*slrY.t SIAN. , .. • Afterhe w eft nine yearn, fett-lervioe, - # I .Z. • biretta', have seen' eleven years , seaLser iteih'EtBoo.-", Atner-imr, shell • nava seen thirteen years' *ea , 5ervie1, , ,111,876. ; or nailing orders, AttAirbo nail have seen seven years' sea-ser• vie. in lb. ow/. $1,246.-. • _ 'Atter be !When ma aim years'. ,sea•serviee, dhir he shalt befit"' slat' 11#en year? atelier twit,' $14001 ; 41terne, ebeil4arn seen thirteen years' getvair. ree;11,460., , , s• s • N . . tiPtlbini stall Ake veld, ei lieutenants, . - rer) , .obagatin shalt permitted ,to ".echninet 40110 worship according to the riatiner, end,gnaol, pr'the ;Atwell or which be he a iparnber. ' Every chaplain retained !tribe &Tilos eball be I(4l,l7iroirktitiZir.llyArfo=rlfytirri;.ofthe THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY; MAY 23, 1860. . Tr., •-••• ' Every muter In the Hue of, Inn!,011,, I IRTI:L1 1 137:0 141 %0 ; ' 74 Y,14,1 When on leavie Every named nildshlppianovyievidnl,,: *sea, SI,OOD ' ~..,c... When on other duty, WNW!' " When on leave or waitlliiv erzlerei mumuirscan. Every midshipman a 'ea, 050. When on- other-duays leave - of, absence - or, ,ssalfino r orderS,, , 1450. .(4)?, e • sunamoati. Eaeri inirgeonnit'dutfat'itii;"for the BriftAirt )Y 4 utte Ofter the date of his commission as surgeon, $•206 4. - ) lii ;eem* fire l years eller Pt_ e B ,,,date othie mosimissiott as 'Orton, $2,400. 1 r 'Forth* third five years after the date - of his nom-, mission as:surgeon, $2,600. For , the fourth five years after the date of his ommnission as surgeon; $3, 800 ) ' (iv ), gig twenty years and 'nOwertis'aitsi the date rf surgeon, $3,000. Fleet' surgeons, $3,800; . ) )) N,; - 1 ~ Every surgeon on_ other duty for, ,the fi rst stop ears after the date ' of his ormiMen ed sergeor, ,kor, the 'second fiveyear( after the Mite of his) oemnsission as surgeon, ;2,200 1 . .• For the third five years yeari triter the date of his bObt Marion es surgeon, '52,400, " ' For .tite' fourth five years after the _datt.of,hic commission as surgeon,,s2,6oo • • . • For ' twentyyeare and upwards a ft er tlie'datir Of his commission as surgeon, $2,800; • •• - Every eirgeon on leave or waiting °Mere, to; 01 first five years after the tilts of lihi oorutulesion as For.tite *wend fire years after the date.'nf his oommission as surgeon, 10,800.). , • For third five years Altai the Anti.; `of his cominiettion eattrgion,ll,9ool; ' Not the fourth frve j iliars after the 'date' of, his oomminidoi us surgeon, 82,100. For tuenty years'exid'upwatde after s tile "date of his donimitsion a anrgeon, $2,800. • - „ , • , TANSII,D ASSISTANT strftosonts. - , Every pampa . sealatent eargean on duty at Par •1500. 1 - When'oit other duty, $t,400. , .IPfhen (4)eave wetttog orders, , AIIIB[B+ANT 5U8.1316X11. . • . . . . Every assistant surgeon on duty at Sea,' $1,250. When o& other duty,.sl,ooo., • '•, ' When on leae,or waiting orders, , v ; Ponsittia.' Every pureer'oti:'dutY at see, for Aka , first five' years after the date,of biesommtsaon, $2,000;,1 - / For the Second five years after the 4, a cimunission; $2 400: ' For the ;third five years after the 'date' of his commission, *2,000. ,• , • , For the fourth 'five year . after the Mitehis commission, $2,000: - • For twenty Teats and upwards aftsr thil - diste of his commission, $2.1Q0. Every purser on other duty for the fitsi five years after the date of his commission, CND.' ; For the iecond five yeare,after the date iof hie commission, $2,100. , - For the third - five years after the 'ttatis''ef 'his commitsioh, $2,400. For the fourth five years after the date, of his commissiop, $2,600. For ttienty years and upwards after the data of his commission, $2,800. . ' • - every parser on leave or yvaiting orders, for the, first five years a ft er the date his oordmilsiote, For the second Aye years after thp,date of hip commission, $1,600. For the third Ave years after the date of his coui- IntfiliOn i SI,BOQ. For the fourth Ave years after, the dete of his commission, $2,000. For 'twenty 'year" and-upwards after' the date' of hlscommistien, $2,239: , • t, r PROFIS§OIIII OF *ATlrliftl/0q• - • .Every prOfessOr of inattiematios on 'duty, $l,BOO. When on leave or waiting orders, $9604 • t Every chief engineer on duty, for the first five Yearn after the data of his oemmission,Att,Boo. 'For' the second Ave years after that date of his aioamission, $2,200. For the third five years after the date commission, $2 450. • After fifteen years after the date of hie' admits. sion' 13,600. •. • Every Wet engineer on leave qiigafting order!, for the first Ave years after the date et his dom. mission $1,200. For the second Ave years after the date of hie oommissien, $1,300. , For the third' Ave years after the'date of hitt Commission, $1,400. After fifteen years after the date of Ms aomtals 'slop, $ 1 , 500 . • Every first assistant engineer on duty sl,2s9.'''' While on leave or waiting orders,. $990.3 Every neeond assistant engineer oti'dnty, 81,001 ; - While On leave or 'waiting orders, $950.. • Every third assistant engineer on dtityis7so; While ;on leave or welting orders, $OOO. WARRANTED OFPICIRR. Hier* , boatatrain, gunner, oarpenter, pad *W reaker, on duty at see, for the lirrit.tbreiO4ars' sea-se ice after the date of his warrant, $1.,000. For tht second three years' see-ser v i c e after the dated h esverrant, - $1,150. For thi third three years' seirserrriee after the date of his warrant, $1,250.„ . , For, the funtth throe ) mire' rabir the date of hi.• g 1,350. ~For, rata.. )0/11110', sea-serviers'aird:.upwardsf f1.,f50. 1 • , • , 11 ;;,' waiRCON oqup , For the fi rst three years of ses.stroloe - after thi dati of *arrant, $2OO.- - ' - .3 , ' For the Wind three , years' sea-.service after i1:1;‘) detect. his variant, $9OO. • 'For the third three years' . ses-servioe after date of his warrant, 31, 0 00. ” ' Fortbe fourth three years' sea-servioe after 'the „ date of his warrant, $ l,lOO. ' • ' For twelve . yea rs' sea-service , and , upwards, $1,200. . . For the first three years' sea -service ' a ft er the 'Mite of litiwirrant,lBoo. -;, .t • For the second threeyears' ses - liirtlite. date of hie Warrant,'S7oo. , ' For the third three years' sine.beivioe after the , date of his warrant, $BOO. i .For the fourth three_ years' sea-servioe aft er the,, datnof his warrant, $ 0 00; ' ; - For twelve • year 's sea:servieti- 'and , upward,: $l,OOO. ' 830 2. And `be et further enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall be eo construed at to itt. mesas or mollify the present pay of 'chiefs of bu reaus in'the Navy Department, with whour shaft be classed the present superintendent` of the Naval Qh.: eeryately: - Provided, That the officer now charged with eirmirimente in gunnery at thy, mtvy.yard, Washington, *hall receive the sea service pay, of the grade DON next above him. • En0..3. And Le et ,further enacted,. Tlisit after no - service shall be regarded u sea-serrionbut suoh as /hall be performed at sea under the, oierders of a department, and in vessels employed by autho; rity ofiaw. . 800. 4. And de et farther enacted, That' nothing in this act contained shall be held to modify - or af fect the existing power of the Secretary -of the Navy to furlough officers, or to affect the furlough pay. • . Sec. fr. And ie tt further enacted, That Ihd Iti oiessod pay hereinbefore provided for masters shall attach' to masters not in the line pf promotion, whether on the active or reserved list; and officers on the reserved list, when oallee into satire service, shall teeth's the pay of their re/motive .grades. as - herein provided during the term of such service Provided,' That nothing - herein eontained'sball be construed to change or modify the preeent pay of °Viers on the reserved list, either op leave or far- TIIE carrta Or Till FIVE ET:INDEED AYAGIANE I DT TME STRASSER MOHAWK, p; E. N., CONRAN: DANT',CRAVEN COMMANDING—IMPORTANT LET TERS- ACCOMPANYING TOE PRESIDENT'S pros £l.loE: „ • . „ , U. S. lifattarter,'s Oman. 2 .Kcy West, May TO, 1860. SIR : I have the honor to infirm:the department of the arrival in this port, op the 30th ult - ; of the United States steanaer *hawk, Lieutenant , porn smiling I.: Auguatus craven, United States navy, baying in tow the supposed Amorioen bark -Wild-. fire, of New York, Stanhope, inflater, with a,oargo of over eve hundred Africans en Ward.' Tho Wild. dee was captured on the 26th ult.,' on the coast" of Cobs, near the port of Neuvltes. 1 • 1 Immediately upon the arrival of the Mohawk here, Captain Craven informed mad the nature of het cargo, awl desired that I should take pos. suttee, of tip, captured Africans as early as_ pqs. eible. Having no means at that time it my cm. mend to /wore them, I determined at once thereat temporary quasters on the lands of the Untied States, 'adjanetil to Fort Taylor I commenced work on the Ist instant, with all the available force that could be obtained on the Islandiand I em pleased; to say that by the 4th instant, in the morn; feeq almost three sores of land bad been inelored with a tense six feet high, and a building 140" feet long, and a kitchen Greeted, and were In readiness to receive them, • , The landing of the African commenced about 12 o'clock, noon, on the 4th instant, and by 4 o'clock / 1 ,, hi. of that day 458 occupied the,quaiters hastily put up for them. There had been landed previously, on the let in-' • stank forty.nine sick, for whom! had obtained the no. of the carpenter's shop near Fort Taylor, as a temporary hospital. , . • The total number, including, Men,' woman, and children, received- by me, and fa - V.1,1%1W "I - have given a receipt to Lieutenant Commanding Craven. is 507. I regret to say that of this number fifteen have died slime they were landed There aro at present under treat In the halpitel about thirty ve sick, prinelpally, oases of diarrbma, hate employed two of the most experieneed physioians on , the island to' attend on the 'atek;• and -kayo' also 'leisured . the servioee of competent nurses to wait upon them. It to a matter of great miracles to me that, out of nob a large number of human 'beingti, cloiely oonibsed on board of a vessel, there• should be , so few ttok. Those lauded in good health are im. praying daily. 'I hive furrilsheirolbthlog teall'of them, as they were in a nude state on hoard of, the vessel. In addition to the quarters nirm.ly,built, I am having a building seventy..tive feet long erected, for a hospital, and will be detached 'from the other. •It will also be neoesmri to pot up a smell house fop quarters for the guard,employeti within the enolosure, as it is hasordolut for them to gutter in . the same building with the 'Africans oiffng I to` the: prevalenoe of outaneoue • diseases ateong;the latter. I am pleased to inform the department that Yam' under great obligations to Mr. James` Or Clapp, civil engineer, and the . agent In charge „of. Fort Taylor, for th valnable auletanea rendered me by hie advice in the erection of ttuarierii, and for the Usti of materials and workmen 'furnished ma from the paler that purpose, all of whloh „were promptly granted to me upon appilinitiOn; ' end without whieh'much wouldAtave leen :Co. gesionedig prnyidipg she tor for the Afritana; ' ,tarn alsa under oblige one to Captain John L. Brannan, United Stated army , ,i en mending :the, poet at this place, for the military guard and snag whieb be has kindly„ furnished. me upon my application. This guard ,00nsists eix amp and sergeant. The men are reiteved'isety tweiiirfosis hours, and have their pisirtimbutside of the anololluroz Captain Brannan has also tendered me the , u!io of big Whole eoramind in iota of emergiiMg.' A Within the inelosure. haver* guard.df " ho perform duty.-day and, night, iandt arelbpoltitely necessary to -direat and keep the Afrieans in good discipline. I hove also'in Ur. Vice a• Spaniard, , who, WAS op 'board Abe bark wuatiii,„ and, claims to have , been PRI^ eengers on board that yokel. life Niii4lBoll site in. .viluiable to •me 'in controlling theviAseople. - WA found _to difloulty in,p,revidlos foAd tito, lArririerg, en 4 Spot to have none during the time they may repaid here. The supply of water at precept on the island is larger than usual at this Season of the year, and I hope to experience no UIN OR LIMN" OR WAITING ORDRRII • , 41444 ItijuirylylPg ~ tkeVilth all theyitife!,, • ', ' , 4l*.thaiit - • . ai .. ..•ilaillaetrg, tbor r f ' - e alli.the ecation4 n,MY. 4.04,,,i ,ling ' - ClliarobanieW inievs-pane:', reAte eiirentt 1 " _, . . i , 4 l A`ktf.ip ,;; 1 7-ID‘- . ,- f --12:, -,4 -. . ` lll6 "* . t e' ri l i i i#o44tz'ta4 40 '• gyl ia i t e l d,th- 11141-Wincd-lims pretient, ; b a t as the Aline firapprowlihlrikwhen' the yellow fever may be expacted - to'maki Ite appearance in oast midst, I trust that the removal of the Africans from here -will talte.plaoll stew early day,,,„ ...... __,. - - Itnelosed - I - have the - honor to - hand you an esti-- elkafer4the trO ant regretted- 0410'1 4 the' mtioeMarY-W of the meptured 'Afribins' Vet The departmentirAll be gleaned to direct all 04)01. Pnall./Sttio4ll ftellill -to' Witliett it,' Obarlietin; to' :come Ve 1441002T-se* otf. , .the 4th and 19th of. ?sach • th, MOW_ ere:Rea.enndins.l mate; , lwoUb„ t this time la Veryirsegulter.! 4-1-' •-._ : -, I am, Or, very reintentthliy, ',yens, ' ob edient servant, i Itilienneno J,'.hilOnette, ' 11. B. Marabal, Southern Metric:ft of Florida. lion.' S4Toonreolt, f . leenstery I of- the Interior, Washington, D. () L ...., - ~,. • .-',• ,;- , ' . 0 ' , ; (Direct letters lo .W1 0 .• care of, Mink* & 00. Charleston, Elentb,Osiolina.) : . , , - • - , , . , ..Koy ;Wen, Ma y 10, 180; ' plyi:lbere will be mwireg !to, - de thay the eg i heaseii-Of A friossoloaptuteil ~tiyi t it'lbt%4 Stites Jammer ilitobowlt) for theilmoth , hfay,ll33o, the following Intonate, vie it , • l% • • , - For- ozoirdou of teirvotati turfs* me- ' Obi fro Immo 00 For end . f,oeo oo For, j(1111i11 ~ :1. ' ' 7OOOl ounroo In bee' • - OD Yot Mpillltial attendance, medicines, &o. ; 1,860 OD OM= oo „yoa•teili, be pleased t 6 reale a 'warrant to be to.' erred In my favor for the. amountt ,(11 1 01. *blob aui to be *hared on the bookie of tbe Thatiary Departniant,), and, direct that a draft on .the Malstant Treasurer, New York,for, the .amouut be remitted tome. at Kay West. - I"Sim; very •raspeotfully; _your obedient servau4- ..Fintwerreo 4; Mountie, tr; _. Southern Diatriot of Florida.. Boo:()Jerson', ,Elioretary:of the Interior, Washington. D. 01' • , • I:llremtridatir or rnu isreittelt. . May 16 1 1800. I have, the honer to submit . or your tar' mationiw Cored a ootousnnieetlortthle day recur ed;from J. Moreno,lClniteakStates marshal for. the southern distriot of Plorldi, dated the 10th in, Stant, officially repo Ling the landing :of over Ore - hundred Atrioand . from the slaver - ,rereently, capthred hjf, • the. steamer Mohawk on the emit; of Oohs, and statipC . that he now these' Ads t"etsigedy. 2 11 e ergo re port! 410 te he has made for their eapport, clothing, dit' attendinsee, ;urge* their speedy Moored frog' the.,llountry: U theaeaeots le rapidiy.e.pproaehlug When the yellow -few,er,inei be expected to make appearance at "Key West: The marshal este an immediate remit tenet' Of the suns of $12,000, to. meet the esti .mated:expenses he is under the neoussity of in ourring;,,on thie account during the current 'month 'Aid I respectfally recommend that you , ditecC.this to be done out of the' appropriation madely the act of ad March. 1850. to enable the President to carry into effect the sot of ad March, 1819 , for'this suppression of the slave trade, (vol. II of Steatites at Large, page 404.) to be amounted for _by tbe,marebal in the usual manner. Prior to tiro 9th May, 1800, advances were made from the Judiciary fund to the extent of $6,047, whiee. aim* that date, have been increased to $11,348 13for the expenses properly payable from the appreprlatlon for the snepraeston of the African alive trade; Midi have also to recommend' that thatepeount be now transferred from tholatter ap• prairiation to the judiciary fond. Very respectfully, ' Trzomrsox, .. The PRIBIDeNT. Secretary, • , - DZsiozasat Stet rvierrt. The diAelenoy bill, as reported in my former des pateb;'hlui just passed the Smite, and will be a law if:signed by the President, in which event the investigating 'committee will have their a:- pos*oold. . lIMPATCHES TO TIM ASSOOIATSID MM.] 7 CALTIORNIA. LAND CL.LpIB. • ASitIOCITON, oomplianoe with the revelation tfitbta muse of Ttepresentativea. he ioresidiebt oommun gated to that body, today, a ,report, of the ,filtorney, General, showing the einennte*pended in the defence of private land °lilies in:California, the details of the expenditure, And git oscine n appears from this document tat an blerodibe 124/02¢4F, of fraudulent of, la h nd'ilf(laliforni l si bad been fabricated and claims sus- - :Shined Id the tpost unblushing perjury. Many of Thembad beep applays4 't)y t h e /Board of Land , .Cdrombe4onera, and 'by the district courts of Can to-rile., Medes4 than twenty-five appeals in these oases were. heard and **aided by the Supreme (hart in faVoie'of the Government at the last term. The ameitih involved wee In aft then $.1.00,000.- 00. • One claim was for thirty•six hundred square ranee of land; -another for four hundred and fifty square mlloa ; and the fatuous Rantlllan oleim wee for a part of the oily of San Francisco,worth about ten rakiliens. The Attorney General pays a high eompliment to the abilities of F. M. Stanton, Eeq., 'who awaited In this business. . The report is an able •and, interesting document, disclosing_ legal uhlevenienli of ,no Ordinary magnitude. rap/slams. '--The4ipanese t o-mo Eat 'brrow-a issy•sil t ifvialt the Roue of, , 11.4pueenteigves 1 o'clock. They v.l. art twolonre on Friday 'and Saturday I th eme; bunker; of COngrISS and their • .Thelapantse Commisalenere, attended by seve— ,ral *embers of theli sine: and the Naval Comae- Waste, tOroostaied to the State Department to-day, *het* that'. treaty sidtli this Government was' uly rattled, t The ',opts& Of the &cement were'eart. folly compared, and the cartidoestos of the correct new were Agned„atitingebanged. ' On their'way to 'the aloperteeent, a te treaty-box wee borne on the *sadden, of two their impute, • • .Seetetary Cass, arias MS- *tokamak proceed fregs;lif rmed the Continiasionere that it afforded him efOet pleasure to exobenge the ratitleattons of the *sly with' theiti and. expressed a fervent fitipe 'that the `two nations would be bound still °toiler tniftiendoblp,j, The Oeintn Wiener' reel pro laded tbal compliment, and expressed their oblige-, Sone tq the venerabieeeeretary. They , also spohe of' the - kind attentions bestowed on them, and trusted that the peace, between the , two - nations insg t be everlasting., „ - • -Jtertincicatt RATIFI9atO? MiLTING.• The Republican Asseehhion'nf this city are making ;arrangement.-for a 'nubile meeting, on .Ikionday night, to ratify the' Cbteege noptinations. ,Tbe Oily Councils have pasiforreioluttons strong iy'aondelnning the riotous interforenee with the Itepublidan serenading party on -Saturday night, and reqdesting the Mayor to exert the whole power Of the cit y to prevent future outrages, and arrest and punh the guilty in the ,pretent instance. ,Destructive Tornado at Cincinnati. • LOBE OP AND PROPERTY-RIX PERBONS FILLED lIALICA PILLION DOLLARS.' Cutout:cm, May 22.--The most destructive tor nado avOr known here paned over the city last evening.- - Itemise from the southwest in a dense blaok ishiud, two miles broad, pushing forward with fetirful C apidity, and' accompanied by thunder, lightnin, and torrents of rain, .It demolished and unroofed houses, causing damages estimated at half ,a million. A great many persons were injured, and 'six werikilled - outright. • Among - the buildings injured were the new Corn. mart:lei Hotel, the road which ?Ills blown of and parried a "tams of a tykoleialuara. The wall fell theoUgh to 'Tobin:oW* saloon,, injuring many per• ,eons,, , I - The Steeple of Bt. Joseph's Chnroh was blown down. - Almost all the -nubile buildings, school houses, and,chutehee, besides a large number of dwellings were untoated or otherwise damaged. ' 9 he telegraph nisei were prostrated in every di. reetion, consequently but little in known as to the damage in the country : but, an fur as ascertained, it has caused groat obstruction to travel on the railroad line. The Cincinnati and Payton Railroad is covered with fallen timber. The country along the Miami' Railroad. between here and Cleveland, has suffered terribly.i , The railroad depot and other buildings were demolished at Cleveland, as also the. railroad slin'at Lit/worma. The Catholic Seminary at Brighton was unroofed; also, the' Catholic Orphan Asylum at Coalmine- Ville. The rout between Cemminayllie and Brigh ton is:aleo poyered with West, treettern tip by the roots „ , The stormm raged wits fearful violence along the river; The steamers at the levee, however, being safely , moored,:t•eceived no damage. Tke 4ihooner Virgibla Qorne, when two miles above the oily, was impaired and stove to pieces. tiler three pssiengers were , saved, but two of the sea men. lost. - i A tram on the Covington and, Lexington Railroad was blown from the track. • Thera, are no traoes of the storm on the ' Ohio nnd Mississippi road, and west of Lawrenceburg, but from that point pest it? easel :Ire seen everywhere. 146i:thweer of the city pke storm appears to have extended seven miles opt the line of the Marietta and Oinelonatt Railroad.- , , , The locomotive and !baggage cars wore iidemo lished, but the passeng a (+soaped injury. . A. heavy rain follows , contituing till after mid night., drenching the r era habitations. It is hispossible to enu trate Mi the dketage dono: Sonroeli a house in the, ty escaped-Int 'Trees were uprocted, henses,ltitroefe and a wide.spiend 'destruction tor property' in all' dire°. 110611. - great fears are Mt, for the steamboats and coal isspels en the river db we. , - ,Acclde,nt nt St. Lotus. , ST T.uts, May 21 —The scaffolding at the neat; end of Trinity lihureb, which ie iti i.ouirse of area. lion on the omen of Washington toxemic, and _Eleventh street, fell till,' morning, prielpilating nine workmen about sixteen feet upon a 111110 of milts, fatally injuring .Inrnes 81tanann and, Thomas Hill, arid severely wounding severe' others. '.JOhn ltior.ton,bad his back, broken, and ho will probably din. • The Weymouth MySAM:Y. •' Ilonvev,Mny ;?, nnsouoris investigation of the mysterious (lentils at Weymouth has resulted ip the declaration thnt both the unfortunate girls. daughters of Mr. Tirrell, were poisoned' with strychnine. 11eth at the slaters were elan ellel6lllo at the time or limit death. llersey, the lover, is in jail, and heavily, ironed.--. . •,,- , i Ark,Usuortuttate Church. ,pbvph building, DOW in acute of ereetlon here, NORWALK. Oonn., 110 111 T0 11 itt to day, Injuring two of the workmen. MAY 13.—Tti0 new Methodist PM 1/019 edition woe totally destroyed during the gule 'sr/February 10. Atttval 'of the Atomiser Edinburgh. Mani YORE, May 22 —The steamer Vidlohuralt has . arrived irons Liverpool. ~ Her dates are to the , 24040., and bays been antlidpated. Covigreedonal Nomina• __ • I t .tioh: _ _ Br, Louts, May 21.—The proooratio Couven. Atoll tho Fourth Congressional diatriot, hos pond. riated Elijah B. Ifortou for Coalgrems, in the, p . 141 of ginies Craig. i _ • Markets by Tplegraisk. Baieryt, WI 0 ttlili May 131,410ur 'lull 1 Akaard-etret notninn a 4B 80, n dr clonn o Onto. Wnent and fin lowft; idler at 813001 BB' rwhite. and $1.150 .40 for red. Corn has n deellning tandener efinT3o; yellow. 680700 le a decline of So. Provisions firm, but not antive. Mese Pork VC; trim° 111181914; on 10,412. Whiskey nominal at SIM. , EIMIISAP ORESS,-FIRST SESSION, - ~, , ,,,,,J. ti'ner,, WAStinforox, May 22. - r "., 1.,-*-'• hills' . '' q . ,7ikigsc , - - --.. .. ":.: a r / f o ro • 1 ,, q 4;v6iiii.,..... ;-...." johenbreeteg a reeented a memot -r, II EN, tO e emu •up e deficiency --- rß.' "Unli °l""4. ll - t he- I • d the bi I, as returned from the House. the latter hes olr stricken out the provieion for paying the widow of Lewis T. -Lion strews' of mileage . The Senate, after some debate. receded from iteamendmeat. !.- Mr. 'THOMSONZef Ififieletilplaltitreildeed lciehtt: resWittif foy the restoration o Augustus S. 'laterite Ito teen time bet as lieutenant of the navy. , - Mt. , Witt, of California, introduced a bill to giant a Ite m a motiomy pf tanit to Catipmia, Joraterett Op melee of Mr.:FH ARCH, efildsi a tilid. the taati, liainsted smote mitendffientS to SW. Mateind roftw- Ftio bill, Anil. a aehnelttile Ol,efie ionise Wallarttered.. ormfer with - a slineeicomouwee,e4 Ott Phr et tee, ones. .1 . 1 ',I ?:t. '- ,i. ~. . fl,_ xt • Mr. Dann? Territorial resceutiims wire taken um Mr. HAL e s of. New, Hampshire., resumed hie MI marts. MC entreated Me statement Made trnltlit;Jleyis end Hr. Peek reetertfarde reseidt4 the Cation of Itt diens upamtbe introduouon of Mese. As untended that Indians did mititica.mr a enegenaion of, the untes ted pro bi in tingslevery for lea agars. mid i oigreste refried I t. staves were taken-ing seaward. in citation° t he law, but the cowls (Mold th at the ord numb t, UV, was binding, and ell the' ayes were einsetated. , ft was useless, theatifore to deny that the or Mance in 1781 wee regarded as higal,end Medlin. He d Ran doleles report lit Oilitautio i to the petition of Indiana Territort .end sal the meth of. that eters had de monstrated the wiedomof the reread. He next referred to the Intertereacel of the SiOemill Court in politteal - guestioffil. rand meld that in doing so they hurt hhbeart but li w tleatred their Ma reputatiope; Il• heated at tee . idea t t tee prod Ikon oweision Me prised of tab rights and Merest. of Eisen eta es of the Linton. who were not qyarty to the gait. -The tig i dd3 wee Perfectly mortetrous. PO oourt asst no eau. re set tle this Question, which nem tato groat greet on ef the age Wherever. the friends of f seem bad contended for the right, this en- stiim has been argued and adj cated, and the paints o f re e eltelreteeßatelt Ilf against the edeociders o e onnemies. would on ~71 ro eAIL in the overthrow of the court . The founders ot..the rernment established anti-slavery prime ples,ame the epubli oi n; Dart r is determined to mai temp them Thee ad the courage to en viva. defeat, an t it lee thatoort of emirate Which finally eneceeded. He attest et length o show that the power of Congreat to prohibit plumy in the Territorials, bed ,00nittentir, Moe Caere sad and acknowledged. Mr. ellig.e. of Ohio, said the ordinenee of 17W wu N never popular in the Northwest.' =The officers appoint ed under Itj ruled that section with a rod of iron. The ordinance of teiwite weer jejoielemiesed. Blares were held in all Viet Territory, in spite of the ordiranee. Illinois es well as Indies% protestea against the probate time ot slavry. Entree the Nai rn immilration that filled up the North west, elaverY would not aye been driven out. Forty thousand ofd se wouldmit hive done it, Mr *th:l43 g M N. of Lonietaria. sal .that When, we met I.,Ye inireeember, die pnblid mill was greatledie teepee lie the , eruption of a band o fanat.ss into a State of this Union with %vowed. intent to liimate the sieves. A large number of rem manes were Offered. all with reference to the relation or the General Govern ment to slaver, in the States end Territories. The large number Mid variety of thaw* reeolptlons required that times whk.Prolelleed to belong to the same party should meet. in order to harmonise and set to no en. A Meeting of the. Deenoecito, resnigc,.. c Sea c .. t h er e a 1.,. held, to acioomplisk thts purpose. ThSe or from Illinois. in *epee ok occupying two days, eel areaentaii Mgr extraordmry spectaele of adv eating his own Claims to the iresldenpy. and denounoing thou who had Mired to cypress views on Itie imrjeets before jfie sewn, she senator Iron, Illinois assumed teat he wee tee embodiment of the Democratic party and all who opposed him were rebels.. He arraigned tie other Senators, ald charged them and the representatives of seventeen mates at the Charleston Convention, as I being on the hi/ road tOdisunion. . • •• - • Alter having t us assailed everibody, he announced that be had on y spokee,itt se f defense, end meth princely mesnationitY agreed to or , we th ou . who, as Mard. had erred more through ignorance than design B Mantic! then defended the Demooretto Senators from the alliance of having undertaken to d beets 49 t.. Chardiston.Converpon whet sort of platform K shou ld make. When the Ranges bill betere thareenate the Senator from Illinois called a swamis of the Demooratio Senators every moilliel Kt deeliftiMillett UMW for the' day. The late erinatoried ca cins had sole enmesh thee that. 't he Senate, for this,had been olrred, With ten Mk- At ` r? 13241 h irl h :91 . ?".a.tvw,:grd:.* OTlVll e t:s"... ch arge that seven m eths reates had adept/et aplat-. term tedious to the dissolution of the Como and had pieced themselves under the lead of Mr. yatioer, an avowed dieunlonist. Hie (Mr. Heetrimin'si Mats had voted for that platform. and he should vote for the Se pate resolutions; end he denied that the Senator from a had elorteetly stated the; meaning of 'either., tito way here wanted to make a sieve node-a slang term which Mr. Douglas had picked up from the riapablesens -nor to foroo slavery on unwilling people. The attack Minn ice I:lionoorate Senators wee.wanton and unpro voked and he should repel it. The ceuator had defended his consistency at great length. which was not the issue between them. 'fee is sue was that the smut or front, Illness bed made a bet gain and had violated it. To prove i his, he aimed note° lurtoer book than idol. tip to which lime the Senator' from Illinoorwas looked upon by the' Democratic, party with pride end favor. Why was it gnat toe manatee who had been thus ttinted with favor and should now be *extend from his farmer asecenates t That he( Mr. Douche/ had passed over in Ms sosecibi and he (Mr. Benjamin would , supply the deficiency. • Mr. Benjarentjties Went into a history . of the Kamm' act. meeting , out the differepepe oetween the Demeereoe, tiecublioane end umagles Democ r ats. At that dribs Ms DeMPerati being enable to epee aq to the power of the people of the Territoriae. It as touted td rater the subject to the tour* end ablie hy the deol ilea. 'Pe dever had attacked the Senator e consistent/Y. It was his conetirency that constituted his greet crime... tie adhered stilt to thestewabwhioi - he bad agreed to glen on when the court decided it. and which the court had deeded against him. . This ho et. arged was bad faith. The Senator no longer worshipped at the Democratic shrine. but .t Wandered forth alter AMMO gods. Tie Senator trete Illinois bed admitied that bipeds this bargain: and yet had been lion th e)w In tn ing to explain way, io ociniuno- Hon with e epubtlearts, the decision of the wart: end to render it useless in case it townie be affirmed, TheSenstorfrout Illinois got over hie hangout. say ing that he did not agree to abide by the deoision in the Dred Scott ease; but when that:lase was carried up from tne Te Menai amyl" eel the Supreme Ontirt, he would obey that. This was an after-thou. ht, first announced tothe th e of Me, when preioed by Mr. ldnooln for his seat ip the thanate. To save himself from defeat. he_ introduced his theory as to the power of the people el the Territories. He quoteu from the. Bred Scott decision' to show that the 'rumple of the rights of slave property in the Ter ritories was decided by it.. On this point• lief argued at teat length to show that Conerese had full potter over he Territories within the limits of tie eameetetioaat that the Comeitution forbid' the probitdtioli of slavery in the Territories by Congress; mid, as a Tern tonal Dovernment derived all its powers from Congress, the Territorial Legislator* owl do we mere taw OM" grata could. No sooner wee the decision made then it wag attacked hyjhe flejelehaMe. end tee Chita Jute. anointed, ell having colluded WM the President of the t nets d" tee. • Mr, Delude 'tboo Teed 'fronvibe - disersarhytte-blee tweeu r la oln and Dongluto show that the former was much more candid in his AneWars 'thins the' Otter, Mad i e confieseed th ,t he (Lincoln) was not such an ultra anti-slavery!an as i ty supposed . Mr . Douglas told us us here jest •Ireel Miele -the dimmest 01 the , qoerti but at haute •to as IV oft his promise, repudiate* his wares.. and tells the • tact km.h.lt E. , srfltaPd the If sass* biU Militia mo atria* Iteetsion of tie mit=. - . Plaine Coll, the Motile of the '. ernlones can hewe stages min To be twine itemised by the minse ems would mate theta dupes and tools. • i Vera Mr. Llneolet - was shocked et his (Dcpuelee) gmodigger,, kent veargise"nin , wife bad faith.' the eleotiou came off and though r. Smug's. was saeoesefel: , by etrairtneement an the le' gislanve districts, Mr. Lincoln lenst him by OM on Its popular vote. ale Benja min next reed extrude tram Mr. Dena:: ' Hom ga er's zine enrols. to show teat be had lute y cop ied , Mr: Lincoln's arguments of 100$ - and Mewled t em as discoveries of his own. Mr. tie amiss warned r. flout 4 alhat the tendeney of his doe toes its was to dna.* him , stedr i lly step, to' the 'Black l Publican camp. We el y Bed him index Ugh menus and , goober the lulus eo f the Neu ill dam party,. He 'nut took up the statement of Mr. Damian that the Tennessee reaeleHeas ' ifAestd -II Charleston were lithe to- two conetteetorte, 'an said that; he had already _threatened,. them to put a coutrucenn 'ember tthem untheadte to the' South: He reed tne reeetuti as, and centended that they w are auseeptitile of but one'fair . contorts anon: and that eat a lull reeogeition of the right of all citizens to take their property into the Territories. He further said that the Beath new demanded e clear add empoit de claration of prine i pi ..5, end wantedeo platlbruf Of doe bt fill , feedpuutiop. Tito Senatoefrcini Illinois claimed to en the Gem cretin party, and to have nad e majority with him et Charleston, taw was that majority ob tained ? 1. , M , POOH, of Chit?. It was exercised by the vote of the emcee resent:"p Mr.' k EfeJefolN. Yes, it wets obtained by one of those li ttle arinneemente white ereComati.es made. But the trete of history will leak out. He then ex plained how the Douglas me , laters. by skilful tatitioe, succeeded in lifetime rut et adopted by which the v. tee or the minorities *signet Mr. Douglas were super°. tied by the unit rule, Mad the minorities In hit Moor allowed to vote. He road the statistics of the voting ao twain ,this. and to chow that Mr. tousles really tool only I'M voes in the Convention. Dr this clonnerytos - he reed largely from Mr. Butler's speech to his constituents in Maissohesatts. - , , • - More in sorrow than in sneer" he had thus referred to true Illinois eitostor.Up to 1838. no one had a hieher regard or respect for him 'than himself. • He .had held him up 10 the Democracy of Louisiana in 1861 as a model *Merman statesman, but his confidence in him usd been lodated and could not be restored. lie had repudiated h.s obligation after missing his promises; lie went home • his knees faltered cud he sue snip. Mr. Lincoln,who stood firmly on prinoisle and was beaten, lathe oandidate for the Presidenoy of his pa. ti. Mr, Doug les, Istitscaltenal. won , the prise he contended for. but the glittering tonne to whites he has looked fur years is slipping away frpm ,is grass. He might con elude. as the . actor rrom Illinois had done, by arty trig that he had acted only in self defence, and all that he had said could only be so considered. Mr. Heel tritift L. of eolith carol no. rose to a ques tion of priviiere ' upon which he would er, at to-mor row. It was that ll spesuh of the Senator from Massa chusetts had appeared in the Globe, as dative ed le-- tenter , which he did notellicar.and whigh, he believed. was riot delivered at sal. containing reflections an his State' hieb t was necessary to ai ewer. Mr. Pilled said that the Senator Irmo Louisiana bad demonstrated that there was nothing ems , vocaLin the Kansas bill or the Cincinnati platiorm, abe Henna; ht l provided the manner in alietti the, event of the peo.te tit , the Tomteries was t determina d by the %%meow MIL end the question had not yet arisen; nod he believed that the tired Seoul decision settled the smote at issue. Ibe question of the power of the peo ple of the Territories was net argued in that cote, anti was presupposed to be involved, f submission to the demands set lorth by the Senator from Eiseman% was the erne ofpsos in the Deo orate party, he earned th•ni that all peace was at an end, Mr. Po.: h examiusd qt lees hthe "five ikioti osee, to shrain his view. -He hejet h et, if the Consetni ion IV Mb sued plenty WWI territories it also estanlahed it ;n Ifs • tants , and argue(' itighinat the oorreqineaa of ttua do me. Ile retorted the charge of went el faith end %amid nment 01 litigates upon the elitistur end his friends tie defended end iseelliined %%Wily Dowels' Fr sport speech trout the aname made upon it, eon to ding thai it manly meant Mat slavery woold not be timed upon the people stalest' theirefll. Senator noughts was not only fantod by his immediefe polite gel eammei, but by toe Addeinistration, which invaded a so etergn t'te'e to ante tete to center the 'lectern. Me, WADE, of ilh , o. asked Mr. Pugh If he believed the Tertorial Mal Legislature could prohibit slavery, and that pro h ibition be e and elfeetual 1 Mr. P till replied affirmatively. Mr. WADE thought he had heard the Senator gay it VIM a jildtol.3 question and he ditt not see then what the people had to do with it. Mr. PCOLI further argued that the Tennesseeeta form was embiguoton and pontroeetted the allegations tent the viewp_ofthe Willett, were net , expreesed at Ohlarleston He oontenued that the seceders who lett had definitely separated themselves from the Democrat tie party, ano their seats at Belt. ore were valiant, lie I thoueba the Senator from I outman% had better join the Richmond gaiherine. The mode of voting adopted ar Charleston was in pursuance of that recommended by Cainoun. • ' el r. WrOPALL, of Texas, corrected this statement,' Illy PUGH insisted that he was Dermot. Other dismantles atom a. to the iostruittions given to the de ege,es from hairtmliaida gbd elsewhere. Mr. IA Ll DULL:: allemilodne, mute en explanation to regard re the Vote of - homilies, and a long debate en tailed as to whether 'the voles in tie Cherleeten Coo ventir,e. es pressed the views of the majority. M T r. HO id Soft, of New Jersey. uld New Jersey had recommended her delegates to vote as a nut, and no [ one eould hue been-elected by the Democrat° State I Con/Minn two avowed himself a Delete team Mr. POUF( oontinued to controvitt r eArgements of Mr. lientmin on this poipt. Ife said ker the rapture l et Char e stop grow wet or the tact that runes Douglas having oeuticiusly said that he would, not allow hi , i n Inn to be used in case a certain platform wag adopted, the friends of all theother candidates u ited to con struct a platform on which he could not stand, That was the , Adniinisiratiou game, and the exuiteineht in the South was gotten up purposely to accomplish this end. Mr. Pugh then mantled the reliability of to.,ittia na, Texas, Oregon, and other States, claimed es Dem o . arena, which called up the Senate/a Heel, three States, who severally made exelanandiut Be said he wante d the Hiehmone Convedoo n . tit ieninate then own can didates, and the delegated had o botiness to come to tinittorbrilitted 'if they game h sreilitl aliend vote till . thb fourth of March te_ Keep -Ovn out. The men who voted Mr etePhen A. Loughs, rilty.heeen times wont not get tired of continuing to dose. The gentlemen of the ?with h-d matte the issue-heel made it a question of personal honor. arin so it would s tand, - c.leie North ind would not Reb to he dictation of the , Soutti as to their prineiples and t selection of candidates. They would not level themse lves ves in tne dust at the bidding of any e. t of men. •re r. Don, las was now the' imiliersoha non of Nottkani _honor. His eminent he pt greater then his friends ever could, Tber m 18 i (h i m n t Baltimore if they otiose, lint his f 'Me eater his bleeding carcass to the liitirtWes . end snow i nk to the young po rn denotes to past t air Yet Vote!, and tell them 'OM thOl t ie the sutler of the enses-Nebregke E ic tilkr! a Vi l tifl LI?. iirPeA r it t ii i e u fentl what was Dente: army, and expressed the opinion that the Senator tram Ohio hid fallen nom spice. What tee South pr o posed was nothing new. W %teen couetudingtbd Senate adjOarned, - - HOUSE OF 11141 ) 8,VOINTATIVES.4. i Mr. DAWFO; Of Neassehnelitte; Otint the Committee on Eleotionivreportedneohatitre •0 Mt( Bret, that J. A. Barrett I. Ml' ana Piscandly, I at, Frontal P. Blair is entitinc to a gra( Its:the souse from the First Con greseional dlstriOt of Missouri The majority and isinorloy reports were ordered to be Mr. UAW'SM It wee the desire of the committee to call up the eu lgeot at the earliest practicable period, and na his motion a resolution vi le adopted, Fining leave to Mr: Blair to occupy a seat on the floor and spea# to the merits of the Question. - Theßonstrainuned the conlideTatin of the Atlantio and Peoido Telesis& AO. , . Ittr.-t ci IV. 4K. oft t yttOo, 0104010 the amen_dinents, propoetd r Ilio fl IP IMO? OD the root i nice. The oe-, vetothe t ii to pe'r c ww 'or annum for the tranetnie mon of messages. en the public to pat at the rate of Abyss dollars for ten Verde. I f the corporator* de net accept these terms wain!" thiity i aye , then sealed pro , nowt , are invited:and the contract to be given to the lowest responsible bidders—the line to be bunt within two leant, and Et. Joseph's, Mietollll. to lithe point of departure. Mr. Colfax earnestly illgeil tile eemage of the Dill, showing the groat advautases which will re-. °trek. 74 1 < fr, t:t t e'.i :L .7 •ritorelv a - —_—• emit to the Gavel has. _ RI wraith aiiL tofore Mr. W. lay! sa s , 'Men. T 'Ogle tit Inehritin..-,.....ed to the Ren ato emendnien e ati Military Academy bill. providing for the milling n. erliecanted regiment of Texas Tonna teem into the geld. The SPEAKER bald before the Rome a special We stige from the President, communicating the fact or the capture - bi: the:rotted Matra pteamer wriadmar another cargo of animas.imic. with thaw calref aboard the Wildidrs, West, under the charge op Mkt Unitgleatir r ai ll utirs sugiteeM thst tgreedispt scum" be , talc fa,their, I '. II " Tre A i d r da 4 14141.111r Y t itr [ All a Ckikrimittee on the n judieb- rAir° Xlit_Houts then moot into CoasMittee of tr".l I: the vomit on the legislative. exseutme, irMAPProenition bill. si)it, of vivaria, moved to strike eft the aritialtiatalro=litsorn reporting sod P d ' e :11 111 Vs to tmammerflaimemsesm,heirnunte Meglialatirt ng feroteherkialam Modest mi en. h • vse ,a more enact transcript or what is said Ulan that for Uipaid this exaordinary stipend. The seeeebes Foetid-3a the Giebcare not thaw: ileiiveredi Ihr-Shen TTheundergo expev a tion and mimes. often in thejortitof pa adversary e meow% tenettermc terms' sad absurd to vole sway so elite tegiOny.. tie people *ant the mpsockes they smsmeditf:m indeneedent press. If the people do not neat ;a, nli Men the eririne of the 'popsies itthe.sieblic *how wsoto mil the vanity or men, , 'MI% OUR .or Alabama sale Omit there WM siiital • pinnate debate here stet Rvislminate spiseettert i . Inks semichee were "'emir or preeertnwroe Hui* , wt he preserved as they were before .the establiehampt a The Mao.- But for its mitste k ri, ce'men weld dere' to rise and ask permission to pr at,* mismat. not a lies whieh wen ever read or spo Mr.f, , rnor's smennmect was rebete&r silos ,;.$„ nave I Mr. BRANCH, of North Ceroihmossid km v w tassi7 eiumdleas.resorm in the independent prise, they were uriavo•dably bnef. , Fe wanted UM Olue lo7lo o l tn' reporters who a-e •esponinhle to C 011,1,0014 He would, however. rennet the publication to ratlYWhatiti trogran.' and ended, ell remarks out of order, , Meagre, eONRLIa ti or flew , Y e sai 1111116... HMOS of Tenemee, sevem . ly tbet esear:Rd , trkients,, never dentered /mid haw printed After further proceedings. an artifiess iitreed to-r ens 77. nays 4 i-reitniring the olpaso l reperters to oonfine eh meeives only to what is saluillivrawr Id al' ela m d r e . nale ‘ l ti iv ro ered .. e n petbe r h hria o.i ." lo Propriation of 910 ODD for the eappott.74titie atuacri guard. This polies were eo, managed 14340,publki wet tees Minot be proteoted fore • - • Mr. BURNETT, of Xestuckl. condemned snob do tarhnnoes. They were a dimirsci to the site. The We pablimite. however, were got -the only party emir dm. tnrhedhere' r. MA' NARD.of. Tonne gee. aid allwt., mat to he protected in the antereine of the ilght speech es well as were lective fothebtee: - - other remarks made on the sense subleot. No gumbo' was taken, when the committee rose, and the Home adJoutaed# - - t • - 1 Point Breeze Park. There iris Nome oapitsd.ranning yesterday. The contest, for $3OO, (the , Wond but horse ,to ban s7b), was between &shin Maid, sOrtettniro ; Mai Queen, baj mare; Post 1144, baj'itores,•endß,eek inghani, gray gelding. rissibeht-wen , Maid, Poet Boy second, and' a elOssi : thee $34 for the mile. Second beat. Residnghatie Post Boy sewed : time 2.33 C. Third running, a dead heat - between,F'oet,Boy and Rockingham:, time 2.33 i. Fourth beat, Gashes Ilisdd von: time 2 33. Fifth heat, Rookingham first, Goshen' Maid second time 2.1181:* Issolt;;Goehest ,first.,Mookingbam seeond.i, time 2.37. The runiting all thiMigh 'excdient,'es `the time show*. In the last heet,ltoekleghara led most from . the first, followed by Goshen Meld, so elosely that a blanket (or an Indian shawl) would have coveted the two. Close to the ;steed, the Maid pushed on—though mauls usually are ratir. log—and cleverly won the heist: The race is yet undecided, and the heat for the victory is UN* contested this afternoon. It might have been de. aided yesterday 'bathe fanning oftanserie+d at,* proper time, and bad there been fewer, false starts , For one of the bests there were five staris The course was in splendid eandition t and the awmber of subscriber! and their friends,witha. g.. leet iprinhlini of ' the pablio, wee great: There were a great number of ladles " to Alford," eat a few of them won several ,aeore pairs of best kids. , &tern' very handsome equipages were on the ground. : ; .rublae,Aximsossetht, At *Walnut.street Thnitre, ,yeakerdnYATes lett theAttramtion wai first appearance' of Mime Julia Elliott, a young_ AmerieesrAetramit, , of some:, note in the Western cities. The Mutants drew a fins house: The credit of this is &tato Melody ratheithin to the play, for smear, edly, the dromattlet 'eonglomeiatton of lukewarm tragedy, , pseudo- sen timent, and namby-pamby comedy, reprisented under the title of " Ingiessm,"Aknot,eitleulsted to fill the ,binehes, or reglenish the treasury of any theatre under ordinary oireumatandies; at tin pre; sent day.: r, ~' • • , - Notwithstanding that we regard the play Mi. looted for her °poling ma a grand :mistake pre cessions' 'diplomacy, we feel gratified to record Miss Elliott's debut as emphatically - a await' little nmitroutt,„eelf•Aletrust wiur_apparent early portions of the character, but she soon »- oersted:her emsfidesevand - fregalbelir~dime played pnwerm,Milelf, When derelopml- by-11141, and practical esperienee must speedily give her a Aighposition in her proftweeni. = 'l.-: Naturefies been lavish Other /nip this Isiy ; :,.. a good fiKbre, an baritoniois"vOlaim- 40bife aid ei vendee features, and thorough' appreehiMon of the antlakes *twining; , fitr snots be getherigliframi her tone and &alien; &MAMIE" oellenee ;In the portrayal .ottlie-Pandtige am de. veloped oar the stage. Ong Point' bi favor—he'r palpable power of ethlkitialt•getielee, comedy, as well aldeep.tgrued feeling. sbeild like to sel bet .41fetrIll4. dissimilse es the ehanteten eire. t ‘ the ie not Yes a' great stetson, but it mita with kterialf tit hilt°, iod her actin', whish is by no means ,onnventienalpr stereptypmdi erldently belongs to, a void ireitiet.4 thatof Nitta!, , -- • • •—•- This evening , she enttaYa comedy thermarsea of Jldiants, in Tobin's doe play tot" the 1101107 Moos,'-!.fur the benefit of the masielldirootor, Dr. Cunnington. ,- - Mr Month had his other benefit at the Arab, last ntiht. A. tremendously crowded house. His ea• gagetniini cleave 'Ede evening, when he plays the ehariotei of Sir .Edgard Mortimer. At McDonough's " Gaieties," -this errening, the roaring Gm of " The Benicia Boy," lately pro. dosed at the Haymarket Theatre, Deeid#;.:lll!ho, brought out - with an Daproitme,t; Aspen 4041 and another 4, Professor " appearing as Heenan and Bapirs ! , - Little Dollle Dutton holds her usual levees, - it A ilsombly atterueon end wiretaps This it her.lutiwesk. • • , , - • lifonneroon's Concsar.---The frequent rehear els !scenery for "_the primal end:Outten dike several original compositions, in ; this , rich pro gramme, have produced a perfeetkm rarely wit nessed at our public concerts. A =Mbar Of "tuna- Mare were present yesterday to heir the Sea Voyage, the Cortes Solo, and the Fredonia Over; taro—all ',composition, by Hohnstock—and the ef feet upon their minds was snail as to Belt forth a general expression of enthusiastic admiration. There is every prospect of this concert ',losing the season in 'a most brilliant manner, both numerically and musloally. Fames Fon ,13.0. a.—We invite. the &Useable' of those lathing to pi:erotism; country residences, fame, etc ,to the Hat of country properthe offered at private sole by R. R. Onrson, roil estate Greet, Sit- Norristotin, Pa. Some of the fineer'propertite ie Montgomery, Chester, and BuSki.ootnities are in cluded In the list, RI, advertisement in another ookunn, Atrortcin NOTION.—Tbe attention of tbs trade is invited to The sale tbiti mottiog, by E. Banti; , 4r., attetioneir, No 431 Chestnut street, sambaing In part of Paris bleak silk mantiss and points, bleak tee. mitts, bonaat•ribbons, Smash dowers, laoss; embra;iticiries, is. Catalogues now ready,., H E' I T Y. \PRoTisTANT EIMICQPAtt f . 00.1(Vitt;TION `OP THN noossz og PANNSYLVANIA —The seventy 'sled' annual -cleinventionelf theiPectesisint Byiaeo pall:l6lAM, in the Diocese of Pennsylvania, com menced im seselon in St. 46d.sey's Chat* Eighth iienct;',Orrove Spruce,, yeaterday eftornoon y et ri ro'cloot. , The - Might Rev. Aloase %tatter, .Bishop or the Diocese, presided, and Ainditant Samuel - Bowinantocupled a Beat on the left of the chancel• f- The'atteudance of clergymen and laymen was quite large, and the galleries and other portionfof the churl% were occupied by a oemittavablennscbar of ladles. John A. Cla,Tlqn, 4 lay,deputi from pt, Church, Tranktbrd, Philadelphinnounty, *is ma alsconsly elected seorstery. r The Bee. John A. Childs' ism' in like manner elected assistant secretary. ' - -- ,Blshop Potter announced OM VIIMIC mission ary'useeting, under the aurigetz of the Hoard of Missions; of the Otessese oc•PentssiWanisi would be held thl. avoatoit, : at 'EC o'oloede, In St. Andrew's Otmroh, sehed s4dreattimaibe 'expected from the Bishops, the Rev. Dr. %ton, Rev. Mr. Spa kmetu Mr WilitaitiVeleh, at oiheri. ' - - the 'flishop urged a general attendance of the memberi end Monde of the cense, aa thblwaa on. of the most Important agencies in sprealflog the dootrlnet of the Church. „ • • Re alio announced that the' earnamttone of the new Episcopal tiosplta/, Lehigh avenue, near Front street, mould be laid on Thursday - afternoon, lri - gresenoe of the members of the. Convent:lmo* were Invited to attend. The . Biehop then anneuneed the appointment of the tenoning committees: On ,Charters—Rev. Dr. Van Deilliatl, Rev: dadduids, Rev. William Leaf, Judge Stroud, Judge Rules; R. Q. Parry._ On - Claims of Clergymen to Beite—Rey. Alpuwey, Rev. Mr. Wurbburu, and. Rev. Mr. Moro. On Claims of Lay Delegates to Pests—Juige Oonyngham, Derace Money, Jr, M. R. Thayer, Wue Bladder.. • , • . t The Bishop announee4 th,at, the opening, services "would take Voce this morning, at ten o'olook, at F. 46 4re w s s Ohnrch. , *; " - • The, report of the Committee on Matters was then reed and laid on the table. The Deetnehet ;Offered featc!wirgi resolutions, whtoh were adopted z 'Alspiered„ hid likais 'hill - held 'two sessions P. 12 gPf1i5t..",?1 , 13 0 9 . ` . 4 :n46frd1:7..? d sin:ll /015 • 01 . 00.11.' /114 when it Shan 11121*MbiS for Dime service. R s y hat g en the Protestant Episcopal C - t e rer fel . rrn 0 tit l Y edtoolre not entitled to scats in dui Convention, clergymen of other dloo ll out aeg rfartiNign ---7------------.- " - --: , id', elirreyesen • •h ' Pr_ ./riiihaieedii. ..1 and Slue. .. atisgra . ' --. `''. .. tWa• .a 3 j . a The Coonsnitton than adjourned,- —-- ---. This melon of the Conventhasssrp;aStO 1100 a very intal il l i r t :.s,9ll,- IMMO # 2 ppyAu s 7: 1411 be MIS , - 1 1 7 1 ' 4. 900414 9. 0 t, I RStitea- ft , it4 t , the last OW_ _ ,i.it ,:yk,7' 136 , 11 . Oil I.:Viiit..o;:;. dividing thr!.....-L,,,.._..1iitiatu.,4 subject in aria; ani thelbsi. J. P. .31,4,14,, ~_ t r, -D.....1t0v.. i Mean Prectoallorr i , :111, ateeliii:D.lD„ Jtea:.,lletriprlieSsisild , loNiCwol. 8444 ;lhlittli:teijill*;*shiait it;. Owels.Verri,,AndftV W.b...,„,,....-," 11 -,4 1 4,_ *ilbx.:;• - 1 , .-- jest nes aidtated at Us* . it ax sat= st, d tee4_a lol itt sua atAroses. a . w t o r le". 11 0.070 1 40 76 4. ES itstniineettilM ti eenied e, to report et the pseud Conventien. At the fhol of the lest Convention, - Bishop Potter liall l e In Europa , travelling Ter his health, hail' e . lahors of the Diaconate rested very heavf- IY "" " A !'" 40 WWII. ; , t. l l/. 1 11 1 #."T:71kW. - :.: i -:. Tad Bowmilri, D. D., Amissant Blittop pf the Di -oeoll9. i Bishop Potter having sines retuned tot64lin* in renewed healthi.. the .neeassity ! veltioin.ut time lammed to demand a division of the abeam, or the grafting of assistance to the seting Bishop, does not atm atilt, and tliprep every bib y , 'that the theakiii feels' M met with a determined opposition a year ago, Anothereommittee, appointed at the lest Con vention, vrtil also raptrvt *Am pieuts warm NOS * plan for defining the limits of parishes. This eennitteeconsiste the Bev. L.W. Deseabek D. D., Rev. Edward Le' nialbeti firma ',,itteeph' Seesoll, Themes Robles and M. Baseell Thayer. RlTtritif oB r I'oILADP.LPIIIAL Tins. • GATIIS TO *lli CHICAGO CtOSIMPTIOIL--The &lipids delegation to the Chicago Convention ar rived at Vi'Set Philadelphia about eight o'clock butt evening. They were expected. to arrive here at half past Ave In the afternoon, and aaserdtagly a number of = their poiitlea/ friends root oat to meet thine at Wet tionr,lerilipkelattia bang else. ;delegation,, sutetherheg ,same one hun dred and fifty persona; Anted habit lietheitliebtdr friends, and mantled into the city—ties band lag the appropriate tune of " Heine Again"— reaching their heedgattits.yeletad Roam— - in Sixth direct, near Chestnut, about nine o'eleek. On theth road down Chestnut strait they were greeted with . ,.lesd 611141 p 10.1.41111 fleplay'ef, lire works along the line . When the proemial ar. rival at Tenth and Chestnut straits, the headgear Ain of thi Coastitutimid Mabee learty; lite,t;inew greeted with loud oheers for " Bell and Everstt.'!„ Than were greeted with ocenterAeere fee " coin' nut Hamlin" by the procession, and for while quite an animated setae eassisedz A. Inver bir'et delegates, among whom were liditel Walley and Wm. B. Mann, remained at Harrisburg' lasi other planation the route.' 'CollPhitip 8. White wee loudly nailed fm, and, irt.reetwin, said: " • ' " . TI gy bad no. coma f** Vie - . 114, Lend esidailed shit glory, but.they alone fro kruswit sat amid wits the „laments or tavel,dast. dirt, and not* ulna la. Pittman saki. estflatawild lion wia Inialt be N tir • they emparod. and nn seeder nor I; nyder ever been admired feellt.the litstorf or dits.„,r lors oreselanUan" td tie Ilireeput talc r• ) • • lave nominated ax ilisaseldria, IbrosOil.4llo - A man boa is let feels, i.e wb a rirallienur Isla , Let loose at the feet o that venerable fitentatim , ask groat Beer. Clay (Ape aloe.) . ~, .., • ti% • haveinund of Out a Inllie Theitedi 11 eoltile IM _, O am, s believe,* Meter: ima eat , set be maim • l • went there in favor of my pit NM Blew bektilwra : road that' neatly, two_ red .tholteeled botwite would be disefeetad IF *Were itoisteeted. an* tat the solloid of Mr. Lineetnwee stadmisseity adamallia tae exiteneles of the day, 1 was elaskaao he weir . " Vi u gioni r gum os da gia b tr " iirea"Wne - ble mini ' ton. cabin in Il total, as 4 antim'a M" mr.i.atic i t ii, li e lON letters, the • radahttersof Plu 1- ..-• 11440ne si: &AY mid thia;iatrafaisik,Wet) tipoketbr Soma tine, eallala 'reatarksilleitarlits. treat demonstrations of applause. MIMI kW' "' re:Sarkis Healer . . Clues:V.l44 Ad ' Ares Sham - for " Honest Abe Lincoln," the eroatUdirfereat l - st -14.1111 Tit! OP TR& cIti*IICITTIZ OHlTAtapiffifill Mouser. A meeting:of-Am taimeitlem emelfir , y. penes.. *barmy iris kettleiter ' thallithroi Connell chamlier;Mr.;HiskirOdirais. , man, hi Hie chair-, -,A smatter et to teats received ,flaM, T . 1 444, maietastairbeg wiablesie- : minis, and read. Mr. Megarges dowsed rakish - Major Gederal Patterson teleformeel *EAU was the unanleanse desire - ot.tite eammittee on tits re- caption of the Japanese, lbab be tkpableel cleatibis , whole military force of "Ai ()Hi; pies/did Wait' lent dome without exposes, Maar than that et Mudist ana to ask him whether it me_3l4 be . egsmaitio la invite the military cooped* .. lit iariesimat aientier to be preseat ea the iteatiMe." A number • at other iropositionsiseele gigeope ao, , the celebration, partioidarly as to thi put to be Sid* by, the arassear , lfoiking,' boiler r) trf a ' delftelereeter waa determined. on,.in regard be EF firrther details of __the mleiritiolt.' - - 'Maier Heir* iiaipreint irti, Bra ISMlktill al aloe': moasmitteM, and iinfutweed nem eat she-Mad *At- : tea ` s InfiCation to the members of the Bataan_ and would despite l •it le Washington 'Thi inet tation was engrossed , n o paretinuint, and madame ~ pile's: i - Ta reeir f sreatesim sec . •Itresetratetillsrletter,'- At Co! State : ••• • • •a . -4 - TOP ,Lothhe City of Plahadeliduo as "111,VOCZMircitellt State wilt vide); four k.xe• liestuse are *Oda tint the chief city oPte• IWO eee~yl ea• y `lbeW it* Plerlet le'raZZ • 6 616 a y have saw ead fl* , It Mt restantattves our wet as da meals l neelkirSes sad ineitilieSitt s ea i i li ali — be * Sit. ofietktii i : j e arii r thIS ' hastnTh :' 112611Prisentrtnet argrraZl'lhatwits4 yea jell live:if:l IMllarareMeirlislittilain .11ehlaOte sweaty mead day es way, sad , et the , saiir i te i risoassaid eight re u dalgte i rst asay . 0.1 ; Maar oirittledeighlds• A number of ditillita militia to tite wmarmseatt , • were pro Posed end referred iici- -- eabeemedisier with inattmotiona to make all the merearjr , yr mega mate, after Which the taratim — Hati ad'imri I,n COIirtOLLP.P.S OP PUDI4C 5c11001.3.-74 adjounard meeting of thlabody wax ifilt7iitsitii,_ siternome, at their chamber, in ~the Atiemmara, lethal* for the purple of oonaidMitig tie *wit Of the Cimmittee on Boys' High iiioleiSkirisogitall, at inprevjous meeting, sad' to" heir the loirOir the ComMittee on Girls' Inghliotied. _, - , , The report of the BOY,s'lligkirolisidAteeadtte% , after thoroughly dimming thi iptakieri st that- Mika of the matter of stadais Su tiellisedii IS use le the public! schools in the Birstsebooldistriets , coneladee with the followlog resolations : Rofitwf• TbeerStemeateste relative tatimitattensela i teili t iatm etc pho f t=le ur b=l , l=plajo u =,: add* '''• masa Wale t eargameiteeez n ag i. -- Ifia -1 *abase setemised as - tire-eni at lee lulabY caelared bit be null end void. , • Resefeed, Teat the etum et ardiposhe nay be Meson home at - AnihmatteeithienresmaisCAnde liked OM United Spites aritbmetio ran,ttink •,., agassibeereictirz resoles; •• Ciptom I , am atunnear. "Tare a-d rim. ii nil "'ream' Plaillar limitation, to be allowed is arty other work or authmetie, Vide& vs, *IMO be UMW' tinned by the board. ft oaterd. That the words to he defined Shalt boss tested, frit* the relapse rooter of the follows a trobst rased text forks: huriorr of the United U nit . •• Arithm Steles etic. " ' - Grammar," and •• conatienthrei ed Resoired. That tbs further Napalm and Aisie.la ths steams i n b . hick' OhnuidAte• tor admission Imo ma Cent at High sellout are to be examined, its agood ems by Professor H. H. Maitnite. snnental Mahe Ow trot itortveceoot.ooo the •• recnees /immolation, and - sabnittlad to this hoard at their Wit narietwiti be, and the Immo ern booby aerofoil sad eamittemd by Ate board.'. so into operation after the next nigh deuces I Xassiteltion. ' Alter 'some debate the report and mediations were adopted, , The - repeat of the Committee on Girl's Iligb Moo), was next presented. It applays that Slow plaints were entered at a premises meeting, frees the Third, Fifth, Sixth., Eighth, roerteentlis mad , Twenty-third motions of Ile mum in which tha examinations were made of pupil, for slots ea into the High School, eat- paeticalesly 'de the Girl's High School. /be tioutenenketioes were referred to a special committee, who, after etenfalty imsentipting the eubjeot, subedited ampere sorer ing some forty pages of rarsameipt. which we or dered to be printed, • , ';,!'.' • . ' . A restitution tema adembrd that the Japanese Com missioners be Melted to viii oar mamma endbigh. schools, end a committee of/dye 'Controllers, and the president and seoretary of the Berard were ap pointed to confer with the Council ctomalltesin rs• . gard to the subject. Adjourned, , . , . , ATTIN.Ff SUICIDE.—Ort 'Monda' even_ big ajronng woman was obiertwl set of id:apish:l herself into the river Ideboodri, near Vairmount She was arrested and taken to the Fifteenth-ward station-hooss, where she-still re btiintK ' She was nuel;ie to tell her some, and' It Is the opinion of the Moira that 'go was ditalig. - Her na the is supposed to be Mrs: Q. Widellielk, as ticket for the Beath oni4imiserry,nall kudos that name, was foundin kir seeket.' The unfortunate worm an is' of genteel; eppeuranoe, eat apparently shout thirty iitati of age. _ _ AN MOMENT 'AT .;FAIRIIOI7X3.-= MM. day evening a min,"nained Thorntoe, fell flaw One of the stone arches at Fairmount, and was mime ly injured. The arch 1 ballt Over a redo* on die aide of the bill, and is a portion of the "slas. tir beaatifying the park: Mr. ThOrnten was taint to his home. InAhle connection, it keine well t o "State that these *reboil are now left tri a sanstari pored and dangerous condition. Belton other ao cidsiate ensue it would be well to have them war minded with a salting. - - - A ItINWI. r ProFpocrxis.o6 GitelOrt. known :'as "Old Jack Blimp," and "pmeamine • very adtaasive polite_' reputation, and - William Brady, e young man, ad a hearty; yaatarday as the charge of Stoking pocket. as isashbitTheostreet wharf. They were both committed t 3 answer James Wilson and William Williams wary prates ,day morning, held in theawat of 11; 004 iit 0 :**Swir 'the charge of picking Rockets_ ItEOOVEST OF &OLDS' GOODS.— Some di:ya 'taro lade, named Burke, and Stnitt, ar noted and committed on the &ergo set Ani pti gg tie imnimiselen of krolibery. teeteaday limn* 11dr. ,11 John Georg* ideatillad a gold •e n*, and brissalst, as leaving been atellmetreli Wien& oct: MAO street, bolo!, Ethiopia, ,whtek - wair b r o w lato and robbed acme three iteite dad% ag tt figuipoood, by the two lade. - Aprraia—AN a *go quantity araope;,,apposaa,t e kl bin r e b ee lli s t o l en mat taken frimi visa- stillisa.:lllllllaas Eyspil ! In k llir M I Yrift: ' ifi! ;kith it In Vs oasi mitted by. Altlennim Dials, and th• tape .wale tit owner at the Bitmaid• Marta atetimelmee.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers