S fi s` ~ ~: , - c - .# " Aktfigigi°4. ' • vitimap - t - , iii ' omikertomeisibillaiiiViiiiatiWritiiiir Boa- Larfruk4ll"9l. :~``==~tL~a7lf~illY"~O(fllf_Br`' .''-~. - = 8 .4 - IVA 1r. , : - 131 , 114132105M1 1 % , , • ' I 1016#0: 00410111.1 104ibti sii*001 :10 kaicii01p' are boo eier,Adiscamt 11 4 N -1 - Of Othiliim , - • -.-stountfleettim .m!***Nwit,mit , m4t!faw , ,,, V u tiitC,? .t rol i O NlD l gk aPt i 9 00 talk • ,%- .l O# l * AN ##t` •; ' • , , .1:5 • :10 1 ' = "1 11 '111 600 , - " "rolohl.d0.02itnit 411 .. Alsotinibr remitarthaio or losbi,iks fat 1110 d t 13.64 k 1860. , '";'`1141109; MO. •••%' •• • ; - gapousunorwispirimigtori* otipv: :1 1 040(4 1 9 0 .ipioambowlikliett« 16 ...• " - - -1 , ?"4" . ;,` . MEE EMtitW.!eo S'T S SW: z!. 1114 An et thi, 1 • 61 05 - 101 ' ti'lridgMb •141140.thointeo' # Wm of Moroluiati 1 1 110Wirteldit 1107" by NOW elm, Will do h*aft on kno bilbto pozeisiousg oloewboro. - 111. • • !N.-:si:IOUTS:/BOOND STagliTg . - Bodo* MOW Wort, BO - ley Btry 1"P BVY'I OLDlAtiarAtvgama mum simensis, —t - 01.111;b44111PSAMT L ANIt = •PPOT 141 7, 1 , 11 -. OLD tALIMIP SuPoirrAsallanuTik crIT 410,X1Orr STORN.: vont& vfitops *EDUCED. ; : pulgota; wow N1C41048.` NOOkt riumui FM*. 11011...#1114-#,tiirril, ricrruNg,ltivis. CITYWerIr.r.w,TOSS; . . 'ittseMrSou.oll 'HATS;' kaufool,lb4 , WoolX- , lrs.pBotB.~ tt ...oiogiramiAtfaTe,. • UtritlV, BtNit ;10,110.13 7 /01.181k CAPS, inloo;ilt,' , VOOD; ateginet.' HORS OTC 11 PA Z f i roeHOSS ' • "=' - 'llll N.; ANCIT ALL AND STRAW AjOON : O4,tI4:AND HATS; , o , - `P r 47l llll 9k# 3l ia; ; ThikatiletaitionlisiOxlSßVlisilidni Alrillt MD& huge Rid vaned Napa et *est 4 ER:ht4R4AT , :irtS4I I « . * 4l - I 140 - 414:P Ott r, z omit apresw "kr 41,.. ,0,14 - 76 - mtrp*N -- it bow 1111401103; ^ RAMS - KIP - 4 -% KU. frx. s sumo issaAveroistirre. sr: *nu* (loon, 411111111 , 1M11, ss o mmutolveiss.7 ,: Si ssi , - Ifew 466 guid 44114N1C 14T Fruit : 401 ttpfroutooost outemturstrail wriaorshll,*,turaittrf w.carbrOmed:AUDlTiffleA, ,f). *Di jmitsio. taitabstmnik famaNiatt 10, 1 14 4 AM sk, Odle" 11 44 6 ' h •,.• • - Pill Or, 4111.11070.11nakti,; :lOC, MUT girir ttlai 111L4 - 11 • f .t.h! °ls T Am A L IF a !; lIUTIA. UAW 1000 p 860 : 4 44PAT .fttirmq 41PCIAT/tIIO . N >ll . AXD 1,6141itied4166* - 41iithilWillfil;1114 ea)fedr;24 i:OPeriet IWO* Atitil. tifitgio Yormtakeet of Oil Int .H 25. avN - Drunaifst Orialb Cloths, sad guttlisb D0w , 11104 Ile.. AWN ail 'avow of 0 40U4 3 0.A.KATT4 4 ,e.ortilsrunksidtir• L siiimi . -10104000,1 1 10:010 1 sa . : 41,rtt. o v:AWlATAßllVtleitep o tiliC,lll44l* . , 71 0 ,- 41, - IllAiliiio4llllk-144,1101M1,T#LED stidiutr! ,s r - f 71% , -iivisisEND &co j, o Rir. • 1 11111101111 1111;111 STAMM hiWit'aWiiioW7 - 00# w Aftlit ;^ ! tt - 111111114* ilmheitc4 i • _ : ing9* Veg - - . % 44 ' VLSOTIMIIIIMArt 4 . 1 r . _ 'ci , ,Amoommemt4wwiteir4, - ,,, , pp,tr; _•1_ 1 ,4 - . 5 -;If -' 2114 . 4040 - 14718111,i• -•' •• 1 BINSOZ681: •%i 121111/11;PLIV rat 01 111 , 414 - 144e*, , , ~t;;r~j,~s~;^i~llllrC(3jElCr~'~1i~I~ils~i~ c ~:. ; ~,:-!,f,nkittriliagajtk-MOO II4 tY _ - ,:. sot= O*MP A -r•••• ~,•,,,, • • • i i r li ot t i oc O t , v o r Alo custi t4 3. • • (• i! •-• ; ;.! I ' ' '.3: 1"1141014 :10 littrnareASosl' l•-• ,K~.. MrfITI INGRAIN A i fit/ • ',;--.. '- ' '''-- 4' 4 ,... '. ' • ' -- ' \ % % i a ...,,., . , a . , q ,,,, t.i. ,,, ;C , 05Uki. i,ei c,- ,, ,:,_• -- ; 1..-. ~., .•f , I , 'Sr :: ' .:,. f - , '• '•• '-- " - ' - ..• ';' 1 - • r: .` . - !•:. .. ~ . 1 ., n .,. 1 ,, .., •,. „ , ~T ., , ~. ~.. , f .._ • , „,..., , ~ , ~ . . . xr.thikr.,..••• •j,,;;. ,i , i. .. . , ~„ N i,„ l i r a "1 , - V. , ~ • - . . - - '... t VOl l i i " ,-... ,:. , • - :...A,.. iertfr' 'i'' r; : •'. :: -.,.." q.,... ..,-... •. •,,• • , • .• . • ~,, - -. cm• a , ---- 1,,.1 , -4‘ ,*„ ,-::. ~- I', '1 ~, , - , 0 ,-.• 3. ...-., -, • - -, 4 7, 4 it g - --- k ? ,''• ''''-- -.. s Oq \ ' lo. ' '- ' It, ',.'-'; 1' - 'l' -, - ''' - - .' 14- , •, . - ..) ._. 4 . -. ;*••• • •_• •,,-. .• _ ,• • -•• •.. r.„ ,c,,„ „, I --;:: -~., NV.' ' - 'i - . Ir. ---. llft --. ' r.ia ' il ' .tu / 0, 1 .1 , j 1 . ' -I` -' '; - ! . 0 , : i ~, -, ~, 4 , 1-., • 1 i •".- .- ' ;•'''''• .115 \' t .„;., 4 7,74,411‘1 11 ; . ..."..;4: ~,.' L lll4,Wi r i.;:: : # l ./ 111 : ' r . - i - -,..4.11611!: • . 4. - il-. U. ',4 0; '-' r • NMI ..).• 0 I Al). •44 ,.., [ pi l l ~i yf i l ~, , 7 ,' ; - ‘,'' . — ..)..?.a1',4- - ;::}..;::-.,r 7 . . ...''W ,, , 444 • • - ,7: - : ' ":„4.11 - '',.. .., , , .._ ~ ~..7, ~..,, ~...,,..„ . ..4,. -7 :-.. ••:, r • i d .., _ ~,,. •• .•'•”- -:' ••-.- '.- •,, , ;•;.<;•fr.,?),-/ •—_,2 — `4‘)....4' • ------'-, -2 ' "NM ~i 5 ',, hirc ), . 9 '... , - ' ntyl , •,, --...... •...,) - -•--. ,!:'4l/0. . .": roach Eal. .T. ~.....444,- .-,__.,.. ..-4 - w git . ~.•• • .13: 0 11 ,._,_,_,_.-. , p . a . 6 W. _ „,,.. 41" :,.....-- 74 4 r. r ..• ' /C6 ). "4 , -_ dl.-- - :.- --...... : -. " ----4-. -• r''..." ' 1 r --r .-- '' . s . , 7 ...„,a j a iFor a Ch ' .-, C. .:,' ,' t • . • —_....----,... -- . 1 •., , . 1 , ; 14ctratOpf . . _ . • i : ,1 1 , Illir ' • l,of - 3 1 . V9L. : 30,410..23.1. 'comstissi!os uouszp. NVOLFra'av acs ..—;„ - IrJ1.9LBBA.Lx 4iAmparowe oni.OLOTR AND NATTLNO - WAiREHOUSE. ONZISTNIIT EITNIZT. or ON NT4 MATTiNOII,4iNg Milvid.f.o4loll .4 whits sad • AgedViactheal sintunp, clOkaslgli lug SWleiriX) IkAZA4D, Jt HUTOUINION Osirrrivr odiOtutkosiroacaulas riff Val Wu.% or iIIwIELPt-tiA-NrAips 'GOODS. 'SILKS , &UDIALENS I . „ • *tuLLIWArNE & BACION,. _ . Xo. CHERTNUT, "ram; , Soo, Peres Meat antosla , reeigied lop rash of 011411 GO WOOLLEN& Wetan,to the aothisigitid ScOmil*W.s4aficiiiiirli'sra:44 fdlowlot Sii'Llar elailiss' km:l , oupEN, ism ces.v.? whose Kilt kuialset, on - Ainrraum " lialdriYtionia, i iiii,l46l44munve.'ol2l3llllosll,lPAll - do,. 11144idieb. 814 Marlitssiid TRI COTS; SATIN OR 011111141, BLACK SLUE EIATII.III. ;WN BACE 404% MAC& Mg, VSL I ( ETB. MICK W 'aid IPAACtir etLY ' vEeTINOd . ` tai ;Its - Jig 'etioiroi'aiiiaitoiad 'kw was 06 isit;riagi• aft, - „ - E - 1.4* IN G. COFFIN, & 11.' 011119M17 :STRUT, (Mr by ill, Piekngo, tb• following AMERICAN GOODS Of itspdord wakes AM to pest Ter!eti 0P.;PA207, apsimak', AND: atewx enirrix9e DRILLS. 011.7ABOROS ' RODIN, AN) ':TRIPLIi. otzwurr *am sualiiis.mm IfANICOAM Coa o o- 6 0NE1 4 via 0 1137 " LIM ": *MO", &MVO/LT- =AM, AM COT: TONADiSiI. ' _ALL-7ocaiAnzi mum oupy.t. PA*or VA*O44., A 44,0 Air*xiXED Dot4llo1 1 0f. 041.881 MERES. TWZBille CLUllinkarklL is.. &O• HOOTS AND '1311D68 BOAKEO#3 BROTHERS. ' -' I II[AIId,FMNIDAIRI AND 'NNOINBAAN OTT4ANDIIII3I=I-AWDS -1300TS'A/415, aww 101 , 64311 ,00 .. so.,Ert was" • . < • LEVION.-R&BINi, &i 00.. SOOT &ND MOO yfisanovai_ • •• -ALAN ltdrAto TOE , T . 105111.1111019' Nun, pitihAimpia*. et* )1( so Anos, latit• Olt iiOniO4*::9 , ' SoutionOlad OrolltifiVtlimrs h • „ „ ... res4lll, UURLI4AL V;ERPER:4I I -1 0 ENNERi • 4 •' = ' Iniouiaux 131VLBRELLIA ;:• 4ltif •PatailiOL itairciAcTOusus, — llr. saekpiltgr,lo4Nr " • - .Z. -7 :i: ;'' • _ —•• toinse:rtrikattsintrft,f %molts:: SIIPIRIOR :11.11PRIGICHATOR8, . Mom flowed Idnda. CitladtENW 010$ AND MUMMIES. hi Groot Whets. ; LIFTiiRL isnaigne Caipiptisad Maeda, tIfILLJAM. YABNALL'S HOME TUBNIEfIihiG STORZ, No ; ieati thprannr , trripsr. flitesiduitoir mods the IMAM, of Pita Allot: :: . 'SHOE • riNDiNGII,C.I :.JOHNS - Bs" 09N. '• '466 Ivor, SHOS, end 041121 E MATERIALS, • AMMO. ,WA 1 414 01( 11. • R 1 A 8111113,14 rArilari LBATW L , _ • nEma Kr* mono, - . • `.•71. ooze= somas m ALOE DRY senwir: Nuarin.Nti, ' rs' 'PEDDLE;_ '•„ - . '' 44LMAXOI { 9 41 : 00'9 x-14:e1116. 14111913711W0US Erzigni, 60, hisH.ist. 'haw& AisiOstak linotrinirdadesbis ONION vista tag e NV,l D drin g ot, ONTO, ' PARIS AND CANTON 0111 Asowearto Amain AAA Weasel Troia, to whkO we. ONNAtis Amstar et ibevelaas bums. • • • tiNtihn ,• ,, f,;,'SEIr p./CON: Ay - .' :SWEARINGEN 1,1121111/611417,'' :21 . :t; 7. I_ L , • • tYO I. I . CrirTGOCiDS. 6Msp AiM441511 - 16,4411Mi r ti c rt, Mgr. • ''"L'AVIVIVD 1 N 0.11. 3 Aitar.amatt WoolatratiM4V4ildir & CO., me. ye MI go NORTE IFOBRTII smirr, sownwelfkkpbf kkotifil4raftivals fro*Ba. foffilikke : 1P,11.-1 4i a rit? o if 914 ignot;pois,-.Np 08BILAIN . HOSIBAY; swum: AND SMALL WARM INIk Thr.-.m emo nt 1 1. = 4 4. tt inkkaW• At .1111 , 11CULLII IMO Ire -BoVirmite l t AND itorlll4 • • • • ffkilm WALTila'. / 4 - V.14 - N6 (Juotti Boaltiirt'Az SPOOL 'COTTON larirgrrati 4 C4oolllllO4 or bkokroiis a lkif. ,p 4 ty r ozetisran /. ;IA L), yy ~ 11.10114, B HOWELL, Olf pklldddlhla ?.. USTDIATTI,24OB eti ll te# l . o . l ft ' '• 7. TL 41- JOBD,ERX. 8:11 - WL t 3 . .7081:1t7A. L. HAIL. NO. 218 MAitICET ST.. isnrse ATlTanzoi • AIMPEND Assantste - r 13 1 ,1"-E ! 1.4 S "5. PRINTED AND BROOKE ROEDER& la Black and .Colored Ceara; . 'BLACK DE LAME 'DRAWLS. MODE DR LAME DRAWLS, BLACK bkiIIMEIIE BRAWLS. , • inciDEGAGErAERE • ,PItiNTED CASHMERE SHAWLS. BLADE THIBET DRAWLS.• - MODE TITIRET SHAWLS,' - BLADE RIGION-BOUND BRAWLS. MODE RIBBON-BODICO BRAWLS. BLACK PILL• PAINGhD SHAWLS. , BAREGE SATIN STRIPE ISRAWLSi BLACK CASBMEKBtONG BRAWLS, BLACK THISET LONG SHAWLS, *MOORE WIG SHAWLS, ssOuRE SQUARE BRAWLS. • caiLpitztos SHAWLS. • Praia - the grist' • • , AUCTION SALES. • PAR BELOW TR3 0135 T OF IMPORTATION. 1 1 14 U ' - • , • '& CO, MARX*T BTREET, ntroznms Ann roams or • CLOTHS, OAI9I3IMSREB, Have now on !Mod a large and wall-wileoted stock, :wig.* they are grimand to sell at the lowest market 'tribes. A. 74F. LITTLE & 00,, SILK GOODS. tom No. 1126 MARKET STREET. jr, - ;7iiir l :44lll3 . pS dr, BONS.' SSI MARKET RTREBI . Arinaw - SPRING •srock OF GOODS • Adapted to . SUE N'IS, W.F. A R . In whic;ll will be Sound • RA asiortment of (MOTES, DOBAKERL, VFATI.IdGe, TRIMMERS, ko. -fables . _ • GRANT, ./k CO., aII'ORTESSAND IVE4EiLitI.4 ,DEALERS 111 °LOAM OAKiIthiRES VpilTM3B, TAILORS' TRIMMINciS. No. 8331111A8M BT JET, (Up Stain,) ITO OW °tomtit ti oit Iforini eta* to wilted they 111- Mt 091 ateratios of the trade. . &Men $. ST.KWART '&1 ADO.. IBLVOR:TERB AND 101111F.Ril OF SILK 'FANCY ma paws, atm& te a aamw= cfP I P 14 .6" ," thr , Ma g —SYSIIMMI • " 31pypa=irczelva. the „o.4,,,maxerow.=airatilihr Ficoa-B.g,tA.4BoNaquiioNis. „ . STREET, .IDv WAR:IEIIT R (8660 ad door bolo. Fotutb,) . , 1111/0 r a 1i..14: a i r 11131.01243 1. 01 24 leaotot , , brk_.. I pp isre troak6o II u vuuri Du . ,ithfr • riskafid au th is sohasiyt .6 ftoaf LGEft 8 omoorstoo. make or iou6 re oi l ? g e ttr i I . 'fit geOrltikirds: S.PRING, 1860_ p D zingegri,m, • 11 1 .7. 1 Minlits" w'D Y. owiszttil, &rll4 IL FosTaa. - R. WOOD, - ALLEM, A HAY WARD, inunders atat Akoliosle blasts in . DRY,CiOODS AND OLOTHPICt, - • SeSdka •No. 309 MARKET ittreA, P144413A15, W,URTS„ AUbTIE. 41 MoVEIGH. ' . ziarisvnis ANN'Josisma DRY.,Ci 0 0 DS, ; No. NIARNT alms% enr ial gte", M _ ' • 1' oVsigh, MUMMA. din It larer: " fall4lat FITHIAN. JONES. & co. WHOLESALE DEALKELB roBEIGN AND DOMESTIO Y GOODS. . 1140 BiADIET sxitzwr. Irsw WON Mowing Inky der to • ttrn AND - NEAR TRADE. 148-11 co giaPtEl,6ll, ituE. & - - BP.Pottereof DIENS, - - • " rum eooin, - LAWN. and smasposarse, . . . , tack ?of KOK= STREET. - L • ar,r per sopeent stook, eehMed In the boat Ern:roar Mathias 'by Mrsedrece. Is the most complete we have yet effitoot ' 41101-em GAS FIXTURES. pIIILADELPHIA GAS-FIXTURE WORKS. WARNER. AUBREY, dtt MERRILL. lIANV/AC i tVilll6l; STORE No. US CHESTNUT STREET, PIITLLDEI.PILtA. WARNED. * 47.3 C 36 WOl4 mipiitrally Ishvm OA 011410 that Thor 000tinoo to soialitiatdro ell kinds of 'On MOE& LAMM - GIAANDOLES. BitorizEs. 'And that their large and .varied atooly oomprtiee the alreeleat sateen as the most elaborate materna, designed be their Freneh artiste. They also keep at theft' More. Ne. 679 2110 A ttIiVAY. a large and fall amortment Elan their meaufamered goods. Dealer* and others are in vited to mill end examine. CHARLES F.. TAGGART, 1. B. KNORR & Co.. Importer end VPliotesete Dealer in ,BRANDIRO, WINES,'Cliat, 44. i 306. brands . 014 Itlenonasheirt, RD. end Berubon WaIErILEY eonstently on hand, at • 444. w en MARKETAtiUt. PRINCE IMPERIAL CI H A IVI P . A'aN E, 'FROM DE VENDOR* CIL EPERNAY, FRANCE, _ . mold by'au Derveotabis Dealers thronehout the &Minty. This-fine brand of pliertlkAGNK. wMan 'into the lisat44Mr Was oonked exohouvely to the newt tables of the Continent, of E ,, rope, has now obtained the moot unbounded wooer and poententr In this eountryi It te reormnnended by some of the amt. phymobtne of the oitr of New York, over alkother wines, on eeoduht of is e 4. Wein, purity and debaser. and those who ono* try It retell_ use aur ore r trg.aid :ii .a , ttiougb rll.l ono yetlll , r....trvesiztot,rs-zd ti o tl i s i,y-y e ,tio Fil r o . ; 6,l- 03 Vi Er al l i e n i r s trl l ittra h r , d 2A st ite ermine' blob , ) et 'ndand. Th...er in ee Mueermlis imporLedypledy bine, w be the the Ole Weente of deer% peSplllt i S,o. n te e 4 .......„ _ . .v. A.. vv. A . ...,, Nocriet,riatd eiti BROAD WA .'New ork. . field ' , wt./m.OIAI, iv. . . " _ REEVES, 4-. DUAL,_. - .. ,wiwovn ft.: < • • , Ane .114.,i ;tt - 7);1 ma. ' nittOKLMAKING MAUMNiddidki9h r y piiitAttp,A= 11 1 t749Mlr, BEMIEI M.44: 1 ?...rf11. 4.O.MN,PAYi• - Arlig."',, rt,',P3o). 111 RD TRE ETI-1 . °BIM. KO 8 CEI 1860. . 5P 444 *.i2 - 186 U. , --now GOODO. , i • RIEGEL,- .13A1110;. „09.. 12APORTMEN ANN • ; FOREIGN -AND AMERICAN • DRY .GOODS. • NO. 47 N. THIND.OTRY.Nif • .t.PHILADRLITIA, OiNed.kl 4.r4titt'ally (onto, ttiostteeNco ottiountri Metelist:ito their_. _ , LAIIE - ANN wzu-sstax-rn ow* OF , /4421140 GOODS, WhiohCiArirs AA! tirlinkiA Montt , , to Fall sod essouno ooritoolt. „ fe.S-Ota 1 86 0. 13-F, AB6O. J. T. W#Y & 0 1 0. 4 , • xmporran AND WHOLMIMX DIMX&ES TORBIGN AND. DOM* DAY la (5 0 ti` No. PS NORTICrifIRD frt." An now ready foi tlami Eit P ' - ia prepared to sr, to ewe , ana prorePt ek menths Boyers, one of the - - - 401.11,0413 - „ri AliD • • ltl ele °wintry. slid as Priam Liguria stowisti *ow, notlinly i¢ tlink bat in MIT other Pon:amen will Mid oar • of the year: i WAIN WIC P. WALT, ' • TO M RO HANT iS ..BOXSO MOTO ANB WIHDOW MAIM. t A , n 0,/t" 1! mAritrreetritits or orwilikivii, • 146 NORTH THIRD *TWEET.' kllll.Abittill'lL - We Invite the attaitiol'of denim to oar lone stook of FLOOR, TA tiLR, AND .OARRIAOR OIL OLM/B. WIZEN OLAZI-D 011,' CAMBRIC, • beantifal ankle for Shades." The listsert- Mk* of WINDOW BRADRS. and BUFF RoLLrng market, it mie niece whlok Demean:' • fea-mm Y A.RD.431.1.L1M0RE,;&c39. rms.* Wed NORTH =RD Idiu AND DEALERS IN' F 3 I L • - FANCY DRY ,GOODS,' WHITE GOODS, LACES, LINENS; EtISROIDE; MEL HOSIERY, GLOVES, HIM AND fea 4 m ONATCI4 •, , AILIAN 000flI. WN. g. ?AAIUN: N: ACIAI. D. W9ll. COOPER,. PARHAM, it WOItIC., lALPOILTARS, 31/1/11TPA Or OTURBAS. AND .101 HATS. nb 0 AliSl3, STRAW 'GOODS. , NO. 31 NORTH TtRD STAEST..4 — . w sir Ckm!teatly on hand • ens EtigWaeta:itan•ma •=nnolm7•l net Trisnannice, Al•Otiona Ar s,. /e ea, . .. „ ... . , . • , .. • • v. Mepotteri And Wh013 131 31: 4 3431 ila • t - 1.31311, ENDDDIN. AND trisE4).CA.li .. , • • ; SHOE , TO - REAI-DS. ~,_, FRENCH, AND. ENOLlitt LAOTINtse i i i l., „fi r Nirlfir l a t ifieTAlMV l VOT T 11. ..... L 3. Ac. v • SOLN A 0 EATS ,'POO Okiney's olkibrikad IX L Matte 311 k. and DrAeld's Patent 333 t Tress. ~ ;_._-, Street. ' MAR SOWER. -BARNES. CO.; BOOKBELLBAS • rvsztammas of, , raurows MAPO AND !* . e. EMMONS' GEOLOOV; . maw Nooktimit Aarramsinaci - SAMIARIIEJFIFILDERS, ,-I/7 NORTH.T474IO 8173.0,: bekreviroh attlistt; halts LOOKING -GLASSES, PORTRAIT AITD , PICTUNk 4 FRANS, ENGRAVINGS. OM PAINTINGS. Act.. ike IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, WHOLE SALE AND , RETAIL DEALERS, • FARCES' GALLERIES, ABBEY & -NEFF. NO. 306 NORTH THIRD STREET, Hail sow Iti stores moot oompleto stook of HARDWARE. • of late harbortetutrt, and Anverioao mem feature. whinfi they offer •to the NEAp. TRADE oil the very b.et Wolo f are-tut MOORE. HEN biZEY. & 00. HARDWARE, Na •6y NAHUM end 416 130161412N011.4b0tt0 TRUIT, BRO., & CO:. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, U., ase hEADERT STREET, 520 BELO* SIXTH, NORTH BIDE, te&-furfrem ' ' PIMA OULPITIA, & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HENRY OOY, Agent, N OREBTNOT BTREBT, SECOND FLOOR, hiaohlitee, with Opihatore, on hire to Private Families. Bast,l OP/ICES* I Wont STATE •Etreet, Trenton' N. .1. OERTRAL BIZOARE, Beat on, _W I L 0:os & ortitts , SEWINO MA. Ca Ott—The great and Increasing 'ileinand fm Vi 11642 bpa' Sawin i e%alum, It a tutrantes °f ir ifpne t wawz..arTr6llsl.l°4l4Yeti 'SA &0., ko. TO FARMERS. PHOSPHATIC) GUANO FROM SOMBRERO ISLAND, WEST - INDIES. - • RICHEST FORMATION OF PHOSPHATE OF LIME KNOWN IN TEE WORLD. itoontajos OM 80 per rent. of Bone Phoophitn of Limo, 4114 10 wow. richer In Phoiyhao of Lippe than Bone Rut. FOR BALE BY THE TON OR CARGO, AND TO FARMERS. AT if 4 PER _TON OF 2,91)9 , L89, 40S. .13.'HANSON & Co, Sole Agonts'ln Philadelphia, m69..finir-fm Nn. 39 NORTH WATER MOM. &maw, to PARAIERS AND G A RDENEE.S.—The pubteritier hex now on hand a terra lot or °ENV f Nig POI/ OftlfiTl'a'i of a superior quality. Nyman will iw b6 ,l 7 l. l lie d titontt:e_ljoiirweirit in n an s h il p o.p rio7. Wa w n e e r n t l an t t u ed qu to a g ii t t v y e WM. 'I IMAON , Second errant. one square above'tbe first Tan Gate. °Moe. No. 1313 North Snooze! - street. above Franklin avenue. ' moll ..Ine GNTLEMEN 11AVINO C U TRY SEATS and GARDENS, who have rot fulfilment manure of their, ow, or actor are desirous of a auk* growth and large and n early aro; of vootaldso, been (dm l awn and c rawl jiat. d what they need lo 01/D4 g 121 , IRE LnDI AIV UFA gruftwoOllMPA Tklu fertPiser is, peat, !windy, without. odor, rioted ' arm , boners. nod Win adtfOntogn snot g_,Tll4ro d y l =l:::a:Ll:lty l lair i'1.41,41„ I o t saran .twkrelorot over rent 111 itfier. - ! I f tA a-A*4 IP f4lll r ly; •t 4 • MOST EITOOIOt.I - l * . P 4 V{T.4Tr LOOKING ti LASSES. JAXES S. EARLE & SON, 010 CILEtaNUT STREET, Philadelphia. HARDWARE. CUTLERY, end OITA WA: BROWSE, PHILADELPHIA. SEWING MACHINES. FERTILIZERS. 'PREPAMED:CLUE. 'SPALD.Lisidr'S PREPARED '(3-1;t1E! fiT/TISII IN TAIIB lIAVEA NINE." BOONOMY ••' S • Din' ATOR AVE MR _PISCES As ar outset; wilt, Arnirien, CM* he torit-iteirliired fartitici, it 01 yeti desirable to Ifni* setae chesiniia nonventent ws7 idt repairing FOrnatue,-Terit,'Onooke SFALDINCi'Ff PREPARED GLUE matte NI nioldr emergenelee, and no hineehoki can ennui to,be without It: , It is isliraxe ready ited,ok.,tittlieh,- tupt,ol4:, There temp longer e,ruteematy , ohafrti, splintered, vermin, headiest gene, and' broken erndhie. urinirt the - arable foroone *I ottisz, orrierplutal work, popular with of r 412 sm" l , and taste. " Thu admirable preparation is Used 'cold, Wet eh*, lowa, held Insolation, elo poweeine all the vantage acetifies ,tho be,“ dabincOnakene"fflue:' kuityl,a alioil'in' the vixen` USEFUL KOtOtT.4 6 /$1‘" . . 1 . • 1 11 . 11 1 ' .*hiPit , lrOlitneatiies 7 &anti bettt e: TWENTY-FIVE pErite. . einicii sate ihybot:i lON al CEVAR: 6 4•00 4 ,110:0k , , • HEN nozEm EokNow Put tip for Dialini Ciluti poitAtioaf Itif,4l4l*, ad Mut% dossit,'SbeautiTat - LitWirmado Escoar r oon a 54 19mD",v1" Rata P9 I INI'I 't • IETNA alns i bottlO , • • SPALDING!S rILIM'ARED GLUE, R. viii asvb taws its Post annually to 'eAtf !Wambold. , rigolti t gi Prom:lent Ststioners. Druggisfy li ird *nits d Par attire • Demon, , Orobers;• said . Aa' 'l3Ountrf l'elPieduma shoal! nukes sided; - SPALDING'S. PAP'ARED - when soaking up their-11d, , STAND iiiiOLIMATB.' die;myrf-y • ,' 1 MERCHANT TAILORS. E .. 0. THOMPSON. ! • . TAILOR. 00R. By.VENTIt AND WALNUT STREWTH: • , r • Clothing =tide TO °RDA onir• • 'A Fins Stook of Alsterfils tawny' on hand. • ' , ..11•1—Stra+te vioiting 'the City , are sotiOitod to :leav,o 'Cult; njulti. fin 9TA'çIONERY. LTA.OSS, BROTHER, & C 0. ,, - 430 MARREN' STREET, STATION - 48, A 1.4) • , BLANK-1100K MAN 1311 . 21.tit8ER13, i *ear's large mid well-seleated stick, IMPORTED: DOM/ESTI% and of tlieir cam, MANUFACTURE, Virkolbeife and - Retail' at the tiny loweet,priees, . :B . 1.414 U. B_OOlV,B On hand in large auantßy, or made to order, of 'AY desired slattern, of the Tarp best materiel and Work; manship. , We are et:shied, nom our extended facilities to offer superior inducements to purchasers: A roll is solicited.. HATBAND CAPS. EIOOREIS & DAVIS. -fr0.:517 ItARKEII STRZBT, SIARCIPAOTURERS OP, AND WHOLESALE ORALERE ROIL WOOL, BILL HAMMERS, PPRAW, AND PANAMA - HATS. 4A.111. lioNwra, BLOOMERS, RUCHED, PALM ik Irta,ow . soon& ARTIPiCIAI ?LOWERS, to, reatosathallyT Invite 'the attentida'a ',Nal 'and r 60 1 .11 larulit,OnMia Ritirjpos !No4 wAngastri 'PAPER ; itANGOIGOI;' ; T° :` CLOSE ' HART, HONTQOMERY, & ob., O. 122 'CHESTNUT STEM% Witt sell oat, Wealth thiii tinter and next tering, their largetstook or PAPER IA AN:II3FIN 03 . 113. ontisting of !weir variety conneetelitrith the basins* AT' OR34TLY i!all)II0.12D MOB% LtCS Ritmo PAPER AT psn. CENT; BE- Winne venting their House' Papered. ors get great • • BARGAINS. Mt! I . OIIINA 'Alai QUEENSWAHE. WRIGHT, 5M1T14.6 OHM& GLABei AND QUEENEWARE. .1047E431.MA • AGENCY, WAAL 'lf AILS, fte., delivered from. the Pardon' AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES; owtrni BVILDINO, No. 6 North FIFTH Shoot, fia-fmw Om PHILADELPHIA. BOYD Lis:. ,STROOD. IMPORTERS a; JOBBERS, Awe now on hand a complete Stook of QIC3,EENSWARE. GLASSWARE, and FRENCH and ' • ENGLISH CHINA. At their 914 Sts_nd, N 0.92 NORTH FONNTIf four door. l/00W merchants' Rote!. to wlttoh they In itfte the attention of W1101ANP•411 !MIKA& ivy - MIKA 1/04 PIT VIBORG MARL feS-em NEW • YORK ADYERTISEMENTS. I k UOUST BELMONT & CO., • • BANKERB. YORK, t Letters of Credit to Trimliers evadable It ALL Mad OF. TIER WOkLD, ,111100011 TIM &18M& RDTILSORILD, • Op ARM LONnetv, FRAIVIIFORT, VIENNA. NA PL 6 SI~ 6 AND THEIR CORRESPONDENTS SFB-m BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS, /So. la NORTH SIXTH WritHET• le the most extensive UlSMlNOttlter of VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest tiro finest assortment in the city, at the lowest griefs. STORE SHADES made and lettered. SAPPrwillg oromptll attended tn, av3-43n) RUPTURE TRUSS, WHITE'S_ PATENT LEVER. Ildlanted at NEEDLE'S, TwELP-ra and RACE threats, Philadelphia. age send for n Yamada.. "IFIN .001-9 m n 3L SIIEW 4aoo PHOTOGRAPH FRAME DEPOT, No. SO BOUT.lit Above Chetb.,,," Tide le the only tietahluilimen: the eity devoted anolusivalf to PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. A create, varlet; of OVAL GILT F ItAridEtt on hand than oat be found in any one eetabltehment in the United Staten, ion prices lower. 'Si Brine your Photographs, and have them fitted eidinTit wefta ahargov. mry9-8m PRINTING, PAPER Or EVERT DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED TO ORDER, E. C. & P. 11. WARREN, PIiii.ADELPHTA. PA. M ACEINE SEWING BILK iirstrneete9 the beet article for SEWING fitAqilNES.' Pot gala by the Maeuteohirer, ht the LOWEST B. 1100LEY A 80t? No.MARKET . - OPEL,6,o3.—Ground pure in: On DINOMMISINU • RETAIL BLACK . AND WHITE 'B L 0 N:D N --V A. O'Z' B•. • Hi z t 13 u T ( . 30 , • :` 03' elotrm LIEGOND irrnErr, .111111.0 w SkitlCZ, '7.004 'CHESTNUT , STREET, - "- etiove tzertn;' Celle mammal ettopttear : to . ,the above !total 4, 4 eanag xellat . that BBE„Alf CITY' CO , pup LARGE ANTryARIED ABBORTBLENT BE : , , ' , , • iiirm sr •MANT.EI4,Td. • nOMENADE AND aikFiltiliCiE 0 L-0 A ICS IN IXOLVEI•VI STYLES, crxrurui At tlo PAO 708 CUESTKUT,fFritiIiT. • • , "ift. =!2•11 NEW UTE NEW LA= POINTE.% , ii(ptir2tltoB, Now oistioris taiWarill•likprofouoniii the 76$ CIISEiTNUT BTREEt. it. W. .PROOTOR Ba CO. atiLpTEIS, OAS IMERES; vhsTlN:es, • An worts:lent of the eboe ' et VaDdR.ll3 . St ' STEiLMAIt No. 52 South 'SECOND Etiestotboie CHESTNUT. Sir Also, PLAIN And STILIPBD 61;0*138 for LA ,DIE.r. CLOAKS. • : • . sen-wfol-Seto W . CAMPB E LL. ' No. 1114 , 011ESTNIIT STREET. SPRING CLO&RS AND MANTILLAS xpw , OPENING' DAILY. Frabraolag all the NEWEST STYLES sad Chaim} Nate:tale, at the , LOWEST PRICES. ealt-lm LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. • NEW , GOODS. new 'Wes • • All the new 'Wes now open, mad sonetent l 7reeelvlDS every novels,. ' PLAITED CORDS,'•ALL COLORS. MINER INITTIND HALLS. EMBRoIDEHED CUSHIONS, EMBROIDERED SLIFFERE. • BEST QUALITY 41RETIAND ?WOOL. GILT BRAIDS, VA 1848, AND CORDS. ' RA•PSON?8;" • • isarttitiH_ Goßmaß, EIDIITE AND CHERRY STREETS. "RAY BILK POPLINS®.- W. hive, received One k tase or Glossy Oral F oaLua ; For Diemen end Mantles - Ora, Barrios Amdahl, At 18 - • Pride Earegisa, For Shawls and Mantle,. Gim. Gray TraValleries Gray . A lar nghage tot Or Orgiindy'Robeih • At ei 00 per Rolm. Small Flom:max, SHARPT,ESS BROTHERS. no3o - CHRaTICUT andLIGHTH Sts: IJDIES REMEMBER :WOE .CHEAP Dtp•OrNhb Store of N. V, a. HUNTED. Mi. 40 Pntltlfki Nll Btroot. Opotor g. thit day, entowly new ocrlos of Sommer Milks. 'LOIN Geom. 0p3440 OPEN, Al THE NJNRIYA LIM 1 . 1 Cloak leontirsatory of 8. V. R. HtINTAR, ell K t leo of Noting cloaks—same as low no:B2.'id. sod its. worth double the, money. No. 40 South, SECOND Woe. '' opti C OOPER, CONARD Invite eta ation to the largeet stook they have ever 611 " - ' ° " 19 1:1111141 1 Vi rt •errif cLcimin Of Plate. Ftrisedi t itip 0 1 1othp, all of the new !" Pa red7N'l r lkit l . 'A g ß of n I'llit cihik AWES, and to mallet very reasonable MUM nflat MANTLES • are in Pr TegriViTi b At cit a tail f aig &"' MEN'Efilin BOYS' WEAR, Einbraeine the famine!' viz A neat• rate a) jßlaok • rsok moiler itiaariof a.a p p for eLso. - fl l"T i tite.Vk ° AI& vg - Ajts. Eau°, Caseimeres foT bpung kaata.: Boys wear in peas %Ariel); _ _ LIGHT CLOAKING Cf.o rug. First rate, at. ; b%l4l.llA t tnd sts. ao - U. E. Di INtn and AVlLerelts. )RN LEY & spooial attention to their Btook of— SHAWL& ' DRESR 1 . 40D8. LO OT Haft 'S. BAROIi A OliAI• STEM AND DRESSES. also to the -Mahood Stook n khilkdelphm, o f_ Ereaoh Laos Bouillons.; - • .-• • • krenoh Lace•Piogokinuniee. nem% liatia'Etrgentes. • Preneh Laois Shaw's: Ereaoh Laos Pointee. Frenoh Latta Alantlee. • Primal Laoo Tams, Cambria Laeei. Chantilis Laces. aco., Ito: • BOUHRT Etta CASH -We Invite attention to our Staple good*. Pis - =Best Family and Frugal," Linens.: . ' Veit Shirting, Sheeting. audTillOw Hotline. ' Spring and Summer Elantiele.and,(hteain3efoe, Mixed Clotho. 'Black French Moths: &a., to . Best Rid Gloves, Silk Gir, dickiett. , Linen. Hand Hokin/Alt ner k V i A4llNi & ttsßlNG GARDO Win %TB HARRISON HOILDINDS ! ! , DRY(MODS, ADAPTED TIX.:P111. A. DELPHI& PLAIN TRADE,—.EYRE A. LAN. DELL:POOR - 1W ea'A RCEfatreeta 'heee taieee.no. menaced. &stook of elooda lIN -ADD FT idit N TO THEIR GAY STY W ) of tha first quality , and castor ;deadun-- tzona. adapted to PHILADELPHIA PLAIN Very reat•Foulanda. • Nest Bawd. and Lawns. Quist Plaid Oren Joitatned C. , lorecl date. en-committal Lawn,. estranted Stir le CalloOOL, loda Colored Nilk titan and Neat Ossairreree. lain Mitta. Woven, Bdkre. &o. riIIOPULAR TRAtig.'-- CITY' I,ttTAiL S'ALES.LEYRIC-- LAN DELL. FOURTH and ARCH Streets. bays this seasou, po made it a_int to have etnetCor Good's of the trot qUality;ruid bt the most &l orded good te A at. trAPTEC TO CITY HALES.' Riche? . irc Spring Hil. tncn~rent Flounced R oboe. - Littie lounces, and MAUI of them Groundings, sinner Ginn ordiunrs. Organdies: Eames. and Foulards. nne trgir4ll4.l2if • meek Una Points urn nis kn. 14,111-ti IRISH A fresh irneoicei of SHIRTINO LINENS direot from the mennfari turers; RICH&RDSOX, BONS, & EMDEN, of Belfast, jut received., • These Ooode are selected eapresely for oar femilv trade, sad are guarantied free fr ,- ,nt any natal allure of Cotton, /mass ay? • g gouth NINTH Street. NEW BURLINGTON HERRING, FIRST OF THE SEASON ALDBRT C. ItOBERTB, Dealer in Fini Oroosiiee, apt° Cor. ELEVENTH and VINE Streets, THOMAS eel MARTIN, 217 OHESTNUTSTREE'T, lIAVH FOIL ettll 'A P A Q 11 A G SEAMLE L EO3 BAGEI. Eft ALT; 817R111. 300,Bbla! find 84n , htth. largeNo' 81bick erer!. 110 We: end 43e hr.g< Aqtani": tit tr ved " r VIIVAVTAIgt eo of Va. • • r9IIIT . : „) 11 2.P.V 4 Ng, 111•ACKERgli--3011 Mils. 290 Mili3 qrs. vt4 sro WS* tio. Is just= reqslu=s4l.: mut ,La ,ptitou arta!, For saks by iAtlt 51.1 6 ,:i lt .: 10; MODIDAY,p APRIL 30, •MO: now Orval 141.101krii)litOPAAtlt4 la crease, her,Commerce , t hrough welj; • eti stitin 'ffiriltllteMiit Oh* , Lilies: O' 188) thaltrftnth Govern teitin contracted :with; :Sattottrc Ctutan.n e . Halifax, for a acnol-monthlytiptipine,totdotoon Liverpool and f Ltalifix. andModert. , the Ifde.was anon transferred je, beaus° -Boston' proved' inatiticiiiate'to"the aupiort of the *little line. "This Coittriet=tvita 'weekly with'Mt.' CIiNAED :hi '185(.1, weekly tripe :wire .required, for the , greater portion of, thejear. ~Tholcoohottlykapoti:monthly :monthly ootvlse j X6OOO, $8P9,00 per annum,_ Experience haripidernonetrited ;the greatAolinnerciai, advantages of the line, and tiwntmealgth•alooi of 14n ineFeiuo ettiket 'dy,-,410 • British Govgnment,,,Juarettoed Ape !euh4 l o.-elder the itetv..:9994110,.M109411011 ,explPtilit :14 62 ,19 4 47 8 .4 1 41er11905409. P4t, Annum. 'Nile contract ;1, 40 44441114042i t acvAik4 pyPvide Areekhriervine lrlttter_es welLas In sower ! ;The.. omPettetttlea .for tbia. iserpc,o Jo at the .rok of ale,. lid n Or Thff.C9UtraAW4hithe Wltp e‘4 1 41.***704 ; 1 41l Paeltel 001 1 1 PfIV!I1gteilia 1 eAltti9,le4 a , semi-monthly service the ilsr,es Central America, and 11texic0,4 1 4240,00%,,0r $1409,00,:and for 4serTioe ef„47,2.9f, nauti cal .miles • per, annum. , The.pontoKl was re newed -MAO, I ftud„ogairt MO, ',then •thP , service:lmi ; eAteade4 WAS *ea. increall@d49:4274WKOt thBs9" The. Weet :DOM - service, 40.8.98,482 lollop per! annum, iA Raglormed at the ante of,lQ,e $2.0. - per ,talle. „The .Brazilian .portion,, the , service emhrseeel6,3;BBllnallee The,pay Per, intle,for the, toQe unties, Lk% 10d; or $2.06. , errhe teat:estuarine service of Great Britain, for; the transportation, of the mails, which: cost!, $483,798,- or., $2,918,965, per annum uptil, 186 Q, now ,costs 41,062,797, or ,55,?,, , 33,1:4845,,0i, nearly double the amount:which it cost : 1 111860.! ,There,is, in addition to the two'. linel lore mentioned, a line ,between ;Southampton and Australia, erbetweengloathempteni yigo; Oporto, Lisbon, Ca.diz*attil,Giliildt#,-,lgteridj, lug also to ;Suez,, Bombay, Gaylen, Calcutta; Bong Tang, Sho4 l o l .aei-itn4 SilWINaTe• There are, ogler Bues tatting in ull„the west coast of South itwieriolt and, the,west, coast of Africa. In:fact, whezeyer,commerpocao bees cured, or Braid; InfineW exteilvkiTr.6eiegt! mail steam inarine: ,regulaKand constant id its, eervice,; ~wAile; the „INN; Stiteq,.h si spirit !ANIS fogn/fule destroyed !Mr foreign. mail apzeice,ann tlin4 damaged ,Amezican comutethe, and,gatn,E,pg l , slips advantage , of, our trfule The Lapta herein ,atated tire takezt,frojo the rialcm4l o f. 4 1 0•Liwri# M. 2 6.44.4 41 on the British -piston of iite,ocoan poet, an/ its results. - - , By • Telegraph to The Preee. F-lIRTHgR FROM EtiOPE ARRIVAL . 01 1- 3 HE VANARBILT. The steamship Yetaderhilt, heal 130Uthgtilital op 'the 18th of with - three days' lattfinowtfroth Europe, arrived at Nei-York on Saturday morniai. The Jura arrived at lotverpool' Aprit 13. • On the 10th peered a steamer summed: te be tits Dories, the imagine. the Jura ,ath444,.4 high 'epetoil reg. 'ea. the 4c l ol ffesrts4":°,a-th# 11th 90Cuailes,. on the 12th, 323 .miter, and on the • ' I 14th 330 miles The" Ciriiaislan' a r rived at Oeliii7:.ettitie.l4tit, AlM,...martian' arrived at Oallay'etithe 1a... The'Causdawrrived as Liverpool on the-evening tf, i ty ThaVanadlim , - f ayrd Mill eleimelthr Coinelia hive atiatterad'the' Canard COMpitner new' • etea MAIO. Pareitine, =eed'intend-tri:_deepatek b y ,with the wails for :Qua on the 16th of A4P.Y ne • ENGLAND., Bondi or Coitlions; Monday; April 16 —Oa the order for goinglato Oommittee of Supply; dir Q.- Napier toot . ooottalon to Ord! Kane pm* remar a upon the' navy, extending to' a great variety f Mr. Lindsay oomplained of the inormteed expeii• dilate for the navy, and insisted upon the extras's genes of the dockyard eipenditurea, ie.' , ' • Mr - William's -inveighed- against the enonnoni amount of our naval expenditure--,, , After some more discussion the Ileum went Into a Committee 'of Supply Upon'thirnavy estimate's -A vete of 1.160 250:was ultimately agreed upon fly the Admiralty Me. ' The following votes were aloe agreed to,,after -much- didowation: Tan' Pitob desinid £287.723, for: the _ vaaet guard serviee. ,nav6l eaast volunteer, and ,naval- reserve. 1.64,3,n2 fur the roleiniflo bra!mbh:" " ' ' - The flottee then'idjoumed. •InerspLotoer• Or LORD BaoUnnan Al, Cat CELLO& Or TEE Thrlranerrr OF EntakriOn.-1 e SebtsMan 'wits' authorised• to state 'that' Loid Brougham will be installed on Wednesday the 16th May.,• In ea APPLII.ANCia Or rite COMES.—The 'Morn ing Post says : Tbe- reappearance of the fain* comet of Charleelr- has been announced for next August hy M. Bone, a Batch astronomer. GOLD DISCOVERED" Jr NjlLEra, NEW ZEALAND. -:—The Now Zeals ttd London Ezarritrter mates that Sold •bert,beeztAlsoovered at, the river Buller, on the 'west coast of the province, and is likely to prOre very valuable Correa 'lr New 'ZitALAXI3.—The came jonlif says : Attempt. are now bollix made, to Introd the cotton plant to Now Zealarid.• Cottms seed, from Chita, has arriied at'Anklemd, "dud Is now deposited in the , ground, in tho faith of profitable results. , • Quissit.—The Court Journal bellocea there is a probability ot her 'Majesty's jp_aying :a short 'hit to Balmoral in the mouth , f May. We arhy, therefore; perhaps, hear that, her Majesty Was de termined tespend her blrthdaYtbil y'ear, at Bal moral. .. .. . '1 El II PRINCII OY WALNN IN GIENANT.—ThePridoe of Wtilee says the Morning Poet, Is on a visit at the dueaicourt of Coburg. - 1 THE Gusto I.lssigita.—The works !eonnected with the groat ship, continue to be 'proaeouted with vigoi, and in the e ngineer's and aldpwright's tie-- penitents the utmost'aotiiity-preVailc ~' The ap pointment ef.eartetta It not yet been : made, %ie number of candidates, is pow reslueed to two.; they are OaPtsine' yinehall; and - Settee; both men of great exPoriehoe.t , t- - 0 ..1. :/ :- . 1 ik . LOARTO' APPOIIIrceNTS, The - I Okseriter , Baja ; Air., J. IEI .Lumley,, now SeoreheiT at `St.. Pi3terabnrg; IS aillOinted' iniOretary 'it ' (lons ti• nople; In , the . room a i Mr.. Anion, .appointe to almond Sir Henry Rawllnson as minister at he Persian Court. , Mr. Erticitti,' 1;04 'at • StOckholtri, is appointed socrotary of legation at "St. Petereburg. , ~Mr(,Bdwin Corbett, now at., k)OreaCe ) suco4eds Erskine at Stockholm. " - . The" Tios44 says': A large' numblit ' of - ship ri Wrlghls, oaulkonif painters, ao.,:were on Sato ay discharged from . Woolwich itoelitYardi anck n ut„ ill hundred artiffoertandl Octets left dears(' at: Tile Scotia , iteroist Bira-u-Rrstinstetta on. or L stiAita emit n ...at', iXimeq,.. ea_yat . 74 , 1 441260. mostingnf the' jectioes of the race Was beta on -Friday '' at 'llatoiliOn to' 'bOusider' thel yropfle4 of petitioning both Rouses of Parliinnent to grant a second member , to . that ,oeupty in addition to the ted nee , members ready proposed to begivelo to Sootland by th ei tie* bill: ' • ; •' -,' • - Tim "HAW HOT-AIR , XIMANT lON. -- ne - Time ! , oorrespoudent soya : The ,puperor, Jcapoleon I haS, approved' the inodel , of a gunboat donstrooted }ln a system* to • be priSpelloa , Witlfout'Steara,• and' Les ordered boata,to, be, belle , n this plan.l,Thp lwer inteptiml to be substituted for steam Is he air. It will' prOdbies 'min:inch' rapidity: dud' be for moro economical than steam. It is calculated that the yeorly , spying in the ,cost of fuel Mr the . . Frknpla navy will be about 50,000,000 f. Thn't4peillents have auceeedod n,l watt that the "Rolvie•Horte 00' will bo fitted to receive thiknew machinery, , The , inventor of this power is, a. Rreac4 eagramel e em ployed at Lyons. Greet restOte are' antiol ted from the invention. - '"'- , . i • . _ " ,FRANCE. F , f - - 1 , • Pants, Sunday,..Apritls,&l-The , Mos:item. of to day publishes a. dieeroa reducing byonttoentignetre the minimum height ritinfriniforrocruita. The Pitts pettentaintain -- ilte-tolloiring acPcant of the commencement of the _Toting upon the Ru es tiou of annexation to. France 'which took place' at Nice 4a- L day, '- , The TotlngLby ballot has commenced, The' oleo torsin meads aro depositing their votes ImtlienSe enthusiattut.is ruungested, and it appears midair that theta wilt bb a• large Majority for annetisdibu 'to leftists: ' •' ,The eountry people are arriving, beaded b . their curb and preceded by drums and colors. . ,ottig tioket ' eln faVor of anneration'to Panne, iridibiser• - : mpg :the' insoription ," Yes,." are attached to; their hats. Perfect order prevailed. . r ' . A comMunique has boon addiersed tolha rirrtipn and to the lia mitts of France,' wbioli r etre Mends a more respeotfut . treatteent of itoternational'ques tioo, and states net thosejounards, lu,desitileting the Count do biohtomolin as Chltrfesitl, t us ig nore the constitutional-00E60f the Queen of # pito, which baud bent redoeteed.hy all Europe. , The filmes', corrospoodent, at Paris says .:The Minister of Wilt has commissioned the 'chief ( the stadrOf the warps 4' armee under the econettipd of ,Marshal patatCbeirt to Inspect the feet of itnMes, on ciao a! froritiminf Bititzerlad" • . a Thsi Minim , o f !Tokio entberisiniYoung en ii i the olassof:1848. residing on the stiaccaat. 4 •ecus: tract voiittitery engsgements to FP,rv., ill th ;isiTy for action yore In • order 'to' feeilltato t it 'um height Titioired for' Sidi:ids - Site 'ialesitatiiir Nimi incite 65 oeutigrades to logetre Mamdig es. ,• - - Greet activity Is tobservobitt,tu-Pitrht4 oilitu,' 'xiiii liViiiieest ?derielltes _._, . . r . . /11:perlil Nee item mreeinelitii- ' 4,: TWQ - V TS =NM ;7411:CeigkiatiLitlittiVANP.— be sett fee eabseetteese n ", "F un * I ' n aT"ese l44 {;-- 'efeeesi- • •Ast -; -- .( - to ems seldreem )10.00 Sec _leleese! Copies, a (win", Lim Into[ Twintyiorifi - ornwi - tn - na na l ma ntfielnne-oPeethe debt - . Panonnes Vt rannotedir set so /wean Ike Witaireases; -.. -a ctrAlivaisLik Lpszuk. : „ 1 rifted . tbt Chbilfentn itaitherp. . _ • iople,bearing despatehettatil their Tatou; thatlossc: have been incessent_ofiaje._ 1 2ha ltionirear— ..pttbiteheir,7lVo-ToLleting de spatch : • -,--‘• -.. .. ......, .1. 1..1., ::.... _ I Nick, ditudo7,tiiprit 1,5,..1.E,:,14.....At .1. aoloak X ) . M., to-4ay, opt of the vital ittimber of 7,000 iv:item, 3;00 tad Offelidji , repisterbertlisimites. I 1111 1Mig 1 19 W : tho : , gtoineborlaa.counlienog ig is' 'pellent. The viable - in 'fridOr' of Sinik4isittizr — ' M . none - Cis heanlasousz ~ A.• -• , ~' -.: $ • ... . .. Pie RAITIAAAIS 'TheqepOrt tbat liennal Chen garnier hid itieeptill the - cottinan — d Ist the Sespo.' ititantempais tabor.. .t. •-• .^ f , ' ..,-- • . T4O ?atria also Mites 'that the. heoir:olltan flo• 1 ye rem sr bt- bad rtili4tilied CabbserVo4n ti4Ol ata near' 1 trAlity,a444 to coptiop !itself . i a ,,the..tiefrowte °Etta. ;own territory. The'../Iforizirtil - Pirat sayiv that 'Baron tiros .pro.' :poses to leave oT,phifitt on the-Pai of this month_ The - Porta eotton mdrkliewitadolflest Greak; - talk- OtaltOttiraTO.Wl4tibr, ithareduation °CM* import ditty. The Omar, market. was lila/Site dull. TIM ParbeFftiortrarket Weis heivii , last Week, snd-sshs diSdiq,-itk of rAw re :, 44, 0 1 , , P.PV quantity in store. Wheat was nix: x ~.,"! lt , , t - .= : , k ,* .ifttlisTatt; .".. .... 7•.. - - ,Ihrona, April 15 , .--2 be ,aseernbUty of A Cantu once; fre'demadded by Switterland; for thasinti•-' moot otthe affairs Of! limenis very.doribtfan, mt. without, Franco, _Bemis sod. Austria &Aims to enter iiiitanfereitor r • Austria - fiddlrettat if a' Coent o .o.lshelk,.Plieles ittl PoStlft4Po muff b, determined beforehand. i l lke l feltriertag, sae 4lii it diet - Aitstria OS that queition: The fundamental inionliopokkheConarem. or Miniacil-nintra li sind 'inialstiMtrof Onablifk 61401 asidikeY, Arial° , prelpell lienteei land 5 int ffardinialtstu #l...propondee of 2he iiiomeiitlikiiiholeof Belief kueotoraiid *idea's presiektimpize i them ,10.1 m Instlainerscamt forth. neurindiretiOn of 17haNais and dertellay,and the guarentl km a id stipulatiOSp plied by thelienty Vienn serif no looser Ilan dal" '11E0142 , 14 Which thrialwardeshf ihii tfisumhsaleinaldf.bc rebore!, Mil, COMM Maw, standfrin, between „Prance , andwitserlsad, for Whiel' llie; otliii i intatqgfievri'Wetiltit Wild. Ash/ g° 94 :ni. iti Vi ~ ' , l iiiim f4r. g.,-Aprit , ine ' e M itt at e* that aeraratte.nepotlations have hem on .401• 1 ;,t!7- teeenTianee ind'gwitterilinit lbe ' lir having bun Tamed friths . halide 4 , tharkietiti of Iliarows, i .t4 ll $,Y(St BuottsYSTorthlAh APIA IS--, Yelltig4 B /1 brenlog, a - Cleaners chspatatfou,' repitaseiltitynn partica,:prwieuten'itisSotert Peel wilt ktaannto.- 4th aid, consisangot a eop . a :Ma - The most cor dial arpressiona'were ere d. , dlialt.:Peel,pro. inked incuipportcfSis for* preservation of the inthipendeneesid lin a..-The Of Beirsithind. The depritation slapiessesEtheitithialerte Alm Sty lish Ministry' anti Parliament. _ ' In - Birlikertaadtheyitation Upon tlia Tidies& _of .davoy ;is it, mussalpg.-t : Stuporous inestino.Osolt place at Thno,.Winteritur, andolber plasm The most' impditairi iWeiii , &deb ii111441:011111f and . Lau- atone. ,An .catrvainlicarytusvoy will ha slut to Berlin.' ' it. Thinvinel Farina Mead; inn despatch of the l3thAftwob t -ta M.:21114, that Altt it liedvella Council _had proposed a moult trolly, for a parti tion of Savoy , the' Federal - Vint:Al iiati"stvea in official denial lathe stittemint 0 2d; Tholkysol. _. Russia has replied in a favorable manner tolls* note of tharefferal lu Windt ofthelnittitemill; _—' , • Bt-ge,4,14:il IA --Thcaddress of the noel*, of Melo Oda to thii Federal' Coned! , 'dem the iminediateticoupetioMot thasestraliatid , of Savoy, will haven°. renalt,, England 'and Maisie' brifre"rePlied iathe Illikas tole of the oth AO% niatin to Ike amerotailup • f a CoOfetitioo, by consenting to the deraita of the Federal Council. .t ~:: litica,.Mondoy i .April-14.—The revolt of tbo bal lot on the 'innexitiohof !Ilea - will' kneaki ibU eviniugn IleiteatiliirbibabittiduAito 0 1 04411.6 Prateat. Opinat„thad3ondoot Garibaldi io tisrdlnfin " • t •'• ifi•PnTlWArabiTta. . lesedp*,g of Banda and and bars been wanolcusad . 1 ° Turin;frobel%Wnlefe r Rona,' AUril 11:-41eneral - Liniorteler6; in bin quaUtyoGoonuniadaMis4butnfit4sfspolsrOur!, only relieves, thoTope,. and not CardifialAntonsoi, of Ebelit4eilclet4 of - liar Waf - Doiiiiiticeakilt. , - , Uardi4 l 4 l 4l`ANs boximarOuisled: Ql l /11avin.r • plJJiltdry adnnmatration, it about tobe *Wooed - y a Freneti genera,. friend'ef Gosand Lootorbsiote. - The Illoiniq - C inrriiliaye: A trattyOteatt reene,baiiesen,graziocand-Beigioaaria.being 11.61 P. *AO. • • 1- =MU :NADlUtr.,APriiift•-42r6111.14% , fe ,bout glow to alt the prorthoid. battoliooe to Maui to till& Tho flot!one pert** of .Connt de_ likettemoilh are everywhere dleappearitig. - The etiolate ilihoten*inranA fr fea. satizaA. Tu'" • Rut, Aprill.4. lit to dere Want of the Chamber,of kelmoiepopmterepore r el yeek Oconattt tti in reference to a petition from some litiMeifinti of the northern *titbits of. Siteklyeitineethig llb efty,and ieyiP t de is vein upoe., the Creation, of the - Oheinher, o Melotity, peeredlo , the tam • The.Chembeter ttmproyelpited until the Let of Atte amber *Mem*, whit blin inscribed. that names to asos.oxpany tbek,X.b.g on his tour thrsosth Cbntrsf lint been teetiltiedliy - • Apyitl4,erlheoemton Re ; hiteeteltreeee IVA in abi6luin tiecesitty mkt to ontste - front. Sipcileotrin the: pantie elk:Lem hardy eeil theAucky *Rime. • Thislhafetrieh appeaho beeipielieli" in c rot *O4OO the treaty,4f.the - 2. 4 41 'blare bloat, rotative to the OeSSiOn of !level. and Nieto. 'Pence hiiAtotilietyrefttifirY gaMentylii PeietMent the other Itnetmed., provineee 7 vje:. , 4'ualany ; end .the _ Legettona. ' .% • TIM TWO..sl.ofLiftsk, - • - NAPLZI3 j April,l2 7 —Aao9:lizag to. adviasi from Eioily, the reyplattomiiir mbfreMerit'ii inoteaulagiu the , iwuutry, whiatuts full b( • The Royal lotehdant, Celesta, has totyle wawa cause with the rovoltitionishl. ' -• The HO. sad".lsth Begurte — at* are)yetog despatch ad from Navies to Sicily, . . Artillery aid other troops hare been *set to - the citadel of Sietehae. MAR sinviss; A pri.ll4.—Thii-psoket from NI/ Pee briim 401,ottioial rNoort a g tmlog dkat,..t4vanuiiiity reignriilertio. t4Dport - sayi oiatutkg of - - - According, to letters received here, the insurrec tion at biessinetnekanut on' Stindey. The popn• Ise movemenenottniseneett by ebons, beim: Sired in the Strada Ferdiminde. Prehes o femme* wide thioararein Abe , Windawe mien. tie:trees& To • of musitotty. and several, cannon Nei honed during _din siert. The Giciierrnri tinniatened to bombard the city should • resistanoe, eouthene to be offered. The troops made Ultinseivusla"""* ll the positions in the town,; add 'pereoftles-insur gents withdrew into-the country, SLAYiES, Apra 12 —A peppier deniOnatiatlon has taken piste at Averse - . in - raverof Vieter Emmanuel, in coneervaanoe,of:whieh the town bee been de clarOd in a state of ishitte:' " .arrests hero been madedit Naples: Commercial and Financial. The Times' city article hag the following, (April 17) I Tue-r ngliakt, lendeopened Monday at an treprors meet of an M. and soon showed a ter/doom to moralised tinuneasorhich; however'. wall gingreatactidseds abe discount market wee without niteraCola ea Monday. Pio gold antii Wien frOnitaribink tilt The:' dubbin ",le ennissocast bonghipltsiellio with E/21.000. . • T ha laid Meath!) , roginint of the Bank of Treace ihdla cares the atagnatton o commermal transaattoseta'rarte du any the, mouth of Marsh. flo little was tee demand for'thesount that the continerdAl balls: to the rot iectihe of the XMAS, dingalidird ta• art Mon; by I I IN Orb. banes - APoordang renablelleformatioacr i.e -total-amount sulaseribed to OA new, Imam an Imagist 'Vienne is about JS ito,ouollornia. - The ahotatiou• on the tizoh.nsa is Accordineto a /annalist- orkieeitag Arles. Docent. & Cu, loons. the traassoboos in have been ailiteted sensual, during the fait teticknOnituss. apart bum Witt cal atiplehenstuaa, u 7 th, bee resift; of ,theeenne-trads an the u mud Suttee; led bk thirkenattr tuawanter, which has interfered with the • 1/Al/01 on. the sononsus. tillage FaiLlial ie LIVEXPOOL 4- 5 1 he he -.11 , p0s ratrViirl-titolitati:llfilegairwnr?ratiatt=s ,t.Manse, Monday. The bacellues are eetimaPwl at about g•iim TEA TRADE. April 211.-T a deliveries is Londe& estimated for the week', were 94.360 pounds. The folios ,tur la from the Tamer'. oat) article, April lS The Esislials funds. opened With- a. ell,.ht tendency to increased fohoesa (-townie went up to Kind sg tor mono - 41 f :144Xi they.temained arukalit trier VIEOIIIOII. -Money. wasseite fit' terse ,apply on Government as" on sat S.per canc. - Cretan stedic..eneiseged. • ~ihe beide, eed , theree of the New York and r ne ,and the Free Lend bonds of tne-litinthe ;Central lisvklmerevid a • WV; .sa decline to- k plaewin New 'York uentier and rl t:tautral - - • _- The otonng price L wee 791; shoirlig 'decline 0 IA- pewter pereeng • '••• , - There was a idasliC rise in the Perim and Hamburg .‘ r I i t Y e E d i y. a ? 0 0 4 D COTTON' for thm day. 11 "K b T b e ,. April v . dt d the Iss•es bicrely4•44l, 13,4 w hales t 3 009-012 mooeu tattoo ang for export. Prices are one Agora. , - 'LONDON CORN MAARKT, 9tppnl )6 - -ITbire wan an rulganne of .2rno , the rg nth OC lean hiOthiaT......i _- Lor4 DON 'PRODUCEnr , DIe.aOvI3IOIe MARE ET. April 37 -eager .quict ; Sways 'Ant unalvred. II toe ford. HaliPeird Entil - TellOW Ima gistEaitedun PiA I pandliti til trn t k9We b V PeArtir Intl'thsTapPs- MAR CST April , heat, ami floug may be quoted at le •. p els sa•per otri and laid barrel and taps dearer the , week. • ate estonoed le 2e , • , lb. rest/ atgi Paws ego& Moan t le.Vstr radab Angier Arm. Indmh,Corn was generally he d nt9ra towards the c ass a t OnSiderabla businellarwai done at lad d qr widen three PilOes. . - : m Tents; Nitw 28 —The, New Ofleaus .I.!icairuns of lirttlnesaay fur iehea ' the`follottin~ 'additional intelligeneefrem Tina _ - . The steamship Orizaba, from Braz es and tend ago tin the Zlat, had arrived atNew Orleans. A specie conduct . * ef teR the - eity of Zacatecas for the Rio. Grinds, but was attached bye band of libbers and. bid' to put back. The treasure was safe. • . , . • In Obedienee to oirerhor Houston's Instruct Clone, two_ companies of Texas:Rangers bad been die banded., . The IthereabOrda of Cortines 11113 Sim übkn.. Col, Let had Spade along sear,eh along the whole ricer to learn from personal ob=orvation the esset State'of 'affairs on :the , frontier, and, If possible. tiulet 'the disturbances. Ho had otonforred with teiblexican'enthorltieslor this popore. • • Trial of the 1. Harden for the Murder' of yitiWefe. BEI:SIDERS, N. J., April 23—It to expeeed. that the, evidence on the part of the defence in the Harden Wet wilt ease thfa afternoon. Counsel will then 'aomaiencui running, bet ft is thought the case will berd,iy go_ to the jury before Monday. Fire' at Columbus, MM. A YilLtpll uismuya BUIRICED. Colinann,•Bliss., April 23.—Tbe remsle Insti tute, at' thls'nlacs, together with' the boarding h atua ,.. a tt w o je a w as isootroyed by Are last night. The loos amonnied $l,O . 006, which 'there wee an insuranOe Of $340 0 . • Thwileedrisiaited from a are balloon falliro4 en the topf of the ,tnilding. • .... - ' 'habits teligiayih. BAiTtstbas. lvrh 3111..5en. Finer waketi.iureltPd I Haward Wirt and Ohlo soh at Taddllbs.ooc - Wheat ithvpdrimaid kicsiaxt - mat. Lafepaiij no ua. op_na scams ; alai 700 Oasts. 7aftcry ?Mt =VetiliAN W V A L I: 111* Aer . •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers