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Ventint , :7 11 ; - ?: 77 7 7 : 7 7:7" , ' 7 777:, IttettfaCWAToirEs; - : ,',,,,',1ttri,21:01-,14114111WW0120..114,011L. Toliptairrit; Alla (.211r# A;10.; Aro • '::t . ,,; 31 , ,k;;;T5• - s:ll**Clroiar, lit,triroimmt &iamb la PASTS' ON; TEntlitalta, ' : • ..iissai4ig • NA; DIZAVAidiThiIifiVOMIPPONIZIT. ,j. " 4 l l Co'` - thiro o vituissisioNvitasimmombe i Tkiir ii*la'".'!, lad i(t6T: " ,-164 Via* - 1 1)..1164tai :41 - 1 10=01140* I .trifittNlA)44o,H-5.V4414..4, ,-; . , :( - : - • • -• „ . 1-- ' :. - - : / 41;itittit ' Actil l VA It P 4 . 110 .. 90 -P-14 I: . • :( #ll';''' 444 :41 :W4,19(ic:1., • 40 - wao.4. _ '1 Ar , 4'l ,! ~i~ - qA;zl 3 ‘ißip , tpt 1: .1 ~, ,- 3 , ~,., I t , ~ w i t 1 t-, i 11, , t.4 t I_' '' t , 1 o.f, .i. , ,tt: t , p, „r.c g , .t, _ - ~ ,,, .`, ; , t . -.' i x° :y ik;N - e•..r.A, 4.- 4 -.'• 7, - ? ' '-- -';."'. 'il ' • ....- ... lii• : , qtr ~-, 1 •':!W‘.'/...v , T. - ;,!...... cle_ , ,-..'' ',1,.., : - . - - .'...0' ,„., ..,. -1 " - '\ -''. 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OYIX"k :STROUD. - . nuoporus a 4owesig, woo '2-:';•433TEENOWARir4'... s. : :. - REINCiti , - CtifterA: lisl2e 21,* N k torrivalroalizet., waimapaiitiMiouumai t = 7 " , "_ • • Ertsloillreimpie Wass. ipr-aa mom .FIVIDINGII. L'alCs 80N. ,' -; ZIPORTAX AM! D/ 8 4 1 0 111 U, l lour, 111011,4•14 pitritsa may.sfeurrs, iffiIiCOALIAOIOII , lIIPIXTMCNIOVWF: LigAMOIL _NWCU1t.1114,140117% ath 10*Thlisi AMR MOIL SLEEPER.„4II: NER, wirommx '..‘ 112 4-zraztar , A Atint`PAIABOL'UAMIRAMMAits, Si. AS" EITOSICT, ffollittaligNisanto , Gooss; Strriazonatiziontinma, ;Ifediarronckisik: : aids' mutiwine, FURN/TVIPIW P I Yon siiiol lit Est ' airMes p e , yARNALL's 4 ( 1 1 *- 707 4MW0 .21 49 1 *. - Ifo. IMP BUT main. 0. 00 .4 1 440 opipod,,!Asioynty of Fisfatts, 2 .:2•:,:.-.::litiitiiiiiitli BROTHER. & sooicatE . r..l.EßlSl STATIONSTAS, Itltitit4o9lV Xi* 1/ llama 89 0•40:1wisi4oiroll Wisto,LOGIVATIII). ': 4l " °t PYI:SOLUPTAC I TURE. : W/ 0610 4 1 ailialitlast 1 0144101 iNs , sompitlimiiimitib l euitidi so of tor bootpoolinsi sat 'PA fleintial to of • - te.-Ogo ',1111014X(41111a01111Efis , INVltrallsrat Se WILSON SENlgnie , DIA.OI-IINES. gegpy poy, szawal nom' fl omprattaihili hue rsiita. trialaum. ; Emisciegingc*.f ririmistiric Amu itiodos, N, 1. • 11 CI I NTIAL I NWA Iu s; i!ueo!. Pa • , , , 111 Is_ i t v ox. GIBBS ' 811191NG MA! • • rattr i *i c anoooisa to riuwod for sat. " kEssolumi • - s•. _ . i*. - o*,ii4t:girk.E.L BELLS. iii*.ozipaintwk ' ActAinittEs, liternixs, IiZkITATXONB IMIIIVAITIII/11) AND ow Hr *NANICOR Ott ONIIIS4OIC 660. PitiLADIMPRIA. elMlatio Moo botWafvoly.ia ate Witt lilts y .l sod sod Ganada. for 40 PM , sow prepared to sato taw =ifiatintiro to brae Wort ; Tat itrlat imm itrmt* ot=tUtl i turigtogt io Atoostaesi wit& PAWN Is • mamas • ed. AA ao mots( of 40 per mist. hi coot, Si clomps* th swot oronpv tsars...lts to 111t211A1Ad lOroaa Toar,.aith proper 3 1railt7 r tgr i =atiosa oaat to order, tritii b rat 100A111147? tr URF.,,. PORT , WINE; ' PoR BIZDIOINAL PURPOSES. 9. - H..m4T176. 4 2N. . ARCH sad , TRH= Rtmetto HOMA~3' do Att444:ol.N, • BTR,E,II; - - , SUM 701 0.11/1 • . • APAQUSQ 13 V**tE014r, (*fa, ALL /(7/131. *OHMS SEWING SILK. tH wit Wier r for SEWING AutoinNES. For Age by. tAt Naaatiotarer, at tbsi'LOWEET PRIME. IL MOUT BON, leb. EEOot KAHEIM OPIUM, PHILADELPHIA. a l efi4IIILES _TAGGART, . th . uximor to X it. IittOIRR & Oa. „ bniro ' rtir sad Witco ifiwa• Dada Bialloppt,. WINZS, GINS, 4e. Oimates briadit,Old Ilaaattatille* Are, Rad Antrim infant ‘zoonsiaiiiiik bind, at ' , 1131iNtil KEST Street. MCNI,'II . 7#M_NOT9I . I: rim OF VilE SEASON. ALBEZT 0. ROBEIVII, Doan in Pow Orooeriiii, cot. SpWiIITV! tad etrosur. RUPTEInk. TRU z „ elyllVEl l l4 , -PATINT' LIVER. .lAitoimes Nlaibbre. - - ',47/4•Trirfsia. tinuftwal. Mimed& , 11 0 4 NA & - 1 1/4101K 1111181402 • . larriNo. 43,kbit,4- 'uwal , liiPtibta. „ meet • tor . • eg . ; :4 l:loofind par. - ,• ' 2 2 .WO - V 22- 42•2' -.2.i';;'22, "' '2 , OMAP,Ets*:AWD.. loov SIMETs • r ,FLO6I OIL of staws;kiiilkom• 'styles no, rtota.- No. 121 WIRST,NUT fltrOost. - i 13Alitt ' &. te045114E-It: 1000 ,V , ARDS. I4GRAIN.CARPII4II, prat oaths. liW)4 Alias &Tana Patitimi, No. goo cawatxtrx Street. BAILY • & BROTETER. , 41.11,Em: THINE-PLY . OARPETiId 'sun nnownd. new ; - )1H. ' , Nib CHESTNUT Strut, •BArtty.& BROTHER. 10000 YARDS" fientrar dA7IPSTei /ad reoelitid, to stiThE DOLLAR'A'YARD. I No. NO CHESTNUT * Street, 13A - 11.4t tti_IffROTHEIL AN INVOICE NEW STYLES ENGLISH HEMEL& Just zoooirod by 'proof. DAILY , & 'BROTHER. . No. PID CHESTNUT Street. irELVEi CARPETS. Cronbea last- new pattern. Juatopened.' . BALLY • .86 , BROTHER. • , . -;• leo CHESTNUT Street. .DOOR -MATS: • - A treq large let hole Audios, at • , . No. posniggErtf ur Street. & BROTHER.. , EthUt.etatttitlts „ , 1860. "WM( 4RBZT - 1860. CARPET WAREHOUSE. ABOVE -CARETEUT STREET, No.- OVIUNSI ISIPOATATIoN Of Velvet, AnM•rio,hatrrial Tbree-ely. Buyer In. tonn.:and Venitian ' • • CARPET , INGS,' 01 NM AND ILLIITIVIIL DISIONI. p rim a l C an ton straw Maine. white and colored, of a Maportor auality. Also. a largo assortment of Oil 'itlafll; Druig dt Otumb Clothe, asa 'Bnglialt Stump Skim, Door Mats, &a Alio, an, laiSnoto of Col mitts COCOA MATT/NOS, of various widths. LEMON,, BUOCEBBOII. TO • • RICHARD M. HUNT, Malifiroturor, IMporter, and Dai/ot. CARPETING. A3E0R4 . 3-E; W. HILL, MANDFACTIINDR AND DDALBR /N CARPBT • . 1/0/B,;mATTINGB. ko. W,A11111101:113E, •144' MIMI TIAIII ! D NlDdm• . . 'FANCY Dili GOODS. 13 URNETT, : - SEXVON.-4111 • . *• - ' SWEARINGEN invorters of . , • , k . FANCY GOODS. , - =GUM AND GERMAN Hoinsß.Y. - . ' MEWS FUANISILING GOODS, LADIES' DR.RB.9 TRIMMINGS., SKlll.TO—Shalaad‘Wool,_Zeipigym_spLirAWS. • . Edo. 419 MAAR= IST • tolB-I;pi4 Al Co.. H , rim. we mut gel non% Fournt !maxim Am Airy reoeivins, bi sreeleive arrival from Ba rom.thoir . , • BRAING.IMPORTATIONS - op • ENOLINIVAND ONDMAPI HOSIERY, GLO AND MALL WARN& • MaC tA I Ie a CI VE& P Ihidrat - rd soscz maw. Awr Az!artaa PD &ma'am Ann serum - AWire - GAS FIXTURES. -,pHIIJADELPRIA GAS-FIXTURE WORKS. 'WARNER. 'MISKEY, & MERRILL/. irate/amnia.. STORE No. 71S . CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. WARNER, PECK. & Do , No. 679 DROADWayY, NEW YORK. Wonkt ressectfaUS Inform the Pablo that they continue to manufeaturs all kindii of OAS FIXURBS, jet hi/41; OIRANDOLEB, BRONZES, ' 80. And that their large and varied 'took comprises the slippiest as will ea the moat elaborate patterns, designed bi- their Frets& artiste: They - also "keep at their store, No. 579 BROADWAY. &taw and tall easortmentof all their maradnetared goods. Dealers and others are in vited to pall and examine. era- im WOKING GLASSES. LOOKING -GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PIUTURE FRAMES, ENGRAVINGS. OIL PAINTINGS. &c., &c hums S. EARLE & SON, arponrsai. MANUIACTURERS, WHOLE • SALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. EARLES' GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STRBET, soh 2114 f ' HARDWARE. ABBEY it NEFF, NO. 308 NORTH THIRD STREET, Have now in store a most oconetete stook of HARDWARE, or late importation. and American manufacture; trhteh they otter- to the NEAR TRADE on the very bona time. apl4llm MOORE, HEigiSZEY„ & CO. HARDWARE. a •ad SUE No. 4U7 SWUM, and 410 COMMERCE Etretki .PHILADELPHIA. iwt-tm• PAPER &a. T o. CLOSE, BUSINESS. HART, .11ONT13011ERY I & Ofh, XO.• U 2 OBBEITNIIT STUTZ Will ea ash *mush thliv rioter and next ' min& Wit' large stock of PAPER I-lANGFINGS. ridiLing of every 'mbar oonneetedwith the WM rim. 'AT GREATLY IMMO= PRIOZA Ui PAEIiOA PAPERS 'AT N . PEA CENT DK - Low COST. brim treetiee their *Wee revered, •Y eitt Mee heRGAINS. 111-ti PRINCE •IMPERIAL • CI - I A -I VIPAGNE, FAO* DR 9E14002 & CO.. EPERNAY. FRANCE. s9ld by ell Duseetebte Deafer, thronshont the °seeks'. This Ens btand.ot_ . 4 ‘nr , nyittn e oNit,..whion with.thi Reft•Tt ' aritl*:° '' Atrw ' reViNgte me i4l ittowm" kd'alrogiVarT,gpgwalfi'i,e,u; meW rail (i or w nes, on unseen. arts ex tral. re etifiti m itna nt riZt d and Ai t i tkOl t r who l ono. try it ,an mate w e lerwehatioe ft°oll,l=l:7!M,l Lls 11601M16111 and eustutts Inetessine. t h e wusemente are No am to IVAIt• the enehty of the W1 11 1, 1 1 )0 1 4 essintained at its irresAnt high etegdsey. Thep mar impend iseporreo homy I new it being the iso • Agents of IN& VsoyBk do . s in this etstahrY , ' . 011 C Hos, ese, no el to DOADWA NM York. gad fa eits REEVES lc DEAL, • .44110 fp ' 904 MARKET Street MMTBRIt2L-300 bbls. 290 kfs. 100 qrs. ~apit r m a ry . .No. Is lug isosissil, aad la Paw isldl SS lid ?Mix Pt t sELPI - 11A, TiItIRSIMY, APRIL 26, 1860, copiioBBioN goysts.; 914% . : Ass. • e.. 1 . qUA00584104.... ;OA&PBTLIge, OLIAMOTHi AND MATTING . • • • , •- WAREHOUSE. NO. 1 . 12 CIIXST.NIJT .13TIPKET. , - ICaTgfl 4l glti th raZrt e al4c7 6jll ed g t,intsea contnment. 9418 giliPisEY; BAZARDe aIITOMNSON •• • • NOS ll4 custom ST.. • tOiIbiTgSXON miwilaarra FOIL THE SALE OP " iPHILADELIEW:44-MADE - GrOatilfr" ' mhS-3m E LiTAI Nia;," , , , COFFIN. & C 0.,, -114 CHESTNUT, STREET, Offer by the Package. the following descriptions of AMERICAN GOODS Of standard waken and in great varlet,* PRINTS OF ram AND FANCY STYLES. BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINOS SHIRTINOIL AND DRILLS,. ' r ow/omm , iNms, AN) TRIM . CORSET ;BANS, SILEKLAIL asp NANKEZ3SE - CANTON FLANNELS anDYRINTEDLININGe. LINSHYS, KENTUCKY MANS, AND' OCT TONADRS. ALL-WOOL /dove:6'4:l4,oTM. ' BLACK AND FANCY. CASKISIERES. BLACK AND MIXED DOESKINS. SATINETS AND UNION CASSIMEREIL: znhanarel TWEEDS, CABHMARETS, Se. DRY.GOODS JOBBERO. SHAWLS. JOSHUA L. BAILY, NO. 2.18 MARKET ST.. LtiVITES ATTENTION A SUPERB ASSORTMENT OP . , STEL:LA . SHAWLS, PRINTED AND BROOKS BORDERS, ' i.- ' lir Black end Colored Centres, , 1 ''. . Also, BLACK DE LAINE SHAWLS, MODE DE LAME BRAWLS. 1 . BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS. MODE clisakkitz pIIAWLO, PRINTED WHALERS RRAWLB BLACK TRIBRT BRAWLS. MODITKIBET SHAWLS. BLACK RIBBON-BM/ND SHAWLS. MODE RIBBON•BOUND SHAWLS, SLACK eindc-FiuriciED SHAW,Ls.• HARBOR SATIN STRIPE SHAWLS, BLACK CABLIMBAR LONG BRAWLS, • BLACK TRIBET LONG SHAWLS. • BROCIIB LONG BRAWLS, BROCHE SQUARE "SHAWLS. CHILDREN'S SHAWLS. Prom the vett AUCTION BALES. PAR BELOW THE 008 T OP IMPORTATION., TERRY, PRICE, to ioi INIARIEBT STREET, mosuits AND losair.. oi • CLOTHS, (2ABBiMERES; an.i items now on band a largo ind woltneleated stook ' 'which they are proparod to sell at the hr inarket , /rico& mid•Sua A . W. LITTLE & 00., BILK . GOODS, No. 825 MARKET STREET. •P • W. GIBBS & SONS. , leo. 491 MARKET ITTEMBV, Are now operate; their , :SPRING STOOK OP GOODS Adapted to M E N'S WEAR. la which will be found a AM alsortraeat of MOTH% DOFAK Ltte, VESTING% TRIMMINGS, tee. felt-dm M[cOLINTOOR, GRANT, & 00., IMPORTERS mai witobv&ea. DEALERS IN 411 CLOTHS oABBlmrenrs izzATINGs, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. No. 333 SWIM STREET, (Up Stain,) Are ow opening their Spring Stook, to which they Le nts tke attention of the tulle. fe3-Sm 8. STEWART & 00.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF . SILK. . in. . . FANCY DRESS GOODS.. • 305 MARKET Street, , Alive n o w in store a nd are oonviently , receiving iteesettinelat of N And Deniable BP INO 000.08, Paroheesd for tun, to winch they invite the atten tion of oash and protnnt MA7 OI OOO I IMVIII• Fall linee.of Blank and palm eitke, mina All the new ttviee of Printed Fabrioei oonate.ntly on hand. teS-en Fbilede!phis; jrN O. B. ELLISON &SONS. U MARKET STREET, (Seoond door below Fourth. )• INIPOSTPIRS'•Pi JOBtelta OP MOTHS, CABEIO,IOIEB, VEATINGS, AN. TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, • Would timita Ahe BtLeutlOn of buyers tO • their lame 40401 Of FANCY OASSI EREA,VESTINGS, and dif ferent makes Of FOREIGN CLOTHS and DOESKINS, Slacks and Colon" and otter the exohwive tale in Philadelphia of NILGER 4 B Celebrated make of Clothe Doeskins; alto, La FaTOllOl. Amgen, ``warranted GI pa. to the pound,/ and MACHINE TWIST in all co- Ore. SPRING. IEI6O. • p rom p r osom law'n Y, OWNOM4II. ALUM H. 2-%timi.. R. WOOD, ALADBH, & HAYWARD, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING-. tsuni Ho. 309 MARKET Karat. Philadelphia. WURTS. AUbTIE. & • . McVEIGH. IMPORTIIRS I AND it/BASRA DRY EFOODS. Vl b li o l e litaAT STREBII. lee Wi T T, ter %101 l Inh ) MIAULPIII.O ohn tif. w tr, e . • ph Burg a. faS dm FITHIAN. JONES. & CO, WHOLZSLLE DEALERS FOREIGN AND DONESTIO DRY GOODS, No. S4O MARKET STREET. NEW GOODS reoetving every Any for CITY AND NEAR TRADE. M-tim SHAPLEIGH, RUE. & Importers of IBM% WRITR•GIOODS, LACES, and EMBROIDERIES. MO. 31/9 MARKET STREET. Our present stook, selected In the beet• European Atryrkete by ourselves, is the most complete we have •er offered. 44-pm MATTINGS!MATTINGS! MA iiTiNGS! 4-4 white and oheeked 4.4 Idattiors, " 6-4 For Bala at lowest oar& prinit z ba vEl, , rowr 262 South fiECOND Str eet , . aplm abo eaRKUOU. west mule. 11111OULDERS.-50 000 pounds thy-Salt ~, ahoulderi, jitat received and for kale by 0. C. ILADLMR & uu., M4Oll Street, attend door above rant.enlU FISH.-1T34 half Bbla. Macki itiviornaro 3i , p o te I , l, Avi nicg oaloatust o v: t d , Otoond 1:Or tiovio Gout. • • ey7 MEM= THIRD+STREET JOBBING BOUSEB 1860. _ _ .1860. FEWAL - GOODS, RIEGEL. Be, • . LMFORtEEUS AND .JORRERS or FOREIGN AND AMERICAN o o .rs. 240. N.-THIRD WREST, • tilltt 4 ADEtt • : Weil ntssoSstly. Janis the atientiOn of Count» MorobSnts to esti • LARGE AND WEi,L-IBELECTED RTO2lt Or FIiESiii3PRING GOODS, Mkt' Um 'we itovireoeiviss to 'Moro. sir Moroi:mute woulefind tt to %Vet ! advautsso to osll Bud exAtriute our stook. f,a9111 JEW. s P N —1860• ,• J. T., WAY, 813- - IMPORTAIt IittHOLINAta - DISAIMUS ttr TORIXON, AIPII DQINERSTIOI p , o , D ' 'vs voitrifolatv, ST.. Are now »bailor the ' I f• SP R DUO T It'A And Prepared to offer. to Chan and prompt mix montbi Buyers, one of the exn ' ' - LARGEATZ MOST ATTRACTIVE STOCKS . In the opuntrY, end at Prices that wilt defy atimpott, trios, notanly in this, bet in ally other atty. Purahaders will find our Stook 4011 sato/led at all seasons of the year. I. T. WAY.. tSJAII. 31. DIIIILAIN. WY.T. Wa:ls% fes-tm , , taco. P. way. 9[lo. M E,RO BANT 4 N- CLOTHE AND WINDOW 1311ADEV. BLABQN t EiMITI - 1;; huMlirAoturtEßs OF - 016-CLOTHS, 1.40 NOIIII THIRD . 14TRREZ We InvitO the attention of dealers to ear large stook of F.LOOALTABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAZtD OIJ,c CANIERIGi a beautiful article for Ehmilie. %The lancet stook of WINDOW SHADES end' RUFF'DOLLANDS In the market, at , nlotorehich der/ competition. ' fea4m , y'4ED, GILL:A/IOU:E. BcCO. NOSido AND 4$ NORTH THIRD STREET, • ILASPORTERS'AND`DEALERS IN S I .I], IC AND FANCY' DRY GOODS, Wiling GOODS, LACES, LINENS, EISBROIDE ` RTES , HOSIERY, , 9LOYEB, MITTS, AND f•34ra BitAWLEI. tulosint - coarzs. , WM. 2.13111. M. ROUT. D. WORT. COOPER, PAREIAM, & WORK, LIIPORTF.D.B; MANUFACTURERS, AND JOBBBRS Or. T OAPS, AND ISTRAW ..4abODS. NO. 31.. NORTH THIRD STREET. • stir Constantif on hand a lrtment of Straw end Laos Bonne% Panama, Leghorn_,.and Palm Lest Hats, Bonnet Trluaruinge. 4srtifioial Flowers, Ruches, Sta. fea-ant• LAING & MAGINNIS. -Vaporters and Wholeeile Dealers In ' HUM ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN -SHOE THREADS; PRENCH AND ENGLISH LASTINGS SVANUFACTURERS' ARTICLES: _WWI &CHINE SILKS, Tail:UM COT TONS. LES. c.. • . SOLS 40ENTS FOR , aunty's ostebnited 1./Cl, Mashies. SM. and COSold's retest Doa Trees. 4 IVO. 30 North THIRD Street, feS-Sm sowER. RA.RNES. & 00.. 1100E8ELLERS AIM rvaLten 'a or rrthol t ea OUTLINE lure AND KEYB. _ EMMONS' GEOLOGY , BROOSo , NORMAL ARITEMET/011.. ' • BANDER" READER% se.. No: :87 NORTH THIRD STREET, .(rasat , eitlA. IWo,i Are; Strnot:) fee*, MERCHANT TAILORS. O.; -TItIOMPBON. 4 • TAILOR. k. cog. BEVENTIi AND WALNUT STREETS. Clothing made TO ORDER only. A Finestookof !gists/lab always on hand. N. D.--Stiangers visiting the City are *allotted to INno their inessahs. • apf3-Sint GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. GEORGE hPENCER. -JR., • 'ORNTS' FURNISHING GOODS NO. 899 CHESTNUT STREET, ADIOLNINO 0111417) KOIIIIII ; OPPOPIIII CONTININTAL ,IioTEL,) liaa always in Store a large stook of FINE SHIRTS. ' TIES. COLLARS, SI ['OCRS, LINDER RH IRYS, HOSIERY, DRAWERS, OLOYES,'&o., And ovary other article In Furnishing' line, of the LA URI` STYLES, and at the LOWEST PRICER, ttpT-stuth3m FERTILIZERS. TO FARMERS AND G A RDENERS.—The onbooriber _has now on hand a large lot of GENU -114 F, FUME NET VE, ofa 'superior quality, whioh will be sold at the lowest cosh prices. ' tVarranted to give wiefaolion. will in, all eases warrant /to suabtr. 'I Be pond mre et, one eguarenbovo the first Tell Gate. • Moe, leo. 1213 North Elecand otroet. above Frenklin avenge, Philadelphia. WALTER EVANS & CO.'s BOAR'S-HEAD. SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. Superior to any ever imported, in strength, arnootiusess, sad elasticity, for machine or hand sewing. LENGTHS IVAIWINTED. hey° tried EVIM d' Co.'s Iker'e7lfeed F 3 min: hiaohlne cottons. rind find them exeedent. —WitzeLsg Wagon, AL F. G. Co., rteßroathatft. N. Y. O. OAKVILLE, General Agent, New York. J. B. EOWELL Agent for Phlldilolphle, Rttwi niiL ela p ntla - t? x . El Exwmo mAcitiNE mhl74lm. BLINDS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS. No. ie NORTH all= STREET, le the most e;tonsive manufacturer of VENETIAN - BLIN DS AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment in the city, at the lowest prloce. .STORE SHADES made and lettered. Repairing aromptly wtterded to. nvi-d3m CARRIAGES. Or ?MI LUIVIAOTUILII OP WILLIAM 11ROGERS. REPOSITORY, No. 1000 CHESTNUT sTREE7. No.loll. folD-dmit NEW ENGLAND EARLY SUGAR OORN, the best variety for table use, for rile by R. BUItIT t WON. Warehouse, 922 and 924 MARK ET Street. ap7.3-41t &hovel Ninth. Ili APPLE PIE MELON.—AII should raw thin celebrated variety. It is used during the fait and Winter for stewing. are„ and in point of flavor can seemly be distinswelied front apples. For tale by R. the tomb ounce, or paper by front k SON. Seed warehouse, 922 and 924 MARKET Street, np2.5-4t above Nintb. ,SUPERIGR LONG ORAN'OE -OAR tEt.D. grown from soloortd stook and war ranted for ag)e LY A. BULBT h BON. wareljouie, 922 add 924 MART sitrest, WS It above Ninth. In FLOWER SEEDS IN BOXES CON twining as beautiful varinties, that will bloom from June until frost, for sit. Boxes with 12 variettee t 2o some. R. BUM' /e SON, 508 d 10.41'01,01;as, 929 still 924 MARKET threat, ap22-.11 above Ifirah. CUEESE.-330 Boxes Herkimer County ohetse, to store and fondle by C. C. BADLEiti on.. AN !)1; Fitront, td doorOwor. PRIVY WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW rn°B 4 9 l7 b a i n n ai l lig n a t tg b ragi: omoe, seg.im• N 0.1913 North NEOOND arse 101111 WK-MAKING MACHINES which tout- Tilsivirbß i g v egv o larigitivi r la . (URN VB. G ictd , sliot• Fifth amt. to ba I. If , • THURSDAY, APRIL 26,1.860. Foreign Literature and Art. „ Frannie Victor lingo, a son of Victor 'Hugo; is translating Shalispearo intp Fronoh. lie gives us now idea' in regard to the 'classification of the Plays. In English hooks they are simply divided into tragedili,snitedies;nd histoties. , One of his volumes is entitled " Fairy -Tales it contains A Midsummer ,Night's Dream and I na Tempest.. Another, The Tyrants ," composed of Macbeth, King John, and Riediard 111. A third, " Plays of Jealousy i ll,toutietleg n of t Troilus acid .oresslda, Much Ado'abbaWoThEig,'"A 'Tale,. 0 ilieliPoko. A . z 'We' wide — the' Ptioioanms" at Brussele of 'a Collection of leffriii — OrttrU'irde Chambord, rfefaced illth 'ts4 iestieti,t,,_xceanalats political, official, and-ownidtaseentry lettere— among a! , 114!tft-Pn?.• tigraf*m+.4h."" Upon his artiole skint a niernitms, published in tho - Esttte7eifieia.".2llendes,. one to at.:Aptki l iipr upon " Ifistory of Papal trugglei," BiadwF a eimmseat, tbo widow pf the leerned isold at auction in Dario, a few Weeks era:v[llft 30,0i3f, frisies. ' i llituanW tbelnte.; gleaner to not given.' An - account kellerlorne 'UV eels ploturet diontained L'Uniote of March Bth. A translation of, Presoott's ilistniiel the Beige( of Philip II into Prenob, by G. Benson P. Ithier, hes been 'published by the DidotErotheta, of Paris. Pratt, tho Italian poet, has just-published a vo- Immo of Elegies and Bonnets, entitled VadoMeoum. The Bulletin du Bibliophile for February contains some hitherto unpublithed tatters of Charles Igo . A learned work upon' oat dinthin BIOS hes made iti eppeerenco inTarisi‘ "filefory.4lhieltailluss of the-United-Stater, fromallicial- *tide** and rer. ports .publiabed by cratgresa by M. Mon dot." .8 , Aug.. s Sohoffer's painting of "Christ Tempted by ilatan 1 ' 'engraied byTiampis,' art 'tint tent Fronoh artist, for Messrs. Goupil & Co., who are now transpoiting• the picture from place. to place through England, exhibiting it gratis to every subscriber to a print. As tbo painting, is a large ono, and belongs to the French Government, the Gazette des Bethiz Arts conipialds of the great tisk it is thus exposed to; and Of the fine aria Mt-actors' unwarrantable favoritism .towards the publishers of the engraving. It says Avery print-publisher, to promote his , speculation, may transport , from city to city, and.,even in foreign countries, the original paintings which , he may propese'to reproduce, we ask, what is to iwome of our publio muserni?" It was stated-roundly,- at the time of the.elea tion of Patherlacordaire- to the, Academy, that the. regulations of the *minion% Order, to which he belongs, would oblige him to deolino the honor. It would appear that this is incorrect, from the title of a now book by him just published. "Saint Mary Magdalen; by the Rai. Father IL A: Lariat daire, of the Brotlerheod -of Preachers, Mentber of tho Prenclt Academy," is the title—translated. It is in 18mo., 252 pagss. " Jcian de' la, Roche" Lithe title of a now book just pnblfebed by George Sand. A now book of 'Amerioan travels, by a Pieneh man, F. Ilabadie, bus afpeared. "Resits et Types Amor/pains" is its title. 388 pages,l2mo, • Two eminent French-m . l'Ra", Bainte 7 Bertvo. and do Pontmartin, have been firing paper-bullets 'at eaoh other.. The former, through the heavy ordnance of the lifonitenr. The • latter, • through the Union, a gun of less calibre—end all about Fanny and Daniel, and their author Ernest Pay day'. The former, who is an illustrious member of the Academy, is on the side of Faydcau's books, wbioh is not much to hie credit, in our opinion. Mr. Feydoau has just published a.third novel, en titled " Ontliarino d'Overmeire." It is nothing but a theme of tiresome absurdities: A letter, heretofore unpublished, of the Marquis de Sado, the most infamous of authors, appears in the Correspondamat Laterare of February 25th. It is on political matters, and is only interesting on the snore of its authorship. ' • " - A late number. of the Magezein de Libtaire contains an article by Saint Rare Citirdin on “. Conjugal Lore as delineated by Shakspearo." AMERICAN LITERATURE The Rev. 4.'11- Ingradisasa:heis ocunplefra hie Serlestotbletorbsoloriptaratrollmast,es, by thoPub licationpf " The Throne of David, from the °omit orAton of the Shipheid of Rethlefiern to the lite hellion of Prince Absolom." • Of this "work David is the hero, as Moses is of " The Pillar of Fire," and as the Redeemer is of " The Prince of the House of David." The writer, taking facts from Sacred History, has woven them into a narrative purporting to have been written in letters from Prince Artaces, Assyrian 'ambassador to the Holy Land, to Belue, king of Assyria. Mr: Ingrahain's style is extremely tiorid,'and,'we most say, by no means like what an Assyrian ambassador would have adopted a thousand years before the 'Chris tian era. But he adheres, in fact, pretty closely to Holy Writ. The book, no doubt, will fascinate many imaginative readers. It is illustrated with stoel and wood engravings, and is priblitlhed by G. G. Evans, Chestnut street. TO N.Y. Tribune unnounoes that "Mr. Scribner will presently publish a sumptuous book of Poems, edited by Dr. Palmer, the translator of Mielelet. It is now passing through the Riverside pries at CaMbridge. Tho title is The Poet's Own ; a Book of Golden Poems made for the Popuiar Mart ; and the contents are a collection of sympathetio and emotional lyrics,, of which the Bridge of Sighs,' 'Sands of Dee,' Maud Muller,' and !Philip my King,' are types ; and fifteen autographs of famous poems, contributed by the coots or their friends, among which are 'Home, Sweet' Rome,' and the Song of the Shirt.' Upwards of fifty exquisite lustrationa adorn tho volume, eontributed by some twenty artists, including Church, Eastman, John son, Kensott, Barbey, and IdeLenau. Dr. Palmer has boon occupied for four years in the preparation of thbi work." The London Times, of April 7th, gives a re view, four columns in length, of Hawthorne's " Marble Faun," which is published in London under the title of "Transformation." It is an analytic criticism, illustrated by long quotations. While it hints that the winding-up of the story is seemly equal to ittioarlY promise, it soya : " Thus, as we infer, Mr. Hawthorn. has avowedly left us a vigorous sketch, instead of a finished work of nrt. ills Transformation was too subtle a prooees for his skill to perfect in the range of pure mytho logical oxistendes ; or, possibly, be was conscious of a stain in contrasting such supernatural being with the common ovary day life of the Rome around him. At nil events, it Is a startlipg effect to be got out of galleries and museums, from the hints and suggestions of classified, catalogued art. Our astonishment is moved by the near approach to a groat composition under eueh conditions, and out of rush rigid materials. Wo are more Impressed by Mr. Ilawtherie'D racers up to a certain point than by the shortcomings which render this success imperfect; and, like the peers on the sky In mytbologlo times, we are cur prised that the wings of Icarus should bear him so far, instead of Wog amazed that they should dissolve so soon." The Tinter' critic echoes the opinion of The Press on the publication of "The Marble Penn" hero, as to Mr: Hawthorn's know_ ledge of and feeling for the local Gets Its of Rome, and says it is worth all the guide-books we ever met with, as regards the gems of Italian art, the oharaoteristio features of Roman edifices, and the atmosphere of Roman life. In fact, we conceive it caldulated, In many instances, tOimpart now views of objects With which travellers may have imagined themselves already too familiar. Thus we inter pret its comments on the statuary by which Mr. Hawthorne lingers, or the significance ho attributes to the open eye of the Pantheon, or his expansion of east Bt. Peter's, which is, at first sight, a gi gantic casket, into the true metropolitan temple of the Catholic world. We obtain afresh pleasure from our old favorites as their salient points and subtle ties aro presented to us anew through the medium of his clear dieoerntnent. Wo acknowledge that mystery of secret sorrow whioh he defines so sharply In the half-averted gaze of Beatrice Cenci, or nssont to his demand for a kid-glove approba tion whiob is alone due to the dainty triumph of Guide's Archangel, The grandeur and the moral atrophy,.tho gloom and languor, the carnality and nastiness of Rome, pervade his pictures and con trast with the sunlight whioh flashes through its many,fountains. We renew our route by the tomb-hillocks of the Appian Way—solid and rode. struotiblo, as if cash tomb were a single boulder of granite. We hoar the Hex trees of the Villa Borgbese whispering faint memories of their peril on the last occasion when the Gaul was at the gates; or we get a glimpse of a purer art in Peru• gla and, Sienna, end a wave of purer air in the Umbrian valleya, or among the simple old World oppfda of the Tuscan Ax tholtrioaran Ottinaom.—An abandoned woman in Quitman, Mississippi, recently preferred a slanderous charge against a clergyman of that place, and caused his arrest. At the trial tho wo man was net present, and, at the request of the clergyman, an in was not on foot, whioh re fruited in the entire establishment of the clergy-, man's innoecoae: and showed that the charge was made solely to blast hie reputation, and to compel him to support anther's offspring. two ()P.m*. :LETTER PROS EITROPL , • i [special C'errestsFmeelsce at " The Pross.rl , I , •, , Lotman A p ril It, 1860. . I i,„ ,Loanou Ann its SIGHTS. 1 To 9T417 room 14010 .444q3suort blood in ils veins,, anti , spools the *iglu& Is:wage, London presents humetexable . attractions.: An to MeriCatn k t rEntiniedif9M the , clear atmosphere nd blue sly of Amorioa, to the fogs aryl oloudsof odor!, may at lint be a ‘ litliehrunsosick,, sod Pine.r his own dear native land; brit In spite of these Minor trials, London presentan field fo,r,,enlldoln7 on not3nferior in interest to any city in the lOC rid no °polish() is at alt familiar with iingliekbit / ory NW fait to be instructed ind Nemo .in this sat metropolis. We Mal eerlSoll bfl P Srdotlfd!fo t the,outeet; we give a few practical blosteto then iibout yietting this country. At Arid a gran, pse is wasted to understand the correctly, and feat a lass ow to reokon pounds, ,sliAlilugs, and pantie into decimals, The pKineipoll tollnelley of England le hank notes of thos denomination of live poundsandupppo3, tlerlkiilai and bitiflcovOlVlo7 4 ) in PIs1; Mork° , f.orowns, prim, shli)inisysisseiess,foinimThrit and throns.pences in silver; pennies, helfle; I , 4rOs__ td farthings, in copper. There ne iskiltr , nod in , England, except_ : r,_ ~ Uf ogland, and none of sem lion than ye pounds., A pound ()v equal to five ° UM: aild tilitMa AL t 'helf a pound n(ten 01190) , , Alive shillings), $1.25; egot.tgri_ Shillings six-penes), en cents; a tip), 60 cents; a shilling, 25 cents; xpomse; ,Ist cents; foorpence, 8 cents; three. tepee, 6 cents; penny, two omits; haltponny, 1 louts.) end farthing, half a sent. Bo much for the dur.reso. Upon,the drat, arriyal of an Autericappaslitdon ! a will ;mistral* gq to a hotel ; but all tili i iMllikk , ere are not only veii.expensive but extreme* uncomfortable. If one's going to ;peed tasteitiree here, thobeet plan to adopt is to get private apart , teat, iipatewbert at the West End,-where living is ot only _qouthsOpaper, butuiakpleesuter, than, lait. airtlitePtAt ittr, 4 14 3'.9 1 5P.'1 ,0 4 44 gnat. si PX I O4, , iPIAn 0 ,r 0 , 1 1 09. 4 5 , rrithcb,lhe ;."!It. harps for each person. Apartments eiskhetgot'for. from . $2.00 to $lO ovsls a weekOnoludireg bruit st and , attendance and one 0 44 nferlr lit it &;&it for a dining-place, for *every pester if Bee;me• ronolit there are dliahrtnows Of all ittleiltetfrw4 it dinner at six and a quarter oents Alp fo scampi Sounds. Foment* the best allayment in Loudon are—Long's, Bond street; Simpson's, laths Strand; Provence Hotel, Weeder briars ;f . 'the London, Fleet street; BertolinPs, Bt. liartta.' B , l qu'O, Ind UeW York Betel, Leicester street, These are only i. few. out of hundreds, end we might,; say thou ands. TIVIATRIS To a stranger London presents * world of amuse inents. Among the theatres, the best are the bl owing : for Majesty'sliaymarket, Italian 'opera; Oovent Giardcm . Theatre, : Italia's opera •._ Snuy Lane, English opera, tragedy, arid coret+dy ; The Haymarket, old English qomedy andiliodens oome d los ; ",Princesses, tragedy and comedy;" St. amas, comedy and ,burlesquee ; . Adelphi, melo dramas sad comedy; Lyceum,' mele-ciramai And outedy ;. Olympio, comedy and dramas; Strand, uriesques and _farces; , Sadler's Wells, tragedy; mta hoat'of minor theatres at the sett 0,141, With all sorts of entertainments—pantomimes, blood 'red -thunder plays , and all that sort at _ thing. Ast ey's Amphitheatre, with dramatic' performances, and a circa, Is the only plate now open in London !where equestrian performances Are siren. , . Aside from the thosatresi.tiere aria/any minor place* of amusement in London where an hour. or. two can be wiled ,awarrery pleasantly, Mr. and 'Mrs. Howard Paul in Their comic and innahniken tortaiument; Mr.' and Mrs. German Heed with toopular illustrations, entitled. "The Home Cireult, and Sea-side Studies ;', Madame Tossand's ry of War. Figures;, the Royal Colossidu 0114. I ty's Minstrels; Monday. Concerts at Bt.. James' Ball ; Surrey and Cremona Giardevel. Oanterbitry Mall, and a score of danointrooms ; the Argyle !Rooms, Caldwell'', Holborn's Casino, Mishbary 'Barn, Piccadilly Rooms, Portland Room., Weston's Music Mall end 'Supper Booms,' Evans', Saltier Booms, and any quantity of small singierrooms nd places of resort. . GEffESIEL rLlers or Isrvessr The ancient edilice.Westminster Abbey, ' ! wherein sleep their last sleep kiwi- and queens, philosophers, ,warriors, Mammon, and the great and good of Z 010401,40 one of the most In- Aoresting •places in England, and; wa the world. Not only Iseum, be days, caw be spent romnibg-throughite 'chapels, endeaMothingthe Wartime tombs and minintneette within itaiesiered ItaalW tit Paul's a tbedtalirfrptiar mr4l.lllY !interesting place,•and well worthy of a visit:. - -The tilonses of Parliament, • AIM Westminter Abbey, s • m ;are m agnificent specimens of modern asehitenture, ;The Tower is rich in association of the past, and famous in history as a palace and a prison. Within . :its sombre waits are many Curiosities of great in iterest, and we oannot help %earning, the sad fete of the infant princes, Lady Jane Grey, and a host of other innocent viothes, as •we write its name. The Mint and Bank of England are also !well worthy of a visit; Barclay lo -Perkins' brew ery, office of the London Times, British Museum, Zoological Gardens, Kew Gardens, 'Hyde -Park; Kensington Gardens, and St. James' Park. A stranger should- not leave London withotit'visiting the Loudon and St. Katharine's Rooks, and the wine vaults, In London Docks, 'where 65,000 pipes , of wines and spirits can be stored. In the Vicinity of the metropolis are mpny interesting places, pro minent among which are the Crystal Palace, at Bydenhini. Within its walls are collected the greatest variety of objects of interest, in nature, science, and art in • the world. Every age and every clime is there represented, and the mind la lost In wonder and amazement at the curiosities it contains. Hampton Court, celebrated as the resi dence of King Henry VIII, which was presented to that monarch by Cardinal Wolsey,' contains a famous collection of piotures, and is sur rounded by extensive grounds, worth seeing. Greenwich, with its naval hospital and eb amatory, is well worthy of 11 visit, if for no thing more than to eat ono of the celebrated white-bait dinners at the Trofa/garHotel. Rich mond and Richmond Park are favorite resorts during the summer months, and of a pleasant Bob day °roads of Londoners go there. We have in a hurried manner merely glanced at a few of the principal !duel in anti around London, and trust at some future time to go more into details, and give your readers practical inft rmation which may be of service to a stranger on his first visit to this country. Auemrrns. Letter from New toglt. THE JAPANESE EMBASSY: TO BE ROUSED AT THE usrhoroirreer HOTEL—THE MRS. CAPTAIN BREN NAN "MYSTERY" CLEARING up- 440,000 RAISED IN NAM FOR THE JINN BROWN FOND—NEW Zs- CHANGE FOR THE PRODUCE DEALERS—" niswe -111.4." STEMPEL AND MATILDA HERON S. OFF FOR EGROPH—JOHN BROUGHAM'S BENEFIT. !Correspondence of The Press.) NEW YORE, April 24, 1860. Our munibipal authorities are making prepare. lions to receive the Japanese Embassy in a style worthy of the power they represent and of the country to which they are ambassadors. The Com mon Council have taken rooms for them at the Me. tropolitan Hotel, and given the proprietors of that establishment carte blanche for their entertainment. It is the intention of the Messrs. Leland to give these regal specimens of Japanese ware *jut idea of the perfection to - which the culinary art has been brought in this country, and the oomforts and lox- Uriee that may be enjoyed by thole who are so for tunate as to be the guests of the oily. The entire Japanese programme is not yet made out, only that part of it that has been entrusted to the Leland!. The breakfast tables of the town were vooal this morning on the denouement of " the Brennan tragedy," as revealed in a latter from Rome, dated March aist, published in this morning's Tribune, in which minute details are given of the distinct recognition of Mrs. B. on seven or-eight different occasions by porsone who knew her intimately in this country. The upshot of the matter seems to be, that the loft the country in company with a person named Powell T. Wyman, and that a man of that name graduated, according to the. Army Register, at West Point, in 1850, and is now First Lieutenant, in the First Artillery, in which corps Mr. Brennan is captain. The correspondent of the Tribune lays that Lieut. Wyman had a diffi culty With Capt. Brennan, touching his wife, in Florida, some months before her disappearance, and that he obtained the lettie of absence to come abroadthreugb politioal Whence at Washington, after it had been refused him by Gen. Scott and. Col. Thomas. The passport of the Powell T. Wit man recently in Rome does not, however i state he is an army officer, and no one in Rome knows the lieutenant so as to Identify him. The suspected Mr. Wyman is described as a stint, !unbent:jawed man, with a sandy complexion and a thin, light beard; he wears eye-glasses or speistaelea Ano ther supposition Is that Mrs. 'Brennan left the country in company with another person than Lieut. W., and that the latter joined her abroad. Some, light appears to have been thrown on the matter in commotion with the passports, Out of batter* passports sent to Mr. Glentworth, to be oisid, our coniut at Rome,'one was suspicious.. It was dated . June, .1850, and Sias made out In the name of Powell T. Wyman. But in the ense of Mr. Spencer, our. , consul at Paris, aVet Helot so femme was inserted, and the equivalent Italianexpression was added' to the American visa at &plea. Leaf. Monday Mriter; Paites will biTivq-Ili watonnwujir, tail ow sariOa advaa4a l l,•- IMMO ," 0WN4 161 4k." .40:3 I:=M=l ty 11 11 city CoiiiisCor sada Far COW:Twat tplaik sr syst. or vat APIA an "lira eon to di* gettor-vp eft - Mb: f CAL . IIIO/111 . 11 PAX* . Asa[ eem~•ia tiniclbt 4 :•, - ;1" I': , 1 " •alet de .plaa same to Mt elsotwastit la get IN/' • - • • t varlet for Frans azielliardiaia. - Thrrees- • • • objwitedittat It *moot warivirq 'sad aolletted • panonall lagerriew'arttk lir. titystrit. — Mist pi- Boman appeared at 8 %%Wok, take* Uri Mast- ' worth interned him that Whir Whiled the vial to sorer two persobi be sat* take all ilhdaiit thole is • was his -triter.. 'At-first ifyrnin Iduataired, Ilhat it • fulls'knot requisite, and that no otber,oosiel bad de; did iti - fisit - lifer knit,' tardier talk, kairged /B •• l7°° , t t . 111 • 1 #Pil h at{b i t .i ,IPIY L 01. 5 41. i:t4oit' di npeke Uath'at aril. : ,AckipaiMiolier,er; Ito rote out aidatowsel a deelandisatiludthe woman, whose company be Wait bairn!** Was his wife.-- he'pa itff iille4 i iisi4r#* AV , - aid Ls. 004 Oailliwkda,iilVilt4;: TimApie.ff detary, of;Hots ara•ooled, grow 'Mar kw MS fan*, of Ohl Joha• Brown. • •-llp to hWo`trkidis itisAkere :litak,liaii Vanotltdillit sic of . fwka,,,a k ai two likanidad Ai* iteriffe*, of . Atiiiiiri:44 l l_ 6 llkti - iiii4a witi; . ..l:4 . It wan . • ght that asothajtAilsead , begs would be ... „ Acthouthedifire.worth . freer twelve to a dallaititeh, it is probable that the AO- Attillaiti will add to the John %town fond ' _430'060 to 140,000. - - - '.: --' - Tbe piOduto doable ' ''' '' 'to relturt• from proms their, present quartera,,,.near . (ha foot -of. Broad atrrot, .to the , building it tlettorairti•Wkdoehrdi and Pearl streets, wide!, la to beaetsedeled so as to be' suitable for a :ptedieti eiebak*e. ',lb *mita' rt- - dirb tbl e' , Atie.444 l .4 o l- tkcbitff-WI 9 11 r.'It oil* let ett 2 g4, 0 991. to.. be. tlirlded , into alums of S5O. ii tu a l .. A.. sum of $155,006 will bey She property,: and $46,000 Will toe ardliefetatto:etwar all expendi taro for idtaratione;Aii:';` A Ilubeetiption book his 11,:piczi4;:iii,i:;:6pai sse;aio ;firth id. disres Aut4;ibeld for, :Ito is *ought . 4krt, Vie hole:iboint of ehireeroenite ' , rowdy ii 190141 4. of *Mt deli. - When ettbeetiptione to- the antoest 'l6ils,iftho 66111164 U 64 :rioeiii4;:)ikeuttres trill be basieliteiely,bl4en to seetere the property iind WA.* ittO tat the requirements id time pm- [ I, ' Matilda Heron Stoepel, tuel her hasbeed, Robert thodomeillfor Xatope, itofEacciislo*xt, to he lnent fotti or tiv•aoliiih: s ) l4, atospik, ,:ir' 3 ,Pasef 'bit:4'6ot ritie'iliisteet '4 1. tiiO4iiei ,, Hliiiistipi' Leintibn',VA L ociiee' ii tol•eitielliy:th - hilitertiOniti Sodoty;'iod ii(ll6 ititietit4i pie - es,litte.litooperdohag lit feldilig girt . Prole gland he'i4ll go to Prieo"i, dwelt:4 to Mir:luny, ad then baik . fo . Nisii' Yiiiklii thieito . reittoke the musical aim — i'irobiri - atNallaik l e it - the 4eking ' , of the tallies's:lA. - - ,-- ="; - - :-• ' -- , : Jpbi Bfroogb,aok's AmmoAt,. UAW, orrowiwg, drew iv:. rt!rded 4 4 " tug fritltotoodietit,wisitoomprti tow with Alf* two opowwi ; , two oitomew l fooriitoor rgi f dad ,entortalowtonto „without ntuttbor. and taahlOti of titis town wiiii,proolti, to _ irtiOm;wt thioloso the'tlity; 'tie Wads 4ii&ot hG frisk ' witty,OpeeetLii. IT: goer ibieitt In Aottutti to be absent 'it load' a - tirolv*: , Gossip:about ifoolltait. , . ... ~ ~_.,. , .. , rFtoiti (hi Magi, Nisi and Tribune:l " ' ' ' " [UtheViteir de Volleyed that kiett: (*iris* the ar. 418 4 .1 .4.01 , 014: dtimixrp 10414 - -haw Rog- 1 and, has been .the"..eausei. of =belt of the 'odium , lite wish& dialling; is - regidited id Mat Jection of imineountry, ~Tbese 4)2.1*0-were Swaserybiefonan, - b h o,fallirginto a 'dispute, amok fro ASO. 0 !reit , iidifferences after .the manner af s.gentlimen,,, by iiwordeidid deigenr.- ' Thinsinied to Mt, tint - yea? sifter Ike Lindinirefllte MO** end **lib wars -: erely, *tip sinf daninrensly, mended. r...Thrre bas'no &Witte bp Magi* lo".thi — aolc4, - ao au'''. leldsre got' teketkertodedidik *ad tiethedof pi. sbialatt, .0 wo* 464demi, *ow **ld .be .04 to ". iiether melt and heidetelik spat tluone, . and be , !compelled to , Indite each 'Other's etitipasioadlitp forlinahquir holm; wilkais ikood'or Ma:. ;Ike sePtlimr: !M, oarriPd ;into 'AlM*** ;. ."1 1- *lb ' 'ridicule ibich was throbi epon, the preetais of iluellint by this' event 46 deseended - lo air own . Tithlit a, year .o : e . tWotUlaithitClkiMY,iSodGeavile • eel In Wishineinia, byWlttih - Cilley wee inirderid, Or:Gravel; trued their strieltertvdrh heistby the-' eve xdbilias .reaseatbrimoi of hili-exinsw,; mac- on :' is m 8in 1%11113013, Ifentimity, Wank the interior of „ his h) to One of" Ilectiorthern inintire, The [, nth , sto pped for . tbe -night .sit Pibin, Twaewell ' net!, asjs betel than kept-by Sent - nett, after!: , Ward a bravellenteeent M. the 4th Illinois reef- Ment of Idextean Volunteers. ' lt wad aniouneed . boon after hir/Oraveet: snivel whole wee, Niger . mid nothing then,betteltenlde..Onsvasasited far ~ 'a bid (he had net Sheri ewer), slitmid him, !thus.: " Bci; , eir - ye/Cent/not deep . in risy - house. Tea menet waith".ente*h to hey..alodeitsg tinder. •, my :04 . 0,0, there is 'bleed , Sus year hand, !" Thar tir?Cougreasulan went Wd," With leis Oldie& ' Iwtapped airewnibintipissed histraightits theonels ' in the.stable vied.: gooeN tliedwealdpimard, : ' l ,, e n tw e ril-Yera Cn , s'lnd.klow. - , ..1 4 ft•E kavin Moult. 'all - the'dan 'Of no estatealga. Ip saa. ;Asa Man ..d . :true' %snip- tiff meghisideslty;he had a• l'eorsOw to: tea !lag :Whiale-kw ` . tia not • 1 it Is a lithe singulerited Thud' ii - ; willed at tint - by men from-the-States wharteasemde ie secs- . r i ttemsel o wllfseteekle tied .1.17 1 1;nor is or 1 1 q114*•0:11,111e -114(01,.* a*A IP ft,114 1 ;t0; 4,ai1d.: num_ inarhatte, dents thieekto sive en early and . salutary direction in Sahib?' pt on Mehl Metter., ' Across the vinr, -in ihibeee4 landing bait nemer .. trees unpopular... Her potitiedankeditc l e=ere . doetars,llo-, Were only. few,years ago Orly fond Of appeals to encode td the ash tarot' Oeft ' guards.- AU oar older Treaties will mealiest the '. right between Biddle and Bettie,-bath gentlemen of distination,luid brith'efuriisetionalle,oeurige. They fought with Pliblil at , edit/once nConlyfire feet. ' When is politick** weapionsweeriemptd. Both, as cool and oolleoted . as , a elorKman In the - ;pulpit, fired atthe weed . Both'were died. - Clime ' :,,f lesser, note, 16 in early.lay, were y irosisaag nufrequent; bet Me motile* paver mowed the 'river into Illinois. General Shields, when living "at Belleville, used to she* that' he hid the blood of 'Donnybrook in his.webte; and at eau time it was . 'thought thatbe was deSsoluni upon a set-to - with . 'Senator (then TudgePTrusibull;'bit - his 'vaporing gamete naughtiand tbie twe'eentlenten now main- . tarn friendly personal relatiens.;. , . i A greet deal of fan was hid by the Jokers in .. Springfield; about 'an 'Affair I. Which,' lose time ago, our good Mead Lincoln, thetendidate for the Preeicianeei was engird., A rause. lady of, that , 'city, now the wife of is diatinguishad statesman, wrote a paragraph In a burlesque vein for the Ben lemon jcursol,ln Which Glen. Shields wen! good humotedly, ridiculed for his,. tionliection with some publie measure. The General - was greatly in oenied, inddernanded of the editor the name of ;the dreading party:. " Old Sim" put him off with et request for twenty-lve hours .to consider the.. matter ; and, shortly afterward, 'meeting Usage. :old bbn his perplexity. 3 ‘Tell hinelvrote it !" - 'said Ideeoln ; mat hell Mkt he did,— Aftg *4.40 diplomacy to get a retractile's of the offensive parts 'of tpe, w parigr_aph in quest kos; Shield* 'sent aeltal- ' :tense, hich Lineeln sweepted, wined broadswords as the weapons, ' and as aldrtjuentadi. Wen ;wooded island in , the Wad.. ppi, just 44/- jaw Alton, as 'the - pinto. • "Old. 'Abe" was brat on .the ground, f and whin Shields arrived ho found his . antagonist, , . his- sword in one - hand and a hatchet in' the other, with hie coat - Off, ' Clearin g ' away' the under - brash ! Before the , . , . pceltrainarr arrangements were . 00mpleted, John 4 Hardin, , who somehow had get wind of what was `,thud, apeariut,rm - the was, called_ them both - 4--d foo ls; and' by his • arguments • addreesed to ' ;their- 001111X1Q11 sense, and , by his. ridicule of the 'figure that they, -two well-gcotin • beerded men, were making there, itaohl trok tith astioker in his - baud, broke tr 'the titbit We. do not know how Lien. Shields f eels; but we heve heard of Lin coln'a eaying that t he acceptance of the challenge was the meanest thing he overdid in hie life. Har die, than whom a. braver man never stood, never 'came out of that terrible dance at Buena Vista, to.which ho led the Second Regiment of Illinois . Volunteers. If the events of his life passed in • quick review, before hie mind its he lay wounded and _. aying in that fatal ravine, we ,doubt not, this act ,of his, by which 'he pervaded two really brave men from enge&g in fatal strife, was not the - !Wit of the emsolations of that bithsr, hour, The stringent chnute in our State Constitution in relation to duelling had its origin in this wise: Two member/ of the.ConstitationalConventiott—, both of whom hav e lived long oviolegre _h to pent their folly—had a wordy encounter, or some bit terness, which wee followed by a challenge. The ' belligerents, properly aboompardad, :want •to St. Louis, "on bloody 'deeds intent"- There they Were arrested, reasoned with, and' laughed'at, and returned to their constituent& —, Meads.' Next - day, the prohibition Of duelling, as it *sw stands, was presented to the Convention. and adopted.. We do not remember limit 'a duel hoe been fought in Illinois ulnae, • - - . , . • pirate letter late ty re ceived from Bello* Ovate, Inbar Mobile,) Green county, Ala., says: "A terrible thin has mourned slpce I wrote you last—the murder of Oar postmuter.at bellow Square ire took his recall about a mile frent the poet aloe ' and waa rebuning,fron: hie upper, when, it isinappoesel, he wee met and followed into the office, and there knocked bithe heed lettlf an are, and then robbed of 111 his money.' The litters were then all broken 01)111,. sad a great deal of mo ney taken from them, /Levu then dragged about three-9tirters of siMile, with the intention of put ting him in an Old welt; bat the murderer fled. be fore he mcompliehed this. Before he left, to make sure of his victim be allot him through the bead. The postmaster Wee: a ',wry inoffensive man, and was very Muck liked, but was murdered in cold blood, . merely for his mosey. The murderer hap not been taken up, although it is well known who he is; bid toSt having settelent evidence to hint him, they, think t it beet to let him lieffre evidence is pretty much all there is, *arm know' that is of no avail in court."—Pensacola faints. • ART MATTERI3.—ROWIN le going tali :nerd. He has orders to take likenesses of Carlyle seer. eon, and Tennyson for Longfellow; Eastman Johnson is going W_ e s t for the summer, to study.the Indian type. Biendadt le to. amend the Missouri river to its sourcee,Und to -bring back counterfeit prestutnients of the, wild 'scenery of tkat regicrst. Ferrer la the name of a clever young artist,- &pupil of EUSkia, some Of whose pieces are on exhibition at the Modeled . .. Alf :Design in Now York - . Lents* Is about to, paint the landing of the Cellmlie grime in litaryland, under Lord Baltimore.. !Seve re ladies; well known In society in If eirYork, has* consented to sit lin their portraits, to be used in thiswork. tire Viol RgoEfttPsifienTANlA. gratefully eekimilikeigie tie tioilptof Ilihrdefins to • donation froth: the Easton Lo i ge, No. 153, Au :Giant York Masao., to the LAWN? Mout Yuan , • ,Aaloolatlon.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers