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I - 4. *C .; ri • Abou '"4 - ,, , " 1 - si l ia ,•• -, .AbbetjoitAZJ' ‘ • 0, 'Aldilny.`, - - Anowaroot 0 , -i t , , '..r. , ? , bah 4 lrk' , 111 0 124 1 4101 1 4=1P - I I ,zrj: Mlle --:.• A arust , DD , ' d ' te COW si l lgi. • ilt :. , Aoki', sW , -, 1 .:.':- "Chg. l t, •-,-..” '• '',•'' • ' Alms' Da joiss„.% lesset , l3 ': V.-`, , • 00 ..,., , A UnimAit i t e tit -' ." -- ' n .' ' ewe n'' ' rn ' '' Admit -g I- 1 - PIO' n ' n - e i rglir ''' -n • -n Amloft teltisa S.: "-- ' • arm a ' Aletnich .Whe , f 5 ,, WiN ---- " - 011.1104 Allol,o - Allen CSWlDant,' - 'rhilbertors_nsfilins,•,_,. _ , Adsats - Anrait - - iiintrAwistllll own C - Aleriglit John , 4: e ttaris i--: osier t r U ity .I% l l=l 4 '..-- ktstersklTA- ' - Riqintli•-- - A Ilik: !C-' Vt k ' QBl ' • Ye ri rs w "" ets ' - Ails that:, -, .- itt! , ' , *-, -',.. 7 f 3 w ' n '' Anon - tits J ' sr mt r iets . Allen. ,:s. , litterlekliffetite• ' lIIE • ' Allen sook . L_ - o* auo i ' - - • ' sx° 4 .1711C" 412- •'' lIT V.AIt ~'- ' . p '4, '"' Atonerit iottfvrt O j ai* To Jij .` .--: ir ac - -: : Zie 1*11,:lex Avil l ia. , 4ll4oo4Clifiet tod • it i . i;'l, bn lar; _ , I N I ZW3 III II 6 At ''."; Deir oafs Anton Jss • ,-':! Arr., . - , -! - , , ;i y , P', , mu „r4,---'-:' ..,.-1,,:', - ,:' , ,Rarc l ev,i,:i ti , ..,..,,,,, _ 4 ,... m i i i i .7,5 i &i i. , L. t y.„.., _,, Ointe BMW -- ' : swag , i -•; ., Vs. l. Mr sbli e t 114 T 8 ; 917:, f j Alia E -1 -- attskersing E , i A .us Jas--- - . r , - , Nue& F_ = 1„4 „ „ , lions' 01 1 - ‘1 r USW D ' ' !A ' • , .A. J 1 a 4 Drimilw ‘ is , A n Cli.G .•, ! . • i , .,, tke it! .., 4 441- ''-- s ''','!` . .- n met C tt.. ” GreenMlX , • worm 04811 • --.-= sw... een) 0 Gatirellif a , • , ••.!':' • wis.lso sir &mwt; . _ • anew A 1,:-,- - . , , , r.., . • r•- 'MO -'; kuley Jason .. mists bb-MeGuirea . 10."••• ..!' iir . &Co , ,fr - .C. , , INC: - • - ilten! 011 4 Duke • -.... c.,,g 4.--- • • .11111 X--- 11 ' 1 . 4 :fter- giiiy- I- . ti ti lki r° 4 ll / 1 ';-*- i t_ ter' Y ' . 111411 e T r'' , 7 . h 114 , 4 1 1. IC ' , -A- mly'ill,:':. doky '4 ,. 7 --, - it 6' - - .. - ! enrood 1. I ' Alive xi 0 ,-- ,. , : , mailai ,-- rvirsio_a r c .. ii ii,•4.. %.-. ako k imr ni ,44 46 - ,, ., 5 • • il N U -i p• 611 , 1 7_ , ; sal t, ' *dial Etta B bill ' vir Alm A ~,,„„„ f eat- Pt- , antes Andw , MidallAtille•l'' .........tiotta-_ , -- stew 8 I ,--,,,.. - • 'emis tr , iii-s Anal agattki n i - !: . • k b9l l / 4 &C° ' ;74,Ww.,...-: , -- ‘pl i ii. . --. =lv- . kw , os tr,,„_; . '•.: a W. - • Wit al Lynne amil , -:7:- angst 48,4 aegis" ~..„ entiti - W 4 reign & Pirs, B aIDI 1:4117_ 3(117-': glirustrilr— i ilium, te e ll'ir ja-' l' otomi wird 'al l t rei n . I4 - And e - - " ":lorshi n , 4., .• :..:7 - Di. Dr , l ilL;i!ti l sF . . arrisoak q' I d 4R4 , ii . lf et i ggstWit ,r- bra ~I k ;_. I g 4l ' ' 'l . vaf ii---' -., . , -JeM;i4.•:i —• : : : , ,, : , , , ,,, .:z . ...,: ao; 'Thr - " ' !•101• 43hie ?'" - , :, 7 rm ro wa vn::v i r: B l ' .,i, - . 1 ; ,.: : 7 4114n 1 ortsbd 7 nal.. .it "1 1 4 .1' 41: : . 77 ).mouiv iir L 1W 1T T 1 ::,.. . 1 t yawn _.;,i1,-,;; , ' ;. , k eir, W. ~g,,. 1 1161 -- town 0. w rpoiceiVir: - 14 1 41 7 :Sifil l 11 .1811 1 , 2 * ' Lltittort,t- :At ' be a t ria,n , - - IN II mro f _ ii , ~ 7" M w - l _ li bash p lr. -, i• i. . ~ • . , tie DC ' irt!..s,."-- Ill 'U n t >::'-':0,,, n areisraF " ' - ••- •-; tl i Zaigi ' j , ill .', ' :-• tliu VI 1116 T: ' ,taromrstlatindofr.(l4 quiman' i gu i ji lli447..- 17: .? :.:677:441tia.:::-Ls;* 4...... ' ferEc- A li .y_ 1 oba - . -- -- • 1 ilt::::. U n ite" '' ' ' f . '. ' T .' 8 " ' 4.: ' edam 7 '• - , pew - •• , • .0;7: 1 rei:lca l" , l-, • . / .4 .. sCi .° 7 mrbe T C"";"4 :?„,, 'il " • ,' . 41 - ,, 7 cur St !iia.;„„,-;:,..-ls. 12 „,°• it " :_,..,;• cue .•so - !:.•.. •1t • • , „ 01 1 ...I : _ ~ „• , TA! e't - : - 0 ;" 'P'.'"' ' ,:- en. tr Cala , * Si *-.•:_;;.:.- , It : ' -. Chertertsu D , : duaildn! _salt Al ?-, E'en T " 4 r...57.4''R,_: - 'M.,. • , _MI& 8& T • 10, . ._ _ ~_ ._.. i__ i , r x talj r. Alit Vil =oli kt Wii hbbir gam " ittrAtt':ii;'iror..74l2. 4 . 5 14 V51.11.:ka. .filiff.s_46k t i, " 85.5...4..... i trair . . r. , ..... Ta -, q ' , Boairltia ' - - • -A— ..... i . -: i er.,„,iff . r.:. _ bi,,Virr':;. i --- nit in km ' Ili -- . 71 a 5 14, istte,ll,i 'l - 2 . _ ops, F- - • - ,7 • 1 We rAb • , ! 1 %., 4; lartgi' , .11,8 Ci..., us ~...,:,....,;., Slfon" ' V1 1 : 13 .41 2 321 Clark Wo Coon Madly:4i -.... .Cooantion yfai. geY4 ' F: gA i &Z Zlnid,,l i fre M IN error r 4 rtneirk : " s4 • S C 4. " c ittfifig h ' . '' ' ' '.l v. of ..w L. . ~ ow lir 0 t r pr.l,lo AIMS)* *ilitakfto; _.„.„- , _.TE!I. Amos _ , ar)nutiessawoorrop*vorircrwmanirtorini. skis WyosolVrton .•, .. — i nferrrit "cm lam Rosy& *tikes eprummona. ... a war; Eh, soon Stulliessionn bow W A. " (in tiny Tim Thitbitt,'Dill...'....,...inikusyrs:ad , i o On ChM.lluithea Buono' Alrom.som LOME INTELLIGENCOL Pear:OV:v!iiitaiimpnemitiv4pril e. 400; eltwooibli - Visubiotwok•ViWort ' Di& 4l cmd*ititt Nod:Mt if tototiorititroom imobtolgen to .. • ~.eomee' Weeet. , , P. _.: egt - beefet r iteNitpfliteliaglflii It ' t - tb tonna, &C;lo,resi# l 6 Mania & Co. m .• c.l °' _bola %Woe' trte.6Mlttobto7. IS' dawn 'from tleoi e ton:rite.e.ne. Lgirropkr, yam., !__ i nf s.:gar zetitio4"..?4, , Yqk. , ekw , ithi l i. ?Pettedly, fiabi Altiwbiti.'N ,: t itobr, All ter,.)ge4eg.el r imm ' Ch iseicre sovit..4l.4:4 , ettit.. stortio_at co, al -,r,•_ . 1 V r , leto _, _w tutllol (kw* TWOo Obitiolitoi MA 1011.1m9111: Ai:, latit.liartin & Co. - '', ;!+ P I; gr u tee• free tfillirTeik -. :- ; Saar Wm - - imith. fiereNem:Ye4. , ' siaio ntr i o. ~ i . gtmai wi gtater.Toric: 1 y i l Vaqtf i lgweritat " 70e,st helot , frOn` New -, , ,4 1 1= t0 tare Iwo , strain itelg Iregii, . • . • , , • . Rheeiiitillosee. Iflorlf. T,AUdordsoe.. alolol !VP : inknitp, 114sTior, Bostote, IA ArtOpptitint Litirorfogi t eopo air" IVlllrorktoil t l.o. *. ll ehr V .6.10.*, TY 1.4. 1 ..d00ri ft 0.,• Co. a,. r,4 Btu rant tt q 1ti .:43 171447: tne Rf . &s7ipkllith - t d( Yettit: 4 .•, . , .. , ~ . - r .floorsoilla.044O; Bo s ton, Too Down,; Eiortc, 4.. r Mutt ktokett.Ateatrujentiok. do , I , hr Or„.. louder. Pro mee t. - , do • ..ir fiKi 00.1111.. sv• ill. ill • - v Afl wo h a mot roer., ton. L othatill o it Co. A I. huh - sebtir „ A u, r t. mg Loa= do IN .Nhor a .. - Boveon, ----- - do att 0 ,ithair. mews. A - Grove...Jr. . ' - !life 0 A.1.06,015Th Atofaudns. T !favor. Jr.„ 4 6 1 'W . ' T0tiii,41,... j r „,,e46" — - 1 ., ,,,t ,,, ,,imit, .telirkii. - OAP Niatahore.lo kw. hod Jab totwoovalf tie MeoglooroolovOroved.lo.r, Vi 11.00011411 Cofoloo 'Wit 00 o I .1218 iputsa4e, hafts olued wi r a tth a of. It . 0014 k mu, lON tour I hen ohm.' bat vviaNN , tio ss rgere.-10 1 fif nom. ef useloalti _ met 10 - to ;•ofTlittrortphis. Ms Horton. NO Mlle* , "rya, zi, t.alts Nun *it myna othisi "Rik skomit•!,;; - r, .-; ,• , ~ .; .. ,; ' :., L " " a ""#1.0 , 12 11 gler 11 0 "4 11.11t .) The , bathe' lisle beep /rAtv 00i0 0 Ati. g wpm anm Aa ray bat int. Niara t ut. , Torto , Lad rile Bon Atirul' ypetAbeir sisaptialertmtsl;'' . saa intm: fromhipisore,!,lo fOrrhitidelehia,Miled, Ste to "iligigwisedr.i .. ,,D4rw ' 'Toth, lii, fis -vi WI mew 4 JlMl T Urell fr i O r M 6W4l.4 4,• a llt4p MN iliiiifilTd;ili i11ii544144 Fit; Ilth; ass ItereePtal 4 OOPS VA mrocl!tg „ tr . Fhilist Mtt Mru . T' Ettrr i bMiZiimeoi;e ' land t.t New..ork B M-• - ' -,,- .L. --, ~ ; , • - ' -,„BsetAhlioul. Meharlead t tor;sio de .fersdro, matted , "VairruiThy tr. &ckeit; tram New yric, 'arrived, Bark g r ail. riv i rt. al ' lrrriaMidrie Fib re ;Mat'to load ores sad.weld st,..two setts la Cbilii at fle per tog, for .ecer seallsillAirmithrome, OW Philadalshia, cleared at St Arm, al 8 lath alt. • . . illokr Josstliserjltari Cobb, from Cardease, arrived at New York Stet nit. - PO, Tessin 'Eldti4o, for Thiladelehts: cleared at WNW Skit as, with mr. miles "Moo, Ed !MST bNa , sad desks temp. - - -- - .- . . • Behr sroadheld.:frielt,for Philedelseds. dewed at ObatiestoaMth alt with, 236.000 feat lumber. Bear 8 r wileorle. - 13odfrer, for Georgetown. 0 C. oleared_ur Cheri Mk ale; aft Seer inn* Maine, rectos-, olellood at Charleston 18th for M Mus. Fr tip rang it 1! Shama: Dem, for Wash log leer et C.- eleares lee ffeerbeva 11t h ult. Beha r m mawarl:omm from Ponce, P Ili, ar- Geed at smarmy/0m at; • • Moir seam allaymd. name. Mewed at Kew - York Met oltfor for Wilmer's, NO:- , . - • Soler S N Smith. Week'. from !wham, arrived at learelstk Slit ult - ,' - _ _ . • _ _ . B De r ar t garallrBT. fat rkilailalptua. maid itougiair some rodds, 711017,4nd ilndati , :iacillin, for Ptula:- &labia. cheated at. New York, Vet eat. ' Bobt 800. Folman, from Lelpino; Del, arrived at New York ISM a% . - - Bohr J film', Ccrsoi.froM hillobile,ani red at,Doetmt • dehr Goers* treat, heats, emir* at &Mori 30th alluott- : :, .. , , , sem Jostles. Ballet. t er Philaelphia; and It. Gil-. Mist swath: for Wilralsgionahil, *Leonid at melon, '...NA..a P.Attatioi. Wille".' and diwtd*,./tu • a, Smith., irom Seem for nutielesa. sad Ph* M Plater, Glea-' , f ri ifrommarton for Wilmington. /104 wen at Dolmee' lir v. Mliea,_Comon e _from - Them ' for POiladel ertsie tom Holmes mole Nth net. pia Malady I.th t„sobirersodad. , re ...selider.. v. berme for- wil ed n id t ram +yl . Seer, tree n W,..fhlbideph is, lint woliegmu ale, '• • - - i' 1 5 0 yoWlAteldesall,Nalrelt, frimilsierily. - sad 'Nal , ' a grr eu. r i g n ; ;I°l3llr , f" Philadelphia , arala at t ~.; ? -, , c ,, RAItIitOMD . Limns. . - , WEST- O.IIF.STER VB ROE ORD TRAINS vt4 s A A.,_ 0 ~, L l e ave .IMpot./oorner tegm.ustrantmkz, Obestor PM A. !IL map Al . M.. And se P. N. • - • TO' WEST CHESTER '- T ,„lRR l Velt . : 7lllllantgliktEDlATS hum for Apt MI iiisvgPhilmuialart;i3 from the , d orat extion s ttir , m ar of uri o rr s ha 4 6 1 5 dr:irk I?Jarktaasys ata 41., : taid a o rareargirtz r z za n tli s s i t rills r o t 1010 ,i. AL, end/ U Pat. Trams.. masa PHILADELPHIA AND r o tonfo AILROAD. - 100•o3TIO F FARES: ()Weed atter Anti!. 'Cowen tatiou Tieltete. With tveetries ear will be homed, good, ler the hetdet. Ltd elle KIM ot:lnethaelly, On &By raleenter Tette. Slid et - May They n 4 be Rote b 1 the, Teeteezer.atette °Mate the eolgesar. N0.,f9 *oath wOußTltdetreet,et ;Want of tWanty-five pet emit. front the i tziee We* Pik, wishing to enjoy the, Sommer C t ary-wilt thr vel . " Oventblo riit!„*.M . " etgC" at, tit, • i=te An ts. isergp • • • sad I_, itiada;; for* AD - - Aticaruatit.s.:Nitan. ?as. '. • ` • . vase. I. *mom . zuast 6 . fitotty, - t ekviehrbis, . it im GobiZshal' "WIZ. tate. ir . "lltoad Bohlarkilleir, S . i W. , 1340011111:6" 00 .‘ s . l ', _ _:.' .' - , als•siriciiti rim 40 i.. wwh miimtikPlNS irilit tio ' m ant f ' ' lii k;mailltaar 1 ide,tVgigaWbri L ' 8121 tails at 'Wils `:44velemllia rryi .1 : - •II 0E044 ZIT sin:" P". - osjit i r tat sr aititimakribt. 11 Airrl,o4l !=ASTROLOGII? !--- , LOOK •-• 3 Jew Alf-HOON ta I O-000W lIIRWS 'ila ALL!—Thm never ihilir o host; ate summed* wbo 'Nippyeet Inme-failtet , 4l Wen pre tyr trouble. et ukelele be* ultfortnimittAeratieeL le Wee tio!nlieei By to rtor mimeo and comfort.- Ps love affairs she itrare /Pau -Bbm ham the meet of winning the deo iniorror, the meets mem. It ii, tble fact Ireton indurate Aimee" eretomd•re by try to illUtT IMP. UK ooray her gfrelletr o lpi es Trip Anneal or fir fu residui at 'Abut kg. irtla ilitllZZ7 ;,,who_ A uptcir ps , In rmehty.Ati can give tram 'T.. re l 4.ap. - by tro= botieiZal dAi AC.ltheditte n _ 'amens VIM My COMODOO I l Mal to Aro.= Lox - Dana Stripes, between J uni per Breed. - . ams4t* DW,/11.,47LARKTI 0 D' . • _00,,..,-• , ; A - liii .. ..mo ".7. 4 ° ,11nti0 :lheit,LVA. 9. t I talu b •go eding , : i tr a tioningitit tega t fpn 51 I ,:s2lironsy-a=lit emit opal" WIUMIL. NOW OOMOOfI r at It . trialitltt tthi wire thericiss• - pdrALeintir l tr . a. erttre,rde. &WM° *below 4t. pad Beth rent ki of oml Aar -I,o4.47grerrilltit,nrtialiV vainsakir Mid 112:; g it i .a f ,...t i ftr, miry rodent r ' ' T --- Ow R *Tom real* mora ' m -la two- to , ineenor low par ,'- •- •' ': - $ll '' ' ....• ' td rateiiritfe_ . ' • Al P i rairigie ,' mrarut WV", If &ern= • re l M____nWrrd • Oltrrh==iite. - Iti" - 11' ,Ii i .owne! iiii o,11Qhtui' te;hatnimietm; h en - it-' : ' Zgleii&lii le ireitentl, ere respeerlir i uffivitd iralisZr!!!"MY sad. ef7 1l -' ler . , ..oearienrite Ike pitratisim; of the Mini , 'apßand month* add tle thilimi t 7 twee' plied Mates, Orme untatn, muff !,e_ omelet r Aerioelturei 'pun o es, will - 7 " mil E WlVlVE l nintee, ad is ',--... ..' no.* RAO IL. belowihir4, Phi l i ra. ...._,, , r - or rarme'r int - ormation °owe nu Wu ee Or 4 1-. Lialit.enili *Ham to i reed UM '7oi iir handbi , e vert him th, ~. , ' ty ------ WOW* TROOT BAB clizarerrri,,, v g im i.N 4 D 8 0 Af, 5 istatitiVilnatronsoitzgo thurielbure _1( ! N'B ENCIAIII3TIO TILN:s" . NUR. • raf str i k-.4 -m a, 4 .412 11 ., fitheiVai l l a tra p tital t *IV •xec , - " • kno C.. Fittest. , U UP NEW OKLEAI.IB.BUGAB4 1 4 • Vatig i Vrro i rtuMifttir, .." I• 2 • -4430 •• Bintes -lierkimer Count"' :9#ll,*o3lll„ftit, ,V, 4 „,c?.. 6 4 1 4/ 1 4 I .04OOS BLOAT '6 - 00 -140't 46" TO"' AtkoilOte_. . tvdr "Orr ow's, COAL. ~a~?~~~ „ • s /.141 , • ? 411 : P Illtrit " dATindit ta u t ” Kits= OP A "4-; . ., STEP - Q I,AW_YER.— This beautiful ttle - veurne is ded elated With* YOUttgidee's Chrietian Ao- Wotilition of Portlend ; tied Iceeeeittity adapted for WV feestonal an other vane men 6"41" antw O F PNAofig OF ,T ,PREea. ' ' ' imall "Memo of greet exectenee. hesury:ThPeorth. The' example is SO WSW attractive. and taw% ,the4Ven :would have MI yang Med teed, study, and i tete y. Oboarner. it.— Young. men of a doubtful mind aching Whet is Truth P will hero rneet - With much .le a *N* ll 3044° to convince them of the reality of religion.—Bulton A gfaterm semi genderld td the onus* of the master and to the memory oink devoted ctifill4n ( Fiend. — rffnand Traeger:is: • , This volume is invoribedge thekertland Young Men Christian AstiOciation, - yeller mewl Chnettau Also- Mations of cher cities would do. Willto oitoplgte it. ;It cannot fail to interesKyoung men, an d "Pe o,lll o young lawyers.—Fortfaed mirrer. I• RA Deanti ul White to the memory of Mr. . ff=- OM who was converted during t e oinking 'effendi, lug et tem and t h en c e thrth ted a Ii e ' unto iv devoted': USSR tilt called herne.—crerreratimatirt, Best" A ehar m lng tnbete to-the -memory of 11; highlgld Mid young m en . It ought to be in the hands of all young rtrete,—Clutcoret Journal, Yrtee.lng mints. For tale it the. lifi • • _-__FRUT. zriscopAl, firto_l( PORITORY. intieu et • 1224 OMPITNUT Street. Thila: 11/11TCREWS NEW INTERMEDIATE am- - 0E0011:iPR: ' , 1 • ' The Third Book of the Series. ' - Inst Thuile. A SYSTEM OPMODERN GEOGIR APHY diodes ed for the rise of_ sehoole and anademies. illustrated -by Wen-, ail th tri/INAVI T V-VIIIVW ‘ iTli f elft E ol haT d r y T ST AtITHORITIEIL - and oisliscorith A engreVinge. ,Itis believed i bM this will be found to be the best,misent of Bormol , Geograpby ever , issued in the world.' ' , , • 7_l3e spongier Geotraphies Consist" of 1. Mitchel'" Finst'Lemons in Getographi; Retail rI t . it •ri plv., ~.a, I . A .. Y . • . .. • . • 8026 2 '§lgeitiP4Wiii,lArtteiGe O ....., .-- i• 042 3.iel VNewl n Cw n rata gr tls .• - ••• 112 4.egitebelPe Schoo- artbyand Atlas . -1 20 it. itohell's Ailment (ileogrsiehy and-Atlas -1 26 ta1ttiR 7 1137,41V•^`,4177.1 4 ,...:;:: ... . , • 141 NI 8. Itchell'is Geographical r e ad y , 800k ._..... 023 Also, pet ready, DODIH'S '_PICTORIALI HISTORY OF THE UNITED 13TATvA. 'A new edition, much enlarged, and newly illustrated. Price RI 12. Goostnotes Series of Histories 0W comprises: li.'Uorio tee r totorist Hinter, of 11 the United state". . new edition ._....1 12 2. Goodrich's Pictorial History of Erig1and......... 0 94 M Goodrich's Pictorial Hinton/ of Rome—. ..... 0 94 4. Ooodric.'s Pictorial Hietory of Oreeoe. .... 0 94 6. Goodrich's Phitoriat History of France.. ... .-.•• . 004 6.- Goodnah'e_( Farley's) Common School History ' of the World enlarged edition... ...... • ...... 112 7. Goodrich's First History. littroduotory to the 8. ' Gorsa r .Vl3M3'7l4lieil ....... .orthe . tinFtefl Mates At twos TEN NEY'S GEOLOGY'. Geology for teachers. ii=t i t i gor. F o r i i iltstr i de t tgrZiti ll y a ripllitTtrr l il e ilit: tor!, in the meamsonneetts Teachers' institute". Illus trated with two hundred wood eneravines. Price 111.13. MI fOCKHARDTE CHEMISTRY. The Principlee of 011ernieby, illustrated by Simple txperiments. By Dr. Jenne Adele!' thockhardt,Profeesor in the Royal . Aimile lAy Of Agriculture at Tharand, an d d b ßozal Inergor of .D, "l iegee i iitb ir. ` ="na T .l " ,l4l. ;* . 11- ' °' M. , *AIWA ESSAYS ON " THE IN T ELLECTUAL POWERS OF MAN, Essays on the Intelleotuat Pow ell' or Man. Br Thomas Beld, D. D. F. R. S. E. .Abridged. with notes and illustrations' from Bit . Wil -li4m 848111 , 011 sod others. Edited bp James Walker, DS. T o: W Pr Aß id T e ' n B t oPf H P I rE rd P HY i n O s. F P THE B 1 A . CT . IVE AND MORAL POWERS OF MAN. The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man. By Dosald Stewart, F. R. 88.. Loud. and Ed. -Revised, with rims alone and additiose, by Jame. Walker, D. D., President ° Vlll l lW d liAl e iriV4ll4l. The Ladies' Redder,. Des used for the nee of sin g Roboole and Family Reading. circles ; comprising throe selections Dont standard authors.' in prose and ietry, with thiesimen tial Rules of Elocution simpli ed and arranged for :ipinlj o grgesi l l d Uzi. &John .W. 8-'Howe, Professor CGPFA'S EI:RANTS OF LOGIC.. Elements of Luta. Desired se e. Tanga of BIIBTOBBOII. By to BOWL A. ~. Professor of English tAteratare in the Uelvenity o Pensm.ylvanimand late Principal.- Assist ant Professor or Minas and English Studies in the Milted States Military Academy at West Point. Price 75 pinta cor PEE% EfthlENTilt OF RAETORIO. - Elenienti of Rhatorie. De geed aa a.manuel of instruction. By Henry oonnee, A. M.. euthor p of .. Elements of Login," - . VA l e rc11812117 1 611q0141; Containing ,E - ere hies in ortpogrsiphy,.ce "own, e nd Cleesinciatone of English Words. Revised edition. with an Introduc tion and implores index. By Rufus W. Bailey. Price M MOS.- . E. H. BUTLER. it CO., inhBl.2t 127 South FOURTH . St., hills. SOUTH AND NORTH; - on IMPRPAISIONAIRRCRIVRb DURING A TRIP TO CUBA ANII THE 8017 TR. • JON. BOTT. 1 v g i r Imo. By 8. C. AI el. OWE bri r itY Yl4BB. FYI= the New York reasernika ... .e. The 111114 T 100404 84 44444 Yit Jutieins,l4o, Christian, and seatmmly and ul. The author rehearses in a vapid* way tha rovritel s l: r Ati i tg e nes ssino l Ortiti C while & I late 110 rystemati rays i rm re irel ; lie n sto rtfiPiell- a d z e j nUl al 4l the toll?! oppressed Y psis to et the f tl e lk, o •lrl t ille leiinudid,o sa d Manlyr t le always . 'irind and gentle manly : NOT SICTIONAL, DIIT TRAVEINAL 31 not partisan, but Chrbitian....ll6 pouits the Booth to the simple remedy for elleting evils, by sutistitufing IMP/ for the lash, NO labor for monied toil. From the New York Trituos. its animated desoriptions, and the *frankness and cor diality of its tone, are adapted to rove it 4 favorable 113- acytion, even with readers who direr most widely from him in opinion.- 4 ` • • * • TIM topics to whteh this vOlurne is devoted, and the 'spirit - in- which they are discard, 'though they .may arintal MMilletUf opposition ram those who regatd suttee • es se the guarantee o safety, Will secure it a eirentation amour - Wits iretinaps.or FRIZDOM throughout the country, Pops the slaanks (Ga.)Confederacy._ _ ten I4CONTIMPTIIII.4 ASOLITION ymoncortoir. writ na very readable style, and well calculated to taint ,the minds of the young.. Frees the Detroit Viriatian Hired. - -Si VALVABLIINFORItAtIOIIO4 the quesuone which now agitate our country. Prom the /fertford Scateing Press. " . Rim impressions are such as would be derived by any honest, isir.minded Amherst 1111112. at soarILOQOUT. From the New York Observer. • The book is intense& sod avow^d I y Abolition. ADBRY & Armor, Pablmhera_ r . mble.fm&w-Im No. 119 Naomi street, E. Y. CONSTRUCTIVE AECHITECTURN.- In the archittete andllferhoosics' /simnel. of 7th April—beins the commencement of a new volume and eatargad alsa--a)•fiara - of a ainies-atartiojaa on the "boys subject appear , Illustrated mix utak,...111, ltd of greet value to all eonstruettors. Copy sent on trial flue wuolt. for 36 os_ptv _/2 • year. Publisher. MAX. IiaRTBILL, PULWN etreot, - Nsw York. To be had of all News .120212. mb26 mwf Bt AL., BOLD WORK. ' Vow ready. THE STARS AND THE ANGELS Ivol,, 17mb. 81.25 " We have seldom Weed &book which we have found it more difficult to lay same: The themes are of 'uremia ins interest—the geology of the' sun, how stars may be kindled, colonial chemistry , the apiritnal body, iphysi• VogY of the seirit, demoniacal no ions, angelic bo. , thee, and kindred toms, ,We have neverseen these eniSeetstreated with the same ingenuity and apparent truthfolness."—Prerbsterian. • "The book is bound to be reed. The author's . . neon lotions are bold, sometimes startling, yet oars Is exer oiled to keep within the line of what is prohableand known. The chapter on the " Physiology of the Spirit" must be considered as marked by much ability, and with A thorough oonsideration of, and acquaintance with, the 'Scripture' on the subject."—Bannsr of ma ny oss " A volume of sinsular merit, and in respects a remarkable book,_ The author is a bold ripeonlator, and astonishes am well as intereseg."—Amorkaa Presbyt,- rims. WILLIAM 8, is ALPNEw MART N, mkJl No. ow CHESiTTIUT Street. pOPULAR AND - INTERESTING ! „" FOR GENERAL BOOKS READING, si r s.d by mail, (postage free) on receipt at retail yrloll. , f addressing • LIIMMAY BLAKIBTON, - Pabliehers, No, SliSouth SIXTH Street. above CHESTNUT: Philadelphia, • 'ALCOHOL and TOBACCO. One vgl. ys canto. Con taining Prof. Miller's" ALCOHOL ; ITS PLACE A,N n POW ER -" cad Prof Liner • t' vericcil ; 118 tISE, AND AWE " Theabove have been selling rapidly,' All 'thou read them They can be had separately, A.l- aohol, 30 cents ; Tobacco, 38 °ants. IL • THREE THOUSAND RECEIPTS ; or, COMPLETE BOOK OF REFERENCE, for valuable receipts upon Cookery, Pastry, Preaervin g. Agtroulture, Ito. By A. B. Wright. .r. AGRICULTURE FOR T THE SCHOOL AND THE FARM. By Pro! Campbell. Fanner a suientillo and 'practical treatise, which every n the country should poisons. • mhat 111188 WETHERILL'S NEW NOVEL)) xv-ei• SAY AN DftBAL By the authoy of The Wide ' Wide World, &0., is for gale THIS MORNING. vols. limo. sloth. 882. _FLORENCE NICOMPIOALE'S NOTEI3 on NURS ING: what it is and what it isnot. In 1 voL 60 cents. A fresh supply of this valuable little book, the sale of which has been extraordinary ; a book which Is receiv ing the highest encomiums from medical men through out the country, and a copy of which should bis in every • • newiai r sows HISTORY OF HERODOTW3I. VC- Mine Three, reprinted from the Ensllsh edition, with Id rOnt .. i t t rili t° #a NPR , Ph 5 _ _ WI LURK. I NEM vol cl . Ati of Cane-lucky . By Charles D. Kirk. ot t it i rt' LBDTE, FROM SWITZERLAND. Byirlins; charming, wieriptive account or it, Tour in Switzer land, by en author th.vmrshly amble of appreciating P:A a n n tl e gti l a i lint ed . lintng o i:mgl6". novel of Irhi thit Pfesil wino author. no rn itter how celebra ted he may no. see be sehimead to attach his name. 611. AaINST WIN AND TIDE. The new Story by the authorof those ,trharming boots. Sylvan Molts Dayshtet. Kathie Brand. *.e. I ear, et, • MOTHS* WOWS • FOR•OROWN FOLKS. A new re aced in price to 76 cents. a meet amusing one well-written boot, by a contributor to the Atlantic Sfearhiroand which has hale large sale. A LIFE STEUGGLE , By Miss Pardo.. The new novel hr the authoress of these well-written boob. Louis XlVih and Francis lit For sale b7' SAMUEL HAZANDL,IL, mh39 72t CHERI:NCI: Street. TE MARBLE FAUN; Or, The Re- MIZICB of Monte Beni. •By Nath . Itairthorne. - T wo vow. L2olo. *IA., - Also. Juni. Out, B.A.T AND SEAL. By the Author of " The Wide, 1:0 World," eta, e to. 2 vole Ihno, . or eat, by - • LINDSAY A BLAKIBTON, Na neßouth NIXT I; Street, above 0.11881 NUT. .........._,_____ fl. G. EVANEV ., GIFT BOOK STORE 4—• • N0,_109 CHESTNUT Street. gig YOUR : $ MEM AT EVANS'. OUL . . 4 KS AT t.VANIf. Hi' YOU •.IKS AT Evirr. ' , llona, et place is the sitir• Boobs are soir °heap re! at any ot er stem cad You WORTH e vantage of getting kaandeorne OUt. F ROM SO OENTIF TO ilUll NEW BoOßwis th each pooh. _t Tens HAUNTED_HODIEBTE AD. A ',ejection of Ghost Stones . By Mts. Bouthworth. With a Mitt. Pries Was. 10,000 WONDERFUL THINGS. With a Gift, Price B T THE MARBLE FAUN. By Hawthorne, With a VIIIHTH I RADF GOOD SOCIETY. With a Oi ft 111:1 A t t. 4 1 TylA4ETRAE. Aire ai THE OLY L EG iio, y• . i Mil l . New and 1 Bed edition. /ILL T 0 fa% ,Boosli All BOON AS ISBUED , tied tk Ot with each, ' Ogoi it tad am trial tern maws you thee lity best Flew is Me city where yob reprokr_perrharr Rooks is OEGE G. VANS' 4111 VT R TABLUS ?SENT, 439 0 T AU T St., Pa Meatus. iinhlS-11 Be , w Rh. on the never side, RARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. _IPOACKAGE HARDWARE HODSE.7--We . 4'. 4 " VA li al l igia ll e t ` le o ll ik '4 . ° LM evAltrt.L..kle. saves! ki e., kind iiiiker .. ° 1...y, 4... ~. t . k o w iri = B.. .' . . ill 00A1m4R1 Rua% API 4111041 Wng: andg: 2 gabligttr M 441 % ' PIANOS. Nth - PIANOS! PIANOS ! ! PIANOU ) f . . rtittit..Fo itTgil, mzLoDsoris. KANO F 49 oRTEB_, 124.: • .M. 130118. . : Pu.NO-FORTEB. '• IrißliposoNs. • . ru,NO-FORT_PS. ' MELOpm,O:IB, , -- blimhtly Ravilvi, Bacon., & c. or N unn . & ow k• Haile*, Inv* ik vii., and mbar.. _,_ J. )3. %WO. __' snyl4.l STEINWAY k SON'S NEW PA-, RY alleat Hs girtg! OM. ecliottg . laid intillt4l TO M o tt% r x t t , B# 11.91141) 1 4 12 " %05947 61 4011 1 ! I 'LMtO l aR-1T TitrtißßMstinitla :IFGEORGXA AItIWW ROOT. ' ..,- eist attention of phielolens sod families le' I toute. supertoritv of Ulla article. It to rapidly mu s lstitisti ell other kind. ilid all that who have u It sly. hilt ONE deeld ..preferenes. I The - fol. - low of extiatatfrbin oeiredic Oa du, Or , ' hantle of he atepataeturer, • CI. Dall,m)WH. wit show the h iat, entittion to settle the Geotatnoltrow Root is held by th yeatlettlee o the medioat profeisnoa who have toll examined It. One pour d, 6Sti °fete, oi. two soup& tot 111... Couplets isetractioasacootnearty each 'catsup..., eh-tw ins how to make tile most delicious artioies for the tab . bi YOR I NALE3WHNASALE AND RETAIL. - ERYR_ERfeIt BROWN'S DRUG AND-OtiEhtljeAL RUNE N. E. CORNER FlFTH_snit o.lthaTA UT billets. FII,ADELFSUA. 1 ' AND 4..1' FREI:447A lei Bilowx, Ir's.. DRUB D 4 ge. A . STORE, R. E. 00rDer of 1 a tim sod oSTNUT Streets. ' - Under the IILA C D oDlßß l aAMMent l. .iiotel. -- PI .4 r have onananed rti1 i ,,,,,....4. some Arrow Root. mwa r t i, 3 l 4l :l by Col. 1101111111. Olat Mart ' s. Georgia. It snit the past quality .o that variety of fret:allot have metwith. Ins superior to 'LUX liermada or other Ar rowitoot I have seen: - ‘ " BAR:111EL .lAOE/lON, M. 11., ' University of Pennsylvania." " have examined a *ample of Arrow Root. mann.. figtured by CAA. italloseg" (11 Bt. Marv's, Georgia, and exhibited at the loot flu of the Aruerioan Institute by faraurkhalter, of Abjectly,. The article is of the yea Meet qualityeand, from the experiments made noon it. i imeitt to **main se large a proportion — ortietritious metier, and to roes inti Very other respect fully equal to the est quality of Arrow Root obtained from Bermuda. • " beins of vital ilrmortanee to invalids that such deligate art oleo of_diet bgeurp..l fret glad of the oppor tunttyt.vrsak so .. targr j illaf tl elf . tf i reit o n i r s r . = _ - TAPE WORM-TAPE - WORM.. ArimeorEcniu FOR TAPE WORM - ner.r been known to fail in a mingle inntance to remoretbis troublenowseeimol. It lo as easily taken soon ordinary' Purgative, and is followed by no unplea sant effooto. The worm II ussollyoapelledin f rom three to eight hours After niednuise kaken. tls put up . In doges with directions [or its wie. lly writirto-Dr. D.J.LYNE & 20N, 2.IIIIIRESTNUT Street, Fh ladelphia.enolosing two dollars for eaell doss. the timelier its will Immediately be forwarded by mail to any grers of the world. . MEAD THreFOLLOWING - OBRTIFICiAVES: • SCEINICTADY, N. Y. Nov. M. MM. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear sir: I received the parekage Your BerelMO for MPS worm. and took it seoording to the directions. About four hours after I had taken it. I passed a tape worm luessuring fall elty-two feet in length. Paris Peer YOleir. Engineer on N. Y. end Erie Railroad. EICHerULD. Mo., Jan. te, 1862. pr. D. Jeyne—Sir : 'beef, for eight y eats been elided withlliat terrible disorder—the taps worm. During that Sim. had tried various remedies, and the best inetiingl skill n tine and the adjaosnt eonnties.witherat obtain ing any reumf,_ was advised,. Co lend kr lour remedy. At that time I woe almost reduced to a diolitort. unable to attend to boletus, and my suffering wes beyond de m:it:4ton. took two doses. and then pMited fifty feet of the worm. lamaowstrongandinFoodhealth. Mr. Ferry lizowerwrites: Altsciti FItAKEIS. FOR'? Gramm. Atit., Feb. gd.lgaB. " After taking your Sifier in sul atin gi n worm, it had the effect to extra a worm in all twenty-four feet." Extract of a letter from.lifre. Game flank. dated 0/adDel, TlOge , CO., rs. V. Feb. 9,1858. longs year sines we received from Volt a don of the tape Worm Specific,. which my hoebend. took se: eord tape to eivietiOes, and the recall was, that he passed nearly Judy feet of the worm." l'ilarell2l, Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir: I ,had been for some four E mn Tears ailheted with that horrible disease, raPC Merin! paving tried various remedies without sue. I wee at t compelled to tee your SPECIFIC. 1 say commilled, for I had great repugnance to advertised medicines, as I considered them all humbug., so it was with great di/- Acuity I was Induced to try your remedy, I took three dome. and the result has been the eomplete election of my tormentor. I kayo passed some eighty feet—the last eight or ten feet tapering gradually until it.waa no thicker than sewing *often, with a head as large as the head of a pin. 1 believe if riled taken your medicines in the begin ning, before ist n omach become accustomed to drugs , one does wee Inky. been suffielent. Feeling it e t it duty 1 owe, not only to you, for hav ing *lived Me an early grave, tither* my disease would have inevitablyplaosif in., but also to thin/LW/10 are afflicted as I was. I make public these fame. Yours gratefully, Louis Fifth and Chestnut streets. Ezdzberfir,lll2., Jane IT. Iltentlenten : Your TAPE, WORM Brk.CIFIC bee been adnffnistered according to directions: First dose at seven in the morning. At three in theafternoon the worm was expelled entire. Your SPECIFIC has sus tained its pretensions, and I have no hesitation in re commending it to the public. JAME' D. Lewis, ii. D. PORTERIMILLE, Tenn., July le, Mg. Dr. D. Jayne Sr. Son—Dear sire: A little girl 61)014 seven ream old was suffering with tape worm, and had been unoer mediatl treatment for come time, without benefit. Your SPECIFIC wan riven nooordiag to di rections, and in about three homy fifteen feet of Mg MOM came away, which, from, the desoription, 1 thing must be the entire worm . if. , DENIVIELD, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1855. Dr. D. Jayne—Dear Sir: Hook your TAPE WORM SPECIFIC moonlit to directions. Eight hours after wards I thsoharged without paw) hie worts:ship, who measured twentr-e Ott feet in lensrh. and contained more than NO !into. UTICA, N. Y. Aug.% IMO. Dr. D. Sayne—Dear Sir : Last week Mr. Myers made inquiries or tis about your TAPE WORALSPECIFIC, and immediately wrote to you for some. TM, morning he called upon se with a bottle containing the lore worth.• WitNalit & RAS, Druggists. New HALTeIt. Sept. 21.1300 Dr. D. Jlll.lO & don—Dear dire: 'I took your .TAI',F, WORM SPEoleio nooording to dlreetiolle: The worm was expelled in six hours ; length twenty-six feet. Yours, ico., Loins Brill. ' Milleser/CX, October 7, YR& Dr. D. Jayne k Bon—Mr Riley Price has been in bad health for some years; sot if feet to spell* of datums at the itomaith , and continue emaciation. About a month as be threw tie SWIM - twelliAlte Nat, l i ppe worm it WM, Dart_reniaieles le • some or your TAPE .WOR 19=PiO, e ar P ari he took awarding to directions." He eons discharged about sixteen feet of tape worm, end thinks he is now free from it. , • BLOC 4 Dotregass. DAVIIIerORT.T . QWa t 001 NI. nat , Dr. D. Jayne—Dear air : 1 took your sr OfFlO for taps worm, accord mg to dtrpetioxe. and fa four hone ta• worm was expelled. _ Hsu/sum PIAIWOMIDEr C 074 1 ,0 Bare, eshfornia, Oct. 01. 1807. Dr. D. June .Ic, Son—Dear Sim do not heel nor nor do I delay to giverny tas . timony to the gel eibb ponce Ind eupenority ,atrE.WOßat Isol 1C" 0108 aetv, 0. return of whitrirr4 . the nape at, or - a tape worm of errormouslirnath i which bba_yofge pa tient down to a skeleton , but whit riorr.ittexa r and healthy. lam at liberty to tire; admen lady from whom this troublesome am Intl GYM led ; but a quarter section of it !pow 9n sub Mimi at my office, is ocular proof of what' have written. It has been wit nessed by hundreds who bare muted to see it. • YOUtt, truly." E. a. &LUCK. BILLSUOROITOU, 111, JIM, U. 1800,, datuchter, tete efffieted wi th a tape TN 'ff TAI V6141° 1 478 I Flo!'" d "° ofJA .Hinty Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON 2I! CHEST gwr street, where all Dr.JA.YNE'S Vt.ittilLE DLCINEB may be obtained. mhll3-11n couom COUGH ! COUGII!!! EVANIMILLIS, }took co.. Wis., Bept. 5, INIS. Di. D. JAT3nI t Dear Btr—Mr . Nathaniel Blither. of this tilsoe,author tied me to state that his wifeless taken to her hen One year NCO WOO Lung Disease, which the physicians pronounced Doneumption. tie dostored for sox months to no porpOlikdo.ing whioh tone be had heard yoor EXPEUTOKANT sedge of very MOLY, and concluded to try it. He bought of your Agin; half- dosen bottles, and his wile commenced taking it. and has been getting batter ever deco. litho can go oat oven now, and is gaining daily In men th. A. IL Warr lc Co. EXPROTORANT FOR LIMO FIFER. Rosary!, Ohio, 151114,15, IPSII. Dz. D. JAYNE : have made one of cony X.XPOTO aid P o t t y f ol L a ni cilre e nrlllZAVlllite -w"the 0. W. llowaxay. THE SWEDISIVMIStIfONARY. • ' - Extract of a letter, from the Rev. A. Wiberg. dated 8 a ofntotm, Sweden. March 10, 1861. , Your invaluable Medicine, the EXPECTORANT, has Nevi very sundial eclairs to my throat-and breast, do W ithout i t : , a tangle day . ll Several Orour a Trienr i t p o some, express , thernserie w a:beg:muorhe m gAret "n THREE YEARS WITH , BRONCHITIS. srocnnon, Owen so., Indiana, Sept. 4, 1801. - DE. JAYNE wite• having, been EaVerody mime three MLA with Brononitia,and having beard oi the wonderful ethanol of your EXPECTORANT for Coughs, Asthms„Dillaculty of Breathing, Spitting of Blood, ana other Ineeasse of the Lunge,' purchased one bottle of it, and ore honor SANATI V E and em haney_to inform you. that after wing Om EXPECTO RANT, bar sough was immediately suppresced, the dif ficulty of breathing and pain removedproducing • free and gamy sapeetoration, and In O NE MONTH effected a COMPLETE CURE: , J. P. SMITH. PrOPENDO OBIT 11A " JAYNKII.:CIMITNUT Street, BETAMBOLDIS EXTRACT BUCHU, REAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Tus ß U 0 13 H TRE GREAT DIURETIO. RELAIBOLD'It EXTRACT BITCRU. T.ll GREAT DIURETIC. BEISLIBBOLD'EI EXTRACT B TH GRIAT DIURETIC. And a Positive and Smite Berne y for Disesaes of the , Bladder, Rid ere, Gravel, prosier, Orgaai o Weakness'. Thus Medicnne increases the 'power of Digestion, and enottes.the ASSOURENTS luta healthy aotios, by which the WATERY OR OALOAR,EOIId lepoelt,one, and • all UNNATD Eell4,oEhle.YTte are re duced. IS well as PAIN AND iftPLAMMAkION, and se 'OO for MEN, WOMEN, Olt CRIOREN. Depot, 101 td , nth TENTH Street, Below CRESTQLT Stree_,t Philadelphia. BEWARE OF COtroTe , RFEIIB. AND UNPRIACIPOID DE AL . I Who endeavor to disposei or own" and " 0 rar i al T u la a ; ir r it r t ri Tomti t Al A kritago . 31 nitai-/r Rtt6ifiCt/444 • 00D LIVI NITWO -3 m, CIONDUM lON. .31IZ %IMF ANONECTEN THOUSAND.,_ DALLEY'Itt MAGIOALIrAm BXTRAOTInt BAS universally aitpplanted all other Ointments and heeling apetioatlope in both the F,astoro sea Wootoro . Beroisphores, wherever intro daunt;d its totrutsic mini to the true soorot of Its sueeeen I n all tetaztous of Reis. whither the cease bo a4codons or disease ßlntlYB . h & at SCALDS „ .... .. Pri blatantly relieved of a their artguiehr pain and innanimatiort, by a timely arshottian or this mar /MUMS, 'inver t and the nosh is renewed as if by a ' charm VIIEIIIIIII r D i rif P‘ Wrt/Tl/143ERY. Children arefrequent ~{ sefferers from extemalln -1 /ivies, espeeially from ' , ..Firid and Compares Ex rosio"—therefere everyriother should have this nealins preparation eon- stantly on hand. It heals sore Breosts.arid Miliskly".. removes the TETTER or RINGWORM, so preen- tint in t/te stormy, _ TO TRAVELLERS BY SEA AND LAND. The Machinist, the Tra r, veUer. and every other in dividual whose lot in life ..., throw' him within the chance of accident from tO sap/orlon, firs, or colli sion, should bear in mind ; th at this Mag ic Extractor is his best and only friend. It is both portable anal cheap, and should ever Met is companion, as a friend in need There are thou- :sands of limns witnesses to testi yto its marvellous virtue, who owe tkeir sound J b imhs and muscles to its saving eMorier. The ollowing_arie a Jew of the lectogudjlogsas o fsw al A A P:li ' E E MAU . i C ui lA ivelaii i lUVE T l RA .r- Dame, &yelps , Sanest all hind', Brookes, ruitafk... Shot Wounds, Boils, rat DR.. 11, prorate, Draken Brest fever nip•S t OW/ , Bites of Rep tis, Pelom, oalda. cornier,. , . Gleuilular Die- Sour& euraoked Ups, ewer,. Staid neut. Chapped Hands, Mercurial Sores, Sprain., Chilblains, rains generally, linen Pox, Cramp, Pimples, WIII3IOIII, Contracted Cords, Piles, Totter, Chafe., room, Ulcers, Cleanses of the Rhbillnatiiiitg. Venereal Born, Skin, . ;Bybee, Sold at the que i ti i t i r o VhD r A dway, New Yort end SI d er leans by WRIGHT Ss 0., Gefol iltnenti - 5....,,,j dm 1, 4 c , rt n on e l * tatibi fab le Drug Pli gn t lit l i nu e. I" " hanig ,', _ ko. . a T. ',AY I. T ar: CONSI. ' SlB orth BeCOND Street, nay Wholesale Agent. for Pennsylvania. griLARGE AND VALUABLE STOOK Scalia selling ont it Greatly Reduced rimeSi at 425 GHI.BTriI.IT haus. etee.ooo worth' Stan:lard Weight Maley, oomprlsbil an smortratrat of all miss. Molitor. Portable Platfora, warehouse. liar, Coal, Oltle, k rnd i flaiiroad sale , mill it e Mir their intermit to sail and qe n . rtt iftl s G a ßLN " lN l T l TTAE o E u T ie P . li A il . ad n e A lelg i la, ELs. The" attention, of country merohanto salted to the above stook. fe22. fm pR FAIIMA_NKS",I-4TFORMSOALES Fur We by FAIRIIA,U . K.S ENVINO, • ' `7ls rIPERI'N Alhmftt. I'AVA 001111t.-4,000 pockets: prime Iscri Coffee', for We *JAREN ORMLAM It 00 , I fela.fl4 , gCIHUYLKILL",:IiTIVIGI. I IIOIf • ,COM-; WiiltrokßlATlOrlil a k rA 5.,°11D LKILL [or t law dears and for Val on amthrsais h jo:l h titr e ' ne d on of Schuylkill Nacicatiou t will be as toll° d from this,datai oo . oonunno unnt flttt Sr not' se w ~~?~ a ;'~~•!;~ C~ i ~~!!! ~~ - - 14 i i i i i ru l ifi l r ua* --- - '''-•-• • • • :- - - obooken —-- •:---. rid1t ic ip0rt.....,.........- orr 5t0wn..........-......... .. . art ennedy....--..-_. .; .. 7 .. ; ally Forge—. —............_: sw ngli Dam........ or t Pr0viden0e......,......" •• "" haaaixville..-. . •-.•- • • oyes F0rd....... ——. ottatow.n Landing.— ..... g1i1ite 1 ri 1 c n ig%L..............7 - • • " • "" Reading .... .................... : Althouse...... ...... -......__... Mahrsville Hamburg... _ --......... prengsburg linvilltiZ.::: . ...: .. ....... Theobarge ho ton. Woof 2,240 tan., lees five per cent. allowance for waste, as usual, and no charge lean than twenty-five (tents per ton will be made for any dis tance. oy order of the Monomers. - mbte-lus F. FRALEY. President HILADELPHIA AND lAD COMPANY. LDELPHIA, March 10,1060. onj on coal transported Ine. Wows from Mara 124 A un- FFIOIE OF TLIF, O • itzADLNu MLR Pitt Mel raise fefreithe and tos soaripanv wstt bs as hi _ - ,, r notice: To Riehmond,..... ....I tih o i l l i ad mmt elp i tk i l a a n . i. ...... ,:_ ..... ' Motown.. — vi rneentown .• . • sneer aohuy I ..... UMunk........ . Caliilton — iien... --- weil 0 Pu 112600....... / orriat'n or tircdiepor ort Kennedy......... alley Forge..— . ft h o7A ! ' i e v il l :rd . .:: . . - . — . au:town ........—. on ouglavevile......• .... 111 rdeboro... ...--.... fi x e:flln r. a . :: . ..:: ....:......:.::.. Tuokerton.. —....... Leestant....— —_—... Hamburg ....... —... - Orengebgand Auburn By order of the mhl2.3m IV. SAYING FUNDS. " A little, but often, Me the Puree." ViItANKLIN SAVING FUND, N 0 ..) tge, South FOURTH Street. between Chest nut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all Deposits on demand. Depositors' money secured by Government, State. and City Loans, Ground Rents, Mort gages, ko. , h his company deems eafety better than large Profits, consequently will run no risk with depo sitors' money, but have it at all times ready to return. with 6 per oent. intermit, to the owner, as they have always done. Title Company never eusperided, Female', married 'or single, and Minors. can deposite In their own right, and such deposits can be withdrawn armyby their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by. the State , qf Pennsylvania with authority' to reoewe money from trustee. and executors. LARGE AND SMALL awn RECEIVED. ' Office open &air, from to o'olock, and on Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 8 o'clk. DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Fhennon, Cyrus Cadwallader, John Shiedler, George !turmoil. Maisohi W, Clow), Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Krambhatis, Riblit, Delany. Nialollin Rittenhouse, s than Smedley'. • Jos. H. tiattetthwalte r Ephraim Blanghard• Joseph W. Lippincott. JACOB B. BUNISON, President. CIRIIII CADWALLADER, TratlatltOr. inti29-y " A 1)oller flayed is twioe earned." ALMERICAN SAVING FUND.—Compa -1 IL ny's Fluilding, nouthenet corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daily Porn 9 till 5 o'clock, and on MONDAY till Bin the evening. Tills Oid Institution has alwaysaid in full. on demand, witliont-notioe. INTEREST FIVE PER UENT. All sums paid back. on demand, in gold and silver. TR USTEES. ALEX. - WHIL LOIN, President. SAM L. WORK, Vine President. John C. Farr. T. E. Harper, Geors?li o u be ge r n ts t Johe Anspaoh, Jr., Seml T. Botha°, Mb. C _R John Mkman, Jonas Bowman H. N Eldridge Wm. J. Howard. JOHN S. W I LSON , Treasurer. JOHN C. SINS. Searetars. mh2.5.6t V,ANING FUND—UNITED KATI'S KJ NUT TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST- Street. Large and small came received. and paid hank on do mand_without notion, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from the di's of deposit to the day of with drawal. Caine hour*. from 9 until a o'clock every day, and on WOW V EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. VRAFTS for We on England, Ireland, and Scotland, Dorn A i upwards. Proaldant—STEPHEN R. cß 4 wronD. Trerusurer—JAMES R. HUNTER. PUNY FISK, Aetuary, SAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT lI TBREST.--ntaTIONAL SAFETY TR , 41.:1' COM rar. 1. 1 / I na u jj.'. Btel laysaelved meaty sum, large or natal, eciirin. term paid from the day of devout to the day of with drawal. 'rho °Moo le open every day from nine o'tlook in the reoraing till five o'eloek an the evening. and on Monday - and Thumuley evenie tall cleat ce_okaek. ROBERTRY L. BENNER, President. BELFRIDGE. Yore President. WILLIAM J. ARID. Peeretary., MILICTOB4 : Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brew, ter. Edward L. caner, Joseph S. Barr, Robert Belfridge, Fremont Lee. Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkew. 0. Landreth ?during. Jame, L. Stephenson. Money is received and permeate made daily. • The investments are mode, in onnformity with the provisions of the Charter, in Real Hetet° Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such first-clue neourlties na wilt rtt ways insure perfect security to the depositors, and which cannot fad to give permanenoy and atabiltty to this Institution. sally SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA Office, No. 331 North THIRD Street, tConeoll •ation Bank Building.) CIIMITERED B. THE. LEGISLATURE OF PENN- Sv Deposits receive , ' in sums of One Dollar and upwards, and repaid in Gold. without notice, with FIVE PbR CENT. INTkIDEBT from the der of deposit MI with drawn. A responsible and Tellable Saving Institution has long been needed in the Northern part of the city. and " The Spring Garden Savings Fund Society" was chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers. in onotnizing and locating it. have been governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the best nese interests and wants of the very large and eater. Prieion population kr which it is surrounded. OFFIOE OPEN DAILY. From 9to o'clock ; also, on Monday itillMbursilay from I. until 8 o'clock in the seemlier: MANAGERS. I Stephen Smith, lion. H. K. Strong, Frederick Stacks, Joseph P. LeCtere i George Knecht, i•- aeon on. Win. Mill ward, Geo. T. Thorn. Robert B. Davidson. 1 8. PRINGLE, President. ry. Jeso-tf if Frederick Klett, JohnP. Levy. Pelmet Underkolier, Francis Hart, John Kessler, Jr., James 8. Pringle Joseph M. Crowell, George Woeleper, Peter o..k.llmaker .1412dlig PMANCIII Haar, 811Cretea: LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOSEPH Re X. The Auditor appointed h_y the Court to audit. settle, and adjust the account of Wm. M. Rex and WillougebY M. Rex, administrators of Jusesh Rex, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance im the hands of the accountmt, will meet the parties interested for the mu uuu; of Ms appointment, on MONDAY April nth, at m 4 o'clock P. M.. at his Office, 128 South SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. mh2n.mwtlot WM. D. KELLEY, Auditor. TUhi CuWIT t'N t.MISLMuN PLEAS -R. DELPH FOR lA. THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILA- Estate of CHRISTIAN HULSEMAN. a Lunatic. and Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle, and adinit the amount, of DInTRICH HU LSEMAN, Committee of Ettate of said Lunette, and to make dis tribution of the halftone in the hapds of the a countant, will meet the parties interested, for the purpose, of his appo ntment. on TUESDAY. the 10th day of April. 7eoo, at t o'clock p. M., at his office, 24 Routh FIFTH Street, n the city of Philadelphia. T. J. HARDER. Alsaitor. mh3o-Imw at PAU APELPIIIA, March 40. )B GENTS' FIIRNISHING G00D.% W. SCOTT.--late of the firm of Win. •• • chaster & EIoott—GENTLEXEYB FUR H_ INQ STORE and MINT Add.r4MFAcTiLi 8T UT Street, (nearM ormornto the GI owed Phlladel J. W.B. would respectfully mill the attention of his former patrons and friends to Me new store, audio pre pared to fill orders ior 811.1RTEI Tra d e hrt witY .8, le u r e fa r fi t t i g ß u n a d riag i. Wholesale BUSINESS CARDS. g - AMITEL G. SLO N REAL ESTATE BROKER AND COLLECTING ARENT. Sr. PAUL, MINTMOTA.. is h 23 Sna • 31 . ISOURI LAND: . H. E. BILBROUGH & CO., General Land and Neal Estate Agents, Dealers in Land I .Varrante, !Rocks. &0., Northwest corner THIRD and CHErATN UT - Streets, Sr.V LOUIB. Mr Particular attention paid to entering Graduated Lands. 600,059 Acres for sale at igloos ranging front I7# to 7 cents per acre. Patents secured and taxes paid. Enclose stamp for Plat and particulars. fel6-3m wit. At.W34. W. 11.1.10IN.VSY GREINER lIARKNESS, COMMISSION IHEROHANTI3, felt -ft MI OUTH WHAR tt PHILADELPHIA. A LFRED L. DOUGH, PArgp. MANUFACTURERS' AGENT. Order. soliotted for every deeoription of PAPER AND PArk.III:IIIAKER'S MATERIALS. len-auNo.l7 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. pAWSON & NICHOLSON, BOOKIIINDEAS a EET NOS. H 9 AND 4111. Alla int BTR Between 14711,tilmyriTizu tatm !WM FAWN . JAB. B. NICHOLSON RR. 00R8ON. REAL ESTATE BRO. • KEE AND CONVEYANCER, Norristown. Pa. 160 Perms for sale to Hooke, Montgomery, and Chim er counties. Catalogues of Farms, with full Oniony tone. sent by mail. (46-bm V. B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND v suri,IRIPTTN t AGEIa tr Prinoirl Newa.. r:r ° MR andtitlB°Tlit, Country , N. E. oor- Addreiug "V. B. PALM • Philadelphi a-1418-am • o'. • ILDIL , Attorney at aw, 11n.1113 Biuth FOURTH Atreet. nlB ero• THE ADAMS, EXPRESS CO., OFFICE PO OIiEBTNII2 t Oot, forwards Pamela, Pao*- ogee, Merohandise, Da n k Notos, and Limn°, either 01 Sts own Lines, or ma oormeotioliwith other Elrsa Coan witcasto,t4.l.l the Draw/pis to ado t ut e i s m it Srl-tf thiumnitlndAt _ MAOKEREL —515 Bbls. Nos. 1. 2, & 3 mammal, in assorted ormisal_paokages, of the latest oato, for We 14,7 O. SADLER. & 00,, ARCH Rfrowd. 9/1 don, nhnvo ITBIN3S--For Elsie by• WETILERILL ( 1 . PROULIia. a sod dl ankh lIMPap latart. fa iiitilipak.4l l 4 l tif :Freir.lo,, f, i, • ~, ,', ,•' ' cr I. =Heim lit at an avesZststimit per sent. be low New - F fibsanwltygera ------- --- • • --- - 1 -,- - • OR:CRAW, 31,FizO: . F The U. IS siutt= 'KEYSTONE ISTiTE: 06P tain Oha rilksTifea erillmann Satardity,*Pril .Ih. at 10 o'nteek‘k. ,• , , , - ~,.. ~, .. ' Thyongh in 48 to be houreLowly RI both 14. SIM FOR SAFANNAHoIItIe..L. r The U. S. Mail Steamship STATE. OF lIREOHOTA, Capt4in John J . Garvin, will sail on Tuesday, April S. at 10 o'clock A. M. , 't hrough in he to 60 hours—only-18 hours at Sea. Igirrßailing days eh &aged frOinavery Saturday to every five days. , Ooous reocived, mid NIL of Lading signed every nay. The splendid first-ohms side-while' El.teamehise REY STONP, STATE and STATE OF OSOftel A now run as above every to nays, thus forming a five-day comma mention with Charleston and_ Savannahisnd the South and Southwest. At both Charleston and Savatmah, thesm Ship' con nect with steamers for Floridh. and With railroao, ego., for all places in the South and Southwest. INSURANCE. Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of &kids shipped South will be found to be lower by these eilips Allan rate. by sailing vessels, the premium being one-hell the N. B.—lnsuranoe on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking ell rieks from these points. GREAT RE frilcl lON IN Salta% Fare by this route 25 to 40 per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route, as well be Keen by the folioanna sche dule. 'Chrough tioketa from Philadelphia. ma Charles ton and Savannah steamehips, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole route, except from Charleston and OtlVlSEl nah to Mont ',tuner. • .. • . CHARI.ESTON CONVENTION. The ;donorship ECYSTONE 81 ATE. Capt. Marsh mau/ wilycril for Chnrleston on EDNE&DAY, April 18, a 3 0 0100 E P. M.; arrive in,lfenielltOn •op FM lApril 20. at 3 o'olock. P. At.; and remain there until 8A UNICA Y. April ZS, unless the Convention shouin adjourn sooner. Excursion 'Dakota, including Board end Berths in Charlentop until April 28,5'20. For any detention after that date, $D per day. INLAND WARS. To Charleston-....-816 00 Charleston- -.Jim 50 tal .--. 00 ik_ugusta 719 03 Aorturis IS 00 Macon.-- It 00 69 76 Atlanta DO , 61 OD 611 00 COambua-...- 55 00 Hl l ont .1100 tarito r ;a7, - -: - ft 0 0 8 Mohne. n f . 95 00 86 50 New Orleans..... 39 75 New Orleans:44... SI 00 No bills of lading loaned after the ship MIS For freight pr yeses apply on board, at meeond wharf above Vine street, or AO ALEX: lIERON,_Jr.: • • Southwest corner lOURIS and CHESTNUT. agents in Charleston,_T. a. & .G. BUDD. Savannah, HUNTS & GAMMELL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carolina. every Tues FoNforida from Savannah, steamers Si, Mary's and St. John's, every Tuesday and Saturday. 01.20 130 1.30 1.50 3.32 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.07 1.06 105 8115 1.25 L 25 1.25 1.25 1.20 Lb 1.70 1. 02 0 1. 1 01 1.00 FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— REW YORE AND HAVRE OTEANODHP CO The United Btates Mall eltearniddes 161,80, 71,100 tone, David Lines, Commander, and F N,. ZOO tons, James A. Wotton,_ Commander, will leave New York, Havre, end Southampton, for the year VA, on the following days : To meet new requirements of the Post Office Demrt ment, the days of sailing of the ARAGO and FULTON from HAVRE and BOUTHAMPTON, will, a ft er their yasent voyages, to (Maimed ea follows from NEW ORR, save in the take the present depa Dec e m b er, ULTON,Nehion pill place on tnel7th the schedule remains unaltered: FROM NEW YOU. HAVEM AND SOUTHAMPTON. F ULTON— .11eo. 17. F ULTON--J an. 10....Jan.11. ARAGON— Jan. 7. APAG0.........thn. gi .. —Feb. 1. F ULTON.. —Feb. 4. ULTON— —Feb.2B.. Feb.m. ARANO-- filch. 3. ARA 27...M0h. 29. FULTON— ..2410tu M. FULTON....ApL M....ApL 26. These steamers, buiit expressly for Government ger- VIOCI 6 with double engines, under deck, every attention has been taken in the cone oftmetion the hull and ma chinery to ingrire safety and speed. The chips have five that` in compertraertA enclosing the engines, so that in the event of collision or stranding, the water .could not reach them , and the pumps being free to work, the safe. of the vessel and passengers would be se cured. Regentaxpenence has demonstrated the Ow. lute necessity ofthis mode or oemstruction. na accommodations for pea:misers are believed to coinbme every oomfort and convenience that can be de: tired. From New York to Southampton or Serrro — Fint Cabin, OLIO ; Second do. 876. From Havre or Southampton to New York—First Cabin, Mu francs; Second do., MI Itnnen• To passengers going to London these steamers offer the advantage of economy both in time and expense. Specie delivered in London. No passage eeoured until paid for. An experienced surgeon on boom. !Cron and news papers muetrass through the P ay ly oet 02900 W. f l if e llACHO l N l at lijoadway, New Yarn, WILLIAM MALIN, Agent, lune. (MOSLEY CO. t Age_nte,Boutham Mon . AMERICAN EUROPF. • N NXPRESB COMPANY, Agent. Perm. WM. EILSON,_ Agent, Wilco, Tobsoca Warehouse, DOCK and FRONT Streets, Philadelphia. . Plans of the shies can be seen. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AAIBRIOAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM. DROSS NEW TORT TO mvsarooL. Chief Cabin,Passage...—....... fleoond Cabin Passage.. 73 PROM BOSTON TO LIVBTPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage. Second Cabin Passage.-- .... 60 The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har bor. PERSIA, Capt. Jotthins ICANADA, Capt. Lang , ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, A MERICA , Capt. Mier. ASIA. Capt. F G. Lou. NIAG A RA. Capt.Aodoreon AFRICA, Cap t. Shannon. EUROPA, Cap t .1. Leitch, SCOTIA,(now building.) These vessels carry a clear whito light. at masthead ; green on starboard b er ;red on port bow. (RAM A, Stone. leave N. York, Wednesday, Peb'y V EUROPA. Leitch, " Boston. Wednesday,Maroh 7 AFRICA, Shannon, " N. York, Wednesday, March IS AMEAICA, hiller, " Boston, Wednesday, March ASIA, Lott. " N. York, Wednesday, March 29 CANADA. Lang," Beaton, Wednesday, April 4 ARAB , A, Btorie, " N. York, Wednesday, April II NIAGARA Miller, " Boston. Wednesday, April 18 PERSIA, J ' uakins, " N. York. Wednesday, April ILB Berths not secured until paid tor. An experienced Surgeon on board, The owners of these ship* will not be amaintable for Gold, Silver. Bullion. Specie. Jewelry, Precious Stones, or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor. and the value thereof therein expressed. IrolOrentlit or passage apply to Green At fuX 4 Bowling ew Y ork. INSURANCE COMPANIES. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM -w-ePANY.—THE_PNN MUTUAL TIM RANCE COMPANY, Northeast eorner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. 'Ar4eis, $937,691 INPRES LIVES for the whole term _of illfe — iffattte annuities and endowments —etirchases interests in Real Estate, and makes all contraets depending on the contingencies of Life. They sot as Executors. Administrators, Asslitneee Trustees. and Guardians. TRUBTBEe. Daniel L. Miller, bra fitardriteikohli — — rum* MoTsrlai4 ism P. Hacker , Joeephlf. Trotter , William H. Kern. illllllll Burton, Samuel 0. Meer, Enn'e4triliiiVrottei?" Charles Hallowell, t e i n gplitTrar, rs'l l ll_, IL Can, Nina ®Ae' Dollen, William Robertson. Warner FL Ruin, I John G. Brenner, P. 8. Miohley, Easton. DANIEL L. MILL ER, President. SAML. E. STONES, Vioe Pree't. ions W. HOHNOR. Sporetarr, aura VXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY —Office No. 41.19 WALNUT_ Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Houses and MenetAflame generally, on favorable terms, either holited or per petual. . DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bonen% Edward D. Roberts, John Q. Ginnao, John J. Grath*, Joshua T. Owen, Reuben C. Hale. Thomas Marsh, John MoDows_l.l Jr.. Sainl. L. Smedley' se. T. TroVv, Bellefonte. JEREMLAR BONSAL L, Preeident, Jogist Q. GINNODO,Vies President. EDWARD W. DavlD,Peeretary inhlll CITY INSURANCE COMPA 'coo NYPANICLIN BUILDINGS, 4,11 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL. AND SUR PLUS 1.30,74570.—1neuree egainet Lon or Demme by I , lre. end the Peril, of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportation. GEGRGE H. HART, President. E. E. ROBB. -Nice Ptestdent. , H. H. COGOSINALL, !Meg end Treasurer. S. H. BUTLER, Audetant Secretary. George H, Hart, A. C. Cattail, E. W. ilmley. H. H. Coggehall, Hon. H. M. Fuller. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 18M—CRARTER PERPET UAL. No. eiti WALNUT Street, above Third. Philadelphia. Raving a large paid-up Capital Stook and Surplus In vested in sound rind available Securities. continue to insure on Owellines, Stores, Furniture, Merohandlie, Vessels in Port and their cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRISCSORC Thos. IL Marie, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James R. Campbell, M Samuel 0. orton. Edmund 0. !multi, Patstok Brady, Chas. W. Poultney, Israel Morris. . . . . . . THOMAB It. MARIS, Preaident. ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretart • 1422-d DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN, SURANCE COMPANY. • INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE 01 PENM YL TILL S AND OFFICE O. E. CORNER TILLED AND WALNUT Streate, MARINk. INSURANCE ON VESSELS. i - ()ARGO._ To all parts of the Wahl. FREIOnT , 'INLAND INSURANCES . . . . . On goals, tip Rive Canals, Laken and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merohandiseigenerally. On Stores, Dwelling_ Houses, &o. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. • November), 1809. Par. - Market Yaists. 1123,060, Philadelphia City 6 Sr omit. L0am...5=1,060 00 100,000, Pennsylvania State 6 dir ot. Loan .-... 0.655 00 21,4100 Pennsylvania State 6 Sr ot. Loan. . 11,000 ID 95,000, 11.8. Treasury 63 40' cent. Notes sad interest due • 16,161 163 54 830.000 U. S. Treasurys 4P' ot . Notes and inter -. ast due— -...... .... . .. 0 0 ,011 00 ONWOO Temporary Loan to the City of Ails, delphia .- —.—. .. - 23,000 00 1150210; Pennsylvania. Railroa d Mort g a ge 6 V cent. Bonds.. . 41,60; 00 820,000, North Pennsylvania Haat:a-al-Mort gage OW cent. Bonds.-.-. __. 11.1100 00 615,000 West Philadelphia Passenger R ailway Company 7 dls et. coupon bonds— 110000 00 0111,000,010 shares stack Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal guarantied by the city of Philis delphia..-. - . - um ea cook Rio shares Pennsylvania Railroad C0mpany......... '.. s .— -. 0,77500 115,000, 100 share altorth Pennsylvania Rail road Conipany.. -.•. .... ... Mr 00 •50/0, Pharr/ rhiltulelptaa foe Boat and Stearn rng Company, Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Coal pony. (bean Steam Navigation COPIN , riy, Philadelphiaint! Fla vin do Orace Steam ow Boat Company, Philadelphia 2 0hanin Conaway .-...-.. --..-----.. 2,210 00 L iSa t BB9 s and Mortguges, kridEeal Estate, Of-1444 718 Ed hoe lluildinK ....—.. 75-10 Bills receivable for Insurances made- „..-..181,898 EP Balance duo at Agenmes—Prenuuros gn rifle Policies, interest, and other debts due . . . tho Company scrip and stook ofsunlry lnsurance Coma .... oxio oc Cooh on Deposit IA 67,00) Fht illiam Meat) tnnuct 13on eT, eogillus Pa dins, John . Penrose, John . etp gs 1 Tavola' Flre, . fl 0. fiend, in alti lindwis. L ° r . . e lt h . N . Ftan igeorge per , elige ( 22aty, :WHAM HENRY LYL/311.114i11).3ia T NSURANOE COMPANY OF THE AL STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA—PIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE—No. a EXCHANGE BUILD INGS. Chartored in 1794-oapital tlßE,ooo—Anneis, Jenttal7 I. IBM, 41347,4,16 60;400. All invested in sound and available seenrities--oon tlnne to memo on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks of Merchandise, ko,, on libstal terms. DIRECTORS: „„, Rem D. Sheffert', Donne st. BiuMt. Read Toby, Samuel Oran!, Jr., aides Msoalester . ilium S. Sinitb. ' otin B. Budsh t illiam It. White.d farnsWlMeartbses, Henry G. Brew:inn. Dilation S. Lewis, REN 6 .II. e 7VI O I3 . H e E tr It r IERD, President. WILLIAM HARPER. Reeretarv. Ie 9-wfm tzt RIIFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS.— C. DONOGHUE will continua business until Mar next, at, is South WATER Street, and now odors for sale, at the lowest market prior's, ler cash, or on ap proved short credits, 4,000 barrels steam refined Segall! andifilyniesi 95 VaTIOUS grades, inolud i tnn Loring, Crushed and Pulverized and Moller's atent-riutt f d irgart • Also, Rio end Jeyo Co' ameatine n. es, and Kolly's Ffigial milady loring, jalt4iit• 1301-h:d11 DIRECTORS R. P. Rosa, Folder S. Perkins, Andrew R. Chamems. Samuel Jones,D.. mhti-tf *MOM 61 demo IH. Stokes, J. F, Yeinston s Henry Sloan, Jones ertens H. Brooke, rest Wilsain% anise C. Hand, cibe tilt ß irnet Jamas orFadands Joshua P. Eyre, JOhn B. Sample, Fatah% D. T. forum, A. er_ser, .6 MAR Preeldeni. HAND, Yu* President. retort. dl6-dtf -- itXtiorsirittori 41W411b- 004, •1. J. NALy,,O? l e pRY GOOOr t *: , - a - r t t i . l P.po, 0 qloo,,:tVlatitkrivo, ooMiX#lltA*, , " Puk4 00 *0 18 ' 01,41 *4 11: 0 11,1011' *O e f l, err scads. - ' 01N4211A12141iiiiinotre. FL,. On Tneeday Mammy {Caws (Emmy and solid plaid filagnaPs• 3 °ewes fancy chalices. - . 2 eases sutler white brilliants: 3 bales blue flannels. MARtfEILLES QUILTS. ~,' • 3 oases 10-4,11 4, and 12 4 white and 3/113 Metettoma Quilts. LINEN DAMASKS. . .. • 3 dues 7-4. l-41. and 9.4 heavy linen damasks. • • ' PRINTED BORDERS 'AND MADDER HA-STEER -01416741. _. .. .. _ . _ 8 easesprinted borders cambric , hanoikerohiers. 3 cases gladder Turkel red and polka handkerchiefs. PRINTED OARRN... RE BaAwts. Printed border and broohe Stens. shawls. Also. a large invo.oe of new style printed cashmere bawls. Printed end broohe border Stella shawls' BALE OF 12 ENTIRE R CABE E R OF B NEEDLEWORK EmBROIDI Just landed. suited dn to the jobbtns and retail trade. On Weesday Mono Ann' ith. at 10 leOlock, by ontalogno t ol six months' aredit, an entire income of 13 cases, test landed, con sisting of-- Flue to superfine book muslin sets. Doe set s. Do 'l::; 3 4 n i‘ o k ti ineollEt dollars. Eg infante' embroidered ow.- erobrotbersd linen cambric' kerahlefe hand- N. 11.—Some of aisle goods will he sold in Urge lots. and worthy the attention of the Jobbers. SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. On Friday Morning, April tith, at 10 o'clock— tai neakagsei and iota of fanny and Assail French dry goods.. • , BSOOTT,'Jr., AUOTIOgnk No. 431' a'CIEIDEIMUT IMBET A the' Oirtos Rouse. batireao_fOUßTH sad FIFTH 13troeta • BALE OF TREE TIUMPRE'D OASES STRAW GOODS. This Morning Aril 2 1 , 11 , catalogue, 60, a credit, trommensios a t . 10 o olook. Included Will be found— stiles pedal, braid, Loghorn, English stnsyr, fancy lams and amp bonnets. Fine brown and lead colo ßLOOred do. MERS. Moo. brown rndwh4S I.;ggbernind braid ibits,bloom ers,Vind Gipsies trimmed and initnmnied bate. • Men'. end boys' trimmed and untrimmed nodal brad Leghorn. Panama. end tenet hate. ho . CetalogU F R gnu ga NOti mines OrumWE4 s on Morning Of ale Pt. PL • Alto, a line of nab high cost real Paris el - tiro:del flow erg. SHERIFF'S SALE OF BALANCE OF STOCK OF S I,Ve.R-FlseTeal WARE, FANCY GOODS, WI FINISH UM WORK &o. On Tuesday Morning April k. oommencing.at 'lO o'clock. included will be !mind a quantity of fine silver-plated ware uuttniched work. rich ('anon gook, ?aria fans, opera-minuses, &c., China aim bisque vanes, bisque figures, bronze clocks. .kc if;ir Open for" examination early otl the morning or sale. SALE OF EMBROI T DERIES. W RITE GOODS, RIB • BONN. RIMMINGS, hc. On Wednesday Morning. April 4th. by oatalogue. on a credit, anninionoing at la olciong. embracing a general assortment of new and dash able sands for present sales. HUBBARD & GORMLEY, ' , AUCTIONEERS, 730 MARKET Street purl.TP FORD CO., AUCTIONEERS, X No. ASO MARKET Street. and= MlsNOREtreet. SALE OF 1.0/00 CABI4B BOOTS. lelllfott, , GANA, AND STRAW GOODIE. On Thursday Moraine. , idra nth, at to o'clook t prectsely. Wilk be !BOK, catalogue, on four months credit, 1 000 awes men s„ boys', and 3o:aths' calf and km boots knoll, buff. goat, and kip brogans, calf and patent lamer gaiters. Ox ford ties, patent leather walking r cos +sodomise hoots; women's, mares'. and children oaf, coat , barren. iocco,. kid, and 'hominid • boots. iteeWd and sorins.i .aupettor etrib'd goat•moroolso and glove-Yid, Congress heeled boots and abeyant. Also, large as sortment of farit•Olaes tuty-tusde roods. ' Th e oboe. sale will embrace a full assortment of hoots sad shoes of the first quality, adapted to the any and *miry trade. Also, samples of 100 cartes Boots& gingham um brellas. At commencement of sale— A larse and desirable assortment 'of ladies' and misses' Leghorn Simmer...flats, bonasts &c. Sir goods open for examina t ion, wit h catalogues, early on the morning of sale. Ut. J. WOLBERT & 00., AIIOTIONEERS, n-i• 6i9 ARCH Street between Fi ft h and Stith. R,EOULAR BALM Dry goods, clothing, stray/ goorbr;' carpets, boots, shoes, &o.,in lots adapted to the city and -paga re tail trade n , by catalogue, and for ensh, every Tuesday and Friday morreng. Furniture, olama, glass, ka.,svel7 Wednesday Mora . Trees, plants, vines, ico.,every Thursday and Battu , : day morning dorms the season. Special sales of all or any description of property at any time to suit the convenience of the owners thereof. CARD TO THE RETAIL TRADE. The attention of the oar and country retail trade is invited to our large sale of Canis and finny dry goods. &r , . to be held on to-morrow t Tummy l morning. gat - For particulars sea samples and catalogues early on the morning ante. IMPORTED AND DOMERI IC DOW GOODS. (BY Catalogue for Cash.) On Tuesday Morning. April 3. at 10 o'clock, at 618 Arch street, in lots adapted to the city and couatry retail trade, a lame and desirable assortment of imported and domestic fancy and staple dry geode. &o. 300 lots lace mantillas, dress Bilk., incur de laines, silk parasols, printed mous, sinning liners, printed lawn robes, ribbons. fancy bracelet. silk teasels, gauntlet .eleeves, Maltese c01t..., Maltese sets. bril liants, frieses, foist mitts, large assortment of white andbrown cotton hosiery. meek ties. suspenders, silk handkerohie fa. Swiss collars, embroidered elorte. hoop skirts: gaps. gloves. Sella and beings shawls. lace Deists sewing silk. suspenders, linen 'table cloth', French erints,"&a., Ra. 100 window shades, Fano, soap: Cologne, Bay rum, &o. _ LARGE BA LE OF FURNITURE, &e. On Wednesday Morning, April 4th, et 10 o'clock, et our sates room, lento as sortment of bousehold tarn tore and bouse-faramhlng goods Prints, . French Chins, earrem, looling-shinelet twat , Inge, 440., Itn. HUPERIOR FURNITURE AT PRIVATE PALE. Marge quantityel very sepenor walnut fortuture mail cured by Arstvelsee city verboten, for .Ms a very reouoed price& 310610 --- NATBAI46 7 —A.IICIT 10 RE IR AND GOMMISSION MERCHANT, southead comer of SIXTRand RACE Stm MONEY TO anye plate, diamonds, watches. Jell; 8940,000 to boa, 'ln /argil or email amounts, stooks. gold mild ry, fowling ream, d ry goods, plothing, grooenee. - gans. hardware, cutlery , rotund unitnments, furniture, bedding, horses, vehioles, harness, and on all artless of value, for any length of time mined upon, on , mono liberal terms than at any other establishment in this GREAT CHANCE FOR BARGAINS. At private rale, splendid piano -forte, in non rosewooL ease, cost 8400. puce 8155; fine 18-egret gold hunting-' oaso patent lever watch, double time and independent seconde, only env; fine gold hunting-case English 'in tent lover watches of the, moat approved and bent makea, from 8215 to 'BlOO ; fine gold double bottom Eng lish patent lever watches, best make, from $2O to tal i ; fine 18-caret bunting-cave detached patent loves watches. Li jewels, from 8111 to $35; open face do., from $lO to 80 ; fine 18-caret gold Levee hunting owe watehea at 820; 'open face do., front $lO to q2O ; silver English patent over watches, in hunting came and double bottom, of the most approved arid heat Wake, from 810 to 830; Amenoan hunting ease silver patent lever watches at 420; hunting case silver angles watohea; ditto double time. from 80 to $l9; hunting ea's wirer lever watches, Mil Jewelle dd . wind' without key, fr ease 16 to #2O • Levine - do.; from 812 to 816; hunting silver Method laver macho' LbJewels, from OP to . c 012; open e do, fir (M. to B , ; ,:in trinting case silver pine watches, full swelled., 87.t0 810; open we do., from , da Ap„ *it EMU watches, from es to 85 ; silver rrelwatohes, 'lots $1 to ; gold patent 'hunting case an open face lover and impine, English, Swim, and PrOPO watches from 81 to 810 • fine gold vest, lob, and Aeolic anal i 450 mute per dwt.; fine gold sets of ear-rings, breastpins, and bracelets t f tds,gwrapf l uand ray, of - de. w arol6 trlorn a , Milli to suilipph lie caV, p o r ri c cif . and every kind of goods, Ileum Moot charging than any other esiablishmentin e city. b y BALLS Attended to personally by , the auotioneer, at very low Charges. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Consignments of all and every kind of goods, solicited for lublio sale ; two-thirds the value Mike goods will be advanced in Anticipation of the aale, MOM NATHAN*. SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HENRY COY, Agent, US CHESTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, Machines, with Operators, on dire to Private Families. 8V.671C11. OFSICES I V West STATE Street, Trenton, N. J. 1h) CENTRAL, SQUARE, Easton, Pa. latn-em iiriLoox & GIBBS' SEWING NA CHINE.—The great and increasing demand for Wilcox to (ialitia' Sewing Machine is a guarantee of its smrksexce e lle4 v lo a o , .. h Sib": 4139641 Am T titu:7otlß fett-tf REMOVALS. J. E. ENORR & co., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES, BRANMES, GINS, ETO., HAVE REMOVED FROM 191 WALNUT ST., AND 91 ORAN/TS BT.. so 631 Ir/lARKET STREET.' Four doors below SEVENTH. north olds. mh2o•lm HENRY E. KEENE, ATTORNEY•A'_LAW. Has REMOVED from N 0.8.10 Watent street to No. 2.58 South THIRD Street. mbi9-Sm• EMOVAL.---SMALL & CHANDLER, 11,1 . WHOLESALE GROCERP, Wive removed from m North sECOND Street. to 123 MARKET Street, above Front. north aide. la! 1 - 3.11 . 0.. Al °HEAL tiPORTS. a. Nina? WILSON C0..h4R2 CHESTNUT St., would invite the lovers of PISCATORIAL SPOUT to the finest assortment, and Best quality, of TACKLE aver offered in this city. Such o s Burgess' world-renowned TIVUt. Bans and Salmon Rode. Superior Trout, Bass, and 21411110 G , Super extra Limerie, Virginia, Carlisle, Salmon, and Wise Hooke. Reels. Thiekete, artificial Bait, Silk, Silk and Hate, Grass, Llnen, and Cotton Lines. P RIVY WELLS CLEANED AT A LOW Price, to obtain the contents. Address WILLIAM TIMMON. Poudrette Office, feB 2w N,. tllth North NFC:ONTI Rtroot BRICK -,MAKING M ACHINES which tem stiluoun per day. BriolaresHier Tile IWaltint,76lTy?theslealveGadmel.r.ainAdirdio A NEW AND WONDERFUL DISCO -Li'. VE‘RY for the Cure of Rheumatism and Goat. .Ft.Lll.'S ARTHRITIC PILLS. This medicine 10 offered with the Moron confidence of its being the moat effectual remedy for the above dis eases ever yet discovered. No danger need be appre hended from ita uari by the most delicate. Price Igt per box. Can be sent by mail, on enclosing ova postage stamp and price of Palle. Fore ale by the sole asent. ALEX. F. HARPER. No. 145 South FRONT Streets MINERAL -WATER APPARATUS, ()Ie the most approved style and fin4h. Be would also call the attention of au druggists and dealers in Bodo water Apparatus to examme his new Um and Marling Pipe and Syruping Apparatus. Also, Bella of all kinds cast and finished to order. All kinds of brass Nforkexecuted. N. 13.—Parneular attention paid to rtoairing of all Morin of Mineral-Water_ App j a o r s a s tu p a ii rr i o m . nEmytn, 517 MINOR Street. Phaletieltatie... SAL SODA. JOS. ELKINTON & BONS Can prime Sal Soda, to casks or he rrels, delivered free ot porterage. _in quantities to suit purchasers. rohl3-lin. 751 South KECOND Suss' A;NIS AND SHOULDERS-1,900 FicCeS Clty Smoked Hama and Shoulders also SOu Pieces extra suear•eared hams, for sale by C. C, SADLER it M.. A Fl Fitriott.Sl floor nbnvot Front rob. KiktENUI-1 GELATIN kl min g, EST t rigt N d BROW Pl o re , ; • - I opkt:!_..;rt&;±zl . - Zr wrilm„ _ • yeelle.let-ebe , , ittbmehet sew, A.eni iit..ereeiaueiteke - - , . nth PIMINCNISSrApni• 144.. 100114,14 the- • .' I . l hh,Sorine,ll4l•—AenUteb, eventee,st the gave.- 1413150 nm sadsz-Arra Imre est deo promises. WEI' 'ATeA Alitet—Waybwria_ nudiern towline& , SPIr ft -1 tWarii&:-Ai i iti - ' 'th -' g -30x 1 CT, • m . _ hie o n— Lo ge dwelling, entaignve ses 7, Vitre i t i tthi;MOdbilhitee jail* Wtilin iligiilaient my twirl - , 'LA..thrfAck4'..l aLLU.-PUBVES NW:I . Ln APO AT T ZACITAA an gam ailiragat *wen Or Contributors rulitternot tliiisia; - rt,liandbilla :of_ flit _ addition to vial:awe pa ' oil nat 14 tlie Vir Isa.oreLl6.stei. a... 14 ...?„ O!C; a _,,,. .. .. . , Af# lll id r r , Ar a- ► lir ire have it One 4 7. - " S= ado, tuoludins everr,d a =thap isa property. - Prurtsd That Smile at saw _ ?Xi - VATX WAN ___„_—• agirioal e4tatainter•d oat gar .lrlrslstO Cr•Pqr and' advertised oocseionally in qv DOUG a ag).ll (sf Shia. 1070 copies are Frisbedirestiy,) .. adalisete BTOCILS PEWB, ke. _ _ . Telasifq. )113 3d, at 12 o'clock, noon, b• acid. " Philadelphia Ex Mange— BY order of A dminist‘tor. Pow No 48 nonh slide C hurch of the Holy Trillltr- , Rev. Dr. Vinton. rector. air Pale absolute. • Pew 40. &t waddle aisle 3t. Luke', - Al.. Bowe, rector. W itheut reserve. for aorount of whoin it mir - oeSswit. 3O) shares Hopewell Coal and Iron ConIPOAY. absolute. • Also, for other accounts-- 8 shares American Academy of Muth% with hoket. ibrary. - IShare Merosntile Library. 8 Shares F.stern Market i - ompenr—ear 0183. - Mebane Philadelphia and HubrPrissesper Hasler*/ Comeau,. , • BTOOKB AND REAL ESTATIL-aIIUSDAY NEXT. Noon and - Evening bales. = - Fitumhiet oatioornes now resjy, eanorining_full „de soripttena of all tbs. proporthii to be mold 'ea Thelaittrt ad April, at 13 n'tt oar,. noon- sad 7 ip the wrenuis. with a hit otialsa bflOth *b. 151107th. MO, WI, and tedi Ann', ton large amount of yenstrie property. TENTH PPRING Sitlad—d.PßlL dd. n. orphan' Conti Pubs—Eatate of T o g a. Oohs/Ter. died. Gr O e n e e- Mo h n o V ern * n , LT n O tPie tM s O ad U N we a bo T u A n n de d d 4 ,f36 Pour i , ronic °unarm' Court Sale—Estate or Deborah Faster. deed. Osten,xth of large liOT_ OP °ROUND. bounded Di Mount Vernon, /venue* mid, 'Twenty. Ant streets. Pour fronts. - • . Executor's foremptoraalli-Estate of Jos. Grata. VALUABLE BUSINESSBTeI/11 i -4 thesa- der' brisk litotes, Nola.= li ass ti is lgo roiat striwt.. ou tmoding through to Wateixtreet. Two frosts. Mr h ake absolino.• EbEGANT RESIDENCE, WALNUT iTfArET. No. , IMO South side. west of Tenth street. 15 feet frost, 12e feet deen,anth Stable sad Cowlitz Haase to the rear. Immesoste nossession. • , • VFALY VioLUAtto,E BUILDING LOT, Northolds of Byrnes etreet,,eest of Eighteenth strait , 116 feet front. los feet deep. Two fronts. ‘' HANDSOME 'MODERN: RESIDENC__,E mrs Brown Street, west of Twelfth street, 111 - lanntistiala eostiionon. MuDANN RESIDENCE, southeast sonar. of Wench sod Louden Elea% above likiestwasitteet, feet front.. . VALUABLE BUSMEN PROPERTV-ider storl brick hotel and teethe g, northeast censer at Sherd sad Ohnstian street., 'nth brick con Cectionerr, student ice-donee. and large lot, wits three frosts. Peremptory bole —HANDSOME MODERN art.l- 11EiNCE. 'nth marble front arid aide yard, hle.llll Smelt dixteenth. etreet, ..abcrwe -Bprues.. RWlreate abeam& EiK Immediate poweasion. ' hEN BTREEN ..ITantisonte ' modern : f”r 161 brick residence, 17.16 Green elseetorest of Seree teenth /treat. - ELSVENTIL BORING BALA—APRIL ad. - -'stioek Romeo; - • Orphans' CourtA t 7o stataat-DaYultflott. doe% TWO Dwn.tirios.-TTwo sad•thrMebry, brick dwditttgi t northeast *moor Peertli aid Waster 'triode. • same rusty- 7 T WOI DWRIMNIII4.-1 - -Wwooptort. brick d*ralliage. Wirth side of Ntlister irtrostosasta Yawn - stmt. • Same Estate—TWO: 'DWSLINOIL—d brick dwellings. W. W. weer Master and Pak strestik seat, of Fourth street. _ Bump Ratate.—TWO-BTOILT_ FRAME' STADIA west side Pink stria•& north of names Erse, same Eatate—DWRLIANG AND 111'A BLE.—Tlitioo- Wory brick dwelling. seas aide or Yourth street, monk of Mager, with frame stab& to rear on Pink street. Bum Estate--BlenT DWXLLiNGS.—Tkweertkeer story and five roar-Moro brick' dwellings, sin subs of Fourth Street, north of Mann. street. • hIODEWN DWELLIWO No. Oa Nwals Elskteindk it WaT i. ;COON %tit= ar t WirTa r rg Pi tript yard, No. MS Brown strimh wort Qt . /1 5 9 1 Ni. front. - NAT - MODERN DESID 4 Dria, No. II Tale Iltrilie between Mooed lad ts. TWO DWELLINGS AND AGE L0T...4 Ana g jaiVr i ii:t w ,r6ki n ger i m i nti a iita 6 ,l2/grit . : Fitteenth street. Three fronts. a - • FIFTEENTH SPRING SALE—APRILIe. Peremptory sate— , _n the plenuese, To mete seoneern. LARGE DWEIANG. STABLING, AND 111/13 ACM* , s OP LaND. On Monday afternoon, April lath, 19CO, yotiont' reserve, to close a concern. very vela prOpertv, Wiesahmton •avenne, Drat Chestnut Hill, 9 mdei from PhdadeipMelergs demi/mg., with ex tenteve stabling, soda cores of 1a44- hale absolute. - ,,4950 to be paid at the time of sale. LARGE BALE OF'PAM I,Ivt;o tO PLUS L WAILS, PF,M H. This Morautt. - Apnl 2, at la o'clo-a.. at 10 suction doge, Mai. Mt and 211 Santa _Fourth shoat—. . Consistiss &shag. Plarao, Dual sad pqcbera.taa•Pots t angora'. creams: jugs beadier= titular Ixdita, tureens, cowered dish's pickles. olatabor sets: soap trays, sc., ks., to be sold without risorrig, - - far osah. - - VALUABLE PRIV.WABBASY. On Tonadni' April S. at the_ mutation atop to libngy. which - &lobules many Taheads and dirninlMO authors on intaroaung anbjeota OT For partioni our oripsoust. I Fiala at Haallaaata 101 Plh Foust* Street. 81ZPERIOR, FURNITUILS, _FNCII-PL m The POSH. PIANO-FORTEL.II Catift:LB C On Minds.", orating. - - At 'o'clock, at the Animas atom an of excellent wend-hand farwtaie, caeirsef Idea*.. e. fa% nion , Gamete, eta, from familtee de a hototekllODUltt, tellkOVOO to U , M itoro for isoaysaioace of sale. • HOTEL FU A N E T AT E. OBRU ARC MET TRFASUG BE [WIN &c. Oa odeseds7 Jdomiac. • - At 10 o'oloak, WsitsVeaus Arelde. cbset nut street the turnituvtoll,the AreadollotiL the furniture of au. bubo" shop. Also. a quantity et Isinehas Assi estop Meet AVE" lapse's Hall, ~ ;_• , . . SALE OF A COLLECTION OF VALUABLIII LOA. DON AND A eERIt.AN DOOILEL - on Monday Evening. - April 5. at the auction store. a colleothei of dotes and vs'uabla banks on various subjects, =V of ltni hoe LlNeloa editions For partioulo— PEREIIII-,.. - —BOND& . April 10th at 13 o'cloc nTo n on Mat the Phaladephia Ex change. will be sold. 'without reserve. Account awls:Mg It tom concern— . ... boods oar s 9 oed West Chester and' Philadelphia Railroad Co cent. - 1114 000 montane Iron Company . bonds. .1.000 Lech/manna and Bloomsburg Railroad Conn - pany bonds. A MIERWL.N SCHOOL , INI31111:11% is a Z .X. reliable medium tbrowilverhioh &hot* um Pug lia,' may obtain oopagent.teaohena Parents Bay Ml tain, gratintouely, in miabo_o_aed eirooalus of Vbabeet wheel& 8 Tli 10.01KM‘ k O:. efiCalittirr AY, Nei; Tort.. or all-tf KO CZIMIST 7 Street. Ploleielehia. .New BOAT lANG SMIAJOL. TusoAnoae PENIAO IN REIT= Will be opened et AMADEU , luniata,ecrunty, on the let day of MAY meet, or announcements ars tabling terms, &a., apply Mart.or pereonally. lel April, to the subscriber. atl7ll VINE Street, Philadel phia; after that at ACADEllttLl_Junista co Q lustyae. W. .E. VIN E W. fett-dttnyl• try V/NE Etatet. BRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL • MERVNTILE, COLJA_QXB, located at rhis, E. goloor .BEYEIMA and ORE§ ow York, QM°, onlarot, Chian ko• arid et. a or information. aool or good tor UliiiiMue. Kg. FIIGITET & SONS IMPORTERS OP HAVANA CIGARS. No. 2IG South FitON T Street, Receive regularly a fell assortment of desirab!* CI GARS, which they offer at tow rates, for cash or bp! ernveri credit &Mar WILLIL V. MUILICK. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRIETS. PEULADILTIIIA. MERRICK k SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Manufacture Huh and bow Pressure Steam Engine, for Land, River, and Marine servlce.- - oi D i odnigss e gn is e t te l r r t, n TAnte, Iron Boa , to, &e,; Castings it t alg:3l , o o o . 6 for Gas Works, Work Shoos, Rail roadßetort* and Gas Maohinerl of the latest and nowt im: proved aonstnintapo. . . Every description of Plantation Maehnisa7, 'Doh as Sugar. Saw and Gnat Mils, Peseuum Pans. Open Stearn Trams, Osfeestors.,Pilters, row plan Engints„ an. Bole Agents for N. Milieux's Patent Sager Boffin/ Apparatue; liasalyt's Patent Stearn liatanter Aspinwall & Wolsey's Patent Centrifuge lintgar Drain ing Machine. 80E4 TO SAN FRAN CISCO IN EIGHT DAYS. CENTRAL OVERLAND CALIFORNIA PIKE'S PHAK:EXPRESIXOOMPANT The firet courier of the Pony Repress will leave St. Joseph Mo., on TUESDAY, April rhe Lel, at 5 o'clock P Al.. and will ran regular Y Weelav thereafter. harq ing a letter mail only. Thereon: of departure. on the Missouri river will he in tele:motile connection with the EAST, and wilt Fe announced in doe lime. Tele graphic messaces from all parts of the United States and Canada, in connentinn with rhe point of departure. will be received up to s o'clock, P.M.,of the day of leav ing and transmitted over the Plaaervllle and Bt. seph t e li agra pbie wire to San Francisco and infermedi ate points, by the conacaturts express, to EIGHT DAYS Th e l ett e r mail win no delivered in San Francisco in TEN DAYS from the departure of the hinter& p- T ugh Forte Kearny, La_7unie, and he P Brt k il 'l ie rs r!t7 PreaTFTittL through City, Camp Eloyd,t,anon City, the Washoe Silver Mines, eincerville, end Caere meet.' • and letters for Oreson:Washmston Territory. Brairh . Columbia. the l'aCifiC Mexican ports. Silasout Posses.ione. Sandwich 'Wands, China, Japan, sad India, will be • mat led in San Francisco. Special Meseengere. bearers of letters to cosnyct with the express of the 3d April, will receive communications for the courier of that nay at No. 43t ThNTII taTILIsET, Waahir_ . gton City. up to 2.4.5 P. M.. on Friday, Marche.; and In NOW Potkat the offtoeot J. B Simpson, Boom No. 8, Continenta• Bank Building, Nassau street, up to 6.30 A. at.. of the list March. Full particulars can be obtained on appliattion at the above places, and agents of the company, W. B. ItULL. President. Leavenworth City. Bansaw. March.dt. E Mt Office New York—J. FL Smilson, nye President. Sampan. & ALLEN, Agent"; lit. Lo ale. If. J. lIPAIILDING. Agent. eniengn• cHAWING AND PAINT/NO MATE. Ir t eean ßa nd n .Tg t t er o wtes S tational , . Potohont a isPerin.dVar*. Pent Balm for.Chadren, and also tor Arttsie ant 'lndents. Mottares and Pieter* Frames. Banns Cards, American and Frenol. Ilamognea gratis to the trade. SCHOLZ .ANERTUY. No. 113 Settee HlGitwet Street. WHOLESALE AND eRTAII.te-em P-7 T.EA11 , 1 REFINEErstrGAR and SYRUPS. C. DONOGILII2. IS South wATEE Eltneet,wirk the view of closing businern on the let of May next,now offers for 1310, at reduced prices, for cash. or on ap- Proviehort oredit , the balance of his stool:al steam refin, BOUM and n ftlo6, irldiUdlrkg large sensual ass° ent of Phil elphia. New York. sad Battirsessi manufacture. Also, Adamantine Candles, of pity saki, and gellve French-brandy oolorms. sisbMtaaillf 300 Bbls. and 340 hfs. large No. 3 kfack. erel. 190 bbte. and /MO 14. melt Ito. IlKeelt erel received per sehanner Francis Beltr i r ati! feK sale by WILLIAM T. TALYI.O 'ft tal_ mbl7 pa end 1114 Nos.pi /Arms. • A or L est L it e es t util lleti to TAI b N uL P irs. AP tait Eß.-1 1 re* etffigs for /lynx; 40410 , nas o. row* obeys maiksA Wart ? 1 1 11 " 1 " - 11; EDVCiLTIONAI.. CIGARS, TOBACCO, 'dia. riIACRINERY' AND 'IRON. Z. VABOICLII 218.112011
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers