" , • '..ENcrE•' ' --- - N York c •tludier& Vaseengegt to asAl derdloe. .111100111)111Astairare, eginpon. 21bodre from vrt s oh ma mui paggettgege to J AUderdfoo. , Pargegghtv , Boner Jan', for- New Orleans porn )4l Danish brig Isolatem from id assn, .o into tag " 11 'Delany.•above the /look - , and b Aaron Baryon , AfLus„.,otiDotaggare Oily aiVea k ibl i 4fit e rlik, B It Y !, - trai4 C‘ldenkl' With Bobr A fd Aldridge. materna), from New Origami 17th alt witn irides to order. , tichn A Tirrelw,itiggibe ' 8 dagifroin Chariebton with k yadall to artier :.: ' Behr Edwin 'teed. Olripmana. &lye from Bogton;with 7_ 'Wee W crowell & Coinns t , r'' Correapoideeibe of Liao Philadelphia NO °"js 181."D ' j ai d " ch Vli l ae l i The n larki Margaret,. for Per e ni ,nh oo , gu, ; i 3m r_ —ie r "; Lwuja. " ll b a rig t;asZaa for irmewata^d ttose % .oa *riday: - Tte - order. or Amara/ area v.* pachoin fienk.f.ight hip left thri ..reakwater ype terdah sadist now. at Imo or off 'Cave .Mar,, awaiting innrir moderate weather to get to her anstick sv ae venal - eohn "'"e f"' in"(l°"`sl4liiotrintuunse. • ' r _^ 112 (bletrespOndenos of Thelress.) PiEw lotik,„Elareh 11. Toe steamantp New Yoritgtmved to day, reports having enommtereda westerly ale which continued tea 4101 without interwmaion. e passed the steamer timagow at 8 o'clock on the evening of the 28 th ult. • Arrived—Bark Reindeer, from tort ; bark Villa Prange, from klatansas. Alio 1 1'1 10 *d-43111P thumb. It Halt from Manila; ship Far/held from —I gain Amelia from esuadillat Bilow, bask Rusk, Palermo, from Palermo. Piongota, March /1. Rohr Native , ittrierioan fromi- Boston,' put la Ore -• lose of ohm and uglier, and other 'Mint Wanes. ' t• kflaMOßALly a it t tteainstillPhldeat Samar. thevOr cleatod'at Bolton 10th inst far Phaedra, la. 6teamehip Kensington, Raker, hence, arrived at Bog toc.loth inst. Ship Goddess, Crowell, /rota Boston for Calcutta, was apoken Bth nit, tacit 3, lon 3530. Shipompier,,Keith,, , froin Stew Volk, armed at San Francisco Mit at. with loss of 'ads, ko, having ex 1113°0 Y e tl v o Y rr7l7,l:fam ft. Manila, arrived, at Liverpool afili Bln= twillte h tletti Canirballi fnun arriVed at Liver. • Istria rionser, eldide. from Charleston, arrived at Livereobl gush k'.~l'tleietlit ß 'tomCalcutt ta afo do, arrived e eivrArti! Bark' verrard Weil, for +open, sailed from Han °Y • ,L ranoispi lain ult. • Rene Comet, Dtrilth and Vaakes. Lovett, for Hoe°- , a, coded from Han rename° thialsth "Ck H len Maria r giokereen, tor Bluladelphis, from Helen toth ' r times thriller, Mel, cleared et Boston 10th mat for Yuiladelphus. , khr Manage Tilton, Tilton,for Galveston, cleared at Boston tith•Met. H ..l W Muller, Crowell cleared at Bolton fith that ,forhli ttonrrtMlather, Hmkeilmon, for Philadelphia via Wilmington c l eared at Boston lOth bat Bohr #l,rBtevens, etndley, cleared at Boston 10th lust for l'huadelphlet balm bl Reinhart, Feteramt, for Philadelphia, cleared at Hew Orman etti iflet With 21 hada tobaooo,73Bhhds sugar, Hibanie cottotr, 81 bble moles/es, lbe Back!' aut. ton wbutkey, ISO empty cask', and 39 pkgs • Bohr Harrlet Roger Rogers , hence, arrived la Nor r sear': rrioe, hence, arrived at Savannah Bth , ' '' '..tant t) a E lf 111 is II f Nai h ninxWa 4Vi t 4 Vt o h " elt°n ” at Behr J enaabea, Som.re hones arrived at Wilming ton, Pr et, fetb inst. Bar. id n• Coptabell, from Hoskin, arrived at ri G r ummet. . Bark Z D.(Or BoatOtFauted, before reported • on fire in the roadateaa of nano; ey.si, on the 4th of Jan, When about to sail for stop, was burned to the wei ter'e edge, and with her can°, proved a total lona. 'the Z 11. *Sis the fifth venal burned la the road teed of 81100 011 AYrell Within tO months, three of which were AllieriCari and as_ office! lareilligatiOn of the !natter Was to be made. The Z D's cargo corm•tett of 038 bales fine wool, 030 hides 5, bales ating,to bales feathers, and MI bales merokanilillit. The bull and balance of cargo were adulthood to b e I d l Oh Jan 13. - tine ti was built Duxbury in 311 to replier, rated .UM, and wig owned by c M nard Ik Co, of Boston., ''AtErtit. ‘ Atg AT .THE PAINCIPAL HOTELS. ATlTOTAriLill ' O'CiLetti LAST COVTINENTAL.'-8. B. corner of Ninth aid Chestnut. J...ht liolmes.N:r -,.. - . •hl E Tobin, ri,y_ al Back, Phila. ' : ' ohi lvororoav,jv 3' , - A Wti_gelar. rlpla ~" ,48 Rhodes, Wheelmg Band Harper._ Wheeling .. ,11 Latishlin, Wheeling W J /Inns. Columbia, 0 too laylor, Columbus, 0 :lit eilinatmLy.,KKyy - .. . W a W iti el l i ma tlak n e , , O r b a io t i f ratter, 1/ BA LII Blunt, Beam • •,--,-, .O_Paraer to la, Boatoo -- Jno McGee, 11 - l - mu Lafarraus, Memphis pll Moore N Y ~- ricaro L Moortr.N.Y . i Moore. 11 V ..-T I Wallace. glo . B Brower, N 0 V Canfield. Icla, Vt. Geo 111 Wrielit• N J ~. P. „Black. rhila , Belli Wood. Philo _.,-. rum O'Neill:11 y, , - _ N Tenney, A Y no ram nails - .K Morris , Itiyinun, Tenn - -. L Ili W Leman. Chapleeton -' it enel a* la, N Y ' .R. 8 Henderson, am, Ky _r ~I'. money, England I Ihoobald. England ~ ,:: .-. oho Ilyadly, NY A R. Wootten,Del coo .1 , Kwln.c, i ta W_LBladen, l'o. ..... T_Patellieul, V Ct T Ripley, Ind '-- ' /derimee,.Ey - . , 11P Mahon, Kr • Antler, Bait, - , ' Tycrovi, Cleveland, Ohio . - II Joes, km < J smog, NY --,' •-- r ictriemondie,N 0: - J Weelte itlejloston - - tolark & la, Borsht ~ -,- Geo M Bishop; /V Y 10 0 BardreDecaturall J hi 0 Johnsoreosturlll T Williams, 17 :-.-.. ,•, ,•0 11 Leeds, M ,lfy ' r Souther ..11 Y - ' . at:1; 1 , 1. 14.i; ~- :•- '-,2 .1, , ,' f t. it i vingl i Ny - r foilli t glit :KJ .•',..,..(:" 0 li: Condor & Is, Newark . - -, -Wmll. Baton, Boston; •• „ PLY long , Boston . - , Porter & lii,„N Y - miss Porter. 14 Y___ . . timrorth. Doti* • • cApir. la Dana. Wlikesb'e - s hoemaker , Wilkeeb'e W D-I hayer & la, Boston = nowy , Xl .- F BBtreeter.Montroint, re, -, f lew s Man r,iliontro .• Thorn I Tate: Ala. f ,i=Ow WM er,HoneedMe it.o Johnson ic'wrlge , P XRaseltoh & la, Me B liazelton kir f, Me ', ' ' -•', :--- F Untie' - . , . - ; 0 Halstead, Newark . , -.' ••• 0 b Halstead, Newark • i N Brace. I renton : t!--,: - X - A litrongßoMon el , -• ki Bandon. Boston , tt-Bareis, %mut -.-- •. - •Atiarrett.,Xansas- WE ocalee, canteen. Art . i.Ohudg, YlAtt , burg • -,' - Illohnstoni Galena: ~, .-Bgt Dawson, ye • , • • •••4 'r•asummoh_ll 02, •,-..-- .., /...It,gs, New York - , J.thictrray_i__lew 1 ork -- - 11,34, Pe rk ins , St New York ' --,' Waul a 374 '- " VAZZ aa ec. n rs; ri York , ..,..,',, Satiom4lorida ~ . •-. 0 . 4orusey, Vl_ ~ ... • p Ryan ANI ~.... .- -., lir &lonian, L't,l , - • ;;..F ' af•Wooaward,.Plula - -- : _lklß Tobin - . _ i 0 'imolai:We . ... ~., ~ J-W r Wilson, Phil& , --=. 0 Cattail,' 11 , • lil. .ranrell,lll "- • '4",.wili aga ;111 , = ' - -"', • - la. .uEox wheeling, Ira - , V 110 1 ,004/. Pli , - - - - f- ' i' , , :BF .Wils ' on. Fa - - • . -2"- i rgeWpor E sur t . '.-.. 2 1%148, ill':Vgk . • - .:,., A Aberorombie. Ala ; -_ Ali Stun BSA , if Builett.,llowe4, PI J-• etsinley ors, lid • T.l...tmory - , 144,-,-• --- --- Jig; Mane, rands , .- Flergint,ht Lotile- --, 0 .1 &mold. )Alt re 0 • retwie, Balt •-` 'l3 C.Wrtaht. Tr ' - 'i id' tion,l)sltoti, Mese. J nage= &la, IA , ,- - . 5,00 t, Barker . N 0 , - , ,A A rogrer. - .1. •._ - - OK hEvauri-Phile - -.• ,- W Whaassu h retts. Kg :- AP l lit t rir l i r oiT A' ' " TvVll.O4, 14 Y e ; " X Nichols.ll t,. Di? eleoling.iatiarleston I..tigiggY --'. , t r .Farba'"l4l ll -. -: J n Waller & la, Mt.. - rt ileCtinaitt, N Y - - Oscar tiesham, Ya ' . GIRARD HODBR—aheatnut at. below Ninth. „ /17 Hewett W4ah..T) Ø. 6offens, Plifts , 11,1 0Airtzd it 'h e ilu i, B livery ic TIaC. ft- drllo,i .04 Oa Walks, :Pi • - Miss Weknot. o Mk Ulleu' I,I o Y Onnotnrua l. Eilioprins, r w 111$ 13 ,44agla r ;an W Breeds:, &dal:lemur. wa. so Getty, lose AilF4rwitneti-...ftr a tta,criAliy , Ming ulroylg o s . ; ii , di y afj l lim ) „.- ot%Ttalo:E.... -- Indma.u.s.! . ' 7 04:131:4"-xy- --_, .78R„....dd1-ri.,, ,, ,. - „..1.7. . 481 li od w il :L 4randit I ' W 81welh'I'owanda W Watkins. twaada T. Goo all. et ountains Judge jump, Montroee W Klessup, atm. • - 0 4.-Tepinie,. Montrose , AlLwilion" 1a..0 ' - 5411trmitly• us W willianisen. tia • • . Coy r Black. Easton ,- II Verman, M V : fi 0 rnyneovpoe S trnt. Va Ohne Boaell. Brarbadoew ~ &op ri y - , Aui E Yerry,Weuep.li 43 • '-, t Mitred; Pads -' .. . t. Tappan, Jed' rerriry 1. walk r, Va . • 0 Anderno__,n Va. :.:..-'• a Strattoik Vs, . '.- - W A °win, Wilm, N 0 _Wr Le __,e N Y - - 8 McCullough, Newark --' Livia W ebb, Richmond - B p Bailer. Button ' . J_Ftstwman; Ark - jo a Dexham, N Y w H Ilarrieon, Can, 0 - • 14 Vincent k iNgal,•-;f1- fJ) erke, Jr ~14 J ALOreen, Kg 8 Starke, Muss - .1 Rlagenreather, lowa A MeDaniela Va', • John A Smith tho, 0 ‘, : V I A 4 reLlt r e. t r ieoP i. -- Z 0 I :dti m i. l %i(h Y t,C ' in, 0 IF. I .. hgennerg, Arizona --- st i r Patrick, Fa -• • P Fkrrington a Fitzhugh, Vs - •-•-• °Jeffries, Vit --,••••••-. ~ , - Cleo 1 1 •Darden, N 0 , - . - 11Legi114.1,74:ii, Belt ' - 11 Ebiri`r=r,s/r - MIIRCHAHTIV HOTEL.-Fourth street, below, Arab. - RW Habbard. No , " ,_,!, ft Calvert,_Ky „ - . Et Rimer, Hiebinond, ay' Y &MOOG Henderson Le vixen, Henderson 8 MoUorAtee, Ind . . . . 1 ett. Ind gy p { ' f Chopin,th ri, • Mobre. Ind .tketThesd, Pikosto, Pa Bgaael. Bradford Pa t yv - UII); Somereot, Pa Wli Menden* la. el ''' ' Vt,ttillieg, a r " r n ' lia- ffißtredsteek; Pt, & ' M u le ß olg . . M arlette C ' 1.11 1 .1 Fr, 74/4 1.1 9 -I,ll.4lohardson, blo Mc atmesaittehurg oda .; Blau,/4'4mile . W wndereen, 'Venn Sanborn...4m -. o P Benham, Lebanon, 0 Ghee P Grey, Lebanon, 0 J J Ha:lmes, Mee - . p hil , B Li - , : w ,e- pocru & la. Phil& wars. ashrHo . . leadekV i l t e Et Nashville .;;. ..' "Atrersap , -..,, ee Al f,lumei i l t enn ,i ge.12.1„ , N.., . .:w a: €01,16, ,ig..i . iiii Sea rde, , to.._ . .. 0 Oalhoott, Mies • _t r . ilges e tekt • , ~ lOgkon, Lean ~ t l, ' re% g r , 01af."." '' 8 Ifon r . 4 I: 2 le i n r io T n e i 7o . ' -- —..- Case re, Tenn -- • • •0 8 Crossland. neon. - doblseon fc. ohikl,'Als • Clan Lenoll. Ark 1 • 11 " 1 47 4 N A 1 1' ' i n ciVTIV ' eV - r ..., ... r re- 4 , 4 . 1 tui ' ' .e,r4.teoore s no 4 r l itot r ,.. --- ~.. ,-. Acvvi e ifit: jambemyg :,.,.: ~a i g aii rs .%o rfr l i sdeb ir.lln " . T be e r : n g -4 11 4 4 : 1 0 0 v in F o rkii • /all rill:tei s O i n.ll ' " n '. : WV kt i m.""i,l'a ' : • .14..Zepembok, id -..-; JHE Fja.er,....0 / t waken:le:l 4 ' - -.- •• • AK rowett.l.l 0 , • 14 Moved. Tenn' 1 - - A '.l_9alle. Mime • , ZOOM, 10 • ~- - W Danehison, 0 C - . AMSAJOAS BOTEL—Choirtnot street. abode Fifth. . - 'l , l o 3 4 ;L l eara, KY _ . ~ fr,NWilkjA2olls KT f16 . ,8m0u • ~ , anzien..noVon an .o elle,. Folt9n = eis_ l ! ;Alter, 1,0A4 -,-* stir Le e il IS 9 .1 , .. t gar firly tk u • a l Zi t irg ' f .1.4 Sulliman fi ri r , . 1 ': ': Bolter, n t 0 9 , ' --. . - , d P.:n i l i uric c tit li ° . i , . ... 11311trrillais . v .. , 4m4::[.1 1 ,0 ' ',-,:,:•,.: riiiirtii:t" - :, 8 - atgivnliori... br ead,, , u.' . cklnt . int, '-.,.., Mast utliiyA ,o, Ps ' 7 ' .. ..7! - r'l l s Cg E titt ffi lib i any. .- :. clVv t agt, x iiorgaton Pa - ir s o vone t n, Bum:omit - 4.l,efillos mooklyn jrifiyolk,23rpokiri -`; - _.' ¶ : tr.9l_ff._'ALig, "r berg 4. . cl: .:4 11 D , 8. 1Z41, „ . . A ii ,h:r z icgj . . z .L - .-Alfigigrrni w yn , 4Pailet'Opv . ~:, g tit ttordlictsburi ' : tratton: ittelises . ".313 i r u k r i t ti l rl - 6, miett,,l t y ~, ~4 11 engrererl7o::R i - i lattra,:vio 1 ....- ~4 a tit N.•,-' s , • - 01404,1 1 1 • : • ' : 17 1 .11140 6 4 74 11 17 4 '.l 4"j e tauroon . 4'l" - ' ...:- ' z rdeTranew. a l t ! . . _ .. ti a ss, Sell .7 trig, . ,77 1 , k , rLe beitte• - ti1;1! ,• 0 Ishildson. M{lBll AA Belt, al l oy, yik,, fl P elms !ago,. f fiti n d e now 4 li e co l 14 ; " - •:. ' 4ittifottlorlkait Y. L ing di aPir4i. ' : . , 1 .79NEEP .11 , ollant- ;inlet, Wlaw troventh. 0rP4 ,1 011. 1 --... ,I_i Mortut4 Phil* , /Valle, Phila ;.. • Iloagps, ji .1 be So NJ aillit Pi Y , r Altgattert :'''' : AU ' rhyrreyi • , ' 4 ,- ,910117,D :.. -:44. 1t ,1ty • ;§•- regy• • ; , 1 tut nk4l ' get .jehna. I Texas !.:,:....Y.tosvak urke. Plata witerohevino j t . 4. 1 Am lei/agar mmo , Dz . reed.. jaB6l, hio ,- ;;. l :7'N tre).o4'mc'' D Itams til lnh ''l 1014 CV 1 ilia alb ' , Liate crowds, Min . 8 881 1 Chicago 4 I .:iL "604*, ipw-, , , 0 al neaattla : t ;`'' '.l ='; ViNtri At u reh ' - t : IV:X . /kat ' ' , :',- - ,... , „ti,,t A Pivia,i,-,,,,-,*, ' 11,1)=1,1 -. - ea.l it m.p • yec i vi i. telt.; rum ' ~ r . - 1. ,- "Cre'r 1, - 1 - 17.4 1 r) 4 , ,', ~,'AfiltiAllOi 'Et — Oic;ond greet. aboi* ~hlatkeit. ''''''' te, tni ' ultot. Per ' ' 4*(Coctir, Del • ' ifr . ttidrignit-q..' - iP td i rred e b I f i k lefa. tPt, .ile t irthi P4deile - liVri l itibdmi 'bet ' --,,..! 1 ,-... t - 0 °to . eiF op ~,ityw ~, IS ran" , --. ' ::eLci'l i k z - ngdr t in: - '''' .4 SILVA, ti ' -'; 7 :0 , /o#l l o4- SWIM - ' Li ti Isall*IM: It I,ctlf' :' 111C44" 9 1 litr i r l " tle il ileir ~,t , 53 4 , 7 1. ? ri: `f ...,- 4 `,' Itol6lllllgliff 1 . THE IiRIoWIHYIIBL-4.tbh - Word, above Third. ' 3W Vtatah: Phil& -- - 3.6 II Olen eata, - New York; N b Wiliam. Atlantic Qiti 3,orahano,Orawtordaville D T MeOlare, Crawfordav'e lill u uldr ' lid . 14 Shroyer, lad , - ~ . r lokerina, Ind H .i. Day.Ohlo - , ' ' _Citroen. Ohio A Reavoigne, Ohio , - r oit Jenkins, ohio I 5 . I,6 hudY•Yn : i J Bri d rbridge;:NJ • ah Riblet, Gm*, 0 iii nob. New York M Conrad, Zanesville, 0 0 - Ir nom Waah'n, D 0 Mimi 0 A Lucas, Wroth, DOE Id Colettook. t Rooheer J Zehring. Ohio , ' -J T. D Myer, Pa JR Hilierman Pittsburg A M Marshall Pa I Madden, Ohio A Heyman, wheahng, Va R Thompson; Pa H.Herah, Phil& J H Duval, Wellsburg , Va A B Oaten, Ind J B Carter, Del F . P Horner, Bait R J Clark, Ohio , STATES UNION HOTEL,—Morkot Street, above Sixth. Motorail thidany: Del oo - Biro it Lindsay & 4 oh, Po B F Wickersham, Pe, Jos McMullen, Pa Band Waverly. Leno oo B J Shay, Phila B Be Young, Phils demi weise.Brdons, Pa Wrr.:Avt,T =er r" ,ri±l)}ll,:httiti: Latrobe H Wm Kelp , t'bile Hockey. Cheater CO Oboe Ole Bride Chester Co Wm Rhoads, Urbana, 0 Jae Meregar, Philip Wont°, hid A Bradbury, Wilful/Won IT. LOUIS HOTElL—Chestnut,,above third. H R Motion, Pekin U 1 F Smith, Pekin, A R Roarnheitn, .1:t Y 0 Currier. Boston F S Hoekloy, Bar is . 3 /Woo. CM, 0 John D Murphy. alt. Earl Wheeler, Honeadale Mrs Wright, P , J M Kink. Waterford, N Y John Brown. MA:, , Wm Murphy. Balt Alex Thomosoni Ba it Robt Crete', Indiana no L Harwood, Capri MILT R Pettit. N Y Jaerouenciel & loVittsb'e R W Carter, Wrath , D 0 Foaraorut, N 1. 0 Spurlin Ala Miss Eif Lieboln, Md , . John W tieeny, N J R Vezln, Naiads • . , A Veen, Philade NATIONAL ROTEL—Bar street, abvnThlrd. Too Wackier, NY .• Chammon,N Y Jno Kerns; Del - Samuels Cal Mal 0 Clausen, Va • al Green. Ind H B Styleu, Ind ' J 8 Helfenstein, Ps W P Wagoner, Pa Long, Ohio John P Rooms, Pa EC , " Abrams, Pa • rs Biggins, Reading . W Leslie, fittalmrg F A Bettenum, Bhartlearville Pus Beyfert, Iloral 00, Pa .--- , COENFROIAIL ROTEL-410h ss. , above Mutant. 3 P Brownwellaa. , ,1 Smite, Pa Thos 13 Gable. Pei L B Yearsong, St Lords .1 In_okaon. PIMA Jno Johnson & la, eal Pr F Tallor. Weld Cheater 4 Pugh. Lane co:Pa Chas F Fisher, Maas 3 Slift, Pa Jets ad Laaaater, N y Geo M lionston, N Y J (drum, N v , John nri. nor, Pe John Smith, Pa Saml w Wilke. Ed Josiah holmon, Tenn atvRCHANTEP 1101T8E—Thud at., above Callowbill. W Yeager, Allentown I Brown, Carbon co D G Bash Bellefonte .1 W Raines. Pa I L Wilson,Books oo H Jones. Cambridge, Pa aosiokisrN, 16 Campbell, Ba i t E Adams. aeon John Pruett, Carbon no Alex Jackson, Pa ' Tbos MoElroy. Pa ED Pry. Pe H W James, N Y TARLEAREAF HOTEL—Beooni at.. below Vine. .7 H BixbyrDepoxit; N Y Writ Carr. Bucks co Jesse Comfort, Backs co Jos Devlin, Books no Jae, F Drinkbouse. Pa Jas 8 Rich. Buoks on W Mercer te. wf, Pa Jpo Case, *Mrs on J flonsaok. Photo 7. Atkinson, Hawley, Pa 'SD ood, Hawley, Pa Chap W Patterson Pa .A_D Boyers Easton B Ruth. Doylestown Wm W Potter, Pa 3 W Kinsey,l4 0 MOUNT VERNON HOTEL.—Reoond at, above Arab. Mark Ladd. alyerstown J W Claylt M AI Keller, KellerevPle colCl) Brodhead. Harriet) P Wilkinson. Reading 0 Goble, Lancaster ISteviaarLanouter , BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third st.. above Callawhill. M G Friel. Lebanon. Fa I S Stoughton, Milton. Fa John Heninger, Buoks no Peter Gross, Sohneoksville BLACK BEAR EOTEL—Thir Be d et., above Callowldll. J Borman. Rendms J OS Spans • rk* co Milford Tomlinson, Pa Hermon Tomlinson, es Wm Bowers, Philo POIJITICAL. ItECETVFA OF TAXES. RHIN p p liErt iv , tor subject to DomocAttrutes. titilitt° POR CITY CONTROLLER, (MOR W. 111.1PTY,_ rohlt•tn RTERNIR WARD 11 , P So o eat to the rules orthe People's Part . CITY 'CONTROLLER . STEPHEN TAYLOR, NINITZSINTH WARD. .aubJect to Demooratio rules. m?-tn• REMOVALS. REMOVAL. HANDY. IVIORRIB, & Co.. 31ANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT-IRON TUBE FITTINGS, AWNING PO 18, TUYSRE COILS, /to., ZIAVE MOVID TO No. 113 SOUTH FOURTH ST., (below Chestnut.) mh 7-Iw SAM, N. AVMS & BON, , BILL BROKERS, HAVE REMOVED TO I. SOS DOCK STREET HEA.TON DENGUE& HARDWARE' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 607 OOMMEROB and HO NORTH BTREETB, , • AUNTS FOR THE BALE OF OUT NAILS. HOLLOW WARE. OAST, DLIETHR,AND ORMAN STEELS. Whiob, with a owsplete assortment of AMERICAN HARDWARE liter °Tor for sale at MANUFAOTUREPJF PRIOR& feB•irfmlm if THEI o II A I D L C A 6 E PHILADELPHIA AND 0 Tian • ' ! Pnit,Lorlaltie, Maroh 100850. The rages ft/freight and tolls on coat .transperted by this company toll bs as follows from March 12th. UM ' lit further notia • To A lohmond Philsdelptr .is. .... Inelined .... laleetown.... . Germantown:lA ... ells of ttehuyl 174bert's Conahotiocken. ..... • Swede Furnace....... Rambo's ..... Norriat'n or Bridgeport Valle y Kennedy......... . Forge Encertlxville Royer's Ford. Potuown„....l .. Poug .. irdaboro. ...... L: okerton Mohraville Hamburg Orwrgatig and Auburn. tubl2.Bm W By order of the 1:43 I. • .49 1.48 138 1.88 of BlankKe .ILIII3NOto, THE MOST USEFUL INVENTION OF -IL THE AGE. LOFFE'B Patent Knittins Machine. Moe and salearennat. Ile CHEnTIa UT Street. mhl2-St` WM. O. SAVAGE k Cep.. Amite. NuTIVE. THE PAESNERSIIIt. be. 4.1 tweenWlLLlArd °ENE nod B. P. HOUGH, un der the name and firm of WILIAAhI °RP' & Co.. was dissolved by mutual consent on tho 7th day of YebrunryslB6o. The subeeriber will pop.tiltue the Tea Pekinese at the Old Stand. No. 29 South ril.r4 ill Street. above Chennut. mbl2-3c* - WILLIAM. ORNI. Tr WES T -F0 HR PHOTOGRAPHS .3. itruitsble for vlsitieg eardejor 8140; three Photo grade, fot framing, etiiire-sise YhotoirraPlui ail from • eta upwanle. ostlery, BECoND street, above Green. 14UZZA ITOZZ A! ! iIIIZZ A! ! ! 7CA JL -11, d Didladelphia and the elatone State!!! Down! own!! down with t e traitors ite mue front which they !!! suok 11! Our Union who spring h garment patterns are ready for gale, end we 'mite sit trnnpstri one taller, to come and see them, at Pim SO4 CHEST MUT Street, third atoll. rablo.llt. J. R.SRANKLAND aIMNASTIO INSTITUTE or ,Ladlea, Oixtleraen.and Children advert age. Pl. FS Corner o AR9,11, and NINTH Streets. Preferment 141.HBRANT0 & Subeonbore received every day. N. B. FedOing and Sparring Academy at mhlo-6 the Berne t. Atr°ll. ON SALE AT Tllll . ' EAGLE I.OTEL, No. FZI Nkrth THIRD +Arcot. Large Sala of HO BEHOLD FURNITURE. on WEDNEd. AY MOR INO, Maroh 14th. nt 10 o'olook, the entire *potent, of this large Hotel, ooncia l p of all Lint in required in a firot-olano house. The niAoro Sof the but quality t and in ace but &short 11 a. Mar examtnen at a o Moak 011 the morning in We, Vito oataloguts. B: Q. DROPICFR & CO.. Auctioneers, IWO A TO, 241 North 'MIR* Street. —LADIES, call at 732 OiIEST -419 fin .1."1". NUT Street. Pontr Room, up irk and see the most reliable Street. $D O. 1310A' GMA CONINE. • A will sotonitch you. Wanted-20 ,T AVE 1.- /ANG AGENTS. Ymmediately. , unhlo-st. ----_........._ THE ROOT AND HERB DOCTORS' OF T•••• iIW•InNorthEIECOND Street, Beirlei Shear Hotel, ei I blla lle iP v " o l4 7l w w h on ere l,.. 4e ala a Ll i froXl•2l , n titto!`g t Eet_goa, 'where he can be coastal dur tho month or 'Satoh. Afilo. li p s e ot r o li. k ith, a nd 19th of April. A lso the 7th, lb( s treats al l distaaes that fles h tikheir to. Childr*wit: h t ti me All dims !?.."41contdentiei• N .B —B ea Q w l ll etiga t elta st..ot 7 con spin' • •ee Otrenlars. inhlo-tApl AR. W. LIVINGSTON. SUPPLIES TO THE WATER DEPART MENT OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. ' Sealed proposals will be receive d at the office of the Tepertment, 918 CH E RRY Street, until 110 clock noon. TUESDAY. the 13th of March, for such amounts of ANTHRACITE COAL, tut the Chief Emaneer may or der for the nee of the different Works. say : Jrpr Schttylkill Works, shpt. ..... 4 WO Tons. ' Delaware " ... .200 '• " 11th Ward " " ........-- too " " Fairmount " ' ....... .--- 60 The coal to be delivered at the several works, and inset be of the beet quality Lump or Steamboat, and free fromidate or bone, too. Dade will be received for the topply of each works so. Partite'''.and mist state the kind of ooal to be supplied. The coal will' be wpiglied at the Works, (when &- livered) by an agent of the Department. Estimates to ne made for. ton of MO lbs. The Omer Engineer re serves the right to refuse any article which is nut in every respect satisfaetory, or what It is oontraoted, to ; also, to refuse any oral) ieroe - o f to th e bide. o e r t make such e d armen onoftheme H m NßYl.M e ElEBlE e s, • Mhel 11 T hief Enginder. DRAWING - AND PAINTING MATE.: I ,i tept a g t erAMl9 tationory. n 'a r L Oloo lu Vrifi l dter= l ;droo for Artfori and tom antiriotor t irrom i lli Fie ' Ting Cords and .141 i _ ittagip t a e e, '• " ifinti% if °IMMO NEW BOOKS , .*- 33soentl7 Published, • LINDSAY & l I ILAK IS TON No.ll 811THS e re an ab ß v o C e e er nu t. 'HEROD THE OflEAT—His Life and Times, 14 W. H. Willett. limo. Price .81. THE ELOIIIIII REVEALED in the Creation end ca Redemption of Man. De y,. Price ei ao. alone of BARNES THillegiNklat ENT. BARNES' PRALITIOAL Se RMONS. BARNES' WAY OF SALVATION. Each in one volume. Pri ce 81 00. 3 KUR S TZ' HI P R HISTORY OF THE OLD COVENANT. vols, Octavo. Pr V. EDI rws MINISTRY. By Mies Harriet B. McKee ver. I volume. Price SI. VI. THE GOSPEL IN unv mous. or an Ex posi , inn ol the Hebrew Ritual. By the Rev. Joseph A vo lume P r ice author ol the " Last Times," &a., Ro. 1 . 81. A GEXERAL ASSORT V m ENT of Theologioal, Re ligtoue,andNtenetlaneousßooks always on hand and for sale at low prices. rohli LIFE'S EVENING .AND LIFE'S MORN ING. LlFY.'ti EVENING; or, Thoughts for the Aged. 15. o. 66 ate. LIFI.'d MORNING; or, Counsels and Elle mune meats for Youthful Christians. lemo. 81. CoLLE iTION of , HY A NB, 8u eplementary to the Psalms and Wants of tn. Watts. 81. JULIAN HOUK; A Tale ol College Life. By F. W. Forret% 12mo. 81. ERC ; or, Little by Little. By the author of Julian Home di. ' ANSWE E_TO HUGH MILLER AND THEORETIC GEOLOGIST& homes A. Dawes. limo. $l2l. PotTHE HABITS OP la 001) SOCIETY. limo. 0125. For sale WILLIAM ~- WILLIAM 8. & ALFREn•MARTIEN, 011E8 MUT c treat. PUBLISHED THIS DAY : A NEW WORN, • DT TUB DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN AUTHORESS, MRS. BilrAr.e D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH. THE HAUNTED HOMESTEAD, WITH •AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHOR DV MRS. EMMA D. E. N. SODTRIVORTH, Au lliatis f ip ‘ g . T B h . r7d L e, 9 : • itne".: " Desert ed U V ife," Astriout.on." " curse of ' Clifton c ,! , Vtvla, The Three Beauties," " Lady of the tile," eta. Complete in one large duodo•Imo volume, neatly bound Ri cloth, for One 1)oller and Twenty-five Cents ; or in two volumes paper cover, for One Dollar. Published and for sale at retail or wholesale at the Philadelphia rublishins Establomment of W. B. PETERSON 8 , , KRoniggte, N 0.308 CHESTNUT Street, Phila., To whom all ord.rs must some midresied to receive im mediate attention. mh10.31 THIS DAY PUBLISHED, LITTLE, BROWN, & Co , 119 WASHINGTON BTREE? BOSTON. ENOYCLOPAMIA BRITANNIOA, 1 Co. Cloth ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS AND CONTAINING, AMONOST OTIISR IMPORTANT ARTI CLES, THIS FO.LOWING REPTILIA. By Janiee Wilson, author of the artiolo " Fisheries." REITCHLIN AND RITCHER. By W. H. Chalmers. RHETORIC. By William Spalding, A. RFIAnDO. By T. R. I.FCullooh. RICHELIEU. B• Gustave ?daimon. ROBERTSON (William) and ROGERS (Samuel). By Robert Carruthers. ROMANCE. By George Moir, late Professor of Rheto ric in the University of Edinburgh. ROMAN HISTORY AND ROME. By the Rev. Charle s Mournle, B D., author of a " History of the Ro mans under the Empire." ROTATION. By Thomas Galloway, P.R.S. RUSSIA (Statistics/. By Henry J. Bishop. SABBATH AND SCRIPTURE. By W. Lindsay Alex- audor, D.l BALT. Br Charism Tomlinson. SANITARY SCIENCE. By Edwin Lodestar, M. D., F. R. 8., F. LS., and Henry Letbeby, M. D. SARDINIA. By Sir lamest'. Lactate. LL. D. SAVINGS BANKS. By Edward Edwards, author of the article " Libraries." SCANDINAVIAN LITERATURE. By William Hewitt. BOHILLER. By Thomas DeQuinoy. SCOTLAND. By Patrick Frasier Tytler. SCOTT (Sir Walter), Bart. By William Staid' at, A. M. SCULPTURE. By Richard Weatmacott, Professor or Sculpture, R. A., F. R. B. Tho work will be completed in 22 vole., ihralldind General Index to the whole. Over twelve hundred ooyies are already taken by the subseribers in this country, and the number is oontinual ly increasing. It is believed that no publication of the kind, no extensive, has hitherto commanded enlarge a sale, or been deserving of the patronage of the reading community. mh9-3 tif TIIE INDEPENDENT VIOLIN PLAYER." Suskpliblisbed. Price 25_cts. AlABBli'cr MU511)14.7 ORE. • 1:28-14t • • , rios-cuzaTriu'r Street. VIVOLOWSKIIR NEW METHOD OF • TRAORING 5111810. Mr. WOLO wan I, the EMINENT PIANIST and VOCALIEIr, ON West Washington Square. third door below Walnut, between Seventh and Eighth, has a large class of WI. s and Gentlemen learning must°, both Vocal and Instrumental. after his new method, whose success in Ms rapid acquisition of thin art fur nishes the highest and most satuifsetory evidence of the rare merit elide system. A writer in the North American thus explains s method of teaching be explains the maim and the 'inhume of tousle to each pupil, by a series of lectures, without the aid of books. and compels the pupil to sit down and work unlit him. and to knout it, and to de tr. at once, without the drudgery of long and tedious lesions, learned in an ar nrary manner, or picked out, note by note. without being understood. Mr. W.. It is tine. has a new method or dividing the piano. and of simplifying male but his chief suttee, we think, is owing to toe fact that he makes the 'papal learn ever thins at once, without books, while in tics presence. and he has only topraetise afterwards. IoW oral lessons serve to explain the piano. and then teacher and pupil penetrate into the heart of the business with a rapidity which ie truly as tonishing. After the common*. dawdling" which is practised in learning music. such work es this seems cute frightful to some 14110111. cant do it; says the Dupil. uh, but you t don t knew it; says the p u e s OlL do •Twili a llp . iriVr:r . o k it There. now you aent—you know It—now oo It !--30 it —faster !fester ! there. now it is done.' And the pu pil. being pushed on, and helped on, with a sort ofyhy meal magnetism, and is mental power whieh never re laxes. lutaactuelly made a leap in knowledge and power of execution which astonishes and delights him. and encourage* him to make newer, and even bolder elforta. and leads him on to newer and greater triumphs. This is the true way to teach music. Er the old methods teachers are glow, mysterioue, and arbitrary, and pupils are timid. Wolowski, In his oral and practical theatre. tions, (without bookii,l clears sway leg and nlYsterr , and mare, es his pupils forward with all the preession and vehem. nee of is party of well-drilled °Mete 'Perm ins a binary. You may say it is Preachy' and suye r fi mat. if you please. but Just call at hie rosins, inn see his pupils rend and execute Man. With ease, midair. bnllianey of etyie, end scientific perfection, nod you will no longer doubt the genuineness and value of the knowledge thus acquired. Ifts pupils all admit that they really acquire more knowledge of music and power of execution under his new method of teaching and &M -ing, in a few days, thin they had attained in years of pa tient labor before. Such being the facts, we think they ought to be known, end you will gratify many lovers of music, as well as a highly deserving_artist, by giving this note a place in your (volumes Wolowski receive visitors at his Minis, WA WEST WASILINGTON StLIJARE. every day. at into It o'clock A.M. mho Stir 1.13 L. 1.07 1. 1.01 9 7 Or 1.02 ' • 97 Fl 99 81 89 : M 711 7 7 67 7 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! "A BTITOH IN TIME SAVES NINE." ECONOMY I DISPATCH BATE THE • PIECES t da •atetdents teal happen, aeon in teell.veitulated families, it is very desirable to have some obese and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Orooke 17, ho. SPALDING'S PREPARED OLUR =genii such emergenoles, and no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stick ing point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles. IL is Just the article for none, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with Indies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation Is used cold, being eihe mostly held in solution, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the beat dabinet-makere' glue. It may he used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vvtly more adheelVe. " ÜBEFIJIJ IN EVERY HOUSE." N. D. A brush aeoompanies each bottle. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Whelessle Depot, N0..t8 CEDAR Street, New York. Address HENRY 0. SPALDING it Do: N 0.3603, New York. Put up for Dealers in Casee.oonteining four, eight, and twelve dozen, a trauttful Lithographic 8110W.CARD ekloompanying each package. NT A niggle bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times lts met annually to every hougehold. , - Bold by all nrorninent Stationers, Druggists, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Stores, Country MadanUl should make a note of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. IT WILL STAND ANY CLIMATIC. d2B-mwf-y i‘ WEST OF ENGLAND" TOILET r • BOATEL—These Bones, lately introduced jute this market. have been received with marked fayor. It is believed that a cursory azationnuo n only is nib:misery to . a tiefr any one of their superiority. Indeoendent of their quality, they are atampod and put up with much greater care then has usually beer. bestowed. Amite, Wai. EVANS, Ju., 22 CO., 252 Booth FRONT St. W' ALL AND CURTAIN PAPER.- Groat inducements to equilt burets. Entirely new styes for Spring trade. 100. as North SIXTH. above Market street. nabs-lm" J. E. VAN METER. roGEORGE L. WALKER, SOLE AGENT FOR HAINES BROTHERS' (N. Y.) PATENI GRAND ACTION VIANDS.—A splendid annortdientJust received from New York—every style end finish. from $2OO upwards to $OOO. These instru mento eye wirrantod for five years. Ware-rooms B.s. corner of SEVENTH mil ARO it St etc 106 6t* OBIOKERING 86 SONS, MAKl rAoTußgits of Grand, Squire, an f Up right PIANO FORTES. Wararooma,ao7 OM% NUT atreetiaca, ta.lat. taken in colon., and la la w od , : t rion, a fall stak e _ tol THE RREOSr,-,K,I II LAPPAW I TIPPAYt. I tigARCA - 1 L J 2, '1360. NZW PUBLICATIONS. VOLUME XIX) EIGHTH EDITION —.Plias $5200 EDUCATIONAL. PREPARED GLUE. SALES BY AUCTION NEW YORK. AUCTION NOTICE. VAN WYOK, TOWNSEND, Jr. WARRENS TUEBDA ir, Mu, ATTRAOTIVE BALE FRENCH GOODS, Of the Importation of MESSRS. F. & A. RUSOII, The entire balsnoo of their season's Importation of JACONETS, ORGANDIES, do.. Of the ot lobrated manufooture of FIBRES 11.0130.11L1N, Consisting of 1,600 pieces Srst•auality printed JACONETB, Cu white and colored grounds. 1,500 pine' iiret•qualitp printed OROADIDIES, with and without Satin stripes and Satin plaids. co picots first-quality printed PERCALES. 600 extra yish ORGIANDY mid JACONET ROBES Attraetive sale of ;Lien Fans and Lyons DRESS SILKS AND ROHM! Er Partinlmo hereafter. DRY•GOODS JOBBERS. rimy, PRICE, & CO., 265 MARKET STREET, IgPORTIRI ♦VR 30111381111 or C,LOTRB, CABSIMERES, &0., gave now on hand a largo and well-eeleoted stook, wldell they are prepared to eelt at the lowed market miner. mh3-3m J . W. GIBBS ea SONS. No. Sal MARKET STREET, Are now opening their SPRING STOCK OF GOODS Adapted to MEN'S WEAR. In *blob Gill be found a full aseorbnent of OLOTIIII, DOESKINS, VESTINOIS.TRIMMIIi OS, dm fe3-21u A . W. LITTLE & 00.. SILK GOODS. No. 826 MARKET STREET. fa-em JAS. R. CAMPBELL & 00, DEPOR227OI AND WIIODUALE DEALIRS 111 DRY GOODS. LINENS, WRITE GOOD% CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, Au. 1211-3 mil No. 727 CHESTNUT Street. RETAIL DRY GOODS .w-s,E AL CASHMERE KNITTING ZEPHYRS, in double, single, or split, th are ofer d,THESAMEPRtCE AS THE IMITATIONS AND MEDIUM QUALITIES OF ZEPHYRS ARE Hold elsewhere, 2O cents per oz. J,_o. MAX WELL SN, TRIMMINGS, SKIRTS. AND ZEPHYRS, fe2o4f if ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT. NEW STYLE OF BALMORAL. m 6 t .A r new Spring style Balmoral Skirt. SHAR MESS BROTHERS WETLAND WOOL, BERLIN QUALITY, TEN CENT/I_l°ER 0 SHETLAND WOOL. eaTRA QUALITY, TWELVE BERLINER Z. BARGAINS IN ZEPHYRS, Double. Single. nod Split. J. q . MAXWELL &gON, Triremier Rains, an Ze t fh fe27-rptf BLEV NTH and CHE MAYFIG'D Bit I RTINUS. Yard wide choice design Shirtless. Frenah POTOMO, neat figures. Rich wide French Chintzee. FIA RP4hea BRQ_THEAS, CHESTNUT & EIGHTH Streets. WATCHES', JEWELRY, acc. BUTLER Bc . McCARTY, NO. 3.91 NORTH SECOND STREET, /IUPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ENGLISH, SWISS, AND AMERICAN . WATCHES. ~tthl3.tinyl3 NE JEWELRY, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. F. P. DIYBOSQ, tr. 130 N, MANUFACTURER AND IMPoRTERE, Rare now on hand a full asemtment of I , et Pearl. Pearl and Jet, Etruscan, and Lamelled Jewelry, of the beat quality. NO. 1078 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. full ataortment uf Write. 8.14. PEPPER. fa7-irfm3rn Superlatendant. AJOSEPH B. COOPER, WATCH riAxim L‘ntl JENfIiER, No. MS SPRUCE T ;cu r t ego B wen Repainng Watohei, Moon, anhowotry. foto 6w° UMBRELLAS. SLEEPER & FENNER, WHOLESALE UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANUFACTURERS, No. 330 MARKET STREET; fe3.3in PHILADELPHIA. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. GOODS FOR THE SEASON. BRONZED FENDERS AND IRONS, STEEL FIRE SETS, FOOT WARMERS, BLOWER STANDS, PLATE WARMERS, HOT WATER DIMES, &c.. &0.. AT TEI HOUSE-RURNERLING STORES, NOB. 922 AND. 1296 CHESTNUT STREET. JNO. A. MURPHEY lib (JO, alS•wfni Mar 14 THOMAS & MARTIN , 211 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE VOA HALE APAQUAG SEAMLESS BAGS, IN ALL SIZES. le2B-3m COLORED PIIOTOGRAPES! IVORYTYPES.. DACUERREOTYPES I AT AI.OOLEES*. NO. 628 CHESTNUT STREET, Below Eleventh (opposite Jayne;ii Hall 6 $l. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS. $l. Those who desire a really aplendlil PHOTOGRAP-H Should oall at thin THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED AND MOST EX TENSIVE PHOTOGRAPH OALLERY IN THE STATE. Copion of DAGUERREOTYPES orAinbrolypes. of any size, finished in CRAYON, OIL, WATSR-COLOR, PAATIL. Or RR iVORYTYPRR. rll3-3m JOSEPH LEA. I' NOS. us AND 130 CHESTNUT STREET, Invites the attention of the Trndo to hie Stook of COTTON, WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS, MADDER PRINTS. New light and dark 'Dung Wee, a great variety from MESSRS. BAWL SLATER & BONS. BUTTON MANUFACTOBINO CO.. MONTEBELLO COMPANY. Also, THE ATLANTIO co.'s MOURNING, Inoluding many nem standard Patterns NEAT BLACK & WRITES, PURPLES, LAWS, Itp, SAXONY & SHEPHERD PLAIDS, & RIDEBANDS, BACK AND GRAYS, AND 0110 ICE DUSTER TYLES, WOOLLENS, FANCY CABBIMEREB and DOMINO, ltd. FROM ROOK 00M., GLENDALE 00M., NEW ENGLAND COM., CRAWFORD MILLS, BROOK. DALE AND OXFORD MILLS. EBERHARDT & BONS, SUPERIOR BLACK DO 'SKIN AND SILK AUX- TURES. BatlVF . Rtaln and Printed. of all colors and (mall tie.; ky Jayne, will., intire Cashttal }corm, r woods, compri T sing one 01 the beg ',took, 10 the counter. AMERICAN LINEN COM, CRASH, RUCKS, SHEETINGS, /to. Ja2l-3m D. FERRIS, 1037 011118TNUT Streut, YAM has now in store the choicest selection of fash ionable Straw and extra tine Leghorn Bonnets'in the wry, to which the attention of Southern and Wrsteru nte reliant.; are invited. !tlO THE SOUTUE'IN AND-WEST ERN MERCHANTS. Mrs. M. A. KING N. uth SECOND Street. between MARKE D! and CHESTNUT, tr,s now op.ned a splendid assortment of Fano> Silk and Straw SCINSIETS, td Whieh elle invitee their attention. mia.at wen. CHANTS rio SOU . TliEj ne i d N i:; A : N a D priy l so V i4 Ell en t cl ft e N til l:l lll,, F l4,l tt rTyid : examrke au m Heltd•dresses i 4 11.:13 to .u w fifs 4 1 1 a sZrt nte iguitk , anion Eitirtutut COMMISSION HOUSES. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, NO, US CHESTNUT ST., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE trlllB GOODS. WELLING. COFFIN, & Co.. , 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer by the Package, the following degoriptione of AMERICAN GOODS Of standard makes and in meat varlet'', 'PRINTS OF STAPLE AND FANCY STYLES BLEACHED AND BROWN BHEETINOB, SHIRTING% AND DRILLS OSNABURO% DENIM% AND STRIPES. CORSET JEANS. SILESIA% AND NANKEENS CANTON FLANNELS ANA PRINTED LININGS LINBEYB, KENTUCKY JEANS, AND COT TONADIB ALL-WOOL AND UNION CLOTILD BLACK AND FANCY CABSIMERBB BLACK AND MIXED DOESKINS SATINETS AND UNION CASSIMERES mhetml3t TWEEDS, CASHMARETS, &0., &o FANCY DRY GOODS. yARNSI Double and Twleted, two or three cord, hard or slack twilit. from P 4 o. 20 to 40. Unbleached or Bleached, of Superior Quality, on hand, or made to order cheap for oash. Address. F. PRATT & Co., mhe-Im PAWTUCKET, R. I. BURNETT, ' SEXTON, & SWEARINGEN topOrteri of FANCY GOODS. ENGLDMI AND GERMAN HOSIERY, MEN'S FUttNIRRING 000D8, LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. BKIRTI3-Bhothind Wool. Zephyrs,. mud VARIETIES NO. 419 maithrr DTREET. folB•linv3 H • DUHRING & CO., Noa. 96'.Ind 2S. NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are now reofiving, by successive arrivals from Eu rope, their SPRING IMPORTATIONS o. ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY, ' GLOVE'S, AND SMALL WARES, ataohnie Sewing Silk and Thread—and /*holt an in. apeetion of their complete and well assorted stook— ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO SOUTHRRO AND WRSTIOIN TRAM fe.3-3m PAPER HANGINGS. am. 1860. SPRING STYLES, 1860. Or WALL PAPERS. _nowELL & BOURKE, Manufaaturera and Importers Or • PAPEV, HANGING2'. No. 17 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, bolowMarket. Offer Unusual femilities to Southern and Western tw ns, a splendid stook of goods to seleot from, and all of he newest and but design,. WINDOW CURTAIN PA PERS in endlees varioty. fe2l-2m WAWALL PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, • Wholesale Asnd Retrul. reduced Prices. 14S NORTH FOURTH. etreet. below Rem Honeekeepers and others wpuld do well io Rive es anal". and examine our stook before purohasins elsewhere. Rooms paered at the shortest not... beirreful workmen. Don n for gt the number—US NORTH FOURTH tlkeet. below Knee. MoEVOY & 001. R. m 3 dlin TO CLOSE BUSINESS. HART, MONTGOMERY, & 00., NO. 222 CHESTNUT STREET, W Mull out, through this winter and next spring, their large stook of PAPEE HANGINGS. ensiethig of every variety oonne oted wit h the built Ms AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIORS. tEE FRENCH PAPERS AT SY PER CENT. BE LOW COO. "palm :wanting their Boma Papered, elan get great I RARGA.INS. lalB-tf STATIONERY. STRANGERS • ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE ONE OF THE LARGEST ASSORTMENTS of ACCOUNT BOOKS AND STATIONERY to be found In any establishment In the UNITED STATES. Sold Wholesale, and Retail, at LOW and UNIFORM PRICES. WILLIAM MANN. mh.3-t1 43 SOUTH FOURTH Street. WM. H. MAURICE'S NEW BLANK BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. . No. 326 CHESTNUT STREET, (SION OF inc BMILNAO le now fully supplied with the following articles &doh will be sold In large or small quantities, very Mr for cash' Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Receipt Book, Cheek Books. Bill Books, Copying Books. Oiled Paper Copying Presses, Quills, Steel Pone In great variety Penknives, Bolcom Shears, Letter, Cap, and Note Paper of all kinds, Envelopes, aro., ,ko. Banks, lour:ince Officee, and Merchants supplied on favorable tering. fe29•lin MOSS, BROTHER, 84,- Co., NO. 430 MARKET STRUT, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS,. AND BLANK-BOOR MANUFACTURERS, Keep large and well selected stock, IMPORTED, DOMESTIC, and of their own MANUFACTURE. Wholesale and Retail at the very lowest prices. BLANK BOOKS On hand In large quantity, or made to order, of any desired pattern, of the very beet material and work manship.' We are enabled from our extended facilities to oiler superior inducements to purchaser*. A cell to solicited. fey?-Zni SPRING TRADE. WM. P. MURPHY 83 EONS. VAAPTICXL XANUVACTURIMI OV BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERS, AND P./LINTER& WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 999 CHESTNUT STREET. fol V-01117 FLAGS! FLAGS!! FLAGS!!! U. S. FLAG DEPOT, 49 SOUTH THIRD BTREI4T, ADOVH CHESTNUT. PHILADELPHIA. WM. F. SCI-TEIBLE, Wholoßale and retail inenufnoturer of Film Politi cal Banners. and Tranapareneles. Flags of all Biros on hand, and made to order as dame, if not ulteaner. than eau be had eleewbere in the mty. fe2t3-Ini CARRIAGES, or TOR MANUTACTOON or WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, No, 1009 CHESTNUT STREET. NQ.lntl. lelo-4mlf G EORGE B. SLOAT & CO.'S SEWING MACH INES. m1A•Bt • No 1024 CIIECITNUT Ftroet SPTS. TURPENTINE. 50 !Ms. Spt3 Turpentine,. In store and for sale. ROVii4gY. 11, row to. AS south WLIARVk9. RAILROAD LINES. 1860. am . wag 1860. WINTER ARRA NOEMENT—AEW YORK LINES. Trios CAMDEN AND AMB RAILROADHILA DELPHIA AND THAN tON CO.'S LINEB FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLAr'ES, From Wahmt- , treat Wharf' find Kensington Depot. Will leave m follows—tin VARY. At e A M, via Camden and Amboy, C. & A. Accom modation 2 25 At 6A NI, via Camden and Jersey City (N. .1..) Ao oominedation 2 20 At a A M, via Camden and Jersey City, Moraine - Mail. 20 0 At 11 A 31, by Steamboat, via Teems and Jersey Car Western Fxpress P Al, via Camden and Amboy, Acoorrimo- spy dation2 15 At 2 P Al, via and Amboy, C. and A, Ex press..... ANSI P M. via Kensington and Jersey City, Eve -00 Ars7; 1 133 1t.1tr; kiiciiiiiiOrsCe - uid Jiro) , C ity, 2 4 Close Tweet22s At 6 P Al, via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Alai2oo At 11 P Ai, via Camden and Jersey City, Southern - . 225 At 6 P Al. via Camden and Amboy. •000mmoda tion, (Freight and Paaseaser,i—ist Claus Tweet. 2 25 1 60 Ihe6 P M Mail Line runs daily. The 11 PM, South- Aro Alai!. Saturdays excepted. or Belvidere Easton, Flemington, &0., at 6A hl and 214 P N, from Walnut-street wharf. of Itlanoh Chunk. A ilentown, and Bethlahem, at 0 A M, via I thigh Valley Radioed. For Water Gap Stroudshart, Poranton. Wilkes'arre, Montrose, (Artist Rend, &0.. at 6 A. M., vas Delaware, Ltiokawanr and Western It It. For Mount Roby. at 6 And 9 A. M., 2 and UL P.M. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. Ad , and 8 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton. &o.,at 2X P. M. from Walnut street Wharf, 4X end 6X P. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra. Riverton. Bateman, rieverlY, &alma ton, Borden town. One , at 11X. 3, and 454 P. M. Steamboat 'hero on for Bordentown and Intermediate Flees% at 254 P. M. Fifty Wands of Swat° only. allowed each Pasetn• ter. Panamint are prohibited front taking anything as I butane but their wearing apparel. All tentage over • fifty pounds to he paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to Ooe Dollar per vuhd, and will not be liable for any amount bosond SIR*, ex coot by epeoral oontraot. ft 27 WM. If. OATZMER, Agent. THE PENNSYLVANIA ()ENT tin L RAILROAD, 060 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1860. amt 1860. THE CAPITY OF THIS R COUNTRY. W EQUAL 'lO ANY IN THE THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Conneoting direct et thiladelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points East, and in the Union Depot at Pittsburg with_ Through Trains to and from all pointer in the Weat. Northwest, end Southwest —that furnishing facilities for the transportation of Pastengere unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Flat Linea run through to Pittsburg, without rehenge of Cara or Conductors. All through Pall conger Trains provided with Loughridge's Patent Brake—apeod underperfeet control of the engineer, thus adding much to the Wady .31 travaoara. Smoking Cara are ?Maid to esali p Tritial WoodrirEs wrivAdiviNtirDAT4l.ll.ll? anrp4Vitl, dailifl P ' e F i rttleav Philadelphia at A M, aat Line " " 116 0 .A. 16, WAY T ll2 irt a S P LEAVE .‘ A S 190814 Harrisburg Accommodation via Columbia, 2r. M. Columbia ' COO P• M. Parkes " 12 30 P. M. est Chester Passengers - will take the Mail, Parkes 'burg and Columbia Train". Pasiengere for Sunbury, Williamspot Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagara Falls,. and intertnediate po i n ts, leaving Phi ladelphia lit 8 A. al. go direotly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at l te °Moe' of the Company in Philadelph.a, New York, °stork, or Bal timore ; and Tickets Ertstward at any o the important Rallroad Offices in the West ; Mao on board any of the reigular•Line of lateamers on the Mississippi or Ohio river". 1114 r rare always as low, and time as amok, as by any other Route. For farther information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago. make this the DIREOT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST p TILE GREAT WEST. The connection of tracks oy the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or farrier° of Freight, together with the saving of time. are adva mares readily appreinated by Shimmer,. of Freight, and the Travel ling Public). Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation 3 f their Freight to this t'ompany, , can rely with (marl ellilegiliATnegYFTriltlGHT to and from any point in the West by the PeensAvania Rhilroad are m alt limes ft; fano, able as are charged by Mar Railroad Companies. 2.. T Be particular to mark package' " via Penna. Rail- For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the GOlLL zany : D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg: 11.S.Pieroe & Co., Zauesville,o.; J. J. Johnston. Ripley, 0.; H. McNeely, Maysville, Ky.; Ortnsby & Cropper, Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock k C 0.,. Jeffersonville, Indi ana; W. Brown .h CO Cincinnati, 0.; Athern & Ribbon, Cinninnati„ 0.; ft. Aleldrum, Madison, Ind.; Jos. E. Moore, Loinsville, icy.; P. G. O'Fbley & Co., vaneville, Ind.; N. W. Graham & Co., Cerro, Ill.; R. F. Sus, & Glass. St. Louse, Rio.; John H. Har ris, Nashville, Teon.; Harris Hunt, Memphis, Tenn.; Clarke & Co., Chicago, W. H. H. Koontz. Alton, III.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at diderent points in the West. F. J. SN SEDER, Ettladelphia. !BAG RAW & KOONS, 80 North strsk r t ialtimore. LEECH /a CO., 1 Astor House, or 1 S. William 4t., N.Y. LIiECH/CO., No. 77. Ststestrest Boston. H. 1. HOUSTON, Gent Freight Agent, Phila. L. HOUPT,Gezi'l Ticket AgilOt, PAH& la 3-1, THUS. A. BCO'I'T, Goal Baal Altoona, Ectegism PHILADELPHIA WIL MINGTON, AND HAITI MOnE RAILROAD. Devoid after hIONDAT, mber 21, 12515. PASSENGER 'FRAINS LI.A VEPHILADELPHIA, For Bellmore at 8.15 A. DI., 12 noon, (Express,/ and 11.10 P. 51. For Vlu t il r ull a tott lB o l B . .N . A" l ll. ' rlll n ;4 4 k aaklilllll.l"P.M. or New Castle at 8.1 5 A..... , ann 4... it) r. A. . OP. M. For Middletown at EI.LS A. M. and 4..23 P. IIL fOf klio e afitti s ll ,‘ A A . l lea d od t r..so P l' li . l SL . or Omar at Ala A. M., and 4.3) P. M. or Laurel nt 11.16 A. M., end 4.3 u P. M. TRAINEI FOR PRMADELPRIA Leave Bellmore at 8.50 A. AL, (10.25 mend 10.15 A, M.. and 5.25 P. 111.. ' .. l.eeive \Vila:tattoo at 7.15 A.M. and 11.30 A. M.,1.46 and 0.40 P. 4.eave Laurel at 5.13 A. M. and 3.40 P.M. :ave 13onford at 645 A. M., and 4.94 P. M. ave Milford at 1.50 A. M., and. tall P. 51.1 - Leave Dover at 9.05 A. M., and 0.00 P M. Leave sliddletowri at 10 A. M. and 7.06 P. M. Leave New Castlo at 10.66 A. AI., and 81'. M. Leave Cheater at 8, 12 A. 14., 221 and 9.161'. M. Leave Baltunore for Laurel and Delaware _Railroad at 10.13 A. 111. TRAINS.FOR BALTIMORE Leave Cheater at 8.415 A. M., 12 :Sand 11.40 P.M. Leave Wilaungton at 9.23 A. /IL, 1161 I'. M., and 11.10 A. M. 8 UNDAYB Only at 11.10 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at au P. M.. from Baltaynolle PhiWelplus. FREMIIT TRAM. with PASS E N Li ER CAll attaohed, • will run as follows: Leave Plilladelplua for Perryville and Intermediate platen at 3 P. M. places Leave at Wilndueton for Pemville and Irttermedlitta 4.45 M W Leave ilmington for Philadelphia arid Intermediate planes Leave at 3.46 Baltimore for Stemmer's Run, Chase's, and flarewood at 164 P. M. 05 0. M. FELTON. President. TOW RiNa.a.gumta , , ROAD— WINTER ARRANGEMENT— On and after MONDAY, Nov. 3669, F0R GERMANTOWN. Leaveihiladelphia 0, 7,740, 9, 10, 11. and 11 A. 1, 8,3, 8 4,8, 5%, 8, T, 8 , 9, 10, and 11J. P. M. Leave ermantown 8 7 714. 8,113 i, 9X, 10. 1/,A.M., Di, a, a, MC ON suN DAY log P.M. , Leave Philadelphia P.M. nun. A. 01., 3, &X, and 10 P.M. Leave Germantown 0.10 mm . A. 81.030 mm., ex, and 9P.M.e CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 8„7.60, 11 A. AL, 7, 9, MC 7, and 1 0 P. M. Leave Cheetnut 11111 7.10, 7.40, 8.65, sad 17.40 A, M., 3.40,6.111, 6.40, and 8.10, P. rtr. O 4 SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9-06 A. N., 3. and 6% P. M. Leave Chestnut hill 7.30 A. Al.. 12.60, 6.20, and 0.00 min- P. M. AntCION24IOOIIOCIOEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6, 0, 11.03, min., A. M.,1.,03 3.00, 674, and 11'4 P. M. lienve hometown 6,7, 9, 11 A. M., 134, ON and 6 P. At. ONSUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9A. 31. and P. M. Leave Norriato7o7K.AmAlwi.v.triKiv.l. Leave Philadelph i a 6.7 X, 9,11.06 A. nom. 1 .99. AUL 1.34. 7.‘, and 11X P. M. Leave Manayunk 634, TX,6X, 9X, and Wl. A. M.. 3 , 3 . 6,6 K, and 6X P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3, and 6X P M. Leave Ma naynok 714 A. isx, and ai P. M. 1!. K. SMITH. fienere I Sup.: nu tendent, nlestf P..T. NINTH and GREEN stree ts. MgetiPIIILA_DELPIIIA ANn lit ELMIRA RAILROAD LIN E— QUICitT ROUTE to Eiriliftl,'Xilke.barre, Buffalo, Chicago, Rock Island, Maseru Falls, Milwaukee, Bur lington, Montreal, St. Paul's, Detroit, Dunlieth, and St. Loins, Passenger trains will leave the FluladelPhia and Read ins Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and CAL I.OW HILL B tro elan AI LY. Seed aye e see p i r.) as follows: T. 70 A. 111.,_DAY EXPR 'B3. For Elmira Niagara Falls, Buffalo„ etrolt. Chioago, Milwaukee, duck Island, Galena, it. Paul's, Burlington, and St. Louis. 9.70 P. ht., NIGHT EXPRESS. For Elmira, Niagsns Falls, I.luffalo,_Detroit, Chioago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, Galena. St. Paul's Burlington, and St. Lduls. T d aPt - a;fgivmonaht:Loeubgahng .ranob, The 71.30 A. AL train *connects at Rupert for Wilkes barre,littston, Scranton, and all stations on the LACK AWANNA AND SLOOiSIIII SA RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buff o, and Suspension Bridge.. 'nekets can bo procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line a Ticket Office, Northwest earner of SIXTH and CIII33TN UT Streets end st. the rampa ger Depot, corner BROAD and CA i.LOWIIILL. THROUGH EXPRESS FRE (JIFF TRAIN ',eaves the De pot, Smuts!. roe t, below Vin e. daily . (Sur,- day exeepteil,) for all points West and North, at 8 P. 31. Frei tits mast be delivered before 8 P. M. to.lnsurn going e same day. For urther information. apply at Freight Depot. B.aOA 0, below Vine, Or to CHAR. rAPPEN. Venom! Agent, N. W. coiner SIXTH and CITES'FISUT Streets, Ral.tf NORTH YE L VANIA RAILROAD. WINTER - ARRA hIIIENIENT, A EtSaf E OVAMP i (3IIIII - ML I TA V PC, 1 3 8 On and after nIONDAY , November 7:11, WU, Pne.sen ger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia. DAIL Y. (Bandays a:warned :1 For Bethlehem, Easton. Allentown, Chunk, Hazleton, A0.,1 Express.) at sr34l A. M. For Bethlehem, ax rams.) at aei) A. M. and 3F. M. For Doylestown, I Meoturnodation, I at OM A. H. and 4 P. Al. For Fort V7a.shi LI a ton. (Aemunnindatiou,lat P. M. Tit :11148 FOR PHILADELPHIA : Leave Bethlehem, (Express,) at 8,4. Al. and LID P. M. Leave_Dolleatewn, I Aocuntmottationd at 7A. AL and 11.110 P. AL Leave Fort Weehlngton.f Amemumeilationjet 7. A.M. 0,1 BONI/AYE: Philadelphia far Fort Wealtingtonot 9.30 A, AL utadelphia, for Doylestown, nt 11'. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia, nt 7 A. Al. Fort Washington for Philadelphia, at 2.40 F. M. Faro to Iluthlehem, 81.60; to Mauch Chunk, 8240; to Emden. 810; to Doylestown, BD (mete. Through ttoketa must he procured before entering the oar.. All Pasaonger Trains (except Sunday Trains) con neat at Berke street with Fifth and Birth-stream and &mond and third-streets Paasenger Railroad. n 7 ELLIN CLARK. Agent. R i g l AtV r ali AND "" 11 1'1 1. 1 ...14 ; 1 , 13 1' lIIA AIORNFIiii LINE. for PO ETSVILLE. READ ING and HA RRISBURO, Leaves the new Depot, at corner of BROAD and CALLOWIIILL Stretta. (entrances on Callowhill.) el 7.50 A. Id., DAILY. Sunders e x cepted, ) for Purrs VILLE. BAR Itlsfilt 0, and ad intermediate tminte. connecting at li strie ho t e with tnuna running to Pitts burg. ChamberehurrLearliele,Bunhuti. 4a. AI , TERNOOrtLINT Leav RHllllle ati 1,1 .a 0 P. N" DAILY, for POTTSVILLE and lIAW. At 1.50 P. AL,DAlLY,(Bondaylosterted.)for READ 'WI, and intermediate points. W R . Mot LII ENNV. Fienrwt,ry II( EST E6TE R RAI 1,- kt.4% l 3lkin ROAD TR A1:48 vi.PENN: 4 II.- VANI A RA OAD. Leli e Depot rot. ' , LEVEN 111 and MARK •Etreetv, daily, (except tr0n,134.1 nt 8 A. M., 1330 P. M., and 4P. M. Lenin Went Chester at 7.10 A. M.. 10.3 0 A. M . and 3sn P M. VA i‘l4-T. FACRE NOTICE.---CIIESTER 1,1,Ey RAIL ROAD—PAN BENDER tRAINI3 FOR DOWN IN OTOW N AND IN TERMEDIATE, BTATIONS.—Ou and rifler sth Doi em ber, 1839, the Passenger Trains lot DOWNINti'I I oWN will start from the new Passenger Depot of the Phila. dehia and Reading Railroad Company. Cotner of BROAD and CALLOW 111 LL !Meet., (passenger en trance. on Callowhill. moitturio TRAIN for Downingtown, !eaves at 1.3.) A. M. AFTERNOON TRAIN for DowningtOwn, !canes 4, Di. BALLY (Bunchy. eatepted.) I order of the Dour' of Managers of the Fhtladalphta and Reading ItimiroadyTip.w.y,, Tt) WEST 1.31 I EST Fit I__ ztT, we and intermediate viola, via ME. 01. n. - Twee for IA - ner. Chewer Irate I ilibulelphie from the linpot, northeaat corner or ElliliTFF:NTli end M A. RHET Streets, et 8.10 A. M., and a mot LSO r. M. n SUNDA 'li at ay' A. M.. anls E. M. i1m.....”,..ere or statin:o l, ath° MILA_ORLIIII A and B LTIMOR ' OENT ARA t ktOAD wal take tile 40 A. ht., AA IIX r. TrialUl. hafe-1.1 WANTII. WANTED—A Situation by a young r married man, sari porter or ara4hman in &Morn : brat nfmty reference aired.. A aply, inr three dam to L. KANE. No. sv 51ARRIOrd Lane, between Car renter and ehr,atlan atreota, and r.lihth and Nirth streets. .612.30 WANTED—A SITUATION by n Mid dle-aged Married Man. Is a first-rate Salesman in mostly any business; psi-golly familiar with ht cdociOl; writes a capital hand. and is a goad corres pondent. lino much experience in hulloes.. generally, having been engaged for twenty year., and willing to make himself generally useful. The best of ref.- renew. given. Please aldreas " Buoiness Man," at this office. P. S.—Would Ls willing to scoop! 01 the peusitinn of Secretary of an IlVuot:ico Cuinpauy. liming occupied that position, and having a large circle ol acquaint ance A SOPRANO SINGEII.--Yully competent to read Church Music. desires an engagement with the Choir of a Protestant Church. Address "So prano." Blood's Dispatch. mh9.3t• ANEXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT wtll esamine and ndlost partuerabip and intricate accounts noon. post. balance, and close books. Ad dress ''II . 11. T.," office nt The Pros. 101.9-st• WANTED—By a youngidan, a TION ton Wholesale Notion 'Bernie. as Pallia te/tit or Assistant clerk. G&W relerences will he given. Address _J. P.." office of Una paper. inhaet. WA — N TED —A purchaser for a well es- V.bli shed and very profitable maneffaoturine bu siness. To a Dino:less roan, wrrb emote! from 03 COO to 88,000. an o_pport unity la now offered that to :seldom presented. Yor full parni Wars. adores'. with real name, " Box N 0.1107 . hula. 1%0." • m4B-61* WANTED—By a middle-aged man, SITUATION na Porter. ni Wholesal House Unexceptionable reference given. Address "P orter,' °Sirs or The Puss. mhB4t• WANTED—By a young man. twenty Talmo , ate. a SITUATION In s Wholesale or Commlttlon Neuf', es Attestant Clerk or Out door Salesman. Address "P. J.," office of this paper. mhs 6t M ECH AN LOS W ANTED.—Machinists and Illackemithe will find *lady employment, good wages, and prompt D• ant. WIN & rott7 . -wfin.lio Cor. BROAD amiIIAMILTON Streets. WANTED —l,OOO Ladies to send for DE 1111 S PE{ great book. Every young men and woman eentemplatlng holy we.loak shoal& have this book. hneloso X 5 cents to ido.k.Bl, t'atladelphia 1101 Im• FOR SALE AND TO LET FOR, SALE.—The Stock and Fixtures of of a Lumber Yard, now doing a good business which may be greatly moreased by any one haring the requisite capital. To any °newish' na to engs4e in the Lumbor f rwte, this is a rarechance. as the Yard is to one of the best locations for buinuess to the city. For lartherart.culara app y_ on the _mases, cornet ol (Han u Avenue and FRANKLIN St,eat. turd dar Wit M. TO .I , F,T—A. STORE and DIVEL .. LINO, 457 NORTH SECOND Sheet, between Willow and Noble, an old-eetablietted builuess shunt. with all the Salmis ritimplete. Also. a hanabionie pti vete residence /03 Vika Street. For particulars. ap tly 131 Viva Street lt• TO LET—In Germantown—A double three-stones dwelling WIN. with modern im provement.. Ana arounna. 'bade. fruit, &c. Inquire of e. HEN() hl3llElhlhR, *32 MARKET Street. inn 12.inwiet• YU A liOtirE FOX Is ALE UK lLRVNT—Furoished or unfurnished. Yor Eartien lore nerdy on he erelElltle t r 4 o nil west corner of no MTS. and Lue US etree mhll,6t egs WANTED TO RENT—A large hand tamely. farniahed house. in a fashionable street. Kent taken out in board, with the privilege of taking other boarder.. Nona nerd apply without espital. dress'• Hope," Ledger office. - tt• ggi FOR SALE-150 Acres Land, being [La. the welt known Mansion of Health Greenwood, •hrnuih which rune a b aut. ful stream puse water. val.:wing Into a Like, near Pensbertnn Darlington co., N. J. • J. P. M ID DLETON. trlilo et 5 North FROAT street. FOR SALE—A VALUABLE CUR. LIaPIER PROPERTY—A Eno, convenient and com torten.) car recd./m(l.l%lth all tho modern improve -110411111. N. W. corner of SIXTH and GREEN etraets Wotdd he a outtAti lon.flon for ether a lawyer or a anrocian, two., of H. A BUW.ltat. N. a. corner of ill y XTri and °ACE a laterite. • tnbitt•agok war 01: FOR SALE—A new three-story brick U* dwe11in1.2.54 South Tenth street. Double the...- Cory b ick buildingt, with modern improvements niiit to the beet manner. Inquire et No. 23i South rr NTh Street. mhlo-I!1• $9O 000$10,000, $5,000 $2,700 and $,StlO to loan rarh.tesye. AP ply At th. eke of JA CASTLE. mh3-3t. 113 SCUT. FIFTH Street. ON 11 hi ENT A L WORK, &c.—The *dub scnber, who is about talinquishine the beguilers, 1. now seeing MT the entire stock of the MARDI E YARD, IdZ ARCH 6treet—consume:lg of fine Montt meet., tßutd and Foot atones. Stnteuy, &c., and .uh• ode aa Italy inspection of the same. The Debiting and other improvement/ism the lot to be disposed of. toh7 121' WILLIAM HIT L :WORT?. fa:F OR. SALE—The two LtUlibES nrina.Noe. CU and 04 A RC O: Street. TIWMAS BTEWARDB9N. Jr., rnh2•lin• 41a SR.UjiB Street. 01-4 COTTON FACTORY FOR SALE, IN Lida THE CITY OP RVADINO,TA. the READING eIaNUFAC ':RING COMPANY will offer at Public Bale. at the M SION HOUtrie in tho city of ReNding, on WEDNIi3PA.Y. tie :Oh rosy of March, 1840, at 1 o'clock M.. the property known as " The Reading Cotton Mill." located in the city or Readier. perks county. and state of Yennsylvarda.6B miles from tide water. at Philadelphia. and thirty from the Coal Reims. containing 13 131 Maine's self aeons Moo brandies, and MO Looms. Main building =x6B Get construes of throe stones and an atne. with slate roof. two la iota, one lit boiler home and repair shop. 105= lost, and the other a picker's room 66x36 fe. t. In audition to an Office (wattle, and n Store House 'Van feet. with is stale it of, and n turnout from the aliening Railroad 'ivor:lt the latter. and thence ever curl s,hutes, Whet 0 the coal is dropped without handling. op eretta the Furnaces. An engine of PA) horse pcgreroenth two separate sate °Moller', railroad communication di. reot to Phileilelphio and Nrw York. The general, health of Re.rding, and the parity of its writer are probably unequalled by any city in the Union, while the lancet agricultural regions in the Siete ow round it. se inn: for its markets an abundant and cheap supply of provisions. Theta are several mires of ground attached to the 31111 wascli can be cut up Into building tars. The whole Mill, with its trochiterv. is in good order. end ie well worth the atteotioroof oapthlists arid Mania fseturers Pawing desirous of °brim ning information can do so by calling personally upon. or addressing by letter, the un dersigned Committee of naireerg. IS s. C ECKFRT. HEN.) miN T FON, J. BOWMAN BELL. Reading. Merril 9 finw-t23 Committee. FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Store No 330 Srrith WHARVES. above Pine street. ren in through to Water street 29)4 by 115 feet. Apply b. E. 8. WII bri & C0..30) WeLNLT St. rnh7-wtialmif • 10 OAPITALISTS.—FOR U.LE 10:A.Thet Machinery. Stock. and Fixtures ET a Luce Manutststory of PAPER HANGINGS, replete with every convenience for carrying on an extensive beet nese. A desirable Investment to persons of energy who can push the business For We with or ertlhout the legaire at =CHESTNUT threat .talllwfmlf if GERMANTOWN PR PERTY. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE The valnable Farm and Country Real, containing 108 acres of hichly cultwated land situated in the town ship of Germanto t ri. Philadelphia county, and within 141Indes of the depot in Germantown. The sduation of this property to tint tin be surpassed. Loin; bounded on the north by Wathlnston lane. on the west by fownship Line road, and on the south tit Haines street, and within one-eighth of smile of the Limekiln Turn Enke. and a quarter of a mile of two Stn bons on the Chestnnt Rill branch of the Gstrusabiten Railroad, High street. and Wa n nhnurto.. lune. The locAtion of tne above property Is Irish and heav thy. the land well watered and tone very advanta geously for Cottazo Saes. It commands an extended anew of the surrounding country. and is interiors ed be the streets running from tiOrlll3lllol4 - 11. as lain) down on the duraelor's Mann( that distrtot. The prope t i l to lard out in five acre lots. lithographic plans of which may Inc obtained on application to Wher of the under nod. Also. a valuable and handsome fuddle! Lot. situated on tilanbelin street. near Vilna ro. , d,Germantown, tin Mininz m front on said street 197 feet. and in depth about Ai feet. healer no area of about 4 acres. The ground Ices bush :outdoors towards Manheim ereet, upon which front is a row of large and e:esant shade trees. . . Alan, sever t 1 Cme Buildint Lota adminine yid in the vieint v of Firtier'e 1 tie Btation. Germantown. . . yrs Rod t • rots op Ii to For further pa grISI(GP. J I/NK IN. Jr.. Asto•r.or. B. E. WT. SIXTH and NY • I.NVT Rirret• Or to .511:11 EEL 11. HENRY. Itlbl-Itti • IiERMAN FOCYN B(WARD TABLES FOR t A LE.—Two Grot.eliln Billiard Tablee. with 1.4' Inch marts• beds. and latest unproved enehions. {nada last 111n) now using at the Mount Verner Nouse, Penn above Firth atreet, Reading. Apply to 11. A. Z, 21 East MARKET Esuare. fe27-tr Readier. In. 44"0R SALE—AII that Valuable Property known as the BLACKWOODTOWN ACADEMI . located in the health Land thnsine villane of Blackwood town, New JOTIOU. 'rho rflerEl edifice is of brick as by 40, three atones high. with basement for dining . tooth and kitehen, and is ve ry complete for a boarding school. is especially adapted for a [emits seminary ; has ample moods, being well shaded and will be sold at auction on Tn. RSI/AY. the lath of March, at one o'olook Y. M., on the premises. inquire of JON/03 LIVERMORE. BLACKWOODTO HERR'S HOTEL FOR REST.—The " Prop rio tre 59 of the nbore well-known Hotel 141.110 to retire. and offers the Hot - il lor rent. The torroture will lit cold, or rented also. For oar cicala rnaiddre.e fon- Ito J. G. HERR, Hurisburs, Pa. JON ES' 1103'EL -PHIL ADELPIIIA The 4t1150 end furniture o' this noted Hotel ere for tale et a nreat bugs 10. The furniture is entirely new, bat inz been nut in within a year. end the house now doing a sticeessfo business. Inquire NCI SI nTIGER, in the Hotel, or of P. G. BORA HA. lt :HURRAY Eit.. N. Y. felS-If filOR SALE—A valuable Lot at corner of Chmtion erd Twentieth etreetz, hnvint three fronts. nottable for n church or futon alto. For tcri.:s eco.. eodreiciJ, H.. tit thin vitt if FAOTORY LOT FOR SALE% —A Takla- Me corner lot, 125 feet ever°, hams three fronts. adinlrablr located for a fact' ry site. It to situated the southwestern part of the ray, in s reptdl)-in,- proving neighlx•rhoed. It nill be cqld reasonablebenne. For tpartteuLtrs, " °Moe of Tae Pros. 110AltI)INC. 705 CHESTNUT STEER T—Flandsome- Iv furnished nett railer to !et, with or without mbil 31• nOARDING, 225 SOUTH BROAD ST —Elsaant room, handsomely furtd!hed, on fiat rld Seoond iloort Aso,rm6le rooms, lt• 'TWO PI EASANT CHAMBERS VA + CANT. with Board. at LW WALNUT St. mhl-tm' PERSONAL.. THE PUBLIO ARE HEREBY CAUTION -IL Eft wrong tru.ting ihe crew of the AtISSI.XII bete MARIA. from heruhloh•teo. P.l no bike of their eon , Meting' artlt he re... 1 by either the captvo nr ectestenoes. tuhlo T. A. NESS WILL & SONS. IVOID n DO WFLL BY cd ji m ,, : o n 1111.T3 & lama,. No-139 N. N I NTEI crest, atr)vo Cherry, and liars their old garments mails to look er mai to rm., by cleansing. or dyeing ant 'apeman. triiii.s.St • ---- 113ERstINAL.—'1 , h will be paid. and the itolateettihe. for Ltltee' and ttente CAST OFF CLOVittith &Write:Litt Dui 517, Illood'e ths rateh.nt • - M. '-' 4 kr il; W 611 Oo PHOTOGRAPH mum THHOT, No. 39 9OUTR Eldllrn Street, Above Chestewt. We Is the only fwahllehment is the e.ty devoted exclusitely to IMO 00 RAl'll FRAMES. A greater sanely of OVAL of LT FRAMIF3 on hand than Gan be found in any one establishment to the United botte,, and triers lower. elt/ - Briny your rhotoarevi.e, and have them titled without paten cherte. mho Mel 'PEA CAI)DI ES SPICE CADDIES, OIL eta ndo, moieties atsat, toffee 'Gaud's. rOC.arle eoun -1,, sun lee 'mkt weights, an.l grocers general ttracare, thliCiale . counter and prescripuon ecs:aa, and Fair banks' platform tastes. RP :CRY T OEMN ER =III lm . no 4 4 ABUT qt. Al's. -- ''' -- AMMfEMMVTW. D 1N RICE'S 'CIRTaAT 9110 W. EXTRA ri "uti CZ MEN?. , EST NIGHT o? • GRAND. EXCTTIetti AND FAITIInfs REPRESENTATION or , V e. AN VNGLIIH STE'EPLE MUSE! AN Eriof.poi STEEPLE t:PA AN ENGLIAH sTE.t'LI; CHASE AN ENOL SET STEEPLE IMIA`IE AN E asTLI‘H STEEPLE CHASE AN ENGLISH STr EPI.V. CHAS': AN ENGLISH STEEPLE CHASE! AN Earit.l•H RrEEPLE CH *Se AN ENGLISH STEEPLE CHASE ! STEEPLE CHAt.E! AN ;lA4 srE.YI,6 CHASE!' AN ENr.Lley sTEITL , CHASE! AN ENGLISH STEEPLE CHASE! An ENGLinE E L p...,pLE cHAen.! AN s wor.i.H SENEri.E CHASE I AN ENGLISH irrEEK,Si riHASE! AN ENGLISH STEEPLE. CH efiet ! AN ENG!, SR STEEPLE CHASE! When the creole vast area of the state and rine will be thrown together. in order to tri - e scope f the ha Te abastion of the mom The meant er the immense Om tillOe sawed by this error:semen !store Hist, invesd of oncoonno a mimic reamsentstleo., the etworaole is Inveslnvested with an air of reality sor b en Ulla imcor boors ted siren to any amular performance. Asa pietuso of the PECULIAR SPORTS OF ENGLAND. It will be found to spruces anything ever before:try dared in America while the Induced ter the 'THRILLING EXCITEMENT PER , LOUR LEAPS OF TRR RIDERS le To lees Intense' an that created by similar templcite upon the turf itself. It DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT M., above Eighth. Paicas.—Drees Circle, 10 cents; Feedli_Chole,_ cent.; Beats in Pnwe Hoses. 711 ornate; Whole. Pri vate Dom, .83 and 811. CHANGE Of Tia R.—Doors open at a wavier beers 7. Tooommetiee THIB (MONDAY) EVENING. March 1110. A most novel and exciting spectacle. representing AN EN CATS BTEEPLE CHIBc. Engagement of .he celebra•ed Clown. MO. TONY IE-8 Who appear in his mot tellinc. Joke... Soap, and Eccentricities. in:figment of the cclihr..ted tad hider. T NEVILLE. The entertamments ordl incrude an inEnite varlet, of Eitraerd man' Een•etrien Feats and Yr...hetes of Ath lotus Niel Cone nding with a hl DE-SPLlTrank; EXTRAVAGANZA. WHEATLEY & CLAERE'S eitt;EI EITRE ET 'THEATRE. Ttilit (MONDAY; EVENING, March 12 First nit ht of the enrarement of the diet inrushes] Irish Comedian, Mr. COSLINS. The performance cell commence arith Brotizham's brilliant Comedy. entitled Tkl F. FOB TUNE-BI.INTER.O. Gerald Desmond. Mr Collies; Mr C "streams Airman, Mr Crain' ; Aires %ley. Jew Plante raylor. THE MAGIC ../111 . 1 T. Faddy :Marshy. Mr Collins : Ito-Ket. Mrs Morphs. '1 o conclude with the DOUBLE-BEDDED 800% &eta or FlLlClll.—Admusszon, MI cense, fru..red leans in Drees circle. SOS eante; russet. to oft t 4 Doors Iron at ; performances st comatose° st ni precisely. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. See Lessee re. M. A. BARB R. :446,ce . Mr.& P. X cit Busmen duet ..M7. Re. D. MUR HY. THIS MON DAY) EvFlllll6. Mare. n we. (Pint appesrence of Mi . ; J. M. Diro.port-) mesALLlAricli. rfrane!altd 1, herself trona tba Freueb.) Ferdinand. Mr L' Shevell: sewn* Aralult, Meal M D•treeport. To conclude with the nevem:nit Faroe entitled Art ALARMING SACRIFICE. Bob Ticket, Mr %Wilt BOWS ?din Wad. Km Marc Miller. OW - Primes' renal, • Sesta secured sr - ttbout extra abase. Doors °cep at 7 o'cdook s Parformanee to owe stilt o'clock.. LE OF WONDERS.llll2 N ar o l :tbumit corner of TRIM and CRT' Stratts.—Wrii (ma close. Come then and sea RITZ! , n Ole ldegiegl I..naione. Vent ilnenisen.tne L.s.seet Canary Birda, lIJOby and Wonderful Antoznat...n Roper Danner. . _ At.t . artia. Entertainments every evettict;. occniann cinl It 734 o'clock. •nd on WEDNESDAY IND SATURDAY AFTEJINOO.3B. et 3 o'clock. Admiscrion VI cents ebitotot, tstcoan. 1nb1741 SEVENTEENTH SUCCPSSFUL AND sORITITELT THE LAST WE' Sr SANDRSON'S LXlllB.rnine S UD S Done's Common...eau, (new) nuildint. camp= rett r...srEnstli.ttortetnet- THlOriciiiti ARr St Unt.linl. Will Positively's:ate On SIATIIRDAYantreh 17th.13 - 0. Dnfletrint Interim! tioexemoled t'neeesr! Onst - nabir ! Stiendhl Edicts! linpittinir Teblestiz : Cant mending Vatriinin ! Diesies Last:net 1 The mansiement here the honor of Worn:4r Ore tuella ihet an eats:anent hen na hie t effeetad is su mmer city. the Art astern roll not remit n here after eaturde • M Arch 17th. therefore mai* tint urrEquivucALLY THE LAS INEFR FRIDAY.I6th, worieSt of Mr. • 01. 4 • ALL 'CHI I, DON. FAMILY MATINE KS on WSIDNF-' 4 NAT and HA ': URDAY AFTERNOONS. Evening nnterteintuent—MOlS open at Tu'onk.ak i 004 aeon. at ni• Atlinitsion—Adnlts. In ate.; Children. IS ate EAU SHOCI'L • C USE. " TR& lIPART OF TELE ANDES," AT TUE ACADEMY DP THE FINE lOso VSIT6IIIT Rtraet, 9 A. M. ttli 6 P. M.. and T till 9 P. id. • ionisation 66 sent,. Visit. ni requesi•d to loin: Open 6 assts. cebl•-41* G RAND CONCERT, ET TIM DEVER , " S. sTERI. AT CIIICKRS & r•ON'It PIANO RODVA nor H Eno tiT STAB. T s They will be ssists" b. the oelehr Fun& M CEI.A.IILISS wtt ON MO:4I)AY too ' , NINO. hlarch Ittit. Doors open at 7 o'clock; Concert to coninteno* at half oast 7. Admission S cents. soli-et' F_IANDEL , S GREAT ORATORIO, JUDAH MAIABJILM Will be riven by the HAN AND 9 11 . 11 - ,(the second concert o the eee no.) DAY EirENING, yd e ,b b. at lIIMICeLL FUND HALL. 'The roles and h ruservlll be sustained by the mem• era of the eocieiy. accompanied ay the Ger mania I) , Chtlant ail ander tee alma toe of Yr. IL Carr Cr..., conductor of the society Sobserrptiore .111 b 4 rece.ved for thia and the remaining Collo6 t for Ea. admitting three personates Mt Concert. 9 eels Ocketa ell cent.. to be hal at Heck m apton s Chicsenarr a and Coulston's mason stores.nni the door. Pratt. open AI before 7 ; commence at it b efore 8. nakti-7t cDONOUGIi'S OALETLIZ--K.Aut below TRIRIL - Sacs MANAGER_ - .11ELNANDEL. t:ti OA okliitiiViif • Crfebrat FELIX CARL•• HALL TROLTIL The above Fromm will ardiear VERY ErENrNe, Tkey are the moat wonderful pqrfonu• .s Grine. KM were received ori Saturday oventas with the most es thostaaus applause. RERNANDEZI And the Wanted Company weer. Fast appir-ivanwr of E MeCARTY BWRRILW TWENT•• -SEVEN PERFORMEIR. CliUß':ti'S GREAT FALL—NIAGARA. A s IND 010:(01:X'S " ONEXLIIRI RA ON IN WINTER tr ~ • ROW L I, EARLE'S GALL'ERIES, • t•l6 COLRTNI,T STREET P ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Or MN FINS ARTS p ernorr STREET, la OPEN DAIL . (Sundays exoeptod,) trim, A.M. Want Med—h e Tenth volume. of " Rids Ikirsed iresiisia." of Pirasase. Adrahunon Se own. Children under 111 yen lisX eriee. • altartso of Stook SU _ _ GI ,ERMANIA OM • ESTRA.—Public ' hostroalt everl 8 ATURDA,T.at MUSICAL FIRM BALL et &I.: o'c.ock P. M. tokets to to, hod at G. Andre% . and Beak k Lal/40111 . 11 Mono Stores, and at the doer INSURANCE COMPANIES. UAKER CITY INSURANCE CO.IIIPA x-N, NY—FRANKLIN BUILDINGS. 403 WAL''UT . S CHEF T. PHILADELPnIA. CAPI Nu. ADD SUR PLUS $3.5A,7:0: —ldeures staanst I (Ass or Dm:Lela br Fire. and the Perils of the des. lalAnd tiiinoLtuaa Trariewitavo. ,RGE H. HART. Presldeat. Jti P RnklS lee Preinteet. H. If. VICKI •Al At L. Fee) acC Trestaror. B. IL BUTLER. Assist-tut deezetary. DIRECTORS. George H. Hatt. 1.. P. Rasa, A. C. Cattail, Foster 8. Perkins. E. W. Railer. Andrew R. Cheracorg, It. R. Cogriball. Samuel Junagebl. D.. Hilt. H. H. FIWM Inh9-if ►IIHE NTERPttISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIIILIDEPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) C0.31P.V1".5_ BUILDING. S. W. CORNEA FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIREJTORS F. RATCIiFORD BIA/Ut. MOILDIC.O L. DAWSON. WILLI•St MCKEE, Ulu. IL s -corr. NALBAn FRS ma, JOHN M. BROWN. .10101 M. ATWOOD. B. A. FARyirrocs. klitZ.l. T. Tat/DICE, Assalw D. Casa. FLINZT WHARION, J. L. le.moscrEa. F. RATCHFORD STARR. ismidest. CHARLES W. COXII. Secretary. felsly THE MUTUAL LIFE INSIJKAIWE GOWAN? OF NEW YORE, Assets: 811 MLLLIONSI OF DOLLARS, lATISTID IN tr , m‘r MORTGAGES ON Rail 1137101, worvra OVER $13,01,0103. The premium/ are rowan this in limy ether Comra sues, and the Dividends have pbeeyn. lISATE. This S s oo e hode t s so i h tAL JIL m THE ?RUM ro so 2131131fi TO TRH INSITEND. Pamphlets. and every infordiAtion. may be kid 911711, on avvilsahon to r. BA MILFORD te,T'ARR, Arent, E. W. corner FOURTH and vrAwiuT areeti. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCE& Thomas Robins. John Welsh. Monleom L D&Kaen • Gnome H. Stmt. tieorg_e M. StrooJ, E. B. Whelan. Johns M3ers. .1. Fisher teaming, Joseph Patterson. William C. Lading, John M. Atwood, Arabi:- -.. Coffin. Thomas II Powers. George W. Totaled. Willieun McKee. Thai. Watts.. tiri-lrir MEDICINAL. D YSPEPSIA. -FIFTY YEARS INDS: FROM DF.PEP:MA, Nervousness. Sickness at the Stomach. and Vomiting.. have bens reatored by DU D 'ARV'S dello ions Valtill reatoring_REVALENT • A RABICA FOQO. 'From the Honorable Isidore J. Wake.) SIDNEY. 43 Elisabeth street. 17th DE to SIRS: I 3111 nappy to inform ton of the great benefit my daushtsr has reesered from tee V w Mentes Arabi Ca She was vete thin tts.d delicate. - rune ion tall Tor heir age between ton and eleven. when sue cum trimmed toknie it. It h.a made ha quits strnat and healthy. I consider It tine moat ontriontui rostoratigli (cod far children and dello/it, persons. Beliare no. dear 81.11, truly yowl. 1.1, MANE. 13 Union 'trivet. Third district. New OTISAZ:2B March 13th. 1E36. For seventeen Tears I have bees laboring slider an inaufsrable Males ort. de eneed of sleep. and so d xsY times that I could ma help myself; my elomeek fail me. and I thus became a helpless. enervated 11:1.11, At hut, on the 15th of Jane, 114. 1 was Mien dielat with a alone flux and killing pains is the bowels. Often as Trent to bed at eieht.l thought !should newer sea toe worn ug. My medical attendant and fiiend. to whom was all my trust, rood do cothine to 011:11VIMS my gull - arm e. and sect me eto one of hie colles.corm whose attendance proved ite urenecesef oh all tee reme— dies prescribed fawn; to afford :PP any relief It arse at this etas@ of my d meter that. on the echo/September last. I luckily met one of my inende. who wad me Mag Mr. I. B. Mower had paeved tore ufiti the seine waral. sod had been rmAcelly cured hy 04 Berry s Rer‘lense Arebica- Thereupon I immedtmely teen to make cla alit. end. soma alter. I felt relieved ; sad me ae'reor &nary clam/.e for the better 1 I:r.ve erl62C-.L• sap.— rie aced roe.. owlet to that es est Ott Fes, wa. ma to behove that I am c roes'el , Fsraf F. la SFR ' , ARP, COLLlMerrul Abstract rk m the Colamiora CA• SAL Ire= the nfelk t o rs ew near FS T. LCAIII. ne Zi . Jnou. C a rt‘ , l.Averstoas R *G . Ce,e Deeo ter F 9. UNA. G IN7l.llllN`i : In all eases of Indnev)on. astopimsce Intl! when tte Q.T./ .L . Pet , •l. cononder Du tlirr.'s Renal-eta to.blea ewe the tent 01 nil remedies. Von can mete w9at nee >os Wanes Ot" Una nownnutestioc. / a.to.rentlemen. 3 oers,e 'AYES T. CaMTBeLL. Perfect rtiseetrelortroo wares*. sod refreellaa tam rerttrred et: po Rano 'eclaticosa arslttorestorutr }lcor lo aka A rth.vs Pool. Upwards of NO We carts sod • lar thousand lest. reran a'a. r eeled. volt fall to/grackle...4e in ear:a ter. Ilb 81 la; las 811 The LaMar olstralakll foe O. fe,el pi of cub. cold at me kal.ok„ 21.3 South TEIR.D Maack. t NI I N RU. anneal/al !tient for the Etta Ms. am ad grocery road th-orr 1:11.44.a. oca. art...-tra• Sil. FUGUET & SONS ~, IMPORTERS OR lIRY.RNA CIGAR& . 11., UR SwatiFiLONT Sale. re . cs. Rev3lre regularly a full assortment c( • I" GAM , ' , Lek thmt en at Icrw rum', tor cob Iff IC atom( onoitt. *We
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