Mr: Field's -Leen:tree , on the Creation. Livening Flryte—Mr. Field opened hie fifth lecture by restatiriketberfeete before shown, that the account given by Meath; in the find &setae of Germain, was irempiled frouttwerAtiverenentarthe Elaine doeumont. eati the Jationitti-Elohitri dOoniteni. ,These Wore so d stinct-front each other:and-so cherresterised lir the, idyl° peonlieeto earth, that ifthep were set tip ill liPer on a galley, a printer could destingnith and take We the several parts - of each -with - certainty. In the Elehim document God is' balled eElohini, I lit .the Jehovah_ Elohim eoenment God fa called' Jehovah Ritildro This dootiiiient oomMenoe' a With the', fourth Verse of the scored ethapter. document'. the earth in called the earth; the woman is created from a mitt taken freinthe tide of the teas, and manic created before', the , maniere In the-other document, the term acid woman ate eiMeltit for earth Means ereend, men a neonelyeireated, and men le greeted after the animas. Other evidence Wee 'adduced to show that this history was compiled fronideeoreentewhuth belong' to a period of exeseding remote antiquity, and that it not to l be taken as t tang history, or as 4 Motor) of physical oreetion at al . ,For this latter history we have the B e eei Greet , given by the Creator himself, which t e n t the ' tinges of the material wor d;l and we bare from inutile., the Booker Revelation , treating the mental. moral, and Spiritual world. Revelation pertains to the mind, the Mason, the Intel toted feemitlea of Man—to its intellectual or spirituel being • and although natural objects are named, as the ann, the moon, the. stars, and other obieets in the king dom of nature. it does not follow that it is to be a hist°. ry of these things, lint of the things in the mind of man to which theme natural -ottieote correineed. 4 A i ae to all Divine Revelation, the primary idea which. outsold be Present 'is the thought as its imbieet and object le Ems. Mae ix the end for which. Revelstion is given and to which creation tended . Meatiop pertains to the pity,- steal man; revelation . to the irpirepitel man; Th e re apparent nnoueh le the. ehrintial oreatioin, where we ascend through the mirenal, vegetable, and a4b mal kingdoms , and tenni:Me in man. And, the end for weeste Revelation isgiven to equally Man, In the spiritual oreation, or birth of the soul, the end was to form a perfect - man ; became - man is the-type of the Creator and the Revelator. It is be cause this Greeter himself te man, that man is the end of creation ; that all creation adumbrates the human form; that man was created In the.image and after the Urines" of God. God is theArerietypeorPrototype—man the antetype. We have both a Maori:minuend a Micro cosm; the macrocosm is the grand physical wor—the nueroccism the grand mental yrond. One to the World of matter, the other the world of mind. One is the outbirth and the effigy of the other,' There broot anything in the ontwand world that is not in the mental world, the mind of man. Everything in the,, natural wend has ype or 'correepondent some thou ht, feeling e affection or animal in the world of nerd. his wag the orig i n of symbolic; writing—this wag the God-height laneudge which was the delight of the an cient people. They used imbuel iMegerft but thew thoughts were not upon the images. but upon the alien , none and principles to which the images cenyesponded. By the earth. water, gram. ecee they recognised idea', thoughts. sentiments, and affections. Our modern con ventional mode of expressing thought is almost entire if arbitrary, bat there was nothing arbitiary in the sem; belie writing. As the name Cattle produces the Same ei ivies* the same natural image oorrearemded to the same mental idea. Thus light oorreends to tenth . Darkness could not benumbs to do it. We thr po ow beht npona subject *boners bring truth to bear upon it, Hut we could not make darkness the correspondent of truth, try ex we pleased. Several other enemies were given, which our apace compels us to ornit, to-prove that the law of this emboli* write or correspondence, was fi xed. exact, and de fin ite . - Man oorres penes to the earth, not only n general but elm fication, in order, and it arningemeet. Thee the phy sical wend is tripartite it bee its mineral' tic vege table. and its animal kingdom. So man is tripartite. having his physical body made up of legs, upon which the rest is supported or upheld, his body molndieg' the xtomach, and digestive organs, whioh xnetein his life, and the head, ' the power' by which he rules over the animal kingdom. The human mind„ the mental earth, Jr equally tripartite, comported of the natural the intelleetnat, moral or rationaleand the heaves or celestial theoltlee. These seise in ever, maw ma M en differ only in the degree of their -develop ment. We call those natural men in whom a regard to merely worldly things preponderates; those aro more or remotel menwho delight in thinking and reflective epee apiritual or moral ruble et ; end those ' are meek- Del wee who more than their fellows, rise into states of warehip of God, of entire devotion to hi, lame end orfull s ubmission to, and reliance 'Mee, His divine ' providence. So each class of these !Ronnie, has its dis tinctive functions, as mochas minerals, vegetables an d animals have theirs. Reach of these degrees le tire WIG. beetinge there is affection and thought proper to each. Thus, the human body may be divided by a seetein con tinua downward from the suture, uniting the bones of the than on the top of the bead into MO 1111130 04reir symmetrical. These Ideas were elaborated quite ully The Imitator then proceeded to show that a similar arningement wee made ef the days in Genesis . There were two seta, of tame days each. One set of three de appeared to relate to the Froth:toner! of receptacles ororgans t the other to the creation of the oooopents or, ihnotione One set bogies with the earth, the-other with the sun, or Demme One set has relation or cur respondeneoo the ,understanding, and the other to the will myna yie of the human mind ; one set re lates to the organic vessels an it were of the mind e the other to those affections which are to flow into them and fill them. The first three days are dale Prolme, the second three days are days and years, or signs and sea sons. These days have reference to the three degrees before sleeken of. We commence at the bottom of each set and amend, On the first day welhave the terraqueons globe and darkness. On the fourth day, the bottom of the second set, we have the sun. moon, and stars, light from heaven to flow to the earth and dispel-its darkness. Next, in the first set, we have the seeond day, the amens and firmamentend mama this, in the itecond set. the fifth day, fish to swim ar; the water and fowls to fir isethe Armament, Finally, in the first set . we have, , the third day, the dry land and vegetables ; and the sixth des, tn the second mouths animal creation to walk upon the hied and feed upon the vegetables. Thus, in the bedtimes God ciente& the heavenand the earth, or the organic teasel' for the reception of tenants or functions. This wee the earth that was meant—a mental earth, end not a Minimal one—that is, the eaters' mind. But he o Gated it emptre It had nothing in it, but was a receptacle or reseal, or base r with a °wear for re moving the seeds of truth,of being ositivated and im proved, of being a garden ore desert; for— "lf good weplant not. vicewill the place, And rankest :weeds the richest soildeface." Bat this earth can produce nothing without the hea -yen. Man'e mind must be vivified by heat and light from the spirit al world. A number of tests were Adduced to show that the earth, as used in the history in Genesis. meant the natu ral man. It was stated that by the words "in the be ginning God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was without form and void,' , &c.. was denoted -the state of man immediately preceding e., the new birth or regeneration, in which being n. f iled mental etirthoe an empty vessel capable of , filled. AR it is described in Jeremiah, " For my people are foolish. they have not known ine—th,er are sottish children, and they have no understanding, Thor . are Wile to do evil. but to do good they here no knowledge. beheld the carte, .and 10 , it was without form and void, and the heavens and they had no light." The oommenoement of regeneration is denoted by the words. "Amid the spirit of tied Mend upon the face of the waters. ' and its fine operation was when (Pod said, • Let there be light, and there was light. This lightning natural truths—man not knowing they were from Gore For though the light shines in darkness:. the darkness dee% not comprehend whom* the light comes. This is the first amts. for we read, "The evening and the morning were the trot day." The evening first. be. canes the darkness of ignorance precedes the light of Mite. This first day refers tejhe 'Wallach. The fourth tar is the first of the second net, referring to the will or Reaction. when is revealed to man the source of that light, or the knowledge that the light of truth is not:gee derived, th e comes from God, the sun of the heavenly firmament.. • • In the second day (intellectual) he begins to classify and arrange the order and kind of truths he has ac quired. He perceives that there are trona; which relate to earth and to heaven. to matter and to.mied, and he begins to separate them—to divide the waters above the heavens from the waters below the he/were, the truths of Intellectual philosophy from the truths of natural philosophy. He has a firmament and oceans. On the filth day (will these orgasm COMMIE are filled with life, Fish are in his °Mons. and his firmament vocal with living birds. By waters are denoted natural truths, and by fish their living functional uses, or the use of enteral, amebae truths. Under the Vivifying influence or the spiritual divine sun, his waters bring forth Mein dual!, or he accumulates stores of knowledge for use which he makes pract ical . And in the firma-, meat of his rational mind, is thoughts become active and living and the biros of heaven meg in the blancher' or his soul." To the newborn spiritual or ye generate man these are the living waters of Divine truth, vivified by thafine of Righteousnees who is now rising or ascending , in his soul. And these waters, as they come down from heaven to earth, or from the epirdnal to the natural, revivify end recuperate the thirsty ground; heal the waters of the bead Bea of the soul. so that all its fish shall live. the firmament lathe expanee of the lower heaven, and denotes the rational end ideal mind, where our thoughts roam, and take • wing over theparth and over the mt. In this state 01 the regenerating mind, the thought of the spiritual• minded man often boars above its earth-bore cares, and merely worldly delights, to hold communion with ite ( 31241. and enjoy a foretaste of that eternal home to which it amplree. The third day, or the celestial state of man's under 'tending, is denoted by the creation of the vegetable kingdom—the dry land, erase, herb. and tree, as senate in-omens of use for the creeping things and cattle of the corresponding day of the will (the sixth day/. BPS it is this sixth day that to the full measure of a nian • lv which every principle of life wiqiin him is alive, and animated with heavenly love. The animals correspond to the ad - anions of men.. Thor are not the &detainee themselves, but images or types of the afreotiona Tins idea was 'beautifully elaborated. but oar limits prevent our reporting Mr. Field's remarks. The common speech of teiehied, to a great extent, recognises the fact of these correependenees, as we call it men a snake, a fox, a lanai,or a wolf, according to his affections or ruling loves, 'melt make hie eharaiiter. In the Revelations, we read of the fou p r tinimele round the thone,heosase these decote all the &free ens of love for the, Lord, and by which he is worship ped. The first was bke a lion, representing all Make, wild beasta; the serond like a calf, or ox. representing all cattle; the third was like a man, and the fourth like an eagle. representing all Hying fowl. These highest affections of the spiriteal and celestial • man were else denoted by similar imagery on earth. among the ancients. Bulls or oxen with human heads, lions with human heads, a bird, a lion, a man. or an eagle, a bull, and a man, united in one the body of a man, the hesd of a lion, filo feet of a bird. and ninny other variations . 80, also, these animal forms were Pictorially displayedn the neerepe, and in the signs of - the Zodiac , . all the imagery depicted about the path pl the sun, and all the obmpoeite form and arrangement of animals upon earth in the earlier ages of the world were only go many pictorial represdatations of mental, me. ritual, or heavenly states of human affection and thonght. ' Latter Irom Ilarmburg. fOorrespondenes of The Fresml fLiamissono. Maroh 8,1860, Mr. Ilmith,m the fienateiread a bill in place exempting from taxation the building and lots of the Mercantile Library Company, and Frankford Lyceum of ?Medal- Phut. It is very commendable in Fenster Smith to try to secure ouch exemptions for his oonstituants. and he may possibly get the bill through the Legislature, but it will hardly ciente the signature of the Governor. His Rxeellenoy Governor Paoher has heretofore vetoed all simnel acts, and this will scarcely be made an asset) Con. It ie frightful to contemplate the mount of pro perly exempted from taxation by speoial acts. If the thing is to goon, let on haim a general law,exempting property of a certain chameter, and then all will be on the game footing. Mr. Moore read a similar bill in the House. ; In thellonse, Mr. Smlth,'of Berke, read in place bfft " to incorporate the Leesport and Moseehm Railroad Company.' Cosporatere—Fretriek 8. iiiinter• James Millholland. John Kauffman J ohn B. Gement. John Z. thereon. E . Washington tti. :rf n k V' VI paved d Rout e — Fr o m llff t R. n 1 po juetl it o P h the rhibinetphig and Readin r g . Raiiroad at or ne Leap n port, and from thence by &route. that !Mall be a deetned riWgl4:llNll7gtVtgggrgAltrn°,l railroad to inoseelim Furnace, Lathe last-named town ship, and townie point on the East Pennsylvania Ran toul. Capital stock three thonaand shares, at fifty digi tate quilt. with Power to increase, and also to iseue bee/ nearing seven per cent, interest, not eximeding Nev anty five thousand dollars In amount, The same sentiematt Also read a bill a few days ago incorporating .the West Reedingllailtond Company. .. It commences at the terminus of the Lebanon valley .ad Reading, an d runs along the Bohnylkill canal to &Amite iurnace,Anout stone and a hal in length. Mr." Custer. a bill to auth orize and require the city of Reading and the different oroughs and towashipe re seectively in Berke county to amessand pay all damages arising from the 'Jeanine of any streeteJanes, or alleys .and pnblug highways in the county of Forks. For t nervosa it gives them power to levy a tax to pa e awards alter the same shall have been affirmed by e e Court of Quarter gemstone. Senator Nnnemacher end Repreeentative . Miller, of Berks. have been 'detained et home fors couple of weeks by 'daftness, and I sin sorry to say that it la of inch a serwue oharseter as to preclude Mugger their speedy return. The duties of looks after the interests of Berko, therefore, devolve upon Meters. Custer and buttes. • Mr. Fakeer presented a petition front three hundred• eittzese ofthe Seventh district, Phihnlelehts.aakine for a l aw doom ( the rigatoni fatiners s m the markets In whtehlthe city le intereeted. (Pmipill, a number of petitions minierouslT signed, protesting Against the pulage of House bil 494. Thdbiß extending for fifteenyenta the charter of the Colorable Bank •wes reported from the committee to day favorably. It was read in place by Mr. A. 8. Green, some day, since. The Columbia Bank Company is one of the sated institutions m the Mate. and Its continued existete is loudly called for by the business interests of - - Mr. AMcoast read in place 'l An sot relatipe to shoi riff's titles,'" fee., se follows i - - il Whereas Great practical 'inconvenience has been experienced . by reason, of purchases at sherire sales • • Potting upon record deeds pretending to Swavely premi wee wiiereinthe defendant In the execution had no In r g tart: therefore, , .. , :I„ ..• JAI It enacted. tee., 'That no grant or aonveTatme ' given or made by any sheriff within this State shall be taken or adjudged toe b valid and of unless with in live years from the darof the date thereof, the said , ennehaeer, or hie animas, WWI oommenoe lagal_pro . --, meme e yey the purpoto of °Naimoli possession Of the same, _Mahan have obteinel irewltil post:anion of the , • SOMA by antsy or Otherwl4o. •• Mr4nrOng• an not to WI tnotiso railroad, oink read, % it ortmat nom Wee to make Darman `- en InOrt6olf el /19 • prawn. of: reoloirace I against . soma, companies, anti tberenton to me Interests In anon mortnages. .',• In speaking the proposed papPleMent to the Lehigh and - Lielaweirs. ster Gap italitood Company. the other - day t lspoke of ties m atteged attempt to bleak mall the -Latish •Valler Railroad Company, and that that was - , the ground of optimiltuen fait . It le onlv justice to the • the of the masers to - ea y that they Urge Ate perinea • -,- titi entirely difflnenti grounds. vis :, that it will giVO a • '-' eiirtsllO better , pormeetion wth ;,New York to the min Penney - teem Ra il road , Tthie is so, end they i - • Parsisteettr lir it; tbenthe part i es have aroma' better ease Minn I h irimposeit, •., .., The Silt al Wine I tit li iit i S s i et t Llooltnt e ls ftri l trulte ' lrr i at mst = a l ' iaunds, ° and %de eite . C r e ies g g of _ _marked acuity mad rm. Re was mineral ny_ Mr. - ,-.Vlllifigellie : • mim :-- : -.-• . - ,„ PErtt, ORTATIOISI3_I, ißePorted for The Press.l LIVERPOOL.—Ship•Parn Flush, Maguire-27 bales mdse W. Watson & GOL96 do W Raphael; 63 men 1 bale Stuart & P ro; 11 oases W Oeisse & Son; 10 do D Graham & Co; 62 do A Wray '& Co; SO do Wray & 2 do 91 1. Idellourell & Co; Ido Sharpie's Bros; do Wight & Brown; 11 do 11 Cohen; 1 do .1 B Lippinoott & Co; 6 maks need D Landreth & Sony, 2 cases tune J W Gibbs & 80.0; Marmite soda Ash 0 Dallett & Co: In do Sinn & Del eted; 146 do E&1 0 0 Yarnell & Cobi do 8 W Welsh; 100 do bleachingvowder" J Lea & Co'C 1776 Gaeta salt 72 bbla crystals 66 casks soda ash Alex. Kerr; 600 boxes tin plates U. 7 bills iron. N Trotter & Co; 20y0 Oillingbao l Sant 107 do J Cremoteee do 8Y.9. 319 do Barber. Young It oi,STB do Robbins & Co; 811) do N& G Taylo 4AB re 105 bah" do C B Lee & Co; 499 bars 937 Odle do Middleton & Harned: Se 3913 bars do W F Potts 2.1.9 be re do M. B Macon) , Er Co; 4 06 bills do W B Long i Co: 6 lthile earthenware H P dr,W, O Taylor 9 casks do Jules Hanel & Cot 16 orates do Jim Dartwrisc i dr 2511 orates and tasks do 170 tone pig iron P Wright Bone; bow Code. tioppiw & CoLl . do gegt:glifinigaLtgaostigi 21:ro s i t tgltotirlis I htf; 1 Phis' , Indus 976 care iree 41 crates earthenware 60 tiered bleachinglioWders 9a9 +lO soda ash order. PiRW, 13BDFORP-Sohr Carthagens. OrePO - MOO Pita sperm and whale oil BS has candles Shots'', Bun tn66TP2olVinfee2.lgriartdaLlar 10 gar:gag; JAN p Whettwar ndo S P Pednat & Cori* balsa cotton battles re cases paper Useginst 33 balms yarn 100 empty ber e sund oorwitnees, SALT CAY— ry Bark Irma, atevens-011 bushels salt to Franc Tete. HALIFAX—Sohn Vitlago Belle-453 bble 6611 John Stroup & • kaa c ADELPILIA BOARD Or TRADrn JOBBPB C. OB:UBB.% THO BOU DBraIsik 00111E1Tna my Mont. S. , - LETTER BAGS 46.{MIXIIIICHANTIO Zloniltail. PRILApiILpinAL. Bark Pdargsret, Qlng. de Janeiro 1004 Bark Colonist. air) goon Bark Elizabeth 3, 'Foolkez,—.....—.Barbadoea ' Wan Bark Powhattan, Btromons.., "•.......llavana ' goon Bark Imperador, Hubbard...Pernambuco arli Riv . Boon Brig Thomas Walter, Bute; goon Brig Mary B Milliken, Norden.... • . —Havana, Boon ketitUTE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF POILADELYWAs Illarch,lo, 1860. iljNl3-2117X 41 12/077. WATER -4. 4 27 ARRIVED. Bark Irina. Stevens, 10 days from Batt Cay, with sal o 11100111 Tate. • Steaiuship Virginia, Ke CLEARED IIy , Riolimond,l' Webster, Jr. Ship Boater Johnny, Edmonds, New ()cleans, Bishop, Simens & Co. Bng Charles II Prost, Lowry, Cienfuegos, Madeira & Canada. Bohr Willard Salsbury, Hudgon, Savannah, Pettit, Martin & Co. Btr R•Willing, Claypool, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. (Clotreepondence of thePhlladelphla Exobanimio LEWES. Bel, March 0, P M. The fleet reported et the harbor m my last ( tide mom- Rts coinerised in part of the following veuels, viz: Miller I.ewle Mulford, Rogers (3 Whipple, Thos J Tull, E , Harriet A Rogers, Cameo, Pauline, 1 , Mum son, Mary Adeline, Rebecca &oar, Geo Rummer. Jr, Allen 11. Brown, James Steele, Washington, W T An derson,Jas Hense_,Aroola, Yankee Doodle, Comman der-in-Chief. Jap T Brady, Levi Rowe, D Comstock,Telegraph, and U S sohr Bray with moorings for the Plve-fatnom Bank w)lllace her on the Sank es soon as the wind will permit, Wind north, and nearly palm. March r—The above fleet still remains, in addition to five other eohooners. Wind SE. March It is now so foggy we are unable to see the harbor. Wind Mist. YOWL W. M. RICICALLN. EY THLEGRAPH. (Correspondence of The glees.) AIM ICOII, March 9. The ship De Witt Clinton, from Liverpeol, is wthore on Boum Inlet. No eommutuoadon hes yet been had with the vessel. NORVOLX. Match 9. tiArrived, ship Washingtbn, from the Chinch Wands. priArrtitanori,VA S. Arrived, ships Oswego and Lydia, from ? lyerpool; bark Avola, from Boston. IdEMOSANDA. , . Steamship State of Georgia, Garvin, henoe, arrived at Savannah 6th Met, and sailed at T P M. on the 7th, on her return. ;atShip Finland, Tones, from New York, way disoharglng apainehieoland inst. Ship J H hlhott, Tooter, for Cronstadt, sleazed at &t -raining ad inst. With MO bales upland cotton iron s llOO. Bohr NV maks salt, empty We. and a lot of old. Reynard,(Br)ltoetiester, for Philadelphia, Was loading at Mt John. P Feb 23. Behr I) P Dustman, II R.. ealey, hence, arrived at Norfolk Bth Ina, Sabra Mary Ellen, Borman, and 8 N Smith, arrived at Wilmington. Del, Bth inst. Batas J if Wiiltagte, Herringaor New Haven and Maria Fleming, Shaw, for Sew York, sailed from Wa llington, Del, yeeteldaY. Sobr Salmon Washbrn, Pirairher. sailed from Taun ton ath Inst. for Philadelphia. Sehr Isabel, Taylor, bane for Providence, at N York Bth Inst. near B Flower, henoe N arrived at Now Haven 7th inst. FOREIGN FORTS, • Liverpoolamship Nova Seotiana Arr at I9th ult, Henry, Thomas, New Or leans; Arizona, Robinson, do; 20th ,Telegraph, New Or leans; Pioneer, Child, Charleston; onward, Chiveri, Sa vannah; Albert Gallatin, Delano, Mobile, with damage. Arr at Veal latli nit. Liverpool, /Learner, from New York for London2P Arr at Queenstown 21st ult, Empire, Coombs, Sa vannah. Arr at Marseilles lath ult, Southerner, Avery.N York. Liverpool Feb PO—The National Guard, oatesdrom Liverpool' S rO Galveston. has put back NEW EITBLICATIONS. PRICE" ONLY 26 CENTS. FIGHTS FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP OF ENGLAND: DI, AccOUn TS OF ALL THE PRIZE BATYLIta Von TOE OnaliptoEßßW, FROM TOE DIU op Floc; Ann EnoDonTon TO TRs PRZSIINT Titan, Including also theyeeent contests between TOM SA.YERS.,BENJAMINadded , and BRBTTLE. To whip!: in THE NEW RILES OF THE RING, As Revised by the Pilaf Betio Benevolent Association of En land. Compiled from "Bell's Life In London," " Santana," and other origi nal sources. By the EDITOR OP Bln,i'll LIRE In LONDON. • Recei l. th }l. B l l *§l d ß f ail e AOTlFEßS, - No. 3 , 06 CHESTNUT BTBEET, Phibidelphis. CONTENTS: New Rules of the Ring, as revised by the Fusillade Be nevolent Association. The Early Champlone-Figg-Pipes and Gretting- George Taylor-lank Bronaliten-Jack Stevens-Megas-Darts-Lions,_ the Waternatm peter Corooran-Sellers- om Johnson-Brian (Big Ben)-Dan Mendoza. Mr. Jackson. Tem Belcher-Fights with Bourke, Pearby, Ac. Harry Pearce(TheGame en)-Fights with Bourke. Gluier, and Jam Bel Cher. Mr. Gulley-His Two Battles with Gregeon. Tom Crib-Hie Fights with Jem Belcher, fhb Gnomon- Jam Belcher (second time), and Molyneaux (twice.) Toni Cobb / continued )- Fichte between Tom Spring and Ned Painter-Tom Oliver and Bill Neat-Rring and Painter (seeond time)-TomSprints and Sack Carter--Qhyor and Painter-Spring and Oliver-Neat and Hickman iThe Gas Man.) Tom Spring-Hie Fight with Bill Neat-His Two Battles with Jaok Langan. • him Ward-His Fights With lath Hudson and Phil Sampson ISM toms fight Istvreen Tom Cannon and Rich Hudson-Ward and Phil Sampson (second leantime.) Ward (continued)--His Fights with Tom eminent for BLOOD; Peter Crowley, Jack Carter, acid Simon B.vrne. The Later Champions -Fights between Deaf Berke and Simon Byrne-Mont and Bendigo-Bendigo and Deaf Burke-Nick Ward and Deaf Burke. The Later Charnmona (oontinueo-Fights beheeen Ben Gaunt and Brasses - Gaunt and Nick Ward (twice.) The last Fight between Cana and Sandia°. The Later Clasurotont (totolado4l—Second Fight be tween the Mimi Stadler and Teas Parker-Fighte between Send's° and Tom _Paddook-The Tipton Slasher and Paddook-Harry Broome and the Tipton Sleaber-Harry_ Broome and Harry Orme. The Champion's Belt. Fight for the Champion's 'Belt and £4OO, between Tom Pial g itrae r g l i t 4l. ' figgf l e a .l 9 lCui Paildooki for £3OO and the Championship.. Torn Sayers and Benjamin, for 00 noverelgne and the Belt. Torn Savers and Bob Brettle, for £OOO, and a bet 01.030 to EU Copies will be sent to any one, to any place, free or sail. this dday by at!" 47. il linndred. or thousand, at the Booksellma and Puboednicestablish mentor T. R. PETERSON & SHOT ERB, rail-It 306 CHESTN IS Myatt. SAMUIL HAZARD, Jx., 724 CHEST NUT STREET, Has for sale— HAWTHORNE'S NEW ROMANCE—THE MAR BLE FAUN; or. The &Antenna of Monte Beni. 'lwo vols., 16mo, eloth, BIM. So Feat has been the des re to obtain this new novel of awthorne s that the first edition haa already. before en dietitian, been sold, 11.01,618 Y HOUSE. By Mater Melville , author of The Interpreter. Kate Coventry. ke To` those who have read the other work. at this author . this will need no recommendation. PASSING THOUGHTS ON Knrarcy, By Miss Sewell of Arrly Herbertdce. NIGHT LESSONS FROM SCRIPTURE. By the n i ttt ut ra re rifD STUDY IN ITALY. BY Charles Rif R One vol. 76 cents. OfL OLDHAM AT OREYBIONE, AND NIS TALK THRyte, of which the press throughout the country Maks in theldgbest terms. One vol., 010th,411. tßuturArcax HEAP'S COMPLETE POETICAL WORKS. 2 vols., 12mo oloth. plawthorne in speak ing of these ma, entties to es " a poet-painter, Whose song has the vividness ri picture, and whose can vas is peopled with angel', fames, and water.spotee, done to the ethereal hi?, beoause he sees them face to face in his AND mood.' wHihlts AND 'WAIFS. By the late Thomas Rood. Now first published from MSB. in the posseasion of his family. PAN. D yE L G wr NSM OISip SO n N . TO nCHINA BvAN, D c lotA , illustrations 1g.75. A LIFE STRUGGLE, The new Novel by Miss Par doe aDth" cur of •• LOW XIV," Au. One vol., sloth, s'hl. THE ART OF "JA hin t s historioally illustrated, to which is added few hints on Etiquette. One vol 0 LUCY CROFTON. By Mrs. Oliphant,. the authoress f " Mary Maithusd," "Days of My Life," &a. Di sent.. HUMANICB. By!. Wharton Conine. 41.75. AN ARCTIC BOAT JOURNEY IN THE AUTUMN OF not. Br Tony, J. Hams, Surgeon of the Second Grinnell Expedition. al 26. HOME PASTIES; OR, TABLEAUX VIVANT& A Oast capital lenok afßome ~ , museinenter. SI. NOTER ON NURSING. By Florence Nightingale. What it ie. and what it le not. One vol , cloth. 60 centa. lIPALEY'S EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. A new edition with notes. By Archbishop Whatelr. BVo, 'Moth. *1.75. REVOLU HMS IN ENGLISH HISTORY. By Ito. tI e Ii t ERTIIITIVierANATHINGTON. By George Parke CUStIII. hie adopted ton, One voL. Bvo cloth, S2ortroite, nlO-3t PORTRAITS ENGRAVED ON STEEL OF EMINENT PERSONS, with the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF THE WORLD, Published Weekly in London and Boston. s7,Bn a year, I eta quarter, iltioentsanurnhee, with 62 Partraits.c with 13 Portraits. with one Portrait. PORTRANS I f ß ra irth a F n hE a l d i res it s O M M U VO U LlD i rtO BUB BCRIB Rfi. A sample number of the Journal, with a steel-plate Portrait and Memoir, end a oirouter oontstnins terms and a list of all the Portraits ll:10) nuhlislied.ovjlt lie sent. on receipt of It cents wish or Amyl, ti t Eri RY A. BROWN Co.. Pnbliebers gad Agents or the United States to Whom all sub s_op_tions and trade or ders should be sent, at It itiANOVER Street, Boston, Mess. TIID3 DAY PUBLISHED PLATO'S WORKS—THE DIVINE AND MORAI , WORKS OF PLATO, translated from the original Greek, with introductory thasertabonf and flown. Find American, from the Sixth London Edition. carefue re vised and corrected from Elydenham & Taylor. ergo /21n0,, oloth, 81,20. Mailed free of onstage by 0, IHIANCEARD, Publisher, robe St 76 NASSAU Street, New York. •o ATTRACTIVE . NEW BOOKS NIOLIELEPS NEAP BOOK-WOMAN. LA FEMME.] WOMAN. [LA. FEMME WS SEQUEL TO L'AMOUR. Just Published in Paris, and translated by Dr. Pat. Non Translator of "L'Amour." One vol., ignio menu. Frio) SI, Tliefottowins interestimg 'Opel: are eloquently trail ed in the work : The Working %man, T s, Woman of Letter, The leVr e e n iur, The"Deme nun Camelia'," o. One more Unfortunate," The " Book Woman_, a continuation of the Book Rf . 4 Lore: , omaWoman a RellelOn, The Woman Who loaves The The Mon who Loves Best,, How Abe Gives her Heart Away, The Young Wife, Arte end Books, How Woman F,xoels Man, The Humilities of Love, The Communion of Love, Woman an Angel of Peaoe end r Last Lore, wean, the Physlelan, CMldten,Toys, &o. THE HABITS OF GOOD SOCIETY. One vol,. large 12sno, muslin, Pries' $1.25. An intereaha end readable hand-book (or Wild and Mittman, With thoughts, hints, and _anecdotee 0011- aerniftg sound obeervanese.fitee pointgor taste and gond manners. and the ad of making oneself ag tenable, Re. Printed Isom the London edition, ".• Silber of These hooka will be sent by um% you age Amon reocpt WN) & O price,A WON, Publiebtys, mh74bitatt No.lpQ OR AN &Teat, New York, mstritAxcE COIIIPAIViES.. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST 'COM, l vAm bi yi, Tlfli'cl.Nthellaitr,rollt4iliflßVlllli Vl?Eltmtta. Ape is, IDOL= au nitivßFA LIVES for ho whole term of (life—grants annwtiee and endowments—purohases life interests in Real Estate, and realm all °outrun; depending on the antingonoies of_Life. ' , • , , whey ant as Hieoutors, Administratora, bilinear litountees, and Guarantee, • • - - „ ‘ TRUSTEES. iiiiitel L. Miller, ' Samna! S. Orr, Nina Coates. • Winian4ra n, o and re. Newbold. AIMS .Mc Arland. ,William P. Hanker, Joseph H. Trotter. • William H. Kern, lames Easton, ' Samuel CI. /stneY,.. Charles Hallman, Wheop v lua Paulding. mun A. Seeder, Henry O. Townsend. anial . Hutolutnaws MIATLICOIrti. . ohn . 'Lunar, Ilia S. Archer, I..W.Volitiowo ainuall. Christen; . Wan/ Robertson. web hl. L'horess, ' Warner M, Raisin John G. Brenner.. P. lie Mohler, Easton. - DANIL L. MILLR, President. BAHL. E. STOKES, Vito Pres't. Joan W. Hoation, seoratan.aide AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER. PERPET UAL. No.Blo WALNUT Street above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up lapital /Rook and Burping In vested in sound and available Boountlaa,ooattaue, to wan.° on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, alerehandise, Vessels in Port and their cargoes, and other Personal Property. losses liberally and promptly adjoined. hiescynas. Thos. IL Marls, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James IL Campbell, samuel C. Morton, Edmund O. Dutilh, Patrick Brady, Chas. W. Poultney, Israel Morris, THOMAS R. MARI, President, ALBERT C. L. CRAWFORD, Secretary. fall-tr CIXOJIANGE INSURANCE COMPANY IA —Offiee N 0.40; WALNUT Street. PIKE INSURANCE on Housee and Mereliandise generally, on favorable tenor, either limited or per petual. DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Bonn% Joshua T. Owen, John Q. Ginned°. Thomas Marsh. lan). M. Hollmehead. Sarni. L. Smedley, John MoDowell, Jr., Edward PI Roberts, R. C, Hale, John J. Griffith, Jame' T. Haled Bellefonte.) . JEREMIAH BONSALL, President, JOHN Q. OINNODO, Vine President. EDWARD W. DAVID. Secretary Ja2.5-tuthely --- DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN RURANCE COMPANY. • INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1895. OFFICE B. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT Streets, Philadelhla. MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, I t To all parts of the Weald. FRET 'INLAND INSURANCE, On Goods. by River, Canals, take, and Land Carriage to all C ana Lan d and INSCRANO n E On Merehandlss jtenarally. On • Stores,Owellins Ronan, ka. ASSETS_OF THE COMPANY November 1,1809. Far. Market Value. 1119,060, Philadelphia CIO 8 41 0 ' sent. Loan.. $159,000 00 100,000_tPennsylvania State 6 Vt . 01 . 9 3.669 (8 :Low rennsylvania State 6 41 , ' at. L0n....-., NAM 00 M,OOO, B. Tretumry 636 Dent N otes and interest due Wed al $30,000 U. S. Treasury 6 Gr et. Notes and inter est due. , . ~.„:„, .. Ma 00 425,000 Tempormy Loan to 'the City Of rids delphla M,OOO 00 00.1/00. Pennsylvania Railroad id — Mortgage op' Gent. Bonds. 63,300 to FennsylvanlnrsclinidMort -6 V' °ant. Bonds— 11.300 00 811,000WeengladelplusPassenser - Rattway Company 9 ot. °oilmen bonds..... 11,30000 IMAGO, 500 ,shares stou Oa; gma a tied by the city of ruuck. 1M,1100,100 Mimes Pennsylvania Railrma Oom any IL° Cs 3 111,000,100tharee orth Penneylvaula Ka: — a" " toad Company Said, share, Philadelphia lee Beat andEiteara 1112 °CI a. Tee Company, Philadelphia and alavariaah /gawp Piavigtipee eta,- &many, Philadelphia ana Ba sra do Brace Mesta 'Pow Boat Company, Philadelphia Exchange giompany 1,1111 00 $108,7111 al &Wiwi Mortgages, finalise! Estate. Of- V ri °D r e u ligri foran — i4 — . --- .l;=/TILIB 3 or e au v e Anenome—roununme on Ma rine Polioies, Balsa, 1010, other debts due the Comes/ •-• •• -- —.:•• • ..... OS 80riP and 1(00 Z 01 E , ,Ary anoo wawa.. ix co nies. ... croon Cash on Deposit in Banjr seauska *RD. nel E. Stoke'', . F. Pe ics. eery S loa n. ward arhogtons • . JOINS BTOOtOt ATZ T B 7' O I :IIZII 4 hart Barton, soob Jones. amee J 3. M'Airland. P oshus P. Eyre, ohp B. i l: i m i le,Pittltb'g, I. we HA D , VI" F lit% ary. William MaFn B mend A. tier. heop_hiltes au SOW. John R. Seams. John o,Davus, mtilTa4lllllr, Mom Eire, Jr., roe O. Haag Maim 0. Ludwig , o r s . ei . h X: unstop, Seal, !image 0. Leiger. ugh Cram, barb's Kelly, WILLIAI THOS. 0. HENRY LYLBURN. Sew VANE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 4os CREWNUT Street, PHILADELVEL9, INCORPORATED ENNSYLVAVIAAPRIL. Me, BY TEM STATE OF CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISK& MILICTOaIt t Samuel Wright. D. 11. Eimer, Win. W. Wolters, J. W. Emmen, Chu. Richardson, Heim Lewis, jr„ Geo. A. Went Jacob W. Stout Q. Wilson Davis, Sven Morrie, Thos. B. Martin, Menko 6torti. GEORGE; W. DAY, President JONATHAN J. OLOCUAI. Vies Pres% 'WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. jell -tf COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. fl AP ART N ER SHIP.-01.1ARLES ADAMS has this day admitted into Partnership his son, CHARLES IL ADAMS. The style olithe firm ad! he MIARLES ADAMS & SON, who will the WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRY-GOODS BUSINESS at the old stand, IL E. corner of EIGHSH and ARCH Streets. CHARLES ADAM& __ CHARLES ADAMS. Philadelphia, third mo. I, IBM OIROULAR. The subearlbors respectfully inform their friends flcd the publio that they have made important alteration' to the,Old Establishment, end are now prepared to exhibit a large and splendid stook of FANCY AND STAPIX DRY GOODS, adapted to the wants or Femllies. Fartioular attention Is also given to the ehoine of PLAIN ROODS. Desirone not only of retaining all the old customere. but of enlarging the bushiest. the undersigned trust that, with additional care and attention to the watt of purchasers, they will receive en_ increased share o tTODEIge. CHARLES ADAMS & 80 mhl-lm B. H. corner .61011111 and ARCH Ste. WINES AND LIQUORS. PRINCE IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE, FROM DE VENDOR & CO., EFERNAY, FRANCE. Bold by all Respectable Dealers throughout the country. This fine brand of CHAIiff!AONE, whioh until the east leer was confined exclusively to the best tables o unbounded success and popmanty in this country. It recommended by some of the first physicians of the city of New York, over all other wines, on account of Its SA treme purity and delioaoy, and those who once try it rarely use any other brand. Although only one year has elapsed since its introduction into this country, the demand is enormous and constantly morseling. Our arrangements are such as to insure the quality of the Wine being matntaiped at its present high standard. The Vrince Impefial is imported solely by ofl, we being the tole Agents of Messrs. De Venoge Or Co., in this country. Fold in this oitr bl REEVES & DEAL, 204 MAR KET Street. L. V. HAUDRWOUT & CO., rata-Sin Nos. 48.3, 490 and 4,9IBROADWAY or , New Yk. VETE CALL ATTENTION OF THE TRADE to A inipply In assorted psekayes constantly an liant Orderereoelved for duvet importation. Also-13e i nner, o LOUT ograLond o Alan n and B ° gh allPlorprOa t TorabLamy oio_.m 800 0 T, Misdate A EORGB WHIT .• I, No. MC South FRONT Street. Importer of Brandt, Willtar: ko., olden (or We, IA bond onl y . the followinc, among other standard brand, of brandy PIA ' abl i r l : l ,2 . l3ta (3° : 9 I'll° 4 1 A 1 :744 .k ietf..., grocuste, ' alto . sea, _ - : kurglnLeV, o voneln, n p Pronrictonk ow, nenneaay. . Btlinyva Pauney Malt olgsy , and the choicest Mies or airs !Merry Port Biluandy,_ and IThno Wines , _ M Plat tee Ohl Jam'aloo Rum. Banta to Orns Rnm.Bor ea= . ko.. ko sltcds CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. ESTA BLISIIED 1700. PETER LORILLARD. SNUFF & TOBACCO MANUFACTURER, 18 and 18 CIIAMBERS STREET, (Formerly 0 Chatham street, New York,/ Would gall the , mem' 'attention of Orman and Druggists to his removal, and also the articles of his mancanoture, viz: RROWSON OFF. P i p e 'M, .% Kappa Dernisroe, Virginia, Coarse Kappa Natchitoches. Anemia entie_man,.. Copenhagen, Y LOW SUFF. Bootoh_, Fresh Scotch. nigh_ Toast Sootob, Risk Toast. neat, Rona Dew Reoteh, or Lundy foot, TOBACCO. selogine. TINE OUT gnawing. anollll4. No.l, P. A. L.. or plain. St. Ingo. No. 2, Cavendish or swank Spanish :1 08 . &1, miz'd,Bweet Booted Orinnoo, °oldster, Raeford, in Foil Cavendish, rurp 'Turkish. %router of Friona will he ient on application . will the new article of .ftedi Bootqg Snu ff , Wi l lett will be found a superior article for dinni.o Por -00-5111 TO WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS A D prtucom. mu. JAMES BETTS p INVENTIONS FOR LAMER:— Approved of and highly recommended by the Medical profession throughout the United Suttee, Thirty Thou sand Inv& ids having been advised by their whimmians to nee her Surgical Appliances. She vvould caution 111eyoliante and others nsalnst purchasing &Scent at her residence. 1039 WALNUT Street, where sh cart be &instated daily, between the hours of 9 an ds. Her boolt of testimonials Will be given on application. Ja Jl•stuth-ly re.ARGE AND VALUABLE STOCK 113ealee selling out at (heathy Reduced Priem at 425 CHESTNUT street. $20.000 worth Btardard Weight Scales, comprising an ameortineut of all sines. . . . CeuMeir, Portable Platform, Warehouse, Bay, Coal, Cattle, and flattrosd Borges. Purchasers gm tt for their Mterest to call and examine the nbove !roods at No. CHESTN LIT STREET, Philadelphia. 01148. 4. 1./A - NIELS, The attention of country merchants is °Orel tothe above stook. fell2-lin 4. FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SOAL]W, - For " le b !trii i MtfZ l ttat . PI,Ik vetURGESS , TROUT, BASS, AND SAL -4i-r MON RODS.— primp WILSON & CO., 02 ONESTIY UT Street, having taben the Sole Agency of tut celebrated Trout, Base, anS Saltnosl Rode, Reale, too., will supply my friends and the /WA, at the lowest Prices. mna-soi ht. W. BURGESS. FIGARO CIGARS.—A small invoice of low by FIGARO OlGARGo u liclg t lv E da v tti x ar Ts ed : For sale , • mhb-let 'MP A Lzr uT Street. RE.—Pnme retailing Oharleeton Rice fal to o t gale by JAMBE GRAHAM & ao,. UMW I NBURANOE fIOMPANY OF VIZ FolATAGUE od Airktim olitsrodlll2M-Oartel rge 8200,000 i1a —Aesets, January s, D IN 11147 0tn 3° _, 10 ' ma 80.1 vailable seotoiDe IP --- LOA e o Vasso f itt a t6Oll/ Btaldlagi BtOOL 0 0/0 I fi I B. a nu D Shertord; George tusit, tifk iM e maiL lo l 7ll tn p . iti l tetet. : fthil iqr B : : :: B... 4 Jr.. ' las ; Zit! rar at ra ies. Si e .71#411rnal , Pyarildept. WILLIArtt H ARP .tioantari, i • it-wrm if THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; MATURDAY, MARCH 10; 1860: RE"I'AD: DRY 00008. SPRING CLOAKS. Newest Spring Styles. striped Cloth cloaks, New Style Silk Hoods. • Plant Cloth Cloaks. Cloaks made to order. Prices from 5460 to sBao COOPER & CUNARD, mho NINTH and MARSET Sta. SPRING OASSIMZRES. Just opened, My pieoes new Sprung Cesaimeres, nonliving andy Stripes, ono Plaids, Valencia, • Rimy Mixtures, Caohemere and - Plain Colors, Marseilles Good Sleeks, Vest.nas, Ladies' Striped Cloaking hs. Ladi dot es' Plain Cloaking, pprr e n ( 1 ,60141 8 &Mir; mho NINTH and MARKET Ste PRENOII EMBROIDERED BETS. -L . Just opened a small lot of Choicely selected,very nod de n s gns. Embroidere S MuslinLEsSaßdCol ar, te CHESTNUT fr. EIGHTH Streets j3EAUTIFUL NEW SILKS ! ! TRORNLEY & CHUM EIGHTH. and SPRING GARDEN. Would i i.Zin e kaCitifr enac 0001)11, Neat oheekedLand 13 MIA for Mo. Good quality Foulard Bilks for Very rush Foulards for 76. AZ, col o n Beautiful brooade Bilks. solid for el It Rick ohene Bilks, Poll de Sole, &0.. TRF. DEBT BLACK SILKS IMPORTED. From In per yard up to el to. oi ticstyle' of Dre i es i rde, embracing every novelty aevmn ' fl i n i gLB II Y. SHAW LI ! !! Our establishment has been rendered famous for !Mewls of every deseriptecm. BTELLA BRAWLS. CRAPE )311AWI B. TRIBET BRAWLS. BROOPIA BRAWLS,and mh3 BLANKET BRAWLS, &o. HOSIERY GOODS. -J. WM. 110E -111-11-31AliN, No. 9 North EIGHTH Stree_t, has now open hie Fall Stook of Hosiery Goode, viz: Upderoests and Drawere ofCartwrightand7arner'a importer manu feature, for bales sad misses wear. Merino Shirts and Drawers, tor_gents and youths. Merino Hosiery, Cotton Hosiery, Woollen Hosiery, Gloves and Oaont lets, and goods generally eppettainieg to the Hoven Wanes,. J . H. respeotfully solicits the attention of fatuities to hie eta*, sneering them that hie stook is un excelled for variety by any other in the oily, and that his prloes are se lows.. those of any other ?skater house, N.B.—No a mh batement made from the knioes named. all-wfmttl POULARD • Just received, a titmice lot of MED.IIM STYLES FOILLARDa i At ON cams—usual price fa cents. Illuminated Bouquet Foulards at I. CHARM P.B ADAMS & SON, EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. trb3 stutl. tf SPRING GOODS.-SHARPLESS BRO h., 711E118 are opening new and handsome don florins and Bummer Since. Ruth Organdies. Very neat Lawns. Foulard Robes. rile Clothe. ninnies. reps, seven Ammon. Figured Bleak Silks. Sian Taffetas. Mixed Travelleries. Spring Shawls. rata CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. TN THE DIATRICT COURT FOR TUB CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. ARTHUR McWHINNEY vs. WM. PATTERSON. Vend. Exp. December Term, /830. No. d 4. The auditor appointed to distribute the proceeds of sale, under the above writ, of the following deeeribed pro arty. viz: Ael that oe n lot on piece of ground, pith the three etory brick building, one -store brick kitchen and frame stable thereon erected, sttuato on the east side of Twenty-third street, late N ixon street, in the Fifteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, beginning at e distance of seventy-eight feet one inch north from the north side of a twenty-feet wide alley or street, running outwardly front the said Twenty-third street. called Ralston 'treat, containing in front or breadth on ;aid Twenti-third street, seventeen feet eleven inches, 'minding a two feet three mohair wide alley, on the south side thereof. laid out for the use of this and the adjoinina property on the south. said alley being fortY six feet ten inches deep, and said lot extending in depth of said width of seventeen feet eleven inches, one hundred feet to a tep•feet-wide alley or court Tunnies seuthwardly into said Ralston street; bounded north by ground of Henry J. Williams and others, east by the said ben-feet allay, south by around of James Deleon and west by said Twenty-third street. The northernmost sixteen feet being the same lot or piece of ground which Joshua H. Braker and wife, by inden ture dated the eighteenth day of November, A. D.,1053. and about to be moorded, granted and conveyed unto William Patterson, subject to a certain yearly ground rent of forty dollars, payable to Heny J. Williams and others, their heirs and moansothers, forever; and the southernmost one foot and eleven inches thereof being part of a larger lot, which Jo Oct o ber,,ke by indenture made the eighteenth day of A. D. 1838, and about to be reoorded, granted and conveyed unto Wil liam Patterson atomised Will meet all parties interested at his office. No. 23 South Third street, _on WEDNESDAY. March 14th. 1800, at 4 o'clock P. 111., when and where all penning are required to make their claims before said Auditor, or they will be debarred from 00IMDt in upon said fund. mh2-let JOHN A. CLARK, Auditor. 'N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE • CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.Estate of DAVID CONNER, deo/need. The Auditor appointed ti the Court to audit. settle, mid adjust the Srst aoimunt of Philip S. P. Conner, ad ninistrator de bows non cum testament° 11,13118X0 of Da iid deceased, and to make distribution of the 3alance in the hands of the acoountant,will meet the Parties interested for the purposes of hie appointment. NPAY, March 12th. 18GO, at II o'clock A. M. at his offi c e, No. I r3o WALNUT Street, in the nits of All^ Indelphia. JOfIN M. THOMAL Auditor. jN COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR TILE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA.-011Y OF PHILADELPHIA vs, WILLIAM DE 'HAVEN. Levu') Feline, December Tenn, No. 143. The Auditor appointed by the Court to report diatribe lion of the fund ermine from the Eiheriff'n gale, under the above Wnt, of all that certain lot of ground and the two t ree.ston 0 d buck Amelia nes ereeted upon the garnet situate on the mouthide of Twentieth etreet. forty feet south of Plystreet. in the Eighth 'Word, cit y of rhiledelphts, 'oontahung in front en Twentieth etreet thirty•four feet, and in length seventy-three feet—will meet the garden having 014,imi against the said Dina. on TUI.,BDAY, Marph 1460800. at 4 P. m., 4i his Office, No. 6)2 WALNUT 14treat. city WILLIAM. ERNIIT, mliLthstu et Auditor. I N ORPUANS ' COURT FOR Tn CITY ANDCCIONTY OP PIIILAIOELPITIA. Eatata of ANDRF.VI a. KITCUIsti, daaamed. Tho Auditor appointed byj hs Coort to ondit, settle and adjust the account of A M.)B IiNY O. OH A 10, Trois tr, will 11150 the parties 'interested at his °that o. South PIPTiL 3treet, on 1510 N DAY, Almon 19th tao. at P. M. JAMES IL CAB r LE, M/4-totto , sit * Auditor. MATTEL 'BONDHOLDERS OF THE WILLIAhISPORT AND EDI? RAILIIDAD, are notshen that it is necessary for the proteetion ot their interests to present their_t_Kinds and sign the power or attorney, at the Otriee, .103 WALNUT Streat. - without de/ more than two-thirds of the bondholders have already signed, A.M. JONES, 3. L. MOSS. N. P. H UTCHINDON, E. P. BORDEN. TEIZO. LEE. MaToll Bth. ]3f,B•tt 110'1'14:1E IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT arinneation has been Made to "The Trustees of the Fire assomation of Philadelphia for the renewal of a none of insurance ? No. 22.303.4, leaded In the name Illt of EhIAR k. RE GHENT for sl.tieo, dated Sept. fl 1861, whioti hat been lost, and any information thereof will lie received Rl:lC[lElyr,', co.. fe2s-itu &An 12t 227 NINAKET Street. MOTIVE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the following CertiOeatee have been lost or destroyed, and ttat application_ ham been made to the Company for new ertilioatee Noe. 7M, Mb, 667, MR Penn Mutual 9. f o g v iy o ur . onoe Compan), to the name of BLIZAB tat, Ws -tat* EDWIN CLARK'S • HIGHLY IMPROVED and newly Patented Combined Grinding and Boling. or MIA° tt.rtitiT FLOUR MILL, Dade in operaticsat No.4g RACY SYRICET, argon/ THIRD, FRIG/kV/. This - unrivalled Flour Mill, minding the complete grinding and Jolting machinery, occupies a e r a aa of mar fleet In. a, eisi4 feet 4ip. and twenty-mite feet long; niannf wring within is 'Mall compel', at a single operation, and with but lit tle more than $1; horse Power, family extra, extra, lICIDATETIY• And all Of Me low er guidon of flour, and the different kinds of o ff al ; pro.. diming flour equal in quality , to the beat flour made from & given amount of wheat, by the beet Merchant Flour Mills ip the United Mate', or _in Bump° , its average Leta iat grinding to two barrels of superior Hour per mil new. compact , Complete, and celebrated flour mil hea been °gratuity examined by many of the most experienced pullet, in thie car in ry, and they , unani mously bestow upon it the Malmo cemendauons ; and have given their teetiinoniale of is intrinsle superiori ty and ita immense utility. Millers, mill-owners, merchants, capitalists, specula tors, and the publia in general, are respectfully invited to rat call edflour nu end examine this highly useful and Justly cabs bn. Information concerning the piirchase of the Patent Rights for Mates and counties, and the mills, for every portion of the United Mates, Great Britain, rfIITIOA. IJOIMAI2Y, Rpm. and other A ericultural countries, will be given to all persona addmgeing their iettere to EDWIN CLARIS Patentee, No. 23/tACE et., below Th ird, Philad'a. 4 9' FM further' ift ormallim citenierning 'this celebra. ted flour mill, pleg to read the yellow handbills, de sorith g It. me-ly TO THEP.•Buo. CALHOUN'S ANNULAR VENTILATOR. The above patent le deemed, by smoothie and practi cal men, to be tho very beet ever offered to the public, and needs only to be seen in actual operation for its merits to be appreciated. Nothing ever introduced to imperfectly adapted for ventilating private and public buildings. schools, hospitale, engine houses. mines, ',team and sailing vessels, and for the oure of smoky ohimneYs they have no equal. Manufactured aid for tia.lo i.7 wholeeale and retail, at the e lli it e h a s ti . nimd mA en rt t l i s lato s g, KiA araint r is ß o t t rea. Personal attention wilt tie woven to all demo/lotions of heating and ventilating 1).4 the undersigned. who lira been many years practice y engaged in the above busi ness. Also fur Vile. Color • justly-celebrated warm-air unlaces, clocking ranges, bath boils, registers. & e. by fe)g.ittnthein CHAS. WILLIAMb. POPLINS- Silk Chain Poplins. Cherie Poplins. (ismandi Poplins. Plaid Norwich Poplins, Stripe Grenadine Poplin, Dot Chene usmondis. Plaid Ottoman Poplins. batin Lustre Poulin& Plain, Plaid and Stripe Lovelies. Mane %lege Anntaltie, etc.. Dom prising a variety seldom noodled. NRW STYLE SCOTCH GINGHAMS. rink, Blue and Buff Percales and Brilliants, New Printed ChallisP asßlNTS dklaid Brilliants, etc. 200 pa. new Merrimack, Oo hem. Manchester, Paul fie, OlOucester. Sprasils, and 13nolish Prints, in winep, to suit all Omen, White Ground abiding Prints. CHARLES'AIrAMts & EON. mdirtut -if SUM TIT 11.. d ARCH Streets. ROAPS. VAN HAAGEN k MoKEONE'R CELEERATED UHIENTI DETER YE. REM C OAL, R 4 i go 4/. Yaf DB owii, TpLLINa TOILET, ko. For sato by the sole agents for the nutoefsetu re re, TRAIN & IIdoKEOE4,2a and 24 N. WHARVES. wholeole dealers In C 0 0 IN of A CPTTO sgEP, PALM AND !Winn( CANDLES, PARRAFINE WAX, RUM: 81TALMADIETI CHEMICAL, SPERM,ADAMANTINE Assortmi Maw racked in plain or fenny boxes to suit an market, For enlo by the egente of the manufacturer..., TRAIN MoKHONEII and 24 & WHARVES felfi-sarti BIJRNETTIS COCOAINE. eßoao7n the ease o following f testimonial is oonclusive of Ile i • • DAitDRUrr, Octt.3o, 109. lliestre..Tosamt Bungsgm. fc Co. Git3171 6 1)01: haVt) pod yofir vOCOAINE Abotit BiX weeks._ its ° Dot is so marked and extraordlnare that I'dee it my duty to state it to top . Mr Worst complaint for several years has been Dannaltres with ttottlng and irritation or the Beale. After tin:Ming my hair, my coat•Dolktr would be cov ered with the white goatee, ((rendre which looked like *shower qfmow, My Whet tried ve nous applications without &Rot, jfls almee of lr CIOCOAME, and hie obstinate reivs3l to prov oked me to procure and try it. I have used legs than a bottle. The dandruff , and the Irritation which canned ,iti hav ore e entirely disappeared. ourobediontwnaat,"ggo.d.&°,°lnittllin. 111.14NETTIICODbA I NE. 4telnale apolleatton renders the hair (no matter how ettif and dry) omit and glossy for revere) days. /t is ooncoded by, all wbo have well It to be tin best and clittiPtst Ipir Drestien As Woo d. rilllllre by JQB P BURNETT & Co., BOSTON, and tor as eln all ea era raaarally, at ISP coals a bet tie, dal-s3a/ LEGAL. NOTICES. 'l' . ltO'Aitva),iibVi.:: SPALDINO'S PREPARED GLUE! , , BPALDINOT PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLIM: WeVE THE PIEOES: ECONOMY! DESPATCH! Fg,'" A 87110111 N TIME IIVES NINE." As aceidentstaill happen, even in tvell-regulatedfaiiii Whit is very desirable to have some cheap nod con venient way for repairing Furniture, Toy■, Crockery, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such erne rgenoi es, and no household can airord to be without it. I; is always ready , and lip to the shot,. ing point, 'There sno longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken undies. It is lust the article for cone, shell, and other ornamental wort, so popular with Indies of refinement ey taste. his admirable preparation Is used cold, being cherni ea held in solution, and poneesing all trr valuable qualities of the best cabinet-makers Ohm. It may be used a in dhes the ive. plane of ordinary mucilage, being vast y more " USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N. O.—A Brush soctomeantes snob bottle. Price 25 cents, itcrrozseez,x Daror, No, 20 PLATT BY., PiXW Yon r. Adduces HENRY C. 4PALDINO & Co., Box 3,600, New York Put up for Dealere In cages nontaining four, Mt ht. and twelve dozen—a beautiful Lithographio Show-Card accompanying each package. rrir A mangle bottle or SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will enve ten time s ite cost annually to every bowlehola."lDY gold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hard ware and Furniture Dealers, Wooers, and Fanny Sr& ounttp merchants should make a note of }WALD ! WS PREP A RED GLUE, when making up their het, t will stand any ',lnnate. SPALDING'S PREPARED OLUEI USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDING'S:PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SPALDING'S - PREPARED aux, SOLD BY HARDWARE DEALERS. apjazitio , s PREPARED SOLD DY HOUSE-FURNISHING STORES. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, MILD 13Y FURNITURE DEALERS. SPALDING'A PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY FANCY-DOODS DEALERS SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SOLD BY GROCERS. SPALDING'S PREPARBD GLUE, SOLD BY COUNTRY MERCHANTS GENERALLY. Manufactured by HENRY C. SPALDING & (3 CEDAR Street, New York. Address Poet Mee, Box No. 3,600. - Annexed le an Alphabetical List or Articles which, if damaged, inns be metered to their original etrongth wad usefulness by SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. A—Mends ACCOUNT BOOKB ..... ..... ...A B.... Mends D..- ends DOLLS E.... ends ETAGERES ..,..... . 3A F.... Mends PANS G. • ..Mends GUITARS ...................»...0 I. —.Mende J.... Mends JARS Kit OBS. „ . , ....... ...Mends LEATHER - W0RK..........., M. -Mende Al 1 R RoR-FRAMES.... _ ....... M PI -.blonde NEWEL-POSTS 0.... M ends OTTOMANS.. P....Atende PIANO-FORT ..... ..... 1 1:1 Mende 11,,~~UIUI' FHA ....Mends OOK I NO-D.OrSES S....Mende SOFAS Mends TABLES ...,Mende Uhl SR ELLA-STICKS.— ....-- U V. ...Mends VASES. _ W _,Mends W0RK•14650,87....-,. X.—Mends X YLOGRAPIII C-WOR K.— - - X Y.... Mends YARD-STICK EL.. -.Y Z --Mende ZEPHYR WOOD-WORK. - .,.. - -„, .. . Z &.• • .I 3 oonobution. 8 pALDING'S PREPARED GLUE is naafi!' in Libraries and School*. 3....P....Mende PITCHERS • " ......P.... 3 3 ...A....Mende ACCORDEONS A 3 5.... L. • ..Mends I.ETTP.R. bEALING ... . 4 6....D....Mends DAGUERREOTYPE ASES..D. . 5 8. ... I .... Mend,' IMAGES 7,...N....Mends NEW BREAKAGES.. 8....61....A1 ends GUN SPOOKS 81111001,11001C5—......-, 8.... 10....p.•..ni0nds PARASOLS IL ...R....blende RULERS -.11 12 ...E....hleuds ELECTRICAL MA1M1NE5..E....12 PAPER-HANGINGS,. ........ P.... 33 14....A....Mends ARM-CHAIRS .... A.... 14 16....R....Mende RICKETY FURNITURE.. ..R. 16.... K ...Mende FRASER HANDLES . 17....11....Mende DESKS 111....G....Mends GLOBES —Mends LOOSENED LEAVES__.. _1,....19 W.—U....Mende Upholstered FURNITURE... M.—E.—Mende EGI.i.BEATERB . E.... 21 22.. Mends ACORN-WORK.-- _ . 23..-....Mande CH F:881-110ARDS--:-......- . it..... 'Mends FIDDI,ES . .." -- 23- Mends SHELL-WORK ..- - - -- . - :-• . 93 ...--. Mends FILLET-WORK .-:.. 27 .-.-.....Menda HOHBV-HORRY4...-..—..-: 28.--..... Mends KALEIDOSCOPES-- ...... -. 29- ...... Meet's RONEI-.IQAEN 30.—.... M ends PICTURE FRAMES- -.- ... 31.......- blends 8 EQBETA RIES—. 32 -.Aland!' VENEERING 33 „Mends SCHOOL. FURNITURE........-. 31........... MendsFA PIER-.11A0,11E —...---. 36 Mends WARDROBES 33.-- -Mend 4 VARIAN MAR8LE............, 37.----Mende 0181119 .3.....- ..••••• ••• - • • V,.....„-Mends BARY.III3IPERB-.._- 30....--Mends IVORY-WORK 40.- .... Mends MATCH-SAFE S **—••*-- 11 ..-. Mends PICTIIRES.,,„, . 42 .. 4 .-..... • Mends r:114.-WHEY.L112.•.............. 13.-- ....mends oM I, L-RA CKS..------ . 1.1 , ..•...-. mends VA5115TAND5—.............. .. M en16............ds BEDSTEADS - 46 .... DR MIS ...,_ ... .. ..,.... 11......... MendsCHESSAMN . 01....—.E013s BA1,11)T-BOXES .. ...._............ 19.--...... .......lends s DER 1ARNA1ik..„...,, 60 ...... .... arida DAC UAMMON-80ARD5........ ei..... Mends AND-BOXM, 62.--.... Mends LAOIC• DOA 1i1116....... ..... 65 ...-... Mends rig -VIOLS.. ~,,_ .... ......... 6/ ...--. Mends .13 I,LIAR AI R T A 8LE 5 ... ......::.. ..... -.... .33-.....- lends D MAAR, iptmo.—. _._ i 61.......-- fends BROOMS le ii, ___ as-- .... lend, BOOR-CAC, .. 69....--• ...Mends 1100T-ORI 31 8... .. .. . ..,....... 60.- Mends BRUSH-HA D 1., Ell . 61....___ Mende 13RUV1 44. . 1 ... -..-........_ 63--....... Mends EIMER_ S . 61.......... Men 4 0 LOctl;b,VES 63.... ...... Men a 2qpit., itl g . . 1 - -• ..- ..... . 61__...... ens : ' Ciiiitigk 4 - es. ...- _. lend, a ABinias ......,................... 69- . Mends CABDIt.s. ._. 70 Mends 0431. RA N TI -.Mends CHA1R5......... ..... - "•• • •-- 72 ....- Mends CHARTS . ..... ----.-• • 73 -Mends FRAMES CLOTRES: .-.• • • ..... • • • ........... 74 .. .. . Mends CARD-OASES ............. M. ... --Meads CHESTS 76.--,...Menda DIARIES . ~.,„,• ' ." 77_.-. Mends WORK - STA ND S •... - • ..--- 7& ...—. Mende DRAUGHT-BOAR:M:::.:::' 79.... Mends DIAHES. 80....-..-. Mends -) 9.6118 ••••••••-•-..• 81........__0ende ~/ OE-BOXES -••••••.....• end 83.--. ..... Men a ._) MIAPES.,, .* .•. 84.- ..... Mende FIREIWARDS * ---•-•-• _. —. 83......-.- Mende FLUTES 86-- --- Mends HALLUSTERS 87......-.Mende GLASS WARE:...... - .........-.... 88 - Mende HANDLES - 28 •• • ••• • .. 'Riegle iihrih-rtinCtfA wn i{E............. 91.... ...... Mende TOPS , 92 .... Mends ORrIANS. 23 --Mewls MODELS . . . NEWING-.3lAthilr,l4 irANDB... 93 ----Mends PAN'. I.Et . 9d......._. f,A A ltrAori Jo Alla 4K SlDlLlitrkftll9 ...... 99 Mends WOODEN WARP 100..._.... Mende WILLOW SPALDMO'S PREPARED GIME, BOLD BY ETATIONERS. SPAL6 rn PBRGISTaDIG' D S PEFPAREO ELtl U, 'N D BPALDEVO'S PREPARED GLEE, BOLD SI GROCERS. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLEE, BOLD DY HARDWARE STORES. SPALDING'S PR EPA Run GLUE, SOLD DY HOUSE-FURNISRING STORER. SPALDING'S PREPARE() GLUE. BOLD DY FANCY-000D3 DEALERS. spALptria's PREPARED 41,VE, BOLD BYTOW pt NTRy 3iennATti GENITALLY Manufactured hy jaNRY C. B_FALDIDIO k 4 to., 48 CEDAR Street, New York. Addrees Post °Moe, Box N 0.3,600. Put np in oases containing either Pour, Eight, Twelve dozen eaoh—A beautimlLi TllooBiritlC 14/101V CC) aeoompanying each pftokage. MEDICINAL RIISIITON'S CUD LIVER OIL, sop CONOVhIPTION TUE GRIEF AMONG PAINT IIOI/BAND, DALLEY'S MAGICAL EXTRACTOR 11 AN universally supplanted all other Ointments and healing applications, in both the Eastern and Western Hemispneres. wherever intro duced; and its inrrmsic mites is , ho trim secret of its success in all cutaneous effections, whether the cause be aradear or disegar, BI4NB 4 re, SOAPS ere instantly relieved of tl their anguish, pain and maimnation, by a timely ' application of this mar vellous healer, apd the dash is renewed as if by a °ha ru Ma i ng irelti E " IFITITSERV. Children are foams t i',,l ep ~rersirorri external .n- Juries, especially Dom Fluid and Camphene Ex plosions—therefore every ?-; mother should have this healing preparation con- 7 stantly on hand. It heals sore Jocasta and quickly a removes the TETTER or RINOWORgI, so preen- lent 'a the nor ,,i.y. TO TRAVELLERS 4 BY SEA AND LAND. The Machinist, the To, r .) yeller, and every other In dividual whose lot In life '.e thrown him withinthe chance of accident from 0 explosion, Are or refit et on, should hear 1111 pond "1 that this hi /410 ' EXtPSOOT m his hest and only friend. It' is both portable nocheap , cheap, anti 'Mould ever be m his companion, as a Mood in need, There are thou- midi of living witnesess to testify to its marvellous 41 virtue, • who owe their ilound limbs and muscles to its saving effioney. The following_ are a few of the leadaart team for which DAILLEY'S MAGI- CiAli PAIN E TRACT OR is a PREVENTIVE p as well am CUR ' i Purim Orysipellur, • Ppms or all kind', Bruise., Bode, Fmla tu . shot Wounds, groat gips, Betdfula, ' Broken Breast, Fever ore., Sour y, Bites of Reptiles, le sions Scalds, Cancer, laillilar Di. - Sport, Stafefilead, Craokod lAA'. a' se , Chapped Mande, Me a ial Bores, Skeins, Chilblains, !t t 1 spinally, Small Pos. Cramp, ironies, Tumors, Contraoted Cords, filen, Chafes. Polson, Tetter, Mere, Dietaries of the Rheumatism, Venereal Bores. Skin, Rashes, ' Re. Bold at the prineipal Depots, IS Broadway, New Vor, and St and IN Chartres Wein, /VW Orleans. by . WRINDT (10.. Opfieral t get. it pun 10 he o - tamed of l retinae able ro let* d Merchants throughout th e United States an Canada. T. W. LYOTT Ir. BOBS. Old North 5 bOOND Street, fob Wholesale Agents; fur Pennaylvania. REMOVALS. WM. D. KELLEY AND GEORGE A. COFFEY, Atrornere at Law. have removed to 129 Saab SIXTH Street. below Chestnut. fe2B- Ile REMOVAL. --SMALL ec CHANDLER, 6G N o rth NT EOLESA LE GROCERs_ ,_hive r RET Streetemoved ion SECOND Street, to no above Froot. north aide. takll M I L TO N J 'S N NOAUSTI O TI LLS fo L mono L Chimney Tops for oottspn. trqn landFoit Irg%lMrngWetOf *inston. %OWN iIiItIANTV:I PISOATOW AL SPO4Tii. PHIL!? WILSON ¢ 4 A2 CHESTNUT St., would Invite the lover, of PISCATORIAL BPO O T the finest ansortment, and Best quality, of TACKLE ever offered In this oily. Such roe Burgess' world-renowned Trout. Beas, and Salmon ROllll. Superior Trout, Bass. and Salmon Flies Super per extra Llmerio, Virginia, Carlisle, Salmon, and 4 Hooke. Radio, Baskets, Artificial Batt. Silk, Ilk end Hair, Orals, UM, and Cotton Linen. mhe Sot VEND FUNDS. MI , RICAN SAVING FUND--Compa nE!s Building, southeast corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. Open daily from 9 till 6 o'clock. and on MONDAY tills in the evening. This Old Institution has al wa ' 5 M i l` kß i etl'FTlVri i ttit ' ll h ar "55. Ali rams paid bass on demand, in gold and silver. TRUSTEES. ALFX, WHILLDIN, President. tiAhl L. WORK, Vice Prestdeet. John C. Farr. T. E. Harper, George Nugent, John Ansgaiih, Jr, Sitml T. Bodine, Alb. C. Roberta, John Allman, Jonas Bowman. • It. H. Eldridge, Wm. J. Howard. JOHN B. 'WILSON, Treasurer. PJOHN C. SIMS, Seeretarr. mli2-19011 'PRING GARDEN SAYING FUND EG CLEW OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, No, 331 North TRIII Street (Colidation B LEGIS LAT UR Einga CHARTERED 1W THE oprEns- SYLVANIA. . Deposits received in ennui of One Dollar and i licrards. and repaid iq Gold, without notion, with y ' PER CENT. INTERED'r from the day of deposit tli with drawn. A responsible. and Tellable !wrings Institution ku long been needed in the Northern part of the city, and" The lig:ring Garden Savings Fund eomety " was cpartered by e Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this neoeuity. The Managers. in organizing end locating it, have trip governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the b - ' nem interest and wants of the very large. and outage - Ping population bf which it is "grounded. 9 FICE OPF DAILY. From Ito PM O'c oak; also, on Monday and lekanwheY from I until a o'clock in the evening. WiLISAAIRRII. ;ge i liaLr e liett, f_G:oha_n Ilinitb, arum UnilAcoirer, freiletiraW,' ranch' Hart, mesh Y. LeOlens. ohn Ressler, Jr.. leorge_Rneoht, James H. Pringle, Jaco b Dook, 4oseph E t Crowell, Son. Wm. hilliwerda . 7:2t.12=7, Geo. T. Thorn, Rohert 11, Dvidso. JAMES H. PRINGLE. President. FRANClSHapr.Beoretaty. Harr. Beorete}y. fa.lo-ti IS S. APING FUND.---lINITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and WEE/Ti- T Streets. arse and small rams received, and paid hack en de mand without noticeorith FIVE PER OENT. INTE REV from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. (Moe hour,, from 9 until o clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 Until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and 11901109. frrupward.. realdent—fiTEPHEli ft.'ORAWFORD. easurer—JAMES It. HUNTER. LINY P/81i. Actuary. SAVING FIIND--FIVE PER CENT. IN. TEREST.-11ATIONAL SAFETY TRUST 00A1 raLl7litegogrnla s tv h ar Aaalf Tar. kon . 4 received In any sum large or am all, and In terest from the day of darait to the day of with drawn . The office to oven every day from I &Moog In the morning till 5 o'clock In the evening. and on /Kendal and Tharalay eVentige t tr a o'olek. Iron, E Y NNER, Preildect. ROBE " BELFR OR, Vico Prendeat. W1LL1...11 J. Ram Secretary. DIE3OI 0116 wardl r . l c i'Aitnnu' re:4Zni t , li" 1 " 4 ". • IN re t t It if ai:A , c mill Let Landreth Munn, )ataro Ohurlienson. one) , II reoeived Lid psymenti wade daily. he InVestmenta are made, lit oonformity with the . vinous of the Charter, In Heel Estate Mortgagee. round Bente, and nolt finet-olaae securities AS 'WM at- Insure Reflect Security to the derrnaitor& and ob ca t nno tution.t tell to [tie 34611:1311401i07 alit etaMnl-Mnty to Ine PIANOS. ffifffi STEINWAY 8; SOWS NEW PA TENT OVER-STRING GRAM) PIANOS QU r tR.E GRAND, AND SQUARE tIANOS,'now pre ferr in concerts and in inmate wales by the beg , per onners. Received the brit premiums over the bee makers, from )edges like Gottschalk, ?flagon, and others. Challenge alloompetition. BLASIUS Et ItOTD.EREI, de-tv HOS CHESTNUT 'Street. • HOLIDAY PREUNTEII PIANO-FORTES, ntELOpEONS. PIANO-FORTES. biELO.M.V.Orig• PIA 0-Faffl3B. MELOD 0148. PIANtgORTES at oasorth. • Node la Bevan, Bacon, & Ca, Nunn & Clary, REAM marui, & Co.. 53/13 others. J. B. aoutp, IIIiVENTIE and 011FATN ui. if:FRI A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN PIANOS, Saif OMACKER CO., CHESTNUT Street, respeotfullv invite the muds loving patine to call and examine their new and rue easeful itnyrovement— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch, and Action of the Grand Piano into that of it Squarelnstniment, livolding &lithe objections generally made to the style of rand Piano, Also Anishing the cost Of the same. n volume, purity of tone, great power, brilliancy, fall. neu, depth, and evenness of touch, with exquisite doll eau and sweetness,thcse SUPERIOR AND BEAUTI FULLY -FIN/SHED IN STRUMENTS are whollyl4:ailed. 'They have received the highest irus, are enoommma, pronounced by critics to be far en parlor to any trainenta ever mandeatured in this "n aggetly on hand, a taro and elegant assortment of our unrivalled PIANOS. We have been awarded the First Premiums, it all exhibitions deer exhibited, lit eluding the Prize Medal from the Cryetal Palace Exhi bition. New aek,lBge. SEWING MACHINES. VW - HEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. HENRY COY, Agent, Bf 9 ORRSTNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR. Maohinet, with Oceratora, on lure to Private Reunifies. BRANCH OVVICI9: 1 Wert STATE Street, Trenton, N. J. 110 CENTRAL SQUARE, Egiitair P. Jotll-40n 34 36 36 37 33 .39 40 WILCOX & GIBBS' SEWING MA CHINE.—Tbo great and Increasing demand for Widen: ic Gibbs' Banal illachiqo is a gusrantea_or rte inferior excellence. Price 830. Poi sale at FAIR- S NHS' Seale Warehouse,TH CHESTNUT Street. eB-tf SHIPPING. FOR TIIE SOI3TIL-OHARLEB - AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPS. FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy al ht at an average Opt/vans per coat, be low New rfor Steamsto p rates. OA OHAitLESTION t S. C. The U. S. h all Steamship S.EY 8 ON_H STATE. Cap. Tatl2darehman, will pal op Saturday, Mareh 0 . 1. hngh i 4,7 to ati honre—only 40 hours at See. NOR SAVANNAH. GA. The U. B. Mad Steamship STATk. OF GEORGIA , Captain John J. Garvin. will smitten° to receive freight until 1 P. M.. and nail at 6on Monday. March IL '1 hroush in 68 to 03 hours—only ati hours at Sea. litirsailing days at anted from every Saturday tO every five days. Goode received , and Bills of Lading retried every eke. The splendid first.e'ass side-wheel Steamships xsy- STONE STATE and STATE OP GEOROIA now run es above every ten days, thus forming a five-day comma nination with Charleston and Savannah, and the Sout4 and Southwest. At lath Charleston and Savannah, these Shiro °ma rmot wi th steamers for Florida and with railroads, /so, for all plaoes in the South ankflouthwest. INSURANCE. k'neight and Insurance on a large proportion of 000ds shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing VBslloil. the premium being one-halt the rate. • N. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight ie entirely unneonegarY, farther than Cherleeton or esvaorAh.thr, Railroad C 94t ompamea RtuEbi nDlJMg all lON I rs N eks k FRt.nenee sho pointy. HAT Fare by tele route le to AO per cegt. ()peeper than by the Inland Route. vnll.tut anon by the following lobe mile. Through Rout` eta from sladelphis. vi% Charles ton and Revenant' earusbipe, INCLUDING aIk.:ALS on the whole route , except from Oharleeton and eavan nah to Montgomery INLAND VIAL. To Charleston„,,.....sls 00' Charleston ...... -dr /10 Savannah.._— „ 16 00 Savannah..._ 31 00 Augusta- 2000 Augusta 20 ft) mnon 91 00 Mac0n.......,.... 413 Atlanta.- ____ 23 ft , A.laeta•—• .•-.. 91 00 Columbl4.--.. „ . ;3 GI Colulubda.—..... 36 f 0 Alban, 00 Albany. 37 00 Montgomery 26 00 Alontgomers.- -- 38 00 hMobde36 00 Mobile...-. 46 90 New (Menne - 39 76 New °dean, 07 EXCURSION TICKETS 0 TIIE CIIARIor CONVENTION " 25. No bills of lading 01$004 after the ship has La i ed. For freight or rieseire apply on board, at second wharf above Vine street, or 'to ALEX. HERON Jr., Southwest corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT, Agents in Charleston T. N. & T. U. 1112 1) 11,_ Savannah. BUNTER :s aAnitELL. For Florida from Chyrioll96, ateamer Carolina every Tireaday• For llorldri from Savannah. etsamera St. Mary's and St. John a, every Tuesdal anti Saturday. 04SFOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.- NN ANYW YORK AND HAVRE STEAMSHIP The Cattail _States Mall Steamships IAOO, 1,100 tons, 'David Linea, Commander, and FU TON, _TAO tons, James A. Walton, Commander; Neil leave NeW York,. Havre, and Southampton , for the year ISO, the following dare • To meet new resutrarion,t3 of tyke loot (Mee . Dep_art ment,the_daya the AKAGO end F ULTON from NAVA.% end SOUTHAMPTON. till after their Vtiffflle. v a c v l e a Mt l lle b il e as c e h rligg m rele o n n t o ire . p . a i rTu r ie NNW ofl FULTuri, wain will take plajon the 17th December ° , the schedule remai unaltered: 110 X Ile_W TORI. WWI ARV 101THAXP1ON, FULTON....tIeo. 11. FULTON-...1an. 10.... Jan. 11. FULT O 01. ARA 00...- Jan. 7. --Jan. St..- Feb. 1. FULTON...4O. 4. FUL ON—Feb.lB . A Feb. 72. ARAI:3O—.3TO. 3 ARA '0.....310.37...111.M.59. FULTON....ApI. 2S. These steamers, built expressly for Government ser vice, with double engines, tinder deck, every attention has been taken in the construction of the hull and ma chinery to insure safety and epeed. The slung have Ave water t ight compartments enolosing the engines. so that in the event of collision qr atranding, the water Wed pat teepti th4m. pnd the parses joint free to wotk, the safely ill thy vessel ell persrepsers woild 1)46 - cured. Repeat experience as demonstrapyd the abso lute necessity of this mode o constreetiou. The accommodations for pliesSensers Are bellevtitO combine every comfort end oonviiplent4 411 t 44u be 0- aired. P . ;cirn New Ton to Coullitmplon or .111Yrt—Pint CapiniV; SteOW do., 471. Fro Vie or bouthampton to New York—Pint Cabin, rano" ; Second do., WO 'ranee. To poggongere going to London these otORMOI7I offer the advantage, of economy both in time end nevem. Beetle delivered In London. No passage secured until Paul for. An experienced mason on board. All letters and news payers must page through the Poet Moe. For fret ht or pasnage apply to c7 W I E i lit l ty NTAOhNi vr ad , ern . NOW York. Juktpaii, van.m.compAi,y, Agent, ants. WM, ransorr, AKont, offioe, Tobacoo WIIShOne, DOCK and FRONT Street', rtuladolphhe. Plane of the shwa On he aeon. nt9.tmh3l TAR BRITISH AND NORTH BIIIPS, AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- PROM nEw 'max to trykkennl.. aid Cabin Veksage • Nagel Cabo hoartrii•-•- • ...... is 'fowl; oosTON TO 1 , 11 , 411LT00L4 MAC Oiltin Passage-- .... tieeond Cabin Peeling° The einem from 13oeton eall at .fialifai and Cork liar bor. PERSIA, Capt. Judicial', ' CANADA, Capt. Lary ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar, ASIA, Capt. E. U. Lott, N!A QA BA,Capt.Anderson AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, Ir:BROPA, Capt. .1. Leitch, flepTl A, (now Inuldiug.) Ur velselli carry a clear white light at masthead; gree on a !board Law on port bow. IRA If A, tope, leave N. York, Weiltkekilky, Feb'y 29 EURtiPA, each, " llegton, Wednewlay, March 7 AFRICA, &mann, " N. York, Wednesday, March 14 AM EA ICA, Millar, " Boston, Wednesday, March 21 ASIA. Lott. " N. York, Wednesday. Mareh 29 C A NADA. Lang, " Boston, Wednesday, April 4 AH A u.A, Stone, .. N. York, Wednesday, Apri 11 NIAGARA, Miller, " Boston , Wednesday, Apri l PERSIA, Junkies, " N. York, Wednesday, Apri! 20 Bertha not seoured until paid bur. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of those ships will not be accountable for tioid, Silver. Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, Precious Swim, or (detain, unless bills 01 Wing are elgneil therefor. and the value thereof therein exerpoeoci. ' t' fro•bt or passage apply to E. t., 14 Min, fe27 • Bowling Green . ow York. KAKI/WARE PACKAGE HOUSES. 44 3A0KAn umpwARE HOUSE.—We would respectfully ci}ll the attention of the Genit al Ilardware Trade to our &Steamy° Stook of 111 - IdlNtiliAal HARDWARE, which we offer at small tdvanco by the package. Orders for direct tooport!soltottle r de tested either thin oily. r ann.& 00, 41 4 c ) t risinuß Street, 'bodies seP Cemtniseloe Merohnte. And &ante for - Foretat and Doutettio Ilastivare. ant 2-0 rV IV CROP NEW ORLEANS SUGAR.- 4 54 .1 4 11 6 d :ini n tY l Pti " Negi B elli " lAa flUBBllB—For sale by WETHERILL rt BsrYi B $ R U and 0 Karla BEoosl9lree4 f. SALES BY AUCTION. FURNESS, BRINLEY, 1 00. NO. 429 MARKET 111TRT, SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. Tneadav Morning. March I.lth. at 10 o'clock. by catalogue on six months' credit— = packages and lots of fancy and staple French dry goods. Catalogues and samples early on the morning of eats. PARIS EU' K OKOS DE REINES. vu Tneeds3 blonalnir. 32 pieces Wel( inch bosh lustre black 20 pieces 71! ea black LRAP dynk. f r , Oftl4 fine French Mack dm d'ete. IGINGIIAMS. PERSIANS, AND DE ',LINES. 4 oases Poop plsid singhains. 2 eases fancy ;mined Persians. 3 cam fader , mows de leinss. • PARIS PRINTED SILK TISSUES AND CUALLEYS. te An invoice of nob Paris printed silk tissues, worsted Lames, and challeys. BSCOTT, Jr, AUCTIONE'EIt, No. 431 S CHESTNUT aTREET A meosite the thudOus 1100110. between FOURTH and FIFTH Streets. SHERtPriI BALE OF THE BALANCE OF THE STOCK OF HARN}SS. TRUNKS, Ac., ke., MANU FACTURED BY Mr. C. F. HENSEL. This !damning, March lOth,commenomg Itoat 'cloc. will be sold by order of W. H. liern t sheriff, the entire balance of the stock, comprising missle and double harness, ladies' end gents' saddles, riding and dnyrns tindiss. halters, Aq. buperior sole-leather trunks and bonnet boxes, valises, aro N. I.—Purchasers at the sale of fhe,ath met . are no tified that all goods uncalled for on Friday, 9th. will be sold for account said risk of whom it may concern. SPECIAL SALE OP STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES, RII,VOLVINO AND PLAIN BOXER, ike., ho. 1 his Morning, March 10th, commencing at It o'clock, comprising an assortment aline colored English groups and YieVl. L s et fine plain and.colored views, c. • Also, walnut andred c besfr wo, rosewood boxes for tO and 25 Die lure,. sintle boxes, ha. FIRST SPRING BALE OP STRAW GOOD& On Monday Morning, March 12th, by catalogue , on a credit , commencing at 10 o'clock, will be acid MO ENDS, Comprg latest et) les Igdies' while and colored English and satin. Straw and fancy, Moe Mid lair, braids, fire willow , lace, and drab bonnets, ladies' and gummy' trimmed and untrimmed Leghorn and braid hats and bloomers. RATS. Mat's and boys' white and colored Leghorn, Banat. and Panama hats. HUBBARD & GORMLEY, AUCTIONERRB, 790 ',LAMEST &beet. PHILIP FORD & CO ) AIIOTIONERRS, N., sso htARKET Street. iod SII MINOR *treat. M PEREPTORY NAI,E OF INGRAIN AND VENE TIAN CARPETING. On Tuesday Morning, Moron 13th, at lON, o'clock. will be cold by catalogell, on six mouth...nada, 360 pieces soper ell-wool and worsted ingrain carpeting., wool filling do, Vauban and list 4-4, S-4, end a 8 carpeting. SALE OF BOOTS, BHOES. AND BROGANS. On Thursday bloratug. March 26th. at 10 o'olook ➢reoisely,will be sold by catalogue, on four months credit, 1,000 oases Boots and Shoes. as rollows: . . Men's, boys', and youths French Cal? Boots and Bro gans; FT87)011 Calf Congress Gaiters and Osfozo Ties , Patent Leather do, and yrengh Patent Opera Boots; Men's, boys', and youth. Calf and Boa Fterielti Ties; women's Prenoti, Morocco. and Vinton& heeled Boots of finest quality •• finned Union Ttes of 'French, Mo rocoo, and onm'd T.eather muss and children's Calf, (Yost,. Grained, Heeled, and Opting Lacs Boot. Also, in sale. an assortment of ourynade Boots, Baiku2B, Ties. and Bli Nara. from a first-class manufacturer. namples of tee cases Beaten Gingham and Bilk Um brellas. Goode open for examination, with catalogue, earl/ on morning of sale. G J. WOUBERT & CO., AUCTIONEERS, • 619 ARCH Street. between Fifth and Sixth. REGULAR SALES. Dry goods, clothing, strew goods, carpet!, boot!, 'hoes, ern.,lotaadapted to the city ar.d country re tail trade. by catalogue, sad for earth, every Tuesday and Friday Furniture, china, glean. kn., every Wednesday morn tn plants, vine. k.e.. every Thursday and Satur day morning during the season. Special sales of ell or any desonption of property at any time to nit the conveshence of the owners thereof. IMPORTED APID DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, &e. O FOR 11. Taciday Morning, 13th hist , at 10 o'clock, at 510 arch street, by cata logue, andin lots adapted to the city and country retail trade— ISO lots imported and domestic staple and fano? dry goods. Embroidered cloth table covers. damask linen do.. fine, super and extra laconete, white and brown half hose, napkins, men's neck ties, embroidered skirts, chnliers, linen cambno handkerchiefs. needle-work collars, prints. de lames. French snub,, suspenders. sewing silks. gloves. regatta shirts, cravats, linen shirt fronts. inserting,. linen edgings, lace caps and collars, shawls and scarfs. roots. belts. summer coating, later, tassels. friezes, bang. skirts, glove stretchers, Ac. Ac. Also, men's and boys' boots, gum shoes, &c. SUPERIOR FURNIT RE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, FRENCH CHINA, WHITE GRANITE WARE, gco. On Wednesday Morning, 11th inst., at 10 o'clock. at 019 Arch street, a large as sortment of finely manufactured and hrushed walnut furniture. oval French plate mirrors.silver- plated cof fee and tea seta, lee pitchers, covered dishes, castors. butters, sugars. saltS. Au. trench China and white granite were of the 4t rt BRILLIANT DIAMOND JEWELRY. FINE WATCHER, /so, On 'lnures' Eventing, Igßt inst., at 731 0 clock at 510 Arch street, by catalogue. Brillient diamond Muller ems, finger rings, and studs emerald and ruby rum; Ladies' watches, set in dia monds; gentlemen's watches, of the Ingheat coat and best makes ; imported bracelets: Jewelry, in sets and 1114 . 1e y wc e e i v r n fin g e rsa a t i ivr y e itar;;Tbursdir. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, make's* corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. MONEY TO LOAN.I 4930,000 to loan, in large or small amount!, OP Mocks. gold and silver plate, diamonds, vitW, Jewel ", fmruns piston, dry al ago lag , 11 ". Ci.. sars„hardware, oatiery, must ins en , urnitere, bedding, horses whi ch hit esd, an on all artialse of salUe, for EU bun th be time agreed _neon. on more I kb:tat Sereits .an at any o th er eaniblitament in this oitY. GREAT CRANCE FOR RARGALNS. At private sale, splendid nip.% forte, to nob rosewood ease, east $4OO price Si lad. tine la -caret gold hawing- Cana Patent levee watch. doable tune and indmitindent seconds, only 912 a; fine told hunting.ease lEndbib pa. tent levee watches."[ th e wont iipprouki and but make'', from WA to 8100; be gold double bottom ' ftg.. bah patent lever Watt,. Fe, boot wake, ream sin to gjej4 fine Id-oarpt buntlePeale detached Patent Iron watchee.l3 Jewels, from Cs to j ; open ma do., tont trio to Sat; fine 1S -enrol got r Levine hunting tlealli watches at $11),• open face do toittilit to sf 9; salver English patent laver watc h es, In hunting Cases MO double Iwtrom, albs , moot approved and best range, from $lO to $2O ; American hunting e as e ether patent lever watches at °SS; hunting r , silver duplex ratehee ; ditto double time. frpsn lite °SP; hunting : rc,...d fi v. vii l l ,, t viab f r.,,_l p t s Je d w o. s , gil m z s g 11 2 tar, 1 41111Ii i r CMS 4NOT nataanl4 layer watches. lkjewels, IMP ato V, oven face do., from Ite to 43, hunting ease stir time watches, full jewelled, from $lO to 310; open ace do.. from 83 to 46; sliver quarter 4 watches,rom 33 to ea; silver Franntorato es, tom 31 to $3; gold patent hunting OW) and open NIS litrer and Leone, English, Sense, and Frepoll^ or. rola $1 to 1310 ; finagold vent, fob, and nweelmitur 60 cents per dwt.; fine !toll sets of es k r-ntet; hesitates , and bracelet.; bands, Lintz.; kings, and Jewelry, of every de scription for tau th an half the usual selling Prone& °Stile t to loan', to to snit Spillman', op eta and every dof goods, at less rate of ottaaiing that any Other egtablishment in the city. OUT-DOOR ALE° Attended to personas 14 the S eaetenaer, "Anti In °bargee. . . . . CONSIGNMF.NTS conaljrnmenur of all and evo lad or roods anlidted LICI for Public, sale two-thirds_ltto von s clan goo& wal tot adratoscl In antunpabon °I the sec M 8 NATNANIL WASUINGTON. GREAT CATALOGUE SALT OFBOOKS IN {WASHINGTON,—The sultscribers are now arranging for into, to commence on TUESDAY. March 701 n, WA. at 10 o'clock. in the large room. second door vest of the auction coons. about volumes of books.l pn noipaily second-baud,) comprising the collec tions of the late Mr. Templeman, and the late S. U. Death. of Georgetown. D. G. The pontoonc embraces pinny rare and valnaltly Works In every department of biteraturn and tioleuce. a more full description of which ne found In the cata logue which may In obyainen on application to J. slam% south sIXT 11•$treet i " JOSHUA RlTCHlE,Administratgr, J. C. McOOlll.E. A, CO., Auchonsera. rnltlatuth-sloth-1) Witatkigglng, D. imuCA'IIONAL. im AR lON SELECT SCHOOL—Located six miles vest of Cartiste. c^„ 0. V. V,. V. Frani val. P. M. L. GILLP.LEN. Losialtir bealibb rural. free from temptattoo and wee. Cticulate can be obtained at the Rooms of the PprOytertan Xtoard of Publicstton cite oft in to Y. M. C. Association, and at this *lgoe. or Inrtber information tio or the Rev. F. H. P wEa. N 0.1313 CliE.5 MVP direct. until Maroh the I:,th. or at the placelythOre oirculars are left. mh3-100 SCHOOL INSTITUTE is reliable medium through Which &hoots and Fami lies may obtain conic tent teacher,. Parents may ob tain, gratuitously, in urination and °lranian of the best schools, , y 8 ,t WOODMAN, t, CO.. M S & trli?;l 7 " , N7/101,1L Stoat. NEW BOARDING ' BOIIOOI, TIJSCAII.OEA FEMALE IN% frrETE Will be opened at ACADEAIIA, Juniata ettallt7, on the Ist day of MAY next. For announcements ma. taming terms, &0.. apply by letter. or personalty, till lot April, to the antsorther. at all VINE Street, I , kiladel. Phi& ; alter that at ACADEMIA. Junia E. ta co E unty,ra. W. 0. AN. VINE bWtreet. fat dm, BRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Pal delokia, corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT ; Now York, Buffalo. Cleveland, Clime.", cad eh. Loma. For information. coal or send for I.*Wozne. fea-ti CENTS' IMUNISIIING GOODS. ir W. SGOTT--late of the firm of Win- Lir • cheater eh. rtgat—O i TNTLEIHr'S FURNIS HO MAI , . and tllll T ItIAN FACTORY. 814 °own; tr.l Scree ,( nos. °spoilt* e Omni/I°l2Boj Pnltadetplua. wpalti trosasstfully re call the attention of his for l uir patrons and friends to his new sto , and is pre psabort to all orders !or SHIRTS at notice. /s per sot fitguarantied. Wholesale Trade sannbad 1 1 011 fine Shiro and Collars. COAL % KP P. KELLIM 'LIMO. D. St.o.y. EILER & EMORY, Office N 0.140 WALNUT rarest. Philadelphia, Pa., SO AGENTS FOR E. Bordes euperiar Broad Mountain White Ash, and k. liecksher k Co.'s celebrated Black Heatkand Otto C 0 A L. Shined hr canal and railroad from Schuylkill Raven, Schuylkill co., Pa. feliaso. OUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR -.-sintarstat. Ray ',oar CI:IA.I,AT mew, what' =flow; out Near bestatity of Lehigh. and &hap kilt Coal la &fere a...the fol lowing redacted pm:text Lehigh, Broken , an s par ton. tahayliNll. " oo Wat , 3 " a e rrantad free from dale Or . difitAncfall wetght, al W.Mir d odt°43ltr. e'"ue afaxnHALL ona-tut GROONIE & CO. • 06106 146 Botitn FOURTH Street. Joe WHARF, STREET, SCHUFLIIKS. Dealers and Shiaueis or Locust Monstain, O Lehig ALh. and Schuylkill . C. Marshal:disc taken on wharfage. =CRORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHI° fl COAL,preptrod with tLare. for saleni but terirt. App'7 sal KIIUWLEB FS Depot. NINTIi aud WILLOW Mt Mete al iSta DRAWING AND PAINTING MATE- Iaw% Eagipeerg and Architect{' Stationery. scum Tainting Materials. qt!ohomacusDec cn; and Vases. mat Boxes for Childrea, and also for Argisti and rtotarea and Picture Frames. Paring Cards, Ante ri can and Preach, catalogue , . grebe to the ere Ate. SCHOLZ h JAh i IITZIt Y. WHOLVRALT4 Aldna } t4, 3 fi El° .. Street. nAMAGED HAVANA CIGARS.--4 few oftiAß9 of the "FIGARO" brands. net re coLved• and eh ;ht li dßemed. Red for We low. ty/ 1e114.10t OHA LES 'IETE. 139 WALNUT &met. REFINED SUGAR.-500 bbls. crushed, Pu sr l : 4 v firmusilyeillet4 Acne TO" r JAMES Una-U.4M & C .1.44/ BAY RUM—Pure West ladia.—Fine ar tO for Headache and ToH i r eopAgA QYRUP 14101.ASIles C --500 . 1 / 11 4 8 , trid P ,3 tbls. sad medium B Viint Mai= /La . Ott BALM; BT AUCTION; • U'moues- ,t soNs,_. • Noe. 119 sad 141 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. t Fonnetly Nos 119.1 - - STOVE AND REAL ESTATE. TUESDAY xgrs. "wet oasaisvea easr ready, watszeungpag seriptioes of all the properties to be aokt on next. 13th met.. at 13 o'clock 'nowt. vitt) s awe/ 14 b 3Oth. 27th. and nth Kush. and 3d 13th. end Ettli Apra. A large amount of vslasble proDet47. cARD. FIFTY-FO inern TRADE seLs.—TheFittr•knith Philadelphia Trade Palate Bookabi pospatenas oa moriday, 19th ktarett. Cataloira teadY. SPRING BALES—STOOKS &ND &RAI REITATS. "agar Baring Sete—March 13th. at noon, at the Et ehenge. Such Banos &le—March Itth, on the premises, 1217 Walnut street. Valuable residence. chaos nth nth spring We, March Seth, et neon. at the Ex- Mir c Part of the handbills for each of the above selee now reads. CAM—PUBLIC BALER REAL ESTATE AR! STOOLS A.T THE RXCELARGIL—EaIse of real estate end stooks every Tuesday, at the Exalt/ince. IST Contributor' hems the option of either We. ilgir Handbills of earth ,property toned separateir. addition to whir& se eublamk. on Me Ratenfity ererami to the sale, one thousand catakisaise, Ileilank*t lonnu Ming desoripuonsof sli me properties to be 90W on this tollirerieuTseidayi. REALESTATE AT PRIVATE W.E. Sir We have a large anuerukot real estate at prime iale, Imhof/an every descriebraof arty and , amity inbuorty. Printed hat* may be rap tiau atom aIT PRIVATE VALE Real estate entered ou our private ony r e sate = ( and W v hlA d 00eoareprinedvnek b ,lfreeefehau if STOCKS. ko. o'O esday. *Sarah 13th, at re c l ock .. noon, at the Philadelphia Exchanae,will be wild. without reserve, for account whom it may concern -20 shares London Park Cemetery stock, Baltunere. Md. rer, 81M Der share. Also. for other accounts -1 Share Philadelphia Library Company. 1 do Mercantile Library CossoloY. 6 Shares American Academy of Slosio, with ticket. FIFTH SPRING BALB—MARCH 13, At 12 o'clocknoon. ceaOrphane Court dolo— Errs of Mark Whites - Mos. Jo e TWO THREE-STORY BRICR DWELLTNGS, north west corner of Juniper and Rodman street., between. • Thirteenth and Broad and Lombard and Reath streets. OrP'ens' Court 81,1e—tatate of Howell Donning, de ceased— NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. Lt 7 'oath Thir teenth street,..shore Walnut street. LARGE AND SUPERIuR uSIDENCE SPRUCE STREET—Three-story bock rectidecee. with all modems owl vemeness, N0.15C. Spruce street, with green bones, conservatory. stable. coach house, and lane tot, 44 feet front, 1140 feet deep to Lau mer street. Two frosts. Execute& Sale—Eatate of Robert Knox toott, oe da- VAt.UABLE LOT, SI ACRES, with fins stone barn. and fro.. t of-over POO feet on Indian Queen late, near Germantown. 07' Pleplan. TWO BA NDBO.ll.k. MODERN RESIDENCES.Areit sto north side, cut of Twentieth street; finished with all modern conveniencre. liar immediate ix:wee/sloe. MODERN THREE-STORY swim( swiziAANG. No. 990 north Fifth street, between George and Wage? street.. lsto N Liberties. MODERN DWELLING, No. 9040 Vine street, be tween Twentieth and Twenty-first street". TWO-STORY BRICK. DWELLING, No. r Place. ( formerly Bards Couto between L oa ns: and! Spruce and Tenth and Elerenth street'. BIRTH SPRING SALE—MARCH 11th, Sale en the Premises. VALUABLE SYALN UT-STN E ET RESIDE.NCE AND FORM tURE. On Wednesday Morning. March lath. at , f) o'clock. on the premise', 121 Waled. Street. the large and superior rendence. with stable. coach house, and lot of ground, w feet front.= fest In depth. to George street; built in the best meaner, for the ' P I MA - 11E7e excellent nusi RT. and is Ina ord. r. will be sold immediately after the house. sir Particulars in handbells and Obtakijaaa. BEVENTIE SPRING BALE—lusen ma t tr o'c nn. Orphans' Court Ba At le—Fstatelo ck', of Jam oo es If. Rtea aj ,, d e ed, LARGE LOT AND BUILDING, pos.: e v e -4 eemer Phalli: and Hope mosers. frith a, most on Howard street, Kersmston. Lot SO hz ieet. Three fronts. Fame estate.—VALLTABL4 slump. 141,mM:ital. AN L. e iROE LOT, Water street and River Delayers, north of Callowhtll street. Loth bye (set NEAT MODERN RERIDENCE, northwest comer of Fourth ettkßatronwood street. RANDRONA MODERN RFSIDENCE.,_with Ede. Yard, N 0.311 North Fourth latest. &neve Belimwood street. Lott b .151 fest- LUABLE FARM. 184 ACR ES. with Ens umprnra meats. known am The Hishisnds:' New tlntaut foram en!". Baas county, miles northwest of Doyles town. and same distenee from tiara Brown ebisdert. North Penns f trams Railroad. BUSINL.I'S PROPERTY.—Three three-story tail* stores, Noe. fr=, 52.5, and 972 o.rard avenue, east of Tenth street. MODERN FOUR-STORY RESIDENCE. with mo dern conveniences, No. OLT Franklin street. above Par rish street. MODERN THREE-STORY RESIDENCE. N0.24/3 Cherry street, with modern conventessas. Peremptory SaIe.—THREE-STORY magic DWEL LING, ho. 838 Lumen) straes, between Wharton and Reed streets. Pint want._ liar Sale atwolate. LA PIA CORNER LOT emathwatt comer of EMlG well and Coons r streets, 52 by 33 feet. Two fronts. liineteehth BUILD/NG LOT, salt side or Amber street, north of N'rru street. Nineteenth TWO LOTS. FRANK FORD, Northeast cdsi of Or thodox street. smith of Taekawanns street, together q b yyyy teat . Twenty third ward. TWO TBRER - STORY BRIC K DWELLINGS.tor air .1 L.dtar and SitfAstmets, fLxteenth ward. BUILDING LOT. southeast career of Wood and Brown streets, Late Rensington. BUILDING LOT, nortbesstwardly side of Wood street south of Brown street, late Kensington. Rossiya r'sle—Nsa le and 13 South Sixth wtoet, STOCK UNFINISHED PIANt,S, MATRRILLS. . LUMBER, VENEERS, TOSI.S. This 'Morning. Marsh 10`b, at 10 o'clock. at Nos. Sand 13 South Sixth street, by Order !Atha wort, this stock of Mesa; & Schuler, comyitaza, t a Bomber ohnsfumbed pianos, piano M1R.1.794ph An& susabsyof *Mao eta tonal', tuscbtaa. AIM, a taaoll l l of lumber* Yeneers, tot*, vest beuctie, ka ttT FOJl*asiiol3llars In wIW7 °sues. Salo No. WI North El•renth Street NEAT FURNITURE. BRUSSELS CARPETS. Ala. Oa htonday Alornixtc. March 12th, st la o'clock. at No. 644 North Elerrestl street. store Parrish street, the neat household and kitchen fertuture of a gentleman declining housakses- Sir May be examined at 8 O'eloeY oc the titaness of aalo. EXTENSIVE SALE OF CHOICE AND SPLENDID ENGLISH BOOKS. ELEGANT ILLE4TRATED WORKS. ho. On Monday. March MI, and followins eveninre until finished, will be sold an extensive and Very rains ble collection of chosee and elegant boots, all F.nglish /dittoes, and many of there to nob and experistre bindles. Included are a cleat variety of the best works in assistant Eng lish literature. poetry. belles lettres history. bios,a ahy. voiases and travel. classical end foreign litera tes's, the fine asts, costume and *norms of varteos countries. Act, Also, a fine collection or richly enthifltiehed and Qs*. trated worse of high cost and veto* ST For vartientars see catalogues. The boots Intl be arranged for eganatnattoa two dayarreTions. Sate meet. SUPER! OR PAtx NITUE.FIaru. t ROHS PAT NT.. INQS,OAN TON CHLSA, CHANDELIERS, FINE 4ke. On Wednesday moraine. Match 14th. et IS o'cloot. ad No. /117 Walnut street. by estalos tie, the entire Petah:ere. Piano. Preach Plate Mirrors. thalami, Canton Mina, elegant Glass- Wale. Brawler Cares , .s. limk eases, Cassidebers. ko. FIN IN ES. Also. fine Madeira, Rock, W and htterry Wines, in tot ties and demijohns. ir 'j'he 'Mut hie Residenee. with Stable and.Coacit House be sold et 10 o'clock. precisely, Prenous to sale of Furniture. Full_partteulars to eatalogues .47" May be examined on Tuesday. from Id to o'clock. Pale at Na.o 139 and 141 Booth Fourth Btre4. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH-PLATS MIR RORB, PIANO-FORTES. BRUSSELS CARPET& On Thursday Monts& At 9 o'okek. At the Atietion Store. 111 t AldAttilent of excellent secondhand furniture, eles etaiso-fcctem, fine mirrors. earpem, etc. from 'lien meeliansu housekeeping, removed to the store courenieice of sale. MACHINERY AND IRON. BAIVAIL Y. 7rlElici , Z. VATEINL3 XESSICS • Wll.l.lalC U. Yllial'CL SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADT-LPHIA. Ai[ER.RICK. t SONS, ENGfNEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure 'Steam Engines, for Land. Leer, and Marine same*. Boilers, Gasomete*. Tanks, Iron Boats, Acct. a of all kinds, either Iran or Brew. Iron Prattle Roofs for Gas Works. Work Shom Rail road Station*, no. Retorts and Gra Machinery o , the Lttan and most im proved construction. Every descrrption of Mutat:On Machinery, Greek as Augur. Ray. awl Gnet Mil; Vacuum NAL OPOII Steam Trams, Defeestore, Filters. Pumping Ranieri. a 8 . Sole Agents for N. ft:Mena'. Patent Ragan &dila Apparstust revicarth'e kateut Stearn Iternuter: and Aspinwall A. R'oller's Patent Centningat Sugar Hyatt:- mg Machine. ane-y BUSINESS CARDS. AtIFSOUIidiAND 3. E. IMEBXQUGH & CO., General Law and Peal Estate Amts. Deslars in Land Warrants. Steel-s. &a. /font:Wet cognac THIR.D sad CIIESTNUT Stiesta, Land BT. LOUIS. tor Partonlar attention paid to enteritis Oraduated . soo,ooo doses for sale at prim ranging from Il a to Tg ones per sem taunts folr and Xdratealare. feta-3e IL ILLILINSOB G REINER & HARKNESS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, W0n, 132 SOUTH WHAS, PHILADELPHI. ALFRED L. 11013G11. PAPER 111 AN OPACT I.'R ER S' AGENT, Orders solicited for every description of PAPER AND PAPER-MAKER'S Vt faTaute. No. 17 out SIXTH Street, Pti,,A4.)0, 1 ,,, fell-6m• R. U 0 k S o '',: , REAL ESTATE • BROX? AND ;;ONYNYANCER, NORRIS ?PEN A. "PA Sin :;idbigonsery, Backs. and Charter coon .es Alp axohange. OHTOAIi RS on farms negotiated.. 4 ME DWELLINGS for We in Norris/- ONa. ellii-Sol -.... pAwsoN & NICHOLSON, } BOOKBINDERS, NOS. 019 A:". D 02 t MINOR STREET. I3etweea Matter and Cheraw [treat,. ON JAMES PAWSON. JAB. B. NICHOLSON. Jay?-1y• RR. CORSON. REAL ESTATE BRO. • KER AND CONVEYANCER, Norristown. Pa. Liu Farms for sate to Bucks. Ltont4odsters. and Ch., et mantles. Cm-Vogues ,of Fame. with fall eagerly— tons. sent by mall. fea-Lns VB. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND • SUBSCRIPTION i oACEyN CC, for Prine iped N eva. n ap FIFTH e aa d CHESTNUTand Counry,N.E.ool- AJdreas " V. B. PALMER," Philadelphia. jaa-Snl THOS. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law, No. 973 South FOU RTII treo t. 1.18 A LEX. hIcKINNEY, ATTORNEY Al LAW. OEN' KIVA°, a°• Will practise in W ee rtmorelAnd. Annitrou. as& It liteasootinties. sell-gen ADASIS FTPR.F.BS CO., omen ► A. kV CHESTNUT Street. forwards Pucks. Pack age", merchandise. liank Notes, and Sawa,, either by its own Lines. or in connection with other Represe Conn my to ell the encolele top sad cities of theit n utW States. S. SANDFORD, lenets,lSaserietexulent NICIIOLSON, ••• • Manufacturer of SHIRTS. LINEN and MARSEILLES BOSO.IIB AND COLLARS- A largo and ehoice assortment. and ty ILL MADE, el_ ways on hand, unto which 1 I:Llqt:calmly invite the at tention of castt and_eromat-rayine snout 1(E S. E. corner of lica'COND and AMR Stnset , „, M a il, &DM P.151-2m. 300 BBLS Prime Halifax Ind Eastport Herring . , C+) , 3 boat% Sealed 'Herring,soehalt bb la White nth, in store and fir gale by WM.. 3. TAYLOR. Pc CO. MI tee , Ind Ha NORTiI I,7h.sras . - - JAVA COFFEE.-1,000 pockets prime lan Coffee, foe tab. by liitEB GRAHAM 7k Co,, C EE SE-330 Boxes Herkimer County Mee .e. in tkue and %rule hy C. C. SADLER it CO— ARCR itenks.t.sA .1,.., skt.,vo Frnat. COLUMBO ROOT—Por sale by WITHB- Rt J v N. TULL k BROTHER, and K a ty IlEen 'tD em a aa fall EW YORK KEROSENE OIL. -100 bbts for Ws afissaahaturees_pnee.s. YARNELL & OGO Erc Krwth TFITR %vow,. "PUNCH GELATINE WHITE, BEST— ZokilZah m Wiwi a Burma. Nialq
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers