A.A..,..,;,..0.01,:.,t.-,„,„,„,,. a Ham's - I.'s tHiliortfrl in -Li t weiNiforala-of_ett -' iiiiiii-.oilt T;ialf,fclifCististaWOOKbithaii '4ltlooibitektifikiicitrAtO,tist *Riad ntori The '..r , lairo ft sahlrhistifill ;littisirei , 41110411 - lone ' and j.:',tafinfty.lith Oftstih,),nlid i l.imidos,Affs liainbnee re. - . ;ilfAttooff,afsit ~Ilitlitalrialiiii*o.,, faiandiothfoh mill 7 r .,,,..t. last 450;000, ,tons. „The ieouth of the' ,r-fl, itleactiriettathr intend, talts_ ts said,ixt.iao ilitto 4 ,... „MC fittlitt:gth Ipitill,.ol,:Sf.latitsde': - As to the - 00nittiy.zound about t _tha writer 'says ariqr; fl i c i vio , jtoata t ipArabliltif arCalitturlant, in the:oonahl. ii.rabit 001SooOirdii:4 ,1 1 1,118 PAIlittgir.s4414 14 , , intl 4T ,sr , f ,il4llfopkia Ilivit 11 , .; it ICYary. atetibs SPWA "aFT*, * 'lO - tally nal for habitation; vailoni 7. oases -nairi4' ' &introit ofThillana dying or hatters,' -- - -'' :11r. LiltAlliller;iistliotor of. liquors for Waytio, o l =.oolauty,,,fillotilgnn, says that out of., throe, Ituulrad Olhty. oases of trlllskey; Inspeoted,lnuld:Poltr motoolt;:lifiAbilittioly trio ptire.:' 4(ti'did not find ..e.O tingle AtoptribirOgrouob Ono:thin ,dred and four , samples of he found battmonty o 'Out or thlity•tivo-samples - of Jto• males. ruts, he found but nine genuine: , ' The Irith -: ,'. ; ' 111 4- 50 0t4T0 irblekitys, wampum) generally: • Fat • Wlne;-the • , L'{ -frialadOktibia POtle•Mitit4t• , i. , -.- , =''' '' i , ',. - ~' , .., MAIONSI/al4 ' ,Tikeiieefpliiist ir ,- e - ei Cattte"»teheititlxmit 2,100 head this wesk., The market Was rers ilall, and stioes - have et dowtivso teecteser. :The tethrsins are the pettleu -7,len „.-- , t ',,,-, 40 it to athrshsois: Ohiccsß r 4 rlOO Re. 'es ettefl& Cps, • Oho, eyet ._ , •'-,r41 ,B‘t.). dstitt Cheater co., 8 01180. , 1 - .. , ...ffierill' &-06001 , •ese, Chester ea. 0i8e9.50. ~,,, ~-le .-Xty ~ Penteylvaele,s7o;4B.o) , , - • 88 ,11 bemer, Pennsylvania. 88e9.V0. • i 138abba Lonciuder coo 88.6ute10 60. - i 31.1.111nutti & Co., Ohio, 078 Cc - . , - , 1, (.40 T. - gidelovd, 0148, 8808 '33. - , . ' '5.5 2 rtrgrt a t agile tre, ' o 4 r5"9 "' ~ 870860. • .9 30 gush Chun. VoYetts 30, elle"I•L 5 - ' .30 A:D tie,, WA; falesam: • Is .1. A kin s, by,k , -/itethaertty,LauceiteS co., 1109.75. 43 Adams. by semonor, tali°, $ 8 . 9 9 33 Parnioar ir. Hutton, animater co, 880 . , t ,St G. Young, by P. M° 1ie1400 8, 0 50 . • 1 15 A, Blink, Cy CoShran 0, 3aot:a l7. Di lt, al:stater County, 41 l' ' : Bll3ttt &If age litfiturt e8te9.50.; ,', " . ' 1 'i'a ' 1 ST 7300 ". ' 33 . eeltitd; by . iteiti 0, • • ' 11 netilheliTrliiilfralgrr-ti.lolt c ,-,- . 36 Bsi d ay /0/I:lo,CoAtrit se 04190,1, 1140. L IVirelais, Oilts.. ~ . . , , •- • - • ' , terairsz a 'autos DitOVX YARD. , 7 '.0:. pea. renxtylv4n , a, 11113 WM.= , HAI,• uod, Center co.. 8301025. •••••• • vs a'..,' ether, idoicaste, e.&,, "709. s ~,..s zo xe r 4 Leaohoeroo,; 4 rev 50. _ , IA ~. 13 , N., enoa.'iseiewiter co. 870800. . , : 5-, 4 l 3l.l.•Feseet, A hooter no.. 1t09.40. ce h oades A. Ca., Barad 00.. woo. , • 1610311ns lc Kirls,Cneeter gO., 88.0009.33. - , , 10wsitisa °pester cto., sB.Bolv, 16 1 113 tbsk 3 r. 3001303 01'30., ,g 3013 30 grOvi. 1 . ' ' , . 22 Tbeettoos, Ohio. 8809. .310 ,T ~ , ' „, . . oteleart,o3o, $ BO9 4 5 0.` .. •”" aO, y'amien,•Deleware, 59010, . . • - 10 Alereyaderytend e 8.8019- 5 . 0,000 ateep , arretur field at ' the 0.3 , 011110 Yard. at' fr"m 44 - to Ago ,Th , '' 9 • 831 Also sold 413 310ta at thee tunavrioe. 100 Vows urn* tee sold at th sautes Yard daring ''''thi6ol7llsl42:AftqestierlittraastriMe'r""" • - $7 . 1 'Koski:old br D. Miller at from y./65876 t 100 "7:int he tt u e r 9 l"* ! .. R of h fi ltle. g .i ) A a lui t fi cl/4 1n gfa l t jt iji mp l ve to e eo, :- I , Y. .0.01.1240330.70 , iy , ,J.,13 for oern-led as In 4061z •33'• M..1:403 0301. - - . , ' - „''..4 . 0440rie ktoollgirahanger4tCilich: 5., !' - ' 4 '.':',, 'Y , 2 - ' .'•• :.- tittirrO imam.: -,-.; , , ; 5 . •,;• ''.-, Misithil j til.. - ‘'.4;* ,160 N YOrkeorl'.::••bi o . 72 ~ i•' r : dor. - ''.. 4 `."..,b50. to: - do ~.. ', -...-,- • b 60.72 - Yi , ” dla L • ''-' :...:....34 45 " - 'd&T. - :.:•......42 ' , ,18e85 Tean fa 030..-1,...84 600' - do ' - ..... - ' 7134 -, Ma CM atAta T.141...;.f2M. au , - do • - - --.....884.7614 ~i-60d4 /4 Caraalls 64,1. al6 • 100 Moline it..,-.1:80.41 • '•-; • 304Xlyirsdnia6. ...i.. AT ' do , : - •••,, , • 1 ! 50 . 4 1 - - g liallian lin re.. :,...oeg . oil v,L do •,,•• . '. . '.-.....: 41 • 44 tett Ca n ila gv....95, , It* Woo No R. .... :-.88 ' Gsl or urtlo 2 zom...6rit Aoo - *co ...,.. 'co 35 • i 661 Ulcerate li Y0014,.302 - ,60MIcot 8&It I 1R...W0. Mt 2,•-_o,o6orket Book ' lON 15' , •do —. • •••• ... o. 8 ;21 - - 3t l tar? floor valiant., 6 t do ~ 1 14 I ,- ~,,...-t lA &Rod Coos! ~.!: .01 1 Allah B&NA IT ta-is , L4ro.,_ ';do ' - ..:-D0e.03 au, do, .00.16 -, 0109: C 0......, .. ... /9 lino e4O/Mil:/f.:. .." .• Xi 99 0,, a InYi 100 ,do ... b1X1.1.0 ~ MI Piolna Mail 8...160.93g Ro lil Coo R•:•4 • .3) 6 0. 66 g YID Et odson ..-1i......5A),9, : - '4O- • di? .. ...-...,,•54* - ; _no ~_ ,do , "t -- kdu•aali ,300 Oat & ChM 1t....1Y60.8ins - r 2rnarlent I rfd.. - .....,,.13 t 1,60' . do ; . • ..:.:.". 65 33 4 ;',, t ~ipei .1., St:Wester/2MM - •,- ' , • . .., , ~ ;•,,,,-,-- - • :-. ,- HE MARKETS: • 4 . 1 ' Atniof ire , steiidy-Arith sales of 60 bblo at 8525 for =Pots. sod 08W for Peens. • , FLO64:-aaatlarkin for IRMO and Western is; 60100, ,lbotter forsgartitrAest? sales gla das ag ur firmiwp a h at :.:Tili l ltan6ao.4ll34; 1 1,11.4orte l lollrlitra d% 410:160 .). foVeupprinte -Wossersw r ioate.6o for , extra_ do. and , 481461;30. roreskro round- onp,Ooto, • Southem Flour le ~, flisttlyr Mimi, with sales o 'PAW bbla at 115.7005.06 for 4glip- tot - goody ml 4 dna:4ol(W extra. Caned& telour, ~,or , ado 11/400 01 919/ bbla at rfa.76.7 for extra.: • * 14(. -Wheat is 20do..hettar ~ tar *home whan t and a 440 taming Ire flrm.. No sales have yet tramnored. 'r' Dona ,4nlet and firm. and without sale , Oats are doh. , -• ~- at 4d414.33 for Welborn: Peromylvania, and Jersey , end. • -.`448 . 111040 for fltats: Canada. ono 'Weal einf .: .. - Faun -Pork is outet.arith sales of 200•blds at , tillIZI for old mess; Std:4solB.B7:fo_r new do ; 011.2.1 g) •for o ri me; p 514.75 for new dn. Roof in Arm, with sales of MO bids at 104.13)404.20 for country prime ; 8626 '.-tee act far,do men; rsoolo to for repacked Western ..rnesa ; and 811.25011.60 for extra do. ()tamest* dull '"' ind 11111V4 and , Of 75 Acgwat 73607h0 for kihooldors ~,,,,,Oho for manor liaoon is firm and vary quiet Dressed ' Arlot•oar. nominal atrittBo. Lard heavy; sales o'l.loo. : 1:11 1 /W il sliti 331t0 a firaftlilulierm request,l :ttigtro°, ' MUSK= is flrmerovith gaitoSof 401/ WIN at 210. ... , le '::;.•--.:••'• :'::.- .-C it VA T E .51 Sa ' ' . Tai 71rteTtretitb TENDIiiiOT ttP TneDE.raho 'lmenliette line '4;4 bishop BerkelOP;7'.'' " Wiotward the Gummier empire taken its w ay." - Mae m no respect been more shmtally fulflted than in the gradual movement in that airection of, the' trade of 'Philadelphia. So marked has 'this been thathe loce tiens of note few of our prominent he haye inidet -40110 tleptial westward removalewithin' imperatively a law years. Toe stranger viretbil Philadelphia in IWO wlllbnd on Ids intern. id IMO, that many of the pried. idSeteregoilphietnet greet, it. 64 leented vitt ot .17,fth atrestose now, In new Atitt Mut& more a ttratltlO lac ' roundingei established west- of 'eighth. 'haat many „ Amore emt.in f „ min t mar _ nifment treats ott.cherzut street, where tan i'aaritego • reliate neatietrine weie atone'. the order "-•': ; b'e'have been led Oitbese roilltith4at tide thre,ilOrp 44rtionhirlyby itte, lamoVal,etirdessra. ; Beeson Soni, ".• preterite:neer Stir Philedelphianionratisttere.f "ole - Chentnet , street; 'We - yesterday visited their sew ' intaitsie in autielPitihin of their opening fnf the publio to•daY, ard Were mueh pleased with thoit new ware rooms iit , every teepeot. ,Their r new building has been ' thei - tothhig rembdeledirith' the flew of adapting it to ' the waifs ot their extineive buswinetua' 'Alias a depth of one hundred' and twat - IV/Jive feetorith aWidthof twinitglee feet. the Slit: floor' being 'deeeie&'exeln alrell,go the derailment.. This spleidid room is , fitted ,up in exquisite taste, being in roier harmony ' with the character of the business, yet not overdone In this respect. in other Weida; while the inteliigent servant woold'xecoamsothe whole Interior and exterior • ex litexiiie store. merlin the "absence of mourning'. goods, the whole - 10 ~been executed vith.a degree of grace and oheerfultioei `ll3ll.oti ' rod* invitink than any situder establiebinent that we have heretofore seen. • . The upper room:, vtaoharaattained by Nair titehts of stairs, are, occupied: entirely . for wholesaling hut-' posse; end the fact that:Sentra:B.4 Eon are Ina great ineitaire their mord importers , randeri their stook peon ,- „Orb: woility. the artentioti of wholesale_buyerS. It is 'A :to the retail linnich,, lioweier, that we would more especially dircot the attention oionr lady readers 'this inotning,imeki can assure them that, excellent as hair 'Been the stonier mourning goods 'of thie.house in former seasons, their removal into laisersed more at tractive quartets has . been more than paralleled ,by the 'Present - auperionty , of: their eerier - imitations: The facilities or Idenne:Beisson & Eon • lotafautinisigcods from abroadlAre ;probably Stuated4thilritirangentents being ruck, that every no ' ' Pithy • Which "Maiateits• apPearanott• id any European - - Market ands itarlese into their.stooltlr the fast follow ing arrival. This house, we may add, igone of the qditst established lithe city, having been In existence. morethaia half ingrains', although it has Only,lmen dui ring the tsar tan'r earri , that the trade of it lout been omitted exelueivelpyi mounting . goods; which de terfanent byllis'ctrag.` tbei r emcees lum beanie signal', ' l'Oompletem it htui been well deserved. I Their etook, at ' thiatime4eitertainlytiot siirpasitid in title bee, by any -„Other in j ainerica , •, The twornmierise.visidawa of thei r sew home °mutant, an at native feature, endive that largintslairtiefalten If to-day dose hot Sid their elegant ..."...."`rftieWatere the Chief oentre - of attraction among our. la dieeof Mate In want of etournins goods. ' - --0111rSitENTAL PSSIMANSCIP.—We recently spent ; an hour MOM gor,cantile College- of Idessos. Bryant fi .Stratton,' southeast corner of • BeventhYsad Chestnut streets.ehledy in the Writing department, and confer s awn - fills Mthly Iran fiedWiticwhitt- we , :there saw and' - Tina' Matt tatlon,•..by - thig.irey. hen a national remittation, being mall cements one Of the most efficient ' „Wild thorongn of its class to be found. in this country, To4ley thole graduates are known all over, the Union ftairong the most skilful and best trained -merchants In their rentebtive localities. We might also name, if it weArploper, quite a number of their Philsdelpnia ;grade:etas. wild now occupy positions of standing-and - roligielther book 7 keetiers, Oath', or prinelitalit, smear Our on. first mercantile h-uses.• la, wits to the Writing department of , th.s eetahlish - inent,finwever. that we rieeigned more eerie dally to speak," This Mutat le under the entue dvection end -* - control of a W. Readl-y, Fint.. who, we are Pleased to • • k no w, s i sn ,e a at th e I, m l orb.. profession. a tact which "le no leer totalled by his iplei-did gents of penmanship,' •_• - thnnitmerinito.dinary Su: pen itrimporting instrus 810y,to Opils - _Oer principal ottiett. in fact, in oc.ll- , „ Liget Asir roome_wastnexamine a master Piece of or narnetital penretteshipi executed by Apster Chester N Parr, a _student under : lan - Wadley, netget fourteen ..;! Years of The pleaworthy she pen of a, master indeed It has for itnaublent "T he Invention of , M * g?! which °counter e centre, whilit the ornallterVal . scorasories, evince a degree of artistio tests, and skill in delienteshading 'with the pen. that we have rarely pew •:` likiniudled. That young Farr has a Minuliar•Mlent in this line in clearly evident, end list hie, treargnblienitlva; tion of It at ionarli an are, lime Unmanning comment • -•,•• upon tips system Implored br hia•t, acber.• • We also °gamut& a taiga number of 'niobium' of oniamentiattnd plain business penmanship executed by Ittr.23inuilet, end heard hie eipisnatiogi of his agetem -or teaching, and - a •8 •ceniineed that parents desiring their hoye to acquire a complete countigig:house admiti lion could not place diem la tenor hitoda Unin those of Idesint,'Brgaiitto Stratton; and their efficient assistants. Wong men:desiring - to fit themselves for inerosatile. ' life paneled profit le , this advice.' ' • • icsiteyittersr.,„„a, cintagiiv_a Attstiv,—Tbe most ohronie Mimeses are directly „under the it n grefor elk Poweifil agent. • ErVessers Chemberun aid' llalles are ou:ing the meet refratitorr "eases br a. ''•legittappllettlitus of AMP Eleotrie Agent. `Located at Ind Walnut - street,' " • ' " • • Ligotrififi.-•-nev. lifoeie will' lecture this evening at the hleohatilaeHail, northeast cornet of Pandit end George ideate, on " The-Future Race - of America.", The lecture is for the benefit of a worthy - °"• benevolent 'efinition. ;pontos Who wish to hear an - • '" 'eloqueet.le - chire, . and, at 'the same time, contribute to • •-agoofirCitiltutt, itherild goAo Mechanics'-lull tonight. , Erappug.,-.Mr. George L. Walker bag been Op. - • . . ... , -- 2 . :!_nointod note agent -for the 'erde of the Patent Grand ,aotton , Pienosonanufarturrd by blearre: Mines Bro ' -.,' e :there, NOW York. .Mr. Walker. hal now:a fine assort /.."'latent On hand at lila teems wontheset earner of Eleventh and Arch, Wrote, all of Which he Witt warrant for five ~ -- - '. -)111W0 ;•07,AAR's • kilsrer . Tiotritml Mar,- - - , we lake -sliming , •iii,liyitiuS We t attention of-our readers tp„thel4-fertlusgoent of dna Iniocrtant 'oven --- • tion, intoned in another column...Bre have examined tide new fiontinlifi itild'had ;its otakfithtlea fully ,ex-' .5 plained to 1311 ;:and we ,are from to,stati that its sim• plioltp of oonatrnotionj its freedom from liability to get' out of order, ite edUllrahleadeetaMin 'to the manufne ' tore of flottr OS a limited or exteneive:seele, together with Its eatopsot, portable taint, and _the small amnia •',' of potter required to propel ft,:crptu k , , , • ft ,-0 0 ,obi oat i ou of - , '-- i---- npalitiee highly calculated to recommend its universal ''-l- 1 ,3 ' -intredneti4C: tbrOilghotti' ell , figrteultetel onuottiee.: ~,Mi„.Glarlt has 111,1,0111 a En- operation arl to . 230 Race i ' "Oltvao,ti'halOW Thud Phlindelphla:*here he to 5u0 ,,6 84 . '','"' fdlltityrsied le selling eillie aud, the !stint rights for 4,..i -, _, 1 1 . ; -- ; , 6 cM, , tit)! Od Woe . '" ' / ri.;,;• •:''•," • ,•,-'- ~ °`-.'''''-' 7 lAl4.litoiisinig : ten fill all Orders 'for • tostielti 7..'oartriiiitiOlidirliiiee and MuilliCurtoind, Cords; Ti-'-. ':‘ , - , i,r•Oiiiik,' , --I,oops, )7Oritteisi.• - Hooka: yfiridots; Shirai'', to, i'-)l,ii-ibilltita isit ItI'OROV V 4 41 100 inyitia'W ePumaii" 61 ' l :" , ::::::ktiark,;:itilielf Is large and vrill seteetad; - 1 N , ' ' - '''''' '..r.' , .. , .. .----"•:- - -•,": ~ i 1ir.:;ff.'..0.4117V0e..02164; .. ,- : - 11 . A 4144;,., '-:- '''''',.":,'' 7. , •,.. •'' " •:: •.; . 719 Chestnut, Street , •., i-i-t44 , r4;l34l;ol,,yfi..)44i*estera,'o3rchir4 l / ' ca n , flit di ~:„.b , # „fig,Sl, l ,gtOttei . ,isiroiow- 2 sliscles,'dinsislisrestSits , ' izt,i? :', o 9ploi . 4i'.4f#,aiiel - iiiilieGiir - Wits -4=l/17gt ,- , ~trilist 1 - i tltiuteigiltiiiii` .Chestlini street, Xi: - A FitiqnsliOrilykßiLiJlLe Osig MiirrisOwnig •efecited.ittPoiliatow:WPOV:aftkei'lkl:RoSor of th° %%Mott. Impotial,•saw fiiiiiileslifiper in a shoeinaltor's elitiOn the Itinitilt.Moncite , The enter fell piolentiran love: unseen, With , the nevem for whom it wee mide;ind hiving digooyered the youngiody, offered hlshehd and Ives aeoestedv,Vde anecdote get Hug oh'. oulatliptlatioreatid perferMer's popularity, so that 'noir he Ir Uie Hone& the May = or rather night. treeing I his is the oase,wo ahouldeit Evade; 4 some Chestnut street Sella *bold fallen love with Messrs. Bereave. or Powers, celebrated • orittera, "- IYom the graceful coots and pantaloons daily displayed iri the windows of Mr. Charles Stokes' One P,ime Clethitii Store, under the " Continental Plotel,"with labels on Sins t " Cut by "Cut by f'owers,".- for surely grace must 'feign la their hearts: :„‘ • • • • • • STATE ,OAPITAI4,I3O/lINO TO PHILADELPHIA. —We - untleestenO that the Proposition to remove the capita ct the State,front Harrisburg ' tb Philadelphia meettwith muck novor, mit only among members of the. gialetnin, but among their constituents in all parts of the State: The members freely express the opinien that.oll other things being equal, Philsdelphis. shohld be preferrod, as we have, here the Brown &brie Clothing Hall of ltookhin the and P 35 Chestnut street, above Math, where members and ell saving uses With the government ,will be atroided an oppottual ty of procuring the most elegaht end comfortable gar manta in the Union. Livrmiltutrog e ll— - • loan the thistle down, ' Lightly does It , Lightly Needs of osre are sown, 'Little do W 6 1100 ' Watch life's thistle bud and blow, Oh, 'tie pleasant fo ly; „ • . . when all Hee oaths they strew, Then oomes melanohOly." Little scree , little tarsi—What a harden do they in time Weems l Little drops of water maks the mighty ocean; little trains of sand the earth; and little things the op giegate of life To avoid tllo,lthd preserve the mind In harmonious repose and coraplassat good humor, wear the elegant. oomfortablffitting, and seasonable styles of Granville Stokes, the celebrated fashioner, and olothOr, !NO, gel 'Chestnut street. AR,KVALS AT; THE TRINIPAL ,HOTELS, UP TO TWVY3 OkILOOS'LAST WON'PImeNTAL-3. E. oomepof Ninth und Chestnut. W-Crossman It Manly. N Y R. t!rmetrong Jr. St Joseph A Drayson, Phil& WilsonkPittsburg yost oriunt kitriglalle,lty Tkd i f 5 4 1 1 10,rdtp,Valt l , hut B or: Chicago 8 Vtain t PA • • Henry-Num, Pa Alf sresm; P's • -- • ' D Brewer. Sasaki+, NJ •it Br N 0 ' Cspt —3 A „ . . . Capt iiitgreaves. W L DayieraFla; ' rib.- do Wurt, Atroorheari; Lack Haven JP,,Lhn Baker, Manetta,_,Pa, 'WA Ball, Tenn , Mita rine Boimes, Tenn ti e r e ligrA l X,Phil 0 Bthararkkopt, Norfolk ' J Wauhmann. Ye Win Barr, St Louie - • Dorranoe. Portland Thad J Campbell. Wheeling s ogt., wheeling_ Steeo: ,RA LgEnbercnn, arrteb'i e MaClelland, Nashville •AIVL McClelland, nt Louis Whistle Pa • • - • Sea Eagle, P. • • Toones F Clark Os J Pitney & lady, NJ It W Bioldey. • • ' R Maftm. Mies B.Lester, Mine W P wan, Jr Phila LIM Ya W , Y tg, Parker, Troy ,_l3 Y W .D r oden & la it ,N Y. W N n & I' d 'N N Y TI SA'rCrote and. N Y W ThtleherWilini Del 8 J Roe, Albany J ht, Patron, N a I Cbeltdr, M Y entote, N Y. Gdodyenr k. eon; 0 Mr Saalfeld do ta, England JOtlby,N Y • [viten &la Y cr J'optiel Park 0 Whiteley, Stilt liPTootariena,-Bylt tSftffiliti 'N Y J K Kook. St lopme . _ 'hoe 8 Moore, Batt L Bide, a eau Gridley fr. wife, N Y • John j i error lc wife, L Cin, 0 A - A 'erase, N Y C home, Tomas W avalear,N Y -R H Campbell, N Y W 0 Jit Va . Mr rim field, Bait rhos R. Whitman, Bait R =hews, Jr Belt F iMaentrml, St Louis J H`rturlinht. Pt iglus M,Ooldbors, Tenn JDMoCrali & anon Bortnour,N Y Gernmell. • • H Haas. Phda Mr Smith Webster Treat, Frankfort . yAr Wardi Ny, • A Kinnear & Ark MillaPanall, N Y , Mae 0 N y 88 Ifam,N•Y • D B &mall, York W P Harrisburg • SSlam. ttarrlaharg J 0 Ja , inson, La W i" Jaeobe. IA Lit - • - ~1 R Eby & la, B.rriabarg MrsJ Lari Man, Pa • John W D GIRARD iiooBK—Ohoinviat st., below Ninth. RI Legg, St Louie - T Rater. Baltimore .1 Mils, Baltimore. N R Hig_ginson. Baltimore 38 Rhodoii,_ , Wh•eling_,Va J Ohs. wheeling...Vs A Emor:, Wheeling, Va 'Mr Wi'son & 1., N Y Miss Wthon. NY Win Colleillip l'Boott Stewart, Pittsburg B A voids, I OWI !fins & la, N 3 , Mum W,ilkiris i N : Baml lobe, Easton, Pa . A DDltbreui Miss Debroul Dobt a Wright R.L hi oenctiaftirrisburg - 'l' T Oviegton k litqlrook'n A MWYIiO. BroOldyn B W Piro*, N y Geo II Moo re. Mo - " A D Crombla, BaltiMore Sue' itzeuherit Baltimore' R T Kind, NJ I ii Clarkson ' 0 1 0 Hon T Jones Yorke, N J Mr Whitney & la, N J ' Jog Getty, Baltimore R fl Oitherwooil tc I'm, NY W F, Atilo W Davidson, Mews Dr .T II Elder Wash Wm Matthews. AI Y W B Ren:gds, Loulavillo Mrs B J Adams, Louisville Miss Adams, Ky FE Benthworth, Brazil 8 Btigelli. N Y • ' L isifr. N Y Y isbee,NY - Junes.. N Y H Mrs Com Moore, Wash Wm Rambo, ps, - II 8 Magraw. Lancaster W A Cathcart. Harrisburg W D Gibbous, 1) ' W 0 Gibson ri 0 • Aaron Jones, inland F'F Welelia N y "Dr W Wethe 11, Fa 1' 0 Pendleton, Va .1 Wright. Ohio AkOlinon &lady,N Y J M. Cobbs, Va 3 Hallyarton, N y Goo Dickinson, N Y Dario Sonlas A W & Fowler, Nashville Goo P Wlutaker, hid H Dadenheins la Dr Walter Coles. Va D l' W MoDullen,N Y Join Jameson ' Bait ,ii a l tamp, Mississippi I Weenie. Ala Young, Illd L Cavillier. N Y 0 0 Ferris, Cincinnati J it Danforth. N le J H Flimsy. Bloomfield, et AO uray,'Del I, M Richman & wire, Cal .et_. Id Laurence , N V G R Seymour. N Y. ,tt 8 Errata, Ohio , Muss filuuth, Ohio KEROPLANTB' 80TEL—Fourth 'trust. below A rob, 0 E Robinson. nide , L Westbrook, Pike no t, T Barr a, Pike co Is T Welters, Atshison, KT P It Frets, Reading Gen W Lilly. M Chunk It W Luce, Pa P litoEvoy. Lancaster W E &marts, Pitteloirg . Geo Albree, Pittsburg F Adicke, B 0 W 0 Chittiek,_Phila J N Brewer, Pa W Whitaker Pa a in Mann, Jr, Pa C P Baron. Kr Wet 0 Brotrei Lepton A 8 Kneoht, Zaeton Wm Rhoads, Jr, Heading Wm apuleY, _Pa eiot e ßrton NJ • W 8 Wombs. F lemington 0 r tts,Wilkesharre .C F Randol p h k ti J 8 0 town, Nihau • tee Rutherford. Mo Chu Antheriord, hie ' Toy lor. nn So 3 A Berfer.Mese • - . If l., sitter. Tenn J C Porter, La P 3 Ribero/T."0"/mb, D 0 M W SonterLTenn ' W a 'Doyle, 'Fenn .1 8 P3sou3ooli. Tenn W TPhibon, 80 R. M Smith. Belt - .R G Reese, Md el IP - Peterson, Miss J Rosenfield, Vit .. ;af i liN i r ist oFEL-ohAtnu t tgr u e t e d t,:gme, y ,Fo'ol. W .1 , Graham, Ey Z. - P Fusel!. EY , W SnlittliEir ~ N, Bait Lieut J ki Barker .3.0 McCreary, M. Chunk Geo T 6.t.w NA, Mono w B ldendenball, Contest rrof J li Woodoook&la,NY Chas A Featcer. Phil& seal EL Godwin ma Stephen A Biddle, _CI4 tv In P Frauds, MO John 0 Dunham, N 11' Wm W , schadY, Del Abner tramoston. Del - Wrnfibearr DM. , 11 C Spruance,uel P E Radler Bai t Chas Hayes, /V Y kliouerts,west ()beater , b laylor. Ironton, Mo lonnlarper, N Y E Tay ter Mass L Thomas, N Y W , )t 0 moe. Masa p . &lass PA. mum M Annon, ai Al Barry.trry, sass , Aaron Breisch, l'a I! N . Patterson,t3ohyl co N B Reynolds, N Y J TZimornarplan, Pa . VT Et AShilg, 0 IT P: Koch. N Y . Jew Maori int', Mize C No wood. Mass ' Xla Wardell & la, Va Miss it 13 Wardell, Va , T. 13 Janninra & da, 11. / John B Bangor, cai . KB Sorrel, Cat OD T Stansoni Trenton , W A Lova. woromer .A: Pew, N York F Halle, 0 York J N Bobst: St Joseph.W E eaundars, Texas .111. Parrott. Va ' j 4atau he. Va A Murrey..Va . .larter, Jr. Ky Mrs Barohill. EY ' .T I) Bears N Y 8 I) Lam, N Y El Mute, N Y - JONES' HOTEL—Cheek:rat street, below Seventh. - rasa° A , orrenee, Obis , A bawrenen Ohio IS B Tindle, NY 1-1 I Ong,NY Jno A k adult.. hto ' A Laoer re la, N Y Mtu A T [Auer. ft Y . 1., ht Body, N 13 T Bent e , N y _ • GlLBilla,.Phky K I P Meer, Phil's' ' Al. W Willie, - ow A A Mattis, N Y iIS Millet, Ron erson,ty 'A P Winohoitet Wiled, kl, }roe, NY. ki. liF HorraCg, itIC ' Al 0 stills& Bait OK Kirtiod lt - Aire hen Little. NJ NUN Pawrlnich Jr , oks NI Mi.s boltesok. N J JH. Brow , i oston RL hi hewn, N Y Jag Noah, re __l( L. wh busy, Jr, Mass Nandi Wood, Brooklyn AB Wilght & WI, N Y li ft 'lna is wf,N Y A a. %ere. Pa ft 0 HafaasN i ra 0 Moles, Al o 1 1 BrTerni i i Ala L Gso Mason, Ala W C rsauttiLWash riggiev, A 7 4 , i t it Binmur. Bs.c 1. 'Matthew/I, NJ bailee, N .1 tinders, Ball Ltd Neal, VII, Whoa Kersey , .1 it eteveneon, Balt - ti t ' h j olt il P We'l l , N j J Vi Wi ll iams, Balt titio bond, Ohio ... mi•tefrars , HOUSE—Third at, above Caboabill. i G L Seear l treatoit, Pa ' Wm HAM , wanton. Pa H I, norlse C Weeton, MoX Bandere,Pa ft Media: Y A !Coons -el Chaunk • ~._ - Pion Shafer, Phil* JJ. Wildon, Rooke oo Metzger. Allentown II Pau* Is t Betblort•re lb Ilaoh, l's- J Fair , Bedding pEy nett, mime “Nao W Be. Laneneter fi ere, Lobapoa 00, Pa Wto c lArr..,"B.ithlebem L i i i ir tg i t r ,L i efro fi e r "GSe i 1 m al_ n ktu b ers e g e r " U erahmeer, Nortbame'n Cr Abort, Womeledorf frouNzur lisTßL* Screed ;met. above Market. Tae kreltinrykr. Roston Geo Joineon. Sol itINT:I B 4IO I T e ra Illa: Bark. blet . Robison. Pella Jesse iorldert.ti G 6 Menea, Ohm WObto J Kimmey. Dol • J El !duvet, Del -H B. Parson, & la. Del 13 W COVlllqhfini. Del O u Skinner & Is, Keeton W Welker, Dover, Del Mato ee Wahmr,nover Z A B Paul. Del l'a, COI lt A iuton, Mo tSCOM THE UNION BOTEL—doh atteet, abov Tnag, V Refer. Allegheny 0 itiebwine, Mt Holly Jostsli Be im r, Ps, ,s Ullian, N Holland. . Dr Bowie • . Phceopwille ' B F A s. :art n.R. , ,ins A k4orrison & In, wenn, DO 1.. r dinbuOson, Pitawurg WH. 1 nonagon, balem, LI J Ins Brown, ealens,l4 .1 W V Violit. V F H Hart, N.l W 11 Miller. N J PH Beeebc , , Pottstown iB Ifille a gmn,Pkttstarg thn ItitirleYlF 4 trul, man, Pats uric 1. Evans. na 1 W Elmson, Md A glis.son, 1)01 Thos•Xenotar, Jr. Fittabg is Mart, Batt 11 a ZefulT,l.3nooster Knilsernass, Birmingham . ~ , B&B.LUY SHEAF 1101 . 41.-I , sooni at., below Vino, JOY &al, ilertasmown E Frets, Ba.ks co MI Brooks. Bucks oo N Flirover, Po Ms J.W Fry Ps J 8 Heston, irewtown ' W Actual. Reuling HALO EAGLE HOTEL—Third at, above CalloWhit! U Gable. Boyertown Lewin bi Thißias, Pa Jccob Zepo, i simulate John 0 Need, Boras co fr. tit 0170 k! J Ohio John 11 Brun or , 111 PotaMdDMll:ri'fia j" °"le' NATIONAL. HOTEL—Rase street bore Third. V V, Veneta. Ohio Caleb A w Warne, Ohio John pp it, Pa , IL H Kreider. Po kabli ° or,Pottavnle toms Pletcher, Pa Jo. I Reiter, It eluting H lilli nuke., l's Jolla A Billie, Port Clinton C • W all. I.l Wik ha J W Jona'', Cstawitete, l'a, Bi tab 1 es rle C Graben, Tuscarora Joe Whitaker , Mt Clare it TIMMS, Pottsville, Pa COMTRCIAL HOTPL— Ruth se. above Chestnut. Davis mble. Chester co Jas Scott, Chester Co Amos imble, Chester co Jas SI Kirk Chester oo litos W it Impends, Del T Cooper, Philo S Johnevo, lowa A li Haldeman, Pa eo Linville. Pa Jeokeon, Cheater oo • Sethi Sliphione, Pa t scob Simmons, Pa Z Field , _wsie, Chester co Chasrk, Chertteirn, Md 1) West Cheater Hedges, N Y MOUNT VERNON MOTEL—Second at.. above Arob. JA Digkeon. Del eo, N Y 3 M Het er, Pa M A Willie -Lnoseter ' Jos Kennedy aston J C Price, Warn, Del 3 M Porn., lialt.more L Ander on, Pa - - P Buotturn. A Ilentown M. N Deroch, Allentown Ai Wilson, Salem, N J J Ward, 1 renton,l4 d IJ Forebee, West 4,llest r er BLACK BEAR BOTEL—Trd at.. above Callow/till. bl Dunkekßeadinc acobteed, Swami, c ree k Nathan Patens. Wash. Pa eel ,upe. Rave's Btatt's M Eteenbne..Readintr Duni etobner. re, 1(0 Creamer, Sabot on Levi R Lash. Berke co John Darnels. Pa ' Wm Knob, Berke on Geo D nabs. ear Pa .1 1, Metzgar, Reading M Dope, Booperaburg H German, Ea Peter lamp. Winn, Del 'EAGLE 110TUL—'Third at., above node. - Jno 8 oi e lm i - Ph d I , no kavertono'a Robt J Thorp. NJ • W H Glenn, Pittsburg pjllatlaek & la, Balt Jno T Wean, Heaton' PrOiark G Bhindal,N Y' Watson,W Geo W Towanda Be Oray, Pa Jae T Branard. Pa F tiokroan. Pa Maaa Palm; Pa A Walla Daviatonm 411. Coraing, New Bedford 0 Wallace, N Y 8ra.0 1 11113 BOTBIr-Oheelnut street. above Third Wm T frelanann. Flo la John 0 ,4 aalter, Belt O t t l FrK B l l „z4.lt2zn i g ° , 6 ,. .1 , 74t0r,;,1Y8a1t Mae K Coale Balt • , Mien H Coale, Bet • John bid uonall,N Y O DeVit, Bid M.Newldra, Mal mark, d J Baran. Bali • - i 1 batfa, /3 Raven Bfilddorta, Pa ' ' ' warm & la, Norfolk - BTATES UNION HOTEL—Market If treat,. eh. Plitt 0 Kilbiern,- Berlin 0 P Ounthner, Burnt rating, Lancaster. co' 8 8 Rethuon, LAneastlY I Rtithvon, .t i exingtoth Itto /r &Seltzer. tat Joy. 3 ra P 41.1ern , utuov Cie , a A Mower, Lisburn, I a "i 8 Psll9 l tl# CPII9IIPIv Jae Afoot, Pa IMPORtAIICINS. (Reported for the Preiel:) PERll.oll2l,loo—Bark Vaion--3,700 bat, cotton Lcwin k Damon, . - - ' MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOlLitTli FACE. • • • , • ,AIUTCVE D. • Bark Union, Lon i2B days_ from 'Pernambuco. with sugar tto Lewis & Damon: Lett at Pernarubuoo brig Chattanooga. from and for Baltimoro ding. Dark Wyn Henry, of Fair linven, which put into rernerabuocr distress woe sold ok the Trib January at publio sale for $1,300. The U brikDolphin was off the'Port , day morning otf the Capes of Delaware- saw twoshine and a bark f rom in I supposed one of the allies to be the Rather, from Rio de Janeiro, %Bohr Compact, Brown , 4 days from Vienna, Md., wit ! li lumber to J Bacon. W • eon a dais from Laurel, Did, i tit h lL;intrt i o ' SkiliZton =EARED. Bohr Wm P Cox, nox, New York, Blakiston Co, • Bohr Caroline M Wilson. Camp, dn, do. Bohr Homo, Young, Washington, Van Dusan, Norton & Bohr &beaus Rni)ht. Endicott, Bolton, do. Sgrr r, 3 :l° Eltrogagagr,'Brige ' Bohr Mary Jane, Jonas. Baitimore!B r w Bacon. J Meunier .1 Bhriyor, Dennis; Baltimore, A arrives, r. Eg Thf,Tensi. (Oorreariondenoe of th_ hiladolphia Brohange.l 0.0% IBLAN . NJ. Maroli 5-10 AM. The !hip Rowell Sprague, from I ivereciol Dee 17th. for PhOndelphia. paaged to this morning, lit tow of the ateam.tug Amorioa. in comparr_erite ship John Spear, from Liverpool Jan 16th; bark Uspon, from Pernamhu o_N end Jahr Bologna. from New Orleans. Wind B W Weather mild, clear and pleasan t . Yam, .to, nOll B. HUGHES. IT TILMOVVII. Worreapondenoe of The Preto.) CUARLEATON, MArolt Arr Cordell& T J Rogere, from Liverpool. In. the oiling atilps Gondar, Amity and tiamoset, from Liverpool. MEMORANDA. Steamship Korona, Brownian, cleared at New York yesterday for Havana • Steamship Ariel, Miner, for Aspinwall, sailed from New York yesterday. Steamship Bohm, Gray, for Aspinwall, sailed from New York Yesterday. Ship AlllOllOlll Union. Lincoln. from Liverpool, old from Queenstown 16th ult. for Philadelobjg . Ship kleetr _ta Spark,' Lathrop, horn lVhampoa Deo 11, arrived at new Yorkyeaterdm. Ship Oliver Jordan, groat. from the porta on the West Coast of South s merlin, for Baltimore. with copper ores, put into Talcahuano, about Jan ad. leak ing badly. The leak was found to proceed from two auger holes near the atom, which being plugged up the shipwould proceed. Brig Isaac M itawson, Barton, from Para, arrived at Now York yesterday. Bark Sylph, Clifford, hence, arrived at Boston ad inst. • . Brig Resolute, Hill, hence, arrived at Boston 4th inst. Brig John Welch. Fifield, for Philadelphia, cleared at Newyork ye/tenter. Brig Breeze, Outerbrldge, was loading at Rio de Ja neiro Piiih Jan. Behr Marta, Meyers, froth Para, arrived at New York yesterdp. enry, Nutt. Baker, cleared at New York yes terday orPhilndelphia. Bohr It W Tull, Peterson. from St Jago de Cuba, err'• ved at New York yesterday. Mrs Sophia Ann, Smith, and 111 Plater. Blizzard, from Wilmington. Del .et New York yesterday. Sohn Bodine. Russell, and Bohm, Bunker, hence. arri ed at New York yesterday. Behr John Ames. from Brandywine, Del, arrived at New York yesterday. &Mr H P Nimmons. Godfrey, cleared at Now York yesterday for PniladelabiA. Bahr Franois ' , Awards. Babcook, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelehie. Behr Geo Edwards Baker, hence, arrived at Boston 3d inst. 140 h r 1) R Mereaum, Allen, from Jacksonville, arrived at Boston 4th ,net Sobs snnelane. Kiliatrlok and H Williams, Her ring, arrived at Wilmington, Del, yesterday. ohm Miss and Bebeecus Ppoo, for New York, and ahn It' Platen. Gandy. for Boston, will sail from Wilmington to-day. SPECIAL NOTICES. SINGER% &WINO risanixas. N 0.9 Sewing Moohinea--- -"NM No.l Sewing fdaolunoo....----- -- The Family Sewing Alaohlact. A--•--------• N The Family Sowing Machine- . 60 L M. SINGER & CO., No. 607 CHESTNUT Street. LIARRIS' BOTIDOM SEWING MACOMB.— IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. FIRST PREMIUM AT EVIRT FAIR. Philadelphia Office, 720 ARCH St. Agents wanted. Poll-3m IMPORTANT TO TAI LORB AND °TEEMS.— The Grover lc Baker Sewing-Maohine Company have Just introduced a new and superior Shuttle. Machine, large size, high speed, with latest improvements, Prim $6O. For Bale at N 0.730 OREBTN UT STREET, Philadelphia. , fe22-M SALAMANDER FIREPROOF SAFES.—A very large assortment of SALAIII • NDERS for sale at rea sonable prices, No. 304 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. ea23-if EVANS & WATSON, DEAF MADE TO HRA11:—IIISITS1111111S to cadet the bearing in every variety. and of the most approved construction, at P. MADEIRA'S Ear Intro• moot Depot, No, UP South TENTH Street, below 011estnnt street. mhl-6t SmA 31 N' 8 SAVING FUND—.-NOMMIST CORNER Sacoun and WALNUT BraErra.—Deposits re newed in small and large amounts, from all Glasses of the eonununity, and allows interest at the rate of FIVE rER OEN r. nor annum. Money may be drawn by ohsolts without loss of in Latest. Office open daily, from 9 until a o'olook, and on Mon day and Saturday until nine in the evenms. Pres'. dent, FRANKLIN FELL t Treasurer and Seoretary CRAB. M. MORRIS. SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMP/INT.—Chartered by the State of PenaltyWawa. 1. Money is reeeived every day, and is any amount arse or small. 2. FiVE PER. CENT. interest is paid for money from the day it Is put in. E. The money la always paid bank In 0 OLD whenever it It milled for, and without uotlee. 4. Money reeeivea from Executors, Administrators, Guardians, and other Trustee*, in large or small rims, to remain a long or short period. So The money tapered from Depositor* is invented in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other Brit ches securities. 6. Oifioe open every day—WALNUT Street, southwe et oorner Third street. Philaflphin. AP °Mil Plum] OLCrIIIING OP TEEM LATEST STTLIII, made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST sailor prams marked In Plain Figures. All goods made to order Warranted satis factory. Oar ONE-PRIOS system Is strictly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., ' seB-tf 604 MARKET Street. MARRIED. a. HAAS—BURNSTRAIL—In the Reformed Dutch Church. P. kin, Illinois, January' n, John Rue, Pao., of Pekin, to Mom Louisa ki. daughter of Rev. S. A. Born /dead. of Sodas_ Lake, Illinois. RAKER —FABIAPt.—On the 3d of October . 1369, by the Re r. T. W. J Wylie, Mr. J. S. Baker to Mum !Serf A. Fabian, both of Philadelphia. .B KT ROLOMBW—Mu 'Alto:R.—On the 26th ultimo. by Rev. Charles R. tkinuell, Valentine )3artholoinew to Anna Catherine MUM.* of Philadelphia. • OHeSK—RAFFRLFINGER.—Ou the 24th ultimo, by Rev John A. McKean. Mr. e era It Chase to Miss Emilie C. Haffelfingor, all of Philadelphia. LOVE—RIC RARDi—On the let inetaat. ,- y Rev. Dr C. A. Smith, Mr. Robert Love, of Rarford county, to Miss Abbe A. Riohards, of Me city. WRIGHT—HU o LOC K.—On tho Ilith ultimo. by Rev. .1. E. Meredith, Mr. leario D, Wright to Mien Julia H. liurlook, both of this intr. LIED. EVERETT.—On Friday evening. after a brief illness, Anna Mo gen Everett. daughter of Robert and Mary 0. r verett, aged 7yeare and 2 months. The relativee and acquaintances of the fcmily are re. speolfuliir intn'ed to attend the funeral, without further notics, front her parents' residence, No HU Olive street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o'oloak. To pr.e coed to Monument Cemetery. 8a l'irT.—tin the 4th instant, Mary, daughter of John sea nlizabeth atilt The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral from the residence , of her parent's. toehrnond street, Bridesburg, this (Tuesday r afternoon, at 3 o'clock. FOrTh,ft,—tin hunday nutmeg, March 4th, Wm. B. Faster, Jr. hummed service at the residence of J. Edgar Thom sen, ttut „ northeast corner of Bprucse and bighteenth etres ts. this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, Maws to be token ra Fit enure for interment. COUn'a PEY.—On the 3d instant, Mrs. 10008.0 We of Ciento 8. Courtney, Om b$1:1 tear of her ace, Funeral trot, the remoqa. of her _husband 841 North Seventh st.eet, above tarried, this (Tuesday) monitor, at 1114 troiock. • 19 e• 11 S the 3d instant, Francine, wife of ha moat J. Oilleppie. in the 35th sear of tr M y age. filtBB.—On the 4th instant, Jamie Mdse. aged 6 0 Wire. Funeral from bit late reilledioe. IVA Bedford streh this 'Tuesday) aitetnoon, at alook H NNA,—in .n the 3d instant, Min Ado be dotielter of the and the tate Muth, w Menne, ofpew York, in the .17 , ti year of her s.e. antral onWeilmetley alteration, 7tn instant, at 2 Oct' Muni the residence of her grandMOlner• Mrs. Jane okeppard, rlumatieetrbelow Fourth, i•orth Cam- W den. O(1,11.7-tin the 3il instant, James Wood, in the 65th year , hie age. Fimeral from his late residence. 1337 Marehall etre!' t, °ti_Tbursday afternoon ate o'inook. 134 K att.-013 the 2t instant, harry Mortimer Einem', only child or Mary and the late 11. Mortimer Baker, aged 16 months. Funerai will take Vara, from his mother's residence. 1226 ,Lelon street, thin (Tuesday) mornint, at 9 o'clock." LOOKHARF..--On tee 4th.innant, (dory Ann, wile of Andrew J. Lockhart. in inn iklut year of her a.e. Funeral from theiresideoce atm husband . Mg White hall nom, on Wednesday alteration, toe Mt at 1 o stook Bath y ear Y ANdiggi n , On the s Oh instant, Samuel Bryant, in the uneral from the residence of his brother. 2r2 .oot th Eleventh street. this( I uesday ) afternoon, at 3 o clock.* BA the 3.e instant, Citadel Ram in the San year of his ace Ferieral from hie Isle residence, 1701 North Ninth e t., on w ednead ay morning, ft 11 o'clock. • n in tii Will r th year 1118 —On t age. he 4th instant, Major Whiteside. e 66 or his Funeral from his late residence 110 5 Howard a reel, below Girard avenue, on Wednesday afternoon, the "th 1 11 ,4., at 1 o'clock. 8611 T ef....0n the 21 instant, Eliza 3. Smith, in the lad Year of her age. Funeral from her aunt's residence. 1104 Locust street. this I fuesday afternoon, to meet at I and inure al 3 o'clock. ZANF.—On the 3d instant, Br. Joseph Charles Zane, in the 43d y. ar of his ace. Funeral fret, his late residenoe. No. 812 South Second street on on wednesday mornina. at ft o'clock. the 8d instant Mrs. ttebet.ca, wife of Mat thias Poto in the 6,th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, 1213 Ash street, above Franklin avenue, eighteenth ward, on Wedneeday afternoon, et 4 o'clock. •* A1.a.,160,4.—0n the 4th instant, Wm. Allison, in the 44th year of his age. unmet from his late residence, No. 18 Brier's:coup. this ( Tuesday) morning, at 9 o'cliook. B MO V A L ! BESSON & SON will open then NEW STORE, No. 91S CHESTNUT Street, above NINTH, On TUESAY, (March ethi) aud respectfully aoholt continuance of the patronage of their customersitnd the public. mhe•tf THE N'.TIONAL UNION PRAYER. MEETING CONVENTION will meet Tilts at Noon ". th e BANBoN•STREET BAPTIST 01:11.1RCH. The 8 uione will be held in tee eller meld at 4P.AI , end Evening at N. Open to all friends 'of Onion Prayer. meetings. ii NrINLITICE.r EIPM.CIAL Mik.N.Ar•jvu , tly THE HIRER lAN SOCIETY FOR THE RR OF EMIGN A ill FROM IRELAND. 1 Till he held at the CONTINENTAL on WRDNEBDAY, the Tto net.. at 7 o 'clock P, M. A genera,' attendance is re (Wetted, no bualneas of importance wlll come before the meeting. . mhe-Itt AND. C. DRAM flecretary. fy JOYS l ,Ertatet.—NifirTY YEARS mum. SCRIBABLE AWRY from DYSPEPSIA, Nor vonsnesp. Biekneas rat the Stomach, and Vomiting, have been restored by DU-RARRY'S delinious, health re. storing ,REVALikNTA ARABIOA FOOD. Upwards of 62,000 cum, and many thouland testimonials. Packed, with full instmatione. In canisters. 1 pound, 8140; /2 pounds. fig—the latter oil:nage free on ye rtivt of cash, Sol at the ,Dapot, 213 South THIRD reet, by H. MUNRO, Priem:Al Agent for United Satan, and by all ampere and Drlic Vats. • DYSPEPSIA. Pprfi e gatellitikitrong nerves , and L t e x f 3 reshing ileop delicious ealth-reatcring Ve r ld,R;Tti. AR 810 A FOOD. To hedge elated ye, with. oiroutere and toritimonials from eminent yareone ustaag and Ameron. 010 luN THE §5777, , APEMPA, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 18601 7.- 111 E MEMBERS 01e SEI,I4FT COI(J . N. CM arc requested to me at COuN- M 11.13 UR, TWO AFT E 00N,513 Fleck, to attend the funeral or witun Fuklll,R, late a membor of 801014 Connell. 11, 1 110 L A.l" lIARDINOL It clerk o r 80100 004 . 4 mr• • RA O IL 11015 COMPANY, PENN ,. SBL:VANIA, r lITLA DEL PII lA, POITOO. Ma At a special meeting of the Board of Directors, he thin daA, the following Preamble and Reeolutione we al a t e e .l3:ol, rP I nip. Railroad o. heard D reotorko t . t he _ entity °. noted demise , n b. liatte .°o7.l°Lan t _4tri d tiurt ns reia. Yice• President. wi t h tuuround sorrow. he long end intimate relatiOnlexisting between Mr. Foster and many membere of the *lied ripenel into that personal friendship and esteem which will ren der )1/// memoir dearno them, and perpetuate their re Collection of his many virtue's. nn cfliner he was courteous but exact in the nor rifoormavr. n .r on e r e e f jbuisst.dhuiti.e.A.stinsaelmierwabeyro heh etiliterdmellAS, and his manner of enters. ng opinion. onneilintorl. Resoleed, That the death of W m. D. Foster, Jr.. this Company has met with n loos difficult to replace, nod the members of the Board a colleague for whom they had unbrinnded confidence and the lest °stmt. Resolved, That the Bond deeply symeett lee wan tile bereaved orphan children and relative ein t eiread and that the secretary be instructed to farnieh them Vith copy PI these resolutions. Kees/red, 'I hat the Board will attend the funeral gel , vices op Tuesday, the oth mat .. and the president b. re quested to ohne the ofllee on that tiny, tle a mark of ra mpant to the memory of the late Vice•Prosident of the olmpanY • By order of the Board. It EDMUND SMITH, Beeretary. FREE L HOT URES.-- - -MEORANiCS , CITUTE OR SOU CHWARC—Tba o Ogne all" lactates given by the Men!amnia? Institute will alma thin evening. on whioh won fro MN .PRIMPYiI. WRIT': and ANDICEIN REIHNOEtt, WIII de I oer addresses. The publio are invited, It. 7ueedLOGAN SQUARE UHURVII—N INE and I'WENTIE gli streets . Preaching THU{ qrKI FVSPiirib,At eight o'clock, by irev; II B. u'rUtl lt• KrDR. SOLDER WILL DIVE A COUR SE of Four Lectures on • tho Reformation. to commotion TUESDAY EVENING. Mareh at 7ti o'clock, 1111(i to be continued on WHDNESDAV.Marah 1; TaHRDAY. the 13th, and WEDNESDAY the 11th. at the Universit.y Hall, NINTH Street. below Market. Tickets, admitting one person to the Conroe, ®l. Ad mitting a lady and gentleman or two tadiee.)lll.so. For gale at HAZARD'S Bookstore, ULIESTNUT Street, below Eighth. It* irrLECTURE.-11Y REQUEST OF THE MECHANICS' RETREAT ASSOOLA,TION. the Rev. FRANKLIN 5100 RE WI repeat los leet_nre on " The - Future lime if America," at the ME CHANICS' HALL, N. .. corner or _FOUR 111 and (MOROI: streets. on TU SHAY EVENIN4 next. at fl o'clock. The °bleak of this lemma is to aid the Me alludes' Retreat Association 7 a soolety making efforts to secure an 'lmam fur aged, infirm, and disabled me chanics who nee in destitute circumstances. Tiokets 25 neat!. Can be had at the door. . mh3-3t* W5l. NICRUALS. See elan' rt:rNOVO E.—THE MANAGERS FOR THE relief and employment of thepoor of the town pof Germantown, hereby givo notice, al l oording to the O of im rmeact of AisertiblY, approved t e 13th day of May. Jag, entitled " cot reguirinrneb leaden of epplmetion to the 'Legislature of this Commonwealth relative to He'll Chtste,.'' that they will apply to the Le cleanup of the Stale of Penneylranie fig power to sell their Real Petals, militate en Rittenhouse street' Ger mantown, in the Twenty.eectond ward of the oitv of Philadelphia. e!tid Real h state being commonly nailed and known a. rhe I'oor liourpe property of the town sine of Germantown." EDW, R. WILMAMS. m3 , Gt* Bearetiry Reard of Manners. TILE NECOND NATIONAL CONVEN- A 3 TION of the friends of liniott Prater-meet. -.lsm will be held in the SAPlSrllit-Street BAPTIST NiUßClff. above P3ollTlf street. on Tuesday. Karon Ith,nt 12 ht.. As In no city in the United States there ti , e mnre friende of nion Prayer-Mee (mem then in Phila delphia we believe it I only neoessary to dive such a unties as the forecome. in order to more a full atierid• toed on that occasion, to ensue earnearprayer that the labors of the Convention may reoelve the flit/Ina Blessing. mhit-St° POISON—P DION IN LIQUORS.— DR. HIRAM C IX, the great Analytical Ohs onit, and Liquor Inspector for Hamilton county, Ohio. wig delver a course of Five Lectures in National 9uards' Kane street. between Fifth and Sixth streets on the evenings or March Bth, 9th: 10th, lath, and 14th, on the Poisonous Nature and Ingredients in Liquors; tho Rode by witch any one oan readily Ana lyse the same; the Pernicious Influence on the Human q ) stem He will also manignolure, In regenbe of fie audience , some choice Wl—Liquors Bach Leo ore will b• illuetrated by eaperiments with suitable APPS , raw. Tieketa , for the course, admitting a gentleman and two Viles, gl. Sinslo Lecture, admitting a gentlemen and lady. tri cents. Forsale hi the Janitor of tile Nations' Guards' Build. or: Mr Menlo. Franklin Hall, Sixth. below roh street; Wm S. Styles P. E. corner of hird and Irmo area I; Andrews. and Whiteman. Germantown evened and Berke i late Chnthamistreet, and at the Hall, on the evenings of the lectures. mha at` LECTURES ON PALESTINE AND L,3 FOYPT.—Rev. Mr. Maria, of Pittsburg. will, Travel Te , ao Leoturen on •• Rennes and incident* of Travel In he Rely Land and "'nig First Lecture, nn MONDAY EVENiNa, Sth init., in Rev, Dr. Daiwa' Cenral. On RAU. Street, near oomor of Sixteenth street. • • • "Scenes in and around the d olt' City—Bethlehem and Dead Rea.' . Second Lecture. on TUESDAY EVENING, 6th cat.,',ti Rev. Dr. Dales Church. On "Lower Fuer Including Alexandria, Delta of he Nile; Scenes in and around Grand Cairo; Oriental filarrlnre Ceremonials." Third Lecture, on THURSDAY EVENING, Bth net. . _ • . ' Upuor E Rui n soft-o the Greet Pyrnmide; Ascent a the Nile Thebes ; of the Ailment Pharaohs; Cataract of the Nile Nubia ; Arab Blood Revenge. Ticket's for course of Three Lectures.. 680. Single Admission 280. Lecture too mamma at pi to 8 o'olook. mh2 It TrOFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILEOaD COMPANY. Mencit. i Doo. The holders of the bonds of this Company. due . elf 1. 1800. can now receive. upon Replication at this °Moe, )0 per cont. in each, upon the terms epecified in the pin:M isr ntt.ehed. The holders ore also entitled to the benefi t of a sink. ins Fund of 8140000 per annum. as established by the stockholders at their annual meeting held January 9, 1010, and in pursuance of the contract. entered HIM by rho manpany and duly recorded, to carry thb same into Grout, B B ALIFOR Treasurer. OlRctitdoc NNW to the Holders of Phfbvitiphia and Reading Pad(road Company Mortgage Bands, due July 1. 18r. These hoods are secured by the first mortgagee on t e road, nmountin4 in the arsorestne to 83 SOS 400. Tto net revenue for the last fiscal sear was six times t e menet of the annual in•erest on these bonds. The Managers propose to extend them fora Period of twenty nears the holders retaining the bonds men the geourily of the mo•bates in the precise conoition in whieh they are now held. Fresh sheet. of coupons for the intoned. payable haityearlY, will be issued A Manua of JO per oent. will be given to the holders. in nonsideration or their assenting to the extension. This hopes will bt paid in cash to the bearers of the bona , on their loaning a receipt and presenting their reaper- tire bond. at the (dries of the Company, or to Be agents, for endorse ant. Forms of receipt and endoixement Intl be furnished on application. Br oder of the Board of Ms eaten, ml•ti • R . H. fitufbilENNY, &oratory, c - -,-+LECTURES 1)1_N THE cnEiLvor, DELDER ac., by Mr. (3EORGB FIELD. at NDEL and HAYDN HALL. tats•4at OPTICE 01r VAN luvirpt N 0.82 South THIRD Street. Palls patents, Feb. IN. teed AND LLMIRA RAILROAD,CO. The Ropretrie Court hare this day decreed the sole of ale road, NU t kite in hereby elven that the Power of Attorney adopted at the mooting of 'Second Mortgage Bond holders. held December 8.3889, nod already executed by a majority in interest is still open for stanatura. Bondholders who desire to pinto:dente in the owner ship of toe Road after the sale. and hue pr eat their :rear Sy,. tinder r tellloo -- e n _ : `,l::i t r e a r pi ed te ? l , l+ l.l l :Thveli 'veer.. Hoods nt title ° office, to repster, waere the DOWN' of attorney may he exeoutad. And the Van tamped P. A. art DYBs, Jr., Attorney B.oond htortgore Bondholders. RETAIL DRY GOODS. REAL OAS II MERE KNITTING ZEPHYRS, in double, wrist., or epht, are offer ed, or the present. at THE SAME PRICE AS THE IMITATIONS AND MEDIUM QUALITIES OF ZEPHYRS ARE Sold elsewhore. PP cents Der es. J. O. MAXWELL & SON, TRIMMINGS, SKIRTS. AND ZEPHYRS, fe2o-tf ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT. SPRING OLOAICS. Newest Spring Styles. striped Colth Cloaks. Nov? Sky lo silk Hood,. Plain Cl tit Cloaks. Cloaks mode to order. Prices from WO to 68.60 COOMN tr. CONARP. DAM NINTH and MARK HT tits. PRING CASSIMES Just rimmed, fifty a n ew Byriny Cameras om . prislna ranoY aninnit. Fancy Viaola, anoy Mixtures,Valenolai caehemre e and Piaui Colon Marseilles Good Moons, Yeatonga. 'Adige' dinned Cloaking inini Ladies' _ / ( gen1 00 . rnhd N INTH and MARKET Ella I I RENCII EMBROIDERED SETS. Just opened a email lot of Choicely Wowed, very neat ?ample. Embroidered Muslin &Assad Cal's. Al 4 PL,t , 03 L1.44,111E118, ORES fNUT k tIORTH Btreets. N OY tiTYLE OP BALMORAL. ma i t new Spring 'tYIetitinTUATteROTHERS NNA't 1/ bill WI 1N (vb. Yard wide choice design Shirtinge, French rerwile t mkt I). nrfs, Ith:lls%le Franoh Chintzes!. SHARPI, •EiS BROTHERS, CHEBTNUT ac. EIGHTH Btreets, THE ORP ANS' COURT FOR TM A. CITY ANo COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHI A. kstate or oN W B. el rol.le N. deeraied. The Auditor appointed by hr Court to audit., settle and editiat ilie ainount or AN iqtr W C. OS , 16. I me too, va.. will meet the parties interested at his office No. 115 South I .I.PTH Street i on MON UA.Y.Alareklgth la.ia at 4 P JAMES H. CAS i LE, tabiLtutlis Auditor. IN THE, ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE in• CITY ANO COUNTY, OP pHILADELPIIIA. Estate of THOMAS ell 1811. d .censed. Notice to hereby given thnt the widow of sale deoe dent lose filed an apmamen,ent of the personal pro. ;mete elected to be retained to , her, under the provisions 01 the act of assembly of 3-1 , 13 Aprd, 1881, and that the s me will be approved by the salt Venn union ex captions Worm enall be filed on or before the lath day el March, Ititto. JUNO ts. COLAII N, tuth-dt" Attorney for Widow. LOST—Last Evening, while proceeding from Third Street to Sixteenth. along Cheetnut, a POCKEL'..I3OOA containing 4113, several papers or no value to any one but the owner, and apember of cares hearing the name of the owner. The tinder will pIPIIIIB return to the office n. TAN Pf 4St. It• !WWIGEORGII; b. WALICKK, SOLP AGENr FOR HAINES BROTHERS' (N. Y.) PATENI GRAND ACTION PIANOS.—A eldendid aleortment,filit received from New York—Ovary style and finish, f.om 1200 upwards to 86 , 29_ These metro meats are w• ranted fin fi ve yenta. Ware•roorna S. H. Garnet of SEVENTH and ARCH Streets. tune St. GUFl‘iort PATENT KNIT'IIMi MA CHINES—For Family and Matitifeeturlna purpo ses. The eubsoribere have established an Aweneyln Philadelphia for the sale of theme hitiehinex,and Invite the attention of Housekeepern, Country Merchant.. alanutanturere &e.. to their operation, U one of the moat important and praotteel inventions of modern times, taking rank alongside or the &ming Machine. AVM. O..AVAGy. & 00,Aneate, At Fairbanks ' rale Warehouse, Mt OH aNTNU 1' Street. PISeATORI AL SPURTS. PHILIP WILSON & Crt.. 4R9 CHESTNUT St., would Invite the lovers of PISCATORIAL SPOQT the finned itesortment, and Bert quality, or TACKLE over offered In this city. 'Noll sal Burgos's' world-renowned Trout, BM, and Salmon Rods, Superior Trout, Dam, find Salmon Flies Bum extra Limerio, Vapour.,Cadile Salmon, and Bass Hooke. lteelo. Baskets. A rtificial Bate, Silk, Silk and Ham Grass, Linen, and Cotton Lines, B URGESS' TROUT, BASS, AND SAL. hION RODS.—PHILIP WILSON & CO.. 432 CHESTA VT Street, having taken the So'e Agency of my celebrated Trout, RUIN and Na linen Rode, Meals, ece . will supply my friends one the trade, at the lowest prices. tolt64m G. W. BUROOaB, TIIERE IS A CONSTANT INCREASE 11 in the demand for the Life-size Phototraphe in Oil, which in in evidence that the puhhe appreciate them. Vint II otitltr Photographio Gallery, lIECOA Bt., above GREEN. It* BAY RUM—Pure West India.—Nine ar Me for Headache and Toilet purmima, mlt64t. 010 COATES Street. TAR PITCH, AND ROSIN. 320 bbls Wilmington Tar. GOO b e ign 400 kgs Ptch. d° do. 1201 able Shipping Rosin. SOO We Noe. I and 2 Rosin. In stare and for rale by .ROWLBY. A1311131121.21ER & aglo 1 , 10.10 NOVA WAARYES. LEGAL COMMISSION HOUSES. MIU=MI COFFIN, Co., 110 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer by the Paokage, the following detiorlptions of AMERICAN GOODS Of standard makes and in great variety PRINTS OP STAPLE AND FANCY STYLES BLEACHED AND BROWN RHEETINOB BIIIRTINOS, AND DRILLS DANABURGS, DENIMS, AND STRIPER COMT JEANB,I3II,ESIAB, AND NANKEENH CANTON Pi•ANNELS AND PAINTED LININGS LIMY'S, KENTUCKY JEANS, AND COT- TONADES ALL-WOOL, AND UNION CLOTHS BLACK AND MANLY CANNIMERES BLACK AND MIXED DOY:SKINS SATINETS AND UNION CASSIMERFJ3 mhetmpit TWEEDS, CARIIMARETS, &c., &a NEW PUBLICATIONS. RARE OLEARANOE SALE pr 1031 LOT 3 OF BP01(8, Prior to removol to their NEW TORE, Nos. 413 and 415 BROADWAY. D. APPLETON & CO., _rfol. Ala and 34S REDA [SWAY, will Sell by Auction, Odmmenolna on TU nd S D oonte AY, nned the 27th marol., at 3 p, a the FOLLOWING AFTERNOONS, WILLS & ELLS WoßTil, Auotioneers. A fine collection of Works, in every tiesdrtment of Literature a large number of which are in elegant Li brary liindinta. WECIAL NOTICE,—D. APPLETON & co.. being &Wilt to remove to a more centralponittom respectfully invite the attention of their friends end the yobbo to the books in this catalogue. comprising seleotiocs and duplicates from their large and unrivalled stook, in every department of human knowledge; bound by the moat experienced and Mande workmen in London, and well Lortay the attention of gentlemen adding to their ibraries. The public may rely implioitly that all the books in this catalogue will positively be sold without any ro ssreatton. Ans them will bo found nio RORER B'B SKETCHER OF THE HOLY LAND. d vole., folio. MUBb.h.:_IfdPERIAL OF FRANCS. 17 vols. yLoßr.Nois IiALLERY, p vols.. folio. VERSA iLL IO I3 IiALLP RY. 12 vols.. lon°. (1141,6R1P: DU istUdEE DE FRANCE. le vols. fI j aPFORD OALLERY. 2 vole. iJEE FitAliCalri. 4_vols.. folio. 111 LERIE FL y h[ANDE,_Folio. 4 DIN'S ifild l .lOPORArRiCaL WORKS. tie vols. Ellitai ROO. REVD: w. 110 roll. FNOYOLOP.IBUI A 13RIPANN1Ca. 23 vols., 4to. PENNY ill CLOPAIDIA. 18 vole ,4to. H n Eiffel C YCLOPA3 OIA. 47 vols. BLACK ifYOOIYE MAisAZINE 83 vols. ao„ Ho., Br.o. • Catalogues sent to any andresq on receipt of a stew. Ere .ns at a distance, unable to attend the sale, real have their (Idea executed bj the Allatlutleala mite tuthe3t T WO NEW MEDICAL BUOlis 1 I PEIBLISHRD THIS DAY, SY LINDSAY & BLIE!STON. ALTHANW TREATISE ON MEDICAL ELECTRI CITY, Tneoretioal and Practical, and its l'ses in the Treatment of Paralysis, Neutalem. and other diseases. In One Volume. Price $125. DIXON'S GUIDE TO CHF. PRACTICAL STUDY OF DI •13D.8 W. THE EY K, with an Outline of their Medical and Operative 7 r meet. From the 8z- C,ND LONDON bDITID Y. In One Volume. Price SM. COMPLITII CAT' WOVEN OW MEDICAL AND EIDISNTIIfIC BOOKS furnished gratis upon application. amt.". Corms of all Hooke sent by mall, free of poet ago, upon receipt of the retro. price. LIM/Salt & BLAKINTON, Publishers and Booksellers. tuba No. 2.3 South SIXTH street. above oil ES MUT. A. NEW BOOR BY DR. MOCOSEL TILE INTUITION OF THE MIND !NM INYPSTIGATED. by Ron /Axes Mc- Coss. B.D. 8 vo. 42. RIOTOEY OF TIM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN IRELAND; Condensed from the standard Work of ROOII2C. Killen. By Her. SAMtis.. D. ALEXANI,,a. 12tno' THE FULNESS or CHRIST. A Sermon. By Rev. 11.111RA.rren 001:eiketn, MAN,. MORAL AND PitYcLOAL ; or, The Influ ence Of Health and Domes, on Reltaioos Experience. Sy See. Joined; IL Jonne, D. D. 12mo. 41. bevelled Red Edges. 111.26. For Bele by WILLIAM S. k. ALFRED MARTIEN. mhe No. We CHM ;NUT Street. PAPER HANGINGS. &a. 1860 . SPRING STYLES, 1860. WALL PAPERS. HOWELL & BOURKE, htanufaaturere and Im➢ortera PAPER HANGINGS. No. 17 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, bolow Market. Wier unusual taellities to Rontbern and Western buy re, a spiendid stook of goods to potent from, and all of be newest and best designs. WINDOW CURTAIN PA tERB in endless varlet,. feat-Ym WA Ll, PAPERS, WALL PAPERS, Wlmlnsate end Retail, at reduoed prices. LB NORTH FOURTH ?treat. below Rao.. Housekeepers and others woukl do well to give ea &call. aad ex:inane our stook Imitate purchaeins elsewhere. Rooms papered at the shortest hones. ht•VI rerul workmen Drat for- Let the number-148 NORTH FOURTH mtreet. below R.ftee. MoEVOY 001,1 i. In 3 dim TO CLOSE BUSINESS. 1.1.A.11T, MONTGOMERT, Et co., 'NO. 32 CHESTNUT STREET, Will will out, through this winter and next spring, their Large stook of • PAPER HANGINGS. onsisting of ovary variety oosttiooted with the business. AT GREATLY REDUCED FRIOEB. INE FRENCH PAPERS AT 30 PER CENT. BE LOW COST. hum venture their Itoutem Papered, ono get great AEGAIN Ei. dall-tf G. GUMPERT, IMPORTER. ALWAYS ON HAND, 1,000,000 HABANA VICARS, At No. 1311 011ESTNUT Street. Above U. O. Mint, AND :(0.41:4h OHESTNUT-Street, Below U. 8, CUSTOM, BOUM. feffilulhe-12t• E DWIN CLAWS lIIGIILY IMPROVED and newly Patented Corphined rinnding and Bolting. or MERC nAINT FLOUR MILL, Daily in operation at N 0.2213 RACE Breast, BELOW THIRD, PHILAD'A• This unrivaled Flour Mill. ',minding the complete grinding a d. bolting machinery, °centime a apace of only 4 feet wide. el fit feet high. and twenty-nine foot long manufacturing within this small compnas, at a single operation. and with but li t tle iiinre than six horse power. family extra extra. tweed ne. and all id the low or grades of flour, and the different kinds of o ff al ; pro ducing flour equal in quotas to the 'pet flour in,de from a given amount of wheat, by the best tleroh.nt Flour Mills 1%1 tbp United • Wes. or in urose. lie %berate D t u o r. ot grinding is two barrels of superior dour per This neer, compset. complete, and 0 •lebrated flour mill has been carefully exsmined to many of the most experienced millers in We country unit they imam mously bestow upob it the highest commendations; end hive Kitten their testimonials of its intrinsic superiori ty andita immense utility. Whirs, merchanis. cap hlists. specula tors, end the public in aurral. ere rt satiation, invited Wadi and examine this lushly useful and Justly cola brated flour n ill Information concernin: the purchase of the Patent Rt.lite for Stet a and counties and the f o ndle, for every motion of the Unled 'totes, (treat Biitain. Fianna, (Jarman,. Russia, mid ri evcuirural countries, will be given to all parlous addressing their letters in EDWIN CLANK. patentee. No. 215 RACE at. below Third, Philaita. ow- For further Information concerning. this eeldbra ted flour mil, Cease to read the yellow handbills, de scribing It. rria•lY COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS I. V RY T Y PEW. DAGUERREOTYPES! AS Moe LEE S'. • NO. 096 CHESTNUT STREET, Below Seventh (Mate hrflre's Minh $l. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS. $l. Those who desire a really splendid PHOTOGRAPH Should call at this THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED AND MOST EX TENSIVE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN THE STATE. Copies of DAGUERREOTYPES or_Ambrotsses, of • any 31219, ISIOIRRO in CRAYON, OIL, WATIR-OOLOR, PASTIL, or AM NORYTYPRS. danint OPERA GLASSES. THE GREATEST VARIETY Fort SALE by M. J. FRANKLIN, mbe.St 112 SOUTH FOURTH Street fil TO THE SOUTHERN AND WEST ERN MERCHANTS , Mn. s M. A. KING, No. rs, . 5 i1 1,h.8 . ,,p h 0 n N i ,f: o ,! . .ltree l ,,. e4 l. l tw p e imil gA s ßK L : i r en e m Fader Bilk nail Straw BUNNIITS I , to wlliel We invites their attention. iintis C. UERAL-WATER APPARATUS, OF the Mat approved style and fin eh. He Amnia also call the attention of all druggists and &minis In Boda.wator APPata'lla to examine his new Urn anti Marlins Pine awl Syruping Apparatus. Alto, lIPIII oC ell kinds east and finished to order. All kinds of brass workexeouted. N. fl.--Partmular attention paid to repairing of all kinds of Mineral-Water Apparatus Am JOSSH HI NUM YHA, mhtl-lm 017 MINUS Street, Philadelphia. HAY, STRAW, AND lIUSK. PACKING, FEEDING, AND UPHOLSTERERS' USE BUOKLEY & SOMERS, 40 NORTH WHARVES, botablft, (below Arch.) fAMAGRD lIAVANk CIGARS.--A fe CIGARS of the "FIGARO" brawls, just re active& and slightly &gloved. and for solo low, by Inh&10t. CHARLES TETE, 150 WALE UT Street. small invoice of FIOARO OlGARSolid.tly downtrod, For eel. low, by VRARL.Rd ATE, 130 WALNUT Street. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. TERRY, PRICE, & CO., 231 MARKET STREF,T, IMPORTIRN AND JOllins OP OLOTKN, OARBliktEREtr. &e., Have now on hand a Impend well-seleotedetook, whieh they are prepared to cell at the lowest market yrloon. mhS-am T . W. GIBBS 8a SONS. J. tio. dal MARKET Erlitßia. Are noir opening their SPRING STOCK OF GOODS Adopted to MEN'S WEAR. In Irbil% will Le found a fall assortment of CLOTHS, DOESKINS, VESTINGS,TRIMMINGS,&o tes-zni A . W. LITTLE & CO.. SILK GOODS, No. a 25 MARKET STREET. teg-lm JAS. R. CA MPBELL do 00., IIIDORTYRS AND WHOLDBALN DZAIMIN DRY GOODS. LINENS, WHITE GOODS, OLOTUB, OABBIMEEBB, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, Aa. Eil4-Smir No. ml CHESTNUT IHyeet. FANCY DRY GOODS. STILL AHEAD! DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S NEW SKIRT. € 4 BELLE OF THE SOUTH," The most Perfect and Beautiful Skirt ever produced MA DE WITHOUT MASTS, end warranted not to get out or order, in 2, 11, 15,'10, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 50 HOOPS, EVERY LADY IS REQUESTED TJ EXAMINE TEEM BEFORE PURCHASING OTHER MAXEB. Wholesale Dealers supplied by DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD, 61, 53, and G. WHITE Street, NEW YORK BURNETT. SEXTON. 80 SWEARINGENt Ineorters of PANCTY GOODS, ENGLISH AND GEHMAN HOSII MEN'S FUdNISHING 00008, LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. SKlRTS—Shetland Wool. Zephyrs, and VARIETIES. No. 419 mkithsr orttEET. fell trns3 • DUHkiING Bc CO., Not 96 and 28 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are now receiving, by succeecive arrivals from Ea. rope, their SPRING IMPORTATIONS or ENGLISH AND. GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, Mnohine Sewing Silk and Thread—and aoltint an in spection of their complete and well-asaortel . stook— ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO BODITIERN AND WVITTRN TRADR. fe3-3m STATIONERY. STRANGERS ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE ONE OP TILE LARGEST ASSORTMENTS of ACCOUNT BOOKS • • AND STATIONERY to be found in any establishment in the 'UNITED STATES. Sold Wholesale, and Retail, at LOW and UNIFORM PRICES. WILLIAM MANN. mh3-tf 43 SOUTH FOURTYStrset. WM. H. MAURICE'S NEW 131:AANIC BOOK STATIONERY STORE. No. 326 CHESTNUT STREET, (SION OF TIIIE SPREAD rAOLN.) Is now folly ■upplted with the following articles, which will be sold In t.rg• or small anantdies, very low for cash: Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Receipt Rooks Check Books. Bill Booty, Copying Books, Oiled Paper Copying Presses, Quills, Steel Pens In great variety Penknives, Scissors, Shears, Letter, Cap, and Note Paper of all kinds, Envelop es, &0., &e. Bank., Insurance Offices, and Merchinte supplied on favorable terms. fe.29-1m BROTTIER, tcC43; NO. 430 MARKET STREET, B 4 OOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURERS, Keep a large and well selected stook, IMPORTED, DOMESTIC, and of their own MANUFACTURE, Wholesale and Retail at the very lowest prices. BLAND BOOKS On hand in largo Quantity, or made to order, of any desired pattern, of the rimy best material and work manship. We are enabled from our extended facilities to offer superior inducements to purehasere. A call is solicited. fete-2ra SPRING TRADE. WM. F. MURPHY & EONS. PRACTICAL INANVIACTURERS 01 BLANK BOOKSf STATIONERS, AND PRINTERS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 339 CHESTNUT STREET. f.20-tMIT INSURANCE COMPANIES THE TERP IsE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADEPUtA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING S. W. CORNER fOuRTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIREUTORS. F. RATCHFORD BTARR, MORDECAI L. Damns WILLIAM MCKEE, GRo. H 8-HART. NALBRO FR • ZIRR, JOHN N. BROWS, JOHN M. ATWOOD, B. A FAHNIIITOCR, BRA/. T. THROICK, ANDRCW D. CAM, HEN av WHARTON, J. L. 14RINOIR. F, RATCHFORD STARR, ?resident. CHARLES W. COX.E.Secretary. telb-ly F IRE INSURANVE RELIANCE MUTUA T INgURANCE COMPANY PHILADRLPIPA, ON BUIRANOS. •IMIrED OR PERPETUAL MERCHAvON, FUoNITURE, ho., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. OFFICE, No. 305 VvrALN UT STREET. CAPITAL. $220.310-... Invested Its follows, viz: First Mortgage' on Impr.ived City Property, worth double the amount ....133 600 00 . Ground Rent, Brat olass .... 3 463 50 pill of Philadelphia d per cent. Loan.... 20,000 on Penns)lvania R. ft. Co.'s 5 Per neat. 5d Mort gage Loan./ 4530 000) 27 000 00 Allegheny county 5 par et. R. R. L0an........ /0 COO no Collateral Loans. well secured a 600 00 Huntington and Broad Top H.R. and C. Co., htottanan Loom • -•• • - • '''' -, • 4,000 CO The Reliance !Barna Insurance Co.I snook.. 21.860 oo Whe County Fire Insurance Co. litock LIMO to he Delaware M.B. Insurance Co. °took... .. 701 co ennaylvanta R. R. Company 8t0ck....... 4,000 00 Connnetoial Bank mock ............. ..... . 5 115 01 Mechanics' Bank Stook ........... .......... 2,811 00 Union M. Ins. Co' 8orlp,(85801,.. ............... 10000 Bale Receivahle........ .... ....... ..... ..... 16,2J7 IS Book Accounts, accrued Interes t , & . 0......... 5,315 51 Cash on hand and in hands of Agents.. ...... 11,385 15 MARC TOWS Clara Piag . ley, Samuel! Mechem, Wl.ham X,ChOMEEPIt.I Hobert Steen. Frederick Brown, William Mauer, Jom°hue Stevenson , Benj. W. Tingley. ohn It. Worrell, Marshall Hill, L. Canon, Z. Lothrop, Robert Poland, • /ivies LOW, Frederick Lennie, Jaen!, I'. Bunting, Cheraw B. Wood, Smith Bowen. James S. Woodwar c ,lL Em Joh y n it i o is i te it li i ! rtd il i lt c h i ur e g 4 B. MINCIIMAN , Secretary. February IL 1:0J. fe23-tbektu-6llf TILE MUTUAL LIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORE., BIX MILLDAM DOLLARS; invitzin IN MIX SIX* 01 , 1 AUL X WORTH OVER 11119,000,003. The premiums ere Dividendsee In be e ay other Comps- Wei, and the have noR xxxxx . --••••• Thia is a stribtly MV7VAI. COMN„ 'rims* no tßookhohiers, eo that ALL. PRO BILONO TO TIM INIIVA D. Pamphlets.lmd v 4', ' Information, may he had GUAM, OD an i , 3 • ' 9 .. IL W. corn. I i ''' vadDzatiorizia.. , -- PHILADELPHIA REPERRIDEB: Thomas Robins, John woLan, Mordeoas L Dawson, Ittoorspjl. Mad. LAI EL . i. 31 17 h oud, WM Pamonoh. onn . Atwood. °mai H. Powers, IlisaiMoKee. E. B. w Wen, J. Fuller Loamhr• William 04. Wing Arthu , of n. ueorielaed, Thos. wetted,A.iyira A VALUABLE pAnag-BIGHT, ex •L, 2- tending over Nineteen &Stem, FOR BALE, veil low, or esti:lll,4ml for Merchandise. ReaLEstate, Eke. Apole immedlettely 4t. 28 South szvEinxi Street. sal onnd Roar. • • it" WANTED-85,000, on a Mortgage well •• r teetere. Apply oinoe Booth SIXTH $ !Mier below Chestnut. Mb6-3t AA MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW LADY DEL sires s Bitustlos an Housekeeper. Good referenses g ran from her present employer. Address "M. 13," Blood's Menemh. inh3-It. A 'YOUNG MAN, 21 years of age, de. A sires a sitattiou had 4ve years espenenee. Wholesale Cirooeri or comrnatsiou business preferred. Add rim, •" Hear 'at this °aloe. mhf-6t• WANTED —1 : 000 Ladies to send for DE AtlBE/8 greet book. Every young man and woolen contemplating holy retook should IMO elm book. Friclose four Metope to Bo: 04 , Philadelphia P.U. DIP be A MIDDLE-AGED LADY WISHES AN. eneseentantas onmpanion te an Invalid ;Lorene eta to lour children; or to Imperietend the affairs of a family. No objections to yews the city. Highest leatimonint. given. fleas e address, with yiirticslary, 'Went." Illood'a Dlaiettoh• fate-let. $l2 O 00 A PARTNER WANTED , * with a wish capital of rim 811.000 to stl /bola the Ism Fouadry Dune's. Address A. B. it.. Blood's Bloated. with ma name, ants state where an interview mewl* had. fen 7t. FOR SALE AND TO LET HO USE TO LET No. HAS TNUT. Alga, Rouse corner of B KOAD sod FILBERT. ItApply No iIS9 ARCH Street. TO LET - THE LARGE SECOND TO Pion of STORE. No. 145 DOCK Street, near SECOND. with rdennting•rooni, fire-roof, and grater, 'halving, hr. suitable fora Tea House. Additioall Storage room it required. Apply V. mhn.nt• DAVID OILTINAN, on premises. 'POE BALE.—A' MINERAL WATER MAC if IN E. in completer order, capable of bottling from six to elabt honored dozen. Also. several second hand once. wilt be eokl onesp.•_pple to ml 3 ATEOE BN% Mdtelt.W • GE.O. SO? BRAE O NCH etreeta F R SALE—The two H01:18ES. Wit Nos. 412 and 414 A RCR Street. • HUMAB BTEWAR D801,4,1r., mh.2.lm. 415 PR1.14 iatreet. T o LET—A large lot and rounting-house with fixtures for a Board Yard. admitting the Out ing mill Broad and liamilton streets. near the Reading Railroad depot, suitable for a factory or any business requaing yard room. Apply to O. FERGUSON, m3-s to th No. BB WALNIi 11 Street. ADMINI-TRATORS' SALE. DOU7EB AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AT AUCTION.—WiII be cola at auction. WRDNEBDAI. MARCILI.I3Oo, at 101 i o'clock. A. M. en the premises, the temeohlt eoun.ry residence of the bite John Al. Brewer, M. ii....tuated in Beverly Na. Jersey. on the southern bank of the Delaware river, consonant of 2 Acres of Land. House and Barn. Ihe House isof brick. two and a half 'toles hmh. with~ Cupola; and contains 12 rooms. It was built about.ten yearasinne to the late owner for his own r a. cupaney. and is admirably located at a bend of the river, commandine an elegant. view. The Land sn tends to the water's edge al ordiat a ,rod opportunity for the erection of Bathine and Boat Rooms. There Mace WI to the city of Pholadelphla by steam boatss and railroad. several tunes a day thus mama; it a most desirable residence for a gentleman doing bus,- nem in the city tnimeditVely after the sale of sl id house. will be sold the Furniture, Medical Library and other Books filedi• cal Inetruments, &o. A 1.'0 , rwo o her 'mall hou es bet aging to the same owner, is the immediate vtcinitc. tat it of void, two stories huh. end worthy the attention of any person goosing a residence at a moderate coat. W ante positive to settle the entire Estate. slohd.tions liberal and made known a time ohmic_ Beverly. N. J ,Feb 13. 1260 1421-th sat to tAIIW2t aERNIANTOWN PR" PF.RTY. VAL"ABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE The valuable Farm and Country teitt. containing 105 acres of hie lily noltivated land situated in tho town shin of Germento •n, Philadelphia eouoty, and within lie of the depot in Germania es. Cho palliation of this property is not to be surpassed. being bounded on the north by Washini too lane, on the west ny t°woehtp lane road, and on the south hi thinee street. and within one-ciahih of a mile of the Limekiln Tommie, and a gunner o a mile of two -ta t one on the Chestnut 801 branch of the Gettualitown Railroad. High street, and ihresbin-ter„. lane. The location of toe above property ta h and heal thy. the land .oU watered and lyiux very advanta geously for ernes° Sites. It commands eq extonded view of the murrourieing country. and in to:erste ed b. the streets ronning from Herrnaniawn, as laid down on the Surveyor's elan of that district. The prooeity is laid out in hve acre tom. 11001/Tlow plan, of - which nifty be oh arced on application to either of the under el. ned. • Alpo. a valuable and handsome Building' Lot. situated on. M anhei en street. near Plane rand. Germantown. oon tamine in front on said street ler feet. sad to depth about 830 feet. having en area of about... acres. The ground lire high and slopes towards fdanheim sreet. upon which front is a row of large and elegant shade trees. di., severd Bne Bulking Lots adjoining and in the y of Fiiher'il I ne Station Germantown. or further pettrettlari end terms apply to GEORGE JUNKIE. Jr..Attorl3Bl Or to S. E. nor. SIXTH and W I.N UTIS Streets. SAMUEL. ft. 111 , 1ft1". GERMAN to wx. sr EVERGREEN, SHADE, and FRUIT TREES. FLOWERING BELRUUS VINES. ROOT 4, &o. For doscriejracatalogae.vM il!nstrittive u oraving. nodroas J. ORioCuM, vorgroon Nursery, Woodbury, New J•rsoy. 109-60 ntLLIARD TABLES FOR rALE.—Two firstelwWant Tables, with 1M inoh yacht s beds, beds, and latest unproved cushions. wide last May— now using at the Mount Fenton House, Penn above Fifth sweet, Reading. Apply to H. A. LAN r 2, It tact MARKET square. fen7-tf Reading, Pa. won SALE,--All that Valuable Property known as the BLACKWOODTOWN ACADEMY. located' o the healthEand thrivine village of BLickwood town, New Jamey ! The main edifice is of brick, 43 by 40, three stories high, with basement for dining MOM end kitchen, and is very complete for a boarding school. is especially adapted for a (amnia semineri • has ample grounds, hems well shaded and wall he sold . at auction on Tn. R3I)IY, the 15th of march, at one o'olock ta., on the Premise. Inquire or °NAB LIVERMORE, fe2r4lt. BLACICWOODTOWN. tal-A HERR'S HOTEL FOR. RENT.—The ..wsll7,oprietreee of the above well-known Hotel wiz bee to retire, and offers the tiot.l for rent. The furniture will be sold, or rented also. For particular, address fell-lm J. O. HERR, Harrisburg, Pa. J ONES' HOTEL—PHILADELPHIA The lease and furniture or this noted lintel are for tale at a treat bargain. The furniture is entirely new. having been put, in within a year. and the house now doing a auccessini business. Inquire of D. M aTfOGR. to the Hotel, or of F. G. ECK 'DA. No. H MURRAY St.. N. Y. fett-tt Fl SALE—A valuable Lot at corner of AL Christine and Twentieth streets. harm[ three fronts, notable for n church or Inotore rum For term. &c., eddrens J. B . nt this lace. jets tf pAOTORY LOT FOR SALE.—A valua ble corner lot 176 feet ware, haying three front'. tulmirably located f ors factory Ette. It re smutted in the southwestern part of the city, an a rapidly-im proving neighborhood. It will be sold on reasonable terms. For north:44am address " K.," office of The Press. jalg-tf IVIATBIMONY.—A gentl man of , ample ""• fortune, lam Oan aliPT•Clatel the comforteor home, to desirous to commence a correspondenee with a lad ckf educatum an 4 refinement. Address H. DOUXI4S, ' Blood'. Dispatch. CASH WILL BE PAID, AND THii. Imbed price, for 154 sod pent,' cast-off CLOTHING, by addreuiog Box 517 Blood'e wawa. fe21.110 M ARTON SELEOT SCHOOT ocated LY-ML nix miles lest of Cadmic on C. v. R. R. Princi pal. P. M. I. 01 LELEN. Locality rural, free from tempt.tion and vibe. Circulars can be obtained at the Booms of the Praebyterian Board of Publication of the Y. M. C Asanciation and at this office. Fnr f Cher informati• n Janeiro •if the Rev. P. If. P..WEH, Nn. 1113 CHESTNUT groat. nob) mareb the 16th or at the places waste Chrcida•it are left. mhS-Illt. CR.ITTENDEN'S PHILAD'LPHYA ('OM NIERCI AL C N. E. neuter SEVENTH and CITE , . NIIr Streets.—The renister ndents' 'times shows over 230 now in &milldam ' s. 70 have e i tered from Jan 141.1960 to Fob 25th. 180. •II are in structed. individually, in the duties of the nounting ho2use. lease wall and examine arranxements, &o. fe2:l-120t I TW°Pt PASANT ("HAM BERS VA CANT. with Board. at 1A23 WALNUT St. mht-1m• amaingi TO H&GFESTOWN MARYLAND. VIA PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. The P ENNBYLVA NIA RAILROAD COMPANY are Prepared to forwar I Freights to HAGERSTOWN, without change of Cr,,A and at low rates. For list ol Freight oat! at P. R. R. Freighttißoe. el 3 CHESTNUT Street, or THIRTEENTH and MARKET Streets. R. H. HOUSTON, GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT. ZELLER & WASON, Agents, HAGERSTOWN. MA Putting., Feb. M. mhl-6t ASSETS. 8303,1308 St 1860. SPRING TRADE. 1860, W. HENRY PATTEN Invitee the attention of dealers to the large stook of WINDOW READER. CURTAIN MATERIALS, and UPHOLSTERY GOODS, ON RAND LT 630 CHESTNUT STREET, Which are °fared to buyers on the moat reasonable terms. mh3dt• 630.3.508 NI OT".-1,500 gallons Extra Bleached Witter Whole Oa; YOW gallons Valls Bleached linephant oil; 2100 tallow' Rae Sod otl gallons No. 1 Machinery oil: 8000 gallons Refined Greasing od ;50 banele.No. 1. Lard (hl, in Store. and for sale by ROWLEIr. ABBBURNER, & CO.. rapt le 8.41213 W HARVES. nOUBLE- DISTIL LED BURNING Fluid, Alcohol, Pine Oil. Cryetallferosene Oil, &o, THOMAS & COS PIED, roa4t* No. fal N. WRARVe S. r r , SOUTHERN AND IV Esi ERN lag gAis, CHANTS a•e particularly invited to call and examine the i.ew and splendid assortment of Millinery, constants of Sonnets, C,ll. end Head. dresses, at Alm M. S. IllSk 01+ , 8, No. told CHESTNUT Street. next door Wills St. Lawrence Hotel. fell-lm ' ,HEM —330 Boxes Herkimer County • ) Chearo. in store and compile by 0. C. FADLE • 43 CO. ARCH Sorest. 8d d or s horn Front. IwoOIIIOKERING (t SUNS, DIANII FACTUREREI of Grand. Square, and tie-' right PIANO FORTE& Warerooma, KR CHESTNUT Streeti i l l 'innoa to tot. taken In aSsAance, tuned. and npag talc; in onneotion, gook of Popskat iatua, Imo Moon. ea. Ja3l-Mil WANTS. PERSONAL. EDUCATIONAL. BOARDING. RAILROAD L iDi ER. CURTAIN IULATERIALS. AUUSEItIENTS. AMERIOAI4 lifilibtf ' THId ISV IT NfeDRE PREY CH U TZ Beat+ r to ne . Dem (DERTrRY . -Do U 12.1 and to-morrow.(PUiAltt-sesAMP,*hadae. sage Ilr=aS77=teeeAkigttike. toe dre. NuTiß.—The serum cgs oa no etwoont ._tiothended beyond asst Saturday. se tie $1,.. wet:set to 0140 Baltunore on(Valasy =ja g nth. THIN ITUP BDa ) EVENTING. et First night of W_eter's eele-ret.d "nem of DER FRE* ECIIUTZ Which will beitiren for the S•st end oaf, time I+ Itehea. without eartaLlment or ahndsement. with new recite. tit - tabs Meow Betton. and a complete e.et. abeisdi u COLSON, 8M ROWEL 811610 AL .117NUA. MULL Wlt. QUINT°. To-nlopor (Wednesday). 'set night hat One of Wits t INA. PATTI. Only night of Bellint — '. Opera of pug IT al. PATTI, BRIGNOLI. PERRI, STRIINI. On Thittedsy, MANI. NTIORt.L. SUSlttlf_ The sale of setts for Rosin ITellUattell w.et:bea ds, May. PATTI It tooefit, sad het appearatme. warder. close of the aes,on,_. Tat. yawns. WHEATLEY & oLARKE)B gam. STREET TErEA:rav_ Ting TUELLDAY I EVENING. hisreir Lan night but tour or ISNEIERELTS SEW AtiAL ratted the OCTOROON: Oz. LIVE lit - aGoorla Partau, Mr. Dolman; Jao...b Iti•Oto.o7, Mr. Leo ; the Octoroon. rs. John. Drew. a.m.' yr - F a ess.—artansmo ff man seeirki Seats la Drum Willa epatr ; Pututs* watt. Dom orma at GM fasurraos aorataaaoa u ni proof/NIT. . _ WALNUSETRKET THEATRE. "•- • Bole Alm M. E. GAL/ tinge .... H. P.lR i t Boxyr a iwA irav i - Efir ibir.,7oB. D. M THR 8161:81, OP i l e iPt l P Pygmalion Boontrot. Mr. P, 8 Cimarron ; TOM. 78. r. Haman ; Clan. Mize een Malec THE HIDDEN HAND. p Wool, Yr. Chat-ban ; Donald Bume. My. newel t Lanitola. Mn. Anna Cowell ; lilamh Roeke, Sirs. R. a. Perry. tirt - Pmati at Bean aeouredVimat extra thane. at Door, open elook. at 7 (Mock a Performance to comma:re 73‘ o riaTtRICTILII GREAT BROW. ath RATIONAL THEATRE. WALNUT Et. above gates—Dees Circle. IS enmhe t rit o til m eaata in Primus Bases. FS cents 1 is COW t'll aCausinvltaftad.iitoors open at half mat 0'41%:* To oomMenoa at 73.1. TillB ;TUt.suAlp EVENING. Marsh LIM The t arformanos snit common*" with 8111 , 11F8 IN TIM CIRCLE. ULLL6. ELLP. ZOYARA: Moss Unprecedented Posta of Ermestrianism have excited the great:it sensation. Is k appear ru her unap proachable act of tenor. and beauty. DAN RICE. the firspriat Hinnorket, witi swear: • The Au:mot:lan Maroh. the Fein Cheare *sad Feast of Roses, from THE ELEPHANT of SIAU. Tho performanoes oral conclude loth the Gorpoltut Epeotaole of THE MAGIC RING. CONCIEWP lIALL.. - A ABORT eg SON. BUi' K JAY'S ASR. NA D" REI AND 'ETHIOPIAN tpQ • OPER A 112017' Together with the d IRO 0,0i.t.d Prima Douce. AIMS JO - IA 61.4:L.D. 'rfiq only. etimplets stoma or Mi os!.els in. the srorld. sad the only uo ks m u ir t g . mi w srmetAse norm THIS • PE141%.7, The certormsum. t ut commeeee sr , th n chops, sale.- Von or 11 - 11 ads Choruses Mu% D IheAs. Ac. o conclude with Bac tie bu r 'e'en* eye ra or L. CHI- 'NA BORG!, 1 1)(4410a Bonin. Ml.. %I ,4 04k1; deoaftro,e. E sloe Due Id,' • orsuur, 4 Bishop Barn e y. th7' Admission. TWEN Y Fl Vt. CENTS err Doors oyea at Levant Ferbx - artarto to emomettoe at i-hr o'clock. lOHNITON, Mint. G RAND CONCERT, _ wresliTst.uslrgßa, _ AT CHICREe MG k. 0 ONDR PIANO ROOMS. vs/ C BEST?. ti T STA li ,- T. - They will be sesitie by the tekbr t d'Plemat; MR CHAtilt-11 1 AsiVal _ ON MO; ti AY t. • 3 N 1311.3 Marsh MA-: Doors area at 7 n'rloelt; CoActert to commetsoc A 12 sit Mist Tt Admi sion 23 cents. u.25-6t• _____ FIANDEL'S cREAT OR %VIREO, " II DkB ANtAILEU3. • Wth be :riven by the BAND -I. A 0 WC EVY, the a.c.rd ennettA of the , DA Y EVENINO. hla eh 13 h, at MUSICAL FUND RAM Ihe roles and ~ h me, eOl tott ettt,Sett by the mesa. era of the tom y,atyretmitett.) the Ger- Miele tr , chfatrz e 4 under three 'Ol of Vr R. Carr Cron, cond.:mutr of the sometyPnbsteiptione • 11l re rm. red for this and the remsioins. CeLece t for tts„ admitting temperance toe ch Cocoon. 8 n,le vary' ett cents to be hat at Becky t mrtno s Chicle-itare. dun Coniston's acme stores, and at the door. trots open .34 . before 7; comtnence at 3( before a. sehtlt Q,TICTERSTEI WErK —SANDENSONS EXHIBITION HOOAls.—jarges Orimmoteraslat ( G rw)H o mm, swim north aide. ECNITIVEL LAST Wt EX RUT ONE. .X.T. , AORDINARY ATTR 4C lONS BRILLIANT P GoCE•P of TIITOOOPP 4 ART MU SIsUv. The MODE.. EXHIBITION OF THE. a GR. . . . . . Tha roanatemont have the honor of inforcoini the =Um that the Art !drum= will not mown hale after March 17th. therefore niel,no UNEQUIVOCALVY THE LAS WEEK BUT ONES to tea nmerainme for this wet wiL be leoleded : teener, the seat Ditto' present war betweee Spain and Morocco ; twashin.ton at Vall.y 'Force ; Snerwes aeon nalionre ; Emote= ermine e Alp.. arvh his army o; SLOOP men; the Bermuda's Monasteryl the UtOreaton r laelc•row• Vaalter ; the Storm at tea. FAMILY MATINEES on WEDNESDAY and SAT URDAY AFTERNOON& Ease:tit—Door epee attest'*: to comminute at M. Admission—Melte. at am= Children. IA Wed& soh& et odONOUGH'S GAISTIRS--RACIF St., hehnsTRTRO. STAGE MANAGER-. . gaxANDEz. Ostehntted • FELTS CARL.. BA LLgT TROUPE. The above Troupenit arpear EVERY EVENING. They are the roost woaderfol perform.. vs thin r and we re mewed on Saturday Dreams' lila OM most en thusiastic applause. TIRRNANDEZ! And the teented Company sprat. First appearance of MoCARTY BROTnRq. TWE".U. -SEVEN PERFORMERS. Clitrito S GREAT FA lA.--NIASAMA. D OIONOTX'S Nl# A.3 NRA IN NersTrs,.•• NOW ON ENAUBI a LON. EARLE'S GALLERT,, SiS CLIES tu STREET PENNSYLVANL& AOADVAT Olt THE ..m• FINE ARTS. QIIESTNUT STREET, Is OPEN DAILY, (Sands,. exeeptedd from l A. M. Nile P. N. Wanted—The Tenth Tatum of " Preis Rll , llOO Vatisia " of Piseens. Admix:ton IS cents. Charm alder 13 yes CAI Shares of Stook SRL A GRAND CONCERT WILL BE GIVEN by Vie 'tntilltiatra and %ails Dribs Insti•rition for he Blind for the benefit of a (orator ammo cn TUFBUAV EV -ttilltitri March 6th. WO. at •bo !nab tntion. TWEotTIO, I II end RACR street- Tieketa .5 cents • children half pnoe t to be her et the Inittitit. tion Stone. ho. 11 South BIGEtTIi !intent_ sad at 0. 1 3 door. tabs strat• c r ERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PubIic Pe haarsals o ral" , SATURDAY, at MUSICAL FUND HALL at 33,o'cloek P. M. Tickets to b+ had at Q. And'e's. and Beck tr. Lairtoa's Music atom. tr.) at the door. 1411-.lra rIIEMPLE OF WONDERS, Northeast some? of TT.SITIT and CRESTNU2 Streets. Great and Novel Attracti lL on. tiPI_OR tla.lß. RX.HATwonderful Matie l &nd TiON BYER DUMiG , TES Commune= at 731a'sloalt. and on WRDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS et 3. The oelelnated Antotmton Rope Welter. one of the treats*, Pima! If Ateehatuan ever eilubitedorill appear La every exhibi tion. and perform by &Annuitant feats. Admission PS cents. Children tar/mat du-et WINES AND LIQUORS. pIiThICE IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE, FROM. DE VESOGE tr. CO.. EPSIMAY. F RV:Cat Elobi by all Respectable Dealers throughout the country This fine brand of CHEIVAGN V. which tom the neat sear was confined excludes:y to the beet t •snlee of the Continent of t; [one. has now outlined the most unbounded means and popunnu In ttus oodetry. It is recommend-a by corps of the hut Ott itet6tte of see 01:7 or ?Jew York. • vet all other wines. on qCOOLIIII of its ex treme purity and delicacy. and s. ose wh., once try lt rarely use any other brand. A thoush only o, o year has elapsed since its introthts Sion tuto Mrs country. the demand is 01:10tMOLLI and Coast mtly ur •trrarttemente are such to leant. t 6 qu.lit• of thy Wins b ins o asntasned at its .resent to..h s netia.d ihe noose smperrd is aspersed 60181. by us we In, h; the sole Allots of Ahem a. De en st. so. in trio coantrY• . HAt lit.. OCT cos. taS au and tat flitt)Au tt sY. new •ork.. J uSEPH LEA. NOS. 12e AND LW CHESTNUT STREET. • avitea the atteetion of the Trade to hie Foxe c.f COTTON, WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS: MADDER PRINT New light and dark ones tales, aired v:r.-•• MESSRS. mA3II. SLATER A S,Mi ta.UTTON MANCFACTITR Ni: CO MONTE' SELL() Co M PANI tee THE ATLANTIC CO. S MOURN U. 'paladins. UM) new standard Patterns NEAT BLA,Nr. k WHIM. PURPLrS, IAXONY & 811EPREED PL.A:I3. & BANrz. , BLACK AND GRAYS, AND CHOICE JIVIETT:F. STYLES. WOOLLENS, FANCY CASSIMEREB And DOESKIN/Lica., FROM ROCK 00.11 , GLENDALE COM., NEV. ENGLAND COSI. GRA wFoars MILLS, BROOK DALE AND OXFOND MILLS. EBER HARDT & SONS' 3UPERIOR BLACK DO • SKIN AND SILK MIX TURES. sonnets. Pima arid Printod, of alt aotai r a and quail van ; entneicy Jeans. Twdls, Cords, Cashman-us, Kersey's rweeds, coseprising one of the best stoats in the oountrY. AMERICAN L! EN COVL. MUSH, nucKs, SHZETINGS, ho .1014 m THOMAS & MARTIN, 217 CHESTNUT STREET, I%L) -p'.l APAQUAG SEAMLESS BAGS, IN ALL !SIZES CARRIAGES. Or TIN lIIWITWACTOILI or WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, No. 1009 CHESTNUT NT'REET. No. lof t . (810-4mll FLAGS! FLAGS!! FLAGS!!! U. S. FLAG DEPOT, 49 sOUTH THIRD ISTREET, ABOVE OHESTNCT, PHILADELPHIA NV'M. F. SCH±iIBLE, Wholanais and retail mannfutarec of Fts:s. no,,i eal Banners, and Transparencies. Flags of all :ea of band, and Dude to order u cheap, if sot cheaper, than OM be bad elsewhere is the MT, fee? tm
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