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VAXIMIIISIIII. - - - "'''''" =• ' ' *--, . - , . . ...a........ ,, :-..-‘,' reOiti % i.....• •••/. ~. -,... • ... 44 ,7,.. ..,..--. -------..-.-- - ••• - "-- , rwx6v.o oasis - Iri,isclifitu,- WM.* to the Canim. ~ . ,„ . - ih...rf l . I - ~ . - I .... 'z_. -'-' .... 1 111/riled to fkibeirnkiiriplOt NICIM 7 A B m 2) O44 II ' ':•' ~ „ , :.-, - • .i• _.; - ( ... , ,I , . . nit *lmmo Ifsout , ol4LLUlsil444k,34,oHT MOrlait ..r, ',' i . . _ _. , I , , I:lll4lm:D4iLiAtUlrialiiii.t*lptaf 1 1, • 4 4 1'; ; ',. r . . . „. • . . , 1111408 fir to ti*glidired, , a , iT.T..'ii*,, , , -i. , -;, •• ...T ~ i . ,`• '' - , taawaWpoim oat oi *ak, , 4 PAXY.CHM)DO:JOIABZIIO.I. , ,:t Wit , l3l!tiltt*iiiti*OC At4i.;9*invuork - nolpi9r ' ? 4 1 = 1 :40 .. Er tY 1 .1 " 6. ... i r!!‘ i9k , tima,:biTdii ottp 1412)1AgliatoticWiii. rill the nl' Mir .11:i *roa oolaik.i. trawllV fOll7/1107 JOHN IikSTRYKKE 6,004 MO byt, 44.1qUiTifro 6011T#11311% T!ikitpt, PI.t44IOIi...LPFILI-;* - • _NB9 1 041.11 : 1301410,- ; ', - • lANNOIIiAND AIHSRIOA~i.- t DRY S. _Also h 9Fpe AIN Ott-CuOtiii4la t daily .74744T,:ifiq00f.1)11,4 - 04 ,F4l, o' 'O'EttiEbi•tiagtiiitt JIN ~, , a " s ARtET 140, .. ~., ~.,..t r, ~, ~ . - : I T ; s6f,$ 6 f, , ' alhicicriaaikorbeiiiiihiintb;) ' s, ''-. ••• INPOSta,atlat ASA', ;Daum* 01/ • 13 4 4 1". 4 .,1101, Raiz , ... - . A ..;:' , , , tt.°lridtriermildiVitiG' • ir ' Vt.:, reatasakaas Ft 0, i c/. 0 th :If a , . 4 1 . st , Staab att ima 3 aI, 4111 oit • 6 alto elphlsot ti make o to Ulm a, ,o, avqdtc,tatioaradynnotoll. rr, tat J 4114: muir9 . ! , r,;r7,, , ,aly i r am ' clo,', 5 UE411:44110E .. &) IMplitTEß# AND JOBBERS OF .FOREION 4ND DOMESTIC D R No. 816 .MAilf..B7: szeintr. P._S.ILdDIILYIIIA. s.Pmay.TG 'GOODS: . • ii4Roitor7i.Bc CO. • DOS, 404 ADD 467 htitIMET STREW. sJD NE B Or POILIDOD ADD DOMESTIC! DRY 000 D& BloeltSinioOmplet4444l4sair tor - Divers. ' 1611416 • , • . ' ittflerft. 111 . T OW /111iLID. YW ' - - L 144 /*ITU. 2rWD A w000;4 1, 48. 1 4 1 ,X*41),., lErhpiessa, to 1 Y G O 01313 - , . CLOTHING. . taldai Ka; ,3?9,IIIARKET Street, rapacaphls. WIJRTA, AUSTIE f ; & • -•-. , . ' ' MO *NIGH. IM P OAT B RIS AN A. JO B tila • DRY:OrOODR; L , .• - , •, - Nmp fe bittui7 OVIU!E"t.. ', i 't; lo lai .k . h ....W4This • ,'. . • , • , ~ • . Cii - V:llair,!l* •' rgtwinuiruA. ', TrAri., . : _ .' -... —6111;1 ____ Eirrarduk 'JONES; 41 WHOLESALE HEALERS ; • ?OREM AND DDNDSTIO , G• 0.0 • No, ISO MARKET slam *ii9'i•otavia4 iiv4rr fia;ibt AND treSt.TRADIA. ' iIgg*PLEIE44, RUE. & - • '• laivortaiispt - 1 _1147511,' • ,7ffigtAoporoi, H • LAORS; find EMBROIDERIES. , pc!: MEET: 110,r_ our, - present stook. 'sleeted 1n the beat European Markets by ourielveii, is tike moat complete we WV ern offbrad. ' , , 1860, LOTEES, EV,kOVT 44 Co. aoßtles AND DOMRBto • • DRY ROOM NO. asslef44ll.ls7 STREW. 163-341 PRICE. FERRIS. it 90... . • LIN 8: LAO 8 • I ff e" Nos. 626 MAR lk' as COMMBRUN WREST. Wymr,"ob - * Mooted by ikmembpr of the Arm, • `* : :MUM 41.11b0P 1148.F.STA ttsp-1m 8R0.," ed" /WORMS WHOLESALE DEALERS `HARDWARE; OUTLEBY, GIINS,-PISTOLS, &0., Malian BTRETET, 029 BELOW SIXTH, NORTH SIDE, te3-fmitSinr •PaILADE4PRId OcTE,IIESEY. & Op. CUTLERY, No. gm ?Una?. aa4 410'COBIAIRROEStreeta AI'MA • °INGO. -&o. 860 .- !WRING, STYLES, IQAII vtiv• • WALE PA4 i O.lB; • /10'WE'41, & I!'011118E, Ildinufsastureni and Isniarters" . • - oir . • • PAPER ii.AN - GINCFEI. - - , M. 37 SQI7III7OIIIVM BTRESTAiIIair Market. aocilieirn tad iviations buy '346IC.DI9WiId etdck of icKdo td Aka from; and • sit of ir tiouraikvad,best 4mrioty ll;alAM • IKAIT OMR:TAM - RA. JrZill fa endless .- , T 9 OLOSE Bngtal4Eol3; SARA', siormonty, ountyl4`ul. , walla 014 , ,nntsh this winter smi n° 11011 ! 4 . their • • • 1014 1 .t00k , ,kiiprok}4*GlNGS.., ...I.l.,,,ofaver;vit 4 tromotedwiththe OUTATLY TXDUOTI) PRIM ! " ' l Pagroß PAW O 00dp PBX *TNT BB *NM 'ad* tbek ,I ltJ a r at Jals-ti , IIOOT9'AMIv. , 8 , 1 ,4c 0 /40..4.::",:.'-. '`. EPTME?,;A: PROTHMO3. 11A241JrAOMMW . 0117 AND NANTEmi-NANN 00,9 1 .0 8401E.50 44..0 1 3 0 , ? 1..iq u 0, im p" ' Firrg. P 4 .5 i`iii!t!' 4*" LEVIP XliitiaTtte :4 1 00. ' • . „, „ : , moo, ANDagos-xmon01:181,. - s 40,ligegiANCErr entiril'lMAlyslMA. ri 1 4 iiiAr' .ti . gaiic•ixtinifiii,i44*.i;f immil -,* witesti.r.rostos,ott 0 , -, .7 • :' i 744 I MMAMM II S I4I4IO 4 IIOIV gI ASZgrim: ottint4ed Wain! sod --, ,-,, ' Web "'' e-_ t I , xiivilit,___.4lli t,v vt,,,,.i.0..._,_,.., ~,.. libu w w): ~.. ~.,,.,,. • . Ir.!, ~.• VII, ,0,5-xf,,,i4 owl : -, 4 , 0,, , . ~,...,,.... .. b -., - 4 ,,,- : ‘`,,,,1.,,g , t,,, , , , '., HARDWARE. and GUN WA28110118.8. PHILADSLPUIA. ',!:,..-isiz i aliii ili'. UL: 182. : 1 04"^GOOD 9 40,4 1 04 0 : ' C i • SONEERS '& SON. nau:suii IN TAzoitp Taimmuros, No., is 2 souls 814 1 0171 flibtiftvim,BleirkereottiTheatant littesti.) ! 44 1, ADELPEIA. ArePli"s omtLitin 101131114 *i`W;r:'T-ATT:Tap, 6 , 4 oszt•4' GOODS • No. 826 MAIMIT ST,llBlpr. 4iY 04//101 1 .0ER, HAVE =MOVED TO 'ABBEY, STREET, Where they hire on hand a oomplete 4i/walnut of • 0' lc 0 T .11' , E 3,.. OASSLIEBRES, VESTINGS, &0., Dutiable for the SPRING SEASON, To r l eltiolt they invite the attention of buyers. fett-im Syry‘a„ VAN CULIN. & GLASS, Importers and Nliaolenoo Deniers In H(SIERY. GLOVES; FANOIi GOODS, &0., fo-flowlm No. 493 muttn. STREET. 18,60. SPRING. 1860 . StBLEY. .MOLTEN. & WOODRUFF. AND JOBBERS OP SILK, AND FANCY GOODS. NO. 611 MARKET STREET, PRILADELEIII4I. An new prepared to oder buyers. mierally, a very large an. 4 ,attable titopk ocOoode,,repiestiehed by the arrival " 1' 11° 4, 14440 r frolliAdreire. feLS-flortm TAI. WILLIAMS 8a 00, Noe. 613 MARKET and an GOMMEROM 8 T 8 .1 Rave now in store, and are daily mewing addidotui one of ea LLRGEST and most . COMPLETE' ASSORTMENTS .• " A4cptioAN AND EIIROPEA:N FABRIOi to be sonndli any, Ammo In the oonntt►. • ;dye hays ratty styles of Staple Goods speolally Mato ad to • ' OCVOTHERN. TRADE. hiannGiotitied for, and tionilneld ateluelvely to, au selves._ • • •fee..fmwlet S PILING TRAM 1860: ROW3,'& • • - • VIITHERS. . „ t 4EI *BRET, OORMEROB "PtitLepstillu, - ' IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS - - or SILL ,& FANCY GOODS. Have Hair s oaataData sioaii to which than: invite tha • '• • . athratton of Wyat) ! figt-lm J. W GIBES 86 spNs, Na 64 fiARKEt NIA% ;Ana now Oponini ihole " S,PRING 'STOOK OP GI 0 ODE( Adapted to - ACE'N'EV.Nir E A E to whiah will be found a fall easoitmont of 6Lo+lll3,l:Nialfififi, VESTINGB;TRIMMfIi 08, &o. 14301.1NT00K, 'GRANT, el 00., ImPORT/18 AND WHOLSBAI 4 E itiLBRB IN OABSINEREEI, WRING% TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, auto , / ETERS% (Up 814 1 1) Are ow oloOlog their Bprint Eito#o to whlali the, In vite the stemttion °llia Wide. fesam SHOE FINDINGS. stDENIAKFRS! GOODEL- L would respectfully Invite the attention of SHOE •AND Germ MANUFACTURERS To my largq end wolf-solooted stook of SHOE STUFFS. These sonde are to general thing', blooded by met direet fronithe denufactureri, and I have reason to believe, from scry, eamenenee in the laminate •and mf knowledge Of the wants of the Shoe Trade, that I can Oat inducements equal to any in the business. bly atonic conidatt in part of She following: ' libialeand Colored Union Leetinge. ' Black and Coldred Satin Frameable. Bleak and Colored Otiatimere. Bleak and"COotild Eugenie Cloth. Colored and Eliek Union Galloon*. ' Red, Green, and Rine Edge Galloons, Blank Silk Ualloone dad hibbona , White, Black , andßrolni filipper Elution. COI:Willi Gaiter Web, from a in. to as in. Beot end Gaiter Straps-I'44r Buttons. • • Cotton, Silk. and Linen Lanes. - Whits Sattsen—Bieck Cotton Velvet. Shoe Duoir, Erllls, and Linen Luling& hf, and thand Arneneenratent Leather, , 2lnfotioap Grain or fltdit Leather. •Treentiearld On/none Obised Kid. -, 'BupsrsubbtlitS ot Celf, OW* KIM • Berbtmee Elton Thread—nob' Ltf., - Batton Rooks and Shoe Ponchos, EDWIN. W. PAYNE. fe.s-fmw 2m 405 ARCH STREET. VOL - 491Tbm & SON. LH:PORTER AND DRAWLED IN jloo.Td9EfOk, and GAITER MATERIALS, I.,AISTINIRI,HAI;LOODB; EifEETWOE, PATENT LEATHER, PRBNOII KIDS, 140ETS, ' ' 81,IPPEN, UPPERS, tco, N. IL DOKPIERBOURTS ua ADAM STREWIB. cos Alas . • • " CAAIPETI4NGS. 111'CALLUM82 CO., am , , , _ cuai.vsr MAIAOTIIREB,S, ..• , SL,ER HOHIY 1L1.9, oRILMANTOWN. ileOrntiorteis and Dealere ro , . cußPOLusTes. OIL CLOTHS. • MATTING. RUGS, &O. We~lEliO aO9 (*minim rr., tOppiiot;i the tate' going.) fo rcnathern and Weetem Weis are ivipeatfally Invite eall. , fed Sm CAttPE'T§. . F. A. pun k CO., Nos. U and 114 North FRONT litreetoirethi, BOLE AGNNti in Philadelphia for the NOXBUitY OANPET CoMpArty, Sid have oonstantlr forests rfrL issottidant of inumirr and TAPESTRY pattottui:' Aledti s lira saheb , of the various' kinds of OAR BMA insznifsotared In OdsisisktitS ads and oountv, from neaifs ' slltha hest menuftiotarers. - 'l4liteie *Wind It "to' "their inhiieet to psi] and *up*, thew tooda,,hlolk smarm(' for sate on the most favorable. terms.. • ~ = , N. & CQ,, beer the Bole Mentz inlhilidalpide ter th e or, the Wonted and .tlarpit )ring,1421;71/ke Bezenville Mile (threerly,the zurr )141=04t4d9014,4y,),1ttid egente Moo kr itit:r 'O,OW, Wen and Abbott Votepeatee, Wive loather trellities tot ' Whiny omistainti for ate the tre4/ 010 1 ,1 00 ,0 or ce9e,te ethenthotheet thputedelehlei a the mars itivoribie Om. jatila WA,TCHEN, .1 - Mypr i a . y o &c. ;DiJOAPII- 000Pkit, WATOII. ArAe.Kirlt;banrjrxrfitlAlti entilog Rerri giyenlir Ripairing Watohee Moo ;and Jeelry.• , • • fe76.6w. • VINE JEWELRY, • , MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. -• • • F. P. DUB SCf,..k • , - • KANDPACTUDEILN AND IMPORTNEN, Have Dew on band o fall assortment of net Pearl Peag ei r i r t n4l•l l l, Etrusesu, and Znamelled Jewelry, o the , u Nt 1 .r. 3 1023 CHESTEUT STREET,. PIIILAPELPHIA. AlllO, a futl armament of Plated Wass. • ' • • - • S. W. PEEPER frad.wfm3m • '• • Superintendent. BLI4D,STEEL AND PLATED a ) E O,'T 'A 0 LE s, , Assorted in Dounn, suitable for CITY and 0000TEY TRADE. , For Bale by BUTLER &I MCOARTY, 131 KORTH SECOND triitipir. FRANICII!I BUTLER. EDW. MoOAIFFY. f0.13-9m PRATT 4c REATH. N. W. CORNER FIFTH AND MARKET ErrREETE4, IMPORTERS WATCHEN. JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, &0., &o. fa-lm DRUGS AND CRRMIGALS. A.17A1-I.NESTOCK 8c CO. • DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS, AND 'VTDOLESALE. DEALERS IN DRUGS, OILERIOALS, DOERS, • SPONGES, ASINRIOAN AND TORSION NOSIN7III. OILS, am, And Itisantaoturers and Bole Proprietors of B. A. FAIINESTOMVE NEEMIFIRIE, Noe. 7 and 9 NORTH DOTE STREET, Bast side, a few doom above Market, &Sim PM/AMP/RA DRUGS, GLASS, PAINTS,' doo. ROBT. SHOEMAKER & 00. NORTHEAST? COINER. lODATE AND MOH DIMON, WHOLICEIALB DRUGGISTS, Darorters and Dealers In WINDOW ISLAM PAINTS, De?, Invite the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS to: their large 'stook of Goods, IMO they offer at the WOW market rates, ooi-tf PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! "A OTITOII IN TIME SAVES NINE." zOorforint IDISPATOIII SAYE 1118 PIECES! As astdents tsitt /wpm, tern in wsil-restriated 'eery desirable to kayo some 'ahoy and mMeardent way for nearing Furniture, Toys, Orooke ry, ko. - BPALDING'B PREPARED GLUI4 meets all snob. emergencies, and no household can afford tc be without it. It is always ready end up to the stink tug point. There is no longer a neoesaity for limping °hairs, splintered veneers,' ligation dolls, and broken oraelso. ,It is just the article for cone, end other oninnwintal work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This adiritrabre preparation is need cold, being ohs.' malty. held in solution, and posiesiing ell the valuable Qualities of the but cabinet-makers' glue. It may be need in the plena of ordinary mucilage, being Tautly more adhesive. r tt USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE," B. A brush aooompanies each bottle. PRICE TWBNTY•FIVR OENTI3. • 'Wliolents Depot, No. 48 ODDAR Street, New York, Address . HENRY 0. SPALDING & 00., Box No. Befo, New York. i. • - Put up for Dealers fa Casa tionteleing four, eight, arid twelve dcnien, a beautiful Lithoevaptue SHOW-CIAR D whisomPanyinx eaoh paokage. • mare 'bee bottle or., " SPALDING'S, PDXPARRD °LUIS snit save tan times its oost annually to every household. Mold by an prominent Stationers, Druggists, lard ware and Furniture Dealers, Grown, and Fancy Stores, Country Mentiot ! should make a note of BPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, !lieu making up their Het. IT WILL ETAIID ANY CLIMATE. dse•mwf-r CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. WRIGHT, SMITH, ea CO., CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. PITTSBURG. AGENCY, GLASS, NAILS, tee., delivered from the aetorf AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. GRANITE BUILDING, No. 5 North FIFTH Street, - feS.fmw ihn PHILADELPHIA. TURNBULL, AMEN ; & CO. I IMPORTERS AND VirROLESALE'DBALERS Ir CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. ' Noe. us and 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. (Betveed Market arid Ohertnut streets.) ' PIIIIIIIIIRO GLACE AGENCY. 4314611 OPEN OR BY TIM PACLAGII, MANUFACTURERfr PRIOR& 1'616-116 BOYD & STROUD. IMPORTERS h JOBBERS, Dm now on head n oomoloto Stook of QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE, and • FRENOM and ENGLISH °BINA: At their 011 0 Bland. No. 3 1/ NORTH FOUR at., four doors bo w iderohonts HOW, to whloh they to vite the atten tionm' WITOGIOLTA 1120711.011i1111 NOB Prrill11:9161 NEW, YORK ADrERTISEMEN TS. 1860. u 1860. !SPRING. SHAWLS. ALEXANDER OLARH, 81 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK, A 8 NOW OPEN, AND OFFERB TO VAX WHOLE BALE TRADE, on liberal terra, a huge Ma splendid stook of PRINTED CASHMERE SHAWLS, STELLA . SHAWLS, IN Bitooks AND PRINTED BORDER/J. Also, the LARGEST STOCK Of WOVE BROOM BORDERS, IN SETS, Ever offered In One market. • AB THE ABOVE WERE ALL BOVORT PERSON• ALLY, on the moat advantageotta terms, by the ad• verifier, he is enabled to offer them at prices that mus OPlnmloid the attention of all FIRST-OLASEI BUYERS (63-1 m AIIOTJET, BELMONT & CO., BANKERS. NEW YORK, ' Lome Letters a Credit to Travellan available is ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, TUROI7OIt THE MESSRS. ROTHBOHItD, Of • , PARIS, LONDON, FRANRFORT,VISNNA, NA PISS, .AND Mint CONDZSPONDEN27I Je2B.4sm. 1 %/P TIN %QI7AYLE'S LLKISTATIONERY 0 TOY AND FANO? K 000D8 . 1035 WAGNIrr BTRRAT, foot-ly saLow„sairitaN7 p TLADELPHIA Constantry on headPerfnmery din diet Articles.' 1111k1RIVY, , WELLS ovEANgD AI , A tOw ii44010 - u utthritents., kidten W.lkla t al Korth 0,1;100fli fipie; PHILADELPHIA, _PIMA 'COMMISSION HOusl4. LITTLE. STORES. Fa CO NO. M 7 CHESTNUT STREET. FOREIGN AND PACIFIC) MILLS DRESS GOODS BY TUB PACKAGE. ALSO, BIOLLEY CLOTHS, OASSIISERES, AND DOESKINS, ' With a general usortmant of geode ferr e nAr t e m t f , SILKS dk WOOT , T;FINS I moiLW AINE & BACON. No. 186 CHESTNUT STREET, Have, per tho latent arrival., receive', a large stook of BILKS and WOOLLENS, adapted to the Clothing and Jobbing Trade, among which are the following Popular mace of cloths I 0. NELLESSEN (Son of J. M.) Whole and Half Ends. F. BIOLLEY & SON'S NAMIEST, OR AUSTRIAN " SAXONY CLOTHS, of all grades. Aloo, 8-4 and 6-4 DOESKINS, EASSIMERES, FAN CY do., BIOLLEY'S SILK MIXTURES and TRI COTS, SATIN DE CHINES, BLACK BILK SATINS. COTTON BACK do., BLACK SILK VELVETS, BLACK and FANCY SILK VESTINOB, &0., &e. All of which are offered for male on favorable farms. fel-wf&inarn 1.1 AST ARRIVALS. FARRELL & MORRIS, IMPORTERS and OOMMISSION MEROIIANT?3, 1132 OHEBTNUT STREET, Have received by the latest Steamers a full assortment of °ERMAN and SAXONY CLOTHS and DOESKINS, among whirl are all the grades or J. A. KE99ELLKAULI4 whole and half oleos& ; GEVERB & SOFIMIDT do. do. B. & L. CHLY.BRATIID DOESKINd. &D. do. do, With a tun line or the very popular IMPERIAL and ELECTORAL DOESKINS; BILK MIXED COATINGS; COTTON WARP CLOTHS; COTTONADEt3 and VEST PADDING% AS of which are offered for male ON FAVORABLE TERMS. tell F4OTIIINGHAM 83 WELLS. 84 SOUTH IRONY, AND 35 LET/TIA STREET, Are AGENTS for the sate of Goode Manufaetured by the !talcum's companies, tie MISSA.CIIIIIIETTS, LACOIIIA, 01111/.1 feAj.Le. Clancy, Dtviony, Pituypte, BiRTLIT, Brown, Bleached, and Colored Sheeting', Shlrtlnge, /eau, and Dnlle. ROBESON'S BLUE PRINTS, lIAMPDBN COMPANY'S 'IMBEDS AND COTTONADEB is great varistr. WASHINGTON MILLS - • (Formerly Bey dime) Sitstita. Piano find Table Covers, Pr ra ted Felting', Fknnelik All-Wool and Cotton Watp Cloths, hears_bla and blue Beavers. Canimerei, and Trlootn. Alan Ker ten, Satinets. and Tweeds. 01-atutti-Om WOLFE & CO.. WHOLESALE CARPETING, OIL-CLOTH, AND MATTING WAREHOUSE. NO. 132 CHESTNUT STREET, AT Agenoy (or Philadelphia Carpet Manufaotureria (esam SHIPLEY, UAZARD, HIITUIIINSON, NO llit WIEBTNU BUN UOIIMISSION NEROHANTS FOR THE BALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE dGOODS. LOOKING GLASSES. OOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON Have now In store &very large nod choice aaeortment of LOOKING GLASSES, ALL sus BEST FRENOR PLATES, and of a qualit y superior to any imported during the last few peace. T he deetgns are of the newest and most elegant character, includ , ng all the Pram& and v ruttish novelties. Looking Glasses made to order, to fill every character of scum, and at the very lowest rates. esti mates furred, on application , by mail or otherwise. PLATE without Proms, at very low prises. ENORA INGB, PORTRAIT, PICTURE, and PHO TOGRAPH PRAMEd—the finest collection in the country. EARLE'S GALLERIES, mhl-lf 811 CHF.ATN UT BTRERT. HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. GOODS FOR THE BEASON. BRONZED FENDERS AND IRONS, STEEL FIRE SETS, FOOT WARMERS, BLOWER STANDS, ELATE WARMERS, MYR WATER DIMES, &v., AT THE HOUBMMINIBIIING STORES, NOB. 922 AND MO CHESTNUT STREET. JNO. A. MURPHEY & 00. olit-wfmlf TOILET ARTICLES. “BRECKNELLIS "SKIN SOAP,” Reoomni ended al the beet for Producing CLEAR AND HEALTHY EarN, made from the CHOICEST MATERIALS, without perfume. Imported and for rale by EDWARD PARRISH, fa 29 tEI 800 ARCH Street. MEDICINAL. MRS. WINSLOW AN EXPERIENOED NURSE AND FEMALE Physician, presents to the attention or mothers her SUOTIIINti SYRUP FOR HILDR EN TEETHING, which, greet!) , facilitates the proem of teething, bp sate.ping !tegnint reduct all inflammtion ; al l". i ll,4nßoruT,Alfrtn tre, ALA. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves a II.ELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTA. this artiole for over tan fidenoe and truth of ,t, able to mot' any other IT FAILED fit a SIN 17 SOT A CURE, when. we know an instance of who need it. On the ano int!, its operations, end oommendationolitsmasi - toes. We speak in this know," after ten years' reputation for the fulfil- Mare. In almost army. to wearing from pain an d EiViNt m li a l a re ta l r og ed iti ß op ce p o u n i e , (nun! in fifteen or twenty and hoe been used with We have put up and sold y ears, and can say. In con • what we have never been . medietrie t _NtSVEß HAS OLE INSTANCE T ,O EP • timely used. Never did , dissatiePotion by any one fiery all are delighted • epee - kin terms of higher oat °nets and medical vir mattes "what we do experienee,and pledgeour merit of what we hero do inetanee where the infant exhaustion. relief will be 'Montag after the Syrup is Tata valuable preparation of the most _ EXY.EttI NURSESIn New England never- fai l in THOUSANDS It not only relieves the vigorates the Monteith and and give* tone and e v yrer will almost instantl 'T ROWELS ANDWIND volition'. which, if not death. We believe it the the world, in alloases o RAMA IN CHILDREN, teething or from anyothe every mother who has the foregoing complaints. nor the prejudices o IfS h allYt: nse of MI; medicine, hone for using will nocom g_enuine unless the tao si. KIM, New York, is on WY - Sold by Dru_ggistath pal °irn,. N 0.13 C.I4DAR Prl.o 24 oenta a bottle. c t O o h l' i t l i d: A fro w B pain, E h m: e .0 aito bu m t in, bowels, corrects eoiditr it hove (IRWIN IN TH COLIC and overcome ono speedily remedied, end in beet end surest reined/ DYCIENTHRY ntidD Alt whether it -arisen rom mums. We would esy to child suffering from any of do not letyour prejudices, others, 'tend between the relief that will be LY BURE—to follow the timely seed, Full di reo , pony each bottle, PER the mile of CURTIS & °Weide wrapper. eho e world, Pried sot, 1W York. CtOSHEN BUTTER.—Just received / ILA prime lot. Mutable for family me, Also. °Monad Permsylvatila Roll. Formate bY 0.0. SADLga no„, AKOH street, Id door above Front. fala SPERM 'CIANDLEB.--50 'Boxer; Sper& Candled, in store. r k ad for dale _l l i RowLET, f A RH,BuRN E R, & No . 10 South Mama. • • eWtf MARCH 2, 1860. STATIONERY. WTM. H. MAURICE'S NEW BLANK BOOK AND ST ATIONERY STORE. No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, • (SION OP VIII SPR&AD EAOLE,) Is now fully supplied with the following artloles, whioh will be sold in large or small quantities, very low for cash: Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Receipt Books Check Books, Bill Books, Copying Books, Oiled Parer' Copying Presses, Quill', Steel Pena in great variety; Penknives, Sole/lore, Shears, Letter, Cap, and Note Paper of all kinds, Envelop os, &0.. &o. Banks, Inenrance Mom and Merchant, euPPlieJ on faybrable terms. • fen-lm MOSS, BROTHER, & Co., NO. 430 MARKET KTREbT, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND BLANK-BOOK SIANUFACTDRERB, Keep large eel well seleeted stock, IMPORTED, DOMEI37IO, and of their own MANUFACTURE, Wholesale and R4tail at the very lowest Priam BLANK BOOKS On band in large quantity, or made to order, of any desired pattern, of the very best material and work manship. We are enabled from our extended facilities to offer Butorxor inducements to purchasers. A call is solicited. fe29-2in SPRING TRADE . WM. F. MURPHY ec BONS. PRACTICAL IrIANVIACTITRIIRI Of BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERS, AND PRINTERS, WROLESALi; AND RETAIL. No. 389 CHESTNUT STREET. fo2o-eill7 UMBRELLAS. WM. A. DROWN & 00,. UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANUFACTURERS, No. 246 MARKET STREET, fd-lm PIIILADIILPHIA SLEEPER 8a FENNER, WHOLESALE UMBRELLA AND PARASOL DIANUFAOTURERB, No. 336 MARKET STREET, LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. 1860. SPRING. 1860. • EVANS ed HASSALL, IMPORTERS OP LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, No, 31 S. FOURTH STREET. Ara now opening a Rae assortment of NOVELTIES FOR THE SPRING SEASON, To aid& they invite the attention of bluer.. foliar WHOLESALE CLOTHING. LIPPINCOTT, HUNTER, ISISCOTT, • MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALVBEALERS IN O LOTH.T.NG, 424 MARKET Street, and 419 MERCHANT Street, PHILADELPHIA. A 11 and amidst* line of every style and ohm of man me-made Clothing, • fully equal to that maniac,- tut' in any other oily. • fa!-2m HATS AND CAPS. HOOPES & DAVIS. No. 617 MARKET STREET, MANUFACTURERS OF. AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN, FUR, WOOL, SILK, CASSIMERE, STRAW, AND PANAMA HATS. CAPS, BONNETS, BLOOMERS, RUCHES, PALM & WILLOW ROODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, &o. We respectfully Invite the attention of cash and prompt-paying buyers to our large and well-selected stook. fel4Sin TUIRD-STREET JOBBING HOUSES 1860. SPRING. 1860. PREM. GOODS. RIEGEL, BAIRD, & 00., IMPORTERS AND .JOBBERS or FOREIGN AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. NO. 47 N. THIRD STREET, 'PHILADELPHIA, Would rosprotfullr Invite the attention of Country Merchant' to their LARGE AND WELL•SELEOTED STOOK OF FRESH SPRING GOODS, Which they are now receiving in Store. Merohanta would find It to their advantage to call and alumna our stook. fe3-41m HENDRY & HARRIS. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES, N. W..OORNER THIRD ,AND ARON BTRYSTS, PHILADELPHIA. SOWER. BARNES. & CO.. BOOKSELLERS ARS PUBLISHERS p TRITON'S OUTLINE MAPS AND KEYS, EMMONB' GEOLOGY. BROOM' NORMAL ARITHMETICEI, SANDERS' READERS, &0., No. 87 NORTH. THIRD STREET, (Eagt glde. below Arch Street.) fe3-8m TO M B Ito HANTS BUYING, OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON 8c SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF OILCLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. We invite the attention of deniers to our large stook of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, GREEN GLAM.]) Oil CAMBRIC, a beautiful article for Shades. The 'mast stock of WINDOW SHADES and RUFF HOLLANDS to the market, at prices which defy oompetitiou. fe3-3m COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS! IVC)RYTYPES. DAGUERREOTYPES! AT MoOLEES' a 6110 CHESTNUT &TRHI4T. Below Seventh (OPPOgdte JekTrlfe. /WM $l. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS. $l. Those who desire R milt splendid PHOTOGRAPH Should sail et this THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED AND 1110 ST EX TENSIVE PHOTOGRAPH OALLERY IN THE STATE. ar t i .;ott z s e ::ifdaylintlll7 . Pgs m o , r i ko i ttlqme z, l , 3! PA11214. or as IVOETTYPRA. dl3-3m FIIGUET do SONS NJ. IMPVTERS HA t o V r pt t TARS. Reoeive Togner i l e y B :lll F llloltlllollrof t' deninsble Ol OARS, AU% they offer at low rate,, for cash or prove° °Wit. og-lar 1 11 4—. Prime retailing Ulmleeton Riga for ludo by JAMES GRAHAM. it 00., 1..11711/ 1.1411 TI IRD.STREET JOBBING ROUSES RAIGUEL, MOORE, R Co., IMPORTERS DRY GOODS, " NOS. 920 AND 992 NORTH THIRD STREET, Their extensive Store having bees remodelled ews blee them to approprlete'to neell Chin of Goode A SEPARATT; DEPARTMENT, DOMESTICS, OINGRAMII, CASSIMEREB, PRINTS, .bIIAWL,B, DRESS GOODS, WHITE 000 DH, MERRIMACK. AND COCIIECO SECONDS Wo have now oven the LARGEST and MOST COM PLETE STOCK of GOODS we have ever offered to the Trade, to which we solicit the attention of CASH AND SIX-MONTHS BUYERS fet9•lm JAMES, KENT. SANTEE, dr.f,:, 00,, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Or • DRY GOODS, NOS. 239 AND 241 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE RAGE, Respectfully Invite the attention of buyers to their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Among which will be found full lines of DATES' MILLS AND _YORK_ COMPANY'S COT TONADES. Also, a LARGE VA ‘tIETY 01 New and confined Styles of PRINTS, MERRIMACK SECONDS, 4 , e. fe.l-2m 1860. SPRING TRADE, 1860. BUNN. RAIGUEL, & CO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN FANCY DRY GOODS. 137 NORTH TIIIRD STREET, Are prepared to exhibit at their salesrooms the most complete stook of goods ever offered by them, Present ing unusual attraction, to the trade generally. The stook ClOMDTillbil a complete assortment of even variety of, SILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS, TVIIITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS,I HOSIERY, GLOVES. AND TRIMMINGS, CAW, et full and gelitered assortment of Spring SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS. Mu all of which they invite the attention of CASH AND PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS. S. M. BUNN, V. C. BUSH, H. R. RAMEL, W. W. XURTZ, H. P. BUNN. fe 13-Put PHILADELPHIA. 1860. SPRING. 1860. J. T. WAY & 0 0., IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. OS NORTH THIRD ST., Are now ready for the SPRIN G TRADE, And prepared to offer, to clew and prompt six mouths Buyere, one or the LARGEST AND MOST ATTRACTIVE STOCKS In the oonntry, and at Prices that will dew comesti title, not only In this. but in any other MY. Purchasers will find our Stook well assorted at all @manta of the year. 1. T. WAY, t )lAP. 11. DOTILAP, WIC P. WAT.I te3•hm lean. P. WAY. y ARID, GILLMORE. & CO. NOS. a AND a NORTH THIRD STREET. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS. LACES. LINENS. EMBROIDE RIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND feS-8m SHAWLS. ANSPACH, REED; t!il CO.. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. NO. 130 NORTH THIRD STREET, (CORNER 11111113 AND CHERRY IVEINd PHILADELPHIA. J. ANIPACH, JR., CHAS. E. ANIIPACE. WM. ANAPAOII. JAN. M. REED, DAVID M. BWARE. f.B-3m MILTON ClooPalit. WM. M. PARRA:gr. HORT. D. WOll.l. COOPER, PARHAM, & WORK, IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, AND JOBBERS or HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS, NO. 51 NORTH THIRD STREET. trir Constantly on band a large assortment of Strove and Loon Bonnets. Panama, Lcalicrri, and Palm Lear Hata, Barinet TrIMMIIIIIII, Artificial Fiowars, Ruches, ice. fs4-3m FAUST. WINEBRENER, & 00.; IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HARDWARE, NO, 49 NORTH THIRD STREET, , Abo.lClty ve Mark Lewl t, w Brown Stone Store , welted on the 01 Rotet, PHILADELPWA. DAVID WAner. 0.11. wtnca W. M. G . ARTILIK. fo3 -41T1 HAZELL & 1-IARMEB. SLANIMAOTURIIRB AND WHOLROALII DRALRIOS Is 1300 TS AND SHOES. 1.28 NORTH THIRD STRUT, A en;lestortnten tof Oily made Boob! and Mona non otantir on band. .10-If LEUNG - & MAGINNIS, ,i n ,porters and W11°18,418 Dealer, in IRISH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN SR OE THREADS; tENDII AND ENOI,IBII LASTING& 8 MI ni SILKS ,'‘i /V 11.41,CT THRFA C IfteCirr - TONE, NEDDI.,, ‘ ,B * -Ste. A A 0 i.H GENTS FOR If i r r iltVeln tied Maohiae Silk, and Uptleld'a P . Mt. 1 North THIRD Street. rea-sm A NEW ANL b WONDERFUL DISCO ..C3L vEity for the 4, lure of Rheumatism and Rout. FSLIE'S &RTHRITIO Pi Lbs. Thin medieine u Ofr(tt ed with the utmost isonV , ence of its being the most e ffe c t mil remedy for' the a re die , wit:ter yst . r cove i, ed. Nodular need treevol rruP ,Iffar ui tli use by , !Mr.:ma I p Per C eaus by saws, on enclosing one postage gawp and ar be of raw: . For sale by the r emit. PEA. No, v tsouto .I , RO Street. • • ladeiphia. WHOLESALE DEALERS ABOVE RACE, WEST SIDE CLOTIIB, MANTILLAS, HOSIERY; NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS; TWO CENTS. git Vitss, FRIDAY, bIAILCH 2, 1860. Niagara Falls in Att. It is almost like attempting to paraphrase Holy Wilt to undertake to transfer upon canvas this rub- Ihnlty of Niagara. None but a child of genius can safely venture upon either. The former . may be tolerated when executed by a Milton, and when. we / are presented with en adequate ?titration of' the laiter,'we may rest slanted that its authorship' belongs to little less than a Milton in art. Than 'are many reasons to make even the boldest artist,' shrink from painting, for popular criticism, a sub. Jed which - in 14 marvellous eublimityitands alone. Two artists, however, Church and Gignoux, have had tho courage to attempt this difficult' task, and the fruits of their skill are now on exhibl.lon at the gallery of Messrs. James S. Earle & Sons, No. 816 Chestnut street, where they are attracting hu6dreda of visiters. An examination of them ought to convince the most ekeptiani that difficult things are not always Impraothsahle. The two pictures, which are of nearly equal size, whilst they exhibit at a glance the same groat subject, are nevertheless, owing to the opposite points from which they were taken, very different in character; although each may be said to attest the fidelity of the other. Mr, Chrtreh's picture presents the Falls arra their grand sturoandifils, as seen from the Canada shore; Mr. Gignoux, as they appear from Goat Island. Both are works of art, in themselves sufficient to render their authors immortal in their profession, although the former is unquestionably the greeter success. Its won derful breadth of perspective, transpereney of ooloring, and effective managemenf of details, have not been surpassed, and rarely equalled, by any similar work of art exhibited in this city for many years. Indeed, as the eye rests steadily upon the picture, one feature after another expands into the giant proportions of the Falls, as they are seen in nature; the painted spray rising from the mighty abyss loses its opaque humidity, and becomes par- tially penetrable; the rainbow vaults heaven ward a real thing, and one feels as if nothing was wanting to complete the duplicate but the thunder of N ispra's eternal roar. The rushing waters, as they near the awful leap, foam with the rage of desperation ; nor is this more admirably depicted than the water, as it glides, in gauze-like folds, over the edges of the rooks before it reaches the Falls. The groat merit of this picture is, that it is as faultless in details as it is striking in gene ral drat. The picture by Mr. Gignoux (which, by the way, is not the one exhibited by the Messrs. Earle Boma months ago) is unquestionably a fine work of art also. The view which it presents, however, is less effective, and, upon the whole, hardly rivals the other in any one particular. From the point from which this was taken, the tower necessarily occupies a conspicuous place in the scene. In the other, this feature looms up in the distance, more as it is seen from the shore by visitors. This pro minence of the tower, arrayed in its wintry habili ments, is a little too strikingNio Mr. G.'s picture for the best effect. Both these gentlemen have, however, achieved a noble triumph in preserving, for future generations, so faithful a portraiture of the ever-changing Falls as they appear to-day. Mr. Seward's Speech. The following is the concluding portion of the speech of lion. Wm. 11. Seward, in the United States Senate, on Wednesday, whtoh we were obliged to omit yesterday in consequence of pressure upon our columns- Yon accuse the Republican party of ulterior end se cret designs. How can a party that coon.. He votes, in this land of free speech and free press, by the hundreds of thousands, have any secret designs? Who is the conjuror, and where are the hidden entrees by which he can control its unconoregeted and widely-dispersed messes, and direct them to objects unseen end our was unavoweil But what are these hidden pur poses? You name only one. That one is to intro duce negro equality among you. Suppose we had the power to change your social system: what warrant have we for supposing that we should carry teem equality among you We knew. and we will show you. if you will only give heed, that what our eyatem of labor works out, wherever it works out anything, lathe equality of white men. The laborer iu the free States: no matter how humble his occupa tion, is n while man, end' he It tolltletltY the equal of his employer. Eighteen of our thirty three States are free-labor States. There they are: Maine. New Hamp shire. Massachpaelts, Vermont, Rhode Island. Connect bout, New Yak. New Jersey. Pennsylvanni, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana. Wisconsin, Minnesota, lowa, California, end Oregon. I do not array them in contrast with the capital States. I am no as sailant of States. All of the States are 'parcels of my own country—the best of them nut so wise end great as I em sure It will hereafter le; the State least developed and perfected among them'all Is wiser and better than any foreign State I know. Is it then in any, and in which. of the States I have named that ne gro equality offends the white man's pride? Through out the wide world. where is the State where class end cute are no utterly extinguished as they are in each end mery one of them ? Let the European immigrant, trim avoids the African as if his akin exhaled contagion, an swer. Yon find bim Always in the State where labor Is ever free. Did Washington. Jefferson, end Henry, when they implored you to relinquish your system and accept the one we have adopted. propose to sink you down to the leveler the African, or wets it their desire to exalt all while men to a common political elevation I But we do not seek to f. roe. or even to' intrude, our system on you. We ere eselnded,jaseiy, wisely, end contented", from all political power and responsibility in your capital States. You are sovereign on the sub lime of elavery within your own borders, as we are on the same sriblect, within our borders. It is well and wisely so arranged. Use sour authority to maintain what syrtem you please. We are not ilisinuitful of the roma. We have as we think. examined ours to protect and perfect the manhood of the member. of the State. The whale eovereisnty neon domestic con cerns within the Union is divided between ueby mama tellable boundaries. You have your fifteen distmet aerie; are eighteen parts, equally dastinct. Each must be maintained in order that the whole may bet, preserved. If mire shall be assailed. within or without. by any enemy, or for any cause. and we shall have need, we shall ex pect you to de fend it. if yours shall le so assailed, in the emerrency. no matter what the cause or the pre text. or who the foe. we shat defend yon• onvereigr ly as the equivalent of our own. We cannot. indeed. ac cept your system of capital or its ethica. That would be to sorrender and subvert our own. which we esteem to be bet er. Besides. if we could. -hat need for any di vision into Statue! all? You ere equally at liberty to reject our system and its ethics, and to maintain the suite nority of your own by all the forces ofpersuasion and argument. We meet. indeed, mit'utlly demon both et stems. All the world discusses all systems. Rs escket"mu whichismiss them oughte have to demde a nation of the two we re Mgr& on the new end future States growing us in the great public &mein. Discession then being unavoidable, whet could be more wise than ea conduct it with mutual toleration and in a fraternal spirit? You comet:tie thee Republicans discenrse too boldly and directly when they express with confidence their belief that the system of Weir wilt, in the end. be uni versally aceepteit be the capital et.tea. actinic for them selves and in oonformity with their own constinit ions, while they sanction too unreservedly hooks downed to adrreate emancipation. But sorely you min hardly ex pert the Federal gnvernment or the political parties of the nation to maintom a censorship of the press or of debate. easesry of our tolerated that error of onirn may In ell safely he where lagoon a loft dialn combat it. Will it be cisme! exhibitede of too inn and tenelemeis Indetsete are on you,' gds of the great argument than our own? We ail teemed our titmice, as well as oar principles, from a common master, We are sure OW we do not. on our wde, exceed his lessons and example. homes Jefferson addressed Dr Price, an 'Beebe man. concerning his treatise nn emus,' eitation Amens . in ;his fashion : "Bouthwatd of the Chestperike, your hook will find lit few readers concurring with it in sentiment on 'tie nu b. lector slavery. From the mouthito the head of the Chess peake. the hulk of the people will epprove it in theory en i it will find a respectable minority ready to adopt tt in practice ; a minority which. for weight and worth of character. preponderstes atainst the creator murder who have not tha courage to divest their f imiliem of a property which. however, keeps their courdences *in quiet. Northward of the Chesapeake, you may End here and there en opponent tO your doctrine, as you may find here and there a robber or a murderer ; but in nn "seater number. • This [Virginia ) is the next State to which we may turn our eyes for the interesting aoecteole of Jus(ice conflict with avarice and oppression-a conflict where the accred sate is gaining all saw remade ro the influx into odes of young men, grown, and growm. no. • • • • • • " not. then. discouraged what you have written will nq a greet deal of ;mod ; and could you still trouble yourself about our welfare, no man is more able to help the la boring side.' You see. sir. thae.whether were far or asainet slaver, anywhere. we must follow Southern ;midst. Yon man change your pilots with the winds or the currents; but we. whose nativity. reetosed under the north star. has rendered us somewhat supeatitinue must be excused for constancy tonneaus t ae guidance of thog• who framed the national ship. and gave us the chart for ms noble voyage. A profound respect and friendly regard for the Vire Presideat of the United States has induced me to weigh meet, the testimony he has given on the subject of the tumidity against the South imputed to the Re publican party. as derived frotn toe relations of the repregontatecire of the two parties or this capital. Be says that he hoc Fern here in the Representatives of the lower Southern mates a most resolute and earnest spirit of resistance to the Republican party; that be perceives asenetble loss of - that spirit o brotherhood and that feeling of 'malty, together with that love for a common co untry. whieh are at last the surest Cement of the Union; en that. in the moment unhappy condi tion of affair. , he la almost tempted to exclaim tbat. we ere Oissalving. week CY meek and month by month; that the threads are - gradually fretting thenmelves asunder, and ft etranier miiht summer. that the execu tive of b the - U lice nited States was the President of two hos- tile Repn, It is not tor me totem &doubt upon the ocirrectnest of this dark meture. SO far as the Southern groups twin the anneal; are ceneerned, hut I must be indulged in the opinion th at' I can nrenounse as accurate" .coooes g the Northern or Republican RemesentatiVes betels any one. I know their pohlin haunts and their' Ova e Watt We are not a hostile Republish or representa tives I , one. We confer together. but only as, this -or-, gunso everyw i tty do, and must do in a politica, ni ters) w ich obliges us to act sometimes as partisans, while it requires us alweys to be patriots rind states men. Differences of opinion. even on the subject of shivery, with us are whim's". not some] or personal differences. Vier° is not one disunionist or da loyalist anion; us all We are altogether uneon soions of any prances of dissolutiou going pn anions tic or around us. We hate never been more patient, and noyer loved the rerreaentatives of other sections more than now. We bear the same teitirriony for the people around gas here, who. though in the very centre where the bolt of disunion must fall first, and be moat fearful In its effects. seem never tem disturbed than now. We bear the same testimony Coral' the dis tricts and States wp reprerent. Tho people of the North are not enemies, but friendraind brethren of the Soup. faithful end true as in the days when death has dealt his arrows promiscuously among them oncommon battle fields of freedom 'We will not stiffer ourselves bare to dwell on spy den"' of a eilTerent temper in the South; but we ailed be content with expressine our belief that hostilitr that is not designedly provoked, and that carnal provoke re taliation. is hn anomaly that must he traced to casual exciteinehts.whfehi cannot pereetnate alienation. A canvass for a Presidential election, se some respect. mere important. perhaps. than any since MO. lies re cently begun . The House of Representatives was, to be organized by a majority. while no party could oast loom then a_plurality of votes. The Siegel of the late tragedy in , Vi remits rested ne the Cimer,' from the day whentlmisrese assembled While the two great polite eel roittleexere peacefully. lawful"; and come tutitin ally, thoughteel:Joust,. eonducting the g ro at natioual is. sue between free labor and capital latior for the ketri tones to its proper volution. through the trials of the ballot. operating direct.'r Indirectly on the venous d o main° oi l o r n i p uovornsnetiti t.obd of oxooptional THE WEEKLY PRESS. Tyra WilliLT Pl2ll"''ialirio.: rer,ri'ero nm. is "IYIUM.) -434141' Fire Coma. - "- Ten " • • Twoutkowea " (*tiny aitttrecti Twenty Copia', or over, ' (tawloiretts of - eaoh Faliwiribar.) 1.10 For a Club of Twenty-la/mar over, To .0 au extra OOP/ to the Latter - IP of the CIO. • Sr Postmasters are . rituited to selui ansiguir - tree Wszatet Passe. ) • CALIFORN'IA l'AtENsli• : ;-.: • hewed 8 , ;m1-lifinthfr' u tie tiro Stamm. . - , , Men. of eettailip ft l et 3.3Zilei% .f.Reekje4. : min 01 tne parties to tnei manta aillaimpatient of the eonatitutional tystsinlertleit ' stes i ther tit's`, zealot every State to xiot k oac t roe n - by spfeage,t4 organized parties wition .diets '. - W. - ores -- 11 - ", Spired span enthusiasm.. scabs tei. tt4i3”.'.44"4-1. exasperated by sneturearie ... n .d nrrn ; thsg:sonte i of teem had tabled hynom o d t of., meals Silo - Pagandate of slavery in Kansas,' ii n tir al' fia - tileT own relation wait. attempted - t o,Plthe PhPeeDIN la' Virginia. by °antrum:, =bash, tneasi . and mine. ' The method we • have adopted of. tip lieeltoltho by. sgfrrlde?itbiti=ofigEty"feriieeil ite-gliTigni°=.. Can be maintained anywhere, and tt mill i sine es *CR devised which 0 in harmony with the mitre of 'Mug Chnatitn religion. While, yrtsturrrana.rolel. eliaritsdies. nateres will Probably concede that John Breen tielit. seummatim acted et eantewi t phooth.fatally ecropeepo convictione. yet. ell good citizens wilt. nes mines so - agree that thle attempt to execnte an an t purpose in Vi by 'evasion. invnlyinri - sernile was, was . ar w 3 , l act' of he arid treneon, all erindeal in ins the extant that tt affected the' nubile ranee, end destructive of human happiefem end - htintan life. - I , y's h Paled retie:mil thOtl, after seit long Sn *ipso en of the beneficent working of our lambing as are be 'enjoyed. we have bad these new tilvittsttops Ia ranges sad Yinc.nis of the, existence among Imo( settee of ;nen en numnided and an desperate an to seek 40 mi. fordo their peculiar principles by the sword. drawieroif terrt a need for the farther illustration by thi tr PurrelL ' toe trif tbattreat more/truth. especial!, cpplinablain A . re ,t ub dm. that they who tahariptheen,a ~c,.,,a,ap5,,, of • . erintroverce than perish tis the rwree.e. In the Latter eases the lamented ifeathaof so many citizens. slant f ro m an rar.hash ami by inurposeltths more lamantab a begonia:" the were innocent victims of a fierce kin l lie d ww..,ont then Renter. in ter distant fi rfs--the &sills erea of the onduderil themselves. pitiable. 'Utica...it lase ***** y and lust. because they noted tinder delirium: which Minden their Judgments to Me rest rintede or their erirm ,ll ' eh' te rprise ; the alarm and consternation ' , mt. mily awn lc en ad throne - hoot the country', el et Oaf far the metreent the fear thnt rear whole system. with a I its se-tunties for Yfe and liberty: was cornier to en erd-4 (Mr none the more endurable' because continually nerve vete d bynew ehimerys to wh ieh t cis great lee duty event - lent an a ir of probability ; surely all these constirntsd is vim or public musty which ought to have satisfied file most Morbid appetite for twist berms lips. at in - the onto of the gunpowder plot. and the Salem witchcraft, and the flew York colonial negro plot, SO nor ; ;hyoid, foil rival Acton were swiftly foil ed be no thrr inskin dred claim, who ?Might top g mid widen the•perite - 0 4 m di.tra.,temoin_g to di the indignation wash it , lout ;:tiled against parties ndtiege itonny of c0 ,,,,, t , _ etty ended' sympathy with the oemidera.. Fcritenty will decide in all the recent ealei wham political responsibility for public disasters Mum fails and Posteritv will sive little heed to our Instruction. rt .es not until the yloomv reign of Domition had teed. Mod , liberty end yinuebad found Assured refutenrder the sway of there ildeclesrve. that the historian cross whose 3 narrative of that Period ot tyranny and terror has been. accepted by mankind. . _ The Republican party belpg thus vindiested against the charts of hostility to the loath which hat tetra otTered In excuse for the menaces of aneonstmutiorsi resistance in the event cf Its succetal feel:reit oteired that (twill surtsin me in meeting them sit theardnt of the defender of the Enelrati Commonweslth :-.- . "Runde they that cull boast save& to M a free-nt- than. and having the sonar, shad not idol berretta eon rase to remoi-e. constant:Gnarl.. every unveil-nor. "rho flier he bathe rupee me or =boob Bete. Map Pt.* e their fancy with, ridiculous and sainted freedom. ft to sotsen Mthiea. but are. indeed. ander ts tan es Ind rieryi , rdie. mt. nutting that power. elnett it the root and soiree of ate liberty. to dispose of and economies in the land ',think li •d bath eiva• them.. memion of faro is in thiirown home and free intisn mime. Without erniehll•tdral ...A: mondial power of a free nation thresh Manse kink their heads. then ran. in due esteem be chi-leaf no • es ter than slaves aid glutei* bore in the tenets and Cron nation of another inheriting iord, whose sonnimetiy, thong h not illegal or tnteerable. hams_ en this= gel a lordly seeutre. not ratty en govern mene." The Republican brows. vs the wh-le eraini'T will ultimately ...ewe to understand that *he no ob loots of rational life most resish if that lire beer shall Iv lost. and. therefore. it will Recent the tame r s tndered. It will tabs up the word Un which thes a , . so , willing to renounee. and. reonbinnix it ny to•t 01, er glorious tliought. Liberty. which boa Men its inspirn tiell en ton ir, it will move firmly onward, 'With the ten' to inscribed on i v tanner.' Come and fellidlny. canoe what may. in ictory ea in defeat, in pcver as out of, ! cower. now and forever." . - i . I sR epublierin perry maintain the Union. who end elite mint is to email Only ill.. Dernnerstio t o e there is no other. Will the Democrats , pert., f a i n tp the awault ? The menaces of dummies, are =edit. heneh not in its name. let in Ps behalf...lt roof:atom or disavow , them he P IeDOP time fey, portentrux, hut is not alarming The effect of the loth , ;dation. if successful, would he to continue tho role of the Peri, stall(' Patty though a minority. by terror. It eertlustir ^tint to need no more than thin to sconce the tureens of the Republican teteey. ff. Indeed. th 3 time - hes come when the l'emneratie pert, mutt rule he terror. instead of rolieg th roue h conceded tinhlic confidence. then Yr is quite certain that it cannot 1 . 13 &amine° fram power too WM Ruling on that dhotis srircire• it could not lone save either the Constitutirio fir public ti tette. But I shall not believe the Democratle party con gest to stand in this positron. though it does. thnzioilh the retina of its repretentatiree. seem to cover and moult those who threaten disunion. I know the Democracy of the North I know the ro v ow.• in their tremor strength Uri not brow a possible dos. unionist Among them all. I believe they wilt be en faith ; ' fel to the Union now as they were in the breccia deer. when their rinks were fall. and their chafenge to the combat wee elvers the war-cry of vieters. But, if it ehall prove swim..nee. then the world will all the seoriev know that every party in this country Most steed on the Union ground that the American - people arid su.t.t no party that is not seeable of ersklnis a sacrifice of its amtation on the Alta e of the rourtry: that, Alt/ion - eh a Party may hare never so much of presrige,syd never such traditional merit. vet. if it he lackteg in the ore vine: of loyalty to the Union. all its advardeets ei'l be unavailing: and then. ohnoSione as throne h lons -cher lobed and otet nate orejudicee the Repetbeen petty is In the capital States, yet even there it will s &mace • ha an army pi th fanner.. windier the favor of the who's people. end it will be armed with the natiorest•ennfi derma and eupport. es hen it shall to found the onlY thet defends and mini mains the integrity of the Union. Those who seek to aunt en the terrors et thsnnien seem to ma to have too linettle onn Meted 'he Condit.ona ander which they are to make thew attempt. - Who be lieves that a Itepubl.can admitigrttion and (-entrees cnnl.l practice tyranny under a Cens Motion which icter poet.. to many checks as ours? Vet that trrYnns [mast not only be Drar'ised.lut most he mtoleratle; and there must be no remaining bore fur conetitutionel relief. bo rnen forcible resistance can find around Costae:l on toy. where. I ne people- of the United States artins'in crirorunty vigil the Constantmn.ere tie supreme tribunal to try snit determine all political ireues. Thee ate as crimpa tent i. &cid° the issues of to-doe es they have teen heretofore to decide the tsetee of fisher dare 'they can rerensichir hereafter and reverse. if need-be. the indrmeet they Asa wriacw. , .. to-day. as shay ho rn root^ I ben) once reconsider , d end reverend their in-de ment. in former times. It reeds so revolntiern 'antis.- • e es - tor, cr prevent any denser, ander esycir , otostanaes. . GRA ELARD new or seAcial canto for rivnlanca to occur under a Rellubilean Admiristrat:on. n•o enraged in no new transaction. tot even in anew die- Onr Milers nndertnoi• a great wore 14, th-m -salves, for or, end for our sew...sore—to ereAt a free and federal empire. whore arches shalt span the Forth American continent, nod reflect the reys ro the ran thmtighout tor whole lawns from the one to the ether of the neat oceans. 7her erected thirteen of ;tea ga temen ail at once These are standing now. thoadmi ra tion of mankind. Their greceseors made,' tweet". more ; even we who are here have shaped end eleeerea three of that tarenh, and all theseare as firm sad atea ri fest es th e first thirteen; end more will yet be necessary when we shall have rested from oar labors. • . home nrsiong us prefer for then. eOlornel a ttornpnart.t , material; other,, the pure white marble. Our fatherS unit our predecessors differed ,n the saute Wan sod on the same point. What execrations 'braid we not all ante in pronnuncinson any statesman who heretofore, from mere disappointment and drarnet et bents oter oiled In hie chn,cei of materials for ant 'new column then to be quarried. should has. laid violent hares on the imperfect structure and brought it down to the earth. there to remain a wreck, instead of a citadel of a world's beat hopes! I remain now an the eninion I. have untformly Ax el...lead here and elsewhere. that these hasty threats of disunion are to unnatural that they will End no bend t o execute them. We are of one race. language, betkr, and faith; engaged, indeed in varied industry; hut es - rn that industry'''. diversified. hrin;s mg into =nee intimate relations with each other than an. nrher too tle. however homogeneous. nail thonth living tinder a amitotic:alert Hove rnmcnt ever mair tained. We lanfetth throughout if conjoint of 'oar t ederrl frame is swollen, while it la certain that apart diraavered mist 'palish._ You man refine es You piens. a! Ent the structor - n of the ument. and ea, that it tea empri.tt sod that a' breach, by nee of the States Mr lir Centres*. el any oho. article, ehtnives all the members from ellegistire, tt- d that the States may separate when they hove, or fiery they has e,criliSe for war. But onee try to subvert it, and non will find that it is a Government of tte whole people—ns Individuals. no well's* %compact to Piston; %lint esters individuel member of the b dv robtioln scions of his rotei eft and rower in it, nrd krona , hat be vi I le lielnleis, towerlese, hopeless, when ft shall hare gone down. hlankinl have a natural riche. a natural Icet:net. and a natural cap.citv for self government: and when. here, they are sufficiently ripened bv cultuee. t .8" ttri , t and must have eelf-government, find no other The framers of our Constitution. with a wird= that sr.r missed all previous [aid arttar dine smnes men. 'carted it to these inherent elements of human nature ve, etranteb, blindhr inivundermanda• the anatomy of the ' meat cistern who thinks that its cult bonds, or even its strongest Inmmenta. are the written censor• mr even the inoltiphed red thoroughly ramified. roads snit thoroughfares of trade, commerce, and social in tercourse. 'I hese me strive. indeed, but dr thief-est instruments of colierion—these which rends , it in separable and indiviaille—are the mi'liona of fibres eC million• of contented, happy human heart binei,e b r their affections, their iambic:one, sod their teat Lopes wise nod high ard learn e d the itch untuto r ed t.. rho wise nod unwise. the and the cern the good end the lad. to a Gove•nnent.. the firs% tine lest. and the only such one that has ever existed. which takes equal .beed always of their w•uts, their wanes, and their op:turns and aureate to them all. indiridu 11y. once in a year. or in two yenta or. at least, in four years, for their expressed consent end renewal without which it must cease. No• to whore yeti will and to what class you may, with . commissions Der 'nor fetal tervice in one hand" and sour. %manly nonrated by the hianeted or the then/and nivel of sitter in tte other. thousand toasters 'sill rise up for every recruit ton nit encore. On the hanks equally of the St. law tenee and of the Rio Grande; oa the -Attantre and the Poe tfio cleats • on the shortie( the Gulf of Neste. sad, a the dells of the 11,v•ky Mountains: amens the firmer men on the banks of Newtoamiland. the weavers and 'sinners of aensaachusetra. the stevedores of ors: York, the miners of Peonativunls. Sike'm Pant. a' d California. the wheat-grhveta of Ird.ann. the °Wm and the crier planters on the MiAtatittni. among the voluntary citizens from every otter Lane not lot titan the native born, the Chrirhan and the Jew. anion, the f-duns on the preinos, the cost memoirs Mrmons in Deseret. the Africans free , the africann in hoc'iaee, the inmates Of hospitals and Crush - .uses n• avers the criwina's in the pen item:sties Teti, se the utery of year wrong' wed their own Darer an eloquer,tly and never so mournfully', and atpeal to them to rite. thee Ir II ask 'oil - la thin MI!'" aro rot mere Scat 'hen Waahington, wirer than Hamilton. more h'ors'e than Jefferson ? ' " What tiew form of r. , Promert or of union have yen the pewee to establish. er e en the canning to devise. that will to more j es t, 'no., es t e ", more free, more , gent'e more benegrent. or w•ore thnn this?' And by them e. yl.e interrciateriita ten will to silenced and con r..intled, r. Pretnilent we are peri.eritetr fk,irSettinz this scjula and eemnles. yet obtrions and lister/it. mecherrstnot vox Constitution; and became are do forget it. we are coa, t• rma lly wenderinr how it is .that a conredervy of thirty and more States. covering resters so vast 7 ,rd 1,- tuhrin. interests so sari us of so many millions rif men. ennsotuted and conditioned art adversely-perksrig h Con. We ere continually looking to see it Etyp art/ standstill. or fall ear dents. into pieces Out. in.votk, Will net {doe; it Wes made not to Step. but to Leap n motion—ln motinc always. and st.thont fore, For ma' own part. as this wonderful machaie, wsna :t had'newly come from the bands of its rt'rtiost divintt n s colors. was the adininstion pr mr earlier hears. al though it wee then tattelmeerfeetli known abioid, in now, when it forms the central fignee in the economy of tho world's eisilixation. aim the hest 07DICat , les ct mankind favor its continhance, I expect that it wits sten) and work rola on until men shad fear ita.failueo no more than we now aPP reherd that the sun will cease to ho'd his eternal place in the heavens. Nevertheless, I do not expect to see Una purely popu lar, although MaleStic anstero nlways wnrktne on. unat tended by the presence and exhibitioner human temper a n d human That Wutiki be to as vet ner-t„,..r rewards benefits, nod blear, l isp. wi th out rite, and watchfulne‘s—nn expeetatton.contrary to Divan appointment. These aria the discipline of eta Ameri can citizen. and he must Inure massed to it. Whoa. 'as now: a groat Dollen. fastened .upon the mitten's through its denies and rooms, onafirrned by its hatnu, spa 'strengthened by its personal interests and moth timtaylest.).o be relaxed ant 4 changed, in order that t..e nation play have its jest, and natural, and free ee voloprnehilklhen. indeed. all the would.. f conlr.iverse are let looso.isprani us from all points tat the poll tea COMMA, we bee Abject* and men only throes h Lanes. mode. and doubtful and lurid India Tee coin seams hobo heavinx under our feet. and the pillars of the rob' a fabric that protects us to be trend:box nefora cu • eyes. But the appointed end of all this Pert:zoo , •omea at haat. and always remonabli ; the tumults of the coeds nulainie• the country becomes earn once IMl4le, era then we find that only our senses have teen ist•irl l / 4 -. and that they have betrased us. The earth is host as clv .a. before. and the wonderful attenuate. for ash. 6 , 3 safety we have feared so aux.usls row more firm fixed than ever, atilt stands unmoved, enduring, and munovsble. A NEW STYLE or VERDICT.—The present panel f,r petit Jurors. in the Court of :barter Savtior.r. are entitled to the milt of el:waist:tic a sty le of ver dict that is truly remarkable. fa quite n number /retell donne the present week. where he evldence bo h sides has been heard, the specchea of coliasel mode, and the chnrov of the indre ['cheered the Jury, after but 'taw memento debberstion. have hied d to Mr. Ekhathey. the court cleric, the hit of holier-nit nod responded to the urine! mat:motor? with the acre? verdict, "We can't ease." The foremen wo d I telco the null. pose among the juror. bs.t once ',mama la the response oi each m a whaptirrned thvis tomaiLcA stela, announce publicly the az reement to rev. hedge Ludlow informed them that they must take t : toenvree, and not in liuclVkts earealitioua t ytfhe ;Fl e le t a n :ll 2 1 %1' n : 11 ( . 76:NZ! were eaaggy to r_ 4,L L •unaoastderntioakil the evale a u n ce. ads was be cmpossible a then in the discretion of the twat tediseharve t hem.' linotwithstanding Erie taritiisaso. yesterday &Jury tenderest another ho " C rit ac roe verdicts. but. tinder instinnitiou shoed,' Wide lah thin& 1114;11ln eCrtall isirrett i and setshd-taciordiwyv
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers