k i;% F--.:101.11-114 lbrlbl - 011 , 311:t z ' ",- '',..-. -.- - - I ~ -'4: -, iftraiDENAßLlmi - rizaid. rniothti-iet_Apomp , - ilmses iro top_ d_ DIM do Rtatqtaippluat & qw. . k, ! . .rWaft LESTurt - obl v itbfroles SIS Clark-Y7 ypte , iNtrolitrPttzNirkinVAil iltritrAr ' N. - : angs irlsup* lrlborisf.4Bll bolo opdpn al ot of 011:57i, '- . Rim --Oblk ltl roe Cdinnlinise 4CO 'ltliates gi o koi, dr. M ar - TleVitt:MbAles ottoo Is .g*, em nn , bran k Rug • ri setilstVarkno34 VII; F, o ftet4 gd ta v i t tl i mr , " tu3 thst 1) le rosin At sOa 144 b s; sell; 151 bblwroitivi Kun g Be* ' - O.I4&II,LEATON-Brs '-,Oritagoo-704 bales Cotton It Patterson se Col; Il9' o Greiner 5 / 144- 0°"; 10 bstni rope college Joinup ar, Morirsq- SIS. bus MTV Pbeen)x Iron Co; 2t,370 (1,4 - pi:tutor V (mai tibia 4 blirmd44 4 ' •* °I IACgSOI4 3 7II,I4S4 - s4r -041404.hir 'L04441 : - . 146,4 0 0 feet lumber 811olton *NO:* 7,.. . •. •' • " KILLADF.I4III4 pow) OF . TRAIM . , .. ". It ICITAILD NVOOD; ' •' , . i .2 Jola:a Aka, mums. aossuaass sy ass mesas. E.PBt... ,::. , ~ '•. ' ~- i I . , _ • •-'•- 4 • • ",` BAGS' artacumire'lizaaaxo;irsnmAnimPlim• • Baranak,Ronfleuid;.•.......l.4„.......liiverppol, Marcell dhip Quoen, Ray.. %trans!, scion s. , 6oeiric.Lissielaarareth awn , Bark blinnesuta,Vwnpqk,.......itio de 'Janeiro, FOAM 'Bark ernoriti•Baker'.., sObn itair , „S.M.Liiiirla- 44.e1f it/05 - O*AM 411TIBAIITERSI . , . ~ e, * FROM THE 'UNITED STATES. ' - stunt' '' • LtAvIC ''" rant -' - 1 ' 'Dais - Bandes, 4.- - --; Pi aw,lo i rk. Xrallaen:: v. ..... .... :Fel 18 ' 0 ilf Wasaitigonacew ortr..LtverPoot • • ......... 128 Ditinit Unr011...-. Port ntl..Lrverpoot....,s,.._ ;Po Is - Catiolia •. 'r . ' , ..lioston.L.Liverpool..,it,...v„',Fa n <United Oiidoii.liew:Vork.. Glasgow. '..:;.: -...,•., Pp 1:1 a* 1 . Kew York,lavertmoi..'...... t... • :.„Ett SI A t a n n a lia . rOV.-'.1 . .t . . 1 .240w York..l4itorpool. .-' 2'9 25 I -i• ilohamiam...'.., - . ,Poilltind..Likarpobl .=..:, -Fe sa . "" a taiga.: ;.-; ..!...: Atop. York:i r.ioe rpool 1.1. t ......1 1 4, 23 1 '' , 1htx0nta..,"... , ..!«.. Now YbrO.cHatutwirirw...',-..:.Maro 1 7: , , , '' Olasgast..."...:',..:New York-01a550ya...., - r.`i.•,;:.l:arott 3 -, `a1rak0......... - ...4'.freer Writ, Illtwo ....,..4.4....14 moll 3 ' l ' -it 81•018 W.... . -1... 4,- .%Hoston-U100rp0ri1.,..,.•.t--Mran 7 Jura ' New York..l.llierpool. 8.,. :?; Kama T ,1 14.); oborgbA :-.„.Ne w 'York. lLivarsOof 2 : • - •:L. Mardi 10 _ 4 . AErke4.,.., ~.:‘- Now Tork:-.14rerp091,.......Mg0t1 16. i 'f.- .. •:„. 2'S : , ; •,,::, 8T1 1 ,14 ' . .'.4.;ii1141,;,.:114X40ri.. r';'.,-[...'il,' T2g '-rotten KWlairom,..(Hus4orr..Now York ....-.. t .....iml 28 Hasksroo..LiVaelient,Qu'a..Newltbalt.........."Feb .1 Ar a bi,,,, % ..... mvaroaol..Now Y0rk......... . t ;Feb 4 ,k no oo ,a - lhar., . Galway ,- New York. .. ... --Feb 4 Nhaouta....-r.8ai1iampt0n..NewY0rk.................Feb 4 Hungarian ~ • ..,.. Lrarsitial. ,P0rtiand..........., ..Fe 0 8 Gla moor, ........:: ttlasitow,„ New Y0nn........... Fob a, Eur0pa...... - ......peenveet:'.foacon,•-• Per 40 girt bacon.:.:..- : . i... - Overpool, , ortlend .......—.Ye 31 Arria0.. ; ,,,.. : .”....pkiffi436l.;iyaw..)Cotk,. ~..,.....- Fe ifj z rea n gir c ?• •• =i - ' . .:ifouti=iftgrai d t . PAC. l ': : :::=;:t g The CaliffinliearailliniaWireTirail from New York :on the 51. k. and 200 6 .0reaoksitoinkt N 'i i •-g i t or i i i. b gd 4hl -. 2 Cgtrfr i r f irill i trth i azir rwt,,,tnd ch„...taii, k ..o., ~,....4,,, , ,...., . , . - - ._, , , _,. -, W. hem th e above tiaras WI on _Uanday the stsamprs ~ - - ,r •veni sail - Oa Monday, accept from NOW Orleans. - • i .„ INCEII,LI4IpIC.E.. ,• bAl L mip4.,LE , _upt; Feb. 17. 18 MIN RMS.- 1/VAT •• •• • .1.1 4. &ARMED. - • rie Alarigiel: Nichols. 14. deg front ;molasses toAtutigr;lliewitalidi Iftpermariedkeevy weather during t trophole passage, an wag twice blown • St eargMhard,; Claypool. 34 boors fr "'"NattirriOrerrilli - panal, with -Inds° and . passengers ; t • I t_Strovesar..... • , - DifEiNED. •-• AwaoltatlP-rhihrian Sprague,' Mattheni, Boston.i H wingor. - Stgairiship Delaware, cannon, N York, J'Alldfirdlee. •• ". ' SAILED. ' • ' Ship Ann' B • Hooper; Hooper, for - New - Helton", fort Ylvitiarday morning iti tow etteg Ainenea., Him Calvert - are**, for Sieyrs' Leone...via - Charles yesterday Morning tow of the Gity ice Beat., " e ltaretiphidiniiii - orilitiPliDediirphi a H 1611611., • = I.I.TTLE'EG6 ILARBOIt i yeb Is. • : Yhe "hark -Derillautown, CaPt Pinglinev from - New, vileare for New York. with &cargo or le d Banton and 233 hbisinolaasee, was abandoned onthe ntght • - of the lOW met. Ike eaPtain and crow. arrived It • tlitireFpnlog.. no Nesse t and ortrgo arc both insure in New York. — • onentoWn vies built 'ed New bitryporhinjgal, to tos, meg A 17-1, anti wag Owned hy,Aleasrs . P4Nis hail & Sons, of *deity.) - Ship Othello,,Driteao(g h, cleared et Charleston lath , Hiwrk• . • - • • Ship Wm ordir, atikson. from Manila, at St Re , —le um 2tith Deo, and era led Pith ter Liverpool. Ship nekNymph,-Waging' from Now York Deo 17 for Sank raningoo, was Steken Jan 17.1 at 46 8. long 8100. 'Hewitt, „hente; arrived - at Cienfuegos btirnage.• • • - • - ark EdtpreuThereu, Walter, Meare 4 , at Haltimine 16th init. for Pernambuco and s, market. Bark Bordello, Roberts. hence, arrived at Cienfuegos inst. • =yti New, )3ra, Walker, ft-oaf PP York. wan !hookas's fite WC-Regan° Des, 4—arrived -tiohr g.titi Wales; Hoffman. for ,Phlladelphla. cleared at Wihutrigtois, ND., ,Ittk nut, with 031 bile rosin,lo,l -do' spirits purpensimerap,brileg cottorn 1176 bushels fOSk : - ) 3, 44 , 94 4 4 63 , ;y2 , DORHIaI..N)It'Da; • " .treektemeenwEntimiennWLY , •-• iDlefrom Ltireroool tat Met; J" WAIN, Meat, ew Diteangi:Autoorar, Burwell. _dot Present, .;„ `Badobekler,do; Bazaar, fiktwort Baena! Hinekley,tnobilet neignedy. Boston. • • ' from Portland Jan 31, Daniel Webster, SpenTiri " New York • • , • tilt from Milford Jan 31; Opiondatea. Pike. N • Ar rin the OlydirJan 31, Roseneath, Amid, N Orleans. Arr calorie Jan Nr, Pedro, New York. , • - At Caleutta.De4 , 23,Alpe Franklin Haven. agars. And •Doly rood, Jorderiiiet 'London, (Mattered at if As all (0 - Orion:Libby,and.Enuna Wood; for New ' , A 1 , izt Union. Tiloklemin,'Shlthiy, A ll en. Meter, - -Melville. Bold... Heater. Crosby rind Bogota:train (HO for Boston, - Ido Gertrude.' lialitt, - for - do; llMilyr St Pierre, Fisher. for Charleston ' ) gl , Benarts;Bidokley; for New (Meant, toneeneu Edward, Frost , for Co.. lombo. do; klartha.t.Laneit for IVrituis. d 0; h_ondra. Briard ,Softhitir. ; Orown , POin dok, Star of Pe e. Mamma*, Thurston, For bents. Hintoon, Int Moses DavenhOrtiOondry.fer London. dot AbbettL --- - -irence,-Davig..Jeben• Snow, Sneer. W F Schmidt, Se g ',4nd 13 t*Bermird."Browni ono. • - • .; ,--,Prooeedipg down the river Deo 334 Guiding Star, kiiriiPgand Droll. Welker, for Boston. • • -• •• , - wont to sea from Bangor _Deo. lA, bark - AlkOnen* Gibbs. fonNewitileono.. • ' , :131t8.) , .. PURE :AND #RI3 OBEAP . .WIOI), .:--,-“:,-., N.4.NIYPACTIIYTXX 1 . ~ DMC HA . N I PAr ,BAKERr 64 , /4 9 ) Y+ 1 '? 4TMgi(llowittie, ,- , ,-:.;,."''.,,:'--PVLACESi't-- „' 107/UMW I!AKFARY, kt v li:f. comer of*ad iuit• S.. hi. V.Li34..«... .......—iii it ret 48 itj 11 a ea*: ta It: koNilL.-..... ......,13 .y 7:: Sixth d s . oc4 jAmio & 50N ,:.:.:. :No 6 .= Northtlftii str et: TORN .q.10X.E.,Y. , .'--- ... No. li . n Vige otreet ..;I.ri WITH«.:..: --No. if North rtitli4 ig it . , h 800Y.—... r ...._ . „,.....p. B i ooter rth ad 3ri . ft ~, w; W. MATH ..... t4,ifzlatteve t l:os rr4: c DiPagT..,4«r:-:.Bradlt;et49i,if. - 4EdIt3E; bAiiiN.::-: ' :.No.l44a ß b a id a tii e L.:' L ,.., ~.R. MU** 4,....7 1 ,:00rner Butteenth „ A im: C9I.IRTNEY,..L....—N a o a . etor creed. tit , 1.,:„8. #.;WANAXAKER.........:-FiZa 'street, ii4vo -,.., 8. LENTZ --.....................-Coger Sogh-Fointlr tnd ~,,I c 11.,. u0pLA.Np.«...::4.. - ...i.,l3.W.cion4Bllltintlian . 04Y.ED BAppfieos d o s irligtilefre,atii , •', , Ji7.lollTMA.W....:l,:::...l2l7r h t i e:itith •streit t : be ovi. - - -tr. - s: Toractrat .:...:-. ' - No. triter es h Ir t. - ~., li pfteit!r,l, 77 4,-7. 7 .. twa S. ,5t comer otp4enth :,"ntiii...4444o....4.,.:;;..iii a lT.moitoTr.atttt Pi '...i lit 11,,TURNER : ,, ...--.4.....1 , 41. pitonp h: That' , 7 iiiii/iiil;•W-1341ttlingarting. ruWitki . "-:V.18L1487.:,:-L. :.....:4eirie leeteenth et 11.8. NOWIL.4-4.(....44.A. coiner lutd. odors! streets. , , - , :.1. htettillltEl.-.-!.. - .—:-.l l weetr-seoond etreetiab. , , Coates. '',0 , 17,...."1,Lt . .#7.911', —4 corner ormth,eat4 Chils: Coati,i *W.; N0rp,pii—....433 birtrdami** 1 WMaitcCRACKEL.........-2XI Hamilton street. j , R. R. It n jtT44 ' 2l-VElti "''" t "" -- ' 4" ' '. ,ka lariPstr i e . , l9 ... rt rr h' M.Z,NIETtoIi.Y4 ‘E.:, , earnar rm . rottk TaV e ggiMßS. F. EttterViZ444 1 .6V - . n "ad storains tx Iv; JOHN 4E.EGT rll3B Gri6l GEO. 0. rowresier....!LlVairiiitei,renns 2 4 . ir t .,P4GENthiE.Oolus;ibi.; Es.; HARVWMIS iPAOILAGE HOUSE Pri7 2ll4 g li t Al q 1 2 0. trlf It:h w itil re to a r. V a f (3 it s a t i Ong fie O PT Ta nitlfoited, and (loodi4e: Ordersr 'Mo d e /TO k Or* iopp e o pintln Pit/. 7 . ' y I,k Eni, C. 4 MA E r 411 COM IMnitigit and yul iaa nninapAproban uninnwe• litakiD)!N altit ' 4lL ' 4eenla CD7OI ! - 4,PePlerB9.r.arranialooc44o ~ ..11'fortitstdarn8 mOlOlNUTjr e 4 0 ), ms. ID iii` Particular Ideation d entering 0 srl Londe. soo,ooo Acres furirslsAtnrores•ransins from 12% Dente par MUM' . Patents secured and taxes paid. Eeketwiskstalop for I' quid pritcatlam -z n s 3 it 711, bAL BAKERY S. W. Co ,er t. 1111ADELPH A. 13 Bftwialigy2,l3a4ful operarnl '- j Thin enlA / and Amid, and all are reeneettagy in to l t to_nel_ di anr .... the whole process of bread -mspng for W*9 , .„.. . r, The ppdernigneortle s h oa t" Ai o o ni s a arlajt t _ M t , at .Ihlttpltne yeekion ta..oneof- the r , st, I"l4lthrilairge4,l-traii.,.4. ~.., . ~- w 6: mein , "•• ,wAkth, tone ne hail ed. Onno omen . ir . . on, I•l::tfiejal4lßdill' artinfrirAlurTe, -y:J, , , ont own:lnnen tN Ithweb iterwaq, new. ..r_ -•- ar g vt d % - ret, n. °-- ii-c..-eti, 6 A " ~ -,. 1. ; d . -: • „.,1... 7,1.114ar, tioiiira , iicuLhattsiiiiiseiristtkigrt . , it . : t 561ireuT rit a u 4 tw q i iirgi v ettartgri - _? . -.114 114, ° 040 - aiyZ i g th'4llllolll Witt; • nu .8 'V f i , mg,. ~ .1 AINi.It I" • t., .., , r: :, J 4Qteri r ,L, R 4 r or a 61ir !I - 6 1. 4011f o r irity t t ; . . , i' ' P : dirtriar Atttef=i3o,...glieddial lei. it -At'l'Aileattalata.l2lo4ird a-- 15%4 ns ornn Tad 1 ''' u had:Vim:gam , ~ OM! 6 6;44=414 a s e , ,_ ` 4 ... 0r• 7: 101.110MPANKk "f i f„,., 7,,i , ... ~,- -•,.9. , ',..,fi, 4 Z i. t, '' ~, o,:i rl ..! 6.„: t, , ~,, + kiheAdlitegittis*Utal 900* hOO Av luttriftirloating 4gitittitul r. eiai I car or, a. • . 7 1Paricreantrattagr= ji P e r litglt t ft% 1 4 ' 140 11 a p p4 nl r/ 1-9 47 ,44ra 1 t ,71 .0 1.1 , 1 7 11 ,, i0 „: r it .; r, 4 v , gil a il t h?t, 1 Vol th i 4)o ;:l i atiliFtrol l i i ip •1: .. 'it r *24.3401Mhis On , !Ira 100 "tea 1 v-AtrilititZtingitotnaVVV, rpot b . : ~,,,,mt p gr i t,.,A t ep . 0 4 3. 104 ,:re r ~,, %:4 VVYNtiikAr -, _7 ciisktrinu t irotaitn., , s - ,tyciise bottriouniviti, 3 ;i • T 7,7_04LEA11-8-13.:RtAA : " 141150t iirOVAKtalgt4slVY PUBLICATIONS. VIABIDZI HAZARD; JR.—, " ' ORPIESTNUT Sited, Offers for gam the following ` NEW eND INTER TAINTNo Boogg LIFE oTRUOGLE By Miss Pardon, authorene Of te' lll , sl V• ,Francia L. km, I:entirely new noyell said , oritise lobo bey One vol., all& ,_ I OILU A nor _thy the authoress oilfired g, Metiland,,Lains bt Nat f+ w An. •• • Tit hi KAN IN,THE.OLUD WINDOW ; 'or, =he Roblin of, G,:trsi 800teti. , A hand book for ladielpand gentlemen, with thoughtit, 'lnnis, and a noodotiskon oernilirkocial observances, nine' veints, or visa Add good nionaell, and the art of mak= one s *MK eklee ablm One v01..11m0. •el 25. EDGAR A. POE Aro HIS CRITICS. By Sarah Ilglen Whitman': it have been assumed by a, tenant English ont i lphat " had no friends," these paces are written refotation_of tit as •AN ANS ER TO MILLER AND . GEOLOA GISTS._ By Thom; pavloo. • I. idirrumti. aivou FOR GilowN /Kip. A capi tal collection Of pArc?dioldi on Mother Promos Melodies. A new and amen edition. • It ti'VtUNTON ; pr, The Fulls pf d bintvel ‘ liel. %WE IVA . o; ° Bl B 'aftz li. ay Ey fo r a l r ' win . . ne rlncist TOWeirDlly•ArrittedA.ook, and one wresting great (Men .THE NEW CLOCK AND WATOEMAEER'S AS SISTANT. • DAL " - OLAIDO E. RNE'S LIFE OF GENERAL SAMUEL TOM `A.tE P ; WANT OF AN' B THEM AT G ISEO EORGE G. EVAvs , -NEM.wM A GEOrH.a. 8V . BUVLTIIEX A lam. VE G. EVANS' Gift BOOrOta. MO Chestnut street, Gift 800 Store, 43gtheshint street, GIG 'Soo Store. tb9 Ohattnut street. Tie the best plaoe in Wia city y. sold as cheap as at. any other store, rl.Bd you have the aditanttuto, WORTIMinto, nandeorne Gift, PROM.6O CENTS TV IBIB) ' with mob boob , NEW BOOK R. - A-LIFE STRUGGLE. By Miss Pardue: One vol., 12noi,uoth a Gift. Price 151.,M,_. ,•:TwEDITY YEARS Ago. Aril) NOW.* A. new and interesting book. By T. S. Arthur. This book Is sopa !eerie an l y.4 , bver4rtieent h y. this popular author, : thee VCI IWITirOyatt Ifiri!FOZ; Tun none R4OIONS: - One Yoluerie g fo. With giR. Pries BIM. New and , stain, 11000 Oho f ollowing ' • gok,v,o . toGi t vffi B: `LIFE 'AN OF A FX DER EMIL VON: Be Samuel Id Smooke_r, LIP ANU , TI rd ES .01e momes .TEFFERtJON. Bp Samuel h a l vemoN t atrrg - op , NAPOLEON jer, -air biotite! M. Meitteker. e. tr. - , -LIFE ANA) REIGN OP , NICHOLAS 11.118318, Bt Sampai M. Smucker. LL, D. Kash in oars Volume. With agift. Price BIM. Lirep.AN_lnaktiUßAZlONB OF OR. E. K. KANE. - 11r_Pannuellsr. Sloneker:Lb, D. :," MBAtollithi)F 4 11.0Batt ItfluDlti, Conjurer. With an index By lt:Iltiolton .Meobensie. -HEROES AND PATRIOTS OP THE SOUTH.' Esokinireuerllms,:or.littne. With a sift: Pnoe , - ALL THE 'NE W'BOOKB As scrori An ISSUED, Uait 61, - dud one old/ mil/ assure you that the best ?Maria tat eity Wyss you ably , / ,r dpstis i e Books is , E i7E et, A VAN T , - GIFT mow_ 8_ ABLI MOM, • • 4be CREST UT St., Philadelphia, felt - ti • Two doors below Fifth, on the upper side. -Tll4' VOYAO,E " FOX." LINDSAY /0 BLAKINSION, - No. SS Bout!" 81X11 Street. bo •e'CrtEsrprtrr na. , re N a e r t ra rec tov elve e d 4 , & mi. sit v eu o svi al if .0 0 7t. 2. 15ACIInkr t . , fa I 3 AR - 6 Ant' S - FOR SI X' WEEKS. THCquiLEy_fr, UMW, W. E. dotter EIGIITH and SPRING GARDEN, woold,rengthardly inform the .t t tr c hto g?lf .that am much..." u, 10%) until (AV, a . v . BltsAitDiEBB ol! PROFIT®! 'Phity pare an excellent nook of . ong: Brooke Shai:Lt Itaglish and iunenoan Blaukata. . , Seat Shirting end panting Mullin , hineee of op r own T rlellOh. Pisan le. Cloto, a ti enaimerer. - - A% ett.Oloake lon hand. ' •" A .I. K SI? GP FANCY 811,118. tignoes e , an ne,sMinuta Loo lin Plaids; a... wlitue, mani oirtrobraggit'Tdirti to ' r N. - 13.=:1i igll pag to give , 2 ti. ca 1.. • fold Trodry (MODS. -7 J. WM. 110E -4x--14x--14 , No. g 'north BI M% Ottett, liaa now l i giA l wis i t i P_A r t i t i ,%=Yal lt y r eirr e ga e g thotYLv,' an a , wages' yreay. merino Shirts and girayrept, tor_gente end youths, Merino MOM. 13ottonlican e t c woollen 4lnalery, °lowa and Onnbt ion, and- g apgprtamlng to the Hosnery rlVitglio H. sat " , a l k=n u g li ttn a rli ti t t en n attenpon o:f waned for nnnety by any o th er to i) oily and hi ik jkdrAtUire an lowntg t h osisof any ot er. repAr bomb 11.-14 abatement Ma4l4 from the ;mon dined.' §22-wfmtf - 4-4' WAMSIITTA SitIRTINGS, SOFT , Funs% Ault opened. t-t Idesonmlle Bbirtinge , of Mt cents. . .4 4 , inch Starting and Fronting Lineal. 6and 41-4 Unabrinkable Flannels. ,er, . . do ~ for Infante' Sheathe. • e.rgeStonkeif Paris Embroideries. very cheap, .viz .1' Setts Collars and Himmel, Collars, Embroidered !Mien Cambria Bandkerolliefe, kr. • . Ladies wed Gents When Cambric Handkerchiefs, in great variety. - ~ • , Glenne Bilk Handkerchiefs, Black Cravats, and Meek . tI *.ITH* DEljn ditty. irrNWEEMOCE- varlet in rice . of ell kinds. , •• - ' . ' littESS GO9Gth przawgraimette-, tack Cloaking Clothe - cloaks, Ready made. 4 . Eilk-.Velvet, jzo, A.u. GREAT REDEGT/ON Until Februa ry lat. whilst tagng stook. &*.litiltLiti ADtms, E4F - 1 EIGHTH and ARCH treeta. , - pbtuE PLAID FLANNELS. , ' Eletlt Broom, shewie; ''• ` Kim, oak Clow. •,, , . wool elLoacKaaWle. • - . r abli ZS cent Delalnes. " an Steao Wool Robes. worth $7 and lti. ' ' • ''.. est B sok MousSelises, Al lON cents. 'llloent -w Mai .:, ' , r • ' , RIME. Exa. 11 1 .10'lei Vest Atm Cassimesea ood GoOde at ekinao; and WM. ttalieta Sad Cassimeree, 40 tole oente. - ' Vatting; very cheap. • ,„. Nand tirst4ate_tibuts and Mayen,. -r, - "Oldwes ! Ties, HAM Sco t , section lots, RD. , CouPEE it ooNA -I.IIIITH and BET.'MAR R. E.—LINEN !MODS, a large sad desirable Moak o every teseitetion. PM COPIUITNEISHIP NOTICES. 111it3SOLIJTION O'F . PAATNERBIIII I .-- (M-Ar Vbel' e ltarttiirsbig btrott9rottetipkbltt between Fr e g g SistOl l 423l4lit r uiti ‘ e ' . vheent. '.Tlc u tlatbesit sill be newel, by' •I f Ftmotet t and . rc ' wn r e: , rr iSIGA T. • reb,l.l,lk);- • - pfrrin GRANS, • pan JOB PRINTING ItIISINEaS, IN at all ita - branollea. will be cent bleed b the tinder signedi_nadeLthe Arm RINOWAYT ttOWIt at Bontkl:kUlt.D Street. . J. L. RlNGvatk rel6-3t*. „ J. (1. La Baown. MBE find of WEBER & RIIC3H. is this JI-day dissolved hymntual oonsent. The bUNillellB Vdi %%V d , b r e th. r Par4Ler JNOSW:DBEIt,I Philadelphia, Feb.l,lBBo. JOB.ll. Rut.lH. TOS. RUCH, has associated with him " H.E.BENNETT,and will esyttinue the manufac ture of Blunts, Collins, Bosoms. urmsers, Overalls, Src.. tinder the firm of BENNETT & RUCH. at fia OttURCII Alley, where they invite the attention. nf dealers in kle above line of goods. IT It, BENNETT, Philadelphia, Fob. 13,1860. JUL N. RUCH. felt-12t - ritssourrioN Or PARTNERSHIP.- --,-- The partnership heretofore existinv betwis_ Ji {h e seboiribers, un & der the firm of E. P. O. YARNA L & CO., is this day dissolved by mutrl consent. ..„. „ , . , ...... . M% B AALNALA ALLi ... -'• ''' •= ' ' 1158IPH TIEIiaLE, ' Philadelphia, :amid, WO.- - . . r ' LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—AgreeabIy to ibil pro visions of hn act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of , YenegylYallta. entitled "An act relative tolimi tett partt nenthfrlP: the audio ribers have formed a limited _part rerehtv under -the name ' and firm. of Y4RNALI4 & TIUAIDLE, for the ;remotion of the busmen of Im rotting and Dealing in eiodaludi, and other chemicals and General Meronanduie, in.the eig o of Philadelphia. Etta :YARN iiLL, , reioding mill, onty.hret tyard. of the . oi%of rhtledelnhie. roar.rir TIUMBLL, re siding int rdo of CiAn, Al the State of New Jer vis/ i t u i t l d _O rd titi Ttr ui ltln i maid i t n h g bn th e e ref Partners: o mi t i s e PWCTS C. I`lRktirl.. reeigns in the qounty of ontgomery. in the State of 'Pentisyl yams, is the only Special Partner, and has contributed toto the capitol of the said Partnorshigo and Rangy paid cub the sum of fifty thousand donate. The d part tletrehli, St to ot)mmenoe on t:itr , leth day of antuthy, , M5O, and terminate DO tiko gist %ref December, 1014. rift ltAlt 1.,.1 4 , pthowit, ; - . 7,,, =-.- • . • , mood Partners. PRAXIS 0. YARNAL, , . ~... , . Special ,Partner Ffdletteivhfa, Tannery 16.4iMe. , - 1a2.1-fmw Mt LIMITED PARTNERSHIP.—NOTIOE : 41-4 la KERMIT , owari, -Tr the flpheoribere halls' formed anti entente! into intited Partnership, under the rommona of the Laws o the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 'flat the name o Genesrmor partnership le William 1), Edson. and the V nature of the busineas_the Manufacture and Rale o ßoots and Shoes. That NY-S -ham D. Edson ta the General Partner. and John Saun ders and patstmeraim Saunders,' are-the Special Pert: F., ,n p01. °cage:. to the Psh,Z:l"Prhfkeih,:, TheusanCliollan, each contnbutum F h2O nano ueltani."'Tner arMenthisreommeneestmaTENTll DAY OP JANUARY, MO, and is to terminate DE CEMBER 31,180. ? WWILL~A>II Guneral . Partner. JOHN RADNDERS, - MACPHERSON SAUNDERS,: SpOOtal Partneri. $ll-d617 Jahagy nth, MO. grZYMNASTIO INSTITUTE' For Ladi 4B, A.Plt Ilindernen; and Children of every age,_Profe t LISWIS, nortlienat oonier MATH ir' fag ft gaznleynrritig Anadorny thi mune buildi^ r Y; • , • - • „ INST • • MATIM lATICS , .11,(1Bhila B. /..S.SARTON. Pb. r.opea or eoktutlyneuttor une our dotty, Jol . loouttnunioati .ut Oddretted ee. Pro 408 bouth 'Eighth street, will reoekve 'towed attention. J.turosuuous—Prot. Cho. Men, No. NS Routh Boren tlptuthAtreet gooro Ihthrinett i /trelt strut nits, ttdolth..Kto.. uth ourth titre 14 tioyd P. era ihrtrutn. Phrlade al, bran Jo es Lesley, Jr., Morkutstreet, inuT-1 A IttIERIOAN S 1:100L INSTITUTE is a 4- 1 1- rental!" medium throne , artdob !prole sad fait tr i nfrrii=y l lye t le "I n - urn' crea te A r %Ibex t soirooli. ' B l, l i pl i kin ? AN, v a -do.. %limo.? -' '039 alti l lfitral? t r i k eiptei RYA - NT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL •dalilit.V. 4o" ...:W i g i NiO u rcU t T rii ; ew York, lielleicoe euelMe t i . 0640.i15t.r0 ~ ui 'or ilutiormellorwou. or leo or two I. 6. . ~ - . EltrfirTirillfridliiit; ,_,. .. .W.--SdOILT---late of the firm offt el - e-011igtit't 80tt — ETLAMPerli PU ING STONS and 'Ulna aIAN 1 7 OTOR , .4 . iliarr i ta l y i lStreet,.aisarlY,eieposite the Girard onae,) I. W e l wo'nkt - riiseea v t t i i ili t I the attention of ; tibt former patrons aileiend , new store, and is nr,e eaga Sol fill Ord a loe 41 a Si y short napes. .6, Cie Sh i i: l t t s Vas . ii. " haili "I.'l l ° with rironot Olq"; " " ]3 and .oOBO.IVIS AND COLLARS. , c 1 46 . large and' choice nasortment, and Novi; irsMr, al -ROI an han‘iudo iirbieh I eartioularly invite The at tention Di OASIS andproppt.paying gRoBT 711 d), bl l ll O 4 l . lig if , corsor ordiqirKD and AMU! gitrifeteifra, deo " 701/1-inin Q,OAP4OII) 4)ANDLE B .S O boxes Detei sive Bono ~• 100 boxes Olive 80.te • 200 boxes Ads Jr tintino Candies LA. [Ames Spe rm dandles. in store, iliNirtAr b ert: ll4 f WL''' Ak993IJ" Y I - t- P: C°Fer° 111/ AOKEREL.-575 bbla. Nos, 1,2, and i 3 bfaetieiehib 'assortilb OntinaLPAßkager, or_ the tatedeareh, for sale by C. C. SADLER- CO., &ROO erree - s4 deer shove+ Front. r 1 R ?. Sft _~~~ ~~~. HEY , 1 1317dAILL-40()_ bbis, crush trbstr* ~,.( zizt 1 4 ..„__:„._____: 44)-4, - .4,1-. .. "' P °RI' WINE; FROM. THE I,ond,M.,)??9k#,"^rp.inditratiFfi tibig • 4 p ith 0 vat, `.RETAIL DRY 009110 S. EDUCATIONAL. oiL4QAA ,ff tl omp u: , TO, ~yVEST and intermediate ins or eat Cheater leave phii o n, the De t , northeorA i zo ar,„ or MORT R tottl MARKE fitreeta t ha n k. MA one lan LSO P. M. On BUN AYB 013.1 A. M.. and 111 P. M. 4or Orli for otationo on t i n t r i t pHlLAvarniA and MEE ith.IOTRALL A ILROAD , ornI. take. the 0 .111411nd-4M P. , M..Trat tk . • • - 16t9-tr TuE'P NSYLV. T RAthttbib. _ MILES,DOUBLE TRACK. _IB6(L Miaow 4860. - - - - THE CANITI_OF THIt E ROAD_MHOW EQUAL APR' IN T COururßY. THREE '§}I.ItOUGA ABBE/ 10 ER imp BETWEEN EmADEA, MA AND P URG, conneoting direct at I" hilidellT With ThrOllgh Trains from Boston, New Yolk, and Points Eget, and in the Union Depot at, P i ttsburg wit h hrough Trams to and Ruth all points in the Ist, northwest, and Southwest —thus turnlehuus flat es for the • transportation of Passengers unsurpaissed or speed rial dOttifort by any other Tonto. - - Hume and It Lltin-lign' through to Pittsburg,. Ns - About change Of carp or Conduotore. All through, Pas censer Trains proytded with Lintgbridge's Patent Brake—speod under perfect (matte' of the engineer, thus addinginuolt to t atifoty 01, 0 1 ;_ep.m.%_:;'; h ßmokingerti are at had to e t er , Trztly wood h : EXPRESS fi r t/N t ir DAiLTl'halt anSlNatrtgl, bun d"liternratleaves Philadelphia at 8 A, M. ry i i itet r Line • " 11.51. n; WAS' TRAINS .. SAVE As littuato Hargisturg Aftedinodation • Ordollabid, Columbia PiZtloseburg " 4.00 P. M. 32.31) P. M e Want Chester . Passengers will take ths Meg, Farkas burg and Columbia Trail*, Passengers for Sunbury, williainhort Elmira, BMA, to, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Phi ladelplua Ate A. Ai. go directly through. Tickets Westward way be obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia, New York,• Boston, or Bal timore; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad °Noes in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of steamers on the Miagisampt or Ohio //MS.: • For. nattier infonruttion_ apply at the Faseenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market Streets. The completion of the Western contagions of the I 1 PPR INPErt a rk,t4 THE OBRA The connection of tracks by the Railroad Itridge •at Pittsburg, "voiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, togetheririth the gamin of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shipppers of Freight, and the Travel ling Public. Merchants and Shippers entrtlitifig the treHaportntion of their Dgiiiiht to thin 001nPanY, ban rely With gonn -4erelliATrietbilPiritlGHT to and froni any point ...in the iWest by the Pennsylvania Railroad are, at aft Sinus asfavorabis WI. are charged by other Railroad ' ''lgi fa ir road particular to Mark mmiages villYetina. Rait- For Froight Contracts o hippini Directions, a p ply to, or address either of the f o ll owing gents of the Lem pany D. A. ElTRTi v y'arr., Virg; H.B.Dieroe 010,,-Zape Ilti, v.; t J.Jonntiton, Ripley, 0.; R. MoNeely, Maysville, Ky.; Ormsby & Cropper, Porteniotith, O.; Paddock Jt Co., Jetlbrsonville Inch tietterdt• Joe. f t . Moo re, b erd. Evansville, %L i rBr.s. 'ink i m & Ii Ti mUn vi Br, SlT'AgrALtr Et . ili.tni4eiroPonitt; Tern.; A 47 , 6 •Ti v argzht.p.ge t i m of mailtoads at different points l t „ ; 0111VIR i l o rkedelgIA et LK Ear & Co. , Ostor tituie, or t t ritrilenaatcy. CW77, taterreet, Boston. H. H. "roof:Tor+, Gen 'l Freight Ageat, Ph il a. L. L. ROVYT,Gen'I Ticket Agent, Dina. TROB. A. Corr, Oen'l tlup't Altoona, Fe. US-1y . 1859.* titielift 1 8 5 9. vittApiritrirawfrudr• FinVAIMIII 4 I 4 DU I PEA MI Tr eI B YORK twill WAY-PLACER. PROM WILICIIT-19TRIET WHARF 9919199612899011. Will leave as follows, via, P At 6 A. M., vie, GUMMI illid AlilllbY, del% & AM. 4". Aoctommodatidh • ~-....,..,-. ~- 116 At 6A. M., via Camden and J a mey C (riew Jockey ) Aimommodatiou —, -- 126 At 9 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Atom= Mad. -....-.... p...... . . aO4 At nit . .d. M., via KezZgton and Jerrie . ; MP, Western Ruffen& • • • - OOO At GM P. m., 91809111901 S i•ataAirpoWlail dation.- ------ ~.- ......-.. ....Li -- 2_, - 916 At 8 P. M., via Gulden Mid Amboy, (l. & A. 'Ps rom' , "-- —-- -- SOO At 01 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Evening Exc i se_ At 4% P. lit , Kensington and riiiii s eilitor la 8 W Class Tie 'et......, ..-- ' Jersey . ~.,- . 2SS Ar itfl. via GaMden and City 3 vaunt 8 A rp.ii:;;libisideiini7iiiiiolif,Toiiiiiiii c° an ........ .. . t aSS At 6 P.l.l,vlaCiimdenand .11.mboy,Aeontrimodatlen, (Freight and Passenger ) -Ist Clem Ticket-. - ... II 26 Pd Class The 11 ,1 SO The 6P. M. Mali Line runs daily. The 11 P.M. ilonth ein Mail, Saturday!' exoePt9ll. For Belvidere, Easton. Pleiraturton. &0., at 6 A. M. from Wan t.stres Wharf. and 3P. M. from KO9llington. rStr titIMAII chunk, Allir e lown, and Dethhineth, at 6 'A. en vie Lehigh vol t tiltad ive • ; , —ear' water Gap rdu lug. Ho n Wilkesbarre, montrase Orellid, ' e. 'at6 A. , iis. Delaware, Lirawainat eaten" Kailroed. Or Mount o 7, at 6 and 9A. M.,_and 9 and Gi .p. M. or Freeho , at• 6 A.M. any F. al. • • w.aY LI Eill. For Brlatol, Thtiton, &a, at alld 14 P. M. from Ken elYotin Palenyta, IStverton, Deism:o44v re ly Burlingtrin. Dortentown,. /to., at UM, Si and •G P. M. : Fifty sounds of baggage Olgy IgEred 13110/uassetursr. Passengers ewe prohibited fripi l ta ng _anything as - gage but their wearing appare l=Stage over 1 9 0 0991119 to be paid for extra . e oompany limit t heir F=WO Cor,Paggage to one dollar per pound, and iMt be e ntrap or say amount beyond Coo. ommpt 1r tipooll6l • " •$. • *M. 11. GiTzME.II.Ag zi •09. , , . , . Camden and Amboy R. ll". Go. ) 1111.ADELi'li1A, GM 110A D-. W P M : VIP/3RM il l ai t t OnAnderaplay+l:o l l . l, 1&59, • Leave Philadelphin e, 7,740, 9, 10, 11. and OA. M., 1, 2. 3, en, 4,6, 63i, 6,7, 8,9 1 1 1 1, and 11$ P. M. Leave ClFeratantown 6, 7, 7 8, Mi, bi i 70,12• A. 14.1 1, S, 8, I, 4X, o.6X l ) 7 llde ~.el. rare a11nd6161,16 906 Will. A. le, I, OX and WY. M. M 14ensai=w0, 8.14 min. A. M., / 19 Mt., en, And 9 .M. .ounif tri . 44a, 11A11,110A1). P I Ave Pmmeiptda 6,17.09, 11A. m., 2, 4. 636, f, and 10 P Leave Chestnut 1111.1j.E40, AM, and 4.00 A. Kr 340, 4.49, 4.40, and 810 ;41 1; • Ay i , • Maw. P z padelaMa 9.06 A. At., a, wad 814 P. M. 1.41,14 Wald Hill 1.60 A. M., 1160, 6.90, and o.lo' nu t / O P IL ObNBROHOOXEN AND NORRISTOWN; Leave Dills& l_phla, 6,9, 11.04, min., A. M., LOC 11.06, iji, Ex, and MX Y. 01. Lome P10n14141,T03, 1, 9, ;.( A. M., In,. 414. 61;4 I P. it. , • • - oil is DAPS,: /Alive r 51104191,16 0 A .WV it. 16990 riornatorA. 6 .I°'_ , P R AYURK. : _ . Um's 911/16A119 a4l ,9, 11A5 A. m.,1.01,1.00, IHS, 4, Ma and 1 r. c ztve a lteicak en, )1, en, 9n, ard'.ll34 A. M., 2,8, • ON SUNDA - XS, - f Leave Philadelphia OA. M., a, an d 6MP M. • ' .14ave Aisearin MI6. mafi e llit N 1 , . .14. d .1.0-tt ih. • affi l lignt ° and %% Mg/. NORTE I" ' SYL ita. uurrAuDapiAD. ANN°II,2-0 unmumv.Pit. itTLIN ligliFilyittul:VW/grgOr , • or Bethlehem, aiton Adentoten, ~oneh OW*, Urc,tete M g t, Eirgi t ) 9 a4t,el L 3l. and 3 P. 31. or oylestown, (Aooommodationd at 840 A. M. and 4 P. , For Fort Weahingtstr,Ammv6ation t lat 6 P. AL j MB nil. PinhAir.ELP,M : e, 0 . 191 naileitleln, Outlaw./ 613 it. Pd. and 4.10 P. M, leo pvt li ßoy Mown, tnooommoaationd at Ili. l& and Leave Fort 'priudill taftbmodatlon,) MT. A.M. Philadelphia for Fort Washington l TO A.M. tihiladelphia, for Doylestown. at A . . plemAown tor Philadelphia, at 7 . • lt Wmhinston for Philedelp_hia, at 5,40 P. 31. Pare to Bethlehem, 131.a0 ; to Mauch Chunk, SIM I to Fasten, $1.00.; to Doylestown. &lomat& . Through Wats must be ;loons - ea before eatorlng lb., Celt 1 let i at ' i . f e T O T;PWRilinllngiVthTigeTti ° ;°:ii Binned and ' wrd-street ramenger Bmlroade. ' N , - ELLIS OLARK. Agent. a PIiILADELPIIIA WIL MINGTON. AND BALTI• MO A LROa l On iine! afterMONDAY No ember 21 IW , , PABOENUISR T 15 LEAVE PHILAbELPHIA, For Br i timora at 0.15 A. oi.. II Man.( Esproax, ) and U. i P. . . or O_eatar at OS A. M. it, aboci,ilAN an i 1 11.10 P.M.• or wilnongton at 8.15 A. M., el .30, p ari % 11.10 I'. M. ,11: tragrAftate WS t t" i ....a (Oil'. M. or over at 845 A. M. and . a.: a Y. M. . . . or ltorel at 8.15 A. 4., and 4.30 .1.. M. or Seaford at &10 A. ~ and 43) P t _ht. or Laurel at 8.15 A. M., and 4.30 L Al . TRAINS NOR I'MJ_LA ELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.1 0 A. M., ( greeted 10.15 A. M., d a.M P. M. . . • eve Wi!Melton at TM A. M. and lUD A. M.,1.41 and 8.40 P.M , Leave Laurel at 8.15 A. M,, P and 8.40 P. M. Leave 18eaford at 8.48 A. bL, and 4 . 06 P . M. Evo Milford at 1.80 A M., and 4.28 P. M.I .;:priar s tinp94s f ,tloMi: It k , d ital.'oil E ave ew ludo!. at 10.1.84........., and 8_ .. Z.:Ft. h .Pre t t i l g i &xtdetiii 2 d 4 B l lllLV 4 lialholtd at /0.18 A. , TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave (Mester at 8.45 A. fd., IS,S9 and 11.40 P. M. A. i /Mire WU:Lillian at 9113 A. M., 12,88 P. M.. and /140 AL 87 } 12 .8117 at No p P. is r... f prom eiptne i to /3alrfoarei PFB.EritIPETAIN' filFlad e altatinid, run ful E Leave Philadelphia for PO rovilla end intermediate Open at Lp.. planar 711 lir for' Perryville and intermediate Leave W , n g t ~oa for Philadelphia and intermediate pinobr at e,t6 M. Leave Baltineorp 'ir Stemmer lion, Mum% grid Harwood 544 r EL . , B. M, FELTON. Preeideni. 'WEST CHESTER RAIL ROAD TRAINS FARM, itrt V Vidifir Stgata Le t.,, :i l la p le o s t orijuiry E t. et a A. M. u,so end P. -Lev. eat Cheater at .7.20 A.. 01. , JOAO A. AL, and tiso P. M. is 14- PAILADELPHIA, AND BLhIIr 7. 2 T R t .,Ant l eigl A e p t 3 ji lt alma% /wand, wiegarrr alle, Milwermee n , Ber ngton, Montreal, Bt. retire, Detroit, Dunlieth, and tit. We. Fineman'. traLturwill leave te_Fhiladelpina and Rind inc Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and CALLOW. itt,t+ StreetsPAtiadttestlms exemstetto as followet r.BO A: DAT EXPRESS, For Elmira, Misers Dieralo, Detroit, %lose°, Milwaukee Rook lean ' galena, St. Paul's, Burlington, and Rt. Lats. 0.30 P. M., NIGHT FIPREI3B. Fo Eindea, Niagara Fells, livindo,Detroit. Chloseo, hii watikee, Rook Island, Galena, Ft. Fattill flureingtqn, aa h lit. t Louie A . lig .M. and 3.110 P. M. trains son Shronshl to tOthellup.ll, atoning at all ritations on the Dentition Valley ItekThe TAO A. in. train oonnage ll n e t ta t; t inrt tar Vitas aittaNtltain Utt RA I ra n & D e . "UK- Bag gaga mooned to Elmira, and ihnopenelon Bridge. Et% entroa n i n g e e perniZel a the lrgh t elf li j ot rt or ci Ent and IT Streets awl at the Passen ger D Mlffelf RX e Pl D Egirlta l HnitiN ge st e s g e th e eD if ratry g gitt e *e l s3 l a e rn l ii4zll.,,h a l t g e Y. rete te mild be uslrveted before 3 P. m. to.lname go nir e fauna day. - • For natter information, angle Frei forms BeFqta R„, o 4tri• below Vine, s ti t.o OKA Ar eat Ar t ' corn" and s-warim.. EIfMAPHILADELPHIA TAAVPMA T ILti? ANT i 0 and ILAA)81111R9, . , - Leaves( the new Depot, at comer of BROAD and 'CALLOWHILI, jrtreetti (eel) , noes on Callowinit ) at 7.60 A. M ., DAILY, (Sundays excepted, ) for SOW 134 LE, IiAItRISSuRe, aed sal intermediate vole il, i f otineenny et_ Harrisburg' wit train ee runnie! , tp, pt - , dvalllhavdeafaliMilniltn i waxe. - • he : - ..' •,. • ; Leave at ameIf.SALLY; fox , .14,17BVILLE aid Rwanda uR .. . _ . . Made r. P4.,DAJLi, (Seigel' exoevted4tor 4.130- ING, and intermetua nom . f ; • • J an w. EL ortitENNV. RmrittAir; NOTICE:44)IIEn /VA RAITMOAtrI INTroWli t t krg STAT ONE ? pandetl i tt cw l Zfilfft tArrirgV . 77.44"DU eglPh4 delphis and Rep4int_ltpltomot COMMIT. corner .of ,PROlittrul L f h t Htreete, (yoseen!er en- IRDTIN C riati for Dowtdnittowat !nisi at it.lo _ AVE.II4IO94,TRAp7 for Downing 'torsi , learn at Al Y r rd phq n urce j i relt in c litAtigers: the Yhilastelpt4 • SL W iTTIMAT Niiit,kairate4 [awl: t , ; sTATMENt TIM BUSINESS AND AdBPlB OP TEM . 00MHQ,NWE41,TH INZ!IRANOE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF TENEBYLVANIA. FOH irjAk DECEMBER 1,1809. INCOME. Amount 0 OM ,Prenthams ye- , calved during the , yenri...........515A1f 83 , Amount received for Internat.--. 14.848 TO '—=---• $30,511 CS , . EXPENDITURES. Fire Losses pald.., Elpenspe of all Ainde duringit: ." ' " 1 7 ear, including Taxes, jtenti, 8 e D gars Ifen.d ezpuneee of Agents. ........ 18,019 19 ~ 11,2112 09 ASSETS Oh dthitrerci, Deo. 1,1861 Mak in Trinlestnen'e Bank amino hand.. 850,230 c 4 • hands of Akan's".. --- 1.351 53 Aggregate Mount of Cath itoms...--- 821,661 95 Numbei of .1.46,•qi Stack mall kinds minted b.o i e d , 4 p an y, and the par and marker value Marra. 220 Shares Paulinlremick Bail- M'kt va. road •.• -813 ,1 ct.) 4 shares Contune2l.Bllbstol. 2 $10 2,000 10 phafes Artitans' Ins. 2 IT , 1,001) • eiuko,o6 Bouts of ali kinds owned by the Company, and the par and market value theieaf , . M'kt val. • • Masonio L0an............ 52,330 a %MO Missouri State Loan •••• • • •••• 2 11.000 23 . 000 $29,169 00 Terriporary Lemma of the Company, secured by ooliaterals (chiefly bonds ) with margin exceeding taper cent. on amount loaned.... 833,691 33 Amount of Loans on bonds and. Mortgages, being the first lien, on iinarored„llidll 00 tale tit t i lle Mo. of Philadelphia, wOrtli more than do ble the itroount of said niortgases. 131.500 CO Amount of all other Loans. Made by the ComPanl, not included in the preceding 2,191 97 stoma Asseeeme . nis on . . instalments on 13ton/coot called i ll; : fff which the atOckholdert nut, individual y halite undeF the prdrisions if "fie charter of the C0Mpany............. .............. 80,000 (g) Total Meets of the Company.Dto. let, t59..,3265,8e4'65 Oftioe, Commonwealth Building, No. 613 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. HIRF,CTORS. Vivid - JON - Mt Du Titabil9. Stewart, John M. Wilda% , r Tohn..M., l l3nOor, &dward C. Knight, ThodasWfEvans, John K. Walker, , Henry LejiTiN.Jr.• lophon 6oalter atm. L. Paso4l, DAVID JAYNE, AI, D., President JOHN M. WRITALL.,III6 SAbilliAL B. idoo§,l3reo;olary OFFICE OF THE QUAKER CITY IN- A- , 13 URANCI: C ANNUAL WALNUTMREET. FOURTH ti'PATEMENT BUSINESS AND CONDITION OF THE QUAKER 1 CITY INSURANCE COMPANY. 4 ." As Presented to Ito titockholdei k Jan. a. 1800. Capital Mock.. Burping, January I, 18441 Premiums received in 1669: FOC 866ee481 Marine.. . 136.4£1030 Inland Navlge kI 814,061•13 Transportation-. .11,e1t.10 Interest received..... ILPS.4:S Salvage and rettUttiidnbe- --, 0.. AS MO ,••.: • \ LOSSES, EXPENSES. /r.e._ Loities veld in ISO— —. . 4192.471.83 Dividontl. Commissions to &goa Taxes, licenses, office rent...... .. e3 963.61 Printing. inlvertming expenses. Salaries said in 1669 . 6,485= Reinsurance and radii 0330,290.0 d cIET Bonds and mortgages .on real . , 41(01,200 00 Ground rents niphiladeloaa. 2,250.00 60 spry Continental Bank, - New ctOno 'd slums day Bank, Philaileiplai 2,60.1.00 100 do Corn Exchange Bank, Philodelshia 2.500.00 60 shares Union Bank, Pfitlada. ... 1,600 CO 23 do Consolidated Bank d 0... 140.00 16 do Farmers Ic Mechanics' Bank, Cagan, N. J 220.01 2050 shares of !road, Canal, and other doe. , all paying 6 per cent market 'Mae ........... 81'420.4 (*noon !mnd bparing.6.and per ot 10, Na I Wk b n i g t rrt i nt . traden —........ g.. 912.22 Cash on hand and in bank—..... .217.46 $10746.70 sir ain t I.7...t i f,Ritttri c Otl t A r tt ei liew . oV e ttn3 Data WAS, ot the most favorable terms. OFFICERS. President-0E0RO'; H. HART. Vioe President—E. P. 11008. cleorstary and Trearr t 7 0000 8 HALL. Assistant Hamdan , . T TLER. B O e, George 10 . hart, oiler cl. E. P. Ross, tf A. C. Cattail,. Andrew R. Chambers, claMlto Jones, fit. B. Ho it. M. Fu cle, • . 1a27-0 H. R. COOOSHALL, Seorstary. NSfi . RANOM COMPA Y Cir THID AL trr I lliik of li elf lA_hu m A Neux.p.riaz—zi . 4 AAOmervais BUILD- Cher tared in 111 W-Capital $lOO,OOO-Arcata, Jamul 1, imit, roe WOW. AU AVOW, In jionb4 col avallable.mtritisszook. linke luny. on vow ui. ind qergoes, DraUdlntrig o 4lW 3 or merohandire, &o l aybe al l t i rs. ,enry Ri.Btierrerd; oargo i if* B ri t ' I m Vii ' hi4 r 4l4mlt,' P e 4 ySt r IL . ra r B. Itutti Itei a tl.lheeils Whitfy • , 'BNci,„ ii. ?paid.. 'WILLIAM : nu 'NPR .Maoretars. . all -Ir= Itt pXOILANGE INSURANCE I ?VARY MLA —olnoe No. SOP:WALNUT fittest. FIRE INetiRANCE' on Rouses and litstohanctise seneraity, on favorable terms, either limited or per petual. DIRECTORS, derenth Donna, DIRECTORS, T. , r . . . Thoinli Mars • j ne oh u n j. % gi ll:rivalled, eiLl. •$ mts lit, . John McDowell, Jr., R.lO. Bale, Jib J. nirseite,, Janisdi T. - IVdc_ Iterntite.) i/IN Q.,,,MNistirdrdStor-PV.iialliah President. °WARD W. DAVID, /46(14/ay late-tuthsts lylldtWAltE IarI'IJAIL .4 SAFkaI Dl mooltpon:"WirramiktATl7llll OF ENNA L Vrt o OFFICE S. . CORNER• RI WALNUT Streets, Phi tole Wk. HIARIZIE /NFU/RANCE oN VESSELS, mei. To all parts of the WPM, 'INLAND INSURANCES On Goods, by River, Canals, Lakes, and Land CarrlBge au parts of the union. 1 7 11 E. INSURANCES On Morahan isosenlyally. P n Bt"e itErfil l eb n ilfttlaPANY, November I. . . Par. Afarkit Talus. 1123,060, Philadelphia City 6 740 eant..,L0an....5125.050 CO LAM, Pennsylvania State Btr et. an._.... 93.M.500 11,000 Vennarlrallill State tt ' ot: boat. , 111,014 00 25,000,11.8. Treasury ell'V °eat. Notes and I nterest due ...- —.—.. ... • • 16, 2 /E 1 4 COM U. S. Treasury 6 V ot. Notes ma inter. est due- - . , ~" . 30,616 00 IMMO TOMPOIMI lel - sato . 'the City orittil'a. delphia - . ' «16,000 Go ecom; rannnivemli EiliaTiiiKiriiiii 6ef cent. u4s- ...,- OM 00 11120,0X1, North Pennsylvattialroadltort gage 0 V cent. Benda.— 111400 00 Slim West Philadelphia Pasaeuser Rails*/ ' Company 7 7 / 9 , pt. oompoa bahtlx..„. Imo co Immo, 320 sha Company res stook interpst Garinantowand Kiwin Oas & , grantied by the caty of Phil s a. i s 000 00 am, 100 sh ares PeiinsiliVra — Ritiliciad — ' Oomy_any - ~,, ___,_ licomooo /hares North PeDdiliVanla Rau- 8,778 03 road cetroPern•--- •--- -- ‘ NOOO 112,730,shroes'Phiunielphis fop 'Snot anti Stamp, _ lug COAPtitz 6 Fhtladelf o bla and pari " r n , 00:an St i e l liti vig gavTgi C ai C.otopapy,f7aladelpnia _gnu ILL. vre de me Steam Tow Boat Company, hiladelphol Enchants Company —..-...,--... 9,210 00 B o nds Bonds and Mortgagee, and ilea] Estate, 06 e r' 714 114 Doe . . 74,54 111 1105 nooks% for liiiuis - n - o . es — iniale.-77,7"—"181,60a a Balance dui? at Agencies-Premiums 1)11 Ma rine /a ll eles, interest, arid other debts due the. RAM 68 &rip and stook of aundry Insurance Compa nies. I,l_llo 00 Cash on /reseed In Bank—. V ow dl comatio Dignon. wtrirtaTVD.. 1 ruFnlite,bg."4. ineg..,4 6 . ft r 9l l Dr ut o n O. Davis, ems Traquato allnun gyre, Jr.. amen U. uttnd, glum C. Ludwit. oseilla R. Seal, 0 , [ 7. Alaile .I}, ' raw iffira., i 6 ac.o_ gel " mort°9Feun) t 4- -) I ~ L ' ru m a l l r .l f fri llili° Opp B:Bample, Pitt b'[, I rgT 4 " ,ht tARTIn, irsldent. t RA NA Vico triddent, iretary. dIG-dtf fra.leg..l t tl i km, emu, 0 Lelm. agetAaTliary, 'WILLI& NENRY INLICITH.BIigi 'AML 'INSURANCE COMPANY; NO. WO CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPIELA. INCORPORAT EDfEart APAII O H A.NIA6 O,_BY . THE ST4TE OP yLV CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISES.; DLIM 081 t lififinuel_W_Lilht. .D. Bimer, , . IV weltere• •W. vannallb Chu. Rl4ardson, awl ins, Jr.. . B , WfteogYl t ;ir Eyhn Morrie, Whoa. Whoa. • ~..k a .-.ln . Menko Stern. 8 1 PA I II4 1? ? 7 11. VITANte 14 se WILLIAM I. B A OAR . Secestary. al, -tf I IFE,INSURANOFO AND TRUST 400, O. ItAriallEidet t lYr4 t r'olllll47 t A j d DIN Moen,. _Assets, 111903,234 y. i • • INB ABB LIVES or the whole term_ of life•tgrants •auntiat es and ildowments—purebases life interests' in Real Estate, an melee all ()outrun; depending on the ooatingeneies 0 Life. I They set sA xeentors, Administrators, Aseltnees Wruetees. and nardiime. rei L. Miller, TRUSTE R E A O m . neI 8, tltoket,, niamin Coates, illiam Marlin, • Faiesß filoFarlarli, obstd B. Twbotii, .. , Bliam • P. miter, • °donne. Trotter, Witham IL ern, awe s uston, • , Fuel C. Huey, _ ' Ins Paulding. ' tlee Hallowell. , , . Om •A. 8011481. ' enry O. Townnond o tuned .11utatunsello Bogniphus Kent, Om . Hamm, William 11. Cam „ Pis B. Arql:er, P. V. DufloW,l mnel ,1, Imagist, William Robertson, Zistiph M. homes, Warner M. Resin, - ohn fi. Brenner, . • P. 8 libte:y, si l t , • 11.44 14 1131, L. MI LER, President. 13A ..E. BTO ' , Woe Pm's. Joan W. flonrioa, Booretart. aule-ly pi °WAND FIRE 'AND MARINE INSU- A-E- NANOR COMPANY, No, 44 'WALNUT Street. Philooelphis. . . DIREOTORB. t. W. Baldwin. &Lt. W. ll s . i 3rdll; wen , Thomann, ••! ' I , wee. X. II ne fl r IZ tint, . „it a l .- a t0...v:i014. - - ix,10.7,760. oh. Z, ;Atoka, /pin 01§,ita .dwisra A, Watts. H. 11, laillinifori • ! Tho T ni "C ar e. 11 1.uders. Preaident—rd. W. BA,WWJA Vine Peeeldent—B. B. WAR!, • Beoretarv.—ED WIN .bOOTIL de SYRUP MOLASSES, &c.-500 MAL and rohotoe eptl modiaNialr.e i tzt i reig; te l litrA. r "18 b DE LEON, 411 CHESTNUT gr"" above fourtit.4icrtilstisT,);;S ;fiturrteiet 7 ll4*nj Meersehaum Ilyesk Cigar Tubes, Cherry Morns, ents v Walking Onnee e ke. tall nu TAR AND PITOD.-250 bbla. ..A- ton Tat WO Imp R OW g ton Tan 11131j'itp a r. t .Tit n 300 BoLs. Prime Halifax and F,astpopt , Iteents; 8 . 03 boxes Sealed Herring, 200 het bblaWhib, Fish, In store' dto i spit, b • . ra. g&AILR & Co., dbf pa and 11$ seQa Whltrallit t ' .• . / lIMI3ACIP4A.4OI. TIIROAT AND LUNG DISEASES THROAT AND LUNG Atomize. THROAT AND bONODIONASEB. 0,..b., oam.,ool, it 001 d., coto :t oold.. couo., Bfowit tl i i i..... v dAt, Btouohiti .If.thre T i. tront, , •4 4 Attalla. Illoti. As Ma, Qutray. teatin. Wan. Croup. Wh ooping Cough. Croup, Whoopinil i oUgh, , . lasuuration of the Thrpot, Anne or 0 eat. ' , nonindlon Colaumptloll, I.:Ousunlpt on, dal dligialuM.Or t , e above nature readily ennoumb to UM now untrerk remedy, WoitAiva DALNAhI. OP WILD CURRY, WIBTAR 4 t3 DALSAK OP WILD malty. . . The owe perftirtnerl by thin tech , remarkable remedy bear the [incitation of many of the beet and most relia ble individuals in the Mud; and the written testimony of the thousands who have, fr om its use, been the re eipiehts of the gteateet Nvdrldly blestidg, restoration to health, la the most Tellable and practioal kind of evi donee, and recommends It to the attention of the af flicted as the Weal and, as all who have used it know, the hest arid rtiont;relialile Coyish flaboiln natant. iTernmbitims. TEBTimoisnALB. Imuortant letter frOm Rev. Jacob Seekler, well known, and highly reepeoted throughout the State of Penneyl vattiat IY9. gem,. *. t n o V ,lftr.%4 T 415 : Having realized in my family . natrOilt benefit from the 11110 of your valuald_e preparatio iron's Balsam of Wild aterre—lt affords me pie um torecommend m it to the public. Soe eight years ago one of mr daust tors seemed to be in a decline. and little hopes of her recovery store entertained, I then procured,. Matte of your eleel lant Dallnth, and before- rests taken the whole of the contents_ of she bottle ere wean great improvement is her health. I have, n my inditritltial ease, nubile frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have always been benefited by it. /woad, however, caution the public against itnpotition, because there is a good deal of spurious Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cher *traitors: throughout the country. JACOB hECKLER. Fresh and Reliable Testimony " WisTAß's IJALDADI ow WILD CIIKRAY.—We call the attention of our tertdetY td the ettivettieement of Ilehlairi (if *lld itt another ooldhin, add &Aire thorn tlidy (hitt Ildd no liett44 fehiedy for coughs, made, asthma, bronchial affections. or any dieesee of the throat or lunge. In Ailgiiet t lltee, ari ostimable friend of ours raturnhd from a visit in the country, moult emaciated, and la boring under 11 severe cough, yrhioh had made such apld inroads dpda titir oolatituildh, that we felt something mast be done at once. or she would become a victim of consumption. Having known the henes• Mal results which have occurred from the use of Wls tar's Balsam, we made purchase of some for her, and we are happy to nay that before eho • had taken the contents of one halls her cough had entirely left her, and she is now to tho enjoyment of excellent health." E Olive Brameh, Aine46,1860. TestimonVfrom hitiag resdettabla eitileds t Gictife New York. OABBYE, N. Y., Nov. 29, 3.989. B. W. Fottriat & Co., Bolitoii,— ror several yorizi I Ihive been obligedhave pees eional reeouree to some Cough Retheity, being afflicted with &pulmonary complaint, the nature of MY tautness being such as to greatly aggravate the disease. have uu d most of the vomiter remedies of, the day, Aq semi tie e preseriltion that lement they sicians, but lidve 'lever pond any hinga ff ords relief which Dr. Writers Entsn of Wird chetryniwnya hal. I can truly *ay that It is the best conga feltetly In elle- tence. 1 know from experience that there are worthless counterfeits of the Balsam Bold by unprincipled dealers. The genuine is prepared by you and has the written signature of ",I. Busts" on the outer wrapper. I would also add that have used the Balsam In my family, by the advice of phyitimans, with the happiest teitulti4 soars, Mir, ~f()SY.,PHADAMS. " We cart assure our friends that Wiiitar'a "en excellent medicine for coughs, ho. 'there is no "mistake about 10—Lewistown Be Advocate. "Of all diseases, those which fasten thernaelves on "the throat dings or (Meat, should claim our &stet :: tenni:o, l as negeet often lead* to fatal results. The mewl) rot these digeases tp Wletar's Helium of Wild "Cherry., It us tru y a Ballad! with " healing on its " wings. '—lVashata Gazette. • " This standard medicine which has long since re ;:frzrddaitl,e. o a n a d n o y be ini: ed an d recommendati ons aon of "the amelioration and cure °et hro t a n it coin n aiti fig " for Which it ht prepared. We fool that we do the lif " flirted a service fn calling their attention to Males refillefi Vilifies Balsam of Wild Bhdrrt ?MI ,aehlavel " tansy remarkable antes , of Pulmonary, disoidars—i euemersbeing sourest that taken in time it is detente "a speoilie."—Saxatogian. " Nothingi fiat we can say will: laid to its renown or "virtues. Those who Have tried it and 4APerleneed "its healing streets are its best Judges. boon are con " ..tantlY praising a."—Bennenrson Banner. "Years of steady trial have plated this remarkable "remedy in a position rarely attained by any patent "compound. and it has become an artiole of household "necessity everywhere."—Ballou's Pistoriet. A!1 who use this invaluable Remedy speak in like terms et WISTAR'S BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY. WISTAR'S BALSAM OP WILD °HURRY. 4 SOVEREIGN REIREov FOR' ' THROA AND LUNG DIDEASES. " Cokhx, Coldl isi gotlete, Coltlp, Ccndid, Culds .4. 60901 i, hrppeat AtTahli:llll4B Throat , ) 3ronch~he , Bore • Cr°U fatllZ P O i tgr C a u e g kil=?f,.. ` gronfic , g'ariatfatiib to thot now nntVerial roomy. *WAR'S DALILilif OF WILD CfIDIIRY. BEWARE OF VILE, AHD WORTHLESS COBH EMIZMiI THE ONLY GENUINE, PT AND MEDICINAL , gALBA Hee the nn eof "I. BUTTS" Written with a pen, and the printed name of the pro prietore, " B. W. FOWLF. & C 0.," On tho outer wrapper. To purchase any other worn MONEY WASTED AND HEALTH JEOPARDIZDD Tho getteino RETAINS ITS VIRTUES IN ANY CLIMATE. It cannot deteriorate, but improves with age, tßomariar S. W. POWLE & Cto., 113 TREMONT Strea BOLD HY Druggists, Dealers and Merchants, throughout the T. W.DYOTT tr, BONS, Wholesale Agent, No4/ 8 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. Jad-Smeow a W RUSHTON'S IMO LIVER. OIL, run 1631:3m. COPIEIIIMPtION. SIMES'S PUitit COD LIVWR OIL, PERFECTLY SWEET AND PALATABLE. tnanu fshtured rat Newfoundland for the proprietors, from fresh and healthy livers, by steam, at d low temPerlt ture. theepreserving the sweetness arid pdrity of the (.41 whilethe natural fishy Savor is perfectly coveted. 'awl the oil rendered palatable and agreeable to the tas Ti OIL of thii Oil spare oo eipenso hamig their ProPerly prepared at Newfoundland. the only plsoe where the Oulu' minibus Is found in abundance. The true Oil is frequently immured by admixtures with oil from other species of the Qados family.and only that coming from the " flanks " nen be relied upon as tha genuine. Our (Jul has been analysed, and pronounced to be pure. and the perfection of fine quality—eharnoteyistios *hid dahlia it to maintain its superiority corer all other /Duds. Prepared and tor sale, wholesale and retail. by 14ASEMED & CO.. folltml Twelfth and Chestnut mien. Philadelphia. THE CHIEF AMONG PA I NHOUBAND DALLHVB MAGICAL EXTRAOtOR I'AS universally supplanted all other Ointments and healing. applications in both the Eastern and Windom Hemispheres ' wherever intro duced; and Ito illiftll.l le Meng he true secret of tie BUMS in all cutaneous afecteons. whether the onus be accident or yiscase. .. . . . . BUltliB de 04 SCALDS 0 pre instantly relieved of V.l their anguish, pain and in Harm/moon, by a timely s' application of this mar vellous healer, rind the 1 Bash is renewed as if by a charm . no blomieh or soar , remairung. THE FRIEND OF ~,,'" THE 1113REIERY. Children are frenuent m r` sufferers from external_ln• Juries, impecually from ''' Fluid and Coniptune Ex plosions—therefore every at mother should have thin healing preparation eon-, atantly on hand. It heals sore br easts and quickly a, removes the ThITTER of RINGWORM,BO ',rata- tent its the 0114eSer2. TO TRVELLERS BY SEA AND LAND. The Meadun et, the Trot. o veUer. and every other In dividual whose lot in life throws him within the ohanoe of acident from 0 — exe/dt ion. Are, or colii rim!, should beer in mind ~, that this Magi.; Extractor ii him beet and only friend. le. It is both portable and cheap, and should ever be e n hie companion, as a friend in need. There are thou-,, sands of living witnesses to ramify to its marvellous Ei virtue, who owe their sound rbe end musolea :1 to it. saving ennuis. The °Bowing_ eye a few of the !radius amases for whush AbLEY'IIIBAGI. CA weIIANEXTRACT OR le a BRP-SENTIVE 0 as as CURE Burps, Eryelpelas Sores of all bird% tinlieeth teams . Shot Wounds, oils, Frost B ites, Scrofula, Token Breast. F ever ores, Scurvy, Bites of Reptiles, Felons, Scalds, Cancer. Olanilular Dig-Sour Cracked Lipp eases, ticalelload, Chapped Geniis, etinal Borer, Sprains, Chilblains, pai ns generally, Small Pox, Cramp, Pimples, Tumors, an i t t r i xted Cords, Pil e,, ti, letter, Ulcers, Diseases of the heumatiern, Venereal Sores, Skin, ashes, & 0. Sold at the principal Depote,l4 Orpadwap. New york, and 21 and 121 Chartres street. New Orleans. by WRIGHT k CO., General Agent. It can also be 0 tamed of all respectable Druggiets and Iderehante throughout the United States arrd Canada. T. W. DTOTT tic BONS, SIP North 8 hCOND Street, fely Wholesale Agorae for Pennsylvania. THE ALIrSUFFICIENT THREEI - TRIEBEMAR, WY, and 3. Protected by Royal Lettere Patent of England, and 'moored by the Saabs of the scole.dp Pharmacia de Parte. Sutho./IPPertel lege of Idedicitne. Vienna. 0.1 invatuab eor exhaustionomermatorrhrea i and lt i ohysicEdigabiliee. oo pletely eradicates all Unocal of those disease, that have ea hitherto treated by the nauseous and per nicious use of tiopai via and oubebe. N 0.3 has entirely supplanted tne interims yea Gf iner- Carl. thereby ineering to the @Milner speedy relief die- Derung an impunties, and rooting out the venom MAIM -5500. . . . . • TRIEBEMAR, Nona, 3, and 3, are prenared in the 111;iri of a lozenge, devoid of tame and smell, and can be od in the welsh:mat pocket. Sold in tin .34,t0i, and divided Intemperate doses, a* malingered by Yelmtelt, Lallemend, Rom_ Rmord, &n. Price 63 each . or four mutes for RP. Willa saves 1331 and in $27 oases, where by there to a saving of $9. To be had, wholesale and retail of Dr. BARROW, 194 illeeeker street, New York. also at Retail by CALLENDER tr, CO., oonser T. 141 D and WALNUT fttreets, Philadelphia, and by T. DYOTT & SONE, 318 North fiECOND street, Wholesale W an Retail Agent' for Pennsylvania. nrt-d.lnt P ATENTS PROLITIRED IN TUB UNITED STATES AND EUROPE L at H. HOWSON'S offi ce,' Forest Place, 12354 S. FOURTH Street. The pro prietor visits Washington twice a month, and attends personallv to all uses entrusted to him. Iteeidenee 1209 COATES street. Pamphlets on the management of rejected Replica. relents and a air hc=erlF reference, entente, ehnfd interference, above office e. BURLINGTON. lowa. Oot. 2d, 1861. Dun Sin r I Lake this 000313013 to state to,. you, that for several years put I have been enitumated with the manner in which Yoh have conducted ) our business es Patent Solicitor . This has always been his ids creditable to yourself and eatislactory to the Patent °dice. You un derstood your canes well, and presented them in that intelligible form which generally insured stiocesp. forward this certificate, hoping that it may bo Beret oe able to you in continuing to find that employment ;Is Yoer profession to which your intelligence, Indust - tr, and courteous bearing, solistlY entitle log; Yours, very truly, CHARLES DIMION. Late Commissioner of Patents. Efernv Howson. Rec. O. O. AU T lON I—ASTROLOGY!—LOOX OUTt—OCIOD ItgWit Feliit ALL I—The never fading Mrs. VAN monri it i the best; she inr- e4ds when ell others have faled, All who are in trouble, all who have been unfortunate, deceived false Promises, fly to tier for advice and comfort. a lOU affairs aba never fatty. the bas the secret lo Winning the otreoUons of the opposite sex.. It is this tut ',blot' indigoes illiterate l f Menden' to try to imitate her, and colir her adv element. Bhe Elwin' you the likeness of your tUture yr e, husband . or absent friend. It is well known to the ;abbe at large that she is the first and only person who pin ehow the likeness in reality,larld Orlninvo entire eabsfaetion on all the con cerns ot life, wffielh can be tested and proved by thou sand'', both married and single, who daily poll/ 1, street. hey. Come one I come edit to No. Me 1,0 • D ntreet. between Junin/trend Broad. fel . ON'S ENOAUSTIO TILES fbr BilMors. Ornemotta) Ohio:may Tops for oottasoa. send Fountain. , I Eirtild Ven drains and Pieter oondOgera Polled and rWe bi IS. A. icAftnisog, il l frifIt.ATNUT Piti MACKEREL -500 bbls Primo No. . , so bug Large No. 5, SOO We Small No. a., mutate t rg i rstU f rewk"". WM. J. TAYLOR te cO., 43/ /2:2 and 124 NORTH Wharvev. EIIIIPPING. Mk MR TIM BOUTII.--011ARLIE6 'Ws Kw HAVF,AILBTEAMBRIPB. =GET DIERM. Ravi trelallat att ever it of straw Pen *oat be tow new Yore teumehio re, IliclimiL ToN 8,_11,_ The 'ILA.. Mal teartudup K YElTbella WRAT,B, Did; tarn Charles P. !oilman, will nil on Bateinal. ran- MITI Mr di M. Thlnnientank i l ?avai l ,' 7 home at Bea. - OA. The U' FS. Mai &alumna. B APE or ealexu*. aaptein John J. Gamin. will nil on Monday. Feilherf 24,at 10 o'olook A. M. rtmal i t r lng to et i l i t hasep f only ill &dig it al t a. Ord tr. l ifnbirrgYedrasir B e ffs of tuliiirsMa Ovary Wl]. leskiips _ WlAPllPlNLldlitttili'Magaric. ML tat ever) ten th :orat i and Southw o rt . At both Oherloston eAd Serannah t M. =eon- CITAVITtruatSEWA. 4., firlgggrartrelgetoktrlgMtee t ie than by idling vase% the premium being one-ha lfme rate N.8.-Immune on all Railroad FierOt icestaroly thneossanty. Farther Akan Char riest° ornaYannah. e Val "" WirrAVlEtnt i Ortinitt " . pasta Family thin route 20 to. per cent. cheaper than by the Inland Route as will be seen by the following Wm dale. Through debate from fldladelnina via Char*. tpn and Savanna steameXes. iftglolf DING MEALEI on the whole route , eneent Ma InarlaatOn WA* nett to Montgomery : - - ~..- -_--- LAMM Iltult. a ' ' Ile enharliston........ SO 1 riku1a......-.-.•••••••rg saylm,..nah.— . 114 _ .f a mt ,... = --- 2 00 Alto s 7.1. - :...'7.7. tal r -- ----.. fie fil 1 t iny t tits -- : ggs 4.7, —— —. bony ....—., de ban, .-......-....... ff 00 Mi g e oniery- " Li 6 ° a !lob e.. merl. " - ' ... i C i ow Orleans-. , 3e 71 ow Orl Ito Mho of lading maned after the stue 'r =Q • hioi. For freight or passage aPPIY Ole bOaro. at semuntwilarl above Vllleliartlot, or so ALEX. Hit 4_, Boutfrest oornerFOUTS ondLO Thiry. &EMS ln Arington, T i 11, tt T. O. OA For Florida a arsaixot E ALt i carahver, TNeedp.y.. For Florida from Sarannah.nteeinont St. fddry's 04 at. John's. every Tuesday and Saturday. OAFOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.— F YORK AND RAVEN ISTRAMSHI? tons, e, „tem i et . lll , 3%l nm , Z1M1',40%, tej tone James A. Wotton Loottitender, will leave New Yor Havre, and floulhompton, for th e year LBW, on the following days : To meet pew requirements of tklf FOSt Officeßtinst r i merit, the days of galling of the ARAGO and FUL from HAVKK and SOUTHAMPTn, anor t tr i ll ri e ile be e e fee;t7l: l 7M u re of the tireit wives Patilu e iVate take pliaV e Ine 1 a December, the sohodule remains unaltered' ee FIR I Str ?IC tp Wi E Bß:.iftet. 4: POLVON . .:Arti . .I 3 I4 e tN. ORTSY.7:4 l c e ii i .t. A AR& '..:TJF e I t . Thine steamers, built expressly for uovernment ser vice. 74th double engines, uniAer deot, every i sittentlon has bead ertOlt il‘l4o..gavit. 4v . v . e snd Ma chinery to insure sate se ve eve water -tight oompartmente eno aunt the eh see, so that in the event of collision or stranding, e Witter could not reach, the m. and the pumps being free to work, the mirely of the vessel passengers would be es trm neeent.nsignerme as demonstralied the abso lute necessity of thlgorali Toe accommodations for inglato belleirei to combing every comfort and oonve egos Mgt tan big der mred. From New York to Southampton or Havre—First Cabin, SW; Beoond do., Sae. I From Havre or Southampton to New York—First Cabin, 700 francs; Second do., SKI francs. Topeoehgers goingr Lo h nor s ilt i t e ms d t:ame n rs y oifir thepap Art ert arie term neva magr r s i puti ; s tittkr rpe ‘ t U ll W. B. re DslAVlTik e t ig:itt Fmai NewYo'k WILLIAM ISALIrt Agent Havre. it s%lpizt .t . titiVekMillekbortrAziy. 'V* l i gh,BON„ Agent, CIAO Ttti ah V 7 DOCICand FRONT Streets, Philitde ee ere me Plans of the shim can be seen. neD•nettell I"; r , THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM -81 8. /ROM NNW TOl.l TO LIVIIPOOL. atWnglr i 4Vja,7. cm ex STOWTO ITTEITOOTo Chief Cabin Pomona- - Second Cabin Paallaße- • , pigtti,"6l7oJll:3ltirrifehitiata,n4ittelela rt e ,bbi ARABIA. Capt. J. Stn., HI A. apt. Millar. ASIA. Capt. E Cl. Lott, NTAfIARA,Cept Anderson AFRICA, Cepi. Phatmon, E U Pitt Capt. J. Leath. SCOTIA •now budding.) These yawls carry a clear white loiht at nutst-heruf Veen on starboard bow; red on port bow. ARIA Lott , leave N York, Wednesday. Feb. 16 CANADA,Lane, " ron, Wednesday, Feb. 32 Ar DI A, Stone, " ork, Wednesday, Feb. •TB E ROPA, Leach, " ton, Wednesday, March Y A 'RICA, Searleott, " York, Wednesday, March It AMERICA. Millar, "aeon, Wednesday, Marolal Berths not secorod tat Paid frit. Ap experienoed Surgeon onboard. T ipreera or these ships will not be acooantable for Go Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelrk. Precious Stones of Metals, unless' of iadieg are s ned therefor and the value thereof therein expresse Pot ftelght or pauage apply to .15. 'OMAR% fell 4 Bowling Cirdeth s r DIRECT TO ALL go OP OW...BUTAIN AND r. ..B 1 tyt, I )Miliertiraw h i i. 00m- Halal, al. .g±..... ta c ip ,pt. f tent. 'lE7.r,.,ant*. 1 . NIA. tont. H. rume. These Moamar% ercell MA-owes clyde-tqllt TeMiela, ; ere intended to sell irom riar at; Perth Rimer, N. ~ ea follo FORLONDON, 801/TakflitTON, HAVER, AND HAMBR The eletant and powerful U I ron Sorew Steamship SAX ONIA, Capt. 11. Ehlers, tenn too Natant, WI sail ae above. on THURSDAY. MARCH let, at Ildelesik Bit.. .. I to r ttr i ssilOTTilt d dir g elt w entgi r gtogro l it te r iA First Ca. in... 5113) I Spend Wen... d 9 I SteereaV i l s e ,Thigorna will be ihtiladed Y 7 the fol Meatus ,NA--..- 7........4.,,q,,ii,„ AvT.,,,,,.-.-...,,,,,,„,,,.... ... Passes ens forw ar ded to verpord.llthlin, led feat, Cork, Vlassow. Paris, and Antwerp, at !krona leo. Tgmbir ii rittrseetio l ttte_ A pt n t il t g l otZek e t= The flood Cabin nooo. one of these Ships are e alt 'B a. i n de ! T ClVn.`"Z m ill Ittri. aaon , Smith "rfri.l4,VALlPii•dgigprikralirti,je'an put* of ..drove at Toone IS, awl 7 . mend in i t ifaielylua_ Wilk bp. 0101 Mit ad ta DIF/ the Nor Yet mut. and annOd Boe or B R0 ,! , Vrtir 3 .hanisno..ttlt etT.ldidtsk t p the ,dirlf - a=1411 , 7% Mktg catnitr. PlArms. J. 0. FISOHER'S AND OTHERS' celebrated Now Y art riANDB. Frain am nnwanls to $4OO. For sale for cash. and on mOtittily in stalments. Pianos to rant. JAS. BFLLAK, VD &ISt South FIFTH ht., above Spruce, fed Im* Sole Arent. NV;ffl STEINWAY & SOWS NEW PA TENT OVER-STRING GRAND riANos, 13QUARR GRANP, AND SQUARE rIANOS,' now pre ferred in (=ants .end private eveles by the beet earfonnete. Remelted the nret oteminms an d Om beet makers, frornJudges GettsehaßLDissu Ober& Chnllense DX competition. DLAESIUS BEgrEIEM de-lt IMO CHEST UT Street. HOLIDAY PREHEINTS I PIAE9-FOILTEB, ritaio-FoßTms, loni an& 0-FQP._TX4. ELOutrill, 21AKO-YURTEP. AIEOHOMS. 1144.8 Raven, Awn, & licuuul tc Clark, Usual, Davui, & Co., 111111 others. J. B. 001:174., SEVENTH sad ORESTN ifftlir A GREAT LIAPROVEMENT IN PIANOS, SCHOMACKER & CO., 1011 CILETTNUT Minot, reopeothilly invite the MOIlli•- lovlng pub ijo too on and examine their new and sae *earful U00'0 , 0111,311. TOP. PA 011 GRA PIANO. Raving coverts the Tone, Touch, and Lotion of the affirl 11&110 into that Of (1. 84U4f0 instrument, evolding a ll the oblectimegenerady made to the style of Grand Piano, also diminishing the cost of the same. Involu me, parity of tone, great power, brigterpor, fill new, degth, and evenness of touch, with magma deb ir.lllll(r/rteitaiuritTlFULLY-PINIESIKED LK OT UMENTS are wholly unetalled. They have nmelved the highest imoomuuns, an are pronounced by critics to be farm; Pinar to any truments ever matutraatured in wormy. Constitntly og hand, g largo and elegant assort of our unmade@ PlANOti. Pro have been awa he First Premiums, at ail exhibitions ever extab thlan- Pluding_the Prize Medal from the Crystal Palue 1- blti on. ri ew Y0rk.1863. sel-tt WINES AND LIQUORS. CAMPAGNE WINES. —Ve Clicquot, Mum's Dinette. arid Ohandon Green Seal; °Male r. C abinet. and Alumnae" Vereeney .4 bottles: Piper, Beidsisok, Creme De Iklusey. Also, fine old Madeira, Sherry, and Port WAries. for family use, now in store and for aide byP MIDDLETON & BRO.. Importers of Wine. and Brandies, fed-120 No. 5 North FRONT Street. 1 1)1/1 CALL ATTENTION OF TIIE v TRADE*. thlt raany auerior arhole ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC- A supyll in . ananYted paelcson oonstantly cut hand. Ordono rsontrunt tor th reat t inportatton. ‘, ,A i r id u c r i tnigy it gizi:eva . .M t y d ynao 6 Lonr a n and . t ch and low LONOO 010- 6 m - South FRO T. Fllltacleinhis. G EORGE "WiIIITELE4, N ISS South _FRONT Street, froPorier of f ollowin g , ines. othe r er' for ode, in bre onAlt the among standard breads [ ° 11,bsstillon, & Co., Thos. Hines & Co. ales, Rohn, & CO.. 1 DUrSie & 004 _ . Seignette.' mess, Af:s l islni h f i g u r Rte . " t%,‘ nloAl'roprletors, se. B Immo,. o, fittutrt's Semler Veit Widtkey, slid the eholoest sar.enes of Madeira, harry, or t, Sursund i ri i and Rhine Wines Palm Tree ow. females KM, Ina Oral Rum. Scirdeenz Oil. do.. /to -I, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. E S T ABLISUED 1760 PETER LORILLARD. SNUFF & TOBACCO MANUFACTURES, 10 and 18 CHAMBERS STREET, (Formerly 4.2 Chatham street, HOW ?;Orlr,) Would 0011 the especial attention of moors and Drug l ate to him removal, and also the 'Moles of his manuracture, viz ' BROWN SNUFF. Macaboy, CoppßOßa. Denusroe, rugiv Virginia. Natchitoches, l a rnertM7Yentlemart,_ Copenhagen. YELLOW BB JIFF. • triPosist cotch, Fresh Bootolii, Irish Kish T vsat, resh Honey Dew Scotels, or Landyfoot. TOBACCO. MOILING. FISH car otinwure. IMMO. Hp, 1, F. A, L., Or plain Bt. Jaso, II&1, Cavendish, or ;week Spanish, pit. I & ',wiled, liweetSoentedUritiooo. Canister, litteroot, Tin Foil Cavendish, pure Turk.Bh. t i Circular of Prices will be sent on application. . 8.--Note the new artmle o Dirk Scotch Snuff, w fah will be found a impactor &thole for dipP a iwar- Posse. HAVANA ORIAIO.—A full assortment. •A. Just received, in store fail bond. Tr attentlon 6, I , Uti U EIQNS, of N 0.116 n th FRO T attest I. SALAMANDER. SAFES • . Abu " " s q rth l t It o ft WETSON't ACTIVE/3P PRI/ADE LPu ao 14*. BALAm o ,i 1 For Haub a rat. BANE LOOKS. n et to sal now I one. i IRON ' DO°RB' °H gontablahment In {Ye ITI IN Fool "rilk errs ° bv M2 ' lirkfig & wwrsorf, . No. &)I CHESTNUT Street,' ilala titt pr.o ART.! MYR NA A (lALI. p, QUILLS—For sale by WETHERIIA BROTHER, Noe. d 7 and 44 North ISECIONIINtriet iSA.,.IPfEI By ANCTI,OII. puarmss a 101=gY & 00., lee MARV? Prrit 81,7. BALE IMPORIV O AD DOMESTIC DRY Or,'Thomism lionunt, mor Feb. no at la 0 oboe, by entabetuo , on Ida MAU' credit— etO miokiiges and lota of fancy sod staple imported and demea: dry 'mode. Iltr &mines and notalopitee early on the morning of Saki. B SCOTT, Jr. AUCTIONM, No. 431 . CHESTNUT Jr ., 'olpointe the thud= House. between FOURTH and Flf Street& SALE OF EUROPEAN Alll., PAIRTINOS, PREACH PLATE MIRRORS, See. This Morning, Feb. ITtb t commencing at Mg o'clock. Thie eolleks- Sion. which le now arranged for mourunation with eate, told:MS. consists of winter, eummer sod autumnal lend scope's, interior,' and exteriors. rawer elestelms, marine and 'oast melees &e.,together frith copies of mile- Meted pictures bicoroeteet mama, all richly framed is Pure gold- leer git frames. MIRRORS. Alm heavy French plate pier mirrors, 70 by 21 inches Wl* hy Ilinchea STEREOSCOPES. Moo. a Quantity of superior webcet and rosewocd stardoms:lee ani IMPOtted VIM!. FIRST BPRI4G gAli OF EARBOIDERIEg. ITE. GOOD., . 3 , On Wednesday Morning. February MI, connoenoing at 10 o'clook preosely, by CatsMOM. on 6 srddit. Inoladed in this nab lhal ttarlo - w2trailid an attrative laaortzmat or , 1 , ranch needlework collars and SIAS. French needlework bands and flouncing. iMD rel:Pit infanta ' waistband Fine to medium whits oatobha ishop's lawns. plain and dotted Swiss nail:Wools, mulls. km, &o. - Jr C a talogues and wimple. eirly on the morning of FIXTUfteB A 1" PRIVATE BALE. The futures of e first-clew drfr-roods stars, in Detfee order ; cost el AO. 100 BUFPAV/ AND Farl ALE.ey ROBES AT PRIVATE Now arranged for examinatonY. to be sold to doze an invoice, 100 plain and lined Buffalo rata, taunt wolf and beat robes, tto. CI J. WOLBERT & CO., AUCTIONEERS, ••-•• AE,CH Street, between Fifth and Sixth. ek OF CARP_ETS, 0 L 'CLOTHS, MATS, D ko., FROM A PERSON DECLINING BIBIESS, • This MorsongJ A tlO o'clonk. at 619 Arobstree_,t we will sell about 100 elide of three-Pin ingrain, and Newnan Garnets, drug ge is. step and snot oil-elotba, teats. & o..worthy the at tention of houseiseve re, dealers. fro. SUPERIOR PURNITURETORICKERING, PIANO, ges. This fawning, Feb. %Ist, at ItSgcrolock. at 515 Arch street, a large assortment of supenor walnut fermium, made express ly for prare.room sales, comprising parlor mite in dark green, dressing bureaux , tam. parlor chairs, ease-seat chairs, marble-top washstands. rocking and arm chain. sofa add bouquet tables, etegeres. what-cots, splendid Jenny Lind bedsteadsonattessees, palhasters, paint ings, white granite ware, ohms, riaas, silver-plated ware, Am k, CO P I I? ajP ,S3O MARKEZBtrest, a I it AIIOTIONEERN, FIRST iMpfl OE it , t. BALEFORD OFiriGRAIsN BRUME CO POE MO. an Has, MOTBISIC. Feb. Mat. at IfiN o'olook. be mold MG sdeoeo f n ra l ye e ng d at hemp, and Orionis moo* on ail. MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND E_OefhfISSION 111EVAIIT, southeast center of SIIXTE and RACE Streit MONEY TO LOAhLt 0 9 0 0 49 0 . tf:Anit, eor small amounts, on stocks, EA regplate, ds, watches, Jewel rl, fowling , Mypqa ottung, groceries. at g ars,hardware, cutlery, metremedur, bedding, horses, Telltales, harness , and On sisl=i mane, for any length of tune agreedviNn. ea tett liberal terms than at any other astablant In OM libe ral (MEAT CHANCE FOX BARGAINS. At **Rolm toile t eti-646.14 tiro lone, In nee rosewood ego, cost SV). pace 'MIL d e 111-sayst gold Minting case patent lever 113.teli, dog e tbs. and independent poonds. only ?MI fine I k o ltlng-esse langlr pa aer,vrete"lliii t he ;a m =VE " n ' Ebtr ' hp nt lever vfatehea, bent g i calre, from to 340 4 ' - ns IS-caret hunting-cafe leaked pa lever wsthas. m jewels, from VA to SAS; Oren friar do., from fel to dgli e hne 18-saret gold Lepir enntins esAw wa 1106 61 MI open bee do. [rpm SID to 11110-; ewer English pa it lever Watelies, in _bunting wade and double bottom. of the shostassea and best snake, from dle to WO; American hunt cafe gilyer patent from watohoa at 02D; hunting case mill eaglet watches; ditto double time, from SL2 teln ; hunthis case silver lever watches, full Jewelled. triads Inthout hey, from Veto dragi.; Lestrie do., from 011 to 816; ' ti r ing% f a ass i silver derneLlerer watches , rom t3geweha, oittel antiac eer Eepitte uPft watehes, from Sy to drill cool( face do, font SS ts de; silver guarder watoheir, :OM IS to Sn; silver !reach watches, Porn 41 to $3; co d Went Immune cage met open Peso lever and Levine English Itltir, and Preach imbibes , from pert; On:l%V= oPer'e"o,lru'utlit...'"i'ig brat, • &MN, Anger rings, and Awe)); of orehltr scription;fur thsh half the MAI pihS ' s moss. 15550.000 to loan, Whams to ant applicants. on dry and every kind of goods at rate of charm= than any other establishm en t the city. OU -DR SALES Attended to personally by the auctioneer, at very low olinrgem CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. foi9,lAVargThlgitiellstineddgmds solioftee advanood aancomation of Waal& th e good, be MOMS NATHAN& T. LOWS. MO. & BOYLE, AUCTIONEERS 1 4 71 , r a_TMM187310r1_30.1FELA TES, N0..111 North. 14 BIN Strait BT. LO 18 , 0., . fly with Ire. Myori, Claghorn. &. Co. to hut.) of . ll t it services to the merchants. o ars of Ptuladelphic tor the ale , o dry itio . B, oar eeis4boote, oboe!, Mrdvntrejewelly he., he. ,ali 'iriade@ Made de rear Ira. Ifir battlements roadytereiAire r or. REFERENCE t . 1"1 " . 1 8 4 ttia e Are_ lb itio n ; 1 li C ti . f " Yee Wyek, rownsena, &. Warrens, New York. " 1.. Food _i & Ca, New York. W Unlit/ , & co.,lg4llm,kto. " Crow.:MaCreary. & Cr'.. limi.ftwly NOTICES. (IFFICE OF THE . PLIMADELPHIA AND `k." READING RAILROAD COMPANY. r nupsttg, January, IMO. The bilpft . the D 8 or this Company, doe 7111,Y 1. mules. aeon applutaturn thin ales, T tri . lish spelt the terms ape oitritE klAe - rculall o tacti th at Bmr4svti t e:itia.pmd by to Itao b Voldere. Q rs i nVeuiliirqtlf=teigliff! 'la gig "ng t•W. ° at t he Resolved. that the of ot ilfturAwo V. inter* prohts of the Company, after PaYnteh ere sue ne ne- cessary for tr extennon of the tends du* LI Ise, 15 completion o tne road to Dauphin. the car lona. necessary rol ins stook and improvements on the hue the road. and the liabilities of the Company, excePt the bonded debt not matured. be set undo in sash year &I a W i r g Fon t In addiuoP Wthe the already Mot and oh 0 1, isFropristed to t purehnee of mini, t e bonds the meshy for which vo Malone F.Ptel ISt Mad/ Provide and estarhed, in the order or the Snthity of the mot Usgas ren to sunre soak bonds. so knot u they salt rupee rely be °ruined at or udder par, end the bonds eo ruchand shall be forth with cancelled. Rucked, That the 80l of t rimi be, mid they are hefelly. requested ited iron to enter into sub an agreetunt aa shall nutlet ep au in the forego ing resolutions an obligatory and binding contractor the Company. ei:ettlentitratrro'r resolution, tCor*ani Fare CIRO7I.III.42F°RD. Treasurer. Notice to the Holders Fbiladelphis and Reading Railroad Co. Mortgage Bonds, erne /ell 1. These bonds are tutored by the First Mortgages on the road, amounting in the aggregate to 83,..W0. The net revenue for the last Bawl year was six times the amount of the annual interest on these bonds. The Managers propose to extend them for a period of tweet, years. the .iolders retaining the bonds end the etionrity of the Mortgagee in the precise condition in which they are dear held. Fresh sheets of Coupons for the Interest parable ball -t early, will be issued. A Bonne o ften Kir MM. will be given to the holden, is consideration or their 'seething to the extension. This Bonne will be paid in cash to the bearer' of the Bonds, on their signing a reaelat and presenting their respeotive Bonds at the office of the company, or to its agents, for endorsement. Forms of receipt end endorsement will be famished on application. By order of the Board of Managers. W. R. MOILIIRNA - BY, Beereiar NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. I. • The CARBON IRON COMPANY will receive grcrpoaals until the 70th day of February next for bail ing an Iron or Wooden Railroad Bridge rtyhrtke - highßrver, oppolute their works nt Parrfv‘p. tie the county of Carbon. The length 'end be about tamest - d red and fifty Odd) feet, in either three or four spans. single {reek. Proposals remised, and farther partioathrs obtained. on Shglieation at Parrrrille to the undersigned.. DENNIS BAUMAN. Premdent. December Nth. liffe. d3l-dtfeln CORN EXCHANGE BANK.—Philadel phia, Nov. 98,1869. At as I.leotion held on !Wrist ingtaat,_ .the following gsatlamen were chosen Directors pith= frank: Alaiandar O. Guthll, Joseph Liadaag. Ebort K. Neff, Samuel T. Canby, ves Steel kt John F. Gross. mond A. dr, Farley Knecht, Ates.ander a, avid Vandarvear, Hugh Craig, tulip K. Mingle, Christian J. Roffman. And atAhs meotlng of the Board TAD/Lake fol lowing moan ware unanimously alas CAMEL amdent. R.. R. NEPE,_VIos , stunt. J. W. TORREY. es. NOTIOIS IS GIVEN THAT APPLIOA tion be made fora Certificate of Pennsylraina for State Loan, ineraato Owe oon f Anril lin f e dated A e, UsioinSA JEF SO ' , nanat lent. tip- I FE OC und rtY. now loot or mislaid. niaana• tiII , t3INESS eA.RDS WII. Y. Oltgl.lia. W. W. gARMIZSII GUINER ft IiARRNESS, COMMISSION MF.Ii CHANTS, 132 SOU 'PH WHA It v S. mom YRILADELPHIA. ALFRED L. ROUGH PAPER MANUFACTURERS' AGENT, OirlearehAUdifirpeargrigo a, TERIALB N 0.17 South SIXTH Street, Paartelphia. 1..? R. .1) OM. b N REAL ESTATE -a-w• N BRORMR A. ND CONVEYANCER, NORMS TOW_ PENNA. • FARM . S in Montgomery. Books, and Cheater coun ties. for Ws or exobaqe. GOOD MORTGAO on farms negotiated. o HANDSOME DWrI.LIANGS for sal .1 e it N 14-ttm orris rs. PAWSON & NICHOLSON, BOOKBINDERS . . NOS. 019 AND 42 MINOR STREET, Between Market end Chestnut streets, PH ILADELPHI, ;AMES PAWSON. JAN. B. NICHOLSON. je17.1 " _l_ HR. ()ORSON. REAL' ESTATE 13Eu * !MR A/VD CONVEYANCER, Norridown.Ts• 110 Farete for sale in Buck., Montgomery, and Ches ter oountiee. Catalogue. of Parma , with full oeserip nuns, sent by mail. fee-gm WM I) KELLEY AND (lEORCIE A. OPT Attorneys et Law, have removed to 1 Bnat i g 7 14tmor. halloo Mae-nat. •• B. PALMER'S ADVERTISING AND • SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, for Principal New frinivarglatr..44lC, A."4:0 Country, N. E. nor- Address. V 13. PALMER," Philadelphia. left-3rn TllOB. M. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law, N 0.273 South FOURTH Street. nlt-ern* WALLAUE it BRODHEAD, sr EXCHANGE PLACE,. NEW YORE. Stooks and Bonds bought uLI sold. on Commie on. Fcall.dm*RANClS B. WALLACI. /SDWAILD 0. BROINERAP. A L UM. M WiI oKINNEY ATTORNie AT LAW, en _ERN 1410, wallas in wertmoreland. Armstrong. and in- Mansooontisa. Tidy ADAMS EXPRWS CO., OFFICE elle CHESTNUT street, forward. Parente, Peak- NM htetobandne, Bank Notes, and Bpeje, eithv on t? its own Linee,.or in oonneotion with otheegspeeee .. eagles, to au the prtnones town,' and cities o the Vatted States. E. 13. SANDFORD, eel-tt *metal ittrserintendent DRAWING AND PAINTING MATE 11.1ALS. Entipeers' end AreAtteats' 6:sties:ten. L ob OOM Painting Natenale. • ehematua Dolma and Vases. swat BOXIMI for Children, and al t o for Artists and 6 ente. Eo i tree and Piens re pennies. .hey na Cards, American sad Pteraeh. ta OVUM gratis to the ttede. SCHOLZ A i i tgr_ENTVEY. WHOLMALF. A .110.10. N ,No• lti ll A p i orsh i iiTH Street. pR FAIRBANKS? PLATFORM - SULTS. ste by PAErI UT et MMO. rit C &reek MI. _ ~~~.:~ M . THOhtAB I 90 1 144 L. 1. sad 511 80 NOME inrails (Formed, V min IdARD—PUBLIt i rS ZEAL ISTATS 'ABB -OCXIS AT XX EX 01ILIGE—Salos of mg emir and stooks Mien the Enehaage. ontntintore haring Me save d et erte. Mr nandhalla of seek gernrertar... • addition to which we pithhalt. on to klie iz o ttioesand ostalograa. b gla S If inns of ail UM PrOgertieg to be on thol l owin or ra , r,, ,M , „,.../ a.t AT PHIN T at rasi AT .aus E 881.8 ,1 imri i ,slio wag. kids jig Imarg description of ititl= 4 oo4Xll erneortf. PrinNl : m iens tiii had at the Mon PR AT ILERISTBR. ilir_ Realestate en ea Dar 'Mr Mae I= l Said adtrard la oar pu 0 aide a (of witinh Ateloosime ere printed nareldy.)fate of oballre -- 8 A ki B 0 P 81981011. illiarrtvits, EIXRGX/3, PINK ?LA • 'WALE FRENCH MA NTE 1., ; I mocgs. nit B Wadi seow-tlena. BUTI AND 5031)D1101, iJARPETB. &a. CAILD.—Oar We tro morrow morning. at the g m ti ft , Fle'rn• Win movie% beelike ono lots of amnesia fey ni to re . fine plated ware. marble and braise mantel clocks, 5 large Otte glass show-mane, hide and beelting. China and glassware. Ernmehr carnets. 2 sasenor sew ing machines, a lush cane eioeka r . an.. funning tut at tradtme assortment. worthy tie attention of ladies and °chore dem rous of purehating. glio - Catalogues now ready and the artistes managed for imanunatwn. „ MTOONA. LOANS. FEW. &Ce Tosada 21st test ., at 12 On noon,trill be sold at the PLr rlltinie- S 1 OW/ pre ferred cloak American Academe of MIMIC. 1 81 shares Westmoreland Cosi CmaPanY - tat SUN- Pay. 8 per rent. interest. 1 share ipladelphia Library. I share ladebiluanthetuesun. I 'haft ercanole Library.. Pew No 2 5 . middle side , SL Mary's Church. I original (2P newt akar., Sea Franeiseo Land Assn oration. 1 share Continental Ertel, mar BM -Sl3 lard. Por account of whom it may eoneenl- _ 2 original (40 new) shares San ?rescue° Laud Asso ciation 28 par cent. bonds. Nos. 14 and 15. for 8140) each. Henry county, Imre, with coupons attached. REAL ESTATE BALE-FEBRUARY 21st. At 11 teciockyroon. Peremptory Bale.-BAPOM.I4. EMDEN state. teach house, and side yard, fie. 1611 C13 6= avorind. Peremptoll anter-liIREE-STORY BRICK STORE and dwelling. norIS, dotter of Seventh and Patrisk ' streeta. Sale poll _Ash Peremptory Bale.- TWIY TERSE STORY Eiffel dwellings, Se: Math street. ell; rush street. TWO MODERN TIMER-.ldRl BRICK DWILL LINGS, nut rade of Bankson stred.....aorth of Wane° , street, between Thirteenth street sad _emirs road.. MISSOURI LAND.-2.120 77-111 eerie land on Cur rent river, Riper county: klizainn. neat the wountl Cat feat and Mbil road; well timbered and watere. REAL ESTATE SALE-FEBRUARY MA , . At 7 o'clock in the evening. TWOct:does Rale-r• state of Susan Runner. de-o'd. STORY BRICK DWELLING. Buttonwood street, welt of Lawrence street. A WELL-SECURED OROUND4ENT of $4U a year-per 44 MO A WELL-SECURED GROUND-RENT of e 1.15 a yyLeelasrep o a O r art, aide BRICK hward t r ou ge aeolute.oCarroll REAL ESTATE SALE-FEBRUARY 241 . '• At 12 o'clock. noon, VALUABLE MO DERN ! STORE,-Four-Mory brink store, with ornamental iron free, No. n N.rtll Bath Street. slave Marketstreet. Peremptory Sala-LARGE BUILDING AND myr.— Lame hrtek building, formerly used as a cher north west side of Queen street: Oennantownisannelll2. the Lutheran Cenral ; lot Pd b "BRICK !fir - absolute. TWO THILBN-STORY DWELLING. B.E. corner of Third and Bottentrood streets. Two Geste. VALUABLE FARM, 48 acres, wtth tins, sets. bounded northwest by the I"l7 l ecntesc4 Upper ßlithe terumtu ; within sight of the Wissahickon station. and three fourths of la Dole from Fiat Washington station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. Bale on the Pretsises—Pcan &mare. suPERIOR RESIDENCE. RLEO.AAT FURNI URE. &e. On WedneedsE Myel i n - li, MOW etennisee.lll7 Filbert attest. .eo-. site Penn BenitniMbe At fascism-0. isessat Ist name. fine eanttfteit, Ato., of seatitunati dialtantS hoc keing. ear Particulars in handbn and colaslosties. ' BALE OF ENGLISH . AMR AMi t !lllOA BOOEt THE VARIOUS DEPARTELEBTS 0 ? ,LIT.LBA 11.11E. This Eynamg February n th, a colleebon or Loudon sad ANlnnena books ‘ pe Tarim a interesting enbiects. sir For particulars roe ausiogiaaa. HALE OP MEDIAL BOOM . - tinsaturtisi Even T r. rebrtary I.5Th. en Reentrant e Abiable mottled epart.on frown librari. C.rasiones ail be ready had the beaks aztahhed for IXAMIZIAIi4 OS on Saturday roornum. Sala at Nos. IS afili g ha SUPERIOR. POENIT ROHS, PIAND-PORT upsnas. Oa Thar dar At f o'oSook, at the Saco* Stott, as alloorhaW azoellsot woad hand , Suedare. el i Z ti traorWyrk. soo mirrors, sroars from hoosateeolzur, r o atoovot to eta the odor* for wave= ilabh - - SAVING J.' Ilitel.)S. RIPRINO GARDBN RAVING FUND 80 1k.7 cuss PHILASKLIk. Met, No.33lNot ak 182 .... etra WARTS& sir filitBBl.llLtari.B 0117)111111- VOna DOOSZ andlnik ID Serg a De rlan t" 7 " il An s4V rka flallin= imns- r bian=reV a mt_ m iliZ tl o 4 7•l sl l 2 * en Sayings ......, Iraa t tanat i ttarha i rg pr ransnyl.aalajo ma l ty Nard i , V. arrenaibony La by ei=o am 11 .- d=ammparo yin ... LW , IFis:mE• 0 a ORO . 0C From 0 tojtlf 0' oak; alio, on, Mouthy mal 'Amid mm if mai o'clock mike OTINBIA4 1101lAlle a _ litk Zia% Mak. eeaeakr. eril - 6=n °ha i . 71: i ~ amaa 8. at b. t iv, r, ferfir=" l . itc..w Th erilh,,,,Ki ego. T. Loren a z AttliEVat Plums Kitt. Mienstarr. RAVING FUND.-11311TXD STATZEI Pa UT StrTAMee& COMPhlrfoornerMUlD and CIEN37- • 47/5: 7 0 1 /% 14 01111 t day denmt to the day Inehinmea4 MITA Vint l agatel " We an . Reetlaabi. 7111. RAM) FITND—FIVE PEE oxtrr. TEREr a gRaDAAL SAFETY 'MAW& =B. LacorPented% the =FailirrhV Md. Wawa mend asif .iitire or Isla. nit me " from the d ia upoat to Os ca &avg. Thg oaks is, opso p e dai ="xim Ir.* m a y WaLust . I ROwT BELPHISNIS. vied tsco. ikeretiry - llrt i tg r ainart. J g ear Elt*offndio. * r altifi e m . James L. q pt; mom. et rese= 4 and wrests i o s sa.V. ritSi n cerCt r uicts Thad in fer r EstiMClteh mud , Lad such At-class ascaritiss iarare VMS* security to the dela:Zs% and i►ntA l word GUI to en oratagenoy and 40WAY 110 to lot/Mon. COAL. PAM P. RULER. KELLER & FMORY, Office N 0.1.40 WALNUT street. Pittlsdelphia, Pe., SOLE SE&NTB FOR E. Borden' superior Broad Mountain White Ash. and Recksher & Co.'s celebrated Bleak Beata and Otto A Ripped by canal and r y ailroad from Schuylkill Haven, Schuylkill co.. Pa. fels-3so HOUSEKEEPERS - LOOK TO YOUR interest. Bay ymix COAL AT HMV _where nothing but the very Net gealaty of Lehigh roof n , arnineel- V 1 Ooel a offered at the follovnng rednowl Ines! Lehigh, Broken, Pip and Store...---$1 Df DV UK, try Vll„ G. 4 Og smutted free from elate or dealand fall welehi. at fliCl(B . _ Ow. yard, soallteest eorner ADvilwal •a.ap elLL Gall and see. ogg-,SEn W. GROO..IiE CO. L _ NJ* Office HI South FOURTH Street, WHARF. P D fisr, amyl Donla an n and Ebasonw ' OP Laval Mountain, Lentand. tlainty C 0 . Morobandlise talon on wbo HICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN A- 1 1. LEHIGH COALartpared lanai eans, foLlaie9 best &mks. Apply Lt situWLEWS Davit» Ws sad wu.LOW asuman MACHINERY AND IRON. ULIIITTL 7. N7IIIICI, 7. ?AVOW 1111137 1 71• WILLIAM 17,41111.1C1.• SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY„ FIFTH AND WAISHINGTOA IMUCCTIL IiKEIRI -4 tE u t ir golig, ENGINEERS AND JIACRINISTS, Maattfachne MAO sod- Low Prossans Storm Eauttolok for Land, Saver, sad *mina BOUM eaaomotoro, TatFleoata, La.; Clustasa ot kris, ei th er Iton or Iron moo Roas for Gra orb. Wort Shops, Nall road Slums, &a. Mona sod Gas Macteisery of tits Wad and neat tar mend equal:ntion. Every_ aosempticol or flootatton Bogor, ISair t and MMA% vs.:um an4t...Vm T go ' neax's ar a ttothiz ArntsraW Naornyth's Patent autgaßmainer: anima a Wake Patent Gentanktni ISnsar .Dpan inn Mullins _ as D-,1 THE CONFESSION AND EXPERIENCE ea INVALID, published for the benefit and as a warnms and a caution to y 0111 M men who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Peony, &C.; at the same time, the maims of Self Cure, by one - who cured himself, after bovine been vat to emu expense throosti med,esi imposition anti quaelters , angle copies , mar be had of the author, IVATRANII3I, I MA FAIR, Bea., Bedford, East Brooklyn. Kings county, New York. by enclosing a poet-peal addremed envelope. in26-Int AA FACT WORTH KNOWfle —THE only place in the City to get a Ant-rate , LI N ImportedHaranit Cigar is at DE LEON'S. ill NUT, shove Fourth. North gide. W DE LEON keen' nose bat tee very best on turd. A magle trial will convince you ortbst fact. AM-1m OILSBbIs. No. 1 Westtrn Winter Lard Oil. 2.000 gallons Winter Bleached Wbale Ott 1.300 vincula Backed Whale Od, /Jed Rallonn Fore Tanner's Oil. 4 pop moue waiter Machinery tl. 900 gallons Refined or erenzing Oil. 10 bbni Kerosene Oil for burning, in Store and at factory For sale by ROWLEY. ABRBBANER,Ar. la3l-tf le 8 HTH W wARVES. ITAVE lOU IikLARD, OR 1) YOU know where to trot the beet Imported Citer ea the City t I wlla tell yon : so to oar young nen& IIS LFON, ell CR eSTIV UT Street. above Pearthe North side, end you will be sore to be mind. He teas also a fine lot of Meerschaum Puss, CtSar Taber. Cane'. Cherry Stems. &o. JAM lm J VERY DENTIST, JEWELLER; SIL VER-PLATER OIACtiLNIST, Tiß omit la Plumber, Oak-Fatter. and i esalus to yenoyei, F have ono of SHAW'S Alt? os-arvra. For We by 8 343 RACV Street. Phibidelohts. P. SLATE ROOFING, rco.=-Whoever desires slate Roof pat properly on, or & leaky one nude tight. and warranted. shall have immedrats attention. by direatitot to THOMAS OlUFFtN,_Slater. NINTH and THOMPSOH Bueets. Old Slate parebAsed. 18611-bn • FUUULT it SONS, IWORTSFS OF HAVANA CIGARS, Reoira re N.0 . 149:12 1111PRONjnetZtlieidismip Cl. GARB, vhiorthey ofor lOW rata% kr cosh or or . olorod cre,itt. feRK, CALOUTTA TWINE:4nm received ,a superior lot ofomk Tviromehr re .. dtl IS N. tar IriVUttarms. SUOARS AND SYRUPS.- -RA, C. DONOG W A TERtinne business natal May SYRUPS.— nest. at &kitreet, and now °Mora for wale, at the lowest market proms. for cash. or co ap proved sheyt watts. SAO barrels stram-rained &gars and *mpg, of canons grades, mending Laverne, Crashed end Polvenwed and Mo ll er's Patent-eat Loaf Sugars. Also, Rio slid Java Codes. Adamantine Can dles, and Yel l' s Fnfrioh Dzarali 0010.1211. JaX4la*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers