--.-..".pagrZCOLS)."ilrNlitPT,Se7,.:lll:oltahlt Lear svtl ' *irirr4ailititriemir kab 61mm:trim bY rourre,--A. few minutes bow, eight o'eleek last evening, as two small bora were gaennrinto the windoW'ef drug store on =the southwest eorner of Seventh and Oarpenter istreets, they were at prosolted bye (movie of tough-lolking in divas ale, who asked them What they were doing there. 'An uncle of th,e boyEldr. Henry Weldon. was 'stand ing by at,the time. and said to the Men:that the boya were nest their home, .and knew their own nosiness. Some angry words enened, - when one of the strangers drew fromhis pocket - s, knife,' and instantly ph ua ,.. ( 1•; it into • the left Ode of Mr, Weldon, ictlioff nit •a 'wonnd -which. in all probab i lity will .11f 511UVVIbt.a,". i,""KA•a 9 ,7l . ll:?t"nliTe fell rtrto i " weakness upod the pavement. The alimilente, or course, •in a neighborhood where the sight of policeman Is alperrent cure for sore nvegeffected -their escape. Whiten was conveyed to his residence, at No. MS Pasayunk • road. below Carpenter street, the Maas hors p r o m ptly ster, "Mrs. Delaeroix„ where medical aid entrimoned. The affair created the roost intense excitement In the neoghbothood, where the m kinted team has for a long tune lived, and ie very well nown. The wound was MO and a half in extent, the knife having severed a roam artery of the chest, pmetreting b -tween the filth 11 sixth ribs, and mobs- NY wounding the lung. Our re rter saw the wounded Man stretched upon the floor o hie dwell.ng, coffering Me most intense- agony. No account of the bloody transaction nooud be gathered from his own lipe. His relatives were in grant distreta, to 'witness which was • indeed Westing. Welded is an. unmarried man, and twenty.mx years of age. He le a enamour by ooeu ' potion, and is well known by many of the hands em ployed upon the daily newspapers. The barbarous out-. r ace wee the eubject of moot comment into e lower ape- Alen cf the city during the - evening, the wonder hem; ' pretty freely expressed that similar scenes of bloodshed , were net 01 more frequent occurrence in the locality. in view of the notorious neglect of the polioa to attend to their duties. Weldon bledprofusely. and when we 'left Min fears were entertained that be would not live natal morning. tip to midnight no attempt had even • been made to arrest the" perpetrators of the dastardly act. A SrORTAUSIt On. TRA.VELS.—YoStettlay morning George H. Mei a man of a reaceotable appear ance, and the lossessor of a very dignified pair of speo toles, had a eating before Rewriter Lnee, on tee oha no of awin ling Messrs. Philip 8. Wibion* Co. On toe heariegot appeared that Ids , hedealled at the store of Aleuts. Yileon, on Chestnut Omer; and requested to ba employed aa a traveling agentlor the firm through the couthern _Wane _ He reprimanded that Messrs. Evans; Watson had'engaged foal as en agent, and he would be glad L 9 critubme the heathen of Mears. Wil son with that of Messrs, E. & W. Illy, Ida tallied very patriotically, representing that be was a Union roan—s, conservative of the southern atripe. lie was particu larly some on" L rropreselb 4 e Conflict." " The impending Crisis,' • n brown, and so on: and felt that me sentiments and bearing would gain hint friends throuihout the entire South, conduce bathe interests of hie employ ers.andaot its a perpetual safe.nard against North Carolina tar, Georgia feathers, and Virginia teals. tte glad!, referred to meagre. R. &W. for testi. menials of his character and closed the Interview by moulting the lean of a' fowling-piece for a few days, an he wished to enjoy himself it little before his depar ture. tie obtained the lowting-piece. and went to the store of Mrosre. Evans C Watson, whore he repeated the request made to Messrs. Wilson, stating that they had engaged him,and referring to them for tatimoniais of honesty, patriotism. conservatism &o. Meters. Evans & Watson galled on Messrs. Wilson for these "testimonials',' and them both !parties learned the true state of the onso.fn the meantime Ide had pawned the forlins-pleoe. whioh was worth 816. for 51, appromia- Ling the proceeds to his own personal uses. °Meer Traits, of Me lieonder's force, took him into custody. The Recorder held him in the earn of 5600 bail to an swer at court. A TRULY BENIIvOugNT ACT.—A. mitered child d'edin Wood street, a fare days ago, and the widowed mother was tie poor that she was unable to inter her. A Catholic clorgyMan, who ilogrifgant of the fact, di reined the attention of the Conference of Bt. Vincent da Paul, of the Cathedral pariah, to the matter, where upon biro. Randall . , residing in the neighborhood, at once repaired to the residence, and had a neat :shroud prepared. and a walnut coffin. Bile then instraeted the undertaker to furnish a few camases, ard also Id It the aid of the Conference afforded such relief as the widow nod her six aorviting fatherless children required. Alrg. Randall probably never dreamed that her act of true charity would he chronicled in the daily prints; but as the instance has been narrated to as, we give, it, confident there is arecord of the deed where no time can ever obliterate. We tarn that the Conferonoe of St. Vincent do Bald have adopted all the children. COMIC:ND WITII PASSING COUNTNIIFIII.' COIN. —Yesterday afternoon. before United States Commie tanner Charing P. Reaslitt, a man, named Andrew Mouiton, had a hearing on a charge of passing and at. teMPttng• to pass counterfeit money. Hewes repre sented by William hi. Bull, Rae Lieutentienderson testified that he found seine of the altered counterfeit Coin ou the person of the amused. Reserve Officer Rates test:fied that the bogus money was in a piece of paper. in ,the pocket of the defendant. Lieutenant Buehler testified that there were Regan counterfeit quarter-donate in the paesessum of Moulton. Mr. Bull argued that there woe no evidence of an attempt on the part of hie client to pus the money, and asked that he be discharged from custody. The Col-minion es. took the same view of the matter, and ordered the release of the amused. A,QoANTIti OF COUNTI:RPEIr MONNY RECOVERS D ST Silk POLIM—On MondaynVelling a Mae giele the haute of Robert MoGninn wan arrested in a lager- beer "Icon. Celiewhlll street. above Thirteenth, on the charge of veering counterfeit notes on the Bank of Salisbury, Maryland. lathe time of hie arrest he threw away, a roll of poles, which were taken possession of hy the officer, -Lieutenant Hampton and Sergeant Teatime. proceeded toe house in the Fifth ward,where he was boarding with his wife, and zumneded in se mime notes on broken banks and counterfeits of vari ous denominations, to the amount of 13 9,700. A portion of those notes were discovered on the parson of hire MoGninn. She ems arrested. wa r eth. on being taken tonere Alderman lannkinton.bound over in the sera of 81,2e0 for a further hearing. The hearing will take place to-morrow afternoon. Tog CORN Excnatras ASSOCIATIoN.—The an nual meeting of the member, of this organization was hold lent evening, at their Hall, at the southwest corner of Second and Gmd stroke. Mr. Archibald betty, the secretary, reed the annual report, from which we learn that during too year 71 names tied been added to their roll as members' and sublenbore, The tote• number now on the list is UT. The balance on band in the treasury at the clean of last pour. was 5932.72; received scone. in MO 03 expended since, 03.133 id, leaving on hand a balance o f 0310.111. The following gentlemen were rielemed as oßcere i p.esident, James Steel secretary , George Cookman; "reenter, band L. War d; mongers, Lewis 0. hlytin yer, P. B. Mingle. Samuel Ilartranft, Charles Knecht, Cliarles It. Cummings; Jae. P. Perot, Janice hi. Smith, rA010.13. Cotten. Binds AvanuE MAcnew —Tide new market, Ideate on the west side of the avenue. at the corner of road atom.. will hob ejehed the present week, and for mally opened on Pain day interning next. In the eve ning it will lie lighted lip a• d the market continued to a late hour. The building has been belched in a style Agra DR the costly Market. in the lower Tart of the city. It contains sixty etalle, all of which have been rented to butchers. farmers, and truckers, and the whole will be occupied on Saturday, affording to the thickly settled omit hothead an large an assortment of Meats end provisions lie can be found in any otner mar ket. Many of the most celebrated butonere have taken stalls. on which will he found the' best moats this city can produce. Being the only lards „Market the vi - Melts, it must prove a great envenionee to the neigh borhood. Bantotie Twinge ot. toe. Soar, Jeans —We leained last evening teat the" lion. Joel Jones, well confineds one of the nine s ' mi whichur citizens. lit t le to bed by on font there are little or no Imprint his recovery. we make the announce ment with deep regret. and earnestly trust that the fears of his friend. are without foundation. Mr. Jones, since Ms ratirement from his position as Mayor of the airy. aesoNnia,hLa of the Common Fleas. and prom dent of BMus( College—posts which he held in succes sion. en i filled with loam—ban hied a retired life. tak nooart in - the leen] arena whet • ta.,.i......-&-,sunreo moonshot le !movie of rehoWnT — Probably the superior of ldr. Jenne, as a linguist, cannot be found in Philadel phia. Compzenox of Ifenarte EMS —We learn by MO Boston journals thatgoratie Ennis. who was arrest ed in this eity by Detective Bartholomew, has been tried toe second time. on an indictment for brenkint and entering the store of Mr. rine, on Hanover street, some eighteen months since, and found guilty. At a trertouli trial the Jury were unable to agree upon a verdict. Mecaro. Hudson and Russell, counsel for En eie. Will make an ellert to carry the cute %the SUP lame court on exceptions. Muir Vritaatilr or roe MERCHANTS' NO:D.—The sixth anni , ,dreary 'of the Merchants' Fund emaciation will be held this °seems at the elusion' Pond Hall. The armed report of the be trd of mans Jere will be read, and addressee tellyered by the Hon. Jose ph It. Ageraa, Her. and tieorgo L. Huzby, sq. The Germania 0 eh acre, water Ceti Sects. )011 be present to add to the ntereet of the occasion. Tick ets of adinissitin may be obtained gratuitously. • „, VSIRRAIta op TSB WAR op 3 Bi2.—W e aro re quested by the president of the National Convention of the defenders of the country in the war of 1812 to ear that there will he no National Convention held thin year In the city of Washington; lint he reepectfull• Been the men of the Second War of lade ,endence to hold Con ventions in their respective States during the present session of renames Re also invitee the soldiers of the war of 1812 of the State of Pennsylvania, to convene to the city of Philadelphia, February 21d, )860, PLAN PrR A PAID Finn Dr,PARVISENT.—A pre miten of 41E0 hoe beeA deposited with a committee eon m sting of Messrs. Wm. Neal. C. lilacalester ; William Welsh. Goo. Wit Mom and -Thomas Potter, whic h will be paid for the best plan for Organising a paid Sre de partment ler this city, aecuring efficiency. economy and simpliaigr. Theplan must 'be handed in to ape of jGp poininittee before February Rath. IttlivP 2 l B ll. — On Motdpy afternoon_ a German named Roller was very severely beaten by a party of rowdies at Penn nod South streets. During the quarrel he renewed a very severe wound in 'the eye from a }ma'am the hands of his mend tants.- Suffering from Ins *Manes, he was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. A mutt named Nolan was alleged to have been one of his assailants' and wan committed to answer for the com• mission of the offence. CIIARIAD 111111 LATlClENT.—Yesterday morning a young man. named James Stmpson Price,-was held hr Alderman 13eitler to answer a charge of larceny. The article supposed to have been stolen by Idm was a Meek sloth circular, such as in usually worn by bidieq. When he wng arrested he had the eircul tr rhin pos. seszion, as pill rAt k flf for the making of two pair tel gestic 'I he pirouldr Of pow at the Second dis trict' statipirtionee; LrtattenT.—At the nomt-anneal ,elpetion for rif „leers, hold en Monday evening', by the members of the Zranklin Literary Union, the following were chosen 'resident, William If, Miller . • Puce President, Chance Coxe • Recording Secretary. 'Howe Frit; Cerra. eponding Secretory Edward J. Tent ; Treaeuret, Edwin H. Cornell ; Editor, C. Albert Palmer. AcCtrianti TO A LOClolfortvis..—Yesterday morn tee the locomotive Roxhorough,” of the. German town and Norristown Railroad line, while leaving the depot, Ninth and Green streets. ran Into a passenger ant of the Fourth and Eighth streets line lifting it en tirely Millie track. Fortunately, the engineer checked the 1000111011V0 in time to avoid more serious conse quences. Smarrr Man.—Last evening towards eight o'clock the e was en alarm of 'fire canned by the burning of the pramie's of .. Needing Kato!' in Pine alley, near }tall alley, on the teeth aide. The damage was trifling. If the whole row, of shades in the ;dace were burned out much good might reatilt. nionat,:—lire are requested by a friend to say that there is animpostor going around endeavoring to obtain. suberaripriona i I aid of the lands of the (Mi tsui k name Company. The company hive authorised no saoh Illf)V6111Silt. and errs friends will please take petite. DEATH or AN Orman —On Monday evening, an other attached to the police foroo of the ticcond district, named John Cowdon• died of commotion. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS. &C.—The following are the salmi of real estate, stock's, &e., made by KT homer' & eons, at the rhilidelphia Excitange, yesterday at noon' / oriflgnl share, 20 new ones, Ban FraneJsCo Land Associatton-0524. Sea Delaware Mutual Insurance Company fierier 1819 o BD 6 awa a ea n i t tual lnsurance Company Scrip, ISS9 —Bog per rent. I snare Philadelphia /Army Company—sS{. 1 'Mare Philadel phia AtheeSseui-57. I ahem Mercantile Library Company—sB Bo. 4 bonds. 41,000 each, Cmutmatt Coal and Iron Corn- MY, with coupon from Lt Jul}, 18x7, inclusive-ISM percent. ti3Jan six per cent, bonds, of the borough of McKees port. ret issued to the lit abuts and Connelly/Ile Rail road—lt per Cent. Irrodeernahle ground rent, ea a year, par 81,100- 8l MO. thrse•story brick dwellings. and three frame dwaninis, Germantown road and Minor atreet—es.7oo. 6 CITY I'T'EMS. TOR N 219 YORK WEEKLY.—This highly popular Journal Is rapidly taking the lend of all other Weeklies. The enterprising publishers will commence in the num ber for the 15th of February a story entitled '• Lilian. the - Wanderer; or, The Perils of Beauty," front the pen of Francis 8. Smith. It is a tale 'abounding in TP. Renee and thrilling interest. It will Do issued oe the Rd of February, We aroma her it a very large lie' ttend. 4lrW A. Seix og J'AP.exEsie ARMOR.—Mr, Ward, the Minister to China, has purchased a suit of Japanese armor. „It, is of mixed chain and lacquered °corer plate, The mask and gorget are of tine °lndio plates of 'tee!. The armlets, anklets, and gauntlets, are likewise of steel, with concentric hoops In front. The cuirass for hod? armor) is copper, covered and ornamented beauttfally with silk. The designs and chasings are of the roost exquisite workmanship, and the entire pano ply Jinn been pronoundod the most perfect and epistle epecimen extant, but by no means Comparable, in point of comfort, with the elegant garments made at the Brown Mons Clothing Hall of Rockhill and Wilson. Hoc 603 and 6015 Chestnut street, alcove _ • " X.CITING bCNNZis C10N,1114/3i.-0.110 of tho moat tltrilltag And immanent scones ever enacted by the wise 'nod segadiongSolons or the National Rouen of Repro , , riontadres occurred on Monday hut. The debate °con -, Died two. hours, and cost the swargby epee of toil, whose sweat and-labor provide the ". ways and means" of theenroot.kelghts engaged therein. no inconsiderable ,-,Stint—ihe subject under con,ideration being the nicht - etonfrbm the nearer the/101Pa °regime forty aristooratio AO4t O 4 Yrbp had no right there any more than their olad Sisters. The talented and pa , - Wide gentlemen [roe. Virginia, New:York, Ohio, and " , ''othergoteleigh filmes flaunted their gallantry to such - e doorto that a stronger might hare thought their bust no's Ogg's:WM to enact laws fot the regulation °Pratt'. :Cog. hinter still, to' oroYido that alf men should the' grabeful and bumming stiles of dreamt Ile 4 , oelstosiod clothier, No, 001' chootout street, ,• - • • FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money hitirhet. PilILADuLpinA, January 31,1860. Pennsylvania Railroad shares were firmer at the etpelthoard to-day at 36%, and Reading at 19%. Penn tailvania fine sold at 923x', and City Railroad sixes at V.P. Delaware Mutual In •uranee stook, new issue, sold at 19%. San! Francisco Land Company at am. In City Passenger Railway lames there were a few transac tions. West Philadelphia sold at WS Second and Third street at 3%, and Oreen' and Coates at 173 e. Nor rtstown Railroad stook sold •at 10; Morris Canal Preferred at lee ; Camden and Amboy at 1213 i. I he market was quite steady, without much activit y. 411113 The mosey market continuos easy, and the asptet of the New York bank statement gives added force to the Mare or those who prognosticate a continuance of the present state of things until the spring opens. The Courier and Enquirer says: - • "The bank 'movements for the weekpast show a better position in the aggregate. The banks aro better iortifiedwith epode, and the loan column shows a slight decrease. The current rates of foreign exchange are suck ea to prevent any urge shipments of coin. The semi-monthly arrivals of g old from California continue with great regularity, that the banks Fill soon be on the road to the • impregnable poeition indicated by the hank department, provided they maintain ins they imouldl a conservative course. The changes for the vast w leaveere as fellows: In a decrease of.._ ......• • - • • •• • • 4767,C0n In Specie, an increase of . 8:10,000 In cumulation, a decrease of 170 COO In de posi te, an increase of gg 000 " Tho money market continues easy ; loans on call. on first-ches securities. are (mar at d per cent., and 7 oar cent. on ordinary collaterals Tho fol!owing iv the coal tonnage of the t hamokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad Con:Tani' For week ending Jan. 23. Same tune last year.... 100106 to .... 663 10 3.730 10 PaI.I...KDKLP.HIA STOOK .13X011.611 OE BALKS, .16nusry 31, 1860. RAPORTIIIIIIY B. E. BLATHAILIII, 514) Walnut Street. FIRST BOARD. 4600 Penns Bs 9214 . 160 Boadios R., .eash 1914 2000 do ....9342 9.0 I.nuisyille Bk.. b 5,11214 2r 90 d 0.... .... 9234 20 West PhDs. R 0534 1090 d0............1i3924 20- do ~ ... .3 days 9339 100 City 61 99 10 aril & Coates st 11 1714 1992 .11.arriaburs ft 61.05 93 2 alor Col pill 3 dys.lo3 1000 Morris Cal 68.eash 8914 10 Cam & Anib 12..121% 100 Lehigh Nay Bs —lOO 9900 k Third-at It.. 89 4 Derma R. 3694 3 Del Mutal 1n5.... 1934 7 do 36141 SOO Lehigh Zinc 54 BETWEEN 130.A.R.1)13. 9 West Phi la 1t..3 dye 6514147 BMus Ilk Ten 2 dY9.105 BOARD. 6 Norristown 1K I Minenill mom!' pd olio I I 333s* Ravine R oLostive FRIOBB—BTEADY. SECOND 709 Ci ty 86; ..... 99 260 d 0.... 88 100 do 3000 !Leading 11. 86 'St • 671: 1007 do ....975; 10 noon Lk Tn 81 Biz. .446144 qkhl 1641 26y , do „ 1 Ls, To let m0rt.6214 64 " 2df0rt..12.14 13 Lor 'eland • • ..11 113( Loh C'mal Nay. 49 4034 10a Catourtuen R...".. I( 1 do Id mg 1,416.32/4 33 'Frank k douth.. 61 deo'dk'rhird -et R. 30 3944 RaosteVine-ats R. 26 30 Bid.diked. Phila. 62 ' 11.— .99 I " l'euzut WI; Reeding fal C ls — IP 13% wort L' 89 .93 95 I do '88.6158 a 3 Pan NVl L iii 3 gli 519 ' ‘Th gel l ilt i C.8 1 . r 10%1 10 1 1% 6ohuird.ri da V. 6 16 4t—°"— ritligdelphra Markets. • J.tatranv 31—Evening. The demand for Flour continues limited but prices are unchanged. Bales inolude 600 bbls mixed, and good straight superfine 6.6003.62%; a lot of half Mile nt 86.87); ; 600 bbl' good Penna. and Ohio extra at V; some on private terms. and 200 hbls fanny Kentucky family at 7 1 per bbl. The 'ateliers end bakers are buy ing moderately at the above rates. according to orand fad quality. Rye Four and Corn Meal are not inquired ar. and nearly nominal at 84.26 for the former and $2.16 per bbl for the letter. Wheat—There is very nude do ing and the market is unsettled and lower . some 3,000 bus having, beau sold at 81.3001.21 for reds, mostly at ,41.33 roe prime. White ranges at 81.4001.60 Rye eon linnet' in demand at 920 for Penna. P.oine holders auk more. Corn in rather dull, and small sales of yellow are reported 0730740 in the care. There in none afloat, and prime would bring The. Oats are unchanged, and wiles of 1,609 bu Pennsylvania are re orled at 415;045c. (lark—There is nothing dem in Quereitron. and let No. 1 %neatly amulet at 820 4Y ton. Cotton— fhe market remains inactive, and whose about the rani°, with a limited business only to notice la die way of na.es. tiro canes—There is little or nothing doing, and no change to note. Provisions—The market Is somewhat excited under the advice' from the West, and holders are taiit ing an advance' 18.1 Mils Western Mess Pork sold ut 818. cash Beef Rondo at $16%; Hama in lots at 120 Me, the latter for fancy. deeds—The demand for CM. verseed is limited, and only about 250 Ma sold at2sse, 6.12%, Including some(Mom at 86.20 hu. Whigany moves ell slowly at Vic for Pennsylvania Mils; 211ic for Ohio; 22it22ia for drudge, and 2.30 gallon for hhds. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, TIP TO ?WELTS O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut at.. below Ninth. 111 Locke, Ya G II Murphy, Va Jno Whitehead, Ni C Ross, Natobsx Jos Grant, Phils C W Cooke, N Y J Wilson, Cal $ Davis Cal VI t 3 Anderson. Balt T it Whitney & wt, N I Dire Whitney. NJ $ Jones, Wmeport C A Stanolinl pa M Bower, Raleigh. N C W Pupae. N Y . Geo Morgan. Texas G B Waterhouse, N C W Jessup, Montrose, Pa P Herdic & la, Wmeport II E Taylor & la, Wrimp'rt Lient 11N 8 Arnold, IJ 8 N . D Dunlop. Petersburg, Vit D 0 Martin, Balt GC Hubbard, Jr, Chicago G 0 Davies, Cin, 0 F W Bird, Alma D G Mend, Alex, YA , E M Pope, N Y M G 3 gmory. Mass T Orlinsly, St Louis J ritoosion, Chicago C Evart, N Y Mini NV Bostwick, N Y PHs T I. Maitin, N 1' J P Harrington, N Y 3 Shallots. On, 0 W Shelleto, Cin, 0 Mrs Emory & ban, Maas (1 W McCook, Btoubv'e, 0 31) Cameron & ht, Pa Jon A Ethan. Lancastor Dr Wo r thington . Phila 0 BerrY, Boston C E Stylisation, N II J Wineate, N s' Jim Doran, Louieville, Ni Hle (Rover. Boston i I E C lieges, MIOII4IIO CO Harna,Bosion Davies, N Y OW Addinsell. N Y Mototon. Pa it B Hall, Boston It Plumb. Ohio G W a organ. Pottsville Jim W Ball, N Y W B Flotohor It I C PI Swot°, Aid WO Claim & In N 'I Mine Clapp & lig, N V 0 B Stetson. Bridgewater J Ferguson, Bridgewater 8 Field Boston W 8 Field, Boston A W Colgate, N Y 0 Armstrong, Cal James Mullin. Reading David Mulliu. Heading Ii 1) .1 Rogue. N Y Adam T. Green, Cal W Poony, N Y Loeb, on. Howland, pros, N Y 'a ,i 0' i Blake. Balt R P Yeaton, Balt, .0 Singer, St Lome , C 0 Casanova, N Y $ D Northway, Conn 011 Carrington & ls, N Y Ws L Towle, N Y J , Whitney. Mass C Moldier. Jr, N Y li F Hanka. N C Oen A Seagrave, R I Isaac rough, R I A E Bery, Bolt Jae Tod , t,P-teraburg D Mollwain, Paters!, urg I. Wilson, St Louie t.. rirliti.`kXr°l vrti Barksdale , tit Louis E P Sanderson, Al' JOB Sulzbacket, Cal MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch G N Smith. Pa .1 R Conrnsham, Pa S Hershfield. N Y Hon Asa Packer, Pit WA Robertson, Ohio A .1 Nan. Ohio W H Cook. Pa 3 M. Foster & la, Phila. David Rollierm, N Y Virg Osterliout. Pa J I. Scott. N Y W B myiny or. Ohio 3 Van Vaikinsbarg, NA , 11 M Boiler, Pinta It Keller, bt Louls Wm Showell, ald Rev JB I nes and wf, Md P Montgomery, Pa J Chameerlain. N I Wm H Forsythe. Pa al W Hill, N y JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut at., below Seventh G A MaKinstry, Clifton C Moses. Coin AC 3 T Q Cochran, Balt . J S Mager ty, halt {pane Oakley, Ve. Henry Young, Va Chas If Woolsey, N T hf W Heller Its Brown, Bair Then Kends, Texas T Y Davie, Texan • J If Cochran, hula Geo Porter. N o Theo S Collins, Pink% Win F Lotehell, Ohio STATES UNION HOTEL—Market st.,above Sixth. L Barkholder, Pa A B Errtns, Palliate. Pa A Saville. Bel W H Watt, Pittsburg, l'a J Rathbun & la, 3 chl, Ind .1 8 Rohrer, Lancaster co H Rohrer, Lancaster co J E Howard, Boston Bowers. Boston 8 Hoover. New York Id 8 Brogan, hula R btephenson, Pa COMMERCIAL 110TRL-Bisth et., above Chestnut. M Pennock, Mtn), Del ChM' Sharoless,Chenter co .1 R. Lewis. Del Co, Pa Jae Watson, Pa Wash Ewing, eirster on Llj sbuler, yn T 8 Cone. West (Amer Josiah Jackson, Ma Josiah - 1'11114 , 1,Pa Robt Rod.,es. Pa A Crowlish, w dm, Del Me e triser, Doylestown Mast WM PrilieT.Dollest'n Ed Fuser, Doylent'n Semi Nightingale, Pa TIM UNION HOTEL—Aroh street. above Third. AMC* Barton, Pa R C Warner, heading Jacob Fraley, Easton W It bhaifer. N Y John 8 Pearson , Reading W Jones & la, Auburn, Pa W Barber. N Y W e Browne, Ohio John 8 Lehn, Easton Gen Wiggling, Tamaqua Jti Reading. Flemington 0 Bartlet, Flemington J Resler. Pa • W 8 Sharp, N J Albert email, liagerat'a Md ST. LOMB HOTEL—Chet/teat et., ab. Third. ht r jordi. ?'j C B Mount, Phis. John W Boyd, Balt Chas Wien, Philo R C Patterson. Canton, 0 Isaac Sherwood, Conn 8 0 Chadsey, N Y E til. Judd. Coon C R Shipman, Newark, N J Wm BoBBe. N Y C A Oliver. Balt T Bailee, N Y W 0 Root, Genhantown BARLEY BREAP HOTEL—FOOOnd et.. below Vine. Chu 8 Hill, Bucks co Peter 8 Kugler, N J Joshua, K Palmer, Buck, no Etinith Beckman, Newtown W B Brown, Browntburg Joe ritukhoue, Pa Wm G Watson, Attleboro Joe Watson, Attleboro Thos Ent, Lambortville,NJ BAUD EAGLE HOTEL—Third at, above Callnwhlll. John oCoy, Doleatown Tilghman 8 Frederick. Pa John 8 Henning. Pa Ben) stout, Iluou on, Pa John B Jnoob.r, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Rama *treat, above Third. Oreentnarshal 0 J W Han, Dubuque T H Wagner. Jonesville C H Nimson, Carbon en A B Nimson, atbon au A Bathe, Lehigh on J F Pf-thler •Catawnise Joe Light, Lebanon H Rosensarten, Pottsville P n Hotel no. Reeding John A Gulden, Pottsville Thom J hone, Allentown John Oster, Pottsville Jacob Binger. Harrisburg E Chub. Lanceeter Limit J B Cole, Allentown Peter Beet, Altatmt Ohne Focht, Ringgold Dr p Flesehhut,'Laport, Pa FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Second attest. above Market. John 8 Natant!, N 0 Wm H Harmond, Md It P Bell, Doylestown John Preston. Wilkesbarre Win Eloegood, Del Uavid 8 Lewis, Del SO.llll A OWASella Del Wm S Bosworth, Mass MOT YEKNON HOTEL—Seoond street, above Arch Jam berg, Belt Harry Franks, Bo.ton John Strong, N Y hi Wilson, Eamon J S Steiner. Bethlehem Wm White, H Y 8 B Canfield, Albany AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at,. above Rath. Al M Rodents, Plots T J Hughes. W Phi a & Wm C Kates ls, Pa. R T Ports. N Y Geo Waters, Hy W 6 William', B.lt Robt H Sayre, Bethlehem C,oIC Billingsly, hid Cot ft If Allies, Md B W Brisooe, Ald Mrs Lee & oh. Wash A P Lee. Wash Alias AloCauley Wash John I' Pepper, Wash Samuel Ford. Aid Jno A Hamilton, Del O MaNnsrd. Boston no It 'Stewart & la, N V Miss M E Caldwell. N Y B H Gordon, Balt 6 H Ashcroft, Boston Wm B Philips, Del J E Jones, Smyrna, Hat W H Neal, hl' P H. Caoy, Mil E II Bo ton, Salt Sanwa • caper. Balt Geo IL Bale & da, Va Y A Curtis, Del G 0 Cross, Me Thou Robinson, Bel METICHANTR. MlTE—Third st.. above Oalinwhlll. A Smucker, Milton. P Berger. Molten, Pa 8 Kramer, Milton, Pr J Nahrtver, Ashland Weidman, Berke co, Pa ELi rwia, Praia C Mears, Pa C Beach. Cincinnati B L Bowers. Bristol, Pa W q Stokes, Bristol. Pa W B Ks mann, Pa ß Blanch, A nnville, Pa B Jacoby, Pit H Troxoll, Wilkoabarre BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third pt., above Callowhil E Arty, Pa P HIM, Pe Pool Arts, PR. Jno Brandt. Tremont F. H Bothered. Philo 23 Freed, Po K Bray, Miltown W Berner, Peoneburg Q Harrison, Feasterville Jan flm.b, Pennsburg P F Gierin i g. Catesaueus P ream By berry w Beist. i a. W Keith, Berke ft) j A I T ght, Ortrigeberg Bam Kimmel Orwigeb'g Jos Kimmel. Orwigsburg Ft Bogdan, Headingry- W Corson, Northampton D Bitting, Jacob Bitting. Reading 8 Ronde, Fouthainptop CB Knight, Smithfield Levi Temple, Bertevi Ile MARINE INTELLiGENCE. GEE FOURTH. PAGE ARItIyBD . . Bark LLEtooniii. Doane, la days from Now Origami, with sugar, molasses, &0., to Carson. Stewart, & Co Jan. lath, at 7 A.M.., lat. 2410, long EOM With a strong breeze trout Mille', and cloudy, with a heavy sea run ning, saw a boat attend, with a small - sat l eat, steering towards or, On coming up with her, saw two men in tier, apparently foreigners, hailed them, but got no answer, except the beckoning of their hands. Supposing they might be in distress, bucked the maintopsail and hove to, and waited for them to come alongside. They hod in their boat a bag of bread and so., e clothing, which had be come somewhat moistened, as their little craft war partly filled with salt water by 'be spray that had blown over her. Tip.i also hid a small tub oTwater,coveroa by a faokehwhioli was not a. litt'e broskish, mid a bottle of rum, which weld 1 . 40 t. damaged by the Rea water On making Nome MVO ries lent ned from them that they haul deserted from the Danish schr Catharine. It Intl in hla- I tense., two days pre vions, and started for America. On learning that they were runaway sailors. I ordered them to be cast adrift, when they entreated to be taken on hoard, as they were bewildered. and did not know which way to goer Tor the land. Fearing they might be oast upon come of the reels in the neiehlmrhocd, and lose their lives. took them on board the and brought them to Philadelphia. Their names are Adolph Alasuna and Wm Jacobs, of Germany. Jen Nth, lat 48 40, long 7943, parted cm With thin Chas E Duncan. from New Orleans for Liverpool jell Ilat, hat 10 sB, long 19 43, saw bark Union, from 6lobile, of and for Boston.; Jon 2td, lat 29 ItS, long 79 10, a ohs brig Richmond. of Bangor, from New Orleans for New York; same day spoke skip Wm 11. Warta'', from Galveston for Liverpool; Jun 28th, about 6 miles B of Body's Island Light-house, saw a sohr ashore, and several men with carts and oxen at work, discharging the cargo, and piling it on the boacb, the sehr being so far up as to enable the carte to go along side. . . • • . CLEARED. Bark 'Elizabeth, Ramon, balrannah, ilarjes Brothers Bark Rowena, Wilson, Lagoa) ra, Dallett Brothers. Str Rieh'd Willing, Claret,le, Baltimore, A Groves, dr. MEMORANDA. Steamship Africa, Miamian, for Liverpool, cleared at Now York yesterday. Ship Gray Fazlellushes, hence for Rio de Janeiro, wan panned oft the Delaware Capes at 4 1' M, Mit ult, atsertnz eaat.. Ship Ellara to, Coutta, wan dtzobarging at Matanzas, 21st Ship 'Windward, Smith, from Shanghao Cot 6th, ar rived at Now Yorkyesterday. Ships Casilda, titallord, and North Carolina, Foster, for Liverpool, arrived at Baltimore yesterday. Ship Carrier Dove, alontell, for San Francisco, cleared at NOW York yesterday. Ship Ilusq•r. Rowland, cleared at New York yester day from Melbourne. Bark oorambega Sanders, from Galveston, arrived at Now York yesterday. Bark Paoli:an. Miller, from Rio de Janeiro. Dee 22d, arrived at New York yesterday. Bark David Wilaon. for Philadelphia, cleared at N Orleans 26th ult, with 601 hales cotton, 1,011 this mo lasses. 5.5 Mid. muter, 6 trigs wool, 12 pkge mdse. Bark 130T17111010P711, Pinckney, for NOW York, was towed to sea from how Orleans 21st ult. Bark Vir,inin and Estellina, Wilkins, cleared at New York yesterday, Montevideo. Behr E S Janes, Godfrey, cleared at Boston 20th ult. for Galveston. Behr WA Croaker, Endicott, front Att akapas, arr at N York reaterda6. Bahr I. Npurtevant, Glover, cleared at New York yes terday for Ohs rleston. Schr It .1 Meteor, Robinson, for Philadelphia, was loadlng at MA tsnzas Vat tilt V Bohr Ida, Clark, waslloading at Matanzas 21st ult for Nom York, Ear MA McNeil, Torch), roc Philadelphia, cleared at mobile 26th tilt, with Ma bales cotton, 66 tone iron, Pt bdls do, 13 bales rope cuttings, 4 casks brass, 60 empty bblsl6 carboys. Week. Year. .2 0-113 1x 90:101 13 .1,133 112 13,411 U SPECIAL NOTICES. TIM FIRM IN CIIKSTIgin STREET. LETTER 1 1 110 AI THEO. IL PETERS & CO PlilLaton,PlTTA, January 19, 1860. Mumma, FARREL, HERRING & Co., 819 CiiEsTNCT STREET. GENTLEMAN 1 We have feoevaled the herring's Patent Champion Safe, of your make, which we bought from you nearly five years ngo, from the ruins of our building, No. 716 Chestnut street, which PIRO entirely destroyed by fire on the morning of the 17th inst. So rapid was the progress of the flames, before we could reach the store the whole interior was one mum of fire. The safe being in the book part of the gore. and eurrourded by the moat combustible materials, wee exposed to groat beat. It fell with the walla of that part of the building into the oellar, and remained Im bedded in the ruins for more than thirty hours. The Bafe was opened this morning In the precenee of a number of gentlemen, and the contents, oomprieing our books, tulle reoeivable, money, and a large amount or valuable papa rs, are all safe. ; note thing was touohed by fire. Respoottully yours, The above Safe can be seen at our store, where the Oublio are invited to call and examine it. FARREL, lIERRINO, & CO., 829 Chestnut street, (Jayne's flail.) GROVSII & BAlilllt'S GILIBIATID NOISELERS FAMILY 61N1N1•IdAO>QINDU, SRAM H N 9 SAVING FuND—NOIITHIVIM GUNNER SECOND and WALNUT Streete.--DePoslts re- Goivea in "mall and large amount', from all Glasses of the community, and allow. interest at the rate of nee per cent. per annum. Money may be drawn by cheat* without loot of in Meat. Office open daily, from 9 until P o'olook, and on Mon ley and Baturday until 9 in the evening. Preentlent, FRANKLIN FILLL; Treazurer and Senretery, 011 AR M. MORRIE!. SINGSIt'S SEWING MACIIIINFIS. N 0.2 Sewing Machines.— No.l Sewing Machine 5.............. I The Family Hewing Maishino, —......- 1 le Family Sewing Machine.. . . I I. M. SINGER & CO., No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. ORR PRIOR CLOTHING OP THE LATEST STYLES, made in the best manner. expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling ogees marked in Plain Florae. All goods made to order warranted satis factory. Our ONE-PRICE System inertial) , adhered o, u we bolero this to he the only fair way of dealing All are thereby treated alike. JONES & sePetf SO4 MARKET Street. BAL/LHANDRIL FIEF-PROOF SAFES. —A very Jerre assortment of SALAMANDERS for male at reason able prieee, No, 1104 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, ADAMS—DEARIE,--On Monday overuntt January 30, IMO. nt the residence of the bride's fattier, h/ tbo Rev. (Merles Wailswooth. Robert 11. Adams to Aims Marion. dauahler of Cohn Dentin, Fag., all of this city.' ROBB-10NRR.—In this elty. Jan.3l. IMO, by the Res. Robert 5. Carson. Mr. Joseph Robb, of lb,lbutore, to Hume C.. daughter of Israel Jones. of thin city " BOA RIMI AN—WAN.—On the 29th Rept., IVO. by Rev. W. C. Robinson. Mr. Willem, Boardman. of Phi 's( elph;n. to Mettle D. Wan, of Indlnnspolls, Ind. • EOKE 4 BI.,EY—ADMite —On the 00th olt.. by J. 0. Vi,lson, V.D. M.. Mr. Ittehard Eoltersley to Miss /MA Adana, both of this city. JOHNSON.—fludilenln on the miming of the anti January, 801 l Johnson. daughter of Francis 8. and Ann 1. Johnson, ages 2 tears ant 11 months. The funeral will take place from the reeidenee of her parents, No 1524 &meow street, this ( I.s ednesday al iernoon, at 2 o'clock. BENNERri.—On the morning of the 30th ult., Mrs. Mary A.. wife of James bl Benner,. Ths relatives and friends, of the familruarallone liVgeTreVetn"l.l7 1414181P . 1 , 14=713Vt r a.., o ' n re 1 . 1:1 rt r ie c y morning, Feb. 2J, at /0 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. *" CHANDLER.--ln the city of Baltimore. after &short hut severe illness, William T. Chandler, in the 24th year funeral ge. His will lake plane on Fourth•day. the lit of Second month, from the residence of his father, Wil. ham Chandler. Kennett donate, Chester county. To leave at 10 &clock 011,PIN.—On tionday morning, 29th ult., Henry D. Gilpin. in the soth year of bin nye. The male friend. of the family are invited to attend his funeral. on Thursuor morning nest, at 10 o'clock. Tn mooed to Laurel 11,11. • RUFNEIL—On the 29th ult., Mrs. Mary Ann Ruiner, in the Nthyear of her up). Funeral from No. 1119 Bt. John street, this afternoon. at 1 o'elock. • DACE.—On the 20th ult., John Dace, In the &Dili year his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 1629 Becket st.. below C. ales street, this afternoon at 1 o'clock • CO WAR I).—on the Bah ult. Bennett Elizabeth. daughter of Charles W. and Rebecca Coward, aged 2 years and 5 months. Funeral front the residence of her parents, No. 1037 Parker street, this afternoon, at 3 o'clock. PYOT the 29th ult., Um. Margaret Pyott. robot of the late 'themes Pyott. in th 78th ) ear of her age. Funeral from the residence other son•in-law. Samuel Lnwaon, Levering meet, Manayunk, flue afternoon at 1 o'clock. VANLEER.—On the 29th ult., Erneline, wife of Thos. Vanleer. in the 27th rear or her age. 'Fpuneral from the residence of her husband, No. 211 Williain.on street, between Second and Third streets. on Thursday morning. at 9 o'clock. • KNOOP.—On She 29th ult.. Merlotti), wile of Lois Knoop. In the llet_rear of her age. Funeral from No. 325 St. John street, three doors above Wood. this morning at 10 o'clock. • PAINTER —un the.29th ult., Susanna, widow of the late feriae Painter. aged f)d Years. Funeral from the reaulonce oilier daughter, No. 1307 Mount Vernon street, t his morning, at 9 o'clock. • MITERTE —On the 29th utt..Thoturte. eon of lfeitrl etta and the late Francis A. !Marto, aged 17 months. I uneral front the residence of hie grandmother. Mrs Bowers, Lombard street. below Ninth, this morning. at 10 o'clock. • ° McCAFFERI'.—On the 21th ult., Alm Mary McCar ter', in the 49th year of tier age. Funeral from the residence of her eon-in-law, James Bangs, No. 80 Fifteenth /treat, below Parrish, this af ternoon. et 2 o'clobk. yoLLria r.R.—On the 30th ult., Mary Ann, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Vollmer. need 3 menthe and 2 weeks. Funeral front the residence of her parents. Cherry lane, Pnesylink road, below Broad street, this afernoon. at 2 o'clock, • RUCK ER.—On the 27th ult., Daniel Webster. young est son of John L. and Sarah Bucker, an the jth year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his _parents. No. 1223 North Eleventh street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 clock. • SHAU.I7.—On the 29th nit,, Mahlon O. Sharp. la the 335 rear of his ,ge. Funeral fro his tete residence, No. 205 C Monter street, this (Wednesday I afternoon, at 2 o'clock. • BLACK AND WRITE FOULARD SILKS, UK cents a yard. A tihl assortment Just received. Also, Black r3roe. Urain Sas. • Jo, Pooh do Sole Silks. Fic'd and Striped Silks. De, and white neat Check Silks. and_ white neat Striped Silks. De. Patent Boiled Silas. Do. and Purple Foulard Silks. 138880, it SUN, mourning S ore, JaSO No. MS 1.3111 , :lau NT street. THE itoLpEns OP T. P. REMING TON & CU'S. paper. Emden.' by George Cal lag are invited to attend a meeting, to be held at the Counting-ronin of 'Hobert CMlnghan. No. 4B South FRONT ritieet, on 1111141.8 DAY nIONNING, Feb. Sld, at 12 M.. when a proposition will he made greatl) to their advantage. plohdalphm, Jan. Mat, lin). 21" MPAID FIRE DEPARTMENT-3140 PRE. MIL) it.—Como hen been dorms ted with the un ned. a fund which it designed to invite prop-wits f o r plan to weisnize ft PAID FIFE DEPA RPM ENT for the City of Philadelphia. Di Reno:dance with the wisher' of the Contriblitem, the subscribers hereby offer a premium of ONE HUN IIR D AND FIFTY DULL Al% for the best plan, in detail. for auch en organization, combining efficiency. economy. and simplicity. Said plan mutt be presented to either of the subscribers, on or before the 25th of February next. January 30, WA WI4I. NEAL, C. MACAU:STEIL WM. WELSH, fiEO. WILLIAMS. fel.wfkm 121 THOMAS POTTER. -LirTILE REV. CRA IRAN KENNEDY, TIRE Youthful Preacher of I , tow York. will preach at the Baptist Church, corner Broad and Brown, this (Wednesday) evening at 71i." o'clock. ITTLECTURE ON WEDNESDAY AND AA i'USDAY Evenings, of this week, by Jr. N. CALKINS. on Diseases of the Lungs, before the Mechanics' Library Association, COAIES above Fie • venth. The public are invited. feLet. og-." INSURANCE COMPANY ON TIIE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. JANUAIIT 45th. 38110. The annual matins or the Stockholders will he hold at the company's Office, Nn. 4 EXCHANGE BUILD INGS. on M ON DAY February}. 6.1 M, at I o'clock P. M. Ja26-dtfe6WILLIAM HARFEB, Secretary. REV. IR. olt AT TA IV CI 11 I IN N ESI will preach_ on MONDAY, WEIR( El:81)4Y, mai Mfi WAY INENIGES of this week', at ZS; o'clock. in fey. Dr.' VT) tic's, Choreal,BßOAD ptreet. nprpoe, swerving tho other evenings for meeting ingalr.es in loctwe roam 01 I.ho church. (ccOFFICE OF THE FULTON COAL COM PANY (Late Northumberland Improvement Company.) PHILADELPHIA. First month, ann. 2 0 WO. An Annual meeting of the t3toeitholdere wilt ho hold on the oth proximo, et No. go South Third street, at 12 o'clock M.,. for the purpose of electing five Direntore to Nerve for the ensiling year. ja.26-lvfnition CHAS. EL 1 OL WELL, Peeretary. orOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA tutimec t ,tv com£ANY. PITILADITLNII4, January 18O), NOTICE TO BTOOKIEILDEICI.—The Annuat Meet ing. of tlie,lltpcklio dors of this Company will be held on IdeND , the 6th day of I Imo, at 14 a 0 1 00 a A. at the aPteio M-BTREET HALI, The Annual Election for Directors wall be held oo MONDAY, the ath day of Marsh. 1860, at the Othoe of the Crimean). 211 bout!) Tills D Street. jal6-tF6 El/mUND SMITH, Secretary. OFFICE PIIILAPEI.I.HIA AND READIND RAILROAD CiihIPANY. t flee Annual Meeting of the Rtookholdere of the Philadelphia arid Reading Railroad Company, held Jane ayatedWears 8. lagu. the following : gentlemen were unanimously e for IWO px PRIDENT. A. WIIIT.N AY. P I'I "I' PRLE. J. 1)U1TO A J. DVIIV6I.77,tEELE. i3 B p O i ß i l ce P ilt :. ll4 E . BTER. 11.0.1)T. 0115n.5. E, SMITH. B. T ferrAli D. .c ET A 'ay, , WAI, H. MRoILHEPINEY. B I T order, ka" AllO - H. MoiLHENNY, Eitarot4TY THE PRESS.• - •:••PHILADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1860. Tin , :o. 11. PETERS & CO AT RICDIICID PRICH. ISO CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILADELPHIA. V.VANS k WATRON MARRIED. MOFF INSURA N CEE RELIANCE EALCOMPANY OF PIMA- January 11th, WO. The annual mooting of the stockholders thi. com pany will be_ held at their Alm, No. 308 'WALNUT Street. on MONDAY, the 6th day of FEBRUARY next at 12 o'clock M. And an election for Twenty Directors. to carve for the ensuing year, will ho held on came day at the same place, between 12 o'clock ht., and 2 o'clock P. hf. B. M. jalil•inwftfeo SecretarY. 1r: ARCII•S'TREET THEATRE—NOTICE. —The nnnuni meeting of the Stockholder" of the -street 'Theatre will he hold on MONDAY, Fah. runry nth, at 9.:k11'. M.. at the hall of the PIIOIIIIII Hove House, 'LANE Skeet. above Eleventh, north aide. at which tone an election for five Agents. to serve for the eneinnit year, will take place. Polio open until o'clock. A dividend (4637 per chore line boon declared, mm -140 then, Ja:it tt. R. d. CHRISTI_ 4 N, Secretart rrrSEVENTH ST. GEORGE HUILIVIING AND LOAN SOCIETY.—The klpoon&fetated Mooting will ho hold on WEDNERDAI EVENING, Feb. I, nt 7) o'clock, at Mr. Ward's Hotel, CIIhRIUI Pima, above Third, to reoeire the duegfprpl loan the money, nt which te an opportunity will bettforded to persons to subscri ADA M o. Shama Ge per month. H. DIETRICH, President. JOHN VOLKMAH. secretary. la3l kt` ZCARBON RUN IMPROVEMENT COM. PANY. PHILADELPHIA 18. oe is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Stookholders of the Caronn Dually provemant Com pany. will be held nt their Office, P. B. oornerof FRONT and CRIESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia on MONDAY, the oth of February next. at 4 o'clock P. M., whoa an Nleotion will be held forgive pi rectors to SerVe for the *mewing year. D. TILDBN, n2A-tfo Preeident. OFFICE OF TIIE NIIAMOKIN VAL -1...EY AND POTTIWILLE RAILROAD CO.. MI NVe.lout street. PlTlLitiMpirts, Jan. 10, Coupons due February I, 1860, on. 10 mortgate bonds of Phdadelphia and Sunbury Railroad Company, will be paid on and after that date, at the Back of Commerce, Philadelphia. JAS. tl. BIDDER, Ja27 30A. Fl .161 President. tWNEW YORK AND MIDDLE COAL FIELD RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY. eettnit of the Stockholders of tine Company will be hold at the office of the Company, No. Mt H. Fourth street. on MONDAY, the Bth day of February next, at 11 o'clock, A. M.. for the purpose of electing Five Dimoters of said Company for the etymons year. HENRY ROBINSON. Secretary. Philadelphia, January 2lst, 1860. ys26 dtfed Ty. OFFIVJE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANN All STEAM NAVIGATION C(DIPANY, N 0.300 North Wharves. PHIL aDELPIIIA, .Tan 23,1860. Tho Annual Meeting ally. Stockholders of thu Com pany for the Election of Five :Managers and for the transaction of other business. will be held at No. SO PHILADELI'II IA 'EXCHANGE, (third floor,/ on TUESDAY EVENIND, the 7th of February next, at half poet seven o'clock. WM. DENNIS, 11,2,1-12 t Secretary and i remora. OFFICE OF THE UNION uANAL COM PAh Y, PHILADHLVIIIA, Jon. 16. 1840. to annual minims of the stockholders of the nion Canal Company of Fennsvlventa will be he!d at the of fice of the oomeany, No. ZIN Walnut street, on Tuesday, February 7th non .at 11 o'clock A. N. at which time an electron for officers and manasers will take place. jell-mwfto 0. THOMPSON. Fooretary. IrrPERFECT DIGESTION. STRONG nerves, sound lunge. refreshing sleep, and func tional regularity restored, without medicine. inconve nience. or expense to the wog disordered or enfeebled aonetitution, by DU BA 'CRY'S DELICIOUS HEALTH RESTORING REVA LE sTA ARABICA FOOD, which at a few cents per meal. saves fifty limes Its cost in medicine, and removes indigestion (dyspepsia). habi tual eensupation, flatulency, nervousness, biliousness. fevers, catarrhs, outdo. noises in the ears rheumatism, gout, o inifunties. eruptioxityhystelia,rnloalr,ia,ritrbruin heraziorree,"deagffyg:' diabetes. i tl 4 4pon i de l n . ey. ei Cramps; spasms, nausea and sickness, sinking. fits, cough. asthma, bronehitis, consumption, also chrldien's com plaints, Fifty' years' indesoribable agony from DYSPEPSIA, nervousness, sickness at the etomaoh . and vomiting have been removed by Du Harry's excellent Food. Testimonials from Dr. Bright, Dr. Uro. 1)r. Harvey, Dr. Sharland, Dr. Campbell. and many thousand other respectable parties who can bo referred to. Packed with to I Instructions in canisters, 81.60 to 812. The latter carriage free on receipt of cash. Sold at the Revalenta A rahica Food Depot. 343 SOUTH THIRD street, by 11. MUNRO, Frincir al Agent for the United States. W. Perm, Jr.. Chestnut and Twelfth streets. D. L. Steakhouse . Eighth and Garen streets. J. Harkinson and E H. Clarke, Main street, German town- and through all 0 rood re and Chemists. jall-tm-fmws NOTICE.—TtiE ANNUAL MEETIN(4 of the Stivkliniders of the Ocean Steam Navi gution Company for the Election of Five Dlrootore and the tranasetinn or other huainexa, will be held at No. 300 North I) ki.f.AWASE Avenue, on TUESDAY, the 7th of February next, at 12 o'clock noon. Wal. DENNIS, Seeretary and Treasurer. „ fr . /111! ) ( i l , i NZA F i i+1 11 1llt a i n t . 0 , 1;11 1 1A 11 1 ” T C . OM- Notice is hereto' Risen that the ansurd niceties of the Bieekluildors of the Big Mountain Improvement Com pany will he held at their office, Southeast o'srter of Front nnil Chestnut streets, Philsdelphis, on MONuAY, the 6th of Februliry nest, et o'clook, AL, when h e Elsotien will be hold for tire Directors, to eert•o for the ensuing your. Ja2s-tfe6 WILLIAM P. JENKS, President. NEW runLicATxoNs. ANOTHER NI4;W STORY ANOTHER NEW STORY NEW B'rORX A.O FUER, NEW BTORT ANOTHER NEW 8 ORS ANOTHER N. W 8' OH' ANOTHER NEW STORI ANOTHER NEW STORY ANOTHER NEW ti I'ORY ANO'CIIER NEW STORY FR ANCIS " S. SMITH. FRAN( .8 8. elBllll, FRANCIS R. 8111 I'll. YRANets S. SNIP -l it, FRANCIS 8. NMI — B. t ' 'RANCH S. 8M1',.11. 'RANCIS R. Bfsl P, 11. RANCid S. 8:41r 11. HANOI , * 8, 8 %Wit. FRANCIS S. 81111'11, 18 Tile IN TIIII 11 71111 IN THR IN Tllll IN TOR IN 11111 IN THE IN 11111 % I,lt IN Tuak , . NEW ori. VELMA , NEW 1 ORK W PIEKL. NEW YORK WEEKL Y. NEW YORE WEEKLY. NEW YORK WEEKLY, NEW Yes It K lA' ti, EK GY, NEW YORK WEEKLY, NEW Yt.ltrt WEEKLY, NEW YORK WEEKLY, NE,W YORK WEEKLY, The Bost Story and sketch taper Published, 1 " 'he Bost Story and Sketch Paper Published. 'he Rest ?Rory - and Sketch Paper Published, ' he Best Btory end notch Paper Published, he Best !tory and Sketch raper Published, Tae Best Story and Sketch raper Published, The Beet Rears and :Acetate raver v.hii.t.t, the Beet Store and Sketch Paper Published, The Hen henry and Sketch raper PubleshOd. The Rest bury and Sketch Paper Published, ENTITLED ENTITLED ENTITLED ENTITLED ENTITLED E, TIT EN fITLED ENTITLED UNTITLED ENTITLED LILIAN, TDB WANDERER; LILIAN, THE WA N D i•RER ; LILIAN, THE WANDERER LILIAN, THE WANDERER LILIAN, FIE WANDERER LILIAN, Ile. WANDERER LILIAN, Tllll WANDERER tLIAN, tl. WANDERER ; . LIAN, THE WANDERER; Or, THE OR. TIIK on, TOR on, TOO on, RR OH, TOP. on. TILE OR, Tllll ult• 1111: oß.inn PERILH HEAUJY. W.:III - LS (IF ofIIEAUrY. vEn.ilLs OF 1.1..AvT1. OF BEAUTY ~FL. lIKAny VERA 1.,1 OF BEA UT y BEAUTY ptit.l.B OF BEA ETy PERILS (),.• BEAUTY ho Oonlineilped `5 ill I Uoruninnoeil Will lie GRIIIIIIMICRti AVillComilienced Will he Commenced Will he Commenced Wli 11, 0011411011RCOI Will lie Comminooi Will iw Coninienurd Will he Cominoticed TI M IS TIM IN TOP. IS Tllll IS TOM IN Toll IS TOR IY THEI IN THE 151110 NEW YOR K WEEKLY. NWW YORK WEEKLY. NEW YORK WEKKI.Y, EW YORK WEEKLY. Nr iK Y YORK W )ELY. N •IW YORK WE Ly, N .1V YORK Ws :)SLY. NEW YORK WEEKLY, NEW Yt.RK WEEK!, y. NEW YORK .'EEKLY. NOW READY, Now NOW ICI , Ally, N•AY HF AGY. ADS', NOW llh No , NOW R} ADY, NON RLADY, NOW RI . ADY, AND run .I,r By Evßity AND FOR HALF BF EY AND FOR BALM 131' Ml.' KY AND MOLL By' EVERY AND Volt HALF By s,vsity AND Full NAIL Hy EVERY AND pot( NA!,! HY EVERY AND FOR HALF BY EVERY AND FUR KALI. ST EVERY' AND FOR. SAI.I, By EVERY NEWS AGENT TlillopollounPllE Ns,Ws AGEN't"I'HROUGHOUVIRE NEWS ALIEN THROUGIIOuT THE NEWS AGENT THROUGHOUT E NEW,I AM.:N . I"I'N lIOIIOIIOUT THE NEWS AGEN . I"P nov4:flu 1/I"PH Ns:Ws An h T HROUGNOU CITE NEV.'S AGENT TiiRoUGIIOIPc H NEWS AGENT TIIROUGHOUT THE NEWS AGENT THROUGHOUT THE NEWS AGENT THROUGHOUT THE 11N (TIM SI'AT.S AND UNITED STATES AND UNITED STA'N'K • AND UNITED STATES AND UNICED S'L'ATES AND my.TE., STATES AND UNITLD STATES AND UNITED STATES AND UNITED S ATER AND UNITED STATES AI)N CANADA. CANADA. ES.I,IIA . 1: qANADA. (,A. ADA, CANADA. CANADA, CANADA. CANADA, PRICK, FOUR CENTS DER SINGLE con' pRICE, POUR, CENTS PER SINGLE COPY pRicE, Font C.NTS PER Mobs: COPY PRICE, Poll 4 cEN TA PER SINGLE copy PRICE. Follt CNN VS PER SINGLE COPY (TICE, FOUR TENTS PER SINGLE COPY 'Tics:. FOUR CENTS pER SINGLE CO PRICE, Fouß 0 , MS PER SINGLE COPY PRICE. FF CENTS PER s Noi,P. COPY oucE, FOUR cENTs PER eiNGLE FISIEER & BROTHER'S VALENTINE-5 VALENTIN - Kg:We call ll,n attention of Deplm, in town and country. Pt our splendid VUOIt wipoi, fore anety. beauty, and quantity cannot be trsostled in the world. 85, S/10, $4.06, and S'aIVAI.I.N FINE ASSORTMENTS pot up and randy for the trade, and mold wt very liberal terms. We warrant each lot Will el; e sistisinetion. At. BROTHER. 10 Routh 81.1:"I'H Street. lIPIEIMER'S PHOTOGRAPHIC) GALLE. RY. SECOND Street, above GREEN. has cope. nor facilities for making all style and limo Itotographe and AsubrotYnea. IV FIR. SCHENCK CAN BE FOUND AT his office, No. as North SIXTH Street, on Fri day and Saturday of each week. Mondays and Toes da)a are set apart for visiting patients in and out of the City. a Wednesday and Thwada,y of each week he it at hi e t itioe, No 103 BA LTIMOS.F, Street, B It . r , hid: l llM terms' for a thorough examination ' l l ri l l ' l n t o tl e re Respirometer, at hie office or any part of the oily, are e 3; regular 'imitations alterw rils,a) cents a visit. All advice at hie office free of °hare° ; and, in all meal avbere persons do not feel ald.3 to pay for having their lungs examined, they will be eared for. arid have the sitme attention an the more favored. NEW PUBLICATIONS. T HE GREATEST STORY AND SEETCIII PAPER PUBLISHED! NEW a ORK WEEKLY. FOR VKIIRUAIIV l(iu, WHIM NILL BE READY FEBRUARY 2v, WIEI CONTAIN THE FIRST PORTION OF AN EXCITING} STORY, ILIAN, TIIE W . ANDER I: II TILE PEBILH OF BEAUTY' BY FRANCI3 B.BMITII, AUTRROR OP "[TILLERY WILRON," "THE VINT-NIAKER'IL ARPLIENTICR," "IRE ADAND.EVED " mauoix, VIII CHILD OW CHARITY," "REEF!, [AIX, " FLO , AEU% &O. The objeot of OILs story is to show up, in their true colors, those human vampyres who prey upon the ne cessitous end ignorant emigrants, of both sexes, who land upon our shores. The heroine Is a noble-eroded and pure, but unfortunate orphan gtrl,ss ho Is forced by oiroutnstanees to leave her home in Europe and come to this country. Upon arming here she falls into the clutches of the soulless ruffians alluded to, and her i.uf , fern,. nod narrow escape. from a fete worse t 1 . 3" death are graphically sketched by the author. In the course of the a'ory the reader in introduced both into the miserable hot 01 of pot crt) end into the mansion of luxury and wealth, and a cleat Matglit is bad Into all classes of society. Those who have rood FR MIN F. 8111T10.4 previous works need not be informed that 1.0 stands without is noel on this side of the Atlantic, as a writer of that class or fiction in which the brightest as well as the darkest phases of human character are exhibited. To those who hove not been fottunata enough to secure bar previous productions we would say, read " VIE WANDERER," without foil. fora perusal there of will amply repay you. Besides the Wanderer," the NEW YORK WEEKLY is publishing Mrs. ilohnes' Groat Story, "Marian (troy," and Harry Hazel's exquicto Ro mance," The }Vest Point Cadet," besides it large num ber or first-class Saltullos and rooms by the beat wri ters living, 'Varied Depaitnients, Editorials, , 1 / 4 e., f 0., making altogether _lorry columns a) drll4l,tiol origtsal readier matter, and the erica is only FOUR CENTd PER copy Fur sets by over) ALMS AJENT throughout the United States. itWit LONDON MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND DENTAL PRIUODICA LH FOR 18611. TRH BRITISH AND VOREIGN MEDICO CHI RURUICAI. ILE' ILIV. for January, ledd. Publielird uunrterly. Tenor, $.15 per I, IIIIUIII. Tut: coital JOURNAL OF MICROSCO PICAL tiCi r NCR. for Jantutry, isod. publlnhed quer terlV• 'Venni". E. 5 tier Nlllllllll. THE DEN i'n I, REVIEW, for December,l3.s9. No. Publishou nioqtl3.y. lernt4. Ito per annum. AnENlt3 for the United f_ 4 4.1t0. LINDSAY & RLANISTON feI-tf No. 4S. SIXTH dt., above Chestnut. gq• AN KING '8 IIALF-YEARLY STRACT OP THE MEDICAL SCIENCE, 1%4'. NI, HEADY THIS DAY: THS , -Yklaitl, , / ADS re CV OP THE MED ICAL. fiCtENCEs; being a °recto:al and Analytical Digest of the Content. of the Prinotp J erdian, Amon can, and Continental Medical Works, published during the preceding six months; together with a eer es of Critical Heporie on the Progress of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. k:dited ny WAY. RANKING. M. 8.. and C. B. HAD , LIFFIC. M. B. 0. 30. from July, 1839. to January, 1880, inclusive. TERMS e 2 per annum, and sent postage tree when pad for in advance. ALSO Volume Is of TIIN SAME WORK, containing Nos. lid and 30, hound, to watch the lormer Moines. LINDSAY . 4 s. 111 , AKISTON. Publishers, fel•tf Nu 2.3 S. HINTH St., above Chestnut. NEIV MUSIC AT MARSII'S MUSIC ill bTOHE, 1102 CHESTNUT STREET. A Dream of Hope, ( lin' aril .. . . . 2!, cont.'. Darling Lonalie, and Wanderer's Xlusinga 25 'Tie Sad tonny .I.nrowell .. .. ..... .25 I know, Alas. The Bitter fueling .., .... 26 " For the toother'a Sake (the only correct edition 1.21 " Thy Smile is like the Nunl-egie .... . .. ~...... 26 I. ThouglitA rreand Bonny Jena 25 • ' -car 'rho In or Foremen to ' Theo . 25 " Gen, Hems nil March. and Clara elazurk a ..nn " American Ladles' Mazurka YAW Waltz. and X. Y. Z. Polka ~...... .. to •• Orders by mail will lie filled and emO-eald• Icl-11 G REAT MISSIONARY BOOK. SHELDON & COMPANY Publish on Wednesday, Feb:miry let THE GOSPEL, IN BURMAH. Py Mrs. 11Indent] Wylie. I vol. l2rno. Price SI. Aotiotin from the English Preen. "The work te written in a clear and Erupt.) style. abounding with happy Scripture mottoes and pertinent Quotations', while te awry Itsell Pontessee an interest so deep and so humiliating An to enrhnin the reader's •t. Hatton till its close."—Nonemilortnist. "Mrs. Wylie bce Occomidoilted her work with molt distinctness and Itterory ale lily. 7ho order of the oar fatly e in odoitrohly insintoined, smite the iro atones selected urn char/erten:win oh geoerol lecture.. sn (lint the hietioneal plan is nee or lost sight of In deteds. We eordiollb oointuend the hook to the perusal of our rend ets."— ews of the Churches. " A tnore agreeable hook on it missionary subject It his rarely been our lot to ineet—niore full 01 attraetive information on its theme, more betl9ollll 111 1.11 tone and substance. and more unall mealy graceful in its style."—Valeutta Christ nn lutelii cover. Mrs. Wylie lint performed te twilit nneeptable see vioe ; sincerely do we thank her hir her trouble."— Freeman. " A charming volume, which we Would toeomineni to all who are interested in this eingulyr people."— Pone end its Macon,. For Salo by all Booksellers. fel.2talt RY A TIIEETII THOUSAND.--THIS DAY IGII MARVtoubbstied the Eighth Thousand of TILE YOFNO ON ERIS ON TUE FLORIDA. COAX D. By V. ft, Uouldins. With twelve illustrations. Itliuo. '‘'s rant., So owl has been th.xsale of this hook, that the first edition was exhausted In less than ten dal a alter 1.6 - CAt 10111• it is is story of nb eiirbinsinterest. PrOmeiltllK, on variouseuld•cts, much useful and nacres:try informa tion. An rifle who has read it will not wonder at its almost unprecedented popularity, We ►toW 0f no work of tire class that we can ortnmend m wuroier terms to our young friends The illustrations add .o the Intent/a of this edition. Published by fat WILLIAbI $. SKr . 4LFir.D MAIFRTSENe t. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAV Ja- formed a Copartnership undur the firm of WORK, OLEND I N PIING Sr CO., ror the trenwuttion of a 1 b Pltelitteltot and Colleatien Hamm,. at So. 44 t...0i ooh Tlf111.1) latreet. tiFiontiC F. WON K, H. it LEN UtN uING , jo,, X. C. ISICLEUD. Philadelphia, Feb.1,1%0. fel.3t • DISSOLUTION OF COpARTNERSGIP. —The Copartnership heretofore exiatlus between 411.:(1R 1: T. Ue UN and JOHN O. HOCKI I'd, under the fain of 0E0120e: T. OAUN k CU., tote been dim d by the death of John 0. lionkiits. 'the buaineas at the tete Sant will he asuled by the subl.enhOr. who will continua at the old stand Horn t h is date. GholtoK T. 'Oa U.N. Tailor, No. 80.1 North SECOND Street. January Slat, We). fel SO T II E PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existinit under the firm of PRICE. FERRIS .1 CO., expire* by limitation an December diet. Dag, The Mimeo will be continued under the inure lit) le i by the undermigned i from that date. JOSEPH M. P. PRICE, HIODAHD PRICE, dn., EDWAS U FEHR HI, JAMES H. COWIRAN. Palledelphitt. Feb. 1. I%d. It n 1.1 I'ARTNERSIIIP HERETOFORE existing under the firm or HAYES, 0 0 0811 ALL, 0%; is this day (11,801%0.1 by mutual consent, ROL LIN N. RATHBUN retools from the firin. The tinni ness will be oontintied by the remaining Partners under the same firm ita heretofore. s HAY SHALL, & O. CHARLES P. 11 lIENRV N. GOBeillAl. l . KOLA. N N. HA'1.11BI:N. Philadelphia, Jan.31,1& 1 0. It THEODORE AUNER withdraw,: from our Goo this (*.SY. POLLOCK, BACON, & CO. Philadelphia. January 31,1030. fel-30 DISSOLUTION...The copartnership hero tarot° existing' betwgim the gubseribers, under the firm name of BROWN En RlNliElt, to thug dny disiolved by mutunl °gegen!. '1 ho bemoan wi it be set tled by either of the undersigned, 1,01113 }MOWN. Phila., Feb.l. MO. P. N. POPARTNERSIIIP.--The undersigned V have We day formed n. enpartnoralan. under the name and ati le of BROWN & EWALD, and attll eon- Unite the ulvdertle Grocer) bee nose. at the old stand, N. S. Corner'( httit and Vine attoota LOINS BROWN. fol-61" CHAS. J. t: \VALI). _ S port nentivp heretofore existme bete eon the ontler- Nletted t an the late firm of LEN'VZ & 81111(K. to five day dieselved by mutual consent; end debts duo and °arm, hit end to them rlll tie settled I.Y JUIIN LENTZ, who alone is nuthorizt it to settle the same. JOH N ii. I.EN'fZ, Jan. 30, 18,10. 31. F. 8111111 K. THE UNDERSIGNED will continue the wiioimio Wine and Liquor holiness, tit the old stand, No. 230 North THIRD weal. Foils.. Jan. 30. 1860. Ifni 61' I JOHN S. lit NTZ. C _ OPARTNERSIIIP.-JULIUS 81U11EL and NATHAN WEYI.• haro H. 1 1 ,1 v, formed a eopartnerehi p. under the firm of Aloft h. WF.VI, for the traneection of a lilhrilnytte end re(nil linemen,' in Millinery and Fanny goods, Flinbrothrimi. and Laces, at 107 North E1.1.4111'1l Ntreet, above a ll CU Philadelplttn, Jan. 15th, 9t RUSHTON'S COD 1,11'1 , R OIL, von CONSIIMPTIoN. A I ACE—For sale by WMIIEIIII,I, intown, 1431 Non. 47 end 49 North 1 , 1 , 111)N I t4troAt. TIN FOlL—Light and heavy English and French, for eels by k BROTH KR, Ja3l Nom. 47 and 4.4 North ti MON ft Ntraet , -- TVLEON, 411 CIIIISTNUT STREET, ftboye Fourth. North aide, Wm the very best and Chewing Tobacco it 1'11,1,4002m JAUTION.—I hereby caution any per6on '•• or persons front IlOgofintine or Cocci ving a into drawn lit ino to the order of Iona) a. ttiehnoll, and inn turog February .1, ISA an I hare never recoited value for the gime, and it la DO intention rn allow it to be protnated, and to onotnat its collection., NUlllber of maid nolo be= ttt, amount 8=25. fIFSP.P. NA 31 South TIIIND St ant, Phila. 1021 3t• BIT TTE R, 1)ItIED APPLES. AND PEACHES.—'L4O tube and kegs n 1 fine Dna) Hut ter; 110 koge cooking do t• 60 1 bn" new vned ADO , " and Foment., in More nn for enle hr ill/, & PAUL, 141.30 Nn. 14 .Noicrit wirAitvrs. GEORUE B. NLOAT ec, CM'S SPINNING MACINNER. Is3L6t• N 0.1026 CII ESTNI'T Street eiIICKERINO & SONS, MANU IT:Mt pAc R ERS or ()rend and Flew' and Up right PIANO FORTES. Waterooitir,6oT CHESTNUT Street. Pianos to let. taken in except e, tuned, and repaired. Also, in connection, a fell stook n( Popular Music, Musio Hooks, etc. jn3l.3rnif LOST—A CERTII lOATE of two shores of stook (No. 330) on the Consolidation flank, Philadelphia. WILLIAM LOWREY. Oolumbio, Doc, % 1059, d29-theft" 677 260 RETAIL MIT GOODS 1860. 1860. DIOUBNING GOODS. BESSON &I SON. MOURN! NO STORE, Ni. SOKS CHESTNUT STREET, Aro thtly opening their • SPR ISO IMPORTATIONS, wills!i oiler for sale at reasonable prices, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. fel 3t INSURANCE COMPANIES. RICHARD S. SMITH. Agt N. E. COILWAI.NUT AND THIRD STICH:Tr REITIIN OF TILE LIVERPOOI, AND LONDON FIIIE .IIND LIFE INS IT R.l Iv cE COMPANY, JANUARY 2,1E160. IN CONFORMITY WITH Tim LAW OP PENNSYLVANIA POSITION OF THE COMPANY AUTHORIZED CAPITA!. Paid-up capktnl,9l,3sl. eharos. Paid-up enpital and inirplus funds RESOUECE.3 IN THE UNITED STATES /METH. &o. Casts In hands of Director. sn New York *IS 0 1 , 3 Je Cash in hands of agents and in course of transmission City Ploolts—Buffelo.. Rochester ..... . Troy City of Now York 6 yet cont. Witter Stocks. ... 175,100 DO Amount of Loans on bonds or 171011011011 on rant estate, in the United Slaw, conntitut• fag first liens on the same, on which there in lei/than one year's interest due INCOME IN THE UNITED ATATEL Amount of cash premium" raeen•ed $61V,162 Amount of interest money mewed froin in vestments in the United States. Amount of premiums earned EXPENDITURES ANp Amount of lories during the )ear which have heart paid ..... . 8234,763 00 Amount of looses widen are in suit and con tested MX7 00 Amount of lomme which have not been Nettie.' KEW PO Amon, t limit for reirmirance PreMlnine 11,019 Amount of rotors premiums . ..... 00.009 67 Amnolit of expenses paid duns; the) ear. int elddine eeminienione and fees to the a;entt and officer, of the company..• • • • Amount of taxes paid Ity the tionipant Dividend paid during the gear gu per cent STATE OF NEW YORK City and Counts of New York se: Before me. Daniel Rome, a commissioner resident In the coq of Now York, duly cninin.sioned and quali fied by the Executive authority. end under tho taws of the Siam of Pormarlynnla. to tag° the mein of deeds. he., to be used • r recorded therein. per sonally ntnicared ALFR ED I'ELL. to me personally known an the Resident Secret try of the loveepool and London Fire and Life Insurance Company, or the city of New York. and the said Allred Pell being by module sworn delmseth and earth that the toregoing statements of the said company are true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief, and that the securities refer red to are field in this country, rind that the bonds sad mortr,R4esare 011 real estate in this country. and held by ilia Trustors in New York, of the Liseipoul nod London File and Life Insurance Company. ALFRED PELL. Resident Secretary. Sworn and subscribed to before me. this ninth day of Jaime , X. A. 13. 1066. DAMSEL SE :SAP, I Seal.] Com. for Penna. in New York. HER BRITANNIC MAdES O TYS' CONSULATE.' NEW YORK 1860.1 1, Edward MortimerArohilaild.Eaq..lier Ma jesty's Comm], do hereby certify that the bonds and mite's'es referred to in the within Statement, amount ing to the sure of 8e933fel have been exhibited to me and examined by me; that the soil worteares are ...- cured on real estate to the United Stater!, being guff, cient seeing} in tpy opinion for the amounts loaned, and stn field in the name of 'croatees in New York. lit the Li‘erpoot and London Eno and Life Insurance Company. In testimony whereof I do hereunto let my hand and Meal of (doe nt the nit) of New York, this 141 h day of In the year of nor E. B. ARCHIBALD. H. B. At. Consul. New Yooc DIRFWTOII4. JAMES DROWN. Eel . Chairman. FRANCIS COTTEisL.T. DENISE off INNIi.I.I, Erg. EDWARD F. SANDERSON, JOS El'lt UA 11,1 in RD. Jr., Es, ECirENE Esq, I:. al. A HCIIIBAI.1). Esq.. B. H. AI. C. ALEN aNDPH lIAMIL EON, Jr., Eag. ALEXANDER H 01111. TON, J' Voartel lof ha Board. PHENIX BANK, CAMXIANN et CO.. Jai) Olin et Banker,. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, leer MKT Min ledu The following etstement of th. of this Com pane, on the 3lst of December, huhltsbnd In nun ettenee of the chatter, viz I'n Capital t4took, pnl.l in . . . .9)&3,100 00 Cortthelo e of Prolits, con ramble into Btoei Contincont nr,ount for pro Unis .1 1 . 110 It 154.11, out otantlin; Dot, 11. 156.1 $ I JM 89 Do. do* rocet‘cd .. 41 719 11 interest nceonnt, 1161, Te netted in MN .. ...... . . 116,66873. Policies, tranilOrs, Anil other Profit. and Loam, Deceml.er 61st, 1,38 • . '823 84 68,115 4' By Dividend Account, paid for the year 1855 ....... . 819.927 DO Profit and hoes for amount 8,707 11 Return Pretmumo, Comm.- ..one. he . 1,967 f, Losses by Fire in 1350 4 901 35 A zpen4oe. including agencies nod 'lazes 9.701 81 41.131 82 Remaining withthe Ummpany• 6113771 32 Which a invested as follows. vix..• In First Mont it.4cs on City Property, worth double the am0unt....... . 8175,0110 ft) firound rent, first ohm Citi o f Philadelphia 6 per cant. Lean 21,973 76 oa Pennsylvania 'Railrd . Coinpan'e 6 per neat. 2,1 Abuts, an Loan 27,910 fo Allegheny County 6 per cant. Loan 10 trAl IA) Collateral Loans, welt secured. 2,W0 1..0 Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Ralltoad Company, htortsete Loan .... 4.0.10 00 The Reliance M. las. Company Stook ... 21.150 tt) The County Fire do do ...• 3,060 The Delaware 61. 8. do do .... 7010) Pennsylvania Railroad do do .... 4,1410 00 Commercial Bunk Stock ..... 6 .30 01 plea/tim Bank block . 2 812 110 M. Ine. Company Scrip .. 301/ 11111. Reoeivuble 16.9.13 6) Book Accounts, Accrued Internal, /t 0.... 5 216 92 Cash on hand 10,912 34/ The Directors have this day declared a Divaleind of SIX PER CEN r. on the Capital hook of the Company, and on the Certificatea of Profits outstanding. for tne tear ending December 31, 1559, without deduction for State Tex pitiable in cash, on anti after the 15 h net. Also, a Dividend of Fl F I'It.EN PER CENT., payable pro rate on the Capital Stock and Premiums earned, out of the profits of the Company, for the 'ear ending De cember list, 1059, for which Certificates of Prohts, hear ing interest, will be delivered to the ht.:Wit:6lns, and to the insured entitled to receive the same, under the prov certificatee uharter, reseed fi r alter the Walt hint. Nowill be issued for any lOU Sulu than ten dollars, nor for any fractional part el one dollar Suns leas than ten dollars, and not loss than one dollar, are credited to the mitered on the books of the I:timpani, and if. within ant p011(41 of ten seam the said credit amount to ten dollen, cettnicates thereat', will be leaned. Certitiontes arDrollt are habto, equally withtha Capi tal Monk, for the loran. and ensnsemento or the tofil pato., rind utay he converted Into Capital Stock at Isar tnne, at the optioa of the holder. • . Mein Tingley. DIRECTORS Bntnutil William H. Thotnpson, Robert hteon, Frederick Brown, Wiillain Musser, C•irtioilus Ntes enson, Benj. W. Tte,hley, John II Worrell. Jim - shall Dull, 11. 1.. Carson. 7.. Lothrop, Hobert Toliind. cicvle• Leland. Fredenck t.annuf, Jhath kluntiair, Charles 8. Wood, 81111th Bowen . Jame. 8. WOMIWAttI, John Bissell. l'ittsliorg TINGLE'. Pr•siih nt. B. M. "'INCH:BAN, Senretitry. Jal3dmhw IL OFFICE OF THE QUAKER CITY 3N sintANov: CO.. No. gs WALNUT NTRET.T. FOURTH ANNUAL eiTA 'FE M ENT oF THIS injUINESS AND CONDITION OF THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY. As Presented to its Stockholders Jan. 3. Capital Stock Baal pf d tiriilue..latintur I. ISID. ... 141.151 Premiums received in 18.3 D: Fire .....».........3115 5^ "4..1) Marine Inland Ntivuntion ;" 314 . 067 . 13 Transportation . leereo renewed .......». Saksge and (01111.11111110.3. ---- LOSSES, EX PENSES. Ne. US) 04329 Losses paid in 1a59 ..„...... .... r.. 4191,411 &l Dt ettle nil, Commission!! to agents •1 exec., lineenes. offlee rent XI Si Nutting, 10,4'11E1111K & expenses. Salutes said in 1459 9.1i3 2.1 Reinsurance itn.l return pfollll. tuna , intio.2Nl 69 ASS Bonds and mortgagee on real 081010 Cirramd Tonle in Philndolehm. . ge shares Continental Bank, New 60 shares City Ban , lidadelphia 2,60.k0n MO do Corn Exchange Bank, Philadelphia ..... 2.6c0 DO shares Union Bank, Philada Lieu tki It Contolidived }lnn% dn... TW 15 do Farinern Meclianiee' Mink. Camden. N. J 9;U1.0 2070 of klailroml. Could. and otherstneka, all oa)ing 6 Per market 9410 . 87.6.•.0 10) Coupon lionom Minting 6 and I Perot 19.100 Neeidiab e tnilsrecetrable.... ULNA.% Coal, in hands of agents nail in transit . 21.9111'1 Carl, on hand and in bank._ 677 to - 48 7Q This Comment contotto, to make 1.111,11n11. +.0.11111t Loss on all kol Fire. Mitrino, mot Inland Risks, on the moat I . :win - Milo terms ()Friel:lls. Prescient—OFOß fi BART. V4eir President—E. I'. ROSA, tilestietary and Treasnror-11. R. C(4/0811.‘1,1.. Assistint Secretary—ill. H. RUTLEK. PIREcToRtt. (jdOTKA 11. hart, Foster S. Perkins, hl. Bons, N. R. Coe nhall, A C. Calton, F. W. lisils) Andrew R. CliAllibOri. Samuel Jones, M. 11. lion puller. It. 11. COIWSIIALL, Secretary. fiI.XCIIANOE INSURANCE COMPANY °thee. 114 Snell% 1'011111 . 14 Street prepiretort Nee, It to then' new otlice. NVAL Strnet. S.. W. 1t). V D, 1,42.5-w wit fienreter). TRE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. _ MILLIONS OF SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, tnvlealußlßst MoRTOI4III.I ny ARAL R6TAit t WORTH OVER $13,000,M). The premium" are TOWnit than In many other cornea nine, and the Dividend" here been ante,Tait. Thin ie a strictly Merest. Corn There ere no Btockhulders, po that ALL TFIE PROEM BOLONO TO TIM INSOILRO Pamphlets, and every information, may be bed GRATIS, on appileation to F. RATCHFORD dTARR, Agent, R. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPILIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins. John Welsh, Mordecai L Dawson,eorge If. Stuart, George M. Stroud, I t. S. Whole'', • . ohn II Myers, . Fisher Learning, . oomph Patterson, William C. Ludwig. ,ohn M. Atwood, Arthur .. Coffin, Thomas H. Power., George W. Toland, William McKee. Them, Wattion. altl-hif • DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. SILKS & WOOLLENS ! McILWAINE & BACON. No. 13 , 3 CHESTNUT STREET, Have, ear the latest arrivals, received a terse stook of BILKS and WOOLLIIN3, adaptea to the C'othiel and Johtons Trade, anions which are the rollovinl toti'ar makes of cloths C. NELLESBEN (S.,n of/. M. Ralf End, F. 1110LLEy & SON'S NAVIEST • OR A IhirRIAN •• SAXONY CLO f 11.4, all gradfa. • S-4 and C t DOESKINS, CyddIMERES, FAN CY do.. BILK MIXTURES and TRI COTS. SATIN DE CHINES. BLACK SILK RATII'.S I , COT CON BACK do BLACK MiL.K VELVETS. BLACK and FANCY SILK VF3TINGS, Ac., Le. An of Which ire offored for sate on favorable tzrrnl. fal srflt Win B. C.A.IIII ) .BELL & CO., INPORTIIOI AND WHOLESALE DIALLERS IN DRY GOODS. WHITE OOODS, OLOTLI3, CA99I3IEREd, 610,0 0 COD 91J ,51n 8 7,0 11) FIFTY DOLLARS WILL DE GIVEN TO remponsible pnrtv. who will ant the advetto.hr la thorh.lo. itotlk-keeper an.l Chrreppontlent ft goal tllloaUi%t. to a Nthr,noffie Hnu.. la • sitthlor el- A Arena • r.," office of tan paper. olnan testimon/lic //' I'V A N TED.—A young man from tha would n r oouno Y m v me a l h f gennr tl lf t u :o4 ,in: a e n. co o e re w we r e re ha ronns•ndr..l. 1111 try not an rn•not an nbjnrt as gwrtos nom otustlon• ACcltass • D. R.,'. nitre thu Dater. lel st• RETUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG •—• man as en Rallis:Ant book-keeper, or dark; would work in a store. learn the wholesale Dry Go. da or Notlon Bum nets. and make tumuli generally usetyl Addreea. ALMA. Press th ee. gt• - - ST. LOUIS TEN PER CENT. INVEST MENTS. .313 COO and e 25 OW wanted tor five earl. by r spnnt: • e Dames on mortrave of Inhumes., progenies, very centrally situated, worth double the amount. Interest notes payable semi-annually In Philadelphia, and punctuahly suarantied. Andy' to F. R. JONFS, lel Sr No . 12) South SEVENTH Street. $ 5OOO —WANTED---An active bei.i , In an e4t • in... man watt ttl'a amount, as Pnttne 1t.',114.1 Ilnuta. dot. asta ett trade vt,in.. 1 25 per cant. profit. Milieu •• Mercantile, th.a oaten 1131 .1t• WINTED-A SITUATION BOOK KEEFER, by an ex ornenced pe'r '• 1 1,, t reference given Anarese Box 1435, Pon Offire in 31 3 W AN'ril)—By a first-claci BOOK KEEPER. a situatlon ins Cnninnsalon Ilnusa Beat of references wen. Address F. A 1.," at TA. Pllllntlim JA24 4t° IVAN TED —By n Young 'Van who writes v a fair hind and is qui^k at 6;ures. situation aa Ass,stant Clerk in soma :Veroantilo House. Address Porter." oiler of thoi paper. 35'84t• a s AD, Will) HAS JUST it d Ir. J Melt &hoot. wants a it, q 'VI , tie Ti, .1, 0. hdre he 11,11 have an opprtu nity ••toa 4 knouludia of busmen'. Address "1011 •'•.:1 a lospatch. ira?-a y ARRANTS 'WANTED, .11 DREXEL, itl CO.. 311 SOUTH THIRD STREE r. Fir in FOR SALE AND TO LET FOR SALE—The Stock. Good-will. and FIX TURES of an estaA,:.hed Wholesale PRY GOOnti STONE—centrally altuved. The Cock ea. very Jud.cionely Nttlae,l at Aurtoln. and C.'s .Lout 'even theurand dollar.. The /owner deohnint gam fleas. None nocd apply except Ibran who can pay a r.apo,,t l ettlonnt in club, and ( lie aatialactor. for the br.lance. AdJraii " :Merchant." .e.to•tat a Lapatca 101 l 3t• A OANDSOME ROOM TO RENT—Se •z• rond u or, Nn. 9N MARKEr aural. App;. oc the, oren»sen. 11 O 3.. 131111.10 SALE OF A FARM. LATE THE w. of Abram Powell, dteolvel, con'too,oi About :4 EVENTY At: It EM. in L'et.ct Darter, Delaware county. husunluilr situated nn tie Itelsware eounty (old kkltlotoro, turnp.ke recd. e. free Mgraet street bruise. I II dsilelph, a. And withtt, a Cow r .,nirr or ten new Wert Corner Iry in.vd. nt Dar h.- roV tt‘t.on. The r inproveniente are eaten.' • and adtatantial. and a send variety of fruit run the stare, It writ t - e apuheation to A131.1A %I nr ItrEttiKßD POW E.I.L, residtnt thereon. The an',e.wfrich will tin pe.11.00. to omornenee at .1 o'elora P. M.. preco•ty on sf , h day. theninth 01 areword month. Februerry,)l+4, when the oonditlona will to, mace ton n. "n 2.1.100 By ORDEP. OF TUE 11E1E1. OGERMANTOWN PROPERTY —For .."alo or to Rent, a larte and r0rnm...1.41 , 0 Rol IF with all the Ine,lern improvement., of AR MAT Ytr•et and W11.1.0W AVeNUE, within five wall, of Church-lane bastion Ineotta at 11F.NRI S Td KWH Mande Yard, GREEN Ftrott. 'hove Meventh. Philtule!pAta. =MI= TO RENT. THIil STORES UN DER THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL, ON THE NINTH-STREET FRONT. Fosaamion w - 01 be given ml FEBRUARY let. 8.. Applications win be /60EI vadat the cdeo of the C.,m -pany.ll the B. W. COR. NINTH and HANSOM STRF-EIS. ill) tri 8ee.,1 Fd,or. TO RENT. 8911 WS II TII F. If FiCOND AND THIRD9CORI ES or A LARUE No. S NORTH FIFTH STREET, lal3 wrnitt et 70 CAPI'rA LISTS.--FOR SALE IVAThe Machiner). mill Fixtures of a hrs.. Manufacture of PAPER lIANnINUA. replete with es ery convenience fur caroms , on an ostensive Les, nets. A dosirelde investment to persona or 000.4 y Ahn can push the liostite•s For pale %nth or altho,t the Dutfd .t . Inquire at= cuE.yrN L r eireet. ralactretf it &1U.771 'LT ea FOR SALE OR TO LET—.I neat klt. comentent Duelllll4. 7 n. e-tt NORTH /omit. 101 II (et t from.YU fe,3t deep. Apple At No. ou Al A/OMT Street. tvo-forte-6t UNIFORIIS.—For gale. FORTY GRAY UNIFORMS. trammed wi•li blsok. oo.ic COM:1- %1"n, to to ellen', Address H. D. L:' Pit thug officer. ja26 Ca • ftl TO RENT FOR A TERM OF YEARS A Retail Stide and f atures, well beaten for bu.t tie • A Mill, 76 hr fG feat, three 'Oriels high, with water power mud steam fur Domino; and finishing K0e...• A Den nvtide. 40 by :4 feetoguth good water (ordering. rind plenty 01 dry loom. Thus property to Fulker's lane, near the Germantown Rn A ulro ,:,,t uil p . ly be b ing to very nonesinidle to the city. Pushes it very tiriiiratile. litmus R. HER. iri Fisluer'e I sue. 1 - i IOR SALE—A valuable 1, , A at corner of - Chrirtorn and Twentieth rtreets, ha-in: three Jr,, n /lurch or recto], me. For tame Sce.. Addres..! 13 . nt the °ince. LIAO fORY LOT FOR SAI.II-A Nalua No norner lot, ]L foot a loam Iwin. —.rots fronts achnirotils loootteil for a tortor) site It is Floated the southwessorn pa't of trio city, in a rapidly -lin proving nooth or horlics, I. It will be sold on reasonsto. terns, F particalats. address, "K.,' ellen Te Pram tatty-If HOUSEi TAVERNS, and STORES Reel Estate of every desonption. for sale or to rent. Inal7 to MAX HEIN'S, Reol Eetatn Aseot, N 0.127 North SECOND Street, In 1.. Toortly & Co.'s Seed Store. All orders will rs ylly attended to. Ensl , sh, l'•••ne and spokes. Collsstor of Ormond Routs. nIS ttny ROUE DAVIS WASHING-MACIIINE fors • •t• I'I.OWM AN & JteßßlDE.Manufao turers..; A i. ‘ll;"l3e.Rlt Street. Pniladelehis. By thin my.. inn it week's wash of an ordinarf•maeil Bundy non tot Pam Palore breaSlast. It is equal in ca weary tour . women. end laves at least 60 per cent. and tear. Hundreds of them are now in use. and the demand coptinuin•P hall and esaum A for yourselves. , . • County nehty for I.h:on roasonabla terms. Price mama 81d. us , to MeIIRIDE. $lOO CVO 0,1 '2 2.5 U TILE CHIEF 'AMONG TEN THOI'S rtNI). DALLEY'S &MCA L DMN EX FRAC fOR AS universally supplanted all other •—• Otntinenti and he atne apPhealcins in both the Eastern nod Western llettoephere, where, er intro. &wad; and tte intrinsic rri•rit is he true secret of its imerell., in eLll Clitaneous 113,,c1JOHS. whether the cause nerhfrot or BiAuss C 4 SCALDS nre instantly relieved of SI their anguish. pain and intinnonni MI. to n timely application of this TO,- rollout hi.itor. and the aflesh is Tenoned as if ly s charm 110 11!e11111111 or sear rem unine. THE FRIEND OF „. TH E. NURSERY. Uhddren are frequent er 7; sufferer, from externtt tn. Juries. expeel Ally from I'Ori,l and Lurrphrne 1-r -,,,.,ans—therelore riser, mother Mould here th.e healing pr.v.rat.on eon- <stymy on hind It heat. sure Ihrrigt, and genet removes the TETTER or RlNot,ooßkl, In pre, , •ft Pre Pi iiri•ry TO TRAVFLLERri HY SEA AND LAND. The Machinist. illO Ton ~ veller.end every other whom, lot in life throws trim within the chane s houldtent front exploion, err, or Culls teen,hear in mind that this Mame ',tractor is his best and only Mend. on It is both port/are and cheap, and should Oyer be to hie romeanion. an a friend In need. 'Phew thou- rinds of Itvitte witnesees to testa, to ita Marvellous wvirtue, who owe their round Itntha and mech..; to de elvlng en:earl. the follovrins are a few a of the r, ad,arr fur %slue!, DA L1.h.),”:4 MAGI- CAI, PAIN EXTRAC V OR is n PREVEN LIVE 10 as wallas CEn.t.: Buns. Erysipelas, Sores of All kinds. Bruises, Fistula. Shut Wounds. Bode, Front Lhte.t, tierofuh, • , Broken Breast Poser arses, Nzur% y, Bits* of Reptiles. Felons. it.. skis, C41,00r. Glamiular Pig- &intl. Crsoko.l Lim rnieg. Pcsatl bid Chapped Hands, Mercurial Force, Swims, 1:11111,1ams, Yrona gsnernll). t•inttli POI, Cramp. P.mples, Tullio! 4, Contracted Conic Piles. •I suer. Chiles. Poison. Ulcers. D.eases of the Rheumatism. Venereal Sores. Stun. %tithes. he. 80‘d at the vrineival Depots.ll Broad wa. New York. and 21 and DI Charlie. street. NOW Orleans. by .1. W RIGHT S. CO., tieneml Anent. It can also he ob tained of all reevectabla Ifrunglete and Merchants throughout the Tailed States and Can•da. T. W. 11YOTT . 1 / 4 SONS. 21a North SECOND Street, telt Wholesale Agents for Verastlvante. N°T I G E IS HEREBY (OVEN , THAT the Copartnershm under the firm of BECKvR & DELL wrm dissolved on the fourteenth day ot De cember met., and MUSED DECKER to alone author zed to settle the business, and sign the liquidation. NA! 73 8 . I/ I K E R Philadelphia, Dee, 11, 1859, d3l- la' BLANKETS, STUFF Gr/OUS, de No. 727 CHESTNUT Street. WANTS. :iIWIEST PRICE GIVEN 25 8T 100 PPZ? IN DEPTH APPLY ON ltiE PRENII:4I:e 37 I3THA*I3-ERRlretreq.t MEDICINAL. A 3 IUSE33ENTS. iVf , I! , : 4 I I.t UT-STREET THEA G TRV. at. 5.44 MVisser... M :Air. R. P. ICE -dell s.astnea Arent . Str. JOS. D. Mt' EPHE TID.9 OVEDNERGIVI EVENING. Feb.l. LS XI. XI. Mr J. BARoberta ; D Mr .de Netnews. L Siesrel : The Napalm. ADse Msry Msuet; Ma le is Commis. Mrs. DeNse.ll. 14... Delude with CAPTAIN OF THE: WATCH. ETFree■ as 'coos. Eblta oe, t rod wltotoot ootroArg So DOOl4 0f412 lit O. 0 cock : Porforma.--oe to otoraoss• et 7 o clock. AVIJEATLEY Jc ASCII. STREET TREATRF.- THIS iWEGNItsliA'r E.VF!CN'I Feb. I. ADR1E.24.!0, TEM ACT it.F.S.I. Adneoce Le.nourrrr...ll/IA laze Ca , ....1.; Jubn. 61,ert. WIZA R D SZ IFF. Coact Berreard. Mr- B 44,3 - Verz W343ireart. 3:r Jubat tilltert ; Ators. 3Lar 3 1 / 4 - 33i or Pi' cra..—Aasmasio3. 33 orter; BScE,I 81 . 3 in PT" , Grooms roots: Parrort..t3 twos& .t halt r.rt I C . CiOek per:orsar.osi to OorOthento a t 7 o'cLoek prourr;7. TIAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL TOEATRH. WALNUT ea— above Ets l / 4 th. Patcs.--D:oso Cites. m cooU; Etro_l*ciza h r toots • Per uPr.r.. Boma. 7.$ oosta ; ^ irate EL ,tei. aa.t B3. etl viol. or T: rt.—room opt", at toilf mit d cr'eaibk. Tnoortmortc• sII. THIS A F - Tt FINCAON. All the •Zl4 Irt; sorr.•• ' THE • ••••• f .`l2 • 11l ON • rvner:e r Lee THE CHILDRI.VOi THE E orLI tsrn C.,:x.0 r.lue•Ertia k:itrAntuitts_ Tktt~ .4i }. L •1,0.1)Av I.NINt.. 31.4.6 it THE FOUR ELEIti,NTS: F I it E. NY ATER. EA RTH.II.I r.:__2 • HArt.er• Mr. NTH. firs; Ans.a;p. AI r. Orktah. )1, Parer; J .- retie*. Mum SA Aft.ne:la. Stirs Ede r.de Si.s,l wive, .mxpt; 11",Itoe ; Korcle M... TriCis ; Erato of A. MasTsffordor . .4 Fa eSe. • Atrrs IN THg ARFNA. Q Feats ran to secared fir tirs %L Slag dirs• s n sdvstace. nRAYTON-S PARLOR OPERAS AND LYRI VIZ OVE CON :ERT II ALL. CITE.STNrr Streit. A SHORT TIME ONI.I. EVERY EVE-NW, AT HALF PAST SEMI O'CI tiCK. ES,r , VA.—SATURDAY. AT ON - F Port open h 0 sn hour E. - ur in Ind* - swe. Ts a v , -e1 I,[t . ert‘ , N•VilLt FFO t)?1..1t A. .. - O.IILI. T. AN f LTR.O3 DRAVA. ty . Le.! Now York v•eta 'rtee .sant•/..1 10...N0ft ow:FARA,. vicLINIST. via a Tilts ls ` r EV vt , ,Ati. Fr-t, Opertv NEVER 5": LOVF.'3 Likre.R LOFT. Th. 0 re..eatr. 'ell be rt.!. tl HERR ERl ssrt,:a!Ars trzs:l may be ot,morte.„l aS tts at of Chlc tense & Soo.. CL.estant striet. amt it the RAH from A. 31. In P 31. Palcl3.-80,11 of tao Hill. teas ; lit*.zooy, fs tee ts. It “ THE HEART OF THE ASDEs,• 2 Pamtc,l b , F. F. CHURCH, Is &OF r , et 1,1 tor .a at ts” aCIDEMY op FINE ARTe. r Sulam AIRS. EMILY REED—Has the honor 1 . 1 to announ, CON CYRT IN PHILADh:LFH I A. On DAY h" . : • \ FeLmer, 3 left, at USICAL FUND MALL. On yr61:13, tae tr,3 secited LT the raeilllF i f •rtzete- Mms SHAW. .Ir. FA ASY.R.,f•lrtoent rf tit ri4l,e., Mr. M. 1.7AN3. Mr. H CLAItiONETTE. . .HEFIR STOOL. PIANO-FORTE .... 311CHAri. Bread:NM TICKETS FlFry CENtS. To be had 41 lII* Met, Store. of V k Lawton. Lee tr. INCker. Wee_ H Coalron.sed ADM*. and Chlakertnis' Ran.'-fmrte ror-tra_ Als>, it ts* door on the eren.or of tte Concert. INvws open at hen' put 7 o'ck.A. C•oth=etee a<II ATI C• • II.NNERCILJR FANCY DRESS BALL. Li-. 1-: We refpnefa::y infarni fr 3z4 :14 _pub- Lc in renrrtl, that nor JOiNtllt FANCY f.R*34 BALL sr,: n 7 VESTIA KVENING, Feoruarf et tee ..V.X2LCAL Ft. 711 1,. Pre; to the 15‘". tat C. , EILe Mann ehot in ewe*,' hT Jn'og Otto. yerformsl vadat th• dir•et .”1 r Carl Seat' Tiet•t at For We bJ the rs. , ..:Ayr lag Yuman anq the .o,l:matte, MAlArr..r., G. Du rue r. F. Von Fuse M. H. Masits... G.l obrieb, Dr. G. lehlettstleker. J. goet.susteerser, flessbaer. Ca•r:es maw/. J. Pd. W. Gt.:Art. H. Trams. C. ttehlesste.Ca'ortet Fauvist. Lv - me. C. Vet:ersibt A. 11. Nostenbetat. C. Wolf. H. Cog Peer. H. Weeestdask. C. Linkner: eset.stenstur. C. Mstr.:sets, L Mama. Pror. Hluket. S. 'Se Joseph Grtasra. A. Gstsy. C. As Thulium. Prof. HT., F. C. PcSirrotM. L. &slates. H. C. Cluop. C. eelltek. Z. ft. Jones. M. D.. P. itasti. C. Hems. M. I) Vonsaer. G. Groortnin. Cs s /sr Pen keel. M. Feu rtes. A. Reanstane.Joubis Ned . . J. P. ems ner. Mark Hauler. heal, Hooper. %tear/ F - x. Getthtrds. P. H. PI senutna. /Om A. RtNer. /As Fes nee. A. B Relettenhub. C. Wohr.!osesz Dossel,..Feetl- Steth.loster..l. 1 hornier. Eatul Raung.l. L- JU.S. Voutf, G Bergner, F. Lamar. COXI/11 . 717. J. Wolter. J. It K R•tt[ST. • 0.04 . 1. Is. 9ebleo. 0. ficursh.l La..ir.or, P. Knew. NEF:RSON'S EXHIBITION ROOMS. k !arrt'a COMILI , CIVe E.!1..g. CHESrffIETT Street, setr S ttn- - - • it•i" I. ANT v.- rFg HUT ON r - Ts THE FINF , T EXH I I;TioN N MONDAI E ENIN.3. . . . FITZ: f t's roor of Ts.vem. Reeosi —Wsohinzt, Vshos. F's , rta. Th.:d-7: 4 1L-oesl Pro r : }VOA Ft(:! —.NSW • .1..• I. W sn arraig 310 Ole You:, 11,1 1101, ( MUNI. Vl.l . :^r :' , 1 1,. ..11•5t.'n Fes, eau, t,e F:Ptr - , Great ranery Ae.to.nn. :.S nenta_ ett anat. Petfi•rm•mt.t, ever, We..1,1-f Aftkr !lane. cocur.enctng at 3 o'e.K.k. 7)1. Nal CIERMANIA ORCHF..zfrßi.—ittobe Re htm.cg *tar VITR DAV. at ]'.t. ,, HA LL at :tta n'e...-1. P. M. Tizaea 47 t4 r . d. aci ILtsta t. Lan M sal st. the don,. iticDONOUGIFS G.IIETIES—N4IOI3 81., vssloar 7131 RD. HOUBLk. YE RFoRMANCE AUL Ta:IWERX THE ERaxrfl • ‘ND3 an b••• eecuemett w tt, TstE ~ REF:( RHIG w.,...14•;..0 *Lev. witry lik b*- I.:der V ,L:s.•!bca CA Fl.l AN , D)VE!. H ERN As LIZ wtH oatda Wm. Tell bs rR as Aat'• from ad 04 Lea-1 of w ats cs..a•s• rf twe,•e !Cot VROPE....ls(qt. NicH,t.LB ANL) bION will laws, le aL voto^. ah.ag acts to the Cam ps:ea Art. Best Pr:rortasaza ia c.....aztry. IIEMPLE OF WONDERS Northeast sorrier of TENTH az..! CELEVAILIt Streets. terser sad Nare! Attrast4oo. I.lt;NOit The w0r.,rf..1 Nrapclap and (^VV.:west ENIIII3IIION EVEM VNING boa's° nig WEEK. Corn7r..n t . and oa W RDNESDAT iSATt A V FT O. Sit 3. The "Mbrayd ton WI, ‘'ea,.er.orr :ze frt,siestil lieciutn vr sr7.•.r . 111 *TM Di amd per flitl.l Els IltC.r. r 3:L, Ado., Ct. , ! - ea Ilcanta 41344 pENNSYLVANI.I ACADEMY OF TES FINE _ARTS. • I"24RFFT. to ON.:`: DAILY. ;....I.lztdA22 excer.d.edd (rola A. M. t. , 1 4 P. M. W4nte:2—Th Test} •• Swage 1 - .1t•e.:2 "01 P 1•61.4•,. Ad.:14,12 SS earn!.. 2:12.d42. U lei bait Prwe. Mares of B.ek 533. is.tr A NNIVERSARY OF THE MI - I:CHANTS' 4- 11 - FLND.—The tat] e,rocrsAry .431.024- lion ! , eteN.! cm WI. DAY V.VFNIINti. Feb. Lecl , -.o . e.x.t.gt the ‘11...,:eAt.. FUN tt HALL. p, attlCri r. The :17, 'EI, m a . e•,er.•w be re ty tlka the JO`} ill F. He, Dr. Eft! I..sna GEUROF. L. BT ZBY, rot. The Mut I OA to MAW direct on 0ik.7. , A1. Z. , E! , AZ. plym.: }.l) d :7' • r s ISA: 5r2.•411; S.-V.)II'EL o 1- W 11.1.1 A S 1 !iv:. liIRD Etmt. CO3IIIIISSION HOUSES JOSEPH LEA, Nos. AND I.3Zi E.ITNUT STREET. Invites the attention of the Trade to tja Stale of COTTON, WOOLLEN. LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS. MADDER PRINTS, New light and dark spring Wes, a g:e.st vinstrf blot MUSS RS. BAM'I. SLATERS SONS, BUTToN MANI*FAJ - TURINO CO.. MONTL SELLo CO\t pANy. THE ATLANTIC CO.'S .I. , QURNING. Ineudlnt many new standard Patterns. NEAT DI„AOK A WRITF-q. PURPLES. LAV.IS., is. SAXONY & 811EPHERD PLAILS. A Slat:RA-YDS. SLACK AND GRAYS, AND CHOICE OUSTER S I YLES. WOOLLENS, FANCY CASSIMERES and D0E.5K1N.5,1;..., FROM ROCK COM , GLENPALF. COM , KKR ENGLAND COM.. CRAM FORD MILLS, BROOK DALE AND OXFORD MILLS EBERIMDT N: SONS' SUPERIOR BLACK DO 'SKIN AND BILK MIS- FAtinetts. Pis/ and Printed. of n 9 eaLora atd gnarl ties; t eatecky Jelni. Pw,u. Cords. Casemese.ees. Kerlaav's w eede, compr,sin; ote ot the teat stocks is the counto. AMERICAN LINEN CON. CRASH, BECKS, SHEETING.% &c ja2l-3m t ;....,=r), THE PHRENOLOGICAL CABINET, Im E o s t r .g:lei","'s - u'tl7ve l' L'inx L .T'o; ;fe lt st 0 1 . Z. 6 on 1 brenvi.,,, rhYmologY, r•eter-CIU*. kg.; and for , . PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS_ Theimportance of Printuolovy in the !raisins of the young, the selection of occupations sod coresamoris, and in every departruest cf active lite. in feltand so knowled seil by all inteths ant person, • ho Iry scquissr.t eil Iran its (nets. Wrltt,n da,, , rtati Its from datuerreotypea b. tent 1, 5 3 pls.: for taro do ll ar,. Cat ozues of Looks sen: grat:s. utIN L. CA?EN. Nn. c. 2-2 rUFSTN UT Sueet. second s'''. d 7 Ptnladelskui. pAWSON NicIIOLSON, rooKLINPFP,S, I, = .519 A.O ;7,21 ‘117.01: STREET. IW:lverrt 31.0... t Ald n,:nut amt .. rHI LAI/ELPHiA. .! A MPS PA W.7.0N. JAZ!. B. ZIICILOL.ROX DE LEH'S, 411 CHESTNUT STREET, a F , u , th. Norr, fief samortmEnt Nte•rs,l.,” t t't C.l;sr Tll , 2es. ChPrry Gems. Getty Walt na CsrPt. &C• NS Ito NIONEY LIBEIZALuY ADVANCED.- TO ANY A MOUN r—Upon Watches. letwecT. Dl:month, Stlveriked*.C.ethtnc. %ler - chick:3A. &a, IT JONES & CO.. 011,,rml , rtcd FrcAers. N. W. curter THIRD and OAS:, LLI. Streets. be'ete lanhard. Idteco Clsliars rr.Nrn 4 A M M f S()IITIIE,RN 31ONITOR - RICHMOND ENQUIRER.—Bas mean Teen drcr:nt gotthera Trade cannot do better than to nave7trre In Sewn,* Darer , Uffic 21. E. corner Poet and Wain= Went'. .027 61.. . _ _ lIEESE —375 boxci Ilerkwatr county Cheese. In store, and fd-ad'e t.y C. C. SADLER CU . otr,..t. 2.41 n •••.•-•• BBLS 11.11 f. x and .Es.stport tlkll- 7 Hermits. boxes SeCed Herres. NW( bbls Wtotsl .ni r t. In store And for 1.1:. WM. J. 1'31101,A. CO.. d3l in and 124 NORTll , tit.nr. es. SLATE BOOFI NG, tic —lVhoerer desires amts Roof rut properts on, or a leahT toe road tight. ant warranted. .h• 11 hare rthlreiliatehtleiggiOn, by directing to THOMAq GRIFF , NrElsrer. NINTH and THOMPSON ftreets Ott Slate purchased. c:jaNt-Isst• CODFISH.-400 gds. Extra Grand Bank, In store end for Whv M. J. TAYLOR 4131 121 end Iss NORTH ERY DENTIST, JEW ELI.ER, STA.- .1.14 v ER- PLAT ER,MACIIINIST. Gun-Smith. Tut mow, IlLuther, G Men, and Air a to souerl4. shou'd lot,e 011.0 of B}TAW'S AK rISAN tiAS-SIOVF3:, For ed. by 81. A W i BAILEY. Itu 2dd RACE Street, iqulldeleus.ll4 E. l / 4 - 4ANCU 1:14. la as- '.T :±tteet;
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