=== .;„ thstemigrant tax impeSodlalMil - Pefeons' Coming to this port from Barone, - ere Att - eironlation: The petitions' will be _sent 46' Harrisburg in A day or two. They, am as - follows : - • , • To thoTlonoMle tdce "&nceto. and Moues otlie ressntatise4 of the Stele of pentiolvantu : T h ezritemorieVof thehadersigned, citizens and' merehinto` of 'Philadelphia, respootfally tem gents'. that the existing taxes on emigrantegriving at this port are knees to have -constituted—iterate fore a, principal cause of deellue of foreign coin moron, and- aro now felt as one of , the chief chat', °let to its--:revlfall that thir natural ditectlon'of emlgtaneitdsgels" bringing pasties who intend to remain in tillo State, , or to pass through this fltate westward, IS` largely , diverted to', New York 'for these reasona,-and to our great injury in general commove ; and that specifie commercial enter prises are-now repelled , from this city in cense- - quorum of these obstacles. _That, farther, the tax of tlfty cents for examina tion of theta/reap of eaohemtgrant at quarantine, is found peculiarly objectionable in its actual ojni ratinn, from the mode in which - it is assessed. That it Is believed that no necessity exists for the continued trannsition of either of these eharges in the support of the quarantine establishment, or in the support of the poor. Your. memorialists therefore pray the immediate repeal of so much of the law Of stb March, 1828, en+ the - supplement of 10Th Fel-weary, 1832, as ato , thnew.es the Quardians of the Poor of the city of Philadelphia to impose a tax of two dollars and fifty tents, or any less 'sum, for each emigrant at riving here from foreign torts, on account of lia bility of such emigrant to become` a public charge. And we 'farther pray the repeal of the act of March 25th, 1850. autholising the imposition by the Board of Health of a -tax of fifty seats for the exotaination of the baggage of each 'emigrant ss Arriving from foreign -ports, for quarantine ptr poses. And your memorlalists wilt ever pray. -Ih, follow' nit,inemorial hue been largely signed by the merchants orhing property and engaged in bestows on Broad street: To - tla. Senate and House of Representatives of tie State of Pennsylvania: The petition of the enbecriberg, oltlzens of Phile delphia, reepeolfully represents that - they have learned that a bill has been 'introduced into your henerehle bodY, .proposing to authorize the eon- Situation of a passenger riliread on Broad Street, in road dity.' Your petitioners are Raided that each a railmid is altogetherAnnecessary, and, not needed for 'nubile aceomendation," but, on the contrary, would be a serious inoonvenienoe to per sons residing in, or doled tinniness on, sgiti etreet, depreciating the value of property, Wobstruoting a thoroughfere new °templed by heavy freight arriving in this city. Year petitioners, therefore, respectfully, yet meet earnestly, remonstrate against the outage of any law authefleing the eonstruotton of any pas. _lmager railroad en said Broad etreet, and they will over pray, .to , &o. PAR ORNAMENT OR Use f—We never pass the Deteerive Office during araevening without ask leg ourselves if the gaily-lettered lantern above the entrance is for ornament or use Since it wee erected--about four menthe ago—:it has not been lighted more thBd — a "dozen times. Considering that ft vas placed there fiir n purpese—and that purpose a good one—we think that it either should be lighted or retluMed from Its petition. The re moval multi at least save a few dollars to our dol. lanneedy treasury. Mettrtact or Coorteme.—An niiinitrneull meeting of both brenehes o' City Commits was held s'esterday afternoon ror the runner, of ormailerins the annual epo-optie i ion hill*, welch hare been so tardy in passing Hiroo h tee Municipal legislature. n EeleCt Connell on ordinance wan edepted nether tens the Mayor to offer a reward of littoo fo , the arrest of th• nerd war of Henri fl nether wh hegly was, Illet ' idAy morning, f and in • Cohockeink creek. tiffilte t'ai the amproprietion to the pater Department was CA 10,1 up. The dertaiir of this Appmpristion were ptibirshrd by US When b was nrirtnated In Common Connelly. An pttetopt wan made to strike out the giving Pl.= fur keeniet Feirmount Paoli. Mr. Neal regarded It as neeeesesary. Otneetions were made to the Item anpropriating tlitg) far makint MI torent no the mound, end Mr. Noel named as it substitute 8100 to construct Mans. hen Mr. Parker stated that the design wee to niekia remanent roadway. en the - wooden steps constaiitis wear tint nod ger nnt or re Pair. The object is to make a broad rorldway. Mr. Neal', motion was lost. Mr. 11e it offered a resolution that not more than belt of the :tams Nos. 87.89,39 10 and.4l shall he ascended befoqs.lnly lye. For providing iron nice 870 ON is a large Mg. !rosily three or four mite* of pipe are he. Mr laid, end unless some restriction is made the • whole hetwoprietion wilt ba expended. jest rear the appropriation to the (Away Department and to this pler, was nearly run ma before the expiration of tha heir. yesr. If imeortant cheeses were made in the elite rovemment. the incoming powers should not find the departments t enniless. Mt. Leith was MrPOVoI erten Inhering the older En gineer with provisos If he is meompetent le should b removed. Rut while ha is in office, and unimpesoh gal let not Ws hands be tied. Mr. Carter agreed with Mr. Neal anti supported the amendment. Mr Parker said that over SW 041 worth of pipe,vrea already befog hid. It con only he'laid in summer, and now hundred' of clamorous citizens lire hestetinc the offiee of the department tn obtain nip:4We of 4 eter After farther debates the amendment wee lost and af ter the failure of numerous other attempts to amend,' theonlinence passed. The Chamber then proneeded to thanonsubrrtion of j the appropriation to the City rommisamo. re. The ordi nance made en arroopriatmn of_Sl7o 850. Com mie milled attention to the item rt , the managers of the Boner of oefur.e. The expenses of the institution are 46 MS. The income by the labor of the bore is $5 nee, The anpropr.stion asked to e2O 000. Without ciest.ininr to offer nor motion. lie celled attention to the feet that Council hove nooontrol over the institution and wished the Chember to consider the fact before taking action. Mr. Neal pointed out anon issinn in an appropriation. ss 8)00 were wonted to pay the (menses of the timed fir drawler and selecting Jurors, which ' the Gitelman of the Committee Oia • Finance had forgotten. Of thie ton 8700 are to Pat a clerk. aril A2OO for stationeryi Tim amendment wee ndOpted. and the hill permed. The hill 'nuking, enappropnation to the oily toe boat Wen Passed w tient eny debate. . The ordinance mialowr on appropriation to the Pol-ce Dop.rtracnt won called up. and, after a.,.f yr trifling amendments. wee «incurred in. The crammer. from Common Council. reenesting the I egi alas are to withhold charters to for he. railways in the streets of Philadelphia. was called ue, and mussed neatly after which the Chamber adjourned. Connote Conceit. else held an aliettrned meeting at the name hoot fur the purpose of considerine the nersoprintion bills. The ordinance appronnattne $114.- 000 m the ' , Wire Pepertment wee ratted upend debated. A i re to strike our 5e.050 and insert BI 000 for re. pion to fro ranenrins Ha I Won made. but 'Doran ex. tended lobate wee lost item in the b'll trine Be' ta,thr. .rti3Oreninw *Me for arrestMe Horatio game wag stricken autos f er akin r deb+ Man - a v, to of 23 ) ea* to 12) !VW,. With this trilling amendment the hill WEIS passed ea irenino Porn the Committee°. Flremen. An oritinapce twin the other trench of Councle, di rooting the kronor to o ff er a reward for the arrest ti t the murderersofHeir flanker in the Seventeenth warn 1:1,s eared up. Mr. O'Neill made a vera violent om fah. e which he intimated pretty etrontlt that the police of. ers connived at the escape of the alleged murderer. of the young man. The ordinenee was agreed to. The armrest:arm to the Hi , Wee Deportment was next caMed Mr. The ordinance aptromiated $825700 for the oleensinr and rewurint of Stree'll. Sewers. cut, ver is, and bridees. A lone debate arose on the various I tms of thss bill, witirh mistimed every 'id • tent, and oecasionallr a very part Chariot Or. A motion to in crease the item for capturing and repaving streets from /516)0 to $m rtgo was mad 4. Mr Miller th that the sum should ha increased. es lest year SDI) 00) hail been expended for the came purpose. Mr. asnrner. however. thou ht that 840000 wee &mush, ard withn apron af8 , 006) en Asked for m 4Y the O , &tree. was amnia for all prietical corpuses. From acme data he bed obtained he Mond that throw are about 178. mi es of street' paved. v bite 111.4 mile, ere 0 copied hr passenger railroad com panies, who are required by law to do the re gatta. lf , the •rtmaiting o f the streets can be once et twenty cent er nerd town 840 toil wmild be euffi cient nu certainly not more than one tenth of the wh le number of Worts would reneire repaving. Mr. O'Neill Watt ()oilfired to the policy of crammer the departm mt. kkinHea riryn said that the ellief of the Ffighwav Me artme,4 het 'lb de a enloulation that about 00• ninth Of the v+ p aved ilreers learn to herreturved during the year. Thle Mount; to 2.35 835 attertre yards, which, at the usual cost. would alnOpitt to . 4 260 , Mr. Weiner took Anus with the Commiesioner. and denied the mummer of that 051 w,', statietioa. Mr. O'Neill said that streets will wearont every fl , e years items one nine. het the average. he thopght, is five yenta. Some of the streets te the Nineteenth we'd. c!)ve / last year. are unw In bad rder, and want repair t hadlr. The amendment was font. After further de te .4 nil a few trifling amendments, the bill was post poned, The pnlioe bill as returned from the Select Council, vri th a n amendment providing' fora loan for the area. tints of *tepee- houses was m a l e concured in eeveral amendment. t hed been it the Select Council in the appropriation to the , ity.Comniossioners were no a-eonourod In. after which the Chamber adieu ned. rismicub. AND COMMERCIAL. • Tbp .14(lniry ' market. }tipteoet,ettlit. Jan. yo Imo Ito have no 'change ti 'report lathe stock.marliat. ?men whew r. tendency to change. end Nitwit,. op're I.e , e can herdly Unexpected to tniot hold of egiontettre minks to the wetnnt line-Wed .1144 of Dahlia chair.. . . OFT15:141. ,Opit t3TATRASEPC. Wellltt4 avEnacrpn at Tan OtelLialLiaki. &Md. , - , LOANP. . SPCCIII. S4IIII. -......--............-.. - J.D.30. 1613. XL • Jan; So. Jen. 2 1 . Indelphin..: 83 212,0124 33,260,000 3672 ow 9 079 44 01dt filfietio 2St ,174 2,674 4111 2.0?44 07,0 MN 4T111.1111111;3..":. 4.6190 it% TIM '. g 4 t7 6 0173 Vi ' tg, - oerifee.,..._ 1,685. f • 1,04.961 221,948 * ' 2)4 577 . 11 . Liberties- - 1445 .1.243 uuu m4O 216 4610 thwark ..,... V 46 4 1,011, 37 7 20 4 . 2,0 124 320 gum ten...„ . 913714 86 • 123 117 781 111 fal lin Town4hlp. 423 392 816 609 8441116 • 148 016 estorn %..-.;. ~ 1 9.1,111 1.2.1,177 ' 269 124 2 , 6 225 74166. k Moon.. 1.134 310 • 1.113 666 14096 161 340 . nortereo IMT4I 6ut 764 6034461 163 AU 1/2 4Ot 2 16'2,69/ 2 096.00 W.W.I ,7413 670 vidosinen'e... 80 .901 604.39.1 -93 413 10597 , i 7, nsolidotion. 4g6 440 404 sitl4/ 62 470 44347 itr 787.116 . 771.216 504 llu II .WO -. nprblZ, 41 ,9,1 2 4 , 2 1 9 42 1 0 1, 5 8 7 1 l a ei s 3 = Ai- • ••-• -- • -4 011 . fri?..44 4 122.421 7331° .--- i r0 , 441 .... . 26 6 9 04 2 4 .35 446731 las 321 4 014,679, `liii?Relte. - duet:Limon. ' //APIS. • -.. .Jan..- Jam U. lan 10.. Jan. 23. hi li ' l i — 3 Tit °B - i 12 11;tijiag. ,g 5 . 1 . i1 7 24 123Um'k rgeoh. 5013694 2,5c0.210 AO 367. 0111267.601.1.; • . 71e1000 „ 769000 1.04,1p3 14.001 penalties ... 311,21 r. . 815.434 141 030 143 923 :Liherti 46.2._ 851 t 94 - 819 000 116 00) 5101267 uttiwOr 651 7 - 1' 665.9.'3 96 483 '93 17A -- gnsin den ~..... .6e,192 692..1.41 117.t60 118 I ..2 W l' an Township. 077,42c1 677 .) 19 . $.O OW . .83 816 extern. 262,F s BA 418 114,730 142414 PPP Pc Bleghs . an 012440 101iV6 100,,t36 . Cl 7 OTOO - 47.2 1 , 11 430'413 to 6.6 tWI WO Itti ... 042 1 142 943 693 1 1 1.231 256 148 r wee's.... ,456.616 ,1012(67 86,113 44.4) 41111.816ti0n ... 270,921 ' 2711 8 31 221.4943 91316 - 147' - 417 002 -- 424.243 ' 90,850 94.736, ernlnonwenlth. . 219 8.3. 971.548 197 g 4 500 tgy yn..Exohan,o, 249 014 246142 93 4/141 85 296 ni0ti.,....... 271 291 223.762 94 44,44 94.916 7(441' 16 401,916 15 a 11,97 0 - - - - 'rho ItSistogotes oomonso vilh thaie of former weeks ft 10110461 - • , Jan. 29. '- Jan. 80. I. aphid itook peon) ' fit 649'85 $11.619 336..in0. 13150 gags 25 445,757 25 521.,95..1nc, 84.4 401 4 514 579 4 84121.. nee. ID 255 ue fm other,Pooks.. 1.561 163 1.40,191- 1n.2,_202 028 uo to (liner 150 nix.. ' 25211.211 ' 2 09474, . , 601. 18 M. CrsC°ll4 .•• • ••• .• ' 3 ,11 4 4 ' 7 ' 4 1,21g1 . 2 11'41 1 . - tl l 4l litsi. "a. Loon . tismel Ctroulatio,l Deposits ol'i .v. it. .21,199,482 . 2,071,1 , 2,141,113 4 14,835,788 * 6B, kr. 1 1,- . 11 , 602 . 614 11 .770, 7 9 1 1,011,058 11,46626 al - 1 11.....2244,317,473 ' 0,6355117 . 2,434,181. 14,668,818 1859. kali' ' V...1 4 : 4 41 9 2 4 5 57 0' 0 6 , 2 1 T4 . ,Y3 1 9 ?;, 7 742 41,7 .03 " ii:a2 0,..- I ...27.24 kg , a4po; Oki 17,151:770' gst; - :1 /n IB ' 1 4 7 . 9 . 6 ' tg,414 1 0 4,1 4 21 4 4 5 1.1 0XA,::.V.1711 ° VII . 6 1 ,a c t it ° t7i2 2 '.4 8 471 ittlll/ • :: ' i'......191,1:81 1 . Lstilq 10 :4 71, 15.46913.% i .'...28 ttil '251 5021 .1 42, 2,5109,755 tr 2.098111 " 6.•'. 26 5 01535 6. 144 212 7,783475' 15.234,824 ROY: ‘,..13.868.? . 18 ' 4 011936 . 44 481111 ' 4 4 :- . 8 b 401 e , .4,.mw, .Lie2t-ini Ita he t. : . :...85.07. '2 - 4 ' 5120/4 2, e/ 9 6 6 2 2 -- 6. - 6 4e t. P. lit i i i'Mg : 424461 25113226 145162018 2 573 6.'.15 14 891,519 19 .. 25 091666 4,631 939 2 611 960 1 .27 .. 25 =3059 '4,6185528' 2,634,951 14,6685418 891 - Jan.' I ~.4i 334387 4,150 201 2866!01 .14 912 249 ,4. 6.. „25 248 t2ll 4.454,252 2.675.043 35 635 fad 0 - 19....” pa 219 ' 9 411,24 2,672 7.10 14 934 0 23."...15 445 7.42 4,5 4 67 2 2 1 4 1 , 12 1 151 1 4 '4O . 4 60....2E!0 2 6,196 4635,2'21 2601,769 ' 15,401,914 a'Stitt follolithil Is v. statement of tile transactions Of • t al ti4 , l l l l P / ilg por..f4t #lsrile 14 1 (Or , 0 ivlc 'aiding' 444r7 1 7 4.141; 14 2 furnisbid b 7 the`Manaier, f..leorge ittaigd,p4:: - , • , ' - -'' --' ' r Ilatancel. , _ " AIN? 4 12 IV It . ........ 4 91$9100;11/ gq4.l TI VIV 81 , . 11 - - ...... ?06 41 1, N5B X 6011579 ltilll2l 90 - .8,631.010 . V , '07,960.48,101 ft, II 3,M ILIA 1 794 .44 21 4, - "P j 5 4. 1 ' 1615 ' . :74444- 3 . 0 0*-- . ay ?1040, $U * yrAliut Stmt. chirioct;a st l'Oripttra' MO Reading Rea '89.. BM 2000 do , -67 k 3000 20(11Pon d na o R 2d m es.. 80. l 1000 do 1 en no, Rea ....: e a t ; : 1000 000 N Fen 200 d0.........20.s 63 100 Gm & Co :d e n -et Ta 71 a BETWEE .101.10 CaLaw Ist m tn. 33,4 lOU Long Island H.bb 115 i 2.5 Minetnll it, lots.. as NO Reading R....... 19,L 2000 Anna, ..... 924 1 37 AR & • 9231, 1000 City 60, new.—. 71,3 29011 do R 99 0(K 7I imirn 211 m 13 10101 Claim 100 m 923 i 2909 Roldine . p 08 M.. 97h 2043 Yoram .d m 6e... 60.16 1000 860,1 CLOSING .4,11.4. 99 R.— ..9s! ea I " - Penal 09 92. V 9241 Beading R.-- ...1 , 40 1911, b OO 70.....73 79 Mort 6. '01.93 91 do 'B6 674 0114 Penns R.. • . 061 i 2d m 861 S 0 !dor OM COD di all to . " prat& off.iO4 101 Flohnr,l tow oil 06 6lif I - 610e.k. 6 - 7 1 Philadelphia Markets. JANCAIIT 30—Evenleg. The Brambles market is dull to-day; there is little 91 no inquiry for export, and vies are most 7' in WWI lot' to the trade at from $O.OO up to 80 n 7 for annininn mixed. superfine extras, and fancy brands, as in, quality. Rye Fame' and Corn Meal are not inquired for; the for mer Is held at 84 25, and the latter at 82 75 eff bbl. Wheat—There Is not much eating or sellini;and the market is dull at previous quoted rates; about 1,700 las fair to prime red sold at 13201340, and '6OO hus white nt Mobilo. e—Peensylvania la selling at We. Corn is doll and Unsettled; about 4 600 bus cold at 73540160 in store and afloat[ email sales of white aro reported at 71072h0 in the oars. Oats are unehansed. and Pennsylvania sells elawly at. 430 V' bushel. Bark The 'dowry forQuercitren has fallen off; let No. 1 is dul at 830 ay ton. Cotton—The.market is quiet, and about 160 bales sold at full prices. Grooaries— Steaks are light and the market firm, but very little doing. 'Provisions—Prices are 'steadily maintained ; POO bbls Mess Pork have been sold on private tonne ; 86 cocks Sides in salt. nt 90 ; iplekled rlams Pt 10140 N,. ahrvk time. El•eds—There is not an moult Clover. eerdofneriri; about ROO hoe have boon old at gonna 26 for ,nod priono. and 81.6004 7S for itUrwMr. Wo ie. key.je onetoto end and doll Oblenold. in lots. at 21340 dru dg Pennavivan'a. awl 24Sie for Ohio, hide at /DJ, and e at 22671760 Philadelphia Cattle Market,. Temper 30, )26.0. The reeeinte of Beef Cattte were small this week. only reaching about 1,600 head. The market, in con. 80908800, was Utter., and prices /out the erme as last Quoted. Tbb fallowing are the peril , ulnrs ofAwsaales 411 Ta sae A bra' ems. ohl •. safiae ei, too The. 47 E. McQuaid & (bar, Ohio. $8(5 60. 34 16 manly & McClean, Chester co., extra fins, $0.75 $lO II (Mats & Totiner. ' , bettor eo., 8829.60. y 7 W. Fuller. Ohio. elo.Ril lg John Raufman. 'Lancaster no., 8803 10. 31 R. Cray. 010 $7Ol 18 R.C. ilaldwin, Chester en . ssam. 17 Rohbs Chewer ro sarserie M.oney & Rmith. Ohio. eone.ca. 25 Citmap& Cn.. Ohio $BOO. 2.1 16mo Rhn6Aoe. 64).1 $320. 48 Copialnil. Ohio. BTOB. 62 A Flnra $460. 11 John Graham Onto 850350. 30 Cochran* McCall. Pala e 800.74. 11 & 682940. 42 Re:Oomrid o. o. sBu9. Ili 11. Parlins ten. Chester en.. $8n915. 2. Chandler k biller. Chester co, $8 el 0. 63 Seymour & Button. Virginia $7142ti1. 24 O. t mar. Phreter on.. egra 25. 41 Scott & Rimhl,. °hest, NI.. roam Is '-o d Cheater co. 80 25010 25 16 P. ilathoway. Lancaster on,. $8.29 25. 29 It alesrirh & Po,. Lancaster re. /Bag. 6 P. Ilathimir. Chaster en.. $8*9.26. 48 Scott.k. Rimbln Cheater en.. Pewit). 12 A. Mitchell Chester 00.. 87 le SVCR,WR ['MON 11110 V. v..an. 23 Nimble & Kirk, Mosta , * . SlBertl 75 4, 100 Ds. la fl, Tumlin. Pelaw.tro, 8Ret9.60 25 W. 14, Forrest. Chester co . $3 50115. 30 Wallace. Chester on.. 88 600 attt. f X Chester on . ftea t 4 6il. 15 1 Illphaker. diesterrm.. 8880e8. 25 P. Carman. Philadelphia on., 8708.51 About 8 OM She p arrived anti eolii this week at the Avenue Yard at from 6to 640 4e' m. 800 also sold at the Union Yard at from eta to $OO tp head. ISO Cows ar rived end sold et the Unloa Trove Yard at from 825 to $5O 4fr head. as in quality. The arrivals of fat Hoge at H. G. Imhoff's Union-Drove Yard reached 1 Odd head, which sold at prince ranging from 87.75 to 88 78 4.e' iOO The net. ne in quality. including 138 bead of Sohn Sondem. berger, averaging 820 net, all sold at 8 .76 fir 100 Pis. 'Hoes are very Foams and in damshd, 810 Hors also sold at the 'Avenue Drove Yard by D. Miller, at from $7.50 to $8 00 V 100 The net. CITY II'EMS. JAVSn'S HALL CLINVIIIITED INTO A BCDIINIta MART.--1511811113 announced, soma weeks aro, that a well• known mercantile house in this community had negotiated with- Dr. Jayne for ht• Immature Hill on Cheraw street below Seventh. to be used sea business waremom. it woe received by many. if not with doubt, a• learn with actions milt to the eutorprice b in r a indiction' one The - honse.yeferteid_in, Maws. Deeonrsey, Lafourolde, & Company. who hero b.erl Mg and favotobly known es one of the loading rite- Mahn:lents in thie country ensued in 'heir bench of trade—cloth roods. general men's wear. and trim mings—it meet he onnfeseed manifested no ordinary decree of " nerve" in taking thin bold step. Hut al ready theeurrent opinlon amont their brethren in the trade, who fiat criticised the merriment. has been largely reversed. end the appearance which their mar • • Meant show.room now presents in daily eliciting the highest encomiums. nor ply as being a great card for the trade of Philadelphia, but as being equally feasible and judicious as a mercantile enterprise. There nen no doubt that such an establish ment. outvieing as it does ens ether &tingle show-•nom in the United Ames, if not in the world, will be highly advant weenie in the general trade of onr city. Merchants who hare hereto fore been noonstnmed to pealing throat!, Philadelphia. to bar tneir roods in ann'her market. will be alp sted hr mere curioeity to visit an emporium of such noble proportions. In a few days we shall be aLle to present to the tra velling community the vitryfiert hotel in the country. In onr stately " CONTINCNTAL." SO it ill fitting at this 4onotare that our mot - chante should he making come nondint torldee. It Lin this slaw more etp•eially that the removal of Means. D., L., & Co heoemet a mater - of piddle interest. and as awl' wed-vote the following brief sketch to the present appearance of their unique establishment It by due' to the public spirit of our townsman. Dr. David Jayne, to sty that the thorouth Internal rine.. doling whioh the Hall has underrone—under the direc tion of the popular architect John McArthur. Jr.. 1 sq. —hits' been at hte own expellee. sithoush wo may add that the alteretionn have been rnvin fit the dietation of the omens yeertetorn. To deseribe the 810[10 wh.oh the Hall presents to the vietter. we mar atom, in the fire place. that the lower liner embraces an area of metro thengand seven hundred and fifty mare feet, :Wane a oetteng Fight of el4ty feet, find of eeventy niee feet to the skylight. The alterations have been mule with excellent Mir. moot. The former theavical tinge of the sallenee over the stage has given stage to a game of novo rements for the eepoolal oonrsnionee of lovers. On the right, in the rear of the Hall, opening on Jaya- street, is the Shipping department. expressly devoted to petition goods fey delivery t and on the opposite side. on the same door, a the Receiving department. both of which aro entirely separated from the main room. NUITIBTOUS other apartments. adopted to speeifin business purposes. have been secured In what were formerly the galle ries end private boxes, eight private MOMS have been *Red up with every convehleocie. for the wale use of the patrons of the house; also a Binding suohlied with mere from every section throughout the West. Southwest. end South, their trod. being with all parts of the Untom in ad 'limn to which all the domestic con venienoes of bath room and water closets. et asters, have been introdw‘ed. swing the whole establishment an air of limiting Widen equal to that found in a pri vate palate The view of the lower florw from either of the rooms referred to; is worth a three-hundred-miles journey to look upon. Spread out befoie the ore. may be talren In et a. 'lanes more then one hundred Imo eonetere. one* mien rod, and all laden with the amorist fabrios fettle season. embraoing the manaraoturea in that line of every m treat In the world. amounting in value to several tmedred thousand dollar., the foreign portion of which la entirely of their oeyn importation. The spite° formerly ',coupled by the large Chestnut street talleries has been onnvert•d into en immenee room, timer "by elghtyQve feet, exc'ostvely de voted to domestie eartsuperes and foreign &ratings. In the rear of We apartment are MAO erected for tho diode'? of cut samples. cod the same arrangement estate on the lower Bonn admitting the exhibition. at one v.ew, of come five hundred different styles of goods. The light thronghot the nail. he my be 'ermined. is ns eirsative no It could possible he. The old gag fix terfe bird also Non supplanted (from the establish• mentor Messrs. Cornelius & Baker) with a now order. In admtmble koPpint wink tbn reel of the alterst(nne. the gas-light being new lapplied by means or el 'Moen nwitsive nrimmonttl' pdinre. eitrinnunted with five itinbOit each, melting the Hall at gliht almost (island. nen. as der. The 0 untmg•rram remiss the ;vane formerly de voted to the stave. holm rased to nearly a hiptol with the eller. This is also titled np toe princely manner with every resnitite, and is sciPPlP'd with one or M" . ". Farrel and trotrial'i Mammoth Piro-Proof Sifts. di- rootly over which. a• enillemstio of t'e Mars under which they ssil.ll suspended a fine Portrait of Wash incton. Beside. the Hall r trendy described, Vegeta D.. L.. gr. Co ooenot one of the largo toms down Wire, hnviet ♦ front of 8118 feet, by a depth of He feet, with a cellar of the isms sise.' The ont.re building le heated by steam. We mar mid. in onnolarion that while we'rivo Dr..Teyno ere dig for hie iibtrality In facilitating a mer cantile enter wilted Inch telling magnitude, we Coro tratulate him also upon having. in the hints° above To. (erred to, the ritlit men in the 'Wit plaeo. and trust Dint a revelation so auspiciously begun, in the matter of mercantile edifices, may initiate a new ern, when capltatigts will tee that their Interests demtnd stripe tures era character and magnitude to retain houses of standing and reputation in our ofd established business thoroughfares: Dn. BottnnEn's Broonn ',scrum—The second of the highly Interesting coarse of lectures now in I To gren by the Bev. Tr. Pcudder, undrr the angelus of the Young Ken's rjhrittian itsa +motion, will ha deliv ered at Tifuoical Fund • Hall, ON evening, commencing at 8 o'oloek. These lecbtrel embody a'rnore thorough and comprehensive view of India and all pertaining to it, than could probably be obtained from ear other source. His special theme tint evening will t l e, " Dhysioal Pecul laritlaa and rfteelied grille Country; Henke Chermeray the Literature of India, and the Athibtes nod Jugglers of Hindustan: , w e are happy to see that these lectures ere being largely attended by Our very first eitizeno. .2, 1i 7co 24400 Tee Fins/ Form Centilitre •-p TRU Cents. TIAN Fn".—We would remind our tendel a that Dr. Sal ter will reopen his coarse of lectures ca tida Interest ing, hietorioal tLemn tai, ( ToeOa" "sinus. at 1.14 o'qlook, lit the feanie over L hi °kering andFlontit, Chest nut atreop,above leighth, The coarse will conmat o r four lectures. and will relate malnly to the than lei in troduced by Christianity And the Barbarian invasions i n the Reigion, Letters. Philosophy, and Society of the Ancients. This is a subject i n which students, espe cially or Church history, are interested. Tile CONTINENTAL Ildrim.—dwarma of work men we now engegod in suiting the Duishing touches uPn.n, dinteant Ntiar nial Betel. It is in con, temptation to sad to the splendor of the grand stone stairway. by inserting fit the wall, at t' tt Ent landing, a pyre w hite marble tab'et, aPProoriately ornamented, a• d having inscribed upon it in golden len ere, the following words t " Buy all sour garments nt the Brown Stone Clothing Ilan of Rookhill Sr. Wilson, Nos. 603 and COO Chestnut street. above Sixth." "V°P5 WC/JP ( ft' T61. 1 / 4 11". • p. well the work you hard to do, And dh'it while pun may, l'ut'notning till to-morrow off You onn perform to day. Tams eased mny never be reoall'd. - - It bath for eer fled c • To day, Is dying—yesterday Liei nenthers.l with the deld , " These _WhO aro In leant elagant and seasonable Plethda4 abhuld.ga to illto.ot at the earliest oonvoMent td the palatial stool of aradvill* Stoke"; No, clovitut 011V3t. SO4O Bahl Play OR '82.14 ai IWO Morrie Canl 594 TVl n neriV " :4 ll4. .... 11) . ; 14 Girard Dana lP. -- . 435. 10 Del • iv renal—. liln‘ 100 Reading R•• , •• • • • 19 'i loa do 10 SO dolo. 100 Reading R. lini; ITo n 0 19,0 Kentucky 8ank...119 SO do —ll9 BOARD. aEcorru loan SuscCanal 6a 23, I'oo alit Bel Mut Con a 60' 600 Bold r AV Gs '72. .14 St 10011 Pony H Ist in 66-100 14 Fen a 11, 1 010. •• •• 36 . 1 1 74 do late • • • 30. /11 Crittun'al Big, late. 49 20 Sad& Third-at It. 00' OM—STEADY. aid. Asked. Ikhl New, prgtf.....16 1 i 16 "Val f i latiAti:ll l ; 6P I I" 66 mort.llX 124 hopg Islandl Lehigh .3oulecNatASX 49 IN Penns K•••••••• 8,4 htts 66. —.6316 64 Chgvarlßlnt R....••• I do let mg bdt..523. 11 'Frank & South IL: Reo'd&Zhird-st RA9 llfr Rur.k.Vioe-ate 1L25 29 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. HE FOURTH. PAGE ARRIVED. U S mail steamship Koatene State. htershmen, 154 hoots from Charleston, with mice and Ds smarm' e to A. Moron. Jr: On the 28h tut. at 4 P M. otf Rod. Island. Ml. etean ship Butte of Georgia. hound south; 0351' M. passed steamship Marian, bound south Ship. Wm Commons. Johns 47 dais frnm pool. via /dent Meurer; Southern Tonto, or winti. i ./01201 with mdse to Wm Cummings k Son. Salle ti Dee, 1859. in company with ship ttranak. Rowland. of anti for Poilsdelphia. and ratted with her on the / th, when the W 0 a eeredfor the Southern route. *Took the NE Trsdos in lot 29 N. long 34 W, when 20 days out, being driven thus tar to the eastward by 'national westerly Nunds. Had seven days nalme and light bnffiinewirolain °roasting the Northern Belt of Calms. Jan Bth, int 212- N. Inns 890 W. signalized en Amerman bark Meer' no Routh showing a private !tonal. square. white ground with a black cross; 23d let 29 17 N. lone 74 W. MN AM. passed a large A merican aide-wheel steamer. with one smoke Wank. ham tar d belt painted hot , zontally omen it near the too 'Merin; smith. and 1/6 hours afterwards passed anoth-r aide-wheel steamer. with two comae slacks nod koalaine beam. alga steering out. Crossed the onmilel of Cape Hattermi when 43 data out. Iteefcil topsai/s 1,1 three times during the entire pas sive. via: once en the third dn. ant, 11.11(i twice since Camino north of satteMS. Had fine pitman:it weatier nearly t lin whole voyage. Ont no pilot until the shin wet run close into the Stone Pile nn Stinting night at Otg o'clock. when we rounded to and lay about an hour. limning implies. blue lights. and rockets—a tionutiful eleno, moonlight night with a fresh tome from SW by w. 'Brie Calvert. French—late Willa,. who remained— from Sierra Leone ash inst. with bides. &e. to Cdfumlnge & San. Left hark Aaron I Ifervev. from Gambia. In return thicker in two weeks, to load fur Philsdel chin; brigs Win 71nflod en, Thnmoson from Ros ton, art 31st Dent Pauline. Sarno, from htetnenne. lust err, an 1 An. Elizabeth, Lana, from do, for Salem in a few dais. Rtesmtue America. Virden.l4 hours from Delaware nrenkwnter. with chip Wm C-innonJe in, tow.Sopron; the ship ftrev Elate and bark Marian. both Inc Rio. and hark Irma. for Barbados!, as having gone to am; Mon day morning. CT,EARED. Str E L GaW, Tier. BSltttoolo, A Grown, .Tr. 31 ...HUMP A.ll. (Correspondence of The Preas.) New Yuan. Jan M. Arrived, ship Maverick, from Leghorn. liorrOtt, Sari Arrived, ship Nightingale. from Poo Chow. MP.Mat ANON. Ensamshin City of New York, Boggs, henoe, arrived at Poston yestorilai• Stomshin Pennsylvania, Teal, ileum arrived at ft ni.on h inst. Shi m n M d ental - wenn'. Brown, from Mobile for Havre, we of the I..ntril oth lasi Ship Thanher Mn•oun. Batter. from Boston for San nterm, was spoken . Nov 12 let 111 lour 77. Ship Constoution in. for Liverpool cleared at New irisnas Nth lest with 2322 lades cotton. Hark rr incite, Politer. wont Lathan for Philisitol nide listoro roported missins, wee abandoned at son Nev 18 1.; 31 N. lone 21. The captain and orew arrived nt R " J %nolo, in the Port ship A rn , amla Ib•rk n -aroPa. Bunker, cleared at New York yester day fir Wehtriond. Berk Ana E Grant Swain. from Rin de Sensiro Dim 0. arrived it New cork sesterday. Poo 12 *ow lids Preesa -nine tato 1110. lief , ship Car on, Hoffneri barks Charlotte ETn v. Hushes, par: nranoeno , Home go .0 from Now Orlosna: brie Union State, Port wet], Irnm Virilmin-tna and others as before. Park Warren - Fisher, Crowell, for Providencia, oloared at R , lrnoonh 21. t• inst. Park Flying Void, Speed, from New York, arrived at Be timma rooeroar, Brig Zee Nam h. Fisher hence for Cans of Good Anon, was ervikso Nov re. int 28 N. lone 23 w. Brie H A D doer. Graham. irnin Heti Immo. and other vessels before reported, remained at Pernambuco 9d hist Brie Resolute, Hill, from Saco for Philadelphia, P t New•iert 711), ins` ftrk Poker. *Halliday, for Philadelphia, sailed from PaP•rmo 21 it ult. PA, TaVulah Plummer, for Rio de Janeiro, railed from Hi- Manna 2flih Met Behr Deborah Jones. Worn, hence, arrived at Oa vonna inst. Rehr-111 8 Mershon. Allen, cleared at Savannah 27th • Rohr .1 H Wainwright. Corson, for Boston. nailed from Riohnnod Z3h lost aohr fl P Kin*. Leeds, from Richmond, arrived at Beltenreo •ostonins. Bar E Mclean, Buoklin, hence, arrived at New Or leans 24th lent Rehr Moan, Thaeber from PernambucioJall 3,1, ST rlvoil at New York VP•tOrriglr. a Behr Marietta Tilton. Tilton. from New York. arrived at Galt , ston in.t Rohr F. vri Pots. Sampson, from Newborn, arrived at Newt ark 'peter& r, QAT Mars 1' Ruston. Hazard, from Lewes, Del, et N York • Pittorgivr. f Soh r C.•nn. rane. Rich. cleated at New York yesterday o- ehntltor Rehr Ti Ireland. Baker, cleared at New York yester day far Masa-dna Par Amelia, 11 ers , la from New Bedford for Phila. Vain. st Newport Pell one. Rohr nee M anclia m. ;Scudder, for Galveston, cleared at New York yesterday. Rehr rt °haw. Shaw, from New Jersey, arrived at Sa vannah 20th inst. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO TWIILVII O'OLOOM LAST NIGHT. OIRARD HOUSE--Chestnut et.. below Ninth. a( N Jonas, Foston f! It A narAwa, N V i?A i C i ii , !ll . e 7 , , , , Alton D Mel2nl .10. ite•Aing A V 14:2; . VA P ""°'''' W Al Vrtnrn. Italo Jon 0 t r.vor t...wr, CHL 0 Jnhn " llarbes. rills P 0 111 inter. Pa - W Wilk m e, N Tnhn L INmphrers, NY Inhn TT Ahl AA N Harrett, N y A r" Wand. N Y It wester. Pla. N Y II W Cole, N Y. P Paden. Gen...et:yin:4 D C I. R Irvine. Bo l t AlTrn Hondv, Bolt 3 Rookins qmith, Dalt Mrs J II Firirh. Nit.l Cols. Fait Than Sti Muni, Masi 0 W Loehn Cal Pail,. N , W NI Vi - milyn N Y R o YirmilyejN Y W 8 WTlkor II C A Parrott . 8 0 W X Pit,ll. N Y W R MeNT - liter. NY .. 0 Tkvia., N Pranmorm lino. N Y W C Abbe. IROI H , 1 Renal. M4llll ll 1.1 , 480f1. Borten P 011 , s. 8 C .1 0 Wilkie. 8 0 TIT 11 Dorsey Ga. 3it • Iford Ha ,Tmdob Vont Ain AT Malnnn. No 0 DoLtlto Paris On • W Parker. St Louis W A crow. 8r 1111118 C. W Keiser. tit Louts 1. as T irnwq.N I ITi -are,' N I ~ R Pdaumlore N V W S Walker, Indiana if Trnclar &la Mooting Miss Hunter. Reading Mi s treater Reading .I^a P.a.. Pa '.... 14 MoCouir oa, Wm II Hall, N y David Never. Coon IrTn.n. Wolf. Conn Tim, I Tram,. T °wine A ti , met . y P W NEnninn • N Y D II Ward Pc ror. N H ttond t.ow•on. Mn. jmr Hon% II 'Hon W SenTnelln & In N Y 3 T lineephr.rr. N y 'l' T' o llenhero, N Y A 0 Muller ' , hula 0 L woarthn•r. Shaton H 13 Havmoint. ItrAtnn Cam II 0 Von Vliot. t' A Hen p Putnam A , ant, N.l at U Tla , tlett, Chillicothe. 0 8 Weoth•rby. N V TIM Thninonnn. Brook') n 3 M Dei,niana, N F. 3 Thowsan. 8 C v . a... , , an-nsta 0% H A Thnmoson, MIR Ti F Thnmpson Rout R 0 "1' ill.e.:lln.rnn. Tex 1 , nor inner N V 8 0 Rennirpo Texan W T enloinnne Texas 0 C MiPer, Tenni, W 8 Pother Ye.eal Inn FT Pry, Toxqg 1 , At Lo• a art, wi3lnnond .1 IM Hodson Uniontown, Al iltil F. 0 l'arsw ala 1 11 Brand. Ms , nn, MA J A e.lves'er. Aaiun, Ala W F ` natal) N y Aug v*ver, Dal W AT i.ri.A. Pit 1. m W Iliohinond. Halt II W ATitchell. Va • 1 Coll.r. Roston A C Gene. n e t W Gialinsou 0 P Whi,akor.Md wpRCITAINITS' 110TEL—Winrth or.eot, V.lnw Aroh. l* W Edw•rd-. N V T ammled , NVilm. Del 111 M. nal. Inlineon!ri D Broom Rending Wm Ti Caged, kin, Yn 0 Pr , dr Pl. Pn Jmi 0 HA•11 Phil% . P sphran. Del Mrs ' dward., N Y I W9lllll. Jr. _NY it P Ilmo. Dnolesirnwn It 'on k In. Pet 118 gnolo Nnw linno • . stk. D•yanolt %lin Wainirrirlit. (1.1 Min R I IlMcol.i.fren WV) t? irhard Brodhead. Pa thin hl imikirte. Wroming IS 111)onol..r. Wvont'n no II L nailer. Danville, Po W Wray. Danville, Pn A MVP IRA N ROTEL--Chaptyint it.. rihnos Fifth. Re. R pn.m. Phil% J M nmith.ll.l RIM I , :dmtncl.nn. VA 3 11 Mmelitt•ntr.Lnuotteter w n Ppr•Fhor I,nrinuter Uf. Rwil N Y Mr. Rivirt &tfo. N Y i 111 Tinia.. m 1 Ilnlit If Melntir , Del ° P Lottn;A Wshm^lot BR MA tin &lA, Pt I out' Inbn H 0r.,1:. N Y Mpnry M Smith. N Y M W Pritann, Pit hijsg - Brin•on,Bobu t tic• cc. If uondar, En inn P 3 .T H Pprinetr 1 nnk linvan T 't i l Plll/AllinTi Pa, P M (hewn. Nowa*, N J II at tniden. Vs I.harlAN tin yes . 3IR latralth. VI B White, VA. JONES' DOTEL—Oheatnnt et.. balms/ Seventh. A Dottront, w y W B Rnfr N _y p A Heiskell, Texas ' W Walker, Halt Thne Whit*. B th F, 0, Either, Weea, D 0 I enwoirn Jr. &Id D oelawn. Phil. Peet Mailroom , . Phil& tient Talbert Va Jnnes Daniel. Va en el‘wenn. Dh Otis .illinme Texas P Tome. A rk P Andrlot & ler, N Y — 4183411 es & wr, RT LOillii HOTEL—Chentmit et.. eh, Third. F Fitz , iiihnn. Phila. a Weoliburn. Pit lievid Tialtford, It IP".l.tnner. Trenton ja.i s Gibbon., I ha. t,P Monet. Fbila • Hon. Sahli - nom .1 Hower, Ph,la Wm Mille N York . f t .her & la. Pt Carbon Wm If area. Tenn 'Salton*. 'NI M al Hitcher. Ynrk tuolft. N (ten nn'eti N Vnrir op. %Dm N Yetis R 0 Jolly, N York J F Morobb, N York James Hooper, Baltimore PI)I I N'P tIN RPTEl,—Seoonil Atroet Owe TtiarkeL Wro atildp. Smyrna. Del .1 Shll &la N J j 0 Tolland k la, Pa lki Taylor. kid 8 E Geer. al 3 "et,. Berwick, Pa a Aehenbach Prt M ai Rerrnn Port Clinton 0 W Colo, /AWOL Del • 8 B Lowe. Va Till ',NEON ROTRU—Atah street. above Third, .T 11 en rtAr. Wu', Deli Marshall. Ma P. D Efinitb, Donetint Ermantreut, Reeding W .r. tonan. Pleuungton as WhirnkA• . lirt•ting.ton F Phillips. Rh.le Wel? a Puv.l, Me inhrt (3 Reed, Thlt Ft 11 Johnston. I.:iptnn. Pa g %1 Ermantrant. Rending R 8 Cht.iser Easter', bbd Mr Frertoh. Jere , " CUT W 1) em•hruz. Plrila James! 0 Rigby. Pa Desist Net hart, Ps P4.4t , hr vratNcihr ITOTEL—Rennod street. stove Arch ,I Welenn m ,m, Peedjug I W West, Merrlst Ina P %yd. Dnv.r. DRI ' i 1 Jahnenn. litl.m Ni A J•rVig. Trenton Jut )$ n>-+n, J M Wright. orftnton, Pt WIT Matter PHA. I Row , ion• P. N Leld.. Alonttat illl ' A l P4 l ; t Flit t ilT ,T Jens's, 13settOphi3m. 0 Forum), West Chosler li Thacker Nola STATES UNION NOTtl."-Market gt,, above Sixth, Wm Roll, Green* burg. Pa John AI Proven, Pa A Firer. r unegt.or.Pn. .16iloin, Pikton. .1 Miller. Iforvinv(lo,6 n 7 P Mom,. Pittiburo. Pa A Hel , ht. Vitiaborn. Pa W Wt.rld • » rru.),uri A tnortou iiormgntown I n Brown, California f, hvTmn•r gl foroia tit W Noma,. California I VIV Rieke. calif...la lohn Cossor. WA. John California Lewis 1, Horning. California MERCIDIANTB' HOER'S - Third at.. above Oft%Veil Tbne Rom Choetnut VIII Pr .1 A ZIPtIO , . Halt Mrs A M TARler 1.'14 Y Rr•nalinrer. Mont co R Muephy. Mont; oo D Albrieht, Rending Y. 8 Roller. Ilen e 8 14k 1a 3 a r or . I lVde r' r n R etown J F Ito 'era & la. P., Riddlne. Aohland A W Bidding, Aehland Peter OerhArt, Lebanon EAGLE HOTEL—Third street. nhove Mace. J ru.ev. Aid T Brnund. P A A M Cotter R.frata Jon S Gong. nhio H titorlltiv. Philo Y Raney. Philo, p Oren. pinhiebetrt B P Adams. F,ll , o4 John Fltlllt, 11 oton J W Wont, 4' , 1 leant B ByTi. York. Pa tt 13 Po.ntor. W Ch•Vor t 4 (4 R.nn.tt. WPOt Chettor '' W P.nerpooker. - Ph da R 1.• Whirl.. rhii i t, E 8 Waco 'awn, Phil& J Benet, N Y NATIONAL Howl,--lipoo rarest. above Third. Jnbn R Lynch Wilkosbarre 3 W Mall?. Waxtlin , lno F. W Gilbert Reading tr 'V Kleckner, A lento:me a C Pnth, ',Penton% ' Y el ern ' tfillY:tV. 1/; ( 1 ? 9 Ilonvor. Pot , sville H .1 Needier. Pottsville .e 'Mime, N Y A Kern.. I nn• en. Pa s. II Ynune Doylestown H D chtold. Mt Inv J Whitaker. Mt Clare 3 H Doover N Ashised Jhi Fear, y J Shims, Prato/11W ." 1 0MMERct IL HOTEL—Sixth at.. above Chestnut. foe Utenstaarl, Pn Levi J Pierce. N II A Kimble. Cheater co F O' Werner. °bin 11 ilarinm. Chmehville I , Kimble. Cheater or, Alma Ii Kirk. Cheater co Tilos W Tinntinnde Mrs Miller. Pa Wm Men rd 7, D .1 Than ..prcuson. Pa. Ate nben F'nrenson. (Thin I .' It Potareem P 4 C II Ile althorn CMPstor co Wm Phillips, PM D '4 Wlneerd. PoitstoWn Mrs Mills Cheater en 1. Pe nn, lA'iim't n't, I '.ll W Alexander. Chester en 8 y Wilson. Premark. Del E Pr' zor, Doylestvro, Va hire Pyle, W Cheater HARLEP SHEA'S , HOTEL—Harmed M.. helm, Vino. Pr F. H 'Anson N J 1 7Y rn F Molefinab, N J Wm H Ebert . Pa J tread. N t W C tirleeP Ni A a A , 1 , .. Browneburg A Prince. 9trourlM , tire 8 Crolr, Jelaey City MB Cook, Jerevy City rlAbo F:AO I E HOTEL—Third et, above C 41 1 071111, 30‘m 13 Manning. Montg co I) Stever, Burka en • kalniikey,ltnionn NV a Drink dmn.'ll.elticl, on R Rxrlev. tioelcz_no E Ointb Readige `'Ot4i4...7iendini Loon, oeiolins Mrs amber, Pennehttrir tiolemon Kemmerer, Pa BLACK BP,AR IMTEL—Third st, above nal!whin. Hear. Brey, Bemneytown Milton Cooper,Coneernh'it II V Geri us. Pa, David TIIIIIIIRS lITI Dublin Mies Tlinione.W tote Marsh A Mini , T. Pottsville 1. I , MrtrFlutil, Philo N L Troxell, Allentown J B ICeirldine, Danville SINGEICB .111.40#11•140* N 0..; Se v(i --.....4100 Nd. f g6t•ithg Maohintra ...... .......—. ..., PO The Family tionritig Mhahine, A The Family Sewing Maohiao... . . go 1. M. SINGER & CO., Nn are cttEsTNUT 4t.r,st. • ONE PRICE OWTOING OE ' TICS LATEST ammo, made in the beet meaner. expressly for RE PA/ 4, SALES. LOWEST selling mete marked in lAIM Plyilrea: All goods Made to order warranted antis factory. Our ONE-PRICE System IA atrial, adhered 0, se we believe thie to be the 0114 fair way of dealing All are therebj treated alike. .101601 k UO., zei-t( • Apj *OUST Street. THE PRESS.-PMLA.DELPHIA; TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1860. SPECIAL. NOTICES. M. FINKLE'S SEWING MACHINES ATIA MAR. RANTED the beat for all bindeof Fmndy SPVIIIVE or ketUring our NACU. If the) do not work well they wilt be exclionced, or the price refunded. Price ,F,YO, and upward,. 91 CllCStrirl' Street. rep ening. Intl-tittn& a et. TIIR FIRM IN CIIRSTNt7T STREET. LETTER PROM TREO. IL PETERS S. CO I'IIII.CDPI.PIII.I,DIIIIIFII7 19, IWO. 211/18F118. P,IRIZSL, k Co., 20 CHERINVT STRUM', GENTLE:OM 1 We have recovered the flerring's Patent champion Safe, of your make, which we bought from you nearly five years ago from the ruins of our building. N 0.716 Chestnut street, which was entirely destroyed by fire on the morning of the 17th inst. So rapid woo the protress of the flames, before we could reach the aims the whole interior was one mass of fire. Tho safe being in the back pert of the store. and sumer (led by the most combustible materials, was exposed to great heat It fell with the walls of that part of the building into the cellar. and remained Im bedded in the ruins for more than thirty hours. The Safo wee opened this it culling In the presence of a number of gentlemen, end the contents, comprising our books, Nibs receivable, money, and a large amount of valuable papers, are ell safe not a thing was touched by fire. Respectfully yours, TREO. If. PETERS dr, CO. The above Bare eon be seen at our store, whore the public) are Invited to call and examine it. FARREL. HERRING, A, CO., )a2l•tt 029 Cli , atnut street. Llayne'e SAVING FOND—NATIONAL SAFETY MUST OmearrY.—Chartered by the State of Penneylvatile. RULES. 1. Mopes le received ever) , der. and In any =out, ergo or email. 1. FIVE PER GENT. interest le paid for 11101161 from, he (lay It is put In. B. The money is always paid batik in uopy whenever tin called for, and without nohow. 4. Money io received from Exeratera, Administrators, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sate, to remain a long or short period. g. The money reoeived from Depositors ts invested in Real Estate, Mortgagee, around Rents, and other Out class seen ritiee. 6. Office open every day—WALNUT Street, xouthwell cruet Third street. Philruinlohin.. salt 01109BIt & BAKJIR'S 371.1111RAIED NOMILM FAMILT 91W1110-MANIMM WFST—SORERTSON —On the 19th Inet . at the St. Paul a M. E. Prvennnge 61 Catharine Wept. by gee .1 E. Meredith Mr Bird C. Went and M Sallie L. BO hertenii. nil of • litailetnh in. 6tco 4 17 t G' E—LJ •1)9 eY.—^n the 29th huhu ay Roy. J. S. Dale. Mr. Wm. MoCorugle to Mao Anna Lindsay, both of thin city. • TIENNFRP.-011 the =mink of the Seth bet., Alm M 4 , 1, A.. w•fe of JAM.11:11. 'Sooners. Tb. rehtivee and friend& of the family ere portico. larlr invited to ottend her funeral. from the residence r.f her bunrond No. 4AI North Fourth et on Thinedor morning, Feb. 2d, at 1U o'clock. To prowled to Laurel Hill. *•• riff NDLP.R Os eitv of Baltimore. Otter nshort hot 11•VPri1iilnate , William T. Chandler, In the 21th nor r f his nee. His Amaral will take rhea nn Fourth env. thol=t of Recond mown. from ilia ree , dence of hue father, Wil liam Clioniller. Kennett Nome, Cheater comity. To tenon to o'clock ALEX 1.NnI.:11. —On Saturdny. Jon 2Sth J Addison Al x rder. I'rofeuor in the Theolodonl Seminary, at Pena t n N. t The rinaril wil' take Once from hie Into rn.idmnaa. nt Prinatiton. 27. 1., to de, I Tuesday) nt 2 P. M. GI t,PIN —Pn Rundny mornine, 29th inst., Henry D. Oilpin. in tho Nth um. of Inv a'e. malo friend. ST the fondly are invited to rityand his forlorn; on Tinrseny morning next, at 10 o'elnek ... • in orneeed to Lome' Hill. . . BELLI:BM AN On tho 28th Init., John Byron Hel ermAn. need 2.0 yr." . . . . I be rebitives and friends or the family are respe c t. fells invited tn ntrecd his funernl frnm h I parents' reridenee. No, b Sixth at., nbrrrn Poplar. this (Tires &ee) afterneren at 2n ehnric. without farther 110'/CO. To erneeed in Odd Feline' (leo eters. JO9PitiON,—on Sumlly morning', 29 , h inst.. Emma, younr•st denyhter of Dordamm F and Susan Johnson, need !I months. i he friends of the family ere respectfully invited to attend the funer•l from her father's r.sidence. enrner of eirerd nv.nut and at n•thrmuh Street, this (Tuead•s) morninF. 31st I eq., sr 10 o'clock. • CASES.—On the 29th font Miss Elton Cates, Aped 12 years. __runaral from her mother's reeidetre. Cartionter st.. ner , rcett FrOnt.awl-tlecond streets, this tnornbig, at 9 o'clock • IIUCKER.—On the 27th in et } Daniel Webster. young. eel son John L. and Sarah Hunker, In the 7th year of his • . Funerel from the residence of Lie parents. No. 19:3 North Eleventh street, on Wednesday afternoon, a . 1 o'clock. SHARP.—On the 22th that., Mellon C. Bherp, In the WI %ear of hill one. Funeral from hot Into re:Hence. No. 20.5 C tmenter street. (.11 Wednendne afternoon. et 2 n'elnek. A 'IN —On th• 19th 'not., Ale3anc.or O. Annie. In the 3 1111 it' of hie ate. rimer /11 freer tie reindeer(' of bin Miller-in-law. Iter. Renjamon T. Relent,. No, Site Smith Sixth street below Chine ,nn. thin•nfternnon. nt 2 o'clock. * MARKS.—On the 21t It 'riot • Molar Him Marla, aged ear,. Funeral from his late reahlence, thin morning. wt 10 o ° C.) , f , f AN DIV tho 89th (natant, .1(1.00 (1.. /inn of iienree nod Andra,, years nivl 9 mooting. Fonerol from the reenicneo of her permits. No. 11010 North 1 4 ecn d etre.' t. thw onorncon fit 3 o'clock. • nt TH tt;:t.—On the 'nth .oat.. Robert Mathews, in the 40th 'ear of hue me, imolai from the residence of hie brother-in law. A. Qtmntm, lie. 1019 Locust street, this thinning, nt 9 o'clock ARLACIC AND WHITE F 0 II LARD BILKS, 62N: rents a yard. fu I RISOrtITIOR , Jast TeCOIV64. A/$O, Black Oros. S Ike. Ito. Pun] , de Maio De. Fie'd and tt.ipad Nitta. I).. and white neat C. 00k 1 4 11kP. 1 1 0. nd white neat awned Silk , . Ito Paten , ituil,l Do. and Purple , Foulard Rae, 11M5.30e monentnx Stem. jit3fl No. 41 k4 (IIIRsTNIIT Rtreet. r r R CIi•STR CET Tli EATIIF—NOTICE'. .. —The minim. tnentinc of the Stockholders of the Arc street Theatre will he held on LION PAY. Feb rimy nth nt 9.3 d I' 51 ,at the hell of the Pticenix Mir ZA Stcet. a eve Seventh. north aide. at which tone nn election for five Aconto to z.r A fo the Beeffin, rear Will ink/. AIWA. PO/ nonce hntd 0 o'ciock. A dividend of e 37 pet mime ho bran deolnrod, than, Jell St t. J. CHRISTI N, Boorotrly. rirTHE THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY rt the HPRIICK-ST. HAPTIS 1' BRATH SCIIOII I , wilt bo h Ikl n) the ellu-nh,).1 , 111.0 6 StriM bonny PI Wi'll. THIS (Tn. &dr.) ) EVEN 41)10. alst tont on- Mel2o nc fit 714 n'elnek. 1 ..)c0r0 an)) by the gam. Addrosoos by Any. J. HYATT 6.lllTit end J.ll. (.AS TI,E. rc.--. IRISH (111Ultili ritiv , ronis.—TlllKßE =III he a memoir in aid ni this ' , RUM'. held. 0. Y., 0 ifild I twailay I - VliNlNO.ni l'H o'clock in the OHL 11 II of eT. al ATII lAg.enrner ol •INR re2ENTH and NORTH &teats Haveral addresses will he iteli eared. nail opt env. OEO. A. IIP:ATII tn. of Ireland, will ,it na it deputation. 11• ( TT . A F 4 ' ' T l E ti N tl l :; " 6 s l ,l 6ll l l_. ';°l lf, ' R " Fauna I ?+fin't 4 4l , ( l MPoting be held on Wl , uNESDAY 11VENIniu. Feb. 1. at 1% n'clook. nt Mr. CV ard'a coign l• fin 1 . vireot. ahovo Toted. to receive the loan the money. at which limo an ooportunit. , Inind to pa crone to aubto,l be for Cook. tinareo 9 per morph. o DAM c 1)81:111/ fl. Free dent. JOAN VOLKMAR, 61 lorot.tv• la3l kt• It. GEATTAN GUINNESS wLII preach on MONDAY. NV Ii:DN nA Y. end 7;flpek gnoPiiNa 4 0f thur week, at 7.4. o'clock. In Rea. Ur. WOW. Chnrch, BaOilt CI Street, 10/ow recercinc the other eveni , ice for meeting Inquirer. in the lecture mom ol the church. poo.bt • n , "" *DR. SCUDDER'S SECOND LECTURE U 1 . 01.; I 411 A Will he delivered an Thl 681.1 A Y Evening. January ..I,l o .B o t r . o a k t . edbi n lSA . l o . n F n ll t v 7 l) ,..e l i t v A k r,.L, 0 0 .,m.non i g ht is Sue/eel—Ph, stool Peoullerities end Reieutten of the rountr v —ti ng ke I hnyinprei—Ti t o Literature ot Intim— The P th'et es And In. 'Vie of Thadosten. Tiolets f..r Le courhe, 81 el Yor a, uenyomen And Lady. I rin a two Ladlee, a 00 " Sinai° 'Lecture. 011 ele Man ho had at the p IneinAl hankataree and pith km lion bowleg; alto it the talon of tho Northern ALM- T.llne Collipnn) . 424 ilhertnnt ytrert. end at the ronme of the Anineinhon Mitt WO and 1011 Chest. t et. tAZi-R, PR., SOLO L a WELL lIEOPI. Sr 1214 rour.in •• Tli c. PI ItsT FOUR Ca STU RIBS o` , 011R1 4 TIAN ESA." at CRIBB liTtlPifi ,k, SONS', n Tuclu Ay. ti, alit January, at 11,1( chat ,oven P. M To conaint of FOUR rin the ohang•il introduced by Chiistinnitv and the Barbarian Inragione in the Religion, Lettere, Philoanphy. end Pomo% or %h• Ancients. Cnume•Tickets for title at QI. Slit atChickertne k &inc. and Lay holdt'a Foreign rbodietare, 1321 Cli.atnut. tine a m.41+4/141 60 (vote. 75 oohti for a hady motion/lawns 11+21-tumtu3i_ TTPre I If;ne E LTINL E the N M L „ 3 4 8 1 , 1 / jcil " .. CoTeany for 10 Election of Five Directors and lire triingacP.: , n of other InOttneee. held et No. 30) North D....AWAKE Aconun. on TUESDAY, the rtu of February next, at DI (11'0i0l3k Donn. WM. BENVIR, Pecretary and Treacurer. /110 AMU .TAIN IMPROV:111. NT CONT. PANV.—l'imaoaLtuiA, January 2d 16 ). NO , lOO lig !Mehl siren that the Ituunal meting of the ehnekledders hi the Big Mountain isoprowoment COM pita), wt.l to bald nt their effice.Southenet e now of Freeland Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. on MONDAY, the oth of Fehoter• ant. at Ir .o°l ink, N., whom Mention will ho hold for five Directors, to servo for the on tnnr *OM'. 1n2,-Oc6 WILLIAM 9 . JENKS, Provident. lN:hit/LAW* CH PAISIV OF THE B,j'Alt. OF I'EXPISYL VA NI A. JANUARY 956.18 M. The Mont meetinz of tlig Stock h olders will at tne ClllllllllllV'll olnre. No. 4 E XCIIANGM BUM )- INOM. no MONDAY. Felirimv 6 111.01 nt 1 o'clook P. 1. ja2s.(ltroll WILLIAM HARP 9 . SeoretarY. CARBON RUN IMPROVF.MENTCOM PAIL AbELPIII,I January 2.1 IVA. - otice ie thereby given ttou the Annunl Meeting of the • tookholden, a the Cef tn Nun InaproVeht•llt raell fttlaldi"OdirNbf, Id gtr l c i a " Y. ° l l7 l„l , ;,ll;l ? i t ZAVOV II Ii i ic C , the oth nt rennin,, next. at P. ht., when en Mention will be held tor Fire i•trertere to Anne lot the onainng poor.HIRAM 11. TII.I,EN, JOS-tn. Preeident. 1-1-TtICNEURY AND Enit: RAILROAD, Plilimlelpli,a, Inn 21, 19 , 70.—N , ITRI'''.—The An. nun Meetti7"rit the Ntochlinldere of the inborn and Frio Railroad Companh will he hold nt the office. No 124 Wei LN , Rtreet. on 1110 N DA A, the 13th nay of Feb rim . ) , next, nth 10 o'c'ock A • hl. At Vile mooting on Election will he hold for ten Mona gore of the Rowney, totem.° for nue hoar. The pouf, to ohne at 2 n'eln, , k I'. Al. Pat tuthit tfl3 W. IKDWA II I'OP FORD, :lee. NEW YORK AND MIDDLE I OIL FIELD RAII.RoAD AND COAL CO - A l meettnit or the 140-14/toltlors of this Company wdl IV 11.14 At Oa offlen nt the Comp:lnn. No. Fourth iraj c i :o r c al MONDAY. the Oth dal Pehrunrr nest. nt E I k A. M. for the purpose nf eleetinl Ft%u threotors of said Company for the Antal , nt ear. HEN , ' Y ROBINSON: Hnoretalr, Philndelphin. January 21st. 1000. .1W dtleil TrOFFICE OF THE 9 1 4 A °ELM" AND NAVA NN Ali .TNtA I INAVNATION COMPANY, No 3001stcwp ri kWilerveifi ivitint.kiiiii. Inn. 23. 1800. The Annual Alentine o the gtonlatoblera of Una Cont. t , n.Y (or• the El•etion of Viva Maniigors nil for the r annablino of othur lnoneo. Alit be held nt No. 30 1111.ADe LI OIA vxcHANiu. third floor.; on TU bSDAY INb:NINO, the Olt of February_ nest, at half pant seven o'olook. WM. IiENNIN, Ja2l 121 Sneretary and reaqmer. rv- -- OFFIcE I'ENNSYLVANIA 11211LIMAJ? 11....1 COMPANY. Ptro,rinut. vo.t., tur4arr It. VIC NOTICE TO STOCK WS Ult. tt..titThe AnnUjil Meet lair of tlia Stocktin dna ni" anti C 401.11 Y wilt be held on MON A +Y. t' n tali ll,iy or li e i.warr , lAA, at /4 0 . 01001( A. i'll., rtt 0011 ..NO id ..STR EV, r ft MA. - r n. /knead lilettion far Direetore will ho held on MONDAY, the Alit dat at Mitreh. !RM. at the (Shoe 4 the CsIttnI111) • i.l death Till e it Street. Jaltt-t FO ED • UN 1 - 1 SM ail. Secrotarr. OFFICE PIDLADELPHIA AND fIAtIOA 111 C .PANY. ;r .E. ho: Annual Meetin, of tlia Nilooklioltlors of ttia Plolrulnlobina..3l Rending Ile II tond Cone VAnf,f . fdd a lilt. :try 9. MO, the following gentlemen \NIT unanunounly eleated Oftioors for DV): WM. H. MoII.IIEIINEV. INo lm 6"' "W. A. fienreitari 300 1481 S Prime 17aldax and Eaciport tible Wlitt i l e ggr;ntr i e u‘ PP„S s .2 l. l ' f i l h r l ffri" ' 269 hair W.I. .1. TAYLOR k d3l 119 and 121 NORTH wivkno4. AT lELVDCORD PRICIII. 430 CHESTNUT BTREEI. I=l 31 A Rat ED. A RUT. PRE.IDE4T. J. DUTTON S rhELP J. pu ON STEELY. A. N. DOR, P. CHAS. MAC M.EBIi.E.H WA). 15.111.04 1 . , F3?,1111 % . 1 1 1 .. Nllllllil. TRRA!❑ R PR. B. BRAI.FORD S SC RI, A 11 V. BILV.GOODS JOBBERS. COURSEY, LAVOUROADE, & CO., HAVE REMOVED To NO. 631 CHESTNUT STREET, JAYNE'S HALL, IVEUIRII TIIBY AID{ NOW RECItIVI:4O THEIR SPRING IMPORTATIONS MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. To wllioli they invite the attention of d•elers to eueh goods. Js3l•tmo MERRIMAOK. PRINT 8, A rt:i.r, LINE, JILL NEW STYLES, OPEN TIM DAY JOSHUA Ti. BAILY. (imroarEn AND JOBBER.) 213 MARKET STREET, JAH tf PHILADELPHIA. SNOW -SHOE GINGHAM. These excellent 0001)8 will be offered fur sale for the FIRST TIME IN TlllB CITY. mins DAY, JAN. 30TII, or JOSHUA L. BAILY, No. 213 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The sr - coial attention of the Trade Is asked t.) these goods, which aro warranted superior in nil respects to any other GOODS IN THE hIARKET At the same pile.. Je3lll ALLENDALE .QUILTS. LANCASTER, M tt WIESTLII, BATES, and MARSEILLES QUILTS, All El sal and Qualitlas. A EEPERII ASSORTMENT son SALE CY JOSHUA L. FIAILY, IMPORTER AND JOBBER, 213 MARErT BT.EET CANWEEL4I..6.I 111PORTZ113 AND WIIOI.II9ALE DILALER9 13 DRY GOODS, LINENS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTII3, CAB3ISIE:RES, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, do No. 727 QIIESTNUT Street. ALL PHILADELPHIA BOOKSELLERS Hare now for sate TEE AUTIIOR'S EDITION (Printed from Paris shoat■) CAPTAIN AIcCLINTOCK'S NARItATIVD Voyage In the Aruba Seas, and Dleeorety of BM JOHN FRANKLIN'S REMAINS 1 olerant ltrno, volume. Price 81 tO, With 18 page Illuttratiots an Mtlye, the d 211117 R 3 in the Enitieh edition. TICKN OR S.; FIELDS. 101-tuthß-if3t PUBLISRELS. BOSTON MBE PIRST ADAM AND ME SE _ .1-'1LEO!! 131AKISTON ===l vi.ontai ED. In tlm Vrention and Rpdomotinn of Msv• I iho Res. 8 onool J. turd 11. 1) l'antnr of the l'rer,b3 tenni/ Chuu•h Wcoibury, New Je,sey. _ . . INTROLUCTloX—iiiintionl ' , ketch of tho Dooirtao of n•feinel CILIPTIA T—Th•Triune Creel Or. TT—The vtereal Plan. I it—The Providential Adininictratlon ]V—Adam the I itione. of - v—The aw of God. Vl—The Principle o the Law. Vf(—The Natur.o'Bot. V' ft—Death tt e Penalts , of thn ' .w. IX —The aW Cornolot of Lira. X—Adam the Covenant Mill of the It noc. " X I—lvett , of Adam's Parente! if the Ponl. A ro.tary of A " X lll—The Pc•toil000n Of Mors I " X IV—Paul's l).sc , l.R.nn Stn. X V—Definition of 'milt nail of Imputation. ,at V f_Th. (lad( of Adeni'a Fient am. Deprovit. XVI of Orminal Pm. XI X—Tht. Cte mai Covenant. X X—The Second Adam. X Xl—Chro.t'm (it , lenae to the Law. ) 1 / 4 X f —The Loci Qinelioming Kirwan,. and I. 1,1:4114AV 11 1,AICISTON,Publutherv. jrt3l No. 25_9 9 SIXTH St , OH rNu - r. OF THE THROAT AND DT B I,FLIANS IIB OR-Ithyxior.l Deellna Women —Menelen—Whoopine Coo •h—N triune Ca•e—Vou Edenatam for the Rox•a—Thu Prao fire—•Wient aferheine—gow In Live—A Philogophlcal Marvel—The Mo. 1•1 Ciohl— ( l"aneo, A .a 'he Vol.- rimy number. WATER-CUR P. MU 'INIT.. Now re;v 4 v 41a .oar. FinVI,ER h JOI Wit& W2t. BROADWAY. N PETER COOPER. .1011 N V. witicitif and If. C. SPAULDINO —lborraptitAß. vttli hrenntonrAl''r•rnnunna. c't nn to (A, re hrun ry in- Nu of tho PIIRENOL'`GICAL JOURNAL. At,... Akers of Hohort Worm—Plvenn'ore in A rt—llev 3 ,4 suit •inis—Whnt Comma '-1 . 0 tl,a ss,t r ,„_Ni ori d snobs. or t h e Douce of Man Ciinsiitera , n h'a bolo i • dual Roetinl. and Domestic eft.., Pr on penbt, No FO BROADWAY. N. Y A NNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DIcCOVIRY BX): n. Yenr Book of Pacts in Potence and ts-t rum. 81 25 Jameson on the Pentatewth and the Book of Joshua, 12mo 76 rents. istnieson Co the .Isturiest Books of the Bible front Judges to Platter. limn 76 "ents. rtsldwelPs keroelttal Lectures on the Pastms. too. @l6O Brine Bunten in the Settoturee. Dr Prof. Taylor Louis. 1254. 61 The Prot toe end Its Visitor. By the nuthor of" hlints teu,no Children." 60 cents. For ante h vrnxiam S. in A LFRPn arARTTEN. jell No. r.o.t CHESTNUT Wrest. AT 11AZ ATMS. -- 'A CO" " ANTOS , TO IRVING'S WASHINGTON." Th'ildw in puldinand • THE RECOLLECTIONS A ND PRIVATE MEMOIRS nn WABIIINGION, bS hie ad...idol non. wrm, WA O DINGTON I' A OWE 01,` , TIS. W a M•tilnO rir the • nthor by his 111, n ta t ILLUSTRATIVE AND EXPLANATORY NOTES, PA' BENSON] O. With Illnetrnti t hi WIM LOSSINP. Fyn. 81ti). Theinon and women who worn notempoprry with Wiinhineton Live nearly al, p an p‘i own). a• d in a 'ow rears overt tonna that tniidit n-w Ann-k ofpernonal innalrietionn of the ' Father 01 hit Countn" will lie Want end that firever. The l'unlinhern feel conlida^t. tharetwo. that a work Dore this. rant Anine the minute detail, of much of Winsiinetnien . hriinta lan an well ne hot pn. a nn career. which general history Anne not •nrenl.) and ton tic n Inemh r of t'Vat.lnnutnn'm own (Omit —non who II v. , with him f o, in inn, until hi, n to.t.Poth rear--will tinpeculiar ') acceptable to the American i'ublie. FeR SALE IN PHILADELPHIA nr In3l-tf SA Al IFAZARD..IS,, is 4 111 E.. r l'T t.ttret. EADY FERuITAQV I. ISM Lt. 444 NKINCHS Ird AIIIX A 13:111 AP,T OF THE mEtHeAI, Sett NeFF Nn.3v. (June 1.:q..7 to Jan- UV) M.) Torm, Piper nnnnm. LINnwAV k PI, • HINTON. SR.II N N.. 75 H. SI XIII Pt . MO•Ve {ll/PI)1111). lre 4 0 AI LONDON, this iis-- 1 .1 FIR ITM( AND 1'0171;10N MEDIrOOIiI AI. REVIEW. •r Jnnunry,lout . p01d,.1.1 ponrtnrlY• Terms ( 6 err manna. TIP. (OW rvlt,v JouriNAL OF MICRosCO. I•CII•NIIK. for Janu trr, 19W Pubhshed quar terlylr Pv N V ...mg 25 per nonoEVIEWm, , No, XII. for December, 5559. l'uhltahad mnnticY Terms, .54 60 per en,pum. Agents for the l'hirn.l Staten, liIN IiSAY 'ORTON, Publtshnrs Pont, yell ra nod lloporrarn. Ja3l tf No. 739 SIXTH At., n hove Chestnut. GEORGE B STOAT Ar. SO.'S 13EW1)10 MACIfiNErt. WI 'lt. No. ton CHESTNUT Street MOSS, I.IROTIIER, & CO., FDDLLARERS. DOORS PLLERS, AND i'ATtnn ERs NO. Pta l'ttA ARNOLD'S tiENDIN KE PWAI F T NG INKS, There heintt untrue', 9rt.Plo oth.rtret in the rrmrket, It It Important the puhtie thnuhl knout wl.ero Thr Upturn , :Dock." IS turn to hn rthlainett An int 01,`P per ship Ann P. Dooter.dirrrt from tI manutheturer, Just raeolve.l.ott , far 441 Whined, and rate.. It I tree Ittrilittnet l of 00%1 NI PR CIAL ATATIoN . nt the lower FISHER & BROTHER'S VAL&TINE.g; VALENTINES.—WeI rail tlin attention of Deuler..in town and eou-tre to our melntubU roUK. t'•l , I. ES. Winch for va•letr tiol.rtk , and , 013 . 4 tit) t.9ll,rtnt bo B%oelki In I he - w0r , .1. 68, gat, gm. and €:.O V LENTINE ASIOUT'OENT put up and tolth for tho t r tdo, and 30:,t terms. WO %itrrant each h n will • I, AI igstiarot , rin. 11Ett itRoTO J431-fit NIX I'll Street. ' CHICKEPING SONI 4 , NIANIT 111wli RAC PER ERR ne illand and Squvo. and 'hi NANO FORTER, AVareroneet 4.17 CIIERTN VT Nt net. haunt to let Inky!) in exeli.nen. r fumed. A 0. en eonnectien, a full moot of Perulur .ousio Runts. ole. 3nol' ch ms --30 I3llv. N. 1 1,1,•,, q t, in Walter T,,0 Oil. 2 If.rl Winer Pl',[lte,l Wlydn Oil 1,(0),,di0n, Honked Whiiln Oil, 1 100 ettllnr, l Ili, Tnnnor'e Oilr oeo roll ion Winter N , iretoreirr rl. sir nron2 lln heed nr ()rennin, Oil. 10 Illn Kerosene tt burning. in More and nt fAclori Fer nip h r puNI'LEV,ABIIIIUItNEI3..i Jen-fr lO 4 I'l'll 'RVI•C. BYRpsoRTINo To REImE,'S piiii. ToGRA rule simaxit v, N ICON D nlot o Orono. YOU eln jhoro we on, Ir 2, or orivo I'IIOIIoIHAPII ~.,- ,Nitilt o P . E. tionherl in tin logbest nolo, no;I o f f. elm?) COol to root an, It --- -- .LATE HOOFING, ttv —Whoor ur tr ties 4 Sotto Roof pot proporl, nn, or n k , akt ono tondo tight aril wnrranierl. ahnll Intro immertirito Artonlloo. THOMAS lifflFF Noll‘ter. by threeling to NINT II n oel TISUMP: 4 ON Hrerto. d Slate yozclinnott. in3l-lin• NI ACKER EL.-500 bbl; Prime No. 1., .0,111. 6W bbl. Dole N 0.3., 200,11A.,t,Fruall oojno a••ortolont of l'ockogoß. For sale by WM, 3, TAYLOR. RI Co., ,1131 122 nod 124 S'ham'es. COOO (lila. Extra Grand Bank, N.- 1 in Moro and for Bale by WM. J. TAYLORA Co., 431 191 and pi NORTH Witarfel. INSURANCE COMPANIES STATEMENT oi"riul AFFAIRB OF TIM ROYAL INSURANCE CO 01? LIVEKPOOL SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL I'AID•UP CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 3,510,835 SPECIAL FUND lIELD IN N. TORII. 327,055 ASSETS. JAN. 1. 1859 Real Estate.... £20,000 61(2).300 Cash in hand in bank.— .. 4,215 6 3 21,3'6 Cash in hands of agents... 20,921 16 2 100 110 Loans en bonds and Mort. gages. (Real Estate) ... LON 20900 Loans on life policies .... 12,466 14 3 82,075 Stooks of the United States and separate Staten, hold in New York 0,296 0 a 311,430 Loans on and City stook he'd in New York. 3,127 15,822 Loans on Railway and other stooks In Great Britain... . 600,307 2 9 2,901 256 Railway and other stooks, 11 611 6 7 398,205 £702.173 8 1. el mu= Plelfillllll3. Fire Risks re calved in the tear 1851 . .C 193118 3 6 896).7t0 L0;4050 , 66 during tho year 911.167 3 7 417.780 " n3cortainod but not 4,301 0 3 21,766 eonteeted or in suit. None. Claims egitinet the Coin• tinny of every dozorip tion, inoluding ont-punr tui dui yto Government. 16,311 13 6 61.106 FIRE BRANCH. FIRE 'tie URANCE, of all daeorltdielle. Win b 3 ef fected at MODERATE RATES OF PREMIUM, whilst the farce Capital of the Company forms an abso lute eemattly to the elicited. LIFE BRANOH. RATES OF PREMIUM MODERATE for those In suring without participation in profits, and to those In suring at the advanced Wes, which entitle them to it share in the profits of the Company, it to behoved that no reliable Company, either in Europo or America, holds out greater prospeotive adrantagee. PROFITS DECLARED EVT,RY FIVE YEARS Last Division of Profits Douai to TWO PER CdNT. y r ANN UM ON SUMS ASSURED. OR, RIORTY PAR CENT. ON THE AVERAGE OP ALL PREMID3IB PAID. Added to the amount to he paid nt Death Latool adjouted at Philadelphia, sod promptly Paid without taforenoe to Llvorpod, by GEORGE WOOD, AGENT FOR PHILADELPHIA, O. 226 WALNUT STREET. 1:1:111Ici 'lO U. H. Fisher, E►a., R. & W. Welsh, Adolph F. Bone, Eno., Tltommi & Mortin, Prest. Bank Commereo, James, Kent. Sant es ,& Co B. B. C.ITIegY6, David B. Brown & Cnshier Philadelph,n Bk. S. Morris Wain & Co 1. Bern. Hutchinson, Esq., Y. Trotter &Co , John Grigg, Eit4., B. A. Pahnestook & Co. Sart oyor—RAMI:EL COPELAND. I nspulor—WM. A. SIMPSON Attondinz Pins clan—Dß. W. W. ri ERHARD. Consultlnn Plly.scion—Da. SAMUEL JACKSON. IDRLPIIIA, Janunr73l, WO. .103 tbstu3t OFFICE OF THE QUAKER CITY IX SURANOT: CO.. No. dei WALNUT RTREET. FOURTH ANN um. znATENICNT OP TN!! • - BUSINESS AND CONDITION OP TILE QUASER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY. Aa PFesonted o ita atockholdern Jnn. 3, 1.307. Capitnl Stork ..... OW no turnlns, January& ILO 121.3411 4.2 Premium rec2l l l%it in NO: Fan.— a 116 551 Mnrinc , •• 1 • 36 • 463 - 2 ° I 3'4,07.13 Inland l'invirntion Transportation . 42,012.101 Inreretit received................. 12 711145 S.al‘una and remsuranoe 59 10. J ?J LOSSES, EXPENSES A:r. saw 413 XI Lorene paid tn PM •••• • • 6141471 83 Continim•trinm to agents) inane., linens., office rent ... 63 283 85 Printing. ndiort ring & expeono.i. Balance vidit in Pit. 2 6,435 Reinsurance anl return Idemi -1,111.147.025 t.l •.”33,251 88 ASSETR. Benda and mortgrolet on real east" . ...... eon 600 CO round rents in rhilndelahrt 2 200.61.1 50 sir.ree Continental Bank, New rt AO shares City Banli. 9,60.. rd 100 do corn Exolimge Bank. rhtladelphia. ..! 2 GA Oil PA share, Caton Bank, ... Law to 71 do Corsolidated [link d 0... no. 0 Et do Partners h Nleehnntete Lank. Camden. J .... 9.0 CU 2010 st arm of Railroad, Cana), unit other storks, nil pa) mg 6 ter cent market t o'uo 97 690 r•Ourtn hcnrn tearing 6 and 7or of 19,100 ert Nesottatt o letlareeeit able--. . 91,001.93 Cash in hands of agents and • in transit.... 21311 Cash on hand end in bank — • • • • 21 ST7 43 tllB ,7 18 70 That COMPHD)" oonlinues to make Insman arramat Loss on all limes 01 Pim Marine; and Inland Rinks, on the most la% arable torn:. OFFICERS'. President—OEOßGM 11. II Alrr. Vine President—E, P. Ross. Bocretnrr and Treats) r r-11. P .COOGSBALL. Aesottant bloeretart —R. IR ECTORbt. I. fLE R. B floors., Hart, loiter)' Perkins, E. I'. PUY, N. R. Cogrshall, A C. Clotted, E. IT. Bailer, Andrew R. Chambers. Samuel Jones, M. rt. non. 11. M. Puilor. Jar- tr 11.11. COW3SHALL, Senretary. L'XUIIANGE INSORANCE COMPANY —Wire No, 409 WALNUT Btroot. FIRE INVITANCE on Routes and Nerolon 'lvo FO^arlii , . On lavorable term, either molt. d or por• DIRECTORS. . . Jeremiah Bonssil, - ' - J , ;sen; T. Owen, .I,mn Q. thunotiri. Them.* Mareh. Rep). ‘i 110'.inehoird, Sam!. L i•meiii y. John hTo 'Amen. Jr.. .Priwnrd D. Pnberts, R !0. Hale, Jrihri J. Griffith. James T. Hale. (Bellefonte.) J Ii114:4.1.01 titON4A LL. President. JnIIN Q GINNODO. Vies President. EDWARD W DAV , I), • eoretnrY 1a23 iuthsl tilllE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. SIX MILLIONS OP DOLLARS. iNVESTIID PIURI, NIO.TGA.PS 1174 R Fll. EITATi t WORTH OVER gii,000,(9.1. The premiums are 7 own!' then in men? other Comps wee, and the Dirtdends have boon ORRATAR. This in 0711071 y hleTeAinot. Ire no litookholde.s. so that ALL THE, PR PM BELOW TO 711111,(60111O. Pamphlets. and every tuformation, may be bad QUATIII, on applteatton to F. It reIIFORD STARK Matt. B. W. corner FOURTH aud WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPIIIA REFERENCE& Thomas Hotuns. John Welsh. brordeost L Dawson, George H. Stuart, Qeorgo M. Stroud, E. n. Wholes, John 13 Myers, J. Fisher Losintsff. toenni] Patterson, NArdn am C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur ... Coffin, . homing H Powers. ()gorge W. ToMed, William McKee. Thos. Wattem. nEll.lyit • I.E GAL. is THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -g- CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN FO , TER. deceased. Notice to sr% en that the sides. of the said decedent has filed her pi tt ion and an appraises ept or the et' se at Protiertt elector! to be retained by her soder the Prot is 01 sof rho not of Assembly or lath April W.I. and that the smile mill be unproved. unless exceptions arc tiled the eto Petbro the lith der of Penrnsro. A• )s3l-tutlitt THORN, for Petiteiner. N THR ORPHANS' COURT FOR THY: J CITY AND couNTy • d ln the 'natter of the Ettnto of EDWARD tiNtf Til er .na. t. The audttor appointed by 1111 Gnut to nudtt, •attle nud ntlju t the a< noon! of TllO NI AS M. SMI Itt. ;to t, Exe,otor of KOWA li.ll Tll. tfaceseed. ere] , o re Fort d.otritaition of the hafariee. will meet the imrt,e ieterexted for the tairpoloa of his n opoonttn•e t at Jo whet. at the sontheiat ootner of LOCI ST null i 11l Street, on MON Lf.A V, Februlry 6, 1-4), at 4 ~*clo,k the afternoon. .11127-finw-Lt DANIt t bOt!il "V RTV. TESTAMENTARY"TO THE JR-a ESTATE Or WILLIAM deeeosod. hot Inc horn granted to the solotoeibto h t of IVtits, te. for the tett um! count of Plulmilethm, nli persona trdebt..d to the sold Watt+ ore requetted he romm pot meet. mid those totsong elmme mostord the same to meson% them to LOBEIIT ItIDDLE. Ev.eutnr. N 0.314 VINI; Mreot. r‘TO T I 0 E -THE CO O AR'INERSIIf I 11 of KyEN COAI'EN. continued under thY tri of .101 IN E. KEEN. 00e01%.ti. Ia 1111.1 tnr Lt mama convent of all the pnette4 interenied• A 11A %I COA 11i8. I'll C KEEN, Aetin; Exoeutor3 of 3011 N E. KEEN dte•nn ed. A littAlIAM COATE' I . PlOlOOlOllll., JII.IIIIITY NOTIrr —Tho TANNIN° Iit•SINFSP. from this data, aII he continued hr the BotArribets herflko 1.., toiler the 111.101 f, of KV. , N k t to • ES. nr 943 North FRONT t•t•eot. A Hft +11•\l en • TE.I. Jo.lElf JAMES B. COA I E.v. l'hilAttelohm.Jantmr3 10.14 , 4. 1 27-fnliv et • A 0 A DI:NW OF THE PROTES 3:AN T EptscovA CULT/lu. The Her. JA M I S W. HOIIINFI, A. Al. Priem vol. The Second 'term will tin February Ist. The tui tion fee. phyntile halt ',earl) in advance. fir the lin - 'nary grade. SW 1 for the other rude' STS Var annum. Beside.. there there ore ou ohargee. DraeioL. Foe, the Fiend. language. end the 1180 of the yr inneniton. being afforded W thout addition I. the p. fees nnn,rt aboVe. C1T , 311M1 , 4 may be Ind nt the Academy. 1311 Lo. emit etteet. t 627• lm gVf'ra (MR —WANTED—An active buil Enito with f h a amount, es PArtner in an a•tibltrh.i.llklereantll. Rouse. dom., a sere city trail° psy ing 25 per rent. prnht. Address Meregnr.lo.' this Wilco. 1..11 3,• IVA NI —.l srmATtoN AS B 'UK" r:fa T re ne K e F ; i :'‘ l et k i R..4lA„n.se A yi oUN G MAN, THOROUGHLY AO gemmed wth the Dry Cin - da and Notions Dustnens Ilitagt on. to nit R 0049 M me miemon, to the City and Western trade. in bonne whore there le is gnnd 'lnca Reference eiVen. addireas " (7. D ," nt the /Aye of rh.a paper. .13t0 ep • WANTFD—By a first-class BOOR KEPI' 'O. a mtuntlon in n Commistion Benne linbt of •is nitric ell on. Addreßa •• P. M.." at Tit Press ollioe. it' $10,000,000 WANTED—By '.tang man who writes A fur hand and to nui^k at figura*. a ottaatian an A•rst int Clerk .n s”tne Meresatt,ls Mouse. Address "Pnrt, " o'fice nl Mut Wiper. jed ',• A Th. I) TO BORROW. 5500 ON gond Real Ez• as soaurity. Addtess N•edv• liTr.. - I'g I ierttali JAM 3t• A YOUNG LAD. WHO HAS JEST in n uld i la n tv o rtizm nin t , heai n e r h e t i hnol wants M 1 tituatine nlty obtairanz knalrled.,e of t l at i ria v m e m en e rr,i 'l" " TomPle , ort " Wand n•Hpsre h. ---- ".' fe." ND WARRANTS WANTED, RIMIEST PRICE GIVEN, HT DREXEL R.l CO., 34 SOUTH TBIRD BTREEP. FOR SALE AND TO LET IpORSUE—The Stock Good will and IXTITREI of n 'shed Whiiksal. DRY (MODs lOg F.—genera/1r ertua•ea. 't he erotic .FIR very Jud ciotPly hated at Aurttnn RI d costr Mgt craven .liottgird ci. Ilarg The owner declinlnt None need apply exeopt thogo pl. a wenn* , I ernottn In etlll and give atl•lar;lorr .erurltr for tic b 'lnnen. Aggregi " r‘lerclrint," tined a Dispatch la-31 1t A 11.,Ni)somE Room TO RENT—Se pond (lent, No. 24 MARKET Street. Any on the Dre,,i18,3 NI 03 • p u HU.% 'ALE OF A FARM. LATI Ti IE prr.-9rt, or Ahrrim Powell deceased, cnntainin ntiout 31. YE Y AC; W.h, in Upper Dart'''. 11.1.1.nr, count , . twititi oily eltunied on the •ielnwitre count. (old 1:111 inioro hl rnp hr road 151 tn lee frn.llll,ket .tree brill n Intl rdelthm.nm within n few r de or tho now West C ruler Nal rid nt r ve mion. The ituproVenients Ara , Venerr. rod autnitnnt.ni. and a pond vnrieor, of fruit on tho pbee. It milli , e mhos n on 'tootle:mon to A BRA it or RI dßir.it I , oWhed„ retudini therPrt. '(he Pole. whioh will be po.ott,e. to onnitivinro at 3 o'clook P JI.. p'ecoaoly nn Af h dor the ninth of ot rood itionthilinbituaryo ldip, whoa the 00Pri I iIOIIIIWI/I be ma P known. JA.2B• 111' ORDER. OF THE HEIRS. 9•, - a ER3I ANTOWN PROPERTY —For LiliCala or to Root. a lame and erramodio it HOUSE. with all the wiride in improvements. comer OI A SIAT Street end IktlE amine five immures walk of c hurch -Inne St trow. Inquire et FIE:IttY %tat ri Marble Yard, GREEN Etta t. ahoy. Seven", widiAt•li,i,..tt BLLL:3 U LONDON- PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Southwest corner THIRD and WILLING'S Alley TO RENT. THE STORES UNDER THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL, ON THE NINTH-STREET FRONT. Roseatelon will lie given on PRBR CARY let, MO. Applications will be teee wed at the offiee of the Com pany. at the 8. W. COR. NINTH and BANISONI ETREETV. lam to Beorind Floor. - Fro,p.RMS.—F or sale. FORTY GRAY UNIFORMS. trimmed web t•lart, in reed e•mdt tien. to be sold cheap. Addrelis "H. D. L.' at Mu (Are JAZ!. 60 -RUCKS COUNTY FARM FOR sai.E.— A handsome farm of ronety-onaanraz of land In Fenn's Manor Pelts T , lrpsznp ries-third of a mils itl a statton on Ilarivlelphra taro 1 rennin Itarl.nad. one rule of canal rulapikn,And liver one and R h from ') town an.i rour mile, Pon, r+ nlon I ; 1 1 riot new Pnrn, • 'moo Ewell no, saw] I and and r once, Flare sap Tarr acre. It in • good property and a. vet) on,s JOSHUA S BR'S . Puri. Pa, Mr TO RENT FOR A TERM OF YEAR'i L. A A otait 13 , 011, and Laturos, a all locateri for but: AA(dl,idts 2 feet. three At^rirß hizh, with water pOWer nnd ste ins for .C.lrlfin and firidadrOC A Ore Floti,. no by ZS teet,with good a eter for theing, and plenty el dry town. Thu prope•t»n Fulher l e lane . . near the Germecteirn linilrnsit. being el very enceit•itsle to the city, makes it t cry er.lutblo. Apply to THOMAS Ti. Fr HFR. Jea-if Fisher's lane. Tufts A E—A valuable Let at corner ul Chrilatan and Tw.attmh •treats. hay= three fronts mutable for A 011.110, of (actor, atte. For tertne &v., , ddrraeJ 11 .nt office. tf piAcionv LOT FOR. SAI E.— A value. corner lot. IS feet equare. hatinz three front.. adnurAhly !netted for a }.,.tor. sire It a situlced cn the southwentern Pvt of , n^. it/. In a rapidly-nn prorin, nr4 , llbwhool. It 1 , ,,J aer:tl on renaon•bLe tenon. For Dm - tun:Lars, ae.l eta •I K.," office o 71. Press. jelB tr IiOUSE‘ TAVERNS. and STORES Real Estate of every deserptton, for sale or to rent. Apply to Reel MAX Fa me HEI"S. Ar,nt, No. L 7 North SECOND Street, in 1.. Tourm A. Co.'s Seed 'tore All orders wllt ba promphy attended to. Enehsh French. and German spoken. Collnotor of Orountl Rants. D.B Sin R°fiß & DAVIS W for sal. by PLOW3I toners. '7 STRAW Be.RR 1' Street. Phdadelphia. Hy this umoliine a week's wash of an ordinary-wee,: family ono be dons before break alt If is eyes' la es emit) , to four women. and saves at least '0 per eent , wear snd tear. Hundreds of them are now to cue. eau the dein and onntinums. Call find einem° for yourselves. County hts for a - de on reasonable terms. Price of manhine $lO, up to 'Ol3. PLOWMIN k MeRRIDn. 133-Im . 37 STRAwbtfiß 5 Street. n IARDII,III.-A Very Frio Flute of Oro or three o••mmui.mntioo room., on OOOOLd tlo •r with or roll out private talde. .Addoog. ROu tuttixtlobl Box =49. }lli Is. P. O. _ _____-_ COMMIS VON HOUSES. LIT ri,E, sTOliEtti, & CO :co 23T CHESTNUT STREET. Wu would retotoefully mats the erode, to no exam! onion Of our stock. arltiol wa. embrace a full and con. plots aotortment of FOREIGN DRE 39 AND STUFF GOODS, Tiaethar with the ranous products or th.c PACIFIC MILLS, PORTSMOUTH AND HADLEY LAWN 3 We also have the eaolosive itaenor tor th s Market o JAMES DIACR & CI).'SCELEBRA'rED PRINTINGS In addition to which, we would sail ) our attention to a complete aitortment of GOOD 3 SUITED TO MEN'S II'EAN, beading the vanons grades of ITIOLLitY'S CLOTII9, CASSIMEREH. ‘t) IRV DRY GOODN E VENING I/RESSFS. E. J. LEVY Invite the, tit'ention of their ens inners to every ben4tll% essAtuient BALL AND EVENING I) HEM FS, MONDAY. January SO. !KO. Mint and 511 CHESTNUT Street. _ _ . NEW FOULARD rILKS. L. J. LEVY & CO. Ilan opened two c•ses fil-.W FOULARD.% Of good qulnty. or Cti CENT 4 PER YARD. "Jab-St RV and RI OUEnTNUT Sgraet RUSWION'S 70/ 1530-3 m. t'ONSUNIFT'ON 31. ACE—For ssk be & BROTHER. in3l N..a. al rt.l 1.4 .VOlllllll qtr.. L I Q UORICE ROOT--Ecleet. for f.alo by B'ITPt;RUd h BROTH Mt. 31 MASTIC—For sale by wErERILL fiIIPoTIWR. 1 ,,31 N... 41 and 49 North PI t:ONP etrpet 9 - 'IN F , )lL—light at d heavy En. 11,11 and French, for it.le n• WETH ERII.I. & BRUTE ER, )131 Ne. 47 and 40 Noah R>•' PON n I: 1 1:0N, 411 utii‘sTNiTT STREEI Fourth. Narth ai.ig, Laa rhr v ery t o , Stook Ch , .%11:4 lot,reo pal " CAU I lON.-1 hereby eantinn prison pertotot from r 0 ,40 ,Ittro. or reeo,. - ; a note dnßn ht ow to then der 0 , •000 futon, Feloo•tr, 1100 83 I hlte .+r recaised ear i for the e r nod rt i* ory intect ott t. ellew It to le piles l ed,o, •1 to nont , st rte rt , t:00110o. :St2i3oo, 01 note bring 11l allomult r• 'H. N. Seth ritintliii net. Ph:l, inromrs 7 1111:,1 NUT Si r n Mtn Fourth. SOW' F1ti , 1,11•3 M 1 hue r Pinftlll.l. PileprWomi, ,e 9 CI &I lube 9, Ciioll . l E ter. (St Wlll/111, C ine• • iln BAPPLE -z. A NI ---- I"i' 1.1 R Di( Ell PEACIII , I —2lll nand kers rd fine P• . rf 8.1 tar; Ito ; ;;:.; 1,;.• new Lned At ro, is rns, In store and for rule he k PAUL. Pin 3l• 10. 31 NOR , lIA lIVF.S. 0'm -is DENTIsr. J 10V ELLER. Mt: VER. oIATF:R. MAtAIINNT, Ous-9mlth. Tio smith Plothbfr, 6 / vl-Fitter. And Alvtauu , I , net I should hare one of SHAVrii All CISAN 44 A 9-8 I OVES FOI toil° by Sc•Atv A BAILtY tali tm 213 RAC' t tr. et Ylulic. It hia. pa. NEW CROP NEW ORLEANS SUGAR co bluis viola new crop N. 0. Burin for tnle br AMLSOILARAM k CG., lATIT Street. pa WANTS. IZEM332a OFP,ICE OF TURMAS T. MTH. Treasurer BOARDING. AND DOESKINA IMII=GE3 COll Livilt OIL. ==2l2==Vll AHLTSENENTS. tIRS. EMILY J. REED—ides the honor g• Announce FIR.TCOsCFRT rort.Anc.t..pnu., On FRIO tY Nisi:. Fes..,„ 3 l ex . " 311:61CAL FU.•D On v•IIL , T cceteros she old be Amsted by the foriorie- Int Artift•• Slits SHAW. Mr. FRASER. former!. of try ge rom pees Trouped &r. J. Al. atiVASS. Ms. J. I. hi` LF CI.ARION FITE... .... .111 ERR mart. .PIA , O-F DATE . Fret. MlCiiell,R.Cliioll4 . . ..A. To to had et the biroes of Ventre. Betl & Lawinn. Les k Witlictr. Wm if Cools'on, And At - dee, and Clackeringe• Prtnn-fott Ataci,st the door on this evenin•oft.te Concert. Doors °Pen at tall km 7 (VC/MIL COMMIIOII at o'o rob. M. 31 t.` IikRAYTOYS PARLOR OPERAS AND rROERIIR. CONCERT V IDALL,CHE.ATNTT Studt. EVERY EVE A N ei ING ATM E A NL PAST SEVEN OBK. rEccect Sa•urdl..l AIso — RSTURDAY. AL utilr O'CLICE. D.nrsoeen half an hour hour in nArauce. This novel Asa elegant } utsrhAnnr.nr. embisnie ENGLIaH..DEFFO OPE tt A. CAMEL Y. AND LYRIC • ORA AI. is pronounced hz the En tV th and ilea York prnts sk• molt ocant endr3elithr tte-NIR OLIVNI RA. the t.tftEAT VIULIJ 1S T . Y 1 " 4178 ITnefgel l iiiVENlNG. Jan_ 31.4, to. O,•- rotas voll NEVER JUDGE BY APPEARANCE!. Drano D Cl D r DIAMOND. The Orcip,:te will be conducted by HERB ET GET KF.. For perimeters .1 , 11 , small bills. Mhos I:11M7 b , ) n.esmed et the music 'torts of Chick...rine A. Foes Ail Chesinut street. and at :ha EAU fro•o A. M. ody op. NI. Petc 23 as.—Bf the Mel, GO cents; Bel3ohy. U cast. It M N.NNEkt'li .R FANCY DRESS BALL. resoe-i folly inform net. (rico, emd thelab -1,0 in eu-rll. thy our THINTEt• rEI ANNEAL TANGY 8. BALI. will be he'd on 'I VESDAY ENING. February at the AiI:SICAL FUND Prermns to tho 8,11. the Conic nr..• ra "Tile lfaaa•r ehe•r in Cn.wv, 'At Jo , ius t'o will be performed cadet th- cbrort on r Cln. Sint:. 't 32. Par sn•e by the following Itennzets and the Commuter G Pato,. E Von Ens n .l. R. 3faella, G Mahan*. Or. -eolermieker Koehersroor.er, Itertett. Cue Duo no,. J. Pre B'. W ojeioA.n. C. • 1ou.n•1 Co'.on•l F er4tl 'Joint°. C. V•var tin A IT • o enheirn C. W. !O' H Vol ter, H. IV•senvonk. C IJnkner Prhwen.o.er. C. %I•ttlneh. Pr. f .3.l•ntn. Pen• 4 1 •onk0 F Selolo:n rtuo.ph Grimm. A aft!, aA. loodonno. eon!" Fee, F. C. ttcholont.,e'L Etrokeet, R. I'. Camp C ech ek 7. B. Joni. M. ~ tittt, Honor. H. T) .G. Volun.r. Groa.unln, .esr R•n • ken. Frunn, A Holr.. toe. J •••,;1" J. fo,Rto.. nor Ninok • n 541,1, menu e IT•cry F Louie otootop. B. H. T n •. B tofor. John Pen. n•r Rriehenhoeh C. 'oh,. inset h Droral. Prod. F•eeh, Freer, .1, '1 horoleT. E Haring. F. L. Jahn. Vo„ri G. Bar -tier, F I.ndenr. NItTES. 1. Froltem J. FL Ca Co m,. It Et-la:nide. FL Cittro , O. Eackert. U. L. Ladcer. P. 1414. J at-s:• Vkf a I-NUT-STREET TEIEATRE. v V 4 04 Lectae.—....Mrs. M.A. GARRET:TPO7. itore Mitatzer Mr. F. F KEA CD. A 4r-r Mr. Jo& D. 31 rßpliy TO" , I 'MEI DAV i EVEvtivit N.. 31, ..3•V y TO PAV OLD OFBT. 8— (Li r: overretch M. J. B. ...ben,: WelThore. 3Lr. L. FL Sheath: L-e 7 Allenrth. sh e LL pi t a ; Mar are: LP erre-ch, Mrs. Anna Cowell. 7o co clad* WI), Tilt ROSE OF AMIF.N.S. 117 - Prces its aunt Nitta *reared tr,thr,t ertr: ch i erte. Dose* oven st 6% Wok:eh : Per ormanco to oomar ems at 7 o'clock Y ll F.A LEY & CLARKE'S AWR FTREg T THE...TICE:- 1 141 R tTCFPPAYt pVEIOMp. BULWER'd Ce:eb raft' 1.1.41116 ADS' uF I.YONS. C'aude 31elnotte. Mr. Wttent:er g Pauline, Malawi C. oink!. To 00130'utie , volt NINE rOINTB OF TAE LAW. Scat.a or PRICE 3 —Athr.tamon Cetll3l Seenre4 seats le Dress C.ree 414 gent!: Parquet. b)oant.a. Donn open at hllr past 6 n cl.xk : performances , 01T11.1 , ne. Att r's - • DtN RICE S iiftEA u NATIONAL THEATRE. WALNUT Bt.. &bora Etzrah. PRICIC—Dress Civelo. 50 cents; Famii•23 rents: vests to Pm , * a Bases. 7a cents Whole Pri vate ' , axes. ,s3ftnd CH V.G s or Timm —Coors open at htif put 6 o'cloe.t. Tooommenre at? • . . • • TH , S 1111EN)AV) EVFNINIi lan. St. 1111 , d of the !mirPnit.S ectkclP entitlei MAWC PIN , / TH, lit/UR hi Eit..eiTSt FIRE. W ATER. EA 12111 and •In Herbort Mr. W 11. tote ; Arnulph WriltSlV , Godah. Mr. I. Muria ; Fveliee. Rat mrqd ; A t nnelln. Miss Adertide: Sprit or the Wn'er ]tut ; .s, tut Wilton ; 'Kora to Mies Weds Sointe of Air. film; Tral,ni and Mies Et eMe• Last Meek th en -it , • ment HFAR cur.m. Meter !AMES 31A1)1GAN end Mans. and Sled. Dr.NNEY. ACTS IN TUE ARENA.. - - Ilt7' Flt.Lt.' eill be enured C.; the - 3.laLi . 'e Ein g Um* dsts in sienna'. S N DERSON'S EXHIBITION BOnv Jayro's Conrnotorealth Bailitrq, CHEZTXI,T Bt. Jet. near Rs un hie' LAST WF.PIC Htir ONE 'VI THE FIN E EXHIIPTIoN N MektlCA. 3IONTAI EVENISG. tar, ..13, _ . Flrit Scene—Viewer the roxt of Tenvere. Feeen3 —ws.hinAte- at Valle r Fur", Third—ietionsl Pr•- tootlti .n. Fearth—The Earner e:ry ~f home. FIN' Cro.a.ne the AIM. wah an ftr:at t tin eoli•ats: Morika owl Does • f Monnt Peremr,t, -isth—Autvinntna 1-opt Vuiter. tiovezte-5•o co DC yea. E.rhtn _ the Ftivee—Theftte:rrer”restEattere. PerformUCts I,v) . Wednoklay snit 4 ..sta- 4 ,1 Alar. noon.. commencinx at 3 o'clock. Evemog TX. 3.30 GER MANIA ORCHESTRA —Puhile 1 e hem-rails 8 ATI:RDAY, at MUSICAL FlIKI) BALA, at 3?i o'clock P. M. TWee:s to h• EM; et G. Ar.dre'3, and Reek .3r. Lvirtan - r. Memo atone. aei at the d or. is.ll-31a TvicutoN4lUGll'S ILTIES-(.ACE Si., TiI:RD. DOUBLE PER 9 , ,RMA VCE TD .f. 3 WEEK. THE BR!-AND., to verforrnaL f.n encscement vtn Tele. GR RWI3 Q. V. hose von ,l 'du aeton,ad every be holdar. he , will intr....laze h. 5 re CAN.Lft It. • DOVES. HI. A DEZ will 0.r.d0 Win. Tel; `:em oT head of a 8.... at e,e,• • ze.. riteFEt“ , 'lt s AND sO7i: mitt appeir in s±lt.iellr astuudd.....4 AA* In Lae Clint. p.an at:. Beat Fe , ;n the comm.!. rEM P OF 1 VON ERS Northeast aver of TENTH r.r.d CHEMUI Streets. West ant Torsi Altrzetion. Sllif*Oß The wonderful Nin;iztlond Vert-' - intst. - EXHIBITION EVERYF:Vf; * IYti buR,Nu WEEK. Commenemc et 71 Wo , oot. and on W7Iir.T.:IDAs and FATIAtitAY A FT,. ittiOOM at 3. Tt e Automaton R ope Vaulter.orle of the It TC,....261. V..nhlotsm ever extthitett. veil'. feats. La oven ez.l*.bt .., • oeffArtn his rtablembita feats. M==MnMffl L \ AMA ACADEMY OF THE A. FINE AR rs, Rea OFF-STN. 1.7 STREET, fa QPFN Val Sumdaya ameepted.l from 24. Rt. till 6 P. 'tl . Want& t—The 'loath rolarae of •• ['rata Eta-v-aaa rattwa " ci Pt.art,r. Cat Limn ntatr 12 T £f Admmatoo IS et eta rice. bh;ras of Stn.: ANN ER•ARY T 111; 11tRellANTS' FUN o.—The x;hur,•. - 0 , 51-, of tote Aatteet•. sk, It •vs veld W b t 211:". CI. Feb. 1,1“7H +t the I'kO.ST.CAL Fl' Nll HALL. CTI wh,ch uccl, -- n tie Teso:t r I •^t. .t Nla caiers.ll r.§4.1. 3t d ,k.rerect In. 1s e: n V J t. O- It V , LI 'N T ING ~ .smaR ,OLL, n 0 , C4. , -. L. numY, The Mtts e the 47, lifted, will 12 r.n:er tE• d , reot cm of CARL eh,. t%. C‘7o, of pdmi rn it IV Se hr.e, cratuaraEly, by lip pliaz to EDMUND A. 1 4 • U u 1.4..C,K Street; 8.1.3/L'EL F. s ruh;E:l `0.13 R ONT Etreal: WILLIAM • LUD`o No. IS N. TRIED Elrett. JOSEPH LEA. NOS IZ3 AND 2 c - rrEsm. - 1,7 sTREST. Invitee the attectio , or the Trt.le to hie Stook of COTTON. WOOLLEN, LINEN AND PRINTED GOODS NIA IDER PRINTS, New bat endCaft sends tr•l. v eat r& - Alt7 3.ll , SeheeA z,.ATF.R k SONS. 5U , 103 V ANTE' ACTURING CO.. MON rE 'ELIA) com PANY. TILE ATLANTIC CO.'S MOURNING, Including mnn• ESA standard Peale; 4. NEAT DL A AC .4. WHITES. PVIIPL ,, S. LAN '3. 4.3. SAXONS A. 811 FFII ERD FLA IS. A. SID RANDS. ST) LE LAVE S. AND GRAYS, AND CHOICE DUXES WOOLLENS. FANCY CAB4.IM EREi ape. POFSKI•S. FROM ROCK COI , GLENDALE C0!.,1 NEW ENGLAND COM., CRAW FORD MILLS, BROOK. DALE AND OXFO°D MILLS. EBERRARPF 2.k. SONS, SUPERIJR. BLA -K. Do FKTN AND SILT Mil• TURFS. Svinette E't•n rn3 rrlrt: of n't •-• - 'ore th•s ; eutoc:• Je ms. C .rdt. CE1.,131".." it.. Kereer • e • reeds, ece4.!:•.; Ott e; the t•est MACS, IA the nar.ttS• AMEPICAN LINEN CO'. - CRASH, RUCKS, SHEETINGS, Eta J4l-3,n scbA DlRbt:t I u ALL PARIS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND 114.h.M. FRANCE. AND GERMANI. THE 11A1IhERG AMERICAN PAC K COM PANY'S IRON MAI' STEAMSLUBS. U.ANIMONIA. Card. H. F. Sol,sseneen. , Capt. 11,_17,hlent. 71 '. ;,..)P.."141A, Copt. N. Traerman, BAVARIA, Capt. R. Taub.% TELTONIA, Cept. II Essen. Three Steamers are all hrrt-timer Clyde-I,lt resniala_ are tntended to Intl from her E,Nortn Riser, ie. Y.. as fotlona - FOR LONDON, SOUTHAMPTON, HAVRE, ANL HAMBURG. The elegant and pore rfut then Beyer Ete UM/14 BO RUSSIA. Capt. N. Trautman. Lily tone berthen, e.l sad ea above. on BATURDAY, DECE.MDEIRALst, at Ellie:Ad, K. Passage, tneludmi Railroad rare from Phlade.phta to New York, and from Sonthearpton to LoadeE First Cabin. _llOO I Second Cabin. BE I Steerige• • S 3S The BORMiIA will be ireaceeded by the roll:M-14 Steametups: HAMMONIA —WEDNESDAY, Fehrualp 1. BAXONIA... . -TRURS DAY varch t. ..THURSDa`i. Niarca lE. BAVARIA.-- .-.. )10SDAY...ktrilL Sir Pauenjr,era forwarded w Liverpool. Dann. Bel fwd. Curt. (ilaapow, Paris. and Antwerp, at thn,ath rates. These steamer. are fitted up vratn uneerranedureom modem., for ant, second. and thad-eses Paseenter... The Second Cabin sceernmoderior.e of these Sh:c... are eolral to the fire( es+e of nowt steamers. Qertifieates of ensnare Leaded from Lo:sien, antigen klavrt. and Bambini. :\ re York. Parcel. forwarded from l'hilsdelphia to v 1 ;att. cf Europe et reeeneshie rites. Freida ehta4e4l to Phils.letptde mrt! be pron.-::T attended to by the ?iew York .fiter.t.sma Ita.Pee4 tens of ell eatiubseion. For Fright or ?sewage. , rr,ly enc . :erre:7 to W. A. HAllll.f....t.gert. 015oe of the fismehrg Arne:les.% !Hut es•esmt ui-tf Nlttlweiteerrer 411• N Tit snd CH t• Sl'l o l*. . 1 1[3A 11 SU:\ & /1...5t,N, :c-or: u NO'• Al 9 AND oz. '..1•10t. STREET. Iteta.7.4p tt zets. I'IILLIL , EL i iIIA. I'ArSON. J:z. 13. NICEOLE:iI:, Ai;tl\l2.l It ..14.\ , !s1 r 0 ANY AMA - 11:N W•••':• 1,1,1 .r,ds,.%l‘ er Vert , JO \ A. C. : w c THI U arft GAFF 1.1 frlwAr.f. 1.`,. Ooff , . frn A Al h.7l' A' 1 StICT I II FRN EIC1131uNI) ! Qulprn.—Earnest dt'• rt,,..sntwit do IN•tte, t tin n liteo N. E. corner 1.01• • t• 027 St' PHEERI: —375 boxci llcrkiru r Cneese, in store, enn Greta E. C. C. SADLI is • ”t'll 0,...,10 A..., • h...., C.... 0 .1 -- I W.. l lanlitii 1 ,7 Vnne, - , sr: re and for 51;.3 R. ROW! ASH BURN n R.. 4 CO -01 - TH NCrA !IVES. U. —For bale by IV PI l- F.RrLL 2, BROTHER. C 5.,1 49 'NORTH NISIT• ". 4 yet rti.Nui HAIL, Al.t.1)11 , 1, A 2, 1) r r. OIL. in barre`s and hair r i,. tn•n•.'• tur d and tor Ilia by SIOWL ASUBUS.A.taS. •• • : • 4 O. /5 S. Wum".. , is-t
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