The Caesars and Bonapartes. (For The - We can nowhere And two series of events Which are more nearly parallel than the rise of the Cresars and the rise of the Bonapartes. The founder of each dynasty Mae in a time of confusion, and established, upon military power and renown, a new • empire, and in each case a crafty- nephew and namesake appropriated the spoile which had been Lost and well by his warlihe uncle. But the resemblance is more particular. • While Rome was all disordered by strife and prdsorip ' lion, Julius Moser wee sent to Gaul, and made it the theatre of those wonderful deeds which rendered him the idol of his nation. - Napoleon Bonaparte, just after the Reign of Terror, goes from Paris to Italy, almost over the same track, the nations be ing reversed, and there displays adroitness and co lerity which aro equalled in Ca3sar alone. A simi larity may also be traced between the unsuccessful effort of Chesar in 'Britain, and of Bonaparte in Egypt. Tech was led by histreaseendant genius to an ticipate futurity, and to attempt conquests which were yet immature, Each being threatened by the existing Government, returns to the city where the power of his nation is concentrated, and Bona parte, in,.oterawing the Legislature,' establishing a triumvirate, and afterwards an empire, tbes ex actly what Omar did before him. But each on. ecuratered a distinguished oempetitor. Moreau, though an inferior, had much in common with the ,great Pompey. They represented the aristocratic : factions in their 'respective coal:dries, and both at ' Mined great military renown; both were sup planted by More ardent aspirants, who had been their friends; and both ware driven into exile, re sulting in death. Omar and Bonaparte aro extremely unlike in . character, but in their amazing success one can bo • compared to the other, only in each ease a splendid earner came to .a sad termination, and they both left nnestablished dynasties. But now the simi larity only becomes more remarkable. Octavius , Omar, the nephew and favorite of Julius, without any of his dazzling qualities, sucCeeded, by his po litical intrigues, in gaining the army, and ultimate ly informally establishing the empire. Ihe course of the present Emperor of France is fresh in the memory of all. Where can we And two other great rulers whose careers so coincide as those of Augustus Cresartind Louis Napoleon? Their n.o -• -Bey, too, is the same. It is energetic but crafty, liberal yet economical, and is based upon internal system and .devi3lopmeni• It is impossible to believe that the Prench.em pire con - ever become the stage of tragedies and comedies like those which were enacted in the em ,pire of Rciine, batit remains to be seen whether . • the empire•of the Bonapartes will be equally per manent. C. f 3. THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS THIS EVENING. WMLTLRT & CLazga'S ARCS-STEEET THlLtpalt, - Areti t ree Wilkin t. a e." bove Sixth.—" Everybody's Friend"— Pete S r WAktmv-Entincr TaltaTßE., earner Wabant fine Ninth.—" Lesbia." rikzuriaL THVATRE,IAIniIt street, between Eighth itmd Ni nth.— Dan Rice ' s (heat tihow.—ll The Magic Bing." Acknatae or Ptliz ARTS, Chestnut street.—" Fttri sina"—" The Martyrdom of John Huss. iko." - SAviransN's EXTIIBITION ROOM 'Jayne's Common orealo Bu il ding, Chestnut Street, 'above Sixth.—Thio dpn's Museum of Art. • Atellcinigron's GAIETIES, Race street, below Third.— /Entertainments nightly. TEMPLE of WONDERS, northeast earner Tenth and Chestnut Streets.—Signor Blitz. - An IMPOSTOR ON MIS TRAXELS.—WO have - been furnished with a desoription of a travelling Impostor who has been travelling around the oily swindling our citizens.' Ills plan of procedure is to call about meal time, and inquire for the gen tleman of the house—always being well posted as to the name. the church that the family attends, ' .ke.—and, when ho appears, to elate that he has just arrived in the oily from Savannah, Charleston, or acme other eity ; that he has been to the post °Moe, and finds that his letters, with funds from his father, will not reach here before the following afternoon; that he does not want to ask for accom modation in the shape of money if he can avoid it, but is hungry.and in want of a meal's victuals, and in some eases has bad the effrontery to say, It is about your tea time, I will go in and take tea with you." Several times he has assumed the name of the person he has called on, at other places he has given _that of Putter!, Lyman, Baker, &a. He generally excites sympathy by merely ask ing for _food, and in, many cases has hod a boun tiful meal prepared for him, and a dollar or two given. him to keep him until he re al:vs money from lit.., father the next afiernoon. He has called on niany of the congregation of St. Clement's episcopal Church, as also on those of the Atonement—making very free use of the mime of their into rector, Rev. Kingston Goddard, and has" likewise represented himself as a Roman Catholic, - studylag at Georgetown for the priesthood, claim ing Mitt Bishop Wood know all about him, and has thus reoeived assistance from some Catholic fami lies. The raantl dresses quite genteelly-, in dark clothes, and wears an overcoat with a cape, a cho ker collar and bleak hat; he is about five feet nine inches high, thirty to thirty-five years of age, very abort whldkers, no hair on his fees (which is a won der,) dark hair, - rather good-looking, and very easy , in his address; as a proof of which it, is stated that one gentleman in Summer street had his feelings so enlisted, he took him in and gave him a giiod supperahen walked down and Intro duced him into the room of the Young Men'a Christian Association, where be joined in the exer cises; and- another kind-hearted person took him home and gavel:dm a bed. OF ANOTHER CATHOLIC CLERGY- Sunday . last Rev. John McDermott, for. 'Moly parislu priest ,of Meehanicevllle, N. Y., died at kg. Joseph's Hotel. rather McDermott oommeneed his studies for the priesthood -in the College of St Charles Barromeo, at Tigliteenth ' and Bane streets, but owing to 'health he aban doned the idea of theology fir the lavi, and re ceived a diploma for the bar. Ilia rttf i rr i ±y health,. bowever,sind a ohtilee for. the pi ' Induced him to cOinmenee again hie oldies church, and he was ordained a pricer brArch bishop Hughes, on the lath of August, le4;" from Pordbam College , N. .Y. Ilia pro - M.lBlot talents and general behavior induced the Hey. Bishop of Albany (Bishop MeClaskeY) to retrieve him to Mechanicsville, at which place he, remained - until within a few months past, when he returned to the' city, owing Ma rapid decline of health, his com plaint being disease of the liver. lie was the eon of a respectable citizen of Bouthwark. His, fune ral will take place to-morrow morning, from, the Church of St. Philip de Bari, Queen street 'below Third. he body of Rev. John MoDermott will the laid in Mate at St. Philip de Neri Church, this eve ning, at six o'olock. Ills funeral will take pilule - to-morrow morning at nine o'clook, and his remains are to be interred in the Cathedral Cemetery. SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBRATION.—On Sun day afternoon was the anniversary of the Sunday schools of St. Andrew's Church. The exercises con silted of addresses by Bishop Bedell, of Ohio, Rd. Dr. Stevens, and the Rev. S. Jones, and the sing , log of. hymns by the Sunday - sc hool children. Bishop' Bedell alluded feelingly to his former connection with the Sunday school of St. Andrew's As a scholar. Bishop Potter was present, but did not take part in the exercises,owing to.the state ot his health. The schools of St. Andrew's Church number—white, 23 teachers, 218 scholars ,• colored, 21 teachers, scholars. Total teachers 44; scholars, 500. SINGULAR BUT PAINFUL ACCIDENT.— On Sunday, a farmer named George Brooks, while driving out Market street, accidentally full from hie wagon when just above William street. lie strnok upon his head, and one half of his scalp was torn literally off, the hair hanging on his shoulder. The unfortunate man, of course, was very badly injured: Be was conveyed to hie house on the West Chester turnpike, near the Bell Tavern. MlllBll4O nom iloan.—On Sunday afternoon, about two o'olools, a young girl named Fogno,- aged about sixteen years, who ul subject to fits of temporary derangement, wandered from her home, at IMO avenue and. Spring Garden street, and has not been heard from since. When she left oho wore a black, hood and a striped delatne dress. ATTEMPT TO COMMIT SUIOIDE.—A woman, - named Mary Diwelien, residing in Shaokamaxon atrost, near Girard avenue, attempted to commit suicide, yesterday, by hanging herself. Domeatio didierdtles were alleged , as the reason of her rash andeaver. WE NEED only draw attention to the ball in favor of the Passenger Railway Relief dowels tion, to be given at .National Guards' Hall, this evening. The object of the ball is a benevolent one,,tunt we are assarod that it will be kgrand Mits. LrHIGN PIIAYEit MEETING.--This afternoon, at four o'clock, there will be a Union prayer meet lag, In the Cedat•atreet Presbyterian Chino)", above BlsTeuth street. OQIIRTS. TZSTREDAY'II PROOIIIIDISaf Disported for The Fress.l That Pairs---Justice Strong.-Executors of Barlow vs. Magee. (Before reported.) The trial of this cause wee not concluded at the hour of adjournment. bewaring COVET IN BAMC--Chlefdtietice Lour .;.rie, and Justices Woodward, Thompson, and Read. —Motion for alternate mandamus was denied in the ease Of Thi,Restonvilie, Mantua, and Fair . mount Passenger Railroad Company vs, The West Philadelphia Railroad Company. Borough of West Cheater re. Apler. Argued by Win. Darlington for plaintiff, and by Wm. Butler and P. S mit h , Estirs., for defendant. ilarvey'e appeal. Submitted on paper books. Partners' and :Mechanics' Bank vs. Thomas. Per ouriam. " We, haVe no doubt that the money of a defendant deposited in a bank may be at tached ; and we are of opinion that. this deposit in the defender:Mt own name wee his own money, though it was the proceeds of goods sold by him on commission for Brown and Bowen, and for other persons. There is nothing by which we ran di,- anguish any ?art of it as belonging to Brown and Bolden, and therefore we mast treat it as all the'defendant's and him ea merely their debtor." Judgment affirmed. Warder ye. Davis. In this case the court de cided that a married woman could not legally ore - ante ' s bond to restore under the sherid's inter pleader, and that the court below were right , in taking the bond signed by the security only. The 4th nation of sot of 11th April, 1858 ' was passed expressly to enable a married woman to execute s refunding bond upon the receipt of a legacy or a distributive share to which she may be entitled, - Judgment affirmed. Moss vs. Bard.—Thompson J. The defendant having demurred to the whole declaration, and there being at least two good counts in it, the court below were right in givtng judgment against him. Judgment affirmed. Clery'er Appeal: ()Onion of Thompson J. N orse alarmed at the cost, of the appellant. Read J. dissente. City vs. Bostwick. Judgment affirmed. Thom's appeal. Certiorari to Common Pleas of Philadelphia county. Sale in this ease was made by order of the Court of Common Pleas under the provision of the act of 18th Apr 11,1853 Security for the faithful administration of the proceeds of the sale was noegiven by the trustee before, but after and aeroas COXFIRMATION. The purchaser at this sale made this the ground of exception to the eon• firination of it by the ,COurt. The Court overruled thisezeeption and confirmed the rule, and to this de , . ores be again Oxceptcd, and has brought up the = -proceedings by certiorari for review. We think the security was entered In time in this caseind the sale valid. Decree of confirma tion affirmed A t the cast of the appellant. Dtatalor COURT, NO. 2—Judge Stroud.— lit.ltenktn. An eat-1011;A° try the owner. ship of contents of a hat store owned by plaintiff. -Verkiet forplaintiff,i4Zttfifpf M; 'Aidaeullitedatthaetto.; • '' A l -Judge flare.— Wagner vs. Warner. (Before reported). Verdiot fur plaintiff for $1,318.50. Gutmann vs. Stevenson, An notion to recover damages for breach of contract. Simon Stern, Esq., for plaintiff; Potts for defendant. Non-snit. Webster vs. Gordan. An action on a promis sory note. B. Clay Beatty, Esq., for plaintiff. :Verdict for plaintiff for $13135. Speekman vs. Hobson. Sei. fa. to revive judg ment. George W. Biddle, Esq., for plaintiff. No defence. • • • &oval ye. Burns. An action to recover the amount of a cheek. Van Sant for plaintiff; Guiilou for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff for $112.08. Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Saving and Loan Association vs. Wilson. Action on a promissory note. George W. Thorn, Eset , for plaintiff; Rutz for defendant. Verdiot for plaintiff for $824.70. , MoGuteheon vs. Davis. An notion on a promis sory note. James' M. Robb, Esq., for plaintiff; Baylor for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff for $1,401•65. • ColistoN PLEAS—Judge Ludlow.—Johann vs. Inman. An notion on a mechanic's claim. Hall and Ingersoll for plaintiff; Briggs for de fendant. Verdict for defendant. - • • • Pales vs. Carry. An action on a mechanic's claim. Dennis for plaintiff; Longstreth for de fendant. Jury withdrawn. Collins vs. Minnick, An action of slander. Ceo. C. Collins for plaintiff; Lo, Dougherty for defendant. The ease was given to the jury, after able addressee from the respeolivo counsel, and a brief charge from Judge Ludlow. Jury out. DISTRICT Cower No. 2.—Blackniore and Gilbert no. Bleem yen—Thin was a feigned issue under the sheriff's intorpleador act, to try the title to a large copper reservoir, valued at $9OO The delete° alleged that it was sold for only $2OO and that there was a scheme to prevent the sheriff from making a levy. E. K. Nichols and S. H. Perkins for plaintiffs, and 13. Woodward for defend- ant. Verdiot for the plaintiffs. HOMICIDE CASES—THE MORHSH or JOHN ERHIELE. OVER AND Tenzushn—Judges Allison and Thompson.—Robert Thoriapson, charged with the murder of John Capie, was arraigned, and plead not guilty. The prisoner has grown quite stout since his confinement. Ile is represented by Lewis C. Cassidy, Esq. Daniel Price, Jas. Gheegan, John Carr, George Alexander, and William Nortz were charged with the killing ofJno. Eicbele, on the night of the 29th of April last, and plead not guilty. These de fendants went to the house of the deceased, and called for some beer and cigars, for which they did not pay, and then endeavored to go away. but were stopped by the wile of the deceased. They then pulled out their pistols, it is alleged, and shot the deceased. The ease of the Commonwealth was opened by District Attorney Mann, who is assisted in the prosecution by William Brantley Hanna. The examination of the witnesses occupied the at tention of the court up to six o'clock last evening. Subjoined is the testimony Coroner Fenner sworn.—l held an inquest on the body, of John Eichele on May 4th ; the body was in his own house; there was a wound on stomach below the navel—a gun-shot wound ; Dr. Moir made the post-mortem examination; I was present at pert of the examination; Eichele was dead when I saw him; saw no other wound on his body; the bullet was found; I have it not; never in quired for it ; not present when the ball was found; told the doctor to take charge of it; the doctor had not found the ball when I left; it had penetrated a great distance; saw the marks on the intestines of the passage of the ball; I know Dr. Reid; he was not there. (Objection to the question, whether the wound was sufficient to cause death.) I have seen many wounds of this description ; when I saw Eichele mortification had set in; I never made ex aminations, hut have been present when they were made; I saw the wife down stairs; I went im mediately after the death; she gave me a pis tol; this is the pistol, in the, same condition as when she gave it me—loaded and capped ; no one else has had it. No cross-examination. Barbara Eichele sworn.—My name it Barbara Mobile ; I ant the widow of the deceased ; lived in Morris street, between Fourth and Fifth, No. 418 ; my husband was a tailor, and kept a saloon; he was thirty-four years old; I was present when ho was shot; I know those portico, (the prisonore;) seen them before ; especially two, I know better ; ' the first time they came wue on Easter Monday ; nine mane; they first Inquired for wine; took beer and threw it on the floor; we did not demand any pay, notaid they pay; on Friday, between four and five o'clock, they, came again, the 29th of April ; they asked for beer; we gave it, but they did not pay for it; after throwing it on the floor, they demanded some cigars; I told them wo had none ; then ono stood before toy husband, and said "God d—d give mo a cigar;" he had his fist clenched; I then threw 0110 cigar en the counter for the man who asked for it; es soon as thesothers slaw it, they demanded some cigars; they spoke English; I did not give any mote; one then went on the counter with his knees, and reached under, in order to help himself; that one I bit on his breast; as soon as I did so be drew his pistol ; the one who sits in the centre of the dock, gait,) he got on the counter ; I pushed him back, and he drew hie pistol ; he presented it to my butte( ; I then took m' pistol from behind the bar and showed it to him also ; my husband took it out of my hands and laid it under the bar; he said "don't act so foolish;',' I went then behind the counter; the same man ran after me, and again presented his pistol at my breast ; I then got afraid and went out Into the back alley ; the other men, three drew their pistols; kept them In their hands ; I can't tell which of the three it was; did not take particular notice ; I went to look if I could see one of the police ; I sae two on the corner ; called there several times, but they did not come; I then returned home again, and on entering the door I board a pistol shot; one of the men, with a lame foot, he was shot ; 1 can't tell if ho is any of these five; they all stood in a heap; I passed through and stood before my husband, I saw he was alone, and stead before him ; I was afraid some harm would be done to him ; these men were in the house when I came beck; every one discharged a pistol ; I speak of five who were there ; three had gone; every one had a pistol; I heard five discharges ; I did not see whether each had a pis tol in his hand at the time of my return; I went -right -to^ sex-huabitsid ;nes good 4s 1 returned 1 shot - before I entered the door; after I came in, all shot their pistols, when I stood by my husband; I stood before my hueband,; he was un willing to go, because be thought they would not harm hint ; I stood before him to persuade him to go out; I turned round, had hint by the shoulder; then he was shot in the stomach, a few babes be low the navel; no one in the room but myself, Mary Baumgartner, and Elizebeth Ilitemerman when he was shot; 1, my husband, and those people were there ; I can't tell if those five moo were there at the time my husband was shot; can't recognise them all; I recognieo the one with the moustache and the one in the front bench of the dock, Oheegan, the one with the goatee, and Alexander; of the three others I can't recog nise any, it has been so long ago; I saw a man come in the custody of an officer, when I went fur a cloister ; he wee one of the party there when toy husband was shot: I did not see that he hod a pistol ; my husband's pistol was under the Counter when the lame man wee shot; it was hang lag behind the counter; the one I gave the coro ner; can't say whether that is the ono ; (pistol shown.) the one I gave the (Meaner I get (rein un der the counter, where my husband had put it when he took It from me; when my husband was shot he stood face to face to the man who shot Mtn ; my husband said, " for God's cake, I'm shot," and turned himself round; I assisted him to the back room; lie wee bleeding very profusely; be lived four days; he died In the third story bed-room g Dr. Meir attended; he is dead now; 1 can't toll what °theta attended him; he was a very healthy man; he was not wounded anywhere else; he hail six holes in his abdomen ; one bullet found, but six small bolos the doctor told her were in his ab domen; there were several bullets in the wall; four can be seen now, and one was taken out of my husband's body. - Clroaxexamined.---We had lived in Morris street nearly four years; kept a saloon all that time; no ono was in the house before the defendants canto in except Elizabeth Ilimmernian ; eight persons cents together; my husband was in the room heck, working at tailoring; I was sitting working; my husband wont to watt on the defendants ; I wont after him ; they called for beer; all did •, we gave them all beer ; they poured out their beer, and asked for cigars; the ono on the front bench of the dock got on the counter; he bad a goatee and moustache too at that time ; that is the 0110 I have paid moat attention to, as ho presented the pistol: he is the ono I pushed back ; he was with his knees on the counter; be was not the lame ono ; am not certain of it; he looks like bins, but it was so long ago I can't tell ; he looks lik, the man ; the men that was shot was not the one on the counter; the lame one was not on tho counter; I never saw them before that time; I mean Easter Monday; I have seen those men before; the one with red bait FM there on Easter Monday, and the one with the short lag ; I can't tell whether ho is the same man ; tho ono with the light coat looks like the one with tho abort leg, but I can't say ; the one with,rod hair looks like the man who was there on Easter Monday ; I did not say that they were all there; two wore, but the others I am uncertain of; the one with the lame foot and the one with the moustache; nine were there on Easter Monday; it was before six o'clock ; not dark ; there is an opening from the back alley to the strept ; I was out; don't think it was five minutes; when I went out, there were five persons there ; I can't identify those as being exactly the persona ; I they all were there when mime book ; I entered the front; as soon mil entered I saw Gbeegan fall; he fell before the bar, not by the bagatelle board, nearly in the centre of the room; I passed him going to my husband ; my husband was near the door of the back room ; I was standing close to him when he was shot; before him—between him and the defendants here; I believe it woe ten minutes after Gheegan fell that my husband was shot; one was shooting and another was shooting; I stood near my husband; I did not see them shooting ; I did not see them do anything else ; my face woe toward my husband when he was shot; I was olose to him ; had him by the arm, to get him in the room; before hawse shot, he turned himself around ; I saw the shot passing me; did not see what it wits ; it passed um on the loft side ; he did not fall; ae soon I hoard the report he said "My God, I'm shot!" There was no other man about the house—no German that I know of; I did not see any ono go out; I went fer a doctor us soon as I saw that my husband was bleeding ; my husband took the pistol out of my hand and laid it under the counter; he did not take it again, be. cause it is in the mime condition ,• at the time the coroner came there I gave it to him ; ho asked me fort; it bad boon under the eonnter all the time, I think ; there were a great many persons there white he wee sick ammo came through the bar. room, and some through the alley; when I came hank I found all the men near my husband; I wont behind them to uiy husband; I can't tell what they were doing; lie was going to the back room ; I did not see any German snatch a cigar from one of the defendants, and call him an "American eon ut b—" Mr. Rudolph sworn, —I took that pistol to have the load drawn; there are the contents, only a smallnunaber of small shot aul some powder. Dr. N. C. Reid sworn.—l was vot present at post mortem examination of John Eichele, but saw him before and after his death; when I saw him he MU suffering from gun-shot wound in the abdomen; the wound evidently out the 'lntestines, as the fie. cal matter wee exuding; I saw him three times ; did not do anything to relieve him, as the case woe hopeless; I saw him after his death ; it was a mor tal wound; it caused his death ; I did not inform him his wound or case was hopeless ; ho was feeble and prostrate; no reaction took place; he was conscious all the time; he woe depressed and sure that be would die; satisfied of that from the first; he was quiet and reconciled; I saw in the bar room marks said to be bullet-marks. Cross.examined.—Saturday was the first time I visited him; I suppose I was an hour there; about 11 o'eleok Drs. Moir and Ilazzard were there; next there on Sunday a few moments; next on Monday a few moments ; I examined the wound every occasion; did not probe it, as it-would have been a dangerous experiment ; he fretted and did not wish to die; ho did not expect to recover ; he would like to live, but knew he moat die ; I did not ask him when he expected to die; nourish. meat was given to him; did not examine the wound after death, Coroner Fenner recalled.—l examined the bar room ; eaw four or five shots behind the bar, and seven on the left-hand side of the wail, and several in the 'coiling; the officers took ono out of the frame of a picture ; they were all as if shot from the front part of the room. Cross.examined.—l examined on the fourth day of May; I ean't say whether it wog a wall or hoard ing behind the bar; the shots were on the right hand side of the wall; I did not see any btlllet marks on the door; some of the marks were a half inch deep; I saw no belle; those holes were not nail holes ; they attracted my attention; they were deeper than one-sixteenth of an inch: those behind the bar were four or five; they wore three eighths of an inch in breadth; seven on the left hund wall; they bad glanced; they were not to gether; they were near the ceiling; those in the ceiling wore glanced shots; can't say how many; I saw no balls; the wall was not papered. Dr. Reid recalled.—l have the thigh-bone of Eichele; Dr. Melt gave it to me, at his office; there was a bullet lodged in the lig,ament ; I was at Dr. Meit's when he returned from the post mortem examination; except from his deolaration, I don't know that this is Eichele's thigh-bone. Thomas It. Mitchell sworn —I am a pollee oft ear; I was not on my boat; a small girl cause to get me to go to the house; I got within three or four doors; I heard three or four shots; I saw four of those men in the dock come eat—Price, Carr, Al exander, and flats; I saw them before I had hold of Price ; 88 he came out, he broke from we and ran away; I wont in and saw atmegan on the floor, with his face down; I raised him up and eaw he was shot; he was lying in the bar-room, and was shot in the forehead ; in the meantime, Officer Shear went in, and fell on the floor; I saw a man standing at the oast end of the bar—a Ger man—pointing a pistol; I stood on the step, jumped off, and heard the report of a pistol ; had not seen Ghoognn yet ; I followed Shear in; did not see Gilman when I first went in ; Shear started after the others; I went in the back room; they had the proprietor on a settee; I can't toll what became of the man who pointed a pistol ; we arrested them In Reed street, below Second, In the Shifter Hose House; they had not got out of sight; thoy ran front us a little too fast; they were in the downstairs room of the hose house; Officer Shear picked up the caps; don't know who they be longed to. Cross. examined.—l wee about three houses below Morris street when called on; Mrs. Eiohele did not call me; did not see her; a girl came for us; I went Immediately after I was called; I ran there; I saw four go out; nothing in their hands; Shear was half a square aimed of me • he went in before me ; I was on the atop when I saw Shear dodge ; I saw no one but the German pointing the pistol ; after the report I went in ; Shear went out ; I found Gheegen with his face down on the floor, alongside of the bagatelle table; the hofise faces north; ho was lying east and west; head to the west; the room is In feet front, nearly square; I heard the pistol ; then went in ; I can't say who- ' ther it hit Gheehan ; I did not take notice; I saw the German pointing the pistol; Gheelian was shot in the forehead; I did not look at trim after wards; I went through, and saw the proprietor was shot , and started after Officer Shear; I did not see the German afterwards; there were two men there besides the proprietor; both German; the one who fired the pistol was sandy-haired; I did net see him in the back room; made no arrests in the house; I was not in there over a minute; I think I sore ono at the inquest; the defendants were in sight of us ; they were in the hose house ; Officer Shear opened the door; they made no resistance; did not then search ; did at the, station•house, but found no weapons ; they did not run from our pis tols. Ite-examined.—l know the man was a German, sandy-haired, "color of Mr. Sharkey's hair;" I did not judge from hair; never aaw him before; I judged from his looks that he was a German; the man we suspected we were told had left the neigh borhood ; when I jumped from the doer Gheegan was in the house; none but liheegan was in when Shear went in ; he dropped on the floor as Price was coming out; I had Price by the collar before I saw the pistol pointed. Win. Sheer sworn.—l am an officer; was on duty the day of this occurrence; was with Mr. Mitchell; some one came after us; I went to the house; beard shots; hurried in and saw Alexander, Hats, and Price coming from the house; they ran out before I got there; as I was going in I saw a pistol pointed and tired at me—threw myself down ; he was a email man, sandy-haired, who did it; Gheogan was on the floor; saw him as I stepped in ; I ran out; was so confused I did not go after the ono who shot at me; I went back to the house with Mitchell; I followed them up to Tasker street; had two of their caps; there woe a little smoke in the room, not a groat deal; can't say who the last one was that came out. Cross-examined.—When spoken to go to the house I was at Fifth and Morris streets; no ono could go in without my seeing; in three or four minutes I was at the house • I only aaw three come out; I saw the pistol as I ;topped in and dropped down; Oheegan was on the floor; I had ally star on as now ; he was down before the shot was tired ; after that I followed the three men; the ono who shot was a Borman, five feet high, and sandy haired; he went in the hack room; I saw no other men; I did not follow him ;, he was in the bask room when he fired ; never saw him since— never before ; did not go in the back room until wo brought Price down ; no men there but Eichele ; [ followed the mon, arrested them in the Shifilar Hose House, searched them, and found no weapons, thoy were in the hose house not over twenty mi nutes before they were arrested; Dheegan was bleeding; that is his cap; the wound was on the forehead ; there were more than two wounds. Dr. Nicola sworn.—Am a clergyman of St. Al. 'Ammo's Church ; I woo sent for to attend John Eichele ; I saw him on Saturday, after be was shot; he knew be SW in a dying condition; he told me he expected to die ; he spoke to me on re ligious subjects, about the saving of his soul ; I be lieve of nothing else, but of his wound and suffering ; he told me be suffered ; I knew he was in a dying condition; I told him so; ho said, " I foal myself dying, and will prepare myself for death." This was all the evidence elicited up to the hour of adjournment. Messrs. Leonard R. Fletcher and John Goforth represent the prisoners. The court room note t,rontlea to tot utmost capacity during the proceedings yesterday. . CITY ITEMS. MISSIONARY MERTI7O.—AInd/Iy-schoolliS• canary meeting was held last evening in Rev. Albert Barnes's Church, on Washington Square. Ambrose White, Esq., presided. The object of the ideating was in aid of the mission work of tho American Sunday school Union. Tae growled festival of the season was thnt ut the Musical Fund Hall but evening, The scent, was gay and impressive. Among the many distinguished gentlemen present, we saw none that had not exhibited Ws good taste by securing his Cal corroment the palatial store of Granville Stokes, No. 657 Chestnut street. N. 13.—A superb stook of ready made winter clothing selling at reduced rates, in order to close out, prepara tory to the reopening of the spring trade. THE PEYTON DlNNe.h.—Tho local event of the day which is exciting most attention in the Halle l'e)ton dinner, which took place at the Academy of Music. on Saturday evening. The None was gorgeous and striking in the extreme. Thu elegantly-spread tables, the flash ing lights, the rich banners, the gilding. an:, above nil, the troops of bright-eyed ladies, arrayed In splendid attire, and accompanied by gentleman, most of whom were clad in garments 'nada at the Brown Stone Cloth ing Rail of Rookhill k Wilson, Nos. 600 and ti.o3 Cheat nut street,above Sixth. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL 110TRLS, OP TO TWELVE O'CLOCK LAST MOUT GIRARD 110U8E—Cheenut st.. below Ninth, 1) Cummings, Del At J . Foley, Belt Edw J Richardson. Balt J Minor A bt, NX R 8 Pendleton, N Y Mr Bloomfield, N J J .I .‘ H V etib h t , nlireTO7lyY 8 A Allen, N J B M Jackson 3. la, t'rov'e Miss 11 VI Potter, rrov'e J M Newhall, Llnii, Main D E stout, Reading J P W Domineer. Reading 1) Ransom A In, N V C AI Child A In, N V A Miter, N V .1 M Jewell, N Y 1 G lin mho rd, N Y P C Perkins, Maine Edw Bacon, Mich H D Thompson, N Conway II S Marrow, Lancaste r Gen A Leavitt. N Y ii. Wise, N Y . A W Lemming, IM Chunk A F Cobol, N 'V W Firmstone, Luton Copt IV illiamo, N Y C McAfee, Pottsville P 8 Marta, Pottsville Mr Jones, Pa J L Plumar, N Y T A Davis. Oregon J H Osgood, Boston E 8 Hackney, Chicago C 8 Ring. NY It Ringer, st Louie T A Jones. N V OP Eddy, Wilmington, Del I, Wells N V 3 N Roabey, Brook!) a Geo B Woolridgo, N V Mai A Smith, U 8 A hi hill Peyton, Va E C King. N Y Col Dibble, Daunt J I. Carew. Detroit W T II Duncan, N Y John Waylap, N Y A C Gray, Del C F Langevin, t.tuebee ft M Shoemaker, Dalt 1, D Microform it la. Conn I) Arnold, Providence, It I David Moore, Newark, NJ It A Witcher, N J H I' Townsend, N y JONES' HOTEL—Chestnut sl.,below Seventh. Wm G West. N Y W L Soulliwortli,Chicago J Murphy, Balt Ssmq eseeweli, N J T DLIRAII,N J F J Painter, West Chester Joel Nace, N J Miss Painter. W Chester V R 'Vickers, PI J liHNve,NJ J B D Smith, Va Mn.i Jamey, Va J (1 Crowley, Balt J ti V Mitchell N J Pitch & la, Bull .1 Condon, Ji",N V J N Siith, d V . W 3 Hahn, N Y John) Htnclinirin, N V F C Gordon, Boston Cyrus Winchester, ennn Channel Winchester, CI J Franklin, Balt John 1' Scott, Balt MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch, J S Server, PM la J W Emnuti.Phila P Kresge, Stroudsburg Asa M Butts. Strouddl4 Miss M B Oreenwoisl, Pa II Pettelinne l'a G J Bell, Erie, Pa Mrs Wardoll . le, cli, N V W Henderson, Ball II V Brown, Reading 11 Ruby. Shappensburg H Beautrorn, N Y C H Shriner, Beaver col Bateman' l'a BatemanJ Mum & nie, Pa Bast, Snlil !Inver, 0 H Helfrich, Ashland illll It 14 nob, Phil's Mr Eichelberfer, Cm E J Allen, 11l ! Wit Ely, Ohio F Austin, N Y I J Buchanan, St Lenin CIT Loveless, N Y J E vlemm, Balt ..1 A NI. Win. Pis A K Nielson, thilpsiburgi Mai 1 Cummings, Pa AMERICAN HOTEL—Ohestnut et., above Fifth. C E Manly, N Y J A P fikillern, Tenn F Mason, Boston Wm (Thodnow. Boston W Butler. Went Chatter GeoJlriotoo,West Chester W Darlington, West Chas P VVoolo. N 0 A T Falmostook, Lancaster Jno onth cke . Easton Wm II Pinola% Pa 8 It Dorian, Chester co Jae C Kay. West Chester Ellis Reeves, Pa W C Lamson, Auburn, Pa JII Zimmerman, Pa Wm ISt Weaver, Pn J S Hay, Conn ilton M War d Mass EI. Brooks, Masa A Chapman, N Y C Whitlock, MU A H Beipt, he MERCIIANTB' HOUSE—Third ot.. al/nce Callo%ollll Jnooh Hams, \Vitae Marsh Bon App!ohoch. Pit T Bush. 1 n Mnj J Naught & In, Pn Al thilniyor, Montour John Broker Bucks en W Alyeiistown IS A Lettibaelt, Bending Wl, Biliricin..loneolown W 7.1111111001/411, 1/131m11011 000 W Wolf. Mt A try Fronk Kilo. PR Jteeph sn ow . Reallin4 Pole, Ihnitl% Bethlehem Benj B Drs, Barks co II 1-intlnor, ilerlis en J W Lawrence. Pa hieo Holtman, Allentown MOUNT VERNON 110 TEL—Second at., above Arcl Geo S Collier, l'a. C K Johnkoirt,l'n, .1 W Wext, NOrriooun \ V R. Miller, Liincefiler J Fell. N .1 A 54ohonlinok. Lanctoler It Miller, Ohio Jon I. ranko, PA .1p t .Andoreoth N ,I 3 1ohn S ', 'Strong, II C uroliee, West Cliestor 411 F Cooper, 1 o FOUNTAIN HOTEL -Second street, above Markel Jag Wright. Br, Del , Jas Wright, Jr, Del Capt W Mullen & In, Del Jan Fountam, Dot Jan Prett% man Del Mrs Thomdm, Halt A Bradley, Del Wm F Kelly, Del I , It Fester, Chester Thee C FIT, Enston A It Crayon, N C 1' C Jones, Del C II Crosby & lam, Vt BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL-1300ond et, below Vine D M Arrowinni di, Wmaport J "'rice, Doylestown L U Frete, Hatboro r 8 Anthony, Va John J Heys, v., E b Flint, Easton B Keifer, haaton .1 A Boolatent. Easton 1 M Bloke, Newtown Tilos Linton, Newtown T beavenworth, N y . E B Leavenworth, N V A V eloinion i Bolt eutown BLb Bingham, Bucks co THE UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third J B Cuter, Perini, Doi P Snyder , Urbana C B Post, Md J II Moser, Allentown Col R Hitt°litr, Tamaqua I Mirk, Phil% I Culver. Trenton,,N J R U Ifousol, Milford, N S W Wilhemx, Phila B Jones & la, lamnoun W F Smith, Tamaqua W M Potts Pottsville 011 Rosengarton, Pottev'o J Thompson Pottsvillp A L Robison, N J 0 Caldw e ll Paul W UndeTwood, Pa C Now York J Lantz, Lancaster BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third et., above Caßowel JaS Stnpp, Allentown, Pa D Bullock. Bucks co Amos Riegel, Pa .1 Housman, Monts co M IC Hagar. Lancaster A B•rcnrii, Easton A Muter, Carbon 00, Pa W Ziegoneues, Carbon co Thou Zioironfoo, Carbon oo JaoobOroao, Pa THE PRESS.-PHI4,ADELPHp.; TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1860. ST. LOUIS llOTEL—Chestnut at., ab, Third. F Footle, Del Mins E J Foolre, Del Col l'ottor, lir.dgoton,NJ Ell Litliarth,J'ail'o , I.mila Lemur, n John Beeolirrt ow Phil% / onn .1 lloyey. N Pa, 1) V Zeller.T4 Y W E Potter. Brideeton,N .1 01 Hayden. N Mrs C A 81111011 Bait izn' rid Moor Smith, Salt Nliws Ku le, Ball NV It Jones, PhiPa STATES UNION HOTEL—Market st.. above Sixth, R Hohmann, Money, Pa Geo It Jackson, Mt Joy K P Stevens, Roston N S Boyd. Elizabethtown A Hutchison. Fmtteville R J Simpson, fild Joseph Von Osner. Pa James (=whoa. Pa Silas Underwood Pt Clinton Allen Speakman, Pin Casper Seibert Columbia C Long, ShinnenaborS John McCann, N ew York Thos Moore, Fannetsourg Stewart McClung, VA (;00 Wood, Lancaster Wm M Ailmon. Mlflhp F A Godfrey, Pottsville Andrew W Keil, Lewistown D W I,ail oa,'d I"Truby, Mil All Long, Lewistown Gaol Lena, lock Creek NATIONAL HOTEL—Hare street, above Third. JII PaConon, Spruce Crk Jll Nicholson, Montrose Martin Spackinan, A H Light, Lebanon, Po 1 , Gruber, Darks 00, Pa 11 Myers, Lancaster, Pa R A (Honor, Do co .1 T }teasel, Schur lkill CO J Handler, Pottsville 0 Weiale.r, Hula John Eckert. Dauphin, Pa Jns W hanker, Pa H Dresaon, N Edw Clark. Lancaster Cant W 11 Yolie,Dau ph in co C timber, Tuscarora, Pa J 0 James, J COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at., above Chestnut. John 'rra3 nor, Chester on Win C Devlin, Pa Jas Scott. LOUISVIiie Davis Risible, Pa Amos Kimble. Pa J T Kirk, Chester co J K Dowses. Phila Frank Thompson. Pa K Thorn von, New London .it that Jackson, Chester Co N II lhuumomt, Del T At Rhornburg. Pa John I.lliloorerßucks co I. 11 Platt, Buffalo 'Loo s es. Wilm, Del Jon l' Worrell, Del co, Jut It Hodgson, Pa C Robertson, N J BLACK BEAK HOTEL—Third et., above Callowhill D Benno. N C ?dm Renno, N C Mies Clennnens. Reading Nathan Call, Lehigh en W 80, or. Reading' II Miller, Sumner town 151 Eixenln re, Reading John Ileelitel. Pa Al 13nitn, Winnanr Cache Newlin Treiekler. Pa Mrs Miller, Win&or Cache W D Hunter, Douglaaville, EAGLE 110 TEL—Third street, above Raoe. N Yyle, P P Marshall. W Chester Hoed Audo, W Chester ri Williams N Y P Woodward N Y Jos N Newita, Chester ea J H Pearson, Boston P Wilson & son, N X . . , .. Miss N Thompson, Rohl en billion I, Roberts, Easton J J Broom & la, Pa II Davis, Plarnixville Yarnel Raley, Phila C Cimble, N Y Chas '1 hotop,on Deo Pierce, W Chester E W Nom wicker, Ohio Jll Pennypanker, Philo. D W Davis, Pottstown MARINE INTELLICIENCE. 81 , .:11: FOUItTIi l'Atili ARRIVED. Br brig Plantagenet, Morris, Dom Bonaire 10th tilt, with 3,310 Mils salt to b A Solider & Co. (Towed up Dy tug Atiantie.l behr Maine Low, Atticabury, 4 doss from New York, with ENO huge sugar to Order. Behr try. Henderson, Hem Providence. tin New Css tle, Del, 1 def. in lull/wit to intros Bakal. MEMORANDA. Steamship Polak, Jddkins, from Now York, arrived at i tvorponl -list tilt. ' Steamship Delaware, Shaw, hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship Jura, Moodie, from Liverpool 31st tilt, ar rived at New York yesterday. Steanishrp Wotton, from New York for Havre, arrived at Southampton 30th ult. Ship David Crockett, nowlan I, from San Francisco. arrived at New York yesterday. Dee. :id ofl'lStrads Marx. windy, W, exchanged signals with an Ant ship, hound kV, showing a bargee, white centre, blue uptior and red lower boilers, the name was apparently West WHO. Dee. 17th, at, at GO Mlles N el Pernambuco, close to shore, tom a large steamship (3 masts) steering DI; about iu miles further North. saw n large ship ashore, la) mg head to the it, and heeled oil alone, (probably the Gneen of the Pacific. Ship Pentland Burl, from Callao, arrived at Baltimore yesterilm, Ship Island queen, Ray, for Philadelphia, was towed to sett )rem N Orleans 601 inst. Ship RobertCushrnan.tons from Savannah, at Liver -oBaol 30th Ult. rk Monmouth. SAilith 1,1 horn Messina 161.1 t tilt for Philadelphia. Bark A Manderson, Vonilarson Philadelphia, was towed to son from N tilt 11,1. Balk Wessaeumeon. Whelden, (ruin Montevideo, or • rived at New York yestsiday. Bark Aaron .1 Ilarvey, Miller, fiw Gambia, sailed from Gorse Dec 3d, Bark ism Maxwell, Davis, sailed Dorn Port Spain .1341 alt for Lamm) rtt. Brig Mount Vernon, Hall, from RIO de Janeiro ?A all, arrived at Balton° e yesterday. Sabre Hickman, Dickerson; B W Ponder, Dorman, and 0 It Politer, Hopkins, from Delnware,iarrived at New York yesterday. Sniffs Jim Vir Pearce and Fashion. (wreelierfl,) arrived at New York yesterday, with goods front schr COI Sat tatty, wrecked at Ilarnegat. &lir New Jersey. Vanneinall. for New York, oleared at wilmington. N C,l3olinet. Sobr 0 Al Neal, Godfrey, cleared at Wilmington, N C, cost, for New York. SPECIAL NOTLOES. ONR PRIOR CLOTHING OP THE LATEST BTTIAR, made in the best manner, ly for RE TAIL HALES. LOWEST selling armee marked in Plain Maur's'. All goods made to order warranted antis factory. Our ONE-PRICE System us atrietly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair we, of dealing All are thereby treated alike. JONES it CO., seB4l tliAl MARKET Street. M. FINKI.H'S SEWING MACHINF.F. ARE WATt tanted the hest for all kinds of fatuity sewing or jnanu teturing purposes. If they do not work well they wit be exchanged or the price refunded. Price ssoand op. wards. 912 CHESTNUT Street upstairs. jell-stuthGo THROAT AFF'FICTIONs. -^ I From Rev. E. Rowley, A. M., Pres dent. Atldne College, Athtnet Tenn.j—" I Insert found great Lenefit from the use of Brown's Hronchial Trochee,' before and after preach ing, an they prevent houreeneet, to which I am yen subject. I think front their past oiled they will be of permanent n;vantage to me. Revered clergymen of my acquointanco to whom I have given the Troche■ have been benelltea by them." jalAthstu at GISIOV.Ra & BAEHR'S OILIDRATID NOISYLIMS FAMILY SZWINII-MANIMIS. AT RIMED PR(pH. T CHESTNUT STREET. PIIILADRLPHIA. SINGER'S SAWING N 0. 2 Rowing • ..... Jur. 1 Ora...yr, Wa. 4l aße ..... ........ . . ....._ . Po Tbo Fondly ftewiux bloomoo, .711 The Fondly Sowing Mooblue.--. • •—•—• •—• • to I. 31, SINGER & CO., d 23 in No. 02 0111:8TNUT Street. SALAMANDER PIKE-PROOF SAPEE.—A Very large snort went or SALAMANDERSfor male at reason able Pries , . No. SOS CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. suit U SWANS & WATSON HARRIS' BOUDOIR SEWING 11IAORINI. IMPROVED DOUBI.E•THREAD FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERY FAIR. 018-11 m Philp., (Miro. no A ROll St. Agents wanted. SAVING FUND—NATIONAL SAMMY TRU? 0 lblf PA mt.—Chartered by the State et Pentuyelvenla. RULES. L Money le rewired every day, and in any amount, arse or email. 2. FIVE PER CENT. altered is paid for money from the day it is put in. S. The money is always paid back In GOLD whenever it is called Tor, and without notice. 4. Money is received from EZitltiOrS, Administrators, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. S. The money received from Depositors is Invested 113 Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Renta, and other Fast class securities, S. Orrice open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest corner Third street. Plolertelehis. esti S 9 API H N 9 SAVING FUND--NORTHWHIG Conan. SECOND and WALlit? fitreata —Deposits re ceived in small and large amounts. from all clams of the community. and allows interest at the rate of five par gent, per annum. Moues may be drawn by °hooka without lone of la Welt. Moe open daily, from 9 mail o'olook, and on Mon and Saturday until 9 In the evening. • Preaident. FRANKLIN FELL ; Treasurer and &mean', CHAS M MORRIS. MARRIED. • PHORMAKER—ARD.—On the Ilth instant, by the Rev. Charles R. Date, Mr. Frank Shoemaker to Mies Elsa It., grand daughter of lir. Joseph B. Aid, tdl of this city. ...WT AI.FRM—AIIN.—thi Monday evening. January 10,IKbefore Alit mum Dm id Bottler, Philip Walters to Margaret Alin. .1 Chester eons() papers please cops .1 WARNPA—VI RIGHI'.—On the 12th instant. by Friends' Ceremony. is presence of Jim Honor. Mayor Henry, Silas Warner. or Burlington county, N. J., to Addle R.. daughter of Thos. A. Wright. rit this city. . Eyrampe—ANTllON .—On the huh instant, by Rev George A. But lvirrow.Joseph H. Rep nolds. Esp , of New York. to Miss Josephine, youngest daughter oh Anthony. Eng.. of Pintail.a. STEWART—rit to:LovE.—On the 11th instant, by lli. Ring. Mr. Charles E. Stewart to Miss Claraine Freelove, both of this c.ii, F111.3.1.).—0n Sunday. the Fri, in d., ..! tgaret Field. he relatives end inendrr of Tao tamii) are invited t o attend the funeral from her Fite residence, Seventeenth And Ti ova streets, on 'lllollday waning, 1919 instant, at 10 o'clock. . . SIIANIZ.—In Philadelphia, on Paturday the lull I nv i; ,. , ;e i A braham at,,e S a i n t rAn i t4 (6 . t r iw :41 t t o h e e x e e a d r o f age a are respect fully invited to attend bin funeral. To proceed to Potts town, by 'leading Railroad, at o'clock, on Wallies. clan morning. the ISM inst. 1111.0 s'y.—On Nnturdsy mornot , . the 14th , nst., both Ann. wife of Ror. 'lowland 11111 Brown, and eldest daughter of Rey. Adani }lmelda. FLIIIOfIII from her ifItILOF'S reeidence . o3. F. corner of Frenklin end Willow streets, on (line ( iluesde) I after noon. of 2 n'eleek. MelbllENfe V.—On the 1011, inei., John, eon of The IWO end Ellen Alellhenn), in the tin eerie of time ago, Funeral Icon, the residence of 11111 wirenie, eleerflold Meet, Fr.iiik ford rood, on this (Tueedn) (ft It tnut nt 2 o'clock P. M. , . . ell L I. 6 lC—On the MI , lost., normal Ilaehlen, son el Frederick - and Slophin Miller. in the 4th rear el sin age. Funeral front the reintlenee of Me parents, No. SIT Dian, n street, en Wednesda) no at lu o'clock.' hall It On the 14th mist., M re. Jane, wife of the lair Ilnl,ert Herrington, axed 4Yyearn. Funeral ( , ruin her late reanionee, No. 2310 Sham. mann] arrest, on thin Tuestla) I morning, at in n'elook.• VELCII.—On the 14th neat., Patrick Welch, aged To yearn. Funeral from inn late renitence, fierninntoWn road, above Master street, on this (Tuesday I morning, at 81,, o'clock 81.14 VIN.—On the 13th instant, NITS Catharine Slot in. Funeral from the resitlence of her son, John Sul Pass) cub rood, below Catharine street, on this ('fttends) I morning. at SN, o'clock. BOY D.—On the NtL instant, Ella, daughter of John tool AIM Dotal. aged 3 Yeark turd ? Funeral Dom the resident's o her parents, No. 1512 [th I. rout shoot, on this ( ttends) r afternoon, nt Vrt l ikB OTT.— In this vitt on the 16'11 mat., the Rev, John McDermott, 0 , the D;oeese of Albany, on the ci 29th t oar of Ins rite, 100 of Cornelius 111ollerino I, of this cltyy NANSON.—On Daturdly earning, 11th inst.. Susanna Albright, eldest daughter of John 9. and Button It. Nan• Sin, in the loth ear of her ago Due notice of the funeral will be Oven. in OURNINO MOUSSELINES DELAINF, 16 OENTO.—NENSON 4h BON have reduced 10, U)artla 111 Imported Mack and White Mousetinea Delaino to only i 6 Conte, BLACK TIIIBET LONG SHAWLS.- Now in Store, a full assortment of Imuin's Black MIKA Long Shawls. Aiso, Lumn's black Cashmeres, Merinos, Satin fleabane., Velvet ropltne, Tattiest's, Velour Reps. Mousseline de Imiael,l3ueulumines, SEBSON SON, Mpurnins Store, d 15 558 CHESTINUT Street, PERFECTI E vrl ON, STRONG ij seri es. sound lngs. rot reshing sleep, and fune• iional regularity restored, without medicine. inconve nience, or expense to the most dir.ordored or enfeebled conatrtution. by DO BA ttltrti HEALTH RESTORING REV ALE •TA ARABICA FOOD, which atii row cents per meal, seise fifty times its cost in inedinine, and removes indigestion (dyspepsia), habi tual constipation, flatulency, nervousness, biliousness. fevers, catarrhs, colds, noises in the wire rheumatism, gout, impurities, eruptions ti sierra, neuralgia, irrita bility, sleeplessness, acidity, palpitation. heartburn, headache, debiliO. Arehart., despondency, cramps, spasms, nausea and sickness, audits's. tits, cough, asthma, ',amidst., consumption, also childten'a com plaints. Fifty Soars' Indescribable agony from WISPEPBIA, nervousness, sickness at the stomach. and vomiting have been removed by Du Barry's excellent Food. Testitnitmels from Dr. Bright, Dr. l're, Dr. rust-,: Dr. rifiarland, Dr. bell, end many thousand nJllr respectable parties whipean tui referred to. Packed P th fu I instructions in canisters, 8140 to 8 12. The latter mintage free orlreeeipt of cash. Bold at the kevalenln A rehire F o od Depot, 253 SOUTH 'CHIRP street, tiy H. MUNRO, VrieciPal Agent for the United States. Parvin, Jr., Chestnut and Twelfth streets. D. Lo Bteekhouse , Eighth and Green streets. J. ilerkincon and E. la, Clarke, Main street, lierinarn town : and through all Wooers and Chermotg, TIIE UNION FOREVER.—THE mans of Philadelphia opposed to sectional vir ile* and sectional agitation, ho are in favor of the Preservation of the Union, and the enforcement of all the Lawn of the hind. itre lllViieti to meet at the COUNTY COUCT HOUSE, TIIIB (Tuesday) EVEN ING, Jan. 17, at 71e o'clock, to folio a Union Mb. It* MANY. atrFREE LEE:Tun ES.-31ECHANICS , IN STITUTE OF SOUTHWARK. FIFTH Street irWARIIINGTOIS Avenue. ROBERT TAYLOR, Eti will deliver the Second Lecture a the GOlllllO q., EVENING. . „ frrCONTINENTAL HOTEL COHPANY. ~o sonnet meeting of the cornoratore of the Continontal Hotel Corneal)), for the election of five managers, and the transaction of other business, will be held in the Parlors of the Rotel, on WEDNESDAY. Jannerr 21,1 M, at 12 (Mock M. 1111/4.25 HERGEANT . PRICEL See'y. WSUNSIIINE,—FounTit ANNIVERSA RY MORRIS LITERARY INS VITUTE.—The A, A. WILLITS will deliver n new Lecture on Sunshine, or the Bleionnes of it Genial Spirit," in the Rev. George Chandler's Church, GIRARD. above Co lumbia avenue. on TUESDAY, January 24, HO, et 751 o'clock, 'Tickets 25 cents ; may be obtained at the door on the evening of the lecture. th ea-4t. Er?. AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Mifit:ckholders of THE WYOMIN(3 CANAL the ming officers were elected for the ensuing year: President—SAMUEL'. BODINE. Managers.— Edwnril Wethertll, John II Brown. Robert 'truth, John Ely, Ztha Bennett, Wm. B. Ross. twelf-at ark OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. PHIL 4141.1 , 1111 A, January U. 1801. NOTICE To STOCKIIOI,DERs.—The Annual Meet in¢ of the Smckhibders ol this Company will be held on MONDAY, the 6th day of Fe lever . 1650, at le o'clock A. M. at the SANSONI-STREET HALL. The Annual Electiow for Directors will beheld on MONDAY the 6111 da y of March, IMO, at the Office of the Company, 211 Nonni TII I e D Street, Jald-tfa Ellen WU SMITH. georetary. T rz : r A v r t int u T FOR MB.—The nnnnnl . t n g of the Contributnin to the Penpaylvnnin Institution for the Peef and Dunib, whit be held on WE DNF.BIIAY next, at rdelnex P. M.. at the Inatittitton, corner of BROAD end PI ri Strcete. • • The Annual Report of the Board of I)reotore tvt II be sulonilted end an election will he held for °liken' to eery for the ensuing year. jal6.3t, JAMES J. BARCLAY, Secretary. SUNDAY-S(:IIOOL MISSIONARY MEETINGS.—Union litindar-flobool Missionary Meetings will be held (D. V.) in Nt. Mark 'a Lutheran Chureh, Emma Garden, above Thirteenth street, THIS (Tuesday') itVENING, commencing at half past seven o'clock. Addressee a re expected from the Rev. D. W. Clitldlaw. of Ohm, Mr. John MoCullagh. Rentacky, and the Rev. Charles C. Goss, of Nebraska Territory, Mission aries of the American Munilay•delionl Union. Melly interesting facts and incidents wildlas presented in regard to the work of Sunday-School extension and improvement in the Wald. R. B. WESTBROOK, 11116-2 t flee. of Mission's of the Am. N. ti. Union, pa. REV. H. GRATTAN GUINNESS will preach in the Rev. Dr. Wype'e Church, Broad, below Seruce,_etreet on !HONDA WEDNES DAY, end FRIDAY EVENINGS, of thin week, et Li o'eloek, reeermar the other evenings of the week fur reeetini privately with inquirers in the Lecture Room of the Ghnrolt, Rll6-30 irrOFFICE OF 'TILE CONSOLIDATED COAL COMPANY. No. an WALNUT Street. PUHA Din,PHIA, Ueo. DOW. The Annual Meeting nrthe Stoafiliolders of tha Com yanywill be held at their Office. in Philadelphia, on MONDAY, January 16, 1&50. at 10 o'cmck A. M., for the Election of - Officers to Curve the ensuing year. and other purpneee• J. HENRY dWOMR. illtl-frAtu9tAr-WR Secretary. IrlrA COURSE OF TEN LECTURES ON PRACTICAL PHRENOLOGY to a °lessor La dles and Gentlemen, will be 0.01111110110011 on TUESDAY EVENING. Jan. 17th, at the CADINET, UZI CHEST NUT Str TlC eet. KETS FOR THE COURSE, 82. To secure cents application should lie made imole. diately to J. L. CAI'EN. Successor to FOWLER, WE1.1. 4 1, & CO. Phrenological Examinations with written or verbal desonptions made DA l' - unit EVENING. Iftll-3t PIFIII. SOLGER WILL DELIVER A Course of Six Lectures On toe First Four ies of the Christian Era in their Benrinks upon Modern Civilization," to commence on TUESDAY. the 17th of January, at 7Y o'clook, P. M., at Chicker ink & gong. No 807 CHESTNUT tinued on FRIDAYS And TUESDAYS. TicAete 63 lor the Course, admitting a Lads null Gentleman. and for every nilditional I.ndy. told at the Bookstores of Messrs V. Lou veldt. 13 2 3 Chestnut ; Burn s & Sias, 80 Chestnut: Smith & English, 40 North Sixth Street, and at Me acre. °tuckering & Sone, 800 Chestnut. jal3 et• IrrOFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU. TIDAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILA DELPHIA. it•I'AIll" /1. 1860. The Directors have tins day declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Com pany, and on the Certificates 01 Profits outstanding, for the year ending December 31st, 1859, without deduc tion for State Tax. payable in cash to the Stockholders, on and after the 16th net. Also, a Dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT., p.m ble pro ruin ort the Capital Stock and Premiums earned, out of the profits of the Company. for the year ending December 31,1, 11859, for which Certificates of Profits, bearing interest, will be delivered to the Istockholders, and to the insured entitled to receive the same. under the provisions of the charter, on told niter the Nth inst. No certificate will be issued for any less sum than ten dollars, nor for nny fractional part of one dollar. Bums less than ten dollars, and not less than ono dollar. are credited to the insured on the s m ok e of the c oni p nn y, and within any period of ton Years, the mid credits amount to ten dollars, certificates therefor will be is sued. tortificatea of Pronto are liable, eqvally with the Capital Stook. for tho losses end engagements of the Company, end may he converted info Capital Stook at any time, Elt the option of the holder. jalll-6t N. hl. HINCi3UAN. Secretary. OFFIC H E PHILADELPHIA AND Orr REA DING HA:U.IIOAPAN Y. At the Annual Meetitir of the Stockholders of tho Philadelphia and fientlitnatallroail Company. held Janu ary 9. 1840. the following gentlemen wore unanimously elected talioent for 1880: PENSIDNNT. A. mull , : KY. vice PRIK%ILIEN T. . . J. DUTTON HTEHLE. J. DU 1' ON STEELE. A. K. BORI F. CHAR. ACA LESTER. Wlll. tiELL RS. ROBT. KELT,N. CHAS. E. SMITH. TN liAio:ll.2. 8. (BRADFORD. HETARY• \VII. H. ISIcILIIENNEY. Br order. & e.,_ Al O . tin___ W. 11. MoII,IIENNY, Secretary, TrTILE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, January 10, Althe annual meeting or Ftochholder. of this Com pany. held on 9th January. 1080. the following gentle, mon were elected Directors for the ensiling ) ear F. RATCHFORD WIARIL WILLIAM hIcK NAM. IRO PRAY:. ER. JOHN AL ATWOOD. • HEN!. T. TREDICK. i i tIARY , rI I i I wOel IT.I•T . 1; A RT. JOHNH. BROWN. 11. A, FAUN ESTOOK. ANDREW D. °min. J. L NIIRINOER. At a meeting or the Board of Director., held this dot, P. itATolFoilD STARR wan appointed Prelident. CHARLES W. CORE, Secretary. MOFFICE OF TILE FAME INSUR ANCE COMPANY, No. 4,06 CHESTNUT ST.—The ot' Director. have declared a dividend of three per cent., payable on demand, out of the profits of the Company fur the last six month.. 111-at W. I. BLANCHARD. Reis y. OFFICE OF TIIE DELAWARE ('OUR. TY NARBENGER RAILROAD COMPANY.— he firth instalment of FIVE DOLL& tin per share on the most stook of thin Company will be due end pas - tilde on TUESDAY. the 27th day of the ()free of T. T. II oTUII hat, Treasurer. No, 112 ROUTH FOCIFTII Street. A. 1.. BONNANFON, j012.0”.27 Neeretery. [5 - 111ERCIIIANTS' Anow.u. meeting of Om MERCIIAN FB' FUND SUCIF:- I'l,wlllhoheldonTßESDAV AFTERNOON lath in atnnt. at o'clock P. M. nt the Room of the Board of Trade, MI CIIKITNUT , Btreet. The annual report will he Bulinntted. and an election held for officers. THUS. F. BRADY Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA 14 COMPANY FOR INSURANCE ON LIVES, ORANTINU ANNUITIES. Y~IILAot:Ly January 2, BM. The annual tneeting of the titookholdere of thie Copt• ploy will take place at their office, 301 WALNUTon AION DAY, leth instant, at 12 o'clock M. and at the Caine time An eleotion will be held for thirteen' ditto tore for the ensuing teat. WILLIAM It. HILL, Actuary. • NO TI OE .-THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the firm of M. SIEDEN• BACH &F. 1.1, dtaitol% ad by limitations. M. tit EDEASI&CII notholixod wheal.) the baldness of the lute firm and sign in SIEDENIIACIE, FREI). STEP:I3, Philadelphia, itin'Y 18,1 U. I.OUIB HIRSCH. 'I• SIEDENBACII WILL CONTINUE 15 the business, no heretelloe. nt the old stem], No. 113.Nortla 'nerd street, nlewe Arrh. jet? St• .M. SIEDIINBACH. NOTICE OF COPARTNERS P.—The HI undersigned, tote of the Imo of AI. FI EDENDACH & STEER, have formed it vopattnerslop under the its le of F. ErrEhn & HIRSCH, and taken the Mom No. 131 North THIRD street, one door 1010Ve Cherry. west side, where they will open about the first of Fannon with a complete stook et Fancy Dry Hoods, f[osion, Cloves, and Gentlemen's Fernishin4 Artioles. to Which the) respeetfolls nis Ito intention. FREDERICK RTEEB, LOUIS HIRSCH. Philadelphia, Jan. 17, 1560. Jell st• NEW LAW BOOKS. IN PREPARATION WIIAR'I'ON'S DIOEST ON PENNSYLVANIA RE PORTS. Supplementer} Io the Edloon of 1 862. RI Ronl Wharton. t an. LINDLEY ON PAR I NERSHIP. A T.ent,... on the Law of Partnern/no. RI Natlmatel Lwdtey Esq. Whopo,B AND 'Pahl R RE.ME:IINa. Dy P U. AJ dibon. . WALFORD AND NORMAN ON THE LAW 01 CONTRACIIL MALCOLM ON EXECUTORS AND ADMINIB TRATORS. TROWEK ON THE LAW or DEBTOR AND cßEDyroit, T. a,. J. W. JO2INSON x VO•t jal7-9t O. MS Ht,eot,_ ft! lOU ARE IN WANT OF ANY -IL 11 0 o 111 A 'IIIEM Al' II ItOlt 0 0. k: VANS lII' Y . THEM AT OF:OBOE O. EV • NH' BUY THEM AT OEOltliE U. r VANS' BUY . TH Al AT IrEtilitiE 1, EVANS' ton Book Store. No. OS Clhest, u went. (lilt Book More, No. 439Chosttiot Street. 1,11111,10 k Store, No. 413 Chestnut awe'. 'Tin the last place In the Boole are sold as cheap no at any other Hort), and sou !INV° rho ad, ailia4e, Of getting a handsome liilt with OnCh pool. NEW BOWIti, 'PHE DOOMED CHIEN. 01 Yearn Ago Br the author el Omit (Jule) ,or the 'ruippeta of trio Utah, jog. one r nl. Milo. 16(.0 SEVEN YEAPH. sly Julia hat annah. Price $l. VI DOC' (, the French Poncein in, with a lilt. Price IICIW COFLO HE HELP Pl'. Ili A. B. Roe. face 414 FALL . B 110 c 1 . 1 ( 11?) : 1'11 ER l ' l i lASe/N'S i gh` l l l Vr.All, e s n A Price I. SKETCHES OF LIFE AND CHARACTER. Ils T. H. 311111, PrICO 111. COMPENSATION. 111 Anne M. IS. Brewster. Price PRINCE 01."PHE 110VRE OF DAVID. Inca 1 25. UIITHE PILLAR OF FIRE, Price 51.25. P.ELEro OyERI,ANI) JOURNEY. Price 51. 'DIE OR t.AT PRIBI'LATION. Price .$l. PIit , NTUREH OF lIAJI BABA. Pace $l. 1100 K OF POPULAR HoNlie. Poe° $l. 1100 K OF PARLOR PLAYS Price $l. 1100 K OF HUMOROUS POETRY. k'rice 1100 K OF 11111,10HOUN ANEC Mak.. PrieC K RIDEIVH HPORTING Al EL:ill/PEtt. Price 71. MINIM RH OF ROBEHTHOUDIN. Price Isl. LIFE OF COLONEL CHOCK T. Price I. Id FP, OF COLONEL DAN I hi, BOONE. Prue 51 All the New Books as goon as Mined, and sold nt Ike Inhhshere' lowest ypriced Mel RECOlililie I' THAT A 111 FT Worth Irom cent. to 511 U In jivon Willi each Boot, at the tone of uutchinal, Cali 111, 00,1 out 1,101 Nilll/4(is,Ut, you Shot lle Eau Pince In She city tcliere ken A Nob! Purcliage Books us IiEURGIE U. EVANS' (ART BOOK EMTASUS/1 MEN l', 4:19 CI EH ['NUT Bt., Philadelphia, Jail-tf Two doors below Fifth, on the upper mule. MOURNING STORE, No. R OlareTN UT Street D ")N"r LEAVE IT TOO LONki; 00 soon and have an Innnitlble Pliotoetivit or Alll brotypo inane or youreell at KMNfhlt S StieUND titreet, blare bteen, We the Ltle-Stie It • $lOO A mown! MADE BY ANY ONE With 5 , 10 Stencil Tools. First Preitilaul 41711(1041. PRI111)108 mill lull particulars Ire.. Stenvil stock of all koo k cheaper than elsewhere Address 1). L. MILLUEN, Jahil-wit" tipriugliekt TO COIN COLLECTORS.—The printed eneed cntalogno of Om rota o,f the cam.ppp' rd' Aniericap Couu 000 P.lecla/s, how the caluuet ot.t. N. Lag., lot male at CV“AITN. 'mitt TtN't !, tittect. Price cents. • pqtl .1. TIORSES TAKEN TO WINTER. on a -4 -4- Farm la Da!war. 00.111AY. EXnellent 4 blef and experiantad Uro.wu. Apply No. eat wALNITT Stmt. saoond atom QUGAIWIOUSE MOLASSES. -150 Ude., tioroes,:and harrelo)ha,,,,mivai. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NEW PUBLICATIONS. CAUPETINGS. CARPETS. F. A. ELLIOTT & CO., Nos. 32 and 34 North FRONT Street. are the SOLE AO} NTS in Philadelphia for the ROXBURY CA RPET COMPANIr,and have constantly for sale a full assortment of VF.I.VET nail 1 A PESTRY CARPETS, °loin - Hoe patterns. Also, a large supply of the various kinds of CAR PETS manufactured in Philadelphia city and county, from nearly all the best manufacturers. Dealers will find it to their a n tares t to cell and examine these goods, which are offered for sale on the most favorable terme. N. Il —F. A. ELLIOTT & CO, being the Sole Agent" In Philadelphia for the lisle of the Worsted and Carpet Yarns spun by the B,exonville Mile (formerly the New Eneand Worsted Company ' ) and being agents also for the Baldwin, Wilton, and Abbott Companies, bare ptioulisr facilities for keeping eonstant'y for rile the ratione knit of Carpets manufaotured in Philadelphia., on the most favorable terms. lalg-3m RETAIL DRY GOODS. 174 1 URNISHING DRY GOODS. SHARPLESS BROTHERS have replenished their Stook of Staple Oood. of their own importation. Barnsley and Inch Linen yheoung, Irish Pillow and Bolster Linens. shirting Linens from beet Bleaoheries. Linen Damask - and Damask Clothe. Daninsk Napkins and D'Oylies. Iluekaback. Russia and Damask Towels. Colored Bordered Damask Towels. Molts Crash and American Linens. Sep., Worsted Damasks. Satan Lame. LILOO Curtains. Lmbroidered Muslin.. Figured Lasting., Moreen., Druggist.. Cloth, Table and Porno Covent Buff. Blue and Green Shade Holland.. English rind American fine Blankets. ' Mar.eillee guilt. of every qualitl. Muslin., Sheeting., Flannels and shirting,. SO) and SUS CHESTNUT Street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL IN SURANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, iftliUltrE E. 1930. STATEMENT of the AFFAIRS of One COMPANY, in conformity Icahn provision of Ile hurter:c Premiums from January J. 1559, to January 1,1869 • ... 8133,320 93 Premiums earned on Marine and Inland -- Risks during the year endlpz ax above, ... 173.148 83 Received from interests on investments.... 7,2e1 89 Losses, Return Premhams• Rednsumness. Expenses and Commissions, and amount reserved to pay losses unadjusted.......... 1/1106 89 ,• • 1532,146 92 Balance amorist the Company prOVIOUII loam 45 336 85 Balance to the debit of dividend account.... ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1,13 SO. 6WO Penner Ivanut 6 per cent. loans, at cost. 86 966 00 10.000 Pllarfelphin. cap 6 percent, loans, " 10 sou 00 7,000 City of Pitts urg 6 percent . loans, " 6 700 00 7 000 6 6,970 00 41,670 Camden and Amhoy R. Company, 6 per cent R0nde..........__..11,713 00 LOCO North Pennsylvania H. Comp l y ,llonds 6 per cent .... 2.760 CO lUD Shares N. Pennsylvania R........... 6 000 CO 117 " Illuladelphla Bank 14 710 00 11,610 Cherapeake and Delaware Canal 66.... 11.610 00 83 Ellsarea Delaware Mutual Safety ln euranee Company ......... ..... • ..... 2 200 00 43 Shares Deltware ft. C0mpany......... 1,126 00 Pond'', stocks or Radroade, litelmboat Com panies, and Telegraph Companies. and Car tlCoficatee of .'roots of Mutual Insurance ............. ..... 13379 00 Estimated prepant value .... Bile receivablX (or premiums Cull in flank . .............. . . . line the Company for unsettled premiums, salvages, and other accounts . ........... . 77,821 fi7 RICHARD S. SMITH, President JOS. COI.LISON, Seeretsr). At a meeting of the Nor pholders of the UNION Ml'- TV Al. INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. held at their office January loth. IMO, the following gentle men were elected to serve as Directors) for three yearn: 8. Dentouet, 1 Ilenry Lewis. Jr.. A. E. Rorie. Edward I. Clark, Win. C. Kent. H. P. Robinson. Samuel C. Cook. W.F. Washington. andllenry BALI - Mel. for two years, who, with Richard S. Smith, Charles Yeam. Hugh Campbell, 1 t/odfrey Frey tag, Francis Tete, J. P. Steiner, Newberry A. Smith, Ellis Yarnall, John If. Irwin. Thomas Mile., Albert Worrell, Charles Newbold. George Lewis, lino. W. Be rnadou, .imon, wore. )8. COLLISON. Secretary. . . P. 8a onotitute the Board of ler jail lit if JO STATEMENT OF THE BUSINESS OF THE" OREATIWESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, for the year ending January let, IDYP. AUthorlead CeD11.31—.......... —.9600 600 DO Capital paid in . 238.900 W Premium; for the firstinx months of the year. 33,333 43 " lot 60,4411 63 Fro Premiums during the year It Menne Premiums during th e year, (mostly Cargo unit Inlam :5,016 91 Heats (Great Western ttaiklinp above oxpensea—no estimate for Company's office rent' 4 GOO 62 Interest, 7,150 00 APANT, Heal Estate.t above ineuilibraneeal. Honda and M ntirairea• (first Ilera • • Mlle receivable. & Amount due b) individuals and eortrora Cash on bnnt, r rn hank. and in agents' hands 2138.5 PS 0/I.ce furniture .......... 913 04 40. 4 0.1 a 1:43 JA.M.AIIT 10. 4950, The Board of Directors have this day declared a Diri• loml of SIX TIM CENT. on the Cash block of the Company. payable on demand. CHAN. C. LATHROP. President I. WEIGHT. Secretary. I. AALLtiiII_RBT. Anhcaor. 91 1 11 E GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, AN NUITY, AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILA DELPHIA. in conformity with an act of the Legiata. tore, publish a statement of the Mitts held on the Ist January. Iwo i Real Estate ..... Bonds and Mortgages • 0.30,141 19 ()round Rents. - 40.936 00 Loaned upon collateraLl OAtvel security. ..... —........ 103,322 72 +31,650 Chesapeake and L elaware Canal Co. 6 per cent. loin. 67.603 City of Philadelphia. do. 7 OW Alle,gheny County, Pa., do. 33 WO Harrisburg Railroad CO.. do. 1 4.023 Camden aril/Until', Railed Co., do. 7.0100 Lehigh Valley Railroad Co., do. 6000 Delaware Railroad Co., do.' 2 OWN. Pennsylvania Railroad Co., do. . 5 tan Cleveland and Ntaboning R. Co., do. 21,1E0 37.100 Pennsylvania 6 per cent. 11.200 City of Philadelphia H 1 ()CFCs. do. .v . , SU shares Northern Bank of Kentuoky. t lusi dn. Bank of Kentucky. ' =.37,111 CU 71 do. Bank of Louisville,. ~ . 19uo. New Orleans One Co. 111 do. Union Bank of Tennessee. r. 1171 do. The itiraril Life Ina Annuity, and Trust Co. of Pintail, 110 do. Beaver Meadowliajlrond Co. try do. do. do. preferred. ' Su do. Moreliants' and Mechanics' Bank of Wheeling. 30 do. Philadelphia Rank. 29 do. Formant and Mechanics' Rink. 52 do. Phil., Wilm...k Bolt. flatlr'd Co. IN do. Penney!, aura flatiron,' Co. sha do. Harrisburg Railroad Co. 114 do. Western Mink. 1 Cash JuntaTy 13.1%9 )nli•ntuth tit JNO. F. JAMES RETURN OF THE NORTHERN AS RIJRANCE COMPANY OF LONDON on the thin)-first Any of Unwary. 13.9: Fins?. Capital •36,213,300 tO Number of shares of Block kn . !. scribed f0r.... . 82,44.13 Atnt.of footel tmenta or Instal mentse on Stock, paid in, °Asti LI or SP per share. Mat The value, or as near as may be, of the Real Estate held by the C0n..... , Amount of Cash on hand Amount of Cash deposited in Bloi, Amount of Cult in hands of Agents and Branch Fatal,- lishments, and In course of transmission ...... Amount of loans secured 'by Bords and Mortgagee, con stituting the lien on Real Estate, on which there to less then one }ear's interest due end owing . . Aninunt of loans On whi 11 in terest line not been limit within one year.... ... Amount of Stocks owned by the Company, ........ . Amount of Stocks and other In sestnrentr held by the Co., an collateral security for Amount of lhq Claims forloseria which are in null, or contest ed by the Companr...... Amount of Lows don" t h e year, which have been paid, iFir•and toted, Ammint Looses during the rear which have not been , Amount of * Dividends declared Amount of lloidends declared, due and unpaid.. . Amount of allether mann , : mistime maim t the Company, contested orotlierwise, being Fire due to tiovern nent and unclaimed Di, 1- Amount of Cash Fionnuins re con ed.l Fire and Life Amount of Interest Money re• est ,ed from the Investments the Company.. Am o unt at Income of the Coin tinny from oasesther sources. Amount of L paid during the year, which occurred prior to the year... Amount paid mid owing 'for Re in.urniloo Premium.. and of Return Prionitane, whether WWI of unpaid declared. andof Ihvidends declared. and paid during the year . • Amount of Expenees paid during e r Ud, CoBllll andr i n rlllllll, eeseeld Agenta and Oitoiers of the Companl.. 171,4• Cit Having complied with the law of Fennstl, anis, this company is preeared to citric, insuraciep un Buildings and Contenis at wederats rates of premium 11, LOSSES PAID Al''l'l M (it' ADJUSTMENT WITHOUT REF HENCE TO 011ie° m the new hold r of the 11111,A111,1•PIILA 11ANK, Ni,. I'S WIESTN Street, Phillidolphia. tudlt WI .I.IAM BETTY, Agent. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANOE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Assets tilX IMILLIONB OF DOLLARS, INVESTIO siseT 3,lllllTOMilat anal. WORTH OVER fy 13,tr00,000, The premiums 0.1 . 0 1 nwxa then to many other Compa nies, mid the Dividends h -eve LOBO 01111,1711/1. TlllB 1i 11 'Molly MUTUAL Company. These Cr, no Htookholdios, so that ALL THE PROFTrti sshovie TO TIIIC 111,100 ND. FalunWets, and every information, may to had GRATIS, on aypheativ F. It '111 , 01113 STA tin, Agent, H. W. corner FO writ and WALNUT Streets. PUMA DELYIIIA REFItRUNCES: Thowas Rohl no . John Welah. Monition) L Dawson, Own* H. Steen, litmus ht. Stroud, R. 8. Whalen, John li Myers, J. Poker Looming, Joseph Patterson, Witham C. Ludwig. John H. Atwood, Arthur O. Coffin, Thommi 11. Fromm, tleOrSil W. Toland, Witham Mertes. Time. itiattsom. 03-trif • m ORE PROOF OF THE WONDERFUL 111. EFFECTS OF MONELL'S AMERICAN HAIR REPARATOR, PHIADILFIII•, Septainteir S7th, MI& This is to certify t hat 1 WWI bald (or many n ,F. art° srse recommended to try your reparator ; m lnt procured Woe bottles , used it or three tuna I. Which has ;muted my hair to grow, and altho la sot quill. is thick as before, yet it is conetantly No. 3.NoitL lirstree. PIIILAIWI.PHIA. September Vth, LW& Mr. J. F. MON Dear Sir—Some time winos raT hair commenoed fslhgt out, AO 111111111 SO% that I wan, in fact fearful of boooming bald; but hearing of the was due, power of your R e tiltrotor, I wan induced to buy bottle, and nfter worm one-hall of it my hair not oak ceased oonifog out, but commenced it rfttri ,{ finely, gel l have now u thiuk a melt of hair asv i tthail. JACO 'VANS, No. 621 erri 1 07.04 0 For eAle IT T. 11. PKTERB & Co., Sole ,Agerata, 116 OldhsTri UT /Strut, Philealelvhis, u/saisa A GENTLEMAN DESIRES TO RE JAL CEIVE priv4te tuition in the Chutere. Addre‘e " 8..1.." at h i s Othce. eating name end residenee. or Where an interview can be bed. _ rnti3t•d WANTED—In a Commission House, an Illtalligent lad who can Co a fair hand, and is apt at fiqurea. Addreo " T.& CO PretsofEceonl7 at• WANTED—A lirst•elagsßook•keep er , In wholeeale Metal Store. Unexceptionable ra ft recce required. Addresa "L. A. IL," (Ape of this paper.fall lt• A YOUNG LADY having a thorough Eng lieh Education desires a Must's!' U Instrnetress )n a private trimly. Address" Alice." Press office. 1311 -St• WANTED—A situation by a young man in a Cloth House. Can influence considera ble amount of City trade. Address 8. D., Blood'a Die, yatott. tall 2t* $2 500 CASH AND ACTIVE PART- In eue n e ne %at's' t ed to a n w I t h h i t s he city a dy t e je t l i t r l el: NV the pant veer. Particulars, fornmbed at an in ter tlete• by addreseins " New York.' this office. It. WANTED— By a first-claks salesman, situation in a Wholesale Jobbing Dry Goods finnan. doin a Western trade. in which quarter he can g influence a fair amount of business. Andress "Tem pleton." at this adios. jal7-6t. WANTED—A situation in a Wholesale Hardware Store, by a young man whcLhas some knowledge of the business. Address '• Iron, nEbee of thus paper. ial7-It' WANTED —By a respectable young woman, employment as Nurse or Chambermaid Apply at 777 MORRIS Street. A YOUNG MAN THOROUGHLY AC qUaittett with the dry-gale butanes wishes a good sanatton In a wholesale house. Una command some trade of hie own acquaintance Will refer toany of the merchants or business men of this vicinity. Ad dress W. J., Vvtlliamaport. Pa. Net (win —A GENTLEMAN OF IN tegray and business qualifications is desirous of entering into some lucrative business, where his dunes would be light. (with the above sum,( where everything Proved satisfactnry. Reference resui red, as well as given. Addrou "8. W. IL" Press Office. dg-tuthstit• WANTED—In a Market street Store, an active, energetic young man as gateman. One who can command a Six-months trade. address DRY GOODS, at Pre. office. FOR SALE AND TO LET TCR SALE—AII the MACHINERY be longing to the Plattlien, TWELFTH and PRIME Streets. Shafting. Coo and Bpar Wheels. Mills. OpindLes. Bolt and Elevator. Still, Dubler, and Worm ; Mash nd Yeast Tubs, Cistern'', Hot anti Cold Water Tubs, 8 Pumps. ko. Will be sold at one-half their coat. Apply on the promises. lalT-tuthalt. gm HOUSES TO RENT.—TO RENT— The su. neat dwellin_g, No. 312 LOMBARD Street. Gas and Bath ; six Bed Rooms; two Parlors, and Rase runt Kitchen and Cellar; good Yard. Rent 52W per year. Also, to Rent, the small House in the rear of N 0.240 LOMBARD Street. Rent, 56 per month to a family without children. Also, to Rent, a small Home in CHURCH Street, below Worms street. Rent. 317 _per month. Nix Rooms, Also, to Rent, the Store and Cellar , n -FIFTH Street. below South. Rent, 510 per month. th A n SE o CON I D , T TR EET d MAR fT E e T n b al ow ' Lom l ba rd street. . • Apply to THOMAS MARTIN. Real Rattan Agent and Collector, N. W. corner of THIRD and LOMBARD Streets. IaII-30 go WILL LET—The FIRST FLOOR, Mil SECOND STORE, and, if wished, the THIRD STORE, of my building, which Onors are 110 feet deep. (reserving the Cellar and fourth Story for my own use./ for a Wholesale Grocery, Grain and Feed, of Provision Store. If rented, the entrance to my Office. Alcohol Distiller,. and Liquor Store, will be 106 NEW Street, above Front. Poeaession given one month after taken. Apply to EDWARD WRIGHT, 250 North FRONT Street, below Vine. The two Store* will be entirely eeparate, and. tn the manner the building is constructed, will have att the conveniences. lal4-12t 8125,712 00 8100 WO 011 81 ,194 67 76,430 77 MEM VALUABLE PROPERTY, WALNUT Y Street. below Fifth. For sale. Noe. 427 and 419 WALNFT Street, about 4.3 feet front by 132 feet deep.. S. very desirable property for nicest:neut. and from its ace peculiarly adapted for Profitable improvement. Terms accommodating. Ap ply to N. Lt. BRUN, No. SI Fluladelphia Exchange. .1,1 story, between 11 and U o'clock. jall-3V lIOUSE' TAVERNS, and STORES. KM Real Estate of every deiorintion for sale or to rent. Apply to MAX lIEIN'S, Real Estate Arent, No. MI North SECOND Street, in L. Tourny k Co.'s Seed Store. All orders will be promptly attended to. n te- Epsbah, French, and German epoken. Collector of Ground Rents. am ipOR SALE—A Valuable Lot of Ground, lta feet by 100, three fronts. water and gas laid on one front; suitable for a church or factors. It is ma ted to the Southwestern part of the city, in a rapidly im proving pelghborbood. Terms easy. Address. for Der ttoulays." J. K.." office of this paver. ;mitt ROHR & DAVIS WASHING-MACHINE for sale by PLOWMAN & Mc BRIDE, 3fanufae toren'. v",* S'PRAWBERHY Street. Philadelphia. By this machine a week's wash of an ordinary-siaed family can be done before breakfast. It is easel to ca pacity to four women, and eaves at least 60 per cant. ic wear and tear. Hundreds of them are now to me. and the demand continuing. Call and examlne for yonrselves. County yachts for sale on reasonable terms. Price of machine elo, up to ill PLOWMAN & McBRIDE. 1a7.-Im* 37 'STRAWBERRY Street. 693,e01 DI - 511,750 62 81115,551 Co $.ll ZS 91 21,7 V 41 DESIRABLE BOARD IN A PRIVATE FAMIIf for a single gentleman. Addreu No. 2 WEST PENN SQ UARE. below Market. ial7-30 eta AZ 38 831.0r:949 1.1371, 97,761 BOARDING.—A Very Fine Suite of tyro or three communicating rooms. on second floonwah or lortteout private table. Address, ROOMP. isn't tuthatfebt Bon EMS. Phila. P.O. FUR EVENING PARTIES BERTHAS, CAPES, SETS, SLEEVES, •ni CUFFS, In Reel Lane, Crape, Illusion, Blond and Imitation, in greet Pa/label, or the NEWEST STYLES. Argo, 4 4, 8.4, 8.4, 9-4, 10.4 ILLUSION, TARLATANS, CRAPES, Ac., Much below the tune puce'. WARBURTON'S. 1004 CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth Street, 300 South SECOND Street, below Spruce. ) PAPER HANGINGS, &c. TO CLOSE BUSINESS. We offer from now to the end o( the year our LARGE STOCK OF PAPER HANGINGS, AT ORHATLY REDUCED RATES MIZE Persons leashing their house Papered, oaa get great BARGAINS By calhoy early on HART, MONTGOMERY, & CO., _ . (COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS ! IVORY TYPES. DAtiehatitEOTYYF.B: AT IAOCLEES', NO. 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Below Seventh torposite Jayne's HMI'. $l. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS. $l. Those who acre a really splantlol PHOTOGRAPH Should call at this TIEF.OI.PEST-VBTA RUSHED AND MOSTEXTEN SIVE POOTOORAPH GALLERY IN TM:STATE. Copies of IMOVERREOTYPF-.9 or of any sire, finished in CE 41'01. Oil 7111 - , 01 on. PASTIL, or Se It OHS TTPI 4 . di: nll JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO.. IMPORTIMS AVII isIIOLN4ALIS RP lt.F.Fti DRY GOODS, LINBES, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, BLANKETS, STUFF GOODS, d o fell emit N. 727 Cif ESTNU I, Si,Pet. SALES Or ANT lIND Or M E HAN I) S E xi {Ail S.l) IV 7 . II'ENTY-FOl'll 11017 N, !I (For each or otherlrite.) WM_ H. WEEDS, mI:IeCIIINDISE 1; fe(IKEN, 105 CHESTNUT STREET. Jal4-stu& thtf pA . rENT FUR ANt) SEAL SKIN COATINGS. THE SUBSCHHIERS, FM s Abrs re PI me UNITKr , STATr. For Hog above descriptton of goods or the tell Inu• n 111.11101plure of NEEBH:s. EDWIN FIRTH & 96,0. or HECKMONDWIHE, YoRKsiiIRE, ENGLAND. Are preparMt to eitubirsamples of the carious 4 , 101.- bre. end to take o der for mortegoite or future lere. to cult th• consomence of the trade. The gores cannot be puregn‘nd throusn the custom ary onannels 10 F:tutland. Ani all order. tug the t rated States must to thro.tgli the robes ashen. WRAY & GILLIGAN, Philatle phm. and FANSHAWE, MILLIKEN , & TOWNit ND, lalo-tuth&sim Ness Tort Ni ON EY LIBERALLY A D VAN CED.- t -LTA- TO ANY ANIIIIINT—Vport_WILIohIe. feweirY. .P6aNnr...n . LPLoClin•itch,a,n4v.te, r l l '. 7 , THIRD and OAF; .I,aBtreeta. below Labsrd. Ocoee Our. om.; A. M T - P. M nll-3rmi CINSANDI4FDALS OF ALL KINDS, Minerals, nells. Vermorinys. Auto:Y.4)h%. :lAA Honery. and Fancy Art.clee, Dought and 801.1. W. IDLER, ja14 , 1110 No. IllN.rth NINTH. near ARCH Ft IfICKONY, AND LO- C. CUST MOUNTAIN, carefully screened and elei.• ed. tiediefactlon.werranted. %I M. H. BUNTING. UI 121" 30i CALLOWiiILL, Street. WANTS. BOARDING. MILLINERY GOODS NO. 322 CHESTNUT STREET AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC THE FRENCH OPERA COMIQUE. From the ilratd Opera. Parts. and recently of New. York, will appear Philadelpioa for TWO NIGHTs ONLY, to routs for New Orleans. commenoin MONDAY EVENING. Jan. 23, On which eccathon AIAfFLE DARCY. Aelnow!edged the press and pubhe of New Toxic 33 11331113 110 limper:or in the delina‘tton of French opera, will malt her firsts pnearange un Plo'.adolphi a. 3IAD'E ANNA WISSLER, Who, in compliance with the wishen of the Phite)et- Phut pulthe. made I..noWn through the pregs, has Wen engaged to make her DEBUT IN OPERA IN THIS COUNTRY. Previous to her departare for New Orlegos. Amatte4 by the following distinguished Artilites: MALYLE AUGE M. 14.1.03. M. DALE'. &LW, UTLER. M. ARNAEL.I4 M. Li DIER. al. SAGE, And the whole Company. Musical Conductor... .............. —St. E. REITER PRICER OF Lbmt.K.lON. Parquet. Parquet Ci tele, and Balcony No o.ltra eharfe for re. erv .d „ st , Fano', Circle.... ... Lltel Amphitheatre :5 Cts. Tickets for the two performances 'all kinds) can he obtained on and after IVestnestias. Jantrirs If. at tas Academy of Moir., Chicken:les. and Beck is Lawton's, from 9 A M. to Shl Doers open at 7? t , Performance women:es at terminattue at 10. P. M. Full p.trtictßr■ on We.litesdity ereniuf. VALNUT-STREET THEATRE. o!e Lessee !EL A. GAR ETTSQN, 13H:g e Mr. E. F. REACH. St:eines& Agent -..Mr.„108. D. MURPHY TRIUMPHANT BFCCESS OF MATILDA HERON. THIS (TUESDAY/ EVENING. Jen. /7. LERBIA. Lesble, The Mt11:1 • Heron ; Orceolo. Mr. J. W. Welled: : The Doge • of Vence. Mr.•:,eorge Jolateon Galteno, Mr. L. R.; Raspo, Mr. Young -, AI re. Anna Colvel!: SpoLalro, Mr. Du bole; Ottcts:, Mr. Beech. Eir'Prlcee ea ILIUM. Beate secured srahout extre rze. Doors open at G;i" o'cloClE ; Performance to commence et 7 o'clock. WiIEATLEY lc CLARKE'S ARCII STREfiT TREATRE. THIS (TUESDAY) Y.VENING. Jan. I, EVERTED 01".3 FRIEND. Mr. Feathetty, Mr. Wyo. Wheatley. PETER WILKINS. Peter Wekins, Mrs. Drew; John Adams, Alr. man ; l'itcalercus Crowerull, Mr. Clarke. Scans or YR ECts.—dinitiliOn. 25 cents; Bseursl Seats m Dress Circle, 7's Cents • Parquet. SU cents. Doors open at half past 6 o'clock sertormancee commence at 7 O'clock precisely. DAN RICE'S GREAT StiOW. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT St., above EiFhth. rnice•.—Dress Olivia, 50 cents Faredlr Circle. r 5 cents : Seats in ?Ilya's Boxes, 75 cent; Who's Pri vate Boxes. ;Sand ea. Box (Ace open from Id A. M. MIS P. 31., when seats can be secured without Extra Charge. Cnairox or Tice .—Doors open at half past L o'cl0z1: Tocommenee at 7. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, Jan. U. Second Night of the gorgeous Spectacle, of the MAGIC RING OP THE J. OL R ELM P.NTS FIRE. WATER, EARTH. and AIR Herbert. Er. W. H. Pegs ; Amnion, Mr. Wh:tviker ; Godsh. Mr. J. Darcie ; Miss Kate 1. 4 .31,1 en • Annello, Miu Adelaide ; Spirit of the Water 31. st: Alin Wilton ; Koralie, Miss Wells; Spirits of Au• , Miss Tatford an Miss Es.elle. whole will conclude with a Choice S.elez bon of ACTS IN THE ARENA, M cDONOUG IFS GAIETIES--1 ACESt., below THIRD. BENEFIT OF Till: WIDOW OF 13 E0. CRILLEY. Faoond owes rance of Moss RO:ANA 3IAY, Ito cola brated rice. DESERTERS OR. SCENTS IN MEXICO. THOMAS end LEAVITT 0 the sTRANn ER. Mt. HOWARD, Mlle. MARIE, m 1 Mt WHELP LEY. HER:STANDEZ IN NEW ACTS. Comic Pantomime of HER OCKISE. Greed CelebrationO T of the °peeler of the GAIETIES on THURSDAY EVENING rent. Janney lath. r.a which neencon there Rol he a T.etd• PeFforna.nre. cK I- Ts CAN NOW BE PROCURED FROM TAB TREASURER. SANDERSON'S EXHIBITION ROOMS, CHESTNUT Street. near Stith. THIODON'S THEATRE OF ARTS. THIS EVENING. Will be offered the folircirinx eleant scenes : The Port of Genoa Washington and his ; Genera's, are truly re presented. NAPOLEON CROSSING THE ALPR. In which :0.0.0 Moving Fnrares are represant ether with s bfe-like vier of toe General and hi: Mar shals. The Annvon its March. MONKS OF MT. ST. BERNARD. After which the terrific scene of the Storm at Sea. The exhibition ternunnttne with the model vie. of the monster steamship, the Great Eastern. Afternoon performances on Wednesday and Saturilf. Tickets. 23 cents. cents. Doers open at T. To commence st 8. 71ESIPLE OF WONDERS, Northeast corner of TENTH and CRESITtr: Street-1n tarsal and Novel Attraction. HAPPY NEW YEAR SIGNOR BLITZ. The eronderfal Magician and Ventrioavon. EXHIBITION EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK. Commencing nt 73; o'elort. and en WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at Toe celebrateS Automaton Rope Vaulter. 011* of the greatest memos of Alechan Gm ever exhibited,wlll appear in every extit i tton. and perform his &Gemstone fest.. Atlmt.ston =Ports. Chlldrealleae,ut. THE CELEBRATED PAINTING, PARISINA, Moser-stir. of LORD BYRON'S POEM. leith Ll'erS PRIZ es PICTURE. THE PILGR and lM FATHERS THE MARTYRDOM OF 101 IN ON VIIYW FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, nt the DESSELDORF EXHIBITION ACADEMI OF FINE ARTS. EMS CEIFSTN UT Steer Open from 9 A.M. to A P.M Allnuealon cents. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY O THE FINE ARTS. I.= CHESTNUT STREET. Is OPEN DAILY. tem:lsis eAceptati from A. till 6 P. M. Waited—The Tenth rohnee of " Crhes nuttirta" 01 P 11011.4, Admacon 2.5 cents. Children nslar 12 yet half price. Shares of Stock G ERmAb ORCHESTRA.—Pab:!c heanals ere ry SATURD AY, at MrPICAL PrN.5 HALL, at Mal o'clock P. M. A package of eight tleicets, one dotter. Ponta nekect. frt. cents. To bee - had at G. Andre's, tend Bees fr. Lannon's Mask Scores, and at Cis door. oß4m GENTS' FURNISIIVtG GOODS. j W. SCOTT—late of the firm of Win a" • cheater k Sea tt--GENTLEMEN'S FURNISIt- LNG 8 CORE and FHIAT .SLAI.I tiraCTORY, Es CHEBlNl,T6treet.(rearly opposite the titrard Hasse. Ptuht , te: arta. J. W. traild reapectistly teal the casaba!' of former patrone and frteada Per Eore. and is Pre pared to PA on r oe SHIRTS at short tC4IC.I. A perfect fit enaraa Wholesa:e Trade cappt:ed tr:th fins Shins' and Col.arA ir2l-17 WINES AND I.II4EOES. SPF:CIAI, NOTICE TO THE PUI3LIC! ___ We have been informed that In many [ - tees • .oss• arson• JULES lall2llM i are caned (cr.., of the hotels end the trade do their twat to reo•tr.i....,e^..ter.l substitute another wine of a a radar name in ti.ane I our.. as said Wine Can he otoonrd at We now most urgently protest unmet such proceed - tags and warn the pool e not to se.rept an, other w•it when ours is ca , 'ed (—UM ie to 'A v. r t. oh has tot our arm. it LES .11U.LINt wlth the hums of our Meat. ]grits Mat git. Jr., or, toe t&beLl. Int o c it itutorraph signature to (cat around the neck of the bottle. We furthermore request our customers and (nerds ts Per most particular attention to the shot e-merdt...nrd rilstmet.on, as the other house of a similar name has copied our adrerlisi he or show cards. said act tpak.or the contusion of names much easier. We preheat a super.or article to the. onN:o, and de fter to run on our own Turtle. vitt:taut being at 04:e with any smarty name or brand. Wan such Wines as those We send to Am enc. •. c. n noisseurs will recoluise that we can only a:linit Nauss of Vn IS CIA , / CUT to he of the 'name punt. ac] superior quallin as our own; and as a still a:router el, dente of What We State. We, Toler to the opiu.nn of t., L'inted States Appraisers 01 New Sort, who auk-mon, 'edged to our neat that, niter a neat careful exanuna lion with other brands imported in this po.rt, then we, o hheud. owin: to thereat suseriorlty of the .11:LF, Si. CO.'S CHAIIPAUN F.. to appraise it. not - viihstand,n:our protest. et hillier rice, that L'hanipasne rece i ved hers. JULES hI.IInINI nt. CO. Our Cbanlpazna brands constant :I' on hand are a.• fa, JI'LFS .4 CO.'S YERZI.4:IY CAP,INCI. :11C4141. .4. CO.'S it:PIEHIAL. The ether hrind, su:lt ae VERZ4.NAY, DM. 3 , MUMNYS PRIVATE— Waif to vottct3l order. The above 14-tr, cal be .at o. the orlnit.rll levers throllolMtt the tinted Stares. as •1.1.3 I,a RHINE •tc.•l 'MOSELLE WIN F's o: Voter Ar c :Stumm. IA NIFS IIKI ER. Jx. Sote Agent for tl.e Utur.R.lStres. 1314 eauth.3t BEAVER Street, Nee - York. MEDICINAL. rvo ORE PILLS. NOR ANY OTIIF.I-. MEDICINE —For cons!.[lt.ol. t!').: - s . cestu.O. nervousness. 0.111.U.,ftc , . 1,1. e; Her coule , tipts. 11, nemirLs. scidit). conh,,Dnu. Hood b. tne of Inetaors, Inslec.stou. rig :•• heutt.ora, et4puons. urparlt , eg. (even. low ,pints. 11.nrrim . e.dyseutere. rises m l'he heel, 1 ears dtbalty.4 , lel.ete). 1•113.3 ',Me . 3 SO..' *• Cr trot j. 11333.31113, nausea aril sic. sOl 4. 3 r,.lri s colds catarrhs. cough a_stwne. 1.0 .tlehllitr. tout. rtiewnatism. 112 Dl7 B uel.elous tie•:th Food.iff REVALENTA ARABIC)" at a ri et of a few cents n - r toed. artedill erl.l.,Steal the .o'ove ktren acOutelaintli. sad sates fifty tastes ITS 0. • , med.elne. It not 1130,34 re with 1, 1-Nersl iitirarta ik health, relish for Inacia and direr; and stores the farti!ty of 1.1103:10I1 131.1 re ry, it and 113.13=1 ler energy to the thuat enCe.,ne.l. We eliflOt I fee of SJ aiv • cures. Cure N 0.1771. Lord Sickrt de'•i many 3 13 ease :to al6 Front the Eel Jar,. , : , rderstore Hectare. neer Feeenhes, Norf.- k.. 5 ”entlerren - I hez.el,ne kit' aril thDer e t im e ts of Du Barr 'a Reralecta Aratica At one im I t,ok for elate's° tneuttos. and ertet.s , er I feel unwe'l,„.l take it for lireak rut Wties taken • s itaelf in Or s ay. it in,sriehly relieves the C0n...0z.,: her (NO: vhde or •er t.— prepares fer o!her (NO: vh.'e at t'.e no ives the patent as good a( tea fats: sa he •w .1 Ccs la al. cases of indiztat.oe, and rattles:sr', When_ t• liter is more than affected, I .-ons ,t the of all reno,t es. It resulat•s 1.1. e tl'e era rake.:( - in cases itch wou I. net von t 'bare. In short a teslthr t'ow o: t.'e is esrl.e.t ord (vet VirAT,ll.4. V. ti c 1..2. • tAtt -• pet pleas! of tens notattura.rast on 1 sta• I•••Ars, , C ,O t.aFait !esra.' •ti . • rittViiitreit••, i•••• 3.0.. 4311114. riektell • rttrored IA Ito li,arrs's ewe: eat MAL' t : C ire No. 4:3. of raet,e t'.l 11 1 Vrr hate take, the nert'•cms Att! or, for tie Lae = weeks and hate treat t era, .rt t't kat t ., !... ,^ Y For ler, let ire F270.'41,1 rh eta 'cat Cot.lki I Ltd teen ta-cated. n. 'eat • let •11. I eil.l ,rat re-le.t r. nse; ere •*, tIA'A• C.•• ••• • ••• . • C F :1!$•••i s • - of N • • •., . ar 10.11. WI:, , •1.1 et s•e.! s• • 11,111. c u \ 47 121 Is 7V ,- • nOr .` 1 1... des: ner, tt Itr: er elor.A s f: , rs Pr Ur.. Pr Htis tl. Ur. C 1:. t SST" 2{.C . 1. 1 : , - Fame , . i'.lo 011 t. Wer.tdt. ctrl to ICS•r ,rts a ell Ve•l. 5111 k, 312. The ratter earn];. free en It of tt.Jd at Res I`.l-t, r• • • t = Tlor .trert. t. a. H ',IN M-0. Fr Av.:lt for e l .•,.I:.:Str• Larva. Jr— sa.l Taollth .rte'. I). 1. Greert stre , za n • Sod E. C ‘fi - wee. ar.l tk , .....5ts a - Cfrenutta. RR. CORSON. REAL F—STAT • BROKER AND CONVEYANCER. NoRH.: , TOWN. PENNA. FARM• Montznmery. Les. nr tichnxt•. GOOD MORTGAGE 4 on firms ttgy.3:r4. HANDSOME DWELLINGS for sa.:at m Nnr•lr (MU. tilig tr. aITO BUY CHEAP WATCHES. Shirt Studr. Sleeve Buttor.s. Cnrte.. LAVA. s• LIIALSZAII F• 414. CA%.51, I‘•;rer at I P Sgomot. Forts. Castor,. Cote Baskets, cer. Auri Sk , e , ta. -. .rt. to to ta p; 5r tr. RUSSELL'S. C y. SiXTH S ..... FFICE OF TIIE SECOND ANn O STREET PAr...SE:iti ER R AMWAY PPAN • OF pi4ILADELNit. , %VAL:II.-r .../I T RF./.1 Cnit-•nerrivn The l' , ,rerr tort hate th.• (UT decoLte.! • r. 1 .1 Furl& per Cent. en roe mp.t.ll I. • I k , ... 1 C-• partl:e en or st.:T the Trm•sf.r Boots o• C,tcrael , t-c •4•:. from the Intn to the 25th tear. AOHERr KELTON, r s t -es
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers