The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 03, 1860, Image 3
• Ofnfri r natAtAirithaaaka ea.'s.= Yuman !bl- ares Oonranr. - -.4fThe oenteanial 'anniversary Atltlte:lustitatlonsof. the Vigilant Engine Company " 'Hats eelehrated: yesterday by the, meoslosrs of the eoivpae - tiVeitoe Of 'genets:Ml fired during Gni I;, and in the evening there was a munifioent ,„ 4 )beciullit and halt in the Musical - Fund - The ,f,tt,,ootnpany , was verysideot,- and; the banquet *me ,' 'AMU reallymignlfteent. -- The arrangements mode - for the, entertainment of the gueits refteoted great credit n the oomtalttee. : Messrs: D. B. Heideman,' '• - Aleithiltlionszey, George L. Plink, Joe. Hazzard, ' • Theedore.Wilson, John Galloway, lames S. lien ,•-neray,•and ,Thomas A. Erin.' The entertainment •Wite, prolonged 'unto an early, hour this morning,' When:the aompanY &period, highly pleased with the entertainment. ..:/jaarnis] OF TUC Assooiiriolt 1011. THE RE -sotesk or Duanzan Puutuvtl—The annual meeting ' ' ' of- the Aisoolatien for the Rpllef of Disabled Pho nier' was held lastrevening. The usual business - Iraussotedoifter whieh the .dtwoolation went • -luta a ,balloffor the election of trustees. The pre sent, offeerswere re-elected . After the election, ...Mr. Miller, of the - Philadelphia Mote, moved that the trustees be' authorized to apply to Councils for '..,;11101 'Sinn al 'had. been deducted from the appro , prattons made to the companies that had been sus pended during, theilyear. The resolution was adopted, after which the meeting adjourned. BUROtaay..---On Sunday night - the fur' store at ,the Comer,of Comb's alley and Second street Anear Aroh) was. entered and robbed of a large quantity of valuable furs, amounting in, all to abo* 82,1300 or $2,700. Doctor Franklin , Abroad. *A cramp, LETTION HITHIII.2I,I7NPI7DLILIF6D, runt cazthinta pie:crux. - The following letter which we boiler° has never been published 'hitheito, eyes some Very curious -notes .of the. observations and reflections of Dr. Franklin upon his first visit to France. It is ad dresSed to his Timm. Penis, Sept. 14, 1787. ;Din POLLY t ink always pleased with a letter from you, and I flatter myself that you may be •%'.loltietes pleased with one from me ' _though it eheuld be of little it...vortics., such as this, whieh is totoailst eta few ocoasional remarks made here . tuati.onnay journey hither. ' --- Seen' fter I left-you in that agreeable 'moiety at -Bromley, I took the resolution of making a trip '•7 with Sir John Pringle into Fromm, ITo sot out on -the 28th past. All the way to Dover Iva were • furnished with pOst.ohaises hung so as to leanafor - . ward, the top doming down over one's eyes like a //gad, as ditto prevent one's seeing; the country, whin '-being One =or my greatest pleasures,./ was engaged inserpetual disputes with the inn-keepers tunfpoetiltions about getting the straps taken up a hole or two before, and let down as mush behind; theytnsisting the chaise leaning forward was an ease to the horses, and that the eontrary. would .kill them. They,added their reasons for this, -itlsieh' were no reason, at all, end-made me, as upon a hundred other °elusions, almOst wish that - mankind had not been endowed with a reasoning • 'Amity, &nee they know so little how to make use - of it, and so often mislead themselves by it; and that they:had been furnialted with a good sensible instinct instead of-it. - At Dover,lhe next morning, we embarked for ' Galata 'with a number of passengers wild bad not been before at sea. They, would. preview:ly make a hearty breakfast; booms° If the wind should feirwe might, not get over till supper time. Doubt :- leas they .theught that, when they had paid. for their breakfast,they had a right to It; . and that when they had swallowed IV they were aura of But they were obliged to. deliver it, up. If yon; my' dear friend; ever go to sea, take -my ad • Mee, and Ave sparingly a day or two beforehand; the eickness; if any, will be lighter, and sooner over: Got to' Bales that day. Perfeut impositions are euffered from boatmen, porters, do., on both sides of the water. I know Lot which are most rapaotoue, the English or the' Numb ; but the latter have, with their knavery, the Most politeness. . - The roads we found equally good with (Mrs in Eng -Bat then the poor peasants complained to ue - sully that they were obliged to work upon the road& ttre months in the year, without being paid for their labor; whether this is true or no, or whether, -like Englishmen, they grumble, cause or no °sum, I have not been able fully to inform myself. The women we atm on the road to Boulogne, and in the inns mid villages, were generally of dark complex ions ; but arrifing at Abbeville, we found a sudden - change, a multitude of women In that place peering remarkably fair. As soon as we left Abbeville the iwarthiness re- turned. I speak . generally ,t• for here are some fair ',Women ad at, Partsorho; I think, are not whitened ;.women Ae to rouge, they don't pretend to imitate Ifltare in laying it on. There is no gradual ditninu , fft °feeler from the fall bloom on the middle of the abed' to the faint tint near the sides ; nor does it chow itself differently in different faces. I have not yet had the boner of being at a lady's toilet, to see bow It is laidat; but I fumy mould toll you how his done, Ou% hole of three inohes' diameter In a pled, or paper; plaoo it on the side of your face in soh a manner ar that the top of the hole may be . just under your eye, then, with a brush dipped in the color; paint your fade and paper together; so • when the paper Is taken off, there will _remain a patch of red (meetly the form of the hole. This is the mode from the actress on the stage upwards, - .through alt the rankSof ladiei to the princesses of the blood;:but it stops there, the Queen not using Itt,ltaving in the serenity, oemplaseney 'and be nignity that atlas es eminently in (or rather ,through) her countenance, sulhoient beauty, though bow an old woman, to do extremely well without it.• You see I speak of the Queen as if / had soon bar, and so I have; for , you must know I -have -been at Court. We went' to Versailles last Bun day,and had the honor of being presented to the Do spoke to us both very graciously and - olio afully is a handsome man, has a very lively t and appears younger than be ie. - ',a4 In the evening we were at the Grand Convert, 'Velum the family sap in public. The form of those' sdAng at table was this t' !dad. Louts*. nrattani. „ .. DL Maar& lino table, you eee,, Was half a hollow square, the service gold. When either made a sign for drink, the word was given byone of the waiters, "A boire pour Is Roi,' or, "A'hofre pour la Kline," .to. en. tire, persons within , the. square approached, one with Wine, tho other with water, in the corm/- fee ; each drank a little glass of wha t brought, and then put both the °amines with a little glues on a salver, and presented It. The 'distance from each other was streh'as that three other chairs Might have boon placed between any two of them. ,An officer - of the court brought na up through the crowd of spectators, and placed Sir John so as to stand' between the Ring and Ma dame 'Adelaide, and me between the Queen and Madame' Vietoire, The King talked a good deal to Sir John, neking.many questions about our royal family ; and did me, too, the honor of taking some notice of me. That's saying enough; for I - would not hare' yorv.think me so much pleased with this Pug and Queen as to have a whit less regard than Anse favours. No Frenchman- then go beyond me in thinking my own Ilinfeand Queen the very best in the world, and the most amiable. The civilities we everywhere metre give us the strongest impressions of French politeness. It eceine to,,b• a point settled here universally, that strangers , are to be treated with respect; and one has just the seine deferenee shown one hen, ltj being a stranger, as' In. England by being a lady. To• otateephonse Ann at Ports Bt. Denis, as we entered Paris, were about to seize two dem of extra. Nadeau Wine, given us at Boulogne, and !Molt, are Am:sight ,with us; , bat , ar. eoen as they 'found - we wore strangers, it, was immediately re• taitted to neon that wont. . At , thtrOburob of Notre Dame, whore wo wont to see a inagnifteent illtuaatiation, with figures, so., for the decorated Dauphineee, we foetid au immense ortiwd;who were kept out by the guard ,• but the maleer,being told we were strangers from Eagland Li immediately admitted us, accompanied, and stewed us' ei . orything. Why don't we paean _thiCtitbanity to Prenolunen? Why should they be al l owed to ont-do us in anything? Travelling is one way of lengthening lives, at least in appearance. It leonly ifortmght ilnoe I left Lofiderybutthe variety of scenes we have gone through makes it seam equal to six months living In one place, Perhaps I have euffered a greater change, too, in my own person than t oeuld have dome in sixyears at home. I bad not been here els day, before my taylor and perimeter had trans formed me into a rrenehman. Only think what a figure I mak& in a little bag-wig and naked ears. They told meT had become twenty yearsyounger, amitilOohed very gallant; so being in Paris, where thanked, is to be sacredly followed, I was once very War making lore to my friend's wife. . ' This letteewill oost you a shilling; and you may tLink it iheap when you consider that 'timid me at east -fifty gutueits to get into the satiation that Ambles me to write IL Besides, T might, if I had Staid at home, have won, _perhaps, two shillings of you at eribbage. By the way, now Tiriention ,garde let UM tea yea that 'quadrille" is quite out of fashion here and English whist all the mode at Paris and at Court. And pray look upon it uno small matter that, marrounded as I am by the glories of the world and by dissipations and amu s ement s of all sorts, I remember you and Dolly, and all the dearfolks at Bromley. It le true I ominot help ft, but must and ever shall remember yon all with pleasure. Reed I add that I am partioularly, my dear, good Mead l Tours, most affeotionately, ' B. PBANKLIN. ITATIPTIOS or 1861—The number of railroad seeidente _in the United Metall in 1852, bywhich lost; was 79; killed, 129 ; wounded, 41k. This does not Inoluds aooldents doused bytbe care• loveneu of travelers themselves. In 1858, there were $2 Buell aooidontt, 119 lives laid, end 417 injured. Tke number of steamboat accidents during the year 1854 wan 21,1, pereone killed, 242; wounded, 141 Thin is a deereale from those of the'provious year. • During the past year 26 persona died in the Uni ted Statausorer 100 years of age. Thelionaexna S. NEvies a forraerlY Judge of the SdprereeCoitiVil New Jersey, died at his residehoiln - Jersey,Olt , LOn Wednesday last, in the 64t104tel'Orhtritp., `Re tilled two terms, each of seam! part, eijnottee of the littpreme Uonrt by virtue of eleetionthy the Legislature, and retired from.thet . :post,th ISO. !Since - that time he was fre. quetitarentployed to aid In tile- trial of causes at thosCeironits where he lid reeentlyprosided as judge intilimpairedlealth Ineapaelteted him for proloselonet,thitier; - °Linda Tliaati,Kmatie—The New Orlesits Tfeartne el - Orman:the' ithprehonsien that the oranger_trainr In , that Mt, and vicinity, ithieh for •two of three years lore 'been prolific' bearers of trait 'have saliently suffered from ttni bite freeze. Ali tie orange trees in thatxbilnity were destroyed by I frostabetti. ten years age. • , Tinn;Altnatits Moan, Tamps.-4110 Anne ,e'of 4ohite. Esrey has travelled .to Egypt and tired 'Unseal rtadrainbitiMi of, the ininWtrlan lords of the Vickeioy. has sent Mr. Rsrey an offer iof twenty.treAlcuided 'horses It be wilt eerie to satilla z iiitidrmitions in his 'aft to htm, his - '.4l4f r yittarlittaatinrii Pa.l 011 Thursday,, perfeetty,whiffi,, excepting thelallatid cl . tae '..tdre..weroi of common - Limaartista, Cheatai county, Pa.; bag bltta -Arreatatt Oil a ohittgo of iatenttooay oniawiovicrattild, lataat oalythree months Virkkligtifv!, , , - Etnii-poftrite,oi of Wi fison*itc-iii4:6l4*-13114.4111etifq prftlpiton FINANCIAL AND - COMMERCIAL. The Diener Market. PuiLenzLraik, Jan. 1860 Very little wee done in neanolal matters to-day. The banks were all closed, the Board of Brokers did not meet, no oustom-hone bueiness wan trans. acted, and most places of bueiness were Wood, at least to outward appearance, and where door-looks were off among commercial houses the wet/pants were generally deeply intent upon balancing their books. - The following is a statement of thelmainesspf the Philadelphia Custom House for the month of De cember, 1850,: 1867. 1863. 1869. In Worohnnoe 'No. . 212,682,742 624,643 623,01 0 Warel)ou'd Cm foroi'n pte. Issms r i v i other dietr!te. 82 6A7 23 WithAr'n for consumotton 6 4 : 1 4 . 2 8 , 14 1 , ? 3 ,7 3 2r 5 .: 8 ,2 1 1 treneporttition exportation—. 6.021 6140 4'016 111 Warehouse N 3,381,039 660.427 680 210 nitorod for consumphqn. 101,622 644 635 686,901 Free mdse. mitered 138,97 T 866,942 23,310 riIiCXIVHD. IBM. 1857. 1834. 1889. Dee.... 8271,9 141.)M 117,729 101.24 Prey.ll mos. 4,029,1 12 2,917.170 1,821,219 2,201135 The following is a summary of the entire indebt edness of the State of Indiana, forelid and domes= tic, for the compilation of which we are indebted to T. G. Palmer, Esq., deputy auditor of State; Internal improvement bonds outstanding... E 394,000 FiYe per cent. etecke ordetanding , ....... • . . 5,322,000 CO Tyro and a half por Cent. stocks outstand ing. 0,061.298 60 Mud tinned to the board of c o mmiesiopera of Sinking Fund, under the not of De. cember 23 : _lkS8 . ..... ................ 1,1M,219 --•-- . . . . Vincennes Um varsity bonds .- • • •• •. Loan from the board of coffin,' asinno ra °fib* making Fund co pay interact due July 1, Bonds issued to pay li4rosi duo July i, CO —.................. ..lndebtedness of the General Fund to other funds 029,016 E 0 . • .. • .. .. . . ue Phel v connty. for an advance AO To venue or ma ....... •.--,• •—• Total 1113,236 M 37 The indehtodne3s et the Genera) Fund to the ether fund,. 'November let, 1337, wee 021.373 to On the let of Nuvembor. 11157, it was 3g7.617 31 - - Tn.:we/we ..„. 591,548 49 Add amount of taro lone to pt u inkwell , $30,W0 00 Add difference between babteoe vember 1.1E57. 8484631 67, and November 1, 1869, 3178.072 83 811,769 85 - ,---- Makes .... in . 1,163,767 81 as the /Mount of debt aoeumulated come queries or the failure of the Legtelature of 1867 to 13 , 1111 revenue bill. The iddebletinece of the General Vend to the other fond,. November let, 1859, Was.. OVA'S 80 November 1, 1/348, it was . 40.772 03 Additional loan to li iiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiii Ira IT) Deduot difference twetwegn halanoe nu bend 873,830 27 November I. 18.13. ($172 873 83,1 and No vember 1,1818. ($102,413 74) Maori 803,638 as the amount of debt aocumul i atod I n n on c e- 11 quence of tho refusal of the .esielgture of 1888 extra session, to got noon Governor Willard's recommendation to levy a tax for 1858 • By telegraph, we learn that the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company brought down, for the week ending Doe. 31, 1859, 4,931 tone of coal, making for the season, commenelng Dee. Dee. 1, 80,252 tone, against 43,995 tone to oorresponding thus last year, being an increase ibr the drat month of the season of 18,23? tons of coal. 10300 tone of pig iron were also transported over the road for tho week ending 31st nit. In Australitywhen a bank suspends, the usual prude° is to take the president to the nearest tree and serve him in the same manner. The ro. medy is simple. Philadelphia Cattle Mdrket. Jaieuse., 2, 1380. The receipts of Beef Cattle reaohed about 5,000 head this week. The market was dull and bluets very scarce. on aecoon. of the holidiy. The following are tho pars titulars of the eldest 80 Dime Abrahams. Ohio. so. cross, 84 Carr & McQuaid, Oolo• $609. 64 lb Eckman. Ohio. e336e4. 67 Thos. Eltrieklana Ohio. 8889. BO B. Baldwin. Chester county. 81989.791. 48 13. Oray, Ohio. 87 8088 25 70 Mooney & Smith. Ohio. 876960. 34 Joe. mull. Ohio. 637366 w, Se W. Holmes. Ohio. $384 01. 18 Vennedr & lit oCleese. Cheater enntitl. 8789. 53 Haymaker. Cheater enmity, 8768. 114 Frank 7k Ullman. ohio. 8788. 20 H. Chain, Ohio, 45 608425. 33 F. it !debauch. Who. 83 6084.10. At W Fuller Ohio 8869. 14 D. Cemm ill. D tlaware. 868869. 38 Greenwalr. oleo. &sees.. 600 head of Beef Lattle were sold at Wentz'. Union Drove Yard at prima 'analog from 87.13069 00 the 100 bs. 610 head were &armed of at the 'l3 till's geed. mostly Cheater county cattle, at prices ranging from $7.00 to co the 100 The. 603) Sheep arrived and sold at the Avenue yard at from 7 to WO ifY lb. 100 flows were also sold at the Avenue at from 823 to $6O P' head. m in quality. The arrivals of Boys, de rine the fall and winter, have Imo very heavy at Imboirs Dillon Drove Yard. g 631 head arrived end sold this week at from 88 00 to $720 the MO Ms net. • 3,638 head of Mi l lerd itnd sold at the Avenue Drove Yard, by & litallman, at from 8440 to 87.76 the 100 The net. Comparative reosiets of Cattle, at the Philadelphia market, for tbo last five years Beeves, cows. Dora. Sheep. 18E9 88 1933 5680 137500 314 tOO 1053, ....81 090 ' 17.125 183,860 277 800 1887..............,700 13.676 112 861 301 800 , .61 Iko 6 465 97000 9°6100 63,100 9,00 69,100 171,110 . Paz Meg Or Crtartmta BautfErr.—lttrill be remembered that, on Tuesday night last, during a political diorite at the Soho Heade. on Grant street, Mr. Charles Barnett seised bold of Mr. .11. Overington and threw him, face downwards, on the floor, thereby injuring him severely. A charge of assault and battery was instituted by Overington, the grand jury found a true bill, and on Thursday Barnett appeared in court, put itt a plea of guilty, and requested that the final disposition of the mat. ter be postponed until Saturday. The request sae acceded Wand the matter came up on Saturday. according to appointment, Messrs. Rippey and T. 13. Enmilton appearing for the Corn. monwealth, and Mr. Marshall for the defense. Mr. O'Niel, of the Chronicle, Mr. Overington, and another individual, wha wore present at the time of the oecnrrenoe, testified to the elmomstanees at tending it, for the infermatlon of the court, after whiobJudge McClure sentenced the defendant to ply a fine of thirty dollars andoosta—Pattsourg Trite Press, lase evening. Mid. &phi& K. Adelaide Sxr Asmu.—Judge Mellon, on Saturday, delivorod the opinion of the court in the matter of the petition of IV. Brown, oxoepting to the re. port of viewers, appointed to assess damages in the right of way of the Pittsburg and Connellsville Railroad Company, the argument of which we re. ported some week or ten days ego. The report of the viewers won set aside, because the company bad not made the necessary affidavit to accompany the report. The Jude was of Opinion, however, that under the affidavit, filed by the company on the 24th of December, the company oould take possession of the lino through Mr, Brown's tract, and proeeente the work on thole road.—Pittsburg Journal of so:fordo. CITY ITEMS. Tag BRAN= Aro GROW DIPPZCIILTIRO.—The telegraph has announced the arrest and the holding to bell of Masan. GUM and Bmnoh, to prevent them from leaving Washington for the purpose of fighting a duel. We learn, from our private correspondent in the city Just named. that the gent/emen arrested had no inten tion of engaging in mortal combat. They had certainly arranged to leave Washington on fiaturday but It seems that they had simply " paired oil'." for the par pope of proceeding to Philadelphia. to prootire now suits at the Drown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill do 'Kli ne:l, Noe. etki and COO Chestnut street, above Sixth. PAgranernr.-.A. Servlan, named Moses Paitooh has public had, at Vienna. a carious little book, in which he adrooktes the use, for telegraphic. ;wpm& of a new universal language, entitled " Pasigraphy." The words are to be formed by the ordinary Arabic) °inhere, em ployed in very In:oolong combination', produotive, cc carding to the author, of an immense saving of time and trouble in the telegraphic intercourse between the different tuitions of Europe. Anything that serves to facilitate an interchange of thought roust be beneficial, slit will give all creation a defile to order the elegant etylso of clothing gotten US At tht palat ial store of Oran hullo Stokes, No.6olCheetnut street. ' FaIfALS EXT841,60.0011,-It to related in a Con stantinople letter, ea an instance of the extravagance of the ladies in the Sultan'e harem, that one of them, a favorite. reeently desired a !Wye, carriage. Silver to the amount of 880.000 was melted and transformed into the necessary mamma, and she soon appeared in the preeltnie vehicle. Ito coat was about a tto,o 0 piastres. In our enlightened land, ladies' extravagance seldom attains a greater altitude than the desire of a new dram or the means of prehenting their husbands with a stylish cult from the " Continental Clo'hlng House" of E. 11. Eldridge & Co., northeast corner of • Chestnut and Eighth streets. DOING GOOD TO ALL.—BYILDS, the proprietor of the celebrated Gift Book Store, No. 439 Chestnut street, net content with givtni a valuable gift to each par chador of a book, sold at a grist usually lower then the Publishing price. yesterday distributed l.1))0 l•rgo•sised I ayes or tine !rob bread to the needy. While Evans continues to do baldness m h is preennt generous style, and give a portion of his profit, to the poor, he must ex pect to prosper an alt he.nndertakee. Loves Wencttorsts pon Fisa TMAS, Seventh, and Brown, PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. P,II COPP, Tuuhlail Noy, 0036MITTIE 01 TIIIMOIIII A. J. DERIIYIIHI LETTER. RAGS it THI EISACHAVTO HlCHingl, THILLIALPHIA. Br. ship Stamm. Nelson Livervool. soon Bark Linda. ...... .......Ci enfuegos. soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Jun. 3. IPOO B ,F IG N I NNEr -7 213--EltN BETS-- -.4 44 .-- .9 27 BY 'MSGR. 41.11. (Correspondenceof the Philadelphia 2— l ISLAND, CAS S ISLAND. NJ, Jan 2-0 l' The pilot boat Herald, reports that the brig Mar tneon, mound on Joe Floirger,will become a total loss, he crew were taken ME yesterday and earned to the roakwater. The fleet whioli started for the city on Saturday, returned to the Breakwater yesterday, lo company wi th brig Ashby, and tug Putter. Th e U sabre .Delaware and Lennox. for Jupiter Inlet, Fla— with materials fur the Light Rouse now in course or erection there—Went to sea yesterday. There te some floating ice in the Bey. The shi Tonawanda, for Liv erpooloind hark White Wing , for Lamar ra, went to sea at 33i o'clock tine afternoon. Nothing in eight in ward bound. Wind NW. Yours, THOS. B. HUGHES, BELOW. Ur. MaulL pilot, reports the brig Ellen Bernard, for New Orleans tnalde Reedy Island ymers, and bark Belle, for Boston, and the steam tug lb lot at New Cas tle Diem !Z=ZZiSi tunes Paragon, Drinirainter, for Havre; Hampden, Pateman, and J. Baker. Allen, for LiverPOol, put to nes from Onadeston, 22th ult. Ship La Duchene D'Oricani. Hines. cleared at Balti more list ult. for W Gout Routh America. Birk Laennta,Bearce, was up at New Orleans 25th nit, for thls_port. Bark Bid Hickory, Holmes, for Falmouth, remained at Havan Ann uit, • Bvrk• Aaron Harvey, Miller, hence was at Goren, Africa, Nnv 18th. _Brig Melvin. Callaran, hence for Boston, remained at 'Holman' Hole, aith ult. with two men frost bitten. ...Brig gamma, Pipktiam, from Boston for ttne port, ii ad fr Beira,' H ole 18th tw. Sehr L kale Maul, Lake, cleared at Wilmington, NO. Mth nit r this port. Bohm J Spencer, Dole, anti B Watson, Willeby, tine remained at liitYllAll. 9ohr,JWtet,et Denuie;C:in New York for this po b r att W,;iii4 , 47 , l2;i s et s i t riOdi mine, 34 , 4 .4ba h 94,301,173 $9,093,524 91,973,943 $1,30,695 MEMORANDA. taln and mew laved. When the captain left her she had not hilted. • Behr 0 w Holmes, Jones, cleared at Norfolk Met ult. for (Per steamship &Leda, at Halifax.] 3'd from Liver Pool 14111 ult Lady Bale. and Cataluna New Orleans; Levanter. Raymond. Mobile ; Hilt Ce lestial Empire. Piero*, and Potomac, Reid, New Or leans • Maud, do. 814 from Deal 16th ult Zeatland, New Orleans. Ar at Misenhead 19th ult Hartford, Davis, New Or- Jenne. Ar at Bremen 13th ult George Hohorst,New Orleans. Ar at Havre— —dlnependenne. Marra, New Orleans, Ar at 'remake Bonen°. New York. Bin from Calcutta Non 5 A 5135065, NQW ofieftll.. elem.—The Sweden, from Leghorn, has anchored oir Gibraltar, leaky. The Rhine, from New York to Bourahaya, was totally burnt on the 4th October, and throe of the orew had ar rived at Jam The Plutarch. from Now York was totally lost Deo, 14th, near Flushing ; ores,' sewed. Tho Minutia. from Glasgow for Madras, put into Lis bon, Deo 14, leaky. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO TWELVE O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT GIRARD H OUSE—Chestnut it., below Muth. W &hauler, Boston M Pepper, N Y H H Stewart, N Y J M MoGarrinter, Boston Mr Bateman, N Y C 0 Silvester . C Edgerton T Blow. St Loots The. P. Wilson, Louisville le U Crowell, N Y J . lt Gay. Boston Benaloy, Boston W Bryant, N Y T C (turns, N Y R Itied , m, NI( C T Fisher, N Y F, 11l James,Nashville Goo a Batchelder, Boston C H Oftlill.Portland n n' Lona, Lancaster If A Wade, Lancaster Lockwood, N Y Wm Shane a la, N Y llodsworth, Montreal A 0 Weeks, Boston Sc,e A Brown & la, N V Jas Polka, Brooklyn Mae H. Pollock. Brooklyn J R FOAL Conn Airs J C Pray, 14 Y 8.. S Fester & la, 11l Y Miss IM Meseray. i p Y. 0 A Batchelder. Won I. J Albertson. Pa Simon Stevens, Lancaster Wln T Nan. Bpeton J Noble. N Y F W Newton ; N y Gan T Bourne. N Y P A Brationo roy B A Billonan, N Y It I Dillon. ri 'I W I, Penne, Albany John .1 nnennn, Balt Ai 13osolike & MY, WWI W 0 Rioltards,_,Yr, V& S LIT S s tn B a PAT . V a I'd Y Purtlon, Vs B F Stevens, N Y, B 'A yler, Vo. A C Grey MERCHANT'S 130T8L—Fourth street. below Amts. J Yen Velkin burg h, IS X James C Dandy. Pa L 8 Corset!, Now Hope D 8 Inson, Rich inond,lnd Seth T Gurtl, BrownewDle DT 3 M Doy, Kamm W A Kni A ht, Hinds I P Stratton, ktslein, NJ John Woodrult Cheater co gels Dickson, Blair co, Yes 8 II Butler, Philann Ron Dr P &hall; Pa 3) X , Heteler. Dethleheln K r Brown, Reading Geo J Jackson, In D AI Whitney, N J J U Getz, Lancaster AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut et.. above Fifth. John B Thayer, Bt Louis J Conrad Balt "{Clifford. Masa W Ross. Haverhill Gan Lloridae, Haverhill I . AI Bill & lit,Eaaton Su F Smith. Reading r 'fhoonaq, West Cheater , Theo F Won., B C L Fuller, Boston Win Thornton, Grafton 00 0 Itoninson Philo P Henley, Philo 11l ra W Miln, Pa Cs W Hazard, Pro , ' J B McCreary, Al Chunk 111 Bunn Balt A May Pa U B Fitch & la, Del I. W Mintzer, Allentown Harlon tr[attain, Columbia A R Hooky:all. Ashland,Ry F W, od, N Y g w oodruff. N Y L B Maynard & son, N Y J E Van Doren,N Y It H oununins_ r Del J A Blank. Del ll 0 &Banta, KY M Convereo & la, Balt Mra lit LWinoliell I o, Belt Ormond Thomas. Witeh'A eau Thomas, Washington WLi ratohen, Ashland, Kr A/NEB' HOTBL—Chestnutetreet. above Sixth. W J Welton, Baltimore T Basilian. Alex, Va Daniel Blase, Alex, Vet Irma Vanhouton. Phil A Bo w ixaell. Pa Blinvel Jones. Baltimore 'l' ie% Baltimore Miss Brown, Boston W C Prance & la, Baltimore T Tilghman, Del T. LOMB HOTEL—Chestnut at.. eb. Third. W A &Wiles. Boston E Frowenteld. Pittsbur; Mr Man, N Y W Whitfield, NY T D Holmes, Mita Gen W Butler. Boston Jules 8 ass rac, Phil& Louis D. ballth, PMla 8 W Lley. Cincinnati. 0 W Conon. Now Jersey Mug Famous. New Jersey Miss Carrie Welch, N 1 Gen W Lawrence, Boston A H Itettlinger, Nola D W Moore, N J D 1' Palmer, PleWJenleY Mr Anglia & ladyY, N Y C 8 Kreamer. Placervivalle Wu, T Carter, Tentaqua W linen. Newark Pi J )1131103 °addle, Jr ix la W NI Clark, N J HI Waokerman, Newark N J THE UNTONHYOTEL—Arch street. above Third 3 13 Carter, Del J C Wright. Mlnersville W H w ilkes. Wheeling J M II lee, Mulford. N J Heebner ? Bethlehem o'l' Heebner. Netliishena Col It Hateiiii, Tamaqua H Carver, Lambtv 0, J J U etravrbridge, Ya Col U liavidson Yet tiand Zeller. Hagerst'n. Md J Btarnhaugn, Ml9iin, Pa J klobbds, poinerset, Ye, STATES UNION HOTEL—Marhot at., above Sixth. 1313 Plitt, liarrishcri R Q Sesta. Altoona, Pa, C Haughey. Plula W - Hest. Salem. rt I 1' Mn.. Philo L gioNlortrie, pa H Delntry, New Orlawns Smyth' VA 3 5 LattBlllllr. New York Til E Kirk. theater co H Planer, Pa • 0 Furness, West cheater S Purees+, Lancaster Pis J V Morris. Lancaster, ?a J P Alums, LationsLer, Pa, C T Heher, Reading, Pa J McCann, Itoohester i N y 3 AloNeter, Reeding C P W Wisher, (Antic Co • MOUNT.VERNON HOTEL—Second It., above Arch J Bond. Pa at .A 01lbort. Pitteburc Hamad H Moore, Pa .1 B. Lams. r °notion, Pa Paul Tat far, Pottsville B Porter, Ilariisburg Paul IS Collins, Rola Tomlinson, Pa NI re Wilson. Harrisburg A Buchenbaoh, Phila. .1 Tindall, Phila. J Willard, Pa II Mar.ea. Pli,la 1.: Monroe. Us L Hollinan. N J , . Miller, Cincinnati A Hart. Cincinnati Jai Wood, /trading C Prirshee, West Chester A. 3 Elton, N Y W A Cogswell, Be Loam NATIONAL HOTEL—Haoe street. above Third. Yeln'tl Ir°lliTridNi Tatis?Vgn,i`tvol,l,l,lVirs Robt Jonea. N Y kl J pandler, rottavi Ile Jaa ONV Bon, Sally) Haven Mrs armsny, Leb‘non A J Zimmerman. banon T T himaraville A P l4.bmon BAMI C Lebanon J Price dc la Newburn,NY W Davies, Carbondale 8 A Strouto,N Y Jao al.Sheldon, Leviratwn EAGLE ROTEL—Third street, above Rase. E W Penny pan ker, Pa 11 Merliet B P Vanta J'Prnroon. inn Sitlrian & son, N Y 1J Bare Phi la LEatcor.l , 4 J G ;3inith, Troy U Winton, weet Chester E Painter, Nest Chester beml J Meratiall.W integer A J Martin. Lehigh oo Levi LI Bechtel, Lehigh co Tim Weed, Lehigh oo J Painter, West Chester • AtF,RCIIANTB' H 01 1 8S—Ttnxdet., above Celinwhill Irvin F Walter, Allentown J Bucheckdr, Allefitorrn Fullor Jr, Cataeaugua John Roth. Cnotenuntna F i'Laubach. " M L•lnnan. Huai co J 8 Krum Indiana J B bhaellor. Reading A Huts. Reading Jacob Laub, Homburg 881mllonbor„ Hamburg 1) A albrarbt, Reading A IS Alnehlitz, Fs Jacob ottue, Allentown BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second at. below limo 811 A ndereon. Leavenworth tau° t>ould,Trenton,N Mrs S liould. Trenton, N J R. 8 trould• Trenton, r 4 J Joe hill, trerinantown S A Dowell, Naznroth W IL Norton, Rending Wm West, Now Novi COMMERCIAL lIOTEL—Sirth tit., above Cbektout. H Kirk, Chaster co. Kinser, (Hower co A Kimble, Lanced.); Wenn. Loom/tor co E Wheaton, N Y oho, Hondorcen, 'lronton Wm 1. botcher, J Wee. Clismot Mrs Pyle NJ Mr Rimini', N J brMortio, Fa AIM Ingram, Chaster co BALT/ EAOLE MOTEL—Third it.. above Callewlllll KM* Baster, Bethlehem Jew Welthneeeth, Chen liimmelwrieht, Yn BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Thud, shove Caßowbill at. C Kitchen, Enstam, In Mmime thMook, Harroburr Wm limner. l'eumbum T L Stover, Ytulk MAitttLED. AIi:FADDEN—PAR hIALEE.—On Monday. January by Rev. I. D. Williamson, D. D., John P. McFadden, Esc., Prothonotary of the District Court. to Miss Au pieta, eldest daughter of the late Jogs(' C. Parmaloo,g of this oity. FOSTER—MEGARRY.—In New York, on Monday, Jan. 2 , 1800 by Rev. Edward i &throe , at the residence of the father, Louie 8. Fearer, late of Phila• delghia. to Nina, .—D daughter ot Choi. Megrim, Fee. ALBURGER—ROTE. 30th. by Rag. N. °Mir, pastor of Zion (Winne Reformed Church. au. Philip H. tanager to Mary Ann, daughter or Michael Roth, Req., all of this city. SIEORIRT—BOK.—On 'New Year's My, by Rev. Richard Newton. of Bt. Pant's Churoh Mr. Jobs ?1. Stegrist to Miss Pauline A. trot. all of this city. ALE VOID hlt—NOULlT.—on Thursday evening, oe. 29, at the residence of George H. Moore. g.q., by Rev. ft. A. Carden, Dr. S. Lewis Alexander, of Potter's Mille, Centre no., to Mary. Lou nut, daughter of the fps Hamilton NOMA, of Wilmington, Dol. WOOD.--Op the morning of tho Met ult., lama J., wire of John Wood, of West Cheater. The relatives end friends or the family are invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, auu hijd day , morning, 3d inst., a; 10 o.aloak. THOM etel•—the the 31st ult., William Thomas, In the lath year of hie age. Funeral rom the resilli , ocie of his father. WashinStpn street, Manarunk, this afternoon. at I o'clock. A vDlB.—un the Mat ult , hire. Mary Atha, in the Tad Tear of her age. Funeral from her late residence, No. 913 Hutehintin W this morning, at 10 o clock. W llAINS.—un the SOth ult., Milton Wilkins, aged 21 years. Funeral tiom No. 1331 Marshall street, this attorney, at 3 o'clock . . DaNIEL.B.—On the 31st ult., Aligabeth A. Daniels, wife of William H. Daniels. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 1310 Fine street, on Wednesday morning, at le o'clock. • • FIST ER.—Ou the Slat ult., Henry 1' titer, an the 34th year of her ago. Funeral from his mether'e residence, Bayer ghee, Tenth street. below Market, this afternoon at o'clock. BlitlTlL—On the slat nit.. Col. Wm. E. dmith, in the 39th) ear of Me age. Funeral from hoe late reirdonee. No. 233 North Tenth street. this afternoon, at 3 o'clock HER AN.—Ltn the lit inst., I,lre. Eleanor Skehan, wife of Henry F,kehan, in the 41st rear of her age BOUTCH s.R.—Ol the let mat, Mnu Ann, wife of Clement B. Bootcher. in the 33th year other age. Funeral from the pen:louts of her husband, No, ltd Vanhorn street, this afternoon, at 3 o'clock. tiODGH.--on the 31st ult., Dir. Richard Hodge. in the 69111 year of his age. Funeral from lint late residence Frankford road, above Utter strei t. this elle woe L ai? o'clock. • KEN N bßl.—On the 31st Ult., DM! H. Kennedy, le the firth year able age. Funeral fr , ni the residence of HMI Rebecca Shearer. Ituatlelounek., Twenty-third ward, this morning, at ,10 riel RON KY.—On the let Net.. Wm, Roney, formerly of Hallett's', @minty of Londonderry, Ireland, In the 67th year ot hu MO. Funsrat from his lot* resldanoo, No. 1359 North Be- COod atreet. Otis afternoon, at n'elook. HOWARD —On the alst ult., Mr. 0001119 W. Howard. in the 80th rear of his ate. Funeral from the restdenee of hls father, Market street, • bore Fourth, booth Camden, on Wednettay afrernoon. at Y o'clock. Muttlt 19.—0 n the bith ult., Mr. John Morrie, aged 41 year,. Funeral from the residence of Mr. Wm, Coon, No. 1.219 Hama street, tins rnorninf, et 9 &cloak. l'll9lEllOl —On tho let met, Mrs. Augusta Caroline Pomeroy, area 40 ream Funeral from the rerodenee of hor. John IM, Hughes. No. 803 Anna street, on Wednesday afternoon, at:o'clock, itii'TßON.—On the 24th ult., Rhoda Mattson, $n the 78th year of her age. Funeral from tho residence of her &lighter, No. 1011 Market street. thu 1110111111 g. at 9 o'clock. OURNINU bIOUSSELINES DALAINE, tut I6 CENTB.—BEB9ON BON hero roduoed NAPO yard. of imported Blank end Whito Aloueelinee Delaine to only IA cents. MOURNIN_SI STORE, No. WS EoTNUT Btruet. BLACK TIIIBET LONG SHAWLS.— Now In Store, a full assortment of Lupin's Black albet Long Shawls. A so, Loinn's black Cashmeres, Merinos, Betio lleohenes, Velvet roollns, Tartlaliss, Velour Reps. Moosseline de Lalnea, ISombasines, dig /c 1401 , 4, Mournlng_ More, 808 CIIEBTNIJT titreet. SPECIAL NOTICES. THIRTY-FLYS DOLLARS SROURRS ♦ PRAM eeI knowledge of Book keeping, Penmanship, Calcula tions, Ao.,•at BIIYANT & STRATTON'A MOtOminliio Col lage, southeast corner of Seventh end Chestnut streets. Students instructed separately, day or evening, at their convenience. Unlimited time given for completion of course. HIGHEST PREMIUM AWARDED AT TIM WOULD'S F.\l2. Lottnott.—Julos Mittel Zr, Co , No. Mt Chestnut street, Philadelphia, established IRA Manu facturers of perfumery, emulating, transparent balls and shaving soaps; liquid hair J 5 e, and Men Planes •elehrated Rau Athentenne, or II tir Renovator, also S. Hauet's unequalled Eau Lustrale, popular throughout the world. Importers and Wholesale dealers in French, English, and domestio perfumery, fanoy goods and druggiot's ar bolos, shaving, hair, cloth, nail, and tooth hrushea, combs in all vanetieo, oto. jag -Ist SALAMANDER FIRE-PROOF SAVEB.—A very large assortment of BALAMANDERE tor sale at reason able prices, No. NE CIIEETNUT.Street, Philadelphia. attal tf 'EVANS k WATSON HARRIS' BOUDOIR SEWING MACTILVE. IMPR(VED DOUBLE-THREAD .FIRST PREMIUM AT EVRRY PAIR. ce&-em Fiala, Office. MI ARCH Ht. Agents wanted. TICS PRICES OF SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES 4.kral KIWI lamas! ; THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1860. BRONOIIIAL APSECTIONS.—A clergymritt, writing from Morristown. Ohio, sneaking of the beim -64'1111 °fleets resulting fro* the use of '• Drown's Bronchial Troohes," nays: Lest spring, I Conrad my lunge were becoming dangerously involved, and, until I used your Troohes, could nut preach sionnon of or dinary length, without hoarseness; but now, (with the assistance of • Trord.cs,'( I have, In the past five weeks, preached some forty sermons." d2l-(lulu It ONSI PRIORI CLOTHING OP TDB LATsST &nt.'s, made in the beet manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling emits marked In Plain Figure,. All goods made to order warranted matte faotory. Our ONE•PRIOE System ta strictly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only teir way of dealing All are thereby treated alike. JONES Ig log-tf eel MARKET Street. WHEELER & WHAON SEWING MACHINES. —Philadelphia Office, 633 CHESTNUT Street. Aleichents' orders tilled at the SAME DISCOUNT es by the Company. Breech offices in Trenton, New Jersey, and Easton nd Westchester. Pa. STIAMIIII s SAVING FUSS—NOItirtiWSIST cORNIR 83COND and WALNDT Stroote.—Depoeits F.- calved in small and area amounts, from ad.:losses of the community, end Allows intoteet et the rate of five per oont. per annum. Money may be drawn by °hooks without lose of In terest. Oftioe open daily, horn 9 until Wolook, and on Mon day and BaturSay until 9 in the evening, Praoldent, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Ileoreterr. OHM at, MORRIS, SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. No.l Sowing Maohince.— No.I Sewing Machines The Family Sewing Machine, A -- The Faintly Sowing Machina .--• ...... I. M. /SINGER fr. CO., AS Sin No. 603 CHESTNUT Strut. GROVHR & BALM'S eitimuanD liolescus FAMILY Bawnie-Itsommu, AT IL2IIIIIOIID 1610910. 740 CHESTNUT StiltEr, PHILAD2LPHIA. HAVING rown—NATIONAL arm TRUST COMMA flY,—OhArterod by tha Stnte of RULES. Money to ranairut usury day, and in any amount, ergo or email. 2. RIVE PER. GENT. Internet is geld for money from the day it to put in. IL The money to alwaye paid bank in GOLD whenever It is Galled for, and •without nottoe. 4. Money Is reoeived from Bzecutort o Administrators, Guardians, and other Trueteen, in largo or small game, to rommn a long or abort period. 6. The money received from Depositors is invested In Real Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Pante, and other Ent. olme neuritis*. . . 6. (Aloe open ovary day—WALNUT Street, nouthweat corner Third ntreat. Philadelphia. nom 0751UTUAL FAMILY BURIAL GROUND ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of the Association will be held on THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY sth, lON, At the Warren Hotel, FOURTH AND OASKILL STREETS, At M 5 o'clock, for the transaction of busineu, and election of olloeni. It• LEWIS GILLINGHAM, Seerotery. frr CENTRAL REPUBLICAN CLUB.—A stated trieolint will be held TIIIB (Tuesday) EVENINI), at 716 o'clock. at thii trearlquartei a, N. W. corner SEVENTH and ell ES MUT Etreete. Mambo 111, 613 d all en who are opposed to the present ruinous volley of the Federal Ad irdnlatintion. are invited to be present. and enroll themselves es members n( the organisation. Writ. II TrtOMAill, President. A. M. WALUNIIIRW. Rea. Snet'l• It trrOFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSURANCE ON LIVER, AND ORANIINO ANNUITI _ PHILADELPHIA, JATIUMT 2, I. The ei meeting of the Stenkholdere of this Cont. eam DAY pee at their If 904 WALNUT St., on MO Ith locum at o'elook and at the name time e action will be held for thirteen dime. tort ter the entaing year. Jalatt WILLIAM JI IfILL, Actuary.'" iCrGERMANTOWN! GERMANTOWN GERMANTOWN !--Ely request n repetition nr the Fourth Atm vomit , ntAt S.apnene M. b./3ribbath School will be given at the Ghwah, MAIN. below Britt-- horst street. nn Tfitntlutsciar)JcVENlNU. et Seven o'clock. Mr. W. U. UUTCniblt will preside at the Fe Melling. Tickets la oents. lt• OiTiCE or TILE I'ONSOLIDA TED COAL COMPANY, N 0.511 WALNVT Etraat. P 1111.4 DaLrltt• Poe. 12, Tho Annual MeetinK of the Fronk holders of thin Corn pany_rrili be held et their uffice, in Philadelphia, on bION IA Y, January 16, IMO. at 10 o'cinek A. M., for he Election of Otileera to serve the entaliaal ear. nod other purpoeei. J. 11„ENILY BWOI'ER, nie-Irktnet&Wlt Secretary. PA r N 0 TICE .—THE covroris OF THE DOH! of the GREEN AND COATI. R-STR EET RENGER RAILWAY_ COMPANY. doe Annan' Id. MO. will 1,0 nald on _pteientAtion at the Office of the Company, 423 WALNUT Street. on and after Ord date. HARRY CONN 11.1.,Y. 431-etuAth Uetts Trennoror. M"ASSOCIATED BUTCHERS AND P ROVERS"—NOT ICE —The annual meetin of olders will be held on TUESDAY. Jennery 3d. at the office, Willow street, between Fifteenth and Six- teenth streets. at 1 o'clock r. 51., for the purpose of electing officers for the onsuine cur, and of he. one the Report of the last year. JONATHAN DONSALL. Phila., Dee. H. 'ett.—dltl•tdihs et* Becretars ry'r.. OFFICE. OF TIM EAST "1,9110 NY RAILftvAD COMPANY, Pumenxiritts, Dee. 19 - 1009. The annual meeting pt th• stookholders of the corn pens, and an election for officers to servo the ensuing year, will be held at the office of the company. No. Sol EN A ItY St.. on MONDAY, the 9th Jemmy next, at 10 o'clock. A. M. A. hIcINTYIt dko-tuthstln 9 Treasurer and Secretary. OFFIFF. of THE LITTLE NcouL. )(A LL NAvltiATrwst tiAILaoAD AND C OAL CO PA Y. Pit ILADELPIIfa, Dec. 10, 1050. The annual mantic.; of the stockholders of this core. My, and an election for officers to serve the arming seer. will be held at the office of the comfier, No. 407 LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY, the nth January neat. at )004 o'clock, A. M. WM, WALIN, Jo.. • fl5l-tilthetifte Tyessitrer. Boors;ory, irr, A LF.CT It le ON stitiJJEWF:-Pnor. JAMES McOLINTOCK, M. D.. will commends his course or lectures on surgery. in the Eclectic Meth. cal Coilese,SlXTßand CALLOW It IL, on TUENDAY evenin. Jan the 4 &Work. PhYllietecei etlidellts of medicine, nod froinde of the - Ineittetion. art in- Vit"cl atte no. • N. PAINE. M.D. Dose of the Feoelty. No. lid North Fl PTII btreet. B. Prof. PAINE will give hie 'Popular 1,10'1.1T0 on Doman, of the Nervous System, on WEDNESDA Y e. at the College. Bente tree. `T If. Zi aTT AN _LI NN ESS TV EE 11,3 preach EVERT . EVEN IN(: d c izine t ihiaweekin the Rev.. Nyot eburah, Br I IllOt . j,„; at' firmer, at7x, o , 010 Ci. REV. PETER CARTIVitiOIITI D. I)., CIT in the euocessful pioneer preacher of the We•t, vn➢ preach HANDEL AND HAYDN lIA EIGHTH, h.low Green . 'CUI.:I3D AY end WEDNES DAY EVENINGS, the 3d and Ith of Jenunry. nokets, Ai cents. dll 4t' NEW lIIIILOING SOCIETY, CALCII• LATER to terminate in IMO genre.-serorth FSTORtiRUP: Bill LDl!gr; AND LOAN ASSOCIA 110N—The brat Meted Itieting of this Association mill bo bold on WEDNESDAY Evening. January 4th, IgtO. at Ylg o'clock. at the house of Mr. 11. WARD. t4n. ti DERRY Street, abate Third. The election for offi cers will then take place, and such other business trans acted es tong come before the meettnn. The Constitu tion of this Association contains many valuable tin provetnents not found in other Building &cooties. All persons deeiring M loins,B iihlinn Society bud on liberal principles are invitei to attend . ertarruiln, the ns Cotitution, and subscribe or stook. Shares ' J '! per month. Interest chimed only on the not amount loaned. ADAM 11. - DIETRICH, President Pro urn. loon VOi.ntean, Secretary Pro. um. ail -It tr. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Second end Third /is-nets Passenger Railway Company will he hold at then office, 224 WA LN UT Street, on MONDAY. Jan. oth. 1860, at 12 o'clock, noon, at which 6me and plate an eleotion will he held for a Prevalent end twelve Dlreo tom to serve for the eneulogyear, 03.09 THOS. LOGAN. SOorotnry. n:rNOTICE'.—OFFICE OF TILE WEST MORELAND COAL C,om pn NY, No. 130 South Third moat, corner of Willi nee alley. PIIILADRLPIIIA• Tee. A M a mooting of the Directors held this ay adiv i dend of °Wit per cent. was declared on the capital stock. payable to stockholders or their basal representatives at the offioe of the oompany on and after JANUARY IEO, The transfer books will he closed until January 6111 next. Mime F. FL JACKSON, Treasurer. rr°Bl;t4CllETgrnti'VllßTri(.E4 "-Na." PIITLADIMPIII.6, Dee.2oth. TO THF, SECSND. hlOll DADE BUN [MOLDERS OF THY, WILL /ARPORT AND ELMIRA RA ROAD COMPA. Y.—lt ie deemed proper to announce to thdse who desire to participate in the fulvtintm es of the proposed teorgenitatton of the Compeny—adven tagesilwhich canlue attained in no oiltettiray—it isfasoes.. eery that they execute the power of attorney, to* intsety maned. nod thus become patties in the owner ship of tiue road when newly organized. F. A, VAN DIRE, In., Attorney for Sec:mod-Mort go re Bondholders. N. B.—An assesament of 91 per thousand has boon laid to meet present eostinsent expenses. till-lit TTOFFICE PHILADELPHIA clay PAS SENGER RAIIMAY COM ANY, 152 Boirrit 00111[TH BTRIET. veg. 31. MG/ The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ph de doleful _City Passeept Itetivrav Company will 1191,1 et the Once of the k.on ' omny No. let douth FOURTH Street, tin MONDAY. Janunry 9th, ISA at 10 o'olock A. M.. sterhleh time nn election Will he held for a PI old dent and am MINION' to nerve the emint W. M. eINNERLY, dot-dl n 9 Secretary. VROFFICE OF TUE ENTERPRISE IN SUSANCE COMP e NY. b. W. writer of Tli and WALNUT Streets. Pit IL•DELPIII•• DOOOllll4l . IT. 18.59. NOTICE.—The Annua Meat= of the Stockholders of THE ENTEOPR I ISE NSURANCE COAL PANS wld be held on hIONDAY. the 9.h day of January, WO, at ten o'clock A. AI., at the Cameo( the Company. An Elecuon for Twelve D: rectors, to serve the , Indus year, will be held on the same day, at the saTie plce between We hours of 10 o'clock A. AL and I ock .. dIT-Unit CHARLES W. COXE. Secretor. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA— EPARiNtENT ARTB.—Tho , enonel Term of tno College year will oven on TUESDAY. thn 3,1 day of Jnounry, Cadolulates for nilnussion will aueeer rt the University. for einnonntion, on that an) st pest 9 o'olook A. M. Tuition for each 'form Thirty Dollars. OLORUE ALLEN d3O-4t Socreitnin of thin ?moult) of Arts, irrOFFICE OF 3 ILE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. ial CHESTNUT Etreet, derphia.—The annual meeting of the Mock Wilm' of this Company will tie held et their office on MONDAY. thegth day of January. IMO, at 10 o'clock A. M. An election for Twelve Director, to vivre for the onnuiris year, will be held nt the owe place on the same day between the hew - 01410 A. hi., end 31.. M. INS tJa9 • WAI. J. BLANCHARD. Secretary. fr - rOFFICE OF TILE UNION MUTUAL IN. BORANCE COM PANY.—PIOLanaI.PIIIA. Dec. 1669. The Annual M eetoo or time Horinholdrea of the UNION MUTUAL INSUIi ANCH COMPANY. of Phi ladelphia, will hn hold et the Office of the CompanY. on Monday, January n. 1850, et 12 o'elook. I noon.) at which time an Election will be held for Eight Diroctort, to nerve for the ensuing three yeare. JO& COI LISON, (120.11 t Secretory. OFFICE OF TILE LEHIGH AND p o. AELAWARN: WATY.R.OA V RAILROAD CO., 4U WALNUT Strom, Philadelphia. The Annual Meeting of tho Eltorkholders of tho abovo-narned corporation will he held on MONDAY. January 9th. 1860 : at 12 M. at which time and placo an Election will WI hold for a Pres:dont and Dirootors to serve for the ensuing pony. JOHN HANCOCK, d2I dtja9 Treasurer and Hooretory. {G - . INSURANCE COMPANYH OF TE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. _ - - - December 23, An election for Thirteen Directorn of this Commis, to serve for ono year. will be held at the Company's Office. No. 9 Exchange Buildings. en AEON DAY,janwuy nth, 1360. between the hours of 10 o'clock P. M., end 1 o'clock P. 01.. WILLIAM HARPER. dolt dtjao Beoretary. OFFICE OF TILE DELAWARE COUN WTY PASSE:IOER RAILROAD.—The Annual iction for President and Directors of the Delaware County Passenger Itedronil Coiriptio_ will ho held at the office of JAM ES Al I L ER, MARKET lirreet, went of Till street, West Ploindelphin. MONPAY, the 9th day of JanUary, IWO, between the hours of 10 A. Al. and 2 I'. Al. A. L. DONNAPFOII, ditl RscratAry. r3OFFICE OF THE WESTMORELAND COAL COMPANY, FritLea'a,DOcenther 19, IMO Tho annual Ineotlng of the fitoojiholdere of this Com pany will lie held at their Oleo, No. 139 South TRIED Street. on WM/NTS DO'. the 4th day of January, 18W, at 111 &Week, arwh nth time nu election will be held for eloven Direotore, and a &watery, end Treasurer, to serve for the ensuing year. d2O-tl4 F. E. lACK9ON, Senretary. ii- 1 it OTICE.—THE ANNUAL 1111AMTIND Tfl r 3-I'Mt}PjlY l it i fitlTN(76llA7M,; ', e A 01 " - Y vj'l be held at the Ohm gr the Company, 4:13 ALN UT Street, on MONDAY , January 0, 11380, at )1 kills!'ot'go4ll,';...4wiligi' time tawn.iv°:a.Bl4l!,;,°,`Un,,,V, tb".al yivh.4. .}..yv viINDY DURWOOD, finntery. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. I /1 1 11 , ADELPIllik, JANCIAIty 2, IN3O.- We box loner, to inrolnipi t : that thebusk 1 ; 1 ,7'1;1.1 ono,Ntion, by gel rev I~e, 1117,1 N, JO BEM elthrliShl A,., a. d Ilt%T IN , ondor tlin firm or N. ON SI AN. Ar at . the old Maul, ft W. voinor of 141.,'COND and Nutibp, 81tonte , Bolin Factory, Ind and JOH NOMA: titrEnt. Philadelphia; aniCaerir Alioutertory fiellerseille, minks county, Pa, r. JOSt..l'll Ithltilfi AN hire hie periling' at tention to the ritanullieturlux of CIGARS of grades, rho 13N IJ FPS will we or the 'mine excellent quel ties . an horetnfore, end respeutfuny a s portion Or pt blie witronago. j 33 11ATTIN, CREWMAN, k CO. s 111SSOLUTION. -- Thu copartnership heretofore oxistine under the mune Of hloNeugh fon, Corson, & Co., he. tiny, been tliam,,lv,d by Intl. tont content. 'their busmen* will be settled by JAMES W. CAR - ON, who he authorized to use the name of the Gnu for that vulvae. JAM ES W, RHOPI, JAMES 0. CARSON. • „Tim m y 34,186,D. iUTICK—Wo have this day fanned a covnttnershlp under the Ilrm of JA 617.18 W.SA R• HON & for nal amanita of canditotin 4 ins Whole. gain Urnacpy and enumnsainn Montana. tut etweemeora to 610Patutliton,0atiou,& Co.. et 617 MA PART litttet. , JAMEb CARBON. Janurvy IMO. It. TIIF, COPARTNERtiIIIP OF (JAKE . 4 - 1101)1,PEN,& C(I.. ono xpir ed by limitation. Lae hoon renewed for ono year under the same style and firm cc heretofore. boom, 2d. 1850. It" NOME. —Tho unci.Tsigned have this A I de, formed n eopertuerollip. under the name of Al I XBELI., Jr. Ir. ui.. for the tren•actinn of Wholeenle and Retail Lumber Bunineen. end will ewer)r the mil formerly mowed 11 inith & Muenll, n' the verso, of YORK end RICHWINE/ titreets, in the Nine teenth Ward of the City of Philedelphin, P. Minn!, Jr., HAM'L WILHELM. Philmlelohln, Jon M. 1860. Je3 LTV IOP.AILTNERSIIIP NOTIOII--JOHN ANSHUTZ me Omitted to an Interest In my ha e from this dnte. The style of the ftrm will hence forth he FREDERICK PAXSON & CO.._No.6OllilAll. K greet FREDERICK EaXtiON. Phila., Jan. 24,1560. Ja3-3t* ...elOO NOTICE.—The undersigned having an lmniPied ilth htnt in business. hie eon ALV.KAN. DEX THAL:KARA, wit hereafter dentine, the busi nee, of Con reyannint under the Auld H. W. A NY & HON, at No. lilt Eknith tftreet. Jae 3t. tl , Ws THACXARA.i ripliE SUBSCRIBERS DAVE THIS DAt entered into a Limited Partnership, In accordance with the nag of Assembly in such case made and pro vided, under the Arm name of Ira MBERT THOMeB Pc. CO., for the tr. o nof the Wholesale Dry Goods Joldans limoneris in the city of Philadelphia. The eneral partner. are Lambert home. and E. Horror Jeffries, of the said cuts. and the Went' Partner is Jo seph S. Thomas, of CarlicOlvo. The eapitftl In each contributed by the special partner to twenty thousand (Mhos. The Partnership will commence on the first dav o Janhary, A. D. 18(<1, and will terminate on the Hot day of 'Welcher, _it. D. Theplace of boa, hue, No. 411 d MARKET, and No. 423 MERCHANT kltreets,tatuostt Fourth rued Fifth. t 4. I P t lfi r l i i FTWl . EB, gnore! Partners. JOSEPH 8. THOM AS, Sa Speeial Pinner. mmy Ist, 11,1. rea-dat DLit Wet DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— vartaepthlp heretofore existing under the firm of NIORRIS a JON .e It CO. expired on the 31st ultr me, by limitation. Littler or the partners uoii Me the name of the Arm In tlement. JACOB P. JONES and RI HARD H. DOWNING retiro from the business, and the remaining partner hove formed is new noyart nership. SH AW, IS, ACrill P. JONES ICH A ILO H 11(AVNINO. ANRDERHW .W *K HEELER , Philadelphia, /emu it, INC pOPARTREASIIIP NOTICE.-ISRAEL " 1 - 1 MORRIS, JOSEPH R. WHEELER, and AN DREW W portners ih the loto flrm of MOR RIS k JONES At CO.. hove thu dor formed a copart nership, under the firm of MORS lu, WHEELER. k CO.. end will riontlnue the Iron rind Steel business In all its bran , diosote horeioforn nonitootod, st the old stand. RIC ET and SIXTEENTH Streets. Philadelphia, Santini> 5,1310 NOTI(III—The partnership heretofore ex- I. I !sting between JAMER 0. ABHOTT,AROHNL LTA LAWRENCE, and CIIARI.Rtt NOBLE, under the firm of All WIT ft LAW It ENCE. Is flue Jay dtesolved hr the death of A. LAWRENCE. All potions indebt ed to the late firm are requested to make pat meet, and those havutot chow I to present them to the undergo reed. who aro duly authertted to gee the name of the firm in ieVlement. JA NtEtY U. ABBOT,. Plato.Jao'y 'W-111 CHARLES ft ODLE. AV/TlCE—Philadelphia, Jan'y Ist. 1800. N Thouenderaigned haring preload of the late firm of Asuurr & LAwitlitreb, all their extensive stook of titoves, Patterns. &a., will contioqo the sin,. Foe-. dry halloos titular the Ann of A 1180 VT & fq 0 It I,E. AR RUT r. .41-121 CHARLES NOBLE. _ _ . THE PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN Tunis Van Brunt. Jacob 1, Triple Nand Willett Combs. tradin. limier the finn of VAN Bit UNT, TRIP- L 4 K, & COMBS. is hereby . tliescitved. The Immune of the late drrn will be wound up by Ineob L. Tripler and Willett eombe. at the orlitnal places of trusinoei. TUNIb VAN BRUNT, JACOB 1,. TRIFLER. • WILLETT COMO. Do6embokr Mb, 18,.. The endereneneft will hereafter entry on the central oroviteen busieere.eprovfthon dealers et the old elands, Pio St South WATER. Street and Noe. 1933 and DM MARKET Street, out of Twentieth etreet. JACOB I. TllEft. d22•Gt• WILL 1' COMIIBS. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP - The pertnership heretofore emitter between the subsoribote tinder the Brio of M. On. RN lILN & CO. nosy they dissolved b ee s ettled aorneinent. The bust. N. of meld fain will be eettled by 111. Bornholm. BERNIIIBM. MIL. Deo. IS. 'V. HENRY D. COOK. . • . Mr. Iletrheint will continue the Atdhnerr totemePelts heretofore at No. M Fouth Second Moat. pa St• NOTIOE.—Tho undersigned have this day I . ortwd 4 eopvtnership under the sty l e end MIA' of h' ERN A. COOK. NJNION STERN. Doectnbet ir,1639. ' HENRY D. COON. Mr. Row D. cest, tete of M. Doriihnim & Co., refer. tins his friends to the above. would he happy to leo the to at hal new locslion. No. 735 CHESTNUT fittest. Ja2-30 NOTICE. --Tae coistrttiorallip existing be tweet' Bemire Sc finedttass is disgolved this des br mutual consent. The butanes,' of the firm Intl be settled by either of the partnere The Data* of the firm, wLU be mod in hqeitht jog 80M Vr T, ONODUHAt;S, Phttadelybia Pee. fl, N. S.—us m•". eitorbrammleinnin at the old etand . No. at Stash At Xegrah and a it' fteWBEItItY streets. Yr here he ertll continue the Clot business Chalkluy Boman% has taken store No. df South ?Cuff TH Street, and mmernoted with him Ms nun Wm. E. Moment. undertho firm of C. SOMERS gr. hON, whets they will continue the wholesale Cloth bust teas. Jui-at NOTICE,—TiIe copartntrithip heretofore Il tween toe sub - cnberg, no "Hood h Co.." having lured by limitation, a new firm se this day formed by the raw sysrmhars, under the name and Idyls, of 31000. lIONIIII.IO 17 r, k CO., who gill conts mso the busipege and snake gottlemorst of the old, at 433 MARKhT times. THOMAN Li 11001), DAVID .N. SINN. inmEs Bomtrtiont. IFNIty W. oi , NDAKEL 011 N A. MEEHAN. Philadelphia, Jag. M. lOW. .11.2, IT ENRY S. FISTEIt AND JOSIAH RIE GEL hare this day been admitted to an interest in nor blueish We mimes the Dry 000t1, IMpOrtirig end Job bing Business, under the Grin of RILOEL. lIAIHD, CO., at 4,7 North THIRD Sweet, ae noretnfore JAS BOEIL JACOB ItiL IE W L, WM. S. 13A iftD, V.:4.161141 PPIILADEI.PHIA. Jan.!, Mt pd-dt• NOTICE.—The undersigned having made arrancemenle fee the eel., in this city of Mow.. A. & 8;411411mi' I'llIT•TH, together with • tonere) assortment of domestic Cotton and Woolen (Mode, un- Or the taximeement of Char.e. 11. Mount. Inte of the firm of corm & Co., and V. 0 ire low. of 0 Intoo firm of J. W. Ellie & Co., Cinninnati, would announce that they have eeinblishett a bramili of their houie at No. 4.1 , ) CHESTNUT L tenet. HOYT, SPRACH:PS & CO.. 01 New York. VOPARTNERSIIIP NOTIOE.—The un dertigeed h‘ve this day formed 14. copartnership, untlor the firm of 'MISCUE & OKLBERMANN, for the tranonetme of the Names. of Importer. of V .roe nre r Glue:A C h oar Merchn Philade t igin: of Meier l .re IMYa 1 . / P lrfrfi !AU L & and for the este of A. 13.111fINDABL'8 &limbos And Clothe. • if 'mem , Fat 9t• ' ' L ' 7l[3ll} ' ,6 -- &chni; it Id tiff. 9[1.11E COPARTNERSHIP OP RICHARD WILLIAMS, NON, k CO. in die aired by mutual consent ;file lamer partner, it 1011 A RO WILLIAMn, retires. The business will he settled by either partner, in the name or the firm, at the nountinA- house of them successors, WILI,LAMniI h ARNEbT, who continue the Wholesale Dff•Ooods lonsiness at No. 415 MARKET Btroot. It ICII ARO WILLIAMS. CHARLES 11. WILLIANIR. Philadelphia. let month, fd. 7370. Jan St rpHE COPARTNERSI!IP HERETOFORE Js. motley coder the name and firm of LACEY k VlllLLllll,wasdissolved on the Met of Docember, W. N. LACEY. b. R..l4llLiars. ho busineso be contmund as fArmarly. at Noe. SO am! 32 South SE VENTII tat., above Chestnut. by id at SAM pnti,Llrs. THE COPARTNERSHIP BERIITOFORE Je.. existing under the firm ofJOHNSTONN' & SONS hes been tbitiolved by the deeenso et Mr. JOHN STON r. EITIA butanes, Will be continued by the Nominal; Ptrt• nerd, butler the style end Arm. CHARLFS If. STONE, JA N F. 4 N. H CON 1.4 HENRY M. STONE. I'hilmi6lphtn. Doom bar El. MIL Je7 3t PIIILADELPIIIA, JANUARY 2, 1860. The Raceme?' have this day formed a copartner ship. under the attic of lIITNER & BE, tor the transnetion of the Hosiery end Yhrlllll riorittn boron... cod have Won the holm No, Pt Nolan THIRD Street. northeast corner of Chureh Alhy.wherether will open on flto first of Fehrunry next. with a fresh and Well-eulavted stock. JOSEPH L. BITNEH. in2.Gt • ISAAC P. I.:YItE. IV 0 'l' C E IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT 11 the Copartnetelop under the Arm of RECK YR & DEI.t. was ditmolved on the lonneenth day of Do render inst.,'and MOSES BECKER Is alone aelthortzed to settle tee busmen, and ohm the hem h108):811PER, Philadelphia, Den. It, 18d9. Ott etukth 1m• 'PARTNERSHIP NOTIOE.-Mr. JOHN A. L. MORItF.LL hne this Jay been admitted to nn interest in out bounces, which herertfterwOl be con dotted under the name of MAllalfid, PEDDLE, HAMMON, & MACO. RTINE, PEDDLE. & 11AMItIcE. Plulmlelphin, inn, 1, 1630. : pa 6t. NoncE.—The interest of Mr. UIIARLES B. MOUNT so our Smithies.. expire.. thi• day by W ba,LINO, COFFIN, le. CO. Philadelphia, Deo. SI, 15/4. Ja2 Gt• 1311ILADEL1'DIA, JANUARY 2, 1860. The Meet Beninese heretofore enrried on under the style n, d firm of .108 F I'll [MK KR NON, will be Outfitted from thin date to JOSEPH W. LUKER.. ineeph Baker hfivinK retired Jennery I, ISSI. jnl.3t• IOHN C. CORNELIUS is this day ad -117 'MORS nu a member of our firm. immary 2, MIL CORNELIUS & BAKER. Ja2-3t. COPARTNERSHIP AND REMOVAL.- WM. L. DLINOILSON la admitlid to no Intorast In nor husuirsa from ri u . Wn have romoved Iran No. 304 Market Street to No. 727 CHESTNUT Street. JAB. R. CAMPBELL 3r, CO. January 1. WA in 2.12 t nOPARTNERSIIIP NOTICE. SIIORTRIDOE ar BROTHER having this day as. anointed with them JAMES S. you:vo, the business will frosn this dnte he conducted under the firm of MILOS , RIDGE% BROTHER. at No. 47) MARKET Street, and an and 413 MEC.- CS ANT titneet. Philadelphia. JAVIRTY 3, 1&70. lal-13t yIISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP. IN hereby given that the firm of MIL LEP , yttoNEFI ISI.D, & CO.. is _this day dissolved by the ertthiltrtwol of FRED, A. MILLER. Ind CHAK. FRONEHELD. The lawmen of the late firm will be settled by either of the penis,. at their cod stand. Jan. 1.14.40. Feli:D. A MILLER. jx2 CHARLefi FRONEFIELD. N "T FUN -IVURTS, AUSTIN, k, Mc- VEIGH. lowa ageoeieted %rah them,_fte mart nere in their keetee.e, 51esers. Jo,Er it BURGIN and tt, WEIMER. The style or the firm to IrfalSill all beret.tfore. Philede Dee. 1, 18t4). NoTWE. WILLIAM R. LAFOUR -1 v CADE, GERALD DV. COURSI , S. r WILLIAM IL Iltwlb, benome onittiers In air firm after thin date. DE COURP:KY, LA FOIJROAD.E. & CO. Ihsttab,l 11, ISM /a* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. W 1191 1 ,8 we, the subearibers, have this day rer. newed and continued fora further emporia three years, as hereineller mentioned. the limited partnership ea. tered into on the 31st day of December. A. ii. ma to composure en the let day of January, A. D. 1547. under the provisions of the Act of the general Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penns> turtle apprnved March 211 t. 3834, ?Plain(' "An Act relative to Limited Partner skip I, and ell other ensotments of the mid Osumi assembly relative to Limited Partnerships—now, there fore, in nompliance with the provisions sit the acid en eminent* we publish the terms of said original and renewed Limited Partnership. as Minus: First. The (Mil* or firma under which the said original And reanwen Limited Partnprithip . wr and iota be con ducted le that of J. P. FLA I E irIC 10 I TLER. Bound. The general nature of jis tininess wits and la that of Maronon's Inarural Foreign end Domestic Commission Ruiners n the airy of Philadelphia, and Also in the brumes. o Importing and Exporting and Vending Merchandise on account of the said Limited Third. The paid Limited Partnership wee and Is com posed ofjottri THEOIIIII.IIB PLATE, who resides In the city of Philadelphia. • of CARL C. ISCIIOTTLER, ech e resides In the said city of Phlladephis. and (AIR WOMEN. F. PLAT L. who/4e place o residence ie. at present. In the free slanreatio city of Bremen. (he said John Theophilus Plate and Car C. Psi:muter were and are all the annual Partnere in the said origi nal and renewed Limited Fertnertho. and the said ChrlVoPber F. Plate was and is the only special part • oar therein. Fourth. The epeeist partner, the saidChrietopher P. t late. auntramted, actually And in good faith, in cash, he sum of Filly Thousand Dollars to the capital ar common clock of the said original lartiCed Partnership, noyort of whin! hasbeen withdrawn therefrom. b pith. The sai originel Limited Partnership com menced on the Prat day of January. ar. Ti. IW, and was to have terminated on the Slat day of Decomorr. A. O. 149, but the same has been renewed and continued for the further period of throe years from the 51st day of Deesinher, A. D. INA and will terminate on the Slit day of December, A. IL LW. Philadelphia. Dan. Slat, Igs9. J. THEOPII. ' , MIL C. EtcHOTTUR, CUR. FR. PLATE.' By his Alto!nay in NO, ACM 001:11.11EV FREYTAI3. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the firm of WARN ICK, OILADWICK, k BRO. ii this dej l diaeolvai. The Realer, Rano, and !Rove bu;nres wi b. cont.uned under the nauie of CIIABWIC et II 0., at the Pi °Mout ortilr of BECONg t ail CE Streets. ° RAMI3 G A ILA . CYLAD IC ICCIE. Philadelphia. July 11.1Pke iele-If NEW PUBLICATIONS. NOW READY- A GIFT POlt ALL BF,ABONB ILLUMINATED EDITIONS "WASHINGTON'S YARF.WELL ADDHES,S" TO the PEOPLE OP THE WrITED STATEd. Embellished with Amber/tie Eosins, in colors, and RECENT VIEWS OF MT. VERNON The publisher', feel impressed with a conviction that a time hem come which demands a mote thorough and serious exatninatton of the or/simples and tr the con. tamed in thig great State Paper ; a, d that It should Tohe more generall• d torte. fused among the peo ple at this end they have etriven to give the Address" a form sad slob in some measur• worthy its importance, and calculated, they trust. to popularise and pine It Perms. " 'P a " Address" is togano form. printed In colors, on superior plate paper. rho publisher cannot but hope that with the attractive external. of illummated tyoo. smelly, and artistic emb:llishment, My be rem public to public triste.osuti its tsvichinsp, by these Means, be more drectsvely recommended to, and fait ;mod upon, the popular mind and heart. Price or the Addreas." smile SOWS. ose do lay Etirly orders respectfully solicited. A liberal discount to the trade. For ante he all the Booksellers in the United States. Under. and connuurtirl*lons rice he .41,1•... d to DE.VER EUX & COM PAW(' la3-tuthslm 119 Booth Third street, Philadelphia. H ELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS.—For whnleontls and retail, at ALLEN'S SO , qc. and STATIONERY STORE, No. 611 SPRIIIe&AR DEN btreat, above Eighth. 113-20 HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. HOUSE EURNISUING STORE. WILLIAM YARNALL. No. ISSO CHESTNUT STREET, (lintnediatily opoodlite the Aoadsmy of Fin. Arts./ Twit.. the Mtenhon of lIOUSEEEEPERIS end others to hi. exten.ive sasortment or USEFUL HOUSEKBEF/NO ROODS. TABLE CUTLERY, NURSERY FENDERS, cHAPING DISHES, PIRE SCREENS. PLATE WARMERS, Jed.tnth■tf TEA TOYS, !co., Ae. T HE WEEKLY PRESS A NEW VOLUME! THE WEEXLY PRESS entered upon a Na• Vo sums with the New Year. To eay. merely, that oar paper ham been sucoeutul, would be to give far too weak and Indefinite an Idea of our poaltion—for, not only ban TUB WEEKLY PREBS been established on a secure and permanent foundation, but It le, in reality, a mar renone example of the d of favor which s rithtly•conducted LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND NEWS JOURNAL oan receive iitt the hand, of a liberal and enlightened publie. Our molt grateful thanks ar* tendered for the patronage already bestowed upon us. and we shall spare no efforts which mug verve to render the paper even more attraotire. ucaful. and popular In the future The POLITICALeanrse of TIIE WEEKLY PRESS need not be enlarged upon hare. Independent. swede. and requiem it liNe battled, uneraverinaly and gealnue ly, ia defence of the RIGHTS OF THE ,PEOPLE against EX ECU FIVE 12SURPXTION, and unfair and tyrannical lepslation; ever doclaring and adhering to the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY cohsti lutes the fundamental bia.s of uur frog institutions, and that the intelligence and patriotism of our citizens will always be proffervative of e wise,Just,sedealuterf Gov ernment. These are 'the principles to which TILE IVREKLYTRESShesbeencotnmitted,sadtothese it will &gore. OUR NE. WS_ COLUMNS will continuo to be the subject of unrematlng care end attention, and all diligence be employed to make this paper a compendium of all the priscipal events of inte rest which transpire at horn. and abroad. The LITERARY charnotor of THE WEEKLY PRESS, now universally acknowledged to be of an ele vated stamp. glint' not only maintain its protect high standing, but .hell be enhanced by important and ratea ble eontributions from able :enters. Deeming ITRITY or MORALI the greet safeguard of private bappmenend public prosperity, we shall carefully exclude from our columns everything which may reasonably 14 ohjocted to ^tl the genre or improper tendency. The field. of pure literature rdford rafflcient material to make nn AC CEPTABLE PAMIIX NEW,IPATER, containing the elements of excellence, without a single Objection able line ; and the proprietor of the TEE WEEKLY PRESS may justly °lsm that no head of a family need hesitate to let its columns go under the notice of any member of his household. The general features of the paper. in addition to its POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPARTMENTS, will be Poetry. Skitthes. Biography and Original and Be kaa Tales, chosen for their lessons of life. illustra tions of looter'', depicture of manners, and mere merit—and adapted, in their variety, to the taste' of both sexes and 'dimes. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. Dna Dare will be taken to furnish our redera with oorreot and reliable roporti of the produce and cattle markets. made up to the latest Iwo-. Among the agreeable variety of artio!es in store for the patrons of THE WEEKLY MESS. it may ba moot oned that we shall commence, Moor New Volume. the publication of TRIALS AND TRIUMPHS: OR, ANCIENT TISIE3 IN OLD VIRO:NIA an Original Novelette of surpassing Interest, written by an author of acknowledged ability. The Cory will run through seven! numbers of the paper, and will be, in itself, worth more than the SUM required for a year's subscription. In a word, it will he the endeavor of those concerned to make THE WEEKLY PRESS continue a favorite PAMILY JOURNAL. embodying all thecharaoteristtas of scarefully-prepared newspaper. 67' Subscriptions are respectfully solicited. To those who propose patronizing the " WEEKLY PRESS." promptitude in forwarding their orders for the Nan , Vorusin is earnestly recommended, as, from present indications, it is believed that large as the edition may be whloh will be printed, it will notions be in our power to furnish bank numbers, in which Cu, disappointment must occur. TfltMS One Copy, one year. Three Copies, one Five Copies, one Jeer.. Ten Copies, one year-- ........... 121 Twenty t7optee, to one address, at the rate of el per annum .. ........ . 20 00 Twenty Copies, to one address of °soh sub- eertber.-- ..... Any person sending us a Clot) of Twenty ormore. wi 1 be entitled to an eatta copy. W o continue to nand THE WEEKLY PRESS to Clergymen for I. Subsoriptions may commence at any time. Terms always cash, in advance. All letters to be addressed to JOHN W. FORNEY. No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, V I-I I 1., .A. 39 XI 1., I= , X-X I .A... . ESTATE OF JOHN MARTIN, LATE OF Emit Earl township. deceased.—The stodersisned. Auditors appointed by the Orphans Court of the county of Lancaster. to pass upon the exceptions filed to the account of the Executors orthe mot d0C.81.4. And tnths ttamte the belnern rentemint to their bend. to and amons those Racily entitled thereto, hereby NM, notice that they will ethic,' for the purpose of their appoint mot. on FRIDAY . the I.Sth of Januar, A. IL, et 4o clock D. N.. at the Court Emote m the city of Lae caster. when and whore alk persona interested may attend If they think proper. (i SIMON P. EBY. ABRAM EIfIANK. LANCASISIt. December 19.1.159. .130 1.31 - IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE Ja. CITY AND COUNTY OF FIIILADELPIII A. testate of PHILIP MAI,O VERN. deceased. The Auditor appointed by the tourt to audit. settle. and 'Wpm the acc,unt of Thomas bates and James McCoy, ezeautoru of the last will of I hilly Masoyern. &teemed and to make distribution or tlto balance in the bandit of the accountant., will inset the pertic. In termed Inc the purpose of his appointment. on MON. PAY. January Ctn. /ow. et 4 &cloak F, hl.. at liis °Mee, No. ale WALNUT Street, in the ea, of rffiadel,,liia. tike-mwf et WILLIAM INUAST.Atabtor. IF YOU DESIRE A PLEASING PIC TURE. and at the flame time an infallible Like new. a Idfe•mee Photograph in Oil, or a Miniature Photograph in Water.eelore, made at REIMER'S Gal lery, SECOND Street, above Green, must please you, • 4 A M ASONVILLE LONG-CLQTII 'lt Shirting at UK oents—the beet " Ivry" muslin in the market WINTER DRESS GOODS, all tedueed in price, previous to Mock telonki Lupin's Purnell Merinos, in whites, Mule, plain, and hl sh eolors. Btoone And Dlnnket Elbnarlp pent vartett HARLEM ADA MS. ./43•1f BIG A and ARCH Streets. OIL AMBER—Rectified and Common, for 04 mos bnali 4 lßl g 18 .4 , ng ir a intl. 1 • 14t. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY WEEK. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. T I role Lases.---.... Etna M. .Ay. O r. A R I MBoames A ag nt ~... ~ -,.1, rNOaO.B.TEIFA if S FJD : AY au WE uzntr m I. lideptaatophilem Mr. J. B. Itoberte ; Yam; Mr. L A. Parer g WargueriM.MrmAmta Cowed. 't he performance to comenenee wit/ as eakibeebid L7l7r Farb', s e tled : TIER TWO BUZZARDS. ' Benjamin Buzz ini..Mr. Thayer. 4,44W11,: Wirrrioire as uassm Eva secured Indic/Pt cur • charm e Ai T. A. o ' c lo ckp at 634 o'elock ; Performs,* te r -- at Tla gt HOLIDAY PRESENTS. .... w._ .. aims. F or a yaw days, to close out OW FALL AND WINTER STOCK. We 'ball oTer yardman VERY GREAT BARGAIN& In our Manufaetured Goods. Ribbons Inck Trio:Mare, Boy, and M Wee C.Pi 61141111 ti l :&. 11.: &AL We mean to toll reLargieVil Of coda. of WO 41. Tuna, 725 CR VNUT dtreet d2B-/Ot Two door' above ''onto We harts Just r•asivsd et now and baantthd aijoit- Inint t ' dATcll_F., WELRY. SILVERWARE. Selootrid exprauly fir Holiday Preasata, ooasiatuir bi part GOLD WATCHES. SUITABLE FOR EITHKR. LADIES Olt GENTLEMEN. Roma Inlaid with &amia and others esuunelad. ALSO, WATCHSI3 SUITABLE FOR BOYD. Also, on hand. a bawntifol assortment of • DIAMOND JEWELRY, Of all kinds, at reduced prices. Diamonds Mounted In the ritoct ^ageism. style. Our MINI of Setting Diamonds cannot be ex felted in this country. Our Assortment of Jewelry embraces the followings , CORAL. MOSAIC, PLAIN, and JANCY J eek EWELRY of every deruiription. 'mob ae Go B and Yee% Chains,. Studs, Blears Buttons. Gold himbloa, Petunia, Tooth note, Armlets,. Lockett. tc. rte. BILYEBW ARE. Silver Spoon" and Fo rks ; Pis, Cale , Butter. Ice Cream and Fruit Knives; Preserve, Sugar and Berry Spoons; Salt Cellars Napkin Rine", Card Cases and Silver Seta, oonanding of Knife, Pork, and Spoon for cbrkiroa. "nig, an endless variety of goods in our Lae, which we will sell at reduced price,. Gold and Jet Bracelets of all kinds, of the newest de signs. P. S.—Old Gold and Silver purchased tbr sash or Oast' in exehange. 1 . 10810 °all and examia. at LADoatIPt Pe CO.'S, dl3-Ina No. SG CHESTNUT Street. F . P. DUBOSQ, & SON. lasaulaataron and koperters of JEWELR T. J. S. JARDEN ea BRO., Marna.,la rens and Importart at BILVIIR PLATED WARE AT MST PRIOBSI WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE The 'boas, Wboluale Maanfaetarere and Iniportere, End that the reputction of their worts has emended ow. fond the eirole of depart, to nob so extent that the ealie of cementer' at their eoantmuroores cannot Meat proper attention. The advaattute to them. u montane tu re re. of direct seeociomette with the wanta nod mated of indomocts erarhaates for their era toe, üboo lush ly nypremated to !Micro them to negleet the SWUM tau ode red. -•• • . For the amp •onvenient elneetiloatton end dtsplay of their CHOICEST STYLES. they hems fitted up the NSW STORE, N 0.1028 CHESTNUT STREET. Where their offer et. MET PO I ORA, 47 desert"- hoe EWEL3.I, 10 DIAMONDS. p A It t. L .s . d BTON FS. GOLD. and a complete 4 n kor 81 Vh nod Pi. 1 LI) WARE, of the &teat eettlitY. PIEC or MIL A lull assortment at E3oLion and BINIsi WATCWiII of tnoinomselebrot,truakers. will te of F . CONSTANT RICHARD, to wnase skilful ohm* oar customer work can be 000fidontly eatrustre— dbt-b:s WHOLESALE ROOMS. 30a CHESTNUT BT. WAR BURTON'S 1004 CHESTNUT Street. /wood tore above Ttath. NM South SECOND Street, bl/01 , Einllo.. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. REAL LACE COLLARS AND SETS, IN BRUSSELS POINTE, BRUSSELS APPLIQUE, VALENCIENNES, lIONITON, sad ALALTM. AL.°. A FULL ASSORTM= OF REAL THREAD. CAMBRIA. AND ALENCON VEILS, 00,PEUREe, AND DAMS. A so, A PULL LINE OF PARIS EMBROIDERIES. And desinpttou of 1,0128 by the lard. WARBURTON'S RIBBON, LACE, MILLINERY,snd EMBIOTDERY BTORE3. 11:01 CHESTNUT Stmt. lbws Tenth. dl if and 308 S. SECOND Bt.. below Bpram. SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON Invite rpeoial attention lo tbsu stook of SILVER WARE, wtuok is now mutually Large. affordiag s va riety of pattern and deinyn rinnorpassed by say loose the United Butter, and of finer anent) than L Inatiaferk tared for table use in any part of the world. Our Standard of Sliver is 935-140 0 3 parts pars The English Sterling. ..... ..926.1000 " American and trench 9004000 " Thai It will be Been theatre glee thirty-flee parts parer than the American and Freaeli coin. and ten parte Mel than the Enaltah Marling. Re Melt all oar own Silver. miner Foreman being cioneected with the Refining De partment of t►e Dented /States Mutt for aseeral yeanawe manatee the a nahty as above ONO. Millet is the Asia: that roe be made re he sweicane/e, and will mast the cotton of ask,' area better than Ile ordinary Were mireatactored. Wit. WILSON Ilt 80N, S. W. 00ILTER FIRTH AND CIINANY ere D.—Any ammo of Elam maziofnotorod u iNfroiod upon. bat ►osiliotlr stows iodorieo to Raul soll Aomori :as standard. Polders mashed unta them:ma standard as mad in Jar retail deptrtmeot. Pine Saver Bars. ISIVIDCO Peat , rir.. 6 °U 4 n tl7 °D hand. anl4-6m pItEBENTS FOR TILE HOLIDAYS ! ! THORNLEY & CHUM - 11AYE RFDI:Ch.D THY PRICES OF THEIR ROODS IN ORDER TO FACILITATE THEIR SALE& They offer Sperm! Hanson to Loss Erothe Shawls, Fine I.4.pnlity of HI kit Shawls. U11,1,811'5 Me tat Shawls, lisstleman'eand Shssrls. CLOTH CLOAKS IA GREAT VARIETY! Fanny Dress Stlke. Excellent Direct mike. Rich Reared Mel (nods. De Lillkell• Valennots and O'Dea's'. BLANK ETto, FLANNELS. LINENS. and IdUtILTNIS Clcatts, Csahlmsres, and Sattmetis. Marretllea Quills. Calico. Comfortable., &e., &s. linenS.Dr 114110s.,ErArats. do., Ltnen HOD. of our own Dm rot:atom. Hoonsrv, Gloves. Lacs Vslls. &e. frh. T HORSLEY & C N. RCorner EIGHTH and SPRING GA DREN, WE BUY AND BELL FOR CASH. All IVORYTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. It a well known that the :coat elegant, artists.. chaste and beautiful PHOTOGRAPHS • AN D IVORY TYPES are produced at MeCLEES' No. CM CHESTNUT STREET. Di the late reducttou In ha vitae, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, ao rimless:abed for their raperionty, can now be pm eared at as loa rages as others fursisA as ordinery ar helefor. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS, El.OO. Mc GLEES, MI CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW SEVENTH di:4m REMOVALS. pEMOVA4.-GEORGE McFADDEN has removed (tom No. 22 to No.l BANK 13troot. 1.3 ot• REMOVAL.--SMALL CHANDLER, witor,Fsm,B ottocEv, ha're remotta from 64 North nRCOND Street, to In MARKET Street. above Fro^t. north mule Jag n EMOVA L. —SHUFF dc WERN vrAG 111 m &Tic k...v . : f t . Jains's ButlJ ins, Nocavd p m MRS. M. A. BISHOP HAS RE MOVED from from No 1113 to 1018 CHESTNUT Street, next door to triaSt.l.mmonce Hotel. whore Lmlles Istli and a splendid ASSOttUliltit of Bonnets, Cape, sad Read dresses. 031 Mt 11/ENIOVAL.—E. & F. 0. YARNALL & CO. itel.TO removed fum IX, Market sl7ll , llt to 4f SOUTH Ye ItAkVES at ell Pk.. 101 Et. as- In' LOST AND FOUND. LOST —Placed In the Post Office, New York, on the 33d December LETTER directed Chia, P. 13101. EL. Cashier Southwark Bank. Philadel p Penna., cant iinine iSTOrit other enclosures the 101:owing Coupon. of the Penna. Central R. K. Co.. due January 1, MO, par went 01 the name heater h:ea etas.- pail Noe. air to 134 : 218 and 113 ; lota to Ledo ; INA to 1 ; 3 kit to 2 tt)); 79h3 t 9CI; 1.f8 3 : 0 3 to VAS; 0813 to 2,9 Tr ; 2,984; 2 nen and 3 WU ; 3.033 to CUM Partite are . aLed nutlet receiving the same. A reward will h paid on, the Letter Leon;18o returned to the think of the &Moor New York, or the uthwark Batik, NOW York, December 30.113313. la 3 et BOARDING. BOARDING FOR A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OR TWO YOUNG MEN. to a private family. RD SOUTH THIRD etre- t. $1450 to 83. lt• JACKSON, PRINTER, JACKSON, PRINTER, JACKSON PRINTER, firTli end CHESTNUT Smits, LPTII And CHESTNUT Stole*. IPTO sad CHESTNUT amts. hn.432. Na. M. No. W. ININTINO OP ALL usps. RINTING OF ALL KINDS. RINI ING OW ALL KIND*. CARDS *lle r 140. CARDS SI 10 iNk 1000. CARDS 81. no ER lawo. OHR & DAVIS WASHING-MAC/UNE for sale by nowm AN k Mani DE. Maness, to rent. r 7 STRAWII RY Street, Philadelphia. lly this machine week's WIWI of an ordenary-used fanny can be done before breaktast It is equal in ca pacity to four women, and gases at least to per rent. in wear and tear. Hundreds of them are now in use. and the demand conttnuing. Call and examine for Toorselveg. County rights for gale on reasonable terms. Priem Of machine 510, up to al& PLOWMAN tb MOBRIDE. lax-]m• 37 STRAw /MBES Street. MONEY LIBERALLY ADVANCED.— TO ANY AmouNr-vp03 4 WaVh" ; .:70 1, 7 , tOlag ' 1 8117.5nr, , ,Ver;5 • Ex: „ ‘,V.'w..4 7, I$D and GABK LL"Lombsvi_uur OPERA 111.,Ah;5E.5, Pearl, Ivory, and japanned, with the fiest Achromatic Lei:urea, at M.,I.FRANKLIN'S, Optician , 111 South FOURTH Street, below Umtata. 17 - Mao, Improved Spectacles. correctly fitted to rtie V . v .; Ibir::°:rdus.-:o.'ivreilindanlit 6,Torgn dl-ti LIORNES TAKEN TO WlNTtat on A I. Farm le Delaware minty. Exeellentetabjea Street. experienced Groom. No. 524 WALNUT Street, . amid store. dlO-tf OIL CITRONELLA—For % sale 13 .471j414 A II USEMENTS. 'IIEATLYY k CLARII}7B ARCH , STREET THEATRE. .THIS ITUFAnAY, Evpmtmo. h a . t. PETER WILKINS. Pelet.WOkies. kn. Draw Joan Doi" ran ; Crneteuill. Mr. Macke. The perform .n. will rem... enta Mee CermaAr LAUGH WHEN YOU CAN. Scat. or Pe t cac—Admaitioa. al coats; Ilsesnol Beata en Dress Cache. c.cti; Parts Doors oue a: half past 4 o'ckek: r. , :lonwess eommonce at 7 o'ctork praetatic. D 1 AN RICR I S GREAT Snow. NATIONAL TITEATRD. yrALNITZ 1111.. ebony Eighth. D. IdeLaron. sole proonoto, THIB (TUESDAY , EVIP;NIND, Bemad appoorsoco of NIERR CL#Bllt. MINS NA LLIE STICENEY in her agebratid Pas de Fsseinxboo no Floroobook. AN RICE, .E.XCELSIOR. tlio COMIC moue, am R. Ell SIS will anima' in on D nase AN nm C 3 inth P other Injitift IMMO. tons, - THE ROMAN Bfiarmas. THE RTVALS VP 7 E ETADIIIiII. by Maim Houton, Whittaker. Kest. and Res.d. POSTILLMS LET WM/MIHAIL GE eleD BALLET DE* PIAUER upon borsetsek. with sztrao , disaryFaaAs of lierveysys. chip nod Memo Drumm. Exereum. vkle.l the as. t re troupe Pail sprees Doors open at I .44 NV o'eteek. Performaect to sem menoe at VI and 7% MR. SAMUEL COWELL, Fen., at•tbe LTA- musical. PEND MALL, for TWO W/O.IITII (Mif. FRIDAY. Jan. 6th. SATCR DAY. Jan. 7th. Mr. H. 1, BATEMAN bora raarretratty to an that ha 'FM hare aka honor or .umodoetnif So ths= cla4hla Dane MIL SAM. COMELY— • THE GRbe.T MUSICAL COMEIHAII. The trite mei motets of tb.• Gray Irnederfol Homed* here been most caribminable and posclar tbronetboat England. Ireland. and Scotland. foe team sad tee 4116 but two mouths in tim cityof Hem Tart The *nen and abbt. bare .1' Prooreineed Mr. cow to be t he GREATEST COMIC SINGER IN THE WORLD. He riU be mewed by the celebrated Prima TON DIDIRMEL. nd JA/ail HICEIS 43-.3t Num* Wt. Cceinertiniet riIEMPLE OF WONDERS. .2. Norttami corner of TENTH sad CIUNTNISV Btraeta omit sad Novel Attraction. HAPPY NEW YdAff SIGNOR BLITZ. Tke vooderfal Napalms and V • .InKrilltAlat F.XI3IBITION EVEJikSOLES DUBI2IO TES Coma:mem at 774 o'clock. and on 'W'RDICEIIDAT and EATI:RDAT AFTER:IOO2.3nd. 'Meats tKskal Automats R. 141 Vinallf • as. of Qs creakeet Nickname ezlobitad,olll Kneel iskosyrs salsas. ckm, and yirforni lug addormhiec feat& • •Conne 3 callta. Children Berea MUSICAL FUND LULL, BoNEWI7 T.'S CONOIIIIII. WEDNESDAY EVENINI. JANI74II" 4, IN& MILS ANNA WI !SALATI EL NI A R runs : ESL UWE VOLLIIIABL art! an ORCHESTRA or PO it rr rarossuss. =EMI cbmDecToa. MM P I. Orertore—" Leonone. slT`L " . . 2. Recastre sad Ana--"lkkage tit C. 111- "s," 11"82. Caraert In A 114A3r—Assa gete—erith Orchestra. a. "Das Pisherra HERR vehea," ItONEWIIZ. . Marrrhlear. it• A " Plomare • liodel." for 2 /Nista._ VOLKS/A1•11 sad 1 . 1211,12 BOXY.WI D W IL DOSDUCTOR. . /lir ft. banWrlM... C. Last Day"--.sjaehouie ia bar mo~eme~tsOß ' l t HE o tic is isfR A : Recarneuoa of tna Dead. 0, Toe Last Jathmeat 1 Lease‘ esderod Reccred erraa isto at 1 The two &slower' Overvalued Grsad Armee ma front the wererooss of Hawes a &roan. Memo emu, Satosrittiaa Tickets. . . . rut* roc OM &ors Tickets. . Ail uteri t.ers pleas. maestri thilr Malmo at As. dr, s Mama Aiwa. 7c, ilea tiniataat ettittla Donn open at 7 o'clock. Tesemustart at it • • THE CELEBRATED PAINTING, PARISINA, il7ostivovs _ LORD BFAON'S FORA. *mit Lrcra PRIZ- TICTVAIL THE riLeßlm rArAriss auxi THE MARTYRDOM OP ZORN urn. ON VW', FOR A FRW DAYS ORLI'. tbe DC'SS 0011 P riol.d . Wog ACAuEircf; INEAKte. 1013 'T Street 0-e A from 94. M. . M. Adminuon al ARTHUR NAPOLEON, The oelobrstAd Amid. wC7 Ater• GRAND PAREINI.LL OONCERT. •wusd 1%1. t!• FIRST VOCAL TALENT 0? THE EAT. at t►• ECEICAL FUND HALL, TEtrltaDiT EVENING, Usury a, law ?lasts ID oasts iota. To to lumt at Mama anakcoo. irles Pizzo-forts ororaroors, Ckossaat street, sad albs owl Nassa• Mai. L AST REFS PF PAGE'S VENTS. At Itoorr rif_Mil.eritt utldies. tet Litnialon 31$ awe. REiDERSON'S EXHIBMON BOOMS, JAYX&OOO3,IIIOXWEALTO BVILLUXG. T etreet_mssr artb. HoIADAT WHEN TII101)02115 l I ITICT*E OP LATS. THIS tit F-SDAY)t.VI2I4I.III3.Jea. Wirt be offered the following &Atrial scene. I The. sort ef trance. Birth-Place of Colissubs..* Amnesia War Stmanzer. Wash:A.ooe aa4 ets MIA - 'al.". Va'kes Pores re 11114- tifiasie,r the teats!CrW7,, Rome. sad at. Peter'e. Maori Sllsinunatsciss. season Rack-rope ifearter. After which the is mile same of the Corm a: Sea The exhibitma tonainaties with the tweed 'new eir the monster ateearsis the Greet Eerier& Tickets. X cents C hildren, ildren. II emits. Doors epee at 7. To eosonseace at & IY-1-oDONOUGIES GAIETIES-LACE St., above SECOND. - att OF THE C O M I C PAIITOKINN PIRG TOYS OF YUBA A. M. Hisrsitia withes as Harry Ca!ulnae aa AJ. Lomat as rta r. him Mane as Din "`td ma tilah/s. olirlor isa on.A.WoErartirr ST ALL THE comrecr.. PENNSYLVANIA• ACADEMY 07 THE .II PINE ARTS CiIIEST:Mr STREET. Iv Opp( DAILY. Mandan ozerrood.) from. A.M. 411SP.M. !Yeah!—The Tenth volume of GM* Swam I is:ars." of Piroptiss. Ado/axon U Wit& Mann sada 32 ISM SW p MO. 8 bsres of Stock SUL itlf a ERMAN Li OR (74 LSTRA. —Public Re be/finals erect MtiIICAL FUND HALL. at DV o'clock P. M. A pockartot *lett oak SmxM kokeu.n toots. To be kit lig al Andres. and Sect t Lalekee Homo Maros, sad 11 dom. oko-km FOR SALE AND TO LET TO COIN COLLECTORS.—For sale by E. COGAN, 43 North Is runt SWIM a Cab togue et about 4X. AMR 3.IC.LN STORY CARD. Prise eanta. 34.11-40 50,000• —Fift stu y Thonaand United • n is, ns. Troanry None. We sans, for sale an now to nit panbann. C. Dv.' mums, No. is al arcuate Mann. FOR SALE—Stock, Good• Rill and Fix. tures of a Retail Boolomi !Latimer, Stare: Baca* to teat. Address •• O. If." Blood s insaatal. lall FOR RENT. TM ■taro now oeon=i.d by CELLRLES 01.3F05.D St sow. No. CH CHESTNUT STRUT. Etal tabLs ter • JOBBIXO OR 002.13111szoir Bona W arden 'inn about tbs tat of February aut. (II FOR SALE.—A eery- neat and desirs -1,5124 TWO-8TO" Y FRAME DwE.LLING HOT Et kit FY . E l l! ' : s ale ,' molvole. Crujbarl , od erunii. Away. 0.1 atter powers/ad a vel:•riorted sprint (known es Eiltsr• Man Siff et /ea the primate- 'NW Wads apes mas able tad aaptirmtdeuez terms. L1.E1201 & MONTGOMERY. 7,41 BEACH Stmt. la 'lO RENT—LARGE HALL, R. W. Conker CHESTNUT and TWELPT ED it &tests. W.A. wARDIS, No. at wAL.Nur strw. 10 PER CENT.—We have for sale paper v .rie g 10 per teal per annum, seelered 117 deed of tntst epee oret-eleuke property II St. Loam. no al *anima of eapitelate dimple( safe invreetmeste q utyt ted. BAKER. AkBODTT. & d7.l® if 17 Booth THIRD Soon. 91J LET—The large six-story ware -IL hoops No. an commerce street, =Habig ( 4 71 sr a i grar E .ry t atarulg Mmes. Ants std -he di HOUSES TAVERNS. and STORM, Rim! Estate of ivory deseriptton. for aJa a tel. rent. APO,' to MAX If E. 1 .• Res/ Eststs Assn t, No. 211 Not t! SECOND Stmt., 'NS en L. Toorny a Co.'s Sired store All orders inll t. promptly attended to. Ulla. French, and Gorman spoken. CatIPOOT Gronol. Rents. a Sin pOR SALE—A Valuably lot of Ground, 10 foot by KO. throe fronts. ..ter sad ins hud One front; soluble fo. • enures or fortorr. ,t Is moo tad ra touttmortern tart of th• city,•e Mutt/ 111 2 - prontic hor h nod . Terms easy. .110assee, lieu's's," J. K.." othos of into paper. TO LET—The Second. Tikirct and Fourth Stones of Me o•shosl sod inhemen Ittorso. Roc dCounties„Bouta DELA WARR A to t lane Room on the gooond Floor. Apply THAIN_h. 33 and U WHAVER, WANTS. d GERMANTOWN ROUSE WANTED. by !beta or Aril next—mast beat tax ea wafer introduced. be eltetbq atuated, end et a rent n. , r ox totem!' SOD. Adareoe box Its& ja3 =that' WANTED—A Partner with from E 1 7500 V to Q 2 MI, to to {Ma the &road- him 4 Funutose ba si s a l uk nesig B 7 . l l o a 4,u ltitn t ois ez tt e s ka. t Int s d . a d rs . tsocts Addm a u ll ,tbr unu t thi Nt bu : ?MI office. PARTNER WANTED.—An vpemng in an eethbhibed Comet...kik Egos. (Dry Goode el's partnership,Flll crew oh the ht of the DM. A yolw, metro. business men. who ovoid eon:wood trent 110# to Bb (01 trey eddrete Cogaseasuoa Boaiesee."u to. *Mee of thie Perim $3,000 —A GENTLEMAN OF 1N • m totv sod bastooss <l.Alifiestioets to datums of entering Into soma hvrati Ts trimness, watt* t yt tjes would he light, (walk the abot• mito.)whete over, thirst voted aellefeetety. ofeteneeteitt , red. et troll 11.1 sinto r Addteito " W. IL" Ptti Once. df-tt:14144