.~)~'y~'; ~~ Tat_ "4 - I .T4 l 4 l lo l lAilytilillil briX,iliVA4'..lits ,3,,nw0r,771.. ' .A. **owe Mr. Trying "min dos time be ox 7 ibibtsd. ; ?m&iiptiraid'`cd Fi strti'linifdirlft 11. the ,totri;evirt.tro EL ItilbilL k , jit ably.; i$ ttit, SA ii goiorif#44os s,o4r, A oosllo,PlAlr.X•rlciti ;Slot'la — lisotilittpiiAr4iniiitiezliterat , 'ta tw ill bring ontthodilr - ,tg,i)4Kt-Ird i t - 1 1 0 kOtgaill t‘titt.ll4-1W si -10 . 0 X9 9 4KM. th' tho s* nfintoo 41 sarriiie , „, iamb Roll , 111 ' - 0 14 ` kalo:Of tbs:ror widob 0nt41,41i.e foto:, *do orithdriiikof f : 14op,and ‘3 , : t., 4 t 0 44 . 1 : time of Mf:4o3 .11,0 4 4 4 dotbllo a; a • *a, the reviewer sdea waisideliund 141 th t o neo of 'Amalie , * antilop, us i *nbtlos,Claille, nag !lib those of tho pifiedoill f but old Illbaillitaautotamed by thtiViroto44,ol3 l4 inkte f till , ot r g AOC !Oethi . . orP l ViriliP t rte,pf SVMS ;. t :Ths' point 41 , lit); tin spopeten*ien' ig , am* t . 41 at; itra oti.?' sf oh -o.lroirion , tiro rlilifie* too for With estornost And' to sd , wRh ' „., . . sthavi,allogedlo.4thisllglixitursotor of. Mr. Irviiia'a brothotefandaiiid /Only nddltlikt . it woe -shwa bi t thrnolo -/ itrodPer f,ol l Harried ilitYVoi'/hi AOiti oroloa viwidintitiVairitiltrytlimbl g g giodv.ifoowerwirmi married to th e late Dantal-Partll'ittorsay-at-law, and' the third sootnid , thyhtiii44.o 4ol l44 4ll)64 P , late of Zobosioern, and iost;osts by his rids it tpteL old oematery,of that ailliiko.i.' ,, W. - ',A . 4 ',-. t. -. . ' A le t l r, 19:11111". 1444,11 , migiiiiiithi, written' dor no so m e ' o sore wee, ttase '...iii the city of. Iles! Tork,:ite lesigbifelsi ktd • Jilts Anal, - --duty,' it Wiuldiminir'ilult •tat`tlitli. , 1 01 , ;b0)04' °at" be 1 :91 4 6 14 14kri , Tbe-1)14 4 54,1tb1r0. Willi non in • baud, was en, oissolate conunao, two:v.llw div, , tont frga _4lOl l / 7 401"tolo1:MuFt#07 , In W 4 044 1 2, Street' aftlitobtribotba owly imp( Wl* ilia jmu.,misity, end' his goshingl heart pours oat. its aye; 10100 of , Iffeetlon. Brom?tittr.pygit ,hriye, itliftidk litt!ill.F44 l 4 l rfirait; x‘l4" iii- our ' 11101 : it withoutonothSW. , llc,ws.s. panned...in .somanaired hoot .of Ibtrospookoo4 , faroweii, and dte'datalla should be it** &eoliths radio gam '. • Its Wilda; prooishinCriter - to the sstahlishisOnts Butosyside m a PrixpV.Ps.o2 l4 .: Or the;. AMP , * mod-bottle of itligtiV - A imft imm , .4 7lll4 ititirvOr:p . , :c-irrit:E.;- , ii 011 R 1 , .k so ..%-'/Pa N -f Aeterbd ier ths'riosa.l - R'li" gigirit'Of; ■inanin: 0:1e, DreiniOn,ltfiti-jtidgeSinirminod'.;4l meeting at tb 4 Y** 4l : - ... 411 94 Distngt'peugt-wunif NM?, at tvrllvd'eoidhic;so,4g4W.kihrgenumbefor Mend ' • idneeuiliitanem - otthe taw Battu*, niet 3rittbilltont SharstroOd was oalad to the ebstr,anAlifi..t O. Eosin; mien epoombg gemetUtig „, ' • Judge itbanisteed atittyl atqfpt et pe;rnmetlng In a brief but earnest enforf otstitirsatirtirt of Mr . Qaboit, and was followed br Judge Porter; who feer ed Mold lowing resolution! ,• I. . . ••• it esslrod, - That the} ; Fiat hay? -h t tlimai t p" Iral'ii ar i27 ° u it u rdiett fib ' t g a mily in their t 74 o ago,,,Lmii is , :t i i i v . a t t i gn i 4 . :4 ; 4 l, r i re .:brmesq”..hionortt.wwwet.hiletg. Wee of tO law. Ms Mealy no t 1 and imirwArvinc r tif:I;;P:ZIS Zit ALIZI, , till Atglita u . otie6 q .0.4 to .4, 0 4, *qr. tiv i e c ti, op t satire Ao dohe;, their, bean/ atritotiqn. e , f,hileed the warm deeded', or nis nefOOlatoe et the, F-DY hi. WOdelltr brill ltitiliella ima4 attd_Dl hinsteadg.desro. • • eherbed. That %glomtge , of llge,lgethog th the Chajrmaneatil&tetaty. titilefoinbsdtoatinvertq t ln h i e : 74ll 4 ; it ratt t• 7,04,1,1 the 10 i t f re Irerite u rid ir WrAttelEs &Alf Ids residence amor nen beet. to him, at find. tif afhthet Ton a:outer.* idranthe le the midst of strainer,. in fewoormiotistortho tateestagnaMi, the itheture, On epprewate the, feelings or a gonlig map. who ooniaafrom gromunsi mnage without hemial etude fir oznolitheartantithe his way. ill One albs first too ressione in- a gas_ t. oni• la the few , lears.whigh he spent here. Mr.,paltheint areas ereitteethad hie an thethationia*Ml ea nedepervettosug. egad. His temper wateptla, tibia monnOtsrofi lA, hill deportltwostre s 4roi, anst4h4rto,teecodto andrmirrectVojlilitgitooo42lltallottihTidirr.Tfonfa. had tosn.e. litestmagntof the Wr;. 1118 omit 1 though rthei elm expresso. teplageti ct o meter rir o view, Wiefoeltto be es itoted nom oar t his yenta , appeeranotrio in the TOSetldirebitthiat !S I TU ex hibited =eta Ms. & th en's , mire and'etni gilled I reatiuhr to see him .ocoupgleg -et the t l i ts lost. ion or a ended twethlnem. The death of sea A ton I a mimes toss Whitt profeseion. , At thirrticil Mohr , iktorg.ss genet as at anrether time, we Whet ten sash merg,men or good manner's.. thometh 'tint u;tit. Steeling integrity. I ereetlifielthilailhal kali ea d ell . end I have not wordirto eitittiaittryntentay Wit t, s immediatetamily. ne lett We q loatteelmger,and rich in the highest promises *at& aeon glee the re torted to dip upon its bosom, broken bg dteasiec . raft of all the 110001 WhlCillaltllift in llItlifbr:• 1 dir *Mail& the thotteht that -11w-lefti: -f alt- or, tlatt , . tter We which oartlftstensitheggi tlig/ttithi, 1 Wm. rt, Pi stag. Fog., mooonea reesteuemg in some renterlts ball ananharognate. He spoke of pnowing it:orilyief deotaied. gild of the lovine virtues of e roothsernowrin tosert4 - dgeoidni a lohtflinitalth, e.elimadded Mg tre nto .7.„., to th a Toovo4pasa at, at o d t Sam t. i . ,. i, . i.,.• .. mfia l ßit e igtftit a a l natiiriTga g o rUZ : trr it 'Z i ii . faidrro i httertiragt t 74 : ; "}- ._ a .rra w 'reao ti, smite theifothest ' Misit*tod pAila se'nur"t ni t 7iW i tt n ifi lt ilth A lnatit & Nam,. , . , o 00, , ~., . iiimentithprOlgas ltheltoted te %Mama S. O,, PY ok Nsin torfamily dui. aopossad t ~ , , , batman theti mourned. ,- - • ''' • • -' let ,Pallairr.lailfie.Y(Otebrard. T .All Oa emit of , iniorr a ltrorozarieV,l4Ju.a. l l4. 6 o*, teethe tOa .for r i' i'''''iv ' 'hie "1.1 s gata tin t : sa. A oss.g 1ar........" ,I . v -, titte a de ittriest i r Ow ipiti a r"N o -re- 1 the k e erths t itgrh a =l4JA.Vih tt' T . Ogle= were th i fitrt II thefthittiroacrible. o gri t rr i li t I:l743:lll " seboVralin, "' inirAw_4, t h e prerentatioateVOlrer tbs lire 06 .' L.l;',V• t l t onnurioratentiOne teartrre t e torlirettop, 00, , of width dirikeition*Wele re .. ... ,-- ~- .... Afternhe . larrootta:for: sphuatithrid Teeth anb- Mi tt a rt i n t l bit gu er A e n e l n Ta ll i tZr iitt et. Cb il i t tl Af tisa ir e est :treaLt d P e t: ita l 4 u l a l l! Pie of law tnetalte.invol t ie prim • doe s nbt mat the mar k e t Jades tWOIXIVar 118'4 !v.:m.oi act er II nomad rthetlterss trite e niggle* dm -tot Ltu • the pearmit, orientally ul , the can •arta seat map a hem in hew Yhtk tetanal:taloa , rM la thal di* I but there was dome Wagons in s- s h ag to a hesitation, and he wont& let lt , go; to the jag. Ti al ti detente lii;i . opened. and itwairetated that attar ` the diettnotiens been sent in regard MASS prise; a 4he sugmant a that'wile sold, th e :riot:Ws unto.g 11,801Lmaing that that ware T.:es for_gloglti Whail,finloPfil ;yds trapeenitted,.and kg, Won mat port 4 1 1 0 oweatiatte. tenn i t t la c Z&W A/ nt t lirfrit n e i ß i t , I°lllll -- gliMiniqtrAVlZlNEet:lfrtt ' llllr4,ll; to telegraph o desolate/I , as , to the _ prices at whist the gmAd were.sd . tneseraiWittietste were Fed, who testified that t irvwerewt thostle-in Feb -11. lid, and Vat the geode Weight eggailieetikteee. of ou tided , meuntersrkinefor littlettinit monif tomer', or defendants. Qtr,ang,ag-Sztanatte-..itidge .Antsion;.-4Tobri Lastiamai &Argo withocirronviltod of, *whitely o r l c cost ; VTOPOIII 9 OM* MMUS "4 .1 4 1 l:bl" to inx months In the wont lerlsgee., - .., ~ fl ' Zechariah, kihasr, was' 0 oleCrth itir ttit-tilree broirethwarraithOttent whiff, 'b o ho ehtlidlith it PM- Ver1314114 gniity.'snkae, promo alto; ordered toper • the dote oforameation.r .DlOlOr.Matetletti . 4ppllrllik, 'CEO..Stied ktik. - '-'''-• , ."' ' ' . ---- ' ' %.• wihiftin ' me/ WWI Alined inth.twieleraratair, in owttottar pubbe Juatzea Dy.attamathhcla malwaa a. 11" L t it " } " i: I/ Crft i ttc h A d lir " . 14"ta F 1,4°"1 - 0 1 v l t aol;li r athat, tilisai other, Cider's. lieln . .• ton, god ohata•-4. Monin er..were obhmted A, three ten/ ofindiotment. with tot Wad witsiltiatethet-• terrine% gi, etherd ertigita - ,Toriolt Mutt as, end ,morgarq and Bantam ...Lotrhearo. it Camara mu tit@ , helm worcbaAaa t t • Partr , er Parisi tlialh Mel chamois:tree% pion e ileum/We went tato the , 5 end °method thew y form - , VerdiOtleUilt VI to mies Leather-tied GeormalEg i llgtoll. spaniel ire Os/ to theltPer delesught., 0. tamper Mr rewPi"! " 42.7 " 4 - fteeoOii,o 0114 - e'er orioil,' toi . ottrowl hs * unit id ~. ,- . . . , ' Gomm t‘,s,u-4udge:Ludlow,.—Tho ma 1 .-• ' " tADELPitIA 80 . 411.0 01 1 7114D1L ii R i ft NsTE!ll.--.;:ici...c.'..ii.„-BONA. , •• :- , ; , , , ,,8481184.i480011,:: - !:%„':::4' , ' ,'-'_ iitili llBo Bj4A l BolloloB.ltiniiplits.l'_,," OP, • ' stlw%amt?,.,. ..,,,•,• baddlio Iwo' , Lip 7 1 ; l ir ji"..! usa. t .:.7. " l:l,lo " grchiet7et e : : : nit Itlfohtan!wqr..,-..4..pu0 do Fero. Noon k , , blll ei, A4 1 0 41 14...0 • fi . ...4 ••••My „.11010011 k r /1 it i _ ll is t rwrigtt 41 ;i pa crif. eghi.itnr. 4.t.,..1.1,.. .4,01., as. I t lattets • • swop /Ovle ro ty 8 roil .9p ,S la Wit p ototnoreporiOnn. wi tot, *ward,* lute At the wenn Lena OliakPin.sdo p ..b41011,' MOTU. - Th 6 Cikforeltoklktl !Minim rioll friotti•Nori York on 3k k,snf i %IWO h r AVIA ' : W o k e; Zitat loaf a. 2142.1.4"-pflizrf.:Affet,&-.. *IJURg flt ELLIGIENOE. °:- POIM ir -f "PH iL AIIIELPMA: "36--EVN MAn ri Thk " -: 7 -7:-1 1,-zt -,,,. - "'WAIVED. . ntitiontskir Dourworoi SwF. Pt bouro l tern Plea Yejirll titaidilliAdi pilleSngsrli * o ;Amu Al derdioo,, .: alp , iltaaaaisit Brl , tisilsolls ds .011•14alit , , 10111 UPI* ono vikosenori to roworo w 'it tot; , , Bait notituttostriltottalury.imiadifitzwwtie it• %Wit. AstOrtereette pat la la dia2: o 443l=alk . tor 2rlaellittMs e tom ,troporrymottW so tO t toL A fitted, k Co. . _ ...' euidolhitilrozothgtoo, katf Bost:mat 'Mason nip ornr o oriout, rtouarhor.l4o,tpo. 'rhos Akthar4- laili ti i fill x. 4 gektonw -I%ti l . 3 ' it M olk 4 l e lb t fite be it 'irt h is s r. of amnion. -Amor, Otholuegoo f Stewart, &roots 88br. I, lit Abott,./liihtise Obarkestika, Pettit, Martin far natio, s ratr, gals OaittDel, ea c p r tate. _ , zglizigiforr,)&ll/,lhrAgrelt ittuiod &hitt i v igiolli u 'itodit, true, oftobtio. orr ' wit, rode. thuaro, A Gummi, tr, re;-...rdlmmAWneteriais of 2%* &road:, ' c.; .T , 1. ~,,„, ma c.: - a/or - RR Int GRACE,. Aft. It leak T ilifrati l 4=n d rA at natal k i '"& ll, tyiplii , f r thmetsitto, buttons with the stroatiat A, my, at theT of 4 let into this can*. attoootiontouths foe. he river it wart elos with in.. ThIEMIOMIIIp wilt *we ktut l iotowaseke 'city, t pomade, as Noon as imacttaptarts. . ICl"j3tl" l l2 filp.RB l" l 4, 93 fliftfriC No rets ba art Ohner.to mitt or ont to day, t oo it, se/ 1 0°W 14 ' ' RIL - viviii4ANDA.?...., Berk Inas 11, ,Pp10 , ifitalii 4l64 P l4l 4. - .114 00414110 : " Al re figi f figP lg i : ol oll 4#;#: l 4 4 lfti $4 wart titpitin,46,:6o/: fit,,,ListAtiletia rent;, Trb g oo ° , nit la Charlie - Wu Ilth est. Militate*. t I I " 7th o n y tog ran an. . este snood ti s hs e;ert 111:140 th• Saone! stltteithoYease :irons a , kat otovevs,rscs 1, 0 .nrsnotdrtt gaits, and ‘64,46 leneftriiilipttall4Flfge‘frwlfe4t mace[, in A O lg i' hei rli ar n" 44t "4 411 * Patterson. '' '''' ' Illoivi Mt& " Bohr JC. Hand, for t Jackson! , 4) I s ......L f h w at...Vglgratii 6444; • %into iii Y‘ev ..-- .--t.. b o lo i i i ty. - ' ( o,l4isscons" ist Sobs its Jr Do i ..r 644 *9 , ~, , —'. l gir; * t k .'liVal ls ' , . 4o6 4 4 ; h qs", , , 4'1144 at 74,1'‘ t t j: I F t' ll ll 1 t .E. t, Ita 61 iit s i ti - ;fen rcif it 0 i 1 0110 s , 6 I , ton.rfirp6 , 6 z , ant ,. 61 4 to ~.„ ~ i .. Be .„ or, A1t..;),!v4411W14, 1 1106 ir BAer f e se T I V ' 11? 4? 4 -11 - 4C1 . 4.411i/1 'f r o 1,41 ziyar lat *tal vtbr at 1g Bartes, rumors, hands, salm . 4!):o2r, i r g Neltarviii;lTCat . , Dcidon Iditi nut. f° P hr tan Dari kli rliair. TtocksAro. ontDm 's srdanois f0r.W11... It Al airai: batri,*. Pro4itnott. &V ) VI " Ph' vi ti rs ui li n allityr t Pr oVa r Tr/ 4d i rd; tit' D ;il: :' dos lilt=uun 6 trorn"l'le port Mb init. - = ... !Mr•l'oult , ekwtr.yomsiv#334 at • ,Oiti :ilit,,,Ail tvitee ,4 o o w:hewle , 1 4 1 : 4 'f, ',11 V 1, 0, 1 4' vaer . f ' 4-`' 9 l' ' 'A' ',, ';••, i-r,,' ~ ..v, v , : tdialoii,:2o i., , Aifir, ,,, - ---t slf,kriirbeyobp vett that the Me t &sal 'lac at ' th e /masochist"- noci -- Yincsord - 'Mgt . 44; -41 *lc/ , pooVisOf,t olal , dilD :Pk: A ',j o i n CP 4 ,;' ' • *lot WI i w) , , iti rea 4.1 1 141 ..11 g t o6r6,‘ , kVA, coniwr p:s.rai `,,, F _-:-. W , ..., s gcriss Anstddtor. Poona District. r:~ ka-.,, LA N' 01 ivictirogo-vo!**-AofiM,b.itifyi a se-. tlo1 6 .... _„.. .„ ' sv , (,A".• .. - ''• - .` .06 - '— ' ''' 1 * ' " Lt ' ' Bette o iied tirilirfo:lioilpy men # truMt us tx, ''..;:,%:; . ,i ' :./,•• Witltial t rAilka,i6. itinza :ioiii,iiiitaili atun"'Zrls ,0 Tri l i4 n r yd.: •:, ,'' Atlateltadm ; , Vtit ' --. ,ux.A..mprt.m. V.P 7 7 4 '. 4 7 ' t6 . '' iii C4ll"""f ltireltie. 7106 0? 4 . 11/ ~, I la thAttlEtrprnde osnlat ry. 4 47,, , : i- ,',,„r u t u al . n - ftili uo ' 'iiii bilio ' llmi46 „etr,tolly'4o:4ll9rOuifollosriugt,„, , :40454,,i,=1, i 4.; ; .!.:';!•.:,',' ~-,-,..; ,: k.. ..' -.e., ;,.-, , , . -.,141:1141 - illid ' •'. R. , " : :-"'-'- '6 7 Ai . 444 '► 'i tcOot ltl inreeit ' ii nnsi g titutet aeu. tt ir . sruti - s " ,13o1 . A niinotos t : Youoiur. toortieks;:anntat . rit,,- , :,, , ,,,-:;..-,-.,',. , -,.:: * ,c ea: 0 , -,:ai g . 56, igiikolre,iBjiaii:liiii brim, ru t tityla rrauttriroEuxtrardaurriBooouul Irk 1 ter, Ni4,mu, oh - aura Canna and Ter Batai eoimultian of affsi - ,Fork. - and spoo n to ! ob! ton. ; vi i .bottmitr f tror. poi it),ut WAN IMO VVO T f it i, ll.ll36 i 8 4 1444 6 1 1 44410140400 AO** de: - t r ii.-- 1 51ittottiiiiii166 ; i6obaued for cash or token :41 .9• -. 11 A 4 r.e a1i t,.9 4 , Ana% 1 Cd.'B. - ' - `4441 , .“" '-',, ~- 4 , 1 - nto.loB : oltaiSTN UT Btreat, „.... iSTERLING R E, resitietfill7 tniorra, their nunitiretueletrenethat tiutititiv#OPptED A FORE at ; Whin be reirelikk meet tittteeiiive ae'rertuirit oc , L.* I It • W A 11.8 ! L i latit4Ofth'eli r oiiiiatit,iiiidiiiuns;4 the titiegi 114446,4titysilstow,s,rtiosoTibielp osahe round in •itr; ' • " ' SILVER WARE. ' WM WILON & SON takits entndel attention to their stook of SILVER WRY, wale* 'tallow ninwitilir largei affording e vs 'zloty of pattern eintibudiiii nnearnanied by any Donee the peltatiAtehee, and's( fleet waltz than G meaulho7 fared for tat* immlOtszli out or th• *odd. - - Oar; Standard of. Silver Is 086-1000 parte pare. The BlNglpth'Sterliaft - : ars- - noo - ft , Autetypaa And Treesqtl '.900710 . 00' k • I 'A I v .r f 0 .1 .1 11 .11. • „Thealterillbeseek tkuotere give tarty-tee wallower thee the ankirlessend French c9he, anittea'inita inirer thea the l'ahileh Sterling. We milt ill oar own Silver; Porenuinheing ernsettedirith-dießeAdiheyie eilrtgue, ntertheVaitedaiiitee Mint for eertinlyiimirc rusan_teoth Oat , ex Acme We, whiah Is the Jima `OM waw a , /60 0 lo snettieSit, end will resist the melon or adds meat &tug siwee Rte ordinary Sileir if* 10114QN •ik.SoN • ointargancrwen 01118.1 W isreed awfi ars; teee Safenle:tal'evosse d Asset- Deakin supplied tritteithe mak standard as need In 9 retail department. " ' p• - intrit aim Ne:uxio son Mire, oonateatir ault•dot ,1 1101DBN-:14 , BR - • 7,,,CaTtriiini4izmudforrto OF WARN , • . • :/f Li t ifit t irSentFretrefej'abaYf ( ° 3 ! 41111 , r ": :,41 111 1 0 444 - • . • • '• IN' a • rl? ; • „ platilar onall kinds of sastaL- - . ' selklY '4".f03011,1#401t 110178 EB. ROBEENGLIAM, WRLLEI, . 36 1 LBTITLi STABET, AND 34 8013TH FRONZDTRIRT. ' ' ll ES. itptiblo for itrt6.l3 ; l44yi antlobbers, is large ivatei • ; , , IBEET bOATINGS AND OABRATIS - Wiud4gtoil orciais e ksia34oi, tooth tot airing traiysi iIEiNRY-D.- NELL, ''„ 1 • NOS. 4 AND ,fs Korvin SECOND &razor. oigaqcATtAcks, OnrNollitit4l , 46loWW.k. PANTED, AND pLArif _ . • .Ii°I94,SRIdWMOSTIVETICr&o, ken , Via ; 0 E' A AST Xr II TA IL utT-InkOtP6, FROTHINGHAM de •WELT,IS eolith jiorir . , -AND so . tstrilk. OTREET. Arr i.a• of Good! Manytaottual bT the,f01k.744 - 00,40444,'ypitKAaaot • ' " • • "Ac%16.'1? ' T.; • • , .• • • „ • ••.• • ' Itiva •• ' • apyr49.llT, i i - - - r • AI . L, BM., • ad s skunting. • ahirtiip, ; -- XME.PORICBriIIK - PRINTS, • l • ', 11,0 M 0 ,4ft - COlittai,r3 ist",:fixrntiseDva' is Mai viri4l. l• iiirritc-toike •PAnted 4X-Ifoo Mid cotton,wp& uiothai bearyow, an us rem, *mfr.!, and 34100ta... Rat e .s‘l4 lll .t.ei'afug P** *4 : ,'"1“"a SEMorri - gAZARD, & IWTORINSON, Neils OHSBTNUT irr.. 6:110143SION MEROHASTB , , PoR Txx BALE OF • PIIILADELFI-11*MADE JikiBBEIVi. • MEAtRTIVIA.OIC. PRINTS. runt.rnri NEW ETYLEs. Aiso, " 1f.4194.17 NEW ISTYLEEI • ic4itilkiistis PRINTS CASHAIRRES AND DR LAMS, AND JO. xor 13 . LADR..SILIKS.' TEM -/KONVAT,--p - BMININEE.. _ JOSHUA- L. DAILY, = , ARD JOBBER: OF PRY oQi* jli2;llp -." us ,itmoorr, sins". PROpO_IMICA, FOIL ;LOAN. AptditTFloo, 'Q'PY OF PRILAIM.PRIA; Damon; /2;1$09; PROPOiAI:I4 ,YOB,LOAN • OF FHB CITY V1 0 PRIUDELPHIA, AlAbortud by Ordisouses Onrcereil Wombat Itibe A. D. 1014. PR O'PCiS'A t 8 • • • • T.°. /"! . 1 TPols" • • of Pii0i ; p51.14.1,3 FO&_ .OITY LOAN," WIU be received at the Mayor's Mks. in the eft/ of PhOadelihts; petit SATURDAY, DteRMIIRR 24, 1869, AT 12 , 0'0;,001; M. r FO4 . : LOANING TO THE CITY 01 PHILADELPHIA !RPM RIINDR.RD IHOUSAND DOLLARS, POI. Irldoh dottifiast r ox of Xxilsivs , tONß HUNDRED DOLLARS sod upwatOvill bejaiu!d, beFing Interaet !LI OM PER OENTPH: pai,opoiAn!, . , PREZ) FICOM, REDEEMABLE in Y YBdRB itortr.DATß: prosioiisA rius'elved (oven: stun, but ',lota 7 lVnotiona of one hundred dollars, yhelrOpotnan;tifillit;*iflti .Olt Tin iitn ainEpazdnit. ume. ." • • ; • . By th e Mayor of the Citr,ln tbitinutenite of the City r'rA9 4 .l l ,, l o° 4 o l4 Ptr! i , s P ie., 2 HIGLIAT OPFER WILL BE ticICEIIT2D; e . r:Styliaerylen-. the right w neeept , or deans the of Tarthent bo:re!thired the thirtrAttet da l of Deeernhnr, Intermilt to . ••;, ,Oinerethe eitint 6rid. of ',Tannery, 11 0 21*. ALEXANDER B E NRY, . 11134d24 fdAyo,4 Or PRILADEPRIA, . - OA4- r ,pq." r , - -,?1 t UR ! 4 •:• .p v7i r • ' I , AI) HU, T HURSDAY, DECEMER -- 15 - 1.859.' 1,6 4419-4* 5 XOTIOE,TragPtc u. . . . a .1 . ~ r V: k 4: 33 r 1 .: 6 ) 1 : iro 1 } : otin th ower ::: : - it ff: wtEl: 'll::::::::rinstolvitrtit,Ekoeseoe: bd Z o n ;5 11 .I P a e tk:cikri A 1 1 ) ri MYR pairt.tor i.;m64,oc;iinu ;004is,ity,30 4,, dmitiornatsigig . i et thi , Viliciat' elicitii c • T es4l" - -,. .• n.Vrlliaripmv.ti44.! ~ i - : , . „71 . PHILADBLPHIA L i -A P' 1 "' I T O', . d Wfirnif ig. I": , Ayes the Deokat 47 , 1 DRQAD slid VINE Atr okt A.M. M. i DA ,03 dots sowed, for F • BvILLD, RADIUS R% aria all interuopettete pkintA odmg(dtipg kt wirl o ntxtt wit. 4 traincrtinnt Mt b 7„ Ft! Drug, OlhambnburN, a§tillirnori, ko. Ivo at SAO M. 3 4.11.. Y. I).T atTEIVILLE and a Buono, • •• • •• • • • •._ tpo P. M.,DAILY, (kundsysexceptod.)for READ , , V a4l4t4 P e4 .V.V . ol7,7lB7o7 l l.DaWrataiv. alli., f, ..WORTII;,X I TSNISYLv Mit l kert tki i PP. 43) !' ' ~; rot BETRI,EITEMir DOZAIN I WN.A64/.. plii 'AL Et i as Pil i nN l T lS Z wi k try I narei n NlN tr:734; .- 77tet t e t z ih.,l /4 1_2. ,; t ~..t.aruid.t.„.i.reenp.p.oplgua Chunk, <A' Beite,hem, ( airesc) at 9.80 A... 7.7. and 8 P.M. 4 oi l ! or ettOirri. (Aeoonunodation,) at &40 At M. and 7 ' . o • Y 7,_°l:fpligledivrratigftl° P. M. Leav;Bet eheni, (Raven,' at BA. N. and 4.ILP. M. Leave oyleetcrern, .(Aeoomeoodation,) at 7A. M. and 8.9) P. , , . . , Leave Fort WaabinutiromnaodatlonO MR A.M. .1 , 4 1 , P4YB; - =ion %Torii a o unimeolssl4.3o A. M. Yleetown s for filtrid:A T VT A.lii: ^ • Zenetrera n n r4 L o gl a _l ' OVggeS t otts . AAP to Eoton, QUO: to s...dentoe.,B9oen.e. • ' . ,Tbroghtioketa moat be tamped Deforo entering the 01 A 117- rameger Train" (meet Ilen4ty Train") oon asot *tiler etreet Inth ' , lnn Ana IT -streets, gad 17 . 904 1a1l erla ltird7l l D.eeta Paltenget 1 oade. . a 7- ~, 3 . ,, , 'll' t 1 `a li..lB 0 D.R• 'Arent: ' rt - pmLAD ELpnIA, alai • ;-.. mAkpovnc.AtrD .2(0.A n• 10- Lit AD- WINTRR_ARRAFORrazi - and aft& r MOMAY_Lsiongi, Ifre, FOR CERMAOWN. isisys Philadelphia , 0,7, 7.80, 9;10, 11.• And 18 A. M., 1 'Lionel; t iknViyi l ', k nelli Ario m ,o,A.m.. nigir4g, e , • .. . Ova Philadelphia 9AB fl, A. hr., I, SC, mid 10 P.M . ve CArmantown 5.10 min. A. U., rau ram, ridi and 0 ../d. , GICESTNOT HILL , RAILROAD. Uwe Philadelphia 6,.7.80, II A. AL, 3,4, PC, 7, and 10 P. air. , . .. . . . . - Leave Chestnut U 1111.1.8, 1.40, BJ6, and 12,40 A. IR., 8 11 54. 6.4O L an ,,_ B IE r EITIV I AYEI,. .„; 4ave Phiumemnia ate A. ~ &and aa, P. . l av p ilhesingit Rill 7,80 A.,,M., U. B oi 9.99, 111919.411 Olt DonaliOlicior , tri Ail) zionmatowar. - ~ a riaitalelen.q. 9 , 124, alto., A. fa., 1.06, &06, aftv'e a fioiNaoaa 6,7: IN II A. M.. IM. SM , lima li t y .,' r. beim rjulsglidphili l lge2bol. ave 14°rtisi ltle t idAttS U s t i. • Letratiligitlettailii, 9, UM A. MOIR, AA 606, it e itst, , ano ism . , ave mailing 4K, rig, Pi, PM, and ug A. M., ft, g, LI, 6)f, and 115V.81. 6 1 6 3/51 6 Ay0 •: , t 1 j e i. iive Finhidelphin 9 A. ALA and sy M. . vs hiaygri4Sdet g i ng t, i ..... • n-tf , C2KAT.II7I-1/4 sad 0 HlMlRo t is. ' iirtigt PHILADELPHIA,7I LMINOTON, AND BALTI -I.llJlDia, Nalata_aa alaaa,_ RIFT& • Tam 8 LJCAVA - . r/11/4.DELrinAt na sl„ . Itimore at 846 A. ru e 11 noon, (swims, ) arm 4:;5411 t er at 818 6'1 A 1 it137130 3, "d I I II.IN L er qw. ni as u itest ANA. ti:i, itud4..aot ) ii . .M. -. , Or t ddlostown at IL A. sa l and_4.3o r, - , er ver MAU A. . and AO r,h-1,._ or lihrd at 8.15 A. ~ an 400 P. U. or Mil at 843 A .. . oi ti l44 .7) p FOL 1 _ ,"11i91N8 YO RIA.AARTFIIIA Leave pa tinserecraven,' a t i e s s i ve Vil l iingtin at lid A. 01. and 11.40 A. M., L 46 and itiv i e d Latirsl at 11l A. M__,: ' 1in13.40 'POW, tile AV at !re A. t.',1111 It' i',..p.T: • sgb ppg at 9.06 A. M., snd 5.00 P. Ai. meiMiddletown ar 10 A. M. and VA p. m. aro s ew Castle at ilatt., M. ipol BP. rd. ave heater at 8, UA. rd., nu- ann 9.15 P. % taw Sue illjsmore fo r Laurel and Delaware at LAU A. m tRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Lea Qester as AM A. 91..9;„29 and 11.40:p. svp Wilmington at LIS A. in.; War. M., and AN Aris , CX7 at 11.10 P. M., frldsogighis to Baltimore. li at 8.15 P. M.. from a ltuwp to Philadelphia. F WET TRAIN, With ABElldri GRA OAR attached, will run ea follows: I,Save Philadelphia lot Perryville' and btermediate o r. e ..yr Wi t ert ton for Perryville and Internigdigto Love_id 'ip w ilin:' g_ton for Philadelphia and intermediate pt sat 145 ,1• 14 . fa. . ave Haltimore for Bternmer'i Ran, chase's, and Hp swbod at 801 I'. M. - - , - ' " B. M. Pki/PON. Preeident. • 1, - 7 ** '' ' '' ' ''''''' . " ---- I , IfIIiADELP)IIA - AND • Orit . v%'t li. U WoUr n Me l etrrP M at, . 1. " ra i li r ssFa r ' Wirt ". gr .. i ' , t, , .. , . treat. t. t e,petro t, le , fit. I,4tufi g oti t b i tto l 6 l lll ° 4l9l33 l 9ll4 " 2;l= - . Y,(Bundus ezrptxl4l4 i t. Po Niff:Mook ' ,Ualena,Ut. ° Paul'a, dm - Luton. infi t, ~ - , • - • I_l. •- , . I Pd 31 "1 1 011124 R et4l ' Einan StoO ar iv a rind 4 lin erg et, 01 %, }3. r. ~ , 0 , saa,Ut. 7 uul a r ston, 4 e t..V ea AV P: hi. WI:Me ma through to IfigiUßN: itopping at ali ➢ Atattose on tho Lebanon ey a , ,- • , , ~ - eTV . ti: train oonneate at Rupert for Wilkes. karditt A ita gma c Mittil a ngtu t og A tte LACK } j g ge. eaaaal ' a4 ao Elmira , and Anspenalon 411=1 l itet TP RZ 611 ei i A tVill k ittl i ii. 0 g T arid CR fp 'lllr-V4 i tnd et the am,- ge . %FA W, no. rztAiN Le l veg efoi h pled Mg' alran kf reVZ7.l 4.:41 1 .,Vant. I . tits must be Wired pefore 8 .r., in. to insure o,llg , fke same day. , ': dr at urth.rilurre Vr.,710a4 bei.nr Vine, ' CiffAn ! B. s , N, am slAgentt il ° Ti'e44. earner Bay sad CHEEITZtIir Mee . ' 'l4f , ,' - ,-, li .., ~ , . , , himdelph a. t" . ' " • WEST MESTER, and PHILADELPHIA RAIL RUIN:IN:WENT. • 2 . 1 P flaS.V .. fte n r effii p alffi r gliatn, N. aA 1. and treetii, at 8 allr: ;OM th e DEPOT, ott UST e:„ AT. ac,r.la an 1130 api 4.16 0 . 01117DAY8—Leave l'ailadalahlio4 A j ,51. 0 vd P , Lrava Wad Crlt4r j : l l lir A' ra Sa ll Wad Len fFe: 4 1 :118:4 1 :11egnit i lloa ii4lelPhynd a Oman Central Waned., or Collet& Qad ford, einettfigtuire, and Avo,aue. NirucY,rloo 06-tf trone Superlnten ant. LEGAL. . . _ FIT :THE COURT. OP. COMMON PLEAS i 4.,„..E:pr,„., AND:COUNTY OF PHILA. Sti 0- ritlf4treh T. 'let ; telt: Nati if limp, vi. Ali Li. HARDY. r. JOHN t. HARD —Sri: 'You me hereby notified thet the Cour has m oryanted a rule. in the abovoee. to show cause w y a divorce a vomit° merriment% should noi be deemed, returnable December td. J. IL BE rtgTT .1 , I.l..tutbit. , ' ' Att'y for Libellant. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND QOUNTY OFIJULADELPRIA, La teoflBAA o lIACKUN, Deosesed. To Auditor eppotnted_hythe rut to audit Bettis /In adittst,the accoUnt of WILLY A. HAOKE,ft and A. . TAP REKSJZktoutots AAO BACKI:ft, de. handsof and to make distribution of the balanee in the hands of the, Accsrantant, 'meet the parties] pte r astad for the purposes Of her eepolutment, on wf:LI- H b VDAY,,re Alet dm of •Desember,lBB9 t at 4 o'clook h a t itl p t 1 1 ,14500,, no. 811 it ROA Street. in the city or JOSEPH P. BRINTO. d.lo.atuesthet• - - • Auditor. 0 . THE :DISTRICT COURT FOR . TIIE A 'OIT7ND COUNTY OF NULADNI,FILL Joseph ieltimeyer ye ,nrepit fiehurr. ri. a.. June T4'69. o. E:l9. , i thp o. je Petsoh r..loseph &him ! Pt la.. Sept. T.. _ r hit. A , vi.viiot,..Jqoph gdurr. Fi. fn., liapt 1: '69. op. 17. i bu tot !1 1 1 ii i fuss slrtst,ed lg o theXotzt e toirap e ort diet% p perty of the defendant, l un l it: t e he above anl e sunLy other 'Tete. will at en the duties of his appointment onEMONDAy AFTEKNOUN, 4 . 4 4 o elook, 114,,5tin4 , 44 19; 1859. at his ofliob; q the Betitheast owner NIGH. cell LOCUST Stream. when :and where All persons In es esteil are requiritt to proxi d tgbe d ir claim', or be de. ball ad ""nun filittn, nuveritEßTir. ' Auditor. 40t• COOARTNERSIIAP lkdT CLS DIeSOLUTIONI 'OF PARTNERSHIP.— Ihe partnership herebMore existing between the su*oribere: nodes. th 6 bra of COATES Ile BROWS, at to. in Mitlket. !sleet, Plultujelphil i and N 0.60 Pine btreet, v i New York, he Me day dissolve by mutual ton seat. The bemuses or the late fine li lar settled by Herd. Coates, at N. Ls/ Market eir r eet,Phsadelhia. ! . . , ! ... , ~ ! , SM. DO/LT El,_ , , • . i ) Avry.R. Id OWN' BENI ,AIdIN COATES trl foominue , the Wool buil :leis MAN 11l Market street, rhiladelphia, and W 44,. TER BROWX3rIII continua the Wool business at No. 00j'ine street, New York. , December I, ISM.. . , 111040 N OTICE, The Partnership heretofore DiNrEil n . g ttrn l : n as Q 6lo ls : is 9° o(l 3 LE lrsd k OAAtt ii. .l 4 . , been dlesolved, by mutual agreement. CHAU. A. DANIELS alone I. authorized to dolled monevtidue to thsi tate firm. Oh°. w DOLBY • ' ouns. W. DANIAS. kluladelphla, Dee. '9th. 1860. OS If SOTIOE-1$ REEREBEiGIVEN i that the firm of WARIE, CH,ADWICR & 11111 hie day cbssolvedi • The eats!, an p. iald ' a . tovjp lon will be oontinue er the ad • .r • PVT K & BRO., at the Pio east oomik i f 3 l: OP. nd CE Streets 1,. W 1 ,F: i l ikoß, piladelphis. Juts 31,1A0a, Jytt-tf CHARLES RUMPP,.. PORT P,MONtIALE AND POCKET BOOK .• „ MA,NI.7.I7.4PTITRERt 47 North SIXTH 861139c,b010ir Arch, FormerlY of illtd ,Nprti Fouyth Street.' • Porte-yininnsies. Cigar alien, .P,ookot Books, Port felioa, calms, satohels, FIRM, Dressing Cases, Money Belts, Work Bones; ko.. wholesale and retail. BeMirizig done with despatch. • ; d1i4t2401; MORE PROOF 'OP THE. WONDERFUL EFF_ECTS OF. MONELL'S AMERICAN HAIR REPARATOR. pluaannuamta, Illaptemtgar %Rh, MI This In to certify that bald toy many years, and was recommend ed od r try ya% Reptcator ;at h i atAn E il n r gg ireiyetrt g t l i * g de ? eggr anaiithlar life ad a:asbere, gq it WW441 . 4117 °reforms . . /4°,89. tio;th tura stritet. PHILADELPHIA. September 21tb, f r. J. F. hioNat a f i l Derv' 80,-some ,tiglitnae Lf,%::YßlTocrege r omal:tair, holirlag otthl . tn i ! derful poweref yoUr Reparatoy, I wan arms to buy a il t t u t i le,_ and after using one-half of it. MY' hair not only aased coming out, but °entranced grßiping finely, and I ve now al' °nog 4 9180IrEVA, • ' No. 624 Cherry street Forsale_hy T. B. RETERS.gc.Co., Sole Itm:: : tMo, 716 cr-mSTNUT Street. Philadelphia. 300 BBL!, No. 1 ,HERRING -100 half vaat i llt MARC.eu te ., Ettarag CHEAPEST WINDOW GLASS -in town som ft. , nzaFp„ a. W. cornier of 6BITSIIOO, NEW YORK SYRUP-300 R Ws : assorted Iforjue br JAAEB OLENATABt OeL NOT Cos, N • A. uTIOR.-The PENN.BXLVANIA RAIL (ROAD COMPANY 'hereby altree notice, In ao cord re with the Provistonif an i :or Assembly an. titie 'An itet reliant; JO oaf of mown , Comers and here , " approved Nato 10, ,to the owners, the o minium. and to all dit Orpittierila ,any,wayjn. tare, ed in any of A 58 ,1 topooi,ok. merorianatie, Inen oned in the Doh We attaenect to Una notice, Pat . 4 1 1' • Fit cirrActuirtririd.„,r,eglttgint IT. „,,, i i i, ~,,, two Mid tgi s.ccoc.gnees men.vircreget,,imigtriplcirinve. le 'a e yaw iptothsea coon fel, 2 5 5 d PO 'AM, i tereetedi taot, anoe .t 5 ,IY2OOI one at Gerd that tII said (0001 wares, g t hlete w rr n e b tAdli:d the etude: d.Ty", unltir the erorielol of e514,40t e iteee P ll4.so,lpld Po daalei at the etiot °rumen a Fenny> wino., Ra f. road 00n1968Y. 911 f. NNW( ntreetinthe a JP Of Phi* delphia, on eiON AY.,Dleosmber Let ,1860,00ndmenelpg et 10,A. M., and t at the proceeds wi be applied to the Payment of charges and examine, and the residue. if an g.twlll be held !wded loth, order of theowner of the property timid I ~. - - DA'PR. OONSIONE/L 'ARTiCLEB. FREIGHT 8 4 .AT PHILADELPHIA. Nov 7, no, • 2 bblelleatme 1 • 'Hailattlite • • • ' l a i 36 21 •Feb, J W Peter*, 2 bend tent poles, 7 1 11 .2 6 itirr .fl Irlogetah, t i lr , iin Men Mal , tudonse, , 1 - X dram, • 8 m July d, tintlint 26 CO, 2 ide POilKlte. 8 1 Aug 9, anal ft , $ boat! ot , ra , ..1 Writ ht, bag ol bags, Siptit, 11 V i ol, " rigillemi:endise 75 061 ' 4O, litehag_gli)e ' vaae, x tango.), ' I fit Dee iry, go e i g,wh te Ss Co, 2 pas 2 pos marble, 1669 14 56 ,21. Ina lobo, ~." •Ix bitters, 20 52rd 2, 4 r nelnaboid, .- s drum, . 12 80 :: ill; it P E Ttg; LEW:I,, I l i a , Mayls, DT °L. Jenks, x merchandise, 11 m ttly 10, 0 Btrach k Co, child's pomh, 140 Sept*, /1. 540 PC 2 enlpPy Ws, 120 eel' 8, L Booth. , box merehendiae, 767 8, Ei 311 eLauxine. box merchandise, 436 18 , $/: _ si t i ' ' Al: ghfrrt}S'nyther, 17.1 Vara:: 4 067 Mai 7, / I Pnos, 2 bags barley, lel Jur -. ITlffla_2„.• •• , , iox : , merehe,ndise, 341 j t r ; 27; 1 raWl,' ' tier "Tr key 1 lo i t A ug - 1, : Woojenal,' ' 1 naitt gas pipes:. 71 tiePl.2sl titonitl. Igt Mg kt:47, . 1 7 4 o.i f, 1S 0 boxes glassware. 133 ~. ,8, ordborn, Iron safe and press, 79 72 " 18. nlamint 8 boils merenandme, 844 sc Nov 26, Thompson Stew- L'z e ~. 3d, 0 ollinirehied. eg oilleL ehanali. 2 1 MI N DO* ill, g Llo yd kCo, x books, • • 1 73 " . 29, I' Sharor, . , chest, , . . 464 de . 11 W u Crave, 1 18: B mu d & d. boa 14=104 802 :: 1 ; 7 6 ; pal ftrytr, 121: k 4. .... 5 40 80 ApA 16, Idorldg, 0 241 f.. banal oil. 333 "• 24, LM do. do. 133 37 ,ig 3, Venni FanreU Cs, trait, 2 09 ! 1 1 : 49114 4; B. barrel O il , stand. A 81 2 so Junit 26,11 B todgers,_ .2 mowttig=tro, 14 40 Aug re, ClE"&2i,t, .u, barrel um 9, 623 266 LOCAL FRlllOll7'. 168. Janl3, Steelman it Co, 250 imam , . gl4 Novy 6,11 II Ilsok, 4 wind mills. 16 M 532,,irtd1141135, thisALllllthdtee, 53 514 '6, obeliand, ---,ler water, 266 Oot 11, trod, bas end barrel, ' 1 23 Dori 23, nghuret k Co, erou-out saw,- 103 %it fltr'n, tilt. f l E d l e fgains. ..,:r I' 7, C fo/ome.n. bbl Bedford water. a 10 300d1, 49 tri 1.23 • AT BALTIMORE. MS D eo n, Megrim& Room • barrel and bag, a N . •• • , AT LANCASTER. grin, B Babbangh ad _.e Ealibansk: rbo n giteuor. Main! ) , often; . , 15:11leuar, 11 n, Witmer, , _ x 9=o . ' 167 23 j ilf IS: ,T Picir,lr,.. it it n e mp, r de • ' AT ItARRIRBORG, 180. lan 17, 1 Winebrenner, 7141747, 9 SS Fete, 1 Wittebreitu,r, 2 reapers, 18 08 . „ . . ay id, 1 Leebtrin, frank, 1 48 940 ill ittfilt r igb. rdl,f 1 ,??, 1 11. IIN ,„,,„ ........, • 40 *boxes. 6 m I born,. . 9'417, Co, map and tub, It ri 81 ; P‘ !I: 4 1 .. " L s o t w e i i nP ill: Mat 12, 'Maakila & Roberta, box reerehendlre. 870 June & W.Joioe. do balm table & bed'td 4 93 No , f 36, 1 Davie, I/ Maohino, box and wbael. 1 04 , Ma y 7, P A Brow , 'cheat, ,plue 27, 4 BzwibK, In.t."' 1 gi? Il• iiiii - tib; liiitfoliiiieson, Wien, .. _ miftPe 24, O & _ , 18, James Topple, anatiqin t 840 cep K 064, 2081.102 U limber, Ss 84 Oa . 22, /Jameson, box, 7eo i' II Taylor, lot sundries, AS 02 IMS. Mar 1, Rolland, • box D I skitio, f i tril 7, buil:girt, !elle ml, I g k i na y . 2: : fie, , I , boipa . merebhudise, 8 , 1 , 1: gly 7, ease, • eannon k wattage, II on 21, Pewit, trunk. 107 .11# W. Bauman, ' crate body 169 „ „ sl , :ff e e P i ntil i. , tt ai nten liz ; go " 10, Veila kilter:Et°, t bine t i ll n lrs . ,' Bri "i 24, E. j' t arry, a boxna tura, Ipl 811 ! t h i : fi ii;ig4 • rellielg7a!wr' 160 28 00r. 11, EPBIIO7 ounogniller & pkotarer, to 1858 ' AT DUNCAN:4O . . - - Mar 11, O toller, 3 beriels liquor 997 .. r ton, I ' il'a 140 Aug 81, Mtller IlurArtrt i otot ' co • AT NEWPORT. IMO, APO 11, Fri k Brine?, 9 porn Wanton, Et 82 1%20, 0 Dooker, • box drugs, 61 87 11, LP 54N1181, Niro( be,o, 55 Nov 2, P Clolland, box merokumiThie, Ila . '' • AT PERRYSVILLE, JSIS. . . . • mar 4, 8 °lreton. piano box lso Oct 27, Miller k Clearer, orate quee'unrure, 310 Otipt 21, J Othl , __ _ _ening! kit 6n21 Jar, 66 AT MIFFLIN. ISM box oltan. SO 0146. 10, J Bear. ao Jan .1, Oat, d :a I glvravtllo. as Aug 21, J 0 Burns, • 115 14 so, 0 anon i Ham ,Zolt niirs, 90 July 27, Shomer, AT LBWISTOWN, Wa i t 20, 0 0 ,jamesoz. wistool7o7. 13 38 1r... 6 hi F hl ' er ii°o4,lUlt", 100 " a Ortib, ' 100 lea. “ ' ii) Ol d 1 1 4 l lOtt l irrA l e 4 , 9*, l h a'pisobineti, 1136 ma „ l it Ve fiii ß M ,,Nr i. ' ragFliquor, It 4! .. J e iesill7, 1 7c.. 20, Um " it 89 id .10 II r i,,,,,,. ,:„..._.- . .:1 41: Ye r a o_ n it t : ' net li.;uor, o . AS 1 .11 Jul/ l, .9 rg4ter., , , Aug It, WA:Boozier, r lfbr ir sch reat, 9/ A hie HII " 26, Aff °mem, 60018, J Brookhalo, tb.per, SO 70 I hie Leper bscourp, 4 U • • AT MOUNT UNION, 11110. Des 8, D Oilbislih, last Bur • 38, A Btarnph. store, . 703 1K barrels liquor, •$ IS AT MILL CREZIL 18. So tk T. ° V 11 ; 4Vcr:koub Mirreriewhihey, AT HUNTINODON, He s t 1, VI Nladttekeg, hex. 1 66 Oat 11, Hlf Prise, 3 barrelepraoken,lso 32, A hitewert, eider mil 1 1. 1 Oil Nov" 17, A orris, stove, 290 " 17, D Masten. bone Dower, 12 31 AT PETERSBURG. MltialTlgillith, pilon anent, pot tad piste. MI 18 6& M June 16, Airs Rei no, 5 29 AT SPRUCE CHEEK. 1854. Mar 9, E Jones, 3 hars & 2 pleas ma. ebinew • 5 43 1 1 4 1868. *llender a Jul; I s , ' I ** A ?dal:111;4 ' gtin t (t. 50 AT TY n . 1E44. Bea ti 2o, Berx•r & Rooker, plough Outlook, 822 Ftb 1 1e, A Boyterbaugh . windmill, frl 'WV ennui, Poi, 81 A l l 7 5, 401 n 4torirlitd, box rafting 100 1 4 75 Bee IQ. worse vapor, corn Oilier, to 1666. 1,113. 1, Reldtrin Natter, smut uiaghJne. 280 It ' fait:K S :n °.4(4 ' Wren:Vl' 168 73 313 10:11.1 , Roo. ' x mon s toot, eft 1837. Feb 24,ra0 lllrey, wrought Spud atone, 17 25 Ain 21, bow.' Lawman, box eondnoe, 70 A_ pr i l k ltathbuni, bundle rope, Ezi:c4* Vditifitior. M 77 " 30. ohnlikite, 174 June gd, 3_ Copenhaver , 1 i f.r.,!;. 31, itr s Ei trunk, ' Don 11, 1 M inter, barns auniyies, 21, 1 T B loom, box ' 58 1869. Jan 14, .1 MooP_& Brown, box otatfue, ' 9 s Aril 2, 41 t os grtoo, box sundries, ea ociver, box and rope, ea 10 g , r clove &no b9x. 17711 . 2o: I) Tiet , rope, .. 20. tt j l Gamble, box and NU nvioe, 113 se, Gannett. box ;noir, May 1, F Lee, . gun 1 in, IR " . 3, Borer, . x inn ea, 3, B Buitinj, Inove an Jaig mdes, IT? i ' . 11 , 'l ,s ' llg a rti h , e'n. box trgalif:9l* 30 " 20; yelvirn & meld • io° 119 1 06 1 20 Aug 26, Samuel throw. boodle ro l De, * al AT TIPTON, ::: 27 .1g , ': .7 14 D 111 a v 4 11114 ' box, r t i o P p . :11 isse, April3o. T Wrialibunt, box merehandise, 75 AT ALTOONA. 1869 April . 4, gairy Mann, box I l d i erol,42: e s A Vieruto. • l and f iriXon 1697. AT HOLLIDAYSBURG. Sept 2, Welters&Weetham t i arrow, It 62 Oot 1 8 , I ',Rh, rrel °atone, •4 17 11. AT WlLPlO e n. hirdWue. • 1857. June 11 : ut i to i be fi Woodford, bat ens tses, 187 AT JOHNOTOVN. 1263. lot of elite, 970oerien, Jen 4, 'W Orr, nails, of loess,. visr-( 707 nigh, box, and 4.kote. A ug ne, 0 Id 7 Munson, licheetsemigr i tbsese, 1 36 ISA Mar 10, r b,„ ,atove Platen, 30 OM 18, ,t ,1 90g. 76 DTA 7 39 , Ratite, .ohast, a M 73eRt 6, 8 400ver, window 1100 85 I eb,, L l t ' ll ' il . , g ' ll , Oot 30, p ornsoo, lot 11 FI . , .1, lal ' l2l ° ril: 0 Ittgti, box soda, 5 toga otta,l3ilooorn, 260 1367. Oct 6, 1 Olion, 3 pen and bundle, ron, 30 1866. May 13, A Joilino.lba e dry somte, 76 Jugs 5, D Ujiillth iT BLAIAIIIN 35 1362. Deo 23, 0. W Lloyd, 2 empty barrels, 190 18M. Jima 27, BYersho, Sempty half barrels, 100 Aug 16, I Bradeueugh, grain drill, 3 65 no. May 33, A, Willett, box Nn nee, 1 00 Illv 7, B Collins, • ;please Argo, :a Jan 4, T Cunningham, mowing and reaping soutane. 822 " 'A II Johnston, trunk, Ma sB. y 10, D Markey, ' sheet, siti Oat AT LATROBE. 1. bar steel, 7 bundles Iran. AT NEW FLORENCE. 1868, Nov 2, W 8 MO AT ORES of wheat, ORHENBURO. 1854. Dec 21;A °Hillman, trunk, 320 1855. Deo 15, IWW Htustintdon,ll boxes, 11 . 9 11!50. Deo VA 0 A Corr, 2 boxes marble. M AugB67. A u it, 8 Younx, 1 bole,/ ohdogi, , 7, W tient, . 2 box.) chine, 9 Oct 15, R Eelly, ' F /1 R - , a ball, 1 bundle iron. / Aprill4, II Kittanning, half barrel liquor. 1 10 AT BT. OLAIR. 1. June B63 10, James Burkholder. 8 brindl ß. es F oak, an AT O Nov lBsA em, D El Soarmons, BLAOK LI eel timber wheels and , AT ra m Tioltht"". °LI iw. Doo 14, it. maa test. l i l o rtile Tall iron, i .THIPM . M3 A. SCOTT, 'dt-dtdP tienevil Superintendent. NOTIOE IS: GIVEN THAT APPLIOA• :1 tine roll be made for a Cortifloat* of f Feekarteenla , g r t ati4l...T.VZlP t tnAitiatu,gatrifehp :Ara, now lost or nue aut. Ora 'JO S ICES. CORN EiCCIIANGE BANK.—Philadel plite,,Nov.l.l,lB6o. At eit,Eleotion held on the Hat inalant,the following getrawerkeholes Directors or Bank : minder . Cattail, Joseph Lindsey, °bort IC; eff, I 'P. Carib mem &eel, , trirt , . 0 roes. ' Edmund A. Bonder, Charles Kneoht, Crindig Whildin , Itt: if i alze s e o r, Chilean I: RofTmen. Apd atihe meeting of the Board FlllB DAY, the fel tawlng afters wore unenimously vt,.t.eA A. 0. 0 ATTELL, President. B. R. NBRP. Woe Preeident. , . "d3-I.f. • . , 1, W. TORREY, Clothier. nETIOE OF THE TILDITEENTIT AND IL" PIFTEENTII,BTREET PASSENGER RAIL WAY COMPANY, No. 12'Exehanse Building. FBILA_IPELPMA, Nov. l 1869 The Thirri Instalment of PLlir i E DOLLARine , She . on the Capital Stolle of the a va Comp ny Mi re end eayable at their Ofilee, on t e 16th da il y . of Ne t' vox,' between the hours of and 3 ci'clook. December By_ ordte of the board, N. PITZO KRAL% nmtuthtest4ll Treasurer. TkIOTICE.- 7 110LbERS OF TIIE DIORT— IN;gtix Bonds issued by the Catawlas , Williamsport, pad Br:Railroad Company are invite a d to call with rffinty days _from t i is date, at the Chloe of the and 3,08 W ALLA T threat. between the h ours of 10 and o daily. and sign the power or attorney under the repoluttons pealed by the Bondholder', at the meeting held on the Itio4 BA II V. MERRICK, Ro ER RAVARD,_ . A. VAN DYKI Jr., J. N. BUTAOHENB N, • A. W. MITCHF.,. M. P. HUTCHINSON, •SA.mmittee. • WM. D. LRWIS, Trustee. December di SW. a245-1m INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN iNCJORPORAPVIN E ITITP:MLATURE 0 ENNSYLVAJV OFF/015 8. E. Btreeta, PORNER T Philadelphia. D, HIR AND WALNUT MARINE INSURANCE §N VESSELS, Asllo, 1 . To all parts a the World. NE INSURANCE on Goode, by Rive s r, Comae, Lakes and Land Carriage F "1 Virg A li k i O n E, 8 On Mero2 generally. On Storey &o. ETB OFTHE COMPANY', November 1, MM. Par. Marker Value. $ 104,74, , preitt s CgeT it 6lt o oent. L0an...4106,1 oo 4F , WOO% .8. ire:INT 14, ad Notes.. . "4' 111% '850,000, ennelvania r Railroad ad Mortgaie 3°. 6 cent. Sonde , 46,875 00 $20,000, Nort Penneylvania Railroad Mort gage 6 4P' cent. Bonds .. . . MAO 00 $1,1,000,800 shares stock Germantown C o meau, Inderest and pripolo et guarantied by the thy of nate ' • dolphin WPM 00 $6,800,100 shares Fearumtvania Railroad ........ 4,V1 60 $6,000, 100 sharee North Penuitylvanla Rail road C0mpany......... . . 61$ 00 al" Efury share. Philadelphia - lie Boat Comeau. Havre de Grace Steam Tow Uoat, Company. Sa- PilliVi a iTad l ettl l lrga g e - IMO OO LW and Mortgagee. and Real Palate Of- 83M199 °Xi hoe 80k1dim.,....... ....... .. " ... .... 71,se m llills receivable for Insars7es male.. . -... 101 . 658 94 Dionee doe is Agenoiei— remnuill'oll . Ma rine Folleles recently esurd—and other dente due the moony Boris Sod stook o sr.ndrr Innranoe Comps. P.23B I niea• . . • Cub onTiiiiesiiChiliini::.l..7.7 8 --.. . OAST &I •608,804 70 , . Dina Torts. riirl t . 14 4 , , ,..* ;g 40 , n 4 'd or. i'ehneggiuiligaldlns, ?. F iT p e s ig a l l i o g ii . . l 4. 2 . Qe; 'MT Mi:d i garha 46. rill; E. 8 1 43 , es, voi. iNViitg. eery SI smog B. TI arland. no. Crly' Burton noel In i vitina. best ii .711.741., oby B . Samp, Pitteb'f. . .111oraan, aoob r. ones, I& ZaLlAlti6R4y: President. IL O. D, me Premdent, HENRY LYLBUYhr. Secretor... hZ-dtf A MERIOAN FIRE lIMURANCE CO., £L INCORPORATED 18W—CHARTER PERPET UAL Np,, WO WALNUT Street, above nil% Philadelphia. Wong a lute paid-up Capital, Stook and Burelua in vetted Id pun gni, stabla B s eourafes, contains, to In re on Owel um WTI k print - me, aterobaudise, pools In Port and t be lt argots, and other Personal roparty. All tosses lt ral y and promptly adjuntod, 1"" c o ' triT. Lewis, rig r Art ‘ lal ° l " ' smelt R. Campbell, amokq orton, muud 13. Dutilli, atriok irtAv, hu. W. Poultuer. IirMICI ° ErbOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIS. Beoretarr. Jan.l7 it VAME ENSURANOg COMPANY, No. 4U ougtiTriuT Iltratc, PHILADELPinA. INCORPORATED APRN NSYIL ism, LVAN IBy THE STATE OF PEA. CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RUM& DIRIETDDR t WWII. WR1GHT.......0f W MU. R ms., & Co. ILLIAM W. WALTIRa t W il liam Da it Co. ItsBARLER RICIIARPIrOiI... J. 0. Rowe & Co, ZOINIC A. WILIT.-........ Wog, Fobes & Lloyd. i t:N.fr0t7. 9"1. ......, iP itEg i l ktigtl .t in t r e. g"tt. rnty_LitwoL Jr —.. Awls, 0t05... Co. AVID B. Smarty." —.. mil & Multi. t. a li. Rositt}larat.—.— , ordwint, Brooks, & 00. °Ha .E. &Imola— Ott L Ellison & Sou. OHO W. s TRRNAN—... °on w. Evorman & CO. ONAS B. MARTIN. .. vagis & Martin. SE_OJIRIE . W.DAY Prowdont. JONA HAN . L0001,1.1/108 Prealt„ WILLIAMS I. DLANOIIAR .Sooly. aut-tf t N E S D U R A F N PE C E COMPANY OF N D T M HE AtoKANC N NO. V NZ-4EAiviLA - Mwsu t 3, tared ina oM-C— -0441/44 esoo,goa—Moats, ismery 1, All wreste d in n sound and wrikllablo nopnritieroon tinne to insure on Vaseele and Cargoes, Dullillogst I:800U of Merobandise, &Q. liberal tens . 15fiscrro. Lmy D. Sharma. nom H. Btuart i VC Tilta l itzter. ulna 8. Smth, B. DadL net C•ant, Jr. bins Wagner, onxi.4_ B. Wattllos6 (nary IL Preenlant am R. White ' Se C arks S. Lewis. JlLitl e fpN e ., ° B . laintlHD, ?raid eg WILLIAM MA P 7{ R. R. Noaretnrr. le 9-ir If LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM ttirTioSiTillAiriNtb og s l4 t cl u rte l ; ok i liflßTVii igicill u MLSlZ a Doi ihe Whole ♦ term of .11re—grante alarm and erOII;ITMOS—DUMODSOII life interods in Reel tate, an magna all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They sot as Exenutore, Administrator'', Assignee* Trustees, and Guardian& "PU.Ufar,P,S. l i aN:l m i l . , ,18t4 1 nape V, Picket ' semen, marttn. Atitd G. Newbold, amen B. bloParlend, illiam I'. Recker, oeeph_G. Trotter, William B. Kara, ?meg minion. 1 TaliTir l ell, i, b oric, _ 'heophiltie Paulding, Edmund A. Bonder, s ry C. Tnwneend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, , Mehl. Kent, John W. Horner, 1 MID . Can, Elbe B. Archer, . Du ow, annul J. Obrietian, Mimi &Einem!, Joseph M. Thumeg, erner . mein, John 0. Brenner, P. 13. Voider. Heston. DANIEL L. htILLER, President. SAM.. E. STOKES, Vie. Pres% 1011 M W. BOINOR. Baoretari. au18.13, T"EQUAKER UITY INSURANCE 00hIPANY, PHILADELPHIA,. Pa. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, N.. 401 WALNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. - 7.7 ... 1 .. .. 77 . Tv ° iNLANb Ni3VICAti•• . itppineytnn on Ilaildu age arid Me rohandise of all dem; n pti one, Marine Ineuranee, inland end Wean, on Vogel', Freight and Cargo to and (ruin all parts of the World. tit a g • 'IEISHEIN A , izieggtai. getre Reit iv. !ley Cettf)l, ester erier,e, And row ambers. Ohralex LY. uel Jones. M. D.. NTVll:frthlar. enl COiMERCIAL MUTUAL INSURANCE' COMPANY—A meeting of the stockholders of this f ra nri a T w El i t l iser_._ i c ie i ld 4N i hk•, ° l l l7o . Te rent of Zig 0'13.00a A. NI„ at which time and Oleo * en 'election for eight Direotors will be held. in you , lnianre of act of In- JOHN McOOLLOM, Secretary. HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSII. RANCE COMPANY, No. 4.12 WALNUT Stmt. 11.144191da. DIRECTORS. M. . W. Baldwin. li(nbt. W. D. Truitt. tgitr Thomson.. Wm. K. Hamlin. Vam". ,lie4lgliegirl: . ti t°l2 l I inootir i 5 . in. D. Love, Dhnrlts F. Nortr,m, • S. Warne. John Clavtnn - Ohn F, Addioks. Edward A. Wareo. • 'l'. Kenai!.Et. W. bhilllnuf”, Tenidont—M. w. BALM. N, Vine Ptosidont—r 4. WARNE. BeoretarT pro tam.—W3l. If. LOVE. .1•9 THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. enc. mitars t t l i. DOLLARS, 1111/21111D I WOI TH OVER v eis s r jo , u 4C .t. ISSATZ. The premiums are owatt then In tunny other Compe l:tie...and the :Arian& have beoll ORILATIttc. ThIII 11 a @triad) , Starlet. Oompenr. Theje aro no Btookholdere, so that ALL THE PRIMP'S lIINLONO TO Ton 11002LND. Pamphlet", apd ovary information, mai be hid oakrii, on applination to F. RA TCHFORDATARR, Au mit, S. W. oorner FOURTH and WALNUT Street". PHILADELPHIA REFgEREpYQES, Pact fttbim.... ic . 4' wfill3i . et rh . „ ,.....rt. t ,,,,,,,, 1 ,.„,„,„.. .I..`katier Le ' zing iItIOP PeltenOn, Pa , , Atwood , William O. eiriwig. Arthur rt. Co P. omas rf, Powell, Osman W. Toland, William hiolCaa. Th.. Wattho.. tiM-Irit'l MEDICINAL. THE ALL-BUFFICIENT TIIREE!- TRIESEMAR, 1,7, nnd 3. Proteoted by Royal Letters Patent of England. and Bemired by the Seals of the Ecote tie Pharmacia de Peril, an 4 113 , 1 11311ertal College of Medicine, Vienna. rio.lllllliVitlunblo for ex haustion , spermatorrhora, and ell physic" No. octrep otaly cr tlitustal all traces of those diseases art have been hitherto treated by the RatfilCOUP and per ° 0,7 111: nfr; xad,grtin ur lona uge spry, thereby insuring to the eierer speed) relic dis pe ruing all impurities, and root ing out the venom of Ms eqIIIPSRMAR. Noe. 1, 4,nd 3, prepared in the gra ime tti and ed Into ea parer° doom ae adnist n reo 00 u Velem. Homan Roue, Rioord, An. Price SI each, or four owe for SO, which Baca,' /33L and in 3.77 Canon, o by there la a Cy: of SP. To be hut. linlegalo cud Wad of Dr. im Row ,104 Illeeekor street. Now York. So tti aigo etail by CALLENDER It CO., corner TTB D and WALNUT Street ,, Philadrichia, and by T. W. DWITT Pc 80E18,213 Noah SECOND Easel. Wha22doleimsale and Retail Agents for Penns) I venni, MEDICATED VAPOR BATIIS. SULPHUR. 1110 T-Al li t , and STEAM BATA,' Under the ogre of Dr. T. K. [DUEL), 1131 S CP, Street. /112111 t reoommontie by all theprinoi pal phyot orainScUtrinftkorColtbrkaphnir Skin I)" , e o n' kir - t o wel aeoommodations , for e baes. mu" ' oil Pe R. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE i ('ILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERN have been thoroughly touted. and pronounced a noverrign remedy for dltganntia, fintaleney. heart-burn Ind headache etkativeness,sllarrhren, revere of ail e kinds i rheumatism. O t t;tir l o r a l , Tt 6t 4Pt i ,try i sl r eM i ri r t a „ . o ' MT; e a ii n d o i " i, banned, irregularity Gad all dorttakzerrioat of the female rjieteMnplieg, ned VaTaalf other digocaon to widen the i intact train° in liable. For ital,e by N eworiotr, W. N. MOPPAT,A33 OROADIS Ar, . 1 itch. anti by Druggiats generally all over the country. 824-d&WIY SALMON. --25 bbls. "[nitric 110 W No. 1 Sal- 1 OSIN bblz. Rifrsin CO, all good gtadehip . atorn. and for P .1{ wLEY. AB Hllllll Nt.:ll & No. NI &mitt WHARVES E L) 0 CAT lONAL . A MERIOAN SOROOL INSTITUTE is a - L I L reliable medium through whlob aggrols and Fami lies may ohunn oomrtent teaehers. Paella., may ob tain, graluitoualy, in mutation and circulars of the best eohoole. rrif WAIODMAN, & S4B BROOWAY. New York. or glf•tf000 OffEBT IT Street. Pluladelphht. - - MESDAMES OHJ.OARAY AND VILER VIrArS BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG DIES. PRILAD LPRIA.No.I9Oe Losisx SQUARE, VE STREET. Madame 0 II B p A DA Y respeotfully informiier riends and the public. ineneral, that independently of er Bearding and Day_ hoot. directed by_perself and er nteoe, Mine. FREVO T, tn IthW Y_ORK,ehs In vattl)7 oiranrio: vii.grApirfAltriauE l ion on o meely the nine DIM u the one above mentioned. nRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL -Kay MERCANTILE COLLEGES, kw:twat pboe, delphls, 8. E. nomer SEVENTH. and CHESTNUT s New Yprk,,BuSak), Cleveland, Chienee, and Bt. ',OWL For. information. nail or rend for Catalotne. fea-tf SAVING FUNDS. AMERICAN SAVING FUND.—Comps- We Building, southeast earner WALNUT and FOURTH Nts.—Open daily (Torn nine till five o'clock, and on Monday till eight in the evening. This old in stitution has always paid in full on demand, without notice. INTEREBT FIVE PER GENT. All sums paid back on demand in gold and silver. TRUBTBEB r Alex Whllldin, President. Bawl. Work. V. President. j o a 4 C. Parr, H. Harper, George Nugent, Louis A. Godey, Thee. Sergeant, Alb. 0. Roherte, Jno. I'. minions, Jonas Bowfhan, H. H. Eldridge, William J. Howard. IN°. fl WILSON, Treasurer. JOHN O. SIMMS, Br °Warr. dll•gt QPRING •OARDEN , BATING FUND BO IL , CIET y OF PRILADELPIIt. °Moe, No..l3l , Nortb T ow Street ( Cowatidation Plank ilding.) ORARTERED BY THE LEISLATIME OFPENN. SYLVAN A. Deposits received in dons of ne Dollar and t r i aLd.a. and repent In (fold, without notlee, with FI Ppi C>;. ENT. IN rERES'T front the day o deposit tillwith drawn. A responsible and reliable Saving' Instltrillon has loci been needed in the Northern art of the city, and " The Swipe Garden Savings Fund societ7" was chartered by the LeAielature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity, The managers, In organizing and locating it, have been governed wholly by seemly, to accommodate the bad ness interest and wants of the very large and entered lung populatirm by which it re surrounded. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, From 9to I,‘ o'olookt also, on Monday and Thursday from i until 8 o'clock in the mining. ILLNAGNIts. l'inderink Klett. rhea Smith, John F. Levy. on, B. K. Strong. Daniel U_Qderkoffer. redenok Stacks, - oseph P LeClsre s ,fri nee iisTac t :J r. , X rl TO g) ift h t . arm S. Pringle, °soma al. Crowed, on. m_, ...Swart. ?rtg t. W il= igtefi ?admin. AMES B. PRI Of. . fondant. Fa Annie Fr mu . d l eorenarr. ILIO-trii SAYING FUND.— I'IED STATES TRUST 00B52ANY.00mer THIRD and CHEAT RIM Streets. Lorne and small sums received, ond pstook j ou_do- WVIII without notice, with FM PM?. CENT', PaT, I.: T from the day of deposit to the day o with rows]. 1 .(1 , v bourektarbtAtil 0 91•3141 c every day, and on i l t 0421 } 10r sole on g r atirjreraillind Boatload. C.ltn slo u n P t v —fl ar A Inittili i iiiMFOßD. NrIrlit M AMT. cell-Ir "A httle, but o: ten, AIL the Plum." IpIRANICIEI SAVING FUND-- No. Lie south FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, nfladelshis, Me all De- Pool te on demand. DeDO44OM /1901/ei IeOUT6d tif Ofiferamept State. and tutY i•oans, Ground Ron% mons ages, State. Thiq Company deems safety better than lame profile, consequently will run no risirwith doped tent money, but havet at all times ready to re turn with 5 par cent. interest to the owner, to they hare always done. This Comm, never suspended. Females, inarried pr sizzle, and Drumm eon deposit in their own right, and such depoints can be withdrawn ONLY by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Srusylvania, with authority to receive mo nYAPIFTRIria SMALL BUMS RECEIVED. _tame open drub' from S to 3 o'tiloo3', and on weduesday and sattirday evening' tint:unwell'. ratfeions. Doob 13, Brawn. Era csdranad•r, lut S IA ler, eons Ruziell. aleiehi W. Slain, ward T. lipatt, rim Krantblmr, Henry Dello), ioli9las Rittenhocue, Nathan Smediky, oi. K. Satherthwaitt,_ gphuum Blanohatt Joseiti W. Llt.pluoott. JAOOI3 13. SHANNON, President. 1 RIM o.tzwAuxens '2 Es /98111111 r. " A Dollar saved it twice narend. ' QAVINQ FUND--FIVE PER ()ENT. IN f7itL, 1 9TYN 8 111 1 47. 1 90, n i llfx. F ralne Y .l2TlVAlfrat alp Incorporated by th e Ppnanlvs- Money iv yeoelood In any, large or small, end In • terestoaid from the day of depostt to the day of with drewal, The Office Is, open every day IYom 9 leeks* In the morning Us o eloalt in the evening, and on Monday and Tharaiay erenlyiE n tot. NElLP ilt k2 lg a i LFRIIKZeII WaztAte Ric), Secretary. DLIZOTOILL on. Retire. Renner, f. Carroll Promoter, ward 1.. re. aeon .o.: /Jam ben %II 06, ranVYL'eli' . ; net ßret iC t u aViiis' , j041.3P etr es, Rainy Diffenderfel. money is reasoven and varttepts made dally. The invertmetits are made, in conformity _with the provision of the Chattey, an Real Estate Monogram. (3round Rents, and sash Apt-class securities as will al ways insure peireot socunty to the depositors, and whieh cannot real to inve perms:tenor and stability to this Institution. sul-ly PIANOS. STEINWAY SON'S NEW PA. TNT OVNR.STRING GRAND PIANOS, EIQU }RE DRAND , AND S QUARE I'IANOB, new r,re (erred ooncerte avid in _private circles by the est oerrormers. Received the firet premiums over the best inakers,froni Judaea like Gottschalk. Mason. and nthere. Challente all oompetition. BLAISIUS ItInOTHERd. W-17 1005 CHESTNUT fittest. fppyfroLlDAY PRESENTS I PIANO-10 RTES. MEL EONS lA llP,L lk it.. i gd. • PIA O-FOrS. MELOD ONS. PIA 0-FDRTES. MELODEONS. Made by Raven, Biloorl, 4 Do., E. tr. Out, Hallett. Davis. & Co., And nthall• J. E. GOULD. my 144.7 SEVENTH and CHESTNUT., f ff iti OHICKERING it, SONS, G Anitiu u Vitcrilio° of A NO-YO WAREIIOO 8 edr mi T STREET OtstyA, in store Ire sto ck o our VA UTIPLIL end N VeLED I iLl u tf TB. e have bee 3 awn rded, • e different titions in this country sa Europe as 011141 AND MYER FIRST - CLASS MEDALS. PIANOS TO M Y E R 1x76 if A (MEAT IMPROVEMENT IN Pulos I OTOMACKEIt ft 00., )031 CHESTNII Street, respectfully invite the mute !ovals public to nail and examine their now and sue °mini mem yerytent— TIFF. PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Having converted the Tone, Touch, and Aotion the Orand Piamoi rite that of Square Instrument, avoiding allthe objections generally mule to the style cf clrand Plano, also diminishing the cost of the some. in volume, purity of tone, great power, brilliancy, full ness, desth, and et &IT::: of touch, with exquisite deli gt1;11(111[6 ATIV S IiK4II:TIFITI,LY-FINISIIED IN HTR UAI.ENTS are wholly undralled. They have received the highest eitootr.iums, an are pronounced by writing to be far su perior to any nstruments ever manufactured in this country. Constantly on hand, a largeand elegant assortniit of 9unrivalled . .er PIANOS. We tinge boon award the Piret Premintuy, at all exhibitions ever exhibite , In eluding the Prins Medal from the Crystal Palace Exhi bition. New Y0rk.1563. Kali! STOVES. GAS-BYRNING COOKING STOVES. Whit is more important tn the Crimfort of a .. . (entity than a good Cooking Sim.° ? Gallagher's alortung Star gives entire sewritotion. II hits two ler . ovens for baking and roasting, aposseues more conventences than any other Stove, and never rails to operate. It wilt bake bread, roam a turkey, bad a din ner, broil a beerslo4ll, and beat water for washing, all nt the same time. For sole only by CH ARLES J0NE9,306 North Second street, where the splendid new Cooking Stove Day light, unsurpassed by any tat toy eciolimytove. may be seen In 'dtuly successful operation . It as& large 41.- tended oven whirl, bakes in the most per eat mauner. would also call!Memnon to my &at premium bitter itax-eonsumiug parlor stoves. which are manufactured in the best manner, et heavy Rome. iron. CHARLES Johns, We North BECON D Street. a STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SP • to. 111(1 MA ICET EREET, Is noW prepared to inset the wants of the public more oexupleteir in all rho details of the Stove trade than any other establishment in Philadelphia, in proof of which be invites COMPARATIVE EXAMINATION. Thefollowing are among Merown popular inveutier.s, several of which have already obtained a national repu tation as surprixeing in tall disci and OCOISOM p any other Moves o use. JAhIEB SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved Gas-burnin- Cooking Stove, enknowledged to be l.tt ar family u' e 'n : e r od, JA l tErtr ng AiePatate! Celebrated otVe Gaa-consum f or Range, now rapidly coming a llittreP u nß ia the Patentee of the Improved Sil ver's Ajr-tight lias-consuming Parlor JAMES SPEAR. la the Inventor of the Improved (Patented) Ognamental Stove Urn, which from its beauty and minty le likely, this season, to be univer sally adopted, JAMES SPEAR la the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-saving Ironing Pan. JA ES SPEAR is the inventor and Patentee of the celebrated Ellway-car Heater. For ell of t e above the luventor very Justly claims advantages w ioh require but le be undoratood by the nubile to be universally appreciated andpreferred to any other &dialog of that class in the market; and he would hail:ly extend a cordial invitation to all persona in want o Stoves to calk and examine for themselves. Parties w idling to examine will have every attention shown them, whether intending immediately to pur °hese or not. en-uot DOPING PAINT—A very supenor sr Bole. Pure French Snow white Zino, (Vieille Montagne Company 6,1 ground an oil pure. Chrpine Breen. various shades, it? oil, pup. Yellow, Venetiaillied, ground in oil, pure. Spemati Brown, Brown Zino., L Wre in Se At WRTHERILL k BROTHER. Mnnufnoturere, Null. 47 and 19 North RF:CON litreet. rile-tr 70141AUKOFFER'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC CORDIAL.—Bin have been afflicted with thou inatiemi for a long riod—s, portion of the time had no use of my limbs. Tried Your Cordial, and in three days I was able to walk down stairs, and in a week the p_nin entirely bolt me. Ido cheerfully recommend the Uor. dial to those who ere afflicted with that dreadful oont- Plaint. YO r. Its. W. Nsutms Itroker. ot3 Pine at. Prepared y THBOPONE DILICS, Chemist, N. E. corner PI u. and NIXTII n14.3m iVIINTON'S ENCAUSTIC) TILES 101 tiooriv. Ornamoatal Chimney Tops for oottageu. •riten Vaned and Fountains. trifled Pipe for drain" and Water oentluotera. pelted and for Sitia by fAh B. A. pH' Di. taut en KFITN K EROSENE 01L.—A full supply of the m --IL above Oil, manufactured by the Borten Company, will be furnithed to tho trade, athe loweßt prices, by the note mean, for thin otty, Torlwl,EY,Afilflll.7FtNEß. h. CO 14 Moth WTIAHVbfI no ZjEGLER & SMITH, corner SECOND and GREEN, have enquired a great reputation b 7 the wits and prudent course they hare pursued Irene their rommenaement in imemeee. he salliny a p r at-rate nt In•a+ .hair X ER uh l A C A N Th A o na ll o p ut I 5,000b.N.),,11. 11 1" 3 ' I N A P PPProved brauh. nod of °very to zo nod quality.roQUlred for city and countr) trr1.,14 Niece natow,hing ly tow. ~'potl mr ordna to ZI EULER. & SMITH Druz Point, R -PE Mono . owl Vonlikt Prelon. oorner ttkCttND 10..... t. .0•.00f Fro WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MER -11- chnnte.—A lane 'took or .Mpaila Rope. all z es, mnn 1. ,turea and orANle. tho lawF, , ,t Now York VI t. tti • '' I . ,• CO.. .4.1 No. 21 N. WA T Rrt a . 2a N. t'PLlgity. bilv.,N ILE MEN visiting the Optia will (ut a Lunch at the Luer Beer Salim, oemite the Academy. in Brod street. NAI.Bi BY AUCTION. FURNESS BRINLEY, L 00., 432 hualorr wrxmr. BALE OF FRENCH tiOOD& Ur: Onose lion in f. December 16, at 10 o'clock, by Gatalogne, ou 6 month/ credit— hte paokages sod lots of fanny and staple French dry goods. etd" Samples and estalodeas sub' on the morning of salt. CHENILLE FOLAWL I AND SCARFS. On Fnday Mornincil 20012-L Pans chenille r. shawls. 5.J0 Fbrui °I3 I I .7II3QMTING SHAWL 300 all-wool Scotch plaid lone shawls'. e. ALL-SILK BLACK VELVET JUBBONB. No. Gs' to SO all-silk black velvet ribbons. FILM fED FLANNELS. eekijillt Parity ponied flannels. ERA I R ' OIDERED SHIRT FRONTS AND LINEN CAME HDKFB. dos. been embronlA.red shut fronts. —dos. linen eambrio hdkfn 800 DOZEN BRAGANZA CASEMF-RE AND WOOL GAUNTLETS, FLEECED SILK GLOVES. On Friday Morning, ladies' fine Dramas ountjets. " Cashmere " Mlllloo' Bruanza enamelled tops nantleta. Ladies' wool gauntlets. Misses' fleeced silk gloves. Gents' fleeced silk tairsta Moves. loco RICH PA RIB AND MUSLIN EMBROI- L) RED CHEMIBETTS. Lace Pomppadour ohm - mints. ?dentin emb'd Needlework emb'd - SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER , No. 431 CHESTNUT STREET,. ottmeite the Caxton: Houle. between FOURTH and FIFTH litrieta LARGE SALE OF FASHIONABLE FUR& Thin Morning, Dee. to, commencing at 10 o'eloolt. • The ale will comprise cape., halt and quarter oapee, And victoria,., with muffs and cuffs to match, of sable, mink, Mena vinare!, stone and eater martin, and other alone- Cons of fern, and will be found well worthy the atten tion ot archsm. BUFFALO AND FANCY - ROSES. Also. this morning, M fine fancy wolf, beaver, fox, leopard, and genet. and plain bu ff alo, carnage and sleigh robes. LAROR POSITIVE SALE OF no oOLD AND 0n.,- YEE WATCHES, SUPERIOR SILVER-PLATED WARE, &a. On Friday Montoi, Doo 16 commenting at 10K o'stook. The gals will eompnee Indies' and gents' bee le carat cold ho tine case and oron•face lever warohes fins open and double Cale silver do., or hest Pelee and ErKlieh make. SILVER-PLATED WARE. Iso, beet quality double ettver.plated botnet holders, trays, toe pi tubers, yard baskets ialts , tureens. butter tooting. sugar bassets, cream caps, toast racks. cas tors,. era. 111011111 LIP FORD, AUGPIONELII., No. MO a. en Aduc ET Street. sod sial MINOR Street SALE OF BOOTS, SHO RS ES. ofttloaNa, AND otrai OVEILOMI. This Morntng..e Deo. 1 / I :nt lE.:o'clock priming'', rill be sold , by eata lotus, on Lour months' credit. alnoot NO "A" boots, shoes, blastula ,- um over-A*lM ; men's. boys and youths' do t swath doub le -solo stained. thick kip. and calf boots also. women 's and !muss' trained, calf and Lip bongs* a so. NO pair roman's, mace ano chlldrena city pai l tout welt boots. Tha attention o buyers In gartronlarly rearrested to this isle. Also, a choice assortment of ;Ant, Hudson Bay Wolf Robes. T he munrion of boyars I. partisalarly limited to the above sale. SHIPPING. pIIILADELYIIIA LID CIESSOENT NAVIGATION 00NPANY. AT AN ADJOURNED 111:11ETTNG OP.TREL 1301,11- NAMIgn CORPORATION, MAI A.V NO. 0 DIERCIIAITTIP lIKORANGE, At 10 o'clock A. M.. September 1rth,18439, the &Urg ing gestlemen Wen ansalmously 'looted Direst/Ns the Comma'. Ids OKOROS N. STUART, 8. MOB.RIB WALN, lIATTILEW W. BLLDWIN, CRAB. MACAIBBTRR, AND JOBN EDGAR THOMSON. 1 - The DOORS of 8171C3ORIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY are now open et the above named Otßoe, when all persons feyoratle to the enter prise ere reepeotfully Invited to subsanbe. FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE.- NEW YORK AND HAVRE STEAMS - Re UN FAN Y. 'r he United States All Steamships ARAGO, Sate tone, David Lines, Commander. and FULTON, y,500 tone, /antes A. *Minn, Commander. will leave New York, Havre. and Southampton, for the year IBM, on the following days : To meet new requirements of the Post Office Depart ment, the dale of mains of the AR AGO and FULTON from HAVRE and SOUTHASIFTON. will, after their present voyages, he changed ae follows from NEW Yo M I:, save in the cue of the present departure of the FULTON, whmh will take rime on Month December, the sehedule remain, unaltered: room new Toax. AND F01711AVY10?1. FllLTON....tiee. IT. FULTON....3an. 10 ...Jan. )1. A RAG 11 ON _,.—• Jan. Y. A RAG° ....Jan. 31....Feb.1. FULT. —.Feb. 4. FULTON...Feb.23 —Fob. 99. /AGO hich. 3. ARA oo ,.....hich.27—hfch.l9. F 1.T0N....Meh. 31. _ 116. hear steamers, built expressly for Government tar sus, with double engines. under. deok. every attention has been taken is the construction of the holt and ma chinery to insuro safety and speed. The ehmeilAve five water.tteht compartmeeta enclosing the engines, so that in the event of collision or stranding', the water oould not reach them.and the pumps being thee to work, the safety of the vessel and passengers would be se cured. Recent experience lies demoratrated the abso lute necessity of ttne mods of construction. Toe accommodations for passengers are believed to oembune every comfort and convenience that can be de sired. F . rom New York to Southampton or Uerrt—Pint Cabin. eno; Second do.. 570. From Hevre or Noutluttuplim to. New, York—First Cabin, 700 frame ;.Seeoupt iio.. HO francs. To passengers grans to London these 'teatime oder the edvantare of eoonomy both to time and expense. Specie delivered in London. No passage secured until paid for. An experienced surgeon on board. All letters and news,. Panie r n i lner i e through the{ Post Office. tV. r B. l. D ' HAYl T' grli a ggr, if.d WE / NOW York. WILL/ AM IlittLlN. Agent, Havre. CROSHM A, .0., Agents. SO IMErt.n. AM/IVAN UROPHAN IaXPRESS COMPANY, ATANEILI3OhkAKe t, Mee, TobaleoW h DOK end PROW? Streets, Philadelphia. "9 °us. lane of the Cups can be seen. 7119 tmh.ll ItSTEAM DIRECT TO ALL t pARI'S OF GREAT BRITAIN AND j r lt h FRANCEeND RMANY. HA 111URG bIBRICAN PACICE_ COM PAN.I"B IRO. MAI', STEAMSHIFS. HAM MO lA. Cap_t..ll. P. Bohwanaen. IhAXONIA, Capt. H. Ehlers. ()RUSSIA, Capt. N. _Trautman. BAVARIA, Capt. Trio. TEUTON lA, Oral. IL 111011. There Weep:tore area n rat-olase gydo-btolt veesele; are intended to mad from her 21, North Raver, X. Y., " Ii f aTONDON, SOUTHAMFTON, HAVRE. AND HAMBURG. The elegant and powerful Iron Sorew Steam4lp BA VARIA, Cent. H. Tombs. PAZ tone trurthen.wiß azalea a bovadel. TUEMDAY. NOVEMBER 16th. at 12 o'clock M. Pauly, including' Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to New ork, and from Southampton to London. First Ch. ,0... 101 I Second Cabin. NO I Steerake...,32 The BAVARIA will be eacnieeded by the follOwlas Rteareshipei ^H RBDAy Deember BUR D A Y,January 1. T E UTON I EDN ESD A V • February 1. HA. MONIA THURSDAY, Mateb 1. 6:7 Passengers forwarded to Liverpool. Dublin, Bel fast, Cork, rilatrow, ratia, and Antwerp, at through rates. Theirs steamer. rine fitted up with UlSlMallilfd seoom modallope fort Oro. aeoond. and third, Men Pareengers. The Second &bin accommodations of these Ships are equal to Om ret.elau of moat 'tearoom CertifteLtes of Imam° mined from London. South ampton. Havre. and Hambnry. to New York. Freicht enzarad Phdanelptua will be promptly attended to by.the New York Agent, and shipped tree of all commission. For Freight or Passage,isPoll szrlasirlY to w, Rem' L Aleat t 0115ee of the Ilmatmra Arican Mail teappanm r. n2-tf Northwest corner r MI me RTH and SIESTi i i s tftt THE BRITINII ANT) NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM 110M NRR TO Liras Poot., C C Ann r Lenge— el 9) be:mond Cabin - 73 TROY ROSTON TO LITRITOO2. Chief Cabin Yams, e B cooed Cabin Pulsate —• 60 Toe shim from Boston bap at Tlallfax and Cork Harbor. AYRIQA, Capt. Shannon, 10MAQ_,A. Cast. Ling. ?ENS iA. Capt. Jedhes. Ardralt:A,chwt.h A er. ARABIA, Oa t. p J. &ob., NIAGARA. Gast. moon, ASIA, Cspt. E. G. I±tt., HU OPA. espt...7. Mt, SCOTIA, Y now building.) Theee vessels carry a dear white tigns at mast-head; green on starboard bOw ; red on port hew. Rlt ROSA, Leitch, 'min . 's Ennten. Wednesday, Pea IL PERSIA. Judi:lna. N york. uve.eneedar. De. Si. AM.RatIOA.M " Poston, Wednesday, Deo. n. ASIA Lott, N York, Wednesday, an. ti ct,.. tr A, Lang, " Horton. Wednesday. Jen. IL A itA A, Sio, , e, • N York, Wednesday. Jar. Mt VTR 'A. Leitch, " Iloeton. Wanes/in, Jan.:6. B ,ribs not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board T rs . he ownesf these shine will not tegwroomntable for ()old, Silver, !Milton, Spam, Jorelri, ?remota Stones or Metals. unless bills of lading are sin therefor and tqe raise thered themin expressed. For might or pie:- sage Apply to .I'. CUNARD, 4 Bow' FOR TER 801JT11.--4;IIISRLES TON AM, SAVAIIN_AH ISTEAStaII.PII. F.RISWEIT RIO CED. lleavy Freight at asaverage of 71/111221 per Dent. be o w ' 61 "" 1 1 , 8r6 1 1611.?0, To. C. The U. B. Bia.,l,B_teamsh? YSTOfils BTATE, n hors P. Marshmsn, sr: 11 asai on Thtusday, Deo. Isth, at /0 A. M. Through in <A to SO hours, only 40 ham at Sea. FOR HA ANAII, OA. Captainl.7. John J Steamship STATE OF GEORGTA, John J. Garvin. erill sail on Tuesday, Dsoember 20, at 10 o'olock, D.ro uKKh m ad to 00 hours, only al bourn at Bea. KiallllE day. chanced from every Saturday to every five dale. Goods renewed, and Palls of Ladles signed form day'. 'rho splendid first-elsse side-erheel etraunahlre KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF OEOEOI4 now run an atN3V. every ten days, thus forming a five- ay oommu. Meehan with Charleston and Savannah, and the South and Southwest. .it ni;th Charleston and Savannah, these Ships con nect with steamers for Monde. and with nuiroa&, for all places in the bkmith and Bouthweet. INSURANCE. - rreight . and Insurance on is large proportion of Goode shined South will be found to be lower by these china than by eallins Ireisela, the premium being one-half the rate.. N. B.—lnraranot on all Railroad Freight Is entirely gjant , OßP B37 Y, farther then Charleston or lievannfth, the Railroad Companies talung pll rioka from thele Pointe. GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fran iry thie route 23 to le ror oeat,ohganer than by the Inlied Route, as ill be sal by the folzowln2 oe}e dole. Through tickets from iladelphie via Chet/A toll and Havannah steamshipa, I CLUDINO MEALS. on the whole route. extent from Charleston and Savan nah to Montgomery : INLAND Fess. To Charleston— 016 Of Chesleston.-..—.......e725) Saysonab.— 15 CO Savannah— Si fel Augusta.-- 20 AI Aorusta.....-- 23 00 Macon... 21 CO Maslen— 76 Atlanta... 11 00 Atlanta.-- —. 31 00 Columhis—. 23 CO Columbus-- 5600 Alberti •• • SI 00 Alban/ 5700 Montgomery.... ZS CO Monty ornery.— 38 00 Dlobi .... 00 alobile.:. ed 90 New Orleans ... 76 Now 00 No billa of lading signed after the ship has For freight or pumice apply on COard, at aseondabarf above Vine street, or io AM. I is C r X ~ harlaet Q n. T . ft.l.U. lERCNAO,I_ Clouthw eat earner FOU . TII endiStIESTV UT. AfPntsN BDi LL. For Florida from Charleston, steamer Carohna ever/ Tuesday. For Florida from Savannah. steamers St. blary's and St. John's, every Tuosday and Saturday. [l, SALAMANDER SAFES. A larga aagortmeot of EVANS & SVATSON'_ PHILADELPHIA AIAATUFACTUX ED SALAMANDER. SAEFS. VA ULT DOORS. For flanim and Stores. DANK Locno, Eqnll to oof n'n' 'n ue. IRON DOORR, Op LI goad terms lab ted any other ~ eel\ b.i.hm n t Ia the Mu EVA,7NS k WATSON. No. IN (RIESTNI-T 3(1 ttt reet, I%lloloas, ..010-tf PLEASE GIVE 1'73 A CALL. -R• OSIN.-861 blila extra Nos. 1 and 2 Loop Engin ; 41001.b1e Shipping Engi.,.ll m sure, and for sale by ROWLEYok SHBURNER • & CO.. PSI 410.10 South WHARVES. SAW BY AI THOMAS & SONS, - - , A- 0 1 , 100. Lir and 141 BO U'rE a PI4CBTIM474,. ER)l D.....yv pror i ti t i it aa, I dll AT HlLOWo243alaa /M - and stoats eri hereafter he bald at 11 o'clock noon. la the emdl 7 o'okedr. ST Co stn re lowing** opt= at dinar mak: ' - ' - far Hand of esetuneverty mead in . additka to winch we WWII, on tits po ror t n i fe e tt We l o tk"aamt er o bl etUrr4estres to bat= w i nz i l on I' f tlin n iESTATt AT PHIVATE BALL Mir Ws vs a hese a r e r& tr t 1 , assts tea edit; pro psis perty. ing.77.,..i r iwidi m i tr tkraft - PR ATE 8 I EEO mi•- Real smut notelet 04 our Pli v ",. a/1 4:Z sod a+l 4 onised ocwiao=l in oar rad-. fa whirl 1,000 own are printed weeldy,)Ve - IfFOCILB bu LO6llB, FICW, ay, D.S(t. 213, at 11 &stock. nix. Tuesd e..nni be sad, at the FM. laeomata • ill:sue-, , • • For aoconnt of et om it mar wooers -13 coupons ;IN cacti r. together Md. Neolrak,Mmet Pleasant, and lkinalatiae Railroad Oscopany, dee .15- teary 1. M. its sheresilohemian Maier - compeer of pal* be sow/ or non•paytnent aasaaament nal* abeohite. For account of wham it zaay concern— I onfival share (30 new &weal , Ban Franitiaeo Land Association. 8700 first mortgag couponsattach . e bond+ Pittston Coal Coo:page. aft ed For other au:mate— wo shares Clinton Coal sad Iron Company. a amyl's Pu bury aad Eh, Radioed carotin!. Aeo, Peremptory Sale— ., =skaffa Philadelphia and California MOOS Cp. S shares Philadelphia add Darby PaneSter dadw l l ..!er—Coropen P•r •f/ 20 . yes Amencan Madera of Music, with Casa I slur. Philadelphia Library. 1 share Mercantile Li ors rt. PgW-8T LUKE'S CIICRCFL Pew NO. ep, middle id ate. st. Lakes Church. REAL. ESTATE BALE, DEOnIiBEII4. AT NOON. 'Promos', Rolp—Reuita or tame, T. • &M T FIRST-MAA CHERYPRM BRET ROP The valooble property, No OS hestaat street. weed the Untted rates Cue= Bnose.hatwaen Fourth Fiflh streets, V felt 10 inches front.* feet in depth to LibrarE street—bariag two trouts. By roger of trus tees. Fartiatilem to handbills sad ligtftraphio *S. new ready. The throe etore-Am between the abase and Fifth street are resinetad. Trustees' Peremptory Salo—Estate of lan Fitunter, deeees, 6 TWO-STORY BRICK b 701211 AND LFE' y. INOB aMrknt 'am i" Nineteenth .tr. ENO. Tuthill, of Fifth street,oortkof obsolete. DWAL.S ; VALUABLE Faux AND COUNTRY SEAT. 1111 styes on the Bethlehem tan pite.hi wits vett of hlieS 11t28q5Lank, bloatgomery wooly, PL, man nom B ILD•NO LOT. Bride asset. vest of Thirtr.ee th Tweety-krerth ward, e 0 feet treat. WS few. deep. Two hoots. vA.LUABLw BUSINEte STAND„ book store sad twethtur, No. UP Paint i be meta Aral end Bnes. Whig s sestewrs Engle. allay. . REAL EISTATR ISMArs,—DECEMOBEI AT It WTCLOC of - BOCIPL Endgame Bale —Fatara Ge s t A lndy+llar. VALU_ABL BLIILNIZZI !I— li/S•T• BERSON HOUSE."— Threwatorl brick tyrant and dwelling. wart side of _Broad street. int hoer earth of Rae. stew. I n tats po.seasioa. Sam Eatma.—VALCABLIs TELIXT. I.3nt LOL In I fornaPrir Pine Creek' row/ eats nawnahro Frs gounty. Pa.. salsa son* of Maria®. sad :tilos nein Cleflon nar. Two Rasta nands pain tie tract, aka ally limb red and wen vatared. VALUABLE BUBINEBiI PROPTRTP.—Threera brick budding. with ire RIVIITIOT olives and four dwellaga tha seam _ gorse ? of Thisioansk Green stmts. Naomi; for Bat per wan. Sly Or I:77E.gIOiL__MI,NTI2IIr. f aT a I, A Risli_ ma; fihr..__AieD rum A- R ftB RIII3ELI I4L - lityk. i e D orm CA It_f . BEDS A lith , a. CARID . Oar sale' , dit the eactime store, will comprise, beudea Pdil Mb expellent sosoud heedform titre. monsee4 lisaci-lorts. large lashumay u lo putaries. 72:* Freoilh- elate , teirunie.„ Frosalk juits ref mama reach - platisuridaO.nek ail , 1111-1211111. Ace beds end s. China sad I . taprism, Beset.. legrala. sod other wears. kn.. fmmisa . ea attract in asseuttwient. worthy am' atlinWea a Mwill aid Oben desirous of mirchesUM. Kr Catanuill now ready, sad the artistes sweated for examiaatias. maitvirlLMV_Vr e gni a lt- ROM. I' 0-P0 B. 11 Thu Mottung. At II eoloak. at th* Atuttuta 6tars. ka of itzeollopt wend hand fartutne. tobitiaso tint, mtrront, Carpet*. Ote.,, non Isoaseks•pas, removed to Umo Wore ciMr•Z twos ado. Toronto's' Rats. TIVIALTDAY AFTERNOON, ATE VA .11ABL TFITOGICA • &RAI li C c r Ell 4 l% LATE REV. JOSE It BELCH RD. in Aftsracou- De 0.15.1199, otannoseini at 9 tebelr, we wilt sell the esteems and valuable theokstseal liteary of Us late Elev. Joseph Belcher, D. A, by order ot nssestom sir Tor plowman' see catalogues, whist, will be reedy two days "riotous, sad the books sowed tot . ROSEWOOD tkleD VP/ ° Sac RT Irvii TURE-STMX GE [EL& Os gluts? Mornina. • Dec. 16411. at o'olock, IS the craniums. Go. CU Walnut street. the met GI elegapt roesvood sad rat ant drautns-ronto, Mint -roots, Mean. sad chamber furniture. comeneins a general 4 110112 Den- a await arils tkt beat power. aid. at tlis bat *swim., 1,7 r. MN to, filr o f nif111 , 03:0 salsa and vernatesi. The attention of purassers is ratoutvd to thul sale. as the entire stool' is estslorne t d be sold without remains. P May be examined three days ermrices to ea* and on Wedneedsv and Tharaday eremsts till a o'ek• SAL,: OP A CONSIONMiii op RARE. etritiors. AND INTER/74'11NQ BOOKS. DINECT 710.1 i LONDON. --- • . A y m a Deo. at the At etau e oc iimoose of ii. curious. sad valuable boots. to rations Nutcases', feat received direct Iron Loadtia. Sir For= articoLars see cameo:veer. Reeaivees Palo. Nov. 11 sod 18 Sorth Plith 3t, 1311RERIOR fiEccuraßAN Mandan D PLAACIR. • On nder P&L 19. at up'elook blo , it Noe, 14 ell . 3Sontli nuts st - will be sold without rseervv, bl saorder of the nooses. 10 superior rosewood piano& manntaetnred Ain bath.. Virgial:a ReWer. &lam &Motu Baton Raven. Loud awl etbsis. 1114. / I *7 G ettonnsed au estardeiy. ItaliperessOorl MOSvfi NATHA.NS, AUCTIONEER ATJA AND CO/MISSION MERCHANT, stettheset CLOMIIt of BLIITH end RACE Streets. MONEY . TO LOAN. e4SO,POO to loan, in la7s or small amounts. on "tootle. fold and ether Plata Memonds. watches Oral ry, [online poxes. dr! mats. eloiatins. trocemee. en em. hard wa re. cutlery . fiumtara betiding, horses. vehicles. Camera, and on all arieles of value, for any length of time agreed . on more terms than at WY clap/ Saukt=nt city. GREAT CtifiCE FOR BARGAINS. At private mile. elegant mask mete $ 19 4 Petirit tomes vatehem gold &admirer Minting efinalkAltieemeesion beck. aad open Ws English patent lever watches; • • and si,rar hunting ease. doable meth Med open escapement lever "ratans; Lepine, Earlith,Sertse French watches ladles' Ass told Intakes , some richly seemeLbea. set 'with diamonds Le geld, Wok, Ps*: 'nerd, and fob chains k • fins gold bracelets • *n sold eat-naps,ear-ags, finger-mug. Inseams. sad bracelets be Pencil cases and pens; EMI told Enda, sleeve but tons, medallio n s, locket', sruatettoe eaese-ltess. thugs% SOIL. &Ct.; Ana old mobs'. flutes, &ocarina...nose 'copes, and amounts other articles. Attended to OUT-1:000A BALM personally by the auctioneer, at vary low char CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Consirnments °fall and every kind of goods solicited for public ; tiro-muds the value of the goods trill be advezieed In anticipation of the sale. MOSES NATRANS. WINES LYI) LIQUOL2B CHAMPAGNE.—We recommend to con agniers and , oanmananrs the Chgarparnik W , M 4 of Mr. FERY. from o pernsy. Frame. TM eseellmen of the brood '• INCuMPARABLE" has been folly seta- United throughout Prguee. Anemia- Cienossity. gro. $1 , 13010n mRy be noon Rad *lammed at OW ofsea. 413-10 a F. D. LONGCHAMP. 2117 et PRONT. JAMES STEWART &CO.'S PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. GEORGE IMITZWIY, Imports? of Bisnity. Wine, 1... I 3 SOUTH nos? Street, oars for Ws, in bond only, STEWART'S CELEBRATED AND tnactuALLED PAISLEY MALT IniamEY. sII-31n WEWE CALL ATTENTION OF TIIE TRADE to UM _malls anpmrior ordain: ALFRED RENAUD COGNAC. A holy in warted p: - ..taxra nonatantly on hoed. Orthr. received for direct tmportatlnn. Alas —l-lonneas• Cosower, Leßoy Cosuso, London and Rolland Gina. Gars: in Wood and Cue. ,a Claaairl:1011, huhand low 1 - 4.11 pneee. LONGCP. Importer. 010-an: 211 Bonin FRONT. Pinadelptiza. G EORGE WHITELEY, - No. lat Bott_WPRONT Brevet, howler elf Brandy, Wines, .i.e,, offers for We. is bond only, (he follosing, among otter standard brands of bry . met, Cashlion, & Co.. Thos nil" & Co 'ee, Robin. & Co., Otari, Dam. & C O..e. At&lsparta, felfOarvtt'ain. 13tr a . pokt & Co., . & F. ad Wells, I li srAr 'P a r :r "l. , Smart's Paisley Met Whe and the choicest varieties of Madeira Sheri, Pe rt. Barmdy L emi Winne laltnes, Palm tree Gin.mming. Bans. &onto Cruz Rum. Bordeaux Oil. &a:. kes. sli7-11 CLARET. -100 cues Barton k.Guestier's at. Juliev,t KO do. St. Sataa; 303 do. Mraahit j uin Morton Bt. Jtthen ; IS9 do. do. Taint:se. pinta ; E 0 60. mosso La Rota - ea do. do. Laortlis• S ootth A% la stone end Ono:/ POWS , HarrtY a:Falkirk Brown Stunt and London ortor ,in store and to salaigtmet and A. F.5.1:10, Ho South PONTII (ILI) COGNAC BRANDY, ,-, Li. Xi. and Vs Pineur. o. do. Mud. do. Hermes!. Io bond, and for sale by .111. MI 1:10. oZt le South FRONT Strest. MACRLNERY AND IRON. uncut. v. amnion. 7. 'anon., lialollniL wurAal_ RAinntra. QOUTHWARK MUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASzartsTolf erntxtris, kligoNS, ENGINEERS AND MACIIIINI6III, Manoisotors High and Ito* Prepare @team Menem. for Lautd. River, and Marina rnee. Boiler*, Ganolliateta, Tanks, Iron Boats. ko.; Mt:am of all bin ds, either Ina or Brans. Ir2rl I'M= ROA for Geo Works, Work Show. Rea road Mations, Ash Retorts and Gas Huainan etas Inbar and matt Un proved commotion. Evert Mangle/a, of Plantation Idartilnarr, inch as Sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vaaanso NB/, Open &Nun Trans, Defecotoro. Filters, Amount X4Mine. Bola Agents _ for N. Itillietut's Patent. *tzar Holt ias Apparstaa ; uoutlea fittest Stormy :Hammer jupioire/t Wolitera Patent Centrifugal Sugar M - sznk- Jig Maotilne. , OUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUV. interest. Bay your COAL AT lIICKW.....Thergi nothing but the very beet sunlity of Lehigh anig itiong I. kill Wail to offered at the followling gedninedarieea !i Lehigh. Bruk?o, E ff , . and Skire... 4 33= . ..... " LA Wls e rrl u t t eid e — fiv — u; ilaW'or - liusi_ena its fut aaL i veit ht 6 a d i lIICKB' ward. southeast earner .ILh. WILLOW. Call and lee. ottntai - SW. OROO3IE I - CO., 0 01Lou /e 3 Routh FOURTH. Stmt., AND WHARF, FINS STREET, Relnymtrt,t - Dealers and EthiPpera Or Locust Mount:up. 0 Lehit L h, and Schuylkill , .A Merchandise taken C wharfag. H ICKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL„amared with aloe, for_ agf Deet Apply at KrowLEs BDepot, lILIITL2 and WILLOW Streets art-tf .1E Vir OIL -1.500 GALLONS EXTRA WI-II WINTFIt POCK makier at KbAR.ENGTuN SCRE OIL WORKS, multalgo for beat retiil trades, for isle by ROW L AbRBURNER k CO, At Faotorr,or at Store, .INo. Is 801:TIL WiLiEN below Ahrket Street. db./ NEW DUTCH lIERRINa.-500 Titip of New Dutch Eemng 1-16thr and 27defust ireceirwd per 1.,,rk Amai" Irmo nottoroarn ued for ia, by rhos: importers. HENRI' Doll' & CO., -- dlO-6c 21ond 323 South FOURTH at met Al RFS MACKEREL—A fine invoice of btds., hrs ors., and tits Newbarralut tames lion. ALso. mall lot cd Hs liras. lane 0.1 Maoism!. ml l7 re sad for We b• WM. J. TAYLOR CO.. 122 and 111 KORTH WHARVES,
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