0-"''''altKeVroEios24)..WATO4lod.44#Meli,,f Ohn., Yarects trt ten7ears ;ef-age;'• ir hearing be foreAlderiniti sink tna Siturstej , terentag, on the stealing five-pleeesof-wall.paper from *- store on Main lerse RarjArmat,Gentown 'll l tathek4 -Wding at ; owns ilia or six cows , and a qiereecarat - *aka - silt belitthr his children' putt° altos.:; n trompany'with his sitter sad Older,hrother, 'enter the store, for :that purpose, and,the attendant being temporarily abiont, made Off VIM= tho`paper."He'was sent to the Nouse of •.; Atafillie• .•:• • ••, - , Towardsmidnight, piSinday evening, abold rob .‘ be was attemptedlloM-tone. The jewelry store 4f Mr. Julos,Eptersitis,,NO;,P 3B South - *root, was ",erithred hi boring: through A, batik window. Not -; .withstandinthe fang them family was In the up-- Pet Ort'Of the lionsaj'and that the, hair 'Was not the reb ein proceeded deliberately to blow open the safe-with gunpowder -- -; They succeeded in the effort; beKtitto, ng box ttaaempty, and they ' their labor -for their pains* 'There "was an aviation sale at'the ' ' store the night *previous, and , , • Abe burglars doubtless expeeted to find the proceeds ',".7 poi safe:„" Thea' obtained rid ,booty , but a dirk ' ltralli." 'They fled sotin after the explosion. Atentthe stone time the: hoisse of Mr. Charles - Thompson, No: '439 North Eleventh street, below - was broken' into: The family *as „ - -absent from the city, leaving the 'house in the ears =- of tosolbred woman. , Thelatter went to ohuroh, ' ' and 'When' she"rotitrited site found'. that the house bad been ransaoked , and a quantity of , goods were ••, ' peeked up in-the parlor in 'readiness for removal. The thief made off upon the entrance of the wo man,,leaving behind a btinoh of 'falie keys. .lt is ' . thought that out little,plunder was obtained About two,p'olook on Sunday morning an at.' tempt was made to otter the residents of Dr. Wil. - lismocin Walnutstreet, hetween Ninth and Tenth: 'The beirglar mounted an arbor the •yard MAIM forded open alabk Wind*, Aellito was heard by' Dr.'W. The doctor sprung „ts rattle, and the res eat-be/era treaty retreat: +. - .1 Yestprdey,Mornieg about two o ' olock , a.shoe store in Tenth atreeti below:Lombard, wee broken open. There was a men sleeping inside; and the robber „was gotasequentit boated off without having obtain -ed arty Plunder.. , , " As fitting fi nale to this chroniele, lotus respect. fully ask, "Where are the police?". - . - . '.SIVEnn AcClDEnt.—Yesterday morning, a , • , resident .of New York, named Henry Sheldon, jumped' from a railway oar on 'the Coates-street line,,at Ninth , street, and enshrined a compound - frieture ,of one' of. his ankles. Mr. Sheldon was • • , apprehensive that the ears would be run into by a ,:loCoutotire 'On the . Germantown road, _ and ho jumped off to avoid the expiated collision. The • sufferer was taken to hinfreeideneO, Eighth street, • above Market. • - , , • • A 'MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT - by the young ladies Of the Southeast Grammar School will be • , given, at Musical Ennd Hall, on Wednesday even. fog, at half past seven o'clock. • ?he proceeds - be appropriated to the ' purchase o ,a piano for the use,of the school. , ' The remain of Brown arrived in New York od Saturday evening: A crowd surrounded the build . Ins:where they ware placed, hat - the polio° dis persed them . , •Says the Times -• a-Afterwards several persona were admitted to the room; the lid of the colßil wag removed, ex posingto viate:the Tace and, breast. " The festures - would have been instantly recognised as those of John 'Brown by any one who had seen bib photo ,graph. They were not In the least distorted, and wore a calm expression ad one asleep.' Tbelids were closed natnrally, and there wee aslightbrnbie perceptible on the side of the right eye. The body was dressed in the clothes m which he wag 'exe cuted. . • . _ "No demonstration of any kind took place in lbecity with referinee to the arrival or departure of the body, although it had been rumored that the' remains would be oonveyed to the Church of the Puritans (Dr. Cheeveriii) where ,funeral ceremonies would ,be - performed. A strong de sire for such, a demonstration in this city was expressed by many. but the movement was decided .to - be impractieable under the' circumstances,' betide being in opposition to the plainly expressed wishes of deceased, concerning the disposition of his body.' Arrangements are made for the inne rs& rites body.'_ the arrival of the remains at North FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL., The Money Market. PECITADiaII Doe. 6,1859 , Rending Railroad advanced at the Stook Board this morning to 20j. Williamsport and Elmira Rail road bonds advatood 1 again; selling at 10. Cabs wissa Railroad . stook cord sal.' North Ponnsylva- Dia Railroad at Si. -Ponnsylvania Railroad at 37i. The business done was oxeeedingly meagre. The money market eihibits'rery little variation. The bank statement shows a favorable condition of these institutions, and a proper tendency to lessen their loans, While tho regular demands of busixess men are light. The statement shows a decrease of loans and circulation, and eh 'increase of deposits and spots. OFFICIAL BANK STATEMENT. WIZILLT 4VI ABltl - or PUILADICLIHIA DANIS phnic..........-............, ----..--......... _Nov. W. Deo, O. Nov. 21. Deo. 5. Fladelphin„.... *9,110000 * 3,110,000 9220,090 $678,012 orth America. 2,851 360 2.663 005 573 125 612,951 arm & Mach . 3251.791 3,978.933 %IMO 937,710 Commercial..., 1.517.000 1,482.00. , 195 009 231.009 t. .11 1 ra l g, t i e; . . . ' - 12 462 11 4 4 7 8 it r71: 6 41 CI'S thwack -• .. 978,351 990.242 203 657 204 500 emenston.,. : • . • B'o 7/3 807,358 216 761 176.554 ann. Townsslip. 655.611 171974 178 021 147.405 astern _ 1,291,873 . 1,249.5 W 238.619 241,290 Pn. & M eek... 1,131.5 0) 1,142 525 195:475 102065 imeros 611.771 .647 200 1N1.211 142 551 irerd ' 5084.100 6,670,374 190.398 222,212 Zrde 2 P 39 4' ll •• • 147,173 ‘ -679.9A5 -118947 118.833 risOlidatton... 488.484 ' 475,410 69,199 65.723 10,12 815,918 833,914 97 0•38 , 83,351 mpannivealth. 240,271 - 396,991 .683135 72,790 re Exohange. 405.195 391,230 .60 314 69.6 , 8 mon.. ...... . 808809 363,472 45.615 64,991 Total .... ..... 20,077,433 24,903.600 4612,324 4 664,453 • . , , DEPOSIT& CIRCULATION. BANNS. -.+---•*•-•••••.• Nov. 211. - Ilse. b. Nov. 28. Deo. 5. ---...-- iladelphle.,.... 01.430,009; 91 614.000 8269,0013 5241,000 p a rat America. 1.689 091 1,674 Ma 265 670 261,409 rm & 846911., ';_2,917.167 .5.me.830 '25166 355, 9 30 [ I ommer,oial..... 703,000 , 691.000 148200 '364,03) schanice'.....'. - 810 581 • 807244 155 MO 149.625 . Liberties.:... 685.000 876.000• 120120 • 114 NO thwack..... 712,189 693,114 98,910 -, 102 186 ensmston . .. 600 0,311 580.712 140230 121 060 enn Towneftip. 561,722 592,923 , 89,135 • 95.390 esteo's - 936,992 909,107 119,190 120,019 Man. & Meohs.. ,5121,685 537,065 'll5 MO 115,990 tl?mmeioe 40;.04 443.631 . 81,159 92300 rard ...'...,,.c. 881,293' • 868.612 /87,510 170,695 radearpost's.... 402 $l2 413 472 84,807 81 191 t Sy ohdation.:. 'MIS 771 254,8 X 101,990 92,370 437,477 410.603 107,476 111 616 co nMll9realth. 211,590 213 633 ,95 625 191020 rn =change 251,115 256,107 92,235 91.191 U4110R....-........ ' /86,419 497,901 61,589 77, 0 0 T0ta1.... /4,80 1 ,075 14,852,018 2679,066 2,518,226 The aggregates compare with those of the pre ,101111 week as follows: Nov. 28. Deo. 6. r,,DitidStook 811,617.156.11.317.615..in0. $ 4EO 00 , ..... , 25307,492. 21,963,5 1 36—D00. 313.337 pale , -4.512,331 4 561,453...1n0. 53,12 3 as otnertnka.. 1,108,192 - 1.381.491—De0. 23,101 6 636 other 11116. . 2,468 912 24328.231..De0. 70.123 61 1 0 11 2 11 .. •-•••• •• • ...... 21,81 6 .515- 14,852,018—.100. 35 313 ir0u1ati0n............. .2,619.662 2.618 225..De0. 31,333 The following statement Shows the condition of the banks of Philadelphia, at 'rations - times since November, J. 857 - MO. Loans. - Spume. - , throulation.• Deposita. Nor. 4... 31.199,4111 2,071,481 - 2,141,113 16X5.788. 11.....11,922,V4 3,770,701 1,611.11:01 11, 4 E5. 2 63 July 5....24,3310928 6,655,517 2,434,151 16,006,648 *O. 5....28131,057 6.069300 2,741,754 17,019,006 lab. T... , .26.472.569 6,979.09 2.766.465 11.067,167 April . 54537,517 5.335 013 3,426196 17,161470 July 5. —45,446.440 4,897,1365 2, 7 278. , * 15.151,454 Aug:. - 11....24.7111.1313 , 4,M,630 2,809,46 S 10529333 5ept.6,456.090 2202427 14.901.672 Col. 8....25,479,119 6,821.21.3 2.142,446 15 660,713 10....26.657,968 5.233,644 2,930,908 15.459.455 14 17_26,83143g 5,237,766 2,873102 16,333,414 " 24....26 6.37,233' 5,023 745 2.109,752 15 098,336 5i....0.6580414 . 040,242 2.788.375 15 254.01 Nov. 7-25,668.286 5.017 936 2.797,166 15.00 452 " /1. • .24,621.123. 43371.374 ' 3,751.2% 15.212,918 7. .., .26.01 ul2 4 1r4 11.04,113 14,V18 230 ...ZSXT,432 4. 3,374 2,679 542 14,815 675 Poo. 13...44.13633.1215 4 .4,53 4,448,g0 14,862,018 Qeorge .14. Arnold, Esq., rho manager of the Olearbig ironic, reports tits transactions of last tweak as follows: • - - • Nov ber De.gior • The well•exeouted counterfeit live-dollar hills on-the-Bank of Commerce were exposed, some time ago, and the public were told that the genuine notes were tinted yellow, while the counterfeits were not. To-day wo are notified 'from - the vigi lant ocuiduotent of, Peterson'., Coimterfeit De tector-that the defieleney in the former counterfeits has been remit*. The new fraudulent note is described as follows: Well-executed counterfeit Avis. , dellar note on . the Bank of Commerce, Phila delphia, llig. steamship and 'reseals at coo, fe male ®sated on A'berTel With telescope on lower riilat end. Three females on a cliff on left end, amber' on left• end trees_ not toioh the line, in genuine it does. Note his a yellow tint. Signed by IL Bieber, Aim president. The following is Ills amount of deal , transported on the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad for one day, being all of the week ending Theiroday, De cember I, D 359: . - - Tons. Cwt ..... - 7,772 14 T0ta1.... ,wie'eeme time ism l'4eannexedle".tiii? 8obpyl&ill Navigation Coal Trade for the woek ondlog Thnnday l Deoembor 1. 185$: To!ol. for ...... . 1M91 00 1.Y rip!l,lo.- 100:•-•r•A•:•••••• • }414.087 of T° Oftql. 6 tim•lftd year-•••••••••:•••• 1 44 06 1 1 1 The follewing fe ttip amount of Coal shipped by the fientjusolon and proad Top Railroad Tor the I f9eg 4 0 1 98' November 80, 1859 f o r the 'week I Atesiohsly rspiarte4 this 'Tits, silos Jon, t. otol amount 'lopped To sa me date last year... ...... . laoreaie The followlog,litho amount of Coil transported over this Lelaigh/Araßey Railroad for the nine days ending witli , thelseal year, November 30, 1859: •:- . 020 is T 4 ° ,l l 4ol su,sei yOrdiastresa fast rear, 17,796 17. 463,23313 7r1,02ti llooroaso ...... 661 12 100.660 OS 100.622 00 We annex-the' amount of Iron trarOported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for the nine days end• 4 in; with_ the lisonLyear t November 30,1850 • ........ Tope-7.00 • Wasuninly tyin.natulan r t abed TOtal to date ' 19,40 BlllOlC'Extnuar OR BALM Deaamber YOWL • , • - , Rnralkanß nR. lf. SlaTmensi, 81.0 i Walnut Minot. " PIREIT BOARD. • virt,„0,...atcp40 , 34 40 flointprilknk. - ..'...004 bpvild viVAL., la ',I rlorll n 7- • slo' • • ,6 0 ai t thlnß ..• ..... n e 0 e i di —cash. AM'o2onnT . aPa loatawitenft.i... . AQom amkaki4ll4 Igtßoßme.. ..xX. t - ' BETWER3 900 City 66 R.— P. 97/(1 t ' t .91.1100 ND 2200 Ps as .. , . 93% 1930 Ponpa Coon as.• • • 2061114194 plt 7i .... t . 10 aOl. Isra R 11 • 1 Girard Batik 4670 10 Rsos Mid Viss-sts • • R..._.........14. 31 10 • do .. .. 31 CLOSING PRII Asked.l 11. Skase '71,..103 ?Slim 6e— , —.974 996 1E3,1 turnr 6 133 ii .bda su j ‘i " mort as '4/1 91 ... do , 86.70,4 71% 1 i'orns R .. ...... ...373 e 111 • ',lto es. Yaki Stouts tlanssn i r, Bohn7l Nay 4 '82..70( 1 7/ Buhl Am stook— .. 8 1:115011MBER 15-43Yer . The Flour market is very quiet to-day, and standard shipping brands ere held at 878.875!;. and no salon to any extent; the only transaction Is 250 bble W. B. Thomas' superfine at Sea° 7 eo' bbl; the borne trade ere buying at the ahoy° figures for superfine, $6 82,402 87 for extras, IT;to 7 for extra family and lam brands, as in quality. brlour same°. and selling in a email WSY at Penn ht. Corn Meal is not numb inquired for. and sylvania Meal le Mandy at $3.76. Wheat—The market is dull at preview, quoted rates; there is not moth of fering, and only about 4.000 tin have been sold at 8182 m .4.1 for red, chiefly at the latter rate for prime Southern. White is quoted at $1 4001 46. and no sales. Rye to in demand at 930 for Penn. Corn is not no plenty to.dsy ; sales Include about 3,000 bu new yellow at Mane for damp, and 780800 for prime dry" lots. Old is worth glo plm. Oats are quiet at 420 for Delaware, and 410 for l'ennsylVania. Bark is unchanged. and gneteitron quiet 'at.B27 for let No.l wr ton. Cotton in but little inquired for.-and dull at previous quotatione. Groceries—The market is inactive, and a smell business doing in Sugar. Coffee, and Molasges at full rates. Provisions—There is . 'Yore little doing, and no changes to note ; email Wee of new Pickled Rams at leNe. short time. Reeds are quiet, and a small business going in Cloyersoed at 1525.26 es In quality. Whiskey is unchanged. bbla Belling at 2.14 , 2730, the latter for prime Ohio ; 26110 for Ws, and Wie for drudge. Philadelphia Cattle Market. • Hussman 5, 1859. The receipts of Beef cattle were large noon this week, reaching' about 2.'200 head. The market continues active . , and prieeMbout the same as Mt quoted. The taming are the particulars of the Wear 37 testae Abrahems. Ohio. 80a9 49 1 0 0 tbs. to B. Ilnidirin. Chester counts 8889. 1T J. Sanderson, Pennsylvania. Vet 9. 22 D. Eckman, Ohl., 87.60810. 41 Kennedy & Melees& Cheater county, $799. m J Smith. Ohio. ts 7 5060-60. 92 Franks. Ullman k Co., $BBO. 22 11. W. Oemmill Delaware, eta 60. 67 H. Chain. Ohio 868850. 30 W. Holmes Ohio, 87810. 40 James Aut. Ohio, 86311. 78 J. Jarrett. Pennarlvania, 87.600860, 61 GMT Gordon, Slam •DO IL Gray, 788 60. 102 N. Carr, Virginia. SastP. 63 Z. Walter. Ohio, 8081. 89 Rine° & Woodward. Illinois, 8608.61 23 Cochran & McCall. Delayer° county, 40 grow. • •6041oPillen. Ynnng h. Co . Cheater °minty. 88 2589. 87 Peat, & Kimble- Cheater county. 882589. 22 Jesse Miller. Cheater coun'y. 48e9.66. - 19 Trimble & Kirk. Chester county. 8_8254910. 90 State Cattle, Chester county. 8.700 60. 26 P. McFillen. Chester county, 8809 14 We t lexsnd^r. Charter county, 88e9.60. 21 Cochran & McCall, Delaware. 898916. 19 Glendy, Virginia 8304 gross. Harrison & Co., Virginia.g7ll9 20. 33 Rev mour & utton. virgin's., 8 3 .7 6 84.60 gross, - SO P.Valhaway, Lancaster county, $869. 14 R. McCue. Maryland, So gross. WURNTek UNION DROVE-YARD. 200 D. Bradley. Illinois. e 2 60#320, common. AfeChina. Clio, 87 , 28. 20 Kimble & Kirk. Cheater county. $7.504210.25. 15 John Shelby: Chester county, Vara 17 Smith. Westmoreland county. It_7 , ts 93 John Wallace. chestet county, .5 7cr8.26. 2 1 A. Gheen. Cheater county. $7OB. 40 Fuller. Fayette county, S7EOOO. 10 G. Da Billiton. Cheater county. 08:110. 20 B. Hood. Cheater county. e 802.75. 26 N. wornts. Chester county. 8809. : 4 000 Sheep arrived and sold at Phillips' yard at from 7 to 8n lb net. 300 also sold at the Bull's Hood drove yard et 8084j6 41Y fb. 126 COWS were mild at 'verntz's yard nt SYS to stO for find quality. and alba 25 for dry. 2 from of Hoge were sold by Miller and Stallman at 5 , 6 to 87.404 Y 100 The net. 5.017 hand of loge sold at Imhoir l e at from 86a7.60 4P 100 lins net. LECTURE DT lIENRY WARD 'BEECHER ON Thugs- DAT EVECIING.—The conspiouous place. which Henry Ward Beecher holds to-day as a pulpit orator and leo- torer has become a matter of universal comment. both hero and abroad. He may be said to be a thoroughly original genius—he hence says and dnes succesyfully what in his imitators becomes ridiculous. In his mode of resurrecting s dead thought and investing it with life and beauty. Mr. Beecher it unappronebed by any other living orator. No matter how much men may differ with im in the sentiment/ he holds, none hear him without admiring hie eloquence. For thief reason. Mr. Beecher always commands %crowded audience. We hare no hall which hie popularity is not sufficient to fill. We have already announced that the concluding lecture of the present course, before the People's Lit. racy Join ture. will In delivered by Mr. Beecher, at Concert Hall, nn 'Thursday evening of the present week. We shall not be ,urprised if tiokete command a premium on the evening of the lecture. Tan " OLD FOLKS" AGAIN.—We are happy to Inform our readers that the original Father Kemp, with his ;celebrated 'Old Folks' Concert Company," has just reorganized with special reference to a tour to Europe, and will 'commence the first of a series of concerts, at National Hall, Ms-ket , street, above Twelfth, this ( Tuesday) evening. They will be assisted. in the pre gent instance, by the distmguished Yankee vocalist, Mrs. Emma Davis Nichols, and the celebrated Bosun basso, Mr. M. W. Whitney. CHRISTMAS Dirt GOODS.—WO invite the special attention of our lady readers to the no lase seasonable than attractive card of Messrs. Eyre & Landoll, south• west corner of Fourth and Arch streets, winch will be found in another &limn of our paper this morning. The reputation of this old and respectable house for keeping a large and elegant stook of goods is too well established to require comment; but the ladies will thank us for informing them that Messrs. E. & L. have been making special arrangements for the holi days, by nanticixo IN Palen a variety of articles, with the view of rendering them the most desirable Christ mas presents Among these we may mention a splen did line of Lyons Velvets. Beaver Clothe, Black Cloaks, Blue and Brown Merino's. Broche Shawls. Woolen Shawls Velvet Poplins, Irish Poplins, Soviet Be Danes, Figured Merinos, Finelllankets, Table Linens, etc. They are worthy of attention. CHRISTMAS CUTTS:7 , I%O most beautiful and pleasing Christmas present is the Stereoscope and Pic t ‘res. The largest assortment, at the lowest prices, at the Emporium, IC South Eighth street. JAMES CaIMAIR & CO. THE MAMMOTH ITOTRI...—The "Continental" in rnpidly approaching completion. When open for the re ception of boarders, it le computed that nine-tenths of them will buy their clothes at the palatial store of Gran ville Stokes, No. 607 Chestnut street. 011Anuion CIIANCISS fur eeeeptablo Gifts are of fered daily by Mr. G. G. twins, of the Gift Book Flom, Chestnut street, below riftli. Besides having the largest nod most beautiful assortment of publications of every kind, at the lowest cash rater, he has a no lees attractive variety of good watches, cameo sets of jewelry. silver tea sets, lockets, rings, pencil cases, pens, and an end - lea; stock of Presents for the Holidays, which lie dist.i. butes freely to every one who may purchase a Book at his store. Mr. Brans is a man of sterling enterprise, and his business is conducted on the strictest basis of fairness and integrity. All, therefore, who visit his Place will not only secure the full worth of their money in the books they buy, but something from among his Gifts whioh Will be valued and worn for its intrinsic worth. The latest publications, elegantly bound, for one alwaysdollar, on hand. TEA WARMIOUSE.—John B. Love's choice Tens, Seventh and Brown. 3060, Gleaaon's Pictorial "Lint-af-Entrle-Ship" will 'commence its second volume in an enthely now shape, with a beautiful new heading, and with new typo ; in short. every thing about it will be new from top to toe. The Paper will also be greatly enlarged from its present form of eight pages to sixteen pages; it will be a main• moth weekly of sixteen hundred square inches, and will contain nearly double the quantity of reading matter and illustrations it now has. A host of new oontribu tore and artists have been engaged for it, and the most liberal artangemente have been completed, Buell as will enable Mr. Gleason to publish by far the finest Matra tad Journal yet published. What surprises ua ix, that. with all these great im provements, and the additional expense to the pub lithe r, the.price for IMO will be so vary cheap, that cer tainly no ono will forego the pleasure of its weekly visit. Terins 51 a year. A. Winch, 320 Chestnut 81., wholesale agent. Clearings. Balances naid 3,480,679 21 123 1 1.166 14 3 621431 66 263.41/ 16 9,236,296 22 161.611 64 367/ 218 34 . 211,783 62 3,612966 61 269 631 td 2,910.991 66 188,696 64 tHRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS 518.973.19169. 01400470 31 SWAB HOUSE—Chestnut et.. below Ninth. Vit M Pinker, N Y I Honig, Balt A Du Creel M Birakoseh, N Y A IT Lewis. Cin, 0 0 0 Booth. Cin, 0 0 W MoDowell, N Y A Jones, N y_ A M Laa7ence, al Y P P Allen, N Y W A Bale, N Y W B Ring, Wash, D C AB Pit , terson. Bolt RN Mayes. Ala D Marion. Pittsburg J C Bridge. Balt .1 Oorblt,NY, _ J W Cunningham, Emig 0 I, Woodbridge,N Y .1 II Bootle, Ga .1 El Cohen. PI Y T II Greenfield. Tenn N Brewster. N Y W II Ryan, Balt I Bettel, Balt s W Burton at. la, Brooklyn ra i ge . ,,r7 , cm- Nine Cohen. M Junco, N Y C &Liar, N M Colson & la, N V BS Guerpsey & la. N 'V MlVlNDlStraknaoh, ^I Y Mademoiselle Patti, N Y fl.pt W H Baylor & In, Vs .1 Railer 8r la, va W HAT Chagos., lit) T T Hendrickson, Conn .1 Bowman Bell. Reading 31. vane, I nno. Pa W Evans, Jr,N Y If ROnnible, Mo H Gamble, Mo 11 W Nortnon, Va CI P Whittaker. Md Dr A Rnwline,N y A .1 Rraoser, Balt . AI, Clarke, Boston Col Beton:Pa H A I...inan. N Y H B Plant & wf, Oa B El Palmer, N Y I Ramel. N Y El Atherton , Boston Pi' I Peel*. N Y J M Abhot & la, N J R Teller, N Y Than Thorne A la. Newark Tire Dußois S F Gould, binshvi le Bami Gould. Boston A II ' , avian 8 C It Panderson 1) Jamul & la. NY I II Pearce, Richmond I) p Fleming S C J 11 Savage N y A C Ora , Del ...I IF amino, Mobile A II W hae . N V L B BMiniftr. Mobile 1) I. winchester & ht. N Y W Vt . Buckm, Kamm R V Richardson. Memphis T E Willson, Wen Dr .111 pnr,'R enena ' • 3 0 Atwater, N Y A Baker, Renttlcky ' MERCHANT'S' HOTEleqroarth et., below Arab. I °Welton, Fcnn Illetfinan.N Y R F Brown, Wing Jae Houston, M Chunit Wm ft Otte, b Chunk' Hen Craig. M. Chunk W tncruning.Burnmit Hill W Negly & la, York Bogs IA Wieripan&s:,York Sege LC lismberlain 11. 11 Hartley, Pittsburg S II BMWs. Ind . 1 T wallingg A R. Brundage, Wllkoeb'e Saud vanlcon , Wilbeaharre J 3 Hilt. N 1 0 M Pond. N L R MoD Shoemaker, Pa John Woodruff. Chester co J 0 Elielibing,San Frano,gco R .1) TwoedY. Mt, Oen Wru tell, , Carbcin co Tons. Cwt 89;236 'la „..yrt),96ola AMERICAN HOTEL-011,41mA it., ob. Firth. W 0 Williams. England Plt Hambirch, N Y J It Slayton, M D. Alabama John Gardner. N Y W i. Stork, Leesburg H Maguire, Md 0 B Maguire, Md W Lehman: Baltimore J . II Keith, Ma B E Bethlehem 0 Henry. Cincinnati, 0 0 Mitehell.Flan Francisco J N Flinahinnn. N J Samuel O Milli an , N J Si R Foote, N Y E M Sharp, N Y Ft F North. Connertiout .1 H Serrnour,_Md D Perla,. Vermont A M Lloyd. Hollidaysburg CI Miller. Huntingdon Oen Heister, Trenton, N J C W Leeds. Trenton. N J .113 McCreary, M. chunk 8P AI inniek, Summit Hill N Minnick, Summit Rill Tomler, Pn 0 Niger. Ramon'. P a B K Hang Milton, Pa Jan If Bnlum, Milton. Pa• C 11 Boyd D C_Dodd. Jr Newark. NJ B W Parsons. Prey, I J H Bradley, Indianapolis UPBenum,lowa JJKirkh e rn,Poterebg, Va W F Seymour, D C 0 Valentine, Va W Hastings. Pa JA Towers, Reit W}_ J Behan, FRANKLINMOI.IBE—Chestout st., above Third. .1 Monte Rent N Y Geo Faber. N Y Craig Jos B Cra, N Y Jag K McGraw, Va M, Loci O'Brien,N Y J L Maxwell, Md '0 Monte, Phila Freak Stnueh. Reading Freedman, Yhmnizville Dant Potter, N J Thl E Petry, N Gee All - laugh, Louisville Si Eckel, Trenton, N J Jesse Momenta], Tenn W Root, Germantown S Cory, N Y BLACK BE AR HOTEL—Third it., above Callowhill. James Weiler. Macungie J ?jailer, Kutztown tN Bright, Bernvillo C N Bodey, Orwigsburg anl Levan. Reading David Thomas, Pa ndwigßohnelekeer,Pa MERC I kANTVROUBE—Tbird etreet. Callowhill. Were Filbert, Womeladorf Mrs Filbert, Womelsdorr F Velment, Bucks co, Pi IMO City Oa P. 973( -BOARD. 3L a R. 3Thi eehigh • 49 ao'Lernee tr.Pine-ste I% Union Bank ....... VS? . N Pa It ' 100 Reading R 115. 20 ;00 do 20, CES-STEADY. Bid. Ask , d 'Bahl Wimp q hi liw i nttf. tn •••./WA 16 413 24 gg:"1: 4 1% 10 Long Island 11M Lehigh Coal&Nay.4B)% IN 61% 10s ...... 80 Calawaiss ••m txls.32§ 14 8 , 1 • ' Frank & Sout R 6 ... 80 7 K td & &Hui h gaselsVins-s4 R..: 81 Philadelphia Markets. CITY ITEMS. GREAT 1 /IPROVEMENTs.—On the first of January, UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST HIGH? JONES' HOTEL- Chestnut *Met, above Sixth. W Owen, Cm, 0 D E Talrman, Chicago Oen W mtolie_r, N Y .Las Murphy, Salt 0 Wickham, Va +- sett] H Clowes, N Y Chas Beaeten. Del B .A Adams, Phil% B Trany. Phile. A D MoLeod. Balt .7 Coodin,.lr. Aid Win Afigttn, Md Gee T gst ogle, Somerset Win 1' Byers, Somerset Jae M Govern. Va D T Raymond, Va RI Bowen, Berlin, Ind J Keenan. Del . L Bouillon. N Y 0 Biminotids, Can. 0 Jos J Shepard, N Y Win A Shepard, N Y Brook Shower, Md V B Shower. Md J Venue ttn, N I V Da , ri mole. N Y David hodd,N Y Jacob Welle,N Y 3 8 Brow Y Jae D Bard, N Y WmP Hilliard, N Ala A Brahma, Balt W Orange, Balt -- THE UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third. P F Jones, Wilmington , Del 8 C Taylor, Pa Sy Wens, Pa WII Cool .4 an. Pa 'oSwany. Easton, Pa ".I . w Gwynned Easton, Pa Thos Z Atherton. Pa T P Brown, D o john Wile y Ala I) C Alm Wiley, D C Baml Ratcliffe, Tamaqua R Kent, ouy netts. B Frazier A a.l Ma F P Hone Renalinx Beni R Cox. Mt Holly Semi Sloe ton. Sykesville II 8 Overholtz, Overton, Pa M Donn lc ti.,DI Y Miss Dean. N Y 8 L Pinner'. Millon, Pa W B Semple, Easton, Pa .13 M Btibs, N 3 STATES UNION HOTEL—Market at.. above Sixth W Wilson, Bordentown Joseph :Masterson. Ps DT Lehman & tiau. Pa It L Rich°lts. Lancaster B F Kirk, hid David Mandy, Vs Joseph WOlabium, Lane 1 H MoNaush on. Lana Josepb_Mouer, BM ppensbg Dumb Swaim. Newburg Wln Power. Chicago Wm Dont. Altoona L K Seltzer, Mt Joy JFt Mohan, Ives ul J Fliey South , Phila R. W Smith, Yrightsvllle G M Thstable Halt J Hutton. Ba t B Henderson, Balt W H Watt, Pittsburg F 11l Mickey, Patterson NATIONAL HOTEL—Race st.. above Third. Jno 0 Harris, York, Pa Mina M Hogan, York, Pa J Burnett. Boston A Frowell, Boston A H Lusht. Lebanon, Pa T V Miller & In, Milford Ezra Remt.Lanonster co,Pa H E Johnson,Pittsbu re D Burkholder, Lancaster H J Hendlor_ A Pottsville .1 Helfenstein. E FicVer. Wornelsdorl" Jno H Oherlr, Worneladorf Oberholtzer. Phconixv T Jenkine. Minersville W Weiler. N J sand M Alyers, Mt Joy John Arndt. Manheina H B Luckenbaoll. Pa J 8 Brobst. Catawissa H Mendnnhall.Bloomeburg Jos Whitaker, Mt Clare Sol Wenner, Pa EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, above Race. D McNutt, West Chester T Kirk, Delaware co 8 0 Marshall. W Cheater J P K imball. Pa C Kimball. N J N D Fowler. Joanaville L rook, West Cheater .111 Ladd. Ohio F Keener. Pa J C Smith, W Chester !Stokes, Indiana W Pennyp_ackor, Ye K Decease. Pa H Rodgers. N Y 8 Albertson, Boston L T Winter, Baltimore MOUNT VEIINON HOTEL—Sowed street. ab. Aroh. J Robertson, Pottsville C W Thorn, Del id 8 Corllns i Phila J P Van Kline, N Y C Van Ettna. N Y J C Price. Del Wm Anderson. Phila Time J Martin, Phita Wm Dann Pa I 0 Smith, Phila Jnel Ritter. Reading C Pongee. West Chester Wm Deerfield. Jr. Easton Col p D Brodhead ,k la, Pa Master f K Brodhead, Pa Mr. ISI Keller, Pa Master F Keller, Pa BA LD EAGLE—Third street. above Callowhill. Jnenh jeep. Langdale. Pa V) Ilamerman. Pa Reeding W Polleiger, Reada Johnton, Doylestown Jonathan P Hallman. Pa arren Hallegass, Pa MARINE INTELLIGENCE. SEE FOURTH FARE ARRIVED. Brig Emerald Isle. (Br) Health, from Black River, Sa. with torwood, &o. to D N Wetslar & Co. Left mew Alma, (BM Stil!grove, for New York, loading, to sail about (7th Nov. Bohr J H Allen, Raboook, 5 days from Salem, with 141 casks palm oil, to Thin ac MoKeona. OLE/.REM Bohr S B Wheeler, MoLaughlin, Cienfuegos, S & W Welsh. Bohr A Tirroll, Higgins, Charleston, Pettit, Martin & Behr M Wrightington, Timelier, Baton, Noble, Ham !nett & Steam Echr Tuscarora, Kirby, Charleston and a mar ket.B tc J M Flanagan. Btr H L Gaw, liar, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. . . (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE ISLAND. Dec, 5-8.20 Phi. Quite a storm preyail p r even t se NE., accompanied with fog and rain. which any olueot being,die cernable at SOO yards distance. Yours, THOS. B. HUGHES. MILVIORANDA. Steamship Northern Light, Tinklepaugh, for Aspin wall, cleared at Now York yesterday. Steamship Baltic, Gray, cleared at New York yester day for Aspinwall Steamship Ctty of Manchester. Cummings, from Glas er,* via Queenstown 20th ult. arrived at New York yes. to rdey. Steamship Delaware, Copes, beams, arrived at New York yesterdsv. Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal. hence, at Richmond, 3d inst. Bark Old Hickory, Holmes, for Falmouth, remained at HavankaO9l ult. .. • . Bark Ann Eltsaboth, Norgrai , e, for Philadelphia, eld ram Havana 2dth ult. . . Bark Ma!darner, Kruse, hence, arrived at Havana 27th ult. Brig Delhi. Kenny, benne, arrived at Havana 27th ult. Brir Alfred Exall, Beadling, hence, arrived at Havana Seth ult. Brix Karnak, Downey. for Philadelphia, woo at Hays no 30th ult. Bri a 8 Thurston, ',number, linden, arrived nt Cardo min 26th ult. . . Brig Jules Aimee, (Fr) Beadier, hence, arrived at Boehm met. Brig Henry Leerle, Grant, hence, at 6alemlth tent, Sclir NV 0 Bartlett, Connelly, hence, armed at Bos ton 3d inst. • . Behr North Pam G. Matey. from Wareham for Phila delphia. en ded from New Bedford ad !net. Behr March Wooster. hence, at Emtpro 25th ult. Behr Mary Pleteher, Crosby, for Philadelphia, cleared at Calais Mth ult. - • . Reim Ocenn Wave, English. Elliott. Weaver. and II W Matte, Cranmer, henoe arrived at Iliohniond 3d mat. Bohr B%MA - ft, Small, for Jacksonville, cleared at Char leston net. Schrlllo N Baker. Henderson, from Georgetown for Phdadolohin. cleared at Charleston 2d inst. • . . . . Mire J Ireland, Steelman, John Compton. Shinn, and Joseph Porter, Yates. nonce, arrived at. Washington. 1) C. yesterday. Behr H tt Coggshall, Triton, from Jaoksonville,nrrived at New York yesterday. Bohr Jehn.Ponder, Hunt, from Red Bank, arrived at New York yesterday. SPECIAL NOTICES. TILE SUPPLY is scarcely equal to the de mand. so immenee is the popularity of J Ul, E 8 11AUEL'S EAU ATITENLENNE, OR HAIR RE "ITORER. It prevents and curos baldness, promotes the growth and beauty of heir, and changes grey hairs and whiskers to the original color. softness, and brilliancy or)on , 11. It is note dye. Sold by all druggists, and by JULES HAVEL & CO., No. 704 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. dselBtWit. THE lIAT DESIGNED AND MODELLED BY WARBURTON, OF 410 CHESTNUT STREET, FOR THE HOLIDAY AND WINTER SEASON, will be found admirably suited to the purposes intended. In style, character. and expression it cannot fail to please gentlemen of taste, and all who consult fitness and me. priety to deco. Those who deferred purchasing a lIAT during the FALL will see in this new style Just cause for /alarm aside their much wore ben errs, while the BEAU MONDE will find this " CROWNING GRACE" India peesably requisite to their WINTER COSTUME. OPENING DAY—THURSDAY, BTH INST. WARBURTON, HATTER. d3-at 430 CHESTNUT bTREET. COUGHS.—The administration of =diei ngl preparations in tho•form of a Lozenge, a of all modes the moat eligible and convenient, more neonatally a■ re gard. a COMM REMEDY. BROWN'S BRON CHIAL TB OCILES,"or Cough Lozenge., allay frrtta• tion winch 'induce Coughing, having a dim.' influence to the affected parts. dl-thatiat HOLIDAY PRESENTS. PIANO FORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO FORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO FORTES. MELODEONS. PIANO FORTES. MELODEONS. Made by Raven, Bacon & Co., flatlet, Davi' & Co„ Nano & Clark, Mason & Hamlin, and others. J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. no2datu&thtJel PRINTING-PRINTING-PRINTING. PRINTING—PRINTING—PRINTING. PRINTING—PRINTING—PRINTING. JACKSON, Printer. JACKSON, Printer. JACKSON, Printer. FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Blank Books sonde to order. Blank Books made to order. Blank Books made to order. Cards and OWWATS. Cheeks and Notes. d 2 at Bills Lading and Bill Honda GROVER. & BALER% OILIEBRATMD NOIIIELIIIB FAXILT BzwiNi-MAcaniit, AT lIRDEVED PRIORS. 730 CiIErNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. TIM Paloll3 OF SINGER'S BEWINO MACHINES HAVE! BEEN!! ILIDVCICD s2l-3w WHEELER & WILSON Simixo Mumma. —Philadelphia Office, US CHESTNUT Street, Merchants' orders filled at the SAME DISCOUNT as by the Company. Branch offices in Trenton, New Jersey, and Easton and Westchester. Pa. seli-tm SAVING FUND—NATIONAL 15 AFETY TRUST Ociates nr.—Ohartered by the State of Pennsylvania., RULES. I. Money Is received every day, and In any amount, arge or small. Z. FIVE PER GENT. interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. 8. The money le always paid but In GOLD whenever it le Galled for, and without notice. 1. Money Is reoeiVed from Executors, Administrators, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. 6. The money received from Depositors is Invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first Warm seourities. 6. Office open every day—WALNUT street, southwesi center Third greet. l'hiladalohia. Pell SHAMAN A SAVING FUND—NOUTHWEAT CORNER SECOND and WALNUT Strome.—DOTOßita re ceived in email and large amounts, from all °leases of the Community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Money may be drown by °books without lass of in tweet. Office open dally, from 9 until§ o'olook, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treainrer end Secretary, CHAS M.MORRIN. oral pRION CLOTIIING OP TITS LAMS? SYYz.xs, tnede in the best manner, expressly for RE. TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling Prices marked lb Plain Figures. All goods made to order warranted Betio citatory. Our ONE-PRIM: System ix strictly adhered to, as we believe this to be the only fair way of dealing. All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., aeB-tf 011 MARK ET Street. SALAMANDER FIRE-PROOF SAFES.—A very large assortment of SALAMANDERS for sale at reason able prlooe, No. BOt CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. mai tf EVANS & WATSON SOFT. GLOSSY, LUXURIANT HAIR!—Our fair readers who covet a bee utiful head of waving ring lets should try JULES HAUEL'S EAU LUSTRALE HAIR RESTORER. Its use cleanses the hair, imparts to It a delicate softness and brilliancy, inclines it to curl, and yields to it the delicious fragrance of Seward. Sold by all Druggists. and by JULES lIAUEL A, CO., No. 794 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. n29•dlth Wit HAlluis , BoppOHL SEWING MACHINE. IMPROVED DOUBLE.THREAD. FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERY FAIR. 028-8 m P6ila, Office. 720 ARCH St. Anent. wanted HOCIPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Will posi tively cure Dyripapsin, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, &0., ko. DOOPLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL will positively cure Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough &0., &o. Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON & CO., 418 ARCH Street, and for sale by Druggists and dealers generally Price 7g cents per bottle. ae24-tf G& -LAPP DRPOT—SIXTEC AND ARCM se24-3u. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, MI RfORADDR—JOYES.—On the Ist Inst. bI Rev. J. C. 01. i, 1). D. AO, Frank Richards to Miss Rebeoca daughter of Charles Jones, Egsb li all of this gay. RI bh,Y—A DA IDEC—On the COI u 4., by Rev.vpfy I—•`° MORRIS.—On the evening of the 4th Inst., Joseph R. Morris, Een., In the 35th year of hie age, Ms relative. arid Mends are particularly invited to attend his funeral, on Wednesday morning, 2to Inst., at is °Wont, from his Into residence, Media, Delawllln county. To proceed to Chester. 11E80.—On the &I inst. Mary, eldest daughter of Henry W. Hess, in the 20th year of her, age.' Funeral from the residence of her father, No. 2116 Jefferson street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock, ECCI.E9.—On the 3d inst , Mrs. Elizabeth A., wife of David Fscism, in the 23d year of her are. Funeral from the residence of her husband, N. W. rumor nF Tnirteenth and Jederson streets, thin ( Tut.- da_yl afternoon, at 2 o'clock. BRIERS.—On the 21.1 inst., Robert Briers, aged 42 years. Funeral from lea late residence. Nis,l Awarthmors Place, Secoild street, below New, this (Tuesday I altir nonn,_at 2 o clock. HAVES*.—On the 4th inst., Catharine Haver, aged 69 roars. Funeral from her late residenoe, Jones street. west of Eighteenth, above Market, this iTitesdes afternoon, at 2 o 'clock. . . ItIcFADDEN --On the Sd inst., James McFadden, in the Slit year of his ase. Funeral from his late residence. Callnwhill street. wept of Twenty-third, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clnok. . HAUT/E.—On the oth inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Hague, to the 69th year of her nice. Funernl from the residence of her eon, linen 111500 . Point road, near Itrldesburs, on Thuredey atternoon. nt 1 o'clonk. ROBERTS.—On the 4th inst., Mrs. Margaret Roberti, in the rOth rear of tier age. Funeral from the residence of her brother, Jac Paul. No. 628 Shippen street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. • TAY LOft—Ori the 3d inst., John Edwards !Taylor, only J son of J. Vincent and Aesha 'Parlor, aged 2 years and 3 months. Funeral from the residence of his parents, Kauffman Hato Turner) street. Fourth. below Catherine, this (Tuesday I aftorm on, nt 2 o'clock. HENTZ.—on the 4th inst., Mrs. Anna Catharine Rentz, relict of John Bentz, aged 83 years. Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. George &beets, Whitemarsh. Montgomery co..' Pa., on Thursday mornine, at 10 o'clock. A M F,T.—On the oth inst.. Alice Isabella Amet, wife of Charles I'. Mont, in the 43d year of her age. Funeral front the residence of her husband, No. 1332 Brown street, on Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. LONG.—On the 3d inst., Mr. Andrew Long, In the 39th 1 ear of hie age. Funeral from hue late residence, No. 1537 Wood street, east of Sixteenth. this ( Tuesday) afternoon. at 2 o'clock. RINK.-:On the 2d lust., Mr. Jacob Rink, in the 49th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 159 Brown st on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. B LACK AND PURPLE VALENCIAS, 37 cents. Blau k and Purple Volvet Poplins Camille Cloths, SYS; cents. ress Silks. tt and White Lupin's Mousseltnes,B73i cents. mported De Lames, Id oents. tt Velvet Poplins and Volour Reps. " Lupin's Cashmeres and Merino's. Patittde Chines and Tannees. Silk Warp Cashmeres and Bombazines. " Thibet and Bay State Long Shawls, ,ko. Just renewed by HEWN Et HON Mournint Store, n 22 808 CHESTNUT Street. PHILAD'A BAPTIST INSTITUTE LEC PURES—The'Reeend • ecture of the reuse, for the present cocoon, will be delivered by Rev. NV A R REN RANDOLPH, in the Ransom-14mi Church. MN o'clock. on TUE• DAY EVENT NO, Dee.s Subject— " the Mission of Baptiets " As these Leatups are es pecially designed to afford instruction, by tracing the early history of the Christian Church, its government end ordinances, and in enforolne the necessity of obedi ence to the teachinwe of Christ, their importance should to comm andail. general attention. These Lectures will be free It. rrrDISCIPLES OF CHRIST.—ELDER D. 8. SUR.ET, of Cinoinnat . willpreach in the E MEETINGHOUS. on TWELFTH STREET below M 4 'l ON, thie TUEBDav evening', at 7$ 0' , 3100k. Tins will be Mr. BURNET'S last dizeoureo beforn he leave, for the Wont. C. H. S.—TIIE STATED MONTHLY MEETING of the THIRTY-FOURTH 011,AeS i r icrNlON, will be held THIS (Tuesday) EVENING at 7H o'clock. at the Room, Northeast corner of NINTH and CALLOSYHILL Str• eta. HENRY II VAUGHAN, President. WM. HARRISON LAMBERT, SecretsrY. IN .I"gTIM REV. If. GRATTAN GUINNESS AT GERSIAPITOWN on TUESDAY irlth IiNOON, o'clock, in the First Presbyterian Church, (Rev. Mr. Knox's,. Main street. Evening at 7% o'clock. in the First Methodist Churoh, (Bev. mr. Aldny's ! Meeting-house lane. - it* PROFESSOR COPPER'S SIXTH LEC it 7 TITRE will be delivered on THURSDAY EVE NTNG next, the B th inat .at Mi. Subtoot—" The Forest lend of Willi= Penn." with a vindioation of the rraett Founder from the unjust charges of Lord ?anemia* Mammon, Zi cants; a Gentleman and two Ladies. to cents. tlf,3t* irrTWENTY-FOURTH WARD PRO PIA'S M PEI ING.--A Mootin g of the eltiaens the Twenty-fourth ward oppose d to the present National Administration without regard to former po litical predilections. wi lt be held at the COMMIS.- sIONFIRS' GALL, Weat Philadelphia, on WEDia.B. DAY EVENING, the 7th instant for the mimeo of fot mint* PEOPLE'S ASSOCIATION for the ward. John 1. Hoopoe. Wm. Pnttereon, Samuel Hatt orth, Hiram 111/13110y, john Given. Jesee N. Rook - . J. A. Simpson. Levis Passmoro. Jas. N. Biundin, Samuel W. Cattellt Joseph S. Riley. (leo. ge Connell, wm. L. Atinnie. limos Rhoads, Wm A. Fredericks, Roht. E. Shultz. Roht. M. Sampson. Joseph Williams, John L. Franey, Samuel Wise, da-3t* ra. PEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE.— Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHE THURSDAY INSTITUTE.— the elosuu Lecture of the course on EVEN ING. December Bib, at Concert Hall. Lecture to R. Ticket". 55 rents. des-4tr frrOFFICE OF RECEIVER OF TAXES, rITILADRLPITIA, December 1.1869. NOTICI... TO PAX-PAYERS.—The Tax-payers of the several Wards of the City of Philadelphia are here by notified that If the State and City 'faxes, due for the year 11359, are not paid before the first day of January, 1860, interest will be charged thereon, and the names of all delinquent tax-payers will be published, and t o - seven cents (V) additional will lie charged for publi ra tion. Also, after the Midas of January, IBM penalty of IS per cent. will be a. dell upon all taxes remaining unpaid, and roots thereon for collection. (Signed) A. I. F , LONIERFELT, d 2 Roomer of Taxes. NOTICE.—THE BOARD OF NANA °ERB of the Lehielt_Velley Railroad l'ompenv have this day deolarod aPt vodend ofTURF.F. PER CENT. IN 110 1 R, and THREE PER CENT. IN CASH, on the stook of the Company, elem. of State tax. for the year ending Met day of October,llP9. Payable to the Stockholders standing on the Books of the °moan, this day, or their Imeal representatives. on and after the 12th der of DEChAI HER proximo, at the office ol the Company, No . 90.9 WALNUT Street. NS 3. N. HUTCHION, Treasurer. Phila.. Nov. 9. IMO. all-tertu-10t 7tFAItMERS' I BANK, PIIILADELI•11 nn Election held on the foil win:•natneli litockholds of Bus Bank: A. A. ISlercor, Edwin AI. Lewis, John Milberg, ()virile W. Earnutn i Anthony J. Antal° Joseph Harrison. lr.. inm Harrison. B. And at a Meeting of tht NIERCER Elm , wee went dent. EDWIN Ali LEWIS, Wit LIAM RUSHTON, Jr , Cr n22-10t INO NORTH, NO SOUTH, `OUR WHOLE "UNION." MARS MEETING CITIZENS OE PHILADELPHIA, ° IKHFSPISCTIVE OF FARM JAYNE'S HALL, W EDNESDAY EVENING, The object of the Meeting will be to reaffirm ALLEGIANOIi TO THE UNION CONDEMN ALL FANATICISM lIoN. JOSEPII 11. INGERSOLL Many distinguished Speakers will be present on Address the Meeting. THOSE WHO WANT LIKENESSES and pleasing pictures, life else, should gnt Plinio graphs in Oil, innile by skilful norm no, where thai have every facility for making superior vrork at lI.EIAIER'S Gallery. SECOND fitrpot. above Oman. it* NOTICE. ---An application will be made at the next !mom or the lienelature of Penneyl 'Pania for the incorporation of a Rank. with rennrel bankin r With a mean! of TWO HUNDRED AND F WIT THOUSAND DOLLAR boated called the MANUFACTURERS' BANK, to be in the pity of Philadelphia. 112-e -eta mARRIED. AND SIECIIANICS' lIIA, Nov. 23.1869. e tat or November, MD, the Mrs were elected Directors Robert V. Massey. Joshua B. Lippincott, AMP. It. Campboll, I. Pemberton liutchit son, Francis Tete, John C. Ferr i Woodward. Directors this day 8. A. reelected Prom- Esq., Vice President, and W. 'RUSHTON. Cashier PUBLIC MEETINGS. NO EAST, NO WEST A GRAND UNION WILL DE 11W) DECF,M HER 7, 7 1-2 O'CLOCK CONSTITUTION, :11166:T10 - NS. B .OICS TOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SAMUEL HAZARD, JR., 721 CHESTNUT STREET, Takes pleasure in Informing his customers, and the kiinlio generally, that, notwithstanding the general tininess of the times, he has made EXTRA EXERTIONS to name A LARGE AND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK ELEGANT BOOKS for the COMING HOLIDAYS. • Behoving that at all times 000018 LoOMM AND TILE TRADE, He has determined that this Denson, tot least, no estab lishment shall witness hot In THE VARIETY, THE ELEGANCE. THE NOVELTY, LOW' THE LOW d PRICES of the so Offered for the inspect T ion of c those wishing to make CHRISTMAS PR r BENTS. Having secured the Attorney for the sale of the publi cations in Philadelphia of the well-known house of " THE APPLE VOSS," OF NEW YORK, He is confident that. v. ith the other resources at his command, he a enabled to offer to the Philadelphia guldie a STOCK OF BOOKS hitherto unsurpsssed. wholestoc in now displayed on counters extending the lamith ta distance of 120 feet) of tilt store, thus nilording to purchasers an opportunity of examining at their leisure all the books, both on the she', es and mounters. The nesortment comprises— STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, in fine half and full call bindings. LIBRARY EDITIONS OF THE BEST AUTHORS. CHOICE COPIES OF ILLUSTRATED WORKS. ELEGANTLY BOUND GIFT BOOKS. SUPERBLY HoLUSTR /*TED ENGLISH. WORKS. THE NEW ANNUALS FOR 1810. BIBLES OF' ALL SIZES. Every style of bindin g—suitable as well for the pookat as yolt EDITIO N S ÜBE. THE OXFORD EDITIONS in greet variety. "AYES BOOKS of every good edit on, English nod American, nod in every conceivable size and Land is:a, .11 1 1 1 MM I: r! 4 1 1 1gb 7 N2 R 1 ) 1W) CL I P 0 1 1" ` BOOKS; ; An 111.011111(111t unsurplometl. riumberininvor ONE THoUSAND YARIE COMPANIONS, Furnished CASES AND TOURISTS' COMPANIONS, Furnished or unfurnished. LADIES"vRAVELLING MANU F ACTURE. TeeENGLISH AND FRENCH MANUFACTURE. Tee public are respectfully invited to call early in the Benson that the) may hove more leisure to look over, and be chows the SUPERB STOCK OF HOLIDAY BOOKS. Thesepersons desiring it, can make their selections new, end have the packages laid aside, or sent on Chustresi Eve. Those loosing eland, preparatory to making pur chases, will receive every attention at tu f til lt .'HAZARD'S." A TALE OF TWO CITIES. COMPLETE. By ,CHARLES DICKENS. With Original Illootratione by John McLenon. JUST PUBLISH ED AND FOR SALE BY PETERS() & BROS., NO. 30 6 CHESTNUT STREET. T D. PETERSON & BROTHERB,3O6 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. having mode arrange ments whereby they are enabled to publish Charles Dickens' NEW NOVEL, "A TALE OF TWO CITIES." as it was written, the whole, complete and unabridged, ono month prior to its publication in F.ng lond. now oiler it FOR SALE 1111 the following dither. ant styles A TALE OF TWO CITIES. Complete in one large volume, octavo, paper cover. Price 60 cents THE SAME. complete in one volume, octavo, cloth. with SIXTY-POUR illustrations. Price SI 60. THE SAME, two volumes, 12m0., cloth, with illustra tions. Price 8146 a volume. Address alt orders to the publisher., T. B. PETEIiSoN & 13ROTHERS, d6-3t 306 CHESTNUT St., above Third, GEORGE 0. EVANS' BOOK LIST. IF YOU WANT A BOOK GO TO EVANS', Whe gadi c il g rVlßY DEPARTMENT OP !A AP E. AND B T EA ER R I T N U MIND. That betides getting your Book at the lowest retail pries, A GIFT, Worth from to cents to SlOO. IS GIVEN WITH EACH BOOK. NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE SECRET OUT. THE SECRET OUT. THE SECRET OCT, THE SECRET OUT. 10R) TRICKS MOO TRICKS 100 T HICKtt lOW TRICKS OF WHITT? MA GIC, SLEIGHT AND, AND ENTERTAINING EXPERIMENTS, With comprehensive explanation.. One voltime, I2mn.. cloth. o ith a gift. Price el. 31P.MOIRS OF ROBERT 1101 i DIN. Prestidigiteur. Translated from the Fret eh. with a copious index. Edited by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. I v01.12m0. Cloth, with a gift. Prier SI. THE BOOK FOR THE TIMES. Heroes • nd Patriots. Heroes and Patriots. PATRIOTS Patriots. HEROES AND OF' THE SOUTH. Comprising YES OF GENERA!. FRANCIS MARION, GEN. MOUI, I RIE, GEN. PICKENS, and UOV. RUT LEDGE. with sketches of other distinguished Heroes and Patriots. Be Cecil II Hartley, with engravings. u,.. volume. 12mo . cloth. with a tilt. Price .31. JUST THE BOOK FOR TILE SEASON. Evening Parties. Dramatic Soirees. Private Theatricals. Parlor Entertainments. Picturesque Tableaux. Hohool and L•csum Exhibitions. THE BOOK OF PLAYit FOR HOME AM ['SEM ENT AND PRIVATE HEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENTS. Heists radleotion of original and selected Tragedies, Comedies. Plays. Drams. Farces, Interludes, %Lcent Burlettas. Proyerba, Acting Charades, R•citations, enrlor Pantomimes, Itlld Tableaux, Yankee, Negro, loch, and Comic t whims and Stones. Ac., Am With a full description of Costumes, Scenery, Proper ties. di a.. and every direction relative fora private or public performance. The whole carefully arranged and adapted by SILAS S. STEELE. Dramatist. Handsomely Pound in one volume 12m0., cloth, with t i lt ; THE FOUR GEORGES Kings of Enchant!. contli•ing personal inealents of their liven, public events ot their reigns, and biographical notices of their chief Ministers, Courtiers, and Favorites. By Samuel M. Smucker, LL. D. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth, with a gift Pries ei 25. WAtilliNGToN IRVING'S WRITINGS. Each with a gift. Prinr 111 25, 1F 'IOD ARE IN WANT OF A BOOK, BLIY IT AT EVANS' GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, 430 CHESTNUT STREET, Where on DVPARTMENT OF LITERATURE. And son have tho advantage of getting a Gift with each Book that you purchase. Zwlhn, and oar tun: lorti assure you that Mr best Plats in the city ICACri you should potrthn,a Rooks is GEogGE 0. EVANS' GIFT-ROOK ESTABLISHMENT, N 0.439 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. de 9t Two doors below Fifth, on the upper side. TRICKS WITH CARDS, OR 1,000 THE HECRET OUT, in received and for sale at T. D. PETERSON & BROTHERS', En. 304 CHESTNUT Street. THE MOST ENTERTAININU ROOK OF THE BEASON. THE SECRET OUT ;• OR. l/NIP. THOUSAND TRICKS WITH CARDS. BY THE AUTHOR OF 'THE WOMBLE." "THE MAGICIAN'S OWN BOOK.""PARLOR THEA TRICALS." ho, Largo 12mo. Cloth. Gilt Salo and Back. Price One A Book which exelnins all the Tricks nail Deeentionn with Planing Cards ever known or invented. and gives, besides, a great many new and intereitme ones —the whole beieg deserilad so necurately and care fully, with engravings to illustrate them. that anybody can easily learn how to prnetioe these tricks. This book contains. in addition to its numerous Card Tricks nbove described. full And easilv-understond ex planntions of some two hundred and forty of tlin most curious, amusing, and interesting sleight-of-hand and legerdemain tricky over invented. and which are illus trated by Nig rnvings.to make each trick understood with ease. All those tricks are either new or different from those printed in any other book. and they are so plainly capinined thntyou cannot fail to understand them— thus giving flue book an advantage over any other nook of Tricks we over law. . . We have not room I to describe, in detail, the feud of amusement to be found in this extraordinary volume; but we assure readers that it is really the champed, pant. best freshest. and most amusing collection of novelties ever offered to the publio. As a look fora holiday pre sent. it cannot b., surpassed—being printed in the boson manner. illustrated by about MI ENGRAVINGS, and bound in a handsome gilt binding. It contains shout 41,0 pages, and the price in One Dollar per copy. Single mail, post-paid. copies sent by ail, pt-paid. Call in person, or send sash orderly In T. li. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Pubhshers and Booksellers, do-St No. 303 CHESTNUT St., rhiledel phut. WADSWORTH'S THANKSGIVING V V SERMON. Tho Joy in Harvest. 13y Roy. Charles Wadsworth, R. D. 15 cents. Haste to the Rescue; or Work while it is Day. lam. 70 cents. if ho Pentateuch and the Dock of Joshua. with an ori ginal and copious critical and explanatory Commentary. fly Rev Robert Jameson, D. D. 12mo. flimflam. Painstaking. By the author of "Edward Clifford," &e r Itintf. 25 cents. Clover Glen; or. Nellin's First Summer in the Coun t! y. By the Author of "Edward Clifford," &o. 181 no. 26 cents. The Perot' Faimb —Second Volume—Through Scot land cud England. Dv Daniel C. Eddy. Mum. 03 cents, Fairy Became; or. ‘Vanderings in Elfland. By Jane CI . Austin. Illustrated, lerino. 76 cents. Fur Bale by WILLIAM IL & ALFRED MA RTIEN. No 606 CHESTNUT ST. T HE REV. PR. SEISS' NEW WORK. THE GOSPEL IN LEV'TICIJS ; Or an Exposition of the Hebrew Ritual, by JOSEPH A. A. SEISM, I),1), author or The Last Tnnes." eta, Ono volume. 12ino Prise $l. Published this day, by LINI,SAY k BLAKISTON, Publishers and Boossollors, No, 25 South SI YTI etroot, above Chestnut. 111 1 01(8 RECENTLY PUBLISTIET. . XI. EDITH'S MIN i - e.TH Y, byHarriet B McKeever. authoress of " Eunshine ," "The Flounced Robe," ate, 12m0.."1,99.. 2. KG HISTORY OF THE OLD COVENANT. In tw" cola octave. B. HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF HYMNS, with A needotes of their Authors, the it Influence, eta. Priee 4. POEMS By the Rev. 11. llarbaugh, author of tinnesuly Rein:motion "3to. 16 cents. 6. ANNA CLAYTON; or The Inquirer after Truth. 812160. 81.25. 6 HERZOG'S PROTESTANT TOPOLOGICAL AND ECCIABIABTICAL rNC VCI,OI' EDI A. Vol. A at] a general assortment of Theological. Religious and Miscellaneous Books always on band, at eon. low prices. LINDSAY dc BLAKIST N. db Publishers. By SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. - NOW READY, PATTON'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, *l.lO JOHN ?de EARLAN, Agent. 08101 of the New American Cp.:llol , odpi, Arcade Hotel, 01 CHESTNUT Sticgt, TcELROY'S PHILADELPHIA - CITY DIRECTORY, ma-REMOVALS wet COR RECTIONS can be roams for n. short period longer, if sent to 33 South SIXTH Street, second floor. d 3 31 A. McEI,ROY. THE ZURICH NFERENCE. CO PORTRAITS oF"rnE PLENIPOTENTIARIES IKT The A 4 " reiber :Dia Number el" the Nil I 1, L uwrit AT E D NEWS OF E WORLD contains the Portraits above mentioned ,• also beautifu ie w e of the Celebration of the Prince of Wales' Birth day, is Portrait of the trines of Wales, kc,, &e. Also the Supplement gratis. Portrait on Steel of Rev. J. () H. BEL s W. Price 15 rents. 11. A. BROWN k CO. 14 HANOVER. BT., BOSTON. d 5-2 NEW WORK. DR. cunt- NOW READY THE OH E kT Tit It ILATION ; On THINGS COMING ON THE EA tall. By the Roy. ions CUSNIINO. D. D., alintster of the Scottish National Church, author of '• Articaltene tiketelissi Morning and Eferong Prat era" tice, FIRST lift RIES. . . One vol4one.l2ino. Muslin. Price $l. An American edition of this moll-talked-of book. re printed from an early copy yuhltehed in London by Richard Bentley. The author in losprefades says: '!ln this volume it is my object to show that the propheeies of the Redeemer enunciated on the Mount of Olives, and other predic tions referable to the seine category and era, are being daily translated into history." Also. New Eilitmus of VERDANT GREEN, - - - A rlevor tad Amusing skuteli of adventures in An English University. Illustrated with nearly 200,.h(1. Maroon wood outs. Ono vol. Ntnette th thoiLlaild. PLUM lin.PrioeE LIF AND TRAVELf, (IF lIUMBOLDT. With nn introduction 6y B,re nn Tayymn. A popular and ',normal nsr loner:why ; of Ids trmiohil levnin of Inn wort., and hom tho mod tant. One*. Ono ud., with meal poi hind. Muslin Price 81.25. LOVE (I'4lthoue.) Another thousand of bliehelet's " sensation" work— the xonreatf of whieh has 11,01110 the great tact of the eubhillint year. One vol.. 12:440. Muslin. Price $.Ol. Any 4.f these Books will be sent by loan, posts(o tree, to any part of the United St !tot, on the receipt of the Price, by MIDI) A. CAR 1.1..1'03, Publishers and Booksellers. nIT-tha-tr.1i0.130 MUNI) St., near Broadway, N.Y RETAIL DRY GOODS. LONDON -MADE FURS. Just received, per stamina) Africa, FINEST DARK HUDSON BAY SABLES, CAPES, MUFFS, AND CUFFS, 13 Pll O FUR ROOM OF TIM Y . A. Yt 8 MANTILLA EMPORIUM. 708 CHESTNUT STRkET, J. W. PROOTOR & 00.. EYRE & LANDELL. FOURTH AND 4.RCH, STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS. RICE SILKS AND ROBES, REDUCED IN PRICE. NOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. LYONS VELVET S, BEAVER CLOTHS, BLACK CLOAKS, BLUE MERINOS: BROWN MERINOS, BROCHE SHAWLS,WOOLLEN SHAWLS, VELVET POPLINS IRISH POPLINS, BOOOET DE LAINES, FLOURED MERINOS TABLELANKETS LINENS, &a., &o d6-tuthetJal CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. ENGLIbH CARPETINGS TIIR 8882 SIAIR OP TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, and VELVET, Just Deported and for isle, at REDUCED PRICES, By REEVE L. KNIGHT, :62 SOUTH SECOND STREET. d6-8t West aide. above Spruce. HATS, CAPS, &c. OAKFORDS, No. C 24 CHESTNUT STREET, Will introduce their HOLIDAY AND WINTER HAT ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, 7th inst. d6.6t LEGAL. TN THE SUPREME COURT OF A.PENN SYLVANIA, FOR TILE EASTERN DISTRICT. OfJannary term. Idite, No. W. In Equity. Elizabeth Y. Walker vs. Sophia Vandewater Durishae. George M. Patchen, Mulford Martin. and Sarah Ann Martin. hie wife. George Patchen, Edward Fitz:sera:it Patchen. Samuel J. Walker Patchen, Joeeph Patchen, Sarah Marshall, Thomas Marshall, Martha Trimmer, Sarah Buck, Emma DurneY, William Marshall, Emma Marshall, tiatnuel Marshall, John Marshall. Ann Mar shall, William M. Entnken, Benjamin Johnson. and Mary Ann Johnson, hie wife, Elizabeth Entriken, Emma Entriken Thomas Entriken, Emma Entriken. Mary Entriken, John Entriken. And now , Dec. 3rd, 1357, on filing the bill in this Casey and on motion of John C. Knozl and David Webster. Solicitors of complainant. it is ordered that a writ of enlipaina be issued, returnable on the S et Monday of February next. and that the writ be served personally, or by copy. on all of the de fondants resilltne in this Com monwealth, and that as (clench 011ie defendants as re side out of the State. notice lie given by the publication of thq writ in " The Press." a daily paper published in the city of Philadelphia. at least once a week, for six successive weeks MAIO is further ordered that John F. Belsterlinz Esq.. is appointed guardian ad him, for Edward Fitzgerald Patchen. 8.1. Walker Patchen, and Joseph Fraction, minor children of Henry Patchen, de ceased, Eninin Entriken, Mary Entriken. and John En token, minor children ot 1101114/1 Entriken, deceased, and that a copy of " 'roe Press." polonium; the writ and notice, be Pont to the post office per mail of the non resident defendant. Certifies from the record. Sorts ha l n n d te nn " d n Xy w eil 'e ge 't 6Ql a olll } lT r il e al ' ir S n u s p e rVi r i; Croat. at Philadelphia, this fifth day of De m:ll3er. A. D. 1838 NO. rYLER, Prothonotary. ASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVA- A NIA, CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. 811. ,The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to Sophia Van dewater Dunsliee. George M. Patchen. Mulford Martin, and Sarah Ann Martin, his wilS, rieoree Patchen, Ft:- want Pitagerald Patchen. Samuel J. Walker Patchett, Joseph Patchen, Sarah Marshall. Thomas Marshall, Martha Trimmer. Sarah Buck, Emma Burney Wil liam Marshall, Emma Marshall. Samuel Marshall—lobe Marshall Ann Marshall. William M. Entriken, Benja min Johnson, rind Mary Ann Johnson. his wife, Eliza beth Entriken, Emma Entriken, Thomas Entriken, Emma kintriken, Mary Entriken, John Entrikeni tee command you. that you personally be and appear before theyusticesof our Supreme Court of Pawn Irani.. at a court to be holden at Plidadelphie, in and for the Eastern district. on the first Monday of February neat. to answer to a bill of complaint rochibited against you is our surd court by Elizabeth I'. Walker. and do further arid to receive what nor said court shall have cone:dared in this behalf. And this you are riot to omit under the penalty of four hundred dollars. Witness the Hon. Walter H. Lowrie Chief Justice of our said court, at Philadelphia, the third day of Decem ber.ll) the year of our Lora one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. RO TYLER. Prothonotary. MEMORANDUM.—The defendants have to enter their appearance. in the suit in the Prothonotary's office on or before the day at winch the writ is ruturnable ; othorwine the bill may be taken pr 00,50. Wet HU. T LER. Prof honotarY. GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS. SUPERIOR DRESSING GOWNS, MANUFACTURED AT W. W. KNIGHT'S. 806 .BRCS STREET The neweet and most beautiful styles always on hand; very suitable precincts for the approaching holidays. Duet received a lot of PURE SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, EXTRA TIES, SCARFS, &c., OF THE NEWEST STYLES, FINE SHIRTS AT WHOLESALE, RETAIL, OR MADE TO ORDER, GUARANTIED TO FIT SPENCER'S GENTS' FURNISHING STORE, NO. 839 CHESTNUT STREET, OIRARD HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. DRESS SHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, STOCKS, TIES, GLOVES, GAUNTLETS MUFFLERS AND SHAWLS IN GREAT VARIETY n6•Ktuthdm-if R. C. WALBORN & CO., (NOW) NOS. 8 AND 7 NORTH SIXTH STREET, have now a vary superior assortment of Shirts, Under clothing, Gloves, Hosiery, eto. Special attention given to GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. of whlek it fine assortment is constantly kept on fiend. W. SCOTT---late of the firm of Win u • chaster & Scott—GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING STORE end SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 CHESTNUT Street, (nearly opposite the Girard Housed Philadelphia. J. W.B. would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends to his new store, and is pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notioe. A perfeot fit guarantied. Who esale Trade supplied with fine Shirts and Collars. 1011-ly INSURANCE COMPANIES. T HE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. APrets: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. INVEITSD 7 , 1“ T 51(IRTGAgES nN REAL ESTATI. WORTH OVER $13,001),CW. The premiums are Cowan than in many other Coinna nice, and the Dividends have Imes OHLATKE. This is a strictly MUTUAL COMIATIT. There are no T Stookholde • s, so that ALL HE PROFITS BILONO TO THE 1510150. Pamphlets, and every infezynation, may be bad GRATIS, On application to P. ItA PCHFORD STARR,Asent. B. W. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Robins, John Welsh. Mordecai L Dawson, George H. Stuart. ',moue M. Stroud, E. S. Whalen, John 13 Myers, J. Fisher Leaminic. Joseph Patterson, William C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur ii. Coffin. Thomas II Powers, George W. Toland, William McKee. Thos.Wattsou. 1123-Iyit • WARM AIR FURNACE. THE NEW CONE FURNACE GAS CONSUMER Will thoroughly Warm your bowie with 01K-7111HD LEAS COAL thin le required by an other Furnace. Stitieftiotion in all oases guaranteed. Buildings Warmed sad Ventilated by ARNOLD A. WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. QLATE MANTELS, A 0 The Riohest and moat Beautiful Speounene of Enamelled Plato Mantels, ever offered for sale in this oountry, manufitotured by us, from Pennsylvania Plate- Mom and for sale very low. ARNOLD & WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. COOKING RANGES. All In want of the Beet Elevated Double Oven Cooking Range, will do well to call at ARNOLD & WILSON'S, .AM-Unit 111111014ENTNITT Stra.t p AGING NOTICE. —ALBERT J. mAßsti successor to W. WILLARD:Iens to inform the pu ilic, and /Bank-Book facturer, partirtrlarly. that he bee purchased two now PAGING MACHINES. of the hest construction ,and is now pre pared to rare Blank Books, Music Books, Railroad Tickets. Checks end Bonds. Custoin.llouse Blanks, Am., with neatness and despatch. on the shortest no tice. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, at the old Stand, 439 CHESTNUT Street, 2d floor, tl4-30 A. J. MARSH, Sole Proprietor. O PERA GLASSES, Pearl, Ivory, and Japanned, with the finest Achromatio Lenses, at FOURTH ANKLIN'S, Optician, 112 South Street, below Cheidnut. PO' Also, Improved Spectacles, correctly fitted to the eyes; Microscopes, Stereoscope., and Stereorromc View.; in an endleee variety, and at RLDUch. , D WHO M% dl-tI if WANTS. 83,000 —A GENTLEMAN' OF IN • letnty end Oualbosi qualifications is dein roue °Centering into IMMO lucrattVil businssa where h • duties would kw llght. (with the above sum,} where ei you thing ponied satasetorw. Reference teen rod, as woliwe given. Address '• S. W. 8.,” Press tiMee. WANTED -BY AN EXPERIENCED A TICTIONEER. a Bitnation in an Auction Mom to ano ones r and malts hi mud e nerally use fuL Add nu A Uorri (MEER, at TA. Press °thee. for two day a, who • an Interview oan be had. It • WANTED—By a young Man who has had four pare experience to the Iron Wei ien kc s e n sle trade,w uauamted nth the city r4hr,';' to or out of the city, where he cae use WI knowledt• to advantage. Best of references given. Addrese. - BAG NALL," United State. Gazette Office. d 6 at. WANTED, by a practical Bookkeeper, a situstion in a Who!can't' Ititmse. Unquestion able re Prenee. A ddr ess "Bennett" at tine office. eE-St• ABOOKKEEPER', thoroughly experi cooed in the importing and commisaion business, and in the jobbing bonniest, is open for an engagement. Refers to pr_saant aid former employers tnii! Address'' A." this office. 9110 COMMISSION MERCHANTS.-A -• thorough Lamest, man, of the best c`aracter, with peculiarly favorable advanutres, and a handsome amount of cash capital, would connect himself aa an ac tor) partner in in establlshed house dome a Commie sion or other profitable buainess. The moat satisfacto ry referenees c an be amen as to his obalsoter and bast neu qualifications. Communications with real name, eant to Box No 673. Philadelphia Poet Office,. will be received in honorable confidence, and no one to embarrassed eirctimstances need apply. d6-11t. A GENTLEMAN, who has two or three hen re of leisure during whose. eroold take charge of the Books of any concern business does not re quire the services of rsisular Bookkeeper, et n mo derate compensation. Address " Experience," oic4 of 2h. Pre r. des.3t _ WANTED.—On the Ist January next, in a Wholesale Notion mouse, on MARKET Street, it Salesman who can influence Six-months Trade from Kentucky, Tennessee, and Miuouri. Address Box ill. Yost Office." de3-31' WANTED. -A LAD OF SIXTEEN v wialoss n situation in a Wholegal., GrocerL or Produce House. to leant the busmen. Addreee. Box 2342, P. O. WANTED—A Situation in a Hat or Straw Goods House by a Western S alesman; ha. been raised in the busineu. Address •• C. M. "at this Offiee. d3-3t• A BOOK-KEEPER, who has had the en tire management of the book, and financial affairs of a Wholesale Jobbing house for the nut eight year', w.ll be disengaged by the find of 311.12UNTJ. and wishes employment. hatmfactory reference will be given. g tu-3 Pleage address " L. IL IL," sti this Office. t• WANTED --By January Ist, a situation its BOOK-KBBPER, or in an Insurance Com pany or Banking Heim, by a practical Book-keeper of large and intluenUal busmen; acquaintance. Address thin VEI BANFORiI, n2B-Im* 1100 Walnut at, or Box 231 P.O. go WANTED—To sell at a Bargain, the ma.most desirable Hotel Property in Bucks county, Pa.. situated at New Hope, equal thitanea from Phila delphia end Easton. For a view or the Property mill _oh the Premises. For terms, he., ea on or addrers 8. W KIRK, Danville. Pa. ultBw • FOR SALE AND TO LET. EICHESTER COUNTY HOUSE AND LOT.—FOR SALE—A convenient. wnll•LuiltStone House : with about one acre of ground, eituate bn the Turnpike. and quite near the Depot at Downingtown. A good Stable, tante Garden, and variety of Prutt. Terme accommodating. d pply to J. D. DEINBOTII. di-St. N 0.4.36 WALNUT Street. • EOR SALE A handsomely situated Farm of about 100 Acres, near to 'Media. on the Philadelphia and AR oat Chester Itailroacl; very desirable for investment or for a country lest, or mar he Miran taxeoualy divided into several parts ((wont of town resi dences. Apply to J. D. RIINROTH. d 3 3t• No. 436 WALNUT Street. GERMANTOWN.-FOR SALE-A %try dextrable LOT OF GROUND. containing about II acres with large fronts on Chahar' avenue and Town elm, line rood, and worthy of attention either for in. ragmen t orimprovement Atylv to 43.31* J. D. R EINBOTH. Nn.136 WALNUT St. ACRES.—t OR SALE. a handsomely '," satiated Lot of 10 Acres about 13l note, above Torrisdale ; stoolost with'Frmt and Ornamental Tree,; excellent water, and lee-bones. A r ply to J. D. REINHOTII, del-It' No. 436 WALNUTS teat. fq FOR SALE—A Desirable Property. minn WALNUT Street. between Fourth and Fifth street', with lame front, indwell 'Milted for Railroad or insurance Office.. Apply to. J. 1). REINBOTH. 041 6 430 WALNUT Street. piARM, CHESTER COUNTY, FOR SALE—One of the finest Farms in Chester eounty. about 160 acres, handsomely situate near the Depot. at Downingtown. Buildings comiuodions, and the whole place in good order; ell supplied with water and timber. This is n desirable Faint in every respect, and will be sold on accommodating terms. Apply to J. D. REINHOTH. d3-3t• No. 4.36 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE—A Great Bargain—A Mann factoring Establishment. with Steam Engine and Boiler, and a complete sot of Machinery for manufac turing an article from Iron. nor Zr, constant use for all naddins purpuitor Bean be clearly demonstrated that the Mainers Will pay a handsome pratt. Address, WILLIAM HARRISON, No. II North ELEVENTH STREET, with name and residence dl-lm• [Nit SALE OR TO RENT—A Large JR. property ignitable for a Coal yard. Manufacturing or FoundrYjourpotes. situate on the north aide of POPLAR STREET. between Beach street and Cohocksink creek or cannl.llntely occupied as (ilenat's omnibus st.in'ea,) 85 feet front, on Poplar atreet. and 150 feet to Lewellen street. and havigg a front on the canal of about 75 feet. These premiers are well adapted for a Foundry or Fac tory, the buildings Ntioly COM ertible for either purpose. LURF.NS & MUNTGOMP RV, nl6-1m• 1033 BEACH ST., Eighteenth ward. Tk) LET—The Second Third, and Fourth Stories of the eentrel and epitome Stores. Nos. 51 and 24 South DRLAW ARE Avenue. Ivah lose COUIr lag Room on the Second Floor. A plyp to TRAIN & McKEONE. n22-t( eland 36 SOUTH WHARVES. in NO. 1924 CHESTNUT STREET.— zai. Flog/int four-story HOUSE FOR SALE; three story double beet build ins*. finished in the best manner. and replete wits sll modern conveniences. Let AS feet doep to Sansom street. The yard is well supplied with shrubbery and dwarf Dear trees, plums, Ste. The whole establishment in comphyte order. Posseuion given am medintely. Apply to Messrs. OUMMEY k SON, 1130 WA! NU r Street, opposite Independence Square. nl9 tf 1 HOUSES, TAVERNS, and STORES, Real Estate of every deaorlption, for sale or to Re tent. Appl ) to MAX al HEINS. Estate Agent, No. NI North SECOND Street. in L. Tontny tr. Co.'s Seed Store. All orders will be promptly attended to. English. French, and German Spoken. Collector of Ground Bente. nl3-3m FOR SALE—A valuable Lot of Ground, la feet by 100, three fronts, water and gas laid on one front; suitable for a church or factory. It is situa ted in the Southwestern part of the city. in &rapidly im proving neighboihood. Terms easy. Addreu, for par torilare. J. K.. ' office of this paper. ng-tf TO LET—A Second-story Room, conve nient to the State House, auitaUe fora Lawyer . * Office. Apply' 431 CHESTNUT St.est. ale BOARDING. TM° COMMUNICATING ROOMS VA cant at 1523 WALNUT street. ds-et • AVERY Elegant Suite of Rooms to Let, with Board. Private tattle st desired. Also hand write room, to third store. iIiqUITO fit eorner Sixteenth and Locust street. d6-3t• WA NTED—} urnished Apartments, with every facility for Housekeepins,..Bath, Gas. &0.. for Gentleman and Wife: or Board :n a strictly Private Family. Address Merchant," Blood's patch. with full particulate of price, &c. PERSONAL. lOWA LANDS.—Persons having land in ll Mitchell. Worth, or Winnetnro countios. lowa. will find it to their advantaye to pay the taxes throush the subsertber. Address, A. K. EATON. ()sue, Mitchell no.. lowa. EDUCATIONAL. 'LADIES' ACADEMY OF ART. S. W. -a--J corner TENTH and ARCH Streets. entrente on Tenth st COL O RING , WATER COLORING. PHOTO iiRAPII and WORYTYPING taught tn obieses or private lessons. C. ANNA BURROWS. HOLIDAY GOODS. CHRISTMS IS APPROACHING, AND Shone who wish to make their 'election' of HOLIDAY PRESENTS Would do well t o call at CHARLES DUMMIG'S, No. Sl2 CHESTNUT STREET, Mr D. was this summer in Europe, making a siren troll of altogether NEW GOODS For his new Store, juet opened His extenaive Stock of FJNCY GOODS, TOYS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CRICKET, ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS, ho., Eurpeasee in &agar ce, variety. and cheapness of Price'. anything before seen in this coy. d 3 Ira MEDICINAL DR. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LI F E PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS have bean thoroughly tested. and pronounced a sovereign remedy for (trireme. flatuleney, heart-burn and hes.lardle. 005e1Venens. diarrhare, !SP of all kinds. rheumatism. gout. gravel, worms. m, ulcers, eruptive com . plaints, salt rheum, 5i1..1. 113 .. common colds and in finenza, irregularity and nil derangement of the female system, piles. and various other &triages to which the human frame is liable. For sale by , the proprietor, Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, Mg BROADWAY, New York. and by Druggists [entrails all over the country. alli-d&WIY EDICATED VAPOR BATHS. m- SULPHUR. HOT-AIR, and STEAM BATHS.— Under the care of Dr. T. H. RIDGELY. 111 t SPRUCE Street. Hignly recommended by all the principal PhYst mans in the oily for Rheumatism, Skis Diseases, Sy philis, Coughs and Colds, Female Disease■, &c. &e. Especial accommodations for Ladle. oil tin SCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, lIIP- L 7 DISEASE, TETTER, SCALD READ, Eruptions of the Skin generally, and all Humors and Impurities of the Blood, are radically and permanently cured by the celebrated IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. It has been a very important agent in the cure of CANCEROUS DISEASE S by Dr.LounsLerry & Co.. for a number of years past. and its great value in the cure of Cancers is abundantly eatabbahed by the many cures effected liy it. In SCROFULOUS affections its remarkable curative elect has never been equalled. It mune the most °lieu nate ewe. TETTER. SCALD HEAD, and all Eruptions of the Skin, readily yield to a moderate use of this Medicine. Malignant Ulcers and Sores are readily cured by the use of a few bottle,. Prepared and sold by MacNICIIOL fc BRO., (La,te Lounsberry k CO") No. g 0 Nor;h FIFTH Street, below Arch. T or ste n e r, bye6:, o following Drurs . ists . J. fi. F ituer 4 , Reading L gl y n g. ' .4 t . e gt : glen V e l .lati v tg ; T. & J. McClintock, Easton; J ae. Given, West Chestcr Stabler, Norristown ; Simon Rau, Bethlehem; Dr. Live :ay, New Hope ; Dr. Leslie, Bristol; Schmidt & Co., Allentown ,• .k Bell, Manavunk, Pa; J. IL James, Trenton De La Cour. Ciunden ; Brewster & Co., Bridgeton ; Rolartson Lippincott,..Balem. WilminAton; Del . Hoopes, ilrnington t. T. F. Hammer/11v, Milford, ; and Druggists generally'. tell-stuthifmif E NEWLAND & CO., LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAM MANUFACTURER% WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An extensive stook of OIL PAINTINGS, eta. An St very bow Prioes. 604 AlOll. West, above SIXT,II. atoo.e , e flit latAl AMUSEMENTS A M ERICAN - A - C - ADEMY - 01eiatraC. • - • THE SrcrTIAN ftePERS NI E. PACLINA Or.L.SON. S BR F, rat sspearanee of the e,l blued RaknelG. IGNOLL SM. PERRI. Finn ennertnair in Opera of the mat Basso. SW. JUNCA. The Direedrs bay. the boon of anwtmetng that. in coneeen•nee of the eltatiza • Oteerr•lio43 nerraw/ for the_prodoetwe at Verdes but sad creates/ users. THE SICILIAN! VESPERS. There sal be so Opera to-sight. TO-MORROW. WEDNESDAY IVENINGDoe.7, flrettlizbt Philadelphis of Verdi'. new Opera. 4Z four acts. of THE SICILIAN VESPERS. PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS. The Peeress Elena._.._.... _..... e. COLSON. Amino ........ _,„ . SRIGOLI. The Governor cr Sloarnfte •• Ssi. FFII RI. Praha', Chief of the Cense' more • N CA. StroVAART CIALCTIIII bf Madame Norm Sissori Stotler.l Oublo. M - The sal. of RenS. ke saute THIS SORENGat.tISO each. sill eon- ON TEItIISDAY. December 9. .411,LE. At ' i i l2T r A PATTI. fn Donfsetti's Stearns ef LCCIA DI f. hthrsemoon_ The male of Reigned Sears for Uwe Dohnt of 1111:e. Adel= Patti,_eosamenees Tilts luaßNise . PRIM Ow A DIII.MON. To the Parenet. Parquet Mree, and Belma r ._ el el Reeerred Seats in the same, melanins ettrittentiiii . IDS Family Circle, IN caste; Ampiutheetre. IS cents. The WO or Seats Ac ade mynas T Et IS DAY. et 9 A. If , at the of Mane, and at Bees 41r. Liston's. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE.. V Bole Levee..._... Mrs. M. OCRETTSON. Store Alanaser Mr. F. REACH. Banners Arent . MVO PEY. THIS ITrEeDAYI KNINQ. Dee. es WA. The LegenclarLPruna and Fairy 6posteale, entaled TSP. FAIRY CIF CLE. r . gla OTartrobLlT. Mr. Barns/ WlRiam:a ; M mtem4 " ; Mrs. Ramey Williams. To be followed by the eekbrated v prasms, elaitled °Min ROUR IN se Ltd.. In utely. which M. Barre, Wilber= mall suatain •iyht To conclude wt.b a THIRTY-THREE NEXT RISTIL.DAY. EST Prices as Emil. Seats moored three dare in advance. rIRST NIGHT OR THE SICILIAN TES PERS ne WEDNESDAY. Dee. 7. COLSON. BR.P3NOLI. PERRI. JIMICA. The WA of mats ccm menc.a Una morning. 11 W EATLEY & CLARKE'S ARCH_ STREET THEATRE. THIS (TUE* DAY, EVENING, Dec. S. A DAUGHTER'S VOW'. Arroute, Mr.. Wood; Hr Wire, M. Delman, Mar eel, Mr. Gilbert,- Eff !notice. miss Taylor. DOCTOR OLLWORTII. Doctor Dilworth, Mr. Gllbett ; Zoe, Alias Tayls.r. &AL Pa mar.—AAmmoon 0111111: &MIMI &MS .n Drs.. Circle, 37)f pent.; Parenet, ao cenM. Doors open at half peat o'elock; performance to comma not et 7 o'clock preeuarly. D EBUT OP ADELINA PATTI, ON ioS.TUURSDAY EVENING. in LUCIA DI LANI- M wRACOOR. The We of meats Co.lllllmenoei Gus t D RICE'S GREAT BROW. NATIONAL THEATRE.. WALNUT St., above Eighth. D. McLaren. sole prinetor. JOR P.WsTLAND. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING. Dec. IL UM. To commence with the Pnestrion Spectacle. entitled 7 11) , BE)O UINS' CAMP. MRS. DAN RICE introduce Whits Serrev. The Learned Elephant, LALLA ROOnII 7. L'Heltelle Equipoise. The Comanche Steed. EIiE R EA -, And Dan Rice's Pets, the Assyrian Goat, the runed Koa , aro°. and the hosevertcrnnine RfliNfin Lea, PETE AND BARNEY DUFFEY. Ennestnan Pasettit. entitled the Children of the Son. Doors open ate]( o clock. Performance& to eommenoe at 734 o'clock. Prices ea easel. lESERVED SEATS for the first perform mace of the SICILIAN VEnPFRA tray be had t•ie mortunc, et the Box Offtee of the Academy of Music. and at Beck & Lawton's Millie Stoic. M. TROPOLITAN HALL - JAYNE'S CORMONSILTEI BUILDING CHESTNUT btreat. near SIXTH. 'lrd week of the triumphal =WO= of TRIODMTS MUNEUM OF niRCIIPNICAL ARTS, One of the most novel, Plftlingt aninntrn - luve situ birions or beanty end mechanica sk illewer introduced into thin country. is now open fur the regular risen. and exhi ev.r2 et enier durisr the week, and en WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTEILNOONiti. Terminating with the terrific scene of the storm at Set. Avanasio..—Aduks, is hews; Children under tint Terra of are. 15 ten,. Doom open at Tin the eireninr,•nd 2 o'clock in the site:noon. Remember the Dayllitit Theatricals every Wednesday and Situ day afternoons. dd dtf ADELINA 'PATTI will make her first ap. anne. ^n TRIMS DAY EVENING. in LUCIA UI L ?081 tRMOOR. The sale of Reserved Beau. SI 50. commences that morninn. It PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FIFE ART& CRESTBET 8 1 REF:T. Is OFF N DAILY, 18undays excepted.) from) A. M. L861%111. 11ARTPAIINFE"NP OF no Exlubition for short time. admission IS cents. Ctuldrea tinder It years Eat PrlCe. Shares of Stock 881 OLD FOLKS' CONCERTS FATHER ment KEMP, With Ws eelybrated OLD ZOLKI? CONCERT COMPANY of thirty I mites and Gentlemen from Maessolineette, teeth epiendid Mreheetra, masted by the dinttafnishad Smoot' Elam, Mr. M. W. WHITNEY. and by the I , oprazin. Mrs. bal'dA DAVIS NICHOLS. Will have the honor of giving Biz Grand Compares to this city, at NATIONAL HALL, os TUESDAY EVENING, Dec. 6th. WEDNESDAY EVENIN.r. Dec. 7th. THU weDaY EVENING, Dec. 6th, FRIDAY V.VRNING. Dee. 9th. SATURDAY S:ENING, Dec. 10th, •31) MONDAY EVENING. Dec. ISth, When they will appear 'clad in costumes of KO years ago. Ad mi la lon. er We; Children 13 cents. Doors open at 7. Concert commoner et o'clock. WEDNEADAY sits SATURDAY Afterocerns et o'clock. Grad In beta Reception for Ladle. aed Ch,ldren. WrDNEADAY, P. Chddren under n, ndm tted Dee. d3-3t - HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY'S 13,59-60. FIRST GRAND CONCERTOF THE BEA3ON TUF-tDAY EVENING. Drawbar 6. CONCERT HAIL The Directors hare the pleasure to announce for this Concert a misoellaneous selection of Solos. Deo.. Choruses, and overtures, (such as may be adapted to the tastes of their numerous subscribers and the pui•be generilly.l from the works (4 Handel. Moitart, Carats, and others, and they will be rendered by the members of the Society, accompanied be the bER MANIA °RULES IRA. CARL RENTZ. Leader. Among the moat noticeable features of this occasion Are Handel'. GRAND HAILSTONE; CHGRUS, and the MIS hRERE, from IROVATOR E. The Germania Orchestra will perform the overt:tree to ZA3IPA and MARTHA. . . . Ttie entire Direction of the Ccesert.will be under Ain 9. CAR R CROSS . Conductor. Mr. MICHAEL H. CROSS.. -Pianist Subscriptions 83. emitting the fUret - rlber to three cards of ndmission to each of three public performances. and stuele tiokets 50 neat', to be had at Beck & Law unix, Seventh s.d Chestnut; W. H. Coniston's. if: North Eighth. and at the door. Doors open at half past six. Concert to commerce at half past seven. d3-3t 31cD0N0UGH'S GAIETIES--RACE St. above SE CON D.—Chatz e of BilL DECHALIIMA. Deelvanma..— Calndite. r A. M. Hen sales. L 03T itiIIOTME.R. Lon Brother ........ _ .. - ... --. Ik By Thomas. Uncle NEW BAND OF BERENADE A IIB. I. j Lovett. A. J. Lecatt, A. M. 118111111134141, k. Ilerthle on. NUT Thomas, Master Winans, Wm. eicrieson. Joan Wtllt erne, Thomas Becket. A dmlssion..lo, IS, mei 95 cents. dl TEMPLE OF WONDERS. Northeast corner of TENTH and CHESTNUT Btreetr-Second Story. MANGE OF ENTERTAINMENr EACH EXHI BITION. SIGNOR BLITZ. The great Ventriloquist and Maneiari, will give his Neleand Aslocish:of Performances at the alx,re place EVERY EVENINt• at 7,1 i o'clock. and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. at 3 o'clock. con ststing of Laughable Scenes in VIRNTRILOIIPM, Incomprehensible Feats of NATURAL MAG C.SPI RIT RAPPING end its IgFLUENCES, a ddthe LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Admission 25 cents. Children 13 cents. nn-lm • aER.IIANIA ORCHESTRA.—P BLI 0 VI Rehearsals every SATURDAY at muslcAL FUND HALL, at Atfi o'clockr. AL A package of eight tickets. one dollar . S ingle tickets. 23 cents. To cc, had aCG Andre's. and Beck & Lawton's Alamo Stores. &nu at the door. SAVLNG FUNDS. AM ERICAN SAVING 11M121.—Compa ny'm Buililinp southeast corner WALNUT and FOURIR STRLg.TS—open daily from nine cal five o'clock. end on Monday till eight in the evening. That old institution has always yaid in full on demand, 'w ith out notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums I,&d back on dema E nd in sold and silver. TRUSTES: Alex. WinHain, President. Saml. Work. V. Pres:Jeer John C Fen . . T. E. Verger. George Nurent. Louis A. Godes, Thos. Ser.:eara, Attu C. RoLerts, inn. P. Simons, Jon Bowman. H. H. Eldr!Age, Witham J.llownrd. JNO. S. 'WILSON, Treasurer. JOHN C. SIMMS. Secreterr. 4.1.1-6 t PRING GARDEN SAVING FUND SO CI£TY OF PHILADELPHIA. OSee. tio. 331 Noat i T k ligtD Street OraitTEA.6 LEGISLATIVE OF.FENN YLVANIA. Deposits received in stiMs of One Dollar and nywahM, and gir from the with F t I PFJ graLlril• A responsible and reliable pa r t of kmg been needed in the Northern part of the city. and " The Bering. Garden Saving' Fund Society " wee chartered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Manaters. in organizing and it. have been governed wholly by a desire to 1100011alltd the bum• nets interest and wants of the very lame and enteryn ,nng population b which tt to surrounded. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, From fto IX o'clock; also, on Monday and Thursdag from until 8 o'clock in the evening, misassas. - "rederick Klett. breptien Smith, on. H. E. Strong. Yan hn ie l l'U Le nt s lAoffer, regierick Stack.. ' , eams Hart, Lpti P. Dieter!. John Xeentar. Jr-. Georb ont je Kneeht. . jamas B. Pringle,. Josep Jam D h M. Crowell, Bon. Wm. Mahrard. true Woelpper, Geo. T. Thorn, Peter C. Ellmaker, Robert B. Davidson. JAMES S. PRINULF.,, Prosndett, FRANCIS HAIT. 800111t1LTT. 1.22.-tf EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. DR. YON MOSORZISKER, OCULIST AND AURIST. Dr. M. gives his exclusive attention to the mesltca: end sursical treatment of the EN E stud EAR. DEAFNESS of the longest standing removed Loth tst medical'and turves! °two rations on the latest sc• ent ta t r e ' r a s e t u! 'e f title Dr. M. mould be pleased h o w . ec IVIC ., :e s u s ' e hu method of operating for the removal of Dearness, or soy operation 011 the EYE cud EAR. ARTIFICIAL. EYES INSERTED. Office 954 South NINTH Street. litvve Spruce. Offiee hours from 9 A. NI. to IP. IL, end from 4 to 6 P. M. ROOFING PALNT—A very superior ar- B-1. tide. Pure French Snow waits Zinc, (Vieille Montiqne Company's,' around in oil pure. Chrome Orson. varinus soades, in oil, pure. Yellow.•• •• Venetian Red. ground to oil, pure. Elpanian Brown, •• *. Brown Zino, LA.: Zino, For wile by WE:T.IIEIOn & BROTIIr.R .Thinuf.ntureri. nlB-tf Nos. 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. BOXES AMERICAN AND 1 - 5 9 00 0YREYCH *IN POW GLASS—The most sperm-ad brandy. and of every ass and sualtO resel.at for clip lad tountry trade. at r mess !Loam thn ngly low. Dead your orturs to ZIIIOI.IiR 11141 TH. itru_,s Paint, Ginn, and Varnish Dealers, unraer 6 Et - ON D and CORNAN Btresta .11 tf PIIILADEI,PiIIA WOOD-ENGRAVING -A. COM PANT. t. 4 FOURTH Street, N. W. rorlltr of Fonrth and Chestnut streets. By Prics 5 PATFN PHOIVORACHIC PROCESS. iis-61- mosEy LIBERALLY ADVANCED TO ANY AMOUNT—Um* Watches, Jewery Dam - aids. B,:ver PI tte, Cloth , cg.Mere thze. se.. trr JONES ac. PR, Old Fsla laird Sr Airs. N. W. oarger THIRD and GA , K ILL Et , ma, batlow Loak`ard. Oitna ticagarroza6A.M.tar.3l. niS-Sma
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers