IDMI ’£ ! i’i HT ’■' V ' -'V- I ':: 1 Witold dMPfirm? . oc i V ‘ ■■* 1 ■.V;jgM@i)y:i|Bxs^ l hj4..oftem9J''g,be@srea4«pg, , .;”al6ufl4T±a? thb’.pressnce' of .two of'her- finends , ; T6nnyson’Bi*M«tiltßl.,'ipae,m. ,bfy‘U,ibcksley: . Hall/.’ and when )£tw ftiahedi a conversa tion ' were hercompanions.iipoh marriages of inter, ost, then npon marriageairi general, and final ly upbn.fsfO rpr'dprietybf reread ; marriages--- . £9Jsaas®SI!TSSS’ ; tening patlehtly-anddeipurply, having her ovfn private for reasons of-her own, "not choosing to take anyfawfii'tliaf<?,v'jiSe'!;orf3r.;/;.‘':,V . -'i “ Siwilisaythls-much upon the 'matter/? said Mrs-- Leonard, who', by the way,waa a widow, and thoughmany years Jossio War ren’s senior,' dnoof Kerdearest ftiehdajahda vory,lo,v{iab,lic!b;eing-i>‘l.cannotconcetvohoVr. a heart that has onsetrulyfoved, having lost by death, jho’ its dpvotion, c4n ever so far forgot rejoico in a newer attachment. My ide’4 of love,agrees pexfectly- With that so beautifully expressed by a popu lar writer—‘Vibntimentwhlch bears inscriDed upon it the forever of tho stars!’ How, then, can (’possibly recOn'clle it with .Ideas of iio'; differehtßrnatopel’/• ■ C'- "Viti.-.” «I am rate rtcahiiot Imagjne,” rephed Mib.' Kelson,who hadrmdortake'n to defend'tho op posite siaobf-dhe question, “but X dohope/ my dear Mrs. Loohard,”. sheaddodlaugbingly, “that you will never, express yotarself .so de cidedly in the presence of certain'enthusiastic of.yonrs that I wot of How, f don’t seo the ldast bairn in any one’s marrying a so-' cond time, -j/fft the dew hire fsrffts flower., , BhaU she, therefore,Trotn that hour,, ... . . , Live on'notbUKalsO hut dew t!., Or, in' other worda,,whpndeprived .by death of those, who were dear to. us; are we required to spend the remaining years of oiir-existence ■ in unavailing, desipairingregifet, ,'and. gloomy,' cheoYlbsssoiltndo ? - Ah! I do not believe that . even the beloved departed would desire this/ Would they not rather that Wo shoiild be hap py, . even if another iove . wore ’necessary to constitute t-hat-happinesa ?’’ ,<■ “ But,” interrupted Mrs. Leonard, “when I spoak'of ifaithfnSiesa to the memory of burled' love, I do not meanfhat we should or heed be either •Isolitary,', There are many near and dear friends whoso society may cheer our lonely, hours, and hi thousand duties to per form'tfwe'wiH butrecognizo-thorn. There is . sucba:tHing;top,;ss boin'ghappy In tho hap . piness oiothers-Mvhilo those moments when we atejeftby chiheo to'' ourselves and our musings/iday, instead of being spent in useless regrets jjbo /employed,in .communing with our own hearts, and in earnest .aid holy endeavor; to render, ; ourselves worthy to regoin iu Hea ven the 'treisure, forevorlost to ns on earth.”, “I.perceiye that you are incorrigible,” re .joineiMrs, Nelson, “sol may as well, flrstas lasf give up all hope of MT3,Leonard ever )je commg'Mrs. Ahythlng-else. But what,” she added, Jessie -Warren,« what says Jossioppon .the, subject of second marriages .? Meihihks my little friend has been nnnsnally 'Silont’tOiday.” i .! “ 0, pray don’t, fry to entice me into tho whirlpool of your .matrimonial discussions,” was tho laughing reply, “What; indeed, should such a determined little old maid as I am have to do with, them? Ton "know well enough, Ella, how littlo / know or care about such matters l” ■ - .. - , - “Mb, 1 -I havo no confidence of the kind,”- persisted her tormentor. .“Ah!” -she icon tinned, .turning, to. Mrs. Leonard, “ those girls •who arftfpreypr talking about the, enviable fo-- Hcity ofi heiijg ah old maid are generally the very first to give us the slip.-, -I Shouldn’t won der now, if our Jessie here, innocent though she pretends to bo, is some inches depper in tho mire of .love than sho.will at. presopt con-; ■ less. ‘ Who. knows, Mrs.. Leonard, but that some interesUidg ' specimen of a widower may have succeeded in the marvellous that of cap-. taring that wayward heart; of hers, and tliat she eventually intends becoming step-dame to his bropdof little motherless responsibilities 1 Perhaps 1 that was the reason why she refused to take ipatt in oar discussion. Even had she been braybenough to own that she differed in opinidrCffpm one whom she loves as well os she doeswyourself, hor proper maidenly bash fulness would have withheld her from declar ing that- shscoincided with my viows. - What think iTTS.’lieonard?- ■ “ 1 thltds’andbeHeVe'thatJcssie bras ‘heart wholqand: fancy free’ at tho 'present'moment as shVeVer was iu her lifts,” replied Mrs. Leo naid with asrnilo.-. .• “ thank, you, darling!” exclaimed the young girl, bending impulsively forward, and kissing tho cheek of her well-loved friend; “and you,” Sfio continued, springing to the side of Mrs. Kelson, who was folding her shawl around her preparatory to herdepamrro, ‘‘ yon naugh ty Ella; Tthink as a punishment for the shock ing manner in which you have just scandalised me, I should bo justified in hiding away that bonnet; of yours, and obliging you to spend tho day with mb,‘Os Edith has promised to do.” “Deliver me from oppression and tempta-' tionejaculated tho lively, lady, jumping upon.thi? pearest-chair, and,thus, whild prpvoklngly out‘of her friend’s reach,' tying upon her head that most becoming'of little no Jessie, dearest,” she con tinued gaily, “-rather than suffer yon'to play tho part of a tyrannical syren, I would own that I,dp yeallf think you will bo an old m»id —until the ‘right .one’ (as the old ladies say) makes his appearance, and touebes, with skill and success, the- heart-harp whose chords havo hitherto remained unswept.- -Bnt, to tell you the sober truth, Jessie, I am engaged to meet a friend thitf: morning—and it now wants hut twenty minutes of tho timo appointed. -? : 8q now Til bid adieu* - And blew you *U I tay* Ana if 70a don’t otyeoti I’ll call another day.”. And dismounting from her eminence aruUe tang (he above very appropriate carol, Mrs. Nelson bade good morning to Mrt. Leonard, and JessipWswen foU.owedherfrom the apart.,' rnent. Jessie,” she said,’ as the latter • closed the door of thj sitting-room, and accompanied her, into the hall, '« do you believe that Mrs. Leon ard was really in earnest 1 Every body- knows that herhhsband, although a good enough man , in his way, was decidedly her inferior in intel lect and how she can guard his memory with such jealous devotion, is far more than I am capable of comprehending’.' Tell me, ifo 'yon really ttiink she will never many again V,‘ ■ “ l ath certain the.would not give vent, to such sentiments if they were not her own,” was the reply i- y , ■ “ Well,itien,ltB ‘voryunaccountable how that intellectual woman could have loved so pas sionately’tha -common-placo personage whom sho honored with the title/ of, husband. Ton didn’t Leonard, Jessie/ or you would wonder at it as much,as I dp.” ,« :* “There are more things In hoaven and earth thaiuico.drea4nedof inoor philosophy,’.’ quoted Jessie in answer to the remarks of Mrs. Nolson. ' '' - ! ! . “ AU yes-rbow convenient and,roflreshing is that very.’comprchebsive little sentence, when ever we arriya at' tho ha!ting-place of wonder and vain, conjecture I - Well, since yon would have she believo that she did lovo him, I must say, that'" 1 • ■ -' - " Of all tire naughty freak* of Cupid. I vow iAu.waa by for moaUtupidl” “Ton seem, my dear Ella,” observed Jes sie, archly, “fo; bd so chagrined at Edith’s plainly expressed ; repugnance to marrying a second time, that if-you wore a gentleman, I' could scarcely bo/blamed for, supposing that youhad, your own particular motives (Sr dis approVtog’Of her resolve.” “ And What if, being a lady, I should hare an especial reason for desiring a different state of affairs f ' tes, start and. open your eyes as wide as yon'please, little darling I "What I have jnstiassertedji true enough.. If I had leisure just now, I could weave for your edifi cation a,highly romantic history of a,noble heart, whose sighings must, alas I I fear, be utterly In’vain. But I must content myself/ dear Jesile/ by. merely. informing yo,u tba£a near relative of mino, Who, by the way, is my ideal of ail that’is. manly in man, has disco vered in that interesting Mrs. Leonard hu ideal of all that iawomanly in woman. .And from this brief explanation, yott must understand why I should have troubled myilolfat all about a mat ter to'which-1’ have apparently too.interest;- But, bless mo ! here.hpye I' been chatting with you, cjuite unmtodtolffi.ithe flight of . time— ’ never. ht/ongage ment.-'jlheatfttotayto/mpmentlonger—so hiss me foig3<>d-bye>love,’f..And,' aftertho readily giyejjwMhraceif34re.;NolBoutiastened fibttr friend. ; - - WHon JessieiW'arren reentered the sitting: room, ’ she 'fottod:Mrs,- Eeonardwitill sehted where she had leit her, but wrapt in so deep $ reverie that site’ did not heed her approach tin, til the young girl thrpw herarms affectionately ■ around her,rtnd playfully demanded the’ moan-/ ' tog of saabtonwontediabsence of mind... - ; “I tes^,’A;|vttj' ; that I. esnjfuUy tfojfcpt'pena’wby ! you have. , formed 1t.7 Olft; Jesslbr'inost dd’l hope that under wlißterer.ixytog cireuiristances ; you may be.placM/youwUfever prove true to . your, ideal! Every heart weaves Its 1 own pe euliar dreampttheboihgwhom it conidlOvo," ; but it Is not every, heart thallsMlbfu! to its mised to read to-you-thisgitirhtog.” . 'AjXU&AlOtfifMriTulß *:-/ “Thej-atory whfeij i am' afimtfio/relatottr, i you, JMe/tihagau tF'toußdedwere’liteisllyiqtraqin.nteii-slialLßOt' ; rtoamas tof jthft WhOtT wnotmedlimsimy; litrae. to'your, hs.toQtioajßßlef?the borrowed cOgnomen-of Mabel ,ffit im dadpthr'bf a pb'of bbt when sho was not more tfian ton years old, and his'wife surviving hlm ;sciicoiyjU£jr, tho lit tle Mabel became qh, orphan, depqudent upon (Jie, benevolence of a -slop-brother, .her.only neat relative, who was ' some fifteen vents her senior. at'ah'iiarty ago, been placed In thocounti tig-Houtto of a wealthy .merchant, had, by Ida habits of steadiness and persevering. industry, so ingratiated himself Into ’the‘good, opinion of his employer, and rendered himself so necessary to the concern, that liehadbeen admitted to a partnership a Tow. months preceding’the death of his father; hud Gregory Manning ’ had therefore fairer \yorldly prospects than his ‘ parents bad over known themselves,*or hoped for for him., 1 When the dying mother committed his lit tle sister.tb 1 his Care, hidding him to, watch over and gnitrd her from all evil, Gregory pro. raised that, while ho lived, she should nevor fieedprotection. And he was faithiul to the trust. Through the 'years that intervened be tween the death of Mabel’s parentsjand her arrival at womanhood, both care and cost were •liberally bestowed by her brothor on her edu cation, and nothing was left undone for her happiness and comlort. " At the age of twenty, Mabel Manning was by no means beautiful—nay, to tell the preciso truth, sho was comparatively plain in person— yet'despite her deficiency in outward attrac tions, she had-already successively rofosed her hand ‘;to ’three" of most opulent brother mcrchauts. One of these gentlemen, a Mr. Stuai , was Gregory Manning’s most in timate ftiendi and a personage whom he es teemed every way worthy of his sister—for ho ’ was hot above thirty yoara of age, amiable, of prepossessing exterior, and one. of fortune’s mow favdred children. 'Why Mabel should bo, so fastidious, her brothtr could not conjecture, and on the day when she declined receiving Mr: Stuart’s addresses, for tho first time in his life, Gregory loohed coldly upon his sister. .<* For Heaven’s sake, Mabel!” he exclaimed, in a tone of displeasure, «wliat is it that you expect? One would bo almost led to beliovo that you had the whole world at your disposal! Do you not know that yon are neither beanti -1 ful not weaHhyj'aqd that, in case of my doath, you might be left dependent upon your own ' exertions for; support? And yot you refbßO a man like thisl Oh, I have no longer any pa-: tience with your'whimst” And Gregory left the house without deign ing. to hid good morning to'Kis sister.. But . when, at, evening, ho 1 returned home again, and met her tearfol, pleading gaze, his resolve of continued sternneSs failed him, and, hastily kissing her cheek, he said—«l shall not soon forget the disappointment you havo caused mo —but be an old maid if yon will, Mabol.” And ■ foom that moment be spoke no more upon tho subject. - • „ Many tears had MSbol Manning shed over the thought that itWss not in her power to grant the first oarnoßt request her brother had eveb made'of hor. But she foit that it must be . So—that she.could hover marry one whose , tastes bore no sympathy to hers.' Mabol was passionately devoted to books and study, and any ono who had beheld her bending as she frequently did over her favor!to volumes long after midnight, would scarcely havo wondered that Bhe should havo declined becoming the .wile of. ohe who,could never, aharo in her pur suits. It was a particular mutter of marvel to her 1 brother,-that sho should prefer the seclu . sion in which they dwelt to mingling with the , gay circles into' which he would min have per suaded her to enter. But Mabel Uyed in a world'ofher own, while of that inner lifo—that world so foil of beauty, and truth, and tender ness to its earnest votaries—Gregory Manning had no/conception.. Hit dreams were solely . of wealth and luxury—of the accumulation of ’ .wherewith, to surround his household with every physical comfort—and this constituted Ills principal Idea of happiness. Mo vision of ipiritual,', needs had ever crossed, his earth fettered mind—and thus it Whs that he looked with such amazement upon his sister’s rejec tion of one who could havo placed her at once in What he regarded os a position truly envia ble, So; with no expectation of sympathy Korn these arpund her, Mabel nbvor suffered her peculiar feelings and opinions to pass her lips. She locked them within the deepest re cesses of her own heart, hoping that the time would eventually arrive when they might be called forth and reciprocated by a kindred mind.’ Time passed away, and Mabel Manning had attained her twenty-fifth birthday. Those flvo years had brought their changes to her broth er’s household. Several successful specula, tions had placed tho wealth ho so eagerly co veted within his possession, and, to crown his happiness, he had brought a wife to his home _—a gay,' beautifol, girlish creature, whoso merry laughter new joyously resounded within the; hitherto quiet dwelling. Mabel had wel comed the thought of a sister-in-law with un. disguised , pleasure. How, indeed, could sho be otherwise than glad-hearted at anything that might contribute towards making hor 'brother happy I —for, though ho was not fitted to appreciate her where she most desired to be appreciated, Mabel loved that brother de votedly: To him, she was well aware, had always been owing every necessary of hor life —and the knowledge failed not to excite a proportionate degree of fervent gratitude and affection. Therefore, when Gregory intro duced to her his lovely wife, it was not to bo wondered at that his sister sbonld greet the fair, child-like being with words of tenderness, and that, from the’ mere thought that tho now conjer was very dear to her kind brother, she .Sbonld be prepared to regard her os a sunbeam upon the life-path of each, , But what an alteration in her feelings towards the jyoung Mrs. Manning did a few short months efi'ectl Beneath an exterior of simplicity and guilelessness, .Mabel saw, with wonder and sorrow, could he concealed a selfish and oxact ing spirit, that scrupled not to use any means, however painfol to others, for the accomplish ment of its own ends. • To many a petty and cunning manoeuvre did her sister-in-law resort whenever it suited hor purpose to do so—and tho!frank, pure-souled Mabel too frequently heard herself scornfoUy designated as an “old maid,” because she roihsed to becomo a party to the. artfulness from which her mind shrank with unfeigned repugnance. For awhile, Ma bel had striven to accustom herself to what she; endeavored to consider as the eccentrici ties of her brother’s wife. She had humored her’ fancies os sho would those of a petted child, looking upon her. as little more than such. But the veil which affection attempted to cast over faults so glaring was rent very soon, feecamo easily.perceptible to Ifii bel that the love of power was hor new sister Lmoille’s ruling passion, and that she was by no.means deficient in strength of mind, as sho had sougbt to believe. As long as Mabel bent her will to that of Mrs. Manning, all went smoothly enough between thbm—but when, at length, Lucille’s character was fully revealed to her, her sonl revolted at the thought of lon ger acknowledging tho sway to which, in tho blindness of prejudiced partiality, sho had hitherto yielded. The constant difference in their sentiments was now tho cause of many an unpleasant scone between the two, for, though Mabel, with natural delicacy, would fain havo avoided all contention, Lucille on ovory occasion socmed to take especial delight in obliging the former to express hor opinions, artfully drawing her into controversies that invariably ended In mutual coldness. Oh! wbat would not Mabel havo given, had her sister-in-law been otherwise than she was— could sho sometimes, in her saddened mo ments, have rested her weary head upon Lit. edicts bosom, and received from her, if no thing more, at least tho sisterly affection which she so greatly needed. ■ For tho first time in her life Mabel was now taught to feel herself a dependant in the home where, from childhood, sno had been a che rished inmate—and her proud spirit could not bfookthe taunts which, in a moment of excite ment, had fallen from tho lips of Mrs, Man ning. Following tho promptings of impulse, Mabel instantly replied by proclaiming her inj tention of quitting forever tho rooi which had so long sheltered her, and endea voring, by some means, henceforth to support herself. But, while sho spoke, came the thought of 'the pain which such a proceeding would give to her kind and generous brother. Ho knew nothibg of the difficulties existing bo. 1 tween his wife and herself, and it had always been her care to hide from him a knowledge that could only be productive of anxiety, or perhaps create in his breast feelings of resent ment towards Lucille. And should sho lcavo hiA dwelling, sho could not possibly nvoid giving him "an explanation of the motives by Whjch sbp was actuated. . Mrs. 1 Manning had no sooner uttered the nido and thoughtless sontcnco that stung so deeply the sensitive heart of Mabol, than she bitterly repented having done so. Sho was sufficiently conversant with the natuio of the former to be well assured that no wound could have' been felt more acutely than that which hid just been inflicted upon her, and she feared now, lest her words should Indeed drive Mabel to extremities, Sho was woll awarp that Mabel need never bo at a loss for a maintenance—that her education would at any timojsecure her tha means qf support; but of the bowers'6f, her. mind, it was by no means Lucille’s wish that her sister-in-law should ffyfiliheraclf, 1 Mrs, Manning had no relish for Mabel’s society, for she was jealous of her in fluence over Gregory—of the deferenco which tho brother, from long habit, still paid to his sister’s opinions in manysmall matters relating to the household.. Still, the thought of her husband’s; sister earning her daily bread was verydistasteful to the,haughty spirit of. Lu cille, ,ahd‘ she had never before droamed that Mabel' possessed not that false pride which dwelt .within her own heart. Mrs. Manning was no believer lh3he' dignity of-toll. She was rhtber one of those who look with skepti cal contempt Upon tho glorious assurance that I " Labor—flllabor iinoblo and holy."' But her object in' rendering Mabol’s home po intolerable ’ had) really been to force her to jefk (another—not one ) to Which she might J™ g claim by the laborwhich the pfond lady 'WW, «° degrading, but ft. homo in a £ v mansion, which should become logally ,jWMS""ionwith. Its. master. Mabel’s lhr ' Stuart, was still a baclio frilllLnrv?.n g ?' y ' 1 marriage bo had been ft' foel^Lwi t S 9 , h . ouBo ’ ™' 3 . ‘hough Mft of course; tSSfaih “hghtGstchaiigo, she invariably treawa pun in a mannor, never once THB PR^.-;FHILADE|aPHtA < ,.WEfIINESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 185». supposing that Jio now or .hoped-for a wartner regard. But Mrs. Manning was wiser on this subject; jhat, ljer, sister-in.Utw. j She knew that Mr. Stuart was still devoted to Mo bil, and was well assured that he waited for an alteration in her sentiments, and that he would never marry while Mabel’s remaining singlo give him room for hope. Tot no hint of this kind was ever breathed 1 by Lucille Manning to her sister. Sho was too wily for that; for she know that it would put Mabel on hor guard, and Instantly ’check that friendliness witli which sho demeaned herself to Mr. Stuart. But now, by a hasty sontence of hor own, Mrs. Manning’s cherished plan seemed to he in a fair way of being foiled—and not merely this, but sho dreaded lest her husbaud should suspect how unkindly slio had conducted her self towards his boloved sister, home act of atonemynt waq evidently necessary to pacify the; heart she had wounded; and, therefore, throwing her arms around Mabel, with tears of affected penitence, sho bcsonglit her pardon for tho words she had spoken. But Mabel Manning had ponetration enough to know that they had not been uttered without a meaning'; that selfish fears alone prompted tho readily offered apology, and that, in the thoughts of her brother’s'wife, she was really an intruder in the famUy circle. So, coldly unclasping tho soft white arms that encircled her with such apparent affection, sho said—“ I forgive yon, Lucille, while I understand the motives by which you havo boon governed in retracting your cruel and insulting languago. Yet, how ever repugnant it will henceforth bo to my feel ings to remain in my present abode, I must force myself to endure tho pain, rather than .cause unhappiness to my brother; for I would , rither sacrifice) my lifo, than givo him so much feason to grieve.” Hor voice faltered as sho concluded, and hastily turning from hor, Bho quitted tho apartment. Ob, what a relief was that brief reply to Lu cillo Manning.: Not a moment did she pause to reflect that her embrace had been rejected, or upon tho cutting but deserved rebuke which had beeh awarded her; for there was still hope—nay, there was more hope than , there ever had been before, for tho accomplishment of her favorite project. Sho knew that sho had that day planted a dagger in’ her sister’s heart—that the thought of remaining a depen dent would become a constant source of bit .terness —such bitterness as it were impossible Mabel should long endure. But sho had vo luntarily resigned her only, moans of indepen dence, and there was now but oho resort for that proud and sensitive spirit. So gladness for hor hasty speech took the placo of regret, in the sordid heart of Lucille Manning—for by that very speech she now perceived that tho end she so eagerly desired might be eventually attained. [CONCLUSION TO r HOBROW.] LEGAL. TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE Owner and Contractor. D. C., Soptember Terms 1869. No. 376. Levan Facias. , , The Auditor appointed to report distribution of the mud in Court .arising from the sale by the Sheriff, under above writ of “All that three-story brick building, situate? built, and constructed upon a certain lotormeco of ground, on the southwest corner of Green and Nine teenth streots? in the Fifteenth ward of tho city of Phi ladelphia } said lot containing in front or breadth on Green rreet, thirty-six feet, andia depth thirty-three fast five inches; thesaid building ereoted thereon being thirty-six foot on Groen street, and thirty-three feet five inches in depth, and the lot of ground and curtilage ap purtenant thereto/’ will attend to hts duties on TUEB - Y* the 29th day of November. A. D. 1859, at 4 o'clock F.M.* at hts Office, No. 630 WALNUT Street, lirthe oity of Philadelphia, when and where all parties in in terest are required to present their plaints, or else be dobarred from coming in upon the said fund. Mnl6 IQt . THOMAS J.DIEHL, Auditor. WOTICE.—ESTATE OF MILLER RUS -1" SELL, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration on the Egtaio of MILLER ftUSSELLiIate of the TWENTY-FOURTH Ward. City of Philadelphia, deceased, have been granted to the aubsoriber, lesiding in said ward. All persons indebted to the Estate of the decedent will make payment, and those having claims or demands will present them fo nsspj glI _ „ . . Administratrix. Twenty-fourth Ward, Oct. >4,1859. n2S-w«t* NOTICES. rjlHB PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF the fine arts. . NOTICE TO STUDENTS. DThe Evening Studies by gas-light, from the Casts of Antique Statuary i commence on SATURDAY? October Ist, at 7 P.M. on MORI)AY „ JOHN BARTAIN, 526-tf Chairman of the Committee on Instruction. {SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers m Good- year’s Patent Vdlcaalaed .Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Webs, and all other fabnos and articles made by combining fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcanised rubber, are notified that unless the same are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by mjr authority, they cannot be legally disposed of in the United States. Merchants and dealers are invited to ex amine se6Qit4ens now in store, am} to give their orders for the Spring Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWNER t of THE TITLES. AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these goods? whioh embrace All the styles heretofore minufactured or ia ’ALs6?IHCEN r SM¥o MANUFACTURE sad SELL aW-lr HORACE H.DAY. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the f” firm of WARNIOK, CHADWICK, & BRO. Is thii day dissolved. The Heater, Range, and Stove business will be continued under the name of CHADWICK A WMdrirtM. Jaw 11, WINES AND LIQUORS. JAMBS STEWART & CO.’S PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. GEORGE WHITELEY, Importer of Broodr. Wio», *.0., us SOUTH FRONT Street, offers for sale, in bood oolr, STEWART’S CELEBRATED AND UNEQUALLED PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY. at- j m M*TE call attention of the T 1 TRA s£p tn R {ii’/ l y^&Tc r i. o ss^! < '' A ropply m auortad,packages oouatantly on hand. Order* rooeived for qireot importation. Aleo—Hennewy Cognap, Leßoy Cognao, London and Holland Gins, Claret in Wood and Cues, Champagnes, hlrh aod low pnooi. I,ONLOHAMP, Imporrer. ollLtm 117 South FItONT, Philadelphia. O LD COGNAC brandy, H.,H,,aodHsPinotß. Do. do. Otard. . . To. , do. .Hennoexy* In bond, and for sale by A. MERINO. °g» I*o Soath FRONT Street. IRIEttY’S CHAMPAGNE, in quarts, pints, JL and half pinte. The celebrated brand ‘‘lticom. parable” for eale br F. D. LONGQHAMF, osi-lm 817 South FBONT Street. gZJ-EORQE WHITELEY, V" No, 13S Soath FRONT Street, Importer of Brandy, Winee, 40., offer, for eale, In o? brand - 9 ” ) owin,! ' anions other standard brands Knef.Oaatiilon, & Co., Tbo«. Hine. k Co., OTn±; tCo ” Camoei. Felievotain, J' P Union Proprietor** A F. Martalle, Jaa. Hennee«y. o, otuarFa Pauley Malt Whiiker, and the choicest Madeira, Sherry, Port, Burgundy, ant Rnme Winee, Palm Tree Gin, Jamaica Rum. feauta Crux Rum, Bordeaux Oil, &0., Ao. a27-Iy I^JLARBT. —100 cases B&rton & Guestier’s y j .. fit. Julien; 300 do. St Eetephe; 300 do. Waahing ton Morton ot. Julien j 100 do. do. Talencrr. pinto: 50 do. Chatean La Rotwleo do. do.-Leovine; Scotch Ale, m ■tone and gla**; Younger’!, Harvey’s. Falkirk Brown Stout and London Portor. in store and ror sale by *Qg A. MERINO. 140 South FRONT Street. SCOTCH WHISKEY. -125 puncheons James Bterrart A Co.’a Paieley Malt, in bond and foraale by QKQRQB WHITELEY. * ui-3m rj AVT IO N !—ASTROLOGY!—LOOK V/ ODTI—GOOD NEWS FOR ALL I—The never failing Mr*. Van HORN if .the beet; ehe suc ceed# when all other# have failed. All who are in trouble,.all who have been unfortunate, doceived by fa!#e promisee, fly .to her for advice and comfort. In iwt affairs she never fails. She ha# the ieoret of winning .the affection# of the opposite sex. It is this foot which induces illiterate pretenders to try to imitate her, and copy her advertisement. She shows fou the hkenessof your future wife, husband, or absent riend. It is well known to the puhlio at large that she s the first and only person who pan show the likeness in reality, and can.give entire satisfaction on nil the con cerns of life, wlnqhoan be tested and proved by thou sands, both married and single, who daily and eagerly visit her. Come one! come all! to No. 1336 LOMBARD Street, between Junjperand Broad. nM-fit* Boyle & lauder’s MARBLE MANTEL WAHEROOM. . MONUMENTS. STATUARY. lko„ Not. 4 and SEa.l TWENTIETH Street, Qn« tar 0 f Broadway,NEW YORK. MS- LAUDER. Jr. JOHN. 0. DOYLE. The trade and Public are requested to call and ex* amine our specimens. Prices to suit the timos—a saving f ten por cent., at least. « n6-sw3m DISEASES. *-f Dh.OSMUN. OCULIST, 1610 CHESTNUT Street, Has Just returned from Europe after an absence of several yeaif, dona* which time he has paid especial attention to the treatment of Ere Diseases at the better medical schools of Germany. France, and England. .. The Doctor is provided with all the newsstand most improved instruments neoessary to the practice of his profession; among others, he has brought with him from Berlin, Prussia, a most perfyot instrument for ex junimn* the optic nerve and the Internal membranes of thp Eye—the first instrumentof the kind ever brought to this oountry. At home every morning till 10 o’clock, and every «ve ”^, f fnfo%«L 8 5&x x Y°. 6, i; d d'pR,DAY. from »(o 10 o’oiook A. M. Dr. 08M UN will inrivjnr PREK- J INSULTATIONH TO THE POKftt Hf ORE PROOF OF THE WONDERFUL WA EFFECTS OP MONELL’S AMERICAN HAIR REfARATOAi Thi. i. to ..rtsr«^ H .'U , S?aVre h . , re , f , 2i.d Was reoqrnrnended to try yoqr Heparator; and having proonred three bottles, used it for three months, which [msoauseiiny hair to grow, and although not quite as tbiok as before, yet it is constantly growing. „ Jb- A-JONES, No. ® North Third street. „, „ Pim.M)Klrnu. Sytemb«r Wth, 18J9. Mr.J.F. Monrll: Dear Sir— Some time since my hair commenced falling out, «o muoh bo, tii.t I wni.ln fact, fearful of becoming bald; but hearing of the won derful powerof your Heparator, I was induced to buy a bottle, and after using one-half of it my hair not only ceased coming out, but commenced growing finely, and I have now aa thiobasuit of hair as evft fhad, , JACOB EVANS,. For sale by T. H. PETERS A Console 8 Are* ts!°No. tie CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. se23-6m gTJRAIN MILLS —GRAIN MILLS —For the Farm and Plantation* The IRON-BURR MILL has no equal for Grinding Fine Meal, Feed, doffee, Spi ces, etc,, by hand or power. Price 90, 825, and 845. Now'in operaton at 135 South SECOND Street, TOADIES' HAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI SETTS, and CURLS, monDfiretnred In th.vory boat and Pan. atyl.a, and of which.. conatanUr M«P a/err lire. aaaortmont on hand, rold whol.aal. and relaili at tha lowaat pouibl. pnoea. Ordtra from all parts of tho omintry aohoitad, and promptly attonded to. Also, a new HAIR DYE. auMriorto aVin nae. ... M. HUTOIB, Nfu TENTH St., ati»-Sro* i ■ Between MarkatandOnaatnoL sTIAKUM. —A largo , stock of the best ■ brand, end for a a,. b, ,nM | [. «N. WATERBUaminN. Delaware av. AIENTON LEMONS.—2SO boxes Menton L.mon^d^.njH^for^ INSURANCE COMPANIES. TAEL AWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN -4-* ‘ SUK’ANOE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 183 J, Tlie following Statement of the Affairs of the Com pany is published in oonfonmtJ’.wUii a Provision of its Charter. os»^aSte»“ ,! On Fire Risks 116,729 90 . { . . ' £471,966 29 Premiums on Pohoios not marked off Nov. 1, 1858 281,813 33 £763,814 67 > .‘PRKMJUMS Marked off as earned, frpm Nov. 1,1868,'t0 Oot. 31,1869; On Marine and Inland Risks £371,111 89 On Fire Risks - • 118,336 40 . . , . £489,477 28 Interost, fed., received during samo period...-. 33,849 89 £628,827 17 LOSSES,EXPENSES, ETC. During the year,as above: Marine and Inland Navigation J,o«es £268,996 70 Fit® Losses...- 28.172 36 Return Premiums ... 63,150 IS Jteirisurances, Commissions to Aponte, T/ixes, &c.* 48,295 84 Expenses, Khltmcs, Rent, Sta tionery, &0.-***. ►*— 22,210 27 s39o 834 30 Surplus...*. . ASSETS or THE COMPANY, November 1, 1659: $123 030 Philadelphia Ofty Six per ot. Loan. .$123 000 00 100,0G0 Peon*. State Five per oent. Loan.... K 3 do 21 COO, Do. do. Six do. do 21,000 00 25,000 Umtod States Treasury 5)4 per cent. Notes, ana interest due 25,263 w 50,000 U"»to« States Treasury 6 per cent. A.Notes 50 515 00 25,00tW»-niporary Loan to the City of Phi ladelphia 25,000 0O 50,000 I’ounsylvouia Railroad 2d mortgage 6 per oent. Bonds 43.500 00 20,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort um way Company 7 per oent, Coupon Bonds 13.000 00 15,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company,’lnterest and Principal guaranteed by the City of Phila,.. 15,000 00 6,000 100 Shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company 3,775 00 6,000 ICO Shares North Pennsylvania Rail road Company, fcsooo 1,200 80 Shares Philadelphia Ico Boat and Steam Tug Company.... 1,20000 1,000 2 Shares Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Company... 2uo 00 160 3 Shares Ocean Steam Navigation 250 6 Shares Havre do' *» 3 ® s rr. B . te aaLr£ar/.' Company ~ IMOO $435,880 Tar. $411,949 29 Cost. Market Va1ue,8405,718 54 Bonds and Mortgages.... 14.000 uo Real Estate. $1,363 35 Bills Receivable, for Insurances made 181,098 00 Bfilanoes due at Agencies—Premiums on Ma rino Polioies, Intorest, and other debts due the Company. « 55,551 53 Sonp and Stock of sundry Insurance Compa res 3,250 00 Cash on doposit in Banks - 67,000 31 November 9,1859. Tho Board of Directors have THIS DAYdoclareda Cash Dividend of EIGHT PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, and SIX PER CENT, interest on the Scrip of the Company, payable on and after tho Ist proximo. They have also declared a Scrip Dividend of TWEN TY-FIVE PER CENT, on the Earned Premiums for the year ending October 31,1859, Certificates for whiah will *>o issued to tho parties entitled to the same, on ant after tho first of December next. _ DIRECTORS. William Martin, Samuel E. Stokes, Edmund A. Souder, J. F. Peniston, TheuphUus Paulding, Henry Hioan. John R. Penrose, Edward Darlington, John O. Davis. H. Jones Brooke, James Tntquoir, Spencer M’llvaine, William Eyre, Jr., Thomas C. Hand, James C. Hand, Robert Burton, William C. Ludwig, Jacob P. Jones, , Joseph H. Seal, James fi. M’Farland. Dr. R.M. Huston, Joshua P. Eyre, George G. Leiper. John tl. Semple, Pittsburg. Hugh Crate. D.T. Morgan, Charles Kelly, A. B. Berger, WILLIAM MARTIN, President. _ -..TICOMAB C. HAND, Vico President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. nll-lm Branch office of the new YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL, $l.BOO 000. THOS. J. LANCASTER, Insurance Agent and Broker, BRANCH OFFICE OF NEW YORK LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANV. No. 332 WALNUT Street. CAPITAL, $1,600.0(0. _ FBILADBL?UI4 rkfbrkxcx: Thomas Robins. John W. Claghorn. Lewis Cooper. J. B. Lipninoott. William ShaiTer. Robert Ewing. 027-lm TIE ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY 409 W°ALN L U T* L 8 TR* K£ T. This Company insures against Loss or Damage by Fire on Public' and Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally. The following provision In the Polioies of this Com- theireeounty when assigned as ool ** This polioy shall not be invalidated, or in any wise affected, after its assignment as a collateral socurity to a ground-rent, or mortgage, and the approval of such as signment by the omoe, by any transfer or conveyance of the mortgaged of tlie same,” Pan! T. Jones, Jeremiah M. Brooks, John Hulme. Robert Clarke, I«ao 8. Waterman, David Salomon, , Edward G. James, William Vanderveer, Joseph Jannev, Theodore Cuyier, Joseph H. Coilins, Bnmuel Costner. PAUL T. JOlfiES, I’ n. _ WM.VANCERVBER,VIMP«ridenL Gilbixt S.Btkklinq. Seoret&r*. mv?-tf H OWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU- Phillffis! 2 COMPANY - No - lu WALNUT Street, Thoii.L. Lndem, DIHEC R?bt?jV. D Traltl fctaW.Bo.ton. H,H.^ra»too’, William Rarenel, Wm. H. Love, John E. AtWiok., r Etjjrard A.Warne, PreBidentr^TH6MAB L. LUDKRS, „ k „„ Vice President—E. 8. WARNE. Secretarr~CHAßLEB A. BUY. deli AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., jftA INCORPORATED 1019—CHARTER FERFET- Nv. 018 WALNUT Sl-oot, abovo Third, Philadelphia. Havre, a large paid up Capital Btoolcand Surptai In vested in sound nnd at .liable Securities, continue to in sure on Dwellings, Stores, furniture, Mercbaudiie, Yeaeeiein Port andtbmr Careoe.,and other Pereonal Property. AU losses bl>orally and promptly adjusted. - ~ DutHcroas. Oeorse Abbott, John T. Lewis, fclo o .*: Patrick Brady, . Chas. w. Poultney, Israel Morns. vy-yt™ ao t, „. GEORGE ABBOTT, President THOMAS R.MARIB, Secretory. Ja23-ly if Fame insurance cojipany, No. 411 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED STATE OF CONFINED TO FIRE AND INLAND RISKS, „ XHRKCTOXS: Samokl Wrioiit of Wright, Bros., tc Co. William W. Waltkxb, William Ryan it Co, Ohaeles RicHAßDtow.- J. C. Howe k Co. Gkobok A* West West, Fobes. k Lloyd. Barclay Lippihcott.- Lippinoott. Hunter, A fioolt, Jacob W.Sroor. Chaffees, Stout, k fio. Kbnrt Lxwie, Lewis, Bros., k Co. David B. Birkbt Davt* k Birney. A. H. Rosk!UIBlM.-~~ . Rosenheim, Brooks, k Co. John B. Ellison. ...... John B. Ellison k Sons. John John W. Evermau 4c Co. Thomas fl. in. .... Savage k. Martin. GhjORGE W. DAY. President. »* a „„ J 9*{ATHAN J. SLOCUM, Vioe Pres’t WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Seo'y. au4-tf TNSURANOE COMPANY OF THE SMu°L p n« INGB. isS'lffire «-?^ C “ pUsl J—w i. .AU'invested in sound and available securities-eon tinue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks of Merchandise, o ft jjJ ji qj qp g nTU! * Henry D.Bherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby. gfctyuel Grant, Jr.. msMhu-.- Bsk.°aw _ George 0. Carson. , HENRY D.SHERRERD,President WILLIAM HARPKR.Reoretair. ie9-wfmtf Life insurance and trust com- PANY.-THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY. Northeast corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Assets, $902,325 26, INJURES LIVES for the whole term ef fiife—grants annuities and endowments—purohaaes life interests in Real Estate, and make* ail contract* depending on the contingencies of Life. They act a* Executors, Administrators* Assignees Trustees, and Guardians. _ , . TRUSTEES. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel 8. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Riohard 8. Newbold, James B. McFarland. Wi bam P. Haoker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Eueton, Samuel C. Huoy. Theophilu# Paulding# Charles Hallowell, Edmund A. Bouder. Henry C. Townsendi DaniefL. Hutohmso*, &>doiphua Kent, John W. Hornor, William H. Carr, Kills 8. Archer, P. V, Duflow, Samuel J. Christian* William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Rosin, John G. Brenner, P. 8. Miohfer, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER. President. . „ „ SAML. £. STOKHS, vloe Prea’t.' John W. Hobnob. Secretary. auia-ly THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. FHANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. <OO WALNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL. ~~ ftao mo SURPLUS .™ a» FIRE, MARINE. AND INLAND INSURANCE. Firalniunuice, limited and perpetual, on Butldiogc and Merehandiae of all deioriptions. Marine Jneuranee, inland And Ocean, on Veuela. Freight and Cargo to and from all part* of the World. GEORGE H. HART, S p C rS?W«nt. E.P. ROSS. Vine PreiuW. H. R. COGGtiHALL, Saoretary. 8. H. BUTLER, Aut Seorotwj. SISBCTORB. CoK.haU, Hon. H. M. Foliar, aol George H.Hwt, E. P. ftoas. A. 0. Cattell, Poster S. Perkins, S&muei Jones, M. P.» BUSINESS CAItDS. WALLACE & BRODIIEAD, S 7 EXCHANGE PLACE* NEW YORK, Stocks and Bonds bought and sold, on Commission. Francis B. Wallace. Edward c. Brodhbad. 028-4m* Alex. McKinney, ATTORNEY AT LAW, w .„ , . GREENBBURG, PA, Will prsotfee in Westmoreland, Armstrong, and In* mana oountie*. MU-tf npilE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE 520 CHEBTNUT Street, forwards Paresis, Pack ages, Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own Lines, or in oonneotion with other Express Com panies* to ail the principle towns and oities of the United States, K. S. BANDFORB, sul-tf General Superintendent PURE CONFECTIONERY, MANtJVACTURRD BT EDWARD A. HEINTZ, Late of 8. Henrion. _ Stere 8. W, oomer ARCH and NINTH streets. 3m (Faotorr 814 Filbert street.) VB. PALMER 7 ADVERTISING • AGENCY, N. E, torner FIFTH and CHEST* NUT. , , „ »31. Subscriptions taken for the beat City and Country Newspapers, at lowest cash prices. seMm Drawing and painting mate rials. Engineers' and Architects’ StaLonory, Grecian PAinting M-.terinls. Potichomania Designs and Vases. . Paint Boxes for Children, and also for Artists and Students. Pictures and Picture Frames. ‘ Fla> jug Cards, American and Frenoh. Catalogues gratis to the trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. oSO-dra riOACHLANP WAGON SPRINGS, of ,Vheavy?.”* «^^k^TtFi r »r h “ d ’ Hßht nS.m* . , , , i ■■■ II ■’ ■ T. BANES. /CHEAPEST WINDOW GLASS in town, DJCK’B. g. Yf. oO[ B , r of ISVBNTHaaii HAILHOADi.EIjVEH. mmmm ™raygg? nnL „ WINTER ARRANGEMENT. For BETHLEHEM, DOYLKBTOWN, EASTON, ALLENTOWN, MAUdH CHUNK. HAZLETON. On and after MONDAY, Noveml>er7t}i t ‘ 1869, Passon er Trains, will leave F RONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, DAILY .(Sundaysexcepted:) For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Haxleton. &0., (Express,) at 9.50 A. M. For Bethlohem,(Express,) at 9.30 A. M. and 3 P. M. (Accommodation,) atB.4OA.M. and For i'ort Wfihlurttm, (Aooomroojliition.) at 8 P, M. TRAINS FOR PHIL A DELI’HIA: Leave Bethlehem, (Express,)atB A. hi. and 4.10 P. M. Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 7 A.M. and P. M. Leave Fort at7. A.M. Philadelphia for Fort Washington, at 9.50 A. M. Philadelphia, for .Doylestown, at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia, at 7 A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia, at 2 40 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem, $1.60; to Mauch Chunk, $2.60: to Easton, $1.50,: to Doylestown,Bi)uent*. Through tickets must bo procured l<efore entering the All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) con neotat Berks,streotwith Fifth and Sixth-streets, and Beconu and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. n 7 ELLIS CLARK. Agent. HSaicgasgsaa WINTER ARRANGE WENT.-PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, November 7th. 1869, PASSENGER TRAINS S.EAW. PUILAIhiIA'MA, For Baltimore At 8.16 A. M., 12 noon, (Express,) and 11,10 p. M. * For Chester at 8.15 A. M., 13 noon, S 30 and 11.10 P. M. For Wilmmgtou at 8.15 A. M., 13.3.30, and 11,10 P. M. For Now Castle at 8.15 A. M„ and 3.*0 P. M. For Middletown at 8.15 A. M.. and 3.30 P. M, For Dover at 8.15 A. M., and 3 30 P. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. M., am) 3.30 P. M. For Beaford at 8.15 A. M., am! 3.30 P. M. For Laurel at 8.16 A. M., and 3.30 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA $137.492 87 Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. M.,(Express,) 10.16 A. M.,' and 5.26 P. M. Wilmington at 7.15 A. M. and 11.80 A. M., I*s and 8.40 P. .V. Laurel at 5.15 A. M., and 3.40 P. M. jt*:. >■* beaford at 6.45 A. M., and 4 03 P. M. ,eavn Mibord at 7.60 A. M., and 4.05 P. M. <oave Dover at 9.05 A. M., and 6.40 P. M. jcavc M iddletown at 10 A. M. and 7 P. M .mivo Now Castle at 10 55 A. M.. and BP. M. jon*. o Chester at 8,12 A. M„ 2.22 and 9.15 P, M. .enve Bal’>mi>ro for Laurel and Delaware Railroad at 10.15 A. M TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M., 12.28 and 11.40 P. M. Lnavo Wilmington at 9.25 A.M., 12.65 P.M., and UJO *A. M, SUNDAYS Ouly at 11.10 P. M., from Philadelphia to Baltimore, Only at 5.25 P. M.. from Baltimore to Philailelphia. FREIGHT TRAlN.with PASSENGER CARattaohed, will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryvillo and intermediate plaoesnt# P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 0.4*1*. M. Leave Baltimore for Stammer s Jlun, Chase's, and HarewoodatoJ4P. M. n& B. M. FELTON. President. 1859. mmsmm 1859. •FALL AHRANGKMKNT-NEW FORK LINKS. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO’S LINES, F.ROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACES, ?EOM WAL.NUT-ITRSBt WUIHP, . Will leave as follows, via: farh. At 0 A.M., via Camden and Amboy, Cam. A Am. Accommodation $2 25 At 6 A. M.i via Camden and Jersey City,(New JerseFlAocominodation.... 225 At 9 A.M. ,via Camden and Jersey City, Momma Mai 1......... - JOO At 11 A. M., by Steamboat, via Tncony and Jersey City. Weston} Express 3 00 At P. M. i via Curadcn and Amboy Accommo dation ... 2 25 At 2 P. JI., via Camden and Amboy, C. k. A. Ex- $601,605 57 press .........., 8 00 At 4 P. M.« by Stoamboat, via Tacony and Jer sey City, Evening Express 3 00 At 4 P. M., by Steamboat, via Tacony and Jer sey City,ld Class Tiohet 325 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City Evening Mail 3 00 At 11 r. M., via Oamdenand Jersey City,Boutheru Mail 2 25 At 5 P. M, via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation, (Freight and Passenger)— Ist Cla*a Ticket 3 85 2d Class Tioket 1 fiO The OP. M. Mail Line runs daily. The il P.M. South ern Mail. Saturdays excepted. For Bolvuiere,F.aaton, Fleuungton, &0., at 0 A. M. ForMauoh Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem, at 0 A. Lrhigh Valloy Railroad. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Soranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., at 0 A.M., via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. For Mount Holly, at 0 And 9 A. M.. and 2X and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 3 P. M. , _ WAY LINKS For Bristol, Trenton, &o, at SK and 4 T. M„ from Walnut-sweet wharf. For Palmyra, uelanco, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, Ac., at 12)», 1, and 3>* ?. M. . Steamboat John Neilapn, for Bordentown and interme diate places, ntS>4 P. M. Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, and in termediate places, at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Fifty pounds of baggage only allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their woanng apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The company limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be hablo for any amount beyond 9100, exoept by special oontract. Oct-1, 1859, WM. H. GATZMER. Agent. mb PHILADELPHIA AND SS§jlBl ELMIRA RAILROAD LINE- T ROUTE to Elmira. Wilkeabarre. Buffalo, Chicago, Rook Island, Niagara Falls, Milwaukee, Bur lington, Montreal, St. Paul’s, Detroit, Dunlieth, and St. Louis. Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Rend ing Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Btreets, DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) as follows: 7.MA. M., DaV KXPRKSB. For Elmira. Niagara Falls. Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rook Island, Galena, St. Paul’s, Burlington, and St. Louis. 5.30 P. M., NIGHT EXPREBS.. For Elmira. Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit Chicago, Milwaukee,Rook Island, Galena,St. Paul’s B rhngUm, and St. Louis. The 7.10 A. M. and 3JO P. M. trams run through to stopping at all Stations on the Lobanon The 7JQ A. M. train connects at Rupert for Wilkes barre, Pittston. Scranton, and all stations on the LACK AWANNA AND BLOOM3BUKG RAILROAD. Baggage chocked to Elmira, Butialo.and Suspension Bridge. K3L, Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line's Ticket Offioe, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Passen ger Depot, corner BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leavesthe Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily,(Sun day exoepled,) for all points West and North, at 6 P. M. Freights must be delivered before 5 P. M. to insure going the samp day. For farther information, apply at Freight Depot. BROAD, below Vine, Or to CHAB. 8. TAPPKN, General Agent NTW. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, 001-tf Philadelphia. npilE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL A RAILROAD. 1859. aSmmmm 1859.' THE CAPACITY OF THIS ROAD IS EQUAL TO _ ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Train* from Boston, New York, and all point* East, and at the Union Depot at Pittabur* with Through Trains for Cin cinnati. Bt. Louia,.Cleveland. Chicago, Burlington, St. Paul’*, Ir\dtMiapolis, Louiavillo, New Orleans, and all intermediate point* m Ohio., Indiana, Illinon, Kentuc ky, Michigan, vVisooiißin, Minnesota, Miwoun, Kansas, ana Nebraska—thus furnishing facilities for the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and com fort by any other route. Rxpres* and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, Without change of Cars or Conductors. Smoking Cars are attached to each Trains Woodmirs Bleeping Cars to Express and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail tiud Fast Lines, Sun day* excepted. Mail Train loaves Philadelphia at 8 00 A. M. Fast Line “ “ 11. W A. M. Ei.i»'«'s* Train leaves “ lolfio Nieht. W X.Y TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Farkcstmr,; Accommodation at 12..H0 A. M. Harrisburg Accommodation, via CoUiml)ia,B.W f. M. Columbia , „ 4P. M. Paanengfir* for West Chester will take the M»il, Parkoulmrg, ami Lancaster Trams, at the PennsyLttrt.a Rmlrond Fastenser Station. Passengers ii-r Smibury, 'Williamsport, Elmira, lluilu lo, Niagara i a.i <.aud intermediate points, leaving Phila delphia at 8 A. M., and 2 P. M., so directly through. Tirltota Westward maj be obtained at the ollice of *he Company in Philadelphia, Now York, Boston, or Bal timore; uml Tickets Eastward at any of the important ilvlroad (llfices in the West; alaoon lioard any-of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi cr Ohio Rivers. EL Fare always as low as any other Route. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make this the ““ fcLW> «ET W Brte B^BBIUI! The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding rill dravane or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantarcs readily appreciated by Snippers of Freight and tho Travelling FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this Route Freights of all description* oan bo for warded from Philadelphia. New York, Boston, or Balti more, to any point on the Railroads of Ohio. Kentucky. Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or.Misaouri, by Rail' roaddireot. . „ „ The Pennsylvania JUllroad also conneots at Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods oan bo forwarded to any port on .the Ohio. Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland, lllmois, Mississippi, Wisconsin. Miumri, Kansas. Arkansas, and Red Rivers; ami at Cleveland, Sandusky, and Chicago, with Steamers to all portson the Northwestern Lakes. Merohanta and Shippers entrusting the transportation oflheir Freight to this Company, can rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to any point in tho West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times as lavora ble a* are oharged by other Railroad Companies. particular to mark packages' 1 via Ponna. Rail roadT Merchants in the West ordering goods from the East, wilidowe)! to direct thorn to bo shipped by this Route. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com pany : D. A. BTKWART. Pittsburg: Doyle k Qoyßteubenville.O.; Il.B.l , ierce*Co.,2nnas- V) fe,O.?J./. Johnston. Ripley. O.; R. MoNeely, Mays vilio, Ky.; Ormsby ft Cropper,i’ortuinnuth, 0.; Paddock fc Co., Joflersonvillo, Indiana; 11. W. Brown & Co, Cincinnati. 0.: Athern ft Hibbert, Cincinnati. 0.: R. C. Meldruni, Madison, Irnl.j William Bingham, Louisville, Xy.; F. G. O’Riley ft Co., Evansville, Ind.j N. W. Gra ham & Co., Cairo, III.: R. F. Bass, St. Louis, Mo.; John H. Harris, Nashville. Tenn.; Harris As Hunt. Memphis, fenn.; Clarke k Co., Chicago, III.; W. H.H. Koonts Alton, ill.; Murphy k Wallo, Dubuque, III.; or to Freight Agent? of Railroads at diUerent points m the West. Parties attending to their own shipments from the East, will find it to their interest to call on the Agontsof the Company at the following placoobelbro shipping; or letters addressed, to either of them on tUoanbjeot of frejghts, will meet with prompt attention; E. J. SNEEDER, Philadelphia. MAGRAW &■ KOONS, 80 North street. Baltimore. LEECH & CO., 2 "Aetor House, or 1 B. William st.,N.V. LEECH fc C 0.,, M Kilby street, Boston. H* H. o ’ 9. < VA’ l Freight Agent, Phila. L.L.HOUPT.Gen’I Ticket Agent, Phila. THUS, A. BCOTT, Gen’lSup’t, Altoona, Fa. J«3 ly fiSwogaamp WEST CHESTER and PHILADELPHIA HAIL ROAD VIA MEDIA. fali/arrangement. , . On ami after WEDNKDBAY,OctoberB, 1659, the trains will leave Pmladelphia, from tho Station, N. *• oorner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Street!, ftt 7.M aud 9.30 A. M.. and at 2.30 and 8 P. M. Learo Wont Chester, from the DEPOT, on EAST MARKET STREET, ftt 7 and JO A, AI, t anif 2.30 and 5 ON BUND AYS-Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M„ and I P. M, Leave West Chester at 7JOA. M„ and i.3ft M, . 4 , HENRY WOOD, o-tt General Superintendent. fililMam PHILADELPHIA CStaßesSNeSßs AN D READING RAIL ROAD, MORNING LINK, fur POTTBVILLE, READ . , ING end HARRISBURG. Leave* the Depot, at corner of BROAD and VINE M.. DAILY, (Sunday* excepted,) for POTTSVILLIS, UARRISBUkG, and all intermediate point*, connecting at Harrisburg with trains running to Pittabur*. Ch.n.Wbur^ *O. - HARRISBURG * M *’ i)AILY ’ for and M.,DAlLY,(Bundaysexoepted,)forßEAD ING, and intermediate point*. »P» W, U, McILHKNNY, Secretary. EBMinßawwa Philadelphia, uek- MANTOWN ANP NORMS TOWSItAILHOAD—SUMMER AHHANGKMKI’i'Ta— -6n >»d .Par M^'JJ^ANTO'w'n! 1 f “ rth ° r n °‘ io< '- ‘Leave Philadelphia 6, 7, 8,8 K» mm.. 10. 11, 12, A.M.,1,1,3, 3K, 4,8, 8K,6,7j 8. 9, 10, nnd IIK P, M. Leave Germantown 8.7,7 K, B,BH, 9, 10,11, A. M„ Utf, 1,2,8, 4, 8,8, 8K» 7>», 8,9, 10K P. M. , . . ON SUNDAYS, p Leave Philadelphia 9.08 min. A. M., 2, 3, 8, 7Af, and 10K Germantown 8.10 min. A. M., 1.10 min., 4,6 K, andWtfP.M. . tu.9, H ?!T n PT HILL RAILROAD. 8,8,8X, 11 A. M„ 2,3 K, 4,6 X, 8, 9, ..Leave Chestnut Hill 7.10, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40, 11. M A, M., 12.40,8.40,8.40,7.10, P.M. ' t „ t ., , . ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia9.os mm. A. M., f, 8. and 7V P. M. PM SVe Chcstnut Hill 7IW A ‘ M *' M*80« 8.10, and BAB * FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6,8.06 inin., 10 03, min., il>* a. M., 1.08 min.. 8.08 min., 4K. BM.6X, iW P. M. pLeave Norristown 8,7,9,11 A, M„ 1, BK, 4X, 8,7 K, * BUNDAYB, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M.. 8 and 4 P. M. Leave Norristown 7 A. M.. 1 and 8 P. M, . FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6. 7.08 min., 806 min., PV, 10.05 min., UK A. Kl., 1.08 min., 2.05 min., 3-08 mm., *}», BJ£, , 854* 8< UK P. M. OLeave Manayunk BK, 7K, 8)/. 9X, 10X, UK A. M„ IK, 8.08 min., 4,8,8 X» 8,9.05 mm. P, M. ' .. . QN SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9A. M,, 3,4 PM. Leave Manayunk 7X A. M.. IX, 6K,BK F. M. H. K. SMITH. General Superintendent, iflrT PfiPPT. NINTH and GREEN etroflU* J EDUCATIONAL* [l/TR. SCHMIDT having been ao often 17.8. requested to devote hie time nsrain to the instruo tion of Music, and especially of the Piano and the science of Composition, now takes pleasure to inform lua kind friends and an honored public, that ho shall bo happy to receive n limited numner of pupils. Mr. speaking the Pjie.nch, Kpamsii English and German Jjanovaoks with like facility, \rill bo happy to employ oitncr of thorn at the desire* of the pupil. Classes will be tormed after Lozier's celebrated sys toin (which has provod h > highly successful in Fans and also in New York under Messrs. Gottschalk, Mason fc GoLUBFctt, and which is in fact the system of ail the celebrated conservatories in Europe, an early applica tion lor wluoli is respectfully solicited. For terms, Ac., Mr. 8 would rospeotfullv request to apply to Messrs. Chickkribo A Son’s Piano Ware house. No. 807 Chestnut street, and Messrs. Andkk 3c Co., No. UOi Choituut street.^ _ ~ Ki:vjtßk.NCEs; C.Guilloii.Esq., Gustav Satter, Esq., N.Y., Messrs. Chickermg A Sons. H. A. Wollenhaupt, Ksq., •* it hoe « Walkor, Maurice Strakoscn, Esq., “ Andre A- Co.. W, V, Wallace, Esq.. 1 " D Hall A Son, N. YW. Mason, Esq’., 1 “ Mr. 8. would also respectfully request the perusal of too following Jotters or Mr. Gottsciialk, the eminent Pianist and Composer, (the first to a dißtinguißhed gentleman of this city,»when Mr. K.cojno first to Phi ladelphia i Mon cher F—. Mon ami Mr. Alfred Schmidt, se rendant a Phila delphioje n’ai im muster nu plaisirde mo rappeler a voire amiable souvenir cn vous faisant connaitro un ofoarmant liommo et uu artiste distingue. Mr. Schmidt est du Conservatoire da Leipzig; son talent eat tres eminent et eommo gentleman vous apprenez lien vito les qualiteaqui les distinguent. Vons etes si aimaMe et si devnuo nux artistes, quo vous ne devez vous en pron dro qu’a voua momode voua les voir tous recommfnder; si quelquo iois vous nvoz murinure centre cos especes (la leltrca do change tiroes par I’anutio sur I’amitie quo l on appollo leitros d’nitroductiontsoyez d’avance per suade fine eelle-oi no vous procurera aucune den epines quo oaclient prosqiie toutes les relations do la societe. l°ut a voun de crmir. Milles chose a T. otagreoz Inca compliments allectueux, m . GQTTSCHALK. Trinidad do Cuba, 1 Juil. ISM. . • Ilnbana. lulede Cubit, 24 Febrier, MM, J at exammo avcc inhnement d’intoret la plan d’etu* 'ipa pour | i'armomo ot la composition qua Mr. Alfred acmrndt bo propoao do lairo buivtc a aes cloves, at je •'ms Jieuroux rie declarer, quo je lo croia Ires clair, tres uonru ot le pus la\nrable a un avaneement rapid©. 11 *Bt da rest© identimm quant an fond a colui quo suit la cnrsorratoire do i'ana. Jenrota aussi devoir recom nv.ndor plialonreuseinont. Mr. A. Schuudt comma pro f» ssenr de Piano ot do chant, 1m L. M. GOTTSCHAIiK. lIALLAI) SINGING AND GUITAR. gJ m-lm* T. UIBHOP, 1202 FILBERT Street. ItyIIBSDAMES CHEGARAY AND D’IIER VJI.LY’S pOARDWe AND DAY SCHOOL FOR iUUiNi-x J.ADIbS. PHILADELPHIA, No. 18W LOGAN SQUARE, VINE STREET. Madame C lIE GAR A Y respectfully informs her friends and the poblio m general. that independently of her Hoarding and Day Sohool, directed by herself and her niece, Nme. PREVOST. in NEW YORK, she in tends, in connection with her niece. Mme. D’HER VILLY, opening in PHILADELPHIA an Institution on urociaoly tlic same plan as the one above mentioned, 05-3ni PRICE-STREET ACADEMY, -B- GERMANTOWN. PHILADELPHIA. IGEORdE R. BARKER, PRINCIPAL. . 1 he hall Term of this Institutioncommoncei Septem ber fith, 1859, lhe course of instruction comprises all the branchf b o| a thorough English Education, together with the Latin. Greek, and Frenoh Languages. autf-tf Bryant & stratton’s national MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia, 8. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT: New York, Duflnlo, Cleveland, and Chicago. For in formation. call or i.ond for Catalogue. feS-tf SAVING FUNDS’ SAVING FUND.—UNITED STATES TRUST CO.MI'ANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Largo and small sums received, and paid back on do main! without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal* Office hours, from 9 until 5 o’clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until Oo'olock. DRAFTS for saloon England, Ireland, and Scotland, from i‘l upward^. Frcsideut—STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD, Tronaurer-JAMES R. HUNTER PLINY FISK. Actuary. “ A little, but often, Alia the rurso.” Franklin saving fund— No. 135 South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut end Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all De posits on demand. Depositors' money secured by Governmsnt Jtate. and City Loons, Ground Rents, Mortgages, This Company deems safety better than Urge profits, consequently wilt run no risk with deposi tors' mpney, but have it at all tunes ready to re turn with 0 per cent, interost to the owner, as they have always done, This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors can deposit in their own right, and such deposits can be withdrawn only by their consent. Charter perpotual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority toreoeive mo ney from trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Office open daily from S to 3 o'oloek, and on Wednesday and Saturdsr evenings untilSo’olk. - DIRECTORS. Jacob 11. Shannon, Crrus Cadwallader, John Shindter, George Russell, Mnlaehi W. Sloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Krumbhaar, Henry Pelany, Niohol&s Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley, Job. R. Satberthwftite, Ephraim Blanchard, Joseph W. LippinootL _ JACOB B. SHANNON, President. Crura Cadwalladsr, Treasurer. _dlS-y “ A Dollar saved is twicu earned. * SAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TEKKST.-KATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM I’ANY, WALNUT Street,Southwest oornerol THIRD, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the Stato of Pennsylva nia. Money is reoeived in any eura, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office 19 open every (lay from 9 o'clook in the morning ttU6o clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evening* till 8 o’clock. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President. w ROBERT KELFRIDGE, Vice Preaident. William J. Rksd, Secretary. HIASCIOH9._ .. _ Hon. Henry L. Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Bart, Robert SeUndee, Franoit Lee, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, • O. Lambeth Munna, Henrj Dtfl'enderfer. Money is received and payments made daily. Tho investments aro made, m conformity with the Srovisionsof the Charter, in Real Estate mortsaees, round Rents, and such first-class securities as will al ways lusure perfect security to the depositors, and which cannot Tail to five permanency and stability to this institution. anl-if PIANOS. OUICKERING & SONS, ItWlf" WANCVACTURIRR O? GRAND, BUUARE, AND UPRIGHT „ PIANO-FORTES. „ WAREROOMB 807 CHESTNUT STREET. Constant>,m storeis-large stock of our BEAUTIFUL and UNEUUALLED INSTRUMENT S. We have been awarded, at the different Exhibitions in this country and FIRBT - CLAM &~m RAVEN, BACON, & Co.’s, Me i ff Nunn* A Clark’*, HaJlett, Davi*, A Co.’s, nnd A. H. GaleA Co.’* superior PIANOS. Also. Ma son Jr. Hamlin * unrivalled MELODEONB and HAR MONIUMS, so desirable for Ciiurohe* and Lecture Hoorn*. 69** Pianos and Melodoons to Root. J. E. GOULD. BEVENTH and CHESTNUT. • A GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN ;islp pianos- * HCHOMACKER A CO., 1021 CHESTNUT Street, respectfully invite the music- to oall and examine llioir new and auo ce«ili.l improvement— THE PARLOR GRAND PIANO. Hiving converted the Tone, Touch, nnd Action of the Grand Piano into that of a Square instrument, mo ding all the objections generally made to the style of Grand Piano, also diminishing the cost of the same, in lume, purity of tone, great power, brilliancy, full ne«-«, uei'th, and evenness of touch, with exquisite deli cacy and sweetness, these SUPERIOR AND BEAUTIFULLY-FINISHED IN STRUMENTS fre wholly unequalled. They have received the highest encomiums,.ana are pronounced by critics to be far su perior to any instruments ever manufactured in this country. Constantly on hand, a large and elegant assortinentof our unrivalled PIANOS. We have lieen awarded the first Premiums, at all exhibitions evor exhibited, in cluding the Prize Medal from the Crystal Palace Exhi bition. New York. 1881. «el-tf STOVES, STOVES! STOVES!! JAMES SPEAR, No. 1116 MARKET BTREET, le now prepared to meet the wants of the public more completely in all tho dotnilsof the Stove trade than any oilier establishment m Philadelphia, in proof of which ho invite* COMTARATIVK EXAMINATION. The following are ainomj his own popular inventions, several of which ba\ e nlre.ul) obtained a national repu tation a* surpassing in eteelltncs and reemowy any other Stoves in use. JAMES SPEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the Improved Gau-burniug Cooking Stovo, acknowledged to be the Stove for family use in tho world. JAMES SPEAR is tho Pateutee of the celobrated Gns-conauming Cooktn s ' Rango, now rapidly coming into genera! u*e. JAMES SPEAR is tho Pntontoe of the Improved Sil ver * Air-tight Gas-Consuming Parlor Stove. JAMES fiI’EAR is the Inventor of the Improved (Patented) Ornamental Stove Urn, which from its henuty and utility is likely, this season, to be univer sally adopted. JAMES BPBAR is the Patentee of the Labor, Fuel, and Comfort-ta\ in? Ironing Pan. JAMES 6PEAR is the Inventor and Patentee of the oeiobrated Railway-car Heater. For all of the above the Inventor very juutly claims advantage* which reqmro but to bo understood by the public to bo universally appreciated nml preferred to any other articles of that class in the market; and he won Id hereby extend a cordial invitation to all persons inwMitof Stoves to call ami examine for thomselvos, Parties wishing to examine will have every attention shown them, whether intending immediately to pur chase or not. *22-3m OIIAIILES JONES, No. 305 Nortli SECOND Street, (Successor to A. flßS£f J. Uallaf her,; would respectfully call the ntten tion of those tlesirinj stoves to his extensive assortment of Cooking, Heating, and Parlor stoves. I have purchased the exclusive rigid to the tales and rrpairj. in Philadelphia, ol Gallagher’s Celebrated “ Morning Star" and •* Sunrise" Gas-burning Cooking Stoves, well known for years as the moat satisfactory Stove* m the.innrket.. Also, his new Flat-top CiKiking Stove “ Daylight." winch combines all tho useful im firovoments, aid operates admirably. I also manu aoture, in a superior manner, Silvor’s fjas-burner of the beat Russia Sheet Iron. These are the most economical and easily managed Parlor Stoves in use. sIG-Sm COAL. HOUSEKEEPERS LOOK TO YOUR .interest. Buy your COAL AT HICKS’, where nothing buUtlic very best quality of Lehigh and Schujl kil) Coal is ottered at the following reduced prices: Lehigh. Broken, Egg, and Stovo $4 25 por ton. Schuylkill. •* " " 400 " Large Nut 3 60 “ Warranted free from slate or dust and full weight, at HICKS’ »ard. southesst corner MARSHALL and WILLOW. Cull and see. <>26-(3m SW. GROOME & CO,, • Office 140 South FOURTH Street, ANT) WHARF, PINE STREET, SCHUYLKILL, Dealers and Shippers <n Locust Mountain, Lehigh, and Sohujlkill « COAL. Merchandise taken on wharfage. oJS-8m triCKORY AND SPRING MOUNTAIN , LEHIGH COAL, prepared with cate, for sale on liest term*. Apply at KNOWLES'S Depot, NINTH and W IE LOW Streets s22'tf StMTPSSSggsq NOTICE.—CIIESTBR SS4SSBes«S!vai.i.ey nAii.ngAn-MS SKNUKHTKAINSFOR DOWNI.NOTOW.'I aNB IX TUUMEDIATKBTATIONS.-On 1559. tho I’aHHonsor Tnnnß for UOWNIiNBIOWX, will Btart fromthe i'as.onKor Depot of the I hoeoelphin ana Readme; Railroad Company, corner of tiUUAD ana MORNINO"'TRAIN for Downinatown, leave, at 7.50 AFTKRNOON TRAIN for Downmstown, leave, at ~46 P. M. Ry orde/or tlwll'anf of Maria,er« of tire Philadelphia andßeadmt Henretarr. Kerosene oil.—a f«n supply of the above Oil, manufactured by the Boston Company, will bo furnished to tho undo, at the lowest prices, by thosolo agents for «>».* rity. voWLUY, ASHBURN&k, Jr. CO.. No. US Soulli WIfARVI R. t i 9 GREASE.— 200 bbls., 300 half bUa., 140 quartor bbis., 2,C00 cans Patent Tallow Grease, suitable for wagon*, carts, cars, nnd dTnys, for sale hr ROWLEY, ASHUUKNEK. & CO., No. 16 South WHARVI-M oS BOXES AMERICAN AND IU,UWFBENCI[ WINDOWGLAS9~Themost approved brands, and of every size and quality required for oity and country price* astonishingly low. Send your ordors to ZIEGLER A SMITH. Drug, Varnish DeaJers, corner SECOND and GREEK Streets. sIJ-tf SAFES BY AUCTION. , „ PURNESft BRIN LEY, & CO., ■ ' ■ ' L N„. <?> MARKET STREET. •• .. ' BAL 1 ' n Z GOODB. „ , Ofl Fildtj Hon np, niiveiiiLer 13, at in Ut catalogue, on 6 months credit— W package, and loUof fancy and staple French dry U&* Bamples and catalogues earl* on the morning of sale. PARIS AND VIEaNNA ALL-WOOL BROCHE HHAWLi, IN COLORS ONLY. On Friday Morning, Nov. l&th, 100 12 4 and 14-4 all-wool Pam and Vienna square oolored broclie shawls. 40012*4 and 14-4 All-wool long do. 75 high cost do., for city retail trade. SAXONY PLAID ALL-WOOL LONG SHAWLS. Balance of the importation. 300 14-4 heavy all-woo|Bcotch plaid long shawls. CLOTH CLOAKS. 300 beaver cloth black and colored cloaks. \'4 to N 0.30 black silk velvet ribbons. Linen cambrio hdkfs. NORWICH I’OPIjINS AND MERINOS. 30 ps extra rich Norwich poplins. 30 hsM-inch black and colored merinos. . CHILDREN’S SCOTCH PLAID ALL-WOOL SHAWLS, NOW LANDING. children’s new sty le all-wool Scotch plaid shawls. all-wool Reversible shawls. 300 fine aiul extra heavy all-wool reversible shawls. PHILIP FORD AUCTIONEER, No. 630 X MARKET Street, and 521 MINOR Street PEREMPTORY SALE OF 750 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, Ac. On Thursday Morning, November 17. at 10 o'clock precisely, will be sold, by catalogue, on four months* credit, 750 eases men's and boys’ boots, shoes, brogans, gum overshoes; ladies' and misses’ boots, shoes, gaiters,overshoes, Ac.,embracing a larre and desirable assortment of prime goods, of city and Eastern manufacture, suitable for present sales. Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on morning ot sale, when buyers Will find it to their interest to attend. SALE OF FINE JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS. On Friday Morning, JOo'clock precisely, wtU be sold,by cata logue, a large and elegant assortment of gold jewelry and fancy goods, consisting ol I.aNftsets,allcolors, lliark mosaic do, Gold stone do. Warranted Romanesque. Imitation Florentine mosaic. Coral and imitation coral seta. Paintings, figures, and boquets. Enamelled box and gtasssels. Fine gold bracelet*. Medallions Ingres: variety. , , Finger rings, gold studs, and sleeve buttons. fIEF* Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. SPECIAL SALE UF 700 BUFFALO AND BLKIUH RUBEC. On Tuesday Morning. Nov. 22, at 10 o’clock, will l* sold, by cataloaue, 7io superior Nos], 2, and 3 buffalo robes end fancy sleigh robes embracing a large assortment, worthy the atten tion of the Trade, and .buyers generally. B SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, No. 431 • CHESTNUT STREET, opposite the Carton House. between KOI? ATII and FIFTH Street*. SALE OF EMBROIDERIES. MILLINERY GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS, OSTRICH FEATHERS. TRIMMING RIBBONS. BONNET RIBBONS, Ac. This Morniug, November Id, by catalogue, oa a credit,commencing at 10 o’clock. werieB Richly embroidered new style jaconet collars sets, embroidered linen-cambric hdkfa, infants* waists, jaco net bands, flounmnr. new style capes, Ac. BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS. Rich plain, solid colors, plaid, stripe, and figured poult de soi« bonnet ribbons, rich Pompadour and fancy tnra in'n-; Tibl>oiiß, plain and plaid high colors silk velvet ribbons, best brands black. Ac. _ 100 CARTONS OSTRICH FEATHERS. Also, iu) canon" plain bhek medium to very high cost ostrich leathers, rich fancy and white do.. Ac. Also, cartons French artificial flowers, buds, Ao. BONNKTd. V> cases ladies’ new style silk, satin, and velvet bon nets. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Also, 100 dozen men’s fur-top Luck and lamb-back : gloseß. i Also, ladies’ fancy chenille scans, i Also, Valencia and American laces, ladies' and misses’ i cotton hosiery. JEWELRY An iinoice of fine gold jewelry,with cameo, lava, fancy painted, n ,”j| Bin t*° P*wesi Also, ft hoe of fancy zephyr patterns. SALE OF FANCY FURS, BUFFALO ROBES, 4*. On Thnrsray Morning* 17th mat., commencing at 11 o’clock, comprising an assortment of sable, mink, martin, squirrel, ermines, and oilier fashionable turn, in sets, of capes, half capes, viotoriuea, 4c., with mulls and cuffs to match. Also, I, size superb butTulo robes, fancy carnage and sleigh rol*es. SALE OF FISH STALLS IN TIIE EASTERN MARKET. On Saturday, 10th mst., commencing at 5 o’clock P. M.,tho stalls designed for the sale of fish, 4c., trill bo told. SHIPPING. PHILADELPHIA axs ORESCENT NAVIGATION COMPANY. <g*m> <&m nttßißiß HB9H9 AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF/FHK ABOVE NAMED CORPORATION, 12XLD Af NO. 0 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE", At 10 o’clock A. M.» September 7th, 1859, the folloif ing gentlemen were unanimously elected Directors the Corap&nr> vis: GEORGE H. STUART, B. MORRIS WALN, MATTHEW W. BALDWIN, CHAS. MACALESTER, Airi> JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. The BOOKS of SUBSCRIPTION o the CAPITAL STOCK of said COMPANY are now open at the above named Office, where all persons favorable to the enter* prise are respectfully invited to subscribe. sft-tf STEAM DIRECT TO ALL PARTS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. FRANCE, AND GERMANY. THE HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET COM PANY’S IRON MAIL STEAMSHIPB. HAMMONIA, Capt. H. F. Schwenien. SAXONIA. Capt. rl. Ehlert. BORUSSIA, Capt. N. Trautman. BAVARIA. Capt. H.Taube. TEUTONIA, C<ipt. 11. Ensen. These Steamers are all hrst-class Clyde-built vessels; are intended to sail from Pier 21, North River, N. Y. f as follows: FOR LONDON, SOUTHAMPTON, HAVRE, AND HAMBURG. The elegant and powerful Iron Screw Steamship BA VARIA. Capt. 11. Taube, 2,400 tons burthen, will sail as above,on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER Jfith, at 12o’clock M. Passant, including Railroad Fare from Philadelphia to New York, and from Southampton to London, First Cabin. .SloO {Second Cabin... SCO l Steerage... SJ3 The BAVARIA will be succeeded by the following Steamships: SAXON 1A -....THURSDAY, Peembcr 1. BORUiHJA MONDAY. January 2. TEUTONIA WEDNESDAY, February J. HAMMONIA THURSDAY, March 1. 99“ Passengers forwarded to Liverpool, Dublin, Bel fast, Cork, Pans, and Antwerp, at through rates. These steamer* are fitted up with unequalled accom rnoda'ions for first, second, and third-class Passengers. The Second Cabin accommodations of these Ships are equal to the first-class of most steamers. Certificates of passage issued Imm London, South ampton. Havre, and Hamburg, to New York. Freight engaged in Philadelphia will be promptly attended tu by the New York Agent, and shipped free of at! commission. For Freight or Passage, apply exclusively to W. A. HAMtJ.L, Agent, Office of the Hamburg American Mail Steamships, »2-tf Northwest corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT. THE BRITISH AND NORTH Sfejg&AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM SHIPS. FRO K NSW TOES TO UVISFOOI, Chief Cabin Paaaagft-..-. Second Cabin Facsaze. rao« to itos to uvxaioot, Chief Cabin Pasr Second Cabin Passage...... 60 The ships from Boston call At Halifax. PERSIA, Cap:. Judkins, CANADA. Capt. Lane, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Capt. Millar, ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott, NIAGARA. Capt. Anderson. AFRICA. Cast. Shannon. KUROPA, Capt. j. Leitob, These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head; rroen on starboard bow; red on port bow. EUROPA, Leitch, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Nov.'S, PERSIA, Judkins, “ N York, Wednesday, Nov. 9, AMERICA, Miliar, *' Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 16. ASIA, Lott, ** N York, Wednesday, Nov. M. CANADA, Land, “ Boaton, Wednesday, Nov. 30, AFRICA,Shannon, ** N York, Wednesday, Dec. 7. NIAGARA, Anderson.'* Boston, Wednesday, Dec. H. PERSIA, Judkins. “ N York, Wednesday, De 0.21. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on toard, Tho owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gobi, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Acetals, unless bills of ladies am sirr.od therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. Por freight or pas sage apply to E. CUNARD, 4 Bowlinr Green, no 2 New York. FOK TUB SOUTH.—CHARLES- SsiSaaiTON AND SAVANNAH BTEAMSHIPB. FAEIGUT KEDI'CED. Heavy Freight at an average of nrixsN par cent, be low Now York Steamship rates. J'o'R“ciuyLKSTqN._S..C. The U. B. Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cap tain Charles P. Marskman, will sail on Frida?, Nov, 25th, at 10 A.M. Through m 43 tofiO hours at Sea. The U. 8. Mail Steamship STXtEOF GEORGIA, Captain John J.Garvin, will sail on Monday, No\ ember 21, at 10 o’clock. Through in 68 to 60 hours, only 48 Lours at Sea. JfiTSaihnK days changed from every Saturday to every five days. Goods received, and Bills of Lading signed every day. The splendid first-olasa side-wheel Steamships KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now ran as al»ove every ten days, thus torming a five-day commu nication w.tli Charleston and Savannah, and tho South aud Southwest. At both Charleston and Savannah, these Bhipa con nect with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, 40.» for all places m tne South and Southwest. INSURANCE Freight and Insurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels, the premium being one-half the rate. N. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight is entirely unnecessary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all risks from these points. „ GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE. Fare by this routo 35 to 49 per cent, cheaper than by thn Inland Route, as will be seen by the following sche dule. Through tickets from I’hilAdelphia via Charles ton and Savannah steamships. INCLUDING MEALS on tho whole route, except from Charleston andSavaa “ah 10 : rAM . To Charleston 018 0® CJwrlMSon— .!»M Savannah. 15 W Savannah —. 31 00 .“i" u“", . 20 00 Aneusta 20 00 Mirim 311° Macon —33 75 Atlanta UOO Atant».._ 3100 CVlumbn. HOO Colombia. 35 00 Alban, « ™ Alban, 37 00 MonUomer,.... 23 00 JlonUomerr 38 00 Mobile 35 00 Mobile. MW NewOrlnane ... 3S 75 «evr Orleans 5100 No bills oflntlins tinmen alter the ahip has Bailed. For freight or passage apply onboard, at second wharl above Vine street, or to _ ALEX. HERON, Jr., Southwest corner FOUTH and CHESTNUT. Agents in Charleston, T. B.k T. G. BUDD. f ’ . Savannah, HUNTER & GAMMELL. For r londa from Charleston', steamer Carolina everr Tuesdav. For Florida from Bavannah, steamers Bt. Mary’s and St. John s, every Tuesday ar.d Saturday. jyjj U. S. H. STEAMERS iWWm> FOR , „, HAVRE AND SOUTHAMPTON, , ARAGO. Captain Lines, will eail Joiy 23, September U, November 13. FULTON, Captain Wotton, willsail August 30, Ooto ber 15, December 19. r irst Cabin passage. _ .BISO Second Cabin passage __ 78 For freight or passage, apply to • . . \VILLIAM NEILRON, Agent, .At the Warehousing Company’s Philadelphia Omoe, Tobacco Warehouse, DOCK Street. Phila. je23-tfm SALAMANDER SAFES. |syg Alarse WAT p ovs PfllbAD A. A " Tu R E D HAI3AI VAULT DOORB, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOCKS. now in nse. ironVooUAuttkks.**., t On aerceJ terms os any other establishment in the * U nited St.itffi. bv P K V ANS A WATSON, N 0.304 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Atllfl-tf PT.KAHK r.IVP US A RAI.T. SALMON. — 25 bbls. primo new No. 1 Sal mon, Inmlintc from sleamor KenunetoD.and foraale tj WAl?i. TAYJjOH t C 0„ IB sail m N, WHAKVJSS, BAUBS BY AUCTION. IVf THOMAS A SONS, " iU. rF/c and stocks wiJ hereafter be held at U o’elook In the evening at 7 o’clock. I/ - Contnbotors haring the option of either tale. Handbill, of .ml ,rc«miOTrt npumMx.ia addition to which we publish, on the Saturday prevum to the sale, one thousand catalogues, in eamaMat giving tun descriptions of all the properties to be aokl on the following Tcocday. _ real estate at private sale. i - , f-ave a large amount of real estate at private safe, including ever/ description of city and couatrr property. Printed lists may be had at the suction store. _ . PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. » ea l at * entered on oar private sale reaiste?, oce »e»ouailj in our pqjfiee&ie abstract* (et which 1,000 copies are printed wejffjfrce of charge. TWENTY-FIRST PALL BALE-NOV&MBBK a. Orphan,’ Conrt i ßa!j-E«ls C o i r'&J*sJ ! J; l , 11 bo, Uor- JJEAT N Konh P« B« F ?* rl “ nd Ar .l h - Innn«di»t« *5 acres, on the Raneocaa creek, snd ca the NewJiin °< Mount UoUj «■>">»*•. Burlington cow rrtf farm And tract of land, aa vm.. tl,re ' ml '• , "“ofSiW"**. .RESIDENCE. -WEST PHILADEL m. eld ® of Bride. street.wont of Tbirtr-nintlf* front.’ lTweot J-tourtii ward,! lot «0 b, HUeeLtra HANDSOME RESfDENCE. north ,We of finds. “vrStr-TSrth nard.’. ‘ Ct “ W) fee *’ *““• ELIGIBLE BUILDING LOT, at northeast corner of Bridge and Thirtj-ninth streets, 50 by 160 feet, three fronts. ( Twenty fourth ward. > THREE ELIGIBLE BUILDING LOTS. narth aide of Bridie street, east or Thirty-ninth, two of them each 50 t*et front, the other 42)4 feet front, each 160 feet deep* two fronts. (Twenty-fourth ward.) TWENTY SECOND FALL BALE-NOVEMBER 9, , AT 7 O’CLOCK IN THE EVENING, - Orpheus’ Conrt Bal*—Estate of James Banner, dee’d. , three-storybrickdwellingandlargb LO r, corner of Sergeant and Jasper streets. Nineteenth ward, lot 87># by 6> feet, two fronts. , Same Estate.—YEARLY GROUND-RENT, *43, on l*r;e lot, Cedar street, northeast of Ann, Nineteenth ward. banie Estate.—LAßGE LOT. east side of Philip st.» north of Diamond, Nineteenth ward. Bai»e Estate.—FOUß. LOTB. southwest side of Nor ris street, between West and Gaul streets, Eighteenth ward, two fronts. Same Esute.-NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. 612 Spruce street, 18 feet front. 101 feet deep. r bailie Estate.—THKKE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING, south side of CaUowhiU street, between Seventh snd Marshall. Same Estate.—YEARLY GROUND RENT OF -81 M, on large lot. Fifth street, between Emerald and Jasper, Nineteenth ward. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, N 0.411 Pow ell street, between Fifth and Sixth and Spruce amt Pina streets. FRAME DWELLING LOT, northwest corner of Fourth and German streets. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No, 441 N. Thirteenth atreet. below Buttonwood. TWODWELLINGS.— I Three-story brick dwelling. No 633 Prime street* with a three-story bnek cweiliac in the roar. No. 623 Pnal street. Pecond ward. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, with three story back buildmss. Poplar street, west of Thirteenth. BMLDiNG LOT, adjoining the above on the we*r. IS by 6) Let TWO DWELLINGS, adjoining the above on the west. TO CAPITALISTS. BUSINESS MEN. kc. FOUR VALUABLE 4 STORES, JPIFTH STREET, UIVA£S, . L near market. Our sale Zsth mst, will include the valnable focr-ttcrj •tore, corner of Fifth and Commerce vtreete, aod the three stores tuljoinin*. Nos, 25. IS. and 2J North Fifth •treat, fcv, Particular* in handtoUe. Orvhsnv Court Sale—Kitate of C- "W, Blake. dec’d. THREE ERICK DWELLINUB, Ciaytoa and Treaty thiru streeta. SALE OK SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD Pl.-N'u-FORTK. FRENCH PbATE MIRRORS. GAS CIUNDELIERS. CHINA AND GLASS WARE REDS AND BEDDING. BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS, Ac. CARD— Our fwle to-norrowmorning,at the auction stor.*, will con:pn*e,besides 200 lots of excellent second hand furniture, eloiant rosewood piano, made by Bacoa A iUvca,mahogany p.ano-fort»s,handsome guchin o-iie.-s nod fixtnres, pnir duelling pistols, revolver ud case, Brussels, imperil!, sod stair carpets, ebima and glassware, beds ana bedding. Ae.» forming *n attractive Risortiueut, worth* the attention of ladies others desirous ni purchasing. . fSr Catalogues now ready, sod the articles amazed for examination. CARD. CHOICE AND VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY. «e will sell, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, ,Nov.22ii .md23d, m the Auction Store, a choice and va luable private library, comprising mam rare and eanoul Works in belles Settles, Ac., and especially rich in biblio graphy. All of toe hooks are in excellent condition, and man* of them bound by the best French, American, and End.ah artists. Catalosuos will be ready and the books arranged for examination two days previous. Sale at Nc«. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH-PLATE MIR RORS, PIANO-FORTE. CARPETS. On Thursday Morning, At 9 o clock, at the Auction Btore, an assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant pianofortes, fine mirrors, carpets, etc., from families declining housekeeping, removed to the store for convenience oc sale. RARE, VALUABLE, AND INTERESTING BOOKS, PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS, Ac, On Thuredav Evening, Nov. 17. at the Auction Store, a collection of valuable and interesting London books, ou rsnoos subjects, beauttiully illustrated works, Ac- Also, a complete set of PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS, Comprising sets of pneumatic, electrical, galvanic, and chemical apparatus, of the best London make. For particulars see catalogues. _ TO OMNIBUS PROPRIETORS AND OTHERS. PEREMPTORY SALE SLEIGHS, OMNIBUSES. WAGONS. Ac. . Oa Friday Morning, 18th 11 o’clock, at the Arch-street stables, Twentj-third and Vine streets, without reserve, abont 2d two, Lcr, and six-horse sleighs, 15 two and few horeo omnibuses, and 4 chariot and band wagons, gy* Sale peremptory. Moses nathans. auctioneeb AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, & B. MfM SIXTH and RACK Streets. „ MONEY TO LOAN. MOXZT TO LOAH, IX LAX OK OK SMALL AMOWHT*, e* merchandize generally, and oa all articles of raise, iu SUMS OVER OXK HCICDXXD DOLLARS TWO ?SK CTXT. TTJL month, including storage, Ao., at Nathans’ PnseiMU Establishment. 8. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE Sts. GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. MONEY 1 MONEY Si MONEY!!! Money liberally advanced in large or small amounts* from one dollar to thousands, on gold and stiver plat*, diamonds, watehw, jewelry, fowiing-pieoes, masical in struments, furniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries, oh gars, hardware,cutlery, books, horses, vehicles, harness, and all articles of value, for 'any length of tune agreed on, at Nathans’ Psjcifal Establishment, eoctbeael corner of Sixth and Race streets. PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral, diseouted At the lowest market rates, GREAT DARGAINB IN "WATCHES. JEWELRY, Ac.. AT PRIVATE SALE, at NATHANS’ PRINCI PAL ESTABLISHMENT, & K. comer of SIXTH aod RACK 8 treat*.—The folio win* articleswill be cold for lea than hall theusualstoreprieec: Pme gold Englishpatent fall jewelled and plain, cf tha moat approved ud beet nuke, in hunting eases and double bottomed. Fine sold escapemenUever and lepme watohes, in hontiax eeee aai open faoe. tome of then are extra ml! jeweled, and best make. Silver English patent lever wale bee, eeeape meat lever and leptnei, is hunting mm and open face, some venr superior; English, Swiss, French, and Qu&rtier watches; fine gold vest, fob, neck. and chil drea'i chains; fine gold pencil eanesand pens, breastpins, finger-nngs, ear-negs, stud*. medalfions, and jewelry generally. SaperioT Havana Cigars at #ll per thousand, in boxes of 900 each, will be sou by single box or quantities, to suit purchaser*. Nxmerota fitter articles, Ao., to., fto. AT PRIVATE SALE. A superior fire-proof chest, 4 fee: high by 9 feet wide. Also, watches, and jewelrr of ererr description. ST. LOXJIS, 3WIO. WILLIAMS & BOYLE. AUCTIONEERS V V and COMNISSION MERCHANTS, No. 10 North MAIN STREET.St. Loris, Mo., (fornmlx with Messrs. Myers, Claghoru A Co., Philadelphia,; offer their services to the merchants, manufacturers, and others of Philadelphia, for the sale of dry goods, carpets, boots, shoes,, Ac., Ac. R&. Cash advances made on receipt of goods, R\. Settlements made three days after eale* xstsbxscxs. Messrs. Myers, Cbiehora, A Co., Phils. “ Stuart A Brother, Phita. ** Van Wyck, Townsend, A Warrens, New York* “ L. AB. Curtis A Co., „ “ Wood. Christy, A Co., bt. Louis, Mo. Crow, McCreary, A Co., ** ** m<-fmw-lT 1859. FALL TBADE -1859. O. H. GARDEN & CO. Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, SILK. AND STRAW BONNETS, AND STRAW GOODS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, Ac., Ac., NOS. 600 AND 602 MARKET STREET, Southwest comer of Sixth. LX TENSIVE STOCK. BEST TERMS. LOWEST fculS-3m PKICKB. . fl» BllO MACHINERY AND IRON. laKUKL V. ME&XICX, 7. VAU9HA3 xeuxiclj WILLUW Q. MEXUICI, COUTIIWARK FOUNDRY, >0 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, FHILA.DXI.PHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, MauuUcture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service, 80-’ars. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Castings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iror Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail-, road t-’Mione, Ao. Rett'u and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im proved construction. Eyot* description of Plantation Machinery, gnoh aa Sugar. Saw, and Gnst Mills, Vacuum Tans, Open Btaant Trams, Defecators, Filters. Pumping Engines, Ac. Sole Agents for N. Killietut's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus: Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer: ana AspsuwaU A Wolxey’a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain ing Machine. as 4-r WASHING AND IRONING. £k WASHING AND IRONING DONE ® ffij -with NEATNESS and DESPATCH, for gin, to rcFo- and Gentlemen, Families. Boardmc Sohnols, Hotels, Steamboats. Ac., at DONOVAN’S FAMILY LAUNDRY, No. S 3 South SIXTH Street, comer of Prune. Family Shirts and Collars patent potisued. Everything washed by hand, on the ocm jima wnsh-bn*ro. Tne whole business is strictly attended to by femala operative?, Mrs. DONOVAN, It «-1v Bn»*rind ended t- A LCOIIOL, BURNING FLUID, and PINE OIL, in bbls and half-bbls. Manufactured and for •ale by RGWLiA, ASHBURNER * CO., oW No la Ronth Wharves. rj'o WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MER , CHANTS.—ManiIa Rope, all sixes, nea»ly packed, wul forsale by the manufacturers at the lowest New York prices. WEAVER, FITLER A CQ„ » N. WATER St., amt S 3 S. WWvea. pUMILY CHOCOLATE OB t, SUPERIOR QUALITY. EDWARD A .HE INTZ, juaxuracturer and Importer of French and Spanish „ » ... CHOCOLATE. Store 8. W. comer ARCH and NINTH Streets. *9-Sm tFnolnrr Pl 4 Filbert street,) OLIVER. —Spanish Queen, in prime order in store, and for sale by A. MERINO, Uii Smith FRONT gtr.«L TO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MER chants —A Ursfl stock of Manila Rope, all sixes, ™nc”',\? red a '" l k’co'i" 11 . 026 Vn UN WATFWandgN, Dekwareav. ZIEGLER & SMITH, comer SECOND and GRKKNrhave acquired a great reputation by the wipe ard prudent, course they have pursued since their commencement in business, by selling a first-rate arli.' I ** at a low figure sIX-tf SILVER feOAP —A simple preparation for cleansing Silver Plate, Jewelrr, Mirrors. Mar ble. Ac., fur more convenient and effective than any other. One hall the labor of House cleaning may be saved by using this Soap, which cannot possibly injure the finest Zinc white, and as no scrubbing is required, th« sat mg m the wear of the paint is much greater than the cost of the Soap. It leaves the surface aa pure and white Aswhen now. Manufactured only-by the Boston Imkgdrgl Soap Companv.&nd sold by their appointed AjHHffiASSARD £ CO.. Apothecaries, TWELFTH MACKEREL.— 397 bbls. Nos. 1 ; 2, and 3 Mackerel, in whole, halves, quarters, ana eighths. Original Packages, for sale by C. C.SADLER A CO., ARCH Street, second door abnvfl Front. aS REFINED SUGAR. —500 barrels various grades. 150 bbls crushed, sifted and powder or sal* by JAMES GRAHAM A CO. ( *u«l • T.WTITta UtreJit. GANGS OF BIGGING.-Standing and Running Riteing, manufactured of the best mats rial, and for sale, r.t manufactu era* lowest prices, by WEAVER, FITLER. k CO„ oSfi 33 N. W»ur street, an.i H N. Delaware nr. ROSIN— 2,350 bbls. Shipping Rosin now aflont, e.rroschooner T.P. Lercet!, fruui Wilming ton. N-0. . nit KOWLtV, ASHBI/TUiSR* CO.. U South trhrt. HATS, CAPS, &c.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers