*-'Y?JV>.rMM>«*-< *Vi r J ~v,t-.t i. 'I- >' , WtM.Yeik.fut lates that a fintuioler, banker andknefaber of th&church, in getting up a bank in one of the ‘Weatern'citios, invoked the aid of the hiauop in' inaking 'sabsoripUona to the capital'stock, by asklna the , loan of his note on time for a few thoasand doUars, telling him it was a moro matter of form—that ho would not bo obliged to pay it, &c, The bishop complied, and not being a person ' that gave any great deal of attention to temporal affairs, and not overburdened with the “ready,” his note having been passed to the hands of a bro ther banker of the financier, Was as a matter of coutse protested for non-payment when it beoame due,, Our finanoial friend, who hod kept watch on the note, now goes quietly and with much appa rent secrecy to a brother momber of tho church, ana with benevolence beaming on his pountenanoo, informs him that the bishop r s noto is lying at tho . bank under protest. ."This is too bad,” says ho, u hut nothing must he said about it; we must take up tho note, and I will head subscription with $50.” The requisite amount was soon raised, and the bishop’s noto paid. The financier made his bank stock clear at a cost of $5O only, and at onee took a position in the opinion of his fellow members os a pillar of the ohurob. PASSENGERS ARRIVED. In steamship Keystone State, from Charleston—Mias Eliza A Marshman, Mrs C W Goary andohiid. E Ei dred,C L Trimmer, N I Dexter, Mrs Green, Dr F W Doniphan, T A Miller, and temn tho steerage. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BEE FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVED Steamship Delaware, Copes. 30 hours from New York, with mdse and passengers to James Aljdordice. Passed steamer Sophia, for New Orleans, a bark and aherih brig, at aribhor off Bombay Hook; ft bark and a full rigged brie obovo Morns lniton.’f; bark WaUlemar and Dfig Delhi, both for Havanna, below Reedy Island; and bark Marian, from Rio do Janeiro, at anchor below the Point House. ,i ■ - Bark Union, Long, from Rio do Janeiro 29th Sent, with ooffeo to Lewis & Damon. Hod hoary NE gales from the Ist to the IQth mst, and lost sails and damaged spars and rigging. Oot 29th. lat 2520, long 6525, spoke sohr J B Roman, from New York for Porto Rico; 10th tnn, 23 miles N Hot Cape Hattoraa, spoke ship Sir John Franklin, Galt, from Philadelphia for Baltimore; 11th, Ist 37 23, Jong 74 45, saw a vessel—supposed a bark—with loss ormain mast, steering BW. Bark Joseph Maxwell, Davis, front Puerto Cabollo 25th Oct, mth oolToo, hides. &o. to Daliett Brothers. Tno birKTliosDaliett, DiU.honoo, was among the isl nnds seeking freight. The J M experienced heavy wea ther on tho qth» 7th; and Bth inst. Dark Daniel, Eldndgo, 53 days from Malaga, with fruit to Benners Sc Bro.' Fohr Pearl. Deputy, 1 day from Milford, Del, with corn.to J H MoColley. BY TBLSG&APn TO TtTB PRESS, _ New York. Nov. 13. The cargo ortho schr John A Stanley, previously re ported ashore at Squan. consisting of cotton and hides, has nil boon landed on the boa'll!. She makes no water, nmi u is expected that she will bo floated off to-morrow, weather permitting. All the cargo that can bo got out of the ship Helen A Miner has boon landed and placed in tents at the Falk land Islands. There will be a groat portion more or less damaged. Her materials have been sent to Montevideo. H a can be got at a reasonable prtco to go to Ban Francisco, her cargo will be forwarded; if not, it will basentto Now York. , , New York. Nov. M, Arrived, ships Metropolis from Loghorn: Chancollor, from Liverpool; bark Mayflower, from Barbadoes; brig Echo, iVora Rio Grande; brig George Atbort, from Port an Prince; brig.Wm Wilson,frodi Laguna; schr Kate Weston> from Rio do Janeiro. Also arrived, ships Confidence, from Newport, Eng; Bonj Adams and John Elliott, From Liverpool; Gos port, from Jarvis Island; John Jar, from Woosunz; sohr Enchantress, frpm Malaga. Spoke on the 10th. off Hat terns, schr Juslmaliandalfr from Port Spain, Trinidad, for Baltimore, tun sinking condition. Tho oaptain had intended to abandon her, but it being good weather, would probably reach Oor&coke or Capo Henry. , , Boston. Nov 13. Arrived, ships T B Woles, from Calcutta; Levant, fra do; barks Convoy, from Malaga; Laura Campbell, from Liverpool; brig China, from Rio do Janeiro. 1 , - MBMORANDA. •Steamship Kensington, Baker, cleared at Boston 12th mat. for Philadelphia. Ship Tusearora, DurJevy, hence, arrived at Liverpool 29th u|t. Ship Milion, henco, arrived at Table Bay Aug 29. Ships Ann E Hooper, Pam Flush, and Anionoan union, for, Philadelphia, were loading at Liverpool 29th nit. Snip Isaac Bell, Johnson, from Leghorn, arrived at N York 12th inst. Bark Tremont, Baker, oloared at Charleston 9th inst. for Philadelphia. *Bng Empire, Crowell, hence for Boston, put into the lower bay,Now York, 12th inst. for a harbor. Schrs Yankee. Boy, Rtsley, from Hartford, and Mary Fletcher, Lawrence, from Pawtucket for Philadelphia, arrived al New York 32th mst. Sohr Ivy, Henderson, for Philadelphia, sailed from Bristol llthult. Schr Snow Flake, Woaver, hence, arrived at Provi dence ltth inst. Schrs Percy Heilnor, Trident, and F A Heath, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 11th inst. Schr A Tirrel, Higgins, cleared at Boston 12th inst. for Philadelphia. % Schrs Restless, Smith, hence for Weymouth; Gazelle, Naylor, do for Newbury port; L Stnrtevant, Dole, do Braintree;At B Mahouy, Lake, do for Barnstable; Ceres, Meredith, do for Lynn; J K Btnnobaok, Lake, do for Newport; £ Stratton, Buzby,do for Hartford: and w W Maroy, Buck, do for Saugus, arrived at New York J2th last Schrs Burrows C, Clark. R S Miller, Gifford, Mary Patterson,.Somers, and D S Merihon, Allen, hence lor Salem, nr'tved at New Yorkist *> inst. Soars Richd Yaux, Frink, Lamartine. Johnson. Belle, Lee,Susan Ann, Smith. G DiRF Shannon, Bowen, Ann Magee. Weeks. E W Perry, Hays, JVfary Miller, Laws,Fidel;a, weeks, and Triumph. Artis, hence for Boston, armed at New York 12th mat, ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELB. BP SO U O’CLOCK LASS KICKS. GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut st.. below Ninth. J Duffy, Marietta Thot B Monroe. Ky L Blsnchanl, Kjr Thos B Monroe, Jr, Ky Chan Lee, NY, HI Judd, Conn * J H Rost, Harrisburg . A Packer, Harrisburg A B Bmitn. M Coster Sc la, Mobilo Johns Field,Jr, Va WmH Beckffcal . John Henrv- CM J Van Rensselaer, N J A Welch, Washington T H Boyd, NO „ w Alexander, N J H 8 Harrington, Balt BRNosbet k wf, BtLouis Miss Patterson, 8t Louis Miss.Pftttorson.St Lome John 0 WoodrufftN Y H D Bwon, St Louis Eilwood Fisher, washtn Pftw Martin, Jr, & son N J Miss Carrie, West,Newark James E Hill, N Y T Magown, Boston G W Donfgan, Tenn - Mis* H V Chambers, N Y JAbbott,Washington ; J Edwards,Washington w*T Scott, Lexington, Ky F Dunlevy. Cin. 0 J W Buckley. Albany D Morion & la, Pittsburg Mrs Wells, Ga M«m Kins, Ga R DLathrop. N Y CL Hardenberzb, San Fran Geo Lowry. Washington JT Bruno, N Y A E Homann. Miss ■. Wm F Freeman, Boston George W Cline, 8t Loan Dr Day, La flDTWker, Va, JDnrby, Aulmrn,Ala Benj F Kim, Cherokee. Ga jsrastus Hopkins, Mass MoronsPNorton.Troy,NY WHThompson. Cin,o JB Champion,N Y A FDnnlevy,Balt Mr Smith. Cm, O Mr Gold, Cin, O k wf. California WF Herring. Atlanta. Ga Tigertolette, NY Max Btrakosch,N Y *7O Baxton,N Y - . W TSutherlin. Va J R Catlin, Tro/ O F Howard. Hartford Jos S Brown, Pittsburg T Boeder John C Donaldson. Pottsv .Thos Gale. Memphis WManihull, Uncle I.lsnd PT>H«ll.|4y R A Conolly, Chicago A Whitman. Mass John TPercy, Troy,NY B Johnson, N Y Miss M L Johnson,N Y ED Griswold, N Y G J Appold, Balt _ B Deford, Balt Geo Ruthran .Troy, N Y Jos J Walton, N Y Goo Merritt, N Y C C thwlislo, Charleston CPanndgo. Mqdwnr, Mass J W Webb, Washington W AMarquis, Washington J P Boardman. Mass J R Swift. New Orleans ‘F G Cames/N Y Emile Griesinvr, Vera Cruz A Arrouis, Mexico ChssMoiio, Mexico :C P Garcia Sc fern, Mexico R 8 Hopkins, Va MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. JPieroe, Balt Hfl Blitz, Columbia A Frownfeld, Pittsburg D Thoman, Lewistown, 0 David Patterson, Pa P M Byora, Va L Maison. N Y G H Ruseoll. Pa JPowoll, Ridzw&y, Pa J C Chapin, Ridgwar. Pa H Brodhead. Montrose, Pa 8 8 Lowry Sc la, Pittafiold 0 F Hayes, M D,. Pittsburg W H Hubbard A la. fnd R Ashman. Huntingdon co J T Clark, Deeraville, 0 LLWjUoutt.Boston HM Warren,NY J- II Wmcb. Pittabars J K Hubs. Wayneßburg.P* W MSprankle, Dresden-O A L Dieffcnbach. Pa SGJ urnjr, Plymouth, Pa G W Cook k la. Phils WF Coffee, NY J Kirkpatrick, Pittsburg AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut gt„ above Fifth. W S Thompson. Salem Thos B fitnrr, N Y •I M Halljrdsyv Md Miss HaUydav. Md McCartf. Reading W H Bmith, Pittsburg 7, Winter, Pittsburg HM Dubis, Del Ja« LGrabnrn k la, Del Sami Yount, Va /i JonV.s. Conn John Yount. Va B££d.NY . B F Rowe, Concord, N H £«<' ¥? Diller <fc la B A Bennett, N Y B M Hwei,NY J M Maywood. N Y V> m Eavjus. Maas P Edmonson & la. Fa A NY John Reeves, N Y Jas II Dewar, NY FI, Vulto, N Y Cant Jas A Boyle* N Y PJardinea,N Y L F Harrison, NY C F Williams, N Y WroSsnnders, N Y Elijah Fisher. NY Roht Grant, N 1 J W Littlefield. St Louia w r V Lohoft B , Prov. RI W C Williams tc. wf. Eng JWDoniphan. MD, S C D Kinsey. Cincinnati, 0 J) II B idenow, y» Dr S 8 LeteseU, Va G pa'-Ver, Md Dexter Thurber. Prov, R I David Jones. Phila , J E Dougherty. Pel co. Pa Geo Trenton. N J John G Ryan, Trenton,N J j G Skirm, Trenton. N J JT Gallagher, Phila B W Reynolds. Phila _ Thos A Higgins, NI ABC&'dwell, Wash.DC DC Macomber,N Y &^.'!l. f ' y^< 'JPi..Waahmgton R M Satterfield, Wash * W Milley»N Y J O’Brien, ThUa „ JONES* HOTEL- Chestnnt street- above Rixtb. H Wroygham, WSprings G G Groving, Maine WWHarding, ftlaine. Thos Brown, Maine HMDinny, Cincinnati . J W Appleton. Kr Geo VV Bnrcer, Cincinnati J Edmiston, NY J H Thu re to n. N Y C_WR°binson, Ohio G W Smith, Hartford JT Shaw, Australia Chos Gordon A It, NY • D Pretto A* la. N Y J W Smith, N U J C Ferris, N Y Cy Ross, NY J Roberts, Braootown t •n'S, t* rocetoirn V R Bosey, Bruootown J B McHenry. Ark H Brink, Ark J Thompson, Balt W B Henry, Balt febDnmar.Ark •T H Smith, Ark W ffWoody, Kr GXSwearmisen. Phila JH Berkley, NY W R Bimpson, Pittsburg Wm Rodgers. Kent Tenn Serai Georeo, Enst Tenn G W Hemphill. E Tenn Lauronee Consuls, E Tonn G A Roberts, Balt FRANKLIN HOUSE—'Chestnut *t, above Third. N SThompsori. Salem, N J JosN Howard, Del Geo Ritter, Phila J W Rheam, Lewishure C L Cornish, NY A J Yates k la, N Y A Yet er, Pa JR Wait, N Y ft Knox, Jr, C?a P Dmitond, Balt Wm Jones, Pottsville 8 Jackson, Reading Chan Cavendish. Kurland John Tibtnirts. R 1 C J Houghton. Canada J Brown & la. Pittsburg James Doan, Alletch’y City J Cowder. N C J M Hockady, Indepona’ce Wm Watson, Pa J CStevonaon. N J Wm G Watson, N J A Talion, NY E Talion, N Y AMonnior,NY STATES UNION HOTEL—Market street, above gi th A Burgess A ly, N Y Wm Dickson, N Y JHnbte.Pa W M Williams, N Y Jm m Phillip.. lowa Jo. Miwon. Clinton co „ , JBM.mr,, H.rrlsburit J YTbpnm«,Trotiton, N J W<l Wallace, Warmburj WFen more. Pa jM llu-k & I”. Portland 813 Orns, Princeton S MoClunr, V* WH Garrett,K J A WHenU.Carlulo .. Ja« Dodro. Centrovlile, Ta John Dever»,Pft - A Brown. Pa j) Anderson, Pa 'J ft Smith, rhila W Moore, Pittsburg Seloinon Grone, P» EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, above Raoe. B fliehards, NY;' 11 LhcVb. NY A 0 Dftvi«„ . J 8 Thpmnst N J H Drown. Easton J H Weston ft la, Pa .T Worth ft la. N Y T M Sinclair ft fain. B&tt 8 Pratt. Tampico D B Nyce, Fhamixvillo 8 FLevig, Del co, Fa fifl Lovjs. Del co T Kartsone, St Louis J Rutter, N Y Miss Jefferson,Fottstown J Peterson, NY S Mitchell, Balt NATIONAL HOTEL—Race sU above Third. J C Ritter. ResuHnir MII Schreebar& Ja, Pa T BYalo, New. York - K L Bostwiok, Now York A Mayer, Lebanon. T M Clark, Lancaster H Morgan. Jr, Pa : WHellins, New York W C Hchropn, Bethlehem 0 Weielev, Phila JS Wilson, New York • J Foust, Gardon, Fa MLeFauat Gardon, Pa Miss 0 Harris, Pa J H Reynolds, Pa - BARLEY BHEAF HOTEL—Seoond st.. bolow 'Tine PS nl l^»® U Tl t^Co 8 Bookman, Bucksco J Eastbom, Books co, M WaUon. Books eo SaUte B Walton, Bucks co wp Masill, Bnoks co J Bpanl. Book* oo Hon J 8 Brran.Doyleatown •*'xrv JW Stackhouse.Phila BE Tfadley, Deposit,NY RCrossman. N Lebanon D C Br»mard,N Lebanon Jos Lloyd, Wil, Del MOUNT VHftNON HOTEL— Benond st.. above Aroh> J hotelier, Cooperstown GW’Loyd, Portland, Me JMMnllar. NJ WmW Duran,Phila Peter WWmbsnk.Ga JEOrethftla.Ga Richard Ewjnjr ft la, Ga 8 S Wiithjvnk. Eng II Pierson, Lake Superior R B Williams, Wash, D C COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth st., above Chestnut. jWoltor, Cheater co, Pa J ScOtt. Chester co, Pa T Humphries. Fa L Paxon, Wilmington H-Taoksou, Chjeter co. Pa J Brooke,Delaware co J T Holbrook, New York J 8 Kiik* Chester co. Pa I Taylor, Fulton co. Pa • J 8 Sanderson ft la, N Y XWalker. Chestor 00, Pa XBaraford. Pa T Jones jN J . - »_ T Coates, Lancaster oo THE UNION HOTEL-Aroh street, above Third. H Alleghenyoity -J Btocketolo, Bavton, 0 .OF Southnell ft la, N York F V Pminger.Dftyton, O J Hoke. Chambarsburg . W Mc'LeH'uilChambersb’g 5 H Thomas, Windsor, O PReymrConQ , ' - EMHood,Phila - ~ BALR EAGLE—Third street, above CallowhilL DAnl Itd^ftr,'LaVlcaster oo - John ShaefTer, Bucks co J Binck-, Elston, : • • aBBB Campbell, Montgomy co -E\P'laoele.y/caX^.. -// ' ■ ■ HOTEL-Thtrd'st, above CaHowhiU. ÜBnailANTS’ nOUSB-Tllirft «t.i above O&llowhill. - Jwolii|(t4,i Tioftr, Pa ■■ gy ftie,el, Easton ] CITY ITEMS. Parsons who use Love’s Toas. Sugars, nml Coffee, will bear testimony that they stand unrivalled for quality and cheapness. Seventh and Brown. Superior Preparation por tub Hair.—The most popular preparation for the hair now made 'is Phalon Sc Son’s Cooin, manufactured from highly puri fied Coooa-nut Oil. It is not only the best, but is the cheapest Article made for promoting, proserving, and dressing the Hair. The Messrs. Phalon deservo thanks far putting up their valuable preparation in so cheap a form that it may be had by all. The price is twenty five cents for small, and fifty cents for large bottles.— Philadelphia Ledger, Devils.— There are many devils that walk this world, Devils great and devils small: Devils with tails and devils without, Devils who whisper, devils who shout, Devils who mystify, devils who teach, Devils who pray, and devils who preaoh, * But the lying devil who takes his perch On the higher seat in the highest church, Ar.d makes his religion the means and ends For oonoealing his guilt and botrayiDg his friends, And exhibits his venom and cracks bis jokes At those who buy Clothing of Grant-eNs Stokes , Is the shabbiest devil of all! A splendid stock of Clothing at the Philadelphia Tem ple of Fashion, No. 607 Chestnut street. Scqillbr Jubilee.—Tho procession Wednesday sight in honor of the Schiller centennary, wasono of the most striking demonstrations ever witnessed in the way of a torch-light parade. The bell, which the pen of the great German poet has rendered classical, appeared at various points and in different forms, and several of the huge tmtinabulans bore appropriate mottoos in .German. One of the inscriptions we translate as fol lows: “Buy all your garments at tho Brown Stone Clothing Hall of RookbiH k Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth . Paul Morphv, the groat chess player, Friday evening, in tho Academy of Musio, played a blindfold game against three of the best players m our city. Ho beat them all easily, and again endorsed his claim to the cheßs championship of tho world. His wondorful per formance completely astounded theunmitiated as'inuch as do the astonishingly low prices at whioh tho beauti ful new styles of Fashionable Clothing are sold at E. H. Eldridgo k Co.’s “Continental” Clothing House, northeast corner of Chestnut and Eighth streets. Without tho Storooscopo and Pioturos tho adorn ment of your home is incomplete. Tho largest variety in the citr, at the Now Emporium, 18 South Eighth street. Jambs Crrmer k Co. MARRIED. McDONOUGH—AUBUCKLE.—On tho Bth instant, by Rev. Alfred Cookman Mr. James MoDonouch, Jr., to Miss Isabolla, second daughter of the laic Mr. Jos. Arhimkle. all of this oity. * DEVER—DONALDSON.—On the 10th instant, by Rev. Dr. Blackwood, Mr. John Dover to Mies Alicia Ann Donaldson, all of this city. „ _ * SIGNS—NICE—On the 10th instant, by Rev. Samuel W. Ziegler, Mr. John Bigns to Miss Saran M. Nico, all of Philadelphia. , * UMBTKAD—BENNER.—On the 10th instant, by Rev. G. Higgins, Mr. Daniel R. Umstead to Miss Laura Benner, ail of Mongomcy county. * SOLOMON.—On Saturday evening, the 12th instant, George F. Solomon, in the 45th 5 ear of hi* Atro. Funeral from his brother’s residence, 1733 Wallace street, on Tuesday, 15th instant, at 1 o'clock P. M. * * HUNT.—On tho morning of the 11th inst., Richard M. Hunt, in his 35th year. The male friends'and relatives are rospootfully in vited to attend his funeral; this (Monday) morning, at 10 o’clock, from his late residence, No. 1121 Chestnut t sGeet. * ROBERTS.—On the 19th instant, Eliza Bringhurst, daughter of Dr. Charles and Sarah Roberts, aged 4 years. Funeral from the residence of her parent*, No. U 39 Third street, above George, this (Monday) morning, 0 o’olock. * THOMAS.—On the 11th instant. Mrs. Mary Ann •Thomas, relict of the late John D. Thomas, M. P., ,u the 70th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, No. 631 Race street, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o’olock. * JONES.—On the 11th in<tant, Andrew Jones, in the 67th year of his age. Funeral from his late rosidonco, No. 221 Allen street, alxive Shaokamaxon, this. (Monday) afternoon, at l o clock. BALLENGER.—On the lllh instant, Wosley Balien ger, m the 69th year of his nee. Funeral from his late residence, 709 Master street, above Seventh, on Tuesday 'afternoon, at 2 o’clock. JACKBON -* Saturday, Nov. 12th, Mrs. Rachel Jack son, relict of the late Benjamin Jackson, in the (fttbaonr of borage. Funeral from the Tesidenco of hor son-in-law, Wm. H. Fplton, 259 North Fifteenth street, on Tuesday morning, at 9 o clock. * WESTCOIT.—On tho 12lh instant, Mary, wife of Lienienant Bavse N. Westoott, United States Navy, in. the 330 year of her Ago. Funeral on Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from the residence of G. G. westcott, corner of Spjuce and Till streets, West Philadelphia. * Black velvet poplin?.—just ro celved, best Quality plain Black all-wool „ ™ , OTTOMAN POPLINS. Also, Block Velour Reps all qualities. Do. Cashmeres, Lupin’s make. Do. Satin de Chines, all qualities. Do. Bombazine*, all qualities. Do. Frenoh Mcnnocs, Lupin’s make. , Do. Thibet Long Shawls. Black ana Second Mourning Bay State Long and Square Shawls. _ BESSON & SON. Mournine Store, n 5 m CHESTNUT Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. It is not a Dyb.~Julbs Haukl’s Eau ATHENIENNE, or HAIR RESTORER, changes gray hair and whiskers to a beautiful life-color, prevents tho hair falling off, causes a now growth, whore baldncs* exists, lof soft, luxuriant hair, contains no deleterious properties, and will notsoil the skin or linen. Its boau tifymg effects are perceptihlo in a very few applioatior s. Sold by all Druggists, and by JULES HAUEL & CO., No. 704 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. nli-JtdltW Cooin! Cocin! Cooin! PHALON 4- S O N’S COCIN! TUB ONLY OENtHXB ARTICLK, MADB TROU COCOA-NUT OIL, FOR PROMOTING TtIB GROWTH OF TIIK HAIR. Tina valuablo preparation is rapidly taking the placo of every article now in use, as it restores the Ilair to its natural color and bnllianoy. One trial will snlify all thoso who have used any other preparation. FHALON & SON’S COCIN Promotes tho growth of the Hair, PHALON Sc SON’S COCIN Prevents tho Hair Falling Off. PHALON Sc SON’S COCIN Kills nnd Removes Dandruff*. PHALON Sc. SON’S COCIN Gives new Life to the Human Hair. t PHALON ft SON’S COCIN Makes the Hair Rich and Glossy FHALON ft SON’S COCIN Is the most perfect Dressing for tho Hair, FHALON ft SON’S COCIN Leaves no Disagreeablo Odor. PHALON ft SON’S COCIN Leaves no Stioky Substance. PHALON ft SON’S COCIN Costs 20 and CO cento & Bottle. Bo euro and ask for m A LON’S COCIN', and seo that you got no otbOTt as there are many mutations of this article in the market. mEPABED BT % PHALON fr £ O N, Manufacturers of the GOLDEN CREST PERFUMERY, Nkw Y’orx, For Sale, Wholesale, by T. W. DYOTT & BON, No. 218 North SECOND Bt. W. 11. ZIEDER, No. 108 Sooth THIRD Street. HOLDEN, No. 70S MARKET Street. T. B. PETERSON k 8H03., 300 CHESTNUT Street. E. H.HUNT k CO., N. W. cor. FIFTH andSCHEST NUT Streets. T. R. CALLENDER k CO., corner of THIRD and WALNUT Streets. AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS a»d FANCY DEALERS. no7*mws6t Harris’ Boudoir Sewing Machine, IMPROVED DOUBLE-THREAD. FIRST PREMIUM AT EVERY FAIR. 028 Sm Phila, Office, 720 ARCH St. Agents wanted. Whbelhb & Wilson Sewing Machines. -Philadelphia Offioe. 678 CHESTNUT Street. Merchants’ orders filled at tho SAME DISCOUNT as by tho Company. Branch offices in Trenton, New Jersey, and Easton ml Westohester, Pa. eeJ4-4ra Onu Prior Clothing of tub Latest BT?Lzs,nMde in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prices marked in Piain Figures. All goods made to order warranted satis factory. Oar ONE-PRICE System is strictly adhered to, as we believe this to bo the only fair way of dealing, AU are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO., seB-tf 5M MARKET Street, This Prices of SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES Have ! been ! I REDUCED!!! n2l-3ra MoClbe3’ Ivorytypes No. 020 Chestnut street. McCLEEB’ splendid Water Color Photographs. McCLEES’ artistic Crayou Photographs. McCLEES’ Gallery, No. 630 CHESTNUT Street. J. L. Caprn, having bad many years ex perience m Practical Phrenology,will continue to make examinations and give written descriptions of charac ter, without flattery or resorve, at the Cabinet, 922 Chestnut atroet. second story, south side. • noiMlt Hoopland'B German Bittkiis will posi tively cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint. Nervous De bility, &0., fto. BOOFLAND’S BALSAMIC CORDIAL will positively cure Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough fto., fto. Prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON ft CO., 418 ARCH Street, and for sale by Druggists »nd dealers generally, Pnoe 75 oents por bottle. »e24-tf , Groyhr & Baker’s Gelbukatsu Noisslxss Familt SYWina-MAcsins., . AT EKBUCSD PRICYS. OX 780 CHESTNUT STREET, rim.Ainti.PHU, Tub Willoox and Gibbs Sbwing Ha chiks, Ili CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. °c2l-tf Gab-Lamp Dhpot—Sixth and Arch. se24-3ra : SalamAndbr Firb-Pboof Safes.—-A veiy large assortment of SAL AMANDEHS for sale ot reason able prices, No-394 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. *B»tf * EVANS ft WATSON Ei.eoant Fai)l anb Winter Clotiuno — atßobCTt H. Adams’, soi*lft«art cornrr qf Seventh and Market streets— Dress and Frock Coats of the best quality J Businoss edits, Promenade Coats, and Riding Coats, in all the latest styles, and a stock of Overcoats that cannot bo surpassed in variety, style, or quality. A full and coniplote.’stook of Black nml Fancy Caasi more Pants, of tho best and choicest fabrics, and a su perb stock of Silk, V'dvet, Cashmero, Grenadine, Cloth, Satin, and Cassimom Vests, all cut, made, nnd trimmed equal to customer expressly for retail sales, nnd toill be sold at the mt it reasonublepriees. . * n5-smw&th-tojal Sating Fond-'National Safety Tiwst Company,—CharteredTjy the State oi Pennsylvania, 1. Money is reoeived qvery day, and in any amount, arge or small. 3. FIVE PER CENT. Interest U paid for money from the day it is put m. 3. The money is always paid back in GOLD whenever it is oaUcd for, and without notioc. 4. Money is reoeived from Executors , Administrators , Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, to remain a long or short period. 6. The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other first class s oo urities. 6. Oflioeopou everyday—WALNUT Street, southwest corner Third ntTeet. PhUadatohia. &n!3 BhahbN s Saving Fund—Northweqi Corner Second and Walnut Streets.—Deposits re oeived in small and large amounts, from all desses of tho community, and allows interest at the rate of five pot oent. per annum. Money may be drawn by ohecks without low of in terest. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o’clock, nnd on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in tho evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL 5 Treasurer and Secretary, CIIAB i\f. MORRTR BAPTIST INSTITUTE LECTURES.- IKJ? The first lecture will be delivered in thn meeting houßfl of the first Bnrtist Church, corner of BROAD nnd ARCH Streets,on THIS (Monday) EVENING, Nov. Utli. at7>£o’clock, by Rov. W. T, BRANTLY, D. D. Subject— 1 “ Fact. Cnuso, and Romedy of Ecclesiastical Disunion. All the lectures of the Institute ato frea. * nfF* THE MARTVRPOM OF IIUSS, LL? - tr „ T AT THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, WILI. CLOSE IN AFK W DAYS. nli-,f THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE .UL.\ ol !r NG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION CII r 'PUILApiJI.i>HIA will I;? hol.l mJA YNK’S IIALL, next THUHBDA\ EVENING, Novemlwr 17t!i. at !. past 7 o clook. Tho annual report will bo rend, and ad dresses delivered by tho Rev. Henry Grattan Guinness, of Ireland, nnd Kev. Messrs. J. W.Cracraft, W. J. R. Taylor, Reuben Jeffrey, null John Jenkins, D. D, Dolo jjations will bo present irom lnndrod associations, iickets of ni'iinsssoi, t;nn be hid, gratuitously, at the Rooms of the Association, ICW nnd 1011 CHESTNUT Street. CIIAS. A. DTIY. JNO. A. NRFF. JNO. \V. BEXTON, WM. H. ANDERSON, GEO. COOKMAN. JNO. WANAMAKER, JNO. McARTHUB, Jr., no!2 5t Committee. PEOPLE’S LITERARY INSTITUTE.— In© tuth lecture of tho course will bo delivered onTPHUJISDAY EVENING-Nov. 17tU,at CONCERT HALL, by Rev. T. STARR KING. Subject—“ Per sonal lower and its Voices.” Locturo. quarter bofore 80 clock. Single tickets, 25 conts! adnuttinc centla man and two ladios.CO cts. n!2-5t rr?» AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE °fManagers of the HOM E MIBSIONAKY SOCIEi)I oi tho City of Philnda-plna, held on Saturday evening. Noy. 5,1859, tho following communication was received and road; To the Board of Managers of tho Home Missionary So ciety of the oity of Philadelphia : Dfar Brrthhsx ; i find my business becoming so ex tondod that, in justice to j on. ns well as to myself, I must horoby rcspoctlullv submit to tou my resignnt on as an Agout, and as a Misstonnr) of your Assaciatinn. In domg so, allow mo to arsuro you tliat I still feel a deep interest in the future i>rospenty ol your Institu tion, and will cheerfully renuorit nnv assistnnco I can. Very respectfully, JOHN STREET. Octobor23 1859, Whorcupon it was resolved, Uiat tho resignation of ourablonnd efficient Missionary and Apont.tlio Rev. John Street, who lias served this Association so faith fully nud saitßlaoUmly (or the last eighteen years, be, and tho tamo is hereby, accepted. Mr. JOHN P. ARHISON was appointed to take the place ot Mr. Street; and hfl w now waiting upon tho public, soliciting donalions for the use of tho" Society. GEORGK H STUART, President. MATTIIKVV NEWKIRK, Vico President. B. K. HCRF* ICH. Secretary, THOS. T. MASON,Treasurer,' . 431 MARKET Street. Oilico of tho Society, 631 East NORTH St. nll-6t rfjp* anniversary of the mercan -13 TILE BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION. - Tho Eighteenth AnnivoTsary of this Association will be celebrated at CONCERT HALL, on MONDAY EVEN lNG.yisunst . at o’clock, at which the annual re port of tho Board of Managers will ba read, and ad droaaos delivered by REV. RICHARD NEWTON D. D., MERTON McMICHAEL, Esq.,and JOHN WELSH, Esq. Tho music, by the Gormamft Orchestra, will bo under the direction of Carl Scntz. Tickets of admission may be had. gratuitously, by ap ply mg to tho undersigned, No. 30 North THIRD Street. As the numbor of tickets is tf ucd will lie limited to the capacity of the hall, early apphearion will Ihj necessary to prevent the unpleasant disappointment which oc curred nt most of the previous anniversaries. nolo-dtn2l WM. C. LUDWIG. President. ry-s=» THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE LEO KT?- T l U #£f,v ftr ?. dt * llVftre ' 1 MONDAY, WEDNES DAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS.and will lie continued lor twenty weoks, commencing at 7X o’clock. The first course, of ten weeks, will bo: Monday evenmg-On Chemistry-By Prof. B. 11. Rami. Wednesday evening—Mechanics of Fluids—By Prof. F. Rogers. 3 Friday evening—Physical Geography—By Prof, J. F razer. Each tnernher of the Tnatitute will receive a ticket for nimsoifamJ a Lady on the payment of his annual rontri outioiii and his chudren, wards, and apprentices will re ceivo a ticket, for tho Reason, on tho payment nl One Dollar for each Minor, or on the payment of Tv o Dollars they will have the privilogo of the Library and tho Lec tures. Lite memborn will receive their tickets on application at the Artuarv'a Office. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP, *3 nor annum, or 825 for life. Now mombors pay ono dollar additional tlio first year. Gentlemonwishing to bocom* niembors will please ap ply at tho Hall or tho Institute. SEVENTH Str* ot, above Chestnut,to WILLIAM HAMILTON, __ Aotuary. f£2“ THE PHILADELPHIA BANK.—OCX J/jfr ,* n ,” n ,‘i al l n A et ‘9p °f the fftockhohlora of this Bank Jill behold nttho Banking House on TUESDAY. Iho first day ot November next, at » o’clock M. Ami tho amnia! election for Directors will bo hehUt the Banking Houso ou MONDAY, the 2Uiday of No vember next, betwcon tho hours of lo A. M, and 2 P. M. ns-wfr&m tn2l U. D^COMKGYSjJJaBInar. ME' JIANK.-MIILADEI,- K 5 , FHIA, October 4th, 1359. Notico is horebj sivon Umt an election for Thirteen Ijrroctors, to servo the onstun* soar, will bo held nt the A^\l'to3p U M 0n fiIOWDAY * November 21st, from 10 nn T Tiri?Si¥» v“n ! lini! 1 f "' < \ s '? c ,W < !°r» Will bo held oil 1 U hrtJIA 1 , November Ist, at 12 o'clock M, 05-'vlrAm In2l J. (i. MITCHELL. Cashier. COMMERCIAL BANK OF I'EN.NSLY- Li VANIA. Philadelphia. Oet.. 15. 18M. Notice is innS'D’/ 1 '' 1 ” 1 ' 'h»,t »n election for THIRTEHN Blit KC IUKSto sorve tho onsu’mr year, will Iw Imht *t thn BANK INC HOUSE on MONDAY, 21st Noveir.bS tiveen the hours of 10 A.M. and J P. M. ihe Annual meet.ns of the Stockholder, will bo lieid at tho same place on TUESDAY, Ist Nnvombor. at 12 o clock M. S.C. PALMER. oatt-mwf-tnil* cislmr. rr«r“ HISTORICAL LECTUIIES ox THE fe rent f^m n Jl'‘t‘'‘o* of Minicrn Civilization, t>y tbo Her. JOHN 1,0111), at CUXCEitT HALL. Sub jects : Lecture I—Nov, 7.—Lord Bncon —Philosophy. u hi*' .. i.? , ‘'A l,c,iao ![ Aiuelo-ilovival of Arts 111- IL—Cromwell—Constitutional Preo .. .... . dom. „ v «. I .l;~\V ,tert 1,10J2r0 l ,l0 J2 ro ? t ~Al*3olutisrn, Sm,!e T.rtot.B ir B 1 !Sr 1-Tho<,lol "“' In,, " ,rJ Three cloatn* lectures 60 cents. Commence quarter before 8, } hisf: s ~ imums os turcs Musjca KumiJlnll, iindar tho auepicca of; tho Young Men’s Christian Association: 4 | J l v&» o s; t , “; 1 nT rho struu!uro ' ma of 1 t.;^a' , „?.; Nov - jM - TiioMoiio " s " nil Saturday, Nov. astli-Tho Number, Distonco and Wftßiutmie m tho object* comprising the Galaxy. rupfidav, Nov. ZHh-The Motions ami Revolutions of Ktars, ami the Translation of tho Huns anti fcolar 8) atoms through apace. I icxots lortbo course, on« dollar. dolta?!™' admlU,n|: a e«»‘'eman end Tickets for a bi» E lo lecture, fifty oonts. Can Iw had rnncipal bookstores,and the rooms of tho Young Men s Clinstinu Ahfcociation> No. IOO'J and lvll Chest* nut street. „oMf [J^OKIUIANTOWN. TOUNO MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, COURSE OR LECTURES. TOWN HALL, MONDAY EVENINGS November 14, MOKTON McMICHAKL, Eso ‘ 21, Kov. A. A. WILUTI'S. ' * n i SHELTON .MACKENZIE, December », OH As. s, PANOOAHr, Eso. 2, W. H.AI,!,KN, Er.o. , . r 19. Dev. J. WIIBA I'ON SMITH, liclrets for sale at News Stand, depot, Nrn'lr and Green: Jtboz Gatos, Mam ami Urinrhurst streets, ami attire door no evonmss of Lectures, w. it.—Cara run up nnd down tlio turnpike. nl-l2t r? OIRAUD HANK J 3 . tolioria, 1859. Notice is hereby riven, Dint an election for thirteen directors, to aorvo for the ensuing veur. will be held at jho BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY. November 2lKt, between the hours of 10 A. M nrnl 2 P.M. Ihe annual nicotine of the Rtothholders will beheld o olocl/hi n 0 * > ttco,oa TUESDAY, November Ut, at 12 oclB-tn2i -I'iIILADIiXPiIIA Oo W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier, ■ps=* FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK UvjV PHN,AIJ£LI>H!A, October 3d, 1859, nf«?H 0 ? , n r »° >s i KiveutUatftn election for Thirteen im? l( ii lllwlil i l,e held at the Banking Houso <m MON y?3* between the hoursnf anVlock A. AI. and A o clock 1\ Nl.; and a iroriernl mooting of the StTittVil 1 l "\’y; U r'ITUIiSDAV, Nuvomlcf Ist, ftt * o olooh i . AI., at the Banking Hou&o. 01 dMI w. RU3HTON. Ja„ Cashier, DTlTplffil between the hours of 10 n ’ ontlfp’olMk P. M.; and a cenoriil maat bo " eW TUJi »I>AY.No. . o< - dtni!l P. P. STEISL. Cashier. SERMONS.— Sermons hr tlio Iter. It, Grattan Guinnoss. 121110. Ansns’ Biltlo Kand-lionk. 12mo. Si 2.5. low ° foo,ouB of God. By Rev. Octavius Wins- 1 l'"lt" n",li '' or i "i" S' o1 * of 0 lh ° Sailor. 01 TV 'it Riplor. Sets. d«r S ! C 14c , ts" , ""“ 1 ' liy B ° V ' , *" IM W ' Aloxan eiwfo^’si™ 110 ®? w r ‘ M 0,1 11,0 llebro “' Lavi >■ Fourth For sale bv* w WILLIAM 8, k ALFRED MABTIEN, _ No. 6' ( ) CHESTNUT Street. Z%nm!s' OW,R ’ s ANTI-RIIEUMATIO fora I b*vo boon nfllicted with rhou lisa of m% r i ¥8 Tlw J*“ n - Porlitm of the tirno had 110 "trarMrls: rilllßEE PHOTOGRAPHS FOR ,s2-J2 Mlnr in tho world. Viml lUCI- Mblt’k Photo.raphio Gallery, SECOND atrret, above Green. 800 the life wzo in oil, the immature mzo plain nntl m water colors. nll-it* TO 051 N—2,350 bbls. Shipping Jlosin now •“'"afloat, cargo schooner T.l\ Lorned, from Wilmimt ton.N.C. for sale by n u ROWLEY, ASHBURNERA CO.. Id South whvi. |~^OTTON —200 bales .Alabama and Mis '-'H'ssippi Colton, Htrnm: Klanln. For Bala bv GREINER & lIAUKNKSS, Nfi. l'U SOUTH WHARVES. KTC’E— 30 uasks, strictly prime, new crop, for salo by GREINER & HARKNES*. nM-8t No. 132 SOUTH WHARVES. IMPROVED SPECTACLES, with the fineitPorisoopio Glasses. correctly fitted to the oyea, , M.J. FRANKLIN'S, Optician, ii §f*uth FOURTH Strrot, below Chestnut. A ' B,°> Mioroscopee, Tolebcopes, Opora Glasses, Drawing Instruments, Stereoscopes, and Stereoscopic licturea, ot latest importation and Skfreduculprices, in ft great variety. nl2»ifltn 11. GROVE, Manufacturer of Show “ » Cases. Wareroom 111 North FOlinTtr fumpt. \VM.n.GßOVK’B(btoHliflBTK]rs)et™ioS)'net rimi'»N?-i r “ l L S ?^" 1 i: , . Tllr,lm f' Waning, Moulding, BAGIIANOB Street, between Mnikot nml Arcli, nml Second and Hunt streets. nl2*im Gentlemen would do well by calling on DILKS Sc KKNBTL, 139 North NINTH, alxjve Cherry, and have their old Garments nutile to look eaual to new, by Cleansing or Dyeing. and Re pairing* n i2-2t* "jVTENTON LEMONS-—250 boxes Menton iTALemea., r u^K„d„ ;! n a der A r„ M . Kk THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1859. SOUTHERN DISUNION! AND BORDER WAR. Author of u IKiW Western Scenes “ War Path” tt(> Comploto in two vols., papor cover', prioe One Dollar ; or bound in one volume ototh, for Ono Dollar and Twenty-fivo Cents. Tho Publishers of this powerful l>ook are confident tiiat the simple announcement of a volume in tho vein ** Wild Westorn Beenes,” and by tho same author, will arouse an unwonted demard for the new book. " Wild Western Scenes” has now reached the already unpre cedented salo of 100 000 oopios.and its publishers now continue to soil some 10,000 of it annually, although the work was published nearly twenty years ago. Tho name of the now work by tho saino author is WILD SOUTHERN SCENES DISUNION! AND BORDER WAR. And it will undoubtedly, from its peculiar and absorb ing oharaotor.at once ocoupy tho undivided attention of a very large portion of the thinking and roading popu lation of America. While its disclosures at this time will assuredly croate a deep sensation among all reason ing and reflecting bodies, tho puroly novel roader will, at the same time, bo absorbed and diverted with tho strango and laughablo storj. No work having any of tho distinguishing characteristics of this’surprising production has ever appeared from tho prosa, nnd its very singularity must insuro thousands of readers for it at once. READ TIIE TABLE OF CONTENTS. The Eve of the Wedding, Wiry Willy in New York, A Midnight Conspiracy, Tho Executions, The Eve of Battle, Startling Intelligence, Tho Attack and Ropulso, Advnnco of tho Invading Wiry Willy’s Fledge, Army, Horrors of Civil War,* Battle at tho Budges. Edith's Disguise and Flight, Rufiloton’s Genoralship, A Mob of Destructives, Tho Junction, Edith at the Black Bear, Headquarters nt llano Edith’s Adventures, de Grace, Wiry Willy and Jack Bun. Aflairs at the Capital, Insurrection of tho slaves, Reception nt tho White A Death tfcono, House, The Battlo of Bladonsburg, A Dark Conspiracy, Wiry Willy's Strange Ad- The Scouts, venture, Lost Scene at tho White Meeting of Blount and House, Alico, Temptation, Rescue of Wiry Willr, Ruflloton in the White Alico and Edith, House, Gold, Gbttoring gold, Mount Vornon, Nooturnal Visitors, Blount’s Headquarters, Interview between General The Protector in hia Blount and Edith, Palace, Tho Invasion of tho An Alarm and a Capture, North, Tho Announcement, F.xcitemont in the Conven- The Mystery, tion, Nooturnal Advouturcs, Suspension of Hostilities, Further Adt entures. The Treasure, Federal Headquarters, Hudson’s Successor, riplomntio Categories, Impending Portia, Tho Minister of Justico, Negotiation, A Contro Temps, Negotiations with Ilan- The Maroh to Rieh dolph, inond, Tho Eve of Baltic, Amherst Castlo, Tho Battle, An Excliango, Attempted Assassination, Arrival of the Enemy, Promotion, Desertions'to Randolph, Lord Slysir’s Captivity, Nocturnal Expedition, Cessation of tho Bonibaid- Gonorals Toler and Fell, meat, » The Prisoners, Preparations lor a Naval Startling News, Battle, Balntrnm in Randolph’s LordHysir in Capttvitv Camp, Tho Cannonade Resumed, Nows f oin tho Capital, Tho Naval Battle, Battlo and Stampede, Return of the Chieftains, Flora’s Intrepidity, Tho Underground Bridal Scenes nt tho Castle, Chnmhor, The Fugitive, Young Summers, Tho Underground Bridal Tho Roiroo, Chamber, Edith and Summors, The Restoration, Council Board at .Midnight, Conclusion. READ THE FOLLOWING EDITORIAL NOTICES “We have vonturod tho prediction that this work is destined to achieve a success, wo hope naif a million copies m%v lie disseminated among the people Northsnd South, and wo are clad Hint it has fallen into the hands of tho fortunate publishers of it.” Front the AVto Yntk Ob'trvrr, ” A vary remarkable nnd novel Imok, * * * * The soonCß that follow aro portrnml with great skill aril of feot, vnfh a love story running through nnd amusing HornPß introduced, making the tala entertaining, and holding the reader's attention to tho close.” | From tht Artur. A capital tain of love incidents, patriotism, and statesmanship. Tho book is ono of the mont intensely interesting that wo have read for many a <1 iy, and if is mousing nnd pn{riotirnlly instructive os well. Its influ ence cannot fail to dn good. Wo heartrl) comnvnd it to avcrytmdy. No ono will commence to read nnd not finish it.” The author of W ihl Western Spoiior f has given us another very entertaining hook. The ternhlo resul's that will follow the inevitable climax of sectional noul nn*s and folly are inado the Kiihjeot of the stnrj. Tim tale is of intense, interest. Thorn is mu-'h luimor run mug thrnurhnut it. The President's daughter, Captain Inin, and Gonoml Crook, aro well-drawn charartori. Wo eim confidently recommend tho work as one of ab sorbing and peculiar interest.” It is issued coinpleto in two volumes, paper cover Prico Ono Dollar; or, Uiutul in ono\oliune, Cloth, $1 23. Published and tor salo I>> T. B. PETERSON .t BROTHERS, Publisher* anil Ilodksetiers. No. 300 CHESTNUT STREET, Pmi.Ar*Ki.PXii*. ■y* Copies pf the abovo work will be sent to any placo./rre of postage, on remitting the prico to tho Pub lisher, in a letter. nll-3t FRESH AND INTERESTING BOOK n9H1416-tt SOUTH CAROLINA CAROLINA SPORTS. Imlvdi.nu iMinitMioy Devii.-Fimunw, Wild-Cat, Vy.r.n, and Bkah Jlv.mi.no, LTV., KTC., ITC. For Stile by all Uunksellors. pn-'e ? by C ° P * e ” HOnt rn ‘' ll *' post-paid on receipt of the DERBY A JACKSON, PUBIISIIERH, nH-2t-Wlt 110 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. A PPLETON ? S NEW AMERICAN GT -AJLcI.OPAJOIA. JOHN Mot ARLANP. Agent, Arcmlo Hotel. $3 per vol., to bo in 13. Ono every tliroo mouths, lnromjhout its successive volumes. The New Amr- RlCan Cyclopkdia will'present a fund of Rooi.rnto ami copious information on Art, Scihmh, Agriculture, CnsiMßi'ct:, Mam vacil'ubr. Law, Mkdkunk, Litvii athuk. Philosophy, Mathkmath -i.Astro.nomv, His tory, Biography, Gi:ooh*pi?y, Kvuoiov, Politics, 1 R AVRLB, CllLMlS'fllY, Mf< IUMCi, I.NVKATIONK, Trades. ’ Anion* tho writers who lure contributed to the first scion volumes arc tho following: Hon. Gkoroc Uvacrovt; Geo. W. Cluti-,; Ralph Waldo Emerson; linn. Edward Everett: Prof. C, 0. I‘El.ton : Richard Hildiiktii ; Rev. T. Starr Man; Jlov.THi-opnii.us Parson- ; Grorc.kTickmir, LL. D. ; Hkmiy r. 1 uck krai ax : Rev. Henry W. Bel lows, and numerous other dißtunuushed writers, n lu.t of winch may ba obtained on application to the agent. [From tho Independent of Nov. JOlh.fon vol.Ttli. ) “Among the best of tho articles which we In ve exa mined in the volume now boforo us are liman on Jona than Edwaids, l by tor. Bancrolt.) on Mcctrinty ami Llectro-Mnuiietism, on Emerson, Fielding, and Frede ric 1)., on Evidence, Fortific*lim», nml Fossil Foot prints. From the uniform carefulness, diligoimo m in vestigation,and fidelity of treatment, which are mani fest in those nrtudos, so inrimi.s and remote, it is fair lo presume that the pmo <iin!itiey characterize tlie en tire volume. The discussion of the themes is denim nrd comprohensno. tlie distribution of them for tho most part happy, nml the btilo is in general nearly a nu dcl fortoraenebs, ligor, lucidnoss of statement, and a co - lain sinewy elegance of movement. The work, as hitherte prosecuted, is an undemablo and ft Very gratifying success. It iu a needed amt tmieh. and wo sro sure will prove also a most POW ERFUL. means of POPULAR INSTRUCTION and L DUCATJON in this country. Free to any address on receipt of the price. Agents wanted throughout Perinsi Ivania. Addrosa the Ag< nt, Arcado Hotel, No. 621 CHEST - N UT Street. Special terms to clubs of tliroo. nil tf OAMUEL HAZARD, ,Ir., BOOK BUYERS. and 11., rnmeomonta of his B°OK-STOR E, 721 CH KBTNUT STREET. Confining himself to no particular branch of the Bonk Business, ho keeps constantly on hand n largo assort mont ol BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITUIIA- Buitable for TJIE MERCHANT. THE THEOLOGIAN. MECHANIC, THE LITERARY MAN, _ _ , „ f . , . or MAN OF LEISURE. Each ami nil of whom lie invites lo call ami exaiunio lus stock and the arrangements thereof. Great improvements having been made in tho lighting and arrangements ot the stoio. persons of literary tasto will always find it ft pleasant placo tuoauntor in, wlioro somethin/ NEW, NOVEL, or AGREEABLE, run alts':\s he found ; and which, with tho intention of making this establishment not only a COMPLETE HOOK STORE, but nho a PLEASANT LITERARY LOUNGE, thov can look nt their leisure. He inconstant!)’ receiving ALL THE NEW BOOKS jsmeit by American publishers, as well as many of tho new* English publications, all of which are sold at ay LOW PRICES as nt nn> other Hmiso, SrßANGEßS.visituu the city will fmd this a vlea sant place to visit, the daily papery, as well as maga zines being kept on THE READING TABLE for the use of visiters. BOOKS FURNISHED TO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIBRARIES on the most advantageous terms, a-d ■whon not on hand, ordered Irom an) part of tho world. BIBLES. ol the l*eat American editions, ns well ns the celebrated OXFORD. BABriTKß’S.nnd CAMBRIDGE editions : a hreo variety ni Wft y BolJ h;ind. I ER BOOKS of every conceivable vanoty of editions and Inmlmgs, and all prices. THE STATIONERY DEPARTMENT contains all tho host and popular stylos of papers and envelopes, na woll ns a large stunk of PORTFOLIOS, TRAVEL LING BAGS. DESKS amt PAPETERIKS. A Stamping initials, crests. Ac., without eharjro. STEREOSCOPES and PICTURES of English and American manufacture, of overy variety and price. Every cllorl i* mado to make HAZARD’S BOOKSTORE a place of goncraland plenunut resort, whero persons ot evory taste van procuro Hooka, from tho sixpenny Toy for tlie phiniron, to tho valuable sot ol Bonks, worth many dollars, for tho Library. n!3-3t American school institute is a rotiable indium through wliii<hHohools itml Fami hei. mny nbtnin competent toacliar.. Parents n.ay ob tain, gratuitously, ifiKlßlMton nnd oircular, of tho best scl.on s, SMITH, WOODMAN, * CO., 5.6 BROADWAY, New York, or nH-t <■ Cfi° OH FSTNUTStiMI, Diilatlelpliin, NEW PUBLICATIONS, SCENES. A TALE OF BY J. B. JONES, Esq., A TALE OP OF THE PRESS. Front the liichmorul Enquirer. From the “ A r *to York- Day liooW’ NOW JtKADV BY BAND AND WATER, 13V HON. WILLIAM ELLIOTT, OF SOUTH CAROLINA. SIX SPIRITED ILLUSTRATIONS. Ono Volmno. Price 6 L RETAIL DRV GOODS gILK FANCY OOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES. L. J. LEVY & CO. Have reduced tho prices of their entire stock of BILIC AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. Whioh comprises a vorjr ohoioa selection of all the NEW GOODS OF THE SEASON. The.insnootion of purchasers is invited, ineir HiOUK is now complete, in all the Depart ments, and many of their GOODS iiavo been purchased at tho large Auction Sales, AT LESS THAN THE FOREIGN COST. They offer to tho pubtio a largo assortment of the BEST GOODS MANUFACTURED IN EUROPE, at prices AS LOW as can bo purchased elsewhere, 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT STREET. nl,-3t rjUIE BARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, FUR EMPORIUM ELEGANT CLOAKS. PARIS, LONDON, AND HOME MANUFACTURE, Now open in (Trent prolusion. SEW CLOAKS OPEN INO EVERY MORNING, The largest stock in the city. RICH VELVET CLOAKS, Plain amt elaborate. HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS FINE CLOTH CLOAKS, MOURNING CLOAKB, ELEGANT COLORED CLOAKB, In Drap do Velour; LUPERIAL PLUSH, in Striped; ROYAL PLVBH, TARTAN AND OTHER NOVELTIES. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. JjANDSOME PURS FOR LADIES’ WEAR REAL RUSSIAN SABLE CAPES, HALF CAFES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. HUDSON DAY SABLE CAPES, HALF CAPES, MUFFS A$D CUFFS. AMERICAN MINK SAULE CAPES, HALF CAPES , MUFFS AND CUFFS. SIBERIAN SQUIRREL CAPES . HALF CAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS. ALSO, STONE MARTIN, FINK DARK GERMAN FITCH, and ever* olhe well-ftensor cd FUR. Tholargesi aasortinent in the city. H ia rospec*fully submitted to Ladies that, in their search for articles in this department, their convenience will be bettor consulted at the PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, which, bum* devoted exclusively to the aale of articles for Ladies'Attire odors inducements not obtainable elsewhere. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. QENTS* JOUVINS OLOVES. JUST RECEIVED, PER B ‘ ARA G O AN INVOICE OK GENTS’ GENUINE JOUVIN & CO.’S KID GLOV E S . ALSO A FUL r * ASSORTMENT OF RADIES’ DO. THOS. W. EVANS & CO., 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. 011-2 t Hosiery goods.—,r. wm. iiof- MANN. No. 9 North EIGHTH Street, has now open his hall Block of Hosiery Goods, vis: Undervests HtidlJrawiirs ol Cartwright and Warnor's superior manu facture, for Indies’ and misses’ wear. Merino Shirts and Drawers, lor cents mid youths. Merino Hosiery, Cotton Hosiery, Woollen Hosiery, Gloves and Gaunt lets., and goods geuerally appertainim? to the Hosiery business. LW. il. respoctfully solicits the attention of families to his stock, assuring them that his stock is un excelled for variety by any other in the city, and that his prices are as lowan those of any otiior regular house. N. No abatement made from tho prices named. «21-wlintf RKinfcTfoN in parous of all wool .MOUS LIE LAINES, PLAID DJIESS UOODo, Ac. Pacific, Manchester, and Hami'ton Do Lainos, nt 19 c'mts. Gents’ L. C. Handkerchiefs, While and Colored Holders, very cheap. Ladies’ L. C. Handkerchiefs, White and Fancy Bor ders, in great variety. • French Worked Collar* and Sets. Groat bargains. , BBOCHK yHAWLS. A splendid Ptork at* Long and Squaro Broohe Shawl*, from .*5 to A 23 each. Blanket Shawls in variety. BLACK AND RtUWN CKNIIIK BTKLLAB, and other Colors, all reduced in pneo. Koversiblo SlmwU, do. Blankets. Black Beavornnd French Cloths, for Ladies. Buper Lyons Black Bilk, and Brown Velvets, for Man tillas. French Merinos—a full stock. Printed Merinos, Paramattas, kc. CHARLES ADAMS, nl5 EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. Ngiv-stylk CLOAKS, OFENINQ THIS DAY. nt B.V. K. HUNTER’S • New Store. No. 40 Ronth SECOND Street. N. U- A variety of Cli l l (Iren’s Clonk*. n!2 tit* jLTORSE BLANKETS. *-•*- Rrmht Co'ora anil Plaids. .Railway Rugs and Wrapper*. RHARPLESS BROTHERS, nl* CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets, IVEAT FRENCH CHINTZES. I » Very neat Futurod Brown, wide. Chuilsos lor Friends’ uenr. SHARPIES BROTHERS, nIO CHESTNUT and EIGHTH fltreots. ENGLISH FINE BLANKETS, Superior quality, noarly square. Lnrde sizo amt Heavy. Rib\>on-boutid Twilled Blankets. American fine Roohdale. Crib and Cradle, various cades. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, nIO CHKBTNU l* anti EIGHTH Streets. Magnificent new goods open ing DAILY!!! THORNLKY k CHISM, EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN, have an excellent stock of Long Brochn Shawls at $B, Old* §l3, SH, $l6, $lB, 82U. 822, and *25. Squriro Broche Shawls. Stella Shawls Ac., Ac. Lone and Square Blanket Shawls Ladies and Misses. Gents’ and Ri»s’ Shawls, from *3 coup. The Reversible Shawl for *5, worth *7.50! CLOAKS. D> the best Now York and Philadelphia Manufacturers,from SSMup to 82511! Wide Silk Velvet*. Beavnr Cloth*. Ao., Ao. Cassimores, Hatmetts, Ac., for Mon’sand Boys’ M ear. BLACK SILK, 10 percent, under regular priees! Fancy Silks, unusually cheap. Beautiful Dress Goods, in great variety. Tho Prettiest low priced Dehinos m ttmeity. BLANKETS, of tho best English And American Manufacture. THOKNLKY A CHISM liuyonlv/or Cash. Tfui/can't and teon’t br Und'nol-t! N.E. corner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. 020 _____ FANCY FURS. GEO. F. WOMRATH. NOS. 415 AND 417 AllCll STREET, HAS NOW orUN ISIS USUAL CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FURS, Mntle or .took aeloctml by himself in Europe during tho pnjjtSuvniK. oorti-Jni J7JYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, Aro prepared to suit fnmilioa with tlioir WINTER DRY GOODS. FRENCH MKRINOEH, LADIES’ CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SII.K VELVETS, BKOCHE LONG SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., 4-4 ALL WOOI, PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LAINES, Do. I’LAID SILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, UNSHRINKING FLANNELS. FANCY SACK FLANNELS, FINK STOCK OF BLANKETS, CASSIMEItKS FOR BOYS, „ „ BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. B.— Ihe above Goods are all at the low rates of oc2o-tN» IT' A EE ANO WINTER CLOAKS. Newest Pettorne Full ClottU. ,n J ft r.Gloaksdaily opening. Black Heaver Cloaks. Black Tricot Cloaks, Black French Cloth Cloaks. S • Dloakn made to ord r at one day’s notice. Prices $5 to $l5. COOPER & JoNARii, ol° NINTH and MARKET. C'IASSIMIiUES, CLOTHS, J Thick Plain Cassimores. Heavy Black Cantu mores. Stout Fancy Sty lea. Rugged Mixtures, Plaids and Stripes. & nn i d i*’ 4 First-rateßlack Doeskins, Black Broadcloths SJ.w to *5. Ladies’ Cloaking Cloths. .a C S9J)E R * CONAKD. °l | ' NINTH and NARKE'r. SCALES rar FAIRBANKS’ PLATFORM SCALES, For sale bv FAIRBANKS k EWING. 0221 y 715 CHESTNUT Street, Phila. eff FAIRBANKS’ HAY, COAL, AND CATTLE SCALES. For sale by FAIRBANKS Sc EWING. 022-lr 715CIIE3TN UT Street, Phila. ret HOWE'S STANDARD SCALES.— As* B rRONG k ROSS PATKNT.-Coal, Cattle, and Hay Soales require no pit. Platform and Counter Scales of ovory description. They receive all Friction and Wear on Balls instead of Knife Edges, asonothei Soales. Call and examine beforo purchasing olsowhero, and eoe tho improvement. I’ENNINGTON GREEN, Agent, , , , 112 South SEVENTH Street, 05-3nr Philadelphia, RADIES’ FURS, AT OAK FORD’S, Aro the ohoape.t and beat to bo found. RICH DARK SAULE, HUDSON'S BAY MARTEN, VERY DARK MINK SABLE. ROYAL ERMINE, EXTRA FINE CHINCHILLA, STONE MARTEN, PITCH, &c„ MADE INTO CAPES, HALF-CAPES, TIPPETS, MUFFS, and mufftees. A«we Import our SKINS direct, anil Manufacture all nnrFURSnn lha PREMISES, vs are onaUod to «all lliem very olwap, nnd are determiuod to close out our entire stock, previous to removing into our NEW STORES, NINTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. SET 3 FROM $5 UPWARDS. CHAS. OAKFOED & SON, 624 CHESTNUT STREET. •nil 6t GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. JSJUPEKIOR DRESSING GOWNS, MANUFACTURED AT W. W. KNIGHT’S, GOfi ARCH STREET. The newest end most beautiful stylos nlwaye on hand; very suitable presents for the approaching holidays. Justreoeiveda iot of PURE SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, EXTRA HEAVY. TIES, SCARFS, 4c., OF THE NEWEST STYLES, FINE SHIRTS AT WHOLESALE, RETAIL, OR MADE TO ORDER, AND GUARANTIED TO FIT. n9-djl R, o. WALBORN & CO., (NOW) NOS. 3 AND T NORTH SIXTH STREET, have now a very suporior assortment or Shirta, Under clothing, Glove*, Hosiery, etc. Special attention given to GENTLEMEN’S WRAPPERS, 0 ffBBor * ,nen * *■ constantly kept on hand. T W. SCOTT—late of the firm of Win " cheater A Scott—GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH- BHIRT MANUFACTORY, 814 PhiMol hiif treet ’ nflM ropPoBlte *k e Giwd House,) r^3^y° u,d roapeotfully call the attention of hi* former patrons and friends to his new store, and is pre- order" for SHIRTS at short notice. s A m, l . KuarNntied. Wholesale Trade supplied with fine Shirts and Collars. fyJI-ly MERCHANT TAILORS. E. O. THOMPSON, i a 11, on , N. E. CORNER SEVENTH AND WALNUT STS., Devotes entire personal attention to orders,and keeps nlwtv) s on hand a desirable variety of GOODS FOX MEN’S WEAR. N. B.—PANTALOONS, as cut by me, aro warranted to give satisfaction, and as many find itdifficult to re suited, I i3suo this Bpeoial notice. no2-wfm2inif CLOTHING. jyRW STOCK OF READY-MADE CLiOTHING-- DAVID KAY & SON, Having completed their FALL AND WINTER STOCK OP READY-MADE CLOTHING, Are now offering evory variety of VARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, Made from the most desirable Fabrics* in the LATEST STYLES, AT VKRY LOW TBICE9. DAVID RAY & SON, NO. 1018 MARKET STREET. nol2-3t* BOOTS AND SHOES. QAZELL & HARMEE, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS 111 BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 128 NORTH THIRD STREET. A full assortment of City made Boots and Shoes con stantly on hand, ilO-tf HOUSE-FURNISIIINU (iOOUS. QOODS FOR THE SEASON. BRONZED FENDERS AND IRONS, STEEL FIRE SETS, FOOT WJRJUERS, BLOWER STANDS, PLATE WARMERS. HOT WATER bISHES, Ac., Ac., AT TUB nousE-FURNrsurNa stores, NOS. 932 AND 1220 CHESTNUT STREET. JNO. A. MURPHEY & CO, 018-wfmtf CHINA AND QCJEENSIVARE, ■yyiUTF; GRANITE AND CHINA TEA SETS. DINNER SETS, TOILET SETS, PRESSED GLASS GOBLETS, TUMBLERS, Ao , AT LOW PRICES. WRIGHT, SMITH A CO., oIS-wfintf NO. 5 NORTH FIFTH ST. CABINET DARE. ROQUET & HUTTON, MANUFACTURERS OF DESKS AND CABINET FURNITURE NO. 250 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Office, Bunt, end School Furniture, Extension Table,, Bookcnsos, Wardrobes, eta s9-3m Cabinet furniture and billiard TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 261 SOUTH SECOND STREET* in connection with thoir extonsivo Cabinet Duhuim*, are now manufacturing a superior article of HILLIARD TABLES, and have now on hand a full supply, finished with MOORE k CAMPION’S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced by all who have used them to be superior to all others. For tho quality ar,d finish of these Tables the manu facturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the oharoctcr of their work. frM-flm NOTICES. NOTICE —All persons mmy debt aro hereby cautioned against paying any monies to my Into salesman, J FUANKEL.as bo has no authori ty to act in any way for me. VT. A. BAILLIKR, nll-3t* 38 JOHN Stroct, New York. THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS. Notice to students. CThe Evening Studies by gas-light, (rout the Cants of Antiquo Slat nary, commence on SATURDAY, October Ist. at 7 P. M. The Life Class commences its studies on MONDAY EVENING, October 3d, at 7 P.M. JOHN SARTAIN, s2B-tf Chairman of the Committee on Instruction. OPECIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers in Good k-/ year’s Patent Vulcanized Rubber Suspenders, Braids. Webs, and all othorfabrtos and articles made bj combining fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcanised rublier,are notified that unless the smjM are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and 9 niy authority, they cannot bo legally disposed of in the United States. Merchants and dealers are invited to ex amino specimens now in store, and to give their orders for the Spring Trade to the undersigned, KXCLUBIVE OWNER OF THE TTTLKB AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THE PATENT for these goods, whioh embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured or im ported, and many others. ALSO, LICKNBKB TO MANUFACTURE and SELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No. S 3 COUHTLANDT Street, N. Y. „ „ „ nll-ly HORACE H. DAY. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. IVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the I" firm of WAUNICK, CHADWICK, k BRO. is this day dissolved. The Heater, Range, nnd Stove business will be continued under the name of CHADWICK k BRO.,at the Northeast corner of SECOND and RACE Streets. JOHN K. CHADWICK. FRANCIS A. CUADWICK. Philadelphia. July U.IBM. nU-tf Grain mills —grain mills—For the Farm and Plantation. The IRON-DURR MILL has no equal for Grinding Fine Meal, reed, Coffee, Bpi ©es,eto.jby hand or power. Prioe $B, $25, and $45. „ Now in oporaton at 125 South SECOND Street. Agents wanted in every oounty and Btote, by anU’.Sm V.. FARRKL fr HO T ADIES’ lIAIR BRAIDS, WIGS, FRI- J-i SETTS, nnd CURLS, manufactured in the very best and newest Pans styles, and of which we constantly keep avfry large assortment on hand, sold wholesale and retail, at the lowest possible prices. Orders from all parts of tho country solicited, and promptly attended to. Also,anew HAIR DYE,superior to auy in u*e, M. HUTOIB, No. 12 TENTH %t., au9o-3m* Between Market ami Cheetnnt. LEATHER- —300 Sides Rolled Hemlock '.'laughter Loather. light weight and color, suita ble for Women anil Children’s Snoes. Also damaged Rod Sole and Bhoo .Skirting, at lownriccs. Wholesale or retail. W. R. NEWBOI,D, nll-dt* No, 336 North SECOND Ptreot, above Vine. TWfEDDING, Visiting, and Profcssionul " " Cards, exeouted in style, by B. MAROT, En graver, 434 CHEBINUT Street, 8. E. corner Fifth, 2d story. Door nnd other plates made to order. Seal*. Jewelry, Ao., engraved. nll-lrn* TVfATTRESSES, BEDDING ami FEATII- I"* ERS, and BLANKETS, of at) qualities, for sale by REEVE L. KNIGHT, nMt 262 South SECOND, above Spruce. wants. A gentleman of responsi furm.h bl ,n“ meet with a seotlem&n with wuom he cotdd mike *n arrangement to take charge of the premisesfor him m ms aosonco, and whn would ho willing to receive mm«t rent in addition to his services in t&kint *"yd premises. For further particulars w.quir* niibl office of payton a hawkins, No.sk chestnut htreet, up stairs, nU st‘ VSTANTED— In (X Wholesale Dry Goods " House, two active, energetic lads 'who have been tnoronthly trained in the relaiidrr goods business. Ad dress” Wfiolegsle. l ’ Tkt Press Office. lt» —A German Designer for all " kinds of Woollen Cloths, Aperraaneutaodlucra ,*V e Po#'tJ on ii offered to a German having the follow ing eualifica ions, viz.: A thorough knowledge ol the n/ e iv c ilns“ fruLsh Languages, an accurate knowledge u m Manufacture* as earned on abroad, and of VrSuS*ctSS? *“ g * UinS UP Dflir Bnd fanoj nee.i'i^w 5 ? 1 Weaver and Designer, and none other oio .nur’.r 5 * South FRONT Street. _oM-in»Mf SSLETITIA Btreet. $5,000 —WANTED—A Partner with ihilUrS nY wf capital of from 4.000 to fi OCO tfsV" “with tha’a&lm po " 6MI "S good business quail ml n. iir. » . a - e tvmou .o t > a mre opportunity is offer- Mitral ind luadms imTkst.‘ ,tabl " heil ,od *“ uteil deuce. All communications strictly confidential ” Part nerslup to commence January Ist, u£f.nilSff*' An Experienced Book-keeper f a ,7 r ftnd Business man will be open to an engagement from January Ist, with an Importing, Jobbing, or Ma ?i X J?S tur i l ?i** tab^. B u nie i ul, »» Satisfactory city reference Address Books, tnis Office. Communica tions strictly confidential. nil 3t* Vl/’ANTED—By a Wholesale Shoe House, xi Ari ,. .A fi l*A* c, . a ?s Salesman who can command a BLx salarr wiu d S ,l 8 fftdo, Tosuchan one an equivalent WIU l ® Kiven - Address •* D. M.»' Press on 'A®t nll-3t* SITUATION WANTED—By a Graduate Can tfiwS hi!? 0 r an !* Ph r llft d« ! Phia Commercial College, this 1 f C referetco> ’ Address, “T. K. 8.,” A RARE CHANCE.—For sale, on accom ,7, Jr. modating terms, the Stock, Good Will, and Fix !nl iL , f l firBt ‘ cl "« ™noy Dry Goods Btore, on one of ,Yr*, e jL S o™ ,B,neBB avenues m the city, doing a business "1 *“ry, P or “Ppnum, and increasing; Profit* 30 per cent. Address J. K. P., office of The Tress. nil-fit* V^ANTED —By an active man. a situ fn»n,.L Rtl ? n A* Porter or Warehouseman, Can Sfi™ h gooU rofßreuce# * Addre “ “William,” at this n!o-4t* VATANTED—To EXCHANGE for Unin- Af iJ. A „i 0 P be l ed S ltjr l* ro P«rtr, One Hundred acres WANTBD-By a Young Man, a situa rL'r... “f" 1 '! Ulerk or Assist,nt Bookkeeper. Can furnish 6ood roterenoes. Address “K.,” office of this paper. nIQ-6t* (DilOO WILL BE PAIl) IN CASH /rT A y v for a Situation that will yield a comforta ble subsistence to a young ipan who can furnish good reieroncea ns to character, and is capable of performing onhnary cler’cal duties. Address •* Morton,” this n!o-4t* SALESMEN WANTED—On Ist of Janu , nry next, in a first class Notion House, keepinga Urgo and attractive stock of goods. Salesmen fully ac quainted with ami able to influence a large amount of tr«t.e, one from Pennsylvania, and one from V rginia. INone need apply unless they possess the above qualifi cations. AH communications confidential. Address **P. CL, at this office. n 9 6t* FOR SALE AND TO LET. A WELUSECUKED GROUND KENT s4ft per annum, forsalo by lfc* J. H. WHKHLER,II3 South FIFTH Street. nna LET—A uew four-story Store on , Street. 132 feet deep, throe sky-lights, 2 Heists, line cellar, coal vaults under the pavement,wa ter nnd water closets above and below. Kent very low to a punctual tenant. HARJE3 BROTHERS, n!4-3t* «o.IWSTRAWBERRY Street. LET—The Store and Dwelling N. E., corner of OGDEN and ONTARIO Street, neh modern iraprovetnenU, and in comnleto order. Ront 52£0. Key next door. Apply at 565 North FIFTH Street, third door below Green street, at BA.M.and 2 and »> P. M. n9-wfin3t* FOtt SALE—The well-known and old established Hotel, at Mount Ephraim, N. J., f«ur miles Irom Camden- with extensive Stabling, Hay .Scales, and Seven Acres of Land attached, ali of which is surrounded with shade and ornamental trees, being one of the best located stands m the State. Terms easv. Apply to £. P. MIDDLETON «fc BRO., nil-fit 6 North FRONT Street. TO LET—3d, 4th, and sth Stories of the new building 413 ARCH Street. Well calculated for a light manufacturing business, having two sky. luhts, nnd wntor and water closets; also, gas and gas fixtures. Apply on the premises. n9-fit* FOR SALE—A valuable Lot of Ground, 143 feet by 100. three fronts, water and gas laid on one front; suitable for a church or factory. It is situa ted in the Southwestern part of the city, in a rapidly im vrovm< neunborhood. Terras easy. Address, for par ticulars, ** J. K.,” office of this paper. n4-tf TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS.—The Materials in all the Market Houses, in MARKET Street, will be sold low in lota to suit purchasers, viz: bhinsle Roof, 40 000 feet of Tin Roofing. 100 000 feet of Boards and Scanthng, 150 000 Pacing and other Bricks, Meat Hooks, Fire Wood. 3 000 feet of Curb Stone, Ao. Applv SEVENTH, above Thompson street. n3-12t« NATHAN W. ELLIB. TO LET—A Second-story Room, conve nient to the State Honse, suitable for a Lawyer’s Office. Apply 431 CHESTNUT Bcreet. tlfi BOARDING. TWO Communicating Rooms; also, One small one, vacant, at 1621 WALNUTStreet. nil 3t* Handsomely-furnished rooms, with or without Board, at 1512 CHESTNUT Street. nll-3t* LODGING ROOMS. for Gentlemen, second storv, handsomely furnished, private entrance ga«, Ao.atH UN lON Street. nll-lft*, X\f ANTED—t urnished Apartments with * * every facility for l|ousekeevmg,.Bath, Gas. Ao., for Gentleman and Wile: or Board -n a strictly Privaio Family. Address “Merchant,” Blood’s Dis patch, with full particulate ol puce, Ac. nIQ REMOVALS. Removal.— henry stevenson, TAILOR, begs to inform his numerous Mends and customers that he has Removed io3£J CHESTNUT Street, second door below fourth, South side, whore he w ill keep a fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres. Doe - skins. Overcoatings. Cashmere Vestinis. Ac.,* Inch be will be pleased to sell on the most reasonable terms. u3-lm* i Removal.— martin & wolff have Removed to No. 334 MARKET Street, South side, below Fourth, where they offer a choice assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, at very low prices. »13-lm Doings of the Pennsylvania STATE FAIR FOR ISJS. SIX FIRBT PREMIUMS AND SIX DIPLOMAS. Best Furnace for Warming Building*, To Abxold fc Wilsov. GAB CONSUMING CONE FURNACE. Fibst Pkemicx. BEST PORTABLE FURNACE. To AktoLti k Wn.sdM. RICHMOND’S PORTABLE FURNACE. First Prrwidm. BEST COOKING RANGE. To Arnolu k Wasn’t. „ M „ CIIILSON’S DOUBLE-OVEN COOKING RANGE, Fiß«r Premium. BEST PARLOR COAL GRATES. To Ar>olt> k Wilson. LOW DOWN and BASKET GRATES, First Pskmium. BEST ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS. To Arnold k Wilson. For a very handsome display of Enamelled Slate Man tels, very highly finished, and of superior workmanship, FIRST PREMIUM. AKNOLD & WILSON. 1010 CHESTNUT street,! B. M» Feltvtbll, Supt 03-tf |7JYE AND EAH, DEAFNESS DR. VOS 510SC1IZISKER, OCULIST AND AURIST. Dr. M. gives hia exclusive attentmn.to the medical and eurcicnl treatment of the EVE and EAR, ~ , , DEAFNESS of the longest standing removed loth by inedicai and surgical operations on tho latest scientific prmc'i'les. Dr. M. would be pleased to receive mem bers of tho medical faculty who wish to witness his inethol oi operating for the removal of Deafness, or any oporition on the EYE ami EAR. ARTIFICIAL EYES INSERTED. Office 204 South NINTH Street, above Spruce. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 1 r. M., and from 4 to 3 p. M. n7-lmif Eye diseases. ! On. OSMUN. OCULIST, 1619 CHESTNUT Street, Has Just returned from Europe after an absence ol several year*, during which time he has paid esrecial attention to th« treatment of Eje Diseases at the better medical schools of Germany. France, and England. The Doctor ie provided witn all the newest and most improved instruments necessary to the practice of his profession; among others, ho has brought with nun from Berlin. Prussia, a most perfect instrument for ex amining tho opti'* nerve and the internal membranes of the E) t,~the first instnunentof the kind o\ er brought to tins country. . At Imiue every morning till 10 n clock, and every eve ning from 5 lo 6 o’clock. i excepted.) Ktery MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY, from 9 to 10 o’clock A. M. Dr- OSMUN will take pleasure In giving FREE ? JNSULTATION3 TO THE POOR. n4-tf jVfORR PROOF OF THE WONDERFUL ITA EFFECTS OF MONELL’B AMERICAN HAIR RKPARATOR. „ , _. , e „ Philaoblphia, September 27th. 1559. This is to certify that l was bald for many yeani. and was recommended to try your Reparator; anu having Erocured three bottles, used it for three months, which as caused my hair to grow, and although not quite as thiok its before, yot it m constantly trowing. r.. M. JON bo. No. 39 North Third street. Philapklphia. September 27th, 1869, Mr. J.F. Monkli. : D<nr Str— Some time since my hair commenced failing out, so much so. that 1 was, in fact, fearful of becoming bald; but hearing of the won derful rower of your Reparator, I was induced to buy a Irnttle, and after using one-half of it 5*V ceased coming out, but commenced gr&King finely, and l have now os tiuck a suit of bal j ££ OBEY Of 3, No. 524 Cherry street. For sale MT. H. PKTERB A Co., Sole Agents, No. yitf CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. se2S-6m Drawing and painting mate rials. , Engineers’ and Architecta Stationery. Grecian Painting Materials. Potichomama Designs and vases. Paint Boxes for Children, and also for Artists ana Students. , _ Pictures and Picture Frames. Playing Cards. American and Frenoh. Catalogues gratis to l fc JANF.NTZKY. No. 115 Soush EIGHTH Street. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. o»-3m MINTON’S ENCAUSTIC TILES lor floors. Ornamental Chimney Tops roroottayes. Garden Vasos and Fountains. Vitrified Pipe for drams and Water conductor*. Imvoited and lor .ala b, g A HARRIgO „ f«h IS tf Inin CHEAT NT rf Stroat WARM AIR FURNACE. f T THE NEW CONE FURNACE GAB CONSUMER Will thoroughly Warm jour house with oJ«K-TinnD j.Ksa coat, than is required by aaT other Furnace. Satisfaction in all ©aaea guaranteed. Buildings Warmed aud Ventilated by ARNOLD A WILSON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. CLATE MANTELS. k'-' The Richest and most Beautiful Specimen*- cl Enamelled Slate MAntels, ever offered for country, manufactured by us, from Pennsylvania Biota .tono, and for .He ver, wrW ON. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. C°S the Beet Eleveted Double Oven Cooling Range, will do WILSON’S, inn. UUKSTNIIT Stre.t, nbwland & 00., LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTUKE-FBAMS MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. An extensive stock of OIL PAINTINGS, etc.. All at very Low Prices. 806 ARCH Btreet, above 81X1H, p h il Ad elnhiA. SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF COTTON K 5 TWINE, for Kile by ROBERT E.-EVANS. oM lmif m CHESTNUT Street. AMUSEMENTS. WTALNUT-STREET theatre. *? Sole Lessee.. Mr*. H. A. GARHETTBON. Actios snd Stage Manager....... .Mr. E?P.Vkahh. Businas® Agent. —Mr. JOB. D. MUJLPHxT - AUTHOR’S* NIGHT/’ “ _ THIS (MONDAY) EVENING. Not. 14. WiU l*e presented— w GERALDINE; o*. LOVE’S VICTORY, with Mrs. Waller as Geraldine, aided by the foD strength of the efficient artistes of the Wahnt-street cooi pa "jr. Mr. H. L. Bateman will recite Schiller’s Hjmn to Joy lo conclude with the Faroe, entit'ed rw c. YO . UR LIFE'S IN DANGER. _ Jgnn Strong, Mr. V. Bowers; Jenny. Wise Wilks. Prices a* usual. _£**»* IScured three days in advance. w lIEATLEY A CLABKE’S ASCH TII IWurTv n T HEAT R E. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, Norember M, ffi-gfi-lS&Sr&i S l }; »" **» OH IO conclude r enUUed jiJSUWiSi o.e« beVt 1 V «A *■ I Poor* open at half past « o’clock; ytrfcnuM* to •nmrMn'v at 7 o’clock praciacly. DAN RICE’S GREAT SHOW. NATIONAL THEATRE. WALNUT St-.abora Eighth, D. MoLaran. sole proprietor. DAN RICE, the Original American Hamorist* appears in his Comic, Semi-Philosophical Orations u each entertainment. THIS f MONDAY) EVENING, Nor. 14, The performance will commence with „ BEDOUINS IN CAMP. Mrs DAN RICE will introduce her beautiful charger# “ White Sarrev.” Mast. JASIE3 MADIG *N, the great Trick Rider. Mr. F. H. hOsSTON. with hi* mx Performing Hones. The highly-trained Elephant and Rhinoceros. . Eachentenamment will conclode with fanny antics by the Comie Mules. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TWO GRAND ITALIAN OPERATIC ENTER MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, November Hth and 18th. AGUEBE HERON NATALI, B-opuaxo. FRANCESCA HERON NATALI, SIUN’OR SUCCAPEBJIi^ 511 * 110 ' Tx’ioa. BIGNOR ARDAVANI, Baritos*. SIGNOR ROCCO, . Basso. .*V ith a lull and effective Orchestra, under the direc tion of CARL ANS CHUTZ. MONDAY EVENING, November 14, LW, will be presented the principal portions of the favorite Operas of iL TROVATORR . AND LA FIGLIA DEL REGGIMEN’TO. „ „ PRICES OP ADMISSION. Parquet. Parquet Circle, and Balcony.. AO Cents* FamnyC l and Amphitheatre J 5 Cents* NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR SECURED SEATS. Sale ot rickets commences at the Box Offiee cm Satnr* dny, at 9 o clock, from which time the Office wifl be own daily from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Doors open at 7A*. The Opera to dommeace at 8 o’clock. A srand entertainment on Wednesday evening, which will be announced hereafter. noU-3t pARL WOLFSOHN and CARL HOHN vy STOCK’S . FIRST CLASSICAL SOIREE, . , „ Will take place on Nov. 17th. In the Foyer of the ACADEMY OF MUSIC^ tg t Subscriptions will he received at the Music Stores of G. Andre A Co., 1104 Chestnut street; Lee A Walker, 722 Chestnut street; Beck A Lawton, eoreer of Seventh and Chestnut streets; A. Shmidt, 28 South Eighth street, where the prospectus and programmes can be seen. Subscribers are requested to call for their tiekets Single tickets at the door, 91. 014-tnl7 THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA BE speetfoflr announce that their FIRBT GRAND CLASB-CAL CONCERT (Vocal and Instrumental}will take place on THURSDAY EVFNING, December Ist* at MUSICAL FUND HALL, with an Orchestra ra FORTY PERFORMERS. Price of Subscription-Three Tickets for £2. f Sub scription List open at Andre’s and Beck A lLawinv’a Music Store*, and at M.F. Hall. Single tickets, ONE DOLLAR each; to be had at the door os the night of the Concert only. Fcr particulars see programme. n4*idl McDonoughs gaieties—bade st. ■UJ- „„„ ANOTHER NEW PLAY. THIS EVENING, and duna? the entire tre«k» Idtiad ea upon the thrilling incidents of THE MEXICAN WAR, A. M. HERNANDEZ AXL‘ . MONB. CALADINB In the pnncipalparts. GREAT band of berenaders, Giving toe beet ENTERTAINMENT IN THE CITY. aStf rriEMPLE OF WONDERS. Northeast corner of TENTH and CHESTNUT 8 treets—Second Story. ENtINMENTB* CAL METAMORPHOSES. VENTRILOOUIBM, u 4 the LEARNED C*NARY BIRDS.at Ms ITEWfiiLLF, EVERY EVENING _dnrinr the WEEK, commeneinr a¥i%"HN S TONs"at’3.' 5 ' £I)N£3DAY “ d BATUiU> Ar Admission S 3 cents. Children IS cent*. oS-lm* \JITIhL CLOSB IN A FEW DAYS. ,7* Th L * Exhibition of DUBBELDORF PAINT INGS, at the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS inelsdinc THE MARTYRDOM OF JOHN RUSS. Open daily, from t A. M. till 5 P. Si., end 7 to 16 P. M. Admission 23 cents. nS*tf ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC vX Rehearsals every SATURDAY at MUSICAL FUND HALL, at 3H o’clock P. M. a package of eight tickets, one collar. Bmgle tickets, 25 cents. To baud aCG. Andre's, and Beck & Lawton's Mitaie Stores, and at the door. o)S-3m millinery goods. rm WINTER MILLINERY. Misses IidHO'BRYAN. 9U CHESTNUT Street, above Nfatb* will open Pans Millinery, for the Winter, on THUSS DAY, November the Sd, 1859. SIRS. M.S. BISHOP, of-315 CHEST- Z-diaNUT Street, has now opened a splendid assort meet of PaahioaaUe Millinery. oZMm js» 3. HAMBERGER, No. 116 North iweaSKCOND Street, is prepared to exhibit the most complete stock of Millinery Goods, comprising Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers. Blonds, Laces, Roches, Velvets, •nd other Bonnet Materials. Also, ahandsome assort ment of Pattern Bonnets, to all of which he would in nte the attention of Merchants and MiUineix N. B.—Goods daily received from Auction, and sold at ■ the lowest prices. stf-lm* 729. new 729. FLOWER & FEATHER STORE, 739 CHESTXPT STREET. Jait received per late STEAMEH, a .plendid aawrt mentof _ head dresse?. bridal wreaths. FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, milunerV* goods. THOS.KENNPDY &BRO., 729 CHESTNUT ST.. AND 43 S. SECOND ST. ocSMtnl yy arburton. 1004 CHESTKUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH, 306 S. SECOND ST., Mtov SPRUCE BT. Has now opened the largest and most beautiful osaort- BONNET MATERIALS That can be found in the city, all colors, qualities, and prices: GOODS CUT BIAS a liberal discount to milliners. ocas-tf-if IVOTHING CHEAPER! NOTHINGBET II TER.*! Having the very best facilities, we ore determined to furnish, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, the best end most seasonablejroods in BONNETS, trimmed or untnmmed, RIBBONS, FLOWJULS* RUCKKS, Ac., Ac. We have now & splendid stock of WINTER BONNETS. in variety of style and snalitr. sure to please the most simple or the most fashionable. Al«o, a most complete assortment of Children’s Straw and Fancy Bonnets, Beavers, Flats, etc. Beautiful Cloth and Velvet Caps for small bojs. liINCOLN, WOOD, & KIGHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE. SAVING FUNDS. A JIERICAN SAVING FUND—COMPA iiLMY’S BUILDINGS. E. corner of WALNUT and FOURTH Streets—Opeodaily from 9 nil 5 o’clock,and on Monday til! 8 in the eveninr. The old institution has always paid in full, on demand, without notice. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums paid back on demand in gold and silver. TRUSTEES. w Alfx. 'NV niLLDtN, Pres. Bam t. w obi, Vice Pres. John C. Farr, T. E. Harper, George Nugent, Louis A-Godey Thos. Sergeant, Albert C. Roberts, J no. P. Simons. Jonas Bowman, H. H. Eldridie. Wr». J- Howard. r»l4-6t John C. Sims, Sec. Joun 8. Wilson, Treas’r. SPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND SO CIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, No. 331 North THIRD Street (Consolidation Bank Building.) CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OFPENH -BYLYANIA. Deposits received in sums of One Dollar and upwards, and repaid is Gold, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit till with- A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has loaf been needed in the Northern part of the city, and “ The airing Garden Savings Fund Society ” was chartered by tnfc Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply this necessity. The Managers, in organising and locating it. have been governed wholly by a desire to acoommodate the bust neaa interest and warns of the very large and enterpri sing population hr which it is surrounded. 8 w OFFICE OPEN DAILY, From 9to f* o’clock; also, on Monday and Thursday from B until 8 o’clock in the evening. . icuusns. Frederick Klett, Stephes Bmith, John P. Levy, Hon. H. K. Strong, Daniel Underkoner* Fredenok Btacke, Francis Hart, Joseph P. LeClero* John Kessl&r, Jr,, Georxe Kneeht, James 8. Pringle. JaoobDock, Joseph M. Crowell, Hon. Wm. MiDwud# George Woelpper, Geo. T. TTiorn. Peter C. Ellmaier, Robert B. Davidsom James 8. PRINGLE, President Fnaircis Hjlrt, Scoretarr. iaJP-tf if Rockbridge alum water.—tus Natural Mineral Water, so well known and ex tensively used at the South, possesses curative proper ties in many cases of Chronic Disease and Debility, which have gained for it a European as well as an A Mans mvan3s?eit”er restored or relieved br iu nee, bear willing tesumony to its remedial power*. It is used in Scrofulous and Curaneons affections, Chromo Diarrhcra. D-spepsia, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, and In ailments peculiar to Females. It w also uselul as a Tonio madebihtated condition of thesrstem 8 ROCKBRIDGE ALUM WATER ie bottledvrtth eare, at the Springs, and in tins condition retains its virtues lb* a lonr time, unimpaired. A supply will always be found with our agents, from whom it may be ordered with confidence in its freshnest and purity, viz: BLAIK k WYETH, Philadelphia. HEGEMAN k CO-. New York. COLEMAN & ROGERS, Baltimore. FISHER k UMSTON. Richmond. Pamphlets containing full particulars can be obtained as above FRAZIER A RANDOLPH, oSI-mwslm* Proprietors. rf~|AKUM. —A large stock of the bgst nsg >IK. WATER Sr., .id nX- P.UTO. a». ODA BBLS, No. 1 HERRING—IOO half OUU bMs. extra SUekinir. white Fi«h,in .toreend for ale b” WM. J. TAYLOR t CO., DO and 134 North WH»RWt.-« oo LOVERING’S SYRUP, in hhds. and bbU., at reduced pno^^g^^ M t.VT'TIS PITCH. —300 bbls Best Pitch, Wilroing ton-etxe CO.. s 9 ' U 60UTR WHARVES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers